#but I still love all my shameless friends and I miss talking to u guys sm
babygirlmickey · 1 year
cam, my infinitely talented friend, it's time for soup 'cause there's love stored in there. and i can't be normal.
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NOSHO! I love & miss u!!!! and I needed this thank u!!!!
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wiltedprimrose · 6 months
———— ONE.
im shameless, i know. i just cant get over it. i just want you to know that you left so much memories in me. there are so many things and places which remind me of you. it feels like i cant even live my normal life ever again. i sometimes struggle to even catch a breath. still remember how much i trembled that night. losing weight, cutting my hair short. i dont know, perhaps thats just hows life after break up. dont worry, im getting better now.
i have so many things i wish i said and did to you back then. i regret i didnt do any of that just because i was too embarrassed if i look like i love you too much in front of you. yet here i am, dare to hope you only take the good memories when youre with me. such an irony while i might be hurting you more than creating good memories with you. im sorry.
if later in life you dont seem to find anything youre looking for in someone else, come back to me. i might still standing at the same door, waiting for you. i’ll be welcoming you with the warmest hug i could give. i promise i’ll love you better.
i hope you can go back to the life before you met me. you dont need to lie just to make me feel good anymore—im sorry if you thought you need to do it when you were with me—im sorry if being with me made you unable to express your true self. and while youre doing that (going back to the life that you had before), i’ll also try my best to move on with my life, living a better life. spent almost 3 years with you made me learn so many great things. thank you. i wish i could be with you longer because everyday i just want more of you. i dream about the day where i can fully live my life with you, share and discuss our thoughts whenever we want to, listening and to be listened, doing fun things together, waking up and feel safe because i’ll get to see your face every morning. i wish there would be a way to make “us” happen again. i wish i could be with you longer.
im sorry. youre always be enough for me.
eat well. live well. have a good life.
———— TWO.
life after break up sucks. what about the time when i miss you too much? what should i do to fill the void after you left me? never imagined there’d be a time for me to keep on going living my life without you in it.
can i call you?
i really want to hear your voice.
oh, life after break up sucks. i cant even call you whenever i want to and tell you about my day. i cant even send messages to my friends, especially guys because i dont feel comfortable texting them. i have nowhere to go. i miss you so much.
i wish i could be with you longer.
turns out i love you too much to the point im irrational sometimes.
———— THREE.
just a mess. my messy thoughts. i’ll just write whatever that popped in my head.
why do i love you so much it hurts… i tried to think about your bad habits, bad treatments you gave to me while we were together, and yet i failed to be mad at you. i found myself hoping for you to come back again. i want you. it felt right when i was loved by you. trying hard not to call you for only god knows how many times. i hate when i relapse while im at work, my mood suddenly drops and i feel empty inside. cant we meet up just for me to have some closure? i wake up every morning just to be reminded that youre not here with me anymore. cant we just try again and rethink about everything? fuck i hate it because every corner reminds me of you. why did you left so much memories in me I JUST CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE. day by day those memories make me feel miserable. i want you and only you. WHY DID YOU THINK YOU CAN LEAVE ME JUST LIKE THIS? WHY DID YOU NEED SO MUCH TIME TO REALIZE THAT WE ARE NOT MEANT TO BE? so cruel. bringing up my old mistakes, made me feel guilty and blaming myself. i believe we already talked about that and i thought you were okay with it? i left it all in 2022 and never want to do it again because I KNOW IT HURTS YOU. only have my eyes for u bc i dont want to hurt you again. whenever i chatted with a guy it felt like i cheated on you and thats why i dont really replied to them. I RESPECT YOU AS MY BOYFRIEND. about that one specific person you’ve always mentioned, it happened when that bitch dmed me about you. i thought i wouldnt want to be in the middle of other’s relationship so i left you. I DIDNT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT NO MORE BC I KNOW YOURE UNCOMFORTABLE. i said it was okay and it was your past so i never want to talk about it ever again. I RESPECT YOU. im responsible with what i chose. i tried to change my way of seeing things and learned about everything you dont like. when you stood me up that time bc you suddenly said you couldnt make it to my office while im waiting for you to bring my flashdisk, remember what did i tell you? i told you it was fine. i wasnt angry nor badmood. bc i was fully aware that you might had important things to do. you also hate it when i complained. I LEARNED ALL ABOUT YOU AND TRIED HARD NOT TO DISAPPOINT YOU. i learn to be a better person. i learn to be more patient and think about whatever you said to me. after you said you hate when i complained about you being late, i never got angry whenever someone makes me wait for them. i left my ego. but you didnt want to see it as my effort. you always thought your effort always bigger than me, no? and YOU? constantly reminding me about my past mistakes, made me feel bad about myself. think about how many promises you gave to me and now you think you just can go away with it and YOU REALLY THINK I’D EASILY FIND SOMEONE NEW? lol. i guess im really that cheap in your eyes. LITTLE DID YOU KNOW YOUR PAST TRAUMATIZED ME. THATS WHY IM SO WORRIED WHENEVER YOURE OUT OF THIS TOWN. im happy when you updated me and told me whatever you were doing that day. i just cant forget about that dm. it was terrifying. you never want to share everything to me while i always shared every little thing with you. was afraid you’d find someone else who could listen to your problems better than me. about your parents, if your fam talked to me how theyre mad at me bc youre the only one who initiates to become closer to my family, youre the one who initiates to bring me closer to your family, im quiet sad bc you do know i never go to your town even after my dad moved there. but once my family had a plan to go there, i automatically think about your family. i even bought a new cloth and ordered so much snacks bc i was excited to see your parents. you knew about it. sadly at that time i suddenly couldnt go there bc my car broke and need to be repaired. my dad went home and brought all the snacks i ordered that day. that night when i visited your house bc i know your parents there, did you tell me to do it? no. i planned to go there myself bc i wanted to see your parents so that they know im serious with you. i want to be with you.
i often said sorry to you bc i know i couldnt reciprocate all things you gave to me. you said it was ok so LET ME ASK YOU, whats with the change of heart? bc when you decided to leave, i just read contradictions in every reasons you pointed out and all the things you said to me when we were together. you just wanted to justify your decision.
you know i didnt want to be with you since day one. i rejected you many times. i wanted our relationship to end since day one. i told you to find someone new since day one bc all we did just argue with each other. BUT YOU REFUSED. you asked for a chance, second chance, and so on BUT WHEN I FINALLY GAVE IN AND FELL HARD, you decided to leave. and when i asked for a chance, you didnt even want to give it to me. funny bc after all these times you always said we could always communicate yet this time you chose to not to do it. ive only known you for almost 3 years—a short moment—so i thought it was normal for us to have different opinions. like what you said to me, we could always discuss.
you just left me here all alone in the dark while blaming myself and you think that i could go on just fine with my life. being with you used to be my dream. now that it shattered, i dont know how my future would be. you dont know how it feels like whenever our friends asked me about you. you dont know how it feels like to relapse whenever i finally thought i’d be just fine without you. you dont know how hurt it is when something which once was your biggest dream has to be buried.
———— FOUR.
im tired of feeling this way. never thought i need you so much. cant we just go back together?
———— FIVE.
one last cry.
heard about you from a friend. they didnt tell me before bc they know i’d be sad. now i know and i dont know how to feel about it. stupid me for begging you to stay in my life. stupid me. whats the point of trying to change things we cant change? stupid me. but i guess it is what it is. i’ll deal with it on my own. please be happy with whatever you choose to do with your life.
guess it’s time to put you out of my mind and start anew.
god bless.
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gyuluster · 4 years
txt as boyfriends
requested : yes, thank you @engenemoa-forever​!
words : 1.23k words
genre : fluff, just a lil suggestive but hella hella fluff, bitsa crack too
a/n : hi good evening thank you and sorry for writing this so late ))): i hope you and all u sexc mfs enjoy <3 special mention to @soobmint for helping out with this!! her ideas are too cute not to include <3
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this man would never stop thanking his luck stars that he’s dating you
a total lovebug - he is at his best when he’s in a relationship, so he just can’t stop smiling or simply be happy in your presence
is extremely shy so when you show him affection he has to hide himself so you can’t see him blushing like a churchboy
on the other hand, would always want to show you the love he’s too embarrassed to accept - would never be too proud or too shy to tell you how beautiful you look every morning or whispering sweet nothings to you in the night to help you sleep
would randomly cook meals in the night to show his commitment to you - even though he works extremely hard he would immediately take over the housework if he sees you tired
the PERFECT listener - you could rant about anything and everything for HOURS and he would not even fidget, listening intently to your problems
also gives insane advice so you always turn to him - basically your free therapist
endearments galore - “my love” is his utmost favourite 
dates always include romatic-lit dinners somewhere intimate, and always end with the two of you, hand-in-hand, looking at the stars in your home
in short, this man is wholly dependent on you - you become the beacon of his life, and are every way his missing puzzle piece 
you both are fucking WILD
honestly no one even doubts the two of you are going out it’s literally so OBVIOUS
this goon is the most flirtatious little fucker known to man
WILL make you sososososososo flustered all the time 
he is so bloody shameless - like he would happily argue with another over how his girlfriend is the prettiest, and not someone else’s 
a lot of contact !!! so much contact on god!!!
HAS to have his arm around you all the time, perhaps the sneaky hand lingering on you all the time
ADORES to kiss you - honestly could kiss you all day, whether it be on your forehead, nose, lips, other places
would show you the whole world - spontaneous trips to either the streets of Paris or the mountains of South America, he’s ready to take you anywhere
y’all might not agree with me on this, but i don’t think he’d be jealous at all concerning you - in fact, he’s so confident in his abilities as a great-as-fuck boyfriend that he doesn’t mind you having boys as super close friends - he knows you’ll be in his arms by the end of the night
you are his only “darling” - his muse, and the love of his life
beomgyu as a boyfriend would be the best thing of your life yet the bane of your existence at the exact same time
constantly playfighting 
like you both are at each other’s NECKS at ever waking moment - whether that be over you purposefully taking the last chip to you threatening to burn his neighbourhood down
teasing!!! the teasing never stops!!! this man will have you blushing all the time - he loves seeing you flustered so he can make fun of you which then only gets you pissed
his head is ALWAYS on your shoulder - sometimes he just falls asleep when he’s a little tired and despite you tempted to toss his head off and into the wall, you let him rest upon you
the two of you don’t have particularly loving endearments - i mean, if y’all think “prick”, “dickhead” or “cumshot” is affectionate
a massive brat - either his way or the highway homie you’re gonna have to submit to his movie choices
KING of pouts — one of those bad boys being whipped out and that’s it you’re the victim of emotional manipulation
jealous !!!! this mans gets soooooo annoyed when other guys are bantering around with you — always results in you poking fun which then leads to him sulking in the corner
super late messages at night where he sends voice notes of him singing or playing the guitar which help you fall asleep
basically he’s a massive pain in the ass but it’s a pain you don’t really wanna get rid of
okay so this man is quite different from the others because he’s not instantly comfortable
it takes him time to truly mould into the idea of a relationship, but when he does it’s literally seventh heaven
the realest — he is the one who tells you the hard truths or any upsetting news he has — even so, you only want to hear it from him because he would never sugarcoat anything from anyone, least of all you
deeply emotional — his greatest wish is to see you happy and will go to great lengths to fulfil it whether it’s just going out to get your favourite snack or helping you through a more serious problem
HATES !!!! absolutely DETESTS to see you upset — if it’s anyone specific that’s it they’re getting their shit ROCKED
super observant !! this man picks up on how you’re feeling, whether you need help or simply want to be in his presence — either way, he senses and comforts you in the best way
LOVESSSS to sing to you — for him it’s one of the most intimate acts he can offer, so at any time when you both are alone, he will play with your hair as he sings a soft melody to you
is actually kinda clingy — once he’s most himself with you he always wants to hold your hand or at least be closer to you, even in certain public areas — it makes you MELT because it means he fully accepts and sees you as his own
basically, you could not live without this man — he is the epitome of collected, trustworthy and deeply affectionate goodness
oh my goodness
hyuka would literally never stop screaming about you
some goon could be talking about the presidential elections and hyuka will still manage to slide you into the conversation — eventually someone will tell him to shut the fuck up (he won’t listen though)
HUGS GALORE !!! this man would never stop he NEEDS to have his arms around you or how will he survive ??!?!
is never too shy or proud to declare his undying love for you — one time he shouted it a little too loud and it resulted in him getting a warning from the neighbours
no barriers !!! this man would tell you EVERYTHING about his life it does not remotely matter how insignificant it is he will report it to you
spontaneous as fuck !! wanna go midnight shopping for instant noodles in your pjs?? travel to another city on a whim of a decision? hyuka’s the one you seek
super emotional — not like taehyuns, where it is more suppressed — his is an all out spectacle — if you guys have a fight, he WILL cry his eyes out
sleepovers ALWAYS have to include the both of you making pillow forts in your bedrooms while watching some fantasy adventure — you both end up sleeping in your creation
although you will grow up, hyuka is the man you can still be a child with and enjoy yourself
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sgtjbbhasmyheart · 4 years
Drunk Texting Is(n’t) Bad for Your Health- Chapter Two
Series Summary: Talk about your unconventional meet-cute! Bucky receives a text by mistake requesting he prove he's not Reader's sister. The easy dialogue between Reader and Bucky sparks a natural friendship, but could it lead to more? Bucky still deems himself unworthy of any form of affection or love. Reader is hellbent to prove him wrong. With the help of some (meddling) friends along the way, Bucky may get his happily-ever-after after all.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 2921
Warnings: bad language words, blink and you’ll miss the angst, just some fluff
A/N: divider credit- @firefly-graphics
DO NOT copy or replicate without my permission
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You awoke with a start, feeling as if you were late for work or something important and forgot to set your alarm. Your heart beat an erratic tattoo against your ribcage. Scrambling for your cell phone, you blindly reached across the side table near your bed in a panic. Unplugging the phone, you brought the device an ungodly closeness to your face. It was only 6:17. On Saturday.
Your pulse throbbed behind your eyeballs, and a strange stickiness coated the inside of your mouth. Did you drink that much last night?
How could you not? Timmons was a fair boss, and you enjoyed your job, but that dude loved the sound of his own voice.
The quarterly business dinners were mandatory for all employees, even for the P.A.s. Typically, they weren’t so bad, but last night, Timmons felt the need to toot his own horn for landing a massive contract with Stark Industries slash The Avengers. He went on and on about how great it was for the firm.
He was like a giant kid in a candy store with his ramblings. ‘We will be promoting the face of The Avengers and everything that goes with it,’ he spouted off like the firm was god’s gift to public relations.
You groaned at the reminder of last night’s presentation. The contract wasn’t even in effect yet, and you were sick of the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Timmons could be a real buzz kill.
Rolling to your back, you brought your phone up to tap the screen to read the emails you received overnight. On display was a text from 11:04 by someone named James. It read: “Goodnight, (Y/N).”
Your mind went back to last night again, trying to recall who this James was. He must be significant if you plugged his contact information into your phone already. Had you met someone last night?
Drawing a blank, you clicked on the text bubble to pull up the thread. Briefly scanning through the numerous texts, everything came rushing back. In an attempt to text your sister, Robyn, you mistakenly texted this mysterious, James.
You felt like an utter buffoon when you learned he wasn’t Robyn. You always did have a way with the cute boys. Probably why you were single. You groaned out loud as you read on.
You im safely inside my apartment. Pretty sure no one followed me home
James Did you triple check the lock on the front door?
You yes dad yeesh
James There are a lot of bad people out there. Just want to make sure you’re safe.
You sounds like you watch the news too much but its sweet of u to care
James I know from experience.
You r u the bad guy or have u been the one mugged?
James Let’s just say I have friends that have dealt with the bad things of the world.
You right i almost forgot ur a military-trained assassin athlete mchottie
James Did you ever send your sister a text?
You shit thanks for reminding me i have such a crazy story to tell her
James Only good things, I hope.
You oh yeah all the good things an enigmatic yet handsome stranger cares more about my safety than any of my ex-boyfriends ever did.
James My ma raised me right.
You id say
James_ I hate to cut this short, but I think you need your rest. Especially if you’re meeting your sister tomorrow._
You i dont want to agree but ur probably right
You whats ur name btw?
James My name? Why? Do you plan to continue texting me after tonight?
You duh ur fun to talk to
James Oh.
You or not its cool if u dont want to
James It’s James.
You nice to meet u james im (y/n)
James Nice to meet you as well.
You my sister just texted me back and were still meeting at 9 i should go 
You goodnite james
James Goodnight, (Y/N).
Oh. My. God. Had you seriously drunk-flirted with a stranger and offered to keep texting him? You had no shame with a few drinks in you.
You brought a hand up to pinch the bridge of your nose and sighed loudly.
What did you know of this James? He had a New York area phone number. Check. He could have been a real dick about your mistake but wasn’t. Understanding. Check. He worried about you getting home safely in your inebriated state. Caring. Check. Not too forthcoming with the nine to five. Secretive. Check. His mouth looked so soft and plush, and his eyes were made to drown in. Gorgeous. Check.
A heat simmered beneath your skin as you recounted the shortlist you’d made. Were you lusting over someone you’d exchanged less than forty texts with? Had you somehow woken back up in high school?
Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you stared at the screen displaying the message thread. Were you really considering this? You nodded your head to answer your own question. Where was the harm in a little shameless flirting? If worse came to worst, you could always block him.
With your mind made up, you began typing into your phone, constructing an apology.
You Good morning! First off, I want to apologize for the way I behaved over text last night.
You Though, I do like to imbibe in the occasional drink or two, I am, by no means, a lush.
You Please take everything I said with a grain of salt. Apparently, I get loose-lipped and cheeky with free wine. 😐
You Again, I’m sorry and understand if you wanted to cease our correspondence for my behavior.
You blew out a breath and tossed your phone aside. It was up to fate now and a stranger named James.
You laid in your bed for several minutes staring at the ceiling, contemplating between whether to send a ‘haha just kidding’ text and what the weather would be like, so you could forego shaving your legs in the shower today.
Your phone chimed during the pondering of hair removal, indicating a new text. You knew it was James proclaiming you a freak and to forget his number, but secretly, you hoped it was Robyn canceling today.
Seizing the phone from your mattress top, your heart’s beat increased with each second you went without looking at the screen. Finding the courage, you flipped the device over to read the message.
James Quite the formal apology, Ms. Professor.
You smiled at the text. It didn’t tell you to pound sand or eat shit. No, it was teasing and in jest. You sighed in relief.
You Cease our correspondence too much?
James No, no it was perfect if this was 1863, and you were breaking up with me via telegraph.
You Stop!
James Exactly! ‘Never speak to me again!’ Stop. ‘It’s not you, it’s me.’ Stop.
A belly laugh disrupted the tranquil air of your bedroom. You quickly thumbed out a reply once you caught your breath.
You You’re incorrigible.
James I’m glad to see you are using proper capitalization and punctuation this morning.
You Ha!
You When you are buzzed and/or tipsy, capitals and periods be damned. Like you’re so perfect when you’re drunk.
James We all have our flaws.
Was he implying he was a sloppy texter when drunk, too? You shrugged it off as him being cryptic again.
You What are you doing up so early on a Saturday? I didn’t wake you, did I?
You were suddenly stricken with guilt. You should have waited for a more reasonable hour to send out rapid-fire apology texts. Not at 6:36 in the morning. You didn’t want last night’s behavior hanging over you, though. Better to clear the air now than later. You could always ask for forgiveness again if you had disturbed his sleep.
James I had just gotten back from my run when I saw your texts. I have training this morning.
You Oh, right. For your hush-hush, super top secret mission/quidditch game.
You You ever gonna tell me what you really do?
James_ Maybe. Someday._
How far away was someday? Was he planning to text you until you both died or until he got bored? How did texting relationships even work?
You Or is it one of those situations where if you told me you’d have to kill me?
James 😈
You There you go again--being all mysterious.
James Keep ‘em guessing and coming back for more.
You Has that strategy worked well for you in the past?
James Got you to text me again this morning, didn’t it?
You scoffed at what he had suggested. He was correct, but your stubborn streak would deny everything.
You The only reason I texted you this morning was to apologize for acting like a drunken fool last night.
And to squash the curiosity burning in your veins. But he didn’t need to know that.
James Oh.
The reply caused you to furrow your brow and your stomach to drop. You regretted not adding more levity to your last text. Of course, it wasn’t the only reason you were drawn to him.
You I appreciate that the selfie you sent wasn’t a dick pic. And you genuinely seemed to care about me getting home safely. Thank you.
You And maybe- a teeny, tiny bit- is honestly interested in getting to know you better.
You waited on pins and needles for his text, watching the pulsing ellipsis on your screen. Was he just humoring you?
James Hook. Line. Sinker.
Reading his response generated a flush from your jaw to your hairline. You growled in embarrassment. You fell for the oldest trick in the book. He baited you for a compassionate answer, and you delivered beautifully. Hook, line, and sinker, indeed.
You You’re an ass. I take everything back.
James Don’t be mad. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go, but you played into my trap wonderfully.
James If it makes you feel any better, all kidding aside, I want to get to know you better too.
James I fell asleep with a smile on my face last night and woke up with one this morning.
James Because of you, (Y/N).
A flutter broke apart in your chest. You hadn’t time-traveled back to high school; no, this was junior high territory.
You You’re lucky you’re so damn charming, James.
James Doll, you have no idea.
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The subway ride into Manhattan usually gave you the chance to get a little reading in since it took nearly fifty minutes from Queens. Not today, though. You spent the entirety of the train ride texting back and forth with James. It was mundane stuff, but you were getting a grasp of who James was as a person.
You Favorite color?
James Black. You?
You Blue.
You Favorite ice cream flavor?
James Chocolate. Yours?
You Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia.
James I didn’t realize we were getting specific.
You We weren’t, but that’s my favorite.
You Favorite movie?
James I like the classics- The Wizard of Oz, It’s A Wonderful Life, Frankenstein.
You I have too many to list, so don’t ask.
You Okay. Lightning round because I’m almost to my stop.
James Where are you going again?
You paused your reply for a brief second, wondering if you should divulge your destination. You’d known James less than twenty-four hours; although, it felt like weeks after this morning. Where was the harm in telling him where you were meeting your sister? There were nearly nine million people in this city. There was no way you’d ever bump into each other.
You A bakery in the Upper East Side called Two Little Red Hens. Ever been?
James Don’t think I have.
You Well, since you like chocolate, they have a fantastic cake called Brooklyn Blackout. Super rich but delicious.
James Sounds right up my alley.
You Cats or dogs?
James I’m gone too much, so cats.
The answer piqued your interest. Maybe he was an athlete. Wouldn’t it be practice and not training, though? Or he’s FBI or CIA.
You Socks on or off for sleeping?
James Off.
You Silver or gold?
James Silver.
You Morning, noon, or night?
James Night.
You How do you take your coffee?
James Room for sugar and creamer.
You Boxers or briefs?
James Boxer briefs.
You laughed out loud, looking around the subway car to see if anyone was paying attention to you. Per usual, they weren’t.
You Touché.
As soon as the train stopped, you gathered your purse close to your body and made for the exit. You followed the crowd of fellow passengers through the turnstile and ascended the stairs onto street level.
The morning sunlight caressed your skin like a warm blanket. The humidity wasn’t too bad, yet, but the threat of afternoon thunderstorms still hung in the air.
Even with the reasonably early hour, the sidewalk was stuffed with people, carrying to-go coffee cups or shopping bags. You fought for your little spot of real estate on the grimy concrete.
Stopping at a red traffic light, waiting to cross, you typed out another question for James.
You Pineapple on pizza--yay or nay?
The light changed as you finished, and the throng of pedestrians around you guided you across the street. You spotted Robyn outside the bakery as your phone dinged with a new text alert.
“Wow, I’m surprised you made it on time,” Robyn said as you hugged hello.
You looked at the clock on your phone. 8:58. “You and me both, sister.” Glancing back at your phone’s screen, you giggled.
James What kind of monster puts pineapple on their pizza??
“What’s so funny?” Robyn asked as you accompanied her through the bakery’s door.
With a grin on your face, you punched out a quick reply:
You Well, it was nice knowing you, James. It was a swell friendship while it lasted--a whole 11 ½ hours.
Robyn elbowed you softly in the ribs with a look on her face, seeking an explanation.
“Ow,” you grunted. “What?”
“You tell me. I half expected a zombie to walk through the doors today after your text last night. Not Suzie Sunshine.”
You both edged closer to the counter as the line in front of you dwindled.
James Say it ain’t so, doll! Pineapple on pizza? Really??
You let out a low chortle as you skimmed the text. You glimpsed up at Robyn as you shuffled forward in line again. “Believe me, I’m pretty hungover,” you replied, shoving your phone in your back pocket. “It’s a funny story. I’ll tell you everything when we sit.”
Robyn stared at you warily, still trying to figure out what had come over you. “Okay,” she conceded, stepping to the register to order.
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With each of you supplied with an iced coffee and a peach ginger scone, you found an empty table by a window along 2nd Avenue and proceeded to tell Robyn about James.
When you stopped to catch your breath, remembering the whirlwind the last twelve hours had been, you peered at your sister for her reaction.
She stared at you like you’d grown a second head. She shook her head in disbelief. “(Y/N), what where you thinking?”
Your brow pinched in confusion. Was she actually scolding you? You crossed your arms over your chest. “I was thinking about how my big sister is always telling me to meet new people and how it’s time I thought about settling down.”
“Not like this it’s not,” she hissed. “This is how your body parts end up in someone’s freezer!”
You choked on the piece of scone you shoved in your mouth before she started ridiculing you. After coughing to clear your airway and taking a sip of your iced coffee, you leered at Robyn. “Oh, my god! Dramatic much? Have you been binge-watching Dateline again? Jesus Christ, Robyn, he’s harmless,” you countered.
“You think you’ll be so careful, but you’ll let one little detail slip, and he’ll find you,” Robyn said before taking a pull from her coffee.
“You mean, like, how I was meeting you at Two Little Red Hens at nine o’clock?”
Robyn’s mouth popped open in an O. “What the hell, (Y/N)?” she stage-whispered. “Are you trying to get yourself kidnapped and sold into sex trafficking?”
“Please,” you drew out in one long syllable. “He doesn’t know what I look like. How would he snatch me?”
“He could look you up on Facebook.”
“Without a last name?” You shook your head, no.
“What about a reverse search on your number?” Robyn asked, pushing the plate holding her scone away. “That’s a thing.”
“Perhaps, but it seems like a lot of effort for a mistake I made. It wasn’t like he was seeking me or anyone else out.”
Robyn huffed out a breath and folded her arms in exasperation. Always the protective big sister. You could tell you were breaking her down, though.
“C’ mon, Robbie. It’s all in innocent fun. I’m not saying I’m hoping he’ll turn out to be Mr. Right, but the banter is fun,” you remarked. “James is charming and witty and nice to talk to.”
Robyn shook her head once more, frowning. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”
You reached across the table for her hand and squeezed gently. “Me too.” You smiled slyly, remembering last night’s dinner and Timmons gushing about The Avengers. “If not, I know how to get ahold of a couple of centenarians who know chivalry isn’t dead.”
Chapter One | Chapter Three
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kuroos-moon · 4 years
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「vi. Deal pt. 2」
warning/s: angst (just a lil bit)
a/note: for this smau, like my previous one, there will be numerous chapters wherein they aren’t text chains or necessarily smaus just like this chapter and the prologue. If that’s not to ur liking, or for any reason at all, pls feel free to tell me u wanna be removed from the taglist 🖤
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He skeptically looks out through his window, and just like you had texted him a minute ago, there were no more reporters outside. Finally, he thought, not really expecting you to be telling the truth. Honestly, why do you mess with him so much? 
Also, he’s been wondering ever since your reunion if you deliberately went to the gym for him or if that was pure coincidence and you’re spontaneously messing up his life right now. The moment he opens his door, he’s adamant on avoiding you because he just knew the person you were now is adamant on driving him insane by doing things like popping out of nowhere to pester him. 
Speaking of which, what the hell are you doing in front of his doorstep? “Sakusa Kiyoomi!” You brightly smile, eyes lighting up at the very sight of him. “Nope.” He pulls the door close but you put a hand to stop him. He tugs on it, making you chuckle, but you stubbornly refuse to let him shut you out. 
“Get out.” He snaps. “I’m not even inside, Sakusa Kiyoomi.” 
Seriously? Saying his full name like that only ticks him off. “Don’t call me that.” He tugs harsher on his doorknob but you successfully grip the door with both hands now. 
“Shall I call you love then?” You tease despite finding it extremely hard to keep the door open. It may now have dawned on to him that this was pointless as he lets go, though he’ll never admit that he’s actually afraid of accidentally shutting the door on your fingers—he knows he easily could. 
“What do you want?” He sighs. “We need to talk.” 
“About what?” How you left me? How you had the audacity to walk back in my life like you didn’t trample all over me before? 
“Our relationship,” you grin. He chokes. “Our what now?” Laughter erupts from your throat, and it was bittersweet. You’re so carefree and mesmerizing—your eyes angelic and genuinely alight. But more than that, you’re ruthless and despicable, he knows that all too well. 
“Won’t you invite me in? It’s cold y’know,” you place your hands inside your pockets. “Then freeze,” he narrows his eyes. He absolutely hates you, here he was slightly worrying he’ll go soft and easy on you because one could never control the heart yet you so easily reminded him of why you were the bane to his existence.  
“Yup, figured walking in your home wasn’t gonna happen,” you mutter to yourself with a small smile. He hates it. Don’t act like you know him, because at some point you did, but you don’t deserve to have him etched in your memory. 
“Tell me what you want so we could get this over with.” 
“Right. Yes sir. Yes love,” you chuckle, not even minding that he remains unamused. “My manager has already arranged a live interview this afternoon.” 
“You should’ve started with that. So, you’re here to ask me what you should say?” He asks, unintentionally looking down on your hands you’ve rubbed together for friction. It was indeed cold, you brought this upon yourself though. 
“No, I’m here to make a deal with you. My statement for my interview later on depends on your response.” 
He rolls his eyes, leaning his shoulder on the doorframe because talking to you definitely tired him out; sucked his soul out of him. “And by this lovely deal, what exactly are you proposing? Not that you have a leverage over me now or anything.” 
You smile, stepping closer to him but he couldn’t bring himself to pull away. Instead, his feet remained planted to the ground, self-aware of how much his heart was racing right now and the only thing—albeit pathetic—he could do was glare at you. 
“Befriend me for a month, that’s it.” That didn’t sound half as bad compared to how devilish you’ve been these past few days. “Go on,” he mutters, stepping back and away from you. “You can’t block my number and you have to reply to my texts.” 
“Aren’t you ashamed of how pathetic and selfish you are right now?” He lowly says. You look up at him in surprise, there was faint hurt and vulnerability in his voice that wasn’t there before and you can’t help but feel guilty for it. 
“I like you, I don’t know why, I just do.” Pain visits him like an old friend. Casual, embracing, and mind-numbingly heartbreaking. You look up at his eyes and could tell right away the discomfort in them, but it wasn’t just discomfort, there was agony too—perhaps. You could never be too sure, you think, looking down on both your shoes. 
“I don’t know why you’re so hellbent on avoiding me, it felt like you hated me the first day we met, and I didn’t like the way you hated me for no apparent reason, much so because I happen to like you.” You’re rarely ever serious or this openly truthful with anyone other than your friends, it was only normal that it embarrassed you. But this didn’t feel exactly foreign either. It felt like he understood you somehow—your words and the thoughts you haven’t exactly expressed. 
“I hated you the first time we met?” He repeats and you look at him, surprised at the surreal softness in his voice. “When… was the first time we met, y/n?” 
That’s the first time he’s said your name. It made your cheeks flush warm and your eyes widen a fraction. This moment was temporary and fleeting, it was easy to see, because he certainly doesn’t call your name like that so naturally and so right—he certainly doesn’t look at you with the absence of resentment as he normally would. 
“Three days ago, outside your gym,” you respond unsurely. As if you’ve reminded him of something utterly annoying, he had closed off himself once more, his eyes unreadable and brooding as they stared back at you. 
“And this is why I hate you,” he chuckles humorlessly. You’re still pretending you didn’t know him, as if those years together were something you could so easily erase. “I don’t care what you say in that damned interview. Saying yes to that excessively self-centered deal of yours would lose me my self-respect, you know that.” 
He finally steps out the door, closing it behind him as he walks past you and all the way to his car. He hopes this would be the last time he sees you; he desperately hopes so. The last thing he needs is a repeat of the emotional wreck he’s been when he was at the lowest point of his life after you so selfishly left him behind.  
“Sakusa Kiyoomi!” You call off, and he stops in his tracks, clenching his teeth. You’re clearly overestimating his patience. “I don’t know how befriending me would lose you your self-respect. Hell, I am so irritated at you right now, hard-to-understand-breathtaking-stupid volleyball player!” You grit your teeth, he scoffs, finding your impudence unbelievably out of this world. 
He wanted to bring up your past, to shove it right in your face that you had no right to be angry with his hostility considering everything you’ve done. But he can’t, it’s foolish to bring up history you insist you’ve forgotten. “You better watch my interview later on.” 
“Oh?” He mockingly says, turning to look at you, “just what are you going to say?” He admits it is out of character for him to banter off with you like this, if you were someone else, he’s long gone inside his car. Maybe this was his way of saying goodbye to you for good, allowing himself to talk to you like this before moving forward with his life that’s anti-you. 
“I’m telling them we’re the bestest of friends but we might marry!” You stick your tongue out at him before running off, you don’t even notice him freeze up. His heart fell to his stomach, he unconsciously held in a breath. No, he didn’t just hold in a breath, it’s getting harder and harder for him to breathe. 
There it is again, his old, life-long friend. Crippling pain, anxiety, and resentment bundling up and turning into one heavy-ass anchor, pulling him deeper down than he’s been before. The stability he’s built and worked on by religiously avoiding you for years all went down the drain with those silly words of yours. 
Just what kind of ridicule or twisted teasing are you pulling off? 
“Wow, I’m surprised you guys put up with Oomi.” He hears your voice, lips tugging upward a little before he realizes what you had just said. Finally entering the gym, he sees you sitting in a circle along with his teammates. 
He narrows his eyes at the back of your head. You should be in your winter uniform by now, he bets you forgot. One thing he hated about being a year older than you is that he goes to a different school now that he’s in highschool while you’re still on your last year of middle school, you just can’t seem to take care of yourself enough. 
“Yup, Oomi’s really great, he’s the best, I guess that’s why you accept how cold he is sometimes huh,” you snicker, your enjoyment short-lived when you’re engulfed in a jacket and Sakusa’s scent. “Stop giving me backhanded compliments just because you think I’m not around,” he bitterly tells you though there’s a ghost of a smile on his lips. 
“Oomi!” You rise up to your feet immediately and flung yourself at him. He catches you with no hesitation of course, guessing that you’re here again because you missed him. The rest of his teammates except Komori are surprised. 
“Sakusa-kun, didn’t know you had a middle school girlfriend.” 
“Ew, she’s not my girlfriend.” He bites back a smile though when you punch his shoulder. “What’s with the ew? Not that I like Oomi that much—he’s an ass,” you send him a pointed look, “but we’re the bestest of friends,” you grin. 
“And we might marry someday, right Oomi?” 
His face falls. “Can you not make me cringe like for a week or two, thanks.” 
You scowl, “oh, so what, you don’t wanna marry me?” At this point, he blushes, you’re always so blunt and shameless, you could at least tweak it down a bit. He only scoffs, walking past you to pick up a ball from the ground, “didn’t say anything like that.” 
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Smau Masterlist
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Taglist [Open]: @juno-multifandom @dope-squish @moonlightaangel @ladymartiini @kac-chowsballs @amareloecrime @bokutosuwus @animatedrapture @dianablushblush @seikamuzu @luvssuna @thepuffybubby @thomas-brodie-sangster-newt @cutiekawa @prcttylittlcthing @impromptuxprompts @lulu3mon @pockytokyo @arianatorgrand3 @coconut-dreamz @tskeiki @superstarsw18 @kaito-thedumbass @astrealia @paripedia @kasandrafaye  @kac-chowsballs @bokuakadaily @doggonudez @seokjinnieandthesixbabies @princess-angel-sweetheart @d-efend @sun-daddy-yoriichi @euphorihan @moncymonce @elianetsantana @gaychemicalwater @miitchii @channiechanchan @chaelysian @weebartistinc @bonkyandloki @dinablossom @adriivette @uwu-baby-boi @broccoliandwheeze @sunflowerirl @yeahhemmings- @violetarks @craftyfawns @haikyunicorn @tinymidgetsstuff 
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leoneslover · 4 years
𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 ♡
Sugawara Kōshi x reader(fem!)
Warnings: none
A/n: I missed posting self indulgent stuff 😔😔 anywayz, here’s the answers to the fluff alphabet for Suga that no one asked for lol. This is lowkey self-insert btw.
Original template Nsfw version
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★彡 A = Admiration : What do they absolutely adore about you?
• Probably the fact that you have so much in common.
I feel like he’d be the type of person to bond over shared interests. Wheter that be a show that you like, a band, a hobby, or even the fact that your personalities are alike; is enough to make him grow a soft spot for you and those shared things in his heart.
★彡 B = Body : What is their favorite part of your body?
• Your waist and your lower back.
He wouldn’t really mind pda, but at first he wouldn’t be so sure on wheter you’re into it or not. So he found a nice middle ground to start with, and that was just holding you close to him at all times. Wheter you’re walking through the hallways, on a crowded street, or just standing there and talking to someone; his hand would naturally get a hold on your waist.
Even after a long time dating each other, he still has this little habit. But it’s ok, none of you really mind it, and it kinda grew on him by this point anyways.
★彡 C = Cuddles : How do they like to cuddle?
• Facing each other, one arm around your waist and the other stroking your head.
He likes to be able to watch you fall asleep next to him, and he loves that you’re the first thing he sees when he wakes up. He also loves this position cause he’s able to kiss you as much as he wants in many different ways. (And also makes him able to press your foreheads together and fall asleep like that 🥺).
★彡 D = Dates : What does their ideal date looks like?
• I said it once and I’ll say it again, this man is a picnic enthusiast. Period.
He’ll take you to lots of different locations only to have a little picnic date for the day. And if you like to cook or bake, then he’ll definitely help you to make something the day prior only so you can share it on the date.
★彡 E = Emotions : How do they express emotion around you?
• I feel like it’ll take him a little bit to open up to you, but after he does, he wouldn’t be afraid of telling you how he feels if needed.
He doesn’t see emotions as weak, and doesn’t really mind to show them around you if he feels comfortable enough. Though he prefers to be the one comforting you instead.
★彡 F = Family : Do they want one? If they do, when?
• He definitely does, but it’s not the first thing he has in mind.
He’d like to settle down at some point in his life. Buy a big house so he can have two or three children if you’re up for it. But he wouldn’t rush it, he’ll just let things happen and enjoy his youth first, he has time to think about family later.
★彡 G = Gifts : How do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?
• He likes giving meaningful gifts.
Not a big fan of really big and impressive stuff, but rather small things that would remind you of him, or a certain date that you guys had, or maybe even an in joke that you guys made up. Also a big fan of letters and little love notes that he’d slide here and there.
★彡 H = Holding hands : When/How do they like to hold hands?
• He loves holding hands. It’s one of his favorite things.
He does it mainly when you’re walking around during summer, since it’s too hot for him to press you against him by your waist like he normally would. But wouldn’t mind doing it some other time if you like it.
★彡 I = Injury : How would they act if you got hurt?
• Mom mode activated.
He would try to act calm around it and treat the wound properly, but on the inside he’s so worried he thinks he might scream. Would constantly check on you after he’s done, and give you instructions on how to treat it on your own (if he isn’t around to do it for you).
★彡 J = Jokes : Do they like to joke around with or prank you? How?
• YES of course he does.
Not a big fan of pranks, but would do a lot of questionable stuff just for fun (and of course you’re gonna tag along, I mean, he has a point on the majority of those). He’s probably joking around you all the time, and you probably have a handful of random in jokes by now to the point that that’s the only way you guys communicate.
He’s chaotic let him be.
★彡 K = Kisses : How do they like to kiss?
• Slow and passionate.
Your kissing sessions with him could go on for hours honestly. He loves kissing, but what he loves the most is when he can pour all his feelings into one and give it to you like if his last breath depended on it.
Would stroke your hair or back while you’re at it.
★彡 L = Love : How do they show they love you?
• Affection. Lots and lots of affection.
He’s clingy asf, so expect a lot of hugs and kisses that might catch you off guard a couple of times.
Also words of affirmation. He’ll tell you how much he loves you and how much you mean to him almost daily.
★彡 M = Memory : Favorite memory together?
• When he first told you he loves you.
He remembers almost vividly everything about that time. How your eyes opened slightly, how your eyebrows rised up almost instantly, how you stared at him for a solid couple of minutes as if you were still processing the words. And how you finally whispered ‘I love you too’ while looking away.
He likes to think about that before he goes to bed.
★彡 N = Nightmare : What is their worst fear?
• Being replaced, especially for not being good enough.
He’s afraid of other people taking his loved ones away from him just because they’re better than him. He knows he’s not the best in anything, which is the main reason why he tries so hard to keep improving, and why he puts others before himself.
He’s scared that if he doesn’t try his best at everything, someone else is gonna take his place.
★彡 O = Oddity : What is one quirk they have?
• No matter the situation, he always knows what to say, and when to say it.
★彡 P = Pet names : What do they like to call you?
• Bunny and Darling are his favorites, but he literally calls you whatever he feels like.
★彡 Q = Quality time : How do they like to spend time with you?
• He likes to hang out with you as much as he can.
Having lunch together, going on dates, tagging along whenever you have to go out and buy some stuff, studying at your place, having sleepovers, you name it.
He just enjoys your company too much 🥺🥺
★彡 R = Rhythm : What songs reminds you of them?
• Selfless -The Strokes (shameless plug for my smau ahem go check it out if u haven’t already ahem).
• As the world caves in -Matt Maltese
• Midnight City -M83
★彡 S = Secrets : How open are they with you?
• 100% clear
The only times he keeps stuff from you is when he’s planning a surprise for you or something.
★彡 T = Time : How long did it take you to get together?
• Probably a couple of months.
He likes to let things flow naturally, so it probably started of as casual friends who flirted a little bit too much. And before you knew it he was already kissing you in your front door after what it felt like a date.
★彡 U = Upset : How do they act when you’re upset?
Would ask you about it right away.
If it has to do with him, then he’d profusely apologize and try to make it up to you for it.
If it doesn’t, then he’ll gently rest your head on his lap, playing with your hair as he listens to you rant about whatever it is that is making you feel bad, and then give you advice if needed.
But if you don’t wanna talk about it, then he’ll give you your space. Though he’d check on you frequently, making sure you’re not neglecting yourself.
★彡 V = Vaunt : What are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?
• He’s proud of how far he has become as person, and how he’s still improving on himself.
He’s also proud of you of course, and he absolutely adores showing you off. Why wouldn’t he?
★彡 X = X-Ray : How well are they able to read you?
• He’s used to having to read people all the time, so he’s probably pretty good at it.
However he still likes to ask directly rather than to beat around the bush, he wants to able to help you if needed.
★彡 Y = Yes : How would they propose to you?
• He would probably plan a whole day together before hand.
Would bring you breakfast to bed, take you out for lunch, maybe a little walk around the park or going shopping or whatever you feel like doing. And then take you out to a fancy restaurant that would probably be too fancy and a little sus tbh.
But he’d only propose once you get back to your house. He’d stop you before you can get the keys to your front door. Ask you if you had fun today. He would smile softly at you, saying how he’s glad that he’s able to spend so much time with you and how you make him the happiest man alive. Before actually getting on one knee.
If you say yes he’s absolutely kissing you in your front porch and carrying you inside bridal style.
★彡 Z = Zen : What makes them feel calm?
• Write his feelings down.
Whenever he feels like he could do some relaxing, he’ll just make himself a cup of tea and get a notebook out. He could write for hours, from really heavy stuff to random thoughts. He just pours it all out in the paper.
After he’s done, he feels like a brand new person.
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riseofnightwing · 4 years
Hush, Little Baby - Dick Grayson Imagine
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summary/request: Reader and Dick taking care of dawn and hank’s baby and realizing they want children.
pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader
notes: hope you like it, anon, thank you so much for requesting and being so sweet xxxx thank u to my especial editors @nightwingandhistitans​ and @incorrect-titans-quotes​
You were in the kitchen when you heard a phone buzzing in the living room and you were not sure if it was Dick’s phone or yours.
“Dick, babe, can you take a look at the phone please?” you yelled to your boyfriend who was laying in your shared room, because you were too busy cooking pasta for you and him to leave it.
“Of course” you heard him answer. 
“It’s for you, babe.” He handed you the phone and you thanked him, washing your hands to pick it up. You looked at the screen to see Dawn’s name and you quickly answered.
“Hey, Dawn. What's up?” you said 
“Hey, y/n, I miss you guys!” she said with excitement. You missed your friend just like you missed Hank and their little girl Sophia. Hearing her voice was comforting.
 You guys had worked together as titans for many years, so when Dawn told everyone she was pregnant and she and Hank would marry, it was one of the happiest days of your life. After the wonderful news, the team noticed it was time to follow your life as humans too, so you and Dick got your own house in a safe neighbourhood, and got married a little bit after.
“I can’t believe it's been a month without seeing each other. We missed working with you guys” you told her.
“Hopefully we’ll be back soon, hero life can’t get away from us, apparently” she laughed and kept talking. "I was actually calling because I need a huge favour from you guys" she said.
“Yes, of course, tell me.” 
“Can you and Dick watch Sophia today while me and Hank go out tonight? We couldn’t trust anyone better than we do with you guys.” she said  and you understood that she needed some time with her husband so you gladly accepted.
“D?” you called him when you got to your room
“Hey babe” he answered coming out from your bathroom, he was putting some clothes on and his perfume hitted your nostrils immediately when you got close to him 
“You always smell so good,” you said, embracing his neck with your arms and getting even closer to his face. He smiled at you caressing your hair 
“Mhm” you hummed starting to take his newly placed shirt off, he kissed you and you answered gladly, you loved when Dick was shameless about how much he wanted you. You got lost in the moment. Kissing dick was addictive and you couldn't seem to get enough of him. You broke the kiss off enough to look at the lust swimming in his eyes, but before anything else could happen you spoke.
“Wait, I came to tell you something” you told him 
“Yeah?” he stole a kiss “and what was it?” 
“Dawn called and asked if we could take Sophia today” you said 
“Of course, I'd love to see that little monster"  he smiled softly. Dick had a big heart and that’s what made you fall in love with him first. You smiled back at him and you both followed to the living room.
“Y/n, oh my god, you look so beautiful” you heard your friend’s voice before she hugged you strongly  when you opened the door to welcome the family.
“Dawn, I missed you so much,” you said. Hank and Dick exchanged a quick hug and a small talk and you immediately noticed the beautiful little person in Hank's arms.
“And how's the prettiest girl in the world doing?" You said which earns a big smile from the baby.  You could notice Dick was also kinda in love with the little girl you had in your arms.
“Go enjoy your night, we’ll keep your little one safe until you come back” Dick said without taking his eyes from the baby in front of him. He was captivated by the little human in your arms. 
.”You and Y/n are truly angels, thank you for this, we owe you one” Hank said and you said goodbye to each other, taking Soph’s things and heading inside the house.
“So it’s the three of us now, you, me and little sophie,” Dick said, placing her baby bag on the couch and starting to assemble her mobile crib.
“She’s a sweetheart, isn’t she?” you looked at her, who was looking straight back at you with big eyes.
“She will be as calm as Dawn and thoughtful as Hank, I bet” he said “Done.” he said motioning to the already assembled crib.
“You’re a genius, babe. I’ll place her there now, can you keep an eye on her while i cook  something for dinner?” you asked your husband, who was completely inexperienced with kids, not much different from you.
“Sure” he answered trying to keep his confident pose.
“Thanks, D” you pecked his lips and went to the kitchen.
You were almost done with the cooking, so you went to the living room to tell Dick, when you got there you saw a scene that almost made your heart melt.
It  was the kind of scene that would clearly become one of your best memories. Your husband had Sophie in his arms, he had wrapped her in her pink blanket, rocking her and you heard his low voice singing her a lullaby: "Hush, little baby, don't say a word, Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird. 
And if that mockingbird won't sing, Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring."
You didn’t say anything or move, you kept paralyzed watching the scene that looked so much like a dream. 
You didn’t realize but a half smile took your lips. The baby girl seemed to be pretty much  asleep when Dick placed her in her crib and turned to see you watching the scene.
“Hey, how long have you been there?” he walked to you smiling sweetly, this  wasn’t the only moment you realized Dick was the man who you dreamed about but it was surely the moment you could see most of his sweet side and how in love you were with this man.
“Enough to see how much of a good dad you’d be.”  you wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your head on his chest while he took you in his arms, Dick was taller than you and it was so comfortable.
“Hey, if I am being that good at this is certainly because you taught me a lot about love.” he lifted your head by your chin with the tip of his fingers. You smiled at him enjoying the peaceful moment
“I realized something by passing this little time with her” he said 
“Yeah, and what was it?” you asked him pretty curious
“That we should start planning to have our own. I wanna have it all with you.”  he said and you immediately looked at him, you bit your bottom lip unable to hide your smile when you thought about all the wonderfulness that a family life could be to you and him.
“I think that this was surely the best idea you had in a long time” you answered him still smiling and he kissed you passionately.
“Is it too soon to start trying?” Dick smirked and it was the kind of smirk that told you all the intentions that surrounded his head. You kissed him again making him understand that you were so excited about this as he was.
11 months later
Never in your whole life you could imagine feeling this happy and feeling the amount of love in your heart like you felt right now.
You were giving birth to your and dick’s baby. You watched your husband holding your newly born son in his arms, happily receiving the little human that you and him expected so much and you could see that Dick was crying. 
Crying because the emotion of holding your son in his arms took the best of him, John Grayson was finally here and your world was completely changed right at this moment.
All the caring he had with you during pregnancy, all the nights he would caress your belly and talk to your baby were now so worth it and you couldn’t wait for living all of it by their side, the three of you. 
You looked at Dick, who took his son’s little hand, you smiled, and opened the door in front of you, making your eyes shine when you saw a white and blue room there, with some drawings on the wall. 
The crib was huge and had sheets with the same tons of the room adorning it. A huge shelf was on the side of the room, and it was already full of teddy bears. In the corner of the room, a huge stuffed panda (even bigger than you) Was on the floor, and next to it, a few puffs. It was the most beautiful children's room you had ever seen, of that, you had no doubt
“Dick …”  You couldn't think. 
“Dawn indicated a very good decorator! He was quick, and
 I liked his job!” He smiled “Although he hit on me …” 
He grimaced. You started laughing, and looked at your son’s room.
Everything was way better than she could ever imagine. 
“Dick, did you ... Did you plan this yourself?” You asked, stunned by all that. It was too perfect, too beautiful ... 
“Uhum! I just gave the orders.” He smiled, sitting on the little bed next to John’s crib, and looking at his son in his arms. You smiled and sat next to your husband, looking at your beautiful and asleep little boy. Carefully, Dick passed him on to you, who picked the baby up delicately. 
 While you holded John, Dick stroked his fragile little head, being enchanted by any movement he made. He felt like he could burst with happiness at any moment. 
And that was the best feeling in the world. You took another look around the room and took a deep breath.
 It was all a new beginning, a beginning of a new life.
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a-yellow-book · 3 years
If you were words on a page, you’d be fine print.
In which Wen Kexing shamelessly courts Zhou Zishu with cheesy pick-up lines instead of beautiful ancient Chinese poetry, and Zishu falls for him anyway. (Alternatively, if Word of Honor was a modern romantic comedy.)
[read on ao3 instead]
Zhou Zishu was not looking forward to his closing shift at the cafe tonight. Thinking about the pile of case studies he still had to read through sent him down a spiral of sadness. It was a Saturday night, for goodness’ sake. He wasn’t gunning for a rowdy night-out at bars. All he wanted was to finish his readings and then to curl up on his cozy couch and snuggle in with his cat to watch a wuxia drama. But alas, Zishu couldn’t say no when his boss called, asking if he could cover A-Ying at the last minute because he’d gone skating and knocked his head on the metal railings, no doubt concussed.
It’s ok! It might be a slow night and I can get some readings done there, Zishu reassured himself. That, and also he needed extra money anyway. Jiuxiou’s surgery was coming up soon and they needed whatever extra funds they could get.
Pushing the cafe’s door open, Zishu greeted Heilan, who barely looked over at him. “Urg, you’re finally here. Took you long enough,” he grumbled.
“Sorry, I missed the bus,” Zishu said, shrugging off Heilan’s rudeness. The kid treated everyone whose parents weren’t millionaires with disdain. He was forced to get a job so his dad would let him keep his (unlimited) credit card. Something about teaching him a lesson. Zishu didn’t think it was working.
Before Zishu even managed to set his bag down in the back room and clock in, Heilan had already gathered his stuff and left. “Tsk, tsk, youths these days,” Zishu shook his head mockingly.
It was already close to five o’clock. There might be a bit of a rush as the office workers and students stop by for a quick pick-me-up after a long day. Zishu put on a new apron around his waist, washed his hands, and headed out to the front counter to take stock of the status of the store. Heilan was notorious for not caring to refill any supplies at the end of his shifts.
The cup racks were almost empty. There were random mixing utensils, cups, and blenders left unwashed, littering around the equipment. Sighing, Zishu rolled up his sleeves to get to work cleaning the mess Heilan left behind.
Just as Zishu put the last bit of clean dishes away, the door’s bell rang, signaling the entrance of the first customers since he clocked in. Turning around, drying his hands on his apron, Zishu greeted, “Welcome to Four Seasons Cafe!” And promptly stopped dead in his tracks when he finally processed what he was looking at.
The person standing in front of Zishu had to be the most stunning man he’d ever seen. His eyes sparkled with mirth, his lips quirked up in a perpetual smirk, and his jawline was as sharp as knives. And his hair! It was a beautiful silver starlight waves cascading down his shoulders. And his beautiful pastel green suit! Ahh! Realizing he was staring, Zishu awkwardly cleared his throat and asked, “What can I get for ya?”
The beautiful man kept looking at Zishu. He definitely noticed the blush that was blooming on Zishu’s cheeks. “I assume you know what’s on the menu?” Zishu was taken a bit off guard by the strange question, but before he could answer, the man continued, “Me ‘n’ u.”
For all the years he’d worked at various restaurants and coffee shops, Zishu had yet to encounter someone so... alluring (?) and shameless (!). “I’m afraid that’s not on our blackboard,” he replied after a short moment spent recovering his wits, and pointed at the said blackboard nailed on the wall behind him.
Undeterred, the stranger smiled and continued, “Oh? Well, that’s a shame - because if I were the alphabet, I would put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together when I write your menu.”
Zishu had to give him points for those cheesy lines only made funnier and cheesier with his dead-ass serious delivery. “If we ever decide to rewrite our boards, I’ll try to keep that in mind,” Zishu said, biting his lips to keep himself from smiling at the ridiculousness of the conversation.
“Hmm, hmm, good, that is reassuring to hear,” the stranger nodded thoughtfully.
“So! Is there anything on our board that I could get for ya?” Zishu asked, clapping his hands together and putting on a chirpy tone. If this guy was flirting with him, he might leave a hefty tip!
“Uhmm,” he paused, pursuing the menu with great care. “I would love to try the ‘you mocha me crazy’ with an extra espresso shot, please.”
Grabbing a cup and marker, Zishu fought against the urge to dig a hole to hide in before asking, “Alrighty! What’s your name?” Internally, he was cursing A-Ying for coming up with the outrageous and horrific punny names for their specials.
“Kexing, Wen Kexing.”
“Great! It’ll be right out!” Zishu said, scribbling the name down on the side of the cup and promptly turned around, about to get started making the drink.
“Uhm, excuse me?” Kexing, the beautiful stranger said, sounding full of suppressed laughter. “Should I pay now?”
“OH!” Zishu immediately turned back around, “Yes, right. Sorry about that!” He quickly ran up the total, accepted the money from the smiling stranger, and repeated, “Great! It’ll be right out!”
There had to be a hole large enough for him to hide in. He could not endure this embarrassment any longer.
“There’s no need to rush!” Kexing, the infuriating stranger said.
“I don’t want to...uhm... delay you...” Zishu said lamely.
“There’s nowhere I’d rather be.”
Zishu could feel his cheeks flaming up. He turned all his attention and focused on making the mocha, which he could do in his sleep, to avoid looking at the (shameless!) man. With a flick of his wrist, he drizzled the raspberry syrup around the cup, letting it drip down to make a fancy pattern before pouring in the chocolate syrup, milk, and topping it off with the espresso shots.
Giving the cup a slight shake, Zishu grabbed a bamboo straw and handed both to the (shameless!) man, who hadn’t moved an inch from his spot by the front counter. “Here you go!”
“Thank you,” he said, reaching out with both hands to grab the cup and incidentally caught Zishu’s hand as well. (Zishu was sure it was a deliberate move, considering how shameless the man was.) “I’ve told you my name, but I still don’t know yours,” he said, continuing to hold onto the cup (and Zishu’s hand).
“Oh, uhm,” Zishu wiggled his hand, successfully dislodging it. Before he could think of a fake name to give out, the cafe’s door swung open and A-Ying stepped in.
“A-Xu!” A-Ying greeted, seemingly not noticing the tension between his best friend and the customer. “I’m here!!!!!!!”
Seeing A-Ying all bandaged up standing in the cafe was enough to jerk Zishu out of the staring contest he had unwittingly been engaged in with the stranger. “What are you doing here?!”
“Hi!” A-Ying greeted the stranger, thinking he was just a normal customer. “Sorry - I wanted to come in to help you close! It’s too much work for one person.”
“But you have a concussion! You need to go rest!” Zishu grabbed A-Ying by the shoulders, turned him around and about to march him right the fuck back home.
“No, I’m fine! Just a tiny headache and a scratched forehead,” A-Ying protested.
“Besides, I’ve been taking so many days off recently. I need to make up for that.”
“A-Ying, you’re going to clock in and you’re going to sit in the back, resting,” Zishu declared. “Or else I’d knock you out for real.”
A-Ying raised his hands placatingly, “Ok, ok, ok!”
With A-Ying retreating to the back, Zishu let out a sigh. This kid, always trying to be helpful to others but didn’t know how to take care of himself.
“A-Xu?” It was the stranger who called out to Zishu, “Xu is a beautiful name.”
“I--uhm, thanks. It’s a nickname,” Zishu corrected.
“Oh? Then would it be ok if I call you by A-Xu?” Wen Kexing asked.
“Sure,” Zishu shrugged. He figured the man might not come back anyway.
“It was really nice to meet you, A-Xu!” He said cheerfully before leaving (finally!).
“Who was that?” A-Ying emerged from the back, tying an apron on and looking at the retreating Wen Kexing curiously.
“No one, just a customer,” Zishu might have said that a tad too quickly. Also, he was sure his cheeks were still dusting pink from all the flirting.
“Ooooohhhhh, I’m sensing something else is going on!!!” A-Ying teased. He could read his best friend as easily as an open book. “That guy is so cute! Good for you, A-Xu!”
“If you aren’t already hurt, I will kick you so hard right now,” Zishu threatened without much bite.
“Yea, yea, sureeee.”
The glare Zishu directed at A-Ying was sharp enough to cut steel. “Why did you come out here? Huh? What did I tell you?”
“A-Xu, A-Xu!! I’m just going to sit here and do nothing! Ok!” A-Ying said, waving his hands wildly at the chair propped against the back counter.
Just as Zishu was about to scold A-Ying, the door swung open, and a group of students piled in, talking loudly among themselves. Turning around to A-Ying, Zishu pointed a stern finger and said, “You will not move an inch from that chair. Got it?”
“Got it, boss!” A-Ying said, smiling widely, already thinking of how he was going to stealthily make the drinks anyway.
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silkywritesgarbage · 4 years
hello! may i please request a scenario (or hc’s) with fem! reader with the gom + kuroko + kagami, where after a game they find their s/o being flirted with and are obviously uncomfortable? i love the idea of possessive or jealous gom lol thank u!!
Possessive!Main cast is my ISH so thank you for requesting this haha.  
WARNING! Profanity, suggestive language, and light violence ahead. Also, creepy creeps creeping up on a pretty gal.
She was waiting for him near the locker rooms, in the spot she promised. As she was texting him that she was waiting, she noticed a shadow step into her line of sight. As she looked up at the newcomer, she was disappointed to see it was a stranger. Looking closer, she recognized his school uniform as belonging to the team her boyfriend just annihilated on the court.
“Can I help you?”
“Hey now, that’s kind of cold. I just wanted to talk. What’s a pretty thing like you doing all alone out here?” Oh. It’s one of those guys. She simply smiled.
“I’m waiting for my boyfriend.” His smile faded a little, but to her shock, he decided to keep going. Fortunately for her, the door to his team’s locker room swung open.
“Well, can’t we just be friends? Give me your LINE, we can chat, can’t we? Your boyfriend can’t tell you who you can talk to, right?”
“But I’m telling you that I don’t want to talk to you.” Akashi, who had been walking out of the locker rooms, heard it all. The gentle smile he always wore faded from the redhead’s face as he practically snapped his head in the direction of her voice. His lovely girlfriend had a scowl on her face. The young man had his hand on her phone, obviously trying to exchange numbers. Without another second to waste, Akashi swooped in, grabbing the man’s wrist with a vice grip.
“Excuse me, you’d best not be putting your hands on a young woman’s belongings without her explicit permission.” Akashi ground out. Simultaneously, his other hand fell open (Name)’s, threading his fingers through hers’. “You’d do best to make this your second and last loss tonight. Because the next might be your last.”
The man jumped and scurried away, leaving (Name) with an incensed Akashi. He pulled her close to him, pressing his hand to her head and cradling her against his chest, the other arm circled tightly around her waist.
“Sei-kun, I’m fine.”
“You didn’t look fine. I’m sorry I was late.” A rare grumble escaped his lips. “A shameless man like that shouldn’t ever even consider placing his hands on you.” You laughed, pulling on his cheek playfully.
“Well, he’s gone now, thanks to you and your way with words. Now, let’s forget about it and go get something to eat for my winner, yes?” Akashi’s tensed expression melted away, and he brought her hand up to kiss her wrist.
“Very well, as collateral, I’ll be occupying the rest of your night.”
He took a lock her hair in his hand. “Wow,” he commented in adoration. “Your hair is so smooth, and it smells good too.” She was so tense that her shoulders ached. She wanted to scream and hit him and act like a child so that he would leave her alone. As she opened her mouth, she heart a shout and the man’s shadow was gone.
“Ew, what’s this loser doing in front of my prize?”
“A-Atsushi!?” Did he just call me his prize? She wondered to herself, but she didn’t have long to ruminate, because the looming purple giant quite literally threw the man away from her. he landed on his but a few feet away. (Name) could do nothing but stare in awe at the absurdity. She knew her boyfriend was strong, but- “Uwahh!”
Murasakibara swept his hands under her legs and scooped her up into a princess carry with ease. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt the heat of embarrassment travel up her nape, through her ears, and up to her cheeks as she felt the astonished stares of everyone around them.
“You’re so light, (Name)-chin. I missed you.”
“N-never mind that! What about this situation!” Murasakibara stared at her blankly for a moment, before he turned to the still stunned young man on the floor.
“By the way, (Name)-chin doesn’t just smell good, she tastes good too.” Both (Name) and the man promptly passed out, cheeks redder than a candy apple. She should have just thrown a tantrum, after all!
y’all ever watch Fruits Basket uwu
“Please leave me alone.” (Name) deadpanned, deciding to return her attention to her phone. “You’ll regret it.”
“Come on, now, I’m not trying to do anything weird.” She saw his shadow shift a little closer, so close that the could feel his body in her circle despite her efforts to shift away.She was ready to make a scene, when she felt the vibration on her back of someone slamming something hard into the space above her head.
“Hey dirtbag. Quit trying to touch things that ain’t yours.” (Name) recognized the voice, though not the tone that it carried. She looked up to see Aomine, his expression sharp and dark. His brow was furrowed and his teeth were clenched so hard it sounded like he was speaking through them. He was leaning in so close that she could smell his cologne, which made her heart beat a little faster.The stranger instinctively raised his hands in defense.
“I-I was just kidding...”
“You sure? I don’t mind, I’m a confident guy.” Aomine cracked his knuckles before wrapping a gentle but firm arm around her waist, pulling her close to his chest.
“I could even beat you one handed. If not, quit wasting my fuckin’ time with my hot girlfriend and beat it before you lose a couple teeth along with the game tonight.” As the poor thing sprinted away, squealing in fear, (Name) reached up and pulled on his cheek.
“Since when was my Daiki this cool? Bring back my lame, smelly boyfriend.”
“I am always cool!”
The man picked up her hand and brought it to his lips. She cringed and turned her head away, feeling sick. That’s when an orange-clad arm shot out, separating him from you. (Name) recognized Midorima’s back. She couldn’t see his face, but whatever look he gave turned the male’s face pale as he turned tail and ran. Without waiting for him to even disappear around the corner, Midorima had already grabbed her slender wrist with a grip much stronger than he intended.
“H-Hey, Shinar- Ow! Are you mad??” She asked as she staggered behind him with confusion written all over her face. “What did I do?” He didn’t answer as he led her out of the stadium ahead of his team. “Takao-kun will be mad if you-”
“Don’t let another man’s name leave your lips after something like that!” She bristled and glared at his back.
“What? How was that my fau-” He cut her off suddenly, as if his lips had snapped open without his will. He turned around when they were alone and grabbed her shoulders, emerald green meeting (E/C). “Have a little more consciousness when I’m not with you!” She stared at him in bewilderment before the lightbulb suddenly went off above her head. She threw her arms around his waist. He caught her on instinct, his taped hands wrapping themselves around her waist and locking into place in a tight embrace.
“I’m okay. He was just annoying. You don’t have to be so scared for my sake.” She glanced up at him, smiling in that way that he hated, since he was no match for it. He used his hand to press her face into his shoulder. He didn’t want her to see him when he was like this.
“You fool, how could I not worry when every man sees you the same way I do?”
“(Name)-cchi, your hair is so pretty today. Did you use the hair treatment I brought you? Oh, you smell like the perfume I got you, as well. I knew it would suit you. I know you better than anyone else, after all.” She was just as embarrassed as the young man who had approached her was. She could feel her face turning various shades of red. He had immediately jumped in before the man could even get another word in.
Damn it, all the times I want him to be cooler, and he chooses now-! She didn’t complain when Kise latched himself onto her, resting his chin atop her head. She tried not to get comfortable in his familiar embrace. She was in public, after all! However, she jumped when she felt the hands at her waist travel down a little further.
“R-Ryouta-!” She squeaked. He was always touchy in public, but never this touchy. Kise kept her trapped in his arms, shifting his chin to rest in the crook of her neck as she glanced up at the intruder with a cold look in his eyes.
“Sorry, (Name)-cchi, I just thought I would put someone who doesn’t have any business in approaching you in their place.”
hc Kagami is a feminist
Kagami had been the first out of the locker room, because he wanted to grab his lovely girlfriend her favorite drink from the vending machine. Anything to make her smile. He was in a great mood since they won the game, and he had a date scheduled with (Name). Today was going to be great...
...So why am I here!? Kagami lamented from behind the pole he was hiding behind. Granted, he wasn’t hiding well, as pointed out by children passing by with their parents and other players. This guy wasn’t doing anything, but he really didn’t like it. But Coach had said that girls don’t like guys who jump to weird conclusions and point fingers. It made them look weak and insecure, so he tried to be the bigger man. (Name) was always so elegant and mature, after all. She didn’t look like she was in trouble. He believed in her ability to stand without him! Then, he could swoop in and be the cool and suave boyfriend in front of her! Just think rationally...
“You’re so pretty, I bet you’d look really good with earrings, can I buy you a pair? You have piercings? Let me see...”
“H-Hey, don’t touch me!”
“Oi! Get your fucking hands off her, dick!”
“(Name). ” Kuroko stood in between her and the stranger. Both of them nearly leaped out of their skin. Even his girlfriend wasn’t used to him appearing out of nowhere. “Are you alright?” Kuroko was impassive as ever, but his gaze remained intently on the man in front of him. It was enough to make the man take a step back.
“W-where did you come from?”
“The locker room.”
“That’s not what I meant!” (Name) recovered first, wrapping her arm around around Kuroko’s and smiling in relief. Kuroko felt his chest tighten with worry. He slipped his hand into hers and walked beside her away from the offending stranger.
“I’m sorry,” he said as soon as they were out of ear shot. “I should have been quicker so he wouldn’t have been able to speak with you.”
“It’s not like you to worry about something as trivial as that, Tetsuya-kun.” She laughed, but Kuroko didn’t find it as amusing. He stopped, turned around and brought her hand to his cheek, leaning into it with a cute, pouty expression.
“I’m normally not, but I might be becoming a little crazy about you, so please let me be a little childish when it comes to you.” Her cheeks warmed as she resisted the urge to cuddle up to him right here. So cute!
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weeb-alcove · 4 years
2019 English Playlist
In English: 
“99″ - Barns Courtney
10ft - Eileen Yo
5 Seconds of Summer Babylon Easier Lie to Me  Teeth
88rising History Midsummer Madness ♪ from their album Head in the Clouds II ♬ Breathe I Love You 3000 II Indigo Strange Land These Nights
Affection - Between Friends
Aftertaste - Whethan
Ain’t Goin Back - Russ
Alan Walker Are You Lonely Different World Do It All for You Lily  On My Way Play
All Fall Down - Johnny Glenn & Ally Hills & Just Juice
All Over Again (remix) - Lost You & Michael Moawad
Another Summer Night Without You - Alexander 23
Aphrodite - Rini
Ariana Grande Esta Noche ♪ from her album thank u, next ♬ bloodline in my head NASA
Arms Around You - XXXTentacion & Swae Lee & Lil Pump
Ava Max Freaking Me Out (Bingo Players remix) Not Your Barbie Girl So Am I
Bae - Trevor Wesley
Bars and Melody Lighthouse (Dave Winnel remix) Waiting for the Sun
Bazzi Caught in the Fire Focus Mine Myself No Way!
Beat of My Drum - Powers
Benee Evil Spider Find an Island Glitter  Monsta Want Me Back  Wishful Thinking
Better Not - Louis the Child
Big Sean Berzerk Single Again
Billie Eilish everything i wanted  When I Was Older ♪ from her album WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? ♬ 8 bad guy bury a friend ilomilo  my strange addiction wish you were gay  xanny 
Birthday Party - AJR 
Break Your Heart - Taio Cruz
broken - lovelytheband
Caffeine and Dopamine - Keepitinside
Camila Cabello Find U Again  Señorita  ♪ from her album Romance ♬ Bad Kind of Butterflies  Liar My Oh My Shameless  Should’ve Said It
Cardi B Money Please Me
Catch Feelings - Henry Young & Zachary
Céline - Gallant
Cemetery - Coin
Chanel - Frank Ocean
Chase - Aaron Carpenter
Cherry Cola - Kuwada
Cigarette - offonoff & Tablo & MISO
Clairo Sofia Throwaway
Close to Me - Ellie Goulding & Diplo & Swae Lee
Cold - Boy In Space & unheard
Come My Way - Plvtinum
Conan Gray Generation Why Greek God  Maniac The King 
Creep - Radiohead (GAMPER remix & Dadoni & Ember Island)
Crush - Lucian & Tiffany Day
Crying My Eyes Out - Stephen Puth
Crystal Dolphin - Engelwood
Dangerous Love - Justice Carradine
David Guetta Better When You’re Gone Blame It on Love
Daya Insomnia Left Me Yet Wanted
Don’t Be Gone Too Long - Chris Brown
Don’t Lie to Me - Lena
Don’t Start Now - Dua Lipa
Eric Nam ♪ from his album Before We Begin ♬ Congratulations  Love Die Young
Everything - TobyMac
Eyes Wide Shut -  Glades 
Falling - Trevor Daniel
Fine - Rufus
Finneas I Don’t Miss You at All  Let’s Fall in Love for the Night
Fitz and the Tantrums Hand Clap Out of My League
Flower - Johnny Stimson
Friends - Feyde
Funeral - Miguel
G-Eazy 1942 Nadie Como Tu 
Get Away - Ed Black
Giants - Becky G & Keke Palmer & Soyeon & Duckwrth & Thutmose
Glass Animals Life Itself The Other Side of Paradise 
Greyson Chance Boots Shut Up
Halsey Eastside Graveyard
Heart in Tokyo - Good Gasoline
Heartstrings - STVN & Jenna Carlie
Her - Alex Aiono
Hey Violet Better by Myself Queen of the Night
High School - Umi
Hometown Smile - Bahjat
Honne  Crying Over You  Day 1
How Do You Sleep? - Sam Smith
IDK - Bruce Wiegner
I Fall in Like Too Easily - Ashton Arbab
I Feel Love - Suggi
If I Can’t Have You - Shawn Mendes
If You Need Me - Julia Michaels
If You’re Over Me - Years & Years
I Heart You - Baby Ariel
I’ll Be There - King Henry & Sasha Sloan
ILYA - Fly By Midnight
In Betweenin’ - Austin Brown
Indiana Massara Apology Smoke in My Eyes
i think i love you (but i dont like you) - push baby
It’s Not You It’s Me - 6LACK & Bea Miller
Japanese Denim - Daniel Caesar
Jaymes Young Infinity  Northern Lights 
Joji Sanctuary  Test Drive Yeah Right
Jonas Brothers Only Human Sucker
Juliet - Sebastian Javier
June - Sage Charmaine
Just My Luck - Tia Ray & Kehlani
Kailee Morgue Go to Sleep Headcase
Katy Perry 365 Harleys in Hawaii
Kiss Me Thru the Phone - Soulja Boy
Lalala - Y2K, bbno$
Last Hurrah - Bebe Rexha
Lauv Drugs & the Internet I’m So Tired
Lava Lamp - Dandi
Left to Right - Marteen
Lennon Stella La Di Da Polaroid Workin’ on It
Lifeguard - iamnotshane
Lovefool - The Cardigans
Love Me Wrong - Allie X & Troye Sivan
Love You Like That - Dagny
Madison Beer Fools  Hurts Like Hell
Maggie Lindemann Friends Go Would I
MAGIC! Girl at Coachella Lay You Down Easy 
Make You Mine - Public
Mango Love - Shawn Wasabi & SATICA
Mask - joe.k
MAX Love Me Less One Two Things Worship
Middle of the Night - Monsta X
Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince - Taylor Swift
MØ Blur Don’t Leave Kamikaze Nostalgia  On & On  Red Wine 
Mona Lisa - Valntn & Peter Fenn
mxmtoon Blame Game Prom Dress
My Family - Karol G & Migos & Rock Mafia & Snoop Dogg
Nobody - Emilee
No Sleep - Martin Garrix & Bonn
Nostalgia - The Beamish Brothers
NOTD Keep You Mine Romantic (NOTD remix) So Close
Ocean Man - Ween
October - Alessia Cara
Oh Wonder I Wish I Never Met You Super Love
Only You - Cheat Codes & Little Mix
On the Low - Justin Park
Pardon Me - Dion
Permission - New Hope Club
Pharmacy - Isaac Dunbar
Pink - No Rome
Post Malone ♪ from his album Hollywood’s Bleeding ♬ A Thousand Bad Times Circles Die for Me  Goodbyes Take What You Want 
Quinn XCII U & Us Wayback (remix)
R3HAB All Comes Back To You Don’t Give Up on Me Now Lullaby This Is How We Party
Raincoat - Kieron Lee & Chloe Ho
Rebels - Ivy Adara
Red Sippy Cup - Ellis G & Tristen the God
Rei Brown Picture Frames Real Love
Rescue Me - OneRepublic
Right Now - Nick Jonas & Robin Schulz
Rolex - Ayo & Teo
Roots - Galantis & Valerie Broussard
Roxanne - Arizona Zervas
Ruel Free Time Real Thing Younger
Say It to My Face - Maty Noyes
Selena Gomez Bad Liar I Can’t Get Enough
Sick Thoughts - Lewis Blissett
Skeletons - keshi
Speechless - Dan + Shay
Stay Home - Faye Risakotta
Sugarplum Elegy - Niki
Summer Love - Hyu
Summer Time High Time - Cuco & J-Kwe$t
Summertime in Paris - Jaden & Willow
Suncity - Khalid & Empress Of
Superfruit - Maude Latour
Sweet Little Lies -  bülow
Swimming in Your Feelings - Haven
Talking Loud - Jennifer Zhang
Tell Me - Mika-Intersection
tell me how you rly feel - adam&steve & Lostboycrow
Tessa Violet Bad Ideas Crush
Thank You - Junny
The Chainsmokers Family Kills You Slowly Takeaway
The Vamps All Night All the Lies Can We Dance  Just My Type  Middle of the Night Missing You  Somebody to You  We Don’t Care 
Think About Me - dvsn
Tired - Jasmine Sokko
Tomorrow Tonight - Loote
Virtual Reality - ieuan
Waste My Time - Grace VanderWaal
Why Don’t We Come to Brazil I Don’t Belong in This Club I Still Do Mad At You  Unbelievable  What Am I (Casualkimono remix)
Why Don’t We - Austin Mahone
Why Haven’t I Met You? - Cameron Dallas
Woke Up Late - Drax Project & Hailee Steinfield
Yellow Hearts - Ant Saunders
Yoandri All the Way Bravo Cherry on Top It’ll Be Ok Only You
You & Me - Marc E. Bassy
You Got Issues - spring gang & Amaranthine
Young the Giant Apartment  Cough Syrup
Zayn Rumors There You Are
In French:
Tous Les Mêmes - Stromae
In Spanish:
Rebeca - Mc Livinho & Gerex & Maejor
Teléfono - Aitana (remix with Lele Pons)
Monster Gambling in Tokyo - Idealism
Sorry I Like You - Burbank
Sunset Lover - Petit Biscuit
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starbabytae · 6 years
Teach Me — talk dirty to me
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↳ jungkook × reader
↳ jungkook sending a suggestive photo, dirty talk (obviously), slight dom!jk, some teasing, biting, dry humping?, petting, men have nipples too, tiny amount of angst (if u squint)
↳ links are broken // read more doesn't work
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“You're fucking Jungkook?”
“To be honest,” You paused in favor of taking a sip of the caramel macchiato in front of you, savoring the sickening sweet taste before looking back at the male. “It sounds worse when you say it out loud.”
“How did that even happen?” Hoseok had always been one to know everything, and if he didn't, then he'd do anything to know. Even Yoongi seemed interested in the story, leaning in next to you with his chin on the back of his hand.
“He asked me to show him stuff. And really, he used the excuse that me,” Pointing your finger at yourself before directing it over at the ravenette, “and Yoongi had sex before and are still friends.”
“Yeah, but you don't have a crush on me.”
“I don't have one on him either.” At least that was what you were telling yourself. You knew getting involved with Jungkook sexually would bring your feelings back, to some extent, which was why you were still somewhat against the idea. But when he looked at you with those stupid doe-eyes of him, what were you gonna do, say no?
[from jk] 2:36pm
[from jk] 2:36pm
jimin-hyung's not home. you need to come over and help me with smth
[from jk] 2:39pm
yah, don't leave me on read!!
A small sigh slips past your lips when you scroll through the few messages Jungkook had left you an hour ago. Two missed calls as well, all purposely ignored.
[to jk] 3:53pm
what do you need?
It didn't even take ten minutes for him to respond again, leaving you gawking at his message.
[from jk] 4:01pm
[image.jpg] some girls in class were talking about dirty talk. pls help :((
Really, it could've been worse. The white button up made you think that he was still wearing his school uniform, though his first message had been sent an hour ago, so really, when did he take that picture.
[to jk] 4:05pm
have you been hard for an hour, or what?
Is jimin still gone?
[from jk] 4:06pm
I tried taking care of it myself!
But I keep thinking about how it would feel much better if you'd help me.
Hyung's coming back in two hours, y/n pls!
You couldn't say the picture didn't had an effect on you, because damn, it definitely did. With a sigh, you typed your next response, grabbing your coat with your free hand before stepping out of your apartment.
[to jk] 4:08pm
omw, be there in 15 minutes
You stood in front of his door for not even thirty seconds before it was practically ripped open, fingers wrapping around your arm to pull you inside and close the door again. There wasn't even a simple greeting before your back met the wooden surface, lips meeting yours harshly but sloppily, without any precise movements and simply out of impulse.
“Jungkook!” Even though it was meant as a protest it sounded more like a mother scolding her child than anything serious. Your hands were firmly planted against his chest, pushing him away for at least a few inches of distance to breathe. “How about you let me come in before you try shoving your tongue down my throat.”
“Sorry.” The male grinned sheepishly at your words, obviously anything but sorry. “It just hurts so bad, y/n..” His whiny voice almost made you forgive him right there, though when he moved to press his hips against yours again you could feel his hard-on clearly, and all you wanted to do was to whack him over the head.
“Again, why didn't you try taking care of it yourself?” The male only shakes his head at your words, already tugging you to his room — you having to stop him mid drag to get out of your shoes — and locking the door behind him.
“Why do girls like dirty talk so much?”
“Probably because it gets most girls wet. If it's done right.” You only shrugged, watching as he pulled the button up from his pants and over his head hastily.
“Can we try?” You couldn't help but let your eyes wander over his toned chest, remembering how shameless girls would stare when the two of you went to the beach or a pool.
“You're a baby, Jungkook. Just look shit up or something.” You wouldn't even know what to tell him, usually it was the guy initiating dirty talk, and he'd probably be better off using google or something else.
“I'm not a baby.” You were always surprised how his voice managed to drop an octave deeper when he was talking, but damn it was hot. He stalked forward slowly, and you allowed him to wrap his arms around your waist before pulling you on to his lap after he moved to sit down on his bed.
“Just because you're more experienced than me doesn't mean I can't make you scream my name,” he spoke lowly, pulling you closer until your chest was squished against his and his lips came dangerously close to your neck. His breath was hot over your skin, cold fingers brushing beneath your clothes making you shiver slightly at his touch.
“See, you don't even need my help.” Your voice sounded strained, probably because of the way his lips worked against your neck which would have you whining for him if it wasn't for the situation you were in.
“So I just tell them how good I'm going to fuck them?” Even with the little experience he had, he could tell you were holding back, and he felt challenged in a way where he wanted to know just how loud you could get for him. “How good they're gonna feel and how I'll have them screaming for me? That I'll make them cum so hard they'll forget their own name?”
“Yeah.. just like that.” He was teasing you, he knew he exactly what he had to say to get you weak. You could feel his erection straining against the material of his pants, and you were too slow to conceal the whimper that fell from your lips when he pulled you down to grind against him harshly.
“Jungkook..” Had you always sounded so fucking hot calling his name? He wasn't sure. But he wanted to hear it again, he wanted to make you cry for him and he wanted to make you cum again just like last time.
“I'm not gonna fuck you. I want you to ruin your pretty panties for me, you'll do as I say, right?” It wasn't a question, you knew that when he moved your hips again and his tongue skimmed your neck, that you were in for a night.
When he didn't get an answer, neither a yes or a direct no, he lost a bit of his confidence, but when you didn't push him away either he was sure you were okay with this. Because if he knew one thing, then it was that you would instantly kick his ass if he did something you didn't want.
He pressed his lips against your neck a little harder, pulling your skin between his teeth carefully, because really, he's never given a hickey before but the breathless whimper that came at his actions made him believe he was at least doing something right.
His hands slipped down to cup your ass in his palms, guiding your movements over his crotch, an action that had him groaning instantly at the pressure and he wouldn't be surprised if he'd cum in his pants like a horny teenager — which he was after all.
“Tell me how good this feels, baby. I know it does, you're trying to hide these cute moans but I can hear them.” As if to prove his point, his teeth drag over your sweet spot, sucking the soft skin between his lips and eliciting what had to be the cutest yet sexiest noise he had ever heard.
“F—feels so good, Jungkook, fuck..” Honestly all thoughts telling you that this was wrong and that you really shouldn't grind down on your best friend's clothed cock were pushed to the back of your mind, pleasure invading your space and having you completely bewitched and mind deluded.
You couldn't help the way he made you feel, forcing you to ground your hips against his and littering your skin with hickeys, his big hands on your ass and the occasional groan that was rumbling in his chest when your hands slipped under his shirt to flick at his nipples.
“Shit, I think I'm actually g—gonna cum in my pants like this.” His words were followed by an airy chuckle, his lips now down to the curvature of your collarbones after having pulled your shirt down further.
This seemed to snap you out of your daze, hand clasping around his biceps to slow the movements he was forcing on your hips and having him stare up at you almost instantly. There seemed to be a bit of an awkward silence now, Jungkook wondering if he had said anything to offend you and you wondering if you should go that far with him, again.
In the end, it wasn't you brain that made the decision and neither your heart. And it made you realize that men weren't the only ones thinking with their genitals sometimes.
“Make me cum, Jungkook. Didn't you want me to ruin my panties for you?” You can see his eyes darken right away as he leans in to press his lips against yours, forcing his tongue past to greet your own. The hand at your shirt moves to open your jeans, his fingers wiggling past the fabric to cup your heat over your panties.
When he pulled back for air, his eyes glaze over with lust as he catches sight of your expression. Finally, he thinks, your lips are swollen and parted in a soft whimper, cheeks rosy and eyes screwed shut, letting the pleasure take over.
His fingers work against your core, noting with amusement that you've already soaked your panties. His lips attach to your neck again, sucking one last hickey into your skin and bringing your hips down on him one last time before he can feel you shivering at his touch, crying out his name through broken sobs.
Everything else after that is a blur to him, but there is something he hears clearly, even if he might have imagined it after all.
“I love you.”
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feel199x · 6 years
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best friends to lovers!
summary: it’s final, you decided that you’re going to confess your love to Hyunjin after his graduation, how does it work out?
warnings: none!
a/n: another request...wrauw;;; i hope you like it :(seungmin’s will be up soon! masterlist
Your best friend was graduating today. You were graduating yourself next week, and Hyunjin promised that he would go to yours, but of course, he was busy. You had gone to the same elementary and middle school as him but parted ways when Hyunjin attended the school of performing arts to pursue his dreams. You had expected to lose touch, but being the sentimental and clingy guy he was, Hyunjin made sure to keep in touch. And by keep in touch, you mean he texted you whenever he was free for hours. It most definetly didn’t help the massive crush you had on him either. It was always a bit ambiguous, you could never decide if he actually had a crush on you or if he was just being his regular clingy self. You didn’t mind though, just because you were friends with someone didn’t mean you were always going to end up having a crush on them, you. Especially because you realized that Hyunjin had a lot more attention on him now. Well, he always had a lot of attention in general, he was attractive but a lot of people didn’t see past that. And now that he was an idol, he was incredibly wary of new relationships and confessions, so you didn’t feel like it was your place to confess your love to him.
Didn’t mean you stopped feeling that way though.
Hyunjin had been your only real, undying crush, and trust- you did everything you could to repress these feelings. Sure, you had interest in other people before, but the feeling never lingered the way it did with Hyunjin. But today was the day, well okay, not today. But in the general area of time. Normally, you would never even let your mind wander into confession territory. But, there was something about the graduation that you thought gave you a little breathing air. Hyunjin told you that he was preparing for a comeback, and apologized profusely for being unable to give you the attention he wanted to give you. In fact, he snuck out of the dorms to come do skincare with you. You hadn’t actually invited him, you mentioned it when he asked what he was doing and he ended up rushing over.
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As he talked about his next comeback you just stared at him, you weren’t even necessarily thinking about he looked, but more of what he meant to you. Relationships, whatever type they were, weren’t easy to maintain. And here Hyunjin was, spreading a charcoal mask on your skin after sneaking out of his dorms to hang out with you. Not gonna lie, it made you feel special.  You hoped he didn’t notice how you looked at him intently, dreamily, maybe a little bit intensely. He was sticking his tongue out as he did his best to spread the mixture evenly across your cheeks. His touch was always gentle like you were a flower and if he pressed too hard a petal would fall. As you looked up at him, looking at the mole underneath his eye, you decided that you were in love with him. And you needed to tell him, or you were pretty sure that you were going to confess to him randomly and blurt it out awkwardly. After he finished, and the mask dried, the both of you laid on your bed, holding hands. You forgot what he had been talking about at that point as he rested his body on the side of yours.
“Do you love me?”
“Obviously,” you said, “You’re my best friend.”
“Hm,” he hummed, “How much?”
“Too much, probably.”
“I love you more, though.”
“Yeah, right.”
“It’s true!”
“Prove it.”
He was silent for a bit, and you thought you could feel the hold on your hand loosen for a bit before squeezing it. “Okay,” he murmured, “Soon.”
And boy, did you have no idea what that meant. And boy, were you scared. But here you were, holding a stupidly big bouquet of flowers as people flocked to take pictures of the boys. You were more than anxious, and growing more insecure by the minute. 
The graduation process was a little longer than you had anticapted, and you let your mind wander back to some memories.
There were a couple more instances before the most recent that made you flustered whenever you thought about it. Yes, Hyunjin was clingy, you were aware, but sometimes he was very clingy. 
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 There was one particular time where he climbed through your window and failed to do it gracefully. Actually, it was so bad, that your parents had shouted and asked you if everything was okay. And as you tried to play it off as a textbook falling off your desk, Hyunjin was losing his mind, trying to stifle his giggles.
“Hyunjin,” you whispered, “Did you really just come over here to cuddle?”
“Yes! I’m desperate, and I miss you!”
“You have eight members to cuddle!”
He pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you, toppling over you as you fell onto the bed. “Yeah,” he whined, “But they’re not you.” You could feel your breathing constrict and your chest panic at the pulling of your heartstring. You smiled kissing the top of his head and playing with his hair. “You’re such a baby, but I love you.”
“Please, you’re clingier than I am, you’re just less vocal about it. Thankfully, I am shameless.”
“Thankfully,” you murmured.
The other time was the same circumstances. Hyunjin fell into your room with a loud thud. Really, shouldn’t he be better at this by now? And being the amazing dancer he was, shouldn’t he be more graceful? At this point, your parents had to know that your textbooks couldn’t have been falling all the time. But if they knew, they hadn’t brought it up at any point in time. You were about to scold him, but as soon as you realized he was crying, you opened your arms.
“I missed you,” you whispered, playing with his hair in a way that seemed to be therapeutic to him, “I’m sure you’ve been working really hard.” You wiped away his tears, looking at him softly. “I like when you look at me like that,” he murmured, “You’re so pretty.” You felt your cheeks flare up as you focused your attention back on his hair. “Yeah, but you’re prettier, you look like a prince, plus you’re good at everything.”
He repeated after you, his face inching closer to yours, lips nearly brushing against your lips. You could smell his chapstick- it was honey. “You smell like cherries,” he murmured, and you could feel his lip finally brush against yours. You thought it was finally going to happen, and you closed your eyes but he pulled away. You swore that he had said “I want to kiss them,” under his breath but you were unsure. You sighed quietly as you continued to play with his hair, even as he was napping quietly with his arms resting around you.
That kept you out at night.
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When you heard the shutter of the cameras you snapped back to reality, turning your attention back to the stage. They were stepping off, and as Hyunjin did he was met with a swarm of people wanting to take a picture with him. And there it was, that pang of jealousy and insecurity. It was a human emotion, but it still wasn’t great to feel. But more than that, you were excited to see him after a while. You watched as he pulled out his phone and typed something really quickly before slipping it back into his pocket to take more pictures. Immediately your phone buzzed from your jacket pocket.
jinnie, my love: can’t meet here :( go to our regular diner, im sorry babe
you: dont worry about it! i’ll see u there
The diner he referred to was a local family diner that you had since made your go-to place. The both of you knew the owner and managers by name, and you visited there when you were missing Hyunjin and his hugs. The manager always teased you and him, sending you knowing winks as you shot her a glare. But when you came in, sad and pretty much crying over missing Hyunjin (not one of your best moments, but the guy was your best friend), she always gave you free milkshakes and advice. She waved at you when you saw you come in, and smiled big when she saw the bouquet of flowers.
“Hyunjin finally confess?”
“What? Oh, no. I’m going to, though.”
“What? Really? Look at you go! Can I do anything to help.”
“No, please don’t. I’m begging you.”
“Nah, I’m definetly interfering. And I’ll kick your ass if you don’t end up doing it.”
You sighed, shaking your head and sitting at your usual booth. The flowers were sitting on your table, and you swung your legs anxiously. You were toying with the hem of your shirt, looking down as your fingers rubbed with the loose strings. You looked up and smiled as you saw him come in.
“Hey there,” he placed his hands on the table, making grabby motions until you filled in the empty space in his hand, “It’s been a while.”
“It has,” you said quietly, “ah, I got you flowers.”
“We’ll get to that,” he hummed, “I missed holding your hands.”
“We should probably order,” you said quickly, “Jina!”
The manager sauntered over, clearly already having been listening to the conversation and waiting for her cue to enter. “What can I get you two lovebirds?”
You glared at her, “We’re not-”
“The usual, Jina, and can we get strawberry milkshakes?” Hyunjin turned to you, “That’s your favorite, right?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t think you’d remember.”
“Why would I forget? I love you.”
Jina laughed, and you narrowed your eyes at her. “Alright, I better get going.” Hyunjin rocked with your hands, playing with them as you waited. He was talking about how excited he was to feel like an adult and completely devote himself to his group. You looked at him, head tilted, and if heart eyes were a thing, you’d have them.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, Jinnie,” he tightened his hold on your hand as he turned his attention to you. You could feel regret telling you to retreat, but you pressed on, “But are you busy tomorrow?”
“Yeah, actually, I’m sorry. Do you have something in mind?”
Jina came in, and like she had promised, a messy heart shaped burger was plated in front of both of you. And instead of two milkshakes, she brought one with two straws. “Enjoy, young lovers.” You bit your lip, glancing over at Hyunjin.
“Right,” Hyunjin said again, “What were you saying?”
“I wouldn’t usually, or at all- uh,” you sighed, opting to keep it simple, “I didn’t plan on doing this, right now, ‘cause I don’t want to ruin your day.”
“Do you not want to be friends anymore? I’m sorry about not being able to spend time with you anymore.”
“No! No. Ah, I’m in love with you. Like a lot.”
There was a moment of silence between you and you looked down, feeling a wave of embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to ruin your day, I can leave-”
“I’m in love with you, too. For too long, probably. Can I kiss you?”
“Yes!” Jina yelled, “Ronald, it’s happening! Ronald! We’ve done it!”
“Ignore them,” Hyunjin smiled, a blush tinting his cheeks, “Can I?”
“Mm,” you hummed, “Yes, please.”
He smiled as he looked at you, peppering kisses around your face before planting a kiss on your lips. You should’ve been embarrassed and worried about kissing in a public place like this, but Hyunjin didn’t seem to care. “You taste like cherries,” he murmured, “I’m gonna kiss you all the time.”
“That’s okay.”
“I mean it, I’m going to kiss you whenever I can. Like, all the time, like all the time-”
“Jinnie,” you kissed him, “Congrats on your graduation by the way.”
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socialismformilfs · 6 years
Mutual appreciation post
So a lot of people did one so here I am hoes
@jungkooksbuttons Hafsa there is no word to describe how much you mean to me, for real I could write a novel about how I feel about you but I’m sure you already know that with all the paragraphs I sent you mon cœur lol: did you know you’re the only person in my life that I wrote paragraphs for? That’s how much you mean to me. I don’t know you’re just amazing and you inspire me to try harder because I know that even if times get harder for both of us we got each back’s and i don’t plan on giving up now that i found you my other half: you’re so damn amazing like I can’t put it into words but you’re funny, pretty, thoughtful and I feel so comfortable with you?? It’s like we can do and say everything to each other without judgment and that’s something I never done before with anyone else but you, i also love how we’re both crackheads and we can talk for hours about nothing but still have fun somehow. Seriously you became such an important part of my life, I actually didn’t expect that when I first joined the gc but now I realized that was the best decision I made this year because I got to meet you. I have so much to say but I’m going to stop now because it’s not a Hafsa appreciation post djjdj seriously babe I love everything about you: your qualities and your flaws and nothing will ever change that
@bloomingjiminie I have so much to say about you didi oml i don’t even know where to start, you were the first person that talked to me in the gc and we got along so well?? I was chocked because I usually get hated easily lol but no with you, it was so easy it’s like you have a power to make people feel comfortable talking to you and that’s amazing, you’re amazing. Honestly I was a bit sad when we stopped talking for a while but then we did our gc and BAAM you became one of my closest friends and soulmate. I’m so glad I honestly made this gc because it brought me closer to you and the others. You’re an incredible writer and I have the best ideas with you and joking around with you is so easy because you have a great sense of humor so I’m not scared to say the dumbest things to you because I know you’ll end up saying dumb stuff too. You also know when to stop joking around and being caring to me when I feel upset and that means a lot. I love you chicken to my frog legs even if you clown me but it’s fair because I clown you too lmaoo
@chen-stans-are-the-best KERI you living legend and my partner in crimes, you’re so damn cool like everything about you is wow, you’re so sweet and loving but at the same time we know we can count on you if we’re in trouble to defend us. You laugh and put up with my dumbass like no one else and that means a whole lot because I know that it doesn’t make everyone laugh like it does with you and I tend to be annoying. I know we tease you a lot about you driving for example but you never get mad and that’s nice to know I can joke around without making you upset. Also you’re a genius, the ideas you create and the evil plan we did once was hilarious and wonderful to do with you. You’re a cutie (even if you say you’re not) and I love talking to you my soul sister because I know you’re here to listen if necessary. Even if I’m bad at expressing how I feel, I want you to know that I won’t leave this gc even if I get banned somehow because you guys became my family and you’re dear to me Keri, I love you (I wanted to make it dark purple cause it’s your favorite color but I don’t know if it’s dark enough lol)
@little-bunny-jungkookie Rae the queen of moodboards and my close friend, honestly you’re so friendly and creative and kind to me, I’m honored?? You’re an angel and I’m not joking even if you may disagree and I’m so happy you consider me as your friend. I know I can talk to you about serious situations without hesitation and go to you anytime to ask you for some advices and I’m forever grateful for that. You might have joined recently but it’s like we’ve been friends for a long time and I can talk to you in vc or send you random pics without thinking about it twice because you have such a comforting and peaceful presence for me, I know I can trust you. You may have flaws but know that it doesn’t make you less of a good person because your qualities have more impact on others than your flaws and your feelings are valid no matter what anyone say. You’re a great person and friend to me and I love you very much Rae and sorry I pronounced your name wrong at first djdj
@seokjinownsmyass My bro Mina, you’re so talented with what you write and we have so many moments together like the time we were teasing Simon and Dee about their “platonic” relationship was iconic or the whole thread we did with the « 🌚🌝 ». I love listening to you rant because that’s so cute (Raena is thriving) and it makes me feel closer to you, I’m happy you’re my bro and I know I joke around a lot and tease you but you’re really an important friend to me and I miss you a lot when we don’t talk. I care about you Mina and I’ll fight you if you doubt yourself because I love you so does Rae and others and you and your memes are the best so don’t ever think for a second that we’ll stop loving you bro because that won’t happen, I’m stubborn af after all. I hope you’ll join the vc soon tho I want to hear you voice Mina jkjk you don’t have to if you don’t want to
@killcomet Starlight, you’re so precious I literally can’t, you always tag me in cute things and I just melt because that’s how adorable you are and I appreciate it because it feels like you’re thinking about me even if we’re not talking that much lately so it makes me feel better and your voice is beautiful, I could listen to it for hours. You may say you’re annoying but that’s not the case hon: your flaws, your insecurities, your doubts, everything about you matters to me and don’t ever hesitate to text me because you might believe you’re annoying, personally it makes me happy to know I can be here for you and I’m always here if you want to talk Drew. I may not be physically present but I still will do my best to help you in any way. I love you and talking to you until 5 am was goal (Simon was here but he kept leaving so technically it was just the two of us dhdh)
@lofisapphic Bee omg you’re so fun to talk to you because we do so many icon things together first it started with the Simon protection club then the crush squad and finally the pickup lines war, I can’t I’m actually screaming everytime you send a pickup line to me jdjdjd im still surprised honestly we haven’t been banned but I’m not complaining. Also you’re so pretty like stop sis that’s not fair and you’re great because even if we have different opinions sometimes, we still respect each other and you’re very mature and respectful on a lot of subjects and that’s impressive, i stan. Anyway I love you and your gay panicking ass
@puppieseokie fay sis you’re iconic seriously, l miss you ranting about your girlfriend on the gc and I was kind of sad when you and bee left but it’s understandable. Your mind is a gift from the god seriously: you love hoseok and bts, you ship shrek and Yoongi and you’re a gay legend. I respect you ma’am and if you have cute moments with your gf, don’t hesitate to talk to me about it~
@simonbunnyjunior SIMON my French talking little bro, you’re the kinkiest person I met in a while but that’s goal honestly. You’re kind af and you do your best to help and make everyone feel better. You’re shameless but at the same time you’re still respectful so i live for that. ALSO the nickname you gave me is so fucking cute, I’m screaming. I admire you for not giving up even tho things are hard for you sometimes and I hope you know you can talk to me anytime if you feel like things are getting too difficult for you to handle. Love you
@bangtansoftboys Robin it’s been a while since the last time you were in the gc, I hope you’re okay and I hope you know that we’re joking when we’re teasing you because we’re crackheads anyway love you cute king~
@sundaetae Dee I own you a lot honestly because without you I wouldn’t have joined this gc so thank you so much and you were the first person I directly ever talked to so I think it’s cause of you I was able to not be shy anymore and I’m grateful for that Dee love u sis
@diamondjoonie Andrea hello~ i know we interacted like once but you sound like a great person to hang out with because the only time we talked we did memes and I wasn’t feeling awkward talking to you so if you ever feel like chatting again, don’t hesitate to message me
@busted-aesthetic MEL you’re so cool seriously, I know we just started talking recently but you’re so funny and you have like an aura that says don’t fuck with me cause I’ll hunt you down djjd talking to you until 6 am with mon cœur was hilarious especially when you guys started teaching me how to pronounce things correctly, iconic. Anyway I hope things get better and love you queen
@kingdomzeldaquest LOTTe my murderer and non-existent friend, I love our inside jokes that we had because now we can confuse others for no reason and that’s goal. You’re funny af and talking to you is nice because you’re an intellectual and your taste in music is great. Love you and don’t get arrested lmaoo
@spraklecrackle Thomas heyyyy i remember talking to you once? When we created the « Simon protection club » and you were super nice and you join the club so you’re a legend. We should talk sometimes and I saw you’re French too so hell yes French squad
@alien-the-magician Yasemin you’re so djdjjd literally you join the gc once in a year but everytime you’re here it’s hilarious for example the Dracula is your ancestor thing and when you were drunk lmaooo I love you and your drunk ass
@justramblingaboutthings HEYYY Raquel how are you? It’s been a while since I saw you, I miss screaming about Dia’s talent with you. Take care of yourself and hope you’re okay
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floralseokjin · 7 years
;lostmyhead (m)
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You’re happy in your new relationship with Yoongi, wouldn’t change things for the world. But after one late night message from Seokjin, the guy you’d previously hooked up with (for months), there’s something niggling in the back of your mind. Despite everything, frustratingly that draw is still very much there. What happens when you find yourself caving? And what happens when your boyfriend doesn’t seem to mind?
or, alternatively; You have a threesome with Yoongi and Seokjin. (In poor Namjoon’s bedroom.) 
pairing; kim seokjin x reader x min yoongi genre/warnings; dicks with photo filters, smut; semi intoxicated sex, threesome, oral sex (m + f receiving), deep throating, vaginal fingering, double vaginal fingering, minor ass stuff, dirty talk, filming of sexual acts, spit roast, multiple orgasms, facial  words; 16,388
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(01:12am) Seokjerk: Guess who’s missing you………….. ;)  [Image loading] 
You weren’t expecting a message from Seokjin (or Seokjerk according to your contacts…) when you heard your phone ping beside you.  Your heart feeling a little funny when you read his name on the screen. You hadn’t spoken since things had ended – or you had ended them. Falling for Yoongi had been completely unexpected to say the least, but life liked to throw in little surprises to make things interesting. Life was so much different now and it wasn’t even two months later. You’d gone from hooking up with Seokjin to dating Yoongi in the blink of an eye. 
You opened up Seokjin’s message, reading it with mild confusion as you waited for the image to load. When it did, it was his dick. His dick taking up the entire screen, painfully erect and in his fist. Your stomach jumped, a mix of emotions battling it out before you settled on just one. Horror. 
(01:13am) You:  what  the  fuck  is  wrong  with  you  🤯
You typed dramatically and strategically, desperate to get the image off your screen before Yoongi came back from the bathroom. Your heart thudded inside your chest as if you could get caught at any moment – as if you’d done something wrong! You hadn’t. Seokjin was the culprit here. 
(01:15am) Seokjerk:  😂😂😂😂😂😂 Haha you don’t like it? Don’t lie to yourself bby 
(01:15am) You: Pls don’t call me bby ever again 
What was up with him? Was he drunk? Why was he messaging you after so much silence? It wasn’t like you’d been expecting him keep in touch, you could never be friends after everything, especially because you were with Yoongi now, but the Seokjin filled hole in your life at first had taken a little bit of getting used to. To go from everything to nothing was weird, even with your new relationship to distract you. You’d only just forgetting about him, memories a blur, feelings (on the whole situation, not for him,) gone, getting used to his absence, and now he was messaging you late at night, sending you pics of his dick. You were annoyed to say the least, mad at him, even though if you had to explain why, you wouldn’t be able to. 
(01:16am) Seokjerk: Why  Is that what min yoongo calls u 
You grew angrier. Was Seokjin really so bitter you’d left him for an upgrade? You thought about telling him that but couldn’t bring yourself to type it. You were under the impression he didn’t care. He probably didn’t. He was just bored and horny, thinking he could get you with the snap of his fingers – or the snap of his dick… 
He couldn’t. 
You were with Yoongi now and things were going great. You’d never been in a relationship like this before. It had to be perfect, or at least what you imagined as perfect. You weren’t giving that up for anything. Your time with Seokjin had been fun, but it was only ever supposed to be that. A bit of fun. 
(01:16am) You: Yoongi  his name is Yoongi  and no actually  he doesn’t i just don’t want u calling me it  same as i don’t want to see ur ugly dick on my screen 
(01:17am) Seokjerk: Me and you both know my dick isn’t igly 
You giggled at his typo, knowing full well you’d annoyed him with that insult, about to reply something witty when you heard Yoongi leaving the bathroom. He padded over to the bed and you quickly switched to Twitter, beginning to scroll through your feed casually. You tried not to feel guilty. It wasn’t as if you purposely lying to him. Your conversation with Seokjin meant nothing, you and no interest in him anymore. That had been proven when you’d ended things with him as soon as you had realised you had feelings for Yoongi. 
You didn’t tell Yoongi about the unsolicited dick pic because you didn’t want to cause unnecessary trouble or drama. It meant nothing. Seokjin was 1000% bored and messing around.
“Are you sleeping soon?” Yoongi asked, his voice already thick and slow with drowsiness. 
You hummed as you thought. “Ten more minutes.” You were almost wide awake now. 
Your phone pinged again. Three consecutive pings. Yoongi didn’t bat an eyelid, already burrowed under the covers, his back to you. You took a moment to think. Should you ignore Seokjin or humour him? The latter shouldn’t have won, but it did.  
(01:22am) Seokjerk: Fine If it’s so ugly I’ll make it prettier for u  [Image loading] 
Another image. You nearly choked out loud. Not expecting to see what you did. Of course you were going to see a dick, your conscience had accepted that, but you hadn’t expected to see it edited with a collection of filters! There on your screen was Seokjin’s cock decorated with tiny pink hearts and bunny rabbits, a speech bubble coming from the tip to tell you he it missed you… 
You were horrified, but strangely enough you couldn’t look away. Too entranced. This was definitely new for him… He had to be drunk. 
(01:23am) You: ur actually super weird  wtf why did I ever think hooking up with you was a good idea 
(01:24am) Seokjerk: We did more than hook up  It was more than good  We should do it again sometime Cmon I know u want to 
You couldn’t believe his gall. Shameless! While yes, the sex had been great – you’d be the first to admit that – he knew you were with Yoongi. Yet here he was sending you very bizarre pictures of his penis. He’d always sucked at sexting, why were you even surprised?
(01:25am) You:  Wrong!  now leave me alone  I already got lucky tonight 
You didn’t mean to hand out such a low blow, even though you doubted Seokjin would be butthurt over it, you just needed to put that distance between you both again. This was why you couldn’t try to be friends after everything. A friendship would never work out because this is what you and Seokjin boiled down to. Sex. Without it you both couldn’t function as normal friends. He could never be a friend. Without sex you didn’t function at all. 
While with Yoongi things were different. You had a relationship, one that didn’t revolve around getting naked 24/7. There was a comfort that Yoongi gave you that Seokjin never could. It was a comfort you didn’t even want from Seokjin because you two weren’t about that. 
You glanced at your boyfriend, feeling guilty now. You hadn’t done anything but the guilt was still there. You shouldn’t be talking to Seokjin right now. You should just put your phone on silent and place it on your nightstand—Ping!
(01:27am) Seokjerk: Fuck No fair  You just made me harder fuckk Imahining u getting fucked I wanna see 
You froze. What was with him? This was how “old” Seokjin used to act. The one right at the beginning when you used to fuck in his car because you had no place to go, getting leg cramp and a bad back. Or maybe you had just been blinded with affection for him in the later days. Maybe he’d stayed the same throughout, you’d just gotten used to it… Who knew. But what you did know was that you shouldn’t be still having this conversation with him.  
(01:28am) You: ur such a pervert  go away  stop messaging me it’s harassment 
You still typed away though, as if you couldn’t stop. You still joked around with him, indulged him while your boyfriend laid asleep next to you…
He took a while to reply this time. It started to make you think. Unwanted images of what he may or may not be doing right now as you waited for his response. Jerking himself off, his pretty hands wrapped around that pretty dick of his – because of course you’d been lying when you’d called it ugly earlier. There was nothing ugly about Seokjin. Knowing that you’d turned him on enough that he was potentially pleasuring himself made your insides feel weird. Were you proud? Did you want to gloat? Did you love it? You had no idea what you were thinking right now. 
(01:33am) Seokjerk: If you don’t like it why don’t u block me  Oh  I forgot  U love it really 
He did though. Of course he knew what you were thinking. He still knew you like the back of his hand. Some things took a while to forget, or sometimes they just never disappeared…
Yoongi shifted beside you and you startled, putting your phone face down next to you. He lifted his head, too sleepy to turn and look at you despite the question he directed your way. 
“Aren’t you asleep yet?”
“I’m just turning off my alarm,” you lied on the spot. Guilt back instantly. 
Satisfied, Yoongi grunted and got cosy again. All you were able to see were the blonde tufts of his hair. You needed to stop. You were probably delirious from lack of sleep, even though you’d had a full 8 hours last night, but shut up. You weren’t acting like yourself right now. Come tomorrow you’d be back to your senses, deleting Seokjin’s messages and maybe even his number too. 
(01:35am) You: Thanks for giving me the idea !!  oh  and for the record  i hate it  BYE BBY 
Like you couldn’t help it, you made one last playful remark before turning your phone on silent and getting it away from you. Away from the temptation. You didn’t block him of course. For some reason the idea was absurd, but you didn’t feel like psychoanalysing yourself at nearly two in the morning. That could be for tomorrow. You had a list by now. 
You turned to Yoongi, outstretching your left arm to throw over him as you curled against his body. He was warm and smelt good. It relaxed you instantly. Only… there was another kind of warmth you felt, under the covers, between your legs. You realised it’d been there since you’d began messaging Seokjin and that just made you hate yourself. 
You tried to think of anything to distract yourself, willing sleep to come but it was impossible. Instead you made sure to concentrate on Yoongi. Thinking of him turning around and giving it to you good. That wasn’t so bad. You could tell yourself your shorts were stuck to you now because of that. Because of Yoongi. 
You even thought about waking him up, whining until he gave in and fucked you, just to be able to stop thinking about Seokjin, but that wasn’t going to happen. You didn’t have sex as frequently as you did with…with the guy you shouldn’t be thinking of right now. It was fine, you weren’t complaining at all, you still had sex – hell, you hadn’t been lying when you’d told Seokjin you’d already gotten lucky tonight. You weren’t complaining at all. Being in a relationship was more than sex, you’d already made that clear, it was a weird thing to get used to at first…
Seokjin’s libido was…well, it matched yours. Not that you really had a crazy sex drive before him, but you’d gotten used to it – and you reiterate, because all you and Seokjin were was SEX. Yoongi was different. The first few weeks after making it official he couldn’t keep his hands off you and you loved it, but gradually that had stopped, until you were maybe getting lucky once or twice a week. Granted, Yoongi was pretty busy, most nights filled up with basketball practice, but still… You shouldn’t really have to give yourself an orgasm while your boyfriend napped in your bed… 
God, you were a bitch. 
This was so trivial. Who cared how many times you had sex? Your relationship was the most important thing, and it was going well. Yes, it was still new, but everything was good. This had been something you’d been dreaming of since high school, so why the hell were you letting yourself get distracted by Seokjin again?
You clenched your eyes closed, willing sleep… 
When you woke up the next morning Yoongi had already left for his early class. He was always so considerate when it came to things like that and you smiled to yourself as you stretched, automatically reaching for your phone like you did every morning. There was nothing like a little social media scroll to help you wake up, maybe you’d even play a quick game or two of Uno, your latest stupid mobile game obsession that Yoongi teased you over. 
Only lighting up your screen you were suddenly reminded of last night, a million and one messages waiting for you from none other than Seokjin. How could you have forgotten? You’d spent the best part of an hour trying to get to sleep, desperate to just stop thinking. 
Just delete them. Delete his number and be done. He’d soon get the message. 
You tried to listen to your rationality. You really did, but not a minute later you were clicking on a notification, holding your breath as you braced yourself. You had a bad feeling about this… 
(01:35am) Seokjerk:  Hey  No wait …….......... LOL My messages are still being received u didn’t block me  See u love it 
(01:38am) Seokjerk: Are u ignoring me or sleeping? I don’t mind I’ll give you something nice to wake up to [Image sent]  Look how hard u made me  (I made my dick prettier btw)  It wants you…. :(
This time you didn’t laugh when you saw Seokjin’s dick with more filters on it. You should, because it was outrageous; his erection displayed on four mini screens, framed with a heart, but you didn’t have it in you. Seokjin must’ve been the only guy in this world who could use filters on his dick and get away with it. You hated it. 
(01:45am) Seokjerk: This is so unfair  I have to resort to jerking off as I imagine u  I wanna fuck u so badddd One last time 
Your mouth was dry. You swallowed a couple of times, your heart thudding against your rib cage. This might’ve been a reach, but in a roundabout way Seokjin was trying to tell you he missed you, right? Or, like you’d already thought last night, he was bored and horny. Maybe he’d been stood up, blue balled. That made you feel funny, images of Seokjin with other girls. You shook your head, telling yourself to shut up and scrolled some more. 
Fuck. You wished you hadn’t. 
(01:56am) Seokjerk: Goodnight ;)  Sweet dreams  [Image sent]  or should I say good morning by the time u see this…….
There was no filter in sight. Seokjin’s half hard dick was lying flat against his abs and white spots of his cum splattered the toned flesh. This was bad. This was really, really bad. The heat between your legs back, your head whirring. You imagined his dark hair stuck against his forehead, lips parted as he moaned lightly to himself, naked on his bed. You knew that sight well. You’d never forget it. 
You needed to ignore this, and determined this time, you deleted the message history. 
You didn’t, however, delete his number. The thought enough to make you unexplainably sad. 
Only ignoring him lasted all of day. Not even a day because it wasn’t 24 hours, it wasn’t even twelve. It was eight. 8 fricking hours, and despite deleting the evidence, getting rid of the reminder, it was you who messaged him this time. You couldn’t stop yourself. 
(10:35pm) You: u know it’s kinda sad u were home alone last night jerking your dick to memories of me 😪
The minutes ticked by pretty painfully as you waited for his reply. Maybe he wouldn’t at all. You were right, he’d been bored last night and now he was done playing with you. You were just beginning to regret your message, a little embarrassed when finally your phone pinged to life. You rushed to open it. 
(10:45pm) Seokjerk:  U know its kinda sad ur texting me when you have a bf 
That stumped you for a moment, feeling a little called out. You knew he was only teasing you, just liked you’d teased him, but he was right. He was totally right. You should’ve known it was coming. 
What were you doing?
You were going to mess everything up. If Yoongi ever found out about this he’d be mad. You knew if it was the other way around you would be. While technically you hadn’t done anything wrong, the implication was there. You shouldn’t be messaging Seokjin at all. All of that was in the past. 
You started to recall the last time you’d met up and had sex. It would be nearly two months soon, felt like a lifetime ago yet at the same time just last week. You’d already been casually dating Yoongi at the time, on your fifth or sixth date, maybe the same amount of kisses. You weren’t really sure when the shift happened. When you’d grown bored of Seokjin and had fallen for Yoongi. It had just sort of sprung up on you. You still couldn’t explain it now. 
How sex with Seokjin had become almost unenjoyable in the end, your mind too preoccupied, too busy worrying that you were messing Yoongi around. The last time had been painfully awkward, so much so Seokjin had brought it up, almost as if he couldn’t ignore it any longer. 
“I can eat you out if you want?” He offered when you hadn’t cum during the deed. 
You shook your head, grabbing for your clothes to rush them on. Yoongi had asked you to hang out tonight and you’d made up some excuse. The guilt was eating you up. You needed to make a decision and you needed to make it now. Tonight. 
“What’s up with you?” Seokjin sighed, finally reaching for his clothes too. “It was like I was fucking a statue or something. You haven’t been into it at all lately.” 
“I have,” you insisted, although you didn’t know why. You were just digging yourself a deeper hole. In a way Seokjin was giving you a way out. 
“Really?” Seokjin did not believe you at all. “We hardly see one another anymore. You always find some excuse. I’m surprised you came over tonight actually.” 
You were silent, unsure what to say. Unsure how to explain yourself. You’d agreed to see him tonight because you’d told yourself you would end things straight away. Yet somehow you’d found yourself naked, your body tangled in his. It was funny, yes, you weren’t into it anymore, but yet there was still a part of you that wanted him. It was just strange to let go after everything. You knew all good things had to come to an end one day, but you would’ve never have guessed it was because you’d fallen for someone. You’d always thought Seokjin would’ve been the one who’d ended things. Maybe you were used to men letting you down… 
“I’m sorry,” you began, your mind falling to Yoongi. You could never imagine Yoongi letting you down. He was just so sweet and attentive. He wasn’t like any of the others you’d dated before. He was one of the good ones. “I’ve just had a lot on my mind.” 
“Wanna talk about it?” 
That made you feel guilty. Guilt from all angles. You watched as he slipped his underwear back on, averting your gaze a little. You didn’t know why. 
It was now or never. You’d made your decision. You owed this to Yoongi. If you wanted to try and make things work this was the only way. It was time to let go. It was time to let go of Seokjin. 
“Do you remember when that guy asked me out on a date a few weeks ago?”
Seokjin nodded, his own gaze lowering. He scratched his knee. “The one who was going to take you to McDonald’s.” 
You let out a breathy chuckle, remembering a past conversation. “He didn’t take me to McDonald’s.” You also remembered more, about how Seokjin would take you to the zoo. He’d never. Maybe that was your fault. You hadn’t brought it up again. In fact, you’d blown him off that weekend to hang out with Yoongi… 
“I like him.” Your voice sounded weird. All serious. You were never this serious around Seokjin. You tried again. “I like the guy a lot and I think it could be serious if I let it.”
You waited for his response, more than nervous. 
“So,” he hummed quietly. Your heart was beating rapidly. “You want to end this because you’ve fallen in love with some random dude?”
“I’m not in love,” you argued, scoffing. “I just want to see how things go, and well, I can’t do that when—
“When you’re still fucking me,” he finished for you, and you nodded quickly, looking down. 
Seokjin grabbed his sweatshirt from the end of his bed, throwing it on. Was he expecting you to say something? You didn’t know what. He was exactly right. But no, he spoke again straight after. “That’s a shame, but you do you.” 
Speechless that he’d taken it so well and accepted it immediately you didn’t know where to go from there. What had you been expecting exactly? You didn’t know.  “So… That’s it? It’s over?” 
“I guess so,” he shrugged. 
Still sat on his bed, you didn’t know what to do. “Okay. So I guess I’ll get going then.” 
“Wait, wait, wait. Not so fast.” He rushed, taking your hand to stop you from standing. You froze, stomach flipping. What was it? “Before you go, tell me how good a fuck I was this entire time.” 
You made a shocked sound, nonplussed. “Seokjin, I’m not going to do that. Stroke your ego another way.” 
“Oh come on, give me this one last thing.”
“Stop.” You whined weakly. 
“Say ‘Seokjin, I’ll miss you. Thank you for the greatest sex I’ve ever had and will ever have.’”
“I’m not fucking saying that,” you rejected, rolling your eyes. 
“Say it or I’ll tell Yoongi that we were still hooking up while you two were dating – or whatever it is you’ve been doing.” 
Huh? He knew it was Yoongi? How? You’d never said anything to him. How long had he known for? You knew he would never actually tell the other guy, he was just teasing but it still made you feel guilty. You hadn’t told Yoongi anything. It was something you probably should have by now but in your defence, you’d only been on a handful of dates. It wasn’t as if Yoongi and confessed how much he liked you yet, asked you for something more serious. That’s why you were ended things with Seokjin now. So you and Yoongi could move forward. 
“Fine,” you gave in, not about to ask how he knew it was Yoongi you liked. You didn’t even know he knew of Yoongi. “Seokjin, thank you for the greatest sex I’ve ever had.” 
Seokjin’s eyes narrowed before he shrugged. “Hm, close enough.” He knew that your expressionless voice and half-hearted enthusiasm was all he was going to get. 
You collected the rest of your things and slipped your shoes on. That was it? After all these months it was over just like that? It was easier than you’d expected, now unsure why’d you’d ever been nervous to end things in the first place. Yet you still feel a little weird. Sad? It was the end of an era after all. 
“Just remember,” Seokjin spoke as you grabbed your car keys from his dresser. You froze. “You always know where I am if you miss me, because I think you will...” 
He was just messing around, or at least, you thought he was at the time. Now, those words were coming back to haunt you. 
It was a Wednesday night, you were home alone, bored and possibly a little lonely. Raking up the past like you had nothing better to do. As if you were weak minded. You should be messaging Yoongi instead, but then again, it was nearly 11. He was probably asleep by now. Seokjin didn’t go to sleep until about two, sometimes later, even on a weekday. 
(10:50pm) Seokjerk: Not that I mind of course  I knew you’d come back 
You’d taken so long to reply Seokjin had grown impatient. Why did that incite something inside of you? You didn’t know what, it was just nice to know he wanted to talk to you. That he hadn’t been just bored last night. Nice to know you weren’t just any girl to him. He was talking shit, granted, but that was okay. 
(10:50pm) You: no I was jus t wondering if u were home alone doing it again 
(10:51pm) Seokjerk:  Now that IS interesting……….
Damn it. You’d really put your foot in it. Now it looked like you were into it. You weren’t. You weren’t at all. That wasn’t why you were you messaging him right now. Thinking about it, why were you messaging him? You weren’t ever going to get a casual conversation, not when he’d sent you a string of lewd texts last night. 
(10:51pm) You:  that’s NOT what i meant !! 
Seokjin ignored you. 
(10:52pm) Seokjerk: Thursdaysare my day off  No jerking on leg day I’m in too much pain after the gym  Unless……u want to come around and help me with a massage Any type I’m not fussy 
(10:52pm) You: in ur dreams ahole 
You waited for his reply but nothing came. Maybe you’d been too harsh. Nah, he was used to you. Maybe he had something better to do. Maybe he was with someone right now… While you were here alone pathetically waiting for his reply like you had nothing better to do. 
(11:10pm) Seokjerk: You know me too well Are you going to Hoseok and Nam’s sat? They’re having a party everyone’s invited 
When he did reply, twenty minutes later, you were surprised to see he’d pretty much changed the subject completely. What had you been expecting exactly? A round two? The sudden thought had your belly flipping. You ignored it. 
(11:11pm) You: I don’t know maybe 
You watched [Seokjerk is typing…] appear and disappear off the screen for a few seconds, wondering what the hell he was trying to say.  
(11:12pm) Seokjerk: I’d love to see you  You can even bring Yoongo with u 
You rolled your eyes at his purposeful typo, but yet it was his first message you were fixated on. Was that what he’d been stuck typing? Rethinking? Rephrasing? You hadn’t seen him in so long, you’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t miss him. It was only natural. It would be nice to just see him, hear his voice, familiarise yourself with his smell. No, that sounded bad. Too intimate. 
(11:13pm) You:  wow that’s kind of you to give permission 
Two minutes later you were replying again. Giving in almost. 
(11:15pm) You: I’ll come if I don’t have plans 
(11:16pm) Seokjerk: Yay 😆 See u then 
You chewed on your bottom lip, feeling a little stuck. There was no way you could carry on the conversation without making it weird. What else could you possibly say? Ask him how he’d been, what he’d been up to? You very nearly did but got second thoughts. No good would come of it. You’d already pretty much decided to go to a party because he’d kind of invited you. Besides, Seokjin didn’t do small talk – or at least not with you now anyway. After everything. 
Instead you decided to have an early night, hoping this time your brain would switch off successfully. 
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Saturday rolled around quickly. Even though you knew nothing good would come of attending the house party you still found yourself asking Lina if she wanted to go with you. She didn’t. She had work early the next morning. Next was Yumi, but it was her Mom’s birthday. You didn’t really have no one else to ask, no close friends you usually partied with anyway, so Yoongi was chosen by default. Not that you weren’t going to ask him at all, you were, it was just going to be a more casual ‘You bring your friends, I bring mine’ thing. Not ‘Let’s go together.’ He said yes to your surprise. Once you’d made some lie up about bumping into Hoseok at the mall. You didn’t know why you’d made up such a lie to explain yourself, you just knew Yoongi couldn’t find out it was Seokjin who had let you know. 
There was no issue between the two men per se, but just like Seokjin had surprisingly known about your dates with Yoongi, Yoongi had known about your hook ups with Seokjin. Bringing it up the night you’d first had sex. You’d been an idiot, unsure why you’d hidden it from him in the first place, but thankfully he’d been understanding. As long as he knew you and Seokjin were over, he was fine with it. It was in the past, he was your future. But even though there was no “beef” you knew Yoongi wouldn’t like it if he knew Seokjin had been the one to tell you about the party. Plus he could be mad. He would definitely be mad if he ever saw those messages…
You already felt guilty enough just being at the party. You were weirdly eager to catch a glance of Seokjin, it had been too long now, seeing as summer break had started and there was no longer a chance to see him around campus. Not that you were walking around hoping for a chance. 
Hoseok and Namjoon’s house was pretty packed for such a small place, so for the first half an hour of your arrival you didn’t see him at all, despite being on high alert. Seokjin hadn’t messaged you again since Wednesday night and once again you were left wondering if he’d just been bored that night he’d sent you that dick pic. Why else would radio silence follow? Then again, you’d been the one to not reply after the party invite – not that he’d given you much to reply with. How could you add on from ‘See u then’? A simple ‘Same.’ Sounded lame. 
When you finally spotted him in the yard through the window in the kitchen, your gut started to churn. Excitement mixed with disgust at yourself. Why the fuck were you feeling like that? So giddy? Seokjin had cut his hair since you’d last seen him, the guy didn’t really do social media so you rarely saw up to date photos of him. It was shorter in the back, longer in the front, casually falling in his eyes as he stood outside, a beer in one hand, the other in his pocket, laughing and joking with Namjoon. Something hit you then, as you watched him: You missed him. 
It was a sudden realisation, one that you didn’t like, and you quickly dropped your gaze, making a beeline for the table to find something for you and Yoongi to drink. You grabbed a beer for Yoongi, pouring yourself a vodka and coke. You didn’t even like vodka. 
Just before you were about to leave, you felt a breeze, the door opening, and even though you knew you shouldn’t look in its direction, you did. You met Seokjin’s eyes instantly through the crowd, he almost looked shocked at seeing you. You forced yourself to give him a little smile, feeling rooted at the spot and he blinked, almost returning it before you felt an arm around your waist and a kiss on your cheek. “There you are.” 
It was Yoongi. You turned to face him instantly, forcing a grin. “Sorry, there was too much choice.” You felt a little skittish, like you’d been caught. You hadn’t done anything wrong, you didn’t even think Yoongi knew that Seokjin was a few feet away. How could he? The tiny kitchen was packed. 
“Thought you’d gotten lost,” Yoongi chuckled.
You shook your head, not wanting to say much else. “Beer okay?” You asked, holding it out to him. 
“Perfect.” His free hand took yours, helping lead you out of the kitchen and back into the living room. “Kihyun’s here with the boys. Let’s go and say hi.” 
Yay, you thought to yourself. Boring basketball talk all night, how fun! As if you couldn’t help it, you looked back, searching for Seokjin. You found him at the fridge, his back towards you now. You felt unexplainably disheartened. 
You spent the next near two hours sat beside Yoongi on a sofa, half-heartedly joining in the conversation with his friends when you could. This sucked. Why had you been so insistent on coming? To see Seokjin? Laughable. You’d only seen him that once, not that you hadn’t tried to make it more. Every time you offered to go and some more drinks for everyone either one of Yoongi’s friends said they’d do it, or Yoongi himself. And no matter how much you looked around the room, Seokjin didn’t seem to want to step foot in here. The kitchen must be where all the fun was, unless he was somewhere else by now. Maybe he’d hooked up. Maybe he was upstairs right now making some girl feel good. 
You wanted to go home. You were on your third vodka and coke, and instead of feeling drunk you were just feeling plain old miserable. 
Your phone pinged, vibrations against your side, and you fished it out of your dress pocket with a strange kind of haste. It was the name you wanted to see. 
(11:31pm) Seokjin:  You came
Yes, you’d changed his name back. You didn’t know why. You couldn’t even remember when or why you’d even changed it to jerk again. That had been what you’d called him right at the beginning. When he annoyed you and you were mad at yourself for sleeping with him, mad at yourself for coming back for more… 
Looking in Yoongi’s direction next to you, you made sure he wasn’t looking as you replied, too busy chatting away, his arm slung around your shoulders. Your heart pounded for no explainable reason as you typed. Or maybe you just didn’t want to explain it… 
(11:32pm) You:  I did 
You watched the screen, waiting for his reply but got nothing. He’d seen you two hours ago so why hadn’t he messaged you then? Why now? And was that all he was going to say? You couldn’t leave it be. 
(11:34pm) You:  it’s pretty boring here though
That got him, he began typing again. 
(11:35pm) Seokjin: You find every party boring lol  You think you’d learn by now not to go to any 
You found yourself smiling. He knew you well. How couldn’t he after all that time together? Yes, you hadn’t been dating in the traditional sense but you’d been just as close. You went to reply, not really thinking as you typed until you were done, reading it back before you hit send. You invited me though. 
Not only did that sound incriminating, technically it wasn’t true. He’d asked if you were going, not would you go. You deleted and tried again. 
(11:35pm) You: you asked if i was coming though 
It still sounded just as desperate. The feeling of Yoongi removing his arm from your shoulder caught your attention and quickly you looked at him, seeing he was still talking to Kihyun. You shrunk back into the couch, waiting for Seokjin. He was probably laughing at you right now. 
(11:36pm) Seokjin: I did 
Or not. 
He was repeating what you’d said. Simple words, that didn’t imply much, yet they seemed to speak something more, something deeper. 
You watched him begin to type again, it took a minute or so. What did he want to say? 
(11:37pm) Seokjin:  Do you want to talk in person? Catch up?  You’re right this is boring I’m bored
You stared down at your phone, rereading his messages certain you were understanding wrong. You took it he agreed the party was boring, but if you read between the lines it could mean something else…
(11:37pm) You: since when do you like talking to me?
You didn’t want to answer outright. You couldn’t go and talk to him? It wasn’t right. Did he miss you too?
(11:37pm) Seokjin: I always liked talking to you
You knew it was just a text, but you took it as sincere and it had you speechless. 
(11:38pm) Seokjin: Come upstairs  If you can
You made your screen black, clutching it in your hands. Your palms were sweaty. Looking to the side of you, you found Yoongi looking your way. You heart dropped. He hadn’t seen anything, had he? 
“What’s up?” He asked, tilting his head. 
Your nerves calmed. You didn’t think he had. “Oh, nothing,” you shook your head, motioning to your phone. “Just Lina wondering how this party is.” Liar. You were such a liar.
Yoongi stared your way, nodding his head slowly, as if he’d decided something. Then he smiled slightly, taking a swig of his beer. 
“Um,” you found yourself starting. It was urge you couldn’t stop. “I’m going to go and find a toilet.” More lies. You rushed up before you could feel the guilt. “I’ll be right back, okay?” You were gone before Yoongi could reply. 
You stopped on the stairs, messaging Seokjin quickly to ask where he was. You didn’t know why you felt so shady. You were only catching up. It was innocent. You could be friends with him if you wanted. This friendship thing could work if you opened yourselves up to it. Seokjin replied in an instant and you made your way to the bedroom with the blue door, slipping inside as if you were seconds away from being caught. You left the door ajar though, anything to ease your growing guilt. 
“Hey,” Seokjin smiled gently. He was sat to the side on a desk chair. Who’s room was this, Namjoon’s or Hoseok’s? You thought about asking but then that didn’t really matter, did it?
“Why are you up here all alone?” That did. Seokjin alone at a party didn’t make sense. 
He chuckled quietly, running a hand through his hair. “Needed some silence. Had one too many Jägerbombs.” 
You laughed, a little awkwardly to tell the truth. Why had you come up here? You needed to leave and get back to Yoongi. No good would come of this. Seokjin stood, making his way over to you. You panicked. “I… I shouldn’t really be here.” 
Seokjin’s face fell instantly. “Then why are you?”
You were shocked by the sudden attitude. You were only stating the obvious. “Because you—
“Don’t blame it on me. You didn’t have to come find me.” 
“I’m not blaming it on you,” you exclaimed, confused and upset by the sudden attack. “You are the one who messaged me though.” You weren’t having this. If he hadn’t started his shitty games that night you wouldn’t be here right now. You wouldn’t even be at this party. Maybe you were blaming him. He had a way of getting into your head. 
Seokjin laughed incredulously. “You messaged me back!”
“Was I just supposed to ignore you?”
“If you didn’t like it, yeah,” he muttered, not making eye contact with you. 
Was he embarrassed? You were so confused. You thought he’d wanted to “catch up” not start an argument.  You softened your voice, trying a new approach. “What is with you lately?” 
He just scoffed. “Haven’t I always been like this?”
“No,” you told him straight. The Seokjin you knew had always respected your wishes. He would’ve respected your decision to end things to be with Yoongi, and he had, for a number of weeks, until now. What had changed?  “I’m not saying you’re like anything. It’s just… You know I’m with Yoongi now.” You spoke slowly. Despite everything, despite your risky interest with those messages, you needed to tell him. You needed to tell yourself. “So you sending me pictures of your dick is kind of inappropriate.” 
Seokjin looked at you, something changing in his expression. He looked almost sad, dejected. You waited for his response. It wasn’t what you were expecting. “Just one last time?” He sounded almost pleading. 
You froze in disbelief. “You’re drunk.” It was the only explanation. 
“I’m not,” he insisted. “Besides, don’t they say that drunk people speak the truth?” He took a step closer. “Me and you. Us. We were good together.” 
“Yeah but it’s in the past now.” You couldn’t deny what he was saying, but it didn’t matter anymore. It was over. Had been for a while. 
“Don’t I know it,” he muttered under his breath.
You instantly grew annoyed. So what, after all these weeks he was choosing now to have a problem with it? You weren’t going to stand for it. “Did you just invite me up here to try and fuck me?”
He shrugged impassively, unbothered. “Maybe.”
You wanted to yell but held it together. “I have a boyfriend.” 
“Who’s right here.” 
The sound of Yoongi’s voice horrified you and you whipped your head around in time to see your boyfriend pushing the door open to walk inside. He closed it behind him. You opened your mouth to say something – anything, but found it took at least three tries before sound was actually leaving you. “Yoongi,” you gasped. “It’s not what it looks like—I-I…” You trailed off. What did it look like exactly? 
You heard Seokjin mutter a curse behind you, stepping forward, beside you now as he tried to pacify the situation. “Yeah man, it’s not what it looks like. It’s not her fault at all. I’m just being an ass.”
Well, at least he could freely admit that. 
Yoongi ignored him, looking straight at you, expression unreadable. Was he mad? Upset? Unbothered? You didn’t know. “I saw your messages, didn’t know what I was expecting to find.” 
Oh what an idiot you’d been, sure he’d been too busy talking to his friends to even notice you on your phone. That meant he knew you lied about Lina. That meant he’d followed you upstairs and had heard your conversation with Seokjin…
Seokjin tried again. “We were just talking—
“She can answer for herself,” Yoongi cut him, voice thick with irritation. He looked at you again, waiting your response. You still couldn’t work out what he was thinking, although it couldn’t have been good. 
“I’m sorry,” you told him quietly. What more could you say? You’d lied to him. Regardless of your intentions, you’d still lied. You wouldn’t blame him if he broke up with you right here on the spot. He opened his mouth, your heart was in your stomach as you waited. 
“Do you want to fuck him?”
That you hadn’t been expecting. Your mouth fell open, eyes wide as you tried to make sense of it. “Yoongi,” you gasped, feeling mortified for some reason. Seokjin’s presence beside you had never been so obvious. You couldn’t dare look at him. 
“Answer the question. It’s a simple question.” 
No. That’s what you should answer straight away. It was a simple answer, yet for the life of you, you couldn’t form the word. Instead, you found another way. “I’m with you.” 
You had chosen Yoongi. Despite this stupid situation, despite this mistake you’d made, you were and always would be a loyal person. You weren’t a cheat. You’d been cheated on before, not that long ago actually and you would never put another person through that. You would’ve never had sex with Seokjin. You were with Yoongi. 
Seokjin sighed. “Listen, this is just stupid. It’s not her fault. I was the one who asked her up her. I said I wanted to talk.” 
Why was he sticking up for you? Not ten minutes pervious he’d been acting like a first class jerk, picking an argument with you. It didn’t make sense. 
Yoongi ignored him again, still watching you, eyes dark, although they didn’t look angry. It confused you. His jaw tightened. “He’s been sending you pictures of his dick?” 
You could see Seokjin fidget awkwardly next to you. “Yes, a few nights ago.” You replied honestly. If you wanted him to understand, to potentially forgive you, you needed to be truthful. 
“Did you like it? Did you enjoy it?”
You felt your stomach knot. Had you? That was still up in the air, and you hated that he was asking you this in front of Seokjin. Couldn’t he ask him to leave? It was like Yoongi wanted him there, liked watching him squirm. 
“I don’t know.” Honest. You needed to be honest. “I think I enjoyed knowing he was still thinking about me.” There. You weren’t a cheat no, but that for sure crossed some lines. It was a grey area, and that’s why you’d been racked with guilt ever since Tuesday night. 
Yoongi’s emotions remained hidden. It didn’t help that you’d never seen him angry before so you had no clue what to look out for. This room felt like it was closing in on you now, the air stuffy. Seokjin and Yoongi both felt so close. It made you feel funny. 
“I was drunk and I feel really bad about it,” Seokjin interjected, once again trying to take the fall. Ah, so he had been drunk…
“You wanted to have sex with her not two minutes ago,” Yoongi bit, finally acknowledging him. The tension was suffocating. Something felt like it was about to happen and you preyed it wasn’t a fight. 
“I was just talking shit. I know she’s with you,” Seokjin insisted. “She really likes you, man.” Hearing that made you feel funny. You didn’t know why. Didn’t really have time to ponder it. Yoongi was rendering you speechless once again. 
“She can still like me and fuck you too. She’s done it before.”
What did that mean? Yoongi definitely didn’t sound mad. His voice was thick with something, you just couldn’t place what. You stared at him, desperate to understand. Beside you Seokjin chuckled. “I see.” 
He did? How come he got it and you didn’t? Yoongi’s attention turned to the other guy. They stared one another down, waiting for something – deciding something?
Finally it was Seokjin that spoke again, looking back and forth at you and Yoongi as he spoke – suggested something. “Maybe she can fuck both of us?”
Between your legs clenched despite the shock you felt. You stared at Yoongi, noticing his dark eyes again. Oh. You understood then. Instantly. They weren’t hard or black with anger. They were hard and black with lust. He’d been turned on this entire time. Maybe mad too, but that was probably because he couldn’t understand nor explain his emotions. 
“Do you want to?” He asked, voice gentle like you were used to. He sounded more like the Yoongi you knew, the one you’d fallen for. 
You needed a moment to think. Not to decide, but more so prepare yourself. You were getting hotter by the moment, the air around you heavy. It made sense now, you saw now, you had been drowning in sexual tension. You nodded slowly. Seokjin, waiting your answer too, inched in closer. You wanted to ask Now? But that seemed like a stupid question. Of course it was now. It was now or never. 
Seokjin’s hands took you by the hips, spinning you to face him and you soundlessly gasped. Just feeling him touch you again was earth shattering. You hesitated though, looking back at Yoongi who simply nodded his head, giving you his permission. He was giving you his permission to fuck another man. He wanted you to fuck another man. This was too surreal. 
You turned back to Seokjin. Not ten minutes prior you’d been mad at him, now your insides bubbled with something else… Your gaze fell to his mouth. His plump lips that seemed to crease with concern for a moment. “Only if you’re really sure?” He murmured. You blinked up at him, hunger becoming hard to ignore. You could smell him, that scent you were so familiar with, the scent that reminded you of all those months spent exploring one another’s bodies. There was nothing wrong with this. Not when you all wanted the same thing. 
“I’m sure,” you replied, giving him a confident smile. If Yoongi was okay with this then there was no problem. If Yoongi wanted this, then it was fine. Your unclear emotions were almost justified. 
Seokjin couldn’t wait a second longer to get his mouth on you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting him consume you. You’d missed Seokjin’s mouth so much. The kiss was quick and intense, like he was desperate for the sensation and he wasted no time in pushing his tongue inside your mouth. You moaned without realising, clashing your muscle against his eagerly. You’d been under the impression this would never happen again, but here you were, making out with him shamelessly in front of Yoongi. Seokjin grunted, one of his hands reaching behind you to give your ass a rub. You pressed up into him, liking it when you felt his growing erection. You always had made him hard so easily. Nothing had changed. 
Pulling away eventually, needing some air, you looked Yoongi’s way immediately. Embarrassment washed over you for a moment, you’d almost forgotten he was there. His eyes were still hard, pinned on you. “Yoongi?” You asked cautiously. Was he getting second thoughts? 
“He’s fine,” Seokjin husked against you ear, pulling you closer. “Aren’t you?” He directed at Yoongi. You couldn’t see his reply, Seokjin in your way now, distracting you as he nipped at your earlobe. Your knees grew weak. “He likes it.” You let out a shaky breath. You didn’t know whether it was the admission or the way Seokjin’s tongue traced down your neck. “You do too.” His words rumbled against your throat, and once again you were able to glance across at your boyfriend. 
His eyes were darting everywhere now; Seokjin’s mouth on your skin, his hand on your ass, but mostly he liked where your two bodies met, right in the middle. You felt relieved. You felt free, and you smiled, rubbing against Seokjin purposely. “So do you. You’re hard.” 
He chuckled. “Busted.” He rolled the flesh of your ass in both hands now, grinding you against the tent in his black jeans. “I’m always fucking hard because of you.”  
You managed to look at Yoongi once more before Seokjin was kissing you again, stealing your attention and your sanity. This was like some sort of forbidden fantasy. Who knew you’d be into something like this? Not you. You vaguely remembered Seokjin bringing it up once, definitely talking shit, so turned on every thought was driving him wild. It had been fantasy then, now it was real. Or, at least it would be real soon enough. 
You felt electric as Seokjin slid a hand up your dress, gripping the flesh of your ass for real now. He pinged your thong and you moaned loudly. You knew you were already growing wet, you could feel the heaviness of your arousal. You needed him. It had been way too long. Just knowing Yoongi was watching you fuelled you even further. You wondered what he was thinking, if he liked what he saw. His girlfriend getting felt up by another guy right in front of his eyes. Was he hard too? You wanted to find out. You wanted both of them.
Pulling away Seokjin looked in Yoongi’s direction. “Lock the door.” Your stomach dipped, Seokjin kissing you once again, and you heard the sound of Yoongi’s boots across the wooden floor, the click of the lock. This was really happening. You were going to fuck both of them. 
Yoongi’s footsteps came closer and Seokjin abruptly twisted you around. You gasped as you found yourself in Yoongi’s arms now, his fingers gripping into your waist as his dark eyes found yours. “Yoongi—
He cut you off with a kiss. It was just as urgent as Seokjin’s, but harder. A lot harder. He hadn’t kissed you this rough before. It took your breath away. It was as if he was overcome with lust and he needed you now. He needed this now. You could taste the beer on him, reminding you that all three of you were pretty intoxicated right now. You weren’t drunk by any means, but the alcohol you’d consumed had definitely eased you up tonight. Likewise for Yoongi and Seokjin too. 
Yoongi grunted as he kissed you, tongue thrashing against yours as he tried to taste you everywhere. He was touching the roof of your mouth, licking against your teeth, sucking your tongue inside his mouth, taking over you effectively. You clung to him in the end, needing to be rooted. 
When he pulled back you instantly tried for more, but he stopped you, taking one of your hands instead to wrap it around his erection. “Looks like you’re magic,” he smirked. 
That smirk was the first positive reaction you’d gotten. Something concrete that showed his enjoyment. He was breathing loudly, the kiss having taken it out of him. You thought you were out of breath too but you felt so alive.  
Yoongi and you had never really talked about sexual fantasies yet, it hadn’t come up. Actually, in comparison your sex life was completely different to what you and Seokjin once had, but you’d already thought this, already knew this. Seeing Yoongi act like this was hot. It was sexy. It was unbelievable. 
He gripped the back of your head to smash your lips together again, his eyes on Seokjin as the other guy took a seat on the edge of the bed. Breaking away, Yoongi took your hand and marched you over to him, to which you gladly obeyed, leaning over his body to kiss him again. Seokjin widened his legs, falling back to let you slot inside and wrapped his arms around your middle. 
“Seeing as you missed her so much,” Yoongi taunted, standing over you both as he watched. Seokjin took no notice. He either didn’t care or wasn’t even paying attention in the first place. 
Knowing Yoongi was deriving pleasure from this only doubled yours and not long after that you were pulling apart from Seokjin’s lips, a panting mess, to reach for the buttons on his jeans. You dropped to your knees and he sat up, watching you, mouth open as he breathed heavily. 
“Sucking my dick already?” He teased.  
You ignored him, too desperate now as you fought with the fabric. It was stretched so tight over his thighs you had a hard time freeing his dick, but you won, finally feeling the smooth, hard flesh of his cock in your hand. 
As you ran your fist up and down him steadily, warming up, you heard Yoongi chuckle. “So the rumours are true. Impressive.” 
You looked up at Seokjin, curious for his reaction. He laughed back. “Of course they are. Although, it’s only impressive if you know how to use it.” He paused, looking down at you. “I do. Ask your girlfriend.” Between your legs pulsed, memories stirring. 
Yoongi scoffed but other than that said nothing, and eager, you lowered your head, really, really wanting to suck dick. Seokjin’s dick. It twitched in your palm as he gave you an enthusiastic grunt, taking hold of your shoulder as you took him into your mouth. “Fuck,” he hissed, watching you pull off to swirl your tongue around the sensitive head, digging the tip of the muscle into the slit, knowing it made his thighs tremble. Said thighs were hard with tension, his boxers and jeans digging a line into the skin. You took him back inside, pushing as far as you could get before gagging. He arched his back swallowing down a yelp. You guessed he wanted to look cool, calm and collected in front of Yoongi. Cute. 
You moaned enthusiastically around him, wanting him to react more. You made sure to jerk your fist against the flesh you couldn’t reach, making your mouth wetter, making your actions louder. You looked up at him, making eye contact. He buckled. “Ah, f-fuck.” He started knocking his hips to the rhythm, you let him fuck your mouth shallowly. 
Extending an arm behind you, you reached for Yoongi, coming into contact with his leg, and you gripped it tightly. He stepped closer. 
“Don’t worry, he’s still here,” Seokjin said, eyes looking up and behind you. “He’s enjoying the show. Likes watching you choking on big dick.” You moaned, unable to stop yourself. 
That was when Yoongi suddenly crouched beside you, hand reaching to stroke your hair attentively before he was gripping the back of your neck, stilling you, lodging Seokjin’s dick inside your mouth. 
“Yeah,” he husked. “I’m enjoying myself.” He kissed your temple gently, as if to reassure you. God, you were so turned on. You needed to get touched before you burst. 
“Can you take him deeper? I fail to believe you never have.” 
Fuck. Yoongi had never spoken to you like this before. He wasn’t really a lover of dirty talk, but this was more than that. It was real, raw. He meant every word and he wanted this. His grip eased up on your neck, letting you pull off Seokjin’s cock to prepare a breath. When you took him inside again, you pushed deeper, just to satisfy Yoongi – and Seokjin in the process of course. When you audibly choked Yoongi growled with pleasure. 
“Fuuck,” Seokjin cursed as you came up for air. Not really having much of a moment to compose himself before Yoongi was helping to guide your head down again. This time you got to the base of Seokjin’s cock, jaw aching as you concentrated on breathing out of your nose and not on the word ‘gag’. With watery eyes you looked at Seokjin and forced yourself to swallow around his girth. He jerked up, crying out. “—Swallow—h–holy fuck, I forgot how good your throat felt—mother fuck—”
This time as you tried to repeat you gagged, a loud retching noise tearing from your throat and Yoongi let go of you, letting you come up for air, panting loudly. Some of your saliva slid from the corner of your mouth and you wiped it away quickly, ignoring the burn in your jaw. Some had even collected in the little hairs that covered his groin. They shone in the overhead lighting. 
“Baby, I think he’s close already,” Yoongi chuckled, taking a look at Seokjin, highly amused. 
Seokjin’s thighs were so tense the muscle looked almost aggressive, patches of red littering the flesh. It travelled up his neck too, flushed his face as he tried for breath. It was good to know you still had the same effect on him. 
However, distracted he shot a look your way. “I thought you said he didn’t call you baby.” You just shrugged. 
“I can call her whatever I want,” Yoongi informed the other guy. “She’s my girlfriend.” He stood you up, body in front of yours as he watched Seokjin on the bed.  “My girlfriend,” he repeated, running his hand up and down your back. You glanced at him, despite his loving action his eyes were still dark, a fire you’d never seen in them before. “I’m the one giving you permission to get your dick sucked by her.” 
Seokjin just chuckled quietly, uncaring that his dick was still out, drenched in your spit. In fact, he began to run his own fist along the length now. You found yourself staring. “Thanks for being so kind. Can I fuck her too?”
Please. Your body pretty much ached for his dick. You wondered if you could still take him. You thought you could. It hadn’t been that long, and besides, you’d always been a pro when it came to that. 
“Not yet,” Yoongi dismissed. “It’s my turn first.” He pushed gently at your shoulders, signalling for you to drop in front of him. You listened, your face meeting his crotch. 
“Fair is fair,” Seokjin breezed. 
Yoongi’s dick was a lot more manageable. You held onto his thighs as you let him thrust in and out of your mouth, curling your tongue along the underside of the flesh as he did so, swirling it around the tip – making a show of it. 
“Mhm, fuck,” he muttered, running his fingers through your hair before holding your head still, lodging his cock all the way inside your mouth. He held you close, the tip of your nose pressing into the hem of his t-shirt as you forced yourself to swallow around him. 
Okay, yes Yoongi’s dick was smaller than Seokjin’s but that didn’t mean you weren’t struggling to deepthroat him. His hips bucked into you once when he felt you choke, and he eased away quickly after that, his face shiny as he remained breathless. 
He bent to ran a finger along your lips, wiping away some of your spit that had collected in the corner. “You’re dribbling you love cock so much.” 
You had no doubt by now that you were drenched down below. You could  feel the way your thong stuck to you as you shuffled on your knees, pressing your thighs together as you moaned and tugged his boxers down lower. You took him in your palm, spreading your spit into his length as you moved closer. Aware that Seokjin was watching, you dipped your head and took one of Yoongi’s balls into your mouth, sucking the soft flesh gently as you looked up at your boyfriend innocently. His mouth had fallen open, brows creasing together, face crinkled up as he moaned softly. You smiled mischievously around him, a twinkle in your eyes and he loved it. You thought Seokjin did too, hearing him fidget around on the bed. You pulled back, tongue pointing as you traced patterns against the sensitive skin. 
That was it. Yoongi had to stop you with shaky hands. “Fuck, okay, stop,” he chuckled almost bashfully, running a hand through his blonde hair that had fallen in his eyes. You smiled as you stood, that was the Yoongi you knew. 
“Now who’s close to coming,” Seokjin taunted. 
“You’re both like putty in my hands,” you grinned, looking back and forth between them. They both wanted you. It made you feel powerful. 
“Then let’s change that up,” Seokjin suggested. “We pleasure you.”
You liked the sound of that. Yoongi did too. He pulled his boxers and jeans up, leaving them undone as he came up behind you, slinking his hands around your waist. “What do you have in mind?” He asked Seokjin. 
He shrugged. “What’s Yoongi good at?” 
You didn’t even need to think about it. It was obvious, you’d told Yoongi himself so many times before. “Eating me out.” 
Yoongi lived for the act, which was great because oral was your favourite. He knew how to make you cum in minutes, which was pretty insane. From the first ever time his tongue had met your clit you knew that’s where it belonged. You’d gladly get eaten out right now. Seokjin could follow suit if he liked. The more the merrier. 
“Then let me watch,” Seokjin smirked. 
Yoongi immediately began scooting you to the bed, eager to get started, and you kicked off your shoes, Yoongi copying. His erection pressed into your ass and instantly you searched for Seokjin’s, but just like Yoongi he’d put it away. He’d kicked off his sneakers and jeans though, just in his boxers and white long sleeved top. He moved to the top of the bed, throwing a plushie of a character that was vaguely familiar to you on the floor as he did so. Luckily he landed face first, saved from any further debauchery. The poor thing had already had an eyeful. You crawled into the middle, Yoongi following. Like you couldn’t help it you reached for Seokjin, connecting your lips. He was ready, tongue snaking with yours, his hands travelling down your back and over your ass. Behind you, Yoongi put his hand up the skirt of your dress, rubbing your heat over your panties. 
“You’re so fucking wet,” he gasped. “What the fuck.” You were swamped, the cotton stuck to your flesh, and if you listened carefully you could hear yourself squelching. 
Seokjin broke apart from you, interest piqued. “Let me feel. Turn around.” You didn’t quite understand what he wanted so you let him direct you around, sitting you on your butt as he shuffled forward, pressing your back into his chest. 
Yoongi helped hike up your dress before sliding down the bed on his knees, ready for action. You spread your legs, letting Seokjin loop his arm around so his hand could travel down your body. He slid it straight inside your underwear, dipping his fingers into your arousal before spreading it up to your clit, circling the sensitive bundle of nerves with the tip of his forefinger. You moaned sweetly, pushing back into him. He tsked. “Namjoon’s going to wonder why his sheets are soaked through…”
Fuck. It was Namjoon’s bed. He was too nice for this to happen to him. Thinking about it, how the hell were you here again, hooking up at a party? You kept swearing this would never happen again and again and yet… You blamed Seokjin. It was always Seokjin. 
“Don’t ruin the moment,” you groaned, attempting to look up at him. He kissed you again, laughing as he did so, his other hand cupping a breast. 
Yoongi’s impatient hands rubbed at your thighs and you moaned again. You loved having all these hands on you. It felt unbelievable. Eagerly he started to pull your thong down, getting you out of it completely as Seokjin continued to tease between your legs. He eventually stopped, his sticky fingers making their way to your mouth, pressing one inside. You cleaned it up, looking in his eyes the entire time. After he was done, he took the second in his mouth, obviously enjoying yourself. You guessed Yoongi was into it too because with a grunt he was on top of you, kissing you hungrily, tasting your arousal on your lips. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, caged between both men. You could feel Seokjin’s erection against your back, Yoongi’s digging into your thigh.  
“Yoongiii,” you whined, pulling away, lips surely swollen by now. “What’s a girl gotta do to get eaten out around here.”
“Patience,” he smirked, but he made his way back down your body, placing your feet to the bed as you bent your legs at the knee, spreading them wider. You watched as he swiped his tongue across his bottom lip, wetting it, his face etched with concentration before he dived in. 
He went straight for your clit, sucking with fervour before pulling back slightly to flick the tip of his tongue repeatedly. You groaned, arching your back instantly. Seokjin awed against your ear, holding your waist, his chin on your shoulder as he watched Yoongi at work. This was crazy, but so, so hot. 
“Literally have the best fucking view right now,” Seokjin half moaned, pulling the skirt of your dress up further, a peek of your stomach on show, tensing erratically with the pleasure. “You honest to god love getting eaten out.” You moaned in response, agreeing wholeheartedly. “Is he better than me?” He asked, messing around.
You laughed breathlessly. “Maybe.” 
Seokjin nipped at your neck lightly as Yoongi dragged his tongue up your whole heat, grunting in pleasure. You were honestly so wet, it clung to the inside of your thighs, run down your ass. Yoongi was just making things messier, eating you out like it was his last meal. The tip of tongue dug against your clit and you gasped out, hole clenching around nothingness, desperate to be filled up. 
“I haven’t fucked you yet—then you’ll remember what you’re missing.” Seokjin whispered in your ear, continuing his conversation. 
Yoongi heard, although you doubted Seokjin was purposely trying to stay quiet. “We’ll see,” he mused, pulling away to flash a look Seokjin’s way just as he pushed two of his fingers inside your soaking entrance. 
You cried out, head falling back against Seokjin’s shoulder. He grunted at the sight, watching Yoongi fuck you with his fingers as you kept on moaning. You took his digits easily and greedily, so aroused you didn’t even need a warmup. As if he couldn’t stop it Seokjin crashed his lips against yours, swallowing the noises you made just as Yoongi went back to going down on you. 
Haphazardly, Seokjin began to free the buttons down the bodice of your dress. “Let’s see your body,” he spoke through swipes of his tongue, freeing your torso, your bra the only thing you had left on now, as your own hands tore at the buttons on the skirt. Your dress feel apart, stuck under your sweaty back. His tongue was everywhere, similar to Yoongi’s earlier; flicking against your teeth, roof of your mouth, your lips… It was messy and eager. Fully uncontrolled. 
“Can’t believe we’re doing this right now,” he murmured, mouth now at your ear. You squirmed, sensory overload, shaky moans all you gave him in response. You were going to cum if this kept up. 
Yoongi’s fingers curled against your g-spot with intent, stopping his ministrations for a moment to chuckle. “Hey, if it’s what I have to do to get you off her ass, then I’ll do it – and I’ll enjoy myself in the process,” he added, smirking, still fingering you. 
Fuck. This wasn’t your Yoongi. The Yoongi you were used to. The way he was speaking, the way he was acting, it was doing things to you. You felt like you were going to explode, pleasure building up. “Yoongi,” you begged, gasping for breath as he spread his fingers inside of you, stretching you open. “Please make me cum.” 
“Why should I let you?” He teased, cocking an eyebrow as he kissed up your shaky thigh. “Do you deserve it? You were messaging another guy after all…” 
“That was totally my fault,” Seokjin said, his voice strained he was so turned on. “Make her cum.” He wanted to see it. 
Yoongi connected his mouth to your clit again, sucking it, his fingers straightening as he fucked you with them harshly. You tensed up, moaning, begging for release. You could cry it was so close. Seokjin kissed your neck like crazy, sucking red marks on the skin.  
“I’m gon—mhm, oh fuck—fuck,” you tumbled out, unable to be coherent as you threw your head forward, clutching at Seokjin’s body behind you. You watched Yoongi as your orgasm hit, seeing spots, head dizzy. He slowed his motions, bringing you down gradually, dragging your pleasure out to the last millisecond. 
He placed one last kiss to your core before beginning to travel up your body instead, kissing your stomach, your chest, staining you, humming against your trembling skin. Seokjin kissed your mouth again, Yoongi at your neck soon after, licking strips up the column before nibbling your ear. You felt as if you were sinking into the bed. You moaned softly, Seokjin pulling away, perfect timing for Yoongi to steal you instead, tongue pushing into your mouth, tasting yourself as Seokjin’s hand moved down your body. 
You arched your back when you felt him push a finger inside of you, exploring your wet and warm insides before he added a second. Your heart jumped when you felt another hand between your legs too and you pulled away from Yoongi’s mouth to look down, seeing one of his fingers pushing inside your entrance too. He grinned when he noticed your reaction and you gave up, setting your head on Seokjin’s shoulder as they both tried to finger you at the same time. It was messy and off beat. If you were being honest, more uncomfortable than pleasurable, but just the visual seemed to do the trick. The thought of being able to fit both their dicks inside you at the same time flew into your head, and you had to stop yourself, knowing you were getting a little too crazy. You were losing your head. Maybe you already had.
“Fuck,” Yoongi exclaimed. “This is… This is so hot.” You moaned with what you hoped was enthusiasm, still exhausted from your orgasm. “You’re dirty,” your boyfriend gleed, voice an excited whisper. 
“She’s always been dirty,” Seokjin stated matter-of-factly. 
“How so,” Yoongi asked, highly curious, head tilted. He removed his finger, choosing instead to rub your thigh, enjoying the sight of Seokjin’s fingers inside his girlfriend’s pussy… God, you’d totally lost it. Throwing around the P word like it didn’t make you cringe. 
“She almost let me fuck her in the ass once.” 
“Why almost?” 
Hearing them speak about you like you weren’t there was hot and it only turned you on even more. You shuffled, wedged between their bodies, desperate for more. If they could get to fucking you that would be great. 
“Well,” Seokjin shrugged, “you came along and she broke up with me.” 
Broke up with him? What an odd way of putting it. You wondered if he’d been way more bothered than he let on when you’d ended things? No, don’t be stupid. This was all talk between two guys. Same as all that talk about ass fucking was to rile Seokjin up when you’d been hooking up. It wasn’t real. You weren’t going to let him fuck you in the ass. 
“Keep dreaming, Kim,” you sang to which he laughed loudly. 
Yoongi sat up, looking at you both. “I think she wants you to fuck her now.” Your heart started to thud loudly in anticipation. 
“Is that true?” Seokjin asked, slipping his fingers from you. 
You nodded quickly, a smirk on your face as you looked at him. “Get on with it before I change my mind.”  
“Please,” he scoffed, as if you ever could. 
Yoongi moved to the head of the bed now, back against the headboard as Seokjin lied you down, kneeling over you to pry apart your legs, but you keep upright on your elbows, wanting to get a good view as your hand run over his chest and torso, tugging at his top. 
“Off,” you motioned with your head and he obliged, ripping it over his head, revealing his toned torso.  “Fuck,” you uttered, running your fingers across the hard skin. 
He smirked. “Missed me?” 
“Just your body,” you deadpanned, a glint in your eyes that told him you were only teasing. 
He chuckled, pulling down his boxers, his cock bouncing out. He jerked it a couple of times before leaning forward, a hand against the mattress. He paused, looking at you. “Wait. Are we using a condom because I don’t have any.” 
Oh. You hadn’t thought about that. You were so used to having sex with Seokjin without any it had slipped your mind. “I mean,” you turned your head to glance at Yoongi, checking to see if he had any concerns. He seemed fine so you looked back at Seokjin. “Is it safe?” 
He knew what you meant. Had he fucked anyone else unprotected since you? He nodded his head. “Yeah. I haven’t…” He trailed off with a shrug, glancing at Yoongi himself, checking for his permission. Your boyfriend didn’t say anything so you guessed he was okay with it. You were a little distracted though. Seokjin hadn’t what? Fucked anyone raw since, or fucked anyone at all since? You were more than positive it was the former, and once again you felt a little weird imagining him getting in on with other people. It was stupid, definitely hypocritical and you would never admit to it, but you felt it. 
“Come on, we don’t have all night,” Yoongi pressed from behind you, pulling you out of your thoughts. “What if this Namjoon dude wants his room back?” 
Seokjin scowled, not liking being bossed about. “You can’t rush a good thing. I know you’re eager to watch your girlfriend get fucked by another guy but patience is key.” 
Your heat pulsed as you listened to them bicker. It was kind of hot in a fucked up way. Yoongi breathed out a laugh, ignoring him. You held your breath when you felt the head of Seokjin’s dick against your entrance, unable to stop clenching in anticipation. 
“It takes patience to take a dick this big,” he continued, not looking at Yoongi despite his words being directed at him. You would disagree though. You could take Seokjin’s dick easily, despite size, he was just trying to goad Yoongi. 
Although, as he began to push inside you, your walls swallowing the tip, the sting became apparent. Your mouth opened in a silent moan as he sunk further, your eyes on Seokjin the entire time, his expression matching yours. You almost forgot Yoongi was there watching you until you felt him move, the mattress squeaking as he shuffled closer to your body, intent on getting a better look. He laid his legs to the side of you, slotting in behind your back and you rested your shoulders and head halfway between his stomach and crotch, letting the pressure ease off your elbows as Seokjin started to thrust his way fully inside. Stretching you out inch by inch until you finally had him whole. 
“Unggh,” you moaned, pushing yourself into Yoongi. He gently pushed your hair out of your eyes, looking down at you. His eyes glistened with excitement. He really was enjoying this. 
Impatient, unable to pace himself now that he was finally inside you again – like he’d wanted – Seokjin began to fuck you faster, thrusting with a grunt each time, hands now gripping your hips, knees pressing into the mattress. “Have you missed this?” He got out. “Me fucking you. I bet you imagined it a couple of times, right?”
“In your dreams,” Yoongi scoffed above you. 
Seokjin shot him a glare. “You’d never know anyway. It’s not something she’d admit to.” 
Men, you thought, inwardly rolling your eyes, so competitive. You looked up at Yoongi, trying to watch his expression as Seokjin fucked you. The fingers of one hand tugged at his bottom lip, the apples of his cheeks flushed. He was breathing quite loudly. His cock dug into your neck, still as hard as ever – harder in fact – his eyes glazed over as he watched Seokjin’s cock thrust in and out of you. 
“This okay?” Seokjin asked you, feeling his hands grip the back of knees as he started to push them up, trying to fold your legs into your body, wanting to hit deeper. You nodded rapidly, a moan tearing your throat. 
Yoongi gave a helping hand, pulling you upright by the armpits before deciding to drag you up the bed a little further, wanting to use the headboard as a rest. Seokjin shuffled awkwardly along with you both, still half inside you, still gripping your thighs loosely. You guessed threesomes in real life weren’t as easy nor glamourous. 
Yoongi sat you between his legs somehow, your body now pressing into his chest as Seokjin got your legs up higher, hooking them over his shoulders, and he held your thighs, started to fuck you again, finding his rhythm, a mess of throaty groans. You moaned loudly, the bass of the music downstairs thudding in your ears. You were squashed between both men again. It felt so good. 
“Is that good, baby?” Yoongi hummed in your ear and you nodded madly, trying to get words out but all you could manage was a few huffs of breath, a strangled whine. Yoongi’s fingertips traced ever so lightly around your stomach, making you shudder, before they worked their way down to your pelvis. He few seconds later he pinched your clit. You cried out, jutting your hips into Seokjin. 
Your legs were shaking now, despite being propped up by Seokjin’s shoulders, you couldn’t take anymore. You nudged him with one of your feet, holding back his thrusts to drop a leg down. It was still bent at the knee and you were still cramped between the guys but at least you weren’t trembling like jelly anymore. One leg stayed hooked around the broadness of his shoulders though. You’d missed that feeling. 
“I think you should cum,” Yoongi carried on, voice low. “Give him something to remember. One last time.” 
Seokjin snickered. “I have a lot of memories. I’ll add it to the collection.” 
You moaned at that, loving the thought of Seokjin thinking about all the times you’d fucked. Yoongi started to rub your clit with the flats of his index and middle fingers, getting them all juicy. “Oh, god,” you sighed, feeling weak. 
“Yeah, be a good girl and cum for us,” Seokjin smirked down at you, reminding you of all the times he’d goaded you like that before. Cocky fucker. 
You let it affect you though, concentrating on the pleasure both men were giving you, watching Seokjin’s cock thrust in and out of you, Yoongi’s deft fingers stimulating you something addictive. Squelch, squelch, squelch. That’s how you went. 
“Seokjin,” you moaned, looking up at him now, mouth agape. His hips stuttered, a groan leaving him. He better not cum before you. 
“Shit,” Yoongi cursed, voice thick as he watched you start to lose it. “I can’t wait to fuck you too. My dick’s about to burst.” You moaned louder, hearing him speak like that driving you crazier. Your head was spinning, unable to focus on everything at once. 
Seokjin drilled you harder, expression determined. “You look so hot like this,” he panted.
“Gonna cum?” Yoongi pressed, feeling the way your clit was pulsing against his fingers. Seokjin could feel you squeezing around his cock. You nodded, an exerted cry trapping in your throat. “That’s my girl.” 
Yoongi’s praise set your body alight, and he tilted your head back to look directly at Seokjin. “Watch him and moan his name, because it’s the last time he’ll ever hear it.” 
“Ouch,” Jin feigned, chuckling slightly, but you were already too busy moaning his name to really pay attention. It fell from you easily, like it always had. You rolled into his thrusts, cramped and sweaty but it didn’t matter. Not when you finally fell over the edge, your orgasm tearing through your body. You came all over his cock, Yoongi’s fingers, crying out. Immediately Yoongi dropped his hand, but you weren’t done yet. Nuh uh, no way. 
“Jesus fucking christ, you’re so fucking horny,” he exclaimed in disbelief, laughing, in awe of the way you continued to chase Seokjin’s cock, fucked out yet still so desperate. Yet to your disappointment Seokjin pulled out, gripping the base of his dick with a grunt. 
“What you doing?” You demanded. You’d wanted him to finish too. To cum inside you. 
Seokjin caught his breath, letting your leg down gently as he moved back, tugging up his underwear. “I wanna watch him fuck you before I cum.” 
Your gut squeezed, watching him make his way around you, swapping places with Yoongi as your boyfriend sat you forward before crawling in front of you, cupping your face to kiss you enthusiastically. He pulled away and grinned at Seokjin. “I get it, you’re a masochist.” You couldn’t see Seokjin’s reaction, but whatever it was, it amused Yoongi. 
Eyes full of lust he turned back to you. “Turn around so you’re facing him.”
You jumped to it, bouncing down on your knees to see Seokjin already sat comfy against the headboard. He cocked an eyebrow. “You like fucking her doggy too?” 
Yoongi scoffed but otherwise ignored his jab. Getting behind you, you heard him push his jeans and boxers down, his hands massaging your ass, spreading it to get a good look at your – there it was that word again – pussy. There was a pause, like he was absorbing the view, you almost started to feel a little self-conscious, exposed as you waited, and then you heard him take an intake of breath, knocking the wind out of you as he shoved his cock inside you whole. All in on go. 
You flew forward, crying out, but he started thrusting immediately, just making you moan harder, louder. “Ah—Yoongi! Fuck, oh my god.” The bed shook with his movements. You gripped the bedsheets between your fingers. 
Seokjin groaned, eyes soaked in everything. “I knew this would be good.” 
Yoongi spanked your ass and you squealed playfully, looking into Seokjin’s eyes now, a grin on your face. He was entranced, mouth open, mimicking your moans silently, as if he couldn’t help it. You noticed him rub his dick through his boxers, and you reached over to give him a helping hand. He pulsed from your touch, even above the fabric. 
“Shit,” he mumbled, hesitating before he reaching for something by the side of you. Your cell phone. It must have fallen out of the pocket of your dress. “Let me do something…” 
“What?” You managed to ask, still getting fucked pretty hard by Yoongi. You watched him unlock your phone – passcode still the same. “You’re not taking any pictures.” You told him, automatically realising what he was playing at. 
“A video,” he smirked. He watched your mouth open in shock. “You’ve let me take pictures before. It’s on your phone, you can delete it at any time.” He was determined to persuade you. He tried one last time. “I want you to see how hot you look.” 
“Fine,” you gave in. You wouldn’t say no to that. 
His face lit up. “Yeah?” 
“Thirty seconds tops,” you told him. 
“Of course,” he agreed, eyes flickering to Yoongi behind you. You guessed he was looking for his consent too. Your boyfriend didn’t object, so Seokjin scrolled across the screen until he hit video and pressed start. He knelt up to get a good angle, your face fully in the camera, the sounds of Yoongi thrusting into you and grunting filling the speakers. “How do you feel?” He asked playfully. 
You looked straight into the lens, grinning. “I feel great. Can’t you tell?” On cue, Yoongi gave you another smack. You yelped. 
“I bet you do,” Seokjin husked, filming you for a few seconds longer, pulling back to get your body in the shot as Yoongi continued to fuck you like a machine. Where had he got all this drive from? You were struggling to keep yourself up. 
“You’re out of this world.” Seokjin mused, a click as he ended the recording. That made your heart flutter. You couldn’t explain it. Was it the admiration in his voice? The look on his face as he said it? You didn’t know. 
“I’m a lucky guy, right?” Yoongi bragged, interrupting your momentary confusion. 
“You are,” you teased, laugh strained as you felt Yoongi pull your ass cheeks apart, rubbing the meat with his palms. 
It caught Seokjin’s attention as he tilted his head to the side and watched. “You know if you really want her to go wild you should put that thumb to good use.” His eyes fell to yours, a small smirk spreading before he looked at Yoongi, 
“Thanks,” Yoongi replied icily, thrusts slowing down. “But I don’t need your input on how to make my girl feel good.” 
Seokjin laughed, genuinely amused, but now you were thinking again. You hoped Yoongi would listen. He was dragging his dick inside of you now, painfully deliberate. Ever so carefully, much to your delight, you felt his thumb inch closer to the spot that now ached for him. You jerked when he made contact, rubbing the sensitive hole with the pad. 
“Wet it,” Seokjin whispered, watching intently. You could tell he was pleased Yoongi had listened. 
Yoongi brought his thumb to your clit, getting it wet but also giving it an appreciative rub in the process. He spread you apart again, thumb at the crack of your ass soon after, now wet and sticky as he rubbed, applying more pressure, getting confident. “Is this okay?” He asked gently, and you gave him a little moan, a yes following soon after. 
“Oh, fuck!” You gasped when you felt him enter you, slowly popping inside as he continued to drag his cock against your cushioned walls. 
“You like my thumb in your ass?” He asked, definitely confident now, and your belly began doing crazy somersaults. 
“Mmhm,” you moaned. “It feels so good, Yoongi.” The extra stimulation you needed. 
Seokjin got in front of your face, sweeping hair away from your eyes, locking it behind your ear before you lunged at him, desperate for his mouth. You were greedy for both men. You kissed him without restrain, licking, moaning into his mouth until he couldn’t take much more, panting as he pulled away. “Wanna suck my dick again?” 
“Yeah,” you breathed. God, you really did. “Please.” He was kneeling up straight away, pulling his cock from his underwear once again. He started jerking himself off and you opened your mouth, curling your tongue out to catch the tip, purposely teasing him. Seokjin chuckled, trying to evade your movements so he could get the head in your mouth. 
You gave in soon enough, sucking him inside, putting on a show, lashes weighted as you stared up at him. He always did love that and he moaned on cue, pushing further into your mouth. He held the back of your head, beginning to fuck your mouth carefully, in rhythm with Yoongi’s thrusts. It felt amazing. To be full of both men. You moaned around Seokjin’s cock just from the thought. Yoongi loved that, pressing a foot into the bed to fuck you deeper – harder. 
Gurgling, mouth stuffed, you attempted to cry out, your knees instantly trembling from the force. “Fuck,” Seokjin breathed, hips stuttering as he looked behind you, watching Yoongi go. 
“I’m close,” Yoongi breathed, yet the snap of his hips didn’t slow. “You can cum again, baby, surely? One last time for me.” Yoongi encouraged. He’d never beg. You clenched around his cock, body instantly agreeing. 
“She can no problem,” Seokjin grinned, although it was strained, teeth bared almost. He was close too. He knew your body well. Knew you well. 
You were so turned on you couldn’t think straight, the pleasure coursing through your body, your veins. You wanted their cum. You moaned loudly around Seokjin’s cock, vibrations making him buck into your mouth faster, chasing his relief. 
“Want me to cum on your face?” He got out between a sharp intake of breath. You nodded your head, another moan because replying was pretty impossible with your mouth full of his dick. “Yoongi?” Seokjin asked, looking across at your boyfriend, an eyebrow raised. “Do you want me to cum on your girlfriend’s face?”
You heard him chuckle. “If you’re trying to make me jealous it won’t work. Go for it.” At his words, he circled his thumb softly in your ass, the pleasure tingling up your spine. You were so fricking sensitive. You felt so good. 
Belly doing flips, Seokjin tore from your mouth, jerking his length with intent, aiming directly for your face.  You moaned his name, looking him straight in the eyes , helping him along  as his breathing shook – helping yourself along because as he let out a gasp, the first shot of warm cum landing on your cheek, you came too, clamping around Yoongi’s dick as you cried out. 
“Shit, shit,” Yoongi panted, his thrusts getting messy instantly as he prepared to cum. “Keep on squeezing like that baby—fuuuck,” he whined, thumb dislodging from your ass as he became overwhelmed, gripping your hips tightly, ramming himself inside you tight as he filled you up.  
Seokjin groaned as he got every last drop of his cum on your face, aiming it mostly on your cheeks and mouth, a hand threaded through your hair and just before he was spent, you took him back in your mouth, sucking the tip dry, until he was hissing, sensitive and unable to handle it. He lazily rubbed the head across your lips, smearing his cum on purpose, enjoying the sight with a tiny smile. 
Behind you Yoongi slid out of you, giving your clit a quick rub with the flats of his fingers for good measure. You jerked forward with a squeal, hearing Yoongi know pull up his pants and zip up his jeans. “Fuck,” he rasped, stumbling over to you. The bed dipped and bounced with his weight. “Let me see your face.” 
Seokjin tugged his boxers up, sitting back against the headboard as he caught his breath. He watched you both idly, but you were too distracted by Yoongi’s reaction. He loved it, a noise tearing from his throat at the sight of you. You laughed, exhausted, wanting nothing more than to roll over and pass out. You couldn’t though. For a host of reasons. 
“Here,” Seokjin said, a hand holding a tissue appearing in front of your face. Yes, his cum had been one of the main reasons. You sat up and took it, wiping yourself clean as Yoongi collected your dress. 
“Oh fuck,” you cursed as you dropped the tissue onto the bed cum-side down. “I got cum on Namjoon’s bed.” 
Seokjin laughed and shrugged. “Don’t worry, he won’t notice. Probably think it’s his own.” 
You wrinkled your nose in disgust, immediately trying to wipe it off and to your surprise Yoongi laughed along. You were bemused for a moment, the two guys laughing together an alien concept. 
Seokjin took the tissue from your hand and stood up, throwing it in the trashcan. “You can’t just leave it there like that,” you exclaimed. 
“Relax,” he told you. “No way will he notice.” You watched him start to get dressed, and still a little dazed you copied, searching for your underwear. You felt weirdly awkward now that it was all over, which was probably expected. This wasn’t exactly a normal situation. There was no small talk to fill the silence that followed. Even Yoongi who was sat next to you stayed quiet, probably waiting for Seokjin to leave. 
And a few minutes later he did, grabbing his phone left on the desk, scratching the back of his head – a nervous tick he had. “I should probably get going.” 
“Okay,” you smiled slightly, standing up, stumped for what else to say. “Um…”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, obviously feeling just as awkward. “I’ll see you around?”
You nodded. “Yeah, maybe when school starts… See you.” 
Seokjin nodded, agreeing silently and unlocked the door. You opened your mouth to say something else – you didn’t know what, but Yoongi beat you to it. “Jin,” he called. Seokjin turned back. “You won’t tell anybody, right?”
Seokjin scoffed, a dig slipping from his tongue. “Of course not. Your secrets safe with me.” And then he was gone. You stood there for a moment, staring at the door. A secret. He was correct though, you couldn’t see yourself telling anybody – not even Lina (for obvious reasons…) and you couldn’t imagine Yoongi ever spilling it. Thinking about it, why had Yoongi even agreed to it in the first place? Asking him seemed wrong, too invasive. 
Yoongi got up and locked the door again, turning back to you with a gentle smile. You instantly felt better. Of course you did, it was Yoongi. You didn’t need to know why he’d agreed because you didn’t know why you had either. 
“Hey,” he murmured, stepping closer, throwing his arms around your middle to hold you. You leaned in, rubbing your nose against his. 
“Hey,” you smiled back, reaching to kiss his mouth. He kissed you slowly, kindly, asking if you were okay when he pulled away. “Yup.” Of course you were okay when he held you. “I mean, that was pretty…crazy, but I… Are you?” You hesitated, wondering if you should apologise to him. You had lied to him after all, and he had overheard your conversation with Seokjin… Had found out about the messages… Yet, he didn’t seem mad. He didn’t seem upset, and yeah, he was fine. His reply told you just that. 
“Yeah,” he chuckled quietly. “That was…hot.” His looked like he wanted to say more but chose not to continue. 
“It was very hot,” you agreed, cheeks heating up with your confession. You didn’t need to feel embarrassed though. Yoongi reached for you, kissing you again, deeper this time, his tongue licking yours. You were a little distracted though, a little anxious about still being upstairs. “Maybe we should go?” 
“Yeah, okay.” He laughed. “Let’s get out of here.” 
Your eyes caught something yellow to the side of you – Namjoon’s plush, and you ran to pick it up. “I’m putting him back. Just in case.” You didn’t want anything looking suspicious or out of place. You’d already left a small cum stain on the sheets, Seokjin a cum tissue in the damn trashcan. You were going to hell. 
“Poor guy,” Yoongi sighed, looking at the plush sadly. “He must be traumatised.” 
“Shut up,” you whined, but laughed too, and that’s when you saw your phone on the nightstand where Seokjin must have left it. 
Oh. The video he’d taken. You suddenly remembered. You told yourself you’d delete it immediately when you got home. You wouldn’t even watch it. As much as tonight had been enjoyable, you didn’t need the reminder. You doubted Yoongi did too. 
It had been a one off, a spur of the moment kind of thing. You didn’t need to watch the video, you didn’t even need to think of the video. It was done. 
You and Seokjin were done. 
Tonight had been the end and you were both okay with that. 
You grabbed your phone and made your way back to Yoongi, smiling at him as you took his hand. “Let’s go.”  
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 Written 2018. Reworked/Edited 2020 Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2020
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cerealmonster15 · 6 years
Whiskey and Tango headcanon / fic-esque thing idk it’s just me saying disorganized words about the boys bonding and falling in love or something 
Whiskey meets tango on the taddy tour
Whiskey is super in awe that he’s at the school of THE jack Zimmermann and is on the team that THE jack zimmermann Played on
There’s so much he wants to know
But he doesn’t wanna like.... ask stuff
This was jack Zimmermanns team, he’s gotta play it cool and can’t risk looking like a dork
But this other dude, Tony? He’s going all out and shameless asking any question he’s ever had. Whiskey can’t really think of him as a dork, though, considering he has a lot of the same wonders
Whiskey sticks to tango to get The Lore and throws in a few of his own questions
So by the end, tango’s already asked for whiskeys phone number “so we can be newbies together!” Tango thinks it’ll be less intimidating to have someone to fumble through the beginning with. Whiskey nods as he types his number into his new teammate’s phone.
Whiskey isn’t the most chatty guy, but that doesn’t seem to deter tango
Multiple times a day, whiskey gets a new text, generally from a confused tango trying to figure something out or are just random things about his day
“Do u know where building e is?”
“My history professor looks like Danny devito but i dont think it’s actually him”
“How do I get the cereal out of the dispensers in the cafeteria” “wait nevermind i figured it out” “i have way too much cereal now”
“I saw a really fat caterpillar this morning wanna see a picture”
“When you go to the bookstore are you supposed to wait at the line for them to call you over or do you just walk right up to a cashier as soon as they’re open”
At first, whiskey thought it was strange and maybe a little cumbersome to be bombarded with this boy’s questions. Whiskey figured Tango didn’t have any other friends to ask, but surely would grow bored of whiskeys no-more-than-concise replies once he found other people to talk to. But for now, whiskey figured he’d at least answer what he could or throw out an “idk” to the mysteries. No need to make his only friendquaintence on the team upset by completely ignoring him
Surely tango would get bored of him eventually with how lively the rest of the team was.
Except tango absolutely does not get bored of whiskey
The texts don’t taper off
Tango doesn’t stop shouting a greeting to whiskey whenever he sees him, even from great distances
He doesn’t stop asking whiskey how his day and classes are going during down time before and after practice
Tango even starts asking whiskey to do things outside of practice
And doesn’t stop offering even when whiskey comes up with excuses of why he’s too busy
Tango is different
And whiskey is grateful. Whiskey knows he struggles to connect with people. He finds others exhausting and confusing and he puts up an icy exterior to save himself extra anxiety or stress
Most people give up after a few tries, and while he doesn’t completely blame them, he can’t say he never gets lonely
But tango is different
The second month of the school year is going strong
Whiskey’s headed back to his dorm after a long lab or something when his phone buzzes in his jean pocket
It’s tango, naturally
“Hey, u out of lab? Wanna get dinner w/me?”
Whiskey is always surprised that tango remembers when whiskey’s told him when he does or doesn’t have class
Maybe today’s the day he should let his guard down JUST A LITTLE and just for tony
“Sure. Where?”
A few moments later and his phone buzzes again
“I dunno usually when I wander off campus I find some pretty cool places but then I can never find them again?? We can explore together?”
Whiskey isn’t sure wandering around in search of food is really how he wants to spend his evening, but he’s become more intrigued to see how tango interacts with the world around him and figures he may as well give it a shot
This becomes a weekly thing
Slowly, whiskey gets more comfortable with tango, even texting first sometimes or greeting tango when tango doesn’t see him first
He even invites tango to come chill in his dorm one Friday after classes when his roommate leaves for the weekend
Whiskey’s been to tango’s room by now a few dozen times, but this is tango’s first time at whiskey’s and he is thrilled to see how whiskey lives
whiskey’s room is organized and minimalistic, but tango still finds plenty of items to ask about 
eventually they end up laying on whiskey’s floor just talking about anything and everything. whiskey talks about how much pressure he feels to succeed and be strong and unfeeling
tango talks about feeling so lost and nervous about the unknown future
theyre both such scared freshman. tango says hes glad he met whiskey and that he feels a little less afraid with whiskey around.
whiskey waits a few moments before telling him “...um, yeah, uh, me too.” he worries his hesitance will make him sound insincere, but tango doesnt seem bothered.  he grins at whiskey, who gives a small smile in return. 
the next day, tango’s at the haus Very Early in pursuit of chowder and bitty to give him love advice
initially, he doesnt find them, but dex. he and dex start talking about the comp sci homework before tango just
“yeah the program kept giving me errors but after a few hours i found out i just had a bracket missing”
“ugh, that’s the worst”
“yeah. also i think i have feelings for whiskey what do i do about that”
“well- wait what!???”
dex needs a moment to process that whiplash-inducing transition, but once tango fills him in with a bit more detail he’s ready to help. with tango’s permission he calls on chowder and nursey (the latter reluctantly so) for help because theyve got Experience
it’s the four of them spitballing ideas, the frogs arguing on what is or isnt Appropriate yet Effective and also Romantic
then tango spies whiskey coming in and going to a different part of the haus so he jumps up like “oh there he is!! wish me luck!” and hes already gone while the frogs are like “wait what dont you need to prepare more?? we didnt settle on a solution?? tango????????????”
but tony tangredi’s got a one track mind at this point and catches up to whiskey
“whisk- er, uh, no, conner!”
whiskey turns around like ?? cause maybe tango usually sticks to nicknames, at least inside the haus/at practice. “uh, whats up ton-?”
“your face is nice!!!!”
“um... i also like... the rest of you”
“are you feeling okay”
after a few more stumbles, whiskey thinks he’s decoded what tango’s getting at,,, but whiskeys kinda awkward about just saying things so he has to fumble to meet tango halfway
“i.. uh..  youve got a nice face, too”
but eventually they get a date scheduled for that evening. it’s simple and nice- they go out for dinner and get ice cream after. they walk to the dorms together and share a first kiss together with some nose bumping
and of course the team loves and supports them as they did with bitty and jack and everythings great the end
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snugbat · 6 years
answer them all pussy
ericka one day you will pay for your sins 1. Who was the last person you held hands with?asa2. Are you outgoing or shy?not really either. quiet, but not shy3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?my best friend next time i get to see her4. Are you easy to get along with?no5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?yes6. What kind of people are you attracted to?i dont know. i dont really have a "type"7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?probably not8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?asa9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?no10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?asa11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?idk ericka u have the messages!!! 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?how to never stop being sad by dandelion hands, cigarettes and saints by the wonder years, you will be found from dear evan hansen, bye by starry cat, and i like you by starry cat13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?YES14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?not particularly 15. What good thing happened this summer?i went to solvang with my grandma :)16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?sure17. Do you think there is life on other planets?probably18. Do you still talk to your first crush?nah19. Do you like bubble baths?i dont like baths20. Do you like your neighbors?i have never talked to either of my next door neighbors. but my neighbor down the street is like my sister. 21. What are you bad habits?biting my lips, not cleaning my room, doing stupid shit22. Where would you like to travel?sicily23. Do you have trust issues?oof. yes. 24. Favorite part of your daily routine?chugging down as many cups of coffee as i can25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?all of it. chest & hips26. What do you do when you wake up?roll over and try to sleep more 27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?i dont care. its fine the way it is. 28. Who are you most comfortable around?my best friend cat. 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?yes. we dated a second time. didnt go well30. Do you ever want to get married?maybe. i likely wont tho31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?no32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?ryan ross and emma watson33. Spell your name with your chin.chArlie34. Do you play sports? What sports?i dont play sports, but i go to the gym regularly 35. Would you rather live without TV or music?TV36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?oof. yes. many times. 37. What do you say during awkward silences?i never break the awkward silences tbh38. Describe your dream girl/guy?i dont really have ond tbh39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?i like thrifting. and lush. 40. What do you want to do after high school?im just attending community college. 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?nope42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?that im totally fine. im typically really quiet in public43. Do you smile at strangers?yes44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?bottom of the ocean for sure 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?hnnnnng coffee46. What are you paranoid about?dying alone 47. Have you ever been high?yes48. Have you ever been drunk?yes49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?not really 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?beige51. Ever wished you were someone else?yes52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?my whole ass self bitch!!!53. Favourite makeup brand?i dont wear makeup54. Favourite store?lush. or target. but going into target is an otherwordly experience. 55. Favourite blog?@little-river56. Favourite colour?green57. Favourite food? chicken salads from my work58. Last thing you ate?protein bar59. First thing you ate this morning?i didnt eat anything this morning, but i had crackers at like noon60. Ever won a competition? For what?i won tournaments in softball if that counts??61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?never62. Been arrested? For what?nope63. Ever been in love?yes64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?it was a quick peck on the lips in seventh grade. it was in a bathroom. wild. 65. Are you hungry right now?nah im good66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?i talk to them more, so yeah67. Facebook or Twitter?both are AWFUL 68. Twitter or Tumblr?tumblr. both are awful tho69. Are you watching tv right now?no70. Names of your bestfriends? cat, asa, abrim, ericka, ahna. 71. Craving something? What?im not craving anything, shockingly enough72. What colour are your towels?white72. How many pillows do you sleep with?one73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?no74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?im not sure.75. Favourite animal?take one fuckin look at my url and guess76. What colour is your underwear?grey77. Chocolate or Vanilla?vanilla78. Favourite ice cream flavour?cookies n cream or cookie dough79. What colour shirt are you wearing?grey and blue80. What colour pants?black shorts81. Favourite tv show?uhhh malcolm in the middle is good. shameless is also amazing 82. Favourite movie?perks of being a wallflower83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?mean girls84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?mean girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?karen smith86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?dory87. First person you talked to today?my brother88. Last person you talked to today?ericka89. Name a person you hate?ericka90. Name a person you love?ericka 91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?nah im not violent92. In a fight with someone?no93. How many sweatpants do you have?three 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?way too many. like 20. 95. Last movie you watched?hotel artemis. was shitty. 96. Favourite actress?emma watson97. Favourite actor?ezra miller98. Do you tan a lot?no. i burn. 99. Have any pets?three dogs and a snake100. How are you feeling?meh. neutral. 101. Do you type fast?yes102. Do you regret anything from your past?YES103. Can you spell well?not at all!!104. Do you miss anyone from your past?yes105. Ever been to a bonfire party?no106. Ever broken someone’s heart?probably not 107. Have you ever been on a horse?yeah, i used to ride108. What should you be doing?sleeping109. Is something irritating you right now?no110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?yes111. Do you have trust issues?yes112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?asa113. What was your childhood nickname?i didnt have one114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?yes115. Do you play the Wii?no116. Are you listening to music right now?no117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?hell yeah118. Do you like Chinese food?HELL YEAH
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