#but I love them for the potential of what they could be from loving peter and MJ
yuripira4e · 11 months
Juno is fr going through an arc rn like say what you will about whether he’s in the right or not but this lady is being so so casual about everything like if he can just fix it then it’ll all be *fine* and eventually he’s going to realize he cannot and our lady is going to actually breakdown me thinks
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neil-gaiman · 2 years
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I found myself having, not exactly an argument recently, but a highly opinionated conversation with someone who did not believe my assertion that once upon a time there were official Hello Kitty vibrators. With the aid of the Wayback Machine, I found this article, and thought the world at large might enjoy it too...
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Here's the text of the article:
The history of the Hello Kitty vibrator
By Peter Payne October 4, 2004
Sanrio is one of the top character licensors in the world, having more or less created the business model of doing business by creating something that doesn't really exist and licensing its use to other companies. Sanrio produces nothing -- all their characters, like the Little Twin Star, Minna no Ta-bo, Bad Batz-Maru, exist as legal entities and nothing more. Their most successful character, Hello Kitty, or Kitty-chan as she's known in Japan, is now now thirty years old.
One of the many companies that license Sanrio's characters for their products was a Japanese company called Genyo Co. Ltd. Genyo made a wide variety of products, from bento boxes to children's toys to chopsticks, many with the Hello Kitty character on them. They scored big in the late 1990's with an off-the-wall hit, a series of Hello Kitty toys which featured a different Kitty figure from each of Japan's 47 prefectures, each representing something the prefecture was famous for. (The figure from Gunma Prefecture, where we live, represented a wooden kokeshi doll.)
In 1997, Genyo designed a product that would live in infamy: the Hello Kitty vibrating shoulder massager, which really is a shoulder massager (trust us -- it says so on the package). Sanrio approved this design without batting an eye, and the product enjoyed modest sales in toy shops and in family restaurants like Denny's and Coco's. It wasn't until 1999 or so that people began to catch on to the fact that the Hello Kitty massager had other potential uses, and with amazing speed, they started popping up in adult videos in Japan. The next thing anyone knew, they had changed into a cult adult item, sold in vending machines in love hotels -- after all, what self-respecting man wouldn't buy his girl a Hello Kitty vibrator when she asked him for one?
The emergence of the Hello Kitty vibrator as a cult adult item caused friction between Sanrio and Genyo, and Sanrio ordered the company to stop making the units. Genyo refused, since it had paid a lot of money to license Kitty for their products. There seemed nothing Sanrio could do, since they had approved the item for sale (see the official Sanrio sticker on the boxes). The answer came when the Japanese tax authorities raided Genyo on suspicion of tax evasion. It seems that some creative accounting was going on between the president of the company, a Mr. Nakamura, his vice president, and the owner of the factory in China where the units were made. All three were arrested, and Sanrio had the excuse needed to yank Genyo's license. They seized the molds used to make the vibrators and destroyed them.
And so, the sad, weird chapter of the Hello Kitty vibrator is at an end. The last of the Kitty vibes are gone, so now what will the world do for wacky comic -- and sexual -- relief?
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ellecdc · 2 months
Can we get a James potter pregnancy fic like the moon water one? I just on ow he’d be so sweet and doting and wouldn’t let you lift a finger.
it's so true though - he would be a master coddler, & sorry to leave you waiting since April, this fic gave me a run for my money 🥺
James Potter x pregnant wife!reader who interrupts game night
CW: mentions of pregnancy, gambling?
Sirius was not too proud to admit that he felt immediately guilty when he realised the mistake he had made.
As you got further along in your pregnancy, James had become increasingly less inclined to leave your side for any extended amount of time.
It got to the point that James actually took a leave of absence from work, and was now debating whether or not he’d ever go back once the baby was born. 
Remus, Sirius, and Peter all had bets on how long that was going to last, knowing how…involved James could be, not withstanding the potential pregnancy hormone related fits of anger and exhaustion. 
So, this week's game night (and likely every remaining one until perhaps your child went to Hogwarts) was being hosted at James’.
“Sorry boys, I just don’t want to risk not being here in case she needs anything, you know?” He had said. 
And they did know; and quite frankly, Sirius was looking forward to not having to clean up after his sodding friends, so there were no complaints from him or Moony. And your place was closer to Peter’s flat, so he was happy for an excuse to take an evening stroll.
So when the four friends were sitting around a circular dining table, bickering over whose turn it was in their game of muggle poker and you were - what was only now very clear to Sirius - tiptoeing down the stairs of your townhouse, Sirius really shouldn’t have made your presence known. 
“What are you doing up?” James asked as he quickly dropped his cards - face down, dammit - onto the table to make his way over to you after being alerted to your presence by Sirius’ traitorous smile and wave.
“I just wanted a snack, Jamie.” You admitted, half bashful and half frustrated at the fussing, though you accepted James' embrace willingly.
Sirius thought the hug looked awkward, seeing as how the two of you needed to leave so much room for your belly. 
“You should’ve told me, angel; I would have gotten it for you.” He chided gently as he ushered you (forced you) into his seat with a gentle hand on your back.
You smiled apologetically at the boys as you sat in James’ seat with only a small groan and a hand on your belly.
“Sorry, Trouble.” Sirius apologised quickly. But you - the sweet ‘angel’ that you were - simply waved him off. 
“Even if I had made it to the kitchen, he would have heard me rummaging in the fridge.” You said simply, picking up James’ cards and reorganising them.
“Has he got anything good?” Peter asked quickly, causing you to shake your head no before putting the cards back down.
“Damn sod’s been bluffing; he was always such a terrible liar at Hogwarts when he was the lookout for our pranks, how on earth can he bluff?” Remus asked incredulously as he dropped his own hand down on the table (face down, damnit). 
“He’s not bluffing; I don’t think he has a clue how to play this game.” You explained simply.
“You should come to all of our game nights.” Sirius chuckled as he gently nudged your arm with his elbow. 
You chuckled and looked towards the kitchen. “The point of gamenights was for you four to get together, and for me to have a quiet house.”
“Please.” James called as he made his way out of the kitchen with a tray of various treats in one hand and a large cup of ice water in the other. “You gave up having a quiet house the second you said ‘I do’.” 
You accepted a loving kiss to your temple as he handed the cup of water to you and placed the tray in front of you on top of his cards. 
If Sirius didn’t get a peak at someone’s cards really fucking soon-
“How many more weeks do you have?” Remus asked you then; probably a polite thing to ask a pregnant couple but Sirius was a little preoccupied wondering if there was an X-ray vision spell he could use to see through Peter’s cards. 
“Too many.” You responded as James offered a jovial “It’s gone by so quickly!” 
“Jamie, I really don’t think you get to say that.” You admonished him, though Sirius could tell the furrow of your brows was all for show. 
“What? Why? I feel like this pregnancy has just flown by!” 
“Oh, well I’m very glad you feel that way.” You sneered. “But you’re not the one who had to stretch and grow and carry around a bowling ball.”
Sirius felt himself swallow nervously in James’ honour, but the dumb sod simply beamed at you lovingly and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “It’s because you’ve done it so beautifully, angel; you made it look easy.”
And damn James and his smoothness; he had even Sirius blushing.  
“Alright, I’m in.” Remus announced then as he pushed a pile of chips towards the centre of the table.
“Me too.” Peter agreed as he followed in suit.
Sirius felt like he was grasping at billywigs, but he felt he had a better chance than James, so he, too, bet a couple of chips. 
“What say you, Prongs?” Peter asked then.
James turned back to the game, looking surprised as if he’d forgotten they’d been playing at all.
“Oh, I fold.” He said simply.
“What!?” Sirius screeched as he threw his cards down on the table. 
Remus made an exasperated groaning sound as he also placed his cards face up.
“Yeah, I had nothing.” James responded with a casual shrug.
“Nice.” Peter murmured quietly as he took in the state of Remus and Sirius’ cards before placing his own down on the table and pulling the chips towards himself.
“For fucks sake!” Sirius shouted.
“Pads! Little ears!” James chided.
“Are they even fully developed yet?” Sirius muttered back, earning him a swat up the back of the head from his boyfriend. 
“Oh yes.” You said solemnly. “Babe has been very active everytime Uncle Pads talks.”
Sirius paused in his tussle with Moony to whip his head towards you. “Really!?”
You smiled and nodded, holding your hand out for his which he took willingly and allowed you to place it to a particularly hard spot on your stomach.
“Say something.” You instructed.
“I solemnly swear I am up to no good!” He chanted, the end of his sentence rising an octave (or two, if you asked Moony) when he felt a little kick right underneath his hand. “Oh my godric!”
“I wanna feel.” Remus murmured as he reached over his boyfriend to swap places.
“Mischief managed.” Sirius continued, feeling the slight jump of excitement in Remus’ body at the movement he obviously felt beneath his hand. 
“Oh gods, you’re gonna have a trouble maker.” Peter remarked with a shake of his head, though his smile let you know the comment was made in jest. 
“Oh, there was never any doubt about that, considering who the father is.” You quipped back, smiling lovingly up at James who simply beamed down at you in turn. 
“Well, I’ll get out of your hair, boys.” You said as you made to stand. “Let you get back to your games.” 
Your sentence was met with a round of dissent. 
“No, no mama. We’ll leave.” Sirius argued as he too stood. 
“What? Why are we leaving!?” Pete asked then.
“Peter, you already took all our money, leave the expecting parents to their evening, yeah?” Remus reprimanded, causing the three of them to look over only to see James blanketed over you from behind with both of his hands resting on your stomach as he murmured softly into your ear.
Your eyes were closed as you allowed James to rock the two of you back and forth with a soft smile spread across your face. 
“Come on Petey, we’re officially intruding.” Sirius added as he tossed another chip at his friend. “Take this for the road - I’ll be winning it all back at our next game night.”
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blackbyakko · 1 month
In Defense of Vanessa
All of the peeps hating on Vanessa and Wade ‘a relationship in Deadpool 3 need to expand their imaginations a bit lol.
Do you think Vanessa, the woman who fought so so hard to keep Wades spirits up when he got his cancer diagnosis, whose after fucking DYING in the second film told him that he had to continue on living and supported him to live a good life despite her not being in it, and upon seeing Wade after he ghosted her and then showed back up looking SOOOOO fugly (he’s adorably fugly) and her first reaction was to look lovingly into this man’s eyes and say “That is a face that I’d be happy to sit on”, would just simply LEAVE him? Just like that???
Y’all, I think we saw a different film lol.
Almost everyone in Wade’s life, has either belittled him, or have actively shown their distaste for him known at some point (Peter, Yukio, and Dopender my beloveds, we’re not talking about you). Vanessa from the get-go, matched Wade’s freak. When we saw Wade’s flashback of their break up, Vanessa never said that she wanted to break up with him. We heard HIM Say that if she wanted to leave him to get it over with already. One of Wades biggest character flaws throughout the film has been that he pushes people away through humor and through insults because he is terrified of being vulnerable with them. Vanessa is the only person throughout the films that, even when he’s hurt, he lets himself be vulnerable around her, even post break up. Vanessa didn’t want to leave him, she wanted him to be a better version of himself, because he was wallowing, and not allowing himself to look beyond his insecurities.
Sometimes, doing things for ourselves, for the sake of bettering ourselves is not enough motivation. Wade was not willing to pick himself up and try to live up to his potential until Vanessa encouraged him to. I don’t think she cared if he ever became an avenger or not, but what she cared about was that he had all this potential and no direction and she could see how it was eating him up inside. Why is everyone else in Wade’s life around allowed to rude to him and tell him straight up he’s being a fuckhead, but Vanessa telling him he needs to pick himself up when he takes a knee or asking him to let her walk with him, and when he refuses to do so, wnd gives him some distance when HE PUSHED HER AWAY, makes her the bad guy. You could tell it hurt her when he asked if she was seeing anyone. And that handhold? She absolutely took him back lol. And that’s good! Deadpool is not someone who would sacrifice a loved one to save the world, he would sacrifice the world to save a loved one. And Vanessa is the same, being ride or die from the beginning, and I will not hear her name besmirched.
Also are you really going to tell me that she saw fucking WOLVERINE and didn’t turn to her man and say, “We’re tag teaming him right?” Or that she saw a free child in X23 and didn’t turn to Wade and say “We wanted a kid, so we’re adopting her right?”
Use your imagination people lol. Vanessa would be the first person to drag Wolverine and X23 into their family. She gets a hot new husband and a kid, Wolverine gets a hot new wife and a husband, and X23 gets a new mom and two dads. Everyone wins!
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leclercsainzz · 10 months
hello love x
i was wondering if you could potentially do one where the reader is an actress and is in the new hunger games movies and everyone ships her with tom but she’s also dating lando … could you make a love triangle situation with these two?? like maybe she hangs out with tom more than lando or something idk lol u can come up with anything (you can decide who the endgame is) sort of like a illicit affair or where maybe she is seeing tom and everyone is aware of it idk??? (at this point im just saying nonsense i think lol)
PAIRINGS: lando norris x gf!reader / tom blyth x fem!reader
TYPE: social media au
WARNING: // cheating implied
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5
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liked by landonorris, tomblyth and 689,736 others
yourusername: making this movie was hands-down one of the best experiences of my life thus far! i cannot wait to share more behind the scenes content with you all:)) and with only one week to spare .. see you out there on our press tour!
view 5,846 comments
landonorris: can’t wait!
landonorris: proud of you, my love!! ❤️
↳ yourusername: ilyyyyy 😘
↳ user: lando being a supportive bf >>>
↳ user: alexa, how to get my own lando norris?? 😭
user: she’s so pretty, i can’t
user: after reading the book, i just know this movies gonna break me 😩😩😩😩
user: i have been looking forward to this movie since they announced it, can’t believe we’re only one week away
joshandresrivera: who’s the cute guy at the end??
↳ yourusername: just some guy i know 🤷🏻‍♀️
user: caNnot wait, omggggg
user: read the book and idk if i’m mentally prepared
user: you look soo good 😩😩😩
songbirdsandsnakes: our lucy gray ❤️❤️
user: i’m actually freaking tf out about this alapapalddbsod
oscarpiastri: can i get free tickets?
↳ yourusername: absolutely!
↳ user: i love this duo so much 🤣
user: movie of the year incoming????
user: the movie hasn’t even come out yet and the amount of snow x lucy gray edits i’ve seen just from the trailer alone 😩
↳ user: i just know once the movie comes out they’ll be all over tiktok …. i can’t wait tho!!!!!!
user: i just realized that jason schwartman, viola davis, and peter dinklage are in this too!!! alwnsofnf
user: i’ve seen the trailer like 10+ times, can’t wait!!
hunterschafar: ❤️
user: will josh and jlaw be in this??
↳ user: noooo 💀 bro, this is set 64 years before them
user: she’s playing lucy gray right???
↳ user: yes
user: can’t wait for all the interviews omg!!!!
user: yn and the hunger games???? SIGN ME TF UPPP
user: soo excited over this
user: i wonder if lando will be attending the premiere
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 675,758 others
yourusername: last race with my favorite boyyy 🥺🧡
tagged: @landonorris
view 4,846 comments
user: LAST RACE??? WHYYY????
↳ user: she starts press tour tomorrow for the hunger games
user: ima miss seeing you in the paddock 😩
user: ima miss you in the paddock 😩 but i cannot wait for the hunger games press interviews
user: his smile 😩😩
user: my fav papayas 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 + oscar
user: the first pic 😭😭
user: last race??? nooooooo
user: wait, im confused …. why’s she leaving???
user: gonna miss you
user: last pic 😩
user: YN?!?!!? YOURE LEAVING??!?? 😭😭😭😭😭
user: my favssssss 🧡
user: ya’ll acting as if she’s leaving forever and won’t see her again lmaooo 🤣 she’s doing press tour bc the movie she’s in comes out in a week
landonorris: 😘😘😘
landonorris: gonna miss your cute face 🥺
↳ yourusername: gonna miss you tooo, pretty boy 🥺
user: the way he smiles around her
user: wait when is she leaving???
↳ yourusername: a little after the race
↳ user: wait why tho??
↳ user: she starts press tour tomorrow since her movie comes out next week lol
oscarpiastri: that smile thoooo 🤭
user: where is she going????
user: THE best couple
user: what movie is she going for?
↳ user: the hunger games
↳ user: WAIT FRR????? is it the new one???
user: parents, frrrrr 😍
user: can’t wait for press tour, i just know she’s gonna slay
carlossainz55: pic creds to me, thank you 💁🏻‍♂️
↳ yourusername: 🙄🙄🙄 yea yea
↳ landonorris: 😘
↳ user: ynlando who??? i only know carlando ❤️🧡
user: they’re the reason i believe in love ❤️❤️
user: the way he looks at her, bro 😭😭😭
↳ user: he’s sooo in love, i can’t 😩😩
user: we won’t see ynlando for a while 😭
user: my ynlando heart 😍😍😍❤️❤️
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liked by landonorris, hunterschafer and 689,945 others
yourusername: thank you, berlin ❤️ @thehungergames
tagged: @tomblyth @hunterschafer @joshandresrivera
view 7,526 comments
user: he’s sooo fine!! but he looks EXTRA FINE with the buzz cut & blonde hair 😮‍💨
📌 pinned
↳ yourusername: told yaaaa @tomblyth
joshandresrivera: ohh hiiii 👋🏼
user: yn came to serve
user: tom’s the new white boy of the month!!!
user: tom’s soo good looking 😩
user: she’s so beautiful 😍😍
hunterschafer: WERK
↳ yourusername: are we about to kiss rn?
user: okay but why do i ship her and tom?? 🫣
user: idc what anyone says, she looks gorgeous! 😍
user: ngl but tom and yn look good together 🤷🏻‍♀️
↳ user: she’s got a bf and he’s got a gf
user: this man’s gorgeous but i also gotta remember he’s the one responsible for finnick’s death
↳ yourusername: same bestie 🥺
user: okay but her and tom look soo good 😩😩
landonorris: stunning 😍
landonorris: you’re gorgeous
↳ yourusername: 😘😘😘😘
↳ user: them >>>
↳ user: missing them rn 😩😩
user: dress is gorgeous! she’s gorgeous! i just don’t like the top of the dress, if i’m being honest
tomblyth: ❤️❤️
user: cannot wait till the movie is out!!!!
user: tHe second slide and fourth slide slandnslsmd
user: oBSESSED 😩😩😩😩
user: i can already tell yn and tom are gonna be my fav duo
user: tom tho 😍
user: you look soo beautiful, i can’t 😩
user: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
user: i’m already a simp for president snow, and the movie hasn’t even come out yet
user: TOM, OMG 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
user: THE WAY SHE PINNED THAT ONE COMMENT 😂 yn being a coriolanus simp confirmed???
user: everything about you is soo slayyyyyyyyyy
user: nothing beats the original cast but they all look sooooo good, i can’t even lie
user: the dress reference 🤩
user: is it just me or does tom look better with the buzz cut and blonde hair???
↳ yourusername: you’re not the only one 😩 ive told him several times!!!!!!
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liked by joshandresrivera, landonorris and 699,947 others
yourusername: world premiere for @thehungergames 🇬🇧
view 6,836 comments
user: i ship
user: why do they look so in love in that third slide??
joshandresrivera: 🧡
user: yn, babe, where’s lando????
user: that don’t look like lando to me 👀
user: the chemistry is INSANE 😮‍💨
landonorris: you’re killing it, babe ❤️
↳ yourusername: 😘😘 love yaa
↳ landonorris: i love you moreeee 😘
↳ user: parents 😭😭😭
user: i hope her and tom date, they look so good together
user: ya’ll gotta stop shipping tom and yn, yn’s literally dating lando and tom’s got a girlfriend
user: tom and her look so good 😩😩😩
tomblyth: love you, gorgeous ❤️
↳ yourusername: ❤️❤️
↳ user: IM SORRY WHAT??!???
↳ user: excuse me??? sir????
user: the chemistry is INSANE
user: he called her gorgeous 😭😭😭 brb gonna go cry
hunterschafer: YUPPPPP
hunterschafer: serving as always!
user: obsessed with you and tom 😍😍😍
user: if i were lando, i would be crying in a corner rn
user: why do they look like a couple in that third slide??
user: toMs’S COMMENT!! he called her gorgeous
user: ya’ll shipping her with tom as if she doesn’t have a bf
↳ user: have you ever heard of cheating??
user: ya’ll see the interview?? she called him delicious and said that it’s so easy to fall in love with him 😭😭
↳ user: she said, “and getting to work with that is delicious to an actor like me” bffr she never said anything about it being easy to fall in love with him 🙄
↳ user: actually she did proceed to talk about how easy it is to fall in love with him?????? if anything you bffr
user: @landonorris come get your girl
user: she’s so touchy with him 🙄🙄🙄🙄
user: we’re all thinking the same thing right?? 😏
user: they’re definitely fucking around
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liked by yourusername, hunterschafer and 678,927 others
tomblyth: thank you, l.a. 🤩
tagged: @yourusername @joshandresrivera @hunterschafer
view 5,936 comments
user: ngl but yn and tom look cute together
user: PARENTS FRRRR 😍😍😍😍😍
user: lando & yn >>>>>
user: they have sm tension
user: ya’ll are crazy if you think yn would leave lando for tom
↳ user: and youre crazy for not thinking that maybe yn already cheated on lando with tom 🫢
user: @landonorris @landonorris @landonorris
user: lando’s busy trying to win a race while yn’s busy fooling around with tom
yourusername: SNOW FALLS ON TOP!!!
↳ user: yes, on top of you
↳ user: nahhhhh 😭😭😭
user: how’d you know about the tattoo??? 👀
yourusername: love yaaaa ❤️
↳ tomblyth: back at you! ❤️
↳ user: @landonorris
hunterschafer: cute
↳ user: how does it feel to third wheel all the time?
user: yn’s literally soo gorgeous!!! 😩
user: if i were yn, i’d be all over him too, idcccc
user: lando’s stronger than me bc if my gf was like this with another man id be going apeshit
user: they’re 100% having an affair
↳ user: ohh definitely!
↳ user: the fact that he knew about her tattoo that none of us knew about says a lot!!!! this man has explored her body
user: yntom >>> ❤️❤️❤️
user: i wonder if lando knows about the tattoo tom was referring to
↳ user: that man is clueless like the rest of us
user: @landonorris
user: not ppl tagging lando 😭😭
↳ user: he’s gottta open his eyes
↳ user: @landonorris
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— author’s note: this is simply for the story, i’m aware that rachael and tom both have partners
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leaawrites · 7 months
Valentine's day kisses
Percy Jackson x Daughter of Apollo reader
Warnings: fluff, kisses, valentine's day mentioned,
Summary: Percy brings flowers in hope of getting a Valentine
For everyone who needs a bit of love today! I love and appreciate you all so dearly <3
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The first thing she woke up to was a fresh Bouquet of flowers beside her bed. Y/n looked around the room, trying to figure out who the mysterious sender was. No one looked at her in a way that told her they were it, they all only looked at her in expectation. None of her brother’s or sisters knew who had smuggled the flowers in here. Or more importantly, who was crazy enough to sneak into the Apollo cabin before dawn to surprise someone.
Apollo kids were always the first to wake, but not today. Today it was someone who wasn’t too afraid of potentially getting caught, but too bashful to admit that they were it.
“Looks like you’ve got a Valentine,” Laura chirped in from across the other side of the cabin, making the others laugh.
Y/n looked down, flowers in her hand, cheeks growing red. Whoever it was, she wanted to know who they were.
“Are you going to find out who it was?” It felt like Laura could read her mind. That wasn’t the first time it happened. She already did it when Y/n stared into the distance at one of their traditional campfires.
“He’s cute, I know. But stop thinking about him,” she told her back then.
“Who are you talking about?” Y/n asked since she wasn’t looking at anyone in particular.
“The new kid. Peter?” Laura guessed his name wrong.
“Percy,” Y/n corrected her.
She guessed wrong on purpose.
Y/n looked at her best friend, she knew her all too well.
“Of course, I will,” she answered confidently. Even though she had no idea where to start. “But where?”
“What is with outside the cabin?” Another camper said as he walked through the door.
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at 1. How he knew about what they were talking about and 2. What he meant by it. The girl pushed her blanket away from her body, freeing her legs from the heat. The cold morning air hit her bare skin the moment she stepped outside the cabin. Everyone was watching her as she walked outside. She had no idea who or what would be outside, until she saw Percy Jackson leaning against the wall of Cabin 7.
“Percy Jackson,” she mused. “What brought you out here this early?”
“So, you like them?” He asked, partly answering her question, when only vague.
“You slipped the flowers beside my bed?” Y/n asked holding his gaze. She was always someone who would look the person she was talking to in the eyes out of respect.
“Happy Valentine’s day.” He smiled at her like a innocent boy.
Y/n laughed at him and his unusual shyness. He acted all relaxed when he was still leaning against the wall, but now that he’s face to face with the girl he secretly admired, the words left his mouth. There was no other sound coming from his vocal chords but a small laugh when he heard hers.
“Thank you,” she said, kissing his cheek in gratefulness. “What about, I get dressed and then we could go down to the lake or so?” She asked, trying to stop the tension between them.
“Yes,” he answered, smiling at her still. “Or you could teach me how to use bow and arrow?”
“I’m not sure if that will end well,” she said, amused at the memory of his first try with the gear.
“I mean, I’m a fast learner,” he shrugged, playing the embarrassing off with a cool facade.
“Sure you are,” Y/n said, before disappearing again into her cabin to get dressed for the day ahead.
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cxlamarisalxmi · 1 year
Being a variant and being on Miles’ side [GN]
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[Platonic Headcanons]
c/w: major spoilers, gender neutral terms and pronouns (they/them), no gendered terms used to describe reader, canon inaccuracies? I’m not really sure I’d just gone off what I had perceived from the movie
• Miguel and Jessica had been keeping a keen eye on the teenager spider variant (you) from Earth-2315126 since you’d been bitten at five years old
• Strange thing was your father; Peter Parker was also bit, which meant your dimension had two spider variants as opposed to one— not unheard of but not common either
• It was fortunate for you however because you had someone to teach you, show you the ropes, the fact that it was your father who had become your mentor was only the icing on the cake
• And you were brought up into a spectacular spider variant in his care; strong, compassionate, kind
• Though despite having a father the pair kept a watchful eye on you regardless, seeing promise in your future and believing in your potential
• When you were fourteen your father was killed by Lizard, and for an entire year following you gave up on your heroic persona— hanging up your suit in the wake of your father’s death that rocked your entire world
• Being Spider-Man/Woman is about sacrifice, your father taught that to you when you began and you should’ve expected that you could not have it all
• A loving and doting father and the most badass secondary identity ever, it was always bound to happen and you should’ve prepared yourself for it
• But nobody could prepare themself for the loss of a loved one, and the ache in your chest and the burn in your stomach was something you’d never felt before— nor do you ever wish to feel it again
• So you gave up on the suit and you gave up on being the hero, eventually your Aunt May had stepped in and she scolded you pretty heavily about your state
• You didn’t think she had room to talk and she laid into you pretty hard for that comment because she most certainly did, Peter was her brother after all
• After you got it pretty good you decided that she was right, sulking about and ruining yourself wouldn’t change a damn thing, not only that but you knew your father would hate to see you like that
• You knew he wouldn’t ever force the suit upon you and you accepted that you had the choice to avoid dawning it ever again, but you also knew what he would do in your position
• He would bear the responsibility of his beloved city no matter the circumstances and no matter the heartache, because Spider-Man always gets back up
• So you stood firm upon all the valiant determination you could muster and picked your life back up again
• You got better emotionally and grew stable once more, and in the acceptance of your father’s death you had grown stronger, confident, courageous
• With you back on the streets of NYC the people of Brooklyn often voiced just how much they had missed and needed you
• And you didn’t plan on letting them down again, so despite the lack of a piece of your heart you always showed up when people needed you and you’ve not yet let them down
• Now, back to Jess and Miguel— they had known Peter would die and they had known they could not interfere as this was your canon event, the moment that would make or break you.. turns out it did both
• And they watched as you suffered through the loss, gave up on everything and everyone (including yourself) for a little over a year, worked through your pain and powered forward to overcome your grief, then became one of the strongest variants they had ever seen just before your seventeenth birthday
• Yes, they’ve been watching you for twelve years and yes, you have no idea
• It was on your seventeenth birthday that you had encountered Lizard once again, and this time he had taken enhancement drugs to increase his growth rate to tremendously rapid levels
• To say you were a bit stunned to see Lizard the size of a fucking dinosaur would be the understatement of the entire damn year
• Now, you held malicious and vengeful feelings towards Lizard for a long time in the wake of your father’s murder but it was feelings you had never ever acted upon, not even after you decided to pick up the suit once more
• As mentioned before you knew very well that the angry and hateful feeling brewing inside you at the expense of Lizard killing him could ruin you if you let it
• And that’s not where your morals lie, your beliefs and virtues are straight from those of your fathers— to be strong and courageous, righteous and pure for being Spider-Man/Woman is about hope
• So you did intend to take him down but you’d never do it with sinister intent or threatening tactics— just bring him down is all you wanted to do
• And if you were to speak honestly, it wasn’t as hard as you thought it was gonna be, obviously it was still pretty tough because hello? He’s the size of a fucking house, might as well be fighting a damn dragon
• It was easier because you’d felt at peace with yourself, and when at peace with yourself you worked harder and cleaner, jobs and protecting the city was just.. easier
• The fact the fight was easier than you expected could’ve also been because of your bite, the abilities you had gotten from it were a bit different than your father’s
• See, you’d been bit by a radioactive spider yes but it was a specific species and in accordance with that species you’d gained significantly different skills and traits
• The spider that had bit you was a Northern Wolf Spider, the arachnid gaining that name from it’s behavior of chasing, hunting and stalking prey, and in an odd turn of events you’d gained qualities that were more akin to that of a North American Timber Wolf
• Heightened senses came with the bite for every variant, and your specific qualities included; advanced stamina and strength, increased sense of sight, tremendously keen sense of smell and auditory processing, you had thick and durable fangs meant for tearing and searing
• You also bulked up a whole more more since your father passed, and in gaining more weight in pure muscle you’ve had to make your webs more durable, which helped out a lot with your fight against Lizard
• Speaking of—
“They’ve probably got it handled Miguel, is there any reason to actually go to their dimension?”
“I protect the multiverse which makes anomalies my responsibility, regardless of if that variant can handle them or not. And I’m going to have them join us.”
Jessica didn’t say much after, and she followed Miguel dutifully as he walked into the glowing orange portal. The pair flew through the multiverse for all of two seconds before a portal opened ahead of them and they were dropped onto a roof in your dimension.
“Went a bit too heavy on the ‘roids didn’t ya Doc?” The voice of a young teenager caught their ears. Just off to the side and a couple blocks away. Now facing that way they could see the large head of Lizard standing tall over the lip of the building on the distance.
“Is.. is that?—”
“Dr. Curt Connors.”
You leapt off the metal grail of the fire escape just as Lizard destroyed it with a whip of his massive tail. Using the momentum from your jump you swung a reverse axe kick to Lizard’s chin— putting enough force into it to throw his head back as you flip-jumped from him and landed on the road down below.
“I’m going to rip you apart and feast on your innards!” Lizard snarled as he recovered and glowered down at you with a sinister bear of his teeth.
“Season them well first at least, I’d suggest a nice barbecue rub!” You responded before shooting a web to the corner of the building on your left and swinging yourself into the air. Lizard roared angrily before lunging forward and attempting to catch you between his teeth. They snapped close with a chilling clamp and throaty growl from the beast.
Reaching the corner of the building you had shot your web at you leapt up and backwards flying over Lizard’s head and connecting a web to the side of his muzzle.
“Almost got me there!” You yelled as you swung around and around Lizard’s large scaled snout. “Don’t you know that animals that bite are often fitted with muzzles!” You quipped, enunciating the last word with a firm tug thus tightening the webs you’d been wrapping around his jaws and effectively sealing his mouth shut.
You kept the momentum and attached another web to the end of the one you’d been swinging around his muzzle. Then, you angled your hip to swing towards Lizard’s legs and using the same tactic looped around them several times before you were doing the same thing for his arms. When you deemed him wrapped up enough you landed behind him then tugged hard on the web end in your hand and forced Lizard to the ground by pulling his feet out from underneath him.
Once you were sure he was on the asphalt you were swift to web him up tightly and bind him to the ground. Hopefully, Captain Stacey got your message about the antidote and would arrive soon with it.
Meanwhile, as you waited you playfully walked along the edge of the building. The lip acting as your balance beam as you walked on your toes along it, doing a flip every so often just cause. You’d long since forgone your mask in favor of eating the sandwich gifted to you by the bodega owner on the corner.
Your spider senses tingled before—
“That was pretty impressive.”
You only flinched slightly at the abrupt interruption of your own little world, and turned to see two people. One, a very tall and broad man with wide shoulders and a muscular physique. The other, a woman with dark skin and a styled afro.. and she was pregnant.
“Uhm… thanks?”
“Was that a question?”
“Sorry it’s just—” you shook your head before jumping down and only now standing on the same level as him did you realize how tall the man actually was. “Who exactly are you two?”
“I’d think the suits gave you plenty context.” The woman replied, a smirk tugging up one end of her lips.
“Okay.. and why are you here?” You answered, still on edge about the two variants standing in front of you.
“My name is Miguel O’hara, and I lead an elite strike force dedicated to helping maintain the multiverse.” The man responded and you quirked an eyebrow at him.
“That still doesn’t explain why you’re here?”
“There was an anomaly reading in your dimension and we’re here to retrieve whatever villain has jumped into your universe.” The woman explained, jumping in to answer before Miguel could.
“You mean Kingpin?” You replied pointing to the billboard behind them and they both spun around to find the suit wearing antagonist webbed to it. Thick, white webs covering his entire body save for his neck and head, finally a web over his mouth. And they all watched as he glitched and morphed in colorful and mixed patterns, the board he was attached to glitching out too before changing entirely.
“How did you?—”
“My AP Physics teacher won’t shut up about the multiverse and also he doesn’t look my Kingpin at all so.. I mean you know,” they shrugged.
Miguel turned his head slightly to look at the woman beside him before he jerked his head minutely then he was facing the teenager in front of him once more. You met his masked stare head on (something he was impressed by, not many people can meet his intimidating glare straight on) as the woman walked away from you two before slinging a web up to the billboard and pulling herself up to it.
“You know the whole sinister and dark ‘nobody touch me I’m emo’ vibe you got going on isn’t very heroic.”
Miguel didn’t say anything, didn’t move an inch as he just stared at you. “See that right there isn’t becoming of someone who’s supposed to make people feel safe.”
“I protect the multiverse.”
“Right. But there are ordinary people in the multiverse, in every dimension you’ll find people.”
“The multiverse is my priority.”
“Yikes, saying things like that are not very becoming of a Spider-Man either.”
Miguel turned his observant stare cold as he chose to glare at you instead for the disrespectful responses and jokes. And he figured you must’ve felt he’d changed to glaring heatedly because you awkwardly looked away with a hand rubbing the back of your neck.
Finally, the woman returned with the Kingpin variant at her feet. This one significantly smaller than yours and lankier too, he must rely heavily on his Tombstone and Prowler. You’d rather have this Kingpin as opposed to your Kingpin— who for some reason is built like a fucking overgrown Silverback Gorilla.
She fiddled with the watch on her wrist before a golden portal erupted into life beside her, and you watched as she threw the Kingpin variant in before stepping in herself. But not before saluting you a goodbye with a playful glint in her eye and cheeky smirk on her face.
The portal closed and then your attention was back on Miguel, and your spider senses tingling brought a hand up to catch the watch he threw at you.
“Join us?”
You looked from him to the device in your hand, then you looked behind you at the Lizard on the ground down below. Captain Stacey at his neck and injecting him with a vial of clear liquid. You turned back to Miguel with a smirk and eager look as you slid the watch onto your wrist. “Sounds like a damn good time.”
• You didn’t know if you actually wanted to be there at Miguel’s Spider Society or whatever he’s calling it but you were also a bit intrigued by it
• So you followed them when he offered you that watch, and you grinned as he gave walked you around the building, giving you a small tour of his headquarters
• When you met Peter B. Parker you had an emotional breakdown and refused to return to the society for days following your first interaction with the man
• When you finally went back he was concerned that he’d done something wrong to garner such a reaction but you were quick to jump in and let him know it was in no way his fault before you explained why you had reacted as you did
• He was more than understanding, offering to keep his distance if that was what you wanted and whilst you appreciated the gesture you told him you would be fine
• And spending time in his company had begun to fill that gaping hole in your heart, obviously he’d never replace your father and you didn’t expect that of him either but his fatherly presence made you feel better than you had in years since your father’s passing
• Mayday was just an added bonus to his presence
• Time passed and you were there for a couple months before you met Gwen Stacey, and the two of you clicked almost instantly, it was a bit odd for you since the Gwen from your universe was about three years old and hadn’t been bitten but you got used to it
• And in that time you’d also learned the pregnant woman’s name was Jessica and that she was Miguel’s right hand in his society that he created
• You’d also met Hobie Brown and Pavitr Prabhakar whom you’d come to adore more than you’d ever outwardly admit lest you wish to give them egos the size of fucking Mars (but those two alongside Gwen were definitely your favorites) (behind Miguel ofc)
• Speaking of, you’d also grown quite close to Miguel in your time as part of his society of spider people, which was a huge surprise to yourself, him, Jessica and pretty much everyone involved
• He couldn’t really explain what it was, just something about your energy and the way you carried yourself that had him intrigued and impressed
• Your attitude that alluded to you never giving up was something he admired about you too, and it was those qualities that drew him in, made him want to protect you
• The bonding with you was something he didn’t expect to happen but was shocked when he wasn’t against it, and he ignored the initial reluctance and fear that he felt when you two began to get closer and closer
• Maybe it was the little things, the way you’d check up on him after a particularly harrowing or difficult mission, or the way you’d do anything to see if you could get him to crack a smile, there was something about your mere presence too, something warm and comforting
• Something he hadn’t felt since his young daughter was still a part of his life, and he was afraid of the consequences that would follow if he ever got close to you and lost you
• The same heartache he felt for his daughter would return, and it was pain that he didn’t want to feel ever again, that’s why he kept himself so guarded, those broken and vulnerable pieces protected behind vaulted steel doors
• But you had somehow managed to slip through his barbed defenses and made yourself right at home in his heart, and again he was initially afraid of the possibility that he’d lose you too and he’d face that pain all over again
• He doesn’t remember when or how he got over it, but he does remember the feeling that washed over him when he finally accepted your friendship
• It felt akin to a bucket of cold water being dumped over that fiery and searing ache in his chest, relief and comfort that he felt weigh so heavily on his chest he almost cried
• After that your guys’ relationship developed to much deepen levels, and he’d never admit to your face but you had quickly become his favorite and he would do anything to protect you, protect your bond like his life depended on it
• And just like Peter, his mere presence seemed to make you finally feel whole again… complete
• And as time continued to pass you’d only grow closer with the two men, finding safety and comfort in their arms, safety and comfort you’d been craving since you were fourteen years old
• Then, Miles Morales came along and everything went to shit
• Despite being on his team for months Miguel failed to mention that there was a spider variant that was an anomaly
• And in failing to mention that you had to figure it out on your own when Miles’ scent hit your nose and he smelled drastically different from the other spider people
• He smelt odd, unnatural and unusual… strange
• It didn’t take you long to figure out that he was an anomaly but you still figured it out by the way his scent, and you thanked the stars for that particular gift you got from the species of spider that had bitten you
• After Miles, Hobie and Gwen returned from the rescue they accomplished in Pavitr’s dimension at the expense of Spot is when things went from bad to ultimately worse
• Miguel had hoped somewhere small in his chest that you would side with him but he knew in a significantly larger part of him that your morals would not allow you to stand for him preventing Miles from saving his father
• Miguel knew that if you had known your father would’ve been killed that horrible night those years ago that you would’ve interfered without hesitation
• So he was not confident that you’d agree with him and well over half of the rest of the spider variants that this is something that must occur
• And he feared the confrontation with you, he feared the hate he’d no doubt see in your eyes when you find out this is where he stood on his opinion about the situation
• He wasn’t wrong either, because when Miles had returned and they all had cornered him after Miles discovered that Spot would be the cause, you didn’t take it all that well—
You were conflicted, you cared about Miguel but you’re morals and beliefs were very important to you— defined who you were. They were instilled into you by your father and you truly believed that by following through with them to the end you were keeping his legacy alive.
And they were loud in your ears right now, deafening in their prominent voice as you watched Miles get more and more tightly wound.
The thing was.. you agreed with him. And your father would’ve agreed with him too. There is no way Miguel knows for absolute certainty that Miles’ universe would collapse if he saved his father. And there’s no way any of the other spider variants could possibly know either.
There were facts and evidence on Miguel’s side but again— your values were speaking much louder than him. Because your father would’ve been disgusted by the behavior these spider variants were displaying, and he would’ve straight up hated Miguel. That you were absolutely sure of.
“This is wrong Miguel,” you spoke up and the spider variant you were speaking of turned to look at you. “You’re just going to let someone die when you know you could change the outcome? How could you possibly think that’s okay?”
“Spider-Man isn’t about the acceptance of loss and grief yet to come, Spider-Man is about hope, hope and promise of a greater tomorrow. Hope that there will always be someone there to help… someone there to protect those who can’t do so themselves.”
“The security of the multiverse is important!” Miguel argued, his tone aggressive and his expression frustrated as he ignored the ache on his chest. The ache that had erupted into existence at the expense of his theory proving correct— you would be against him.
“No! What’s important is not standing by and allowing someone to suffer or die! If that’s truly what you believe, then you don’t know the first damn thing about being Spider-Man!”
“[Y/Name]…” Peter B. trailed as he got your attention, walking closer to you and putting a gentle hand on your shoulder. “We cannot interfere.”
You smacked his hand off your shoulder and stepped back and away from him several times to be standing beside Miles instead. “You too? Peter this is wrong, so unbelievably fucking wrong!”
“[Y/Name], I can’t let you get in the way. I’m sorry.” Miguel apologized before he was throwing something at yours and Miles’ feet. The device activated and put up a scarlet force field, Miles panicked and beat against the walls. As the variants outside the force field argued you looked to Miguel and Miguel only. And he looked right back. You just stared at him, eyes hard and brows taut and pulled together as he stared right back.
You ignored Miles as he continued to search for a way out, Miguel finally pulled his eyes off yours as Peter B. advanced on him. “Miguel! This is taking it too far!”
“He’ll only do more damage, we all know that!”
As they continued to argue outside the shield you turned your back on Miguel and flexing your fingers extended your thick and powerful claws. You could tear this force field apart if you truly tried, that’s what you were going to do. But before you could even put your hands up your senses tingled and you instinctively put your arms around your head to protect yourself as the shield was destroyed by a powerful electrical surge.
When Miles destroyed the force field he hesitated for but a single moment before he turned, grabbed your wrist and took off.
You distantly heard behind you before you were freeing yourself from Miles to run beside him instead, and you two sprinted through Miguel’s headquarters with you leading him seeing as you’ve already been there for close to a little more than six months.
Getting out wasn’t hard, at least not for you. The variants certainly tried but they weren’t any match for you. A well seasoned and thoroughly trained hero with twelve years of polishing your expertise and craft to a fine point.
Miles had a little trouble keeping up but you didn’t get too far ahead of him in which he couldn’t follow, you two only got separated once. And whilst you weren’t entirely sure where he’d gone off to, you had the absolute pleasure of facing off against Miguel (note the sarcasm).
Your senses tingled as you discreetly swung through the underbelly of Miguel’s HQ, and you pulled yourself up just in time to avoid Miguel’s web. And the two of you fought and danced around each other throughout headquarters. Miguel trying to capture you and yourself avoiding that outcome at all costs by expertly evading him. When you had finally reached outside you met up again with Miles on the train overhead cover that was speeding upon a vertical track at astronomical velocity.
It was hard to hang on, even more so with Miguel on your ass but you made due. Better you than Miles and you’d gladly fend off Miguel for him if it meant he could find his way home to save his dad in time. Maybe it was a selfish part of you that wished something for him that you wanted to have, or maybe you truly just wished only the best for the younger variant.
Either way, Miguel was kicking your ass instead of his and you could live with that.
The 2099 Spider-Man choke slammed you onto the cold, hard metal of the futuristic locomotive and pinned you there by a hand around your neck.
“Can’t you see?! He’s the original anomaly! He’s not meant to be here! He is not Spider-Man!” The man snarled in your face. The anger he was feeling making his fangs appear and he sneered down at you, bearing them ferociously.
“He’s more Spider-Man than you’ll ever be!” You retaliated, attempting any sharp words pointed enough to cut him deep and painful. And you watched as his face turned and grew solemn for only one second before he was darkening his expression and snarling at you again.
“I hate to do this to you, but I can’t lose you over this!” He yelled over the roaring grind of the moving train. And your heart fell to your toes when he beared his fangs again— this time with a wide open mouth. A second later he was lunging forward intent to inject your body with venom.
You thanked whatever god above was listening for your much quicker reflexes as you caught him by the lower jaw and redirected his lunge to the air beside you instead.
Then you were bringing your legs up and forcing him away from you, not wasting a second you shot a web to the top car of the locomotive. You pulled yourself all the way up to where Miles had perched himself, and just before you could get a word out Miguel erupted out of nowhere and tackled Miles down.
You moved to help but got a web wrapped around your wrist instead, whoever shot it pulled you off your feet and then you found yourself under Peter B. Parker and Mayday instead.
“[Y/Name], enough!”
“You can’t change destiny!” He argued, just as Miguel had done before, pinning you to the ground— though Peter’s was less of an attempt to capture you and just in a way to get you to listen to him.
“We control our own destiny Peter.”
“This’ll put the multiverse in danger! If you’d known your father would’ve been killed that night would you have saved him even if it meant there was an off-chance of your dimension being destroyed?!” Peter was just trying to reason with you now, and you stared directly into his warm brown eyes as you answered him.
“Without question.”
Peter drew back a bit at your response, then you watched behind him as Miguel flew overhead. That was your cue, so you grabbed Peter’s shoulders and utilized the enhanced strength of your specialty skills to push him off you.
Not enough to hurt him or Mayday but enough to give you space to escape, which you did. Once given enough breathing room to leap you leapt, jumping from the locomotive to fly through the air instead. Miles followed you, and Miguel was right behind.
You didn’t get much of that end of the chase, swinging directly to the headquarters and sneaking in past Kess and standing on the platform the machine usually used to send variants back to their proper dimensions.
It was minutes later when the machine suddenly came to life and you watched as the numerous screens turned on, looking a little closer you saw that it was Miles and that he was using his invisibility power to get the machine up and going.
Seconds later you felt his presence land beside you, and as the mechanical spider above lowered down and began creating the web to send Miles home and consequently you to his universe— Miguel erupted through the glass doors like a bat out of Hell.
And you stood back and watched as he sprinted to the platform’s edge, leapt over the gap and began furiously clawing at the web’s exterior.
Just as he was pulling it apart, the sequence completed and you and Miles were lifted into the air as the portal was created before the machine was throwing the two of you through the multiverse and into Miles’ universe.
• After the exhausting and frustrating chase, and even more annoying escape you and Miles had made.. you decided to follow him to his dimension, if only just to see that he’d be okay
• But he took off the second he was back in his own universe (or so you thought) and you were quick to follow, calling out his name in an attempt to get him to slow down but he did not listen
• So you just followed as he swiftly made his way to his apartment, only upon arrival you decided it might be best if you stayed outside which is exactly what you did, and you listened as he told his mom the truth and she responded with a question of her own not knowing who he was referring to
• When your spider senses started tingling uncontrollably is when you though something might be wrong so you webbed yourself to the roof of the building directly across Miles’ apartment and just observed from there
• As you watched him interact with a man that you assumed was his uncle your senses tingled again only it was too late to react when a muscled arm wrapped around your waist and a gloved hand covered your mouth, and then you were pulled backwards and through the portal into another dimension
• Upon arrival at the new universe you were pinned to the ground on your stomach by a heavy weight much larger and much stronger atop you, holding your arms in the small of your back and forcing you tighter against the ground
• You knew it was Miguel and you knew that unlike back at headquarters this pinch would be tighter to get yourself out of— so you didn’t intend to fight against him, you’d already done more than enough for Miles and on the off chance he still needed you then and only then would you fight for him again
• Until then, you’d accepted the fact you’d been captured, so you slumped to the rain soaked concrete of the building’s roof, and as you lay there you could only hope Miles had reached his father on time
a/n: Feel like it got kinda lame at the end but I hope you enjoyed the first post of the blog regardless! I’m super excited to get this blog started! Spiderverse is my hyper-fixation right now so that’s what I’ll be focusing on for a moment! Again, hope you enjoyed! Ciao!
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weebsinstash · 1 year
I'm sorry but I can't stop thinking about a certain angsty idea
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Like pretty sure this is implying getting married is a canon event? But in a way, doesn't that kind of, really strip the choice and actual love and magic out of it? Or, could you at least understand the idea of a Spiderperson who may feel that way? Did you genuinely fall in love with someone if it was "supposed" to happen? And the universe could fall apart if you don't so you arent really even given a choice to say no? Isn't that like having a preprogrammed robot instead of a true lover?
Still kinda obsessed with the concept of a Spider Reader where you didn't get scouted by Miguel until after you had already lost your loved ones, but, it's clear that some Spiders are scouted before they have all of their events (Pav), and, I can't stop thinking about, you're in the Spider Society and making friends and having fun and stuff and you're. Still supposed to get married or have a relationship or something and you're just, completely avoiding having anything at all, not even dating anyone, nothing really feels natural to you and you just don't really want anything?
Months and months and months pass and you've turned multiple people down in your home dimension and Spiders at the Society are told not to interact with you in certain ways, which becomes overboard when no one ever seems to want to hug you or even high five you or touch you at all (because "oh don't let them get a crush on you, they can't break canon" or some dumb paranoia) which just eventually develops into isolating you from the Spider Society, and they all think, "ok good they'll spend more time at home and then start the route for this canon event and we can talk to them again" but it just. Doesn't happen. You're starting to show up to the Society less and less but the only thing that changes when you get back home is a loneliness that you fill with a pet and some platonic friends
Peter B is trying to "subtly" nudge you. "Ya know kid, aren't you in your 20s now? Isn't it time you try and, I dunno, get into college or something? You've got so much potential!" as he willingly omits how he met his wife in college and maybe it's in the model that you could meet your spouse there too as a potential option
But I like the idea and already lowkey established concept that canon changes and has tweaks here and there and can be bent in certain ways so, imagine like, idk, imagine Reader already being with the person who is supposed to your soul mate, and, you find out about The Model or whatever, the Arachno Humanoid Poly Mutiverse or whatever, and you just realize kind of on accident that, oh having a relationship at all is kind of just another prison for you to be in, huh? Another choice stripped away from you, another thing that made you feel like a rubber stamp in existence in the weird copy/paste Spider Society. So you just. You don't intentionally bomb the relationship but you become so extremely depressed and refuse to talk about it with your SO that they actually leave you, making the choice independently, changing canon but not breaking it
But here's Miguel, which I guess you could imagine as a protective obsessive romantic figure or even platonic parental, and he's all but grinding his teeth because, as he sees it, you're not only risking completely breaking your canon which you know Would Fucking Kill You, but, why are you constantly shooting down what are supposed to be good changes for your life? No relationships? No college? No aspirations at all? Why are you not living up to your full potential? He's so frustrated because he KNOWS you could "be better than this" and that you're "supposed to" be better than this, but you just seem. Depressed and defeated. He wants you to be better because it's better for your life, your future, your safety (even if depending on preference it absolutely gets under his skin to see you with anyone else romantically or sexually)
And I have no idea how they would externally force you into some kind of relationship but, I've also thought about, alternatively, the tried and true "Reader lost their home dimension but somehow didn't disappear and lives on Earth 928B now" (the movie specifics its 928b ok, pet peeve I know, 928 is comic Miguel, 928b is ATSV movie Miguel) and eventually, somehow, your bracelet comes off one day and you're about to freak out and it's like, wait, you aren't glitching??? Why aren't you glitching? I mean, you're happy to not be in pain and flashing colors, but, this doesn't make sense? And you don't wanna tempt fate but you don't bother to get a new bracelet or, other people are around to witness this weird event and so, Miguel is immediately investigating what happened. I imagine maybe they scan you with the Go Home Machine and it's just like "ha ha yeah you're home already :)" you know like some "Dimensional Match: 928B" and the machine doesn't even activate, it just scans you with the drone, is like "yeah you're good lmao" and goes back to sleep
And now Miguel is like, you know. Understandably concerned because now there are two Spiders for Nueva York, but, also, he's just like, unbeknownst to you absolutely over the moon necause if you're technically a part of his dimension now, maybe you can complete your canon and have some sort of happy ending. But. Miguel never had his wedding either? Or at least not the "true" one, like how Peter moves on from Gwen to Mary Jane? Cue Miguel suddenly spending suspicious amounts of time on his platform in the dark looking at holograms and algorithms and asking Lyla to calculate the probability of you two maybe becoming spouses for each other
AND YOU'RE SO FUCKED IF IT SAYS YOU CAN LMAO. Cause now not only is he all the more obsessed with you (you were BROUGHT to his dimension by a miracle, can't you SEE you're destined for each other) but now it's "don't you understand? Not only are we MEANT for each other, you don't have a choice! You CANT break canon!" And he's fucking putting a finger in your face and lecturing you about how, you know what, it's ok if you're scared and you're not ready. You know why? Because you two were made for each other, and, he must have been made to be this strong so he can protect you and make decisions on your behalf, right? It's all in The Model. It's all in God's Plan. The two of you are going to get married whether you think it's the love you're fantasizing about or not, and Miguel is more than thrilled that he was essentially just handed a certified excuse to keep you all to himself on a silver platter
Also. I guess this is preferential but. Imagine if Earth 928B's solution to two Spidermen, like how Miles' "corrected" itself with getting rid of blonde Peter, what if the universe and canon just went, "actually it's all cool though cause technically one of them isn't going to technically in name be a Spider anymore, they're going to be forcibly turned into a cute little pampered house spouse" and ON GOD he's getting children out of you if you're capable of it and that ISN'T optional. He's thinking you can start at AT LEAST three babies and then talk about how many more from there? He's always wanted a large family with lots of cute little girls and boys, you know 👉👈
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luveline · 9 months
could you write a ditzy!reader with tasm peter parker -- i have a vision of them bickering and reader just saying incredibly wrong things (ala getting things confused with each other, not flat out lies) while effortlessly beating whoever theyre fighting
“You always make this look much more difficult than it is, Spider-Man!” you call.
Peter is a little busy getting his head smashed into a wall to answer you. “Fuck! Hey, man, are you trying to graduate from robber to murderer? ‘Cos you’re getting there,” he says, shooting the front of a web into the robber’s face before ducking under his arm and quickly climbing up the opposite wall. He smacks the end of the web into the buildings  and lets the guy hand there two feet off the ground, dropping down to poke at his dangling feet. “Or you could be a life-sized Christmas decoration. This is way cooler.” 
“He’s not a robber, Spider-Man,” you say. He’s surprised you don’t call him Peter, honestly. “He’s a cat burglar. They’re different.” 
“He’s not a cat burglar, he didn’t go into anyone’s house. What are you doing?” 
You’ve strung the robber’s accomplice up like a fly in a spider's web. You’re giggling as you drop down beside him, the sound only so slightly muffled by your spandex mask. “He looks tasty.” 
A honk echoes from the mouth of the alley, then a screech of tires. Peter heard a cry of, “Hey, my purse!” and then, predictably, the approach of hurried footsteps. 
“Good day for robbers,” you say conversationally. 
“Bad day for old ladies. Do you have the purse?” 
You turn to him to show the purse already slung over your shoulder, the body bumping against your hip. “It suits me, right? Hey, did you know purses keep getting bigger because women have to carry more stuff? Soon, my purse will be the size of my car.” 
“You don’t have a car. And that’s not true, purses come in a hundred different sizes.” Peter gently pushed your chest back to get a clean shot at the approaching robber. He webs him at the feet, and smirks to himself as the newcomer immediately topples forward, the stolen purse flying from his hands. “Watch your step.” 
“Delivery!” you laugh, grabbing the bag off of the ground. “Hey, we should make these guys pay for the bags, considering they’re all scuffed up and broken now. What do you think?” you ask the robber stuck to the floor, who’s now lamenting a potentially broken nose. “Aw, Spider-Man, look what you did.”
“Walk it off,” Peter advises, taking you by the shoulders to lead you out of the alleyway. He’s too tired to deal with these idiots today. “It was in the name of justice.” 
“I heard that a broken nose takes up to five months to heal. What justice is that?” 
“That’s not true.” 
“It is. I saw it on the history channel.” 
“The same channel that thinks aliens built the pyramids?” 
“Everyone’s wrong about something.” 
“Yeah, well, I’ll keep it in mind. Now where did that old lady go?” 
“There’s a Pilates studio down the street. Old people love that stuff.” 
“No, they don’t.” Peter looks at you with concern. You keep on walking, unaware of his looking nor his judgement as you emerge from the alley into the New York City hub. Peter jogs to catch up, slipping an arm between yours to anchor you to him as he says, “It’s a good thing you’re so pretty.” 
“That’s mildly insulting. It’s a good thing you’re pretty.” 
Peter can’t kiss you with the masks. He would, though. A smacker of a kiss pressed unabashed into your cheek. “You really think old people like Pilates?”
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
HAVE YOU SEEN SHADOW AND BONE?? THERES THIS CLIP OF THIS COUPLE WHO ALSO EXISTS OUT OF A SORT OF SUNSHINE X GRUMPY TROPE AND THE CLIP IS SOSOSOOS CUTE. the more sunshine character is like feeding the grumpy character some sweets. wait i’ll add the link to the video, anyways i would love to see sunny and miggy in a scenario like that, and the rest of the spideys just looking at them in awe.
Sweet as You
Miguel O’Hara x Reader
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A/N: I’ve never seen Shadow and Bone, but that scene was so ADORABLE! 🥹 I literally spent my whole lunch break writing this and thank you guys so much for the amazing support!
Warnings: Alludes to Sunny’s backstory, No use of Y/N, established relationship?, female reader, Grumpy x Sunshine.
I still haven’t seen the movie, but some of what happens was spoiled for me. This takes place before https://www.tumblr.com/certainlynotasimp/719098951359496192/walking-on-sunshine
“What do you mean that little nerd has two spidermen there?!” Miguel snaps at Lyla as the other spidermen watched.
“Exactly as I said,” the AI said nonchalantly. “Peter Parker from Earth 19999 and his Doctor Strange has caused multiple inter dimensional rifts and even involved Spidermen from T-200001 and R-2011005.”
Hobie snickers as Miguel looks like he’s about to pop a vein as he examines the inter dimensional damage this event is causing. Jessica sends Hobie a scolding glare before looking at her leader with a reassuring smile.
“I’m sure whatever is happening is being handled.” She soothes. “Didn’t you send someone out there to monitor the situation, Lyla?” Jessica tries to ease his worries by hoping Lyla sent in someone equipped to handle the situation.
“Of course.” The AI calmly says as she looks over the reports. “I sent the new recruit, “Spider-Gwen”, along with Spider-Woman 16457-0…”
The whole room went silent for a moment as they realize that Lyla just sent the one person they hoped wasn’t sent in.
Jessica looked at Miguel only to see him glaring a Lyla, looking like he’s about to go ballistic. “Hey Lyla, it’s not a good idea to joke about sending Sunny off on some mission-“ Jessica nervously laughs as she notices Miguel’s talons growing out of his finger tips.
Lyla, clearly not bothered by the tension in the room, scoffs. “Who else would I send to handle this? Better to send someone who doesn’t have a dimension to protect to a potentially doomed one.” She reasons.
And that was what broke the camel’s back.
“LYLA, I SWEAR TO-“ Before Miguel could snap at his AI, all the the abnormalities on the screens resolved themselves as Lyla smiles.
“Mission successful. Spider-Gwen and Spider-Woman are heading back to the Lob-“ The AI is interrupted when Miguel shuts her off. Everyone cautiously avoids eye contact with their leader as he sits back into his spot, the tension still lingering like a fog.
A bright glowing portal appears above the table and two figures drop down laughing.
“That was amazing! Did you see how that building just twisted like paper?” Gwen laughs as Sunny smiles back at her.
“That was fun!” The spiderwoman giggles as she takes in where they landed. “Miggy!” Sunny exclaims as she sees her tall companion, her mask disintegrating so her excited gaze meets his frustrated one.
Gwen notices the tension filled room of her colleagues and jumps down beside Jessica and Hobie while Sunny plops right infront of Miguel. Before she could ask about what was happening, Jessica shushes Gwen and watches the two spiders interact.
“What’s wrong, Miguel?” Sunny tilts her head as she looks at his deep frown.
“Nothing.” Miguel snaps as his harsh stare examines her body. Upon realizing that the damage was minimal, his annoyed expression softens to mild irritation.
Sunny still frowns at his before an idea causes a smile to form on her face. She reaches into her hip bag and pulls out a small ziplock bag. Miguel raises an eyebrow at the shorter woman as she opens the bag and presses a small piece of candy to his mouth. He moves his head so the sticky hard candy misses his mouth as he grumbles.
“Sunny, what are you doing?”
“I’m trying to get that bitterness out of your face, Miggy.” She answers back as her free hand grasps his chin. Even though he’s stronger than she is, he rolls his eyes and lets her move his face back. She attempts to press the candy to his lips but he doesn’t comply with a slight hint of a blush on his sharp cheekbones.
“Miguel..” Sunny growls in frustration, which sounded more adorable than intimidating to Miguel. Her brows furrowed as her eyes burned in annoyance. Her mouth twisted from its normally cheery position into a deep pout.
Miguel’s annoyance disappears as he admires her, his eyes shining with a brief moment of awe. Before he can realize what’s happening, Sunny pushes the hard candy into his mouth with a victorious smile. Miguel looks at her in shock before rolling his eyes, the adoration still lingering behind the false annoyance.
“See? There’s my sweet Miggy.” Sunny hums as she lets go of his face. The warmth from her hand left his face burning despite the breath of relief that left his nose. The fear of almost losing her again was unbearable, so seeing her smiling at him again with those same warm eyes made his own lips curl slightly.
Before he could reply, a snort of muffle laughter breaks the bubble around them.
Jessica lightly smacks Hobie as Miguel’s eyes glares at the forgotten audience around him and his Sunshine. Hobie controls his fit of laughter at the sight of his ruthless leader putty in the small spider’s hands as Miguel focuses on him.
“I’m sorry, boss.” Hobie gasps to catch his breath. “It’s just-“
Before any of them can explain themselves, orange portals appear below them as Miguel seethes with a look of embarrassment, “Get out.”
As all the spidermen are teleported out of the room, Gwen looks to Jessica as they all land in the lobby. “What was that about?”
Jessica chuckles as her eyes shines at the younger spider warmly. “That’s what a whipped man looks like.”
She laughs as she realizes that Sunny wasn’t kicked out of the meeting room like the rest of their colleagues.
What adventures should they get up to next?
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sundrop-writes · 2 months
you were nice to me and acknowledged my existence so i hope you know that means you’ve unknowingly asked for all my dumbass, hyper-specific 12AM bullshit thoughts.
you can turn this into a mini blurb or teen wolf pack headcanon - whatever works for you, but who do you think in the pack is would be into you wearing a necklace (or any form of jewelry really) with their name/initial on it? are they buying it for you or is it something you would have to initiate, do they want one too with your name/initial on it?
i know it’s not everyone’s thing but i think it can be really adorable 🥰
if this isn’t your vibe just let me know, no biggie 🩷
This is absolutely my vibe!!! I love this prompt so much omg. Also, I love it when people come to me with their random 12am bullshit - whether it's just to rant in my inbox about fictional characters or to suggest fic ideas. This is what Tumblr inboxes are for
My requests for Teen Wolf are open!! Just make sure to read my rules first!!
What would the pack think of you wearing a necklace that represents them?
A/N: I changed it from an initial to a representative symbol, partially because of a tiktok that Star sent me the other day of someone selling Teen Wolf necklaces in an Etsy shop that I can't stop thinking about and I want one so badly, and partially because I think Derek's tattoo would make a really amazing necklace.
Warnings: descriptions of canon level violence, I tried to make the reader as gender neutral as possible (please let me know if I messed up anywhere on that), Isaac's low self eesteem due to his father's abuse, mentions of Jackson x Lydia, references to sex (but nothing descriptively smutty), I think that's it.
Includes: Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes (I got tired while writing this so that's all the characters we have lmao)
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Derek would love it. It would be his idea - he would be the one to give you the necklace.
He met you shortly before becoming an Alpha, and you were the defining member of his pack. You were the first person he had bitten in order to turn them - you had been bleeding out outside of the Hale house after Peter had stuck his claws through your stomach, sensing Derek's attachment to you (even if it was something that Derek himself hesitated to admit), and he had called Derek weak for taking a liking to you. So the moment after Derek had slashed Peter's throat open, making him the Alpha, he had used his new found power to bite you, ultimately saving your life.
You were someone he had once viewed as his weakness, but he had come to realize that you were his ultimate strength. You showed him how to interact with Erica, Isaac, and Boyd with kindness and understanding, you showed him how to harness his Alpha power with more than just the anger he harboured inside. You showed him love - something his isolated heart hadn't felt in years.
To him, the triskele tattoo on his back represented the three forms of a wolf could take - the powerful, leading Alpha, the following Beta, and isolated, weak Omega. It represents how a wolf can rise to power, but he can also fall to weakness if he's not careful.
When he gave you a necklace with that same symbol as its pendant, he explained to you why it was so important to him that you wear it.
"You have helped me rise to my full potential." He told you, pinning the clasp behind your neck. "Every time I look at this around your neck, I want to be reminded of that. I want to be reminded not to fall to anything less." He kissed the base of your neck, causing you to break into a large smile as his thick, warm arms wrapped around you from behind. "I need to be reminded to serve you a good, loyal Alpha every single day. Not to fall back into my former weaknesses."
"I thought I was your weakness?"
"No. You're my strength."
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Isaac would be unsure about it. And it most definitely was not his idea.
It started with you and Lydia hanging out before a lacrosse game - the two of you were getting ready in her room, and while she finished up her makeup, she said 'oh!' as if suddenly remembering something, and then went to her jewellery box. You looked on in curiosity as she pulled out a necklace, and when you squinted closer, you saw that it was a silver pendant with the number 37 on it.
"What's that?" You asked.
"It's Jackson's jersey number." She told you. "It's good luck for a player's girlfriend to wear his jersey number, and I didn't want some big ugly jacket with the numbers written on the back."
It made you wonder if you should wear Isaac's jersey number to the game, even though the two of you had been playing around with dating, not exactly official. Isaac was hesitant on PDA and labels. Lydia encouraged you, though, and she ended up using a red lipstick to write his number 14 on your cheek, making you look like a crazed fan - but everybody at the game already knew who you were there for.
Before the next game, Lydia gifted you with a necklace similarly to her own, with the promise that she wouldn't have to freeze her ass off in the stands alone - and to her, it was like the two of you had matching best friend necklaces, representing the lugheads that you cheered for on the field together. At first, you only wore it to games. But then you found comfort in wearing it all the time.
Isaac, of course, took notice of this - his eyes easily magnetized to the number 14 glimmering on the silver chain around your neck.
He felt like he didn't deserve to have a mark on you. He was undeserving of claiming you, undeserving of being called your 'boyfriend'. He was worthless, and you wearing something that represented some kind of serious relationship between the two of you - why did you want him? Why?
After a long, tiring night of talking, some tears, and eventually some kissing - he finally understood. And from then on, he was more than proud to have his 14 constantly shining around your neck.
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Scott would love it. But it would be your idea.
The two of you had to date in secret - your family had a loyalty, an alignment with the Argents, so you couldn't be seen with Scott in public, creating a deep frustration between the two of you when you couldn't hold hands in the hallways or go on 'real' dates like other couples could. Scott expressed a deep frustration at loving you, being your boyfriend, but not getting to be yours twenty-four seven like he wanted to, and that's what caused you to come up with the idea.
You got a silver heart locket necklace, and inside, put a picture of the two of you. Well - it was a piece of the picture of the two of you. You grabbed a photo of the two of you kissing, and cut out the space that had formed between your necks when your lips came together in a kiss - to anybody else (most important, if your family saw it) it would have looked like a photo of blank sky. But you and Scott were the only two people in the world who knew what the photo truly was.
And you gave him the rest of the photo with the missing heart shape cut out between the two of you so that he could be reminded of your next words every single time he looked at it.
"The space between us isn't what matters." You told him firmly, pointing to the space you had cut out of the photo. "No matter how big that space gets, we always know how much we love each other. We'll always have each other."
From then on, every single time he looked at the silver heart dangling around your neck, it was something he remembered with a smile. No matter how far the two of you had to be apart, no matter for how long - your love kept you together.
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Stiles would absolutely love it. It would be his idea.
Stiles would be incredibly shy and shitting his pants nervous about asking you to wear his numbers, but the week before, you had asked him to be your boyfriend after a roaring success of a first date that he had no clue how he landed with you. His first game as a first linger was coming up, and he felt like things could only go up from here.
He had you, he was first line, so - he steadied his courage as he tightly gripped the black velvet box that had the shiny gold necklace in it, praying that this wouldn't be too much, too soon. Praying that he wasn't going to scare you off.
"Um, hey." He greeted you at your locker, a ball of nervous energy that had you giving him a questioning eyebrow.
"Good morning." You smiled at him, wondering why he was acting so strange. You leaned in and kissed him on the lips - a light, chaste kiss in greeting, and he felt himself nearly knocked over by the joy of it.
This was really real. He had you.
"What's that?" You asked, motioning toward the box in his hands.
"Oh, uh - a gift." He said. "For you."
"Stiles, you didn't have to. It's not my birthday or anything."
"I know." He said. "I want to - to do something special. To celebrate you being mine."
An intense wave of butterflies overtook you at this, and you look on in awe as he opened the box, presenting the necklace to you.
"It's - um - it's my jersey number. Ya know - 24. Just - it's a thing that people usually do, wearing their boyfriend's number... and I - am I being too weird? I'm sorry." He went off rambling the longer that you didn't speak, and you quickly raised a hand to his wrist, trying to calm him with a soothing touch there.
"I love it." You assured him with a smile. "Thank you. I can't wait to wear it."
"I could... help you put it on now?"
You nodded enthusiastically, and he excitedly grabbed it out of the box.
From then on, you never took it off. You were more than proud to be his, and proud to show it off by wearing the necklace.
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Erica would fucking love it, but it wouldn't really be intentional on either of your behalves.
One thing Erica never expected about becoming a werewolf - how possessive it would make her. But being able to smell when someone had touched you, being able to hear how hard your heart pounded when you were scared or anxious - it made her want to rip apart anybody who even looked at you the wrong way. The two of you weren't even officially dating. Your friendship always crossed weird lines - you were the only person who was kind to her when she was an outcast, and after she transformed, you were the only person she knew for certain didn't just want her for her body.
The sex between the two of you was amazing, but you never talked about feelings.
One night in the haste of undressing, she dropped a necklace on your floor - a nameplate necklace that her parents had gotten for her birthday a few years ago. You didn't want to forget to bring it back to her, and you thought it was funny, a kind of joke - so you put it on. You thought nothing of having the name 'Erica' dangling around your neck in bold silver letters.
When Erica saw it - it drove all of her wolfish instincts insane. Seeing her claim on you, her name literally written across you - it took everything she had in her not to throw you across a table in the middle of the library and fuck your brains out, then and there.
And she saw the way other people reacted to it too. The way guys would go to flirt with you, but then their eyes would dart down to the necklace and then look to her, as if finally noticing her presence glaring at them, telling them to back off - and then they would scatter in fear. It was the first time in weeks that the two of you actually had peace.
So she implored you to keep it. She loved having a silent little claim on you. After all, wolves love claiming their territory, right?
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Fake it 'till you make it | Prompt
When Steve Harrington came out to his parents, he expected a few things to happen. Jumping back a little, he hadn’t even meant to come out. His parents meant well, they did. He couldn’t deny that they meant well.
They knew he was lonely when they were gone, they knew he was the type of person who kind of… needed someone around. He wasn’t a lone wolf, he wasn’t someone who could just go it alone, while they were away for months, and while Robin was lovely, Robin was also a lesbian.
So Robin was out of the question.
So it fell to the women they knew. Through their connections. And unfortunately those women tended to be, for lack of a better phrase, ‘Daddies money is how I intend to live for the rest of my life’, and completely comfortable in switching out who Daddy was.
Steve… didn’t have a daddy kink, thanks.
Okay maybe he did a little but not in the call him daddy kind of way. More the other way around.
After the fifth attempt to throw some business partners daughter at him, a woman who’d actually kind of impressively deep throated a hot dog at the office barbeque while looking directly at him before he’d even gotten her name. Impressive, kind of terrifying.
An image of his life consisting of an unhappy marriage where his wife used sex as some kind of transaction rather than the big family full of love that he wanted flashed before his eyes.
He'd had enough. So when the sixth one came up, Vivian, he hadn’t even been able to wait for them to explain who she was, which business associate she was related too, it just. Came out.
Or rather he came out. Spectacularly.
“I’M GAY!” Okay less spectacular initially, more manic desperation. He expected a few things to happen after he realised what he’d blurted out.
He expected anger, he expected disappointment, he half expected disownment, not fully expected, his mother would probably be on his side. He expected violence, judgement, demands of him to tell them it wasn’t true, or demands that he hide it, keep pretending for appearances sake. He’d heard the coming out horror stories.
He did not expect—
“Oh oh! What about Jonathan!! From Tennis club, honey you remember Jonathan right? Peter’s son?” His mother turning to look at his father, who’d turned a little pale. That was it, his father would be the one to blow up, his mother was in his corner that was sort of expected but his fa—
“Lynda he is not dating someone with the same name as me, that—no. No, I don’t think I’d recover if those thin walls at the chalet struck again.” Goddammit. “What about Timothy, Dorothy’s nephew? Didn’t she say she’d caught him with some punk boy on that family holiday to London?”
��Yes but she was trying to get points around the water cooler for being hip and homophobic, did you not hear what she called the poor boy? I’m not associating with Dorothy, good heavens.”
“I hadn’t heard, why have I not heard? Lynda we’re trying to create an inclusive work environment, I can’t have homophobic people working in HR!” And John was up, newspaper down, and off to his study to deal with Dorothy muttering about how he was sure the monthly office newsletter, which included the updated company values, would have weeded the bigots out by now.
“…Did my coming out just get someone fired?” Steve finally broke his shocked silence, his mothers attention turning back to him, her eyes wide, mouth puckered in a little, silent, oh.
“……Maybe.” His shoulders slumped, expression dropping to deadpan, she moved quick to reassure him “Don’t worry about it, Steven, she really wasn’t well liked.” It didn’t make him feel better… okay maybe it did, one less homophobe in the workplace. “Oooh, what about—”
It didn’t stop the matchmaking. The potential suitor pool just got bigger. Especially when he quietly, defeatedly corrected himself, revealing it was bisexual, not just gay, accepting his fate.
So it was no longer Vivian, Jessica, Bethany, Barbara, Carol, etc.
It was Vivian, Thomas, Jessica, Peter, Bethany, Robert blah blah blah
“Okay but you know some people would kill for that kind of support right?” Robin spoke the truth while rewinding the latest batch of returns. And maybe he was whining, maybe he was being overdramatic, his parents were supportive and were trying to make sure he’d be happy while they were gone on their long business trips.
Honestly they could have probably just let him get a dog. It’d have been easier. Less expensive than any of the people they were suggesting.
“I know… it’s just… they could at least try and find out what my type is. Instead it’s like they’re trying to throw a whole Indy gay bar at me in hopes that one person just kinda sticks. And now I’ve got a whole week with them coming up in some remote chalet, what if they bring someone, Robs? What if they bring someone and try an set us up an—”
“Can your parents just… adopt me?” She wasn’t listening “I’d kill to have the dating thing simplified for me, I can’t even talk to girls, you’ve got your mother doing all the work for you. I’d appreciate them, tell them I’d appreciate them.”
The door chimed, neither of them looked up, too engrossed in what they were doing. If a customer needed their help, they’d make it known.
They’d just adjust language used to not out themselves to strangers.
“You tell them! Pretty sure they’d find you someone.” Apparently his parents would be thrilled to help. He wanted to be happy about that, he really did, it was just exhausting having to fend off people who were interested in him but only for the last name, the business connection, the money. He wanted someone who wanted him for him, and none of those ‘potential suitors’ fit that bill. “Robbie I’m serious here, what if— what if they try when I can’t escape. I can’t spend a whole week in the woods with some stranger they’ve thrown at me, I think I might actually perish.”
“Then take a date.” Both young adults turned to look at the culprit behind the door chime.
“Henderson!” Steve’s favourite of the brat pack. Having met him while ferrying the kids home when Jonathan couldn’t pick Will up from Mike’s on a night when Steve had been hanging out with his at the time girlfriend Nancy. The kid was hilarious, a little bit of a know it all, but when you actually know it all, you’ve kind of earned the right to be obnoxious about it. “What did you hear?”
“That someone’s setting you up with people? Which is that a bad thing?” He directed the second question to Robin who shrugged and rolled her eyes.
“Not in my book lil man, not in my book.”
“Okay It’s not the attempt that’s the problem, it’s the quantity of attempts, and the quality of people they’re throwing at me! Quantity and quality are the issues here, people, it’s not that they’re doing it,”
“It’s that they’re doing it badly.” Dustin finished, Steve pointing at him with clicked finger guns.
“Exactly… and I don’t want my parents at my future wedding claiming they were responsible for getting us together cause that’d be weird! And pathetic. I want a fun first date story, a meet cute, or a ridiculous ‘yeah we were trapped in an elevator for like, three hours and bonded’ kind of story, I want an ‘I met them on a train’ or ‘they hit on me at the bar, and it just worked’ not an ‘my parents set us up in a remote cabin in the woods’, do you get me?”
“I can see your dilemma, but remote cabins in the woods can be really roman—"
“Nobody wants to hear about you and Suzie again! We get it, she’s your soulmate and future nerd wife you lucky little shithead.” Long distance and tricky as it may be, they were kind of perfect for each other. “Now what were you saying about taking a date?”
“Exactly that, take a date with you. Tell them you’re bringing someone and just… bring someone.” Dustin let his eyes flick to robin purposefully, quirking his head a little to subtly nod at her “you could take Robin” as if to say now’s your chance, dickhead, take it.
“Somehow I doubt Robin would be able to convince them that we were dating.”
“Cause we’re not.”
“And will not be.”
“At all.”
“You guys make no sense.”
“We make perfect sense, my strange little child friend. You just don’t have all the information to make it make sense.” Robin wiggled her fingers at him as if it was some kind of mystery, it was to Dustin but that wasn’t important. “He does have a point though, you could take a date, there’s plenty of people in Hawkins who’d kill for a rich person get away, just gotta let them know that it’s a pretend date situation. Or… actually find a date. If you can.”
The "you suck" board flashed into his mind momentarily. He couldn’t. Not within the time frame he had. He was so far off his game his parents were matchmaking for him.
Dustin’s voice broke through his thoughts once more, offering salvation. “I know someone you could hire for that…” hallelujah, Dustin Henderson everybody.
Part 2
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Pack mom!Stiles steter fics?
i anon! @kevaaronday made this list for you.
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How A Pack Should Be by xcaellachx (1/1 | 25,071 | Teen | Steter) Ever since the Nogitsune caused havoc and nearly killed several people, Stiles had been alone. No texts, no emails, calls, nothing. Even his father had become distant and no longer acted when Stiles woke screaming in the night.
Giving the Hale/McCall pack one more chance, Stiles arrives at the loft for the pack meeting and is greeted by an unfathomable violent attack. From nearly every pack member.
After being warned he would be killed if he stayed in California, Peter and the few who supported Stiles, left for a new pack who loved them, taught them and made them a pack with a surprising new alpha.
In Violent Devotion by friendlyfiction (4/12 | 23,331 | Mature | Steter) 10 years ago, Peter Hale ran away from Beacon Hills and the promise that he made to a boy in love for the first time.
10 years ago, Stiles woke up in bed alone, left with broken promises and empty bed sheets.
In the decade since, they’ve both grown and changed, putting years and miles between themselves and the memory of what almost was until disparate circumstances bring these two men back to Beacon Hills, where their lives will once again collide.
They may be different people now, but will they still feel that same pull of violent devotion that drew them together in the first place?
All I Need Is You (And Cookies) by SincerelyLittle (13/13 | 18,196 | Gen | Steter) “Daddy Stiles!” those are the words that ring out the Hale’s backyard, everything seems to stand still for a moment while Stiles opens his eyes to the sight of long brown hair, beautiful brown eyes and a freckled face. He doesn’t blame anyone for believing the kid when she looks so convincingly like a daughter of his own would.
Since said child is so cute, he can forgive her for potentially starting world war 3 - or at least he thought he could until the next words were "Daddy Peter and I brought cookies!" At least he'll have cookies in the middle of battle.
No Grave Can Hold My Body Down by Ravenxxx97 (3/? | 9,481 | Explicit | Steter) Still wracked with guilt months after Peter's death, Stiles struggles to move on from the loss while everyone else focuses on the Kanima. His dreams are plagued with memories of Peter, both good and bad. After getting kidnapped by Gerard the night of the lacrosse game, Stiles is faced with the Argents' lies and is pushed to his limits as he fights to rescue himself, Erica, and Boyd. When he arrives to the warehouse to rescue Derek from Gerard and Allison, his world is turned upside down once again when he finds Peter Hale there, alive and breathing as if everything from the past few months never happened.
Can things between them be repaired?
I Crave Your Bite ( I belong to you ) by Suzuki_Motors (1/1 | 4,132 | Explicit | Steter) Stiles has known for awhile now that he wanted the bite. So what's stopping him when Derek would love to gift him such a thing?
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analysisiinternet · 2 months
Yandere Headcanons for Thaddeus from “Killer Peter”
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(note: why do they always make the villain hot i saw no headcanons or fanfics of him or "x reader" so I decided to do a headcanons yes red is my favorite color)
1. Obsessive Affection With his complex personality, Thaddeus exhibits an intense and obsessive form of affection towards those he cares about. His love is not a gentle fondness; it borders on an all-consuming passion that can quickly spiral into possessiveness. He meticulously keeps track of every detail about the object of his affection, whether it’s their daily routines, favorite foods, or even their friends and acquaintances. This obsession drives him to protect them at all costs, leading to a darker side where he might resort to extreme measures if he feels threatened by anyone who comes too close.
2. Jealousy and Paranoia Thaddeus’s yandere nature manifests prominently through his jealousy. He cannot stand the thought of anyone else getting too close to you the one he loves. This jealousy often leads him down a path of paranoia, where he imagines scenarios in which his beloved(you) is unfaithful or is in danger due to others’ intentions. He may confront perceived rivals with a chilling calmness that belies the storm brewing within him. His jealousy can escalate quickly, transforming him from a caring partner into someone who will go to great lengths—potentially violent—to eliminate any threats.
3. Duality of Personality One of the most intriguing aspects of Thaddeus’s character is his duality. On one hand, he can be charming and charismatic, drawing people in with his wit and intelligence. On the other hand, there lies a darker side that emerges when he feels betrayed or threatened. This duality makes him unpredictable; readers are left guessing whether they will encounter the sweet Thaddeus or the cold-hearted protector at any given moment. This unpredictability adds layers to his character and keeps readers engaged as they explore how far he might go for love.
4. Manipulative Tendencies Thaddeus possesses a keen intellect that allows him to manipulate situations to his advantage seamlessly. He knows how to play mind games with both friends and foes alike, often using charm and persuasion to bend others to his will without them realizing it until it’s too late. His manipulative nature extends even to his beloved(you) he may create scenarios that make you dependent on him or isolate them from their support systems under the guise of protection.
5. Dark Romantic Gestures In true Yandere fashion, Thaddeus expresses his love through darkly romantic gestures that may seem sweet on the surface but carry sinister undertones upon closer inspection. For instance, he might surprise his beloved with gifts that have unsettling origins—like items taken from those who have wronged them—or orchestrate elaborate dates in secluded locations where they are completely alone and away from prying eyes. These gestures serve as both declarations of love and warnings: no one else can have them.
6. Unwavering Loyalty Despite his darker tendencies, Thaddeus embodies unwavering loyalty once someone has earned his trust and affection. He would go above and beyond for those he loves, often placing their needs above his own desires—even if it means making morally questionable choices along the way. This loyalty can be both comforting and terrifying; while it provides a sense of security for those close to him, it also raises questions about what boundaries he might cross in the name of love.
7. A Tragic Backstory To fully understand Thaddeus’s yandere tendencies, one must consider a potential tragic backstory that shapes who he is today—a past filled with betrayal or loss could explain why he clings so tightly to those he loves now. Perhaps early experiences taught him that love is fleeting or conditional; thus, when he finds someone worth loving again, he becomes desperate to keep them safe and never let them slip away.
 Clingy Yet Charismatic:
Once Thaddeus develops an attachment to someone, he becomes incredibly clingy. He thrives on their attention and affection, often showering you with compliments and small gifts that seem innocent at first glance—like handmade trinkets or baked goods. However, this clinginess quickly escalates into possessiveness. He believes that anyone who gets too close to his beloved must be eliminated or kept at bay, leading him to orchestrate elaborate schemes to isolate you from potential threats—friends, family members, or even romantic interests He will go out of his way to be near you often inserting himself into your daily routines under the guise of wanting to help or spend time together. 
warning: a lil NSFW(if your comfortable with NSFW you may read if not don't read this)
how would he be in bed-
he would definitely be dom or switch he would do it rough such as if you told him to go slow he would go faster thrusting inside you I don't even know why yall create a safeword he would be the type to call you "good girl your taking me so well~ "while he is fucking you from behind and whispers in your ear "your fucking mine" I feel like he would make jokes while yall are doing it (it is a canon at this point) he would purposely gag you on his dick while your giving a blowjob and laugh about it, I just know if he is good at martial figthtin he is good with fingers
he would be the big spoon putting you to his chest as she cuddles you and he would act all innocent and shits and he would say how would a good job you did pleasing him as he kisses you smiling at you pullin' closer to him his hand is on your waist, he would make you a bath for him and you can wash off(there might be a round 2) but after all he is clingy don't get me started on him kissing all over your face telling you how much he loves you (he might be a villain but he would hug me if I was sad)
Thaddeus’ hugs become more frequent and enveloping as the relationship develops, offering a sense of security. Kisses exchanged in these early days are tender and sweet, leaving a lingering warmth that hints at deeper feelings. You might notice small tokens of his affection—a favorite snack he brings you or a shared playlist that reflects your growing bond.
His kisses transform into fervent expressions of desire—more passionate and demanding than before. Thaddeus seems insatiable, always wanting more closeness and connection. Love bites become a playful yet possessive mark of his affection, signifying that you belong to him in this chaotic world.
Cuddling Dynamics At home or during quiet moments together, Thaddeus often plays the big spoon role during cuddling sessions. He wraps around you protectively, creating a cocoon where you both can escape from reality for a while. This nurturing side reveals his softer nature beneath the tough exterior he often presents to the world.
(note: comment who yall want me to do headcanons for the next post you can either text me or ask in the box but I would prefer if you text me instead if you read all of this thank you so much and reblogged this)
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siswritesyanderes · 5 months
i mightve asked this before, in which case go ahead and ignore this lmao. which characters would be the best vs worst when handling an autistic darling?
Oooh, this is a cool question! I would say it depends on the particular symptoms the person has, so I'll go over some symptoms and which yanderes would respond best vs. worst.
avoidance of eye-contact
Obviously, shy, autistic, or autistic-coded yanderes would work really well with this (and other) symptom(s). Your Donatello's, your Newt's, arguably your Peter Parker's. Also, yanderes who are able to sense when their darling's attention is on them supernaturally or just out of sheer social aplomb. Elves, for example, would be great with someone who doesn't like eye contact, because their body language conventions differ as a result of being able to communicate mentally.
Roxanne Wolf would be distinctly bad for this, based on her need for attention as demonstrated in Help Wanted 2. But she's also not beyond reason when it matters, as we've seen in Ruin DLC, so I'm sure communicating about it is on the table.
sensory reactivity
Okay, I think Dr. Strange would very specifically be bad for this, because his movies are all swirling kaleidoscopes of magic that would definitely be sensory overload in real life, and I have mentioned before that I don't see him as a considerate yandere. If anything, he might enjoy inducing sensory overload for the express purposes of making his darling require comfort, care, and isolation from others.
On the other hand, and maybe a weird pull for this, but Zafrina from Twilight would be great. Alec, too. Both have powers that would be super helpful when darling is overwhelmed.
Druig is able to just make everyone nearby shut up, which he would employ liberally.
food sensitivity/pickiness
Yanderes who enjoy cooking could go both ways on this. I could see some being offended by negative feedback and some taking it as being gifted with the challenge of meeting their darling's standards. Teruteru from Danganronpa and Esme from Twilight would both probably be good about receiving feedback and making changes. Super eager to please. Esme more so than Teruteru; he might get offended at first.
Rich and royal yanderes would delight in someone picky. They would love to be able to send food back with new, highly specific orders because darling doesn't like grapes with soft spots. Your Tony Stark's, your Byakuya Togami's, your Toph Beifong's, your Coriolanus Snow's.
Ralph from DBH would be a problem. He has a very weak grasp on what humans eat and a very high sensitivity to negative feedback. (Wait, he's just like me...)
resistance to changes in routine
This one would be a problem for yanderes who feel a need to go on adventures and trips with their darling. Which isn't necessarily the same as adventurous yanderes. Some adventurous yanderes might enjoy the idea of their darling staying behind at home keeping to a comfortable routine. But the ones who want their darling along on the adventure would be problematic. The Doctor, for example. Especially Eleven; he gets bored easily.
Whereas I think a lot of superheroes would like the idea of keeping their darling sequestered away, living predictably and comfortably. Clark Kent, Steve Rogers, Druig...The only catch is that some of them (Druig) would probably be a bit condescending about it.
I think Daycare Attendant would be great for routine. Coloring time, snack time, naptime, same time every day, sign them up! Also condescending, but they genuinely can't help it because it's how they're programmed.
Technically, Phineas and Ferb keep to a very specific routine, albeit a pretty tiring/potentially overwhelming one.
sorting things
This would be great for the disorganized genius character type. A Bruce Banner, if you will. An organized genius probably already has a system and might have trouble with someone sorting things differently than they have them. A distinctly slovenly character probably wouldn't mind either way.
Yo, Queen from Deltarune would be the best for this. She would create an inescapable palace of the thing darling likes. Swatch and the Swatchlings would be involved.
There might be a problem if the yandere is easily distracted and needs to focus on something else. The main one I can think of who fits that description is Percy Jackson. That's not a distaste thing; just a pragmatic issue. Yanderes who experience sensory overload might also have an issue with it. My first thought was Queen Elsa.
On the other hand, Leo Valdez would love to make little stim toys for his darling. Donatello, too.
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imagines--galore · 7 months
hiii, can you do #5 with peter pensive and fluff? thank you!!
Summary: Despite the horrors you had face as children, it was a miracle that you and Peter had found one another at such a young age and had continued to cling to one another through it all. But as you grow older, new challenges are sure to come. And fighting a war in another world puts your love for Peter, and his love for you, to the test. Pairing: Peter Pevensie x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. Hurt/Comfort. A/N: Love me some insecurities. They're easy to get rid of in prompts and fics : P Anywho! I hope you enjoy!
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For as long as you could remember it had always been you and Peter. Peter and you. Neither of you were without the other for long. And given how your fathers were friends, it didn't take long for them to begin joking around that perhaps you both would marry when you grew up.
And while the concept of marriage was something neither of you could grasp given how young you were, it seemed you and Peter both understood that the bond the two of you had was deeper.
Much deeper then that shared between two friends.
Even at such a young age.
And so over the years, nothing could separate you.
Not when you both went to different boarding schools. Not when you moved a few blocks away from his house. Not when your fathers went away to fight. Not when the bombings began. Not when you were sent to the countryside and far away from each other.
Not even when he returned with a new light in his eyes and tales of a land called Narnia.
Tales of another world in a wardrobe. Tales of talking animals, a witch and magic, Aslan the lion and Peter being king.
And though you did not understand most of it, you believed him. Peter had never lied to you before, why would he start to do so now. And there was something different about him. Then again there was something different about all of them. While it was the war that had effected you so much, for the Pevensie siblings it was the entire life they had lived in Narnia.
And while a small part inside you wished you could see this majestic world for yourself, it was not to be. Besides the war had ended and you would all be going back to school soon.
However, what you had not been expecting, was to be whisked away to the very place Peter and his siblings had told you about.
You had stood in utter awe and disbelief as you stared at the area where the train had been a few moments ago.
While Susan, Edmund and Lucy had rushed to play into the ever-blue water of the sea you stayed where you were, frozen. Peter had taken your hand and, smiling, had led you down the beach and into the water.
And though you did not understand your purpose in this strange new world, you did what you had always done best.
You stood by Peter.
You stood by him when he and his siblings realized what had happened when they had suddenly disappeared. How Narnia had fallen. And was at war again. There was another who would be king instead of Peter.
You saw how it effected Peter and it broke your heart.
Though it had never been said, you knew your heart belonged to him since you were children. And though Peter had reciprocated those feelings, since his first trip to Narnia, he had been pulling back from you.
As if there was an invisible wall between the both of you.
Though now, that you were in Narnia with him, you hoped it would bring you two closer.
However it was the exact opposite. He was obsessed with the idea of taking charge once more. Of bringing back the old Narnia. Of showing that he was still King.
Despite there already being a potential candidate in Prince Caspian.
And of course, when he was not able to meet his own expectations who did he lash out on?
You were just there. You were only trying to help.
To talk to him after the failed attempt to storm the palace and take out Miraz. After he had snapped at Caspian you had walked after Peter, trying to talk to him. To ease his mind.
But then he had snapped at you.
"I don't need your help Y/n. I never needed you. Not here. Not back home. So stop it! Stop following after me and just leave. You don't belong here!"
Your insides had turned to ice. He had walked away without a second glance, leaving you to drop to your knees.
Thankfully Susan was there to catch you. But that was all she could do. She had to tend to other matters, such as the almost return of Jadis the White Witch. And during the confusion that followed, you had slipped out of Aslan's How and into the forest.
You were not needed here in Narnia.
Peter didn't need you.
No one did.
Tears blurred your vision and you stumbled through the trees as you fell to the ground. For awhile you didn't move, sobbing your heart out in your arms and allowing yourself to feel. It was a good while later, when your tears had dried that you finally turned on your back. But you didn't get up and simply laid there staring up at the trees. You didn't know how long you laid there, what you did know was that someone or something had come to rest beside you.
Your head turned to see a majestic yet terrifying figure of a lion sitting beside you.
"Aslan?" You whispered in disbelief, sitting up as you stared at the Lion. He chuckled deep and low. "I take it your friends told you all about me." Still a little shocked you gave a small nod. "Lucy did. And......Peter." The thought of him had your heart giving a painful twinge in your chest as you furiously brushed away the tears.
"Why do you cry dear one?" He asked, in a voice so gentle and kind that you burst into tears all over again. And you couldn't help it, couldn't help yourself as you threw your arms against his soft mane and told him the whole story.
Once you were bereft of tears, and your heart was considerably lighter, you pulled away from Aslan, only to avert your gaze, feeling a little ashamed of your outburst.
"There is no need to feel ashamed of letting out your emotions dear one." He comforted you once more. "We must all do so lest we allow them to fester inside and become something sinister." You nodded, wiping the tear stains from your cheeks.
"Yes, you're right. But what shall I do now? I am not needed here." You whispered, once again feeling all the more lost. Aslan chuckled. "I would not have called you here if I didn't think you were needed Y/n." His words caused you to look up at him in surprise. You were just about to voice it too when you heard your name being called out.
Instantly you tensed. It was Peter.
He was calling your name in the distant as he looked for you.
But you didn't want to go to him.
Not when he had hurt you so much.
"He shall not find you unless you wish to be found." Once again Aslan reassured you to which you gave him a small smile in thanks. You continued to listen to Peter, calling your name and apologizing as he cut through the brush.
Finally, he appeared in the clearing that you occupied with Aslan. He couldn't see either of you, but you could see him.
You watched as he gazed around in despair before shouting your name once more. Receiving no response, Peter seemed to loose whatever hope he had left and dropped to his knees.
"Y/n. Please come back! I'm sorry! I'm sorry I was so horrible to you! You didn't deserve it. You were just trying to help." The words were spoken in a low voice, but were loud enough for you to hear.
Despite your anger and sadness, you glanced in Aslan's direction. He gave you an encouraging nod to which you heaved a sigh and stood.
Peter had his face buried in his hands, so he didn't hear you approach. Reaching out you placed a hand on his shoulder. He instantly looked up. Where his eyes had been full of despair, they were replaced with utter joy at the sight of you.
He cried out your name, before embracing you so tight you could hardly breath. You barely returned the gesture and he felt it. A sadness overtook his happiness and he pulled back.
"I hurt you? Didn't I?"
You gave a silent nod.
"I'm sorry." He gazed at you with pleading eyes. You gave him another silent nod before walking past him to return to Aslan's How.
You had accepted his apology, but it would take some time for you to forgive him completely.
Over the years since you had known Peter you had exchanged a few kisses here and there.
There was that first time when you were just children and had been curious about what a kiss was. So you had closed your eyes, and bumped your lips against his.
It was awkward and childish, but you both discovered it wasn't all that bad.
The second time you had kissed was just before you had been separated by the war. The night before you got on your respective trains to the countryside, you and Peter had met under your bedroom window. He had come to say goodbye and you had clung to him, afraid that this would be the last time you would see him. There was no telling if even the countryside would remain safe from the armies.
That night was the first time you told him you loved him.
And he had returned the sentiment before kissing you.
You had kissed him back, before reluctantly watching him go.
The third time you had kissed was when the both of you met once again. It had been full of joy and sheer happiness. And since there was an audience nearby it had been short and sweet.
You had though that perhaps what had always simmered under the surface between you and Peter would come to the forefront since your reunion. But that dream was shattered when he had begun to pull back from you. Those fleeting moments took a backseat as you fought to stay in Peter's life without overstepping. A herculean task since Peter had been rather quick to anger the past few months.
Of course all your hard work vanished in that one moment of despair when Peter had yelled at you. You understood he was under a lot of pressure, but you had only been trying to help. And given the danger everyone was in, it would seem whatever involved you and Peter would have to wait until the war was over.
Or so you thought.
Your heart was in your throat as you raced through the How. It was a good thing your feet knew where you were supposed to go, because the way your mind was stuck on the conversation you had just had with Lucy, it was a miracle you even reached your destination.
Bursting through the door of the room Peter was sharing with Edmund you skidded to a halt. Chest heaving, hair in utter disarray and an almost wild look in your eyes you very nearly screamed at your best friend.
"Have you lost your senses completely?"
Both Peter and Edmund looked up from where they had been suiting up for the battle ahead. Edmund pursed his lips, glancing in his brother's direction before picking up his sword and quickly walked out of the room. You barely noticed as he walked past, hardly looked away from Peter as the door shut behind him leaving the both of you alone.
Peter inhaled deeply before exhaling softly. "It is the only way to ensure as little bloodshed as possible." He stated, pulling at the straps of his gauntlets to make sure they were as tight as they could be. "Everyone wants this war to be over and this is the quickest way to-" But you cut him off.
"I don't care about that! What I care about is that my best friend has offered to fight a man, twice his age and twice as experienced, in single combat." You felt the sting of tears behind your eyes but you blinked them away. Peter raised an eyebrow at you. "I can assure you Y/n, I'm just as experienced as him, if not more." Standing up he smiled softly at you. "You should have faith in my abilities."
You shook your head. "I'm not doubting your abilities Peter. Its just....." You trailed off, your gaze locking with his. It was then that you realized that he was just as afraid of what lay ahead. Just as you were.
There was a beat of silence where neither of you moved or spoke. The distance of a few feet between you seemed to stretch on as you tried your best to not let your mind wander to the worst possible scenario.
One that had Peter loosing and being kil-
"I don't want you to die."
The words were barely above a whisper, and yet they seemed to echo all around the both of you. Peter's expression shifted to a soft look, one that he reserved for his youngest sister and you. "It won't come to that-" He tried to reassure you but you quickly shook your head as you stepped forward to grasp his hand between both of your own.
"No, Peter. You have to promise me. Promise me you won't die." Your voice was desperate, your eyes filled with a despair that should never be seen in the eyes of a child. Because that was what you were, what you both were.
Children, fighting in a war that wasn't even yours. And yet both of you wanted to help those in danger. Help them get their home back.
"I ca-I can't loose you Peter. Please. Please say you won't die." Your words were beginning to merge together, your voice sounding breathless as you struggled to convey the depth of your fear to him. To show him just how much you meant to him.
And it was a testament to your being friends for years that Peter was able to understand you completely and was able to determine what was it you needed in that moment to calm you down.
You were still whispering nonsensically as his head leaned down to close whatever distance was left between you. But the moment his lips brushed against your own, you fell silent. Your tears stilled, your eyes fluttered shut and you returned the kiss just as fiercely as it was given.
This was your fourth kiss. And you hoped and prayed with all your heart that it would be not your last.
Your hands were still clasping one of his between your bodies. His other hand came to rest against your cheek, brushing the soft skin with his thumb. Chaste and innocent though it was, there was no denying the passion and sheer devotion that was evident in the way he gazed at you when he pulled back. Your own eyes shone with love for the boy in front of you. Sighing softly, you lifted one hand to gently run your fingers through his hair, pushing some of the loose strands back so they wouldn't get in his eyes.
"I always thought it was a blessing that we were both so young when the war started back home." You spoke softly. "Because I knew that you would enlist and I would have to say goodbye to you." You knew how much he had wanted to enlist, how much he hated not being of age. And while you had been a good friend and reassured him, secretly you had been glad because them being young meant that you both were safe. As much as you could be.
A small laugh fell from your lips, as your fingers slowly stroked along his face, mesmerized by the color of his eyes as Peter all but leaned into your affection. "Yet here were are, in another world, and I'm doing the exact thing I was so afraid of doing back in England." He shook his head, leaning forward to press his forehead against yours, noses brushing as he did.
"This isn't a goodbye Y/n." He whispered gently, hoping to ease your worry. "You will be right there with me, and knowing that will give me the strength I need to defeat Miraz."
He continued. "I know everyone thinks we're to young for it, but I do love you Y/n, and I wan-" "I love you too." He stopped talking at your confession, prompting you to smile. "I know we've already told each other that, but I guess this is sort of like a promise we're making."
A determined gleam came over your eyes as you looked at him. "To survive this war together, and have our own happily ever after."
He chuckled at your choice of words. "Just like in those fairy tales you love so much."
"Well fairy tales usually have a prince, a princess, a villain and strange creatures don't they?" You countered, prompting him to grin.
"Well we have a villain, and we do have many many strange creatures, centaurs, fauns, dwarves, talking animals." He hummed in thought. "Which leaves us with the prince and princess."
You shrugged. "Well we have a King." You gestured towards him and he nodded. "True, but a King is nothing without his Queen." He watched with a grin on his face as a blush stole across your cheeks, and you finally looked away from him. Clearing your throat you swallowed. "Well I'm sure you had plenty of options when you were here last."
Though you knew what he had meant to say, you still couldn't help but tease him. It was just how things were between the two of you. He nodded. "I did, but I never gave it much thought. Because I never forgot you."
Sighing you shook your head at his attempt to win you over further, which you had to admit was happening. Your arms came up to wrap around his shoulders as you settled your head in the crook of his neck. Peter returned the embrace, burying his nose in your hair and basking in your presence.
Neither of you were ready to let go, and you didn't for a long time. A soft knock and Edmund calling out to the both of you was what finally broke the spell and you stepped away from each other. Though not completely. Reaching behind Peter, you picked up his helmet, the last of his armor piece and place it on his head.
There were no tears in your eyes now, only sheer determination as you fixed him with a look. "Come back to me."
He raised your hand to his lips, brushing them against your knuckles. "I promise."
Hand in hand, you both stepped out of the room ready to face whatever challenge lay before you.
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