#but I see apprentices as more teenagers not kids
Ok, but like I feel like I've never dove in how Jason was probably the youngest in the legion. Probably for a very, very long time. And imagine how it felt to watch as kids played in new Rome, and eventually joined you. And you could never join them as they played in new rome. Imagine all of the kids you know are older than you, and you can't make friends. Imagine having to lead quests of people way older than you that resent you for it because of your parentage. Imagine how happy he was when people his age finally started joining, and I wishing he could he them? Imagine basically being raised by a bunch of teenagers, many of whom dislike you? Would love to hear ur thoughts
honestly, i imagine all of the older members of the legion whispering behind Jason's back about how easy he has it in camp jupiter bc of his dad, about how he isnt "qualified" enough to lead missions, and how he has everything "handed" to him. i feel like he had a LOT to prove and only when his missions started getting successful, people actually accept that he is capable, but even then envious members of the cohort would say that he got lucky or only succeeded bc of jupiter's blessings or smth. could you imagine a baby jason going to the older members of the legion for advice and they just coolly shrug him off? i feel like in a realistic standpoint, they arent outright mean to him bc they are terrified of jupiter's anger but they arent friendly either.
They just let him sit in a corner. i feel like at some point, even when people his age start coming in, he still wouldnt feel loved, because they all would think jason is too scary or intimidating and would avoid him out of fear, also bc he doesnt understand their jokes bc he was brought up too serious. so he would be an outcast. he would be an outcast but not necessarily in a bad way, but like "he's too good for us" type of way which actually hurts jason way more. like when he comes in they all would give him a small bow or something and it gets on his NERVES.
overall i feel like there is too much jealousy surrounding him for him to have any comfortable conversation with people, especially because he is their "leader" even if he was a praetor very late, people still subconsciously saw him as one, even the old praetors consulted him before they came to a decision.
i feel like the moment people even remotely saw him as a human with feelings is when he joined the least reputed legion simply to popularize it. i feel like that was HIS moment where ppl were like "yep this guy is actually a living person with empathy!" but it reverted back to ppl seeing him as an unapproachable artifact
which is why im so upset that frank and hazel didnt have a closer relationship with him, i mean we did see jason and frank talking together on the deck of argo 2 after jason transferred his praetorship to frank, probably filling him in his position, but i wish their relationship ascended beyond just a mentor and his apprentice. because that concept with jason's character gets so old. literally everyone saw him as an advisor and leader that they could learn from, but who really saw something beyond that about him? only leo, nico, reyna, piper and percy tbh.
and in the end, reyna had a subtle fallout with him so they didnt talk, piper broke up with him so they were awkward and tense, leo "died" and never saw him again, the last time nico saw jason was probably during the strawberry field scene when nico told him he's staying at camp, and jason got too busy with his temple project to see anyone else. he was working to keep his promise till the very end, just like a true roman. honestly thanks to you i might actually expand on this in a separate post and tag you in it :)
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the-soul-starved · 7 months
I need more dst x warriors content blease
whatever u have I would love to see 🥺
Ahh thank you!! I very much enjoy making warrior cats aus I am very happy you like them as well :]
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Here’s a few more since they are so fun to do!
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necrotic-nephilim · 3 months
I think what I love the most about Reverse Robin AU TimJay is the absolute potential for hero worship with Jason toward Tim. In canon we often forget that Tim didn't really care for Jason as Robin, meanwhile as I never shut up about, Jason has been weirdly respecting and obsessed with Tim since finding out about Tim's existence. So if you flip their order, make Tim Red Hood and make Jason Red Robin, there's so much room for hero worship from Jason.
As Robin, Jason has always teetered that edge of being pro-murder or not. Whether you believe he killed Felipe or not, even in his Post-Crisis introduction as Robin, he almost kills Two Face. Those concepts of lethal justice have always been brewing inside him, just reigned in by Bruce. So if you have Robin!Jason witnessing Red Hood!Tim start killing people and quickly making noticeable change in the landscape of gangs in Gotham, Jason would take quick notice. I think Tim as Red Hood would still be lethal, but there'd be a different application than Jason's Red Hood. Heads in duffle bags isn't Tim's style, even if he kills. I think you'd see something much more akin to that time Tim almost killed Boomerang, where it's such an elaborately thought out set up, it realistically doesn't even look like Tim killed anyone. It'd take months for Bruce to connect this string of deaths as anything other than coincidental, let alone link them to Red Hood. And Jason is wickedly smart, even as Robin. Jason, putting those pieces together before Bruce does and witnessing the undeniable positive change for Gotham it's enacting? Robin!Jason would be incredibly drawn in by that, and then even more-so, a Red Robin!Jason who has to grapple with being replaced to make room for the next Robin would I think, in anger, turn to Red Hood. And Tim would push him away at first, his plans don't have room for a scorned teenager who's trying to get back at Bruce and Nightwing!Damian like this- but I think Jason would wear him down. Prove to Tim that Jason can think on his wavelength.
Slightly related, what interests me about Red Hood!Tim is how it'd implicate his closeness to Ra's. Jason is taken into the League by Talia in Lost Days and Ra's doesn't necessarily approve of Jason's presence, especially not of Talia dunking him in the Pit, but Ra's has always canonically been A Little Weird about Tim. I think in a world Tim dies as the second Robin, it would be Ra's who dunks Tim to preserve his mind that Ra's thinks shouldn't be wasted, and you have the potential for 'apprentice of Ra's' Tim wrapped up in it all, even without him experience the Red Robin arc. So when it's Jason as Red Robin, instead of him going to Ra's when he's scorned by the Batfamily, he goes to Tim. The person he once idolized, because I think Tim would've been Jason's Robin. Smart, competent, a strong legacy to live up to. And now he's back, and he's pro-killing, an edge that Jason has always teetered on and would feel even closer to when he's replaced by a young Dick. I think Tim wouldn't ever be able to get rid of Jason.
Then on Tim's side, I think his reaction to being replaced after his death would be a complicated one. Objectively, being the Robin who believes Batman needs a Robin, he'd respect the logic and know Bruce was always going to replace him eventually. But still, there's always going to be that instinctual emotional reaction of betrayal and replacement. I think he'd view Jason at first with anger and distance, but then, seeing Jason as this street kid with begrudging potential, I could see Red Hood!Tim testing Jason. Constantly throwing things at Jason, seeing how he reacts, if he lives up to being Robin. Tim has a need for analyzing people, understanding their strengths and weaknesses. And he seems the Robin mantle very uniquely, he'd need to have it proven to him that Jason can handle it.
So you would have this dynamic of Jason hero worshipping Tim, slowly believing in Tim's methodology. While Tim is at first dismissive of him, but then starts to test him, see what makes this kid tick. And I think the TimJay potential of Jason trying to prove himself to Tim could be Neat.
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nervocat · 8 months
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“Prologue: From the Start” (cws: mention of drinking - wc: 1.0k, fluff/platonic, gn reader)
Yingxing stepped into the Xianzhou off of the merchant vessel he somehow got on, looking up to the artificial blue sky as his navy hair blew in the wind. He had come here on a whim after his home planet was destroyed by the borisin.
He was a short-life species, an outlier among the long-life species that reside in the Xianzhou, but he didn't care.
Yingxing started to explore the Xianzhou to get a feel for what might be his new home when he was bumped into, stumbling backwards a bit. Yingxing blinked some, his dull, light blue eyes landing on the person who stumbled and fell to the ground.
“I’m so sorry!” they exclam, picking up the paper they dropped. They seemed young, young for a Xianzhou native at least, that being maybe about 50, a young teenager.
“It’s no issue,” Yingxing replies, helping them up. Once they look up, their eyes widen.
“You- you're the short life species coming to live here that everyone's talking about!” They say excitedly. Yingxing quirks an eyebrow.
“Yes.. that's me, what about it?”
“Oh! Wait, what's your name? Mine’s [name]!” Yingxing is puzzled by [name]’s excitement. He's got odd looks from the other natives, so why does this one show interest in him?
“I'm Yingxing, but why-” he was cut off by [name] and their excited rambling.
“Yingxing! What a cool name.. Ooo! You look like you'd like the art of craftsmanship!!” Yingxing blinked, trying to wrap his head around the natives’ words.
“Craftsmanship.. like weapon making?” he inquires. [name] gives an enthusiastic nod. Yingxing crossed his arms, glancing down at the Xianzhous ground. “Show me then, [name],” he looks back up and smiles, his navy hair blowing in the wind with the natives'. “ ‘m interested.”
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After showing Yingxing to the Artisanship Commission, he joined as an apprentice under the guidance of Master Huaiyan. He had vowed to avenge his home and family by making weapons for the Cloud Knights. He quickly became well known for his astounding craftsmanship.
Later on, Yingxing met Baiheng when she was sent to a delegation to request reinforcements from the ship for Yaoqings Crane Feather Orbit Fleet. They were fighting the borisin, and in present time, Yingxing was helping Baiheng with receiving the delegation and taking them to his master — Huaiyan — at Flamedisk Forge Palace.
“Soo~” Baiheng cooed cheerily, walking beside Yingxing as they made their way on the Zhuming. “What got you interested in the Artisanship Commission? You're a short-life species, so I'm curious,” the foxian asks. Yingxing sighs.
“A kid named [name]. They disappeared after I joined,” he replied, looking over to Baiheng.
“Oh! I know [name]! Almost all of the Zhuming people do, they're an aspiring writer and a good people analyzer,” Baiheng says. “Seems they were pretty accurate with you, little Yingxing, no?” she smiles, finishing her sentence, fox ears twitching.
“I suppose, though I believe I would've found the Artisanship Commission on my own,” Yingxing replies with a sigh as they finally make it to their destination.
“Baiheng!” someone called out. The two turn around and see [name], who halts their movements and smiles. “And Yingxing too! How's it been for you in the Commission?” they inquire, smiling. Yingxing shrugs.
“It’s been pretty fun, I suppose,” he replies. [name] nods politely at him, their smile growing, and they then turn their attention to Baiheng. Yingxing watches on as he crosses his arms with a faint smile. He liked these two, maybe more so than he knows for now.
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Yingxing remained on the Xianzhou for some years, Baiheng and [name] sticking with him. They were a little trio, and later on, the Sword Master of the Luofu — Jingliu — had befriended the three and introduced them to her apprentice — Jing Yuan.
They hung out as a friend group for about a year more, and in that time, they had managed to befriend the Vidyadhara High Elder, Dan Feng, and had made a name for themselves after a while. The High Cloud Quintet.
Bellowing laughter rang out through Scalegorge Waterscape as the clink of small shot glasses came together. Yingxing, Dan Feng and [name] we're having some drinks together, though Dan Feng was more stoic as he took his shot with his friends.
The others were chatting on their own, Jingliu and Baiheng having their own shots together. The entire Quintet was close, but Yingxing, Dan Feng and [name] were especially close, so much so they had matching jewelry.
Yingxing has the long, red earring on his left ear, Dan Fengs in his right ear, and [name]s on a necklace. The three often drank and sparred together with themselves and the others, much like now.
“Guys!!” [name] calls out to the others, setting down their small shot glass and running over to the other three as they turn around. The foxians ears swiveled to the nosie as she turned around.
“What is it, [name]?” Baiheng asks. Yingxing and Dan Feng walk up behind their friend as they explain their ideas they commonly do.
“We need to spar after we all take a shot together. I need to test out this new weapon Yingxing made me!” they exclam, pulling out said weapon. Yingxing crossed his arms with Dan Feng, a smile falling upon his lips. He was proud of his work, and if [name]. After learning how to fight, he made them a weapon specifically catered towards their fighting style, and they've come a long way since he's helped them learn to fight.
Jingliu smiles, looking at all her friends, her red eyes landing back on [name]. “Of course, get the drinks ready?” she says as she holds out her cup. [name] nods, beaming, and goes back to get their cup and the drink.
The group laughs at their antics, Jing Yuan standing beside Jingliu as [name] returns.
With their cups now filled, they hold up their drinks in the air with a clink! and gulp down their shots, getting ready to spar one another soon after with smiles on their lips.
Oh the horrors that were to come for them, fall upon them and crush their friendships.
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[ ★ - notes: ITS DONE DUDE OMG AND I'M ACTUALLY RLLY HAPPY WITH THE OUTCOME!! GUYS I'M SO HAPPY!!!! Also this is a lot longer than I anticipated.. I'm still super happy with this tho (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I used the hsr wiki for my info so if any wording is familiar, yk why ]
[ ⌗ - taglist: not re-@'ing ppl, reformatted this ]
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★ — © nervocat || I appreciate any reblogs made, and pls don't repost or translate my works anywhere, ty — ✦
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bonefall · 9 months
did you already start planning squirrelstar's leader ceremony and if so who's giving her the 9 lives?
I'm still a bit concerned that the writers will pull something with her 9 lives, but I've got so many good choices for BB!Squilf that it's not an issue to start considering who's gonna turn up for her.
Plus, honestly, NOT totally interested in abiding by canon if they commit the dumbshit we're suspecting they might. Pre-emptively biting and killing it.
Here's the list of candidates so far. Everyone with a * is a definite yes;
Goldenflower Her mentor in BB, replacing Dustpelt! After everything Squilf has gone through with Bramblestar, and after Golfy took her son's side after the big reveal, it feels good for her to show up with a life for Judgement. To decide when to listen to her heart, but also, when to realize when it is leading her astray.
Sandstorm Mother choice is a solid one, though I'm leaning towards giving this life to Ferncloud for variety. Squilf's got 5 immediate relatives here to give her a life.
Hollylark* Her grandkit, and Sparkpelt's mate who sacrificed xeir life to take her illness away. Xey'd give her a life for Interdependence, for all of the connections that bind a Clan together. Love, friendship, convenience, family. Squilf is familiar with sacrifice in service of it... but it's more than that. To love is to BE loved-- she must accept reciprocity. And... xey'd make some kind of loaded comment about Nightheart, knowing that neither one of them want to talk badly about him. I might end up changing xeir life to something like "letting go," as foreshadowing for how I'm absolutely planning for Nightheart to NOT return to ThunderClan after his road trip with Frostpaw. BUT I don't decide arcs until they're done so we'll have to seeeeee
Firestar* Basically required. Squirrelstar is his daughter, the successor of his ideology, and the follow-up to a leader that Firestar considers a mistake. His chats at these sorts of ceremonies often get wistful, so I feel like they'd talk about second chances, wanting people to be better than they are, how to fix things that are broken and when they aren't worth the effort. He says it explicitly, "You're just like me. A spark of my flames, burning bright, long after I've become starlight..." His life would be for Progress. To continue to evolve and grow, to never be so stuck in the past that she can't see the future, to know when things can be fixed and when they must be broken.
Rosepetal I want to save her on one hand, but on the other, having her go out in a blaze of glory at some point in ASC or TBC is a good reason why Squilf didn't make her deputy. Rose was her first apprentice and has always been a dedicated, passionate warrior who would deeply want that spot. If she's here for the 9 lives ceremony, she'd give Squilf a life for Ferocity. "Give them twice the Hell you always do, so that it's like I'm right there next to you."
Shrewface* (Shrewpaw in life.) Her guardian angel. He helped her hide the secret of Leafpool's pregnancy, and has always stood over her, providing help secretly. Now he can finally stand before her and give her a life. He would actually stumble and chuckle, because he's wanted to do it for so long he's blanking on the life he wants to give her. On one paw, Squilf is a little annoyed. It's a super serious leader ceremony, holy moment in her life, but on the other... Shrewface is so HAPPY! His joy is infectious. He's standing before her as the adult he would have been, but under that, she sees the funny teenage best friend that she lost so long ago. It feels almost like being a kid again. So she picks her own life by saying, "How about one for Joy?" And he says, "Hey that's a great idea!"
Rainwhisker A ThunderClan cat who died in the WindClan Civil War, and someone she remembers fondly. The life he gives is a life for Collateral. He has no shame in how he died, and he believes Firestar's call was the right one. But he needs to remind Squirrelflight that beliefs are backed with blood. Every time she brings her Clan into war, there is a chance that someone will die because of her choice. He restates that he believes his death was noble; but his life will remind her of the cost that someone else might pay.
Sootfur If it's not Rainwhisker, I'd like his brother Soot to be here. I think his death was haunting, with how Squilf couldn't save him, watching him tumble down a rockface because of his broken leg and being brutally murdered by what-is-now a boar. She's carried guilt from how she couldn't save him her whole life, so in contrast to Rainwhisker, his life is for Acceptance. To remember that not everything is her fault, and she could NEVER be so perfect as to avoid all of life's misfortunes. Even if others pin blame onto her for something she couldn't control; no leader is powerful enough to save everyone. Thinking about it though, I might really try to slot BOTH of these guys in. I think the contrast of the two back to back is powerful; that actions have consequences, but not every tragedy is a consequence.
Ferncloud She just died very recently, taking both Graystripe's super edition AND his sacrifice in the Dark Forest. Graystripe is still alive, living at the tribe with his son Stormfur. She confronted Ashfur for Squilf, so it feels right that she also comes to support her here. Ferncloud, for the first time in so many years, looks at peace. She isn't gray and grizzled anymore, but sleek and vibrant. Her family surrounds her, Dustpelt, Elderberry, Brindleface, her many lost kits. So, the life that she gives Squilf is for Faith. In StarClan that she will always have Clanmates in the skies to watch out for her, in her Clan that there will always be future angels fighting by her side.
Longtail Her uncle, and Jayfeather's mentor who trained him into the full angel-punching cat he became. During the big trial she has in Squirrelflight's Horror, Longtail was one of her loudest supporters, and eventually nudged her backwards so her son could grab her ankle and drag her back down to the mortal plane. He's always been her wonderful uncle, so, he might end up taking that life for Faith from Ferncloud. Just depending.
Feathertail* I want her to show up in the ceremonies of every patrol cat who achieves power, as a given. If we get Crowstar, I also want her to be there. I just think it's nice that if Crow, Bramble, and Squilf ever did end up able to chat about this together, in spite of the TANGIBLE awkwardness of the three of them being in the same room, they'd be able to make a joke about Feathertail Gives You A Life and it would land a little TOO hard, be a little TOO funny, because they were hoping that SOMETHING would lighten the air and it did. But anyway, this incredibly specific desire aside, Feathertail Gives You A doobie life for Tranquility. That the once-impulsive Squirrelstar will be able to slow down and consider every action, to take a deep breath in stressful times and think about what she's about to do. That as leader she will be under immense pressure, yeah, but also immense power. She can always afford to take a moment before making a big decision.
Leafpool* MANDATORY. There's NO reality where I do not end off this ceremony with Leafpool. When she steps up, they can't look at each other without crying. It overwhelms them, to the point where Squilf can't even choke out her sister's name. Leafpool, meanwhile, has gotten used to controlling her body while her heart breaks into billions of little pieces. She'd done it for her whole life, and now, she does it again in death. "this life is for love," she touches her night-cold nose to Squirrelstar's, and the new leader's vision begins to fade into black, "you know why." From the darkness, memories burst forth. Of them as kits, their silly games and dreams, how they planned to one day be the cleric and leader of ThunderClan together. The terrible loneliness of being separated while Squirrelpaw was on the Sundrown Patrol. The ache in Leafpool's heart whenever she saw her sister mistreated; how she gave up on relationships with Crowfeather and, to some extent, with Mothwing as well so she could serve her Clan and stay with her family. The three kits, the anxiety as Squirrelflight took them, the way it felt like Leafpool was being flayed to give them up. Parenting, loyalty, betrayal as Hollyleaf snapped and revealed the secret Squirrelflight desperately didn't want to keep, the guilt that Leafpool felt watching her suffer for helping her. The way they always felt like, on some level, it was them against the world.
And then she wakes up, back on the shore of the Moonpool, with her Clerics beside her. Leafpool is gone. StarClan is, once again, very far away, and she's left with nothing but the cold feeling on her nose and the looming specter of war ahead of her.
12 candidates in total, but only 9 can take the spot. So I'll trim it down once we get there!
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your-local-crypt1d · 3 months
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@madsy-prongs OKAY !!!
For a small bit of background context, I had this idea that Tommy is Mumzas' child because it's poetic in a way. A boy who loves the living so much being a child of death. Anyway
Kristin tampers with Tommys' respawn point so when he gets revived, he ends up in the Grimlands.
She was intending to send him to Pixandria, the copper king being another one of her "children" (like Tommy, aka a death prophet), but the magic was disrupted.
fWhip finds Tommy wandering around his forge in awe of all the machinery and inventions. It's not exactly unusual to see another person in the forge, like members of the engineering guild, their apprentices, messengers looking for him, etc, but a pale teenager in raggedy clothes? That's a bit weird. Not the weirdest thing that's happened to fWhip but weird.
Tommys' head wounds from being beaten to death are still there, still bleeding, Tommy just genuinely didn't notice the pain while so heavily focused on the other sensations that come with being alive again.
Fwhip notices, though, and Tommys' broken prosthetic arm. One panicked conversation and a whole load of mistrust later, Tommy is in the infirmary wing of the Eastvale manor.
fWhip promises that he's just doing his due diligence making sure Tommy doesn't bleed to death in his forge then he can go back to living under floorboards and eating trash. He manages to get a laugh out of Tommy for that one.
That "little stay" ends up extending when he turns out there are a lot more wounds on him than just a forehead cut and a few bruises, turns out getting beaten to death multiple times kind of hurts! Who knew (:
Then it gets longer when fWhip starts working on a replacement arm for Tommy, nothing he hasn't done before. I headcanon the Grimlands exporting prosthetic limbs and other mobility aids for all kinds of species, with their technical geniuses inventing ones even for merfolk or winged people.
Then that stay becomes indefinite when Tommy let's slip that he's in danger, that someone is wanting to murder him "again", and not just regularly kill him, permanently kill him.
fWhip had honestly just assumed the white streak in Tommys' hair was premature greying or an accident with ice magic, Gem had some white streaks in hers after Scott used his ice magic on her. He didn't think it was because Tommy was genuinely brought back from the dead.
After that, fWhip promises that so long as Tommy is in the Grimlands, he is under fWhips' protection and that no more harm will come to him. He's not going to allow some child-abusive maniac to hurt Tommy again, not when fWhip, regrettably, has gotten quite attached to the loud, foul-mouthed teenager.
fWhip schedules an audience with Pixl after that, to discuss "personal matters" he explains in the letter and how it's of utmost urgency. He knows Gem would have books on revival and rejuvenation magic, but he's not looking into the practical side of it, he's looking into the after-effects and spiritual side of it all.
Besides, Tommy said he sometimes sees visions about how someone will die before it happens, and who better to ask about that sort of thing then a very famous prophet of Lady Death, the Copper King himself?
Eventually, fWhip takes on Tommy as an apprentice in the forge. That really solidfys Tommys' stay in the Grimlands being a more permanent thing than originally planned, it's not like he has anywhere else to go after all. He has no family, everyone thinks he's dead, Dream wants him dead.
fWhip is also very purposefully NOT telling his siblings, and subsequently the rest of the Wither Rose Alliance, about his new kid. He's really too busy dealing with everything going on at the moment for that can of worms.
Thats sort of the gist of what I have so far! I will hopefully finish up the art I have to post and maybe even some writing of it soon
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quiverpaw · 1 year
things i’d like to see more frequently in the wcue roleplay scene: (long post)
-sharing tongues (cats gossip in wcue like no other. but they don’t actually share tongues! this includes sharing tongues with a cat before they are buried.)
-vigils apon becoming a warrior (this is NEVER done. it’d bring a new air to the roleplay, i think!)
-elders burying cats. (usually the leader, medicine cat, or a random warrior will do in rp.)
-elders and queens in general. this includes den dads and early retired cats!
-apprentices travelling to the moonstone with the leader. (this used to happen in the early arcs. since most wcue players are only knowledgable on these arcs, this would be a great thing to pick up on doing)
-proper battle training, battles in general. (most apprentices either never recieve a mentor or only go on the occasional hunting or border patrol. battle sparring never actually includes learning new techniques most of the time!) (battles straight up do not happen. skirmishes do. Usually with rogues!)
-a more even spread of cats. Usually most of the server will flock to one clan (80%), 15% will become rogues or loners, and 5% are either non-cats or kittypets.) with the addition of more clans comes more interesting conflicts! (taking territory, battles, gatherings, tresspassers, forbidden love.) ideally in a 60 people server, there’d be 12-15 cats in each clan, or in a two-clan server, 20-30, with the rest going to outsiders/non-cats.)
-more time for deputies and leaders. A deputy in wcue is far more important than the leader in almost every way, which is NOT a good thing. a deputy should be able to appoint patrols, be able to join said patrols, and still have time to talk before they have to sleep. the leader usually has to officiate ceremonies and talk about allowing in outsiders, as well as recieve reports. leaders should be able to join patrols as well.
-apprentice’s assessments. this is, in my opinion, the least utilized aspect for app players. when a cat reaches close to warrior’s age (in wcue, this is 12 moons), the leader (or deputy) talks with the app’s mentor and haves said apprentice go on a solo hunting mission. if they bring back enouh prey, they’re granted their warrior name. usually the deputy or leader also conducts regular normal assessments to check the progress of the young cats.
-more diverse personality types. in wcue, there generally are only six personality types: charming, ‘evil’, quiet, aggressive/rude, kind, and nervous. most cats don’t go into depth beyond these core traits, and i think it would be really nice to see a more diverse cast of personalities. there’s plenty of generators online for personality types if needed!
-medicine cat apprentice appointments. just straight up- this does not happen. they have their own special moonstone ceremony! why wouldn’t you utilize that? and on second note:
-medicine cat gatherings. also straight up do not happen.
general parts of fandom changes i want to see
-the stop of use of names like ‘blindkit’ or ‘lostsight’. this is pretty obvious.
-not using overly complicated words to seem experienced! this is a big one. part of the exp/luna debate, many players like to have over-complicated names, use words people straight up don’t know, anything of the like to seem sophisticated. warriors itself does not use words like orbits or cranium. stop
-stop the hate around younger players. generally, in wcue, there’s a INSANE, and i mean INSANE hate for younger players. given a cruel nickname like ‘luna’ because it’s a common name for young kids to use, people make fun of little kids who are just learning about roleplaying. how is a kid supposed to become experienced if you’re just being cruel. instead, the least you can do is void them, or at least teach them a thing or two.
-less apprentice groups. (this is a bit nitpicky) these usually only exist because people find teenage drama interesting, but apprentice groups are pure terrors to the rp scene. they usually don’t take a mentor, refrain from training- only hunting occasionally, and are very unaware of the ongoings of the rest of the clan because of their personal interdrama. these groups will flock in around 7-10 apprentices, which insanely disrupts a clan’s balance. a apprentice friend group should be a natural thing- one that occurs from training or patrolling together, not sitting and camp and crushing on each other.
(also nitpicky) -less magic schools. i know you’re trying to roleplay harry potter. stop. don’t do that
-roblox groups dedicated to organized rps! many people don’t have discord- it’d be more accessible to younger people as well.
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tawnypelt was robbed frfr
SHE SO WAS and it looks like she might get a bit less robbed in the next arc but my god how do you do so much work setting up a character like her then make her do nothing for a million years!!! Like she followed Tigerstar! She willingly joined tigerclan! Then this never gets followed up on! Like Tigerstar does seem to genuinely care for his kids, or at least bramble and tawny. What was it like to be the princess of tigerclan! Doted on and loved by your father who condemned other apprentices your age to death with no remorse!
Did the other cats hate her for getting special treatment? Did they fear her because they thought she could get them killed if she simply asked?! To then see him gutted like a fish! Did she fear cats would use her to get revenge for who her father killed because she was complicit? Why was she given the name tawnypelt?! It’s such a boring name did she ask for it? Did she want to blend in? Was it a slight? To say that the only unique thing about her that was handed to her was her pelt? Why wasn’t SHE given the claw suffix?! Why does she reject him so hard later on? What did he do to make her change her mind so hard on following him? Was it just horror at what she saw or something more?? Why doesn’t her choice really have ANY effect?!
She is the favorite daughter of the cruelest man, shouldn’t that mean something?! Why doesn’t more cats have mixed feelings on her? How complicit was she?! Tigerstar essentially runs cults, in what’s ways was she manipulated by him ‘for her own good’?! Cats like blackstar and leopardstar still get dragged to this day for working with Tigerstar, why is tawnypelt exempt? She had so many other options after all! Does she have nightmares? She’s clearly an extremely skilled fighter from how she gutted berrynose, did tigerstar personally be her mentor? Does she shake after she uses the skills he taught?
Why is she painted as the reasonable half to brambleclaw when she essentially RAN AWAY TO JOIN A HATE GROUP BECAUSE SHE WAS BULLIED, like I get she’s grown up and changed but like???? This should have SOME impact right??? She clearly hates him but he named her son after him to try and give him strength???? SHE’S THE MOM TO TIGERSTAR TWO!!! WHY DOES NONE OF THIS HAVE ANY NARRATIVE WEIGHT
And like, i don’t want to condemn her, I don’t want to paint her as a monster when she was a scared teenager who made a bad choice. It’s just….so WEIRD it never has a narrative payment, no moment where she really gets to address what a fucked thing she did was even if she did it out of partial ignorance and a desire to escape the fact she was pushed away because of her relation to him. Like bramblepelt and tawnyclaw would have been better, like that small change alone would save so much grief.
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yawntu · 2 years
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The Times We Win
A/N: There’s not enough out there for the literal sexiest man in the whole franchise. Do I have to do everything myself? DO I? Second person pov isn’t my cup of tea but he deserves sm more hype. You’re work with Mo’at as a shamans apprentice or something and he admires you a lot but you act all tough because of it. Also i’m delusional and in my silly little mind he’s alive him and Jake are buddies even if he doesn’t like admitting it <333333333333 I know this man aggressively spoils the people in his life u can’t tell me you would not be a queen in his presence. Vague mention of bestie Jake Sully who has made you a definition of a gremlin.
pairing(s): Tsu’Tey te Rongloa Atey’itan x Fem!Reader
word count: 6k
warnings: NSFW MDNI, I am going to an unimaginable hell. Overstim, Sub/dom aspects, Unprotected (be safe y’all), Established Relationship, Oral (fem!receiving), Fingering, P in V, Praise / degradation, Usually soft ish dom Tsu’tey turned a little mean has my heat, He just wants you to not act like a hooligan and behave you’re better then that, He’s going to torture you and tease you a little bit tho, Tsu’Tey is obsessed with you, Slight non/con if you squint, Saw someone do queue stuff and had to commit to it, Squirting, Breeding, Vague waterworks if you squint, Slight dacryphilla, Impact play, He’s a little mean in this one but, Slightest hint of Daddy kink at the end but he can’t help wanting you full of his kids <3, if you notice anything else pls lmk, we were both cringing writing this /jk
na’vi glossary: kelku- home, tswin/kuru- queue, yawntutsyìp: darling, Nga yawne lu oer - I love you, paskalin: honey, yawntu: beloved, sempu : daddy
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A lot of things no longer made sense to Tsu’tey. He had spent a majority of his teenage years with the sole focus of being Ole’eytkan, and defeating the twatute. All he was was a warrior, always ready to fight. After a series of events outside of his control he lost his first love, reigned as Ol’eytkan briefly and then willingly gave the honor to the uniltìrantokx. Granted he had accepted the man as a brother and even sided with him when his parents had done the unthinkable- that did not mean that the way his life turned out did not often confuse him. 
So all he could do was preoccupy himself with you. Your soft thighs are thrown over his own, a stark contrast between soft and ridged. He could not help but tense his outstretched legs under the weight of your straddle. For his intimidating stature, Tsu’tey’s fingertips are lithe against the cerulean skin of your back. Your arms are thrown haphazardly over his broad shoulders that have started purpling due to being out under the sun daily. You twirl the loose hair at the end of his braids, occasionally caressing the stubble on the side of his head. 
You had been perched on his legs like this for what could have only been an hour. Tongues sloppily slotting against each other, teeth clicking ever so slightly on occasion. Kissing him has left you dizzy every single time despite how long you have found a home in each other. Seeing the normally coy and aloof man so passionately present sent jitters up your spine right to the base of your pleasantly throbbing kuru. 
He had finally given you a scintilla of what you desired when his thumbs gently grazed the swell of your breasts. He doesn’t miss the way your body jolts up in his lap, or the way your ears draw forward, tensing your forehead that rests against his own. Finally drawn out of your distracted kiss hazed day dream, and once again fully focused on him. Twitchy like a yerik before he’d impale it with an arrow. 
You had to nearly whine to get him to toy with your breasts- drop your body weight down into him and give him little choice but to entertain you. Letting your weight push the fat of your breast into his empty hands. One large hand massages your breast while the other reaches behind you to untie the intricate halter of your jewel beaded top. 
You try desperately to pull back- to watch his fingers finally twiddle with the soft azure of your right nipple, yet he’d catch you in another kiss not long after you pulled away. Not allowing you to watch the powerful and rugged hands- that had no doubt done the most of the work in bringing home the talioang that had just fed the village- smoothly rub against your nipple. His right hand finds your stomach, palming the warmth. It made his tail flick, knowing he provided for you. He didn’t so much care for filling the stomachs of the rest of the village- no, he was far more interested in what else he could fill yours with. 
How can he think of anything else when you are practically trembling on his lap. Sighing into his mouth as his calloused hands slid past your svelte waist to grip a handful of the hips he loved so dearly, hands embarrassingly growing clammy at the feeling of the skin bunching between his fingers. 
How can he think straight when you slur over his name? When your tail is flicking so pretty between his legs, the tuft of whipsy hair tickling his calf. It is too hot out for you to add this much heat to the atmosphere of the home you built together. 
“Are you alright, sevin?” 
You had not moved back from where your lips were ghosting each other, so he was privileged with feeling the apples of your full cheeks rising at the compliment. 
“Oh? I’m pretty now? What happened to being a skxawng?” 
Ahhh. That’s right. He remembered now. How displeased he was with you. You were a skxawng. An absolute fucking moron. He had to restrain himself when his large palm cradles the back of your head, wrapping around your kuru, pulling you back softly so your eyes are trained up at the ceiling of your tent, tsmisnrr illuminating your soft features. He feels the sharp angle of your nails grace down the braid of his own kuru, finally releasing some of the deep rooted tension at the base of his skull. The seconds of bliss do not halt the attitude laced quip from falling from his lips,
“Why do you always have to ruin everything. I forgot you were a vonvä,” 
His hiss barely falls past his subulated teeth. And now that your head is trained back he can finally run his nose down the nape of your neck. You can’t even say that he’s kissing it. His mouth is no longer dry and leaves a messy trail of his saliva all over your pulse. Maybe he was right. You were always a dick head. No discipline. Just a mischievous little fuck that he prayed would stay out of trouble while he was out providing for you. Yet you never did. Could he blame you? Your world was peaceful now, almost too peaceful. After growing up war torn he was sure you felt every bit of anxious energy he still felt himself. Unlike you however he had an outlet in hunting. Though you serviced the village well, and were adored by many, your work did not give you an outlet to release all of that turbulent energy. So you found yourself meddling. Your quips were usually funny, and you amused him, but he was aware that you knew how to get under peoples skin. Even worse- you thought it was funny. 
He was grateful for Jake, really they were the best of friends now. Though Tsu’tey would never admit it he had finally found comfort in feeling like a younger brother, he genuinely enjoyed the time they spent together. However, Jake encouraged your bad behavior. Teaching you English curses, or how to flip the middle finger at argumentative Na’vi while you were meant to be helping them. He supposes if you were just a forager or cook then perhaps he could excuse the attitude you walked around with. You worked under Mo’at though, not just as a healer, but to be a shaman. A holy woman. Despite a respectable title you had fucking punched a man. Salt to the earth, you had flipped him off after. You were small for your kind, an incapable (unwilling; you’re compassionate you’d tell him) of killing a bug kind of girl training to be a peaceful shaman, and yet you were hitting men. To prove a point; to win whatever overblown argument you had decided you’d be the winner of. Hitting men when he wasn’t there to save you from the recoil. 
He owes Ki’ani for defusing the situation in his absence (which was an extra annoyance to him as one of his students had filled the role he was meant for). All for you to sit on his lap, giggling that he called you an asshole. Utterly bemused that he of all people would be grumpy over a brawl. 
“Ah, I remember why I don’t hang out with you hunters. Vulgar hooligans. And i’m meant to be better than that,” 
There was an air of superiority in your voice that he thought didn’t suit what he was about to make of you. The snooty little angle of your head to the side, smirked lip caught on your sharp teeth. You only acted so tough around the village because you knew he would get you out of any predicament you had managed to get into during the hours he was away. Relinquishing his Olo'eyktan duties after surviving the war meant the only dedication left in his heart was you. It has spoiled you really, and it was all his fault. 
“You don’t hang out with hunters ‘cause the only thing you know how to do right is irritate me,”
He loosens the grip on your kuru, sliding his hands down your shoulders and ribs once more so he could squish your full breasts together, allowing him to finally run the moistened muscle of his tongue across the swell of your right breast. He had not realized how wet his mouth had grown until his teeth began to graze the flesh. 
He knows you are mad above him. Irritated that he had sat stoically though dinner in a silent rage just to have you follow him home to be teased for what you believed was far too long. Undoubtedly, even more irritated now that he had just called you annoying. Your hips jut forward when he runs his teeth over your purpling nipple though you are unable to slide up his extended legs due to the grip he held on your breasts. He smiles against them- amused that you had become so worked up that your chest was beginning to flush. If he wasn’t so irate he’d have spent more time kissing the blush that crept across your chest. 
“You seem very friendly for someone who’s vexed by my existence,” 
You still have that stupid tone of ascendancy to your voice, and it works at pulling him out of his lustful haze. Your eyes trailed down to your saliva covered breasts that he has occupied himself with sucking soft bruises on. He knows what you’re doing. Being annoying on purpose so he gives in and pays attention to you. 
He hasn’t meant to neglect you. Eywa knows he would never want anything less. He had responsibilities though. The warmest season would end sooner rather than later, and Tsu’tey was far too busy helping prepare- which meant you would have been in the village without him to keep that big brain of yours occupied. He doesn’t acknowledge your quip, and you quickly realize it’s to punish you. He does not like the tone of your voice, and he wouldn’t entertain the impish attempt to continue to rile him up, instead he’d continue to lick and kiss at your assaulted chest. 
But you always poked the palulukan, even before he had claimed you. So he shouldn’t have been surprised when your hips wriggled forward again in an attempt to flush against his, arching your back to slide to your goal. You’re embarrassed by the feeling of the moistened fabric finally making contact with him, but you are shameless at the feeling of slotting up against him. You try to look down, to see where you meet but his torso and head, that had slid up to the crook of your neck as you moved forward kept you from gazing upon where he stood at attention for you. You could feel the speared tip that has grown past the confines of his tweng, leaking violently against his stomach now that your own body pushed against it. 
His resolve breaks only momentarily as his face falls to hide in your neck as his eyebrows furrow. He had to leave sloppy open mouthed kisses on your mandible to distract himself from purring at the contact of your heat. It felt like ages ago he made you sit on his lap. Plants are now glowing outside, and your body is beginning to clam up and tremble. You are embarrassed when your nails dig into his shoulders as leverage to try and grind yourself forward. Anything to end this impasse with your imposing mate, the weight of his presence right next to your deprived cunt sending you into a haze of mania-inducing desire. 
He knows he’s cruel when his hand wraps around the base of your tail, pulling you backwards off of him, the round of your ass once again finding their perch above his knees. He almost feels bad when your eyes are wide and watery, staring at him in disbelief.
“Baby please, this is cruel,”
He snorts at the term of endearment. He hadn’t been called a baby since he was one. No one would dare call him such a name- yet here you were. He could tell you were indignant, but you still found it in your heart to speak softly to him. He can only smile up at you, fangs poking into the pout of his bottom lip; it’s a patronizing hint of a smirk that makes a whining hiss fall from your kiss swollen lips. You feel the pad of his thumb caress the puckered ring under your tail, sliding under the thong of your tweng as a response. 
“Why should I touch that cute cunt of yours, huh?” 
He whispers against your lips, kissing you quickly and softly. Your ears pull back against your head, and your tail wraps across his calf, the end thudding against him rhythmically. Your stomach flutters at his words, partially because he had been too quiet up until this point.
“Tsu’tey- you’re being mean to me,”
You whine like a petulant child, nose crinkling and fangs baring ever so slightly. Like a cornered animal caught in a carefully laid trap he can see you weigh your options- trying to figure out what you can do to break him. To win. 
“You are mean to me,” his answer isn’t a quip like yours was, there’s an aftershock of a scold in his voice. You can’t help but break your gaze. 
In response to your sudden shyness he releases your tail and begins to roll the spheres of your ass in slow circles while slowly squishing them together then pulling them back apart. His nimble fingers would slide under the waist of your tweng to pull it up, snagging it against the thin sensitive skin under your tail, and wedging the delicate woven linen between the lips of your pussy. He relishes in the sloppy sound of your lips plopping together against his intrusions and you’re whimpering breaths. 
“All day I go out and take care of all the things you need, and all you do to repay me is get yourself into trouble.” 
You are embarrassed that he is scolding you while you’re dripping onto his lap, and you thank Eywa most of the village is still preoccupied with eating and festivities as to not hear the reprimand in your mates horsed yet honeyed voice from the inside of your home. You could have gotten a little rowdy, but you do nothing in comparison to the trouble he and his friends could occasionally get into. You can’t bring yourself to argue your case though. All you can do is look up at his sulfuric eyes, your own gaze knitted together in embarrassment. You finally were at a loss for words, and found it hard to look into his sharp eyes- slitted down at you, almost disappointed. But you know this is what he wants. You try fixing your gaze at the crinkle of his nose but you can’t help but fall on his plump lips. You realize you have to speak before he can tease you for your piteous attempts. 
“I said I was sorry before dinner,”
It’s pathetic when you plead for him, and he’s so glad no one can hear it from the safety of your own kelku. No one else deserves to hear this side of you. Only he gets to hear your pleas reverberate off the walls just to bounce back to his ears. 
“That was nice of you,” you finally breathe a sigh of relief thinking he’ll give in, lay you on your back and drill into you at speeds only the best warrior in the clan could achieve, “I do not forgive you,” 
Your stomach drops at his words, yet there’s a quip in his voice that puts your aching heart at ease- at least he’s not actually upset with you. Not really. Just half upset. Just upset enough to make your night long. He can tell you were worried he was truly mad at you for a second, afraid you had fallen from grace in his eyes. So he quickly lays a chase kiss to the crown of your head, running his thumbs under your waterline. He finally looks down to see the reflection of the slick you have left across his muscular thighs, and admires the dark front of his tweng. He didn’t care about anything that went on outside of your chambers. The only thing that was real to Tsu’tey is how wet his pussy gets for him. 
The sob that falls from your lips and the pleading “baby please” that falls from your lips as his hand dances to your kuru again makes him chuckle. You were the baby, useless and needy and loud. So loud. Especially loud when his hand once again wrapped around it, guiding you down so your pudgy round cheek fell flush against the woven matt of your bed. You laid across his lap now, stomach flat against his legs while he held your face to the floor. It strains your eyeballs to glance sideways to look up at him, the throbbing of your eye sockets the first round of pain you’d feel tonight. 
“Tsu’tey please, I said I was sorry. I mean it,” your tail flicks as your bare nipples rub against the fibers of the mat. 
You were flushed over the feeling of the position you were in. Yet you could only be thankful for the breeze that entered your home. The dry breeze is no doubt an indication of a coming storm but you didn’t care. Now that you were on the floor however, you could finally begin to cool off. You liked to think you were smarter than Tsu’tey (and he usually let you believe this wildly inaccurate statement) but you would accept he was smarter in this moment as he had the foresight to leave a small sliver of the tented flap open. Thankfully the breeze it let in had kept the floor cold despite the heavy haze of summer heat and arousal clinging to the air of your home. 
Your salvation is short-lived when his fingers dance across the braid of your kuru. He’s pushed the long terraces of your half loose hair above your head to expose your upper back and neck, and you’re sure you looked like a wildly unkempt beast out of the forest he spent his days in. He runs his hand down the braid to the fluffy end which makes you huff against the floor, balling your fist over your face. He tuts when your tail wraps around the hand that’s holding the now exposed nerves above you, keeping him from moving his hand (and in conjunction the exposed tswin tendrils) freely. 
“C’mon, do not start that,” 
He still has to be patient with you. You’re not ready for him to use you the way he wants yet. And he can see your wet clumpy eyelashes and it can’t help the pinch at his heart. He watches the tip of your tail tremble, but you don’t move quick enough for his liking. He hates to force your hand but you were so bullheaded that sometimes you just needed a nudge in the right direction. So he hunches forward over you, face meeting his hand to lay a soft kiss at the exposed nerves. 
You all but howl at this, and he watches your legs clench and tremble over his lap. His tail is wagging rhythmically behind him and had he not been torturing you already you’d have called him out for his lack of bodily control (and his tails assault against your already perfectly fluffed nice pillows). 
He had found success in his silent intentions however. You weren’t tense now at least. Finally enjoying the feeling of the tendrils grazing over his tongue, and you even sat well behaved in his lap while he untied the knot of your twang, letting the cold breeze finally touch your bare cunt. It only increased the hot ache between your legs, and added to the embarrassing drip from between your legs- but you couldn’t be bothered to focus too long on it because at least he was finally touching you in some way. 
“Nga yawne lu oer,” you cry to him as you feel a palm grip the pliant skin of your ass spreading you apart. 
Perhaps he’d think you were endearing and let you off of the hook like he often did. Yet with your tail wrapped around the hand holding your kuru up to his mouth there was nothing stopping him from staring down at your swollen pussy, and it only spurs him on more. He knows he’s being terribly mean to you but he also knows that you enjoy it. Despite your drawn back ears and furrowed brows your cheeks are still pulled up into a grin. 
He huffs at the sight and you can feel it shoot across your skull at the cool contact with your wildling flowing tendrils. It was a welcome distraction once his left hand rises and falls against your ass. You finally release your tails grip on his other hand, letting it fall limp against his torso. 
“I’m sorry. Please-“ you don’t even get to finish before there’s another sharp slap to your other cheek. It’s hard to feel any of the pain when he’s tongue fucking your nervous system however, and he knows this. 
“I know what you want, yawntutsyìp. You’ll get it when I am finished,” 
You try to focus on the wall of your home while his palm spanks down against you. Try to focus on the feeling of his dripping cock against your tummy in embarrassment while he mumbles something about how if you liked hitting people you could take it back. You couldn’t help but strain your eyes to glimpse at him. His stupid little smile while the tendrils of your tswin dance across the area surrounding his lips, desperately looking for his to connect to. You want to bite the stupid smirk off of his face for torturing you like this but the sight of his slightly cocked head and his hooded eyes trained directly on you invoke mercy in your tortured little heart. After a final stinging slap to your wet folds he becomes more interested in soothingly gripping your ass. You huff slightly each time he would trail his fingertips across your folds haphazardly, knowing that anything louder would have resulted in another smack. 
“Nga yawne lu oer,” he finally whispers back.
It’s silent enough that you can hear the strain in his voice. You never understood how he held such great equanimity in these situations- especially when you could hear the desperation in his voice- see it in his eyes. Though you’re wet, frustrated and becoming increasingly aware of the sting on the skin of your ass you could fall asleep with him right now. Comforted by the fact that someone had not only known you, but loved you so intensely. And with the way he was so softly caressing your folds you couldn’t help but feel soothed in his lap. At least that’s what you thought until he taps his fingers against your cunt again, the dull pop echoing in the silent room. 
“Tey,” you bark, eyes shooting open, jolting slightly, “you’re going to kill me,”
“Never,” he bends rather uncomfortably to kiss your spine, “C’mon paskalin, spin ‘round for me,” 
His hand did not leave your kuru, not since he had grabbed its end. You surprisingly have a fight left in you; enough at least to make a coquettish show of sitting up on your knees for him, and sitting yourself between his legs. You are finally faced with the state of your mate, and your tweng that he was now tossing away from your nest of linen and pillows neither of you had made when you left this morning. 
You can’t help but cringe at the state he has put you in- he’s still clothed and you’re naked, and you’ve left a mess on him despite barely being touched. How could you be so absolutely absorbed in him? You should have chosen someone less attractive. Or someone who didn’t kiss you as sweetly as he did, so sweetly that you can sit back on the heels of your feet and the warmth of your stinging bottom didn’t bother you. Instead your thumbs run over his handsome strong cheeks, grinning at him. 
“Are you alright?” 
You don’t get to answer because he spins you around forcing you to crane your body to continue looking at him. He sounds as sweet as he kisses you. He’s so sincere in his asking that the “Find out,” that falls from your lips sounds mean in comparison. It’s not your fault you’re snippy, to think he’s left you unconnected to him since the early hours of the morning is criminal. 
Tsu’tey is never forceful with you, he doesn’t need to use force. Eywa knows with his 9’2 form and dangerous muscles he could push you forward into an arch. Yet, Tsu’tey had a natural air of authority that left you winded. It didn’t matter how stubborn you felt, when he looked down at you and began guiding you gently with his hand that was it- with a fluttery stomach you would do it. 
He would love you even if you were the hissing spoiled monster you would pretend to be. But he can’t help the fact that he loves you the most when you behave for him. The pretty show you made of laying down for him and grant him the bliss of being face to face with your sloppy, pretty pussy was surely the best behaved you had been all day so he ought to tell you-
“That’s my good girl,” he finally connects your tswin to his with no warning. Finally the cool rush shoots up your skull, casting over your face in a tantalizing buzz. For a split second the air in your nose wasn’t yours, and the throbbing across your skin did not belong to you. 
He pulls your arch back by your tail, laying a chase kiss on your folds, the cruel overstimulation of an almost simultaneous assault on the most sensitive parts of your exhausted body. At least he’s merciful to not pick on you for the groan that escapes your lips. It’s almost unbecoming of you, guttural and feral. It’s quickly replaced with a squeal when he begins to lick up your folds. You can only press your cheek to his calf, and clutch your fingers around his leg while he assaults your cunt with his tongue.
He learned the word from Jake, and said it entirely too much now. Practically mumbling curses as he shoves his face impossibly deep into you. If you didn’t feel moist and sticky before it’s only accumulating at an alarming pace now. Tsu’tey is sloppy with it, unlike everything he does Tsu’tey can’t keep that composer once he’s actually face to face with his pussy. He enjoys fucking his spit into you with the pointed end of his tongue until it twitches and you start to drip back out into his mouth. He can’t stop himself from angling your hips with one of his large hands, while the other hikes you up higher by the tail which gives him the luxury of wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking, wanting to swallow as much of the yovu sweetness of your cunt as you’d allow him to. 
You can’t say you feel bad for the mess you leave anymore, not when you can’t even bring yourself to moan about how good you feel. And your dazed heavy breathing wasn’t enough sound for Tsu’tey. You had made his day long, he was going to make your night longer. Unbearably long like the pointer and middle finger that slides into your silk folds with no resistance. He figured he could have used all three and you wouldn’t have complained too much, and now that he himself can feel the dull thud of his fingertips against the spongy wall of your cunt he wouldn’t stop. He moves so quickly, embarrassingly so as he can feel what you’re feeling, he knows how to ruin you and you can no longer hide your lack of resolve. 
“‘Tey I wanna cum,” 
Your voice is cracking as you huff out, biting into his calf whilst he speeds his intrusion up. What an embarrassing position. If anyone walked into the door of your home the first sight they’d be greeted with would be Tsu’tey sitting straight up against the walls that met the corner of your comfort ridden bed, legs lazily outspread caging you on your stomach, back arched right in front of his face while he watched your sloppy cunt take his fingers, often leaning down to lick, suck, and kiss wherever he can. 
“Ya?” He finally removes his mouth from you, still pistoling his two fingers at speeds you thought were sacrilegious, “You wanna cum on my face?” 
It’s embarrassing when you squeal, even more embarrassing when his third finger finally slides in. Between yanking you back by your tail onto his assaulting fingers, and the heavy panting of his breath fanning across your swollen lips you can’t help but orgasm. Hips jutting forward and ruining your rhythm. An act which should have annoyed him further, however, when his pretty lady is nice enough to squirt all over his face he can’t help the love sick moan that rips through his chest, 
“Ya that’s my baby, all you’re good for,” 
It leaves his mouth as his fingers start to slow down, you weren’t even holding yourself up anymore, chest pressed firmly into the floor while he held your hips in the air. Too busy breathing as your heart skips in your chest to hold your own body weight. There is still embarrassingly loud and slopping wet noises coming from you as his fingers had never stopped slowly finger fucking you. 
By the lack of any discernible sound around your expertly woven home you knew others had heard you at some point and decided to avoid the area around your home all together. You couldn’t give your mate anything in all of Pandora that could get him to care. 
You reach your soft hand between your legs to grab at his wrist, digging your nails into him and he can’t help the twitch of his cock at the sting. He sharply scissors the two fingers that now preoccupied themselves in slowly keeping you stretched open as he preoccupied himself with the sight of you. 
“Stop- stop looking- you’re embarrassing,”
“Ya you should be embarrassed, you should see the mess you have made,” 
You can hear the smile in his voice and you can’t stop the mewl that falls from your lips at the way he teases you. You don’t need to see the mess to know it’s there, the back of your legs are uncomfortably wet, and your leaking cunt is throbbing. You know he watched everything you had to show him greedily. That everytime you connect to him for the next week you’ll get the view of you squirting for him pushed to the front of your mind as if it was your own memory. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, only for him to lay a chaste kiss to you one more time, you can feel the smile on his face.
He knows neither of you mean this, it’s almost silly that you both put on this charade. He still thinks it’s cute you are at least still polite enough to apologize. It doesn’t save you from the quick grab of your leg and hip. It’s surprising how gently you land on your back, considering the speed he flips you over at. You don’t yelp because it hurts, but because it startles you. One second you were looking at the wall, the next you’re on your back, gazing up to meet the exhilarated eyes of Tsu’tey. And now that you can see him without straining your eye sockets you want nothing more than to cum again. 
You’re sprawled out on your back, and he is above you perched up on his knees now- looming over you as if he had just shot an arrow into you- as if he was your last shadow. You can’t help but clench around nothing, missing the stretch of his fingers so terribly at this moment. Fingers that are now untying the far thicker fabric of his tweng. Not that it’s hiding much of anything at this point. He’d grown past it, tip flushed indigo and leaking violently. It looks like he had probably came once already without you noticing, had he really made you that oblivious?
He falls forward on his hands once he’s done, and your eyes snap up to meet his. He lacks his usual authoritative aura in this moment, his pupils dopey and wide as his form engulfs you. If feral was an unbecoming look on you, Tsu’teys wide lovesick eyes was unbecoming for him. He’d lie and blame it on your neurolink- he’s only a love drunk fool this way- but he more often than not felt this way. You in some mystical way had bewitched him in his entirety. He doesn’t kiss you, opting to rub his face into the crook of your neck, to feel you. 
“You’re not sorry, this is what you wanted,” 
His smile is huge against you. You can feel his cut cheekbones rising as you try to peek between your forms. You don’t think you’d ever get used to seeing him above you. You can’t help but tense at the sight of him. He hates himself when your jolt of genuine panic shoots down his own spine and his cock twitches. After all of this time he still intimidated you. How could he not? At nine foot two, it was fair to assume Tsu’tey’s cock was nothing if not admirable. He had been a talking point amongst women on many occasions, you and your friends had surely spoken about the older boy before you had mated. You knew however that any girlish gossip had been an understatement. His ears twitch forward as his props himself back up slightly, 
“No answer for me, huh? Jus’ going to stare dumb at my cock?” 
He spoke too regally for the nasty words that fell out of his mouth. He’s quick to kiss the pouty lips you give him as your eyes slit and your brow furrows, you’re small “Shut up,” only fuel to edge him on. It’s cute; you’re already spent by him. You of all people don’t have a quip of an answer for him. You barely even complain when his right palm meets behind your knee, sliding your leg over his shoulder as he posture’s up on his knees slightly. You start to sit up on your elbows when you feel the dull- plap, plap, plap- of him smacking the tip of himself against your clit. You watch his body jolt along with you as he could feel how his intrusion made you feel and though the pleasurable stinging of the intrusion subdued you, it seemed to only spur Tsu’tey on more. 
Your body moves without you really thinking, trying to slide yourself backwards, further away from the man and the puddle you’ve been laying in. A desperate attempt to keep his hips away from yours. 
“Nuh- uh,” he’s quick to sush you, grabbing your fleshy hips and dragging your weeping cunt back towards him, “Why are you running away from your cock, huh?”
He’s rubbing himself between your folds, catching on your still swollen clit and relishing in the feeling of your muscles spasming. The liquid that escapes doesn’t bother you anymore, but you watch it begin to coat his lower stomach. Skin sticking uncomfortably. 
“It doesn’t fit,” you’re dramatic, and he’s sure to remind you. 
“It fits every time,” He finally snags the hole, and feels the coil of your stomach tighten in his own. So pleased with your reaction he can’t stop his moan. Finally what he’s wanted all fucking day.
“I’ll make it fit, shh, there you go yawntu,” 
He is large enough that he can sit on his knees, one hand next to your head, supporting his weight while he hunches over you. He could have been mean and made you suffer through a tight and slow stretch, or he could mess with you one final time. Could he really waste such a slick state? No. Not when his pretty pussy was begging for the weight of him. You all but scream at the quick trust of his full-lengthen intrusion, and he can’t help but whine at the feeling of finally being seethed inside of his mate, as well as enduring the delicious feelings you were. He was confident you didn’t even acknowledge the neurolink at this time, too busy stupid over how good he’s made you feel. 
“Tsu’tey,” and you're grasping at the bottom of his own stomach, pushing your palms into him as he slowly pulls out, pushing back in as far as your hands would allow him. 
There’s already a milky ring accumulating at his base and he’s barely moved. He does not thrust haphazardly, yet the control he possesses is finite. You can feel him bubbling on the edge of ferocity as the muscles of his lower stomach twitch under your fingertips. He is not a man that blushes often but the sight of your watery, wide, and ever so wondrous eyes has his neck and chest flushing deeply as well. You don’t think you’ve ever seen his ears so purple. 
“Oh fuck! Eywa!” The kick up of pace has you forgetting your previous adoration, too distracted with his face to notice he had propped himself up on the balls of his feet as to better his angle.
Though you couldn’t deny the ache in your cunt at the weight of his girth or the tightening of your stomach due to another impending orgasm it couldn’t be something you focused on. This wasn’t really painful. Pressure perhaps- but none of that mattered over the electrifying buzz that had begun to grow so intense that your lungs felt locked. 
Are you filthy for watching the assault on your cunt as he grabs your right thigh with a huff, forcing your leg to slot comfortably on his shoulder? Now that you had one leg hitched over his broad shoulders you both had an unimpeded view of his cock disappearing into you only to bulge the skin above your pelvis at the force of his obtrusion. Once he moves his weight off of his freed hand to meet your clitoris you can’t help but relax deeper into his thrusts. 
The spray of liquid that follows and shoots up covering your reddening chests enunciated the slapping sound echoing between your bodies. You weren’t even sure if you were cumming anymore or your overstimulated cunt was just releasing everything it could for him, 
“See baby. Always take care of you,” 
His face is rubbing against yours, as he reaches down to hold your tsaheylu. Running his thumb across where the two braids meet. He relishes in the feeling as one of your hands grab at his head, gripping the braids of his hair while he drilled into you. 
“Y-you’re so good. Tsu-“ You cut yourself off at his words in regards to running your own fingers over your abused clit-
“Did you ask to touch my pussy?” 
Though there’s a snarl in the voice of the man whose face is mushed up against yours his thrusts become more powerful. 
“Tsu’tey please- for Ewyas sake you’ve made your point,” the squeal is in your throat as you continue to rub- he never stopped you and you had never implored self control before, this is not the time to start. 
“Please, I want to cum on your cock so bad,” 
You finally look into his blown out eyes now. There’s barely any yellow to be seen. Just the messy appearance of your reflection in his huge pupils. You can feel something snap in him as you suddenly feel both of your legs get pinned down against your torso. It almost knocks the wind out of you, the feeling of being moved so suddenly. Folded in such a demanding way and then your guts getting drilled into by the man above you. Of course your hand doesn’t falter though- he had been treating you like a whore he should expect you to act like one. 
“Look how fucking wet you are,” He starts, it’s a dangerous whisper, “You’re gonna make another mess for Sempu?” 
It’s embarrassing. The fact that the only words to leave your mouth after his vulgarities are a very pretty “Oh Eywa,” followed by your doey eyes rolling into the back of your pretty head. Daddy. You had called him it before but something about his blown out eyes locked onto your own as if he can see nothing else but you, letting the title fall off his own swollen lips had you reeling, hips trying to jerk under his assault, hand jerking messy, tight, circles on your own clit. 
You don’t even know if you squirt this time, too busy alternating between clenching though your orgasm and pushing down, listening to his guttural moaning in your ear as he once again hunches down over you a little more. 
“Fuck, please ‘s too much. Sempu please, w-want you-” You don’t even know what you want. You’re too busy spasming on his cock. 
Praying maybe he’ll pop out for a second so you can catch your breath. Despite your newest orgasm Tsu’tey does not stop his assault. Only now more of his body weight falls into you. Using the momentum to drill deeper into you. It’s too much, your feelings on top of the tight painful pit in his stomach. He wants to cum so badly. 
“Let me cum in you,” it’s almost a beg, almost a plea to you. He needed to hear from you that you were satisfied. That he could breed you full and you’d finally be satisfied with all he does for you. 
You cup both of his cheeks in your now unused hands, and despite the ache in your contorted body you can’t help the wave of relaxation that teases you when you make eye contact, 
“Want your cum so bad, Sempu,” 
It’s embarrassing really. The way you two talk to each other like this. You would cringe at the idea of these words coming from anyone else, but you can’t help but be addicted to the sound of desperation that rises out of the both of you. 
“Fuck please breed me,” 
Though you’re choked up, at least you can speak. You are almost positive he’s brain dead when you feel his hips jerk up into you deeper then his previous thrusts. When he pushes you legs down further you’re shocked at the feeling of him grinding the head of his cock against what you could only assume was your cervix. He did not seem to care so much for your shock though, returning to sitting up more so he could watch the bulge of your stomach. 
“Ya fuck, my sweet girl,” the breathy pants against your face results in a tight clench of your lower stomach, yet with a whine you keep your legs open for him,
“Fuck baby- jus’ lay there and take it for me, there’s my good girl.” 
It’s not long before his thrusts go from a calculated assault on your g-spot to an erratic chase for his own high. It almost surprises you- the animalistic pace of his thrusts against you. The way he pulls himself nearly all the way out just to slam into you, forcing the slick skin of his pelvis to grind against your far too stimulated clit. It’s why you don’t feel bad for the hand that reaches up to wrap around the base of his kuru. You could have came when you feel the way his stomach tightens when you apply pressure to him. You feel the jolt the action sends through him- and you have never been more thankful (yet felt such disdain) to Eywa for tsaheylu. Eyes rolling into the back of your head at the mind thudding euphoria you felt. 
“Look at me. Baby look at me when Sempu cums in you,” 
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He’s prettiest when he whines. Despite the honorific title there is little that defines Tsu’tey as the dominant one right now. Anyone could tell he was completely at the mercy of your slicken folds. He couldn’t even remember why he was mad at you by the time he had flooded you, using his large hands to pull the plush of your hips flush against him. Unable to control the need to be as deep as possible. 
He’s purring when he notices the way your eyes light up at the feeling of him overstuffing you with his cum. Loud rumbles that you can feel vibrate against you as he lets your legs finally drop and lays flat against the floor. 
“Are you okay, my love?” Your closing eyes are being kissed, as he travels to any exposed skin he can get to, while moving as little as possible.
“I win,” your eyes don’t even open as you mumble. Too busy caressing his sweaty back that was most likely torn up from the assault of your nails. All that there was left to do was breath and enjoy the warmth of laying safely under him. Proud of the turn of events. 
Now that you weren’t actively engaged in each other the humidity of the sex stained kelku wasn't enough to keep you warm. Not with the eclipse breeze creeping through the opened flap. 
You turn your head to see your mate, forehead pressed to the mat, eyes closed, catching his own breath- yet there’s a large cheshire grin on his exertion blushed face. 
“Ya whatever. I give you everything you could want, what mate would I be if my little love suffered one night without making a sloppy mess all over me,”
        His attempt at teasing makes you laugh, occupying yourself with kissing his cheek and lingering there a minute. Ignoring the way the fat of his cheek squished under your kiss. The bubbly,
“Ya, hopefully you gave me the baby I want this time,” would have broken the resolve of Ewyas most pious. 
The roll of his hips deeper into you in hopes to plug you full makes your toes curl. He can’t help but say a silent prayer to anything that would listen that you’d be round and full soon. Tsu’tey also can’t help the fact that the feeling of your tight walls twitching and fluttering against him make him throb with a whole new need. The assault of his rolling hips is unwavering. Both completely enchanted by the uncomfortable sting of over stimulation. He could cease his slow drawn out movements that reward his ears with the sloppy echo of his cum being fucked right up into your womb where it belonged. Tsu’tey could stop and clean you up and let you fall blissfully to sleep while he held you. 
Or he could make sure you don’t roll out from under him without a deserving prize in your womb.
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one-idea · 10 months
Part 2 of my reverse/alternate universe strawhat pirates
Master post
Part 1 can be read here
Part 1/2
Part 3
Part 4
So we have Captain Ace
Swordswoman Kuina
Navigator Nojiko
TBD Kaya
Cook Reiju
Doctor Hirikul
(And Koza the politician)
And now we have the addition of Nico Olivia. Much like Robin in the true cannon she joins the ew after they defeat Crocodile, and Ace saves her life.
She starts journeying with the crew. And I know we always kinda poke fun at Robin and her gaggle of teenagers but Olivia is really signed up for mom duty. In the beginning she’s holding back waiting for the day she will have to leave but part of her loves it. Loves seeing her young crewmates run around the boat and think what she could have had with her daughter.
Olivia went out on her journey to study the lost century. And just like in cannon she was caught. Saul frees her and they rush back to Ohara but it’s to late. The Buster call is already over. The islands is destroyed and daughter is dead. Since she escaped from prison she is still wanted by the government and spend the next 20 years running with three goals.
To complete Ohara’s goal of discovering the true history
To take out as many marines along the way as she can
To find her daughters devil fruit. The only thing that still exists that could connect her to her daughter.
Over the years it got harder for her to keep going. She is making very little progress on the first goal. But she has found Robin’s devil fruit and with it has been doing a good job and accomplishing goal 2. But it’s lonely and she misses her home and her daughter more than anything. She ready to give up when Crocodile stabs her. Only for Ace to save her.
Ace who knows exactly what it’s like to want to die. Ace who’s reason to live is a sunny boy in a straw hat still in the East blue.
Ace saves her and tells her to find someone ti live for. Neither of them knew that that someone would be himself and the rest of his crew. Olivia’s new family. Her new stupid son. (Ace gets to hang with a mom guys!)
They still do the Skyla trip but they don’t meet Blackbeard. No he’s coming later.
Instead they make their way to water 7. Their ship needs to be replaced, it’s taken a beating and Kaya doesn’t take it well. Not to the point of challenging Ace for the ship but it hurts. This was her gift to the crew. She’s not a good fighter (yet) she’s stronger then she was but that’s pitiful to rest of the crew. She’s the youngest and weakest member, the momey she brought with her has all been used. The only claim she has to being helpful is that she gave them the ship. The ship they are getting rid of.
Like I said I don’t think it gets to Luffy and Usopp’s fight but there’s a lot of hurt. It helps that Hirikul is there and as an older and more experienced member he’s able to help keep tension down. (I also think he and Kaya would be close with her training under him as a doctor)
I would love to expand on this if anyone wants it
But of course they need a new ship. And Olivia is missing and everything’s a mess. And to add insult to injury the whole town thinks they’re trying to assassinate mayor Tom.
And his son/apprentice Iceburg won’t let that kind of threat go unpunished.
In the past when Franky’s ships attacked Water 7 and Tom, Iceburg, and Franky got arrested for it. Franky thought about all the harm he had caused and how Iceburg always told him to take responsibility for his actions. When Tom tried to take the blame for the ship attack Franky cut him off. Telling the judge he planned the whole thing. That it was his fault. He didn’t think the Judge would pardon Tom so he thought if he got ride of the Judge Tom would be free.
No one believes him. Tom and Iceburg are kicking up a storm to deny Franky’s involvement and Spandam is fuming because this was his plan to get Tom not this kid. But the Judge doesn’t want to take Tom. This whole thing is fishy and the boy just gave him an out. A stupid self sacrificing out. But an out. Shame what will happen to the boy though. So the Judge passes Judgement on Franky and he is taken away to be executed.
Tom and Iceburg lose it but Franky just tells them not to blow it for him. It’s his decision. After all he’s finally take ownership for his creations, even if it means his death he will never deny they were his ships. (Tom would be so proud if he wasn’t losing his son)
Ever since Spandam has had it out for Tom and Iceburg. Tom because the leader of water 7 with Iceburg as his right hand man. Running both the ship yards and then demo (this would version of the Franky family) businesses
When Ace’s crew gets blamed for trying to kill Tom Iceburg goes after them with his loyal employees. If only all of them were loyal.
Long story short it’s Iceburg who joins the crew as a shipwright.
Again I’ll totally expand on this if you ask.
I’m getting to thriller bark soon so you’ll have to wait for Brooks story.
But after the pick up one bone man they run into an old friend of Ace’s.
Whitebeard who wants all of them to join his crew.
Ace is tempted so tempted. But then he looks at his friends.
Kuina can’t chase her dream if their crew is not actively striving for the top. Whitebeard is already at the top of the game. The only step up is pirate king and Kuina wouldn’t be on the mainship pushing forward she would be shuffled into whatever commander need her.
Nojiko hates most pirates. She was okay sailing with them because they were a different kind of pirate. But would she be comfortable with whatever crew she ended up with?
Kaya is still learning. Being with the Whitebeard crew might be safer for her as it gave more protection. But she didn’t come out her to be safe she came out to start a new life and have adventures with her new friends
Reiju doesn’t want the crew to split up. She seems to have a hard time with being left alone. Something Ace can understand.
Hiriluk will do what Ace needs them to do (they all will) but he would far prefer staying together. He needs to train Kaya. He needs to keep his new children safe. (He already failed Tony Tony Chopper he won’t fail again)
Olivia just started feeling safe with them. How do they know no one on the Whitebeard crew will betray her?
Iceburg is here for HIS ship to sail around the world and he trusted THIS crew not a bunch on strangers.
(I find the fact that Ace’s crew got spread out among the Whitebeard pirate quite sad. I wish they could have gone with him on his failed mission)
In the end Ace turns him down (he’s got a mom and a dad on his crew) after all how can Ace surpass him and take his place if he’s working for him. Beside how can Ace support any other king of the pirate besides his little brother.
But they do form an alliance. And that’s how they roll for three years. Exploring the grandline, getting stronger, dipping their toes into the new world but not fully committing yet.
Until someone is ready to set sail.
Until someone betrays Whitebeard and almost injures Ace’s crew in the process
Until someone finds out that new pirate is related to the head of the revolutionary army.
Please ask about this I have so many ideas.
I can’t wait to talk about Kuina and this world Tashigi
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Poll: Round 1c #3
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[Image ID. An image of Junpei and Akane from Zero Escape 999. Junpei is hugging Akane from be hide as she cries, and an image of Lea and Isa from Kingdom hearts sitting next to each other on a ledge overlooking the sun. their backs are turned toward the camera. Lea is on the right of the image and Isa is on the left. Lea looks at Isa while Isa looks forward. End ID]
*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut"
Junpei and Akane:
akane essentially used him (and others) as a pawn in a death game in order to save her own life as a child in the past (its complicated) but junpei & akane were childhood friends and had big crushes on each other and later junpei doesnt even resent her for getting him killed in multiple other timelines & what she put him thru hes just upset that she ran from him afterwards. they have a big blow-up when they meet again after a year and in one timeline they have a happily ever after but in most others one or both of them die and in Another akane deliberately wipes his memory of having met her again (but she keeps the ring he gave her for decades afterwards and still wears it as an old woman)
Lea & Isa / Axel & Saïx:
-Akusaï’s divorce after they lost their souls may not be as damaging to the rest of the worlds, but it did result in eleven years of glaring at each other across the room, verbal abuse of a child, two murders and one attempted murder, and one of the gayest scenes in the entire series (and that’s saying something). This all alongside Saïx getting his face sliced open and his getting possessed on two separate occasions.
They are the bitterest breakup because: so they were best friends, right? and this asshole (Xehanort) decided it would be fun to engage in unethical child experimentation! they meet this kid called Subject X, and she has no memories of who she was (we think she time-traveled from the super-past) and so Xehanort is experimenting on her. because he ALSO lost his memories and is trying to figure out how to get them back. anyways Lea and Isa become friends with Subject X, and they try to help her escape. however, one day she disappears (oh no!) and so Lea and Isa decide to become Ansem's (Xehanort's mentor) apprentices to figure out what happened. and then Xehanort goes on a killing spree, banishing Ansem to the Realm of Darkness and taking his name, then splitting the rest of the apprentices into their Heartlesses and their Nobodies. (lore stuff i dont feel like explaining; the important part is that Nobodies have no hearts, and therefore have no emotions! or so they're supposed to believe...) Xehanort/"the new Ansem" renames himself Xemnas and starts Organization XIII, which Lea and Isa are part of. Lea becomes Axel and Isa becomes Saix. They then spend a decade with no emotions, trying to help Xemnas achieve his goal of summoning Kingdom Hearts (the moon, not the game), which is difficult (impossible) without a Keyblade wielder, while also still figuring out where the hell Subject X went. And then Roxas and Xion, two teenagers, suddenly join Organization XIII. Axel is their basically-babysitter, but he grows a soft spot for them. And Saix doesnt like that, because he thinks Roxas and Xion are distracting Axel from their mission. Ofc it doesn't help that Saix knows what they are (Sora's Nobody and Sora's Replica, respectively) and sees them as less than the other Nobodies. Throughout the course of a year, Axel, Roxas, and Xion get closer while Axel and Saix become more hostile to each other. (funny how having no emotions can really put strain a relationship huh) And then they all die. Sort of. Xion dies and then everyone forgets her (stuff about how she's made of Sora's memories so none of the memories are really her, yada yada heart mumbo jumbo), Roxas goes back to Sora (who's been in a memory-loss-induced coma this whole time), and Axel works against Organization XIII until he dies helping Sora find his friends. But then Axel wakes up again because OOPSY DAISY turns out that killing a person's Nobody and their Heartless restores their original self! So he's Lea now, and everyone keeps deadnaming him. uhhh somewhere in there Saix also dies and gets recompleted but Xehanort (an old dude this time) kidnaps him and turns him into a Nobody (why does this keep happening). But then we find out that Saix found journal entries where he wrote about Xion (that nobody can remember at this point) and he's been working with Vexen and Demyx (other Org XIII members) to create Replica bodies to bring back Xion and Roxas. And ofc Lea doesn't know this, but he joins up with Sora and the other Guardians of Light to fight against the *REAL* Organization XIII (which Saix is a part of). *fight ensues* Saix is able to jog Xion's memories, which in turn lets Lea remember her, then Roxas (in a new Replica body) zhoops down and helps Lea, Xion, and Sora fight Saix and Xemnas. oh wait kairi's there too. uhhhh anyways Xemnas kidnaps Kairi, Sora goes off to save her (please stop doing this Squeenix) and then Lea, Xion, and Roxas all BEAT! SAIX! UP! and then Saix tells us that he was jealous and thought Lea was abandoning him. Saix and Lea have a very tender and homoromantic scene where Saix dies in Lea's arms and he lovingly says "See you, Isa" because he knows now that Isa will come back when Saix "dies" and then uhhh everyone kills Xehanort who then goes to the Kingdom Hearts Afterlife with his ex-husband and then Isa wakes up and he joins Lea, Roxas, and Xion in eating sea-salt ice cream atop a very tall clocktower. love wins!
Two sets of names because these besties break up after their hearts are stolen and they join a cult of people who have no hearts where the leader gives them new names that are anagrams of their old names with an x thrown in. The break up isn't a specific incident but a sliding scale of living without emotions (tge no hearts thing). There isn't canon material from the time of the break up but we do see the aftermath of it where they behave like the most divorced couple you have ever seen. This escalates when Axel gets kids (the cult gets two teenagers to join) and they, through the power of friendship, begin to grow new hearts. Saïx does not like the teenagers AT ALL. He gravitates closer to the cult leader while Axel drifts further away from the cult and Saïx with the kids. Literally the first interaction we see between them in canon is Axel going uh-oh and leaving immediately after he realises that Saïx is arriving. Things happen, Axel is Lea again after he gets his heart back and feels emotions, and in order to make amends Saïx, who's still tightly in the cult, acts as a double agent to betray the cult and free the teenagers. He then dies (foolproof way yo get your heart back) in Lea's arms after admitting he was such a dick bc he was jealous. Lea and Isa are later seen eating ice cream and playing frisbee together with the kids.
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months
If Aizawa is gonna be pulling his hair out over Reborn and his batch of the family, I can only imagine how he'd react to the rest of the Hitman Reborn setting. Like the Varia, or the other 'babies'. Actually isn't one of the 'babies' a bullshit-tier scientist?
This is really funny to me because I’m imagining the Arcobaleno have all grown a little bit at this point so they’re like tween-mid teen year range so in poor Shouta’s mind there are just more feral teenagers infecting his school.
Verde shows up one day pissed because Power Loader poached his “apprentices” and just never leaves once he sees UA’s state of the art labs.
Skull busts through a window on a motorcycle one day and tries to kidnap Tsuna to do… something? With him. No one is sure what. He does not succeed and ends up sitting through the rest of the days classes pouting.
Fon will sometimes drop in only to immediately cause Hibari to try to bite him to death. They have wrecked several classrooms.
Colonnello and Lal drop in sometimes to “help” Reborn train the kids. There’s just a lot of gunshots and screaming.
… the funniest option for Uni would be for her to transfer in as well. To get to fully appreciate the chaos. This would also definitely bring Byakuran if he wasn’t already there which is only going to bring more chaos.
The Varia keep popping in to either murder or bond with the Tenth Gen and no one can really tell which is which even when actively watching it go down.
Poor Shouta is going to be bald by the time these kids graduate either form stress or ripping his own hair out.
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
Caine looks at MC as if they hung the moon but he's currently twelve. Will it stay that way as he grows up ?
I answered this in a Patreon Q&A (and had a devil of a time finding it lol), so I'm just going to copy-paste my answer here!
How would Caine be as a teenager? Would he sneak out to drink while underage, cause mischief and ,y'know, just be a teenager. Would MC be the one to act the parent and scold/ground him?
Would caine ever enter an emo phase
Answering these two questions as one! ☝🏼 Honestly, I think the extent of Caine's rebellious phase is the stage he's in now, as a preteen! While pretty obedient towards authority figures he admires, he does have a mind of his own (as evidenced by how he disregarded Ebert) and, among his friends, he is entering or is in the midst of a mischievous hooligan era, where he fancies himself the ringleader of a small band of troublemakers. Their activities are mostly benign, but they do certainly disregard the rules of other parents/authority figures, and he can be a little bit of a shit and quite sassy to other kids--and a real terror to his enemies. MC just doesn't really get to see much of this side of him because most of the time when they interact, he's in work mode! But when left to his own devices, he's quite headstrong, a bit of a smartmouth and smart aleck, and has been known to flout the rules. Think cackling little pie-nabbers with a missing tooth, that kind of thing. Other parents around the neighborhood aren't nearly so fond of him as the Shepherds are, but that's because none of the Shepherds are 100% aware of what he's up to outside of the compound, lol!
When he's older, I think he's going to go straight into becoming a really sensible, upright, responsible teenager who seems much wiser and more competent than most others of his age. He won't really be sullen, irresponsible, truant, or snippy the way we imagine modern teenagers to be: he's going to be a very sensible, thoughtful, mature, and sensitive teen, who will probably look back on his wilder behavior of a few years back with some chagrin.
(And even if he didn't turn out that way, I don't think I'd feel comfortable with MC being the one to scold or ground him, unless it was on a professional/working basis and as a higher-ranking officer, not as his parent. In my mind, MC is not his parent or guardian, adopted or otherwise, or even really his official employer. I think of them as a young adult (MC) with a young friend (Caine) who are bonded together because of what they've gone through, and they love each other and look out for each other, but I don't think it would be MC's place to "discipline" him by telling him to go to his room or taking away his privileges. He's his own person and recognized as his own entity under the laws of the Autarchy, so it'd be like if I (a 30-year old) had a coworker who was like... let's say 16, and they were rude to a customer or to me, and I told my teenaged coworker I was grounding them and to go home to their room and I was taking away their phone until they earned it back, lol. It's just not done, no matter how good of friends we are! Caine and MC are not living together in the same (legal, literal) household, MC doesn't have any formal rights or power over him, and it would sort of be a strange thing to do, even to other Shepherds--like if Blade "grounded" an apprentice for shirking his duties. It's one thing if MC were to go, 'I don't think I'm going to continue our training sessions together until you can learn to be responsible with the weapon I'm giving you,' or 'Hey, Caine, someone approached me and told me you'd painted on their wall, you know why you can't do that, right?' and another thing entirely for Caine to talk back to them in a snotty way and MC to respond with, 'That's it, I don't like your tone, mister, go to your room and I'm taking away your toys (or whatever teen accoutrements you have) until you're sorry!' It would drastically change the dynamic between them, and I don't think Caine himself would be very happy about it. He has a mother, he wasn't looking for a new one when he started trailing after MC, and he's technically a working person with his own wages in the eyes of society, so it'd be a bit strange if a non-familial adult suddenly started disciplining him out of nowhere. So I think that dynamic wouldn't really translate, even if he did end up being a surly teenager!)
I think the adolescent trouble will come whenever he gets his heart broken for the first time. I think Caine's going to be something of a "late bloomer" (relatively speaking) in the romance department, probably only noticing that other people are attractive to him until like 19-22. I think that's the period that will come closest to his "emo phase," because once he does tentatively maneuver himself into a romantic situation and then get his heart broken, I can see him being really mopey and dramatic about it. If Caine can invest this much emotional energy into hero-worshipping MC, he's certainly going to be very unguarded with his heart in romance, and then he's going to be really droopy and sulky and "woe is me, what's the point of anything" sighing and maudlin about everything in typical teenager fashion around that time. That's how I imagine his emo phase going, and it'll probably take him almost a year to recover from it! 😂
Edit to add: Anyway, all this to say that I don't think Caine will ever lose his deep respect and admiration for MC, even as a (potentially-crabby) teenager. He'll get over being so fanboy-ish and childlike about it and may learn to question and examine MC's decisions now and again, but MC will always be his hero; he'll just be more normal about it and their relationship will evolve into one of deep and abiding loyalty and respect as he becomes an adult, rather than the excitable "MC IS GOING TO PLAY CARDS WITH ME??? WITH MY FRIENDS??? THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!"
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shadow-yato · 9 months
hey! about your tgs x mh au,
how do the lodgers react to the new inhabitant? do they have any theories about them?
do jackson and holt get their own lab? or do they become jekyll’s apprentices?
what sort of science does jackson do?
does everyone notice jackson and holt are gone, back in their original time?
or is it a situation of they’re sent back the exact second they left and so it’s like they were never gone?
i love the idea dude!!!! it’s so cool!
Tysm for asking!
💚The lodgers are absolutely enthusiastic about the arrival of Jackson and later, Holt! Jackson is very overwhelmed by the attention while Holt embraces it. The lodgers are of course loaded with questions. The two are an undeniable strange duo! Both being American, with their strange hair and attire- Both arriving coincidentally at the same time? One of them is a fire elemental? The other a budding mad scientist? And they’re only teenagers! The theories are wild to say the least. The most popular is that they're partners in crime, wanted in America for mad science, fleeing to London to escape the law!
Jasper and Holt have a kinship in both being monsters and Jasper’s enthusiastic to meet a fire elemental! Sinnett is enthusiastic to meet the embodiment of his passions, that is a walking fire hazard.
While Ito tends to get absorbed in her work, she grows a soft spot for Jackson. She sees herself in him. A young trans kid with a passion for neo-alchemy.
💚Jackson and Holt share a lab, though Jackson would love to apprentice under his great grandfather! Holt doesn’t really care for mad science, but he’s willing to try to hang out with Jekyll.
💚Jackson does neo-alchemy, just like Jekyll. He loves to create crazy potions and experiments, which got him in trouble more than once
💚It’s the kind of scenario where they’ll be sent back to the second they left
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minijenn · 1 month
I really liked the inclusion of the Pinee parents fighting from Book of Bill. It adds an extra layer to Dipper, y’ know, because a more mature teenager would understand fights happen. But it’s like seeing a more kid side to Dipper who doesn’t want his mom and dad arguing.
Yeah it also makes Mabel's despiration for Dipper not to stay back as Ford's apprentice even more fucking upsetting because assuming she also knew their parents were fighting, she'd have to go home to that all alone, without her brother by her side hhhh gawd
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charmwasjess · 7 months
For the character ask game — Dooku 2, 5, 23! aaand Rael 2, 12, 20, 25!
I'm breaking this ask up into two posts since you were SO, so generous as to give me lots of fun things to talk about!!! :D ❤️ I'm starting with Rael, since he has absolutely become one of my favorite Jedi characters and I want to tell you why.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I love that literally the first thing he does the very minute he’s introduced is bearhug Dooku. I love that he treats Qui-Gon like a little brother and teaches him to swim. I love that he’s the most overt, direct example of Jedi lineage and Master + Padawan relationships being a family analogue. Not that others aren’t, but the way he outright says it, no metaphors or beating around the bush: Masters LOVE their Padawans, Padawans love their Master. It’s not training, it’s raising. 
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
My favorite is that Rael and Dooku’s early relationship as Master and apprentice was awful. Dooku is, like, this incredibly high strung, anxious perfectionist who is still almost a teenager when he takes on Rael, and has no idea what he’s doing. Meanwhile, Rael is a problem child who knows more curse words than Dooku does, is a LOT meaner, and mouths off to him constantly because it’s funny. Who even is this stuck-up knowitall who is probably just waiting for him to fail like everyone else?
Then one really bad day, in a string of bad days, Rael pushes Dooku too far, and he just… snaps. No, no lightning or shouting. Those big brown eyes slowly fill up with tears and he hurls himself in the refresher and locks the door. Rael knows he’s crying in there; he can hear him. They’re both appalled. 
After that, their relationship becomes the genuinely loving, affectionate one we see in the books. One, because Rael knows Dooku is actually human in there. And two, because he knows how deeply he actually cares about making him into the best Jedi and how desperately invested he is in his success.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Rael and Anakin, if they didn’t immediately get into a fist fight, would be amazing. Anakin loves Qui-Gon, okay, meet Qui-Gon’s cool big brother. And since Rael was the oldest kid they accepted into the Order before Anakin (came in at age 5) and has had issues integrating with the Jedi, he could give him some real big lineage brother advice.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I was furious about him at first. He takes the place of Qui-Gon as Dooku’s first Padawan in old canon, and “clueless baby Dooku training Qui-Gon who is almost old enough to be his peer instead of his student” dynamic used to be my bread and butter. So initially, i was pretty put off that now that role is taken by some kind of weird cowboy talking asshole?!
Now, I love it. I’m so here for it. I’ll always love the old version, but I really like this too. He and Dooku are such opposites and it just works. And I love this pattern, between Rael, Sifo-Dyas, and Yoda, of Dooku being this formal, reserved person and the people he’s the closest to are complete playful, deeply affectionate goofballs.
Rael's just a wonderful character. Loving, flawed, complicated, strangely emotionally in tune for this lineage, and he fucks.
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