#but about their weird friends having family problems
Writing Ideas: 170 Character Quirks
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Quirk—a peculiar trait; idiosyncrasy; memorable little things about a character’s personality that make them charming, endearing, weird, or unique; can be cute habits; is anything worth describing about a character.
Very introverted, quiet and reserved, keeps to themselves
Highly extroverted, loves socializing and meeting new people
Mega control freak who has to have everything their way
Neat freak (often coincides with control freak)
Total slob who never knows where anything is
Super stubborn and will never admit when they’re wrong
Brutally honest and can’t lie to save their life
Extremely judgmental of other people
Short-tempered, especially when irritated
Always patient, even when frustrated
Hilarious or odd sense of humor
Very hard to make them laugh
Loves to eat and is obsessed with food
Loves to drink and is constantly partying
Constantly complains about everything
Extremely loyal and will do anything for their friends/family
Adventurous and willing to try anything
Cautious and careful no matter what
Energetic, hardly ever needs to rest
Sleeps all the time and still gets tired during the day
Horrible sense of direction and constantly gets lost
Overachiever who loves school/structure
Really modest and won’t ever brag about themselves
Extremely emotional and will cry at the drop of a hat
Stoic and detached, rarely shows emotion
Wildcard whose behavior is unpredictable, even to their friends
Notoriously two-faced and will betray anyone
Charismatic and can convince anyone to do their bidding
Very proper and always polite to others
Dates tons of people and has a new boyfriend or girlfriend every week
Obsessive personality — whether it’s a TV show, brand, musical artist, or even another person, they’ll get attached and think/talk about it constantly
Unique eye or hair color
Has two different eye colors
Extremely short or tall
Some discerning physical mark — birthmark, freckles, mole, or scar
Wears unusual glasses
Has braces and headgear
Large feet — may mean they’re clumsy
Bites their nails/lips or chews on their hair
Constantly fidgeting and can’t sit still
Acne, eczema, or other skin problems
Many tattoos or piercings
Often sick or has allergies (constantly sniffling/blowing their nose)
Talks very loudly or quietly
Says everything like it’s a question
Terrible breath — may be a coffee drinker
Gets sweaty easily (especially when nervous)
Unusually hairy arms or legs
Very long painted nails
Always wears a faceful of makeup
Has a stutter or other speech impediment
Incessantly clicks a pen
Often tucks their hair behind their ears
Constantly chews gum
Has a toothpick dangling from their mouth
Always picking their teeth
Smokes and has a raspy voice
Breathes heavily or snores
Is extremely muscular
Walks very slowly or quickly
Left-handed or ambidextrous
Constantly scratching themselves
Has some noticeable physical tic, like a twitch
Always wears a distinct item of clothing or accessory — a favorite pair of socks, a lucky jersey, or even a particular shade of lipstick
Fantastic cook or baker
Skilled musician (piano, guitar, violin, etc.)
Artistic talent (drawing, painting, sculpting, etc.)
Model athlete (football, hockey, swimming, etc.)
Great at voices/ventriloquy
Can do sleight-of-hand — may be a pickpocket
Speaks multiple languages, even obscure ones
Knows everything about history
Mathematical or scientific genius
Brilliant coder and can hack into any database
Skilled mechanical inventor
Can build or put together anything
Super-quick logical reasoning
Exceptional memory/genius IQ (several of the above might fall under this)
Special connection with animals
Super empathetic and understanding of other people
Extremely fast runner
Contortionist (can twist their body into any shape)
Psychic talent (can predict the future)
Amazing mechanic
Super strength, flying, invisibility or other superpowers
Unusually high tolerance for pain
Survival skills like hunting and fishing
Quick reflexes, acts fast in a crisis
Brave and fearless, not scared of anything
Able to talk their way out of any trouble/invent stories on the fly
Awful driver
Always running late
Illegible handwriting
Terrible at public speaking
Socially awkward — hard for them to make friends
Has tons of credit card debt from online shopping
Self-destructive and always wants what’s worst for them
Gets blackout drunk every time they go out
Extremely conceited or arrogant
Compulsive liar
Manipulative of friends
Gets jealous over nothing
Often mean for no reason
Unbelievably self-centered
Extremely passive-aggressive
Is a hero who doesn’t like using their superpowers
Arachnophobia (irrational fear of spiders)
Coulrophobia (irrational fear of clowns)
Agoraphobia (irrational fear of leaving the house)
Pantophobia (fear of everything)
Pale skin
Crooked smile
“Intense” stare
Relentless clumsiness
Artificial hair colors that are supposedly natural
Characters thinking they’re unattractive when everyone else thinks they’re beautiful
Dresses all in one color
Bedroom is decorated exactly like a Pinterest picture
Won’t drink still water, only sparkling
Refuses to use headphones and blasts their music in public
Always dresses too nicely for the occasion
Walks around barefoot, even in stores and other public places
Hates being inside, sleeps and goes to the bathroom outdoors
Can’t help but look in every mirror they pass
Wears a small plastic backpack everywhere
Preps their meals three weeks in advance
Drinks shots of espresso all day long
Sings opera in the shower
Always sneezes around pets
Has a collection of something mundane
Makes their own (terrible) abstract art and hangs it on their walls
Gets super excited about Christmas and then really depressed in January
Refuses to wear glasses even though they need them
Carries around a secret teddy bear
Has been wearing the same friendship bracelet for three years
Fastidiously lint-rolls all their clothing
Will leave a shop or restaurant if someone walks in with a baby
Extremely superstitious (knocks on wood, avoids the number 13, etc.)
Drops everything other people ask them to hold
Likes to go out dancing by themselves
Prefers to have the lights off or dimmed at all times
Only reads books written before 1900
Only watches movies that get really bad reviews
Always wears multiple sweaters on top of each other
Won’t eat anything that doesn’t have bread (at least on the side)
Thinks they’re a time-traveler from the medieval era
Gives friends and family excellent homemade presents
Leaves the office last every day so they can push all the chairs in
Hates jagged numbers (always fills their gas tank to the dollar, sends emails on the hour, etc.)
Has an imaginary friend they still talk to, even in adulthood
Owns a lizard that they try and use as a guard dog
Listens exclusively to Britney Spears
Leaves little notes in library books for future readers
Uses tissues to hold onto poles on public transportation
Wears their hair in Princess Leia buns
Never goes a day without talking to their mom
Hums “In the Hall of the Mountain King” when they get stressed
Clucks their tongue while walking, so they sound like a horse
Quotes Pulp Fiction all the time
Loves hanging out in completely empty places
Convinced they’re going to die in a freak accident
Grows all their own food in their vegetable garden
Never pays for train or bus tickets
Can recite Shakespearean sonnets
Recycles and eats vegetarian, but only out of guilt
Has a “vision board” posted on their ceiling
Loves the beach but hates swimming
Flicks people in the forehead when they get annoyed
Laughs at everything, even bad jokes
Curates a great Instagram feed of street art
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antique-symbolism · 1 year
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Jacket Asanbosam has eagerly awaited their father's Sanguine Quarter celebration ever since they were a little kid. A vampire's 250th anniversary is already the biggest blowout a magical family could throw, and with the Asanbosams, every event is a boisterous family reunion. There's just one problem -- obviously, Jacket's sister Tala is invited, too.
What better way for Jacket to distract from the impending anxiety of confronting their estrangement than to invite their best friends Holly and Bash as their +1 and +2? Turning the roadtrip into a sightseeing tour of magical America will be more than enough to get their mind off their troubles with Tala, but the three friends will soon find that the Asanbosams aren't the only family with secret tensions bubbling below the surface.
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infizero · 2 years
listen i was guilty of this once upon a time too but dawg ppl GOTTA stop calling any platonic dynamic they like “siblings” without any precedence 
#there are many characters where there is good right to call them siblings. but ppl have gotten so trigger happy w it#and like theres nothing wrong with viewing a dynamic that way ig but at the same time it makes ppl who may ship those characters really#uncomfortable. bcuz although there is nothing to suggest that those characters view each other in that way by calling them siblings#instantly you've made it weird for anyone who might interpret the dynamic differently#idk this is very nuanced but it just irked me a little bit#absolutely nothing against the person in the tags of my art btw power to you#but. as someone who ships pearl and scar a little it was a bit uncomfortable to see them be called siblings#i dont like ppl making ANY of the hermits siblings. like grian and pearl are a common one i see and i just. i dont get it i truly dont#none of their dynamics read like that to me. idk. again ppl have their own interpretations of things and they didnt mean any harm by it#it just made me feel a little weird#and this is a problem or well. trend ive seen in all fandoms recently#please. people are allowed to be friends and have close friendships and not have a familial element involved#esp with a girl and a boy THEY CAN JUST BE FRIENDS! YOU CAN HAVE THEM BE TOTALLY PLATONIC WITHOUT CALLING THEM SIBLINGS#whatever whatever idrc. just something ive noticed i know other ppl have talked about this before#again this is not a callout or anything im genuinely not mad or weirded out or anything please dont think i am#serena.txt
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lettersiarrange · 9 days
Has time always moved this fast? I'm genuinely asking. In 200 years we went from Bridgerton to AI. The everyday lives of people in each of these eras feel like universes apart. I'm no historian, but it seems like the everyday lives of people between 1500 and 1700 weren't that different.
Have humans throughout time immemorial reflected on life 30 years ago, 100 years ago and commented on how vastly different it was? It feels like we're running at a breakneck pace in the modern era. The It Gets Better project was founded in 2010 because gay people were so universally ostracized that lgbt teen suicide rates were off the charts. And while we're still pretty far from full LGBT equality, openly having a problem with gay people existing is a pretty fringe opinion now that's fairly universally frowned upon, even in the southern US.
I'm pretty sure the first time a woman wore pants in congress was in the 90s.
Culturally, technologically, resource-wise, it feels like every 5 years we leap 5 decades forward. Is it just our own preoccupation with the era we live in that makes this moment feel so significant? Or are we actually moving as quickly as it feels?
I know people have always laughed at the grandpa's who complain "when I was your age...", but has the gap ever been this wide? Or is there truly something special about now.
#before someone @s me about *but some people still disapprove of gay people existing!!!*#i know. I'm from the south.#but even southerners know it's no longer something they're allowed to talk openly abt because doing so will make people think they're crazy#they may privately have a problem with gay ppl existing and say so amongst friends family and church#but nowadays it's the kid who's weirdly hung up on jimmy having a boyfriend who's uncool and strange. no one else has a problem with jimmy#even the radical conservatives are aware they ostracise themselves by throwing a fit abt gay people existing#that's why they're so fucking mad. that's why they're fighting so fucking hard. their opinions haven't changed#and 15 years ago they were on the side of the majority and now their opinions make them weirdos#they're evil but i kinda get why they feel like it's everyone else going crazy around them and not their own opinions that are the problem#again. there may yet be some spaces and schools in the US where it's still weird to be gay. but i would say that is the outlier#anyway that's not really my point i just know this site doesn't have reading comprehension#I'm genuinely curious as to whether time always feels like this or if it's us#yes every century has wars and pandemics and dynasty changes that impact history#but it kinda feels like the experience of a pandemic in 2020 with a smartphone and doordash is pretty significantly different than#the experience of a pandemic in 1500. 1300. etc. which maybe felt a lot more similar to each other.#and not to even mention the rapid changes in fashion!!!
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meat-loving-meat · 5 months
I’m thinking about Modern!AUs in fanfiction and why sometimes they’re some of my favorite fics and also sometimes the Worst™️. (<-that is a joke. There is no such thing as bad fanfiction, just fanfiction I don’t personally like.)
Because I LOVE Modern!AUs that ask interesting questions about how the setting of a story impacts the characters—how much of the setting can you remove while still being able to recognize the characters in question? All of it? None of it? What new problems would living in a world with planes and phones create for these characters? How are the social and political tensions of the original canon reflected in our own world?
The “problem” (again, not an actual problem, just a personal preference) is that most Modern!AUs COMPLETELY refuse to engage with any of that. They instead become a stale rehashing of the original canon except with lower stakes. Nothing about the modern setting adds interest, and everything interesting from the original setting falls away.
I think that a lot of people write Modern!AU fics to deescalate the conflict of the original canon and give the characters more relatable problems, which isn’t universally terrible, but it can so easily become boring. I don’t WANT to know what it would be like if one of these characters was a florist and the other was a tattoo artist; I want to know what would happen if you gave one of them a gun.
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hushedstars · 1 year
There is one thing I'm kind of wondering about.
Do addicts, ones that are so deep in like Ray is (I've been observing him more this ep and he really is constantly buzzed, his cheeks flushed. The most sober he looked was in the club, when he talked to Sand.), could really see that they should not introduce drugs etc. to sb else?
Especially in Ray's case when he would do anything to please Mew. Mew wants? Mew gets it. It's not like Ray is sober enough to actually think rationally (he does briefly question Mew about smoking, but hey fun is fun right?). He doesn't even want to admit he is an alcoholic, never mind a drug addict.
Mew knew FOR YEARS that drugs, and too much alcohol, and smoking (I guess) are bad. But he is having his moment, and doing bad decisions. That's on him.
Yet everyone is blaming Ray for this? That he is dragging him down? (Top and Cheum did mention how Mew is changing himself, but it still circled back to "the bad friend" Ray when even Mew was like "I do what I want".) Sure, Ray is not a saint, not blameless. But Mew walked into his lifestyle with open arms. Looking at what he said to Top that "he is only caring about himself now, a free man", I would gather a guess that he doesn't see Ray as a person anymore. Just sth that he can use to: change himself, spite Top (the kiss), have the fun that everybody seems to be so into. Also the faithfull one (welp, that didn't go well).
Ray is drowning. Had been for years. Mew knows that but it kind of looks like he either forgot or never really got it. That this "fun lifestyle" Ray has is his way of destroying himself, of escaping from reality, and not sb he really wants to be (or still would be if he didn't have his issues). Yet he chose to be like him for his "Mew upgrade". Sb others see as a burden. Sb people keep getting mad at, even Cheum went from "Ray you are perfect" to thinking the worst of him - so not sb you want to be to become one of the cool people. (Weird choice in my opinion. You want to be unbothered and just there to have fun - be like Boston. But he needs Ray for revenge since that is sb Top was jealous of so there is that.)
The others don't see that Ray is so deep in addiction and so mentally unwell that he won't stop Mew from joining him in his idea of fun.
(Top was using drugs but smh dropped them cold turkey as if it's not a big deal. He wasn't in the state Ray is but it's still interesting that he could just stop with no problems.)
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alexjcrowley · 6 months
New dad lore unlocked, what the fuck do you mean your friend knew Luca di Montezemolo so you did a test drive with a Ferrari once
#begging my dad to stop being so much cooler than me#me: I get into f1#dad: Have I ever told you about that time I drove a Ferrari on Circuito di Fiorano#f1#formula 1#ferrari#luca di montezemolo#I guess#my dad if I ever became religious: Have I told you about that time I met God#me at 21: maybe vroom vroom cars can bring me out of depression#my dad at (almost) 60: oh yes minor anectodote I met the guy Niki Lauda won two championship with#I can't stress enough how this is so fucking unreal my family does not come even close to the kind of money LdM makes#We are NOT the kind of people who would casually hang with a millionaire#Also I genuinely believe my dad's friend must have been sketchy to know LdM#I also feel like I can never read my two eye anymore like even the tag of an ao3 fic with Luca di Montezemolo#'Luca di Montezemolo/Niki Lauda' you mean my dad's friend's friend?????????#now I feel like I have a weird distant relationship with this guy#like I know I don't know him and maybe it's my problem that I think of old formula 1 people like that#but I sort of divorce mentally from the fact that old formula 1 grid are actual people they're like distant characters from a complex#mythology#and now I feel like if I was a paesant in ancient Greece and my dad just told me he partied with Dionysius once#does it make sense#rip LdM I don't feel comfortable watching your pictures from the 70s thinking slay twink anymore#I will miss saying you have American Next Top Model hips#do you think it's ethically correct to objectify some twink from the 70s if your dad met him#I know he is still alive now and he's old and stuff I don't care there ard two Luce di Montezemolo in my head one is the one still alive#and I don't give a fuck about him the other is still photogtaph from the 70s and gives me gender envy
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transxfiles · 1 year
fell into the trap of writing phineas and ferb episodes as a bit again and now my irls are after me </3 it happens
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californiaquail · 26 days
today at work i had to listen to my coworkers talk about how they're still feeling so sick and how they've never been so tired in their life after pretending covid is just a cold the other day and then later they started talking about how intensely they hate homeless people as if that's a normal way to act. also (separately) i got bitched at for not operating the washing machine at seamless maximum efficiency. dude i don't even get any benefits besides potentially discounted veterinary services
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0dotexe · 3 months
Love when someone I knew irl from my past hits me up and I gotta remember all the parts of my life that I remember having to deal with at the time I last spoke with them and I gotta basically lorebomb in 10 minutes or less.
This isn't a bad thing, but if I had a nickel for every time this happen I'd have a good dollar's worth of nickels at this point.
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kuiinncedes · 5 months
what do u meannnnnnn i'm abt to be post college graduation 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
#apparnelty some family friends coming to my graudation#bc ig i'm the first in the generation to graduate or whatever the fuck#and like whatever that's fine but ffs i wish they would've come to my show instead#that i co directed and literally love sos o so oso sosososoososooo much#so so so proud of that#i don't give a shit abt my graduation tbh lmfao TT#so it lowkey doesn't mean much to me that they want to come to my graduation ;-;#it would've meant so fucking much if i knew they would be able to come#and want to see that and i could like suggest hey instead come see this show LMAO#like it probably wouldn't have happened but whatever#also just like i have like no motivation and no interest in stats at this point lmfao#ALSO bc these ppl all gonna be fucking talking abotu and asking abt what i'm doing after#I DON'T KNOWWWWW what i'm fucking doingggggggg#i alr get enough talk from my mom abt how i'm not applying to enough jobs#i dont need family friends to also be asking me and my answer just being ha idk#i'm fucking staying at college tho like on campus bc i'm a fucking loser and don't want to move on#like not rly. i'm kinda trying to see it as like#the alternative would've been me at home being a loser lol#and that would've been so annoying and even if this isn't the 'right' thing to do or most traditional#at least i'm choosing to do it ig#and i get to stay in this club w my bestestestestest friends for another yr#idc if i'm like not moving on when i should LOL too bad for me that's a future problem#and also kinda figure out this weird right after college time period w my friend who i'm rooming with#ok. slay that was. acool turnaround from me lmfao just . yeah ok that's the positive side ig lmao#anyway i also dont give a shit about graduation bc i hate my university rn lmfao :) and the world is burning down#jeanne talks#i am . procrastinating#imagine knowing what the fuck i learned in this class this whole semester#ugh literally two group projects to end on and two of the most boring annoying group project experiences i've had LMAO
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featherymainffins · 5 months
Sometimes I think I must be a weird author because everyone keeps making "haha writing the middle part of the story is so hard haha the start and the ending are so easy baba" jokes but I never know how a story will end.
I start and then I write the middle, and then a logical conclusion happens.
#idk it's just so weird to me.#like how would i know how it ends when i don't know what these characters go through. i sometimes have like 10 vague ideas#for how it could potentially end but i never know and i never write the ending before the rest#maybe it's because when i write I'm usually sorting something out through it? so logically I can't know the ending because#I don't know the answer to my problems. im trying to find that. sometimes I don't find it#my first 'book' was written when i was just 8 so obviously it sucked and it was too simple but I'm using it as an example because#back then i struggled with abusive parents and peers who sexually harassed each other and the environment was full of bullying#to the point of some kids bashing another kid's head in#and the book reflected that. i felt confused and didn't understand. it was like my father was two different people#and all the adults encouraged that line of thinking. they kept saying that my father is a good person who loves me and that#only bad people do bad things. that family is always good. i liked my friends. i had good memories of times with them.#they were also cruel children who would relentlessly harass and bully anyone who was poorer than them or uglier or smarter or#who simply didn't agree with them. everyone seemed to want me to view people as either good or bad.#i was trying to think about it in the book. and you know I arrived at the conclusion that there are no such things at all#i realised that people are just people. that unfortunately the father who was nice to me was the same one who beat my mother and#yelled slurs at us. the people who were mean to me and others and who spread lies and convinced boys to beat people up for them#were also the people who were my friends. i found that everyone was capable of everything and that it's all just socialisation#the book ended in a way that reflected this.#this is the way i write most of my longer stuff. there is a question. there is a problem. i try to find an answer to it#sometimes there isn't an answer. sometimes there is. but the course of the story will reflect it either way
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eldritchfae · 6 months
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been working on a build save to practice, decided fuck it and bulldozed the goth's ugly fuckin house and remake it from memory with the intention to improve it. i like the floor plan of it a lot so far but im really bad with window placement and matching, so ive relied on adding ivy to help me hide it
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anotheruntitledsong · 6 months
i did like the hidden palace but (SPOILER if anyone hasn't read it?) i'm genuinely so annoyed at how Arbeely is handled like... I wish i could be sad but i'm just fucking irritated. I was overly invested in him and that's def why but i just feel like they did him dirty
#the golem and the jinni#i was scrolling goodreads and the take i kept seeing was 'oh I wish Arbeely could've had his family too bad the jinni FUCKED IT UP'#but idk that's just not how i read him. like thats not where i feel the problem is#his whole shtick is being content as the jinni's foil and like! things can change! but the way it's done leaves him totally unresolved#which in turn means the jinni's shit is also never getting resolved because there is like no way to#when Arbeely describes his future family in the first book it's all 'someday... vaguely...' and AGAIN! what you want can change!#and honestly it's really interesting and sad that he makes this sacrifice for the jinni#but it's a layer of complexity that like clashes with how little he is there for and how little the author's invested in him#and like the way the no marriage literally did not ruin his life at all... sure it sucked but the man is still like idk rich#what has continuously fucked with him throughout both books is that he wants (or at least spends half his page time thinking about)#emotional connection to the jinni in a human way#which is something the jinni cant\wont give him even though he's basically Arbeely's only close friend#(besides ig maryam who was rlly funny hinting at her dislike for the jinni like someone trying to get their friend to dump their toxic bf)#anyway the vibe in the first book is that he only thinks about wanting a wife when the jinni is being a dickhead#BECAUSE the jinni eases arbeelys loneliness by just being there because at the end of the day that's what humans need#but then it's made really weird in the second book by Arbeely getting 'trapped' by the jinni (and yet they just grow further apart)#which means that the only thing arbeely actually spent half his life discontent with and then literally died without is not a wife#it's emotional intimacy with the jinni. which is insane to me#arbeely is obviously already tragic but this seems TOO tragic entirely because the book doesn't give af about addressing it#if it was like a plot thing then all of the above would be fine and gutwrenching because it ties back into the jinnis self isolation#BUT IT'S NOT. like i get arbeely isn't that important to the plot but he was important to the jinni and the jinni was important to him#alsoo necessarily disclaimer i'm not trying to say he's in love with the jinni or anything like that#although a queer arbeely (divorced from the above idea) would also been interesting cuz I dont think the jinni has a grasp on homophobia#so idk theyd be keeping each others secrets (arbeely x the biscuit man? JOKE)#BUTTTT! I don't believe he needs romantic energy! him and the jinni having awful vibes up until arbeely's literal death is what bothers me#The jinni is a bad communicator ik but come on... not once? not even before the diagnosis? The jinni also thinks about how distant they are#could they not talk a little? for me? there are ways to do it within the bounds of their characters FOR SURE#im sure this is the point but i do dislike it either way. anyway sorry arbeely u remind me of my uncle#the hidden palace
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tiredsadpeach · 1 year
Uh oh!!! Here comes the part where I think my bf will hate me once he learns x thing about me!!!!
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bagea · 9 months
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happy new years to myself. and my weird online friends and mutuals
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