#but I'll try anyway. i dont really have any other choices
beaniegaebie · 7 months
i don't really have any solid conclusions about this yet but i noticed A Thing in a rewatch and i haven't found it mentioned elsewhere yet so here we go
(apologies for the appalling image quality you're about to see, i can't screenshot easily rn pls bear with)
OKAY so in the scene where crowley confronts gabriel about "shut up and die", something about the arrangement of book stacks caught my eye a little
the majority of the books are angled so that we mostly just see the page edges and not the spines clearly, EXCEPT for a particularly shiny and familiar colour combo right here-
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but nothing too weird going on there, i thought, crowley coloured books in a bookshop so what? right up until i registered crowley's line when we get a closer look-
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hhhhmmmmMMmmmm yes yes "everything just the way you wanted" huh, very interesting considering that we know how much thought goes into props huh
and for most of the shots we get of crowley in this position those freaking books are just quietly nestled right there in the corner-
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look at that god damn framing i fuckin see you, you glorious bastards
so i paused to see if i could figure out what the hell was up with those fuckers and this is when i absolutely lost my mind, your honour
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A and C you say?? in crowley colours???? framed like this?????? localised entirely within your kitchen???
anyway long story short they're two books from an Agatha Christie Crime Collection set (24 volumes, three stories per volume) and guess whats on the mfing front covers I'm-
(its a rant for another post but when paired with this other set of initials spotted in s2 i want to scream actually)
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ANYWAY back to the books, through an absolutely unhinged comparison of the formatting of gold text blobs i reckon the two we have here are:
(on top) The Pale Horse; The Big Four, The Secret Adversary
(on bottom) 4:50 From Paddington, Lord Edgeware Dies, Murder in Mesopotamia
(I'm fairly confident but if anyone has a better image to confirm/correct this pls do)
now here is where I'll need a bunch of help from some Christie-heads out there bc I haven't read any of these and I've only seen the tv adaptation of one of them, so i dont know for sure if these are like A Clue, or A Cool Thing, or if I've just fully brainrotted myself into a fun lil corner here? wa-hoo
but here's some initial stuff that jumped out at me after skimming the basics:
(some of) the titles: Pale Horse/Big Four - death's horse ofc, the four horsemen mayb? the them+adam?? ; Mesopotamia is a very biblical choice bbz ; 4:50 From Paddington- azi likes trains i guess? idk that one's tenuous lmao ; honestly no idea with the other two but Secret Adversary feels a tad ominous
iirc Big Four just has kind of an unusual history, it was initially twelve short stories that she later compiled into one, and it was published fairly soon after christie's mysterious disappearance/reappearance
in Big Four, poirot fakes his death at one point and doesnt even let hastings in on it and I'm hoping sure its totally irrelevant to the ineffable bois
part of the Pale Horse story is a group of assassins that basically try to pass off all their murders as being actually caused by like ✨satanic powers✨ which is interesting
christie knew a fUCkton about poisonings thats why she wrote so many into her work and, while i don't believe the poison coffee theory myself, it sure is an interesting link with how cyanide is associated with almond smell/flavour and that metatron chooses almond syrup in particular
(ALSO random side note that is mostly meaningless but I've worked in a good few uk coffee shops and have never worked anywhere that stocks almond syrup; almond milk yes, hazelnut syrup yes, but never almond syrup...? prob just the places i worked though lmao)
EDIT forgotten point: I've seen some speculation that the bently's plate reading "CURTAIN" could be a reference to poirot's last story, along side that alternate scene of crowley ordering the sherry for "miss marple", its just one too many agatha christie references for my melted brain to handle and I'm SUS
so this is where i run out of idea steam and hand it over to you lot because i have no clue what this could mean, if it even means anything other than a cool set feature
is there something here actually or am i yelling into the void just for fun?
who knows, who cares!
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luna0713hunter · 11 months
Can you do an established relationship Zoro or Sanji x autistic reader? If you don't want to thats totally fine, I just don't know if there's any out there and I NEED one so bad.
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Author's note : hello darling!!so about this request,i must say i had to ggl up everything so i really apologize in advance if this doesnt turn out the way you wanted it to be!and also,its gonna be Zoro x reader cause i dont write for Sanji. Hope you enjoy it!!
Where the light goes
Zoro Roronoa x autistic!reader
Summary : having autism was never easy. Ever since you were small, you've been struggling with this disorder. But growing up,you learn from the man you love that its not something to be ashamed of
Warnings : none i think,reader has autism,gender neutral,hurt/comfort, insecurities,panic attacks and such,mention of eating habits,fluff and happy ending
The streets were awfully busy today.
As you walk alongside your crewmates,you hug your bag close to your chest and try to make yourself impossibly small.
There were so many people. Too many loud voices. Everything was too much
And when someone bumps his shoulder to yours for the third time that day,you swallow down the lump in your throat;this was exactly why you always chose to stay back in the ship , where there would be no loud voices or people around. So when Luffy suggested that all of the crew go out for lunch and give Sanji some well-deserved break,you had no choice but to comply.
And gods above,how much you regretted that decision.
Ever since you were small,you had trouble with crowded places; being diagnosed with autism when you were only 4 years old,had turned your world upside down. Playing with other kids,being called weird and other humiliating names,and not being able to walk the streets in daylight without breaking down into a full panic attack,were only a few problems you'd to deal with daily.
Your life felt short, cramped and suffocating. The way your parents would fuss over you when you did the smallest things had you crazy. So when one faithful night,you stumbled upon the StrawHats, you gave yourself a chance to live. The best decision of your whole life, specially since joining them,you immediately fell head over heels for your crewmate.
"hey,you alright?"
The same man who always seemed to know exactly how you felt.
You swallow around the lump in your throat and nod.
"y-yeah. Thank you."
Zoro stares at you in the way that you know he doesnt believe you. You try to give him a wobbly smile but it only makes his lips pull down into a frown.
He leans down,and talks in a hushed voice so its only you who hear him.
"wanna ditch lunch?we can go back to the ship."
You glance nervously at your loud crewmates and look back at your green hair crush.
"are you sure?"
"i wasn't a fan of the whole idea of 'eating out' anyways," he says with a shrug and folds his arms against his chest, "I'll gladly ditch it to go back."
You give him another smile,brighter this time and giggle.
"you just want to go back so you can drink."
"your point being?"
And when Zoro informs everyone that the two of you will head back to the ship,they oddly enough let you go.
Once you step inside the ship and the quiet hits you,you let out a sigh of relief;you were finally home and away from the busy street.
You sit yourself against the back of the ship,where Nami's tangerine trees give you some peace of mind. the feeling is so relaxing,that you dont even notice that Zoro has arrived to where you're sitting. He clears his throat and knocks on the wooden wall to get your attention;to which you sluggishly turn your head to. He raises his brow at you and jerks his head toward the front of the ship.
"you're not hungry?"
You shake your head;your eyelids oddly heavy.
"no,not really."
"your eating habits acting up again?"
"maybe," you smile bitterly,and start to chew on your nail, "today was...a bit too much.to be honest, I'm kinda sleepy ."
To that, Zoro nods and after that,doesnt say anything. He just...stands there,and stares so intently that has you chewing on your nails harder.
Was he disgusted?was there anything wrong?did you offend him in any way??
You could've never read people's emotions,and the emotionally constipated Zoro?
It was an impossibly task.
Just when your thoughts were getting out of hands,a heavy weight suddenly drops on your lap.
The action has you jumping a bit and you let out a surprised squeak.
"Z-Zoro?what are you doing?"
"what does it look like?" He grumbles and opens one eye to stare up at you, "I'm taking a nap."
Your eyes soften at his answer,and tentatively,your fingers start to comb through his soft locks.
And when he lets out a satisfied groan at your action,you swear you'd died and went to heaven.
"aren't you hungry?"
"no. Just sleepy."
You smile and nod your head understandingly.
"then sleep."
Zoro slowly shifts,until his face is buried in your stomach and you can feel his hot breath through your thin shirt when he speaks next.
"tell me next time,when you're not feeling well."
Your heart warms,and you lower your head to drop a loving kiss on his hair.
"will do. Thank you."
When Zoro dozes off in your lap,you own eyes watch him for few more minutes before you're falling asleep yourself as well.
And when the crew comes back later that day,for once in their lives,they decide to keep it down and not wake you up.
*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘P.S : Zoro doesn't eat or sleep unless you do so as well :) i hope you liked it,dont forget to leave comment
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kamabokobun · 18 days
A Doylist explanation for ToTK Gondorf's aesthetics I like is that they wanted him to look like a ronin as a way of to draw on the image of a dishonored man, who exists outside of and even in opposition to societal hierarchies.
This however, has fascinating implications, as in modern Hyrule the people who visually have the most in common with Ganondorf, especially when it comes to the choice of weapons, are the Sheikah.
Do you have a Watsonian headcanon as to why that could be the case?
first of all this is a very interesting question!! second of all I feel very under-qualified to answer it LOL (not mad at you at all!!! im very glad you asked me! i just feel bad that i can't answer the question in a way that it deserves)
No I do not. but I figured that I would try to think it out anyway
cut-off because. long ( I do not know how it became this long. I dont even have good answers. )
at least for his sword (and maybe the bow?), maybe he encountered the sheikah at some point before the events of totk. and had weapons custom made inspired by what he saw. this is assuming the sheikah as a race were around during then. (I know the zelda wiki said something about the sheikah being sent by the goddess to protect the royal family. so.)
and the clothing. I'll just say that's how the gerudo chiefs used to dress. It looks close-ish enough to Riju (and urobosa's[?]) attire that it could maybe be the predecessor to it???? (very huge stretch. the only thing really connecting them are the colors, gerudo patterns, and the little bits of jewelry hanging off the fabric's edge. I only say this because I don't know any other reason why he would dress like that)
I would say that he got inspiration from the sheikah's clothes like he might've with the weaponry, but i think this is unlikely because his outfit doesn't look very similar to the sheikah's attire at all. But who knows, maybe the sheikah did dress like that back then and he did get it from them.
also if you're trying to suggest that the sheikah took after ganondorf. I dont know why they would logically. then again I don't really know squat about LoZ outside of botw/totk 😭 so maybe there could be a reason that would make sense lore-wise and I just don't know it?
Or! maybe it's just one big coincidence (worst answer)
these are thee most boring answers I could have possibly come up with but they're the only ideas that I could think of (within reason.?)(this is a bad excuse. sorry)
BUT This is such a good thought provoker!! I agree that it probably has really interesting implications! I simply do not know how to connect the strings. Sorry for the long disjointed post. Thank you for sending me this ask, I really wish I could interact with it in a meaningful way.
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ask--eggman · 6 months
hey, im sorry if this is a sensitive topic but i cant stop thinking about it, do you recal your attempted suicide bombing in station square? do you recall what drove you to suicide? it must have been somthing awful if it pushed somone as brave and as strong as you to take your own life.. did anyone at all try to reach out? i doubt any of those so-called "herros" tryed to offer suport to somone undergoing sutch agony, again, you dont have to respond if you dont want to, but i truly want to know, and im shure the whole empire will suport you in whatever you were or are going through :)
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I'm never one to lose hope and determination and give into defeat but that was just a time when it all got to me. I work so hard to accomplish my goals and put so much time, effort and passion into my plans but something comes along and ruins it, again and again. On that particular day, I'd finally reached my capacity for the disappointment, anger and stress. Not just for that day but for my entire lifetime.
Anyone else inferior and weaker than me would be broken down by failure much more often and much sooner, than the one time it pushed me too far. It wasn't really a conscious decision more than something that hit me in the spur of the moment. At first I just thought I'd at least blow Station Square up if nothing else. There would be some catharsis in that blue pest still not succeeding in saving their pathetic lives.
Oh but then of course the missile had to be a dud. Of course even that couldn't go right. So I just thought "Oh, fuck it all", and went to detonate it by hand. I knew I was going to die and I was going to happily take the whole city with me. Once I'd made my mind up, I felt happy, I had a blast trying to race Tails to that missile. I found myself begging for him to wait for me when he was ahead.
It was something to be determined to accomplish again, one I was sure nobody could ruin this time. One last glimmer of hope to succeed in something, one last thrill racing across the city in my Egg Mobile onward to destruction, then I'd be free from ever having to experience failure again. I'd go out having accomplished one part my plan of destroying Station Square, even if I didn't get to build the empire I always dreamed of.
I was tired of being the one who it all ended in destruction for, I wanted others to experience that devastation. For once, I wanted it to end with their destruction and my success and it seemed like the only way. But I obviously lost that race because here I am today. Well, that snapped me out of it and so I went back to trying to kill the little pest Tails who stopped me, since he's the one that actually deserves death really.
Nobody reached out to me and I didn't expect them to. They're used to breaking down everything I build and waiting for the next time I get back up to try to bring me down again and the cycle repeats. It's always just me alone to pick myself up and keep fighting in the end. But I don't need anyone else. I know if I keep at it, I'll succeed. So I try my hardest to fight to accomplish my dreams and not let my mind slip back into that place.
Anyway, enough about that.
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The way I still came back from that and have only become stronger and more successful and determined over time just further proves my power! It's another of the many reasons why I deserve to have all of your support, admiration and praise and be your mighty emperor! So that's to be expected, you wouldn't have a choice either way, hehe~
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kirai0daisy · 1 year
Henlo! So I'd like to ask something of my favourite blorbo, Zhask!
Maybe... something fluff in relation to how many god awful food puns he makes.
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Zhask X (gender is your choice)!Reader Headcanons
Not really warnings: Fluff, Soft-side, comforting
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• ZHASK knows you from the very start of the Kastiyan's terrors.
• He is not a man for to fall in love that much fast, he needs time. A lot time- but since Kastiyan's are immortal (:cant die) he haved his a lot time and finally felled(?) in love with you.
• It would be a lie if you said you didnt haved feelings for Zhask,
but you are smart enaugh to not show/tell it to him/someone else.
• 'Cuz real bad things would happen if someone know that.
• How did you guys became a couple? Well after a long time, Zhask falled in love with your fighting style, your smartness(/battle intelligence), your personality and etc.
• So he becams more soft to you. At least when nobodys around. And one day when he called out for you. And you couldnt help but think, did you did something wrong? Did you maked him angry??
• What you didnt know was it was wayyy quite opposite. He just asked you what you feel for him and you said things like 'his strongness, his leadership and etc.' but you both know this is was not everything.
• So Zhask maybe a little bit rather roughfully maked you said everything you feel for him "I.. Like everything about you. I know ım just a warrior that fighting above your leadership but feelings cant controlled..." after some seconds of silence, you continue "Im really sorry for feeling this way, I'll accept everything as punishme-" the words Zhask said shocked you "Alright I accept your date offer but anyone will.not know about this. Alright?" You looked at him shocked but then come to your senses "Alright le-" "Zhask. Or any-thing-else in closed doors"
•After yall became a couple that no one knows both you guys life turned into more.. Colorfull.
• Like every-other-else you are one of the Kastiyan's after all
and uour duty is simple; just fight with other planets, kill people and take their home. Simple as that, right?
• It's not like you have another choice anyways, but still this is your duty. But you cant help the little bit of guilt and sadness whenever you take someone's innocent life.
• But whenever you do that, Zhask will be wait to comfort you. His arms are always open to hug you when he sees the sadness in your eyes.
• Homever he literally hates PDA (:Means affection (hugging, kissing, holding hands and etc.) something like that) So he wont hug you in open-public. This does not means he wont comfort you by the words till you guys are out there.
• Anyone cant hear his words of affection tho, he only says it aloud for you to hear. And when you guys go to closed doors, he will make his awful jokes. Like plz. I know this man is trying to make you laugh but what are theses jokes 💀
• Not only I realizs that after request, he would really make awful jokes. İts literally canon. This man doesnt know anything about funny-ness(???) so his attempt to make you laugh is not how good his joke is, how awfully bad his joke is.
• "What does a nosey pepper do? It gets jalapeño business" He doesnt either knows if its funny or not. He just.. Says it. You dont know where Zhask found those jokes from tho- he says its a secret. And he says jokes in a veryy monotone tone. So the reason why you are laughing is not how funny his joke is, how awful the joke is and how he sounds like.
• But It doesnt matter to him if his jokes are awful. The thing matter to him is your laugh. Your sweet little laugh that makes him butterflies in his stomach and also makes him smile too.
• Even if you tell him to stop he will just say more because you are laughing "Pff- Cant you at least tell me a better joke?" "Theres only one thing thats better than a good joke: a joke so bad that it’s good" and you will just laugh at how awful his jokes are.
This man can race with Cyno bc of how bad their jokes are- Idk who would win tho..
• He doesnt think about his bloody-messed past when he is with you. You are like a relaxed music to him after a tired day, listening while laying. Yes you really make him feel that much nice. You are his everything.
• So why wont he say jokes even if they are really bad that can make a fish drown in the sea because of how much they laughed and water got their lungs-...... You didnt read that but what Im trying to say is he doesnt care what he is doing or saying if he got to see/listen your smile/laugh.
• The thing matter to him is.. You<3
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And my dear Hoshino Ai gif again<3
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Please take care of yourselfs! And I hope yall have a nice day :3 Im taking any kind of requests so please dont shy to say any of it<3
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
I'm the crazy obsessed and delusional Indian lady who thinks she's in a relationship with max and some of the things I do may seem similar to kelly or what she has done in the past but I think its the differences that count.
1. Kelly had max right by her side when she made fake accounts and spread rumors about being with him. And his ex gf wasn't still pretending to be his gf on social media or irl.
If I have max by my side rn or when our relationship isn't public yet, I wouldn't be on my phone so much or we would be reading any gossip together and laugh about the fake stuff and then get busy with other stuff 🙈
2. I dont support conservatives especially after posting pro-choice stores on insta. I'm still not sure where exactly I stand on the topic(only when it comes to consensual sex), but I'm open to discussion and learning.
3. I'll never post personal information especially after being asked not to. I dont have anything on insta right now and I will start posting but it's going to be with the approval of everyone that's involved.
And I dont mind answering questions on your blog about our relationship together, now and then when we're free. I have plans to not be so away from the fans during the winter break, cuz I've been there and I know how I've missed him, they don't involve pictures tho.
4. I dont like drinking. I know he loves it and she loves it but I don't think I can get myself to start drinking. It might change when we're older but I can't guarantee anything for now.
5. I have no obsession with branded stuff. Yes I do prefer them cuz they're good quality but If it's a pretty dress I don't mind who made it. And I hope no one forces me to be any brand's ambassador cuz I just want to wear what I like and I can't do that if I'm working with a particular brand. And I'll be wearing Indian outfits mostly cuz I'm most comfortable in them and please don't expect any fashion tips or anything related to fashion basically. I'm just as fashionable as max but a little better cuz I don't like wearing the same outfit all the time, I like variety 😜 but don't worry max i won't bother you too much about it but I will push you to try new colors tho 😛
6. And if some max fans don't like me or are rude to me, I will block them but I won't make max do it from his account unless he himself wants to.
7. Most importantly, I won't flip him in the pictures. I never understood that anyway. I'll most probably remain private, I haven't figured it out yet, but if I do, I'll share our pics that we want to be out with maxverstxppen. Maxv1stappen and I aren't on good terms, it's a shame cuz I really like their edits.
8. And I don't want fan pages or 'styleofchandana' pages. Maybe edits pages for max and I, cuz I like edits..
9. I hope there's a TV in Max's room in rb motorhome cuz I'll most probably watch the races from there cuz I dont think I can control my emotions on live TV 😅
10. I'm a very family oriented girl and very proudly a mama's girl. So It breaks my heart everytime I think about how max and sophie had to stay apart during his childhood. And also how they currently live so far apart, I'm sure it gets boring living alone in her big house..so I'll try to push for some way she can live nearby so we can frequently meet and so she can have her time with her son that she sacrificed for his career 💗
I can only think of these for now, I'll post later if I can think of any more.
No. You get the fuck away from here.
This is a gossip blog and some things may sound delulu, but they’re not as delulu as this or you. Like I’ve said before -and like everyone knows-, I don’t like Kelly, but if I have to defend her from people like you, I will. What you’re doing is absolutely disgusting. You’ve crossed the line with this clown show, so don’t even try to call yourself a Max fan.
Despite us not liking Kelly, we’re not harassing her and everyone related to her and Max saying they broke up, much less messaging Red Bull and Verstappencom the way I know you’ve done. Keep doing this and I’ll find a way to let them -Max’s team- know about this.
Everyone go report her wherever you see her. If she makes new accounts let me know and I’ll post them here so people can report it.
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rosewoodconch · 16 days
RWCH Readathon 2024: Day 12
Undercover Princess - Chapter 34/35
Okay so disclaimer: I might be a lil off in the next few chapters because the way jamie acts when he's had the 'lemonade' is a lil scarily similar to something traumatic that happened to me and long story shprt i might be brushing over parts of it.
But anyway! CHAPTER 34
New years eve!!!
Raphael is an icon and i love him but jesus christ hes stupid holy shit
sneaking up on amknown partizan? my dude youre smarter than that
and yes... the pool that is off limits
really though where are the teachers
surely theres so much security that theres no way that would happen
Why are conchs always the bad influences connie thats unfair
I really hate ellie in this scene. because yes on one hand, she wants to go have fun and be rebellious. but on the other hand shes not giving lottie and jamie a choice.
Jamie has to protect ellie above all else, but he cant leave lottie or that look suspicious, so they both have to follow ellie. shes being so selfish in this scene i cant stand it.
'Anastacia's lemonade'
I wanna know if it was her or saskia, surely ani wouldnt have gone so far as to actually drug the princess right?
I'm pretty sure we find out that was saskia? can someone with a better sleep schedule lmk?
I dont like that its warm i dont trust that.
I like that this scene lets jamie open up a little bit
hes more confident and jokey and sarcastic
"£20 says i push one of them" is iconic and i wont be hearing anything against him
I cannot believe I hadn't picked up on it before but @/pumpkin.pie.of.rosewood on instagram pointed out that it refers to jamie as a deer. A DEER
i hate connie
the foreshadowing never ends
but really, his response of blatant denial because he believes he has no control and nothing will change is one of the simplest and most devastating lines in a lot of this series.
Hes so not like other boys (insert the hair flcik emoji i cant cause im on desktop rip)
'When you live your life for someone else, you find strength you didn't know you were capable of.' is such an eloquent way to say so many things. He's talking about himself obviously, but s=hes also talking about lottie, and how shes going to need to become stronger than ever, not just to protect ellie, but t protect herself and preserve who she is underneath it all.
Jamie is really genuinely switching from charming to predatory and scary in such a subtle way, his mannerisms becoming more impulsive and his words becoming sharper.
but even in this horrible state, his words ring truer than ever. 'I think you shouldnt have to be capable' 'Youre just a kid Lottie' etc
Then lottie pointing out to him that something is wrong, her desparate plea to him to stop and to find help kicks him back into his mind for only a moment. he realises whats about to happen and then...
And thats all for tonight because its almost 1am and im caught up more than i expected! see yall tomorrow for another 6 chapters to be finally caught back up again!!!!
I'll jump right back into it tomorrow when i wake up (or at least i'll try if my adhd meds kick in early enough
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btw if you have any questions about me, "my side", what really happened and what i've been up to/thinking/feeling bc we're friends or you wanna be friends or whatever you can dm me. i'm not making any kind of like callout post or posting my truth or whatever bc i really dont care. i havent seen anything about it so have no idea what people are still harping on days later lol (and frankly i think its kinda sad/funny i live so rent free like it is a choice you are making to keep being obsessed and rehashing drama when you could just move on with your life) and the people that matter to me so far haven't unfollowed or stopped talking to me
so if you value our friendship, parasocial or otherwise, i am happy to talk and clear the air about any lies or massaging of the situation being done by other parties
but at the end of the day, i'm genuinely okay and happy. like life goes on you know lol if i cared about my reputation or standing and didnt already trust my friends i've made in fandom to know who i am as a person (except for one, that was disappointing but life goes on) i would never have spoken openly about someone with so much influence
i do hope people will reflect. i see posts complaining about seeing drama and it is a choice you make to react. you control your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. if something upsets you, stop doing it. use filters, block judiciously. do something to make your life happy. and stop worrying about random people on the internet that you dont know, arent friends with, and who arent doing anything to harm you except just existing
anyway now that i know how to refit and stuff i'm working on a full vanilla and dlc flat chest body refit mod, then i'll start going through some others i like and checking their permissions then refitting for that. i am also going to work on a more detailed guide specifically for refitting for flat chest and using the script.
i'm also going to be researching masculinization in fashion to work on further custom sculpting of various items. often the chest is still slightly raised still giving the hint of breasts so i'll try to resolve that as well as creating more masculinized shapes. i will also make a guide for that too.
i'm also going to pull a few meshes out that i know are used with replacers often, especially decal replacers, so modders can easily grab those or mod users
and if i make any brand new clothing mods, i will refit for both the flat chest body as well as for the wearable pecs with the dynamic scripts. that way, we can continue working for normalizing flat chest in general and more people can have that option. tbh if a mod is willing to work with that as well i might offer meshes for the wearable pecs too along with the script.
i want everyone using any kind of chest flattening mod to have more refits
however, i will not be doing refits for any bodies, so if you use angel or ebbbrbrbghf versions of the wearable pecs i wont refit for those. but if the wearable pecs have those as well in modders resources i'm happy to put together a guide for refitting for those
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Oh, my word! You have no idea how happy I was to discover your story collection! Borrowers are 1 of my favorite concepts and I was thrilled to find out that a friend and I aren't the only 1s to think that it would be fun to have Fnaf SB and Borrowers be a thing! If you are still doing requests, I would like to see more Sun and Moon and a Borrower child reader, please! Look forward to what you create in the future!
Hi! I'm really glad you found my account! I looked for borrower content in FNAF for ages and couldn't find any. So given my past in fanfic writing I decided to write some of my own and put my own spin on things. I actually plan on doing some with some of the older versions of the characters too eventually. Anyway here's a short little fic with Sun and Moon!
Sun & Moon x Child! Borrower! Reader
Sun went about his normal day as more and more kids piled into the daycare. Things were hopping as usual and he moved between groups of kids to play with and check on everyone. He goes on like this for most of the day until closing time when all of his friends have to leave. He waves them off like usual and turns back to the daycare to start his usual cleaning. What was unusual was the familiar sound of a child crying. Everyone had left right? So why would there be someone crying? Sun makes his way around the daycare, following the sound of the small sobs, eventually getting to one of the play sets. He looks around, trying to find the source, confused when he can't.
"Hey friend! The daycare is closed! Please come out and I can take you to your parents!" Sun states in his typical cheerful voice. The crying stops pretty much immediately after he hears a small gasp, like whoever it was was surprised by him. He continues trying to look for the source but can't find them. He starts to go back to cleaning until he hears a small voice.
"I-I got lost.....I can't find mommy." You state, watching the huge animatronic. Your mom had always told you to avoid these monstrosities but you couldn't help it. At this point you'd be separated from your mother all day and you were terrified of what my happen if she didnt find you. This sun animatronic scared you but you didnt know what else to do. You couldn't find her all on your own.
"Lost, tch tch tch. Well thats no good. What's your name friend? I can search you in our database." Sun states, seeing as thats the main way he's programmed to help in these situations.
"I-I'm Y/N......but I'm not like the others." You explain, afraid to admit exactly what you are. After all the first rule you were taught was never get caught. In this case though it seemed you had no choice.
"You're not in my database friend. Please come out so I can get you to safety before all of the staff leaves for the night." Sun explains, trying to at least see you and figure it out from there. He'd never seen anyone that wasn't in his database before.
"No! Please dont take me to them! They'll hurt me!" You say in panic, humans means a trap. This can't be good. Without thinking about it you move out of your hiding spot. The suns white eyes land on you and you feel yourself start to panic. You try to think of where to run.
Sun on the other hand can't believe his eyes. Standing a few inches from him on the plastic towers is a 2 inch tall being that looks exactly like a normal human, though its clearly not. "Its okay friend. Please don't panic. Let's work together to find your mom. Its like a game of hide and seek!" Sun states, trying to get you to calm down and not see him as something scary. You on the other hand are still panicking but you know this is your only chance of finding your mom so you nod.
Hope you liked it! I'll try to do a version of this with Moon for you too if you'd like!
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literalite · 1 year
these r all the asks i got last night about the whole aesthetic discussion i'll answer in order of when i got them :p
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truth b told if i started simblr like. today and knew nothing about photoshop then i'd probably be pretty demoralised too but also thats exactly how it was starting simblr anyway i just worked on it until i was happy w my skills... no one gave me a cheat code i just put time and effort into it
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i agree with u im ngl like i do sincerely wish everyone had the opportunity to put hours and hours of their lives into learning how everything about this works if thats what they truly wanted. also if anything doing it solely by urself will make the process all the more time consuming but if u ask around for help people (including me! im down to help fr) will usually give it to u and that'll speed up the process more. being mad at me for having that is pointless what am i gna do go back in time and unlearn it all and for what? dsfghjk
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okay i did see this being said a lot and uhhhh i was trying to understand it but like. i also don't. like ok with cluttered aesthetic build shots or yknow the odd landscape with heavy bloom shader on it i guess if ur looking at it completely from that pov yeah i guess it looks like some posts that "blow up" r just sort of the same shit. but the fact remains that its also it's good shit like anyone can clutter a room and take a photo of it what really counts here in my opinion anyhow is shot composition. and there's literally preestablished rules for this sort of thing u can google cinematography basics and get it for free... there's a whole field of study looking into what draws the human eye. like maybe the core concepts behind what makes a popular post popular is the same but thats because it just works. if u wanna shy away from that entirely but then complain about ur posts not being as popular then that's very much a u problem it doesn't have anything to do with the rest of us
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amen these are my ocs wdym these are "sims" LOLLL these are the real people living in my head if i bust my ass making them look good then thats a choice i made
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u can call this an empathy problem and try explain it to me more but i dont see how other people feeling insecure about what their current ability scales up to is any fault of mine or my problem to bend backwards to try fix... or even how i could. like is the standard high now yeah honestly it is. the learning curve was steep as hell when i first started as well. no disagreements here. but what am i supposed to do about it LMAO like i didn't create the human proclivity to be drawn to beauty i just ride off of it.
idk why i'm the bad guy for being honest for my reasoning behind what i do and don't reblog? lots of other people have been saying they dont really care about aesthetics which is great but if i said that i'd literally just be lying to you. i'm not gonna apologise for not lying... i like being able to see the passion and energy poured into the same video game we're all playing it's only natural to appreciate that- if that reads as passive aggression and u don't understand my stance that's fine by me
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i would say for me personally try watch visual media that u can recognise as "beautiful" and not to shit on like. cw shows but i mean stuff that is marked by its cinematography being truly excellent. and just really examine how those set and lighting designers use angles and lighting and how the people filming and editing choose to frame their shots to achieve what works. hell looking at art helps with this too. look at other people's stuff on simblr analytically try to seriously work out why it appeals to people the way it does. ik u asked for editing tips but i think it really starts ingame you can have the most incredible editing style but it doesn't work if ur shot comp doesn't work then it'll won't hit as hard
take time to learn what most of the adjustment layers do on photoshop, and what all the blending layers look like, download other people's psds and play with them on top of ur shots to see what works! what u personally think looks good will be different from what i personally think looks good, i like dramatic lighting and muted colours and mid level contrast so not too strong but i can't speak for whether you will too. ALSO im a religious user of @/simmerstesia's psd set here i think a well chosen shot can be really elevated by using something like this to really give it that final polish
additionally if u have any like really specific questions or need some advice u can ask me on discord my dms are open like i can talk u thru it. promise it's not as daunting as it can look
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fagbearentertainment · 10 months
Alright long awaited part two lets goooo
So yeah I dont think Dee would want to heed Jack's warning. But there's another player in this whole mess!! (two actually) Peter and Caroline!!
They arent exactly thrilled to find out that Dee's been running from class to go to Fredbear's every day. And her insisting that Jack is still there doesn't help sway them. But there is something else she can do.
Dave did tell Jack about how Henry's killing kids at Freddy's too.
Conveniently, Peter did suggest that if she wants to see animatronics that badly they can go to Freddy's as long as he gets to keep an eye on her.
But that's fine. Henry and Dave always use the same trick and Dee already knows it. All she needs to do to stop him is keep a low profile and tell everyone not to follow anyone to any hidden rooms.
(How effective that would be... is up to debate)
Anyway. Henry is not pleased. Jack had One Fucking Job and he's being a shithead about it. But he did notice that Dave's been acting a little differently. He seems..... happier?
Yeah, surprisingly, having friends has a positive effect on your mental health. Who woulda known.
God. I have so many thoughts on Jack but idk if I want to turn this into a Jack character analysis bcs this is supposed to be an au lmfao
I think. Henry would catch onto Dee. But there's nothing he can do about it in broad daylight. He cant get her alone and killing her in the dining area would get him busted for sure. So he wants Dave's help. There just happen to be two issues.
Dave doesn't want to leave Jack's side. Jack's on their side, right? There shouldn't be a problem! He's been killing kids too! (hes been fucking WHAT)
But fine, whatever. They can talk next to Jack. Except when Henry mentions Dee Jack immediately springs into action - Grabbing him by the throat and squeezing. Dave does try to get Jack off but dude's determined. First this bitch tries killing his sister, then he kills HIM then he tortures him for Months and now he's trying to kill his sister again? Yeah no Jack aint havin it.
So Jack and Dave's friendship gets... strained to say the least. Dave doesn't invite Jack to kill kids anymore. Fredbear's is about to be shut down. Jack's all alone.
Well. There are the spirits. But why would they want to hang out with their murderer? And frankly Jack isn't really looking to make friends.
(Oh yeah btw. Henry doesn't get to kill Peter this time.)
Dee's still determined to help as much as she can but she hasn't really... helped the dead spirits in any way. She can't, not directly. She needs someone to talk to the spirits for her.
Dave is absolutely pissed at Jack for killing Henry but. He wants his friend back.
Jack does too.
But he's all alone. Sure he was salvaged from Fredbear's but what were the odds that he'd meet Dave again? He's probably at Freddy's and why would they want this creepy puppet thing in their restaurant?
Except one day, they take him there.
And Dee and Dave are there.
And they both talk to him.
She talks about how she wants to help the spirits themselves. He doesn't say anything.
He tells him he wants their friendship back. But he'd only forgive him if Jack kills Dee.
So now Jack has a choice. Does he help his sister or get his friend back?
This is where I imagine it would split into routes! I'd love to talk abt how I imagine each one would go but for that I think I'd have to do the Jack character analysis. I'll do it some other time
~Charlie anon
Yippee!!! Dude Charlie anon this is so sick I love it so much
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pluto-sims · 1 year
Do you have a tip for making wallpapers? :)
i just did one in my life cuz i got overwhelmed by having to do all swatches three times for the wall heights :/
Hey! I feel this so hard asdfghjhgfds. Honestly? My main saviour is organisation - and as possibly the messiest and least organised person you will ever meet, i dont say that lightly asdfghjhgfdsdfghjk. im gonna pop it under the cut so i dont slap a long post on peoples dash asdfghgfd.
SO. Really the only thing that helps me keep my sanity for wallpaper is having pre-made photoshop (or your editor of choice) templates. These are my most prized cc making resource asdfghjkjhgf. I have PSDs for each of the three wallpapers set up, and each one is already prepped with the recolouring actions I use, and has a folder containing both brown and white wood panelling that I can toggle on and off. this sounds super basic but i s2g when i first started doing wallpapers, i would have like 5 gazillion images open in PS at once where I'd recolour each separate 'style' of wall (i.e plain, panelling, wooden trims etc). looking back now, i've no idea how i managed it asdfgfds. anywway here is a super laggy video of my template set up!
I will have all three height templates open at once, to save having to go back and do the same recolour but on a different wall height later, because that's way too tedious for me. I'll recolour one after the other, and then save them to their relevant folder (with file names like 1 Short, 1 Medium, 1 Tall etc). When it comes to panelling, I do it in a more cyclical way; I'd do all the different wall patterns/colours with the brown panelling, and then go back to the beginning and do each one in white. Because I use pattern fill layers, this takes like 0 time because I just have to click on the relevant pattern and its done, and I prefer this method over doing the brown version and then the white version at the same time because i'm liable to get in a mess and confused asdfghjhgfds.
basically that's a WHOLE lotta words to say the only thing that really helps is having a system that's as streamlined as possible, and works with your editing style. this way works really well for me, and i just get into the groove of it. i will say, i would NOT be able to do any of it unless i had a banging playlist or audiobook on as i do it, because then i really would lose what's left of my brain cells asdfghjhgfd.
anyway sorry this is all over the place! making wallpapers can be SO tedious but i also find it really satisfying at the end when it's all finished! if i didnt explain something clearly or anything, please lmk and i'll try and reword it or just record the process asdfghgfds!
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yandere-toons · 2 years
I just re-watched Darkwing duck 1991, and now I can't stop thinking about Drake being friends with Villain y/n (ALSO CAN I BE :] ANON BECAUSE I AM A HUGE FAN OF YOUR WORK AND THIS IS ACTUALLY THE FIRST TIME I SENT AN ASK SO I DONT KNOW WHAT I'M DOING)
He would deny any claims of them being friends and even though he would advise Gosalyn not to befriend any villain he's a parent and he's allowed to not follow through his own advice (which doesn't excuse him but shh)
He would try to convert you to be heroic and would always volunteer to investigate any case relating to you. Even though he does have this weird fixation with you that doesn't mean he would tolerate any of your villainous schemes. If needed, he would apprehend you and keep you in the lair for as long as he can until you can outsmart the mask hero and escape (Which is hard but not impossible)
If you ever collaborate with another villain (For example Taurus Bulba, or Bushroot, or even worse Negaduck) he would try to convince you that you are being brainwashed and would go to no lengths to separate you from your villain of choice. If the villain ever decides to backstab you Darkwing will act out of impulse and pummel the villain until the ground and his fist are stained red.
Anyway that's all I really have after watching several episodes of Darkwing duck 1991, keep up the great work, and remember you don't have to write if you don't want to cause you are not required to
You're doing fine! This a neat premise!
Imagine the other villain betraying the reader by pushing them to Darkwing in a fight and then fleeing, only to be caught off-guard when Darkwing temporarily ignores the reader in favour of chasing the other villain.
I appreciate that and thank you. I'll keep your last statement in mind.
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deadgiants · 8 months
I'll hand it to "the Hound," it gave me a lot to think about.
This has been bouncing around my skull for a few days, though it's not really something that I mentioned in the posts while reading it.
Connla's conception and death are all told in the Hound, but they're also very much changed. I do want to preface that this post is more musing than argument against the book, though I do think it shows a kinda gross through line of a very modern sexism in the story.
So in this, the moment when Connla is conceived is depicted in two tiny panels following Eva (Aife, the angicizations are awful) invading Scáthach's school because... she thinks she could teach better than Scáthach? But then she's welcomed back, so everything is cool, and her and Cú have barely implied sex. Cú leaves to go home from exile early on the next page I think (not sure that's how exile works) with the knowledge that Eva (Aife) is pregnant. Importantly though, when he leaves, all he does is give her a ring for Connla to be identified by, and instruction to send him to Ireland at some point.
The key difference here is that in the original telling (or oldest we have) CúChulainn gives these full instructions, framed as geassa;
Connla cannot turn back once he starts his journey, he must not refuse a challenge, and must never tell anyone his name.
I dont Know Bogan's mind, but it's here that I can see where he may have thought "well that makes no sense, why would he do that?" Which is fair if you don't think too long, it is a mythological telling from a culture we don'thave the full context for, but the solution he settles on is to make Eva (Aife) be the one who insists that Connla not tell his name, and that he should come to Ireland and act as aggressor, rather than simply not be able to turn down a challange. The framing makes this read as some malicious act on her part, as though making CúChulainn kill his own son is an act of vengeance for his unceremonious departure unrelated to her.
It also serves again to remove agency from CúChulainn while I think trying to humanize him. In the original he: willingly couples with her, instructs her to send Connla to him in the future, and puts these geassa on him. It gives Aife in the original test less agency for him to make these choices, but to only give women characters agency to make them temptresses, or malicious and calloused feels like a zero sum at best.
This was supposed to be a shorter post, but I haven't gotten to the thing I even really meant to yet because any analysis of this comic cascades into a half-dozen other things.
The thing I wanted to get to is, in a nutshell, CúChulainn needs to know who he's killing when he fights Connla. It may be my interpretation of the story, but from my repeated readings I think CúChulainn and Emer know who Connla is basically from the moment they arrive on the scene, and are trapped by their own laws and mores to play out the scene as if written ahead of time. This created a much more tragic scene of people who know what they are doing, and must continue to do it anyway. It also createds a much more poignant foreshadowing for CúChulainn's battle at the ford with Ferdiad where CúChulainn is in some ways put in Connla's place, knowing that he must move forward, but knowing ahead of time what it means, while Ferdiad is trapped by his society to try to kill one of his greatest loves.
If CúChulainn doesn't know at all who this random 10 year old is, then it's still a setup for the battle, but only in a thematic framing, without as much emotion.
I said before this post isn't as much about the Comic being bad as the others. And while there is something I'm going to say i. Another post following this that IS. The reason this one isn't is that I totally get these choices, or the motivation for them, I still think theyre badly thought out, because the internal logic of the story is damaged by having these characters do the same actions for different reasons, both internal and external. I can see the problem here especially of "how do you adapt this narrative for a modern audience?"
I think the answer is, don't.
Adapting the characters and changing the reasons for events that need to happen in the story in the way they did here, full of (I don't like that I keep saying modern, because it implies a fundamental difference between then and now in people hearts that I don't think exists) contemporary sensibilities, stemming from a neo-liberal society, started in the late 90's, makes the story flow naturally only if you dont think at all about how events connect. It's building a lego set but the top hald are mega bloks.
All adaptations have an element of authorship and will by their nature be personal to the time and place they are made, adaptations that try to be the exact thing are almost without fail boring and somewhat sterile. This seems to be an intentional overwrite of the original, like they were going to "fix" parts if it, and honestly if you feel like you need to fix something like folklore and mythology in order to make it good, maybe you're not the person to do that adaptation.
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superpeanutgarden · 8 months
Night Blogging
okay, *technically* I'm not using the term right. It's an old phrase from before we called it Shitposting- we blamed all the weird stuff on sleep deprivation and Australians lmao
But it's night, and I'm blogging, so here we are.
so if you've read my other long posts, you'll know I'm in multiple open polyamorous relationships... and that I'm having what one might call "a hoe phase" and an accompanying crisis about if I still have worth if I'm a slut.
Well now im having a whole different (but still slut-adjacent) crisis. Do I even know what romance is????
This didnt come out of nowhere. My girlfriend mentioned that I was dating around as though I was single several months ago. And today she- wisely- brought up that i am at risk of girl bossing too close to the sun. and I had already been thinking about how my sibling had said that our parents didnt really model romance for us, and that we were told that romantic love is just kissing your best friend. And to be clear: I TOTALLY am. I'm not lonely or touch starved or sad or maidenless (or lad-less) in any sense of the imagination.
So... why am I still pursuing people??
The tree i can understand. He's a fun fuck, and he travels the renfaire circuit so I wont see him all the time. No chance of a solid relationship, just a fun easy breezy fling.
The lookout? Similar thing. Super fun to make out with and fine as HELL, but he lives like three hours away and doesnt seem interested in going steady. I can work with that
Max is PolySaturared and we just make out when I'm over for house parties, which isnt as often as I'd like but I'm desperately trying not to have too much of a crush on him (or his wife... or his girlfriend... or his other partner) so it's fine (jesus, maybe I'm not Ace, maybe I am just autistic)
Theres my good ex and my middle school bestie, but they're hella busy and our schedules havent really lined up. Disappointing, but acceptable.
The thing these people have in common is that they are almost entirely unavailable for me to date!! Until literally a month ago I was under the impression that I was just chasing the dopamine of New relationship Energy with ethically renewable sources and I could get my cozy domestic stability from my lovely girlfriends and partner...
And then trumpet guy and I made out at one of Max's house parties.... and Then I went on two dates with The Goblin King after making out with him and the Tree at the same time on NYE. And like??? It's so weird to say that I dont think either of them are stupid hot???? (But only one of the three people I'm dating is Stupid Hot, so there is precedent but?) It feels kinda weird and disingenuous to want to spend more time with these people who I'm not crushing on
And yet im Quickly falling head over clown shoes for trumpet guy. He's cute and fun and he asked me out on a date to dress way fancy and get sushi and go see a musical and???? I had just been telling a classmate that I didnt feel like I had been properly romanced since high school and?????? While I'm an impatient slut, it feels nice to be pursued.
The goblin king is really fucking sweet, and he's got really nice hair, but I'll wait to try talking myself out of liking him until after our next date... (too late, cant unthink that. I'll bring it up in person. He's really cool and I do want to still be his friend, but we both live with parents who would NOT get it so that kinda makes it hard to have solo couple time... or any couple time. It's not like I have to make a choice anytime soon but the dude deserves to know that I'm not sure if there's anything for us beyond friendship and the occasional kiss. Heck, we've only made out the one time and not even just us.)
Anyway, what's tumblr for other than an online diary??
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lucindarobinsonvevo · 9 months
i really want to share this because i think i was so smart to come up with this and i dont think i'll be finishing karma is a bounty hunter anytime soon. here's the twist:
Elle would be speaking on the phone to Tash and Andrew, and she starts complaining about this Ristic dude who's been the one spearheading the campaign against her and Harlow.
Tash would be like hmm interesting. have you considered that it might actually be pronounced Ri-Stich, which is a common Serbian last name.
Elle pauses, then goes I'm such an idiot!! and goes on to explain that Ristic is Lil's maiden name but she's only ever heard it spoken, never seen it written anywhere. Then goes on to say that she's only ever met three serbian people not including Tash. Lil, Serena...And the guard outside Robert's room (Robert attempts to kill himself *actually a murder attempt) who won't let her in to visit him despite her being explicitly named as his POA. Andrew asks how she knows his last name, and Elle explains that she can't see his name tag because he's wearing a coat but that one of the other guards called him by it earlier.
Then, she delivers the big fuck off twist. She can only think of one person who would care about getting revenge on her and Robert...Lil's eldest son Luka Dokich. She's been trying to speak to him for an interview for years but she's been searching for the last name Dokich, it never occurred to her he would have changed it to anything else. Realizing that Robert is probably in danger, Elle, without any allies left (Paul disowned her in part one, Riley is still in Sydney, Nicolette and Leo turn their backs on her in part three when she reveals that she actually could have given David a kidney, however she had made a choice to save it in case Harlow might need it later, Harlow tells her that she'd kill herself to get away from her too after Robert's alleged suicide attempt etc. it's the dark before the dawn basically) runs out of her hospital room, and up to Roberts. Robert is not there, the door is open and there's a small trail of blood from a removed IV...And crushed jacaranda flowers going up the fire escape.
Jacaranda flowers were going to be a repeating image in the story. They appear in the first part only on Elle's computer (she has Beneath the Jacaranda as her wallpaper), but in part two they would show up when she meets with Riley in Sydney and they walk under them in a park. Then in part three they would have shown up again when Elle arrives back at Lassiters and she follows a trail of them to another hotel room where Luka is spying on her and Harlow from, and for a third time when she's pushed down some stairs by him she's got one in her hand. In part four they would have shown up in Elle's extended dream sequence that takes place in the Plane from the Plane crash, where outside the window they're like, raining on them, and again after her long talk with Helen in the second part of the dream sequence she begs to be allowed to see Cameron before she goes, Helen agrees and lets Elle out into the backyard where he's waiting for her under some jacaranda trees. Finally, in part five they show up twice. Once, on the way to the prison with Harlow to see Robert they pass a car that has crashed into a Jacaranda tree before receiving the call he's tried to take his own life (and Harlow is angry that Elle is his POA not her) and again to lead Elle up to the roof top where she begins her confrontation with Luka to determine if Robert is going to live or die.
Part of the reason I havent actually started writing this is that it's too daunting lol, and also I haven't done that much research into Luka's episodes so I'm not sure what his actual fate is/if he has a personality that would lead her. not that it matters I guess neighbours can make a baddie out of anyone. But anyway if you were curious about the ending of Karma is a Bounty Hunter, then. here you go!
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