#but I still adore affectionate Ciel
cosmiclion · 1 year
"Dadbastian makes no sense and it's delusional because Sebastian's a demon who just wants to eat Ciel's soul and views humans in general as livestock!" People in real life can and often do find cows/pigs/chickens/etc cute while still being meat eaters. Meat farmers often care a lot about their animals and even are affectionate towards them. I myself raise insects as feeders for my frogs and said insects are my precious adorable babies and I give them the best life untill the end. These concepts can perfectly coexist. Also you're mean and I don't like you.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Yandere ciel and alois and ash. And also sebastian with reader that is extremely fragile? Like even a single punch from a child could hurt them. But reader still tries to make it up by always hugging them, patting them and sometimes letting them sleep on his lap whenever they are mad, sad or angry? (Sorry! For making a second request! I really loves this blog so 😭😭😭)
I did something very similar with Ciel and Sebastian before in this post. So for those two, the Hc's are significantly shorter as I only focused on the part of s/o being affectionate.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotecting behavior, isolation, abduction
S/o is extremely fragile
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕ Physical affection is not something the young lord is used to, at least not since the day his parents died. His experience with the cult who wanted to sacrifice him in order to summon a demon have made him wary of touches as countless human rights and boundaries were taken away from him and even if he is slowly recovering from the trauma of that night, now he is the new Earl so he needs to keep his public image in mind. Normally no one is allowed to touch him but he makes exceptions for his darling, although he'd like to keep it subtle in public. Truth be told, he tends to get flustered when they hug him or pet his head and as someone who likes the feeling of being in control, he isn't a fan of seeing his composure faltering. Not to mention the teasing of Sebastian and the gushing of the other servants. Ciel is lenient though, considering that he is already restricting you enough due to your fragile body. If this makes you happy and is one of the very few things he deems as safe, Ciel doesn't see the need to forbid it too.
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛ Sebastian is quite aggressive when it comes to his mate. The urge to keep his mate safe and protected is a primal desire, an instinct that brings something animalistic out of him. Whilst he keeps you isolated to lower the risk of you hurting yourself, the demon still does his best to keep you entertained enough with things he deems as not too dangerous for you. A part of him can't deny though that your delicate body makes it at times hard for him. He's a demon who desires to mark and claim his mate yet he knows that he would only end up seriously hurting you. Closeness and physical touch are an aching need though, something the demon craves and is the main reason why he grows very clingy. So he basks in the physical affection his s/o willingly gives him like a smug cat. Sebastian adores the feeling of a pair of arms wrapping themselves around his tall form and careful fingers tucking at his black locks. Even laying his head in your lap, a gesture far too submissive for a powerful demon as himself yet intimacy his body craves.
Alois Trancy
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👅 Alois is already the essence of paranoid, clingy and overbearing in all possible ways under normal circumstances but with a darling as delicate as you, his demeanor reaches a whole new universe. Seriously, it's quite bad. From the moment he finds out about your condition, he gets instantly paranoid and pesters you relentlessly to live with him. The very environment you live in and the people that surround you instantly turn into big, bad villains in his eyes and he obviously has only the best intentions in mind for you. He grows desperate fast as he begs you to just join him in his mansion. He promises you protection, fine food and lavish gifts and if you reject him, he's likely to have an emotional outburst where he might end up screaming at you for a bit, upset, angry and unable to understand your reasoning for turning his offer down.
👅 His blood boils whenever he sees new bruises and scratches on you and he instantly demands to know who is responsible for it. He has no mercy for anyone or anything even if it is really no one's fault at all. Everyone who hurts you, even by sheer accident, earns his relentless ire. Alois can't control his anger nor does he want to do so, in his eyes everything that harms you deserves to be treated like dirt under his shoes. If he figures out that a person has harmed you, he screams his lungs out until his face turns pink with anger and can't stop himself from hitting and hurting them in return. It's a terrifying experience as blue eyes glimmer with malice and wrath. Even non-living objects aren't spared from his wrath as he kicks the object angrily away when it hurts you, ends up destroying it on multiple occasions. Nothing is safe from his explosive ire.
👅 His paranoia shoots through the sky with the situation given. If you refuse to allow him to properly protect you and take care of you, an abduction will happen far too soon for you to even predict. His servants are ordered to retrieve you and he threatens them to not hurt you even in the slightest or otherwise they'll be punished by him. No one should ever harm you. He remains firm in his belief that he's doing the right thing, he is pretty delusional after all. Alois still throws a big tantrum whenever he finds a new bruise or wound somewhere on your beautfiful skin, it always ends in a big drama. Your accident proneness leads him to become essentially your second shadow as he's always with you, terribly paranoid that you might get hurt again. All demon servants are ordered to guarantee your safety and every time you still end up getting hurt, they have to endure whatever their angry master has in store for them.
👅 His emotions fluctuate strongly depending on your own feelings. If the isolation upsets you at times, Alois gets quickly upset himself. Your sadness makes him a bit crazy and any signs of unhappiness he tries to drown in smothering affection and lots of expensive gifts. The young noble is highly affectionate and at times unintentionally a bit more rough, especially when his feelings get the better of him as they tend to be very intense. He'd probably be happiest with a darling who returns his affection since it gives him a feeling of security and safety. He's cooing and gushing over his s/o whenever they end up hugging him or petting his hair. By sheer accident he ends up getting to excited at times which leads to his touches to be too rough and might result in hurting you in the process. No one is more mad than him though as he's throwing a screaming and crying tantrum. He's possessive of the attention and affection of you so often he demands you to spend private time with him just showering him in your affection and all servants are forbidden to interrupt you two.
Ash Landers
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▫️For Ash his darling is his life, the entire purpose of a guardian angel is after all protecting whoever they've chosen to guard and dedicate their life to. The white-haired man has known from the very first glance that you're special, a precious and pure creature that has to be protected from a world tainted and filled with evil. You've become within one day the centre of his universe as his heart and mind are filled from that day on with the thought of you. Gorgeous and precious you. Ash is already very paranoid and protective of his darling, of his everything. Their fragile and delicate condition make him only worse though. Wonder and adoration turn into horror and sheer wrath whenever he catches the bruises and injuries littering your precious skin, he has nearly lost his composure in public a couple of times just thinking about it.
▫️The world around you only becomes more and more irredeemable whenever a new bruise, a new scratch appears on you, the most precious creature. His heart is bleeding alongside every new injury as the angel frenziedly tracks down whoever is responsible for daring to harm you. He doesn't care who the person is nor would he ever accept apologies and explanations that it was a mere accident as he stains his hands and white clothes with red blood, all in the name of your protection. Ash just knows that he has to protect you, to keep you somewhere else as he grows incredibly paranoid whenever he's on his 'duties'. Not knowing where you are and what you're doing, not being able to fulfill the most important task of watching you and protecting you is killing him slowly on the inside as breathing or thinking become incredibly difficult, paranoia taking over his body.
▫️The abduction happens fast as you're whisked away by an angel who seems terrified to even touch your delicate body out of primal fear to hurt you. The entire home he's made for you has been designed to not harm or hurt you. It is unbelievably difficult for Ash to leave you at all as paranoia fills his lungs as soon as you're out of his sight and makes it close to impossible to focus properly when masquerading as the Queen's butler. Every injury and pain you experience from that day on is all his fault, in Ash's mind at least. You're now under his care after all and he wants all pain away from you and every time you still end up harming yourself, he sees it as his personal failure. That can definitely lead to self-harming tendencies as his punishment but Ash would do anything for his darling so if they ask him to stop, he'd try if he realizes that his actions make them sad.
▫️Honestly, Ash doesn't even consider himself worthy of receiving any affection from his darling. In his mind no one is worthy of you, not even himself yet the concept of a mate still applies to him as an otherwordly creature too. He longs for more than just seeing and being close to you yet this desire is seen as a greedy sin as he should be thankful for the mere fact that he is able to see you at all. He's overwhelmed when you end up being so affectionate around him, although if you ever tell him that you feel sorry for making him worry all of the time he'd panic because you shouldn't feel guilty for this. He's hesitant at first as he's still not considering himself as quite worthy of your life but at the same time every hug and soft touch of yours has his body craving for more. It takes a bit of convincing from his s/o before he starts embracing his desire and starts fully clinging to you, needing more of your touches. The angel becomes pliant and putty, almost addicted to the feeling of your touches on his skin and your warmth so close to his body.
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ryuichirou · 1 year
any sebaciel headcanons so far?
Anon! I hope you’re still waiting, because it took me a long time…as always lol
For some reason it was a bit difficult for me to write this one, mostly because a lot of headcanons/thoughts that I had were actually just… random pieces of canon trivia that Toboso herself mentioned at some point lol like the fact that Ciel’s cheeks are just like cat’s soft paws for Sebastian and stuff.
But still, I managed to write something. I hope it’s a fun read…
Despite them seemingly keeping their master-servant sense distance whenever they’re around others, there are some people that catch the tension between them. They don’t even tend to talk to each other when Ciel is having guests around, but when a person knows, they know. For example, Lau catches these things quite easily, even though he forgets about it the moment he steps out of the room.
Speaking of Lau… the real reason why Sebastian didn’t get rid of that tiny dress that Lau brought for Ciel is that he really wouldn’t mind seeing his young master wearing it; he believed there would still be a nice opportunity for it. Which is actually a big deal, because Sebastian seems to be quite picky when it comes to things that Ciel wears, so he would’ve gotten rid of it immediately if it didn’t fit his own taste.
Sebastian absolutely adores roleplay: his entire butler shtick is essentially just a very long roleplay session. So, whenever he gets to put on a new identity/any type of disguise for a mission, he gets pretty excited; it’s always one of his favourite parts of any mission. So the fact that Ciel is pretty good at roleplaying too and catches his cues quite easily and plays along so well is also something that he really likes about him. Sebastian has seen and served so many people, but this is the first time he actually got himself a decent playmate, who is quite good at playing the role of sweet and innocent child while also being quite a cruel calculating boy.
And although Sebastian always minds his distance while performing his butler duties (not to ruin the aesthetic and all), he could allow himself more freedom when playing other roles. So there could be some situations in which Ciel would look at Sebastian in a “how dare you” way, with Sebastian smiling, because “well it’s more believable that way, isn’t it?”. He knows that Ciel will have to play along.
Both of them are aware that there is this vague line that they could cross if they wanted to at any moment. It would be weird to call it a “romantic” line because none of them have any romantic feelings toward each other: Sebastian is incapable of feeling it; Ciel would choke himself before admitting to having any emotional dependence on Sebastian. Because he knows that the moment he’ll start even considering anything, the demon wins. Even though, when it comes to their contract, it’s not like it changes anything….
Sebastian really enjoys the fact that Ciel is conflicted about it though. He likes playing with him, teasing him and hinting at things way more than if Ciel would act openly affectionate with him. In fact, it would be quite bothersome and even annoying to Sebastian. So this “will they won’t they” that seemingly exists between them only fuels the situation to spiral further without giving it any resolution.
Although it’s not impossible for them to cross this line, but it’ll only happen if Sebastian decides that it would be amusing and would fuel Ciel’s further decent into darkness. He wouldn’t do anything too openly, but the teasing and the talking and the touching and overall situation would lead to Ciel being so frustrated that he would end up deciding that he actually wants to cross this line. What difference does it make? He’s going to get eaten by Sebastian at some point anyway…
Sebastian teases Ciel a lot, especially if the two are together. He especially likes to take everything that Ciels says literally, because he knows that Ciel actually hates that he stops when he’s being told to stop. And the best thing is – Ciel can’t even complain about it or be mad, because Sebastian is being respectful and caring and obeys his orders. As if he’s not doing it just to piss Ciel off.
Ironically, Ciel doesn’t get triggered by Sebastian’s touch. Maybe it’s due to the overall feel of his hands being so different to what Ciel experienced years ago, maybe it’s because it’s Sebastian who isn’t even human, but the sensations he gets are overwhelmingly pleasant. Almost scarily pleasant, like the opposite side of the spectrum.
They would have at least one talk about how often Sebastian gets to touch his masters like this. It’s not like Ciel is interested or that he cares about anything at all regarding Sebastian, but for some reason he would still ask. And Sebastian would honestly answer that this actually happens quite often, although not every single time. He would also add that he hopes that this doesn’t sour his young master’s mood or make him jealous, with a smile so wide and wicked, that Ciel would  instantly regret asking him.
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cucumberbroooo · 1 year
I've been collecting songs for my Sebaciel playlists, and its still on 28 minutes lmao. Here are some of the songs that I think perfectly suits them:
1. Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin
This is screaming SEBACIEL! No further explanation.
Early this morning When you knocked upon my door And I said hello Satan, ah I believe it is time to go Me and the devil walkin' side by side
2. Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Ray
I personally don't like this song before but then I discovered Sebaciel. I literally wept when I realized how this song suits them. (I like the orchestral ver. more)
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul? I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will
3. Dark Paradise by Lana Del Ray
More on the angsty side. Sebastian missing Ciel, years after he had consumed his soul. Because, come ooon. It is somehow inevitable, sebaciel isn't canon(and it hurts). I'am somehow(we all are) hoping that the canon Sebastian holds affection for our Ciel.
Basically the entirety of the song, but here's the part where it hurts more
Loving you forever can't be wrong Even though you're not here, won't move on Ahh That's how we played it And there's no remedy for memory, your face is like a melody It won't leave my head Your soul is haunting me and telling me that everything is fine But I wish I was dead (dead, like you) Every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise No one compares to you I'm scared that you won't be waiting on the other side
4. Everything I Wanted by Billie Eilish
This one right here! Literally soft sebaciel people *sobs*. I can imagine Sebastian saying this to Ciel(I know kinda OOC, but let me indulge)
I had a dream I got everything I wanted But when I wake up, I see You with me And you say "As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you Don't wanna lie here, but you can learn to If I could change the way that you see yourself You wouldn't wonder why you hear 'They don't deserve you'"
5. The Fruits by Paris Paloma
I really love this one because of how it screams feminine rage, but then someone here on tumbler(I can't find it) points out that this song is also kind of Sebaciel coded and I couldn't agree more.
My love, are you the devil? I would worship you instead of him I have no time for confession For I'm too busy committing sins My love, you're something special I've never met someone like you You'd make me fall from heaven But I know just what I do
6. Skyfall by Adele
Oh come on, this one right here. The song when the inevitable happens(I don't want to imagine it. It hurts)
This is the end Hold your breath and count to ten Feel the Earth move and then Hear my heart burst again For this is the end I've drowned and dreamt this moment So overdue, I owe them Swept away, I'm stolen
Where you go, I go What you see, I see I know I'd never be me Without the security Of your loving arms Keeping me from harm Put your hand in my hand And we'll stand
Bonus Song(lmao):
Salvatore by Lana Del Ray
It's because of that damned(affectionate) fanfic on ao3! I actually wasn't able to finish it because of how graphic the violence is. But I can assure you its really good, I'm just a weaksht ass. The writing and the plot is superb.
For those who want to read it(Im sure everyone has read it already), it's The Great Northern by bun_o_ween
And I've been waiting for you all this time I adore you, can't you see, you're meant for me? Summer's hot but I've been cold without you I was so wrong not to tell, I'm in regine, tangerine dreams Catch me if you can Working on my tan Salvatore Dying by the hand Of a foreign man Happily Calling out my name In the summer rain Ciao amore
I hope it's not that obvious that I like Lana, lol(It was actually unintentional)
Anyway, here's the playlist. Enjoy Sebaciel enjoyers love lots 🖤.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly Roundup: Prompts (I fucked up but that's like from one week ago)
Diferent Anon than the current Tsukihime petplay one, I offer the oppisite: Arcuied puts Ciel down like old yeller, is delighted that she can old yeller her over and over again.
Arcueid is convinced she's a kitty girl and thus gets deeply offended when every "what animal are you" quiz she takes tells her she's a golden retriever (which she is)
Arcueid becoming Neco Arc played completely straight as some sort of horrofic Jekyll and Hyde style transformation.
Kohaku starts a recruitment drive for new maids for the mansion, and everyone (regardles of gender or even species) in Misaki Town finds themselves drafted - whether they like it or not
Waver gets a break for once
Smut, Someone attempts to hack BB, but the super AI is far too above such petty human tricks. She definitely resisted all the attempts to change her personality and her perception of normal, as you can tell by the fact that her panties have massive dildos spreading her vagina and her ass at any and all times, just like she definitely always has and didn't suddenly start doing the day of the for sure failed hacking attempt. She's also definitely always loved having her face fucked by men and women and enbies alike, as is perfectly normal. Her face is meant to pleasure anyone and everyone who wants her to! Gosh, that's just logic. It's why she has a mouth and throat and tongue in the first place!
Smut, Mostly I just have a hypnosis kink and enjoy the idea that a machine can only do what it's programmed to do, regardless of what it was programmed to do yesterday. Anyway BB gets a software update and "remembers" that it's polite for her to eat her Master out every day, especially because her Master for sure didn't make her think that was normal, because it just always was.
Kama and/or Kiara face their greatest challenge yet: someone who is asexual. The Beasts of Lust lose and lose hard.
Smut, Nero bondage (I think it still counts if it's something that prevents them from moving) where she forces another character into the Roman Candle Execution Method they pioneered IRL - aka trapping them in a wax coating that restricts their movement (here with the exception of the various body holes) with the caveat that holes are unsealed so Nero can have sex with them. May or may not involve the person/ candle actually being set alight or suffocating in the wax during being fucked The person doesn't actually have to die.
Fate/Stay Night
Archer grows tits. He's still male. He's still a dude, he's masc, he's comfortable being called a man. But now he has tits and he likes them. Anyways now instead of fourth place for biggest chest he's second only to Passionlip.
Hopping off of the archer spontaneously grows tits anon from earlier- he is now the first axis man to get a swimsuit alt because of it.
Guinevere gets summoned, and Lancelot tries to leave her alone to avoid starting any drama, only for Guinevere to demand to see him because she never stopped loving him
Astolfo, in a rare moment of lucidity, congratulating someone on their transition. Ideally, phrased ambiguously enough to make it unclear what sort of trans they are, or how far in the transition they are, just that Astolfo is happy with the progress and glad for them to have moved closer to their truth.
Sieg, having been alive and independent for less than a week and whose closest friends are Jeanne and Astolfo, thinks that wearing feminine clothing is completely normal. Upon being summoned to Chaldea, promptly tries on those cute skirts Asolfo likes to wear.
Sieg and Astolfo sleep together. Not as in the euphemism-for-sex sense, they just fall asleep in the same bed cuddling each other, high emphasis on them being physically affectionate and tender and also adorable.
Smut, Several servants whose claim to fame includes "good at sex" decide to try and figure out who is best at it. They need an impartial judge to agree to get fucked silly by all of them. Gudao/Gudako "mysteriously" goes missing not long after (spends the next weeks getting fucked into the ground by all of them).
Guda finally after everything gets a nice peaceful-ish death! Unfortunately instead of immediately being sent to any after life they have to be isekai'd (again seriously for real this time) so the various afterlife reps can have a custody battle over their immortal soul...
Smut, Nitocris under her Medjed sheet, maintaining the perfect poise and bearing of a pharaoh, exactly the same as all days. Which is rather impressive, seeing as the only thing she's wearing under it is a dildo up her ass. Heavy emphasis on how genuinely nobody else knows anything is any different than usual, with the possible exception of her girlfriend Scheherazade. Who might've been involved in the escapade.
I wanna see Blackbeard covered in blood. Whether it be defending his collection, saving his master, reenactment of his death or that one Black Sails scene, getting his red wings etc I don't care. I just want that nerd drippin in the red stuff
we have fairy knights of the round. but there should be a round table of dogs , naturally lead by Sir Cavall II
There's only room for one loud angry trans man in Chaldea! Mordred and Caenus duke it out! Whether or not the "sparring match" devolves into furious sex afterwards is up to the writer.
BB decides to host a reality show with challenges.. but every challenge is cruel one way or another, like facing your worst fears… BUT IT IS TEN TIMES WORSE. The prize for winning is getting to bed Gudao AND a grail
WG Scenario where after Flauros possessed Lev, he started losing weight from not eating as much as his host used to. Roman points this out during a checkup and it makes Flauros paranoid that this sudden change will make the Chaldeans suspicious of him and realize their coworker has been taken over. So he starts eating more to gain back the weight but overdoes it and winds up as big as Goredolf. Bonus points if a Chaldean hits on him as he gains more but it just makes him think they're onto him.
Smut, heeey maybe the watsonian reason why shiva isn't available for summoning is because there's quite a lot of woman at chaldea interested in pegging him , in addition to teaching Kali & Durga about femdom.. and you have gudako , who is gonna put him in a mating press or die trying.
Morgan and Mash have been in a sexual relationship for a bit now, which they excuse as just being a casual thing (Not the right way to court a queen after all, that’d be incredibly improper…), except Mash has started accidentally picking up her fashion cues with the black lace, occasional blue lipstick, and- oh that’s a collar. Nobody wants to say anything, even if it’s congratulatory, as they don’t wanna get Berserker-looped.
Smut, Everyone has their own sexual rhythm for providing penetration, but Lancelot (Saber)’s is Rock Your Body by Justin Timberlake, and it really weirds Raikou out, because he legitimately doesn’t realize.
the realization that kadoc has fully grown accustomed to chaldea's chaos did not occur when he started a pirate radio station with jalter in order to put BB channel out of buisness, instead the realization hits kadoc when he accidentally calls archer moriarty Dad. and to make things even more funny , fran is cool with having kadoc as a foster brother.
Woodwose somehow ends up at a furry convention
The reason why Blackbeard hate for fighting and actually working is because his thirst for piracy was what made him abandon his wife and lose his life. So in a Dodrinya type situation Chaldea summons Edward Teach(B.B. true name), the greatest pirate who has ever lived, and it's Blackbeard's wife and they have an awkward reunion
all the doctor servants just fucken die due to the amount of apples gudao/gukao consume in this up coming lotte events. they then respawn after the two weeks are up and promptly beat they to death with medical supple.
Consider, Sex Pollen, but Guda is allergic to pollen.
Oberon gets fucked until he starts calling himself Titania.
All the lostbelt kings are lamenting the loss of their lostbelt together, except for Qin who just came back from their own perfect recreation of their lostbelt and is confused on why they’re all sad
since gudako and Morgan are married this means Sith becomes an sibling older due to gudako's kids(kid Gil, Illyea, nursery and jack). Jack super happy to have an older sibling but Sith is against this until jack brings her black-beards head because he was talking mad shit about her older sister. Sith now responds when jack calls her big sis and calls her litte sister from that day on.
Kiara tries to tempt an ace Gudako with garlic bread. Gudako can't eat gluten so the attempt fails miserably.
Noncon, incest, I can't take this anymore I need to see Duryodhana's stupid loser ass get nonconed by Bhima or by a mob I don't care he just deserves to get put in his place (bonus points if you use his line for getting hit by np)
Its Mother's Day in chaldea and in a bit of a twist Morgan gives presents to her phh children since she feels bad for what she did in their timeline
someone be insane about hanahaki with me, theres a botanical fucking garden in ritsuka fujimaru's lungs and people who some of the flowers grow for are dead aaaaaahhh. none of that "its only curable if they love you back" or "removing the flowers kills your ability to feel" though. guda has to get rid of the flowers in their lungs and they gotta confess to do that but again, many of the people they grow flowers for are dead by gudas own hand from the lostbelts going down.
Bradamante is the de facto straightman of the Paladins of Charlemagne, but when left to her own devices/is without any of her ilk, she’s as much off a silly bimbo as the rest of them
Now summoned as a servant rather than a full fairy, Barghest discovers that she no longer gets sick from eating chocolate, and that she has an INCREDIBLE sweet tooth. In order to satiate her appetite, she gets Medb to channel Knocknarea’s spirit origin for access to her chocolate fields, in exchange for Barghest now serving as her Hound and Brave. Cue a Petplay/Weight Gain scenario about their treat-based relationship economy.
Smut, Koyanskaya’s tail isn’t real, it’s a buttplug (of egregiously large proportions, but that’s beside the point), and she’s started selling them. If you keep it in however, a set of Fox ears begin to grow, and your teeth begin to sharpen… hey, what do you mean Gudako just got gifted one?!
Silly omegaverse courtship between master and castoria where guda is desperately trying to court this beautiful fairy idiot with elaborate rock art that is too circular for her tastes, all the food they can make safely while severely impaired from rutbrain, random objects they think she would like, and eventually when they manage to create cool rock art that pleases the lady a sick ass breakdance. Whether or not they fuck in the end is up to you I just like versegm's ideas
Kingprotea practicing to control her strength so she can safely give her Master a headpat. Lots of practice dummies get varying degrees of comically destroyed as she carefully dials it in.
All the Sakuraface servants get summoned all at the same time sharing Sakura's body. Sakura's many many new headmates get up to comedic hijinks as they spend so much time fighting each other for control that Sakura's actually not really stopped from doing anything.
FGO again
Smut, Tai Gong Wang valentines but he actually goes through with what he was alluding to and we are treated to him and Guda having steamy outdoor sex (Guda's gender,.kinks, who tops, ect. is up to the writer)
Smut, Post Valentine's Gudako confronts Oberon over his shitty return gift. The two argue ending in hate sex. What happens next is up to the writer but it's gotta end with Oberon, completely sucked try, exhausted, and questioning if Gudako is related to the Merlins in some way (i.e part succubi)
Smut, You think Gudako is a top? WRONG! She's actually a hardcore masochist that loves being dominated. The crueler the partner, the better.
Let’s stop putting the pining on Mash, let Morgan be the one who has to search endlessly for her first knight whom she no longer remembers.
Okita, noticing that her coughing has only gotten worse to the point that she can no longer fight, begs Nobu to take her head. Nobu does not know what to do
Nightingale, known magic denier, is summoned under the caster class on accident, and is forced to learn how to do wizard/magical girl stuff. She gains a couple ranks in the Insanity skill by proxy.
Artoria stops Medb from consuming a pot brownie, finds out it's "forever weed" laced and has to try and hide the fact that she's super high from Merlin, every member of the round table in chaldea, Morgan, guinevere and other who have somehow been summoned by medb just for this occasion and the master themself
Due to their bond Gudako ends up seeing Angra's memories in her Dreams, specifically who he was before becoming the incarnation of all evil and the torture they did to turn him into that
guda this explaining pronouns to an older servant(whoever you want) while jack is in the room minutes later jack says they want to be non-binary because it represent all the kids that make them up and it sound cool.
loli, Sherlock begs Helena to put him on a leash and collar and walk him around and Helena decides to overperform by taking him out through the Chaldea halls late at night. Humiliation and being out to the writers discretion
Smut, Tamamo and her Master (Hakuno, Gudako, I ain't too picky) engage in BDSM for the first time, with Tamamo as the dom. Tamamo has the experience, though, and so teaches her Master about how it usually goes and how safe words work and such. Lots of emphasis on the process of teaching a newbie how to engage in the kink safely.
The trauma of the Lostbelts actually gets to Ritsuka. They end up repressing the memories of certain events (Mash's death, the destruction of the Lostbelts, fight with ORT, ect.), and would have moments where they disassociate. It gets worse after the Olympus lostbelt as they then would occasionally lay in bed unresponsive for hours to even days.
(writer chooses how the servants deal with this, and wether they want to go full angst, hurt/comfort, ect.)
columbus rolls the worst joint ever witnessed by man god and demon and is immediately executed for it
Canonically not understanding how to treat mental health issues, Nightingale prescribes Gudako bimbofication pills
oberon gifts morgan a gift of just bugs. Now he’s being chased by the faerie knights and now gudako must at least stop them from murdering oberon for his antics
kriemhild wants sieg to change his name. the next day, turns out his name is Hans Schmidt now. And kriemhild has to tell sieg that ‘no, he didn’t have to change his name’
ABDL - Raikou gets fed up with how pervy and non-innocent Gudako acts, and decides she'll have to fuck her until her mind regresses to a more innocent age.
Izou and Ryouma get stuck in myhouse.wad
Fujimaru gets summoned in Requiem, recognizes Erice who is extremly confused about it.
Cu gets into an argument with salter rider maid supreme, decides to one up her at maiding. Not one hell of a butler, one hell of a MAID. He is wearing a MAID dress and doing maid stuff to be clear hear. Shenanigans ensue. He can fuck around along the way if he wants. But he must defeat Salter at maid shit. Any version of cu but setanta is cool for this.
Any fandom
Any character getting turned into a small dress up doll and then being dressed up.
not quite a prompt fill but like, as to how mutting could work(reverse bitching that was requested a while back that mod named) i think it could happen if you just kept your face in peoples holes for long as you can as frequently as you can. eat pussy/ass like you get paid by the hour to do it. probably through someone elses heat or even your own. until you grow a cock to fuck them with. or just become an alpha. whichever is cooler for you.
Some sort of mystical force gets fed up with all the various non-berserk, completely coherent berserkers and decides to rectify that. As practise, it drains Jalter's mind and sanity and increases her physical fitness to the point she makes Heracles look like a reasonable little shrimp
8 notes · View notes
Chapter 38: The Butler & The Maid, On open water
Chapter Text
"Please do not display such indecent behavior in public!"
"That's right Lizzy. Moreover..."
"Come on brother! why are you still saying that!?"
Through the commotion of the older brother of lady Elizabeth and her mother the last to greet the boy was none other than the Marquis Midford. With his stern face and cold eyes the maid expected him to be as cold as his wife maybe even more so.
"M-Marquis Midford, I haven't seen you in a while, um..." The older mans intense aura made the woman be put on erg as she watched the way he stared her master down, almost as if asking him to bow down. But knowing her master he wasn't one to do so. Wether that be good or bad.
"LONG TIME NO SEE MY FUTURE SON! YOU'RE CUTE AS EVER!" The lord suddenly gushed as he threw his arms around the boy. Pressing his face close to the poor boy all he could do was chuckle nervously and try to make the man stop. From where the three stood they could tell their master wasn't very comfortable with the affection.
But as they took a closer look they could see where lady Elizabeth got her affectionate side from.
-First class tea room-
Now in the ships tea room with the Midfords, the servants stood behind their master with hands hands behind their backs and eyes closed as they listened out to all the commotion that was going on around them. However it took all of Josephine's willpower to hold back her laughter and smirk as she looked at Sebastian and Snake's slicked back hair. Surely they looked way more formal than necessary and the gesture made by the marchioness was indeed unnecessary however what Aunt Francis wanted she got...
"So you'll be with us for the whole three weeks?" The marquis asked as he sipped his tea.
"Indeed." Ciel responded as he felt Lizzy grip his arm in excitement.
"We've never been together for so long before!" Lizzy gushed as she fought hard to not hug her fiancé with joy.
"Escort me to the dinner party, okay Ciel?" She asked with sparkly green eyes. Chuckling nervously at this the boy nodded his head in agreement.
"Okay, okay." Smiling at her master and his fiancé Josephine couldn't help but think of a time where her young master and the lady Elizabeth would be wedded and soon start a family of their own. How she would tend to the kids and make sure they would become strong young women and men and help them every step of the way.
However the more she thought about such a pleasing lifestyle the more she saw herself age, and age she would since she was human. She would no longer be as pleasing to the human eye as she used to be, all she could do was hope to age as gracefully as the marchioness did.
"I was supposed to be her escort!" Edward, Elizabeth's brother growled lowly.
'What the hell...' The butler, maid and Earl thought to themselves as they saw the jealous look in the young mans eyes.
-3 Days Later-
-First class passenger lounge-
"Ciel! look! look! that cake is so cute!" Lizzy gushed as she continued to go on and on about the adorable set up the ship's lounge had all the while the servants stood by his side and watched over him. Turning to him the young woman gasped and pointed to the large cake that was being cut into serving size pieces.
"I'll go get some food for you too!" And with that she was whisked away. Letting out a large sigh of relief the boy turned to his servants who just smiled at the adorable couple, well Josephine and Sebastian did all the while Snake continued to look around in amazement and wonder. The childish gleam of curiosity in his eyes made the maid smile as she knew that this new start would be a wonderful opportunity for him.
"Well then will you accept the marchioness' invitation to give you a lesson on fencing?" Josephine asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Although you'll hardly need it seeing as you have me for a teacher." She proudly stated as she tilted her chin up with pride.
"Can't I just see the statue of liberty's face before we begin?" The boy groaned as he thought about the rigorous practice Josephine would put him through before even entering the match with the woman
"Can't I just see the statue of liberty's face before we begin?" The boy groaned as he thought about the rigorous practice Josephine would put him through before even entering the match with the woman. Surely that alone would render him unable to stand for a day or so.
"More importantly, young master," Sebastian said as he handed him a plate of food the servants were carrying around.
"It's tonight." He whispered lowly. Taking it he nodded and raised his fork before plunging it into the meal.
"Yes." He hummed.
"It seems the signal for the opening of the Aurora society's meeting is a waiter, walking around the hall carrying empty glasses. The attendees take one and go to the meeting place." Sebastian said, nodding the boy glanced over to the maid who made swift eye contact with him.
"Don't let the signal out of your sight."
"As you wish." She hummed as she suddenly glanced over at snake who didn't seem the slightest bit comfortable. Her trained ears picked up the sound of swirling whispers and giggles pertaining to the newest employee which made Josephine's blood boil. Knowing she had to keep her temper to a minimum she lightly nudged snake and asked,
"You aren't used to crowds?" Glancing over at her he looked down shyly before looking back up at her with nervous golden eyes.
"You aren't used to crowds?" Glancing over at her he looked down shyly before looking back up at her with nervous golden eyes
"I look different from everyone else, and since I'm with the earl, people will laugh at him too. Says Dan." Opening her mouth to speak she was suddenly cut off by the voice of her master.
"So what?"
"Huh?" Snake muttered as he looked at the boy with wide eyes.
"You're another person so of course you look different. What do you need to be ashamed for?" He carelessly said as he shrugged his shoulders.
"Besides I'm free to be with whomever I want."He reminded, causing the butler to smile and nod proudly.
"That's right. Right now you're the footman of a distinguished noble family!"Almost touched by those words the man gave the three a surprised look before softly smiling to himself. A sudden breech of confidence made him feel all the more accepted in society, especially with the Phantomhives by his side a family with nothing but odd rumors swirling around them.
"So straighten up and have some confidence!" The butler reprimanded as he smacked the man on his back causing Josephine to just shake her head and reach for a champange glass
"So straighten up and have some confidence!" The butler reprimanded as he smacked the man on his back causing Josephine to just shake her head and reach for a champagne glass.
"How about a glass?" But before she could grab one she noticed the signal from a good distance away. Watching the man pick up the empty glass she glanced to her master and made a gesturing glance with her eyes.
"They've made a move let us go now master." She said as the butler ushered him on.
"Right!" He commented as he put his unfinished plate of food in snakes hands.
"Clean this up!" He commented as the three of them began the start of their mission.
Chapter 39: The Butler & The Maid, Blushing like mad
Chapter Text
-First class smoking room hallway-
"Okay lets go."
"Please wait."
"According to my info the aurora society has a fixed greeting
"According to my info the aurora society has a fixed greeting. Those who don't know it will be made to leave."
"Say these things sooner! so? what's the greeting?"
"That is..."
"Wha- I can't believe it!...do I really have to do that!?"
The boy sputtered as he looked at his butler with an embarrassed reaction, the tips of his ears now burning bright red just like his cheeks.
"That doesn't sound so awful." Josephine shrugged slightly, causing the boy to grit his teeth and clench his fists before spinning around and glaring at his servant harshly. His supposed intimidating look making a ghost of a smirk cross her face.
"Say's you! you're use to putting on a show!" Sighing she shook her head and pointed her fan at him, eyebrows furrowed and lips formed into a pout, haunting green iris zoning in on him like a deadly weapon. Quickly he stood up straight and released the tension in his hands and looked at her with a slightly petrified face when he heard the way she spoke.
"If you can't do this then, we'll be seen as outsiders and we will be forced to leave immediately, the mission we have waited to pursue for so long will come to a complete halt should you not do this. Is this really what you desire?" Crossing his arms over his chest the butler smiled and nodded at her, causing her to blink at him before glancing back down at the young master who was now looking down at the floor mind racing and heart beat too as he knew that no matter what he couldn't let this mission fail.
And so he made up his mind.
Looking at the butler then to the woman he sighed and nodded.
"Lets go." Leading the way the two servants trailed behind the boy as the butler opened one of the double doors to the smoking room. The strong stench of alcohol and cigars wafted in the air as the three stepped inside the bright and sparkly room. Chandeliers made of crystals and gold hung above them, as gowns made of the finest silk and satin rustled across the polished wooden floor. Men in fancy suits conversed with one another as they held cups of champagne and cigars in the other, the maids trained ears tried to follow what everyone was talking about but with everyone talking about various things it made it hard for her to hear, causing all the words to become muddled.
However the trio didn't stand out at all, as they entered further into the room, that was until a medium height chubby man with a monocle and mustache approached them. Knowing that initiation was rather embarrassing for her to preform Josephine, unfolded her fan and brought it to her face so only her eye and a bit of her nose were showing, before wandering off a bit with one of the various butlers that just so happened to walk by.
One minute she was there and the next she wasn't causing the boy to do a double take and watch as the butler followed suit, he too also perplexed and amazed at her successful get away.
"Are you first timers?" Gulping Ciel, turned away from the now gone woman and instead turned to the man who had approached him.
"Th-The complete flame in our chests..." He began nervously.
"Shall not be extinguished by anyone..." The butler said confidently.
"we are..." Standing in a near by corner one of the various butlers smiled down at her and quietly offered her a glass which she happily accepted before transfixing her gaze back to the two men, a wicked smirk set on her face as she sipped her drink happily.
'This outta be something then.'
" THE PHOENIX!" The two shouted as they striked the signature pose of the club along with the other man from before. Bitting her bottom lip hard to hold back her laughter Josephine forced herself to turn away before downing the rest of her drink in one go, afraid that if she watched any longer she would attract unwanted attention.
"Welcome to the Aurora society!" The man happily stated as he reached into his breast pocket and pulled out two gold pins, both engraved with the clubs insignia.
"These are your membership badges." Taking them they both fastened them on to their jackets and gave the man a nervous smile.
"T-Thank you." Even from a good distance away Josephine could hear the boys heart thump harshly against his ribcage as he and the butler began to make their way towards her, still holding back her laughter she brought her fan away from her face and smiled down at her master.
"See it wasn't-"
"How the bloody hell did you get out of doing it!?" He snapped causing her to close her eye and smile happily, mentally giving herself a pat on the back for her sneaky get away and the gown she wore, she pointed to the gold buttons along the front of her dress. From a distance they looked like the badges the members wore, so she was able to make a swift get away even without her luck.
"Why the detailing on my gown of course! from a distance it looks just like the badges wouldn't you agree?" Glaring at her he sucked on his teeth and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Heeheehee~" Noticing her sudden change in facial expressions the butler glanced over at her and went to ask if she had heard anything unusual but her eyebrows quickly furrowed and her eyes narrowed in thought, causing him to lay off the question and let her think.
'Laughter? ...but not just any laughter...Oh no.'
"EEEEEHHHEEEEHEEE! to think you'd ever do something like that!" Glancing over at the direction from which the voice came from, the three watched as the silver harried man revealed himself from the crowded area.
He was silent for a time, watching as the three went about their investigation, but when he saw one of them begin to depart he felt his heart race a mile a minute, hoping she hadn't picked up on it, he waited and watched the events unfold before finally revealing himself.
"U-Undertaker!?" Ciel stuttered as he looked at the man wide eyed and cheeks flushed bright red
"U-Undertaker!?" Ciel stuttered as he looked at the man wide eyed and cheeks flushed bright red.
"Saying the phoenix! with such serious faces! AHAHA ! AHA!" The man laughed, causing the boys cheeks to redden even more
"Saying the phoenix! with such serious faces! AHAHA ! AHA!" The man laughed, causing the boys cheeks to redden even more.
"You bastard!" He gritted.
"Now, now young master-" The woman began with a smirk her shock quickly wearing away, but was suddenly cut off by the Undertakers advances.
"Josephine! my darling you look ravishing tonight! but don't you always?" He gushed as he held her hands tightly in his. She could tell that his eyes were as wide as the moon from how much he began to drool and gawk over her appearance in such nice attire.
"Undertaker, love, you are too kind!" She blushed with a gracious smile that made the mans spine tingle.
"If I may ask? why on earth are you here?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Smiling he spun her around almost as if they were in a dance, before holding her close to his chest, arm wrapped around her waist and pulling her to him. His body, from what she could feel was broad and strong underneath his clothing which greatly surprised her but she nonetheless kept it hidden, even if the blush upon her cheeks told a different story.
"I'm doing my job. The hospital is a regular customer of mine." He smiled down at her causing her too blush and look away shyly, before feeling him grasp her chin between his fingers her gaze now casted to him. Through his thick grey bangs she could make out a beautiful green color that seemed oddly familiar but she couldn't place her finger on it.
"Now may I ask what you're doing here? my sweet?~" He hummed as he leaned in a bit closer to her. Frowning at this the butler grabbed the young woman's hand and spun her out of the undertakers grasp catching the two of them by surprise. With her back to his chest and one hand held slightly in the air with the other clutched around her waist protectively, he eyed the man warningly.
Surely the butler had enough of the mans sweet words for the woman, even the way he looked at her and held her truly sickened him.
"We're investigating the illegal human experimentation going on here, do you happen to know anything pertaining to the revival of the dead? any information would be a big help for my master and I?" He asked with a sharp voice that made Josephine r...
"We're investigating the illegal human experimentation going on here, do you happen to know anything pertaining to the revival of the dead? any information would be a big help for my master and I?" He asked with a sharp voice that made Josephine raise a curious brow to as well as question why he was holding onto her a bit tighter than she would like.
"Actually I-"
"Sorry I arranged to pose in my own style." Recognizing that voice the made quickly glanced over and noticed the Viscount, the same one that drugged her and tried to sell her on to the black market.
'What the hell! not him to!?' Josephine practically shouted as she quickly unfolded her fan in an attempt to hide her irritated face.
"Is that the Viscount of Druitt!? what is he doing here!?" The young master asked as he looked to the two, who could only shrug in response, but then again considering the last situation they were in he did have a medical license...
"Come to think of it, he had a doctors license." The butler said as he tapped his chin in thought.
"He's coming over!"
"Oh my, are you beginners?" The Viscount asked as he looked to the trio.
"Yes, we saw the article in the news paper." Sebastian said as he gestured to the two people standing beside him, the boy who tried to play shy hid behind Josephine's dress while the woman still kept her face hidden with the help of her fan.
"Madam Samuel's light lippedness is quite troublesome. To think she'd leak our secrets so easily~" The man sighed as he shook his head before diverting his gaze over to Josephine who was trying to slip away from the conversation, but the Viscount was quick to capture her, by her hand.
"Oh?" He asked as he looked from her hand to her lone Emerald green eye.
"Have I met you somewhere before?" Quickly shaking her head the female felt the heat of her embarrassment rise and burn her cheeks strawberry red.
"I-I don't believe so, I've certainly never seen you before." She giggled nervously as she continued to back away, and slowly bring her hand back to her side so she could escape from this hellish conversation. But to her demise the man refused to let the woman dismiss him.
"Indeed I surely wouldn't forget such a beautiful woman such as yourself. Ah but what a pitiful bandage you have."He said as he pushed a strand of blonde hair away from her face to get a better look at the white gauze that kept her shame hidden. Luckily the maid and master were deemed unrecognizable due to the set of platinum blonde wigs they were wearing, together they seemed to be siblings which made it seem all the more believable.
"My father said that if I came here, they could heal it, you see I lost it in an accident, and I haven't been able to see out of it since."
"That's right, I'm sure Ryan will heal it for you. I'm already looking forward to staring at both of your eyes." Giving her a wink and small kiss on the cheek he disappeared into the crowd, once he was gone the woman let out a heavy sigh and fanned her face repeatedly with the fan, until the heat from her cheeks vanished.
"That's odd where did undertaker go?" Ciel suddenly asked as he emerged from behind the young woman's gown, before watching the lights of the room come to a dim setting, causing the trio to turn their attention to the front of the room where a lone spot light was shone.
Chapter 40: The Butler & The Maid, Screaming and biting
Chapter Text
"He's the founder, Ryan Stoker."
"That's him?"
"The complete flame in our chests...Shall not be extinguished by anyone...we are...THE PHOENIX!"
"Ladies and gentlemen! thank you for coming to today's research presentation of the aurora society's complete salvation of mankind through medicine1"
"A healthy body! healthy teeth! a healthy spirit housed within a healthy body! and finally a healthy mood! healthiness is truly splendid!"
"However, there's the worst kind of health issue that we can't overcome no matter how hard we try!"
"What is that you say?" An audience member asked from the crowd.
"Death!" The doctor exclaimed as he threw his arms in the air.
"And the great power that will save us from this disaster is...the aurora society's medicine!" Turning to the coffin that was carried out by the four men dressed in black he placed a hand upon the wooden surface.
"We will now show you ladies and gentlemen the fruits of our complete salvation of mankind through medicine!" Gesturing for the men to come forth they did as they were told and lifted the heavy lid to reveal a dead body, audience members became shocked by the pungent scent of death as they cowered away in fear of it.
"Margaret Conner seven-teen. The young lady lost her life at an early age due to an unfortunate accident. It is truly pitiful. An accident that should not have happened," The doctor spoke grimly as he placed a hand over his heart before gesturing to the grieving parents who stood on the opposite end of the stage, adorned in mourning attire.
"Her death did not only put harm but also her family's hearts into bad health," Her mother's sobs and sniffles could be heard loud and clear for the maid as she let her lips form into a frown at the heartbreak her family must have been put through.
What a travesty indeed.
"I want to save them!"
"Is the body real?" Examining the stitches on the body and the lack of color in the female's skin the two could disclose that she was in fact dead.
'The smell of death is so intense that it's causing my nose to twitch.' The fresh scent of the dead mixed in with dirt made the two crinkle their noses slightly, unfurling her fan Josephine held it to her nose and allowed her perfume to overwhelm her senses.
Narrowing their keen eyes slightly, the two servants observed as the doctor put wires and cables all around the corpses body. Watching this truly piqued the threes interest as such things have never been witness by either of them in all the fourteen, twenty-three and one-thousand years that they have been around.
"Well then ladies and gentlemen I will show you now! the power of medicine!" With the flip of a switch the device that stood next to him flickered on and out came and on rush of sparks, causing the lights in the room to dim due to the large serge of energy, the butler and the maid kept their eyes on the corpse as they waited for any signs of impending danger.
"COME! RISE FROM DEATH! LIKE THE PHOENIX!" There was a moment of silence that lingered heavily in the room, even the grieving mothers sobbing came to a sudden hush as a hand emerged from the coffin. With their eyes widening in disbelief Josephine almost felt herself stumble backward in disbelief, the young master nearly toppled over the two of them as the butler helped keep them steady in their shocked state.
"Oh no." Josephine muttered softly as she blinked away her stunned reaction and reached a hand down to her hip where the hilt of her sword rested. The atmosphere in the room made her grow tense as this once dead body now rose like a living being, the dead wasn't meant to come back...
Things that were meant to stay dead, should be kept dead.
"Take a look!" In amazement the crowd watched as the corpse slowly rose from its laid down position, with their sharp eyes the duo couldn't for see any strings that had been attached meaning the creature was doing this all on their own.
"With medicine we can even overcome death!" Overwhelmed with joy the grieving parents rushed to their daughters side. With her arms wide the mother wrapped them around her and buried her face in her daughters cold shoulder, tears falling even faster.
"Maggy! oh Maggy!!" She cried happily as she got to finally be with her child once more.
"Thank you doctor!" The father said with utter disbelief as he shook the doctors hand frantically before going to greet his newly revived daughter.
"This! is complete salvation!" Stoker proudly stated as he gestured to the oddly heartwarming sight that left the on lookers clapping and whispering in awe over the strange device that had been successful in reviving the dead.
"What on earth is going on!?"
"Did he really revive a corpse?!"
Through it all, Sebastian and Josephine continued to keep their guard up as the sudden feeling of unease flooded their senses. Furrowing their brows they watched as the creatures jaw unhinged at an alarming rate that surely would have dislocated anyone's jaw had they been a normal person.
Unaware of what was to come the Conner's continued to hug and whisper sweet words to their child, the audience was all too fascinated by the revived being to even take notice of its next actions.
"As long as you are alive, mother will-AHHHHHHH!" The creature had harshly bit down on the mothers shoulder causing blood to splatter everywhere. Her screams of agony rang like a war cry as she attempted to push her away but she ended up devouring her until her pleas for help were silenced by her choking on her own blood.
Screaming with fright the crowd had begun to rapidly make their escape causing the butler and the maid to rip off their disguises and ready themselves for their masters set of demands.
"SEBASTIAN! JOSEPHINE!" He shouted causing the demon to smile with glee, eyes glowing a beautiful magenta.
"Yes, my lord!" Sebastian promptly answered as he threw a set of kitchen knives into the corpses chest causing it to fall backwards with a heavy thud that made the boy flinch slightly
"Yes, my lord!" Sebastian promptly answered as he produced a set of kitchen knives from his breast pocket before throwing them into the corpses exposed chest causing it to fall backwards with a heavy thud that made the boy flinch slightly. All grew silent for just a moment, not a heart beat could be heard making the female suspect she was dead.
"Did you get her-" Hearing a slight twitch in her body Josephine grabbed the boy and threw him behind her.
"Stay back!" Alarmed by the maids sudden words the butler gave her a confused look before turning back to watch the thing suddenly rise up from the floor with a terrifying gasp.
"What on earth is she!" Ciel gasped as he took a step back. Visibly shaken up by all that was going on.
"I'm sure I stabbed her in the heart," The butler said to himself as he too became a bit stunned by the undefeated monster.
"It is a being I do not understand." Smirking to herself the female took a step forward and produced her sword from the secret compartment inside her dress. Licking her lips with anticipation she put herself into a fighting stance and eyed the corpse dangerously yet playfully.
"Well seem's like it's my turn to take a crack at it!"
Chapter 41: The Butler & The Maid, Enjoy the art of killing
This chapter is absolute dog shit I am so sorry!- Natalia
Josephine be careful!"
"Just as I figured it has to be the head, it controls everything of course! however, close contact isn't always the best course of action
"Just as I figured it has to be the head, it controls everything of course! however, close contact isn't always the best course of action."
"Blood has never looked so lovely on a woman before!"
"As well as intelligence!"
"She's right ya'know the only way you can kill them is by bashing in their heads, or simply decapitating them."
"I believe smashing is a better method, wouldn't you agree?"
When she turned to look at the person who watched the whole event, her eye glowed a brief intensity that reminded the earl of the night his last living relative was killed. Such a burning anger, that made him gulp and a sadistic smile that could be easily mistaken for kindness.
"You're-" The young master began, but the reaper interrupted him. Flipping open his little black book he found the corpse, and snapped his fingers in an 'AH! HA!' moment.
"Ahhh! I see! this chick's totally dead after all! I told them that I already collected her properly!" He grumbled to himself as he looked over the documents, head shaking side to side with dismay.
"What is he?" The boy asked as he looked over at his butler with a raised eyebrow.
"You should know them well, young master." Sebastian smiled as he gave the boy a knowing look. Upon further inspection the boy was able to identify the nicely tailored suit, well framed spectacles and glowing yellow-green eyes.
He was none other than a grim reaper.
"Shezanna Connor born on the 23rd of July, 1841. Died of shock due to blood loss on the 19th of April 1889. Remarks, none," He sighed as he snapped the book closed and put it back in his breast pocket.
"Investigation completed!" He happily cheered as he raised his arms up in the air to stretch, sighing with satisfaction he turned and noticed the trio were still standing about watching him go about his business. But what caught the reapers eye was none other than the butler.
"Hm? That getup, don't tell me you're the rumored, 'Sebas-chan?' " At the mention of the new found name, Josephine cupped a hand over her mouth to refrain from laughing out loud.
"How cute I think I should call you that from now on." She teased as she gave the demon a sideways glance. Feeling his heart in his throat he cleared his throat and closed his eyes, the iridescent blush on his cheeks thankfully went unnoticed.
"Please don't," Clearing his throat the butler put on a pleasant smile and pressed a hand to his heart.
"I have quite an aversion to that name, however, I'am indeed the Phantomhive family butler Sebastian Michaelis and this is Josephine Brandson my masters body guard and fencing instructor." Gesturing to the woman, she sheathed her sword and gave a slight curtsey.
"Pleased to meet you." She spoke softly.
"My aren't you a beauty." Ronald smiled as he gave her a flirtatious wink. Blushing a soft pink Josephine put a hand over her heart and smiled kindly at the reaper.
"Why thank you!"
"Grell, my higher up has told me some pretty awful things about you but you are certainly nothing of the sort!" Feeling her smile drop slightly Josephine gave him a rather irritated smile all the while the butler tried to repress his chuckles.
"Oh! I should introduce myself! The shinigami dispatch association, collection division: Ronald Knox! Thanks for taking care of my senior by the way!"
"You just said you can't kill them unless you smash in their heads, but, Do you shinigami know something about the revival of the dead?" Sebastian asked once he was done his giggle fit.
"We had reports of corpses whose souls had surely been collected moving around and stuff. So since administration put in a claim saying it was our miss, I came here to investigate, however this here really was a genuine soulless corpse. Cos I definitely got Margaret two weeks ago. "
"So the dead didn't get revived. It was just the corpse moving." Josephine spoke aloud as she looked over at the now dead again corpse.
"Is it even possible for a soulless body to move around?" Ciel questioned.
"My bosses said it's totally impossible but, the fact remains that they're actually up and about like this so the Shinigami dispatch association is looking into it. "Ronald sighed as he leaned up against his lawnmower.
"Looks like our only option is forcing Ryan to spit it out." Ciel said as he looked to his two servants who in turn nodded in agreement.
"Let's go!" But just as the earl was about to walk past the reaper, the sound of that lawn mower roaring to life rattled in the servants ears. Quick to action, Josephine stood in a defensive position in front of the boy while the butler had captured the scythe.
Growling with frustration, Ronald continued to press on to the butler with all his strength.
"If administration gets wind of there being a demon on board, you betcha they'll be going, 'aren't you just hidin' the fact that you'll let the beast snatch all the souls away?' Dont'cha think that those kinda false accusations will get me into a looooot of trouble? And i'll totally pass on any overtime, so won't you just vanish?" Over the talking Ciel looked for any other signs of reapers lurking about but luckily it just seemed like it was only Ronald. Noticing the door the doctor had ran through was open he lightly tugged on Josephines dress in the direction of the way they were going to run.
Giving him a curt nod she looked to the butler and called out to him.
"We'll go on ahead! After you're done playing, hurry up and follow us!"
"I'll go on ahead! After you're done playing, hurry up and follow us!"
"As you wish." Sebastian smiled as the two quickly ran after the doctor. Racing down hallways and darkened stairways, the boy kept his trusted gun in one hand while the other trailed along the railing of the staircase. The doctors footsteps were fading faster and faster until they had finally reached the bottom and found the area silent.
"He sure runs fast." Ciel huffed as he put a hand over his heart.
"Indeed so-some one else is here." Quickly stopping in her tracks she narrowed her eyes and looked down at the ground as she attempted to listen out to the footsteps of the suspect that had trailed after them.
'A woman...no older the eighteen or younger than ten...'
"Who?" Ciel urged as he noticed the female had been silent for far too long. Looking down at the boy she allowed the footsteps to come closer and closer, tucking the child behind her she raised her knife, ready to attack who ever it was that had followed them.
"A girl..." She whispered before the person turned around the corner to reveal none other than the youngest Midford.
"Lizzy!" Ciel exclaimed when he noticed the frazzled expression of his fiancé. Quickly hiding her weapon in the folds of her dress, Josephine smiled down at the woman, clearly trying to act that as though she wasn't about to mutilate her.
"M'lady what are you doing here?"
"I saw the two of you run off so I followed you! Even though I told you to wait you disappeared! I was looking for you." The girl pouted as she looked down at the slice of cake she had in her hands before smiling and extending it out to him.
"Oh, yeah, this is your ca-"
"Lizzy now isn't the best time. It's dangerous here, please go back to aunt Frances." The boy began as he rushed off down the dark corridors.
"But-" Resting a hand over her heart Josephine gave the woman an almost pleading look. Heaven forbid something were to happen to the woman she would never forgive herself, so she had no choice but to agree with her master.
"Please m'lady, for the masters sake." But before she could protest once more, the maid was out of sight.
-Bottom freight storage-
Now finding themselves in the ships bottom freight storage, the darkness around them was as black as ink as the only light source they had was the lantern the earl held in order to see. With her one hand rested on the hilt of her sword Josephine kept her ears on high alert and listened out for the doctor or anyone who might have unknowingly snuck on to the ship when they were still back at the harbor.
Suddenly hearing a slight rattling noise in the dark ahead of them, Josephine stopped and cupped a hand over her ear.
"Snakes?" She whispered surprisingly. Frowning at that the boy crossed his arms over his chest and raised a confused eyebrow.
"Snakes? is that what you he-" Suddenly from below a plethora of snakes came slithering about, causing the young earl to squeal and jump up in fright. Hugging Josephine's waist tightly he watched the creatures slink away into the darkness before them, causing the maid to furrow her brows curiously.
Taking the lantern from her masters clenched hands she raised the light up and noticed a familiar figure hiding behind one of the various crates that were scattered about.
"Snake?!" Ciel gasped as he let go of Josephine quickly.
"What on earth?" She asked as she stepped closer to him, causing him to raise a hand to his eyes and squint due to the harsh lighting.
"T-too bright , says Wordsworth." Snake said as the female quickly pulled back before giving him an apologetic smile.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, causing him to look away shyly before holding up a white plate.
"The food was really good, so I thought I'd share it with everyone. Says Dan. " Giving him a soft smile Josephine just shook her head and sighed. She should have known that sticking around with all those rich people wasn't the man's idea of fun.
"The cake was better than the food." Shocked by the sudden appearance of the voice that had gone undetected by Josephine and Ciel turned to see the lady Elizabeth with a plate, just like snakes, in her hand and on it was the piece of cake she wanted her fiancé to desperately eat.
"M'lady!" Josephine gasped, truly stunned that her hearing hadn't picked up on the familiar footsteps.
"Lizzy!?" Ciel gritted, causing the girl too pout and nearly tear up.
"Come on don't leave me~" She whined as she looked at Ciel with tear stricken eyes
"Come on don't leave me~" She whined as she looked at Ciel with tear stricken eyes. Frowning at Elizabeth's stubborn attitude the boy gritted his teeth and pointed back the way she came.
"I thought I told you to go back up!"
"But I wanted you to eat the cake-"
'Footsteps.' Josephine's ears did not deceive her as she gathered the kids closely before pushing them behind her.
"I hear something, please stand behind me!" In a flash she readied her blade and listened to the creatures heavy footsteps as it emerged from the dark. Quickly she gave the lantern back to her master who held it up just in time to see her slice the corpses head off. She listened to a satisfied thud of a head and body and listened to it growl and snarl, clicking her teeth in annoyance she thrusted the blade into its temple.
Finally silencing it.
Noticing a strange glint from beside her the maid turned to see the reflection of the light was bouncing off of a strange bird like marking that rested on a stray coffin. Lightly reaching up she ran her fingers over it and furrowed her brows in concentration.
"This bird mark,"
"Josephine there's a lot more over there
"Josephine there's a lot more over there. Says Oscar." Looking too where he was pointing the woman shone the light in the same direction and noticed an entire row of coffins were lined up perfectly next to one another, the slow grumbles and growls of the previously dead making her breath hitch.
"Oh, dear..."
Chapter 42: The Butler & The Maid, Protect at all cost
Chapter Text
"No way all of there are-"
"Master and Lady Elizabeth I suggest you stay behind me no matter what."
"Snake! take the master and mistress to higher ground."
'There's too many of them, but I must keep going!'
"Ciel behind you!"
'How the he-'
"Smile! Come quickly while, we're restraining them!Says Oscar." Snake said as he reached his hand out for the child to take. Quickly accepting it he pulled himself up and looked down to see that the creatures were surrounding Josephine, to the point where one wrong move would end her life.
They had seemingly came out of nowhere! it was suddenly one after the other until an entire cemetery had appeared before them!
"Josephine! there's too many!" Ciel shouted to the woman as he watched the crowd of monsters zone in on her, to the point where she was almost backed up against one of the crates, leaving her to be powerless, however Josephine hated that word and made it a point to never be, 'powerless' and so she continued to fight, her muscles burning due to her swift slashing motions, blood stained her nice dress as well as her face as with a devilish grin continued to press on.
'No! push yourself!' Her inner thoughts screamed, as the white hot anger she felt when she was angry curled around her neck and cheeks.
"Josephine! I order you to reach higher ground! there's too many for just one person to fight off!" She wasn't like Sebastian she couldn't just brush things off like he did, she had to realize that she wasn't invincible and that she, like everyone else, had their limits.
However, Josephine didn't believe in limits. And that was something the earl found himself to be irritated by.
"Master-" She began but he didn't want to hear it.
"Josephine! now!" He demanded in a stern tone she had never heard before. Glancing over at him she sighed and lopped two more heads off and proceeded to climb up the crates with the help of snake.
"Seems like they can't climb up here ." Josephine sighed, as she sat down next to Snake and Ciel.
"What are they? aside from our poison not affecting them, they have a horrible smell. Says Webster."
"I don't know the details, but for some reason these corpses began moving about."
"Corpses!?" Lady Elizabeth gasped as she clutched a hand over her rapidly beating heart.
"They don't seem to have any intelligence anyway. Nor any sense of sight or pain." Ciel said as he put a reassuring hand over his fiancés.
"How do you know? Says Oscar."
"They didn't react to the snakes at all.If they could see or feel pain they would try to shake off the snakes first. And also...If they had intelligence they would leave us and head upstairs, right? They would find a lot more food that way."
"F-Food you say!?" The lady stuttered with fright.
"The only thing left is their hearing. If they rely on their ears, we might be able to get away by distracting them with some kind of sound." Josephine said as she began to look around for something to throw.
"How about we try this? Says Emily." Snake said as he held up a dinner plate, smiling the woman nodded.
"Perfect, try throwing it." Reeling his arm back he threw it into the distance where a rather mild crashing sound echoed through the room. The noise did little to nothing for the group as they were still left with a rather large group of them.
"No use huh..." Ciel frowned, as he brought a hand to his chin in thought, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think of something else that would create a loud enough sound to drive them away.
Hearing the sounds of the crate they sat upon suddenly start to snap and break, the female grabbed the kids just in time to feel the thing shake violently. Letting out surprised gasps they clung onto one another and looked through the darkness to see what was happening.
"What's going on!?" Ciel asked as he looked up at Josephine who peered over the edge to find the corpses clawing and biting at the crate with their teeth and nails. Gritting her teeth with frustration she shouted out loud.
" THEY'RE CLAWING AT THE CRATE WITH THIER TEETH AND NAILS!" Enraged about the situation the boy looked over at his other servant.
"Snake! can't you stop them with the snakes?!"
"Of course not! not with this many! Says Oscar." The man said sadly as he gripped onto the edges of the wood box.
"Where is that damned butler when you need him." Josephine gritted to herself as she tried to scan the area in search of the demon.
But he was no where in sight.
"C-Ciel!" Lizzy trembled as she clung onto the boy with all her might.
"It's okay," He spoke as he wrapped his arms protectively around her. The gesture making the maid become shocked a bit, but not at all surprised.
"I'll definitely protect you at least! No matter what happens!"
"I'll definitely protect you at least! No matter what happens!"
'He lurks.' The young woman spoke as she tried to see through the darkness of the storage room. The black mass that moved at an almost inhuman speed was none other than the man she was searching for this entire time.
"How admirable young master," The butler smirked as he threw a set of kitchen knives into the heads of three unsuspecting creatures. Falling to their second deaths the group looked over to see Sebastian emerge before them.
"That's how an english gentleman is supposed to be
"That's how an english gentleman is supposed to be."
"Sebastian!" The boy gasped, as his eye snapped open in surprise before peering down at the man who was now surrounded by the groaning monsters.
"Don't stand about, clean them up already!" He spat causing the demon to smile and nod, eyes glowing a beautiful magenta at the delicious command.
"As you wish."Cracking his knuckles the demon got right to work, crushing their heads into paste, tearing away limbs with his bare hands. Each one made him more and more eager to kill, as his crimson eyes glowed a fiercely.
His determination leaving the woman in a trace of sorts as she picked up his movements with her swift emerald iris, hoping she wouldn't miss a thing.
But her trance stopped when she heard the worried breathing of her master.
"Master?" Josephine spoke with concern as she heard the harsh and rapid thumping of her masters heart, his face had grown pale and a nervous sweat broke out on his forehead as he came to the realization of how dangerous the situation had become, how easily his life had been put into danger had not the butler arrived when he did. Noticing her fiancé's pale and terrified state Lizzy furrowed her brows with worry.
"Ciel!" She shouted causing him to shake his head and look away from the sight.
"Are you okay?" She asked as she lightly rested her hand atop his. Gulping he nodded and turned back to the now bloodied butler who stood in a pool of blood and corpses, hands behind his back and lips curved into a triumphant smile over his work. The maid now meeting where her masters gaze was casted, only caused her to smile ever so slightly.
He really was quite the butler. Even against the undead.
"I'm done young master." He proudly stated.
"Well done, although I did most of the clean up while you were away." Josephine smirked as she began to help the children down from the crates, their master going first.
"Such a kind maiden, thank you." The butler smiled as he extended his bloodied gloved hand out to his master. Who only backed away and looked down upon it with complete disgust, the stench that radiated from not only the room but the glove as well made him close to vomiting.
"Master? What's wrong?" He asked innocently as he brought his hand closer to the boy, but he continued to look upon it with unease.
"Please, come over." Sucking on his teeth he hoped down from one of the crates on his own and looked away from the disastrous material, on his butlers hand arms crossed in disgust.
"Don't touch me with those hands. They're filthy." Retracting his hand quickly the butler looked and noticed the blood and other bits of brain matter and bone stuck to the fine material causing him to frown at his thoughtless behavior.
"I'm very sorry
"I'm very sorry." He said apologetically before exchanging them, within the blink of an eye, to pristine white ones. Holding out his hand yet again the boy accepted and jumped onto the bloody, watery floor.
"Couldn't you have done it a little more elegantly?" The boy asked as he watched Josephine assist his fiancé down.
"Just like a beast." He gritted slightly as he reached out to the girl, to which she happily accepted before safely making her way down to the floor. Looking down shamefully, the butler nodded and rested a hand over his heart.
"My apologies. It was an emergency." With the assistance of Snake Josephine was able to make her way down safely but not before having the butler extend his hand out to her. Giving him a kind smile she took it and felt him squeeze it a bit as she jumped down, but she paid no mind to it as she busied herself with helping Snake make his way to lower ground.
"Also their bodies seem to be much softer than a regular human beings." Ciel pointed out as he looked around at the mutilated bodies.
"Most likely due to their bodies being in the process of decaying." Josephine said as she lightly kicked one of the things and watched as the tip of her foot slowly began to sink into its mushy flesh before quickly taking it out.
"But why are there so many on this ship?" The master spoke to himself as he rubbed his chin in thought, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he tried to connect the pieces, to this very confusing puzzle, however something was missing, and this something would be able to help answer a lot of questions that would lead the group one step closer to discovering the truth. '
But it or rather who was nowhere to be seen.
"I think-" In the distance they heard it, a small noise. Quickly the butler threw his set of table setting knives into the darkness while Josephine sent one of her blades from the garter of her dress into the same direction. At once they landed with a harsh thud into one of the various wooden boxes and almost perfectly hitting the culprit.
"It would be good to ask him." The butler said as he gestured to the petrified man who slowly rounded the corner with his arms raised high into the air, to show he meant no harm.
"Ryan Stoker!" Ciel gasped.
"I-It's not like that! that was an incomplete salvation and I didn't plan on reviving them in this unhealthy state." Tired of the stuttering and mumbling excuses the two servants ran to him and pinned him against the wooden crates. With Sebastian doing most of the heavy lifting he pinned the mans arm behind his back all the while Josephine crouched down slightly and pulled out her dagger that the young master had bought her, and lightly jabbed it into his heart.
"Pl-Please listen to me! I-I'm in a hurry-" The man urged but Josephine just shook her head and clicked her tongue at him.
"No need to be hasty~" She hushed as she heard his heart beat nearly jump out of his ribcage out of pure fear from the two, the sound and smell of it all made her smirk and lick her lips.
"There is plenty of time until we reach New York, so we'll listen to your story leisurely." Sebastian smiled as he gripped the doctor tighter, the sight of Josephine's excitement made him equally over joyed.
"Best not struggle~ or else that arm of yours might snap like a twig~" Josephine joked as she lightly tapped the mans heart with her knife.
"Wai-Wait a second!" Sighing Sebastian looked at him irritatedly, annoyed by the fact this man's protests were starting to become troublesome.
"What is it? I already cleaned them all up so-"
"It's not that!"
"What is it then?" Josephine asked as she lightly twisted the tip of the blade into his chest, causing him to gulp.
"This ship has the latest gigantic boiler with a reciprocating steam engine installed at the center. This place is divided into two sections, the boiler separates them." Confused Josephine looked to the butler as if wondering if he knew what he was talking about, but their master quickly stepped in.
"What of it?" Ciel asked as he stood just a few feet away.
"Don't tell me, there's more? Isn't there?" Sebastian questioned as he watched the man let out a sigh and nod his head shamefully.
"Yes but, we have stored ten times as many samples as there were here!" Feeling the color drain from her face Josephine staggered to her feet and began to imagine the chaos that was to be insued above, through all the metal, creaking pipes and rushing water below them the maid nor butler could hear the complete destruction that was awaiting them upstairs.
Things just couldn't get worse.
Chapter 43: The Butler & The Maid, Are gracefully disastrous
Chapter Text
"Oh dear, well this turned into something unpleasant, master."
"Do you think 'unpleasant' covers it!?"
"Even one of those monsters is a hassle. Just imagine ten times this!"
"It seems the monsters have escaped. I can barely hear the screams of terror and people running. Master what should we do?"
"Sebastian and Josephine go ahead and take my aunt and the others to a safe place. Hopefully with the two of you you'll be able to take down twice as many monsters than you would alone."
"And what are you going to do?"
Sebastian asked as he and the woman looked down at the master with raised eyebrows, confused and concerned as to how their master would be able to survive in such a condition without the two of them by his side.
"We'd be just a burden
"We'd be just a burden. I also have a gun, we'll be okay for a while. Come back as soon as you're sure they are safe!" He demanded as the two of them gave a sincere smile, hands over their hearts as they gave a curtsy and bow to their master.
"Certainly!" Crouching down a bit, the butler allowed the woman to climb onto his back, when making herself comfortable she unsheathed the dagger her young master had given her. Before racing off into the dark, with the butlers never failing vision, he was able to perfectly navigate himself through the darkness all the while Josephine clung onto the man as tightly as she could, afraid she would fly away, but with the butlers tight grip on her legs he was determined to keep her close.
With her warmth against him the butler could finally understand what humans meant by 'warmth' he never really saw the appeal of keeping warm if he was perfectly kept at room temperature ever single day of his life. This warmth wrapped around him a comforting way, almost like a hug, a hug specifically designed by Josephine for him and only him. He would be reveling in this comfort if he wasn't fawning and admiring over the swift methods of decapitation, she was preforming.
With her hair messily undone, and dress torn and matted, and face full of determination the woman looked like an angle of death who came to reap the souls of the reanimated. She truly was destructive and extremely talented.
"Do you hear them yet?" The butler asked as he swiftly ran through the hallways of the second floor hallway
"Do you hear them yet?" The butler asked as he swiftly ran through the hallways of the second floor hallway. Through the screaming and crying of frantic civilians running about, even with her supernatural hearing Josephine could barely pinpoint the sound of the Marchioness's voice.
"It's hard to pinpoint what with all this racket that-"
'Gather the people to safety quickly!'
"What is it? do you hear something?" Sebastian questioned as he noticed the woman's sudden silence.
"The marchioness! to the elevator hall now!" She shouted as she pointed straight ahead. Nodding the butler rushed off in the direction, brushing past screaming people as well as those dying Josephine made sure to slice a few heads off along the way. Unable to withstand the sight of innocent people dying in such a way she happily took the heads of any creature that barred their teeth.
Making it to the elevator hall the servants were met with the Marchioness being surrounded by three of those monsters, racing to her Josephine raised her weapon high and decapitated all three of the creatures. Stunned the older female watched as she made her way to the ground, bloody sword in hand.
"M'lady! are you alright?" She asked with worry, not at all paying any mind to the monster she had just sliced with her sharp weaponry.
"Josephine and Sebastian-"She began with a confused look, her eyes desperately darting around them to see if the children were with them.
"Are you injured?" Sebastian repeated causing her to shake her head in refusal.
"Enough about me i'm fine, what are these things?"
"We don't really know, but there is only one way to defeat them." Josephine said as she jabbed her sword over the lady Midford's shoulder. The blade inches away from her face as she watched the butler finish the job and rip the things head apart, before retracting her weapon.
"Smashing their heads!" She said with a toothy smile that made the butler shutter slightly with pleasure. Nodding the woman shook herself out of her stunned state and smiled with satisfaction, as the three of them proceeded to kill any all monsters that dared to make a move to them, until there was nothing left but headless bodies and pools of blood.
"Apparently what you said is true. In consideration of the advice, this time I will excuse your lousy appearances." The Marchioness stated as she noticed the bloodied and frazzled appearances of the Phantomhive servants, looking at each other from the corner of their eyes they looked one another up and down, and almost chuckled at their unsightly appearance.
"Thank you." Looking up from her curtsied appearance, the woman could hearing the racing footsteps of the Marquis and Elizabeth's brother coming towards them, rounding the corner, the two men appeared with swords in hand, expressions frantic.
"Frances are you alright?!" The Marquis exclaimed as he looked over his wife to make sure nothing had injured her.
"Servants! what happened to Lizzy?!"Edward questioned as he noticed his bright eyed sibling wasn't with the two. Giving him a calming smile, Josephine put a bloody hand to her heart,
"Worry not she is with our master they are both safe." Nodding at her words the three Midfords let out a heavy sigh of relief.
"If they're together we have nothing to worry about." Frances spoke as she looked to her husband and son who in turn nodded in agreement.
"Indeed, that boy will protect his fiancé at all costs."
"At all costs you say?" The butler spoke quietly to himself as he looked over to Josephine for her in put on this, but all she did was give him a smile and almost unnoticeable smile that he almost didn't see.
'I never doubted his love and fondness for m'lady. She surely brings him a joy I or anyone else can never give him.' She spoke to herself as she looked to the butler then to the Midfords.
"We were ordered by the two of them to escort you all to safety." Shaking their heads the three refused her orders.
"Eh?" The butler and maid said with visible confusion
"Eh?" The butler and maid said with visible confusion.
"The members of the Midford household have protected England for generations. As knights we would never abandon our people in danger." The Marquin stated seriously.
"We are the English knights. We protect the weak."Edward exclaimed as he and the Marquis looked to the female with an expectant looks.
"Right?? Frances?"
"Yes!" She proudly stated as she gave her husband and son a prideful smile before turning back to the two servants, who still stood about confused as to why they wouldn't come along, but then again they were deeply rooted in justice and protecting the civilians of England.
"Go back to were they are right away, both of you."
"But-" They both began, but she was quick to shut them up.
"Don't you trust our ability as swordsmen?" Giving her a smile, the two servants nodded and gave her a curtsy and a bow, hands rested over their hearts.
" As you wish. Please be safe."
"Josephine, your skill is impressive I must admit, I enjoy sparing with you however will you save me a date where it's just the two of us?" The woman asked as she gave her a confident smile.
"Of course m'lady."Josephine smiled as she put a hand over her heart and curtseyed. Blushing at her cuteness the older marquis sibling looked towards the butler and gave him a stern glare.
"Butler, be sure to tell Ciel, that if anything happens to my sister I won't forgive him!" Nodding the butler put a hand over his heart and bowed.
"Certainly!" He smiled as Josephine hoisted herself on the butlers back. Before quickly running off to find their master. As they raced on they didn't make it far until she heard a sudden warning call that made a shiver run down her spine.
"Ice b-AGH! MY EARS AGH! IT HURTS!" Josephine suddenly shouted as she covered her hands over her ears, the scraping of metal ringing in her brain as she gritted her teeth and let out a strangled scream that caused the butler great alarm.
"Ice b-AGH! MY EARS AGH! IT HURTS!" Josephine suddenly shouted as she covered her hands over her ears, the scraping of metal ringing in her brain as she gritted her teeth and let out a strangled scream that caused the butler great alarm
"Josephine what's the matter?" He asked as he looked over at her. Eyes laced with worry as he caught a glimpse of the woman's pained expression.
"The ship! something is scraping against it!"She shouted as she looked into the direction from which the dreaded sound came from.Feeling as though her head was about to explode she gripped her black locks into a tight fist as she felt her eyes water.
"IT HURTS! AGH!" She screamed as she began to whimper, causing the demon to grit his teeth and look to her with reassuring eyes, unsure of what else he should do in this crisis. All he could do was watch as she screamed in agony and beat her fists against her head.
"Please hold on it should be-" Soon everything came to a stand still.
Then came the sound of rushing water.
Chapter 44: The Butler & The Maid, Going down
Chapter Text
"Oh, dear that doesn't look good,"
"We need to get back to the master immediately."
"Right but first we must go to the wheelhouse to prevent further flooding."
"Water tight doors..."
"This one!"
"This should work for now."
"But for all the crew to be t- behind you!"Swiftly spinning around the maid sliced her blade through the corpses head causing the thing to collapse onto the floor with a hard thud.
"I fear the master is in danger we have to-" Lightly grabbing her face in his hands he stared deep in her emerald green iris that screamed and raged with a desire to go back to her master and mistress, but the butlers serine and calm red ones but that burning need to rest. His touch and and velvety voice putting her into a trace of sorts.
"He shall be fine Josephine but for now you must aid me like you've always had," Pursing her lips with defeat she knew it was no use in trying to fight against him, and besides the demon was never wrong about anything
"He shall be fine Josephine but for now you must aid me like you've always had," Pursing her lips with defeat she knew it was no use in trying to fight against him, and besides the demon was never wrong about anything. If he said the boy would be fine, then he would be.
"Can you do that for me?" Giving him a swift nod, the woman agreed with a proud,
"Yes!" Smiling at that he nodded and and turned back to the control panels of the ship, her warmth lingering on his hands and his cool one's on her cheeks, as she quickly shook her head of the thoughts and stood on watch outside the door so the butler could concentrate.
"What we know so far is the ship seems to have taken damage over quite an extensive area. In this state, 3-No at least 4 divisions should have flooded already. The ship can only handle a mass of water as heavy as the vessel itself-"
"Gotcha!" Another kill from the lovely female.
Surprisingly she was finding this more and more enjoyable.
Surprisingly she was finding this more and more enjoyable
"My this is something..." The man mumbled as he narrowed his eyes and rubbed his chin in thought. Beheading another corpse Josephine looked over her shoulder and noticed the butlers slightly tense appearance.
"What is? Sebastian..." Turning to face the woman's concerned expression he gave her a frighteningly serious look that made her heart beat falter.
"This ship will sink with in the hour."
"The water should be about two degrees! To be soaked in it for too long will harm the body! We must hurry to their side!" Nodding he crouched down a bit and allowed her to climb onto his back, from there the two rushed back out into the hoards of walking corpses. Worried as always the female wished and hoped to be there in time, but with the butlers impeccable speed she knew it wouldn't take them very long.
Chapter 45: The Butler & The Maid, Become hells angels
Chapter Text
-Second floor hallway-
"There's too much commotion in here! I can barely hear myself think!"
"H-Hey, servants over there! If you same me I-"
"Move to the left now!"
"Let's hurry shall we?"
"Second class restaurant! I hear them! Quickly!"
"Right!" The butler shouted as he raced down the hallways, of the sinking vessel, along the way he dodged screaming and crying civilians, some of them covered in blood that was either theres or a loved ones. Tears streamed down their faces as they ran for cover, in their arms they carried valuables of all kinds leaving their children to cling onto them for dear life, petrified and scared of the commotion that surrounded them. Pitying them Josephine knew in her heart she couldn't save all the children in the world, but there was one that she was determined to protect no matter what.
And so with each swing of her dagger she was able to decapitate any and all creatures that came their way, bodies thudded to the floor at an alarming rate that the butler found to be impressive. Surely he could only imagine how wonderful she looked atop his shoulders with a bloodied weapon in her hands dark emerald green iris transfixed on the the things that attempted to reach out and grab the two of them.
She must have been quite the sight.
Through the commotion the woman was able to hear slight mummers and thudding above them as they neared the second class restaurant. Determined to find their master and mistress before they could be put into harms way the two dashed into the kitchen where the ceiling vent fell open with the form of their master.
Quickly catching him in his arms, the boy braced himself for the rough impact of the ground but found no such thing, instead he was met with the rather stiff and strong arms of his butler. Peeking through his shut eye he noticed the two and gasped in shock at their swift return.
"Please excuse our tardiness." Josephine giggled slightly as she rested her chin atop the butlers head. Before climbing down the tall mans stature.
"Josephine!" He gasped again as he watched her help his fiancé out of the vent. Brushing the dust and cobwebs off of their outfits, the butler set his master down and allowed the maid to do a thorough look over of the two, in order to make sure they hadn't sustained injuries of any kind while they were away.
"Are the two of you injured anywhere?" She rushed as she cupped her masters face in her hands and checked him over for any small scrapes or cuts which there were none of, thankfully. Quickly turning to Elizabeth she stood and put a sincere hand over her heart, eyebrows furrowed slightly as she went to speak on behalf of her masters actions during the butler and her's separate mission.
"M'lady I hope my master has treated you well."
"Oh! yes! Ciel protected me, so i'm fine!" She spoke happily as she gave the maid a calm smile that out her anxiousness and worries to rest.
"What of my aunt and the others?"Ciel asked as he noticed his beloveds family wasn't with the two of them.
"They are unharmed." Sebastian said reassuringly.
"We tried to guide them to a safer place but they said they wanted to rescue the other passengers." Smiling Lizzy nodded at her words, it was of course to be expected of the Marquiness and her family to go off and do such noble acts, the lives of the innocent were to be protected after all it is something that they as fellow swordsmen were promised to uphold in their line of duty.
"That's just like my mother! As long as they're all together they will be fine. Thank you Sebastian and Josephine." She said as she gave the two a thankful nod which they returned back with a kind smile.
"Not at all."
"Achoo!" Pouting Josephine noticed the childs sudden chill and lack of color to his face, the cold water that was slowly flooding the ship had gotten to him and soaked him to the bone, leaving him a sopping wet mess. Afraid he would catch a cold the butler quickly began to take off his jacket.
"Young master, please wear this." But the boy just shook his head in refusal.
"I'm fine. I'd just get caught up in the tails." Not taking that as an acceptable answer and being the woman she was, she refused to allow her master to be left in such clothing.
" But if your body remains cold your cough wi-"
"Don't mention that now!" He spat harshly causing her to nod and keep her mouth shut, her now wandering gaze lingered to that of the worried looking Elizabeth who saw the state her fiancé was in and began to worry for his health as well, her heartbeat spiked with worry when she noticed the tip of his nose and ears had gone red from the cold.
"Oh, I see well then the lifeboats are being prepared as we speak." Just as the butler went to lead the way the sound of a buzzing chainsaw and lawn mower echoed in the maids ears as she looked upward and saw a pair of pesky reapers make their way towards them. Grabbing her dagger she pushed the kids behind her and glanced over at her partner.
"Reapers! above!" Suddenly the glass skylight above them shattered into millions of pieces as the two reapers made their presence known, hearing the startled and terrified gasps of her master and his fiancé made the woman almost seethe with anger.
"Found you~" The red head hummed as she glanced over at the butler with a devilish grin
"Found you~" The red head hummed as she glanced over at the butler with a devilish grin.
"Grell." The two servants gritted as the dust and glass slowly began to settle around the two reapers.
"Yeeess! long time no see Sebas-chan! It must be fate for us to meet again here!" She gasped as she went to wrap her arms around the demon but suddenly stopped when she noticed how close the maid was standing next to him. Sending the woman a nasty glare she huffed and flipped her beautiful long scarlet hair over her shoulder.
"And I see you have the has-been with you." Growling Josephine went to charge at the woman head on, slight heat wrapping around her throat and cheeks as she went to take her gloves off.
"Son of a b-"
"It's just a coincidence." The butler said as he rested a hand on her shoulder, refraining from allowing the woman to pursue the reapers antagonizing words.
" AH! so cold! That side of you is lovely as always!" Grell gushed as she clasped her hands together and looked at the demon with enchanted and lustful spring green eyes, that the maid found rather disgusting
" AH! so cold! That side of you is lovely as always!" Grell gushed as she clasped her hands together and looked at the demon with enchanted and lustful spring green eyes, that the maid found rather disgusting.
"Ah man! he found him," The blonde reaper, Ronald groaned as he watched his superior act like a complete idiot.
" Please don't forget about the souls, okay?" Turning to look at her companion the reaper gasped and put her hands on her hips, visibly upset about the lack of information on her one true love being aboard this dreaded ship as well.
"Ronald! please tell me sooner when Sebas-chan's around! I would have put more effort into my makeup!" She shouted as she pouted her lips.
"I didn't tell you because that's exactly what I thought you'd say." Ronald sighed as he began to brush the broken glass particles off of his shoulders.
Noticing that the two were rather distracted Josephine gestured for the group to run, which they quickly did as they began to make their way out of the kitchen.
"Anyway you!"Grell giggled as she turned to face her true love once more only to find him running away from her just as he always did when the woman was around. Hearing the reaper swing her scythe Josephine scooped the young master and lady up in her arms before ducking and watching the reaper land in front of the only exit.
" Setting my body on fire and then neglecting me? how mean!" She gushed as she leaped back to her companions side, nose dripping blood and cheeks the same shade as her hair
" Setting my body on fire and then neglecting me? how mean!" She gushed as she leaped back to her companions side, nose dripping blood and cheeks the same shade as her hair. Scoffing the butler shook his head and cracked his knuckles menacingly, his expression blank as he and the maid readied themselves for the fight of a life time.
"Please refrain from catching on fire by yourself." Huffing Josephine set the children down and unsheathed her weapon from the hidden pocket of her dress, eye narrowed in irritation as she felt the heat on her neck and cheeks slowly rise.
"We need to hurry on, so could you please open the way?" She asked with an irritated smile.
"And if I say no?" Grell teased as she got closer to the maids face, green bored into green as they scanned one another intensely as if daring one another to strike first.
"We'll have to use force." Sebastian said matter of factly. Upon hearing the tone the red head turned away from Josephine and lustfully glanced over at the demon.
"That's fine! I don't mind you getting a little aggressive! Well then, let's have a death-match that's even hotter than a love romance!"She laughed maniacally as she pulled the chord of her chainsaw to activate it, roaring to life the butler and the maid prepared themselves as well, Josephine allowed the blinding hot anger that boiled with in her slowly come to it's peak while the demon pulled his gloves off to reveal the shared mark between him and his master.
"Who is that?" The lady Elizabeth suddenly spoke up.
"She is a pervert."Sebastian stated with a mocking smile.
"I'm afraid it might be contagious so please step back and stay away from them!" Josephine finished as she gave the reaper a closed eyed smile that made her grit her teeth and forcefully lunge herself as the woman
"I'm afraid it might be contagious so please step back and stay away from them!" Josephine finished as she gave the reaper a closed eyed smile that made her grit her teeth and forcefully lunge herself as the woman
"That's rude! coming from a talentless nobody!" Raising her sword to protect herself from the incoming attack the butler quickly intervened with his silver-wear. The metal and silver clashed against one another at an alarming speed that visible sparks began to fly to and fro, making the maid become intrigued but not at all surprised.
"Master!" Josephine shouted when she noticed that the butler was slowly being bushed back by the powerful reaper, taking it that the butler wouldn't last long in his position she shoved the lady and her master into the hallway. The sounds of rushing water and slowly approaching monsters echoed in her ears as she tried to come up with a strategy that would get the two children out of this alive and unharmed but one of the reapers took her exposed back as an advantage.
"Forgot about me didn't cha?" Ronald grinned from behind her, as he road atop his lawnmower, and forced the woman down onto her back, the underside of his scythe bared its sharp blades at her, as the reaper pressed down forcefully against the blad...
"Forgot about me didn't cha?" Ronald grinned from behind her, as he road atop his lawnmower, and forced the woman down onto her back, the underside of his scythe bared its sharp blades at her, as the reaper pressed down forcefully against the blade that kept her from being ripped to shreds. Her mind and heart raced with emotion and panic as she could hear her master and mistress were now in the path of danger.
"Now everyone at headquarters will finally praise me as the one who caught the one in a million soul." Ronald grinned as he watched the blade of her knife almost come into contact with her slender neck, the sight of all this blood making him grow excited.
Out in the hallway where the children had landed, Lizzy struggled to get up due to the powerful force that had thrown her in the first place, the creatures Josephine had heard, now changed their course once they heard the commotion the reapers and servants were stirring up in the kitchen.
"LIZZY!" Ciel suddenly shouted as he watched as four blood soaked monsters came trembling towards them.
"LIZZY GET UP! LIZZY!" Feeling as though she couldn't win Josephine gritted her teeth and gave Ronald a nasty glare that only made him chuckle as he put more pressure against his lawnmower
"LIZZY GET UP! LIZZY!" Feeling as though she couldn't win Josephine gritted her teeth and gave Ronald a nasty glare that only made him chuckle as he put more pressure against his lawnmower. She hated this feeling, despised it even...
She refused to let it overcome her in a form of defeat.
She never knew defeat.
And she never would.
"AH! AHHH!" Ciel shouted in frustration as he tried to shoot the monsters in the head but the barrel was empty cursing himself he knew he couldn't do anything with his twisted ankle, his servants were in quite the predicament as was he. He knew Elizabeth couldn't fight those things off, his heart weighed heavy and his mind raced as he tried to reach out and grab her. Noticing this Josephine suddenly felt a white hot anger rush up her neck and cheeks, her need to fight her will to win broke through once more.
"GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" Josephine shouted like a mad woman as she threw the reaper off of her, the force causing him to knock himself into the wall opposite of him as he bashed the back of his head. Surprised by her strength the reaper slowly began to fall to the floor as his one hand rubbed the small lump that was forming. Racing to the other side of the room where the lady and master were, the butler quickly joining her side as he managed to throw Grell off of him.
But as stubborn as they were the reapers quickly recovered and began to attack them once again. Swiftly the two servants dodged their attacks, as they pushed themselves to make it to them before the monsters did.
"Ciel...I wanted you to think of me as cute...until the very end." The young girl spoke through teary eyes.
"M'LADY!" Josephine shouted as she watched the girl give her fiancé one last smile, knowing she was done for the maid wouldn't dare let that happen, the light of her masters life couldn't die in such a way. She was to live a long and happy life with the earl and the woman was ever so determined to set the record straight.
'NO! NO WAY! NOT THE LIGHT IN MY MASTERS LIFE! I FORBID IT!' Josephine shouted as she felt a sudden burst of energy rush through her veins. The white hot feeling of anger and bloodlust continued to wrap around her throat and her cheeks as she suddenly began to fight her way through the creatures to get to the girl but suddenly from the ashes arose a phoenix.Not at all stunned by lady Elizabeth's awakened abilities the maid stood beside her back to back, tears continued to stream down the girls face as she forced herself to reveal such a talent to her beloved.
"This...this uncute appearance," She suddenly sobbed as she retracted her weapon and watched as the zombies fell to the floor with a thud. The earl stunned sat and watched as his protectors and saviors protected them with all the strength they could muster.
"I didn't want you of all people to see me in such a state." She whimpered as she struck two more zombies to her left, Josephine to her right.
"But, this time I will protect you!" Lizzy shouted through her tears! her face stern as she and Josephine stood back to back with their weapons ready, teeth gritted in determination to protect the man they both cared and loved for in their lives. No matter what they would not allow him to be harmed by these creatures. And so with Josephine's blood lust and desire to kill once again and Elizabeth's love and determination they ventured on.
"Josephine! on my count are you ready!?" The blonde demanded as she felt the woman's back graze her's. Smirking at her authoritative voice the woman nodded and gave a stern,
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
favorite types of kisses.
synopsis: Where do they love to be kissed? And where do you love to be kissed by them?
# tags: headcanons; current relationships; romance; fluff; kisses & PDA in general; sfw & suggestive
includes: gender neutral reader ft. ciel phantomhive, sebastian michaelis, grell sutcliff, undertaker, snake & lau {kuroshitsuji}
author’s note: huh, so i watched ‘kuroshitsuji’ and i’m a full-fledged simp now.
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↘ Kisses on the CHEEKS; are Ciel’s favorites. They are kisses for literally any occasion – for good morning, for goodbye, for good luck at work. It’s a kiss that can be made while saying wishes, for a good night’s sleep or for a safe journey. When you peck Ciel on that part of his face, he feels appreciated and at peace. Your lips are extremely delicate and warm, perfectly harmonizing with the cool and porcelain skin of his whole body. Additionally, when you show him affection, he has the courage to smile slightly, not even worrying about Sebastian’s later jokes about his own, crimson blushes. Your kisses are soothing and the Young Lord can never get enough of them, so give them to him as often as possible.
↘ Kisses on the NOSE; it’s the kind of kiss Ciel gives you on many possible chances. They are cute and you’re cute to him too, so he usually kisses you on the nose when you’re happy or when something incredibly fantastic happened, for example, you won a game of chess with someone or you received something from your parents (or from your future husband) like tickets for spectacle you really wanted to go to. Pecks on the nose are short and precious, but incredibly memorable and heart-warming. Plus, they’re sometimes very playful, so you can experience that side of Ciel that no one else can see now or ever.
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↘ Kisses on the HANDS; it’s the most intimate kiss for a demon, for a butler, who has no right to touch others, even with gloves on. That’s why when you hold them and kiss his wrists, knuckles, fingers, nails, he feels so sinless. He feels human and just plain good. However, the tall man still wonders, how can you voluntarily kiss his hands? After all, these are hands that have taken so many (often pure) lives. Which had seduced so many people before. Which are cold, rough and unhealthily pale. And yet you still do it, always with the same innocent smile on your charming face that makes Sebastian feel that he has some positive emotions inside him, in his black soul. You will definitely be his death one day.
↘ FOREHEAD kisses; it’s the most tender kiss you can get from another person, from a lover, from a partner, from a person who’s the whole life for one side of couple. Sebastian doesn’t kiss you often. He only does this on important occasions, such as when it’s your birthday or when it’s Christmas. However, when you get hurt or you are sick, I’m sure that you will feel his lips on your forehead more than once, not only so that the black-haired man can feel your body temperature, but most of all, to make you feel that he’s close to you and you can always rely on him, even if it’s some small, even stupid thing or request. After all, he’s not simply one hell of a butler, but also a simply one hell of a good and kind lover, if you want to.
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↘ JAWLINE kisses; Grell is a hot lover. They love every kind of kiss, however, there is one particular that they would literally die for. Jawline kisses are one of the sexiest kisses lovers can give each other. When you kiss them on the jawbone, Grell feels like you’re standing on the verge of kissing their lips and biting them on the pretty neck. It’s exciting not knowing which way you’re going to go on. This pinch of uncertainty and surprise is something they adore. Kissing on the jawline is also quite sloppy, and that happens quite often in your relationship, because after all, you both get busy with your own activities, so you have to show your affection quickly to enjoy each other more afterwards. However, it’s definitely worth waiting for the next such kisses.
↘ Kisses on the BARE SHOULDER; with Grell you feel cherished and desirable. They appreciate you like nobody else, compliment you like nobody else, caress you like nobody else. Your figure is the best canvas you can imagine for Grell, and your arm is like the first touch of a paintbrush. You love being kissed on the shoulder for two reasons – they’re intimate and affectionate, and at the same time, they can lead to more. You have a strange soft point for the Grell’s smile, and their teeth are your greatest weakness. Do you know how beautiful your shoulder look when Grell kisses or bites you there? They’ll definitely take some photos and toss them between the pages of their notebook as little bookmarks.
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↘ Kisses on the CHIN; he’s damn tall and likes to tease you so badly. He lives for fun, so watching you try to kiss him on the lips or on the face in general is his daily pleasure. You practically never reach where you want, so you end up kissing him on the chin, and at one point that kiss became a favorite for Undertaker. Why? Probably because it’s the kiss you ask for the most, the one you care about the most, the one you want to feel the most. You’re so adorable when you jump or stand on tiptoes to reach for a peck. And... don’t think that Undertaker will ever make things easier for you. You gotta try harder, shortie.
↘ Kisses on the LIPS; however, there are days when your boyfriend demands a kiss, when he wants intimacy that only you can give him. Therefore, he immediately kisses you on the mouth, without any prior warning. For example, when he’s sitting at his desk in his shop, he suddenly pulls you onto his thicc lap and gives you a few quick but warm kisses right on your lip-balm-tasting mouth. You love these moments because a kiss on the lips is the kiss closest to those in love, it’s a kiss reserved only for two people in a relationship. So, could there be anything better than showing affection in this way to a person who means so much to us? Definitely not.
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↘ Kisses on the NECK; he will never admit it, but he likes the closeness you give him. He appreciates the sense of safety you show him every day. When you kiss him on the neck, on the scales that once seemed to him to be a defect or on his Adam’s apple he additionally feels that you want him like a normal and simple person, that you feel love and desire for him. It’s lascivious to kiss someone’s neck, you know that? That’s why when you do that, Snake melts. Your kisses on the neck, light bites, skin sucking are something that he associates with what he likes the most (apart from you, naturally), and these are his beloved snakes. When you kiss him on the larynx, he knows he’s helpless and vulnerable to you, so keep doing it and show him a lot of affection, okay? The boy definitely deserves it.
↘ Kisses on the TEMPLE; Snake is a sweet guy. He’s a bit shy and usually communicates with you through his pets who always help him tell you about his own feelings. When Oscar, Emily or Wilde tell him to give you a kiss on the temple, who would he be if he hadn’t obeyed their silent commands? He kisses you on the temples because he reaches to them perfectly. He kisses you on the temple because he thinks it’s a kiss that suits you both perfectly. He kisses you there because it’s a kiss that means a wish to protect you. You are important to him, and he wants to be as close to you as possible. He want you to know that he’s right next to your figure and these kisses always informs you about his presence and intentions through. You loves it, really.
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↘ Kisses on the EYELIDS; his eyes are closed most of the time, which is why he likes to be cared with your kisses. I think his facial skin is really soft and smooth, so kissing his eyelids is pure pleasure for the two of you. Lau has a soft spot for your scent, so when you bend over to give him a peck on the eye, he smirks silly, inhaling your sweet perfume scent or your morning scent after a nice night in the soft sheets. Every time you kiss his eyelid, he may even be tempted to open his eyes to see you better. And he definitely don’t regret the moment when he does it, because your smile is the brightest thing within a radius of several kilometers.
↘ EAR kisses; sometimes he’s just an idiot. He knows this is one of your most sensitive places, very prone to tickling, to his nice breath, to his wet but hot tongue. He likes to tease you, but that doesn’t mean you don’t like being teased. Kisses on the ear are intimate and private, they are often surrounded with a few whispers or compliments, and you love to feel appreciated and praised by him. Lau is the perfect lover, sometimes funny, sometimes serious, but no matter what the situation, you can count on him to give you a long kiss on the earlobe in the next few minutes. Your reactions are his favorite, so don’t count that he would ever stop doing it.
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blackbutlerbitch23 · 2 years
💖Now that I have some followers who cannot escape my feed and are forced to listen to me, I will rank my top 5 ships from Black Bulter from Worst to Best and explain why I placed them there. BTW my opinion is 100% correct, AND no, I do not take criticism. Buckle up your seat belts because this will be a long ride, and no, we're not gonna stop; you should have gone to the bathroom before we left. Now sit back, relax and HAVE FUN, EVERYONE!!!! 💖
5. Vincent & Madam Red
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Aesthetically this couple is fantastic. Betrayal, drama, jealousy, and forbidden love. There's a reason why blue and red are often paired together. PRIME COLOURS, BABY. That's what the kids call colour theory 😎. ANWAY, this is the Angelica Schuyler (work, work) and Alexander Hamilton (lol, you defiantly threw away your shot) ship of the Black Butler community. Even the name Angelina looks and sounds similar to Angelica. They are a bisexual dream of "may I have a side of step on me" 👞👡. They would have been that couple. Yet, I gotta rate them at number five because even though they would be slaying it together (literally and figuratively *very clever jack the ripper and watchdog joke*🔪), it does reduce the intelligent and independent Madam Red into an "uwu notice me sempai" girl. She gets turned from girl boss (affectionate) into girl boss (unaffectionate). Like GURL, I know he is bad, but you are a Miranda in a world full of Nates. The Devil wears Prada because he has taste👠. He's not worth trying to stab an eye-patched child over.
7/10 - if I was Angelina, I would have poured red wine over Rachel's wedding dress because I'm petty like that👰🍷.
4. Mey-Rin & Ronald Knox
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I KNOW WHAT YOU ALL ARE THINKING🧠. That's right, I'm telepathic AF. Call me Anya 2.0. "Didn't they only interact once?" Yes, and your point? I could sense the chemistry and potential oozing like a warhead from that singular interaction. When Mey-Rin said that was the first time she ever got hit on, I was shocked and appalled because that girl is a hot warrior queen 👑like some Victorian Hippolyta. If I was shot by Mey-Rin, I would thank her because that meant she noticed little ol' me. Ronald (lol nerd) may *technically* be a dead sociopathic playboy, but underneath all that, he is also a clumsy idiot with some pretty snazzy fighting skills like a certain maid ;)). They both rock the sexy geeky🤓 look, AND Mey-Rin deserves to be swept away by a man who understands the struggle of trying to impress your superior (and failing horribly) while cleaning out blood stains🩸. They are number four because I vaguely get some The Mister by E.L James vibes, which makes me break out in a cold sweat 😷🤢if I think about it for too long. Plus, they did only interact once. God, imagine having Grell as a mother-in-law.
7.5/10 - Call me captain because Imma go down with the ship like the Campania that brought these virgins together⚓.
3. Ciel & Sieglinde
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Bubala, I want to get this out of the way before we proceed. I'm no Humbert Humbert. Miss me with that ❌Lolita❌ shit (although it's a fantastic book, shout out to my lad Nabokov). When I ship kids, it's in an "it would be cute in the future" way. I don't expect a thirteen-year-old and ten-year-old actually to date. Kapeesh? Anyway, this is also not a reflection of Elizabeth as a character. We can all agree that their relationship was doomed the minute Lizzy discovered that OCiel wasn't RCiel and proceeded to have one of the worst reactions possible™. She tried to kill Sebastian, ran away from home, and let a TEENAGER get arrested because she got Parent Trapped. Girl, you even knew he was innocent but go off sis🙄💅. You know, ✨everyday rich girl things✨. Sieglinde, our little green witch, adores Ciel for who is truly is, not the broken-down actor carrying around his brother's ghost. Our scientist saw OCeil at his lowest point and still came to respect him. She also was tricked by him but didn't try to get him arrested, so...🙄💅. I'm more of an On the grind 💪 appreciator than a girl boss, manipulate gaslight type. Gotta love a spider leg, girl.
Unlike Elizabeth, who has dealt with tragedy from a distance (and don't get me wrong, she hasn't had an easy ride. It's just more psychological/self-inflicted), Ciel and Sieglinde, these two pipsqueaks have been through hell and back but came out stronger. In short, they can relate to each other's pain more than others their age. Plus, she's super adorable and a genius who can keep up (and outsmart) Ciel and is unafraid to be herself. They might not win in a leg race, but they will destroy you on a chessboard♟️. The best girl in town deserves the worst boy in London 😈.
8/10- Don't witches 🧙‍♀️ love the devil or whatever? Hocus Pocus girl and contract boy can fangirl over the same demon together. Fandom goals
2. Diedrich & Vincent
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Ah, Hello again, Vincent. You have shown up on this list more than the actual Manga. Anyway, WHEN I SAW THE PANEL, THE ONE WITH "THE DAYS SPENT WITH YOU ARE BURNED INTO A MEMORY," I WANTED TO CRY. OMFG. I LOVE IT SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖. They look so sweet together there🥺. I'm a bitch for dark English academia shit because I am basic AF. Like, don't come at me. I know dark academia has a somewhat problematic history, but Imma keep shoving it down my throat like how Diedrich shoves down those sandwiches😏. The relationship between Vincent and Diedrich is so angsty that I need some rain boots because it's pouring tears out here. Even years after Vincent dies, Diedrich remains loyal to him and tries to save his child (in his "I hate you but I serectly love you" way).
Now I can hear you exclaim, "well, Vincent basically enslaved German boy as his brother-servent thing," but let me tell you, if he wanted out, he could have just stayed in Germany, but that Guten Tag man kept visiting that fine British ass until the day that fine Britsh ass was burnt to a crisp. Vincent was hot until the day he died🔥. Diedrich even keeps a picture of their time together and thinks of it fondly, despite Vicent treating him like a lapdog. THIS MAN DIDN'T EVEN GET MARRIED!!!! WAS IT BECAUSE HE WAS TOO BUSY WITH VINCENT🤔🤔🤔???? Probably not, but for my sake, I will say yes. If Lana Del Ray's music was a couple, it would be this one. They are at number two because as much I love them, there is one ship I adore a bit more. Plus, Vincent has so many side pieces that I don't trust him to stay in a monogamous relationship.
8.5/10 - I wish I knew WHY Vincent chose Rachel over these icons. Like girl, we have no beef, but I need to understand how you collared Vincent🐕‍🦺.
1. Sebastian & Agni
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HAHAHA, YOU MUST OF ALL KNOWN MY (DE)MAN WOULD HAVE TO BE A PART OF MY NUMBER ONE PAIR!!!! Oooooh, the scene where Sebastian said that Agni was the first person to ever call him a friend👌👌👌. Sebastian's first friend. Think about that. The AMOUNT OF ADMIRATION they had for one another. This is Sebastian "lol, humans are bugs I like to burn with my magnifying glass" Michaelis, who respects nothing but himself (and cats). Yet, he believed Agni to be an "exemplary butler" who lived up to his ~asethics~ and Agni, the literal right hand of Kali, reached out (no pun instead) to a DEMON and saw something worth appreciating. 
Sebastian even listened to his advice over Ciel's. His master and meal ticket. The guy he signed the bloody contract with. That's like if your lawyer turned to the opposition and said, "they make a fair point, and I agree my client is in the wrong." Like WHAT???? Seb values Agni's advice. A human. In Yana's own words, a species he views as nothing more than a cluster of pests. At best, they're amusing, like how a kid keeps an ant farm. Yet, Agni is different. Here the grasshopper has become the master🙇.
Their potential stepdad AUs were just up my ally. FOUND FAMILY ADMIRES UNITE! But I gotta admit, as much I love Soma, I would give him up for adoption if he was my kid. I can't deal with that level of extra. At the very least, he would go to theatre camp for the entire summer and boarding school, as is tradition for most rich British families. See, I'm not totally heartless😘! Talking about heartlessness, don't even get me started on Agni's death scene because I will ugly cry. When Sebastian dirtied himself with Agni's blood, even tho we all know that prissy bitch is more protective over his clothes than a runway model😔✊. That was the most upset we had ever seen him (outside of almost losing his son Ciel), and he seemed at least happy Agni died in peace. I doubt Sebastian can genuinely mourn, but now at least, he has double reason to hate Undertaker. 
In Conclusion, I just think they are neat.
9.5/10- YASS KING, WHISPER YOUR DEMON SHIT WHILE HE PRAYS TO KALI!!! However, I can't give this a perfect score because one half is dead, and I do not support necrophilia💀. I hope we get Ciel and Sebastian explaining to Soma that they did not kill his daddy and, in fact, were planning a family vacay🏖️. I swear to god, if they have Soma work with RCiel, Imma flip my lid like a fucking kettle. Overall, they would have been couple goals💏.
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undertaker1827 · 4 years
Could I ask a request for Sebastian and Claude having the same S/o? You can decite if it will be one shot or headcannons. I am so curious how the demons would show love and affection to their love interest with their masters in the middle due how or how often they we would fight over their S/o? Since you kbow, a S/o is life love /mate.
Absolutely, sorry this took so long!
Sebastian and Claude aren’t exactly on good terms so this one is going to be interesting
I feel like Sebastian would be the more openly affectionate of the two
He’s probably more open to hugs, kisses and general physical contact if that’s what you’re comfortable with
Sebastian likes holding you close to him and making sure you know you’re under his protection
But it really needles him that you’re Claude’s S/O too
I mean having a S/O is a once in a lifetime thing for a demon which means there isn’t really much he can do about it, but it still annoys him
Claude doesn’t fair much better, wanting you to only be with him
He’s less open to showing affection in public
Doesn’t mean he cares about you any less than Sebastian, but he’s just less comfortable with it
But when you’re in private, that’s a different matter altogether
I’d say he’s just about as physically affectionate as Sebastian, though it probably took him a minute to warm up to it
They would probably fight over you quite a bit
There would be this constant thing with them where they both want to be with you, but not if the other is there as well
Like say you’re going to town with Sebastian
Claude also wants to do something with you, but Sebastian’s little smirk and comment of “Oh, well you can certainly join us if you want” really just makes him cross
There’s probably going to be a lot of fighting between the two of them so be prepared to mediate/break up some tension
Also make sure you don’t accidentally agree to do something with both of them at the same time
THAT would lead to a massive fight, probably the biggest one you’ve seen them have
It’ll likely end up with you doing something by yourself so as to avoid making one jealous of the other
Jealousy is probably a thing too
“You’re going to do X with him? Well, my dear, you would find it much more interesting with me”
Cue ‘I asked them first’ - ‘I was just making sure’
Alois just finds the whole thing incredibly entertaining
He’s not going to stop Claude going out with someone so long as he gets sufficient attention as well, but he does enjoy watching the back and forth with Sebastian and seeing you desperately trying to calm things
Ciel on the other hand really couldn’t care less
He has zero interest in Sebastian’s love life as long as it doesn’t affect his work ethic or their contract
He probably finds it ridiculous that the demons have to share a S/O purely because of demon lore
He certainly doesn’t want to hear anything about it
Ciel doesn’t have anything against you per se, he’ll be just as cordial with you as he is with all other guests to the manor
But still, you’re his butler’s person, nothing to do with him as long as you’re not getting in his way
Alois on the other hand
He wants to know all about you
He’s far too interested for Claude’s liking and was left more than shocked when Claude told him under no uncertain terms to back off
Sebastian would be quite intrigued by this development too, should he catch wind of it
He might even be impressed
Not that he would admit it
A lot of things end up being a competition between the two demons
Valentine’s day for a start
They might not really see the point, but you do and that’s all that matters
From then on, they try to outdo each other in getting you the biggest, most impressive gift
They compete for how long they get to spend with you, where you go out to dinner, etc, etc
Same goes for your birthday and any other special occasions
As for affection, they both very literally adore you
Sebastian is probably the more debonairly charming of the two and likely also more used to human shows of affection
He’s a very good cuddler and kisser, he also seems to be able to keep some sort of physical contact, even if only minimal, between you at all times
Claude is just as good in both aspects, but you might have needed to introduce him to the ideas initially
If you were ever to get injured, any competition (friendly or otherwise) between the two of them would be immediately forgotten
If it was an accident, they would manage to work in tandem to heal you as well and quickly as possible
If you’re sick, you suddenly don’t have to deal with arguments in which you’re in the middle
But if someone hurt you
Especially if it was intentional
That person might well be looking at meeting a reaper for real
Neither one of them would allow another person to get away with hurting you and this would perhaps be the only instance in which they worked in perfect unison together for your sake
They will find whoever hurt you and they will be made to regret it
You’ll never see them again, whether they survived the encounter with two demons filled with the strength and vengeance of hell or not
And you can be sure that word got spread around very quickly so that no one would be game to try anything like that on you again
So overall, the only thing that can induce these two to put their competition for your affection aside is for the sake of ensuring that nobody will ever dare try to hurt you again
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dexpairs-blog · 4 years
My MC Ciel and Solomon headcanons
Yo just a reminder that these headcanons are PLATONIC, Ciel is a minor and homie is literally an old fart.
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Ah yes, the shady wizard.
They never really interacted outside of school and the occasional chat on the way to class, they became friends after Ciel got Asmo's pact. Also because the brothers don't trust him around them.
Solomon was very cautios around them because of their age, but he grew fond of them over time. They are only two humans in the Devildom after all.
Tbh Ciel was the first to reach to him, which surprised him seeing how quiet they usually are. They wanted him to teach them magic, BOI HE WAS SO EXCITED.
He didn't teach them spells right away though, at first he'd only let them watch while he makes potions and made them read a shit ton of books about magic.
If they want to learn magic this is the price to pay😤 it takes time kiddo.
WHEN HE ACTUALLY STARTS TO TEACH THEM SPELLS THE CHAOS BEGINS. he teaches them basic mischief spells and spells that may be useful for self-defense.
He also gave them a protection charm that keeps away the lower demons.
N e ways, when he's teaching them a new spell they'll always end up sperimenting it on random lower demons. Diavolo is not too happy about that...
They also hang out outside of the magic lessons, they go to fun places togheter. Like arcades or to the movie theater, Solomon always pays for them lol.
He likes to tease Ciel, he thinks their reactions are adorable. So sometimes he'll just ask embarassing questions at the most random times.
'Ciel, do you have a crush someone? I saw how you were looking at that girl you know'
'*chokes* wHAT? I- uh... u-um i don't know what you're talking about!' Ciel.exe has stopped working.
He also tends to be protective of them, when they're walking down the street he always has an arm around their shoulders or has them at arm lenght just in case some weirdo decides to attack them.
Unlike the others Ciel is the only one who he doesn't practice his spells on. Well, he does sometimes, but only the harmless ones.
When Ciel found out his real Age they were like 'VDKZGIWGS W H A T 😀'
He asked how old they thought he was and they said between 20 and 23/24.
And then boom, he's an old fart.
May or may not have threatened them to turn them into a frog if they call him old. He's not old 😡
Ciel does it anyway, he turned them into a cat instead, ON PURPOSE.
They send eachother memes and tik toks during classes, since he's also a human and he knows what they're talking about they get attached to him even more.
Sometimes they sneak in the human world togheter 😎 last time they sneaked out they went to Disneyland 👀
At the end of the exchange they exchanged their numbers and talked often, but due to Ciel's family they needed somewhere else to stay so he took them in.
aight listen, this mf's home is huge, Ciel tends to spend most of their time in their room unless he invites them to hang out or they go outside.
He forces them to attend to online school tho... Killjoy🙄 at least they have something to do when he's out on his missions.
Speaking of missions, sometimes he brings them with him. They once went to a party with magic creatures and witches, the witches loved Ciel! They were all gushing about how cute they were and pinching their cheeks.
Whoops Solomon the witches adopted Ciel and they're the wine aunts now--
They also go to random places and just mess around, if they go to a mall they're 100% gonna by some food from the supermarket and play with the shopping carts in the empty parking lot.
When Ciel moves in the Devildom he's kinda sad, he misses his apprentice 😔👊🏻 but he visits often.
He really hopes that Ciel becomes a sorcerer or a magician as well when they grow older. He sees a lot of potential in them.!
Ciel and Solomon love to flex their knowledge about the human world, they'll randomly start a conversation about something that you can only find in the human world just to make the brothers jealous ghshshs.
Ciel is also very affectionate towards him, they like hugging him :) he hugs them back and pats their head.
They call Lucifer a Karen lol but magic man still wants a pact with him.
Ciel totally does not flex on him because they got it lol he's jealous 😔🖐🏻
also, i'm going some cat!Ciel headcanons bc why not :)
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Hi! Can I request a matchup for Kuroshitsuji, YTTD & Satsuriku No Tenshi?, please? I'm a 4'11 autistic, gay, trans guy (Libra & ISFP!)! I have short dark messy hair, chubby with a lot of freckles. I'm very introverted, so it's hard for me to open up, but when I do, I'm lovey-dovey and I always have my head in the clouds, and I can be quite clumsy. I'm always usually teased for how easily flustered I get too! I don't have much of a preference guys, just someone taller than me, tysm! - 🦋 !
KUROSHITSUJI I ship you with.... FINNY!
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Finny would find your freckles so cute and would make it a thing to count them every morning when he wakes up, and sometimes, he would joke around saying you have a new one, and when you ask where, he’ll just randomly kiss your face and giggle.
He doesn’t frequently open up about his past, because of how traumatic it is, but since he trusts you so much, he thinks it will be a way to heal himself, and also show how much he loves you, so he entrusts you with his past and how he got around to working for Ciel.
He understands really well what it’s like to be clumsy, as he is, specifically because of his lack of strength awareness, so he will never say anything about your clumsiness, but instead, show the same patience Sebastian always shows him, and will help you out with anything you’re doing.
Finny is also a dreamer like you, and sometimes, it may be difficult to be down to earth and rational, but even so, he genuinely thinks being like this will make both of you happy, keeping you away from all the worries and problems from the world, even if by just a little bit.
He’s a cinnamon roll who would do anything in his power to bring a smile on your face.
--- YOUR TURN TO DIE I ship you with.... JOE TAZUNA
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He actually has a few freckles himself, so seeing you looking so cute with freckles would make him squeal at how adorable you are, and would definitely squish and pinch your cheeks multiple times.
Would ruffle and play with your hair, saying how it’s cute, and would tease you about it, and if he saw you flustered or maybe upset, he will ruffle up his own hair even more and make you laugh.
Joe is a bit of a dreamer himself, always bright and cheerful, but he’s also very down to earth if need be, and will prefer to have you up in the clouds, and he will take care of you and your innocent heart.
He finds your height adorable, especially since he’s quite taller than you, and will have the impulse of picking you up and carrying you around randomly, with no apparent reason, just because...Because, really.
Oh, and, of course, he will give you tons of cute, little trinkets, like charm bracelets, keychains, hair accessories and so on, including matching things, and would be super happy the whole day, and would show you off to everyone.
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Eddie would pretty much worship the ground you walk on without a second thought, so expect a shit ton of compliments, hugs, small kisses all over your cute freckles, lots of hair strokes and so on.
He’s very open with you, and once you managed to finally allow yourself to open up, little by little, telling him things about yourself, he will be over the moon with happiness, and would shower you with even more affection and tons of cute flowers, then he will tell you why he chose them for you.
He doesn’t want to think much of the outside world, since it’s full of mean people who will destroy your innocence and taint your brightness, so he’d rather you be protected in your safe haven, dreaming and being happy, than anything else.
When he gathers the courage to tell you that he loves you, he will put a flower in your hair, and when you start stuttering and blushing from his affectionate gestures, he will giggle and pull you into a tight hug, saying how you’re the best thing ever to happen to him.
Sometimes, he used to feel very lonely down there, all by himself, barely any other floor master to visit him, only him, the graves, and the flowers, but now that he’s with you, he can afford to smile genuinely.
But he may not show you the beautiful grave he prepared for you, that he still tends to, even now.
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cosmiclion · 1 year
If you thought I couldn't outdo myself more with the fluff for this AU then you haven't seen my true power yet 😈
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I don't know if I got OCiel's bangs right but, realistically speaking, human hair never stays in the same place, that's how physics works so whatever lmao.
Anyway, trying to write a Black Butler AU with some fluff where Sebastian and Ciel have a parent-child like relationship WHILE keeping them in-character (Sebas more than Ciel tbh) and still basing it on canon material but making changes and making said changes make sense requires a bit of work ngl.
I mean, I know it's just a project I'm doing for fun and technically there's nothing stopping me from going nuts and making them completely OOC and disregarding canon at all, but I feel then it'd become a separate story with new, original characters who simply happen to be inspired by Kuro (which is also okay, and who knows, maybe in the future I'll repurpose the whole thing to create my own Kuro-inspired original story, even if I don't think I'll ever fully lose interest in Kuro, this cursed series has me in a chokehold lmao). Full ramble under the cut.
Sebastian is the hardest one to write, though I think I'm finally more or less figuring it out. I didn’t want to write him as suddenly learning to love the way humans do thanks to the power of cute children or something, as it just didn't feel natural (or I couldn't personally make it feel natural, I know other people have managed to write that concept very well). What I have so far is that when he does act nurturing he’s simply imitating the behavior of human parents he has observed, but he doesn’t love the kid the same way humans do because he literally doesn’t have that ability. BUT that doesn’t mean he feels nothing at all and that it doesn’t mean anything to Ciel, after all this weird creature is the one who saved his life and raised him with care and patience. The closest comparison I can think of is the relationship between people and “unusual” pets like reptiles, amphibians, insects, etc. We know they can’t love us the way other people (or even other mammals) would but that doesn’t make our bond any less significant! Some bits of canon material also come in handy here, for example I based the fact that familiar Sebas finds Ciel adorable as a kitten on the canon fact that he likes squishing his cheeks because they remind him of a cat's paws 😂 Just know he's an awkward demon who doesn't know how to human but is doing his best 🥺
I think in Ciel’s case I have more freedom since he is, after all, human, and a human’s personality is strongly shaped by their environment and life experiences. Like, what exactly counts as making a character OOC? Sure, I can agree that in a fanwork set in the exact same universe with the exact same events as in canon there’s some things a character would never say or do, but I think AUs were created as a way to explore what-if scenarios. What if this character had been raised by different people? What if they had grown up in a different place? What if this or that event hadn’t happened or had gone differently? Tbh I think it’s just fun to explore endless possibilities, it’s maybe a form of character analysis in some way. And if we think about it, canonverse Ciel was originally sweet, shy and affectionate, and if he’s the complete opposite now it’s only because he went through an utterly horrific and traumatic event that forced him to grow up before his time and toughen himself up because it left him with little to no support system, on top of having to be hyper vigilant because the only thing that "saved" him from that is a literal demon who wants his soul and is haunting him.
So I just wanted to create this alternative timeline where maybe things aren’t as terrible, or they start out as terrible but then some good things come from the most unexpected sources. Ciel is five years younger and thus has more time to process everything and try to heal as he grows up. Sebas isn’t entirely a bastard and willingly does nice things for the child, even if he still doesn’t understand human needs, and while he stills views him as a potential meal (at least at the beginning) he's actually respectful. There’s another demon who understands humans all too well and is happy to lend a hand. His friends and the relatives he has left are more involved in his life. So Ciel more or less has a support system now, albeit a weird dysfunctional one, and doesn’t entirely lose his sweetness (also like... he's 5/6 at the beginning of the story, we really can't expect a preschooler to be an edgy emo who craves violence and revenge ☠️). I imagine he grows up to be just as calculating and cunning as canonverse Ciel, maybe even just as ruthless in his job because it’s a requirement, and is still pretty much a little shit, but this Ciel is not as cold and undemonstrative. He’s still very much an introvert who prefers to be left alone, but he smiles (as in genuinely smile) more often and it’s a little easier for him to express emotions and feelings (more through actions than words, but still meaningful). Hell he may allow himself to be playful and silly sometimes if he’s in the moment.
And if it wasn’t clear from the picture, little Ciel ADORES Sebastian. Sure he's (understandably) a bit skittish around him at first, but once they bond he comes to fully view him as a parental figure. Yes, he's hurt, sad and traumatized, but he's still a resilient little kid, and with enough kindness Sebas can coax his old self to come out of his shell, and until the kid becomes more independent they're like a mama duck and her lil duckling. Their constant banter and bickering when he's older is more a teens being teens thing than anything.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
How do you think ciel would be if he took his yandere tendencies more form his mother? Maybe some headcanons
He would be a whole lot better.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, guilt-tripping, manipulation
Just like the mother
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☕️It isn't like Ciel will ever be just like his mother regarding type and behavior and he would still be pretty cruel and cold to others. He has to be, otherwise he wouldn't be such an effective guard dog for her majesty. So he still keeps the concept of killing people for you and slaughtering everyone with the help of Sebastian. If it comes to rivals and enemies, he still comes just after his father.
☕But the way he starts accting to his s/o becomes significantly different due to taking more of his mother. He becomes more of a softly possessive and overprotective kind of Yandere instead of just being a overprotectively and controlling guy. Sounds probably like it's nothing too different, but there is a huge one. Of course Ciel is still overprotective and controlling, but in a different sense.
☕Ciel is clingy, he would be even like I originally see him. But mixing his mother in just changes this type of clingy. Because whilst before Ciel just wanted you in the same room as him, now he desires to spend time with you and touch you. He is often away from you due to missions and whilst he would love to take you with him, he's scared you'll get hurt and for that leaves you in the meantime with his servants and after he fulfilled a job, he just wants a short break to spend with his darling. He's just a ot more affectionate and needy instead of awkward and more distant. He lost his parent and went through hell, he thought he lost everything. But he still has his darling and craves affection and love he distanced himself from for a long time.
☕It makes him adore his darling very much, making him, just like Rachel, the lovestruck type. Whilst Ciel would be in either case more of a gentleman, there is a difference to the motives behind this. A normal Ciel would do it more for sly reasons to get his darling to love him willingly, but is just as ready to kidnap them and blackmail them whenever he feels like it. But with the influence of his mother Ciel treats you this way because it's what you deserve and he isn't as emotionally repressed as he would normally be. It's the opposite, he sweetens his feelings up a lot.
☕Manipulation works more in the form of guilt-tripping his darling with his past and tears and he proves to have more patience than he would actually have if he would be his normal Yandere. It's on the longer run better for you and your mentality because he is alright with being friends with you first and working his way slowly into your heart. Whilst he is still controlling, it's now more because he is genuinely worried about you instead of wanting to ensure that you're only his.
☕Still pretty messy though, although he doesn't spill as much blood as he would do normally. He has some of the softness his mother had and it gives people around you and him a higher chance of survival because Ciel is ready to rely on warnings at first. But there are only that many lives he can spare so he will turn emotionless the moment he's snapped.
☕It makes a far more softish and more affectionate relationship than normally. He is just more of a sweetheart for his darling and tries to reassure them that he will never act as cold and ruthless to them as he does in his job. He actually kind of worries that you would turn your back on him when finding out what a personality switch he can have which is why he doesn't want to talk about his job too much.
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red-butler · 5 years
Sapphic Sutcliff - Cosmetics
“Is this…all yours?” Mey Rin asked hesitantly, kneeling on the bed as Grell pulled out a seemingly endless array of little bottles and packets from a locked drawer in her room. There were more things than she would have thought possible, and in such varieties of colour and hue and form, how could any woman need this many make up accessories?
“Oh yes.” Grell glanced ruefully at the small pile they’d already formed. “I have more back at home of course, couldn’t exactly bring all of them with me.” She looked up at Mey Rin’s face and grinned, “You don’t use them all at the same time don’t worry! Most are just different colours of the same thing, to encourage the right mood and such, you know?”
Mey Rin didn’t know, but didn’t quite want to admit to that so she just nodded her head nervously and peered even closer at some of the powders and creams being carelessly scattered around. This was certainly one aspect of womanhood she’d never had much of a chance to discover, no one cared how the assassin looked, and without a mother or older sister to teach her, Mey Rin had never felt confident enough to search out cosmetics on her own.
Carefully she reached down and lifted a bottle. It was full of a bright red pigment, thicker than paint, almost as bright as freshly spilt blood and Mey Rin stared at it in fascination wondering what it could possibly be used for and why exactly painting your face made you more attractive. There were creams, powders, little brushes, some tiny scissors, some sponges, cloths…it all seemed overwhelmingly complicated for what should have been a simple enough thing, make yourself look attractive to find a man, or to make other women jealous she supposed.
“I don’t…I mean, it’s not that I don’t like you showing me all these things,” she said hesitantly as Grell settled cross legged on the floor and began sorting through the make up supplies she’d pulled out. “But I don’t understand why you’re showin’ all this to me? I mean…it’s not like I have anyone to impress, no one’s goin’ to be looking at a maid like me, even if I didn’t already have someone who, um, liked me…”
Grell did like her, she had plenty of proof of that by now, and the memories were enough to keep her blushing during the day sometimes. She’d also trusted her with secrets, including the fact she was secretly a woman, that she wasn’t quite as clumsy as she appeared but did enjoy teasing Sebastian and, oh yes, that she was secretly an immortal death goddess who was here exploring the human world.
“Mey Rin, it’s not just about looking good for men. Or women.” Grell added, frowning to herself as she checked a cracked bottle. “It’s about making ourselves look as beautiful as we can look for ourselves. You are absolutely beautiful my dear, jaw droppingly gorgeous, but you can hardly tell hidden behind those glasses and that awful, awful mop cap.” Her voice had relaxed and she was speaking in a manner no one would ever have expected from the nervous, timid young butler who had only this morning poured a whole jug of milk over Ciel’s lap, causing Sebastian to almost literally chase her out of the room. Mey Rin felt special, that Grell dropped the act around her like this, allowed her to see the real Grell Sutcliff; it showed how much Grell trusted her.
“I like my glasses.” She pointed out, raising a hand to them defensively, they had been a gift from Ciel, actual proof that he didn’t want her just for her eyes, they actually made her long distance sight worse, but the improved her short distance vision to the point where she could actually read, and clean and see to do things like buttons and such properly. And make up, it transpired. Once Grell had realised that Mey Rin had never actually had a chance to try on cosmetics, she’d hauled the other woman up to her room once their tasks were done to teach her how to wear it properly.
“I don’t know why, they’re huge and take up the entirety of your face.” Grell said, with the slightest flash of a smile. “They do make you look awfully sweet I suppose, but we’re aiming for beautiful here as well, not just adorable.” She smiled even more as Mey Rin blushed right up to the roots of her hair.
Cosmetics apparently arranged to her pleasing, Grell reached over and tugged Mey Rin down on the floor with her, where she’d propped up a mirror so they could both watch what they were doing. Mey Rin sat obediently and listened as Grell described each item she’d brought out and how it should be used. The enthusiasm in her voice was infectious, although her explanations on what colours went with what flew rather over Mey Rin’s head, she carefully memorised the colours and styles Grell promised would look best on her.
Then Grell’s hands were on her face, her eyes sharp with focus as she began using a pale powder on Mey Rin’s cheeks. Mey Rin held perfectly still, it felt wonderful really, intimate in a non embarrassing manner, affectionate and caring and gentle. Grell’s attention so sharply on her, biting the corner of her lip as she tilted Mey Rin’s face to the side and smoothed the powder over her cheekbone. The silence was calm and peaceful between them as Grell moved on to smearing the ointment over her lips, tiny brushes almost enough to tickle but not quite. Watching her own face in the mirror as it transformed, becoming sharper, defined, strong and bold and confident in a way she never really associated with her. And then Grell took her glasses off to take care of her eyes and Mey Rin was forced to wait impatiently, staring at the blurred figure that was the woman she loved and basking in the affectionate attention she was receiving.
At long last Grell appeared to be finished and handed her back her glasses, before she shifted to kneel behind her and began doing something with her hair, braiding it, it felt like. Mey Rin put her glasses on and examined her face in the mirror. It was still her, which was a relief, she didn’t think she’d like it if Grell had somehow managed to make her look like some beautiful stranger. But she was still herself. That wasn’t to say there wasn’t an impact of course, Grell had somehow managed to pull out every single one of her nicest features, highlight them and set them fully on display, just by using creams, powders and ointments. Mey Rin didn’t understand quite how she’d managed that, but she couldn’t deny the result was stunning.
“I don’t look like a maid any more…” She murmured, watching the beautiful woman in the mirror blink back at her.
“Is that a bad thing? You look beautiful.” Grell said softly, leaning over her shoulder and meeting her eyes in the reflection. “And…well, looks don’t define your job. You’re still a maid with make up? Although I doubt Sebastian would appreciate you wearing anything like this amount daily. This is more for a ball or a party or something similar.”
“Oh. There’s a lot of rules and such about this isn’t there?”
“Mmm. It’s always unfair on the women I find. Beauty standards I mean. Men can get away with doing so little in comparison.”
Her hair had been neatly braided and with her cap off and all the cosmetics on her face Mey Rin looked almost like a society lady herself.  She scrunched up her nose, feeling the unaccustomed paint on her face moving with her.
“Don’t you like it?” There was the faintest tremor to Grell’s voice, the timid young butler who was so eager to please and worried when things went wrong and Mey Rin hurried to reassure her.
“No, no! I do really like it, you were right, I look beautiful,” She said, still rather surprised by that fact. “I just…is it really me? Like this? Well, um, obviously it is me and all, but it’s not a me that I ever really knew before?” She knew she was explaining it badly, that the words were, as always, not coming out entirely how she meant it, but she just couldn’t think of what to say to express her real feelings.
“Of course it’s you. Why would looking beautiful stop it being you?”
“Because I’m not beautiful.” She said instantly, the truth so overwhelmingly simple it flowed out before she could stop it. “Not…not like you are. Or mister Sebastian, or Madame Red or anyone like that. I’m…just Mey Rin…I’m just…just…”
“Oh Mey Rin…” Grell was suddenly wrapped almost entirely around her, hugging her tightly, as though she could hug out all the sad loneliness and anxious feelings of inadequacy she knew Mey Rin battled with all the time. They were true really though, she wasn’t special or important or really good at all. She wasn’t much good as a maid, and she was certain Sebastian could cope with the defence of the manor by himself if he really had to, she was just here out of pity. She was pointless.
Grell wrapped even tighter around her, as though she could hear her thoughts, pulling Mey Rin close up against her chest and tucking her under her chin. One hand was running soothingly through her hair, probably mussing up the braid just put in it, but Mey Rin didn’t much care right now, busy soaking up the warmth and love Grell was practically radiating right now.
“To correct the initial assumption, my dear,” Grell said softly, after a long moment where Mey Rin guessed she’d been gathering her thoughts. “You are, actually and really beautiful. Even without all of the make up, you are beautiful and I knew that from the very moment I saw you. The only reason you don’t have a legion of suitors hanging around after you is that you live well out in the country and you simply don’t have a chance to meet them. If you were in London you would have been snatched up in a heartbeat.” She said, and Mey Rin could hear her smiling as she spoke.
“I’m not…”
“You really are. I would say sorry but I’m not sorry in the least. You are a beautiful young woman and I care about you a lot. Secondly, to address the more obvious elephant in the room, why would you think that you’re not important?”
“I’m not though…I’m not smart or powerful, I’ve done plenty of bad things in my life…” She whispered. “I’ve…I was an assassin, before. I killed so many people, an’ they were probably good people too, they didn’t deserve to die, but I killed them anyway cos’ I was just a pair of eyes with a gun…a murderer.” Her breathing hitched all of a sudden and she was crying, she realised. She’d never cried over it before, it had been all she knew when she was younger, and once she’d started working here, well there hadn’t been much point in crying, she’d decided; it was all over and done with. But now the tears were streaming down her face and she was clinging tightly to Grell as though the other woman might vanish on her without warning. And she might, she’d just admitted that she was a murderer and an assassin and what person, even if they were a Grim Reaper, would ever want to love a woman like her. Grell would throw her away in disgust and tell her that she never wanted to see her again, let alone kiss her and hold her close.
“Oh my love…” Grell said, so soft and sad it broke Mey Rin’s heart further, she was going to leave her, she was going to leave her! “It’s alright; none of that was your fault. I’ve got you now, you’re safe and protected and well now.” She said, still running her fingers through Mey Rin’s hair, and ignoring the make up that surely must be smudging across her clothing as Mey Rin cried and hid her face in Grell’s waistcoat, clutching tightly to her. “You are not a bad person, you deserve to be happy.” Her voice was firm and certain, as though there could never have been any other answer than that.
“No, no buts. You are a good person my Mey Rin, you care about the people you love and do your best to keep them happy. Your past does not define you, any more than Bard’s does, or Finny’s.”
Mey Rin wanted to protest, it wasn’t the same at all, Bard had been a soldier, and Finny had been taken too young to know anything, and how did Grell know about that anyway? But she couldn’t speak a word, could only listen as Grell held her and told her the things she desperately wanted to believe were true, the things she had never even known that she needed to hear.
“You are worth loving and caring about, and people do love and care about you, for who you are; because you are a good person who people want to know and love. No one is going to leave you or judge you or abandon you because of things that you did when you had no other option. Being desperate can make monsters of us all, but you came out of it and became a better person. I’m proud of you, for being able to put the violence aside, for being able to trust and love and be yourself. I am proud of you and I love you.”
“I do love you, you ridiculous perfect amazing beautiful woman,” Grell said, with a slightly choked laugh. “I probably shouldn’t, but I do, and there’s no way out of it now, you’ll just have to accept my feelings.”
Mey Rin finally pulled back a little, breath still hitching occasionally but most of the tears dried up as she gazed up at Grell. She’d let go of the illusion, and the beautiful sharp toothed red haired lady was there, looking at her with such an earnest and sincere expression that Mey Rin couldn’t help but believe her.
“I…I love you too Grell.” She managed to say. And if the kiss that followed tasted a little of tears and relief, well, it was only natural.
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GGREJFJ TELL ME ABT GRELL!! also i saw ur posts abt ur guys kids THEYRE SO CUTE TELL ME ABT THEM TOO!! what do u guys like to do together?
(´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`) SXDDXDDFDDCFDXFXDFXDRRDRDDCFCDF THANK YOU OMG;;;;;;;;;; you’re making me want to draw my babies so ya’ll can see them AAAAAAAAAAA-
Grell is just??????? Gorgeous????? I just love her so much I don’t even know where to start;;;;;;;;; She’s SUPER flirty and SUPER protective. I’m not joking either, she’s super fast to get jealous. When we first met she was pretty much instantly flirting too, and out of all my f/os she was the most obvious when it came to her feelings. She’d come by the Phantomhive manor and ‘concidentally’ take jobs to reap souls (she’s a grim reaper) around the area so she could do her work and then drop in. Also if anyone in my general vicinity (even now) shows romantic interest in me then she like. Doubles the affection and also glares XD Grell also used to think that young kids were brats (she said this about Ciel a few time, much to my dismay) but after we had ours she proved to be a good mom. Still super protective though, but very proud! She always makes sure our girls are safe and happy and loves to spoil them. She’s also very affectionate with all of us and loves to carry the girls around. I just;;;;; I LOVE HER SO MUCH OH MY GODDDDDDDD—
Now as for the twins… heck I don’t know where to start they’re such lovely girls (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) Ophelia often takes the centre stage but has given me and Grell heart attacks a few times. You see, there was an incident later in our relationship- the Luxury Liner Arc (That’s what the manga one was called, the movie is Book of the Atlantic so anyone who hasn’t seen or read it- spoiler warning!). I went with Ciel on a mission on a boat called the Campania, it was just supposed to be me, Ciel, Sebastian and Snake on board looking into things- no Grell, no girls, it was an investigation. So I didn’t think it’d be a big deal.
Yeah problem; everything goes sour REAL quick on that boat, and a bunch of undead break loose. It’s basically like the titanic but with zombies. So everyone’s going through the boat, I’m trying to keep Ciel and Elizabeth safe (child f/os am I right, already having a heart attack making sure they’re safe…) and then what happens? WE HIT AN ICEBERG, AND ALSO NOW GRELL’S HERE. Turns out she was scheduled to reap souls on the boat. So Grell and Sebastian end up fighting, but then we hear a little voice.
“Mommy, it’s really cold and wet here!”
So we all look over and my heart just stops. Who’s standing there? None other than freaking Ophelia, in her brand new, fancy red dress and shoes, with Juliet tugging at her sleeve and trying to get her to be quiet, and hiding behind her sister. Who by the way, is also in her new dress. Now this situation is super dangerous so Grell and I are already losing our minds, everything just stops while I rush over to the girls. Grell ends up taking Juliet with her while I take Ophelia, and while things get worse and I eventually end up with both girls, it was one hell of a day. I really feel it shows what Ophelia’s like… very adventurous and not afraid to get in trouble. Juliet only comes along by trying to get Ophelia to come back home. She just ends up hiding behind somebody the whole time, and has been dragged into missions more than she’d like to.
Ophelia is really a sweet girl- she just. Is kind of out of control, like Grell can be. She also can be a bit of a prissy princess (she hates if her nail polish gets chipped or her hair gets messed up) but she’s very loving when it comes down to it. Unfortunately for us though her tastes are expensive;;;; probably because Grell has spoiled the heck out of them both… >_> Ophelia’s just a very big personality though. She can be a lot to handle sometimes but we adore her no matter what ♥︎
Juliet just tries to stop her sister from getting TOO crazy. She’s always been calmer, and can feel like the eye of the hurricane that is handling her handful of a sister sometimes. She’s a very go-with-the-flow type although she gets very worried when there’s danger involved. Even as a baby she rarely ever cried. Although you’d never, ever see Juliet without Ophelia there. She says she feels better with family around because she’s actually very attached to us. She’s the twin Ciel gets along with best actually- they like playing chess together. She’s actually beaten him a few times!
The girl’s favourite thing to do though is play dress-up with Elizabeth and Sieglinde. Any time that those two are around the four of them are asking to rush off and play games. It’s really the sweetest thing, even if Ophelia and Juliet come back with absurd amounts of ribbon in their hair a lot of the time.
As for stuff we like to do… me and Grell, just together, love to go out for walks together after long work days. We also love watching Shakespeare plays- we both have always adored them, and saw a ton before we got married. A night thought just before we go to sleep, we love to read for a little (in my case though I write sometimes) and just sit close to one another before falling asleep.
For family activities game nights are very fun! Usually the girls pick a game and we have a little tournament together. Grell and Ophelia get very competitive but almost never win XD we also like to bake together! It can be. An utter disaster in the kitchen with all four of us but it’s always very fun! Ophelia and Juliet are also quite creative, so I love to draw with them. Grell and I like taking them to plays as well, but they have a hard time with the Shakespearean English so we often need to help them out- which means we don’t go super often but it’s still fun for all of us.
This ended up insanely long dddrcfgesdfffghghbvvbdcfdfgyhuhjbhfvgdcfesesefrhg I’m so sorry I just;;;; adore my girls and my wife;;;;; I love Grell and our girls so very much .°(ಗдಗ。)°.
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blackreapersreign · 6 years
Vincent and little Ciel + a bit of real Ciel’s personality
A few things first:
long post as usual;
it represents my opinion, my view on the scene/issue. If you happen to have another view on this scene/issue, you are more than welcome to support yours! :) But this is just my take on it;
also the Ciel I talk about in this post is real Ciel only.
I was re-reading some chapters and I came across this panel.
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What really struck me was the look in their eyes - in Vincent and Ciel’s eyes. While we know that Vincent loved his children dearly, in this post is more clear than ever. However, apart from affection, I feel a sort of melancholy from this look in his eyes. mm might be looking too deep into things What is going on inside his head? What is he thinking? Even more, what is Ciel thinking about?
My take on it - Vincent knew the Queen was going to punish him for what he was planning to do/was already doing behind her back. The meaning behind the tender way he was looking at his child -which surprised even Diedrich who wasn’t used to see such affectionate looks from Vincent btw- was that he knew he was going to die soon, and he was, perhaps, wondering how would his tiny son would manage to get through the tough job of being the queen’s watchdog. Meanwhile, look at little Ciel (the older twin)! The way he’s gazing into his father’s eyes, it’s like he was searching for something. Reasoning, an explanation perhaps.
This is all from chapter 101. Although I have a really big problem with this chapter, that short moment between Ciel - his father - Diedrich was very meaningful. If we analyze little Ciel’s facial expressions in that moment:
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His father calls Diedrich a very kind and reliable guy, and little Ciel curiously looks at him. He is already analyzing the situation, the people around him and especially those around his father. I strongly believe that he was building trust at that time. He seemed to be able to sense who was a person he could trust and who was a person he couldn’t trust. Who wanted to hurt him (and his younger twin) and who did not. When this moment is presented again in chapter 131, we see how Ciel could immediately sense that ‘around that man (Diedrich), it’s fine.
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Whereas, in chapter 135, he can also sense that ‘the guy who bought them, fed them and bathed them still cannot be trusted’.
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Unless he actually knew the man before, and he was certain the man was pure scum, his intuition is clearly remarkable. 
Back to my initial point though, in chapter 131 we get an even clearer view of that scene (the scene I’m trying to analyze in this post). Ciel’s eyes are wide open, his eyebrows are raised, his mouth has an o shape. He’s curiously analyzing the man in front of him, Diedrich. Also, look at how Vincent’s chin is slightly leaning on his son’s tiny head, while he’s still looking at Diedrich - as if saying, ‘When the time comes, all this burden will fall on my son. Watch over him, will you?’
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The way Vincent starts describing Diedrich: is he trying to build his son’s trust in him? He goes even further and says: 
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‘No one, not even god can tell what will happen to any of us.’ and look at Ciel - his expression immediately changed. He has taken in his father’s words perhaps more seriously than we think. He goes back to analyze the man his father trusts so much and, in chapter 131, we see his adorable decision:
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‘So I ask you! For something or other!’ He decided he should trust the old man for something or other. (Funny how he also says for something or other. If you asked me, that’s what Vincent would have said when he was referring to the things he has to do as the queen’s watchdog, something or other~)
Now, why would I post a pointless analysis like this? Because I want to and I’m trash for the Phantomhives. Well, first of all, I need this for another theory, plus, this scene has got me thinking: what if not only Vincent knew he was going to die? What if his young son also caught on with his father and had a feeling something would happen? 
Not in the way that he was planning behind his father’s back.  I just mean, what if, from his father’s actions and his father’s words, he could have realized that something would happen to them soon?
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen or heard about Ciel being a ‘bundle of curiosity’. Chapter 124:
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This was the real Ciel he was talking about. He also says ‘Your love for mischief has taken an unexpected direction’ which, if you were to ask me, is also something to be noted.
So, did Ciel actually know something would happen to them? Was it all intuition or did he actually know something more?
What are your thoughts? 
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