#but I'm still pondering who we'd fall for first
tagidearte-spam-sb · 5 months
My space scrapper dca fic, which originally was reader x sun x moon... is slowly starting to turn into platonic reader & sun/moon, where the romantic part is trying to get these stupid robots to admit their feelings for each other.
I am really just slowly turning this story into "please someone intervene so that these space jesters stop behaving like a divorced couple". And I am loving it.
I mean. I still want us to have a romance with them... but this dynamic is sounding really fun now. A full platonic fic with a ship bonus of sun and moon being the romantic endgame, but reader still being their super important bestie? We'll see.
#dca#daycare attendant#dca au#yes I've been working on and off on this au since January#once university is over for the summer I plan on finally starting posting#anyway would anyone even read this hyper specific thing#i cannot talk about what sun and moon's relationship is and was like because it is a massive plot point#but don't worry they are not written as brothers or anything like that#I don't think I'd ever write such a dynamic for them anyway#they are... the dca but in separate bodies#from the get go you can see they used to be really close#this fic really explores their relationship#but they are that sort of... their relationship goes beyond structure. can't really talk about it otherwise I'll spoil too much#original plan (which I also have written scenes for) was:#reader doesn't fall for them for a long while. sun falls for reader first#but moon becomes fans with reader first#problem? moon has been in love with sun for a long time#his reaction to finding out sun likes reader is spoilery but#let's just say moon always knew he'd never be with sun unless a miracle happened... or would he#reader is icognito as of right now. reader would definitely consider sun as a partner after figuring the crush out#but I'm still pondering who we'd fall for first#but it would all end in a healthy relationship of the three of us#problem? I'm really starting to prefer the platonic yn dca relationship with the romantic sun/moon one ug#I'll figure it out come summer when I fully commit to this project#stars and satellites au#friends* not fans. apologies for the tag typo
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Hello. This whole situation with Elias remind me this song: https://youtu.be/GKXUl7oLEus?si=B5k8sRy5GBFEF39d (if you are interested I wrote more about song here, how it's connected with Elias and how this song tell us finale of his story)
(Recommend to read after you listen that song)
Oblivion - is a song about being forgotten. About something that you had and lost by the time. This song tell us a story about Man, that done so much bad things in his life (like killing and manipulate people) and now he was "...left to waste..." in the prison (that was created by himself btw). Remaining by himself, it is imagined that he has had more than enough time to think, reflect, ponder, and soon - regret. Being the strong independent man he was, a part of him is broken as he comes to the understanding that his pride has quite possibly been diminished, and he is finally not blind enough to see what he had done in the dark past that had been so horribly wrong as expressed in the lines: "The illusion crafted by my arrogance had protected me from the wrong that I couldn't admit." Further, his mind falls into some sort of dimension, a place of a past, an abyss. In the second verse he starts to remember about everything that happened with him and his friends in the past: "We'd built ourselves and and our kingdom in the summer sun, one brick at the time". But then his mind begins to show him what his actions led to: "Now those walls are nothing, but rubble and dust..." (You said: "...he will meet with consequences of his actions...", and that's it. Elias will be left alone, just like that guy; will be wandering how that's all could be, if he wasn't abuse Charlie, if he tried to change something in him, if he, at least tried to say: "Sorry"). And now (it's near to the ending of a song) he is: "Alone in this empty room, all I hear now is ambience of our faded tune...", that tells us that everyone, even his friends left him rot and that he can hear (my interpretation) how he slowly fade away from there's minds. ...fear took the lead, now I'm still falling". In the end, that man fall in to the pit, in the abyss that he created himself (ironically, that this place, this 'abyss' is the prison itself). There, he meets his old self, who, looking at his present self, goes into the darkness, leaving him completely alone, in the darkness of his own mind, alone with himself, alone with his mistakes, alone in the oblivion.
Thanks for reading (if you read that of course and sorry if I've done mistakes, 'cause English not my first language), I really love that abusive theme, that your AU raises and it helps practice with psychology (I know that exists literature about it, but read it, just, just... boring). Hope see more in the future and hope this little later, somehow helped and inspired you. Have a good day/evening/night, and good luck 😉
Oooh! I'll be giving this a listen and I'll let yk about what I think ^^
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xerotiny99 · 6 months
Strangers // Ethel Cain #2
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Strangers (Part One: Knuckle Velvet)
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x Reader
Warning: cannibalism, graphic depiction of cannibalism, violence and death, smut, and heavy on angst.
Note: sequel to knuckle velvet, adaptation of the song "stangers" by Ethel Cain.
Gist: having lost all hope for Yunho's return, you go on about your life to find him back at your doorstep in a couple of weeks; with much more menacing personality than before, he continues to play you along to his tunes. You don't realise how detrimental he was for you, not until you were counting last of your breaths.
Song Rec: Strangers by Ethel Cain
Word Count: 2,568
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Reader's Perspective.
"Don't talk to strangers or you might fall in love."
          My mom would always tell me to stay away from strangers. I kept her words in my head until the day I met Yunho. The moment my sullen gaze was casted on him, everything in my head turned to mush; I saw him in the home supplies aisle of our local supermarket. He stood confused, contemplating what brand of bleach to buy. It seemed ridiculous, for a guy to ponder on the brand of bleach. I used to work at the supermarket, it was my humbling duty to help him out. And surprisingly, we hit it off quite quickly then.
For a mere minute, I believed he was genuinely interested in me, and maybe he was. Who could even resist his presence, or his tantalising words? He was irresistible in every sense, be it his personality or his appearance. I still remember the day we first went out. It was a drive-in theatre; they were showing the old classic, notebook. Though, there wasn't much watching involved when we were both busy sucking each other's faces off. Kind of vague and pathetic, I know. It's the reason why I knew we'd never work out.
My doubts were soon blown out to my reality. He was abusive, irresponsible, and arrogant. A complete three-sixty from the face he had. One might seemingly assume he's one of the angels, a dearie. He's not. He never was. I still carry the marks and bruises on my skin, he left them with much malign he shrouds in his heart. I'm a tattered piece of his rage, evermore stuck and hellbound to the torturous depths of his anger. Yet, I never learn. I never learn to rid myself of him; he isn't a part of me. He doesn't define me. Then why do I run back to him the moment he acts a little different?
After he left that day, I stayed close to the door, hoping for his return. He didn't come. He never did. He was never going to. Though, a couple of days ago, I saw him hanging out by the pier, rolling blunts and smoking them with his friends. It hurt me; I'll admit. But with the way things were left between us, I wasn't hopeful he'd come back to me.
And then the unthinkable happened.
He was standing on my front porch, heart in his hand, apologising. He made this face, almost like a despondent puppy, reeling me in with those tearful eyes. My heart lurched in a minute, believing his apologies, believing him.
"Come with me, sunshine," he said, "come with me, and we'll be forever together." He took a long pause then, "I've changed my ways, I've made myself better. I want to be better for you."
I believed him.
I stared at his hand, extended, outreaching mine.
I laced our hands together.
And together, we left my old house.
A house accommodating my schizophrenic mother and no one else.
He took me to a better place. His place. A house on the prairie. Secluded. It was our own paradise.
A paradise I would soon start to resent.
          I heard your footsteps outside. Outside this basement door, in the mere darkness I was trapped in. Was the darkness just in my head? Because you said this place would be mine to live, mine to roam, mine to stay. Then what am I doing in your basement? Lying in cold, under the ambiguous ceiling of stone, I wonder what you're doing standing outside all alone.
I knew it then, when the door rattled open. I shouldn't be keeping hopes with you again. You're not here to make me feel better about this situation. You're here to do what you do best. Seeming to help me. It's funny how I never considered myself tough. I fell in love with you without weighing my thoughts. I gave myself to you so easily, never putting up a fight when you had your way with me, with your fists and teeth.
"Hey, sunshine," your soft voice calls out, "how are you feeling today?"
You're so handsome walking over to me. A piece of art, as I'd always considered you to be. Sculpted by the Gods, your face so comely and beautiful. It brings butterflies to my belly every time I see your face.
Lifeless, I've surrendered myself to your ways. If I could mumble out a string of words, they'd be all about how pretty you are. You know that, right? You know you're too pretty for me, right Yunho? It was my mistake to fall for a handsome face, rather than for a handsome heart. But you went on to make me believe you were virtuous. Who knew you'd be so sinister.
You crouch down next to me. And me, unfazed by your presence, keep staring at the ceiling. I don't know what I'm thinking about, though it's certain I'm thinking about you. Ruminating mindlessly about your face, and your warmth.
"Come on, won't you sit up for me? I'm here for you." your feigned affection is a deadly concoction of hate and love. Should I even be concerned? Should I believe you like I usually do?
"Be a good girl for me, sunshine," you prompt, cupping my face with your cold hands.
"I haven't been a good girl to you, so far?" I mumble, my eyes darting to your face; you had a frail smile on your lips, murmuring, "you have."
You pull me up, forcing me to sit straighter. "You've been such a good girl for me."
"Am I really no good for you, Yunho?"
You shake your head, as if to push my worries away. "Sunshine, you are. You have been good for me."
"I just want to be yours." I whisper my words, rambling, "can I be yours? I am yours, right?"
"Yes, you are," you state, stroking away the stray strands of my hair from my face. "You're mine. And I'm yours. Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Yeah." I bite my tongue, contemplating speaking.
You have this look in your eye, as if you're satisfied, yet tempted to devour me. You've been doing it for a while now. Devouring me raw.
"Just tell me if I'm turning in your stomach and making you feel sick."
"No, sunshine. You're not." You lean in to kiss me, capturing my lips in haze which burns in my head.
Our touches have always sparked my desire for intimacy, our bodies are so compatible with each other. Is that why you've been cutting off my flesh and eating it? Do I taste any better? Do I make you sick? I don't want to make you sick. I love you too much for that. Our kiss blazes, growing to an intimate extent; we were lost in the carnality, in the darkness of your basement. And then, we made love for the first time.
I vaguely remember what happened afterwards, but you, taking care of me was burnt in my soul. You didn't keep me confined in your basement since then; instead, you put me in a room. It was comfortable, decorative and warm. Just like you. Though, you were delicate with me, my thighs felt sore. Why was it? Was it because you had taken away the flesh from my thighs? I felt so light. Agony was slowly creeping up my stomach, making me sick. I don't want to complain about you cutting off my body, you can have as many pieces of me as you want.
One early morning, you took me to the local supermarket. We were buying some ingredients for the meal tonight. You said you'd cook me a meal, treat me with dinner and make me forget about the pain. I trusted you. I trusted you blindly, anticipating for the night planned out in front of me. You held my hand so tight in yours as we roamed aisle to aisle, picking out the different ingredients needed for the meal. I mellowed down when we came across the dairy aisle; my mom would come here every day, grab two cartons of milk and leave. If I meet her here, I'd run up to her and embrace her in one of the warmest hugs. But she wasn't there. My heart sunk to my gut; if she was there, she'd cry.
We came back home after a long tour of the supermarket. It was almost the time for dinner preparations. The sun was setting on the skyline, painting the horizon with hues of orange and red; somewhere in the purple sky, the moon started to peek out. A world hushed with our whispers, when you lead me up to the house's attic. You said you had a surprise for me. I was eager.
Coming to the attic, my senses were numb. You had decorated that small space with all my favourite things; a shahmina sitting in the centre, fairy lights on the ceiling hanging low in curves, and countless pillows littered the mattress under the shahmina. You led me further inside, by my hand. We drifted to the night breeze crawling in through the open window. And the cold made us find a way to warm ourselves.
You kiss me then, your lips tingling on mine as I straddle your lap; we're going at it, hands roaming each other's bodies, wanting to strip each other bare. I was tugging at your leather jacket, anticipating. In some carnal enthusiasm, I do rid you off your clothes, keeping you warm to me only in your briefs. You were eager too; I could feel it in the way your cock rubbed my belly. Sinking into your lap, you break the kiss to tear my clothes off.
I watch the pieces of my dress lying around me, torn by your brute strength; wearing nothing underneath made you drool, salivate at the way my body was still holding the bruises you left behind. Every scar on my skin is a reminder of your ways with me, when you'd abuse me to your heart's content, make me mewl and whimper your name.
You don't want that now, do you Yunho?
While we're in each other's arms, pushing all our limits to be one together, the moon outside is brightening up the sky. Your grasp on me is tight, your fingers digging into the remaining flesh on my thighs; you want me so badly and I did too. I was grinding myself in your lap, getting any friction I could get from you.
"You're too eager, sunshine." You mumble, kissing my cheek and then trailing your lips under my jaw. "We've got the whole night. I'm not going anywhere. So aren't you."
I should've known what you meant by it then. But I was too engrossed in the way your hands seared my skin, pulling at my chest and tugging at my prodding nipples. Your bare fingers dance along my skin, tracing lines to my belly and then further down to my cunt; when your fingers curl inside me, I feel so cold. It was the good kind of cold. Should even I be feeling good about it? I don't know.
We made love then too. All night. You, fucking my brains out, as if I was the last person on the planet with you. God, it was so euphoric in some strange delight. We stayed in each other's arms till sun broke out from the dense of the night, we were tangled in each other's bodies; tired from all that we had done, forgotten about the dinner completely.
You told me then, "you're happier here, sunshine. You should be."
I believed you.
I believed every single word you said to me.
I believed every lie you fed me.
I believed even when I didn't want to.
I believed even when I saw straight through your lies.
You sat my dying body in front of you, staring straight through my eyes as you put a raw piece of meat in your mouth. That was me, right? You were devouring me, as you would. You're so handsome when I'm all over your mouth. When my blood smears on your lips, it makes me feel we're connected to each other on a spiritual level; we should be right? Because we're lovers.
I tried to be so good for you. I let you have me. I let you have me as you pleased. You're really breathtaking when you have me all over your face, the littlest streaks of crimson, and the sweetest taste of my flesh on your tongue. I am a good girl for you; though, as far as I'm concerned, I don't know who I am or what I am anymore. I wonder if others are missing me, worried about me? Sad for them, the only memory they'd have of me is the polaroid in evidence.
"Am I yours?" I asked with my dying breath, and you nodded your head, "all mine."
"Do I make you sick?"
"You do not."
It was then I knew, I was no longer in the position to keep going. Am I making you feel sick? I don't want you to feel sick. Am I making you feel sick? I don't want to...
Please tell me if I'm making you feel sick. I don't want to make you feel sick, I don't want you to fall sick because of me. 
In the last moments of my life, I thought about my mother; how she must have been waiting for me, sitting by the window of our old house, patiently watching me come home. But I found her in my memories, only to tell her I've made it real far.
To tell her, I never blamed her for raising me the way she did, while she was torn apart. While she had her own woes to take care of. I don't blame her for my heart, or the way I turned out. I knew just how much she was going through to raise me right.
I'll wait for her here.
"Don't think about me too hard, I know you have trouble sleeping." She'd never sleep a wink again at night, knowing what had happened to me.
"Don't worry about seeking me or my eyes. I know you'd miss them."
"Mama, just know that I love you. I really do. And I'll see you when I get here."
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scoutfnch · 9 months
Losing My Best Friend to My Ex-Boyfriend
An act of betrayal leads a writer to ponder what it means to end a friendship
Jessa always refused to use the words "best friend." I long feared her reticence masked a reluctance to fully welcome me into her life. That, in her eyes, I might be somehow unworthy of the love, praise, and hugs that I so eagerly bestowed upon her. She nurtured all of my insecurities, allowing them to fester, then grow.
I realize now, with the benefit of the wisdom that can only come once you've lived as long a twenty-seven years as I have, that this was probably my favorite thing about her.
Adam always refused to use the word "boyfriend." He courted me for months. His method involved me inviting myself over to his apartment, where we'd have weird sex that never quite satisfied me. He was, and remains, the only person I've ever truly loved. 
But I realize now that what initially attracted me to him were the same things that attracted me to her.
So perhaps it should come as no surprise that Adam and Jessa are in love with each other.
Adam finally agreed to be my boyfriend on a sticky hot night in the summer of 2012. I fell off his bicycle and he told me everything about him. Things I didn't know because, as he reminded me, I never asked. He loved books. He was an alcoholic. He owned pants.
Is was the same night that Jessa met Adam for the first time. "He does look like the original man," I recall her saying.
I met Jessa for the first time on the campus of Oberlin College in the fall of 2006. I chased her around Northern Ohio for seven months before a heroin addiction landed her in rehab. She wouldn't return to school. 
She had no Facebook or MySpace even though it was 2006. She didn't understand text messaging either. "Word alerts," she called them. We kept in touch on the phone. She'd call me at all hours of the night. She'd wake me up and I'd pretend that I wasn't asleep. I loved hearing her (possibly fake, likely exaggerated) British accented voice in my ear as I listened with wonder. She'd drone on about whatever guy had fallen in love with her or whatever country she was in that day. [...] She disappeared as quickly as she had from Oberlin, stranding me at her father's house Upstate. She'd end up in rehab again. 
In her absence, I fell apart. My long-dormant Obsessive Compulsive Disorder was back and in a big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big way. I needed Jessa, though what aide she might have been able to provide remains unclear.
Adam was there. He came running. Literally, running shirtless through the streets of Brooklyn to my door in Greenpoint. 
Our relationship began again in earnest. A few months later, I got a phone call in the middle of the night. It was the same person who always called me in the middle of the night.
We broke up, and after a few months, Adam wants to get back together. I said no. I started dating a co-worker. 
Some time between then and when we broke up, Adam and Jessa kissed for the first time, had sex for the first time, told each other for the first time - things I might not even know about. They fell in love.
Maybe they are better for each other than I ever was for either of them. Their addictions are to substances, but mine are to people like them. People whose behavior confirms my darkest fears about myself. People who give me an excuse not to be happy. 
My story is a simple tale of jealousy. Or, of beating jealousy back like in the medieval dragon it is. In this story, I am Viggo Mortensen in "Lord of the Rings," and jealousy is powerless against my sword.
And this begins the way all stories of jealousy do... all great stories of jealousy... which is with my ex-boyfriend and my best friend fucking. And this is not just any best friend. This is the best friend who I would say looks like Brigitte Bardot had a baby with a mermaid. She literally had an open fungal sore on her face and Matthew Perry still asked her out.
So, um, I guess I'm not what you would describe as, like, a chill girl. I'm not like a cool, relaxed lady. Like, you would never meet me and be like, "That Hannah, she really goes with the flow like a funky youth." You would be like, "Has she snorted Adderall in the last 60 minutes?"
So when I found out about my ex-boyfriend and my best friend, um, I was weirdly calm, considering that fact. Frozen, even, you know? I tried to imagine all these horrible things, like him licking her elephant tramp stamp and sucking her tiny tit while she cupped his balls and then he sucked on her lip, which is shaped like a rosebud.
And I tried to get myself really worked up and just imagine all this horrible stuff on a loop, but the fact is that I wasn't angry, I was sad. I was sad about what I thought they knew I was. I thought they were sitting there going like, "Oh, God, Hannah's freaking out. She's gonna kill a cat and she's gonna nail it to our door. She's going to cry so hard that all of Greenpoint fills with tears and it's like fuckin' Waterworld."
And you know what? They weren't wrong. I had to fight really, really hard not to be that girl. And it wasn't easy. I thought about, um, throwing a bike through his window, but, A, he lives on the third floor. I have very poor upper body strength. And, B, he probably would have appreciated it and been like, "Thanks for the bike."
I thought about sending her a text that said, "How does the wind feel caressing your two faces, young lady?" But instead I sat and cried and thought and ate and wrote and masturbated thinking about Chris Farley, which is a thing from my childhood that I haven't fully worked through yet.
But when I heard tonight's theme was jealousy, I knew that I needed an end to my story, a real end, and that end came about 20 minutes before I arrived here when I delivered a very nice and not at all cheap fruit basket to his door, along with a note that said, "Good luck. I mean it sincerely. In perpetuity, Hannah."
'Cause that's the fact, you know? I'm Hannah forever. No matter what I do, no matter whether I, you know, start a new nuclear missile crisis with my emotions or just sit back and chill and give someone a fruit basket. I can only control the mayhem that I create around me.
But the crazy thing is that when I showed up, I heard screaming and I heard my name and I heard madness, and I knew that I was free, at least for tonight. That's all. Thank you.
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impulsesimp · 4 days
my interpretation of traitor!fit coming out
"I don’t know," tubbo speaks. all heads turn in his direction, and the young man mindlessly teeters his chair on its back legs.
"I don’t think he's guilty."
"what? tubbo, you've seen the pictures. you've seen the proof that he's been lying to us this entire time!" pierre exclaims from across the conference table.
"well, yeah, that bit, I believe. I just don't think he's lying about not wanting to ever hurt us."
"what makes you so sure?" cellbit asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
everyone's eyes focus on tubbo again, awaiting his answer. tubbo breathes a sigh, settling his chair back down on all four legs. he lifts his hands in a half shrug,
"he didn't fight the arrest."
the group looked at the boy with confused faces. tubbo rolls his eyes.
"think about it, guys. fit's one tough son of bitch, right? he's said before that he would fight anyone who even insinuated that he was a traitor. you were able to arrest that man resistance free." tubbo looks to their president. forever's brows furrow in deeper thought.
"so you're saying that he agrees that he is a traitor? that's why he let himself be arrested? i'm not understanding." baghera asks.
"yes, yes, exactly that. listen, fit is a man of honor. a man with a code. we can see that from the communication he had with the unknown source. he was loyal to whatever mission he had despite possibly not even remembering who gave him the order in the first place." tubbo stands, pacing the floor as he voices his thoughts.
"maybe we're being too quick to call him a full on deceiver when maybe there's some more information that we're missing. think about it, fit had all this time to befriend the federation and get on their good side to achieve whatever," tubbo gestures his hands in the air. "and yet he chooses to side with the rebellion?"
"well, what if the federation planted him with us to be an inside man. to be a double agent from the very start and make it look like he was with us." bad theorizes earning a few nods from the group.
"no, no, look at the messages again," tubbo strides over to the projector screen.
"'they're still falling for the whole 'vacation' thing.'" maximus reads aloud. "what about that, hm? the original train group was told that we'd be going on vacation here. from the very beginning, he knew it was a setup!"
"yes, but read past that!" tubbo stresses, pointing to the next words. he reads aloud,
"'something called the federation controls this entire island. they've been keeping us here.' you guys, fit did not know about the fed when he got on that train with you guys."
the group bristles with murmurs as they ponder over the information.
"look, all i'm saying is… is fit guilty of lying about not having any knowledge of his preexisting life before the island? more than likely, yeah. do I think he has or even had any malicious intent against us? no, I don't."
tubbo turns to the projected letters again.
"'I've adopted a son… i've grown attached to him… it hurts me to see everyone suffering… regardless of my personal feelings…' guys, if you ask me, these are not the words of a man who would take honor in being a traitor."
"okay, but I’m still not understanding what you are saying about the arrest. he went without resistance; why? now he can't communicate with that other person, and now his secrets are coming out, and he's at risk of punishment. why not run?" phil questions the room.
"because he feels guilty." all heads turn to pac, who is leaning against the wall by the entrance. pac's stance shifts uncomfortably, folding in on himself a tad more. tubbo nods in agreement.
"that. he feels guilty. take all of us out of the equation for a second. a man is sent on a mission by a benefactor that he has lost all contact with the moment he arrives on a desolate island. essentially now abandoned on said island run by a homicidal bear, the man makes allies and is forced to become a father. the man is still devoted to his mission- to his word, sure, but suddenly now there's emotion involved, and he's torn between loyalty to an estranged boss…" tubbo catches pac's eye.
"and family."
the room lapses into silence as they think of the man they once proudly called a friend. the air was thick with grief as they fought the feelings of betrayal and sympathy for the old soldier.
like my other qsmp works I've been posting, please excuse the forbidden character names used. these were written a while ago and I didn't feel like re-writing.
hope you enjoyed :)
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castlebyersafterdark · 4 months
ugh youre such a dream thank you for such detailed answers! its so appreciated and i feel as fresh as coming into the fandom all hopeful in summer 2022, up for discussing!
re this: '[wills'] sexuality is less explored in regard to the most baseline aspects of being gay. Is it infantilizing because he's our cute sweet little victim? Is it because he has yet to actually pursue his love interest in the narrative? I'm still working on pondering this myself!! Because it isn't at all how I viewed his situation or character.'
would LOVE to hear more thoughts on this, because i too have not figured it out. tbh, the whole party growing up was a hard pill to swallow at first cos its bittersweet, but it never made me deny will's character a coming of age arc or sexuality arc. i was like - welp, its happening, whether im sad or not that theyre no longer babies. infantilisation makes sense though - i even had non-fan friends who watch the show assume that will was a few grades below the other boys, and much younger.
perhaps for many, they can't accept his growing up because it's reflective of change in general, of the show coming to an end, changing? this is narrative the show itself explores, though - beautifully, i might add.
but i would love to know what your original thoughts on will's character and this storyline prior to all this spicy policing were! how did you view his growing up? was a sexuality storyline inevitable for you?
One thing I never fully understood is the general unease or being uncomfortable thinking about members of the party "growing up" and now viewing them in a different light, meaning getting involved in genuine teenage experiences like sex etc etc et al. I guess I just do find that frustrating sometimes when my view is: everyone grows up, we're there. Hit with: "but we saw them as kids! We watched them grow up! It's weird!" But WHY? I want people to explain why. Stupid analogy, but I think of how dumb it would be if my bf saw some home movie of me as a little kid and turned to me to say "well, unfortunately I can't fuck you anymore. Turns out, you were at one point - a child!" 😂 it sounds like that to me though!!!
Yeah we can still see our cute little babies s1 but we can also watch s5 and appreciate the journey, the coming of age. That's what's gonna make stranger things such a cool show, watching the actual journey from childhood to after (didnt Linklater film Boyhood over a decade to capture growing up in real time? Cool idea, never saw it). It's like any child star in the Hollywood industry. Miley was on Disney but then she started her adult career and were people initially odd about it having a pretty sexual angle? Yeah. Then everyone had to get over it. I acknowledge and understand the adjustment period, but it's frustrating in fandom for these boys that at large it's such a hang up. And, they're fictional. I know the irl actors portraying them plays into all this but... still.
(Then we got the M'leave-hers out here wanting Mike and El to get married and start having babies in s5 while we can't even talk about byler having a heated makeout or joke about Mike checking out Will's ass without pitchforks thrown our way. Booo)
As for what I thought for the shows trajectory, I did always hope we'd get an exploration of Will's sexuality as time went on. I really thought that was built into his character from the beginning (and it was and I was right) like it's one of the first things we learn about this little boy, with what Lonnie thought of him ☹️. I always wanted to see what they actually did with that and now it'll be a really, really incredible payoff if he does Get the Boy. I wasn't even really thinking too hard about byler back then but I can't even describe how heartbreaking that little moment when he tells Joyce "I'm not gonna fall in love" is in context, just... it always gets to me. S4 was a game changer and seeing what they were doing with Will and Mike? Hooked me. Decided to actually look into the fandom as something I wanted to engage w beyond just TV and the occasional pretty gifset or funny interview clip I came across on my dash or theories on reddit - shock and awe when eventually I saw how the vocal asshole fans acted. Debates and witch hunts over how far just a kissing scene can go? Sad.
Byler is great, byler is cute and palatable until you acknowledge that gay teenagers feel desire and maybe have sex, woah! People were even weird about aged up fic and art and everything! Still stumped to an extent about it. Our canon gay character (two, actually, just yet to be hmmm canonized lol) gets the sanitized treatment while Steve and Eddie and all their fanon post 7000 E rated fics w little complaint. (Finding out that was actually as popular as it is really shocked me?) I'd celebrate that and care about them more if the differences weren't so annoying. Just because of the age thing. Oh, get over it. Wish I'd taken a stand from the beginning and just did what I wanted without feeling awkward and going with the status quo. Lame. But maybe this is better, so much nicer having complete openness and a relative fresh start.
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amazing-spiderling · 1 year
would you rather: be friends with Peter Parker or Foggy?
make me choose: greek or italian food? and what would be your favorite meal of these (including dessert.)
ask me anything: top ships at the moment? three ships in previous fandoms? what is an art idea you've been pondering over but haven't attempted yet?
Peter Parker or Foggy Nelson:
AUugh. This is a tough one?! I think for either, we'd be able to bond over nerdy things, so as far as common ground goes, I think they're both on the same level. BUttttttttttttttttt, I can get pretty annoyed when people make a habit of flaking out on me. I know it's not Peter's fault, and like, I an be sympathetic, but if I was to imagine a scenario where I was friends with both, in the end, Foggy would be the one I'd hang out with more/call first. I bet he'd be keen to try weird new restaurants and good trucks with me.
Greek or Italian food:
Damn you really have to come for me like this??? On the one hand, I have been exploring more Mediterranean cuisine lately (and making things at home). I have been consuming frightening amounts of Labneh and recently learned how to make a pretty passable version of this dip from a restaurant in a town I used to live in, which makes for a great sharable dish. BUTttTTt I think I'd probably still have to go with Italian food. There are some dishes I rely on (risotto, braised shortribs, MEATBALLS) that I love too much. I've got to love my classic love over my hot new crush. XD
Top Ships?
I am a serial monoshipper. Not that I ever say goodbye to a ship- I'm always happy to see it crop up on my timeline, but it's hard for me to split my energy between two or more. So at the moment I have to say my brain is pretty much running on pure, unleaded Mattfoggy, but I do give a big smile to the Aziracrow and Spideypool that comes across my dash these days. And once in a while someone will share some Snake/Otacon and it's just too good and makes me feel feelings all over again.
Three Ships in Previous Fandoms:
I guess to make this a little more different, I dabbled in TF2 fandom for a hot minute- this falls squarely in the "love to see it on my dash" category. I did a little bit of art just for funsies and read a lot of fic, including struggling with auto translate on a never completed one originally written in Russian. I was happy to consume basically any combination of Spy, Scout and Sniper, especially after reading the iconic comic, "Cuanta Vida". I also had a soft spot for Tentaspy, particularly with Sniper. Kinda miss those days. That was a lovely fandom that seemed to be there for good times and good vibes.
Art Idea I haven't attempted yet:
I think I've low-key promised that I will one day write a Mattfoggy doujinshi but I'm going to have to develop about 700% more guts first, lol. I also really really want to do this Murderdock animatic to a JazzEmu short but who has the TIME?
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xiv-wolfram · 1 year
The Far Edge of Fate - Comic Script
Heavensward - Patch 3.56
Wolfram comforts Raubahn after Ilberd's death.
Wolfram Saga Comics (Chronological)
This is the script for a future comic. Posting for those who don’t want to wait to get the story. Numbers indicate frame number.
Narrator - “A conversation between Wolfram and his friend/former partner Raubahn atop Baelsar’s Wall after the events at the end of Heavensward.” Shot from behind. Rau staring out over the wall with a sad expression. Wolf standing behind him. Rau -  "So many died here…that can't be in vain.'
Wolf rests a hand on Rau's back comfortingly and smiles sadly - "It won't be. We will see this through. For all his faults…Rau you know his ideals were right." Thought - 'All that anger… Ilberd is who I could have become… had I not had some sense knocked into me by a handsome gladiator all those years ago.' Dark Thought - ‘He should have knocked harder. You still aren’t even half the man he is.’
Rau ponders - "Aye…maybe so. I've often thought that myself. Years of my pleas for aid for our homeland falling on deaf ears. The syndicate barely acknowledging the refugees at their gate except to use them as a scapegoat for Uldah's problems. …My scream became a yawn. I was just… so tired. So - I failed our people. Ilberd got results. I cannot forgive his methods, but I thank you for trying to spare his life. For good or ill, he’s the reason this is happening at all."
Wolf looks away in shame - "That is true… my younger self could have even been one of these fools that died for his cause… and yet I wanted to kill him. Everything inside me wanted his blood for what he did to you. I was weighing the decision when the others arrived." Dark Thought - ‘Stop confessing your violent thoughts to this man. He’ll just reject you for them again.’
Raubahn smiles at him - “In that case, I thank you for your hesitancy.” Wolf turns to the side, facing Rau and smiles.
They look out over Gyr Abania. Wolf puts a hand on his arm in a comforting gesture.
Wolf nervously says - "Don't feel as if you need to answer if you aren't comfortable but… You used to love him, didn't you?" 
Rau pulls away, shocked - "Aye, as a lad… My affection was not returned. How did you know? Did you have a vision?!" Thought - '…why is he asking about this?! Godsdammit it's embarrassing!'
Wolf looks apologetic - "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. I didn't have a vision. You just…I sensed something confusing a while ago. When I brought him to Ul’dah and you were reunited. Right now you feel so full of grief for an enemy. I wanted to understand why. Please forget I said anything."
Rau looks away, jaw clenched - "He was the first person I had feelings for. Since we were quite young. In my teens, I worked up my courage and finally made the awful mistake of kissing him. He pushed me away, didn't speak to me for a week, and then he asked to train together again. Pretended nothing had happened." Thought - 'And apparently that trend of throwing myself at men continues with Wolf. Although, he at least acknowledged what we'd done and spoke with me right away. I can't help but suspect my affections are returned... alright, not the same.'
Wolf smiles sadly - "I see. And so despite what he did to you, you still remember and mourn the person that he had been?" Thought - 'My life may have been very different had I met Rau that young. Never thought I'd envy a teenage Ilberd…'. Dark Thought - ‘You should. He’d never mourn your death like this. He’d be glad to finally be rid of you.’ Thought - ‘Sounds like it's time for a drink. Although apparently, I can’t do that around him anymore without kissing him...Just be quiet ya void bastard.’
Rau puts his right hand on his left shoulder, looking down at what was taken from him light tears in his eyes and jaw clenched - "Obviously I hate him for doing this to me. For his part in the plot at the banquet, trying to kill me, and especially for what he's done today. He's caused so much death. Yet he was once good. Bit of an arse, but good. I don't know how I should feel about him. How to reconcile who he was with who he became."
Wolf pulls Rau into a big hug, resting his forehead against Rau's chest - "You don't need to." Dark Thought - 'This is so inappropriate - touching him like this. You’ll embarrass yourself again.' Thought - 'I'm simply comforting my friend. That's all this is… my very kissable friend.' Rau looks down, surprised.
Rau smiles and puts his arm around Wolf as tears start to fall down his face - "What do you mean?" Wolf, head turned, smiles - "Just that…people may be many things. And so we can feel differently about each part of them. I know what a big heart you have, Rau. There is room in there for you to mourn who he was and still hate who he became."
Zoomed out shot of them holding each other. Rau sighs - “Thank you, my friend.” Thought - 'Suppose he's right. I should be comfortable with contradictory feelings by now. Like wanting my friend to comfort me as I mourn… but also wishing he would simply shove me up against Baelsar's Wall and make me forget my grief entirely.'
Wolfram Saga Comics (Chronological)
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 5 months
Hart and Hunter - Chapter 16 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Julian Hart
With the more relaxed atmosphere, new questions rise in my mind. 
I still can't wrap my head around the fact I have a great-uncle who looks young enough to be my brother and I haven't even begun to process what he'd told me about my Fae ancestry but the mystery of Lagrange seems mundane by comparison. 
"I've been thinking," I say, drawing even with Halloran as we approach the place where he and I had discovered the cavern.
"Let's say you're right and Rhiannon came through the portal here but you said portals in the 'underworld' are hard to find, while on this side, they don't change. If Lagrange was her target, it seems too coincidental that he'd have a shop right above the one she found." 
"I see your point," he allows.
"And I've been pondering the same thing. Honestly, I don't know, which is why we're here."
"The runes are strange, too," I say.
"What do they mean and who were they for?" 
"That I can answer," Halloran says.
"Your scholarly wolf is correct, more or less. The one in the thrift shop means 'Hart' and 'beware' while the one in Lagrange's means 'ha Lárán' or 'Halloran' if you will and 'so it is done.' Runes are cryptic, even among Fae;but I think the messages were meant for other Shifters other targets and not for us. The first tells them why she's here, vengeance for her lover and perhaps for her son. The second tells them who seeks it."
 "So, a calling card." 
"More or less." 
"Do you think she'd talk to us? To me?" I ask.
"I mean... It's been, what? Almost sixty years since she was banished. Couldn't she be pardoned and allowed home after all this time? If she stops murdering people, I mean." 
Halloran winces.
"I don't think you quite comprehend the scope and severity of her crimes, Julian."
He lowers his voice, perhaps conscious of Dane and Ingrid's presence.
"She slaughtered an entire innocent Wolf-pack and jeopardized a fragile peace. However tragic her own tale, the choices she made were her own and she bears the responsibility. Besides, as you say, it's been nigh on sixty years. Sixty years in the underworld is no picnic. I'd be surprised if she's even sane at this point. So don't put too much stock in the meaning of runes." 
I fall silent again as the seeds of his words sprout new questions in my mind. 
How would Dane's family feel if they knew just whose grandson he'd mated with?
And was it right for me to stand at his side and 'claim' land where my own ancestor had spilled Wolf's blood?
Despite my commitment to support him, he'd told me the ritual required a full moon, so we had another ten days to think it through. 
My thoughts are interrupted as we reach the place where Halloran and I had moved the bricks and all eight of us crowd about the opening, peering in.
"I've only brought spelunking equipment for two," Halloran says.
"Anyone have experience caving?" 
"I do," Ingrid says, raising her hand and then wincing as her nails scrape the vaulted ceiling overhead.
"I went caving with friends last summer." 
"You did?" Dane asks skeptically and Ingrid sticks her tongue out at him.
"Anyone else?" Halloran offers, half hopefully but Ingrid remains the only eager volunteer. 
He sighs.
"Very well. The two of us will explore the lower cavern. The rest of you record as much as you can up here, take pictures and notes, whatever. We want a detailed map of the place, if possible." 
We disperse in groups of three... Chloe, Ian and Sam head back the way we'd come while Grace, Dane and I forge on into the dark. 
Without the added spice of fear, the tunnels quickly lose their air of intrigue and before long, I'm tired and bored with the cold brick passageways. 
It's obvious they align with the streets above, with branches leading to the historic buildings on the block.
Some are dead ends... things have changed since the tunnels were built but some lead to trap doors like the one in Lagrange's shop. 
Oddly, we can't open any of them from this side. 
"So, this grandma thief is running around, right?" Grace posits.
"Breaking into shops and stealing crap, looking for a Shifter. Okay but how does she get down the tunnel and conceal it from the top? Basic rule of true crime... you can't kill yourself and bury yourself, too." 
I laugh but to my surprise, Dane takes the question seriously. 
"That's a good point," he says.
"I wonder..." 
A scream cuts him off and we freeze, listening.
"Was that...?"
"Ingrid," Dane confirms.
"I'd know that ear-piercer anywhere." 
As one, the three of us turn and make our back down the tunnel as quickly as we can. 
At the cavern, we find Halloran helping Ingrid over the lip of the chasm and I breathe a sigh of relief.
Both appear unharmed. 
"What happened?" Dane asks, as Ingrid unclips herself from the ropes. 
Ingrid shakes her head and points toward the circular hole at her back.
"See for yourself." 
I advance, Dane at my side and the two of us shine twin beams down on the black water a dozen meters below. 
A pale shape catches the light, and I bite back a gasp.
"Holy shit," Grace breathes over my shoulder, giving voice to my thoughts.
"Is that... a body?" 
"Yes," Halloran confirms grimly.
"And unless I'm very much mistaken, it's the body of Jeffrey Lagrange."
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adelior · 3 years
Name: Unconditionally
Author: R. Adelio
Genre: Romance, Minecraft, Comedy, Fluff
Main Lead: Technoblade, Dreamwastaken
Female Lead: Reader
Chapter: 1
Special Addition: Tchnomaid
Letters: 10,718
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"I'm bored" You mumbled into your palm as you kept your gaze on the papers that were set up in front of you. "It's your fault for trespassing their area, [Name]. You should know by now how strict Dream is with the boundaries of the countries." Wilbur interpreted, his brows furrowing by the second. "They could have killed you."
"I'm sorry, I was just curious" Hearing you apologize, he softened up and groaned. Wil patted your shoulder with a somewhat forced smile before leaving the room. "Make sure to finish brewing the potions by the end of the day. For now," He looked back, nodding his head. "I'll see you around, [Name]."
"You too, Wil" Sighing, you turned to look at the blonde-haired boy who stood awkwardly in the corner. "Well uh, that went well at least!" Slamming your first, you startled Tommy as he shrieked. "I got in trouble in YOUR PLACE-"
"Yeahhhh, about that, I'm sorry!" Tommy shook you by the shoulders, a grin spreading across his face. "I'll make it up to you okay? I'll set you up on a date with Wilbur if it makes you feel any better" Your cheeks darkened, giving the kid a pathetic slap as you covered the bottom half of your face.
"It's really nothing like that. I don't.. like him.." The last part of your sentence was muttered, and as usual, the boy who knew of your feelings let out a hollering laugh. "I knew it! Who would have fucking thought that you'd fall for Wil! Out of all people!"
"LOOK-" You turned to face him, your face getting hotter and hotter the more you thought about it. "I have my reasons okay! He's a good guy, and on top of that, he's an amazing friend"
"An amazing friend you say? He's also one hell of a fucking leader that's for sure. But enough about your crush let's go out and play with Tubbo!" Dismissing him with a single wave, you gave your best sympathetic smile. "Sorry Tommy, but I have to finish brewing these potions by the end of the day. I can't afford to be disciplined by Wil again"
"Hm, whatever, fine" The boy shrugged, leaving you alone. "THIS ISN'T THE END WOMAN! You will join me and Tubbo on our conquest sooner or later!" You chuckled, smiling at his childish behavior. "Yeah, yeah, now go on and have fun"
You can hear him shout out loud, laughing as he tackled what you perceive to be Tubbo. "I never wanna leave" The sentence that slipped out of your mouth caught you off guard. Despite being an outsider to their nation, they treated you with respect and saw you as a member of their group.
Sitting back down, you continued to flip through the pages of the book. Studying the recipes and applying the specific ingredients to each bottle. "Oh shit, I ran out of spider eyes" Cursing, you stood up to walk towards the door, looking out into the hallway. "Niki!" You shouted from your office, capturing the woman's attention. "Yes, [Name]?"
"Do you know if we have any spider eyes left in the chest room? Or have we completely run out of it" She pondered for a second, answering once she finished checking her inventory. "I don't think we have any more spider eyes. I'm also not carrying any with me sadly"
"Oh, that's alright. I can just outside and kill some spiders myself" Pushing yourself forward to one of your chests, you opened it and took some resources. A bow, 10 arrows, and full iron armor apart from your golden shoes. "[Name], you don't need to go out and kill some on your own. It's dangerous at night"
"Exactly, which is why I plan to go to the Piglin market to trade some gold for a few stacks of spider eyes" Niki shook her head in denial, refusing to let you pass by. "That's even more dangerous! We're humans, we can't go inside there unless we have the King's permission. And usually, we'd have knightly escorts to go around with us"
"True, but I can slip in and slip out without being noticed" You shrugged on your hood, a robe that covered your full body apart from your face. "I can hide with this, besides if they aren't able to tell that I'm human they'll never be able to report it to the king"
"Al..right.." The short-haired girl had a troubled expression on her face, but nevertheless, let you pass. "Good luck! Please come home safely" You turned to give her a single nod, a reassuring smile that was enough to calm her down. "I promise, so don't worry about me okay?"
And so you left, walking to the basement of your home where the Nether Portal stood tall. You gulped at the mere sight of it, how mysterious yet alluring. The purple particles only making it look majestic. "beautiful.." You muttered as you slowly entered, the change of temperature really hit you hard. It was hot, humid compared to how it felt in the overworld. "Goddamn how do piglins live like this"
"Shocking, right?" A male voice erupted from the silence, causing you to stiffen. "I'm assuming you're not used to traveling to the Nether." You slowly turned around, only to be met with a man with dirty blonde hair. "Pardon?" You tilted your head, staring at his smiling mask. "Nothing, would you like me to escort you and keep you safe?"
"And what makes you think I'd trust a stranger" You questioned, earning a chuckle from the man. "You're not as dumb as you look. But don't worry you're not my type, I won't do anything."
"WH-" His hand went over your mouth in a flash, he moves fast for a person with netherite armor, and on top of that a black robe. "Keep your voice down, first rule when entering the Nether World is to never bring unnecessary attention to yourself."
"Got it" Your voice was muffled from his large hand, he stepped back before leading the way, making sure that you were tailing right behind him. "The second rule, make sure to always be with somebody. Never travel alone or you'll die in an instant without somebody keeping you safe."
"Safe? Is the Nether really dangerous for you to say that?" Observing his reaction, you realized how sharp his jawline was. You can't peak through the mask but his mouth was fully exposed. "Yes, I take it you've never looked into this dimension?"
"Well, to be fair I've only heard of the Nether. This is my first time actually setting foot into the portal" The man's mouth pulled back into a dumbfounded snarl, almost as if he was silently judging you for your actions. "Weird." Was all he said before nudging you forward. "We're here, keep your guard up. What are you here for exactly?"
"I'm here to trade gold for a few stacks of spider eyes" He sighed, pulling your hood closer to your face. "You do realize you could have killed a few spiders in the overworld without having to come here."
"Uh, not really the best in combat you see" You admitted, darting your attention to the passing piglings who stood at least 5 feet taller than the man leading the way. Their species were large and brute compared to humans, they were cool but dangerous to interact with. "What the hell were you thinking when you decided to come here without somebody to guide you."
"I honestly have no clue" You stared at the man with a blank face, earning a disappointed grunt from him. "Well, turn around Princess because we just arrived at the Mob looting store. Stay out here, I'll get the eyes for you."
"Wait a second- I feel bad you're the one who led me here and protected me-" The man that accompanied you patted your head with one of the most genuine smiles you've ever seen. Despite him being awfully mysterious, he has shown nothing but kindness all throughout your journey. "Don't worry about it. Just stay here and don't run off anywhere. It's even more dangerous inside because piglins tend to fight over items."
Fidgeting with your hands, you finally agreed. The blonde took that as an agreement and stepped into the store. You were left to stay outside, leaning against the wall that was nearest to the door. A few seconds passed, and yet you were still outside waiting. You were beginning to think that the man who you walked with abandoned you.
"Ex..c.." A piglin with long pink hair muttered, his hand reaching for you. "Excu.." You stepped aside, worried that the mob was here to harm you. The more you stared at him the more you realized he was one of them, but one that looked more human. "Is there something you need?" You questioned the man, earning a nod. "What is it?"
"Do you.. Do-" Before he was able to finish his sentence, your eyes widened in realization. You swung your right hand to open your inventory, taking out a gold bar to hand over to him. 'I heard piglins liked gold, maybe he'll leave me alone if I gave him one' Was what you thought as you urged the hybrid to take it.
He looked at you back and forth, debating whether or not he should accept it. "Take it, it's alright I have plenty of where that came from" The man in front of you hesitantly took the gold into his hands, his eyes widening when he realized how shiny and well kept the item was.
"Hey." The man who accompanied you shouted once he exited the shop, pulling out his netherite sword. "Back off."
"Hey wait! He didn't do anything wrong, leave him be" You pushed the blonde male back slightly, apologizing to the other person with a forced smile. "Let's just head back before we get caught!" Turning around, you tangled your fingers with his and ran away, waving the piglin goodbye.
"What are you doing." He asked, narrowing his eyes from under the mask. "You said to keep attention away from us so I am-"
"I wasn't even that loud." You turned to glare at him. "It got a lot of people's attention" The man laughed, swooping you into his arms, and began to speed up his pace. "You're a good listener." He complimented, a smile fighting to break through his irritated expression.
It took time for the two of you to finally reach the same Nether portal from before. The blonde slowly lowered you onto your feet, handing the bag of spider eyes into your chest. "Here, it's heavy so make sure to hold it with both hands."
"Thank you.." You muttered, gladly taking the bag with a smile. "Say, um.. I never caught your name?" Before the man was able to walk away, he turned to look at you one last time before telling you his name. "Clay, the name's clay."
"I'll see you around." With that, he pushed you into the portal. You fell onto your back once you were transported over to the overworld, lying there with staggering breaths. "I never got to tell him my name though" But once you sat up, the Nether Portal's liquid-like wall disappeared. The particles were being sucked into the middle, and the doorway to hell was disappearing.
"What the..-"
"[NAME!]" You hear your name being called out by what sounds to be Wilbur. Turning to look over your shoulder, you see the whole group running towards you with a worrying expression. "You're back!"
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ec: @quacobs (instagram)
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ofna · 3 years
So I've been thinking about this for a while and finally decided to put down my thoughts. I make a lot of assumptions in this but since we only have the demo there has to be SOME assumptions made lol.
So the Birdtrayer isn't Simon(e). They have the vibe, but the logistics don't work out. The weird bird cult reaping system seems at least somewhat random, so I unless they were just "waiting for their moment" to get accepted into the cult club, they aren't the birdtrayer. Of course, there could be some convoluted way to cheat the pulling system, but, without any evidence, I'm just gonna assume it's random.
It's not Bea(u) for the same reason. They're more likely to be the Birdtrayer than Simon(e) because they have prior knowledge of the bird cult that Simon(e) doesn't have, but the logistical problem of random cult pulling again makes me suspect they're a no. Plus Bea(u) very much has the "false positive" vibe of being too highly suspect to be the birdtrayer LOL.
If we're going the "birdtrayer is being manipulated" route, it's Jeremy. 99.9%. I personally don't like that idea simply because I feel like it just absolves the RO of being the Birdtrayer which defeats the point of HAVING a Birdtrayer in my opinion, so I'm gonna make another wild guess and say it's not him. He still has a CHANCE to be Birdtrayer if it's not manipulation, but he's a little too soft. Again, the "softness" could be a trick but then we'd have the weird stasis of "the RO you picked is actually nothing like how you thought they were" so I still don't think it's him. (This is gonna bite me in the ass later if it's Jeremy lmao).
Finally, we have Natasha and Elliot. I am pretty much convinced it's either one or the other. Natasha doesn't like the bird cult system and has the practicality to pull off being the birdtrayer, and Elliot very much gives me vibes that he is the kind of person who will move themselves up in a fucked up system to protect themselves from its horrible laws/rules or to dismantle said system.
I feel like we tend to think the twins are less likely to be the birdtrayer because of the even worse betraying implications, but Natasha strikes me as someone who can heavily compartmentalize and justify things to herself. (Manipulated Jeremy would also likely fall under that sort of trap.)
Once we get more chapters, I feel like the birdtrayer will definitely become more obvious, but just from the first few chapters I can at least AGGRESSIVELY ANALYZE (and make wild accusations HAHA). I've spent way too much time mindlessly pondering this, and it's been consuming my life. (OFNA is amazing, thank you for this gem ❤️)
Some very interesting theories 👀
Whether or not your birdtrayer theory is correct, a lot of your thoughts about the characters are super accurate. Glad you’re enjoying the game <3
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itscinnafox · 3 years
STORY NOTES [akafuri] : By The Next Sunrise
Because I had sooooo much fun doing this with a friend (@miss-cactus) :] (also being the first collab' work that's posted) and had a lot of messy notes and drafts, it's just so precious to me not to ramble about it >w< also plenty of fun times in just 2 and half months despite life biting my ass at the same time, totally my stress relief lol. Also, this story really isn't just some cheesy stuff for the sake of romance. It's genuine love (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ω˂̣̣̥)੭ु⁾⁾
Read the story here in AO3 Summary: On the way to his brother’s house, the spring showers had begun again. With an open palm, he let it collect the cold showers and let it flow out from the cups of his palm. They were chilly despite the warming sun, he looked up at the sky, and wondered what the rain would be like in other parts of the world. Furihata smiled. He would find out. Perhaps by one of the next sunrises.
.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚. Rambles undercut ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧ .☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.
FIRSTLY, @miss-cactus has all my gratitude ♡(ŐωŐ人) without her; AkaFuri will be stranded in France LOL! Seriously, I'll just dump them in some random village in France and just maybe not even finish this story at all even. The time she took to find me a place, translate, edits and also judging me for my description of the place LOL yep... total life saver. With her help it really motivated and inspired me a lot! She's the oil to my car............. you get the idea :] .
BONUS, she's also a translator and translated many amazing works, basically a deity, breathing life back into them. Also, she has original works too :D check 'em out, it's cute! It's in French, but they're easily translated, she's that good! (๑>◡<๑) her AO3
WEIRD FACT, I also had a short break up with my boyfriend of 7 years while writing this. LOL. I was so upset but I got motivated by the similarities, that when he asked for us back I was like 'But-but the similarities though!' but I love him....bleeegh. So I said yes, and we're better than before. YAY!
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๑ Story Base ๑ The idea popped when I was listening to 'The sun after washed by spring rain' by Wang Lee Hom on a rainy day on my day off, and florist Akashi just looks so beautiful lol and the rest just came up.... and I really wanted this vibe for AkaFuri something incredibly soft and warm~ just cozy >w< huehue~
This story sets in Spring, spring here, spring there~ Spring is the breath of new life, basically Furi's story lol.
I was also aiming for this story to be short and a bit poetic...... LOL then 11k words later I just gave up and was like: well, if AkaFuri wanna romance then who are we to say no? (Akashi will shave my hair in my sleep lol)
๑ Playlist ๑ Play on Youtube The playlist is by order according to each part within the story. I really love to ramble about this since music is my inspiration for a lot of things and the vibe of the whole premise, section of their development and perspectives.
☆ 11 : 11 by Taeyeon Introducing Furihata's little sob lol and Furi's perspective. After Furihata breaks up with his girlfriend (who again, have no significant in his life what so ever), he goes through the phase on moving forward. It really isn't him moving forward with his feelings for her though, it's just him moving forward from the familiarity of being with her in his life. With her gone, he finally reconnects with who he is, like in this passage : "However, somehow with just a fling of his bag onto the island top threw him years back. He has not always been this tidy and clean." Furihata had basically lived his life to accommodate to those around him. (I wanna stress that Furi wasn't forced into a relationship or was it abusive. It was just a relationship with someone whom Furi had no infatuation for. It just so happens she wanted to date him after the wintercup, and Furi is just like 'yea ok?' but really he didn't exactly thought it through.)
So this is where Furihata moves on from the familiarity. He cries because they dated lol, but really he's just confuse.
☆ The Sun After Washed By Spring Rain by Wang Lee Hom Exactly one year after Furi's break-up. The source of this story idea lol. Also, Furi's perspective. The title and the song is literally what it meant; the sun after the spring rain which brings in new beginnings. I present you, this passage of the story: "Instead, with an open palm, he let it collect the cold showers and let it flow out from the cups of his palm. They were chilly despite the warming sun, he looked up at the sky, and wondered what the rain would be like in other parts of the world."
☆ Reunite by Jordie Power I present you, when Akashi appeared and Furihata's crush on Akashi just awakened and go haywire LOL! In this AU, Furihata has genuine feelings for Akashi. They were long time friends, and there were even a few emphasis of their friendship through high school but because Furihata has a girlfriend and Akashi respected that (although most times, in my brain, is just Akashi crying to Kuroko LOL!)
☆ Passage by Miyano Mamoru Furihata and Akashi's similarities. The song is basically about finding yourself as you age, the experiences you go through as you age (i'm 27 and i'm still confuse lol) Even though this story focuses on Furihata a lot and little less on Akashi except for little hints here and there, Akashi was just as lost as Furihata.
Random thought (as I type this), my boyfriend had told me this before "Even though we don't need each other, and do well on our own. We have friends but it's so different. Is just something different to have someone you love around, so to an extend, I really do need you and to share everything with you, it really makes me happy." it really is something different to have someone by your side especially when you found someone. (p/s: you definitely don't need to be in a relationship to feel complete. you complete yourself okay? :3) Furi and Akashi have been in-love since high-school, they have accomplished a lot on their own but in a passage, they both felt lost and felt like something was 'empty' that was because they were still in-love, and they met each other and truly want to spend their life together and share everything.
☆ Moonlight by Miyano Mamoru Mmmmmm~ the juice. This is Akashi's perspective when he wants to romance Furihata (∗ᵕ̴᷄◡ᵕ̴᷅∗)՞ and of course, sneakily confesses to him. OH MY GOODNESS! THIS IS LITERALLY THE PART THAT I'VE BEEN DYING FOR! and wrote it sooooo many times. I wanted it steamy and a little desperate after their long pent-up-frustration unprofessed love, without making it 'explicit' kind of way. So I hope I captured it right lolol.
☆ Make Me Love You by Taeyeon Furihata's feelings towards Akashi. I was pondering on a song that would fit Furihata's pull towards Akashi and how Akashi makes him feel every time. No other songs seems to feel like then I was randomly humming to this song while I was working and this is perfect! Also, a wonderful vibe.
I think it has been emphasised a lot on how Furihata reacts to Akashi, how he blushes like crazy, how he also subconsciously wants Akashi to make him fall in love with him. Because deep down, as again, Furihata genuinely loves Akashi but he was never daring enough to do it and since Akashi had never showed any indication, so Akashi had to confess in order for Furihata to be brave enough to smack their lips together to confess too.
☆ Je Fais De Toi Mon Essentiel by Emmanuel Moire Infinitely bless @miss-cactus (and her naughty brother lol) for this! This is song is seriously sooooo beautiful ;w; I don't care if reader's don't listen to the playlist, but OH MY GOD! If nobody had listened to this, is seriously missing out. (just as a song in general is beautiful) and the lyrics are just akjsfhakjsfhaf AKASHI'S WORDS! In Akashi's perspective and the song that Akashi sang to when they were in the car, and Cactus chose the perfect line for it ;w;
This song basically concludes everything!!! From their feelings for each other since high-school and all the way until the day they die! It's basically everything I wanted this story to be about, just their pure love for one another and to share their happiness together ;w;
Also, I want to point out in regards of Furihata's decision on staying in France. It's really not just a spontaneous and reckless decision lol. As stated and shown in the story, Furihata is somewhat a successful person with a career, but Furihata has other passion and interest which he seemed to enjoy doing which is photography and Akashi notices this. Even though with a career, at a time some will have a change of heart. So if Furi wants to stay in France with Akashi, he has thought it through enough, and can afford to even live by even without Akashi's money lolol. ๑ Premises ๑ Cactus, without her, AkaFuri will be hobos. I . AM . NOT . KIDDING ! She just whip out the map of France and pin point me to everything! I didn't ask for that but her soul is made from angel clay and she showed me this beautiful town, and I am floored! I didn't feel that much motivation and inspiration before o(≧∇≦o)
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So why not Paris? XD 1, I didn't want Paris, I wanted a natural, country/cottage vibe and not the city. 2, proven by Cactus, "actual paris : if you want a cup of coffee you have to give up your wife and your 2 children bc it's way too expensive" (XD actually there's more but those parts are only between us lol) 3, I want to pull Akashi from his usual portrayal of rich and luxurious life style. I mean.... he's still rich, just not lavish in that lifestyle. In here, Akashi's basically bare as a canvas, and painting it on his own. 4, I google mapped Paris.... and if anything, Akashi and Furihata will probably get run over by traffic LOLOL! 5, we hate the crowds lolol and we'd do anything to drown the citizens for AkaFuri to be alone. I'm not even gonna be discreet about this xD.
☆ Mornac-Sur-Seudre This main village, is the most beautiful town picked by Cactus. It's not so 'in the face' although not so splashed in a lot of colours (except for the oyster huts), it is a very vibrant village. We totally fell in love with it. It's quiet, and not a lot of villagers, so it's perfect for AkaFuri to have their stroll hand in hand (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) They're also very famous for their oysters LOL! So yeah..... Akashi fed Furi oysters.... because....it's yummy.... LOL! Video reference here. There's another beautiful video but I can't find it no more. ;; Other references; here, here and here.
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☆ Seagull Train Furihata loves train (and so do I) and since the train exists here! WHY THE HELL NOT?! I really love writing this part! I fell in love with the department Cactus picked and everything was so perfect and beautiful. Pictures and videos of it was just so breath taking ;w; and it's a steam train! I've never ride one before, but I have been into exhibits in the train museum. The smell is amazing lol. It's like sniffing my humidifier......but bigger.
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This is the train I had saw mostly from it. the 030 T 3 from 1891. It's still operational so choo-choo!!! they go!
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Video reference ; here Train reference; here, here Other references; here, here, here and here.
☆ Saintes & Royan These two towns are what's closest to Mornac. I didn't have much on Royan because Saintes had a beautiful charm, so this is where they would have their wonderful date <3 and talk a little bit about their feelings.
Cactus correcting me on the description on the city as I just woke up from my sleep, is seriously a way to wake up in the morning at 5am XD LOLOL!!
There's a few churches too, and has an interesting history from the Roman empire :D really intriguing.
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The bridge where they have their little confession in high-school (◡‿◡✿)
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This video here, absolutely pretty!
☆ Akashi's Floristry; Fleurs d’acacia Cactus picked out the most beautiful name! "So either L’acacia (just the tree) or Fleurs d’acacia (acacia flowers)" The Acacia because it rhymes with Akashi's name : Aca - as in 'Aka' in Akashi. Ci - as in sea...because they're near the ocean. A - as in....... h(a)m because Cactus said so... and I can't even disagree because it's where Furi getting some of those..... meat....because Akashi's ham.....like his meat.......y'know..... We're very dignified ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎)
The design of Akashi's 3 story shop/studio/apartment..... I really don't have any reference, it's all in the head LOLOL! Akashi basically lives in simplicity, his shop all on the ground floor, and the second floor is his art studio where paints and do whatever he wants. Finally the third floor is where he stays, it was wasn't very detailed but it's very spacious and cozy >w<!
☆ The Drive-in theatre Bruuuuuh......the confession is the thing! Akashi sneaking in his opportunity to confess. What more is there need to be said? AkaFuri : mlemlemlemlemlemlemlemlem~
Ohh~ Akashi's pretty Bentley of course.
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☆ The Landes The finale of their romance ❀.(*´◡`*)❀. I think we all know what a Volkswagen van looks like LOL! And they had the funky in the van and Akashi took Jean's advice with the bamboo charcoal.
Cactus showed this pretty place and I'm just ヽ(;▽;)ノ
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Of course I'd really like to say it again. Furihata's decision to stay with Akashi was really not for the sake of a 'happy ending' or so. They've had deep feelings for each other since high-school and bonded closely, but Akashi didn't show any indication of romantic interest out of respect for Furihata's relationship, and Furihata knowing nothing about Akashi's mutual feelings just kept his feelings to himself. As told by the story, Furihata has a career and stable income. But even though his life is dandy in Tokyo with his job, that doesn't mean it's something he wants to keep pursuing or maintain, as we age, we search for something else to add into our experience. Not to say that we're forever unsatisfied, it's just how life is. We accomplish something, and we move on to another thing, and then another and another. It's really something beautiful about it, and life's just us exploring :] In Akashi and Furihata's case, is that they've already have what they wanted, a life of their own, choosing their own path and what they don't have was each other and now that they've bonded and opened up themselves, they can finally pursue another beautiful life together (>*^▽^*<)
๑ Book, Night on the Galactic Railway by Kenji Miyaza ๑ This is a real book. Also, my favourite! There is an anime as well, but if anyone wants the PDF feel free to drop me a DM and I'll give it to ya'.
In here, the story of the galactic railway impacted their lives a little bit differently. With Akashi the loss of his mother and Furihata to live the last adventure before death.
It is shown they have extreme love for this book, and it really is a beautiful book and there's just endless things to talk about, as it is place in an infinite travel of the train through the galaxy, meeting new people, seeing new things, the mysteries of stories and making meaningful relationship despite never being able to see them again.
The sentiment of Giovanni and Campanella is also similar to Akashi and Furihata. Before anything else, they want to have their adventure together before eventually parting their ways (and i really mean, until death do them apart.)
๑ Other Juices ๑ There some nitty stuff that aren't just there for show xD Well, kind of but there's some sentiments and stuff so...
☆ The Sunflower Maybe because I'm bias to sunflowers LOL! But Furihata is pretty with yellow! Sunflowers with darker brown florets are absolutely beautiful. The pendent I had in mind was literally the one I had when I was a kid (but I donno it's gone now lol). I googled other sunflower pendent but it's ugleh...
It associates with the theme of this story which is 'Sunrise' as in new beginnings, Furihata's fresh start to pursuing the person he actually loves.
Sunflowers also grow towards the sun. They radiate pure joy and positivity. They also symbolise unwavering faith and unconditional love; which is AkaFuri's undying love here despite the years.
Sunflowers are also given to show their deepest to the person, so Akashi gift him a sunflower :3 also because Furi looks pretty in yellow, fight me.
In chinese myth, sunflower are best for business... So with Furi around, Akashi's business will bloom LOLOL!
Funfact: In greek myth, a nymph named Clytie fell deeply in love Apollo, god of the sun. Although Clytie was beautiful by nymph standards, Apollo did not reciprocate her feelings, or acknowledge it. (except Akashi appreciates Furi's love okay?) After days of hopeless devotion, the nymph then transformed herself into a sunflower and constantly turned towards the sun so she could always be with the one she loved (Furihata's chasing sunrises because Akashi is there ok?).
☆ The Happy Street Cats :D This is actually a real book I have, a gift by my teacher before I leave S.Korea. The passage idiom is extracted by this page as well.
The front cover of the book is also yellow.
Yellow : Sunrise + Sunflower.
There's so much yellow in this story LOL!
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☆ The Movie Cactus : Idol movie Me : *internal screaming* I swear we are always soooooooo close to making this whole thing crack XD
This scene is a real brain wreck lololol. (Still contemplating if it was romantic enough)
☆ Akashi's Florist number I extracted that number from an oyster restaurant LOLOL! Thankfully Cactus changed it.... we were planning on a crack bonus in which, Furihata orders oysters before calling Akashi.
It didn't happen. But if it did.
Furihata will order some oysters. And not regret it.
*Akashi judging*
☆ French Dialogues + Akashi teaching Furihata French Bless Cactus, she's my happiness now. I have no idea how many weird noises were coming out from our mouths just to understand how the French consonant 'R' sounds like to put it into words LOL! XD Without her, it'd be a disaster.
We were looking at other romantic phrases and found the perfect one ;w;
“Je suis ton bonheur.” means "I am your happiness" (oh god, google translate voice just keeps playing in my head LOLOL! help) Which, what else can be said? LOL Akashi's happy ok? Since this story is from Furihata's perspective, I really wanted to put him into the spot of being a foreigner (he speaks english and mandarin lolol just clueless in French, because Akashi is supposed to guide him). So while Cactus work her magic, being the Akashi to my Furihata. I tried to emphasis a lot on the characters expression etc, at least to indicate of what was going on....tbh even I forgot what they were saying. *just as clueless as Furi and Cactus cackling somewhere.
Everything in here is just Cactus being amazing ;w; and pure patience LOLOL!
๑ Side Characters ๑
☆Shérine ............ We butchered the original female side. Her name was Camille.... but I was sooo tempted to name it after *coouugh* :] because it's pretty. Also her hair was blond with hazel-green eyes.... yea we buried her.
Shérine wins now... Shérine is life.
Shérine will be in their wedding.
☆Jean Kirstein (of AOT) It's JEAN! ...........someone gotta tease Akashi with no filter.
(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ FINAL NOTES
The last section when Furihata wakes up and makes his decision, believe it or not, I was in the bus. While typing to Cactus, I was literally shaking in the bus and my eyes stung because of dust and I was in tears. I was between crying and laughing. Finished it at home ;w; Cactus was such a darling through it all.
I really had fun writing this with Cactus ;w; she's the best!!!!!!! And hopefully we'll make some crack stuff because we're hooligans like that XD.
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z-iridest · 4 years
(A/N: Okay, guys, I hope you enjoy a little Denki Kaminari fluff ^.^ A big thank you to @lxvely-mha for helping me with the idea, if you haven't checked out their blog, YOU HAVE NOT LIVED! Lxvly, this is for you, and I hope you don't mind if I drew from your headcannons for Denki Kaminari as a boyfriend)
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Hungry Eyes: A Denki Kaminari x Shy & Clumsy Female! Reader One Shot
It all started with a dance....
As the daughter of a pro hero, I had to be ready for anything. A villain attack, random people wanting an autograph from my Dad, and my Dad's infamous loud as hell outbursts to name a few. Considering that the Pro Hero I'm talking about is Present Mic, it's actually kind of ironic that his daughter is a silent, shy klutz that has a similar quirk to his. Mine is literally a sonic scream.....
My clumsiness is going to be my death one day. It's why I've never danced at any school dances, preferring to be either sitting on the sidelines, or next to the DJ booth (sometimes in it if my Dad was the DJ). I'd already embarrassed myself several times tripping over anything and everything, no reason to do it with an audience. To be fair, my Dad did try teaching me how to dance..... Hours of sore feet on my Dad's end later and me falling on my rear way too many times, we were both ready to call it quits. Speaking of my Dad....
There's only a handful of people I've ever talked outloud to: My Dad, My Mom, and my Uncle: Shota Aizawa (yeah, Aizawa is my godfather, get over it). Everyone else, I talk to using JSL or writing down what I want to say. I only talk to people I'm not comfortable around when it's an absolute necessity. Why? Allow me to take you back a few months ago....
See, when I first started at U.A., I started dating this guy... You actually know him. Remember Monoma from Class 1-B? Yeah....
Well, everything was going great with him... Until I caught him making out with a different girl. He had the audacity to tell me it was my own fault for not measuring up to his "perfect standards" and told me I'd never be good enough to live up to my Dad's rep as a Pro Hero, that I was a waste of space. I kinda just shut down after that, refusing to talk to my Dad or Uncle Shota for a while, especially since Monoma spread a rumor around school that I was quirkless. That got me bullied a bit until Dad got wind of it.....
Boy, was he mad....
But don't worry! Everything's fine now. The rumors died down about a month ago, though I think that was mainly due to me joining the BakuSquad.... For those who don't know, the BakuSquad is a group of a bunch of loveable goofballs and their explosive pomeranian of a leader: Katsuki Bakugo. Mina was the one who brought me into the group, and thank god, they never pushed me to talk. I mainly just listened to their antics and tried to hold back fits of laughter. It almost felt normal...
Since we broke up, Monoma has a bad habit of cornering me at my locker after school to try to get me to go back to dating him. I always tell him no, and he pushes me around until either Kirishima, Bakugo, Sero or Kaminari come looking for me. I think deep down, he's scared half to hell of Kaminari, because the one time Monoma didn't stop when Kaminari told him to... Oh boy, Pikachu Boy went all out on Monoma, shocking him until he made a run for it. It was actually really funny to watch, I won't lie.....
Back to what I was saying: As the kid of a pro hero, you have to be ready for anything. But, that's where fate'll get you good...
When you least expect it, fate can just (excuse my french) bitch slap you out of nowhere. For example.....
"You did what?!" The only reason I was talking to Mina and Jiro at that second was out of shock. We were in my dorm room, so there was no one around to hear me talk anyways outside of Mina and Jirou.
"Mina decided to nominate you and Kaminari for the couple to do the first dance at the Mid-Summer Dance this year for the first years, and you guys won the school's vote." Jirou told me. I let out a humiliated whine and plopped facedown onto my pillow. The Mid Summer Dance was a school wide dance party to have fun in the final days of summer. One couple from each year did the first, second and third slow dances, the first years being the ones to kick off the actual dance. I felt a hand on my back.
"Aww, come on, Y/N, it's not that bad." Mina's voice told me. I sat up faster than Iida can run, and looked at her with a look that told her I thought she was crazy.
"Are you forgetting who you're talking to? The resident klutz of U.A. High, that's who! I'm gonna die, that's it! Game over, no pro hero career for me! Y/N Yamada, dead at 16! Cause of death: Embarrassing tumble in front of the whole school! I'll be lucky if the dress I wear that night doesn't rip or something on the way there." I burried my face in my pillow again. "Besides, I don't know how to dance. I've always avoided the dancefloor at parties or anything like that."
"Why don't you just ask Kaminari to teach you how to dance?" Jirou asked.
"I've never talked in front of him, remember? And I can't ask him, it'd be too embarrassing." I reminded Jirou.
"Fine, if you won't ask Kaminari to teach you how to dance, I'll ask him for you." Mina's words pierced me with more horror than any thriller movie. Believe me, that's saying something because I hate horror movies.
"No, no, no, no, no!" I shouted, jumping up, but Mina was already out of my room, calling for Kaminari. I raced out of my room after her, but by the time I caught up, she was already telling Kaminari. Crap....The second Kaminari locked eyes with me, I bolted back into my room and hid in the closet. Damn it, Mina! I felt heat rise to my face. Great, now I'm blushing.... Just a few minutes later, I heard footsteps. They stopped before I heard voices.
"Jirou, have you seen Y/N?" Kaminari's voice.
"She's hiding in there." Traitor. I heard footsteps walk away. Okay, maybe Kaminari walked away. Maybe he...
"Y/N?" Damn it, he didn't walk away. "Why didn't you tell me you couldn't dance?" I slowly came out of the closet and signed my answer in JSL.
I thought it was obvious. I'm the resident klutz of U.A., so....
"You're scared of falling in front of everyone? You always seem so fearless." Kaminari told me, sitting on my bed. I gave him a You've gotta be kidding me look as I sat down next to him. "I'm serious!"
Looks can be deceiving. I'm scared of everything. I put on a facade during training to make it look like I'm not scared when I actually am.
"You're still such a badass... Anyway, back to the dance. What were you gonna do when the night of the dance came and you still didn't know how to dance?" Kaminari asked me. I shrugged.
I would have figured out something.
"Like what, bailing on the dance all together?" Kaminari asked, raising an eyebrow. I opened my mouth, but quickly closed it. That had been the last resort. "That's what I thought." He stood up and offered his hand to me. "Come on, the dance is a couple weeks away, but we'd better start now if you're gonna be ready." With no other choice, I placed my hand in Kaminari's, a sudden spark flowing from me to him.
And it wasn't from his quirk.
I didn't have time to ponder what the spark even was, because Kaminari pulled me up off my bed and started pulling me to the gym where the dance would be held. I had just enough time to notice how perfectly my hand seemed to fit in his. What's wrong with me?
It was then that the real work began. While keeping up with studying and homework from all my classes (which I had to help Kaminari with most of), and planning the dance with the Dance Committee, I was taking dance lessons with Kaminari. Surprisingly, no matter how much I stepped on his toes, he stayed patient and helped me through it. Everytime I tripped and started falling, he caught me easily. "Now that the worst's happened, you don't have to be scared. I've got you." Kaminari had told me with a wink the first time I had tripped and he had caught me. I have no idea why, but I started blushing like an idiot around him, and kept tripping outside of our dance lessons, worse than my normal clumsiness. If this is what having a crush was, I was falling hard for the human Pikachu.... Literally.
Before I knew it, it was the day before the dance. Kaminari and I danced alone in the gym, and much to my own surprise, I didn't trip. Not once. Kaminari was grinning wider than a Cheshire cat when we finally finished.
"Yes! I knew you could do it, that was awesome!" Kaminari exclaimed with the biggest smile on his face as he pumped both fists in the air. I covered my mouth to keep a laugh in, but it slipped out in a giggle. When I looked up, Denki was looking at me with the most adorable look ever. His head was tilted to one side slightly, and his eyes held this just... Adoring look. "Y'know... Your laugh is adorable." I felt the heat rise to my face as I looked away from him. "I mean it." He made me look at him, giving me a sweet smile. He was so close, one single move from either of us, and we'd be kissing. He cleared his throat after a good long minute, giving me a sheepish smile. "Want to run through it one more time?" He asked me. I nodded and we danced again. I couldn't stop the smile on my face as I danced, feeling happy for the first time in a long time. I noticed that the more I smiled, the more Denki smiled. As we finished the routine perfectly for the second time that day, I felt Denki interlace his fingers with mine, the look on his face serious. He raised one hand, gently cupping the side of my face. My heart started pounding fiercely against my chest. What was going to happen next? "Y/N.... I want to ask you something...." He told me, his eyes and his voice soft. Just as he opened his mouth to continue, my phone rang. I groaned.
"Sorry, I gotta take this." I shrugged before answering my phone.
"Y/N, where are you? We have to do the final preparations for the party!" Mina's voice shrilled at the other end. Iida must have been right there, otherwise she wouldn't have called me about something like this.
"Do I really have to be there?" I asked.
"No, I just need you to answer a couple things over the phone." Mina told me.
"Go for it." I told her, giving Kaminari an apologetic look. He gave me a thumbs up as if silently telling me it was fine. I leaned against the wall behind me as I listened to Mina's questions, answering each one. Everytime I talked, I noticed Denki having that same adoring look on his face. Just as I shifted against the wall a bit, I saw Kaminari start to walk over to me.
"Y/N?" Kaminari called my name, and I noticed he had a determined look on his face."I was wondering... Do you want to go to the dance with me?" I put the phone down for a second, feeling a little confused.
"Yeah, I mean, the BakuSquad's all going together, right? I think Bakugo has us leaving the dorms around 7 or something..." I told him. I heard Mina call my name and put the phone back to my ear. Jeeze, how many more questions did this girl have?
"No, I mean, with me." Denki told me. What was he getting at?
"Yeah, I can swing by your dorm around 6:30." I told him. He did mean arrive there as a group with the squad.... Didn't he? Mina asked me another question before I could think about what he meant. "Yeah, when you're facing the stage it has to go on the left... Right." I shook my head as Mina sounded confused. "No, the left, not the right." I heard Denki mumble something under his breath, something along the lines of,
"Oh man, this is gonna be hard." I suddenly felt his hand on mine as he placed his other arm on the wall next to me. Is he... Doing the kabedon on me? I felt my cheeks turn bright red, as he was really, really close to me now. I was forced to look into his gold eyes, which held a very serious look. "Y/N..." He moved my phone fully from my ear, keeping my closed hand in his. I swear, Mina was intently listening in, because I could hear her suddenly go silent on the other line. "Would you.... Be my date for the Mid-Summer Dance?" A smile crept onto my face, which caused him to chuckle a bit. "And... If you don't absolutely hate me by the end of it... Would you... consider... Maybe, being more than friends?" I smiled up at him brighter. I was getting asked out by my crush! "Maybe?"
"Like... Boyfriend and girlfriend where we can... Hold hands instead of just fist bumping and slugging each other all the time, and... We can text, and I can tell you how great you are, because, Kaminari, you really are great, and I'm the luckiest girl in the world, you're so sweet and adorable, and..." I suddenly felt something warm and soft against my lips, effectively cutting me off. Despite the dark blush on my face, I melted into Denki's kiss. When we finally pulled away, he grinned down at me.
"First of all, you call me Denki. And second, if anyone's the lucky one, it's me, sweetheart." I closed my eyes and blushed darker, if it was humanly possible, as he softly kissed my forehead. I giggled and hugged him, feeling him hug me back. "Well then, milady, until tomorrow night." He grinned goofily as he held my hand in his, bowing and pressing a soft kiss to the back of my hand. With a wink and the most adorable smile, he was gone.
When I got back to the dorms, I was greeted by all the girls, each one having the stupidest smile on their faces as they all sat in the common room. I blushed under their stares and said only two words, knowing Mina had heard what had happened after dance practice and had told all the girls. "Shut up." I told them, causing all of them to burst into a giggle fit.
Right after school the next day, the girls of 1-A practically dragged me to my room to get me ready for the dance. Mina, Momo and Ochaco teamed up on picking the dress while Toru and Jirou teamed up on curing my hair. Once my hair was finished being curled and fully hair sprayed, Toru pinned one side of my hair out of my face with bobby pins before Mina, Asui and Ochaco carefully helped me into the dress they chose: an adorable white, off the shoulder sundress that fell to my knees in length. While Ochaco grabbed a pair of white heels for me to wear, Mina did my makeup for me. I put my heels on myself once Mina was done and grabbed my purse, blushing when I saw that all the girls were admiring their work. "Twirl, Y/N! Twirl for us!" Toru cheered at me. I blushed and twirled. The dress spun before falling back into place, the girls awwing before I spoke up, looking at the time.
"Uh, guys? It's 6:45." My words forced them into action, a unanimous:
"Oh, crap!" Leaving each of the girls as they scampered off to go get ready, realizing they had very little time left to ready themselves because of fawning over every little detail when it came to me. I giggled and looked at my reflection. I didn't look completely like myself, but for the first time in a long time... I felt... Beautiful.
At 7, I left the comfortable confines of my room to join everyone else in the common room. I felt my face turn dark red as the chatter from the boys suddenly stopped, all attention on me.
"Damn, Yamada, you look great." Kirishima spoke up first, a grin on his face.
"Great? Try goregous!" Sero spoke up. All the boys except for Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and Kamin... I mean Denki, started arguing about what word was best to describe me. I snuck a look at Denki. That teasing bastard was wearing black dress pants with really nice black shoes and a tucked in, white button up shirt with the top two buttons undone. He just had to dress like that for tonight... I exchanged glances with Denki, and I swear, there was a shit-eating grin on Kaminari's face as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Man, if I'd known you'd get all cleaned up this good for me, I would have asked you out weeks ago." Denki told me as he looked down at me.
"Blame the girls, they wouldn't let me out of my room until I accepted their wish to do a full on makeover." I blushed darker. "You cleaned up really nice too, by the way." He grinned down at me before pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"Only for my baby... Besides, girls should know you didn't need to put on makeup and style your hair just to impress me, princess. You're beautiful to me no matter what you look like." He whispered in my ear before softly kissing the tip of my nose. I hid my dark red face in his chest as Kaminari spoke up over the guys, cutting off their arguement. "It's all very flattering, but the best word to describe her is simple: Angelic." I could practically feel the cheesy smile he was shooting at me in that second. I looked up at him and opened my mouth to respond, but the girls had joined us just then.
When we got there, Dad was blasting music left and right, doing his DJ thing as always. I laughed a bit as I saw him living up. I had to admit, the decoration committee did an awesome job at turning the big old gym into a dancefloor. I felt Kaminari kiss my cheek and I turned toward him. "Go ahead and say hi to your Dad, I'll grab us some punch." He told me. I smiled and nodded before pulling him down into a quick kiss... Which he turned into 3 sweet little pecks. I giggled and he winked before leaving my side. As I made my way toward the DJ booth, Jirou caught me.
"Y'know, we all knew he had a crush on you. As soon as you guys started doing dance lessons, he suddenly stopped flirting with all the girls and started keeping Mineta in line." She told me.
"Seriously?" I asked. She nodded.
"Yeah, Mina and I knew it was a matter of time before he asked you out. We just weren't expecting it to happen yesterday." She told me. I smiled. "I really am happy for you guys. You especially look extremely happy."
"I haven't smiled like this in a long time, Jirou." I told her honestly. She smiled and we exchanged a hug before I continued walking toward my Dad. He grinned when he saw me and exited the DJ booth for a second to give me a hug.
"You look beautiful, baby bird." Dad told me, tucking a stray curl behind my ear. I smiled up at him.
"Thanks, Dad." I told him.
"You nervous for the dance?"
"A little. But, I've been practicing for the past two weeks, so I think I'll be okay."
"Who is your partner anyway? Everytime I was about to find out, I got pulled away."
"You'll see, Dad." I winked at him before leaving to rejoin Denki. Instead, I ran into the only person who could ruin the night for me.....
"Wow, Y/N, you never dressed like this for me." Monoma crooned at me.
"I never felt comfortable until now, please excuse me." I said as I started to walk away. My heart came to a slamming hault in my chest as Monoma grabbed my wrist, stopping me from going anywhere. "M-Monoma, let me go!" I told him, feeling a panic attack coming on. My anxiety was shooting through the roof....
"You're not going anywhere with him." Monoma hissed at me. "You're mine."
"Not anymore." I yanked my wrist out of his grip, gingerly holding it. "Denki cares about me way more than you ever could care. You don't care about anyone but yourself, and I'd take back dating you if I could." I told him, trying to calm myself down. He growled, roughly grabbing my arm and pushing me into a corner. My breathing got so short, I couldn't breathe.
"Wrong move." He snarled at me. Right before he could touch me, he yelped, a spark of electricity zapping through him. Behind him was Denki, his quirk crackling in his right hand, and boy did he looked pissed.
"Denki." A breath of relief left me as I scampered behind him, feeling his right hand hold mine as Monoma growled angrily, getting back up.
"Nobody puts my baby in a corner." Denki snarled, aiming a bolt of his quirk at the ground near Monoma's feet. That blue eyed, selfish blond screamed like a girl and ran for it, his classmates laughing at him while Kendo scolded him. As soon as Monoma was gone, Denki deactivated his quirk, turned around and wrapped his arms around me protectively. "You okay, babe?" He asked. I nodded.
"I am now." I told him before kissing his cheek. "Thanks for saving me." He grinned down at me and winked just as my Dad announced that it was time to dance. He let go of me and offered his arm.
"Shall we, milady?" He asked. I giggled and took his arm.
"Do you even have to ask?" I questioned in counter. He chuckled before leading me to the dancefloor. Once of the floor, we took our starting positions before the beat of the song started. (A/N: Start listening to Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen for this part ^.^).
As soon as the beat started, we started to move, our eyes never leaving each other. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see all of Class 1-A gathered around us, watching us as we danced. "Everyone's watching us." I whispered to him.
"They don't matter right now. It's just you and me right now, baby." He whispered back with a grin. I giggled as I had fun, dancing with him. I knew, without a doubt, that my Dad was watching us, and I mentally cringed. Denki wasn't exactly popular with the teachers in a good way..... My thoughts distracted me enough to make me trip over my own feet after the second verse. Thank God for Denki, because he caught me and made it look like he was dipping me, which caused our classmates to cheer. He winked. "Told you I'd catch you." He softly told me. I smiled and we continued to dance, Denki spinning me at certain points and the next dip he did being during the instrumental after the bridge after twirling me again.
We continued dancing until the music started to fade out, stopping in the middle and slowly bringing our conjoined hands down. A roar of applause thundered from the crowd and Denki pulled me into a hug. I did it.... I danced with my boyfriend without getting embarrased! I felt him tense a bit after a second and I turned to see my Dad giving Denki the "I'm watching you" look. I rolled my eyes and pulled Denki into a kiss, feeling him hold me tighter as we kissed.
This night couldn't have been more perfect.....
Epliouge ( A/N: Extra just for fun!)
A couple days after the dance, Monoma tried to corner me again, this time being stupid enough to do it while the BakuSquad was still around me. I heard a snarl leave my boyfriend, but I put my hand out, stopping him from doing anything as I glared at my ex as he fired off insult after insult at me. But, he really crossed the line, pissing me off in the process, when he insulted Denki. Finally having had enough, I slammed my locker shut and faced Monoma with the sharpest glare on my face. If looks could kill.... "Monoma, you are absolutely pathetic. You can say whatever you want about me, but insulting my boyfriend? It's about time you GET A LIFE!" I used my quirk on Monoma, letting out the loud energy I had contained for months on end thanks to him. He flew backwards and hit the wall while Sero, Kirishima, even Bakugo laughed their asses off. Denki smirked as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Told you: You're a badass." Denki told me.
"Come on, guys, let's get the hell out of here." I told my friends, walking out beside my boyfriend.
(A/N: Tada! ^.^ Hope you guys enjoyed!)
Taglist: @lxvely-mha @fakeanimefanntnt
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dsmadmin · 3 years
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Jo was sitting at her desk in black waters. Looking at the time of day it was. She was sat with her laptop on looking to see what has been happening in the world. Deep down she was surfing for anything Supernatural. When she stopped on a possible ghost house reading through the news of four teenagers breaking into in an asylum full of ghosts after staying the night on some kind of a dare. When two only two teenagers came out of the house alive in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. She ponders over the article. That sound like her kind of thing but she wanted to check out a few times first by going to the library. When she powered down her laptop. She wasn't to take any silly risks without knowing all the facts. For her, it's been quiet in the last few days. With her life was starting to fall back into place. She was settling into her new life here in Austin but she missed her mom very much. She needed to put her big girlie pants on and stop to reply on her mom and stand on her own two feet. Which she was doing for the last few weeks. With her buying her place as she was stable in her new place here in Austin and working in black waters. With her friends and she could call some of the family. When she looked over at the photograph on her desk with Her mom Eileen, Bobby, Colt, Cas and Sam. The last photo of them will get her when they hunted together. When she thought she would check the roster of what hunters were on call. To see if they were interested in going on a hunt. Which she did when a certain name flashed up to her. Sam Winchester. She had missed Sam Winchester. Colt’s brother Sam when he took his own life. She missed the conversation between Sam and her. She hoped he was at peace wherever he is upstairs in heaven. A small smile curve into her lips as she looked at him a little more. She deeply missed him as he was like a big brother to her. The brother she never had. When she looked into his file and sadness fell on her heart. Picking up the photography in her hand with her thumb rubbing over Sam's face. I miss you, Sam. I wish you were still here. Jo put the photography back proud on her desk. When she stood up to go to the library to check on everything about ghosts. This was another thing Sam was amazing at. When he saw a large man in the distance of the stalls of the library. Picking up some books. When she stopped herself in her tracks just looking at him. She had frozen in the spot just keeping her eyes on Him.
Sam -Standing in the center of an aisle wearing a grey and white checkered flannel with faded blue jeans, his hair just a little to long and his boots scuffed up from rough use. Several books in his hands and one opened he was just doing a few pages of speed reading to see if it was relevant to what he needed and was looking for when he got a feeling he was being watched. Head up he looked around and his eyes fell on a small blonde at the end of the aisle. When he'd agreed to work with Blackwater he'd made it clear he wanted transparency and Colt had given him access to every employee on Blackwaters payroll. Having had some encounters with the British Men of Letters Sam had been leery joining up but as he got to know Colt the more trusting he'd gotten. Even though the guy was different than his brother he still had those core things that made them /Dean/. So he knew who she was by remembering her face. He smiled and raised a hand to wave hello.-
Jo - Her eyes were just drawn to him was Sam back. When she tried to speak with nothing was coming out of her mouth at the first. When she saw his hand waving her over to him, she started to move closer to the giant of the Man in his blue jeans and flannel shirt. A million questions were playing in her head she wanted to talk to /Her/ Sam, but how could he be back with his body getting a hunters funeral and now he was just standing only a few yards away. When she approached him. Trying to make some saliva in her mouth as her mouth was dry. Her mouth felt like sandpaper as she struggles to speak before and letting out a deep breath. “Sam?”
Sam - Yeah. I'm sorry, this is probably weird. We've never met but I've read some of your file... -Holds out his hand and gives her a genuine smile.- Sam Winchester, but you probably knew that of course. It's good to finally meet you.
Jo - Jo couldn't get her head around that Sam Winchester was standing in front other. This was a huge deal for her. With the introduction of him, she smiled with millions of questions playing in her head. Her voice went very high when she spoke. “ Hello, Sam how are you okay. What's going as she set out a few quick questions in no time? Not giving him the chance to answer. Yes, I know you are Sam Winchester, not the one I know of but A new Sam Winchester. Can I ask something? Her mouth just fires out another question without even thinking. Are you just like my Sam? It's great to meet you, Sam. How long have you been here? You have been reading my file. I guess you like to do your homework on all hunters here at black waters? Jo tries to stop with the quick-fire questions to the man standing in front of her as she tried to breathe without answering another question him. *she misread the hand gesture and just hugged him, as she would Do with the other Sam*
Sam - -Little surprised but he went with it and hugged her back.- Well Dean and I have always been here. I’m assuming you’re asking if we came through a rift. The answer is no. I’m not sure how your “Sam” was so I can’t answer that. But look hey it’s great to meet you though.
Jo - -She paused herself in the hug listening to him talking. When she moved from the hug let him go. Taking a step back from to look up to him- You didn't? But how are you here Sam, sorry about all the questions?
Sam - This is my home dimension Jo, from what I've discussed with other things here are different from other places but we Winchesters are still hunters here.
Jo -*She stopped and bite her lip in front of him. Feeling like an idiot so jumping to the conclusion that's the man standing in front of her was from another world. * My apologies, Sam, I just thought you were from somewhere else as you just remind me of my Sam from here. I didn't realize there could be two of you from the same dimension. Can I buy you a coffee for apologies? And maybe we start over and talk?
Sam - -He didn't realize there were two of him here but he didn't say anything about it.- There's nothing to apologize for and if you want to talk sure I don't mind.
Jo - *She breathes easy from making an idiot of herself. Okay, he's a different Sam from this world not one of these sites that keep opening up. Which itself needs to be investigated. May Sam would be interested in looking into it. *
Great, I hear that's a great smoothie and sushi restaurant just outside and around the next block if you are interested? I know I could do with some help with a case if you are interested.
Sam - That sounds good. -Stuffing his hands into his jacket he walked alongside her.- Yeah sure, what's the case about?
Jo - Jo began to walk beside him, as they made their way out of the library. She had forgotten how to tall Sam was as she felt like a midget beside him. Looking up to him. Carrying the file in her bag she was allocated back at black waters. She didn't have a permanent hunter partner as she like the freedom of working with many hunters to expanding her acknowledges of all the hunters of black water. She knew in great details of Sam Winchester with his knowledge of the lora of most everything supernatural as the same age knew before this was a book worm and she wonders if this one would be the same.
*Continue to walk around to the little smoothie bar opening the door for Sam to step in* let's take a seat and we can talk. *Walking over to a booth* is this okay Sam? *Offering him a smile as she slips her small body into the booth seat*
Sam on my Last hunt I came across this special book that I've heard everyone is looking for when I mean Everyone I mean the supernatural world especially the witches and special crazy one as in there's this group of species that has been taking the limbs from us the humans but I can't seem to figure out what they are. A few nights ago I was investigating a young woman in a south haven in Michigan, in the State University where she was seen going into a medical building to see a scientist on the CCTV. Around forty-five minutes later a janitor found her in the medical room with her eyes missing and there was a shadow caught in CCTV escaping from jumping out of the ninth story window and landed on its feet. I just don't understand what could stand on its feet from that high. I came back to black waters looking for answers as the trail has gone quiet.
Sam followed Jo and took a seat listening to her. His mind racing for several reasons. He glanced around thinking a public place might not be the best spot if she truly had something everyone wanted but he didn't want to offend her so he let her finish and thought about what to ask first. He'd heard of several books that everyone would like to get their hands on but he wasn't sure which she meant. Lowering his voice.- Jo, this book. It's an actual book? Like a grimoire or is it like a stone tablet? This might not be the best place... to discuss this. -Eyes move from people around them back to her. Could be demons sitting right next to them and they'd never know without outing themselves as hunters in broad daylight.- We'd have to narrow it down there are many things that could do something like that. *Jo listened to Sam and knew she had to be careful to watch what she would say next with all the eyes and ears around. She nodded and smiled at his questions, this Sam doesn't know her well enough to speak in Hunter code to answer him to what book she had. When the time was right and the location, with no ears around she was willing to discuss this further with him. The last thing she wanted was to put Sam or herself in danger of being out on the opening.*, let's have this drink I promised you and we can go somewhere else to show you my workout moves? I know you will want to see them since this was your kind of thing Sam. If you are in?
Sam - Sure, always up for learning something new.
Jo - Good, I can always do with a great hunter on my side. How about me we order and have none hunter conversation right here. To get to know each other since there are unknown ears around. What are you drinking Sam?
Sam - Coffee is fine.
Jo - *Waves to the waitress over* No problem a straight black one? Do you want anything to eat? *Looking at the menu*
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impulsesimp · 1 year
so I had this idea of philza finding the letters fit tried sending out to the anonymous 3rd party that sent fit to quesadilla island and the order proceeds to have fit arrested and then this little blurb came to be
"I don’t know," tubbo speaks. all heads turn his direction and the young man mindlessly teeters his chair on its back legs.
"I don’t think he's guilty."
"what? toby, you've seen the pictures. you've seen the proof that he's been lying to us this entire time!" phil exclaims from across the table.
"well, yeah that bit I believe. I just don't think he's lying about not wanting to ever hurt us."
"what makes you so sure?" cellbit asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
everyone's eyes focus on tubbo again, awaiting his answer. tubbo breathes a sigh settling his chair back down on all four legs. he lifts his hands in a half shrug,
"he didn't fight the arrest."
the group looked at the teen with confused faces. tubbo rolls his eyes.
"think about it, guys. fit's one tough son of bitch, right? he's said before that he would fight anyone who even insinuated that he was a traitor. you were able to arrest that man resistance free." tubbo looks to their president. forever's brows furrow in deeper thought.
"so you're saying that he agrees that he is a traitor? that's why he let himself be arrested? i'm not understanding." baghera asks.
"yes, yes, exactly that. listen, fit is a man of honor. a man with a code. we can see that from the communication he had with the unknown source. he was loyal to whatever mission he had despite possibly not even remembering who gave him the order in the first place." tubbo stands, pacing the floor as he voiced his thoughts.
"maybe we're being too quick to call him a full on deceiver when maybe there's some more information that we're missing. think about it, fit had all this time to befriend the federation and get on their good side to achieve whatever," tubbo gestures his hands in the air. "and yet he chooses to side with the rebellion?"
"well, what if the federation planted him with us to be an inside man. to be a double agent from the very start and make it look like he was with us." bad theorizes earning a few nods from the group.
"no, no, look at the messages again," tubbo strides over to the projector.
"'they're still falling for the whole 'vacation' thing.' that! right there!" phil reads aloud. "the original train group was told that we'd be going on vacation here. from the very beginning he knew it was a set up!"
"yes, but read past that, phil!" tubbo stresses pointing to next words. he reads aloud,
"'something called the federation controls this entire island. they've been keeping us here.' you guys, fit did not know about the fed when he got on that train with you guys."
the group bristles as they ponder over the information.
"look, all i'm saying is… is fit guilty of lying about not having any knowledge of his preexisting life before the island? more than likely, yeah. do I think he has or even had any malicious intent against us? no, I don't."
tubbo turns to the projected letters again.
"'i've adopted a son… i've grown attached to him… it hurts me to see everyone suffering… regardless of my personal feelings…' if you ask me, these are not the words of a man who would take honor in being a traitor."
"okay, but I’m still not understanding what you are saying about the arrest. he went without resistance, why? now he can't communicate with that other person and now his secrets are coming out and he's at risk for punishment. why not run?" forever questions.
"because he feels guilty." all heads turn to pac who is leaned against the wall by the entrance. pac shifts uncomfortably, folding in on himself a tad more. tubbo nods in agreement.
"that. he feels guilty. take all of us out of the equation for a second. a man is sent on a mission by a benefactor that he has lost all contact with the moment he arrives to a desolate island. essentially now abandoned on said island run by a homicidal bear, the man makes allies and is forced to become a father. the man is still devoted to his mission- to his word, sure, but suddenly now there's emotion involved and he's torn between loyalty to an estranged boss…" tubbo catches pac's eye.
"and found family."
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