#the sports festival really is awful the more you genuinely think about it all
Celebrating Ramadan With Ace and Deuce
Platonic Ace x muslim!fem!reader x Deuce
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First of all these boys would be so accommodating with you if you’re a muslim
They’d try to learn as much as they could about your religion either from you or asking a few Scarabian students.
They’d even ask the Scarabian students for things like lunar calendars or tasbihs or travelling prayer mats in case you need one 
They do their best to make sure you’re comfortable if you’re the type that has issues being too close with the opposite gender, always making sure to keep a respectable distance between you and ensuring that the rest of the student body do the same
If you want to pray, they’d just wordlessly use their bags as your sutrah and basically be your bodyguards until you’re done 
Also, for the hijabi girlies, they’d be so respectful. If your hair starts to show they’d avert their eyes quicker than you could blink and inform you. If anyone bothers you or looks at you in a way that you’re not comfortable with, they’d be decked onto the floor in a flash.
You bet they would have a few spare hijab pins or carry an extra shawl in case of emergencies 
Anyway, back to Ramadan
So when you tell them about fasting, they’d first get all shocked. Poor Deuce is besides himself thinking that you’ll be starving yourself for a whole month before you elaborate on how it’s just from sunrise to sunset and then explain the spiritual significance for it. 
Not going to lie, these guys are so the type to be like “you can’t even drink water?? 🙃”
They’re both super proud of you and are just in constant awe of your strength 
I feel like they’d want to do it with you as a show of unity, and to help you with your homesickness, but since they’re both athletes (especially with Deuce being in such a high stamina/adrenaline sport like Track and Field), you suggest that they start with half fasts to ease themselves into it
(also props to everyone that still works out during fasting hours - you’re all incredible and absolute superheroes. My mum goes to the gym practically every morning and I’m still amazed every time.)
Also, when you’re doing your make up fasts to compensate for the ones you missed due to mother nature, you bet they’ll be right by your side fasting with you
I bet Deuce would feel genuinely offended if someone ate in front of you. Like he’d just stare at someone as if they’re smuggling contraband instead of just munching on their sandwich.
They make sure to do as much as you can so you could rest as much as possible. They set the table for iftar and suhoor (they even get up before you and wake you up), and do the cleaning up whilst you go to pray
Food usually comes from Sam’s shop or Trey (I don’t remember how they were during the culinary crucible but I really wouldn’t want those two in my kitchen before iftar whilst I’m fasting)
They’re always carrying your bag/things and practically never leave your side. Ramshackle is practically their second home at this point.
They love to learn more about your practices, especially traditions that you would do back home and you feel so loved to share that with them. You even teach them arabic (which ends with you getting a stern talking to from Jamil when Ace practices your lessons during basketball club)
Having a henna night with them would be so fun, just listening to nasheeds as you apply henna to both yourself and your best friends (who would take it so seriously and make such a noticeable effort to stay completely still until it dries and it’s both endearing and hilarious)
Okay but one time my sister fell asleep on her hand with henna on it and she woke up the next morning with a faded orange matching pattern on her cheek and that totally happens to Ace
They would totally (with Scarabia’s help) decorate Ramshackle with lights and lanterns to make it all festive
Just the two of them acting as your family in this strange new world 💛
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plusultraetc · 2 months
👀👀 you mentioned a sports festival rant?
YES Sports Festival rant!! When I answered this ask about MHA favorites, I 'jotted down a couple of notes about the Sports Festival' which turned into like. A 1.5k word essay. In my defense, this arc truly does have it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly. There's so much to talk about here that 1.5k words doesn't even begin to cover it!!
The Good:
So until now I have been a predominantly anime fan who occasionally reads the manga when I need a quick refresher on something, or I just want to reexperience a chapter through a slightly different lens. That being said, I haven't read through the Sports Festival arc in its entirety, so my opinions are based on the anime, and in the anime, this is genuinely such a fun arc to watch. It has a similar low-stakes-high-energy vibe to Joint Training; the audience is properly introduced to so many new characters and their quirks; and there are some really great emotional beats throughout (shoutout to Todoroki vs Sero. I am HAUNTED by the entire stadium in awe of Todoroki's instant-win juxtaposed with Midoriya thinking 'In that moment, he looked very sad to me.' That split-second moment where Todoroki wonders if not using his father's quirk really makes him any less Endeavor's son? HAUNTED.)
MY PERSONAL FAVORITE PART OF THE ARC: Aizawa & Present Mic's stand up comedy routine in the commentator's booth. They had no reason to be as funny as they were. 'There you have it folks, Eraserhead is a terrible teacher' I mean. I did write a fic about the circumstances leading up to the comedy routine and it is,, not super lighthearted but let's ignore that for now and focus on the silly. I WILL SAY, something else Sports Festival does is constantly remind me that characters like Aizawa, Mic, Midnight, and All Might are products of UA and, in turn, of pro hero society. Those first three especially are products of an All Might-centric pro hero society, which adds another messy layer to the things they are willing to accept and even encourage. Huge brainrot about the pro hero house of cards balanced on the wobbly table that is All Might forever!!
Midoriya is really at his most Midoriya in this arc also. I personally think Izuku is at his best when his ingenuity and empathy are the focus (these are character traits that imo become less and less prominent as the show goes on and his focus shifts to becoming stronger. You can probably pinpoint the exact moment where his priorities change (at least I think so?) and then you could probably write an essay about trauma and responsibility and cry). ANYWAY, early Midoriya is Very Worried All The Time about doing exactly as All Might says, which is why it is so so important that he does not win the Sports Festival. The Festival is kind of a microcosm of the pro hero world, with the medal ceremony being the parallel/precursor for hero rankings. Coming in first place/being Number One is a big big deal in this arc, as always. Izuku's most impactful moment is when he prioritizes something (or someone) else over that coveted first place medal, in spite of how badly he wants to impress All Might and be worthy of his legacy. He was just a really good bean in this arc okay???
The "Bad" (but no less interesting!):
As wonderful as it was to see the pro heroes come to the rescue at USJ, the Sports Festival is here to remind us that, in so many ways, this world is a dystopia. It's not just because of the Hunger Games-esque nature of watching children fight each other & broadcasting it worldwide for entertainment and profit. When you think about it, the Sports Festival is kind of like college-level sports, just with superpowers and high schoolers (there's even a recruitment aspect. It's literally like MHA college football). And sure, fighting each other with superpowers is considerably more violent than your average sport, but they do have people with healing quirks like Recovery Girl on standby. Even serious injuries can literally be undone in seconds. What makes the college sports-ification of hero school so weird is the 'hero' part. Like, not only are you already indoctrinating your future heroes (who have so much relatively unchecked power & responsibility as pros) into the hero/celebrity culture super early on, but the students are competing to impress current pros, secure a good internship, and further their careers. Like. You're essentially teaching them that being a good hero = putting on a good show. Maybe if the point wasn't to 'win' an internship it wouldn't be so strange to me but as is? Wild. Really fun bit of worldbuilding. I am spinning it in my head like a carnival prize wheel.
I also want to take a minute to talk about the medal ceremony here. I thiiink that Bakugou being chained to the podium is meant to be comedic(?), kind of a 'look how mad he is, they literally had to drag him out here' moment, but the conflation of hero/villain imagery in this scene. Omg. Again, the medal ceremony is like a mini hero ranking (that he has won!!!) but the only other time we've seen a muzzle-like thing like the one Bakugou is wearing is on a villain in the first episode. To bring that back at this moment?? The bars of my enclosure. The bars of my english degree. Agh.
I actually mentioned this around the time I posted that very silly Sports Festival fic for Monoma’s birthday, but can we talk about how 1-A IMMEDIATELY turns on each other during this arc? Like?? They’re a MESS. Obv the writing reason for this is that there needs to be competition to make this competition arc interesting (and it succeeds!) but 1-A’s immediate willingness to go for the jugular gets Really Awkward when you realize they are literally the only class that does this—and, what’s more, that there is literally no reason for them to do this. Unnamed 1-C student #3 is right: the other first year classes are only participating in the Festival to make the hero students look good. We know this because the first challenge—the obstacle race—is literally designed to eliminate non-Hero Course students from the competition. Even if hero students didn’t have (generally) more powerful quirks and more training than everyone else, the very first obstacle in the race is the Hero Course Entrance Exam robots—ie, a challenge the hero students have already beaten, but that disqualified students from other courses from admission. Even deliberately hanging back and doing recon, 1-B is able to get all of their students through the obstacle race. Then, after the Cavalry Battle, we see 1-B once again demonstrating a level of maturity and support that the vast majority of 1-A severely lacks. I know I sound like Monoma rn, but I think this has a lot to do with the fact that, as we continue to see throughout the series, 1-A takes a lot of their cues from Midoriya and Bakugou and, to a lesser extent because he’s so quiet, Todoroki. Later, this is a good thing, because the mini big three pushes their class to be the best they can be, but here, these three characters are in shambles—insecure and off-kilter and desperate to prove something, and that energy very much spreads to their peers--which I personally think is great bc it makes for good TV and leaves lots of room for character growth!
The Ugly:
You have no idea how tempted I am to just put a picture of Stain here. He would deserve it for what he did to my man Tensei. I actually love Stain as a villain but SPEAKING OF WHAT HE DID TO MY MAN TENSEI.
The show tells you how important the Sports Festival is. Everyone treats it like it’s the Olympics, except fifty times more important. UA students are scouted by pro heroes and agencies during the event, and putting on a good show can literally change the course of your career (just as doing poorly can ruin it before you even get a chance to graduate). More sports analogies! This makes sense. But the thing is, countless pros show up to watch the event in person. Even more provide security. Literally my first thought was, if I was a criminal I would commit so many crimes during the Sports Festival. Who tf would be around to stop me? And then I had a good laugh because we actually see Shigaraki watching the Festival and I was like ‘oh, there isn’t a spike in villain attacks because the villains are watching it too lol.’
But THEN, Tensei gets attacked by Stain ON THE DAY OF THE FESTIVAL. So there are still heroes out hero-ing and villains out villain-ing, and it’s probably way easier to do the latter when everyone from All Might to Endeavor and beyond are watching teenagers beat the tar out of each other. But you’ve gotta scout those future interns and sidekicks so what are you gonna do!! Once again, the Sports Festival is a microcosm of pro hero popularity society—it’s this insulated little bubble where everyone is so worried about how they look, where they ranked, who they beat to that podium, while the real world carries on outside. Iida himself is distracted by that shiny first place medal until Stain attacking his brother body slams him back to reality.
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A lot of people bandy about "America has no culture" and they say it with a casualness that makes me wish they really understood it. Our culture is a fucking nightmare that never turns off. Nothing in Europe or the other Americas or Africa or Asia compares. It is a complex network of hollowness. Consumption is everything. Everything. *Everything*. All our religions are about consumption. All our sports are highly consumptive affairs. Transport, politics, the fucking weather report, literally everything is about consumption. We genuinely have next to nothing that is not commodified and sold to you. Nothing escapes the marketer's pen. They're even trying to take our libraries away, that's how all-encompassing the money obsession is. And a funny thing about a consumerist culture is, if you don't have money, you don't get to participate. Like yeah you can pirate media but like. Do you wanna go to a bar to meet people? Too bad, parking is 20 dollars and your bill will be another 20, at least. Do you want to go to a festival? Too bad, it's on moderately rough terrain and you can't risk your car (your lifeline to literally all your physical needs). You wanna fucking date someone? All of the first date spots are consumption based.
Your heritage is slaughter and torment and slavery. Every non-fascist white american's first goal in any situation is to avoid thinking about their heritage at all costs, because if you really understand it the thin strand of willpower that keeps you alive will snap. There is nothing to be proud of from your history, it is exclusively bad things. Opening any textbook on american history is simply a list of the times that an atrocity was done so white men could be marginally more comfortable. Even ostensibly okay things like baseball are pretty dark as soon as you go deeper than the surface.
Suburban culture has completely killed any natural cohesion of neighbors because the combination of distance and litigiousness and karening and HOAs means that making eyecontact with your neighbors is both rare and a risk. Apartment life is only marginally better, but gods know you're not gonna actually see any of them ever. There is no apartment function that anyone actually attends, because the landlord is running it and do you really want to spend time near your landlord and his flunkies?
There is, genuinely, not a single moment of american life where you can feel genuine connection. It's why everyone has fled online, where you can at least maintain a half-connection with others that might lack the human element but at least you aren't dying of loneliness. And what's online life controlled by, again? Oh right, capital. So finally you have an online pub to hang out at, but it's still owned by a landlord and you're still paying him somehow.
It's all expansive. It never ends. And that's why when people say shit like "lmao just make your own culture" when some desperate soul tries to respectfully, earnestly, effortfully relate to and participate in cross-cultural exchange and gets slapped down. Told that participating in another culture, another religion, another spirituality is definitionally appropriation and therefore definitionally evil and awful and unforgivable. I just don't know what to say. It's just, like, what is there to do then? Just die? Humans need spirituality of some kind. Culture of some kind. We're social animals we cannot survive on """""""office culture"""""""" any more than you can realistically just larp as a christian and pretend you believe in it so at least you can participate at church dinners.
America is essentially what happens when the soul-crushing power of capitalist imperialism has nothing pushing back against it. Every institution was built to support it, every institution is run by people who believe it with absolutely no second thoughts, every institution will destroy anything that is not capitalist imperialism on the off chance it might threaten it. There is nothing in the public consciousness that can resist it. And if you won / lost the birth lottery and ended up in America, it is a hell that roasts you eternally.
I dunno. This is just idiot white people american whining. But like, maybe a teensy bit of...not even sympathy, just, understanding that everyone in america is suffering from acute cultural starvation would be okay. In a "you know that he's drinking way too much but you don't have the heart to stop him since he has nothing left" kind of way.
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survey--s · 1 year
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Is there a person you talk to everyday with?: Aside from my husband, no. I’m not the most sociable person lol.
Does one of your parents ever complain to you about the other parent?: Hahah yes, my mum does sometimes. Not really in a nasty way though - my dad is well aware of his faults lol.
If you have a webcam, do you take more pictures or make more videos with it?: I only ever use the webcam if I’m talking to my mum on FaceTime.
When was the last time you felt lonely?: I genuinely don’t remember.
Who was the last person you wished a “Happy Birthday” to?: My cousin, I think.
What was the last food/drink that dyed your tongue a different color?: Uhh, probably some kind of ice-cream. Maybe bubblegum flavoured.
Is there any upcoming festivals happening in the place you live?: Yeah, Kendal Calling is in a few months time.
When was the last time you threw a party?: Probably when I was a student. I don’t really go out/socialise anymore.
Last person you kissed, are they into any type of sports? Which ones?: Yeah, but not team sports - he likes stuff like fishing, mountain biking and surfing.
Does your best friend have a job?: Yeah.
Do you ever visit people at work?: Not really nowadays, but I have done in the past.
Is there any electronic device you need to charge right now?: Not immediately but I’ll charge my phone overnight.
Have you ever sat in your room in the dark?: I lay in bed at night in the dark watching random shit on Instagram all the time lol.
What is one thing you want to do before the school year ends?: I haven’t been in school for well over a decade now.
When you move out your house(or if you already have moved out) do you plan on still visiting your parents house?: I moved out years ago but I do still visit my parents. Not very often though as I work full-time. I’m going to visit them next week though!
Do you usually take home leftovers if you eat out in a restaurant?: No, it’s not really a thing here.
Have you ever ghost ride the whip (put your car on auto and dance next to it as it’s moving)? Do you want to?: Nah, my car can’t do that though lol.
What is one thing you hope never changes about you?: My love for animals.
Do most of the songs you listen to have curse words in it?: No.
Is there someone you wanna date? I’m happily married.
Why did you stop liking the last person you liked? Because he turned out to be a compulsive liar.
Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken? I don’t really think I fall into either category.
What are you listening to? Two and a Half Men.
Name a quote from the thing you are listening to? .
What does your last text say? "I can’t hear you!”
Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? No.
Last missed call? Michael.
Last person you talked on the phone with? Michael.
What was the first thing you did when you woke up today? Rolled over and went back to sleep.
Do you have a best friend? Michael.
Do you like vitamin water? I mean, it wasn’t awful but I never understood the hype.
Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them? No.
What do you think of people who have sex before marriage? I don’t understand why you wouldn’t have sex before marriage, lol.
Do you get along with your parents? Yes.
Are you more independent or dependent? Independent.
Do you believe that what comes around goes around? I think it’s a nice idea but I really don’t think life is that straightforward, unfortunately.
Who was the last person you were mad at? I don’t remember.
What are your plans for tonight? I’ll be going to bed soon - but I’ve messed about on Instagram, watched TV and had dinner, and now I’m doing this while the dog is asleep cuddled up next to me under the blanket.
Does anyone love you? Sure.
Do you love anybody? Sure.
Ever felt like you hit rock bottom? Yeah, I’ve definitely felt like that a few times. I was a very melodramatic teen lol.
What’s the one thing that’s getting you through the week? I finish for Easter break in two days. Actually, less than 48 hours to go now.
Do you miss anyone? No.
Do you give out second chances too easily? No, I don’t think so.
What did you do yesterday? What I always do, scroll through Tumblr, watch TikToks, watch YouTube, read, watched some TV, ate, rested.
Where is one place you want to visit? Japan.
What’s your favorite thing to have for breakfast? Waffles with bacon, bananas and maple syrup, plus creme fraiche.
Ever felt that no one relates to you? Hahah sure, back when I was a dramatic teenager.
Why did you break your last promise? I don’t remember what that was, tbh.
What do you think of long-term relationships? I mean, I’m in one. As long as both people are happy I think they’re great.
Do you believe God always saves you from bad situations? God doesn’t exist.
What’s the worst curse word or saying that you know of? I’m not really offended by words.
Do you wish on 11:11? Nope.
Are you pissed off about anything? No.
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Time for the rest of the first challenge. Event. Whatever. Words hard.
[No. 26 - Chase Down The Leader]
We flashback just a minute or so from where we left off, in order to see just how Izuku pulled off his impressive launch across the field. He stands at the start of the minefield, watching other students pick their way through - and occasionally setting off mines with missteps - while having a veritable mumblefest over the mines and the general issue of trying to pick past them. 
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The general gist of the mumbling: The mines are the type that blow up when stepped on, and aren’t that strong, but can throw a student off enough to possibly cause a chain reaction and lose them a lot of time. It’s better to go slow to avoid damage, even for leaping types, and trying to slow others is a guaranteed time loss. Izuku then analyzes the field in front of him, noting the spots people avoid and that most students will be most on guard at the entrance, which means there are plenty of mines left for his plan so long as they stay frosty. 
Izuku puts his armor plate to work digging up mines, muttering about how anti-personnel mines should only be 14 centimeters or so deep (about 6 inches). Jirou, just making her way into the field and using her quirk to… I guess disable mines in front of her? Anyway, she actually notices Izuku is up to something and asks what he’s doing, though I think it’s not one she expects to get answered. In short order, Izuku has a pile of about a dozen mines, and mentally claims he’s taking a page from Kacchan’s book. Meanwhile, Present Mic announces Shouto and Katsuki are still in the lead, and that they’re about to cross the finish line.
Not for long, though, as Izuku names his adhoc maneuver ‘great blasting turbo speed’, throwing himself on top of his armor sheet and onto the pile of mines, launching him over the field and right towards the two leading the pack. Pretty much everyone hesitates or stops to stare for a moment, shook by the sheer brass balls it had to take to literally blow yourself sky high. The two most shook, of course, are Shouto and Katsuki, who only just start moving again when Izuku actually flies ahead of them, forgoing their fight in order to catch back up.
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Izuku considers the whole experience intense, and is even more focused now that he’s managed to gain the lead. However, there’s one huge issue - he didn’t think far enough ahead to consider how he was going to land. As if that’s not enough, Katsuki is throwing himself forward with more explosions, screaming at ‘Deku’ to get back there (presumably to fight). Shouto’s not far behind, giving up keeping the others hindered in exchange for the speed he gets from icing over the field ahead of him - he doesn’t have time to worry about those behind him now.
Present Mic announces the temporary ceasefire between the two in order to chase down Izuku, and how when a common enemy appears, people stop fighting - then tacks on that, well, actually they’re still fighting, just not each other. Aizawa wonders what his friend is even trying to say. 
Izuku starts floating away from his armor sheet, the larger surface area causing it to stall and slow faster then he is. He grabs onto one of the wires as he recognizes this, and that if he loses time on his landing, passing the two again will be impossible. As the two just start to rush past him, Izuku swears mentally, telling himself to not let go - while he’s still ahead, this is his only chance. So, if passing them is impossible, then he has to maintain the lead. 
Somehow, he manages to flip in the air, using the momentum to bring the armor plate swinging around and into the ground right between the two, the pressure enough to set off several more mines. The two are forced to stop from the resulting explosion, while Izuku’s newfound momentum throws him readily ahead. 
As he falls into a duck and roll, Present Mic announces how Izuku blows off the competition with no time to lose. He goes on to marvel at Aizawa’s class, wondering what he’s teaching the kids. Aizawa says it’s not his doing, and that they’ve been spurring each other on all on their own. Present Mic rolls on with his commentary, asking who could have predicted such an incredible turn of events? Aizawa asks if he’s being ignored as Present Mic announces the first one back to the stadium:
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Midoriya Izuku. The crowds go absolutely wild. Outside the stadium, Death Arms recognizes Izuku as the kid from a year ago. At home, Inko falls off the couch sobbing while repeatedly stumbling over Izuku’s name. In an unknown location, Shigaraki watches on while scratching idly at his neck. 
Izuku looks around the stadium while breathing heavily, eventually looking at one spot in particular. Somehow, he’s found Toshinori in the stands, and the two have a Moment™ from across the stadium. 
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These fucking two, man. 
While Izuku is trying to keep himself from crying, the other students start making their way across the finish line as well. 
Toshinori thinks about how Izuku has the spirit of a savior hero to the core, but the sports festival is a competition that tests the exact opposite of that - your willingness to take down the enemy. Heroes nowadays depend on popular opinion so much. So many selfishly seek to beat everyone else. But that’s not Izuku - and that’s why Toshinori chose him, even as he thoughts that lack of selfishness would be his one weakness. He claps in the stands, happy to have been proved wrong and mentally apologizing for doubting him, even as he laments Izuku’s crying habits.
Some business students nearby catch Toshinori’s attention, mostly due to them discussing Izuku’s potential and how they’d market him. They talk about how Izuku’s stock is about to rise, but it’s hard to say what’s still in store for him since he didn’t show his quirk. They then start speculating about how a hero agency would market him if they took it on, with one pointing out how he’s not much to look at, so they’re have to push his skills and his unique, almost artistic sensibilities. When the resources you need aren’t there… Well, we don’t hear how that gets handled, but Toshinori does note how some things never change.
We get a brief narrative insert about the business course, most notably how they have nothing to gain by directly competing in the sports festival. Instead, they hone their skills as salespeople and run business simulations. 
Back with the hero students, we see Katsuki and Shouto both catching their breath. Katsuki is furious at Izuku once again managing to wrangle a win right from under him, while Shouto is just staring after Izuku silently. Present Mic announces more racers reaching the finish line, and that the standings will be gone over later, so the students can catch their breath for now.
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Ochako and Tenya make their way over to Izuku. Ochako calls Izuku’s strategy awesome, while Tenya is in despair over losing a race with his quirk, stating that he still has progress to make. Ochako states that she’s jealous of Izuku’s first place; Izuku flushes and hides his face behind his arms, stating that it wasn’t that impressive, and was still too close. Internally, he laments that he just got lucky, that all his chance strategies happened to work. They say it’s awesome, but it was just a lucky break, and that the real test of skill starts now.
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Anyways, Midnight announces the end of the race, and we get the results:
Midoriya Izuku
Todoroki Shouto
Bakugou Katsuki
Shiozaki Ibara
Honenuki Juuzou
Iida Tenya
Tokoyami Fumikage
Sero Hanta
Kirishima Eijirou
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Ojiro Mashirao
Awase Yosetsu
Asui Tsuyu
Shouji Mezou
Satou Rikidou
Uraraka Ochako
Yaoyorozu Momo
Mineta Minoru
Ashido Mina
Kouda Kouji
Jirou Kyouka
Kaibara Sen
Tsuburaba Kosei
Kaminari Denki
Bondo Kojiro
Yanagi Reiko
Shinsou Hitoshi
Kendo Itsuka
Shishida Jurota
Kuroiro Shihai
Kodai Yui
Rin Hiryu
Shouda Nirengeki
Komori Kinoko
Kamakiri Togaru
Monoma Neito
Tsunotori Pony
Hagakure Touru
Tokage Setsuna
Fukidashi Manga
Hatsume Mei
Aoyama Yuuga
I wasn’t able to find this list in word form anywhere online, so I made it myself. You’re welcome. I also calculated the points each of them had going into the second event, but I’m not gonna worry about that here. I’ll do individual and team points when we actually get to the teams. That way, we’ll know who has which teams’ headbands at the end!
Moving on with the chapter. Midnight announces that the top 42 from the qualifying round will move on, conveniently just including every hero student as well as the two non-hero students who managed to place higher. For those who placed lower, the sports festival will have another way for them to show their stuff!
(Not that we see said show, which I mean, makes sense narratively speaking, but also…)
[I was going to insert the server discussion about my thoughts on the arbitrary cut-off point here, but it’s getting long enough to merit its own post at this point. So look forward to that whenever it goes up!]
Anyways, Midnight continues on, explaining that now the main selection really begins, and that the press corp is going to be jumping out of their seats, so the students should give it all they’ve got. Now, onto the second event, which she already knows - which confirms these are predetermined by UA and they just do the randomizer for the sake of the crowds. Said event is… 
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the cavalry battle!
Kaminari is nervous at that, thinking about how he’s going to suck. Mineta is also looking concerned. Tsuyu notes they’re teaming up, but how, exactly? Midnight explains with a neat little graphic:
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Basically, participants get in teams of two to four, and get into a horse-and-rider formation. The rules are the same as your regular cavalry battle - snag the opponent’s headbands while guarding your own - but with a twist. Each student has an assigned value based on their placement in the race. 
Sato notes that it sounds like the points in the entrance exam, so it sounds simple. Hagakure comments on how this means the point value of each team is based on its members. Midnight snaps and cracks her whip at the students that she’s about to explain, so they should shut up already. 
Individual point values start at five, at the bottom, so the student in 42nd place is forth five, 41st is worth ten, etc etc. However, the first place participant - that is, Izuku - is instead worth a whole ten million points.
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That, my friends, is the face of someone realized they done fucked up.
Basically all the students stare down Izuku as he goes stiff from the internal panicking. Shinsou and Hatsume seem to be shown particular interest in it. Midnight finishes the chapter by noting that the higher-ranked students are the ones to aim for, and that this survival game is a chance for a comeback. It’s anyone’s game!
And with that, we end chapter 26… and volume three. Which means bonus content will be coming soon! See y’all then, and we’ll be back with more sports festival action in the next volume. 
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Ochako Uraraka should have been the UA Traitor
1) She could be. She was in all the scenarios the traitor would be in: she was in the 1-A training camp, was there when they were all planning to rescue Bakugo (something that actually takes out most people: Jiro and Hagakure were knocked out by Mustard's gas so they wouldn't have heard, all the people who went to rescue Bakugo are out, Bakugo himself was kidnapped, Midoriya's the protagonist, Tsuyu's motivations for not coming have been elaborated on, Iida, Momo, and Todoroki are all from hero families and have lived too sheltered lives to be approached by villains). As for the others, Tokoyami was also almost kidnapped, Shouji and Ojiro we know nothing about. There are other theories that go more in depth about this point, but basically, if we cancel everyone out, that leaves Kaminari and Uraraka (and Aoyama who... yeah).
2) Her family. There are actually two main points for this: one, her motivation. We know her main motivation is to help her family, and who's to say that a teenager growing up in a lower-class area who probably saw less of heroes than, say, Midoriya, wouldn't grow bitter and desperate enough to make money in a less legal way? Sure, we have her whole thing about wanting to see people's smiling faces, but that came later. Her motivation starting out was to make her family's lives easier, and being paid by the league of villains to betray a few kids? Sure, why not. Additionally, there's that her parents themselves could be involved in some shady business; we don't actually know much about them or their company, just that it isn't doing so well, and in the world of MHA, construction companies probably get quite a lot of business from rebuilding after villain attacks. Either from desperation or just convenience, her parents could have links to the LoV or the yakuza or whatever themselves.
3) It would parallel Kayano Kaede from Assassination Classroom, who I love.
4) It would hurt a lot - both the audience and the characters. The traitor, in order to be worth it, should have been someone who both the main character - Midoriya - and audience cares about, which more or less eliminates Ojiro, Shouji, Tokoyami, and Hagakure. This also eliminates Kaminari because though the audience cares about him, Midoriya really doesn't. Meaning, the traitor should have to be from Midoriya's main circle. Obviously Aoyama isn’t, but imo the emotional impact would’ve been greater if he had been. I like what direction they’re going with him, paralleling Midoriya, but... honestly, I didn't care much when he was revealed. Yeah, I was surprised since I thought Horikoshi had forgotten bout the whole thing, but after I was more like ‘aw sad’, than the genuine betrayal a revelation like this SHOULD HAVE HAD. I mean yeah the characters care, but we barely knew Aoyama before this! Why should the audience? Iida, Bakugo, and Todoroki are out, and Tsuyu overall makes less sense than Ochako. She's close enough that it would devastate Midoriya, especially if it was revealed she became his friend in the first place to get close to All Might's heir - which I don't think it will or should be but you catch my drift - and, more importantly, the audience cares enough about her that there would be a lot of reactions to her being a turncoat, even if only about how the others are feeling about it. She's close friends with Iida and Tsuyu, is pretty close to Todoroki, and is friendly enough with the rest of the class that it would be devastating for all of them.
5) Parallels. Uraraka has two main parallels as of now; with Bakugo, and with Toga. With Bakugo, I think is very interesting. Bakugo is, technically, Midoriya's first friend. Uraraka is Midoriya's first genuine friend. Those are already starting out. Then we have the sports festival; Bakugo, who acts like a villain, who is arrogant and wants to be a hero for himself, who gets the chance to join the LoV and spits in their faces. See where I'm going with this? Uraraka, who's sweet-faced and 'fragile' to most, who wants to help her family, who gets the chance to join the LoV... and takes it. They're both closely tied to Midoriya, but in typically opposite shounen roles as the love interest (support, falls behind typically, to be protected) and rival (grows alongside, combative, equal), and not to mention, traitor!Uraraka vs Bakugo where she shows her new skills and full potential?? HECK YES.  Her second parallel is with Toga, for three main reasons. 1) envy. Toga's monologues about how, when you like someone, you 'just want to become them', and how it ties into her quirk make sense for her, but also parallel Uraraka. She's had multiple instances where she's shown admiring or being jealous of Midoriya, for his strength or motivation or whatever. Toga mocking her with that monologue in the woods and her reaction to it also shows an interesting side to this. While she could actually have a crush on him, I also think she's envious of him, especially given how often she says she wants to be like him (and the noticeable lack of that statement as of late). Another side to that parallel is 2) battle lust. Toga is insane, enjoys battle, and blood, to an almost psychopathic degree, and while this is far from true of Uraraka, things like her fight against Bakugo show a different, much more battle hungry side to her that's almost reminiscent of Toga in a way or, at least, could be taken to be a more villainous side to her. And 3), which I will elaborate on in -
6) Masking and imitation. I've mentioned above on Uraraka's envy of and desire to be like Midoriya, and another part to this is her name. The kanji 'Ura', in japanese, is in a number of names; all of which relate in some part to traitors, falsehoods, or something of the like. Search it up if you don't believe me. Horikoshi has also said of Uraraka that she's 'unexpectedly brazen and frank', and that it is indicative that there's 'no hidden side to her, if you catch my drift', and while this may come across as against this theory, it, in fact, isn't. Uraraka's usual frankness and how it's being used recently, as well as how it ties into my next point, are in fact, even more signs that she's the traitor. Uraraka constantly tries, consciously or unconsciously, to imitate those around her, be that Midoriya or Gunhead; the only time she was not was in her fight with Bakugo, wherein she was, again, very different. And yeah, he probably wasn’t actually hinting at anything (as we know now), but this was written before the traitor revelation, and also could have been great evidence.
7) Her behavior. Tying into the above point, Uraraka's usual frankness can be sharply juxtaposed against her past demeanor in both the manga and the anime, wherein her usual cheerfulness and optimism often seem almost fake; especially if you look at how Horikoshi often draws her, when she looks as if she's forcing herself to be happy, or, in one sketch, where she looks almost scary when she's smiling. I can link it if you want. Her behavior during the Bakugo rescue arc also shows this; she's usually very empathetic and impulsive, yet she not only said something of Bakugo she would know is false, but didn't want to go with them to rescue him, was openly against everyone else going, and didn't apologize after, unlike Tsuyu, and unlike her. She only really said 'oh, Tsuyu, honey' and then gave, again, a fake-feeling hero speech, which seems to be a theme with her. Sure, we could attribute that to a grudge against Bakugo, but to that degree? It doesn't fit with her character. Horikoshi had a great setup for her to be hiding something as big as this! She’s sort of back to normal now, I guess, but there was that whole period where she just seemed really off in the manga.
8) Her narrative role. Again, this could be shounen sexism, but despite being the main heroine, Uraraka had been almost absent ever since the sports festival fight until recently. She had her moments, but they were small and even pale in comparison to Yaoyarozu, a female side character's, arc in Yaoyarozu: Rising. Tying into that, she's the only MC who hasn't had her name and only her name as a manga chapter, again, something Yaoyarozu has. Her lack of relevance or arc is a huge issue, and not only would her being the traitor give Horikoshi the chance to make her matter again and restart her long overdue arc, but it would put her previous lack of spotlight into perspective as well as elaborate on the parallels with Bakugo and Toga she has. Sure, she’s getting more spotlight now and I do like her recent attitude, but there was an opportunity to give her a super interesting arc and use this absence as a part of that. It would make sense she’s the traitor and she wanted to lay low, so it could’ve let Horokoshi excuse basically forgetting her for a while. Plus, can you imagine how fascinating exploring traitor!Uraraka would be?
9) It would give other characters, like Tsuyu, who don't have as much, more of a role and give the chance to develop more side and main characters. Which this series needs.
10) Her being the traitor was a popular enough theory many people would be satisfied. Idk about yall but Aoyama being the traitor does NOT satisfy me at all.
11) One of the main themes in MHA is how imitation often leads to pain, where emulation, such as Kirishima with Crimson Riot and Midoriya and Bakugo with All Might, leads to teaching and growing, Ochako has never been shown, unlike literally every other character in the series, to have learned this lesson, continually rushing in blindly unlike herself and like Midoriya and having to be saved by others (ex: Momo), further setting her apart from the rest of the cast. And... this was never really resolved? Like as far as I can tell her arc in canon isn’t... really addressing this? It could have been so interesting! In fact, this leads into:
12) All of the villains also have the same negative views on emulation, such as Toga believing her quirk and 'becoming' another person and killing them is the ultimate expression of love, and Twice and his clones and the whole saga of how he's never sure if he's the real Twice or just another perfect, indistinguishable copy. Again, imitation vs emulation. Similarly we have Spinner, who imitates Stain out of admiration, Toga again who does the same thing, Dabi, who has a sort of a negative imitation of his father, where he, too, becomes so focused in a goal he's abandoned his family and humanity, even if the goal is to kill heroes instead of being the top one (and ofc, there’s how him vying for his father’s attention mirror’s Endeavour’s desire to be Number One). Putting this into perspective, Ochako has more in common with the villains of the series than she does the other heroes.
Conclusion: Ochako Uraraka should have been the traitor and I will die mad about it.
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shima-draws · 5 years
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I’m sure people have had this idea before but I wanted to put my own spin on it!! And now for the info:
-Izuku's been fascinated with heroes since a young age. However, after finding out he was quirkless, he refused to give up, and switched gears to start investing in the support field. He figured if he couldn't be a pro hero he could at least do his best to help them and be a hero in his own way.
-Izuku's an absolute GENIUS when it comes to inventing--he's on par with Hatsume. However, Hatsume focuses more on support items that break convention and are very innovative and unique. Izuku's focus is more on items that actually help heroes on the field and support their bodies, and items that also allow them to use their quirks to their full extent while still being able to control them properly. (Basically, Izuku's gadgets act as a control stick for heroes that go all out i.e. Toshi.) He also makes a lot of gadgets that support disabled heroes, because--
-Izuku has a prosthetic arm! It's his right one. This was the result of a villain attack that he got involved in after meeting All Might. Toshi blames himself for what happened to Izuku because he couldn't get there in time. He and Izuku are very close--Izuku knows the secret behind Toshi's appearance and he knows about One For All. Mirio is the one to inherit OFA in this AU--so Izuku's very close to him as well! Izuku makes support items for both Toshi and Mirio, to support their quirks. Izuku's gadgets have saved Toshi in a pinch a hundred times over, and are designed to support him when he needs that extra push when he's already reached his limit.
There is more ahead~
-After Izuku lost his arm in the villain accident, Bakugou does a total 180 and starts treating him better. From the start their relationship was less strained than in canon bc Izuku went into doing stuff for support early on, and Bakugou didn't see this as much as a threat compared to if Izuku still wanted to be a pro hero despite being quirkless. Nowadays Bakugou is VERY protective of Izuku--and both of them have reached a point where they're genuine friends. Izuku teases Bakugou a lot and easily snarks back at him when he's being a little shit. Bakugou won't ever admit it openly but Izuku is his best friend :') He cares about him  a lot. He used to defend Izuku constantly back in middle school after the accident, but Izuku soon learned to stand up for himself.
-Going off of that, Bakugou taught Izuku how to fight physically, and they try to spar once or twice a week if they can! It's good practice. Izuku was awful at it at first especially since his sense of balance was off due to the weight of the prosthetic, but Bakugou's a good teacher despite all his shouting lmao. Now Izuku can easily hand his ass to him if he gets into it enough. He can handle himself in a fight pretty brilliantly, even against villains, and Class 1-A quickly learns not to underestimate him.
-Bakugou refuses to get support items from anybody else but Izuku. He bitches at Izuku a lot but Izuku always takes his advice--Bakugou usually offers good tips and pointers on how to improve his gauntlets! Baku always says that while Izuku fucks up all the time (false), he at least trusts him enough to get the job done, while he scorns the rest of the support course fnjdsdd
-Since Izuku isn't in Class 1-A in this AU--guess who is? Yeah, it's Shinsou! Besides Baku Shinsou is probably Izuku's other closest friend, along with Hatsume! Shinsou's got a crush on Izuku and probably knows it won't be reciprocated, but he's fine with that. If Shinsou isn't in class he's most likely hanging out in the development studio with Izuku and Hatsume. The three of them are kinda like a mini Big Three haha, they've got a reputation around UA
-Do not put Izuku and Hatsume in the same room together or they'll bounce insane ideas off of each other and create outrageous things. They get each other super fired up LMAO and go to each other for advice when they need it!
-Izuku has the biggest, most obvious and absolutely endearing crush on one (1) Shouto Todoroki. Bakugou teases him about it CONSTANTLY. The reason for this is because they actually met back in middle school, before Izuku lost his arm--and Todoroki just made a really memorable impression on him bc he was the first person to ever treat him really kindly (they bumped into each other on accident because Izuku was getting chased by bullies, Izuku scraped up his hands, Todoroki chased off the bullies and then iced his injuries, and then they had a really deep conversation about heroes and encouraged each other). Todoroki kinda becomes Izuku's first love in that sense;; ofc it's nothing super serious but Izuku definitely feels all floaty and happy about it afterward. When Izuku gets into UA and notices that Todoroki's in the hero course he almost has a stroke because 1. Izuku gave him encouragement to get into UA waaaay back then and he's shocked Todoroki actually took his advice, 2. He finds out that Todoroki is in fact Todoroki bc they never gave each other their names, so Izuku's Shook his "first love" is actually the son of Endeavor, and 3. Todoroki's grown. He was pretty back in middle school but now. He's hot. HE'S HOT OH NO. After that Izuku keeps noticing him and hears rumors that Todoroki is an ice cold prince type character that has no real feelings. Izuku's like "Someone who takes the time out of their day to save you, heal your hands, and encourage you on your path to be a hero can't be that type of person" so Izuku just KNOWS Todo's actually a very kind boy. Izuku keeps watching him and gets super smitten after the Sports Festival ;) But he's like "He's practically famous, he'd never notice somebody like me, he probably doesn’t even remember me from middle school, haha" (so it's a bit like a celebrity crush). Shinsou and Hatsume bug him about his crush just to see him get flustered and it's very cute lol
-The second time Izuku and Todoroki meet is a goddamn mess and technically counts as their first because Todoroki has a shit memory and can't connect Izuku's face to the boy he met in middle school (also that boy definitely had two flesh arms and Izuku only has one). Todoroki walks in right as one of Izuku's gadgets explodes, absolutely showering him in dust and soot. Izuku freaks out and apologizes a lot while he helps him clean up (while Hatsume is teasing in the background). Note that Izuku's only wearing like a tanktop and sweats, and his hair is all messy and swept back especially since he's wearing his trademark goggles, he's covered in sweat and dirt, he has a really cool looking prosthetic (and Todoroki didn't realize he'd have a thing for that but apparently he does), and Izuku's really fucking toned so Todoroki has a big ol Gay Crisis right there in the development studio. Izuku is INCREDIBLY attractive and Todoroki doesn't know what to do with that info. After Izuku cleans up and manages to get an order for a support item out of Todo, Todo leaves and immediately texts Momo saying, "Yaoyorozu, I think I just had my gay awakening" and on the other side of campus, Momo chokes on her drink. Meanwhile back in the studio Izuku is SCREAMING like "Oh my GOD did that really just happen--did Shouto Todoroki walk in, get blasted by one of my inventions going haywire, let me clean him up and TOUCH HIS CHEST, HATSUME, I GOT TO FEEL HIM UP, and THEN HE ASKED ME TO TAKE AN ORDER, I'M GOING INTO CARDIAC ARREST. TELL MY MOTHER AND TOSHI I LOVED THEM AND TELL TODOROKI I'M SORRY FOR GETTING HIS PERFECT BEAUTIFUL HAIR DIRTY" and she's just laughing her ass off LMAOOOO
-It isn't until their third meeting that Izuku realizes Todoroki doesn't seem to remember him at ALL. And it stings, a lot (but he kinda figured this would happen esp since Todo didn’t recognize him the last time they talked), but he's still happy for the chance to know him now, and get to design support items for him!! Meanwhile Todo's like. Starting to catch on that maybe he DOES know Izuku after all? He isn't sure? But he's definitely falling for him. 
I’ve got more headcanons and stuff but yeah this is all the basics!!! I got so excited to flesh this AU out and make designs fnasjkbdnasds it’s definitely gonna be a fun one to play around with!
I want to either call this the Support Course Hero AU or maybe just Support Hero AU would work--what do you guys think?
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rosecoloredwriting · 4 years
Best Friend Tings~
A/N: This idea came to me and then boom! This might be a whole series of headcanons i got so many ideas bro!!!! 
Summary: Sometimes in life having a best friend is better than getting a s/o 
Pairings: Izuku Midorya x GN!Reader(Platonic), Katsuki Bakugou x GN!Reader(Platonic), Shoto Todoroki x GN!Reader(Platonic), Hitoshi Shinso x GN!Reader(Platonic)
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Izuku Midoriya
We can see from the show he didn’t have any friends before u.a(katsuki doesn’t really count)
So boy must have been lonely before ua like todoroki
He nerded out by himself, no one else to talk to other than mama inko
So meeting you made his life better
he’s up to date on meme culture too
You slide in one vine reference during a convo ONCE when you met and he responds back subconsciously with his own
Instant connection
Like lightning strikes and you both just do the spiderman pointing at each other meme
Vine might be dead but that won’t stop you
Both of you start turning into beams of light
He gets sparkle eyes when you both don’t stop with the vine references
Numbers exchanged and you both find out to be major nerds for certain shows
Late nights are spent sending each other memes/videos and the next day you both are holding in fits of giggles
When the dorms are put in place pure chaos
Yall are inseparable 
There’s a lot of sneaking around because guess what you’re doing instead of sleeping 
Or watching those Russian car crash videos
You go into a youtube deep dive at 3 am together
One brain cell is shared between you two ok
Deku squad are the vibes ok
Ilida can’t believe how 2 of some of the smartest people he knows can turn the exact opposite
“Ilida can you do us a favor? Would you be willing to run while holding us like balloons?”
“What are you talking about!?”
“Ilida me and (Y/N) thought of having Uraraka join us by making us float and have a rope tied around us with you running around!”
“As your class president I will not allow you to do such a thing-!” Cutting him off you turn to Izuku
“I told he wasn’t gonna say yes.” Sighing in disappoint.
“Should we try Kacchan?” 
“I’ll do the talking got it!” You leave behind a dumbfounded Ilida wondering why his friends can be so smart yet do such stupid actions.
Do not be fooled though
You call out izuku when necessary, you both may be chaotic with one another but like hell!!!! you’ll let him slip up because you’re besties and actually have brain cells(sometimes)
From the glare you’re sending him he feels like a disappointment because he caused his bestie trouble and worry
In conclusion: Yall are ride or die
Were talking the strength of the pillars of those temples in Greece
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Katsuki Bakugo
It kinda just happened before the classes eyes
Like no one gets how bakugo manages not to blast your eardrums everyday
He just somehow sees you’re genuinely trying to be friends with him and get to know him
At first, he thought you were some extra following him like the rest of Baku squad at first and somehow saw that you don’t see him godly or anything you just really enjoyed being around him
Slowly you both understand one another
He’s kinda scared cause I don’t think bakugo has ever been like close close with someone before
So it’s slow like his friendship with Kiri
Speaking of Kiri cause this is a package deal if your friends with bakugo
You both will just watch him when someone pisses him off 
“Someone tried to test him right,” you said while passing Kirishima a water bottle. Coming back from the vending machine.
“Yeah he did” he replies deadpanning at Bakugou’s antics
You may be mostly a duo but its also a trio sometimes
So when he gets captured there’s a 50/50 chance that he will come to you
you managed to get knocked out during the attack so seeing one another safe really just lifts the blanket of fear off
So when the dorms come in he will barge into your room and start up your console and play
This distraction won’t last long cause at some point he just sits there stuck in his head
He holds back tears but you just help him through
Really just strengthens your bond
From then on he comes to you and he’s very vague on details but you just comfort him
somehow you both from this experience learn how to read what the other is feeling
If you have something going on the perceptive as ever bakugo will see and somehow do the thing that just gives you a boost, he’s not either an intimate or verbal guy
He’s trying his best alright
The same goes for you in bakugo accept your just a tad slower and use your words instead 
Best friend soulmate ✨✨tings✨✨
One of your past times is either playing fighting games or just relaxing in his room
Like you both will lay on the ground, speaker blasting, taking turns putting on songs
Feeling the vibrations 
Its how the aggressive boy cools down/relaxes
Being angry all the time is tiring
One time you were in a room with someone as they insulted bakugou
Right in your face not only did you defend your best friend but you also whooped some ass that day
Conclusion: the best friends that just get each other 
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Shoto Todoroki
(If you’re an endeavor stan I don’t know what to tell you for this one)
Now hear me out on this
You find Endeavor hilarious
He is just the funniest person to you
Like just looking at him makes you cackle
So when todoroki fights midoriya and he used his fireside everyone was shocked because no one has seen him use it yet!!
But when you see endeavor on the other side of the stadium scream “SHOTOOOOO!” you burst out full-on laughing!!! WHEEZING IF YOU MAY!! Like do you not see his face
When he came back to the stands you just turned to him holding in a laugh
“Hey, Todoroki how are you so serious all the time with your dad looking like that all the time?”
“I beg your pardon?”
Don’t get me wrong he was pissed because like baby just had a mental breakdown but this type of comment is new to him
“Don’t you see how ridiculous he looks with those flames of him like damn. Of all the places! Why his fckin calves!!!!! Like what kind of egotistical man does that”
Todoroki hates his dad so you bashing him really opens up doors for you
Now to me, I think todoroki throws insults at everyone without even knowing himself
Like under his breath he will say a comment you will catch it and hold in a laugh
So you bashing his father made you an a+ in his book
And so the duo begins
Since todoroki does insult people without knowing you are there to be his audience
You will stifle and hold in giggles and laughs as you stand right next or behind him
Once he realized this he subtly increases the amount he says on the daily(These arent basic insults either but they aren’t harmful, plain fun ok)
One time your laughing got to the point Aizawa threatened to separate you two
But still, you helped cracked the boy’s frozen heart
Lots of hugs though cause the boy needs it
Once you’re close enough in the friendship you jump and hug the boy in surprise
Gets a little startled but loves the gesture cause guess what yall are besties
Opening his door, Todoroki meets the sight of you holding a pile of food. Ready for movie night. Quickly placing it down on the coffee table you jump and give him a hug. He stumbles a moment before he wraps his arms around your waist.
“Why are you hugging me? We saw each other all day.”
“Just thought you needed it.” Mumbling a thank you you go to the coffee table. The surface spilling with bags of snacks.
“I have my soba and more if you want any. I even got those candies you like.”
“Really! Thanks Sho-kun! I also got those chips you really enjoyed the last time. So you ready?” With a hum you both sit down opening the food you'll be eating for the rest of the night. Grabbing the remote Shoto hits play, the screen lights up to show the Disney logo.
Many movie marathons and binge-watching nights because you need to show him so much
When these hangouts happen you have hardcore munches together
You both will have a buffet of food because boy does he love his soba and you love to do to bring an entire pile and bag full of food
Just appreciates you and all you do for him
Will definitely sneak in really expensive gifts to you
Loves to watch Disney movies with you 
Conclusion: you are the best friend he needs, he wouldn’t have you any other way
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Hitoshi Shinso 
Both of you met in gen studies class
At this point, everyone in the class knew one another names and stuff and when word got to you of his quirk oh boy
He was minding his business sitting in his desk
Slightly wishing he was dead or wanting to vibe at home
But here you come strutting on over and say hi to him
He was kinda nervous cause everyone knew his quirk and just got all those villain comments
You just talk and say how cool his quirk is and he’s like ‘aw shit here we go again’
Instead, you just ask why he isn’t in the hero course
Like his quirk amazing for that shit
He’s shocked alright
So you both just stick together
You are his wild friend taking him on adventures as he complains saying he would rather watch a movie or do something
Low key in on your plans 
He trusts you with his life so don’t take advantage of that
Teases you on a regular basis
Is the type of friend where if he makes fun of or teases you 
You’re his friend
at the sports festival, you treat him to lunch because he deserves it!!!!
He made it to the last round
And fought MIDORIYA!!!
“You don’t have to do this you know.” Dragging Hitoshi around the food stands he tries his best to stop you from doing this. Even if it’s your treat he rather pay himself.
“Hitoshi I swear if you don’t just pick what you want for lunch I’m fighting you.”
“I’m being serious you don’t have too. I didn’t even win against him.” You come to a halt both hands on his shoulders. Looking him in the eye you reassure him.
“You may not have won but you made it to the 3rd round. Do you know how amazing that is! A general studies student made it that far! You did that! You showed everyone we might as well be just as good as the hero course students! As your best friend to, I must treat you for this accomplishment.” This time he grabs your wrist. Pulling you around until he sees a food stand that peaks his interest. A soft smile on his face happy to call you his friend and to have someone care for him like you do.
He is the reason why you're an insomniac now
When you blame him for your sleeping schedule he just says in the deepest and seductive voice “it was part of the plan”
Makes you want to punch that handsome face of his(but you wouldn’t you love the boy too much)
Sometimes you guys sneak cats in like your dorms just somehow manage to have cats in them
The fur is everywhere but their you fur babies
You both spend your time playing board games and sometimes inviting the deku squad cause Hitoshi has a pretty chill relationship with Izuku(plus their too social for their own good)
So things become waaaaaaaay more lively
Both of your social batteries though are completely empty
There is late-night cuddling though as weird as it sounds
when you take turns slipping in one another’s dorm you both manage to hug like it’s super platonic and just find it comforting waking up to one another
the bond so strong that you protect one another even when you sleep
Conclusion: the besties that mess around one another but are like this🤞
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the-final-sif · 4 years
Wait you can’t just say that and not tell us what fuck up some teacher did to Katsuki in the Katsuki shimura au. Give us the angst and the unholy hell tenko releases
Katsuki accidentally bumped in to a kid in the gen ed course, it should’ve been a total non-issue, but the kid was a total spoiled rich kid who already had a bone to pick with Katsuki just ‘cause of the sports festival & Katsuki’s general disposition. The guy escalated things, demanding an apology that Katsuki obviously wouldn’t give, and Katsuki left after insulting the guy thinking that would be the end of it.
Only, it wasn’t. The guy was so pissed off about it that he got a couple other guys together and waited until Katsuki was on his way back to the international dorms on his own. They tried to corner him and pick a fight, but Katsuki fought back & won fairly easily, since, ya’know, they’re gen kids who’ve never been in a real fight in their lives. He didn’t seriously hurt anyone, but the kid was desperate to ‘win’ so he purposefully had one of the other guys escalate his injuries (broke one of his arms). Then all of them went crying to their homeroom teacher about it.
They basically straight up lied, saying that Katsuki had made a big deal out of what happened in the hallway, and that the guy had approached him after school with his friends to try to resolve the situation on good terms. According to them, Katsuki responded incredibly violently and laughed about it afterwards.
Since the guy didn’t have any (known) track record of lying / picking fights, and Katsuki had a reputation for ‘violence’ (plus the kids did have some burn marks / evidence of getting into a fight), so their teacher believed them completely. The teacher then made a huge fuss about it to Cementtoss (who, according to my HC was one of the ones who chained Katsuki up during the sports festival), who the teacher was close with, and Cementtoss also took her side. Recovery Girl treated the injuries, and she was actually suspicious of them, since the burns were all quite light, and the bone break was the only serious injury among them. She also knows Katsuki’s track record, and has never had a student sent in by him before, since Katsuki has excellent quirk control.
Things escalated quickly, Aizawa was busy with training Shinsou for a large part of the process, and All-Might was usually kept uninvolved with Katsuki related stuff (due to not knowing how to handle Tomura), and by the time Aizawa was looped in, most of the ‘investigation’ was already complete. The other teachers had already questioned Katsuki, extremely hostility. Cementtoss was the primary one questioning him, which made things even worse since Katsuki was still struggling with flashbacks to the sports festival.
All in all, Katsuki barely defended himself because he had no idea what was going on, and he was basically in a panic attack through most of it. The teachers involved took this as ‘confirmation’, and when Aizawa tried to figure out what the hell was going on, he was told that Katsuki had ‘admitted to it’. None of this really added up for Aizawa, but the other teachers were very insistent and had what appeared to be an overwhelming amount of evidence, so he reluctantly agreed to a punishment without speaking to Katsuki himself.
The gen ed kid’s homeroom teacher had wanted Katsuki expelled, but Aizawa did push back on that, opting for 2 week house arrest instead (it would usually be a full suspension at this level of severity and since Katsuki wasn’t an international student, but Aizawa absolutely refused to force Katsuki to be around villains for 2 weeks). Aizawa delivered the punishment to Katsuki, and again, something felt off about the entire situation, but Katsuki accepted it without any pushback (since by this point, he’s in a full tailspin, convinced this is the sports festival all over again, and if he does anything but agree then they’re going to chain him up + muzzle him again, and he really can’t handle that).
Katsuki goes back to his dorm that night and basically has an awful mental breakdown. He was straight up gaslit about what happened, because he was sure he didn’t do any serious damage and he definitely didn’t start the fight, but the teachers pushed onto him that he did and decided he was at fault anyways.
The next day, Class 1-A obviously notices that Katsuki wasn’t there, and they were told a rough version of what happened. Izuku absolutely refused to believe it though, since he’s fought Katsuki plenty of times, and he knows damn well that Katsuki would never break a bone or do serious damage to someone like that. The rest of class 1-A is skeptical, but Aizawa shuts down any debate about it, as he’s still not entirely sure of the situation himself. Izuku does some more investigating, and quickly discovers the entire thing is bullshit. Reocvery Girl’s reports confirm it for him, because the way the bone broke doesn’t make any sense for an explosion attack, and the position of the break doesn’t add up for someone who’d been actively fighting/defending themselves.
Now up until this point, Izuku has had.... very limited contact with Tomura. What with him being All-Might’s successor and all, he and Tomura do not get along. Even a little bit. But, Tomura swore of trying to hurt / kill Izuku for Katsuki’s sake, and even Izuku has to admit that Tomura has been a good guardian for Katsuki so far. 
Izuku wouldn’t have even considered it if he wasn’t absolutely furious at UA for believing the bullshit he’s hearing, but oh boy, he was super fucking done with them putting Katsuki through this. He does at least try to talk to Katsuki about it first, but all he confirms is that Katsuki is in an awful state of mind right now & that Katsuki definitely didn’t do it.
Enraged, he gets Tomura’s number from All-Might (whose easily convinced, if confused/concerned) and he tells Tomura everything. That Katsuki got accused, and that he didn’t do it, but also about who questioned him, why Katsuki probably wouldn’t have defended himself against them, and about Katsuki’s current poor mental state.
Tomura listens to all of this, a 20 minute or so rant, and then calmly thanks Izuku for letting him know, promising that he’ll handle it. His tone is soft and deadly, and Izuku is kinda worried he might kill someone, but honestly with how pissed off Izuku is, he’s not sure if he cares anymore.
After that, Tomura breaks two of the few unspoken rules he’d had with UA. Up until then, he never had Kurogiri teleport onto their campus after USJ. He also never took Katsuki outside of scheduled visits. That night, he does both, quietly going and getting Katsuki from his room and bringing him back home.
It takes awhile, but between Tomura & Kurogiri, they’re able to coax the whole story out of Katsuki from his side of things, and it becomes very obvious what happened. Tomura comforts him, waits until he’s kinda okay, and then goes and collects what he needs.
After that, Tomura has Kurogiri straight up teleport him into Aizawa office, where he then proceeds to completely tear apart the accusations, and call Aizawa out for having not properly investigated the situation. He does it all in calm, collected, vicious manner that is completely unlike his usual villain demeanor and is a million times scarier as a result. 
As Tomura discovered with a bit of searching, there was video footage of the area (because it’s UA, and there’s video footage of everywhere) that completely disproves the Gen Ed’s kid lie, but was conveniently overlooked in the investigation. Once it’s clearly established that Katsuki only ever defended himself, Tomura then starts in on how the entire thing was handled, and it’s quite awhile before he’s finished.
By the end of things, Aizawa is genuinely shaken over how much he fucked up in this situation, he apologizes and sets about fixing things. The other kid involved gets expelled for having attempted to assault another student and then faking an injury & lying about it. There’s various punishments handed out to the teachers who were involved in the situation and mishandled it, and Aizawa apologizes to Katsuki personally when he gets back. Aizawa also instates a straight up blanket rule that Katsuki cannot be questioned/punished/etc unless Aizawa is there and leading the process. No exceptions. He’s done with this bullshit happening whenever he was busy with something else. He holds to that too.
Although, it’s worth noting that Katsuki doesn’t come back right away. It’s two days before Katsuki comes back to UA, because Tomura insisted on him taking time to recover first and debated him staying there at all. In the end, Katsuki decided he wants to give it one more go, mostly because Izuku and his friends are still there, and Tomura relents even though he doesn’t like it. Eventually though, Katsuki does get back, and things settle down for the most part.
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catzula · 4 years
Don’t be late.
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Warnings: Cursing, 4.5 k words, fluff in general, Bakugou being a dumbass, reader is always late.
a/n: I genuinely had fun writing this fic and I hope you guys have fun reading it!
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Synopsis: you're a student at the support section and since Bakugou literally drove everyone else insane, you were the last person that would help him with his costume. Little did he know that you had a crush on this sparky sparky boom man.
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Everybody in the support section just hated that one guy. That guy named Bakugou who would practically harass people until he got what he wanted. Well, okay, almost everyone who knew Bakugou hated him but people in the support section hated him in a whole new level.
He was a nightmare. Nobody could even stand him.
Well, nobody except for you. You thought of him as intriguing, as well as a pain in the ass. But even him being a pain in the ass could be justified in your eyes, you knew he was doing all this simply because he was a perfectionist. Of course he could tone it down a bit, but... That would.be very out of character, wouldn't it?
He thought of himself as the best and it shouldn't be a surprise, for him to want to have a hero costume that was also perfect. You could understand that, but it still didn't change the fact that he was the worst kind of customer anyone would ever have to work with.
He had never worked with you though, he was in class 1/A for gods sake, of course he didn't work with you... Well, that until he ran out of people that would help him willingly.
"You know what? I'm done. Go fuck yourself." Were the words that echoed in the room, suppressing even those deafening machine sounds. Your friend threw Bakugou's costume in his face harshly, still cursing under his breath.
"Tch, whatever! You're just some extra that can't even do what I asked for." You watched Bakugou as his upper lip curled threateningly, reminding you of a wolf, and boy did he look pissed. Like, really pissed. His crimson eyes glaring at the guy in front of him, who was packing his supplies and trying to get away from this angry dude as soon as possible.
"That's the thing, Bakugou! What you want doesn't exist! I don't have these miraculous powers that when I snap my fingers your costume just turns into something else. You have to give me details of what you're asking and you have to ask something that makes sense! Not just some dumb idea that popped into your mind!" Everybody knew that was a lie. Bakugou always had the most amazing ideas, so creative and so... Logical. It's just that they were too... Much. To much to execute, they were brilliant but not doable.
"First of all, it does make sense, it's you who can't understand! Second of-"
"Whatever, Bakugou. I'm done with this shit. Go find someone else to help you with your costume."
"Who the fuck are you to not let me fucking talk? I will fucking kill you-"
"That's enough Bakugou." A monotone voice that came from the door made Bakugou freeze. You knew this black haired guy, he was the Eraserhead! You saw him around the campus but never from up this close!
Bakugou looked at his teacher, never losing that wolfish expression on his face, and he exited the room without saying anything, which was a first for everyone in this room. Eraserhead also exited, looking like he was about to go in a coma.
The room was still silent, until it wasn't.
"Oh my God, what a fucking jerk."
"I can't even believe how you managed to put up with him that long."
"He's not even that good."
Lie. That was a big fat lie because Bakugou may not be a lot of things but he was that good. Still, you chose to stay silent, your eyes still glued to the door he just exited from.
He amazed you, really. You noticed him the first time he came to the support section, his aura screaming confidence. He started to come there frequently, making everyone else go crazy, but you just kept noticing small details about him every time he came there. He was an asshole, no one could deny that, but he was also amazing.
It was amazing how determined he was, even though it was a pain, his perfectionism also left you in awe, how smart he was, how confident he was, how strong he was...
You realized your big crush on him the day you saw him on that sport festival. The other people thought it was so unheroic of him to go that hard on Uraraka, which was so stupid. Didn't she also want to be a hero? Wasn't she going to the same school as him, going through the same trainings? It was only normal for him to beat her, because if he didn't, she would have beaten him. Would people tell her it was so rude of her to go that hard on him too? No, you thought he was astonishing to act the way he did.
Him being so proud, not accepting the first rank made your heart beat faster. He was just so strong, so proud, so vulnerable it made you want to hug him tightly and tell him that he was your hero.
Not that you would ever have the chance though, or so you thought.
He came back not even after a few days, making everyone groan in frustration. He went straight to the table that displayed the recent projects that were done. The table existed to give an idea of what anyone could do so they could choose along shit what they had in mind. So that meant, who's item he chose would have to work with him. All of you eyed him, waiting to see who was the very unlucky person.
He picked one invention of the table, looking somewhat intrigued, and looked around the room trying to guess who it belonged to. When he couldn't guess he went to the nearest person and shoved the invention in their face. "Who does this belong to?!"
The person he was holding eyed the object he was holding suspiciously, relief written on his face when he saw it didn't belong to him. "I think that's Y/N's."
You could hear the sighs of relief around the room. So did he, but he didn't seem to care. Instead he walked towards you, he was so close you could smell-
Why on earth did he smell like... Caramel?!
"Is this yours?" You felt the tingling sensation of excitement all over your body, giving you goosebumps. "It is." You answered, which made him narrow his eyes, looking at you suspiciously.
"Is it really yours? You did this?" Now that was straight up rude. "Yes, it's really mine, asshole. What kind of a question even is that?!"
He shrugged shit a smug grin on his face. His eyes wandered over you, looking at your (e/c) eyes, your face, your figure, and his grin grew wider.
"I haven't seen you around here before." Ah, the angry boy was back. His upper lip curled ever so slightly, looking at you like you were some lowly human. "Oh yeah? Well I have seen you quite a lot here. You know, while you were making everyone else go crazy."
Your answer turned his face red with anger but -a miracle- he was holding back! You could see it was really hard for him not to scream insults in your face but he was aware that you were his last chance. Oh didn't that just boost your ego. Now it was your turn to look at him with a smug grin on your face.
"Whatever." He mumbled pulling you to the nearest table. "What are you-" Before he even let you finish he shushed you and lay down the papers he was holding on the table. You looked at what's on the paper, it was a costume drawing, a really detailed one at that. As you got closer to the paper, inspecting it, he was watching your every move with narrowed eyes.
After you memorised everything on the paper you bir your lip, trying to hide your admiration. "Did you draw this? Are these all... Your ideas?"
The drawing wasn't amazing but it was neat, everything was calculated to the very core, the ideas were so clear on the paper, making you feel like you only had to follow these instructions and do nothing else. "Yes, of course I drew them! Everything you see there is mine." He said angrily but you could see he wasn't actually angry, just proud.
"Well, they're pretty good, if I'm going to be honest." You said trying to hide your excitement. You traced the drawing with your finger.
"I know they are. But can you do it?" His smug grin was back and you couldn't help but roll your eyes at him. Could you do it?
You smiled sweetly and surely enough he smiled back, already knowing your answer.
His smile dropped, leaving it's place to a furious look in his eyes. "You dumbass, then why the fuck are you wasting my fucking time?!" He screamed, people around you shot you a knowing look. He pulled the paper of the table harshly, about to leave when you held his wrist and made him stop.
"Can you stop for a fucking minute and listen?" His eyes widened when he heard you cursing, a big contrast to your sweet tone and face. "I can't do this, but neither can anyone else."
"What the fuck does that mean?" He screamed making you winch. "Can you just- shut up for a second? This is not possible, get that in your bigass head. But-" you stopped thinking for a second. You shuffled around the drawers in search of a pen. "But, I can do this instead. This would be much more possible, and it would give you what you were aiming for. Of course it wouldn't be the same but the end product will be helpful."
You said quickly sketching your idea on the paper, as quick as possible before you forget what you were thinking about.
When he saw what you drew his burrows furrowed and for a second you thought he was mad at you but instead he huffed. "Tch, not bad I guess." He said, but internally he was so impressed that you actually came up with this alternative in a few seconds of so.
"Wait, does that mean you'll work with me?" You said eyes open wide. Well the question was more as, would you work with him, but he didn't say that. "If you can do it, I will."
"That's amazing, now I finally have a worthy client!" You said excitedly and on of his burrows went up, sending you an questioning look. "Worthy of... You?"
You shot him a killing glare but stayed quiet. "Let's work on this idea a little more, what do you say?"
He shrugged. "It's too noisy in here. Lets go to the library." He said ready to pull you out of the room but you shot a glance at your phone, pouting. "Can't, I gotta finish this side project today. Meet me at the library tomorrow? How is 4pm?"
He wasn't really happy since you couldn't work on it immediately but he had to be a little nice to you, not just because you were the last person that would actually help him, but your idea was also pretty good. "Tch, whatever. Don't be late."
You smiled sweetly, making his heart beat a little faster. Why did his heart beat this fast? Was this your quirk or something?
"Bye Bakugou." You waved as you started to sketch something on a sheet of paper.
Bakugou was sitting in the library, shooting angry glances at the clock. When he saw you coming towards him with a big smile on your face, your hands full of papers, books and stuff, he felt his heart jump. This had to be your quirk.
"Hey! So I worked on this idea we talked about yesterday and-" Before you even sat next to him you started to talk without even stopping to breath. "You're late." He murmured with and angry look in his eyes, you looked at your watch and smiled apologetically. "Oops, sorry, I was with Shinsou about- well that's not important is it? It's 5 minutes anyway."
Bakugou had always been an angry individual but today he could practically feel his explosions itching for him to release them. You saw the look in his eyes and laughed, "Hey, chill out. I'm sorry, alright? I'll make it up to you with a coffee, how does that sound?"
Bakugou didn't even like coffee but he couldn't refuse this offer either. "If you get there in time."
You laughed once again, a sweet sound that made Bakugou feel proud, even though he didn't even know why he was proud. "Yes, yes, I'll be there on time. But let's discuss this now." You lay the papers down, showing a few new sketches.
You both worked on it for a long time, even though it felt like a few minutes at most. You sometimes felt his gaze on you, instead of the paper in front of you, which made your cheeks flush red.
"So um-" you said, not really sure what to even say. "This was nice."
He had never heard anyone from the support section say that working with him was nice, but he still took the compliment. "Meet me at the coffee place tomorrow? Since it's weekend we can meet a little earlier too."
His eyes narrowed as he looked at you. It was weird having someone who actually wanted to work with him and it felt odd. A good type of odd, if he had to confess.
"Don't be late." He said.
You laughed. "I won't."
You were late.
Bakugou was about to go crazy waiting at the coffee shop. He felt so stupid for waiting for you but felt even worse for not being able to leave. His mind kept making you excuses, every time the door opened he felt his heart jump and that made him so angry at himself.
He was about to leave when the door opened once again, this time it was actually you entering. His eyes widened when he saw you, you looked incredibly pretty without any dust smeared on your face, your (h/c) hair in a cute style that enhanced your beautiful face and was that... Make up? He wasn't sure, hell, he never even realized any of these things before. But he couldn't take his eyes off of you and felt his anger die inside him.
You saw him and your eyes shined in a way that made him want to smile too, a cute smile was on your face when you came to his table.
"You're late!"
"That can't be I'm actually-" you checked the time and pouted. "Oh, I'm late."
His eyebrows furrowed, so he wasn't even important enough for you to actually show up on time? He was about to say something mean but held his tongue when you giggled. "I actually left the dorm an hour early to be here before you..." You shrugged. "Apparently I'm incapable of actually arriving anywhere at the time we agreed on. I hear this all the time, I just can't get anywhere on time!"
He felt a little better knowing it wasn't only him, but still. He was Bakugou Katsuki for Gods sake! He wasn't just someone, he was the future number one hero. Still, he couldn't help but feel good knowing you intended to be here early.
"Whatever." He said not looking at you. "No, I'm actually sorry!" You said biting your lip.
"It's whatever. Let's just get some coffee and get this shit done with." You felt a sharp pain in your chest, he wasn't wrong, but it felt bad hearing that from your crush. You should have known he wasn't actually interested in you, he wouldn't have chosen you if you weren't his last chance.
You still didn't let that spoil your mood, at the very end you were here, drinking coffee with him, weren't you?
"Well, what would you like to drink?" You asked, taking your wallet out of your handbag. His eyes shined with anger when he saw what you were doing.
"Like hell I'll let you pay for it!" He said, stopping you.
"But this is for making you wait yesterday!" Feeling his hand holding you made your heart jump. "And well... Today too." You added.
"I don't care, I said I won't let you pay, and I won't."
"Stop arguing for fucks sake!" You closed your mouth at that. "O-okay. Well I'll have (your favorite beverage)." You saw him smile at your answer and stood up.
You were trying to calm yourself while he was buying you coffee, didn't even realize someone was calling your name. "Y/N!"
A hand touched your shoulder, making you jump in surprise. It was a certain indigo haired boy who looked very much sleep deprived. "Oh, Shinsou!" You smiled sweetly. You have helped him a lot before, which ended with you guys being close friends.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, even though it was a stupid question, he was addicted to coffee. "Well, duh." He said, shaking the carton of coffee on his hand. You smiled at that. "But what are you doing here?" He looked around to see anyone familiar that you could be waiting for. He saw Bakugou ordering coffee, but it was such an impossible thing for both of you to be together so he didn't even think about it.
"Well I uh..." You didn't even have time to answer when an angry boy came close to your table. "What the fuck are you doing here?!"
Shinsou's eyes widened ever so slightly looking at the angry boy, and then back at you. "You're here with him?"
"You got a problem with that?" Bakugou asked, taking his seat right across you.
"Well, we're working on his costume." You said sensing the tension.
Bakugou scoffed, apparently not happy with your answer. "Well, okay. I'll see you around?" Said Shinsou, you could understand why he was walking away, since his motto was stay out of drama. "Yeah, sure!" You smiled sweetly, feeling a little bad because you felt like you were dusting him away.
"Are we gonna start working or not?!" You flinched when you heard him scream, a sinking feeling reminding you once again, he wanted nothing to do with you other than working on his costume.
"Sorry." You mumbled. "So I um, worked on this a little more after you left and I think it would be much better if we changed this to this. Because otherwise it would be too heavy."
Bakugou scoffed. "Hah, I can handle heavy." You glanced at him, surprised by his unnecessary narcissism. "Yeah, I know. But still, wouldn't it be better if it were lighter?" He stayed still for a while then shrugged.
"Tch, whatever." Oh, you were starting to see a pattern here. Maybe it wasn't just unnecessary narcissism, but more like... Trying to impress you?
"Are you training today too?" You asked, just testing the waters. "Of course I am! If I'm going to be the number 1 hero, I gotta train every fucking day."
You tapped your chin with your finger. "That's true. Although I've seen you train before and it looked pretty intense." And that was true. He was training so hard it made you shudder just thinking about it.
"Oh, you were watching me?" Oh, shit. You tried to ignore the heat rushing to your cheeks. "Well I wasn't watching you specifically, but it was so... Extra so I may have looked your way once or twice." You tried to cover. But the smug grin on his face told you he didn't believe it a bit.
"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say."
"So, what do you think? Should I change this part? Oh and I thought it would be better if we did this too-" You stopped talking when you felt his eyes lingering on you, instead of the paper. "Bakugou?" You said smiling. "Why are you staring at me?"
"I'm not staring at you!" He shouted, your smile dropping almost instantly. "Why the fuck would I even stare at you?!" His hands were tight fists on the table, his red eyes reminding you of flames. Your eyes widened at his response and you forced a laugh.
"Well, ouch." You said with the same forceful laugh. "I- I wasn't implying anything, you know..." You mumbled.
"I- I..." This was the first time you have seen Bakugou in a loss of words. You shrugged. "Yeah, I know, you want to get this over with as soon as possible."
That was far from what he wanted to say but he accepted it nonetheless.
You both worked on it for hours, once again the time passed quickly, felt like it was a blink of an eye. "That was intense." You said while stretching a bit.
"Well, that was it. We finished the whole design and idea process and I'll take it from here."
His brows furrowed. "What do you mean by I'll take it from here?"
You shrugged. "I just have to actually do this now, so we don't really have to meet like this." Why did Bakugou feel that sting in his chest? For Gods sake, what the fuck was your quirk?
"Y/N." He said that made you stop stretching. Hearing your name from him made your heart beat faster. "What the hell is your quirk?"
"My quirk?" You asked, a little surprised at the sudden question.
"Well it's not a big quirk. I can manipulate shadows." You shrugged. Your quirk had never came off as handy but it was fun to change the shapes of people's shadows and seeing their reactions.
Bakugou desperately tried to find a relation with your quirk and this weird sensation he felt every time you smiled but he couldn't find any.
"That's a dumb quirk." He said instead. You giggled, surprising him. "It is, but I don't really need a quirk to be special, I can work without it just fine."
His brow quirked up at your response. "If you say so."
Everyday for the next week, Bakugou had visited you in your workspace. "I want to see if you're doing a good fucking job." He said when you asked him why.
He stayed with you as long as he could, telling you about his day, about those damn extras in his class, with the exception of "Deku." He was talking about Deku like he wasn't even a part of the class. You knew he was talking about Izuku Midoriya, that green haired shy guy who broke a limb every time he used his quirk. Oh, Bakugou talked about him a lot, with great hatred too.
But even though he was just rambling, you loved to listen to him. And even though he never even implied it, you knew he liked watching you work too. It was probably because he was interested in how his costume was coming up but you still enjoyed it very much.
But the truth was that he had almost completely forgotten about his costume. He was coming to see you every day, every chance because you... You just understood him. But Bakugou was so foreign to these feelings, it made him feel scared and vulnerable.
You weren't aware of any of this, of the internal crisis he was having, so you were surprised when he suddenly stopped showing up.
You couldn't really work too, since your eyes were practically glued to the door, waiting to see a glimpse of the spiky blonde hair, but you never did.
The day you were done with the costume, you texted him. You tried to look as good as you could, cleaned the dust off of your face and your uniform, wore your best perfume only to see someone else who came instead of him to pick the costume up.
It was Kirishima, you had chatted with him before, he was a pretty cute guy, and you knew from your daily chats from Bakugou he liked him too. So just seeing him reminded you of Bakugou which made your mood even worse.
"Is... Is Bakugou okay?" You asked.
You saw the uncomfortable look on his face and you knew Bakugou was avoiding you. "He- he- he is okay... He's just-" You sighed but smiled nonetheless. "It's okay, I understand." His eyes widened. "You do?!"
You shrugged. "He's done with me, I see that. I had the same treatment from some other students too, although it's not very nice, is it? Still, say hi to him for me please."
"It's- it's not like that, he's just-" Kirishima looked a little embarrassed but mostly panicked and you couldn't help but giggle. "It's okay, I'm just happy I could help him."
When Kirishima went back to the dorms, only to find Bakugou on the couch looking at his phone, he was pissed.
"Dude you must be the dumbest person alive."
"Who the fuck are you calling dumb, shitty hair?!" Bakugou jumped from the couch, about to end Kirishima once and for all but Kirishima wasn't having it. "You! I'm calling you dumb! I took your costume from YN, the girl you have been avoiding like the plague, and I was embarrassed for you!"
Kirishima saw Bakugou stiffening as he mentioned your name and smiled knowingly. "Bakugou, if you don't go there and talk to her I will kick your ass."
"You can't kick my ass, idiot." Bakugou answered gruffly.
"Oh but I can. Go fucking talk to her dude! She asked about you, you know? What you're doing is so fucking unmanly." Kirishima gave Bakugou the costume he was holding and Bakugou could swear he could smell your scent on it.
"You call me unmanly one more fucking time and you won't have a tongue to call anyone unmanly. I am the definition of manly."
"Not with that attitude you're not."
"Who the fuck are you, my mother or something?" But Bakugou knew Kirishima was telling the truth, and he just couldn't get rid of this stupid feeling in his chest. Yet, he had thought that if he just stopped seeing you, he would never feel this way ever again. He was wrong. Oh, he had thought of you almost every second of the day, his heart feeling heavier with every second he didn't see you and it was more than he could bear.
He knew what he had to do, he just didn't have the courage before.
"I think- I have to go." He said practically running to the door. He passed the now entering Kaminari with such force and speed, Kaminari almost lost his balance. "Woah, where the fuck is he going?" He asked looking at the grinning Kirishima.
"You'll see." Was his answer.
You were about to leave the workshop, later than usual but you didn't really mind working a little longer, anything that would take your kind off of him, you accepted gratefully.
All of that until you heard his voice.
You jumped not expecting this at all. Your eyes widened when you saw the face you had longed to see for almost a week, and there he was, cheeks flushed like he had ran all the way here.
And you knew why he was here. You weren't stupid, the look in his eyes just gave it away. So a smile found its way on your lips, the sweetest smile he had ever seen that made him feel like he could die right than and there.
"Bakugou!" You said, walking towards him. "You're late."
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xlovely-daydreamsx · 4 years
an angel on my shoulder and the devil in my heart (yandere!hawks x reader) ch2
Summary: Your first day at Hawks’s agency arrives and it’s nothing like you expected.
Warnings: Yandere, stalking, mentions of ns///fw, more warnings to be added
Note: thank you all so much for the support on the first chapter! i’m really glad you’ve all enjoyed this story so far, because it’s really fun for me to write! i’ll be updating again soon <3 hope you enjoy this one as well
P.S. For future reference, all chapters and post relating to this fic will be tagged with ASDH for easy finding
Find Chapter 1 here!
Find Chapter 3 Here!
The first thing you notice is how insanely tall Hawks' agency is. It must be at least 50 stories, you think, as you stroll up to the door. A tower this tall is fit for such an ambitious bird- it’s his own personal Tower of Babel.
The handle of the big, glass door is cold against your palm as you pull it open, giving way to the main hall of the building. It's... quiet. At least, a lot quieter than you had expected; it's not packed to the brim with heroes and office workers, hustling to get their tasks done for the day. Instead, there's a single woman behind a counter, typing away. The clicks of the keyboard echo off of the towering white walls around you, and you step quietly towards her, hoping your shoes wouldn't sound too loud against the marble floors. It feels as if you make one wrong move, those huge walls will come crashing down around you, burying you in a pile of pristine, spotless white debris.
The woman glances up from her computer as you approach, staring you down over the top of her glasses.
"Hi, I'm (L/N) (Y/N); I'm here for-" she interrupts before you can finish, pointing past you to a glass elevator.
"65th floor," she says. You nod, turning away from her, but she speaks up again. "And for future reference," she grimaces, "show up early next time. You'll be three minutes late by the time you get up." Rude, you think, but give her another nod.
"Uh, thanks, I guess." You reply awkwardly and take your leave towards the elevator.
Hawks eyes his watch impatiently as he waits, the minutes ticking by towards the time you were supposed to arrive. For someone seemingly concerned with their image, you were cutting it pretty close to your deadline.
He sighs, brushing a hand through his hair as he props himself up on his desk.
He can feel his heart racing in his chest, his fingers picking nervously at the side of the desk- ah, he finally realizes- he's nervous. When was the last time someone had made his chest flutter like this? Barely a conversation with you and he's already falling hard. Although, the nights he's spent watching you have certainly helped foster his infatuation .
He hadn't meant to make a habit out of it, honestly. A quick search in the hero database gave him your address, so by the time you were home from the sports festival, he was perched on the side of the apartment building next to yours, peering into what he believed to be your bedroom. Three floors up, right side of the building, he remembers, of course- he's been there every night for the past week.
He just wanted a quick peek, that's all- a glance at you outside of your hero persona to make sure he was making the right decision, but watching you was too addicting to quit.
From what he could see from his little perch, your bedroom is pretty plain. Cream colored walls plastered with posters for movies and bands he doesn't recognize, little knick-knacks sitting on your desk, and in the farthest corner, a peek of a stuffed rabbit on your bed. He can't help but picture you in bed, arms wrapped around your fuzzy friend. Adorable.
Really, it was innocent- no harm no foul; except for the fact that he didn't leave after you came home, and didn't close his eyes as you undressed.
Hawks shakes his head, patting his cheeks as he tries to pull himself out of the memory of your body in the yellow glow of your lights, arms stretching as you pull your shirt- no, he can't think about this right now; you'll be in his office any minute, and he doesn't want to get too excited and scare you off now, does he?
The elevator lets out a little ding as you reach your floor, the doors sliding open into a large room. Most of the walls are glass, you notice first, large panes reaching up towards a dome ceiling, showing nothing but the sky above you. It's stunning, more so than anything you've ever seen before, but you can hardly ignore the centerpiece of this room: Hawks. He's sat on a desk towards the back of the room, feet dangling and red wings spread wide, a grin on his face as he watches you try not to gawk. His arms stretch behind him as he pushes himself off and strolls towards you, white teeth practically glistening.
"Four minutes late," he clicks his tongue, letting out a tsk, "I expected more from my future sidekick." You know he's joking, but something in the way he looks at you makes you feel a bit of an obligation to apologize. Another part of you wants to rub it in his secretary’s face that she was wrong.
"We're jumping the gun a bit there, aren't we?" You say instead. You try to match his playful tone, but your nerves make your throat dry and you swear you hear a crack when you speak. If Hawks notices, he doesn't mention it. He waves his hand dismissively and gestures you towards the overstuffed chair in front of his desk.
"I just have high hopes for you," he winks, "sit down, please; if I'm being honest, you look a bit like a deer in the headlights." You sit stiffly in the chair. How exactly does he want you to respond to that?
"Well, I have to admit- I am a little nervous." You chuckle awkwardly. He takes his place on top of his desk once more, his looming presence not doing much to comfort you.
"Don't be," he dismisses the thought and reaches behind him, taking a little black box in his hands, "here's a little 'welcome to the agency' present from me; I'm sure you'll do great here, kid." Your eyes grow wide at the sight of it; when was the last time someone gave you a gift? You can hardly remember. Your excitement takes over any rational thinking that would tell you not to accept the gift,- you don't need it, after all- and you swiftly pull the lid off. Inside lays a necklace. A shimmering gold chain leads downwards towards a slim and simple gold circle. In awe, you stare quietly at the gift.
"Like a halo," Hawks chimes in after more than a few seconds of silence, "to go with your hero name. I know it's a bit cheesy," A grin spreads across your face.
"Good thing I'm not lactose intolerant," you chuckle at your own joke, but the realization sets in and you freeze. You just said that to the fucking number three hero. Your first day here and you’ve already horribly embarrassed yourself.
"I'm sorry, that was inappropriate. I-I'll be more professional from now on-" you ramble a bit, cheeks flushed red. Stupid, stupid, stupid, you tell yourself, regretting ever opening your mouth. You hear Hawks laugh, and god, he's laughing at you.
"(Y/N), calm down," he draws out your first name, a lazy smile on his face as he stares at your flushed cheeks, "it was cute. No need to apologize." Well, if your face wasn't red before, it certainly is now. Hawks just called you cute, you think. Really, that should've been a red flag, but you're caught up in the experience and you mechanically let out a thank you.
God, you're adorable, Hawks reminds himself as he watches you fidget in your seat. Your face is completely red at this point- only a bit of teasing and you're already a mess; would you flush like that if he put his hands on you? And exactly how far does that blush go down? He wants to bend you over his desk, has been thinking about it since the moment you stepped out of the elevator, but no- restraint is key for now. He'll make you want him just as much as he wants you, just you wait; you'll be begging him to fuck you by the end of the week. 
"Can I put it on you?" He asks innocently, like it isn't just a ploy to touch you. You hesitate, thinking of refusing, saying you can get it yourself, thank you, but Hawks tilts his head and all your resolve melts away- he's just trying to be nice. So you nod in agreement and he eagerly hops off the desk, taking his position behind you. The metal of the jewelry is cold against your skin as Hawks moves your hair to the side, and you suppress a shiver that you swear is from the cold.
The clip of the necklace clicks into place, but Hawks' hand lingers, shifting downwards.
"What are you-" you begin to ask, but you're stopped by a gentle tug at one of your feathers.
"Do your wings not retract?" He asks, genuinely curious. His hand glides across the sensitive expanse of your wing as you speak.
"Not like yours do, but they tuck in pretty tight." He hums in appreciation.
"How do you get your clothes on?" A bit of a weird question, you think, but nothing you haven't heard before.
"My wings are surprisingly flexible; they can fit through pretty much anything the size of the radius bone." He hums again.
"Can you stand up? I'd just like to get a better look at them," he says, "as long as that's okay with you."
"Of course!" You reply immediately and stand up, letting him lead you to a more spacious area. He threads his fingers into the feathers, spreading your wings out like he's appraising them. His fingers card through your secondary feathers; you wonder for a moment if he knows how pleasant his touch in your wings is, if his own feel the same when someone touches them, but with the way he's prodding at you, you figure he doesn't. 
"I'm not hurting you, am I?" He whispers behind you. You swallow thickly around a newfound lump in your throat and hope you can hold back a whine as you respond.
"Not at all." You hear him sigh happily, continuing his ministrations.
"They're really soft; you must take good care of them."
"I preen them every night," you respond proudly. Your wings are your staple as a hero; without them, your Angel persona crumbles, so of course you're going to take care of them. Hawks' hot breath tickles your neck as he laughs.
"What a good bird, preening yourself," he jokes, "you can just say groom, you know." Your face is back to red as quick as it left, and you mutter out a little sorry. 
"Stop apologizing,” he whines, tugging at one of your feathers like he’s annoyed, “you're bumming me out," you pause, wondering if you should apologize again, but think better of it.
"Y'know,” he continues without any response from you, “it really pissed me off when that guy at the festival grabbed you like that.”
"I was hoping you had missed my epic defeat," you can hardly call that one a joke, but you let out a dry laugh.
"You deserved to win that one; it was a cheap shot," he runs his finger along the edge of your wing, his face a bit closer to your neck now, "I'm just glad he didn't mess up such a pretty thing," it's a ghost of a whisper against your ear, and you wonder for a moment if he's really talking about your wings.
His fingers are wrapped in your feathers one moment and gone the next as he steps behind you, clapping his hands together casually, like nothing had just happened.
"Well, I suggest we stop wasting time and jump right into training. What'd'ya say?" You turn to face him, a tint of red still on your cheeks and you nod, electing to forget the uncomfortably intimate moment you just shared with your mentor.
"Yeah," you breathe, preparing yourself for the rest of what you’re assuming will be a long day, “let’s do it.”
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gummygowon · 4 years
kitty | hitoshi shinso
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word count: 2.8k
genre: fluff with the tiniest bit of angst
strangers to lovers!
warnings: mentions of a family member’s death
quirk: the ability to manipulate the weather
hitoshi shinso was on his way back to his dorm when it started to sprinkle. "just my luck." he grumbled.
he was nearing the 1-b dorm until he heard a soft whine coming from nearby. curiosity got the best of him and the indigo haired boy drifted towards the sound.
the boy ended up walking near a tree and found a small gray-white kitten whining for its owner. "what are you doing all by yourself sweetie?" he asked as he neared the small animal.
shinso slowly stuck out his hand for the kitten to smell. the kitten slowly crept her way towards the boy and he picked her up carefully.
"suki!" you cried out, the light rain shower not helping you look for your lost kitten. "suki!"
the indigo haired boy turned around with the cat in his arms which caught your attention right away.
"oh my god! there you are!" you ran towards the boy.
as you came closer, shinso recognized you from the sports festival. during the school's festival you made it quite far into the one on one fighting tournament you survived all the way to the third round, defeating tokoyami. a nice combination of tornadoes and lighting worked well in order to defeat your fellow classmate. unfortunately, you had to leave after that fight due to personal reasons so you truly didn't know where you stood among your classmates.
"is this your cat?" shinso asked in a tired voice.
"yes, i'm so sorry you had to stand here in the rain."  you rambled on. "suki, you naughty girl."
hitoshi didn't know how to deal with your blabbering so he stopped you short, "it's fine, i like cats anyways."
"really?" you asked, your mood brightening instantly.
the boy nodded as he handed over your kitten. he turned around to leave but you stopped him.
"excuse me, what's your name?"
"hitoshi shinso."
"nice to you meet you, shinso. i'm y/n." you introduced yourself.
"see you around, y/n." he said suddenly.
"oh bye! and thank you for finding my cat!" you yelled after him.
as you walked away with your cat snug in your arms you whispered to her, "he's an interesting one, isn't he suki?"
your cat meowed in response.
you nodded along, "that's what i was thinking too."
not even a couple days later your cat escaped your dorm again
"for fuck's sake." you cried out once you noticed your room was empty.
you quickly rushed out of the complex to see a familiar looking purple haired boy nearby.
"suki?" you yelled, once you came close to him.
shinso was sitting under a tree with your cat resting in his lap.
"oh my god, i'm so sorry again." you said, flustered. you thought the boy probably assumed you were a shitty ass owner who couldn't take care of her cat.
"it's ok." he reassured. "i think she likes me."
you chuckled, "i guess so."
you sat down near the boy since you cat was sound asleep in the boy's lap and didn't want to wake her up at the moment.
"so shinso, what class are you in?" you asked, wanting to start a conversation.
he looked up at you surprised that you even wanted to talk to him. "uh, general studies."
"really, what's your quirk?" more questions were forming in your head now.
"i can brainwash people." he answered flaty.
"that's fucking cool." your eyes sparkled at the boy.
hitoshi looked at you with another surprise look. many people assumed he was some evil person because of his quirk and the dark circles under his eyes. it had been awhile since someone marveled at his power with awe and not cower away.
"how about you?" he asked, even though he already knew the answer.
"i can manipulate the weather." you explained, "if i get really moody though, i can change it without realizing. sometimes people tell me i changed the weather in the slightest bit but i can never tell unless it's drastic."
shinso nodded his head, taking in all the information.
"anyways, do you pour milk before the cereal?" you asked out the blue.
the boy shot a weird expression at you. well that was quite unexpected. just like the weather, i guess. he thought to himself.
you saw the look on his face and began to defend yourself, "hey don't give me that look. i know for a fact that you don't want to talk about school or some dumb shit."
"that's fair." shinso agreed. "i put the milk in after duh."
"oh you fucking normy." you huffed and leaned back on your hands for support.
"what? you put the milk first?" the purple haired boy asked, offended.
"uh, yeah." you replied as if the answer was obvious.
"what the fuck are you on?" he asked with a serious tone.
you laughed at him, "nah, i'm fucking with you. whoever does that deserves the death penalty."
"jesus christ, just because of milk?" the boy questioned, genuinely concerned for your mental health.
"yeah." you simply answered.
compared to battle you and normal you, you were like two seperate people. battle you was intimidating as hell and normal you was a good student of course in class but outside you seemed insane to others.
the two of you talked for what seemed like hours until you realized that the sun was going down and your pile of homework wasn't going to do itself.
"see ya, shinso." you called to him as you cradled your cat in your arms.
"you know what, bless your heart suki. i think i found a keeper." you thanked your kitten as you gave her a nice head rub.
you ended up seeing shinso a lot, thanks to your cat running away to see him basically. but you didn't mind at all. it was refreshing to talk to someone else outside of your class.
the two of you learned a lot about one another which was great since you gained another friend thanks to your sneaky cat. shinso could handle your random ass and you could crack down his cold wall.
shinso wouldn't say it out loud but he noticed that the sun seemed to appear whenever he saw her even on cloudy days. it was like you subconsciously drove away all the clouds when you saw him.
until recently, the weather seemed darker than usual. even when the two of you would talk, hitoshi noticed that you seemed to get quieter each day. everytime hitoshi tried to ask what was wrong you would brush it off and blame it on your schoolwork. it got to the point where the brainwashing boy started asking the hero course students about their workload and from what everyone was saying, their load was normal as usual.
confused and slightly hurt that you wouldn't tell him what was happening, shinso decided to check up on you one day. but it was raining cats and dogs on the quick walk to the class 1-a's dorm.
he didn't know why he cared so much about what was going on but it seemed like no one else was noticing your off behavior. shinso trudged through the rain with his umbrella until he unexpectedly bumped into you.
"y/n?" he asked once he saw that you had no umbrella and was carrying your cat's cage.
as you came closer he noticed that your mascara was running down your face and your eyes were red but he couldn't tell if it was because of the rain or something else. he immediately shielded the rain away from you with his umbrella, not really caring if he got soaked.
"shinso, i need you to take care of suki for me please." you pleaded.
"ok, i will but why?" the puzzled boy asked you. he was starting to feel even more concerned for your wellbeing.
"something came up with my family and i have to leave school for a couple of days. i promise to explain later." you handed him the cage and quickly explained how to take care of your sneaky kitten.
he waved to you goodbye and watched your figure run away in the pouring rain. shinso felt a wave of regret wash over him since he felt like he should've done more for you back then or at least gave you a hug.
shinso continued the rest of his school week with a weird feeling his chest. he wouldn't admit it but he missed your presence and the warm feeling of the sun's rays on his skin. he missed your bright smile and contagious laugh.
even his classmates caught onto his sad aura but he just brushed them off saying he barely slept that night.
your cat was probably the only thing keeping him happy at this point. he would play with suki after he finished homework.
"suki, do you know what happened with y/n?" he asked the kitten as he rubbed her belly.
suki just meowed in response.
"yeah, i figured you wouldn't know."
just then your cat scratched shinso, "ow, i didn't mean it like that suki."
when you came back to school, the first thing you did was go get your cat back or in other words, see hitoshi shinso. but you didn't dare admit it out loud.
there was a heavy feeling in your heart that you didn't want to talk about because if you talked about it you would start bawling your eyes out. you realized that if you went to go pick up your cat straight away shinso would probably ask what's wrong and you weren't really in the mood to talk at all. hell, you probably should just let the boy keep the cat. he was probably a better owner than you. suki would always run to him and probably spent more time with him than you ever did since you brought her to your dorm.
you stalled picking up your cat and sat down at the tree where you and shinso always talked at. you curled up at the base of the tree and just let your emotions run free.
it began pouring straight away and you didn't even notice that you were completely drenched. it felt nice to cry and have your tears be washed away with rain.
"y/n?" a familiar voice called out.
you turned your head to where the voice was coming from to see shinso standing there with his umbrella.
"y/n, oh my god what are you doing here?" he asked, worryingly.
you just shrugged.
the boy quickly pulled you to your feet and wrapped his school blazer around you. he walked you back to his dorm with an arm wrapped around your back.
shinso had so many questions forming in his mind, that he couldn't speak. out of all the times he's seen you, he has never seen you this quiet and drained before.
once the two of you reached the porch of his dorm you grabbed his wrist, preventing him from walking in.
"what's wrong?" he quickly asked.
you didn't say anything but instead pulled shinso into a hug and just started crying all over again.
the boy did his best to soothe you with his words even though he comforting people wasn't his forte.
after you finally managed to control your breathing you sat down with your head resting on shinso's shoulder. "my favorite aunt died last week. so that's why i had to leave school."
"i'm sorry, y/n. she must have been a great person." hitoshi comforted you as he rubbed your shoulder in a calming manner.
"she was." you smiled sadly. "she was the only person in my family who had such a similar quirk to me. we bonded over that along with other stupid stuff."
"if you don't mind me asking, how did she die? if you don't want to talk about it, it's fine." the purpled haired boy asked, carefully. he didn't want to make you feel worse or bring up any sad memories.
"it's alright shinso." you sniffed. "she died of brain cancer. that's why i left early during the sports festival. i went to go visit her after she just got surgery. everyone told me, even my aunt told me she was getting better. they lied."
you started crying again and the rain seemed to come down even harder as if that was anymore possible. "why did they lie, shinso? she was getting better wasn't she?"
"i don't know, y/n. but from what you're telling me, your aunt was strong a woman and fought bravely. now she's in a better place."
you nodded your head.
"come on, let's go inside. i'll make you tea while you can rest in my bed." shinso helped you up and wrapped his arm around your waist.
you were too tired to even argue against him so you let him lead you away into his dorm.
all shinso's classmates shot him weird looks but were all sent back with a glare. no one questioned the two of you as you made your way into the elevator.
the two of you arrived at his dorm that was the very top of the building and he escorted you inside. shinso quickly searched through his closet for a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt. you quietly thanked him as you went to go change in his bathroom.
"i'll be right back, y/n ok?"
you nodded your head and climbed on top his bed, curling up into a ball.
once he came back to his room, he saw you fast asleep. hitoshi quietly laughed at you before he went to go tuck you into the covers. he placed the mugs of tea on his desk and carefully sat down next you with a book in his hand.
he almost knocked over the mugs of tea when you instinctively wrapped your arms around his  torso.
"jesus fuck." he mumbled under his breath.
hitoshi looked back out the window to see that the rain had settled along with you. he softly smiled at you and started to comb his fingers through your h/c hair.
the boy let you sleep for what seemed like hours to you but only ending up being just one hour.
you stirred awake and rubbed your eyes, groggily. you sat up rather quickly once you noticed you weren't in your own room. your sudden abruptness gave shinso another heart attack and caused him to fall off of his own bed.
"ow." he whined.
you peered over the bed to see your friend on the floor. "where the fuck am i?"
"your in my dorm, stupid." he groaned as he rubbed his back.
"oh my god, are you okay?" you asked instantly.
"yeah, i'm just peachy." he answered sarcastically as he stood up. "but the real question is are you ok?"
"yeah, i feel better now. thanks hitoshi." you thanked him, feeling a blush spread across your cheeks.
"don't worry about it." the boy waved you off, also feeling a blush spread across his cheeks. "your tea is on my desk but i think it probably tastes like cold feet."
you laughed at his comment which caused the purple haired boy's heart to flutter just a little bit.
hitoshi's eyes quickly looked away and stared outside the window, "oh my god."
"what is it?" you asked as you quietly walk towards shinso and wrapped your arms around his torso.
"fuck." he jumped a little at your touch. "you gotta stop scaring me, y/n."
"sorry, sorry." you chuckled.
he nudged you when he realized you weren't looking outside, "look it's a rainbow."
you gasped at the ray of colors, feeling insanely better. "wow." you breathed out.
hitoshi could've sworn the rainbow got brighter once you spoke but didn't bring any attention to it whatsoever. instead he just brought you in front of him and pulled you closer.
the two of you didn't say anything until, your cat meowed.
you looked down to see your sneaky kitten, rub her face against your leg. "hi suki! did you miss me?" you cooed at the cat as you picked her up. "did mr. shinso treat you right."
the kitty just meowed for an answer.
"good, i knew he would take good care of you."
"you know y/n, if it weren't for your cat i would've never met you." shinso confessed as he stared at you.
"that's what i was saying to suki this whole time." you smiled at him and placed suki back on the floor.
you wrapped your arms again around the purple haired boy and buried your face into his chest.
"thank you." you mumbled.
"for what?"
"for existing." you simply answered.
in response you got an even tighter hug as hitoshi buried his face into your soft hair. his heart was racing but he felt at home with you in his arm. and so did you.
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simplybakugou · 4 years
These Damn Kids
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↝ After some convincing despite how much he despises kids, you managed to get Bakugou to volunteer at a children’s camp with you... 
BINGO SPACE: Camp Counselors
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⋆ PAIRING: bakugou x fem!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing; fluff ⋆ WORD COUNT: 1955
A/N: another @bnhabookclub​ bingo piece. i honestly missed writing for bakugou so this was very easy to write lmao. the minute someone requested bakugou for this prompt (thank you to the anon who did btw) it had me cracking up at the thought of bakugou having to deal with a bunch of kids. hope you enjoy this!
✐posted 08.08.2020✐
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“Can’t believe this shitty girl’s convinced me to come to this stupid fucking thing,” Bakugou muttered under his breath as he drove up the slope into the campsite. 
It was the summer of his second year at U.A. and Bakugou was ready to train and work his body as much as he could before starting his final year. He wanted to prepare so that he would be ready for the chaos that comes with attending a high profile school like U.A. but unfortunately his plans were foiled. You somehow managed to convince him to volunteer at the summer camp for children, which was one of the many things Bakugou hated.
Being a student at Shiketsu High, you were well aware of the kind of rigor and training that is required when attending a hero school. U.A. and Shiketsu would often collaborate and allow the students to intermingle in order to get accustomed to working with students that weren’t from their respective schools as once they became pro heroes, they would be teamed up with other pros that they might not be familiar with. 
When you met the students from class A during one of these school team ups, you immediately gravitated to Bakugou. Having watched and always been fond of the annual U.A. sports festival, you admired Bakugou’s will and ambition, not to mention how he was a powerhouse of a fighter. Initially Bakugou saw you like he saw everybody else, just an annoying extra that would get on his nerves. And although you did find it hilarious when you were able to get under his skin, you caught Bakugou’s eye when you managed to beat Midoriya during a one and one training fight. Needless to say, he didn’t hate you that much.
Since then you managed to get him to agree to go out on a date with you and the rest was history. Now you practically had him wrapped around your finger as he wouldn’t hesitate to beat anyone up that even looked at you the wrong way. It was unbelievable when you imagined how different he was back when you first met him to now. 
Bakugou parked his car in front of the camp site, letting out a big sigh as he was preparing to enter the battlefield of children. He exited the car, making his way through the wooded area as he scanned the many kids and supervisors looking after them. He finally found you as you were sitting on the ground in front of a crowd of about ten children. You had them practically eating out of your palm with the way they were mesmerized by the book you were reading to them.
The corners of Bakugou’s lips rose slightly as he admired how adorable you looked. He knew how much you loved kids, although he could never understand why, and you genuinely seemed content with working with them. 
“Um, excuse me,” a high-pitched voice squeaked from behind Bakugou. 
“What?” Bakugou asked the little boy as he turned around, his natural tone making the child frightened.
“Um, are you that angry guy from U.A.?” He asked, innocently watching him.
“Whoa, I think that’s him!” Another kid said as two other children ran up beside their friend. 
Sooner rather than later a mini crowd formed around Bakugou as all the children peered up at him in awe. Under any other circumstance he would’ve relished the moment of being recognized by such simpletons but the idea of a bunch of miniature humans annoying him as they all were speaking amongst one another as if he wasn’t there was just pissing him off.
“Wait! I think this is the guy that got kidnapped by the League of Villains!” One kid exclaimed, a round of gasps erupting from the crowd. 
“You fucking shit, I dare you to fucking say that again--” 
Before Bakugou ended up assaulting one of the children, and even though you were enjoying yourself as your boyfriend seemed genuinely ticked off, you cupped your hands over your lips as you called out, “Okay! It’s time for lunch!”
The kids let out their excited cheers as they ran towards the common area for lunch. You waved at them, letting a few of them know that you would be joining them soon. You glanced over at Bakugou, a wide grin appearing on your face as you approached him.
You leaned up on your tiptoes, planting a small kiss to his lips as you wrapped your arms around his waist. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Yeah? That makes one of us.”
You chuckled. “I really appreciate you coming here. You’re always working yourself so hard and I thought you could have some fun!”
Bakugou scoffed. “There’s nothing fun about spending a week with some fucking brats.”
“Well, I also wanted to spend some time with my handsome boyfriend, too,” you said, knowing Bakugou well enough to throw in a few compliments to butter him up. “And plus, you might make some new friends here, you never know!”
“I fucking doubt that,” Bakugou muttered.
“Ahem!” A more grown voice mumbled from behind you. 
“Shishikura!” You said as you turned around, greeting your upperclassman as you pulled away from Bakugou.
“You shouldn’t be doing something so indecent in front of children, Y/N,” Shishikura scolded you despite his glare narrowing down at Bakugou.
Bakugou rolled his eyes. “Mind your business, you meat fuck. If I'd known your ass would be here, I wouldn’t’ve come.”
“Well maybe you should go back home then,” Shishikura said, his tone holding as much annoyance as Bakugou’s did. 
“Okay, boys, you can calm down,” you said, laughing as you had gotten used to their hatred for one another and their need to constantly be at each other’s throats. “I’ll be over to help out in a second.”
“Alright,” Shishikura said curtly, turning around as he made his way towards the picnic area where all the children were hanging around.
“Why the fuck is that piece of shit here?” Bakugou grunted, as he was still scowling at the sight of the annoying upperclassman that he encountered during his provisional license exam in his first year.
“Shishikura’s really sweet when you get to know him. You guys just make a big deal of nothing.” You entwined your fingers into Bakugou’s hand as you pulled him towards the direction of the kids. “And plus, he’s the one who told me about this camp in the first place!”
“So it’s that fucker’s fault I’ve gotta stay here for a week?” Bakugou asked, content with being able to blame Shishikura for something.
“No, silly, that was me.” You turned your head to the sound of one of the older supervisor’s calling your name. “I’ll be right back. Just make sure all the kids are eating and getting along!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Bakugou muttered, watching as you helped out as much as you could.
Bakugou’s scarlet eyes scanned the area, already deciding that he didn’t really want to be around so many tiny humans as they were scarfing down their meals. While most of them sat at the wooden picnic tables together as they happily consumed their food, one little boy sat all alone. He was picking at his sandwich, barely eating even a crumb. 
“Hey, kid,” Bakugou called out to him. “Why’re you sitting by yourself?”
The little boy looked up at Bakugou, his blue eyes widening at the sight of such an intimidating person. He turned his head back to his sandwich. “No one wants to sit with me.”
Bakugou glanced over to the other kids who seemed jovial as they were enjoying each other’s company and then he glanced back at the little boy. Letting out a sigh, Bakugou sat in front of the boy at the table. “I’ll sit with ya. What’s your name?”
“Ayato,” the boy said in a low tone.
“So none of these little shits wanna hang out with you?”
Ayato’s eyes widened at the sound of Bakugou’s profane language. “Um, I don’t think you’re supposed to be cursing like that.”
“Yeah? There’s a lotta things I’m not supposed to do but that’s not gonna stop me,” Bakugou said with a huff. 
As Bakugou’s eyes wandered amongst the crowd once more, he felt a surge of anger flow through him, more than usual at least, at the sight of Shishikura standing so close to you. He said something to you, causing you to laugh and your features to soften in a way that would normally make Bakugou’s heart melt. Typically he wouldn’t have gotten so upset at the sight of a man being so physically close to you, as he had full trust in you, but the idea of one of the people he despised being that man made him furious.
Ayato followed where Bakugou was glaring so harshly. “Why do you look so mad, mister?”
“See that prick over there?” Bakugou pointed to Shishikura to which Ayato nodded. “I can’t stand him… especially when he’s near my girl.”
“He’s weird and he talks funny,” Ayato said in agreement. “Is (L/N) your girlfriend?”
“She’s really pretty and she’s really nice,” Ayato said, a small smile appearing on his lips.
“Damn right she is.” Bakugou decided to take this chance to try and get him to eat something, understanding that he was fond of you. “Well, (L/N) would want you to eat.”
Ayato let out a small sigh, grabbing the sandwich in his hands and taking a small bite, chewing the food before swallowing. He watched Bakugou as he watched you, observing Shishikura carefully and almost letting out a sigh of relief when he finally walked away from you. 
You glanced over at Bakugou, feeling his crimson eyes seer through the back of your skull. You sent him a toothy grin, overjoyed that he had finally spoken to someone. After taking care of things for the supervisors, you made your way towards Bakugou and Ayato, checking up on a few children on the way.
You sat beside Bakugou, resting your head on your hands as you smiled at Ayato. “How’s lunch, Ayato?”
“It’s good!” Ayato exclaimed in a tone that was ten times more enthusiastic than it was with Bakugou. “We were talking about you.”
“You were?” You asked, glimpsing over to your boyfriend.
“Yeah, and we were talking about how weird that meatball shit is,” Bakugou said, earning a giggle from Ayato.
“Katsuki, you can’t curse in front of the kids,” you whispered to him, intending for Ayato not to hear.
“It’s okay, it’s funny,” Ayato reassured.
“See, the kid’s fine with it,” Bakugou said.
Before you could scold him any further, one of the lead supervisors clapped her hands to get the attention of the kids, announcing that they were going to start the next activity soon. Ayato took another bite from his sandwich, jumping down from his seat with the sandwich still in hand. He waved to you and especially to Bakugou. “Thank you for keeping me company, mister.”
“Sure thing, kid,” Bakugou replied back and you both watched Ayato catch up with the other kids and adults.
You smiled at Bakugou, brushing a few stray strands of hair back to place on his forehead. “So you made a friend? I thought all kids were ‘fucking brats?’”
Bakugou narrowed his eyes at you and then peered back to Ayato. “Well… some of these damn kids are alright I guess.”
You laughed, getting back to your feet as you had to drag Bakugou back to the crowd to help the others. Maybe it was due to meeting a ‘tamed’ kid like Ayato, but this week might not be so bad after all...
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fairytsuk1 · 4 years
my heart weeps for you. (a)
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pairing: izuku midoriya x reader
genre: angst
warning: graphic descriptions of injuries, character death
words: 3.1k
summary: please find me in my next life so I can properly tell you that I love you!
a/n: this is a long emotional one, please enjoy it :)
 Midoriya used to think that he'd only ever felt genuine sorrow in his life the day his mentor, father, and a love of his passed away.
 "I'm so proud of you, Young Midoriya...I suppose you aren't so young anymore, are you?" his hand rested atop his poofy hair, Toshinori could almost see him when he was much younger. When his embraces still had the familiar teenage gentleness behind them, he'd grown up so much, "I am proud of you. To know that you are my successor is the greatest gift you could have ever given me." 
 Midoriya had watched Toshinori take his final breaths after he proudly exhaled those three long-lasting words. He didn't cry then. Only when he was lost in the coldness of his bedsheets did his heart weep from anguish as though he had lost a part of himself. He hated the sky and the way it shone so brightly because he would never get to see All Might look up at it once more before smiling. 
 The world looked at the number one hero as a symbol of peace and that he was! He saved the day as Deku with a small pin of his former mentor near his breast, a constant reminder that he was always with him. Grief lasted what felt like forever, but every day things grew just a bit easier. Only, his biggest regret was that Toshinori Yagi had never gotten to meet you. He would have loved you. It seemed that people who had changed Izuku's life could never coexist. It was if life was trying to tell him something. 
 In the end, it's just you.
 The next time he felt genuine sorrow was on a day bright like the one before. Though the pain wasn't because of how alone he felt or how much he missed those who had passed...No, he felt the wave of sorrow overtake him the moment you'd died in his arms. Unlike last time, he wept. His heart cried out for you even when he chose not to think about it. It wept his entire life, for he was never able to find the same type of love ever again.
 "Deku! It's me, Signal, I'm sorry I'm late! The train was packed! This lady asked for help retrieving her cat, and I just couldn't say no in my hero get-up! But I am truly honored to be your sidekick. I will do my best for our newfound team!"
 You were young and bright and so colorful. Your hero outfit was a pure white and gave you this sense of innocence, but the red rings gave you a bold and courageous aura. You looked more like an angel rather than a hero. He didn't prefer the traditional cliches when it came to romance, but he couldn't help but feel shocked when suddenly things seemed brighter around him. You made things seem brighter.
"Huh?! It's no trouble at all! Really, don't worry about it! That was great for you to do, you're gonna have everyone's vote in the popularity poll if you keep it up. Ready for patrol?"
 You reached into your bag and grabbed a clunky helmet with a black shaded screen, it covered your face. Midoriya felt a frown tug his lips before scolding himself. Why are you frowning at her costume? You haven't known her well enough to be upset by how she looks! Later, he would grin in happy remembrance when he had gone to visit your grave. He hadn't frowned because he thought you were ugly, he'd frowned because he thought you were beautiful.
 You talked a lot, mostly about the latest things in pop-culture and anything to do with animals. You seemed to be really into music and saving stray dogs. You also tended to ramble about the mundane things in life like blue-spotted pigeons or plump old ladies offering homemade churros. You also ate with your helmet on, and it made you look pretty silly. He couldn't stop himself from grinning every time you turned your whole body to talk to him. You never knew what he was smiling at. 
 "Okay, watch this!" he watched you intently while sitting on the park bench, he didn't want to ask what exactly he was supposed to be seeing and had no idea if there was supposed to be anything at all.
"Um-haha! I don't see anything--"
 Neon pink. A blushing emoticon with small letters appearing under it. 
 "Signal loves Deku!"
 It was like he could hear Mina's words saying that when he blushed, he looked like a firetruck. He was sure he looked like a million firetrucks right then.
 "It's true! I'm a big fan and I've always dreamed of being near you! It's like a confession towards your senpai! Have you ever seen those types of anime? It's usually done better in the manga, but I like the romantic connotations either way. Pretty cool, right? During a stressful mission, I thought it might be better to display messages so people would know it's okay while I'm still kicking ass! Also-" 
 He laughed so sweetly that it felt like drinking honey and milk. He'd never heard of displaying messages like that, it was different! But it was a good type of different, a uniqueness that made you stand out. It was weird how he had only briefly met you once under the cherry blossom trees when it felt like he'd known you forever. He had only first seen you in your third-year school sports festival at his Alma Mater, but it felt like he'd been with you before. Your energy felt so familiar, and you felt so warm. He chalked it up to your infectious bubbly personality, but he had no idea how deep your energy truly ran.
 His sidekick Signal gave him a rush he had never felt before. You were sweet, but your quirk was terrific and incredibly powerful, you could sense civilians and give out concentrated waves of vibrations to either alert heroes or ward off villains. The two of you worked like a well-oiled machine because when he punched? You rescued. When you signaled? He arrived. When you both started? You both finished. 
 "Hey, Deku? Did you know that I love spicy pork ramen?"
"Is this your way of telling me we should get ramen?"
"Let's go then! I'll pay since I  am  the older one, of course," he grinned back at you, "let's get going short-stuff!"
 "I'm average!! We've been over this before you bozo!"
 It wasn't a date, it was just dinner after work. No biggie. Midoriya didn't need to fix his hair when he walked past the department stores' glass, and he didn't need to nervously look away from your eyes when you spoke with such intensity. 
 "Am I too young for you?"
 His beer sputtered out from his lips like a faucet; quickly, he began to mumble apologies as the brown liquid was wiped away from the table and his chin, "young?! What do you mean too young?!"
 "It's just as I said! I'm only nineteen and you' re-gosh-like twenty-five? No, twenty-six! Am I too young for you?"
"Hey!! I'm only twenty-three! I'm not some old geezer or a pervert or something!! ... You're just fine but...dating looks problematic, so we should just avoid it. Especially for your future career because of power dynamics and stuff."
 "Dating? I was talking about being a sidekick."
 You tossed your head back and barked out a laugh as you blatantly made fun of him, "I'm just messing with you! I meant what I said. If it's so problematic, then please wait for me!"
 It had only been six months since he'd met you under a bright blue sky with one wispy cloud floating in it. It had been only a year since he first saw you on his tablet with the most radiant smile on your face even though you'd lost to your opponent.
 It had only been six months since he had properly gotten to know you, and it was at this moment he could confidently tell himself that he loved you. Even with that clunky helmet.
"Okay, I'll wait for you. But you better not make me wait too long! Who knows what'll happen?"
 He wished he wouldn't have jinxed it.
 Red was a fantastic color on you and you knew it. It was merely coincidental that it matched his tie and the two of you looked like a couple. The whispers and comments weren't malicious, they were just curious. Who was Deku toting on his arm? Why did they look so compatible? At first, your curious eyes wandered all over the Pro-Hero Praise Party. (It has an official name, but after hearing your joyful excitement of being able to attend a "Praise Party," it just stuck.). You took it all in before glancing back at him with an open mouth of awe.
 "So, are the snacks any good?"
 Of course you were amazed. After shrugging in response to your question, Midoriya watched you quickly run off to chat with some of the girls, Uravity and Froppy. You were weird if he was going to be honest, you had this childlike excitement that followed you wherever you went but at the same time...you had a presence. It was commanding, demanding, and it called everyone to pay attention to you. You shone so brightly that it stuck to people's hearts like superglue; walking away almost made his vision go blurry because oh my god, please don't let that force be taken away from me.  
 You always came running back though. When things began to get a bit more intense with flirtatious comments or lots of alcohol, you were always there to seek comfort. With your exuberant nature came his calming one. You two fit together like two peas in a pod.
 "Izuku? I have to tell you something."
 "I...I had a good time! Thank you for bringing me as your plus one to the party!"
 He raised a brow in confusion as the two of you stood outside your apartment complex.
"Oh! I had a good time too! We should go to more, it's fun with you," was that coming on a bit too strong? Is that  creepy ?! "I--"
 Soft lips on his cheek, you had to go up a step because he was just that much taller than you. The gloss made it a bit sticky but you pulled away with a heart-shaped smile.
 "Pervert! You're blushing!"
"You're the weird one! Didn't your parents ever teach you not to fool around with older people??"
 "Psh, don't pull the 'I'm your senior' schtick!! I heard enough about it from Mr. Ground Zero!..."
 He smiled and stepped down, letting a hand squeeze your shoulder. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable with too much affection.
 "Well...Big day tomorrow, I'm going to jump right into bed!"
"Got it! Me too! See you later, and thank you. F-For the kiss."
 You grinned, your teeth nearly blinding him as you squeezed his hand before turning to go into the complex. 
 "Also, that hand move was a little weird. Just hug me next time! There!" You stuck your tongue out and hummed, "romantic advice from someone younger than you! Suck it!"
 That night, he lay in bed, wishing you were there with him. You two could lie together or watch movies or do anything, really. He just wanted to be close to you. He liked being close to you. 
 You lie curled up on your side, eyes wide as the heat from your previous action coursed through your veins. Hands lightly rubbed the frilly fabric of the pillow before you squeezed your eyelids shut. Oh, how much you wished the warmth was his and not the space heater near your bed.
 Dust and crumbled roof fell onto Midoriya's face as he coughed and took in a deep inhale, the fall must've been bad considering the next cough brought up blood. Broken ribs? For sure, he'd broken enough bones to know that the affected area had been his ribs. He was just lucky enough that his hero costume provided enough support to keep him from having anything  too  serious. Well, he supposed broken bones were still pretty serious...his mind's wandering. Focus on the task at hand.
"Signal? Are you there?" Silence. He wheezed and moved away from the dust waterfall. It was a small area and...he could see the white of your costume easily! Hey! "Y/N! Oh, why didn't you say anything…"
 The words died in his throat. Red had pooled around you and a pillar lie where your midsection would be. Your helmet had cracked, and the screen was glitching between various emoticon faces. You lie still and stiff with your hair in your face. 
"Don't speak! Don't do anything! I'm gonna get this pillar off of you, and then I'm going to get you some help. Can you say okay?"
 "Kay...It doesn't hurt too bad…"
 He didn't respond as he leaped over the pillar to see the damage that had been done and how easily he could lift the object. He felt like vomiting when his feet landed on the bone in your ankle. It should've hurt badly with his steel-toed shoes and all, but you made no noise. He glanced back in concern before crouching down and examining your leg.
 "You're taking so long, I'm tired…"
"...Can you...can you move your leg?"
"What do you mean? They were crushed, can't feel 'em at all."
 If he pulled on your leg, the muscle and tendons would be exposed like red string and yarn. The blood would pool out of your thigh and further stain the concrete. The pillar that came crashing down had caught you on the way down, severing your spine when it hit the ground. If he lifted this pillar, your guts would spill out, and you would bleed out, and you'd be  dead  and holy fuck there's so much blood--
 You sniffled, you had figured it out too.
 "I can't feel them, Izuku, please, where are my legs?!"
 "It's fucking, oh my god, they're not there. Izuku, am I going to die!? I can get surgery, right? I'll be fine!" You breathed heavily and began to squirm around, "I can still be a hero! I-I'm still a sidekick! It's fine, right?!"
"Please stop moving…" The chip in his ear buzzed loudly though all he could feel and hear was static. He felt paralyzed, what could he do? His favorite girl lies in two pieces because a building happened to collapse, "I'm coming back over there."
 You'd begun to cry in earnest, fat tears rolled down your cheeks as your arms beat down on the pillar.
 "Stop! I'm fine! Deku! Just pull this fucking thing off of me! I'm  fine !" You screamed out in fear, "Please!"
 He knelt down and cradled your head with his arms, he smelled like sweat and the rainforest. He felt his eyes well, he was hardly able to blink the tears back. Your voice wavered as you asked the dreaded question. It was much softer this time.
 "Will I die?"
  How do you tell someone they will die no matter what happens? The silence hung poignant in the air as the distant sound of sirens blared as background noise.
"I'm so sorry! It's my fault! I should've grabbed you when I had the chance!"
 "Shut up. Don't think like that. Don't say something like that!! How could it be your fault when a villain attacked this building? It wasn't you, was it?"
 Your arm reached up to his face and cupped his cheek, your eyes memorizing every green swirl and every eyelash. There was no time to ponder on what to say, the sirens grew closer. You didn't have time to think about how scary death was or what would come when it was all over. The pillar was going to be lifted soon, and then you'd be gone.
 "I'm sorry, Izuku. To leave you this way... I'm so sorry," the words felt like arrows in his heart. So final and spoken so softly. Like you'd already made up your mind, how could you make up your mind in a time like this?!
"You're not gonna leave; if I activate my quirk, I can race you to the medics in thirty seconds, maybe twenty. That's our plan, okay? And then I can--"
 "I love you."
"Stop it! Stop saying things like you're ready to go! You aren't! I'm not! Just stop!"
 "I love you."
"Please, I'm not ready...Please keep living with me, I just want to be with you!" He clenched his fist as tears freely fell onto your cheeks, mixing with your own, "This won't be your last time saying this, I promise! Just let me…" 
 You smiled, no teeth this time. Just your lips curving upwards.
"Don't leave me…"
 "I love you!" It was merely a whisper this time.
 The rock near them was blown away, surely by someone's quirk. But all he could see was your smile and your kind but sorrowful eyes.
 "I'm sorry I made you wait so long. I love you, Izuku."
 The lump in his throat ached as he smiled and took your hand off his cheek, interlacing the fingers together. The other free hand came to push the hair out of your face. Would he say it?
 He stared down at the red and white headstone, custom made. It even had your aura with the bright flowers adorning the soft patch of grass in front of it. He knelt down, leaving red and white roses. He supposed red should be an awful color, having seen you drenched in it in your final moments. But whenever he thought of red, he just remembered those rings that made you look so bright. That dress that made you look so beautiful. The lips that often smiled at him. The love you two had shared.
"I'm sorry I couldn't say it then. But I hope you knew that I loved you too."
 It was another day of bright blue skies with fluffy clouds and warm wind. He guessed that All Might would have been enjoying a nice cup of tea while he reminisced. As for you, he assumed you'd be out there saving cats and dogs while accepting churros from strangers.
 It was one of the many bright blue-skied days, but one of the first without you.
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jjk-biased · 4 years
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youtuber! jungkook x youtuber! reader
crack! social media au
genre: fluff, crack, some angst
chapter summary: after somehow placing 2nd overall on OGN's e-sports festival, jin fulfills his bet by taking you and your friends to lotte world for a hopefully stress-free and peaceful day.
words: 1.8k (cannot be read as standalone)
warnings: aside from cussing, none!
24. unsaid feelings
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The fireworks painted the dark sky with bright hues of red and blue. And while it could be the most beautiful view they've ever seen, Jungkook would beg to differ.
You were his prettiest view. The way your eyes would twinkle at each spark. How bright your smile would become as the glitters danced in the sky. The way your delicate hand encased in his would tighten at each exciting moment.
You were breathtaking.
Jungkook had long since ceased watching the show. He instead chose to observe your reactions to it with a dumb smile on his face. It was adorable. You were adorable.
Finally feeling his gaze on you, you found yourself turning red. Your eyes met his, then you two leaned closer.
and closer
and closer.
Until your lips were a few centimeters apart.
As the last and greatest firework exploded, you two ki—
for fucks’ sake.
Laughter rang throughout the living room as Jungkook fell from the couch. They all slept at Namjoon’s house once again after the e-sports festival had ended and it extended until today. Like how the first sleepover turned out, everyone fell asleep in the living room.
“Noisy much, Jin?” You grumble, also waking up from Jin’s morning call.
“If we wanna enjoy Lotte World and get there early, y’all shoulda been up and about.”
Hoseok, who somehow already had an immense amount of energy, cackled at you and Jungkook’s state. The others wordlessly began to wash their faces, some opted to help Jin with breakfast.
After a long time of preparing, the rambunctious group of friends finally went on their trip to Lotte World.
Unbeknownst to you and Jungkook, however, the little shits had planned something that you’re not sure whether to be thankful of or angry at.
Jungkook had finally admitted to everyone else, while you were fast asleep on the floor in between Namjoon and Hoseok, that he had been harboring a genuine liking towards you. He had gone to sleep not long after, and that was when Taehyung began to brew plans to give him a little push.
It’s been awhile since you’ve gone to any amusement park, so you had a child-like wonder painted on your face when everyone went in. It was absolutely adorable to say the least and even if Jungkook was unable to say it out loud, his dopey grin was enough.
You all thought it was a good idea to start the peaceful day with death disguised as rollercoasters. You’re sure you know who wanted everyone to die so early in the day, the terrified looks of all but one little shit told you more than you need to know.
“Do we really have to do what he says?” You grumble as Jungkook basks in his success.
“Might as well do it now when the line isn’t as long…” Yoongi trailed off, slowly losing the confidence he had stored in when he heard the shrieks of the people.
Luck might not be with you today when everyone scrambled to sit at the safest parts of the cart— which is everywhere but the first row. Moreover, the only person left to sit with you was none other than the idiot responsible for your demise that day.
“Hurry up pumpkin, you’re so slow!”
Whatever retort you wanted to throw was shoved in your throat when the staff secured your death seat.
“Aw is little pumpkin scared?”
“For the last time, jungleboy, I am nOT LI— FUCK THIS RIDE AAAAAH”
To say the least, your luck took a vacation and left you to suffer with Jungkook and the others.
Everyone decided to eat lunch after that traumatizing event. Namjoon and Jin were scouting for a place to eat, Hoseok and Yoongi decided to look for food choices, and that left you with the three youngest idiots of your idiot group to explore the rigged booths.
There was a shooting game where you just had to knock over the pyramid of cans to get the fluffiest alpaca ever. And while you’ve ingrained it in your mind that these games are scams, the child in you couldn’t resist wanting to win one because 1) alpaca soft 2) alpaca big.
Jungkook wasn’t an idiot— dear lord, someone tell him — or at least he could tell the meaning of your longing stare towards the cute alpaca plush.
With a sigh, he stopped you from doing one of the most dramatic “goodbyes” ever to an alpaca plush and tried for the game.
“Step right up, mister! Win anything in this booth for your girlfriend for the small price of ₩5,000!”
“Oh, w-we aren’t— he isn’t,” you pathetically denied. It seemed you were the only one who got embarrassed though because Jungkook didn’t deny anything.
He did it with so much ease that even the staff was left speechless at his show. Maybe it was the alpaca he gave you talking, but damn did butterflies erupt in your tummy. He looked so cool shooting the cans with so much focus. To think he spent money and did so just for you, you were sure your heart melted (and it wasn’t because of the heat!!)
You thought the funny feeling would die down after.
Boy were you wrong.
Time after time after time again, he never failed to make you feel giddy inside.
When the two of you were paired up for this horror house, he never made you feel embarrassed. He instead offered his arm to you, even going as far as wrapping said arm around you so you could find refuge in him when a particular bit scares you more. Poor boy was too flustered from the entire ordeal to even notice some of the scarers.
Then there was this time where he cheered out of glee when you won from one of the booths. (you two used Jin’s money though lmao) He had complimented you endlessly on how “great you were, pumpkin!”
Though he’d often tease you about your shorter stature, he lets you use him as a shade from the harsh sunlight. It was a small but nice gesture.
Everyone else retreated to the restrooms after thinking it was a good idea to drink a lot before going to the teacups ride. The look on their faces was a memory you’ll never forget.
You two sat on one of those benches nearby and began to talk about random things— ramens and gaming included. Jungkook received a text from Jimin saying that the lines were too long and they could roam around while waiting.
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“How about we go to those souvenir shops? I wanna buy something now before it gets too crowded,” You suggested, pointing to the array of stores.
“I don’t mind that, let’s go!” He cheered, taking hold of your hand (you don’t know if he’s aware of that or not but it made you red).
The next hour was spent trying on dorky thingamajigs and whatnot. After trying on a pair of funny specs, you decided it was time to go back to checking out rides.
The sun had begun to set and pink hues scattered through the sky. It allowed for a more calm and serene mood to set in as you two walked, your arms linked, and roamed around the parks (as well as trying to ignore the bustling noise of happy kids and crying babies lmfao)
Ramen, that was the name of the alpaca Jungkook won for you, was safely tucked in his arms. You, on the other hand, were busy munching on the popcorn that Jungkook bought (it was supposed to be for himself but you had your ways)
You probably didn’t hear whatever was going around, too busy eating his popcorn to care, but Jungkook heard every murmur people threw your way. Admittedly, he wished that you two were actually a couple like the little kid said
He wasn’t sure how it began. You two started on a rather weird meeting— with you mocking his so-called fifth grader level skills in Overwatch to him replying rather pettily to win the argument. Somewhere down the line, you two actually had common friends and were forced to meet. That was the moment he was taken aback by you.
Well honestly, he was always taken aback.
You were witty; always had comebacks ready to deploy for every remark he had. You were skilled; not only a master at time management for balancing college life with your career, but also great at gaming. You were kind-hearted; though your verbal jabs were piercing, he knew you meant no harm.
You were too good for this world.
So when he had scared you, rather unintentionally, with a horror game, he regretted it so much. But to be honest, he was also thankful for that day. God knows he probably wouldn’t have had the chance to “restart” how he treated you if he hadn’t fucked up.
You probably didn’t notice how his teasing now focused more on the thought of you with him. While he isn’t the best at conveying romantic feelings, he was absolutely fluent in memes.
Thank god for memes.
But at some point, he does have to tell you what’s going on. He can’t stay in this weird space with you— somewhere between friends who fight and friends who flirt. With a shaky sigh, he decided today was the day.
As if the universe were with him, you then finally noticed his silence. It was heart-warming to see concern in your pretty face when you took note of the unusual quietness.
“Are you okay, kook?”
Like a goldfish out of water, he opened his mouth then closed it again.
Fuck, it was harder than he thought.
Thousands of thoughts went through his head. Will you take him seriously? Will you stop being friends? Will you hate him for the feelings he harbored?
Every negative thought disappeared at the sound of your amused laugh.
He reminds himself why he liked you so much and gathers little courage to speak out his mind.
This is it.
Oh my god, this is it.
“Y/N, I have something to tell you…” He trailed off, now facing her properly. (poor Ramen was being squeezed to death)
You became nervous. Did he notice my staring? Holy shit is he gonna tell me I’m weird?
“I think I li—”
Internally groaning at yet another interruption, Jungkook turned to whoever decided to call you out. It was a guy, definitely older than you. He turned to you, silently questioning if you knew the intruder, and was surprised to see none of your cheery aura.
You were livid.
“Daniel Y/L/N.”
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a/n: tumblr decided to be a bitch and didn't save every edit i made so this took awhile. also, #danielisoverparty and oops, y'all thought Daniel was an ex lmao ig i made him sound too ex-y 🤡
taglist: @armymaknae @rjsmochii @chogiyeol-utopia @deolly @liitlefaiiery @patpus @br0ther-s @borednia @tyraparker @ancailinaerach @tae165 @cherrycolababie @nininek12 @atulipandarose @hannahdinse8 @hereforaus @amoreguk @thewariestofheads @parkmaeri @thia-aep @diorhobii @seungcheoluwu @mipetronella @callmesenpaix @jungshookmeup @yoongisabby @parkchaeyoung1997 @alpaca1612 @bangtan-serendipity @karissassirak @fullsunkook @salty-for-suga @cholychi @smolbeaniejimin @netflix-batman-sleep @snickerdoodleeee @faeriegukkie @kpop4mysoul @crazylittlemay @theneighborhoodfangirl
permanent taglist: @luvinseokjinnie @97faerie
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tsukki-rising · 4 years
Pairing: Ochako Uraraka x Gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Uraraka can't wait to show you what she learned from her work-study with Pro Hero Gunhead. While you're in awe of her new skills you accidentally let it slip that you have feelings for her.
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: In this I assume that Uraraka’s quirk works only if she touches something with her hands, she can’t activate it on something if it only touches her arm, leg, etc.
It was typical for you to show up just on time or late to class. Something that often got you in some trouble with your class rep. and teacher quite a bit, but you didn't mind, you found it worth it to enjoy a nice slow morning. Starting the day like that reminded you of your hometown, the one you had to leave to start your years at U.A. However, while you usually found it worth it, today everyone was finally done with their work studies and you were dying to ask your best friend how hers went. You didn't have the time to now with class starting as soon as you sat down (getting side-eyed by Iida).
Your home town was smaller, fewer buildings, fewer people, less commotion. There was also less crime that could be handled by just over a handful of hero agencies. One hero was even a sort of mascot for the town, her and her agency usually taking on the most serious cases and restoring peace in the community. She was the one who inspired you to be a hero growing up and for the last week you'd had the chance to train under her for your work-study, it was a dream come true. When you first moved into the large city to attend U.A. all the people were overwhelming. Back home you knew most people's faces but it seemed like here, you never saw the same one twice.
Until you saw Uraraka's face.
After just that first time, it was like you saw her everywhere, you just couldn't get her sweet, friendly smile out of your head.
On your first day, you were lost and tapped on the shoulder of the first person in front of you to ask for help. When she turned it was like a slow-motion movie scene played right in front of your eyes. The way her hair swished around her face, the ever-present light dusting of pink on her cheeks. It took you a second to squeak out your question to her, frazzled by her good looks. As it turned out, she was in the same class and slightly lost as well. The two of you talked about your middle schools and your expectations of the hero course as you worked to find the 1A classroom. And just like that, you'd made a friend on the very first day. You didn't want to let your little crush get in the way of that friendship, she was the only person in the whole city you really knew, so you kept your feelings tucked into a little box inside your heart.
She was your best friend in the class and you were hers. Though your heart did ache at seeing her precious self sometimes, you couldn't live with yourself if you ruined your friendship with her by telling her how you truly feel. It was great enough just being friends, though she was a small girl she had so much determination in her. She was kind and strategic as a hero should be. If only she hadn't committed the crime of stealing your heart. It was fun to be in the hero course alongside her, watching her learn and grow and get closer to her goal of helping her family each day.
You knew she was really pumped for her week of training with the pro hero Gunhead so you couldn't wait to grill her on what she learned as soon as you saw her again. Though now you had to wait till lunch since you had once again shown up just a little too late (resulting in a detention with Aizawa). So when during lunch after you'd both gotten your food and went to sit at your usual table you were so ready to finally talk to her.
"So how was your training with Gunhead?" you ask politely, trying not to seem overly eager.
As soon as she registers the question her expression gets all intense like when she was readying herself for the sports festival and she turns to you to give the somewhat ominous answer "It was absolutely amazing."
"Really? Gunhead seems like he'd be a little intimidating to work with.", with this, her face returns to normal and she responds to correct you.
"He was intimidating in the sense that he is a pro hero but when you meet him in person he talks and acts really cutely.", she giggles as she finishes the sentence. That damn giggle that gives you butterflies every time.
"Hm.", you reply as inconspicuously as possible while you're still coming down from the lightheadedness of just being around her after so long apart (that you actually weren't sure if it was a side effect of your feelings or her quirk).
She's happy to go on, "He taught me so much though. I learned so much about hand-to-hand combat, something I really could've used when fighting against Bakugo back at the sports festival.". The sports festival. It was hard for you to think about the sports festival. You had to see the most precious thing in the world fall unconscious from the intensity of all the explosions she endured.
Since you're still quiet she continues, "I've actually been dying to spar with someone since I've learned these cool skills, would you spar with me after school?", she turns to you doe-eyed and waiting for a response.
"Of course." You smile now, happy that the dread of the festival is behind you. "Oh but I have detention with Aizawa for an hour.". She seemed confused at this, which is weird, she knows just as well as you how often you get in trouble for your tardiness.
"I'll wait for you.", she says as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "I'd rather you than someone else anyway. I know you wouldn't even think about holding back in a match against me.", she explains, "plus we haven't had a lot of time together recently and I miss hanging out with you," at this your heart clenches. She'd be willing to wait. She wanted to hang out anyway. "You're my best friend Y/n.", she ends with such a genuine a smile.
You're her best friend. Friend.
If only she knew what an awful best friend you were, always wishing for more.
You push that away though, this is something she's been looking forward to and she wants to work out her new fighting skills so you agree and the two of you set up to meet in the gym after your detention session with Aizawa.
You're mentally scolding yourself on the way to the training gym after you changed into your PE clothes. It's gotten harder and harder for you to ignore your feelings since the two of you have gotten closer, you've only learned so much more about how wonderful she is, how kind and smart she is. You should really tell her, it'd feel dirty to keep it a secret, to continue being friends without her knowing how her laugh makes your heart stutter. By the time you get to the gym door you resolve that you will confess on your walk to the train station with her after school on the following Monday. It'll be hard and awkward and you know you'll get your heart broken but such a sweet person deserves to know, deserves better friends.
When you open the door you see her stretching. She brought towels and water bottles for the both of you, she knows how you forget to take care of yourself properly after training.
At the sound of the door she looks in your direction and waves you over to stretch. Together, you count out the stretches and you survey the area, noting how many of the typical objects are missing. When the two of you are finished stretching, you bring this up.
"Where are the realistic obstacles?". Aizawa likes to have them around during training matches so that you can get used to villains who will take advantage of their surroundings. Uraraka typically gravitated toward them due to the advantage they gave her with the use of her quirk.
"Well, sometimes the streets really are empty.", she says with a mischievous smile. (As mischievous as a pure bubble of joy like her can get.) You shrug it off and get the timer ready. Also something ingrained in Aizawa's training, believing time is a key element in saving the day.
You ready your stance. Usually you charge straight in when sparring with Uraraka since you know she’s not the most offensive due to the quirks of most of her opponents. You always try and find a way to grab her arms or something else to make sure her hands can't reach you before you win the match because you know the second her fingers touch you its game over. You've pretty much got it down to a science of possible outcomes when you go in for a fight against her so you cycle through the index of moves you have in your head as the timer counts down to start. You force yourself to focus on the fight, not the opponent. While you were so focused though you failed to see how her beginning stance is a little different than usual.
This time, when you charge, she charges too.
You don't have time to register this before you're flipped and on your stomach, hands pinned behind your back and Uraraka straddles your hips to keep you in place. Moments pass filled only with silence and some heavy breathing.
Uraraka swings her leg so that she is kneeling next to you, letting go of your hands.
"Sorry, did I drop you too hard?", her voice is a little panicked and it seems like she's even surprised herself a little with her strength. You turn your head to the side to stare at her with wide eyes and mouth slightly agape. She looks a little scared from your expression, then confused as a smile spreads across your face.
She really is incredible. You remember now how she expressed her enthusiasm about learning new hand-to-hand techniques from Gunhead before you parted ways for your separate work studies. From the day you first met her she was the cutest girl you had ever seen and she always has been but you've also gotten to see more sides of her, watch her hero potential grow. "Wow.", you huff out, still catching your breath.
Once she sees that you are physically ok she smiles with you and starts gushing about how fun her training with the pro hero was. "I know right! He taught he how to fight so well and I don't even need to rely on my quirk for up close battle! It's so cool!"
"You're so cool.", you're in awe. She giggles at your tone and continues.
"I can't wait for the next time we do one-on-one matches for hero training! I'd love to see the look on my opponents face when they've underestimated my skill.", she's giggling, she's so pretty. "I really like knowing that I have this new skill I can count on.", and then you let it slip out.
"I really like you.". You don't even realize what you said until you see her face fall.
"What?", now her eyes are wide, she looks like she just took one of Denki's shocks.
"Oh no I- I didn't mean... I just...uh...", you can't string a sentence together. You stop trying for a moment as she starts to float upwards, staring off into space.
"You...you "really like"...me?" she's off the floor now and just beginning to float out of reach. You grab her hand before she spins any further from you.
"Ochako, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say it. Don't leave.", now you're freaking out a little. You knew the odds weren't in your favor and she most likely wouldn't like you back, not the same. But you didn't think she'd be so eager to get away from you.
At your plea though, she looks back down and realizes how far she's gotten from the ground, touching her fingertips together and settling herself stable on her feet.
"You really like me?" She asks again but this time she's really searching for the answer, eyes darting over your face like she might find it written somewhere on your skin.
You hang your head in shame. "Yes.". You're closing your eyes trying to brace for her rejection.
"I...I really like you too.", she says it slowly. It sounds like a question.
And now it's your turn to ask "You really like me too?", you try not to get your hopes up too high.
"You're my best friend Y/n of course I do." She presses it like she’s trying to reassure you.
"I mean more than that Uraraka.", you tell her sadly.
"I know I..", she's searching for her words now. "You're my best friend and I never thought about it but more... more sounds nice.", she looks back to you with a smile. "More sounds perfect.". She puts her hands on either side of your face and giggles as you start to smile back.
You grab her wrists and ask one more time, "Really?"
She leans in to rest her forehead against yours, looking at you with her big, beautiful eyes, "Yes really."
You stare into each others eyes for a few beats before you can't take the intensity of the gaze and you both fall into a laughing fit.
You feel so happy. It's like you're on cloud nine. She likes you back, she really likes you back. You feel overjoyed, you feel weightless.
Wait. You feel a little too weightless.
You look down to see the ground far below your feet and you gasp, now clutching Uraraka in a hug. She hugs you back before she realized herself that she's made the two of you float. It makes her laugh a little harder before she pulls back, holding your hands and beginning to spin the two of you in the air around the gym. Its almost like dancing.
The two of you waste away the afternoon around the gym like that, the plan to spar forgotten.
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