#but all the relevant info is here you don't have to read both
akirakirxaa · 9 months
FFXIVWrite Day 5: Barbarous
Rating: M
Word Count: 1041
Warnings: Violence and torture
Summary: Emperor Solus deals with a rebel that made some...questionable choices.
Master Post
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The Emperor stormed through the palace, and staff and military officials alike knew better than to call for his attention in this state. He stalked towards the dungeons, shoulders set, eyes alight with anger and snapping at anyone foolish enough to interrupt him.
But no matter how angry Solus appeared to be, beneath the skin, Emet-Selch was furious.
That rebels had been bold enough to steal into his home and steal away his wife was one thing. A really irritating thing to be sure, but a small inconvenience easily corrected and the rebel cell that had done so dealt with in the usual way, kept as prisoners of war until the territory could be brought to heel.
But one of them had dared lay hands on her. Burned her skin and broke her bones and the image of her shaking as she clung to him with her one good hand stoked the flames even higher.
It was foolish, Lahabrea was right, Valeria was not her and never would be and to grow so attached to but a shard of her was a dangerous game.
He stopped before the guard outside of the most secure cells, in the deepest part of the dungeon.
"You may go," he dismissed tersely. The guard hesitated for a moment, but upon seeing the look on the Emperor's face, gave a brisk nod and headed off to whatever his next duties were. Once he was fully out of sight, Emet-Selch slunk inside.
He found his prisoner, the massive hrothgar that had been acting as the resistance group's torturer, not only locked in a cell but also changed by his wrists to the floor, keeping him hunched on his knees. His fur was dull and matted, suggesting rougher than necessary treatment from the guards that had escorted him. The leg Emet-Selch had shot looked swollen and inflamed.
"You!" The hrothgar's lips pulled back in a snarl as he lunged forward, straining against his restraints as he began to hurl hatred and accusations at the Emperor.
"No no," Emet-Selch snapped, and though the prisoner's mouth and throat continued to work, he fell completely silent. "I'm not here to listen to you prattle on. The only sounds I'm interested in hearing are your screams." The hrothgar's eyes widened and made quiet choking noises as he tried desperately to make some kind of noise, realizing too late that this man was no mere Garlean.
"Ah yes, where are my manners," Emet-Selch's face split in a mad grin as he flashed his glyph at the prisoner. "Emet-Selch, Ascian." The hrothgar scrambled back; whether he knew what an Ascian was or not, he was realizing quite quickly that he may have picked a fight that he really shouldn't have.
"I like to think we treat our prisoners fairly. We keep them fed and whole and they'll get to return to their families once this whole messy war is over, assuming their families don't foolishly throw their lives away on a losing war," Emet-Selch wandered closer to the bars, cold fury creeping into his expression. "But you took a woman who knew nothing and tortured her only for the crime of being my wife. So I'm sure you'll understand when I say that I'll be...returning the favor, so to speak." The prisoner let out a wordless snarl, words still lost to him, and Emet-Selch gave a cold smirk.
"Where do you think I should start, Torturer? Mayhap I shall remove every finger from your body, or burn the fur from your skin, or pluck your eyes out and smash them under my boot," he delighted in the way the anger in his prisoner's eyes gave way to fear. "Maybe we start with breaking every bone in your body the way you broke her arm, hmm?"
He snapped his fingers, and the man's arms jerked with a crack into unnatural angles. The prisoner howled in agony.
The following hours brought naught but more screams until the dungeons fell silent once more.
After making sure the cell looked as if the prisoner's death was much more mundane than it was, Emet-Selch took a moment to put his persona back into place before heading to check on his wife. She had been taken directly to the medical wing from the airship to finish treating her wounds, but should have been returned to their chambers to rest by now. Sure enough, he found her dozing amongst liberal pillows and blankets, though not quite asleep. She sleepily reached for him with her right arm, the one now encased in a cast, and he had to swallow down the anger it brought to the surface.
"How are you feeling, my dear?" He settled on the edge of their bed, gingerly taking Valeria's hand in his.
"Better. They gave m'somethin for th' pain, but's making ev'rthing kinda fuzzy," her words were a bit slurred, but she was comfortable and that was what mattered, he told himself. The medicine, the cast, all things that would pass with time and she'd be back to normal. Maybe she saw the hurting in his eyes, maybe she simply wanted closeness, but either way she gave a pat to the space next to her and looked at him expectantly. He gave a small, rueful smile before settling in next to her. She turned so that they lay nose-to-nose.
"Where were you?" She asked, a little less slurred. Emet-Selch was quiet for a moment.
"That barbarous savage will never lay a finger on you again," he decided to answer. Valeria lay quiet, and he worried he'd upset her. He knew she had not the stomach for the kind of cruelty he sometimes had to be party to.
"He's dead?" She finally asked.
"Yes." More silence, and then:
She tucked her head down into his chest, carefully settling her casted arm between them, and it wasn't long until her breathing became slow and even with sleep. Still unsettled from the last few days, Emet-Selch chose to instead look at her soul.
Damaged it may be, but it still shone the color of sunsets, of fire, all warmth and beauty in rest. He curled around her, clinging as if to a lifeline.
I miss you, Persephone.
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bookofmirth · 4 months
how might acotar5 start?
This post has spoilers for hofas!!!!!
The intention of this post is to talk about how SJM might connect hofas and acotar5 narratively. It is purely thinking about the logistics of the situation, not where the plot could go in the future.
I will have a follow-up post with discussion about why Az makes even more sense as the next MC, based on everything we learned in hofas that strengthens my rationale from acosf and hosab. I decided that Azriel as the main character and Azriel as the connection POV are too much for one post, and slightly separate (though obviously overlapping) arguments.
So let's go!
After the crossover in hosab/hofas, the narrative needs to take into account a few things:
We have readers who don't want to read 2000+ pages of urban fantasy and want to be able to stick to acotar and fully understand that series in itself
Readers who read both series and don't want a bunch of repetitive scenes
sjm needs to think about how to communicate the information that was learned in hosab/hofas, or at least the information that is vital for moving forward with the acotar plot, in acotar5 that accounts for both those perspectives.
So how does sjm manage all of those tasks?
Azriel's POV
Starting perhaps just before Bryce landed in Prythian, though it could potentially start right where acosf left off. Allow me to explain.
Azriel was preset for a majority of the crossover, but he wasn't with Bryce the entire time. This is important! Because he was in and out of the Hewn City, this gives us an opportunity to see what was happening outside of Bryce's perception. Azriel's pov means:
We could see how the IC reacted initially to Bryce's arrival.
We could see their decision-making process in terms of what to do with Bryce
We could see if they made use of the research that was being conducted on other worlds
Bryce goes straight from landing in Velaris at the end of hosab, to being in the Hewn City at the beginning of hofas. We could learn how they came to that decision to take her there. That's not super important, but possible with Az pov.
We could also get a moment away from Bryce where Az is thinking about his own emotional reactions to everything happening with Truthteller, perhaps getting better insight into why he is reacting the way he is when it is near Gwydion, and how he feels upon learning the information about the Asteri making the Illyrians, and the info about Ramiel, about Enalius. We learned a LOT that is relevant to Az, and have almost nothing in terms of his reaction to it.
We could also get a better idea of how this knowledge is changing the IC in real time, as they are grappling with the implications.
This also means that the information we learn via the info dump in hofas could be supplemented with what Rhys already knows, based on Merrill's research. It wouldn't just be a verbatim repetition of Silene's story, but a fuller picture that includes what the IC knows and further implications for Prythian.
We could also get more insight into the argument that occurs as a result of Nesta letting Bryce borrow the mask. It ended up being a huge source of friction, but right now, we have zero knowledge of what was actually said between the IC when they found out.
One of the most important points here is narrative: everything that we learned in hosab/hofas was from Bryce's point of view. The narration didn't have to do that. Instead, the omniscient narrator could have given us insight into Azriel and Nesta's feelings. However, sjm kept that relatively close to the chest. For example:
“What is it?” Nesta asked Bryce, motioning to her back. “How is a bit of writing on your skin … Made?” “I can’t answer the question until you tell me what the fuck Made means.”
SJM does not fill in the gaps for Bryce, for readers who have only read Crescent City. Someone coming from acotar obviously knows the importance of the tattoo being a Made object, but sjm isn't doing anything to help out CC-only readers, here. She is working from Bryce's perspective only, and Bryce has no idea. This is just one example of what Bryce's perspective read like; the entire thing is like this, Bryce trying to piece information together while the omniscient narrator chooses not to fill the reader in on what Bryce doesn't know. This means that, again, we have no idea how the IC and other acotar characters responded to these events, other than how Bryce can observe them responding.
Azriel is quite literally the perfect go-between between the CC and ACOTAR series, as he was both observing Bryce and working with the IC. That means that sjm has given space in the narrative to give us Azriel's pov without it being repetitive. By using Azriel's POV, we are also learning this information anew, filtered through his thoughts and his emotional responses. We get the information we need, but we get it from a Prythian perspective.
It's possible that sjm do an info dump at the beginning of acotar5, of course. Lots of things are possible - they aren't all likely. Perhaps sjm will take an easier route and have Az give a recap, but to whom? And why? Everyone who needs to know will already know, and so I don't see a need for him (or Nesta, or Rhys) to spend time in the book explaining the situation.
Could sjm start post-hofas events, and just assume that acotar readers have gotten on board with Crescent City? She could, but that would be pretty shitty of her to do, considering how many books in we are. The way I have read it, you could read Crescent City without having any knowledge of acotar, and be fine. She tells us what we need to know in hofas. Why not do that in acotar, so it could be treated as a separate entity?
It will be interesting to see what tactic she takes, either way!
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rosemarydisaster · 3 months
Magnus Protocol ARG
Im not sure if someone else has already done this (most likely) but I've been re-readin the magnus institute excell with all the kids names. Since the tests where psychological in nature I thought maybe I could figure out if the "Connor" Dyer profile worked for Alice. But I think I've found out something about Sam. This might be the most tin foil hat theory I've had in a while but it makes sense! I've connected the dots!!!!!
There's a couple of things I need to stablish first:
The names seem to be ranked from lowest to highest score on the empathy test.
Sam scored the highest, Gerry the second highest (Dyer is closer to the middle of the list).
The tests seem to relate to cognitive development, especially related to morality and empathy.
The Asch test measures your "conformity" aka, how susceptible you are to peer pressure. Basically, they ask you a question, everyone before you gives the wrong answer, and the test is whether you would give the correct answer or go with what the others said.
The Milgram test measures your obedience when in conflict with your morality. The (very) abridged version is: they tell you tu punish someone by shocking them with increasing voltages and if you refuse they ask you to continue. The experiment goes on until reaching 450 volts or if the participant completely refuses even when ordered to continue.
We know the Institute was trying to find Subjects, Agents and Catalysts (there's an amazing post about this from @alice-apparently )
Okay so I made a little excell with the relevant info:
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Both Gerry and Dyer show low conformity and obedience levels. Which, knowing Gerry (and maybe Alice??) makes complete sense. We can assume that they both chose to give the correct answer even if everyone else answered differently, and they also refused to administer the punishment even when directly ordered.
Sam on the other hand, mr "would rather die than complain about being forcefed cake" did in fact go with what most people said instead of the correct answer. He also finished the Milgram experiment, going against his moral compass to obey the instructions.
I think they were trying to find viable subjects to groom into avatars for the eye. Hear me out. The kids with the lowest empathy score show high scores in the Milgram test (makes sense, they don't care as much about hurting people) but from 80% empathy forward no one scores high. No one except Sam, the one with the highest empathy score.
Why not just pick the one's with the least empathy? the least empathetic kids were also the youngest and the ones with lowest cognitive developement (I do not go in deph about the other test but you can see the scores for yourself here). This kids aren't useful yet, because maybe they'll become more empathetic (And as such, more resistent to the Milgram test) as they grow up/develop.
Not Sam. He has perfect scores in every single development test, he has the highest empathy and yet he's the most likely to be influenced to harm other people.
In episode 10 Sam confirms his obsession with finding out why they didn't chose him despite having the highest scores. Gerry was the second highest and he didn't get picked either. My theory is that Sam was indeed chosen, and the fact that he shows no survival instincts when it comes to figuring this mystery out is prove.
His test results show someone whiling to file useless papeworks with extremely personal information because "well, you're supposed to even if no one reads it". Also Teddy leaving for a job that somehow didn't actually exist smells like somebody trying to free a spot in the very Eye-coded OIAR. A spot that Sam is more than happy to accept.
I don't know if this is an incredibly long con to condition Sam into the perfect vessel for the eye or if the Magnus Institute had to change plans after burning down. If it's the latter I can see them being very happy when their specialest little boy signed up for the OIAR and fell right into their laps again. Either way, Sam's fucked.
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Am I the asshole for keeping the dog after a breakup? 🐕
I (33F) recently found out my ex (34F) cheated on me with one of our mutual best friends (33F) for over a year. Any attraction and love I had for her evaporated as soon as I found out, she honestly disgusts me. This is relevant because she is using that disgust to try and tell me I'm being unreasonable about the dog and that I'm being difficult because of me hating her now. My "friend" is dead to me btw.
We had been living together for 5 years and I already had two dogs before we started dating. Once my oldest dog passed away we decided to get a new dog a few months after (the dog is now 4 years old).
Since I'm a dog trainer she decided that I should do most of the training and such. I wanted her to raise the dog together but she didn't want to. I mean fine, I like working with dogs and on my own I would have gotten a second dog anyway and done the work on my own as well. But it did irritate me that she would just refuse a lot of basic care because "you do it so much better". The work never was a big deal to me but again, her just cuddling "her" dog and doing nothing towards the long daily walks unless we went together did irritate me mildly. She only wanted to do the "fun" stuff basically. But I don't like confrontation and just left it at that. But all in all, I did 90% of the care.
Now to the current issue. She wants the youngest dog in the split. I refused. I can keep the dog legally because all vet bills are on my name, I order the food and pay the dog taxes (that is a thing here in case people are wondering). I also was the one initially paying for the dog at the breeder. So legally the dog is mine.
I do see she loves the dog very much and she always has her on her lap in the evening while reading. I may think very ugly thoughts of her but she is kind to animals and I don't think she would ever purposefully hurt then. Maybe she will be able to take care of her properly and actually give her what she needs (she is a working line Border Collie) but I'm having my doubts. Plus I work and train a lot with my dogs and I do not want to loose them at all. So I flat out refused and told her I understand it's hard but I think the dog is better off with me and I will not be discussing it further.
Also there is not really a risk of her stealing the dog, I already moved out and have both dogs with me.
So, am I the asshole?
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syninplays · 8 months
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Modern Ikke - world download
The idea behind Ikke was to create a scandinavian/swiss inspired world, but most importantly a place where sims can go (fake) skiing and be surrounded by pine trees and snow. I took inspiration from the Swiss/French Alps (especially Verbier) so naturally all buildings go along that vibe.
I kinda made it my mission to leave CC to a minimum, so I used only a few cc items and the rest is from expansion/accessory packs or ts3 store. - So make sure to at least have Supernatural, Pets, Into The Future and Late Night in order for the world to show up properly.
Note: the world file is pretty much empty, so I strongly recommend to download the world AND the save file so Ikke can look the same way it does in my game. - I am going to share furnished lots too, but finding cc takes time so bare with me :p
All relevant info is under the cut, so please read it!
>DOWNLOAD< (early access until 20/10/23)
>CC: there's two folders included with the download; the one called CC has all the necessary stuff you need so the world looks exactly as it does in my game. I didn't include some mods objects, so if you don't already have these then grab omsp, omsp resizers by Buckley, medium size rocks here, (more) medium size rocks here, city hall/police station/military base rug shell (you only need that one) & this set of patterns (I didn't use all of them, but I love them and highly recommend getting all of them hehe - I used the ones from the wood category) / the second folder called CC Recommendations is not necessary for the world to show up properly, but everything there goes along with the vibe and would look great in most buildings (;
>Modern Ikke.world: as said above, it's almost empty except for some scarce decor and the chairlift (but without it's start/finish bit) / Goes in Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 3>Installed worlds
>Save File: Has all the buildings I did (14 lots), plus a few other details I changed from the original world file. I tested it along with my bf, so you'll start with my Svensson household and there will be some npcs (with randomized Spanish names as he has the game in Spanish hehe) - obviously just get rid of them all and start with your own simmies (; / Both folders inside 'save file' go in Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 3>Saves / you NEED to install the world file too or the save won't work!
>Additional note: If you downloaded the shell rug linked above, then you'll find a "city hall" icon in Ikke's Hotel; I put it there mostly so you can change NRass settings if you're using it. Otherwise (or when you're done setting things up) feel free to get rid of it.
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checkedandfound · 29 days
Theories on recent drop in content:
*Disclaimer: please note that these notes have my personal take on them, they are not to demean or put anyone down. I don't consider myself to be a part of any specific fandom, but I do enjoy talking and theorising about my favorite shows/movies/anime/dramas - that said, I will say clearly; I am not just a Polin fan, nor am I just a Kanthony fan - I am mainly a bridgerton fan.*
Personally I think all of these uploads are staged 🤔 am I complaining? Not at all but it does make me wonder about how many people have caught on, and if they will do the same thing for future seasons (assuming the show will go on till at least 6 to 8 seasons).
We got our CARRIAGE SCENE OMG like the way my heart dropped, but I would like to eco someons here and say the last scene of the leaked sneak peak trailer could be spliced, because Pen looks like she just saw colin opening the door to her carriage, where as Colin looks like he is in the carriage arguing with Pen.
Also I checked out the person who gave the insider info about 1 to 6 ep of season 3 on reddit - I would say what they have said is contradicting alot from what we have heard, seen and got (again no accusations here, I just have a feeling that there is not a whole lot of truth in what they have said but again maybe I could be wrong too)
TBH I have no issues with Benny or Colin really exploring themselves a bit, when of course used for proper plot relevance ofc. The latest 2 sec scene of Benny and Lady Tilly making out was though okay.
I do a 80% think we will get our confrontation b/w Pen and Colin - he will find out for sure the Pen is Lady whistledown, I do think they might teak it a bit and to amp up the drama, could show that they are being followed by the people of the place.
I totally get when people say if there is any of the siblings who has taken after their mother (violet) - it's Colin for sure. Plus the friends to lovers trope is such a vital part from Violet's story (and will be later for Fran's story as well).
There are always candles, mirrors and/or the color red following the shots when colin is looking at Pen. Coutresy of @waltricia going in such detail! Do check their blog out cause their keen eye is the type to look forward too.
And omg the theme of spiring is SUCH a wonderful tone to the whole season - knowing both Bees and Butterfly get their nector/polin from flowers - and it's not just surrounding them, because as we could see our latest shot of our dear Victountess smelling some (I have a very strong sense it's because her time to get a new beginning is coming as a child will enter either at the start or will be announced in part 2 ending). Also to add on here that in Greek mythology, flowers represent fertility. And specifically the flowers that our she is smelling. - again thanks to @waltricia, I could really put my lazar shape focus on this detail 😂
I absolutely love how whenever there is a vulnerable scene for Pen, the lighting represents moonlight or soft violet/blue light on her. And when it's revelations, For both Pen and Colin - the lighting starts glowing on their face and you could see they are in the spot light.
Also from the interview I definitely get the vibe that the next season we could have our main couple as Eloise/Philip - again just an opinion but plotwise I would actually like to see a mix of both El and Benny's season (as you can see, I have a soft spot for one Mr. bridgerton in particular, soft yet confident emotionally caring men are my weakness). Personally it would make alot of sense cause both stories are interconnected, we'll also get to know more about Polin, etc.
Also also, when I read the season 3 ep 1 over view on reddit - the way I gasped! Because a line mentioned there was how when the mondrichs got their new estate, they have a relative named MICHAEL?! (Those who know, they know from the books), who was coming to town so maybe instead of just being cousins with John (Fran's 1st husband), he could be also related to our dear Mondrichs 🥺.
~ Fin ~
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enby--emrys · 1 year
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Zitiron- a creature with the bottom half of a fish and the top half of a knight.
The zitiron only shows up in three sources that I can find- the Ortus Sanitatis (published in Germany 1491, author unknown), Van der Naturen Bloeme (early 14th c) by Flemish poet Jacob van Maerlant, and De natura rerum (1244 CE) by Flemish writer Thomas of Cantimpré. Van der Naturen Bloeme is actually just a Dutch translation of the Latin De natura rerum, so technically there's only two original sources. The only reason I mention both is that the original De natura rerum- which is sourced from a large number of works by philosophers and writers such as Aristotle, Pliny the Elder, St. Ambrose, Jacques de Vitry, and too many others to explore them all as original sources- doesn't have any illustrations and is in Latin, which I can't read, making it a personally useless source. But Van der Naturen Bloeme does have illustrations- the third image in this post is Jacob van Maerlant's interpretation of the zitiron I assume to be outlined in De natura rerum.
The only other original place that a zitiron can be found, according to the internet, is in the Ortus Sanitatis, a Latin natural history encyclopedia with no known author published in 1491 in Mainz, Germany. It has illustrations, the second image in this post is the author's interpretation. But again, I can't read Latin and it's hard to read the stylized text to put into google translate.
There is almost no information about the zitiron online, which is a shame because it's a really interesting figure. If you can read Latin or medieval Dutch I would LOVE to work together to place the origin of this mythological creature and learn more about it!
For the drawing, I wanted to honor Jacob van Maerlant and Thomas of Cantimpré's Flemish heritage. The helmet, chainmail, shield, and goedendag on the zitiron are representative of what the Flemish forces wore and used at the Battle of the Golden Spurs, a 1302 victory of the French that is a source of pride and celebrated every July 11th by the Flemish today.
TLDR: The zitiron is a little known creature from the Middle Ages or perhaps antiquity, with the bottom half of a fish and the top half of a knight. My drawing is inspired by the Flemish culture of two of the only writers to leave any information about the zitiron.
If you've got the time and can read Latin, could you take a look at the two Latin texts I mentioned? For the Ortus Sanitatis, I was able to flip through the whole thing and find the page that has the info on zitirons. It's on page 730 here- (x). But for De natura rerum, which you can access here (x), I have no idea where it could be. There's a translation project for it ongoing through Kalamazoo College, but I don't see anything relating to zitirons or relevant mythology on their page so far. And if you can miraculously read medieval Dutch, here's the link to the page on zitirons in Van der Naturen Bloeme (x).
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coldgoldlazarus · 2 months
Echoes and Hunters are really interesting to me because of their place relative to the rest of the series, as basically the closest thing to being self-contained Filler Episodes in Samus's life. It can be argued the Prime games as a whole are a filler arc, what with how you really don't need to play the Trilogy to understand the 2D games' ongoing narrative. Even so, it is still a whole arc within itself; despite being decent standalone titles, the phazon connection spanning all three enriches them in conjunction with one-another, and Corruption in particular leans a lot on the setup the first two provide.
Yet at the same time, while definitely connected to the other two, Echoes is distinctly the odd one out in a lot of ways, and the overarching phazon storyline seems almost incidental at times despite Dark Samus and the background setup of the conflict. It's not confirmed either way, but the dark world could be read as a pocket universe created by the leviathan seed malfunctioning, or a whole parallel dimension that it simply broke through into and created the copy of Aether within. Even if it is the latter, the Ing were probably a byproduct of the interaction of Phazon and the dark dimension, but there is also the possibility the were a distinct entity existing beforehand. Regardless of all of that, the Luminoth and Aether as a location certainly stand out as unique, and are only loosely connected to the bigger picture through a shared history with the Chozo.
Hunters, meanwhile, may wind up tying into Prime 4 through Sylux, but that too is extremely incidental to the main story focus, which is even more outright disconnected from the usual Metroid factions and concepts than even Echoes is. As people have joked about before, it really says something that killing Gorea, a terrible eldritch abomination that singlehandedly wiped out an entire galactic-region-spanning civilization, is probably one of the least important things Samus has done in her career. Even that aside, apart from Sylux and Weavel, most of the other hunters are similarly unique and disconnected from the established story, with Trace and the Kriken Empire in particular standing out as an elephant in the room that are weirdly less relevant than the info on them would imply.
And I love the overarching storyline, both of the Prime games and the series as a whole, and how the different mainline titles are for the most part thematically enriched by their interconnectivity and parallels. (Even Proteus Ridley, for all the problems I have with him, I do appreciate as a clear bridge between Corruption and Super.) But there is also something really fascinating to these two more avant-garde titles, that really expand the universe and try new things, instead of remaining confined to the core concepts the series usually keeps a tight focus on.
There is a risk of going too far and possibly losing sight of the aesthetic/thematic shore, so to speak, but I feel like we're not quite there yet, and I appreciate the effort to branch out. On the flipside, there is again some weirdness to some of this stuff being so confined instead of having a bigger impact, (looking at you Trace) but the level of tightness of the mainline games does kinda work in our favor here. Sure it's weird, but it's not out of the realm of plausibility that the Kriken really are a big deal, but just... elsewhere, and mostly haven't directly relevant to Samus's life outside of this one-off run-in with Trace.
Idk, I'm not really going anywhere in particular with this, I just think it's neat.
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incognita-soul · 2 months
hey, i saw in your bio that you work on tall ships and i was wondering if u had any advice.
i’ve been on 2 tall ship sailing trips before (+some dinghy sailing) and got my competent crew recently so i’m pretty inexperienced. on those sailing trips i’ve met young adults who were working on the boats as volunteers. i’d like to be able to volunteer on tall ships one day.
do you have any advice for the best way to gain experience and learn stuff? (if possible on a budget). i’m taking a gap year next year and i’d really like to take the chance to go sailing and get better at it. (i’m in the uk if that’s relevant.)
absolutely no pressure to answer and i’m sorry this is so vague and clueless! anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this. your blog is cool :))
Heya! Thank you, and I'd be happy to give you my two cents! All of my boat experience has been in the US so take my advice with a transatlantic grain of salt, but here goes!
Firstly, two trips and some dinghy sailing and a competent crew cert is actually quite a bit in comparison to your average person starting out in the world of boats, so don't worry about feeling too inexperienced! You're already on a good track. I've been working on tall ships in some capacity for over 10 years and I still don't have any specific certifications (I've got a lot of experience and sea time, I just haven't had time to take any of my courses and exams for actual licensing).
Facebook is (unfortunately) still the best place to network, especially for international opportunities. There are a variety of groups that you can join. I'm personally in Schooner Bums, Tall Ship Opportunities, Women Who Sail, Crew Finder, and a few other private groups specific to the organizations I've worked for. A lot of organizations will post to these groups with job opportunities with specific requirements, so it's fairly easy to get the info you need. I'm sure there are a few groups specific to sailing in the UK. In the US, we have Tall Ships America, which is an organization that provides networking, training, and job opportunities for mostly US based sailors and boats. I'm not sure if the UK has an equivalent organization, but I do recommend even though you are UK based you should peruse their website, especially the Billet Bank, which is where job links are posted:
You're in the UK, so there are a shit ton of boats there but as far as I know most of them are museum boats that don't do a lot of sailing. I will say from personal experience that museum boats with a good volunteer maintenance program are great places to start for establishing a strong set of foundational skills (knots, understanding and maintenance of the rig, carpentry, etc.). You might not get much actual sea time with a museum boat, but you will learn the things that will make you a better sailor. I got into tall ships by working as a historical interpreter and then as part of the sailing/maintenance crew here:
Most tall ship organizations are based around education, both for the public and for the crew, so it's easy to find a boat with some sort of introductory training program relatively near wherever you live. These range from expensive pay-to-play working vacation type experiences, to paying a fee to participate in a structured comprehensive training curriculum after which you can become long-term crew, to volunteering weekends sanding and oiling blocks in exchange for the opportunity to sail.
Since you said you are taking a gap year, my advice is look for a short-term comprehensive live-aboard program that gets your foot in the door for staying on as regular crew, potentially even paid crew. Idk any specific ones in the UK, but here's the one that the last boat I worked on offers as an example of what i mean:
If you've got time before your gap year starts, try to find something local, like volunteering for a mueseum like I mentioned earlier, so that you get used to the vocabulary and foundational knowledge of boats. That way you can really get the most out of a more immersive program later on and you won't feel too much like an oversaturated sponge trying desperately to sop up more information even though your brain is leaking out of your ears.
I'm not sure if you're wanting to do tall ships longer term or just something one-off for the gap year, but if you're in it for the long haul just be prepared that it's a lot of hard work for not much financial return. I don't mean to discourage you, it's just good to know that upfront. On Lady Washington we have a saying that "we work on an 18th century boat for 18th century wages."
Unfortunately the tall ship industry is kind of hard budget wise. Most training programs cost quite a bit of money, most jobs are either volunteer or don't pay very well (industry standard deckhand pay in the US is about $1000/month), and most higher level positions require various levels of certifications (for which course and exam fees can run pretty high). You can do it on a budget, especially since most long term positions are live aboard so you don't have to pay for rent or groceries, but if you want to make a career out or it, it takes a lot of years of working for less money than you're worth before you start earning real money back.
Despite all that, working on tall ships is still an incredible and fulfilling experience that I recommend to anyone with a love of the sea and learning practical skills!
Sorry I couldn't give you more specific information, as I have yet to work on any UK boats. Good luck, and please tell me when you find a program that works for you!
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tuxedo-rabbit · 8 months
Shadowheart's Curse: The info missing from the Selune Path
Spoilers Ahead! Don't read further if you are not finished with Shadowheart's Act 3 quest.
I just finished Shadowheart's act 3 quest and had some questions about her curse. The decision you're given at the end seems incredibly simple, despite how grave the characters act while discussing it. Then I read this reddit post.
Apparently the Selunite path is missing context about what exactly Shar's curse does. I'd love to bring this discussion to the tumblr side of fandom, so I've copied the relevant bits of discussion here. Feel free to read the full thread instead, but the Shadowheart bits are a small part of a larger discussion, so you will have to scroll to find things.
From reddit user That_Red_Moon:
"IMO SH suffers from having such a massive cross-road in her story in Act 2. They wanted to support the paths with basically the same amount of "space" expected comparable to others/ Ast, so lines and content and details are divided in such away that you would have to play a number of paths to get the full picture.
Like (Shar path) people think SH taking her Parents to the camp is the best choice because they think the Shar curse is just an annoying AF chronic ouchy and "you can handle chronic pain if it means your family lives". No, Shar Path SH reveals that the curse connects them to Shar. The pain was punishment for moments when she felt SH starting to lean towards Selune (Which explains why it goes off so often in the background in Act 3 when SH saves Night Song and why it's completely gone and replaced by POWER when she goes Shar path ... unless she turns on her and takes her parents), and Shar used the parents pain from the curse/ their refusal to turn from Selune regardless of the torture to convert into power.
It's confirmed that when Shar SH kills her parents they go to Shar to be exposed to eternal torment and pain to power SH as Shar's chosen ... they don't go to Selune regardless of being "2 of her most fanatic followers" (Which was why she targeted them). Turning her parents into Moon Motes on the Selune Path is the only path that unquestioningly frees the family from Shar in both life and death, as the curse is a connection to Shar that allows her to take them in the afterlife. Otherwise? You're hoping Selune does something in the future with no guarantee. "
Reddit user mr_Jyggalag:
"Do her parents get sent to Shar after death in each case, or just if they would be killed by Shadowheart as Shar's chosen?" 
Reddit user That_Red_Moon:
"I don't see why Shar SH would have the power to send her life long Selune worshiping parents souls to Shar's Side for eternal torment but Shar, with her 40yrs of curse on this family, wouldn't be able to collect their souls in death if they're still connected to her via the curse.
To me, it's simple. The Odd Man Out is the Selune SH Moon Mote path.
-Shar SH leaves with her parents. This doesn't break the connection to Shar, she is back to being tormented by Shar making Curse pain to fuck up her life.
-Shar SH kills her parents. Parents are sent to Shar for never ending torment and this pain is converted into power for SH. She has no curse pain, but curse is still there because it feeds her and connects her to Shar + Parents ... she just gets more and more power from her parent's never ending suffering without remembering who they are or what she did (YOU remember though ... ).
-Selune SH leaves with parents. They are all still cursed and dealing with Shar tormenting them with curse pain. Again, like the past 40 years, doesn't matter that the parents are "2 of Selune's most fanatic followers" who never turned their back on Selune ... they're all still connected to Shar through the curse.
-Selune SH kills parents to free them all from Shar's curse. The whole family is freed from Shar and Shar's' curse, Parents go to Selune's side as Moon Motes, no way for Shar to torment SH or parents as the curse is gone.
There are 2 paths where the parents die, and the only time they go to Selune is when they're freed of the curse. With the curse, the go to Shar as it was always her intent to torment these 2 endlessly to juice up her chosen (SH)"
Here's a link to a youtube video showing Dark Justicar Shadowheart killing her parents, in case you'd like to see what That_Red_Moon is talking about yourself.
This missing context, imo at least, would make the choice for a Selunite Shadowheart hit harder. It makes killing her family feel like it has as many benefits as sending them to camp. And as many drawbacks.
As is, it feels like the game tells you that turning Shadowheart's parents into moonmotes is a noble sacrifice but doesn't actually show me why the curse is bad enough to warrant their deaths.
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drunk0nheat · 4 months
Horny Blog Info [NSFT]
Hiiiiiii! You can call me Shy [not my real name], or Drunk! I use they/them, it/its, and she/her* pronouns, I'm 21 years old, I'm a switch, and I'm somewhere in the realm of lesbian and demi-bisexual. I generally prefer interaction with other queer folk, but I'm not exclusively t4t.
Featured tags: milky <3, shy-writes
Posts with extreme words or subjects will either have a warning or be hidden in a read more.
Also, I made a BlueSky! Same handle as here: drunk0nheat.bsky.social
{*I only use she/her when I request it specifically, it's not my default.}
I'm in a polyamorous relationship, and I'm not treating this as a dating site. My partner is aware I'm on here and doing this, and they do it too, so don't bother asking about it. Mostly, I'm just here to flirt, share with people who like the same things I do, roleplay a little bit, and make some friends!
Tag for finding writing is #shy-writes, it may not all be kink based, but it probably will be related in some way. DMs and asks are open, just be aware that I reserve the right to block anyone who crosses a line.
Red (Hard Limits)
Unsolicited/personal threats
Ageless Blogs
Cops and Cop RP
Now that we have the important bits out of the way, time for the stuff that won't send me straight for the block button.
For the Yellow List, an item higher up means it's closer to the red, so it's the least likely to come up, or to get a positive or affirmative reaction out of me if brought up.
Yellow (Soft Limits) [can be discussed]
Pushy/Forceful Out of RP (ignoring "no," basically; requires safeword discussion, and safeword must always be respected)
Diaper play
Blood (heavy)
Heavy Contact play (punching, severe injury, etc.)
Heavy Vomit
Blood (light)
If something does not appear on the Red or Yellow lists, but also is not on the Green or Pink lists, feel free to ask! I'm not judgy. In some cases I may have thought it didn't need mentioning out of a lack of specific preference.
Now for the really fun bits! The Green List is for stuff that I enjoy consistently. You can rely on me to be down for this stuff on any given day, and I generally don't prefer any one item over another regularly enough to position them on the list accordingly. If something doesn't specify heavy or light, it's probably both.
Green (Kinks and Preferences)
Vanilla sex (nothing wrong with predictable boring intimacy)
MILF/Age Gap (no minors)
Toxic Power Dynamic (professor/student, boss/employee, etc.)
Knife play
Unrealistic Anatomy
Drug/Alcohol play
Bimboification/IQ Decrease
Orgasm Denial/Edging
Fantasy characters/scenarios
Sci-Fi characters/scenarios
And last but not least, the Pink List. This is relatively exclusive: my all time favorites! Also a little loosey goosey terminology-wise. Some items on the Green List may occasionally surpass items on the Pink List, but the Pink List have a 24/7 100% approval!
Pink (Absolute Favorites!)
Breast play and Lactation
Oral Fixation (!!!!!!!!!!!)
Anal (!!!!!!!!!!)
Excessive Fluids (saliva, semen, discharge, etc.)
Size Difference (realistic + unrealistic)
Multiple Orgasms
Toys (dildos, plugs, pumps, clamps, straps, etc.)
If you made it this far, you've probably picked up by now that I'm a bit of a freak, but far from the craziest. This may not all be relevant, especially if you're not interested in roleplaying, but I'm not ashamed to share these aspects of my sexual interests!
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harbo-urr · 10 months
Alhaitham's and Kaveh's relationship in the Sumeru arhon quest: new perspective (for me, maybe for you too!).
Oh it will be long...
It started with my short thoughts about their first on-screen dialog and how it feels different now compared to a year ago, but then spiralled into me re-watching the entire Sumeru archon quest to properly analyse Alhaitham's hidden struggles during it and Kaveh's (not big but) actual plot relevance.
Disclaimer: I'm aware that English VAs were way more emotional then Chinese, especially in 3.2, but, for the sake of having the information to analyse, lets believe that at least the official eng text of their interactions is more or less correct... (I'm sorry I only know English and other languages most likely have translation errors as well anyway).
I'm also assuming that you've read their character stories and know their more deep personalities, not just "cold smart guy and artsy broke guy".
Anyway, I hope someone will find the analyses below as entertaining as I do.
1. Kaveh and Alhaitham: what we see during their first on-screen interaction.
Now, let's all time travel into the day when the last part of Sumeru's quest dropped. These sweet days... Version 3.2, two versions before we got Alhaitham as a playable character and four versions before Kaveh. By this point we've already known a little information about Alhaitham, mostly from the archon quest itself, and next to nothing about Kaveh.
Well, we knew some info, but it was mostly leaks and speculations, nothing more than "a genius architect who lives with Alhaitham because he is broke".
Now, if you didn't read the leaks and just carefully played the quest, you could actually catch some phrases here and there that implied that Alhaitham lives with someone before it was openly confirmed, but again, it's not specific at all. That is why our first meeting with a brand new sexy blond boy was so extreme in all ways. It was beautiful, emotional, entertaining and... extremely toxic. Both Alhaitham and Kaveh behaved surprisingly aggressive (calmer in Chinese but still more negative then what we usually see now). It was fun to watch, and made a lot of people including me really interested in those two from the get go.
But re-watching this dialog now after almost a year felt... Weird. Yes sure, they bicker, it's their thing, but if you compare any other scene with them later it's not nearly as intense... especially on Alhaitham's side (yes, even if you don't listen to va and just read the lines).
So it got me thinking. Why did Alhaitham behave like that? Was it a random writing decision for the drama effect? Or was there something more going on that I didn't understand?
After going through everything from start to finish I believe that yes, there was. But I'll need go through a lot of content recap to fully explain what I mean.
2. First aka "the first on-screen" aka "Where were you when Sumeru needed you most!?" dialog
It is essentially our first glimpse of Kaveh, which we catch in the library on the search for Alhaitham.
Kaveh has just returned to the city so he has no idea what is going on. The shown interaction starts with Kaveh demanding Alhaitham to put his book away and explain what is happening at the Academia. The fact that Kaveh is already pretty irritated when we first see him tricks us into thinking that he's a short-tempered overly dramatic guy, which is...
Well, partly true, but having already experienced how sweet Kaveh actually is we can see through that and realize that Alhaitham most likely was ignoring Kaveh's questions for some time now, and that's why our Kaveh was already on edge when we started. Already weird and we're just at the first line.
After that they bicker a little, Kaveh again asks about the Academia, on which Alhaitham answers: "Oh? I thought you would already knew the inside story."
Then they bicker again (2) and Alhaitham goes hard on Kaveh here. He even agrees with Kaveh that he doesn't say anything nice about him, because "anyone who knows you as well as I do would do the same". DAMN, Alhaitham, that's brutal even for you, why are you so mad, is something bothering you? Oh well..
Then they bicker again (3) and Alhaitham proposes Kaveh to move out of his house, but Kaveh ignores it and tries asking about the Academia again. Alhaitham ignores it as well and says "Forget what's going on with the Academia, haven't you been busy with your construction project?".
Kaveh doesn't want to answer this question and says that he's "getting angry just thinking about it" (worth noting). Kaveh then wants to change the subject again, but Alhaitham doesn't give up and asks about Kaveh's project again ("Where were you when Sumeru needed you most?").
Then they bicker again (4) and Kaveh leaves to ask around.
Huh, that was heated...
Lets do a little bit of unpacking.
So, Kaveh wanted to know more about the Academia and Alhaitham was constantly changing the subject. It can be read as Alhaitham mocking Kaveh just for the sake of it, but if we pay a little more attention to what Alhaitham is saying every time he interrupts Kaveh, it becomes more interesting.
1) "Oh? I thought you would already knew the inside story."
2) "Forget what's going on with the Academia, haven't you been busy with your construction project?"
3) "Where were you when Sumeru needed you most?"
Each time Alhaitham changes the subject, he talks about Kaveh being away for the time of the quest. Let's remember the golden rule of miscommunication conflicts: to understand what actually bothers your opponent you need to spot a repetitive theme in their words. And Alhaitham has a pretty clear pattern. Interesting.
But let's move on to the next dialog.
3. Second aka "second on-screen" aka "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" dialog
Kaveh returns after asking around and confronts Alhaitham about it ("WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?") (just a funny line). After some bickering (5) Alhaitham agrees to finally tell him what happened. He mentions that Kshahrewar sage was a part of conspiracy as well on which Kaveh reacts surprised and says "...could this be why they sent me out on a project?". However Alhaitham replies that it's just a coincidence and proceeds to suddenly go hard on Kaveh again, saying "whatever you were doing won't have any significant impact now or in times to come" (auch, Alhaitham, auch). Then they bicker again (6) and the dialog ends.
This interaction is more relevant to the "Kaveh plot relevance" section, but the important things for now are:
Kaveh: "...could this be why they sent me out on a project?"
Alhaitham: "I think its just a coincidence ... whatever you were doing won't have any significant impact now or in times to come."
And why is it important?
I find the flow of this whole conversation to be very weird, since it goes "confrontation - agreement - information share - speculation - confrontation". In other words, first Alhaitham doesn't want to talk, but Kaveh persuades him, learns about the sage, brings up his mission in the desert, and Alhaitham returns to the confrontation mode again.
It can be interpreted as Alhaitham just using every opportunity to disagree with Kaveh just cause, but at the same time his words sours exactly after Kaveh talks about him being missing from the quest. Coincidence? I don't think so.
All these little things got me thinking. Why is Kaveh's absence so triggering for Alhaitham? Sure they're close or whatever, but they both value their freedom very highly and it's probably not too rare for them to disappear for a day or two for work. Why is it such a big deal now?
But then I also remembered that Kaveh, basically the only family Alhaitham has (yes I call people you willingly live with a family, its my life experience), went missing from home exactly when the fishy stuff at the Academia started resurfacing. And he was gone for a long time, at least for the duration of the quest, which is about two in game weeks.
Even if Alhaitham is not a very emotional person, he still values family, home, routine and comfort very highly. So, in theory, the sudden empty house should have affected him in some way, right? That's how I decided to check Alhaitham's behaviour during the archon quest and it was.. interesting.
4. Alhaitham's side of the Sumeru quest, with me fillng in the gaps.
Let's think about all these quest days from his perspective.
You're simple logical guy who already for quite some time lives with an annoying but kind of endearing roommate, who you drink coffee with in the morning and often discuss intellectual or not really stuff. Sometimes you argue but he's perspective on life fascinates you as a scholar, so you don't mind it too much. Ultimately you're just used to him in your life.
Then one day you go to your work, which brings you just enough money to feel completely comfortable, but you start feeling that something fishy is going on behind the scenes. Some sages disappear, your archon is treated like a power source and there are weird rumours about the divine knowledge capsules. Then you get a sudden assignment - investigate a blond traveller with a talking fairy. And sages propose to pay you with the divine knowledge capsule.
Suspicious. If it's such a big deal, why would they promise you it as a present for a simple spy work?
You decide to get to the bottom of this and for this you need to buy the capsule yourself. You're sure that the infamous merchant Dori has some, but you're definitely in the black list as the Academia's scribe... Ah, how lucky is it. Your roommate just so happen to have a strong connection to Dori. If you give him money and an excuse why he needs the capsule so much she would definitely sell it to him. It settled then.
You come home. But you're roommate isn't there. You wait. He doesn't come back. You're confused and decide to check using you're connections at the Academia, and... he suddenly was requested to the desert? And just left? Why would he leave exactly when everything was going to get weird? Did he know something? Did Academia want to temporarily move him out of the picture? Maybe they did something worse than that? Was it all a coincidence?
You don't know and you have no time. You need to spy on Traveller. You need to buy a capsule. It seems that you're alone in it.
Dori didn't sell you a capsule. That wasn't unexpected but still worth the try. You decide to make the mysterious traveller to buy it for you. It went great. You find out more about capsules, you steal one yourself. You realise that the divine knowledge offered by the sages was a trap to dispose of you. Your roommate still didn't come back. It's been what, almost a week? Whatever. It's nice and quiet at your home.
You meet Traveller again on your way to the desert to investigate the source of the capsules. You run into Cyno and a bunch of other people and you seem to finally get the lead to answers that you wanted. You find out that the capsules were extracted from the brains of scholars who were send to the desert by the Academia and then abducted. You're roommate was also sent to the desert by the Academia. Uh. He's fine. You have your problems to deal with.
You and your unexpected but quite pleasant team find out that sages want to create a God. It seems it's time to rescue your archon. You came up with a pretty good plan. Noe you need to return to the city after these couple of days in the desert. When you come home, your roommate still isn't there.
The next day your team is preparing for the plan and Cyno says that you all need to go home and have a good rest.
"...Thankfully I had my place to myself recently. It's been nice and quiet."
Dehya stares at you confused.
You didn't realise that you said it out loud and you're not sure how other people deal with situations when they say something without thinking.
"Oh, nothing"
You went home and slept alright.
The plan worked, Nahida was saved, sages punished, akasha destroyed, your comfortable routine is safe again. It's still nice and quite at home, so you go to the library to read some books.
"Alhaitham, what happened in the Academia?!"
You hear a familiar voice. After all this time he returns like nothing happened.
5. And this was a recap of Alhaitham's side of the archon quest!
Interpretations can vary of course, but the way I see it, Alhaitham was very bothered by Kaveh's sudden disappearance. He clearly expresses that he wishes Kaveh was in the team during the quest ("Where were you when Sumeru needed you most?"). From this we can guess that Kaveh really left without any warning and had Alhaitham known about it, he would most likely stopped him.
I think Alhaitham quickly found out where Kaveh was (connections) but he had no means of contacting him quickly and maybe didn't even know the exact location. At first it was a minor inconvenience because of the Dori situation, but he probably wasn't bothered to much by it. But after he found out that sages actively tried to dispose of him by making him insane, he probably realised that the situation was way worse that he initially thought. And Kaveh still was somewhere in the desert with no means to contact him.
So what Alhaitham does next? He goes to the desert. Yes, it was for the plot reasons, but let's agree, he at least considered a possibility that he could run into Kaveh there. But he never did. And what's more, he found out that the Academia was abducting scholars and sucking their brains out. Let's be real, the theory that Kaveh was send to the desert for the reasons connected to knowledge capsules, most likely was on Alhaitham's mind, and in a bad universe it could've been correct.
Well, Kaveh did return home after all. But by that point Alhaitham's supressed stress about this whole situation was so great, that it resulted in him being genuinely salty at Kaveh during their first on-screen dialog and even saying "Well, maybe then you should move out of my house" - which, at least from my point of view, is way worse then his usual teasing about Kaveh being broke and homeless or whatever.
6. About Kaveh's role in the archon quest besides making Alhaitham sad
Ag, that's a very fun topic. I don't know how I totally missed it the first time, maybe it was the lack of respect for Kaveh, idk, but he was 100% purposefully sent away for the time of the quest.
Sages wanted to move him out of the picture just like they wanted to do with Alhaitham using knowledge capsule. Except they knew that Kaveh would not be too interested in the capsules. So they needed something else to remove him... Like a sudden very urgent request to build a children's hospital somewhere very deep in the desert for people who are literally dying without it! Huh, well, I just made it up, but I believe that sages came up with something very similar.
Kaveh is the type of person to jump straight into any charity he sees and ask next to none questions about it, so it would be the easiest way to send him away for good. Plus I believe that it could've been the reason why he didn't talk with Alhaitham about it and disappeared so sudden. Children are dying! No time for talking! But then he arrived to the said place in the desert and it was just a mess. Maybe a fake project, maybe literally nothing, maybe a trap. In other words - not the project he was told he is needed for.
It's something that we don't get spelled out for us (Alhaitham even denies it cause he's angry at that moment), but timings are just too perfect to be a coincidence. And that's not the only proof - Kaveh himself heavily implies that there was something very fishy about this mission.
He straight up avoids answering Alhaitham's questions about it, and says "Thinking about it makes me angry". Why would he say this about the Academia project? It's not like he had a specific annoying client. Kaveh was sent as a representative from the Academia to be the head of some "construction project" after all, he presumably was the boss there. So it can only mean that there was something wrong with the project itself.
Plus immediately after he finds out that his sage was a part of the conspiracy, he says "So that's why they sent me there", which further implies that whatever was happening on that mission in desert – it was either absurd (if the sages just wanted to keep Kaveh away for some time) or very dangerous (if they wanted him dead). Unfortunately Kaveh's the last person who would tell us about the danger to his life, so we can forget about learning what the hell was that mysterious mission.
Ah, and about why would sages want Kaveh away. Sure it can be because of his connections to Alhaitham, but…
I think anyone who knows Kaveh more then 10 minutes would know that if he found out what sages are planning to do with a literal child and what they do to other scholars, he would die but not let them continue all of it. And he is quite popular among students and citizens alike, so he could've been a potential threat for the sages.
Makes me wonder how many other potential dangers did sages eliminate in some way for their plan. Probably not too many, but still interesting behind the scenes of their actions.
Let's return to the end of the act 5. After we had a feast at the Grand Bazar, we were able to one last time talk to each member of our Sumeru-rescue team.
Alhaitham said this:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Which was always bothering me, because:
One: He suddenly becomes quite sentimental and talks about happiness, which is cool to see, but at the same time... He very rarely talks about subjective emotions. And what's more, he seems genuinely enjoying the thought of it. He isn't really the kind of person who gets his sense of satisfaction out of someone else's happiness (it's one of the things he parallels Kaveh in), so what's this all about?
Two: He extremely abruptly switches the topic to point out that he "seems to have taken both keys when he left the house" (tbh I thought that I accidentally clicked on him the second time and it's the new dialog, but no, it is all specifically a one long dialog).
Well well well. What do we have here.
When I first read these lines I decided that's it's just a weird writing without normal conversation flow. First Alhaitham is satisfied that he's plan worked and his daily life is safe, but says it through pointing out that other people are happy rather then explicitly stating that he's happy. Then he yaoi baiting us with "haha, harassing Kaveh is so much fun" and that's all there is to it.
Now that we know more about Alhaitham's daily life during the archon quest, let's think about the keys some more.
He was able to take both keys because Kaveh was at home and his keys were there either. On his way out to meet us, Alhaitham saw Kaveh's keys on their usual place and took them as well, ultimately making Kaveh unable to leave the house. Which also means...
Kaveh will definitely be at home when Alhaitham returns after the feast.
So if we flip everything based on this logic, Alhaitham tells us: "This is a great evening. This gathering is special. People are finally happy. They feel happiness from the bottom of their hearts. And when I return home there will be someone waiting for".
Which is. So. PRECIOUS!.. Something clicked in my brain when I first realized this meaning and these lines are finally making a lot of sense!
It's the perfect final words for his little character journey in this quest. He protected the life he had and loved, everything and everyone were back to normal again and for him it is a true happiness felt from the bottom of his heart. Just precious.
Final words
Anyway, yes, that's why I believe that during the archon quest Alhaitham was actually constantly worrying about Kaveh at the back of his mind and maybe even feeling lonely, which resulted in his great boom of toxicity during their first on-screen dialog, but after some time he cooled down and slipped into his usual happy comfortable and not "nice and quiet" life again.
And fuck the sages for sending away our boy Kaveh (who actually knows a lot about desert since he works there often) and making our rescue-Nahida-group one competent person shorter.
Thanks for your time and tears, you, the person who read this!
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jurakan · 29 days
I am well acquainted with BIONICLE Cthulhu, but please enlighten your other followers on his grotesqueness grandeur
Alright, both you and @edgar-allan-possum asked for this so here we go! Ladies, Gentlemen, Tohunga, and other random people (I stole this joke from a BZPer), Today You Learned about Tren Krom, BIONICLE's very own Cthulhu!
...No picture? Okay, yeah, it makes sense that we don't have a picture.
So starting in 2007, BIONICLE starting having web serials, which gave out stories in a serialized format to fans who wanted more of the characters they loved, and introduce new ones. See, because LEGO had to keep putting out new sets, the main storyline for each year had to focus on the characters depicted in the sets, and often people would get left behind. Lead writer Greg Farshtey did these serials to help fix this problem.
In the serial "Federation of Fear" (which I want to emphasize was definitely a BIONICLE take on the Suicide Squad; I only realized this a couple of years ago), the team goes to an island to pick up some weapons from a cache and run into...Tren Krom, an insanely powerful, hideous, and insane thing bound to the island. He disintegrates one of the team members, and reads the others' minds.
Basically, what we're told is that when the Great Beings (basically, the gods of the BIONICLE world) started working on "the universe"*, they created Tren Krom to stabilize and run the system while it was being built. When they finished, they declared they didn't need him anymore, and put Mata Nuin in charge of the universe to keep it running. Tren Krom was bound to an island and stuck there.
This, as you can imagine, did not make him very happy.
When he reads the mind of the crooks in Federation of Fear, he realizes that the evil plan of the main villain is in effect, and decides that's far worse than any evil plan he'd come up with as revenge on the world that scorned him. So he lets them go.
Except for then later Tren Krom very clearly does care about getting out of there. In another web serial, after the main villain took over the universe (spoiler alert), the heroes send one of their own to Tren Krom to see if he'll help. He switches bodies with said hero, and actually helps out in the fight against evil! Until he gets beaten by the main villain, and the good brother of the BIONICLE Devil makes him switch bodies back.
There is one more serial that's important, I guess? There's one where one of the villains goes to check on him, and the knowledge he gets from Tren Krom inspires him to go talk to his boss and tell him how to take over the universe. Which, uh, is Plot relevant, but you would think Tren Krom would know better than to just hand out that info.
And then another web serial, written after the main line was canceled, kills him off for a cheap murder mystery.
Alright, so what to make of this character? GregF admitted that Tren Krom was created as a shoutout to H.P. Lovecraft's work, so the Cthulhu comparisons were intentional (this also might have been how I was introduced to Cthulhu as a character). There are no official illustrations, as he was never a set, and unlike most BIONICLE characters, he had a horrifying appearance with no bionic elements (his face was a giant gooey skull or something that drove people insane). That hasn't stopped many fan artists from giving it a shot.
Also, one of the BZPower comedies, "Day in the Life of GregF", had a hilarious version of Tren Krom that spoke in ALL CAPS.
Tren Krom was wild, man. In some ways, it was a fantastic addition to the mythos, because it developed the world in a completely new way that fans hadn't seen before. I feel like he was ultimately wasted, though, because there was so much to do with this character, and it really didn't get very far. But that's the case with a lot of the serial characters, I think.
Yeah, so, we've got a BIONICLE Cthulhu.
*It's worth noting that in BIONICLE, "the universe" tends to refer to the Matoran known world, and there was plenty outside of that.
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thecourtjester12 · 4 months
About, asks, au's and relevant nonsense!
About me!
Heeeeeello, hello, hello! I'm Jester! I use They/she/ey pronouns and am a 22 year old autistic, aroace, artist/writer/jack of all trades creative bean/gremlin.
About the blog
I namely post Smoon (aka the daycare attendent, Sun and Moon FNAF) and Au's, be it drawings, writing, random thoughts and sneak peaks! And of course fanart (be it canon fnaf (or my takes on charas) orrrrr fanart for other lovely creators daycare Au's!)
I reblog stuff a lot, I just LOVE sharing peoples awesome stuff!! So expect to see a lot of that, buttttttt generally that will be set on queue throughout the week (unless its something more time dependent!)
Please read the FAQ page before sending asks!
FAQ page!
Asks are through Ask the Jester! Ask status: OPEN
Additionally I take requests for a small writing series which can be found HERE for 'FNAF sensory writing requests' which are SFW canon FNAF and reader interactions! Please read the info page before sending in Requests.
Asks open doesn't automatically mean Requests are open. Requests status: OPEN
My Au's (I'll have things sorted eventually so y'all can click and see all of a specific au's stuff at once)
JDCAU Masterpost (Jester's DayCare AU...its a terrible name I know) All info and posts on this au! (Masterpost is mostly done...needs to be spruced up a bit!)
My take on Fnaf SB if the fire never happened and the plex was taken under better management, stuff for the Au will be tagged as #jdcau
J-TOL Masterlist(Jester's The Other Location, its very sparce atm...needs to be spruced up)
Same universe as JDCAU, there are two locations the second location never had the virus at all here, also under the same management now and have their own struggles! Stuff for the Au will be tagged as #j-tol
LOTC (Legend of the Celestials)
Siren/leviathan Smoon au, very mythology/folklore based, reworking this au atm...stuff for this Au will be tagged as #lotc or #LOTC
Currently under rework/work in progress so not much for it rn
Currently unavailable, please try again soon!
Under construction and not currently available to the public! (...Also just...have no clue on a name for it...I don't want redacted to stick...but it might :' D) Currently tagged as #REDACTED au (Reaalllllly need to name it >_<)
MIW (Monty In Wonderland)
Currently unavailable, please try again soon!
Under construction and not currently available to the public!
Any snippets that may appear will be tagged #miw or #MIW
LSAU (Lonely Star Au)
An AU where Sun Polaris is sentient but Moondrop is not and his frequent struggles. Lots of angst and making the boi miserable. This Au is also inspired by a prompt from my friend @sketchtxt ! :3 (...and both are a frequent object of friend wanting to smooch...you know who you are.)
Masterpost to be made! Anything for this Au will be tagged #lsau
NBC au (Nightmare Before Christmas Au)
Currently unavailable please try again soon!!! Currently this au is in early stages of brainstorming, what it is may be announced soon! :3 Currently tagged #NBC au
ESS au (Eclipse's Solar System au)
A human SB au that mainly focuses on Eclipse and their twins Nova and Callisto and all their friends! A very fluffy slice of life type au with silly shenanigans and bits of angst! I have an ask blog for ESS au found here! And anything will be tagged as #ess au
PDC au (Playdate Collector au)
An au where me and my friends @sketchtxt and @sir-qwillian-ferne are SMods and put a bunch of our Au's together because we want our various Smoon's+ to interact and made lore for it! We all have a blog for it that can be found here! Anything for it will be tagged #pdc au
CTAMK au (....you'll find out soon)
An in progress AU with my friend @sir-qwillian-ferne to make a wholesome rarepair ship work! Currently not available to the public, please try again later! Anything that IS available will be tagged #ctamk au ;3
Tags listing
List of the types of main tags and what they're used for outside au tags
any and all post asides re blogs from other amazing creators
any and all drawings, sketches, all art stuff
any and all writing posts, be it wips, sneak peaks and finished works for A03 or here
#jester rambles
just random rants and tangents and whatnot that are just me rambling on whatever
for when answering asks!
#canon #not canon Anything not canon to an au will be tagged #notcanon.
A03 and Other Stuff
Most AU based stuff will be linked with their specific Au master lists (eventually...) Any misc stuff outside that will be listed here!
My A03
My artfight!
My side blog where I post non Smoon content!
Moots and Friendos!
No order of importance or preference, just nice and alphabetical They're all super cool so maybe check them out! ^-^ (Sorry for the random tags y'all >_<)
@buggoblin2 @cero-sleep @crabsnpersimmons @cryptidbisexual @dragoncxv360 @flufflefleurry @ieatconfettiforaliving @just-a-floofy-catt @salemlucidsleeper @rayofmisfortune @ryobitheaxololt @sir-qwillian-ferne @sketchtxt @tinyfairart @trenchcoat-full-of-snails @voidedpumpkin
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autumnslance · 11 months
Search, Tags, and Tumblr
Tumblr's search functions are notoriously weird, but there's a few common things to know about how it works in conjunction with Tagging. First things first:
-Tags are for searching but also personal blog organization as desired. This is why some folks have weird/funny personal use tags. Tags can use dashes and spaces, but not regular double quote marks ("), though single marks are fine (').
-Tag for what's in the post; adding other, unrelated tags "for visibility" is against Tumblr's TOS and gets you reported for Spam!
Example: if you make a post for your new Clive Rosfield screenshots, make sure you're only tagging terms relevant to Final Fantasy XVI and Clive Rosfield (and any personal organizing tags like "screenshots"); don't add tags like "Star Wars" and "SpongeBob", as Clive has nothing to do with those!
-Tag without censoring words! We use filters/blacklists here to avoid things we don't want to see. Can also work for words in the body of a post. There's no rules here against using "kill" or "death" or other terms defining common human experiences determined "too negative/dangerous" on other sites (stay civil to each other).
-If you do alt-spell things, it's only in the body of a post and usually when it's dislike of a fandom thing as a courtesy to those enjoyers. If I make a shipping post and say, for example, "I can't stand R3y|o", that's when I want to use weird spelling and symbols--and no common tags for that fandom! If you do use tags for organizing, keep it to things like "#anti (thing) or "#(thing) critical", again spelled correctly for others' blacklisting purposes and to keep it out of the Reylo Search and Tags so those fans can enjoy their ship without seeing negativity. Because...
-General Search pulls from Tags and Also terms found in the body of a post. If I just put "Thancred" in the Search bar at the top of the page, it'll show me any and all posts with "Thancred" in them, including 1) if the name is in the body of the post, 2) if the name is in a tag that's a sentence/includes other words, and 3) even if not tagged for Thancred.
This caused some wank a couple years back for certain fans when someone tagged a lascivious picture set with what they knew was a triggery NOTP for many...but they also put the characters' names in the post body, not realizing simply searching for either of those characters would pull it up (They also, IMO, should have put the images under a Read More to be doubly safe, for themselves and for others they knew might be upset stumbling onto said images, but the crux was not realizing how Tumblr Search worked).
-Tag Search specifically pulls from the tags; per Tumblr's info pages, the first 20 tags (out of 30 total allowed) now will show up in search. Common, consistent tags first are good for visibility. You can also Follow tags you want to keep track of; there's even a tab on your Dash for it.
-Reblogs do not show up in the searches, even with additions and new notes. However, a blacklist filter will catch tags put on the original post, even if the reblogger doesn't add it when it ends up on your Dash.
-You can also blacklist blog names/URLs. Think of it like Twitter's muting rather than a full block (though one can do that too, and should as needed).
Example: someone following Seanan McGuire doesn't like frogs, but she reblogs a lot of frogs. The follower blocked and blacklisted the blogs she often reblogs frogs from to minimize the number of frogs they see while still following a favorite author for her book info.
-If people ask you to tag a thing cuz it's a squick or full-on trigger, you can just do it, or you can politely say no; that's valid. It's up to that person then to decide if they want to blacklist or unfollow or block or what. Just be civil either and both ways.
In summary: if you're talking about bunnies cuz you took pictures at the local farm show, just write "bunnies" normally in the body and/or tags of the post, so anyone with "bunnies" blacklisted can avoid it--and folks who want to see cute pics of bunnies can find it!
Even if you use proper tags, or no tags, or only use alternate spellings in the post body to keep things out of the tags/searches, consider still using a Read More as a last line of courtesy to any followers or random folks you don't want to catch in the crossfire. Also consider hiding your blog from Search results, and/or Private posts.
Tumblr's Help Center (On Desktop browser, go to the "About" link, and then the "Resources" menu; on Mobile App, go to Account settings, General settings, scroll down to "Help" under "Account") has further info about Searches and Tagging (and everything else!), and as that info changes, it's a good idea to keep track of those page updates, as well as the @changes blog to keep track of new updates, bugs, recent fixes, and upcoming info.
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Heyy, I’ve been reading your wonderful one piece works for a while — and I couldn’t stop wondering how are you actually doing those magnificent headers?
Like… hello? The great quality, with additional 3D-alike details I could catch by my eyes? I got only Ibis Paint X on mobile, since I’m only a young man that literally two months ago went on a life-time ‘adventure’ of living alone in a small apartment.
In short — I got no money to pay for additional graphics/drawing programs, not yet at least
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my writing - I'm curious to know what's your favorite piece / part? Also I'm so happy you like my headers? Makes it feel worth it to spend time on them! :D
I have excellent news for you, I used a mix of Canva and Photopea. They're both FREE!
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I'll be explaining the process for making these two kinda? The full tutorial is below the cut, to be courteous to the other folks, hope you don't mind?
Though I am hearing that Canva has given people some grief. But Photopea is just *chefs kiss*
If you've ever used photoshop, Photopea is essentially a free photoshop, and it even has the automation tools! An absolute lifesaver when you have multiple layers you want to export (but that's for larger projects not this)
I'm going to assume you have basic knowledge of layers in digital drawing programs for this. If anything isn't clear: ask me, I'll clarify!
My General Process is:
Search for official art / images
bring it into canva / photopea
crop / arrange images to match the dimensions
select a thematic color that is associated with the character
separate the foreground from the background
mess around and test things until they work
Given "Louder than Words" is the latest one I've made, I'll start with the process for it.
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Dimensions: 3000 x 1055 px dpi: 96
Let's Get Crackin'
Alright let's grab some official art so we're not using any fanart without the artist's permission
I try to pick images that feel relevant enough to what I'm trying to make. For example: the image for the Matching banner shows the ASCE tattoo which is super important in that fic
2. Let's arrange them onto a banner where each individual image has the same/similar dimensions to the rest
That's probably part of why you like these. To a certain extent they have similar dimensions, so they have a uniformity that's pleasing to the eye! (It's not perfect because I threw perfectionism to the wind because this is tumblr not my portfolio) Tip: if you have 3 images and only 2 that have similar dimensions, and the 3rd one can't be cropped logically: but the one that's a different aspect ratio in the middle!
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3. lets arrange them in such a way that the borders all feel like they're the same/equal width/thickness
you might find that you have to shrink some images for this, that's fine.
ALTERNATIVELY: if you're going with one image crop it so it's just the relevant info and it matches the dimensions (3000 x 1055 px)
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We have our base! Now let's add some color, and direct the viewer's eye together!
4. pick out a color that you think matches your character / vibe - that color is going to be your background Given I'm making an Ace banner: orange is the color I'm going with
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I went and named my layers for this lol. The numbers represent the opacity, and they aren't important. I just kept changing the opacity until I liked the way things looks. But here's the secret to the 3D feel:
Motionblur (+ moving it about)
Separating the foreground and background and dulling out the background.
I'm going to show you my process so you can see the effects, but first let's give you some quick skills:
//------- Select Similar
magic wand -> select something -> right-click -> select similar This works best when you have high contrast images (like manga panels that are black and white). You can select the black or the white areas. Depending on what works better for you. TIP! Invert selections with ctrl + i Say you know that you want to select everything but Ace's face in the second panel. Select his face with the magic wand then ctrl + i, and that's the only thing NOT selected
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TIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, please, please, duplicate your original image and work on the duplicate layer. This helps you SO much. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIP! Check your selection tolerance! This could be why too little, or too much is being selected.
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//------- The Move Tool
Shortcut key: v While the move tool is active, you can nudge the stuff on whatever layer with your arrow keys Shift + arrow key = 10 px move (generally)
//------- Layer Locking
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1- Layer Blending Mode (see Overlay vs Multiply vs Normal) for how this can affect results) 2- Opacity: how see through it is / isn't 3- Lock Transparency (it's the little checker board) 4- Lock Layer (looks like a lock) 5- Lock icon that appears when anything on the layer has been locked More on 3 Lock Transparency: You can only paint on / modify what's on that layer. You CANNOT add anything to any area that is already transparent Here's a demo of what you can do with this power:
Here's the original Image - notice how it's just the lineart with a transparent background.
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It's powerful: abuse it
//------- Overlay vs Multiply vs Normal
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I think seeing this is the best way to visualize how different modes can affect the color.
Back to the Tutorial
Please play around with the opacity slider to figure out what opacity works best for you on the multiple different layers we're about to make / work with. It's up to your own style to figure this out. Next: please feel free to not follow all of it. Add more layers, add less layers, take the base principles and go wild! :D
5. Separate the lineart from the background and save it as a new layer 6. Duplicate it and set it to overlay, or set it to overlay immediately
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7. Duplicate that lineart layer twice and set the blending mode to overlay 8. lock transparency on the top one and change it to be a dark grey 9. Apply motion blur to both:
Main menu bar -> Filter -> Motion Blur I made it so that the grey layer was blurrier than the black layer
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10. More them around a little to give it a "3D effect" as you called it.
It creates shadows under the lines - I was aiming for an effect similar to chromatic aberration (chromatic aberration is a valid way to add punch to your stuff too!)
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So this is what things look like now - painful, but let's keep going
11. Duplicate the ORIGINAL / BASE lineart layer, that you DID not apply motion blur to -> set the blend mode to multiply (reduce opacity for it to actually take effect)
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okay that's less painful here's what the layers look like right now:
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let's bring more focus to Ace's face, and push the background farther away:
12. Use the magic wand tool to quickly select large areas of the faces / focal area / foreground and the lasso tool to refine things
TIP! Hold shift + click -> add to selection Hold Alt + click -> subtract from selection
13. On a new layer with blending mode -> lighten, fill that selection to be white
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If you look at it, you'll notice that it is ALREADY starting to draw our attention to his face, but the background is kinda aggressive, so let's dim that down
TIP! Right-click on the gradient tool to find the paint-bucket tool
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TIP! Sample All Layers: Turning this option off makes it so that you only work with the content on THAT specific layer. Turning it on makes it so that it is working while taking all other layers into consideration.
14. ctrl + click on the "white foreground" layer to select the contents of that specific layer (pink thing is your mouse)
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15. ctrl + i to invert selection and ON A NEW LAYER (layer mode -> multiply) fill that with a complementary color
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16. I did one last thing where I took the original base (before we separated the lineart) and added it to the very top and played with the opacity to get something less in your face (layer blend mode was set to NORMAL)
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And that's it!
More considerations that I take:
I want the banner to be "thin" or not square, so it doesn't take up too much screen real estate on people's devices
I don't want readers having to scroll too much to get to my writing (which is the whole point of the post, let's not waste their time making them look for things)
I want the banner content to be relevant enough?
ie: with Matching: I wanted the ASCE tattoo to be visible. With matching I wanted Ace to not look too happy in some of them.
I'm also trying to avoid spoilers, I hated getting things spoiled, so I'm trying to be careful that the images I pick don't spoil anything really.
Congrats on starting life on your own! I did that whole living by myself thing too! Tip: keep the pantry stocked with lentils, beans, pastas, baking essentials, rice. They really come in a clutch when you're hungry.
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