#but ……… when i briefly open my eyes to see him talking …….
deunmiu-dessie · 2 days
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(unedited) retired simon has nowhere to go, so you offer.
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this was a stupid idea, a dangerous idea; one that could potentially get you hurt— you knew that, but the temperature was below freezing and you couldn't bear the thought of letting him walk to god knows where. you wouldn't allow that, not when you could offer help.
you came to a slow halt beside the man, rolling down the passenger side window and smiling softly, awkwardly. “hi! mind if i ask where you're headed?" he's taller than you assumed, standing at least a foot or two taller than you, his broad shoulders stretching the fabric of his all-black tee.
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the fitted clothing accentuates his large frame, hinting at the strength that lies beneath. a mask covers his face, a skull painted onto the fabric, and a large military duffle bag is slung over his shoulder, weathered and worn.
he stops abruptly and gradually swivels his head to face you. his eyes are a striking shade of brown when they meet your gaze— they look……hollow, devoid of emotion. you smile once more and tilt your head, your palms slick with sweat against the steering wheel. “s’just, the temps gonna drop a bit more later in the night and i thought i’d give you a ride, so you don't freeze to death on your way.”
your attempt at a joke with the man falls short and you clear your throat and drum your thumbs softly, feeling a tad bit embarrassed. you jump when he finally speaks. his voice is like velvet dipped in honey. it's deep, rough, gravelly, and accented. you can't help but be taken aback for a moment, as a delightful warmth spreads through your body at the mere sound of it.
“y’r parents ever taugh’ you not ta talk t’strangers?”
you purse your lips and cluck your teeth, trailing behind him as he resumes his stride. sure, you should have driven off, gone back to your cozy apartment to indulge in a couple of movies, and drink yourself into a stupor but, you simply couldn't bring yourself to do so.
“my name’s _____, what’s yours?” he stops briefly and cranes his neck to the sky for a moment with a hint of irritation, before breathing out a heavy sigh; he seems hesitant, confused— and doubtful. then he turns to face you and your small fiat. “simon," he says softly. smiling you pull to a stop, “well, we’re not strangers anymore, simon.”
simon scoffs in slight amusement but slowly makes his way to you, when he reaches the passenger side window, you can clearly see a hint of distrust lingering in his eyes. it’s clear that he’s not accustomed to kindness from strangers. but you remain undeterred, your grin unwavering, as you lean over to open the door for him.
with a stiff nod of appreciation, he settles into the passenger seat, his worn-out bag settling between his thighs as he sinks into the comfort of the cushioned upholstery.
as you pull away from the curb, the man's eyes wander out the window, lost in thought. "so, where are you headed?" you ask gently, voice laced with genuine curiosity as you try to break the tension, your voice trembling slightly.
however, his response is nothing more than a cold, detached stare out the window. it’s as if he's not really there, as if his mind is lost in some distant place, far away from the reality of this moment. and yet, there's something captivating about his emptiness, something that draws you in despite the warning signs flashing in your mind.
“could be a killer.” simon voices, head slanting towards you; he looks comically large for your small fiat car and you can't help but smile. “are you?” he grunts but doesn't respond. the car speeds through the night, the only sound being the hum of the engine and the rhythmic thumping of your heart. he's like a puzzle waiting to be solved, a mystery begging to be unraveled; and you were curious.
“the nearest shelter,” he finally utters. “thats where i’m headed.” you hum softly and swallow thickly; this was a stupid idea, a dangerous idea; one that could potentially get you hurt, you knew that, but—
“stay with me tonight.”
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lovebittenbyevans · 2 days
In Their Words | One Shot
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Summary: When Oscar finally did an podcast interview with you
Pairing: Oscar Piastri x interviewer! Female Reader
Warnings: two cursed words
Author note: I was inspired by watching jay shetty podcast on youtube to write this. Enjoy reading!
My Masterlist
You sat in the chair across from him and moved the microphone toward you. You were nervous to do this but at the same time you were excited. You have been wanting to interview Oscar for a while now since he was always busy.
“We are ready to start.” The producer yelled making sure everyone heard him.
You clear your throat as the camera started rolling. You looked at him with a polite smile. “Oscar Piastri.”
He chuckles a bit. “Y/N.” He was wearing a black hoodie and comfortable blue jeans. He wanted to dress for himself for once and be comfortable.
“Welcome to in their words podcast.” You speak into the microphone.
Oscar leans back slightly in his chair and speaks into the microphone. “Thank you for having me.”
You let out a soft sigh. “Now, there is so much I want to ask but some stuff we can talk about off cameras as well.”
He laughed a bit. “Y/N, you and I have been friends for four years. You know you can ask me anything.” You rolled your eyes and sucked your teeth playfully. “Open book, huh?”
He laughed again. “Go ahead.” You clears your throat as you make eye contact with him. “My first question would be your lifestyle? What made you want to be so free.”
He rubbed his chin for a second before he answered your question. “As you know both my parents are rich and wealthy. I didn’t want a path where I had to be them. I wanted one of my own and just be careful with who I let in my life.”
“So, you wanted to be this sugar daddy for every woman you are with?” You raised an eyebrow. You knew how Oscar moved so well.
He let out a sigh and said. “No, I just like having women around me. Yes, I have money but I’m not stupid enough to let them use me. I truly care about my girlfriend Ruby.” At least he was being honest.
You nodded listening to him. “How long have you and Remi been together?”
Oscar made a thinking face. “On and off for almost a year and a half.”
“And do you feel like you are missing something from her? That’s why you don’t want to be fully committed.” You asked him another question.
He didn’t know how to answer that. He never thought about Ruby being his forever even though he did love her to an extent.
“I think when two people are enjoying each other's company and don't want to ruin their little bubble they have with them. It’s become a custom to it.” He explained the best way he could.
You just listen to him talk through the interview as you ask him more questions about him, his life mostly. You noticed sometimes Oscar only likes attention from people who matter to him.
“Charles, Lando and Lewis are the ones I’m closest to and they always have my back. Even when we see each other at events we have good conversations with each other.” He tells you.
You sit up a bit in your chair. “And I feel like I can come to you about anything as well.” He continues to talk.
“When I’m available.” You joked.
He couldn’t help but laugh. “Did you get what I sent you?”
You gave him a side eye. “I did but you didn’t have to do that.” You were not about to reveal what he gave you on camera. You like to keep things private between you and him.
He looks at you while shaking his head. He knew what kind of person you are even though he always wanted to be here for you.
“Y/N, why don't you let me be–” You cut him off before he could finish his sentence. “I have this card sitting on my lap and I am going to ask you a few questions from people.” You truly don’t want to have this conversation on camera right now.
Oscar opens his mouth, but closes it. “Question one is do you ever see a future of you settling down with Remi?” You glance at the card and then at him.
He chuckles briefly. “Um, that’s a tough answer to give.”
You moved on to the next question. “If you were in a different universe what would your career be?”
“I always say I wanted to be a professor on college campus, tattoo artists or soccer player.” He answered truthfully.
You moved the microphone a bit. “And final question.” Your eyes widened when you saw the next question. You almost gasped. “Um.” You paused for a moment. “Could you see yourself being with Y/N? Would you be willing to explore with her and see if there is a chance?”
You felt your cheeks flush as he locked eyes with you. “My only answer would be a hundred percent yes.” You didn’t expect him to actually answer that so loudly.
“Ok.” You said. “Thanks for coming on my show Oscar.” You had to pull yourself together and be calm.
He smiled warmly. “Thank you so much for having me, Y/N.”
The producer yelled cut as you rose from your chair and walked off set. You walked out the door after thanking the crew for being on set. You headed straight to your car and unlocked the door with your car keys.
You open the door to your car when you hear Oscar call out to you. “Y/N, wait!” His Australian accent was thick.
He grabs your arm, turning you around to face him. “No, No, No.” You spoke first. “Did you not understand what you just did on camera?”
Oscar ran his hand through his hair. “Yes, but I don’t regret saying it.” You glare at him for a second. “O, fucking Remi!? You forgot you have a whole girlfriend and women?”
He rolled his eyes. “I am not taking it back. I meant what I said, Y/N.” Your heart was racing while looking at him.
You never saw him in that way ever. It never crossed your mind for you to be anything more with him.
“Have a good rest of your day, O.” You got inside your car, closing the door shut and immediately drove off.
Oscar stood there watching you drive away instead of talking to you. “Fuck!” He mumbles to himself.
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yazmarina · 3 days
not just a figure of speech (you got me down on my knees)
paul aron (f2) x gender neutral!reader
flirting with your teammate seemed a good enough idea, until a not-so-good qualifying tears down every ounce of restraint from your body.
warnings/notes: smut, friends to ???, oral sex, semi-public sex, lots of flirting
a/n: anj stop using lyrics as titles challenge failed. a short and sweet one in honor of our barcelona pole sitter! enjoy <3
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"You're here early."
You look up from the monitor in front of you to see Paul walking into the Hitech tent, an easy smile on his lips. He takes the seat in front of you, gently nudging your foot under the table.
"Only because I wanted to see you as soon as I could," you respond. A grin makes its way to your face at the way Paul's cheeks immediately redden.
"Good one," Paul commends, nodding as he avoids your eyes.
"What? You're not happy to see me?" You ask, leaning over the table, peering closer at Paul.
Paul meets your gaze and you can see that the red tinge has reached down to his neck. You giggle, your own stomach bursting into butterflies as his eyes scan over your face.
"I'm always happy to see you, ________," Paul says, reaching over to pinch your cheek.
You lean into his touch, laying the entire side of your face against his hand. He briefly runs his thumb over your cheek, retracting his arm just as quick. You straighten in your seat, clearing your throat.
The engineers and strategists around you don't even bat an eye at the exchange, or even if they had noticed, they've grown too accustomed to your and Paul's teasing, a habit both of you picked up towards the start of the season as a way to get around the awkward tension you two had as new teammates.
You'd tell him he looked handsome as he entered the room and he'd blush and return the compliment. You'd always follow it up with a hearty laugh, brushing it off as friendly banter whenever someone asked.
It's always been this way. And every time you thought it would go somewhere, when the pause and smile between cheeky compliments gets too long, or when hands wander during hugs, Paul would always turn away, distancing himself from you until you inevitably gravitate back toward each other.
You feel like it's something, something that you should probably talk about with Paul, or at least address. But what would you say? What is this?
"Track walk in ten, guys."
You jolt out of your thoughts, everyone around you already packing up to head to the track. You catch Paul's eyes again and he grins, rising from his seat before holding out a hand to you.
You take it without much thought, eventually snaking your arm around his, grip firm on his bicep. If people didn't know better, they'd think the two of you were stepping out for a date.
"I'm excited," you admit, peering up at Paul as the two of you exit the tent. "The track's great. Aren't you excited?"
Paul nods. "I am. Might be in for a win, finally."
You beam, squeezing his arm. "That's my guy."
You miss the way Paul's eyes practically shimmer as he gazes down at you.
"P fucking five," Paul curses under his breath, dropping his helmet with a loud clatter to the floor.
You listen and pause just outside his driver's room, the thin, opaque flap of plastic separating him from the rest of the team tent. You know better than to interrupt a driver in the throes of a bad qualifying result but as a teammate and his friend, you know that Paul would never dare lash out at you even if he was upset.
So you call out to him.
You flinch back when he pulls back the cover of his room. His hair is disheveled, his eyes somber. Paul's frown softens when he sees you and he immediately widens the opening to his room.
You step in, fidgeting with the sleeves of your fireproof as Paul zips the canvas flap shut.
"I...," you begin, not really sure what to say. Paul avoids your eyes, messing around with some stuff on his massage table but you know he wasn't really doing anything of note.
Maybe it was a mistake to come in at all.
"Can you just...," Paul begins, straightening up, still unable to look directly at you.
You wait patiently for him to formulate his words, your own fingers twisting into the fabric of your race suit.
"I should leave, I'm sorr–"
"...stay here."
You blink, Paul's words registering in your brain half a second late. He finally looks at you, eyebrows creased.
"Don't leave," Paul says. "I said you could stay."
You exhale, finally letting yourself relax. Paul seems to mirror your demeanor because he finally slumps against the massage table, head hanging low as he stares at the floor.
You shuffle uncertainly forward, coming into Paul's line of sight. He's looking at you with this hurt look in his eyes, one you've never seen before. It's jarring, slightly unnerving, the way your teammate is being so vulnerable in front of you right now.
"A lot can be done from P5," you assure Paul. "I'm down in 11th."
"I'll reward you if you get a podium," you continue with a soft laugh, trying to lighten the mood, not really meaning whatever it is you're saying.
Paul raises his eyebrows, a hint of a smile gracing his lips.
"Reward me with what?" he asks, sliding backward to sit on the massage table.
You feel a violent blush settle on your cheeks as your brain finally catches up with your mouth.
"With dinner, Paul. I'll treat you to dinner," you deadpan, rolling your eyes.
Paul chuckles, leaning back on his hands, gaze unwavering as he continues to stare at you.
Your hand flies up to your neck, a nervous habit as you realize just how hard Paul is staring. Clearing your throat, you seem to snap Paul out of his trance, eyes blinking as he refocuses on your face.
"What do you want me to do, then?" You ask, trying to steer the awkwardness away.
Paul gives you a look and squares his jaw, a teasing glint in his eyes.
He jerks his chin inward, prompting you to realize that he's saying, 'Come here'. You swallow, stepping closer, breath hitching as you watch Paul part his legs. Your mouth falls open when it dawns on you just how close he wants you.
His hand reaches out tentatively, fingertips brushing gently against your arm. You let him tug you closer, closer, and closer still, until you're situated between his legs. With him sitting, you're nearly the same height. You can feel his breath on your face. He's within kissing distance.
"I can think of a few things," Paul finally says, his hand dropping from your arm down to your waist.
"Hey," you blurt out. Paul flinches and jerks his hand back, the amusement in his face replaced with genuine worry.
"Only if you want to, of course, I mean I wasn't suggesting anything that's–"
He pauses, eyes wide, as if scared he'd offended you somehow.
You realize that this is it. This is what it all boils down to. All that teasing and tentative touches have come to this.
"The reward only comes after the podium," you remind him.
Paul lets out a relieved laugh, both his hands now snaking around your waist. He holds you firmly in place, tilting his head to the side as if studying every inch of your face.
"A good luck charm, then?"
Your face breaks out into a grin, your own palms creeping up Paul's firm thighs. His bottom lip slips between his teeth as he watches you tug his race suit further down.
"I was thinking a kiss, but if you wanna do that, I'm not gonna stop you," Paul comments, nudging you teasingly.
"Would you prefer a kiss over me blowing you?" You ask, knuckles brushing against Paul's bulge.
Paul shakes his head.
He lifts his hips up for a second, allowing you to pull his suit all the way off, along with his bottom fireproofs and underwear.
You gasp softly as you're met with Paul's length.
"Surprised?" Paul questions, guiding your hand to it. You wrap your fingers around and give an experimental squeeze.
Paul groans, throwing his head back. He stiffens even more in your hold.
"Not at all," you answer, dropping to your knees in one graceful swoop.
"You're just as I imagined," you admit.
You lick a long stripe from the base of Paul's cock to the tip, swirling once over his head before spitting on it. Paul shivers above you, mouth hanging open.
"Fuck," he mutters softly. "You've thought about this?"
"Mhm," you confirm, wrapping your lips around him fully.
You feel a harsh tug at your scalp and you whine as Paul threads and twists his fingers in your hair. You retaliate by sinking lower around him, stopping only when you feel his tip against the back of your throat.
"Holy shit," he whispers, pulling your head back so he could peer into your eyes.
"Make it quick," Paul warns, tightening his hold on your hair even more. "Debrief is starting soon."
You don't have to be told twice as you pull back all the way before sinking forward again. You set up a rhythm, swirling your tongue over the tip every once and again, teeth lightly grazing his length as you come back down.
Paul clamps a hand over his mouth, not trusting himself to keep quiet, not with the way you're kneeling in front of him right now, his dick down your throat. He has a vice grip on your hair, sending your own arousal down between your legs.
You speed up when you hear voices just outside Paul's driver room, aware that a thin piece of plastic is the only thing separating the rest of the team and the image of their two drivers in the middle of a scandalous act.
As if reading your thoughts, Paul snickers, raising his eyebrows as you look up at him.
"They'd freak if they saw you like this," Paul taunts. "The second in the championship blowing the championship lead?"
You pinch Paul's thigh and he curses, laughing breathlessly right after.
"Okay, okay, sorry baby," Paul croons, loosening his grip on your hair.
You pull off him, panting, your hair in a sorry state.
"You've annoyed me now," you warn with a smirk. "You can use your own hand to finish the job."
Paul pouts. "Hey, now. I said I'm sorry."
"I know," you say. "If you can cum in the next two minutes, I'll let you do it inside my mouth."
"Fuck," Paul mutters, his hand already starting to pump along his length.
You snicker, laying your head on Paul's thigh while your palm strokes the other.
"Come on, Paul," you coax sweetly. "I'll give you more later if you can get that podium."
Paul grunts, speeding up even more. He eyes you darkly and you simply smile, digging your nails into the flesh of his thigh.
"Open," is all he says and you obey immediately, straightening up, your tongue sticking out as you anticipate Paul's release.
You yelp as you feel Paul nudge your head forward, his cock sliding into your mouth as it twitches, spurting hot cum straight down your throat. You swallow immediately, gagging slightly when you feel even more landing on your tongue.
You gasp as you pull away, some of the leftover dribbling down your chin. You swipe it off with your thumb, licking it clean, laughing as Paul slumps backward.
"Shit," Paul concludes, chest still heaving from the effort.
You pull yourself up, legs trembling slightly from the strain of kneeling for so long. Paul eyes you as you smooth your hair down, wiping at your face with the back of your hand in case you missed any trace of him.
"No podium, no sex," you remind him, leaning down to leave a kiss on his cheek.
You move to pull away but Paul tugs you back down, your feet stumbling over each other. You start to protest but all words die on your tongue when you feel Paul seal his lips firmly over yours.
"You should have just said that at the beginning of this weekend," Paul jokes, laughing when he feels you smack him on the arm.
"Well, would you look at that?"
You chew on your bottom lip to stop yourself from smiling as Paul approaches you, his 1st place trophy tucked under his arm. He glances at it momentarily before looking back at you.
"That's a podium," Paul points out, looking at you expectantly.
You shake your head, but the smile finally breaks loose on your face.
"Room 807. Come by before you go out and celebrate."
Paul snickers, leaning in briefly to kiss your cheek this time.
"Are you kidding? You're coming to celebrate with me," Paul declares over his shoulder, sauntering off.
"Double celebration, baby!"
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kyliekast · 24 hours
omg omg imagine like jake is in his marine fixation phase so you go on cruise but he insists patrick comes so now you’re stuck in a suite with a horny patrick who won’t stfu…
so down bad that when people assume yall are together (cause that’s what it looks like to the other cruisers) he doesn’t correct them
or if some guy approaches you he’ll just budge in with a condescending hand on the small of your back and whispers “jakes getting tired.” into your ear WITH THAT STUPID SMIRK as his hand trails farrrr south and just walks away like nothing.
oh youve changed my life with this one.
it's for jake's birthday and your parents are paying, so they're meant to have splurged on a three bedroom suite, private patio and all, but when you three get there, there are only two. jake's four by this point, and he senses the tension, so he offers, "i can sleep with daddy."
to which you decline, "of course not, jakey. it's your birthday, it's okay." besides, his bedroom has the ocean view you specifically wanted for him. you can live with sharing a bed with patrick zweig.
he's living for it.
you're strong for three whole days of the week before you cave. you're lounging poolside, bikini drawn up your breasts, when you're approached by a notably non-patrick figure. you look up from your sunglasses, and it's an older man, rolex on his wrist, ruggedly stubbled. you lick your lips.
"soaking up some sun?" he asks.
"gotta get a break where i can from my son. his dad's watching him right now."
"your boyfriend?"
"no," you say pointedly. "not my boyfriend."
he gets you a few margs from the open bar, and you're three glasses and good conversation deep when you notice patrick approaching from the corner of your eye, jake on his hip. you don't want your son to see you like this, so you apologize briefly, "sorry, i gotta go. it was nice talking to you."
"can i see you at the bar tonight?"
patrick's close by then, water dripping down his legs, curls flattened on his forehead from the waterslide. "no, she can't."
he looks between you two, and seemingly decides he doesn't want to be in the middle of... that. which is fair. you exchange goodbyes, and you glare up at patrick. "hi."
"hey," he says cheerily. "dinner soon."
dinner's mostly silent and entirely awkward, and you get a bit drunker off the two additional mojitos you nurse, trying to keep your cool while patrick looks like that.
you don't.
when you both go to bed, patrick's immediately spooning behind you, gripping your belly, and sucking your neck. "what was that?"
"what was what?"
"you know what."
"... he was handsome." you inconspicuously shift your hips back, and he grunts, grabbing them to hold there and rut against. the hem of your nightgown rides up. your fingers pull at the sheets. "... pat -- "
"be quiet."
to ensure that, he covers your mouth as he fucks into you, pumping his dick so hard your eyes screw shut and you have to put all your soundless energy into grasping the bedspread.
"yeah," he mumbles, quieter than your shifting, "yeah, you know who this pussy comes home to." you can't argue from behind his hand, and he takes advantage of it. "bet you still hump your pillow over me."
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stervrucht · 3 days
'Proximity' Part 4 ● Part 1 ● Previous ● AO3
Eddie wakes up to the sound of rain hitting metal. Behind the door of his bedroom, he hears Wayne settling in after a night of work. He groans, rubbing his palms over his eyes; digging his fingers into his scalp. Light is pouring through poorly shut curtains and when he rolls over to his alarm clock he sees he wasted the better part of the morning away. 
He slept like shit too.
Eddie sits himself on the edge of the bed, his toes digging into the rough carpet. Next to his feet lie Steve’s borrowed shorts, ruined by the depravity of his thoughts. 
He should probably get them washed. 
Eddie dresses himself and gracelessly stuffs Steve’s shorts and polo in his laundry bag, pulling the strings taut, and slings it over his shoulder as he exits his room.
Inside the living room, the curtains are drawn and Wayne lies on the foldout bed, back turned to Eddie. His breathing is already slowing down. 
Eddie quietly grabs his keys from the counter, looks over to the table where he spots Wayne’s newspaper, and decides to take it along before heading out.
He gets a coffee from a dispenser at the laundromat and it’s so vile it almost grounds him. 
Mechanical humming fills the room like white noise. There are a few other people lingering around, but it’s far from busy. It’s Friday morning after all, and people are generally at work.
In front of him, he sees his clothes and bedding swirl around inside the washing machine. 
With the clarity of a night’s sleep, the happenings of the day before don’t seem so bad anymore. Maybe he overreacted by pulling away. Steve was just fixing his shirt after all. In Steve’s position, he would probably find his reaction jarring. 
Jarring but nothing so impactful as to ruin their friendship. 
What happened after however—he downs the last of his coffee and it feels like punishment on his tongue. 
He opens Wayne’s newspaper, flipping it to the job listings.
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“Hey there, sweet cheeks.” Eddie leans one arm on the counter as he bends towards Robin. He sends her a cheeky smile and winks.
Robin looks unimpressed. “Please let me refer you to our HR department.” She turns towards the door in the back. “Steve!”
Steve pokes his head from the backroom, arms filled with a collection of plastic film cases.
“Eddie,” he says, almost surprised. Their eyes meet and suddenly Eddie feels every cell in his body hum with anticipation.
And then Steve smiles, and Eddie can breathe.
Steve behaves the same — of course he does — nothing happened after all.
“I’ve brought your clothes,” Eddie says, putting a small plastic bag down on the counter. Robin casts them a curious glance but keeps her thoughts to herself.
“Oh, thanks.” Steve sets the cases on the counter and takes the bag. He briefly looks inside before putting it behind the counter. 
“We’re still on for tonight right?” Steve asks. Somewhere in his voice Eddie catches a hint of uncertainty. Perhaps Steve isn’t as unaffected as he previously thought. 
“Of course.” It’s Friday — movie night — Eddie almost forgot after yesterday’s excitement.
Steve shifts his weight, leaning slightly against the counter, his finger rhythmically hitting the surface. Next to him, Robin observes silently and Eddie has a feeling she knows everything. She’s too perceptive for her own good.
“I don’t want to impose” — Steve starts finally — “but my parents are home tonight. Do you think Wayne would mind if we did it at yours?”
“Wayne?” Robin cuts in. Eddie realizes he never properly talked about his uncle to Robin, not by name at least, and he really has no explanation for why Steve would know. 
“My uncle— but, no, I don’t think he’s home tonight anyway.”
“Then it’s settled.” Steve smiles, his finger seizing its insistent drumming.
“I have one condition though.” Eddie purses his lips. “I get to pick this time.”
Robin and Steve shoot each other an apprehensive look, but Eddie holds all the power here. 
They will have to deal with it.
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“We should go camping,” Steve says as the credits roll on the small TV. 
The light of the TV paints the living room blue, drawing shadows on Steve and Robin’s faces as they sit huddled on a couch that is too small for three and too far away from the TV to be comfortable.
Compared to movie night at Steve’s, they are scraping the bottom now. But it doesn’t matter to Eddie, movie night isn’t really about movies — not to him at least. 
They watched Friday the 13th. Mostly because Eddie promised it wasn’t really scary and likes the way Steve and Robin clutch to each other, watching through their fingers at the more gory parts.
“Did we just watch the same movie? All those people got killed!” Robin waves her hands frantically. “Besides, by slasher morality standards, it’s not looking good for you, Steve.”
Steve narrows his eyes at her. “What is that supposed to mean?” 
“Shit, Steve, you would so die first.” Eddie leans up into Steve’s face. Steve scowles at him but doesn’t pull back.
“Sorry Eddie, I think you’d go before Steve—” Robin joins in. She reaches for the remote control, stopping the VHS. The room is cast in darkness and Eddie stands up to flick the light back on.
“Thank you!” Steve says exasperatedly. When Eddie gives Robin a pointed look from across the room she just shrugs.
Eddie lets himself fall back on the couch. “And you’d survive?” he asks leaning over Steve’s lap, hands motioning exaggeratedly in Robin’s direction.
“Obviously. I’m a girl and I’m virtuous.” Robin is looking far too pleased with herself. 
“Maybe you should do something about that.” Eddie raises his eyebrows suggestively and Robin leans closer, effectively trapping Steve between the both of them. 
“You’re just jealous, Munson.”
“Back to camping!” Steve shoves both of them off. 
Robin leans back into her seat. “Fine, you wanna go camping. I don’t know what did it for you, but fine.”
“Well, for a brief moment, they had a good time” — Eddie leans over Steve to look at Robin — “before the dying part I mean.” 
“Very helpful, Eddie.” Steve laughs and elbows Eddie back into his seat again.
“I have this sneaking suspicion — and don’t hate me for this Steve — that you have no idea how camping works,” Eddie says.
“I told you, I used to build tents in my garden—”
“Out of blankets! That won’t keep even a mosquito out!”
“—at least I tried to make cover!”
“Oh my god, guys, stop your squabbling!” Robin cuts in, making herself a pretty little target. Both Eddie and Steve are now looking at her.
“And what do you know about it?” Eddie asks.
“I used to be a girl scout, actually—”
Eddie starts laughing because he can just imagine little Robin with her cute little badges. “Well, good to know we won’t be shy for cookies then!”
Robin glowers at him. “We did a lot more than that.”
Steve crosses his arms over his chest and lets himself fall back onto the couch. “Ugh, fine, I’ll never suggest anything again.” 
“No, no! Now I wanna go! C’mon Stevie, I didn’t mean it like that!” Eddie lifts himself to his knees, putting his open palms on either side of Steve’s sulking face; babying him — making kissy faces. Steve’s facade breaks. He laughs as he playfully shoves Eddie away.
“Oh my god! I want my own tent. Don’t make me sleep next to this!” Robin covers her ears and looks up at the ceiling. Robin is being dramatic because this is just regular dude banter.
“Maybe you should ask Vickie to join us,” Steve suggests. “Even it out.”
“And expose her to you two?”
“We are perfectly fine gentlemen.” Eddie cuts in, throwing an arm around Steve’s neck while grabbing Steve’s chin between thumb and index finger. “Look at us, just two well-mannered lads.” Steve slings an arm around Eddie’s shoulder, playing along as they both smile sweetly at Robin.
“You two are a menace.” Robin pinches her nose bridge and sighs. “Fine, I’ll ask her.”
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Steve leaves to drop Robin off at home and the trailer feels quiet. Eddie looks at the coffee table littered with drinking glasses and an empty popcorn bowl. Only some unpopped kernels remain at the bottom — a testament to something he couldn’t have dreamt of a year ago. 
He just finished washing up when he hears knocking on the door. He wipes his hands on his pants and opens the door.
“Hey,” Steve says coyly. Rain clings to his hair and skin. “Is it okay if I sleep here tonight? I don’t feel like sneaking past my parents.”
“Mi casa es su casa,” Eddie says stepping aside with a bow.
Steve enters the trailer and stops in the middle. He shifts in his place, seeming somewhat awkward. Eddie closes the door behind him, locks up and leans against the door as he plays with the ring on his index finger — around, around. 
Eddie is suddenly reminded of the way people would recoil when he entered their personal space, only now the distance wasn’t as much physical as it was emotional. Steve had done a good job of acting natural when Robin was here.
He wonders if Steve can see it too. The lines drawn in the sand; the boundaries they have crossed and the ones still out there — the ones Eddie has touched in the privacy of his thoughts. He wonders which ones Steve has traced — if he has at all. A more sensible part of him knows that what is going on between them is hard to rationalize. Not even Steve can stick his head in the sand forever. The question is whether Steve will like what he sees when greeted by daylight. Whether Eddie prefers this snapshot in time over reality.
“You wanna hear some guitar?” Eddie hears himself ask, and for once he is grateful his mouth runs faster than his brain. 
Eddie’s bed dips under Steve’s weight as he settles near the wall. It’s the same side Steve slept the night before — Steve’s side. 
Maybe, hopefully.
Eddie lifts his guitar from the wall, holding it by the neck as he moves to sit next to Steve. 
Steve flips through a book he picked up from Eddie’s desk as Eddie tunes his guitar. From the corner of his eye, he can see Steve observe his fingers as he twists the tuners. 
Steve’s eyes do not leave him.
“It will not sound as nice without the paddles and amplifier,” Eddie says running an experimental finger down the snares. 
They sound good, in tune, ready to play.
Steve hums. He opens the book — Dracula — to one of the pages Eddie dog-eared. With only the warm light of a desk lamp, the letters are probably hard to read.
“Yes, there is someone I love, though he has not told me yet that he even loves me.” Steve reads out loud. 
Eddie feels his face grow hot. He sometimes underlines parts in books that resonate with him. Another puzzle piece for Steve, a glimpse into his thoughts. “Have you actually read this? It’s so bulky.” Steve lifts the book as if to demonstrate its weight.
“I use it for inspiration: songwriting, campaigns—”
“The D&D kind,” Steve states matter of fact. And fuck, that somehow does it for Eddie. Cute, is all he can think. 
“I doubt Reagan has much use for Dracula. Although, the old vampire is surprisingly charming.”
“Except for the whole bloodsucking thing—”
“Especially for the whole bloodsucking thing.” Eddie interrupts him. He doubts Steve has any knowledge of the sensual nature of vampires. “How else would you capture your prey?”
“I don’t know. Hunt them or something?”
“Seduction is way less messy— probably way more fun too.”
Steve closes the book and groans, leaning his head back against the wall and closing his eyes. “I’ve heard enough about blood for one day.”
Ironically, Steve has never looked more appetizing with his throat exposed like that — if you were a vampire that is. Or like Eddie, hopelessly in love with him. 
“Play me something.” Steve’s voice is soft. All the tension from when he first entered the trailer is gone. “Please.”
Steve’s ‘please’ sears into his brain — short circuits it. How can he refuse when Steve asks all pretty like that? Eddie plucks at the snares. Steel and nickel leave indentations at the tips of his fingers as he improvises. He plays something mellow and slow. Something Steve won’t hate — something he’ll like.
“Do you ever sing?” Steve asks, eyes still closed.
“Only backup,” Eddie says absent-mindedly.
“I’d like to hear that sometime.” Steve’s voice starts to drag, growing slow and sluggish.
“You should come to band practice some time,” Eddie says. The tune he plays is simple and doesn’t require his full attention. “Then you can hear this baby at its full potential.” 
Steve hums. He looks peaceful, maybe on the edge of sleep. Eddie wonders who knows Steve like this — his face relaxed and unguarded, the seemingly permanent crease between his eyebrows easing.
Eddie fiddles away on his guitar until he hears Steve’s breathing even out. 
After some time he stands up, quietly, and hangs his guitar back on the wall. He looks out the window where the clinging raindrops distort the streetlights — just for a moment before slowly drawing the curtains shut.
When Eddie settles his knee on his bed Steve doesn’t respond. ‘Dracula’ lays loosely in his hands and Eddie peels it away. 
“Steve,” he says softly. 
He doesn’t want to disturb him, but he’s sure Steve will wake up sore if he stays like this — his head bent to the side, exposing his throat at an awkward angle. Eddie shakes him gently, earning himself a grunt that sends a jolt straight down his spine.
“Alright,” Eddie mutters, more to himself than Steve, as he wraps his arms around Steve and pulls him until he is lying down. The action surely must have stirred Steve awake but he lets it happen — allows Eddie to maneuver him into a more comfortable position.
With Steve’s eyes closed, Eddie feels braver — bolder — as lays himself parallel to Steve.
When Steve sleepily wraps his arms around Eddie, pulling him closer; slotting their bodies together like two hands in prayer, Eddie dares — for the first time — to trace Steve’s face with his fingers. To run his thumb across his jaw, to sprawl his hands against Steve’s throat and let the metal of his rings absorb the heat of Steve’s skin. To blend their warmth until he isn’t sure where Steve ends and Eddie begins. 
It would be so easy to kiss him now. They are so close Eddie can feel Steve’s breath on his lips — can feel it, almost tangible, how much they are at the edge of something. 
A thin line. 
A small step.
Steve opens his eyes, finding Eddie’s as he reaches for Eddie’s hand on his neck. He absent-mindedly traces the rings with his fingers. “We still need to brush our teeth,” Steve says.
This must be what love feels like. To look at someone and be so utterly enamoured with them that it doesn’t matter what they say, as long as you continue to hear the sound of their voice. To feel the heat of their skin and have it burn you from the inside out.
“We do.”
Steve closes his eyes again, fingers tracing fingers in a gesture that feels so intimate Eddie feels like he can never look at his rings the same again.
“Skipping once won’t hurt right,” Steve says as he buries his face in Eddie’s pillow and breathes in deep.
“I suppose not.”
Some part of Eddie knows it would not be wise to fall asleep like this, but he can’t help himself. The light from the desk lamp colors his world maroon through closed eyelids and the friction of his clothes feels foreign in bed. By all accounts, it should be uncomfortable but Eddie never slept better.
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Eddie and Steve sit on the porch, a little too close, coffee in hand. The sky is gray and the grass wet with the night’s rain when Wayne arrives home. As he walks up to the door he looks Steve over before shooting Eddie a curious look. 
“Morning boys.”
“Morning, Mr. Munson,” Steve says politely. Wayne chuckles and softly shakes his head as he enters the trailer.
Steve and Eddie look after him until the door is closed.
“Do you think he minds that I stay over?” Steve asks.
“Nah, I think he likes you.” Eddie takes a moment, staring into the distance with pursed lips. “Actually, he thinks you’re a good influence. I looked at jobs the other day. Bet he will be thrilled.”
“You looked at jobs?”
“I mean— yeah, can’t live here forever, now can I? Leeching off Wayne.” Eddie shrugs.
“I suppose so.” Steve stares into his mug, his fingers drumming on the porcelain. “My parents were talking about buying me an apartment. Early inheritance kinda deal.” Steve’s voice grows shy. 
By now Eddie knows Steve doesn’t like talking about money. Whenever someone says Steve is rich, he always corrects them; tells them he isn’t, his parents are. 
After all, Steve earns his own money.
“Fuck, your own apartment? Way to make a guy jealous.” Eddie elbows Steve good-naturedly and Steve bouches with the action. 
“I don’t know. It sounds pretty lonely.” Steve's grip on the mug tightens and his stare intensifies. “I was kinda looking into getting a roommate.”
“A roommate, huh?” Eddie leans into Steve. “Anyone in mind? Please don’t say Henderson.” 
Steve chuckles. “Actually, I do have someone in mind. I heard he’s currently without a job though. I’m not sure if he could make rent.”
Steve grins at Eddie and he can hardly fight one off his face in return.
“Well, maybe you should tell that guy” — Eddie starts slowly, his volume increasing with each word — “to get a fucking job and make rent.” 
Across the street a lady looks over, startled by the noise.
Steve starts laughing, actually laughing, and Eddie joins him because the idea of being roommates with Steve — Steve asking him to — is incredible and ridiculous and something Eddie didn’t even know he wanted.
“So that’s a yes?” Steve asks breathily once they finally calmed down.
“Oh, absolutely.”
'Proximity' Part 4 ● Part 1 ● Previous ● AO3
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somethingvicked · 2 days
True love of mine part 9.
An Eddie Munson story
Stranger Things AU (no Upside-Down)
warnings: female reader, fluff, mentions of sex, fluff.
Chapter 8.
You turned around. Eddie stood behind you, his hands in his pocket, a small smile on his face. If you had thought he looked breathtaking on stage, it wasn’t even close to how beautiful he was up close.
“Eds,” you breathed.
Eddie closed his eyes briefly, as if the nickname in itself was a caress. When he opened them, they were wet. “Can… can I hug you?”
“Please,” you whispered and in the next moment you were in his arms, his soft curls tickling your cheek, the scent of him invading your nostrils.
“Eddie…” you started but he hushed you when suddenly there was a some loud (and clearly) drunk voices coming from the other side of the street.
“Listen, kitten. I… I don’t want to do this here. Do you… would you come with me? To my place?”
You couldn’t believe your ears and another time you might have teased him but when he looked at you with such sincerity in his eyes you could only nod.
“Yes. I want… want to be alone with you and talk.”
Eddie nodded and stepped back from the hug, but kept a hold of your hand as you walked to the staff parking lot of the club and to… a motorcycle.
Your mouth dropped as Eddie stopped in front of it and gave you a wide smile. “Welcome to your chariot, my lady,” he told you, and suddenly turned into the old Eddie from all those years ago.
You burst out a surprised laugh. “Eddie…! Wow, I… just… wow.”
“I decided to upgrade from the van after my second record deal,” Eddie told you. “But believe it or not – I still have it. Couldn’t get rid of it… too many memories.”
Now you had to swallow down tears. “That’s… yeah, I can relate to that,” you admitted, thinking of your notebooks and the gifts you had saved from him.
You held out your hand for him to see the cat ring, sitting on your middle finger. Eddie’s eyes widened.
“You… you kept it?”
You nodded, not trusting your voice.
“Oh, kitten… my kitten,” Eddie whispered, pulling you to him and wrapping his arms around you all over again. “I’m so sorry. So sorry for hurting you like that. I know it’s not good enough but…”
You rubbed his back, pressing your face to his chest and you could’ve sworn you felt him tremble.
“God, we need to get out of here before I have a breakdown,” Eddie said. Still he kept hol of your hand while he straddled the motorcycle and gave you a helmet. “Take this.”
“What about you?” you wondered as you put the helmet on.
“I’ve got stuffing,” Eddie joked, pointing to his hair. “Sit down behind me and hold on tight. Place your feet there,” he instructed you and you quickly obeyed, feeling a bit nervous.
When Eddie turned the engine on and the motorcycle rumbled like a lion you tightened your arms around him and he gave your hands an encouraging pat.
Then he drove off. At first it was scary, seeing the city flash by in such speed but soon you started to enjoy it. Eddie’s warm back was a reassuring presence and he didn’t drive like a lunatic. A bit too fast at times but it felt more like he was eager to get home so you two could talk alone.
Finally Eddie turned into a road that lead to an underground garage of a large building and parked the bike.
Your legs felt a little wobbly when you stepped down, which made him smile in amusement. Then you two walked over to the elevator.
It was quiet on the way up, both of you knowing that soon the moment was here and it made you feel a little nervous. Eddie too, it seemed, since he was fiddling with his rings, something he had always done when he felt anxious in the past.
The elevator arrived on the right floor and Eddie led you through his front door.
You weren’t sure what you had expected but the apartment was clean, a few items lying around, but it just made it feel homely.
“Do you want a tour?” Eddie wondered and you nodded.
The kitchen was small with just a tiny kitchen table and two chairs, but the view was great.
The living room was spacious with a floor to roof window and a balcony. On the walls of the living room there were framed posters from Eddie’s tours, photos of Eddie with other bands – mainly those that he had admired so before he left Hawkins. There were also pictures of Eddie with Wayne, the few photos he had of his mother as well as a few with the old gang from Hawkins.
The new ones of Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Steve and Robin were all taken here in the city, you could tell. None in Hawkins. Edide had never returned there.
Seeing you watch the photos Eddie turned away, clearly ashamed and you took his hand, squeezing it, trying to bring comfort to you both.
Then, to bring the mood up, Eddie proudly led you to his studio. It was equipped with everything a musician could wish for, a collection of guitars hanging on the walls, but Eddie’s Sweetheart still had the place of honor, hanging over a desk, filled with papers which looked like song lyrics and music sheets.
You felt a tug on your heart when you saw that an old banner of Corroded Coffin hung above his desk.
Then he took you to his bedroom. The bed was wide, with black sheets, which made you smile. A few clothes thrown at a chair standing against the wall.
And then you saw it. On his bedside table… a photo of you two. It had been taken after Corroded Coffin had their first show at a club in Indianapolis – outside of Hawkins. Another band had canceled and through the channels the owner of the Hideout had given the suggestion of Corroded Coffin.
 Eddie was sweaty from his performance, holding Sweetheart while you rode on his back, clinging to him, your face bright with joy and pride.
You gasped and his eyes widened when he saw what you were looking at.
Seeing that photo made you forget everything about having to talk things out with Eddie, about the questions you needed to ask him, what he wanted to ask you.
Instead you all but threw yourself into his arms and he lifted you up, hugging you tightly as you finally, finally kissed each other after all these years.
The kiss was first slow and loving, both of you pouring out all the feelings you hadn’t been able to speak about for so many years.
But it soon turned hungry. Eddie slid his tongue into your mouth, tangling it with your own, making you whimper as your fingers tangled into his hair to press him closer.
Soon enough you both had to break away from the kiss in order to breathe but Eddie immediately lowered his head and started to kiss your neck, knowing how much you loved that, how feral it made you.
You slid your hands beneath his shirt and pulled it off, making him growl in annoyance that he had to pull away from your neck.
You admired his pale chest, littered with new tattos. He was still lean but you could see the outlines of muscles now.
Eddie made short work of your blazer and top, groaning when he saw you in just your bra, smashing his lips to yours again, unhooking your bra and tossing it somewhere in the room.
“So beautiful,” he whispered against your lips. “My beautiful kitten. Always the most beautiful.”
You felt your insides melt as you leaned forward to press kisses to his chest. “Eds…”
“I know, kitten. I know. I feel it too.”
He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he walked the small distance to the bed, tumbling down on it with you underneath him.
Still kissing you, Eddie tugged on your jeans and you lifted your hips to help, using your feet to kick them to the floor.
Eddie sat up to unzip his own pants and you supported yourself on your elbows, just looking at him and how beautiful he was before you started to remove your panties.
Eddie stared at you with undeniable lust in his eyes but you were just to far gone to let him go down on you right now. You needed him and it seemed he needed you just as much.
“Later I’ll do this the way it’s supposed to go,” Eddie muttered, finally throwing his own pants and boxers into a corner. “Right now, I… I just…”
“I know, Eddie. I feel it too,” you told him, echoing what he had said earlier.
 The sexual elegance and all the arts of it had to wait. Right now it was just about becoming one again.
And when Eddie finally sank into to you, making you both sob out of both pleasure and love, it truly felt like you had come home after a long journey.
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Hawkins, 1983
Eddie seemed calm and excited but the other guys were nervous as hell. The bar wasn’t big by any means, but compared to the Hideout it was huge and held way more people.
“You guys will do great!” You said, beaming with pride.
“Thanks, kitten,” Eddie said, giving you a kiss, making the other guys groan and whistle.
You hoped that focusing on your and Eddie’s cute moment would take the nerve of them for a moment at least. 
Then they were called out and the guys quickly disappeared from behind the stage, walking through the curtain. You hurried around so you would be able to see.
This was on a Thursday – hence why Corroded Coffin had even stood a chance being stand-ins – so the bar wasn’t completely filled but again, compared to the Hideout it was way more than the guys and you were used to. The crowd gave a luke-warm applause, although you more than made up for it.
“Evening,” Eddie said into the microphone, “we’re Corroded Coffin and we thank you for listening to us tonight.”
Then they started to play. They were going to play five songs, two of them were their own – you had helped them write the lyrics on both of them – but the rest were songs from other artist, those the guys felt secure with one from Ozzy Osbourne, one from Metallica and one from Creedence. That was Eddie’s gift to you and you couldn’t be happier for him to honor you.
The boys were great, they made no error whatsoever and you couldn’t contain the burst of pure joy when they finished, jumping up and down while you clapped your hands and cheered.
Eddie actually blushed as he smiled at you. “Thank you for tonight. See you all!”
Once again the applause was halfhearted but you didn’t care. You flew backstage to the guys.
“It was amazing! And Eddie, it’s like you were made to stand on stage.”
It was. The other guys were good, but Eddie… he had a certain energy when he was playing his guitar and singing, it was like something otherworldly had taken presence in him and he was channeling all that energy to deliver the message that he wanted. This was his element. He was born for it.
You couldn’t wait until he had put Sweetheart down, so you jumped on his back, making him let out a gasp at first and then as you hugged him tightly he laughed, hugging you back with his free arm.
“My two best girls, huh?” he said, patting Sweetheart while he kissed your cheek.
“This is a keeper,” Jeff said and took out his camera. “Say ‘lovebirds’ you two!”
“LOVEBIRDS,” you and Eddie all but yelled as the flash went off, capturing that moment forever.
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taglist: @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @mewchiili @melodymunson @ches-86 @jenniquinn @eddiemunsonfuxks @stolen-in-moonlight @alastorssimp @pandemoniusstuff
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odinsblog · 1 year
Okay… today was a lil bit rough on ya boy. Bad, but nothing too serious - if this was the worst that 2023 throws at me, I’m winning like a mf. Anyway I smiled when this happened…. I can’t access the “read more” function anymore, so y’all gon need to see the tags
#lgbt#lgbtq#military channel#lynette nusbacher#so this might come as a surprise to all but my very closest followers#but imma ex military grunt turned peacenik - ya know saw the sausages getting made up close and decided that peace is preferable to war#anyway - in a lot of ways the army is branded into my soul#i still wake up before 4am on most mornings#w/o an alarm clock#i still do *my* version of pt (mine has lap swimming yo)#and i still enjoy learning militarily history/strategy (far too much of it is propaganda unfortunately)#anyway - i like to listen to non controversial things as i drift off to sleep sometimes#and i *love* the history/military channel#but i havent really watched it in a good minute right?#so im drifting off to sleeping (today was unusually skressful but thats another whole ass post)#so im listening to the military channel and i hear a familiar voice#and immediately i think to myself - oh thats that british dude#but ……… when i briefly open my eyes to see him talking …….#its *actually* ​( …wait for it…) lynette nusbacher!#and i saw her face and i was like damn odin you slippin son#ive watched the military channel so much i coulda sworn it was that dude speaking#so now im kinda half awake and im questioning myself right? like - i might forget names but i fuckn knowwww faces and voices#so they flash her name across the screen and i hit up wikipedia and boom!#lynette nusbacher is trans! and the mf military channel still has her on 🤯#anyway - imma cis/het brutha but that made me happy for all my trans friends skrugglin out there#i didnt know
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screampied · 21 days
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toji realizes he’s in love with you when he lets you shave his face for the first time,
he’s got the biggest grump of a scowl plastered on his naturally crooked lips. as he’s glowering, he’s also trying to prevent himself from smiling because you looked so cute. your touch with him was gentle—like it always was. after you wiped his face with a dampened face towel, you rub your hands against the lower part of his jaw. “soooo,” you utter, breaking the dead silence as he’s just peering down at you. “tell me ‘bout your day, toji.”
with the palms of your hands tenderly caressing against his chiseled jawline—you smear every part of his chin and cheekbones with shaving cream. even the secluded areas underneath his nose. as you do so, toji tchs. “day was fine, baby. ‘n i told ya i can shave myself.”
“i know i know,” you hum, creating a circular motion with your hands before gently making sure every sector near the lower part of his face was lathered with nice frothy amounts of shaving cream. “wowww, you’ve got such soft skin. skin routine when?”
“ugh, y’er insufferable,” he rolls his eyes. although, his skin was surprisingly clear. toji only had a bit of a stubble, hardly any facial hair but it was growing the more he aged. you took it upon yourself to ask to help him shave and he said yes, not realizing how much he’d soon grow to like it. the feeling of your delicate, warm hands rubbing against his face was somewhat . . soothing. with a deep, heaving sigh, toji’s hooded jade eyes meet yours. he spots your pout and his shoulders lower. “alright fine, i’ll teach you one day. only if ya stop poutin'..”
with a cheeky grin, your little pout falters and you smile. “okay,” and you wait for about a good three minutes to allow the spumous cream to souse everywhere on his pores. it takes a while—and as you wait, you take a moment to stare at his features. toji was definitely easy on the eyes up close. naturally long black lashes of his flicker as he returns your loving gaze, and he avoids eye contact for a moment. perhaps you were making him a bit . . nervous. darkened eyebrows of his arch into an almost sheepish raise while he watches your adorable curious simper stretch further. “don’t be so stiff, what are you, nervous?”
“not nervous. jus’ don’t want ya to cut my face off.” he grumbles in a hoarse tone, ogling intently at you opening the bathroom cabinet for his razor. “you know what y’er doin’ right? i’d like ‘ta keep my face.”
“oh, don’t be dramatic,” and now it’s your turn to roll your eyes. toji’s got a growing smirk tugging against his lips as he gawks you carefully start to shave in the exact sectors of where his facial hair resides. you did lots and lots of research—he knew this because he caught you reading various wikiHow articles on how to shave a guy’s face correctly. toji would never in a million years tell you, but he found that fact entirely adorable. you made sure you knew how to avoid burns and razor bumps. as you’re fixated on his chin, you mumble, “you’ll keep your pretty face, don’t cry.”
“aw, think ‘m pretty?” toji says, and you see the playful glint in his eyes. he’s easing up a bit, and he acknowledges that you were right. right about his stiffness, he was a bit tense. shoulders raised and all, but now—as of late, he’s starting to calm down a bit the more you talk to him. “i’d prefer the term 'handsome' but that works too, i guess.”
you deadpan, continuing your trail against his face—the razor sings out a shrieking tiiiing the more you gingerly shave with soft, gentle strokes.
it’s somewhat relaxing with the way the edges of the instrument adapts to the chiseled contours on his face. the foam starts to come off within each downward stroke and you’re very slow and precise. “okay, don’t be cocky,” you titter, and he feels his heart flutter a bit at how you’re just so dedicated. you’re so focused that your tongue briefly sticks out of your mouth, trying to make sure you do it perfectly. you tried your hardest not to cut him—you were so careful and that simple detail alone could have been enough for him to propose. “you should let me do this more. ‘s kinda fun.”
“eh. maybe,” toji shrugs, his voice coming out in a rough rasp. he doesn’t even realize it but his expressions significantly soften. he was only this way around you. to him, the thought of that was kind of scary. after you start to edge with the precision trimmer and reach underneath his nose and chin, you wrap it up. successfully discarding all of the foamy cream from his face, spotting his now clean jawline, you break away to rinse off the now grubby blades in the sink. “all done?”
“wait— don’t look yet,” you gasp, preventing him from gazing at himself in the mirror. “i still have to do the uh . . what’s it called again?”
toji snickers. “aftershave, baby.”
“aftershave,” you repeat. “right right,” and you’re so cute, kneeling down towards the wooden cabinet directly underneath the sink. you take out the mini bottle, pouring a nice goopy amount into your palm. you let toji wash his face with cold water first, patting it dry, and then you start to bedaub the facial balm in all the sensitive areas against his skin. he adores the mushy texture of your hands making contact with his face as each second passes. toji’s eyeing you, an almost grunt leaving his lips as a thumb of yours gently tickles against his infamous scar. the scar that slants itself near the right side of his lip. “thereee we go,” you give him a soft smile, the aromatic scent of tea tree oil setting against your nostrils. up close, his pores were now all so clear and you stare in awe for a bit at just how charming he was. the moisture that lays against his skin feels a lot more smooth. you grow silent for a moment before your own face softens. “okayyy, ‘m done.”
toji finally glances into the mirror, seeing his freshly new spotless face and he sees your proud toothy grin in the mirror’s reflection behind him. he cranes his neck to the side, feeling the once rough texture of his jawline now soft. he then lets off a tiny exhale. “looks good. y’er a natural,” and he turns to face you, he’s pondering on what to say. oh, your eyes sparkled with such admiration from his praise that it was just adorable. “thank you, sweetheart. for y’know . . takin’ care of me. y’er really . . sweet.”
and with that, his lips inch down to press a warm kiss against the crown of your head. your heart immediately swarms up with a frantic school of butterflies and so does his. toji prepares speak again and it’s an almost inaudible mumble. you could barely even register what he said at first because it was so hushed, but toji gruffs in a low tone. “i … love you..”
“h- huh?”
scoffing, he hides the burning embarrassed flush against his face by pulling you into his broad chest. you giggle at how he just abruptly snatches you close into his warm body before he slings a beefy arm around you. “i said, let’s uh.. do our skin care together later t’night.”
“awww i love you too toj—”
“oh my god, s-shut up..”
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kissitbttr · 7 months
flashing simon your titties in the middle of an argument
it’s the fourth time this week and he’s pretty much getting sick of your attitude.
whether it’s about the messy drawers, forgotten keys, not getting your fresh strawberries from the market and now, it’s about the new female recruit that seems to be enjoying flirting with your boyfriend and him not doing anything about it. of course you’re pissed! you’re allowed to.
“sweetheart” simon huffs out a sigh of annoyance, rubbing his hands all over his tired face. “for the fifth time… i wasn’t flirting with her”
a scoff escape your mouth. cocking one eyebrow while your arms are crossed over your chest. “i didn’t say you were. i said that bitch had her hands all over you and you didn’t do anything! she was batting her fake ass lashes at you too. jesus, her ass should got beat for that”
the sight of you getting pretty heated almost turned him on. almost. sure, you’re hot when you’re angry and usually he’d fuck you dumb to get that out of your system but this time? he’s far too exhausted.
“fuckin’ hell” he shakes his head in disbelief. “you know that’s not what happened. we were just talking.”
“i know what i saw-“
“don’t give me that!” simon exclaims, pointing his finger at you as he watches you give him a look of ‘oh you did not just do that’. “we were basically just talking, she was the new recruit. asking me about pointers.. and it was at the gala! what did you expect me to do?!”
you shrug casually, leaning against the kitchen counter. “poke her eyes with a fork”
“my god-“ he has to cut himself off before releasing a heavy sigh. eyes shutting briefly, head tilts to the back as he silently prays to whoever up there to give him enough strength to deal with you. “that would be illegal.”
“for you, maybe. i’d do it if you weren’t in my way.”
“that’s crazy” he answers, earning a look from you. “i didn’t say you are crazy! christ, woman!”
rolling your eyes, you huff. maybe you are overreacting but the thing is? you don’t want him to win. because in your head, you’re always right.
“so, what? you’re just going to let other female recruits feel you up too, huh? grab your biceps, twirl their hair when they look at you or maybe hey! you’d let them grab your dick too.”
“you’re unbelievable”
“me?! you are—“
“no! okay, you know what?! doll, i love you... i do so please never doubt me, yeah? but you can’t keep doing this, alright?! it’s not healthy! and if you—w-wait, what are you doing? wha-“
you lift your shirt up to flash him your naked breasts so he can shut up. and it worked. obviously. now, his eyes aren’t even looking at you but at his second favorite thing—after you— your lips stretch into a smirk when you see him freeze. jaw hanging open slightly.
“a-and you c-can’t” he gulps, becoming a stuttering mess as he struggles to maintain an eye contact. “c-can’t—like—just—fuck! this is unfair! what was i saying?!”
oh yeah, now you’re taking the W
did this once with my ex and got fucked lol
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bunnyhugs77 · 5 months
High Demand
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ꕤ- Pairing: Dealer! Jungkook x Reader
ꕤ- WC: 2.6k
ꕤ- A modern day Romeo and Juliet
Content: college student! reader, grumpy jk, brief texting! au, jk is lowkey whipped, drug use (marijuana), reader is his special customer, vaping, opposites attract, suggestive themes, minor jealousy, idiots in love (but they won't admit it), shot gunning, grinding, fwb?
Other Content: thigh riding, high sex, jk titty appreciation, unprotected sex (no.), hand job, soft dom kook, reader is a little needy, brief switch! koo, hickeys, pet names, spit, biting.
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Shaking your head with a small giggle as you looked at your phone before tossing it aside. You're totally his favourite. You know he's stubborn and he would never admit it but deep down he loves delivering to you the most.
Looking around your sad and dimly lit dorm, all the lights were off and your roommate was gone for the weekend doing god knows what with her weird ass biology major boyfriend who would collect rabbit tails in jars for 'science'.
You were looking at one right now actually, it seems they left one behind, on the coffee table. It was just fermenting in... you actually weren't sure and didn't want to know.
Your eyes felt like they were on fire the longer you looked at the stupid philosophy paper you were writing. The bright light from your laptop was beginning to drill into your head. Your head lolled to the side glancing at the time on your phone.
It was almost 11:30, and time for a break. Abandoning the device on the couch for a quick wake-up shower; by the time you'd gotten changed and returned to the living room, you could expect Jungkook any minute now.
Except, this is Jungkook we're talking about. He's always late.
That's why when you heard the familiar rattling of the rusty fire escape you were startled. It was a little past midnight. Climbing through the window in nothing but your basketball shorts and a white tee.
Pleasantly surprised to see Jungkook scaling the platform with a bag of takeout pinned in between his teeth. The sight of you looking down at him from where he climbed made his eyebrows raise but of course he couldn't say anything.
Not until he was finally close enough for you to grab the bag from his mouth and he stands up. You climb back inside first with him following behind with a pained sigh. "I'm so sick of coming here. Got me climbing walls like its fucking subway surfers." He curses while you place the food down on the table.
Completely ignoring him, practically drooling as you slowly peeled open the bag. "And I thought you said you weren't gonna bring me anything." He snatches the bag.
"I didn't."
You let yourself fall onto the couch, arms crossed and unbelieving. "Oh yeah? So you just coincidentally craved Wendy's and decided to haul it up three flights up a ladder from your mouth when you could've just eaten it in the car?"
"Yeah exactly." He shrugs, obviously lying.
"Give me the bag, Jungkook."
"Fine. But I'm charging you extra for the delivery and the labour of bringing it up here." He hands it to you and you roll your eyes knowing it was nothing more than a bluff.
"It's not my fault you're out of shape," you mumble unwrapping the burger. "Oh yeah? Is this what out of shape looks like to you?" He says it almost offended but challenged.
Choking briefly on your food as he lifts up his shirt, revealing the defined abs that you have such lewd memories of. "Yeah, that's what I thought. You try climbing 3 flights up a ladder and tell me it's easy." You shrug,
"Not my fault you're banned from the campus." He drops himself down beside you, reaching for the bag of fries and taking some for himself. "But it is, if you hadn't called me to drop off a stash for Angelica's dorm party maybe I could still take the stairs."
You drop your half-eaten burger with apologetic eyes, "How was I supposed to know they were doing random security checks in the lobby? At least you didn't get arrested." You pout and he scoffs.
"Bare minimum." He says via grumpy mutter under his breath so you offered up the rest of your food to him as a peace offering. A little sad that he actually took it but you were getting full anyway.
As he finished up the rest of your food you couldn't stop yourself from asking, "So do you still do drops with Angelica?" He nods with his mouth full of the last bite, stuffing the wrappers back in the bag.
"How often does she call you?-- for deliveries I mean." He chuckles, licking his lips, "Jealous?" You take the trash off the coffee table and bring it to the kitchen to toss it in the garbage. "You're delusional."
"I can't help it if I'm in high demand." He manspreads, his arms stretched over the back of the couch. "Just shut up. Do you have my pen?" He reaches for the pocket inside his leather jacket, pulling out the slim box.
Already knowing that you were going to use it now, he began to unbox it while you collected the cash you needed. "40 right?" You say handing him the small spread of bills, "Yeah, but for you, I guess I could make it 30." He shrugs conceitedly.
"Because I'm your favourite." You say and he shakes his head, "No. Because I ate your food." Which he paid for but you didn't dare to say that out loud, you were getting cheap weed.
"So who's your favourite then Jungkook?" He hands you the pen, "Listen. I don't climb up the fire escape when I do deliveries for Angelica, I make her come to me. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
Trying to tug the pen out of his grasp but he holds it firm until you respond, "I guess I can work with that." He smiles softly, letting you take the first hit as his arm wraps around your shoulder.
The two of you passed the pen back and forth, with little giggles here and there and wide eyes on the episode of SpongeBob that was playing.
By now the dark living room is illuminated by nothing more than your roommate's lava lamp and a strip of purple LEDs' taped behind the TV. You could see the smoke as it floated past the few sources of light.
"Open." He directs, taking a particularly long hit, leaning into you and blowing the pungent smoke into your mouth, sucking it in from his lips.
The pen is now forgotten as it rolls between the cracks of the couch. Straddling Jungkook's muscular thigh as he flexed it every now and then, taking hits from his blueberry Ice vape and blowing it to the ceiling, giving you a prime view of his sharp jaw under the soft purple lighting.
The sight made you shake, gyrating your hips almost desperately as you chased the feeling of friction on his denim-clad thigh. "You like that? You feel good fucking yourself on my thigh?" The question was rhetorical, you were too dazed to answer him anyway.
Your heavy-lidded gaze slowly rolls up to his pretty face once you feel his hand move from your hips to gently wrap around your neck, not applying any pressure, just there to let you feel the weight of his hand. "Answer me," He says, and you fall forward "Yess, feels so good." You moan, and Jungkook has danced this dance with you enough to see you were close.
But of course, he couldn't let you cum so soon, not yet. His hands flew to your hips and pinned you down on his thigh, restricting your range of motion. "Please," You beg and he wishes he had a little more willpower but he couldn't say no to you, not when you looked so fucked out when he's barely touched you.
"Fuck. Take your shirt off." Leaning back and crossing your arms over the base of the shirt, you pried it off your body desperately. Leaving you in your black lacy bra and it pulled out a guttural groan from Jungkook's chest.
"You little whore." he grits through his clenched teeth, grip tightening on the arm of the couch nearly ripping the fabric.
This position was no longer giving him what he so desperately craved. Shrugging the jacket from off his shoulders and taking off the tank top underneath letting your eyes roam over his built upper body, oh how you wanted to just...
Without thinking your tongue striped up the expanse of his bulky pecs. This was new, but Jungkook was so high out of his mind anything and everything you did felt like he was on cloud 9.
Your mouth dropped down to wrap around his rosy nipples and you could've never anticipated the worked-up reaction you got from him. "Oh shit, shit shit." He gasps, hands gripping your waist tight enough that you're sure there will be bruises by the morning.
Letting your tongue lap around his nipples with pure hunger, an inexplicable flame burning in your core as you were finally the one who got to watch the other be reduced to a moaning mess.
His once soft moans turned a little breathy and high-pitched, His hips bucked causing you to jolt in his lap, he was getting close.
"Didn't think you'd like having your tits played with so much?" You tease him but he didn't find the humour in it. He holds you by the throat once more, this time applying a generous amount of pressure, pushing you off him.
Unbuckling his belt and you knew what that meant. He slides out of his pants, followed by the boxers that were the last barrier between your moistened lips and his throbbing cock. "Let's put that smart mouth of yours to good use, yeah?" He hums, watching as you sink to your knees, hand carefully wrapped around his base, starting with slow pumps.
"Spit on it." Doing as told, you let a wad of spit fall from your pretty, plush lips and coat the shaft of his dick, you worked your palm up his length. Already satisfied with the way his head was thrown back.
"Just like that," Reaching for the vape, he takes a few good hits, the head rush mixed with the pleasure had him seeing stars-- the object falling from his hands immediately the moment he felt the warm heat of your mouth wrap around his sensitive tip.
"Y/n-" He breathes out, almost scared, he was so close, too soon. He's never struggled to hold himself back this badly before. What were you doing to him?
The obscene sounds of you choking as you struggled to take all of him in your mouth, letting your nose touch the soft, trimmed hairs near his base. Focusing on breathing through your nose before you felt a heavy hand on the back of your head, pushing you lower.
You were quite literally slobbering on his dick, gagging with every buck of his hips. "That's it, princess. You're doing so well--Shit. Mouth feels like fucking heaven." His praise rushes to your core and has your left hand trailing down to rub yourself through your lace underwear.
The rough friction being more than enough to get you there, "I'm gonna cum, baby. Where-- Shit!-- Where do you want it?" He gasps, his hips snapping, pushing his length down your throat almost erratically. You don't answer, only hollowing your cheeks to take him deeper, making your desires clear.
Your own fingers quickening their pace, your own sounds travelling through his dick in vibrations and pushing him right over the edge with you, filling your mouth with his warm cum.
Swallowing as if it were second nature. "Stick out your tongue," He says softly. His chest rises and falls rapidly as he tries to regain his composure from his overwhelming climax. Your tongue was out and cleared of any of his cum and it made him crazy.
He remembers the first time he'd brought an order to you over 6 months ago. He thought you were nothing more than a cute little philosophy major, never did he think he'd have you beneath him like he does right now.
Looking up at him, daring to give you an almost angelic gaze while the two of you ruined each other. Tainting each other with your own touches. "Kiss me?" You ask it so cutely, tempting him with the pout on your lips. You weren't being fair.
His body didn't give him a choice before his lips were on yours, his hips grinding into yours. The feeling of his solid dick rolling against your skin making the butterflies go ramped in your stomach.
The way you licked over his bottom lip with your own made Jungkook weak, stumbling on his elbows as he held himself up over you. Soft groans could be heard the deeper the kiss became.
Messy and intimate. Your hand crept up the back of his neck to tug at the dark locks of hair on his head. There was a loud pop and the two of you paused.
With Jungkook between your legs and with you under him, your heads turned slowly towards the coffee table where the jar was, dedicated to the fermenting rabbit tail. "What the fuck is that?" Jungkook slowly sits up, "My roommate's boyfriend's weird biology shit. I dunno, it freaks me out too." You sit up, now remembering what the two of you were in the middle of doing.
"That shit's not gonna blow up or anything right." You gently peck him on the lips but his brain seems preoccupied by the jar, "who knows," you say, kissing right under his ear and that seemed to get him to zone in on you.
Catching his bottom lip under his teeth as your kisses became more eager, suckling on a certain spot on his neck, his head falling back against his will. "Fuck, Y/n-- Don't you dare." You pull off his soft skin with a soft pop, admiring the burgundy bruise left behind.
"Oops." Your apology was ingenuine and bratty, and Jungkook hated brats.
Tearing you out of your final pieces of clothing before manhandling you into his lap. "Sit on it." He demands and you follow without question. Moaning out loud as his dick spread your lips apart like butter.
Sliding down with ease and a stretch of your velvety walls that were currently squeezing Jungkook for everything he's got and he's got nothing left, everything was yours.
"I-Shit! You feel so good, Kook!" He couldn't bother to correct you on the annoying nickname you were incessant on using. "Yeah? You like that- fuck, you feel so good." He curses, bucking his hips up into you as you raise your hips trying to match his thrusts.
He was fucking you so good, so ruthlessly, your head falls onto his shoulder and you needed more than just the couch to hold on to, your teeth sank into the muscular meat of his shoulder and his pace faltered.
"Shit shit shit! Do that again." He groans, picking up an inhumane pace that had you bouncing all over the place until he stilled you in his arms. His grunts and breathy moans came out right beside your ear only pushing you to your orgasm faster.
"J-jungkook-!" You pant, unable to speak, feeling like your insides are being rearranged, "Me too, baby. Cum with me." You finish first, and with a few more unsynchronized snaps of his hips, you were being filled to the brim with his cum.
The room is filled with nothing but the sound of muffled music playing from your neighbour's next door and laboured breaths. Jungkook gently lays you down on the couch beside him, staring into your eyes.
This felt so intimate. You felt his gaze deeper than just behind your eyes, it was as if he was looking into your soul. His eyes were tinted red as he looked at you with an adoring gaze. "You're cute." He says it casually as though he hadn't just fucked you.
Your eyes roll before they close, feeling the sleepiness begin to kick in. "Bet you say that to all your customers." Mumbling the words into his chest while he began to grin a little.
"Nope. Only to my favourite." Your eyes shoot open.
"I knew it."
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wyvernest · 7 months
back massages
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pairing: miguel o'hara x college roommate f!reader
warnings: smut, miguel is a bit cocky, unprotected piv, suggestive massages, dry jumping
summary: you give miguel the proverbial back massage, and he returns the favour
"Ugh, my back-" he groans loudly, entering the cramped dorm room and slamming the creaking door shut in frustration.
"Still?" you reply, absent-mindedly, not looking away from your laptop screen and the from project you're working on for tonight's delivery. "Didn't the trellises at the gym help?"
You hear the cot springs coil under his weight as he drops to the bed on his stomach. "Couldn't even use them."
"Hm?" You're still half focused on your research, briefly catching the last words of his replies.
"The gym was full." He groans, shuffling on the mattress.
He is increasingly frustrated with the lack of attention he's receiving from you. You two have been teasing eachother for a while; enough of a while to get him riled up late at night, and to considerably speed up your heart rate whenever he was around.
But even now, you were afraid of being more obvious than necessary. He seemed so confident and easy to talk to, but sometimes you could only wonder if that's just what he was like with everyone else.
He wasn't. He was only this open to you. This relaxed. At least he wasn't aware of how attractive and intimidating his confidence could be to you.
Your delicate fingers kept tapping on the keyboard, unrelenting. Nearly indifferent.
"Didn't you say you'd finish it this morning?" he groans, slightly muffled by the pillow he rested his head against.
"Yeah." You aren't paying attention. Truthfully, beneath the façade, you can barely understand what you're reading, your eyes mechanically darting across the text in front of you. All you can think about is how much you'd want to straddle him and make out right now. Especially with the way he's groaning from the back pain-
"- I overslept." You explain, scarce and somewhat cold. He sighs deeply, and you feel your heart sink into your stomach. Fuck. You don't even know if being roommates is either a blessing or a curse. How are you even supposed to study with-
"Can't you take a break? Por favor." He speaks, his voice down an octave. You can't take it anymore. You peek at him over your shoulder, pondering.
He's shirtless. Of course. He has to be doing it on purpose at this point.
Your attention drifts over the line of his back that bends just slightly for him to hold his beefy arms under his pillow. His muscles ripple as he shifts to get more comfortable into the greyish bedsheets.
"Give me a back rub." He challenges, squinting his eyes and watching your face drop the second his request is processed in your brain.
"Come on." He chuckles lowly. A few ruffled strands of hair on his face make it look like he had just woken up. You can't resist. "Help me feel better."
Raising from the desk chair and moving to sit on the edge of the bed, you place your hands on his shoulder blades, pushing gently, kneading the tensed muscles there. He sighs deeply once again as he feels your small, warm palms on his broad back.
"Ugh." he groans, relaxing under your touch. "Push harder."
You comply, applying more pressure, digging the heels of your hands into his toned muscles.
Your vision washes over his body, comforted by the fact that he can't see you. His back is so much bigger than your whole body. You feel an unfathomably strong need to lay on him, to feel the heat of his skin invade yours. Or better yet, have him lay on you, feel the whole weight of him, cozy and constant.
"Oh-" He moans, raspy and low when you find another tensed up knot, "-feels so good." You're starting to soak your panties from the sounds he's making.
"You're so good at this." He halfly speaks into his pillow, evidently pleased with the special treatment. "Ah, yeah, right there- oh-"
Insisting on the spot, you start putting your upper body weight into the strokes, not having any more force in your arms. He groans again at the sudden change, only this time it comes out very much like a prolonged moan.
Soon enough your own back starts to hurt from the twisted position you're in, legs dangling on one side of the mattress and your torso turned to him. Ceasing your movements, you bring your hands to your lower back, pushing so you could straighten your spine as a faint ache begins to form.
"Get on the bed." He moves his head to gaze up at you over his shoulder. "Straddle my waist. Better for the both of us.", He advices, as if it's nothing.
Your heart rate picks up as uneasiness shoots through your veins as in a lighting strike. You've never been this close to him before. This physical, this intimate. Heart fluttering at the faint hope of reciprocated feelings and the possibility of something more, you silently accept the suggestion.
Climbing on the bed, you hop on his lower back, gradually and slowly laying your bodyweight on him.
"Is this okay?" You're finally settled, and he groans in an infinitely relieved exhale.
"More than okay." One of his hands slips away from under his pillow to tap on your thigh, nearly making you jump. "Continue, it was so good."
Trying to ignore his hand still resting two millimetres away from your leg, you resume the massage, searching for more knots over his broad back.
"That's it, that's it, oh fuck- ugh" His voice sultry and raspier, he flexes his back muscles involuntarily the second you finally reach the spot.
You have to use all that's left of your self control not to accidentally clench your cunt on his lower back. But you can't help it. Wearing a skirt wasn't the best idea today.
The way he's slightly squirming underneath you as you massage his huge shoulders, the way your clothed clit rubs against his skin with the motions have you shivering lightly.
"Yeah- oh, fuck" Your hands are behind his neck, undoing all the aches and rigidity from hours of hunching over his desk, of not taking long coveted breaks.
"I'm done, my arms are starting to hurt." You announce, partially true. You also couldn't stand his noises anymore, all the obscene groans and rough moans, fearing he might start feeling now wet you've actually gotten in the meantime.
In a surge of confidence, you lean forward, more or less intentionally letting your breasts squeeze flush against his back, and you kiss his cheek, soft and tender.
He's surprised and flustered for a flashing second, before letting a smirk tug at the corners of his mouth.
"Let me give you one too, cariño."
You shiver at the pet name, hearing him talk this way to you for the first time.
How could you possibly say no?
You lay on the bed where he had been, feeling the clean sheets warm and infused with his musk.
The mattress dips, springs creaking slightly as he adjusts his weight, finally straddling your upper thighs. Your breathing quickens in shock, not having expected him to take the same position as you did. You feel his weight on you, grounding you.
His broad hands start at your shoulders, questionably innocent at first. But just as you start to think that there isn't more to the way he's sat behind your ass, to the way he's touching you, his palms drift away from the usual motions of the massage he is supposed to give you.
Expert, cursory fingers pretend to knead down, to your waist, gripping hard.
You start feeling your pulse in your neck.
One of his thighs flexes on your side as he slightly adjusts, lifting himself a mere inch above you and settling back down. Only this time, you can feel his erection through his sweats, snugly sat between the globes of your ass.
Leaning forward, his grip on your waist remains strong as he slightly grinds his cock on you from behind, his hands mimicking his rhythm as if things aren't already obvious. It's still a massage, it's just not his main goal.
"Mm- Miguel-" you attempt to protest, only it comes out as a moan laced with anticipating pleasure.
A broad, warm hand slowly and unabashedly moves from your waist up to your shoulder, only for a mere second kneading the tensed muscles before drifting down. His fingers ever so slightly slip underneath you as he palms your right breast, not stopping his hips from rubbing his dick against you.
He's slow and careful, as if still hoping you hadn't noticed or aren't bothered to ask him to get off, even through your mewls and his moaned name.
“You're so..” He speaks quietly, for himself, “soft, and fragile-” He leans forward, much like you did, but instead he kisses your neck, down your spine. “I wanna-”
He leaves the voiced desire unfinished as he picks your torso up to his chest, his arms encompassing you, flipping you around.
Now with your body trapped in his embrace, thighs between his and hands squished together, he kisses your flushed cheeks with fervour.
“Tell me to stop.” A low whisper below your ear. Watching your face for any trace of doubt, you shake your head, ‘no’.
‘Don’t stop.’
Placing you back down on the mattress, he bunches your skirt up to your middle, moving your panties to the side as his other hand takes his rock hard cock out of his sweats.
You feel the precum coated head flush against your pussy lips, pushing in with a gravel groan.
As soon as he gathers the courage to advance, his length grazes your clit, your hips automatically jerking away, akin to having touched hot coal.
A shiver runs down your spine that makes your cunt flutter, his awaiting cock twitching in enthusiasm. He feels you spasm and grow wetter.
“Ugh, that- you feel so good-”
He’s only taking his time before he can bottom out inside you. With a look over your shoulder, you don’t trust your voice to respond. You nod and clench your pussy around him, aiming to viciously drive him mad.
He suddenly pushes forward, hands forcing you onto him, the contact with his own blazing flesh making your brain melt and eyes roll back into your head. You can almost feel his bulbous tip in your guts, messing with your nerves and sinews.
Quickly adapting to the new conditions your body has given him, he corrects his grip on your waist, hoisting you until your feet lose contact with the bed. Back now arched, ass well-adjusted to meet his height, upper body rested on the plush pillows. He drags out halfway before sinking back in.
His hips slowly rotate against yours, his tense abdomen waving into you
You can’t take it anymore. Your limbs feel like radio-static, heart sending its pulse into your pussy, breathing laboured and synced with his. The broad head flicks a spot deep inside you that curves your spine this time, feet no longer able to find balance away from the stimulation.
A strong forearm curls around your middle with snake-like speed. You settle obediently back into his hold.
Your hips wiggle closer into his, apologetically stuffing yourself full of him. He smirks at the gesture, satisfied.
“Fuck, Miguel-”, you moan for him, giving him exactly what he wanted before he started pounding into you.
A combination of his pelvis slamming into yours and his hands violently dragging you back onto his dick has high-pitched whimpers crawling out of your throat. Your head rings with the sound of the bed squeaking back and forth along with the harsh returns of his cock in between your come-soaked folds.
His firm hands hold you from flinching, fingers digging into your waist while his thumbs press down into your lower back.
It's when he changes his angle that you scream out, all consciousness dissolving into raw, carnal bliss. Ruptured cries and fractions of his name bloom out of your nearly-dry throat.
He feels his heavy cock pulsate as your ass jolts with each slap, your pussy choking his dick in the process.
With a suffocating groan, he releases inside you, his ecstasy drawn-out into fractured grunts blended with heavy breaths.
You sense his warm come spilling inside you. Your own climax sends your head spinning, your loud pulse dropping in your ears.
The thunder subsides through your veins like a candle being put out by the cold.
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a/n: sorry for the delay i have a ton of stuff to do for college 💀
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duuhrayliegh · 7 months
also i'm more than happy to continue this if yall want more, just LET ME KNOW
other works
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“You want to what?"
"To open our relationship."
You stare at him in disbelief, clutching the soft blanket in your hands. There's a sharp ringing sounding through your eardrums and everything around you slows. He keeps talking, his voice breaking through the barrier of fog that encompasses your senses.
"I want us to remain honest with each other, but this is the only way to keep our relationship healthy."
He steps away from the kitchen counter, wearing the sports jacket you bought him for your sister's wedding.
"I want the both of us to disclose when we start dating someone else. That's the main boundary, we can hammer out all the ground rules later. Right now, I'm going on a date, so uh," he pauses as he checks his reflection in the mirror beside the door one last time, "don't wait up."
You try to focus on his words, but no matter your efforts you weren't able to process anything. His keys jangle in his grip and you faintly recognize the sound of the door slamming closed and his footsteps echoing down the empty corridor of your apartment.
"I still can't believe he said that to you."
The singular ice ball hits against the sides of your glass with each tilt of your wrist. You take a long drag of the dark liquor before laughing sardonically.
"It's been six months of him parading his dates around." Another sip, your work skirt digs into your thighs painfully. You distract yourself by reaching for a peanut from the nearly empty bowl. "And what's worse is that he still expects me to be the doting wife that he comes home to every night!"
The bartender refills your glass while you sneak another peanut. You card your fingers through your hair as you continue to rant. A dull throb radiates in between your brows so your eyes slide closed as you take deep breaths.
"Well, I can't imagine you're doing so bad yourself."
You hum questioningly at the man, focusing your gaze on the dark-haired bartender, his stubble dusting his sharp jaw as the muscles work beneath the skin. His eyes haven't left you since you sat down in front of him.
"I see you in here." You begin to pick at the skin around your nails and he nudges a bowl of peanuts in your direction. "Men come up to you all the time. You've been on dates too, right?"
You reach for a peanut and crack open the grainy shell, biting the inside of your cheek. Your bartender laughs incredulously and then presses his hands into his side of the counter to lean over toward you. The cloth he tosses over his shoulder must be damp because the fabric of his white button-up is darkened there.
"Focus on me, Peanut."
Your eyes snap to his, unable to keep the overflow of expression from brimming beneath the surface. Your heart cracks further as he visibly softens, crumpling against the counter to cover your hand with his. A tense silence stretches between the two of you, charging the air with unwelcome emotions.
Your bartender’s spare hand cups your jaw and swipes away the glistening tears fleeing down your cheeks. Sniffling loudly while straightening in your seat, you pull away from his touch—effectively stopping yourself from melting into him.
You’ve worked so hard to make this shitty dive bar your safe place, you’ll be damned if you ruin it with a fling.
“I don’t even know why I’m wasting tears on this whole thing.” You take three deep breaths—whiskey and apples invade your senses. The man in front of you tilts his head to the side while drying a few crystal glasses.
“You’re avoiding my question, Peanut.” He turns briefly and you try to figure a way out as the cups clink softly. “You have been dating too, right?”
Your teeth trap your bottom lip, peeling off the thin layers of skin. You purposely avoid his eyes, doing less than nothing to hide your answer.
“Jesus, Peanut. What’s stopping you?”
You huff, focusing your attention on the patrons around you. There’s noticeably less than there were when you first arrived. The bar guests go about their business, underlying emotions kept close to their chest and out of sight to everyone else. You wish you could be that way, instead of sewing your heart to your sleeve for anyone to rip pieces from.
“I--" You hesitate, twirling your glass, watching as the ice fights to keep up with the sudden movements you force on its surroundings.
"Some small part of me still loves him. No matter how much he hurts me with this whole open relationship bullshit. I'm still thinking that one day he'll wake up and remember that I've been his loving wife and partner for the past six years. This can't be my new reality. It just can't. He's meant to be my partner for life, not my partner who has really good friends. Not my partner with a girlfriend or some fuck buddy across town."
This is the can of worms that you'd hoped to keep locked away from the Commando's dive bar. What you've held close to your chest every night you slink past the blonde bouncer, Steve. The information you never let slip to the six-foot-five bartender with the metal arm. And now, you can't seem to stop the words from leaving your mouth.
"He's supposed to be my husband. Why isn't he my husband? Is it me? He said that we would talk about what the reason was, but I can't get him to sit down with me. I can't even get him to reply to a text, much less answer questions about our relationship."
You spit the last word before downing the rest of your drink in one go. Bucky stands patiently as you let loose every emotion that you've bottled up for the past six years. Further in the bar, someone shouts for the last call.
"Why don't I date? Because I love him. Because outside of him, I don't know who I am. I don't date because I've been with the same man for almost a decade and I wouldn't even know where to begin. I can't see past where I'm at right now. There is no future for me outside of the hell that I find myself in now. I can't date because I want to be there for when my husband remembers that I exist. I want to be there for him like he wasn't for me because I know the novelty of his flings will wear off soon enough. And maybe that makes me worse than him, but I don't know if I have the energy to care anymore."
There's now a heavy silence covering you and your whole body slumps because of it. Despite feeling the biggest breath of relief of getting those emotions out in the open, you now have to deal with what they mean. You were always taught that saying your emotions out loud would only lead to more issues, but here you fucking are. Sometimes these things are unavoidable.
"I call bullshit."
Your jaw drops as your bartender rocks away from the counter. You flounder as he starts performing closing duties. You stare at Bucky's back, slightly distracted by the muscles working underneath the tight material.
"Did you just bullshit my feelings?"
Bucky turns halfway, eyebrows raised, "Yep."
Your bartender plucks the glass in front of you and drops it in the sink on his way to the cash register. If you were in a whole state, you'd smack back with a witty comment, but you're tired.
"You can't bullshit my feelings."
He holds a stack of twenties in one hand and he pins you with the same expression as before.
"Uh, yeah I can."
He continues to count the register and tosses a goodbye to the other bartender. A long lull stretches between you. Now it's just the two of you in the bar, and that must have been what he was waiting on because it's only now that he really talks.
"Peanut, how long have you been coming here?"
You furrow your brow at the question, not sure where he's taking his line of questioning.
"I don't know, four months?"
“Four months, twenty days."
Bucky's retort is quick and final. A fact. Something he's committed to memory. You're taken aback by the heavy tone he layers between the syllables.
"And for those four months and twenty days, I've stood behind this counter and watched you wallow. I've watched you turn down proposition after proposition. I've had Steve throw out dozens of men for how they speak about you. I've sat back and tried to be the listening ear that you need because you're clearly going through a really difficult time. I've never been in the position that you're in and I'm not going to pretend that I understand the half of it."
He slams the drawer closed and rounds the countertop. His boots thud against the floor violently, stopping beside the barstool next to you. Your bartender leans down and swings your stool to face his before taking a seat.
"I've stood behind that bar and was able to listen to quite a bit. But what I can't have is you thinking that you're the issue."
His hand slips into yours, his thumb tracing the knuckles of your fingers. Tears begin to brim at your waterline again, but you refuse to let them fall.
"Peanut, you're the most loyal person I've met in recent years. You love fiercely and you hurt even harder. Hell, you've been with this guy for almost ten years and he's been fucking you over for the past six months and you're sitting in this bar defending him to a relative stranger!"
"But he--"
"You're husband took the decision away from you and then framed it in a way that made you out to be the bad guy. He put you in a nearly impossible situation because he knew you were too loyal to him to do anything about it."
"He didn--"
"Yes, he did."
Having it laid out like that by the one person you wanted to be kept away from all of it was eye-opening. Your shoulders crumple and a new wave of tears threatens to escape.
"Now, this isn't the best time, but I feel like in a situation like yours there's never going to be a 'right' time."
Bucky sits up straighter and sticks his metal hand out to you.
"Hi. I'm Bucky Barnes. I'm a retired Army Sergeant and I now work in the Howling Commandos bar. I've been your bartender for the past four months and twenty days. Over that time, I've grown to care for you, more than a bartender should. Because of that fact, I want to take you out on a date."
You suck in a breath sharply, immediately going to deny him, only for Bucky to cut you off.
"You don't have to give me an answer right now, Peanut. Just think about it and whenever you're ready, I hope I'm your first call."
You chew on the inside of your cheek, gnawing on the idea. You have grown fond of Bucky. He's become a sort of safety net for you these past few months. Going home has proven to be more and more of a chore so you spend hours on end in the Howling Commandos.
What if you and Bucky go on a date and you hate it? What if you date and you have a huge falling out? What if you--
"I can see the wheels turning, Peanut." He taps your temple with a cold metal finger. "What are you thinking?"
"What if we end up not working out?"
"What if we do?"
The question hangs. The implication is clear. You could spend hours going through the what-if scenarios, both positive and negative. You'll never truly know until you take a leap of faith.
"What would your boss think of you dating one of your new regulars though?"
You're grasping at straws, but you're really trying to convince yourself that taking that leap with Bucky would be the worst thing in the world.
"Peanut, I'll sell the damn bar before someone other than you tells me that I can't date you."
Your eyes meet his and all you can see is the adoration and sincerity in them. His thumb is still working over your knuckles, but it's also expanded to tracing aimless circles into the back of your hand. The cool metal is the only way you've grounded yourself to reality.
A slow smile spreads across your features, the first of its kind tonight and you both know what it means.
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osaemu · 7 months
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.ೃ࿐ streamer!au: he's always so confident and self-assured, but a couple kisses from you and he turns into a mess.
contents: fem!reader. kinda suggestive ending (inumaki's comment). you spend half the fic making out lolll anyways we love flustered gojo he's so precious <3 tagging @rinniessance and @rizsu to see streamer!gojo's latest shenanigans :3
author's note: this one was requested and i rly liked the idea sooo yea. i wrote it. shocking right?! anyways thank u guys for all the streamer!gojo requests, saves me the effort of having to think of plots ꨄ︎
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"baby, what time is it?" satoru mumbles against your lips, holding you in place on his lap. the two of you are seated on his plush chair in front of his computer, and you've been kissing like teenagers for the last... hour? or two?
satoru tilts his head in to kiss you again, soft lips gently pressing against yours for the thousandth time. his hands roam over your body, and one rests on your waist while the other reaches around you into your back pocket. his eyes flutter open when he feels your phone, and he turns his head briefly to sneak a glance at the time.
"shit, i gotta start the stream in two minutes," satoru mutters. he gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and leans back, azure eyes drinking in your heated cheeks and fluttering eyes. a smug smile slowly grows on his lips as you look away. 
"aw, d'you want more?" he cooes, reaching out and touching the side of your face. satoru gently pushes your face back in his direction, moving his slender fingers to your chin and holding it in place. you're all sweet and flustered in the aftermath of your makeout session, and every time he sees you like this, another part of his heart surrenders itself to you.
you nod bashfully, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear as you feel satoru's grip on your chin tighten. he pulls you in for another long, minty kiss, and you feel him smile against your lips. his hand moves from your chin to the back of your neck as he hugs you against his chest, which rises and falls in sync with yours.
"you're so cute," he murmurs in between kisses, eyes flickering back and forth from you to the time. "c'mon, honey, we have a minu—"
you cut him off with another kiss, which catches him off guard—usually he's the one leaning in. but no, you had to take him by surprise and throw him off his game. the little hm? that slips out of his lips when you kiss him causes satoru to go redder than you've ever seen him. 
seeing satoru embarrassed is rare—he's so cocky and confident that embarrassment is basically unheard of, but in this moment, you've got him. he laughs nervously when you pull away, wide eyes looking everywhere but at you and your cheeky smile.
you reach up and grab his chin, tugging it in your direction the same way he did earlier. "you know exactly what you're doing," satoru mumbles, pulling you closer and burying his face into your neck. 
"i have no idea what you're talking about," you reply smugly, kissing the side of his face. "don't you have a stream to be starting soon?"
satoru looks up instantly and groans when he sees the time—it's a minute past his start time, and that could cost him a couple hundred viewers. you laugh as you hop off his lap and into his bed, curling up under his sheets as you watch him scramble to start the live. 
"love you, 'toru," you call, wrapping your arms around one of his pillows. 
after a second, he turns around, a loading sign on his screen. "love you too, baby," satoru replies, face still noticably red. you blow him a kiss and watch as he pretends to faint in an attempt to hide his childish grin.
a soft ding then signals him that he's about to be live, so satoru spins his chair around to face his computer. he forces his usual collected smile onto his face and starts, "hey, everyone. sorry for the delay, just got... held up with something."
inumaki: u look like a tomato LMAO
yuuji-itadori: yea ur really red, are u ok?
satoru looks away, mumbling something about how it's just the lighting that's making his face look red. naturally, everyone disagrees and starts speculating as to why he seems off his game today, and eventually, someone gets it.
megumi-fushiguro: he always looks like that everytime he sees his gf wdym
inumaki: WAIT THATS IT
inumaki: he was def doin unspeakable things with his gf just two seconds ago. trust
you can't suppress the small laugh that escapes your lips when satoru stumbles over his words at the comments, face redder than ever. "a-anyways, today i'm gonna— hold on," he cuts himself off by looking down at his phone, where a text notification from you had popped up.
love of my life: ur so cute :(
love of my life: but get ur shit together 
love of my life: im the only one who gets to see u like that (¬_¬)
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nottsangel · 24 days
just friends — p.z. & a.d.
pairing: fwb!patrick zweig x fem!stanford!reader x bsf!stanford!art donaldson
warnings: smut 18+, threesome, unprotected vaginal sex, oral sex (m. and f. receiving), creampie, praise, dirty talk, everyone is really into each other
word count: 4.5k
summary: you and patrick have been secretly hooking up behind art’s back for months without him suspecting a thing. however, everything changes when art unexpectedly walks in on you both.
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“Fuck!” you cursed when your trembling, non-dominant hand holding the nail polish applicator accidentally painted your skin bright red with a rogue flick. Hastily shoving the applier back into the glass bottle, you reached for a tissue, carelessly splashed some nail polish remover on it, and tried to fix the mess as best as you could. You squinted your eyes as you dabbed the remover-soaked tissue on your skin, the sun gradually setting and the chilly evening summer breeze feeling pleasant against your skin in your humid Stanford dorm room. 
“That’s… better.” you mumbled to yourself as you held your hands in front of you, admiring your freshly painted nails with a satisfied grin, when three loud knocks on your dorm room door resonated through the room, making you jump and let out a small squeal in surprise, jolting you out of your trance. 
Hastily, you tucked away your nail polish supplies before another set of impatient knocks echoed through the space. “Coming!” you yelled out, leaping towards the door with a rush of excitement coursing through your body, knowing exactly who was waiting on the other side. 
You carefully grasped the handle, ensuring not to ruin your fresh nail polish, and pulled the door open with a beaming smile. In front of the door opening, your best friend stood with his hands in his pockets and a broad grin that widened when he saw your excited expression. 
“Patrick!” you exclaimed, holding your arms out as he swiftly wrapped you in a hug, lifted you from the ground, and spun you around while casually closing the door with his foot. “Careful, careful! I just painted my nails!” you grumbled, quickly checking your nails with a concerned frown before he set you back down on the ground.
“You were getting all dolled up f’me? You didn’t have to, you know.” You rolled your eyes, his cocky attitude already surfacing after approximately ten seconds. “Oh, shut up. And uhm, If you didn’t know already, I’m actually seeing someone. Stanford has some pretty cute guys, surprisingly.”
Patrick narrowed his eyes, closely observing your face with a serious expression before a wide grin broke out. He chuckled while shaking his head, his eyes briefly drifting away from yours before he firmly gripped your jaw, “You’re fucking lying.” A small smile tugged at your lips, unable to maintain your poker face any longer. Having been best friends for so long, it was easy for both of you to spot a lie.
“I mean, obviously you’re not seeing anyone. C’mon baby, we both know no one can fuck you as good as I can.” he taunted, his voice low and raspy, before he stepping closer to you until you’re merely inches away from each other, the smirk on his face gradually fading.
His eyes looked right into yours, then shifted to your lips as he licked his own before abruptly cupping your face with both hands and pressing his lips to yours hungrily. His mouth was warm against yours, a mingling of passion and urgency as teeth clashed briefly and tongues fought for dominance while you could taste the faint hint of cigarettes mixed with minty gum.
You were well aware of the risks that came with being friends with benefits, but god, it was so fucking addictive. Patrick had a way of making you feel like none of your ex-boyfriends ever had, which kept you coming back for more. 
And since the two of you first hooked up at a party, both intoxicated and horny, a few months have passed of you continuing as friends with benefits without any issues yet. You both agreed right away to keep it a secret from your other best friend, Art, fearing it might complicate things between you three or potentially ruin your close friendship. And so far, it worked out just fine, and everything between you three remained as normal as ever. 
“Have you seen Art already?” You questioned as you broke the kiss, making him whine as his rough hands wandered all over your body, reaching your waist.
“Hmm, what? Art? No, no, not yet. I— uh, I have more important things on my mind first.” He snickered, his signature smirk spreading across his face, before swiftly pushing you onto your bed, causing you to bounce lightly on the mattress as you gazed up at him through your eyelashes, taking in his athletic shape. You noticed he had grown more muscular since the last time you saw him, nearly making you drool at the sight of his biceps flexing as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside, revealing his defined abs.
He then fumbled with the buttons of his trousers, his impatient and hurried manners only slowing him down instead, making him groan in frustration before finally yanking his trousers off and kicking them to the side. Your eyes were instantly drawn to his tented boxers, with precum forming a wet patch on the fabric as he approached you on the bed, causing you to unconsciously spread your legs open.
“Fuck, I haven’t gone a day without thinking about you, you know that? Your sweet mouth, your perfect tits, your pretty pussy. You have no idea how much I’ve looked forward to this moment.” he whispered with a raspy voice, your floral perfume filling his senses as he removed your top, the soft material gliding over your head, and then did the same to your shorts, his movements clumsy and uncoordinated, before tossing them to the ground, leaving a pile of scattered clothes on the floor of your dorm room. 
“So… what? you’re telling me that you haven’t fucked any girls on tour? At all?” You asked sceptically with a raised eyebrow as he knelt before you on the bed, his lips slightly parted with a sly smile on his face as he admired your stunning body, a red lace lingerie set perfectly hugging your figure, his eyes scanning every inch of you. “Shit. You’re so fucking hot.” he chuckled softly, shaking his head in disbelief that someone as hot as you would want to have sex with him. 
“Baby, trust me when I say the only thing I’ve fucked these past few weeks was my own hand while thinking about you.” he assured you as his head lowered to your neck, but you caught him off guard when you swiftly pushed him off, causing him to land on his back beside you before straddling his lap, grinning down at him. He groaned at your sudden dominance, a smug smile playing on his lips as his wandering hand moved to your ass, roughly squeezing it as he gazed up at you. 
“Hmm, really? While thinking about me, huh? That’s cute.” You whispered while grinding your hips right on top of his boner, the sensation of your swollen clit rubbing against him making you grow wetter with each passing second, desperately needing to feel him inside of you after weeks of not seeing him. 
“Oh c’mon, baby. Don’t act like you haven’t been doing the same. I know for a fact you’ve been using that pink toy of yours while moaning my name every time you came.” He taunted, then proceeded to imitate you mockingly by moaning his own name in a high-pitched tone. Dickhead. He knew you too well. 
“Oh, fuck you, Patrick.” You playfully slapped him on the chest with a sheepish smile on your face, neither denying nor confirming anything as he cockily stared up at you with half-lidded eyes. “Only if you ask nicely, sweetheart.” 
The smirk on his face quickly faded as you unexpectedly quickened your movements and lowered your head towards his neck, planting sloppy kisses along his jawline before nibbling on his earlobe, causing him to groan and buck his hips up in desperation.
You teasingly moved your mouth towards his, ghosting your lips against his and making him reach for you desperately, causing you to smirk. He bit his lip, staring at you with hunger in his eyes, until you finally gave in and kissed him eagerly, your eyes fluttering shut as your lips met his. Smacking noises along with soft moans filled the room, fully immersed in the moment, unable to think about anything else but his roaming hands roughly exploring your half-naked body as you lustfully made out. 
Suddenly, the door burst open, jolting you both out of your trance as you quickly broke the kiss, a string of saliva still linking your lips. 
Your heart leapt in your throat as you saw your best friend, Art, standing frozen in the doorway, his jaw dropping and his face turning red with one hand still tightly clutching the door handle. A hot wave of embarrassment crashed over him, and none of you dared to move— Patrick stared at Art with wide eyes, while Art's blue eyes darted between the two of you.
Both Patrick and Art remained frozen, too embarrassed and shocked to move. But you— you stayed put for a different reason. You were intrigued by how this scene would unfold, silently waiting for one of them to speak, a spark of mischief dancing in your eyes.
“Oh my god. Sorry, I— uh, I didn’t know you guys— I didn’t know you guys were, uhm, together.” Art stammered, finally breaking the silence as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head, his wide eyes unsure where to look and his lips tightly pressed together into a thin line. 
“No, no, we aren’t, I promise! This is just— It’s like— we’re—” Patrick stammered, trying his best to come up with an excuse but failing miserably, so you quickly cut him off, “We aren’t together.” You remarked with a casual indifference, sitting up straight on Patrick’s lap now with your hands resting on his bare chest for support. Art finally mustered the courage to meet your gaze, one eyebrow raised in confusion and his lips parted as if to speak, but he was too dumbfounded to find the words.
“We’re just… you know, friends who… occasionally have sex.” You shifted your gaze back to Patrick, who snapped out of his frozen state and inhaled a deep breath, his cheeks flushing bright red, clearly unsure how to react. “I wanna die right now.” Patrick muttered through clenched teeth, his voice barely audible as he slowly dragged his hands over his red face in embarrassment.
You returned your attention to Art again who hadn’t moved an inch, still awkwardly standing there. A cunning smile tugged at your lips as you took in the scene. “So are you just going to watch like a fucking creep or are you actually going to join us?”
 “What!?” Art, blurted out, eyes wide with disbelief as he swallowed hard, the sound of the gulp almost audible in the stunned silence. “You should, uh… come here and join us— As friends, of course.”
From your peripheral vision, you noticed Patrick's face gradually light up as soon as you suggested Art to join you, his excitement clearly visible. It was obvious, really— Patrick had always been attracted to Art. You could see it in the way he teased him, the smile that appeared whenever Art entered the room, and the subtle touches here and there. So, just before Patrick arrived, you had texted Art, asking him to meet you both in your room in ten minutes. But Patrick didn’t need to know that. To him, this all was simply a perfect accident. 
“Uhm… I, uh— yeah, okay. I mean, sure.” Art let out an awkward chuckle and nodded slightly, the tension he was feeling gradually washing away and his stance slowly relaxing, though he still hadn't fully processed what he'd just walked in on, but he was more than eager to join. 
He closed the door behind him and made his way towards you both, his eyes unintentionally darting between your half-naked body and Patrick’s tented boxers, before sitting on the edge of the bed as you rose from Patrick’s lap. 
“I can’t believe you guys left me out of this.” He joked, but there was a hint of seriousness in his tone, which made you gaze at him with a sympathetic expression as you straddled his lap, hands resting on his toned shoulders. 
“We’re sorry, really. It wasn’t… intentional. But I promise we’ll take good care of you now, okay?” you whispered softly, your sharp nails grazing over the skin of his neck before moving to the hem of his shirt. In one swift motion, you pulled it over his head and tossed it aside. 
“Well, you better. I mean, you both have a lot to apologise for here, just saying.” Art teased, a challenging tone in his voice now as you could feel his erection growing bigger right beneath your dripping core. Patrick now sat beside Art, wasting no time as he attached his lips to Art’s neck and planted wet kisses while whispering softly against his skin, “We didn’t mean to. It just— it just happened, you know? But uhm… we’ll make it up to you.” 
Art could only moan in response, strangled noises escaping his mouth as you began to slowly move your hips back and forth right on his painfully hard boner. His roaming hands explored your body with caution and eagerness, while his blue eyes stared down at your barely covered figure with his mouth slightly agape, giving him a perfect view of your cleavage. “Oh my fucking god.” 
You then firmly gripped his jaw as your mouth slowly drew closer to his, causing him to shift his gaze back up, half-lidded eyes staring at you before your soft lips met his. Your bodies pressed together as his mouth moved against yours with an unrestrained passion while Patrick sloppily placed love bites all over Art’s neck and collarbones, whispering soft apologies against his skin.
Art felt as if he were in heaven as he sat on the edge of the bed, a warm glow spreading through him. The soft smacking noises of your and Patrick’s lips seemed to blend perfectly with his racing heart as his cheeks heated up, savouring every second of the moment. 
You then grasped Patrick’s jaw, pulling his head toward yours and Art’s, inviting him into the kiss. Soon all three of you were entangled in the kiss, tongues moving against each other, fueled by the pent-up sexual energy between the three of you that finally seemed to burst. The world around you faded as Patrick’s lips pressed against yours with a hunger that was soon matched by Art’s, both of them eagerly moving their tongues against each other’s and yours while yearning for more. 
Art's hand glided over your bare back, pausing at the clasp of your bra. He skillfully unclasped it with one hand, slipping it off your shoulders and throwing it aside, your bra quickly replaced by his firm hand. You softly moaned into their mouths at the feeling of Art kneading your breasts, causing him to slyly smirk into the kiss, meanwhile Patrick's hand travelled to between your thighs, trailing over your clothed cunt and feeling your wetness through the fabric.
You gently pulled away from the kiss, your mouth parting from theirs as quick breaths left your swollen lips. Gazing at your two best friends kissing before you, you carefully lifted yourself from Art’s lap.
Both of them were lost in their own world, lips still attached to each other as they hungrily kissed each other, the passion in their kiss so intense and urgent that they didn’t even notice you breaking the kiss. A mischievous smirk spread across your face as you slowly dropped down to your knees in front of them. Your eyes remained locked on the boys as sighs and moans echoed throughout the room, the hunger and longing for one another overtaking them both.  
Your hands eagerly grasped at Art’s pants as you fumbled with the buttons, causing him to break the kiss and snap his head towards you, finally jolting him out of the trance and, for the first time, realising that you had pulled away from the kiss. “Why are you stopping? Go on, continue.” You ordered, Art’s hips instinctively bucking up so you could pull his pants down. Patrick was the first to resume the kiss, his hand gliding against Art’s jaw as he guided him back towards him, their lips meeting once again. 
Both of them were now sitting in only their boxers, their erections clearly visible as they were making out heavily. A sense of power surged through you as you attentively gazed up at them and palmed them through their boxers at the same time, noticing their bodies instantly tensing up at your touch as they moaned into each other’s mouths. After a short while, you freed them both from their last piece of clothing, their erections jumping free against their abs with precum leaking from the top.
“Gonna make my boys feel so fucking good.” You murmured as you wrapped your hands around both of them and simultaneously pumped their cocks at a slow pace while licking your lips, nearly drooling at the sight in front of you. 
You drew your head closer to Patrick’s cock first, starting by gently licking the tip and feeling him melt under your touch before you wrapped your lips around him, hollowing your cheeks. He let out a loud moan in Art’s mouth and gripped the sheets when feeling your head bob up and down on his erection. You made sure to flick your tongue over the pink tip at the same time, knowing exactly what drove Patrick crazy. 
Then, you withdrew from Patrick and moved to Art who was eagerly waiting to feel your warm mouth around him after seeing how Patrick reacted to your touch. Your tongue moved along the length of his shaft before reaching the tip, swirling your tongue over the most sensitive part. A string of curse words flowed softly from his mouth as your lips wrapped around his cock and pushed yourself down on him until you felt him touch the back of your throat, all while your other hand stroked Patrick’s cock at a fast pace.
Groans and shattered breaths escaped both their lips as you alternated between sloppily sucking them both off, saliva running down your chin while using your hand on the one that wasn't in your mouth at the time, bringing them closer and closer to their release. 
The kiss between them grew more heated and sloppy with each passing second, and they were both desperate to let go, but you abruptly stopped right before they could. Both of their heads snapped in your direction with disappointed expressions on their flushed faces, panting heavily as you gazed up at them with a sly smile.
“Not yet. I want you to cum inside of me. Both of you.” you murmured as you gazed up at them through your eyelashes with your lips slick and swollen. The sight of you kneeling in front of them, spit tracing down your chin and making a mess all over your tits as you stared up at them with large, doe-like eyes could make them cum on the spot. A soft oh my god slipped from Art’s lips as he fixed his gaze on you with a mesmerised grin, causing Patrick’s eyes to shift from you to Art, a knowing smile forming on his lips, chuckling as he noticed his enchanted expression. 
“Art looks like he’s already about to cum, baby. Help the poor guy out.” Patrick chuckled, causing Art to snap out of his trance and lightly push Patrick to the side, his cheeks heating up because it was true— he was so fucking close already. 
You rose to your feet, slipped your soaked underwear down and stepped out of them, before gently pushing Art onto the bed, making him lie flat on his back. Patrick moved behind you, his eyes fixed on your figure as you hovered over Art’s lap, your hands pressing against his chest and your wetness dripping onto him.
“You want me to fuck you, Art? ‘Cause I don’t know, I’m just… not fully convinced yet.” You taunted, his mouth slightly agape in mesmerisation as he stared up at you. “You’re such a fucking tease, you know that?“ You raised an eyebrow at him with a naughty grin dancing on your lips, waiting for him to say the words you so badly wanted to hear. “Fuck baby, you have no idea how bad I need you. I want you to fuck me, please.” 
With a satisfied smile, you lined his cock up to your entrance and slowly sank down, feeling him gradually fill you up and stretch you out completely, causing you to hiss with pleasure. Art threw his head back at the sensation, and his hands instinctively moved to your hips, gripping them firmly to prevent himself from cumming straight away. “Is this okay?” You asked, slowly rolling your hips on top of him and resting your hands on his chest for support.  “Yeah, that’s— fuck, that’s amazing. Please— keep going, baby.”
“Yeah, she feels good, huh?” Patrick chuckled, a smug grin spreading across his face as he reached around to massage your tits from behind, teasing your sensitive nipples while you leaned against his shoulder. Your hand found its way to his cock and began to stroke him slowly, causing him to moan into your neck and leave a trail of kisses. 
“So fucking good, oh my god. I can’t believe you’ve kept her to yourself all this time, man.” Art replied, before letting out a hitched breath as you slowly began to rhythmically move up and down on him. The curve of Art’s cock allowed him to rub against your g-spot so perfectly, it caused your eyes to roll to the back of your head and let out a loud moan, one hand resting on his chest and the other one pumping Patrick’s erection at a fast pace. 
You murmured a soft come here to Patrick, beckoning him to move closer to Art. You let go of Patrick and took Art’s hand, guiding it towards Patrick’s cock before wrapping his hand around it firmly.
“Make him feel good.” you murmured, and Art quickly obliged as he began to move his hand up and down on Patrick’s cock, allowing you to focus on the movements of your hips. Your fingers gently trailed over Art’s abs all the way to his lips, before sticking them in his mouth and forcing him to suck on your digits. Art’s eyes fluttered shut at the sensation of your cunt squeezing him so tightly, meanwhile, Patrick’s stared at him through half-lidded eyes and his mouth agape, making it even more obvious to you that he has been waiting for this moment for a long fucking time. 
Sensual moans and grunts from all three of you filled the room as you moved your hips at a fast pace, and you’re so certain other people in the building could hear you, but at this moment, you couldn’t care less.
Patrick’s hand moved down to where your and Art’s bodies connected and began massaging his balls, only adding to the intense pleasure Art was already feeling, causing him to grip the sheets. 
“I’m not— I’m not gonna last long.” Art cried out, biting his lip as he was nearing his release. “Let go, baby. Wanna feel you cum inside of me.” You could feel his cock twitch at your words before he let out a choked sob and painted your walls white, cumming as deep into you as possible. “Good boy.” you whispered as you cupped his flushed face with your hands and kissed him, giving him time to recover from his orgasm as he whispered against your lips, “So fucking good, oh my god.”
You then slowly lifted yourself off his cock, a mixture of your juices and his sperm dripping down your thighs, but Patrick quickly moved behind you as soon as he noticed, grabbing your hips and hungrily sucking on your neck. “Let me help you finish, pretty girl. You want that? Hmm?”
A soft please was all you could get out before he positioned himself behind you and pushed in with one quick thrust, too impatient to take it slow since he was already so fucking close to his release. When he was balls deep inside of you, he wrapped his bicep around your neck and pulled you up, your back resting against his sweat-soaked chest. 
“Get— fuck, get under her, Art.” Art instantly understood as he moved his head directly under your body and wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking it eagerly while Patrick began to move inside of you. He quickly set a steady but rough pace, causing you to arch your back as he massaged your inner walls so perfectly, strangled noises escaping your lips. “Oh— oh my fucking god.”
It was so fucking messy— Patrick pounding into you while Art’s cum was still deep inside of you, causing a mixture of both Art’s cum and your juices to drip down onto Art, who was ferally sucking on your swollen clit, making you moan both their names loudly over and over again. 
Patrick’s focused gaze was fixed on his cock disappearing into your body, and it felt like a dream come true to fuck his best friend with his other best friend’s cum dripping out of you at the same time— it used to be merely a fantasy that he would think about while stroking himself late at night all alone in his room.
He groaned as his hand reeled back before slapping your ass, causing you to clench around his cock as you moaned loudly. “Oh fuck, feels— feels so fucking good.” 
Your eyes fluttered shut when he continued rubbing against that one spot inside you that made your toes curl, the pleasure building as you could feel his cock twitching inside you. 
“Ah, fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m— I’m gonna cum” you cried out, brows knit together as you felt your release approaching. “Fuck, cum for us, baby.” Art moaned into your cunt, his tongue moving faster against your sensitive clit. 
Another forceful thrust and your orgasm struck you, causing you to see stars as your vision blurred, your nails digging deep into Patrick’s arm. His hips began to stagger, losing rhythm, and you knew he was close too before you felt a pool of warmth inside of you as he filled you to the brim with his cum. A string of curse words left his lips as his grip around your body tightened when he felt your body go limp, trying his best to hold you up while slowly moving his hips and riding out his high. 
Art lay back down on the bed again, sensing that you were about to collapse, and you soon did, falling right on top of his body, and giving Patrick a perfect view of your cum-dripping cunt. 
“Oh well that was..” Art began, as Patrick chimed in, “Yup.” “And that.” “I know.” “And THAT.” “Yeahhh.” “Just, don’t you guys fucking dare leave me out of this next time!” Art demanded, his tone firm with his chest still heaving up and down. “Got it, no more secrets from now on. Right, Patrick?” you reassured Art, then glanced back at Patrick. “Yeah, I mean… both our cum is literally, like, dripping out of you, baby. I don’t think we can ever go back to normal after this.”
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thank you for reading !! comments and reblogs are very much appreciated ♡
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aperrywilliams · 1 month
Has a Nice Ring to It (Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader)
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Author Masterlist
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Wife!BAU!Reader.
Request: Hi, I would like to request one where the reader and Spencer adopt a 4-year-old boy that they rescued in a case.
Summary:  It's pretty much the same as the request says, but focused on how they met with the boy and took the decision to adopt him.
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Hurt/comfort and angst with a happy ending. CM typical stuff, murder, unsubs, death of relatives, orphancy. Pregnancy and adoption are discussed. I don't know how the adoption system works in the US, so bear with me.
A/N: I loved the request. Dad!Spencer lives rent-free in my mind. Tell me your thoughts.
‘(Y/N)? What's your location and status? I repeat, what's your location and status?'
Hotch's voice echoes through your earpiece, but you are not able to speak. Not when the scenario in front of you is so overwhelming.
Although in your eight years working at the BAU, you have seen the most horrendous things one human being can do to another, from time to time, some cases can still paralyze you.
Like now.
As you look around, you can only think of the terrible minutes those who lived in this home must have gone through when the unsub forced its way in.
But something snaps you out of your stupor, and it's not Hotch's voice shouting in your ear; it's the sound of sobs.
The sobs of a child.
You take off your earpiece to get a better notion of where the sound is coming from, and you notice that at the back of the room, there is a closet with its door closed.
You quickly run over there and open the door, only to find a little boy sitting on the floor, hugging his knees and with teary eyes. When he looks at you, you can see the shock and fear in his eyes. The little one must be four years old at most. It breaks your heart to see him like this, but it immediately makes you go into alert mode again. You holster your gun first so as not to scare the kid.
"Hey, sweetheart. It's okay. My name is (Y/N), and I'm a cop. Everything is okay. You're safe," you tell him with a reassuring voice and kind eyes while you crouch to get to his level.
His hazel orbs are glued to your form as he blinks a few times.
Before you can talk again, he launches to wrap his little arms around one of your legs. With an arm, you hug him back as you block his view of the room with your body. He doesn't need to see the same you did as you got there.
"I've got you, sweetheart. You're okay," you repeat him as you put on your earpiece again. "I'm in the master bedroom. No unsub, but I found the kid," you murmured into the com.
Yet crouched, you lean back to look at the boy. "I'm gonna get you out of here now, okay? But I need you to keep your eyes on me until we get outside. Can you do that for me?"
The kid nods timidly. Removing your FBI jacket, you take him in your arms, covering you both with it as you make your way out. A bunch of agents enter the room at the time, but you keep your eyes on the boy, using your peripheral vision to keep walking and not fall.
Spencer is waiting for you at the base of the stairs. Concern is visible on his face when he sees you coming down with a child. When you reach the first floor, you withdraw the jacket that covers both of you.
"Good job, honey," you say to the boy with a smile. And then you briefly exchange a knowing look with Spencer. He nods, and you continue your way out of the house with the kid in your arms.
It turns out the child, named Elliot, is the son of the unsub's two recent victims. Unsub that you have been chasing all over DC for three days now.
You get confirmation of this information from Garcia by phone as the EMTs are checking Elliot in an ambulance parked outside the house where you found him.
It's still unclear what really happened inside. Still, it's likely Elliot's mom hid him in the closet before the unsub got upstairs. You don't know for sure because the little boy hasn't said a word to anyone yet.
And although it's heartbreaking, you know you have to make him talk about what he saw and heard.
Hotch, a few meters apart, beckons you to approach. 
"I'll be right back, okay?" You say to Elliot. But as you're about to step away from him, he starts crying and grabs your sleeve so you don't go. You look at your boss, confused as to what to do, and Hotch nods, showing you his cell phone, a sign that he'll text or call you so you don't have to leave Elliot's side.
A ping of your phone signals a text from Hotch.
'We need to know what he knows. You'll ride with him to the quarters. Spencer is going to drive you.'
You think it's reasonable due to the rapport it seems you already have with the boy.
"It's okay, Elliot. I'm not leaving you. But we need to go to another place now, okay? So we can be more comfortable. It's getting cold here," you point it out as the reason why you need to leave and not because he needs to be questioned. 
A faint 'okay' escape from the boy's lips, and it's the first word you hear him say. And a lump forms in your throat, acknowledging the vulnerability of that little human being.
From the corner of your eye, you see Spencer getting closer, presumably having talked to Hotch.
"Elliot, this is Spencer. He will drive us to a comfy place. He is a good friend and will take care of us," you announce.
"Hi, Elliot," Spencer says as he waves.
"Hi," the child murmurs as he waves back.
The ride to the station starts mostly quiet. You are in the back seat with little Elliot as Spencer drives. From time to time, he looks at you both from the rearview.
Spencer knows you are trying to come up with a strategy to talk to the child, so he takes the lead in doing the small talk to give you some insights.
"So, Elliot. Can I ask you a question?" Spencer starts, and the kid perks his head up and nods, with a 'yes' slipping from his lips.
"What is your favorite food?"
The boy pouts a bit while contemplating his response. "Pizza," he decides. "I like pizza."
"Pizza is cool," Spencer agrees. "Would you like some now? I can stop by and get one," Spencer offers.
"With ham?" Elliot quirks an eyebrow questioningly.
"If you like ham, then ham it is."
"I like ham and tomatoes," he adds. Spencer smiles.
"Did you know pizza with ham and tomatoes is (Y/N) 's favorite?" Elliot's gaze turns to you, asking for confirmation. You nod, backing Spencer's statement. A timid smile crosses Elliot's face, and you could have melted right then and there.
Spencer continues asking the boy little questions; that's how you know he likes airplanes, his favorite color is green, and he prefers Hulk over Ironman.
At the BAU, you head with Elliot to one of the meeting rooms—the most little and cozy so that the boy could settle in a less intimidating environment. Spencer follows you back, stopping by to grab from Garcia the pizza box and drinks he asked her for earlier.
"Here it is. Pizza with ham and tomatoes. I got some drinks, too," Spencer announces, placing everything on the table. He knows you have to talk to Elliot about what happened in the house, so he suspects you need privacy with the kid. He stops at the door and looks at you. You stand to approach him while Elliot is occupied with a slice of pizza.
He grabs your hand and, after kissing it lovingly, gives it a reassuring squeeze.
"You're doing good. It's for the better. He trusts you. We need to catch the guy."
It's just what you need to hear. You're still unsure about the whole situation, and Spencer, as always, can see it. Your husband of two years can read you like a book, and it's not because of his profile skills. You both have been through a lot together in the years of working together, being friends at first and then as a couple.
You nod, and Spencer kisses you on the cheek before letting you alone with Elliot.
It's shocking the wretched details that a 4-year-old's mind can retain and still see the world innocently. In some way, you're grateful Elliot can't understand everything that's happening around him.
You pass the information he gives you on to the team to improve the profile and get better clues about how to catch the guy. Spencer was right; Elliot trusts you, and that's why you feel responsible for his well-being. After tiring hours, he falls asleep on the couch, where you tuck him in and watch him sleep.
Spencer peaks into the room. He wants to talk with you.
You leave the little one sleeping while you go out and leave the door half open.
"You need a break. You hadn't eaten or slept in hours."
"I'm okay," you say flatly. Spencer raises an eyebrow. "I can't leave him, Spence. You know that."
"Baby, I know you're worried for him, but you need to take care of yourself too. I can stay with him for a couple of hours."
You know Spencer is right, but you don't want to admit it. Instead, you try to change the subject.
"Did Garcia locate any relatives?"
Spencer sighs. He knows the answer to your question, and it's not a good one.
"There is literally no one in his family except those who were in the house: his parents and an aunt. There is a distant cousin, but she lives in Sweden, and she doesn't even know his existence. And even if she wanted, she could not do the adoption procedures because she lost her American nationality."
That means Elliot will fall into the system, waiting for someone to adopt him. You don't even know how to respond to the news. They are devastating and break your heart.
Spencer looks at you with concern.
"Are you okay?" your husband cautiously asks, although he knows the answer from the look you return to him. It's a look that says, 'I'm not okay, and there is nothing I or you can do about it right now.'
In silence, he envelops you in a tight embrace that you reciprocate, hiding your face in his chest.
"I'm sorry," you mumble after some minutes. Spencer leans back to look at you.
"Why are you saying sorry?"
"Because I should be working my ass right now to catch the son of the bitch who did that to his parents," you pause to control the anger that starts bubbling inside of you. "Instead of being a mess and useless here."
Spencer cups your cheeks so you can look at him.
"Hey, don't say that. You are doing even more than it is expected from our job here. You are the only one Elliot has talked to about what happened, and it has given us solid leads. Beyond that, you are helping him, caring about him, and being by his side in this horrible time."
"It's so unfair, Spencer."
He knows what you are talking about and nods in agreement. You continue talking.
"And I know there are so many other children that have to go through something as horrible as this, and they, too, have no one to take care of them. But with Elliot, I - God, I don't know why it feels different with him. The mere idea of him in the system makes me sick."
Spencer feels his chest tight, but he doesn't want to be vulnerable when you're the one who needs to be comforted. He pulls your body towards him again, holding you tight.
A whole two days have passed, and after much insistence and even convincing Elliot to tell you not to feel bad about leaving him for a few hours, Spencer gets you to take a break. So you can take a shower, eat and sleep.
The rest of the team works full-time and around the clock to catch the unsub. With the new clues you had him identify, it was only a matter of hours before they could finally get him.
Spencer is with Elliot while he colors with crayons. On the sheet, he is painting the sky blue.
"Do you know why the sky is blue?" Elliot asks Spencer, whose lips quirked up in a smile.
"Well. It's because of something called the scattering of sunlight by the atmosphere." Elliot's eyes widen in confusion.
"Scattering of sunlight? What's that?"
"It's like when you bounce a ball off a wall, but with sunlight and tiny air particles."
Elliot giggles, picturing what Spencer just said.
"So the sun is playing ball with the sky?"
Spencer laughs, amused by the kid's imagination.
"Haha. Well, sort of. You could say that."
An excited Elliot decides what he wants to do next.
"I wanna play ball with the sun too! Can we?" 
Spencer raises an eyebrow, contemplating his response.
"Maybe not with the sun directly, but we can definitely play ball later. How about that?"
"Yes! Can I get my red ball? It's my favorite!" Elliot chirps and Spencer's heart swells.
"Sounds like a plan, buddy."
Spencer's answer seems to satisfy Elliot, who continues coloring.
He doesn't have the heart to tell the kid that maybe he will have to leave soon once a child service professional gets assigned to his case.
After a while, Elliot finishes his drawing and passes it to Spencer, who examines it curiously.
In it, there is something that resembles a woman holding hands with a child. Next to it is a sketch of what appears to be a tall man, and in the blue sky, two winged figures.
Spencer asks him who they are, pointing to the drawing.
"She's (Y/N)," Elliot points to the woman holding hands with the child.
"That's me after she found me," he explains, putting his finger over the drawn kid. "That's you," he continues, indicating to the tall man.
"I look really good here," Spencer jokes. "And these? Spencer now points to the figures in the sky."
"Mom and Dad," Elliot says, and Spencer's breath hitches in his throat. "They are in heaven now and look after me. They sent (Y/N). Mom told me."
Spencer doesn't know how to respond to that, although he's curious about the last thing he said.
"What did your mom tell you?"
"When she left me in the closet. She told me I was going to be fine. That good people would find me and take care of me. And (Y/N) found me. She's good people."
Spencer's heart protrudes with pride and love as he sees how the boy recognizes you as a good person and seems to appreciate you much more than he thought.
"She is," Spencer concedes, with a little tremble in his voice.
"You like her?"
Spencer's cheeks blush. Even a 4-year-old can catch how hooked he is for you.
"What makes you think so?"
"You look at her like dad looks to mom. And my mom told me when people look like that is because they like each other."
"You're a very clever boy, Elliot. And you're right. I like her. We are married, actually. Do you know what is that?"
The kid nods, pointing to the gold band adorning Spencer's ring finger.
After a few hours, you return to the BAU and find Elliot asleep in Spencer's arms, who is lying on the office couch.
A sad smile crosses your face. On the one hand, the image triggers so much sweetness, seeing your husband, the love of your life, taking care of a little one who needs so much love and care. But on the other hand, the certainty that there is nothing you can do to change the destiny of that little boy who, at such a young age, has already experienced such terrible things.
You are so absorbed in the image that you don't hear Garcia until she is next to you.
"This pair hasn't wasted any time. Elliot colored for a long time while he asked Spencer everything he could think of. Of course, Boy Wonder was fascinated to answer all his questions. Afterward, they gave a tour of the floor; they even ran through the hallways. They even went to play football in the parking lot. That's why they are both exhausted."
"My husband running through the hallways and playing football? Who would have thought," You joke. Garcia nods, smiling and placing a hand on your shoulder.
"How do you feel?" She also realizes how difficult this case has been for you.
"More rested, although until this is over, I don't know how I'll really deal with this."
You wouldn't have to wait long to get to that point. Just as the social worker comes to check Elliot's case and, inevitably, takes him away, Garcia gets a call from Hotch saying they have the unsub in custody.
Everything happens too fast to process, and the only thing you manage to do is sit next to Elliot while Spencer talks to Nancy, the social worker, and tells her the details of the case. The kid is awake now and telling you everything about his afternoon with Spencer.
When Nancy and Spencer peek in the door, you know what it's about. Turning to Elliot, you talk to him softly.
"Sweetheart, this is Nancy. She wants to ask you some questions. Is that okay with you?" you probe. The kid lifts his gaze to the woman at the door and frowns.
"About mommy and daddy?"
He's too smart and perceptive for his own good, you tell yourself.
"A few, yes. But you can say only what you are comfortable with, okay?"
Elliot does not look very convinced.
"Can you stay?"
Your eyes soften as you exchange a knowing look with Spencer.
"I'm sorry, dear, but I can't."
"And Spencer can stay?"
"I can't either. I'm sorry, buddy. But we promise we are going to be right outside," Spencer affirms.
Elliot reluctantly agrees, and you leave him with Nancy. Once you're out of their sight, you feel tears begin to roll down your cheeks. You turn to look at Spencer, and you see his glassy eyes, too.
He takes your hand. "Let's talk in a more private place," he tells you, entering another of the offices nearby.
Closing the door, you give free rein to your emotions and begin to sob. Spencer hugs you tight, and he cries with you. You two know you need to hold each other up right now.
When you feel you have released some of the tension, you both separate from your embrace and sit in chairs adjacent to each other. Spencer holds your hand.
You still can't believe the little boy is going to get into the system. You bite your lip in pure frustration.
"I know," Spencer says. "I don't like the idea either, but someone has to take care of him. More so now that the case is closed."
"Does the bastard even understand the damage he has caused?"
It is a rhetorical question because even if the answer were positive, it does not change the fate of little Elliot in any way.
Spencer is affected, too. During the time they spent together, he became fond of Elliot and stole his heart in the same way he did with you.
To be honest, in the last few hours, Spencer has been mulling over an idea, but he needs to talk to you first. Although he already guesses what your position could be in the matter.
"Maybe we can do something," Spencer muses, and you look at him baffled.
"We do?" you question. Spencer nods, smiling at you.
You are trying to read your husband, but his warm smile and understanding eyes won't let you anticipate what he will say to you.
With a hand stroking your cheek, he spoke next.
"Well, if you ask me, Elliot Reid has a nice ring to it."
Your eyes widen at his words.
"What? Are you saying that we- Spencer, you are suggesting that we -"
It's not that it hasn't crossed your mind. But you didn't think it was something Spencer might have considered. Although thinking about it and knowing your husband, his heart and kindness have no limits.
"We can do it. I mean, it's not going to be easy, but we could try. I think Elliot is worth it the effort."
For a moment, you're at a loss for words. Shaking your head, you are debating the idea.
"Spencer, if you only are thinking of doing this for me, it's not fair."
This time, he shakes his head before cupping your cheeks with both hands.
"Hey. If I'm suggesting the idea, it is for all of us. Elliot needs who can take care of him. And we talked about having kids a while ago, remember?"
It's true. Before getting married, you talked about it and agreed it was something you both wanted, but not yet. After two years of marriage, you had not discussed the topic again because it was tacit that you both wanted it eventually.
"Yeah, but what we talked about was me getting pregnant. This is different."
Spencer chuckles. You're right about that. But for him, it doesn't change his mind about it.
"The method? Yes. But the outcome is the same. A family. Our family."
"Are you serious about this?" You ask him, locking eyes with him as you hold his hands, pulling them out of your face.
"Absolutely," Spencer replies right away. "Is this something you want too? It won't be easy, though. There will be a lot of paperwork and interviews, and we'll have to make adjustments to our routines. And if everything goes well, we could move to a bigger house, in a neighborhood with good schools. I could lower my workload here and start teaching," he rambles, and you start giggling out of nervousness and excitement.
"I want to try this. And there is no other person more perfect than you, with whom I want to try it. I love you, Spencer Reid."
"And I love you, (Y/N) Reid."
A tender kiss seals the moment, and you're sure you've never felt so confident about doing something like this. Or at least try.
Spencer was right. 
It took time and work. 
Months passed before you got the news that you could actually adopt Elliot.
However, while the process was happening, you became Elliot's temporary home.
If Hotch did something to make that happen, nobody mentioned it.
With periodic visits from the social worker, you showed how well cared for he was and how good he adapted to your family.
You stopped working at the BAU and started teaching. Something Spencer had suggested for him, but you decided to give it a try first.
And you never have regretted your decision.
Elliot is now part of your family. The boy you found scared inside a closet can now smile again and feel safe with you and Spencer next to him.
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey @taintedstranger @khxna @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden @dysphoricsanity @levi-of-starz @themoonchildwhofell @silver138 @lovelybaka @shinytinywhispers 
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nanaslutt · 3 months
panty theif revamped
ʚ pairing: perv!geto x reader
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ʚ incl: fem reader, established relationship, panty theif geto, nudes, masturbation, sexual tension, dirty talk, public teasing, car shenanigans, oral (m!r), hand jobs
"Gonna go to the bathroom, go ahead and order for me if the waiter comes while I'm gone." Geto smiled before pushing himself out of the booth in the corner of the establishment the two of you were tucked away in. The two of your schedule finally synced up and you could actually go on a proper date for once.
You couldn't help but watch Geto as he made his way to the restroom, more specifically how good his ass looked today, complimented by his tiny waist. You always did love it when he wore tucked-in dress shirts and slacks. His hair was half up, half down per usual as it swayed back and forth with his stride, caressing the cloth of his shirt on his back.
You were shocked out of your trance when the waiter appeared a few seconds later, ready to take you and your boyfriend's order. The kind man collected your menus and left quickly, making his way back to the kitchen to relay your orders to the chef. You glanced around the dim establishment, distracting yourself with the intricate paintings on the walls, waiting for Geto to come back to the table.
Your phone buzzed in your small bag that rested in the corner of the booth against the wall. Normally, you wouldn't check your phone since you were on a date, but you could only stare at the paintings and pretend to be interested for so long. As you pulled out your phone and looked at the small screen, you were shocked to see a hidden message from Geto himself, a picture.
Just when you went to unlock your phone, Geto gripped the side of the table and slid back into the booth, looking as casual as ever. "Sorry to keep you waiting, did the waiter take our orders already?" Geto was acting like he didn't just send you a message. Your curiosity got the better of you as you held your phone out to him and showed him the message he just sent you, still locked, sitting on your preview screen. 
"Why did you just text me?" you asked, confusion laced all over your tone. Geto smiled and rested his head on his palm before making an expression of feigned ignorance and confusion, a poor one at that. "I don't know, maybe you should look," Geto suggested, his voice revealing hidden mischief. You slowly turned your phone back towards yourself while keeping your eyes on Geto, squinting at him briefly, trying to guess what he was up to.
You looked behind you to make sure no one could see your phone just in case it was something inappropriate. Turning down the brightness, you unlocked your phone and clicked on Geto's chat, only to be met with the most shocking image you'd ever received from him. Quickly, you turned off your phone and flipped its screen down before your eyes shot up to his, wide, exasperated expression saying your words for you.
"What was it?" Geto asked, smiling at you with his eyes closed. Just before you were about to speak, the clanging of metal hit your ears, changing your attention. "Oh no, I dropped my utensils. Would you mind getting them for me, baby? You're smaller, you can fit under the table more easily." Geto asked, explaining his reasoning for asking you. You didn't trust him in the slightest, already knowing from that picture what he was up to. 
Shaking your head and sighing, you bent your body to the side and leaned your head under the table, reaching for the utensils that rested by his feet. Geto gently kicked his foot against yours, making your eyes drag upwards to where he wanted you to pay attention to the most. Your jaw fell open in disbelief when you were met with Geto's big fingers toying with fragile straps of frilly fabric under his pants that rested on his hips. 
A bit of his skin and stomach peeked out for your eyes and your eyes only, as he untucked a corner of his shirt for you to see better. Forgetting all about the dropped utensils, you quickly came back up from under the table, just nearly missing hitting your head on the corner of it. Geto smiled, his arm movement being blocked by the table, looking like he was tucking his shirt back in his pants. 
"You- my- why are you-" You struggled to find your words, your heart felt like it was going to break through your ribs and beat out of your chest. "Hm?" Geto hummed, licking his lips and rolling his head, looking like he was trying to hold back. You maintained eye contact with him, letting your words sort out in your head before you spoke. "Suguru, why are you..." You took a moment to look around the room, making sure no one was in earshot to hear what you were about to say.
"Why are you wearing my panties?" The dimples in Geto's cheek deepened as did his mischievous smile as the man leaned back against the booth cushion and crossed his arms over his chest. "They're so pretty on you, wanted to see how they would look on me," Geto said, carefully watching your reaction. 
The picture he had sent you in the bathroom was of him standing in the mirror, handsome face looking downwards at the phone as he held it in the center of his chest. His pants were pulled down just under his balls, exposing his semi-hard cock barely fitting in a pair of your tight, lacy black panties. His balls were threatening to fall out of the fabric's constraints at any moment, and his dick? Well, it wasn't faring any better. 
Half of his cock was poking out of the panties, his flushed tip resting against the skin of his pelvis, staining upwards thanks to the fabric. He looked so sexy, it was a shame you didn't get to look at the picture longer, but you would absolutely be keeping that photo somewhere safe to oggle later. "Suguru..." You whispered, voice full of need. You couldn't even be annoyed. Surprised? Sure. But he looked too sexy to be frustrated with.
And now that you knew what he was hiding all night, the thought of him walking around all day in your panties without you knowing sent a heat rippling through your body and straight between your thighs. Suguru could see right through you, could see how his little act was turning you on the longer you thought about it. The man across from you suddenly stood up and walked around the booth to your side, squeezing in without a word.
You tried to make room for him by pressing yourself into the corner of the booth, your bag getting squished against your thigh. "Suguru whatever you're trying to do, drop it. We can't do this here." You said as sternly as you could muster, finding it hard to maintain eye contact with him. "I'm not doing anything." He replied. Just as he placed his hand on your knee, the server walked up to the table with your food, interrupting whatever it was you two were doing.
The man looked oblivious enough as he sat your food down, wishing you a good meal. You turned your head to look at the man next to you, ignoring your food completely. "Suguru take me home." You almost whispered, staring into his eyes. Geto smiled, rubbing his hand along your knee, the heat from his skin seeping through your skin. "Why?" He asked, feigning ignorance as he began moving his hand higher and higher up your thigh, all while maintaining eye contact with you.
You looked down at his hand and gripped his wrist with both of yours before you looked back up at him, a begging expression on your face. His fingers were only inches from touching you where you desperately needed him, but you knew you had to be the one to put your hand down and not let Suguru do something like this here, no matter how bad your body was aching for it. "You really wanna leave?" Suguru asked, tilting his head at you, his hand still gripping your thigh as he emphasized his words.
You nodded at him, the words failing to find your lips. Suguru nodded and looked away before he retracted his hand from your thigh and waved down the waitor. "I'm sorry to bother you, my girlfriend isn't feeling well. Is it alright if we get this packaged to go?" Geto asked respectfully, his voice as sweet as ever, giving no hint as to what he was actually feeling at the moment. 
The young man made haste packing your food. Maybe three minutes had passed before he returned to the table with your food packaged with a lovely presentation. You made sure Geto tipped him well for his effort before you slid out of the booth, walking quickly in front of Geto, and leading him to the exit. "What's got you feeling so rushed, huh?" He asked cockily, reaching out from behind you and grabbing your hand, slowing you down as he walked at a snail's pace.
You pressed your lips together in frustration, only turning your head to look at him annoyed for a moment before you whipped your head forward and dragged your much larger boyfriend behind you. 
Geto gripped your hips when you dragged him to your side of the car, pressing himself against you as he stood behind you. You gripped the containers of food tightly in your hands, your eyes falling shut as Geto's body heat enveloped your body. "Back up, let me get the door for you." You wanted to scream. You were so glad it was dark out and there was no one currently in the parking lot where Geto was doing this. 
You swallowed hard before pushing yourself back against him. At first, Geto made no efforts to back up and allow you enough space to open the door, he just let you press your ass back into his obviously hard cock, tenting in his dress slacks. He kept you against him without moving for only a second longer than necessary before he backed up and reached in front of you, opening the passenger door for you. 
You turned around and faced the man, his other hand that was on your waist sliding into his pocket as his eyes met yours. He watched you drag your eyes down his body to stare at the bulge in his pants shamelessly, your eyes staying there for a minute before you looked back up at him, obvious arousal written on your face. "Pervert." He joked, smiling at you as he watched you slide into the car, shaking your head in disbelief. 
Geto walked like he had nowhere else to be around the car as he made his way to the driver's side, giving you plenty of time to wallow in your own arousal while you sat in the silent car. Your heart almost leaped out of your chest when the driver's door popped open. You were about to be alone with him again like you craved ever since he sent you that filthy picture in the restroom. 
Geto was silent as he slid into the car and closed the door behind him. He plugged his phone into the aux like normal and started the car, the cool air immediately blasting you in the face which he quickly turned down to a softer setting. Although you couldn't say you didn't appreciate the quick burst of air cooling you down. You gripped the seatbelt over your thighs tightly, staring at your own hands, the veins popping out from under your skin.
Your head jerked quickly over to Geto's side of the car when you heard the familiar clinking of his belt, followed by the sound of the leather sliding out from the belt loops in his pants. "What are you doing?" You asked softly, afraid to raise your voice higher than a whisper. The air around you was quickly heating up, your body too. Geto stayed silent, just a sinister smile on his face as he threw the belt into the back seat and began undoing his belt.
Your eyes were glued to the scene in front of you, you didn't dare take your eyes off his large hands. You had to bite your bottom lip to prevent the moan that wanted to escape from between them when Geto lifted his ass off the seat and pulled his pants down to his mid-thighs, exposing his now fully hard cock barely covered by the tiny, flimsy piece of fabric hugging his hips so tightly. Suguru bunched up his shirt in his hands, allowing you to see a little of the black tuft of hair that rested above the base of his cock, letting you see everything unobstructed.
Suguru could feel his cheeks burning under your gaze. His cock twitched and dripped pre-cum from his sensitive tip, wetting his skin. He kept his lidded eyes on yours, watching you watch him. He saw the way your hands gripped the seatbelt tighter as you resisted the urge to pounce on him right then and there. "Do you like it?" Suguru asked, wiggling his hips at you.
You brought one of your hands to your mouth and covered it tightly, your eyebrows furrowing as you took in the sight of his pretty cock. "Fuck... Suguru." You whined behind your hand, pressing your thighs together. You had never thought about something like this before. Suguru wearing your panties? Why would you? But you were starting to think you should have a more creative imagination because this was turning you on more than you thought it would. 
Suguru smiled and huffed a laugh through his nose before he reached down with his hand that wasn't holding up his shirt and teased his fingers around the head of his cock. His tip twitched at the stimulation of him rubbing his fingers around it, rubbing his precum all over it. "Tell me what you're thinking," Suguru asked, his smile starting to fade the more his arousal grew, his expression turning more like yours, pure lustful.
You stayed silent, only the loud sounds of your breathing echoing inside the car. "Talk to me baby, did this for you," Geto said, wrapping his hand around the part of his cock that was sticking out of the panties. His balls were barely contained against the thin fabric, they looked ready to fall out at any moment, so strained against it. You were becoming hypnotized watching Geto stroke his cock, watching his chest rise and fall more frequently as he got off on being watched by you.
Your resolve snapped when Geto squeezed his tip firmly on the upstroke and a choked moan was forced from his throat. You unbuckled your seat belt and leaned over the center console in one swift movement, your body resting against it as you rested your hand on Geto's thighs, keeping yourself stable. Geto leaned back when he saw you coming over, almost on instinct, even though neither of you had fooled around in the car before.
You grabbed his hand that was wrapped around his cock with one of your own, forcing him to stroke himself downwards so the tip of his cock poked through the hole his fist was making. You wasted no time in sticking out your tongue and dragging it across his head, before taking his tip into your warm mouth. Geto's eyes rolled back in his head and his jaw dropped open in a moan as he felt your tongue swirl around his sensitive cockhead. 
"Oh shit..." He groaned, looking down at your head in his lap. You grabbed his wrist and forced him to let go of his dick. Geto obeyed and placed his hand on your lower back, rolling his head against the back of his seat. His other hand rested comfortably on top of your head, fighting to not shove you down on his length.
 His breathing had picked up considerably as you took more of his cock into your mouth, bobbing your head down on him, only taking a couple of inches of him into your mouth at first, letting your saliva collect and pool in your mouth so it felt better for him, and made sucking his off easier for you.
You found his balls through the fabric of the panties blindly and grabbed ahold of them, noticing how strained and tight they felt in the fabric. "Oh fuck baby, f-fuck." Geto groaned, his abs clenching with his arousal as you rubbed his balls through the fabric while sucking him off hands-free. You took the top half of his cock into your hot mouth, leaving the base of his cock still snug behind the panties, it was a sight to see.
"I'll take this as you liked my surprise?" Geto laughed, the sound turning into a breathy moan. You did your best to hum your approval around him, the vibration from the noise you made going straight through his cock, making his fingers dig against your scalp. "Fuck, don't try to talk while it's in your mouth," Geto warned, feeling his balls throb at the vibration.
If your mouth wasn't stuffed full of cock, you would've smiled. Instead, you just doubled your efforts and bobbed your head faster, rolling your tongue all around the length of his cock, all the while still caressing his balls in your warm hand. Geto's hips had started to leave the seat as he thrust shallowly up into your mouth, making his cock hit the back of your throat.
"This feels so. fucking. good." Geto moaned wantonly through his teeth, his lips pursing around them as he spoke. "D-deeper, take it deeper baby, please." You moaned around him again, making him release his own sound of pleasure before you took him deeper into your throat, your eyebrows furrowing as you tried to get used to it. The fabric of your panties was rubbing against your lips as you pushed it out of the way with your mouth the deeper you went down on him.
Suguru's groans had turned into gasps and higher-pitched moans at this point. His hand trembled against your head as his body registered all the pleasure you were giving him. You popped off his cock with a small 'ahh' sound, a bit of saliva connecting your lips to the head of his cock, which you quickly wiped away.
Your arm was weak, but you used all the strength you could muster to push the front half of your body up as you brought your face in front of Geto's. You licked your lips and smiled as you pressed your lips against his, swallowing up his groans as you continued rubbing his balls, his cock twitching from that stimulation alone. Geto pressed the back of your head against him harder, keeping your lips locked with his. 
You were almost too busy tangling your tongue with his to feel the constant, repetitive pounding of Geto's hand against your own that was caressing his sack. Cracking your eyes open, you looked down at his crotch and saw Geto jerking himself off furiously, his eyebrows furrowed in pleasure. You were unable to resist staring at the thin black straps of the thong resting on his hips, he looked so fucking sexy it was making it hard to breathe.
"Hey, stop getting distracted," Geto whined breathlessly against your lips, noticing how you stopped kissing him back with the same urgency. You pulled away entirely, making him pout, as he continued stroking himself off while looking at you, his hand that was holding the back of your head caressing down between your shoulders. "I wanna look at you." You said, rubbing his thigh under your hand. 
"Take a fucking picture, I need you right now," Geto begged, the saliva and precum on his dick creating the lewdest squelching noise. You raised your eyebrows in surprise before you smiled and tilted your head at him. "You serious?" You asked, feeling another wave of warmth jolt through your body. "Yes, take a fucking picture and put your lips around my cock again. Gonna cum." Geto said urgently, nodding towards his phone under the dash.
You wasted no time in reaching over for it and sliding over the camera. You leaned back a bit to get Geto fully in the frame, smiling to yourself as you hid behind the camera. "Say cheese." You joked, Geto making no effort to stop what he was doing as the flash lit up his body. The second the photo was over, Geto griped your hand holding the phone, and forced it down into the cup holder. "I'm gonna cum." He said breathily, his hand sliding up your back to hold the nape of your neck again, forcing you back down to focus on his cock.
Geto had no idea what had happened, but the second you took a picture of him, his orgasm went from behind five minutes away, to thirty seconds away. Seemed like everyone was finding something about themselves tonight. Geto held the base of his cock for you, keeping his dick steady as you wrapped your lips around him again and replaced his hand. Geto gripped your hand that rested on his thigh, his fingers wrapping tightly under your palm.
"Oh fuck baby, I'm so fucking close." Geto cried, his thighs clenching and unclenching as he felt his orgasm approach. You moaned around him, sending vibrations through his cock as you let his hand control your pace as he curled his fingers into your hair and aided you in bobbing your head on him. "Take it baby take it, s-swallow it all." Geto babbled, his balls twitching under your hand.
"Oh fuck- fuck- fuck-" Geto's voice got higher and higher in pitch, his eyes squeezing firmly shut, his mouth opening in a wide O before his orgasm crashed over him. His body curled in on itself with each wave of his orgasm. "H-hah ahh-" Geto moaned as he felt hot ropes of him shoot out of his balls, immediately being greedily sucked down your throat. 
You continued moaning around him as you gripped his hand tighter for support, fighting the coughs and gags that wanted to spill from your throat as he forced his cock full inside your mouth, using your throat to drain his balls completely. You pulled off with a gasp, your hand coming to wipe away the mix of saliva and cum on your lips and cheeks.
Geto's cock had started to soften, and not even then did it fully fit in the panties he was wearing; your panties. You swallowed one last time and sat up, pressing kisses to his Adam's apple, up his chin, and finally finding his lips. Geto kissed your back lazily, his eyes still shut and head resting back against the car seat as he tried to come down from his high, his body limp and shaky. 
You smiled and left a small peck on his cheek before you reached down and grabbed his soft cock, feeling it twitch weakly in your hold as you tried to stuff it under the flimsy panties, to no avail of course. You zipped his pants back up, hiding his spent cock away, and tucked his shirt messily into his pants. He looked like he just got the soul sucked out of him.
"You okay?" You asked, sitting back in your seat and caressing his cheek. Geto nodded, his head falling in your direction as he looked at you, eyes lidded and face red. He leaned into your touch, letting your soft hand sooth him further, he looked ready for a nap. "That felt so fucking good, I love you so much." You giggled at his exhaustion and praise. 
"I love you too, do you need me to drive?" You asked, your hand falling from his face and resting on his thigh. "Yeah, let me be the passenger princess for once." He replied, nodding at you. "I'll take care of you baby." You smirked, laughing through your nose. Geto smiled before his face scrunched into a discomforted expression, his hips wiggling against the car seat.
You tilted your head at looked at his bottom half in question, "You okay Sugu?" You asked. Geto made a noise of discomfort as he answered before he grabbed at the fabric of his pants on his hips. "I've had a thong shoved up my ass all day. The pleasure made me forget it but now that I'm spent I can feel my ass throbbing." You did your best not to giggle too loud as you laughed behind your hand. "How do you wear these things all the time? They're sexy as hell but if it feels like this I don't know if it's worth it." Geto complained, wiggling against the seat some more.
"Well I'm pretty sure those are waaaay too small on you so... that might have something to do with it." You answered. Now that you thought about it, Geto was s bit more fidgety than usual today. You had chalked it up to him being uncomfortable in such a stiff suit he didn't wear often. Little did you know what the real culprit of his squirminess was. 
"I'll get you home asap so we can get those off of you, okay?" You giggled, rubbing his thigh in comfort. Geto made a noise of acknowledgment and gave up on wiggling around in his seat, knowing it was doing nothing for him except maybe making it worse. "But before we do I need to see how good your ass looks in this thong." You laughed, wiggling your eyebrows at him.
Geto laughed through his nose and made a move to open his door so the two of you could switch seats before he turned back to look at you. "You might cream your panties, but I'll let you look all you want." Something told you he was right and it was going to end in a round two. 
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