#but I kinda just went with the flow
epiclamer · 2 years
Heyo! Would it be alright to request a protective Villain rescuing Hero from their own recklessness?? That would be really fun!
Guys. News: I am never writing agai-
Cw: blood, death mention.
(No reposts but reblogs appreciated <3)
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Rest in Pieces
Villain knocked three times, more frantically this time, against the metal trailer screen door. There was only a thin film of netting and a metal outlining of a door blocking them from the small mobile home and the hero hiding inside.
“Hero. Open the door. I know you’re in there.” The criminal tried at the handle again, pulling, pushing, shaking, anything, but the handle wouldn’t budge. Of course, they could have just broken down the flimsy barricade, but they figured that Hero had spent more than all of their money on the shabby housing.
Finally, after what seemed like a century, a groan resonated from just around the corner where Villain could just barely see the shape of something laying on a couch. It moved—shifted, more like—before curling up and out of Villains view.
Villain let out a frustrated huff, pulling a little harsher on the handle and with cane the feeling of the old lock finally giving, they wrenched the door open and stepped inside. Flinching sympathetically when they heard the door smash against them metal side of the trailer.
“Get out of my house.” Hero’s voice. It was weak and muffled, strained a bit as if they were trying to yell with a sore throat.
Villain wasted no time in heading straight for the couch, stopping right beside the entrance to where the weird living room/kitchen/bedroom sat. The home consisted of two rooms. The living room/kitchen/bedroom and a bathroom. It was no bigger than a regular sized bedroom in a classic apartment; and there, in the midst of it all, laid Hero swaddled in blankets cramped on the sofa.
God, if only Villain didn’t have a soft spot for this loser.
They stepped closer, making sure to keep their feet away from any stray trash or old clothes that were piling up rapidly on the floor. When they reached the side of the couch they crouched down and pulled the blanket away from Hero’s face. They looked tired, big bags hanging under their eyes, puffy cheeks and a constant crease in their brow. It would’ve been cute if it didn’t look like Hero was in pain.
Villain brought a hand gently up to cup their enemy’s face, holding it gently in their palm while they stroked the side of their face. “Hero… why are you here?”
The other only grunted, rolling their eyes before letting them fix back on Villains. “Isn’t it obvious? Because I hurt those people, with my actions.” Hero’s voice was gruff yet wobbly, like they were holding back tears even just thinking about it, which was acceptable. It was a tragedy after all. Eight people dead so far, as the rescue teams continued to search through the rubble of the buildings Hero destroyed.
Villain sighed and massaged their own forehead with their free hand. Trying to wipe the image of the disaster out of their mind before they went into overdrive. “Look. Hero. I know it can be hard and I know it can be stressful, but the only thing that matters to me is that you, the saviour of the city, didn’t get caught up in the wreck. Right?”
Villain didn’t necessarily expect an answer, but what stopped them in their “concerned parent rant” was the flicker of something passing through Hero’s eyes. It was merely a split second of movement, something along the lines of pain and the slight deepening of the crease in their brow that had Villain at a standstill.
“Are you hurt?”
Only silence answered Villains question. Without another second wasted Villains hand moved from Hero’s face to the blanket and ripped it off of them. Hero yelped, curling in on themselves even more and covering their chest with their arms.
The most apparent thing was the blood. It was everywhere. It coated the inside of the blanket with a thick dark red as well as Hero’s sweater. There was something about the situation that made frustration bubble back up in Villains stomach. First, the destruction Hero wreaked during a fight with Supervillain, which they had never done before, then the sudden lack of care and finally the fact that they had curled up in their trailer and left themselves to bleed out on their couch.
“Hero. What are you doing to yourself.” It wasn’t a question because it didn’t have to be. The answer was obvious, Hero had cracked under the pressure and was doing their best to turn themselves into a monster no one could ever want. That way they could finally be left alone in peace, even if it meant they had to hurt the ones they swore to protect.
“You’re coming with me.”
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kaogens · 4 months
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victimized-martyr · 2 months
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Sorry I never gave a proper update on tumblr——
here’s some brainstorming doodles from Keo and me on the white board and some examples Keo made in my notebook. I won’t forget it, one of my harshest note was “NEVER draw Kenny in 3/4!! Trey hates that!” 🤣 The story leads stressed that Trey is very particular with acting decisions and poses, most of which don’t translate into the animation. It’s for him at the editing stage, to “make his voice sing”. Getting into Trey’s head, funnily enough, requires FEELING. Feeling what he’s going for in terms of delivery, to learn what not to take literally in his script (when trey says “kathleen kennedy is like terminator” it’s not what you initially think it means), what emotion or gesture to put in to elevate a joke, to get the message through. It’s so fascinating!
In short, I didn’t make the cut. I was “too fresh”, and needed more experience with the technical aspect of storyboarding…. but I was complimented by Keo for my intuition, something that can’t be taught. I was over the moon when I was told I got the style of the show, whereas other trainees with 10+ experience couldn’t. Some of them tested but don’t even watch the show!! That’s crazy, but I guess that’s to be expected. My knowledge of the show and deep love for the characters got me this far, but I need to work on my actual story boarding skills (keo said my struggles are in composition and scaling) to stay!! 💪🏼 I’m taking this… as a not yet, not a no. I’m already on their radar, in their database, I’m incredibly lucky I got to make my THIRD connection in the studio, I just need to work on myself until I can arrive. I’m so grateful for all the support from friends family and industry moots to get me this far, it’s only the beginning of the year but I don’t think anything could top what happened to me this March!!!!!
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Admire - Savor - Devour
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A.k.a The Swap girls and what they’re doing with the forbidden fruit 🍎 look at them, they’re all Pink!
I drew this a while ago when we talked about our girls and how they should developed in the Swap AU. Many interesting thoughts bubbled and I think my little Dolly, despite not willing to take any bite for now, is contenting to enjoy her Love like this. For now.
Featured Eri of @hakusins and Aphrodite of @just-dol-headshots
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virenkinnie · 6 months
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working my ass off to update my comms page because i need some extra cash 😔😔😔🙏
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geosaurus · 10 months
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Get Your Life Together AU
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tassodelmiele · 2 months
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Please don't look too much at the hands, i was in a hurry to draw my princess in gold and lovely smile and i forget how fingers work.
I swear to god, one day i'll give her a proper portait, with details and everything.
I like her so much T_T
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kani-miso · 2 months
more to contribute to es and sigmund freud family
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loupy-mongoose · 9 months
In your new comic, is the dark spot on the ground meant to be Ayoka's twin?
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I don't know if these are from the same anon or not, but I'mma lump 'em together. X3
The Mew at the start is indeed Persim and Akoya's father. He likely won't be involved in the story any time soon, so I'll say here that his name is Ridge.
The dark spot is the grave of the twin, so kinda. XD He went to bury her. :(
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pelagaye · 1 year
that distant shore
fandom: honkai star rail pairing: gepard landau x reader summary: oceans don't exist on jarilo-vi anymore and there’s really nothing for gepard to change that. but the way how you speak fondly of that distant shore none of you have truly seen influences the affections he holds for you to do something about it. notes: it makes me unhappy that the eternal freeze on belobog might not ever disappear and this fic is just here to comfort me through that fact
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there's an abundance of reading materials within qlipoth fort for anyone to delve themselves with.
you're one of the many few, along with pela, who actually takes advantage of this and bronya insists that you pay no mind about the hours that practically glues you to the pages of the novels you read, reassuring the fact that you may actually stay much longer than necessary when your responsibilities are accomplished.
it's not an issue in any way to the newly assigned supreme guardian because aside from the fact you are one of her appointed head officials, she's pretty much aware of the fact that the only thing that can make you pause from your reading is a captain of the silvermane guards who'd lean on the entrance of the door frame with all of his duties finally done to let you know it's getting darker outside.
gathering your things, gepard helps you up from your seat on the floor cushion, his hands lingering onto yours longer than intended before a phrase of gratitude parts from your lips.
it's a routine for the both you at this point. occurrences that you both are secretly thankful for to have in your lives while everything is constant.
such as the wind that caresses your cheeks during the start of your late night walk with gepard, the soft smile you offer to your favorite companion as a conversation makes an opening between yourselves, the consistent cold that envelopes belobog–
ah. the consistent cold that envelopes belobog, the eternal freeze. others would even call it the ice age. but no matter the name it holds, the infamous snowstorm will always leave a bitter taste on your mouth.
because how is that, even when it has ended thanks to a group of trailblazers that saved the planet, its ecological effects remain constant with everything else.
"have i ever told you about the ocean?" you inquire the blond beside you.
gepard gives you a short nod knowing you already had, at least more than a hundred times before already.
you always loved the ocean, despite haven't even seeing it.
so you tell gepard everything you've learned about it.
you’d tell him about the sand that meets with the mass of water on the other side and how its waves, described to be water that moves in rhythm as if they were dancing, would apparently wash up beautiful treasures of various kinds known as shells and possibly corals.
gepard doesn’t fail to admire you as you continue your rambling about the body of water despite the cold that’s freezing your outsides. he listens to each and every detail you continue to share. it does make him wonder if it had ever keep you up at night as you can only yearn for the ocean shore that may serve you as the lullaby you heavily desire for those sleepless nights.
"but if you really think about it, not one person in belobog knows the basics to swimming."
"and you do?"
"is my obsession not enough to convince you?
chuckles dispersed from the both of you and it is enough for gepard to relax himself that despite everything, the ocean is still a source of your happiness. what a tough rival he has before him, indeed.
"when the time comes where i no longer need the novels to tell me about that distant shore, you'll be the first to tag along with me."
the expression on gepard's face changes. nothing too extreme but with one brow rising up, he had to seek your reasons.
you're the only one gently laughing now as you turn to him. gepard feels his ears burning at how precious you appear in front of him before you speak again.
"to see if the rumors are true, of course! you'll be like my second witness, and we'll confirm information together like- like if the sea is really blue! just like the sky-"
just like your eyes.
"and how salty the ocean can be! it'll mean the world to me!"
knowing you'll also be there too.
gepard shakes his head with a smile on his face, he can't just say no to you with every endearment he has saved for the person that you are.
this brings a similar smile to your own and it stays there for awhile, that is, until the cold weather makes its presence known once again, forcing the expression on your face to turn.
"if only we would still be young enough by then to reach it," you sigh. "oh aeons, what a childish dream it actually is."
it is anything but childish, gepard thinks to himself. but you are foolish to say the least because he's more than willing to grow old with you and make that dream of yours come true.
but for now, the both of you can only find such satisfaction with only each other. and in some way or another, it was enough.
four days. it's exactly four days after since that night with gepard. he continues to walk you home, of course. with an exception of last night that is, saying he had to run around for some errands.
you, having no need for the blond to elaborate any further, still wonders about it. not that it bothers or anything, definitely not, but eventually the theories in your mind fades upon seeing a tiny box on your office desk.
beside the box is a note indicating it's fragility, the messy handwriting almost too familiar.
and when you do open the gift, the item inside flusters yourself, making you want to treasure the miniature sphere for life.
"oh? another letter?"
to the ocean's beloved marine admirer,
if i had all power in the galaxy, i'd drag multiple body masses of water to where we are today for the sake of your adoration for them, as my adoration for you exceeds that. to tell you the truth, these oceans you speak of makes my heart experience jealousy at times with the way you are so passionate about the idea and concepts surrounding them. still, it has not stopped me from crafting this ornament you hold now. it's called a "snow globe" according to writings but instead of snow, i got help from my sister with assembling it to resemble a sunny bright beach with the distant shore you hope for. may it be to your liking. and oh, do tell me what you think about it the moment we are to cross paths again. you see, i may have been working on it these past days so i apologize if the secrecy had made you suspect badly of me but i have done it with all of my genuine sentiments.
i look forward on taking your offer of witnessing the sun reflecting its rays on the ocean and the irresistible smile that'll loom on your face right after as the scent of the saltiness reaches our noses.
sincerely yours, g. landau
the moment the letter ends, all we may surmise now is an unsuspecting gepard who is confronted by you, his face turning red. gepard, who no longer received a thank you from your lips, instead, it's a soft impact you had on his cheeks. and you, who has fallen deeply in love with the ocean, can say this much: that your heart belongs where it has to be.
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kyurochurro · 1 year
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yeehaw pardner...
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tainted-sweet-meats · 2 months
Yay I was accepted and will be tabling at Furrydelphia 2024 in August. Have yet to get the day exactly, other than it being on a Saturday but I asked and I'm just waiting for the reply. I have so many yummy prints for sale and will be selling originals and offering in-person commissions. But I'm just happy to get another table again. You can keep up with my cons list on my website sidebar here.
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jensensfanfic · 1 year
can you do prompt 23 from that prompt list you reblogged with ellie williams? where the reader is the one saying it to her <3
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pairing: young!ellie x gn!reader
prompt: #23 from this list
tw: injury description, blood, lmk if i should add smth else here
word count: 778
a/n: thank you so much for being my first ellie request! -> this is set in winter, after joel is mostly all better. that's basically all that is plot-related. also, no mentions of gender or y/n. -> got lazy with the title, might change it later.
thank you to my two betas on this one 💖 @wolfchild28 & @first-kanaphan
You misjudge how heavy the door in front of you is as you push it with as much might as you can muster in your current state. The force causes you to tumble when said door flies open with ease. It hits the wall and then bounces back, hitting your side. A strong arm catches you before you can fall. 
"Woah, woah, woah. Easy." Ellie's arm wraps around your waist. Her other hand takes yours and pulls it around her shoulders. "I gotcha." 
Your exasperated sigh and eye roll combo is ignored as Ellie glances around the empty house looking for somewhere to sit. Clearly, she finds it as she guides you over, releasing your hand slung over her shoulder to brush away some old newspapers. 
"Here we go. Sit down." 
"Really? Ellie, it's not that bad. I just slipped in the goddamn snow. Shouldn't we be more worried about Joel." 
"All good here." Right on cue, Joel enters the house, closing the door behind him. He leans over the sofa, where you are now sitting with Ellie. His eyes find the wound on your arm. "You need to patch that up, though. Then we can get moving if you're feeling good." 
While running from some rather unpleasant people, you'd simply tripped and fell in the snow, your knife sliding free from your grip. Then, somehow, you had managed to land on the blade, an almost perfect straight gash. 
You were running from people, with bats and axes, bows, and guns of all kinds… yet you'd ruined your injury-free streak of four days via your own weapon and your clumsiness. 
"Ellie? You, uh -" Joel looks at your bloody arm and then at your friend. "You got this?"
"Got it." 
"Good. I'm gonna check out the place and see if there's anything we can use." 
"'Course." Ellie shuffles closer as she lays out some things in the little space between you. "Okay. We got some bandages that look… clean enough. We have our handy dandy rags, and then… some water." 
Ellie begins cleaning up the wound, whispering apologies whenever you wince. It takes just a few minutes for her to deem it clean enough before she starts to wrap. "It's not deep enough that you need stitches, I don't think. Not that we have any anyway. I think you're just a bleeder, huh?" 
"Guess so."
"Think Joel'll find anything good? Maybe more comics?" 
"'Cos I really can't handle these cliffhangers." 
"Mm." You stare off past Ellie into the kitchen area where a little jar of old hot chocolate sits. Ellie notices and follows your line of vision. "Hot chocolate. Have you ever had it?" 
"Nope." You glanced down to see that Ellie has finished. Her hand still lingers over your secured bandage, but you ignore it. "Should we get moving now?" 
"Wait." Ellie frowns. "What about your arm? Do you feel okay?" 
"Yeah. I mean, it hurts a little still, but‐" 
"What about everything else? Legs, neck? You feel pretty hard. Maybe we should just rest here for the night." 
"Why? I'm fine." You sigh loudly and then push yourself up from the sofa all too quickly. Your head immediately starts to spin, and you lose your balance, falling right back down again. 
"See. You might have hit your head. We should sleep. Joel won't mind." "Ugh, fine." You cross your arms and pull your knees up to your chest. "But this is stupid." 
"Well, we can't keep going if you're dizzy. You could break a bone or something next time." Ellie gently puts a hand on your shoulder. "Hey. Why are you always so stubborn with this stuff? We can't keep going if one of us is hurt… and we are not leaving you behind, if you even think about–" 
"I wasn't gonna say that, I-"
Your eyes find hers, and you only see genuine concern and kindness. She's worried about you, you know that. You can see it, but your mind, your past, it won't let you believe it. 
"What?" Ellie pushes because she always does, always tries. "You can tell me anything."
“It’s hard to get used to…" 
"What is?" 
“Being someone that someone cares for…” 
"Oh." Ellie's eyes widen slightly, her mind more than likely racing with possibilities of what could've happened to lead you to think this way. "Well, I'm a persistent person. I will make sure you know how much I care about you… as long as it takes, even if that's forever."
"You promise?" 
Ellie's hand falls from your shoulder, and then she wiggles her pinky finger between you. You link yours with hers, as she whispers, "Promise."
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picklepiecow · 1 month
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Don't know why, but I decided to use these two DR bases to make some new outfits for some of those OC sprites I made a while back...plus one more! The full credit for Cherry's sash goes to this link; it's the coolest thing ever tbh
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alvodra · 4 months
hey for the wip asks, tell me more abt full moon in the wrong night and elizabeth's diary?
So ... I'm gonna do this by memory. And I don't remember that much because while they're technically works in progress, I haven't written for them in years. I'm just not willing to let them go.
Full moon in the wrong night follows a girl who finds out that her uncle (that she never met before) is a werewolf. He takes her to his pack where she meets all these interesting people that kinda scare her but are also pretty cool. It also includes magic necklaces that are important to the vampires, so the vampires are after the girl and the necklace. It's a fight between good and evil but it's not really clear who's good and who's evil.
Elizabeth's diary is completely written as diary entries of a girl who was turned into a vampire and then left alone in an 1800ish setting. She tries to figure out what happened to her while also fighting against the blood lust that gets stronger with every entry until she ultimately decides to leave the town and go into the forest where she finds a lot of other mythical creatures.
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aurora--dragon · 11 months
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Water color experiment or smth i guess... idk...
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