#but it never is
revenantghost · 1 year
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This man ruins my life and then makes tweets like this, smh
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I hope the hook up was still fun, and well you can look better next time !
Haha I mean....very very slightly 😆 Less than a week ain't enough for much. And yes the hookup was great, but I def have that in my head....cuz im psychotic about my appearance 👋✨️
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echo-bleu · 1 year
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Just finished the second part of this piece, I think it's my most complex artwork to date... Now I'm scared of posting it because everything lately just kinda flopped :'(
[ID: Screenshot of Procreate, on a detail of a digital painting, showing marble statues of Celegorm and Huan, Caranthir and Curufin.]
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bookcub · 2 years
leverage really destroyed one of my least favorite romantic tropes with parker and hardison. like i never ever got the trope of person a being unsure about their feelings about person b and then person b turns around and had instantly started dating someone new, not even casually, which would make way more sense to me, because they wont wait around for person a. examples being bones, greys anatomy, arrow, the office, and haven etc etc
parker is not ready to talk about her feelings with hardison and he understands. he knows that she like him but isnt ready for a relationship and he respects her. hes not hovering over her, waiting for her to say i love you, he values their friendship. he respects her and her wishes. and in turn, we see parker wanting to grow because hardison inspires her. her emotional journey is not just for hardison, he is her role model for who she wants to be. and she doesnt become him but he has influenced her.
they have a beautiful love story
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pain-is-my-game · 5 months
I'm so stupid for thinking that I deserved to be happy.
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uygfiug · 3 months
so weird to see a snapshot of yourself from years ago and realize that you are both a completely different person and also never really changed
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In conversation, an excerpt: Draco Malfoy on getting the Dark Mark.
Interviewed by: Luna Lovegood, The Quibbler
5th of June, 2003
Did you mean it?
• I dont even remember doing it.
What do you remember?
• Before. The dark. The dining room. Kneeling.
• Pain. Worst I’ve ever felt. Worse than a crucio.
How do you know wh-
• Then they left me lying there.
And your mother?
• I reckon she was wondering how the hell we’d gotten here.
Was he angry?
• My father? No. No, he was something else entirely.
He left?
• Yeah. There was a meeting to attend.
Oh. He didn’t make sure you were okay?
• I wasn’t. I’m not.
What was the last thing you remember seeing?
• The chandelier. It looked like it was swaying but I think that was just me.
Do you remember seeing him do it?
• Yeah. Someone was holding my head steady. Why does it matter?
What wand did he use?
• My fathers.
Do you think you saw the wand and panicked?
• Anything would’ve made me panic.
So maybe you didn’t want it. Maybe you were scared.
• And? Scared isn’t an excuse. Neither is insecurity.
Neither of your parents stayed in the room?
• No. They didn’t.
What else?
• What? No I was scared. Maybe angry too. Maybe too scared to be angry in the moment.
You don’t think it’s okay to be angry at them? For what they did?
• It doesn’t matter. The anger changes nothing.
Why does it change nothing?
• I’ve never seen it do anything good.
He was an angry man. Maybe your father was too.
• My father wasn’t angry. He was scared and foolish. But that doesn’t make me good.
Why aren’t you good?
• There’s bad in my blood.
Do you think you’re destined to hurt people?
• I think what I did will always hurt people.
Do you think you hurt people because that’s what your father did?
• Does it count if I didn’t know what I was doing?
• We looked alike. As children. It’s difficult to imagine him as a bad person when we look the same. Something made him what he became. I’m afraid it did the same to me.
What are you?
• Tired. Sorry. Cowardly. Quiet. Like he made my mother.
What does that mean to you?
• Huh- oh, I don’t know.
But how often do you think about it?
• Everyday.
Were you thinking about this then? On that day?
• Probably. I think I thought about everything and nothing in those few moments.
Tell me about that.
• I said that. He used his wand. My fathers. He pointed it right between my eyes. I don’t - well. I was a child again. Like in that moment I was my father and he was me. Like we shared something deeper than resemblance.
It sounds like you started to feel like you were your father.
• No. It was worse than that.
• His wand felt like it turned into his reflection standing opposite me. We look so alike. But that reflection wasn’t him, really. It was me. The anger was mine and fear was mine. And the pain was mine too. And. And when it happened. The only reason was me. And I- I-
Please take a moment. Take a deep breath.
• I’m so scared. That I can’t undo this. That I’ll do it again.
Do what again?
• Say yes because someone else told me too. Say yes because I look just like him.
I don’t think your father would want this for you.
• He doesn’t want anything anymore.
I’m sorry for your loss.
• I’m sat right here. He might be dead but I’m still here. So he’s still here too.
So you think you deserve to die too?
• Don’t I?
You were 15. But now you have the choice not to do it again.
• That’s my point.
• I get to move past it all. I get to live. But all those good people? They had to die?
What’s in front of you?
• What?
Is it more blood supremacy and death?
• What? No. How could you even say that?
I’m not saying that. It’s isn’t happening yet. But you could still choose it.
• I’m tired of making choices.
That’s understandable. But there’s not another one.
• You just told me there was?
Blood supremacy and death?
• No. Never. Not at all.
You’re free now. You can tell the truth.
• I am. I’m telling the truth.
But it is okay because you were 15? Back then?
• I didn’t know what I was believing in. I didn’t know how to separate a story and reality until too late.
What was it all for then?
• I guess to make sure I never have to do it again.
Happy birthday Draco.
• Funny. That’s what he said back then too.
Read the full interview in the print edition of The Quibbler.
Inspired by jesseisjolly on tiktok.
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impossiblepackage · 5 months
so fucking tired of media with a super cool and interesting premise and all sorts of fun stuff going on just for it to spend half it's time going on and on about yet ANOTHER mediocre romance. Seems like every time there's a character who gets talked up as being cool and competent and maybe scary who isn't shown immediately, I get lured into a false sense of security until BAM! it's a conventionally attractive man who is often way younger than the way people talk about him would imply. And you just know, right away, "oh okay so our protagonist is going to spend most of her time falling for this guy rather than focusing on any of the actual fucking interesting things going on despite her being the center of those interesting things"
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ryanthedemiboy · 1 year
A writer who's never worked with vehicles or lived with someone who worked with vehicles for a living: she showered to get all the grease off of her body
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grimzeyblogs · 2 years
i don't trust people who say they find souichi hot, like we're all aware he's eleven right? and we're all very much not eleven right???
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capisback · 2 years
if allowed my sentences will be a mess of dutch and english
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aroaceofdiamonds · 1 year
So obviously based on my blog's name, I'm aroace. And I'll be honest, I have days where I question my identity, especially the aro part.
There are some days I feel that I'm not aro because I think a character is pretty.
There are some days I feel I'm not aro because I want a relationship.
There are some days I feel I'm not ace because I'm not completely grossed out by sex jokes.
But then I remember that being aroace is as much a spectrum as being just aro or just ace, or any other sexuality. Everyone is unique in their identity.
So this pride month, remember that you can't just prescribe one idea to everyone, and listen to people about their own experiences, rather than talk over them.
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mamamittens · 1 year
I'm tired and wanna sleep but anxiety has demanded I check the weather five times in the past ten minutes to make absolutely sure that the thunderstorm is just a thunderstorm and not a tornado.
Really would be handy if I had any self awareness about what stress feels like rather than wondering why I wanna throw up for over an hour but oh well. It'd probably help if the documentary style video I watched didn't have a clip of the severe weather alert, get to shelter now siren, alongside many choice clips of actual horrendously terrifying tornadoes. Why yes, I do still experience anxiety if I'm not adequately warned about one popping up on my feed and the sound of wind howling at high speeds makes me wanna throw up, why do you ask???
So imma fall back on what I'd do in highschool when I couldn't sleep (every night) and imagine fluff scenarios to soothe my soul.
Tonight? Wondering about falling asleep next to sweeties during severe weather. Which uh.... Horrific to think about if it's the Moby Dick, ngl
God awful weather to rock that boat
He'd soothe you of any anxieties with his experience out at sea. Explaining with great accuracy what variant of bad weather is currently going down with a decent idea of when it'll stop. And knowing that this helps but doesn't exactly cure you, he'd definitely pull you in close to his side and run his hand through your hair or to your scalp in light scratching motions. Lowkey preening you while a soft croon vibrates his throat.
Maybe some soft kisses to your hair as he makes you feel secure even if the ship is swaying through the waves.
All about the cuddles and funny stories. Warm, firm arms rubbing your back and sides as he rambles on in a low, husky voice. When it gets bad he makes you get involved in the story by switching to the most ridiculous ones he knows so you just have to tell him that he's absolutely talking shit.
He never is and you still can't quite believe it.
But he's making you laugh until you can't keep your eyes open any longer, keeping you close to his side as he drifts off after you.
I imagine he offers an herbal tea to help with anxiety and issues sleeping. Then he's quick to lead you to bed and into his arms where he massages your tense muscles with every rumble of lighting. He might fondly recall old stories or just let you lean on his chest and hear his calm heartbeat.
He's not one for boasting or lying, so if he says the storm will pass with no issues, he must be talking the truth.
Takes great joy in making a quick snack before ushering you to bed. Something light for your anxious stomach and not sugary sweet to keep you up. I see Thatch as more of a stroking-soother. Not quite massaging your muscles or lingering in any specific place, but running his hands in steady waves along your back. Occasionally rubbing between your shoulders if he notices you breathing faster. He doesn't mind a few tears or if you hold onto him anxiously.
He's quite proud that you're willing to be vulnerable with his and allowing him to soothe your worries until you drift to sleep. Once he's sure you're out and secure, he follows not long after.
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imwritesometimes · 2 years
the dancing pumpkin man will inevitably be all over my dash tomorrow but never my most favoritest version ever that I haven't been able to find for millennia
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sadclowncentral · 2 months
shoutout to the guy who after unsuccessfully hitting on my sister and being politely declined asked her "is it okay if i ask your brother instead" and when she said yes gave me a long and searching look before sighing and going "no. i am not drunk enough to go for a dude. but you look like an angel" happy bisexual pride to this man and this man only. hope you figure it out soon king
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I love Matilda because it's a story about a child who sees injustice around her and gets mad about it and questions why things aren't fair, and instead of the ending being that she learns how the world works and that life isn't fair, she catapults one of the adults who abused her out of a building with her mind
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