#but a lot of people don't seem to understand the pull of a deeply manipulative abusivve relationship and it shows
Okay, let's talk about Ming, and how some people are talking about him like he's an irredeemable monster. (It's okay that you don't know anyone who was emotionally neglected and you have a decent relationship with your parents, but it's not okay to pretend your experience is universal and everyone else is garbage)
I know some of you remember my loud defense of Ray from Only Friends, and here I am again, to fight for the loveability of the character who doesn't know what to do with all their big feelings.
Ming's family, from what we see, is not a warm, loving place for him to learn emotional intelligence.
May is pretty great, but there is only so much an older sibling can do when your parents are physically or emotionally unavailable.
Ming's mom had only been seen trying to control Ming's life, marry him off to a woman, and insisting he is incapable of being on his own. Not exactly mom of the year.
Ming is clearly incredibly lonely, and so, so sad.
He likes Tong, but mostly after his sister and Tong are already involved -- because it's safe to transfer feelings you don't understand to someone that those feelings cannot go anywhere with. When he starts to feel too much for Tong, he leaves the country, because he can't process those feelings, and he doesn't want to hurt his sister with his crush on her boyfriend.
He comes home, and he sees Joe first. His likeness to Tong is obviously what pulls Ming in, but it is very quickly apparent that Ming is genuinely interested in Joe, but he has no fucking Idea what to do with that interest.
And when Joe clearly likes him back? It gets worse. He lashes out and then feels bad, but mostly doesn't apologize, he just moves on, because apologies require reflection on what you've done wrong, and Ming doesn't know how to do that! We see him struggle with it multiple times!
He does not know how to deal with being wanted. With the expectation of care that comes with that. Because, ironically, Tong and May are the best example of a relationship he has to look at, and he had to tell Tong to go take care of May when she was sick.
His crush on Tong remains so deeply a part of his identity, even as it obviously fades, and it clouds everything because Tong uses Ming's affection for him against him! And Ming doesn't see that! He doesn't see Tong's flaws until after Joe's accident, and even then, I don't know that he acknowledges Tong's actions as cruelty and manipulation, or if he ignores that all under his own guilt and grief over losing Joe.
And this brings us back to Ming and Joe.
Ming didn't have a crush on Joe. He sort of accidentally fell into a situationship, but then became intensely possessive and obsessed with Joe. We see him be so unbelievably soft with Joe, in moments where he's allowing himself to be, to stumble through having feelings and carrying for other people. But there is so much holding on tight that Ming can't seem to turn off.
He holds on to Joe --both of them!-- so tightly. He sees threats to his claim on Joe everywhere, and he can't confront that idea, so he doubles down on being possessive, and he looks cuckoo-bananas.
But it really just reads to me like he doesn't know what to do with feelings! I know people --especially ND people, who needed a little extra help to learn how to person -- who had emotionally neglectful parents and didn't understand healthy attachment until years of therapy and some determined friends got involved.
I don't have the greatest track record for "healthy attachment", and lean towards codependent in a lot of my relationships.
Some of the people I love the most are "hold on tight even when it's not good, because if I let go you'll leave" people.
They are absolutely deserving of someone who loves them. They deserve a happy ending and middle, too. They deserve the chance to learn and grow and become better versions of themselves.
(and they deserve people to love and cheer for them even when they're being assholes and throwing tantrums and hurting people because they are still learning how not to do that)
Idek if this is coherent, or everything that I wanted to say, but here it is, my treatise on why Ming is my baby, actually, and why I will defend him until he is either better or actively worse.
ETA: what Ming has done is obviously not okay, reasons are not excuses, but I do think he deserves a chance to learn. and to tell Joe he loves him.
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krawlernyannyan · 5 months
After the v2.2 trailer I'm really starting to think the events going on in Penacony are somehow deeply tied to Ena the Order. At first I thought all the Order motifs (i.e. the eye symbol of Order being all over) around Penacony were just cool worldbuilding details about how the Harmony must've adopted the Order's symbology on top of THEIR Path, but now...
Like the thing that's really tipping me off here is all the goddamn puppets. The final boss of which is religiously-themed.
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This is an insane idea but what if everything that's been going on in Penacony has been the result of somebody trying to re-establish contact with Ena and/or the Path of Order? One of the major discoveries we made in v2.1 was that something's wrong with the Harmony, so what if the Harmony on Penacony is being corrupted in such a way that it aligns more with the Order? It's not even hard to see how.
The Harmony should be about cooperation, resolving differences, mutual understanding, but on Penacony that's not remotely the case. The Family's main tactic to keep the peace has been robbing people of their memories and emotions - keeping them in control not necessarily so people can heal, but to keep them in line and serve their designated functions. The Family on Penacony has already been debasing its population into obedient puppets, doing everything possible to maintain the facade they've created.
There's also the fact that Penacony used to be a prison, a setting that embodies the kind of control and forcible penance that Order represents. Xipe's attention was drawn to it because its prisoners began uniting together in the dreamscape but what happens if Penacony reverts back to a prison?
There's a lot of things that click neatly into place with one extra assumption, that the person ultimately behind this distortion is the most Order-adjacent character in the Penacony cast: Sunday.
He's the most outwardly religious person on Penacony in terms of his faith and he's straight-up covered in the Order's eye symbol, even having them on his halo, plus his major character trait is being a control freak. Circumstantially, he fits.
At this point it's been hammered in that there's a traitor in The Family - as the person in charge of the Family (only answering to the unseen Dreammaster) he's literally pulling the strings on Penacony and in the best position to manipulate its environment, so him being the literal puppetmaster behind everything would be a neat turn of phrase.
While he's outwardly devout to Xipe it could be the case that his appeals are specifically to those aspects of Xipe that THEY absorbed from Ena.
Sunday's ultimate goal is to create a truly perfect paradise in Penacony, but his idea of that could be reliant on the complete control of its population to stop all conflict, hence why he's going to such lengths to get Ena's influence.
It's been stated that a lot of the Dreamscape exists thanks to blessings from Xipe the Harmony, leading to its relative safety, but if the Harmony starts getting corrupted and weakened, then that would weaken those effects and that could be why the deeper dreamscape is starting to flood into Penacony. (This would be an unintentional side-effect of trying to bring about Order, or at least one Sunday thinks the influence of the Order could resolve in its own way.)
Sunday's been putting more resources into finding the serial killer than he is into the Charmony Festival, upsetting other Family members. If he's the one behind everything, he should already have a plan in mind for the Charmony Festival and so it's not a concern to him but the serial murders act as a chaotic element upsetting his attempted Order so stopping them and restoring Order is his higher priority.
On the subject of the serial murders: one detail we got in v2.1 is that the victims seem to be entirely random with no correlations or similarities between them. It could be that we just don't know the underlying reason but what if it is random? Intentionally random because doing it like that means there's no order to them. Something chaotic to disrupt the mastermind's plans to re-align Penacony into the Order. If they're Enigmata-themed like Gallagher, the random killings serve the double-purpose of obfuscating their true intent by making people try to find reason where there isn't any.
(I want to emphasize here that Sunday wasn't behind Robin's murder. This idea only works if he and the killer are on opposing sides, plus when he confronts Gallagher about her death I believe he's genuinely upset about it. Her investigation into the Harmony on Penacony is probably why she was targeted but I still believe Sunday would've tried other ways of getting her onto his side if she found out.)
Now, Robin did presume he was innocent, but we can excuse that on the basis that it's unlikely she would assume her own brother had ulterior motives, and his "death" at the end of v2.1 could simply be a narrative red herring to make us think he's only a victim in all this.
The last point I want to make here: the main event of the Charmony Festival is supposed to be Xipe's incarnation descending (in this case Dominicus, who was referenced in v2.1). If someone is actively trying to tilt Penacony away from Harmony and towards Order, then by the time the Charmony Festival actually arrives it might be not be Xipe's incarnation we see descend, but instead an incarnation of Ena. Hell, we might have actually seen that exact situation happening in one of The Great Septimus' attacks:
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azquine · 1 year
This may be for too niche of an audience, but fuck it, I'm reaching the fixated audience of me.
The captain from BBC Ghosts and Abed Nadir from community share quite a few similarities, at least from the way I read them.
They both hyperfixate, and their broad hyperfixation shapes the very way they view reality.
For the captain every interaction is a battle he has to strategize through in order to succeed. People are divided into allies and enemies, ranked into inferiors and superiors. Everything is war to him.
And to Abed the world is a show, every event a plotpoint with tropes he can either embrace or subvert. Their sequence he can break down into genre and predict. Every person is a character with a role, with consistent traits and desires he can navigate.
It is through these lenses that they try to control others sometimes, and are occasionally controlled in turn. Though honestly, when he tries Abed is more effective in this regard. Think about the American poultry episode, the captain could never. The captain attempts to pull rank and order more than he manipulates. That's more Julian's thing. Whereas Abed isn't trying to be the leader, he knows he isn't the main character, but he does want to lead the story where he thinks it would be best
They are both outwardly stoic seeming. If you look at them as a stranger all you will see is a straight face and blunt words. But if you pay any attention to how they actually act, you can see that they actually feel things very deeply. They care a lot. Their way of expressing themselves just isn't the exact same way as everyone else. But if you know what to look for it is not subtle in the least. Every little action is practically dripping with their thoughts and feelings. The way they position their head, the way they fiddle with things in their hands, their habits are visible and consistent. If anyone so wished they could make a list of each one and what they mean. So what if they don't laugh or smile the same way that other people do, if when they try to do it normally to fit in it is a little 'off'. If sometimes people call them emotionless. If sometimes they think that of themselves. They aren't.
This is most visible when they get to interact with their fixation, or when that fixation is taken away from them. Their joy, or upset, is practically palpable. You can see them visibly brighten up when the opportunity to share or interact with the thing they enjoy arises.
And then there is the abandonment that fundamentally changes them. Havers and Troy. Both gone to another place far away, leaving The Captain to stare at an open gate and Abed at an empty chair. The person most important to them, who bothered to understand them more than anyone else ever did, ends up leaving them behind. And it hurts them. A lot. It's one of the last things they speak about with the other characters and audience before their show ends.
For the comfort of hetronormative society they appear as a friend or a working partner to them. Though there is clear subtext that there was something more underneath. That they wanted something more. Even though it was not something they openly spoke of.
They are also both just kind of silly. This is completely unintentional on the captain's part, who would prefer to appear perfectly serious and professional. Abed however does not really give a shit how others see his activities and interests. They just get so into everything they do that it quickly veers into ridiculousness, focused on their task long after everyone else gives it up.
I don't know, I didn't really have any point to this post other than to talk about my current favourite two queer autistic characters. I would highly recommend that if you like Ghosts and the Captain, or Community and Abed, that you also watch the other show. Both will make you laugh and also kick you squarely in the sternum. And if any of you have any thoughts please let me know, I am dying to talk about these things.
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nandysparadox · 2 months
Hi nandy! Thanks for reblogging my ask game post!
Going to pull out the big guns here and ask: why do you love royality? What are your favorite canon moments? What do you think their themes are? Are there certain things/aesthetics that remind you of them?
ohh goodness this ask made me so happy. let's break it down :D (long post ahead!)
why do i love royality?
there's the elaborate answer - which is that i love their dynamic, even if it's not one that stands out as much as other relationships in the show, because it just feels so natural. when i watch them interact, i feel like they just understand each other, and the way they egg each other on in shenanigans is unfathomably precious to me 😆 their friendship is sweet, but it's not just that, and i think there's far more room to explore their relationship than people give it credit for, y'know? they're both flawed, they're complicated, they've hurt each other and i still think there's a lot of love there. but outside of canon, i am an avid enjoyer of aus, and in that sense what draws me in is the connection. they are in the same wavelength so to speak, and if you're like me and you love a cute, fluffy romance? no better pairing!
there's also the silly core reason - roman is my favorite side, i love him to bits, and patton is my comfort character, of course i like to see them together!
what are my favorite canon moments?
i think one of my favorite royality interactions is in the 12 days of christmas video, because goodness it is adorable to see them both excited and working together on something 😆 (i also like that pattons the one that defends roman first when they're being a little too mean. it's cute)
the other contender is definitely POF - like in its entirety. which might seem strange bc that's the video where their relationship crumbles to pieces! but i love that actually! it's heartbreaking to me but it adds so much more depth to the both of them, I can't help but love it. also the part where patton says that they love him, and roman says "right" before sinking out, just straight up destroyed me. i haven't been the same since
i think royality definitely doesn't get a lot of "shippy" interactions, not like other pairings per se, but i don't mind. i know what im working with here. (there is some point in svs where patton calls roman handsome i believe. that made me happy lmao)
what do you think their themes are?
interesting question! let's start with the normal answer, i think a lot of conflict in their relationship is intertwined with the idea of 'doing the *right* thing'. this is fundamental to both of their arcs and i think what draws them together. roman is modelled after princes and knights and chilvary, he's not just creativity, he's "good" creativity, he feels like he has to do the right thing, and struggles when he can't live up to that and his purpose as thomas' hopes and dreams. it's tearing him apart. patton is morality, it's his job to determine what the right thing is, and to steer them in that direction. this is why roman holds his opinion in such high regard. but the things is, patton also struggles with his purpose, because in real life, things are complicated! there isn't always a right thing to do! and it's quickly becoming way too overwhelming for him. this is ultimately what's keeping them apart too. this rigid division of good and bad has hurt roman badly, but he doesn't have an identity without it, and patton has now realized all the damage that its done, but he can't draw away from it without hurting roman too. at the end of POF, he opens the door for janus, which was ultimately the best thing for c!thomas at that moment. but goodness, that cut roman deeply. and they don't know what to do about it.
which leads then to the strange answer. honestly? betrayal and devotion. they were together in the same boat, roman was committed to it, committed to patton, and then patton left. he left and for who? the person who manipulated him throughout the whole situation (in roman's POV!) - it's heartbreaking to see from roman's perspective, but when we see it from patton's, we know it had to be done, that they couldn't keep on living by that strict idea of morality, that it was hurting c!thomas. it's complicated.
but! so i don't end this question in a downer note, i think it's not really discussed enough how patton's role as thomas' heart affects their dynamic. roman is creativity and patton is the heart, and it's been explicitly stated in the series that he's at the core of c!thomas' motivation for creative endeavors. no wonder they have such a connection! i think it's very sweet, and shows that roman's high regard for him isn't just because of his role as morality, or because patton forces his beliefs on him, it's a little more complex than that! (roman is in love with patton is what im saying. this is a royality post) this all ties back to the devotion thing. listen. roman is a knight through and through, for better or for worse
are there certain things/aesthetics that remind me of them?
YES! winter/spring dichotomies (how? you have to live in my brain to understand). sweets. movie nights and sleepovers. winter and holiday fluff in general - they were made to be in a hallmark movie.
thank you so much for the ask ill be forever grateful for the opportunity to ramble on about my favorite guys ❤️🩵
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liaarxse · 1 year
hii I saw your tokyo revengers character matching and got a little excited lol I hope this doesn't bother you or is too much or anything
Appearance - 5'7", semi muscular, geto posture (😭), fluffy curly hair with dark brown roots dyed blonde, multicolor cat eyes, always has a neutral expression of murder and I swear it's not their fault, they're just sleep deprived 😭 considered pretty attractive but they couldn't care less tbh
Personality- like, half and half. They appear and sound very very calm and neutral (or even intimidating), but their words and actions are always unpredictable. They're stubborn in a way that nothing in the world could budge them- except something ridiculous like a cookie 😭 they're cool and mature, but they're easily pleased in a way that's Childish. Basically they can fit any labels, and how they act just depends on who they're around- so like semi manipulative in the likeable way?? Idk. There for anyone, anytime. They're super strong n tough, the absolute idgaf type, but deep down they care too much. As tired as they seem, they're never without energy (hence the constant multitasking). They really just don't want to be a problem to anyone, but they're like draken or baji in the sense that they're never afraid to instinctively tell you what's on their mind to your face. Basically a tsundere mom friend with a past thatttt we don't talk about😭 they should give themself a break
Hobbies or likes- they never stop listening to music, enjoy hanging out with a lot of people, sweet little snacks, and hide their habits of drawing and writing. They're really just built around self expressionism and trying new things and having fun :) Their favorite thing to do is watch the sky but they never have time to. They may or may not have surprising anger issues they need to fix, but at least they're not getting angry at people? (Totally not something like pokemon games when an eevee runs away or something 😭)
Boy or girl doesn't matter, just not someone who canonically ends up with someone- or kisaki or hanma 😭
I hope this isn't too annoying, I hope you're having a great day!
I give you...
Souya Kawata
At first, i thought about Draken. On further notice, best sounded Rindou, but if you think about it, Souya.
You understand each other.
Bare with me. I'm not choosing Souya just because your appearance is pretty much the same, and you can complain how you hate dealing with your hair, but deeply because you'll connect.
I personally headcanon the Kawata twins having some sort of mental issue coming from early childhood.
Souya would be having rage issues. Not just anger, rage. He gathers it all up to a point where when someone hurts someone dear to him, he goes murder mode without hesitation taking away lifes.
Having anger issues, I don't believe you'd go straight up murder mode, but if you do spare my soul please
At first, you'd be just talking and all, like friends. Finding it amusing how you're both rocking a resting bitch face with a kind heart
After some time, the rest kicks in. When you're both comfortable enough and trust each other, you start telling some secrets. You shared your anger issues with Souya and gave him a half-ass explanation about it, not taking it too seriously. When Souya started talking about his rage, you know where this will lead.
Everyone says opposites attract, but for me, it's not always the case.
You balance each other with trust and shared mindset.
Souya takes you to gang meetings almost always, but you have to stay right by his side.
Also, on the opposite side of Nahoya. The bitch feral /jk
You quickly befriend the crew and the sweet Hina and Emma who ADORED you
After every meeting, Souya smuggles you away from the rest so you can watch the sky. Will it be midnight, evening, golden hour, or just a bland day. He knows you love watching the sky, so he pulls you to some special secluded place he chose himself for you to watch the sky. He gives you some snacks to eat while doing so. Sometimes you talk and sometimes you just stay in a comfortable silence, thankful you found each other.
In conclusion,
Love the person next to you regardless. No matter how they appear or the issues they have. Nobody is perfect. Everyone has problems.
Try fixing them instead of taking the easy way out. There is no easy way. It's just a form of mindset that leads you to a harder life. Don't be a pussy.
Be brave.
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looksalikes · 8 months
tue jan 30, 11:52 AM
Lifes been kinda weird lately. I've always said have weird luck. not bad luck, not at all. but like off luck. Im really clumsly and i have weird instincts about things. like for an example, lets just say we're in a classroom and the teacher is like "whoevers name i pull out first will have to present" and then i get hairs thinking "its gonna be me. i wanna get this over with, but im nervous to be the first. but i feel like its gonna be me." and low and behold.
or like, one time i was running in the city while high (yes i know very dangerous), but then i walked into traffic. the car almost hit me, tapping my knee!! but i come out pretty much unscathed. then im so embarresed and shocked, i run further into traffic! and then almost get hit AGAIN!
anyways what i mean is that my luck is interesting, i find myself in overall fortunate situations but overall weird odds.
this is all to say that this year has been a tough year, it feels like my luck has been odder than ever. i had to have a tough conversation with one of the people i consider one of the closest to my heart. i felt like a messed up on my boundaries and confused them a lot. i feel also a lot of guilt from my past relationship, as i jumped into something right after.
I've always had a lot of hate from my fathers emotional unfaithfulness to us. so i was deeply terrified that i was doing the same. i don't know if anyone will understand but this was a deep betrayal to my heart. which is why i needed some space. well just one of the reasons. i'm worried my dear friend thinks its just because i don't trust her, but the biggest reason i wanted space was to just figure out my feelings too.
but i also feel guilty i was trying to mindread her or trying to make a decision on her behalf. i wasn't trying to, but sometimes when i get emotional, i do tend to be controlling. not because i want to manipulate the person, but i get very distressed when i hear a friend in pain. i feel bad, i want to apologize to her if i ever came off as belittling or harsh to her. its my issue that i need to work on, not hers.
in the end, i think some space is healthy. time has always healed all. actually almost always for the best! i heard some news from my friend Natalie, she spoke with my old friend Statz. Apparently she seemed very different. she broke up with old partner, who she described being WAAYYY worse than Tu. And that she regrets not listening to me and my friend at the time. I felt a lot of guilt about that too, cuz like with the person before, i was letting her issues get too into my head. even if its for good intentions.
Life's been tough, but ive been hearing some good news about jobs. i ran into my old coworker, and she said they were hiring. i hope i can get it. fingers crossed everyone!!
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roguephoenix85 · 3 years
Final chapter - is Ymir badly written or is it something else? (spoiler for the end of SNK)
TW: mentions of child abuse, sexual abuse 
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So I’ve seen a few people confused, upset, and a little angry about the explanation for Ymir “loving” Fritz as the reason why things were as they were, and claiming it’s bad writing and rushed and what have you. I don’t claim to know all the nuances and in and outs of long form storytelling such as Attack on Titan, but I do know some things about being a victim of brainwashing, abuse, and defending the people who abused me. Some are saying it’s Stockholm syndrome, and while I don’t necessarily disagree, it’s a bit more nuanced than that. Because I did everything I could to get away from my family that hurt and abused me, but I still kept them in my life for some inexplicable reason, year after year, involving them in it and divulging information to them that they would use to harm me psychologically and mentally for their amusement and sense of power and superiority. Why? Everyone outside of my family who observed it could see that they were shitty and awful and I didn’t need them. But after 30 years of being told I’m incompetent, no one loves me like they would, I can’t take care of my life responsibly like an adult would, and that I’ll never have enough money to live unless they helped (and the condition of their help was to give them control over my care - they picked doctors, therapists, everyone, that would give them the diagnoses they wanted so it would be an easier case to be declared legally incompetent and have my mother control my financial and housing freedom), I had internalized it to such a degree that I truly believed those things about myself. My depression and suicidal thinking sprung from the conflict that this treatment wasn’t right vs. but they’re your family and they love you so they MUST be right, you MUST be an evil child to be controlled, and YOU’RE the problem. When that is all you know, you think that it’s love. Because the love you receive is conditional upon subservience.
Ymir wanted love and the only “love” was from the king once she acquired power. As much as she wanted the love she observed the only love available was manipulative and abusive. If you’ve never known actual unconditional love, you’ll take anything that you’re given.  That’s why I was raped. That’s why I was molested. That’s why I allowed myself to compromise myself to stay with people who only sought to use and manipulate me for their own ends.
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Because there was none around me. And when you’re terrified of death and attached to the world, wanting and hoping that someday something good will finally happen, you latch on to people, ideas, objects that end up doing more harm than good to you, because all you know is that abuse is what love is. Mistreatment is the norm. But inside, you know it’s not right. Something doesn’t feel right. So you hope. You pick the first person who gives you any value, even if it’s your value to them and not your own inherent value you’ve found for yourself. You never truly live for yourself. You’re living so that others will give you your value. Because when you did do things for yourself - you’re ridiculed. You’re betrayed. You’re humiliated and abused more. You’re kicked so much that you go back, again, and again, because the humiliation is worse than just letting them do what they want to you. That’s what happened to Ymir. The one time she did something she wasn’t “supposed to”, what happened? She got hunted and almost murdered. And when she found that power, she had value to her oppressor. Her tribe betrayed her to save themselves. This “king” tried to have her killed. But she found power. And once she had power, her abusers sought to capitalize on it. She had no one. So when you gain power and all of a sudden you have value to someone? You latch on. Because now you’re important. Now you’ve elevated yourself. But that value isn’t something for YOU. It’s something that is for the benefit of someone who only values you when you’re doing something for them.
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I’ve noticed a lot of “I don’t get why Ymir would love the king, that’s bad storytelling”. My mother is a sociopath and allowed my molestation when I was a child because “everyone else went through worse and you’re a nasty little girl” - to a nine year old. She schemed to take my inheritance away from me. When my visitation with my father was over for the weekend, she would abuse and manipulate me for three days after every visit to “get me back to where I needed to be.” I would be choked, slapped, hit, have my room ransacked and destroyed if I didn’t comply with her wishes. When I wanted to kill myself because I found no solace with friends, teachers, therapists (that my mother sought out and paid for because she wanted someone to declare me incompetent or bipolar so she could take away my legal rights and exert control over every aspect of my life), neighbors, no one, even my own stepfather told me I was stupid for wanting to kill myself and that I’m ungrateful for everything. I would later discover this man was a heroin addict for longer than I had even been alive and that the only reason my mother stayed with him was because he had a large inheritance that would come to him and she could easily have his power of attorney taken away from him and control him because hey, he’s a drug addict and can’t be trusted. Better to let her take care of it all, right?
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And even after all of this, I loved her. Well, I used to. I would keep wanting her love and respect because to give it up meant I had no value to anyone. The two significant others that I did have didn’t really love me, my last one was also a sociopath who convinced me to snort adderall, take hallucinogens, and stole my car to commit sexual assault against a mutual friend who had been assaulted not even 6 hours prior by someone else. When all you know is abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, and harming yourself to get a modicum of dignity and respect and love, of COURSE you stay. Because no one else loves you, right? You’re worthless and stupid and have no value except to me. I’m the only one who can love you. I’m the only one who can use you properly. Just do what I say and what I want and don’t complain or worse will happen to you. Families don’t do this to each other, you’re just mad that I’m better than you. Choices are hard, let me make them for you because clearly you can’t handle the “real world.”
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When you are told these things and unduly punished for pushing back against it, of COURSE you think it’s love. Because no one is giving it to you otherwise. They isolate you, triangulate you so you HAVE to go back to them. And you do it. Because there’s nothing else around you showing you otherwise. It’s only when you share the story with others, or view it through the lens of someone else, that you understand how fucked it truly is. Under the under, Ymir is a child. She’s a child who wants to be loved. And all she’s known is manipulation and abuse. For thousands of years, because each “founder” was just her original abuser in a new body. Like Zeke. 
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Until Eren. Who saw her story, and instead of using her, validated her. Saw her experiences through an objective lens and said ENOUGH OF THIS. This is WRONG. It’s SICK. And it won’t end unless I do this. Until I give her the choice to break free. All it takes is one person to listen to you and hear you and your world is changed. But she never appeared as she did when she died. She was still a hurt child beholden to her abusers. And in this instance, the only thing that could make it stop is destroying it completely. 
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Is genocide wrong? Yes. Is scapegoating an entire race of people in the name of world unity wrong? Yes.  Is using children for war and power and brainwashing them wrong? Yes. This world is cruel. It always was. That’s been the thesis of this story from day one. But. It’s also beautiful. But you have to allow that beauty in. You have to show it to people. Ymir wasn’t able to see any of it until it was far too late, but not from her own conscious choice. She’s just a child who wants to be loved and only found manipulation. And was scared of “death” because that meant there was no love in the world. None for her. Her existence was to be used and fucked to death metaphorically. And when that’s the only love you’re given and told to expect, you hold on to it and believe there’s nothing better.
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Until someone or something objective comes along, hears your pain, shares it, validates it, and then tells you it’s fucked up that that’s how you were forced to live. When everything you’ve known is a fucking lie, you do want to scorch the earth somewhat. All these people that could have helped you and they said fuck you, I’ll use you too. Standing up to your abuser is scary. I’m currently suing my mother now, and I’ve been terrified of her retaliation even though I’m 35. Because she has money and people she can manipulate into harassing me on her behalf. Even though I’ve taken as many precautions as I can, there’s still things she can do - ensure I get none of my inheritance, destroy my childhood memories, slander me publicly, fly out to where I live and stalk me or have others stalk me, or find people loyal to her to assert that I should be declared incompetent because of my autism, even though I have my own doctors I see now who disagree with that sentiment. It’s scary, but it’s right. But I’m also an adult now, and when I realized that my stepfather was telling everyone in the family that when he was high on ketamine I convinced him to murder my birth father, and that it was MY IDEA, and that my mother lied about reporting my sexual abuse to DHS because she wanted to protect her brother, his kid that abused me, and their family over me, and also had me lie about my birth father abusing me by convincing me “Oh it was so traumatic you can’t remember” so she could get custody of me just because she hated him, I finally said enough. But I didn’t have an Eren to help me make that decision. Or a Mikasa to do what needed to be done.
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Ymir is still just a child mentally. Separation from that, especially when you’re a child and have no other allies in the world and you’re told worse could happen to you if you separate from your abusers, is difficult. And sometimes nonsensical. I know a lot of people were confused as to why I would still try to involve my mother in my life after the insanely fucked up shit she would do. But you don’t know any better when you’re the target. My reasoning is that I’m an adult now and I have a life of my own I’ve built despite her. Ymir didn’t have, or didn’t understand, that choice. So she stayed. Asking for breadcrumbs of love and respect and dignity from lesser beings. To quote Chelsea Hart “You want to be worshipped by a goddess without having to be a god.” She had the power, and she didn’t know what to do because she was a child. So she gave away her power. And by then it was too late to be properly reasoned with. The only way to stop it was to destroy all of it. Because when you’re a child you don’t have the benefit of retrospect. You have a limited view of the world because you’re a child. You’ve been sheltered and told manipulative bullshit to keep you down, so breaking free is the radical thing. And when you’re a child, you don’t know moderation. You’re impulsive and your emotional intelligence is limited. So of course the rumbling is the result. But you also think you still love your abuser. Because that’s all you know truly, and when you don’t see it until it’s too late, this is the result. It’s tragic, but Isayama never said this was a happy story. And considering how he WAS going to end it, giving who remains another chance at life and evening the playing field by having Paradis’ army now be comparable to the opposition army, and having the curse of the Titans eliminated from the world, that’s a pretty good ending for them.
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I mean, isn’t that what Eren’s goal was since he was a child? To eliminate the Titans from the Earth? I’d say that mission is fully accomplished now.
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kirain · 4 years
I started playing rdr2 but stopped because like idk but I can't seem to get over the fact that all the women are prostitutes and they don't really have any important roles. Like what's Abigail do? Ooh she's a mother who's always mad? What do the other women do? Oooh they sleep with the gang. What's Sadie do? Oooh she becomes a badly written femme fetale who suddenly becomes a flawless killer. The women are just so badly represented.
I get the feeling you didn't play the game naturally or see any random encounters, because none of what you said is true. There's a lot to unpack here, so let's start with the "all the women are prostitutes" comment.
First of all, none of the women are prostitutes, a fact that deeply irritates Micah. During a coach robbery where he rides with Arthur and Bill, he even says, “Why the hell do we need a gaggle of girls who won’t even fuck you if you put a gun to their head? Is it too much to ask considering they get a piece of every damn dollar I bring in?” Poor baby. He even tries to proposition all of the women (Grimshaw included), but they all insult him and send him running with his tail between his legs. It’s hilarious and I love it. Arthur also responds to Micah with, “Everyone does their share. I don’t see you lifting a finger around camp.”
Now a bit about the girls:
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Mary-Beth was a skilled pickpocket, but she ended up being caught by a group of her victims. She mentions this during a conversation with Arthur, where she points out how hard it was for women who came from nothing, and the inequality of it all. RDR2 actually regularly highlights how difficult frontier/outlaw life was for women back then, often pulling zero punches. While fleeing her pursuers, Mary-Beth luckily ran into Hosea, who helped her escape and welcomed her to the gang. You can see Dutch lusting after her a few times, because he's an old pervert, but she always shuns his advances. She was never a prostitute and she was actually underage when she joined.
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Tilly was a child outlaw and a member of the Forman gang from the age of twelve. She ended up killing the leader's cousin because he [as is heavily implied] tried to rape her. She was around sixteen at the time and tried to return to her mother after the ordeal, but she unfortunately passed away while Tilly was running with the Formans. Out of options, she eventually joined the van der Linde gang after Dutch saved her from some unspecified trouble. You can find most of this out during one of my favourite side missions, where she gets kidnapped by Anthony Foreman in retaliation for killing his cousin. With Grimshaw’s help, you can rescue Tilly and put an end to it once and for all. She was never a prostitute and was also underage when taken in.
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Susan Grimshaw was one of the original members of the gang and one of Dutch's first lovers. They parted amicably and both fell in love with other people (Dutch with Annabelle, and Susan with a doctor who sadly ended up dying), but she stayed with the gang because of their mutual respect for each other. She later became the arbiter of the camp and a kind of surrogate mother to Arthur, John, and the other girls. She was never a prostitute, but rather a rough-and-tumble outlaw.
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Karen is a little more complicated. Overall, she was a scam artist (Hosea even called her an “actress”) who sometimes lured men into brothels, then stole from them or picked their brains for leads. That doesn't necessarily mean she was a prostitute; however, it just means she used sex as a manipulation tactic. Out of all the women in the group, she was the freest and most unconventional. She also stood on guard duty and participated in heists. The only man she ever slept with in game was Sean, and his death absolutely devastated her. If you talk to her or observe her interactions, you also discover she’s a raging alcoholic suffering from some very deep-seated issues. She likely did have to do things she wasn’t proud of in order to survive, but in my opinion that makes her one of the most realistic members of the group. She was never described as a prostitute.
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Molly was an aristocrat who left her family to be with Dutch. His abusive treatment eventually led her to suffer an identity crisis, where she ended up hysterical and heartbroken. Her story is sad, but she was never a prostitute. If anything, Molly is the best example we have that Dutch views people as items, not human beings.
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Abigail is the only prostitute in the game, but by the events of RDR2 she's an ex-prostitute. To say she's nothing more than "a mother who's always mad", I feel, does her character a great disservice. First of all, she left that profession behind to raise her son, to give him a decent chance in life. Unlike John, she stepped up immediately to become a responsible adult. I don't think people realise how impressive that is because, one, she could've easily abandoned Jack at the roadside (which was common back then), two, she could've induced an abortion, and three, she was quite young when she had him; around nineteen years old.
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You say the women are "poorly represented", but they're stronger, smarter, and more mature than most of the men. A few of them even become self-sufficient in the turn of the century, something dear old Dutch couldn't even do/accept. Abigail in particular helps Sadie mourn her husband and the two grow very close. Their interactions are both grounded and heartwarming, with Abigail telling Sadie she’ll suffer the loss of her husband, but that it’ll get better if she keeps on living. She takes care of her, and Sadie later returns that kindness. These women are so full of quirks and humour and personality, I don’t know how you missed it.
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As for Sadie ... where do I even begin? Badly written? Femme fatale? Flawless killer? Sadie is one of the best written characters. She's not flawless, she's exceptionally flawed, temperamental, and traumatised. It's never expressly stated, but it's implied at several points throughout the game that she was repeatedly assaulted while the O'Driscolls kept her captive. At first, she's petrified and miserable, to the point that all she does is cry and express suicidal ideation. Then, she gets angry. Very angry. Having nothing left to live for, her home and husband torn from her grasp, she throws herself headfirst into danger, which almost gets her killed on a number of occasions.
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She's not a "flawless killer", she's a messy killer. She's not an expert death-dealer, and that's made evident from the start -- but she was a hunter who shared the workload with her husband, so it's not as if her skills just magically appeared. You do see how much it weighs on her, however, near the end of chapter six. If you help her kill the rest of the O'Driscolls, she laments what she's become because she thinks her husband would be horrified. She’s extremely complex and struggles between mourning and moving on.
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I also can't help but laugh at the "femme fatale" accusation, because Sadie actually defeminises herself, which is understandable considering the hell she’s suffered. She even wears men's clothing, which wasn't illegal [anymore] back then, but it was openly frowned upon. Femme fatales use their beauty and sexuality to their advantage, ensnaring men with their feminine wiles. Sadie never does that and fights side-by-side with the boys. Interestingly enough, that's partially why Calamity Jane, an actual historical figure, garnered so much attention, because of how she behaved/dressed. It’s pretty clear to me that Rockstar might’ve used her as inspiration for Sadie. This was a real woman who lived from 1852 to 1903.
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In addition, Sadie plays one of the most important roles, yet she does so without falling into the category of a Mary-Sue. She saves the gang and moves them to a new location when the Pinkertons attack Shady Belle. She hatches the plan that frees John from prison. She helps Arthur rescue Abigail after she gets kidnapped. She tracks down Micah and puts an end to his reign of terror. But most of what she does she accomplishes with a partner--Arthur or John--both of whom she respects immensely. No one, not even Arthur, does everything alone, and when they do there’s usually negative consequences. It's the camaraderie and shared experiences that make these characters successful, and aside from Charles and Hosea, I’d even argue that the women are more well-rounded and fleshed out than the men.
I gather from for comments that you didn't finish the game, so I hate to spoil it, but I kind of have to if you walked away with this mindset. The women of RDR2 are a force to be reckoned with.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - Chapter 23 - The Witch's Cabin (Part Two)
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Thanks to my gif maker and friend of course, @abimess.
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies. || Chapter Warnings: +18, smut.
Series Masterlist ||  Read on AO3 || All Works Masterlist
Chapter 23 - Part XXIII - The Witch's Cabin (Part Two)
You weren't sure if Wanda wanted some time from you as well, as you watched her walk through the garden, sit alone on one of the benches while looking at the rocky mountains in the distance.
What you were sure of was that she was distressed. So much so, that even as she blocked out her emotions, strands of her discomfort escaped, and you felt your body shiver slightly.
Sighing, you put your hands in your pockets, resisting the urge to join her as you watched her from the balcony.
"Here, Miss." It is Charles who says beside you, with a mug of reheated tea. You raise your eyebrow in confusion, and he smiles tenderly. "I thought a hot drink would bring you some comfort." He explains, and you mutter a thank you as you accept the cup.
Charles stands beside you, watching the landscape in silence for a moment. When you take the first sip, and sigh lightly, he asks, "Did it help?"
"Not much." You reply. "I appreciate the intention, but I won't feel good over tea until she is."
It's a simple statement. And Charles just murmurs in understanding, not needing you to explain further.
There is another pause, before he speaks again.
"Then I think you should talk to her." He says.
"She said she needed some time alone." You retort, scratching the back of your head with your hand quickly, and placing the cup on the large one on the balcony. "I'm giving her space."
"Oh, I see." He murmurs. "Are you sure that the alone time included her protector?"
You give a short humorless laugh. "You know, people have weird ideas about this whole thing. We're still two separate people. Wanda can have her time without me."
"Of course she can." Charles agrees quickly. "Forgive me, I think I expressed myself badly. I didn't mean to say that you two aren't independent, or to put me on the same level as sensationalist wizards who don't know anything about ancient magic." He speaks, causing you to frown. "I only meant that it is my understanding that scarlet witches and their patrons have a special relationship. If I remember correctly, it is written that the patrons bring a profound sense of safety and comfort to their sorceresses when present."
You feel your cheeks flush, and you look away quickly. Charles doesn't seem to notice, or if he does, he says nothing.
"So...do you think she'll like it if I talk to her?"
" Well, she's your sorceress, you know her better than I do, Miss Stark." Jokes the man. "Don't let an old book tell you what you must or mustn't do."
You bite the inside of your cheek, lingering your gaze on the crestfallen figure of Wanda meters ahead.
"Thanks for the tea, Charles." You mutter before starting to walk toward the gardens.
To avoid frightening her, you make a noise with your steps, but Wanda only lifts her head when you are practically at her side.
And you swallow dryly when you notice the tears on her face, approaching calmly to sit beside her.
You don't have to say anything really, and you don't mind waiting for her to tell you whatever she needs to. But Wanda just waits for you to sit down, and then she leans against your body, sinking into your embrace as you run your hands around her.
She relaxes immediately with your touch, sighing. You think Charles was right after all.
Her tears cease, drying against your shirt, and she inhales deeply against you.
“Thank you.” She whispers, making you smile shyly, as you run your fingers through her hair.
"For what?" you whisper back, half-joking, not knowing exactly what you've done.
"For staying."
You sigh, hugging her tighter as your fingers gently scratch the back of her neck, and Wanda shivers against you, before relaxing completely. "I told you I'm never leaving."
You stand like that for a few more moments, until Wanda starts to move again. She pulls her face away to look at you, and you just smile at the intense way she does so.
"I'm sorry." She says, and you frown in confusion. She straightens up before continuing, taking a deep breath, as if she is finding the right words. "With everything Agatha showed us, I finally understood that I never had a choice on my fate. And before, when I was going to erase your memory, how angry you got, I didn't understand why. Because to me, I was making the right thing, sparing you somehow. But now, I understand." She confesses quickly, gesturing as her eyes fill with tears. "It was your choice. And I don't think you would ever forgive me if I moved on without you, when you chose to stay with me. And as much as I hate how dangerous this is, and I don’t want you to get hurt, you have the right to choose to stay by my side if you want, because those are your feelings and I had no right to try to take them away from you."
You nod, sighing, and raise your hand to her face, caressing her cheek.
"It's okay, darling." You say. "I haven't been angry in quite some time. But I appreciate that you apologized."
You move closer, kissing her softly on the lips before pulling away. "I guess in the end I broke my promise about not touching you before the apology." You joke making her smile. "I couldn't help it, you're just too irresistible."
Wanda laughs shyly, raising her hands to your neck, looking at you fondly.
"Do you want to talk about what we saw?" You ask next, and she sighs, nodding.
You spend the next few minutes talking. Wanda feels bad about the whole thing. About all the lies, schemes, and about never having had a real choice. No matter what would happen, she was always going to become the Scarlet Witch. And no one asked if she wanted that.
She didn't talk about Natalya, and you respected her time.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive Agatha completely for the things she did." Wanda confesses a moment later, you two are sitting side by side, looking at the mountains. "But a part of me will never be able to hate her entirely. And I detest that."
"It doesn't bother me that she matters to you, Wanda." You say. "Even with everything that happened, she really believed she was doing the right thing. And now she's helping us. And I know you've spent a lot more time with her than I have." You clarify quickly, and Wanda looks at you with a slight frown. "I just mean that even with the pain she caused me, it's okay for you to still care about her. I won't hold a grudge over it."
Wanda nods, reaching your hand up on the bench. She entwines your fingers together, and moves closer to lean against you, resting her head on your shoulder.
"Can we stay here just a little longer?" She whispers. The sunrise is approaching. You were going to say you would stay as long as she wanted, but your speech becomes a yawn halfway through, and she laughs softly. "Maybe the bed would be better."
You laugh softly too, and Wanda squeezes your hand before moving to pull you back into the house.
When you go through the kitchen, Agatha is there. She and Wanda exchange a look, but neither of them says anything, and you just follow the brunette in front of you upstairs.
You think you'll sleep until lunchtime at least.
You grunted in pain as you fell to the ground.
"Everything okay there, Stark?" Agatha's softly teasing voice made you give a wry laugh.
"Perfect." You grumbled as you stood up, wiping the dust from your pants. "Again please, and try something stronger this time, Agatha, I think you're starting to go soft on me."
The witch laughed, raising her wand quickly. The next spell hurt more than the first.
It had been eight and a half weeks since you had been in Agatha's house.
Things were going well, if you could put it that way.
After that day when Agatha showed the memories out of the pensieve, she and Wanda were on thin ice, and no memories were shared again. They treated each other politely, with occasional sharp pins, but nothing ever too aggressive.
Meanwhile, Agatha was really helping the two of you to become better sorcerers.
You think you never learned so much magic at once, but you weren't complaining.
Even Charles was helping you with potions, a passion he seemed to share with Erik.
And with the intensity of your studies, Agatha hoped that soon you would be worthy of pulling Rowena's diadem out of the hat, but she never seemed to find the right spot, and it was making everyone slightly frustrated, even if no one would admit it.
You haven't heard from the order.
With Fury's death, the radio went silent. You believed that no one but him had been arrested, or killed, because nothing was said in the Daily Prophet. But it wasn't easy to ignore the tightness in your chest at not knowing for sure.
Now that you were practically considering yourself a master at dueling, even if Agatha wouldn't admit that you had far more knowledge in defense against the dark arts than any other witch your age, you expected her to continue the lessons in Occlumency and Legilimency that Erik never managed to finish.
"You're not ready for that yet." She replied, for the third time you brought up the subject, and you sighed impatiently.
"But professor-"
"Erik taught you the basic level of that magic, Y/N." She interrupts, moving her hands so that the objects in the kitchen begin to prepare lunch around you. Wanda is in the house library, studying with Charles, and you had spent all morning practicing dueling spells, and learning to become more resistant to them as well.
Your whole body was sore from the times you fell to the ground when you were hit by stupefy and the most common duelling spells , but it was better than being knocked out at the first attempt if you had never practiced before.
"A master of legilimency would be able to dominate the minds of an entire city at once. You're not ready for that kind of magic yet."
"But I don't need to control an entire city, Agatha." You argue back, following her through the kitchen around the house. "You can just continue from where Erik started and-"
"Enough." She interrupts by turning to you, but she doesn't look angry, just impatient. "You won't leave me alone if I don't agree won't you?"
She sighs. "I can teach you Occlumency, Stark. But I won't teach you Legilimency, it's...against my vows."
You frown in confusion, "Your vows?"
But Agatha gives you only an insinuating look, and you understand.
As Legilimency is directly considered a forbidden, and dark magic, it would break her vow to only do the right thing by the scarlet witch, her promise to Natalya.
You've never been more curious to know how Agatha got around the perpetual vow for so many years, but the way she’s back walking tells you she's not going to share that with you anytime soon.
"Charles is a master legilimens." She continues talking, moving downstairs where the library is. You in her trail. "He can teach you."
"Really? That 's great!."
As you arrive at the study room, the huge piles of enchanted books surrounding you, your gaze immediately seeks Wanda's.
As Agatha tells Charles to teach you, you approach the girl, finding her distracted with a reading. You smile at how lovely she looks, and can't help but move quickly closer, and steal a surprise kiss from her that makes her sigh.
"Hey, you." You say as you pull away, and she giggles as she relaxes.
"Hey, you." She repeats as she stops you from moving away by holding you by your arm, pulling you back to kiss you properly.
"Hey little love birds, your first lesson in Occlumency is going to be tonight." Agatha warns in a tone of teasing, as you give an embarrassed chuckle breaking away from Wanda, leaning on the pilaster next to the chair she is sitting in. "And you, Miss Maximoff, can practice your natural legilimency skills with Charles on the same schedule as well."
"Yes, ma'am." You and Wanda answer together, and Agatha gives a warning sneer before turning, squeezing Charles' shoulder gently before leaving.
The man turns to you. "Miss Stark, please do not spill mud on my parchments."
You look down to your clothes immediately. Well, it wasn't your fault that Agatha had knocked you to the ground so many times. You were a mess, and you raised your hands in a sign of surrender.
"Sorry, Charles." You mutter as you walk away. "I just came to give my beautiful girl a kiss, I'm going upstairs to take a shower. See you two at lunch."
You give Wanda a wink of goodbye before walking away, being careful not to bump into books along the way.
You grumbled softly in pain as you removed your tangled sweater, realizing that perhaps you should have asked Agatha to go easy on the spells instead of challenging her.
Distracted, you startled when you heard knocking on the bathroom door, but relaxed completely when you saw that it was only Wanda, who smiled and leaned against the doorframe, looking up at you.
"Hey, babe." You greeted her, working to remove your shoes. "Do you want anything?"
"No, I just decided to take a break from the books." She replies. "But I would like to know how you convinced Agatha to teach you Occlumency so easily." She comments in a mixed tone of teasing and impressiveness and you laugh softly as you kick your untied shoes away.
"With my charm of course." You return, making her laugh.
When you motion to remove the shirt, Wanda bites her lips. "Allow me."
You stand still then as she steps up to your front, looking at you with the same tenderness that you look back.
Wanda works on the buttons of your shirt, and when she is finished, she pushes the material away, sliding it down your arms until it falls to the floor. You blush slightly under her curious gaze, but say nothing, letting her move the straps of your bra, and then open the clasp, soon the garment falls too.
She moves her fingers down your waist, to reach the zipper and buttons of your pants, and unzips them. You move timidly to remove the item as well, taking your panties with it.
Wanda gives a soft giggle, and you look at her curiously.
"It's nothing." She says shyly. "It's...I just realized that it's the first time I've seen you naked."
You blush, but respond. "I wish I wasn't covered in dirt."
"I wish you weren't covered in bruises." She retorts sharply, and you swallow dryly. The purple marks around your body are a result of the spells, but you don't care about that. The pain isn't exactly strange after all.
"It was worth it, though." You retort softly, and think that part of you is really referring to getting stronger, learning new magic. But the other part, the part that knows it's all for the girl in front of you, adds, "You're worth all the effort."
Wanda looks away, swallowing dryly as well. "Don't say that."
"It's the truth, Wanda." You say simply, and she sighs, straightening her posture softly.
"But you don't have to say it."
"You want me to lie then?"
"I just don't want you to say it so proudly." She retorts almost scoldingly, and you bite the inside of your cheek, not wanting to argue. She sighs, and puts distance between you, turning toward the exit.
You clear your throat, and call out to her. "I don't want you to be angry." You murmur. "I can't help it to say things like this, you know that."
Her expression softens. "I'm not angry, darling." She assures you. "I'll just get a towel for myself."
She leaves before you understand what that implies. Wishing you didn't look like a complete mess, you quickly step into the tub you left ready as soon as you arrived in the bathroom, and sink against the hot water, waiting for Wanda to join you.
Wanda doesn't take long. She leaves the towel in the sink, and smiles at you before she starts to undress, right there in front of you, as if she had done it a thousand times before.
You blush, but don't look away. And she doesn't seem to mind that you follow every movement of her hands, although her cheeks redden when she has her breasts exposed in the air.
Soon, she steps into the tub with you, taking the seat in the opposite corner, smiling softly as you hug your legs, looking up at her.
"I'm sorry I said that, I know you don’t like it and I shouldn’t have." You mutter. But Wanda just shakes her head, steeling herself to move closer, her hands touching your forearms.
"Don't worry." She says. "It's the truth after all. You are my knight in shining armor, and I can't do anything to change that."
You laugh softly, and Wanda smiles, stroking your skin with her thumb.
"I want to try something." She says next, making you look at her curiously. "Something I read about it this week. Can I?"
"Of course, darling." You say, and then she is pulling your forearms gently so that you stop hugging your legs, and you sink your hands into the water, waiting, as Wanda moves her fingers, guiding you so that you sit properly, and she sits between your legs. "What are you going to do?"
You ask curiously, even half embarrassed to have her so close, but Wanda just smiles, moving her hands out of the tub, where she makes the soap magically fly to her.
"First, I'm helping you get clean, babe."
She says, dipping the soap in the water before bringing it to your skin, lathering your shoulders gently. You relax under her touch, looking at her intently.
"Can I do the same to you?" you ask in a whisper, and she smiles.
"Of course."
Wanda raises the soap at face height, and with a flick of her hands, the item doubles itself to another. You raise your eyebrow. "Show-off." You tease, making her chuckle, as she hands you the other soap.
For the next few minutes, you help each other soap up amidst giggles, and stolen glances. Wanda's touch is as gentle and affectionate as her gaze, and you are so comfortable that you don't even have time to think about how intimate the whole moment is.
As you finish washing off the soap, Wanda begins to run her fingers along your shoulders. "Will you stay on your back for me?" She asks lowly, and you murmur in agreement before shifting to obey.
Without seeing her, your curiosity makes you tense up, and Wanda smiles as she moves closer, her hands on your waist. "Relax, darling." She asks against your ear, her fingers moving up your skin slowly as you obey.
"Do you remember last summer?" She begins, and suddenly you are feeling soft twinges on your skin. It's Wanda's magic. You don't know what she's doing, but it feels good. Little shocks around your back.
You just murmur, relaxing against her hand.
"When Papa taught you about mirroring magic, I mean." She continues, her tone low and soft. "So that you could take my damage from possible attacks."
"And you were so upset about my wrist breaking when you fell off a broom that you put me to sleep in Pietro's bed." You complete making her laugh.
"But I didn't send you away because I still wanted you in my house." She retorts and you laugh in agreement.
"Yes I do, darling." You say next. "I remember everything I went through with you."
Wanda bites her lips, blushing at your statement. But she continues to talk beyond that.
"There is another kind of spell like that." She says. "Charles was reading with me a line that said If the protector can take the pain, the witch must learn to heal the pain as well. You understand what I mean?"
You sigh softly as you feel the pressure of her fingers increase on the points where you knew you were injured. But it's not discomfort that you feel. It's a different sensation, like an electric shiver that turns into a gentle tightness.
"Yeah, I think so. You'll be able to heal my wounds now, right?" You ask with your eyes closed, instinctively leaning even closer against her hand as the pressure increases, and Wanda just murmurs in agreement, concentrating on her task. "That's pretty cool."
"I still need to learn it properly." She continues. "And I don't want to have to practice."
You chuckle softly at the comment. Of course she doesn't. For her to learn to heal your wounds, you would need to hurt her so she gets to practice, and that possibility is horrible for Wanda.
"I'm sure we'll find an alternative to that, Wands." You murmur lazily, so relaxed against her touch that you begin to feel sleepy.
Wanda continues for a few more minutes, and when she finishes, she goes around your waist with her hands pulling you gently against her, making you sigh.
"How do you feel?" She asks with her face resting on your shoulder, her arms hugging you as you relax against her.
"I feel incredible, love." You reply with your eyes closed. "Thanks to your magic fingers."
Wanda giggles, turning her face to kiss your neck, her lips touching your skin softly and making you smile and sigh.
"Can I make you feel even better?" She asks as she returns her mouth to your ear, playing with the lobe between her lips and teeth, making you hold your breath. "I could use my magic fingers."
You bite back a smile, nodding. Wanda inhales softly, settling herself better against the tub.
Her hands go around your belly with her fingertips, moving upward. You gasp when she reaches your breasts, stimulating your nipples between her fingers.
You let out a satisfied murmur, and your body gradually warms up.
When your nipples are hardened enough, and Wanda has you shivering, she wraps your breasts with her full hands, pressing the flesh against her palm, and you gasp, throwing your hips forward unter water.
"Wanda." You sigh softly as she continues to play with your breasts. "Don't tease."
"I'm not teasing darling." She murmurs back, returning the gentle caress against your nipples. "I'm just getting you wet."
"Just... touch me." You whisper, starting to move back into her, the tightness in your belly growing, and all she did was touch you softly. "Please."
Wanda lets out a sigh, like a giggle, and you don't have to look at her to know she's smiling. "I didn't know you were the begging type, babe."
You grumble under the teasing, but Wanda finally lowers her hands, and you shiver in anticipation, forgetting to respond.
She runs her hands down your inner thighs, but never where you want her. And when you sigh impatiently, she chuckles against your ear.
"Say pretty please again." She teases and you feel your cheeks burn, quickly turning your face to the left, putting distance between her mouth and your ear. All Wanda does is chuckles again, but this time, her fingers go straight to where you want her, caressing your entrance and you gasp.
“M-more.” You ask but she just stands still, her fingertips against your clint while her mouth kisses your shoulder and her other hand goes up to your breast, to repeat the moviments from earlier.
You have trouble keeping your eyes open, and when you try to force her finger against you, she just moves them away with a giggle while you grumble of dissatisfaction.
“Wanda.” You warn, but her hand just rests against your thigh.
“C’mon, babe.” She says. “You sounded so hot when you said please. Do it again.”
“No.” You retort stubbornly, but your affected tone makes her smile, her fingers moving closer to your warm center but still not touching and making you clench your closed fists.
"Say, please fuck me." Wanda whispers against your ear, and you feel a sharp, tightly pulsation in your belly, sighing heavily. "And I will."
But you didn't want to give Wanda a taste of victory, even as you came so close to begging for her touch. All you did was press hard against her, your ass fitted against her hot core, and she gasped in surprise and arousal, digging her nails into your thigh.
"Cheater." She murmured breathlessly, making you smile, but your advantage was short-lived when she pressed your breast into her palm, and without any warning, slid a finger into you, entering easily through both the water in the tub and your arousal.
"Oh." You moaned loudly, one hand gripping the edge of the tub as Wanda moved slowly inside, making you squirm. "More, babe. Please."
Wanda chuckles at your hopeless tone, but obeys, inserting another finger now. It slides between your edges with ease, and you bite your lips to avoid being loud. But when Wanda presses her palm against your clit as her fingers move in and out of you in a slow, torturous rhythm, you whimper, squeezing your hands on the edge of the tub until they turn white.
"You're so tight." Wanda whispers against your ear, her hot, wet breath sending shivers throughout your body. "My sexy baby taking my fingers so well."
You moan softly, becoming even more aroused by Wanda's words. She sighs against your ear, quickening the pace of her thrusts, and you begin to feel the tightness under your belly reaching the limit.
"W-wanda... I'm clos-oh" You can't maintain a coherent sentence, thrusting your hips in the same rhythm as Wanda's fingers move in and out of you, and Wanda grunts against your ear, her fingers sinking into you.
"Show me how it feels, Printsessa" She asks and you need to concentrate beyond pure pleasure to be able to share your sensations with her. When you do, Wanda moans loudly against your ear, the hand on your breast squeezing firmly, pulling you against her and making you gasp. "Is this how you feel with me, baby?” She asks with a breathless whisper. “It’s so fucking good." She whimpers, increasing the pace of her fingers, and now stimulating both you and herself, and you use your free hand to keep yourself from screaming, knowing that the noise would attract the attention of the other residents.
"I can't hold it." You whimper, your body beginning to spasm out of rhythm with the strokes, you are so close.
"So don't." She gasps back against your ear, and it's the next second that you come, your walls clenching against Wanda's fingers, and you see stars, your loud moan is muffled by her hand on your mouth when you can't keep the gesture and clench your hands under the water.
And you are barely recovering from your orgasm when Wanda reaches hers, sharing it with you, and you moan deeply, turning a complete mess against her, feeling your body explode with pleasure again.
You stand in silence, trying to normalize your breaths, Wanda's fingers slip out of you, making you sigh, but she keeps her hand on your thigh, until she joins the two at your waist, smoothing you better against her.
"I can't feel my legs." You mumble breathlessly, your body tingling completely from the intensity of the orgasms. Wanda just gives an equally affected laugh, moving one of her hands up to push her wet hair out of the front of her face.
"Too bad, I still want to taste you."
You grunt softly, feeling your face heat up. But you sure as hell won't protest when Wanda's hands start coming down again.
“It really worked.” You murmurs impressed, as you button a clear shirt up, getting ready for having some food since you and Wanda skipped lunch, being busy with things. The bruises that you once had, are all gone. A few red spots were seen, but nothing too remarkable as before.
Wanda bites her bottom lip, kneeling in the bed, still naked. The vision was a gift from heaven you could say.
“If you feel any pain, tell me.” She asks as she watches you dressing. “I could try to ease that too.”
“You’re too good for me baby.” You commented with a shy smile, getting closer to her again. Agatha liked well dressed manners, she said. That’s why almost every set of clothes she gave you had ties, and sweaters. You and Wanda teased her about being old.
And that's why you're knotting your tie, and Wanda is unbuttoning your shirt. Wait, what?
"Hey, hey." You quickly warn, holding up her fingers, as Wanda giggles with her gaze gleaming in mischief. "We can't stay here all day, sweetheart."
"Can’t we?" She retorts in a mixed tone of defiance, making a pout that makes you want to kiss her.
"You know we can't." You retort with a smile, caressing her cheek before buttoning the buttons she has opened. Wanda bites her lips as she watches you. "I can bring you something to eat, but eventually we have lessons."
"No, that's okay, I'll come down with you." She says but doesn't move from her spot, and you raise an eyebrow curiously, but Wanda was just waiting for you to finish buttoning your shirt before pulling you up by your poorly tied tie, rising to kiss you on the mouth.
You smiled against her lips, bringing one of your hands to her neck, kissing her firmly.
"Are you sure we need to go downstairs?" She murmurs breathlessly against your mouth, and you sigh.
"Maybe another ten minutes."
It takes another half hour for you to leave the room.
Wanda accompanies you, straightening your crumpled clothes before you head to the kitchen.
Fortunately, Charles had saved some lunch for you, and between smiles and stolen glances, you ate in silence.
And when Agatha asked you to join her upstairs, for her occlumency lesson, Wanda kissed you on the cheek and wished you good luck.
Agatha's private study room was dark.
Unlike the library, or Charles' offices, which were extremely cozy.
Here, you felt almost intimidated. But Agatha seemed relaxed, and you felt confident enough with your magic to enter.
"You know the fundamentals, Miss Stark, so let's not stall." She says as she walks over to one of the cabinets, working to remove her rings and place them on the wood. "Sit back and relax. And know that I'm going to try the real thing, Y/N. Just like an opponent would."
You swallow dryly, but murmur in understanding, walking over to sit in the armchair that Agatha seems to have left ready for you.
She turns around, and takes the seat in front of you. With a flick of her fingers, one of the books on the bookshelves in the room comes flying toward her, floating in the air, open at eye level.
She grumbles softly as she reads, probably checking the spells correctly, and then the book closes and returns to the bookshelf.
"In a fight, a wizard's mind can be their greatest enemy, Miss Stark." She begins, rolling up her sleeves, and you hold your breath in anticipation. "That's why you need to protect yours as best you can."
"Professor Erik taught me a few things." You mutter, but Agatha raises her eyebrow in disbelief, and you are almost offended. "Hey, I'm not that helpless."
"Is that what you think?" She challenges. "Look closer."
You frown in confusion, and try to understand what she means.
Then you notice the other figure in the corner of the room and almost jump out of your chair.
An illusion, Agatha never sat next to you, and she disappears the same second you noticed her.
"What the fuck....?"
"Illusions, Miss Stark, will be the least of your problems if the dark lord has access to your mind." Agatha warns as she moves from the shadows of the room, her hands folded on her belly, looking at you, who was still in shock from the last trick. "But I will teach you to recognize and escape false images first."
The first lesson is not easy.
Honestly, it is so exhausting that by the time Agatha frees you, you are stumbling sleepily to your room.
You fall into bed still in your study clothes, and are almost closing your eyes when Wanda walks in.
"Hey, sweetheart, aren't you going to dinner?" She asks, but you don't even open your eyes, muttering that you were going to sleep.
Wanda walks over to you, gives you a kiss on the cheek, and turns out the lights.
It takes another three weeks for something to happen.
Technically, a lot has actually happened.
You have learned to break illusions, create them, protect your mind from mid-level invaders, lie in a way that rings true in your mind and fools any invader.
Agatha won't admit it, but you are a very talented Occlumens.
And Wanda, is quite the opposite of that.
Charles often comments that maybe it's the power of scarlet magic, but he''s never seen someone who could manipulate the mind of others so easily. Not since Agatha, and the witch makes a sarcastic remark, but has a proud smile as she goes out to harvest carrots.
Where you are expert at protecting the mind, Wanda is at attacking it.
She doesn't have the same strength as you in blocking Agatha, but you can't invade anyone's mind without putting in a lot of effort.
"I think it's an interesting thing, actually. " Charles comments next to you, in the fourth week of studying mind magic, with the four of you sitting in the room, and Agatha in the armchair in front of you, while you have your wand raised and try to get into her thoughts. "You balance each other perfectly, you know? Y/N can protect your mind while you attack, Wanda. It's quite useful."
"Great observation, Charles." Agatha congratulates impressed, not seeming to have any difficulty blocking you even while talking to someone else.
"Does that mean I can get inside your head through her magic?" Wanda deduces in curiosity, but didn't expect anyone to confirm, her eyes glowing red and connecting with your mind.
You choke, firming your touch on your wand, and because you were already trying the spell, you manage to get into Agatha's mind without any problems with Wanda’s magic.
A small girl is running down a hallway; it's Hogwarts.
"Freak!" " Weirdo!" are the whispers of the crowds of children she is passing through.
And then the whispers change to "watch out, she's the principal' daughter" "I heard she killed that Ravenclaw boy"
A mirror. Agatha must be sixteen now, she looks young. She stares at her reflection, and then punches the glass.
"You are a disgrace to this family." A woman says in front of her as the memory fades to another, looking at her with contempt. "A scandal like this. Our coven will recommend your expulsion."
"I never wanted to be a part of this, Mama!" Agatha exclaims in a mixture of anger and hurt. "I hate those old backward women, I want to learn everything I can and -"
The slap is loud. "Rules exist to keep everyone safe, Agatha. You're too selfish to realize that."
It gets faster, the flashes. You watch Agatha grow up, study in hiding, kiss a girl behind the candy store who pushes her away when the older schoolmates laugh, you listen to the cruel comments, watch her buy the cottage, meet new people, and many colored lights, the spells she has already cast blending throughout the memories.
"Please, daughter, forgive me" She pleads in a crying voice, but Natalya looks at her with contempt. "I will do the right thing this time, please, I-"
"Swear it."
You see a flash of the day she took the perpetual vow, her hands entwined with her daughter, and then you see more quick flashes of lost moments, until you focus on the day she was alone in Magda's house again, her hand on the cheek of baby Wanda, now asleep.
"Forgive me, I have failed again."
The memory shifts, you watch Erik crying at a memorial service, many other people dressed in black beside him.
She talked to Erik about the girl, asking if he had noticed anything strange.
Visiting a mansion, your home. You see yourself, about five or six years old, playing in the backyard with your brother, the emaciated image of your father talking to her in a low tone, delivering a letter.
More unclear flashes.
Agatha writing the acceptance letters from the school that year, the name Wanda Maximoff emblazoned on the paper.
The day Wanda and Pietro enter Hogwarts, Agatha rummaging back into her old journals and books.
Agatha starts to resist then. You see two more flashes of class, before she pushes you and Wanda out of her thoughts, and you choke breathlessly, stumbling away.
The teacher gets up quickly, aggressively throwing herself at you two, and you cover Wanda with your body immediately, but she calms down, because Charles puts his arm around her waist.
"Agatha, breathe." He asks softly, and she seems to come to her senses, shaking her head, and casting an almost embarrassed look at you, before muttering apologies and leaving the room.
You and Wanda are wide-eyed, in shock at all you have seen for long seconds, as Charles sighs and moves to organize the books you had messed up when the lesson began.
"She's going to need some time." He says turning to give you a tender smile. "But don't worry, I can continue the lessons with you two. For now, I suggest a cup of tea to everyone, and we can continue tomorrow."
"S-sure, that sounds great." You mumble awkwardly, turning your face to Wanda, who looks troubled. "Everything okay?" You whisper to her, and she forces a smile, nodding.
You won't push it, so you even squeeze her hand gently before following Charles into the kitchen for tea.
Agatha doesn't leave her room for six whole days.
Charles just says that she is tired, and brings her meals.
You only study next to Wanda; it's not as if you can feel guilty about something she has done to you so many times.
And then, as if no time has passed, the former headmistress comes into the kitchen in travel clothes, while you are eating lunch.
"Good morning?" You exclaim in surprise, and the teacher only murmurs with a nod, picking up an apple from the fruit tray and turning toward the front door.
You exchange a confused look with Wanda before the two of you quickly stand up.
"Agatha, where are you...?"
"Hogwarts." She replies without stopping walking, as you follow her down the hallway to the exit. "Stephen has hidden the darkhold in the spiritual plane of the castle. I'll get it, and read it to Miss Maximoff as promised."
"I-" Wanda starts half uncertain, but Agatha gestures quickly.
"I'll be back as soon as I can." She clarifies. "We'll need him to perform the ritual as well. Please help Charles with the house, and if possible don't damage my vegetables."
And on the porch, she apparated.
You and Wanda stared at the empty space for a long moment.
"What just happened?" You mutter.
"Did our spell drive her insane?" She retorts back, and you sigh, turning to go back inside, and close the door, Wanda following you inside.
"I have no idea." You say. "Let's let Charles know she's gone, and try to keep him from blowing up other cauldrons while she's out."
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158 notes · View notes
amethystina · 2 years
do you think Gaon loved Yohan romantically in the show? not consciously, but the feeling was there, or are you trying to build something?
You certainly don't pull your punches xD
Honestly, this question is pretty tricky to answer since, to do so properly, I have to answer three other questions first. Basically:
1. Do I think the majority of the people who watched the drama in Korea were meant to reach the conclusion that Ga On loved Yo Han romantically at the end of the drama?
Um. No. Because Korea.
2. Do I think that the writer/director/cast of the drama might have intended for Ga On to love Yo Han romantically at the end?
I mean, I've got some questions if they didn't. I feel like they must have at least flirted with the idea, skirting as close as they could without making it too obvious. Choices were made and I'm genuinely confused by the majority of them if they meant for the relationship to be seen only as platonic. But I can’t say for sure.
And, to be honest with you, I don’t really care? Even if they made a public announcement explaining that it definitely isn’t love, that doesn’t really change much for me (though, from what I’ve heard, I doubt they would do that xD). If I were to make a list of what things about this drama keep me up at night, whether or not it’s actually canon doesn’t even make the top 10. Heck, not even top 50.
(The way Yo Han looks in a three-piece suit DOES, however, make the top 10, but that’s another post entirely)
3. Do I objectively think Ga On loved Yo Han romantically at the end of the show, taking their characters, histories, and everything that happened into account?
Possibly. If I try to look at it objectively, I’d say it’s difficult to say for sure. A lot of the events in the drama are played to fit a romance, yes, but when I consider the fact that Yo Han spent a lot of his time gaslighting and manipulating Ga On, it could be something other than love. Ga On is definitely attached and cares about Yo Han very much, but whether or not he's in love? The realist in me says it could also be dependency, desperation, and confusion. Ga On went for quite a ride and it's understandable if he ended up clinging to the only firm point in all of that chaos, which would be Yo Han.
In the end, I think the answer is: you decide. It could be love, but it might also not be. Which means that it's super easy to build theories that support it, but also ones that don't. What we know for sure is that Ga On and Yo Han care deeply for each other and, if you ask me, that is the important part. BUT (there always seems to be a but with these two) if it IS love, it's not entirely healthy. Which in no way makes this ship bad or less valid, it just means that the love Ga On feels for Yo Han didn't spark and grow during ideal circumstances.
Sidenote: I raise the point about the relationship not being healthy because that’s important to ME, since I prefer relationships to be. But that’s just a personal preference. You do you, darlings.
4. Do I, personally, in my filthy little goblin brain, think that Ga On loved Yo Han romantically at the end of the drama?
Yes. But that's because I want him to. Also, everything from my answer to question 3 still applies. Which means that the route I'm taking is that, yes, Ga On is incredibly confused and a little too dependent on Yo Han, but there IS love somewhere at the bottom of that. He just needs to straighten himself and some things out first (pun not intended). There's a seed of love, I guess you could say, that has the potential to become more under the right circumstances. But, due to the aforementioned gaslighting and manipulation, I wouldn't actually want it to become love unless I first make some changes. And those are the changes I'm focusing on in my fanfic.
But, in my eyes, I'm not building anything from scratch, just fanning the emotions I've decided were already there. But they weren't necessarily big or fully formed yet. This also means those feelings could just as easily fade, should Yo Han disappear from Ga On's life.
But, that said, would I ever consider exploring the possibility that Ga On was, in fact, deeply (if unknowingly) in love with Yo Han during the actual drama? Of course. Because exploring different possibilities and scenarios is what fanfics are all about. Just because my main stance is that it’s just barely love at the END of the drama doesn’t mean I can’t completely change my mind and, for example, write a fic to see if Ga On would end up kissing Yo Han instead of Soo Hyun if she had let Ga On know Yo Han was the one who sent her to save him and he finds out about Yo Han’s gunshot wound that same night etc. etc.
(... have I genuinely considered writing this fic? I WILL NEITHER CONFIRM NOR DENY.)
I know this is a very long answer to a seemingly simple question, but I just wanted to clarify that I CHOOSE to see love there and also decide the circumstances. But I’m not a diehard advocate of that being The One and Only Truth, partly because I don’t expect others to agree with my filthy goblin thoughts and, also, because what is The Truth anyway? Sometimes, I think fandom focuses so much on the idea of confirming that a ship is Canon that they forget it doesn’t actually HAVE to be. I mean, it would definitely be nice — because representation and all that — but it’s not a requirement for you to like or ship a thing.
And while I ship them and personally think there’s some love there, I’m not going to fight anyone who says Ga On wasn’t in love with Yo Han. I can see their point just as well as my own. But, also, I honestly don’t care? Because I believe there’s love there somewhere and that’s all that matters to me.
I ship what I want and you can pry this particular one from my cold, dead hands.
TLDR: Yes, because I choose to. But only a foundation — changes are needed to make it grow into something healthy enough that I can support it.
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Californian Dream (Pt. 01 of 11)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.8 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
Next part (02)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
Ignoring the meaningless chattering, you drink what's left of your water, then put the glass against your neck, hoping the cold will help with the hot weather. Summers in California are always this hot, and since you're under the sun, it doesn't help. Some of your friends, or better saying, the family friends, the people you grew up with, are here again, using your pool as if it was some kind of club they can attend. Standing on this badly shaped circle, you pretend to listen as Ryan goes on about some mansion he helped his father sell this weekend. He's excited, gesticulating a lot, and the others seem to be quite interested too. But not you. Honestly, you couldn't care less.
Through the corner of your eye, you see someone moving on the other side of the huge pool, behind some trees. Turning your head to see it better, you easily recognize the new pool guy, Billy Hargrove. He's been working here for only a couple of months, coming a few times a week to clean the pool or to fix something. You always pay attention to the staff, because nobody else does. You like to know them since they're working at your house after all, and that made you befriend a lot of them throughout the years. But Billy? You haven't even crossed paths with him yet. On purpose.
Billy is by far the most handsome guy you ever met, and you just don't think you can say anything to his face. He probably thinks you're one of the silly, rich chicks he meets on his job, and for some reason, it bothers you.
“(Y/N).” Ryan snaps his fingers on your face, dragging you out of your thoughts. “Are you in there? Aren't you listening?”
“Yup. Sorry, I tuned out for a minute.” Politely, you apologize. “What were you saying?”
“The gala. Who are you going with?”
“Uhm... Not sure yet.” Playing with the empty glass, you move your weight from one leg to the other. “I don't have any good options.”
“What?” Gisele exclaims, giggling. “Robert wants to go with you. Daniel would easily ditch his date for you. And Michael–”
“Don't wanna go with neither of them.” Cutting her off, you decide to just say it. Robert is the most hateful person you ever met. Daniel has been chasing after you for years, it doesn't matter how hard you try to make him understand you don't like him, and every girl he dates, he does it to try and make you jealous. And Michael is a manipulative jerk. All three members of the most prestigious families of California, and desired bachelors. And yet, you can't stand them.
“Who are you going with then? The pool guy?” Gisele gestures at something across the pool, and you know at who.
“Maybe. I bet he's way better than Michael, Daniel, or Robert.” This makes all the five of them laugh, in a very mocking tone. But you mean it. “I might go by myself. Who cares?”
“Are you crazy? Your parents will care, and people will talk, you know that.” Ryan rolls his eyes, lightly slapping his friend's arm. “C'mon, Antony, let's find (Y/N) a fourth option.” The two guys smirk and walk away, and you don't even bother to ask what they're up to. You don't care.
“For real now, (Y/N),” Alice says, running her fingers through her hair. “Gisele is right. The three guys are so into you, and Robert...” She chuckles, exchanging a glance with Gisele. “He's hot. He's... So damn hot.”
“Why don't you go with him then?” You ask her, taking a deep breath and already thinking of an excuse to get away from this conversation and back into the secrecy of your bedroom.
“Because I'm dating.” She answers as if it was the most obvious thing. As if she didn't have a different boyfriend every month. “James Whayland. The one and only, heir to the Whayland fortune? Do you happen to know him?” A rhetoric question, of course. Everyone knows who the Whayland are. “I'm so gonna marry him.”
“You must,” Gisele adds. “You'd be like, stupidly rich.”
And they go on with that, a conversation you don't even try to follow. A lot of girls do that, getting married to join the fortunes and shove more money into their pockets. Your mother herself did it, and she tries to push you into doing the same, pointing out the richest bachelors of California. But you'd never do that. You rather never get married than getting married without love. It's so obvious, yet, if you bring that up, it always becomes an argument. ‘Love comes with time’, she says. ‘Once you're provided financial stability, you'll learn to love the provider.’ None of that sounds appealing to you. You're hoping to fall in love one day. It hasn't happened yet, but you'll patiently wait.
“Hey, Earth to (Y/N).” Ryan raises his voice, and, a little annoyed, you look up at him.
“You're welcome.” He says with a wicked smile.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you tilt your head to the side. “For what, Ryan?”
“For getting you the best date ever for the gala, sweetie.” He and Antony laugh, and soon enough the others follow. “The pool guy is taking you to a high society party. How amazing is that?”
It takes a while for you to even process what he's saying, but his mean tone makes you angry. He thinks he's superior to anyone who doesn't have a collection of fancy cars in their garage. “First of all, Ryan, the pool guy has a name, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah. You're always close to the staff.” He emphasizes the last word, making a disgusted face.
“Second...” What? Second what? You know you can't go with Billy. That would get people talking. But then, the other options make you sick to even consider them. And honestly, you couldn't care less about what people say. It'll probably get you a hell of a lecture from your parents, a few weeks of gossips and mean comments, but that's it. Soon enough someone else will become the hottest topic. “You know what, forget it.” Putting the empty glass on the table, you walk away, ignoring how they call you, telling you not to be silly.
Maybe the guys are joking. Maybe they're just pulling a prank on you, but there's no problem with finding that out. Walking around the pool and into the garden, you walk around the supply closet, following the low noise of something being put into the metal shelves. The supply closet is open, so you patiently wait on the outside, barefoot on the grass as you move to stand to bellow a tree. Bouncing your leg, you look around, breathing deeply and trying to understand why the hell you decided to face Billy now. He's the only guy who works here you're making sure not to have any contact with.
“Good afternoon.” The voice startles you, and you immediately turn to face him. Billy is closing the closet door shut, eyes focused on you. And yes, he's far more gorgeous from up close. “May I help you, Miss–”
“(Y/N).” You cut him off, cursing yourself for doing so. “You may call me (Y/N).”
He simply nods, walking closer and stopping on a shadow spot too. “Do you need anything from me?”
“Uhm...” For a moment, you gotta think a little to remember what brought you here. “I just wanted to ask if maybe some two jerks came to talk to you... About a party... And... Taking a girl to this party...” Playing with your fingers, you wonder if he already thinks you're a total idiot.
“Yes. They said you needed a date for some gala.” Billy crosses his arms, not looking away from you. “If you need it, I can take you.”
Oh. Would he really do that? “Uhm... Look, Ryan and Antony meant it as a joke.” You gotta be honest, even if it means he'll give up the idea. “I mean, not for me, they're just... They're jerks. And they...” Holy crap. You have to get your shit together. “They thought it would be funny to make you think you could take me to this gala.” Taking a deep breath, you push the words out. “But... I would like it if you could because all my options suck. It's either Michael or Robert or Daniel, and you probably know they're all fighting for the award of the worst person on the face of Earth.”
“It might be really hard to make this decision. Might as well split the award in three.” He speaks up and you giggle. The staff don't usually speak like that about the families they work for. But Billy doesn't seem to care and you like that.
“Yeah. So... I know people will gossip about it but I'd be forever grateful if you could do me this kindness.” You're blushing now, biting your lip. “Because I know it's not your job or anything but I could pay you if you want.”
“There's no need.” Billy shakes his head, shrugging his shoulders. “It's a party, right? It will be fun.”
“Oh... About that...” Calling such events ‘parties’ is a misunderstanding. Almost a crime. “These things... Suck. It's super dull, full of rich people donating, trying to donate more them someone else just so they'll show off how rich they really are... You'll absolutely hate it. I do.” Gesturing at yourself, you give him an apologetic look. “I'd owe you for life if you help me get through it without having to put up with any of those assholes.”
Billy nods, looking down before his eyes meet yours again. “I believe I'll have to wear one of those suits right?”
“Well, I'll be in some uncomfortable dress, so we'll both be unhappy about our clothes.” Your mind goes to the lilac dress your mother made you buy, extremely expensive.
“Alright then. It's on Sunday, right?” You nod. “Should I pick you up?”
“Yes. At seven.” He gives a small nod before gesturing at the garden. “I gotta go now.”
“Sure...” Billy waves before walking away, and you stand there, wondering if you should go back to your so-called friends. You're sure Ryan will have that stupid smile on, eager to know what you and Billy have spoken about. And you won't tell anything, but you also don't want to deal with that shit right now, or else you might tell right to their faces how much of a jerk they are. So you decide to follow Billy through the garden, easily finding him by a particular big tree. He's opening a leaf tarp on a clean space on the grass before taking a fan rake. “This tree is dying.” You say, getting his attention. Billy turns around, furrowing his eyebrows. “That's why there are so many fallen leaves. See how some of them seem healthy, normal green leaves? It only happens when the tree is dying.”
“Then you should have someone cut it down before someone gets hurt.” He says, looking a little confused. “Shouldn't you go back to your friends?”
“Yeah, I probably should.” You're tired of all the things you should do, so for today, you won't do them. As silly as it may be. “Do you need some help?” You ask, stepping forward a little.
“No, I'm alright.” It sounds like a question, and you blush from the way he stares at you, for several seconds, before focusing on his task, raking the leaves to the tarp.
“Ok.” Whispering, you move to sit on a wooden table, one of the many you have scattered around the property. You try not to look at Billy too much, noticing how weird it feels to do this. You barely know the guy, he'll be your date for a gala, and now you're awkwardly seated here, watching as he works. Well, it is better than whatever your friends must be talking about now. “So... What exactly do you work with?” You ask, hoping to get any kind of conversation going. “I thought you just took care of the pool.”
“I work for a company. BJ's Associates.” Billy starts, and you take this chance to look at him. Despite the distance, you can see the sweat glistening on his forehead. “They send me to any place I'm needed. Some of them are scheduled weekly, others are random. And–” He makes a pause suddenly, giving you a look. “Are you bored yet?”
“No.” Shrugging your shoulders, you giggle. “I actually wanna know.”
He turns his head to look at the pool, which is a little distant now. Maybe he thinks this is some kind of move, and you wouldn't blame him, judging by the way the guys probably came to talk to him. “That's it. I clean pools, fix cars, might paint walls or something, clean gardens... The list goes on.”
“You know how to fix a car?” Raising an eyebrow, you move to seat on the table, placing both your feet on the wooden bench. “My car is making this weird noise and I'm sure it's not some normal noise.”
“How does it sounds like?”
“Like a clunking, I think... every time I hit the breaks, even when it's softly.”
“It could be some damage to the brake caliper.” He's quick to answer, and you raise your eyebrows, impressed. “Or it's badly mounted.”
“Damn, you're good.” You exclaim, giggling at his funny face.
“I just–”
“(Y/N)!” Amelia's voice reaches you, and Billy stops talking, resuming his job. “I've been looking for you.” The old lady, with her gray hair tied up on a perfect, sophisticated bun, comes to the table you're at, a tray with a jar and six glasses on her hands.
“I've been here chatting with Billy.” You tell as she lays the tray down. “And no, I won't go back to the pool.”
“They're talking about James Whayland.” She starts, rolling her eyes. Amelia is the only one in this house, well, the only one you know who understands you. “Alice Martin was talking about marrying him...?”
“Yup.” A stronger wind messes with your hair, so you use a hand to keep it away from your face. “Something about joining their fortunes and being the king and queen of California. Some shit like that.”
“Poor Alice.” Amelia breathes out, taking a glass and pouring some lemonade on it before handing it over to you. “That Whayland kid is not the nicest guy on Earth.”
“Poor James!” You giggle, putting your glass down and serving her some lemonade too. She doesn't like when you do that, since she's here to serve you. Amelia, the woman who raised you is here for nothing else than to serve you. So unbelievable it almost makes you laugh. “Alice isn't nice either. She can be very manipulative to get what she wants.”
“Don't I know?” She mutters. “Well, I must go. Serve this to your friends.”
“No, no, no. Take your glass and leave the rest. If someone complains tell them I'll drink the whole jar.” Taking the tray from her hands, you place it down on the table again.
“Alright, Miss–”
“(Y/N). Honey. Bunny. Anything, but not this formal stuff, ok?” You correct her, and Amelia gives you a bright smile.
“Alright, (Y/N).” She repeats before turning around and walking away, cordially greeting Billy.
Taking a sip from your glass, you smile to notice Amelia's lemonade is as good as always. A little too sour for your parents taste, but you like it better this way. Your attention goes back to Billy, still dealing with the fallen leaves, despite being almost done. If you ask, he might say no, so you just pour another glass before jumping to the ground, making your way over him. “Here.” Raising your voice, you get his attention. And once again he has this confused expression on his face when he sees the glass. “Lemonade. It's hella hot out here and this might help.”
“Thanks.” Squinting his eyes a little, he takes the glass from your hand, taking long sips, drinking almost everything.
“Sorry if it's a little too sour. I don't like much sugar on it and Amelia knows so...” When he's done, he gives you back the glass. “Why are you looking at me like that? I swear I'm not a ghost.”
“That's not it. I'm just not used to being treated like that by the owners.” Billy's voice gets a little darker, and he pronounces the last word with certain anger. But you can imagine exactly why. Most of the people you know aren't very fond of their employees. They're just the people they pay off to do what they can't do by themselves.
“I know how some of the families can be mean.” Drumming your fingers on the empty glass, you stand there, staring at Billy, just now noticing the deep, beautiful shade of blue from his eyes. Involuntary, you breathe out, smiling.
“Nothing!” You burst out, clearing your throat and finding your legs again, making the way back at the table. “I–”
“(Y/N)!” A shout startles you, and when you turn at the source of the voice, you see it's Gisele. “Get back here! You won't guess who just got here.”
“If it isn't Michael Jackson ready to perform Beat It, I'll be disappointed.” You mutter, only loud enough for Billy to hear it as you walk back to the pool.
“Call me if it's him,” Billy says and you giggle, giving him one last look.
It's not Michael. Well, it is, but not Jackson, just Michael Rothford. He stands by the pool, where everyone gathers around him. Trying not to look pissed, you move closer, offering a polite, fake smile. “Good afternoon, Mike. How have you been?”
“I'm way better now.” He answers, and you try to ignore how everyone moves a little, giving you more space to move closer to Michael. He takes your hand, giving it a shake, and awkwardly squeezing it softly. “I'm here to ask, once again, for you to let me take you to Sunday's gala.”
The two idiots, Antony and Ryan start giggling, and you know exactly why. “Sorry, Mike, I can't.” Pulling your hand away, you cross your arms. “I already have someone, so...” Thank God you have the perfect excuse, and it's not even a lie. You're so damn relieved you won't be forced to attend to such a boring event with someone like Michael.
“Who?” He snaps, suddenly pissed. “Daniel is going with that Angela chick. Robert, you can't stand. Andrew isn't in the country, Willian–”
“You don't know him, alright?” Cutting him off, you sigh.
“Oh, shit,” Ryan mutters, and you give him a look. He has a hand covering his mouth, trying to control a laugh. “You're really going to the gala with the pool guy.” Antony burst into laughter, and the others try to control themselves not to.
“You rather go with the staff than with me?” Michael sounds offended as if he was punched in the face. “Are you kidding me, (Y/N)?”
Quickly, you try to think of something to say. You can't say the truth, that he's a hateful human being you can't stand being next to. But nothing comes to your mind. “No, I'm not. I... Actually wanna go with Billy.”
“Honestly, (Y/N), screw you.” He barks, and before you can answer, he grabs both your shoulders and pushes you straight into the water.
Everything happens way too fast for you to process, so there was no way you could tell him you absolutely can't swim. So the moment you hit the water, you just sink, your body moving to the bottom, way too far from the surface. You do try moving your legs a bit, uselessly. But you're suddenly pulled, strong arms moving you through the water until you finally reach the surface, gasping for air. Breathing fast, the terror finally starts kicking in, and you push yourself up, stumbling a little, ignoring all the hands that offer help. Once you're out of the water, seated on the edge, you finally see who saved you, Billy, also pushing himself up, only with a lot more grace than you. You exchange a glance, and his hand is the one you take, pulling yourself back to your feet.
“You can't swim?” You hear Michael's voice, a curse caught in your throat. “I never met a Californian who can't swim.”
Not minding the small crowd around, you make you walk to Michael, losing no time before slapping him right on the face, the loud noise of your wet hand colliding to his cheek startling some of your friends. “Asshole!” You yell before storming away, embarrassed, still struggling to catch your breath, feeling cold thanks to your soaked clothes.
“Hey.” Someone calls, but you ignore them, walking fast into the house. “(Y/N).” Your arm being grabbed makes you stop walking and turn around, ready to make hell rain on whoever it is, but your fury melts away when you see Billy. “Are you ok?”
Taking a deep breath, you relax a little, nodding. ��Yeah, I just... Got scared.” He lets go of your arm, but you don't step away, looking into his blue, calming eyes. “Thank you, though. You saved my life.”
“Can't believe he threw you at the water like that.”
“See why I need you to take me to that stupid party?” Crossing your arms, you pace around. “I can't even begin to imagine how it'd be to spend the night with that prick.” Looking down, you notice how you and Billy are dripping, soaking the white floor. “I gotta go change, and you should... I don't know. At least you got to enjoy the pool for a while.”
“I'd rather enjoy it when you're not drowning.”
“Yeah, that would be better.” Shyly smiling, you give a step backwards. “I gotta go... But thanks again.” Stopping in your tracks, you decide to be just a little brave. Stepping closer, you tiptoe to place a quick kiss on Billy's cheek, before turning around and rushing upstairs to your bedroom.
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @alwaysadreamingoptimist
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kaisa-ryo · 4 years
Megumi Fushiguro NSFW Alphabet
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Warning: English isn't my native language!
A = Aftercare (What he likes after sex)
Nothing can be better than looking at you, studying every part of your face up close. Watch how your eyelashes tremble, how your chest rises and falls, inhaling and exhaling air. So familiar, so lovable. What a beautiful and so necessary face at this moment. From time to time he wants to run his fingers over it, remember it, photograph it. I want to look at your face for a very, very long time. Then he drops those thoughts because he needs to focus on trying to sleep.
B = Body part (His favorite body part)
God, he so enjoys watching you bite them, lick them, paint them with glitter. This is essentially a small insignificant part of the body, but so demanding for courting and kissing. Yes, kisses ... Megumi so wants to touch them and do it yourself: bite, lick, paint with glitter ... After all, they seem so soft and delicious.
C = Cum (Everything about sperm)
Into a condom. Even if it is not always convenient and completely satisfactory with an elastic band, Megumi still prefers to protect herself. In addition, it is useless to oppose this if you do not want problems in the future. But if you ever ask him to do it without a condom, he might even agree, though not right away. First, make sure that you really want it, since he was not ready to ever do this. So don't be surprised if he gets worried during the process.
D = Dirty secret
From time to time he thinks about how you will take full control over yourself. It makes him mentally convince himself what a lustful bitch you are for him. He understands how you revel in your own perfection, how this thin erotic veil allows you to devour him with your eyes, hypnotize. It almost makes you a god. But the deity should not so protrude his sexuality in front of his beloved. Therefore, if you do so, then in the morning Megumi will throw some reproach in your direction, but at the same time he himself will remain satisfied and completely satisfied.
E = Experience
There is. If in high school he was a cold-blooded bully with a good appearance, then it is possible that Megumi had favorites back then. Not to say that, under the influence of hormones, he wanted to fuck every girl, because on his mind he had only the goal of maintaining justice with vague and false concepts. Yet he tried it once. She was a girl with high status and good connections, which were beneficial for him to achieve his goal. Sex without commitment is not the best experience that can be obtained, because apart from the pleasure of the process, you do not feel attracted to your partner. But what you just do not go to achieve the goal, right? The guy did not particularly remember that incident, but a clear understanding of the foundations of the art of submission remained.
Now he doesn't want to remember school life, because both character and actions were not sugar at all. In addition, the intentions of what then and what from now are different, one should not exceed expectations. But speaking of being intimate with you, Fushiguro has acquired a real bond that makes intercourse more sensual.
F = Favorite position
A deck chair is a great option. It seems like an ordinary missionary, but both he and you have something to hold on to. And as a bonus, he sees your face, by which he can give an accurate analysis of how well you are now.
G = Goofy (Are you serious at this moment?)
Yes. Despite the main goal of getting pleasure, it is also important for him to control it. He is not afraid to death that everything will go downhill. It's just that perfect sex hasn't bothered anyone yet. In addition, it is not at all difficult for him to do as he wants. Therefore, he feels a great need for complete control over intercourse. If everything is done correctly, he feels proud of himself, which cannot but please him.
H = Hair (Is the hair ok?)
Hygiene is as important to him as every other aspect of his life, especially if it somehow, no matter how, concerns you. You never need to remind him of this, as he himself tries to take care of the intimate area as often as possible. Therefore, he is unlikely to have problems providing comfort for both of you.
I = Intimacy (Romance)
There is. These are mostly cute things that are usually not considered very important, but for you they are like a trophy. For example kisses on the forehead, crown of the head, knuckles of thin fingers, neck and shoulders. It is like a ritual dedicated to love for your beauty and uniqueness. Even if the process is not very sophisticated, you get pleasure every time. Towards the end, you realize that you have gained much more than the warmth from light, but sensitive touch.
J = Jack off (masturbation)
There is such a thing. And you don't have to be far away. If you have not done this for a long time, but for some reason he is afraid or does not want to offer you, then do not mind masturbating to one of your photos in the gallery.
K = Kink (Kinks and fetishes)
The guy is not indifferent to your body, no matter what shape it has. Feel his smell, touch, stroke, listen until all these tenderness reaches light bites, squeezes, licks ... He feels everything much more sophisticated than it seems. And nature is such that subconsciously very subtly feels desires. Even if they are not at all.
He likes it when you walk in sexy pajamas, stockings that accentuate the shape of your legs or open clothes, although he doesn't always approve of this, because he knows perfectly well that he is not the only one who likes your body.
I like to give you different jewelry because they look so perfect on you. It is not for nothing that people say: "It is not clothes that paint a person, but a person's clothes."
For Fushiguro, this is both the main aesthetics and a source of inexhaustible pleasure, which is noticeable with the naked eye.
L = Location (Favorite places to have sex)
Not a lover of variety, so the option with a bed is the most ideal for him. Moreover, the bed is large and soft, which allows you to do a lot without any discomfort. You often feel tired after sex (unless you're a sex addict), so in the case of a bed, you don't have to worry about passing out on the table or floor. Yes, with the bed, you are subject to almost all poses!
Fushiguro is also not cold to the sofa, which is not much different from the bed in terms of sex. On it he can relax while you ride it, clutching his shoulders or pants. The sofa is also a good control plane, which can be easily used if you understand that you need to get up. It's still convenient! Why do you even need a shower and a table?
M = Motivation
When you walk around the house in the open in only panties and a bra. He doesn't like it very much, but heck, he really doesn't want to admit that he is actually embarrassed and it still turns him on. And when he comes to pick you up from home to take you somewhere, and then finds you not ready, in only one underwear, he will be indignant at why you are still not dressed, then he will turn away, covering his face with his hand and making a slightly trembling exhale. At this time, you will notice how his cheeks and ears turn red and giggle softly, pulling on a T-shirt. Once you specifically asked him to fasten his bra, knowing that it will start. After all, in front of him, a close-up flaunts your completely naked back, which you can touch and stroke. It seems that another second and he will lose control of himself and go into a rage. Holding his breath, he will begin to gently stroke the delicate skin and excitedly run his fingers up and down the spine, feeling his legs trembling from the touch. You will have to bite your lips in order not to turn around, and all this time with concentration to look in the direction where your shadows are reflected in a black silhouette on the wall a few meters away.
Also no less exciting for him is your passion for something. If you diligently write an essay, essay, read interesting books, even just tap your nails on a hard surface - he will be immersed in your actions. After all, the main thing for him is not the process of action itself, but how you perform it. When Fushiguro sees you at work, he enjoys every second of what is happening.
N = No (Which won't do)
What he considers to be risk or abnormal.
Megumi is for healthy sex and will not settle for BDSM, role-playing or sadomasochistic procedures. Especially complete submission. It does not arouse and does not cause orgasm from the word at all. He believes that such an idiotic variety was invented by mentally ill people, after whom everything is repeated for the reason of "fashion", public manipulation and self-hypnosis. In addition, in order to decide on such an idea, you either need to be a crazy psychopath, or stop respecting yourself. At least Megumi thinks so and has no doubts about it.
O = Oral (Likes to receive or to give)
In this regard, Fushiguro tries to maintain balance.
Yes, he likes to hear your drawn-out muffled moans. I like how you all wriggle under it and beg you not to stop. I like the way you cum. But it is no less exciting to see how you walk with your thin fingers along the entire length of his penis, and then clasp your lips and swallow it as deeply as possible, periodically circling the head with your dexterous tongue. Therefore, he is not inclined to prioritize. He continues to give you pleasure simply because he thinks it is right, and when he himself wants to feel pleasure, you will guess it yourself by his eyes, facial expression and swaying his hips in time with your movements.
P = Pace
As a rule, Megumi tries to do it in full force. Physical strength is still a man's trump card in love, and should not be underestimated. But it needs to be properly stimulated. Energy should not be pushed to the limit. Fushiguro was used to stretching his orgasm, speeding up and then stopping for ten seconds. Then the surge of feelings becomes even stronger. Too much speed will immediately lead to overwork, and the orgasm becomes smooth and short. It's too predictable. Of course, the guy is not a fan of variety, but that does not mean that you absolutely cannot pamper yourself, right?
Q = Quickie
Average. The most common.
And what else do you need? High speed does not allow you to feel the process properly, and low speed dampens all excitement and quickly gets bored. Medium is perfect for both of you.
R = Risk (Ready to experiment)
Not ready.
You shouldn't force him to try new sensations. This will cause him discomfort or even anxiety, which will not lead to the best outcome. Once you talked to him about this, at the end he said that he didn’t like it and asked him not to bother with this topic anymore, since even the thought of it introduces him into slight stress. Not because of the experiments themselves, but the very fact of their fear. He is currently struggling with this because he wants to be completely perfect for you. However, it is unacceptable for him that it is easy for him to control the process, but it is so difficult to start experimenting in terms of sexual relations. He will definitely deal with it. Not right away, but it will cope.
S = Stamina (Stamina)
Pretty decent
Getting pleasure is enough for both of you, so you have the strength to wash in the shower, make tea, read a book and just lie around, warming your bodies with hugs. It even happens that there is enough strength to walk along the street, restoring not only physical balance, but also emotional one. Still, a walk in the fresh air with conversations on various topics does not let you forget that your love is real and is not a farce for sexual gratification.
T = Toys
It treats all their varieties badly.
Another trinket invented by the unbalanced and sexually addicted. You both have enough and an ordinary hookup without stupid "decorations".
* In fact, once the thought flew through his head about how you would react if he shoved a vibrator into your vagina as close to your clitoris as possible. And how he later, in all seriousness, assured himself that he would not offer you such a thing for anything. Recalls a magazine article about sexual fantasies among teenagers at thirteen. As a result, having mentally slapped myself in the face, I never thought about it again.
U = Unfair (Does he like to tease)
He doesn't like to admit it, but oh my god, how your pleading and sobbing drives him crazy. At such moments, he seems to be in seventh heaven. He would like to listen to them, but then all the pleasure from the upcoming orgasm will disappear. He wants to satisfy his desire as soon as possible, but he really doesn’t want your sweet voice to stop at such seconds ... And when you finally finish, everything inside him contracts. Because now you shout his name instead of muffled moans. It feels like he is special to you. Yes, only he can make you make a mess in your body, which was just so obedient. Only with him can you finally plunge you into ecstasy.
V = Volume (How loud is it)
At first, he is silent, as if swallowed his tongue. But by the middle it already starts to grow. But if you only knew how uncontrollable he is in the end ... although, why am I crucifying here? Of course you know.
At this time, along with orgasm, he realizes how fucking he is. So inside him begins a feverish flow of internal current, and at the same time a fire flares up in his heart, turning into a high.
W = Wild card (Random headcanon)
When you first slept, the spontaneous thought came to you to look into his phone. Nothing criminal, you just wanted to make sure you were the first.
Waking up first and looking at the phone, which surprisingly had no password, you checked the list of contacts that were not embellished in some way, and in general there were not as many of them as you expected. But you, apparently, so much enjoyed digging into his personal life, feeling like a real Sherlock, that you decided to look at Google. There already began something from which you simply could not help but emit an unrestrained laugh: more than ten tabs related to sexual relations, the structure of the vagina, the consequences of the "first time", precautions for intercourse and a bunch of other things. You could hardly restrain your laughter so as not to wake up your loved one, who apparently became a real Alpha and a sex guru in just one evening.
It's been a long time since that moment, but you still haven't admitted to him that you then got into his phone.
X = X-ray (What's under the clothes)
14.5 cm during erection ± 1
Y = Yearning (How high is the sex drive)
Megumi cannot be called “lonely-touchy-with-a-broken-heart”, but “addict” is certainly not about him. This is an unexpected manifestation of desire when he himself begins to kiss your neck, in the hope of showing your initiative. Usually you make love at your request or at a noticeable hint. Fucking you in bed, he is not looking for any benefit for it and is not chasing cheap bonuses. He thinks that he is simply satisfying his sexual need, and does not go further so that you, too, do not get hung up on sex as an important part of your life.
Z = Zzz (How quickly falls asleep)
Quickly, if you are not trying to distract him with conversations (you are not always sure that you did everything right and completely satisfied him).
If you want to annoy him with requests, for example, if you are cold and you tell him about it, he will immediately cover you with a blanket. But you are more cunning and you do not need a blanket at all, but his strong arms.
— Mmm... and I wanted to warm myself in your arms...
Then Fushiguro will roll his eyes, sigh loudly and hug you from behind.
— I want you to kiss the top of my head! — you will rather smile when he reluctantly, but still will do it.
— Will you sing me a lullaby? - then the guy will understand that further you are just making fun of him.
— Maybe you still dance?
— What a good idea! Stand by that closet.
— Sleep, princess.
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notes-from-sarah · 4 years
Damaged Mirrors
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Link on Archive of Our Own
Link on Fanfiction.net
Rating: G/K
Summary: While making his report about what happened on Umbara to Anakin, Rex has questions about his identity as a clone, his role as a soldier and his place in the galaxy. Set during Star Wars: The Clone Wars. One-shot. Canon compliant.
A/N: Set after Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Season 4, Episode 10 “The Carnage of Krell”
Rex stood silently after making a full report of the events on Umbara to Anakin Skywalker. He knew the general pretty well and he could see that the Jedi was furious. Soldiers weren't supposed to be angry, but in all honesty, he felt the same way. So did all his men. He waited for his general to speak.
"That," Anakin struggled to find the right words, "that," his voice shook almost uncontrollably, "that monster intentionally tried to get clones killed on the battlefield?"
Rex tried to keep his voice at the even tone of any good soldier as he answered. "Yes sir, he confessed to it while many of us were present." Rex could hardly forget those words, they'd haunted him in the following days. The feeling of betrayal mixed with the absolute condescension from Krell sickened him. He focused on Anakin, he couldn't let himself dwell on what happened. A good soldier had to take the horrors of war in stride.
"And you had to execute him because you were afraid he would escape and join the Separatists?" Anakin clenched his fist, his eyes hard.
"We did, sir." Rex dropped his voice a little, it was only the two of them in this briefing room on Resolute and Rex wasn't sure how much longer he could talk about what happened in a crisp military manner.
"Good." Anakin's brow was furrowed, fury in every line of his face. Rex knew he meant it. Of all the people Rex had ever encountered in his short life, Anakin Skywalker was one of the most honest.
"Sir," Rex was anxious about what would happen next, everything he'd done, everything he'd ordered, was unprecedented. He couldn't shake the feeling that he'd committed treason on Umbara. Nothing they'd ever learnt in training had prepared him for this. "If I may ask, what will become of us, specifically Dogma? He may have pulled the trigger, but executing Krell was my order."
Anakin crossed his arms over his chest, his hands still clenched into fists. "I won't let Dogma face punishment for saving his fellow troopers from the enemy. And I won't let you or any of the 501st face disciplinary action because of Krell. He was a traitor and the Jedi council will understand that. If I would have been there I would have killed him myself."
Rex didn't doubt it. Unfortunately, Anakin hadn't been there. It was just the clones versus the Jedi. The whole ordeal had left him shaken in a way he couldn't have anticipated. The Jedi didn't seem as safe as they once did. The Jedi were supposed to fight side by side with the clones, not against them. He couldn't fathom how someone who was supernaturally connected to all life could so callously throw it away. Did the clones really mean that little to the Jedi? To others? He tried not to think about it.
Anakin came over to Rex and looked him square in the eye. "Tell me truthfully, Rex, are you okay?"
Rex looked up at Anakin. A good soldier was only ever supposed to have one answer. "I wasn't injured during the conflict, sir."
"That's not what I asked." Anakin's eyes narrowed. "Krell betrayed the Republic, betrayed the Jedi and most of all betrayed you clones. I should have been there, I should have stopped him. Now you've had to suffer because I wasn't there."
Rex swallowed. He didn't feel okay. He heard in Anakin's words the same refrain of self blame that had come to mark this particular Jedi's musings on the war. The general hadn't been built for war, it was hard on him and he seemed to think that he should be able to single-handedly change the tides of battle just by being present. Whenever he failed he buried himself with guilt over the matter.
Rex, on the other hand, had been built for war, it was all he'd known his entire life. He knew better than to let emotions come into play. It clouded your judgment and primed you to make big mistakes. He knew better than to feel guilty about doing his duty or for others doing theirs. Rex felt guilty now. He'd sent his men into certain danger because he unwittingly followed orders he knew were bad. He had turned against a Jedi, the command structure of the whole army, and had ordered that the besalisk be executed. He had failed to be a good soldier.
Rex tried to steel himself. He didn't want to show the general that he was weak. "I'll be fine, sir. You don't have to worry about me."
Anakin stared into his eyes with an almost frightening intensity. "Yes, I do."
A chill raced down Rex's spine. The general wasn't going to let him get away with evasive answers. "Honestly, sir," Rex paused for a long moment, "this whole ordeal has been," Rex's eyes darted away from Anakin's, he was ashamed to even admit it, good soldiers weren't weak. "It's been upsetting." Upsetting was just the tip of the iceberg, but he didn't know how to be more open.
"Rex, you did everything you could. You did everything right." Anakin's voice was hard as he tried to reassure his captain.
"Sir, if did everything right, why did so many end up dead?" Rex glanced back at Anakin. He was standing firmly on his emotions but he couldn't fully prevent them from leaking though all the same.
Anakin dropped his gaze. "I don't know. I don't know why it is that sometimes even when you do everything right it still all goes wrong."
Rex could clearly hear the emotion in the Jedi's voice. Emotion that he wished he could show himself. Good soldiers didn't break down in front of their generals. Good soldiers stayed strong. The Jedi had the luxury of being men and women first, then Jedi, and finally generals. The clones? They were first and foremost soldiers, tools, war machines. Sometimes Rex wondered if anyone realized they were flesh and blood.
Anakin turned away from Rex and looked out of the transparisteel window at the hyperspace sky. Hands behind his back he assumed the position he took when he was thinking deeply on some matter. "Rex," he said at last, "what do you think about what happened?"
"I gave you my report, sir." Rex wasn't sure what else the general wanted from him.
Anakin glanced over his shoulder at Rex. "And I heard the facts of the mission as you reported them. What do you think about what happened?"
Rex tightened his grip on the helmet that was tucked under his arm. He wasn't accustomed to giving out his unfiltered thoughts to non-clones. "I think that I should have broken protocol earlier." If he'd done what his gut told him a lot of lives could have been saved. "If I'd been more decisive I could have spared a lot of good men death and injury from a being," he put as much venom into the word being as he dared, "who saw us as disposable tools, no better than some flesh covered clankers."
Anakin closed his eyes at the comment. "Don't blame yourself, Rex, that's an order."
Rex guessed he must have been a bit too self-pitying in this conversation so far. He'd be mindful not to show such partiality again. Good soldiers were neutral.
Anakin opened his eyes again. "Blame Krell." Anakin's voice was hard as iron. "Krell is the only one at fault here. He tricked and manipulated you. He betrayed you. Don't hate yourself, hate him."
"Sir, my men are my responsibility. I didn't stop him." Rex knew he probably shouldn't be arguing with the general, but all the same he felt his failed duty very keenly.
"You and the 501st are good men, all of you brave and true. Krell tried to corrupt you, to poison you but he failed." Anakin gripped his hands behind his back. "I am lucky to fight by your side, Rex, you are one of the best men I've ever known. Don't let Krell win, don't blame yourself for what he did."
Rex ran his thumb over his helmet feeling the familiar ridges. "Do you really think that, sir?" It had been bugging him since Krell had gone on his tirade about the clones. "Do you really think of me, of us, as men?"
Anakin turned to face Rex fully, an expression of slight surprise on his face. "Of course I do. You're one of the bravest, smartest people I know. How could I think of you as anything else?"
Rex looked down at the floor. "Me and the others, we feel like we're men, feel like that means something. That we're more than just androids programmed for destruction. That's what we were taught on Kamino and that's how we live our lives every day, but out here," Rex gestured broadly to the room at large and metaphorically to the galaxy at large, "it seems that most beings don't think of us that way. I always thought the Jedi were different. It always seemed like they were until, well," Rex didn't finish his thought, he didn't have to. In the silence that followed he rubbed his other hand over his helmet feeling the various pits and dings.
Anakin stepped closer to Rex putting a firm hand on his shoulder. "The Jedi see your humanity, Rex. They see how the clones get up every day and fight this war with no relief. They see how you lay down your lives in pursuit of peace in the galaxy with no thought of your own reward. Out of all the people in the galaxy I think the clones and the Jedi are the most alike. Krell fooled us all, I should have seen his treachery before things ever got this far." Anakin shook his head. "But know this: Krell was not a Jedi. A real Jedi would never have done what he did. A real Jedi would never have betrayed the Council and the Republic and most of all his clones." Anakin gripped Rex's shoulder tighter and gave him a small, emphatic, shake. "We couldn't win this without you, Rex."
Rex couldn't help but feel moved by Anakin's words. Even after all the betrayal he'd faced at the hands of Krell, Anakin had his trust full and complete. He'd follow the general to hell and back if that's what he ordered. Maybe the Jedi and the clones did have a special sort of connection, maybe that's what made them such a good team on the battlefield. But what about off the battlefield? What about all those people in the galaxy who weren't Jedi? Would they ever be able to see beyond the face of a clone and realize it was the face of a man? When the war was over, what would happen to him?
"Sir," Rex hesitated, a good soldier shouldn't be asking questions like this, "do you think there's a future for us after the war?"
A long moment of silence stretched between them, Anakin seemingly lost in his thoughts. At last he shook himself slightly and seemed to come back to the present. His voice was low and uncertain as he said, "I hope so."
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lov3nerdstuff · 5 years
May I Please Request A Fluff Where Loki Just Loves When Reader Plays With His Hair?
Thank you so much for the request 💗✨ I have added a little bit more plot to this prompt and I sincerely hope you enjoy the outcome of this 💚
*Loki x reader*
Imagine: When Loki gets sick while he is locked up in a cell in the Avengers compound, you are the only one he allows to take care of him.
Genre: fluffffff
Words: 3.5k
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"Alright, Steve and Natasha, you guys and Clint and the cyborg here, you take the jet and go in from above. Bruce, you supervise the whole thing from the camp and you're our backup if we need a little green in the picture." Tony said as he stood in the middle of the room with the whole team assembled around him. The Avengers were preparing for one of their newest missions and after thorough discussion, Tony had seen it to be his task to organize the whole thing. 
"C'mon man, you know my name!" Bucky protested upon being given a stupid pet name by Tony once again. However Tony ignored him and continued in his explanation. "Thor, you lead everyone else on the ground. Circle them first, then attack. Understood?" He continued on and people all around him started to get going, taking their designated places. 
"Y/n, you're staying here, no discussion. Everyone who's flying in, come with me." With that he finished, turning on his heel and starting for the door. 
"What about me?" You protested, grabbing his arm before he could leave. "Why do I need to stay here?!"
With an exaggerated sigh Tony turned around, rolling his eyes. "What part of 'no discussion' didn't you understand? You're on duty to watch over Reindeer Games. Stay by his side, with every step he takes."
"Seriously?! Why is it always me who's supposed to watch him?" You groaned.
"Because you're the only one he doesn't want to murder in gruesome ways. And you like him."
"I don't…" You protested weakly, causing Tony to fake-laugh hysterically as he left.
"See you in two days!" He called back to you and a moment later the base went completely silent. Oh, you hated the Avengers sometimes… they could be so nice and welcoming, but also very (unintentionally?) oppressive at times. They had rescued you and you owed them your life, but… living here in the compound, going on missions and saving the world… it wasn't what you enjoyed, nor what you wanted for yourself. 
With an annoyed sigh you sauntered towards the elevator and went down to the lowest level. Of course Tony knew about you and Loki… darn guy had cameras everywhere.
The faint ding of the elevator let you know that you arrived and with another sigh you made your way towards Loki's cell. 
"Hey Loki, looks like we…" You stopped mid-sentence when you saw the illusion surrounding the cell. A few weeks ago Loki had taught you how to spot his illusions and you had felt like that was a huge step in your friendship. You knew you weren't supposed to befriend him, but over the months he had been locked up here you had grown rather fond of the trickster. And as it seemed, he had quite the inclination to you as well, so by now you had developed a solid friendship on the outside and a serious crush on him on the inside. If one could even still call it a crush...
"Loki?" You called, stepping to the edge of the cell to peak inside. "They're all gone, it's okay…"
A moment later the illusion wavered and finally disappeared completely, revealing a very pale Loki sitting on his poor excuse of a bed.
"Hey Y/n…" He greeted you with a weak smile. "Good to see you."
"No, not good at all! You look like a ghost with a fever!" You said with concern. It's been a few days since you'd last been able to visit him down here, but when you'd last seen him he had seemed completely fine.
"I'm not feeling good." He sighed. "Haven't for two days…"
"And no one bothered to check on you?!" You asked incredulously, already preparing a rant for Tony in your head. 
"No one knew…" He replied rather calmly. "They don't see what you see."
"You mean the illusions?" You asked while unlocking the door to the cell. The others didn't like it when you got into the cell, but they weren't here right now and you didn't care about most of them even half as much as you did for Loki. 
"Yeah, those and other things." He chuckled, which lead him to coughing roughly.
"Loki, you're sick! You should've told someone!" You protested as you walked over to the bed and sat down next to him. Screw getting sick… he needed your help!
"I don't trust those people. They probably would've taken the chance to end me once and for all." He grumbled. 
"But you could've asked them to send me to you… or don't you trust me either?" You asked, sounding a lot more hurt than intended.
"I trust you Y/n, you know that…" He breathed tiredly, taking your hand in his. He's only done that once before and it made your heart race like crazy. 
"You should've told me. Getting sick is nothing to be ashamed of." You said gently, drawing circles on his hand with your thumb, which made him hum quietly. 
"I'm a god. I don't get sick." He protested with a pout, making you bite your lip to keep from laughing.
"You don't, until you did. Now please let me take care of you, okay?" 
He nodded a little. "But don't tell the kids up there…"
"They're all gone. We're the only ones in the building." You assured him.
"Wish that would've happened at a different time…" He mumbled. 
"So you could've used me to escape?" You smirked, shoving him a little to the side.
"So I could've escaped WITH you." He said with a smirk of his own. "You know that I wouldn't leave you behind, don't you?"
You nodded, hiding your furious blush by standing up. "Alright. How do we turn the cameras off?" 
He looked up at you with a frown until you continued.
"No, we're not running. Even though I really want to, sometimes. But not today. And I'm not leaving you in this stupid cell when you're sick!"
He smiled at you so adoringly that you couldn't help but smile in return. 
"So…" You said after a moment to break the tension that had fallen between you. "The cameras?"
"Don't know…" He sighed.
"YOU don't know? For once in how long?" You chuckled.
"The fact that I'm sick doesn't stop me from tackling you down right now and right here." He glared at you.
"That sounds like fun." You wiggled your eyebrows, making Loki cough-laugh.
"You wouldn't hurt me if your life depended on it." You grinned, and the feeling of utter pride spread in your chest. 
"I hate you." He groaned.
"You don't!" You laughed, pulling him up to his feet.
"True, unfortunately…" He sighed and let you drag him to the edge of the cell. 
"Can you manipulate the cameras so they stop recording?" You asked while unlocking the cell door.
"Usually I could. Right now… I can't." He said in annoyance, probably at himself.
"Could you teach me to do it?" You wondered.
"Actually…" He frowned for a moment, then his eyes light up ever so slightly. "Remember that thing I taught you last week?"
"Being invisible to someone's eye?" 
"Yeah, it should also work with cameras. I never tried that, but there's a first time for everything." He shrugged.
"Alright…" You said and concentrated on the task, just like he had taught you. Your little attempts to learn more about magic had started a few months ago and honestly, it had been out of boredom on both your and Loki's side, even before you became friends. You'd been commanded to watch him and he'd been trying to find a way to amuse himself. So while you'd been sitting outside his cell, he had kept teasing you about how easy magic was and how everyone but him was incapable to do it. After a few hours you'd been fed up with his teasing and therefore simply imitated what he'd been doing to demonstrate his skills. To both your great surprise, you actually could do it on the first attempt. From that moment on, your relationship had changed and so had your opinion about each other.
"There, done." You smiled, content with your work. Then you pushed the door open and led Loki towards the elevators.
"You're such a quick study…" He chuckled deeply as you rode up to the main floor. "There are so many things I'm going to show you."
His voice made your skin crawl with excitement and your thoughts run wild, but you stopped yourself. "Right now you're not going to do anything but getting some rest."
"I could've done that in my cell…" He sighed. "Why did we have to go up here?"
"Because that thing you call a bed is no place to get proper rest. It even hurts to just sit on it for a few minutes!" You protested. "And I want to keep you around me without having to sit on the floor in your cell."
"Oh, so you're doing this for selfish reasons." He smirked. "I like that."
You smiled, but otherwise ignored the comment and led Loki towards your room. Yeah, it probably wasn't the smartest thing to do when you wanted to keep things between you on a friendship level for now. But to you, it was the most comfortable place in the compound and the only one you were sure Loki would enjoy as well.
You kicked your door open and walked into the room, sitting Loki down on your bed.
"So this is where you live?" He asked as he looked around. Even when sick, Loki was still incredibly attentive towards his surroundings and you admired that.
"Yeah. I mean I've been living here for the last two years, but you know… not really by choice." You sighed, picking up some random items from the floor and returning them to their place.
"I know… I wouldn't call my own cell 'home' either. Only that yours is better decorated." 
The comment made you laugh and you watched Loki sitting on the edge of your bed for a while. 
"You should lay down, you know… sleep a little. I promise you'll feel better afterwards." You smiled at him. "I'll even make you some soup if you're being nice."
"And if I'm not?" He grinned while still following your suggestion and laying down on top of the covers.
"I'll return you to your cell." You winked, still smiling at him. "And you look really uncomfortable, you know that? Battle armor isn't quite the right thing to sleep in."
With a groan he changed his clothes into a plain shirt and sweatpants. "Happy now?"
"I will be when you get under the covers and sleep."
"I don't want to."
"Please, Loki…" You sighed. "I know relentless teasing is an essential part of our relationship, but I'm seriously worried about you and I need you to get better before the others return."
"Why?" He asked, his voice finally turning hoarse from all the talking.
"Because they will actually end you if they find you outside of that cell and put me in it instead. And it's gonna be boring as heck without you and I don't want to be bored, so please, for once in your life just do what I tell you." You said with a certain sense of urgency that told Loki you were actually very serious about this. 
"Okay." He said quietly, slipping under the covers and curling up into a ball. 
To say you were surprised was an understatement. Sure, you've been friends for a while now, but he liked to keep the upper hand at all times. You could live with that and had gotten rather used to him arguing about basically anything you asked him to do only to finally compromise on something that worked for both of you. But having him at your mercy, vulnerable and ACTUALLY LISTENING to what you said… that was new.
"Try resting a little, I'll get you some soup and hot tea." You said quietly while replacing your battle gear with a simple sweatshirt. 
"Thank you." Was all he said, keeping his eyes closed and hugging the covers tightly to his slender body.
As you walked to the kitchen, you couldn't help but wonder if he would still be there when you returned. It wasn't like you doubted his friendship or his sincerity in being sick, but you knew that he valued his freedom over absolutely anything else. And while you were desperately in love with the man in your bed, you doubted that he would know what romantic love even felt like. But that was fine, being upset about it would've been like being upset that one couldn't touch the stars. Some things simply are the way they are and you can't expect them to be different just because you wanted them to be. However when you returned to your room a good while later, you found Loki as you had left him, only that he'd turned around and had his back towards you now.
"I'm not sleeping." He sighed quietly once you entered the room. "Couldn't…"
"Sorry to hear that." You replied in the same tone. "I made you soup… I don't know if you'll like it, but I would very much appreciate it if you would try it, at least."
Without a single complaint he sat up and took the large bowl from you, leaving you to set the teapot and two mugs you had somehow managed to carry at once down on the nightstand.
Then you kicked off your shoes and sat down on the other side of the large bed, with your back against the headboard.
"This is probably the best food I've had in over a year." He commented at random, slowly emptying the bowl. 
You smiled widely, enjoying the tingles his compliment gave you. "Glad to hear that. It's nothing special, just soup really…"
"Well, if anything, I was given some bread occasionally… until you started bringing me snacks." He smiled a little, placing the now empty bowl on the nightstand.
"I should've brought you proper food…" You sighed, cursing yourself for your cowardice.
"You did everything you could. I'm sure people would've noticed you bringing down more than what you did." He replied calmly and a while of silence followed with the two of you just sitting next to each other, Loki under the covers and you on top of them.
"Uh, do you want to sleep?" You finally asked.
"I wish I could…" He grumbled, leaning his head against the headboard and closing his eyes.
"I can leave if you want." You suggested.
"No, I wish for you to stay." He hummed. "Your presence has a calming effect."
You chuckled. "A calming effect? Me?" 
"I feel safer when you're around." He breathed, coughing, and your eyes widened upon hearing that. One could say a lot about Loki, but not that he was being open about his feelings. Ever.
"Okay…" You replied, both touched and surprised. "If you can't sleep… do you maybe want to watch a movie?"
"Haven't ever done that. So why not…?" 
Quietly you got up, selected a film you thought he would enjoy and placed your laptop on top of the table at the end of the bed. Then you got back on it and under the covers.
"Thank you. For the soup and the tea." He said quietly and got comfortable next to you. Even if technically you didn't touch, you could still feel the heat of his body all the way on your skin.
For a few hours you simply sat next to each other, watching movie after movie in silence and drinking tea together. It had already gotten dark outside and your room was only illuminated by the screen of your laptop. 
"I feel beyond tired." Loki sighed after hours of silence. 
"Do you want to sleep?" You asked in return.
"Can't." He replied shortly, like he had done before.
"Why not?" You frowned, curious why he kept saying that. You knew that he did in fact sleep from time to time, even if only seldomly.
"Can't tell you."
"You can't or you don't want to?" You turned your head to him, leaning it again the headboard. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But please tell me if there's anything I can do to help… to make it better?"
He sighed, turned to look away, sighed again and looked back at you. "Do you remember that one time when you won the bet about the witch and the robot man?"
"You mean Wanda and Vision? Sure, I said they were totally in love and you said they weren't. I definitely won that one." You grinned, relishing the memory.
"Yeah, but do you remember your… prize, for winning?" He sounded both eager for you to remember and wishful that you wouldn't.
"Oh, I definitely do!" You smiled. "I got to braid your hair."
"And I said I hated it."
"Yeah, you did." You laughed at the memory of angry Loki with an Elsa braid. 
"That was a lie."
"Oh." You said in surprise. Usually you could see through his lies, but that one you must've missed.
"Do it again."
"Braiding your hair?"
"Not…" He halted, closing his eyes and looking very much torn and you realized that asking for something like this must indeed be very hard for him. 
"I know." You smiled gently at him and sat down accordingly. "Come here…" 
With one last doubtful glance, he laid down with his head in your lap, wrapping himself around you as closely as he could. Gently you placed your hand on his head, collecting a few loose strands of hair from his face. With a small smile you let yourself play with his hair, brushing it with your hands and letting small strands run through your fingers like tiny black rivers.
The moment held such an intimacy it made your eyes flutter shut in pure delight and comfort. How could anyone think that this fragile being in your lap was a monster… you made a silent promise to end anyone who dared to think like that.
"My mother used to do this when I was having nightmares as a child." His deep voice broke the silence after a few blissful minutes.
You felt your eyes water, but you smiled nonetheless. He never talked about his family. "I'm sure she is an amazing woman."
"She was incredible…" His voice was but a mere whisper. "Just like you are."
In that very moment your heart burst with love and adoration and you couldn't say anything for a moment, lost in the overwhelming feelings. So he continued.
"I cannot sleep because of the nightmares. Horrible, haunting dreams that would simply break me. Normally I can keep them away for a while, with magic, but now… I cannot." He said quietly. "I'm scared, Y/n… Scared of waking up to the those dreams becoming my reality."
You willed away the huge lump in your throat and the shaking of your hands. "Loki…"
"Please Y/n… don't." He replied quietly, still holding onto you tightly. "Don't pity me. I don't deserve it."
"No… You deserve better." You said determinedly and scooted yourself lower to lay next to him, allowing Loki to hug you even closer while you wrapped your arms around him.
"I'm here. And I will be here when you wake up." You said as you placed your head on top of his, continuing to play with his hair. "I'm not much, but I'm all yours."
Loki sighed softly and for a while everything was silent. Comfortably silent, and you felt tempted to fall asleep yourself, but then his hold on you tightened even more.
"Y/n…" His voice was already heavy with sleep, but you were so close that you could hear his every breath. "I love you."
Your heart skipped a beat and you could feel him smile against you. So you smiled as well. "I love you too."
And for the first time in forever, Loki slept deeply and soundly, and without a single nightmare.
When the team returned from their mission, they found the compound deserted and with no camera footage of the last two days.
"What the actual hell has been going on?!" Tony shouted as he walked through the hallways.
"Tony… you should come to the living room." Natasha called from the distance.
Once he got there, she handed him a piece of paper. It was neatly written by hand and with a frown, he started to read.
Dear Avengers.
To make it short: Loki and I are gone, as you probably noticed. The possibility that you will find us is kind of non-existent, but we would very much appreciate to see you trying. However, you will find very little reason to bother yourselves with us. Loki promises that he won't attack earth again, or any other planet, and I promise that I'll make sure that he keeps said promise. Tony told me to watch over him and stay with him, every step of the way. And I'm dead set on doing just that.
With kind regards,
@its-remy-not-ratatouille @wegingerangelica @thidls12333
If you want to be added to my general tag list comment down below or send an ask 💗✨
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Defending Christine Daae
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I never thought I'd have to write a post with that title, let me tell you.
Because when I first heard of Phantom of the Opera, I was under the impression that everybody loved Christine just as much as I did. I mean, how could you help it? Well, I was wrong. It would seem that there are, in fact, people out there who don't share my exact opinion (shock of shocks) and who dislike Christine for various stupid reasons.
Now, I'm not here to point fingers at anyone or to belittle anyone's opinions in anyway, and blah-de-blah [fill in the rest of long boring disclaimer any way you wish]. But I AM here to defend one of my favourite female protagonists in a work of fiction! And defend her I WILL! IN THE NAME OF THE MOON!
Um, pardon me. Don't know how that last sentence got in there.
Now, on the internet, I've heard some flak about Christine, and though I'm not here to make anyone feel bad (see above) I do want to refute those points about her, point-by-point. (Hmm. Redundancy.) One of the biggest points against Christine is her choice to be with Raoul instead of the Phantom, who *ahem* TOTALLY needed her because he had a bad life and he taught her to sing! My opinion?
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I don't think that means Christine owes him love. Appreciation and thanks, yes. But not love. The only thing he ever did that was worth any kind of love was letting Christine go. And she isn't some sort of consolation prize! It's NOT her job to fix the Phantom, only he could fix himself!
C'mon people! The two pretty much fit the qualities of an abusive relationship (emotional manipulation, throwing her around, restricting her from seeing other people etc.) And it’s kinda disturbing. “BUT!” You cry, “CHRISTINE REJECTED THE PHANTOM FOR A SHALLOW REASON! HE WAS UGLY!”
While I do understand what you’re coming from, I would like to inform you that it was actually his toxic behaviour towards her and murderous qualities that drove her away from him and made her choose Raoul. In “Final Lair”, she said one of the biggest burns in Gothic thriller history “It’s in your SOUL where the TRUE distortion lies...”  The Phantom's problem isn't with his disfigurement. No, the problem is with what he's allowed his disfigurement to make him. He's become so obsessed with the idea that no one loves him and no one will ever really care for him that he believes anyone who stands remotely in his way is just out to get him. So what does he do? He murders people whom he gets annoyed with. First Buquet, then Piangi, and finally (almost) Raoul. And that is DEFINITELY not okay! 
I think Christine saw him as more of a teacher, or a friend, or a... father figure, in a messed up way... which is more evident in the book on how she is both afraid and sympathetic for the Phantom. 
While not condoning his actions,  I do wish the Phantom could have found someone to love him. Good gracious, his final lines “IT’S OVER NOW THE MUSIC OF THE NIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHHTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” makes me tear up every time.  Gah. I'm in danger of sobbing, too, but I really want to get this post done, so I will conquer myself and think of something Funny instead. *thinks* I know! Gerard Butler’s version of the “All I Ask Of You (Reprise)”. That’ll cheer me up and make me laugh XD!
In all seriousness, I know that Erik is unstable and violent. But I also know that he really IS a gentle, misunderstood soul. You can be both, you know. The unstable and violent side of him, unfortunately, triumphed- and his dreams, his desires for love, his castle on a cloud came tumbling down because of it.
And so... onto the next point, another common argument used to bash Christine is that she’s considered to be flat, boring and goes through ZERO development! But in actual fact, there’s so much going on in her head and goes through quite an emotional travesty that it’s almost impossible to call her bland!
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She is deeply wounded by the loss of her father, and has this incredible musical talent which stayed in a state of diamond in the rough before being discovered by her “Angel of Music”. He trains her, not realizing that she is becoming the center of an unhealthy obsession, genuinely believing in her naivety that he is some benevolent spirit sent by her father, therefore bringing her a sense of comfort. She is a pious girl, after all, and being religious myself, well, such a reaction from someone who believes like her is believable though naive. Can we blame Christine for that? NO. How is she supposed to guess?
And now, let's talk about "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again", aka. The Christine Empowerment™ song! I feel like the difference between a good portrayal of Christine and a great portrayal of Christine, is based on how good their rendition of this song is. It is a crucial part of the plot. One of the reason The Phantom and Raoul appeal to Christine is because of the connection they represent to her dead father. Of course, Raoul actually knew her father and the Phantom uses his memory to manipulate her. At this point in the show, Christine has become disillusioned with Raoul and is afraid of the Phantom. She realizes through the song that the only way she can’t move forward is through letting go of the past, and getting over the death of her father. This fuels her actions through the rest of the show as it makes her realize that if she wants her happy ending, she must take charge of her destiny and earn her own agency! And the Phantom, trying to use her in the moment where she was probably at her most vulnerable since she is questioning herself about her entire life, only catalyses her decision. She performs in Don Juan Triumphant, because she knows that everything is up to her, and that she cannot let the Phantom keep on destroying her life.
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As for her unmasking the Phantom in "Point of No Return", Christine did this in a way to show him that she refused to be controlled by him any longer. It is certainly not the most intelligent thing to do, nor the nicest, but again, her behaviour is explainable. But as said above for Erik, it doesn’t excuse her. And it shows how she was beginning to be able to resist his pull/spell/enchantment/whatever you like to call it on her!
I adore and admire Christine Daae as a character so much, and it was her actions and story arc that really started my love for this story. Christine's ability to love unconditionally and selflessly is so profound. Even though the Phantom put her and everyone else through lots of horrors, she still doesn't hesitate to show kindness towards him but makes sure that her abuser NEVER hurts anyone EVER again. She loves Raoul so much that she's pretty much willing to sacrifice her freedom and happiness so Raoul could be free. No matter what circumstances she is given, she will still put the ones she loves before herself no matter what, even if it means giving up a chance to save herself. I know most of us won’t ever be put in such an extreme scenario but Christine is such an inspiration of how to love others and believe in them despite flaws and bad sides. She inspires me to see the good in people. It’s so easy to be cynical and hardened in this world, and I think that Phantom of the Opera reminds us to have kindness and light in our hearts, even in challenging circumstances.
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I would also like to add another moment of character. Think what it must have taken to prepare for the female lead role in a 3-act opera. Christine wasn’t even an understudy. In a matter of minutes, she went from member of the ballet corps to the lead role, and she had to rehearse and remember new music, character, blocking, and vocals. Not only did she prepare in time, she performed so well that she became a hit. This reveals, not only the skill and beauty of her voice, but also her concentration, diligence, and acting capability. Everyone hails the Phantom as the ultimate musical genius—and he is—but they overlook the implied extent of Christine’s skill.
She went through the loss of both parents, manipulation, being stalked, and knowing that the person she loves most has his life on the line - because of her. And then she literally gets off of her knees and shows her abuser the first form of kindness he has ever known. Not even the Phantom was strong enough for that; he gave up on the world far too early. Christine is the embodiment of courage and kindness; she teaches us to love and forgive those who have been awful to us, and to protect those we love even if it means our own suffering. But she no longer succumbs to the Phantom and makes sure her abuser never hurts anyone EVER again. Seriously, this girl is AWESOME! And this was in the 18th century! It's really sad that such a great character is overlooked by many...
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It seems that Leroux really understood women... That we can be emotional, we are vulnerable but not weak... And emotion really helps us when we keep them in control!
Christine, in a nutshell, is a kind, observant, compassionate, trusting young woman–a too trusting at first–but with a spine of steel and determination once she’s drawn the line. She loves people deeply, but she picks up quickly on the realities of the situation. She has the strongest character arc in the story and makes the choices to grow and to move on. Yet she remains gentle and compassionate, uses her love to bless and not manipulate. She’s a layered character who grows. And there’s so much more to her than meets the eye.
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hey dazai, quick q: how well did you and gillian get along at first? what was your first impression of her? what do you think of her now? also don't forget to go give her a quick lil kiss ^^
(((ooc note! So this answer kind of depends on which s/i I use, so decided to provide an answer for each~)))
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Ah, thinking all the way back to the beginning, this is easy...
ADA! Gillian
My first introduction to her was as coworkers. We got along well, she’s always been able to keep up with my antics and take most anything in stride. My first impression was that she was fairly simple to pin down, a nice girl who obviously cares deeply for the people around her. Over time, I continued to see more and more sides of her, and she is constantly finding new ways to surprise me every time I think I have her completely figured out. She’s an interesting girl with an infinite amount of determination, boundless amounts of love, and an unshakable will to do what’s right and protect what she views as worth protecting, which is a lot of things. Despite what she’s been through in the past, she continues to smile and see joy, and I admire that strength. 
Mafia! Gillian
When we first met, we basically wanted nothing to do with each other. She essentially seemed to me like Ogai’s weird, silent doll that he had follow him around. Neither of us were interested in friends, and most thoughts I spared her were analytical. About a year after we met was when I started making an effort to be around her and learn more about her, and admittedly that was mainly out of boredom. Now, now I think she’s amazing. Despite her upbringing, she holds compassion. Despite keeping up a stoic face, she lets loose and becomes fun and mischievous around friends. She’s so easy for me to talk to, being around her is entirely natural. She’s strong, resilient, and crafty, she never gives up.
Jekyll! Gillian
From the very first day she stepped into the office and we were introduced, I knew her overly sweet demeanor was an act. It was something in the way she held herself, the look buried deep within her eyes, it was all very familiar to me. I suppose we got along well from the start, neither one of us went out of our way to become close for a while. I have always felt a sense of camaraderie with her, as I said before we both are used to wearing masks and we’ve both done many things we aren’t proud of. Now that I see the genuine side of her, when she’s not tying to hide her darkness under a thousand layers, I think she’s fascinating. We understand each other. She’s loyal and brave, the confidence she’s found is amazing to see.
Circus! Gillian
Well considering our first meeting consisted of her attacking the agency and stabbing me, I thought of her only as part of a problem to be solved. My opinion of her as a person wasn’t much until she managed to surprise me by turning against her own group in order to try and save them the only way she thought she could by helping us defeat them. From there, I thought she was a bit naive but otherwise someone interesting to observe, someone who would easily put herself at risk and do what she thought was necessary if it was for the people she considers family. I also learned quickly that she’s a very fun person to tease and make flustered~ Now, she continues to impress me with her tenacity; she’s ferocious and unafraid of most things to the point of near recklessness. And yet somehow she continues to be so shy in the most adorable of ways~
Guild! Gillian
We only officially met after the guild had been dealt with and she joined the agency, so before that I can’t say I had an opinion of her really; the most I thought of her was the fact that I knew she was a variable in our fight against the guild, after she’d made an appearance but we’d yet to figure out her ability, a piece o try and account for in my plans. After she joined the agency, I initially thought of her mostly as simply a sweet, sheltered heiress. Which was true to an extent, but it became clear to me from watching her that she had some real hidden hidden under her smile, an ability to manipulate and see through a person that most wouldn’t expect from such a sweet looking girl. Now I know that while her world view towards certain things can be rather simple and she has a naive kindness that draws her to wish to be friends most people, she’s someone to be respected and acknowledged. She shines in more ways than one, and her radiance is near blinding. 
Isekai-ed Gillian
She was very confused and scared when we first met, finding herself in a new place with no memory of how she got here. I found her situation interesting, so I made it a point to be around her. My first impression of her was that she’s a sweet, innocent girl whose main set back was her lack of courage. Still, I’ve always found her funny and easy to get along with, and I felt a natural pull towards her. Now, she’s really come out of her shell and I couldn’t be happier with the person I see. She’s grown a lot since we first met, and I know her to be a ferocious girl who, while still rather anxious, has learned not to second guess herself as much and has found bravery. She still isn’t able to see the many layers she poses, but I know there’s so much to her worth knowing and loving.
No need to remind me to kiss her, the urge is never far for me~ Especially after talking about her so much, I think I should go make sure my darling Gillian knows how much I appreciate her right now~
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