#but ! only to solve a problem the problem being young and unable to function on my own
mars-a-margo · 5 months
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Mama Bear, Papa Bear and their third in their polyamorous relationship that they confusingly call Uncle Bear; me
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saintes-rpg · 10 months
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"Some people think only intellect counts: knowing how to solve problems, knowing how to get by, knowing how to identify an advantage and seize it. But the functions of intellect are insufficient without courage, love, friendship, compassion, and empathy."
Biography: They say the love of two people so perfect for each other is nothing short of a match made in heaven. In some cases, truer words have never been spoken. Although to some, the idea of an angel and a human falling in love is unnatural, for an angel to then sire a child with a Human, is almost unspeakable. The offspring of humans and angels, often referred to as Nephilim, are looked down upon by most angels. Angels consider them impure and incomplete, lesser beings and because of their impurity they're often outcast or hunted.They often lie about their supernatural origins, either leaning into their human side or pretending their abilities stem from another supernatural origin.
Evangeline Meyer is such a creature. Her mother, a human and her father, a powerful angel, Evangeline was born a Nephilim. Her mother died in birth, her body unable to withstand the power that she had become a vessel too, as was often the case for mothers of Nephilim. Evangeline was born good, bright, an essence of light and from a young age it was obvious her angelic abilities were a kin to that of her fathers. Not only was she a rare species but she was a powerful one at that. She was articulate, smart and could communicate in a vast variety of languages that not many could even begin to comprehend. And she was perceptive, not only of others feelings but beyond that. She was perceptive in such a way that those around her often thought she was psychic. Of course, for a child, such abilities were hard to just explain away so Evangeline, had to be clever with her use of such abilities in order to blend in, although her ego didn't allow for her to fully blend in, she was often thought of as a prodigy child. A child more intelligent than that of an average child. Her father had to protect her, teach her to survive in a world that was against them from the beginning.
Evangeline was taught about her abilities from a young age but she was also taught to hide them. Hiding such abilities was easy with practice, hiding her wings however, not so much. Angel wings were grand, pure and white; a symbol of purity and divinity. Nephilims wings, a rare occurrence, were smaller, grey in colour(often a symbol of their impurity) and often unreliable in terms of flying. In time, Evangeline learned to shield her wings from onlookers with cloaking, a form of magic that warped the perception of others to not see what was in front of them. This was draining and Evangeline’s wings often became a symbol of what she hated about herself most; the impurity of her species.They carried a weight that sometimes she just couldn't bear.
Her father did his best to teach her all she needed to know and protect her from those who hunted Nephilims, as a result they often moved around to avoid detection, after all he held the mark of an angel which could only be hidden so much, even for someone as powerful as him.Plus when the ageing process is slow, you didn't want to stick around for questions. They survived together for a long time but it was only a matter of time before they were found.Another Angel, who knew of his wrongdoing, had tracked him down. There was a battle of heaven and heaven. Her father, fighting for her, and the other, trying to right what he deemed wrong. Evangeline could only watch on in horror. Her father warned her this day could come and warned her not to intervene if it did. She could only watch as the battle between the two raged on. It felt like hours but it was truly over in a matter of minutes as she watched as her father was slaughtered in front of her. Evangeline shook in anger as the other angel lingered over her fathers body, and a rage took over her that she couldn't explain. Before she could stop herself she charged toward the angel, her wrath taking over and exploding out of her. In any other situation this would not kill an angel but he was weak, killing another angel did that to you and when Evangeline came out of her rage the other angel was dead.
Evangeline hadn’t been truly aware of what she was capable of until that exact moment. And it scared her a little.She didn't like the side of her that she had unlocked. She wanted to protect, to do good, to help, it went against her nature to do anything but. She was scared, and now for the first time, alone. So she ran, it's what she did best. It’s how she survived.
The world was changing, supernaturals were becoming more known. Humans were divided on their support for new species. Hate crime was rife and the world was adapting to a new way of being. Supernatural suburbs were popping up as a safe haven for those who were supernatural and allies aside. Evangeline sought a new life for herself, a safe haven from who she was and what she could do. She was smart and empathetic and she wanted to do something noble. Becoming a lawyer was her way of doing that. She wasn’t in it for the money, she was in it to help people, to protect them from the wrongdoings of the law. With her abilities she was able to truly protect those who were innocent, of course sometimes protecting people meant stepping outside of the courtroom but nevertheless, Evangeline did whatever she could to make sure any evil wrongdoings were dealt with appropriately. She settled in the supernatural suburb of Saintes, her first time truly settling down somewhere with the intention of it being forever. She shortened her name, hid her past and was cryptic about who she truly was. Could she stay in this town or would her true self cause her to become outcast?
Evangeline Meyer is played by Leonora, 27, She/Her, BST/GMT+1
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alphynix · 4 years
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(I will probably do more with these pipe-necked weirdos at a later date.)
Transcript for the text on the image under the cut:
Spectember 2020 #14 | nixillustration.com | alphynix.tumblr.com Concept suggested by: Jesse Sosa & anonymous
Land Sharks
[Image: an early shark with a tapering eel-like body plan and four flipper-like fins. Its dorsal fin is ribbonlike, forming a continuous low fin along its back and tail. There's a long pointed spine on the back of its head.] Xenacanthus-like ancestral form
In a different version of the Late Devonian, sarcopterygians never made their way onto land – but instead at the dawn of the Carboniferous a lineage of early sharks took that evolutionary leap.
The xenacanthids were a group of small freshwater sharks with eel-like bodies and distinctive spines on the back of their heads. Some of them developed the ability to “walk” with their fins in a similar manner to modern epaulette sharks, and were able to survive brief crawls onto land to disperse to isolated bodies of water.
Soon this became a more mudskipper-like lifestyle, spending more time on land with stronger jointed fins. Their gill slits became enclosed in an inflatable “balloon” of skin with a single opening at the back, with the gills themselves stiffened against collapsing and able to absorb oxygen from the air as long as they were occasionally re-moistened with gulps of water – the start of something convergent to lungs. The head-spine shifted from a defensive function to a display structure, mobile enough to be raised and lowered to flash brightly-colored fins at each other.
Some descendants of these early land sharks went on to become the caecilian-like SNAPWYRMS, burrowing limbless creatures specialized to hunt small soil invertebrates – but others developed along a more tetrapod-like path.
Already using internal fertilization and giving live birth to fully-developed young, SHARKAPODS weren’t reproductively tied to the water like early tetrapods were in our timeline. Their neck-lungs became larger and more sophisticated, able to function in the increasingly drying climate of the Late Carboniferous. Now housed in rigid bulbous horn-like structures, their breathing used a unidirectional airflow system, pumping air in from the spiracles behind their eyes and exhaling it from the vents at the back.
While superficially lizard-like in shape, their leg joints didn’t bend in quite the same way, giving them a somewhat awkward gait resembling that of a tortoise.
But their cartilaginous skeletons couldn’t support much weight on land, and so they weren’t able to grow particularly large at first, generally remaining similarly-sized to their ancestors at only about 1m long (3’3”). The most successful Paleozoic lineage of sharkapods, the SHELLSHARKS, solved this problem by instead developing an exoskeleton-like carapace from fused dermal denticles, forming stronger stiffer supports for their bodies and allowing them to grow several times bigger.
[Image: a descendant of the eel-like shark. It's a mudskipper-like or amphibian-like animal, with four proto-legs, bulging gill pouches, and a colorful display fin supported by the spine on its head.] The transitional stem-sharkapod Vexillispinus ambulopterygius
[Image: a descendant of the mudskipper-like shark, a worm-like animal with a long limbless body. A close-up view shows it head, with tiny vestigial eyes and its toothy jaws extended out like a goblin shark.] Snapwyrms like Harpavermis gaphilus had long snake-like bodies and only vestigial eyes, detecting subterranean invertebrates with electroreceptors in their snouts. Their gills were reduced and most of their respiration took place through their moist naked skin. Extending jaws with a slingshot-like motion allowed snapwyrms to rapidly snag their prey.
[Image: an armored sharkapod, a vaguely lizard-shaped animal covered in in armadillo-like carapace, with its limbs supported by an exoskeleton and serrated edges to its stumpy "feet". Its head is still shark-like, and it has a small colorful "flag" fin on its head and bulbous "lunghorns" on the sides of its neck.] Edaphoselachus sosai, a basal shellshark Large pointed denticles on the ends of shellsharks' limbs act like claws for traction.
Early shellsharks were still small carnivores or insectivores, and were not apex predators. Although their extensive carapaces proved useful to bear more weight and grow larger, the solid structure initially evolved as protection against the main predators in their ecosystems – huge arthropods such as griffinflies.
Later members of the group began to experiment with omnivorous and herbivorous niches, and by the Permian had become the largest terrestrial vertebrates of the Paleozoic. One of the very biggest species was Testudosquama avignatha, a 3m long (9'10") herbivore with a voluminous plant-fermenting digestive system.
Sharkapods' nostrils were blind holes and weren't involved in breathing at all, instead using a bellows-like mechanism to actively pull in air for their sense of smell. In some species their snouts became quite bulbous, housing increasingly complex and sensitive nasal systems.
While both their lunghorns and nasal chambers were sometimes used to produce loud resonating sounds, most Paleozoic sharkapods' hearing was poor, only able to hear low-frequency sounds in air and detecting them as much through ground-based vibration as with their under-developed internal ears. Visual communication was still prevalent, with the ancestral mobile flag-fins being retained on most species.
Extendable jaws remained a characteristic feature of sharkapods, swinging forwards to grab at food and then pulling it back into their mouths – although they were unable to chew and each bite had to be swallowed whole. Some of the herbivorous forms even fused their teeth into hard beaks to snip up tough vegetation.
[Image: a large armored shellshark with a vaguely tortoise-like body plan and a vivid black-and-orange color scheme. It has a bulbous snout, large lunghorns, a small flag-fin and a spiny tail. A close-up view of its head shows its beaked jaws extending.] The giant shellshark Testudosquama avignatha
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whoaffle · 3 years
Today a person of my family was complimenting and admiring Bozos' stupid-ass fucking penis-shaped rocket...
They kept talking about how it's "amazing" and "genius" and whatever... They were really impressed by the whole "show" and by the technology used and I GET that on one hand, because it IS something different and new and it is impressive (which doesn't mean it is good, I'll develop later), and this person is much older than me and they kept insisting on how, for them, in the past, this would have sounded impossible and how it's amazing that it's happening! That one person would manage to fund that by himself and not a whole country! (which again, impressive, NOT good. The fact that ONE person has the same amount of money as a large country, while others are poorer and poorer every day... The slow erasure of a middle class as social inequality becomes more and more severe every day... The fact that all this money was conquered by exploiting several poorly paid workers in shitty jobs with bad conditions... All those are symptoms of a DEATHLY ill economic system that not only has gone WRONG already but still insists on pretending to be functional while dragging down everyone along with it to the absolute limit before it collapses entirely on itself, leaving a painful scar on the people it took advantage of AND on the planet it has exploited for so long).
Going back to the point, I get it that "space travel" is a magical sci-fi dream for many people, both young and old, and that older people who think differently from most of us young adult Tumblr users would be super impressed by it, BUT... This is still so... So bad! Most of it - if not everything about it - is such an absurd scenario!
Well, knowing by previous experience that criticizing Bezos' amount of money and how he acquired it would be useless and that he'd end up defended anyways, I tried criticizing the ecological aspect of the whole thing first! But the answer I got was "Hah! A lot of stuff pollutes the world much more and no one talks about it", which, like... 1- Your point being?? That's no excuse to ignore absolutely useless shit like this polluting the earth even more just so billionaires can feel special because they can go to space while millions of people starve, die and suffer. Besides the fact that insisting on investing in this kind of technology instead of trying to prioritize Eco-friendly technologies and research is PRECISELY why a lot of other things pollute so much more - because every time someone comes up with something new they insist on not giving a fuck about the environmental aspect of their tech... So both the issues are correlated, this is not a "different thing that is less important" this is ONE of the symptoms. And 2 - Yes we DO talk about it, very often, all the time, and we hate it, and criticize it, and wish it would change. How many younger people are legit extremely worried about the environment and about the several ways governments, industries and other large-scale processes like that damage the environment? Damn, we DO complain about those!
But OK. Didn't wanna argue, so I started just using my phone instead... Then another person joins the conversation. The two of them are now like "This technology may not be put to good use now, the Space Tourism is a bad idea and it's stupid... BUT they could use the same device for other kinds of travel! Something from the technology used here could be used later for useful projects! Imagine, we could use the same rocket type tech to make commercial international flights, for example!" and I was silently thinking "Yeah right and emit even MORE useless pollution just because people wanna get to other places EVEN faster! And just because some idiots who have the money would pay THAT MUCH to be able to go faster to Paris or whatever!"
That is NOT NECESSARY and it is not SUSTAINABLE, it is not viable in long-term! Why would we use this kind of shit that is MORE expensive and MORE pollution-emitting?? Because it's faster?? Well let me tell you something then! Being faster is not only unnecessary but in this context we are living right now, it's A BAD IDEA, because our society is ALREADY deeply sick about the need to speed up literally everything and everyone has anxiety and is unable to wait a single second for anything, and so they expect faster and faster results every time, and companies - who LOVE not giving a shit about workers' mental health and well-being - expect more and more and more in less time! And this adds up pressure and stress on people's lives - which, by the way, is one of the things THIS very person from my family always complains about 'modern days'... The fact is that if traveling between continents FASTER became an actual accessible thing, that would probably just become another stupid insane standard for our already impossible-to-keep-up-with lives! Because if you travel abroad so quickly, then you are expected to get back to work on the same day and fuck jet-lag... Or anything similar! I don't know!
Anyway, I did go on a tangent here because I'm so angry and I started ranting over my rant. Let me go back to the POINT.
I was silent all the time as they kept talking about it, because honestly, no matter what I replied, they'd be like "You're too radical!", "don't exaggerate", "there are much worse things" and SPECIALLY "but the scientific advancement!"
And my WHOLE POINT HERE is that this is NOT "advancement"! It is scientific creation, development even if you will, but not "advancement"! Because it emits ridiculous amounts of carbon and other kinds of pollution in a planet that is already suffering so much environmentally and literally CANNOT HANDLE that anymore!
It is not advancement if its so expensive that only the 1% people (who hold most the money in the world) can pay for it, while billions of others just watch and starve and die in floods and fires CAUSED by that sort of shit!
That’s not "advancement"! That is fucking technological masturbation coming from egocentric morons who only want to get more money and show off!
Advancement would be coming up with actual, real solutions that help people in their daily lives! Advancement would be coming up with technologies and solutions that would work BETTER for everyone and not just to fill billionaire's asses with MORE money! It would be to find new ways to do what we do today without destroying the environment, or finding new cheaper ways to produce products and services so that more people can have access to them! And this is the absolute OPPOSITE of that! It is insisting on a way of doing things that is outdated, unsustainable and destructive, and that doesn't FIT our reality anymore and should be left BEHIND while we still have time to change!
BESIDES scientific advancement has been happening ALL OVER the world for CENTURIES and all we need is that the RIGHT technologies get attention and investment. Eco-friendly technology EXISTS we could clean the seas, we could generate free electricity for all, we could invest on lab grown meat, we could do SO much that would be actually useful and nice and helpful, but instead those sons of BITCHES only want to play in space and maybe some day run away when the planet is too sick to be fixed, leaving us - the poor ones - behind to die.
The fact is that we don't need cocky, bastard, exploitative billionaires to have scientific advancement! It would exist anyway, perhaps in better ways! And people should STOP considering technologies that are more harmful to the world than helpful as "advancements"! Because they are not, they are a problem, they are like if a man invented a flamethrower inside a house that is literally on fire and everyone found it amazing because "now we can set fire on stuff more easily and faster" yeah like, AWESOME but can we solve the PROBLEMS caused by that instead??
And honestly, I hate the excuse that "space represents hope for many people in a world that is bound to destruction" like, there would be NO need to go to space to begin with if we focused on fixing what's wrong instead of that ridiculous bullshit disguised as research or whatever when it's obviously just two things: showing off their horrible amounts of money and making MARKETING of an unnecessary service that will only benefit those who already have the easiest lives of all of us while causing issues to all others! JUST so that these billionaires can make MORE money. It's DISGUSTING.
There is NOTHING wrong about space travel as a concept, nothing wrong with researching and developing technologies that may allow us to explore space! Space exploration would be AWESOME! BUT if we're gonna work on something like that, we have to develop it in a way that doesn't harm the world EVEN MORE. We have to have priorities! We have to focus on NOT destroying this planet, for FUCK'S sake! And if the only way we have to explore space right now is by damaging our already fucked up environment even more, then NEWSFLASH, BABY - this is not the TIME to do space travel yet! AND SPECIALLY NOT FOR BILLIONAIRE SPACE TOURISM.
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coolgirlontheweb · 3 years
eren jaeger (Attack On Titan) - ISFP
eren is a true IFSP - his dominant Fi seeks feelings of action, and honours his own beliefs and values. anytime eren says “i’ll kill the titans” or anything he says about his goals are driven by Fi. rarely do we ever see eren try to see the other side’s reasoning or why the titans eat humans pre time-skip, unlike armin, who indeed is an Ni dom and asks “what does it, no, they want?” the second he is confronted by the female titan. in season 2 episode 8 after he is confronted with the truth about bertholdt and reiner’s titan identities, he instantly shouts, deems them psychotic mass murderers and announces that he was going to “make you die the most excruciating deaths possible”. ISFPs who display the negative aspects of Fi suffer from a lack of objectivity, are unable to relate to things outside of their personal experience and treat their feelings as fact, unaware of their own biases. pre-time skip eren is all of this and never considers exactly why reiner and bertholdt are titans. only once does he actually weigh his options and make sense of what is happening, rather than immediately having an emotional reaction to it, and that is when ymir, a Ti dom, reminds him of his situation. signs of a Te grip are prevalent here - he was inclined to blame and reproach before he employed any rational thought to his circumstance. small hints of his Ni developing appear here when he begins to rationalise on how to escape, and what being captured may mean for the future and the scouts, but this is all shrouded in how overbearing his Fi is, i really don’t see how it can be overlooked.
throughout all of the manga, eren’s dominant Fi is at its optimal expression when he cries to ramzi in Chapter 131, “i’m sorry, i’m sorry…” optimal Fi expression helps dominant Fi users feel deep empathy when seeing people suffer, and works to ensure that every person has the freedom to authentically be themselves. even though eren knows he is going to kill ramzi, he cannot hold back from saving him, and crying to him is a heartbreaking portrayal of Fi in a doomed character. In the case that he was an Ni dom, eren would find it worthless to approach ramzi in spite of the future - which he actually initially thinks before saving him from being beaten, a sign of his Ni developing but his Fi overpowering it.
additionally, an unhealthy dominant Fi can foster feelings of instability, self-righteousness and self-pitiness. whenever eren is confronted with the damning reality of the titans’ existence he reverts from a strong willed and passionate Fi dom to one who is all of the aforementioned and above all, self-blaming. the greatest example of this that i can currently think of is in season 3 episode 9 during rod reiss’ abnormal titan attack on orvud district - eren’s Fi was so unhealthy that after rumination on being the cause of so many deaths and his overall role as “humanity’s saviour” (which is a self-righteous assumption, albeit true-ish), he begins to blame and pity himself so much that he started to physically beat himself up until he bled.
extraverted thinking (Te), being his inferior function, is naturally the least accessible to him, and therefore historically the least used. pre time-skip eren shows symptoms of Te grip. Te is an assertive function and tackles challenges head on and above all, its defining feature is that it applies logical, objective reasoning to the outside world. pre time-skip eren’s Te grip meant that he was ready to pick a fight about anything disagreeable, and had an overpowering urge to correct everything that is ‘wrong’. Te grip causes inferior Te users to recognise and dislike problems wherever they see them, yet offer no solutions to them. seldom did eren ever solve problems, he relied on erwin’s dominant Te for that and followed suit, or found guidance through armin. come the time-skip, and we are confronted by a strategic and assertive eren; his Te has noticeably developed. although, he has an extremely destructive expression of Te, i.e: abuse of power and position (as the founding titan) to get what he wants and believes the weak (his enemies, marleyans, the warriors and briefly the scouts) get what they deserve. he breaks out of jail, uses extremist ideology and manpower (the yeagerists) and ignores the chain of command, and his friends’ pleas to complete his goal. unhealthy Te users tend to be blind to nuance/context and see everything from a black and white, "i'm right and you're wrong" stance. they also have an extremely inflexible approach - rarely being convinced to change their ideas and plans. eren shows ALL of this: his Te is so influential that he is blind to any other approach to the Rumbling offered by the scouts or even zeke, since we know he doesn't activate a "small-scale" rumbling, but the whole thing.
alongside his developed Ni, eren’s character seems to do a complete 180 but it’s only a development of his Ni-Te. in my opinion, the reason why his shift in personality is because alongside an actual Ni-Te development, his facade makes it so that the strategy and stoicism he has adopted becomes pronounced. an INTJ wouldn't have trouble with healthy expressions of Ni-Te since it comes naturally to them - think of yelena: whilst all of this is happening, she remains the most pacific and rational person on paradis island. eren seems calm on the surface, but the emotional stress of having to rely on Ni-Te is definitely there. you can see it in his table talk with armin and mikasa. he attempts to stay calm in the beginning but all of the emotional stress comes bubbling to the surface in an outburst of unhealthy Fi rage. something else i think it's worth mentioning is that functions operate in oppositional pairs that push and pull against each other, creating internal conflict. eren’s singular worldview and morals in seasons 1-3 meant there wasn’t any room for internal conflict, but after seeing the other side of the wall, his Fi and Te are constantly in conflict. eren’s newfound Te, wants efficiency and order, but how does he fare with losing his humanity and treating the world as a machine as his Fi is challenged for the first time?
an early signal of eren’s Ni development is the thwarting of his previously healthy Se expression in season 3 episode 22. with Ni's future orientated intuition, causing him to be uninspired by sensory experiences, his Se gets shut down as he loses his happiness to the future. eren cannot bring himself to have fun at the beach, nor experience what he and armin dreamed about from a young age, instead, he points toward the horizon, towards the future and is utterly defeated by its prospects. this is honestly so sad, it’s as though he withers away as a person after the vision of the future.
developing Ni needs a lot of introspectivity, maturing and objectivity for a dominant Fi user. eren attains these traits in 2 ways; first, he actually peers into the future through the paths. this is sort of a cheat code into developing Ni, but it nonetheless dictates how he acts post paths vision. Ni is a future orientated function, and it experiences the world through what will happen. since eren already knows the future, his Ni expression is almost forced to mature. however, the second way that Ni is developed by eren naturally is when he runs away to marley and lives among eldians in the liberio internment camp.
contrary to suffering from a lack of objectivity due to negative Fi expression, eren is confronted with the other side of the wall. as he learns about the rest of his world, he slowly becomes more objective and understanding - his worldview has broadened, and he indulges in the part of Ni that approaches the world with a unified vision. albeit a weak Ni expression, which gives him difficulty in making wise decisions in season 4 because of a lack of clarity and no positive vision of the future, eren’s Ni develops nonetheless.
this becomes evident when we contrast his talk with reiner in season 2 episode 8 to his talk with reiner in Season 4 Episode 5. in the latter eren employs a mix of Ni-Te, almost showcasing his newfound functions to us, the reader, and reiner. eren is more calculating, authoritative, objective, and aware of his long term goal and its consequences.
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felassan · 4 years
i mostly ask about elven things to you so i want to spice it up. 😭 do you think that ferelden not having an heir to the throne will be an issue in later games? there's no heir that comes from any of the endings (cousland-anora, anora-alistair, cousland-alistair), and it was heavily hinted that anora is infertile in origins. We also know that Cailan was unfaithful during their marriage. Do you think ANOTHER ferelden royal bastard (cailan's child) could be in the future?
Hi Nonnie! Cut because not everyone is comfortable reading about this topic. TN spoilers under cut.
If there’s no heir it would be an issue for the country regardless (not in my literal opinion but in terms of how the people are said to approach things to do with their monarchy in the fictional nation), and the further forward the narrative moves temporally from 9:30 the bigger that issue becomes for it. By 9:44 Anora is around 38-40? years of age (Cailan was born in 9:05). Warden-Queens by then are at least 32 (and that’s only if they were 18 when they left Highever). Eamon began expressing his concerns to Cailan as Anora approached her thirtieth year, though age isn’t really relevant in the Warden-Queen’s case as it’s not possible with two Wardens anyway and irl 32 is ofc plenty young.
I guess in some universes Kieran is part of the Theirin bloodline but in lots of other universes he’s not or he doesn’t exist. It’s worth noting that Alistair as sole ruler is a potential ending also (both with a Warden-lover and without), and though still apparently unmarried and childless by the time of Inquisition, he could marry a non-Warden and father children that way. It’s more difficult to do if you’re a Warden but if the other person isn’t a Warden it is possible. If you’re romancing Alistair and make him King as a non-Cousland he’s plainly aware of the need for him to marry and produce an heir. So some versions of Ferelden aren’t necessarily facing the issue at all. Saying that though, maybe they still are? The Taint decreases fertility, and during the OGB conversation Morrigan’s line about Riordan being unsuitable as a candidate because she needs a Warden who hasn’t been tainted for too long otherwise it wouldn’t work - while said in reference to the DR specifically - could imply that the longer a Warden has been tainted for, the lower their already low chances of conceiving are, and that after some timepoint it drops off completely and permanently and then it is no longer possible at all. And due to the overall effect of the Taint on the body as it progresses towards the Calling point, I can see that. And by 9:44 King Alistair has been tainted for like 15 years. You could also get into headcanon land that when the Hero (in this case a Warden-Queen, or indeed any Hero that would feel inclined to pass the cure to King Alistair) returned from their quest to find a cure for the Calling (imo they all did return at least because why would only Lelimancers return), they brought with them a cure. But would a cure for the Taint restore fertility as well as ridding someone of the Taint? Total stab in the dark here I know, but I’d guess at it being able to rid a body of the Taint but not be able to reverse the effects it had on the body’s reproductive system.
But whether it’s an issue for us, the player, to encounter or solve, or whether they just write in another Theirin bastard - I’m just guessing of course but I don’t see the story taking us back to the topic regardless, especially not as a major or significant beat. Not speaking for everyone but I think we’re pretty Ferelden’d out after 3 games set there and the other game with a Fereldan PC. The move north not only brings lots of fresh new stuff to cover but also a handy opportunity to leave that kind of thing behind, or largely off-screen at least. I could see it arising in codex entries akin to the letters in Return to Ostagar, ambient or passing dialogue, or via a war table-esque mechanic. I could also see the story functionally ignoring the issue as it has done thus-far, unless it came to a point where it would somehow need to be acknowledged, then maybe them writing around all the different combinations with something like “the monarch[s] abdicated due to lack of an heir and oh hey look, it’s King Fergus and a new wife or King Teagan or someone else” or somesuch. The Theirins have sat on the Fereldan throne since Calenhad, except during the Orlesian occupation, but sole Queen Anora and Queen Anora-Cousland Consort scenarios show that things won’t implode if it’s a Mac Tir or a Mac Tir and a Cousland on the seat instead. The Guerrin family also have (or had at least) a claim to the throne through Maric’s marriage to Rowan, and the Drydens had a strong claim in the Storm Age. Fereldan noble succession can get complicated and it’s not always strictly hereditary. I also feel that the Fereldan royal Theirin bastard beat has been done and doesn’t need rehashed with a new one. There could be a new monarch written in without them being a Theirin bastard.
It’s also worth considering the fact that Cailan himself may have been unable to have children. He was involved with multiple other women, as Anora tells us, and yet there’s no proper hint of a Cailan bastard? Hmmm. The rumors were that Anora wasn’t able to have children, but Cailan’s ability to do so is another important part of that equation. Historically irl when this sort of thing happened it was usually the woman who got blamed iirc, but male infertility is responsible for a similar percentage of infertility cases, and in one third or even the biggest chunk of cases, it is due to combined problems on both parts. Maybe Anora can but Cailan couldn’t, or neither of them could.
If we are to encounter yet another succession crisis/choose-a-ruler-style storybeat (like we’ve done with the Fereldan throne, which Divine and the Orlesian throne), say, in the next game, it would be neat if it was something else like a new Archon or the Nevarran throne. The latter has been flagged somewhat. King Markus is old and in poor health and questionable state of mind. He doesn’t have any children and his brother is also old and doesn’t have children, and the brother also has no interest in ruling. The Mortalitasi are currently basically ruling through Markus and Van Markhams, Pentaghasts and others from other families have been vying for the position. The unstable line of succession was even a recent plotpoint in Tevinter Nights. I guess I’m kind of eager for the potential/possibility of next meddling in Nevarran affairs, lol.
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loominggaia · 3 years
Are there autistic characters in looming Gaia? (I'm high functioning autistic myself! ^^) Also have you read the Stormlight Archive series? Just curious~
Ooh great question! This may or may not surprise people, but I personally imagine Elska as having autism, or at least some kind of centaur equivalent to it.
 Autism is a very broad spectrum, but when you look at the general signs, I think she fits the bill well enough. Autistic people often have trouble making friends and prefer to be on their own. Elska might come off as “fiercely independent”, but if you look at her interactions with others, it becomes very clear that she just doesn’t know how to socialize very well. She comes off as rude without meaning to, she’s super blunt and honest to a fault, and she has this compulsive need to right every wrong she encounters whether it’s appropriate or not.
 In “To Fight the Fog”, she’s never shown playing with other kids or hanging out with her clanmates. She spends most of her time alone or with her father. From a young age, we see she has a very black-and-white way of thinking that she never grew out of, but she’s also quite intelligent and creative. She’s able to think outside the box to solve problems in ways her clanmates couldn’t.
 When she first comes to Drifter’s Hollow, you could chalk up her awkwardness to cultural differences. But in later stories, it’s more obvious she has something else going on, because she’s been living among the villagers for a few years and still struggling with even basic interactions. People just kind of avoid her because they don’t understand her. They assume she’s pissed off all the time but it’s just her demeanor, she has a flat effect when she speaks and an equally flat expression that doesn’t change much no matter her mood. So she’s hard to read and others find that off-putting. She takes figures of speech literally and has a hard time determining when people are just joking with her.
 I understand autistic folks often struggle with sensory issues and controlling emotions. This is definitely the case with Elska as well. There are so many instances in the series where like, she KNOWS she shouldn’t do something, but she genuinely can’t stop herself. Other characters think of her as this dumb, violent brute, but that’s not the case at all. Elska’s actually quite smart, it’s just that her emotions tend to override her logic. Like when she ran off to Kelvingyard on her own or kicked Javaan in the head, she did know better, but she got so overwhelmed by stress in those moments that she had no choice but to act on impulse. Overcoming her own impulsive, rash behavior has been a major obstacle for her throughout the series. She also seems to hate being touched unless it’s on her terms. She flips out when Javaan bumps her with his hip, for example, and he’s totally confused by her reaction. In “Unbreakable”, she mentions she’s repulsed by all things romantic, and I think aside from asexuality she has a serious level of touch-repulsion going on, which is a common sensory issue for people on the spectrum.
 Elska also has a tendency to get extremely fixated on certain things. Like she’ll get an idea in her head and obsess over it to the point that it consumes her life. Fighting the fog, seeking vengeance against the Evangelites, destroying Kelvingyard…these are all things she was unable to let go until circumstances forced her to. Structure and routine are very important to her as well. She takes rules more seriously than anyone else on her crew and gets extremely upset when people break them. She seems to hate when people do things incorrectly in general, like she really can’t stand it when people mispronounce her name. She goes from 0 to 11 real quick about little things like that. Elska is ALWAYS the first one to call people out on their bullshit, even when it’s her own captain.
 All that said…Elska really does strike me as being on the spectrum, but if people disagree that’s totally valid. The word “autism” is never used in the Looming Gaia series, it’s just kind of vaguely alluded to and I try to let readers come to their own conclusions. I don’t think she’s alone on it either, I personally think Jeimos and possibly Mr. Ocean have something akin to autism as well, it just manifests a little differently in them because they’re not only different people, but entirely different species. So their autism may not look exactly like the autism we know in the real world, but the classic symptoms are all there to some degree.
 Sorry for the long-winded answer, I feel like I really have to justify my reasoning because people might be like “bitch what??” lol. Anyway to answer your second question, I haven’t read the Stormlight Archive series but it’s been recommended to me quite a bit! I did read a few pages of the preview a long time ago and it didn’t quite grab me, but I probably just need to give it more time. I might try again in the future.
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encounterthepast · 4 years
If you enjoy this please follow @RussInCheshire on twitter for his regular threads on UK politics.
As it’s the weekend, let’s start #TheWeekInTory with a frivolous and jolly story about our own govt deliberately starving hundreds of thousands of children...
1. In May, Boris Johnson promised “nobody will go hungry as a result of Coronavirus”
2. He then denied school meals to the 600,000 poorest children
3. So Marcus Rashford ran a campaign to get the govt to feed children, which - just think about that: he had to *campaign* for it
4. Then Boris Johnson congratulated Rashford on his campaign to overturn the cruel policies of, erm, Boris Johnson
5. And then 3 days later, Boris Johnson refused to feed those kids during school holidays
6. So this week Labour organised a parliamentary vote about it
7. And 322 Tories voted against feeding hungry children
8. Vicky Ford, the Children’s Minister (who you’ll be surprised to hear neither looks nor sounds like a ludicrous Dickensian villain) went ahead and voted against feeding children
9. Tory MP Jo Gideon voted against feeding children. Jo Gideon, in case you didn't think things could get any more unbelievable, is also the chair of "Feeding Britain", a charity that campaigns to end food poverty and hunger in the UK.
10. Tory MP Paul Scully waved away the grumbling parents of kids with grumbling tummies, and said “children have been going hungry under Labour for years”, seemingly forgetting Tories have been in power for a decade
11. Tory MP Ben Bradley, who once had to apologise for suggesting sterilising the poor, said feeding children will simply “increase their dependency”. On food. Yeah, wean the little bastards off it. It’ll do them good in the end, which will be around 3 agonising weeks.
12. At this point, pause to consider that MPs get their food and drink subsidised. A £31 meal in a parliamentary restaurant costs MPs £3.45. In 2018 this subsidy cost the taxpayer £4.4m. I can’t find any record of Tories like Ben Bradley voting against this.
13. Pressing on: Ben Bradley also said “Some parents prioritise other things ahead of their kids. Small minority, yes... but some do”. Yes, and a small minority of Tory MPs have been arrested for rape. Should we send them all to prison?
14. Also, Mark Francois voted (by proxy) to keep kids hungry. Not related to the previous item. Why would you think that?
15. Tory MP Nicky Morgan said the govt voted to starve 600,000 children cos a Labour MP called a Tory MP scum. And that’s not a scummy thing to do at all.
16. Tory MP David Simmonds said Marcus Rashford’s experience of poverty in secondary school “took place entirely under a Labour government”. Rashford was 11 when Tories came into power, making David Simmonds are rare example of an ad hominem attack on yourself
17. Simmonds then said Labour’s parliamentary vote was “all about currying favour with wealth and power and celebrity status”. He might be right – the govt managed to unify Gary Linaker and Nigel Farage in condemnation of their denial of food to kids
18. Brandan Clark-Smith (who voted to starve kids) demanded “more action to tackle the real causes of child poverty”
19. So at once, the govt cut minimum wage for furloughed people. They now get 2/3 of the money the govt says is the absolute minimum it is possible to survive on
20. And then it was revealed that low-paid workers who have to isolate due to Covid can claim £500. Yay!
21. But if they’re told to isolate by the govt’s contact tracing app, they can’t claim anything. Un-yay.
22. Long story short: the govt cannot spend £120m feeding children. But it can spend £522 on the Eat Out Scheme, which its own report said contributed “negligible amounts” to the hospitality economy, and Boris Johnson admitted drove up infection rates – especially in the North
23. Those infection rates caused the govt to move Manchester into Tier 3
24. So the Mayor of Manchester asked for a £90m support package (1/6th of the money the govt spent causing the problem in the first place)
25. The govt said no, £60m
26. The Mayor said, how about £65m?
27. The govt said no, £60m
28. The Mayor said ok, fine, we’ll take the £60m
29. And then govt offered Manchester £22m, and then went to the press and said the Mayor was "being unreasonable"
30. The negotiations were led by Robert Jenrick, who recently set up a fund for the poorest 101 towns, then awarded his town £25m even though it is the 270th poorest, and therefore not even eligible
31. £25m is £237 per person
32. Manchester gets £7.85 per person
33. Robert Jenrick gave Manchester (2.8 million people) £22m
34. Robert Jenrick gave Richard Desmond (1 person) £45m
35. The talks broke down when the govt wouldn’t spend an extra £5m
36. The govt plans to spend £7m vitally rebranding "Highways England" to "National Highways"
37. Manchester Young Conservatives tweeted “Boris has lied about helping us in the North. It’s time for him to go". Don't look - they deleted it. Suspect somebody had a word.
38. Meanwhile the govt said Manchester will get the £60m after all, and chaos continue to reign supreme
39. But that £60m is brief reprieve for the Tories of Manchester, as a govt report said Tory seats in the North of England (the so-called "Red Wall" seats) can expect to lose at least 4000 jobs *each* as a result of Brexit, even if we do get a deal. More if we don't.
40. The govt rushed to begin its first airport Coronavirus testing, a mere 211 days after mandatory airport testing was begun in South Korea
41. South Korea has had 8 deaths per million
42. The UK has had 665 deaths per million
43. More airport news, as the govt finally accepted Brexit will cause “up to 8-hour delays at passport checks” and asked the EU to allow UK citizens to queue at EU-only lanes. Like we did when we were in the EU. But we aren’t now. So tough.
44. A senior diplomat said, “Having grown up in Brussels, Boris Johnson values the ability to travel freely to the continent”. You’d think Boris Johnson would foresee this problem when he led the campaign to stop that freedom.
45. The independent reviewer of Terrorism Legislation said the UK “will be increasingly unable to cope” after Brexit, as we lose access to EU data-sharing agreements
46. And a No-Deal end to UK/EU scientific collaboration will leave London with a £3bn annual deficit
47. In the space of 38 days, the govt announced the £100bn "Operation Moonshot" to solve Covid; then cancelled it; and then re-launched it again after it was found they’d accidentally continued to pay over 200 private consultants up to £7000 a day to work on it.
48. So this week, Boris Johnson said Moonshot would continue, but it’s goals “would take time”, which is the literal opposite of what he said it would do when it first announced it, and makes the entire thing absolutely pointless
49. And now it’s been admitted that Operation Moonshot would be quietly folded into the existing £12bn Test and Trace programme, and the £100bn has vanished. Apart from the bits the Serco consultants took for doing… nothing.
50. But Boris Johnson said the Test and Trace programme was “helping a bit”, and “a bit” is the least you’d expect if you’d spent £12bn
51. And then the £12bn Test and Trace programme fell to its lowest success rate so far, identifying only 60% of at-risk people
52. Local councils, with no additional funding, are tracing 98% of cases
53. A quick sweep though other epic successes you may have missed (or deliberately blocked out): Equalities minister Kemi Badenoch declared that it should be illegal to teach about inequality
54. The Cabinet Secretary said the report into “vicious and orchestrated” bullying by Home Secretary and Dementor Priti Patel “may never see the light of day”, cos if you have a report that vindicates you, you definitely sit on it as long as possible
55. And the appeals court unanimously overturned Priti Patel’s policy of removing people from the UK without giving them access to legal process or justice because – and I’m paraphrasing the judges here – what the fuck, Patel? What the actual fuck?
56. Undeterred, she announced plans to make rough-sleeping “grounds for removal of permission to be in the UK” and "denial of legal aid". So if you’re too poor to have a home, you must pay for a lawyer or she’ll shove you in the sea
57. After an unnamed Tory MP said it “looks bad to be handing top jobs to your friend and old boss”, Charles Moore, Boris Johnson’s friend and old boss, withdrew as next BBC chair.
58. The new favourite is Richard Sharp, the - yep - friend and old boss of Rishi Sunak
59. You’ll be amazed to hear this: Richard Sharp is a major donor to the Tory party. These little coincidences keep on happening
60. The govt decided to prevent EU citizens from having physical proof of their right to live in their own home
61. Grant Shapps threatened to “seize control of Transport for London” to save it from financial ruin at the hands of Sadiq Khan, who – the bastard - achieved a mere 71% reduction in the debts caused by his noble predecessor, Boris Johnson
62. Matt Hancock, facts at his fingertips, told MPs from Yorkshire their constituents could go on holiday abroad
63. But not in the UK
64. And then that they CAN go on holiday in the UK
65. But can't leave Yorkshire
66. He then said “I'll get back to you” about the details
67. A cross-party report found “the UK’s foreign policy is adrift”, that it lacks “clarity, confidence and vision” and that Britain is “absent from the world stage”. All of which is very soothing, as we move into the govt's proclaimed goal of a post-Brexit Global Britain.
68. And we can all relax: the govt is finally supporting culture in the UK, specifically the Nevill Holt Opera, which performs private operas, and is owned by Boris Johnson’s friend (and - jaw on floor! - Tory donor) David Ross, who is worth £700m so really needs the money.
69. The Nevill Holt Opera only functions in the summer, so thank god it has been prioritised with £85,000 to “maintain operations” in October.
And now, in honour of the opera, the fat lady can sing, cos I’m off to drink myself into oblivion. Join me.
We live in interesting times.
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shuttershocky · 4 years
I haven’t been able to write lately due to a mix of personal stuff and *waves hands* the current global situation which sucks, but I still feel like writing something down so I guess I’m just gonna be cringy and self-indulgent and blather on about Aozaki Adoption in bullet points
Of course, I’m still going to include Rin, but in the original one-shots, I just skipped over how she got added to the Hollow Shrine. Now that I’m trying to actually string a plot together, I have to do it right. That part I’m still working on, Rin’s upbringing and personality make it difficult.
If I could do this fanfic in a visual medium I’d show Touko being unable to properly see her reflection in mirrors, like she’s looking at herself through broken glass. A huge part of why I would think Touko would be taken with Sakura is because of the former’s ability to come back from the dead. it’s a noted thing in the Nasuverse that a soul changing bodies is an imperfect process and eventually a soul gets corrupted like data being copied too many times (which is what happened to Roa), but Touko got around this somehow without using True Magic. I want to make it so that the price she pays instead is a quiet existential crisis, that after so many puppet bodies, even if she knows that it technically doesn’t matter if she’s truly Touko Aozaki or not if she has all the memories and skills, she still wonders whether she IS still that young girl that got booted from her family.
The intention is that Touko grows attached to Sakura because she sees a bit of herself in the younger girl, at least, after some projecting. By helping Sakura, Touko would be able to emotionally connect to the young girl she used to be, before all the puppet bodies and people she’s killed. Touko needs that connection because no matter what her knowledge of logic and philosophy tells her, she still can’t shake off the existential dread of feeling like she’s basically an object only carrying on the function of Touko Aozaki. Looking at Sakura makes her feel... human. It doesn’t matter if Touko can’t see herself through a mirror, she can look at Sakura and go “That was me”, if that makes any sense.
I’ve been trying to figure out if I want them to visit Misaki Town or not. The setting of 2000-2001 means there’s no events from kara No Kyoukai nor Fate/Stay Night to use, but there is Melty Blood. I’ve been thinking of using the Tatari’s power to make nightmares come alive to write a few horror chapters in the vein of Silent Hill (I ADORE how it does psychological horror), but also I’m questioning if I really want to go there and do that. While Silent Hill portrays the horrors of sexual abuse (the loneliness, the self-blame, the terror of seeing your own bed) better than 90% of anything, that’s not really something I want to do, but that’s where an encounter with the Night of Wallachia would go given Sakura’s backstory. 
I was seesawing between using Zouken (he doesn’t die that easily) or somehow getting Kirei and Gilgamesh involved to act as the main antagonists, but I decided against both. I know the one enemy Touko and the Hollow Shrine stand no chance of beating in a fight: Barthomeloi Lorelei. She’s eventually going to be the main antagonist, I plan to get her involved later on by having Touko recklessly rob the Clocktower for an artifact in an attempt to treat Sakura’s conditions (and thus make her lose face as the Clock Tower’s vice director) then have Zouken sell them out by using the worms still hiding inside Sakura to locate the Hollow Shrine, either that or get Shiki Tohno involved somehow since she hates his guts.
The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception present a really big writing problem where basically any monster threat I can throw in while waiting for the antagonists to arrive can be instantly solved by Shiki Ryougi. In fact, I’m still struggling to come up with a better reason for why Shiki doesn’t just destroy the grail fragments and worms inside Sakura other than the worms having changed Sakura’s physiology so thoroughly their death lines are too closely entwined with hers and Ryougi refuses to attempt to cut them out because of the risk.
I’m definitely doing the Shadow, but I need 1.) A power source that’s not the grail 2.) A reason to draw it out this early and a way to fight it back into dormancy since I currently can’t think of any other way to sever it from Sakura without Rule Breaker.
To differentiate it from Heaven’s Feel, I wanna take a different approach where the Shadow is something Sakura willingly indulges and indeed has full control over its powers. It’s gonna be vastly nerfed since no grail with infinite mana, but I think with a large enough mana source Sakura could massacre say, a bunch of Clock Tower Sealing Enforcers. 
Specifically, I want that choice to stem from a conversation Sakura has with Shiki. By this point, the Clock Tower is closing in and Sakura’s been conversing with the Shadow in her dreams, and though her better life in the hollow Shrine means she’s not in the same desperate situation she is in HF, she’s also willing to do whatever it takes to protect this new life she obtained through a miracle. So Sakura is going to ask Shiki “Shiki-san... have you ever killed before?” and Shiki would say yes. then Sakura asks “Would you kill again?” and Shiki solemnly answers “if I have to, yes.” which makes Sakura make up her mind that the Shadow would be something she needs to be able to use and control as a trump card.
As to what makes Sakura use it, I’m obviously going to kill Touko in front of her. I just need to have a strong excuse to have Sakura NOT know that dying is not that big of a problem for Touko. Currently, my idea is lifting from Fate/Stay Night and having Touko keep that a secret because adult mages can attempt to read Sakura’s mind, and Touko needs the surprise factor of her death immunity so that her enemies will try to kill her instead of imprisoning or sealing her.
My current outline is almost all rather dark plot points, but I tend to gravitate towards jokes and fluffy writing so I’m expecting the tone to lighten up a lot when I get around to actually writing them. It’s worked that way in the first few chapters.
Dealing with Sakura’s psyche is a little difficult since I have no idea how much of her anger and resentment should stay after she’s found this better life. I’m using Fujino as a reference, where there’s this simmering rage beneath Fujino, even as she speaks kindly and talks girls out of suicide. 
It’s especially difficult when I’m trying to flesh out her relationship with Rin. I know for sure I want Rin to be taken in by the Hollow Shrine only because Sakura wants her there, I want to use Sakura thinking of Rin as her hero in this fic, and how she’ll drag Rin back to the Hollow Shrine to reunite them. but I also want there to be that resentment. That anger. Rin would be someone who’s reluctant to give up on the ideals of a mage, and even more reluctant to give up the Tohsaka name and legacy, which Sakura would despise. I want there to be this torrent of conflicting feelings where Sakura thinks the world of her older sister who’s so beautiful and talented and perfect, and yet still feels resentment over Rin being kept by the family over her, and how Rin doesn’t really want to give up on being a Tohsaka. Meanwhile I’m putting Rin on the guilt trip train. It wasn’t her fault of course (remember in this fic Rin and Sakura are only 13 and 12 years old), mage culture is a bitch and she was just a child, but still. I want Rin to be just as conflicted, where she’s happy they’re back together (even if Sakura had to force it to happen) and massively guilty over what happened to her younger sister AND even more guilty that she knows the Tohsaka treated Sakura cruelly, but the Tohsaka ways are so deeply ingrained into her that she doesn’t want to give up such an enormous part of her identity. 
Rin and Sakura are going to fight a couple of times. Sometimes physically. But at the end of the day I still want a lot of positives to come from giving them a relationship again. I want their sibling relationship to be one of the core focuses of the fic, and specifically I want them to contrast Touko and Aoko’s relationship. Touko is not going to like Rin at first and is only having her onboard because it’s what Sakura wants, but also I kinda want to use Rin and Sakura as a way for Touko to see how things between her and Aoko might have been different.
Speaking of which, I really need a translation of Mahoyo to come out so I can do that last bullet point more effectively.
Currently most of the interactions Sakura’s had with the Hollow Shrine have been with Touko and mikiya, but I want her to have fleshed out relationships with the others too. Azaka could be her senpai in magecraft and she in turn would be the most protective of Sakura. Shiki would have Sakura babysit Mana a lot as she’s still in college and has to study (and Shiki would grow fond of her cooking), while Fujino would have the quietest and yet most comfortable relationship with Sakura. 
I’m doing this thing where Sakura’s fine control over her magical energy isn’t very good because of her altered circuits, so I’m making that the main motivation for how she discovers and wants to train in archery (she was vice-captain and then captain of the archery club in FSN and FHA after all), she loves the feeling of control and precision, of firing an arrow and knowing it will hit bullseye before it lands, as opposed to having to constantly struggle to keep a spell active or it crumbles before it finishes its process.
I’m still keeping the story of Rin and Sakura meeting Shirou by chucking him into a river, just need to figure out how to organically insert it back into the plot. it’s too funny to let go.
I don’t know if I want to do Taiga and Shiki as rival yakuza, but it’s definitely something I’m considering. it’s just too fun. I want to make something like how Taiga’s nickname of “Tiger of Fuyuki” is actually a serious yakuza nickname for her (that her students then caught on without context), so her rival Shiki becomes the “Dragon of Mifune”
Thanks to Case Files I know mages having deadly car chases actually isn’t all that uncommon which opens up a ton of new avenues for how I could get Sakura to be in a car with Touko in a car chase. i’d have Sakura follow Touko’s instructions and overturn the cars chasing them. Sakura’s worried and asks if they’re hurt, and Touko goes “Don’t worry, they’re Clock Tower mages, they’ll be fine.” and then one of the overturned cars explodes and when Sakura turns to look Touko gently points sakura’s face forward and says “Eyes on the road,” Later that night, the news reveals no one was killed. Somehow.
I want to do the Jewel Sword of Zelretch but I don’t know how just yet.
 I’m going to poke a lot of fun at the fact that Touko says she has no issues but one of her main puppets that she battles with is literally modeled to look like Aoko. I might even have Touko talk to the puppet once in a while when she’s bored.
Still debating on when exactly Sakura is going to start calling Touko “Mom” and what she would have to do to earn that. Also, do we know when Aoi Tohsaka died? I can’t recall a specific year and I’m trying to get all the dates straight.  
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tinsley-goldsworth · 4 years
summary: francesca watches ricky and tinsley’s relationship develop as the clock ticks by (week 22 of my 30 weeks of prompts challenge: clocks) 
(read on ao3!) 
wc: 1558
Francesca Norris has known Ricky Goldsworth for a very long time. She knew him when they were both innocent children who were too young to understand the horrors of the world. They both enjoyed going to elementary school together, and, when asked about their parents, they both always answered with the same “they work in business” phrase because, in reality, their parents’ jobs were very complicated.
Ricky’s mother Lucy Goldsworth was a famous criminal who was infamous for her reasonable rates and efficiency. When someone needed something illegal to be done, Lucy was always the person people went to. Her husband, Ricky Goldsworth’s dad, was a mobster that he worked with Lucy but ending up running off, hence Ricky’s daddy issues. On the other hand, Francesca’s mother was an infamous spy who was well known for her problems with authority and Francesca’s father was a journalist who was not observative at all.
Francesca’s mother met Lucy on a mission once and they both became fast friends, bonding over their shared hate of government officials. Ricky and Francesca became friends because they saw each other so often when their mothers met up to discuss how dumb politicians were. 
There was no surprise that both mothers were killed during missions and that left a very important decision for Ricky and Francesca. They had to decide whether they wanted to pursue a different path from their parents or take over their jobs. To this day, Francesca still has no idea whether Ricky influenced her or she influenced him, but somewhere along the line, they both agreed to follow in their mothers’ footsteps, becoming “bad people”, instead of ending what their mothers had started.
Ricky has always been cold, even before he started killing people for cash. His cold behavior makes it clear he always destined to take on his mother’s job. Even as a child, he had little remorse to show for other children who were in his way and while he didn’t exactly deal with them by stabbing them, Ricky was still shoved them out of his way with the aggression he would use to stab somebody. Francesca, on the other hand, was responsible for talking the teacher out of punishing Ricky, which is how she realized that she had a hidden power of sweet-talking and persuasion. 
Unsurprisingly, as Ricky spent more time doing his job, he grew more apathetic and whatever little sympathy he had in his heart seemed to have shriveled up and died. Francesca knew that his job required him to practically be drained of any emotion but she was alarmed by the fact that Ricky somehow grew colder as he grew more powerful. 
However, Francesca’s alarm disappeared the day that Ricky stopped by her house for their weekly weekend conversation about life updates and such, since the two still remained best friends even after their new jobs dominated their lives. Francesca was adjusting the position of her clock on the wall (the time read 9:14 at night) when she heard a knock on the door. 
The moment Ricky opened the door, Francesca knew that something was up with him. Her instinctive habits of reading people kicked in and she began noting all the signs, connecting them as she went along. Ricky’s top button was unbuttoned and he never left his top unbuttoned unless he was trying to impress somebody, which he didn’t really need to do in order to attract business since he was pretty well known in the criminal world already. So, this meant that he left his top button unbuttoned for somebody who he was not working with, possibly as a means to express subtle romantic interest.
Before Francesca could scrutinize any further details, Ricky made the connections for her when he took off his blazer and excitedly exclaimed, “You won’t believe what happened today! I met the dumbest, but also cutest, detective today when I was working on an assignment somebody gave to me and apparently, somebody else tipped the authorities off about the assignment so C.C. Tinsley was there and he was definitely not the detective to send because first of all, those long legs are totally wasted if he’s just standing around solving cases all the time and second of all, he got really distracted by my flirting and I managed to slip away with the goods before he could notice. He was really cute though, I’m thinking about seeing him again.”
Ricky paused his rambling to catch his breath and Francesca was shocked into utter silence. She hadn’t heard Ricky talk about anybody so passionately ever in their countless years spent together and she seemed to be unable to process the notion that Ricky Goldsworth wasn’t completely emotionless. Maybe Ricky had finally lost his mind after years of trauma from the horrors he witnessed during his assignments; that would be a more reasonable explanation than the suggestion that Ricky might be catching romantic feelings for somebody. 
“I’m going to take your silence as support. I’m going to see him again, and hopefully ask him out, and maybe this can go somewhere,” Ricky concluded before he took out Francesca’s knife-sharpening tools from her cabinet. Normally, Francesca would’ve teasingly rolled her eyes since he always used her knife-sharpening tools, even though he had a perfectly functioning set at home. Instead, she was still so shocked that she just watched Ricky sharpen knives as he hummed happily to himself.
The next time Ricky spoke about C.C.Tinsley, Francesca was just about to go to sleep. It was 1:32 am and frankly, Francesca was more than ready to go to sleep after a long day of staying in disguise for her latest mission. She just finished removing her wig when she received an incoming call from Ricky. Usually, Ricky preferred to stop by to chat so this meant that Ricky either had something urgent to say or something extremely quick. 
Nevertheless, Francesca picked up just in case the case was the former and, just her luck, the case was the latter. Before Francesca could even ask Ricky why he was calling her, Ricky began rambling about C.C. Tinsley.
“Guess what? I talked to him again and convinced him to go out on a date with me! It’s going to be great. But I mean, I obviously maintained my cool and stayed calm but I’m really excited! I know you’re probably planning to sleep right now so sorry for calling you but I just wanted to give you an update! Good night!”
Francesca was very certain that Ricky was either possessed, had too much sugar, or was truly infatuated with this detective for him to sound so energetic at 1:32 in the early morning.
That was not the only instance where Ricky contacted Francesca in the dead of night (or extremely early in the morning). At 3:25 am on a Wednesday night, Francesca woke up since her mission started at 5:30 and she needed two hours in order to get into her disguise. She received a chain of text messages from Ricky about C.C. yet again. This time, it was about how C.C. agreed to finally move up to boyfriend status.
As Francesca put her lipstick on, she read the enthusiastic texts that were all punctuated with several exclamations marks and random keyboard smashes to express the feeling of being overwhelmed with emotions. She was glad that Ricky hadn’t started using emojis to unironically express himself because that would be the most concerning action out of all the actions he did so far. Francesca replies with a few words of encouragement and then told Ricky to sleep and save his love for later.
There were so many more instances where Ricky talked to Francesca about his boyfriend. He invited her to his housewarming party when he and C.C. moved in together at 12:34 am on a Sunday night (technically Monday morning). He also sent her photos from his first vacation with C.C. in some secluded place in the middle of nowhere that had breathtaking views at 7:45 on a Tuesday evening. 
The most memorable one was the most recent one, which was exactly at 2:45 in the early morning when Francesca received a call from Ricky. She predicted that it would be about Tinsley and she picked up, half-awake. “Hey Ricky, what’s up?”
“Fran, I’m getting married! I just proposed to Tinsley and he said yes. Would you like to be my best man? Well, I mean, technically you’d be my best woman and it goes against tradition but screw tradition.”
“Are you kidding me? I’d love to!” Francesca practically squealed, standing up as joy coursed through her veins. “I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!”
This is what led to Francesca standing at the altar, giving a speech about the specific times that Ricky talked about his fiancé and how the clock seemed to play an important role in the evolution of their relationship. She finished her speech and Ricky and C.C. finally got married after years of being in love at exactly 6:19 in the evening on a Sunday. Their relationship was the definition of clockwork and Francesca felt a little emotional at the thought of her being able to see how they decide to write their future.
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storyunrelated · 4 years
Candidate for Completion - Run For It!
Run For It!
After all, the next best thing after actually being able to stand outside in the glorious sunshine is being able to gaze longingly out of the window at someone else who is. Yes? 
Up! Up! Always up! Never slowing for an instant!
Up! Up! Always up! Never again to befoul our eyes with the sight of what we left behind us!
Yesterday is dust! Tomorrow, the heavens!
Always up!
It is the future. Things are better now than they were because it is the future and in the future things are better.
There is a city. There may be other cities but they do not matter.
In this city life is perfect. All is provided. The city is vast. All anyone might ever want or need is held within. Without? Unimportant. The walls protect those who live in the city from the dangerous world beyond, keeping at bay the storms, the blizzards and those disgusting people who live just outside.
In the city there is an event. It is called the Run. It is meant to happen annually but the list of those who put into the Run (known as ‘Entrants’ while participating, ‘Participents’ once they’ve died and ‘The Winner’ if they’re the winner) is put together by a machine no-one understands, so it happens somewhat randomly.
The list of Entrants is thousands long.
The Run is a series of events wherein which the list of Entrants is whittled down. These events take many forms. All are lethal. All are recorded, broadcast and viewed. Events continue until there is a winner. Then the Run stops.
Then everyone forgets about it and moves onto whatever they can find to entertain them next.
And then it happens again.
And so it was.
We mean well, we’re just not heavily invested in the results. That’s all.
Originally, in my old version of this before it became longer, all of the characters were deliberately nameless. In this longer version this is not the case, and the idea is for the story - such as it is, being made up of lots of little bits - to be full of characters with odd, random names who are developed enough so that when they die (and they WILL die) it matters just that little bit more. And so it was.
In this the only two that really stick out for me in my mind are an old married couple who inexplicably make it right through all the way to the end and a grandfather and granddaughter who both got entered together, the grandfather making it his mission to ensure his granddaughter gets through alive.
Just so he can fail, obviously.
“And here’s one of the Entrants now! So, you’re one event in - how are you feeling?”
The Entrant - a young woman - was wide-eyed, rocking backwards and forwards while staring at nothing, trembling like a leaf. She still had a little dried blood on her face that the hoses hadn’t managed to get off, but it didn’t look like it belonged to her, so it was probably fine.
“I have to go home,” the Entrant muttered, not having heard the question at all. “I have to go home I have to go home. If I win I can go home. If I win I can go home. I just have to win. I win I can go home. And so it was and so it was and so it was and so it was and so it was and so-”
She trailed off, but they’d heard enough.
Always good to see such enthusiasm and positivity at so early a stage.
So where exactly is this story supposed to go?
It actually does - in my head at least - have a beginning, a middle and an end. The beginning consists of some fairly slower bits that exist to convey the mood and function of the world, show the Run being setup, show some of the characters getting puled int.
The middle consists of the events, at which point the bodycount really kicks in.
The end consists of none of it having mattered at all. And so it was.
Bits and pieces of it are done (as evidenced by these quotes) it’s just a case of doing enough to give it structure, seeing what holes remain and then filling those up. Then standing back to, uh, admire the results?
“You’re a person until it no longer benefits us to consider you as such, at which point you are a problem. Problems are solved, at which point they are forgotten about. At which point we are all much happier.” 
Run For It! exists primarily as a vehicle for me to meditate on and articulate my disgust and contempt for the human race.
In it, people are at best a very basic level of benign and what benevolence does exist is completely smothered by a world run by the greedy on a foundation of the indolent. Most people are lazy, and most others exploit this laziness because exploiting it is easy and rewarding.
The suffering of those Entrants involved in the Run - the Entrants people are watching die - is not especially moving, not unless they’re someone personally connected to the viewer, at which point is becomes important. Otherwise it is not important. No-one cares anyway.
All problems are someone else’s problems and, besides, this is the future so, hey, all those nasty problems are in the past anyway. Things are perfect now and things are the way they are because they are the way they are because they are the way they are. Nothing should change, nothing can change.
The Run doesn’t happen for a reason. It’s not a show put on by the Powers That Be to keep the population distracted from their flagrant corruption - the population are aware of it and are also aware that it’s just the way things are.
The Run doesn’t happen to keep the population cowed or scared - the population doesn’t really care what happens to it, or at least doesn’t care as long as it isn’t happening to them directly.
The Run isn’t some futuristic attempt at poulation control or anything like that. The city continues to rapaciously consume what remains of the planet much like it always has. It doesn’t care.
The Run happens because the Run happens because the Run happens. One time they tried to stop it and people got upset. Because if the Run didn’t happen then it didn’t happen, and that can’t happen because the Run happens.
And so it was.
Willard did his best to try and disengage and open up his harness, to get out, but his harness had not been designed to do this, and so Willard got and went nowhere. That his efforts became increasingly frantic the closer the flames crept did not help him.
“Let me out,” he said to himself, fingers trying to twist a catch that had been welded shut, fingers cutting themselves when the catch abjectly refused to budge. “Let me out let me out letmeoutletmeoutletmeOUTLETMEOUT!”
I’m not the best judge of these sorts of things but even by my standards I kind of get the feeling that Run For It! isn’t exactly a story to fill people with sunshine and enthusiasm.
Given that the story includes:
 - Cannibalism.  - Weeping teenagers having to hack the heads off their significant others with machetes.  - An ad-emblazoned robot breaking every bone in someone’s body because they asked if they could go to the toilet.  - A man being unable to escape from a burning car because the safety harness is welded shut.  - People being shot in the face.  - Viewers gaining sexual gratification from watching the suffering of strangers.  - A machine that calculates how long the dying will take to die in a hospital so they can be thrown into the gutter and the family charged for whatever time they would have taken up otherwise.  - A man using a very expensive drone to fire very expensive missiles at people who have done nothing wrong and feeling a delicious thrill as he watches them get blown to bits.  - A lot of crying.  - People wetting themselves in terror/because they’re so engrossed by watching strangers suffer they forget to go to the toilet and end up just licking the screen and sitting in their own sodden underpants.  - A man mastubrating while being watched by the corpses of people he just had shot but finding it doesn’t make him as happy as it normally does.
I’m struggling to think of who the audience might be.
Other than, you know, me.
So this one is kind of a pet project more than anything else, really. Oh well.
And so it was.
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himeshhasan · 4 years
Leptitox Review
Leptitox reviews: How it helps you lose weight and is it worth it?
Losing weight is essential, and not just because you’d want to fit in those jeans. As much as we support losing weight for fashion or beauty choices, we also want you to consider losing weight as a part of weight management to manage your health and wellness.
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There is no doubt that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes; however, obesity is a dangerous disease that can lead to serious health consequences later on. Being overweight puts you in jeopardy of health conditions and surges your chances of getting a heart attack at a young age. It is also the cause of high blood pressure, and in some cases, it can even cause cancer.
Being obese has its challenges. There is a reason why you feel tired all the time. Having unnecessary weight on your body is causing you to feel worn-out when you even walk for 5 minutes. Even the small act of picking up a pen from the floor makes you feel like you deserve a vacation for doing the deed. If you work for longer hours, the chances are that you go home way more tired and drained out than your co-workers, and the reason is none other than your obesity.
You don’t even need to lose a hundred pounds, just getting your weight fit according to your weight and height can improve your overall health and give you much more energy and vitality to enjoy the events of everyday life. Not only that, weight loss can enable you to witness an improved lifestyle and provide you with greater confidence, promote better sleep and help you be a part of vigorous social life.
I get it, you don’t have the patience to go to the gym every day, but want to lose weight. But none of this is possible if you don’t have the right products to aid in your journey of weight loss.
I have had the chance of trying out one of the most popular supplements that claim to help you reduce weight, really fast, known has Leptitox. Here’s my honest Leptitox reviews after trying it out personally.So without further ado, let’s dive in.
What exactly is Leptitox?
Leptitox is a dietary supplement that helps you lose weight by decreasing leptin resistance inside your body. It also converses the natural baseline of your body and resets the hypothalamus. As a result, your body can control the fat and cut through any unnecessary fat that is causing health problems. It works on your body to provide a herbal solution and create a strong barrier between preventable fat and your body.
It is an entirely herbal product that includes more than 22 nutrients to provide you with power and energy throughout the day. It delivers the right aid and making your weight loss journey more comfortable and pain-free. If you’re thinking of it as a magic pill, then be assured that it is not. It is merely a nutritional supplement that breaks your enzymes and provides the right nutrients for your body to start working correctly to drop extra weight and makes sure that your body mass is precisely according to your height.
Morgan Hurst the creator of Leptitox dietary supplement
Highly skilled doctors developed Leptitox under the supervision of Morgan Hurst. If you don’t know who Morgan Hurst is, trust me you’re missing out on a lot.
Morgan Hurst is as crazy about herbal medicine as I am about food. He works in the field of natural medicine and naturopathy. He believes that diseases can be easily fixed without putting harmful chemicals and drugs in the name of medicine inside your body. Morgan also assumes that your body is a temple, and only products that are provided to you by nature itself should be used to fix any problems or ailments that may arise.
Naturopathy has been gaining a lot of popularity in the world, and if you’re wondering if it is a real thing. Let me solve that dilemma for you.
Yes, it is a real thing, and people can even get certified as the doctor of naturopathy by taking a 4-year course program like any other doctorate. However, Morgan Hurst has received a degree in it. Yet he knows more than enough, thanks to his enthusiasm and his natural pursuits and many successful experiments.
It all started for him when his wife started gaining excessive weight. It was becoming more and more difficult for her to perform daily tasks without any external help. Naturally, it occurred to him to find a solution for this ailment as well. He started researching weight loss and realized that not all bodies could burn their fat by merely running on a treadmill. Some of them require external help from herbs and pills that would provide relief to the body without putting much exertion over it.
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After all, you only get one body. You need to make sure that you treat it right.
He contacted industry experts and collaborated with them to develop a formula that has proved to be unstoppable against any stubborn fat that refuses to leave your body. With his method, he has left behind even the Keto, low carb and no sugar diets. As a result, more and more people are now inclined to try out this formula and benefit from it.
The result: Slimmer, more physically fit individuals who feel confident in their body and physique and feel like Leptitox has completely altered the course of their life for good.
Who is Leptitox Nutrition for?
Leptitox is for people who are looking to upgrade their health and lifestyle choices by making positive reinforcements in their life. It is for anyone who has a hanging belly and thick arms. Leptitox is for you and me.
It is for everyone over the ages of 18 who is not pregnant. Men and female, both can use this as long as they are using it in the right quantity and not overdosing on it. The best age to apply is 20 to 38 years old. After the age of 40, it takes some time for your enzymes to break down. However, even though the start of your weight loss journey will seem to be slow, you will be successful in losing weight and becoming slim like that person in the magazine.
 How does Leptitox help you lose weight?
 Your body has a natural system of digesting the food that is fed to it. Your stomach is the bank of all food that stores and provides you with a place to grind the food before it gets digested. Now, your stomach contains powerful acids and enzymes that aid in the process of breaking down food particles and sending the energy to all of your body’s required places such as eyes, ears, head, legs, hands, etc. But before the heat is transferred, food is transferred to the small intestine which then breaks down the food completely using the pancreas and bile.
Bile helps in digestion of fat and breaks it down while eliminating any waste materials. In some people, however, the process is a little different. Metabolism is slower, and the food is not broken down properly, which leads it to create fat in parts of the body. Instead of becoming waste, it becomes a part of the body and makes a home there.
Leptitox dietary supplement attacks all the fatty acids in your body and breaks them down to provide you with the energy that these food particles were supposed to give you. It merely detoxes your body of all the toxic, unhealthy food material that your body was unable to break down on time. It provides thorough internal body detoxification while gaining you the power to take more control over your body and dietary habits. As a result, you are burning any outsized fat deposits that have made a comfortable home inside your body and have accumulated there to make you obese and overweight.
Another way of saying it, your body can only lose weight when the fat is burned and broken down, after which it gets dissolved in the acids and is digested for good.
It gets that outcome when you run or perform cardio to improve your metabolism. However, what Leptitox does it that it provides the same effect, but without you having to run. It breaks down enzymes and burns down fat inside your body, slowly and steadily to make your body seem like you’re running when in actual you were just lucky enough to find a product that does it all for you.
Is Leptitox safe?
There is no doubt that excessive weight gain is extremely unhealthy. But is you think about it, diets are unhealthier. Your body requires proper nutrients and the right amount of carbohydrates, fibers, and fats to working correctly. Diets such as Keto, Atkin, raw food or no sugar plan disrupt the natural cycle of the body, which ends up backfiring when you leave the diet plan for a month or two.
For these diets to work correctly, you need to continue it for the rest of your life since your body becomes constant of the new food, and if you leave it, it gets disturbed.
Leptitox is a more sensible choice, considering that you are not cutting out on vital nutrients but choosing a healthier supplement that improves your metabolism without pushing your body to the extreme. It keeps a balance between all kinds of diets and normalizes the body mass index according to your age and height. The supplement will not unsettle your body’s mechanisms, instead of improving the process and help you lose weight without making you feel hungry all the time.
It includes the following ingredients:
Barberry is a medicinal herb that has plentiful health benefits. It aids in discharging toxins from your body and cleanses the liver, gallbladder and improves your digestive system. It helps you improve your cholesterol level. Additionally, it also fights bacteria and viruses and provides the right energy and nutrients to you so that you don’t feel feeble and frail. Instead, you feel a sudden burst of energy.
Brassica limits the calories by providing more energy but lesser fat. Thanks to brassica, you don’t feel hungry but your body has the right energy to function properly throughout the day without making you feel tired or drained out. It provides super-quick and easy weight loss.
Taraxacum Leaves
We have all heard about water weight and how it adds weight to the body that is impossible to remove without proper sweat through running and exercise. Taraxacum leaves are a solution to that problem since it increases urine output and motivates your body to excrete the unnecessary water weight through waste materials. It is a completely natural way to lose weight without having any side effects.
Chanca Piedra
For digestion to work properly, it is important that your body produces the right amount of bile. Chanca Piedra is a natural herb that stimulates the creation of bile inside your body so that your body produces the right acids and promotes the healthy functioning of organs that are responsible for improving metabolism.
Grape Seed
Grapeseed is a very important ingredient if you want to lose weight, simply because it postpones the absorption of your food. As a result, you feel less hungry and feel less food without going crazy. Your body simply uses previous food and as a result, it is melted down from the extra fat inside your body.
Jujube is known for its anti-oxidant properties. It completely purifies the endocrine disrupter inside your body. It is very high in fiber, but low in calorie count to provide the right nutrients and boosts your immunity system.
Burdock root
Burdock root kills germs and eliminates harmful toxins from the body. it also burns down unnecessary fat, which is then wasted in the form of urine.
Apium Graveoleons Seed
Apium Graveoleons Seeds provide you with the right vitality and drive to control your appetite and improve your overall health. It even eliminates toxins that are built in your body from the artificial food that we consume, such as low-quality chips and carbonated drinks.
Pros and Cons
Before you dive in to purchase the product, you need to know if it is even the right option for you. I need you to carefully evaluate the pros and cons and then decide for yourself if spending money on it is the right choice for you. This Leptitox review is all about making sure that you make the right choice, so here are a few pros and cons that might make it easier for you to make your decision.
Leptitox helps reduce weight
We all require help sometimes, and there is no harm in admitting it. Leptitox provides you the aid that you require in losing weight and getting a slim body. It naturally balances Leptin levels.
The ingredients used are completely natural
All the ingredients used in the production of the Leptitox dietary supplement are 100% herbal and natural and can be consumed safely.
The price is extremely reasonable
The price for Leptitox is incredibly low, which gives everyone more motives to at least give it a try and see results for yourself.
There are no reverse effects
Once you get the desired shape and weight, you can quit using the supplement. Your weight will remain the way it is and won’t rebound.
Provides 60-day Money Back Guarantee
It comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee so you can be assured that your money is never wasted.
The only con that I’ve seen in this product is that it is not advisable for people under 18 years of age to use it. But if you think about it, you can immediately start using it as soon as you hit 18.
To sum it all up, Leptitox has worked for a lot of my friends in bringing down our weight on the scale and slimming us up in no time and me. It is an entirely herbal dietary supplement, so you can be assured that you are not disrupting your body’s natural process by adding harmful drugs to it or consuming any chemicals. Instead, you are providing help to your body in performing better by aiding indigestion.
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It is an incredibly safe and healthy product, and the results are way quicker than any other supplement out there. It is pretty economical, and also offers a straight-up 60-day money-back guarantee if the product doesn’t deliver what it has promised. I’d strongly recommend this product to anyone who wants to lose weight in a healthy manner but in less amount of time.
The best part: you don’t even have to perform cardio while you’re at it. Leptitox takes care of everything.
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joannajoys · 4 years
Lepidox - Reduces Needless Cholesterol
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Losing weight is essential, and not just because you’d want to fit in those jeans. As much as we support losing weight for fashion or beauty choices, we also want you to consider losing weight as a part of weight management to manage your health and wellness.
There is no doubt that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes; however, obesity is a dangerous disease that can lead to serious health consequences later on. Being overweight puts you in jeopardy of health conditions and surges your chances of getting a heart attack at a young age. It is also the cause of high blood pressure, and in some cases, it can even cause cancer.
Being obese has its challenges. There is a reason why you feel tired all the time. Having unnecessary weight on your body is causing you to feel worn-out when you even walk for 5 minutes. Even the small act of picking up a pen from the floor makes you feel like you deserve a vacation for doing the deed. If you work for longer hours, the chances are that you go home way more tired and drained out than your co-workers, and the reason is none other than your obesity.
You don’t even need to lose a hundred pounds, just getting your weight fit according to your weight and height can improve your overall health and give you much more energy and vitality to enjoy the events of everyday life. Not only that, weight loss can enable you to witness an improved lifestyle and provide you with greater confidence, promote better sleep and help you be a part of vigorous social life.
I get it, you don’t have the patience to go to the gym every day, but want to lose weight. But none of this is possible if you don’t have the right products to aid in your journey of weight loss.
I have had the chance of trying out one of the most popular supplements that claim to help you reduce weight, really fast, known has Leptitox. Here’s my honest Leptitox reviews after trying it out personally.
What exactly is Leptitox?
Leptitox is a dietary supplement that helps you lose weight by decreasing leptin resistance inside your body. It also converses the natural baseline of your body and resets the hypothalamus. As a result, your body can control the fat and cut through any unnecessary fat that is causing health problems. It works on your body to provide a herbal solution and create a strong barrier between preventable fat and your body.
It is an entirely herbal product that includes more than 22 nutrients to provide you with power and energy throughout the day. It delivers the right aid and making your weight loss journey more comfortable and pain-free. If you’re thinking of it as a magic pill, then be assured that it is not. It is merely a nutritional supplement that breaks your enzymes and provides the right nutrients for your body to start working correctly to drop extra weight and makes sure that your body mass is precisely according to your height.
Morgan Hurst the creator of Leptitox Dietary Supplement
Highly skilled doctors developed Leptitox under the supervision of Morgan Hurst. If you don’t know who Morgan Hurst is, trust me you’re missing out on a lot.
Morgan Hurst is as crazy about herbal medicine as I am about food. He works in the field of natural medicine and naturopathy. He believes that diseases can be easily fixed without putting harmful chemicals and drugs in the name of medicine inside your body. Morgan also assumes that your body is a temple, and only products that are provided to you by nature itself should be used to fix any problems or ailments that may arise. Naturopathy has been gaining a lot of popularity in the world, and if you’re wondering if it is a real thing. Let me solve that dilemma for you.
Yes, it is a real thing, and people can even get certified as the doctor of naturopathy by taking a 4-year course program like any other doctorate. However, Morgan Hurst has received a degree in it. Yet he knows more than enough, thanks to his enthusiasm and his natural pursuits and many successful experiments.
It all started for him when his wife started gaining excessive weight. It was becoming more and more difficult for her to perform daily tasks without any external help. Naturally, it occurred to him to find a solution for this ailment as well. He started researching weight loss and realized that not all bodies could burn their fat by merely running on a treadmill. Some of them require external help from herbs and pills that would provide relief to the body without putting much exertion over it.
After all, you only get one body. You need to make sure that you treat it right.
He contacted industry experts and collaborated with them to develop a formula that has proved to be unstoppable against any stubborn fat that refuses to leave your body. With his method, he has left behind even the Keto, low carb and no sugar diets. As a result, more and more people are now inclined to try out this formula and benefit from it.
The result: Slimmer, more physically fit individuals who feel confident in their body and physique and feel like Leptitox has completely altered the course of their life for good.
Who is Leptitox Nutrition for?
Leptitox is for people who are looking to upgrade their health and lifestyle choices by making positive reinforcements in their life. It is for anyone who has a hanging belly and thick arms. Leptitox is for you and me.
It is for everyone over the ages of 18 who is not pregnant. Men and female, both can use this as long as they are using it in the right quantity and not overdosing on it. The best age to apply is 20 to 38 years old. After the age of 40, it takes some time for your enzymes to break down. However, even though the start of your weight loss journey will seem to be slow, you will be successful in losing weight and becoming slim like that person in the magazine.
 How does Leptitox help you lose weight?
Your body has a natural system of digesting the food that is fed to it. Your stomach is the bank of all food that stores and provides you with a place to grind the food before it gets digested. Now, your stomach contains powerful acids and enzymes that aid in the process of breaking down food particles and sending the energy to all of your body’s required places such as eyes, ears, head, legs, hands, etc. But before the heat is transferred, food is transferred to the small intestine which then breaks down the food completely using the pancreas and bile.
Bile helps in digestion of fat and breaks it down while eliminating any waste materials. In some people, however, the process is a little different. Metabolism is slower, and the food is not broken down properly, which leads it to create fat in parts of the body. Instead of becoming waste, it becomes a part of the body and makes a home there.
Leptitox dietary supplement attacks all the fatty acids in your body and breaks them down to provide you with the energy that these food particles were supposed to give you. It merely detoxes your body of all the toxic, unhealthy food material that your body was unable to break down on time. It provides thorough internal body detoxification while gaining you the power to take more control over your body and dietary habits. As a result, you are burning any outsized fat deposits that have made a comfortable home inside your body and have accumulated there to make you obese and overweight.
Another way of saying it, your body can only lose weight when the fat is burned and broken down, after which it gets dissolved in the acids and is digested for good.
It gets that outcome when you run or perform cardio to improve your metabolism. However, what Leptitox does it that it provides the same effect, but without you having to run. It breaks down enzymes and burns down fat inside your body, slowly and steadily to make your body seem like you’re running when in actual you were just lucky enough to find a product that does it all for you.
Is Leptitox safe?
There is no doubt that excessive weight gain is extremely unhealthy. But is you think about it, diets are unhealthier. Your body requires proper nutrients and the right amount of carbohydrates, fibers, and fats to working correctly. Diets such as Keto, Atkin, raw food or no sugar plan disrupt the natural cycle of the body, which ends up backfiring when you leave the diet plan for a month or two.
For these diets to work correctly, you need to continue it for the rest of your life since your body becomes constant of the new food, and if you leave it, it gets disturbed.
Leptitox is a more sensible choice, considering that you are not cutting out on vital nutrients but choosing a healthier supplement that improves your metabolism without pushing your body to the extreme. It keeps a balance between all kinds of diets and normalizes the body mass index according to your age and height. The supplement will not unsettle your body’s mechanisms, instead of improving the process and help you lose weight without making you feel hungry all the time.
It includes the following ingredients:
Barberry is a medicinal herb that has plentiful health benefits. It aids in discharging toxins from your body and cleanses the liver, gallbladder and improves your digestive system. It helps you improve your cholesterol level. Additionally, it also fights bacteria and viruses and provides the right energy and nutrients to you so that you don’t feel feeble and frail. Instead, you feel a sudden burst of energy.
Brassica limits the calories by providing more energy but lesser fat. Thanks to brassica, you don’t feel hungry but your body has the right energy to function properly throughout the day without making you feel tired or drained out. It provides super-quick and easy weight loss.
Taraxacum Leaves
We have all heard about water weight and how it adds weight to the body that is impossible to remove without proper sweat through running and exercise. Taraxacum leaves are a solution to that problem since it increases urine output and motivates your body to excrete the unnecessary water weight through waste materials. It is a completely natural way to lose weight without having any side effects.
Chanca Piedra
For digestion to work properly, it is important that your body produces the right amount of bile. Chanca Piedra is a natural herb that stimulates the creation of bile inside your body so that your body produces the right acids and promotes the healthy functioning of organs that are responsible for improving metabolism.
Grape Seed
Grapeseed is a very important ingredient if you want to lose weight, simply because it postpones the absorption of your food. As a result, you feel less hungry and feel less food without going crazy. Your body simply uses previous food and as a result, it is melted down from the extra fat inside your body.
Jujube is known for its anti-oxidant properties. It completely purifies the endocrine disrupter inside your body. It is very high in fiber, but low in calorie count to provide the right nutrients and boosts your immunity system.
Burdock root
Burdock root kills germs and eliminates harmful toxins from the body. it also burns down unnecessary fat, which is then wasted in the form of urine.
Apium Graveoleons Seed
Apium Graveoleons Seeds provide you with the right vitality and drive to control your appetite and improve your overall health. It even eliminates toxins that are built in your body from the artificial food that we consume, such as low-quality chips and carbonated drinks.
Pros and Cons
Before you dive in to purchase the product, you need to know if it is even the right option for you. I need you to carefully evaluate the pros and cons and then decide for yourself if spending money on it is the right choice for you. This Leptitox review is all about making sure that you make the right choice, so here are a few pros and cons that might make it easier for you to make your decision.
Leptitox helps reduce weight
We all require help sometimes, and there is no harm in admitting it. Leptitox provides you the aid that you require in losing weight and getting a slim body. It naturally balances Leptin levels.
The ingredients used are completely natural
All the ingredients used in the production of the Leptitox dietary supplement are 100% herbal and natural and can be consumed safely.
The price is extremely reasonable
The price for Leptitox is incredibly low, which gives everyone more motives to at least give it a try and see results for yourself.
There are no reverse effects
Once you get the desired shape and weight, you can quit using the supplement. Your weight will remain the way it is and won’t rebound.
Provides 60-day Money Back Guarantee
It comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee so you can be assured that your money is never wasted.
The only con that I’ve seen in this product is that it is not advisable for people under 18 years of age to use it. But if you think about it, you can immediately start using it as soon as you hit 18.
To sum it all up, Leptitox has worked for a lot of my friends in bringing down our weight on the scale and slimming us up in no time and me. It is an entirely herbal dietary supplement, so you can be assured that you are not disrupting your body’s natural process by adding harmful drugs to it or consuming any chemicals. Instead, you are providing help to your body in performing better by aiding indigestion.
It is an incredibly safe and healthy product, and the results are way quicker than any other supplement out there. It is pretty economical, and also offers a straight-up 60-day money-back guarantee if the product doesn’t deliver what it has promised. I’d strongly recommend this product to anyone who wants to lose weight in a healthy manner but in less amount of time.
The best part: you don’t even have to perform cardio while you’re at it. Leptitox takes care of everything.
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futuristicdenial · 4 years
For typing
I’m mainly stuck between ENTP and INFJ, though I’ve not shut the door on other types; why will soon become clear. For general context, I’m 24 years of age, female, currently in between research jobs (mathematics), living alone. I have been diagnosed with depression (high-functioning).
When I am functioning properly, the world seems filled with potential, and I experience that potential as inherent to it - there is a touch of mind projection there, but also just the sense that openness is integral to reality. Whether or not it is true at the base level, I feel fulfilled when dealing with an open-ended mental world (taking the world as branching, as a series of if this then that sequences where each “if” is indeed possible rather than simply a heuristic). Being able to adapt to a changing reality (and having a changing reality) is very important to me, and I derive a lot of my identity from adaptive and generative capacity. My sense of optimism is far more linked to flexibility than anything else - and I’m terrified of becoming comfortable with a single view of the world. My concept of relationships rests very much on joint creation, on the feeling of mutual contribution to an expanding vision - and just the sharing of ideas in general, the joy of pure thought, and at times, of troubleshooting. Much of the feedback I receive is feedback on being unpredictable, ever-changing, disconnected from material reality, generative but ineffectual. For context/situating me in my life, I decided to study mathematics with a focus on logic and category theory; as such, I set out to get a bachelor’s degree. I found it stifling, slow, computational, and was made far too miserable by its structure - so I dropped out, studied the relevant material on my own, and found a way to get around the red tape a year later, going straight for a master’s. Socially I tend to find alternate paths for people, I my way of contributing to their well-being is frequently linked to allowing them a wider view of what may yet be, and helping them detect the assumptions that limited their sight. I can be at a loss when there’s no sense of motion in someone’s life, I’m not sure what they need when there’s no trap, no problem, and no developmental challenges.
I’m terrified of repetition, of a crystalized self-image, of material comfort as a main motivation. When I’m truly not myself, I become a hypochondriac, I feel constantly physically threatened, I dwell on past ideas or events, I create a doomsday view of the future, I become embroiled in feelings of inevitability and become unable to think. I mentally hoard, I zoom in one one problem, feeling it is the problem to end all problems (and usually one that is horrible to think about) I feel I can do nothing else until I’ve solved it, and my view feel so narrow and simplistic it causes me great pain. I try to move beyond the past before truly integrating the lessons I derive from it. As part of this pattern, I frequently feel my expertise is feigned, that I’ve not mastered anything, truly, that I have nothing to show for myself an endless cascade of unfinished projects. Having always fled the standard path, I’ve often felt as though I had no credibility.
I need to feel a connection to meaning, to symbology, to story, grand narrative at all times - the material is never as real to me as perception itself, and that which shapes perception. (Whether or not this is ultimately physical is beside the point, I’m looking at experience here.) The feeling that the world is structurally ugly, lifeless, without possibility or vision has lead me to feeling suicidal in the past; what helped was starting with the experience of meaning in perception, and then applying a careful conceptual cleanup, rather than attempting purity from the start. I need a charted course - even if this course changes over time - a notion of the significance of my existence, and a notion of the world itself. The possibility I crave is the possibility that allows meaning, so while I absolutely need open-endedness, a progressive unfolding, I also need a coherence of vision. Naive analysis, of the form that starts with an attempt at formalization, and then unvaryingly follows that formalism to the grave is something that absolutely kill meaning for me - perhaps I’m sensitive to this as a mathematician, but it is a natural tendency regardless. We start with the truth of perception - a formalism that cannot be absorbed into experience is a failed one; reason is human reason, dreams of enlightenment that fail to take this into account are doomed, and they’re a far worse version of mind-projection than the one I cited earlier. Presupposing meaning is very dangerous. Visualization is an integral part of my internal life - I formulate my thoughts by shifting back and forth between between verbalized propositions, and film or photo-like impressions; I cannot say one form dominates over the other. I very much start out with a blurry image, feeling it become progressively clearer - I let the fog dissipate as I integrate things into a coherent whole, and then prune. I get feedback on being pretentious, highfalutin, bizarre, uptight, cold, obsessive... Socially I see relationships as ideally being about formulating joint meaning, and a lot of what I contribute to them is a sense of airy purpose, the sense that every piece of strife and trivial pain is contributing to something larger.
When I’m truly not myself I see no way foreword, the future seems lost, people seem stupid, I feel hopeless, and all of the mental suddenly feels cold and unsafe. The sensation is that the fruitless objective is the only truth, or at least the truth that will win out of sheer efficacy, and that I have no tools to fight due to not wanting to fight with tools. I feel unable to think, unable to see, and have at times sought comfort in substance abuse - this was perhaps peak out of character behavior: impulsive, “tomorrow we die” behavior. It is feeling a bleak lack of purpose and lack of potential combined with a lack of personal significance or ability that leave me distraught. I can also feel a great sense of loneliness - not just socially, a sense of immense distance from the world, as though I cannot connect to its structure.
My ability to harmonize is frequently the last to go; I’ve often been told that I have a kind of distanced sympathy, that I understand what someone is experiencing well enough to provide them with true comfort, while not becoming directly involved in what they’re experiencing. Reading a social environment is very easy for me, though not always interesting - and having assumed the role of the mediator and “sage” from a very young age, I’ve come to find it very burdensome. I’m quick to spot what people need, what they crave, but have a very hard time using this knowledge to craft relationships that satisfy me - in the past I frequently ended up a tool, though I have become far more self-sufficient and assertive with time. A lot of what I contribute socially is also the ability to help people see the experience of others, which I often find self-evident. Fe behaviour feels somewhat tool-like to me, however... I find I frequently need the “find emotional comfort in the world” advice, though I often feel it is unsafe/try to find justifications for it that lie outside experience. I could see Ni-Ti looping tendencies: I justify my pessimism with reason that isn’t the best I’m capable of, and my pessimism is hyper-structured; I need to rationalize any comfort before I let myself have it (and usually don’t actually allow myself to have it) and frequently apply naive conceptions of “truth” to it; I retreat from the world to defend my self-imagine as a “brilliant and unique analytical thinker”, lest the external world hit me with a hammer; I disappear from social interactions and dive further and further into a self-defeating pit. I can feel a despair that I believe to be wholly unaided by material or emotional comforts, and refuse all help that isn’t a coherent model of what is.
What it feels to me like a far stronger concern than all others - if human values have trade-offs, I feel reality takes the cake. I cannot cede ground to grace, or beauty, or efficiency or anything else until I have given reality its due. While I may feel more fulfilled by processes I would identify with intuition, what my mind does before anything else is a formal breakdown of cause, level of correlation, level of certainty, a check on personal biases and motivation, a search for alternate explanations, etc. There is a kind of automatic analytical thought that overtakes synthesis very quickly if I’m not paying attention; it’s what my mind does when I’m not looking, even when it is inconvenient and I wish to turn it off. I have always taken great pleasure in epistemology and logic, and my interests have often involved finding the purest, most general form of reason. It feels to me like the laws of the world go without saying, they may not be pleasant, they may not be obvious, but they are, and when we rebel against them we do not realize we are nature rebelling against itself. Even when these laws drown me, I still think in terms of them - I’m more likely to condemn the subject than that which gives rise to it. Though I write about this with some degree of sadness, I used to take great joy in mere reason, but I was presupposing the human mind, I feel, and working in fields which have required me to think about optimization apart from all human enterprises has opened my eyes somewhat - value that presuppose the valuing are a tad dangerous. “System” is my default idea of what something is, analysis is my default approach. (Writing the paragraph on Ni was quite challenging because I had to turn off my nonsense detection for moment in order to document my experience without Ti overlay.) As a functional approach to the world, Ti is my go to, and used to be so to an even greater extent (it took me a long time to try other modes) as the basis for reflection and meaning, it has torn me apart, so I truly don’t know where it is.
My ego defense is very much “you are original, generative, independent, brilliant and apt”. I see myself as a jack of all trades, and I frequently deal in personal potential without actual action. I have often used social manipulation to preserve a certain self-image since I could easily manipulate feedback - and even technically, I’ve often performed intelligence in mathematics to get that feedback because, e.g writing a paper on a subfield of topology I wasn’t remotely interested in because someone was struggling with it, and claiming this was inherent to the subject.
General and examples: Inaction has often been my plight, I find meaning in planning action, in undertaking a subject, in representing personal power, and then never actually move forward. My social relationships have often been unbalanced, with me playing the role of the therapist (and validating my abilities this way) and being very unfulfilled (failing to notice this initially). I get feedback as being overly mental, but not overly cold, people feel understood by me (though they often hear what matters to me and say it sounds “very cold” or boring, and ask me to talk about my life instead, which leaves me profoundly alone). In my teens I learned contemporary dance, and this mode, this synesthesia, really gave me a sense of ease that I otherwise lacked in life.
Early in life (ages 9-14ish) I was very much the therapist to adults around me, mainly being useful by problem solving for them (getting a divorce? Here are housing arrangements and suggestions for how you might piece yourself back together. I’m also here to resignify your life. Here’s a breakdown of how I think this happened.). Simultaneously, around 12 or so, I took a stance against my family's “irrational” beliefs and became a staunch atheist, devoting myself to hard science with little philosophical sophistication. At this time I also acquired a couple of teenage friendships with that followed similar patterns, and I started having problems with substance abuse stemming from feelings of emptiness. From 14-17 I became very interested in epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, literature, filmmaking… many, many things, and I also began to gain a little more intellectual maturity. Around this time I also decided to pursue a career in mathematics (physics was also an option, though many people expected me to pursue philosophy, and a far few would have guessed psychology). From this age onwards, my focus has been on the preservation of human meaning, and the forecasting of the future. I’ve had a variety of jobs, helped a couple of start-ups get started, and generally had an unstable life (though I always needed a coherent framework for it, I always needed a sense of direction, it’s just that it evolved).
Edit: In case it isn’t clear, interest hopping, the need for new ideas and general cognitive stimulation (transformed into fright of the future/a single ugly truth in my worst periods), and a need to imagine and fantasize about the fantastical are all very present - but while I can get quite disconnected from practical matters, stark realism isn’t really a quality I lack (or appear to lack, I’m told).
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thiscrimsonsoul · 5 years
Welcome to a little rant about Wanda’s personal perspective and how I use it to write her…
I’ve gotten some interesting messages over the past few weeks from a number of people, some of whom I write with and others who just felt like offering an opinion, regarding how I write Wanda. Let me state, this is not a callout post or meant to be anything negative. Everyone was polite and I actually welcome challenges to the way I write my muses as long as they are respectful. It helps me to defend why I do certain things with them and make sure I am keeping them in line with how I intend my interpretation of them to be presented. But I’ve gotten enough comments along the same lines that I thought  it might be useful (for me as well as for my followers) to explain why I go in certain mental/psychological/emotional directions with Wanda that, to some, might seem incredibly divergent from canon. So… consider this a brain rant for me to organize a crap ton of headcanons into one place, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway, haha
Below the cut because looooong. XD
People have said I write Wanda as if she is a very weak character, meaning I write her too insecure, emotional, and unable to rise to challenges. I just want to clarify that I do not write Wanda as a weak character, I write her as a character who often believes she is weak. There is a difference. Wanda is an “unreliable narrator,” which in a writing sense means that the character speaking, narrating, summarizing, or explaining something to the reader either directly through internal monologue or through the course of a story is misinforming the reader. An unreliable narrator may be misinformed themselves, and may relate information as if it is true because they believe it to be… but it is in fact not true. Or, their perspective may be skewed in ways they don’t consider or understand, resulting in interpretations of information by them that are simply not correct. The reader does not know this, and simply takes the character at their word until they learn otherwise.
This applies to the way I write Wanda. She often says things about herself that are not true or would not be true, but she herself believes them to be true. Regardless of Wanda’s actual power or abilities, she believes more than once in canon in the movies that she is unworthy, incapable, and unwanted. Just because Wanda thinks she could not survive without Pietro doesn’t mean she couldn’t… and we know she ultimately did. Just because she felt badly about the Accords and wanted to hang back and not cause any more trouble, doesn’t mean she should… and she didn’t. Just because she didn’t believe she could destroy the mind stone and told Vision she couldn’t doesn’t mean she couldn’t… and she did. So I just want to separate for a moment Wanda’s actual strength, abilities, and how others perceive her from how she views herself. They are certainly not the same, just as my perception of her is not the same as her perception of herself in a given thread. I am not commenting on Wanda’s character, she is, and she is a biased source of information on the subject, heh. Just because I write her as saying “I can’t,” “I won’t,” “I don’t deserve,” “I’m not good enough,” doesn’t mean I believe that. It’s Wanda who believes that. Mun and muse are not the same.
Some people say I am making her more mentally unstable than she is and giving her low self-esteem she doesn’t have. First, I am drawing from Wanda’s personality in the comics a bit and from some aspects of her character there that was never done in the movies. Second, I elaborate on what any healthy person might think, feel, and go through having been through the traumas that she has, since the MCU seemed content to just ignore any and all processes of grieving, overcoming trauma, and adjusting to huge geographic and cultural life changes. So I am filling in and extrapolating from that, but I am also developing the tiny tidbits of what the MCU did show us to go into more depth on her thought process behind them, because there are a few canon things that show us that Wanda is dealing with a lot more mental trauma and stress than we sometimes give her allowances for.
A Note on Age and Experiences in Hydra’s Laboratory
I write Wanda (and Pietro as well over at @fasterthanmydemons) as younger than canon MCU. Yes, I agree Aaron and Lizzie do not look 17 or 18 but eh, they’re their FCs so I work with it however I can, heh. And yeah, in cases of writing with other muns writing the twins, I usually just modulate their ages up without even asking because I know that having them younger is something that is not well accepted in the fandom. I have a couple reasons for doing so, however, that do affect how they function.
First, I feel that they are very emotionally immature. That’s not meant to be a negative thing, I just mean that they seem very isolated, dependent on each other, and they behave in ways that give me the sense that they are very inexperienced. The sense I get is of older teenagers or young adults that have been made to grow up very, very fast… and there are some gaps in that process because of it, heh. In some ways they are wise beyond their years, but in many other ways they are still very young and inexperienced, with skewed and sheltered views of the world.
Secondly, I really hate the MCU plot for them, heh. The whole… well we volunteered for a Hydra experiment (even if they thought they were dealing with SHIELD) seems really dumb. Why would 20-something year-olds make decisions that incredibly naïve? And why would they stay on the streets for 10-something years, with all that animosity and drive toward change, and not do anything more about it? It just seems… so unrealistic. It’s possible, I’m not saying it’s not, but in my mind, it makes more sense if they were a lot younger when they volunteered. Idealistic children thinking this would solve their problems and empower them, easily duped by Hydra into thinking they were with SHIELD, and physically smaller and easier to control. That’s how I imagine the twins. So my timeline for them is that they were orphaned at 10, spent a few years on the streets, but then volunteered at around age 14 or 15, staying there until they were almost 18. They are close to their 18th birthdays during the events of Ultron. That’s my timeline for them, but like I said, I know that is not well accepted, so I am usual very flexible in changing this even if I continue to write them in my head as if I am still following my own timeline. (If I am in an rp with you right now for either twin and you have a question about something, don’t hesitate to ask, since I know that can affect how people frame the stories in their heads and such.)
So because of this, because they are younger and have been in Hydra’s laboratory for 3-4 years instead of 1 or less than 1, this will change their mental health, emotional stability, and how they view the world. My twins are perhaps even more bitter and angry than in MCU canon to start out, are very overtly emotionally dependent on each other, and have more physical and emotional scars from their treatment at Hydra’s hands. I’ve made their time in the laboratory, their decision to volunteer for it, and their ultimate essential imprisonment by Hydra while the experiments were going on to be far more of a definite event in their lives that had real lasting impacts on their psyche, not just a plot point to be mentioned a couple times but with no perceivable impact as the MCU movies would have you believe.
Being in the laboratory for that extended amount of time also allows me to expand upon Hydra’s purpose in experimenting on them. Why the actual hellnuts would Hydra empower the twins and then just let them go? Yeah okay, they let them out of their cells and maybe the twins simply made a break for it, but I see more than that. Two things, really: Hydra’s overall purpose for them, and the reason why they didn’t leave well before that even though they were capable of doing so.
I believe Hydra wanted to turn them into weapons of mass destruction. Honestly, Hydra is only out for itself, and what it wants is the dissolution of democracy and the subjugation of nations and races it disagrees with or believes are inferior to them. With these twins, I think Hydra wanted their own anti-Avengers, like the Winter Soldiers, but with added powers. To use them for this purpose, they would not have just tinkered around with Loki’s staff, granted them some fun powers, and then left them alone. No, they would have Romanoffed them. Physical and mental conditioning, training to become spies, education regarding languages, geography, and politics, things like that. So my interpretation of the twins is that they were taught a lot by Hydra, but for Hydra’s own purposes and under extreme duress and threat of punishment if they did not learn in a timely fashion. This was especially difficult for Pietro, who had a horrible time focusing and sitting still, but Wanda also suffered abuse for she was the most feared of the two and Hydra felt a greater need to control her.
Which brings us to why the twins didn’t escape earlier if they were being so badly mistreated. This also makes a lot more sense if they were very young when they volunteered, but I suppose it could happen regardless. I believe there was a very obvious abuser-abused relationship going on between the twins and Hydra, whereby they were held captive more by their own minds than by any bars, guns, or electronics. What I mean is, when a level of abuse is reached where one feels like attempting to leave will only make things worse and/or their abuser will always find them no matter where they go, they could be, for example, standing freely right next to soldiers as they discuss what is going on outside the facility and not lift a finger to try to escape. This happens in real life, where abused people are left alone, door open, car in the driveway, keys in hand, and yet they don’t try to escape. Their own fear holds them in place. This is one of two explanations I have for why the twins didn’t break out sooner, and it’s a reason that I think especially affected them when they were very young and first starting out.
The other explanation is that they had a legitimate goal to meet, and regardless of how much they were suffering, they thought they had to see it through to the end. Yes, they were being mistreated, but they signed up for a means to destroy the Avengers and dammit they were going to see it through. It wasn’t until the Avengers showed up and the soldiers around them were like weeeeeeell, we could send the twins, but they’re not ready yet… that Wanda and Pietro were like fuck yeah we are and decided at that point that they were 1000% done and left to pursue their goal. The laboratory had outlived its usefulness to them at that point and the fear of not achieving their goal of challenging the Avengers begins to outweigh their fear of retaliation from Hydra. 
Alright, back to focusing on Wanda more specifically, since this is her blog , heh.
Blaming Herself for Things Outside Her Control
Wanda takes things very personally. She is a perfectionist, and a very empathetic person. That combination often leaves her feeling like something is her fault when things go wrong and result in people being hurt. During the battle of Sokovia, Wanda all but has a panic attack inside a building with Clint, muttering to herself, “How could I let this happen? It’s all my fault.” Suddenly there she is, taking responsibility for an entire city being attacked. Now, I suppose some would argue that her support of Ultron led to that, but I think that’s a bit unfair, given the amount of lies and misinformation that both twins were exposed to during their time in the Hydra laboratory. My point is, yes, Wanda blames herself for thing constantly. It is a canon part of her personality. I believe this blame and even sometimes a fear of responsibility stems from her losing so many people she loves. The common factor, as she sees it, is her, so therefore she must be to blame and doing something wrong. That’s not true, but that is how she perceives things.
Dependency on Her Brother
Wanda is emotionally dependent on Pietro while he is alive. That does not mean she cannot learn to live without him and to let him go, but it will not happen overnight and it will not be easy. Her dependency is not just borne out of love for a close sibling. It has been forged in trauma. Being persecuted as a child for being Romani and a witch, losing her parents, losing them in an incredibly frightening way, living on the streets, being experimented on… all these things made her cling to her brother even more than she might have already just due to being a twin. Think of Pietro like a very complex service animal for Wanda. Have you ever seen the bond between a soldier or trauma victim and their service animal? It’s incredibly deep and emotionally necessary. Take that kind of relationship and now apply it to a brother, your twin, someone you deeply love and expect to always be there with you… and then take it all away. Not only does Wanda now have to deal with all these traumas in her life that are recurring issues for her due to PTSD, but now her main support system is suddenly gone and his death is yet one more trauma that will haunt her for the rest of her life, especially since she physically felt him die.
And, to be fair, as a side note, Pietro is also emotionally dependent on Wanda. They have a sort of mutually synergistic relationship going on as far as how they deal with trauma. Wanda deals with it by seeking emotional comfort and safety with Pietro, whether in his embrace or listening to his reassuring words. That feeling of having someone watching over her and protecting her is very grounding and calming to her. Pietro copes with trauma by putting himself in a position in which he feels he has more control over the situation. I don’t mean he’s controlling of Wanda (those aspects of the comics I hate and do not use in my interpretation of him on his blog). I mean that the way he copes with all the bad things that have happened to them is to feel like he won’t let it happen again. He assumes a protector role for Wanda, not only because he genuinely wants to keep her safe, but because it fulfills an emotional need for him to have enough to control over any given situation to keep his sister safe. So the way in which she places her emotional safety in his hands and he assumes the role of a protector serves to accomplish the same purpose of helping them cope with trauma, but in ways that are unique to them and their own emotional needs.
Once that relationship is severed after Pietro’s death, it shatters a lot of things for Wanda, including emotional security and self-identity. She’s no longer a well-supported twin, she’s alone. Now, we all know that it’s canon that she is able to move on and survive without him, but it is also canon that she stayed behind in Sokovia after exacting her revenge on Ultron, seemingly not in any hurry to leave as the city was about to be destroyed. Suicidal thoughts? Intent to commit suicide? Perhaps that is open to interpretation, but I believe yes, she did intend to die then. Her brother was her entire world at that point. I think Wanda couldn’t imagine life without him and didn’t want to either. After Vision saves her, she isn’t just going to suddenly be fine with continuing on without Pietro. Even if she did not make another attempt on her life, Wanda still would be in that mindset of why am I still alive? and would not see a point to going on without him. Somewhere in between that mindset and finding purpose with the Avengers, she will heal regarding this issue, but between the events of Ultron and Civil War, she will be on an emotional rollercoaster, and I think that is more than implied in canon even if we never got to see it.
Feeling Like People Dislike Her or Are Angry With Her
Wanda comes from a place of believing most people dislike her or even hate her, and I want to put into perspective why that is. Again, I draw from things in the comics, so Wanda is a mutant and was born with her abilities. I then combine the MCU story to say that Hydra’s experiments enhanced what was already there. She is Romani and her religion is a mix of Judaism and polytheism, so she has faced cultural and religious persecution from the time she was a young child. Her powers got her the label of “witch,” which is not merely derogatory, it’s downright frightening. Being called a witch where she grew up could mean you were hunted and killed. So from a very young age she learned that who and what she was would likely be perceived by most people, whether it was true or not, as bad. Now, Wanda has a lot of pride in being Romani, but even so, she has learned that most people come at her with prejudice and hatred, and that makes her wary and defensive.
By the time she joins the Avengers, this feeling is exacerbated by her rocky start with them in Ultron. Her mental attacks let them all very shaken and even resentful of her to varying degrees, and that was not lost on Wanda. Even after she is supposedly accepted, she remembers what she did to them and is sure they remember too. Things like being confined to her room in Civil War to “avoid further public incidents” show a lack of trust in her that not only makes her think that resentment for what she did is still there, but it flares that same defensiveness that she’s felt all her life for cultural and religious reasons.
Having said all of this, Wanda wants to be accepted. Her desire to not cause any more problems in Civil War is indicative of that when she tells Clint, “I’ve caused enough trouble,” and initially refuses to defect with him. But ultimately, Wanda is someone who will follow her heart and what she feels is right, regardless of her inhibitions, insecurities, and phobias.
Insecurity about her abilities
This is something that is not discussed a lot in canon, but I feel it’s definitely part of her personality. Wanda doesn’t believe in herself as far as her ability to do things, and it has nothing to do with how powerful she is. She knows she’s powerful. What she believes she lacks is the focus and stability to use that power. I believe this is what causes her to hang back so long after Clint’s “if you step out that door, you’re an Avenger” speech. Not only is she genuinely scared of what’s going on (this is the first full-scale battle she’s been on the front lines for, don’t forget that for a second), but she doesn’t know if she can focus enough to get the job done. Something that people who are in a full-scale skirmish for the first time have a lot of trouble with if they have no battle training whatsoever is sensory overload… and Wanda was knee deep in it at that point. There were too many loud noises, too many arrows and bullets and robots and things flying around in every direction, and also don’t forget that Wanda is sensitive to energies around her, so any magical blasts or gunpowder blasts or lasers or anything is going to be something she’ll perceive like the hairs standing up on your skin after a lightning strike. That’s… a lot of information for a young woman with little to no battle experience to take in all at once. I think it all got the better of her and she knew that, so before she could go back out, she had to calm down and refocus, which is why you see her so much more confident the next time she steps out.
Another time when this insecurity regarding her abilities reared its ugly head was when Vision was pleading with her to destroy the mind stone. She simply told him, “I can’t.” Most will say that she was merely saying “I can’t kill you” from the point of view of a loved one not wanting to kill another loved one. That is part of it, yes, but she didn’t say she wouldn’t, she said she can’t. I think Wanda had some real doubts as to whether she could set aside her own emotions enough to get the job done. She absolutely has the ability to do it, as Vision tells her, because from someone outside looking in he can see how capable she is, but from her point of view she must have felt like a totally erratic and unreliable mess. Ironic, then, that she not only is able to focus enough to destroy the stone, but to also hold Thanos back while she does it. Wanda sees nothing extraordinary about that at all, however. No, in fact, her proclivity to blame herself returns and she feels she completely dropped the ball that day in not being able to successfully stop Thanos.
So… Wanda does not give herself enough credit for what she has been through, what she has survived, what she can survive, and what she can accomplish. She is very scarred by her past, between her frightening and difficult childhood, living on the streets, the Hydra experiments, and losing her entire family… and those scars will be there with her for the rest of her life. She is a very damaged and, at times, broken person. But, having said that… she is also brave, strong, kind-hearted, helpful, and loving as well, under the right circumstances and with the right people. She can accomplish amazing things (as we saw in the movies), she just needs to believe that herself. That is one my biggest goals in writing Wanda and something I love to see happen for her, when she begins to believe in herself and stops defining herself based on others or on past deeds or traumas. I love to see her go from a very broken place through the healing process and arriving in a place that isn’t necessarily happier for her, but stronger and more stable. Wanda was robbed of this kind of healing and redemption arc in the MCU, and I intend to give her many of them on this blog, heh. And poor Pietro was robbed of… well… pretty much everything, so my work is cut out for him as well, heh.
If you have any questions, want to make any comments, or want to drop some follow-up asks in my inbox, please feel free to do so! As I said, I love to constantly build on and develop my interpretations of my muses, so you are never bothering me with character development questions. =)
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420stepsahead-blog · 5 years
One of Many
Back in 2017, I met this girl named Huda, she was a well crafted, well made human being that God sent from above in which she defined the meaning of beauty. You know, Huda means guidance in Arabic, and funny enough, this person has actually guided me through the various obstacles I have faced in my life, she has guided me to dig deep inside of my core that has been rotting for months and lit a torch inside of me. I met Huda back in 2017, and instantly fell in love with how she interacts, how she talks and how she- well, operates. We were young back then, and I was still full of all of these emotions and feelings that are yet to be let free and roam to whoever catches. We were young, and by young I mean we were still yearning for the chances life still had to offer, for the opportunities we were about to indulge in, for the ups and downs we were about to get involved in, for the entire wild youth experience. She had fallen out of a previous relationship which somehow still affected her at the time, and well I, I wasn’t really committed to anything, nor have I ever. I wasn’t very keen on staying in a serious relationship for longer than a couple of months, call it whatever you want, but I knew nothing lasts and this era of young love is soon to be expired once I grow up. Huda was different, she was very understanding and very true to her feelings, and to her instincts. She wasn’t like any other girl I met at the time, she was this walking volcano that is soon set to erupt and undoubtedly erasing those who stand tall. She was this very complex human, not to lie but I wasn’t that comfortable around her at first, and comfortable as in- fully ready, or entirely sure. Yes, my heart bumped and those small signs of love showed up, but I hadn’t really paid it any attention, because I just met the girl. Moving on, we both confessed our love to each other. Back at the time I was this dam that had all of the affection and love waiting on the other side, and once I have earned her love, it all went loose. I loved her more than I loved myself, and yes, I wasn’t that secure about myself at the time, so finding her was like finding slice of pizza waiting for you at the end of a very tiring day, there are better examples, but she likes pizza, so yeah. As I mentioned before, the toxicity her last boyfriend injected beneath her skin left many scars, and she was yet to recover. Being the naive person I was, I tried to fill her up with love that I had offered like never before, and to lend the hand of true help, to go through whatever she had to go through, but together. Cutting to the chase, it didn’t last long, and we broke up. Although expected but never occurred to me that she would still have feelings for whoever she was with, but it happened nonetheless. Days upon days and months upon months pass by without hearing a word from her and suddenly we go back to talking, just casually talking. Every feeling I had for her had died. Not a drip of emotion was alive. Well, actually, all of my feelings towards anything were dead and buried beneath seven levels of dirt. The time period we stopped talking I had gotten myself into another relationship, after so long. It lasted for a year, and ended, my heart was shattered into millions of pieces and stepped on. It was brutally assaulted like it was some sort of a criminal. My heart and whatever was left of it was broken, and was unable to function, it was unable to process any feelings or emotions but sadness and grief. To dwell and weep over what happened were my daily tasks. I had given up on everything and everyone. I felt humiliated because for the second time in two years I had given it all and it wasn’t enough. I had offered everything there was to offer. I have lost myself in the journey of finding others and I am yet to find myself again. I have been stuck in this boulevard of emptiness for too long. Months ahead, me and Huda reunite and she falls back in love with me, the same way I did the first time. I wasn’t really on my best behavior at the time, and even though I had loved her again, but it wasn’t like the first time. Overcoming my fear of commitment and the fact that I will be dating the same girl for the second time, I just went along with it, hoping that my feelings would somehow stay intact. Months go by and everything flows around smoothly, but my inner soul wasn’t fully comfortable. I had changed and so did my ethics, I have grown mentally and emotionally and I realized that I needed more time alone to be okay again, and the poor girl did not know any of it until I talked to her through it, letting her know that I am not that ready yet. I felt like a burden the whole time. She was great, she was magnificent, she was the girlfriend anyone would wish for. She’s like a fine shot of Scottish whiskey. She would seduce you so you would take your first sip, your taste buds tingle as you swallow and then you realize it’s not so bad, and you only want more, and more. I honestly never wanted to quit it, but it was just getting out of my hands. Breaking up with her, left me feeling guilty, as if I had murdered someone innocent, as if I had committed the worst crime ever. I never broke someone’s heart that way I did to hers, or at least I like to think so. I left her broken, I let her down and destroyed the image she had of me in her mind, and that alone made me hurt even more, that I have caused her this pain. Seeing her cry or sad because of something I did, wasn’t the greatest feeling ever. But I knew I had to postpone what I had to truly say later on, just so she could get better. Huda has helped me with many things, and she has let go of many just to be with me, and all of what she did was for the sake of love, and true love only. Huda loves me with all of her beating heart, and I know so, because you can see it in her eyes, you can notice it in how she acts around me. Huda taught me that a person can change for the better, and that the past is where it belongs, and where it will always remain, because it’s called the past, you cannot keep yourself attached to something that you’re unsure of its integrity. Huda made me realize that love isn’t necessarily a first sight love, that love can gradually be bigger, and be even more real than before. Huda taught me that actions speak louder than words, that if you love someone you have to show it, you have to do effort, you have to love. Huda opened my eyes to the fact that I cannot just hang my problems aside, and face them, she spoke of how I had to overcome my fears. Huda took good care of me, and that alone made me take care of myself even more. I may not be the best person out there, and I may not have been the best, but I try to be. I try to be a better version of myself each and every day, for I still have lots of time to grow. I still have a lot to do. I tend to run away from my problems, or consider them solved as I see fit, but it doesn’t always work that way. Huda’s love towards me has made me love myself, and love the way love really is. How love is really the greatest feeling to exist, and with love you can achieve more, just because someone out there loves you, and cares about you. That alone my friends, makes you want to live, makes you want to love. This is a thank you letter for Huda, for making me believe in love again, after having my heart broken. Thank you for being there for me, and believing in me. Thank you for being who you are, and showing me how to be myself.  
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