#but after you get the gist of it? go wild! do whatever works for your wip!
em-dashes · 1 year
after opening my aphelion file for like 10 minutes i already figured out and moved past the part i had been stuck on for forever. it turns out!! that sometimes you really just have to be okay with telling instead of showing. my attempt to show everything just overcomplicated the narration so much that it became stagnant and convoluted. tell! please tell!! “show don’t tell” isn’t meant to be a strict rule!! TELL!!!!!!!!!!!
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 10 months
I had an idea for a silly goofy au where Damian, Jon, and reader are like the scooby gang and go around solving mysteries.
Reader is like a magic user, and they're job is to keep the evil entities away from everyday people, (Like Supernatural! But kid friendly🩷)
Damian has been stalking them as Robin and that's how the supersons get involved in the mystery gang.
It's just wholesome crime solving amongst the baby heros, and they have fun adventures (that sometimes end in sleepovers).
It think it would be funny too if paranormal assistance was needed and Dickie walks in on the three of them performing a seance in the theater room-
"What the hell is happening right now?"
"Because, Richard. It is important for our investigation."
"Okay." *Turns to leave*
"No, no, no. You have to stay until I close the ritual so the spirit doesn't attatch to you. :D"
But he can't complain, because at least little wing is making friends...?
Bonus if Bruce has no idea where Damian is going almost every night. Like he just dissapears for a few hours then just returns wuth Jon and no explaination.
Clark and Lois know obvi because Jon is just so excited to tell his parents all about the latest mystery.
I know this isn't alot but I have more but I think imma go take another nap rq-
Imma sleepy-
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Nono because--
How'd you know that my absolute weakness is the Supersons with a same age reader completing the baby hero trinity??
I'M NOT JOKING IT'S SERIOUSLY ONE OF MY FORGOTTEN SOFT SPOTS FOR THESE GOOBERS!!!! I remember a long time ago when I read this headcanon post about the Supersons with a reader who was the child of Wonder Woman and they were basically the Big Three next gen!! 🥹🥹 I have no clue where it's at now :sobs: BUT IT WAS REALLY GOOD AND FUELED MY LOVE FOR DC CIRCA 2015-2017!!!!
Now. As for YOU, my dear boba bubble.........
*deeeep breath in-*
I ain't gonna tell no tall man's tale, as SOON as I got this gist for this - the Scooby Doo theme song was playing in my head and now I can't stop imagining it with them getting into funny dramatic thematic situations:
It's just-
🎶 WHAT'S NEW SCOOBY DOO? COMIN' AFTER YOU ✨🏃🏽‍♀️💨 WE'RE GONNA SOLVEEE THAT MYSTERY!!🎶 and it's all a rush of cutscenes of the Big Little Three getting into all kinds of fun supernatural filled shenanigans — crazy and wild and sometimes very scary, but they've all got each other's backs.
Point being: yes yes, 100% yes.
Magic user?!??!!?!?!!! THAT MEANS.... MAGIQUE~~~ (◠‿・)—☆
let's say bro (you) can fly - maybe not as often nor as naturally as Jonny boy, but hell you can levitate for more than a few minutes at a time, it's something!
you both take turns carrying Damian - the only non-flyer of the group lmaoooo
you're all the "middle man" between you all at one point or another. sometimes dami leads with his head and instincts; you and jon reel him in. sometimes jon leads with his heart and just finally fudging snaps because even the sweethearts go apeshit sometimes - you and dami do damage control and console the poor boy in the emotional aftermath. sometimes, you either lose yourself to the supernatural aspect of it all: it's either a overflowing, overwhelming rush of magic that zaps you dry and you're withered to a delicate, fragile thing in your own destructive aftermath or you go full on Avatar (tla) State and become something just shy of not human and need to be tethered back to the ground by your boys.
whatever the case may be, you all work around and through it all. you adapt to each other's needs. you're all there for each other, no matter what.
The bit with Dick and the seance. In the Manor, no less. I applaud you - it's too canon not to be.
You, hands glowing and a little too cheerful - like this is normal (it is. to you, at least) but still wary: "WAIT DON'T LEAVE YOU'RE NOW A LIABILITY TO THE DEMONS!!"
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Yoooooo, imagine pulling up to the function while Dami's at school LMFAOOOOOOO
Damian: Oh, Grandfather's head on a stick.
Classmate: Woah! What happened? *sees Damian looking right past them to the window, also looking like he's about to have an aneurysm*
Classmate: Bro, what-? *goes to turn*
Damian: *grabs them by the shoulders and turns them around* AH YA- YOU- YOUUuuuknow, what? It's nothing at all. Nothing of the sort. It was . . . a bird. Yes. A bird. It flew away. But I must leave now.
Classmate: *stunned* I-uh- okay-?
Damian: *gathering his things while retaining intense eye contact* Yes.
Classmate: ......... Bro you good? Seriously-
Damian, interrupts: It would seem I have a . . . Previous engagement. I'll tend to the bird on my way.
Classmate: Oh-
Damian, already out the door because you just deactivated your levitation spell and just, went right parallel downwards without a word and Jon panicked and flew down after you to try and catch you and the both of y'all disappear from his view and most likely ate absolute shit in the school's compost bin outside the window: Your understanding is appreciated.
Classmate: .......................
Classmate: It's first period??
LMFAOOOOO AND AS FOR CLASSMATE, bro's weirded out but probably unaffected nonetheless because Dami has a rep for being a little weird and disappearing out of the blue from time to time but is a relatively pleasant classmate nonetheless!
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Damian, Jon, and you being the next Big Little Three.......
But there's magic and ghosts involved!!! 👻✨
Idea: maybe you end up being Zatanna's apprentice/family member and inherited your magic through that! Orrrrr, you're just a freelance magic user, a bit of a vagabond of sorts, a total enigma and have it under your belt, no mentor, just doin' your own thing. (Miles Morales ref. 🙌)
Either way, you're a well-meaning kid with a good heart and have an absolute time hassling all these spirits like cattle back to the netherworld that nobody else can see.
Kinda like Danny Phantom!! (I loveeee dc x dp) or somethin' to that effect haha.
Wouldn't it be even funnier if reader has like, no known records? At all? They just showed up one day and came to clean out the supernatural aspects of the city ('ole goth here's messed up enough without all the vengeful ghosts in it! just doin' a little favor, no? *blows a kiss*') and gets roped into the adventure- and friendship/found family circle- of a lifetime.
Stakeouts that turn into sleepovers at the Manor. Very rarely down at the farm in Metropolis, but sometimes!! Big open cornfields, it's a hotpot for Prime Supernatural Activity. You make insufferable jokes (even tho they're like, true) and Damian scolds you for scaring Jon. Tt.
But you save his favorite cow Betsy from getting attacked by some random ghost demon and Jon nearly crushes your ribs in a hug.
As for Damiiiii, bro- I came up w/ something--
You pop up at some Wayne gala inexplicably at first.
Damian spots you for the first time (y'know, before y'all all become friends hueheuhueuhue *chokes, coughs*), completely out in the open, and spews his drink.
He'd immediately stomp over to you, aghast, because what in all the names of the Lazarus Pit are you doing here?! He'd been stalking you for weeks from afar! He was a master of stealth!! How did you even manage--
I- what? No, he does not like your outfit! It's rather spiffy, you say? HE DOESN'T CARE! THAT'S THE LAST THING HE'S THINKING ABOUT RIGHT NOW?? How did you even GET IN??
He's steaming and flustered while also trying to not make a scene because the place is crawling with socialites and high society aristocrats whereas you're cool, calm, charming, blending in too well as you down your own drink. [It's icy apple juice.] and just, bamboozles him further.
'Excellent year,' you suddenly say rather seriously, peering down into your glass of icy apple juice with an impressed expression, effectively cutting off Damian, who was in the middle of a hushed, barely watered down tirade.
Y'all stare at each other for all of two nanoseconds and the events happen as follows:
you turn a bottle of iced apple cider to Damian (where did you even manage to nab one?), pointedly at the label to further explain your comment,
he slaps it out of your hand in a rush of overwhelming emotion and thereby catches the attention of everyone within y'all's general vicinity,
BOOM - you're both circled out and being stared down from all sides.
Damian wants to crawl in a hole and die, maybe.
You raise your hand and twiddle your fingers in a sweet wave and- you- that's when he sees it-
Sparkles. Real, genuine, sparkles. Come right out from your fingertips.
Damian is at a loss while you suddenly garner an audience!! An applauding audience!!! What the hell is going on-?
You disappear in a puff of smoke! Oh my!!
And in a grandiose puff of sparkles and thematic smoke (it's like regular smoke but cooler), you reappear with a flourish on the stage on the other side of the room! Thereby catching everyone's attention.
"Good eveninggggg, my fellow Gothamites! Wowza, I see some sexy faces here tonight! *twirls magician's hat and releases an entire army of butterflies* Enchanted to see you all! I'm (Name) and I'm your prime rib for the night! (cue pulling a whole ass pig, cute and with a bowtie, out from the inside of your coat) Or so to speak!"
Gasps and claps arise from the audience!
Damian is terse, a little terrified, and a little impressed. And he watches the entire time as you pull off a literal magic show! An interactive one, too!
Afterwards, you stand in front of an enchanted crowd and bow with a proper flourish; when you peek out over the rim of your hat, you make direct eye contact with Damian, a mischievous smile playing at your lips.
A proper introduction for you, your Highness? - echoes in his mind. Magic.
That's when he knows. He knows, he's in for a wild ride.
(Also! Dick would totally be gushing over y'all all the time. His baby wing made friends! And such Good Ones too!! Awwwww! <33)
(And Damian just snaps at him to be quiet, orrrr frowns from where he's trapped in between you and Jon in a group hug. He secretly, not-so-secretly loves it.)
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
Okay, some things happened this morning that I'd rather not get into, but everything's alright now, so let's ffffriggin' go!
First things first:
A guide to my favorite Tetris openers, by Guy
Okay, so a thing about Tetris that people will have to understand first.
The Super Rotation System: It's basically the new way that Tetris functions, regarding how piece rotation works.
In all honesty, I have no real way to explain it other than the fact that it's the only reason why T-spins exist. There's a site I know that goes further into it, but these are some of the core concepts:
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This is how pieces rotate in modern Tetris(Basically Worlds and after). It probably looks complicated, but here's the basic gist of it:
If there's a wall next to the piece you're rotating, it'll push itself away from the wall on the next rotation, causing a "kick". You'll see it if you rotate the T piece clockwise next to the rightmost wall and then rotate it counterclockwise. By the way, peep how the T piece in particular rotates. It's essential, I assure you.
(The O piece is the exception, since it's basically stationary in its rotations.)
Here's another few paragraphs from the site that explains how that stuff works.
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With that sorta settled, I can show you guys how T-spins work... Kind of. It's not hard, really, but it's something that I don't understand perfectly yet.
Okay, so T-spins are really easy to do, at least the simple ones. If you're fast enough, you can even do one in the '89 Tetris for NES and all that(You can only do T-spin Doubles, and they don't give you a point bonus).
First, there's the Mini T-spin. It sounds hard, but you only really need one piece to do it if you have a wall.
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You see that hole that the S piece makes? Try to get the T piece to slide into it while it's facing left, and rotate it clockwise once. Simple, right? Fill the space in on the left of the S piece, and it would be a Mini T-spin Single.
(These techniques are universal, and can be flipped on either side of the board. Just make sure to use the opposite pieces for it, for this and the other strategies to come.)
It doesn't do damage unless you have the Back-to-Back bonus, but it's great for setting up Back-to-Backs, since it's technically still a T-spin. On occasion, it can even fix a simple misdrop.
Just make sure the wall is two blocks high, or the T piece'll just rotate itself in place. The wall is there to set up the kick the T piece makes, forcing it to slide into the slot. And... Don't rotate too early. It's painful to witness.
Next, the T-spin Double, the one everyone's used to.
There's a million and five ways to set this one up, but this is the most consistent way if you're just starting a match or just got a PC:
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This one's a little different in execution, but the same concept applies. Make sure that the T piece is facing right when it's in the hole, and rotate it clockwise once. Just like that, bam, you understand like 50% of competitive modern Tetris. If you want to make it a Double, make sure that two lines on the left are filled.
Now, here's where things get a little complicated.
The T-spin Triple. It's also not too hard, but you have to practice how to spot them in a wild match, and you'll need to learn heavy risk-and-reward stuff, 'cause it can really mess up your board if you were already stacking for a Tetris or something.
Again, you can do it virtually anywhere, but this is a start-of-game setup if you just want big damage.
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I screwed up a little, but the I piece can be one space away from the T and J contraption. It doesn't have to be an I piece. It could be a L piece, for instance. It could be an O with an upside-down J on it.
But, whatever you do, make sure that there's an overhang on the wall right of the T and J pieces, like this:
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What pieces you use for the right side of the board aren't specific, but just make sure that the bottom three lines are filled completely.
With those concepts sorta settled, and the wiki on your side, let's talk about my setups.
Fun fact, you've actually seen two of them already: The T-spin Triple, and what's called the TKI(I think).
There's also this one that's called the STSD, or the Super T-spin Double. It's called that, because of the way it's formatted. It's made with the intent to get to consecutive T-spin Doubles, the second one being stronger thanks to the Back-to-Back bonus.
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First, do the same rotation that you'd do for the T-spin Triple. It gets the same wall kick I mentioned earlier, so it'd still count. Don't worry about what happens after, it's supposed to only clear two lines this time.
By the time you're done with that, the board should look something like this:
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From there, do the same thing you'd do for a normal T-spin Double; Spin the T until the flat part is facing upward. Once again, how you fill in the board on the right doesn't matter.
The STSD can also be extended for more T-spin potential, but I'm gonna pretend that I know how to do that.
Okay, now here's time for my go-to strategy:
The PC, or Perfect Clear.
A bit of a disclaimer first: It's not very consistent, having only around a 70% success rate. But, the payoff is so worth it: If you get it to work, you'll send a whopping 10 lines of damage to your opponent, or half the friggin' board.
To understand how this works, you need a bit of a grasp on the 7-bag randomizer that modern games use.
Piece generation isn't totally random. Instead, the game guarantees that you'll get one of every piece every seven pieces. Basically, if you've gotten an I piece, you'll get another one within the next six pieces, guaranteed.
Anyways, the PC requires an understanding of the 7-bag to work properly. I'm gonna show you how to use the Center PC setup.
First the J, L, O and I pieces have to be set up so that they make a square. Also make sure that the square is on a far edge of the board.
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Next, place the T piece on the opposite wall of the square you've made, making sure that the flat side is on the wall.
Assuming that the T is on the right side of the board, place the S piece flat on top of the T, and slide the Z piece under the T.
By the end, it should look like this:
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Now, here's the fun part!
You can technically fill the middle section however you want, too many to list off. It's like a puzzle in that sense: There's multiple ways to get a Perfect Clear, but it's all dependent on what pieces you get. Again, it's not a guaranteed strategy, but I'm confident that you guys can turn a failed PC into a T-spin of some kind. I believe in y'all!
And, with that, those are the main openers that I use when I'm playing Tetris with someone else. I'll probably make a part 2, covering more complicated things like the DT Cannon and Imperial Cross. And...
Maybe I'll teach you the forbidden Jutsu that is the 4-wide. But, you have to promise to keep it a secret, alright?
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idontdrinkgatorade · 1 year
rowan hi hello
tell me more abt your ocs, im curious!!
putting everything under the cut bc this will prob be long lmao
okie so just for context, the main story is set in a modern universe where magic is a thing (usually referred to as "magical energy"). there are certain people who can use magic, called Maj, and they live under the radar, with humans being unaware of the existence of Maj as a whole. Maj live normal lives alongside humans and have gone decades without being discovered. basic plot of the story is "whoops, they've been discovered now" and humanity scrambles to do something about it (responses ranging from "contain them! (or worse)" to "literally leave them alone they were fine before"). it results in two major responses -- a federal attempt to contain them, and the emergence of "maj-hunters," who are civilians that make their own personal effort to deal with the presence of maj
so my two main ocs, Acanthus Fischer and Sayako Yamaoka, are both Maj teenagers that get caught up in the whole ordeal. it's a wild ride for them.
also kinda need to explain Maj a bit. um they have the ability to manipulate magical energy, which can do things that are deemed physically impossible (levitation, teleportation, you get the gist). along with that, most Maj are born with additional supernatural abilities and features (abilities can be activated without using magical energy and features can be hidden if needed). there are various categories (inaccurately referred to as "species") of Maj depending on what abilities and features they have. Maj-ness and their species are passed down genetically (so if a Maj is a Siren, their children will be Sirens, unless the other parent is a different species, in which the child has a possibility of being the other species. hybrid species are rare)
also i'm a big sucker for heavy psychological horror, drama, and angst so those are VERY common within the story. there's some dark themes thrown in there but i won't really mention a whole lot of them
ok now to sayako and acanthus
sayako is japanese-american and lives with (or used to live with) her parents, her older sister hana, and her younger sister yuka. she (as well as the rest of her family) has speech-related abilities, notably persuasion, all-speak, and vocal distortion (and later hypnosis, but only for sayako). she's extremely outgoing and social and has a passion for chemistry. after The Reveal, however, she and her family is forced to flee their home. unfortunately, they all are eventually separated entirely by accident, and sayako is captured by a private maj-hunting organization and is kinda forced to do like tournament-style fighting until she's "recruited" by another maj-hunter, who takes her to a facility to train. train for what? to basically be a soldier/guard/whatever. during her time there, she meets other maj teens and befriends them, most notably a 13-year old boy named blue (real name is zach but that's a whole other thing), whom she is paired with (at this point, she is 15). she takes on a sort-of older sibling role when it comes to blue, being so protective of him that she even will attack their oppressors in defense of him despite the consequences. along with him, there's 3 other pairs that she works with (so 6 total) at her assignment (another pair joins them later). during her time there, she changes to be more cunning and calculated while also becoming more reckless. through mostly unplanned circumstances that totally were not her fault, she and the rest of her friends/coworkers/(their relationship is complicated) are able to escape the private facility and find a stable place to live.
acanthus is sayako's best friend prior to The Reveal (and post-Reveal, but that isn't until they reunite). his actual name is ronan, but he started going by acanthus when he was 12 (once he reaches 17, he'll begin using an additional name -- elya -- and any pronouns, but that point is toward the end of the story so i'm just sticking with acanthus and he/him pronouns right now). he's half arab (on his mother's side) and lives with his dad and younger sister roselynn. his abilities include increased healing, plant manipulation, and animal communication, but he's also really good at teleportation magic. he's somewhat cynical and anxiety-prone and also has an air of arrogance, which covers up his low self-esteem and persistent identity issues. sayako is his first real friend and they are practically inseparable before The Reveal. he, his dad, and roselynn all flee, but he and his dad don't have the most stable relationship, which later results in acanthus splitting off from them and traveling on his own until he is inevitably captured and contained by federal forces. he's initially extremely defiant, partially due to arrogance and partially due to spite. he has, like, no self-preservation instinct and has a habit of doing stupid things (i.e. attacking the guards) which, uh, doesn't end well. it escalates to the point where he has to be isolated (whoopsies!) and it's not fun. he doesn't get to escape unfortunately he just eventually gets into this weird position where the people keeping him are like 'umm this is fucked up actually' and he's given back some of his freedoms.
the story is kinda split into three major parts (plus a prologue and an epilogue) that go like this:
prologue - pre-Reveal life for sayako and acanthus
part 1 - post-Reveal -- life on streets, acanthus' capture & time, sayako's capture, training, & transfer
part 2 - acanthus transferred to isolation, sayako's group escapes
part 3 - sayako's group living on their own, acanthus' semi-release, reunion between sayako and acanthus
epilogue - acanthus and sayako's life afterwards (the end of the epilogue takes place during the beginning of another story that i'm writing)
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here is a really shitty drawing of them that i did in like an hour just for this ask (sayako on left, acanthus on right) :D
might repost the art on a separate post lol so that people don’t have to open the read more just to see it
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zeninsama-moved · 1 year
I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT MY ANSWER TO THIS ALL DAY (AND EVER SINCE U FIRST RECOMMENDED THE FIC TO ME TBH) AND I JUST... first of all, i haven't finished it yet, i stopped at chapter 11 because i had to sleep so these are my thoughts so far. i may have missed a thing or two but this is the gist.
be warned there will be jjk manga spoilers/fic spoilers also this post is so fucking long i'm sorry
so i made note of the scenes/lines that had me screaming my head off and i will share them/discuss them under the cut <3
starting lighthearted with gojo things i found absolutely hilarious
"damn. by virtue of that, that means that technically-ish, gojo would be the semi leader of the zen'in clan. holy shit. shit's wild, son."
"maybe later he could trot over to lawson's and get himself a nice juice box, then a chocolate coolish ice cream pouch. yeah, that's the shit right there."
"behind you, he could hear your mother speaking with one of the servants in the hallway and he hopes to god she doesn't join in on the conversation. why the hell does she have to be here? fuckin' kris jenner with her bullshit, couldn't she leave her daughter to make her own decisions for herself? what's next, a sex tape to keep you in the zen'in family? shit. caught in 4k, filmed by gojo (and starring gojo)."
"should he pick you up and shot-put you into the distance so that you're like one twinkling star as you orbit? he doesn't know. if you were a dude, he'd definitely do that to you. fine. equal opportunity, it's the twenty-first century, he'll shot-put you."
"he looks nice like this, you think, in a thin white linen button-down short sleeve with cream shorts and... you do your best not to grimace. fucking assistant to the regional manager over here with the birkenstock kicks. at least he's not wearing white socks with them. you'll make sure you don't look anywhere past his kneecaps."
"'you wanna kiss me that bad?' he slaps his palm down onto the table as he chews and swallows. 'i knew it, you can touch me anytime, anywhere you want, babe–'"
GOJO IS A FUCKING MENACE IN THIS FIC! I LOVE THAT HE'S SO EMBARRASSING, IT FEELS LIKE REAL GOJO <3 his dynamic with the reader is so funny too, how she (for the most part) wants absolutely nothing to do with him. how things can be normal and sweet between them and then he says something so painfully cringe that it snaps us back to reality. what a fucking man.
"sometimes, he would dream that your thumb was a sausage and give it a bite. usually you would wake up and give him a bite back on his black, pointy ear."
NOW THIS LINE IS NOT GOJO OR NAOYA RELATED BUT IT'S ONE I ENJOYED NONETHELESS... i love kimi so much <3 the concept of him alone is so cool, being part-shikigami, part-demon or whatever, and how he can morph into different weapons for us to wield <3 also the scene where his paw emerged from the shadows to pester gojo for some salmon LMAO
okay.............. onto the main event i think...... onto naoya......
a lil tw for misogyny/death even though i know naoya anon will be the only one reading this
"a boy, he wanted a boy. he must have a boy. at least two or three. then you could have a girl, he'd gift you with one, he had told you before as you stared up at him with that dumb, fucked out expression. he'd gift you a baby girl after you had done your duty to him as his wife. a baby girl, as a treat. a reward if you're a good little wife."
"for now, you would make do with expensive designer items as gifts until you managed to bear him a son. no little girl yet. but you'd work on that, he'd work on that – he'd make sure to work his fat dick into you as often as he possibly could to achieve that goal. he'd tell you he's such a good husband, making sure you get your own little treat."
"yeah, don't bother. this is too much for yer pretty little head. just go be pretty and dumb elsewhere, lil' baby. go on now, shoo."
"my pretty little girl. right? that's right. yer my baby girl, all mine? tell me, baby girl, who do you belong to?"
"stayed up all night waitin' for me, eh? what a good wife y'are. c'mere'n let me see yer cute face."
JUST... THE WAY NAOYA SPEAKS... THE THINGS HE SAYS TO US. it reminds me very much of touya because it's affectionate for a guy like him but still teasing and playful. these lines had me blushing so hard and kicking my feet and giggling. the use of petnames like "lil' baby" and "baby girl" and him telling you to "c'mere'n let me see yer cute face" ohhhhh my god.......
not to mention, i love his accent very much. country boyyy i love youuuuu.
"'c'mon now,' he mutters, turning his head to the side so he can press a kiss to your temple. 'why didn'tcha say somethin' earlier if it bothered you that much, you dumb baby.'"
this scene really changed everything for me... i will expand on this more later but the connection they have... their loyalty to each other... or moreso their desire to just have each other.
"a man, the man who had humiliated maki's mother many times, spoke hideous things about her children within earshot, is straining to call one of his other cousins because fuck fuck fuck why aren't you answering. his eyes soften and he's not exactly sure if it's because of the sweat in his eyes or the picture that you had just sent two minutes ago, a picture of you and the new lipstick you're trying on. you look so pretty. fuck. he's gonna cry."
I SAVED THIS ONE BEFORE THE SECOND POV CHAPTER THAT WENT MORE IN-DEPTH ON NAOYA'S FEELINGS AND THAT ONE – I WAS ALREADY DYING BUT THAT FINISHED ME OFF! this fic is so well-written that i felt grief for this fucking man. grief for naoya fucking zen'in of all people. it left a hole in my chest and i haven't felt this grief since [REDACTED REDACTED] in csm.
especially later, when reader was remembering her honeymoon in amalfi coast, when they were driving in the convertible and lost her scarf. for some reason that flashback made me so sad.
"'that girl will be your downfall,' is what his father tells him later on that day. naoya wants to believe that. maybe you'll be the one to drag him to hell. that would be nice. he'd be back home. he'll always come home. if that's where you're at, he'll always come home."
OKAY... we are almost to the end of it <3
"'wait. oh my god, wait. wait. no way. you... you loved him? you actually loved naoya? naoya? zen'in naoya?'
your eyes sting hot, and you're not sure if it's because he's speaking ill of your very dead husband or because you're taking it personally for having loved the horrible man.
there's something about how you feel when it comes to naoya. defensive, even. you're certain that although love and family had been a difficult, complicated subject for the man, he fucked you like he loved you. like you had been a very fragile thing that he needed to care for – and he did. he always did; had always cared for you in ways that no one else would. or at least, he cared for you in ways that no one else would or could within a fifty-mile radius.
'babe, really?'
for all of his acid and harsh angles and sharp tongue, naoya was someone who took care of you and protected you. he made you feel wanted and safe and cherished and by the gods even if he didn't actually say it, he made you feel loved. that's what mattered to you. now, at least. maybe too much, even."
THIS WAS A FUCKING INSANE MOMENT TO ME reader wondering a few chapters ago whether or not she loved naoya and admitting now that she did, so very much so.
this really resonated with me in particular, not to get all wah-wah pity party but i've dealt with a lot of relationship trauma and all i've got to show for it is a crippling fear of abandonment. this type of love is therapeutic to me. when your person loves you and only you, there's nobody to compete with because they don't give half a shit about anyone else. you're the only one that sees that soft part of them, dare i say the real them.
another thing that made me very happy was seeing a lot of similarities in how the author characterizes naoya & how i've been characterizing him for the menthol prequel. fucking daddy issues central. naoya being a contradiction of himself because he's everything a zen'in should be, and yet he has these haunting moments of clarity where he realizes that's the last thing he wants to be... and yet nothing changes. he will be this way until he dies, and he was this way until he died. not that this man deserves tenderness because he's evil, but like... the care in which the author handles his character. it's everything to me.
trying my hardest but like oh my god it's going to be hard to let myself fall for gojo because the man the author wrote naoya to be. the husband he was. the deep, profound love he had that's even more special because it's all the love he has and it's all for you.
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Also wanted to see not sure if your Ace asks are still open or not... but if they are or at some point would you be able to HC or drabbles of what dates might look like with the OM! boys? Asking since many date blogs end in sex and I am wondering what your take on them would be?
My ace asks are always open! :>
I actually ran wild on this concept so each character takes up a whole page of solid text, so I hope you don't mind if I post them separately one by one and tag you in them!
Ace Dates with Lucifer!
Word count: 852
Dates with Lucifer are always fancy and a bit old-fashioned. He wants to spoil you and likes to pose as mature so you can rely on him knowing exactly what he’s doing.
The thing is… he doesn’t.
Contrary to popular opinion his experience isn’t as broad as he pretends. His earlier dates have always been “impress and remain detached” rather than genuine bonding or nonsexual intimacy, and had a clear goal in mind, so he’s not used to opening up to his date or attempting affection. So his attempts might be a bit clumsy at first, but he’s doing his best both to express his love properly and to make sure that you like the date and that you don’t feel pressured into anything. While he considers the general plan of a Proper Date still fitting, tries not to fall into old habits.
He often invites you out to expensive restaurants – but makes sure that the seats are either in a private booth, or just in a corner, conveniently hidden in the complicated layout of the room or behind some big and undoubtedly very rare plants. This way you can share truly romantic moments without any audience. Under this cover he’ll try to pretend that feeding you or letting you feed him doesn’t fluster him, but just point out how hopelessly romantic or cute it is and watch his composed facade crumble. Enjoy your Blushifer.
He’s also a busy demon, so there’s plenty of “mini dates” squished in-between his duties or work – if he has some time for himself during dinnertime, he’s definitely going to spend it with you in the best restaurant around.
Appointed dates are however much more extra. You are obviously getting your fancy dinner, but he’s got a plan for the whole night – he always has one, he’s Lucifer after all. Hopefully you don’t get bored of highly praised plays in a theatre or classical music concerts. Such events are his main interest so he takes you to the concert hall or theatre, without telling you where you are going. It’s obviously a surprise! A very predictable one, but there’s something endearing in how excited he is to “surprise” you and share the experience with you. Even if you’re not as much of a theatre or classical music nerd as he is, it can send one into cuteness overload when he’s gushing about a play or a concert.
But that’s not all. You get to see a side of him that no one else probably ever witnessed. The VIP lounges he books for these dates mean that there’s no one to disturb or even see you. Hidden in the darkness of the auditorium when all the lights and eyes point to the stage, he leans on you or let you lean on him. It’s pure happiness for him to listen to a concert or watch a play, in a half-embrace in the privacy of the VIP lounge. It’s fascinating how he lets his hair down in such a fancy place, just because no one is watching.
On the way back, it’s a good chance for you to convince him for a detour �� he likes to know that you enjoy during the dates and is going to enjoy whatever you have in mind, so that’s a great opportunity to teach him some of the Average Human Date Customs. After he gets a bit more accustomed to said customs (and to not being in full control of everything) feel free to ask him out on your own and plan a date yourself – once he gets a gist of it, you might witness him really unwind. Especially if your date doesn’t follow a set schedule like his dates tend to do, the freedom of just enjoying the world might be a really rewarding, or even a liberating experience for him when he learns that not every trip or outing has to have a clear purpose and goal to accomplish.
When you’re home, there are obviously still options, so if you don’t want the night to end yet, you’re welcome to visit his room and drink some calming tea for better sleep and just talk about the day, the date or continue some of the earlier topics. He also welcomes some good cuddles.
Just make sure that you two don’t fall asleep in the armchair you cuddled in, because neither your back or his is going to enjoy that. If he’s nodding off, please wake him up and drag him to bed so he can sleep properly. He probably won’t let go of your hand when sleepy, so you’ll have to stay with him, obviously. That’s not a problem though – his bed definitely has more than enough space for both of you.
If you happen to fall asleep first, he just carries you to his bed and snuggles up to you. He needs to get up early, as usual, but sleeping with you at his side somehow makes him rest so much better, and on top of that he’s going to have a wonderful morning just by waking up next to you.
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hidingunderadesk · 2 years
Rewriting Bridgerton S2: Part 2
This is a continuation of → Part 1
Edwina and Anthony, after she runs from the altar 🙅🏽‍♀️
This scene was one of the worst and most incomprehensible in the entire season for me. It made NO SENSE whatsoever. Why would Anthony *still* be this fixated on marrying Edwina? Literally Kate had to convince him to do it in the first place? I get him maybe being resigned to the fact that the marriage might still have to take place because they have gone too far to turn back, but his adamant stance that the marriage still could work on any level, just did not track for me. As clueless, self-destructive, and completely un-selfaware as Anthony is, at this point he shouldn’t be able to keep up the lies to himself or Edwina anymore. The fact that he was literally picturing Kate as his bride and got down practically to his knees to help her pick up that bangle in front of the whole damn church in the middle of his fuckign wedding should have shot a hole right through his self-delusion that was so wide, he wouldn’t be able to ignore it. He should not be doubling down on this mistaken marriage at this stage. At this point, he should understand that he won’t be able to do it. 
Edwina should absolutly be steering this conversation between them entirely. Anthony should be relatively silent and shamefaced. He should just stick to answering her questions, not trying to convince her or persuade her of anything at all.
This is a bare-bones version of how I think this scene should have played out: 
E: Do you love me?
(long pause)
A : I understand you. We understand each other. 
E: What about Kate? What are your feelings for her?
A (winces, stays silent)
E: (scoffs, furious)
E: Just go. 
A: I’m sorr– 
E: Just go! 
A leaves, head down and ashamed. 
Okay, so I’m not becoming a screenwriter anytime soon (or any kind writer, really, lol) but I think this conveys the general tone and gist of how I think some of this tete-a-tete should have gone. 
At this point, I think Edwina should have realized that she can’t marry Anthony. He has deceived her and clearly does not love her. Cut all the other BS. 
The Closet 😩
This scene is so wild in its original form on the show because Anthony follows Kate into the closet mere moments after telling Edwina he was going to cut Kate out of their lives! I was screaming at my TV for Anthony to stay the fuck away from Kate at this point. He then has the audacity to ask Kate to convince Edwina to marry him. I can’t rationalize this or understand this.  
In this rewrite, Anthony hasn’t just come from straight-up lying to Edwina. Anthony knows now how much Kate means to him, and it would make sense for him to follow her. But Kate’s done with him at this point. I want him to try to hold onto her hand tighter and want to see Kate yank her hand away and leave him in the closet. 
Edwina calls Kate and Anthony to the Church 💒
Edwina’s part plays out the same way; she tears into them both and tells them she won’t marry Anthony. 
First Kiss 💋
This kiss threw me. I was shocked to see it happen here, in this way. I get what the show was trying to do. I do! That even at their lowest point, in their worst moment, at the most inopportune time, they still desire each other. They’re drawn to each other beyond all reason or sense. “Love doesn’t play by the rules, or whatever” It just didn’t play that way for me. So here’s my rewrite (and the biggest change I would make): 
This should have been Kate’s lowest moment. She’s been abandoned by her entire family and is completely alone. The fact that she’s lost Edwina, that she’s hurt her sister, the one person she strove to protect and make happy beyond all others for almost her entire life should have broken her completely. Yes, she had that mini meltdown in the closet, but I really do think getting chewed out by Edwina, again here, would have shattered her. She’s been stifling her feelings for so long; they needed to finally come out in an explosive way. All her lies, all her guilt, the weight of her burdens, all of it. - It’s all my fault. Edwina hates me. She’ll never forgive me. I’ve ruined everything. I never should have asked you to marry Edwina. etc. - I wanted her to say these things out loud and for someone to hear them. At this point, she’s paid a much higher price for this situation than Anthony. To even things out somewhat, Anthony *deserved* to see her unrestrained pain that he was in large part responsible for. He deserved to be devastated over her anguish, to see the damage his choices have wrought. He should take responsibility and apologize to Kate (finally) for his contribution to this mess. - It’s not your fault. It’s my fault. I was wrong. I messed up. I’m so sorry. I should never have proposed to Edwina - This last bit, Kate deserves to hear this from Anthony. He does say it to Violet. But it’s Kate that needed to hear it from him. I wanted him to console her, to be there for her in this moment when no one else is - tell her it would all be okay, that Edwina would forgive her, maybe even confide what happened with him and Daphne. 
Their first kiss can still take place here. But instead of being one of unrestrained desire and passion, it should be one of comfort and tenderness. Anthony kissing Kate softly, gently, to soothe her. When they break apart from this kiss, Kate should be horror-struck. Anthony, seeing her reaction, realizes, in trying to help her, he’s done *exactly* the wrong thing, yet again! Kate should run from church leaving Anthony behind shaken and devastated. 
Scenes between the first kiss and Kate’s accident 😕
I liked a lot of this, so I won’t go into each scene individually. But the one issue I had was with the tone of some of these scenes. Kate and Anthony have been brought LOW. They have both failed so catastrophically at doing the one thing that was most important to them: protecting their families. Where is all the guilt? Where is all the self-loathing? I think I wanted to see them visibly struggle with this a bit more. The show tells us over and over again how they both live for their families, and now - BECAUSE OF THEM - their families have been thrown into scandal and disarray. I get that they both play things close to the chest, but, at times they seem almost, ~cheery~, especially Anthony? Also, before their sex scene at least, Anthony and Kate both think that they will never be able to be together ever again. I want to see this fact weigh on both of them. That being said, maybe having fucked up so badly, freed them in a way, and that’s why they weren’t so messed up about it all, idk? 
Kate’s accident 🐴
There is a version of this story where Anthony doesn’t leave Kate’s side after her accident. Like he would be so scared to leave her for even a moment and refuse to leave her bedside. I think it would have been interesting to see Edwina observe this and finally see Anthony’s LOVE for Kate. It would have been a good way for her to soften toward him and get on the road to forgiving him. Maybe they would even have a heart-to-heart convo at her bedside and reconcile. But this is a more substantial rewrite, so let’s keep it as it happens in the show - that Anthony doesn’t visit Kate at all. 
Violet tells Anthony that Kate’s awake 😥
I liked this scene. I liked that we saw him breakdown. If I could add something here it would be more of Anthony’s guilt. He says it to Benedict - that it was his fault. I want him to say it again here to Violet. That it’s his fault this happened to Kate, his mistakes that caused this. Basically implying that he doesn’t deserve Kate or happiness after all that he’s done. I want Violet to tell him not to make another mistake and to not let Kate go this time. 
Love Confession ❤️
I liked this love confession scene and the preceding dance a lot. If I could add one thing to it, it would be Anthony telling Kate how scared he was of his feelings for her, but that he’s not anymore. He needed to tell Kate about his fear of falling in love and losing himself. It doesn’t have to be here, but Kate needs to know this. I think this is as good a place as any to tell her. 
I have mixed feelings about the Kathani name drop. It felt bizarrely like a “reveal”??  I wish either Mary or Edwina  could have referred to her by this name at least once? It just threw me to suddenly hear it from Anthony in this context at the end of the show. 
Real Talk: I think it just upset me that we just didn’t know Kate’s full name for the entire fucking show when she is a lead character.
So, that’s my rewrite! As lengthy as this got, I still think that the changes here are pretty minor and gentle overall, and still keep the story of the season intact. I just think certain elements of the story should have been explored further and more deeply or communicated more explicitly both to the audience and the characters themselves.
I don’t think this perfect or that well composed, but I’m glad I got this out. Just for myself. For the record, I’m also wildly embarrassed that I had this much to say about it at all 😂. And yes, THERE’S STILL MORE...(but only a teeny tiny bit)
Part 3: Final Thoughts
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glimmerglanger · 3 years
Sooo, I got this prompt from @anstarwar
Hi! I just stayed up til o’dark thirty finishing MYB and just had to hop over and say WOW. Love your writing! If you’re still taking prompts for supplemental stories I’m super curious what happened to Bly when he “woke up?” I just can’t help but think it’d be so devastating for him....I wanna give him a hug....anyways thank you!
AND OOOOF. Well, it’s not going to be a...happy time? For anyone? You’re probably going to want to give him more of a hug after this?
This snippet deals a lot with mind-control related trauma, being forced to kill someone against your will, suicidal ideation/a suicide attempt, and survivor’s guilt. People don’t always handle trauma in a neat and tidy way. This is… NOT neat and tidy, anger is one stage of grief, and something people who are hurt lash out, so lots of warnings for all of that. Past Blyla. A lot of hurt.
Bly had some information to work with, by the time the thing in his head just stopped working, between one breath and the next. The thing had controlled his body for a timeless stretch, piloting him around the ship, to his quarters and to the bridge.
It read all the reports issued by the Imperial Command, and so Bly saw them, too.
He’d read that the Vigilance had been taken, taken by traitors in a mutiny, and he’d wanted to cheer, because of course Cody had found a way out, a way around the things in their head. 
He’d read that the Emperor wanted the heads of CC-2224 and the traitor Kenobi and so he’d known, too, that General Kenobi had somehow survived. That Cody had been strong enough to - to not pull the trigger on the Jedi he loved.
Not like Bly, who had leveled his blaster on Aayla’s back and squeezed the trigger and--
He wished he could grab his blaster again, but his body fought him, over and over again, until it just stopped. 
Bly was standing on the bridge when the thing in his head just...went away. There was no warning, no way for him to prepare. One moment, there were restraints around every piece of him and the next they were just gone.
Someone whimpered, across the bridge as Bly stared forward, breathing raggedly, swaying on his feet. His hand moved, automatically, towards the blaster at his hip. His fingers curled around the grip and he had it in hand before Ambler hit him around the chest and bore him to the floor, panting, “Don’t - don’t - please.”
“Get off of me,” Bly rasped out and they were poor first words, ragged and wet. He couldn’t breathe properly. His eyes stung and burned. The entire world had gone blurry. He reached for the blaster again - he’d shot Aayla in the back, his General, his everything, he’d shot her in the back and--
“I can’t,” Ambler said, knee on Bly’s wrist, the weight making his fingers spasm open. “I can’t, sir, I’m sorry.”
And Bly tried to say something, anything, else, but the words wouldn’t come, not for a long time.
Ambler refused to give Bly his blaster back, even after Bly got his breathing under control. Bly stared at him, the initial surge of emotion that had come with freedom fading away. He could control it. He had to control it.
Ambler had done the right thing, Bly decided, behind his helmet. He had things he needed to do, before he-- 
Made up for things.
He shook that thought aside. His brothers needed him. They didn’t have a General anymore - he’d seen to that - which meant--which meant they needed Bly to keep them safe. To help them figure out what to do.
He cleared his throat, ignoring the tears drying all over his cheeks under his helmet, and ordered the nat-borns on the ship restrained. And then he started looking for the Vigilance. Cody had gotten them free, he had no doubt. Somehow, the crazy son of a bantha had freed them all, and--
And he was wanted by the Empire. Kriff, they were probably all about to be wanted by the Empire.
Which meant they needed to be together. They’d be safer in greater numbers. “We had a message about some kind of attack on Kamino,” Burr said, from across the bridge, as they tried to figure out where to go. “But the message got cut off.”
“Head there,” Bly said, his voice a ragged mess. It was as good a place to go as any.
They found ruination on Kamino, but no sign of Cody or the Vigilance. No sign of any of their little brothers. Whatever had happened on the planet was long over by the time they dropped out of hyperspace.
But there was a buoy, tiny and transmitting on a strange frequency. Circuitboard decoded it while Bly sat in his quarters, staring at the wall, trying not to think of anything, definitely not the way Aayla had looked in his bunk, blue skin peeking out from beneath drab gray blankets, lekku curling softly with pleasure, and--
The buoy was transmitting coordinates, Circuitboard said, when he commed Bly. Bly looked down to find that he’d torn his sheets into long strips. He’d been twisting them, winding them into a long rope.
He stared down at his shaking hands, just for a moment, and gave the order to head to the coordinates, rising to his feet. He felt he should be on the bridge, at least for the start of their journey.
By the time he got back to his quarters, someone had taken away the damaged sheets. They’d taken away a lot of things. The room looked almost bare. Prickle - his new medic - was waiting inside the room, arms crossed, and said, “I can stay in here with you, or you can come to the medbay with me, the choice is yours.”
“Do what you want,” Bly told him, hollow inside, and curled up on the bare bed, not thinking about Aayla’s fingers stroking over his brow or the marks on his cheeks or--
Or anything else.
Cody left them a trail of breadcrumbs to follow, like they were playing one of the hunt-and-find games they’d indulged in back on Kamino, years ago. Cody’d always been better at hunting than hiding.
Maybe that was still true, because Bly found the Vigilance in orbit around an ugly gas giant on the borders of Wild Space, a small little flotilla around it. There were two other Venator-class ships by the Vigilance, and for a beat Bly wondered if the entire thing was an Imperial trap, his he and his brothers were about to be shot out of the sky.
He didn’t raise their shields. 
And a moment later familiar voices came over the comms, shouting words of welcome and relief.
Cody insisted that Bly come over to the Vigilance. Bly wasn’t sure he technically had to obey Cody’s orders, anymore, but if anyone was in charge of all of them, it had to be Cody, and so he went. 
He stared at the wall of the shuttle, even after it landed. He managed to get to his feet when Cody opened the rear hatch, turning to look at his brother - his batchmate - opening his mouth and then closing it again, before asking, “How the kriff did you do it?”
Cody looked back at him, expression tightly controlled, and said, “It’s a long story.”
Bly just stared at him. He felt...hollow inside. Cody winced, a little, and then exhaled. “Come on,” Cody said, reaching out and gripping his shoulder, “I’ll tell you.” 
Bly listened to all of it. He had a feeling, deep in his head, that Cody wasn’t going into the details, but it didn’t really matter. Bly got the gist of it. Cody really had saved his Jedi. Nearly blown up his head to do it, but he had, while Bly had drawn his blaster and--
“Where is he?” Bly asked, sitting in General Kenobi’s quarters - the ones Cody had been living in for years - and staring forward, eyes burning.
“On the bridge,” Cody said, with a little shrug. 
Bly nodded. He remembered what Aayla had looked like, last time she’d been on the bridge, her eyes tired as she looked over holos, one hand bandaged from a fall, lovely and alive and--
“I should get back,” Bly said, standing, because his men were in Cody’s care, now, and, obviously, Cody would take better care of them. Cody’d almost killed himself, proving that, while Bly had just raised his blaster and pulled the trigger and--
“You’re going to stay here,” Cody said, like it wasn’t even a question, in the same tone that had led to them fighting more than once when they were shinies on Kamino, Cody always thinking everyone should just listen to him-- “Catch me up on everything. Get some rest, for a day or two.”
“With all due respect,” Bly said, tone too flat to be sharp, “I’m rested plenty.”
“I talked to Prickle,” Cody said, and Bly wondered why, staring forward, not looking at Cody, even when Cody tried to step into his field of view. 
“That so?” Bly asked, trying to muster the energy to care and failing. He should have cared about them whispering about him behind his back, but he just--
“That’s so,” Cody said. “And so you’re staying here.”
“Fine,” Bly said, gaze flicking momentarily towards the blaster at Cody’s hip. “Whatever you say, sir.”
He caught Cody’s wince out of the corner of his eyes, and a part of him wanted to apologize immediately but-- He’d done so much worse. Things he’d never be able to apologize for, he’d lifted his blaster and--
“Good,” Cody said, firm. “Let’s get some dinner.”
Bly pushed mush around his plate. He ate a bite, maybe two. His appetite had died with everything else that mattered, systems and systems away from where he currently was. 
Cody made noises about him needing to eat more, but he’d just have to live with what Bly could manage, unless he planned to bring in a tube and force it down Bly’s throat. Maybe he would. Bly considered the idea dispassionately.
In the end, Cody just frowned over him and took Bly back to his quarters. Cody brought along an extra meal, and something in Bly’s gut twisted hard, just looking at it. He felt like there was something inside him, a dam, perhaps, and that it was starting to crack, all down the middle.
He didn’t want to know what was on the other side of it.
“Why don’t you get in the fresher,” Cody said, and Bly shrugged. The fresher looked the same as the one he’d used for years. There was even a Jedi robe hanging on one of the hooks along the wall and for a moment he could imagine--
But it wasn’t Aayla’s. The weave was too heavy. And she’d preferred darker, richer colors. Earth tones. He stared at his fingers, clenched in the fabric, and made himself release it with a shudder. He took off his armor. Set it aside. Stepped under the water.
Aayla had loved the decadence of a water shower. She’d insisted he join her in one, more than once, the two of them wedged in together, laughing as they jostled for space and it always ended with her in his arms, hands sliding on the slippery walls, her fingers clenching at his shoulders, and--
He’d shot her. In the back. Hadn’t even hesitated. Ordered her body pushed into a shallow grave and she’d probably been ravaged by scavengers and--
Bly jerked out from under the water. He dried off, pulled back on a set of blacks that looked clean. Cody’s, he assumed. They mostly fitted; after years of different experiences, their bodies were no longer exactly the same. They’d built muscle differently. Some of them were stronger than others.
Cody had managed to fight the thing in his head.
And Bly had--
He tried to hold together the splintering dam inside his head, stepping back out into the main room. He wondered where Cody expected him to sleep, and the consideration fell out of his head when he realized they weren’t alone anymore.
Cody was sitting on the end of the bunk, talking to General Kenobi, low and earnestly. And Kenobi--
Was alive. Standing there in his tunic, his hair with more white in it around the temples than Bly recalled, a lightsaber on his belt. And seeing him split the widening cracks in Bly’s chest even further. He felt his jaw grinding as Kenobi looked up and over at him, inclining his head a little as he said, “Commander, I’m...so sorry, I--”
Kenobi cut off at a sharp, ragged-edged sound. Bly realized after a moment that it was coming from him. Laughter. 
Kenobi shifted his weight back, just a little, as Bly rasped out, “You’re sorry?”
He was distantly aware of Cody standing up, reaching out and putting a hand on Kenobi’s stomach. But that seemed like it was happening somewhere else. Everything, the entire world, was Kenobi’s expression, his too-wide eyes and the way all the color had washed out of his face. 
“Bly,” Cody started, and Bly felt his mouth twist up, felt the last little pieces of resistance in his chest wash away. 
“You’re sorry?” Bly repeated, taking a step forward. “She’s dead and--you’re sorry? You?”
Kenobi took a step back. “I--”  
“It isn’t fair,” Bly snapped, moving closer, and oh, it wasn’t, nothing about this was fair, it was brutal and wrong and -- “She’s dead, and you’re still here. Still just fine, aren’t you? Just like always? And you’re sorry?”
Cody stepped between them, one hand extended out towards Bly, mouth moving when he said, “That’s--”
“Why did you get to live?” Bly demanded, trying to bat Cody’s hand out of the way. Cody grunted and reached to grab him. “When she died? Why couldn’t it have been her? Just -- it should have been her, not you, she was--”
His words cut off when his shoulders hit the wall, both Cody’s hands in the front of his blacks, something dark and snapping in Cody’s eyes when he snarled, “That’s enough. Not another kriffing word, do you hear me?”
Bly opened his mouth, and never got a chance to say anything, because Cody jerked back from him at the sound of retching from the fresher. Cody swore, viciously, and pushed him against the wall again. “You stay right there,” Cody snapped, heading for the fresher, reaching for his comm and spitting something into it that Bly didn’t hear.
When Bones showed up, a few moments later, to collect him, Bly went along willingly enough. Whatever anger had moved through him had dissipated as quickly as it had come. He just felt… empty again. Completely empty.
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freddiekluger · 4 years
Why Cap Being Internally Closeted Is Not Only Possible, But Valid Representation 
i wrote this to a lot of mitski and onsind, so you can’t blame me for any feelings that bleed through
now i don’t know if it actually exists, but i’ve heard of there being a lot of discourse surrounding the captains story arc regarding his sexuality- i believe the general gist is that having a queer character that remains closeted to themselves is either unrealistic or ‘bad’ representation, and as someone who really treasures the captain and relates to his story so far a lot, i thought i might break this down a bit. 
i’ve divded up every complaint i’ve heard about this into four main questions which i’ll be covering below the ‘keep reading’, because this is gonna be pretty comprehensive. full disclaimer i reference my experiences as an ex-evangelical non binary butch lesbian a couple times, and i spent a year studying repression and the psychological impacts of high demand sexual ethics for my graduating sociology paper, so this is coming with some background to it i swear
the big questions:
can you EVEN be gay and not know it????
but isn't this just ANOTHER coming out arc, and aren't we supposed to be moving beyond those?
but if cap can't have a relationship with a man because he's a ghost, what's the point?
since cap's dead, isn't this technically bury your gays, and isn't that bad? 
1. "but is it really possible to not know? Isn't that bad representation?"
short answer: no and no.
before i get into the validity of the captain's ignorance about his own orientation as 21st century rep, let's break down how the hell the captain can be so clearly attracted to men and still not even consider the possibility that he might be gay, as brought to you by someone who literally experienced this shit.
the captain's particular situation is both a direct result of the lack of information around human sexuality he would have had (aka clear messaging that it's actually possible for him to be attracted to men. i don't mean acceptable or allowed, i mean physically capable of happening- the idea that orientations other than heterosexual exist and are available to him, a man), and a subconscious survival mechanism. the environment in which he lives is outright hostile to gay people, while the military man identity he has constructed for himself doesn't allow for any form of deviation from societal norms, let alone one so base level and major. as a result of this killer combo of information and environment, instincts take over and the mind does it's best to repress the ‘deviant’ feelings until a. one of these two things changes, or b. the act of repression becomes so destructive and/or exhuasting that it becomes impossible to maintain. the key to maintaining a long-term state of repression of desire is diverting that energy elsewhere, and a high-demand group such as the military is the perfect place for the captain to do this (this technqiue is frequented by religions and extremist ideologies worldwide, but that’s not really what we’re here to focus on). 
while the brain is actively repressing ‘deviant’ feelings (aka gay shit), this doesn't mean you don't experience the feelings at all. when performed as a subconscious act of survival, the aim of repression is to minimise/transform the feelings into a state where they can no longer cause immediate danger, and something as big as sexual/romantic orientation is going to keep popping up, but as long as the individual in question never understands what they’re feeling, they’ll be able to continue relatively undisturbed. you know how in heist movies, the leader of the group will only tell each team member part of the plan so they can’t screw things up for everyone else if they get caught? it’s kind of like that.
this is how the captain appears to have operated in life AND in death, and it’s a relatively common experience for lgbtq people who’ve grown up in similar circumstances (aka with a lack of information and in an unfriendly-to-hostile environment), and accounts for how some people can even go on to get married and have children before realising that they’re gay and/or trans. 
personally, while i can now identify what were strong homo crushes all the way back to childhood, at the time i genuinely had no idea. there was the underlying sense that i probably shouldn't tell people how attached i was to these girls because i would seem weird, and that my feelings were stronger than the ones other people used to describe friendships, but like-like them in the way that other girls like-liked boys? no way! actually scratch that, it wasn't even a no way, because i had no idea that i even could. i even had my own havers, at least in terms of the emotional hold and devotion she got from me, except she treated me way less well than cap’s beau. snatches of the existence of lgbt people made it through the cone of silence, i definitely heard the words gay and lesbian, but my levels of informations mirrored those that the captain would have had: virtually none, beyond the idea that these words exist, some people are them, and that's not something that we support or think is okay, so let's just not speak about it. despite only attending religious schools for the first couple years of primary, until i got my own technology and social media accounts to explore lgbtq content on my own- option a out of the two catalysts for change- the possibility of me being gay was not at all on my radar. don’t even get me started on how long it took me to explore butchness and my overall gender, two things which now feel glaringly obvious. 
when shit starts to break down, you can also make the conscious choice to repress which can delay the eventual smashing down of the mental closet door for a time (essentially when the closet door starts to open, you just say ‘no thanks’ and shut it again by pointedly Not Thinking About It). in the abscence of identifying yourself by your attractions, it becomes quite common to identify with a lack- in my case, this meant becoming proud of how sensible and not boy crazy i was, and in the captain’s case, this means becoming proud of how sensible and not sensuous/wild (aka woman crazy) he was, identifying with his LACK of desire for women and partying (which, even in the 40s, involved the expectation of opposite sex romances and hook ups). i’m not saying that���s the only reason he’s a rule follower, but i think the contrast between About Last Night and Perfect Day pretty much support this. (the captain getting on his high horse about general party antics that he inherently felt excluded from because of underlying awareness of his difference & his tendency to project his regimented expectations of himself onto others, vs. joining in the reception party, awareness of how the environment supports difference in the form of clare and sam, and relaxing his own rules by dancing with men- the captain doesn’t mind a party when feels like he has a place there.)
so the captain was operating in a high demand, highly regulated environment (primarily the military, but also early 20th century England itself), with regimented roles, rules, and expectations. working on the assumption that he wouldn't have had out/disclosing lgbt friends, he would have had little to no exposure to lgbt identities, and what information he did receive would have been hushed and negatively geared. while my world started to open up when i started high school was allowed to have my own phone + instagram account, resulting in me realising something wasn't quite 'right' within a few years (making me a relatively early realiser compared to those who don't come out to themselves until adulthood), in life the captain never had that experience. he didn't receive the information he needed, his environment didn't grow less hostile. with the near-exception of havers related heartbreak, his well disciplined and lifelong method of repression never became destructive/exhaustive enough to permanently override the danger signals in his mind and allow him to put his feelings into words. neither of the most common catalysts for change happened for him, so he continued as usual, even after his death.
BUT, and here’s where we come to why this is actually great representation, arrival of mike and Alison represents the opening up of new world. for the first time, the captain is actively made aware of the fact that his environment is no longer hostile, and better than that, it’s affirming. he’s also getting access to positively geared information about lgbtq people and identities, so option a of the two catalysts for change is absolutely present, and resoundingly positive. 
the captain’s arc is also relatively unique as it acknowledges the oppressive nature of his environment, but actually focuses on the internal consequences, and the way that systems like those that the captain lived in succeed because they turn us into our own oppressors. for whatever reason, we repress ourseslves, and often can’t help it, and i find that the significance of the journey to overcome that is often overlooked in more mainstream queer media. perhaps it’s just not very cinematic, or it remains too confronting for cishet audiences, but ghosts manages to touch on it with a lovely amount of humour and hope. Jamie Babbit’s But I’m A Cheerleader is another favourite piece of queer media for the same reasons.
not only does it show this, but as the captain continues to get gayer and lean into some of his less conventional traits (like an interest in fashion and the wedding planning), it shows lgbt people who have been or are going through this that there CAN be a positive outcome. it takes a lot to unlearn all the things that have painted you as wrong, especially when a massive institution is desperate to continue doing so, but you can do it, you can be happy, and it's never too late. (i've been meaning to say that last point for ages for ages, but a mutual beat me to it here)
2. not just another coming out arc
i absolutely support the demand for queer stories that don’t center around coming out (it’s like shrodinger’s queer: if you’re not coming out on screen, do you really even exist?), but i don’t align with the criticisms that the captain should already be out. for the reasons mentioned above, the captain’s particular story is fairly different to the ‘young white teenager who mostly knows gay is fine, it’s just everyone else that’s got the problem, but have a unremarkably straight sounding soundtrack, a trauma porn romance, and a cishet saviour’ that we keep seeing. the captain’s ongoing journey with his sexuality emphasises the overaching theme of the show: recovering from trauma and humanity’s endless capacity for growth, and i think that’s worth showing over and over again until it stops being true.
additionally, while the captain’s journey regarding his gayness is a big part of his character and story, ghosts makes it clear that it’s not the ONLY part, and being gay is far from his ONLY characteristic or dramatic/comedic engine. the fact that i’m even having to congratulate ghosts for doing that really shows how much film and television is struggling huh.
while all queer media is, and should be, subject to criticism, i think if it helps even one person then it absolutely deserves to exist, and i can say i’ve found the captain’s journey to be the lgbt story i’ve found that’s closest to my own, which says a lot considering he’s a dead world war 2 soldier who hangs out with other ghosts including a slutty Tory, a georgian noblewoman, and a literal caveman. 
3. if captain gay, why he no have boyfriend???? 
another complaint that’s been circulating is that since the captain doesn’t, and likely won’t, have a boyfriend, that makes him Bad Representation because it follows the sad single gay trope. i kind of get the logic from this one, and a lot of it is up to personal interpretation, but part of me really enjoys the fact that the captain’s journey towards accepting himself is separated from having a relationship.
coming out is often paired with having romantic/sexual relationships (either as the reason or reward for doing so). my own struggle with repression didn't end the second that came out, and i still struggle with letting myself develop & acknowledge romantic feelings as a result of actively shutting them (and most other feelings in general) down for years, and statistics show that lgbtq youth in particular tend not to live out their 'teen years' until their twenties. by not giving cap a relationship straight away, ghosts separates the act of claiming identity and sexual orientation from finding a partner (two things which are, more often than not, separate), and also provides some very nice validation to folks who have yet to have the relationship they want, especially when lots of mainstream queer media is now jumping on the cishet media bandwagon of acting as if every person loses their virginity and has a life defining relationship at sixteen. it’s essentially a continuation of the earlier theme of “it’s never too late”, and who’s to say the captain won’t get a gay bear ghost boyfriend to go haunt nazis with??? people die all the time, it could happen.
(also, i think him and julian will have definitely shagged at least once. it was a low moment for both of them and they refuse to speak of it.)
lots of asexual/ace spectrum fans have come out to say how much they’ve loved being able to headcanon cap as ace, and while that’s not a headcanon i personally have, i think it’s brilliant that ace fans feel seen by his character- we’re all in this soup together babey (and sorry for cursing everyone still reading this with that cap/julian headcanon. i’m just a vessel)
4. “okay, but cap’s a GHOST- doesn’t that make this Bury Your Gays?”
this is a bit of a complex one, but i’m going to say no as a result of the following break down.
Bury Your Gays (BYG), aka the trope where lgbtq characters are consistently killed off (and often with a heavy dose of trauma, while cishet characters survive) is probably one of my least favourite lgbt media tropes. BYG has two main points:
1. the lgbt character is killed, thus removing them from story entirely- hence the use of the phrase ‘killed OFF’ (killed off of the show/film)
2. the character’s death reinforces the perception that lgbtq people’s lives must end in tragedy, instead of being long and fulfilling, or are inherently less valuable. bonus points if the character is killed in a hate crime or confesses same-gender love right before they die (that one implies that queer love genuinely has no future!)
not every death of an lgbtq character is bury your gays, and i personally feel that the captain is an example of an lgbt death that isn’t. 
first of all, while the captain is dead, so are the vast majority of characters in ghosts. the premise of the show means that death is not the end of the line for its characters- for most of them, it’s the only reason we get to see them on screen at all. as such, the captain being dead doesn’t remove him from the story, so point one is irrelevant.
at the time of posting, we don’t know how or why the captain died, but we've had nothing to suggest his death was in any way related to his latent sexuality, so his mysterious death doesn’t actively play into the supposedly inherent tragedy of queer lives, nor the supposedly lesser value. that’s as of right now- since we don’t know the circumstances of his death it’s a little tough to analyse properly. while the captain’s life absolutely features missed opportunities and it’s fair share of tragedy, hope and growth (which seems to be the theme of this post) abounds in equal measure. the captain may not be alive, but we DO get to see him growing and having a relatively happy existence, that for the most part seems to be getting even better as he learns to open up and be himself unapologetically- that doesn’t feel like BYG to me.
while writng this, it’s just occured to me that death really is a second chance for most of the ghosts, especially with the introduction of alison. from mary learning to read, to thomas finding modern music, they’ve all been given the chance explore things they never could have while they were alive, and hopefully grow enough to one day be sucked off move on.
in conclusion,
i love the captain very much and i hope his arc lives up to the standards it’s set so far. i don’t know where to put this in this post, but i’d alo like to say i LOVE how in Perfect Day, the captain wasn’t used as an educational experienced for fanny at all. i am very tired of people expecting me to be the walking talking homophobe educator and rehabilitator, so the fact that it’s alison and the other ghosts that call fanny out while the captain just gets to have fun with the wedding organisation made me very happy.
here’s a few other cap posts that i’ve done:
the captain’s arc if adam and the film crew stayed
a possible cap coming out 
the captain backstory headcanon
if you’ve read this far,
thank you!
also check out @alex-ghosts-corner , this post inspired me very much to write this
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michaelbogild · 3 years
Lines by Leonard Cohen
As someone long prepared for the occasion In full command of every plan you wrecked – Do not choose a coward’s explanation that hides behind the cause and the effect
And it's stronger than drink And it's deeper than sorrow This darkness she's left in my heart.
And I'll dance with you in Vienna I'll be wearing a river's disguise The hyacinth wild on my shoulder, My mouth on the dew of your thighs
He wants to write a love song An anthem of forgiving A manual for living With defeat
The birds they sang At the break of day Start again I heard them say Don't dwell on what Has passed away Or what is yet to be.
You never liked to get The letters that I sent. But now you've got the gist Of what my letters meant. You're reading them again, The ones you didn't burn. You press them to your lips, My pages of concern.
I caught the darkness It was drinking from your cup. I said: Is this contagious? You said: Just drink it up
Everybody talking to their pockets Everybody wants a box of chocolates And a long stem rose Everybody knows
A cross on every hill A star, a minaret So many graves to fill O love, aren't you tired yet?
And everybody knows that the Plague is coming Everybody knows that it's moving fast Everybody knows that the naked man and woman Are just a shining artifact of the past
Yeah I missed you since the place got wrecked By the winds of change and the weeds of sex looks like freedom but it feels like death it's something in between, I guess
I walked into this empty church I had no place else to go When the sweetest voice I ever heard, whispered to my soul
I heard the snake was baffled by his sin He shed his scales to find the snake within But born again is born without a skin The poison enters into everything
And summoned now to deal With your invincible defeat, You live your life as if it’s real, A Thousand Kisses Deep.
I’m slowing down the tune I never liked it fast You want to get there soon I want to get there last
When they said REPENT REPENT I wonder what they meant
Her thighs they slipped away from me Like schools of startled fish Though I've forgotten half my life I still remember this
And if no leaves were on the tree And no water in the sea And the break of day had nothing to reveal That's how broken I would be What my life would seem to me If I didn't have your love to make it real
And yes she lied about it all Her children and her husband You were born to judge the world Forgive me but I wasn't
O troubled dust concealing An undivided love The Heart beneath is teaching To the broken Heart above
The pull of the moon, the thrust of the sun And thus the ocean is crossed The waters are blessed while a shadowy guest Kindles a light for the lost
How come you called me here tonight? How come you bother With my heart at all? You raise me up in grace, Then you put me in a place, Where I must fall.
And everybody knows that it's now or never Everybody knows that it's me or you And everybody knows that you live forever Ah when you've done a line or two
It's coming like the tidal flood beneath the lunar sway, imperial, mysterious, in amorous array:
The lights went out behind us The fireflies undressed The broken sidewalk ended I touched her sleeping breasts They opened to me urgently Likelilies from the dead Behind a fine embroidery Her nipples rose like bread Then I took off my necktie And she took off her dress My belt and pistol set aside We tore away the rest
The Maestro says it's Mozart but it sounds like bubble gum when you're waiting for the miracle, for the miracle to come.
The sea so deep and blind The sun, the wild regret The club, the wheel, the mind, O love, aren't you tired yet?
The wounded forms appear: The loss, the full extent; And simple kindness here, The solitude of strength.
If the sun would lose its light And we lived in an endless night And there was nothing left that you could feel If the sea were sand alone And the flowers made of stone And no one that you hurt could ever heal Well that's how broken I would be What my life would seem to me If I didn't have your love to make it real
But you'll be hearing from me baby, long after I'm gone I'll be speaking to you sweetly From a window in the Tower of Song
I said I’d be your lover. You laughed at what I said. I lost my job forever. I was counted with the dead.
It failed my little fire But it's bright the dying spark Go tell the young messiah What happens to the heart
Good night, good night, my fallen star I guess you're right, you always are I know you're right about the blues You live some life you'd never choose
looks like freedom but it feels like death it's something in between, I guess
I've seen you change the water into wine I've seen you change it back to water, too I sit at your table every night I try but I just don't get high with you
The present's not that pleasant Just a lot of things to do I thought the past would last me But the darkness got that too
The splinters that you carry The cross you left behind Come healing of the body Come healing of the mind
I wish there was a treaty we could sign I do not care who takes this bloody hill I'm angry and I'm tired all the time I wish there was a treaty, I wish there was a treaty Between your love and mine
I’m lacing up my shoe But I don’t want to run I’ll get here when I do Don’t need no starting gun
Thanks For The Dance
Ah, they're dancing in the street — it's Jubilee We sold ourselves for love but now we're free I'm so sorry for that ghost I made you be Only one of us was real and that was me
And I'm still working with the wine, still dancing cheek to cheek, the band is playing Auld Lang Syne, but the heart will not retreat.
And maybe I had miles to drive, And promises to keep: You ditch it all to stay alive, A Thousand Kisses Deep.
Baby don’t ignore me We were smokers we were friends Forget that tired story Of betrayal and revenge
So you can stick your little pins in that voodoo doll I'm very sorry, baby, doesn't look like me at all I'm standing by the window where the light is strong Ah they don't let a woman kill you Not in the Tower of Song
Show me the place, help me roll away the stone Show me the place, I can't move this thing alone Show me the place where the word became a man Show me the place where the suffering began
And you're weak and you're harmless and you're sleeping in your harness and the wind going wild in the trees, and it ain't exactly prison but you'll never be forgiven for whatever you've done with the keys.
Steer your heart past the Truth that you believed in yesterday Such as Fundamental Goodness and the Wisdom of the Way Steer your heart, precious heart, past the women whom you bought Year by year, month by month, day by day Thought by thought
Word of words and measure of all measures Blessed is the name, the name be blessed Written on my heart in burning letters That’s all I know, I cannot read the rest
And O my love, I still recall The pleasures that we knew; The rivers and the waterfall, Wherein I bathed with you.
You said how could this happen You said how can this be The chains are gone from heaven The storms are wild and free
I cried for you this morning And I’ll cry for you again But I’m not in charge of sorrow So please don’t ask me when
Both of us say there are laws to obey But frankly I don’t like your tone You want to change the way I make love I want to leave it alone
Behold the gates of mercy In arbitrary space And none of us deserving The cruelty or the grace
Then I came back from where I’d been. My room, it looked the same – But there was nothing left between The Nameless and the Name.
O longing of the branches To lift the little bud O longing of the arteries To purify the blood
I to my side call the meek and the mild You to your side call the Word By virtue of suffering I claim to have won You claim to have never been heard
I know I said I’d meet you, I’d meet you at the store, But I can’t buy it, baby. I can’t buy it anymore.
I was idle with my soul, when I heard that you could use me I followed very closely, but my life remained the same But then you showed me where you had been wounded In every atom broken is the Name
I fled to the edge of the mighty sea of sorrow Pursued by the riders of a cruel and dark regime But the waters parted and my soul crossed over Out of Egypt, out of Pharaoh’s dream
They whisper still, the injured stones The blunted mountains weep As he died to make men holy Let us die to make things cheap
Sounded like the truth Seemed the better way Sounded like the truth But it's not the truth today
Hurt once and for all into silence. A long pain ending without a song to prove it. Who could stand beside you so close to Eden, When you glinted in every eye the held-high razor, shivering every ram and son?
Sleep baby sleep The day’s on the run The wind in the trees Is talking in tongues
And I loved you when our love was blessed and I love you now there's nothing left
There's silt on your ankles and sand on your feet The river too shallow, the ocean too deep You smile at your suffering, the sweetest reprieve Why did you leave us, why did you leave
I saw some people starving There was murder, there was rape Their villages were burning They were trying to escape I couldn't meet their glances I was staring at my shoes It was acid, it was tragic It was almost like the blues
If you want a partner Take my hand Or if you want to strike me down in anger Here I stand, I'm your man
Ah I don't believe you'd like it, You wouldn't like it here. There ain't no entertainment and the judgements are severe.
The opposites falter, the spirals reverse And Eve must re-enter the sleep of her birth
I don't need to be forgiven for loving you so much It's written in the scriptures It's written there in blood I even heard the angels declare it from above
Sometimes I’d head for the highway I’m old and the mirrors don’t lie But crazy has places to hide in That are deeper than any goodbye
If you want a boxer I will step into the ring for you And if you want a doctor I'll examine every inch of you
Yeah we're drinking and we're dancing but there's nothing really happening and the place is dead as Heaven on a Saturday night And my very close companion gets me fumbling gets me laughing she's a hundred but she's wearing something tight and I lift my glass to the Awful Truth which you can't reveal to the Ears of Youth except to say it isn't worth a dime And the whole damn place goes crazy twice and it's once for the devil and once for Christ but the Boss don't like these dizzy heights we're busted in the blinding lights, busted in the blinding lights of CLOSING TIME
I want him to be certain That he doesn't have a burden That he doesn't need a vision That he only has permission To do my instant bidding which is to Say what I have told him to repeat
Though I take my song From a withered limb, Both song and tree, They sing for him.
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking Everybody knows that the captain lied Everybody got this broken feeling Like their father or their dog just died
Ditched on a beach Where the sea hates to go With a child in my arms And a chill in my soul And my heart the shape Of a begging bowl
And she says, Drink deeply, pilgrim but don't forget there's still a woman beneath this resplendent chemise.
You don't need a lawyer I'm not making a claim You don't need to surrender I'm not taking aim I don't need a lover, no, no The wretched beast is tame I don't need a lover So blow out the flame
O gather up the brokenness And bring it to me now The fragrance of those promises You never dared to vow
And I don’t really know who sent me, To raise my voice and say: May the lights in The Land of Plenty Shine on the truth some day.
There's a bar where the boys have stopped talking They've been sentenced to death by the blues
I know the burden’s heavy As you wheel it through the night Some people say it’s empty But that don’t mean it’s light
Ten New Songs
I better hold my tongue I better take my place Lift this glass of blood Try to say the grace
You came to me this morning and you handled me like meat. You’d have to be a man to know how good that feels, how sweet.
A sip of wine, a cigarette, And then it’s time to go. I tidied up the kitchenette; I tuned the old banjo. I’m wanted at the traffic-jam. They’re saving me a seat. I’m what I am, and what I am, Is back on Boogie Street.
Down in the valley the famine goes on The famine up on the hill I say that you shouldn’t, you couldn’t, you can’t You say that you must and you will
So we struggle and we stagger down the snakes and up the ladder to the tower where the blessed hours chime and I swear it happened just like this: a sigh, a cry, a hungry kiss the Gates of Love they budged an inch I can't say much has happened since
And I'll bury my soul in a scrapbook, With the photographs there, and the moss And I'll yield to the flood of your beauty My cheap violin and my cross
Then she dances so graceful and your heart's hard and hateful and she's naked but that's just a tease. And you turn in disgust from your hatred and from your love and comes to you light as the breeze.
I see the Ghost of Culture With numbers on his wrist Salute some new conclusion Which all of us have missed
I tried to love you my way, But I couldn’t make it hold. So I closed the Book of Longing And I do what I am told.
And up through the system the worlds are withdrawn From every dominion the mind stood upon And now that it's over and now that it's done The name has no number, not even the one
You got me singing Like a prisoner in a jail You got me singing Like my pardon's in the mail
You can add up the parts But you won't have the sum You can strike up the march, There is no drum Every heart, every heart To love will come But like a refugee.
Everybody knows you've been discreet But there were so many people you just had to meet Without your clothes And everybody knows
It's coming from the sorrow in the street, the holy places where the races meet; from the homicidal bitchin' that goes down in every kitchen to determine who will serve and who will eat. From the wells of disappointment where the women kneel to pray for the grace of God in the desert here and the desert far away:
Even though she sleeps upon your satin Even though she wakes you with a kiss Do not say the moment was imagined Do not stoop to strategies like this
I smile when I'm angry I cheat and I lie I do what I have to do To get by But I know what is wrong And I know what is right And I'd die for the truth In My Secret Life
I loved you for your beauty but that doesn't make a fool of me: you were in it for your beauty too and I loved you for your body there's a voice that sounds like God to me declaring, declaring, declaring that your body's really you
O baby I waited so long for your kiss for something to happen, oh something like this.
O let the heavens falter And let the earth proclaim: Come healing of the Altar Come healing of the Name
If you're squeezed for information, that's when you've got to play it dumb: You just say you're out there waiting for the miracle, for the miracle to come.
You put on a uniform To fight the Civil War You looked so good I didn’t care What side you’re fighting for
Did you confuse the Messiah in a mirror and rest because he had finally come? Let me cry Help beside you, Teacher.
It's coming to America first, the cradle of the best and of the worst. It's here they got the range and the machinery for change and it's here they got the spiritual thirst. It's here the family's broken and it's here the lonely say that the heart has got to open in a fundamental way:
I said to Hank Williams: how lonely does it get? Hank Williams hasn't answered yet But I hear him coughing all night long A hundred floors above me In the Tower of Song
Sail on, sail on O mighty Ship of State! To the Shores of Need Past the Reefs of Greed Through the Squalls of Hate Sail on, sail on
Ah the wars they will Be fought again The holy dove She will be caught again Bought and sold And bought again The dove is never free.
I should have seen it coming It was right behind your eyes You were young and it was summer I just had to take a dive Winning you was easy But darkness was the prize
The party’s over But I’ve landed on my feet I’ll be standing on this corner Where there used to be a street
I know you had to lie to me, I know you had to cheat, to pose all hot and high behind the veils of shear deceit, our perfect porn aristocrat so elegant and cheap, I’m old but I’m still into that, A thousand kisses deep.
It’s not a trick, your senses all deceiving A fitful dream, the morning will exhaust – Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost
If you want a lover I'll do anything you ask me to And if you want another kind of love I'll wear a mask for you
It's dark now and it's snowing O my love I must be going, The river has started to freeze. And I'm sick of pretending I'm broken from bending I've lived too long on my knees.
Well I don't know about tomorrow but I know what's coming next I've used up all my questions; I have no answers left
As for the world the job the war I ditched them all to love you more
The story's been written the letter's been sealed You gave me a lily but now it's a field
Your story was so long, The plot was so intense, It took you years to cross The lines of self-defense.
And soon there's sand in every kiss And soon the dawn is ready And soon the night surrenders To a daffodil machete
Waiting for the miracle There's nothing left to do. I haven't been this happy since the end of World War II.
The troubles came I saved what I could save A thread of light, a particle, a wave But there were chains, so I hastened to behave There were chains, so I loved you like a slave
his waltz With its very own breath of brandy and Death Dragging its tail in the sea
They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom For trying to change the system from within I'm coming now, I'm coming to reward them First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin
They oughta give my heart a medal For letting go of you When I turned my back on the devil Turned my back on the angel too
Had to go crazy to love you You who were never the one Whom I chased through the souvenir heartache Her braids and her blouse all undone
Well the mouse ate the crumb Then the cat ate the crust Now they’ve fallen in love They’re talking in tongues
There’s other ways to answer That certainly is true Me, I’m blind with death and anger And that’s no place for you
I'm guided by a signal in the heavens I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons
I was fighting with temptation But I didn't want to win A man like me don't like to see Temptation caving in
I know that I’m forgiven, But I don’t know how I know I don’t trust my inner feelings – Inner feelings come and go.
And sometimes when the night is slow, The wretched and the meek, We gather up our hearts and go, A Thousand Kisses Deep.
I dreamed about you, baby. It was just the other night. Most of you was naked Ah but some of you was light.
I don’t know why I come here, knowing as I do, what you really think of me, what I really think of you.
Had to go crazy to love you Had to let everything fall Had to be people I hated Had to be no one at all
I used to love the rainbow And I used to love the view I loved the early morning I'd pretend that it was new But I caught the darkness baby And I got it worse than you
Traveling light It's au revoir My once so bright, my fallen star I'm running late, they'll close the bar I used to play one mean guitar
I dreamed about you baby You were wearing half your dress I know you have to hate me But could you hate me less?
The night of Santiago And I was passing through So I took her to the river As any man would do
Let's keep it on the level When I walked away from you I turned my back on the devil Turned my back on the angel too
I’m turning tricks, I’m getting fixed, I’m back on Boogie Street. You lose your grip, and then you slip Into the Masterpiece.
So we'll go no more a-roving So late into the night, Though the heart be still as loving, And the moon be still as bright. For the sword outwears its sheath, And the soul outwears the breast, And the heart must pause to breathe, And love itself have rest.
You got me singing Even tho' it all looks grim You got me singing The Hallelujah hymn
I'm aching for you baby I can't pretend I'm not I need to see you naked In your body and your thought
If your heart is torn I don’t wonder why If the night is long Here’s my lullaby
I'm sentimental, if you know what I mean I love the country but I can't stand the scene. And I'm neither left or right I'm just staying home tonight, getting lost in that hopeless little screen.
Now in Vienna there's ten pretty women There's a shoulder where Death comes to cry There's a lobby with nine hundred windows There's a tree where the doves go to die There's a piece that was torn from the morning And it hangs in the Gallery of Frost
Oh I want you, I want you, I want you On a chair with a dead magazine In the cave at the tip of the lily In some hallways where love's never been On a bed where the moon has been sweating In a cry filled with footsteps and sand
And everybody knows that you're in trouble Everybody knows what you've been through From the bloody cross on top of Calvary To the beach of Malibu
Ah you drift into my dreams as if you had the right And you show me how you broke me doing all the little things I really like
I gave her something pretty And I waited till she laughed I wasn't born a gypsy To make a woman sad
There is no God in Heaven And there is no Hell below So says the great professor Of all there is to know But I've had the invitation That a sinner can't refuse And it's almost like salvation It's almost like the blues
The war was lost The treaty signed I was not caught I crossed the line, I had to leave My life behind I dug some graves You'll never findI was not caught Though many tried I live among you Well disguised
Now I'm living in this temple Where they tell you what to do I'm old and I've had to settle On a different point of view
Too late to fix another drink – The lights are going out – I’ll listen to the darkness sing – I know what that’s about.
I loved you when you opened like a lily to the heat, you see I’m just another snowman standing in the rain and sleet, who loved you with his frozen love, his second hand physique, with all he is, and all he was, A thousand kisses deep.
And death is old But it's always new I freeze with fear And I'm there for you
I don't smoke no cigarette I don't drink no alcohol I ain't had much loving yet But that's always been your call Hey I don't miss it baby I got no taste for anything at all
I’ll try to say a little more: Love went on and on Until it reached an open door – Then Love Itself Love Itself was gone.
I said there'd been a flood. I said there's nothing left. I hoped that you would come. I gave you my address.
So I let my heart get frozen To keep away the rot My father says I'm chosen My mother says I'm not
O Crown of Light, O Darkened One, I never thought we’d meet. You kiss my lips, and then it’s done: I’m back on Boogie Street.
Ah, the moon's too bright The chain's too tight The beast won't go to sleep
And he cut my lip And he cut my heart. So I could not drink From the river dark.
O solitude of longing Where love has been confined Come healing of the body Come healing of the mind
My mirrored twin, my next of kin, I’d know you in my sleep and who but you would take me in, a thousand kisses deep.
Suddenly the night has grown colder The god of love preparing to depart Alexandra hoisted on his shoulder They slip between the sentries of the heart
But I'm stubborn as those garbage bags that Time cannot decay, I'm junk but I'm still holding up this little wild bouquet
The autumn moved across your skin, got something in my eye, a light that doesn’t need to live, and doesn’t need to die. A riddle in the book of love, obscure and obsolete, till witnessed here in time and blood, A thousand kisses deep.
There's nobody missing There is no reward Little by little We're cutting the cord We're spending the treasure, oh, no, no That love cannot afford I know you can feel it The sweetness restored
The ponies run, the girls are young, The odds are there to beat. You win a while, and then it’s done – Your little winning streak.
I like to take my time I like to linger as it flies A weekend on your lips A lifetime in your eyes
Then he struck my heart With a deadly force, And he said, ‘This heart: It is not yours.’
Everybody knows that you love me baby Everybody knows that you really do Everybody knows that you've been faithful Ah give or take a night or two
Steer your way past the ruins of the Altar and the Mall Steer your way through the fables of Creation and The Fall Steer your way past the Palaces that rise above the rot Year by year, month by month, day by day Thought by thought
Your crazy fragrance all around Your secrets in my view My lost, my lost was saying found My don't was saying do
Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack a crack in everything That's how the light gets in.
Steer your way through the pain that is far more real than you That's smashed the Cosmic Model, that blinded every view And please don't make me go there, though there be a God or not Year by year, month by month, day by day Thought by thought
You sent me here You sent me there Breaking things I can't repair Making objects Out of thoughts Making more By thinking not
And you who were bewildered by a meaning Whose code was broken, crucifix uncrossed – Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost
I see you standing on the other side I don't know how the river got so wide I loved you baby, way back when And all the bridges are burning that we might have crossed But I feel so close to everything that we lost We'll never, we'll never have to lose it again
If you are the dealer, I'm out of the game If you are the healer, it means I'm broken and lame If thine is the glory then mine must be the shame You want it darker We kill the flame
I used to be your favorite drunk Good for one more laugh Then we both ran out of luck Luck was all we ever had
There'll be the breaking of the ancient Western code Your private life will suddenly explode There'll be phantoms There'll be fires on the road And the white man dancing You'll see your woman Hanging upside down Her features covered by her fallen gown And all the lousy little poets Coming round Tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson
Confined to sex, we pressed against The limits of the sea: I saw there were no oceans left For scavengers like me.
I was born like this, I had no choice I was born with the gift of a golden voice And twenty-seven angels from the Great Beyond They tied me to this table right here In the Tower of Song
I’m naked and I’m filthy And both of us are guilty
the fiddler fiddles something so sublime all the women tear their blouses off and the men they dance on the polka-dots and it's partner found, it's partner lost and it's hell to pay when the fiddler stops
I've seen the future, brother: It is murder
Who broke the heart and made it new? Who's moving on, who's kiddin' who?
So I knelt there at the delta, at the alpha and the omega, at the cradle of the river and the seas. And like a blessing come from heaven for something like a second I was healed and my heart was at ease.
And there's a mighty judgment coming, but I may be wrong You see, you hear these funny voices In the Tower of Song
Upheld by the simplicities of pleasure They gain the light, they formlessly entwine And radiant beyond your widest measure They fall among the voices and the wine
When you've fallen on the highway and you're lying in the rain, and they ask you how you're doing of course you'll say you can't complain
You always said we’re equal So let me march with you Just an extra in the sequel To the old red white and blue
She stands before you naked you can see it, you can taste it, and she comes to you light as the breeze. Now you can drink it or you can nurse it, it don't matter how you worship as long as you're down on your knees.
By the rivers dark I wandered on. I lived my life in Babylon. And I did forget My holy song: And I had no strength In Babylon.
All your moves are swift All your turns are tight Let me catch my breath I thought we had all night
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. It's coming through a crack in the wall; on a visionary flood of alcohol; from the staggering account of the Sermon on the Mount which I don't pretend to understand at all. It's coming from the silence on the dock of the bay, from the brave, the bold, the battered heart of Chevrolet: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
And let the heavens hear it The penitential hymn Come healing of the spirit Come healing of the limb
There's a lover in the story But the story's still the same There's a lullaby for suffering And a paradox to blame But it's written in the scriptures And it's not some idle claim You want it darker We kill the flame
I was alone on the road, your love was so confusing And all my teachers told me that I had myself to blame But in the grip of sensual illusion A sweet unknowing unified the name
Magnified, sanctified, be thy holy name Vilified, crucified, in the human frame A million candles burning for the help that never came
They're lining up the prisoners And the guards are taking aim I struggled with some demons They were middle class and tame I didn't know I had permission to murder and to maim
So come, my friends, be not afraid. We are so lightly here. It is in love that we are made; In love we disappear.
I see my life In full review It was never me It was always you
We'll be going down so deep the river's going to weep, and the mountain's going to shout Amen!
Show me the place where my head is bendin' low Show me the place where you want your slave to go
I’m tired of choosing desire I been saved by a blessed fatigue The gates of commitment unwired And nobody trying to leave
Yeah my friends are gone and my hair is grey I ache in the places where I used to play And I'm crazy for love but I'm not coming on I'm just paying my rent every day Oh in the Tower of Song
There's an attic where children are playing Where I've got to lie down with you soon In a dream of Hungarian lanterns In the mist of some sweet afternoon And I'll see what you've chained to your sorrow All your sheep and your lilies of snow
We find ourselves on different sides Of a line nobody drew Though it all may be one in the higher eye Down here where we live it is two
I've seen the nations rise and fall I've heard their stories, heard them all But love's the only engine of survival Your servant here, he has been told To say it clear, to say it cold: It's over, it ain't going Any further And now the wheels of heaven stop You feel the devil's riding crop Get ready for the future: It is murder
I've heard the soul unfolds in the chambers of its longing And the bitter liquor sweetens in the hammered cup Ah but all the ladders of the night have fallen Just darkness now, to lift the longing up
Why don’t you come on back to the war, that’s right, get in it, why don’t you come on back to the war, it’s just beginning.
If your life is a leaf that the seasons tear off and condemn they will bind you with love that is graceful and green as a stem.
An Eskimo showed me a movie he’d recently taken of you: the poor man could hardly stop shivering, his lips and his fingers were blue. I suppose that he froze when the wind took your clothes and I guess he just never got warm. But you stand there so nice, in your blizzard of ice, oh please let me come into the storm.
I loved your master perfectly I taught him all that he knew. He was starving in some deep mystery like a man who is sure what is true.
I have begun to long for you, I who have no greed; I have begun to ask for you, I who have no need. You say you’ve gone away from me, but I can feel you when you breathe.
Hungry as an archway through which the troops have passed, I stand in ruins behind you, with your winter clothes, your broken sandal straps.
Well, you tell me that your lover has a broken limb, you say you’re kind of restless now and it’s on account of him.
Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone Let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon Show me slowly what I only know the limits of Dance me to the end of love
I tried to leave you, I don’t deny I closed the book on us, at least a hundred times.
And I can’t wait to tell you to your face And I can’t wait for you to take my place You are The Naked Angel In My Heart You are The Woman With Her Legs Apart It’s written on the walls of this hotel You go to heaven once you’ve been to hell
Then let the other selves be wrong, yeah, let them manifest and come till every taste is on the tongue, till love is pierced and love is hung, and every kind of freedom done
O come with me my little one, we will find that farm and grow us grass and apples there and keep all the animals warm. And if by chance I wake at night and I ask you who I am, O take me to the slaughterhouse, I will wait there with the lamb.
Ah they’re shutting down the factory now Just when all the bills are due And the fields they’re under lock and key Tho’ the rain and the sun come through And springtime starts but then it stops In the name of something new And all the senses rise against this Coming back to you
Like a baby, stillborn, like a beast with his horn I have torn everyone who reached out for me.
We met when we were almost young deep in the green lilac park. You held on to me like I was a crucifix, as we went kneeling through the dark.
And there are no letters in the mailbox, and there are no grapes upon the vine, and there are no chocolates in the boxes anymore, and there are no diamonds in the mine.
I cried, “Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold
So daily I renew my idle duty I touch her here and there – I know my place I kiss her open mouth and I praise her beauty and people call me traitor to my face
But my darling says “Leonard, just let it go by That old silhouette on the great western sky” So I pick out a tune and they move right along and they’re gone like the smoke and they’re gone like this song
And why are you so quiet now standing there in the doorway? You chose your journey long before you came upon this highway.
But I swear by this song and by all that I have done wrong I will make it all up to thee.
It was deep into his fiery heart he took the dust of Joan of Arc, and then she clearly understood if he was fire, oh then she must be wood.
And Jesus was a sailor When he walked upon the water And he spent a long time watching From his lonely wooden tower And when he knew for certain Only drowning men could see him He said “All men will be sailors then Until the sea shall free them” But he himself was broken Long before the sky would open Forsaken, almost human He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone And you want to travel with him And you want to travel blind And you think maybe you’ll trust him For he’s touched your perfect body with his mind.
Your master took you travelling, well at least that’s what you said. And now do you come back to bring your prisoner wine and bread?
Your pain is no credential here, it’s just the shadow, shadow of my wound.
And here where there is no description Oh here in the moment at hand No sinner need rise up forgiven No victim need limp to the stand
I met a woman long ago her hair the black that black can go, Are you a teacher of the heart? Soft she answered no. I met a girl across the sea, her hair the gold that gold can be, Are you a teacher of the heart? Yes, but not for thee.
Oh bless thee continuous stutter Of the word being made into flesh
The cripple here that you clothe and feed is neither starved nor cold; he does not ask for your company, not at the centre, the centre of the world.
Yes, you who are broken by power, you who are absent all day, you who are kings for the sake of your children’s story, the hand of your beggar is burdened down with money, the hand of your lover is clay.
the patron Saint of envy and the grocer of despair
She used to wear her hair like you except when she was sleeping, and then she’d weave it on a loom of smoke and gold and breathing.
And may the spirit of this song, may it rise up pure and free. May it be a shield for you, a shield against the enemy.
And deep into his fiery heart he took the dust of Joan of Arc, and high above the wedding guests he hung the ashes of her wedding dress.
to wear upon my swollen appetite.“ Well, I’m glad to hear you talk this way, you know I’ve watched you riding every day and something in me yearns to win such a cold and lonesome heroine.
Come over to the window, my little darling, I’d like to try to read your palm. I used to think I was some kind of Gypsy boy before I let you take me home.
Then I took the dust of a long sleepless night and I put it in your little shoe. And then I confess that I tortured the dress that you wore for the world to look through.
And the light came from her body And the night went through her grace All summer long she touched me And I knew her, I knew her Face to face
Let’s meet tomorrow if you choose Upon the shore, beneath the bridge That they are building on some endless river
And I’ve read the Bill of Human Rights And some of it was true But there wasn’t any burden left So I’m laying it on you.”
I listened to your kisses at the door I never heard the world so clear before You ran your bath and you began to sing I felt so good I couldn’t feel a thing
Like a worm on a hook, like a knight from some old fashioned book I have saved all my ribbons for thee.
Now the flames they followed Joan of Arc as she came riding through the dark; no moon to keep her armour bright, no man to get her through this very smoky night.
And we read from pleasant Bibles that are bound in blood and skin That the wilderness is gathering All its children back again
And now this woman by your side, well, she’s asleep And there’s nothing you can give her and there’s nothing you want to keep
Just take this longing from my tongue all the lonely things my hands have done. Let me see your beauty broken down like you would do for one your love.
And she shows you where to look Among the garbage and the flowers There are heroes in the seaweed There are children in the morning They are leaning out for love And they will lean that way forever While Suzanne holds the mirror
Ah but if you cannot raise your love To a very high degree, Then you’re just the man I’ve been thinking of – So come and stand with me.
You who wish to conquer pain, you must learn, learn to serve me well.
Why don’t you try to do without him? Why don’t you try to live alone? Do you really need his hands for your passion? Do you really need his heart for your throne?
I left a wife in Tennessee And a baby in Saigon – I risked my life, but not to hear Some country-western song.
I did my best, it wasn’t much I couldn’t feel, so I tried to touch I’ve told the truth, I didn’t come to fool you And even though it all went wrong I’ll stand before the Lord of Song With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah
Oh take this longing from my tongue, all the useless things my hands have done, untie for me your hired blue gown, like you would do for one that you love.
I heard of a saint who had loved you, so I studied all night in his school. He taught that the duty of lovers is to tarnish the golden rule. And just when I was sure that his teachings were pure he drowned himself in the pool. His body is gone but back here on the lawn his spirit continues to drool.
It’s like our visit to the moon or to that other star I guess you go for nothing if you really want to go that far.
Well I’ve been where you’re hanging, I think I can see how you’re pinned: When you’re not feeling holy, your loneliness says that you’ve sinned.
I lit a thin green candle, to make you jealous of me. But the room just filled up with mosquitos, they heard that my body was free.
Too early for the rainbow, too early for the dove These are the final days, this is the darkness, this is the flood And there is no man or woman can be touched But you who come between them will be judged
He tried to make a final stand beside the railway track She said, “The art of longing’s over and it’s never coming back.”
The judges said you missed it by a fraction rise up and brace your troops for the attack Ah the dreamers ride against the men of action Oh see the men of action falling back
Now the crickets are singing The vesper bells ringing The cat’s curled asleep in his chair I’ll go down to Bill’s Bar I can make it that far And I’ll see if my friends are still there Yes, and here’s to the few Who forgive what you do And the fewer who don’t even care And the night comes on It’s very calm I want to cross over, I want to go home But she says, Go back, go back to the World
Those who dance, begin to dance Those who weep begin Those who earnestly are lost Are lost and lost again
I asked my father, I said, “Father change my name.” The one I’m using now it’s covered up with fear and filth and cowardice and shame.
Even in your arms I know I’ll never get it right Even when you bend to give me Comfort in the night
And the last time that I saw her she was living with some boy who gives her soul an empty room and gives her body joy.
Your faith was strong but you needed proof You saw her bathing on the roof Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you She tied you to a kitchen chair She broke your throne, and she cut your hair And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah
Ah, there is no comfort in the covens of the witch, some very clever doctor went and sterilized the bitch, and the only man of energy, yes the revolution’s pride, he trained a hundred women just to kill an unborn child.
Oh, your chains are too dark For the seas you must swim You are smiling at the seaweed But your smile is too grim
And I thank you, I thank you for doing your duty, you keepers of truth, you guardians of beauty. Your vision is right, my vision is wrong, I’m sorry for smudging the air with my song.
But here, right here, between the birthmark and the stain, between the ocean and your open vein, between the snowman and the rain, once again, once again, love calls you by your name.
For now I need your hidden love. I’m cold as a new razor blade. You left when I told you I was curious, I never said that I was brave.
Your letters they all say that you’re beside me now. Then why do I feel alone? I’m standing on a ledge and your fine spider web is fastening my ankle to a stone.
I leave the lady meditating on the very love which I, I do not wish to claim, I journey down the hundred steps, but the street is still the very same.
And I sing this for the captain Whose ship has not been built For the mother in confusion Her cradle still unfilled
Well, I argued all night like so many have before, saying, “Whatever you give me, I seem to need so much more.” Then she pointed at me where I kneeled on her floor, she said, “Don’t try to use me or slyly refuse me, just win me or lose me, it is this that the darkness is for.”
Some girls wander by mistake into the mess that scalpels make. Are you the teachers of my heart? We teach old hearts to break.
And now the infant with his cord is hauled in like a kite, and one eye filled with blueprints, one eye filled with night.
I believe that you heard your master sing when I was sick in bed. I suppose that he told you everything that I keep locked away in my head.
Do you remember all of those pledges That we pledged in the passionate night Ah they’re soiled now, they’re torn at the edges Like moths on a still yellow light No penance serves to renew them No massive transfusions of trust Why not even revenge can undo them So twisted these vows and so crushed
I am the distance you put between all of the moments that we will be.
I choose the rooms that I live in with care, the windows are small and the walls almost bare, there’s only one bed and there’s only one prayer; I listen all night for your step on the stair.
And now I hear your master sing, you kneel for him to come. His body is a golden string that your body is hanging from.
Through windows in the dark The children come, the children go Like arrows with no targets Like shackles made of snow
Like any dealer he was watching for the card That is so high and wild He’ll never need to deal another He was just some Joseph looking for a manger
Where are you, Judy, where are you, Anne? Where are the paths your heroes came? Wondering out loud as the bandage pulls away, was I, was I only limping, was I really lame?
And it’s time for the burden it’s time for the whip Will she walk through the flame Can he shoot from the hip
Now I’ve heard there was a secret chord That David played, and it pleased the Lord But you don’t really care for music, do you? It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth The minor fall, the major lift The baffled king composing Hallelujah
But you’ve used up all your coupons except the one that seems to be written on your wrist along with several thousand dreams.
Maybe I’m still hurting I can’t turn the other cheek But you know that I still love you It’s just that I can’t speak I looked for you in everyone And they called me on that too I lived alone but I was only Coming back to you
And they’re handing down my sentence now And I know what I must do Another mile of silence while I’m Coming back to you
The door is open, you can’t close your shelter You try the handle of the road It opens, do not be afraid It’s you my love, you who are the stranger
I’m on the side that’s always lost Against the side of Heaven I’m on the side of Snake-eyes tossed Against the side of Seven.
But you lost them in your freedom And you need him now, you’re wild Blessed is the memory Of everybody’s child
Then fire, make your body cold, I’m going to give you mine to hold,“ saying this she climbed inside to be his one, to be his only bride.
Now the clasp of this union who fastens it tight? Who snaps it asunder the very next night Some say the rider Some say the mare Or that love’s like the smoke beyond all repair
With one hand on the hexagram and one hand on the girl I balance on a wishing well that all men call the world.
As a falling leaf may rest A moment on the air So your head upon my breast So my hand upon your hair
I’m not asking for mercy Not from the man You just don’t ask for mercy While you’re still on the stand
And many nights endure Without a moon or star So we will endure When one is gone and far
And then leaning on your window sill He’ll say one day you caused his will To weaken with your love and warmth and shelter
The rain falls down on last year’s man An hour has gone by And he has not moved his hand But everything will happen if he only gives the word The lovers will rise up And the mountains touch the ground But the skylight is like skin for a drum I’ll never mend And all the rain falls down amen On the works of last year’s man
You’re faithful to the better man, I’m afraid that he left. So let me judge your love affair in this very room where I have sentenced mine to death.
If I, if I have been untrue I hope you know it was never to you.
Then I saw you naked in the early dawn, oh, I hoped you would be someone new. I reached for you but you were gone, so lady I’m going too.
And there’s nothing to follow There’s nowhere to go She’s gone like the summer gone like the snow
That’s all I can say, baby That’s all I can say It wasn’t for nothing That they put me away I fell with my angel Down the chain of command There’s a Law, there’s an Arm, there’s a Hand
Lost in the rages of fragrance Lost in the rags of remorse Lost in the waves of a sickness That loosens the high silver nerves
When I am on a pedestal, you did not raise me there. Your laws do not compel me to kneel grotesque and bare. I myself am the pedestal for this ugly hump at which you stare
We are so small between the stars, so large against the sky, and lost among the subway crowds I try to catch your eye.
You met him at some temple, where they take your clothes at the door. He was just a numberless man in a chair who’d just come back from the war.
And when we fell together all our flesh was like a veil That I had to draw aside to see The serpent eat its tail
Some women wait for Jesus, and some women wait for Cain So I hang upon my altar And I hoist my axe again And I take the one who finds me back to where it all began When Jesus was the honeymoon And Cain was just the man
But I lingered on her thighs a fatal moment I kissed her lips as though I thirsted still My falsity had stung me like a hornet The poison sank and it paralysed my will
in city and in forest they smiled like me and you, but now it’s come to distances and both of us must try, your eyes are soft with sorrow, Hey, that’s no way to say goodbye.
Now my heart’s like a blister From doing what I do If the moon has a sister It’s got to be you
And where, where, where is my Gypsy wife tonight I’ve heard all the wild reports, they can’t be right But whose head is this she’s dancing with on the threshing floor Whose darkness deepens in her arms a little more
Do you want to be the ditch around a tower? Do you want to be the moonlight in his cave? Do you want to give your blessing to his power as he goes whistling past his daddy, past his daddy’s grave
If it be your will That a voice be true From this broken hill I will sing to you From this broken hill All your praises they shall ring If it be your will To let me sing
The age of lust is giving birth, and both the parents ask the nurse to tell them fairy tales on both sides of the glass.
But let me ask you one more time, O children of the dusk, All these hunters who are shrieking now oh do they speak for us?
And the vow of compassion That you swore through your teeth When the war began to end And the photographs weep
Goodnight, my darling, I hope you’re satisfied, the bed is kind of narrow, but my arms are open wide. And here’s a man still working for your smile.
Yes you who must leave everything that you cannot control. It begins with your family, but soon it comes around to your soul.
I’m not looking for another as I wander in my time, walk me to the corner, our steps will always rhyme you know my love goes with you as your love stays with me, it’s just the way it changes, like the shoreline and the sea, but let’s not talk of love or chains and things we can’t untie, your eyes are soft with sorrow, Hey, that’s no way to say goodbye.
Do not dress in those rags for me, I know you are not poor; you don’t love me quite so fiercely now when you know that you are not sure, it is your turn, beloved, it is your flesh that I wear.
A war between the odd and the even.
Well I stepped into an avalanche, it covered up my soul; when I am not this hunchback that you see, I sleep beneath the golden hill.
And here, right here, between the dancer and his cane, between the sailboat and the drain, between the newsreel and your tiny pain, once again, once again, love calls you by your name.
I changed my style to silver I changed my clothes to black And where I would surrender Ah now I would attack
She said, "I’m tired of the war, I want the kind of work I had before, a wedding dress or something white to wear upon my swollen appetite.”
Then lay your rose on the fire The fire give up to the sun The sun give over to splendour In the arms of the high holy one
And draw us near And bind us tight All your children here In their rags of light In our rags of light All dressed to kill And end this night If it be your will
I met a man who lost his mind in some lost place I had to find, follow me the wise man said, but he walked behind.
I asked her to hold me, I said, “Lady, unfold me,” but she scorned me and she told me I was dead and I could never return.
Well I lived with a child of snow when I was a soldier, and I fought every man for her until the nights grew colder.
Into this furnace I ask you now to venture…
She took his tavern parliament, his cap, his cocky dance, she mocked his female fashions and his working-class moustache.
Like a bird on the wire, like a drunk in a midnight choir I have tried in my way to be free.
She took his much admired oriental frame of mind and the heart-of-darkness alibi his money hides behind She took his blonde madonna and his monastery wine – “This mental space is occupied and everything is mine.”
Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river You can hear the boats go by You can spend the night beside her And you know that she’s half crazy But that’s why you want to be there And she feeds you tea and oranges That come all the way from China And just when you mean to tell her That you have no love to give her Then she gets you on her wavelength And she lets the river answer That you’ve always been her lover And you want to travel with her And you want to travel blind And you know that she will trust you For you’ve touched her perfect body with your mind.
So, now that you’ve decided To follow the sun Like a shadow of birds Or a king on the run
Well, I’ve been waiting, I was sure We’d meet between the trains we’re waiting for I think it’s time to board another Please understand, I never had a secret chart To get me to the heart of this Or any other matter While he talks like this, you don’t know what he’s after When he speaks like this, you don’t know what he’s after
Or she’ll make a break for the high plateau where there’s nothing above and there’s nothing below
The baby’s crying, so you do not go outside, and all your work it’s right before your eyes.
I met a lady, she was playing with her soldiers in the dark Oh one by one she had to tell them That her name was Joan of Arc
And you wrap up his tired face in your hair and he hands you the apple core. Then he touches your lips now so suddenly bare of all the kisses we put on some time before.
I fought in the old revolution on the side of the ghost and the King. Of course I was very young and I thought that we were winning; I can’t pretend I still feel very much like singing as they carry the bodies away.
Oh, you are really such a pretty one. I see you’ve gone and changed your name again. And just when I climbed this whole mountainside, to wash my eyelids in the rain!
Do you need to hold a leash to be a lady?
And who are you?“ she sternly spoke to the one beneath the smoke. "Why, I’m fire,” he replied, “And I love your solitude, I love your pride.
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Just open up your dainty little hand. You know this life is filled with many sweet companions, many satisfying one-night stands.
And come forth from the cloud of unknowing And kiss the cheek of the moon
But climb on your tears and be silent Like a rose on its ladder of thorns
the crumbs of love that you offer me, they’re the crumbs I’ve left behind.
Yes, and here, right here between the moonlight and the lane, between the tunnel and the train, between the victim and his stain, once again, once again, love calls you by your name.
There’s a blaze of light in every word It doesn’t matter which you heard The holy or the broken Hallelujah
There is a war between the ones who say there is a war and the ones who say there isn’t.
Oh sometimes I see her undressing for me, she’s the soft naked lady love meant her to be and she’s moving her body so brave and so free. If I’ve got to remember that’s a fine memory.
O lady with your legs so fine O stranger at your wheel, You are locked into your suffering and your pleasures are the seal.
He said, "I locked you in this body, I meant it as a kind of trial. You can use it for a weapon, or to make some woman smile.”
But the Rose I sickened with a scarlet fever and the Swan I tempted with a sense of shame She said at last I was her finest lover and if she withered I would be to blame
You will never see a man this naked I will never hold a woman this close
And you say you’ve been humbled in love Cut down in your love Forced to kneel in the mud next to me Ah but why so bitterly turn from the one Who kneels there as deeply as thee
I went down to the place Where I knew she lay waiting Under the marble and the snow I said, Mother I’m frightened The thunder and the lightning I’ll never come through this alone She said, I’ll be with you My shawl wrapped around you My hand on your head when you go And the night came on It was very calm I wanted the night to go on and on But she said, Go back, Go back to the World
May Christ have mercy on your soul For making such a joke Amid these hearts that burn like coal And the flesh that rose like smoke.
As the mist leaves no scar On the dark green hill So my body leaves no scar On you and never will
I showed my heart to the doctor: he said I just have to quit. Then he wrote himself a prescription, and your name was mentioned in it! Then he locked himself in a library shelf with the details of our honeymoon, and I hear from the nurse that he’s gotten much worse and his practice is all in a ruin.
And though I wear a uniform I was not born to fight All these wounded boys you lie beside Goodnight, my friends, goodnight
One by one, the guests arrive The guests are coming through The open-hearted many The broken-hearted few And no one knows where the night is going And no one knows why the wine is flowing Oh love I need you
I greet you from the other side Of sorrow and despair With a love so vast and shattered It will reach you everywhere
So you moved away the mountain That the sun rose behind And you said yourself a prayer And laid down with the blind
Your body like a searchlight my poverty revealed, I would like to try your charity until you cry, “Now you must try my greed.” And everything depends upon how near you sleep to me
and I lean from my window sill in this old hotel I chose, yes one hand on my suicide, one hand on the rose.
Ah the silver knives are flashing in the tired old cafe A ghost climbs on the table in a bridal negligee She says, My body is the light, my body is the way” I raise my arm against it all and I catch the bride’s bouquet
Children have takes these pledges They have ferried them out of the past Oh beyond all the graves and the hedges Where love must go hiding at last
It’s hard to hold the hand of anyone Who is reaching for the sky just to surrender
The river is swollen up with rusty cans and the trees are burning in your promised land.
Your father’s gone a-hunting Through the silver and the glass Where only greed can enter But spirit, spirit cannot pass
And all the ladies go moist, and the judge has no choice, a singer must die for the lie in his voice.
and there is no space but there’s left and right and there is no time but there’s day and night
Your father’s gone a-hunting And he’s lost his lucky charm And he’s lost the guardian heart That keeps the hunter from the harm
It’s not the news of burning towns that ruins your mind Like a spool you turn and you turn but it won’t unwind No these wars you did not start, they don’t tear your sleep apart It’s just a man taking what he needs from the store room
True love leaves no traces If you and I are one It’s lost in our embraces Like stars against the sun
And the crickets are breaking his heart with their song as the day caves in and the night is all wrong
Now the courtroom is quiet, but who will confess. Is it true you betrayed us? The answer is Yes. Then read me the list of the crimes that are mine, I will ask for the mercy that you love to decline.
I sang my songs, I told my lies, to lie between your matchless thighs.
Why do you stand by the window Abandoned to beauty and pride The thorn of the night in your bosom The spear of the age in your side
And clenching your fist for the ones like us who are oppressed by the figures of beauty, you fixed yourself, you said, “Well never mind, we are ugly but we have the music.”
Trav'ling lady stay awhile until the night is over. I’m just a station on your way, I know I’m not your lover.
Just take this longing from my tongue, all the useless things my hands have done, let me see your beauty broken down, like you would do for one you love.
Let your mercy spill On all these burning hearts in hell If it be your will To make us well
Oh the world is sweet the world is wide and she’s there where the light and the darkness divide and the steam’s coming off her she’s huge and she’s shy and she steps on the moon when she paws at the sky
And while he talks his dreams to sleep You notice there’s a highway That is curling up like smoke above his shoulder
For the heart with no companion For the soul without a king For the prima ballerina Who cannot dance to anything
You kept right on loving, I went on a fast, now I am too thin and your love is too vast.
I saw her wince, I saw her cry, I saw the glory in her eye. Myself I long for love and light, but must it come so cruel, and oh so bright?
I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm, your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm, yes many loved before us, I know that we are not new, in city and in forest they smiled like me and you
Well you know that I love to live with you, but you make me forget so very much. I forget to pray for the angels and then the angels forget to pray for us.
I know you need your sleep now, I know your life’s been hard. But many men are falling, where you promised to stand guard.
And she comes to his hand but she’s not really tame She longs to be lost he longs for the same
Now I look for her always I’m lost in this calling I’m tied to the threads of some prayer Saying, When will she summon me When will she come to me What must I do to prepare When she bends to my longing Like a willow, like a fountain She stands in the luminous air And the night comes on And it’s very calm I lie in her arms she says, When I’m gone I’ll be yours, yours for a song
Through the days of shame that are coming Through the nights of wild distress Tho’ your promise count for nothing You must keep it nonetheless
Oh the sisters of mercy, they are not departed or gone. They were waiting for me when I thought that I just can’t go on. And they brought me their comfort and later they brought me this song. Oh I hope you run into them, you who’ve been travelling so long.
Dance me to the children who are asking to be born Dance me through the curtains that our kisses have outworn Raise a tent of shelter now, though every thread is torn Dance me to the end of love
The walls of this hotel are paper-thin Last night I heard you making love to him The struggle mouth to mouth and limb to limb The grunt of unity when he came in I stood there with my ear against the wall I was not seized by jealousy at all In fact a burden lifted from my soul I heard that love was out of my control
Your standing days are done,“ I cried, “You’ll rally me no more. I don’t even know what side We fought on, or what for.
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doubleddenden · 2 years
Okay, so I've done quite a bit of early reviewing of Coromon, and now that I've finally played and beaten it, I think it's time to sit down and give it a full review
Tl;dr: it's good. If you miss the old gen 3 adjacent days of Pokémon and want something more strategic, something more simple, want a custom experience, or just really like Pokémon likes, play it! It's fun and about $15 rn I think. Jyst don't go in expecting the best story. A solid 7.5/10
The full review
So what is Coromon? Is it a Digimon? Yes. Is it also the name of a PokémonLike? Also yes.
The naming convention really tells you about what to expect in terms of gameplay, but Coromon is also different from several technical angles that separates it from the pack.
First off, the type system works differently in that each Coromon only has 1 type each, and that ranges from Normal, Fire, Water, Ice, Ghost, Electric, and Sand. However, there are additional types that only exist for attacks, like Cut, Magic, Wind, Foul, and Heavy. Usually most Coromon have an elemental weakness and a technique weakness, but some can have more than that or ONLY one. There's an extra one for Story too, but that's a spoiler.
Ngl it has its ups and downs. I don't quite understand why Ice and Water are two different types but Wind isn't an elemental type, and and after a while it feels like rinsing and recycling the same strategies for dealing with said types, but it's workable and fun regardless
Gameplay otherwise is remarkably similar to Nexomon: you have HP and SP, and moves require SP to use or you have to recharge. You catch wild monsters with spinners, which is a blend of Nexomon and Pokémon in that there's some with specific traits while the majority are good for particular types. Catch, train, etc.
A big thing that sets Coromon apart is the presence of Standard, Potent, and Perfect potentials in your monsters. Coromon have something akin to EVs except you can allocate extra points per level towards whatever stats you want. Potent and Perfect Coromon have more potential and thus are technically stronger, and come in extra colors. Basically think of Shinies or Cosmics, except it actually serves a purpose in this game.
I like the idea to some degree, although some color pallettes are definitely worse than others. Some are definitely stronger, too, but they can still be taken down with good ol fashioned strategy.
Outside of battling you have exploration, which takes heavy inspiration from early gen Pokémon and various JRPGs in that you explore various towns and routes with lots to explore and lots of fun ways to get lost. Coromon has a somewhat linear map to a certain degree, but each route is spacious with plenty to explore, and certain towns have dungeons to explore. Find items, find monsters, battle trainers, you get the gist. It's a Pokémon game right down to the healing centers and marts. That's not a bad thing either.
Items are simplified in comparison to Pokémon as well. You got cakes that are basically potions and stat boosting items, fruits that are basically berries, and limited items that do small things like xp boost, gold boost, etc. Nothing too spectacular or OP. However you do have Skill Flashes, aka TMs, and special Scents than have a variety of uses for grinding for levels and catching or potential hunting.
You may be wondering about gyms. There are none, but instead you have Quests to fulfill, and the biggest ones are Titans: representations of the main elements that reside in dungeons filled with puzzles and treasures. Titans are special bosses with HUGE HP bars and power. Do not feel bad for using items, these guys do not play fair and it's practically expected for you to use items and your squad strategically. They have powerful movesets and powerful abilities, and some are OP af, but they're not invincible. Unlike Pokémon, you won't get far just spamming A to win, so it's encouraged to figure out some good stat increasing and decreasing strategies and stock up on stat items as well. That being said, the last three feel easier than the second by a huge margin, especially once you figure out how to cheese em with evasion and accuracy.
Finally, as far as gameplay goes, you have a section towards the beginning that let's you customize your gameplay for a unique experience. You can make the game easier or less tedious, you can make it harder, you can make a Nuzlocke or Randomized run, hell you can make it so you can only STEAL from other trainers. It's actually very impressive how much leeway you have to make the game and journey as unique to your style as you want. Personally I made it so when I leveled up, my monsters healed, just so it isn't as tedious to progress.
Now minor details
You have character customization too, but everything stays about the size of a gen 4 Pokémon overworld sprite, so don't go expecting Code Vein or Elden Ring levels of customization. That being said, there's lots of hair styles, lots of colors, lots of outfits, skin tones, beards, hats, and if you care, the player is highly assumed to be gender neutral or its just not brought up, so don't feel confined to gender norms if you vibe with something.
There's also small mini games, including clones of flappy bird and that dinisaur game in Chrome.
That's about the game in detail. Now for the non gameplay materials
Art style is something that becomes immediately apparent as soon as you see the title screen. There's so much detail that goes into every location and sprite that everything pops. The monster sprites in particular are wonderfully designed and move very smoothly and lifelike. The animations for the world are also very cool and have super smooth transitions in the oddest of places, like dungeons with fire or warp pads. Each location is also super unique and beautiful to look at, and even the tiniest of animations and details aren't ignored, like water ripples or the team health accurate health restoration at the Trainer Hub. It's all a meticulous and patient act of love and care to their art, and it's beautiful.
That being said, I do wish there were official trainer sprites. It feels somewhat odd for the Coromon to and backgrounds to have so much detail and your sprites are the same tiny OW sprites.
Something I'm not really a fan of either are the emotes. I feel like it makes the game feel cheaper somehow despite the quality gone into them. I personally would rather see the characters themselves express emotion if any, or at least leave it to interpretation as we speak.
Music is pretty good too. Not the absolute best and not really any ear worms, but it's pretty good. I do wish each area had it's own battle theme, and I was kind of expecting that when I got to Donnar Island. But that being said, I do appreciate that each location has very appropriate music design,and I think my favorite is the icy mountains.
Now, the biggest thing: Monster designs. The monster designs are pretty solid. There's not really any I outright hate, which is pretty rare for me. The selection is pretty decent, and they actually are monsters and not characters recycled from furry fan fic like Pokémon usually makes. Speaking of, I noticed a certain electric tiger, and I like it, I like it. My one thing is that there's not really a Coromon I'd say that got me really excited to see, yknow? They're very great designs but I can't really say there's one I would consider a 10/10. But very solid 7 to 8/10 designs for sure.
Now for plot. I kind of have to point it out because one of Coromon's self proclaimed selling points is a "compelling story," but I actually feel like the plot was one of the weakest elements of the game. The titans on paper was pretty cool and I like the idea of the bad guys, but it wasn't executed that well imo. One of the main issues is that the characters are either one and done or just very unremarkable and unmemorable. There's not really any recurring characters that matter or that appear often enough to matter. The villains too are pretty unremarkable, not really having any memorable interactions with the player.
Honestly the story is one of the few fails from this game. I'd maybe have some rivals or recurring characters to help move the story along, some to watch develop, hell even some to just be like HEY ITS THAT GUY!!! A partner in this whole task we've been given, or a rival from the enemy group that feels kinda guilty or at the least kinda chatty about plans.
As it stands, the plot feels like it was made by someone who hates plot and was like "I can do better with less!" and ended up somewhere between bad and mediocre.
Gameplay and exploration is at least the thing that matters most, and it was pretty fun to play and explore. I feel like if they just kinda added a button to "turn off plot", it might've been better.
Another nitpick I have is the lack of post game. I understand there's an update coming, so that's at least justified, but I feel like the kind of people that would have made this game would've been the type to slip in a certain battling facility or something. Maybe one day.
Final thoughts: I like the game, and from an artistic perspective I can see a ton of heart and soul put into it. There's a love for the genre that you can inherently feel radiating from this game, and although there's room for improvement, you can only go up from here, yknow?
In a sequel, I'd like some friends, a rival or two, a better plot, villains thar are more involved, maybe some character sprites that show expression and could be used for battles, a battle facility for post game, and maybe a Nature type Coromon. I'd also just really want a dragon coromon tbh, but it's not necessary.
Oh, and an explanation of where Coromon came from and wtf they are.
Anyway, a 7.5/10 for me. I'm glad I got to play and I look forward to what comes ahead.
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Time for the rest of the first challenge. Event. Whatever. Words hard.
[No. 26 - Chase Down The Leader]
We flashback just a minute or so from where we left off, in order to see just how Izuku pulled off his impressive launch across the field. He stands at the start of the minefield, watching other students pick their way through - and occasionally setting off mines with missteps - while having a veritable mumblefest over the mines and the general issue of trying to pick past them. 
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The general gist of the mumbling: The mines are the type that blow up when stepped on, and aren’t that strong, but can throw a student off enough to possibly cause a chain reaction and lose them a lot of time. It’s better to go slow to avoid damage, even for leaping types, and trying to slow others is a guaranteed time loss. Izuku then analyzes the field in front of him, noting the spots people avoid and that most students will be most on guard at the entrance, which means there are plenty of mines left for his plan so long as they stay frosty. 
Izuku puts his armor plate to work digging up mines, muttering about how anti-personnel mines should only be 14 centimeters or so deep (about 6 inches). Jirou, just making her way into the field and using her quirk to… I guess disable mines in front of her? Anyway, she actually notices Izuku is up to something and asks what he’s doing, though I think it’s not one she expects to get answered. In short order, Izuku has a pile of about a dozen mines, and mentally claims he’s taking a page from Kacchan’s book. Meanwhile, Present Mic announces Shouto and Katsuki are still in the lead, and that they’re about to cross the finish line.
Not for long, though, as Izuku names his adhoc maneuver ‘great blasting turbo speed’, throwing himself on top of his armor sheet and onto the pile of mines, launching him over the field and right towards the two leading the pack. Pretty much everyone hesitates or stops to stare for a moment, shook by the sheer brass balls it had to take to literally blow yourself sky high. The two most shook, of course, are Shouto and Katsuki, who only just start moving again when Izuku actually flies ahead of them, forgoing their fight in order to catch back up.
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Izuku considers the whole experience intense, and is even more focused now that he’s managed to gain the lead. However, there’s one huge issue - he didn’t think far enough ahead to consider how he was going to land. As if that’s not enough, Katsuki is throwing himself forward with more explosions, screaming at ‘Deku’ to get back there (presumably to fight). Shouto’s not far behind, giving up keeping the others hindered in exchange for the speed he gets from icing over the field ahead of him - he doesn’t have time to worry about those behind him now.
Present Mic announces the temporary ceasefire between the two in order to chase down Izuku, and how when a common enemy appears, people stop fighting - then tacks on that, well, actually they’re still fighting, just not each other. Aizawa wonders what his friend is even trying to say. 
Izuku starts floating away from his armor sheet, the larger surface area causing it to stall and slow faster then he is. He grabs onto one of the wires as he recognizes this, and that if he loses time on his landing, passing the two again will be impossible. As the two just start to rush past him, Izuku swears mentally, telling himself to not let go - while he’s still ahead, this is his only chance. So, if passing them is impossible, then he has to maintain the lead. 
Somehow, he manages to flip in the air, using the momentum to bring the armor plate swinging around and into the ground right between the two, the pressure enough to set off several more mines. The two are forced to stop from the resulting explosion, while Izuku’s newfound momentum throws him readily ahead. 
As he falls into a duck and roll, Present Mic announces how Izuku blows off the competition with no time to lose. He goes on to marvel at Aizawa’s class, wondering what he’s teaching the kids. Aizawa says it’s not his doing, and that they’ve been spurring each other on all on their own. Present Mic rolls on with his commentary, asking who could have predicted such an incredible turn of events? Aizawa asks if he’s being ignored as Present Mic announces the first one back to the stadium:
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Midoriya Izuku. The crowds go absolutely wild. Outside the stadium, Death Arms recognizes Izuku as the kid from a year ago. At home, Inko falls off the couch sobbing while repeatedly stumbling over Izuku’s name. In an unknown location, Shigaraki watches on while scratching idly at his neck. 
Izuku looks around the stadium while breathing heavily, eventually looking at one spot in particular. Somehow, he’s found Toshinori in the stands, and the two have a Moment™ from across the stadium. 
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These fucking two, man. 
While Izuku is trying to keep himself from crying, the other students start making their way across the finish line as well. 
Toshinori thinks about how Izuku has the spirit of a savior hero to the core, but the sports festival is a competition that tests the exact opposite of that - your willingness to take down the enemy. Heroes nowadays depend on popular opinion so much. So many selfishly seek to beat everyone else. But that’s not Izuku - and that’s why Toshinori chose him, even as he thoughts that lack of selfishness would be his one weakness. He claps in the stands, happy to have been proved wrong and mentally apologizing for doubting him, even as he laments Izuku’s crying habits.
Some business students nearby catch Toshinori’s attention, mostly due to them discussing Izuku’s potential and how they’d market him. They talk about how Izuku’s stock is about to rise, but it’s hard to say what’s still in store for him since he didn’t show his quirk. They then start speculating about how a hero agency would market him if they took it on, with one pointing out how he’s not much to look at, so they’re have to push his skills and his unique, almost artistic sensibilities. When the resources you need aren’t there… Well, we don’t hear how that gets handled, but Toshinori does note how some things never change.
We get a brief narrative insert about the business course, most notably how they have nothing to gain by directly competing in the sports festival. Instead, they hone their skills as salespeople and run business simulations. 
Back with the hero students, we see Katsuki and Shouto both catching their breath. Katsuki is furious at Izuku once again managing to wrangle a win right from under him, while Shouto is just staring after Izuku silently. Present Mic announces more racers reaching the finish line, and that the standings will be gone over later, so the students can catch their breath for now.
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Ochako and Tenya make their way over to Izuku. Ochako calls Izuku’s strategy awesome, while Tenya is in despair over losing a race with his quirk, stating that he still has progress to make. Ochako states that she’s jealous of Izuku’s first place; Izuku flushes and hides his face behind his arms, stating that it wasn’t that impressive, and was still too close. Internally, he laments that he just got lucky, that all his chance strategies happened to work. They say it’s awesome, but it was just a lucky break, and that the real test of skill starts now.
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Anyways, Midnight announces the end of the race, and we get the results:
Midoriya Izuku
Todoroki Shouto
Bakugou Katsuki
Shiozaki Ibara
Honenuki Juuzou
Iida Tenya
Tokoyami Fumikage
Sero Hanta
Kirishima Eijirou
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Ojiro Mashirao
Awase Yosetsu
Asui Tsuyu
Shouji Mezou
Satou Rikidou
Uraraka Ochako
Yaoyorozu Momo
Mineta Minoru
Ashido Mina
Kouda Kouji
Jirou Kyouka
Kaibara Sen
Tsuburaba Kosei
Kaminari Denki
Bondo Kojiro
Yanagi Reiko
Shinsou Hitoshi
Kendo Itsuka
Shishida Jurota
Kuroiro Shihai
Kodai Yui
Rin Hiryu
Shouda Nirengeki
Komori Kinoko
Kamakiri Togaru
Monoma Neito
Tsunotori Pony
Hagakure Touru
Tokage Setsuna
Fukidashi Manga
Hatsume Mei
Aoyama Yuuga
I wasn’t able to find this list in word form anywhere online, so I made it myself. You’re welcome. I also calculated the points each of them had going into the second event, but I’m not gonna worry about that here. I’ll do individual and team points when we actually get to the teams. That way, we’ll know who has which teams’ headbands at the end!
Moving on with the chapter. Midnight announces that the top 42 from the qualifying round will move on, conveniently just including every hero student as well as the two non-hero students who managed to place higher. For those who placed lower, the sports festival will have another way for them to show their stuff!
(Not that we see said show, which I mean, makes sense narratively speaking, but also…)
[I was going to insert the server discussion about my thoughts on the arbitrary cut-off point here, but it’s getting long enough to merit its own post at this point. So look forward to that whenever it goes up!]
Anyways, Midnight continues on, explaining that now the main selection really begins, and that the press corp is going to be jumping out of their seats, so the students should give it all they’ve got. Now, onto the second event, which she already knows - which confirms these are predetermined by UA and they just do the randomizer for the sake of the crowds. Said event is… 
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the cavalry battle!
Kaminari is nervous at that, thinking about how he’s going to suck. Mineta is also looking concerned. Tsuyu notes they’re teaming up, but how, exactly? Midnight explains with a neat little graphic:
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Basically, participants get in teams of two to four, and get into a horse-and-rider formation. The rules are the same as your regular cavalry battle - snag the opponent’s headbands while guarding your own - but with a twist. Each student has an assigned value based on their placement in the race. 
Sato notes that it sounds like the points in the entrance exam, so it sounds simple. Hagakure comments on how this means the point value of each team is based on its members. Midnight snaps and cracks her whip at the students that she’s about to explain, so they should shut up already. 
Individual point values start at five, at the bottom, so the student in 42nd place is forth five, 41st is worth ten, etc etc. However, the first place participant - that is, Izuku - is instead worth a whole ten million points.
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That, my friends, is the face of someone realized they done fucked up.
Basically all the students stare down Izuku as he goes stiff from the internal panicking. Shinsou and Hatsume seem to be shown particular interest in it. Midnight finishes the chapter by noting that the higher-ranked students are the ones to aim for, and that this survival game is a chance for a comeback. It’s anyone’s game!
And with that, we end chapter 26… and volume three. Which means bonus content will be coming soon! See y’all then, and we’ll be back with more sports festival action in the next volume. 
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so i saw a take about eula that made me mad so here’s my (biased) rant about her
i’m pro-end user license agreement, i think she’s cute, not just appearance-wise but personality-wise too
(didn’t pull her tho bc the kinda obvious powercreeping made me salty, might pull her when her rerun comes around just to have her and not level her)
but basically the gist of this rant is gonna be i think people unfairly mischaracterize her and i’m gonna talk about why i think she’s a good bean based on the two things about her that i’ve seen people mention they dislike the most: the way she talks and her relationship to/feelings about her family
disclaimer: a lot of this is my opinion and my interpretation of her character, probably has a lot of typos
this will probably be really like
incomprehensible i’m tired sorry but i’ll try to make sense
okay so
a lot of people from what i’ve seen dislike eula bc of the way she talks, but at least try to understand why she might talk the way she does
putting aside the reason why she talked the way she did to the people of mondstadt during her story quest (i’ll get to that later), let’s talk about her whole focus on vengeance first
imo her whole thing about vengeance is a shield of sorts for her
many of the people of mondstadt would only ever see her as a descendant of the lawrence clan, someone who means to do mondstadt harm
so might as well give them what they expect, even if it’s not what you really mean
her story in her character profile even says this
“Her grievances and vengeance are but a habit, a signal, a shield.
“What remarks she should just laugh off, what concepts she should bear in mind given her unique circumstances and position...“
one has to remember that eula is a descendant of the lawrence clan, a clan that is hated in mondstadt bc of how corrupted they became during the era of the aristocracy
it’s likely that when she was a child she was ostracized even though the sins of her family, her ancestors, aren’t her own
even if she wanted to make friends with the other children of mondstadt, they were probably too distrustful of her
in her story in her character profile, there’s no mention of jean or diluc in regards to her past, but amber is mentioned to have been her friend even before eula joined the knights of favnious
it’s likely amber was one of her few friends growing up, if not her only friend
and amber is a pretty easy-going and welcoming person; she probably didn’t care about the way eula spoke all that much and bc they’re friends she understands the feelings eula hides behind her seemingly contentious words
anyways about her and the people of mondstadt
the people of mondstadt only see the family she’s a part of; they don’t see her
from her profile story:
“Eula has been viewed with contempt by the citizens of Mondstadt since birth. The Lawrence name stands for a legacy of depravity and despotism that stains Mondstadt's past and scars the minds of its citizens even to this day.
“So, whenever Eula appears, old wounds resurface. People despise the aristocracy, and this does no favors for her reputation.”
“In truth, Eula is nothing like the fearsome predator many imagine her to be. On the contrary, constantly being met with prejudice at every turn means she is often the victim.
“At one time, shops would refuse to sell her their goods, restaurants would put no care and attention into her orders, and the citizens on her patrol route would refuse to cooperate with her. So, Eula's work is fraught with difficulties.“
and in her voicelines:
“The life of a Lawrence doesn't include much worth talking about... Basically, whatever you say, whatever you do, people will always despise you and treat you like a potential threat to society. It's nowhere near as bad as it used to be, though. Before I'd joined the Knights, good grief... I couldn't even buy groceries. Even Good Hunter and Mondstadt General Goods wouldn't take my money.”
“People tell me that if I just spoke more softly, or was more polite, or acted more deferentially, others may find it easier to forgive me, but the only reason they think that way is because they've never been branded a pariah before. There is no easy path to redemption when you're a social pariah. I'm more inclined to stop tiptoeing around everyone all the time and just get out there and make them respect me the old-fashioned way! As in, we square off and if they win, I humbly accept my punishment, but if they lose, they must acquiesce to my demands... Such as... Well, I mean, if I want to buy a loaf of bread, take my darn money, for crying out loud!“
the people of mondstadt wronged her and were mean to her simply bc of the blood that runs through her veins, and i think it’s bc of that she says that she’ll have her vengeance
imo her act of vengeance against the people of mondstadt is being a faultless knight, a knight who completes their duties flawlessly and is without reproach
from her story in her profile:
“...she is a law-abiding citizen and has never harmed another Mondstadter in her life. She may come across as having a somewhat frosty demeanor, but she is entirely scrupulous in her speech and conduct.”
“When Jean sends a new recruit to track down Eula in the wilds and deliver a new set of verbal orders, they always receive the same response: ‘If you have to resort to tasking the descendant of your former oppressors with doing your work, then perhaps you are not as strong as I thought’
“But despite the antagonism in her words, she will complete her newly assigned tasks to perfection. The new recruit is invariably forced to admit that with her abilities, it is no wonder she was able to achieve a captaincy within just a few years of joining the Knights.“
and honestly i just think she’s a tsundere
my evidence, your honor?
her “About Us: Feud” voiceline:
“Our feud is for the long term, so rather than get payback on a piecemeal basis, I think I'll make things easier for myself and wait for a day when I can settle the score once and for all. It could be in ten years, could even be twenty... But don't worry, I won't forget. In the meantime, I'll need you to take good care of yourself and have a happy, healthy life, okay?”
anyways about the way she spoke in her story quest
one first has to learn that this was what she was taught that way since she was young
reading up on the lawrence family based on her profile story, the renmants of the lawrence family are pretty much a cult i think
“The Lawrence Clan may have been overthrown a long time ago, but they have never given up hope of one day rising again and reclaiming their place as the ruling class. So that they are always prepared for this monumental moment, their offspring are subjected to an educational regime so unbelievably harsh that it is considered borderline abusive.
“’Noble obligations’ must be performed to absolute perfection in every possible sense, and these obligations cover etiquette, ritual, and study as well as cooking and other domestic chores.”
and also
she clearly doesn’t talk that way all the time?
personally the reason i think the mondstadters we talked to were like ‘ugh, this again?’ is bc all of the lawrence clan does it, and eula is part of the lawrence clan so it’s like, expected of her to talk that way
but the main reason she talked that way was to give an example to the traveler
she didn’t talk that way to us when we first met her, and she didn’t talk that way to amber and sarah
and some people think she still supports her family? like man
i don’t know if we went through the same story quest or not
but eula quite clearly ruined a plan of her uncle’s that was to harm mondstadt? and during that quest she quite clearly shows her disdain for her family and her family’s ideals?
“I’ve never experienced the age of ‘glory’ you always speak of, and I’ve never understood our family’s incessant pursuit of it. [...] The Lawrence Clan should never and will never become what you’ve dreamed it to be!”
not to mention her voicelines where she makes fun of her family often:
“Knights and aristocrats share the same cultural heritage, but the knights had enough sense to do away with all the superfluous detail.“
“Aristocratic etiquette is all just for show... Just smile and nod along! I was forced to learn all of the rules by heart, but even I don't take them that seriously.”
“I heard that bard sing a few songs about the Lawrence Clan... They were lighthearted and funny stories that mocked the clan in a way I've never heard anyone else do. Even I couldn't help but burst out laughing... And for this, he must pay!”
“Technically, aged Dandelion Wine should be poured into a silver goblet and allowed to breathe for 12 minutes, then you're supposed to add ice cubes, ideally so 60% of the ice is submerged beneath the wine. I refuse to do all that though, it's not worth the hassle.”
and not to mention this voiceline where she outright states that if her family crossed the line she’d end her family herself:
“If my family members refuse to change their corrupt ways, or worse, continue to cause active harm in Mondstadt... I should be the one to end them, along with the Lawrence name itself. For once, it'd be a family obligation I'd actually enjoy. And once the deed was done, I'd be free to pick any name I wanted. Or even let you pick one for me!“
also about her saying she wants to avenge her kin in her voicelines, (this is me kinda reaching, ngl) imo it could just be her sarcasm, or she could be trying to change mondstadt’s view of the lawrence clan so that others in the family like her who aren’t as attatched to the aristocratic customs and share her beliefs can walk freely in mondstadt’s streets without fear of reprisal, which can be evidenced by this voiceline:
“The name Lawrence only became a social stigma after the clan fell from grace. It was once an honor to be called a Lawrence, but unfortunately, most people have forgotten about that part of history. The Grand Master says that I am performing rather well as a knight, and that if it's not enough to restore the honor of the Lawrence name, it's certainly a strong rebuttal against the one-sided opinions so many people throw around. I'm quite satisfied with that appraisal.“
furthermore based on her voiceline about barbara, i’m pretty sure she wants to be liked? to be acknowledged in a good way?
“Everyone loves her. What's her secret? Maybe I could learn a thing or two from her... Hmm, or maybe not. I can't imagine a ‘Shining Idol’ would want anything to do with a descendant of a depraved dynasty.“
like, she doesn’t want to be thought of as just a descendant of the lawrence clan
she wants to be known for who she is, not her family
i think this is why she avoids lisa too, since lisa would have read all about her family and she doesn’t want lisa’s judgement
lastly, what she learned from amber’s grandfather, found in her profile story:
“From him, she learned an open-mindedness and down-to-earth persistence that she had heretofore not possessed. Before grievance and vengeance, before clan and outsider, one must find "oneself" first.
“One's way of living, self-preservation, objects of perseverance...
“Then call it "grievance" and name it "vengeance" — that will not change its essential strength and goodness.
“It would be Eula's very own gentle path of revenge...“
she didn’t turn against the people of mondstadt and join her family in their crusade for glory even though the people of mondstadt treated her horribly
she instead strove to be someone worthy of being respected, someone who is more than just a part of a disgraced and despised family
anyways i think that’s all i wanted to say
basically tldr: end user license agreement is a sweet and gentle person and i like her very much
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ilguna · 4 years
Redamancy - Chapter Six (f.o)
summary: it’s time to forgive and repair.
warnings; swearing, murder, HEAVY GORE, brief hint of prostitution.
wc; 10.2k
NOTES; I give reader a last name to fit the world.
It turns out that you’ve worked yourself to the bone all these years. Day after day, you woke at seven, left at eight, and stayed in the betting room until late evening into the early morning. You didn’t realize just how taxing it was until now. For the first time in a long time, you’ve gotten more than just a couple of hours of sleep. You slept into noon.
This must be how Finnick felt for those years. He could, more or less, go to bed when he wants and wake well into the afternoon. And although the whole day isn’t up to your interpretation, you’ve had your fair share of evenings with friends. To think that he used to live like this every day, while you were busy worrying over tributes, or pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion is unfair.
And for a moment, you can allow yourself to be upset at him and yourself for letting it go on for so long. Finnick’s time in the Capitol is far from fun and perfect, but you still hate how he wasn’t required to do all the same things you are. That he didn’t put in as much effort as you have. Even if you two weren’t talking…
You count to three and let it go. 
You think you can stop being mad about this now. To you, it looks like things have changed. Of course, you can keep your guard, but you can stop talking about it. You already know all the shitty things that he’s done, he knows it too. With that acknowledgement, you can save the thoughts for a rainy day.
You get out of bed at noon, dragging your feet around the room. It’s funny how you’ve kept that wake, eat, watch, sleep schedule for this long, and it was so easily broken. You thought that you’d have to fight with yourself to sleep in past seven, considering that some habits are hard to break. Yet here you are, sluggish. You suppose that more sleep doesn’t automatically mean being more energetic.
Not trying to be too slow, you only take a ten minute shower instead of your normal thirty. Finnick’s been in the betting room since midnight last night, it’s going to be a full thirteen hours by the time you go to switch with him. He’s running on fumes, he hasn’t slept in a day, if you remember correctly. The sooner you get down there, the better.
Not to mention, like nights, the mornings are extremely boring. As you’ve observed for the last couple of days--and years--the tributes are up to nothing. In the morning, they’re either still sleeping or getting ready to spend their day doing mundane shit. At nights, the careers might go hunting for obvious tributes, or they’re all going to bed. 
On one hand, you think that this is good for Finnick. Like you’ve said before, he’s not as practiced during chaotic situations inside of the betting room anyway. The last time he saw anything remotely close to that was maybe yesterday, when you were going around talking to Capitol people. But that wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been.
You’re talking about the times where you’ve been in full-blown mentor mode. Quick on your feet, even faster problem solving, a silver tongue that easily has mentors falling on your feet. The only times you’re like that is when there’s an unpredictable fight that includes your tributes. You’re here for damage control, so anything that your tributes do inside of the arena, you’re going to be there to try and clean up what they can’t. Whether that be injuries, them losing all of their stuff, sponsoring weapons in the midst of a fight, whatever.
But on the other hand, he’s just out of practice. If he took afternoons instead of you--fat fucking chance--he would be able to go right back to how he was before. It’s like flexing a muscle, all your instincts are still there, you just have to relearn a few moves to make the whole job easier.
And you’re all about easy.
You go for black skinny jeans and a yellow-orange shirt with a breast pocket, and then slip on a pair of tennis shoes. As always, you’re the only one in the dining room, so you’re free to watch the television as you eat lunch. The avox serves plum and lamb soup, with a side of jasmine rice to make it more filling. You thank him quietly, already distracted by what’s going on the screen.
Without any context, you slowly put the pieces together by yourself. Starting with your tributes, Annie and Marsh are already off near the snares. They’re currently having lunch too, eating the sponsored food that you gave them yesterday. The gamemakers are allowing you to hear their conversation for the first time in days.
The gist is that Annie wants to go up to the dam. Like, follow the stream of water to the top and inspect the dam for herself. The condition of the cement will hopefully determine when they should leave the shack and head towards the village. But they’re working through one step at a time. Getting to the village is a whole new problem, as far as she’s concerned. Marsh agrees.
The Seven tributes are at the stream getting water, with the boy cupping his hands and bringing water to his lips that way. They’ve still got no supplies from the cornucopia, looking pretty dirty from sleeping in leaves and dirt for the past couple of days. They still look healthy though, so that’s a good sign. They’re getting all the nutrients that they need, to a certain extent.
Five boy is still on the edge of the woods off to the left, far away from the rest of the tributes. He’s not as close to the treeline as he was yesterday. If he keeps there for a while, you’re sure that he’ll surely be overlooked and hard to find like Nine girl. Who, speaking of which, is actually on the move today, instead of just sticking around in the grass and bushes.
She’s got her hair tied out of her face, any loose strands are tucked behind her ears if it can reach. She’s walking through the grass, heading towards the cornucopia. You think it’s a stupid idea, that surely she’s going to get herself killed for being so calm about walking straight into a wild pack of careers.
Until you look to see where the careers are this morning, and find that they’re inside of the woods. The cornucopia is completely vacant, all their supplies are there for a tribute’s taking. Nine girl saw this and decided to take a chance and grab what she can. Which means that she’s been camping out in the grassy hills the entire time, or she was in the trees after all. Either way, she’s kept a pretty low profile since the beginning. This is going to give her a new spotlight to work with.
She heads right inside without hesitation, not even waiting to hear if there’s any voices. Yeah, she’s definitely been keeping track of the tributes in the sky, and even going as far as to watch the cornucopia in her freetime. Especially if she’s so forward and confident. Considering she’s spent the last couple of days cloud gazing, this is fairly impressive.
She grabs a backpack, vaguely going through boxes and only stopping long enough to grab handfuls of items. She moves on quickly, eyes sometimes flickering to the mouth of the cornucopia. At least she’s not stupid enough to entirely rely on what she saw a couple of minutes ago. She knows that going inside is completely risky.
By judging what you can see with the careers, she has nothing to worry about in the end. The careers are far into the woods, and they’re only getting farther. In fact, the only tributes you think that have to worry about what they’re doing is the Seven tributes. In your opinion, they could be moving a little quicker.
If the careers do run across District Seven, this’ll be the first real conflict since the bloodbath. Of course, Sanguin killing Three boy yesterday was an event, but he didn’t really stand a chance against her in the first place. That was banking on false hope. With the Seven tributes, they might not have weapons, but they’re also two people. Just like Annie and Marsh. They have a chance, you always have a chance with bigger numbers. Where one person fails, another will prevail.
Nine girl grabs a knife on her way out of the cornucopia, officially heading towards the woods. She should’ve just went straight towards the village, that way she wouldn’t have the chance of running across the other nine people that are currently in the forest. This is all dependent on her goals, you suppose, but no one willingly tries to pick a fight unless they’re a career. It’s just the truth.
The last tribute that you haven’t mentioned is Bauhinia, Cecelia’s girl. Bauhinia already has a backpack of her own, courtesy of the raid she had conducted on the cornucopia by herself on the second day of the games. She’s got a bottle full of water, so that means she’s found her own source by now. 
Actually, she’s been up against the dam for the past couple of days. Which means that the dam is leaking from some area, otherwise she wouldn’t have the water up that high. Not without a second stream, and from all the time you’ve spent watching the tributes, she hasn’t been to the original water stream.
Well, the dam is certainly more dangerous than you originally anticipated. It’s only the fifth day of the games and it’s already leaking water. You give it a couple more days until the entire thing blows. You keep saying a week and a half, you’re not sure it’ll even last the half part. The gamemakers are impatient this year. Or maybe they have no control of it. Either way, everyone is going to be going home sooner than usual.
With the hopeful exception of District Four, of course.
At any rate, Bauhinia is moving through the trees too. She has a knife in hand, which means that she’s looking for something or someone in particular. You’d say she’s just hunting, but there’s an edge to her steps. You bet that Cecelia is on the edge of her seat right now. Her only tribute is up to no good.
You finish up lunch, go to the bathroom to brush your teeth, and leave the apartment. On your way down to the betting room, you hope that whatever Bauhinia is planning, she’s not going to act on it just yet. She needs to wait a little longer. If something does happen, Cecelia’s going to need a shoulder to lean on.
When you enter, you see that Finnick sits on the couch, elbow on the arm, leaning against his fist. Gloss and Enobaria are with him, with Gloss leaned forward onto his knees and Enobaria with her arms crossed. The only person that seems to be standing in your bizarre group, is Cecelia. Who’s swaying from side to side, hand on her mouth.
Looks like they’re all just as captivated as you were when you were watching. You check up on the Morning Line Odds, which might as well be known as the Afternoon Line Odds, with the times you’ll be showing up from now on. Annie and Marsh still hold their odds at 6-1, they haven’t moved since the first day, that's just fine with you. As long as they don’t drop lower, they’ve still got the interest of the Capitol.
As for the only group that actually poses a meaningful threat, Sanguine has moved up. From a 4-1 to a 3-1, she’s now tied with the boy from Two. You’re not surprised, it was only a matter of time before she went up—before any of them moved, actually. It’s worrying, though. No matter how many times you’ve seen it before.
You stop next to Finnick, staring up at the screen. In the time it took you to brush your teeth and get down here, things have changed. The gamemakers have focused on Bauhinia and the careers, so it explains why everyone—with the exception of Finnick, who sounds like he’s sleeping—is on edge. Doesn’t mean you have any clue what's going on.
You take a moment to analyze what you see. Bauhinia still has her knife in hand, moving through the trees. It looks like she’s trying to be quiet, carefully placing her feet in spots that shouldn’t be possible. All to just narrowly avoid a stick that might give her away. Give her away…
The careers are also going through the woods, but their camera is angled weird. Instead of watching them from the front, so that you can see their faces. Or from the back, allowing you to see where they’re going exactly. It’s at a diagonal, barely catching One girl, who’s leading the pack through the woods. The main is One boy, who’s in the middle, but even he’s a little blurred.
“Oh!” You let out, causing your friends to jump at the sudden voice. They’ve been quiet for so long, you just snuck up on them, “Is Bauhinia stalking?”
Stalking, a term mentors use when one tribute is following another. Normally because the stalker has ill intentions, or they’re observing for future reference. It’s like when the Seven tributes followed the careers all the way to the stream of water and didn’t attack. Observing. 
But Bauhinia isn’t observing. She’s got a knife in her hands, she’s making an extra effort to be closer, to hear their conversations. She’s moving right along with them, waiting for a perfect moment to strike. Bauhinia isn’t stupid enough to attack all three of them, she’s waiting for an opportunity to pick one off.
You wonder what got her to think like this, to suddenly get up and decide that she wanted to risk her life. She isn’t specially trained in any way regarding fighting, Cecelia said it herself. And if you remember correctly, she only scored a six. The Morning Line Odds say that she has a 14-1 chance. She’s going to get herself killed.
“Yeah, she has been for a while now. She only just got closer.” Gloss says, looking over you, and then his eyes land on Finnick, “He’s been out cold since nine.”
Well, you more or less called it, even before you got down here. She looked slightly more relaxed the last time you saw her, but now she has to be more careful with how she’s putting herself in danger like this. One bad move can be the cost of her life, unlike before when she had a little bit of breathing room. She must’ve been loosely following.
As for Finnick, you’re not at all surprised. You gently place your hand on his back, rubbing slightly to wake him up. It takes a moment, reminding you of the last time you woke him up like this. He doesn’t stretch this time around, mostly makes a noise and raises his head.
“What time is it?” He yawns, and sinks into the couch, “Is she here yet?”
“A little after one.” You answer.
Finnick looks up at you, and lets out a sigh of relief. He must be exhausted, probably won’t even last a minute on his bed before he’s knocked out. You give him a smile, pat his shoulder, and take a seat between him and Gloss. There’s not much room, but you can imagine that Finnick won’t be staying here much longer.
“Annie and Marsh are doing fine.” Finnick yawns again, crossing his arms and staring at the tv, “The last time I checked, anyway. Which was…”
Enobaria lets out a laugh. Gloss snorts and finishes his sentence; “Five hours ago.”
Finnick vaguely motions to Gloss. “What’s happening now?”
“Flower girl is looking for trouble.” Enobaria says, “She’s like, ten feet from them at max.”
Finnick squints, humming slightly, “I’d head up but I have a feeling I should stay down here.”
“Probably.” You agree, “You can use my shoulder as a pillow if you want.”
Without missing a beat, he takes you up on your offer. He places his head on your shoulder, and only lifts it once to readjust. You smile a little to yourself, but it quickly fades when the betting room is suddenly filled with unfamiliar voices coming from the speakers.
Two girl--Vanilee--has a kama in her hand, which is surely a unique choice of a weapon. It’s not chosen often, mostly because of its range. Think of a scythe, with the curved blade and all, just with a shorter handle. It’s much better for hand-to-hand combat, you think. It’s not going to be much use for long distances, unless you were to throw it. Then again, you’re no expert. You don’t even remember seeing that in your cornucopia.
The sixty-fifth Hunger Games had all the classic weapons. Spears, tridents, bows, axes, swords, scythes and knives. You chose a knife and a sword, obviously. As most careers do, since they’re the easiest things to figure out. The only problem is trying to find a sword that isn’t too heavy, a knife with a blade that isn’t too short, bullshit like that.
Anyway, Vanilee is stopped, eyes searching the woods around her. Bauhinia is perfectly hidden behind bushes, not only crouched but also blending in. It’s understandable why the careers haven’t seen her by now, even with their experienced eyes. At least they caught on that the air was weird or whatever, but you can’t give them that much credit in the end, especially if Bauhinia has been following them for a while now.
Yeah, for a bunch of people that have been practically trained to think a certain way and catch onto situations, they’re not very in-tune with their sixth senses. Literally, even a hint of a gut feeling and you’re going to be searching around. Hell, you even did that yourself! The pond on the first day is the perfect example of this.
“What is it?” Sanguin asks, impatient.
“I swear that there’s someone following us.” Vanilee says, moving her hair behind her neck.
“Like who?” her district mate, Geare, asks.
Vanilee shrugs, not giving it up. She ventures out a little bit, squinting and searching. She won’t find anything, you’re sure of it. With the way that Bauhinia has placed herself, she’s in the best position she can be in. Except for the part where one career has caught on to her stalking. That’s the only bad news. Where one will go, the others will eventually follow.
“She’s just paranoid.” Sanguin says, stabbing her sword into the ground and leaning on it like a cane, “I think I would know if we were being followed.”
Vanilee’s eyes land on Sanguin, “Okay, genius. Don’t you think that it’s weird we haven’t run into any tributes yet?” she raises her eyebrows, shakes her head like she’s waiting for an answer, neither Geare or Sanguin says anything, “That’s what I thought. Maybe my paranoia will do something for us.”
Sanguin sighs, eyes rolling into the back of her head like a teenage girl. She runs a hand through her hair, and then slaps her thigh when she lets it fall, “Fine, let’s take a break. Whoever it is will have to move at some point. We’ll hear or see them, problem solved.”
Hypothetically, yes. But you watch as Bauhinia slowly sinks herself to the ground, crossing her legs. She’s lucky that her backpack doesn’t make any noise, otherwise she definitely would’ve been found by now. For a while, the careers all sit there, drinking water and eating a small portion of food to keep them going. So far, their hunt for other tributes has been a bust. What a surprise.
However, Vanilee signs her own death certificate when she says that she’s going off to pee. She’s told to stay nearby in the case that someone is around them. Sanguin even offers to go with her, it just leaves Geare by himself, though. It still leaves a problem, two of them can go one way, the other can stay back, or Vanilee can just go by herself. In the end, one person will get picked off.
The moment that Vanilee heads off, Bauhinia slowly and carefully begins to follow her. Cecelia has finally taken a seat on the edge of an armchair, fingers intertwined and pressed against her lips. Enobaria is shaking her head, upset that Vanilee can’t just pee in front of her alliance. It’s a stupid situation. And it’s almost rightful what Vanilee gets for it.
The good news is that Vanilee isn’t stupid enough to get out of earshot. If she were to scream, the others would hear. It would take them a moment to get to her, but at least they’re close enough if the situation were to arise. The bad news is that it doesn’t matter, not with the way that Bauhinia springs on Vanilee.
Really, Bauhinia doesn’t fuck around. She wraps her arm around Vanilee’s neck in an armlock, and then uses her other hand to tighten the hold. She has the same face of determination that everyone else gets when they’re trying to kill and survive in the Hunger Games. 
Vanilee digs her nails into Bauhinia’s tan skin, hard enough to draw blood. This is the reason why Bauhinia lets go, clutching the spot. She lands a kick to Vanilee’s back, making her trip and go sprawling in the dirt and grass. Vanilee opens her mouth, drawing in a long breath of air, clearly going to scream.
Bauhinia’s on top of her, disregarding the blood running down her forearm. A squeak leaves Vanilee’s lips, just before Bauhinia’s fingers are tight around her neck, squeezing hard. Vanilee’s eyes widen, face quickly turning a shade of red as she struggles to breathe. First her fingers try to wriggle their way beneath Bauhinia’s hands, but then they settle for scratching down her neck and face, trying to inflict enough pain to get Bauhinia to get off.
It’s hard to watch, you can feel the pressure on your own stomach and hips, hands growing harder and tighter around your neck as you give up. As you slowly stop coming up with solutions to get out of the hold, as you forget the one way the training expert told you to leave a situation like this.
You reach for your throat, rubbing the spot where Lennox was sure he’d be able to cut off your air supply. You swallow thickly, “I don’t know if I can do this.”
You get a confused glance from Gloss, and Finnick hums quietly. 
It’s the sensation of being trapped, not being able to escape. This happens all the time, especially with people hovering over you, even if it’s a joke. If you can’t have an easy escape, then it’s a cause for trouble. Even watching people not be able to leave, especially in a situation like this--
You take a deep breath through your nose, and hold. 
Vanilee is turning blue, still fighting to escape. Bauhinia’s got red scratch marks all over her, some even bleeding slightly, blood running down her skin. She’s patient, and doesn’t at all seem to be concerned about the other careers. Not even worried that they might come looking for her if she doesn’t make it back soon.
You let out your air slowly, feeling nauseous.
“Are you alright?” Finnick asks.
“Still not over it.” is all you say, Finnick lifts his head up. You glance over to see that his eyes are open now, staring at the screen.
“Yeah, I can see why. Look away, I’ll tell you when it’s done.”
“Thanks.” you breathe, placing your head on the couch, staring at the sky. Well, the sky through the glass ceiling. There’s no way that the architects would ever let a place like this fall victim to something so heinous like rain.
“You went through something like this?” Gloss asks.
“Something similar.” Finnick says, he lets out a sigh, “And then got stabbed right after. To be fair, she was beat to hell in that fight. It was hardly fair.”
“But she got revenge, if I remember right.” Enobaria says, “(Y/n) single handedly killed three out of four of the career tributes.”
“Actually, I wouldn’t even count one of them, that was mostly mutts.” you say.
“It counts. I remember it counting.” Enobaria says.
It’s quiet for a moment, “Okay, it should be done.”
Right on time for you to look at the screen, a cannon blasts. Bauhinia releases Vanilee, stretching her fingers outwards, staring at her hands for a moment, like she can’t believe she’s done it. The moment that Vanilee’s name is yelled, Bauhinia is up and off of her, sprinting up towards the dam. It’s not very smart of her, she should be going downhill, or at least running the way she came for a while to put distance between her and the others, and then move downward diagonally.
Finnick goes back to putting his head on your shoulder. Enobaria has her jaw set, shaking her head. You can’t blame her, Vanilee was a trained volunteer. She got a nine on her training score, while Bauhinia landed herself a six, if you remember correctly. Even Vanilee had the feeling that there was something wrong, and she still went out by herself.
Two careers left in the game, though. It’s satisfying to see a second name greyed out on the Morning Line Odds. One less career for Annie and Marsh to worry about. If they were to go out and try and attack them now, you’re sure that it would be more than a fair fight. The only threat left is One girl. Sanguin.
Speaking of which, she’s running up towards where Vanilee lies in the dirt, red-purple hand marks bright around her neck. Geare is right behind her, weapon already displayed. At the pace that Bauhinia is going at the moment, you don’t think that he’ll have the chance to use it. But then again, the careers always bounce back in some unpredictable way.
Sanguin is quick, leaving Geare completely behind her, “Vanilee?” she yells.
She’s more or less making the same mistake that got Vanilee killed by leaving Geare behind her. Although, you all know that she can take care of herself in a fight. In fact, unlike Vanilee, Sanguin probably would’ve found a way to get out from underneath Bauhinia. Whether it be from the same way you did it, through momentum. Or some other unique tactic.
You’re not saying that Vanilee didn’t try, she definitely did. The marks up and down Bauhinia’s face and arms says so. The problem was that it wasn’t enough. But to be fair, there’s not much you can do in a situation like that in the first place. She was underprepared, caught off-guard without the opportunity to catch her breath and evaluate the situation before Bauhinia was back on her.
However, Bauhinia’s quick movement saved her. Just before Vanilee went to scream, Bauhinia cut off her vocals to make it impossible. And it’s not like she could’ve done much to stop the scratching, she needed both hands and all of her weight to put pressure on Vanilee’s neck.
Anyway, you think you’ll stop now. You’re beginning to struggle again.
All that matters is that it’s one less career in the arena, one more rung up the ladder. Gloss and Enobaria both have one tribute left before they’re sent home, which is actually pretty good news. It’s only been five years, but that’s ten tributes dead from District Four. Annie and Marsh can turn the tide, create a new era for Four in this decade. 
Gloss is sat back now too, his hands resting on his thighs. Cecelia is digging her thumb nail into her other palm, clearly worried over Bauhinia. The clock is ticking down for Bauhinia, she got a headstart away from the remaining two careers, but now she’s started a real hunt for herself. The careers will either give up, or work themselves to the bone for revenge. And they never let anyone off easy.
Sanguin slows down when she sees a body, she doesn’t stop until she’s standing over Vanilee. Her sword was originally raised, now it’s tip-down into the grass. She sighs heavily, “Motherfucker.”
Geare appears behind her a couple of seconds later, paling immensely when he sees what used to be his district mate. He freezes in place, Sanguin shakes her head, points the tip of the sword at Vanilee’s throat, “She was strangled.” and then looks up to the woods around her, “Whoever did it has to be nearby.”
“Not if they ran.” Geare manages.
“Then we fucking chase them.”
Gloss breaks the silence between you guys, “Sanguin is an excellent tracker. All she has to do is find Bauhinia’s trail.”
Spells for even more trouble, more than just for Bauhinia. Annie and Marsh have been walking the same path everyday for five days. By now, they’ve stomped their schedule into the grass and dirt. If the careers were to just barely run across their shack, all they’d have to do is follow your tributes’ path to their snares. After that, their field of snares is gone for.
You let out a breath, running a hand through your hair before sinking a bit. 
“The careers won’t wander upstream.” Finnick murmurs.
“They will if Bauhinia leads them up.” you whisper back, “You think that they’ll head back down?”
“If they’re smart they’ll leave the woods after they find her.”
“Fat chance, the careers are hound dogs. They caught the scent of one tribute, they’re going to be bloodthirsty for more.” you close your eyes, “I think it’s time for another sponsor gift.”
“The gamemakers will get suspicious. You’ve said so yourself a long ass time ago.”
He’s right. Annie and Marsh aren’t hurt or starving, sending another gift out of the blue would turn heads. Either you start hoping that one of them gets injured badly enough to need something other than healing cream, or you just have to let fate have her way with the arena. Which is hard to do, considering all the other times she’s screwed you over.
“This is their games.” Finnick reminds you, “Not ours. We’re in no control here.”
“I just want to help.” you say.
“I know. We just have to wait.”
Even though Gloss didn’t directly predict it, Sanguin goes around looking for a path to follow and finds the way that Bauhinia had run, “Grab her kama, let’s go.” she says, and then starts walking down the path.
Geare lets out a shaky breath at first, uttering out an apology. He takes the weapon and heads off after his only ally. It’s only slightly funny how Vanilee was the one acting a buffer between them, and now they’re having to work together. They start off walking, but end up jogging the longer they go on.
“I will not lose them.” Sanguin snarls.
Bauhinia isn’t running anymore, there’s sweat running down her face, she wipes her forehead to get the sweat from going into her eyes, and ends up smearing blood. She’s near the top of the hill, you can see the dam through the trees. She’s going to corner herself, there’s no doubt about it.
If she’s not careful, you think she could actually end up running the careers straight into the Seven tributes. It’s unlikely, you think. But if she runs along the dam, maybe a little downwards, it’ll bring her to their huts. They’re not at them right now, you don’t think. They do have to come back eventually, though.
Bauhinia huffs, sucks in air through her nose heavily. She winces when she stretches the skin in her neck and face, gently pressing her hand to the marks as if it’ll magically relieve the pain. She closes her eyes, takes another deep breath, and then takes off running again, not heading uphill, off to the right side.
Oh, that’s not good. 
“She’s going to lead them to Annie and Marsh.”
“You don’t know that.” Finnick says, but he’s lifted his head.
“She leads them to the stream, all they’d have to do is head half a mile down and they’re at the shack. They take up home there, and District Four is fucked.”
“She’s bringing them into uncharted territory. The careers are going to be more apprehensive--”
And all at once, you, Gloss and Enobaria answer the same way; “No, they’re not.”
On any other day, the unison would be funny. But Enobaria just lost a tribute, Gloss is worried about Sanguin heading in recklessly without thinking first, and Cecelia might lose her second tribute. The stakes have definitely risen today.
The chase continues for hours. You watch as people come and go out of the betting room, all wary about leaving when something so important is happening. None of you move from the couch area, except to stretch your legs if they fall asleep. Finnick dozes on and off, waking on his own every now and then.
Bauhinia is running them in circles at this point, zig-zagging. She ran towards the stream for a little while before heading straight down the hill, then decided that was an easy way to catch her, so she took a sharp right to head back to where she killed Vanilee. The body has been collected already, it was collected as soon as they had all cleared out of the space.
Annie and Marsh have just now started their way back, thankfully. It’ll be sundown in two to three hours, which will then give Bauhinia better cover. Gloss said that it’s going to be shitty to try and track in the dark. It’ll definitely slow Sanguin and Geare down, and by then Bauhinia will be long gone.
“It won’t last that long, though.” Gloss said, “Bauhinia’s getting tired. Sanguin and Geare have been forced to work hard like this for hours. It’s only a matter of time.”
He was only saying what all of you were thinking.
Finnick goes from his head resting on the back of the couch, to placing it on your shoulder. You reach up and behind to rub his hair slightly, “You’re going to have a kink in your neck if you keep this up.”
“I’m literally exhausted.”
“Then go up to your room, you’re going to be miserable tonight.” you say, he hums.
“You think Annie and Marsh will be fine?”
“I can take care of them, if not.”
He sighs, “Okay.” Finnick gets up from the couch, yawning loudly and stretching his arms above his head. He gives one last look to the screen before looking at the others, “Good luck.”
“See you later, Finnick.” Gloss nods. Enobaria waves, Cecelia thanks him for his company.
Just before he goes, he leans on the arm of the couch, staring down at you, “I might sleep through dinner.”
“I’ll go and get you, don’t worry about it.” you smile, “Go sleep.”
He leaves, and as soon as he’s through the door, Enobaria snorts slightly. You and Gloss look at her, “There’s totally a thing between you two.”
“Okay, fuck off.” you wave your hand, “You have other things to be worrying about.”
“Yeah, and what’s that?” Enobaria’s amused.
You raise your eyebrows tauntingly, “My tributes are going to kick Geare’s ass.”
“Ha!” Enobaria laughs, “He scored a ten!”
“And Sanguin scored a nine, yet your little boy in there’s a sheep.”
“Oh, that’s got to burn.” Gloss smiles, Enobaria socks his upper arm, barely earning a look of pain out of him.
Half an hour later, Bauhinia’s running on fumes. She’s inhaled all of her water by now and sweated it out. Every step she takes, she grimaces as if she’s got scabs on the back of her feet. It’s probably her calves burning from all the exertion. She’s completely out of breath, her face an underlying red color.
Bauhinia slowly comes to a stop, walking a little off to the side by a giant tree. She leans against it for a moment, you can imagine how awful she’s feeling at the moment. She lets go of the tree for only a moment, sways, and collapses in the grass, struggling to breathe. In a little less than two minutes, she’s hyperventilating, and it’s not exactly quiet.
Game over.
Sanguin and Geare are close behind her, both experiencing their own unique versions of exhaustion. Geare complains at least once every twenty minutes, while Sanguin just continuously hydrates, pauses, and keeps going. She might have scored a nine, but she’s got the determination of an eleven. Sanguin’s a fucking trooper.
There’s no way that Bauhinia is getting up from her spot in the grass. She has half the mind to clutch onto her knife though, knuckles a pale color from her hard she’s gripping it. It’s only ten minutes later when Sanguin and Geare are almost on top of her. Bauhinia falls silent, eyes slowly moving to where she had stopped running.
“Fucking hell.” Geare says, his voice is quiet, getting louder as they come to the spot, “Can’t fucking believe this.”
“It’s impressive.” Sanguin admits, “But they’re stupid. They could’ve at least tried to hide themselves. It’s like they didn’t even care.”
Bauhinia moves the knife around in her hand, Sanguin uses the sword to poke around at their surroundings, “I’m not seeing a path.”
“Which means?” Geare asks.
“Either they scrambled up a tree, or they’re right here.” Sanguin turns, looking at her ally, “Don’t kill them.”
“Yeah, I don’t plan on it. Not after all of this.” Geare says, they split, going two ways.
Bauhinia slips out of her backpack straps, which is smart. There’s a sick feeling in your stomach starting to arise, though. You know exactly what she’s planning, and she’s not going to get very far. She’s not the only one that can ditch a backpack and go running. 
Bauhinia tucks her knife in the leather belt, turns over onto her knees, watching through the bushes for the perfect moment to run. Geare has backtracked slightly, wanting to be thorough, just in case Bauhinia didn’t drop off there, and created a second, more invisible path. Sanguin turns her back.
You’ll give Bauhinia some credit, because not only is she arrogantly stupid, she’s also resiliant. One second, she’s standing over her black backpack, the next she’s twenty feet away from the careers already. All she had to do was quietly sneak away, but with the way she’s whipped through the bush leaves, she’s caught their attention.
“It’s a girl!” Sanguin shouts, shedding her backpack, “Give me the kama!”
Geare’s ripped it off of the backpack, completely destroying the strap that was holding it in place. Sanguin must run track in high school, because she moves through the trees like she’s running on solid ground. She doesn’t look where she’s stepping, just keeps her eyes on Bauhinia, tracking her every movement. Bauhinia moves upwards, Sanguin pushes for a diagonal path. There’s no getting out of this one.
At least Bauhinia’s running on adrenaline, otherwise you’re sure she would be some form of a corpse by now. You can’t imagine that all of this running is good on her heart. Especially when she’s probably not used to running for long periods of time.
Sanguin gets right up on her, but she knows that she won’t catch her exactly. It was smart of her to ditch her sword, since that’s heavier that shit. But it raises the question of the kama, because there’s no way she’ll know how to wield it… right?
Sanguin comes to a full halt, nearly throwing herself forward from how hard she stops. She draws her arm back quick enough to be a blur, and then whips it forward, the kama disappearing from her fingers. Sanguin is strong, because that fucking weapon flies through the air at twenty-five miles an hour at least. The curved blade goes right through Bauhinia’s back, sending her sprawling into the trees.
Sanguin is breathing heavily, continuing up the hill to her prey. It’s the same predatory look in her eyes that you saw in Lennox’s. The desire for sweet revenge, or the sadistic mindset of murder for enjoyment. No one who volunteers for the Hunger Games is in their right minds. You’re surprised that the districts don’t require them to go to therapy after shit like this.
Bauhinia is sobbing into the dirt, hands balled into fists. Blood has seeped through her shirt where the kama has stabbed her. Only a couple seconds later, Geare is coming up behind them both. Sanguin isn’t concerned, doesn’t even look to check. Instead, she leans down and grabs the handle of the kama, and without a single hint of remorse, yanks the weapon out of her back.
You cringe, a gag rising in your throat at how much blood comes gushing out. Bauhinia’s scream of agony is nightmare-inducing, making goosebumps raise on your arms and a chill go down your back. Forget watching her strangle Vanilee to death. This is worse. Much, much worse.
Sanguin’s covered in rich colored blood, little specks across her face like freckles. The kama is quite literally dripping in Bauhinia’s blood, landing in droplets in the dirt, grass and weeds. Bauhinia’s scream-sobbing, her back is a giant open wound, you think you can even see her spine. How the fuck is she still alive?
“Oh my god.” you breathe, pressing the back of your hand to your forehead. You feel hot, and your mouth is watering more than usual.
The Capitol finds entertainment in moments like these, and even worse, tributes like Sanguin long for murders that keep everyone on their toes. Cecelia lets out a shaky breath, sniffs, and then stands, “I can’t do it.”
“Cecelia, I’m sorry.” Gloss says.
“I’ll see you next year.” is all she says, and then she’s gone too.
A giant puddle is forming beneath Bauhinia, the stench of metal and dirt has to be strong enough to bring tears to your eyes. You remember when you cracked a head open, and immediately puked after. It’s the same thing, only yours being slightly worse.
“You’ve trained a fucking psychopath.” you get up from the couch to have something to do to take your mind off of the rising vomit in your throat.
“Yeah…” Gloss’ voice is distant.
It’s hard to watch the rest of what happens to Bauhinia. Like promised, Sanguin doesn’t let her get off easy. Bauhinia should be dead already, and yet the hits just keep coming. Sanguin’s so ruthless that Geare doesn’t even feel the need to step in, leaning against the tree with a dead-straight face, arms crossed.
Sometimes Bauhinia is able to grasp a few words, always a plea for Sanguin to stop. Otherwise, she’s gurgling blood when Sanguin hits harder. Just this morning, Sanguin’s odds had already boosted from a 4-1 to 3-1, but now they’re 1-1, Geare is 2-1. And your tributes are fucked if they ever run across these two.
By the time Bauhinia does finally die, it’s almost an hour later, Sanguin and Geare weren’t even done with what they wanted to do. They pick up their shit, and on the way out, Geare lands a particularly hard kick to the side of Bauhinia’s head. They don’t look back when they walk away.
The show is over. They grab Bauhinia’s backpack at where she’d collapsed and set up camp right there. Sanguin grumbles about how Bauhinia probably stole the backpack from the cornucopia a while ago. They raid it, toss the remaining stuff into the bushes, and start a fire. They have enough water to drink and take their time to catch their breath. But they’re not planning on doing anything else today. They’re at least a mile away from the stream, as far as you can tell. 
Annie and Marsh are almost back at the shack. They’ve already eaten their dinner on the way, from what you remember. And if they’re hungry later tonight, they agreed to just eat it cold. They don’t want to take any chances when it comes to being caught at their homebase. You appreciate the both of them.
Five boy, who was on the left side of the arena, has now migrated almost all the way to the right side of the arena. The gamemakers were all so caught up in showing the chase for hours that they weren’t able to show what the others were up to. The boy moving from one end to another is actually pretty impressive, but you’re starting to worry. The right side is becoming crowded.
Your two tributes, the two careers, and now Five boy. District Seven is three miles away at most, the only person who’s on the other side is Nine girl. There’s eight people left in the arena, and more than half are too close to your tributes for comfort.
The evening goes too quickly for your liking, you just spent hours feeling nauseous for Cecelia, and now that it’s over it’s almost forgotten completely. Annie takes watch in the shack tonight, Marsh falls asleep next to the wall, one arm bent above his head, the other resting on his stomach.
Five boy travels for a little while longer before making his home. He picks leaves off of bushes and chews them while making a bed of grass comfortable enough to sleep on. Nine girl looks like she’s found herself a hiding spot under a rock that’s behind a fallen log. The log is a home to bugs, so you’re not entirely sure if it’s a good spot to stay for the night or not. And District Seven is comfortable in their huts near the middle-top of the arena. 
With the sun setting already, and the betting room mostly cleared out, you feel comfortable enough to get up and try to eat dinner. You’re not exactly hungry, especially not after all that you’ve just watched, but you know that you don’t want to be ordering food in your room in the middle of the night. Or gorging yourself in the morning.
“I probably won’t come back down here. I don’t think another fight’s going to break out tonight.” you briefly twirl a strand of hair around your finger before letting it go.
Gloss gives you a hug, bidding you a good night. Enobaria says the same, you wish her good luck when it comes to breaking the news to Wade. She rolls her eyes, “He’s going to be dramatic about it, but I’m pretty sure he’s not going to be awful. The real fun here is going to be telling Cashmere what Sanguin did.”
You both look to Gloss, “Yeah, she’s not going to be thrilled. You think the gamemakers will kill her?”
“If she starts licking blood off of her fingers, definitely.” you say, which earns a laugh out of your friends.
The second you step out of the betting room, you start feeling better. It’s fresh air from what you’ve been breathing for the past hour. While the hallway smells like stale concrete, it’s also more moist than it is inside, but not moldy. The inside of the betting room is dry, mostly because of the fact that it’s underneath the glass ceiling. If you were to describe it; dirt, sunlight, and dust. And if it’s particularly hot: sweat.
You don’t head straight up, opting for a few minutes to yourself before you ultimately have to explain what happened in the arena to Finnick. You’re sure that you won’t have to get into the gorey details, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t know the severity of it. Every couple of years, tributes like Sanguin come around, and it’s always a bloody ending. They always get stuck with some title like ‘Ruthless’ and take pride when other mentors steer clear.
Sometimes, you hear people debating whether or not you fall under that topic. And honestly, sometimes it’s hard for you to know, yourself.
You take the elevator up to the Four floor, holding onto the railing. You’ve seen more than your fair share of gorey moments inside and outside of the arena by now. At this point, you’re sure that you’re being tested to see how far you can be pushed before you snap. The truth is that you have an immeasurable amount of patience. It’s going to take a while.
The moment you get upstairs, you go ahead and turn the tv on and wait. Finnick had only come up here a little while ago, it wouldn‘t hurt to give him some more time before he’s subjected to a boring night. He can always just sleep down there, of course. But it’s more comfortable to sleep in your own bed, even if it’s just for a little while.
You take a seat on the couch, untie your shoes, and watch Annie. She’s talking to Marsh at the moment, mostly speculation on who died. Two tributes is a lot, considering all that’s happened. It isn’t until the anthem comes on, do they realize that they can just look into the sky and see who it was for themselves.
They both slip out just in time to see that Vanilee is one of the dead tributes from today. Annie grins slightly, elbowing Marsh. He elbows her right back, looking just as happy. And with Bauhinia showing up next, they head inside right after. 
“Two careers.” Marsh whispers, “We ought to take them on ourselves.”
“Us and what army?” Annie asks.
They’re both quiet for a couple of minutes, until Marsh speaks again, “I think we could do it.”
“It’s a risk.”
“The entire Hunger Games is a risk. We knew that and volunteered anyway. What’s the harm in a little more?”
Annie doesn’t answer him, he drifts off to sleep. The truth is that if you’re not ready to go at it with a whole heart, you shouldn’t go into it at all. Annie is conflicted, you hope she doesn’t buckle just because Marsh is applying pressure. All it takes is one moment of hesitance with the careers now, and your tributes are screwed.
Still, you sit and watch for an hour or so longer, as the tributes settle into their spots. The moment that Sanguin says that she doesn’t want to take watch tonight, you’re at ease. You pick up your shoes by the back, and head up towards your room, right after telling the avoxes that you’ll be out to eat in a moment. 
You drop your shoes off in your room. On your way over to wake up Finnick, you can hear the door close. It’s Elysia, dressed in sunshine yellow and pink. She gives you a slight wave before sitting down at the table. You continue on your adventure to Finnick’s room, gently knocking on the door before you open it.
Finnick is passed out on the bed, anyway. You stand there for a moment, hesitating on whether or not you should actually wake him up. You think that you’re just fine to keep going in the betting room for a while longer. If you take it easy after dinner, you should have loads of more hours in you. And you’ll actually get to see Cashmere and Wade for the first time in a couple of days. 
However, it doesn’t work out like that. You go to turn and leave, but Finnick inhales sharply and sits upright on his bed, “Fucking Christ, you scared me.” He lets out a small laugh, and rubs his face, “That’s one way to wake me up.”
“Through your sixth sense?” You joke, Finnick snorts.
“Something like that.” He looks at you, “Anything wrong?”
“Just dinner time. And I should probably catch you up on what happened after you left. Get dressed, Elysia’s out here.” You flick on his lightswitch, since the room has grown dark without any natural light, and then you leave.
Elysia is at the table, food displayed all across it. She helps herself, giving herself small portions. Knowing her, she’s planning on trying everything at least once to try and not seem rude. You take your regular spot, and start out pretty light, not wanting to push yourself. You don’t know how much you’re going to be able to tolerate.
Finnick comes out a couple of moments later, wearing jeans and a black shirt. He sits beside you, but stares at the tv for a while, probably trying to figure out what happened exactly.
“Today was… eventful.” Elysia says, there’s a hint of distaste in her voice. You’re so glad that you got stuck with an escort that’s some form of sane. If you had one of those Capitol people that act like your former prep team when something bad happens, you would’ve murdered her by now. It makes for hard conversation when you’re at opposing sides. 
“Finnick missed it.” You tell her, “Do you think there’ll be a recap of it?”
“Do you want to watch the recap?” She asks, face twisting, “Does he?”
You both barely glance at Finnick, who’s not very entertained by all the vagueness. It doesn’t even cross your mind that Elysia might be right and he wouldn’t want to watch someone literally get their back ripped out. You’ve seen the shit that Finnick has done, or watched when he was bored.
“Finnick’s got an iron stomach. Your back is to the tele anyway, you should be fine as long as you don’t turn around.” And you should be fine if you don’t watch the particularly bad parts. In the end, Elysia helps you rewind to when Bauhinia collapses in the bushes.
“This happened thirty minutes after you left.” You say, deciding that you should eat while you can.
Finnick doesn’t seem bothered at first, watching as the careers come around and start looking for her. It’s only their natural instinct, and it’s the same thing for when Bauhinia pushes herself to her feet. Finnick does react when he realizes that she’s going to run.
“Wow.” He says, pulling apart a honey roll, eating it in bits.
“It gets worse.” You say.
Elysia barely glances over her shoulder, apprehensive, “Much, much worse.”
Bauhinia runs, Finnick exhales. Sanguin shouts, collects the kama, and leaves Geare in the dust. He’s moving behind her, but not as quickly.
“She’s fast.” Finnick sounds impressed, “And so is Bauhinia.”
“Not fast enough.” You find your fingers twisting the ring, anxious.
Sanguin catches up, and the moment she comes to that quick stop, you hold your breath. The kama flies through the air, lodging into Bauhinia. Finnick tilts his head. The room falls silent, Elysia finishes her meal just in time for Sanguin to reach Bauhinia. 
You turn your head away, but you’re still stuck with the sound of squelching and blood-curdling screaming. Finnick’s face twists, eyebrows pushing in, “How did Cecelia take it?”
“Left before this happened. Gloss tried to apologize, but she said she’d see us next year.”
“Probably not.” Finnick shakes his head, “And this went on for how long?l
Elysia turns the tv off, “Practically an hour.”
You two go back to eating, Elysia’s space is cleared. “Anything else happen?”
“Nine girl got a backpack this afternoon, just before I went down to see you. Her pick of the litter since the careers were absent from the cornucopia. Five boy is almost on the right side.”
Finnick chokes, “Already? When did he start heading that way?”
“Sometime during the great chase, the gamemakers showed all the tributes after the fact. Also, Marsh has proposed the idea of him and Annie going after the careers since they’re down a tribute. Annie doesn’t think it’s a great idea.”
“That’s because Annie has some common sense.”
“Yeah.” You agree.
Elysia stays out with you guys just long enough to pass on a few messages from Laurel and Pleurisy. It’s not anything important, just meaningless facts about their progress, they want to know your opinions on if your tributes still have a chance. Your answer is yes.
She goes to her room, Finnick finishes eating. You tell him that he can probably sleep for a while longer without having to go downstairs. You got confirmation from the careers that they weren’t going to try and go night hunting after what they’ve been through today.
“What're you going to do in your free time?” Finnick asks, you shrug and jab your thumb down the hall.
“Go outside and try not to puke.”
“Did it know you were so squeamish.” There’s a cheeky smile on his face.
You give him a look, and then disappear down the dark hallway. Your fingers find the doorknob, twisting it. The summer air is surprisingly cold, but surely refreshing. You take in a deep breath, and feel like an idiot almost immediately after. It’s air.
Finnick comes out right behind you, shutting the door. The city is calm, no one is in the streets celebrating an exciting day. You lean against the railing and take in deep breaths of air. It wasn’t a good idea to rewatch the recap, you’ve decided this now. Even if you weren't watching it directly, you still heard it all.
“Annie and Marsh are going to be okay.” Finnick says.”
“I think so too, as long as they don’t go running towards the careers. That’s a fight I don’t want to watch them lose. If you thought Sanguin on Bauhinia was bad, imagine what she’ll do to Annie.” You look at Finnick.
He hadn’t considered that, you can tell by the look on his face. He sighs, which turns into a yawn, “Well, Annie Can take care of herself.”
“There’s no hoping, she can take care of herself.” Finnick pauses for a moment, “Imagine having Annie or Marsh in Victor’s Village. One of them could be our new neighbor.” 
You snort, smiling, “Talk about a nightmare. My house already hosts practically everyone during the dinners, adding Annie’s family on top of that means we’ll have to get a bigger table. Or worse, build one ourselves.”
“Reed is handy!” Finnick laughs.
“He’s not handy, and neither is Mox.” You shake your head, the ide app either of them attempting to build a table is stupid. You’ll just have to find some sort of carpenter and hope that the dining room is big enough.
“How many people do you normally have over?” Finnick asks.
“Think you have a table?” You joke.
“Maybe.” He grins, “I’m just curious, honestly. Last time I went to one of your dinners, I was sixteen.”
“Yeah, well, it’s my entire family, which is four. And Caspian’s family, which is seven.” Finnick laughs, you chuckle slightly, “Sometimes Mayor Burrula and his family, which is four. Definitely Anchor…” you trail off, counting, “Sixteen people, give or take.”
“You’ll invite Anchor but not Mags?”
“Oh! I forgot Mags. She comes to our dinners every night, though. Guess I should count her as family at this point.”
“Anchor isn’t?”
You look at Finnick again to see that his eyebrows are raised, “Still curiosity?”
He shrugs, “Are you still dating?”
“No, not anymore.” you follow a car until it turns a corner, “We were only together for a couple of months… last christmas through August.”
“Huh, felt like longer.”
You give him a look, “How’d you even know?”
“I pay attention. Why’d you break up?”
You hum, “Well, for starters, he’s like five or six years older than me. He’s worked through all of his problems, and I’m not even done yet.” you pick at your nails, “He didn’t like seeing me stressed out all the time, either. He was there for me when I needed him but he thought that I was dragging him around like a weight.” you look back at Finnick, “Partially your fault, mostly mine because I don’t know how to chill out apparently.”
“Don’t need to tell me twice.” Finnick says.
You make a face, and then punch his arm as hard as you can. Finnick’s still rubbing the spot when you go back to where you were standing before, “Anyway, asshole. Him and I still hang out when we can. I take care of Mags, he takes care of Luther.” you snort, “You and Scotch have something in common, can you guess what it is?”
“Fuck you.” Finnick’s laughing, “I’ve done my part this year!”
“After I nearly killed you three times.” you run a hand through your hair, getting it out of your face, “But yeah, Anchor and I aren’t together anymore.”
“Seeing someone else?”
You look at him, “Are you?”
Finnick shakes his head, “No, not yet.”
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mediocre--writing · 4 years
The One Where Billy Can Braid
(billy and bee series)
(billy has a younger sister, bee)
their mother always had wild and unruly hair and so did bee and billy. for billy it wasn’t so bad because it was short, but bee was a crazy little girl who loved to play outside and her hair was always frizzy
so when their mother would braid her hair before going outside, billy would patiently wait beside their mother and watch because he had nothing better to do
so after years of watching her braid, billy gets the gist of how to braid
on the sad, sad day their mother leaves, billy decides that he’ll have to fill her place for bee
so he starts doing little braids in his own hair for practice, they’re not great and his hairs kinda short, but he works with what he has and teaches himself how to do it well
so one day, a few months after she’d left, bee was having a bad day and their dad was at work, so billy told her to sit on the floor in front of the couch while they were watching a movie
confused, bee sat on the floor
but when billy started brushing through her hair with his fingers, grabbing small sections and starting to do a (little bit sloppy) french braid down the back of her head...
bee almost cried at the feeling, not having her mother there to do it for her and not knowing how to do it herself
over the years, billy has a sense of when bee feels upset or is just having a crappy day, and he’ll braid her hair, sometimes it’s a full french braid or two, sometimes it’s just a few small, three strand braids in random spots around her head
nonetheless, it puts both of them at ease after a long, exhausting day
and, years later, bee still can’t braid very well. billy will braid her hair for her soccer games or if she asks him nicely enough
they never share their tradition. nobody but bee knows that billy can do intricate braids that always look amazingly done.
but one day, at the beginning of summer, max comes raging and storming through the house, looking red in the face and slamming her door shut with a loud bang.
bee, not concerned with teenage drama but had a soft spot for the little spitfire as of recent months, knocks lightly on the door.
“come in” a soft voice is heard behind the door
bee entered slowly and max was mopping her tears off her face with her comforter
“friend troubles?”
“boy trouble.” max grumbled, “lucas is a dick,”
“understandable. you know what always makes me feel better when i’m upset?”
“eating your weight in ice cream and never leaving your room for a week?”
bee giggled, but shook her head, “follow me”
a gentle hand on her wrist, max was led out of her room and to the living room, which was rattling with the music billy was blasting while lifting weights.
she sat max in front of the couch and went over to billy talking quietly (which was really a normal volume with the blaring music)
billy wasn’t happy with whatever she was saying or asking, max couldn’t tell either way
after a few minutes, billy peaked around bee's shoulder and rolled his eyes, huffing before turning his music off and storming down the hallway.
max thought he was just going back into his room so she and bee could have the living room to themselves...
but then bee sits next to her on the floor and billy comes back with a brush and a few hair ties on his wrist, a grumpy look on his face
he sits on the couch behind max and pulls his fingers through the ends of her knotty hair, getting rid of big knots before brushing through the rest of it, parting her hair in the middle.
then he gently grabs three strands at the top of max's hairline and braids down, then moves to the other side to keep braiding.
meanwhile, bee is holding max's hands and rubbing her palm in soothing motions, humming softly like billy would do for her.
it took a lot of convincing for him to braid max’s hair and there was no wiggle room for his soothing humming.
but max’s eyes were closed and she looked less upset than before.
after billy finished, he patted her on the shoulders, going back to his room and bee pulled max to her side by her shoulders, leaning against the couch and just laying quietly.
when susan gets home after her shift, she’s met by a very, very soft hum of billy’s music, which would usually be blasting loudly, and the sight of her two girls cuddled on the floor in front of the couch, a remnants of tears on max’s face and her hair neatly braided, just as she’d seen bee’s hair every once and awhile
padding gently through the house, susan put her coat on the rack and her shoes by the door, and walking down the hallway and rapping gently on billy’s door
a grunt told her that it was ok to open the door. when she did, billy was reading a book and laying on his bed, music soft from the radio by his window.
she just stared at the boy for a few moments as he read. his eyes eventually found hers and he raised an eyebrow,
“need something, susan?” she shook her head.
“you’re a very good brother, billy,” she said softly as she walked out of his room to begin dinner prep for the night and leave the girls to lay for a while longer.
because billy really was a great brother, even if he was grumpy 97% of the time
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shadow-scenarios · 4 years
hey! my bro and I are in a run & I got hit with this idea! So whaT if while Aketchi was playing good against his better judgment he started falling for kind/sweet!reader, & they seem the most hurt by his outburst/transformation - & when they reach out for him like a hug or something he hurts them really bad and snaps out of it to cry over her and confesses all sad & she’s not dead but weakly tells him that he doesn’t need shido cause he’s precious or whatever to her?
Hello Anon!! I had to read this about four times to get the gist of what you were saying but I think I understood. Akechi angst is good for the soul, I swear!
Trigger Warning: Blood ;; Injuries ;; Violence ;; Swearing
- Nexus.
Blooming Villain | Goro Akechi
Kindness was a foreign concept to Goro Akechi. He held his true personality away from the masses under the mantra of ‘ the world cannot be hate you if the world does not know you ’. Suppressing his inner rage & turmoil led to him manifesting a second Persona with the God given gift to make a heart psychotic.
With this, he plunged the world into chaos. They would finally understand the circumstances he was forced into. How sick people made him with their petulant bullshit. How much he despised Masiyoshi Shido. Akechi was the puppeteer, everyone else the puppets.
Until the Phantom Thieves began to make a display. Harpering on about bringing criminals to justice & how evildoers would be punished. Once he ascertained their identities, they would be torn to shreds, crippled by their own mistakes. That criminal trash Akira Kurusu & his band of motley do-gooders were nothing to fret about. It was simple: Laying the blame on them. He dismantled their foundations at the roots by killing off the leader, leaving the rest to scatter in fear of their lives.
Call it detective’s intuition but something was off as he began to piece the puzzle together: It was the bug planted on his phone that finally tipped him off. Everyone had known from the beginning, even if they acted so nonchalantly towards him. If they had listened in on his phone conversations, then they knew about Shido and the manifestation of his distorted desires.
So he waited. Waited for the Phantom Thieves.
The confrontation came on the afternoon of December 15th. It was a grey morning, rimed with frost & dark clouds on the horizon. Entering the Metaverse in his detective prince outfit was jarring but he paid no mind. Akechi watched as they solved the puzzles, obtaining the Letters of Recommendation until they reached the final room.
Engaging them with the princely facade & the psychotic shadows, he was quickly defeated. As to be expected. They began to spout their trash about teaming up, working together, overturning fate by working together. The same petulant bullshit everyone had given him.
Screaming at them to shut up, his transformation began. Akechi had to be stronger than them. No, he was. Loki began to manifest & they all watched in varied states of horror as his true mask began to unveil itself.
Individually, they were easily crushed. Much like ants. However, it was a colony of ants that worked together. Bringing each other back up when one was knocked down. He had almost managed to kill Joker, until one of his pathetic teammates threw themselves in the way. Despite the power he carried as a Wild Card, he was eventually defeated.
Frustrated would never be able to convey anything Akechi was feeling as the last of his energy sapped away. Losing was never a possibility in his mind & the Desperation began to set in. Slaughtering them all would be what he achieved, no matter the cost to his body.
Still, he had lost. All of his ambitions began to crumble around him & he could feel his pulse counting down the seconds he had left to live. They were going to end it all here as his vision began to blur-
A figure stepped out of formation & began to approach. They were decked out in the same fancy garb as all the other Phantom Thieves but there was boldness to the way they moved.
After everything he had put into motion, all of the harm he had caused, she still reached for his hand as he knelt on the ground, his mask shattered. Pieces realigned in his memory. Akechi remembered her as she spoke:
“ Akechi, don’t you want to come with us? ”
It was her. The person he cared about in some sort of twisted sense.
The day they met was supposed to be average. Kosei High was an institution for the privileged, which was what made Akechi despise it so. Plastic smiles & easily hidden facades, no one ever had good intentions when they approached.
He had made a foolish error, losing some of the paperwork he needed for the latest case. It would not have him lose his job as it did not contain any confidential information but it would be tiresome to rewrite. As to not arouse suspicion, he carefully picked his way through the classroom, his body language rigorously casual.
Someone tapped him on the back & he whipped around.
“ You’re Akechi, right? Well, I found some of your detective stuff underneath the desk you sit at & you seemed kinda lost so I thought I’d return it, ” was all she said as a small stack of papers were offered to him. It was exactly what he was looking for.
Taking them into his arm to ensure nothing had been taken from him, he gave her a once-over. Donning the Kosei High uniform as any student would, she seemed mostly composed. Usually, the fangirls were the most distracting part of his career with all the harassment & questions that were slightly too inappropriate to answer but she seemed less bothered about who he was, instead ensuring that he obtained what had been previously lost.
“Ah, thank you. I had been looking for these. It wouldn’t look very good for a detective to lose their work, ” he replied, playing his role.
“ No worries about it, we all lose things sometimes! Anyway, I have to go now, lunch is starting soon. See you around. ” As quickly as the conversation began, it had ended & Akechi was genuinely baffled.
There was one thing he had gleaned from that interaction: Her smile was genuine. She had wanted to help him, in return for nothing.
Second meetings were uncommon but somehow it was possible.
One of the most common places for Akechi to eat lunch was the school rooftop. It was quiet during the winter & the sound of wind rushing through his ears was serene compared to anything the school had to offer. There was something softly screeching open & as he turned to face whoever it was, there was recognition from both of them.
“ Ah. Akechi. I’m really sorry if I’m interrupting something, I like to come up here whenever there’s too much noise, ” she clarified, making no move closer nor further.
“ You’re no trouble at all. I’m merely taking a break as well. ”
So she sat. They talked. It was never about anything important but it was therapeutic not having to regurgitate promises about the Phantom Thieves & serving justice. Eventually it became a somewhat regular routine, as whenever he attended school she was there waiting. This went on for a few months with them exchanging contact information to keep in touch, even when not in school.
Being in denial was not going to help him approach the situation. He liked her. She was counted among one of his very few friends & yet he longed. Ached. Every time she said something, he felt like a fool. Only through years of practise did he barely stutter. It felt both exhilarating & disgusting at the time. No matter. Puppy crushes were easy to smother out.
When he found out she was a Phantom Thief, he felt betrayed. Was he just a source of information to her?
Yet even in the Metaverse when Akechi was essentially blackmailing them, she was still as sweet as ever. Akira insisted on having the two of them in the front lines for almost the entirety of Sae’s Palace & although keeping pace was relatively easy { he had been through entire Palaces on his own }, she always made sure to check up on him whenever possible.
In the Safe Rooms when the Phantom Thieves were to take a break, she insisted on patching up his wounds & try as he might there was no refusing. Her touch was gentle, unlike anything else he had experienced. Even if she casted a healing spell such as Diaharan, there was something all too soothing about the way it helped. It made him want to throw up.
Irrationally, all of his mangled thoughts correlated together: She had betrayed him; She was the one who decided to side with the Phantom Thieves; She would be in the front lines of the battle. He never needed her petulant bullshit.
“ Shut up! I don’t need pity, especially from the likes of you. You’re the one who pretended to care, only to go behind my back & side with them. ”
Something about the way his sword slashed all the way across her body was far too easy. The fabric from her Phantom Thief outfit tore like paper & it was clear the protector underneath did not suffice, as she screamed in agony.
Akechi did not care. He never cared to begin with.
Then why did he catch her?
Watching her blood permeate his costume was worse than any physical pain he had ever experienced. The Phantom Thieves were staring and he almost collapsed from the raw shock. It was obvious she was trying to speak but all she could do was cough up blood.
Working quickly in a panicked haze, Akechi simply put pressure onto her wound. He did not know any healing skills, though he really wished he did right now. Curses mumbled out as a fresh emotion covered his rage, his contempt for those around him: Sorrow.
Someone touched his face & he whipped his head down.
“ I- I know you’re angry,” she uttered through gritted teeth, “ but you don’t have to be. You’re precious. Shido doesn’t need you, Goro. ”
Crying was a foreign concept to Goro Akechi.
Word Count: 1.5k
Publish Date: 01.10.20
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