#but I told her the most important thing I wanted her to get from this convo was that it wasn’t new
chrzzboo · 2 days
(Un)forgettable Birthday
Summary: You've never been a fan of your own birthday but that changes thanks to a certain F1 driver.
Reader x Lando Norris
Genre: fluff
Note: I'm back from the death 🤪 I know it's been a while and i deeply apologize for it 🙏 but school has been a mess with deadlines everywhere. to make it up to y'all I'm back with a new fic. Enjoy!
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Loud music drilling into my eardrums, colorfull lights decorating the place and people’s chatter filling the room. I’m currently at my close friend’s Kika’s birthday party, accompanied by my boyfriend Lando. Speaking of him I don’t know where that guy is but he’s probably doing Lando things somewhere so I couldn’t care less. Right now I’m talking with a few of my friends and the birthday girl herself.
“Wauw Kika you planned this party so well!” “Yes, honestly one of the best ones I’ve been to in a while!” Was heard from Carmen and her sister. Kika smiled “I know right! All thanks to Pierre he helped me plan most of it!” I smiled seeing her happy. “You’re very lucky Kika!”
We continued chatting spilling the tea that we hadn’t told each other yet and were just joking around as well.
I was feeling so comfortable until the topic of birthdays came to light again.
“Y/n your birthday is in a couple of days, what are the plans?” I started moving around a bit uncomfortably on my feet before replying. “Euhm I don’t know birthdays aren’t really my thing.” All the girls looked at me with frowns on their faces. “What do you mean? Celebrating your birthday is one of the most important things in your life!”. I looked at her not very convinced. “I mean it’s just like any other day it’s not like I’ve ever celebrated it. It’s just a normal day for me tbh.” The girls looked at me with a sad smile before Carmen broke the silence. “At the end of the day it’s your birthday so it’s up to you what you do.” I smiled at her thanking her for understanding me.
I quickly changed the subject because it was making me kinda uncomfortable since I don’t like it when other people feel bad for me. So we carried on talking and without noticing that Lando had heard everything despite the loud music.
Later that night Lando had found his way back to me and we were currently enjoying each others company. Lando had his arms wrapped around my waist from the back while I rested my head on his chest enjoying the vibe around me. Lando kept thinking back about your words from earlier it all makes sense now. Because every single time he had asked you what you wanted to do for your birthday you declined it stating that you were too busy with work. He shook of those thoughts and decided to bring it up again.
“Are you enjoying yourself love?” I looked at him smiling. “Very much!” Lando hums meanwhile trying to figure out how to ask you about your birthday.
“Babe question but don’t get angry please”. I look at him confused “Baby what did you do?” Now fully turning to face him. He pulls me closer and holds me tighter.
“Nothing nothing don’t worry about it! But first promise!” I roll my eyes at him. “Alright I promise!” “Babe say: I promise I won’t get mad at you!” I looked at him annoyed “Lando!” “Alright alright” he took a hold of my hands and started speaking again. “What do you want for your birthday?” I sigh looking at him. “I told you already my birthday is just like any other day so I don’t need anything.”
Well that’s kinda a lie the only truth is that I don’t need a gift from him since I don’t like him spending money on me. But to be honest I’ve never had a birthday party or anyone caring about it. When I was younger my parents didn’t pay attention to me at all so why would they even bother giving me a nice birthday. At uni people only congratulated me with their words nothing much and the same goes to my work colleagues. So that’s why I always told people I didn’t like my birthday simply because I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve never had the birthday experience everyone else had before.
“Babe I don’t know who put those words in your head but you’re important and so is your birthday! I mean we’ve got to celebrate the day that my amazing sexy gorgeous girlfriend was born.” I laughed at his words “I appreciate that love but there’s more to that than a simple birthday party.”
Lando looked at me confused before I decided to tell him the truth. He looked at me with wide eyes. He knew that my bond with my parents wasn’t the best but forgetting about their child’s birthday was something he didn't understand.
“Anyways we’re at a party we have to enjoy our selfs and not mop around.” Before he could reply to me I was swept away by one of my friends to go and get some drinks.
Lando kept staring at me watching me disappear in the crowd. “Yo bro what are you doing here all alone? People are gonna think you’re a weirdo or sum staring at everyone like that.” Was heard from his bestfriend max.
Lando stared at max for a few seconds before getting an idea. “I want to throw a surprise birthday party for y/n” Max looked at him confused. “Birthday party? Doesn’t y/n hate them?” “Well yeah but there was a reason for that and all I know is that we can heal her inner child with throwing a birthday party for her. So are you gonna help me?”
Max looked at him surprised, he knew that you two had an amazing relationship but he didn’t expect Lando to do this much for you.
“Alright bro I will but stop staring at me with that creepy smile as if you sitting here alone wasn’t already creepy enough.”
The following days Lando kept himself busy with all the arrangements for your birthday. Even though he was busy with his work he always found a gap to fix stuff for your birthday surprise.
Currently he was at home on the phone with Max deciding the last few things to finish off the secret birthday party.
“Alright so you have the invitations ready right?” Lando asked his best friend. “Of course all we have to do is sent them out without y/n noticing.” Lando hums “Yeah exactly we have to be extremely careful because y/n always finds out about the smallest things.”
He laughs remembering one time he had planned a surprise date but it was all ruined because you had figured it out, all because you heard him make a reservation on the phone for a restaurant.
“Alright Max send me the invites and I will send them out.” “What invites?” Lando looked at you nervously. “Euhm Max I will call you back.”
Without letting him reply Lando hung up the phone. “Oh baby you’re back early?” You looked at him confused “what do you mean ? I always come back around this time?” Lando gulped hoping you didn’t hear the entire conversation. “But answer me Lando what invites were you talking about.” Lando looks around trying to find an excuse. “Euhm a friend of Max needed invitations and he asked me where I had gotten mine done from my party last year.”
You look at him not very convinced but decided to let it slide. “Okey… anyways let’s go eat I’m starving.” Lando sighs in relief happy that you fell for his lie. “Alright baby you go first I will come right after.”
Later that night laying in bed Lando was occupied by his phone. “Babe can you put that phone down for a second and give me attention please.”
Lando looked at me for a second and quickly turned back to his phone. “One second babe this is important” “But that’s what you’ve been saying all day long.” Without sparing a glance at me Lando replied with a quick “Please baby I will give you all my attention after this.”
Suddenly his phone starts ringing and he goes out of the room to take it but not without quickly kissing my forehead. I huff and turn to the other side to sleep.
The next day when I woke up Lando was nowhere to be seen, so I figured that he went to the gym.
Getting up I went to wash up and get ready for the day. While I was getting ready I got a sudden thought. It’s kinda weird how Lando went from bugging me about my birthday to radio silence in a few days. I brushed it off figuring it was probably because he’s so occupied with racing and all.
Going into the kitchen to make some breakfast for myself, the calendar on the board in kitchen caught my eye. Checking the date I got a little sad knowing that it’s my birthday tomorrow.
“Honestly I would sell my kidney to be able to skip tomorrow.” (Dramatic much innit) Sighing I go back to what I was doing.
The next day I woke up without Lando next to me again. I hoped that he would’ve stayed a bit longer in bed to wish me at least a happy birthday.
“Maybe he left a message or something.” I grab my phone but I see nothing. Only a few congratulations from my co-workers and friends but that’s it. Not even from my own boyfriend.
I’m used to be disappointed on my birthday but even then when my boyfriend would congratulate me it would make me a bit less sad but I guess today is going to be full of disappointment. I got out of bed to get ready for the day.
While I was making breakfast I got a text from Kika.
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I smile at her message. At first I wanted to decline her offer but then I thought about the fact that my own boyfriend didn’t do shit for my birthday so why not.
“This is the least I could do to get that birthday feeling I guess.” Sighing to myself I reply to her and started to get ready.
“There she is the beautiful birthday girl.” Kika immediately engulfs me in a hug followed by the rest of the girls.
“Hey why do you look so sad girly cheer up it’s your birthday!” I looked at here with a forced smile deciding not to tell her the truth about Lando and all that.
“Nothing nothing let’s go bestie your wallet needs to spent some money on me.” I smirk winking at her. She gives me a fake angry huff but it's quickly replaced with a laugh since she can’t stay serious for a moment. “Alright girly let’s go!”
I was having an amazing time but I kept checking my phone with hopes for a message from my boyfriend. But every time I was met with disappointment. I didn’t want the girls to question it so I put on a fake smile and carried on with the lunch date.
“Alright girls it was a nice lunch but I have to go.” “NO!” Kika yelled panicked making me confused.
“Euhm you can’t leave yet we have to get you a cake first girly.” She looked quite nervous.
“You know that you don’t have to right.” I looked at her with suspicion. “Euhm.. I know but we wanted to so let’s go!”
And with that I was pulled into Kika’s car heading to what I assumed was a bakery.
“Francesca we’ve been driving for a while now how far is this bakery actually?”
I stared to get annoyed because we had been on the road for half an hour now and the rest of the girls that were with us during lunch also disappeared but I was too annoyed to even ask about them.
“We’re here girl calm your tits yeah.” I stepped out of the car but I was met with a big building. Looking at Kika confused I decided to ask her about this.
“Girl I ain’t no baker or anything but this is for sure no bakery.” She looked at me sheepishly. “Doesn’t matter girl let’s go in.”
Before I could even reply she dragged me in. The place was dark but I could tell that it was big.
“Kika what in the world is this?” Without saying anything to me she pushed me forward. And before I could question her even more the lights suddenly turned on.
I was shocked I stood there frozen trying to process everything. Everyone that I knew was there: my friends, family, colleagues and most importantly my boyfriend.
I was pulled out of my shocked state by Lando pulling me into him. “Happy birthday beautiful you deserve all of this.” I couldn't contain my emotions and soon the tears started pouring down my face.
“You did all of this?” I looked at him still shocked. He smiled and wiped my tears away.
“Of course baby like I said before you deserve it.” “I thought you forgot.” I tell him with new tears pooling in my eyes.
“I could never baby I’ve been planning this all week long, I told you we had to celebrate the day my sexy and gorgeous girl was born.”
I smile at him slightly pushing his shoulder laughing at his words. I pull him by his collar and connect our lips together.
“Thank you so much Lan this means the world to me.” Before he could reply Kika came in between us.
“Girl c'mon we have to celebrate properly you can eat each other’s faces later.” She winks. “C’mon beautiful let’s enjoy this day.” I smile taking his hand. For the first time in my life I enjoyed my own birthday.
I had a blast we danced, sang, drank and I even got presents! This day was simply amazing but also a bit overwhelming so I went to get some fresh air outside.
“Here you’re birthday girl, I was looking for you beautiful. What are you doing here alone?”
I smile a the voice of my boyfriend. “I wanted a bit of fresh air it was all a bit too overwhelming.”
He smiled sitting down next me. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to his chest.
“I understand pretty girl, but you deserve all of this you know?.” He said kissing the top of my head. “It’s just nice to finally have a real birthday. Thank you so much baby.” “Of course beautiful today is all about you and I just wanted to show you that you also matter.”
I smile looking up at him. “Thank you handsome for making this an unforgettable birthday. I love you.” He smiles grabbing my face with both of his hands and joining our lips together. “I love you too baby.”
He gives me one more kiss before standing up. “Let’s go back inside pretty girl, and enjoy the rest of your special day.” He holds his hand out for me to take. With our fingers laced together we head back inside.
It’s safe to say that for the first time in my life my birthday felt like an actual birthday and all it took was an amazing man that drives cars for a living to fulfill my wish.
The end.
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crossfandomslut · 1 day
At Peace in Your Fire (Pt. 1)
Summary: Y/n Archeron is an adaptable person. As long as there is a warm fire to breathe life into her soul, she can find strength. Even after all they've been through.
Pairing: Future Eris x Archeron!Reader
Word Count: 1,400
Notes: This is my first fic ever and it is hardly proof read haha I have a lot of ideas for this story, so it will have a few parts ! There is no Eris in this chapter, but he is coming ! What do you think the reader's gift from the Cauldron will be ? Please give me lots of feedback and I hope you enjoy ! Also if anyone has a better title suggestion I'm open to them !
Credits: @enchanthings created the beautiful text divider ! And @reveriesources made the gorgeous 'comment and reblog" banner at the bottom !! Thank you both !
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Y/n Archeron has always been an adaptable person. When their father lost their fortune, when their mother died, and when they were forced to move into that shitty little cabin with only one bedroom, she had remained positive. Her and her twin sister, Feyre, learned to hunt together, forage for berries, and steal bread from the baker down the road. Y/n prided herself on being fast enough to never get caught, but if there was ever a close call, Feyre was standing by with a distraction- usually a rodent she would release to run into the house and cause chaos.
If ever the family couldn't find her, she could always be found by a fire. It made her an asset to the family, to be able to always start a fire and cook whatever meat her and Feyre caught, but it also made her “secret” hideouts pretty pathetic. As a child, when she was sick or sad, she would be by a fire. It was the only thing that seemed to sooth her. When she was happy after a good day of hunting and gathering or an afternoon of flirting with the baker’s son to get free bread, she would want to have a fire to celebrate. She would dance around its edges well into the night, even if there was no music to be heard.
That desperate need for warmth and comfort almost had her knees buckling as she and her sisters were ripped from their home in the middle of the night, blindfolded, gagged, and dragged to a land they had only heard of.
When the blindfolds and gags were removed, y/n looked around the large room, to her older sisters, Nesta and Elain, and finally they fell on her twin. Feyre looked to scared and helpless. Y/n had never seen that look on her face. Feyre was so brave and the last time they’d seen her she was so determined and fierce. What the hell happened?
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Feyre was nervous about being in the mortal lands with Rhys, Azriel, and Cassian. She hadn’t seen her sisters since before she went under the mountain and becoming Fae. She hadn’t seen her twin since she was dragged to Prythian by Tamlin. Nesta told her that Y/n has been going out to search for her, only stopping at home for a few days at a time to make sure Nesta and Elaine had food to eat. Y/n was out on on one of her searches the last time Feyre was here, and she desperately hoped she would be home this time. She needed to see her twin. Not only to have someone on her team against Nesta, but because she relationship with y/n was the most important one in her life, and she needed to tell y/n everything that’s happened.
Making it through what she thought was going to be the most awkward part, the introductions at the door, Feyre and her friends found themselves in an even more uncomfortable position. Sitting at the table silently, Nesta staring daggers at them, and waiting for y/n to get home.
“She might not show up today. You know how she likes to take her time on her hunting trips. She could be out all night and getting back home in this weather would be a stretch. Travelling isn’t as easy for us humans as it is for your kind.” Nesta stated coldly, refusing to look at Rhys, Azriel and Cassian, the two Illyrians standing cramped in the corner, trying to make their wings as small as possible. “We might as well start without her. Tell us what you’re doing here so you can leave. Y/n can get caught up later.”
Rhys opens his mouth to pick a fight when the front door slams open.
“Nesta I’m back! You won’t believe the size of the deer I got! Can you help me clear the table so I can drag it in here?” At the sound of y/n’s voice, Feyre lets out a sob. “Nes?” The sound of footsteps fill the hall as y/n rounds the corner into the dining room. Her eyes scan the room, making eye contact with Nesta before clocking the three strange males in the corner, and then finally at her twin. Y/n fell to her knees.
Feyre is up in an instant, running to her sister and holding her tight. Y/n holds her just as fiercely as sobs wrack both their bodies. Either Feyre doesn’t notice the blood covering y/n from the deer sitting outside, or she simply doesn’t care. When breathing is once again possible, y/n cups her sisters face in her hands and just stares at her for a long moment. Feyre holds her breath as y/n takes in the delicately pointed ears and the elongated canines. “Fey…you look so beautiful.” Her hands fall from her face as she suddenly realizes what’s happening. “Are you okay? Why are you here? How are you here?” The questions start to become frantic as y/n also realizes that none of the males in front of her are the one who took her away. The one who Nesta had told her Feyre was in love with and going to save. She studies them a second longer and takes note of the dark hair, the violet eyes, and then the wings of the other two males. Wait- wings!? Y/n’s eyes dart between them and then settle on Feyre.
“Y/n, this is Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court. His Spymaster, Azriel, and his general, Cassian.” The three males gave Y/n a small smile and a wave as she and Feyre rise to their feet.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” Y/n looks just at Rhys then as she says, “Am I to assume that you are the reason my sister is glowing? Not that she wasn’t always stunning, but there’s something about you Faeries…”
Rhys smirks at Feyre as she rolls her eyes, but looks back to Y/n when he says, “I’m afraid so. But she is just as much to blame. Had to be the hero.” His eyes soften with the last part, almost something sad but proud flashed in his eyes before it was replaced by a self-assured, arrogant mask.
“Thank you.” Y/n says with all the sincerity she can conjure in that gaze, as tear once again form in her eyes, and she tugs her sister into another tight embrace. “I want every. Single. Detail of your story, sister.”
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Now obviously being kidnaped was less than ideal, but again, Y/n is adaptable. She scanned her surroundings and tried to make sense of what lay before her. In the middle of the grand room, what looked to be in a palace, was a massive cauldron. Standing around the cauldron, on clearly opposing sides of the room, were Feyre, Rhys, and his Inner Circle as they called themselves, and on the other side stood who she predicted to be Tamlin and Lucien. Feyre had told Y/n the whole story. From falling in love with Tamlin, to going Under the Mountain. About Amarantha, the bargain with Rhys, Tamlin locking her away, Lucien standing by doing nothing, and their almost wedding.
With y/n and her older sisters standing at the front of the room, nearest to the cauldron, it was easy to piece the puzzle together. In a whirlwind, y/n fought back with Nesta to keep the Hybern soldiers from putting sweet, innocent Elain into the cauldron. Holding their breaths, they waited until a barely conscious Elain was tipped out of the dark waters. Feyre and the Inner Circle were in various forms of gravely injured, or being held down by the King of Hybern’s magic.
The next to be forced in was Nesta, but trust that she put up the fight of her life, along with y/n. It was of no use, and before she could be fully forced under, that wicked finger pointed right at the King. A gesture so full of wrath, the King had the decency to pale just slightly. When Nesta was dumped from the cauldron, she crawled straight to Elain and wouldn’t let anyone else touch her.
There was no one left to fight for y/n. She was so cold and she felt so helpless as she trashed in the soldiers hold that as soon as her feet touched the warm water of the cauldron, she let the water engulf her. Distantly she could hear Lucien calling out to Elain, but y/n wasn’t sure why. She couldn’t seem to care as she let the warm water embrace her and take over all her senses.
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Taglist: @abysshaven @stained-glass-eyes0708
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jamiebluewind · 2 days
Warning! Pet illness, xray
A friend of mine a few states away had a pregnant female cat walk onto her porch and decide she lives now. She had 3 kittens. Since my friend/roommate @winterpower98 was looking for her first cat, we (other roommate/bestie, Winter/Gaia, and I) decided to take a trip down to visit and see if one of the kittens would work for her.
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The thing is, she did fall in love with one! He's black with white markings, so the 6 year old had been calling him Eclipse. He's, curious, playful, and always trying to get into something. He loves Gaia. I mean LOVES her. And she loves him. Like... emptying her savings loves him.
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Right before we arrived, our friend noticed a little lump on his belly. They thought nothing of it. And then, it got bigger. And bigger. And bigger.
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After a week, we took him to a local vet to get checked out. He had a umbilical hernia. Luckily it stopped before his diaphragm, but the hernia was severe enough that he would need surgery to close it (a lot of articles talked about smaller ones closing on their own which is why we waited). He would also need special care for IBS symptoms and to keep his hernia from getting injured or obstructed before repair (which couldn't happen until he was big enough to go under anesthesia). He would need to come indoors for his safety and be separated from the others as his sisters pouncing on the hernia was causing issues (a week earlier than the 8 week mark).
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I was honestly expecting Gaia to say it was too much for her to handle. Even told her that nobody would judge her for not being ready for that level of responsibility. That we could find an organization that could take him and get him the help he needed and find him a good home. He has two sisters she could consider, there were plenty of shelters back home with cats under a year old, and we could even check the town we were visiting and places on the way back home, so there were options. I knew how much it took to care for a kitten with health issues (my current cat required months of specialized care and there were plenty of scares along the way) and Gaia has no previous experience with cats outside of hanging out with our cats, so that's just starting on hard mode.
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After a long serious talk on the responsibilities she was about to take on, she said she knew it would be hard but the thought of giving him up made her sick. That she would do whatever it took to give him a happy life for however long she has him. We aren't rich people, she's going back to college full time, she had only decided on him over one of his sisters that morning, and (again) this would be the first cat she has ever had. She went all in without a second thought.
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The original quotes from various vets willing to do the surgery (not all vets can) were pretty insane, but luckily I found a non-profit that did the surgery for about half. My other roommate and I fully support her and chipping in what we can.
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Eclipse is 8 week old and his surgery is scheduled in a month, but we are going to call in and check for cancelations since he's reached the minimum weight and age for anesthesia. Winter has been so busy caring for him that she's not had a chance to post about him, so I decided to do it on the drive home. I think the story is important because it raises awareness about an issue most don't know about and shows someone genuinely caring about a pet with special needs. As a disabled person who's went through a lot of ableism and survived abuse, it really hit me to see how much she loves him with her whole chest and doesn't ever approach his issues with anger or blame.
I don't ask for reblogs much, but I wanted to ask you guys to boost this. I linked Gaia's PayPal below if anyone wants to help take some of the financial burden off her, but you can also support her with messages and boosting this and her future post/s about Eclipse (cut her some slack guys, she's currently in tired new mom mode). I don't expect anyone to donate because I know you guys are mostly in the same shape as us, but I think showing Gaia support is just as important.
Now if you'll excuse me, the hyperactive boy got the zoomies and just jumped in the toilet XD
Edit: Late thing to add on, but a few days after posting this my other roommate/bestie Sarah decided to adopt his sister! Her name is Melanite, but her honey eyes have earned her the nickname Miel. Her and Eclipse have always been very close (often laying on top of each other), so it's great that they'll get to stay together.
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leclerc-s · 1 day
take me back to the city that i call my city, where everybody knows my name
series masterlist
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oscar piastri i fear mark is mad at me.
isabella perez i could've told you he would be upset for the 'practical joke' you pulled.
yuki tsunoda ha! and now your mother wants me as her son!
charles leclerc i'm going to die at the hands of mark webber!!
daniel ricciardo-jones don't be silly daniel jones-ricciardo he's going to send someone after you. mark won't get his hands dirty like that. charles leclerc THAT DOESN'T MAKE ME FEEL BETTER?!
ollie bearman does this make charles my grandpa?
lando norris that's wild 26 with a 19-year-old grandson
sebastian vettel this explains the angry 'your spawn stole my kid' text i got from mark
fernando alonso and this also explains the 'you were supposed to keep him out of trouble' text i got charles leclerc and that explains the 'give me my child back anti-christ' text i got
lewis hamilton added one person
mark webber i did no such thing
mark webber sebastian control your spawn.
charles leclerc
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mark webber snitch
fernando alonso MULTI-21 SEB!! MULTI-21!!
sebastian vettel you just had to remind him didn't you?
lance stroll last time since a multi-21 inchident is down to 0 again.
lewis hamilton does this make seb satan?
sebastian vettel does this make you an instigator?
isabella perez it sure would be a shame if someone added jenson and nico to spice things up.
lewis hamilton don't you dare isabella juliana perez.
logan sargeant added two people
lewis hamilton logan hunter sargeant what did you do?
jenson button so this is the famous group chat.
charles leclerc WHAT IS AN ANTI-CHRIST??
nico rosberg lewis. lewis hamilton nico.
george russell i thought you two were on good terms?
dulce perez just because they're on 'good terms' doesn't mean they can't tease each other.
mick schumacher the family tree expands.
alex albon oh yes, because according to twitter logan is jenson and nico's son. zoya torres what the fuck do you two do on twitter? george russell i have a power point on the family tree!
nico rosberg i have so many questions
charles leclerc starting with, can daphne play long live tomorrow?
daphne jones-ricciardo can you get pole tomorrow? max jones-verstappen can ferrari not screw you over on sunday? is the better question.
jenson button yikes, you people do not hold back.
charles leclerc IF I GET POLE, will you please do a mashup of yoyok and long live?
daphne jones-ricciardo you've got a deal leclerc
mark webber you people are so weird.
nico rosberg agreed.
jenson button i've met zoya. i know how weird they can get.
zoya torres i know that's an insult but i don't care.
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isabellaperez, rhysjones, freyavettel, and zoyatorres have posted new stories
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my father-in-law is pole for monaco. everyone say congrats and cheer for a leclerc front-row lockout!! just know that i may be in the rb garage but i will be cheering on this silly little monegasque man. FATHER ON POLE IN MONACO!!! I REPEAT FATHER ON POLE IN MONACO!! LET'S GO!! WE'RE BREAKING CURSES THIS YEAR!!
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liked by sukiwaterhouse, danieljonesricciardo, arthur_leclerc and others
nataliaruiz little jules pascale leclerc, named after two of the most important people in charlie's life.
tagged: charles_leclerc
view all comments
charles_leclerc would you look at that, you were right.
↳ nataliaruiz i'm always right charlie
↳ charles_leclerc well, there's that one time-
↳ maxjonesverstappen1 we swore to never speak of that charles!
user06 and suddenly daniel and charles both have another jules they love.
zoyatorres the little jewel of our lives
sukiwaterhouse she gets her charms and looks from you. i don't know what she gets from the french man.
↳ charles_leclerc this is why your daughter looks more like robert than you.
↳ sukiwaterhouse i actually hate you.
↳ charles_leclerc the feeling is mutual
daphnejonesricciardo and what a beautiful little jewel she is
↳ charles_leclerc she's bejeweled one could say
↳ daphnejonesricciardo that's your worst joke yet
benruiz oh look at my beautiful little niece!
↳ nataliaruiz please tell dad to stop crying over her
↳ benruiz he said to leave him alone and let him cry over his only grandchild. she's getting so big.
danieljonesricciardo what a joy it is to be her godfather ❤️
↳ nataliaruiz and what a joy it is to have you as her godfather 🫶🏼
↳ charles_leclerc if i have to hear her cry over unca da, it's over.
↳ danieljonesricciardo i'm just that loveable charlie.
oscarpiastri i have the cutest baby sister
↳ zoyatorres see i would fight you on this but it's true
↳ freyavettel that is very much true (no on tell my siblings)
olliebearman the cutest leclerc!!
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liked by charles_leclerc, benruiz, isabellaperez and others
nataliaruiz when we were little kids and anyone asked you, 'what's your biggest dream?' your answer was always the same, 'to become a formula 1 driver and win the monaco grand prix' then you became an f1 driver and your biggest dream was to win the monaco grand prix, to make your country proud, to make your papa proud. year after year, it was disappointment after disappointment, but something changed this year, this year you had hope, more than you've ever had before. this year you told me, 'i'm going to win this. i'm not taking anything less than a win." you finally did it, you broke the 'curse' that had been bestowed upon you. and i am so glad i got to witness you do it.
tagged: charles_leclerc
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charles_leclerc please don't make me cry again. i just stopped.
↳ natalia_leclerc it's a miracle i was able to post this through my tears.
user12 oh great, now i'm crying again.
benruiz listen, i may hate the little shit because he's dating my baby sister, but i'm still fucking proud of him. congrats charles, you deserved this.
↳ benruiz also, please tell my dad to stop crying. he hasn't stopped since you won. ↳ charles_leclerc let him be proud of me for once! ↳ benruiz he literally cries every time you win. shut up?
maejonesverstappen i'm still disappointed i didn't get to witness my best friend win his home race, but still so proud charlie.
↳ charles_leclerc you were there in spirit!!
↳ user98 these two being best friends is everything to me
user64 track menace charles makes his appearance!
user55 this post just reminds me that she's been there for everything. childhood best friends to lovers go hard here.
↳ user07 2018 charles would not believe you if you told him that not only did he end up with the girl he loves but he also won the monaco grand prix ↳ user55 manifestation works children! comment liked by charles_leclerc
oscarpiastri making the family proud 🥲
↳ olliebearman the piston cup is the world championship, not monaco.
rhysjones sorry to my mom and sisters but LET'S FUCKING GO!!!
↳ alex_albon disney child gone wild.
↳ maejonesverstappen rhys, watch your language!
↳ rhysjones says the one married to max emilian jones-verstappen.
rileykeough congrats charles!
↳ charles_leclerc thank you riley!!
sukiwaterhouse congrats, i guess?
↳ charles_leclerc thanks, i guess??
user71 the hand placement makes me feral.
↳ user84 right?? i wasn't aware lechair was that bold
user05 mom and dad on a night out.
↳ user26 imagine a baby pops up nine months from now?
↳ user05 that would be the funniest shit ever. then everyone will know those two really partied
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isabella perez i know that i probably know the answer to my question, but how's pato doing?
gael perez completely gutted
oscar piastri we saw the race
fernando alonso oh patito i'm sorry.
pato o'ward shit happens. it's okay.
daphne jones-ricciardo you're allowed to be sad about this.
pato o'ward oh, i'm fucking devastated. it's a miracle i stopped crying.
natalia ruiz forgive him, he's drunk. pierre gasly he's fucking shit-faced.
rowan todd i wonder how he's going to see little jewel if he's drunk
lando norris now he's quite literally crying in the club.
max jones-verstappen oh he's going to regret this so much
mae jones-verstappen about as much as you regret abu dhabi 2021
lewis hamilton i too regret abu dhabi 2021 esteban ocon oh we remember, 'FUCK MIKEY! FUCK THAT IDIOT! AND FUCK NICO TOO!'
nico rosberg what the fuck?
dulce perez if you hadn't won in 2016, lewis would already have his 8th.
jenson button oh my god, please just kiss and make up
mark webber maybe once nico stops thirsting over lewis on live television they can kiss.
nico rosberg i do not thirst. isabella perez sure, and charles isn't currently shitfaced.
pato o'ward why does anyone ever take you people as serious racers?
charles leclerc WE ARE PATITO!! carlos sainz WE ARE SO SERIOUS!! penelope trevino forgive him, he is also shit faced.
arthur leclerc mexicans everywhere are crying because of checo's dnf and pato being robbed.
gael perez i am crying. that's my boyfriend and uncle.
pato o'ward that is true, he hasn't stopped crying. rossi is concerned for him.
dulce perez make sure he drinks lots of water.
pato o'ward on it
daphne jones-ricciardo you people are so much to handle.
daniel jones-ricciardo WIFEY I MISS YOU!
sebastian vettel is he also drunk?
lewis hamilton days like today make me wish when seb was on the grid sebastian vettel days like this make me grateful that i am no longer on the grid.
mick schumacher oscar is the most boring person to party with.
isabella perez and he is also fucked up.
jenson button oh how i miss being a driver.
fernando alonso because you were whore.
jenson button fuck you bitch. you were a whore too.
mark webber i hate all of you with a passion.
sebastian vettel that's a lie. mark webber correction, i hate you and anti-christ with a passion. freya vettel HE DOESN'T HATE ME!! A WIN IS A WIN!!
charles leclerc i fucking love you people!
daphne jones-ricciardo aww, love you too charlie ❤️ congrats on the win once again.
mae jones-verstappen sorry we couldn't be there but congrats and sorry again pato.
pato o'ward hey, i'll bide my time just like charles! clearly it worked for him.
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@burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @applopie @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @mypage-myfandoms @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @justtprachisblog @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @1nt3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @georgeparisole @dan3avocado @nikfigueiredo @bella-182 @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @weekendlusting @trouble-sistar @lesliiieeeee @leclercsluv @33-81 @theseus-jpg @sarah-thatstings-ann @minmira95 @casperlikej @formulaonebuff @hopenshaw @hwalllllllelujah @doodlehunz @prongsvault
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¡leclerc-s speaks! CHARLES LECLERC WON MONACO AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO COPE!! I'M STILL CRYING OVER IT!! long live and yoyok being the surprise songs the night before charles won monaco is like the win was fate for me. also, i can't handle another sad pato edit on tiktok, the pain hurts.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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130 notes · View notes
can you do some hc’s of Viktor, Mordecai, Serafine, and Zib that have a severe fear of deep water (such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and pools) do to a accident that happened when they were younger ?
A/n: hit close to home with this one, because I have a severe fear of deep water aka - Thalassophobia
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•Viktor Vasko•
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Notices how tense you get when he mentioned on taking you to a trip to the lake. He wasn't blind nor was he stupid, the man could sniff out your PTSD a mile away but it was not his place to ask about your trauma.
Start's to rethink his plan for on the little anniversary for you both, he does not want you to be uncomfortable. That's the last thing he want's since this weakened is special.
When you do tell him, he hates that he planed something without knowing your fear and though you tell him it's fine Viktor desperately wants to change plans but when you insist you two spend most of your time in the tent or hiking through the woods.
If you ask to try to go in the water, Viktor holds you close and will only go in the water up to your knees. He keep's you in his arms and refuses to let you go.
•Mordecai Heller•
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Pins what you are afraid of right away and quickly tries to think of a way to remedy your fears though he doesn't know the exact reason why.
Think's that he can fix this because Mordecai does not like seeing you upset. Does his best to think of different ways he can help you.
Tries different ways to help, well he think's he is helping until he see's how scared you got when he mentioned on taming you to the beach and that's when you finally mentioned what happened to you and he regrets what he tried to do.
Once he learned of your fear, Mordecai keeps you away from any form of deep water and scolds anyone from wanting to try and take you in any place that deals with deep water. He's fine with that anyway. You're far more important than going swimming anyway.
•Serafine Savoy•
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She already knew your fear and your trauma behind it since you told her. She doesn't mind it since everyone is afraid of something but she does keep a close eye on you.
It's when you two are at the pool and some boy's toss you in the deep end that she really see's how deep your fear is rooted. The woman swears she see's red as Nico is pulling you from the water.
Serafine hates seeing how scared you are, hates that you can't even hear her brother trying to talk to you. Your frantic cries or how you barely register that Nico is trying to calm you.
She is the one that ends up calming you down, pulling you into her chest as you desperately cling to her. She is soothing you while Nico goes to take care of the problem.
Serafine spends most of her time by yourside, she doesn't like you being alone. She doesn't trust any idiots near you, to help you. You're far too important to her than some silly pool anyway.
•Dorian Zibowski•
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Doesn't really understand it but like Serafine get's it that people can be afraid of certain things.
Does his best to make light of it, to make you feel better. That its fine to be afraid of things, tells you his fears to make you feel better.
Jokes about he's fine staying away from lakes, pools or whatever that has deep water. Zib is fine with it. He'll happily sit on the beach, pool deck or dry land with you. It's better anyway, he likes to sleep in your arms.
Tease's about taking bath's with you as he lazily wraps his arm around your waist. "I'll keep you safe."
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rationed-passion · 3 days
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Supervised Masturbation
We know a number of you are interested in the concept of being supervised doing your little habit. Lace and Ginger sat down to take a frank look at why it's often necessary and answer your questions about the practice.
What is supervised masturbation?
Recognising that disrespectful thoughts and images may be used during solo masturbation, you - the subject - agrees that someone else will be present at each and every moment that you pleasure yourself. Let that sink in: you will have a responsible adult overseeing all your wanking for the immediate future.
I've been told I may need it. Why?
You have probably shown a propensity to use non-fully clothed images or otherwise disrespectful materials when masturbating. Or you might have shown boorish, misogynistic attitudes in your conversations. It's important not to over analyse the why, but look at what positive things you can take from this oversight by a more responsible adult.
I'm really embarrassed that I have to be supervised.
That's perfectly understandable. And the subject is encouraged to show regret for any actions that have led to this sanction. A little embarrassment will do you no harm. But it's also important to realise that being supervised has proven to be a very reliable way of conditioning the subject into fully clothed denial.
Who will supervise me?
Given the intimate nature of the act we recommend you ask your significant other to supervise you.
What will happen during a supervised masturbation session?
The lady* concerned will be in the room with you, fully clothed and sitting or standing a short distance from your naked self. You will be encouraged to get comfortable and have your respectful materials to hand (photographs, magazines or computing device) and select the imagery you will be pleasuring to. This will be vetted by your supervisor and providing it is appropriate you will then be encouraged to do your thing. Conversation is fine but we generally advise against doing too much talking. As she deems necessary, the supervisor may remind the subject what they should focus on and why they are in this situation. [*the supervisor can, of course be male, non-binary or other genders. It's just we're all ladies here]
How long will I have to be supervised for my self-pleasure?
A post-orgasm conversation is encouraged, where you should share your thoughts, concerns and any future sexual aspirations. How long supervision is necessary will be at the absolute discretion of the supervising lady. Though she will likely take your opinions into consideration, her judgement is final.
How can I get somebody to supervise me? Can you ladies supervise me?
As we said earlier, we strongly recommend you get your significant other to supervise you. If you are currently single we suggest using your imagination (always a fertile ground) envisaging perhaps one of our staff as your virtual supervisor. Please understand though, we do not provide actual supervision either through asks, chat or any other forum.
I find the whole idea a massive turn-on. Is that normal?
Well it's not really normal is it? But who wants to be normal? You're already a very special individual for wanting to be put into fully clothed denial. It's hardly surprising you're now getting excited at the prospect of this further intrusion into your most private act. But we suspect if you've read this far you are pretty much committed, and we hope you'll be very happy in your newly Rationed Passion.
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alottiegoingon · 15 hours
video games
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shauna shipman x gn!reader
summary: shauna gets annoyed by your poor video gaming skills
warnings: nothing but fluff, pure comedy, not proofread
thank you for sending me your idea love @danisbrainrot 😽
"you are in my spot," you cross your arms, standing in front of shauna, whom you've coerced into playing video games with you.
she was busy turning the tv on and arranging the controllers, completely absorbed in her task and not bothering to stop it to discuss the topic with you. but most important, she was on your seat. your favorite spot in the couch.
"just sit over there," she murmurs, pointing with her head to the empty space right beside her, her eyes fixed on the screen as she selects the game.
"i can't, this is my lucky spot!" you protest impatiently.
"are you serious?" shauna drops the controller onto the coffee table, finally granting you the courtesy of meeting your gaze.
"yes, i always win when i'm sitting there."
"there's no such thing as a lucky spot, it's just a seat," she remarks, raising an eyebrow at you as though you've lost your mind.
"then how come i keep winning?" you tilt your head, adopting a cocky tone to emphasize your point, gaze locked in a battle of wills.
"because i let you, obviously," she retorts, her words laced with amusement as she chuckled at such an absurd idea. you groan, storming to sit beside her in the couch.
you didn't have much of a choice but to suck it up and let her take your seat. it was already a lot of work to convince her to play with you and you didn't want her to change her mind now.
for someone who was so eager to have your lucky spot, shauna wasn't even trying. she would much rather watch a movie or write on her super secret journal than to play a kid's game and you were well aware. but things changed when you started to lose.
"stop drifting to the right so much or you're gonna lose," shauna lounged lazily on the couch, her eyes fixed on the screen as she murmured mean comments, her impatience growing quickly. with each collision of your car against the barriers, her posture stiffened, her fingers curling into fists.
"i'm trying, shauna!" unlike her during the first minutes watching you play, you were a nervous wreck. your gaze glued to the tv, heart pounding in your chest as you struggled to regain control of the game.
"you know what? give me that!" she lunged for the controller in your hands, desperately attempting to wrest it away from you and save the game.
"what? no! i told you you were in my lucky spot!" you protest, using your elbows to fend her off. "stop, it's not your turn! you didn't even want to play in the first place."
"i'm trying to help you, you idiot!" she lowers her head in your direction, sinking her teeth into your shoulder through your clothes to distract you. as you recoiled in pain, she seized the opportunity to snatch the controller from your grasp.
great. now she had your seat and the controller.
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doonalli · 2 days
Mai and Humanity in Autonomy (Mai Character Analysis)
I think Mai Tsurugi is a character who has a lot to her and while I know she is talked about a bit I think she should be talked about more because she is a truly fantastic character and I hope this post gets you to start thinking about how and why!!
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To understand Mai’s character I think it's important to talk about a major theme in 3-1. Obviously at its core Chapter 3 Part 1 is about what makes something human, and its shown through each of the dummies, each encompassing a different aspect of humanity, and for Mai this is the humanity of being able to make your own choices.
And this is made extremely clear during one major point in 3-1 where Ranmaru gives a speech about how humanity is about making your own choices after Keiji gets locked in a coffin. 
And throughout the chapter Mai ends up emboding everything that Ranmaru and this scene is trying to say.
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In this speech Ranmaru states that being human is about making your own choices, something that's a constant struggle for Mai’s character, but also something she ends up learning throughout the chapter and finally proving her humanity through it.
and Mai is the one who by far encapsulates this the most throughout 3-1, ironic considering how she is also the only one who didn’t get to hear the speech on account of being unconscious.
When we first meet Mai it’s as a doll during the Murderer Game, the subgame in which the survivors must kill Midori in order to proceed however the dolls instead have a different objective. As a doll Mai is told she must kill her partner (in this case being Q-taro) if she wants to survive. Here she starts off as someone unable to make her own choices and that's shown off almost immediately when Mai ends up being the first doll to play into Midori's hands and try to kill their partner, it's a choice that was set up for her, not something she chose herself but rather it's just her playing along with Midori's puppet show. However, after she wakes from being knocked out by Qtaro we see the first signs of her breaking from that.
When she wakes up, we see the aftermath of her choice from her perspective, and she regrets it, not from a regret of her betrayal but because of her failure.
If Sara tells her “you’re awake…” she’ll say
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Its only when Qtaro decides to forgive that she finally regrets her actions
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And Qtaro tells her that this doesn’t mean anything, as he claims he would have done the same, and the only thing that stopped him was that he was never given the opportunity. The only thing stopping him was the lack of a choice in the matter, mirroring how the only thing pushing Mai is the looming threat that if she doesn’t kill she dies. Both given only having one real choice presented to them. 
Q-taro even said as much right after Mai stabbed him.
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Q-taro calls out the lack of choice the dummies have in the matter, and makes it clear that its Midori who has control over them. Forcing them to play along with his puppet show.
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Once Mai is awake it's from this point forward where we see more of who she really is, rather than the cutesy persona she put on before, and that's shown through her actions. 
As a first step towards reconciliation Mai steps up to take Qtaro off Yabusame’s hands and let him lean on her instead. (and if Anzu died Gin will tell Mai that they can take turns if she gets tired, to which she thanks Gin)
The next scene I want to talk about is when Hinako asks the dummies how they plan on surviving with both the humans and the dummies intact. If Anzu and Hayasaka both died earlier Mai will step up to fight back against Hinako and Kurumada’s reluctance.
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Rather than speaking from a reluctance to kill such kind people like Anzu or Hayasaka, she argues from experience. She can’t say she couldn’t kill them, but she still doesn’t want her allies to feel the same feeling she did, even if she would have to stop them herself
Finally when Maple starts going on a rampage she decides to risk her life to stay behind and protect Qtaro. Interestingly she also is required to beat the Maple fight as she is the one who reads Maple’s instruction manual and figures out what must be done, which leads into the connection Mai and Maple have in their arcs.
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Speaking of, during Keiji’s POV section, Mai and Qtaro hide in the coffins to get away from Maple until they’re unlocked and they are able to save Keiji. Qtaro gets the idea to shut off the elevators to stop Maple from being able to get to the 5th floor after the others. Maple then stumbles in and collapses, starting another scene which highlights the connection Mai and Maple have.
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And she explains that her goal as an obstructor was to kill Midori, however there was something that stood in the way of that.
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Maple regrets the terrible things she did to everyone but Mai tells her it's because the cast took the ID card from her. Maple tells her that it was because she was programmed into loving Midori, that even this love wasn’t her choice and ultimately relegates her to a “gimmick”, robbing her of her autonomy, a similar situation as to what happened with Mai. During the Murderer game Mai alongside the rest of the dummies are reduced to gimmicks, to the point that unlocking the first level of “gimmick security” lets you see information on the dummies and their collars,
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and unlocking the second level causes the victim videos of the dummies to play, ending with a video of what happened as they woke up. Its clear that, to Midori and Asunaro at least, the dummies are simply gimmicks for the Murderer Game.
And this is shown again when Maple explains the true meaning of the “Murderer game”, and how they were pushed into thinking that killing the survivors was their only choice, despite that not being the case.
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However Mai doubts it at first, saying
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She wonders if Asunaro would even charge them if their battery runs out, she then insists Asunaro was planning on disposing of them from the start, and that they were just watching them struggle helplessly.
Until Qtaro speaks up to make a promise to Mai,
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Through the Banquet and Qtaro’s promise a new path opens up, one paved through the bonds between the humans and the dolls. A new choice was created, a choice they made themselves, separate from the “the human lives or the doll lives” dichotomy they were fed before. And with Mai’s help, alongside Qtaro and Keiji, this choice became an actual possibility. 
Once Keiji leaves to charge the Midori doll’s head Mai and Qtaro stay behind and they end up enacting their own plan to help everyone during the banquet. Qtaro lays down in Keiji’s coffin, taking his death into his own hands, in a way alleviating the blame from Mai for her actions, and opening up a new possibility for the dummies with the banquet. Mai still cries out that it's her fault. However the death now has a purpose, has a reason past Mai’s mistake, and it changes the death from one done by a lack of choice, to one that opens up new choices from a lot more people.
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From here Mai is alone, with Keiji on the 5th floor and Qtaro gone, she is the only one who is left that knows about the plan, and the only one at all who knows about Qtaro. From here she walks her own path, obtains the ID card from Sara and starts to boot up the Qtaro AI into the doll. Soon an announcement from “Keiji” calling for Sara occurs and Mai tries to push everyone to go with her, likely to make sure Keiji isn’t spotted on the way down, but Sara charges on alone regardless, leaving Mai alongside the rest of the others, and with no Keiji in sight.
She then later meets up with Sara alongside the others and a new Q-taro doll in the classroom after Sara awakens from being stunned.
Very quickly I want to call attention to a scene in the Logic route after Ranmaru kills Yabusame.
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After Ranmaru claims that this is the only way left to save Sara, Hinako calls him out on wanting to save himself, causing him to retaliate by asking when she decided to side with them. Hinako, shocked, doesn't manage to reply, but Mai steps in to tell Ranmaru that no one would side with him.
In a way Ranmaru in the Logic Route is the exact opposite of what Mai is striving for. Just the same as her, he killed someone to survive, and while she wouldn’t know that Ranmaru was pushed into this choice by Sara’s words, similar to what Midori did to Mai, there is a large difference in the fact that Ranmaru’s goal includes killing everyone to save himself and Sara but even past that he revels in what he did as the right choice, mirroring Mai’s almost immediate regret at her actions. Even the way she specifically kills her partner while Ranmaru's goal is to kill everyone EXCEPT his partner adds to this.
Right afterwards the fight against Maple 2.0 happens, and there are a couple moments I want to discuss on how they pertain to this theme of making your own choices shared between the two. Firstly, Maple’s first attack.
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But, despite her own thoughts…
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Here Maple is stuck following orders, and Mai understands that, she tries to tell her to be strong. However this doesn’t end up working out and Maple throws her first attack of the fight, regardless of what she truly thinks.
Next, Mai’s early death.
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Mai ends up dying due to Maple’s lack of autonomy in her own actions, and Midori mocks her in that, asking her “You fine with that Maple…?” despite knowing he has her wrapped around his finger. The way Mai dies is in a way she personally could relate to, and relates to her final apology to Q-taro.
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In both examples Maple is trapped by her programming in the same way Mai was trapped by the knowledge that she must kill to survive, but Maple shows something important with her final moments.
As she is about to die she breaks from Midori’s control on her and uses this chance to die alongside him, thanking everyone and saying she has “finally woken up” if Mai lived or denying Midori’s reward if she died instead. 
When she finally catches up to him Midori in a last ditch effort tells Maple that he loves her, trying to abuse the programming placed into her, and Sara has 3 possible responses she can give. “He’s lying” and “Hurry up and finish him” both leading him to restate the sentiment that he loves her, but this time Maple isn’t led astray and affirms that she won’t believe him. And if Sara says “Don’t kill him” she continues to lead her own decision stating that she will herself.
However despite this her body fails and she isn’t able to kill him. In the Logic Route, if Ranmaru is still alive, this is specifically caused by Ranmaru shocking her with his stun gun finger, adding another layer to my earlier point on how he is the opposite of Mai with him denying Maple’s own final action. Notably Mai sits down next to Maple’s corpse during the pre-banquet.
Despite this However Maple’s attack showed us cracks in Midori’s facade, cracks that will eventually break him. Maple’s actions here are the first step to breaking Midori and truly winning.
And this is shown in full force during the banquet with Mai’s decision, but before that I want to talk about a scene that occurs beforehand.
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When the possibility of a human being a part of the dummies is brought into question, the realisation that Mai isn’t the exact same as her doll comes to light. Eventually this leads to the horrible truth that Mai’s hands aren’t actually her hands at all, but rather Midori’s human hands. In a way this is the physical manifestation that Mai’s actions weren’t by her own hands, but rather she was a tool for Midori, playing along with his puppet show. (and yet another mirror to Ranmaru who also had a scene focusing on his hands earlier in the chapter.)
Upon this reveal Mai swears she’ll kill Midori, something missing from Qtaro’s words if she died, instead his resolve is shaken, wondering if they’ll even be able to beat a guy like him. And this leads to the epitome of her arc, the third hint.
When Sara is forced to pick a red coffin she is afraid to make the choice in fear that her logic isn’t even correct. This is where Mai steps in to tell her to pick a red coffin so she can win.
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Mai encompasses Ranmaru’s words from the start of the chapter, no longer too scared to die that she can’t even resist Midori’s hold on her, but proving her humanity by taking her life into her own hands to stand up against Midori, to claim her autonomy, because that's what separates a human from a tool. She quite literally made her own choice with the Banquet, allowing both the humans and the dolls an opportunity to make it through together, a possibility opened through the bonds between the humans and dolls, Qtaro and Mai being at the forefront of that.
Now Mai is willingly telling Sara to choose a coffin, even if its at the cost of her life. She isn’t going to allow Midori control over anyone again. The Mai we see before us here is so different from the at the start of the chapter, one who was too afraid to fight back and make and descision for herself. And even as far back as her victim video where she couldn’t even make a choice between which gun she needs to pick,and died as a result of her panicked state, where she shot the wrong gun. The through line of guns being present in both scenarios also adds to this aspect.
Mai proves humanity through actions, because being human means being able to make your own choices, something both Mai and Maple struggled with at first, but also something they ended up demonstrating over the chapter. They proved their humanity by not letting their actions be decided by another, to not be treated like a tool. Because being human means being able to have autonomy in your actions and Mai proved without a doubt that she is human, despite the physical aspect of being a doll. Because while a doll can’t move, talk or feel without someone forcing it, it's nothing but expected for a human.
WOOO MAI ANALYSIS DONE!!! only one dummie left!!! hopefully soon???
Also kinda a Maple analysis by mistake LOL hopefully that's okay lmao, the characters are majorly linked to each other so it didn't feel right to just omit her
But yeah hopefully you enjoyed this and it got you to think about Mai and Maple a bit more as characters, if you liked this and its the first one you've seen then I've got more analyses like these on my blog
and of course its not lost on me the fact that its the 2 women dolls that have an arc about their autonomy, and I love how it falls into YTTD's themes of gendered power as a whole
And as of the day I'm releasing this HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 3-1B!!! The best chapter! I hope this counts as a good enough anniversary post lol, the dummies are a major part of 3-1 after all! I'm happy to give more 3-1 content to the world!
As for now though, I hope you enjoyed and see you next time for my Hinako analysis!!!
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tangledbea · 2 days
Sorry if someone already asked this, but for all the fandom content about Rapunzel, I rarely see people delve into what the majority of her life was like, raised in a tower and believing Gothel to be her actual mother (and loving her). Do you have any headcanons on what her upbringing was like, and how it would affect her new role as princess (apart from stuff we see in the show like the barely touched on etiquette lessons)
Rapunzel has literally no idea how people or society work. She's never interacted with another human outside of Gothel until Eugene showed up, and she was raised to be afraid of all outsiders. However, her adventure in the movie showed her that most of the people in the outside world were on her side. Therefore, I think Rapunzel would swing too hard in the other direction and trust literally everyone blindly at first, until she learned a little bit of discernment. (And even then, she's the queen of second chances, and that part stays.)
Gothel also doted on her, to keep her complacent, and regularly told her how clever she was because of her insights into charting stars and figuring out sewing patterns, physics, etc (while simultaneously belittling it as nothing important). So now, Rapunzel feels extremely stupid when she doesn't understand something right away. She's supposed to be clever, so why can't she get it?
Gothel made Rapunzel feel like everything she did wrong was a big deal and was done on purpose to hurt her (Gothel), so now Rapunzel has a guilty conscience, and blames herself when thing go wrong.
Gothel played the "I love you, I love you more, I love you most," game, and always insisted on being the one who said "most," so now Rapunzel feels like people don't understand how much she loves and respects them, because obviously she's not being clear enough about the strength of her affections.
Gothel never wanted to see or hear Rapunzel's negative emotions (sadness, anger, etc), and so now when Rapunzel's upset, she needs to be alone to process it. She doesn't feel like she can display those emotions publicly, or else she'll be annoying those she's around.
Gothel wasn't around a lot of the time, and so Rapunzel gets overstimulated easily in big crowds. When this happens, she feels the need to hide away, and usually goes up as high into her room as she can, or out on the roof where the crowd and sound can't get to her.
And for quite a while after leaving the tower, Rapunzel has a sneaking suspicion that you can tell a bad person by how pointy their teeth are. Even though she knows it's not true, she falls back on old habits when drawing her feelings, and someone she's scared of in any capacity gets pointy teeth.
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flowercrowncrip · 8 hours
I just found out my favourite carer has been told to stop working for the foreseeable future due to chronic health issues and it's really getting to me . Obviously the most important thing is that she is as healthy as possible, and I know that it must be bad if she's got onto this point and just want the best for her – it's just really sucks
She's been working with me for about five years now, and she is probably the only person I feel completely safe around. Having 24/7 care means that most of the time I kind of feel like I'm at work. I have to communicate my needs and navigate having someone I probably don’t know very well in my space at all times. My favourite carer is the only person I know will absolutely never judge me and who I feel really safe to do all the things people do when no one is watching. When I try something new, I usually try and do it when I know she'll be working with me because even if it all goes horribly wrong she will still treat me the same at the end of it.
I'm feeling really scared and vulnerable right now if I'm honest. It feels like a safety net has been taken out from underneath me. Becoming this reliant on someone emotionally is obviously not good, and I've been kind of aware of that for awhile, I guess I just thought I'd have more time to figure it out.
Part of me just wants to bury my head in the sand and avoid everyone, but I know that's not an option. I am the closest to a panic attack I've been in years and I can't tell whether I'm overreacting or not. I really want to cuddle one of my stuffed animals, but they’re on top of my wardrobe and I feel self conscious asking for one.
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showmey0urfangs · 13 hours
Mini Claudia Rant
TLDR: Who are you and what have you done with my Claudia?
I've been avoiding writing meta until the season is complete and we have a clearer picture of WTF is going on, but this felt like a crucial point that needs to be addressed. I've already discussed this with several moots in spaces and it seems I'm not the only one who feels this way. So here it goes:
Let me preface this by saying that I absolutely love Delainey's acting. She does an excellent job at seamlessly transitioning between the all the emotions that Claudia feels. She imbues the character with a sweet vulnerability that humanizes her completely, even in her worst moments. But she can only do so much when the script gives her so little to work with.
One important rule in storytelling is that if a plot point you need to happen requires for your characters to act contrary to their previously established traits, then you need to get rid of it, go back to the drawing board and think of something better to move your story forward. The reason I bring this up is because the way Claudia has been acting in this season, especially in past two episodes, is the complete opposite of how she was previously established, both in the book and in the first season.
In episode 6 and 7 of season 1, the writers go out of the way to show the audience that Claudia is cunning, shrewd, calculated, and most importantly, that she is ruthless and will not hesitate to do what needs to be done. Claudia manages to single handedly orchestrate Lestat's murder, outsmarting both him and Antoinette in the process. We find out that she was well aware that Antoinette was listening in and that she used it to her advantage. She plays on Lestat's arrogance and the fact that he underestimates her to gain advantage over him. Overall, Claudia is shown as a hypercompetent character, capable to overcome her limiting circumstances to free both herself and Louis from what she viewed as a toxic situation.
Hell, that was the entire point of the SA storyline in episode 5 wasn't it, to sell us on the gross and tired trope that somehow being raped turns women into the ultimate badass girlbosses. So WTF happened?
I find it very hard to believe that same Claudia is now completely oblivious to the fact that the theatre coven had been trailing them for months. I find it even harder to believe that she would not realize the danger she's in the minute she sees Lestat's portrait in their lair. That she would go as far as to scoff at Louis when he mentions the risk they are running by staying in Paris. I would expect that level of naivety and stupidity from Louis, but not from Claudia! Claudia takes after Lestat in that she's arrogant and often overestimated her own strength, but she is not foolish. As Louis says in episode 6, she can sense the danger coming from a mile away. So her reaction in episode 2 literally contradicts everything we've been told about her character so far.
The other thing I have a hard time buying is that Claudia would have any interest in these theatre freaks in the first place. Lestat de Lioncourt's daughter would have laughed at their cheap theatrics and turned her pretty nose at the poverty chic squalor they live in, so far removed from the pretty shiny human world that she loves so much. Just like her daddy, Claudia has very expensive taste, something Louis often deplored because of the gigantic hole it dug in his checkbook. 😂
In episode 1 she tells Louis she wants diamond rings and mink stoles to rain from the sky. We see her longingly eyeing a pretty lavender silk dress and then using her meager funds to buy it and get to tailored to her body. But you want me to believe that same Claudia would happily settle for a dusty coffin and blood-stained hand me down robes for the rest of eternity?
Another important point is, do we even remember why Claudia decides to kill Lestat in season 1? She found Lestat's control stifling. She refused to live under his authority and hated being treated as his subordinate—a state that she often compared to slavery. Claudia valued her freedom so much that she was willing to kill for it. And yet you want me to believe that she would willingly sign up to a club that imposes a curfew on its members? That dictates how and when they're allowed to feed, sleep, speak etc. The Claudia we see in season 1 does not like conforming to rules and she does not tolerate being told what to do or how to behave. She would have also scoffed at the idea of having to be deferential to the likes of Armand and the rest of the theatre coven in the same way her father does in episode 3. Lestat de Lioncourt's daughter would have rather gouge her own eyes out than lower them in front of any fucking body!
So again I have to ask, what happened to that Claudia? Why is she suddenly so eager to play resident stooge for a bunch of vampires that she would no doubt view as beneath her, in the same way her father did?
Claudia is fiercely independent and desperate for autonomy. It's literally the crux of her entire struggle; she resents the fact that in the body she's in, she will never truly be able to exist on her own.
We were told repeatedly in the promos and interviews that season 2 would be ✨Claudia's season✨. But I find that once again, she is used as a meere plot device and relegated to the background, as the main conflict in Louis' life seems to have shifted from profound existential questions of good vs evil, and grappling with the loss of his humanity to now being entirely about his relationship with his not-so-dead ex-husband and how much Louis misses him and can't stop thinking about him all the time. 🥴
I mean, how else are we supposed to interpret the fact that Louis no longer seems preoccupied with killing humans, or that he rolls his eyes at the profound philosophical discussions Armand tries to have with him, just before they're rudely interrupted by comedic gags of Lestat serenading him with an approximated karaoke rendition and Molloy struggling with his laptop in the worst stereotype of a clueless boomer.
Molloy is right that this is now a telenovela (and no, a character on screen pointing out a flaw in your narrative in a bout of meta self-critique does not magically stop it from being a flaw). It's The Young and The Restless, but with bit of blood and gore added—and no gay sex either because you can't have too much of that or the advertisers will clutch their pearls. You can show plenty of tities though, that is American A-okay, and it helps us sell more Carl's junior burgers and mercedes Benz SUVs. Good job AMC! 🙃
At this point the only thing that would rescue Claudia's storyline for me would be a reveal that Louis has mischaracterized the entire thing. That he is painting Claudia's time in Paris under the completely opposite light than what it was in reality. That Claudia was the one who sensed the danger and wanted to leave while Louis dismissed it because he was too dickmatized hypnotized by Armand's sexy hot cheeto eyes. It would certainly be more in line with what was established of their characters in season 1—and also with their book book characterizations, even though that matters a lot less since this is an adaptation and should be viewed as its own separate thing.
I know the strikes affected production a lot of ways, and part of that is felt in the inconsistent writing of the episodes we've gotten so far which imo hampers the show significantly. It doesn't matter how high your budget is, how pretty your sets and costumes are, how talented your actors are, how expense and lifelike you vfx is. It all comes down to the writing. If your script is shitty, you will invariably get a shitty final product.
That said, I'm still holding out hope that these are just growing pains and in the upcoming episodes, all the kinks will be ironed out to give us an overall brilliant second season. Fingers crossed!
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sapphickittykenz · 1 day
Hi lovely people! 🩷😙
I've been instructed by my Mommy (@themistressdomme ) to recall the events that occurred last night when we had a gaming session over the phone.. 🙈
So, I'm gonna do as told, and share the story....
It started off as any other time when we gamed together on call. Most of the time I'm in charge of choosing what games we play on Roblox, since Mommy can never decide what she wants to play! 🙄 First we played an obby which she sucked so poorly at, so eventually I told her we could play something else since she kept losing so badly! 🤭 During that game I teased her endlessly, I knew at some point I'd pay for it. Mommy even reminded me herself, and gave me a fair amount of warnings which I completely ignored.....bad mistake!
So blah blah blah, we started playing bloxy bingo, and Mommy kept teasing me endlessly! She picked up on the teasing when we were getting ready to end the call! Obviously, as any innocent little sub would, I got excited from all the constant teasing. You can't blame me! 🙈 Mommy knew I was getting excited, but she pretended to be clueless, saying she didn't know what I meant, and that I had to ask specifically for every little thing I wanted. So, eventually.. I told her that I was excited. She asked me what I wanted to do about it...and made me say in detail what I wanted to do to myself. 🙈🙈 I told her that I wanted to finger myself... and when she asked how many fingers I said 3. 😵‍💫 KEEP IN MIND THE ENTIRE TIME IM BEING LAUGHED AT AND TEASED BY MY EVILY SADISTIC MOMMY!!!
So, I was pushing for her to get off the phone with me, since I was so greedy and eager to touch myself! 🙈 I got so needy to where I just started touching myself whilst Mommy was still on the call! I tried to hold my moans to avoid the teasing that would spark once she heard them. Mommy knew this, but once little whines and whimpers started to escape I eventually gave up trying to keep quiet. 🙈🥴 With Mommy's encouragement and constant teasing, I came two times from my fingers! After the first ones, mommy made me spank my kitty 10 times while counting them out loud. I didn't think I could cum anymore since I was already so sensitive, but Mommy told me to keep going, and that she thought I had more to give her..
Bad girls don't get to decide when they're done cumming, Mommy says. So, I had to keep fingering myself while rubbing my clit when I was already extremely sensitive! I was a moaning mess, and I couldn't keep quiet at all! Not that I wanted to.. 🤭 I apologized to Mommy for my bratty behavior repeatedly, and begged for mercy...although she just laughed at me and told me to continue. 😵‍💫 I got so close again, but Mommy made me wait. Told me to count down from 20 and then I'd be able to cum. So of course I followed the rules...for once. After that, I came super hard for the 4th time, and I was left in a puddle of my own excitement, unable to give Mommy any other response besides 'mhmm'. It was a while before I was able to walk, or even close my legs, since I was so sensitive and overstimulated.
I guess you can say I learned my lesson... Maybe 🤭
That's my storytime! 😌 Hopefully I didn't leave out any important details...
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chrxnicdaydream · 3 days
have some silly skk wedding hcs bc. idk i just wanted to yell w someone abt them
chuuya cries in sporadic bursts the day of but taken altogether it's like 3 hrs of hysterical sobbing
dazai doesn't cry at all because he slips into like a shocked fugue state the second he sees chuuya but he DOES bawl like a baby the next morning
nobody who attended remembers past like hour 4 of the wedding and six months later they're still uncovering some of the wild shit they did during the afterparty. this is because the wedding staff accidentally became part of the celebration and the photographer, who was supposed to record the whole thing, ended up sleeping with one of the cast. it was kunikida.
just to be obnoxious ranpo proposes to poe and chuuya has to be held back by a crying w laughter dazai from Physically Attacking Him
dazai insists on having a bouquet to throw, which he purposefully angles for akutagawa to catch. atsushi faints, lucy's face progresses from angry -> considering in real time (they r a throuple real)
chuuya picks his best man/maid of honor fairly easily (hirotsu and kouyou duh) but dazai basically told the ada to figure it out amongst themselves and come back to him with their decisions (he's lazy/genuinely didn't know who to pick and wanted to outsource) and there was Actual Violence
lots of drama over whether or not to invite mori and verlaine. turns out to be a nonissue bc all verlaine does is cry in a corner about a) rimbaud and b) holy shit my little brother is getting married and after hour 6 mori and fukuzawa disappear from the event (neither they nor anyone else remembers this. very lucky)
ango receives an invitation with no context and has like 3 mental breakdowns about what this means for his and dazai's relationship
7 hours in (it was a long party) kenji's cow somehow shows up (he swears up and down it wasn't him, everyone's very confused the next morning)
it was a sunset wedding, dazai wore white and chuuya wore blue
adam and shirase and some other members of the sheep are there. adam makes fast friends with kyouka, meanwhile the former sheep are very narrowly spared dazai's wrath, mostly bc he keeps forgetting they're even there. it's a big wedding
tachihara tried to drunkenly breakdance, gin laughed so hard she thought she got heart palpitations and was afraid for her life. she went to look for mori and walked in on him and fukuzawa. none of them remember this but now gin feels a vague sense of horror every time she looks at her boss and she's not really sure why
yosano tries rizzing kouyou up and fails by any normal metric (yosano: please please please please please please please please please please) but kouyou is Tipsy and Charmed
dazai does indeed burn the marriage certificate (TRY RETURNING ME WITHOUT A RECEIPT, CHIBI!!). chuuya is so in love he starts crying again
higuchi and tanizaki had philosophical discussions about life on the rooftop and accidentally solved the secrets of the universe. they do not remember this
kunikida returns from his steamy rendezvous with the photographer and immediately sets his sights on ango. drunk kunikida knows what he wants (twinkish men) and when he wants them (now). there is a reason one of the most important ideals in his notebook is to Not Drink
the guild is there and are generally having a good time until fitzgerald sees tsujimura (only there as ango's plus-one, got abandoned bc of drunk kunikida's machinations) and calls her a blue-haired liberal, and hey, what's a party without a brawl in the middle of the dance floor
between the guild and the wedding staff half the people at the party weren't even invited. which is why the doa and hunting dogs are also there
kenji, kyouka, q, elise, and aya are having a Kids' Party in a separate room with adam as an extremely enthusiastic babysitter (well, more like occasional check-in-er, he's swinging back and forth between the parties). tecchou joins them after a while and has a great time, as all except aya are extremely fascinated by his unholy food combinations
bram and lovecraft kickstart their enemies-to-lovers arc the second they set eyes on each other
fyodor, dazai, kajii, and nikolai start up a game of Knife Monopoly, to everyone's surprise the extremely determined caterer sweeps them all. sigma is smitten at once and immediately starts to flirt with her (the caterer is a milf who is seduced by sigma's transgender rizz, sigma will eventually have an entire 'convincing the stepkids' family movie arc)
teruko FUCKS IT UP on the dance floor, haruno is so impressed she immediately falls into her first disastrous sapphic crush
hirotsu and natsume mutually agree to restart their homoerotic situationship without ever even actually saying two words to each other, someone has to take skk's place now that they've more or less gotten their shit together
katai wasn't there physically but was supervising through security cameras. he's the only one who will ever know everything that happened that night and deleted the footage due to trauma :( sorry katai
tsujimura and mushitarou bond over how desperately they Do Not Want To Be There
skk Try to have a romantic wedding night(/morning, given how long the afterparty stretched) but they are both too drunk, chuuya trips and falls flat on his face and dazai laughs so hard he throws up
omg i started yapping and then i just didn't stop. i didn't even know i had this many thoughts in my head. i am sending this before i can regret it feel free to delete if u want to
anon. THESE ARE SO GOOD OMG???? i could literally visualize a whole fic just by reading these hcs
adding my comments under the cut so it doesn’t get too long 🫣
ok first of all… the skk crying hcs??? CANON OMG im so obsessed
Ranpo turning skk’s wedding into his engagement party is so true of him. he absolutely would
Dazai totally would insist on a bouquet to toss, & him throwing it at to Akutagawa is so funny 😭
KENJI’S COW IM SOBBING it reminds me of that wan episode where Atsushi asks Dazai what Yosano needed & he was like “… a cow!” boba eyes & everything
i had never thought of Adam & Kyouka being buddies but my life is changed now tysm for this revelation
NOT GIN BEING SCARRED BY ZENKU SKK 💀 someone get my girl outta there
ok but tipsy + charmed Kouyou is a vision
Chuuya tells Dazai that burning the marriage certificate means they’re not married anymore & that’s when Dazai finally breaks down into tears
ok Higuchi & Tanizaki is another duo i never considered and i LOVE IT???
omg i love the kids party & skk are both good with kids so they definitely would make sure the kids are taken care of 🥹 Adam would be such a good babysitter, and Tetchou too??? omg giving me fic ideas with this one
super invested in this caterer x Sigma arc tbh
ykw i was thinking abt bsd rarepairs the other day & couldn’t figure out who to ship Teruko or Haruno with… should’ve thought of this honestly
now that you mention it… i actually love the idea of Tsujimura & Mushitaro but i think it’s mostly bc her hair matches his suit PFFT
skk’s ideal honeymoon = SLEEP 😫
i’m so glad you didn’t stop yapping non, this was so wonderful tysm i feel blessed 🥹🩷 please feel free to yell abt hcs or say hi anytime!! 🫶🏻💕💕
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aroaessidhe · 6 months
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2023 reads / storygraph
The Poisons We Drink
YA urban fantasy
a girl who brews powerful potions is coerced into making potions to interfere with D.C.’s most influential politicians in an attempt to stop a dangerous Witcher Registration Act from passing, and will do anything to protect her sister after their mother is killed
bi MC, nonbinary love interest
arc from netgalley
#The Poisons We Drink#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#this is…….a lot of cool ideas but also so many elements and high stakes that i kinda lost track of them#the pacing is weird. the worldbuilding is random?#why is brewing SO overpowered & risky for her but the other powers seem to have pretty normal low-scale risks?#it’s definitely ambitious and has some cool ideas and also some great characters just. didn’t execute as well as I’d like#as much as we’re told the main threat is the government trying to put through a Registration Act#most of the actual antagonism we see is from other Witchers?#like the systemic discrimination got a bit lost in the witcher family drama and murder politics#important things to say about oppression and police violence but like....idk#she has this ‘deviation’- essentially evil sentient magic inside her head (and you KNOW I love that trope)#but it’s barely explained and very underutilised? other than helping her get out of bad situations you could take it out & would barely#change anything#also it’s explained at the start that she’s an empath but other than the very occasional mention I kept forgetting#will also note that I bumped this up my tbr because I saw the author talking/promoting it as the MCs sister being aroace but no mention#maybe it’ll come up in a sequel (there weren’t really any places where it would have made sense to bring it up here) but idk#(just the way the author was asking for advice on how to write an ace character and stuff you’d assume that they’d….put that in the book?)#not really a critique of the book itself but anyway. I really wanted to like this but the way it was put together just did not vibe with me#edit: I saw the author say on twitter that the version used for ARCs was before ace stuff was added and that there's other signif changes?#so perhaps that will be there! i'm not sure if I want to read it again but might skim just to see what that's about
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Nope, I'm still crying
#i wish literally anybody from school remembered me#literally only 2 people i was friends with hace talked to me in the past four years#i had the realization tonight that i was never given the choice to nurture most of my friendships#everytime i tried outside of school hours including trying to join clubs my mom would make me leave halfway through then lecture me#that she didn't have time to drive to town and get me#but as soon as my brother wanted to join junior air force she suddenly had all the time and energy in the world to devote to that#so what I'm getting here is that my friendships and interests weren't important enough or worth her time#i wasn't interested in Junior air force 1 cause it wasn't offered to me and 2 I'm not a boit licker#no#i was interested in the video game and board game clubs cause my friends were in them and they WANTED me to join#but after not getting to stay for more than one full session after a month i left the board game club cause it wasn't fair to the others#and i only went to the video game clu once and i don't remember much of it cause i was too anxious that she was gonna flip on me#i kept waiting for her text but instead she showed up at the classroom and made me leave#so when the same teacher that ran the board game club asked if i wanted to join the chess club cause he knew i liked chess#i told him i couldn't cause i was too busy because i didn't want to deal with begging my mom to let me join#she would have said yes but would have continued not letting me stay and being super passive aggressive#I'm not even in the year book for the year my friends graduated#the one thing she did let me do was drama and i hated every second of it. it was genuinely a bad experience for me#yeah i had friends in drama but it's not the same as hanging with my nerdy guy friends playing a star wars ttrpg#the worst part is she gets so defensive when i bring it up and won't give me a reason outside of 'I guess I'm just the worst parent'#it's in those moments i really remember she's the youngest in her family#OH!! it gets worse! she told me when i was younger that she had to be an honorary cheer leader cause HER MOM absolutely refused to#let her join cheer and she's alsways been bitter about it but then she turns around and did basically the same thing to me ffs#at least she was allowed to hang out with people after-school i wasn't allowed to do that either#no. instead i spent the hours after shcool alone most days and my weekends home alone in my room. and she wonders why my social skills are#maybe if I'd been allowed to work on my relationships outside of a classroom i wouldn't have felt so abandoned when everyone i knew#graduated without me. maybe if i didn't have to start back at square one socially again and had people to text and hang with after class#i wouldn't have dropped out. and i think only atlas knows i dropped out. idk how to text these people without spunding like I'm looking for#sympathy when they ask what I'm up to. like yeah I'm stuck at home with an anxiety disorder and unemployed trying to get on disability#prisma vents
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adore-gregor · 1 month
my football team is so hopeless
#not dortmund lol i mean the club i play at myself#it makes me want to quit ngl#there are just so many things i'm fed up with#at times it's not fun anymore#i like playing football but there's just a lot wrong with this team#but i'm mostly just hanging around because i don't want to let my coach down like he cares and genuinly seems like a good coach#the only thing which gives me a bit of hope#and i hate letting people down 😅 that and also i hate giving up#but i have never seen a team more hopeless or felt more hopeless playing a sport 😅#and he apparently thinks i'm kind of important to the team which i kind of get but also it doesn't really make a difference...#we're just so hopeless i can’t turn this around lol#i always start and i hope it continues but there's not much i can do#we just have too many people who don't care last match so many have given up#some of our team just refuse to run or move at some point it's awful#like why can't you try#we always loose so high like what's the point but still don't give up#besides that the endurance (and also sprint speed) of most is awful which could be trained to a point#but whenever the coach tries to do that almost no one shows up 💀#and i usually play wing or outside midfielder but i'm supposed to also be a defender apparently what#whenever we get a goal on my side and i'm not back in defence someone moans at me like that's my fault#i get working back but i can’t be everywhere especially when some people don't move#and i actually try to get the ball foreward or try to get the ball back in the front because i don't give up when we're behind#i want to score goals and not settle with loosing and only sit back to do defence anymore#naturally there will be open spaces when i try to do that but how is giving up better even when it's hopeless we could still try scoring#and i can't be everywhere they should try my position they would never last 90min running like i do#besides i'm already exausted each week from my training before like i do sports 2-3 hours 6 or 7 days a week#unfortunately i have to because once again i'm trying some entrance exam (for sports to become a teach in sports and english hopefully)#asides from that i don't like most of the people at my club 😅 it feels a bit like highschool again and i didn't like highschool#so many are ignorant and judgemental#like the girl i told you about with her comment about the cleaning lady instead of wanting to clean up her stuff herself 🙄
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