#but I hope ya'll will enjoy it nonetheless :)
natalchartnurtures · 6 months
So tell me Taylor, Who am I gonna take to be my ~Lover~?
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Want a sneak peak into who YOU'RE gonna take to be your significant-long-term partner?
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(pile 1 to 3- left to right)
Pile 1:
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home You're my, my, my, my Lover..
Let me say this. You're opening card is the ten of cups, right of the bat.. there's this beautiful love I feel between the two of you. Their presence in your life would either happen as a consequence of you resolving some of your deep subconscious beliefs that kept you limited in terms of love or.. some of you beautiful folks I feel your person will help prove your limiting beliefs around love wrong. This part of your relationship may feel a lil scary and intense but your love for them will end up helping you all the way through.
Oh wow.. I'm getting that you and your person will take on life together, almost with this feeling of being comrades. Especially during your more difficult and uncertain times, your relationship with them will only get stronger. Its giving Bestie energy ✨️ Don't we love that around here? Hehe
They really help you calm down if you're prone to anxiety and/or overthinking. Their energy has a really calming effect on you. Which is probably one of your favorite things about them 😊
I'm getting a strong message of this person being radically different from your previous partners. Maybe you are used to partners who are possessive, lack emotional intelligence and always gave you a reason to worry but I feel your person is a FAR cry from this kinda energy which will surprise you at first I'm ngl 😅 but once you get on board with the newness they bring, you'll have a beautiful relationship with them :')
"Equal give and take" I hear. Aw.
I feel like before you did the inner work with your subconscious mind, you attracted partners that weren't all that healthy but I see that as soon as you put away your wounds and old unhelpful beliefs that you might have picked up from childhood, that may have kept your energy stagnant, to rest they will show up into your life. You won't be able to miss it!
Side note: Ya'll reeeeeally remind me of Zendaya and Tom Holland. I kept having visions of them in my mind while I was channeling for your pile.. Isn't that something 👀
That was your reading, pile 1. Hope you enjoyed it!
Love and light, sweet souls ✨️
pile 2:
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?
Ooh.. I feel your person being highly intelligent and just really smart overall. They seem quite deep to me.. their energy is direct and doesn't really play around. They definitely come off strong to you when you first meet them. They don't seem to enjoy small talk or socializing "just for fun" they seem to take their social life really seriously which is why they might keep to themselves mostly having a very TIGHT group they let themselves mingle with.
I have to say this.. your person has developed an incredible relationship with their mind. A quite healthy one after years of suffering mental agony they have figured out how to master their own mind and as a result they seem quite mature and come off quite stable. They're giving off a strong regal vibe, like, they have a lot of self respect and/or a lot of people seem to respect your person. Your person strikes me like the kind that not everybody necessarily likes but somebody who is respected and revered (in some cases) nonetheless. Wow. Strong vibes. They could be quite an intense person too ngl. They might like to dip their toes into psychology or simply put, the Scorpionic arts or.. just be interested in the occult from time to time 👀
They may not believe in love before they meet you tbh.
They like to believe in what they have evidence for and seems like before meeting you they simply hadn't find evidence of real love.. aw, that's low-key so cute!
Your person comes off quite practical and earthy. They may move in a very strategic way, keeping their plans (and their life in general) mostly to themselves.. which is giving PRIVATE energy. They seem hella private 👀 haha
So you know they're gonna keep your relationship to themselves like it's a scared, precious thing that they gotta safeguard :')
Meeting you will POSITIVELY flip their world upside down. If there's one thing they don't understand, its love and romance. When you walk into their life, being your cute ass self, they won't know what to do with themselves and despite them being successful in their lives prior to meeting you, they'd feel lost with you. You make them feel.. dumb haha. Or they perceive it that way. You might think it to be ridiculously cute lmao.
They're definitely gonna feel A BURNING passion for you right from the get go and that's how they'll know that you're their person!
That was your reading, pile 2. Hope you enjoyed it!
Love and light, sweet souls ✨️
pile 3:
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue All's well that ends well to end up with you Swear to be over-dramatic and true to my lover
So.. you guy's person and you come together in an interesting way. This is immediately telling me that your person is someone you don't expect to fall in love with. Ya'll might know each other for a while (depending on each person for how long exactly) and the feelings develop overtime. For some this person might reveal their feelings on accident while being drunk one night or something along those lines lmao (very specific, so take that with a grain of salt) lol but yea it's gonna be one of those really cute friends-to-lovers type situation with you and your person or enemies-to-lovers too maybe? 👀 Some KANTHONY vibes coming through #Bridgerton <3
Haha anyway.
You won't foresee a relationship between you and your person before it happens :p
Your person.. seems to have endured a partner before you (or many partners) who didn't really care for them. This may even be a feminine friend/family member as well. They broke your person's heart in a significant way and may even have manipulated you person into staying in the relationship (be it romantic or otherwise) which they eventually stood up to. Seems like a Karmic situation too btw. This Karmic situation, really helped your person grow and evolve into the person who was truly meant for you tho 😊 yay. They've healed from this previous heartbreak and somehow this road of healing brings them to you. Ah.. The reason why this previous relationship is coming into picture is because- they probably meet you while healing from this old situation.. they'd be hard at work trying to resolve the pain the went through and their reward for doing that is.. your love. AW. STOP IT! THAT'S CUTE <3
Ya'll remind me of that song "You Belong With Me" by our queen Taylor Swift. The lyrics are playing through my head now as I channel your person's energy. You could have additional messages in that song 😊
That was your reading, pile 3. Hope you enjoyed it!
Love and light, sweet souls ✨️
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simp-ly-writes · 10 months
Lasting Pictures: Up and Under (pt.2)
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Pairing: Poly!Task Force 141 x Photographer!Reader
Summary: Signing the papers was one thing, actually going back and doing the work was another. Memories come hurling back at you as you try and navigate this new lifestyle while getting to know the members of your new task force- some warm up quicker to you than others but are your trials all for nothing? Or maybe, just maybe this new start has other possibilities for you as well....
Warnings: 4952 words, Slow burn, heavy imagery of anxiety attack and PTSD, descriptions of blood and swearing.
A/N: Hey ya'll thank you all so much for all the love on the first post, weird to see so many people liking my shitty writing. Anyways! todays chapter is dedicated to my fellow stranger @cosychick who made this chapter possible (TYSM again, seriously). On another note... I may have written a lot again... and have an outline for many more chapters... hope you guys enjoy this next part! let me know what you think~
Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
Lasting Pictures Series Masterlist
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The cheers surrounding the room are soon put to an end as the boys soon get ordered to return back to their duties on base as you and Gabby stay behind with Laswell. She opens your file on the table, flipping towards the back as she comments on your years of leave from the military. Your task force had all been promoted within the ranks and some were found less on field and more in strategy. You smiled at this newfound information, as it slightly fell when Laswell said how poorly they took your leave and lack of communication afterwards while tailing off on a few names that have you blinking your eyes quickly.
The room falling quiet once more, Gabby grasps your hand in her own- rubbing small circles into the back of it in an effort to comfort you. You squeeze it twice in response; awaiting Laswell to continue her commentary as a knock can be heard coming from the door, Price enters then closes it behind himself as he takes his seat back beside Laswell with his own paperwork in hand and places it on the table. He motions with a flick of his wrist for you guys to continue as he grabs for a pair of glasses and takes the lid of a pen off; beginning to flip through the sheets, signing every few pages while referencing others. Laswell continues to speak while opening a second file with your polaroid clipped to the front. 
“Has your body fully healed from the incident?”
“Yes, ma’am”
“Do you still take medication for it or any other symptoms you have experienced as a result?”
“Yes I do”
Laswell hums in response, flickering to the next page as you lightly sigh in relief and Gabby comments, “May I speak freely?”
“You may”
“They have made a full recovery, I made sure of it before contacting them…” Gabby looks over at you, happiness is found in her squished cheeks from smiling so brightly as she drops your hand to reach over the table for your papers, “...I recommend still going through with the fitness regulation test for formal qualities- but they would pass easily nonetheless.”
Price decides to lift his head and joins the conversation once more, “some practice missions with 141 before sending directly to the field would be of value to us all as well. Time is limited- I know-”
You smile slightly at his addition, nodding your head in agreement before finishing his sentence, “but a little team building never hurt nobody” you tease lightly back as John matches your smile before returning back to the work at hand. Gabby leans over, clearing her throat loudly to whisper in your ear, “So what type of team building do you have planned~?” 
Swatting her away while covering your cheeks from your blush, John chuckles to himself as you shrink into your sweater, cursing Gabby mentally as Laswell gives you all a tisk with a small smile gracing its way across her features; her tone lightening. 
“You will get along great with the team, Dice, from what I read and see here today. 0-700 tomorrow for your assessment and I want you to move on to base with the rest of the team temporarily to redevelop your skills for the imminent future. Deployment is set for two weeks from now. That is all, thank you both” Laswell finishes, collecting her belongings before tapping Price on the shoulder on her way out. 
Stacking the papers into a neat pile; he looks between you and Gabby before sliding an unsigned document, tapping his finger to where he wants you to sign and handing you his pen. Glancing down at it, its weight is surprisingly heavy and the small engraving of 141 on the lid has you smiling, you look over the page- reading through each clause before signing your name at the bottom and sliding it back with a sigh. 
Gabby slaps your shoulder with yet another cheer as she calls for drinks tonight that has you shaking your head at the idea. “I have my assessment in the morning scales, can’t be going out and doing that just yet.”
“Lame” Gabby states back childishly before asking if you wanted a drive back, you smile thankfully at this as you begin to stand from your seat. Knees a bit weak from staying in the same position for too long. Yet as your hand hovers over the door handle, a small call out from the table has you turning back to face your new captain. 
“Welcome to the team Y/N”
“Thank you Captain” 
Keys swing around Gabbys finger as you both make your way towards the parking lot at the back of the base. Walking through the halls and across the pavement; viewing all the helicopters and equipment tucked nearly away has memories sending goosebumps across your skin, nerves and excitement mixing together in your anxiety driven cocktail as you follow in Fish’s shadow. 
Gabby clicks the small device twice as the car flashes its lights with a small honk. Yet as you begin to enter the vehicle a calling out of your name from another car has you smacking your head against the roof of the car and eliciting a loud groan as you rub the spot gently, turning to face whomever got you into this state. 
Gaz smiles apologetically from the rolled-down window as he asks if you want help tomorrow moving your stuff on to base, he mentioned that your new captain already sent a message to the infamous groupchat you had yet to be added to. Smiling at the man's kindness you accept as he asks for your number. Walking up to his car, exchanging phones; you place your name alone in his as Gaz places a petrol symbol for himself that has you giggling when you read it. Tapping the top of his car in a sign of goodbye, he drives through the gates and away. 
Turning back you see Gabby leaned against the car with a cheeky grin, “do I need to report anything to the council already, lieutenant?” 
“Yet?! Do you honestly think I am getting with any of them, or that they would have any interest in all of this shit?” You reply while flinging your hands up and down your body, emphasising your statement. 
“Well.. you and Soap looked to be getting cosy…”
“I needed physical comfort, you know this”
“Gabby! I swear to god-”
“Even with my last team, we almost never did any of that shit”
“Almost?” She teases back.
“Not like that Gabs! ugh!”
Gabby does not bother to listen to anymore of your protests as she hops backs into the vehicle, the engine roaring to life as you sit yourself into the passengers side with a huff, buckling your seatbelt before helping her to check the blindspots and give directions back to your place. 
The drive back is peaceful after the hellish day you have had. Gabby flipped you off while driving away as your neighbour complained about hearing your cat moving about your apartment too loudly. Apologising you turned the key in the hole and entered, the space was dark with a small candle coming from the kitchen. Cursing to yourself for leaving it unattended, blowing it out you called for Spoons to make sure he didn’t hurt himself from it. 
Checking the cat over in your arms and sighing out in relief, you hunched down slightly so they could move to your shoulders and motioned to get their medication before you started the debate of ordering in or cooking dinner for yourself. Opening the fridge you cursed to find it empty, resting your forehead against its metal door to cool your head, you felt for your phone the jean pocket as Spoons meows loudly in your ear. 
Placing him on the counter and closing the door with your foot, you order delivery and feel for your wallet; walking yourself back into the living and falling onto the cushioned seat, feet pressed atop the coffee table as you threw a weighted blanket over yourself and turned the television on. Doctor Who played across the screen as you chucked at their antics and companions' poorly timed jokes, the doorbell ringing and a tip being served before you switched to the VOD for the football game. 
Your team was losing severely as you whisper-yelled at the screen, afraid of getting a thorough beating from your elderly neighbour. You flicked it off before it finished and noticed that your plate was empty. Placing the containers in the fridge and washing your dishes in the sink, you see Spoons sleeping on the half-wall separating your kitchen from the dining room. Their belly turned upwards as light snores exited their body. Snapping a quick picture to show Ghost in the morning, you began your nightly routine. 
Showering, brushing and flossing your teeth, alongside applying your moisturizers. You shuffled underneath the covers while doing some last minute scrolling through your phone. Rolling your eyes when you saw the endless stream of reels being sent from Gabbys personal account that had you switching your ringer off and placing it on to charge. Setting your alarm clock to sound you closed your eyes as your body jerked throughout the night, awaking in a cold sweat as only a few hours had passed before doing your best at returning back to sleep.
The loud sound of ringing gradually made its way across your ears as you groaned and blindly reached over to turn it off; you ended up swatting it off the nightstand, the loud crash had you sitting upright from the sound of it smacking against the hardwood floors. Being stubborn to get out of bed just yet, you reach across the room to pick it up and shut it up. Falling back into the covers you reach for your phone and smile seeing your parents’ name in the notifications, they wish you a strong return back with a string of emojis that has you shaking your head while replying, slightly regretting for introducing them to that submenu on the keyboard.
Stretching and rolling out your yoga mat, you do our daily exercises before setting the kettle to boil and heading for a quick shower. The mirror clouds over as you draw a small heart across its surface while scrolling for just the right song to start getting ready to. 
Coming back out- refreshed you dig through the back of your closet to find parts of your old uniform that you didn’t have the heart to send down to the storage rooms. Placing it across your frame and looking at yourself in the foyer mirror. A tear slides itself down your cheek as you swiftly wipe it away. Spoons soon comes between your legs pawing to be fed as you lightly smile down at them. 
Apologizing to your furry friend, you give them their daily medication and head out the door, to your car in the underground parkade. 06:10 reads on the dash as you drive back to the base from memory. While at a light you start a call with Gabby, hoping that she would fess up to what types of testing you will go through today, yet she gave you nothing much to your dismay other than some teasing as usual. 
“Did you end up talking to Gaz more last night when you exchanged numbers?”
“No, I talked to my parent though.”
“Oh! I miss them, are they still single?”
“Gabs I swear-”
“Hey! Just an honest question…”
“Sure, sure.”
“Are you here yet?”
“Almost, about a block away”
“Okay good.”
“Everything al’right?”
“Oh yeah, Soap just keeps telling me I'm no fun now that he’s met you, butthurt honestly.” 
“Well I have always been the funnier one.”
“Thanks, just what I needed to hear.”
“You know me- social skills, simply perfection…” you end with a giggle in your voice, “...okay im at the gate now, see you in a few.”
Pulling the car into an empty parking spot, you ended the call while hauling your work bag with your camera inside over your shoulder from the passenger's seat and take your metal water bottle with you. Locking the car with a click you walked towards the main building and picked yourself up a new badge. Wincing at your picture, you hide it in your jacket pocket as you make your way down the hall and towards the locker rooms to put your stuff down. 
Taking in a deep breath, you made your way out to the fields and saw everyone standing in a circle, speaking in hushed tones before halting at the sounds of your footsteps nearning. Giving the group a small wave, Gabby came over and wished you luck with a large hug and kiss against your cheek before returning back to her duties. Laswell stood to the side, clipboard in hand as she began to look at her watch, anxious to begin and return to her stack of files as well. 
Soap speedily walks his way over to you, clapping a hand on your shoulder and pulling you in to his side, he wishes you good luck and a few other words told in his native tongue that you didn’t quite catch before Ghost is shouting across the field, in what would appear an aggressive tone to any new listener. 
“English, Jonny”
“Fuckin’ Britts you lot”
“Hey you! Don't assume my nationality you prick”
Soap looks at you wide-eyed and apologetically as words and curses fall out of his mouth like a waterfall. Gaz can he heard chucking off to the side as you pat Soaps shoulder and tell him that you were just pulling his leg. He nods his head and sighs out in relief while looking up towards the grey skies. Making your way over to greet the Captain and Ghost, they both offer you a firm handshake once more as you provide a wide smile back before heading towards Gaz sitting on a nearby bench beside Laswell. 
Sitting beside him, he starts making small talk and eventually asks what you are doing directly after this. Looking towards Laswell she shrugs and reminds you of the team-building you promised to do before calling you to the starting line. Gaz makes a quick note for you to continue your conversation later as he shouts you a good luck as you make your way away. He sits up from the bench and moves to stand beside Simon and the others in line to the side.
Nearing the starting line, you notice a series of vertical obstacles ranging from a rope climb, an outstanding rock wall and a fence hop. Leaning your body to the side, you look further down to see a tire you will need to push alongside a series of pylons lining a large section of the tarmac. A long run, how great after all of that. 
Shaking your head of the negativity, you closed your eyes and evened your breathing before sending Laswell a nod of your head, ready to tackle this course to the best of your ability. The sound of a shout coming from the Station Chief has your body moving faster than your mind as you hoist yourself up the rope and jump down to the other side. 
Your body wavers slightly upon impact yet as soon as your knees steady once more you are running up the rock wall to boost yourself up, skipping half of it as you hear Gaz praising your technique while waiting running to wait for you on the other side. Using your feet and hands, you slip slightly from the lack of gloves or chalk before running down the ramp on the other side. Next you are sprinting over to hop over three sizes of fences as Soap claps loudly at the end telling you how many obstacles you have left. 
Smiling to yourself in a layer of sweat, you side-hop the last small fence before whipping your forehead with the backside of your arm and collapse yourself to the floor in low crawl under the wire frames above. The mud finds its way into your boots and underneath your fingernails as you sigh happily at its cool texture on your skin. 
Nearing the end you look ahead of yourself to see the long awaited large tire sitting flush against the ground. Picking yourself up to stand and shaking your hands violently while running over, you heave it up with a large grunt and push it to fall. Completing these repetitive actions tenfold before showing the tire over the designated cones. The long awaited run now awaited you as Price praised you with a large smile, yours matching his own as your feet began to pick up pace once more, now desperately trying to reach the end of the course in time. 
The soon becomes in view as you see Laswell standing there, stopwatch in hand as Gabby appears beside her, jumping enthusiastically and pointing at your approaching frame. This momentarily distracts you from the pain you are feeling throughout your body as it takes everything in you to run the last quarter mile. 
Yet as you near, the shouting of all your awaiting squad members, the sound of your blood pumping through your ears and your laboured breaths has you faltering slightly as your world spins and the finish line is closer than ever before. 
Memories cloud over your senses as you can feel the sweat dripping off your neck and down your back. The feeling of cold metal combing itself against your skin has you shivering in your overheated state as your stomach begins to turn itself outwards.
You don’t notice yourself running across the finish line and slightly pass before a pair of arms wrap themselves around your frame and hold you steady as they shake your shoulders in an effort to make you become present. 
You can feel a distant hand running circles on to your lower back as they brush the hair out of your eyes and behind your ears before resting their hand against your forehead, checking your temperature while making a hand motion in the other as the sounds of multiple boots rushing over have you swaying in their hold and holding your stomach as you kneel over. Knees falling to the pavement as you collapse on to your side. Eyes blurry as you see the rough contours of faces shaking your legs and holding your chin before they push you into recovery position as you throw up your guts on to someone's boots. 
Apologising subconsciously in a gravel filled tone. The sounds of cries over power your being as you shrink into yourself, tears falling. But soon enough you feel laying down beside you as they tug you over and point to the clouds in the sky while you rub your eyes. The multiple pairs of eyes on you have fallen significantly as you take in a large breath and whip your eyes and cheeks with the back of your hand. 
Looking over to your left you see Gabby staring at you smiling, remenist to what you would do as kids in your backyard, making stories out of all the clouds above and promises of your futures together. How times have changed as the pavement burned itself against the back of your head that still felt a bit fuzzy and your hands shook slightly against your sides. 
As Gabby directs you to copy her breathing and calls for your bag to be brought over while searching for your medication side, she asks softly if you remember to take some yesterday. Eyes going wide you shake your head and groan to yourself while placing the back side of your hand to rest against your forehead, shielding your eyes from the sun beginning to poke its way through the clouds. 
Doing your best to hoist yourself to a sitting position, your frame wobbles slightly as Gabby rapidly turns her body around and her face turns into horror. Her hands are filled as she watches you sway and almost crash your head against the tarmac once more yet thankfully an arm had you hoisted up against their side as they joined you on the floor. 
Smiling over to Gaz thankfully he rubbed your shoulder and Gabby kneeled down to hand you a cup of water and a few pills. Looking at them in your hand, shuffling them slightly in your palm you threw them into your mouth, tipping your head back consciously as the water made its way down your system. 
Gaz then handed you a pack of crackers that were obviously from an MRE. You winched in reaction that had Gaz giggling at your face before it fell when Fish just about punched him to remove it. Shaking your head slightly at the two and telling Gaz you know he meant nothing poor of it, you begin to take small bites out of the cracker while looking around to find where everyone else went. 
As you stare down the field, you see Laswell and Price in a heated argument as the boys stand to his side, a few grand hand gestures are made as Soap flings his arms around wildly, almost hitting Ghost in the face that has him holding his limbs still so the Captain can focus. 
Looking towards Gaz once more you ask simply, “Hey Gaz…” He hums to you in reply while his focus is on making sure that you continue to eat, “...Shouldn’t you be down there listening to what Laswell and Price have to say?”
“I think something more important came up that held my attention”
As you move to apologise, Gaz holds his other hand up slightly as you pause your next words. His eyes crinkle slightly as he stares eye level into your own, your mouth opens slightly at the sight of his smile so close to your face, yet you shake your head blaming it on all the anxiety still coursing its way through your system. 
“Sometimes all we need is to sit down with someone so that the world can figure itself out.”  
You humm in reply as clears her throat softly as you both jerk your bodies in reaction, forgetting her presence in front of you. She shakes her head and chuckles lightly at both of your reactions before saying, “what about some words of wisdom for yours truly, Garrick?” While fluttering her eyelashes. 
Rolling your eyes you can’t help but chuckle at your best friends seemingly never ending sass as you ask, “Garrick?” While tilting your head to the side, staring at Gaz’s profile as he simply explains that it's his last name and you nod to this newfound information. 
“My full name is actually Kyle “Gaz” Garrick”
“Kyle Garrick” You test the name out upon your lips as he gives you once of his famous smiles once more while squeezing your shoulder.
“My name sounds a whole lot better while coming out from between your lips”
Gasping at his comment, you blush widely in response while holding your cheeks with the palms of your hand in an effort to hide your growing embarrassment. Groaning while leaning forward, your head falls into Gabbys lap as she laughs once more at you while combing her fingers through your hair as Gaz slides his hand to rest against your back.
Mumbling in Gabbys secure hold about his touch not helping your state. You hear a loud laugh as he reacts with his hand apologising. The lack of his touch as you question the equally relieved and disappointed emotions flashes across your brain. Yet this bubble of a moment would soon be broken as the rest of the team returned around you.
Everyone eventually sat down on the pavement that had you mentally giggling to yourself, the ghost of a smile makes its way across your features as you notice the formation you all have made is reminiscent of the duck, duck, goose game. 
Soap soon leans over to whisper in your ear, “tag, you’re it” while poking your shoulder jokingly. Wincing in an exaggerated manner has Soap quickly asking if you alright as you smile kindly in response, “I’m feeling a lot better now, thank you Soap” 
He nods back in response before shifting his focus to Gaz, eyeing how close he is sitting against you now all the more obvious as Gabby moved herself to sit between Laswell and Ghost. Yet making no comments on his observations that has relief spreading across your skin. You did not need anymore teasing.
Looking back around the circle yourself, you notice as the Captain does a quick look over of you before nodding his head in approval and turning his attention towards Laswell who appears to be choosing their next words carefully as you feel Ghosts gaze settling hot against your profile.
Tilting your head slightly, you notice how he plays with his gloves and how soft his eyes appear behind the mask as if asking you a simple question to your state. Offering a small smile and nod in recognition you watch out of the corner of your eye as his fidgeting stops and he too eyes Laswells next words. 
Clearing her throat, her eyes make their way around the circle and stop at you, “you have done well today Y/L/N, flying colours for the obstacle course and impressive return I must add. Yet after today…” Her sentence drifts off as she lacks the words necessary to continue, looking over to Price for help.
The Captain holds your eyes softly in his own as he finishes for Laswell, “from discussions earlier and your best interests in mind, Laswell and the team have decided that we won’t be putting you on attack for now.” A large sigh escapes your mouth as you feel conflicted on how to feel about not fully coming back. 
Price continues, “until then you come with us on missions to gather intelligence for Fish under our watch.”
“I understand sir” you respond back, doing the best to hide your emotion in your voice as you see Soap shift himself closer to your side in noticing your slight change in tone. Your eyes are still being held by the captains as you see his eyes wince slightly at your response before his face returns to its professional state. 
Slapping his hands against his knees with a throat clearing he stands up from the sitting circle and dismisses the meeting, turning around and walking his way back inside the main building. Laswell follows suit, dragging Gabby alongside her while they both compare paper-workloads. 
Gabby turns around mouthing an apology for leaving so soon as you look back and see Ghost is now a bit further away with Soap as they appear to be chatting seriously over something together before Ghost locks him into a headlock. Shaking your lead and looking away all you hear are the sounds of them scraping one another in the background as you find Kyle waiting to ask you something. 
“Do you want me to come over tonight?” Kyle questions softly while tilting his head, awaiting your response.
“To come over?”
“Oh ah-apologies, I meant to move your things temporarily on base”
“Oh,” You laugh lightly while shaking your head of the drifting thoughts you were having, “...yeah some help would be great Kyle! Thank you so much for the offer once more.”
“It's really nothing Y/N.”
“Well, how about after you treat me to some coffee together the day after?”
“I like the sound of that,” You say while doing your best to hide the ever growing smile spreading its way across your rosy cheeks as you notice Gaz smiling back at your adorable self. 
“Why do you get to call Gaz by their first name and not me?! I thought I was your favorite based upon yesterday, what has this British man done to your head beauty?” Soap cries out while quickly walking back over to you as Ghost is nowhere to be seen. 
Your head throws back in laughter as your shoulders rise and fall in swift motions. Gaz shakes his head at his squad member, shoving his shoulder lightly from around your frame with the hint of a smile tugging at the ends of his lips. While Soap remains completely serious in the matter, grabbing your shoulders lightly to make sure you are facing him when you respond. 
“Okay then Soap…” Your voice deepens teasingly at the mention of his callsign “...so what would you like me to call you?”
You watch as his eyebrows raise and a smirk slides its way across his features that has you already groaning, predicting what he is going to say as you can hear Kyle laughing behind you at the interaction.
“Mhmm, well there are a number of things I would love you to call me…” You roll your eyes at this comment,  “...Yet for now let's stick to Johnny.”
“You got it, Johnny.”
“Can’t promise I can say it with a scottish accent like you do”
“Humor me”
“Please don’t make me.”
“Just once, c'mon, promise not to record this one…”
“This one!”
“Oh shit.”
“Oh shit is right, Johnny” You respond in a horrible Scottish accent that has Soap reeling with laughter as he grips your shoulder and pulls you into a hug as Gaz laughs harder in the background. The flash of a camera can be heard as you call pause to face the sound to see Ghost pocketing his phone inside his black hoodie. 
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╰┈➤ A/N: so... what did you guys think? Have a favorite member so far? Thank you serious for reading all of this lol.
Lasting Pictures Series Masterlist
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boozenboze · 1 year
Helloooo I hope you're well. I was wondering if I could request a fic (or hcs, whichever you feel like) with any 141 characters for a male reader who has kind of a dark academia aesthetic??? Like he dresses like an English teacher and is chronically sleep deprived, maybe works at a bar
Thank you for your time:), have a good day/night
TF!141 x Male reader who has a dark academia aesthetic(Headcannons)
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Females, She/Her or She/They DNI
Loves your style, thinks it fits you well
Tries to throw in other colors to your outfit that don't match
Likes to bother you when you're reading
Common occurrence when he'll plop down next to you and begin sketching with you in his notebook
Will carry you to bed if he finds you hunched over asleep on the desk
Will read some of your writing and praise you with how poetic your writing is
Has attempted to use your calligraphy pens before....never again
Likes to stare at your hands when you clean a shot glass, it just does something for him
Appreciates the vintage aspect of your style
He's old school what'd you expect?
If ya'll wear the same size clothes, expect him to be wearing some of your clothes.
If your room has that..good oldish smell expect him to be in your room often
Will sit down with you as you write or draw
Expect him to take advantage of the amount of books in your room
Will visit the bar that you're working at just to talk before your shift ends and ya'll go home together
Really good at calligraphy, and often uses the pen to fill out paperwork
He's...not extremely interested, but finds it interesting nonetheless
Has stood in the middle of your room just looking at all the darker toned color
Your style and vibe gives him an odd since of comfort and he enjoys that
Will pick up some of your sculptures and mini statues at random
Expect some of them to go missing after he leaves when he called back to the field
If you fall asleep while doing something, expect to wake up on the couch or beside him reading one of your book
May even read your poetry if he's up to it
He will only be served by you when he's on leave and goes to the bar with the rest of the 141
Borrows some of your books
Suprisingly interested in the arts and literature
You remind him of one of his old teachers back when he was in high school. Not in that way
If he sees your tired he'll guide you to your shared room and cuddle with you
Similar to Ghost your vibe is just comforting to him,
When on leave, he'll borrow a lot of your clothing
It's stylish ya can't blame the man
Will visit you at the bar, whether he's with the 141 or not, and just stay there till your shifts over
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steviebbboi · 22 days
His Little Gem
Pairing: BandMember!Curtis x F!LeadSinger!Reader
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Word Count: 3.6k~ highkey relieved that im able to write a shorter lengthed story this time lol
Summary: You and Curtis finally have a moment alone. Though, it turns out that Curtis actually loves the attention.
Disclaimer: This is my submission for @mercurial-chuckles writing challenge, "Smutty September Fest"~ Thank you lad for hosting this, and hoping that everyone enjoys this as much I loved writing it.
I also wrote this as a part of my eventual Bandmember!Curtis series from this poll. However, you can absolutely read this as a standalone.
***I don't give any permission for this to be reposted anywhere! Pls do not steal work, plagiarism isn't demureeee~~~~
Warnings/Triggers: 18+ Minors DNI; HIGHKEY its PWP but plot nonetheless, explicit sex/smut, p in v sex, oral sex (f! receiving), slight exhibitionism kink, praise kink, squirting, explicit language, slight/mild dumbification, slight/mild degradation kink, pussy slapping, dacryphilia kink, manhandling soft dom! curtis, slight overstimulation play, secret and established relationship btwn curtis and Reader. nickname for Reader is Sapphire/gem. if i missed anything, pls feel free to lmk~
Prompts Used: 2) sex in front of a big window where anyone could glance up and spot them; 5) body worshipping
A/N: ~I really appreciate ya'll for interacting with my fics! It's so cool to know that my writing resonates and is enjoyed by many. That said, it's common for fic writers to face huge ratio disparities with likes/reblogs. If you could kindly reblog my work as you enjoy it, that would be much appreciated! Reblogging gets our work out there for more folx to enjoy and genuinely encourages us to continue writing. It's a conflict on here for a reason -- know that this is said with much sincerity and kindness. Support writers please~
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Tongues caressed each other in a greedy yet languid dance, your lips meeting Curtis’ so passionately as you both rode the high of finally having a moment alone together. 
“Mmph, God, I missed you, sapphire.” Curtis mumbled against your plush lips. His tongue eagerly lapped at yours as you whimpered in response.
Just registering his words, your laugh was muffled against his pressing mouth, “Miss me? Curt, we see each other everyday.” Another giggle attempted to escape but Curtis was skilled at keeping you distracted at this point.
His lips were still enthusiastically leaning in for more as small giggles escaped you, “I missed being with you. Your lips, your body pressed against mine. Especially, when I get to feel you like this.” He said emphatically as he dragged his calloused palms up your thighs and around till he was able to gain a desperate grip on your ass. 
You both moaned as Curtis groped you roughly, one of his hands leaving your ass only to land a loud slap against your pert cheek. You squealed playfully into his mouth while Curtis groaned deeply and did it again. 
Your short mini skirt was ruched around your hips as you rocked your center into the hardening tent in his jeans. Even through the fabric of your panties, which was dampening by the second, Curtis could feel the warmth of your wet pussy just seeping into the denimed layer covering his hard cock. 
Lips separating for a moment to allow the both of you to catch your breaths, Curtis looked at you darkly through his long eyelashes and grabbed your hips to slowly grind your pussy across his stiff member. 
Whining in response, your head tilted back in pleasure, giving Curtis the opportunity to leave lavish kisses all across the side of your neck. You felt your hips stutter as his wet lips sucked at that sensitive spot right underneath your ear. His tongue licked against your pulse, and your breathing started to get heavier as he continued sucking at your fragrant skin. 
“Curt–Curtis, the window…” You drawled out mindlessly as he continued laying kisses on your throat. His stubble made your skin red and blotchy and it stung so beautifully as his mouth balanced the pain with pleasure.
His back to the large window, you were straddling Curtis’ lap on the couch facing the city skyline in your penthouse condo. Only faint lights from other people’s apartments could be seen. If you focused hard enough, you could clearly see neighbors in buildings across from you eating dinner, or watching tv. 
As clearly as you could see them, you’re sure that you and Curtis could be visibly seen, even though the only thing that illuminated both of your silhouettes was the living room lamp casting a warm glow on your pressed and writhing bodies. 
“What about it, baby?” Curtis asks, just as mindless as you were at this point. His thoughts and senses were all enveloped around you.  
You could only gasp for air as one of his hands left your ass to grip onto and tug on your hair roughly, allowing such an erotic moan to leave your pillowy lips. His grip that remained on your ass only squeezed tighter when he heard your response. 
“God, -phire, you’re killing me. C’mere.” He used the hand at the base of your skull to push your swollen lips back onto his impatient ones. You whimpered into his mouth again as his soft tongue reunited with yours with a passion that felt so matched. Curtis was the only person that you have been with that has ever been able to make you feel this way. So unruly, excited, fiery, and intense. 
You both acknowledged the energy between you in your own ways since you have met.  Whether it was Curtis’ soft grasp around your waist navigating the paps outside the recording studio, or your hand gripping onto the inside of his elbow as you were in between stage sets. 
Safe and protected was how you ultimately felt when you were with Curtis. Combining that with being the best sex of your life, you felt invincible. He made you feel that way, and you liked being his Sapphire.
Even now as the rough texture of his hands, worn from years of playing, tugged on the sides of your lace panties down around your knees. He manhandled you onto your back as you giggled again, he ripped your panties from your legs completely. Curtis kneeled between your open legs, his shadowed eyes maintaining eye contact with your hooded ones. One hand gripped the outside of your ankle gently as he pressed his lips against your soft skin. 
You let out a soft gasp as his tender touch. He was slowly kissing up towards your center, his kisses getting wetter the closer that he got. A quiet whimper left your lips as Curtis left another wet kiss on your hip bone, and moved to kiss above your aching mound. The anticipation felt so strong - you released a bothered keen when Curtis didn’t land his lips on the correct destination, but instead, decided to lower down towards your other leg’s inner thigh and down towards the inside of your bent knee. 
“Curtis, please, kiss me.” You begged him with your eyes burning with frustrated tears.
Curtis laughed meanly as he responded, “I am kissing you, sapphire.”
You sobbed out a frustrated moan, “Ugh, you know what I mean – please! It’s been too long.” 
Curtis issued a low hum in agreement as he continued leaving soft kitten kisses on the inside of your knee, only moving slightly upwards towards your inner thigh and back down. His hands slowly caressed your legs in the places that his lips couldn’t touch. “Oh, I know, pretty girl. But that’s what makes this so fun for me.” 
A tear fell down the side of your face, as you sniffled your discontent at his pleasurable cruelty. Curtis knew your limits and knew that you would’ve said your safe word some time ago if you really wanted him to stop the slow approaches on your body. You both knew that Curtis teasing you was the build up that your body and mind needed. You needed to lose yourself a little bit in order to be fully present and attuned with the pleasurable sensations that Curtis will start and leave you with. 
Curtis cooed at you as he saw your distressed tears leave your eyes. “Aw, my little gem is frustrated, huh?” 
You nodded your assent with another sniffle as you looked into his bright eyes burning with a palpable affection and need for you. Seeing that glint in his eyes only made you cry a little harder and swallow down another sob, as you also missed Curtis when you were just like this. Him between your legs, gazing at you with such impassioned eyes that just landed so intensely. Your body burned so good, you couldn’t really handle it. 
“Okay, okay, sapphire. God, you’re so pretty when you cry, fuck.” Curtis moaned for you as he leaned up so that his face was over yours. His lips landed a wet and thorough kiss upon your deprived mouth. You continued to passionately make out for another minute as Curtis stripped you of your tee and lace bra. But he left the small mini skirt on all bunched up around the curve of your waist. His hands were free to roam the rest of your soft, aching body, spending time around your breasts to squeeze and pinch at your perky nipples. 
“I’ll give you what you need, my pretty baby, I got you.” He whispered against your open mouth as he drifted down to kiss at your neck briefly before enveloping his lips around your hard nipple. You inhaled air sharply at the feeling of his soft tongue swirling around the hardened nub while his other hand fondled at your other breast. The contrast of his warm, wet, soft tongue on one nipple and his gravelly touch on the other felt so euphoric. 
The need for him was just building bigger and bigger deep inside of you as he continued laving at your nipples. He alternated his kisses and touch on both of your breasts. You were also starkly aware of the fact that he was still fully clothed as the fabric of his jeans felt so good against your plush exposed skin. You moaned louder at the realization and your hips writhed up against his cloth covered chest. 
“Curtis, Curtis – fuck, I-I think I’m gonna–agh!” All of a sudden, the knot that was building deep in your stomach just unraveled as you came hard. Your pussy clenched around nothing as Curtis just made you cum from just playing with your tits. Curtis groaned deeply as he felt your wetness spread on his skin as your pussy dampened the layer of his shirt.  
He released his steady sucking of your nipples to look up at your pleasure-filled expression, your eyes dropped with soft satisfaction and sleepiness as you caught your breath. 
“Mmm, you’re such a good girl for me, little gem. Your body is so responsive - one of the things that I love about you.” Curtis praised as you released a chirp, his affirmations landed so well on your sated body.
“Wanna continue feeling good, baby?” He said as he finally lowered himself to land his lingering eyes upon your pulsing cunt. You nodded slowly while biting your lip, almost dumbly, as he used his thumb to cut the layer of stringy wetness that covered your pussy.
“Even your pussy cries for me, huh? So sweet,” he groaned while he licked up the first layer of your wetness. You moaned at the feeling of his moist tongue finally lapping at your weepy cunt. Your hips squirmed at the feeling but Curtis quickly used his strong arms to keep your hips down and legs wide open. 
He moaned at the taste of you and spent time firmly and slowly licking around the area of your clit. You released a high pitched moan when you felt his tongue maintaining steady pressure and swirling around your sensitive spot. You bit your lip to quiet down, feeling a bit embarrassed by your reactiveness.
It was like Curtis could sense your deliberate muffling and he released your swollen button only to land a sharp slap against your soaked pussy. You squealed at the sudden sensation and groaned deeply as his lips found your clit shortly after to weather the sudden pain. 
Your whimpers quieted down again but Curtis proceeded to smack your pussy again with a determined low groan. Before he landed another suck at your puffy clit, he said, “Don’t hide your pleasure from me, sapphire. Don’t ever do that with me, got it?” He landed another sharp slap with the flat of his hand and tapped at your clit in quick taps while you quite literally answered his demand with unfiltered and resonant moans. 
He sucked your clit back in his mouth and made quick laps and motions directly on it. Your eyes rolled back in your head and you gripped the back of his buzz cut head with need. The feeling of his tongue just sliding against you so swiftly and with wild abandon released your second orgasm of the night, in complete bliss as you abandoned any sense of being quiet. 
The both of you breathed heavily as you attempted to catch your breath once more. You looked down slowly at Curtis to see him still gazing at your drenched pussy. Your cum covered his mouth and beard in a light sheen, and his lips looked pink and swollen as he licked the remaining slick from them sensually. 
You whined again tiredly as you knew what that look meant. Curtis was obsessed with eating you out. It was like everytime that he tasted you, he couldn’t help himself from trying to get more and more from you. 
“Curtis, please, I need your cock inside of me.” Your timidness disappeared as you interrupted his thoughts on going back in for seconds. 
Curtis slapped your still twitching pussy again as you panted out responsive, high-pitched moans, so overstimulated that you could feel the knot in your tummy tighten again as you tried to writhe away from his calloused grip. 
“No, no, sweet girl, you’re not going anywhere, c’mere–  I haven’t had enough of this messy pussy yet, you’re still gushing for me.” Curtis groaned into your wet mound as he roughly manhandled you to sit up on your knees. 
You whimpered at his dirty words and at his rough touch as he bent you forward and adjusted you to lean your forearms on the tops of your couch, facing the window. But now, instead of just your face being visible to the night sky, your breasts hung seductively and your hair was mussed from your throes of pleasure. With Curtis kneeling behind you, it was obvious that you were not just star-gazing into the open city. 
“Wa-wait, Curtis, the people…” you said hesitantly while you turned your head slightly to look back at him.
Curtis found the hesitance in your eyes but also found that eagerness that you had at the thought of being seen. He knew what you really wanted, and he needed to give it to you. His eyes hardened into something dominating as he quickly leaned over your arched back to grip and tug at your hair again. You moaned as your head tilted back with his grip to alleviate the sharp pain. 
You felt Curtis’ warm breath at your ear as he whispered lowly, “They could never have you anyways, sapphire. You’re a good girl, aren’t you? Let them look.”
He released the grip on your hair as you mewled a greedy assent. He placed a demanding hand on the back of your neck so that you faced forward, eyes directly meeting other light-filled rooms with a gaze so turned on, you knew that you wouldn’t let him take you any other way. 
You gasped out for another gulp of air when you felt his tongue lapping at your cunt from behind. Your back arched in delight and your ass pushed back into his insatiable mouth. It didn’t take long for you to reach your inevitable end as Curtis was ruthless in his meal. 
You swallowed heavily as your mouth dried from how loud you were moaning. Your eyes widened as you cried out at the sensation of the tip of Curtis’ large cock catching at the inside of your sopping pussy. Hips pushing back against his cock to get him further inside of you, Curtis slapped your ass and whispered a mellowed, “patience, baby.”
Feeling your facial features twist into something needy, you gasped again– but not at the feeling of Curtis’ teasing cock, but at the sight of a person leaning against their apartment balcony that faced you. You weren’t close enough to make out any features other than a bodied silhouette, but you were suddenly so aware that if he tilted his head a bit upwards, he would also be able to make out yours and Curtis’ moving bodies. 
You felt Curtis dip his mushroom head inside of you further but not pushing all the way in. Your eyes rolled briefly again at the feeling of your walls aching to tense around the girth of his wide cock as you tried to gain enough sense to communicate. With gritted teeth, you moaned, “Fuck, there’s someone out there, Curtis.” There was a part of you conscious of someone looking up and finding you and Curtis just fucking, being splattered all over the front page of tabloids. 
Curtis gave his own pussy-drunk response with a mindless “huh?” and looked towards where your head was pointed. Laughing darkly, he just said, “Well, I guess you’ll just have to keep an eye out, baby. Or don’t–  either way, I’m still gonna fuck you till I get my fill, or until you eventually pass out from being all drunk on my cock.”
At the end of his possessive words, Curtis swiped his length at the wetness of your pussy before sliding in slow and deep. You keened loudly at the feel of him so deep inside of you, your walls accommodated him so snugly from how wet you were. 
Curtis dropped his head back in absolute bliss as he gripped onto your bunched skirt for a better grip. Looking down at your deprived body, the image of his hands using a pinched piece of fabric as leverage to thrust back against his penetrating cock made him moan wildly. 
“Fuck, you really are my gem, baby. Pussy was made for my cock, gripping me so tight, fuuuck.” He said as he thrusted in and out, still moaning out his pleasure at the feeling of you. 
You felt your skirt digging into the soft swell of your tummy as Curtis pulled you back onto his piercing cock. There were so many sensations running through you, both Curtis’ degrading words and the thought of just being fucked by him like a rag doll, like he was just using you turned you on so good. You could feel your body getting limper and your eyes were no longer trained on the person standing in their balcony. 
You quietly whimpered your contentment at getting fucked by Curtis, your mouth was agape as his thrusts were getting faster and harder. Leaning even lower onto the top of the couch, your body arched into an angle that allowed Curtis’ wide cock to hit you at a different angle that made you keen and gasp again. 
Curtis felt that patch of skin inside you that felt different from your inner walls and grunted in efforts of meeting it with every thrust. You gasped and moaned wildly at the feeling of him thrusting against your g-spot, and felt the sensation of another orgasm rushing in, “Yes! Yes! Please, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, Curtis, please!” you sobbed loudly while you rested your limp head on the couch near your aching arms.
Curtis seared the image of your soft and pliant body just letting him use you and growled out, “Cum for me, pretty baby. You’re taking my cock so well, my little gem. I knew you could– cum for me.” He thrusted harder at the anticipation of your sweet cunt tightening around him, the visuals and excitement of what was to come was enough for him to chase after his own release. The sensations of your wet cunt and feeling of your soft body under his well-practiced hands made him feral for you everytime.
Feeling so worshiped and desired, getting his permission to cum felt like a privilege as your head dropped further into a deep, fuzzy mental space. Your pussy squirted around his still thrusting cock as you sighed and moaned your intense pleasure.
Curtis only groaned deeply at finally feeling your velvet walls tighten against his shaft, and the sight of your squirt spilling and squelching out of you only made him feel the sensations even more. He released another guttural moan as he thrusted deeply inside of you, no longer being able to hold back his own release. 
You both moaned in satisfaction at the feeling of your combined spend being plugged inside of you as Curtis didn’t pull out. He leaned forward on your relaxed form to place soft, content kisses upon the curve of your spine. 
Stepping back to pull out of you, you gasped at the feeling of his cum spilling out of you slowly. Curtis let out a breathless laugh at the sight and groaned out his deep enjoyment of seeing you full of his spend. 
He slowly took off your now wrinkled skirt from your body and re-adjusted you so that the both of you could lay on the couch. Curtis’ large hands softly stroked and kneaded tension away from your lower back as you laid on top of him when you remembered the person on the balcony. 
You softly gasped and sat up abruptly to look down at where the person was standing. There was nobody there anymore, and you could only hope that they didn’t see. 
Looking back down at Curtis, you smacked his chest with a teasing and tired mirth, “‘Let them see’? Really, Curtis.”
Curtis released his own tired chuckle while his caresseses on your back moved to softly stroke at the soft sides of your tummy and waist. “It’s okay, sapphire. I kept an eye on them to make sure that they couldn’t actually see us.”
You hummed as your hands brushed at the hair on his muscular chest. “You know that we have to be careful. I’m not ready for the world to know that you’re mine yet.” 
At the quietness of your tone and downward shift of your eyes, Curtis could tell that you meant what you said sincerely. You both enjoyed the kinkiness of your sex life, but you also knew that there was a vulnerability in your relationship that you didn’t want exposed to the public. Or, to the rest of the band for that matter. 
Truthfully, he wasn’t ready to share you yet either. 
The thought of you being hounded by press and fans made his soft grip tighten on your hips a bit with a frown before he motioned for you to press down against him again with soft encouragement. 
Getting comfortable in his arms, you pressed your ear against his steady, thrumming heart and sighed in content. 
“I know, my little gem. I’ll keep you safe.” They were the last words that you heard as your tired eyes closed in blissful exhaustion in the shielding arms of the man that loved you.
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A/N: Yay! What did we think? This goes w.o saying but pleaaase leave a comment or a reblog to kindly tell me your thoughts (genuinely, wanna know)! Hopefully, we will see more bandmember!Curtis x Sapphire in this future~
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Curtis Everett Masterlist
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****if you wanna be notified on my work (and next updates)!
Tag(s): @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @mercurial-chuckles
Unofficial Tag(s): @krirebr (cause ik you voted for bandmember!curtis, miss gorl~~~) <333
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virescent-v · 1 year
Hey, can I request #92 pls. Maybe with a little angst but I’m leaving it to you🩷
hi hi hi, so sorry this took like...two weeks. life, ya know?
it started as something, and im not sure this is the angst you were really looking for (that really isn't my area of expertise i should work on that lmfao) but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
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Definitely Not Friends
Word Count: 2.7k+
Prompt: “friends don’t do this kind of shit”
Warnings: It's smutty, ya'll, but not my "normal" kind of smut
The repetitive nature of your ongoing…tryst with Emily was getting under your skin. It had all started off so innocently; just some casual flirtation between coworkers. Nothing that Derek and Penelope haven’t been accused of over the years. But before you knew it, you were spending more alone time with Emily than any of your other coworkers. Late night talks on the phone, dinners after long cases to unwind, Friday night movie nights, the list goes on. 
At first, you didn’t think much of it. Just two coworkers who saw some terrible shit every day who got on well enough to lean on one another. 
But then Emily started pushing the envelope. 
A brush across your shoulders as she was passing by. A squeeze of your hand before getting out of the SUV to catch a killer. Eye contact that lasted just a little too long. A lip bite that made your breath catch. 
Innocent enough things that you convinced yourself you were just imagining them. 
But then one night after a gut wrenching case, she kissed you. 
She had driven you home from the airport after getting back from a two week case in Minnesota. It was well after midnight, you could barely keep your eyes open, and you couldn’t figure out if you wanted to spend the rest of the night crying, eating your feelings in ice cream, or sleeping for the next six days. 
She walked you to your door, nothing out of the usual. You looked at her before going inside to say goodbye, but she engulfed you in the best hug of your life. Her arms around you were strong. Supportive. You could feel your whole body melt into hers. 
You’ve never felt more safe. 
When you pulled back a little to look at her, your eyes caught and you tried to convey everything you couldn’t find the words for. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest. 
And then, she kissed you and she ran. 
You stood stupefied on your porch, watched her get back into the unmarked SUV before speeding off into the night. 
You didn’t talk to her for three days. 
At work, she acted like everything was normal. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to bring it up because you weren’t even sure what it was. Was it just a comfort thing? Did she have feelings for you? You couldn’t tell. Emily was so hard to read on a good day, let alone when your head was all over the place. 
A few days passed and it had seemed like everything went back to normal. You talked every day, had gone to a few meals together, and she came over for a movie night. 
Except this movie night was different, too. 
She was wearing a skimpier set of pajamas. A loose fitting tank top and the shortest pair of shorts you had ever seen. You knew for a fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra because her nipples were visible through the material. You weren’t sure how she hadn’t caught you staring. 
She sat closer to you on the couch than normal, too. Your sides were basically joined from shoulder to thigh. You could feel her warmth radiating from her to you, the nervous excitement making your body heat up even more in return. 
Again, you weren’t sure what was happening, but you were going to roll with it. The unknowing was thrilling in itself. 
Emily fell asleep halfway through whatever romcom you had put on, her head on your shoulder, her hand lazily resting on your thigh. 
You were too nervous to move, your breaths short as not to jostle her. 
You’re pretty sure you could die happy on this couch with Emily’s head resting on you. 
It was almost the end of the movie when Emily shuffled in her sleep, her head moving towards the crook of your neck, her hand traveling dangerously close to the apex of your thighs. You could feel the heat erupt through your body, your stomach starting to twist into knots. You knew you should probably wake her, get her into your guest bed, and go to sleep. But you were enjoying her being this close too much. 
You could feel her breath against the side of your neck, the little puffs of air almost tickling. She grunted in her sleep, her hand tightening around your thigh, her nose nuzzling against you as she let out a sexy little “mmhmm.” 
Your mind immediately went to the gutter and you could only imagine her making that sound as she ground her hips against yours in your bed. 
You pressed your thighs together to stop the zoom of arousal that shot through you. You barely suppressed the moan that wanted to tumble from your lips. 
You finally gained the courage to wake her and get her to the guest room. Sleepy Emily was one of your favorites; she turned almost incoherent and klutzy and it was maybe the cutest thing you’d ever seen. 
As you were pulling the sheets up around her, she all but dragged you into the bed with her. She got you settled under the covers and immediately cuddled into you, making you into the little spoon. Again, you could feel her breath on your neck, her hand lazily drawing patterns on your upper thigh and hip. 
You felt yourself freeze as she sleepily mumbled, “Stop overthinking it. Go to sleep.” 
You woke up the next morning and she was already gone. 
Your life with Emily continued on like this for a month. Little things would happen that would make you question your relationship to her and then she’d act as if nothing happened and that you two were just really good friends. 
It was making your mind spin, giving you a constant headache. 
You were almost fed up with the constant see-sawing, ready to talk to her about what was happening, when you two first fell into bed together. 
Another bad case, a late night out at the bar with everyone, and too many shots of tequila. 
You woke up the following morning with a pounding headache, a dry mouth, and fuzzy memories of the night before. All you could remember was the smell of her signature perfume, the feel of lips on skin, and sore muscles. 
You probably would’ve written it off, thought it was just your overactive imagination if it hadn’t been for the rather large bite mark on the inside of your thigh. 
You could feel your cheeks heating up in embarrassment, especially since the memories were still alluding you. You probably would’ve tried to write it off as a random hook up if it hadn’t been for the fact that Emily had woken up in bed beside you, an almost matching bite mark against her collarbone. 
This time, it was a little harder to write off what had happened. Especially since you were both naked. 
You could feel your mouth opening and closing like a fish, an almost panicked look in your eyes. 
Emily cleared her throat. “Wanna get breakfast?” 
You were never more appreciative and pissed for her nonchalant attitude. 
“Sure,” you said, a sudden burst of confidence hitting you as you got out of bed to head to the bathroom without worrying about covering up. 
You’re pretty sure you heard Emily gasp as you closed the bathroom door, a little victorious smirk playing at your lips. 
Again, you two never talked about what happened. 
It almost seemed like a game. How many days you two could go before stumbling into one of these moments together. 
You made it thirty-six hours without snuggling on the couch for a movie. 
You made it thirty-seven hours without Emily’s hand finding your thigh. 
You made it eighty-eight hours without her kissing you after a night out. 
You made it one hundred and fourteen hours before she was back in your bed. 
Except this time, you were both sober. 
You had almost gotten yourself killed. Not on purpose, just a run in with one of the many psychopaths you deal with at work. Wrong place, wrong time kind of thing. 
But after he’d been placed in cuffs, Emily had this absolutely feral look in her eyes. Uncaged. Like she was seconds away from combusting. 
She drove you home. Like always. But the entire ride was silent. 
You made it into your apartment, the door barely closed behind you before she exploded. “What the fuck were you thinking?” She shouted. 
It made you take a step back. She’d never raised her voice at you before. Emily was breathing heavily, her chest heaving, her fists clenched at her sides. 
You were sure you looked scared, befuddled, bewildered. You couldn’t even process quick enough to say anything before she continued. 
“You almost got yourself killed! He had you pinned to the fucking floor! There’s bruises along your arms from where he touched you!” At this point, you could see Emily almost vibrating with her anger. But you were fairly certain she wasn’t actually angry. At least you hoped not. 
“I can’t believe you would be so reckless to walk into a building alone! You knew what he was capable of! How sneaky he’s been! But you didn’t care!” Emily started pacing around the floor, her eyes wild, but focused on her hands, her fingers twisting around each other. 
You could feel your own misplaced anger starting to race through your veins. “I knew what I was doing! I had cleared the room! I don’t know how he got the jump on me, but how on earth is that my fucking fault, Emily? We split up, like we do to cover the premises, and I drew the short end of the stick!” You let out a breath. “Why are you blaming me? Blame him!” 
She spun around to face you, her nostrils flaring. “I am! But I’m also blaming you!” 
You rolled your eyes, tossed your hands up,” Why? What did I do? Why are you mad at me and yelling at me?” 
“Because you didn’t wait for me!”  
Your eyes caught Emily’s. Beneath the anger, beneath her guarded shell, you could see the fear in her eyes. The realization that something worse than a couple of bruises could have happened. 
You tried to open your mouth, say something, but before you could, Emily muttered a quick “fuck it” before crossing the room to you, crushing her lips to yours. 
Before you knew it, clothes were scattered along the hallway to your bedroom. 
Emily tossed you back onto the bed, her body quickly making its way between your thighs. You quickly wrapped your legs around her waist, dragging her closer to you, tangling your hands in her hair as you brought her down for another heated kiss. 
Emily broke away from you, trailing her lips down the side of your neck, quickly finding the spot behind your ear that made you moan out loud. She spent a considerable amount of time there, making sure to leave her mark before moving lower down your throat, kissing across your collarbones, and down between the valley between your breasts. 
She wasted no time wrapping her lips around your turgid peak, taking satisfaction in the way it made you fist the sheets below you in your hands. She made sure to give the same attention to the other nipple, her hand making sure to not leave the opposite one alone for long. 
Emily could spend hours giving your breasts the attention they deserved, but she was almost as impatient as you seemed to be, so she kept making her way down your body, finding the sweet spots that made you whimper or sigh, making note of them for later. 
You could feel how wet you were already, but with Emily between your legs, you couldn’t get any friction to help the ache that was building. 
“Em, please,” you whispered, almost embarrassed by how much you needed her. The build up from all of the times she was just a little too close, the lingering touches, and even the thought of the last time you two fell into bed together (even though you unfortunately don’t remember much of it). It was driving you crazy. 
“Don’t worry, baby, I’ve got you,” she smirked at you before swiping her tongue through your wetness. 
“Fuck,” you breathed out, your eyes rolling back a little, one of your hands shooting down to her hair to keep her there. 
Emily ate you out as if her life depended on it, as if she could spend the rest of her life between your legs. She took her time to explore every inch of you, figuring out what moves made you whine, which ones made your entire body shudder, and what made you grip her hair harder. 
It didn’t take long for you to climb towards the edge of your orgasm, but before you could fall over, Emily stopped and pulled away from you. 
The gasp, the outrage on your face almost made Emily laugh out loud. “I love being friends with you,” she snickered at you, a taunting glint in her eyes. 
“Friends don’t do this kind of shit,” you scoffed, flabbergasted at Emily’s ability, even with your juices all over her face, to ignore what was happening between you two. 
You could feel Emily pause, her body tight, afraid to move. She didn’t expect you to lash out, and she could tell you weren’t really happy with her, upset with her disregard of everything. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her hands finding purchase on your hips, her thumbs rubbing back and forth a little. “I never knew how to…address this,” she shrugged. 
You nearly laughed at how small she looked, unable to make eye contact with you. She didn’t have an issue with having her mouth on your pussy two minutes ago, but now she couldn’t look you in the eye. 
“A conversation would’ve been a good place to start, Em. You made me feel like I was going crazy.” 
Her eyes finally caught yours and you could instantly tell that she really did feel sorry. Feelings just weren’t her thing. Before she could apologize again, you cut her off, “We can talk about it after you finish fucking me, Emily.” 
You watched her demeanor transform to something hungrier, cockier, feral. “Yes ma’am,” she mockingly saluted before connecting her lips to yours again, trying to convey everything that she was feeling. 
Her hand traveled down from your hip, stilling at the apex of your thighs, silently asking for permission. You nodded against her, your lips still connected in a heated kiss. 
She teasingly stroked your warm, wet pussy with her hand, gathering your juices on her fingers. She pulled back from your kiss, watching your expression as she slowly thrusted two fingers inside of you. 
You tried to keep eye contact with her, but after the build up of all of the little moments between you, it felt so good to finally have her inside of you. Emily slowly built up to an almost punishing pace, something fast, and hard, and exactly what you needed. Her fingers curled at just the right angle to hit that spot inside of you that made your toes curl and your breath hitch. 
Emily’s other hand made contact with your straining clit, rubbing tight, little circles to match her thrusts. You could feel yourself rushing towards that edge again, a breath away from letting go. 
“Come on, pretty girl. Let go for me.” 
Your release hit you like a freight train, your back arching off of the bed, your mouth open in a silent scream. You felt your muscles tense, the euphoria washing through you, before letting go and relaxing as Emily fucked you through your orgasm. You tried to catch your shallow breath, a light sheen of sweat across your flushed skin, before looking at Emily, your hands starting to dance across her skin. 
Emily’s own hands caught yours, catching the questioning look in your eyes. She kissed both of your palms before tangling your fingers together. “Later, baby. We should talk first.” 
Those words would usually cause a rush of panic to course through your blood, but something about the way that Emily was looking at you put you at ease. 
You took a deep breath, smiling a little at her, kissing her hands in return. “Yeah, we should.” 
She smiled back. 
And she didn’t run.
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pixel-percy · 5 months
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🔎 A Museum AU — You've been hopelessly crushing on your boss for months now, but you never would have guessed she felt the same. 🔎
🔎 Word Count: 1.2k 🔎 Music Vibes: HOT TO GO! by Chappell Roan 🔎 Warning(s): Smut (fingering), public sex, & workplace power imbalance (everything is consensual, no one is manipulated) 🔎 A/N: Was sitting on this idea for a bit and finally managed to get it out. I haven't thoroughly edited this so there are probably some errors, but I hope ya'll enjoy it nonetheless!
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You weren’t sure what happened.
The museum had been quiet, clock approaching the witching hour as you gently removed debris from the newest fossil to grace the Croft collection. A gentle hum from the electronics throughout the room steered the silence away from maddening. Despite the push for museum employees to not work past their designated hours, you needed some peace of mind, and this was the only place you could get it.
But now you were lip-locked with the owner, your boss, someone you tried so hard not to think about like this… and her hands were making their way into your shorts.
You gasp.
“Lara,” you whine between swipes of your lips.
She responds by pushing you into the desk you always claimed, the files you’d be looking into, and baubles you liked to adorn the surface of it with, disrupted. You reach back with one hand to brace yourself and accidentally smack your little desk lamp off, the shatter of the bulb against the floor stuttering your movements.
“Shit,” you breathe.
“I’ll buy you another one,” she says and splayes her hand on your jaw to guide your gaze back to her. Your free hand tangles into the bottom of her hair, fingers pushing up into the loose bits that weren't tied in a ponytail. You felt the button of your shorts pop, zipper nudged down as her fingers press against the fabric of your underwear.
The peace of mind you needed was from this feeling. From Lara.
You’d been dancing around each other for months with flirty smiles and accidental brushes of your skin against one another. It had built up, all that suffocating tension, until the night before when your co-workers had somehow coerced the notorious homebody, Lara Croft, into going to a local bar. You weren’t sure if you wanted to attend yourself but they insisted so you decided one drink would do.
Four drinks later, you were taking Lara’s hand and pulling her to the dance floor, the live band’s choice of music feeling practically targeted; rhythm and booze. You weren’t sure if Lara had had any drinks herself, but she had a light tinge of pink on her cheeks. Her eyes were locked with yours, the usual shyness between the two of you gone the moment you placed your arms on her shoulders and she pulled you toward her by your belt loops.
The dance you shared was the definition of intimacy with a little bit of fire tacked onto it, writhing against each other effortlessly. The kiss was unplanned. Just like this one. But it was you who’d initiated it the first time and you who quickly pulled away when you felt her freeze. Embarrassment trickled over your cheeks in the form of a blush and before you could even think to stop yourself, intoxicated or not, you were apologizing and leaving the bar.
 That’s why you were working after hours.
That’s why you were surprised to see Lara walking over to you, that same pink tinge on her cheeks, trying effortlessly to avoid turning her gaze downwards when she spoke.
“You’re not supposed to be here this late.” There was no anger or authority in her voice, in fact, it was barely a whisper.
“Neither are you,” you managed.
Then she was on you, practically knocking you into the fossil you’d been examining. The mask you wore? Torn from your neck and tossed somewhere else in the lab. It was a whirlwind of stumbling and redirecting your momentum from precious artifacts before you ended up against your desk, but worth every second.
Lara’s fingers press against your clit, fabric rubbing gently and coaxing a moan out of you, which she devours. This was a different sort of Lara, one you’d have never expected with the way she presented herself to the world. Well-spoken but soft in practically everything she did… But those calloused fingers that were now touching you, running themselves up and down your folds, made you think twice about the woman before you.
Your legs spread naturally, even without her knees nudging them apart, and you lean most of your weight back onto the desk. Papers join the broken glass on the floor and your miscellaneous items topple over one another.
Everything was spinning. Lara’s lips were hot as they trailed kisses down your neck, teeth and breath against the sensitive skin there. She pushes down your tank top and your loose-fitting sports bra until she can hungrily pull one of your nipples into her mouth. Instinctively, the hand you had in her hair twists and grips her ponytail enough to tug it roughly.
She moans at that, a guttural sound that lets you know that she enjoyed the sting of the motion and that knowledge on its own sends a hot sensation from your lower body up to your already burning cheeks. Lara’s tongue runs over the sensitive skin she’d previously claimed all while her fingers go to work inside of you.
All of this was so much, but this was everything you’d secretly wanted the moment you saw her. You just hadn’t imagined she might have felt the same way.
The museum’s silence felt even louder now that your gasps, groans, and moans filled the space. You’d never have even thought to do this, not in public and certainly not in your workplace, but this was just… so good. And who was going to stop you? Your boss? Well…
Lara’s teeth bit down just hard enough on your nipple to pull you out of your thoughts and make you hyper-aware that you were going to combust at any moment.
“Lara, please,” you cry. Your name escapes her as a mumble against your skin.
Her thumb continues the circles against your clit while her other digits find purchase inside of you, nudging against the exact spot you need. She knew because every time she rubbed it your breath hitched. Jumping each others’ bones felt like a dream not just a few days ago, dropping your gaze from her like she could read your thoughts, and at this point, you were convinced she might have been able to all along.
You tumble over the edge, a moan louder than you intended tumbling from your mouth as your body convulses with every extra touch Lara applies. It’s a quiet comedown, slow, and her lips are back to that softness you would have initially expected from her. She pulls her hands away from your body, propping them on the desk on either side of you, and you take a moment to catch your breath.
“That was… unexpected,” you breathe, a small laugh escaping you.
“Sorry,” she mutters. You manage to pick your head up to finally look at her face, a smirk tugging at the edge of her mouth. A smile grows on your lips in response.
“No need to be sorry.”
“Well, not entirely true.” She nods to the floor on the side of your desk. “I did break your desk lamp.”
“Oh.” Your gaze turns downward. “True… It was pretty expensive,” you exaggerate, face scrunching a bit when you turn back to her.
“How can I repay you?” she asks, lips hovering close to yours once more.
“Mmm,” you mumble, looking between her and the lamp. “I think dinner will suffice.”
“Deal,” she responds, that bit of shyness returning to her demeanor. “I’ll go grab a dustpan.”
“In a bit,” you say. This time it’s you grabbing onto her and gently pushing her back onto your desk, careful to avoid the glass as you drop to your knees.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Stranger Danger! [Entry #1]
PAIRING: Dark!Modern!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader [Modern AU]
WORDS: 3,049.
SUMMARY: Moving into a desolate, small-town suburb, you would think the risks of finding yourself in "peril" are close to none. And yet, how could you not have been more wrong...
WARNINGS: stalker!Aegon/stalking tendencies mentioned, posessive!Aegon, mentions of kidnapping, slight BDSM (spanking), Daddy kink, slight dub-con, swearing.
A/N - he literally took over my soul & there’s no going back now. when I tell you this took me forever, 4 fucking days... NO IDEA WHY I JUST KEPT GOING. ANYWAYS I had to split this HC up, because I wrote too much! So here is the first part, nearly completed the next :) hope ya'll enjoy xox
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A small, simple town, nonetheless, it would suffice for you. It was inevitable that newcomers would mingle with most of the residents in a day or two, you had been advised upon your relocation.
Your case was no exception: withdrawn from your previous livelihood in the city, you wished to escape to the serenity a desolate, small-town could offer.
That was where you'd meet, Aegon... Just, Aegon [as he had ambiguously introduced himself].
Working in a minor, stuffy bookstore/cafe, many of the local townspeople often visited or dined, in which is where Aegon was introduced to you.
At first, he would dare not to approach you, though rather seek in the comfort of lurking in the noisy, bustling background as his younger brothers or sister would heroically order in his steed.
Like a dangerously ravenous predator prowling at its innocent, mindless prey, he watched you closely. Your precise movements, your ever so often-changing facial expressions, your disciplined mannerisms, your light-hearted voice. Every fine detail he saturated his senses completely, soaking himself in your vicinity, in your divine presence.
Surmising that you were a sweet, honest little thing: he fathomed and relished in the notion that you were incorrupt, all for his undoing. He'd never seen the likes of you before, and was frustrated with himself that he hadn't ever clocked you.
Aegon would often grow impatient with himself, as he observed other males conversing with you, knowing their true, carnal intentions... It made his blood boil, and yet you paid no mind, he was comforted by this, although knew his time was wearing thin.
He would eventually start to visit you every chance he could cease, even in the absence of his younger siblings. Finally building the courage to converse with you, even if it was short, simple-minded banter as you politely took his order, your voice, its tone sounded like decadent, pure honey to his ears.
He was madly obsessed with everything about you.
You could not deny on your part either: Aegon was quite handsome, with his doe, lilac eyes that enraptured you, his soft facial structure, yet also formidable. The contrast of his pale, silver hair against his fair skin, was unearthly. And Gods, did he love to listen to you. He made you feel utterly giddy, often blurting out random, cringe remarks, feeling your cheeks flash hot with blush.
Nonetheless, he continued to return to the store, coincidentally whenever you were scheduled for a shift.
Eventually, Aegon grew tempted to follow you after hours, desperate to seek you in your travels back to your humble abode. He often waited in the distance, as you closed and departed from work late in the evenings, all by your lonesome.
He'd convinced himself he was doing you a favour... Gods forbid, someone tried to attack you, he'd be your saviour, like some damsel in distress. He was being harmless otherwise.
As he fell more comfortable in this consuming routine, compulsively following you home, often making up incessant lies and pathetic excuses for his absence from home: found solace in watching you through your apartment window.
Whether it was watching you do your laundry, making a simple dinner, or prepping for bed as you'd read a book, he grew infatuated with your wholesomeness.
Although, earning even more luck, he'd caught a glimpse of another side of you, a much, much more titillating side. Attentively observing you, how eagerly your fingers ventured between your thighs, as your hips bucked forward, back arching and convulsing in swift motions. The circular shapes of your mouth, he could only imagine the lewd sounds echoing from your lips. He found himself moments later, stroking his own cock, desperately aching for pleasure and release, as he envisioned himself being the reason for your excitement.
All this entertainment however, came to an abrupt end, when Aegon found you bringing some random, strange man into the confinements of your home.
He was livid beyond words: fists clenching firmly on his steering wheel, his knuckles whitened even more against his pale skin, his jaw tense as he spied on the two of you, the way you'd laugh and grip at the man's arm. He could feel the heat radiating off his skin.
Much to his infuriated relief, nothing escalated beyond the red wine you'd generously shared. After being certain the man was completely gone, and you safe and sound in bed, he knew he had to make some sort of a move. He was adamant in avoiding this situation from repeating itself all over again, or worse...
The notion of another man taking you all for himself, was enough motive to set his plans to motion.
How it happened and how Aegon had panned it out, was all a blur initially.
You'd recognised him instantly as he slowly pulled up along the kerbside, pulling his frosted window down, as you were walking back from work. His familiar, tender smile was heart-warming in contrast to the dim, winter weather and cloudy, light sprinkle that had been hazing the day since the mane.
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"You poor thing, you'll catch a cold if you wander about in this weather. I can drop you off, if you would like?"
At first you remained reluctant, out of consideration: not wanting to intervene in Aegon's plans for the day. Your meek attempts at refusing his offer however, failed, for he remained persistent.
"I don't mind at all. I have no plans or commitments, I swear it...Please, it-it's the least I can do after all."
Defeatedly you succumb to his offer, although a partial side of you is grateful that you have a reason to be out of the cold weather. Aegon leans over towards the front passenger seat, opening the door for you, like a true gentleman. You were convinced he was the only gentlemen in the town, with how chivalrous he was towards you.
As the journey began, you'd disclosed your address to Aegon, who immediately knew the directions [since having grown up here]. Although, taking a wrong turn, you initially acknowledged it at first, laughing it off. Yet, another wrong turn...
"A-Aeg, you took the wrong turn-" Glancing over towards him, that familiar, heart-felt smile began to fade as his face turned rigid to stone. Stern and stoic in his expression, he turns to look over at you with a threatening, dark tinge, before uttering the chilling, final words you would hear for the last time out in the open...
"You made me do this."
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Memory hazy, you could only vaguely reminisce the moment a wet, white cloth was shoved towards your face before the darkness had closed in.
You awoke in a dingy, empty yet neatly structured basement, solid brick walls and metallic pipes enclosing the sturdy foundation of the architecture, where dense, black padding foamed across the walls and ceilings. Your breath was heavy, yet mouth taped and your movements restricted, only noticing the tight restraints around your wrists, digging into your soft flesh. Your cries muffled loudly, feeling the hot tears streaking down.
Eventually a part of the ceiling where stairs rose towards had opened suddenly, and cautiously, Aegon entered, a beaming smile across his face.
Approaching you carefully, as though you were some kind of hurt, defenceless animal that he dared not to frighten nor startle, he bespoke some "rules": no screaming, no fighting back, no disobeying and no running, under any circumstances.
"Try any of those and your punishment will be severe, understood Y/N?"
Internally, your mind raced a million thoughts incoherent to his words and yet you remained blank. Sensing the adrenaline beginning to surge intensely through your body, as Aegon began to untie the restraints, you felt yourself lunge forwards towards the steps, yet something had firmly tugged you back, causing you to grow unsteady on your feet, falling to the crowd. Met with darkness once more, your memory clouded the second time you awoke.
"What did I say? Look at what you made me do, Princess.... I told you NOT to run, didn't I? What did Daddy say, huh?"
Your head immensely throbbing with a dull pain, it took you a few seconds to settle, before realising that familiar feeling of the restraints and tight concealment of your mouth forcibly shut. Aegon's hand gripped at your jaw tightly, pulling your attention unto him, as he attempted to calm you down.
"You made Daddy hurt you... I never want to hurt you again, baby. I only want take care of you, okay?"
"Wh-What did you do A-Aeg? Wh-What have you done?"
"Only taken back what is mine."
You withdraw and grimace at his gentle touch, as he cleans your bloodied scar across your forehead, before softly applying a bandage. The faint, proud smile produced on his face as he admires his work, before his eyes linger over yours once more, the smile fades again.
"Do not think that your little defiance won't go unpunished... Daddy always commits to his word, sweet thing. You will eventually come to know this. I am in charge, you will respect this or learn the hard fucking way."
Aegon suddenly departs that very moment, leaving you lonesome to cry inconsolably for God knows how long: ignorant to the notion of time now, it felt like hours as you weakly pondered over your destitute thoughts, wondering if anyone cared enough to know or realise of your abrupt disappearance to send for help... Yet again, you were scarcely known in the neighbourhood, people barely recalled your name correctly, had you not worn your employee name badge.
Feeling your reddened, puffy eyes slowly succumbing to sleep, you had awoken instantly by the sound of the ceiling door opening suddenly, to Aegon's heavy footsteps etching down.
Without an exchange of a word, Aegon pulled a chair right in front of where you crawled up and sat, before slapping at his thigh, harshly gesturing for you to sit atop.
"Bend and lay over my lap, now-"
Not wanting to add fuel to the fire that ignited from within Aegon, you dared not to disobey. The dark, forbidding look in his lilac eyes, that you once fawned for, now frightened you into compliance. The feeling of your tense body relaxing over his sturdy, meaty thighs, you found more comfort over than the stony cold floor you sat upon for hours ago.
Without a warning, Aegon's rough palm came striking down hard against the naked flesh of your ass cheeks.
"10 spankings for my naughty girl, cause for 10 seconds she tried to run away from me-"
"2 slaps- 3 slaps-"
Reciting each total, and the shrieking cries from your behalf echoed across the empty room, feeling the skin of your ass growing number by the minute, your hands instinctively gripped at the flesh of Aegon's thighs for support. Your mouth pressing down against its side, to muffle the cries more.
"6 slaps- 7 slaps-"
"Sweet heart thought she could get away? What does she think, that Daddy will let her go that easily? I promise I'll take care of you- 8 slaps- I'll feed you, nurture you- 9 slaps- I will love you."
The final stroke stung sharply, your skin burning with the heat of the friction, it was definite Aegon took the silence to admire his handprint over your bare skin, a stifled chuckle escaping his growling laugh.
Guiding you to sit upright on his lap, you felt tense and immense discomfort as you hovered over. Tears streaming down your scarlet, tender cheek, Aegon stroked each fallen drop across your sobbing face, cooing you in his lap, as one free hand soothed at your back and the other gently squeezed at your thigh.
"Promise me, Princess... Promise me you'll never leave me. I'm the only one that can take care of you, protect you and love you. Mark my words."
general taglist - @evenstaris @bel-bottoms @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @ilikeitbetterangsty @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @sylas-the-grim @arcielee @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @aemondtargaryensrider
Aegon ii taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter @f4ll-for-you @amiraisgoingthruit
credit to - @saradika for the headers 🤍
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plussizedreader · 10 months
Darth Maul x Plus Sized AFAB! Reader Headcanons
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This is one of two sfw and nsfw headcanon request from @localnightmare13! This one will focus on Darth Maul, and the next post will focus on Amanda Young. The reader is afab, but can be read as whatever, as I'm not using any pronouns! I do hope ya'll enjoy, it's a bit rushed!
Warnings- Smut under the cut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), rough sex, oral, piv sex.
To this day, Maul is baffled why someone as beautiful and soft and just, perfect as you loved him as much as you did.
But he loves it nonetheless.
He loves how you always want to be near him, always by his side.
He especially loves how quickly you took to the Dark Side and how eagerly you took to the training. You are fierce and violent, and the perfect companion by his side on the throne of Mandalore.
Maul can't get enough of how much he loves how touchy feely you are. Normally, he would hate others touching him in anyway then what was necessary, but not with you. He loved every touch of yours he could get, no matter how brief it is. But that's never a problem, seeing as how you are almost always by his side, holding his hand, or his hand around your waist, or more commonly, you sitting in his lap while he sits on the throne.
Even though you took to the Dark Side quickly, you had a kindness and patience that he lacked at times, making yourself a balance to his cold anger.
NSFW Headcanons-
Where do I even start? Maul simply cannot get enough of you. He will eat you out like a starving man. He simply loves being between your thighs, watching you squirm as his horns poke into your thighs as he devours you.
Speaking of that throne, there's two things you and him love doing on that chair.
And one is you in his lap, riding him. sitting there, watching you take him and your body bounce as you chase your pleasure. He just can't help it, and will often times reach out and grab a handle full of your amble breast, playing with them, teasing your nipples, pulling out every sweat noise out of you.
other times, he'll have you completely naked and on your knees in front of him, sucking him off. This is probably his favorite way to have you, watching you grind your clit against his metal foot, chasing your own pleasure.
For such a well spoken man that Maul is, he fails to articulate just how much he loves every piece of you. He loves every stretch mark and curve and roll on you, but the minute me tries to vocalize it he turns into a babbling fool
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ell-arts · 8 months
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Summary: Several nights before the war, Zac was stationed as a guard to keep watch over a carnival, on the lookout for assassins.
He didn't know what to expect that night.
But betrayal was certainly not it.
Content Warning: crude language, blood, and stabbing (but no gore)
New PMATGA oneshot is here!! 🙌
This is an example of how to use the prompt game I made (more details below). This was supposed to be a drabble, but it turned into a whole friggin oneshot instead. Yay?
I hope ya'll enjoy it nonetheless!
Main character/POV: Zac
Antagonist/2nd Character: an assassin
Setting: Somewhere in the past, several nights before the war
These details were determined after using this prompt game I made to create ideas.
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misspearly1 · 2 years
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Day Twenty-Six: Bath/Shower Sex - Din D'jarin.
Kinktober22 List
WC: 3.2k Warnings: 18+ Content. Minors DNI. Mutual Pining. Smut. Unprotected PIV. Blindfolded sex in the bathtub. Fluff. AN: Ahh, this was enjoyable to write, so sweet and fluffy. Hope ya'll enjoy too ❤️.
Walking blindly, you hold your hands out with caution as you giggle a question to Din. “Where are you taking me?” 
“I already told you, mesh’la. It’s a surprise.” He replies in a chuckle, the delicate sound of your own laughter drawing it out of him. Though, the moment of joy and amusement was short-lived as he panics and darts his hands out to stop you from tripping over. “Woah. Easy there, sweet girl.” 
“Oh.” You make a surprise sound, hands clasping over the top of his laying around your front. A few lingering touches later, you pat his hand and then let go. “Thank you, my warrior.” 
The sound that Din then makes sends a shiver down your spine, choking out a soft grunt, though distorted through the modulator of his helmet, it didn’t dampen how heavy and thick his voice sounded after you called him your warrior. He likes it, there’s no doubt about that, and even though you practically feel the blush in his words when brushing it off like no big deal, know that it is in fact, a big deal for him.  
“I um.. I’m going to need your guidance.” Whispering bashfully upon feeling the emotional shift between you and Din, it’s like the air was now charged with electricity, just patiently waiting for its spark to ignite. It was a start when his hand lay on your hip  with his deep, textured voice mumbling into your ear for you to keep walking straight ahead. He’s so close, you can feel the large steely presence of his beskar chest plate against your back as your fingertips drag along the walls on either side of you. 
You trust Din, have trusted him for a long time now, and you feel safe enough to be vulnerable around him, to completely open up and fear no judgement in return. Though, you can only hope that one day he can feel the same. It’s a slow progress and you’ve come a long way together since the beginning considering that you both tried to kill each other when you first met, but the changes now are drastically better. 
Din feels safe with you too, however you can’t say completely. The laws of his culture forbid him from removing his helmet and revealing his identity to you, but he has revealed almost everything else instead. He shared his name, his story and childhood, the most vulnerable parts of his mind in conversation and his love, though he tries to hide his love - just like he did moments ago - you feel it nonetheless and understand why he quite literally uses his armour to shield his emotions. 
Fear of rejection isn’t impervious to even the greatest warriors of the universe as it seems, and  Din hides behind the armour in some aspects, shielding himself and those emotions that he evidently feels for you. And you, too, have felt those doubts in your mind on many occasions now, have tricked yourself into believing that the man you have fallen for - hard, wouldn’t feel the same way. 
However, there is a sense of power that comes with certainty; knowing that Din D’jarin feels the same way as you, gives you a sense of power and responsibility to act on it accordingly, to make the first move and banish those fears that every species feels or has felt at some point in their life, no matter how tough they are. 
“Hold on, mesh’la.” Din whispers, snapping your attention back to reality as he leans into you and opens a door. You try your best to maintain the closeness, holding your hand atop his again, you deliberately walk slower and the action causes his chest to press up against your back. “Not long now, then you can remove the blindfold.” He chuckles softly, mistaking your purposeful movements for hesitancy and it makes you giggle at his innocent, oblivious nature for not noticing your true intentions. 
Walking a few more steps, then waiting as another door opens, you are immediately struck in the face with steamy heat, your nose quickly filling with the scent of sweet passion fruit and honey. “Oh wow. Din, is this what I think it is?” You ask quickly, hoping that it’s exactly what you think it is. 
“Yes, sweet girl. It is.” The man replies and you can feel the pride resonating from him. Joyous pride - all for you and the reaction he was searching for. Removing your blind fold, you nearly squeal at the sight of Din’s surprise. It’s just a bath, a simple hot bubbly bath, candles dotted around the tiled floor or lining the indentations in the wall, but it’s a bath that you have yearned to have for the last five months aboard the razor crest. It’s been too long since you’ve indulged within the comforts of hot soapy water instead of the cold steady spray of water inside the cramped fresher. 
“You’re the best, Din D’jarin!” You turn to him with glee and close the gap to wrap your arms around his shoulders in an endearing hug. “This isn’t setting us back is it? We’ve been on a tight schedule lately.” Expressing your worrisome thoughts out loud, you hoped it wasn’t taking too much out of his time or his credits. Just looking at the state of the bathroom suggests that this hotel is on the higher end of the scale. You wouldn’t care if it was some lousy pit stop, it’s the thought that counts most. “Thank you, Din - thank you for doing this for me.” 
“Cyar’ika.” Mando sighs, his breath laced with sincerity. Pulling back and holding his leather gloved hands to your sides, he tilts his helmet slightly while looking down into your big, bright doe eyes and feels his heart thrumming in his ears. “It’s quite alright, Y/N. There’s no need to thank me.” Anything for your happiness, sweet girl. He thinks with his inner voice instead. 
Smiling behind the helmet although you can’t see it, Din hesitates on letting you go just yet and continues to maintain your gaze, however his body betrays him as he unknowingly begins squeezing your hips, the action making you gasp softly. “Well-” He clears his throat nervously then steps back, feeling like he had crossed a line just now. “Don’t let me get in the way, mesh’la.” 
“Din - wait.” You dart your hand out to his shoulder pad before he can turn to leave and when he tilts his helmet towards you again, you look over your shoulder to the bath, then to the blindfold in your hand and finally, back into the T shape of his visor, your eyes pleading as you suggest to him. “Won't you stay with me? I can wear the blindfold and I won’t see anything and… and I - please?” You stutter. 
Mando just stares at you, barely moving a muscle, and you can tell without even seeing his face that he is wearing an expression of shock behind the helmet. You can feel the disbelief reverberating from his body, the uncertainty of your request seeping into your skin, which makes you that much more determined to banish those fears and doubts he still clings onto. 
“Hey listen, if you don’t want to, forget that I even asked.” You begin, speaking calmly and reassuringly as you give him more confirmation to appease his mind. “But, if you would like to stay, then I am telling you that it’s what I want too - I’d like you to stay and join me Mando.” 
Din spent another moment in silence, his helmet tilted to the side as if in thought, and for a split second, you questioned your whole mind on whether or not your hunch was correct, until he then reassured you. Closing the gap and pulling you flush against his chest, he presses his visor against your forehead and releases a sigh of relief. “Yes - Cyar’ika yes, I’d like to stay…” He pauses, audibly gulping. “...And join you.” 
Knowing that your reassurances would banish his fears, you didn’t predict that it would set the primal instincts within Din D’jarin free. Your confirmation wasn’t just what he needed to know that you feel the same way, it’s what he needed to hear in order to take control. The man turns you around slowly, then takes the blindfold from your hands to place over your eyes again and ties it at the back. Within seconds, he removes his helmet and instantly indulges what he has yearned to have for so long. A kiss. 
“Oh.” You gasp upon feeling his lips placed against your ear. The contact was minimal and unexpected, but deeply satisfying, especially when he moves and you feel the tickle of his beard across your skin. Ducking his head down to reach your neck, you tilt your head to the side and provide more room, inviting him to explore more of your skin. 
You couldn’t help but moan when lifting your hand and running your fingers through his hair, the images your mind were producing through sense of touch, painted you a beautiful picture of what he looks like. As Din’s arms wrapped around your stomach and kissed your neck plentiful, your head lolls back to his shoulder with the prettiest whimper. Your senses became overwhelmed in the very best way, overwhelmed and crowded with Din D’jarin. 
“You smell really good.” You admit your thoughts aloud after taking in the heavenly scent of his skin. Mando smiles against your neck, nipping a path towards your jawline before cupping your cheek and tilting your face a breath away from his as he whispers in reply. “So do you, mesh’la. So sweet and tasty.” He growls, and the sound ignites that electrified air around you both; a clear understanding between you and Mando was ignited - a need to act out your desires and not just take a bath together.  
It was really quite foolish of you to think that nothing sexual would come about from taking a bath together, but just hearing Din growl how sweet and tasty you smell set off all those desires you’ve dreamed about. Truthfully, you didn’t want to rush him in anyway, but as it seems, he is feeling the exact same way you are right now - horny. Soft moans escaped his lips, sounds that you didn’t think you’d ever hear from Din, but he produced them for you. 
Carefully helping you to remove your clothes first, he walks you towards the bath then helps you climb inside. “One moment, mesh’la.” Din whispers and kisses your cheek once before pulling away. You hear him removing his armour, hear the metal gently being placed to the tiled floor. 
He’s always so gentle, takes pride in his armour. You smile with your thoughts, then feel around the tub carefully to readjust your position. Jolting when you feel the pad of his fingertips touch your shoulder, he apologises for startling you, then you shake your head at him, laughing. “It’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting it.” 
Reaching out for his hand, he sees what you’re trying to do and meets you halfway. Once you hold him, you tug lightly as a gesture for him to get in the tub with you, which he does. Din moves carefully to climb into the water in front of you, sighing heavily from the heat enveloping him. “Good, right?” You ask upon hearing his satisfaction. 
Leaning forward, your hands running up the expanse of his arms, your mouth falls open when feeling his muscles beneath your fingers. Din breathes a heavy wanton breath as you explore his skin through touch, dragging your nimble fingers across his chest and shoulders delicately. You lean in a little closer and he, once again, meets you halfway in closing the gap. 
“Oh.” He moans, really moans, when your lips connect. Just a few hesitant pecks at first, until you tilt your head to the side and part your lips. Then Din deepens the kiss. Slipping his tongue inside first, you moan now and respond while tangling your tongue with his, though you couldn’t help but want more. 
Moving closer and closer towards him until your chest was flush against his, you whimper from the sensation of your pert nipples grazing across his chest. Your sounds and reactions work effectively in giving Din more confidence to take the lead. His hands wrap around your back first, then lower your ass before pulling your lower half into him, which is where you both make a delighted sound from the contact. 
“Din.” You whisper, a plea evident in your tone as you not-so-gently grab onto his shoulders. The man picks up on your need instantly, he needs it too and wastes no more time providing. “I got you, sweet girl.” He reassures and warns before hooking your leg over his arm. Holding a flat palm over your lower back to keep you balanced, you feel that both his hands are preoccupied and lower your hands to help line him up. 
“Oh wow.” You gasp when feeling the sheer length and girth of him. Din gasps too, enjoying the way you explored the size of his cock with your hands. Wrapping your fingers around him, you stroke him a couple times and audibly sigh upon feeling his cock grow. He wasn’t even fully hard?! You panic slightly inside, underestimating just how big he really is. 
Groaning your name, Din rests his forehead to your shoulder as you continue to pump him, the sound of him so broken and desperate stops your actions before you notch the tip at your entrance. “Take your time.” You ask, though you don’t really have to, you know that he will no matter what. It’s just that it’s been a long while since you last had sex and you didn’t think Mando was as big as he is. 
“Of course, mesh’la - always.” Din nods, then kisses your lips as he carefully pushes forward. You couldn’t stop the mewls even if you tried, the stretch was impressive and pleasurable. Unintentionally digging your nails into the scruff of his neck, you cling onto the man and groan pathetically for him to keep going after relaxing around him. “Oh fuck.” He grunts when bottoming out inside, feeling your heat already pulsing around him. 
“Mando.” You plead again, resting your forehead to his. “Please move.” 
“Hold onto me.” He requests before dropping his hand from your back. Doing as he says, you gasp when feeling him hook his arm under your other leg and lift you from the water. You felt weightless, like a feather held in his mighty strong arms. “Tell me to slow down.” He grunts before finally moving. You appreciate him telling you that, but you seriously doubt that you will ask him to slow down, especially when he starts off so slow and gentle like. 
“That feels so good.” You moan, brows pulling together with the blissful sensation of his cock rubbing against your walls. You savour the feeling of every vein and ridge. Leaning in and blindly finding his lips again, you kiss him fervently, a wordless gesture that signals him to pick up the pace if he wants to, which he does. 
“Stars!” Mando chokes, feeling his balls press against your cheeks each time he thrusts forward. “You’re so warm, cyar’ika. I’ve dreamt of this… dreamt of this every night when I fuck my fist.” He admits and it makes you clench around him. Just picturing Din with his hand wrapped around his cock within the privacy of his own bunk made you mewl, but hearing him admit it in such a foul mouthed way made your whole body quiver. 
As his pace gradually picks up, you hear the water sloshing around the tub vigorously, feel his balls slapping against your ass with each thrust and cry from the added stimulation to your clit from the hairs on his mound. You didn’t have to see in order to know that Mando was grunting hard through gritted teeth, you could just hear it in his voice, picturing a beautiful image in your mind of the blissed-out expression on his face. Someday, you tell yourself with hope, someday I will see that blissed-out expression with my own eyes. 
Burying your face into his neck, you place lazy kisses to his skin and groan loud enough to warn him that you’re close. “It’s okay, mesh’la. I got you, it’s okay.” He heaves a heavy praise, pushing you over the edge within seconds.
“Mando!” You gasp suddenly upon feeling the peak of your orgasm washing over your body and mind. Curling your toes and tensing your muscles, you feel the heated pleasure ripple across your abdomen and chest, even making your ears ring as you become lightheaded. You could feel it from Din too. He was burning hot to the touch, breathing raggedly and his thighs shook moments before he yelled in a panic. “Where? Cyar’ika where?” 
“I-Inside.” You blurt in the heat of the moment. It’s reckless, but you want it so fucking badly, have day-dreamed of carrying his babies and considering he is even asking, you know that he wants it too. Crying out with each last few pounding thrusts into your cunt, Din buries himself deep and releases ropes upon ropes of his creamy seed inside. 
He, too, buries his face into your neck, muffling the sounds of his raspy broken moans as he rides out his high. You can feel him spilling inside of you, can feel his warmth coating your walls and spreading everywhere, as if pumping you full. The sensation was worthy of another orgasm. Grinding against him and stimulating your clit, you shudder in his arms and squeeze around him, drawing out every last drop he could give. 
“Fuck! Y/N.” Mando grunts sharply. Shaking his head into your neck and holding you still, you feel him smiling against your skin as he mumbles ‘sensitive’. Oddly, a part of you wanted to disobey him and continue grinding, to hear him gasp and whine from too much pleasure, however you held back on that for now and nodded into his neck. “Ok, my handsome warrior.” 
“And how would you know that?” He pulls his head away from your neck, chuckling softly as you giggle. Shrugging, you shake your head and whisper. “I don’t have to see you to know you’re handsome, Din. Men like you are beautiful inside and out, I just know it.” Cupping his cheeks with both hands, you rub your thumbs under his eyes then trace the shape of his nose with a smile. “See? Beautiful, what did I tell you.” 
Though you couldn’t see his smile, you could feel his growing against your hands and it was infectious too, making you smile with him. Carefully shifting his position, Mando sits down properly in the tub and leans back, still buried inside of you as you sit on his lap. “Keep doing that.” He asks, and when you tilt your head, confused, he elaborates. “Exploring with your hands. I like it, cyar’ika.” 
“Oh, my pleasure.” You laugh bashfully, then continue touching him, detailing how beautiful he feels and why. You learned even more about Mando in this little moment, learned that he loved the way you caressed his earlobes so delicately, making him sigh with peace. He then later returned the gesture, pointing out all of your beauties - even things you didn’t think he’d find beautiful - that made your cheeks bloom a pretty pink in colour from his compliments. 
You admired Mando behind the blindfold, and he admired you with his eyes - the woman he plans to marry.
Perma Taglist (Everything): @marydjarin @kirsteng42 @supernaturalgirl @supernaturalgirl20 @harriedandharassed @joelmillerscoffee @joelsrifle @swtaura @alexxavicry @boliv-jenta @dragonsondragons @practicalghost @janebby @faceache111 @sleepylunarwolf @tusk89 @anismaria
All Mandalorian Content: @pale-gingerale @mandalorian-dindjarin @michele131 @chxpsi @burninggracesandbridges @wordsfromshona @lavenderbxnny
All Pedro Pascal Character Content: @joelsflannel @mswarriorbabe80 @readsalot73 @allthe-ships @avengersftspn @hb8301 @scorpio-marionette @squidwell @sunnshineeexoxo @trickstersp8 @graciexmarvel @tanzthompson @bbyanarchist @oogaboogasphincter
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gojocp · 1 year
Can I request a fluff oneshot with Donald Na?
Donald Na has a long time crush for reader and whenever he sees reader from afar, he would stop and just watch them. But one time, one of reader's friends noticed and told them someone was watching her and he almost got caught. So he just decides to confess his love for reader.
It depends on you on how it ends ><
admiring from afar
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cw: fluff, probably ooc (so sorry), bro's lowkey staring like creeps LMAO featuring: donald na
a/n: I AM BACK YA'LL!! also, tysm for the request, this idea is so cute omg !! hope you enjoy, lmk how this is!
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"donald? are you listening?" kingsley asks, for the nth time this week. it was starting to agitate him since he wanted to tell donald about what was going on in the union, and he just didn't seem to care! "donald." kingsley repeats.
"huh? oh, yes kingsley, what is it?" donald asks, tearing his focus away from you and to the man trying to talk to him. with a raised eyebrow, kingsley asks, "are you staring at (y/n) again?"
"no, i'm not staring. i'm simply observing. they're a real nutcase, that (y/n)." donald replies, almost having his cover blown. resulting in an unimpressed "uh-huh" from kingsley.
"well, regarding the fight between jimmy bae and.." kingsley begins. 'aaand, he's not listening.' kingsley thinks. he look at donald, then at you happily talking with your friends, then at donald again. 'he cares about them more than the union?' .・。.・゜✭・.
"are you still staring at them?" kingsley asks. "again, not staring. i'm-" "yes, you're observing." kingsley interupts, cutting donald off. he recieves a pointed look, but donald lets it slide.
a small, fond smile is apparent on donald's face as he watches you from afar. and it disappears as soon as it could be seen, as your friend takes notice of his "observing".
"(y/n), do you know that blonde guy?" your friend asks. you turn around and make eye contact with him for a split second, before he averts his gaze. "yeah they do! that's their boyfriend~!" another friend teases. "he's not my boyfriend, we're just friends! he's my class and i think he's kinda cute.." you say, taking a sip of your drink. "well, boyfriend or not, he was staring at youuu~!" your friend sang out, wriggling her eyebrows at you.
"no he's not!! donald's probably looking at something else." you deny, feeling your cheeks grow warm. "well, donald's looking again." she responds. you turn to look at donald and catch him looking at you. you hold eye contact for a bit before turning away. "okay, maybe he is looking at me." you say with a flushed face. "but, whatever! i'm sure it doesn't mean anything.." you continue, taking another sip from your drink. .・。.・゜✭・.
the next day, you recieve a text from him.
'meet me in my office at 5.'
'why does he want me to go to his office?' you ponder. nonetheless, you arrive there at 5 and knock on the door. "it's (y/n)." you call out.
donald quickly opens the door and stares at you. "can..uh- can i come in?" you ask with a sheepish smile.
"yeah, yes.. come in.." he responds, opening the door more to make space for you. "uh- here, for you.." he says bashfully, holding out a bouqet of flowers.
"thank you!" you beam, gratefully accepting them from his hands and taking a seat.
"listen.. i'm just going to get straight to the point.." he starts, taking a seat in front of you. "i like you.. a lot." he continues, staring at the flowers in your hand. "and..i was wondering.. if i could.. be your boyfriend.." he trails off, feeling his ears turn pink.
"i- wh- yes!" you sputter, stunned at the sudden confession. "i would." you smile at him.
"yes? okay.. okay, i have a meeting soon, but meet me at ____ restaurant at 6?" he asks standing up, the corner of his lips curling upwards the slightes bit.
"of course, i'll be there." you respond, placing a soft kiss on his cheek and walking out the door.
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simp999 · 9 months
Proto x Lil/NV! Reader Drabble
Wc: 0.7k
A/N: Sorry I was gone for so long I had to take a shower. Gotta go walk my fish now bye ya'll
A/N 2: @physically-bloody-medibot my beloved. He
Taglist: @medibot-truther
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You didn't have time to react when your door suddenly opened, and you saw that all-too familiar adorable smile in your doorway.
He waved with both hands, forgetting to ask if he was even allowed to enter- not that it was an issue anyway.
You absentmindedly attempted to cover your face with the soft sleeve of your massive cloud-like hoodie.
Proto slightly tilted his head. Something seemed different. He liked it, but he couldn't put a finger on it. You sure looked cozy, though! And maybe a little nervous? You seemed your melt into your blankets and plushies that surrounded you as he cautiously approached, but it only made you look even cozier.
Now that he was right next to your bed, all he could do now was bend down to your height. Still wearing that ever-curious expression, right up until he brought up his hand to approach your face and- boop! He jumped back a bit just as you did, the sound of his antenna wagging becoming a noticeable noise.
He wasn't sure whether big noises were welcome, so he opted to keep his voice as hushed as he could (-which wasn't very, but he's doing his best.)
His tone seemed much more happy than worried, and his expression only softened when you snuggled farther into your hoodie as you nodded.
He examined the empty space beside you, silently asking if you'd like him to join you. You shuffled over just enough for him to sit before shuffling right back, reluctantly allowing your head to drop onto his shoulder. He allowed himself to relax it a bit, letting you get more comfortable. He rested his head on yours gently, enjoying the time spent with you.
His warmth was much enjoyed, and the ||blood softly boiling|| in him sounded much like purring. You'd never noticed it before.
You began to toy with the hem of his labcoat out of boredom, and that's when he remembered an earlier encounter that day.
You softly nodded, and it seemed he didn't mind your silence as it was a comfortable one. He was about to fill it quickly enough anyway. He began to ramble about this bug he 'made friends with' earlier. He attempted to describe it, though it sounded like nothing you've ever seen before. Either you were tired, or he was horrible at describing it- but that's okay; you appreciated his little story nonetheless. He gently moved his hands around as he spoke to exaggerate his movements, only remembering not to be too dynamic since you were still resting on him at times.
He noticed far too late that his labcoat now wasn't being toyed with but simply held, as well of the lack of response to his stories.
He tilted his head again towards you in admiration, enjoying how cute and comfortable you seemed to be. He hoped you were having nice dreams. Ones filled with cotton candy and lollipops! And maybe him if he was lucky?
He went to tug the blanket that was draped over you a little higher before resting his hand next to yours. He was surprised to feel your little fingers wrapped around his. You absentmindedly snuggled closer, and a warm smile grazed your features. Aww, maybe you really were dreaming of him?
It took a lot for him to not begin swaying or wiggling around too much out of excitement, but if you were awake, you'd surely notice the artificial purring growing louder along with the wag of his antenna.
He gently nuzzled his face into your hair once he had finally managed to calm himself a little. He held your tiny hands in his, smiling to himself.
Maybe you two could hang out more like this tomorrow? Proto liked this; he knew that much.
You almost seemed like..
A little kid?
Yeah, this makes him feel even warmer. That's a good thing!
You make him happy. He's so glad to call you his closest friend.
He turns his head to plan a small kiss (? Nuzzle- he's trying his best.) to your hair before getting ready to stay like that for the night.
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danimacaroni · 2 months
Lightcannon Week Day 1 - Fake Dating
Lux drags Jinx around Valentines' Day for hefty discounts. Upon their final stop, Jinx finds herself facing more than what she bargained for.
I'm late and bad at summaries but I hope ya'll enjoy nonetheless! TWT
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sinful-morningstar · 11 months
Spartober Day 19 Eva/Trish (V & Trish)
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Author's Note: This is VERY short and sweet, I'll be doing a mix of longer pormpts and shorter that way i don't burn myself out , hope ya'll understand I'll also be doing platonic pairings as well as the romantic and spicey, but this one is just platonic but you can make it Spardacest if you want its really up for interpretation, i'm doing this while on vacation heh but nonetheless Enjoy Todays (Yesterday's) prompt!
Prompts by Whatsanapocalae1 (I use a combination of SparTober and Devil MayTober Prompts) 19: Eva/Trish (V & Trish) V sighed from where he stood his raven hair blowing in his face as he tried to keep his composure, the tale of him coming to be as a human vessel nay a human part of Vergil was one of woe and strife. He shook his head gently before speaking to Trish.
“In separating and regaining my human soul, I’ve realised the gravity of the crimes I have committed…” he said reminiscing on all the wrong Vergil had done, he had done…working alongside Arkham in his youth, going against Dante, Time, and time again…and tearing the Yamato from Nero for further power to separate oneself.
he swallowed before continuing “I’ve realised how important everything was…everything I’ve thrown away in my pursuit of power…”
Trish watched V closely she had never met Vergil she had only seen him as a puppet for Nelo Angelo only a shell of the man that Dante and V spoke of. She knew that Vergil meant a lot to Dante the same way Eva did. Eva…the woman she was modelled after to torture Dante but in turn she gained a friend and colleague someone who would fight for her, and she would fight for them, that same fiery passion that was in Vergil’s mother’s eyes the day she stood strong and kept her boys safe.
she spoke simply not wanting to overwhelm V she could tell that reminiscing on his--Vergil’s. Past must have been a lot to process. “Is that why you went to find Dante?” Trish asked tilting her head curiously.
“Yes…Foolish” V replied as he nodded gently continuing with a exasperated sigh “I thought that he could change my. Maybe fix…” he stammered getting more frustrated as each word left his mouth, it felt foreign.
“Maybe…right my wrong”. He sighed in defeat as he slumped onto the ground to his knees looking at Trish made him ache with the very same sadness and loss that once filled Vergil that pain and grief fuelled it all, and he knew it too damn well, he knew of the fear of losing Dante the fear of not being enough.
ever since that dreaded day, he always felt like he could’ve done better to save Eva but what he didn’t consider and refused to accept …was that he and Dante were just Children when they lost her. But The pain; The pain never truly went away.
his emerald eyes met Trish’s, though she was not Eva, she still reminded him of her, of what could’ve been, if she became as strong as them in battle.
“Tell me…was this fool Before you Right?” V asked curiously mirroring the head tilt he had received from Trish earlier.
Trish blinked softly slightly taken aback, she couldn’t believe he sought out approval from her, it both warmed her heart and broke it to pieces because she knew it wasn’t her, he was asking, it was Eva…she sighed flippantly slightly offended by his question.
“I’m not your Mommy V, you’re a big boy…” she noticed the hurt look in those Emerald eyes before looking away for a moment then looking back with a slightly encouraging expression. One that mirrored Eva when she encouraged Vergil to wield the Yamato alongside Dante during his short-lived childhood.
“And you need to see this through” Trish gave further input as she patted his shoulder with a soft smile, she hoped her words somewhat encouraged him; before she turned away and sighed gently.
she walked past him as she went to move forward, she was stopped by his hand on her wrist, raising a brow she looked at him expectantly. “What now?” Trish asked clearly annoyed by his antics but part of her wondered, why?
V's eyes remained fixed on Trish, searching for something in her expression. He released her wrist, but his gaze remained intense, as if he was trying to find reassurance in her presence.
"I just needed to know if I'm on the right path, Trish," he admitted softly. "Not as a mother, but as someone who's been through the struggles, as someone who's had to confront the past."
Trish nodded understandingly, realizing that he was seeking validation and a sense of belonging. She, too, had her own battles with identity and the past, as a creation meant to torment Dante but who had found her own sense of self.
"You're not alone in this journey, V," she said with a reassuring smile. "We all have our demons to face, both within and without. And your connection to Vergil, to Dante, and to Eva, it's what makes you who you are. It's worth fighting for."
V smiled faintly, a glimmer of gratitude in his eyes. Trish's words provided the encouragement he needed to continue this path of redemption and self-discovery. He stood up, his resolve renewed, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
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I've seen some of my mutuals do this tag game, so I thought I'd give it a go myself!
-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥⊹ ‧̥̥ ̥ ‧̫‧ ̥ Behind the Scenes of THW ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅-ˏ͛ ‧̥̥ ̥ ‧̫‧
... And the insanity that resides inside my mind!
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You already know we're starting off with the good shit.
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But my mental breakdown doesn't simply end there...
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In the end, I give in to my inner demons and decide to sell myself out for the instant seratonin that is equivalated by Tumblr notes.
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Of course, with every smut scene that I write, I must balance out the scale...
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But then... once I start writing the blasphemous dialogue...
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I can always trust myself to be raw and honest - and about 50% of the time, it works every time in my favour!
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... Trust me, Mina, I don't even know myself. BUT NOW IT'S TIME FOR SOME DEATH (since I wrote about 2.107 words without anyone suffering) :D
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Nice one, me!! I'm sure that must have felt great to write out (but I really wouldn't know, since I haven't gotten around to it yet)
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Ah, yes. The endless struggle.
I think this calls for one more wanking sesh!
<- BONUS!! That one vampire Aemond fic I promised ya'll in early June 🫶
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Haha, yep, this is it! That's pretty much how I plan out all of my fics.
For someone who takes pride in sounding almost semi-literate, my personal feedback doesn't really get much deeper than that. Nonetheless, I hope ya'll enjoyed reading this as much as I did posting it.
See you all in the next update of THW! And do give this game a go if you haven't already. Cheers! ♡
- Mina
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e-adlirez · 11 months
Every Pokémon home theme, vibe checked
Exactly what it says on the tin :]
This is coming from someone who played Pokemon Ruby as a kid and wasn't really able to play the other games besides Platinum on a PC ROM
Also it's highly recommended you listen to the home themes yourself while reading this
Anyway without further ado, enjoy :]
Pallet Town (PKMN Red & Blue): "... And so begins you, the protagonist's journey through the world of Pokemon!"
New Bark Town (PKMN GSC): "This is where your journey begins." as a non-Zelda fan or player it makes me feel like I'm booting up the original Legend of Zelda game for some reason, it's got that energy
Pallet Town (PKMN GSC): "Welcome to our town! It's not very big and it doesn't have a lot of people, but we're still proud of it nonetheless!"
Littleroot Town (PKMN RSE): "Welcome home, we hope you enjoy your stay." My home turf :D I remember listening to this theme for the first time in a while and I got emotional
Pallet Town (PKMN FrLg): "Welcome to my home!" Ngl gamers I got a little emotional listening to this one
Twinleaf Town (PKMN DPPlt): "This is my home. I've lived here for as long as I can remember. It's quiet and peaceful, but I love it here." The marimba added in the night version of the theme adds a bit of whimsy to it, like you can imagine the starry night sky above even if you can't see it
New Bark Town (PKMN HGSS): "This is where you start your journey. Look at this wonderful town!"
Pallet Town (PKMN HGSS): "This was where someone special began their journey. Perhaps you'll meet him on your journey one day."
Nuvema Town (PKMN B&W): "This is my home. This is where I spent my childhood, in this quiet, peaceful town. Now I'm heading out and I won't be seeing it for a while. I'm sure I'll miss this peace soon."
Aspertia City (PKMN B2W2): "Welcome to my house, in this big city! It can be busy and seem chaotic at times, but I love it here! It's lively, it's pretty, it's familiar, what's not to love?"
Vaniville Town (PKMN X&Y): "This is the place of my childhood. It's filled with happy memories." Fr this piece I feel was specifically designed to be nostalgic, it's also got medieval-fantasy starter town vibes, the one that hasn't been burned to the ground and the fair father figure hasn't been murdered yet
Littleroot Town (PKMN ORAS): "What is this new place? It's new and unfamiliar, but it's... homey? I'm not quite used to it, but I think I'll start to feel at home here in no time."
My Home (PKMN SM and USUM): "Welcome to my home on the beach! Do you want beverages? It can get a little hot here, so please help yourself to some juice!"
Pallet Town (PKMN Let's Go, Pikachu/Eevee!): "This is your home, dear protagonist. If you wish, please do linger and enjoy the beauty of your character's childhood home."
Postwick Town (PKMN SwSh): "Welcome to the place you will begin your journey. It's more on the rural side, but I'm sure you'll find yourself right at home here. Peaceful, beautiful, wonderful... if you have time off your journey, feel free to stop by to rest your weary legs." There's an ominous couple bars where the strings go into a high-pitched tremolo, I dunno if it's just me interpreting it weird or something, but I suspect it may have to do with SwSh's plot? I dunno
Home Indoor Theme (PKMN SV): "Welcome to your home! There's something different about it, something that sounds foreign to your ears. Wonder what it could be...."
Home Outdoor Theme (PKMN SV): "But of course! You're in a different region now! Well then, don't just stand there, go explore this new place you'll be living in!"
Here you go, what do ya'll think :3
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