#but I'm not that interested in typing it out x3
windfighter · 2 years
Still alive
Kouji stepped off the train in Italy. His stomach hurt a little. What if no one was there? He wouldn’t be surprised. How long had it been since he talked to them?
If no one was there he’d just take another train and leave again.
His backpack felt heavy, despite only containing a change of clothes, a towel and his camera, along with painkillers for bad days and a small toolbag for emergency repairs. There wasn’t even any food in it since he’d be in the city. Perhaps that was to be expected after a three years long break. Even a light bag would be heavy at that point. He turned his eyes to the sky. Bright blue with some cirrus clouds.. The sun was warm and he closed his eyes.
Part of him hoped no one would be on the station to meet him.
He missed Frenci. Frenci, who hadn’t left his side for three years, helped him through recovery, helped him as he relearned how to walk, helped him when everything felt hopeless. Kouji’s shoulders fell. As much as he had complained about being dependant on someone else, it felt wrong to be alone again.
Kouji opened his eyes and took another step. His leg protested and pain radiated from his thigh. Maybe he should have taken a more scenic route with places he could stop to stretch his legs. Too late now. He looked around for the source of the voice. Kouichi ran up to him.
Kouichi looked absolutely furious.
”I hate you so much!” Kouichi said and pulled Kouji in for a hug.
Kouji wrapped his arms around Kouichi and buried his face in Kouichi’s shoulder. He had missed his brother so much.
”Three years!” Kouichi pulled away. ”Three years without a word!”
He put his hands to his sides and glared. Kouji looked at the ground. He already missed someone to lean against. Something to take weight off his leg. But he had worked hard for this moment, he wasn’t going to ruin it.
”I thought you were DEAD!” Kouichi continued.
People were staring at them. Kouji scratched the back of his head. His hair had started growing long again and he needed to decide if he was going to cut it or let it grow out. He’d probably let it grow out, short hair reminded him too much of the hospital. Kouji took a shaky breath.
”Je suis navré”, he said.
An apology for all the pain he had caused Kouichi. Kouichi didn’t look impressed and Kouji didn’t know what he did wrong this time. Three years away and he had already forgotten how to talk to people.
”I don’t speak French”, Kouichi said and put a hand against his face.
He shook his head and pulled Kouji in for another hug. Kouji held on until Kouichi pulled away again.
”I’m sorry”, Kouji said and tried to formulate an explanation. ”A lot of stuff happened, so I got kind off… cut off from the world.”
It was the best he could do without explaining the whole thing right at that moment. It wasn’t something he wanted to talk about on the train station with a bunch of strangers in close proximity. Sure, most wouldn’t understand, but there was always a risk that someone would.
”I expect a 30 minute presentation with a power point”, Kouichi said.
Kouji snorted and leaned his head against Kouichi’s shoulder again.
”I’ve missed you”, he mumled.
He was getting emotional. Not great for his reputation.
”I’ve grieved you”, Kouichi whispered back.
Kouji wished there was some way he could take away the pain he had caused.
”I won’t do it again”, was all he could promise.
He’d been so focused on surviving and getting better that he hadn’t even thought about contacting anyone. Frenci hadn’t reminded him, also focused on making sure Kouji got better and not do anything to wreck what little progress he had done. Three whole years it had taken for Kouji to get his independence back. He swallowed and stood up straight again.
”No one else wanted to meet me?” he asked instead.
He could understand if they didn’t. They were probably at least as angry at him as Kouichi. Kouichi shook his head.
”They’re preparing a party at the restaurant. Izumi closed it for the day just for you.”
”Excessive”, Kouji said.
Kouichi poked his side hard and Kouji took a step to the side.
”You were dead for three years. We’re having a party for you and you’ll be grateful.”
Kouji lifted his hands and laughed.
”Yeah, yeah. I’m happy. I’ve missed all of you.”
They started walking. Kouichi tried to ask Kouji about what animals he’d taken pictures off the last years and Kouji did his best to avoid answering. His leg felt a little better after they had walked a bit and he’d gotten used to walking on it again. The pain was still present and he put his hands into his pocket to not grab Kouichi for support.
Kouichi stopped. Kouji took another three steps before he noticed it, but then he turned around. Kouichi tilted his head.
”Why are you squeaking?”
”There’s a squeaking noise coming from you when you walk.”
Kouji frowned. He had completely forgotten about that happening when it was too hot or too cold. He didn’t hear it himself, his brain had learn to ignore it.
”It’s nothing”, he said.
”What do you mean nothing?” Kouichi crossed his arms over his chest.
”It’s… fine?” Kouji tried instead. ”It happens sometimes.”
”But why?”
Kouji gestured at the sun and started walking again.
”Metal swell when it gets hot”, he said.
Kouichi caught up to him and they kept walking. There was no more questions about the squeaky sound. Kouji tried to ask Kouichi about his work, but he was absolutely not interested in the answers and Kouichi knew as much.
When they’d been walking for an hour Kouji’s leg started hurting again. He let out a groan. They should have just taken a cab. Kouichi looked at him.
”You okay?”
”Yeah”, Kouji pulled a hand across his face. ”How long until we’re there?”
”You already tired?” Kouichi asked and his mouth twitched.
Kouji assumed it was hilarious from an outside perspective, he had always been fit and able to walk for hours. He rolled his eyes and gave Kouichi a shove.
”It’s been a long trip.”
”Yeah, why didn’t you just take a plane?”
”Trains are great”, Kouji answered. ”Much better for the enviroment.”
He also wasn’t sure how flying would work with his leg. He wasn’t interested in finding out yet, although one day he would have to. They started walking again.
”Where were you even before this?”
”Canada, with Frenci.”
”Were you filming bears again?”
Kouji didn’t answer. His leg locked up and he took a stumbling step. He cursed in Hausa and looked around. Nowhere to sit nearby. He held a hand towards Kouichi.
”Can I borrow your arm?”
”Why? What’s wrong?” Kouichi asked but held an arm for Kouji to grab.
”Nothing”, Kouji said and grabbed the arm. ”Knee’s locked up, it’s fine.”
”That’s not fine”, Kouichi got his worried look and Kouji rolled his eyes. ”Let me take a look at it.”
”You can’t do anything.”
Kouji limped onwards and Kouichi had to start walking as well.
”I’m a doctor, if there’s something wrong I’m the best person of us to do something.”
”I just need a bench, then I can fix it.”
”A bench?”
Three years and he still couldn’t walk for more than an hour. He held on harder to Kouichi’s arm.
”A bench”, Kouji confirmed. ”Don’t think too hard about it.”
”Are you a robot or something?”
Kouji snorted, stumbled and groaned in pain. Kouichi wrapped his arm around Kouji’s waist instead.
”Here, lean against me.”
Kouji did and let out a relieved sigh. They really should have just taken a cab.
”So how far is it to the restaurant?” he asked.
”Only about 15 minutes”, Kouichi answered and looked around for a bench. ”But I’d like to take a look at your knee before I force you to walk all the way there.”
”It’s just the heat”, Kouji muttered.
He noticed a bench another 20 meters ahead and gestured at it. Kouichi helped him over to it and he sat down. His knee didn’t bend and Kouichi’s worried face grew more worried.
”When you said it locked up you weren’t kidding.”
Kouichi reached for Kouji’s pant leg and Kouji shooed his hands away before grabbing his backpack and pulling out the toolbag.
”I need to get a new model”, he said as he looked though the bag, ”but there’s something sentimental about your first.”
Kouichi’s worry changed into confusion. Kouji grabbed his leg and twisted it. Tension released from his thigh and he let out a relieved sigh before putting the leg in his lap. Kouichi stared.
”Prosthesis”, Kouji laughed and freed it from the pants. ”I’m a cyborg.”
”What happened?”
Kouichi sat down next to Kouji and grabbed the leg. Kouji leaned back and closed his eyes. He was tired.
”I’ll tell you in the 30 minutes power point presentation later”, he said.
Kouichi tried to move the knee hinge. It squeaked and Kouji grimaced.
”Please don’t destroy it, I need it to walk.”
He grabbed the leg again, loosened a couple of screws and put some oil in the joints. He packed the tools in the backpack again and put the leg on the ground, leaning it against the bench.
”I can ask Junpei to come pick us up”, Kouichi suggested.
”A little late”, Kouji said with a laugh.
”Well, you didn’t tell me you were one leg short.”
Kouji patted Kouichi’s leg.
”I can walk, just give me a couple of minutes.”
”I have so many questions”, Kouichi shook his head. ”...want me to take your bag?”
Kouji put the backpack in Kouichi’s lap and screwed the prosthesis onto his leg again. He sighed and pulled a hand across his face.
”I didn’t want to talk about it among all the people on the station”, he said. ”And I don’t want to have to tell the story five times.”
”Understandable”, Kouichi nodded.
”Technically it’s my second”, Kouji continued and stood up. ”But the first one was so illfitted and terrible to walk on that I don’t want to remember it.”
Kouichi also stood up and Kouji grabbed Kouichi’s arm for support, although it was easier to walk now that the leg had been oiled. They walked for a couple of minutes in silence and then Kouichi suddenly started laughing.
”’I won’t do it again’”, he said.
Had Kouichi lost his sanity completely because of Kouji? Kouji looked at him.
”That’s what you said. ’I won’t do it again’.”
Kouji wasn’t sure where Kouichi was going.
”I’m really hoping you’re not planning on losing your other leg as well”, Kouichi said and laughed so hard he had to stop.
Kouji chuckled. That was one way to take his promise.
”Wasn’t really planning on losing the first”, he said.
”I shouldn’t make fun of it”, Kouichi said but there was still laughter in his voice, ”but you have to admit it’s a bit hilarious.”
”A bit”, Kouji admitted and leaned heavier against Kouichi’s arm. ”Sorry for… you know.”
Kouichi bumped their shoulders together.
”I forgive you. I’m sure you have a good reason for going MIA for three years.”
”I’ll add you as an ICE contact if something like this happens again.”
They started walking again. Kouichi talked about Junpei’s latest performance on the opera and Kouji mentioned his plans about going to Antarctica to see penguins. They could see the restaurant down the street and Kouichi gestured excitedly towards it. Kouji took a shaky breath. He wasn’t ready, didn’t know how to tell them what had happened and didn’t know how angry they’d be. They probably didn’t hate him, since Kouichi said they were preparing a party, but he would probably have to apologize profusely for forgetting to let them know he was alive.
Kouji rubbed his eyes. Tiredness creeped through him as he thought about all the things he would need to explain. Kouichi stopped walking.
”Are you in pain?”
”A little”, Kouji answered. ”Mostly I’m just… anxious about seeing everyone again.”
He shivered. Kouichi pulled free from Kouji’s grip and gave him a hug. Kouji held on to Kouichi.
”It’ll be fine. They’ve missed you and got very excited when you said you were coming.”
Kouji took a deep breath.
”Yeah, okay. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”
He pulled free from the hug and they walked side by side the last few meters. Kouji didn’t grab Kouichi’s arm again.
Kouji’s stomach hurt. It had been so long since he talked to them. What if they didn’t want to talk to him now? He sighed. If they didn’t want him he’d just take a train somewhere else.
Kouichi patted his back and opened the door for him.
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sm-baby · 5 months
Most exciting part of the trailer for the next TADC episode for you?
More so an Analysis rather than things I'm excited about X3
I watched the sneak peek on loop I can process everything! Waahh!! I'm so excited for episode 2 💞 only a few weeks away! 💕
I wanna get this out of the way, I love Lizzie Freeman and Alex Rochon's Improv work on this promo 😭 they were really put in a booth together, were told to say things to promote episode two, and came up with that 😭 Genius.
The environment work is GORGEOUS! I love the look of everything, the world-building, the colors! It looks like a full-fledged movie guys! Absolutely beautiful and WONDEROUS work from the Glitch team-- it's so beautiful for half a year of work??? God damn!!
Haha! As an in-universe creation, Despite his little gags, Caine is genuinely such a good AI to make something so cool!
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You'll also notice that Ragatha is taking charge of talking with the princess! That would make sense for such fellow beautiful well-mannered women!
More on them later at the end! :3
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Dream sequence theory
Also, we all agree that these ones are all part of a dream right? Pomni is panicked, the strange sort of "slow woozy wobbly" animation exactly like a dream... even the dolly zoom!
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Then she is sent to the cellar with a an abstracted arm, but that shouldn't be the case since Caine could easily fix an abstracted arm with a snap of a finger.
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And then she wakes up, freaked out!!
Wahaha! Shout out to the Showtime server for pointing this out while we were discussing!
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This is either and "end of episode prize" from Caine, or he jumps in mid-episode to hand them a helpful item, ooorr he's telling them that that's their objective for the adventure :3
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also!! people have pointed out that Zooble isn't with the carriage with the others! Either this means that Zooble was given a surprise roll in the adventure, or she's off to have a fun solo adventure with Caine! Ohh! How exciting!
Zooble is a favorite character of Goose's, so to learn more about him and why Goose loves them so much would be so exciting!!
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Whats up with Jax?
hunched down, writing in the sand, hugging his knees, this topped with Goose's two-word description of the next episode to be "I"m nothing"... Oh Jax is gonna have a MOMENT...
We all know that no one likes the dude and he's going to get worse. I'm unsure if this will make me like the guy, but I'm optimistic!
I'm open to understanding and seeing another side of him that would make me like him! I already quite like how this scene is framed, how lonely he looks, the acting in these few seconds already tells me what kind of guy he is.
...despite one of the gummis being tied up in the corner
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If i had to hypothesize, this probably stemmed with Jax acting out, you know, the usual "being a nuisance" to make everyone miserable,
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Then It escalates
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This gets on Ragatha's nerves, first starting out as a silly "haha cute interaction" between them and it escalates while the episode goes on where Ragatha genuinely gets mad at him and tells him to stay put while they do the work.
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Speaking of Ragatha, She seems to be quite fond of the Princess! There is a part of me that wonders if she wants to sort of-- "prove" herself in a way, as a leader or otherwise. Ragatha does give me the "smart yet nice kid in class that everyone copies off of" energy... TwT This poor woman.
I don't know, just the way The Princess bends down and holds her hand, it's sort of sweetly mentorly or motherly in a way. I'm not saying this to infantilize Ragatha, I respect her so much as a mature 30-year-old adult, I say it as a testament to The Princesses' character. Princesses, Queens, and any sort of royalty have been characterized as the sort of "mother/father of all" sort of character type, which is sweet! And would be quite interesting!
I know that people are quick to do the shipping with these two, but I kind of like the idea of Ragatha wanting approval and validation.
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gotafewtricks · 11 months
omg hi!! i hope youre having a good day so far!! :3c can i ask for hcs of hanzo with a catgirl reader who is his s/o? :0 where she has cat ears, a tail, claws and sharp teeth… and maybe she can purr too? x3 i feel like that’d be very silly… thank you so much!! :D
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★ Curiosity...
Hey !! Awwee... thank you so much! Another silly animal anon, might I add? Anyways, I'm doing well! Hope you are, too <3 oh—and mhm! Pretty silly indeed !! I do appreciate the Hanzo req., since I want to practice up on him :3
Hanzo would've been mesmerized by your mannerisms and antics; how you composed yourself was something that caught the marksman's eye, analyzing your every move—noting to himself mentally on your actions.
If you were to ever tease him on the staring, however, you'd be met with a flustered man—typical. You'd then laugh it off, if you were that type of person, and tell him that it's genuinely fine to be curious—after all, so were you about the world, and not everyone meets up with a lady this cat-like.
With Hanzo being your partner, he has found ultimate comfort in you; being able to come to you for affirmation, not being afraid to ask a question regarding anything between the two of you twos' relationship. Being able to sit down together at the table, talking over some dessert he's made—oh my; it makes him soften his gaze instantly. You adored how you were the only person to make his eyes look over you, tenderly appreciating the love of his life; catgirl or not.
Once the two of you were in the relationship, he slowly began to feel more comfortable with asking questions about yourself—if it wasn't said prior. Gentle musings and mutterings of "what"'s and "how"'s and "why"'s would cause you to laugh. A confused Hanzo would tilt his head, as your tail were to sway back and forth; amused at his fascination.
The first cuddle session between you and him was something unforgettable. Either it was the thumping in your chest, the butterflies in your boyfriend's stomach, or how you accidentally got your claws stuck in his hair—one of those
As he then held you, spooning, he's feel your tail brush up against his body, curling its way across his torso and legs. He'd laugh, tickled, and then kindly ask you to stop—pressing a gentle kiss against your neck. Hanzo would like the attention, I'm sure, but he needs to get his sleep in—especially since you, his love, his girl—the one for him—as safe and secure in his arms. His.
"Mmm... make me." You'd then challenge him, if you were not tired or not in the mood. With a free hand, with reluctance of letting go of your frame fully, he'd then play with the soft tuffs at the end of your tail; absentmindedly batting it back and forth.
"I'm starting to think you're a cat."
"What?" Hanzo would then stop, clearing his throat to then adjust his embrace to be more comfortable against your figure. "No, no."
At first, you thought that he was genuinely annoyed at your habits. Over time, you started to realize that he found them rather endearing.
He'd compare his hand size with yours, noticing the remarkable claws at your fingers. Playing between the digits of each, he'd feel along the skin, and then press along the keratin of the nails; pressing his lips together in thought.
"You're quite something else," Hanzo would then murmur between pursed lips, as he returned your hands towards him. As he then repeated his comment on how he found you to be so interesting, you'd chuckle; lightheartedly agreeing.
"I know." Was what you purred out, causing Hanzo to form a bit of a blush against his cheeks; not expecting such a sound. You'd then lovingly nuzzle against the man, kneading your hands inro the softness of his skin; much to his discomfort of your hands digging into him. However, judging by the content noise you were making, and such an affectionate expression—he just couldn't deny you.
With a "begrudging" sigh, he'd resch up, petting and scratching along the back of your ears. How lucky he was to meet a woman like you.
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youkaiyume · 11 months
There’s a rumor floating around that they’re remastering Gargoyles. Not sure if it’s the series or a game, buuuuuut…..
Thoughts? Thoughts? Thoughts???? X3
They remastered the game
Get it here: https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/gargoyles-remastered-switch/
I think it's really neat! They redid basically all the art. I haven't had a chance tp play it yet but I am here for the Gargoyles renaissance. Comics with continuing stories again, spinoff comics, tons of new figures/toys and now this game.
There is also articles floating around that a live action version is in early development being done by the ppl behind the Annabelle horror series but until anything is confirmed I am not going to put much stock into it. And frankly if this were true, no disrespect but if they had wanted horror producers to do it they should have let Jordan Peele do it when he asked. Frankly over the years I find horror that James Wan have done or the Anabelle series to be a bit too on the nose and a bit tacky for my tastes. But I'm more of a Mike Flanagan type of person myself when it comes to nuanced horror that also punches you emotionally. If we are really just fantasizing though of course the dream would let our Monsterfucking savior Guillermo del Toro take the live action Gargoyles reboot wheel but I digress.
The thing I am still most interested in though is an animated continuation of where the series left off, especially now that we have canon material coming out of the comics.
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randommothxd · 23 days
Thought I should make this
I'm so fucking stubborn to think this will go anywhere
I'm not cool nor interesting for this
Nobody will ever be this or even use the term
I'm delusional for ever even thinking about this and putting in research
Just to name this rainbowgore out of all things
And this could be a thing for all I know
and I'm just a extra and not original
But whatever
that's just me X3
What is rainbowgore ??
In my last post,I was talking about how my art is basically tramuacore decora
So I decided to make this a thing
Tramuacore:a type of aesthetic imagery that delves into the themes of abuse and tramua along with cute visuals to give the whole aesthetic a 'bittersweet tragedy' feel
Source: aesthetics wiki
Basically that but decora
Decora:decora is a playful and child-like style.it has less of a silhouette and is more focused on the use of accessories, motifs, and color schemes
Source: Japanese fashion wiki
With those combined,we get rainbowgore!!
Rainbowgore:an aesthetic with extreme decora-like themes.this includes:rainbows,childish stuff,glitter,anti cringe culture,and many more.but also including dark themes and tramuas used to cope (often s/h and su1c1d3)
Source:me @randommothxd
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(Typically furries being harmed and throwing up colors)
Similar styles:
And probably more that I just don't know of
That's it,bye :D
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ballpitbee · 4 months
Hey there Mr.Ballpitbee!!!!! Just wanna say I love your awesome art. Your creations are so much fun and make my days all the more brighter every time I see an update from you. Great job on your amazing art and I wish you all the best and wonderful success. 😁👍💞✨ P.S. Also quick question, have you seen the new movie "IF" yet???? If so did you see that hilarious detective character Mr.Cosmo???? When I saw him in the theater he instantly reminded me of Agent JW. Anyway, this movie was so good and so much fun in my opinion. It definitely gets a solid 10/10 from me. It might not everybody's cup of tea which is fine but I loved it. Highly recommend watching it, it's such a great "feel good" type of movie with a very positive message. 😁👍💞✨
Hi hi!! You're so kind thank you so much X3 it's messages like this that really make me love to share and post 🫶
Also I have not! I don't think it's out in the UK yet! BUT I fully intend to! I saw Cosmo on a promo poster a while back and it sold me immediately!
Also PERFECT! I'm always up for feel good movies- anything that's silly goofy and doesn't take itself too seriously is always something I'm interested in! 💛🖤 Thank you for the recommendation. I GOTTA see it now
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randomthefox · 10 days
Ghost Game episode 39!
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starting off strong with the body horror, jeezus lol
Funny that they're tackling the idea of digimon evolving into a higher stage that they don't want to turn into, because of both prejudice and an alteration of their basic nature! That is something that's kinda interesting about the idea of monster evolution in these mon shows. The fact that it's irreversible, and not always entirely in the mons control.
Digimon usually doesn't have to deal with that because as digimon, their nature is already inherently malleable in the same way digital programs or files are. But that is also what makes it such an interesting topic to cover for that very reason. After all, some Digimon are classified as VIRUS types for a reason
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Angoramon's prejudice isn't entirely unreasonable given the nature of his contagious composition is out of his control.
Still, there is definitely a middle ground between "YOU ARE BAD AND SHOULD BE DONE AWAY WITH JUST BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU ARE!" and bringing an infectious virus type monster along on a school trip with absolutely no precautions taken whatsoever x3
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BAHAHAHA I was JUST making a joke like "yeah so anyway I brought you some curry do you want me to leave it on the headdress or...?" while the body horror scene was happening, and then Hiro actually DID put it on the counter like that before running over xD bro, a The Thing body horror transformation is an entirely appropriate moment to drop the plate, my dude.
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Any of you kids like TF?
kids're probably gonna develop a fetish for TF from watching this show lol
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Bro fuck off, you've already given two people the chomp. At this point you need to be using your brief moments of lucidity to do the responsible thing and kill yourself.
Fucking zombie horror ass cliches.
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Well shit that didn't take long
Honestly, I'm actually gonna put the blame for this getting out of control so quickly on Hiro and Kiyo. They should have triggered the psudo digital world state IMMEDIATELY upon Gyukimon going missing. Kiyo even considered doing it, but put it off to prioritize the school responsibilities. That's stupid. Everyone is going through this painful infection disaster because of that decision.
Usually this show is a lot better about making sure the horror story conventions don't feel contrived. Like episode 29 didn't have this problem. Them putting off the digital world shift for so long made sense in that episode. The fact they didn't shift to the digital world RIGHT AWAY in this episode for no reason is just stupid writing.
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Sure. But it's also Kiyo's fault too. He has a vita bracelet. He could have shifted you and the missing Gyukimon into the digital world right away to make sure the humans all stayed safe. There's blame to go around lol.
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Oh cool, that's actually gonna be a plot point!
I do like how this show has been routinely confronting the fact that the Partner digimon going BACK to their previous evolutions is unusual. Some folks who use a childhood of watching the Adventure anime as their primary frame of reference tend to not understand that.
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I actually think it's super cool that they're exploiting the unique interaction that the digivice provides to manage to do a dedigivolve for another digimon besides their partner for a change!
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yeah there is a zero percent chance of that lol x3
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And here's where the subtitles deciding to translate "saikyo" as "champions" really falls the fuck apart x3 You can HEAR the voice actors saying the words with their mouth "saikyo ah saikyo daso!" "mhm, saikyo da!" They're literally just saying the same word over and over and over lol. "Saikyo is saikyo." "The greatest is the greatest!"
The wordplay is being completely thrown in the trash. I do NOT like that they committed to this "chocolate = champion" decision for Gammamon's subtitles.
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phlurrii · 8 months
I had this huge timeline ask typed out and Tumblr just nuked it because I'm on mobile. So here's attempt number two I guess 😭 I love me a good timeline mystery so don't mind me going nuts over here.
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So I placed Qari's birth and tumble into time closer to the Mass Extinction Event because Qari was born 11 million years ago. You also said the Neck Axe Incident was a bit before the Mass Extinction Event as well. I placed Arceus birthing a new Palkia right after OG Palkia died because I can't see Arceus waiting too long to create a new replacement. They seem all too ready to make 'back-up plans' the moment something goes wrong after all. I do wonder if Qari slipping into time has anything to do with Palkia seeing how 1) their power is time based and 2) there's gotta be a reason Noe went after Palkia to the point where they actually killed them. They're over here holding back Giratina and Dialga just so they won't get in the way of them smiting this dude. There's no way they weren't involved.
(At least I hope they were. It'd be real fucked up if he smited the god of time and it wasn't even the right person💀)
As for the numbered stuff, that's the stuff I really want to babble and theorize about because they deal with Noe.
It's been pointed out several times that Noe's neck has a kink in it in the same place Meau was hit with the axe. I theorize this moment is when Noe went from just being a shadow to being something physical due to whatever happens when/after the axe comes down. I say this because Meau has only seen Noe's shiny form for a short amount of time before it seems to have faded and dulled yet Meau has talked to and seen Noe before this point. We saw her talking to them in the shadow form when she was younger, and 89 million years give or take is definitely not a 'short amount of time'. So far we have only seen this shiny form during the Smiting of Palkia which is after the Neck Axe Incident so I feel a bit confident in my placement of events.
I do wonder though when Noe got the ghost typing. It would make sense if it happened with the axe incident because there's no way someone didn't die there, but could it have been placed on them after the Palkia incident? Could that be why they faded? I'm terrified Tumblr is gonna smite my ask again so I'm ending it here 💀
OOO… o o o o o o there are things in here I’m not legally allowed to answer yeeeeeet…. But OOOO.
It’s very interesting you point out that shadow thing… very interesting, haven’t seen a lot of folks discuss that one X3
As for Qari’s birth placement, while that may or may not be the covered up text, it certainly does happen within that area. However, the time falling it a bit further out, Qari is under 3-4 months when lil goober falls through the time stream ;3
As for the ghost typing… that is a MIX of things happening. However, I’d say focus on the why of ghost typing, sure death is an easy way out to explain it… but what else could it have been made for?
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archiveikemen · 2 years
Ikemen Villains 4GAMER Article + CGs
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading and playing their games.
All images ©4GAMER and CYBIRD
read this before interacting with my posts
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To avoid being slapped with a copyright lawsuit, I won't t/n the entire news article. I'll just briefly summarise it.
Ikemen Villains is a project to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Ikemen Series. The game's concept is "darkest and most addictive romance story".
For a quick glance at the game's storyline, you can read the story synopsis here.
4GAMER has released interviews with the voice actors of some characters, so be sure to check them out. You can find them on Ikemen Villain's official twitter page because they've retweeted the articles. They also interviewed the game developer (aka our CYBIRD).
Game System
I'm sure everyone's curious what the game will be like, and so it was revealed in this 4GAMER article.
Like the other Ikemen Series games, you will be able to read one story chapter for free each day.
The love interest's reaction will be different, depending the choices you make. The type of story ending you will receive may also be affected.
There will be the avatar system where you can dress your avatar and his avatar up nicely. You can also obtain cards of your favourite love interest and listen to his lovely voice 😻
Ikemen Villains will have the commu system, just like Ikemen Prince! You can increase your commu level by reading his main story, or setting him as your "escort" (i'm guessing this is the same as IkePri's salon system). You will receive special avatar items and fully voiced stories as your commu level gets higher. Each love interest as 13 commu stories and there are 9 love interests, so that's 117 commu stories in total.
Pre-registration campaign
There will be lots of attractive rewards for each pre-registration milestone reached. Check out the infographic below for more details.
10,000 pre-registrations: gacha tickets x3, cocktail set (increases stamina by 100) x1, classic braided chignon hair x1 (avatar item).
30,000 pre-registrations: gacha tickets x3, diamonds x200, black victorian style dress with rose design (avatar item).
50,000 pre-registrations: gacha tickets x4, diamonds x300, cocktail sets x2.
66,666 pre-registrations: 4☆ and above rarity guaranteed gacha ticket x1, diamonds x1000.
Pre-register for Ikemen Villains NOW! You can pre-register by adding IkeVil as a friend on LINE, following their twitter account, via IFC, and/or by email address.
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asmoteeth · 1 year
You know what? How is your new hyperfix? I hope you’re having a bunch of fun with Spec Ops! I might not get it but it’s nice to know your doing great.
Btw I’ve been there.
Who’s your favorite character so far?
Omg that's so kind Sphny 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
I'm having soso much fun with Spec Ops: The Line! Tho tbh the fandom might as well be me, myself and I, I haven't seen any people my age interested in it (except a very nice fic writer that wrote the only non-crossover fic in the tag).
But the story is so cautivating and the characters are so well developed but at the same type have perfect blank spaces to fill right in with your own perception of them!! (Hcs,,, basically)
As for my fave character,,, The main three protagonist are my favs but the one I like the most out of all of them is probably Lugo x3!!
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He's a Staff Sergeant and is really funny at the first half of the game! Some highlights include saying "I love this song!" When they're being chased by a helicopter blasting at them and this convo
"Well, for further reference I prefer my beaches with a 3:1 sexy ladies to dead bodies ratio"
"Lugo, do you ever hear the shit that comes out of your mouth?"
"No sir, I find that it messes with my rhythm (´ . .̫ . `)"
He's so cool,,,, he also can speak 6 lenguages and comes with a funny hat *waves him around like a barbie doll*
I recently completed the game with all his achievements as well :3c thank you for asking me about Spec Ops!! <3
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mcltiples · 3 months
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[[ I guess this was kind of mandatory, since they are engaged and all -sigh- The half symbols are stuff he usually isn't / doesn't think he is, but he'd totally be for Alastor if that's what his beloved wants x3 ...also sorry but this guy? He can't cook to save his life. But maybe he could learn if he had the right teacher x3 ]]
Are you Alastor's type? || accepting
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This caught Alastor's interest. He wasn't expecting Vox to play into these silly games for him. Though, he appreciated it. Given that they were soon-to-be wed, it was nice to see that they had a lot in common. Specifically, everything that the Radio Demon was looking for in a potential partner.
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"Can't say that I'm surprised, my beloved," His grip tightened around his cane, holding it behind his back, along with his arms folded behind him. "What really catches my eye is that you're willing to give up control, does that apply outside of the bedroom as well?"
It's a joke. He doesn't actually mean it. Besides, he had made a promise. That he would be the one to submit during their relations. And he didn't see any change to that. Unless Vox had other ideas.
"You know, all of this fighting we have been doing lately is getting in the way of our wedding preparations. I'd like to proceed with that. Maybe we can go out to eat tonight and discuss our plans?"
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Regarding the tags of my last post
I always see people say things like "teehee new hyperfix dropped x3" and stuff like that, which is great! But I never really see people talk about the negative effects having a hyperfixation can cause. I'm sure people DO talk about it, ofc, I just haven't seen it myself.
For me personally, I absolutely hate hyperfixating on things. It's so fucking hard to deal with sometimes.
It's so difficult to maintain any type of conversation without relating it to my current hyperfixation. Some days are easier than others, but the past few days have been INCREDIBLY hard for me. Whenever it starts getting hard to maintain conversations, I start to isolate myself away from others and either talk at a minimum or not at all because I'm afraid of coming across as annoying(this is harder for me to deal with because of what an ex put me through). I accidentally overtake conversations by relating them to my hyperfixation and I don't want to do that at all.
I get so excited and happy when talking about it, but I draw myself back because I don't want to be overbearing. I also draw myself back when people aren't matching my excitement because I feel like I'm just bothering them with things they don't really care about.
Sometimes my hyperfixations get so bad that I start to neglect myself and the space around me just so I can focus on it.
I always buy... Way too much stuff. Related to my hyperfixations. I will spend absolutely ridiculous amounts of money on things.
It's hard to do anything that isn't related to my hyperfixation, like work, sleep, self care, important tasks I know I HAVE to do.
I genuinely was crying earlier because I felt THAT annoying for talking about it. I want to hang out and talk to my friends I've had for years SO badly, but I don't want to take away from what they're doing by bringing up my hyperfixation and making the topic about that, so I just don't talk to them.
I'll go back and delete messages I've sent just because if it goes unanswered long enough I'll start to feel like I'm holding other people up from talking about their interests
Maybe none of this makes sense and it's just a me problem. I don't know.
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noxxha · 2 years
How do you envision the Uchiha clan culture to be? Collectivistic? More individualistic than the Senju's? Harmonic? Militaristic? Merciful? Ruthless? Generous? Selfish? I'm so curious!!!
Hello anon! Thank you so much for your question - and what an interesting question indeed! I have had thoughts of pinning down how I perceive the Uchiha clan - so your question feels like the “answer” that yes, its time to finally do so. x3
But I wish not to keep you in suspense for too long, and I hope this answer will satisfy your curiosity:
*Note* the following headcanon(s) is not an accurate portrayal of Japanese culture. It is inspired from some historical and cultural aspects of it, but I have taken liberties in my portrayal of a culture to a fictional clan.
And yes I did not respect canon 100%…
This is also the type of headcanon that might undergo changes in time, but this is how I would answer your question atm, anon.
I see the Uchiha clan as more individualistic than collectivistic. They value harmony and peace, but not to the same collectivistic degree as the Senju. Their mentality was first and foremost focused on their loved ones - then the clan as a whole. But even then there existed those that saw the collective before the individual.
From the eyes of outsiders the Uchiha appear quite selfish and ruthless, but each and every Uchiha has a strong sense of kinship with one another despite their loved ones being their priority. Trust flows freely between one Uchiha member to the next.
Everyone also has the back of one another in times of need, but it is no secret that they do value a sense of independence before a sort of “hive mind”.
In a sense “survival of the fittest” can be used to describe the clan - but it is a very simplified way of viewing the clan.
The Uchiha clan of old - long before Konoha was even founded, and the Warring States Era had even begun - was actually a very peaceful clan that shunned conflict and preferred a peaceful living; until the daimyō began to grow both restless and dissatisfied with the land and power they already had. Conflicts broke out and spread quickly. Before they were called “shinobi” all the different clans that would emerge during the Warring States Era were called samurai. It was only around four centuries before the Warring States Era happened, that the different clans began calling themselves “shinobi” and began the form of “hire for coins” that would define the entire Warring States period.
During the Warring States Era the entire world was in upheaval because of the earlier power structure completely breaking down.
The Uchiha clan quickly made a name for itself, and it took not long until the daimyō had formed a cycle of hatred between the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan
The Uchiha clan is unified by one single leader, who then guides the entire clan to follow a shared conviction. The Uchiha clan chooses their leader on the basis of strength (physical and emotional) and there is a high degree of trust in their leader’s decision(s). 

Leadership is generally given to males, but there have been three cases of women leading the clan as its leader. 

The process of leadership itself is a dance of ruthlessness (in the eyes of outsiders) and democracy (unity).

While anyone in the clan has the potential to become its leader, throughout the history of the clan many of its leaders has had a military background – whether high-ranking or not. Aristocratic and peasants is a distinction that doesn’t exist in the clan, unlike in the Hagoromo clan (which is said to be direct descendants of the Sage Hagoromo himself).
Uchiha Tajima was a renowned warrior, but a “mere” lieutenant, by the time his successor – with no living child of his own, and dying on the field of battle – asked him to lead the clan. 

A leader undergoes a strict “appointment ritual” before they are officially made leader. This ritual includes a process of voting (to see if they are in favour of the rest of the clan), to battle the other potential candidate(s) (which is often the son or someone close to the second-in-command) into submission, battle strategy/war meeting and philosophical questions to discern values and whether they align with the wishes of the clan.
The leader appoints a second-in-command, and it is not unusual – as a sign of respect – to give that specific role to the very person they fought for leadership. The prior second-in-command steps down if that is the case.

Co-leadership (or “symbiotic leadership” as it also is called) was very common, and yet it is not the same as being appointed the role of second-in-command, not entirely. If the leader of the clan appoints someone as co-leader, they have the role of acting as second-in-command, as well as a “pseudo-leader”. This type of leadership was common during the peaks of the war, as it kept leadership intact should one of the leaders fall in battle. It was most common to appoint a fellow male as co-leader (often a relative to which there was a strong bond), but Uchiha Tajima was one of few that made his wife his co-leader. 
The most famous example of co-leadership throughout the entire history of the Uchiha clan, was the co-leadership between Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna. It was so effective at keeping the clan unified, yet it also polarized the clan – something that was painfully seen the moment Izuna succumbed to his wound – that the entire clan was split, and many even defected to the Senju of all clans. Even years later the death of Uchiha Izuna would forever haunt the clan, and it was only during the founding of Konoha that co-leadership was abolished once and for all. 

While leadership generally falls onto the son of the current leader, that is not entirely a given. There have been exceptions in the past (as was the case for Tajima) as well as not all leaders having had a son. Leadership comes down to their readiness to rule and care for the clan in the end, but the oldest son of the leader (Madara in Tajima’s case) and the son of the second-in-command, tend to be those that are trained into the role of leader. 
While the “me versus you” system puts tremendous pressure onto each of the children, they know that it must exist as a precaution should one of them be deemed unfit to care for the clan.

The wife of the leader (matriarch) has a very high position socially. She cares for the clan the same way the leader does - but on a different front. Tajima cared for anything related to the battlefield, and used the funds for the sake of battle, while Kiyo - his wife - cared for the clan’s internal order. She used the remaining funds for medication, food (that they could not get themselves) and other necessities to keep the clan afloat.
Despite the leadership being a ruthless affair, the climate in general is one of harmony and a peaceful co-existence – if a highly competitive one as well. As much as the clan cares for one another outside of battle, during the midst of combat everyone is expected to fend for themselves. 
Weakness is frowned upon in other words. As well as being “sloppy” and “careless” with training. 

Training itself is harsh. It is here that the more individualistic mindset of the clan reveals itself at its strongest; kill or be killed is drilled into every child. 
Children have to be strong so to fend for themselves, if they don’t, they will only bring everyone else down with them. Families do try to keep an eye on inexperienced members, but there is only so much focus they can expand without dying themselves. 
Weakness also guarantees death.
Parents teach their children early the life of shinobi (it is to them the morally right choice, not necessarily the choice of the highest love) and children as young as three years old begin their shinobi training (said training becomes much more ‘real’ around the ages of 4 – 7). Generally children follow their fathers into battle around 5 – 8 years of age depending on the circumstances.
Children are barely allowed to be children at all. Everything they know is the lifestyle of a shinobi, even something innocent like playing “tag” is training. Even skipping rocks across a river is treated as training.
Despite the above the clan is in general a generous one, sharing with the less fortunate ones and helping one another, but everyone does first and foremost care for themselves and living by the premise of “I can only help others if I myself am taken care of”.
This is easily seen as being a “survival of the fittest” scenario - and on some level that is correct - in the eyes of outsiders, but the clan knows from experience that they cannot help their kin if they, themselves, are dead. It would also be a waste if their help was met with death, especially if resources are scare.
That is the most genuinely cruel the Uchiha clan will be to one another.
Social hierarchy (family + clan)
The social hierarchy in a family is well defined and each member addresses their fellow family members with respect (as well as affection through their tone, or the occasional use of nicknames that have a very deep, profound meaning). “Anata” is common to hear from married couples (the names of husband and wife only pass their lips when there is obvious disagreement with a choice).
Izuna, for example always called Madara “nii-san” (and was called such in return by their three younger brothers), and addressed Tajima as “tō-sama” and his mother “kā-sama”. His deepest sign of love for his family was calling Madara by his childhood nickname, “Mada-nii”, his father “tō-san”and mother “kā-san”. But no matter if more formal or not, there was always a particularly strong bond between them.
The oldest children help care for their younger siblings, and they are also taught various skills from their mothers (cooking, sewing, treatment of illnesses) to be there for the family should the parents be away at the time (war meetings as in Tajima’s case, or traveling for supplies or other reasons) - but the entire clan is there to help their fellow Uchiha.
Tajima has never laid a hand against his sons, and never would dare to do so. He shows his disapproval through voice and eye-contact (never with the Sharingan active though). And that is in general how parents discipline their children. Physical violence to discipline children is met with contempt, which is partly a reason the Uchiha loathe the Senju and their willingness to resort to physical violence against a child.
When amongst their kin the Uchiha clan are respectful and mindful of the social hierarchy in place. Younger children are chided should they make mistakes, but its only when they are a tad older - and step out of line - that the tone of guidance becomes a sharp glance in disapproval.
While families primarily focus on their loved ones, the Uchiha clan of old was not below caring for other children, or the elderly and sick, as a group. Compassion and kindness is very important for the clan, but their strongest drive to care for one another was out of love for one another.
Affection and gestures
In private families are very affectionate towards one another (some more than others, of course) but physical touch is not frowned upon. Children generally sleep in the same room as their parents (more common during winter than summer) both for their comfort and their safety.
While perhaps more a social gesture, to take a bath together is still a very intimate experience as well. It is a sign of affection to wash the hair of a fellow Uchiha (a gesture reserved mostly for family - but between potential lovers it is a first sign of trust and that there is fondness there that goes deeper).
Hugs are more common among children than adults, through. But its not unheard of for adults to embrace each other - it is simply very intimate to do so.
The most intimate gesture of affection between a couple is to look into each other’s eyes, and watch their emotions reveal themselves.
Kissing someone is generally a very sacred gesture, and is done in private with their life partner. It is also a very intimate gesture as Uchiha - who rely heavily on eye-contact for communication - close their eyes while sharing a kiss. To brush a kiss against the eyelids of their partner is considered the most intimate of kisses - as with it follows the unspoken promise to look for one another in the next life.
The gesture above would be interpreted as romantic in the following generations, but during the Warring States Era this particular kiss/oath is platonic in nature. It was actually more common for siblings, rather than lovers, to exchange it. The bond between lovers had to be exceedingly deep to make such a promise as to reincarnate and look for one another again.
Gesture-wise the above has the same meaning as saying “Ai Shiteru” to their lover. Uchiha generally prefer gestures of affection over words, but if a couple speak “Ai Shiteru” to one another their love for one another is profound, absolute and genuine.
Children are generally born in the winter months (December - February/early March) as it was the winter time that (while harsh in its own right) allowed the clans a brief respite from the wars that raged at the time (most of the time). This weakened state was as much a disadvantage as it was an advantage for the few clans ruthless enough to strike outside of a contract.
Most families had many children. To have 5 to 7 seven children was not uncommon. Not many reached adulthood, though. Most barely made it into their teens when the wars were at their peak.
Children, sons rather, were acknowledged as adults by the time they mastered the “Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu” (daughters were taught the jutsu by the time Konohagakure was founded and equality could be established)
It was not unusual to know the jutsu by the age of nine to thirteen. Cases than the usual development frame are not unheard of, such as Madara - gifted beyond compare - who learnt the jutsu by the time he was seven. Izuna was close to seven himself (the age gap between them was 14 months) when he followed in his brother’s footsteps.
But those cases were exceedingly rare as most simply could not handle the destructive nature of the fire element until they were a touch older than the above mentioned prodigies.
Wedlock and parenthood
Wedlock was done out of love and compatibly. It was also not as common as it was in other clans at the time - the only exception to the rule was the leader of the clan: they were required to enter wedlock out of legal reasons. It was both for the sake of their wife - securing her status to the rest of the clan - as well as having a potential “crisis mediator”. While it was very rare that the clan’s structure would collapse, there was once a particular siege that nearly eradicated the Uchiha clan. During that particular battle they were wounded severely in every way imaginable. Only the wife of their leader remained from the Uchiha in high-ranking positions - and that particular woman single-handedly brought order and structure back to the Uchiha clan, that was on the verge of internal collapse from having lost their entire leadership in the bloodiest war in that particular period. It was thereafter that marriage was required of their leader, and the matriarch gained the single most important role in a time of absolute chaos, a role that throughout history became more or less obsolete - but it would remain up until the founding of Konoha just in case. When the matriarch had made her choice for a fitting candidate she would often step down from her position and work as an advisor for the next wife of the leader.
Like wolves, couples (whether married or not) lived together their entire lives (or until death parted them). Most found someone new, but those in the position of leadership generally refused to love anyone else. Wearing black was the sign of their grief, and that was something they wore until their death.
The Uchiha clan made a very important distinction between love/emotional partnerships and sexual partnerships. While most loved (and were emotionally faithful) to only their lover, it was not uncommon for men (and women) to seek out sexual pleasure with someone else. The act of love-making, however - the creation of a child - was a sacred experience that was shared only between lovers.
While the Uchiha strongly preferred unions in the clan, it was not unheard of for Uchiha men and women to form unions with one of their allied clans at the time (Like the Hagoromo clan). While still out of love, most of these unions were the very few cases of political marriages existing in the Uchiha clan.
Marriages were kept purely in the Uchiha clan after the Hagoromo clan were eradicated.
It was not unusual to become parents young (15 - 25). To become parents around 15 was common when wars were many, but not as common in more peaceful times. Wedlock was usually entered around the same time or even later than that. As only the leader was required to marry, most others saw no true need for such (it was more a symbolic gesture in those cases).
Women and their role
Women were treated with respect and even reverence - despite not fighting in the wars with their loved ones. As much as the notion appears sexist, the reason was because women secured their survival at the time (through children, yes). Exceptions existed, such as women who were infertile, but pretty much all women were taught the art of hunting and gathering rather than combat for the battlefield. During the winter months, especially, women secured the survival of the clan through hunting of fish (and some meat), gathering of herbs and resource management.
Women were exceptional at treating the most various of illnesses - from fever to hyperthermia, to more complex cases of amputation to removal of eyes and even cases of organ transplantations - and from a young age girls were taught to help out during childbirth.
Young daughters were seen as women the day they “bled”.
While most women were not taught the art of combat in the same capacity as men, they were taught to defend themselves should other clans perceive themselves as particularly clever for going after them.
Madara and Izuna were two of the first Uchiha teaching their lovers combat the way they were taught since childhood (a training session that would have appeared abusive in the eyes of outsiders).
Their lovers would end up becoming the clan’s strongest women, as well as a symbol for many young girls who wanted a different life for themselves.
Women were known to nurse their own children and children of others if breastfeeding did not work for a new mother. Older women were especially considerate and kind to young, inexperienced mothers and helped out their fellow woman the very same way men supported each other on the battlefront.
Women were also known to adopt orphaned Uchiha children if they had the capacity to care for them. As was the case for Ryoko - a healer in the clan - who adopted a fair share of orphaned children (girls) to teach them the art of healing (not medical ninjutsu as we know it from the Naruto canon), they were much more primitive with treatment of illnesses, as records of more elaborate healing had vanished through time (yes, that includes the Senju as well, who were quite advanced for their time)
Medical ninjutsu - both in theory and practice - began in this era through.
As absurd as it sounds, barely anyone saw the very fact that chakra - which caused such destruction - could be used for its opposite as well. That is how destructive the Warring States Era was to the generations living through it. They could only see destruction rather than healing.
Religion and particular shinto practices were quite important to the Uchiha clan. Families would pray at particular shrines for good health and the safety of their loved ones.
Reincarnation was a deep seated belief in most Uchiha, as most of their gestures and social practices actually originated from the belief that they were allowed a second chance at life (which did not mean that they were reckless with the life already given, not the Uchiha of Tajima’s era at least).
Their were many deities that the Uchiha believed in, but the most respected deities were Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi, Izanagi and Izanami and Susano’o.
Children were especially fond of hearing the various stories about the above mentioned deities.
Another mythical creature that children enjoyed hearing about was the Tengu and Minamoto no Yoshitsune.
The Sharingan was something the Uchiha clan was proudest of. In battle it was the greatest asset of the clan, but outside of battle the Sharingan was not seen activated, and if so, it was under very specific circumstances.
Most Uchiha actually sparred without the Sharingan to better hone their abilities. Over reliance on the Sharingan was frowned upon, as - while it was their greatest strength on the battlefield - it did not make them invincible. Arrogance was often met with warnings to be careful, at least on the battlefield.
The Sharingan was NEVER manifested while disciplining a child. To do so would be akin to physically hit the child, which is the type of abuse the clan abhors in the Senju clan.
To reveal the Sharingan to a fellow member of the clan was a sign of open contempt for said member. This hostility was often fought out and ended not seldom in death.
If a man revealed their Sharingan when looking into the eyes of their lover, it was the deepest sign of love for his partner. If a women did the same (the handful that actually gained the Sharingan during this time) they exchanged a vow that was even stronger than the vow of marriage.
If the Sharingan was manifested during love-making it was a sign of reverence and respect.
Uchiha clan (Konoha)
The Uchiha clan living in Konoha was not much different from the Uchiha clan of old. The climate did change a touch more than during the Warring States Era, such as becoming even more individualistic than during Madara’s era. The clan remained important, though, and especially when the clan was pushed to the outskirts of Konoha. It was during that time that they returned to the values of their ancestors.
And that concludes my answer.
Thank you, anon for this question, it was a lot of fun answering this. :)
All the best and take care o/
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My ask box IS open... Pls ask me stuff I'm lonely /hj--
I POST RANDOM SHIT IDFK (Also I talk in all caps 85% of the time >:3)
Oh yea I swear/cuss (idk which one is the right word) sometimes btw
If I start typing/talking differently (ex: more/less emoticons, more/less all caps, ect.) it either means I'm just feeling REALLY SILLY (probably a kinshift)!!!!!! or I'm just really eepy/just woke up lmao
I tend to make humor out of my own problems- sooo when I make the occasional vent post (I usually don't tho) and I put 'lmao' and stuff in there, I'm NOT making fun of anything, I'm just brushing off my own problems :3
I apologize. A lot. If I THINK I did something wrong I WILL apologize profusely-
If I say something like "Sorry I'm so stupid XD" or smthng like that, it's not in a pick-me way- Idk how else to explain it?? Idk I make fun of myself all the time tho lol
ANYWAY fun fact: My birthday is May 14th :3
yea I think that's all you need to know! :]
Side note: If we're mutuals, expect a LOT of interaction from me :3 /silly
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jenn-the-butterfly · 5 months
Azil Art & Shipping Permissions
This is partly for myself but also in the event of actually getting questions about this, I'm making a lil note about what I'm comfortable with being shown regarding my Azil boys specifically. (I can't tell you what to make in private, just know if it's against any of these preferences I can't guarantee I'll like it).
YES you can draw my OCs with you/your OCs! I don't really care as long as you know it won't affect canon.
That includes ship art as well, go nuts, I think it's cute <3 I'm playing by "Schroedinger's bachelors" rules where everyone is both single AND in a relationship at the same time; canon material is established with the polycule but for funsies, it's "open"/they're considered pre-cule
YES you can draw angst, mild gore, horror, etc, though I enjoy thematic and symbolic varieties of these more than "just because"; my only concern is please don't show me gore of my OCs for the sake of being gross or rude
YES you can interpret their sexualities, genders, preferences and backstories however you want since it won't all be revealed at once, just be mindful that I have them already planned out and noted so if your idea doesn't become canon DON'T CRY TO ME ABOUT IT. Just have fun; it's not a big deal. I don't plan to be super specific with their identities because of the drama that usually brings, but I do have footnotes and lists of their preferences for myself.
YES you can draw smut, they're all classified as adults with the adult ability to consent (Harkness Test let's gooooo) but see below for individual canon-complicit preferences.
Don't worry about body types! Chubby and muscular OCs are equally valid to them as thin ones and yes, they can all lift you like princes/princex/princesses X3
Yes, I'm that bitch who let's the OCs have say (based on their personas) on what they're comfortable with:
Please treat her with respect, she's very dear to me. Unwarranted violence, "haha i killed her" and weirdly traumatic behaviors toward Jenn in particular may result in a block. Also, generally don't do that shit.
YES you can draw smut, etc; she far more fond of robots than of humans, especially ones that are taller than her and fall into either "protector" or "mentally stimulating" categories. (Also "assholes", dunno why.)
Don't make her unnecessarily weak or helpless because she's not; she's also not a teenager or young adult by default and not a damsel. If it's for a meme or has some plausible reason though, go for it.
Nova is a lot more sensitive to sexual content than the others. He'd rather not know about explicit images of himself with anyone at this time. Same with gore/violence.
Cute, comfy, sweet art is completely welcome!
Ty doesn't care that much as long as his dignity is preserved.
(Do whatever, silly shit happens to him all the time, don't let his grouchy exterior fool you.)
They're brothers. Please.
Absolutely doesn't care about whether the art is gore or smut or anything else as long as it's badass.
His main caveat is "I'm not gay" and doesn't really want to see art of himself with other male-identifying people. Platonic/filial art is fine though, as are masculine/muscular women (he actually loves muscle mommies a lot).
"Kinky shit is great!" He trends dom/top and is very fighty; god help you if you try to make him a sub. Bottom is negotiable (he likes girl-on-top).
Safewords are a must and he'd never violate consent terms.
Food is more interesting than smut to him but he doesn't really care as long as it's noted his model doesn't have genitals so "get creative".
Also very big on boundaries and consent so communication is key; if it's happening, it's because it was explicitly asked for and discussed.
Absolutely more likely to commit homicide than anything else.
But! He still loves physical affection, so kissing, snuggling, etc. Also he bites.
They're brothers, too.
Xeros & Narii:
As a pair, their relationship is poorly defined (possible OTP but it's a massive slow burn). Right now they don't really like each other.
Xeros is extremely flirtatious in his mannerisms and while he prefers female-presenting/feminine others, he occasionally aims at the male demographic on a whim (he primarily presents top energy). Humans are met with a more business-like approach with emotional detachment ("it's only physical") and robots/synthetics with a bit more investment on a personal level.
Narii is all business and seriousness, keeping work for work time and personal for personal time; she is very private, making it hard to tell if she's interested or not and in what way.
At this time, neither of them have permanent genitals. Xeros has a modular feature that isn't public knowledge, but has limit sensory feedback thus his pleasure is limited with it. Narii has no genital option at all.
Ships of XerosxNarii are heavily "I can't stand you"/soft enemies-to-lovers.
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cartoonyfangirl · 1 year
What are your favorite Finding Nemo + Dory headcanons?
Hmmm, this is a good question! As someone that absolutely loves Finding Nemo and it's sequel, let me put down some from my Human AU, since i'm still working on my Canon AU ideas
Nemo would love to draw the types of fish in his art book, since he would be at the aquarium with his class on certain days to learn about them (He would also have them plastered on his bedroom walls sometimes ^^)
Dory loves collecting seashells that wash up on the seashore, and she would keep them in a special chest, alongside her other special keepsakes ^^ (My human design has a special necklace that has a purple shell attached to it)
Marlin would usually have a pair of reading glasses with him to help him read some things with tiny print
Dory and Destiny would always have a special girls day out, and would talk about what they did, while getting things that speak out to them!
Dory gives huge bear hugs! ^^
Bailey would help Destiny out with walking around, as without her glasses, she wouldn't be able to see, but that doesn't stop him from making mistakes of what's on front of him as well X3
This is just a me thing, but Hank would 100% drink black coffee! He has that energy!
Bailey would always try to impress Destiny, and while Destiny tries to pretend to be annoyed by it, she can't help but smile at his attempts ^^
Jenny and Charlie love watching old black and white movies, like the ones you see on TCM!
Dory remembers a bit better when she is with people she knows and loves! Especially when she is with Marlin and Nemo
Nemo would have plushies of the sea creatures he became interested in! Dory would also have some in her room as well!
(And that's what I got, I'm still working on more HC ideas, but for now, here is what I got so far! Thank you so much for asking this ^^)
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