#technically a follow up to an ask fill i did some time back
akirakirxaa · 9 months
FFXIVWrite Day 5: Barbarous
Rating: M
Word Count: 1041
Warnings: Violence and torture
Summary: Emperor Solus deals with a rebel that made some...questionable choices.
Master Post
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The Emperor stormed through the palace, and staff and military officials alike knew better than to call for his attention in this state. He stalked towards the dungeons, shoulders set, eyes alight with anger and snapping at anyone foolish enough to interrupt him.
But no matter how angry Solus appeared to be, beneath the skin, Emet-Selch was furious.
That rebels had been bold enough to steal into his home and steal away his wife was one thing. A really irritating thing to be sure, but a small inconvenience easily corrected and the rebel cell that had done so dealt with in the usual way, kept as prisoners of war until the territory could be brought to heel.
But one of them had dared lay hands on her. Burned her skin and broke her bones and the image of her shaking as she clung to him with her one good hand stoked the flames even higher.
It was foolish, Lahabrea was right, Valeria was not her and never would be and to grow so attached to but a shard of her was a dangerous game.
He stopped before the guard outside of the most secure cells, in the deepest part of the dungeon.
"You may go," he dismissed tersely. The guard hesitated for a moment, but upon seeing the look on the Emperor's face, gave a brisk nod and headed off to whatever his next duties were. Once he was fully out of sight, Emet-Selch slunk inside.
He found his prisoner, the massive hrothgar that had been acting as the resistance group's torturer, not only locked in a cell but also changed by his wrists to the floor, keeping him hunched on his knees. His fur was dull and matted, suggesting rougher than necessary treatment from the guards that had escorted him. The leg Emet-Selch had shot looked swollen and inflamed.
"You!" The hrothgar's lips pulled back in a snarl as he lunged forward, straining against his restraints as he began to hurl hatred and accusations at the Emperor.
"No no," Emet-Selch snapped, and though the prisoner's mouth and throat continued to work, he fell completely silent. "I'm not here to listen to you prattle on. The only sounds I'm interested in hearing are your screams." The hrothgar's eyes widened and made quiet choking noises as he tried desperately to make some kind of noise, realizing too late that this man was no mere Garlean.
"Ah yes, where are my manners," Emet-Selch's face split in a mad grin as he flashed his glyph at the prisoner. "Emet-Selch, Ascian." The hrothgar scrambled back; whether he knew what an Ascian was or not, he was realizing quite quickly that he may have picked a fight that he really shouldn't have.
"I like to think we treat our prisoners fairly. We keep them fed and whole and they'll get to return to their families once this whole messy war is over, assuming their families don't foolishly throw their lives away on a losing war," Emet-Selch wandered closer to the bars, cold fury creeping into his expression. "But you took a woman who knew nothing and tortured her only for the crime of being my wife. So I'm sure you'll understand when I say that I'll be...returning the favor, so to speak." The prisoner let out a wordless snarl, words still lost to him, and Emet-Selch gave a cold smirk.
"Where do you think I should start, Torturer? Mayhap I shall remove every finger from your body, or burn the fur from your skin, or pluck your eyes out and smash them under my boot," he delighted in the way the anger in his prisoner's eyes gave way to fear. "Maybe we start with breaking every bone in your body the way you broke her arm, hmm?"
He snapped his fingers, and the man's arms jerked with a crack into unnatural angles. The prisoner howled in agony.
The following hours brought naught but more screams until the dungeons fell silent once more.
After making sure the cell looked as if the prisoner's death was much more mundane than it was, Emet-Selch took a moment to put his persona back into place before heading to check on his wife. She had been taken directly to the medical wing from the airship to finish treating her wounds, but should have been returned to their chambers to rest by now. Sure enough, he found her dozing amongst liberal pillows and blankets, though not quite asleep. She sleepily reached for him with her right arm, the one now encased in a cast, and he had to swallow down the anger it brought to the surface.
"How are you feeling, my dear?" He settled on the edge of their bed, gingerly taking Valeria's hand in his.
"Better. They gave m'somethin for th' pain, but's making ev'rthing kinda fuzzy," her words were a bit slurred, but she was comfortable and that was what mattered, he told himself. The medicine, the cast, all things that would pass with time and she'd be back to normal. Maybe she saw the hurting in his eyes, maybe she simply wanted closeness, but either way she gave a pat to the space next to her and looked at him expectantly. He gave a small, rueful smile before settling in next to her. She turned so that they lay nose-to-nose.
"Where were you?" She asked, a little less slurred. Emet-Selch was quiet for a moment.
"That barbarous savage will never lay a finger on you again," he decided to answer. Valeria lay quiet, and he worried he'd upset her. He knew she had not the stomach for the kind of cruelty he sometimes had to be party to.
"He's dead?" She finally asked.
"Yes." More silence, and then:
She tucked her head down into his chest, carefully settling her casted arm between them, and it wasn't long until her breathing became slow and even with sleep. Still unsettled from the last few days, Emet-Selch chose to instead look at her soul.
Damaged it may be, but it still shone the color of sunsets, of fire, all warmth and beauty in rest. He curled around her, clinging as if to a lifeline.
I miss you, Persephone.
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pedgito · 4 months
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𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐀 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 | Javier Pena x fem!reader
summary | your boyfriend delivers the worst news possible on what should be a day filled with love. luckily your coworker is there in wait, not allowing a perfectly good dinner reservation to go to waste. [2.5k]
content warning | this is probably the tamest thing i've ever written, who am i? mostly fluff, vague descriptions of your boyfriend (technically ex-boyfriend/some misogyny (not by javi), small age gap, co-workers, dinner dates and more, unrequited (innocent) crushes, minimal spanish (mostly just pet names), open-ended
author’s note | @pascalispretty happy valentines day!! this is my first time doing one of these and i was your secret valentine, but i hope you enjoy! i haven't written for javi in so long and i was really craving some soft!javi so this was a joy to write. i hope you enjoy!
You hated the stigma around holidays and what they meant, what they entailed, and why people upheld them so highly. But, here you were—tapping your fingers insistently against the desk across from the pool of DEA agents who would throw a file of paperwork on your desk and expect it to magically poof away and, by default, relinquish themself of any responsibility over it in the process.
You couldn’t fault them all—some of them actually managed to follow instructions. A signature here and there, all in order, leaving with little work to do other than file it away. Murphy followed it to a degree that made you think he probably has some time of background outside of here, back in the states. Always uniform, always proper—he’d been a good addition from the start and a perfect match to Javier Pena’s strong personality and unwillingness to give up control.
He also smiled at you every morning and offered a kind greeting, a small acknowledgment of your existence which couldn’t be spared by many others.
As for Javier—he did the work. There was never an issue, but halfway through an expository to a question he asks his attention is drawn elsewhere. Usually to one of the other few in-office secretaries or visitors that just couldn’t resist a bite at the overconfident and suave agent.
You could see the appeal, but that didn’t mean you had to like it—sometimes it impeded your ability to communicate with him and it really, really annoyed you.
Plus, your boyfriend was perfect. Too perfect that it felt unreal at times, but as all things in your life tended to implode on you—you were waiting for the ball to drop.
“Buenos días, señorita.” Javier greets with a smile that shines perfectly under his thick mustache, dressed in his usual pairing of tight jeans and form-fitting button up. This one was pink though, or a deep red. Jesus, how many different ones did he own?
You snort softly, “Morning, Javi.”
And you’re expecting that crisp folder to slide onto your desk but he’s traversing down the steps into the bay of other desks, straight for his. He’s still in eyeline, his and Steve’s shared workspace right in the center.
His eyes flit up briefly, scanning the room before they land on you again and of course you’re staring, but not for the reasons he’s assuming. And there’s a fierceness behind your eyes that he’s seen before, like he’s about to be lectured.
You grab at an empty file on your desk and hold it up lazily, eyebrows raising in expectation. 
“Oh shit,” He curses lowly, but not soft enough for you to miss before he’s reaching in his desk and holding up the paperwork, “Here—I’ve got it.”
You pluck the item from his grip as he approaches, this time lingering. He’s got his fingers spread out wide on your desk and he leans, practically towers as you sift through his work quietly before jotting something down on a separate sticky note and filing it away for the time being.
“Sorry, bonita,” He apologized, some sincerity in his voice, “I stayed late last night and finished it up but you were already gone—I don’t forget, you know that.”
“All good,” You offer a polite smile and he still doesn’t move, nodding kindly to a few women that pass by, seemingly more done-up than usual, “big plans tonight?”
A man like Javier, there was no way he spent Valentine's Day alone.
Javier offers a non-commital shrug and nods his head in your direction, “What about you? You got that boyfriend, right? Kid with the glasses?”
And okay, Javier was a good chunk older than you. Ten years, maybe. But, kid? Please.
“Yes, that kid.” You roll your eyes light-heartedly. “Um, I reserved a table for dinner at that restaurant Steve recommended a couple months ago. The one he took Connie to.”
“Yeah—yeah, I know that place.” Been a few times, it lingers on his tongue. It didn’t matter if he went alone, the food was decent enough. “You made the reservation?”
“Come on, Javi,” You slap at his forearm gently, “It's not that big of a deal—besides I just…need a break. I thought dinner would be nice.”
“You know I can’t judge you for living at this place,” Javier says around a soft chuckle, “I’m guilty of it too.”
Many nights spent stuck in the office with just you and Javier—the occasional appearance of Steve. It led you to learn a few things about the men, even if inadvertently.
When leads were dry, Javier will go through half a pack in a day and Steve would chew at his fingernails almost constantly, tapping and fidgeting nearly nonstop. They both had obvious tells—a more obvious one for Javier being the close-mouthed smile he gave to women he wasn’t interested in but still remained polite to while the other, the unabashed grin was reserved for the women who piqued his interest.
He's given you both, but that was beside the point. 
“Any recommendations?” You ask curiously, fidgeting with the plastic clip on your pen.
Javier considers it briefly, lips pursing together as he taps his pointer finger in thought, “Well, the Pescado Frito they have is pretty good—can’t really go wrong with that.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You note, leaning back in your chair as you spot Steve making his way into the office.
“I thought you hated holidays like this?” Javier questions curiously, a sentiment he shared. They seemed pointless outside of the few that offered him a reprieve from work.
You shrug, looking away briefly to avoid his steadfast gaze.
“Well, I don’t think all of us are impervious to stuff—I wanted to do something…nice. I guess?”
Javier isn’t entirely convinced, seeing the uncertainty in your shy smile but he lets it go, slapping the desk lightly before waving a quick goodbye as Steve pulls him aside.
It had to be intel—and good intel at that by the way Javier’s face morphs into sudden interest, thumb and pointer finger brushing over his mustache.
And really, you shouldn’t keep staring at him. Not with that dinner on the forefront of your mind, the one you had so meticulously planned out for you and your boyfriend.
Things had to be perfect. There was no other option.
But, then Javier chances another glance in your direction and something swells in your throat—anxiety, sadness. You can't quite place it, but you swallow it down. Force it away.
Only a few more hours to go.
The call comes an hour before you’re due to head home, already packing up your belongings preemptively. And you smile at the sound of your boyfriend’s voice.
It’s been a few months. Good months. Too good.
He was younger, like you—some IT guy in his earlier twenties with a kind heart. Or, so you assumed.
“Hey,” You answer softly, lightly into the phone, “reservations are in a couple hours.”
“About that,” His voice sounds off, distant, “I don’t think I can make it.”
Your heart drops into your stomach and you find yourself chewing at your bottom lip in worry, watching wearily as Javier and Steve hold matching coffees in their grip, marching back to their desks in sync. Javier’s gaze lingers for a moment, a normal motion he did just to check on you.
Nothing more.
But, he spots the change in your emotion.
Still, he continues on.
“What—I—I’ve had these reservations for two weeks,” You reply in a hushed voice, trying to contain your frustration, “what happened—what changed?”
“I just—I don’t really know how to say this,” The dread is immediate, but your mind is filled with anger—rigid, bitter anger that wants to bite, “I think we should break up.”
“Are you fucking serious?” The small outburst catches the attention of you people but you avoid their gaze, even more pointedly Javier, who’s gone from inconspicuously spying to full on gawking now, alongside Steve who had a sudden interest. They’ve never seen you like…this. “Today? This felt like a good thing to tell me today?”
“I’ve been trying—“
“You’re an asshole.” You bite harshly, “You can pick your shit up from my apartment this weekend.”
You don’t let him have the final word, slamming the phone back down into the receiver and ignoring the gathering stares and sparse, hushed whispers.
You could sit and wallow, allow yourself to stew in regret and worry, wondering what you did wrong—but you knew it wasn’t you. It couldn’t have been. All the trying and trying and trying you do, the maximum amount of effort met with little enthusiasm. You were naive to think that things would work,
You’re thankful when the shift nears its end and people file out quietly, albeit with a few side-stares, you find yourself mulling over the idea of canceling the reservation completely. But, then there was perfectly good, hard-earned money going to waste. And you could eat by yourself, but the idea seemed even more miserable as you had specifically booked a table for two, decorations and accommodation to match. It felt ridiculous, in hindsight. 
You pass the stack of paperwork off to your boss as you step into his office, scurrying back to your desk with your head down—already prepared to go home and wallow in your self-pity.
“You alright?” Javier asks suddenly, jumping slightly at his voice as you turn on your heels, hip bumping into your desk in the process, wincing at the pain, “shit—sorry.”
He’s smiling to lighten the mood but it doesn’t help.
“You’re…fine,” You wave him off, leaning into the weight of the desk as he lingers, fingers shoved into the front pockets of his pants, “I’m heading home in a bit.”
“No dinner?” He asks curiously—if he was attempting to be coy he was doing a terrible joy.
It was only minimally amusing, cracking a smug smile at his obvious prying. 
“No dinner,” You confirm, “and he broke up with me, so…”
“Cabrón,” He says under his breath, but it isn’t lost on you, “I’m sorry—that’s…fucked up.”
You shrug, “Now I’m debating on canceling and wasting the money I put down to reserve it or looking pathetic if I show up by myself—“
“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that.” Javier defends, speaking entirely from personal experience. 
“Javi, it’s Valentine’s Day.” 
Suddenly though, you’re struck with an idea. 
“Are you busy?” You ask curiously and Javier raises a curious eyebrow your way and smirks, “No ladies in waiting tonight?”
“Not yet.” Javier jokes lightly, knowing his usual routine of hitting the bar after work would end in one of two ways, and even if he didn’t mind spending his nights alone, it was nice to be in the company of others in whatever capacity.
“Go with me.” You suggest, poking at his bicep. “Since you love the place so much.”
“Come on, hermosa,” Javier chides playfully, “If you wanted to take me on a date, just ask.”
You grin wide, heart fluttering at the flirtatious tone he carried in his voice—it wasn’t something you weren’t used to, but it was never so pointedly directed at you.
“I am,” You tell him, “I just—I’ll need to go home and change first.”
His brow furrows and he looks you over, seeing nothing wrong, “Why? You look fine. You always do.”
It’s something he tells you daily—and maybe he has his own selfish reasons, though you know he does it to most of the women in the office, but the way he’s saying it to you now feels different.
He means it, no humor in his voice.
“My—” You can’t even address him in the moment, rolling your eyes with full force as you rub your fingers over your forehead to will away the lines of stress that form there, “I just—he used to say work clothes never complimented me very well. I already had a dress picked out, I can be quick.”
“Save it. I think you look perfect.” Javier affirms softly, keys jingling in his back pocket as he fishes them out, “I’ll drive us.
“But, my car—”
And hand breaches your shoulder, hot to the touch as his fingers curl around your form.
“Hey,” He’s searching for your eyes, waiting until they lock with his own and he nods, expecting the same motion to make sure you’re with him, “I’ll drive you there and back, you don’t have to change—we can enjoy some good food and forget about your shitty boyfriend, alright?”
You nod quietly, earning a gentle squeeze in response.
It wasn’t a date, not in the slightest. But, Javier did his damndest to make you feel like it was.
And maybe it was the guilt over him knowing you just got dumped—that whatever you had spent so much time planning had fell out underneath you, but it didn’t quell the nervous anxiety that you felt as you both sipped on a shared bottle of wine and your separate dinners, watching Javier grimace around the lip of his wine glass.
“Horrible, right?” You laugh softly, watching as he forces the liquid down and nods jerkily.
“Food is great, though—the wine,” Javier makes a face of uneasiness that has you covering a laugh with your palm, “—that’s why I stick with tequila or whiskey.”
“Can’t say I have much of a preference,” You admit, “as long as it does the job.”
Javier nods knowingly, stabbing his fork into a piece of food and chewing thoughtfully, the fingers of his unoccupied hand rubbing together as an idea forms in his head, “You know, if you’re not busy I was going to meet up with Steve and Connie for a drink. Later tonight—if you’re interested?”
You can’t believe how instantly you want to agree, blaming it on your impulsivity. 
“Javi, I don’t know,” You respond quietly, “I don’t—I don’t really go out like that.”
“Well—that dress you were talking about. It wouldn’t go completely to waste if you wanted to wear it out tonight. Plus, you treated me to a nice dinner—let me treat you to a couple drinks.”
It sounds like the perfect idea. Too perfect. Too good to be true.
“Javi,” You tease shyly, “if you’re trying to ask me out on a date just say it.”
Javier chuckles softly and you know it’s only an attempt to make a shitty day not so shitty, but the underlying chase you two have allowed to happen for so long now was unobscured by outside forces and you hated how easy it was for him to distract you from everything that had transpired today.
“Is that a yes?” Javier teases.
You sigh reluctantly, though a subtle grin pulls at your face, eyes soften at the expectant look on Javier’s face, all puppy-eyed and nothing like the man you’re used to seeing in the office. This was a side of him that felt new and you were curious to discover more. You nod.
“Well, hermosa—I guess it’s a date then.”
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roosterforme · 5 months
The Younger Kind Part 45 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley is loving his life at home. Skittles continues to fit right in while you inadvertently insist on nearly finding the one thing Bradley wants to keep hidden. A family day at the beach followed by a night alone with you are the only things he wants to focus on right now. It would be great if that's what he was allowed to do.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, smut, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4000 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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It was late by the time Bradley got home with Skittles, and you were pretty tired after assisting with an emergency at work. But Noah must have heard him pull into the driveway as he called out, "Daddy's back!" in the middle of coloring a rainbow turtle. He was out of his seat and heading for the front door before you could stop him, but it didn't matter, because you were anxious to see Bradley, too.
When you rounded the corner, he was kneeling on the floor and collecting Noah in his arms, a light blue bakery box on the floor next to him. You were used to seeing him with one arm around Noah while he held Skittles, but right now he was looking up at you like you were the only thing in the room worth his attention. It was remarkable that he still made you feel this giddy.
"Hey, Baby," he rasped. "You had a good day? Your emergency patient doing okay?" Then he stood up with his arms full and leaned down to kiss your forehead. He was still in his uniform, tall and strong, holding everything you cared about against his chest. 
"Yeah. I had a good day," you replied, somehow managing to squeeze your way between Noah and Skittles to give him a kiss on the neck while he chuckled. 
"Me too. Skittles got a clean bill of health," he whispered, and you could hear his stomach growling. It had probably been seven or eight hours since he had lunch, so you bent to pick up the bakery box, already craving a donut.
"That's good. Come on," you coaxed, tucking your index finger inside the top of his pants and earning a raised eyebrow as you tugged him toward the kitchen. "We already ate, but I'll heat up some leftovers for you while the two of you color."
"Daddy, is Skittles your best friend?" Noah asked as you set the box on the counter and took a peek. You gasped, because it was filled with crown donuts. You looked at Bradley over your shoulder where he was now sitting with his son on his lap.
"I think technically either Mommy or Aunt Natasha is my best friend, Bub."
You smiled as Noah sternly said, "No. It's Skittles. Mommy and Aunts don't count."
"Right. My bad," Bradley replied as he fiddled with something in his pocket. When he met your eyes, you noticed his cheeks were a little flushed as you bit into one of the donuts. "I got you a whole dozen this time."
"I see that," you replied, setting it down again so you could heat up a plate of food. "Did you run into Casey?"
"I did not," he replied as Noah handed him a green crayon. "It was just Skittles and I running up the credit card bill. That animal clinic is expensive."
"I believe it," you replied, taking a bite of potato from his plate to make sure it was hot enough. You'd always wanted a dog, but according to your parents, everything to do with pets was too pricey. They wouldn't even let you have a goldfish when you were a kid. 
You set Bradley's dinner in front of him before grabbing the container of ants on logs out of the refrigerator for Noah. You arranged them on a plate in a zigzag shape before giving them to him, and he had one in his mouth before the plate was all the way set down. When you turned to get your donut, Bradley reached out and wrapped his hand around your thigh, pulling you back to him. 
"Princess," he whispered. "I love you."
He looked tired, and he was clearly in a bit of a soft mood. Maybe even sentimental. The way he called you his best friend a few minutes ago made you smile even now. But his dark eyes held so much devotion as he examined your face that you ran your fingers down along his cheek and let your forehead rest against his. You knew he was starving; you could still hear his stomach growling, but he made no move to release your leg to take a bite of his dinner. So you just stayed there, your lips brushing his every time you moved.
"I love you too, Daddy."
You grinned against his kiss as Noah crunched loudly on his carrot sticks. This was where you belonged. You could barely even remember the details of your tiny rental because of all of the richness of your home with Bradley. It was overpowering. Living with Bradley and Noah had a dreamlike quality that made everything better. 
"You need to eat," you whispered, kissing Bradley one more time before returning to your donut. 
"I want Skittles to sleep in my bed!" Noah was practically crying, his cheeks bright red with frustration as Bradley tried to get him ready to go to sleep. He was overtired and cranky, and right now he was inconsolable. "You said after she got her cast off, she could sleep in my bed!"
"Noah," Bradley said in his softest tone as his son's arms flailed in his pajama shirt. "I said we can try, but we can't force Skittles to do things. Do you understand?"
But he just whined, "I want her to sleep in my bed!" 
Bradley sighed where he sat in the middle of Noah's bedroom floor, the engagement ring still tucked in his khaki uniform pants pocket. He didn't know where to put it. He didn't even know exactly when he wanted to give it to you. But he desperately needed to get it stashed away somewhere before he just proposed to you tonight, because having it on his person was making him feel a certain way about you. Maybe it was a good thing that Noah was kind of killing the vibe.
"Just get in bed," Bradley told him. "If you get in bed right now, I'll bring Skittles in."
He watched Noah launch himself into his twin bed and pull the blankets up to his chin. The odds that the pup would stay in Noah's room even for a few minutes were pretty slim. You had her out in the backyard right now so she could go to the bathroom, but the little pooch was almost glued to Bradley's side whenever he was home. 
As soon as you walked back inside in your cute little shorts and tank top set with Skittles at your feet, Bradley bent and scooped her up. "Noah is losing his mind. Wish me luck." He turned away from you with a smirk and kissed Skittles on her head. "If you stay in there until Noah falls asleep and long enough for me to fuck my Princess, I'll give you a treat."
You were cracking up in the kitchen as he walked away. "You're bargaining with the dog!" But he knew better. Skittles wasn't just a dog, she was his best friend after all.
Noah's eyes lit up in the soft glow from the nightlight when Bradley entered his bedroom with the pup. "She got used to her own bed, okay? So if she doesn't want to stay, we can't make her." But Noah's arms were outstretched, ready to hold his pet, and Bradley got her nestled in under the blankets next to his little body. 
As the dog looked up at him, concern for her new sleeping arrangement in her puppy eyes, Bradley bent to kiss Noah on the forehead and Skittles next to her bow. "Try to go right to sleep," he whispered to Noah. "I'm serious."
He just giggled in response as the dog licked his face, and Bradley did not see this little experiment ending well as he exited the room. He patted his pants pocket just as he had been doing all night. It took all he had within him not to open up the box and check to make sure your ring was secure, and he still didn't know where to put it for safekeeping.
When he entered his bedroom, he abandoned the idea of finding a good hiding spot when he found you in the middle of the bed wearing your paper crown. You looked so young and impossibly innocent with your glossy lips and your pajama set, but your filthy words betrayed you. "I heard you wanted to fuck a Princess."
He ran his fingers through his hair and smirked as he stood next to the side of the bed while you crawled toward him. "I always want my Princess," he whispered as your lips hovered just inches away from his zipper. When you looked up at him, every trace of innocence was completely gone, and you leaned in until your lips met his tip through his khakis. "Baby," he moaned, but before you could get his zipper down, he reached for your hands. 
"What's wrong?" you asked as he pulled you up so you were kneeling in front of him. 
"Nothing's wrong. Everything is very right."
You smiled up at him as he kissed your lips softly. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, as plainly evidenced by the ring in his pocket right next to where your hand just settled. So as he guided your fingers up to his chest, he asked, "Do you want to go on a date with me?"
You laughed against his lips. "You're asking me on a date? We're already in a relationship."
Bradley's hands settled on your hips as he nipped along your jaw until his mouth was next to your ear. "Doesn't mean I can't ask you out. I got selected to fly in the air show, and I want you to be my date for the weekend."
"Really?" you gasped, your fingers tightening around his shirt buttons. "Noah and I get to watch you fly? And you and I can tour the children's hospital?"
"Mmhmm. I wasn't about to let you go with Jake. That man only has one thing on his mind when it comes to you."
"Oh yeah?" you asked, feigning pure innocence once again through your voice. "What does he have on his mind?" When Bradley responded by tucking his hand inside your tiny shorts and stroking your bare pussy, first you gasped, and then you laughed.
His touch remained soft and tentative as he slipped one finger down to tease your opening. "You see, he doesn't want you the way I want you."
"How do you want me?" you whimpered softly, kissing his lips. 
"I want you with me for the rest of my life."
"Daddy!" you whined, kissing him desperately as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He knew nobody else had ever spoken to you the way he did, but he also knew he'd never been in love like this before. This time, when you reached for his zipper, he let you have him. His shirt and pants ended up on the floor along with your tiny pajamas, and you welcomed him into your tight pussy as you told him you loved him.
"I have everything," he groaned as he made love to you as you peppered kisses along his flushed cheeks. "You're everything."
After you came for him, Bradley let himself indulge in filling you up while thinking about your belly all swollen and pregnant, and you reached for him just as Skittle came trotting back into the bedroom. Your soft laughter as Bradley curled up behind you had him laughing, too.
"The dog will literally do anything you ask," you whispered as she walked across the room and turned three circles around her dog bed before plopping down. "She stayed in bed with Noah long enough for you to fuck me."
"Dogs are man's best friend for a reason, Princess."
You snuggled in his arms for a few minutes, fingers laced with his as you kissed his forearm. Just as Bradley was starting to doze off, you said, "I'll check on Noah before I get ready for bed." He squeezed you tight one time before releasing you and rolling onto his back to stretch. "Ow!" you gasped when you climbed out of bed. "Shit! I just stepped on something hard in your uniform pants."
His eyes went wide as you started to bend down to investigate, but he vaulted out of bed. "I'll take care of it," he practically yelled, and you dropped his pants. The ring box made a soft thud as it hit the floor, and you gave him a strange look. 
"Okay," you replied, glancing at him one more time before pulling your pajamas on and heading out of the room.
"Fuck," Bradley grunted, picking up the pants and rooting around in the pocket until the box was in his hand. He turned away from the door and snapped it open, revealing the most perfect ring he had ever seen. He was already obsessed with imagining it on your finger. But he snapped it closed again quickly and ran for the dresser. 
He could leave it with his undershirts, but when he opened that drawer, he realized you were in that one a lot, often borrowing from him. He opened the next drawer down, but it was filled with your cute underwear, so that definitely wouldn't work. He reached for the bottom drawer which was filled with his socks, but he heard you coming back down the hallway, so he dropped the box and kicked it shut.
"Aren't you going to get ready for bed?" you asked as you plugged your phone into the charger, still eyeing him a little cautiously. Bradley realized he was just awkwardly standing there naked in front of the dresser for seemingly no reason, so he was definitely going to have to move the ring later. 
"Yeah," he agreed, grabbing some clean underwear and kissing you as he walked past. "Getting ready for bed."
On Thursday, Bradley let you know that everyone was insisting on a beach day on Saturday, but when you texted Natasha about what kind of bathing suit she was planning on wearing, she claimed she might not even go. 
"Well I don't know if I want to go if Nat isn't going," you complained to Bradley while you made dinner. "I don't want to be the only female there. In a bathing suit. That would be weird."
"She's going," Bradley said with an eye roll. "She's just being difficult, because she's trying to pretend nothing is going on with Javy. Besides, I'm not going unless you're going." He took the spoon you were holding out of your hand and spun you around to face him. "I don't want to go anywhere without my Princess."
You let him kiss you and slip his hands underneath your top, trying not to moan as his calloused hands danced softly along your skin. When his lips skimmed along your cheek, you whispered, "You just want me there to help you walk safely across the uneven rocks and sand." You bit your lip as he eased his face away from yours to give you a cautionary look. So of course you immediately added, "Because you're such an old man."
One big hand slipped down and softly spanked you on the butt as you laughed. "Old or not, I can still get the job done. And that includes walking across the beach."
"Sure, Daddy. But I'll go, too. Just in case."
"Thank you. Now if you think you can be nice for a minute, I have something to tell you."
"I can be very nice," you said, kissing him on the tip of his nose before spinning around to check on dinner. 
Bradley patted you on the butt before reaching into the refrigerator to get two beers out. "Penny offered to take Noah home after the beach and keep him for the night."
As he opened both bottles, your gaze drifted to where Noah was sitting on the kitchen floor, building blocks while Skittles basked in the last rays of the setting sun. You licked your lips as you watched Bradley press his mouth to his beer and take a long drink, the bob of his Adam's apple capturing your attention. "We'd have the house to ourselves for the night?"
He winked at you as he set his beer on the counter and pressed the other one into your hand. "Just you and me," he rasped, pecking your cheek. "And I can think of a few fun ways to pass the time."
Then he was on the floor with Noah, and Skittles was in his lap, but he kept shooting you his smug smile that you liked so much.
On Friday night, after Noah was in bed, you started to get things packed up for the following day. "Why do we need so much stuff to go anywhere?" you mused out loud as you found sunblock and beach towels.
"Oh, hell no," Bradley said, taking you by the hips and pulling you away from the tote bag you were packing. "First of all, you used to bring your textbooks over in that bag when you were babysitting, so it gives me an instant boner." You erupted into laughter as he held you against his chest. "But second, you drastically over packed when we went to the lakehouse."
You looked up at him over your shoulder. "I know," you whispered. "But I want Noah to have anything he might need or want. And you know how my parents were." You didn't like talking about them. They never understood you when you were a child, and that's why you'd moved out as soon as you could. They were also the reason you had a hard time spending Bradley's money even though he wanted you to be comfortable.
"I know, Baby," Bradley crooned, and you melted back against him. "I love how much you love Noah. And I hate that you never got to do anything or ask for anything when you were his age, but there's no need to go overboard for a beach day."
You nodded. "Well then why don't you help me pack?"
"I'd be happy to."
But you and Bradley spent more time kissing and laughing softly than anything else. His hands were all over you, just pulling you closer and trying to keep you there. "Let's go to bed," he whined for the third time, convinced you'd packed everything the three of you could possibly need. "I want to cuddle with you."
You nearly shrieked as he picked you up, leaving the pile of gear for the beach next to the front door, and carried you back to the bedroom. "Oh, you want to cuddle?"
He hummed and nodded against your shoulder. "Yeah. Let's save all the nasty shit for when we're home alone tomorrow night." Butterflies erupted in your belly as he set you down on the bed and climbed in next to you. "Let's cuddle."
You were wrapped up tight in his arms, Bradley's soft, even breaths tickling your neck as he whispered that he loved you. This was perhaps the safest you'd ever felt in your life. Nobody was going to hurt you here. Not now. Bradley would take care of that. And you would take care of him. 
As you snuggled in to go to sleep, your eyes caught on the items lined up on the dresser. "What's all of that out for?" you asked softly.
"Huh?" Bradley grunted, probably already part way asleep. But you propped yourself up on your elbow and looked at the purple USB drive, a pile of your underwear, your purple plug, your paper crown, and the bottle of lube. All sitting in a tidy row.
"On the dresser, Bradley."
"Oh," he said with a chuckle as he pulled you down flat again. "I started packing for the weekend, too. So to speak."
Bradley grunted, trying his best not to let you see how awkwardly he was walking across the sand. Not after you made the claim that he'd need you to hold his hand and guide him. You and Noah pranced ahead of him, but he was stuck carrying two bags, a cooler, an umbrella and a beach chair. And the temperature of the sand was roughly that of the surface of the sun. 
"Fuck," he growled as the sand rushed into his flip flops and his aviators slid down his nose. How you were managing was literally beyond him. He just wanted to get this afternoon over with and get you back home and into bed. He had some plans for you, all of which were becoming more explicit by the moment as he watched your ass swaying in your purple bikini bottoms. 
Literally the last thing he needed right now was to become aroused, so he just pushed your delicious looking rear end from his mind. Apparently you found the perfect spot, because you finally stopped and turned around to look for him. Then you laughed and left Noah with Nat while you made your way back to him. 
"This sand is fucking hot," he complained before you could say anything at all. 
You took one of the bags and the umbrella from him as you said, "It's August, Daddy. Of course the sand is hot. Do you need me to help you along? Or, I could run back to the Bronco and get your walker?" You started to turn in the direction of the parking lot with an innocent look on your face.
"You're really looking to get it tonight, aren't you?" Bradley replied, dumping everything next to where Noah was burying Nat's legs in the sand. You looked so pleased with yourself, and he thought about the ring that he had moved to the pocket of his dress whites that he'd picked up from the dry cleaner. They were hanging in the back of the closet, and he figured you'd have no reason to look there. Before you could run off, he pulled you in for a tight hug and said, "Stay out of trouble. Be a good girl. And I'll give you anything you want later."
Your lips met his ear, nudging his aviators crooked. "I love you." His fingers skimmed your skimpy bathing suit bottom as you joined Noah who had Nat covered to her thighs. 
Javy was trying his best to casually toss a football around with Mickey and Mav, but he couldn't keep his eyes to himself. It was a good thing Bradley was absolutely convinced he was looking at Nat and not you, otherwise he'd have a problem. He left you next to the pile of everything you packed, intending to simply join the little football scrimmage that was going on, but then he felt a hand on his shoulder. 
"Hey, that's really nice, Bradshaw," Jake drawled. "You brought the family today. The little ball and chain, and the big ball and chain."
Bradley hooked his sunglasses with his index finger and dragged them roughly down his nose. "Funny," he said without emotion. "But you weren't calling her a ball and chain back in April when you tried to hook up with her in my kitchen."
Jake hooted with laughter, and it made Bradley's skin crawl. He was such a dick most of the time, and it was always intentional. "There's a difference between hitting a tight pussy and inviting it to live with you. I know the difference. You don't seem to. I'm surprised you didn't bring your dog along, too."
Bradley snapped. "What the fuck is your problem, man?" 
Jake met his gaze, and Bradley was reminded without a doubt that Jake would love to get inside your little bikini bottoms just to say he could. "I don't have a problem, but it looks like you do." He jerked his chin toward the volleyball nets, and Bradley turned to investigate. You were standing there, holding hands with Noah while you talked to a guy with blond hair. Upon further inspection, Bradley realized it was your ex boyfriend, Greyson.
Well, well, well. We actually hate you, Grey. If Daddy and Princess can manage to make it to their sexy night home alone, what would you like to read about? And I really hope that ring is well hidden until Daddy comes up with a plan. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
Found Treasure
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1000 Follower Special!
Saw I reached 1000 Followers and 5000 Likes! So a nice fluffy Buggy Twins fic!!
Buggy × Reader +TwinsDeeBee
Support me on Ko-Fi
"Bugs I don't know about this-" You say with a frown as you stare at the man before you, finishing his makeup in the mirror and Grinning widely.
"Well they said they wanted to join me on collecting some treasure and besides next week we are starting that little vacation. Might as well get some more cash before we go" He said dismissively. You frowned at hearing this and raised a brow-
"Besides its probably the safest place, it's literally just where I stash my extra treasure! Who would be there"
You couldn't argue his logic technically- making a fake treasure pick up for the boys who had been begging to do 'pirate stuff' with their father. This seemed fairly safe and with the boys Devil fruit abilties they could protect themselves.
"I guess- but I don't want them in real danger Sweetheart"
"They will be fine, I swear" He said as he turned to finally face you, smiling brightly in his signature look. He leaned in like he was going to kiss you but you held a hand up- Both of you still in this weird relationship if you two were actually dating or not. Which made things awkward at times- Like this.
Both of you sort of froze as tension filled the air- unsure of what to say or do at this point. Thankfully the noise of your guys sons came crashing in- both boys having insisted in doing face paint like their father and doing it themselves.
"Mom! Dad! Look!!" Bee cheered loudly as both boys stood before you. The makeup on their face was- Something. Bee had clearly tried to do something like a clown makeup a sloppy layer of white layered on his face with blue on his cheeks like blush and red on his lips in a crooked smile. Dee had declined the white layer of paint and put blue on his lips in a smile and red on his cheeks.
Buggy smiled as he stared down at his boys, smiling with pride- Despite the sloppy makeup he felt a sense of pride.
"Look at you two!" He said cheerfully as he fixed hats over their heads to cover their hair- smiling brightly at this as the boys looked up at him and smiled brightly.
Ge felt a odd peg in his chest at seeing them like this, like his chest got warm and fuzzy. Buggy gave a slight body shiver to get out of it and turned to head upstairs, shaken by that warm feeling.
"We will be back later (Y/N)-" Buggy said a bit shortly to you before dismissing himself. He knew the boys were following him as he headed to the Main Deck. Once there he saw the crew was on high alert and Cabaji rushed to him.
"Sir! Strawhat pirates are ahead of us! Just around the bend" Cabaji said as he passed the telescope to him, Buggy looking through quickly as he saw in the distance the Strawhats in that hellish ship he was trapped in sailing not far from his destination.
"Captian?" Cabaji asked again, Buggy glancing down at his boys who were excitedly waiting for him.
"Let them pass- I'm not wasting my time on small fry pirates" He said nonchalantly- choosing to not let his time with his sons be disturbed by those damn Strawhats.
"We dock at Coal Island" Buggy said quickly and turned away to go to his boys, missing the deep frown from Cabaji.
Once on the island Buggy walked them through things to do- Telling them to stay close to him as he walked him to the safe spot to dig up the extra treasure.
"Now boys, this should be quick and then we head back understand? I did see a ship passing and we need to-" He stopped as he heard silence and turned to see the boys gone. In less then 30 God damn seconds they were gone!?
"Boys?.. Boys!?" Buggy yelled out in confusion as he saw that his spawns were missing from his sides.
He ran around the island wildly, his stress spiking as he tried to find his children. Panic rushing through his system as he darted around wildly on the island searching for his kids. Even getting into some beef with a large bird- hearing chattering behind a large Boulder he froze, recognizing the tone of those little voices as his kids.
Blades out he jumped around the corner and damn near felt himself have a brain aneurysm at what he saw- lowering his blades he stared.
Buggy felt an acute pain in his temple as he watched his boys talk to the Strawhat pirate crew and being the social butterflies they were in making new friends.
"That's so cool! You're stretchy!?" Bee said excitedly as Luffy laughed and let the child pull on his arm to show his elasticity- Usopp spinning some stupid story to the overly energetic child.
Dee was looking up at Nami and Zoro in awe, shyly asking both of them questions. Nami about the weird tattoo on her arm, Zoro about the swords. Nami gushing at the adorable boy and ended up picking him up and holding him in a hug as he asked them questions. Sanji even gifting the two some cookies he had in a bag with a kind smile.
"For the love of- Boys come here now! Don't make friends with the enemy!" Buggy yelled and marched over red faced to take his boys from the Strawhat pirates.
The crew immediately getting defensive over seeing him and wanting to take these wondering children in bad face paint.
"Binky?-" Luffy said with a sense of indifference. Zoro's hand coming to his blade calmly, even Nami holding Bee closer like she was going to protect the little tyrant.
"It's Buggy Damn It!-" He yelled still marching forward.
"But Dad!-" Both boys started, Making the whole crew freeze and Buggy wanting to sob in defeat.
"Dad?!-" the whole crew parroting as the discovery was made. Buggy groaned at this as he rubbed his temple trying to figure out if a very late late abortion was an option.
"Yes these are my kids... Danny and Benny- Boys these are the bastard Strawhat pirates that seem to exist to be a thorn in my ass-" He deadpanned before taking Dee from Nami with a glare and set him down calmly next to him. Bee looking up at the irritated Buggy with a confused look.
"Wait, Someone actually let you ejaculate I to them?" Zoro questioned calmly as he gestured to the two kids with bad face paint on them.
"Dad what does ejaculate mean?" Dee asked, which earned a snort from Sanji. Buggy glared at them all and sighed.
"Ask your mother later and Yes- I do have a social life" He deadpanned at Zoro for the sly insult to his abilties to have a sex life.
An awkward silence followed at this, Buggy gesturing for his kids to get behind him which they did- Still munching away on the cookies Sanji had gifted them.
"Listen I'm in no mood to fight- While I'd love a chance to beat you strawhat-"
"We wouldn't fight you infront of your children" Luffy said calmly as he gestured to the boys, Grinning proudly. Zoro nodded at this. "Nor are we going to say anything about them either"
The clown blinked in surprise at this feeling a bit confused over this. They had a chance to get the upper hand on him, Hell even an emotional weakness of learning of his kids. Yet they were just letting him go? And his kids without wishing to say anything.
Buggy felt conflicted... normally he would have used the fact that the Strawhats were distracted to attack them and get the upper hand but... he couldnt... he couldn't just let his kids be used as bait or have them in that type of danger... while he had always appreciated being raised on Roger's ship and the experience it had given him but- He couldn't never put his kids in that same envirment, he loved them too much...
He nodded at the crew for this, not having words for his gratitude nor wishing to vocalize it. Guiding the kids away he felt his mind racing at this point, walking them back to were his treasure was buried and the three of them retrieved his hidden loot. Letting the boys chatter and do as they pleased before heading back to the ship- Still mentally out of it from these feelings he was having.
"Hey Dad?" Bee's voice snapped him from his thoughts, looking at his son holding his hand and the other holding the small bag of treasure since he wanted to carry something.
"Hm?" The clown hummed in question. Bee smiled proudly at Buggy as he squeezed his hand.
"I love you Dad!" Buggy felt a ping yo his chest like Bee had just shot warmth through him, feeling the squeeze on his other hand and looking to Dee who also smiled.
"I love you Dad" Dee said too, smiling brightly up at him and squeezing his gloved hand too.
Buggy felt hot tears well in his eyes, looking at both twins and using his Chop Chop abilities scooped them both in his arms with care.
"Love you guys too peanuts" He said with a smile as he walked them back to the ship. Ignoring the stares of his crew as he boarded his ship holding his boys with pride.
Walking down to his Cabin were he knew you were he kicked open the door with his foot and looked at you. Who was seated there surprised by his rather blunt arrival into the room. "Buggy?-"
"I'm in love with you, I-I don't know what that means emotionally but I'm fairly sure I love you and the boys more then I knew possible" Buggy blurted out, you'd never seen this side of him before. He almost looked afraid at this point like you were holding the one thing that could kill him, which in some way you were... his heart.
"I-I well.. We can always start back up Bugs if you want... and it's natural to love your children" You say shyly, Watching him set the boys down and walk to you. Pulling you up to your feet and kissing you, you felt every drop of emotion from his hungry lips as he devoured you heart and soul. Blushing cherry red you couldn't help but kiss him back, holding him close as you two shared in the passionate kiss.
Pulling away for air Biggy grinned at you, his eyes sparkling as he looked on you in awe.
"I love you" Hear him whisper, When you tried to reply you heard Cabaji call out for Buggy for assistance.
"You should um...take care of that" You say softly.
He smiled brightly as he gently released you. Calling back out to Cabaji as he reached over to remove the boys hats and ruffle their hair before heading out.
You stood there blushing as Buggy left, a wide smile on his lips as he headed upstairs to assist with his crew. You giggle as you turn to look at your boys, wiping some of the red from your lips
"Hey Mom?" Bee started, looking up at you like tye adorable God damn bean he was.
"Yes my heart?"
"What does ejaculate mean?" Dee asked, staring up at you in question. You froze in your spot- hearing the fast footsteps from Buggy as he rushed to the Main Deck clearly wishing to escape you.
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ginnsbaker · 9 months
Bulletproof (8/10)
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Part Summary: The walls of the hideout, though homely, start to feel like a prison as the days go by. Wanda's presence is omnipresent, and there's a comfort in that, even if the situation is far from ideal.
Chapter word count: 3k+ | Tags: Light Angst, Still unresolved feelings, Still gay, Still sharing a bed, Wanda has a confession to make
Ship: Wanda Maximoff x Gender Neutral Reader
Next Part | Series Masterlist
The soft glow of morning light sneaks through the worn-out curtains, nudging you awake. Blinking slowly, you take a moment to recognize where you are. As you stretch out, you instinctively reach for someone next to you, only to be met with the cold absence of the bed. This feeling of waking up alone, strangely enough, feels like a distant memory.
You push yourself up and swing your legs over the edge of the bed, rubbing your eyes. Soft murmurs reach your ears, pulling you out of your disoriented state. You follow the sound and find yourself moving silently toward the kitchen. Before you get there, however, hushed whispers halt your approach. You linger near the entrance, peeking just enough to catch sight of Wanda, her back turned to you, engaged in a quiet but intense conversation with someone.
You lean against the door frame, observing her, wondering who is on the other line. The conversation continues for a minute before she seems to reach a resolution, ending the call swiftly.
Wanda turns around, startled when she sees you standing there, eyes wide with surprise.
“I didn't mean to eavesdrop,” you say quickly, “I just woke up and—”
She cuts you off with a sigh of relief, “It's okay. I just... wasn't expecting you to be up so soon.”
You tilt your head at her. “Who was that?”
Wanda hesitates, taking a deep breath before replying, “That was Vision.”
“Vision?” The name sounds familiar, but you can’t quite place it. 
She nods slowly, her gaze searching yours for any spark of recognition but there’s none. “He thinks he has an idea about the organization that attacked you. He's already informed Steve. For the time being, I'll be here with you.”
“Steve? As in... Captain America?”
Wanda gives a small nod. “Yes. And about me staying here... technically, he didn’t exactly allow it. I've been suspended for breaking protocol.”
“Suspended? Wanda, what did you do?”
“I shouldn't have intervened when they were relocating you, but I couldn't... I couldn't stay away. Not after everything that happened.”
You step closer to her, feeling your heartbeat pick up. “So you're risking your position, your status, just to be here with me?”
Wanda lifts her head, her eyes filled with a determination and sincerity that leaves you breathless. “In a heartbeat.”
There's no denying the strong connection you and Wanda seem to have; everything in you feels like it naturally gravitates towards her. But you can't just trust your gut on this one. She's kept you out of the loop for quite a while. Jumping in and giving her your full trust might be jumping the gun a bit.
But for now, one question burns in your mind.
“Why are they after me?” you ask.
Wanda grins, her gaze flicking to your tousled hair and the crease marks on your cheeks. “How about some breakfast first? I cooked up some bacon and eggs. And there’s coffee too,” she says.
The mere mention of bacon weakens your resolve, and you find your stomach growling in agreement. 
“Yeah, I’d love some, thanks.”
Wanda's face softens into a relieved smile as she moves towards the kitchen. “I thought a hearty breakfast might help,” she mutters over the sizzle of bacon. “You always loved a good meal to start the day.” The comforting aroma fills the space, and for a fleeting moment, everything feels almost... normal.
But as you're settling into the comfort, Wanda's tone changes, becoming more somber. “Look, I'm not entirely sure why they’re after you, but I've got a hunch.” Suddenly, her hand darts out, grabbing a knife from the counter. Alarm surges through you, and you can't help but step back, hands raised defensively.
“Whoa, Wanda!” you exclaim.
“Do you trust me?”
“I... I don't know yet,” you confess.
A flicker of disappointment crosses her face. But then, without warning, she suddenly drives the sharp end of the knife into her palm, drawing blood.
Your eyes go wide and you yell in panic, “What the hell, Wanda?!”
“Heal me,” she states, her voice unwavering.
“Are you out of your mind?” you retort, trying to keep your composure even as you're reeling from the suddenness of it all.
“Trust me, Y/N. Just... heal me,” she pleads.
Your heart races as you process what Wanda has just done. Despite the urgency of the situation, memories you can't quite grasp trickle at the edge of your mind. You know you've done this before—healed someone—but you can't recall when or how. The knowledge is there, like a distant song, but you can't make out the words.
“Y/N, please,” Wanda implores, bringing you back to the present.
Wanda's unwavering faith in you, however, gives you the push you need.
You reach for her bleeding hand, memories or not, driven by the undeniable need to help her. Gently cradling her wounded hand in yours, you close your eyes, reaching deep within to tap into a familiar yet forgotten energy.
It starts as a soft tingle at the base of your spine, traveling upwards, through your heart and then branching out into your arms, pooling at your fingertips. The sensation intensifies, almost as if you're redirecting a current, focusing it all on Wanda's wound. A heat emerges, gentle at first, then building to a searing warmth that you fear might be too much.
“It’s… scorching,” you mumble through gritted teeth. But just when you think you should pull away, the heat starts to wane. 
Opening your eyes, you pull your hand back. The wound has completely vanished, replaced by smooth, unblemished skin. The bloodstains, too, are gone, as if they were never there to begin with.
Wanda rotates her hand, marveling at the restoration. Then she smirks and says, “I was right.”
You shouldn't find that smirk on her so attractive, but even though you think it's not really the first time, seeing that look now makes your mouth go dry.
“Do you recall any occasion that you got hurt but the wound healed incredibly fast?” Wanda asks.
You think for a moment, remembering a recent incident. “Well, I got a papercut at work last week.”
“Anyone see it happen?”
“Yeah,” you answer. “Louisa and a customer were right there.”
“I already ran a background check on your friend; she’s good. It must be that customer.”
You frown, trying to recall the customer's face. “He was just some random guy, maybe in his late twenties or early thirties, sandy blonde hair. He didn't seem all that interesting.”
Wanda's eyes sharpen, “Did he have a particular symbol or tattoo anywhere? Anything you noticed?”
You shake your head, “I don't think so. I wasn't really paying much attention. Why? Do you think he's related to all this?”
Wanda pauses for a moment, “There have been a few... incidents lately. People with abilities are being targeted—mostly former H.Y.D.R.A agents—but we're not entirely sure why or by whom. This guy might just be a scout or someone low on the hierarchy, but we need to be careful.”
You nod. So, this isn't a simple matter to resolve, especially when what they're after seems to be an intrinsic part of you.
“What happens now?”
“I... don't know,” Wanda admits. “Vision advised that we should stay put for now. The others are handling the situation. As much as I dislike it, I think waiting is our best move at the moment.”
A week ago, being stuck under one roof with your crush felt like a fantasy. Now, you're not even sure how to feel about it.
Your life teetering on the edge isn’t exactly how you envisioned yourself getting close to Wanda.
The walls of the hideout, though homely, start to feel like a prison as the days go by. Wanda's presence is omnipresent, and there's a comfort in that, even if the situation is far from ideal.
On the fifth day, as Wanda hums softly to herself and prepares what smells like another delicious breakfast, you can't help but blurt out, “You can’t keep me here forever, you know?”
She stops momentarily, looking over her shoulder with a half-smile. “I know. It's just... safer here. For you.”
Your eyes trace the movements of her hands as she expertly flips pancakes on the stove. That's when you notice it — a faint scar on the back of her left hand. It looks old, but the irregularity of it draws your interest.
“How'd you get that?” you ask, pointing to the mark.
Wanda freezes, seemingly caught off guard by the question. She places the spatula down and turns to you, the smile from earlier fading.
“This?” She touches the scar gently. “It's a reminder.”
“A reminder of?”
She chuckles lightly, but there's no humor in her eyes. “Of my own stubbornness, I suppose.”
“You never were one to elaborate much, huh?”
“A minor accident while preparing dinner for the team. And someone I knew offered to heal it. But I declined.”
She looks away for a brief moment, taking a deep breath before she answers. “You.”
A baffled look crosses your face. “Me?”
“We were having one of our group dinners. I accidentally burned myself while serving. I excused myself and headed to the bathroom. You... you followed me, out of concern.”
Suddenly, the scene plays vividly in your mind: the lively chatter in the dining room, the accidental spill, Wanda's quick exit, and your concern driving you to follow her.
“I think I remember,” you whisper, stunned by the sudden clarity.
Wanda's gaze sharpens. “Really?”
“Yeah,” you say, lost in the memory. “I tried to heal the burn. Wanted to make sure you were okay.”
She sighs, a bittersweet smile forming on her lips. “And in my pride and... well, jealousy, I brushed you off. I was upset about something Daisy mentioned earlier. Took it out on you. Told you that not everything needed your 'magic touch’.”
An old sentiment surfaces, and you repeat words from the past, “...’Let it scar then, see if I care.’”
Wanda looks down, her voice soft, “Yeah, those were your words. I felt horrible right after.”
“So, everything you've told me, everything you've said about us, about me being an Avenger... it's all true?” Other than your powers manifesting a few days ago, it’s only now that you’ve recovered a fragment of your lost history, that you can begin to fully grasp everything Wanda has said in the past few days. 
Wanda nods. “Every word.”
You sigh. Wanda never pressed to fill in the gaps of your past, and you've been deeply appreciative of the space she gave you to think and decide whether you wanted to learn more. 
Now, you believe you're ready.
“Tell me more?”
Wanda tilts her head, regarding you with that adorable expression. “About...?”
“About me? About them? And,” you clear your throat, “about us.”
Instead of answering immediately, Wanda places some pancakes onto your plate and slides it over to you. She serves herself next. Carrying two steaming cups of coffee to the dining table, she gestures for you to start eating.
“Alright, where to begin?” Wanda starts. “Your introduction to the Avengers wasn't typical. You weren’t recruited or asked to join. It was... well, more complicated.”
You take a big bite of your pancakes, humming in delight at the taste. Wanda's face lights up with a smile as she watches you eat, before she continues, “H.Y.D.R.A had you captive for years. They were relentless in their experiments, pushing the human body and mind beyond its natural limits. It's there you gained your unique abilities, a power to heal, not just yourself but others. When the Avengers conducted a raid on a H.Y.D.R.A base, we found you. Confused, scared, lashing out.”
Pausing to meet your eyes, Wanda’s gaze is soft, filled with empathy. “Steve saw past the brainwashed soldier H.Y.D.R.A had tried to mold. He saw a person in need. And he’s always had a knack for seeing the best in people, even when they couldn’t see it in themselves.”
“He approached me?” you ask, your mind swirling with half-formed images of a shield, and strong, kind eyes filled with determination.
“Yes, and he offered you a choice. Redemption, a chance to do good with the powers that were forced upon you,” Wanda adds.
“And the team...?”
“For a while… you were the only Avenger who slept in a cell.”
She grimaces slightly, “They weren’t all onboard initially. It’s not that they doubted Steve's judgment, but... there were trust issues, understandably. So, for a short period, you were kept in a secure section of the compound. Not as a prisoner, but more of a... precaution.”
You swallow hard, the idea of being confined again hitting a nerve. Yet, you nod for her to continue.
Wanda takes a moment, her cheeks flushing deeply as she remembers, “But... things took a turn one day when... when I was in a tight spot. A mission, it... it didn’t go as planned. They knew we were coming. It was an ambush. We were cornered, completely outnumbered.” She hesitates, recalling the memory painfully but with mild fondness for what she says next, “And then... you were there, seemingly from nowhere. You stepped in, putting yourself directly between me and a sniper's bullet, oblivious to the risk... all to protect me.”
Your eyes soften, trying to picture yourself in that scenario, “I... I did that?”
She nods as her own glistens at the memory. “You did. Your bravery that day changed everything. The team started seeing you differently, not as a potential threat but as one of our own.”
“So, that's how...?”
Wanda sighs, eyes darting everywhere but you. “Yes, that’s how we began...uh, sharing a bed.  It wasn't, you know, because you... saved me, that I... sort of, maybe, asked you to my room. I mean, it wasn't an invitation-invitation, or at least not as a... thank-you-for-saving-my-life kind of thing.” She continues to fidget, inadvertently mangling her pancake with her fork. “It just seemed... wrong, having you in a cell when there wasn’t a proper room ready for you. So, um, I might have, you know, kind of offered to... share mine. Just temporarily.”
Your eyebrows rise in amusement, and you can't help but let out a soft laugh. “I was actually asking if that's how we became friends.”
Wanda's face turns a brilliant shade of crimson. “Oh,” she murmurs, wishing the floor would just swallow her whole at that very moment. “I thought... I mean... never mind.”
“I didn't even realize we'd shared a bed before,” you comment, not quite letting her off the hook just yet.
“Uh, about that…” Wanda starts, then hesitates, pushing herself back from the table as she stands up.
You put down your fork, picking up on Wanda's rising anxiety. For a split second, you almost expect things around you to start shaking from the intense vibes she's giving off.
“There was one night. The lines... they were blurred while we were both sleeping,” Wanda says.
“What do you mean ‘lines were blurred’?”
“It's... complicated,” Wanda sighs, running her fingers through her hair in frustration. “You felt so guilty afterward that you went back to your old cell.”
Your mind races, trying to piece together that night and your actions. “Why would I feel guilty?”
Wanda gulps, her voice barely above a whisper. “I trespassed into your mind while I was sleeping. And in doing so, it inadvertently allowed you to see my thoughts about you.”
“And what thoughts would those be?” You press, hanging onto her every word now.
Wanda’s eyes dart to yours, a vulnerable honesty in them. “Thoughts that should’ve stayed inside my head because of their... explicit nature.”
Your eyes widen in realization, feeling the weight of her confession. “You were having… dreams about me?”
She nods, her cheeks flaming red. “Yes. And you saw them, felt them, and that’s why you felt guilty. I shouldn’t have let that happen. It was an intrusion.”
You sit back, processing everything. Every time you slide into your side of the bed at night, the palpable tension, the fleeting glances exchanged between the two of you, and the way Wanda cares for you—unlike anyone ever has—it all seems to have been building to this very moment.
Wanda looks as if she's bracing herself for a storm, her gaze downcast and fearful.
“Look,” you finally say, voice filled with regret. “I'm...I'm sorry, Wanda. I don't know what happened, but I'm so, so sorry.”
She looks taken aback. “Wait, why are you apologizing?”
“Because it seemed like I was the one in control. That I let it all happen,” you say, staring at your unfinished meal. “I deserve to be locked up in a cell… not cooped up in this safe haven.”
Wanda suddenly looks frustrated, shaking her head vehemently. “You've got it all wrong,” she says softly.
“How?” you whisper, feeling completely lost.
“Because,” Wanda's voice trembles, her eyes glassy, “if I weren't asleep, it still would've happened.”
Wanda looks away and takes a few steps back, trying to create as much distance between the two of you as the confines of the small kitchen permit.
“Listen, I have to leave. Steve, uh, is expecting me today, so—”
You aren't buying her excuse. “Wanda—”
“I'll be back later tonight, alright?” she interrupts, brushing past your objections.
Before you can react, red tendrils envelop her, causing you to halt in place as she swiftly exits the hideout.
You sink into the couch, your thoughts more jumbled than ever. It's evident that there's mutual attraction between you two—perhaps even deeper feelings. But if that's the case, why did Wanda keep you at a distance? Why did she let you forget her?
She makes you feel important right now, but you can’t help but wonder if she merely doesn’t want to hurt your feelings by being truly honest about hers.
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unicreamuwu · 11 months
The Little Batgirl (Yandere Platonic Batfam x Child Reader)
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Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Wayne Manor
Warning: Yandere Themes and minor bullying from Damian
(Anything that reader says in a bolded text means she's in "thought of mind.")
The car stops in front of some metal gates.
Bruce helps Y/N out of the car, and she looks up at the giant mansion that is in front of her.
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(Do NOT steal my art!)
Y/N looks up at awe as the mansion was right in front of her.
"So, this guy's rich! Can't believe this is going to be my new life," she thinks to herself as she stares.
Then, a butler comes out and bows in a respected manner towards the little girl.
"Greetings, Miss Y/N. Welcome to your new home, I hope you'll be happy here," he said in a kind manner.
"The butler knows my name, too!" She thinks to herself with wide eyes.
When Y/N goes inside, the first thing she sees is a young boy who looks a little older than her. Maybe about a couple of years.
For some reason, she felt an uneasy vibe from him.
Bruce basically pushed the young girl towards him and told him to help her look around.
The boy stares down at Y/N before he lends out her hand.
"I'm Damian Wayne, the only biological son of Bruce Wayne," he introduces himself in a cool tone.
"Um... hi? I'm Y/N..." She said in an awkward tone as she accepted his hand to shake.
Damian then walks around Y/N as he eyes her appearance up and down before his face was an inch from her's.
"Your hair is messy. I would brush it if I were you," he tells her in a cold tone before he turns his heels and walks off to lead her for the tour.
Y/N could only stare at him with a blank stare.
"Wow, what a rude boy..." she thoughts before she follows him.
While Y/N was walking around for the tour, she stopped to see Damian showing her a portrait of a strange looking family tree.
"This is the main batfamily line," he said as he showed the family portrait.
She examines it as she turns her gaze to Damian.
"What's the batfamily?" She asks.
"It's what we call ourselves," he tells her before he leads the way again.
"Also, that bat plush looks old and dirty. Get a new one or something," he tells her as he walks.
When he said that, Y/N stops to think about what he was talking about.
Then, she realized that he was talking about Batsie, her favorite and only plush doll.
"Hey! Don't call my best friend that!" She yells out to him as she jogs after him.
As Y/N followed Damian, she gets to see so many rooms around the mansion.
Then, he takes her to the batcave.
There, Y/N's eyes brighten with amusement as she looks around the enormous batcave.
There were so many cool artifacts, such as the world's giant penny.
"Where did you get that dinosaur?" She asks Damian as she points at a huge dinosaur model.
"Father built a time machine to travel back in time to get this," he tells her.
Damian walks out of the batcave, leaving Y/N all alone I her thoughts filled uup.
"So, does he have a time machine or not?" She asks.
After the tour and Damian basically calling rude names towards Y/N, she was trying to find her room.
When she finally finds a pink door that looks freshly painted, she goes inside.
In her room, there was a massive pink princess bed with pink and white covers and some fluffy pillows, and the shelves in that room had various kinds of books and basically almost all of the stuffed animals in the world.
Although the room looks beautiful and adorable at the same time, Y/N felt an odd feeling when she was inside.
However, it was all shrugged off before she flung herself onto her new bed.
As Y/N was technically jumping up and down on her bed, a pair of eyes were watching her.
Damian then moves away from the door and walks up to his father.
"Did you make sure that you put in everything she liked?" Bruce asks him in his usual cold tone.
Damian nods in response.
"How do you know that those were the dolls she liked?" He asks him which made Bruce chuckle.
Something about Bruce's chuckle sounded a bit darker than his usual laugh.
"I have my ways. Now, get everyone here. We're going to throw our new member a welcome party," he tells him before he walks off.
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sorceresski · 1 year
riding for ruben the first time + kink size
“Just like that” - Ruben Dias
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A/n; thank you for this request🤭
Pairing: Ruben Dias x reader
Summary: soft dom Ruben guiding you to ride him how he likes, he loves watching you struggle but eventually giving you what you want.
Content:smut, size kink (you know the drill)
He had you pressed up against the bedroom door with your back towards him, your dress hiked up to your waist, the straps falling off your shoulders.
“You were very naughty today,” he murmured into your neck, grinding his hips into you. The black dress pants he wore did nothing to hide his excitement.
You wondered how you ended up here, thinking back to how you teased him the entire dinner. The dark looks he gave you each time you whispered in his ear sent a shiver through you that had your nipples hardening. The last straw had been when you disappeared to the bathroom and slipped your panties into his pocket when you returned.
Ruben basically dragged you out of the restaurant then. Now, he spanked you, drawing a yelp and a moan when he ran a finger through your damp, naked folds. You had been feeling confident in the restaurant but now…
“Ruben, I…” you tried to plead your cause but he shushed you and pulled away, taking his heat with him. You turned around, confused and dazed, to find him heading to the bed.
“Come here.” You found yourself obeying, coming to stand in front of him where he sat on the edge of the bed. “Strip” You pulled the dress above your head in one swift move. Reaching behind you, you unhooked your bra letting your breasts jiggle free.
His dark eyes followed your movements, drinking you in. He was still dressed while you stood naked before him, with only the earrings and necklace you wore on your body.
He leaned back, “Well? I’m all yours.” Excitement coursed through you as you went to your knees and palmed him through his trousers. He was always in control, dictating both his pleasure and yours. And now, though he was still technically in control, he’d given you the reins.
You unbuckled his belt and met his gaze as you unzipped his trouser, freeing his hard cock. His size always surprised you, you clench around nothing in anticipation. Precum leaked from the sensitive tip, coating your fingers. He sucked in a breath as you gave a few tentative pumps, your teasing had done a number on him.
You kissed his tip and ran your tongue down the underside and back up again. He bit his bottom lip and threw his head back. He grabbed your arm, “As much as I’d love for you to do that again, I won’t last long. Come.”
He laid back and watched as you straddled him, “Can you ride me?”
“Yes,” you replied, eager to please and try something new. But you both knew why he asked because even after a few months together you still needed sometime to adjust to his size. You knew it pleased him to some extent watching you struggle to accommodate him, the man had a size kink.
You leaned forward and kissed him, unbuttoning his shirt and leaving a trail of kisses as you went.
“Are you stalling?” He teased with dark eyes.
You furrowed your brows with resolve as you lined him up against you and began to sink down onto him. His hands flew to your hips to support you.
It took some time to get used to the intrusion but you finally began to move
A groan from him caused you to finally open your eyes, wanting to see the effect you had on him. You met his hot gaze and continued to ride him with new found vigour.
“Just like that?” You asked.
“Just like that.” Was his strangled response as his hands cupped your ass, helping you bounce more on him.
He pulled you to his chest, your breasts flush against his chest, and began to thrust into you. Your moans filled the room along with the sound of skin meeting skin. “Ruben…” the new angle was driving you crazy.
You weren’t going to last and neither was he, his rhythm began to falter. “Come with me.” He grunted in your ear and you both rode out the high together.
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hellfirexclub · 2 years
a/n: Omg so I'm really excited for this fic and ac loved writing it, I've been too obsessed with Aemond since hotd came out to not write about him. This is the first non ST things on my blog so sorry to the people that only follow me for that but I hope you like this either way!
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader.
warnings: 18+, smut, mutual pining, missionary, oral (m giving), creampie, choking, fingering, breeding kink if u squint.
Summary: You are a handmaiden to Queen Helaena that Aemond is secretly in love with. Little does he know you feel the exact same way about him. Shameless smut! Technically a one shot but I left it open bc I always do oops.
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Aemond had never been a man to care about such trivial things as romance. Once he did, back when he was a child and he was filled with innocence about what his life would become, but he’d never admit that to himself now. When Aegon and Helaena were betrothed Aemond wished that his mother would also find a wife for him, someone he could love truly and dedicate himself to. Then came the night that changed the trajectory of his life, the night he lost his eye. While before he’d imagined that maybe one day a woman would love him, after the accident he became bitter and disgusted by his own appearance, convinced that no one would ever want him now. This was only reinforced by the memory of the maester’s hushed voice in his chambers after the accident, saying to his mother that his face was ruined for marriage now as he pretended to sleep. He sees the way the girls in court sneer at his eyepatch or the fear that some of them look at him with. Whatever they felt, it was never kind towards him. So he dove into his studies and into training to fight, telling himself and everyone around him that he didn’t care about any other trivialities. And he was true to this for a very long while, until he met you. Aemond didn’t care for any of the servants, they were below him and so why should he bother to even acknowledge them? How he could be so wrong. He vividly remembers the first time he ever saw you, about a month before his siblings were to have their first child. Alicent had arranged for a new handmaiden for Helaena specifically to help look after her children, and you had gratefully accepted the job. That same evening you’d arrived you were made to help the heavily pregnant princess to the dinner table with her family, and when Aemond saw you walk in beside his sister he almost dropped his cup of wine. Your beauty was absolutely mesmerising, unlike any other woman he’d lain eyes on before, even with your hair unkempt and the serving girl’s robes adorning your body. How could such a divine creature be a lowborn servant, he thought, you looked as though you belonged in a gown with jewels. He didn’t take his eye off you the entire night, studying the way your body moved and the delicate features of your face, your nerves very apparent on it. You’d kept your head down most of the night, not looking at anyone besides his sister out of respect, but there came a moment when you accidentally looked up and directly met Aemond’s eye. You didn’t grimace nor sneer at his features, you looked into his eye boldly and without fear, a small, kind smile playing on your lips before you remember yourself and look back down to your hands. And if Aemond thought he was hooked on you before, now he was obsessed. No woman had looked at him like that since he lost his eye, hell he doesn’t remember a woman looking at him so kindly even before he lost it. His heart beat heavy in his chest, a longing filling his body that makes him down the rest of his cup of wine and slam it back down in asks for another. Much to his dismay he noticed that his brother was also taken by the sight of you, his drunken eyes roaming your body greedily, and that filled Aemond with a hatred and unease. He swore to himself that night that he wouldn’t let you end up like all the other handmaidens in the castle, fucked like a whore by Aegon and then dumped as though you’re nothing. 
Helaena became fond of you very quickly and didn’t care that you were just a servant to her house. She trusted you and took solace in your company considering so few would ever care to listen to her ramblings. You would sit beside her bed and listen to her dreams happily, even sharing your thoughts and ideas on them with her. You listened to her genuinely and cared for her, and to her that makes you a true friend no matter your status. Aemond too noticed the way you cared for his sister and in his eyes it only made you more perfect. Such a kind and beautiful soul. Aemond’s affections for you only grew as the years passed and he found himself in his sisters company more often just so he could spend time with you as well. It also meant he could keep his brothers prying hands away from you, as Aegon had made it clear with his looks that he was interested in you. It was his actions this very evening that started everything, when he dared to touch you whilst you poured some wine for his wife, his hand discreetly slipping from your lower back to your ass, but of course Aemond had noticed. You looked extremely uncomfortable and it made Aemond want to leap across the table and take his brothers head then and there. You quickly scurried away when you were dismissed, and after everyone had left the table Aemond sought out his brother for a private ‘chat.’ He ambushed Aegon in a dark corridor as he walked to his chambers, slamming his brother forcefully into the wall and holding his blade to his throat.
“If you try and touch y/n again you will find this dagger cutting through your neck, brother.” Aemond snarls, eyes hardened as he keeps his face inches from his older brothers.
At first Aegon was taken back by his younger brother’s uncharacteristic outburst of emotion, he’d never given a fuck about his activities before. But as he looks into the burning eye of his brother, it becomes very clear why he was actually intervening with his behaviour this time.
“Ah I see how it is, brother.” Aegon tells him, a smirk playing on his lips as Aemond’s jaw tightens. His eyes twinkle with twisted delight at the telling face of his brother, snickering as Aemond pushes him harder against the wall, rock scratching against his back despite the layer between them. 
“Swear to me you’ll leave her alone.” Aemond pushes, wanting conviction that his brother will do as he asks. 
“It’s very presumptuous of you to make demands of a King,” Aegon spits back, chest pushing up against Aemond’s as he tries to shove his brother away. Aemond’s grip is strong and he keeps Aegon against the wall, the dagger pressing against his neck in their motions and spilling a small drop of blood. Aegon grimaces before sighing sourly and looking into his brother’s eye. “I’ll leave your little bitch alone.” He spits, his hand coming up to rub his neck when his brother releases him and steps back. Aemond glares at him a moment more before striding away, leaving his brother to stew in his anger. He makes his way straight to Helaena’s chambers, hoping to find you there. 
Aemond nods to the guard as he arrives, pushing the heavy doors open and gracefully shutting them behind him. As he’d hoped you were here with his sister, folding her towels as she spoke to you.
“Hello dearest brother,” Helaena calls out to him softly. “Where did you go to with such haste after dinner?” She asks curiously, remembering watching him thunder down the hall as she’d gone to retire to bed.
“Just some business I had to attend to. It’s dealt with now” He says briskly, his eye on you as you smile sweetly at him. 
“I see,” She replies simply, a small smile on her lips as she turns back to you. “Is my bath drawn y/n?” She asks you, placing one of her soft hands on your shoulder.
“Yes my Lady, shall I escort you in?” You ask her politely. Helaena only raises her palm at you with a kind smile.
“That’s alright thank you, I shall see myself in,” She says, eyes twinkling as she nods at you and then her brother before making way towards her bathroom, muttering quietly as she left. “Fealty’s sworn cannot be unbroken, no matter how tightly bound the string of fate.” Once Helaena had shut the doors behind her Aemond approached you, trying to choose his next words carefully.
“I wanted to see to it personally that you were alright after dinner today” He tells you, as you look up at him with round eyes. He doesn’t specify what he means but you know instantly what he’s talking about, and your heart warms that he’d even taken notice. 
“That’s very kind of you my Prince but I am just fine.” You respond with an appreciative smile, though Aemond knows you only feel obliged to say that to him. You were always so prim and proper, not wanting to get into trouble by saying the wrong thing. 
“Whatever the case, I had a word with my brother and I believe he will be leaving you alone from now” He says assuringly, a softness in his uncovered eye as it looks sincerely into yours. Your eyes light up at his words, taken aback that the Prince himself would have taken such action for you, and against his King brother no less.
“Thank you Aemond,” You say softly. “My Prince.” You quickly add with a low bow, not allowing yourself to address him with such informality just because you could barely think over your heart beating so loudly in your chest. The Prince’s own heart softens at you using his name informally even if just for a moment. It sounded like a choir of angels to him, and you both smiled at each other dreamily until you were pulled from this moment by the shrill calls of your name from another maid. You curtesy respectfully towards Aemond, nodding at him before you scurry out of the room to see what was needed of you now. Aemond’s heart aches as he watches you go, your thin gown and long hair flowing angelically behind you. It’s not right, he thinks, that you aren’t sworn to him so that no cunt could ever call you away from his presence. If he took you as his wife he would never let a moment go by that you weren’t by his side. He sighs heavily at this impossible desire, mouth pinched as he curses the circumstances. He had half a mind to go to his mother now and demand she let him marry you, threaten to abscond if she didn’t allow it, hell he’d put a knife to her throat too if it meant securing you. But Aemond was too clever for such approaches, not to mention there was nothing he could say to ever get someone to agree to this. He was a Prince, who was due to marry whomever his family saw fit to secure alliances for their cause. Under no circumstance ever could he be allowed to actually marry you, unless the two of you really did run away. Aemond wonders if that would be so bad. His idiot brother got to sit the Iron throne as King despite Aemond being the better fit, simply because of the circumstance of their ages. It seems royal life would never be fair to him, so why should he wait around for them all to decide his life for him? Aemond makes his way back to his own chambers, needing some time to himself with his thoughts. He oft liked to read, take his mind away from the bustle of life at King’s landing, particularly now they were on the verge of war. But tonight his mind just would not calm, thoughts of you plaguing him until he forced himself up from his table with a sigh. He opened his door a crack, making his guard jump as he stood to attention to listen to Aemond’s demands. 
“Will you send for y/n, Sir Derric? With urgency.” Aemond asks his guard, looking at him intently with his one cold eye.
“Would you not prefer I call for your own handmaiden my Prince?” The Knight asks hesitantly, instantly regretting his words when he sees the venomous anger that takes over the boy’s features.
“If I did, I’d have asked for that, wouldn’t I? But instead you think to question the demands of a Prince.” Aemond says dangerously, knowing this will scare the man to do as he asks with no further questions.
“I’ll go find her right away my Prince.” Sir Derric responds quickly, bowing apologetically to his Prince before running off swiftly. Aemond smirks to himself as he strides back to his bed to await your arrival. Only a few minutes pass until he hears voices outside of his door, Sir Derric swinging it open to announce your arrival. You looked happy, but a little bit surprised that Aemond had asked for you specifically to come. You bow to him as you enter before standing up straight and smiling widely at him, your eyes twinkling with joy as you await Aemond’s words. 
“Sorry to have asked you here so late, my own handmaiden appears to be otherwise occupied” Aemond lies, circling his bed to stand before you.
“It’s no bother at all, I’m always happy to serve you my Prince.” You respond with a sweet smile. Aemond swallows at your choice of words, wishing he could ask you to serve him as he truly wanted. 
“Would you mind helping me undress?” Aemond asks, raising his arms expectantly. His words instantly make heat rise to your neck, your heart beating faster as you oblige and approach the taller man. 
“Of course.” You respond softly, reaching up his broad chest to unbuckle the clasps on his tunic. It occurs to you as his hot breath fans over your face that you’ve never been this close to the Prince before, and you can feel your heart pounding loudly in your chest as your hands move across his chest to pull the tunic from his body. You can feel his eye on you as you continue with his undershirt, watching the way your breath catches when you slip it over his head and your hands graze his bare chest. He hums in amusement, a low grunt of a sound that makes your knees weak. You avoid Aemond’s heated gaze, sure that if you met it you wouldn’t be able to hide how you felt any longer. You quickly replace his top with a loose, white bedshirt, exhaling through your nose as run your hands over his chest, smoothing the clothing into place. Finally you knelt before him to take off his boots, as Aemond usually just wore his day breeches to bed, removing them delicately as his eye burns to memory the sight of you on your knees before him.
“Thank you.” Aemond speaks to you, daring you to meet his gaze. He knows you wouldn’t risk the disrespect of not doing so, and he needs to see if your eyes burn for him the ways his do for you. You raise your head to meet his eye and it studies your face, noting the hazy look on your features and the indent in your lip from where you’d been biting into it. Was this his doing?
“It’s my pleasure Aemond.” You say, more breathlessly than you’d have liked, standing to attention and curtseying slightly to the taller male. Aemond’s heart rate picks up more at your response, wondering if that slip of his name was because he’d had an effect on you. Stubborn as always Aemond bitterly shakes the notion out of his head, having forgotten himself and the fact that no woman could love the beast he is. His chest tightens as he looks over at you, now bent over and retrieving his worn clothes into a woven basket. Such divinity could never want his touch. Aemond climbs into bed with a sigh, still watching you fondly as you scuttle about his room.
“Would you fetch me the book on my table?” He calls out to you. You quickly oblige and hand the book to the Prince, standing patiently at his bedside as he flicks it open, intent on finding the page he was last on. 
“Do you want me to remove your eyepatch as well before I go, my Prince?” You ask him politely, your brows raising slightly when you see his eye widen at you in shock. It was a simple question, but it had taken Aemond aback because he’d never been asked it before. He’d never encountered someone who wasn’t scared to see the scar that lay beneath it.
“I-uh. That won’t be necessary.” He responds, heart thumping in his chest at the stutter he’d let out. Aemond didn’t often like to show such vulnerability, but it feels like you just draw it out of him. 
“Surely it’s not comfortable to sleep with my Prince?” You continue, genuine concern for him in your voice. 
“I don’t sleep in it,” He answers with an amused chuckle. “I just usually take it off myself, as other people tend to find the sight too frightening.” He says, his words laced with solemn. Your heart aches to hear this, angry at everyone that had contributed to him feeling this way.
“Well I’m not frightened.” You say firmly, shocking both yourself and Aemond, your eyes soft as you smile at the boy. Aemond’s heart races at your boldness, at the unwavering gaze you held on him. He could see nothing but sincerity in your eyes. 
“Are you sure, little one?” He asks teasingly, breath bated as you nod with certainty back at him. With that he motions towards his eye, giving you his permission to take it off of him. You slowly raise your hands to his gorgeous face, your own face dangerously close to his as you carefully pull the eyepatch from his head. Aemond holds his breath as your eyes fall upon his, your mouth opening in awe as you catch sight of the glistening blue jewel that lies in place of his lost eye. 
“Beautiful,” You whisper softly as you inspect the gem, making Aemond’s heart leap from his chest. “May I…?” You begin to ask, but trail off nervously when you realise that you may be overstepping. But Aemond quickly nods at you, too touch starved to care if he seemed desperate. He lets out a breathy sigh when your delicate finger meets his scar, his chest filling with nervous warmth as you softly trace the detail on his cheek. Aemond melts into your touch, too long starved of any affection like this, shivering in pleasure as your finger gently runs over his Sapphire. Aemond decides as you stare at his face in awe that he doesn’t care about formality anymore, about what to say and what not to. Certainly not that you’re just a servant girl. Right now all that existed to him was you before him, seeing him as he is and calling him… beautiful. 
“Do you mean that?” Aemond asks, voice strained as his eye burns into yours for an answer. You shyly bite your lip, afraid of saying too much and getting yourself in trouble. But this position you were already in with the Prince had crossed boundaries, fuck if you didn’t just tell him the truth.
“If I may be so bold, my Prince, I think you’re a very handsome man, and no scar could ever detract from that.” You reply softly, eyes burning with pure desire for the man in front of you. This was all Aemond needed to hear for his heart to skip a beat, his cheeks flushing as you continue to gently stroke his cheek with your thumb. You thought, despite what others think of him, despite what he’s told himself for the last 10 years of his life, that he was handsome. Aemond feels a rush of confidence from your words, heart racing wildly as he raises a hand to cup your cheek, making your eyes widen in surprise. Your own heart begins to beat faster as Aemond stares at your lips silently, panting as he slowly closes the gap between your faces, unable to hold himself back any longer. Aemond pulls you into a desperate, hungry kiss and finally everything felt right in the world, your soft lips lighting a fire in his stomach. Aemond groans into your mouth as you kiss him back just as hungrily, gasping when he grabs your hips and pulls you onto his lap in the bed. You moan against his lips as you feel his length in his loose breeches, already hard and straining against you, subconsciously beginning to grind against him. Aemond hisses, throwing his head back in pure pleasure as he feels your warm pussy rub against him through the thin fabric, his hands finding your ass and grabbing roughly to pull you flush against him. 
“My Gods, you don’t understand how long I’ve wanted you like this,” Aemond growls out as he grinds you against him harder, obsessed with the soft mewls you let out and the way you shake on top of him from how good he made you feel. “How badly I’ve needed you since I first fucking saw you, all those years ago.” He grunts softly, his lips finding your neck making you whine and rock against him as he presses his teasing kisses down your throat. When Aemond reaches your cleavage he looks into your eyes for permission, smirking at how much of a mess you already seem to be for him before pulling your flimsy dress down and exposing your perfect tits to him. Aemond lets out a strained moan at the sight, cupping the soft expanse of them gently and drawing some soft mewls out of you. “You’re more beautiful than I could ever have imagined.” Aemond mutters, more to himself than you as his wild eye roams your uncovered breasts. Heat rises to your cheeks, and arousal to your belly as Aemond teases your nipples with his fingers and tongue. Before you can even think Aemond is flipping you onto your back, clambering on top of you hungrily as you gasp and pant beneath him.
“Shh my darling, you don’t want anyone to hear us, do you?” Aemond teases breathily into your ear, making you shiver against him. 
“No my Prince.” You whisper shyly to him, swallowing hard as you try and contain your moans.
“Please, just call me Aemond.” He breathes, longing in his voice as his hands slip up your skirt, caressing your bare thighs desperately. He waits for a moment before he moves his hands any further, raising a brow at you to ask if it’s alright with you for him to continue. You chuckle at this, heart warming that he would still ask despite seeing how desperate you clearly are for him. 
“Aemond, you can do whatever you want with me. I’m yours, completely.” You tell him sincerely, biting your lip as the boy only moans loudly in response. To hear you say you are his is the final straw, that takes Aemond last strand of sanity. He ravenously pushes the skirt of your dress up, breath catching his throat as he lays eye upon your wet cunt. 
“Fuck, you’re dripping wet.” Aemond growls, jaw clenching tightly from the progressive primal desire he had to pin you down and fuck you senseless. Your body just responded so perfectly to him and looked so perfect beneath him, Aemond knows this is all he’ll ever want the rest of his life. 
Your head falls back into his pillow as he lowers himself between your legs and buries his face into your cunt, dying to know what you taste like.
“So fucking sweet. Like the nectar of the Gods.” Aemond moans earnestly, the vibrations against your cunt making your toes curl. He eats you like he hasn’t had a meal in weeks, his nose pressing against your clit in a way that makes you see stars. Without warning he gently slides a finger up your wet slit, teasing your clit with his tongue and relishing in the breathy moans you let out. He growls as he tries to press a finger into you and feels the tightness of your cunt wrapping around it. You’re going to feel like a vice grip around his cock. He slowly fucks you with his finger, intent on stretching you out at least a little bit for his cock as the last thing he’d want to do is hurt you.
“Please Aemond.” You whine out, frustrated and hips bucking into his face. He looks up at you, that gorgeous angular face looking angelic between your legs, smirking as he licks your wetness off his lips.
“What is it my love?” Aemond coo’s out to you teasingly, eyes narrowed with lust as he watches your chest rise and fall with your heavy breaths. 
“Please, I need you to fuck me.” You beg him, unable to take his teasing any longer. Aemond chokes out a growl, feral hearing you beg him to fuck you. He quickly pulls off his bedshirt and breeches, his sizeable cock slapping his stomach and making your mouth drop open in shock.
“What? Never seen a dick this big darling?” Aemond ask you with a smirk, eyes dark as he pins your arms harshly above your head and slides his cock against your dripping entrance. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure it fits.” He groans, eyes rolling back as he feels your wet heat against the tip of his cock. He pushes himself into you, white hot pleasure erupting in his belly as he feels your velvet walls clenching around him. You whimper at the stretch of his big cock and Aemond strokes your hair to sooth you, shushing you gently. “You’re taking me so well.” Aemond coos, voice strained as he wills himself to go slowly for you. He groans as he bottoms out in you, legs shaking from the way your cunt pulses around him. Your legs wrap around his middle tighter and Aemond takes that to mean that you’re ready for more, not wasting a second before starting to thrust into you slowly. Aemond had only had sex once before but he doesn’t remember that feeling anywhere near as good as you do right now, soaking his cock and clenching tightly around him as you are. His hair falls into his face as his pace picks up, unable to keep himself from seeking more of your warmth, his silver hair forming a halo around his gorgeous face. He marvels at your cunt taking all of him, dick twitching as he watches it slip in and out of your slick. 
“Harder Aemond.” You moan loudly, earning a guttural grunt from the man above you who’s hips instantly start snapping faster into yours. Aemond growls as he pounds you harder, loving the fucked out expression on your face as he ruins you. Lost in his pleasure he wraps a hand around your throat, earning a breathy whine from you, squeezing it gently as he stuffs you full of him. 
“Fuck you like that? I felt your cunt clench around me,” He groans, eyes darkening as you nod and moan when he squeezes your neck even harder. “Ask and you shall receive.” Aemond fucks you punishingly hard, groaning with each thrust into your tight heat, feeling himself get closer to his edge. His thrusts are frantic, balls slapping against your pussy and covered in your slick, and he has to raise a hand to cover your mouth for how loudly you were moaning. 
“I’m getting close.” He grunts out hoarsely, panting heavily as he pushes some sweat leaden hair out of his face. He knows he should pull out, it occurs to him as he feels his orgasm about to envelope him, but your cunt felt like it was just drawing him in deeper, begging to be filled up by him.
“I’m going to fuck my bastard into this perfect cunt,” Aemond snarls, eyes rolling back in his head as you tighten even more at his words.
“Yes! Please fill me up Aemond!” You beg out, practically sobbing with pleasure as Aemond loses his last grip on sanity and pounds you into his mattress, grunting loudly as his seed spills into. 
“Oh fuck,” Aemond whines softly, pushing himself further into you as your tightness milks every last drop of cum out of his cock. “You’re mine.” He says breathlessly, pressing his forehead against yours as he pulls out and engulfs you in his arms, hugging you flush against his naked body. You smile gently up at him, out of breath and legs numb.
“Eternally, my Prince.” You respond in a soft whisper, humming contently when Aemond pulls you into a passionate kiss. When you both part his thumb rubs your bottom lip, eye studying every inch of your gorgeous, blissed out face. 
“You look divine.” He says, awe in his voice as reality sets in that he really, truly just got to fuck the love of his life. And then more clarity comes, in the fact that now he certainly couldn’t live without you. He needs you in his life, as his wife, to love and to cherish for the rest of his days. He couldn’t stand to let you continue to serve, to watch from the sidelines as his brother and any lord at the table fawns at you. No, you were his now, eternally. Aemond chest tightens as he holds you closer, conflicted by what he should do next. But for now, as you cuddle against his chest, all Aemond wants to do is stroke your hair and enjoy this moment with you. What will come after is for him to fret about another day.
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slytherinshua · 1 year
OUTNUMBERED (mingyu as a dad pt. 1)
genre. fluff. mingyu as a dad. warnings. y/n is pregnant for the second time. it's just extremely adorable nothing much more. pairing. husband!mingyu x fem!reader. wc. 1.4k. a/n. this will be pt 1 to a series of mingyu as a dad because i have lots of ideas for this lol enjoy!!
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
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“What was it that you wanted to tell me?” Mingyu asked, smiling as he placed some food in front of Dowon for dinner.
“You know I missed my period this month…” You started.
“Yes…” Mingyu followed along, brain coming to the hope sooner than you could get the words out, “Did you take a test?”
You nodded, pulling it out from behind your back and handing it to him. He glanced at it just to be sure before a huge grin broke out on his face.
“Looks like Dowon’s getting a sibling.” He said, wrapping his arms around you tightly, “I love you,” He whispered to you softly.
You smiled, feeling grateful that you could have another child with Mingyu. You both had always wanted Dowon to have a younger brother or sister to play with, and it was happening sooner than you thought. He wasn’t even 2 yet.
After your 20 week ultrasound, you both found out that you were pregnant with twins, not just one baby. The news was shocking, of course, but Mingyu seemed only happier after hearing it.
“3 kids is even better than 2.” He assured you, hand on your stomach to try to feel any kicks from the babies. Ever since a week ago, the twins had been quite active in your womb, kicking you throughout the day. “Plus Dowon will probably be over the moon about it.” Mingyu added, giving your cheek a soft kiss before moving to your lips and kissing you deeper.
Throwing a baby shower was a big feat given that you were going to invite all of Dowon’s uncles. Each of them had promised to bring presents, and you were positive that the twins were going to be even more spoiled than Dowon was.
You had set up a fun gender reveal as well. Each of the guys would write down whether they thought it would be a boy or a girl and then put them in a box. At the end, you would pop the balloon and reveal that you were actually expecting twins. 
You and Mingyu already knew that you were expecting a boy and a girl, so it would be obvious when you burst the balloon. Mingyu was ecstatic at the thought of getting a daughter, just as you expected. He had already splurged on adorable dresses for when she was born and you scolded him for spoiling her more than his son. He had compromised by buying boy clothes that matched the dresses to appease you.
“They’re going to have a daughter this time, I swear.” Jihoon commented, sipping on some punch. He was talking to Seungcheol, Vernon, and Dokyeom. Wonwoo was technically sitting with them as well, but he was too preoccupied with his glasses being stolen by Dowon to add much to the conversation.
Joshua, Jun, and Minghao were talking with you about the pregnancy, and making sure Mingyu was being nice to you. Of course, that was an unnecessary thing to worry about. All the guys knew there was no one more whipped than Kim Mingyu.
As for Soonyoung, Seungkwan, Chan, and Jeonghan? They were busy teasing Mingyu within an inch of his life. He really couldn’t catch a break when they were around. You caught a glimpse of his puppy eyes from across the room, pleading with you to save him but you just laughed. When it came to teasing your husband, you’d always take his friend's side.
When the socialising came to a slow and everyone was more than eager to get to the gender reveal party, you grabbed the box filled with guesses and went through them with Mingyu. After tallying them all up, the predictions for a girl just barely surpassed the votes for a boy. Seungcheol, Joshua, Jihoon, Dokyeom, Minghao, Seungkwan, and Chan voted for girl, and Jeonghan, Jun, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, and Vernon voted for boy.
You both decided that Dowon should get to pop the balloon, so Mingyu held him in his arms, carefully guiding the thumbtack towards the black balloon. The balloon popped and out burst blue and pink coloured confetti. You bit back a smile while Mingyu couldn’t wipe off his proud grin.
The guys were confused, and eventually Wonwoo was the first to realise what was actually going on. He gave Mingyu a look, probably communicating in some silent language with him. Mingyu had been roommates with him for years, so they understood each other the best. Mingyu nodded slightly, prompting a smile from his best friend.
Seungkwan figured it out a second later, jaw dropping as he asked, “Really? Are you really having twins!?”
Once he shouted that out, the room exploded and it was impossible to hear anything anyone was saying. Mingyu shushed them all, replying to all their questions with one simple statement, “Yes, we are having twins. One girl and one boy.” He giggled as some of his friends were still shocked at the news.
A whirlwind of questions flew your way as each of the twelve guys wanted to know different things. Whether you had names picked out, whether the names were going to be matching, whether their outfits were going to be matching, whether they could buy the twins matching outfits and toys, when your due date was, if you were expecting to get a c-section. The questions went on and on for over an hour as each one was answered and a new one thought of to replace it.
But eventually, the party died down, and the guys left one by one. Once Seungcheol had finally stepped out of the door, being the last one to leave, you and Mingyu both let out simultaneous sighs. It was exhausting and fun, but you were still very glad it was over. 
Minghao had offered to take Dowon for just this night to let you and Mingyu catch a break, which you much appreciated. Mingyu led you to the couch and you both crashed. You immediately snuggled into his chest, his arm wrapped around you and hand naturally rested on your baby bump, rubbing gentle circles on it.
“You’re already showing so much, love.” He mumbled adoringly. He was the kind of guy that couldn’t get over how cute your bump was. It was his babies in there after all.
“I’m carrying twins, of course I’m showing.” You replied, yawning as tiredness took over your body.
“You shouldn’t sleep on the couch, let me take you to bed.” He said, taking note of your eyes threatening to close. He picked you up easily despite the extra weight from the twins, carrying you carefully to bed as if you were made of glass. He placed you on the soft mattress, adjusting the pillows and pulling the blanket up to cover you. You smiled sleepily at him, reaching your hand up behind his neck to pull him down for a kiss.
“Come here, I don’t sleep well without you.” You whispered. Mingyu smiled charmingly, climbing into bed next to you, head resting on the pillow with a dreamy look in his eyes as he looked at you. 
“We’re soon to be outnumbered… Do you think we’ll manage okay?” You asked.
“Just make sure they’re extra adorable, then we can get Minghao and Dokyeom to babysit more often than they already do.” Mingyu compromised, assuring you of your worries.
You giggled softly at the thought. Mingyu was probably right about it, though. Minghao and Dokyeom were already wrapped around Dowon’s little finger. The twins would easily win over their hearts. As for the cuteness factor, you weren’t too worried that the children of Mingyu would be lacking in it.
You fell asleep quickly once Mingyu started humming, hugging you close enough that you could hear his heartbeat match the rhythm of the soft melodic notes. Once he was sure you were in your dreamland, he slowly stopped his lullaby.
“Don’t kick her in the night, kiddos, she needs to sleep.” Mingyu mumbled to your bump, “Sleep well, darling. I love you.” He kissed your temple lightly so as not to disturb you and then settled down to sleep himself. It was rare to have a night uninterrupted with an almost two-year-old in the house, and you both knew it would only worsen once you had two newborns in addition, so you took advantage of any extra sleep you two could get.
↳ svt taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,, @yeonjuns-bluehair,, @ddeonudepressions,, @hannahsophie0103,, @multi-stan-jenny
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bewarethewolfarmy · 10 months
Things Better Unshared
(A follow-up to A Celebration for Two partially because so many people seemed to have liked it and partially because I happen to have had one of those days. And yes what is described in this story is how I suffer through migraines, which I get on occasion (I am a chronic headache sufferer though). My friend Ash, may her soul rot in the shared POTO hell we are destined for, technically gave me this plot bunny when I told her about my migraine today so hope you guys at least enjoy)
Erik was 1000% certain that you were angry at him or something and thus already rehearsing a thousand different apologies, with flowers and music and begging and crying. Actually he was already crying because again he was more than absolutely certain that you were very much angry at him.
Admittedly he was not sure why you would be mad at him though. He had not killed anyone recently, or honestly at all in the time since you told him you loved him to now and he had sort of wanted to, especially when it came to those guys who sometimes talked to you and especially that one who had actually tried to ask you out and that was certainly not acceptable in any way. But he had held himself back, remembering how murder was one of Those Things that had made Christine run from him and that you had indeed told him that you did not want him hurting anyone. What helped him to remember and internalize it was that you had voiced it as a worry that he would be hurt or taken away from you if he did anything like murder someone again and thus made it into how much you cared about him, and Erik could never bring himself to do something that could upset someone who was willing to say they loved him. He also had been holding back his wish to make you a star and trying to convince you to that effect, and he'd behaved himself with the operahouse managers and he'd even tried to do nice things for them like fix up broken props and ripped costumes. He'd loved listening to you giggle as you had recounted to him how the other performers were convinced they had some sort of guardian angel running around, a nice change from the story of the Phantom; he didn't care about their thoughts and feelings about the situation as much as he loved to know you were happy about it. And actually he was also certain you had been happy just the night before, kissing him gently goodbye before having to return to your usual days in the choir.
Yet he knew you had to be angry at him because why else would you be acting so strange? You were listless and not really talking to anyone, grimacing and holding your hands over your ears as if hating the sound of music that as always filled the operahouse. He'd only been doing his usual thing, watching over you when you couldn't physically be together, and had been looking forward to watching rehearsals, but you had this strange unhappy look on your face and he was certain it was because something was wrong and of course to his mind the only thing that came to him was that you were upset with him and thus he needed to figure out how to fix things. He couldn't bear to have you upset and now he just had to wait until everyone else left and you were alone so he could try to see if he could get to you. You'd already snapped at a few people who tried to bother you though and Erik was now just fiddling with everything he could get his hands on, his cape, some rope, a broken piece of furniture, his scarf, feeling more and more anxious.
It all came to a head as some lights went on and you practically winced, turning away. But not fast enough for your angel, attentive as he was, saw the tears in your eyes and his heart fell like a ton of stones into his stomach. He watched you slip away into a room, getting away from everyone and everything as if to flee, and finally he decided enough was enough. Quickly he made his way there, slipping through passages and hidden ways, through an opening in the wall of that room to grab you.
You flinched, you never flinched with him, and his heart raced to think he might have hurt you, but you looked at him, squinting and then buried your face in his chest. His mind raced but you whimpered and in a small voice, weak and unsteady, spoke, “It hurts so much...”
You were in pain? Physical pain? He didn't understand at first but you clung to him and he instinctively wrapped his cape around you, holding you and feeling all the more panicked.
“What hurts?” He felt so confused; he had been so sure you were.
“It's too loud, too bright, please.” You pleaded, in that sad trembling voice. And Erik, Erik never could reject a request, not from you.
It was easy enough for him to bundle you up and carry you away; walking corpse he might be, he was still strong and you fit so easily in his arms. If the surface was too loud, too bright, too anything, then he would just take you back to his home, to the darkness, to the quiet. He had no hesitation, especially as your arms looped around his neck and held onto him and lord did that make Erik want to know what was so wrong so much faster.
He did his best to bring you back though the rowing of the boat was made a little harder by the fact that you still didn't let go even in the boat. But at the same time he wouldn't complain; you were close to him, you were there in his arms, how could he possibly complain when you were right where he loved to have you so much. And you didn't seem to be angry or upset with him at all but he still didn't know what was wrong and that was somehow even worse because you said it hurt and that things were too much and he hated seeing you in pain, not to mention cry because of it.
The dim lighting of candles and the silent peace of his home by the lake seemed to bring you some peace though still you held to him. He carried you inside and took you to the bed, the easiest to keep holding you; that was what he wanted, that's what you seemed to want, and he curled around you somewhat awkwardly. He wasn't used to being the big spoon, he wasn't used to being the comforter instead of the comfortee; he still didn't know what was wrong and that was starting to make him feel panicked the longer you were silent and clinging so tight.
“Erik's sorry, please tell us how we can help,” he half whined, having brought you this far but having no idea what to do was starting to lose himself to his usual concerns, “Songbird, please, you're worrying Erik, please.”
“My head....”
“Your head?”
“It hurts so much, Erik, it feels like a needle in my eye, like sharpness in my skull, radiating back and forth and back and forth but only part of me, only part of my skull.” Your voice was small, so small, smaller than you, smaller than anything. “I can't focus, I can't see, and everything just makes it worse: the light, the sounds, movement, eating, I can't think about anything but how much it hurts. It all just compounds and makes it throb more.”
Oh. He realized, recognizing what you meant. “Do you see lights, ones that are not truly there, whether after looking at light for a second or simply out of nowhere?”
You nodded without word. He bit a swollen lip. “Then it must be hemicrania, migraine. Erik too has suffered such; the pain is....”
Impossible to truly describe, he knew that well. To think you too were undergoing such pain, unexpected, unwanted, unfair; he could not remember days in which he had one, for the pain took most memory and reality with it, leaving only the haze of existence and the depths of emotional and physical voidness. But he could remember pain, sharp, centralized at first before moving along the divide of his head; for him it was always the right side, the same as his deformity, and maybe it was connected but it never truly mattered. The pain was what did and your pain, that you too had to feel it, was what he cared about.
You whimpered again, a meek sound more suited to a child than the beautiful soul you were to him but he held you close and did what he had always wished someone had done for him in such a state: he covered your head in his cape, kissed you upon the head and spoke in the softest whisper he could muster, “You will be alright, songbird, I promise you.”
“I just want to sleep,” you mumbled.
“Then sleep you shall.”
“I should eat though.”
“Are you hungry?” You shook your head; he was not surprised. Appetite seemed to flee from the pain of the half skull. “Then do not force yourself. Rest; I will blow out all the candles and you will slumber and once you feel hungry then I will make sure to bring you all the best things to help you recover but it would worry me all the more if you had to suffer what happens when you force yourself to eat when your mind is such pain.” Though he'd be ready to hold your hair back and gently rub your back, wipe away your tears and give you water to clear the taste from your mouth. Still he never wished that suffering on you, any of this.
“Erik....” You clung tighter and he kissed you again. How strange it felt to be the one to give the gentle kisses, the love, the care; normally you were the one to comfort him and he had been so prepared to cry and beg your forgiveness before but now he knew what was really going on and all he wanted was to hold you and take all your pain away.
He took off his cape to keep you covered but found it hard to get you to let go of him. Normally he would have been delighted by this, he was before, but in light of what was going on.... “Songbird, sweet love, I need to get up.”
“Please don't leave me, it hurts so much.” You sounded like you were on the verge of tears again and how he hated it, loathed your pain.
It was his turn to whimper, because he was nothing if not weak to you and your pleas, but he had to be strong to some degree and he kissed away your tears. “My beloved songbird, I promise I will return as quick as I can, but I need to darken the room for you, all for you I promise. That way you needn't hide under my cape while you rest.”
Another whine from you but he did manage to break free enough to get up. You curled into a ball, a sad weak ball, and he was quick to move, snuffing out each candle, plunging the room into utter darkness. But he was used to darkness, he had lived in it for years, and to him you were like a beacon in the night anyway; he would always find his way back to your side. He settled into bed beside you again and pulled you close, stroking your hair as you clung once more to him. In the darkness all that could be heard was breathing, yours slightly labored as your body had a hard time adjusting to the pain; he started to hum, softly, careful of all sharp notes, careful of being too loud; it was even and gentle, a lullaby he made up on the fly. But slowly, surely you started to slip off into something resembling sleep and he knew this by the way your grip loosened, your breathing evened, you relaxed from tension you never even knew you'd been holding from the pain.
All the while the phantom held you, humming his slow warm melody, and wishing for all the world he could do more to make you, his beloved songbird, never feel such pain now or ever again.
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moonybug444 · 11 months
toxic!boyfriend connie who does not care!! even starts shit in front of his lil siblings :((
sunny n martin call you sissy🥹🥹n they call connie bubba!! tw both reader nd connie are lowkey abusive | name-calling | really toxic | reader may or may not be a cheater kinda left it at that.
you’re holding sunny’s tiny hand and adding the finally touches to her hello kitty themed nails, listening to her babble on nd on about this ‘cute boy from school’ n how her ‘hairs getting longer by the day’ n how shes just so excited to go shopping with you again.
you don’t mind though, in fact you love it. you’re glad she can pour her little heart out to you every once in a while when you come over. i mean she needs it, she’s technically always around boys. connie’s always got his friends over, n little martin—if not following connie around everywhere like a little puppy he’s at her hip yapping her ear off abt monster trucks and how he can do 3 pushups in a row now and as proud of him as she is, that’s definitely not what she wants to talk about.
she’s got a sparkle in her eye when you give her a cheery, ‘all done, girlfriend!’ and kiss her button nose.
she really does love you so much. she hates how mean connie can be to you sometimes.
no matter how much you try and hide it, she sees right past you. always giving you love filled hug.
connie’s walking in his little sisters room a beat later, little martin right by his side with his wolf plushy in hand. chubby cheeks dusting pink when he sees you. he’s just too darn cute. connies looking down at you n sunny sitting crisscross apple sauce on her frog shaped carpet with little nail stickers n gems scattered around.
“there you are,” he runs his hand over his tanned face, “been tryna keep ‘er all to yourself huh, sunny?” sunny giggles loud at that, popping up cheerfully n stomping over to connie.
“look what sissy did to my nails bubba!” she waves them in his face, cheeks clubbing up even more when she sees him look down at the nails, going into weird big brother mode.
hes grabbing her under her armpits and twirling her in the hair screaming that now shes ‘of the hello kitty royal family’ shes smiling impossibly wider and laughs along with martin and you.
you love how connie’s siblings excepted you almost immediately. moving from first name basis to the occasional nickname and then the sissy title fairly quick.
love how sunny’s always the first one to greet you when you step in their cozy home dragging you along, trying to spend all her time with you.
love how martin is always so much of a ‘gentleman’ to you—connie says you’re his first crush. you cant help but smile at that. ‘he’s always blabbing about you,’ connie’s mocks his baby brothers high pitch voice. ‘when’s sissy comin over connie, i wanna show her my new toy.’ and ‘m’movin away…gonna live with sissy!’
that should be enough for connie. enough for him to stop the name calling around them and the random arguements. turn on his filter at least a little!! but nope doesn’t matter when or where, when connie springer has something to get off his chest.
he’s gonna get it off n not think twice abt it.
connies laughing. laughing at you. it’s not genuine at all, he’s just trying to tick you off but it sure is working. you feel your face burning with every cackle that leaves his pink lips. acrylic nails digging into the cute mini skirt you've got on out of embarrassment.
he’s been going at it for some time now. you were upset because in the middle of chilling in the living room on the couch with sunny n martin—ponyo replaying on the tv for the nth time, he snuck up behind you, watching you scroll on depop looking at some new bikinis for a second before swiping it right outta your hand.
thinking it was just connie being silly, you ask for it back with a pretty grin on your face and a faux pout on your shiny plump lips.
but why does he look so mean? whys he chastising you for wanting your phone back? whys he embarrassing you and implying that you're a cheater in-front of his baby siblings?
because connie was bored.
‘why ya want it back so bad?’ he’s taking the hand not holding your phone and rubbing over his shabby overgrown buzz, putting on a huge smile for you before making a show of dropping it meanly. ‘got shit to hide?’
of course you don’t! you’re a lot of things but a cheater is certainty not on of them. and you tell him that.
he doesn’t listen though. pushes you down by the shoulders harshly when you try to reach up for your device and tells you ‘and stay down.’ like your some kinda dog or somethin. that’s the stuff that brings tears to your eyes.
hes not laughing as much anymore now. just letting out little giggles and trying to catch his breath. “you’re a crybaby. over a fucking joke. seriously are you—”
you keep reminding yourself that sunny n martin are watching. that you’re already a sobbing mess and you don’t need to embarrass yourself further in front of them. but all that goes out the window when hearing connie’s boisterous laugh grow louder.
“s’not about that connie! hic you-you dont fucking respect me…!” it’s true he doesn’t. you can tell he’s not even really listening to you right now, scrolling through the insta messages on your phone.
“not a fuckin cheater huh? what’s up with all the boys in your phone then huh slut?” he’s ducking the marc jacobs bag you throw at him just barely. there’s more tears pooling at your lash line. “don’ call me names you stupid asshole!” you're stomping over to him to do..something! you don't know yet, just know you wanna hurt him.
it takes a while for you to calm. connie has to hold you down after you’ve thrown half the shit in his living room at him n delivered one harsh slap to his face and scratching him up a bit. he’s calling you all sorts of names in the process. ‘slut, dumb-bitch, whore’ names that had sunny covering her little brother’s ears. it doesn’t help.
little martin’s brows are furrowed when his little sister jumps at a loud crash—its connie pushing you into the freshly restocked dishwasher, he looks up at his big sister, a pout on her lips and her little fists clenched and tucked to her sides.
connie tells them not to call anyone bad words. and if they do they’re reserved only for bad people. so martins confused.
“s’wrong sunny, big sissy’s not bad.”
you’re in connie’s room now, sitting on his bed watching him watch you. you look down.
you’ve calmed down but your still crying. connie’s wiping at your face and cooing at you. you feel your nails tighten in your skirt. he still has your phone—satisfied with the mini insta check he did—he placed it in the band of his boxers for now, he’ll check it better later. right now he needs to pacify his baby.
“s’just n-n-not fair hic connie..you take- hic take mine whenever, but hic m’not even allowed yours..” you’re nervous more than you should be, slowly looking up at his handsome face preparing for the worst. he’s already looking down, pulling you further in his lap. making sure to press a few kisses to your forehead.
“dont you ever do some shit like that in front of my siblings again,” he’s huffs, completely disregarding what you said. you wince when he’s tightening his grip on your hips and snarling at you, getting real close to your face, “all because you wanna be a fucking drama queen, you ruin the whole fucking day.”
you’re mad at him, so mad you cant help but start crying. again. you’re telling him how you didnt ruin the whole day..but your brains tellin you otherwise. theres snot coming down your nose when you tell him sorry and how you’ll never make a fuss about it again.
youre getting up heading to sunny and martin who are sitting in the kitchen, waiting for you n connie to come out the room holding hands like always.
but it’s just you with dried tears and a soft pout on your face. you’re bending down in front of them and they’re immediately pulling you into a calming hug.
you’re sleeping soundly in connie’s bed, pretty french toes peaking out of the big dark blue comforter draped over you. connie took a shower with you after completing ponyo again with sunny and little martin. you felt sleepy so he took you to his room and kissed you goodnight, promising your phone would be next to you when you woke up.
connie’s in the kitchen fridge door wide open with nothing but his plaid blue pj pants, drinking some of that good flavored coffee creamer n scratching the toned abs on his tummy, fully expecting everyone to be sound asleep. so he’s confused when he hears tiny feet running up to him followed by painless stomping on his sock clad foot. he looks down. oh, his baby brother.
he’s angry. little fist bunching up around his wolf plushy. trying to look as intimidating as possible.
“connies mean!” hes got tears in his eyes just thinking about it, “made sissy cry, s’not like a gentleman at all,” he puffs out. says ‘gentleman’ like ‘ganndleman’ and connie cannot take him fucking serious.
“alright,” he says it with a huff. lifting his wounded baby brother right off the ground, nd on his hip watching him thrash around. trying his best to hurt connie. “quit it.”
it doesn’t take long for the big boy facade to drop when connie’s rubbing his back and turning on ‘ponyo’ yet again. s’really the only movie he’ll watch. they’re chilling on the couch while martins’ sucking his thumb staring up at connie. connie’s used to his baby brothers weird habits. like staring at him 24/7 and gravitating towards connie every time he’s working out.
plopping his butt down on his brothers back when he sees him get in a push-up position.
“bubba why’d ya call sissy all those mean names,” he’s popping his fingers out his mouth, “said s’only for-for mean people..sissy’s not mean. sissy’s nice.” connie’s ruffling his head.
“s’cuz bubbas’ dumb sometimes.” he’s taking a breath. choosing his words carefully. “y’know i make mistakes too. (name) forgives me though so—”
“papa says that you learn from mistakes—”
“i have learned marty—” connie feels his brows getting pulled up.
“why do ya keep doin em them silly!” martins giggling at his brother. he doesn’t know how it’s possible—making the same mistake not once or twice but more time than he can count and still not catching up.
and connie doesn’t either.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 9 months
im gonna stay dreaming that either vampire engel turns Konig or her drinking his blood somehow turns her human because the way you write in general, the angst, the yearning, I wanna eat your writing my dude
Omg turning Engel back to human?? (Omg he could finally marry her and… um… love her properly)
What if…
What if König tried to find a cure for her…? 🥺🥺
König has never been so feral. He's rooting out vampires with a newfound purpose, but instead of just killing them, he tortures them first to find out if there's a cure for vampirism.
And Engel knows what he's doing... She knows, and says nothing. She can't believe that a human man wants to help her (well, technically, König never asks if she wants to become human again; he has made all her decisions for her for weeks now, but Engel's soft little lips tremble from seeing how fervently he's searching for a cure, just for her sake). Sometimes, he has to drag them to their camp for torture, and König doesn’t like it that she's close by, not one bit.
"Look away, little angel," he demands with a grim voice, completely different from the tone he usually uses with her, the gentle accent she's now grown used to. The violence of his trade seeps through everytime he's filled with bloodlust, and once, when a captive vampire spews out curses at her, shouts how she's a traitor, how she's not a wolf but a lamb for preferring to be with cattle, how their love is cursed, König's fist brings an end to the spell-like rage as the captive's jaw is ripped off by the blow.
And she can't look away.
She's now utterly, hopelessly, desperately in love, and hungry all the time: she never drinks enough because she just can't bring herself to do it, no matter how many times König orders her to have her fill. She can see that he can't take it, large and able-bodied as he is, so she has to lie to him that she's feeling well when in truth she's about to collapse. She nearly faints from thirst once, and that's the first time König gets angry at her. She falls to her knees and tries to apologize because she can't take it when he's upset, far less bear it if he's disappointed in her. But König storms from the camp, and she feels like dying; she's too weak to even follow him.
She can't, because it feels like a kiss.
That captive just read her mind and revealed her true feelings for her human captor, and König isn't appalled at all; he doesn't turn around and ask her if it’s true. He simply smashes a face in to stop the curse, like it matters to him that her love stays pure. Like he loves her too...
After a while that feels like a century, König returns like a mountain of fury. He's dragging her first proper meal in weeks with him, and looks like a man who has finally sold his soul to the devil, says nothing as he throws the poor male at her feet, even slits his throat for her. Hesitantly, he crawls forward and starts to feed, assuming that the young male he brought for her must've been some kind of a criminal. A thief or a rapist, perhaps.
She lies on the ground, all hope lost: did her one true love just leave her? For disobeying him...?
She can finally drink her fill, and after a while, König comes to crouch at her side. He starts to pet her hair while she drinks: and she can’t help but whimper. She drinks as neatly as she can, like a human drinking from a saintly cup, not giving into her lust, just closing her eyes and savoring the song of blood inside her and König's gentle hand upon her head…
She's so in love by now that she wants to be with him at all times, even when he rests. She simply can't take another night without him. Not an hour before dawn, she crawls out of the coffin she just crept into to escape the approaching sun. She slides onto the bed next to König, and tries to be as silent as possible – he would just command her back to her coffin if he woke up – shuffles next to him like a cold shadow, and almost succeeds... But then he stirs as she attaches herself to his warm, powerful form, practically clutches him like she's drowning.
She's quiet as a mouse, but no scolding comes, there's not a single sharp command from him. König just goes tense when he senses there's a woman latched to him; then starts to relax upon noticing it's just his love-starved pet who's crawled to him in the night. He even wraps his hand around her like they've always done this – like they're a married couple who have curled together for warmth and love for years and years.
"Engel… You need to go back to your bed," he says, voice parched and soft from sleeping. König always calls her coffin 'bed' as if it's merely just that: a downy bunk where humans go to sleep. At times, when they have to take refuge from a hail, König bribes the innkeeper and hauls her coffin to his room. She likes to think it's because he wants to ensure that nothing bad happens to her.
He starts to caress her softly (she can't believe how gentle König can be with his touch when he wants to): first her head, then her cheek, then her arm… Her fingers fiddle with the hem of his mask, the large black draping hood that König uses to conceal his true identity and which sets him apart from the rest of the village folk.
They're not that different, perhaps, her and him. He's a monster in the eyes of the humans too; they fear him at least as much as they used to fear her.
"Not yet," she whispers, asks, begs, and grips his heavy shirt in a tight fist, making it clear that he has to pry her fingers off one by one if he wants to get rid of her. The man just sighs and lets her cling to him for a little while longer. But just when she starts to relax with the hope that König might allow her stay here until the sun rises, he collects her in his arms and lifts her from the bed like she's nothing but the dress she wears.
He carries her to her coffin and sets her down, down, down to the wooden box he has made so lovely and snug for her; it's furnished with dark red velvet paddings and even has a small pillow with cute little tassels attached to it. The sun is already rising, and she feels like crying again when König moves to pick up the large, heavy lid like it weighs nothing at all.
"Sir… Don't leave me," she whispers as her last wish, beckoning to him with all she has, the last part of her that's human and not the creature he hates. There's a flash of agony in his stare: a brief, sullen, pained look as he looks down at her like the Holy Christos himself.
"I will never leave you," he promises, under his breath, a broken vow from a broken man, just before he encloses her in darkness.
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ashensgrotto · 1 year
The Sea's Sacrifice (Part 4-NSFW)
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Characters: Azul Ashengrotto / Jade Leech / Floyd Leech x F!Reader
Total Word Count: 14.7k+
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (You Are Here) Part 5
Synopsis: A potential job as a marine biologist’s assistant leaves (Y/N) feeling something fishy going on behind the scene…
Author's Notes: Original Idea came from @merakiui 's annonymous ask with a short story / headcannon -> https://www.tumblr.com/merakiui/684490143936167936/ooohhh-i-love-those-writing-ideas-you-had-for-sea?source=share
and I absolutely love this concept and wanted to take it a step further. I don't write yandere nor fanfiction as much as I did a few years ago. However, I do hope I do this piece justice.
Final Part - Contains Sexual themes including rape/non-consent.
I'm not the best when it comes to writing smut so please be easy on me. Please be mindful that this is a work of fiction. I disagree with anyone that justifies these behaviors.
You have been warned.
Wild and strong you can't be contained
Never bound nor ever chained
Wounds you caused will never mend
And you will never end
As the final week approached slowly, you felt an uneasy heaviness fill your heart. Yes, the contract for working with the aquatic trio was only for three months and if you were deemed worthy, you would be able to stay with the company - meaning you could still technically see the trio, but it would be after business hours and either Trein or Crewel or one of the other scientists would have to grant you access to the enclosure so you could see the trio. 
But what if you weren’t deemed suitable for the company?
The thought pulled at your heart strings. You had learned so much about the trio and had gotten to know them very well - heck, you even got along great with Professor Crewel and Professor Trein! You loved Floyd’s energetic nature and playfulness and would miss his cheeky smiles. You loved Jade’s intellect and soft voice, knowing you would miss his broken sentences. And you enjoyed Azul’s shyness and gentleness and would miss his touches. You often thought about what would happen if you left Twisted Wonders and came back years later - would they remember you when they were on display? Would you be allowed to press your hand against the glass of their enclosure and would they reach out, if only to wish to feel the warmth of your hand again? Or would they ignore you - having forgotten about your existence like so many others whose paths you crossed once upon a time?
“There are many walks of life, (Y/N),” you heave a sigh out, “Some roads are well paved, others are rocky beds - we just have to take the good with the bad and repair what we can when the time comes.”
You often remind yourself of this during rough patches in your life leading up to this point. You always believed that life was a game of give and take - even though there were those who took and took without giving anything in return and those that gave and gave until they could give no more. 
It was the harsh reality check that you often needed.
In no time at all, you were entering the last week of your contracted three-month period to work with Azul, Jade, and Floyd. The memories you shared with the strange otherworldly creatures soaked into your mind, allowing you to think back on your first meetings, your conversations, and the fun you had as the time passed by far too quickly. The trio had sensed your melancholy during the first two weeks of the last month and had clung to you in a comforting manner - clicking and cooing as a way to cheer you up, all wrapped tightly around your figure.
As you prepared to leave that Friday, you had been thinking about what to do the following week on your last day. You considered asking Crewel and Trein to get something special for the trio as a "goodbye" gift from you, but had also considered bringing something in yourself for them - hiding it in your lunch bag until the time was right to present it to them. The trio had been more clingy than usual, tentacles and claws pulling at your form to keep you close every time you moved or stood to leave. Azul had actually snarled when you told him you had to leave for the day - making you jump out of your skin and surprising even Jade and Floyd with the noise that emanated from his throat. However, it seemed to work in their favor as you agreed to spend a little more time with them.
As seven-thirty in the evening came around, you pulled yourself from their grasp.
"Guys, I would stay longer, but I have to go home now," you sigh, grabbing your bag and keeping a safe distance away from the edge of the pool and the mers’ clutches, "I promise I'll be back tomorrow."
Floyd and Jade glower at you from their spot, puffing up like usual and blowing bubbles into the water. Azul on the other hand cries out, attempting to pull himself from the water and leans against the edge of the pool - black and purple blocking out the vision of the twins from their spot. You sigh and turn away, only to feel a shudder run up your spine as an unfamiliar voice - soft, soothing, and sweet - echoes in your head: 
"Don’t leave, angelfish. Stay here with me… with us."
You turn your head to see Azul practically draped over the edge, high pitch clicks echoing in the room as his ebony tentacles sway above his form, making him appear larger than you initially thought he was. His eyes glowed in the dimmed room, a pull like the current tugging at your soul and threatening to drown you in its grasp. You shook your head, heading towards the door and pulling on it.
The glass door wouldn't budge.
You pulled a little harder.
Still nothing.
"The door does get stuck on occasion; you may need to knock on the door a few times and one of us or our staff will get you out," Professor Trein's voice echoed in your mind as you knocked on the glass.
"Hello? Professor Trein? Professor Crewel?!"
The laboratory on the other side of the glass was dark with few lights illuminating over desks, equipment, and notes. It looked like everyone had left for the night - leaving you trapped within the enclosure with three larger than life mers.
'This can't be happening!' you think, your heart racing in your chest as fear took over, 'It's a dream! It's got to be! There's no way that they'd leave me behind!'
"No, not behind, Angelfish," the soothing voice from earlier spoke as something slick crept up your legs, "They've only wanted to use you. But don't worry - we won't abandon you or use you like they will."
"Who are you?!" you shout, cowering by the door as Azul’s tentacles crept closer and closer to you, "Azul! Stop it! It's not time for games!"
"Angelfish - do not fight me anymore," the soothing voice speaks as Azul wraps two large appendages around your ankles and another around your waist, pulling you towards him - towards the pool, "I am much bigger and stronger than you. Besides, I don't want them watching a… private interaction between us."
"Private?! What do you-"
Before you could get another word out, Azul tugs you harshly into the water with a loud splash. 
You gasp and sputter like a fish out of water as the salty liquid fills your nose, throat, and lungs as you struggle to stay afloat and swim towards the edge of the pool to pull yourself out. However, Azul’s grip has now tightened around your body completely as he pulls you to the center of the pool - soft cooing filling your ears as his face buries itself in the crook of your neck near your shoulder.
“Azul! LET. ME. GO!” You thrash wildly in the octomer’s arms as his tentacles grip your form tighter, the water around the two of you bubbling and shifting beneath your floundering and struggles against the octomer.
“Why angelfish? I have waited far too long for this,” tentacles wrap around your body completely, holding your arms behind your back and trapping your legs together as Azul’s hands reach for you; one hand wrapped around your neck to lift your chin upward to face him and the other to pry your mouth open, “And now… now that I’ve found you, my soul match - our other piece - I will never let you go. You belong to us… to the sea.”
His lips come crashing down on yours as the crushing feeling of water surrounds you, forcing you to close your eyes to prevent the stinging sensation of salted water in them from happening. You feel it soak into your clothing, caressing your skin and hair like a lovers’ touch, and pressing against your ears and lungs - making you hear your own heartbeat thrum wildly in your chest. You attempt to struggle against Azul’s hold, that is until you feel a sharp prick against the heel of your foot.
Your eyes pop open to see both Floyd and Jade hovering around you and Azul - the younger twin licking his lips as the faint traces of blood dissipate into the salted water. Jade rubs himself along your back, the tip edge of his tail hitting the back of your head in a caress as a different voice speaks - this one much calmer and had more of a business air, “It’s time.”
“Yaaay! Time for shrimpy to be with us forever!” a more energetic voice fills your mind as Azul lifts his mouth away from yours and presses his fingers into your open crevice, a strange liquid substance flowing down your throat along with more sea water.
“Swallow now, angelfish,” the soothing voice speaks again as Azul shuts your mouth, preventing you from regurgitating, “Once it’s down, you’ll feel better…”
As soon as you swallow, something burning begins to pool in your stomach, making your cheeks flush and a humming from your throat fills the enclosure as you feel a pressure building within you. You close your eyes again as you feel yourself slump in Azul’s grip - now too tired to fight against the strange sensations your body is feeling.
Azul hums softly as you feel claws rank from the front of your throat to the back of your neck. A gasp breaks free of your mouth as Azul presses his mouth to yours again, his tentacles twisting and twirling about your body, shifting your clothing and sliding under the soaked material. You register more claws tug and tear at the material as ripping sounds, soft and steady, surround you as piece by piece the clothing that you once wore is removed. Twin sets of lips press against the back of your neck and lower back as you feel your legs part - held steadfast by Azul’s multiple appendages - as something long and thin prods at your lower half. You instinctively try to close your thighs, only for Azul to growl low as his appendage disappears into your body, twirling about your insides and causing you to arch your body - a cry bubbling from you at the sensation of feeling something larger and longer than the average toy curling about inside you.   
“Ohhh angelfish… look how pretty you are in my arms,” the voice speaks again as Azul nuzzles at the base of your throat, teeth scraping the skin gently not wanting to break it, “So soft… so warm… so perfect…”
The tentacle shifts again, forcing another gasp to escape you before another tentacle slips inside your open mouth, caressing your tongue as the suckers press against it, tasting and marking all at the same time. 
Azul can only take so much before he starts moving both of the tentacles inside you. 
He releases his hold on your arms and pulls you into his chest, your arms clinging to his shoulders as he begins to pound mercilessly into your core, pressing every inch he can against your soft walls that are now weeping for him. Your soft moans around his tentacles follow his grunts as he grips you tighter, two more tentacles caressing against your back and bottom, pushing you onward toward release. He pulls the tentacle from your mouth in favor of crashing his lips against yours - the kisses turning to bruising bites as he nips at your bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth. Tongues tangle together as you feel something long shimmy inside you, twisting and twirling nearly into your belly as you whimper and gasp against the octomer’s hold.
“Ha… Ha… want to feel you… feel you come… let me lay you, my precious pearl… my angelfish…”
You give a cry as your walls tighten around Azul’s hectocotylus, feeling a large sphere run from between your legs to your inner walls - held safe and captive within your womb. Hands stroke your back in gentle circles while ebony appendages rub among your twitching body. You hardly register Azul’s release of you as two sets of arms capture you in another embrace - the slippery feeling of the moray twins keep you contained within their grasp. 
"Come on, shrimpy," the energetic voice whispers in your head as Floyd clicks in your ear, "You still have us to take care of!"
"Gently, Floyd," the calmer voice speaks as you feel his twin nuzzle the back of your neck, "Azul took a lot out of her… and so will we."
You want to fight, to scream for help and push them away - but your body is still thrusting with the strange heat and pressure, only relaxing with each caress and kiss from the mers around you. You shudder as you feel something touch between your legs before a set of fingers stroke your center, your legs shaking in anticipation.
"Mmmm… shrimpy's still so wet and warm," the energetic voice giggles in your head before a sharp pain pierces your shoulder, causing you to gasp, "Do you want our eggs as well?"
'Eggs?' your mind short circuits before something larger than Azul's hectocotylus enters you - both below and from behind.
You let out a scream as two sets of lips nibble and suck at the skin of your neck, hands trailing from your sides to your waist and another set traveling to squeeze and pull on your chest - sharp nails scraping against your sensitive skin as your nipples perk again along with goose pimples rising along your arms and legs.
"Heh… mmm, shimpyyy - you're so soft an' warm…" the energetic voice now coos as Floyd nibbles at your ear, his lower body thrusting against yours, "So sweet… wanna stay here with you forever…"
"As do I," a hand pulls your face to look at the mer behind you, lips pressing against yours softly before a thrust from behind nearly kicks the wind out of you, "Our little sea treasure… our precious pearl. Keep us with you so we remain at your side until the end of time…"
The thrusting becomes more of a fight for dominance - as one twin pulls back, the other presses closer. They continually hit the most sensitive spots that leave you gasping and moaning - it nearly makes you wonder how you are still able to breathe even though you are floating underwater. Teeth scrape against flesh before digging in and drawing blood, making your body hum with life at the feeling of the pleasure with the pain.
"Oh? Are you… hah… close, pearl?" The calm voice, now gasping for breath, whispers in your ear.
At your nodding, the energetic voice speaks, "Come, shrimpy… urg… show us what good little… hah… morays we are."
The twins bite down hard on either side of your neck - Floyd on the right, Jade on the left - as you shriek, your body shaking as it clamps on both of them, several pulses pushing into your body as you feel two large sacks make their home in your cores. You gasp and shudder against Floyd’s chest before being harshly twisted around so Jade is now in front and Floyd behind.
"Come on, Shrimpy," the energetic voice - though now slightly out of breath - snickers, "Time to give Jade a fair chance."
You gasp as the twins enter you again, repeating the process of pulling and pushing. When they are finished, you can barely keep your eyes open. You can't remember if they kept passing you in between them or not, but soon the familiar gentleness of tentacles envelopes your body as you're laid against something hard and smooth.
"One last time with me, my angelfish," the soothing voice speaks, "Then you can rest."
You whimper as the familiar long tentacle slips inside, shifting something within you as you gasp with an arch. Hands fold over your fingers twisting together as pounding ensues with your core. Your walls are sore and tired from continuous use, but still cries - covering the intruder with juices that allow them to slip within you easily.
"Angelfish… Angelfish…" the pet name is repeated over and over as a gasp fills your mind, Azul pressing close to your neck as his body shudders against you. You cannot echo his call as your body clamps around him, your voice has died on your tongue and you are slowly fading into unconsciousness.
Before you pass out, you feel Azul pull you into his arms bridal style as his voice whispers in your mind, “Rest, little pearl, you’re safe now… safe within the sea…”
Darkness surrounds you as you slowly awake the following morning. You feel strangely tired still and your body whimpers in protest every time you move it. You shiver, feeling strangely cold, and you think that maybe you forgot to turn the air conditioning down the night before you went to bed. You curl into yourself before something long and viscous falls across your waist - unfamiliar and yet not.
“Are you awake, angelfish?” a familiar soothing voice asks softly, as if it’s afraid to startle you.
Your eyes pop open at the sight of the octomer beside you, tentacles caressing your waist and arms while one of his hands toys with a strand of your hair, curling it around his fingertips before pressing a kiss to it.
The octomer smiles, eyes gentle as he nods, “Yes, it’s me (Y/N).”
“Azul, how… what happened?” you blink a minute, your mind snapping for a moment, ‘Hold on, how am I able to understand him? Secondly, where in the world am I? And thirdly…’
It all came back.
The locked doors of the enclosure, then the pulling of you into the water before Azul pulled you beneath the waves, the strange liquid… the caresses.
You make a move to stand only to fall over, Azul practically launching from the bed to grab you, pulling you into his arms, “Shh, it’s okay… you’re alright, (Y/N).”
“No, I-I can’t-”
Something bright and colorful flashes in front of you. Your eyes lock on where your legs once were as a long beautifully ornate fish tail sways before you. 
Gold in color, it reflects the dimmed lights off of the cavern floor you are perched upon while fins of sea blue glow in the darkness. The tail twitches and jerks every time you think of flicking your toes, the tail following the movement. You lift it, seeing two more fins underneath - also blue in color. The scales of the tail are smooth to the touch and cool, but covered in a slimy coating that makes you feel a bit sick to your stomach. You reach up to touch your ears, and feel fins as well - no doubt similar to Jade’s and Floyd’s - before your fingers are tracing down your neck to feel a set of gills fluttering behind your ears where you were certain one of the twins scratched at you last night. You drop your hands, discovering them to be long and webbed - nails now claws that would allow you to hunt in the dark waters of the enclosure.
“It is quite a shock,” Azul’s voice pulls you back as you look up at him with fear, “For a moment there, I thought we had lost you - but that was merely the transformation taking your human form and switching it out with this one. Personally, I thought you would look lovely with a set of tentacles - but I think I like this outcome more.”
“What… What HAVE YOU done to ME?!” you launch at him, anger racing through your veins like molten fire as you attempt to attack your captor.
However, Azul is much quicker - his appendages securing your wrists together and wrapping around your waist and tail to keep you still - tsking softly, “Angelfish, calm yourself - this was the only way to secure your safety.”
“Secure my SAFETY?! YOU TURNED ME INTO A FLIPPIN’ MERMAID!!” you shout, “You expect me to be grateful for this?! You took me away from my life!”
“(Y/N), please try to understand - I did this for you, for all of us,” Azul reaches out to press a hand against your cheek, which you flinch away from, "Had we not acted when we did - you would've had something far worse happen to you. We were all in agreement that keeping you with us is much better than having you fed to the other monsters that live in these walls."
You stop moving, heart racing as you look at the octomer in the eyes, "W-what do you mean?"
"What he means is that you could’ve been another monster's prey," a calm voice spoke.
You turn to see Jade and Floyd enter into the room, the older of the twins speaking.
"You may think this is merely a place for fun and entertainment," Jade’s voice, calm and sharp at the same time, "but the harsh reality is that this place is a breeding ground. Those monsters that you worked alongside within the world above would've done the same thing to any person who waltzed in, searching for a job that paid well."
"What do you think happened to the last 'keeper,' Shrimpy?" Floyd’s smile was cunning, all teeth with no pleasantries behind it.
You swallow hard, looking down at the dirt floor and the tail you've been given. 
It couldn't be true, could it? You thought there was something weird and strange going on behind the scenes - but Dire Crowley couldn't be that perverted or twisted himself to allow such a painful thing to happen to you, could he? And what about Professor Trein? Professor Crewel? Surely they would see how wrong it was, right?
"Angelfish," Azul's tentacle slowly stroked your tail, making you shudder slightly, before his hand wrapped around your wrist, "I know that your heart is heavy and your mind is confused, but know that I am a mer of my word. They've only wanted to use you, but we won't abandon you or use you like they would. This is only temporary until we find a means of escape."
"Our home - your home - is in the Coral Sea," Jade answered, "Azul has been working on perfecting a potion that would allow one of us to turn human for a time after we free ourselves from here. This place is no longer your home - you will come with us when the time is right."
"Humans are so disgusting," Floyd grumbled, before perking up, "The only good thing they did… was bring you to us."
You shudder as their gazes fall upon you; twisted, perverse… and hungry. 
Crowley looked out into the enclosure as another attempt to pull the woman out failed miserably. They hadn’t seen any of the mers nor the test subject in question for days now, making several of the researchers worried.
Two weeks had passed since the successful mating ritual between the three mers as well as the test subject - however, no one had suspected the mers to pull 03182020 into the water nor for them to use magick on her. Several of the researchers - including Crewel and Trein - believed that the mers had transformed 03182020 in order for her body to accommodate the needs of the mers’ bodies, the process taking several hours before completion during the time when they were in the process of mating with her. To many, they were also surprised to see the twins swimming about the following morning - their heterochromia eyes searching both the surface and the waters; when anyone came close to the water, however, they were quickly attacked by the two - one of the researchers nearly drowning in the process. Hence, they tried another tactic to see if they could locate their missing test subject. That, too, proved to be a fatal mistake when the octomer appeared - pale sea blues glowing with anger as he physically launched the divers that had gotten past the twins out of the water and - in one person’s case - through the glass doors. 
Grimsley appeared before him, pulling his scuba gear off and approaching Crowley with a heavy shake of his head, “There’s no way passed the trio - they’ve been guarding the makeshift cave within their enclosure for days now. It does seem like there’s always two traveling about and they never stray too far.”
“You think (Y/N) is in there?” Crewel asked from his position behind the broken door.
“Very likely,” Grimsley answered, “and if anything, they might still be going through the breeding process right now.”
“Still? How can that be?”
“It wouldn’t be surprising,” Trein answered with a nod at Grimsley’s suggestion, “Perhaps humans and merfolk are more alike in more ways than one. We may have forced them into the mating ritual - but that doesn’t mean that (Y/N) could’ve gotten pregnant from the encounter. They are probably checking to see if she has eggs in her body if she’s still alive - and if she does, they are using this time to begin the fertilization process.”
“I do hope she is still alive, poor puppy,” Crewel answered.
“A dead body won’t be of any use to us anyway,” Crowley answered, “Keep trying to get her out. I want a report on my desk by the end of the week. If we fail to get her out - there’s going to be the villain’s price to pay.”
As the owner turned on his heel and vanished from the lab, Crewel turned to Grimsley, “Do you think (Y/N) has a chance?”
The young man could only shrug his shoulders, unable to provide an answer.
Cruel and cold like winds on the seas
Will you ever return to me
Hear my voice sing with the tide
Our love will never die
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ivy-plays · 5 months
We'll be alright Ch.4
Summery:Summary: you've been married to Owen Grady as well as training a pack of velocsrapters at the New Jurassic World for two years now. So what happens when the two of you are asked to check on the paddock for a new dinosaur only for things to go sideways and send the entire park into chaos?
Warnings: blood, death, cussing, mentions of alcohol
Paring: Owen Grady x wife!reader
Previous: Ch.3
An: heyyyyyyyyy. Guess who finally was able to write the next chapter after two months.🙃 . I'm sorry for such a long wait but my life has been really hectic lately with my job and senior year and just life in general ( I hate saying that because it's the #1 writer's excuse, but it's true lol) . Anyway! I hope you all like this chapter and I hope it was worth the long ass wait.
"Owen. " I whisper out, my voice shaking as I grab onto my husbands sleeve.
"It's in the cage! It's in the cage with you!"
"Abby what is it?" He asks as he turns around and as he does his eyes lock onto what I'm seeing.
A large white dinosaur,much larger than the t-Rex, emerges from the trees; its head hung low. Looking right at us " Run!" Owen calls out as he takes me by the hand as we begin running as fast as we can for the gate. The muscles in my legs are burning and my heart is beating rapidly with adrenaline and fear. When we got to the gait Owen hurriedly shoved me through first before following right behind me. I keep running until I'm a good 20 feet from the paddock and I watch in horror as the extremely pissed off idomanous rex begins to break and pry its way through the gap left in the gate. "Oh God" I murmur under my breath as I stand frozen where I stand.
"come on, we gotta go!" Owens voice makes me come back to my senses as the two of us began to run again but we didn't get far when the gates gave way. I drop to the ground, the sharp gravel digging into my knees and hands as I crawl under a van and Owen is quick to follow. I watch as he rolls onto his back before pulling me on top of him.
"close your mouth and eyes" he whispers as he pushes my head into the crook of his neck before I hear his pocket knife flick open. The smell of brake fluid fills my nose as Owen covers us in it , the thick liquid soaking and staining our clothes. My breath hitches and I tighten my grip on the man beneath me as loud and terrified screams fill my ears before abruptly being cut off. I'm holding my breath, and my body is completely frozen in fear when I suddenly feel a large wave of warm air blow over us. Something that should not be happening under a van. I have to stifle the whimper that falls from my lips. Owen, now taking his turn to tighten his grip on me, strong arms wrapping me in a cacoon of safety. We both hold our breath as the dinosaur nudged the van with its nose before letting out a huff of disinterest and stomping off somewhere, most likely looking for her next kill. I let out a choked and shaky breath as I felt Owen relax slightly beneath me.
"What the fuck just happened?" I eventually whisper out as I pull back to look my husband in the eyes. In his usual tranquil green eyes swam anger and something I haven't seen in a long time. Fear.
Once we gathered our bearings the two of us eventually made it back to the main building of the park. I watched as Owen barged through the doors of the central control room, me hot on his heels as we shoved past a security guard who tried to keep us out .
"What the hell happened out there?"
"sir" the security guard barked as he tried to grab Owen by the arm but he just yanked his arm away.
" There are thermal cameras all over that Paddock! She did NOT just disappear." I argue as Claire walks up to us , the rest of the control room watching the exchange.
"It must have been some technical malfunction." Claire tried to argue, but her voice sounded just as unsure as her words.
" Were you not paying attention?" Owen speaks up once more, his anger evident," she marked up that wall as a distraction. She wanted us to think she escaped."
I folded my arms across my chest, nails digging into the skin of my palms as I tried to not let my irritation get the best of me. Arguing and standing around isn't going to solve anything.
"Hold on . We're talking about an animal here " Claire huffs out, clearly annoyed about Owens and I's presence here.
" A highly intelligent animal" I retort, my pointed look meeting her own.
"400 meters to the beacon" I catch someone saying before my eyes snap up to the giant screen in the room, and I can't believe what I'm seeing.
"You're going after her with non lethals?" I grit out , my patience and composure running very thin with those who are in charge of this damn park.
Claire , who is now also watching the screen with her back towards us, continues to argue with us." We have $26 million invested in that asset. We can't just kill it" she says , her voice laced with a very matter of fact tone.
"Those men are gonna die-"
"300 meeters to the beacon"
"You need to call this mission off right now." I can hear Owen bark out from beside me as my eyes continue to watch the group of men trudge through the jungle with nothing but tranquilizers and tasers.
"They're right on top of it"
" Call it off right now "
"You are not in control here!"
The argument between Claire and my husband stops as the captain of asset containment picks up a chunk of skin and muscle from the jungle floor.
"What is that?" I ask as I try to examine the blinking object embedded in the mass before I turn to look at the man beside me.
" That's her tracking implant. She clawed it out" Owen says in near disbelief and Claire turns to look at us again.
" How would it know to do that?" She mutters as she turns to look back at the screen and so do I.
"She remembered where they put it in" I finally answered.
"It can camouflage!" The captain screams out as everything erupts into chaos as the Indominus rex seemingly appears out of thin air , quickly attacking the squad of men.
"Evacuate the park"
"We'd never reopen"
I feel my anger bubbling over as Claire continues to care more about money and image than the lives of others. " You made a genetic hybrid, raised it in captivity," I say, my voice low," She is seeing all of this for the first time ."
"She doesn't even know what she is." Owen continues, building on top of my words," she will kill anything that moves."
" Do you think the animal is contemplating its own existence?" Mr. Masarani ask is disbelief as he finally turns and acknowledges Owen and I.
I watch as yet another agents heart monitor flat lines on the screen. There are only two people left.
" She is learning where she fits in on the food chain and I'm not sure you want her to figure that out " I explained, my eyes meeting Masarani's ." Now, asset containment can use live ammunition in an emergency situation. You have a M134 in your armory. Put it on a chopper and smoke this thing!" I say, my voice is loud and demanding.
"We have families here. I'm not gonna turn this place into some kind of war zone." Claire hissed back at me .
" You already have"
"Mr. And Mrs.Grady if you are not going to help , there is no reason for you to be in here." The red head scoffs out as the walks over to one of the people who work in this room.
"I would have a word with your people in the lab. That thing out there. That's no dinosaur" Owen huffs out before he turns and storms out of the control room. I look at the screen once more as the last heart monitor flat lines before following him.
Tag list:@kaykinotic ,@rubyxx16
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naquey · 5 months
Sickness is Green
Kaveh x male-reader one shot
Kaveh is fucking special to me and I love him. Inspired from his voiceline When It Rains. Once again he had forgotten to grab an umbrella before setting off the meet a client. Of course, he didn't check the weather before he left so in the middle of the meeting it started to rain. Obviously, without an umbrella he got sick.
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After a while of living with Alhaitham, Kaveh decided he had enough with his keys getting stolen, enough with getting locked out. Enough with being belittled and talked down to. It was the umpteenth time he got locked out and decided then and there he would settle his debts and manage to at least try and buy a house.
Then he moved in with Y/n.
Being a student at the Akademiya, his boyfriend often left the house early in the morning to attend classes. Kaveh had accidentally slept through his alarm clock and was panicking as he tried to get dressed and out the door before he completely missed the meeting he was having today. Some wealthy merchant from Mondstat wanted to set up a store or something and asked him to build it. He'd been recommended for the task because he had done such a beautiful job with the Palace of Alcazarzaray. It made sense that he would make this shop stand out from the stalls in town.
He had to be down in Port Ormos in thirty minutes, which wasn't even possible. Not only did he rush out the door without his keys, but without an umbrella as well. Kaveh forgot a lot of things because he was almost always late to important stuff. Meetings, classes he was opted to teach, etc.
To him, rain came out of nowhere and ruined the meeting pretty quickly. The tavern inside was already filled with patrons and staying out there for longer wasn't ordeal, even with those umbrellas over the tables. He and the client settled on a date to reschedule to talk about the technicalities. Sitting there and watching people rush inside as the rain got heavier Kaveh couldn't help but frown. His only hope was to wait it out but the last thing he wanted to do was stand around inside with strangers, he would prefer sitting at home with a book more than that.
Then Kaveh realized he left his keys in the house.
So through the rain, he trudged on back to his house. It was no doubt he was going to get sick, but getting home was far more important than that. He had blue prints that would get destroyed if he'd gotten them wet.
Kaveh came down with a cold.
He was absolutely dramatic. Lying in bed and coughing was to be expected, but any moment Y/n left the room or wasn't around when he woke up was a moment spent whining and crying for him to come back. Kaveh wasn't doing it to be annoying, but he genuinely felt that he was getting better just by seeing the person he liked so much.
So Y/n would spend most of his time cuddling Kaveh who tried his absolute hardest not to get him sick. Making soup and asking Tighnari for some medicine because he just knew Tighnari would make the best medicine.
Kaveh had a red blanket wrapped around him, his hair messed up and his face all flushed. Sniffling and blinking he shuffled through the room and sat down on the couch in the living room. He sighed as soon as he sat down, then looked over at the kitchen.
"When's the soup going to be ready?"
"In a minute."
"I don't think I can wait that long!" Kaveh whined.
"Well, you don't exactly have a choice."
Kaveh was quiet as soon as he ate his soup and took the medicine his roommate had gotten from Tighnari. Once the bowl was finished he leaned his cheek in his palm, staring at Y/n with eyes full of adoration. He couldn't help himself, he just felt his heart warm up so much knowing that Y/n was taking care of him. It would have taken him less time to just go about his day and not care, but Y/n decided to take care of him.
"I love you." Kaveh blurted out just before he could stop himself.
Kaveh got up quickly and rushed into his room.
Hesitantly, Y/n got up and followed him to his room. The door was open a jar but he still knocked anyway. The blonde didn't say anything, he just laid with his back to the door. Wrapped up in that red blanket.
"Hey, Kaveh?"
He hummed in response.
"Did you actually mean it, or are you delirious?"
"Mean what?"
"That you loved me."
"Oh." Kaveh shifted and sat up. Looking at the floor.
"Cause, I mean, I love you too."
"Move over."
Y/n chuckled and climbed into bed with him.
"The doctor prescribes you a healthy dose of cuddles."
Y/n totally got sick after.
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biographydivider · 1 year
Calling it a warmup for a busy writing day ahead, but it’s really a present for @yamujiburo​ - I read that ask about my favourite awful feline scamming his way into two meals and got inspired. For the most accurate reading, Meowth is in his Maddie Blaustien era, because she was the best thing to ever happen to the character and that was the version of Meowth I love the best.
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It was a beautiful, sunny day in Pallet Town, and Delia was in her vegetable garden; occupying herself while Jessie took Arbok and baby Ekans for a training day in Viridian Forest. Ash was supposed to be home soon, and she thought she’d make a fuss. She had some garlic growing, and a crop of beautiful tomatoes that were practically falling off the vine; she’d make a nice pasta sauce. Oh - and those razz berries were looking just delicious, too! Perfect for a sponge cake.
“Haaa...oh, woe is me...”
Delia looked up to see the strange little Meowth that Jessie and James had adopted on their travels wandering along the path that led to her home. Delia knew that Meowth had taken the breakup of Team Rocket to heart; he technically lived with James, but sometimes he just took himself off on an adventure to Pallet to bother Jessie for a few days. He’d follow her around, yammering about this and that, bringing up the Good Old Days, and Jessie would pretend to be annoyed by him right up until the second he planned to leave. Then, the tears would start.
“I just don’t tink I can go on for much longer...”
With a swoon, Meowth flopped down just outside Delia’s garden gate.
“Oh my goodness!” she cried, scrambling to her feet and running to his side. She scooped the Meowth’s massive head into her lap; noticing how hot his fur was to the touch. “Are you alright, Meowth?”
“Huh? Who’s there? Come closer...”
“It’s me, Meowth. Delia. Jessie’s partner.”
“Oh, Delia!” coughed Meowth. “You were always so - hack! - so kind ta me...”
“Have you walked all the way from Celadon City by yourself?”
“Yeah...James was busy for the weekend. Wit his fashion stuff, yanno. He said he didn’t have time to feed me, so I...hack, hack! I wanted to see a friendly face.”
“Well, Jessie’s not home right now --” The pitiful whine from Meowth didn’t so much tug on Delia’s heartstrings as yank them painfully out her chest. “But you can stay with me until she gets back! I have a glass of fresh lemonade chilling in the fridge, you really must quench your thirst after that long walk...”
“Really? You’d do that for lil’ old me-owth?”
“Of course, dear.” Delia set Meowth on his wobbly two feet. “Now, run inside and have a nice long drink. Then, when you’ve cooled off, you can help me pick some razz berries for later.”
Meowth dashed into the house happily, and Delia tutted under her breath. She loved James - really, she did - but she sometimes wondered if he and Jessie forgot that Meowth was a living creature who needed their care. She couldn’t imagine Ash forgetting to feed Pikachu, after all.
“Yanno, I gotta say, Deels - can I call ya Deels?” Meowth asked, popping another berry into his mouth, “You got real a nice setup, here. All’a this food, just growin’ on your doorstep?!”
“Well,” Delia said, filling up her basket with berries, “it takes a lot of work. But I’m happy the end result is so tasty, Meowth.”
“Oh, yeah; an’ after such a long walk, too, I really - ooh, chezz berries! - I really needed some sustanance. So, whaddaya pickin’ all this food for, anyway?”
“Ash is home, soon. And I’m going to make pasta sauce from scratch, and a cake.” Delia looked out over the horizon; wondering idly what the plume of dust rising from Viridian Forest was. It seemed to be approaching fast. She hoped Jessie and the Pokemon were safe. “I know Pikachu will appreciate a good tomato sauce, and Ash always did love my sponge cakes.”
“Oh. How, uh, how nice. For the twerp.” Meowth chewed thoughtfully on a chezz berry. “Say, uh - d’you think I could maybe stay a lil’ while longer? Maybe, uh, try some of that pasta you was talkin’ about before I go...?
The plume of dust was getting closer. Delia watched it race along the footpath, until a familliar and beautiful and violently angry figure emerged from within it.
Meowth was on his feet as Jessie crashed into the garden gate, Arbok and baby Ekans in hot pursuit. “Hahahaaaa...Jeeeessiiiiee!” he cried; voice breaking, hands held out in front of his body - trying either to placate his friend or protect himself from bodily harm, “Whaddareya doin’ here? Delia said you was out training Ekans in the forest?”
Delia blinked down at Meowth. “I didn’t tell you that,” she murmured.
“I was,” Jessie hissed, “until we met you and James for our picnic. Until you ate all the food and wouldn’t stop blabbing for longer than five seconds. Until James told you that you can’t have cupcakes because sugar is bad for Pokémon --”
“Dat’s a gross oversimplication of events, Jess --”
“And until you --” Jessie picked Meowth up by the face and shook him violently this way and that, “went flouncing off into the forest saying he shouldn’t have brought anything you couldn’t have, and that you didn’t need our stupid picnic anyway! I should have known you’d go to Delia with some sob story, you greedy little freak!”
Meowth kicked out, aiming for Jessie’s face with his long, brown-and-white feet. “At least she’s nice to me - unlike you, ya big nasty mean ol’ lady!”
“What did you call me you --”
“That’s enough.” Delia hated pulling out the Mom Voice, but as both of them fell into guilty silence, she had to admit it gave results. “Jessie, I know you’re angry at Meowth but I wish you wouldn’t hurt him like that.”
“Ha!” cackled Meowth, wriggling out of Jessie’s grasp. “See, Jess? You should be nicer ta me, coz Delia says so --”
“And you.”
Meowth froze.
“You took advantage of my kindness, Meowth. You lied to me and told me James was mistreating you. That really hurt my feelings, and I’m very, very disappointed in you.”
There was a long moment of silence. Then, to Delia’s surprise, Meowth plopped down onto the floor and began to sob. “I-I-I’m sooorryyyyyyyyy...” he wailed, thick wet tears falling down his cheeks. “I didn’t wanna hurtcha feelin’s, but everyone’s so busy and the gang’s all split up an’ you’re so nice an’ I just wanted someone ta be kind ta meeeeeee...”
“Meowth, kindness goes both ways. Now,” Delia pushed the basket of berries into his paws, “you can go wash these for me in the sink, and put them in the fridge until I need them. That would be a good thing to do, to show me how sorry you really are. You want to show me you can be kind?”
“Then scoot.”
Jessie watched her friend head into the house - head bowed, sniffling - with a look of total wonder. “Did you just get Meowth to admit he wants to go straight?”
“Yes,” Delia said, standing up and kissing Jessie on the cheek. “I did.”
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