#but I may turn askbox all the way off for a bit
roseadleyn · 1 month
Hi! May I get a yandere bertol axios x nonchalant willing reader? Where y/n is not bothered if he's too possessive and instead love him back?
dug this out the very bottom of my askbox,,,, here it is nonnie! a whole year or something later 🫶🏻
RED MEANS I LOVE YOU. || axion vergette
( / fan translation : berzet )
tw : blood, murder, two psychopaths in love ( how cute <3 )
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'Axion?' You call upon waking up to an empty bed, tangled within the sheets. It was a little routine between the two of you for him to wake you and kiss you a good morning before he left for his duties, and Axion wasn't one to rise early either, so...
You pad out of bed, his shirt large and comfortable and sweetly familiar with his scent, looking for him in his office, his libraries. Nothing. Then, just as you resign yourself to worry, the huge, oak front doors creak open and your husband and lover walks in and you gasp.
He's covered in blood. Down his shirt, his jaw, his hands coated in the thick, viscous red. His teeth are gritted in irritation, but his eyes are strangely cold. He sighs heavily before his gaze finds you, fixed in place with horror and worry.
'Sweetheart.' His voice is enveloping, warm, but tired. It makes your heart throb with need and want and love. 'Why are you out of bed?'
'That sounds like something I should be asking you,' you object, moving closer to gently inspect his face for injuries, careful and concerned for him. He closes his eyes with a low hum of pleasure at your touch. 'I woke up in bed and you weren't there!'
He sighs again, irritable and weary, drawing you closer, arms tight around your waist, head on your shoulder. 'I was out for important work, darling.'
'I suppose that's why you're covered in blood, then. A massive paper cut.' You never talk back to him, but it just slipped back, and you wince instantly. 'S-sorry.'
He snorts at your snide remark. 'Remember, I don't appreciate that tone, sweetheart. But as I've scared you, I'll tell you. I was not busy with work concerning papers. With work concerning people.'
You draw back, frowning in puzzlement. 'I didn't leave the manor, Axion! I promise.'
'I know you didn't,' he laughed softly. 'Oh, no use in hiding it from you, little minx. I didn't appreciate your butler's... gaze.'
'Wh-what do you mean?' You don't understand him. You don't care about any butler! You don't think you care about anyone other than Axion. If that makes you an awful person, then so be it.
'He was looking so lovingly at you, didn't you notice?' His voice is condescendingly soft. 'All those lingering touches, all those sweet words. He was getting in our way.'
How dare he? Trying to get in your way? If he did harbor his stupid feelings for you he should've cared for your happiness and in turn, known you were happiest with Axion! Ridiculous man.
You curl up to him in his arms. 'He... He's dead, then.'
Axion doesn't answer. He does that, sometimes — if he doesn't want you to know a particular thing. But right now it's useless. You know just how much Axion loves you, but also... how ruthless he could be in that regard. There's no way that man lived.
But whatever. He isn't worth thinking of.
Your husband kisses your temple and carries you upstairs after that, quiet but attentive. You wash the blood off of him, huffing over the particularly stubborn bits, before you drag him to bed. Your heart swells as he settles beside you in your bed, the room glowing with the pale blue and golden shine of dawn, curtains drawn defiantly against the sun. He wraps an arm around your waist, and you sigh blissfully and lean into him.
'I love you.' He whispers softly into the crook of your neck, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb.
'I love you too,' you say instantly. Because you do. Despite the locks on your door. Despite the guards positioned everywhere around the house. Despite the shackles in the corner of the room, kept 'just in case' (they were just precautions, anyways. He'd never do that to you!). Despite the little flecks of red on his knuckles that you'd missed. Despite the bloody knife lying downstairs to be cleaned.
You do love him. Why wouldn't you?
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jui-imouto-chan · 2 months
This is gonna read messily bc it’s an idea half-copy and pasted from my discord messages, but here’s the gist
Sakura as a Fertility god (of sorts)
Suo as a higher god, more commonly considered a god of wisdom or strategy
Context thoughts: ‘Higher’ gods encompass more aspects of the world and have more power available to them.
Suo would be a higher god bc wisdom and strategy relate to so much, especially with how following/worshipping him works—it’s very much like being a monk with lots of meditation, limiting worldly desire, and self-improvement based on one’s own self-restraint.
mw sakura wouldnt be the god of the ‘romantic’ aspects of fertility (despite the sort-of purity/innocence he has in his personality) but instead represents the products of fertility and how they may not appear as perfect and pristine as people associate babies with (to kinda tie in with how his appearance is naturally so different), possibly being a god that relates more to birth defects or “less desirable” traits in offspring.
i imagine suo to be one of the higher gods but with a modest disposition, that comes to sakura initially to see for himself what the "god of depravity" (as sakura is known as, given that many mortals would unfortunately associate birth defects with some depravity involved in the conception of the children) was really like. for a bit he thinks sakura is the god's aide, since he doesn’t match the descriptor, in his opinion, but realizes sakura is that god, and his interest is piqued.
so he visits often, tries to get to know him. enlists his aide (once a mortal follower that turned into a low-ranking deity through devotion), Nirei to help him break through sakura's icy front, and realizes sakura is a special one
sakura is the type of deity to listen for any mortal’s prayers and answer when higher gods were too busy or too uncaring of their followers' pleas. he'd never take the credit, just quietly help them where he could, and then continue along to the next. suo wondered where Sakura found all the time to do that (not that he was one to talk, technically, but its not his fault that prayers to him were rarer, given that his followers engaged with his teachings of staying at peace with one's life as-is, and self-improvement from within) but he finds out that sakura, despite being a deity, wasnt prayed to--not directly.
he is more scorned, cursed. invoked, like a threat, like an insult. sakura ignores requests that wish harm onto others' children--born and to-be-born, even if they are the only prayers sent his way, even if ignoring them hurts his godhood. it’s almost like sakura's nature as a deity is to be a lightning rod for ill-will. a weapon that chooses when it can be used.
suo admires that, decides to take a page out of sakura's book.
So Suo helps with prayers that his powers will work on, ones that sakura cant (because sakura will sit before a prayer and wrack his brain with fervent desperation, looking for a way--any way-- that his powers can be useful, will set it aside with self-loathing and frustration when he realizes he's powerless to the mortal's struggle, and trudge off with a look in his eyes that makes suo ache a little on his behalf)
That’s what I’ve got so far for my thoughts on this, since I went on a little bit of a ramble in discord about SuoSaku god stuff—the other two thoughts were: God!Suo and sacrifice!Sakura and God!Sakura with devout follower!Suo, who gives up his eye as an offering to his god.
As always, let me know what you think/if you want to know more! My askbox and my replies are always open :)
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freakartack · 4 months
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1. MESSAGE TO OLD FOLLOWERS: so sorry that took so damn long. Normally i try not to treat this blog like a job but that was kind of ridiculous so i feel like an apology is in order. I fully overestimated just how much stuff i wanted to draw for this bit and i did not expect my blog to be held ransom by cartoon characters for two months but here we are. Thank you guys for being cool and patient about my hubris! I hope it was worth the wait. And if not, here is your money back. (placing imaginary money in your hand)
2. MESSAGE TO NEW FOLLOWERS: hi. Welcome to my blog! Thank you for taking an interest in my jokes. Because my blog has been held ransom by cartoon characters for two months i should probably emphasize that this is not an ask blog and is in fact just a regular blog, that happened to be held ransom by cartoon characters for two months. I do still draw wario comics though! A lot! So if you're into that, then you're in the right place.
3. THE ASKBOX SITUATION: So prior to mona stealing my login info this april you may have noticed that i shut down my askbox and turned off the lights. There was a couple reasons for that
3a. I accidentally got addicted to the internet
3b. I accidentally got so addicted to the internet that tumblr thought i was a premier hashtag super mario poster presumably solely based on the fact that i did not shut up for five days straight and so for several weeks it redirected every new person that said they liked mario to my blog and i thoguht they were all spam bots so i freaked it
4a. Freak it
4b. Just kidding
4c. WARIOWARE CAMPING!!! Currently I am in a tight spot Schedule wise however the next page is well on its way (had been put on pause due to april fools fiasco) and so it should be ready soon. If nothing else this experience has taught me how to pump out a fucking lot of comics so although i intend to make these drawings much higher in quality i will do my best to get the ball rolling!
4c. RANDO DRAWINGS: Also soemthing that I have to work on is not dropping off the face of the earth when I don't have a comic to post so I will be posting some fun little extras in between comics. I sometimes feel guilty when i do that cause i'm like "that doesn't count as a post" which is kind of dumb if you ask me. So i will be posting some art on my art blog going forward
4d. THE ASKBOX SITUATION: THE SQUEAKUEL: So you see my issue is I don't want to get addicted to the internet or overwhelmed or attacked by droves of spam bots and/or innocent civilians BUT i still want to have asks open because i like talking to you guys and i miss it. SO, i will compromise by opening my askbox on weekends, so that way i can have the best of both worlds. Maybe i will expand the ask window later on if i can behave myself but we'll see how it goes.
4e. FIXING MY BLOG THEME: Idk if i'm going to change it back to the pitcher plant pic but i do want to make it not be this. I might make a slightly updated theme that matches my content better so i might put a different warioware banner up there but idk i feel bad kicking out the plant. How are we feeling. The brave little toaster thing in my icon is staying no matter what though sorry.
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will-you-pick-me · 6 months
So. I hate that this even has to be stated, because it should be a GIVEN, but.
This project and all people involved in the process of making it DO NOT, under any circumstances, tolerate:
- Racism
- Ableism
- Transphobia
- Homophobia
Or any other kind of bigotry, hate speech, harassment, or general shitty behavior. We are appalled at the things we are seeing being sent to other creators askboxes, even fans askboxes, and are severely disappointed in the community for behaving in this manner.
We know this is a small-but-loud minority of hateful members, but still. It's not acceptable. In no world should someone be called a "monkey" (HELLO??? DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF???) or sent transphobic messages in their askboxes.
Frankly, it's a bit terrifying. Where will the line be drawn for these harassers? How far is too far for them? What will they do next? Do I need to worry about my friends or fans in this community being sent death threats, next?
I'm appalled, but moreover I'm genuinely concerned about this community. We came here to share stories, be creative together, and have fun with a wider community who love the themes and tropes we love. Now, it feels almost as though the community is being turned against eachother from the inside out. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if maybe some TERFs/SWERFs or other bigoted people are capitalizing on the drama to stir shit and have a smokescreen under which to send their hate - it's unfortunately a tactic I've seen happen too often in too many communities.
While I have no proof that this is what's genuinely happening, I would like to encourage fans and creators alike to keep an eye out, block hateful anons where you see them, and if you feel safe and mentally well enough, check blogs that show up in your block lists to verify this suspicion.
I do not want anyone to retaliate to these blogs, as that would be lowering yourselves to their level and involving yourselves in drama that would be stressful on your mental, emotional, and possibly even physical health. I do, however, think it may be a POTENTIAL STRATEGY (note I say potential, here) to share these blog names PRIVATELY, and ONLY for the purpose of blocking and blacklisting - nothing else.
Again, do not retaliate to these blogs if you do happen to find out who they are. I strongly discourage that action and am not advising it in any way.
Retaliating against them would do several things:
- Give them an "excuse" to continue sending hate.
- Involve you in potentially dangerous drama.
- Expose you and your friends to hate campaigns and all associated hate messages.
- Continue a cycle of drama that nobody needs.
- Generally making the community even less safe.
So please, IF YOU DO find out who these people are, share PRIVATELY and SOLELY TO BLOCK/BLACKLIST.
In general, let's make this community safe, not only for races of all kinds, but also for every disability that we possibly can (we understand that some accommodations contradict eachother, which is a symptom of how varied the disability spectrum is, but that's deserving of a whole post of it's own), every sexuality under the sun, every gender expression and lack thereof.
We stand with the queer, disabled, and POC members of the yansim community, who quite frankly have made this community POSSIBLE. There's no denying they are a large percentage of this community and as such deserve respect for building the foundations of this place.
To my fellow creators, stay strong, turn off anons if you feel the need to, and don't let the hate drown out the work you're putting into this world.
To fans, please show eachother and creators your support, keep making fanart and blurbs and fanfics and headcanons, and in general keep putting good out into the community to keep it alive and drown out this hate and drama.
We CAN make it through this, we CAN keep going, and we CAN continue creating wonderful stories - together.
Stay safe, hydrate, eat, take meds/breaks from binders and gaffs/sleep if you need to, and we love you.
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landwriter · 2 years
Hello Mrs landwriter. Would you consider writing a continuation of your You've Got Mail Dreamling AU? I just stumbled across it and it's really very good and I am yearning for more. Much love to you 💖
part one for context. I would also like to take the opportunity to announce that despite my Advanced Internet Age of late twenties, I am scandalously unwed and unattached. any and all comers are welcome to pitch me for my hand in marriage in my askbox.
OP - thank you so much! I have plans to write a full You’ve Got Mail AU at some point but here is another scene, just for you! thanks for enabling me :)
“8 o’clock, boss, right on time,” said Matthew, as they stopped outside the cafe that was definitely gonna be Morpheus’ future Last Known Location. “This mystery penpal date is some real serial killer shit, man. You know? He could be anyone.”
“Matthew,” said Morpheus, and turned to look at him with a terrifyingly smitten expression. “A mystery he may be, but he is still the single most charming person I have ever come in contact with. The way he writes of life. The stories he tells! His passion, his hunger, his wit. He could be a bike messenger, and I would be a madman to not turn my life upside down and marry him.”
Matthew felt the rare, exquisite discomfort of actually being the fuckin’ voice of reason in a situation. “You don’t even know what he looks like, boss. Marriage seems a bit, uh, full on? If you haven’t even swapped photos?”
Morpheus regarded him a little satisfied smirk. “We haven’t exchanged pictures of our faces, no.”
“No, you didn’t,” he said in disbelief. Morpheus just raised his eyebrows. “You slut! What is it with gay dudes and-”
“It would be tremendously unprofessional for my assistant to make generalizations about an entire population,” said Morpheus. He sniffed. “Also, he is bisexual.”
“Okay, okay, boss, he’s bisexual, my bad, how about the professionalism of dragging your assistant to your date with this mystery bisexual whose name you don’t even know?” He was, truth be told, pretty fuckin’ invested at this point, but if he could guilt Morpheus into a more generous Christmas bonus, he would. Shame was for suckers.
“You are here in your capacity as my friend,” said Morpheus. Oh, the cold-hearted asshole, invoking their friendship on a Nets game night.
“Then at least let me be homophobic!” he protested. A passerby glared at him. Tourists. “You only get to choose one, man. Loyal assistant or lovably brash bosom buddy, making the protagonist look like less of an-”
“Go on, then,” said Morpheus, heading off his loving insult and folding his arms expectantly.
“No, fuck, the moment is gone. It’s not the same if you give me permission, man. I’m taking an I-O-U for later. One homophobia, when you least expect it,” he said.
Morpheus, who actually did look like he might vomit from his nerves at any moment, at least rolled his eyes at that. That was something.
This was definitely a pep talk moment. God, he was shit at pep talks.
“Well, I’ve loyally delivered you to your fate, or date, or whatever, so, uh, have fun! Don’t get stabbed, text me how it goes, and remember: don’t let him take you to a second location. That’s how they get you, boss. Unless I’m in your will. Then totally do,” he said. He clapped Morpheus on the shoulder and added, in all his generosity of spirit, “Good luck, man. You’ve got this.”
Morpheus clapped a hand on his shoulder too. It stayed. It squeezed painfully tight. “Matthew. My best friend,” he said.
“Yeah?” he asked. This was not good. This was Big Favor shit coming on, he could smell it.
“Would you go and look for me?” asked Morpheus, in a rush.
“Me?” he asked, and thought That’s it? Morpheus had it bad. So, so bad.
“Yes. Just go look through the window and check him out. Please,” said Morpheus. His voice was edged with hysteria. Matthew thought he might actually start to vibrate apart.
“You’re pathetic, boss,” he said, cheerfully. “Also, that’s creepy as fuck.”
“Matthew,” said Morpheus.
“Alright, alright bossman. I’m going. I’m looking. As your best friend.”
Morpheus nodded and sat himself down heavily on a nearby bench. It sounded like he was doing La Maze breathing.
He climbed the steps and, yes, very fuckin’ creepily peered through the window into the cafe. All groups and couples, definitely not Mystery Bisexual, except - there was a waiter taking an order from the table at the back. There was a closed book on the table. “Is he uh, supposed to have a book or something? You know, since you don’t know what his face looks like?” he asked, and didn’t even make the joke, excellent best friend that he was.
“Yes,” said Morpheus. “Yes, and?”
“And the waiter’s blocking him,” he said. “Wait, hold on, he’s moving-” The waiter left and he sucked in a breath.
“Well? Can you see him? Can you see him?”
“Uh,” he said, dumbly.
“Matthew, New York is an at-will employment state. Matthew. What do you see.”
“I can see him,” he said, slowly. Well, at least Morpheus wouldn’t get murdered by his date. Or he would, actually, but at least Matthew would be able to point the cops in the right direction.
“And?” Or - third possibility - Matthew would be the one murdered, by his own  best friend.
“He’s, uh, he’s hot, boss.” He was. Nice smile, warm eyes, broad shoulders. The sort of approachable hot guy-ness that could make another guy wonder about sucking dick after a few drinks. Y’know. Theoretically.
“I knew it,” said Morpheus, triumphantly. “I knew it. I knew he would be, Matthew. He had to be. Had. To. Be.” He laughed in delight.
Matthew had never heard him sound happier in his life. It was fuckin’ unnerving. He felt like he was witnessing a Great White cavorting through the water like a dolphin. Felt wrong. Felt a bit too toothy. He took a moment to mourn his Christmas bonus, and then sighed and spoke again.
“Uh, boss, it’s just. He sort of looks like, uh, that Hob guy?”
“What, Hob Gadling with the little bookstore?”
“Yeah, I mean, he’s hot, right?”
“Yes. I suppose. Absolutely. I don’t care about Hob Gadling. He’s irrelevant.”
Hoo-fuckin’-boy. Matthew grimaced.
“Boss, if you don’t like Hob Gadling, I can uh, I can promise you, you’re not gonna like your man with the book.”
“Why not?”
“Because it is Hob Gadling.”
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sdr2lovemail · 5 months
Is there any chance I could get a general relationship headcanons for Yomi Hellsmile and Martina Electro (Raincode) with a g/n reader?
Yomi Hellsmile and Martina Electro Relationship Headcanons (GN Reader)
Notes: I got really carried away with these! (O_O;) I was going to write headcanons for them together as well, but this post was getting super long. But if you're interested in that, feel free to send another request, dear! With the way my askbox looks, I'll become the person known for writing about Martina and Yomi. Not complaining tho, lol! I hope you enjoy the fruits of my indulgent labors.
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Yomi Hellsmile
Getting into a relationship with Yomi would not be easy. He’s standoffish, rude, and devoted to his work. He would have to know you for a long time before even thinking about pursuing a relationship.
Yomi is surprisingly romantic. He knows he’s handsome and how to charm people. As director of the peacekeepers, he can take you out almost anywhere. His preferred places are ones where the two of you can be alone.
Yomi is the possessive type. Like the way Kanai Ward is his city, you are his partner. No one else is allowed to think about you he does. He’s got a nasty jealousy streak as well and isn’t fond of people throwing advances at you.
What he considers advances is vague though. Depending on how he’s feeling that day, someone just speaking to you in a way he didn’t like is eligible to be framed for murder.
Dates are few and far between. He’ll tell you early on that Amaterasu comes first. But sometimes he’ll surprise you with a night out. Yomi would buy out an entire restaurant so you could spend time in private. He enjoys more expensive tastes, so they’ll be decently fancy places.
When it comes to affection, Yomi is on the rougher side. Kissing would usually incorporate some type of biting, his favorite places being the neck and shoulders. He’s a strange man so he’s not above drawing a little blood.
He acts like he’s giving you some grand gift while being affectionate. Even if he’s coming to you for a hug or kiss, Yomi will tease you like you need him. As a fan of being dramatic, he’d go as far as calling himself ‘your savior.’
As much as he likes you, his sadism knows no bounds. He’ll be mean towards you, but in a somewhat loving way. If you mess something up, he’ll be sure to point it out, more than likely laughing. Yomi may or may not help you out, it all relies on his mood.
Want a kiss? That’s too bad, he’s much too busy to entertain you right now. He’ll come to you when he’s ready. Or jump on you the minute you turn your back.
There are two sides that fight inside his brain: one that wants to show you off to every and anyone, and the other that wants to keep his romantic life to himself. The first one usually wins as he can’t keep his hands off you.
If you worked at Amaterasu Corporation, Yomi would seek you out during the workday. Maybe asking you to do tasks for him like gathering files or preparing his afternoon tea. Or he’d have you accompany him on a homicide case. He thinks he can make you swoon by showing off his sense of justice.
If you were a regular Kanai Ward citizen, he would be a bit more private about your relationship. Crime is rampant there and he knows that there are very few, if any at all, people that like him. Yomi doesn’t know what he would do if some disgusting criminals were to harm you because of himself. Yes, he does, and it wouldn’t be pretty.
If you were a detective, it’s just a big mess all around. He wants to see your corpse hanging above his mantle yet craves the feel of your lips crashing against his so bad. Purposefully goes out of his way to be a nuisance in cases you’re working on. Yomi is not above an alleyway make-out session before sending the peacekeepers after you.
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Martina Electro
Martina is a bit easier to court, but she holds herself in high regard and expects the same from her partner. She won’t accept anything less than what she deserves.
Unless you are in a position of power higher than hers, Martina would take more of a leading role in figuring out this relationship. She plans dates out weeks in advance, she is a fan of high-end café’s, shopping, and museum dates.
One fact about Martina that everyone is aware of, she loves talking about her partner. She’ll talk about you when brought up, she’ll talk about you unprompted, she’ll talk about you even if no one is listening. Martina will constantly sing your praises.
If there’s something to know about you, Martina will know it. She knows how you like your food and drinks to be prepared, hobbies, how you prefer your bed to be made. It sounds obsessive, and it kind of is, but this is how she shows her love. Her love language is being involved with your life.
Martina isn’t one to be jealous, she’s pretty secure in her relationships. People know her status as a peacekeeper and won’t come near you anyways. However, that doesn't mean that she doesn’t get possessive. Keeping you near her and in her grasp really gets her going.
Speaking of getting her going, she’s very reactive to affection. If your attention is a drug, she’s addicted to it. Holding her in your arms, kissing her anywhere, will make her flush a deep red. At first, her kissing is very clinical, like she’s analyzing you rather than kissing. But with time, she gets more enthusiastic, more relaxed. She doesn’t mind PDA either if you’re the one dealing it.
Despite her devotion, and borderline obsession, Martina is still her own, headstrong woman. If you do something she doesn’t like, she will be sure to tell you. Unfortunately, she’s stubborn by nature. If it comes down to arguments, it’ll usually be her way or no way until she cools off and gets more level headed.
Maybe it’s the homunculus DNA, but she enjoys your smell. There’s no real rhyme or reason to it. The familiarity of your scent is just something she likes. Borrowing pieces of clothing or spending time wrapped in your blankets are just heavenly. In the comfort of her own home, Martina would love to hold you in her arms, her face buried in your neck or hair. Watch out though, she has a bit of a drooling problem.
Motorcycle dates with Martina! Bring a thick rain coat, or not, she can provide one. She’ll take you out driving around the outskirts of Kanai Ward. There’re not many places that are very scenic, but there are a few places where the two of you can be alone. Make sure to hold on tight because she loves showing off with all types of tricks.
Post game, when she’s working in accounting, Martina will want to have a long talk with you. She knows the way she acted while working under Yomi was awful, and she wants to be completely transparent with you. However, working in an office now gives her more time to spend with you. If you surprised her with lunch one day, she might just die from joy!
If you worked at Amaterasu Corporation, she would want you by her side at all times. Follow her around and help at crime scenes. If you were a common peacekeeper, Martina would have you added to her team. Being her personal assistant is a fun thought. Her cute, devoted assistant that does as she says. But, that’s a post for another time.
If you were a citizen of Kanai Ward, she would be a bit condescending. She’s the beautiful vice director of the peacekeepers and you’re probably some poor office worker. She would talk down to you both unintentionally and intentionally. Nevertheless, she does love you. Martina would absolutely spoil you with gifts and lavish dates.
If you were a detective, she’s going to have a lot of fun tormenting you. Not much makes her happier than a cute face twisting in despair. Unlike Yomi, Martina doesn’t want you dead. No, that would ruin the fun too quickly. She would love to personally crush any hope you had of being a detective in Kanai Ward. She’s aware that she’s attractive and would try to use her charisma into getting you to join Amaterasu.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
I was fully going to take a break from flooding your askbox for a bit, but vampire/stranded maiden is sending me, for the hilarious horniness whichever way you play it (mostly for the way Dream would commit to the bit so hard and Hob would keep going off script).
Maiden!Dream who has heard of vampire!Hob living in the lonesome manor on the hill and specifically makes his way there on a dark and stormy night, determined to star in his own steamy vampire romance novel (like the novels that may or may not take up a significant portion of his library). Dream throws himself into the role and swoons like a champ, batting his eyelashes and flashing his bare wrists and neck for easy vein access, proclaiming how lost and alone he is, with absolutely no one to protect him, why simply anyone could sweep him away and ravish him~ Hob however has not gotten the hint, and is valiant trying to ignore how enticing and alluring his guest is. He is determined to be a Good Host who does not eat or eat the guests, particularly one who is so vulnerable and alone, who clearly has no idea what kind of creature he’s sought shelter with, else he would not unknowingly flaunt himself such…
(This ends when a frustrated Dream loses his patience and grabs Hob, throwing him down so they can fuck on the couch)
Alternatively, a genuinely stranded maiden!Hob stumbles across vampire!Dream living in the lonesome manor on the hill, who is fully leaning into all of the Sexy Creature of the Night tropes. Dream tends to his guest while always standing just a shade too close, taking every excuse to guide him by the hand or lean in to scent his neck, and peppering the (admittedly interesting) conversation with sly innuendo and heated looks. But he is completely unprepared for Hob “Always DTF” Gadling to match his energy, flirting just as hard in response and shamelessly returning his heated looks and touches with his own, leaving Dream the one flustered and shy.
(This ends when Hob feels it’s time to move on to the main event, grabbing Dream and throwing him down so they can fuck on the couch)
I love both of these scenarios so much!!! I'm super obsessed with polite vampire Hob snansbdn. Dream is so pale and skinny already, Hob is like "no I must resist he's clearly already anemic, it would be so mean to drink from him!!!" While Dream is trying the MOST to get him to snap. He keeps giving himself papercuts and pulling his shirt collar low so Hob will be tempted. Hob is so proud of himself for his restraint, little does he know that Dream is actively trying to fuck the local vampire!!! He turned up specially for that reason!!!! Pay him some attention!!!!!
The alternative with vampire Dream is wonderful too because he's very committed to the whole... vibe. He's dialling up the spooky to 100. And Hob is so into it. He's twirling his hair around his fingers while the candles flicker and Dream looms (tm) over him. Batting his eyelashes while Dream pours wine? Blood? Who knows, Hob doesn't care, he just wants that undead dick in him. Imagine how much he loves Dream’s cold flesh, his lack of breath, his pale cock. He's absolutely determined to bring a flush to his lover’s cheeks, even if it kills him... which he wouldn't mind, if it means Dream will be drinking his blood <3
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elvisabutler · 1 year
my lover stands on golden sands
summary: a long deserved vacation to hawai‘i is filled with swimming despite your true desire to just stay in bed. fandom: elvis ( 2022 ) | elvis presley | austin butler pairing: elvis presley x female reader, past elvis presley x priscilla presley implied/referenced rating: t-ish. word count: 2467 warnings: minor poor health mentions in relation to pregnancy. pregnancy. a lot of seal talk. a lot of sealness. lisa marie is a minor character in this. blink and you miss it pregnancy/breeding kink from elvis. this is honestly pretty fluffy y'all. author’s note: consider this an epilogue of sorts? basically when i first wrote the fic @oh-kurva wanted a sequel and then some of y'all requested stuff for my 1k gala so this turned into less of a sequel and just more a epilogue/another one shot for them. genuinely i'm still delighted any of y'all liked the original fic, let alone this one and i may write more for them potentially because i do enjoy them. and hey, if y'all ever want more before i come up with something, my askbox is usually always open to requests. also you can read this as austin butler's elvis or real elvis, i left it nebulous enough, i think. also time frame is probably 73-75 elvis, but that pic in the moodboard is secretly my kryptonite so it had to be used. also if you want to be on my taglist for anything, click here and fill the form out. responses are anonymous when it comes to me getting your email. or you can just message me your preferences. i'm easy either way.
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You hate to admit it but Elvis had been right this morning as he watched you struggle to get out of bed, the combination of nausea and your not insubstantial stomach making it so that the idea of spending your vacation in bed while him and Lisa and members of the Mafia frolicked sounded like such a charming plan. A charming plan Elvis caught onto the second he saw you burrowing deeper into the covers. He's gentle in the way he attempts to almost ambush you with his plans, his hand moving to rub at the swell of your belly, marveling at how he feels the faintest of kicks.
"Ya ain't tryin' to go back to sleep on me, are ya? Gonna bail on me and yittle Yisa? She's been lookin' forward to swimmin' with us. Said she's been practicin' her shiftin'." His tone is light but when you look at him the concern and worry's written all over his face. You aren't young and he knows you've been getting more and more tired as the months go on.
"I can't get up," you try to argue, not wanting to explain that you feel almost as if a bus has run you over and how the idea of heaving your body up into a sitting- let alone standing position has your stomach threatening to upend itself. "Just feeling a little tired and sick to my stomach, Elvis. Nothing to worry about."
"When's t'last time ya went swimmin', darlin'?" He asks, still rubbing soft circles against your stomach. "Might help a lil."
Selkie pregnancies are weird that way, sometimes it's fine to remain on land for all nine months while other times it ought to be doctor's orders for you to be in water as often as you can. Your doctor doesn't know how to deal with a supernatural pregnancy like this but he trusts the man with your life. So you and Elvis have been having to play it by ear. If he was a betting man, he'd say that his own issues with his skin and shifting and being away from water for so long has the baby growing inside of you craving the sea or some form of water. He's noticed how you relax in the tub more often than you ever had before and that it helps you. You've been here at least few days and while the two of you had showered multiple times he had yet to see you floating in any form of water.
"Before we left Memphis," you answer looking more than a bit chagrined, "didn't mean to, just we were having fun doing other things and-"
He cuts you off by sliding down your body till his face is eye level with your stomach. He places a series of kisses to it, chuckling lowly as each one is followed by a kick and a grunt from you. He doesn't say a word until you move to grab the sides of his face, "now lookat ya. Achin' and feelin' like a pile of dead weight. Ain't ya always double checkin' I at least go in a hotel pool when I'm tourin' without ya? Meanwhile here ya are forgettin' you got a bit o'me in ya. Forgettin' they need the water too. Gonna do wonders for that back of yours alone."
The embarrassment over him knowing without a single question which parts of your body are aching has you face warming and has you looking away from him as he moves to sit back up. "Feelin' embarrassed are ya? Gonna let me take ya outside in that lil' swimsuit of yours? Swim with ya step daughter and me?"
An argument is on the tip of your tongue but as you look at his expectant face and hear what you swear is a little tiny knock at the door that can only be from Lisa you let out a sigh. "Help me get up then, my big strong selkie. Can't roll out of bed otherwise. Hell, you'll probably have to help me get dressed too."
"Actin' like that's a damn chore for me. Up n'at'em, seal wife," he murmurs, standing up before holding out his arm for you to use as leverage. "Ya packed the bikini or the one piece?"
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Much to Elvis's- or lil Elvis's distress you had packed the one piece swimsuit. Something about not wanting to show off everything which Elvis found to be complete bullshit because you looked like a damn queen pregnant and full of life but he wasn't about to argue just this once about it. It had taken about 30 minutes for you to get fully ready, a period of time that had Lisa coming into your room and half tackling you and Elvis with a hug. You're pretty sure if her boundless energy had been fully directed toward you that you and your bump would have been on the floor. She doesn't question Elvis shooing you into the bathroom so that he can get on your suit despite how she's seen your chest before. It's fine though, and after a bit you peek your head out followed by your body and a gasp of delight from the young girl. Apparently you look pretty and Lisa can't help but put her head to your stomach, giggling as a kick hits her in the cheek.
You and Elvis share a look over her head as you gently pull her away and move to grab a robe to wear outside as you leave the room. It doesn't take Elvis too much longer to get ready and once he does the three of you start to walk to the beach with Lisa leading the charge and you leaning a bit heavily on Elvis. Lisa's talking a bit, something about how she can't wait to show you two how quick she can shift now and you nod a little tiredly as Elvis answers with words for the both of you. Faintly you hear Lisa asking if you're okay and you feel your heart twist in delight at the notion of her caring.
"She's fine yittle. Just tired from carryin' ya sibling. Gonna help her out with the water, ain't we though? Gonna show me how strong ya've gotten without me?" He asks playfully but you know there's a mild undercurrent of distress. He trusts Priscilla to make sure their little girl is alright but she is not a selkie and it's hard enough to teach a young one when you're with them twenty four seven.
Lisa, if she picks up on it keeps it close to the chest as she answers back, "yeah, but ya taught me it! And ya can teach me more now!"
"She's got you there," you huff out a laugh as you can finally see the water in sight. Your stomach rolls again and you feel a flutter of activity the more you look at it. Maybe Elvis was right, maybe you should have been practically living in the water since you got here. You pull away from him to take off your robe, dropping it in a chair before walking straight to the water with Elvis and Lisa following close behind you.
The second you hit the water you feel your body relax, the nausea abate and the flurry of activity simmer down to a few kicks and rolls every so often, as if they're trying swim with you. You watch as you see Elvis and Lisa in their seal forms swimming quicker than you can out to sea. You could go farther, you think, but you dread the idea of something happening to you if you're swept into a current you can't escape. No, it's safer to remain where you are marveling at the healing power of the water for you. Everything feels so light from your full breasts to your stomach, you practically feel weightless and can't help the way your eyes flutter shut. You're not sleeping and you're not sleepy in the moment but you want to savor it for when you're back outside of the water with everything weighing you down once more.
The water shifts around you and it prompts you to open your eyes a crack. You have company swimming around you. Elvis's large form and Lisa's smaller form swimming in a circle around you almost as if to protect you or to keep you company. A smile crosses your face as you speak, unsure if they can hear you. "Hello to you two too. Aren't you supposed to be stretching your flippers?"
You don't get an answer in the way you expect. In fact what happens next isn't really an answer at all, and is more or less one of the most touching things you've ever felt. Elvis has been in his form since you two found out you were pregnant and you've felt him press against it with his nose but with Lisa, you've never seen her in her seal form. Before you have a chance to stop him or her you feel his large snout squish against your belly and feel what you swear is an answering kick. Lisa, wanting to get in on the action mimics her father with her own smaller press of her snout. The problem is that she isn't used to it, isn't used to how it makes her nose feel and she lets out a little sneeze inadvertently giving you a small raspberry with the boop. The reaction from inside of you is somehow more intense and you let out a breathless sort of laugh as you try and grab Lisa to hug her. Elvis peeks his head up above the water and you hear his bark of a laugh in seal form before it shifts to human and the little seal in your arms shifts back to Lisa's human form.
It goes on like this for what feels like hours but is only just two but it's filled with small boops of their snouts to your stomach and raspberries and answering kicks back. But Elvis can feel you getting tired, see how your strokes in the water are a little less strong and without asking or wondering if he should, he manages to have you on his back as a seal with you grasping as he swims back to shore. After a moment or two on the shore he shifts back and calls for Lisa who dutifully- for once- comes back onto the shore as a human as well. Your eyes drift shut a little as you yawn. "You don't have to stop because I'm a little tired, Elvis. Go. Go swim, that's why we're on vacation."
"We're still gonna swim, darlin'. Got some more stuff I gotta teach Yisa, but wanna put ya in one of the chairs. Put an umbrella over ya. Let ya take a nap while we do it," he whispers the words, almost as if it's a secret plan before he picks you up and carries you to the chair in question, setting you down almost as if you're a glass doll. "Jus' take it easy. They're all excited 'bout the swimmin' ya did."
As if you prove his point, when his hand brushes against your stomach, strong kicks hit his hand and he hums. "See? Told ya the water'd help ya. They got their dose of the sea, already feeling healthier and they're gonna pass it onto ya once ya sleep. Jus' rest, Y/N. I'll wake ya up."
You try to keep your eyes open but it's as if the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore and the sounds of the Mafia- the parts Elvis trusts to see him in his seal form- are the perfect lullaby to lull you to sleep. By the time you wake up, the sun is setting and you feel a weight that isn't just your pregnant belly in your lap. It's Lisa asleep in her seal form, a fact that makes you laugh softly before you feel Elvis's snout pressing against your cheek and then to your stomach. An eyebrow raise is all it takes to get Elvis to shift back, with him shaking Lisa awake to do the same. It takes her longer, the exhaustion of today getting to her and without missing a beat you move to pick her up. Elvis opens his mouth to protest, his eyes drifting to your stomach before you shake your head.
"Let your seal wife take care of your pup. We're all fine," you say, pulling Elvis in for a kiss as Lisa's head lays on your shoulder. "I need to practice anyway. Can't have you carrying them around everywhere."
Elvis exhales and allows you do what you want, hovering just in case. It's a charmingly domestic scene and you can't help but smile and lean against him as you walk together back to the hotel. Lisa's room is close to your shared room with Elvis and when you arrive there he finally takes her from you and shoos you off to your room. You draw a bath and by the time Elvis comes back to the room, you're in it, soaking before you actually start to bathe. He joins you, his body fitting in behind you with a bit of a tight squeeze between his belly and yours but you both manage without too much effort. As you bathe Elvis nuzzles your neck and in between kisses says two words.
"Thank you."
Somehow that perks your body up and you manage to turn to look at him. "For what?"
"Bein' my seal wife. Taken care of me. Dealin' wit' me. Givin' me 'nother pup. Take your pick, darlin'," he answers as if all those things are worthy of praise and thanks. "Ya came at jus' the right time."
Something about the words warms you from the inside out and you can't help but shiver before you let out a small laugh. "What can I say, you managed to charm me despite everything. What else was I supposed to do but fall in love and protect you and everything else?"
Elvis lets out his own soft laugh before wrapping his arms tighter around you. "Run off with my skin like a villain," he starts to say before realizing you're humming a song that he knows you associate with the two of you. "Hummin' Bobby Darin while in the bath wit' me. Traitor. Least you could do is ask me to sing it.
A look is all you give Elvis before he does start to sing it. You make it to happy we'll be beyond the sea before you're out like a light, snoring in Elvis's arms both in the tub and out once he's done.
taglist: @ab4eva, @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, @precious-little-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith @missmaywemeetagain, @lookingforrainbows, @araxw, @thatbanditqueen, @ellie-24, @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @kendralavon7, @chasingwildflowers, @notstefaniepresley, @wanderingelvis, @kxnnxy, @powerofelvis if you don’t want to be tagged for this series, tell me, i mostly just went through my elvis presley taglist answers and went from there. also if i missed you in this tagging and your name doesn’t look like everyone else’s welcome to the horror of being one of those people who tumblr won’t let me tag.
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Yay! Your askbox is open again! ♥️ Hi there, Mousy! How are ya? 👋🏻 Here's a virtual cookie 🍪✨️
I was wondering if you have any thoughts about Isaac as a boyfriend/husband to the Farmer or Alesia as a girlfriend/wife to the Farmer. Maybe them as parents too, because I'm in a very wholesome mood lately! And I might gain inspiration to draw them, again, like I used to! :D Who knows? Hehe... Anyways, take ur time if you're answering this.
Thank you very much if you answered this! Have a good day! (*´▽`)v✨️
I can't go anon for some reason, but I'm way too excited to wait |_•) I don't think I can calm down from my wholesomeness thoughts.
Hey hey Nim! 👋 Feeling good, thank you ☺️
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for the cookie! *eating the cookie* Mmmm, my favorite ❤️
I apologize for the inconvenience with the ability to ask a question as anon. Turns out I didn't turn that option on, I thought it was on by default 😅 so it's not your fault.
Here some random headcanons with Alesia and Isaac as partner/spouse/parent. Have a good day too! 🫰
Alesia is still responsible for the defense of Castle Village, so even though she lives in the Valley, she keeps in touch with her coworkers.
Not an ardent PDA fan, at most Alesia can be expected to kiss on the cheek in public. When she and Farmer are alone, she will show her tenderness: hugs, kisses, and maybe something else 👀
Loves to give and receive practical things to help in adventures: daggers, amulets, elixirs, artifacts. Also has a collection of rare daggers, so if the Farmer has a nice dagger lying around, found in adventures, it would make a great gift for Alesia.
A loving and moderately strict mother. Will always listen to her children, help them and protect them to the last, but will not spoil them much.
Can be a bit of a overprotective wife and mom, so let Farmer not be surprised that Alesia can break a stranger's nose because he said something bad about Farmer or their children. As it is, she's pretty peaceful.
Even if her and Farmer's kids don't want to become adventurers, the sniper still thinks that giving them a couple of self-defense lessons wouldn't hurt.
In the spouse area, she will set up a stand with her bows and a target, practicing archery in her spare time.
She will find common ground with the residents of Pelican Town very quickly. Her first friends are Robin and Leah.
Every Sunday she goes to Pierre's store to pray at Yoba's altar. Later Andy became her friend after constant meetings.
Her trust is very easy to lose, so Farmer should not deceive her. Never. For their own good.
Even if they are thinking of ending the relationship, let them say it straight, and they will separate like adults. Alesia will not tolerate deceit, and Farmer will regret it bitterly if they decide to cheat her.
With a partner like Isaac, Farmers get the scary dog privileges, whether they realize it or not.
Don't count on PDA, Isaac still can't get used to the idea of having a date. So it can be a bit much for him.
Even when Isaac is alone with Farmer, he may seem cold and closed off. But he's not the heartless, and willing to go down to hell for Farmer.
Farmer is honored to see Isaac's sword collection.
Sometimes Isaac needs time alone, and he's glad when Farmer understands him half-heartedly and gives him some space.
Without noticing it himself, Isaac began to flex in front of his beloved. A friendly fight with another adventurer was an opportunity for Isaac to show off all his skills as a fighter to Farmer.
Can be a rather jealous boyfriend (especially if Lance is hanging around somewhere). Even after marrying Farmer, may not stop being jealous. Apparently, the idea that he's not good enough for Farmer still haunts him.
Not the most affectionate spouse, but he tries hard, is pretty careful and gentle partner.
Only Farmer can catch the rarest phenomenon in the world, a smiling Isaac.
Strangely enough, he was the first to talk about children, and he has taken to preparing for the arrival of a new member of the family with all responsibility. A very gentle and careful father.
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mercurygray · 8 months
Hello! Excited to jump into the world of Tumblr and the Band of Brothers fandom! As someone who's new to this scene and a bit more seasoned (I'm over 50!), I'm eager to connect with awesome folks like you.
I'm on a quest to make new friends and engage with the community in all the right ways, but I could use some guidance. Could you help me understand the difference between the ask box and inbox on Tumblr? I want to make sure I'm using them effectively to reach out and connect with fellow fans.
Your insight would be greatly appreciated as I embark on this adventure! Thanks a bunch for your help!
Hello, Kind Anonymous Friend, and welcome! We are SO GLAD you are here!
The Askbox and the Inbox are basically words for the same thing from different angles. The Askbox is the public face of the box, and can be open or closed for people to send asks, like you did, and the inbox is the collecting point the receiver looks at to read and reply to those messages. Here's mine, right now, with this message in it!
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Because I have multiple blogs, they have multiple inboxes, appearing to the right of the screen. Each inbox will show a count for the messages in it. (I always forget where this is on Mobile; it's hidden inside something.)
Asks have a character limit, which means if you'd like people to be able to send longer messages, you may also open up your blog to submissions, which basically allow any user to send you an entire post that you can then publish to your blog. These submissions also show up in your Inbox, if you have that submit feature turned on. (I do, if you'd like to experiment with that.)
Asks and submissions are a more public way to message people - they can be published, like I'm doing now, and they're often only one way.
If you'd like to have more of a conversation here on Tumblr, or you'd like your conversation to be more private, you can use the Messages feature, which starts a chat channel between two users. This is also sometimes called a dm, for direct message. These can be accessed from the Messages panel on the left-hand sidebar, or your Activity tab on Mobile.
There are a couple of settings you can turn on and off about who can send you messages. (Safety note: It is entirely possible for a bot to send Messages and we've had a fair bit of that recently. You'll know them when you see them. No one uses that many emojis.)
Just like other aspects of the site, if you don't like someone who is sending you asks or messages, both of those features have a feature you can use to block specific users.
Hope this helps! My dms are open if you have more questions!
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liminalweirdo · 2 years
How to spot a scam on tumblr
Scammers are getting smarter and in light of the recent “help my cat” scam posts going around which @meluvcheese22 has a pretty detailed post on here I just thought that this might be a good time to help people know what to look for.
Those message requests that come through your askbox that look similar to this:
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[image id: a screenshot of a tumblr ask from user catgirlmacaroni that says:
catgirlmacaroni asked a question
“Heeeeey im really sorry, I know you might find this a bit strange but I really do have a huge favor to ask but im so embarrassed to ask for it but I guess there’s no harm on trying, right? Can you consider boosting/sharing the post I pinned for my cat please? We’re in desperately need of help rn. Im so sorry for coming across your inbox like this. Please also consider answering this privately or send me a msg instead! Wishing you well and I hope that you’ll have an amazing year ahead of you (hear emojis)”
end image id]
Posts like this are almost always a scam. Especially if they’re coming from someone you don’t know.
@you-reblogged-a-scam​ has a great post on this
How can you spot a scam?
Go to the user’s profile and type [their username].tumblr.com/archive you can see that they have only been posting on tumblr for a couple of months before they made their crowdsourcing request for their cat. That should be a red flag as they’re only giving the illusion of being a tumblr user. (This is also a good way to vet for bots that aren’t just empty blogs.)
The fact that they weren’t using a Crowdfunding platform was suspicious to me, especially because those platforms crack down on scammers and afaik, offer protection to people who have donated if they discover it’s a scam. This isn’t failproof as I know a lot of people do use just P*aypal or V*nmo but this should still be a red flag.
 Search the P*ypal account user’s name through Google to see if they’ve done anything like this before. As you can see here, and here this user has posted VERY SIMILAR cat stories under different tumblr accounts but they all go back to the same P*ypal. You can also reverse image search included images or search parts of the text they’ve written to see if it appears as “original posts” under different Tumblr users’ accounts (or whatever other social media you use)
The notes being turned off was also suspicious as you can see that some people got the word in and the scammer realized their mistake.
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[image id: a screenshot of the cat post’s notes with the tumblr message stating that Replies have been turned off for this post and Some replies may have been hidden, blocked, or removed.
tumblr user eatingcroutons writes: “Weird how this person had a different cat in a different state needing money for a different treatment just a week ago: http://www.tumblr.com/axellhere/705044183042392064/pay-axell-cruz-apuyan-using-paypalme”
tumblr user hoodiedeer writes: @ eatingcroutons and the oldest posts on their account are a bunch of reblogs a day before this post lol”
end image id]
If you notice something’s a scam, please please say something in the notes and try to spread the word. Please report it to tumblr and report it to P*aypal or whichever cash transfer source they’re using. Make a Tumblr post about it, just get the word out.
Please be careful out there. I know we all want to help, but please make sure your money is actually going to people who need it, and not people like this.
Also, please add to this post if you have any other ideas for how to spot scams.
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alienaiver · 2 years
Hello! I hope this is the right askbox, I can't access the link one from the rules post. May I req about Allen W. & Lavi (separately) with reader having a relaxing time together after a tough tiring mission (in which they could have almost died)? Thanks!
hey hi hello! <!!3 and ah, thank you for telling me that! i'll fix it asap but dw, u came to the right place 🧡✨ and this request was so cute.......lavis got a bit angsty but i tried to mend it LJSFKS<3333 i hope you like them :') <!!33333333
made it genderneutral and reader is an exorcist as well, innocence etc is unspecified though!
wordcount: 1.9k (872 for allen and 1.1k for lavi respectively!) warnings: death is a discussed subject in both but more in the presence of relief in a death not happening! i kept it as lighthearted as my d. gray man infused tragedy ass was able to! (i wouldnt mind exploring either of these more in-depth if thats something youd be interested in!!)
thank you for requesting my friend<3
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Allen throws another log of wood into the hearth. It’s cold and your gratitude at being allowed to stay at this mansion during your mission is slowly wearing off with the way the temperature seems to be just a little too cold no matter how much wood you waste.
“Ah, I apologize that it has yet to heat up,” Allen apologies weakly and you can’t help the snort you let out, “that’s got nothin’ got do with you though.”
He nods, “still. I feel awful that you’re so cold,” he admits before situating himself back on the couch. You huff, “I’m not that cold.” you try but the arguments falls flat when he looks at you and laughs, “are you certain? I would like to think that you hogging all the blankets and both of our duvets speaks to the opposite argument.”
Allen’s laugh is ethereal. Simply otherworldly and a warmth settles in your stomach that has little to do with the actual temperature in the room. You settle further into your little blanket mountain and sigh deeply. Exhaustion is kicking in and the weariness is not only in your muscles today.
Allen perks up immediately, “does it still hurt?”
You shake your head and bend your knee a few times, slowly, “I should’ve just gotten it together.”
It sounds sour. You don’t mean to poison the lighthearted mood that was in the room prior but bitterness is very much detectable in your voice. He sighs and leans his body towards yours, “it’s okay, I’d take you getting injured any other day than you… dying.” an awkward pause was between his sentence and the final word but you’re too preoccupied with the residual anger – if only you’d dodged the attack a few seconds earlier, if your instincts would’ve just worked right, he wouldn’t have had to scream your name in an octave that almost made you cry.
“May I?”
You hadn’t even noticed how close he’d gotten, holding the edge of the top blanket in his still gloved hand. You nod dumbly, confused, letting him into your space easily, comfortably.
You move around in tandem so that you’re finally positioned where you want to be the most – in his arms. You absentmindedly play with the hem of his jacket – none of you are out of your uniforms yet, dreading the cold that’ll inevitably hit you the second that you do and he kisses the top of your head, “I’m just glad you’re safe. I’ll even carry you to the station in the morning.”
You snort, “I know you will but I’ll not allow it, Walks.” it’s his turn to laugh out albeit it’s awkward and slightly tense, “could you stop with that nickname? I’d like to think your boyfriend should be called by his actual name,” he tries but you look at him with a smirk, “I could also go with my honey.”
The imminent and violently red blush on his cheek is worth every dime you’ve ever tried owning in your life. Endearing nicknames are very new to the lovable British boy you’ve recently started seeing romantically after months of pining and even more months of Lenalee’s insistent intervention. Neither physical nor emotional affection was something he received easily but he was getting better. You settle back against him with a shrug and a hidden, teasing smile, “I could also go with beansprout I guess?”
He groans and lets his head fall onto your shoulder, “I will carry you to the station if you do not stop that wretched nonsense immediately!”
You laugh and Allen feels himself relax again at the sound of a genuine one – there had been no reason for you to feel guilty about what happened at the battlefield today but he doesn’t blame you – he knows the feeling all too well. He’s just grateful that you’re still here, alive, in his arms right now.
A comfortable silence falls between you after you sigh contentedly. Your hand has moved on from the hem of his jacket to his hand, intertwining them with your own while he periodically sneaks kisses onto the top of your head or cheeks.
Allen never knew he’d become so addicted to physical touch as he’s gotten after kissing you only a few times. He’s constantly seeking out your hand when you walk next to each other and his hands always seems to travel to your body in a quest for some contact. Recently he’s even started touching you with his glove off – at your request, of course.
“It’s warm,” you told him the first time his ungloved hand traced circles on your cheek, stars sparkled in your eyes at his willingness to comply. You’d then proceeded to kiss every digit and up his arm, stopping at his shoulder with a sigh, “I love you, Allen Walker.”
Allen’s brought back to the present at the sound of your gentle snoring. He pulls you in closer with a content sigh. He probably will make good on the promise of carrying you to the station – even if you’ll sound like a screaming banshee all the way.
You’re both fast asleep before you realize the warmth’s finally emerging in the room from the hours of making the hearth cooperate.
“Do you ever get tired of reading?”
You’re sprawled on the couch looking at Lavi who’s at the edge of the couch with his nose buried in documents. He almost died today and you’ve decided his reaction’s off. He’s way too nonchalant about it. You’re not sure if you’re more frustrated at him for almost dying or for his reaction not being as severe as yours.
“Hm?” he barely looks up from the parchment in his hands but the slight tilt of his head signals that he’s listening to you, at least. You groan and kick him lightly, hoping it’ll garner more of a reaction.
It doesn’t.
When you keep toeing at him, he finally sighs and puts the papers down on his lap, “what?”
There’s more bite in that word than you’ve ever heard from him and it makes you recoil. It doesn’t go past him though and he seems to visibly reign back his emotions, if only for a split second. He reaches out for you but you bend your legs up towards you, “I’m sorry I annoyed you,” you try and he moves back to his papers – for a moment you fear he’s just gonna start reading again but he folds them up nicely and puts them on the corner table next to the couch. He then takes off his headband, and lets his hair fall down.
“I’m a little tense, I apologize.”
He moves towards you again and this time you let him, his arms crossed and resting on your thighs. You bite your underlip, waiting to see if he’ll continue talking.
He doesn’t, he simply makes one of his signature smiles.
You sigh and let your arms fall to your sides, “listen Lavi, you almost died today. I think we should talk about it instead of just… reading to distract from the subject.”
Frustration flashes in his eye and he looks down with his bottom lip formed to a pout. A heavy cute aggression overwrites your focus for a moment and you want to squeeze his cheeks. You lean towards him as well, your arms going around his neck – the position is uncomfortable though, so your arms travel down his and wrap around his wrists to pull him on top of you. He follows meekly until he’s comfortably settled.
“Well, well, well,” he says with a toothy grin but you hush him, “don’t play around right now, idiot, I actually do want to talk.”
He clicks his tongue in an almost Kanda-like fashion but rests his forehead on top of yours anyway before he opens his mouth, “you know I’m not… good, with all that. I’m not built like that.”
You hold back a snort but a breath of air does escape your nose before you can stop it. You hope it’s not as condescending as you fear it sounds. “You said that about romance too before you kissed me senseless underneath two exploding Akumas two years ago.”
He looks around the room in an effort to not look you in the eyes. You kiss him, slowly and with as much love as you can muster. He sighs into it and when you pull back, he follows you for a second kiss. You oblige as your hands run through his hair. You always did like to play around with it.
He’s distracting you; you realize. He’s not the only one able to calculate situations like these so you pull back and tut at him, “I could’ve lost you today.”
He sighs, “but you didn’t.”
“No, but I could’ve. I won’t force you more than this but I just want you to know that I’m glad you’re okay.” you trace mindless circles on his cheek as you say this and you don’t miss the way his eye widens at your admission. He clears his throat, “you are?”
It’s a whisper of a question.
The insecurity laced into his question surprises you and you do a double take to read his facial expression. He looks scared. You pull him impossibly closer, sighing into his hair, “of course, Lavi. I love you.”
He gulps loudly and you can feel the shaking as he exhales. You know what he’s about to say, so you pull him to face you again and kiss him before he gets a chance to.
After kissing some composure back into him and the shakiness out, you smile at him, admiring his emerald eye.
“That card game you talked about on the train – you still want to play?”
He seems to consider for a second before he decides, “no. I want to stay in your arms.”
You laugh and he blows a raspberry into your neck making you scream out and paw at him, trying to push him off. He laughs too before settling into your neck again. You’re tense though because you don’t trust him not to continue his shenanigans.
“Would you rather eat 20 worms or sleep in the mud for two nights straight?”
You’ve never seen his face rise so fast from your chest to give you the most confused and disgusted look you’ve seen him sport in a while. When you just look at him with a raised eyebrow, clearly waiting for a serious answer, he falls back down and breathes out.
“Would I have to eat all the worms at once? Or could I space them out over a time period?”
You laugh, “would you really rather eat one worm a week for 20 weeks than get it all over with?” and he groans, “well, I gotta know my options here!”
You stifle your laugh that’s threatening to boil back up and clear your throat, “you could take as long as you needed to eat them.” you decide thoughtfully and he chuckles, “then I’d rather eat 20 worms.”
You hum in reply, thinking it through. “How long would you spend eating them?”
“Hopefully 20 years.” he admits and you punch his shoulders, “hey! That’s cheating!”
He looks up at you with a pout, “but you just said I could take as long as I needed!”
“Yeah, but I didn’t mean like that!” you pout back at him and he groans at the absurdity of it all.
The rest of the evening continues on with more ridiculous questions like these, all making you both laugh and punch each other in the name of fairness. The questions continue long into the night where you both end up falling asleep, uncomfortably tangled into each other without any hope of a duvet because none of you wanted to get up and not touch each other.
Lavi hopes his actions are able to communicate what his mouth won’t ever be able to say out loud.
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I HOPE THESE FIT WHAT YOU HAD IN MIND MY LOVE<3 if not dont be afraid to lmk!!!! <3 i enjoyed immensely writing both of these and as i said up there ^ these are both works i wouldnt mind exploring more in-depth in a more longer type fic (still one shot)! 👀 but it probably would be just a bit darker/exploring the 'almost losing someone' trope deeper!!!
@the-cosmos-network 🌌
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once-in-a-blood-moon · 4 months
Droppping by your askbox to say thank you again and to ramble for a bit..
I finished painting my nails this afternoon and they turned out well (yay!!) I actively use only three colors: blue, violet, and black. I used the blue one since that's what i had planned to use for my next nail painting session, but i think i also needed that to boost my intuition 😆 Now, i was wondering what does violet and black nail polish manifest? 👀
Side ramble: I started my nail painting hobby after i bought the violet nail polish because it reminded me of barbatos. Im still using that same bottle up to this day. Also my mom accidentally bought the same bottle so i guess i dont have to run to the store to replace the old one anytime soon 😆
Hi, Ven!! You're more than welcome! I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to, so I did. 😌
Yay!! That sounds super fun! I haven't painted my nails in what feels like ages. I think the last time I had them done was two years ago when I got acrylic nails in this really pretty purple shade. It was the only time I've ever gotten acrylic nails, but I hope to do it again sometime!
Ooh, and I love those colors! Those are some of my favorite colors, blue, purple, and black. But I love that Barbie got you into picking up a new hobby! That's cute, I bet he'd be honored! Sometimes I wish that I was better at painting my nails, but my hands are so unsteady so they end up looking like a three-year old did them. 😣 (Feel free to come and ramble anytime, btw!)
Hehe, you want to know the ways of witchcraft, do you? Just kidding! These things are for everyone and I'm glad this interests you a bit. So, I'll delve more into the color blue.
Blue can be used to help when you're in a bit of a mental slump (obviously magic is not an end all, cure all, but thought I'd say this just in case). It can cool you off, keep you level headed, and open your mind to new ideas. It essentially expands intuition and encourages inspiration. So, if you were to manifest something with the color blue, you could paint your nails with the intention to unblock your mind if it's been feeling hazy, ease your mind if something is troubling you (like an event coming up), or to remind yourself to slow down and keep your mind open to what's around you as inspiration may strike at anytime.
Purple is associated with spirituality, (blue can be too). But it also has to do with power, the power you hold within as well as what is without. It's also associated with ambition. So, manifestations with this color could be climbing up the career ladder but only doing so with the skills you have rather than by luck (you could use green, orange, or even gold if you just wanted quick luck and growth), wanting to better hone your capabilities and get to know them (and yourself) better, or to feel closer to your spirituality if you've been feeling lost or out of touch with it.
Black (I'd use black but that might be like using a white crayon on a white piece of paper) represents banishing or letting something go. It's good for meditation (as is blue) and can allude to the un/subconscious. (It's also good for protection!) Manifestations with this color could be letting something go (emotionally, mentally, physically, whatever you want), revealing something that you'd like to know or have been in the dark about, or to just feel more grounded or safe.
I gave a few examples hoping they could be flexible so you may use them to your liking. There's many more ways to incorporate color magic into everyday life to get the outcome you desire, so just play around with it and see what happens! What you'd be doing is harmless, so the worst that could happen is your manifestations wouldn't come in. Just make sure you keep your intention in mind, big rule of thumb.
Also, unrelated, did you know that eating strawberries can be a witchy/spiritual practice too? With intention, and due to the fact that strawberries are a natural aphrodisiac, eating them can promote self-love! (Or any kind of love really) It's a quick way to feel good about yourself, which I think is sweet.
Anyways, hope this wasn't a mess to read! 😊
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minevn · 1 year
We've reached 100 followers everyone! Thank you so much for your support! This has been such a journey and never in a million years would I have expected people to like and enjoy my stories as much as I do, seriously, it means so much to me! Thank you all once again for your support, it's been amazing and has made me so happy to read all of your asks
I would also like to apologize for not posting as much recently. My brain has been a little fried from writing, but I'm slowly but surely working on the drafts! Sorry for the people who sent asks and are waiting!! Here's to hoping this event will be a little bit more of a break and motivate me again!
ANYWAAAAAYS!! For the poll, Mine doodles won! I'll be taking 50 requests for Mine doodles! I've also decided to add some flat colors! As mentioned in the poll post, in the beginning you may only request one drawing that way anyone who wants to request gets a chance, after requests start dwindling/ a certain time period ends(still deciding, maybe a week or two!) you'll be able to request more, all a ask is that you don't spam please! No need to worry if you don't get to ask a request, either because you weren't here the first time, or time ran out or all the slots filled up, this event will be repeated eventually and you can ask then!
I do have a few more things you can request/rules and what you can't! Please read carefully and if you have any questions let me know :3
Request multiple Mine characters in one piece
Request your oc/s with a Mine character or multiple!
If there's a specific pose and/or outfit you want me to draw the Mine cast in, please send in some references, thank you!
I ask that you send requests in my askbox, you can turn on anon ofc!
Also please be kind of specific about what you want. like if you want to suggest maybe like Yani and Jun, like what are they doing, is there any sort of place you had in mind for where they are? Any kind of outfits you want to put them in? If you just want a drawing of one of the characters, you can just say (name) plain and I'll try to come up with something! I'll also assume that an ask with a Mine character and you oc is romantic unless stated otherwise, so please be as specific as you can, even if you think I may not need it or it should be obvious, I need things stated to me clearly :3
Request nsfw(I'll probably have that event on twitter at some point!)
honestly, anything that goes against my rules so like no proship or bigotry or anything else gross like incest(Please dni with my stuff if you're into any of that stuff)
No requesting other people's yandere's(You can suggest your yandere oc with mine though if you want to, just not any solo drawings of a yandere not in Mine.) Also if you're requesting your own yandere, I ask that you keep anon off for that ask, just so I can make sure it actually is your yandere, thank you! Also if you don't want your account to me linked with mine, then you can send me a message of your ask and I'll send the ask to myself :3
Also I'd prefer to not draw any solos of your ocs(Once again, totally fine if you want me to draw them with the Mine cast :3)
Please don't request shading or clean lineart, it tuckers me out quickly and makes me lose motivation, if I did that, this event would never finish LMAO
Please don't rush me either, I have a life outside of Tumblr and Mine. I may also not like how the drawing is turning out(I'm sorta a perfectionist when it comes to my own art) and I may also lose motivation or just may not feel like drawing(Kind of like what's happening with writing rn)
Honestly, for my don'ts I don't think I have to worry, everyone who has followed me has been really kind and respectful but I felt the need to clarify things and say things because of some of the stuff I've seen on social media. Anyways, HAPPY 100 FOLLOWER MILESTONE EVENT!! I appreciate each and every one of you so much more then you could ever know, I wish I could express my joy and gratitude better! MWAH MWAH <333333
With that, let the event BEGIN!!
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thewordsinthevoid · 2 years
Alright this is my THIRD time relistening to 5.1, lets dump ALL my thoughts then:
-first of all, one of the best opening story sequences. I love when unwell does this framing, and it is always well done. "We may be going home soon" is a line that disturbs the shit out of me, and once again unwell's sound design is absolutely incredible with all that the dogs do. I do also want to see silas get his teeth punched out.
-i could talk for hours about chester this episode. But i just want to say both the writing and pat kings performance were perfect for him. The way he aporoaches the house practicing what to say, and specifically stumbling through all their namea, then is immediately thrown off by the house being casual is so comedic and him. I really want to know how pat king manages to sound that pathetic, its amazing. Hes also amazing later in the episode where hes freaking out over norah and wes.
-"come in!" "Mrs. Harper? Its me? Chester Warren?" "What of me yelling come in didnt you understand?" The way the cast acts is so fhdjsjjdjdbsjs seeing dot tentatively accept chester is so nice, while she still keeps bullying him a bit throughout the episode. Its such a good dynamic on full display.
-abbie is a bastard. Its perfect.
-"i can eavesdrop from here!" "Tell him to speak up!" AND THEN CHESTER ACTUALLY TALKING LOUDER IS FHDJDKSKNFNDA. Once again character dynamics are shining this entire episode, and having chester play the straight man to their antics is a good role for him.
-"i dont know how to proceed!" Have you ever met a man so pathetic-
-chester is a 24/7 mental breakdown at this point. Yeah this is what i wanted from season 5.
-i should write a fic where chester reads rudys will and all that-
-When you arent exactly a found family because you fell apart and didnt know each other long enough but in the end your the only person left to stand over their body-
-Abbie getting their character development shown off this ENTIRE EPISODE we're so proud of them learning to handle their own emotions.
-also lily WES IS A KID TF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???? Like yeah hes a ghost but come on. Tinee.
-chester refusing to enter the house is such a good character detail. My guy needs help.
-and now we're at the norah scene where she needs SO MUCH THERAPY
-once again applause for the sound design making Norahs voice have an interesting echo that isnt distracting!
-dot immediately asking Norah to stay there in rudys room absolutely made me and my friend start screaming at her. Im glad it turned out well but we both kind of just had a spittake
-btw dot actually sticking to joking about norah being her daughter is cute and hilarious. Like yee girl you got found familied
-wes being the only one to grive the way chester knows how to handle is so fucking funny to me actually-
-now this is the point of the episode for me that i freak out for. Chester not remembering ghosts or wes. I have a lot of general thoughts about this episode regarding it and 4.12s status, but i will say this specific scene mightve been good to include at the start of the new season rather than the end of last because i genuinely dont remember if wes and chester know each other. Im sure they should, and im sure chester does know about ghosts, but its been months since i heard the last few episodes, so i start to question my own knowledge. Its so unsettling and uncomfortable and i think seems like a good point of tying an audience effect to the plot. Like, its good metatextualy. And if im completely wrong and chester wasnt meant to know these things then. Idk. Bully me in my askbox
-regardless, once again im applauding pat king for the best, most pathetic performance ive ever seen
-chester and abbie getting into a theological debate is the type of content i need while im being forced to take a terrible theology class
-the mugs as a joke in this episode are goddamn hilarious. Its also nice how they manage to make some history with it, despite the audience not seeing it, its more in the little things of dot and lily joing its bc "shes fancy" in such a way it feels like they both know the joke. Its nice. Also wes getting fenwood house!!!!
-the way they manage to audibly convey dot walking over, snatching the alcohol of chesters hand, and drowning it is fucking skillfull and hilarious
-lily and norah getting the final mourning scene broke me. Norah crying broke me. I have nothing really to say about that scene other than it was good and made me wanna cry.
-the rain beginning is terrifying me. I am so ready for this season i am so hyped.
- if i could start season 5 in any way, it would be like this. This is all i wanted and more. The character dynamics and cast performances that (for me) are the pinnacle of unwell are on full display, its acknowledging a life changing event from the last season, and everything that happens in the episode is incredibly gripping on a character level
-the episode i think masterfully balances both a tone of mourning and humor, often getting into some darkly humorous places, and seems to be a concerted effort by the entire team to balance it. The writing, acting, design, all really make this tone work.
-can i keep mentioning the acting? The actors are incredible
-i get the feeling this might be chesters last appearance. I dont want it to be, but this feels like it could also be a send off to his character, and i wouldnt blame the writers if they did so, just so they had a smaller cast to focus on in the finale. I hope chester returns though, hes somehow become a bright spot in the show for me, and i blame his actor
-im also very concerned for what will happen to lily this season. Shes definitely struggling a lot with guilt, and i dont think shes going to be making the best choices. Regardless, i love her and norahs friendship, and she and chester also got a weird friendship that i think should lead the two to try to kill silas together.
-for my final thoughts, i deleted what i wrote about this and 4.12, but to summarize, i just hope the writers didnt feel pressured to write this episode, but that this episode serves as a good leadin to the rest of the season.
-i loved this episode, and it has already become one of my favorite. Unwell season 5 is delivering!
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heyy, I read the pinned post and I didn't see that it's not allowed to ask the creator, so regards.
I wanted to ask about how Fourth-Wall Breakers are characterized. i mean, i remember how Warren in his episode literally "pauses" it and speaks to the audience, he speaks to us. So, would he also be a Fourth-Wall Breaker? and I also ask about the characters who look at the screen, who look at us.
sorry if it's very inquisitive and it turns out to be annoying, you can answer with a simple "it's a fanfic stop screwing around " and I'll understand🫶🫶
very good fanfic and I hope you have a good life‼️‼️🌟🌟
oh yeah you're perfectly allowed to ask me stuff (at least somewhat related to this fic) through the askbox.
and dw your ask wasn't annoying in the slightest, this is something I've been thinking about for a while. please keep screwing around, look as far into it as you like, even for stuff I might not have intended. If I was someone who says "it's not that deep" to everything, this fic wouldn't exist.
so. I think the fic title is a little bit misleading on my part (and I don't just mean the word 'support' when the characters are getting none of that). Fourth-wall breaking refers to pretty much ANY form of self-awareness for fictional characters, of course. Like Deadpool, or Wander - even George and Harold from the goddamn Captain Underpants books count as fourth-wall breakers by definition, those books are stuffed with meta jokes and genre awareness. But there's the rub - in all those examples, the fourth-wall breaking is intended as a joke.
"This has been going on for an entire season-" *looks at audience* "-of our lives."
"We were supposed to do this four chapters ago!"
"You really can fix anything with a montage." (spoken right after a montage of characters solving a problem)
All those are clearly intended as nothing more than jokes. Warren is a slightly different example, but he still falls into this category. He's supposed to be a caricature of bad PSAs and anti-bullying instructors and influencers and whatnot, and him talking directly to the audience is part of that.
Monika, Wally, Rob, and to a lesser extent Yellow, on the other hand, all have a vital part of their character tied to their self-awareness. It's essentially 'crack' versus 'crack treated seriously'. The fourth wall breaking may have started off as a joke, sure, but if you - or the characters - stop and think about the implications of them KNOWING that they're fictional, it's horrifying no matter which way you look at it. Rob specifically is an interesting case because The Amazing World Of Gumball ALSO does fourth-wall breaking as a joke. And Rob's arc is far from the only time it's taken seriously. Just look at 'The Signal', one of the most horrifying episodes in the entire show to the point where I am astonished it's not talked about more.
Anyway, TL;DR - the four idiots whom this fic centres around are set apart from your average fourth-wall breaker by one single thing. They thought about the implications.
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