#but I’d be able to take breaks and recharge
a-lonely-dragon · 1 year
Strike! - Chapter 3
Montgomery Gator x F!Reader
CW: None
Navigation: Chapter 1, 2
Monty, regrettably, had been right. Your pathetic knot didn’t hold the gauze together for longer than a few minutes.
Perhaps you shouldn’t be so surprised. After all, the animatronics are programmed with extensive first aid protocols for their young charges. If only your good ol’ employers had kept the first aid stations as well-stocked at the bots’ protocols.
Sitting in the sparsely furnished break room, you fiddle with the gauze on your hand, a sad lunch of wilted salad sitting abandoned. A sun-faced clock ticks loudly in the quiet, leering down at you with white, painted eyes.
What had Monty been doing, lurking around the course so late? You were under the impression that during the night, the animatronics were confined to their greenrooms for recharging, at least that was how it’d been a few months ago. Plenty has changed since then, you suppose. Maybe it was some new security protocol that management had “forgotten” to mention to you. It certainly hadn’t been in that stupid pamphlet.
Your phone vibrates against the table and your hand shoots out to grab it, nearly knocking over your water in the process. With bated breath, you navigate to your email, praying to anyone who will listen to the prayers of exhausted employees that someone’s finally seen your qualifications—and then promptly deflate, tossing your phone aside. Just spam.
You glower up at the clock. At the hands creeping by, at the hours you had left before you could get home and take care of your hand properly. “What’re you smiling about?” you mutter up at it.
The door flies open, nearly sending you into cardiac arrest. You hiss in pain as your knee slams against the underside of the table.
“Oh! So, they didn’t fire you?”
You grit your teeth as the very last person you wanted to see sweeps in, a wide smile on his face and a takeout box in his hands. When he sets it on the table, you catch sight of a label of a popular restaurant back in the city. Your stomach churns and your mouth waters, but you refuse to be jealous of Magnus, of all people.
“Nope,” you say, refusing to meet his eye. Not for your lack of trying, asshole.
Magnus is all legs and self-satisfaction. His tight white top is dotted with pastel green triangles and bubblegum pink circles, workout shorts practically painted over his lean thighs. He’d been relocated to Chica’s Mazercise, it seems, and by the smug expression he wears as he takes in your loud button-up, he considers it the superior position. 
“They threw you in the swamp, huh?” He chuckles and begins to unpack his lunch. “It suits you.”
Don’t take the bait, you tell yourself, and start cleaning up the untouched salad. You hope the message is clear, I’d rather starve for the rest of my shift than be in a room with you.
Magnus shovels a forkful of steamed vegetables into his mouth and watches you with a raised brow. “Aww, don’t feel too embarrassed. The shirt’s cute.” On the table, your phone announces itself with another vibration, screen lighting up with a notification.
Heat gathers in your cheeks and you snatch your phone off the table before he can read it. Because you know he fucking would.
“What? Got dirty texts coming in?” He laughs at the idea, giving you a disgusting view of half-chewed sesame noodles.
“Hey, did you finally apply for a new job? Honestly, I’m surprised you didn’t bail the moment they sized down the bowling alley. I mean, I would’ve if I were you. Can’t imagine how hard it’ll be, not being able to spend all your shifts just bowling with the star—”
Annoyance lances through you at the implication, but you keep quiet and toss your trash away. Magnus had a chip on his shoulder for no good reason, showing his true colors not long after he’d been tasked with training you way back when you first started. If there was a silver lining to being transferred, you supposed it would be getting away from him. Rodney wasn’t exactly a step up, but at least he barely spoke to you other than to give you orders.
“Good luck getting that crazy gator to give you special treatment.”
Anger flares in your chest and you round on him, not missing the way his lip quirks in satisfaction. “I never got special treatment—"
BEEP BEEP. You glare at the Fazwatch, at the numbers counting down the minutes to the end of your break.
“You better get going, wouldn’t want to get written up,” Magnus drawls, breaking apart chopsticks. “No Glamrock to cover for you, now.”
You clench your jaw, turn on your heel, and storm out of the break room.
You met Bonnie for the first time a week into the job.
If the back hallways and utility tunnels were a mind-boggling maze to someone who’d been traversing them for months, they were an impossible labyrinth to newbies, and especially to newbies with trainers who spoke a mile a minute when telling you how to get to the nearest employee break room.
You’d given up trying to find it at your Fazwatch’s fifteen-minute warning and simply plopped down on the grody concrete floor, gobbling down your sandwich miserably. You hoped you could find your way back to the bowling alley in time.
Heavy thumps preceded the animatronic that rounded the corner, and your heart skipped a beat at the sight. Bonnie!
You’d seen him around the bowling alley, but only from afar. Up close, you couldn’t help but take in every detail of his look. The shiny blue casing, the bright eyes that flashed as they scanned you, the sharp claws meant for shredding bass.
Pizza mascots had come a long way since your childhood, that was for sure.
You’d expected him to keep going, he was obviously on his way somewhere, probably a birthday party or a VIP meeting, avoiding the crowds of the Pizzaplex by lieu of the utility tunnels. It came as a great shock when he stopped in front of you, lifting a grand paw in greeting.
“Well, doesn’t that look appetizing! I mean, it’s no carrot cake, but to each their own, right?”
Bonnie tilted his head at you curiously, awaiting your answer. Instead, you could only fumble around a question of your own in response as you scrambled to your feet.
“Are you, uh, lost?” you asked, then cringed, because of course the animatronic with a computer for a brain wasn’t lost in his own facility.
Bonnie flashed a smile. “Nope! Are you?”
With an embarrassed wince, you nodded. “I was trying to find the break room, but I got pretty turned around. . .”
“I can take you there, if you’d like. However, you’re scheduled to be back from your break in seven minutes, and it’ll take about four to get to the break room!”
“Yup.” You sighed. “That’s why I’m eating here.”
“I can help you find your way back, since you’re a Bonnie Bowler,” he said, punctuating the sentence with a cheeky wink.
“No, no,” you said immediately waving away the suggestion. If there was one rule your manager had hammered into your brain amongst the dozens of others, it was not to interfere with the main animatronics. They were there for the guests, and you were there to make sure the rest of the guests’ needs were met in the meantime. They weren’t paying you to have fun or hold up the stars on their way to make money for the company.
“Really?” For a creature made of metal, he did a fantastic job of expressing disappointment. “Are you sure?”
No. “Yeah. Thanks, though,” you added, dropping your gaze.
“How about directions back to the alley? I even know a shortcut. I’ll tell you if you promise to keep it a secret!”
You’d smiled at him then, amused by his words and his determination to help. You made it back to work with a minute to spare and swore you’d find a way to thank Bonnie when you saw him next.
Monty seems to have gone by the time you return, the golf course yours once more. You begin to tap away at your Fazwatch to put in a maintenance request for the bridge, only to stop short as you find a STAFF bot in a hardhat and a yellow vest already at work.
Apart from you, Monty, and whoever the security guard was, there was no one else to have put in the request. You certainly hadn’t. So that left the gator or whoever had an eye in the sky. Unless the security guard was going above and beyond the call of duty, you were sure it was Monty. It was his course, as he’d said.
An uncomfortable thought surfaces. What if he’d mentioned that it was your fault the stupid railing had broken in the first place? He hadn’t seemed to care that much, in all honesty, but he was notoriously unfriendly towards staff members. It didn’t seem like a huge stretch for him to do his job of making sure you received first aid and then reported your ass for carelessness.
It makes your skin crawl with unease, not knowing. As much as you wanted to bail from the ‘plex, you weren’t stupid. Without any income, you’d burn through your meager savings in less than a month. And if that happened, well, you’d have to suck up your pride and call—
You shake your head. There was nothing you could do about it now. Whatever was going to happen would happen. With the high turnover here, you were probably overdue for a firing, if not a write-up.
When Rodney finally reappears, it’s a few minutes before the end of your shift and you’re vacuuming in the gift shop. You stiffen when he approaches you, preparing for the worst, only to receive a heavy clap on the shoulder and a “good work, kid” before he’s gone again. You stare after him, still unsure if he knows about the railing.
The feeling follows you out of the front doors of the Pizzaplex and all the way to the end of the ocean of a parking lot. You slump into the driver’s seat and start the car, eyes drooping. How you manage to make it home without crashing, you’ll never know, but after locking the apartment door behind you, you’re going through the motions, throwing a frozen meal into the oven and tossing your clothes into the washer. When your meal’s eaten and your clothes are tumbling about in the dryer, you shuffle off to bed, eager for a dreamless sleep.
You plug your Fazwatch into its charger and snuggle under the covers, unlocking your phone one more time to check your email, just in case something materialized in the last few hours.
Your breath catches and you shoot up in bed.
There’s just a single new email, and the sender? Fazbear Entertainment’s automatic email. This alone sends a spike of anxiety through your chest, but then your eyes dart down a line and—     
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rainiishowers · 1 year
Heyyy if I may, I’d like to request something I had in mind? Thanks!
So how about the brothers with a mentally and emotionally stressed and exhausted mc? General hcs + the mc goes to then after dad and hugs them, telling the Boris that they’re tired?
Tysm! Also second POV and gn!mc? Tysm love <3 good work and good luck on everything!
A/N: A bit on the self indulgent side Honestly, this is probably the most I've been proud of something in a while, so I hope you enjoy! Short Summary: It was after test week at RAD, and the brothers can't help but notice that you don't seem to be in the best emotional or mental state
Lucifer meant to ask you about it, but had to stay behind at RAD for a while, so he planned to ask you about it once he got home
The eldest was going to search for his favourite human after dropping things off in his room, but when he got there, he notices you curling up on his bed
He could tell from your eyes as you looked up that you have been crying, even just slightly
Lucifer came to your side and you immediately attach yourself to him, giving him a loose hug
"....I'm tired, Lucifer.."
After taking a second or so to process this, he sighs, relaxing his body and returning the hug, drawing gentle circles on your back
"You can relax, the tests are over now."
After just barely managing to do the tests that he sort of studied for, he almost missed the fact that you seemed a bit off
And as your first man, Mammon had to go check what was up
So, he makes his way to your door and stops himself from bursting the door down, and instead knocking
When there was no response, he comes in by himself and saw you laying on your bed, wrapped up in a blanket
No response.
A small shift
Mammon walks over just as you turn your head
You clearly looked like you haven't been able to sleep, and he's pretty sure lack of sleep is bad for humans
Before he could ask what was up, he was knocked back a bit, which he soon realized was you hugging him
"...I'm tired.."
That exhausted voice and the sluggish hug broke his heart, and he knew that you just needed a break
"Why don't we go watch a movie, yea? Your pick."
Having to go to RAD to actually do the tests sucked, since he was so used to doing online schooling
But, he got through it and when he returned home, he was going to go back to his room to recharge
However, he stops when he felt a tug on his shirt, and then felt a heavy force cling onto his back, almost knocking him forward.
Levi turns to see you, fully just leaning on him for support while also giving him a hug.
"...Levi.. Can we go to your room? I'm tired..."
That caught him off guard, as he stutters out a yes
"Wanna watch some anime?? O-Or play a game?"
I like to imagine that he (sometimes reluctantly) tutors his brothers, but he is very eager to tutor his favourite human
He was going to check up on you, see how you did and congratulate you, however it appears you found him first
As you knock on his door, he turns and goes to open it, and immediately he could tell how exhausted you were
Satan catches you with ease as you practically fall into his arms and give him a hug
"...I'm tired, Satan.."
"I can tell."
He sighs, worried as he goes to lay you on his bed and goes to pick out a book to help you sleep, as he could tell you clearly needed a nap
Satan lays down beside you and starts reading
He noticed you asleep rather quickly and so he simply smiles
"Have a nice nap, Watson."
The tests took a lot out of Asmo, so obviously when he got home he immediately set out to go take a warm bath and have some self care
A while later, once he got out of the bath, changed into some comfy clothes and was getting all the self care things set up, he heard a knock on the door
"Who is it?~"
Asmo goes to open the door himself with a smile
"MC! Dear! Perfect ti--"
Asmo was interrupted with you giving him an abrupt hug, and he could tell immediately what was wrong.
"The tests took a lot out of you too, huh darling?"
Asmo took the small shift of your head as a yes as he sighs and tsks, pulling you gently out of his chest
"Well, I was just setting things up to have a nice relaxing spa day, why don't you join me?"
He isn't exactly sure how well he did on his tests, but he'd assume it would be an average score
But Beel wasn't worried about that right now, he was just worried on staving his hunger pains away by eating everything in the kitchen
He paid no mind to the slow footsteps he heard, but he did pay mind to something clinging onto his back
His two guesses were either you or Belphie, and when he turns to see you, your face just pressed into his back, he had a feeling something was wrong
"Is everything okay, MC?"
"...I'm tired... The tests were so tiring and mind-numbing..."
Ah.. So that's what it was
As you look up, you saw him offering a piece of the food he was eating with a smile
"Wanna go to a restaurant? It'll be my treat!"
In all honesty, he would probably be the one who finds you first
He would drag you away to the planetarium and lay on your lap, but even then he could something was off
So, he resorts to poking your cheek while asking what was wrong, but you seemed very out of it
He sits up when he didn't get a response and was caught off guard when you hugged him
"...I'm tired, Belphie.."
"Sleep, then."
You hum a bit, supposedly in agreement before drifting off to snooze land
Belphie huffs and uses his magic so you have good dreams
"Sweet dreams."
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Question: how to bounce back after workplace trauma? My job is ending soon (thankfully) and I dealt with awful social isolation from coworkers and treated terribly. I do not want to bring that into my next job - I’d love some tips on that.
Also while on my break (I’m looking for jobs currently before my job is over), how could I heal and enjoy myself before my next job? I know none of the things that happened to me was my fault, and dealt with lies from my coworkers. I just want to be happy :)
Hi love! So glad to hear you're able to quit a job that's negatively impacting your mental health and well-being. Sorry that you experienced this toxic work environment. Here are some of my tips:
Give yourself ample time to reset and indulge in basic self-care: Get a full night's sleep every night, eat a balanced & nutritious diet (most of the time) with meals you enjoy, incorporate daily movement & a consistent exercise routine into your week, read books, listen to music and podcasts that inspire you, hang out with loved ones/people who energize you, indulge in beauty routines/"spa" days and movies/TV shows you love
Once you feel recharged/not burned out anymore, take a step back and reflect on what your values are, your interests, desired lifestyle/workplace environment that best suits your personality and work style. Consider what you want out of your next opportunity instead of letting hiring managers decide for you once your interviewing processes begin. Remember, a job at a company should feel like a mutual fit. Decide to work as an employee, not a corporate slave.
Reassess and decide on your future workplace boundaries ahead of time. Once you're more emotionally distant from your current toxic work environment, allow yourself to act as a neutral observer of the interpersonal dynamics that played out while you were working in your (soon-to-be previous) toxic work environment. Consider any warning signs/red flags you might've ignored early on or certain ways you allowed yourself to be a pushover/people-pleaser to keep the peace while getting to know your co-workers. Looking back, how would you have handled these situations if you had the clarity and self-confidence you have now? Use your answer to this question as a roadmap to decide how you can show up as your best self before/while working in your next role.
Determine ways you can forge workplace connections early on in your next role. Embrace the "new job, new you" mentality here and decide how you want to show up as a sociable co-worker from your first week onward. Greet your team in the morning, engage in some small talk over a break to get to know each other better – try to find mutual interest/express interest in what they're saying, make it a priority to schedule one-on-ones with all team members/close collaborators within your company over the first month, invite co-workers to get coffee/lunch with you a couple of days per week, etc.
Best of luck! Hope this helps xx
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yukidragon · 2 years
Will u make more of your take on aphrodesia!Sunny day jack? No pressure if u dont want to!
I’m so glad you want to see more of the Something’s Wrong With Sunny Day Jack and Aphrodesia crossover AU! I certainly want to do more with it, particularly writing some short fics and art in that setting. For the most part I’ve been taking a break with writing and drawing in general to recharge (which is why Sunshine in Hell hasn’t been updated in a while), but with the occasional writing blurb here and there for funsies. It’s kind of like the writer equivalent of doodling.
Since you were so kind to ask for more of this crossover AU, and in the spirit of celebrating the kickstarter getting successfully funded and reaching 300 followers on my twitter, I suppose I could post a little narrative doodle. I’m not sure if I’ll actually finish this little rough snippet, but I had fun making it. Maybe you’ll like it too.
If I do wind up finishing it, I’ll be sure to post the polished version in Sunshine in Another World. I hope you enjoy it!
Oh, and as a heads up, this flashfic is for Adults Only. These fandoms are for Adults over the age of 18 Only. Things are pretty explicit right from the outset, and it’s a bit kinkier than my usual spicy writing, so it’s going to be entirely hidden behind a cut.
I never thought I’d be writing a smut piece about cockwarming with a mafia boss, but here we are.
Alice had to learn to be patient about a lot of things ever since she was inducted into the Sunny Family. She had to learn how to sit still and focused for hours to be an effective sniper. Back when she was barely hanging onto the lowest rung of the family she had to be patient and ready to be summoned at a moment’s notice by her boss. Most of all, she had to be patient until her debt was paid off, and she could finally leave this bloody life behind her and return to her real family.
One thing Alice never thought she would have to be patient for was for Sunny Day Jack to just fuck her already.
Ever since the two of them got together officially as a couple, Jack never seemed to be able to keep his hands off Alice. Well, admittedly he had a hard time keeping his hands off her since the day they met, but he was nothing if not respectful of her boundaries. However, at some point their physical contact crossed from platonic hand holding to a heck of a lot more. It had been such a striking change in her life, going from never having sex to making love practically every day. They spent every single day together, and it was rare that they wouldn’t wind up naked and entwined together at some point.
Despite how active her sex life had become recently, Alice still had no idea how she wound up in the lap of the leader of the most powerful and respected crime families of St. Valens with his large dick buried deep inside her. What was even more inexplicable was how Jack expected her to just keep still while he filled her so completely to the brim. She was so acutely aware of every inch of him, especially the part of him that faintly throbbed inside her, hot, hard and more than ready to just finally rail her over the desk already.
How the hell did I get in this mess? Alice wondered, not for the first time since she got embroiled in the seedy criminal underbelly that infested the city of St. Valens. Sure, indulging in her boyfriend’s kinky request was a far cry from the worst thing she had ever done while here, but it was hard not to feel frustrated when her body throbbed with need.
Unfortunately, her boss ordered her not to move until he was finished with his paperwork. ‘Let’s play a little game,’ he said. ‘Won’t that be fun?’ he said.
Jack even sweetened the deal by offering Alice some sort of prize if she ‘won’ their little game, though he didn’t say what that would be. He also didn’t say what her ‘penalty’ would be if she ‘lost.’
That damn prize better be worth it, Alice thought bitterly as she watched the most dangerous crime boss in the city sign yet another paper while she struggled desperately not to start slamming her hips down on his dick - penalties be damned.
Jack pretended to take no notice of his assistant’s discomfort. He didn’t exactly ignore Alice, idly stroking her hair in an almost offhand manner as he used the other to thumb through his paperwork. Seeing her so impatient for him was intoxicating. He wanted the game to last for as long as possible. The flush of her pouty cheeks was so cute, and the exquisite velvety feeling of her pussy wrapped around him was heaven. She was so perfect, as though she was made for him. There was nothing in the world better than to be one with her like this.
Well, admittedly, it was a little taxing on his patience. Although Alice did well not to move, her occasional twitches around his dick sent small sparks of pleasure that was sweet torture. It was difficult for Jack to hold back and continue the game instead of bending her over the desk to pound himself into that deliciously hot and wet pussy of hers, but he was committed to seeing it through.
Besides, teasing Alice was pretty fun. Jack wondered just how long it would take for her to break down and beg him to make love to her. She was already so impatient, so needy for him.
This game was as good as won.
“You’re doing so good,” Jack murmured as he pressed a kiss to Alice’s forehead. She still flinched a little where his lips touched her scars, but not as much as she did at the beginning. It was enough to send another spark shooting through his dick as her spongy walls fluttered around him. His breathing caught for a moment, but he managed to keep a straight face despire the sweet torture the game put them both through. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Jack…,” Alice said, cringing at the needy whine in her voice. “How much longer?”
Jack chuckled, the corner of his mouth hooking into a smirk as he admired her flushed cheeks. “Just a little longer, sunshine.” He pressed another kiss into her cotton candy soft hair this time.  “Don’t worry, I’ll be done soon.”
Alice couldn’t stop her sigh of frustration. “You said that half an hour ago.”
“Yes,” Jack admitted almost a little too innocently. “I suppose that is true, but ‘soon’ is just a little sooner now than it was before.”
Alice huffed as she pressed her cheek into her boyfriend’s shoulder, taking solace in at least his warmth. She tried not to think about the burning in her core, but it was impossible not to ache for Jack to make love to her. He was so warm, his embrace so comforting, and he gently toyed with her hair or rubbed her arm in a gentle affirmation that she was precious to him.
 It was wonderful, but it wasn’t enough. Alice couldn’t ignore the way her pussy throbbed with need and begged to be pounded into until she lost all sense of reason.
There had to be a way to get Jack to end the game sooner without losing.
Another kiss to her cheek, along one of her most prominent scars. The action was so tender and loving that her insides fluttered despite her frustration. It wasn’t just her chest that constricted with emotion, and Alice caught the shuddering breath Jack let out, as well as the small noise that was suspiciously like a whimper. It was so cute.
It also gave Alice an idea.
Jack was in the middle of his signature, when a gentle squeeze around his dick sent a jolt of pleasure through him that caused him to scrape his pen across the page. He had to take a moment to compose himself, but another squeeze drew out a whimper that he failed to bite back.
“Sunshine,” Jack said in a slightly husky tone.
“Hmm?” Alice asked with an innocent smile painted on her lips.
“I told you to keep still,” Jack chided as he poked one of her pinked cheeks with a finger.
Alice just made her faux innocence even more obviously fake as she batted her eyelashes cutely at Jack. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said sweetly even as she squeezed around his dick again, her voice catching a little. It also sent a shudder through him and into her that felt absolutely delicious. “I haven’t moved my hips an inch, just like you told me to.”
Jack eyed his mischievous sunshine with a considering look, but found his train of thought interrupted by another jolt of pleasure as Alice tightened herself around him again. He moaned her name despite his composure, and he put both hands on her hips to stabilize himself, only for her to do it again, and again, wearing him down in the most wonderful of ways.
Maybe the game wouldn’t be so easy for Jack to win after all.
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intheticklecloset · 1 year
For the hcs, I’m about to start watching Big Windup and I’d love to hear some of your favorite hcs for them!! Can be tickle related or not or even a mix of both! I can’t wait to watch it especially since a big part of it is because I absolutely love base/softball and I really want to read your fics for them and know the characters 💖 Take all the time you need and it’s so amazing to have you back on my dash again. You’re still one of my biggest inspirations for writing and I hope you have a great rest of your night 💖
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*squeals* EEEEK BIG WINDUP MY BELOVED!! Thank you for the fun request!! I can't wait for you to start it; it's still my favorite anime of all time!! 😍😍😍
(Also thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad I was missed at least a little. It feels good to be getting back into the swing of things!)
Big Windup General Headcanons
I like to think that for as anxious as Mihashi is, once he starts feeling comfortable around someone, it's hard to get him to shut up. I mean, look at how much he lights up when he's talking to Tajima, how open he is with him! He'll ramble about anything and everything - baseball, video games, schoolwork and teachers, anime - everything!
(Lowkey, Abe is trying his hardest to get to that level of friendship with him. It makes him kind of jealous (platonically) that Tajima can make Mihashi open up so much.)
Abe is a terrible singer. He can't hold a tune to save his life and he knows it, so he never joins in when his team breaks out into song, or he'll lip-sync to get by. He doesn't mind it, though sometimes when he's in a really good mood, he'll sing to himself as he's doing chores or homework or something else mundane. His brother may or may not have a poor quality recording of it somewhere (keeping in mind this anime takes place before smartphones were a thing).
Hanai, for all of his talk about being rivals with Tajima and being jealous of him, also has the world's biggest squish on him. He'd love to be better friends than they are and he hopes that as the season goes on, he'll be able to get closer to him. (Tajima is totally clueless about this.)
Tajima is actually an ambivert. Sure, he's fun and wild and crazy when he's out in public and around people, but as soon as he gets home - and especially with a family as big as his - all he wants is to be alone for a little while to recharge his battery. Video games are his favorite way to unwind.
That's all I can think of for now - covering the main four characters of the anime. Thank you again for making my day by putting this in my inbox, and PLEASE let me know what you think of the show once you've started!! 💖
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Tagged by @tangocharliekilo to find 5 words in current WIPs. (I only have 2 stories on the go right now, so let’s see how many of these I can find!)
Take, Leave, Send, Spiral, Arch
Take: (From ‘A Handful’, Slibbs WIP) Between the time, the lack of food in the house, and not eating since earlier that afternoon, Jack finally succumbed to her hunger and ordered a pizza. It didn't take long for the aroma to waft towards him, and she lifted her head from the book on her lap when she heard him stir. Putting the book and the plate aside, she adjusted her position on the L-shaped couch to face him. She couldn't resist running her fingers across his forehead and through his short hair, and his sleepy blue eyes fluttering open was her reward.
"Hey, Handsome."
His mouth curled into a grin. "Hey, Beautiful."
"Oh, look who's still on the drugs," she teased. "How do you feel?"
Leave: (From ‘Unlucky Numbers’, NCIS/Prime Suspect (USA) crossover)
"I think your boss underestimates your ability, Detective. You still up for coffee?"
She wasn't one to be easily flattered, but she enjoyed his assessment of her ability without showing it, and instead, answered his question with one of her own. "Larry Bowa the best Phillies' shortstop?" When he paused just outside the airport door, she offered a knowing grin. "I'd recognize that accent anywhere. My mom was from Benton."
His eyebrows rose. "Just up the road."
She suspected getting personal information out of him wasn't an easy thing, and she felt pride in being able to do so. "Millville?"
"South. Stillwater." He started walking again, but threw a smirk over his shoulder. "And Jimmy Rollins was the best shortstop."
"Yeah, but he didn't play for the Mets."
"Least you're not a Yankee fan." 
The second they were out in the open parking lot, she sussed out his vehicle. Had she been asked in the airport, she might've been able to guess, but seeing the 30 year old truck made it easy. Following his lead, she went around to the passenger side, and when he made it apparent the doors weren't locked, she slid into the seat and said, "You leave this unlocked in New York and you're not getting it back." He glanced around the interior, his expression saying, 'Are you kiddin' me?' She shrugged. "Some people are into vintage." Her side-eye appraisal of him drew out his laugh, and she relaxed for the first time in months.
Send:  (From ‘Unlucky Numbers’, NCIS/Prime Suspect (USA) crossover)
Elaine was right, she was agitated, and despite everything she'd seen of Agent Gibbs, it still ticked her off to be relegated to the sidelines. She shook her head. No, it was exactly how the waitress hypothesized- he wasn't shutting her out, he was trying to rein all the agitation in. She had no doubt he would be true to his word, though sitting it out until then was an unfamiliar feeling. She wouldn't go so far as to say she enjoyed the break, but the recharge was appreciated.
It also gave her time to check her messages, and she laughed at the first one that caught her eye.
You find anything in DC to buy me yet?
She knew it was Calderon's way of touching base without being nosy.
Saw a paperweight of the Monument. Looks like a penis. Thought of you.
She smirked and touched 'send'.
Nothing for ‘Spiral’
Arch:  (From ‘A Handful’, Slibbs WIP)
"I'll let you do the rest," she said to cover her embarrassment. "You might need the practice. For when I'm not here."
"Where ya goin'?"
The disappointment in his voice almost made her laugh. "I didn't mean right now. Right now, I'm going into the kitchen to make coffee and warm up the pizza. You feel like eating?"
He nodded, then pushed down his pants with his good hand. They pooled around his feet and he sat down to kick the pant legs off. When she didn't comment that his underwear answered an age old question, he looked up at her and arched an eyebrow. 
"I already knew- you leave your boxers on the ironing board." With that, she grinned and turned for the kitchen while he worked his legs into the sweatpants. She covertly kept her eye on him while she prepped the coffee maker, and was pleased to see him manage the sweats with relative ease. He made eye contact with her and she nodded in return, watching him tentatively ascend the stairs.
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mega-angry-cloud · 2 years
hey so do you like SVA??? i was just accepted for BFA comics/cartooning and i’d love to hear ur opinion b4 i officially commit!
Pros: 95% of the professors are working professionals in the industry. (For example, my applied cartooning class is taught by the executive editor of Avatar Studios, Joan Hilty.) so they have up to date insider info and they can slip your name into job conversations if they like you.
The student pool is diverse, extremely talented and passionate. There are tons of after school clubs and events where you can meet up and make friends and collaborate.
Plus there are things like Ink Magazine, where you can submit your own comics or illustrations each semester, as well as student showcases and even mini artist alley cons. It's great practice for applying the skills that you're learning in class.
There's student job boards with leads on employment opportunities, a pretty cool print lab, a wide variety of available classes (illustration and comics majors overlap alot) and the atmosphere is very creatively open in most cases, but there are a few assholes to look out for. Which brings me to...
Cons: while the school seems to be trying to address it in recent years, there have been a lot of stories about some of the department heads being dicks about art style. Honestly, this is a risk at any art school. The trick is to make sure the feedback your getting is about the techniques you can use to achieve the look YOU are going for. Take what helps, leave what doesn't.
The school is expensive. The books are expensive. NYC is EXPENSIVE. Keep your budget in mind when making your decision, because for all I've learned at this school, (and I learned a LOT) I can't confidently say that I couldn't have improved at a cheaper school. Plus, you don't actually need a degree to be any kind of artist. Art school is more about making connections and building a strong portfolio than anything else. If you think you can do that online, don't put yourself in debt to do it in a school.
The workload is KILLER, especially in the comics program. The studio classes expect you to be able to complete 1-2 pages of comics a day, and every professor treats their hw as the most important assignment on your plate. You will be forced to improve by the sheer amount of drawing youll be doing on a daily basis. And breaks are shorter than at other schools, so less time to recharge(my guess is so they can make the summer last as long as possible to save money on the professors).
I know that might sound like a fun challenge at first, but it really wears on you. Burnout is a bitch, and its a VERY difficult place to pull yourself out of while still enjoying the thing that put you there in the first place. Do what you can not to push yourself too hard, but remember to seize opportunities to show what you got.
All in all, I've had both good and bad experiences with SVA. I've made better work here than I could've ever imagined, and I've learned so much more about comics and storytelling. The professors know what you can expect after you graduate, and they want to see you succeed. People say this alot, but you get out what you put in with this place. Stay open minded, and remember what you're trying to do.
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eadanga · 1 year
When Love Lasts Part 4
Summary: When Yasmin gets a new job in the biggest company in the city she falls for her hot boss
Parings: GabexMC
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Yasmin stand at her desk typing on her computer she sighs as she slumps in her chair “Finally done”
“Taking a little break?”
Yasmin jumps and turns to see Gabe behind her “Don’t do that”
Gabe chuckles “Sorry about that you tired after the gala”
“Yeah it went on so long”
“Yup very boring”
“You think they’re boring?”
“Yeah mom just organizes it for status and to get more clients which I’m not opposed to”
“I get it”
“Now you wanna get coffee? I know a great place for a recharge”
Yasmin smiles “I’d love too”
Gabe smiles “Great let’s head out now”
Yasmin stands then follows Gabe out the office they head down to a nearby coffee shop Yasmin sits at a booth as Gabe heads to order coffee for them she pulls out her phone
So Gabe just asked me to coffee
For real? You still there give all the deets
Nothing’s happen yet he’s getting coffee for us
He’s so into you Yas
It’s just coffee
That can be start of something more
Yasmin puts away her phone as Gabe returns with two coffee cups “Your coffee ma’am”
Yasmin giggles “Thank you”
Gabe sits across from her “I hope this makes up for meeting my mom I know she’s”
“Yeah I’m sorry she’s always been like that”
“It’s fine Gabe I’ve dealt with people like her”
Gabe chuckles “I can imagine”
“I don’t let them bother me plus I can take care of myself”
“I know just don’t want anything to happen”
Yasmin smiles He’s worried about me aww that’s sweet “I can take care of myself Gabe but I will be careful”
Gabe smiles She’s so beautiful but I gotta keep this casual and not make her uncomfortable “Tell me how you enjoying the job so far?”
“Oh it’s fun I’m enjoying everyone around me and the work is not so bad”
“I’m glad I didn’t want to overwhelm you which is why I bought you here to make sure you know how where to relax”
Yasmin giggles “I’ll keep it in mind thanks Gabe this was nice”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it and I’m glad I was able to take a break too”
Yasmin laughs “But you’re the boss you can do whatever you want”
Gabe chuckles “That’s very true but the clients aren’t happy when you don’t have what they want on time”
“I know but they can wait people just need patience sometimes”
Gabe grins “I agree” He stands and holds out his hand “Now let’s head back”
“Awww but we were having so much fun”
Gabe laughs “Well we can have too much fun there’s work to be done”
Yasmin giggles and takes his hand. Gabe can feel his pulse quicken and his face heat up How does she have this effect on me God I wanna kiss her right now He quickly releases her hand “Shall we get going?”
“After you”
They walk out the coffee shop together. They return to the office and Gabe turns to her “This was fun we can do it again” He smirks “And I know that roommate of yours wants to know everything”
Yasmin laughs as he walks away
Gabe goes to his office and sighs as he slumps in the chair “Oh God how can one girl be that sexy? I don’t know how much longer I can control myself around her
Yasmin heads back to her desk and pulls out her phone
Liz you’re probably gonna start going crazy
Oooooooh what happened kiss? Sex?
No! 😂
Tell me!!!!!!
Well we held hands for a second and I swear time stopped
Oh sparks flying
I don’t even know if he feels the same way Liz don’t jump to conclusions and besides we only been out for coffee
Like I said before that can be the start of something
Yasmin smiles Well she is right but I should take it slow with him
Tags: @indiacater @mfackenthal @the-soot-sprite
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papyrusgayfont · 2 years
* all the miraculous episodes coming out are making me think about my miraculous ladybug/undertale au, so uh I’m just gonna talk about that for a bit
* I just wanted to explain the characters a bit, who’s actually in the au, who’s not, etc
* basically, all of the original Miraculous characters are in the au, but they’d mainly just be side/background characters. Some would be more involved, like Marinette, Nino, Alya, basically most of the class, but for the most part the au would focus on the Undertale/Deltarune cast
* Adrien did exist in the world of this au, but he passed away, idk when exactly that would’ve happened, but probably soon after the monsters were freed
* Unlike the show, Adrien wouldn’t be a sentibeing (assuming he is, he could not be, but there’s so much evidence that suggests he is that it’s basically confirmed), so therefore Emille would exist. She wouldn’t be around for Gabriel’s shenanigans, she’s probably staying with Amelie, idk, but, yeah
* the list I made of which UT/DR characters replace which Miraculous characters is kinda misleading, no one is really “replacing” anyone, since no one would take anyone’s personalities, just the miraculous that the character uses, who gets akumatized, and their role in a given episode (so, for example, Sans would get the snake miraculous, but he wouldn’t really act like Luke or usually take Luka’s role in an episode. He would get akumatized into Truth and Silencer, but other than that, there really wouldn’t be any similarities between Sans and Luka)
* ok now onto some more general things:
* Berdly x Jockington would be a thing, because I decided to do that. For some reason. The relationship would probably start to form in like, Dark Cupid or smth, idk
* Max’s mom and Berdly’s mom would be married, also because I decided to do that
* Susie would have been adopted by Alphys and Undyne, mostly because I like the idea of Undyne adopting Susie in Deltarune, so why not I’ll put that in here
* Frisk and Chara would be able to switch between who’s controlling Frisk’s body, the way that you can tell them apart is that Frisk would wear their blue shirt with purple stripes and brown pants, and Chara would wear their green shirt with a yellow stripe and beige pants. Kris would wear a hoodie with a darker green and a darker yellow stripe and idk brown jeans or smth I don’t know fashion
* the rabbit miraculous would still be a pocket watch, but it would have a chain so you could put it around your neck, and for Kris it would be camouflaged into Chara’s heart shaped locket
* in the show, it’s been explained that the reason a child holder has to detransfrom after using their power once is because they don’t have enough energy for the kwami to feed off of, so the kwami has to eat and recharge. For monsters, the kwami would have to feed off the magic they use to form their physical bodies, and so that’s why they would detransform after using their powers once
* the Gabriel Agreste company would also have an acting company as a part of their brand, apart from the fashion company, and that’s where Mettaton would have worked before the main events of this au
* Mettaton, at this point in time, wouldn’t want to leave acting completely, but he would want to take a break, so that’s why he would be the theatre teacher at Françoise Dupont High School. Alphys would be the second science teacher, and Undyne would be the second gym teacher.
* Dess and Noelle would live with Asgore in his house, since Asgore wants to take care of them after Rudy’s passing and their mom leaving them
* both Mettaton and Papyrus would be gay, but Mettaton would publicly be out, and Papyrus wouldn’t (I’m not saying that the world of this au would have homophobia/transphobia as a problem, like 99% of people in this world would be accepting, but ofc there would be those few)
* some of the akuma villains would probably be some of the darkners from Deltarune, since the dark worlds wouldn’t be a part of the au, and I’d just like to include them (so Markov - Queen, Bob Roth - Spamton, Burgerpants - Jevil, etc)
* I’ve got some (very basic) ideas for how certain episodes could play out: for example, Silencer. Essentially, the episode would mostly be the same, the only difference would be that the band isn’t “Kitty Section”, it would be a band that Papyrus started in his spare time, and Mettaton is their manager. Papyrus would have designed the costumes, and seeing that they were stolen, he and Sans would go and confront XY and Bob Roth about it, and Sans, upset that his brother’s work is being stolen, and also hearing that XY has blackmail on Papyrus (see Papyrus not being out), gets akumatized
* for Papyrus being a sentibeing, I don’t have it fully finalized, but I was thinking that the object that holds his amok would be a piece of his scarf that Gaster used to test and see if what he was doing would work
* for “Felix”, I was thinking he could be a shapeshifting monster that was Papyrus’ old friend from the Underground, who knows that Papyrus is a sentibeing, and wants to try and protect him from any harm that Gabriel could bring him
* for Mad Mew Mew’s “Queen Bee” arc, in the “Miracular” episode of the au, instead of Mad Mew Mew never getting to be Queen Bee again, she and Ladybug would come up with a plan where she would come up with a new costume and name for her so that she could still wear the bee miraculous, but Hawk Moth wouldn’t recognize her. This would lead into the season 3 finale, and then the “Queen Banana” episode, where we’d learn Mad Mew Mew’s new superhero name and her new outfit
* ik these are all horrible ideas, but my brain will literally not let me think about anything else, and I just had to write them down
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2, 4, 7, 8, 12, 20, 21, 24, 27, 30
a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
Currently, I’m exploring Nobody’s POV because writers block!! has struck!! and it has struck hard!!
I guess Artham Wingfeather? Before writers block came about, I was working on a couple fics about him :) It’s been fun and tricky to explore a new character!
a story idea you haven’t written yet
*stares longingly at my completely filled up notebook* Do you even want to know…
Seriously, most of my story ideas are unwritten—and this is coming from the girl who has over 100 WIPs. I am overwhelmed please.
I have a vague vague vague idea for a crimeboys timeloop fic, but I don’t really know where to begin for that. Perhaps someday the story will work itself out.
your preferred writing fonts
Honestly as long as it’s not Times New Roman 😭
I really don’t pay much attention to the names of fonts though. Whatever’s the default font on whatever writing software I’m using, I’ll typically just go with.
if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
I’m assuming this means published fics, so! I Was Nothing But A Kid Who Couldn’t Understand!!! THAT ONE!!! I’m actually working on a sequel! Well. I’ve. been working on it. for like… over a year. ish.
The problem is that the sequel is multi-chaptered, and I am not too great with multi-chapter fics. I’ve written four chapters so far (which… well dang!! that’s a little impressive!!) but the plan is for there to be twelve chapters + an epilogue. I’ve been wanting to actually sit down and come up with an outline for the rest of the fic, but I keep forgetting to do that. I do know just how it’s gonna end though!!
Gosh Kidbur is so freakin fun to write. I’m not even kidding he is literally so so so much fun. He’s such a great little guy. Oh my gosh.
a trope you’re really into right now
*gestures at writers block with shaky hands* n-nothing? :( I have been thinking about Ghostbur lately though. Does. Does he count as a trope.
in what year did you publish your first fic?
2021!! Fanfiction.net babyyyyy. I’d been writing fanfiction for years before I published any though.
do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
Yes! Yes I definitely do! Mostly with Ghostbur fics, quite honestly; he’s not nearly as popular as Wilbur or Tommy or Phil (<—other dudes I’ve written about) and my A03 stats… definitely make that clear lol. I try not to mind it, and most of the time I really don’t care, but it… is kinda discouraging. Y’know? The ghost deserves so so so so so so so soooooo many fans I’m not even kidding. Why must he be so very discarded by fandom :(((
Also lately I’ve been a bit nervous about me branching out & writing for The Wingfeather Saga. I know that most of the people subscribed to me on A03 did not subscribe to me for Wingfeather fics, and I just don’t want them to think I’ve moved on from the fandom—because I have not!!! More Dream SMP fics will show up, hopefully soon!!
I haven’t posted any Wilbur fics since the whole situation occurred, and I honestly haven’t been too worried about that at all, but… eh. I’ll probably feel on-edge when I post a Wilbur fic next. I know that some people have been weird about the whole thing.
How have I gotten past these things? Ah… I haven’t 😅 I just try not to think about it all too much, which does help!
how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
Focus on other things besides writing!!! I have learned the hard way that trying to make myself write has made me avoid/dislike anything that I end up writing. Which sucks on a number of levels.
I read, do music, spend time on tumblr, chat with friends, so on. I take a break from writing until the Motivation returns. It tends to work out.
That being said, I’ve been in writers block for probably a month now, and at this point I just miss writing. I really do.
your favorite part of the writing process
Being able to see every little scene of my stories inside my mind :) It’s like a movie but Better because they have GHOSTBUR IN THEM!!! AS WELL AS OTHER THINGS THAT I QUITE LIKE!!!
Writing is a very… I guess visual thing for me, because I really do imagine & see everything in my mind, playing out like a movie. Being able to run away from this world for a little while and spend time in so so many different worlds, filled with different people and scenery and weather and sounds and sensations and emotions… it’s amazing. It’s so amazing, and being able to experience that every time I write something is incredible.
share a fic you’re especially proud of
Better Than a Painting, Because Paintings Aren’t Perfect. This is one of the (relatively few) stories of mine that I have quite positive feelings over, even after months or years of it being published. With most of my stories I just post them and then don’t look at them again, and for others I post them and then grow negative feelings towards them. But for this fic, along with a handful of others, I still… like them. A lot :)
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silentsage89 · 10 months
An Update for: This Our World
Hey everyone, as you may know the final chapter for Part 1 for “This is Our World finally came out! After two months of silence and well… In short University life had to take priority as well as other things. Not to mention there has been several times where I could not muster up the energy to write.
So what's the plan going forward? Well there aren’t gonna be any new chapters until January (maybe February) because a chapter every month is very exhausting, so I think a break is needed so I can recharge my batteries and to work on art for this series, as well make some needed changes to the ongoing story. (Rest assured nothing drastic. Small things Like environments, dialogue pacing ect..) Lastly for the Q&A will be putting a pin on that for now. I hope you guys look forward to it! I never thought I’d be able to write something this long as well as get this much positive feedback, so here’s hoping I can continue to write something creative and something everyone can enjoy.
Until then!
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snowmaniaph · 2 years
Love Talk: Miyadate Ryota
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Is it good to keep secrets from your girlfriend?
As much as possible, it’s good if there are no secrets. I’m the “isn’t it okay as long as we’re happy now?” type so I don’t have to know about their past relationships. I’ll tell her where I’m going every time I go out! That’s the number 1 reason things get complicated (laughs). If I don’t want to feel guilty then I’d honestly tell her and get it over with. If my girlfriend texts another guy in front of me then I would pretend to be calm and say “hmm, you’re texting someone”. Someone who would notice just those slight jealous behaviors would be nice.
Who will you invite on your only rest day this month: your friends or your girlfriend?
Only one day off in a month means that the schedule before and after the break is also packed, right? I think I won’t be able to recharge even if I meet with my girlfriend when I’m in a state where I can’t switch off my work mode. That’s why I want to blow off steam first and hang out with my male friends that I can freely invite to go out. If I don’t then I won’t be able to continue acting calm and composed. If time permits then I would hang out with my friends at lunch, then meet my girlfriend in the evening - this is my ideal. We’ll do a shopping date and then at night we’ll try on what we bought and do a fashion show (laughs).
What do you look for in a girlfriend?
Just for her to “like” me. It’s because she likes me that she wants to be together, gets worried, and allows me... if we’re dating then everything will be connected to our feelings of “like”.  I think it’s the end of the relationship if those feelings disappear. And I also want us to laugh at the same simple things. In these times, it’s already extraordinary to be able to sit beside each other and laugh out loud while watching a variety show! If I can be more greedy than that then I want someone who is careful with doing laundry! I will be happier if that person takes care of my clothes.
How would you convey your feelings of “like” to your girlfriend who worries a lot?
First I’ll ask the reason. I’ll ask “Why are you that worried?” I will convey my sincerity and tell her “I’m here” and “I’m keeping in touch in a way that will make you feel like we’re close even when we are apart”. When I’m busy then it would probably be through phone calls or messages, but if my girlfriend wants to then I’ll go meet her! By the way, I don’t jump to conclusions, and I am not prone to doubt people. I wonder how much I’ll allow if she does things to try to make me anxious before I give in (laughs). One must always be positive in love.
Please tell us about a recent happening.
I wanted to eat something stewed. I went to the grocery after the Takizawa Kabuki Tokyo performance. I boiled onion, shimeji mushroom, beef, and eggplant. It’s best when you put it on a toasted crispy baguette. I divided it per day and ate it for several days!
Source: Potato 08/2021
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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grailfinders · 2 years
Fate and Phantasms #285: Kiara Sessyoin (Mooncancer)
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we're staring down the barrel of Summertime once again! I hope you all have fun on your test of courage tomorrow, but if you're looking to take the test of wallet (that is, rolling for Kiara Sessyoin (Mooncancer)), we might just be able to help out. After all, what could be a better summoning catalyst than being Kiara?
In D&D, we mean. Can't help you become Kiara IRL, that's more of a meditation situation.
So yeah, we’re making Kiara again. She’s a Marid Genie Warlock this time around to eat some seafood for ridiculous levels of power and a Creation Bard to make anything we want out of sea foam and steal a little something-something from Hokusai’s build.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: PowerWash Simulator 2022
Race and Background
Despite her best efforts, Kiara’s still a variant Human, giving her +1 in Constitution and Charisma, proficiency in Acrobatics, and the Tough feat for an extra 2 HP every level. Mermaid flesh is supposed to give you immortality, but we’re not even level 1 yet, hold your seahorses.
Summer Kiara is partially a child this time around, so instead of a sage she’s still an Acolyte, giving you proficiency in Insight and Religion.
Ability Scores
As we learned with Arjuna Alter, eating your magic is still a Charisma skill, so that’s why it’s so high. Kiara’s still not one for armor though, so if you want to live your Dexterity’d better be almost as strong. It’s hard to compete with Jinako for HP, but Kiara does her best, so her Constituiton is also above average. We’re not relying on Wisdom for much this time around, but she’s still pretty religious at heart so it’s middling. This means her Intelligence is lower than I’d like, though she spends most of this event as a child so it’s understandable. Finally, dump Strength. That wouldn’t be high even if she wasn’t a child.
Class Levels
1. Bard 1: I wish we could start as a warlock, but to be honest we get more out of bard from the beginning anyway. Proficiency in Dexterity and Charisma saves as well as three skills of your choice like Arcana, Deception, and Persuasion for some skills from your time as a demonic boddhisatva.
You can hand out Bardic Inspiration as a bonus action, giving one d6 at a time to give an ally a boost with a check, save, or attack roll in the next minute, up to Charisma Modifier times per day.
You can also cast Spells using your Charisma, so pick up Mage Hand to keep a few of your spooky lil hand things around, and Vicious Mockery to break people’s minds with your voice. You can also eat away at their defenses with Bane. If they fail a charisma save, up to three creatures have to subtract a d4 from all their attacks and saves for up to a minute. For some bigger mockery, Dissonant Whispers does practically the same thing, though it also makes the target run away if they fail their wisdom save. On the defensive side, pick up Mage Armor to Not Die so fast and Healing Word to heal yourself as a bonus action.
2. Warlock 1: Now that we have that sorted, bouncing over to warlock doesn’t unlock any new proficiencies, but we do get a Genie’s Vessel since we’re making a pact with a Marid! Technically the fathomless warlock might be a better choice for a giant clam, but then we wouldn’t get a Genie’s Vessel we can hide in! It’s a spellcasting focus, and you can make it look like a clamshell if you so desire. While holding it, you can use it as a Bottled Respite as an action, hiding away in it for up to twice your proficiency bonus hours at a time, once per day. It will also power your Genie’s Wrath, adding your proficiency in Cold damage once a turn to any attack roll you hit.
You can also cast Pact Magic using your Charisma. This works similarly to your bard spells, though these recharge on short rests, and they all stay at one level at a time. On the plus side, you can use bard slots for warlock spells and vice-versa as long as they’re the right level for it.
You can use Eldritch Blast for some waterworks, and Charm Person for Kiara’s standard mind control. If you want to whip up a little foam though, use Fog Cloud to cover the area and Minor Illusion to start making, well, illusions in it. They’re not spicy enough to melt people’s brains yet, but it’s a start!
3. Warlock 2: Second level warlocks get Eldritch Invocations, ways to customize BB’s class to make your summer a little more enjoyable. Spell slots are at a premium rn, so grab Armor of Shadows so you can cast Mage Armor for free, then pick up Agonizing Blast to add your charisma modifier to your eldritch blast damage. It doesn’t specify a damage type either, so mix this with the cold damage from genie’s wrath for an extra watery blast!
You can also cast Protection from Evil and Good. Still Kiara under that costume, y’know.
4. Warlock 3: At third level you make the Pact of the Tome with… yourself… and get a whole three cantrips! Pick up Cone of Cold and Ray of Frost for some more chilling spells, and Thaumaturgy to still be a woman of god. Or a god of a woman, depends on your mood.
Also, Blur is another way to protect yourself, giving enemies disadvantage to hit you through the foam.
5. Warlock 4: Fourth level warlocks get their first Ability Score Improvement, so bump up that Charisma for stronger spells, particularly eldritch blasts. Speaking of, at total level 5 all your cantrips get upgraded, so you can use two blasts per blast now!
You can also use Prestidigitation to make quite a few minor magical effects, basically little touches we’ve forgotten in other spells, and you can use Mirror Image for another defensive illusion, creating three copies of yourself that hang out in your spot, taking hits for you. If someone attacks you, you first roll a d20. If you have all three copies, they aim at one of them instead of you if you roll a 6 or higher. With two copies an 8 or higher, and with one copy an 11 or higher. Whenever a copy takes damage for you, they vanish.
6. Warlock 5: Fifth level warlocks get third level spell slots and spells like Spirit Shroud, helping you pour even more cold damage onto all your attacks if they hit a creature within 10’ of you. It’ll also prevent their healing, and slow them down while they’re in the area.
No Kiara build would be complete without that mermaid cosplay, so for this level’s invocation pick up the Gift of the Depths for a permanent swimming speed and you can cast Water Breathing once per day for free so you can drag up to nine other creatures down to the depths with you.
7. Warlock 6: Speaking of the depths, hanging out in the Marianas Trench sucks! But it sucks less with your Elemental Gift, which gives you resistance to cold damage, and as a bonus action you can fly for 10 minutes with hovering. You can do this Proficiency times per day! Some of Kiara’s skill animations have her sitting on air, so this is a great low-resource way to haughtily float in the air above the mortals.
For a little Logos Eater, pick up Intellect Fortress to eat up magical attacks, giving you resistance to psychic damage and advantage on intelligence, wisdom, and charisma saves!
8. Bard 2: At second level, a bard is a Jack of All Trades, adding half their proficiency bonus to checks they aren’t proficient with. You can also use a Song of Rest to heal the party a bit more over a short rest, and your Magical Inspiration means your bardic inspiration can be added to one instance of the healing or damage of spells!
Speaking of, this level’s spell lets you cast Silvery Barbs whenever an enemy does… just about anything, forcing them to re-roll the check, save, or attack roll. If they fail the second go-around, you can give one creature advantage on their next check, save, or attack. It’s good. It’s a good spell.
9. Warlock 7: Have you ever wanted your problems to just… float away on the sea foam? Now they can! Just one casting of Banishment over a minute application can send a pesky extraplanar enemy back to where it came from! This also works for humans and the like, but they’ll come back at the end of the spell, sadly. We’ll get a lil something for them later.
You can also let out a Dreadful Word, a.k.a. Confusion, once per long rest using a warlock spell slot, using your illusory foam to befuddle your enemies and trick them into doing stupid things. Mostly they’ll just wait around stupefied though.
10. Warlock 8: At eighth level we’re finally getting a little more physical, using this ASI to become a Fighting Initiate for the Unarmed Fighting style. Now your fists do a d6 of damage with one hand, or a d8 with two hands, and you deal some damage each turn you have a creature, ahem, “grappled”. I mean using your bare hands isn’t a great idea, but it’s an option for FGO Kiara, so it’s an option for D&D Kiara.
Also, you wouldn’t be much of a mermaid if you couldn’t Control Water, letting you spend an action each turn to mess around with water in the area. You can raise the water, part it, redirect the flow, or even make a Whirlpool. It’s not exactly a combat spell, but it’s a neat trick.
11. Warlock 9: Ninth level warlocks get fifth level spells like Dream. We’re getting closer to mind-bending, though this one only works while your target is asleep. We also get yet another defensive boost with the Gift of the Protectors. Now creatures can write their name in your tome, and once a day when a creature would drop to 0 HP but not die they stay at one HP instead. That’s once a day for the entire tome, btw, not once per creature. Maybe don’t tell the party about this one.
Also, eldritch blast makes three beams now- that’s nice.
12. Warlock 10: At tenth level your clamshell turns into a Sanctuary Vessel, letting you store up to five other creatures to bring into your vessel with you. Any creatures within can also take a short rest over the course of ten minutes, greatly speeding up the time to recharge your spell slots, and giving you extra healing as well. Now the whole party has access to evasion!
Also you get another cantrip- Friends, I guess? Advantage on charisma checks is in character, but it’s not like you’re going to need it after the next level.
13. Bard 3: At third level your illusions become a lot more tangible once you use a Performance of Creation, letting you create a nonmagical item near you as an action once per day, or by spending a second level spell slot. The item must be medium or smaller, and it can only cost up to 60 GP, so a giant Kiara is out of the picture. You could take a page out of Kama’s book though and serve up some wine and dining…
Also, your inspiration delivers Notes of Potential, giving your allies an extra boost depending on how they use your dice. If they add it to a check, they can roll the die twice and use the better option. If they use it on an attack roll, it deals thunder damage to nearby creatures. If they use it on a save they’ll gain temporary HP.
You also gain Expertise, doubling your proficiency in Deception and Religion so you can deceive people into thinking you’re religious… but also you really are religious.
Since we got Mage Armor for free from an invocation, swap out the bard version with Enthrall to distract your enemies before throwing them into another dimension.
Also, I know the giant Kiara isn’t literal, but.. pick up Enlarge/Reduce anyway, why not? Being big is fun.
14. Warlock 11: Eleventh level warlock, sixth level spells. Specifically, you can use a Mystic Arcanum to cast a sixth level spell once per day. All your spell slots are still fifth level. Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise makes you look a little more otherworldly, making you either more Devilish or more Boddhisatva-ish, respectively. If you pick the lower planes you’re immune to fire and poison, if you pick the upper planes you’re immune to radiant and necrotic damage, as well as being charmed. Regardless you can fly, get a boost to your AC, and your weapon attacks are magical and use your charisma- also, you can attack twice per action, so punching is kind of okay now. Grappling’s still bad though, don’t grapple.
15. Warlock 12: Use this ASI to max out your Charisma, but also use this invocation to make a Lance of Lethargy. Nobody can escape Sessyoin, and while we can’t make the entire universe into your hand we can just slow people by a lot. Now you can reduce a creature’s speed by 10 once per turn using your eldritch blast, so combining that with your Spirit Shroud can seriously eat into people’s ability to run away from you.
16. Warlock 13: At thirteenth level your seventh level mystic arcanum is Plane Shift, letting you finally whisk away all those pesky little material-plane-based enemies to wherever your heart desires. The elemental plane of water is always a good thematic choice, but really anywhere is up for grabs.
You can also use it to travel around with your party if you really want, I guess.
17. Warlock 14: At fourteenth level you get a Limited Wish as an action once per 1d4 days. As an action you can cast any action-cast spell of sixth level or lower without a spell slot or components.
 While this does give us access to a ton of cool spells, frustratingly it doesn’t let us cast anything that would help with our most elusive of goals- immortality. Eating mermaids is supposed to give use eternal youth, but all the standard options are just out of reach. Clone is eighth level, and Magic Jar takes an action to cast. Still, you can cast a lot of cool stuff with this, don’t sleep on it.
(Yes I know we can just use Wish since we’re a genie warlock, but I’m saving that slot for something weird.)
18. Warlock 15: For your eighth level arcanum, pick up Glibness so that not even magic can tell when you’re messing with people. For an hour after casting all your charisma checks have a 15 on the die, and magic always says you’re being truthful.
Also, we can finally use the clam shell compact to swap into our police form with Master of Myriad Forms, the invocation that lets us cast Alter Self at will for free.
19. Warlock 16: For our last ASI, bump up your Constitution for an extra 19 HP. Short and simple.
20. Warlock 17: Our final level, and our final spell! Use that Mystic Arcanum and beg your patron for… Weird. Told you.
Every creature in a 30’ radius must make a wisdom save or they’re frightened for up to a minute with concentration- then at the end of each turn after that they must make another wisdom save to end the effect, or they take psychic damage. This spell would be almost perfect for Kiara, if only it had the charmed condition instead. Still, if you need to get people so swept up in a dream that they die, you can’t go wrong here.
Pros and Cons
Right off the bat, having 200 HP makes you a chunky spellcaster, and that’s before we get into how hard it is to hurt you. You’ve got defensive spells, fog clouds, you can hide away in a clam shell, and hitting 0 HP once isn’t enough to keep you down. It’s hard to put a good beast down.
Also, mixing in some bard levels makes your social skills ridiculously good even before we get Glibness, and you have plenty of utility spells to have fun outside of direct combat.
You’re also really mobile for a caster, with plenty of swimming and flying available to take you across just about any terrain you come across. Also while we’re on the subject, while you’re water themed, you’re not completely tied to the concept like Gilles was. You have like, one invocation and one spell that actually needs water.
You don’t have many spell slots, so you’ll have to make every casting count. On a similar note, a lot of your spells use Concentration. While you’re good with that save, it still limits what you can do at one time.
We also never pick up the fifth level of bard, so your Inspiration is more of an afterthought, even with those cool extra features added by creation bard.
I know immortality is a high bar to hit, but dammit I’m mad we didn’t get it in this build. Also weird is a bad spell to spend a 9th level slot on, just grab wish instead and it solves both problems. Seriously the fucking thing uses concentration and even then, a creature gets two saves before it does any damage. There are first level spells I could upcast that would be better than this, the fuck. If it wasn’t fantastically in-character I’d never have brought it up.
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Requested?: Yes @honeyteanocoffee​
Prompt: “Is that my shirt?” With a twist.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Fem! Reader
Warning: Smut, slight oral (f-recieving), swear words
Summary: Peter comes home to find you in a Spider-Man shirt and it turns him on.
A/N: Had a bit of fun with this one.
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Finals for your college class was coming up which meant you were constantly at the library they had in the avengers tower or sleeping so you were happy when you finally were able to take a break and recharge, but unfortunately your boyfriend Peter Parker didn’t have it easy either since he was Spider-Man meant that he never had time. So you sat in the room you shared with Peter, putting on a Spider-Man shirt you had bought a week earlier and your pair of Peters sweats, something you did when you were stressed and missed Peter. You heard Peter come in and a smile grew on your face, you stood up from the bed running over to him before jumping in his arms; this caused him to laugh as he caught you in his arms with ease placing a quick peck to your lips before setting you down and looking at your shirt. One of his eyebrows rose and he smirked. “Is that my shirt? Fuck you look so amazing, and in a Spider-Man shirt? Damn maybe I should’ve come home with my suit on.” You blushed at his words and bit your lip. “Well I do have a mission for you, it requires your complete attention and it’s urgent.” You teased. “Oh does it? I’d be more than happy to help you with it ma’am.” He said walking closer to you until your back was against the wall, you wrapped your arms around his neck and brushed your lips against his. “I know I said you look hot with this shirt but I need it off.” He smirked grabbing the front of the shirt before ripping it in half. “Peter!! That was my favorite shirt.” You wined making him laugh his lips going straight to your chest. “I’ll get you a new one.” He groaned against your skin picking you up with ease and dropping you on the bed, you letting out a squeak as you bounced from the impact sitting  up on your elbows as Peter took of his shirt.
You watched him undress as you bit down on your lip, this moment kind of reminding you of the first time you two had sex together. You were both eighteen and he was so nervous and excited that he tried to pull the move of picking you up and walking to the bedroom, though that time ended up with Peter tripping over a shoe and pretty much launching you guys onto his bed. He was so embarrassed but it was one of the best nights of your life because you got to share something special with someone you were deep in love with. Now here 3 years later after everything you guys are still stronger than ever. Peter saw you looking at him with a dreamy expression making his features soften before he walked over leaning over you so your lips were close but not touching. “What are you thinking?” He asked. You smiled softly. “How in love with you I am.” You said softly leaning your forehead against his, he let out a breathy laugh never getting tired of hearing you tell him that you loved him. “I am so deeply and madly in love with you Y/n. You have no idea.” He said before he slowly helped you out of your panties kissing down to your ankle, once he rid you of your undergarments he kissed the inside of your thighs before holding down your hips and licking a long strip from your entrance up to your sensitive nub wrapping his lips around it and sucking. You let out a long moan your fingers running through his hair and your hips trying to buck despite being held down by Peter. “Peter I need you please.” You pleaded. Peter pulled back only to smirk. “So impatient. You know if it was any other night you would have to wait, luckily for you I’m painfully hard and I need to be in you right now.” He licked his lips before hovering over you adjusting your legs so they were high on his waist, as he thrusted into you bottoming out as his tip nudged at your cervix. “Fuck always so tight.” He groaned trying to let you adjust. “Pete move.” You begged. He didn’t need to be told twice, he pulled out half way before slamming himself back into you and hitting your sweet spot with ease. You moaned your hands gripping at his biceps, while he leaned down to take a nipple in his mouth followed by him switching and giving the other nipple the same treatment. A groan escaped his lips as your walls clenched around him as it tried to suck him in further. You knew that neither of you would last long, but you always have had a hard time lasting when it came to him. “Baby I don’t think I’m gonna last much longer.” He groaned out. “I’m cumming.” You whimpered as your nails dug into the skin of his biceps. Peter wasn’t to far behind pulling out of you, causing you to let out a small whine at the emptiness, and releasing spurts of white on your belly. It only took a few seconds for peter to get his breathing back to normal before grabbing a wet cloth from the bathroom to clean you up. “Always such a good girl. I think we’ll have to get you a bunch of Spider-Man shirts, cause seeing you in them does something to me. Knowing that my girl supports and loves me no matter what turns me on.” He said placing a kiss to your lips before turning out the lights and laying on the bed with his arms open for you to cuddle into him. “Mm… If you give me a few minutes and I can show you how much I love you.” You teased giving him a wink.
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
would you be able to do 12 from the prompt list with Hunter, preferably smut?
You Help Me Calm
Heck yeah 😳 you didn’t give pronouns and I feel bad assuming even though half the users are she/her, so it’s gunna be a teeny vague— so NB reader
Hunter x Reader: “Your lips are so soft, I could kiss them all day.”
Warnings: smut, little vague, hunter receiving, touch starved reader and hunter
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You dug through some scrap metal, a pair of headphones covering your ears as you listened to music. It helped you concentrate, but you couldn’t listen to it on the radio, or even too loud for that matter. Or else Hunter would complain. That or you would just feel bad, because who likes overstimulating your sergeant?
You were humming softly as you worked on patching up some of the damaged panels on the ship. You guys didn’t realize have a choice of a new ship, so they were all thankful for your ability to rewatch things.
Hunter was on a run for supplies that you requested. He wasn’t really sure was he expected to see, but he didn’t expect you to be swaying your hips and murmuring the lyrics to the song playing into your ears. He could hear it, it was nice. It wasn’t something he would typically listen to, but he did enjoy it. Quite frankly.
He watched you for a moment. He loved how relaxed and yet so concentrated you were. Watching as you flicked the welding helmet down over your face and began welding the scrap metal to the side of the ship. Chewing on his bottom lip. He could watch you for hours honestly. You just had this calming effect over him. He wasn’t sure if it was the fact that you were just a calm, relaxing individual. Or the fact that he had genuine feelings for you. Which the both of you knew about since he admitted to it while drugged up on meds after being shot. You hadn’t confronted him over it since the incident though. You weren’t sure how.
You turned to head over to the box and grab a few more pieces of scrap metal. Removing the helmet so you could see. Setting it to the side. Smiling up to hunter when you caught a glance of him. Though after you realized it. You froze.
You ripped the headphones from your ears, letting them drape around your ears. Skin turning red as you looked up to the Sergeant. “How long have you been standing there?” He chuckled. Approaching you further. Handing over the box of supplies. “Long enough,” He hummed and you smiled sheepishly. “Uh-huh, alright,” You spoke, rocking onto your heels. Then backing up and turning to set the box of supplies down. “Why don’t you take a break? You’ve been working for nearly three hours.” He told you, and you sighed. “Alright, fine.” “that was easy,” He chuckled, and you shoved him a bit with a grin. “You can convince me to do about anything and you know it.” You giggled and he shrugged.
the two of you boarded the Marauder, everyone else was out and about. Running around town or at the local cantina looking for a date for the night. You were too focused on work, and Hunter? Well you weren't sure.
You sighed as you plopped yourself in a chair. Hunter taking seat near you. "So why aren't you at the cantina or something? Scared Cross is gunna get laid before you?" You teased and he rolled his eyes a bit with a chuckle. "Hmm, no, I just don't wanna. Plus I figured I'd get in some alone time with you."
You could tell he regretted his words by the way his nose scrunched. "Oh?" You spoke, intrigued. "What do you mean by that." A small smirk finding its way to your lips.
His eyes darted around, looking for an escape. But there wasn't one. "Well.." he shifted a bit, then looked back to you. "I just figured we could.. talk?" He had been in a sensitive mood lately, so this was new. He must be feeling better. His stimulations died down a bit. Which really did give you ideas.
"Alright, what do you wanna talk about, Hunter." You questioned raising a brow. Watching as his eyes scanned over your face as you leaned forward a tad. "Hm.." he hummed, then blinked and shook his head. "Well, I wanted to ask you something, more so."
You grinned, and tilted your head. "Yeah? Is it about that night in the med bay?" You joked, halfly.
His tanned skin turned a bit red, and he nodded a little. "Yes, actually." You raised your brows slightly. Shocked he wanted to talk about it. "Okay, alright.." you hummed. Licking your lips. "What about it?"
"Do you remember what I said?" He asked, and you nodded. Glancing down with a small smile. " 'Oh, y/n.. have I ever told you how beautiful you are? Or stars.. I just wanna kiss you so bad, feel your skin, hold you.' " you imitated his voice with a goofy look.
You broke into a small giggle when he glared and folded his arms. "I did NOT say that," "oh, but you did." He huffed, and then sighed. "Okay, maybe I did, BUT, I didn't sound like that." You shrugged your shoulders with a titter.
He sighed once more and rubbed his chin. "I just wanted to know if you felt the same way?" He asked and you licked your lips. Then pulled your bottom lip in to rest between your teeth. Watching as his gaze watched the movement. "For a guy with overestimated senses you sure ask some dumb questions."
He looked at you with shocked eyes, and he smiled. Hope written on his face. You thought it was adorable, really.
"Yes, I feel the same." You spoke with a smile. Watching and his eyes softened. His whole body softened. "Especially the kiss part," you spoke with a sly grin, and he smirked. Cocking a brow. "Really?"
You sighed, standing, and soon he did too. "Yes, Hunter, don't make me repeat myself." He stepped closer, and you stepped closer as well. Holding your hands over his shoulders. Giving him a questioning look, and he nodded.
You pressed your skin against his blacks. Watching as he tensed and then relaxed. His hands reluctantly coming to your waist. "Can I kiss you then?" You hummed, leaning in closer. "Nah, just decided I'd toy with you." You spoke and saw his expression begin to fall. "I'm kidding, yes, please."
He didn't leave time for you to change your mind. Moving in to press his lips to your. You wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands explored your body.
The kiss was soft, and heated all at once. Hands running to his hair which made him grunt in response. You always loved his hair.
He pulled back, the two of you huffing and panting. "Can we take it?" He motioned towards the bunks with his head, and you nodded. "Thought you'd never ask." You teased, yelping when he grabbed you by your ass. Lifting you up to wrap your legs around his waist.
Letting out a small giggle as he began kissing your neck, and then lips coming back to meet your own. "You're so perfect," he praised as he walked the two of you to the bed. "So kriffing perfect." He spoke. Voice lowering with each passing second it seemed.
He laid you down and you let your eyes fall shut as he climbed on top of you and began kissing on your neck. You didn’t move the others shirt. Worried that the skin on skin contact initiated by you would cause the other to overstimulate. You loved, but also hated how the other could do so, so easily.
He noticed your hesitance. Still working on kissing your neck. Though this time he brought your hand and slid it under his shirt. You took the invite with pride. Letting your hand slide up. Listening to the small whine he let out with amusement. Locking your legs around his waist. Then tugging his shirt up.
He shredded his shirt off, you doing the same. Allowing him more access to your body. Lips traveling down to your collar bone. Beginning to suck and scrape his teeth. “Hunter..” You mewled. His hands moving over your stomach. You could tell the way you said his name had him riled up even more than before. “Hunter, I want..” You panted, catching his attention.
“What do you want, Cyar’ika?” He purred against your ear as he leant up. “I wanna make you feel good,” You whined, and he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on edge. The others would be out for a while, so the two of you would have the time for it. Not only the events itself, but the fact that it would take hunter a while to recharge. So to speak.
He looked you over, fingers running up to brush against your nipples. Making your back arch off of the bed. He smirked as he leant in and pressed another kiss to your jaw. “Hmm, I was thinking of making you feel good tonight.” “Me first,” you spoke and he rolled his hips into yours. Making you both gasp and moan.
Your lips crashing into his and meeting him in another heated kiss. His fingers tracing shapes in your body, and if you weren’t so drunk off of lust right now. You might actually pay attention to what he was drawing, but you couldn’t stay concentrated enough for it. Especially with another roll of his hips.
He pulled back to look you in the eyes. “Your lips are so soft, I could kiss them all day..” He added with a small pant, making you smile with a bit more of a blush. On your already red face. “You’re such a fucking sap, now why don’t you roll over?” You asked with a brow cocked. Hunter doing as told.
He laid on his back, you sitting on his stomach now. Groaning a bit at just the sight of the other. You had been waiting for this for almost as long as he had.
Sliding down him, making a point to rub against him. Causing him to gasp again, fists balling.
You tugged his pants. Pulling them down when he lifted his hips up from the bed. Your hands moving to work, once this was done. You palmed him through his briefs. Hunter throwing his head back with a rather loud groan. Eyes snapping shut, then fluttering open again to watch you.
You trailed kisses and left your own trail of marks down his chest with a small hum. Licking, and then mouthing over one of his nipples. Your hand snaking into his pants, then pulling his member out.
He bucked into your hand, but you moved your hand with his motion. Refusing him the friction he wanted. Making him whine. Maker, you were glad the others were out doing their own thing.
You smiled at his small babbles and praises when your mouth got closer to where he wanted the attention most. Moving to the inside of his thighs. Teeth scraping at his sensitive skin. Causing his eyes to fall shut again. Hands carding in your hair.
You finally made to where he wanted you to. When he was already nearly toppling over the edge from how overpowered his senses were getting. From the smell of you both, to the sounds, to the feelings. Let alone the look of you as you trailed his body like you owned him. He was shocked he was still pieced together.
He let out a rather loud moan when you licked a strip up his dick. Making you groan a bit when his fingers tugged at your hair. Licking his tip, then sliding it into your mouth. He was panting and whining. making you wanna take more of your time. You had never seen him this desperate before. He was always so stern, so strict. Easy to tell you what to do, and honestly? You kind of enjoyed this side of him more than you ever thought that you would.
He let out a groan when you slid as much of him as you could into your mouth. One hand rubbing what you couldn’t get while you bobbed your head. The other arm holding his waist down to keep him from bucking his hips into your face.
You moaned around him as he buried the back of his head deeper and further into the pillow. “Kriff, y/n, ah, stars, I’m so..” He lasted longer than you thought. Hollowing your cheeks and taking more of him in. Soon he was cuming into your mouth, and there was nothing either of you could do about it. Not that you really mind.
He let out the loudest noise yet. Eyes snapping shut and face contorted as you milked him dry. Pulling off him with a ‘pop.’ Swallowing all except for a little that dripped down the corned of your mouth. Though you just wiped that off with your thumb.
He looked so exhausted just from a blowjob, and you weren’t sure what to do now. Should you move, touch him, go in the other room, throw a blanket over him? What now?
“Lay next to me,” He murmured. Voice soft and tired. “But won’t that bug you?” “Just lay next to me, please, you help me calm.” He spoke through half lidded eyes. So you did. Climbing over to lie next to the other. Facing him and he pulled you over to his chest. Arms, well, whole body trembling like he was coming down from a sugar high. “Just, give me sec and then I’ll make you wish we had the whole night to ourselves.” He mumbled, and that made you smile and giggle. Kissing his cheek with a small hum. “I’m sure you will.”
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