#bussy power activated
My Rachel Elizabeth Dare headcanons
Natural redheaded and greeneyed yoruba nigerian second gen inmigrant.She's darkskin with 4d hair
Autistic with schizophrenia
No masking game and that's her and Percy's special connection origin
Dresses like Miss Frizzle but with punk accents.Example:Gaudy dress with colorful tights,demonias,a spike collar and pink tears eyeliner
Aroaceflux,lesbian and a trans woman.Her and Percy define their dynamic as either queerplatonic sapphic girlfriends or exes to even closer best friends depending on the Percyverse(I have two-Persephone Jackson,which is regular tgirl Percy,and Perseo Jackson,which is transfem bigender Percy and some more canon compliant)
She grows up to disenmantle her father's company to replace it with a solarpunk international bussiness and Percy and her go to protests and do activism together and she rubs off her gender presentation on her a bit or rather helps her realize they kinda have similar ones
Her full initials being RED was on purpose because she likes to think she's funny(and she right)
Her special interests are art,weirdcore,green,enviormentalism and anarchy,her safe foods are mac and cheese joll of rice and slurpies,her stims are yelling flappy hands and physically crashing(no,really)and her blue hairbrush became a safe item post Botl
Perfectly nigerian-american in the sense that she's happily at peace with both her cultures(AFRICAN-american tyvm)
A complete bombshell.She's pretty,cute,hot,beautiful-If there's a word for attractive,it fits Rachel.Much like Percy,it flies way over her head thanks to the lifelong bullied outcast status until high school starts and she gets to Camp Half-Blood and has every other girl throwing themselves at her and unlike,she actually wanted all of them so she had tons of lesbian adventures and came out with hot girl mentality.Her endgame is undecided by me because she's too good with literally every girl her age
Her and Jason are pretty good pals that became through Percy and same for Nico and Hazel.If Jercy,she's Percy's best woman at their wedding and i can see Daregrace as a thing either poly or on it's own,it's an excellent ship that would 100% happen(lesbian Rachel isn't something i'm too firm on,i also love bi Rachel).She bonds with Percy's kids(meaning Nico and Hazel)pretty well since she's such a sweet and fun person and they share interests
She went on her own Kane Chronicles Adventure with Zia,Walt and Anubis and got powered up for a hot minute thanks to her african roots(I'm black myself but if this is offensive lmk!!).They still talk on the regular and even metup irl again once and she was the first to meet norse demigods because she housed Alex in secret for a few weeks before Mr Dare found out and kicked her out and they had a heartwarming reunion years later
"C'mon,you can't be a REAL redhead,you're black!Just say you wanted attention!" "I'm not gonna suck you off bro,can you let me play with my Tamagotchi in peace?It's gonna kill itself just to get away from you and then you'll owe me money.At least use your free time to take a shower or something else productive like apologizing to your Mama." ".....O-Okay,sorry for bothering you."
Her favorite holiday is Valentine's Day purely for the aesthetics,she's a Final Girls Fangirl,she knows how to draw in artstyles that don't exist and she has an instagram that she only made so she could use it with her best friends but eventually she also came up with the idea to use it for education and activism so now it's got two sides to it
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gecemi09 · 4 months
Regarding Batman and Responsibility: A Rant
So, whenever there is talk about the age old question of "Should Batman kill Joker?" there is always, and I mean always someone who says something along the lines of: "But it's not Batman's responsibility to kill Joker so it's wrong to put the burden onto him." and on the surface this seems like a reasonable argument. After all, there is a police department in gotham, there is a government, so shouldn't we hold them accountable as well? Well, not exactly.
(Warning: I probably mispelled responsibility and responsible a LOT in this post, please don't begrudge me for it.)
Of course, those institutions ARE responsible for the Joker to some degree but the real question, to me, is: why is Batman considered as "NOT responsible" when he very much is.
People who make this argument usually say: "Well Batman is a volunteer, a vigilante! This is practically none of his bussiness." And true, Bruce isn't required to be a vigilante, he does it entirely out of his own volition. But is that not the whole reason why he IS responsible? I mean, Bruce is the one who CHOSE to take up that responsibilty, he is the one who CHOSES to shoulder that burden. In that sense he isn't that different from a government official/cop/etc. those people do it of their on will too don't they? Bruce, day after day, year after year, choses to fight for Gotham, to protect it and its people; he takes those responsibilities onto himself and yet... stopping Joker somehow, isn't one of them?
In my opinion, it is hypocritical. Bruce is the one who says things like "Gotham is MY city" or "I don't allow metas in Gotham, you need MY permission." or "You can't operate as a vigilante in Gotham without my say-so."(Stephanie Brown, anyone?) he routinely describes his vigilantism as a "war on crime"(which, yikes) and calls it a "crusade" and says it is his "mission" no? He chooses to do these things all on his own, no one forces him to. At a certain point, it's a matter of integrity. He can't pick and choose what exactly constitutes to protecting Gotham and what doesn't. He can't decide that beating up muggers in the streets is extremely important and is his job while improving Arkham isn't. He can't decide that, despite putting Joker in Arkham over and over again knowing he's going to escape, he isn't at least partly responsible for Joker's future victims. He can't keep stopping people from killing Joker(Under the Red Hood, hello!), saving Joker from the death row, putting Joker into a Lazarus Pit, or saving him from natural disasters(because you KNOW he would) and then claim "Oh, but killing Joker isn't my responsibility." He can't willingly claim responsibility for Gotham in every other scenario, EXCEPT for that. That's just having your cake and trying to eat it too. Unless he decided that by saving Joker he is not actually harming Gotham, by allowing Joker to live he is actively NEGLECTING his mission, his duty. And anyway, I thought the whole point of superhero comics was that people with power to better things shoud use those powers to do exactly that. Batman DOES have the power to "better" Gotham, he just isn't using it.
"Killing Joker isn't Batman's responsibility." No, it is. Because protecting Gotham and its people IS his responsibility, as he took it onto himself. If he didn't want to deal with the consequences of such a thing then he shouldn't have become a vigilante in the first place.
Mind you, this doesn't mean he's the ONLY one responsible, far from it, just that he is.
(I genuinely don't remember whether I made a post on this before but I have ranted about this to myself outloud when alone multiple times and if I have to think about this so do you)
[And YES we all know the real reason is because Joker is DC's cashcow, that is not the point of this post...]
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capuletoo · 10 months
White and black pawn- James March
–note: in my active era?? If you guys like, you can request something!! I write for all of evans characters and female characters too!
–words: 1.9k | james patrick march x fem!reader
–TW: sex
–summary: it’s 1925 and the reader encounters the owner of the in-construction Hotel Cortez.
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The burning red from the tobacco inside the pipes was your only entertainment.
In the dimly lit room, the air heavy with the smell of tobacco, men in suits sitting around a large table, glasses filled halway through with ice and vodka. They all semmed to be talking about bussiness, probably thinking thats the inly way they could make themselves known in society.
Glancing to the side, you noticed a group of women talking in whispers to aechother. They could be giving a smile and everyone would believe them, the satin dresses they wore contributing, because what would a woman want more than this?
You catch the gaze of one, giving you a small smile but there was something in all of their faces. They just werent present, a shut down glow in their eyes. They wanted to convince themselves that they liked being an accessory to powerful men in suits. This idea disgusted you, so you made a promise to yourself to never be one. To have a mind of your own with determination behind your eyes.
Sick and tired of listening to muffled voices you decided to get up and walk to the nearest balcony of the room. Your gloved hand touched the gold handles, squeaking as you opened them.
As you stepped outside, you were greeted with a rush of cold air, offering solace. The city light twinkled in the distance,a stark contrast from the room behind you. Leaning against the railing you noticed a hand close to yours.
“May i ask why are you all alone?” His hair was slick back and a thin mustache above his lips, made you intrigued . His white button up hugged his body. He locked his eyes to yours and then it all suddenly felt like a game of who would blink first.
You analized him, taking in how his fingers gripped softly the metal of the railing, the way his chest rose when he took a breath of the air so cold you could see it in the air. The way his eyelids close ever so slightly looking over at you. You sensed that he was like the men that were inside, he wanted someone he could bring to gatherings and watch her as she sat quietly beside him. You wanted to challenge that.
“Seeking solace” you replied to his question. His eyebrows arched a little.
A hint of intrigue flickered in his eyes as he tilted his head slightly. "Solace?" he echoed, his voice smooth and velvety. "In a room full of people, seeking solitude?"
You smiled, a glint of mischief dancing in your eyes. "Sometimes, the company of others can be overwhelming," you replied. "A moment of respite is all I need to gather my thoughts and find my own center."
He chuckled softly, a sound that resonated deep within you. "I can understand that," he said, his gaze fixed on the distant city lights. "In this world of constant noise and distractions, finding a quiet moment becomes a luxury."
You noticed the dimples that come out whenever he spoke.
“I couldn't help but notice the women inside," you ventured, deciding to break the silence and also playing with him. You wanted to expose him. To let him know that he was no different "They seem to play a certain role, don't they? Like beautiful dolls, adorning the arms of powerful men."
His lips curled into a wry smile. "Ah, you've seen through the facade," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness. "Many of them are trapped in a world they never truly desired. They exist to fulfill societal expectations, but their true selves remain hidden."
You nodded. "I refuse to be a mere accessory," you declared, determination lacing your words. "I want to live a life that is authentically mine, not defined by the company I keep or the expectations of others."
His gaze softened as he turned to face you fully. "I admire your spirit," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "It's a rarity to find someone who refuses to conform, who seeks a path of their own making."
A spark of curiosity ignited within you as you gazed into his eyes. "And what about you?"
He paused for a moment, a myriad of emotions playing across his face. "Me too," he confessed, his voice carrying a mixture of longing and resignation. "But it is a delicate dance, balancing one's desires with the demands of the world."
He was going to say something else when he stopped “and i had the pleasure with…” he said giving you a smile that was so beautiful yet obscure. You said your name and asked his.
“James March”
He then proceeded to reveal to you that he was a man of business. While explaining it to you he moved his hands gracefully into the air.
He mentioned that he was in the making of a hotel.
“So it’s serious” you mentioned. He only looked at you trying to decipher if you were making fun of him or expressing your admiration.
“It is” The sound of his shoes moving closer to you echoed. “I could show you if you don’t believe me”
The grand in-construction entrance of what appeared to be a large building greeted you.
The back of James black suit faced you, his broad shoulders carried themselves determined, giving him an appearance of seriousness and a manly aura.
Your white silk dress attached to your legs as you both entered the building with nothing more than metal bars that helped the constructors work.
The moon was creeping over the spots that were missing the ceiling.
You followed James through the maze-like corridors of the construction site, marveling at the scale of the project. The air was filled with the scent of fresh paint.
As you walked through the dimly lit hallways, James explained his vision for the hotel. He described how it would be a place of elegance and luxury, a sanctuary for those seeking respite from the chaos of the world. He spoke with passion and enthusiasm, his words painting vivid pictures in your mind.
Not ever knowing that inside those walls, there would be plenty of suffering.
The two of you climbed a temporary staircase, carefully maneuvering around construction materials, until you reached a floor that offered a breathtaking view of the city. The moonlight spilled in through the incomplete windows, casting an ethereal glow on the unfinished walls.
You stood there, side by side, looking out at the city skyline. The lights twinkled like stars against the darkness, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and possibility in the air.
James turned to you, his eyes searching yours. "I want this hotel to be more than just a building," he said, his voice filled with determination. “I want to set free the people that enter” You were confused, what did he mean by setting free?
“It’s impressive” You said looking around.
A genuine smile played on James' lips as he took a step closer to you. "I'm glad you see the potential" he said softly.
James was surprised by how easily it was for you to fall into his game. Agreeing to see the hotel at night, with no one else. He wondered if you would be his first victim inside the hotel.
With ease he holds your waist, his cold fingertips sending shivers down your spine. His lips gracing yours, his tobacco stained smell entering your body, taking one more step towards him. You were so close to him that you could see the different shades of black that conformed his irises.
He lifted his hand, his finger overlining from the top to bottom of your lips. He placed a hand to your hip wrinkling the silk of the dress in that spot.
He looked at your lips and a small pressure over them left your lungs without any air.
His lips were leading you to a darkness you acknowledged. You wanted to step back, you didn't want to be another pawn in his game. His tongue made its way into your mouth as you realized you were playing whites and he was playing with the black pieces.
The kiss was intense, filled with desire and a hint of danger. As James pulled you closer, you felt a surge of conflicting emotions. Part of you wanted to give in to the passion, to explore this mysterious connection that had sparked between you. But another part of you resisted, knowing deep down that it was a dangerous path to tread.
You pushed your hands against his chest gently, breaking the kiss and creating some distance between you. James looked at you, his eyes searching for any sign of surrender. But you held firm, your gaze steady and resolute.
But at the same time you were willing to risk the night.
“Let’s go somewhere else”
A black cab pulled outside the hotel, you looked at the black hat the driver had while James mumbled some words to him.
James’s hands made their way to your waist and thighs as he scooped you closer to him, finding your lips once again.
The ride was filled with stolen glances, heated whispers, and a sense of anticipation. The city lights blurred past as you found solace in each other's embrace, giving in to the intoxicating allure of the night.
As the cab came to a stop, James pulled away reluctantly, his breath mingling with yours. He opened the door and extended his hand, inviting you to step out into the cool night air. You took his hand, the touch sending electric currents through your body.
You found yourselves in front of an old, grand mansion, its facade shrouded in shadows. James led you through the ornate doors, and the moment you stepped inside, you were transported to another world. The air carried a sense of mystery and seduction, as if the very walls were whispering secrets.
He quickly pressed you into the nearest wall, his black tie fell to the ground after you entered a bedroom.
His knees hit the edge of the bed, making him sit while he still held the grip at your hips. Your lips separated from his in a rush to take off his coat alongside his button up.
He had no clothes anymore and closed the gap between you for what felt like the hundredth time that night. He grabbed the end of your long dress and pulled it up your arms until you were exposed, except for the matching underwear.
He got up and turned you around, pushing you down until he had his arms on each side of your body. Your back sunk down into the mattress.
The bruises in your neck were the only marks made by him. His fingers reached down to your panties as he moved them to the side to feel your heat.
Your back arched towards him, grabbing him by his bare shoulders. Wet kisses traveled from your jaw all the way down, passing along in between your breast, stomach and stopping in your thighs.
The room was filled by James and your desperate breaths.
The thin mustache above his lips graced your skin ever so gently while they moved to your center. His tongue sticking out.
You were exhausted because of the frenzy when James changed positions. The bed creaking along James movements.
Red scratches marking his back.
James' sudden change of his plans about you being the first murder victim inside the hotel was discarded. He made the first move and pushed the clock stopping his time and initiated yours to count down. White pawns in your fingers as you move them closer to the black ones.
A game you knew from the inside out.
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chaos0pikachu · 7 months
okay, so, regarding this post -> https://www.tumblr.com/chaos0pikachu/730266845520805888?source=share and your tags on it i just wanted to say that i've had similar thoughts while watching; like, i don't interact with the fanbase too much - i don't go into the tag for example - so i can't completely speak to that but the way the show treats Boston not wanting a monogamous romantic relationship is bizarre to me, this constant judgement towards him not wanting to date, calling him cold and uncaring, and overall acting like he needs that kind of relationship.....and just, huh? what makes it worse (to me, anyway) is that the "mouthpiece" for this is mostly Cheum for some reason? the only woman who is more than just "the bartender" or "the girlfriend", i don't know, i don't like it
i have more thoughts on this but this is already enough rambly thoughts to drop in somebody's inbox + putting thoughts into coherent writing is my enemy, aksisosisi, hope you have a great day <3
So I'ma say something potentially controversial but whatever time to let the chaos freak flag fly and all that shit.
I think Only Friends is strangely puritanical all things considered. I was talking with a mutual the other day about this, how Mew ended up "corrupted" in a sense after his first experience with sex went sour via Top's cheating/Boston's friend betrayal, and his "corruption" as a character that follows that betrayal is him hooking up with people, and having non-monogamous sex. Like, Top and Boston hurt Mew, no doubt, but his "villain era" as it were is all tied into sex now; using sex as power. He hooks up with Drake to get access to Boston's revenge porn, then uses that revenge porn as "punishment" against Boston by threatening to show his father. He makes out with Ray as a means to "punish" Top, it's not "sex" in the traditional sense, but it's dangling the possibility that he's going to have sex with Ray - someone Top has historically been jealous of and has disliked - as a means of punishment.
The thoroughline here is Boston and Top are being "punished" for their sexual indiscretion, Mew's newfound power is using sex as a means of retribution, and the endgame would be Top finding redemption in his "love" for Mew and Mew either learning to forgive him or learning to move on from him; either way the endgame is monogamy opposed to non-monogamy. Monogamy will "heal/cure" Top who has found solace and growth in falling in love with Mew, while Mew will go back to his "real" personality - one that doesn't revel in tormenting others, and acting self-destructive - once they go back to monogamy and give up casual sex with others.
At this point, I'm only half blaming fandom for these takes b/c the show is reinforcing them. Boston's flaws are all tied to his "whoring" rather than anything with more nuance. Does Boston act out b/c his father mistreat him? Does Boston just not want to be monogamous and is frustrated people - including his friends!! - constantly slut shame him for it (but for some reason don't slut shame Ray who is also having casual sex BUT is romantically in love with Mew meaning Ray would give up casual sex if it meant he could have Mew while Boston actively doesn't WANT a romantic relationship)? Lol nope, no further nuance for Boston he's just an evil slut.
Which would also even be fine IF there was some contrast to balance it out. Like, if Sand, who is probably the most well adjusted of the characters had casual sex and preferred non-monogamy. But we all know Ray and Sand are endgame (which is a different problem I have that's more Wastonian than Sherlockian). Their endgame is the ending of casual fwb sex and entering a "real" relationship. Top and Mew are probably on the same path as well. Top no longer wants casual sex he wants a "real" relationship with Mew, he's fuckboi ways are cured! All his boundary pushing, and inconsideration of Mew are all gone now b/c Top was cured by Mew's bussy in their dry toast first time.
Chuem is supposed to be the shows Voice of Reason, she's acting as an audience surrogate; when she says Top is trying we're supposed to take her words at face value, when she says drugs are bad for Ray we're supposed to agree with her, when she calls Boston a whore we're supposed to believe he is, a whore (derogatory).
I've seen a lot of people say we have to "have trust in Jojo". Idk why. Firstly, Jojo isn't even the only writer or director on the show. Den (War of Y, Playboyy) and Best (Moonlight Chicken, Bad Buddy, Never Let Me Go) are fellow screenwriters and I honestly think all 3 of their writing styles aren't meshing well together. There's also another director on staff as well. This isn't Jojo's show wholly.
Second, I haven't watched The Warp Effect, or 3 Will Be Free, or Never Let Me go. Thirdly, even the best directors and screenwriters have flops, you follow someone's career enough they will make a flop it just is what it is no one bats 100 all the time.
In the end, what I'm getting from Only Friends is the root cause for all the drama isn't things like selfishness, or inconsideration of others it's sex, specifically non-monogamous sex. It showcases itself in the development of Top and Mew's relationship, and also in Boston's char - if Boston wasn't such a whore maybe people wouldn't make sex tapes of him without his knowledge, why else would he be punished with them later? We're supposed to view Mew's actions as justified (and fandom does!) and see Boston hooking up with Top as a greater violation than Mew threatening to show Boston's dad his revenge porn! - And I find that really puritanical.
Now, I'm gonna give the show SOME grace b/c things could turn around depending on the ending. Like I think this is a show I won't 100% have a fully rounded opinion on until the end, so this is how I feel as of right now. It could change, and I hope it does.
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the-consortium · 6 months
Greeting Fabius Bussy,
I wonder how your genetic experiments are going? Have you managed to find a clone body who's hairline doesn't receed yet? If I were you, I would just go bald at this point. And how's the motley crew?
I wonder how the basic bald headed preacher's boy with daddy issues so bad that he used the body guard that is actively fighting brain cancer as a therapy dog.
Fabius pushes the microscopic binocular goggles onto his forehead, raises a brow questioningly and tries to persuade Saqqara to leave just by actively doing nothing.
As always, it doesn't work and so he finally takes the datapad from the Word Bearer's hand with a curt gesture after he has retrieved the slide from under the microscopic cogitor-apparatus and pushed it back into the security field.
He stalls for time by reading the lines several times, but his diabolist still makes no move to leave.
Finally, he lowers the datapad and states in a matter-of-fact tone: "I'm no psychologist, but I've read enough of the classics in this field to at least be able to say that whoever the author is, he probably has a problem with his hair. He can't help but use hairstyles for characterisation and mention it constantly. With the somewhat bumpy diversions via hair as a symbol of virility, he seems to be reacting aggressively to masculinity. Is that supposed to tell us something? Probably not."
Saqqara tilts his head. "You're not upset?"
A shrug of the shoulders, in which there is a lot of tiredness and a little contempt. "Why should I allow an anonymous letter to annoy me? I only give that much power to things and people that mean something to me."
A few seconds of silence, then a grin grows wide on Saqqara's face. "By implication, that means you care about everyone here on Urum, as well as your brothers and Lord Fulgrim, since you're upset about all of it!" - "Why don't you go to your bald therapy dog and bugger him instead of keeping me from work, damn it!"
Saqqara bows exaggeratedly and with a grand gesture, but then moves away very quickly before the Chief Apothecary can load the pain serum into one of the chirurgeon's injectors.
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radio-charlie · 22 days
The reason why your ruling powers need you showing bussy in bio for AI, maybe allowing you a bit of scrapping over AI art on your blog to produce the facade that lively open-hearted dialogue is taking place, is because it needs everybody to allow its incorporation into military and intelligence activity okay. Stop being so fucking obtuse and read some news.
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aimasup · 1 year
For flug from the dictators au, how did he start his bussiness there?
Oh you know, any typical upstart villain looking to rule the world. Street connections, side gigs, expanding your threat level from towns to cities to nations to global, psychological and literal warfare, a healthy dose of arson and slavery, and betrayals stepping stones along the way. Also balancing political manipulation and active terrorising of land.
Then his bases grew, planes turned to spaceships, interdimensional portals were stabilised so he could beat the shit out of other dimensions too. That last part wasn't entirely on purpose but more power eyy
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taltauworlz · 20 days
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Here are my main characters of my story ”Key of Dalntalai”. The story is this kind of sci fi/fantasy themed and traveling to another planets possibly. Everything in this story is in concept stage since i can’t settle to one idea. I’m working on the fauna and flora in these worlds, but i’m not smart enough to always have a reason for certain desings, so some of them might look like something because i think they look cool.
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Alexandra is the main character in this story currently and at the moment all i can say that she is a magical being who has escaped from a bad organization and some bad people. Alexandras magic leans more to a elemental based magic and her specialty is water magic. She also can create corals possibly, but i don’t know if i will keep that idea. Alex is like 17 years old and acts like a little brat sometimes, she gets angry easily often and dosen’t always express how she feels like she should, but rather she kinda bottles her emotions and then lashes out uninteoninally. I think she would later realize maybe that she did something wrong and apologize for what she did or said. Alex can be nice and cares about the people close to her.
Alexandra is curious about learning new things and loves collecting cool or random stuff. She can also be very hyper active and has a lot of energy.
That’s all i remember to explain about her😌
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Even though i draw Alex a lot, i still like to draw Nadja the most. Nadja is a magical being called ”Woodling”, they were inspired by nymphs from greek mythology, but i’ve tried to make some things about Woodlings little different. Woodlings are born when ”mother tree” takes a root in ground and becomes a ”mother of the forest”. (I will explain some day better about woodlings, but now back to Nadja).
Nadja is basically 300 year old woodling, she has hundreds or thousands of siblings so she is used to having people around her always. Nadja has bubbly and kind personality, she rarely wants to have any confrontantion with other people. Nadja is however good at magic and well learned, after all, she has had time to learn using magic for hundreds of years.
So, before i said that woodlings are born when mother trees take root in ground, well, because of that woodlings are not able to leave the forest for a long period of time, because the tree they are born from kinda is the thing keeping them alive. They can be far from the tree for like maybe… two weeks at most? I’m still working on how Nadjas species work. Getting to my point, so Nadja needs to have her tree with her if she want’s to go around the world, or even go to another world, well there is a way for that. Woodling can make a deal with a human or other magical being where they can grant humans some magical abilities, kinda like warlock gets magic from the deals they make. When they make a deal, the person gets woodling tree and carries it inside them, spiritually? So Nadja and Nick have made a deal, Nick gets a little magic and Nadja can go to adventures and travel.
(I will someday make a proper post explaining about woodlings.)
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I don’t draw Nick as often as i would like to, i just haven’t fully figured them out.
Nick is kinda like wizard/warlock, like they have studied magic, but they got elemental based magick powers from Nadja. Nick loves reading about history and magic, they are learned in space and portal magic. Nick travels a lot with Nadja to defferent places, either to study historic sights and animals, or just go sightseeing?
Nick cares a lot about Nadja and later Alex too becomes important person to them. Nick is forgiving and patient and if there is argument, they can swallow their pride and apologize first.
Nick is 19 years old and lives with their grandma in manor? Mansion? Like the grandma is somewhat rich, she has a bussiness and earn money well with it, but she’s not like super rich. She inherited the mansion from her parents, but this post is not about her.
(That’s unfortunately i remember to tell about them, i will someday make better post about these three)
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7search-ppc · 10 months
Innnovation In Ppc Advertsing For Ecommerce Bussiness
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Are you an ecommerce business owner looking for innovative ways to reach your target audience? Look no further than PPC advertising. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a powerful tool that can drive traffic and conversions to your online store. But with so many businesses using this method, how can you stand out from the crowd? In this article, we'll explore the latest innovations in PPC advertising and show you how they can help take your ecommerce business to the next level. From new targeting options to cutting-edge ad formats, we've got everything you need to know about staying ahead of the curve in PPC advertising. So let's dive in!
What is ppc advertising?
PPC advertising is a marketing model where advertisers pay each time their ads are clicked. It's an effective way to drive traffic to your website and promote your products or services. When you create a PPC ad, you bid on keywords that are relevant to your business and target audience. The cost of the click depends on how much competition there is for those keywords.
One advantage of PPC advertising is that it allows you to reach potential customers who are already searching for products or services like yours. This means that the people who see your ads are more likely to be interested in what you have to offer.
However, there are also some disadvantages to consider when using PPC advertising. For example, it can be expensive if you're bidding on highly competitive keywords. Additionally, if your ad copy isn't compelling, it may not generate clicks even if people see it.
PPC advertising can be a valuable tool for ecommerce businesses looking to increase traffic and sales. By carefully selecting keywords and crafting compelling ad copy, you can make sure that your ads stand out from the competition and attract high-quality leads to your online store.
How can ppc advertising be used for ecommerce businesses?
PPC advertising can be a powerful tool for ecommerce businesses looking to drive more traffic and sales to their websites. By bidding on relevant keywords, ecommerce businesses can place targeted ads in front of potential customers who are actively searching for products like theirs.
One way that ecommerce businesses can use PPC advertising is by targeting long-tail keywords. These are specific phrases that people search for when they’re looking for something very specific. For example, “black leather boots size 8” would be a long-tail keyword. By targeting these types of keywords with highly-specific ad copy and landing pages, ecommerce businesses can attract highly qualified leads and boost conversions.
Another strategy is to use retargeting campaigns to reach people who have already visited your website or added items to their shopping cart but didn’t complete the purchase. Retargeting allows you to display personalized ads based on the user’s behavior on your site, which can help remind them of what they were interested in and encourage them to come back and make a purchase.
PPC advertising offers many benefits for ecommerce businesses including increased visibility, better targeting options, and improved ROI compared to other forms of digital marketing such as social media or email marketing.
Advantages and disadvantages of ppc advertising
PPC advertising has become a popular digital marketing strategy for many businesses, including ecommerce businesses. The key advantage of PPC advertising is that it allows you to target specific audiences based on various criteria such as location, demographics and interests. This makes it easier to reach the right people with your ads and ultimately drive more sales.
Another advantage of PPC advertising is that it offers fast results compared to other forms of digital marketing. With PPC, you can quickly see which ads are performing well and adjust your campaigns accordingly. You can also set daily budgets so that you don't overspend on your ad campaigns.
However, there are also some disadvantages to consider when it comes to PPC advertising. One major disadvantage is that it can be expensive if not managed properly. If you're not careful with your budget or targeting options, you could end up spending a lot of money without seeing much return on investment.
Additionally, there's no guarantee that someone who clicks on an ad will actually make a purchase or take any action at all on your website. This means that while you may get a lot of clicks through your ads, these may not necessarily translate into sales.
While there are both advantages and disadvantages to using PPC advertising for ecommerce businesses, the benefits often outweigh the risks when done correctly.
Innovation in PPC Advertsing
Innovation in PPC advertising has been a game-changer for eCommerce businesses. The traditional way of running paid ads is becoming less effective, and advertisers are looking for new ways to reach their target audience.
One innovation that has emerged is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in PPC advertising. With AI-powered tools, advertisers can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and optimize ad performance in real-time.
Another innovative approach is the use of video ads on platforms like YouTube. Video ads have proven to be highly engaging and effective in driving conversions for eCommerce businesses.
Moreover, companies are also leveraging advanced targeting options such as location-based targeting, device-specific targeting, etc., to ensure maximum relevance to their target audiences.
Integrating social media with PPC campaigns has become an important strategy for eCommerce businesses. Social media platforms allow advertisers to reach out to potential customers who might not be actively searching but may still be interested in their product or service.
All these innovations have made it possible for eCommerce businesses to stay ahead of the competition by reaching out effectively and efficiently through targeted PPC campaigns.
Role of 7Search PPC in Ecommerce advertising
7Search PPC is a popular and effective advertising platform that can help ecommerce businesses reach their target audience. One of the key benefits of using 7Search PPC is its cost-effective pricing model, which allows advertisers to bid on keywords based on their budget.
Another advantage of 7Search PPC is its targeting capabilities. Advertisers can choose from various targeting options, such as geographic location, device type, and time of day. This way they can ensure that their ads are shown to the right people at the right time.
In addition to these features, 7Search PPC also offers advanced reporting and analytics tools. These tools enable advertisers to track their ad performance in real-time and make data-driven decisions about how to optimize their campaigns for maximum ROI.
With all these features combined, it's no wonder why so many ecommerce businesses rely on 7Search PPC for their advertising needs. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale your business, this platform has everything you need to succeed in today's competitive online marketplace.
So if you're an ecommerce business owner looking for a reliable and effective advertising solution that won't break the bank, consider giving 7Search PPC a try today!
PPC advertising has transformed the way ecommerce businesses reach their target audience. It is a powerful tool that can significantly increase website traffic and boost sales, but it also requires careful planning and execution. As innovations in PPC advertising continue to emerge, ecommerce businesses need to stay updated with the latest trends and strategies.
One such innovation is 7Search PPC, which offers unique features and benefits for ecommerce advertising. By leveraging advanced targeting options, real-time data analysis, and cost-effective pricing models, 7Search PPC can help ecommerce businesses achieve their marketing goals while maximizing ROI.
As the competition in ecommerce intensifies, staying ahead of the curve with innovative solutions like 7Search PPC will be crucial for success. Ecommerce businesses that embrace these new technologies will undoubtedly see an increase in website traffic and conversions, leading to long-term growth opportunities.
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raihan321 · 1 year
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uksqueeze · 3 years
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Squeeze performing Take Me I’m Yours on TOTP (1978)
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stellocchia · 3 years
Any time we want techno to be critical of dream because of what he did to Tommy there are these people being like "Tommy betrayed him he doesn't have to care about him" and that's true
But this isn't about Tommy. This is about dream.
No matter my opinion of the victim or even if they're a complete stranger, if they were murdered there was a murderer.
This isn't about something happening to Tommy it's about dream doing something.
Like even if you didn't like the victim and end up agreeing with the murderers motive, you should still need the motive.
Like say there's this guy who in your eyes deserves death and he is murdered. Great. It's a bad person less on this earth so you're not going to judge the murderer. They did a good thing. Oh no. Turns out they didn't murder that guy for the same reason you wanted to see him dead but instead are just a serial killer that coincidentally picked a bad person as a target and now an actually good person is dead.
Techno should care about dream killing someone in prison. He should care about why dream did that. If he can't care about that then he has no bussiness actively meddling with the politics of the server.
Yeah absolutely, and that's not even bringing up the abuse because there is literally no valid reason to excuse that. No matter how much you hate somebody if you can excuse them being abused to the point of suicide then you're just a shit person and that's that.
That said yeah, Techno should care about getting information on what people do on the server. He instituted a whole organisation that was supposedly against abuse of power, you'd think he'd care about getting at least some info on what's going on.
And yeah, I don't know. I have a hard time seeing anything as worth caring about in Techno's story because of this. Because he's never shown any sign of actually caring about stuff, at least not enough to wanna learn something which is quite telling to me at least.
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ecto-stone · 3 years
“chuckkle” i don’t know why but i’m just very hellbend on the idea of a reboosted Vlad that is nothing like Original Vlad
-So You have this sickly Vlad who been in hospital for 2 year fighting for his life after the accident, with his friend alway there cheering up for him and then in his final moment ,he die feeling love of his friend < a peaceful death make him free soul and have no grudge over Maddie and Jack>. -Then latter wake up a in tux suit buried in a coffin 6ft under ground with Blue Skin and comepletely bald <which is why he got so savy about his long hair and don’t like tight space>  -Unlike original Vlad, Para Vlad is a kind out going adveturous person < sortal like some one that would make sense for jack to go full idol over>. So when he get his new Power and no longer exist on paper, he just resume doing the thing he love .Become a Nomad Ghost researcher and have a whole Packer cover journal for it. <his journal base mostly on the info he gather from Ghost that he encounter on living realm, the man look like a kid in candies store when he first entered the ghost zone via Fenton Portal> -The journal series originally dedicated to ghost only would soon grow into a huge collection of paranormal stuff when he found out other mythical creature like Vampire, werewolf, gnorm,Fairy, mermaid exist,... and He started to recovered lost Knowlege of the Fenton Clan and Master clan regard Paranormal activity and practice Magic and dark magic < Sometime combine it with science>. +He help Ghost resolve their unfinish bussines.Skulker is one of his close ghost friend <it start off as Vlad getting hunted to be mounted on Skulker abandoned hunter shed Wall but slowly grow into Friendship.Vlad already help him resolve the unfinish bussiness but Skulker just chose to stay around as a ghost caused he enjoy hunting too much> + Like collect shiny artifact and shiny gothic looking thing in general <this is totally caused of Plasmius-the boy been to and raid alots of hidden acient temple as well as vampire castle and fortress> +Have Bad temple <didn’t really show this to outsider, if you are close to him or You frequencely fight him u would know, The Roasted Vampire cult of 2001 know> +Cursed in sweet if there minor around, Cursed like sailor If no children is around. +Consider Resurectioning someone that already pass onto Elsewhereness <Heaven/after life> is Insulting .<He can’t die You can tear him into thousand pieces and he would comeback the next day un-scratched ,which is why He didn’t res Ellie eventhought he know how to do it>. -Got into grudge with Vampire After keep foiling their Plan of resurecting their dark lord Plasmius or messing with their plan of rissing back into power over  other mythical Species  which latter redirected to wanting his blood caused it extremely poten <being a halfa and have second core being a G0 Vampire> to wanting to capture him and make him open the portal to Unworld  +Unworld is where Living Realm, Pugatory <Ghostzone> And Fairy world been banishing evil creature to for thousand of year so there is all sort of inhuman eldritch horror there, and vlad have natural ability to access the place and banish You to this dark realm <Unworld Halfa thing> -At some point he also encounter or know about the existence ofother halfa + Wulf a werewolf halfa <the poor boy die few year after vlad encounter with him but he become a rare kind of ghost that can open gate to Purgatory> +Actual recorded naturally exist halfa in Fenton Cland Grimoire due to naturally open portal. <short lived> +The cult Melty Halfa <imagine the danny clone but created via cultist dark magic method> -vampire and cult attemp to replicated Vlad power didn’t end well +Danielle <Ellie> Master: Lucky survivor of the cult melty halfa, created from Vlad rib and a vampire carrier mother. She lived and travel with Vlad for 9 year before dying to a mysterious illness <what vlad said at least> few month before her tenth birthday.  (Vlad could prob go on for hour when you aks about what Ellie is like when she is alive?) -Vlad: The Cost of Being Missed so deeply is the prices for Being Loved so much.  <don’t ask, losing bone and organs is regular for Vlad when it come to fighting. After he learn of the crime that is CMH and after Ellie death he Become less reckless and more of a long term planner> *Note from Vlad Journal: Halfa genuinly have very short life spawn as their ghost half tend to over power the living half leading to the death of the creature and instant like Me that perfectly dangling between life and death one does not over power the other is unheard of. <Vlad tell Jack and Maddie to spend more time with their chrildren is caused of this. He assume Danny to be a Short lived Halfa-No he not he is the immortal kind like Vlad> ..................................................... After Ellie pass away, Vlad stop with the Paranormal adventure and traveling or using his power as a whole. To just go low Profile and start as new life as a Freelance Wall Painter. Until by the meedling of a certain “Being” that make Vlad and Danny, those two that never cross path in the original timeline, cross Path . And change both of their life forever. -With Danny fidding some one he can talk ,vent to about life and understand his struggle. Someone who is there for him and just bring so much change to his suffercating life just by existing. -With Vlad finding back his purpose in life, reconnecting with old friend, restarting his old chaotic way of life. +He live with the Fenton now, right next to their bed, at the end of the hall is one of vlad magical pocket dimension coat nail to the wall surrounded and magic circle and candle to act as Vlad room> +Few month After the reveal that Vlad is alive, come to Jack accepting that Danny is a half ghost now and winning back maddie afection after she left caused of a bad fall out regarding Danny getting in trouble caused of Ghost Power.Maddie and Jack start back the whole Paranormal investigation/inventor thing up again .They want to see what inside halfa look like for a very long time but too afraid to ask. And After like week of them just nervously staring at Danny and Vlad. The one day Vlad just have enough go Well I can let you dissect me if You like... They do dissect session with Vlad being full concious to get an insider opinion and Info on Halfa Bio on Halloween night caused the kid would be out trick or treating. . <Fright Knight Version of Para>. And Danny and co just comeback into lab right after the Dissect is over and Jack is Patching Vlad up and just go. -um Uncle Vlad we “brorrow” one of your sword and accidently unleash an acient halloween ghost knight into the town and it now threatening to Take over the town  -You Did WHAT? Insert fire/ Pink magical circle and ghost laser here. With Vlad looking like a Bad Vampire mummy halloween costume lying wasted on the street bleeding out surrounded by the Danny gang with the Fright knight barely Escape Vlad "To Unworld You go” Beam fly away sworn revenge  <setting up for event that make Danny Pugatory Avatar Halfa becoming the new ghost King > ........................................................................................................................ To Who ever read this entire mess. I Kudo You for putting up with my bullshit.
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kaimactrash · 3 years
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Okay first and foremost: if this flag is wrong lemme know! I have been googling but obviously, it can only go so far in trustablity since pages can be boosted.Anyway, heres my crew of lesbian OCs,
realise I have very few gay men ocs bc I've been in a real drawing fems mood lately, but theres a few there
info below on the ocs
other than Lith none of these women were born on earth, or even lived on it, so they don't have the exact same gender and physical sex rules we do, so this is more the closest term that fits all of my ladies who love ladies&enbees.up in the top left we have Lottie, she's not really into sex that much, but shes all about the romance, shes a very loving person, but deeply scared from several events leaving her with intense PTSD. She's a Frenrar native would was recruited as a demon, she was much more anthro as a human, but lost some of it on the transition to demon. She starts her story being rescued, while greatful, within a few months of world trecking she realised that this isn't what she wants to do anymore, she decides to hang out at Valentino, Skye, and Pipers traveling bar, called The Turkeys Tail. There she studies endlessly to solve a few magic issues on Franrar with the help of Valentino, it takes time but she ends up being the demon to be able to break the Elders curse, in the form of cuffs binding all lower (Hokey) demons, which prevents them running of flying away. She's a pacifist & would really like if there were no wars going on, but since she can't stop them herself, she tries to do so with her experiments. She's growing a lot as i write her and get to know her which is cool, I love when you can just almost hear a character coming together in your mind. all the inspo! Sorry for the ramble! it's good to get this stuff down when I'm in brain storming mind! Across from Lottie, top right, is lith! If you've followed me for years you know lith a bit, she was once a middle aged woman from earth, she made the transition over to demon at the end of a long fight with respiritory illness. Shes very busy lady being one of the two first primary protagonists, while she has some time to adjust to demon life, it didn't come with its own issues, and she ws soon through into a resistance for a place she arrived in not that long ago, she works it out over time. She also works out her sexuality, as a human, she pretty much burried her sexuality but the freedom of a while new world, one filled with many more queer people like her, haha.below her the giant elder Galo stands, due to her bullish attitude and hard headed focus, she struggles with this and the power battles in the Demon realm, often failing to see the wider issue as rilo refocuses her everytime she get close to figuring them out. Shes a bit new so a little under developed but shes going to be apearing quite a lot at the start of the story, then return later, so I'll have some time to get to know her. that tiny lil green triclops like thing, is Shihosu, my most precious and special baby, I wanna protect her even thou i'm the one writting the conflict in her world. She actually dies before she even apears, but shes brough back by octo ( the gold and purple octomaid lady.) and this essentially makes her speicies see her as some blessed chosen one, she has a big repuatation and after seeing and hearing other members of her speices die, she goes on the hunt for octo to find out why she was chosen...she has plenty of fun nights out during  this, so she has a good life work balance.   Shihosu is checking out Elviras butt. Elvira is basically an effigy brought to life by her father Emesh, She's a romantic at heart and can't help but coo and awe at any acts of love. Her father is very over protective and it takes a long time for her to be given true free reign of her life, shes thousands of years old by that point, so she gets out and finds the area outside her home is a semi-apocolyptic waste land filled with strange speicies and creatures, she quick decides she has left because she's to help. Her father is actually aware that he was to let her go off on her own as soon as she'd ask. He was inspired to create her while tripping hard, and the voice told him how to make her, and why he should....*mystery music.*Lastly we have the aforementioned Octo, and her wife, Beefy. By the time we meet them, they've been married a few years and they are obnoxiously in love. Beefy was earth child some how snatched onto Frenrar, she doesn'y know who did it, why, or even how, even though she meets others like her over time, none of them seem to know who did this, and no one on frenrar seems to know who could even do that. She was found in a box in the woods, no older than a year, and the Fleetfoots, a rabbit like spieces with multiple varients across frenrar, the spieces are known for strength, mentally and phsyically, hardiness, and determination, which ended up feeling perfect for Beefy, until Octovar arrived, Not immediately though. Octo was there over a summer at her father request, as she had gained a reputation for making scenes at big public royal family events, so as it is so oftem the rebelious princess is sent off out of daddys way, while he does his old boring bussiness. Beefy spent a lot of her time building and training physically, and Octovar would often be around. She's very curious as someone who lives mostly in the sea, being so far from the ocean, the lifestyles felt completely alien to one another. Over time awkward stares and little comments evolved in to longing looks and full on flirting. Always very opinionated, Octovar opened up to beefy about why she was here, why she was fighting them, and why she needed to leave before her father came back to collect her, Beefy agreed and talked about a Fleetfoot called Piper who had been here, but left after a visit from a powerful mage, beefy had kept contact via letters, so was now aware, Piper was an active member of the resistance. Beefy said her goodbyes, their culture never saw one set of parents, everyone raised everyone basically, so it was scary, but the elders reccomended beefy go try it out, reminding her, her burrow will always be there for her when or if she ever comes back.While we meet them at wives I'm 100% planning a prequel comic on them from meeting each other, to when they meet lith landon and the crew.OOf woops sorry these are meant to be silly cute lil pieces but I get all focused on lore! I'm still planningon doing more even though pride is over, I'm planning on doing one with gay men, then aro/ace. I may also do one with other mspec idnetities, but I do not have many ocs in those categories, YET! I will defo have more as more characters are created, I gotta make a whole planet of people. so theres gonna be variety.I may try and put all my trans characters together for a trans flag, but i may use the art I already made of them! Happy pride Lesbains*! (*and all the groups simailir or under that lable)        
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neshai-esper · 3 years
Did you heard about that fucking drama around the Suitable Boy series, where a muslim guy kissed a hindu girl?
Yes I did. It's a bit frustrating reading about Hindu nationalists who suffering in midlife crisis, isn't it?
I think I can't put too much good words to the side of Hindu nationalists (nor of anyone’s who thinking in the same, extreme, aggressive way), because I'm a vessel of love and acceptance. I enjoy finding beauty in innocent, unselfish love.
All right, I’m not want to dig into deep in religion stuffs because it’s a very huge topic, but... we still have things to mention.
It’s all about the bussiness.
With that being said, lot of religions do the same, but most of them got turned inside out by the sick elite and politics. Even if we know that religion should not be affected by politics or being used for financial, selfish deeds, yet it happens, and it is not the devilish-side of the religion, but those who attempt to use it. 
This is a fatal vortex from which it is difficult to get out, and which brings only hate and destruction over our head, because this manipulation itself (to be effective) brings dissension, disrespect, degradation, intolerance, rejection among others, and these creates fear and hate. This two emotion is the most effective “tool” with you can control people by these. You just have to plant it into them, and it will blooms because people will spread it by themselves (bad news that it’s easier to start spread it than to curb it). The problem is, that for these sick people, is just a bussiness, and nothing more.
We have to overcome these emotions, which they have been trying to pump into us since we were born. Where and how should we approach this fight at all? Well, there is an important question before our first step.
Who are we then?
Some people says that:  - I am XY, and I have a soul.  But I always says:  - I am a soul, and I have a body.
This is a very huge difference between the two perspective, and believe me when I say, if you are able to see yourself and everyone else as a soul, then you have a key to how can you wash away the unneccessary illusions and categorization, and get closer to your true being and to others’. 
Don’t get me wrong! It’s not about ignoring the material, it’s about keeping in mind who you are, and who are you NOT. It’s about don’t being lost only in the material, but keep remember the the other side of the truth. This comes handy in several situations, for instance, when people around you starts to offending, expel, harassing, stigmatizing you and trying to divert you from your goals, happiness.
Are you a muslim? *Boom* stigmatized Are you a christian? *Boom* stigmatized Are you black? *Boom* stigmatized Are you white? *Boom* stigmatized Are you mixed? *Boom* stigmatized Are you female? *Boom* stigmatized Are you a male? *Boom* stigmatized Are you homosexual? *Boom* stigmatized Are you bisexual? *Boom* stigmatized Are you vegetarian? *Boon* stigmatized Are you meat eater? *Boon* stigmatized Are you struggle with financial problems? *Boom* stigmatized Are you having XY job? *Boom* stigmatized
Let me ask then:  Can you still see that poor SENTINENT being under this pile of crap!?
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Of course you can’t. It’s easier to focus on stigmas and see those instead of the person who getting buried by it, while completely forgetting about him/her; who is still breathing, his/her heart still beats, and feels, in every damned second.
People don’t want to see the sentinent, transcendental being in others (and often forgetting about their true identity as well - now this is an another reason why they pick this side), but insteand they are using labels to categorize others and based on those, decide their “value”, seeing what the other person is worthy, and with these, they’re attempting to raise themselves above others, making themselves privileged and give themselves more rights over different things. But at the end, it’s all just illusions, weak attempts to avoiding to watch into the mirror, and as long as they can keep kicking others watching the ground where their victim is laying, they don’t have to think of themselves, nor reach the mirror of their gaze, and face the truth.
Why people feel the "needs" of hurting others?
I belive that the person who is healthy in mind, in terms of emotions and such, will never attempt to hurt others. It means that most of them (not all of them) are broken, and suffers - and to escape from this suffer, they spending their time with hurting others, and keep their focus on them instead (which is still NOT a good excuse of what they are actually doing with other people at all and it’ll never be) - this is what the elite and politics want to ride, and use, and took away everything from us to keep away people from their true self; because knowing it can bring changes. Positive changes, which can not produce money, but true value instead.
Religion originally brings love, peace and respect. It’s a great guide for a happy life. It brings down walls and borders by the power and purity of it. Be who you are, no matter where are you from, what is your identity and such, you have the right to practice any religion freely, it’s about spiritual teachings that cannot be stolen, nor owned by anyone and kept away from others by what-tf-ever reason (if a person think it in different way, he already lost the meaning of it and failed in several ways). But...
...love and respect are not a good bussiness (or at least, not in this way, it is not uncommon for many companies and organizations to getting more money by sympathy, although there is no sincere love behind their movement). They have to change, pollute one of the richest source of love, to spread hate and rejection, fear by it. Now this smells like a good business to me, huh?
It is, but the sad fact that even those who try to handle and practice their religion well, often get lost in not only these fabricated bullshits and set-up stages (what is going on around the muslim religion and terrorist activities for instance, but christianity could be an another good example for several reasons), but because of their own ego and imperfections, bad habits, often contradicting their religion's teachings.
It means that simply appearing in the media in a wrong (and often false) way is not the only reason for a misjudgment of a religion or a group of people who devoted to it. All of us build up our own reality based on our experiences, and probably all of us know people who practicing different religions, and these people's behavior might affect our view of their religions as well. Sometimes, in a wrong way, even if the person didn't even approached- and practiced the religion and it’s teachings well.
Word to the wise:
Personally, I belive that as long as your love and respect towards the other person is honest and pure, you make no mistake or disrespect what should scream for your punishment, and I think in most of these cases (like this one you asked about dear Anonymous) the ego is more hurt than the religion was/would ever. 
Lot of people have struggle with practicing and even understanding their own religion well sometimes, which can bring up a question? Are they "worthy" of practice that religion? And I’d say yes, they are despite of that.
I'm sure that as long as you do it from your pure heart and devotion, you are, and if your path meets with an another person's path, who follows a different religion, as long as your love and respect still honest, neither of you failed in what you believe.
And please, be nice with each other! Don't play an "eye for eye" game out there, in with you cut off X’s, and Y will cut off yours, because this is what people doing day by day, attempting to take away everything from each other.
Are you want to make the whole world blind?
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dollyreblogs · 3 years
Apparently it's an angst day but can you imagine the DoD getting inserted to Belle Reve Reformatory Highschool and Waller is all: "These collars block your powers, so no funny bussiness."
And Izzy, being a silly girl, is all: "But what if you like funny bussiness?"
And Waller just stares at her before activating her shock collar and Izzy yelps before falling down and is having a hard time sitting up and the other DoD run over to her in concern.
"How's that for funny business, Lindsey?"
And Izzy gets helped up by Kathy and Minako while rubbing her neck: "That wasn't funny...that wasn't funny, at all."
"Good. You're in jail, because you're a criminal. And I think you all know what I think about criminals, no matter how old they are."
"Yes, Waller..."
"Good, now head to your cells. It's going to be a long year for you ladies."
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