#but also don’t cause the angst is juicy af
oswinrycbaroswald · 2 years
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In honor of Pain and suffering: The game
aka @exilethegame chapter 5 pt one release
Art by st_art_to_finish on insta
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mybiasisexo · 4 years
The Wedding
Genre: Angst | Exlovers!au (is that even a real au???) | Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Length: 7.8k
Warning: Unfinished | Language | Funny AF (im sorry its prob not even funny :/)
Summary: Your good friend, Kim Junmyeon, is getting married, and with that news comes a lot of old history with a certain ex that will be present at said wedding--yike
Author’s Note: Let me just tell yall I am sO EXCITED ABOUT THIS FIC!!!! its a WIP and like, in 2016 I started it for Jackson Wang lmaoo. But then I left the fandom and it sat dusty in my document file, just waiting to be continued. So I was like, ‘hey, I should turn it into a Suho fic!’ but halfway into changing the characters I realized this isn't for Suho. Then it clicked!!! Park Chanyeol!!! So, that’s what's going on there. Have no idea when I’ll post, but it’s gonna be juicy, so just enjoy this lil tidbit mmkay??? (also def not going to name the fic The Wedding cause ew? but I can’t think of a title just yet so that's what im stuck with :/ Also also, I really fucking love Park Chanyeol like its gross ://)
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“You’ve been staring at that sheet of paper for days now,” Kang Seulgi, your best friend, points out. She sits beside you at your pale wooden dining table, hands curling around the warmth of a mug she presses to the pout of her mouth. If you weren’t so busy staring at the elegant announcement currently clutched in your hands, you would have caught the judging lift of her eyebrow.
That being said, you do catch the amusement in her tone.
Biting your lip, you run a finger gently over the thick white parchment. In a dazzling gold script reads, “because you have shared in our lives and supported our love, we, Im Nayeon & Kim Junmyeon, invite you to our wedding….” Above the words is a picture of the before mentioned, smiling sickeningly dotingly at one another as their noses touch, arms wound around each other like the band around her pretty left ring finger.
You feel like you are going to be sick.
“Have you RSVP’d yet?” Seulgi asks, oblivious to your inner turmoil. She swirls her spoon around her drink, the metal drags agonizingly against the bottom of her glass.
Her words finally yank you out of your haze, away from the invite that has been haunting you for days now.
“I will,” you answer simply.
She scoffs, rolling her eyes for extra measure. Leaning forward, she places her cursed cup down, focusing on you. “Honey, the wedding is in a couple weeks. You need to RSVP now before he starts harassing. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t yet.”
You wince, knowing Junmyeon well enough to know it is only a matter of time before he does just that.
“Do you want me to do it for you?” She asks gently with a reassuring tilt of her head. She reaches for your hand, patting it comfortingly.
“Please?” You rasp, relief evident in your voice. She laughs prettily and you pout at her mocking your evident distress.
“Who knew you hated weddings.” She shakes her head before pulling out her phone, typing away.
You release a slow breath through your tense teeth and give into the temptation to peek at the invite laying on the table haphazardly. Drawn as though it was the moon gravitationally pulling your waves to Nayeon and Junmyeon’s obvious love for one another.
No. You don’t hate weddings.
You just hate that yours wasn’t first.
You wouldn’t label yourself a bitter person.
But ever since you received the rather abrupt news of the wedding, you have been fully consumed with bitterness.
Three years ago, you were planning your wedding.
You had a wonderful man in your life who you were mere months away from calling your husband. All of your friends were envious of the relationship you had and were all undeniably sure that the two of you were, not only meant to be, but would spend the rest of your lives together.
But, unfortunately, life doesn’t work out that way.
Three years later, and you now watch as one of your friends takes that dream and makes it their own.
You’re happy for Junmyeon, really truly are, but his wedding is a grim reminder of your failure, only leaving you with this unanswered question:
Where did you go wrong?
“All packed?” Seulgi asks.
You nod, dragging your unreasonably overpacked suitcase into the living room of your shared Seoul apartment.
“Thank god we’re not that close to Nayeon,” Seulgi muses. “We get to wear our own dresses.”
“And get to spend more time on the beach.” The both of you cackle. Neither one of you dislike the girl, although in the five years you have known her due to Junmyeon, you haven’t really formed a bond any stronger than being acquainted. You always assumed she was probably intimidated by the fact you both were female and close to her boyfriend, bringing out that strange sense of competition, or boundaries, keeping you all from growing closer despite efforts made. She has a particular distaste for Seulgi, what with her being Junmyeon’s ex and all.
The term “ex” didn’t really fit what she is to him. More like a routine fling throughout college that fizzled out the moment he met Nayeon. The two were never official—although, you are sure, she wouldn’t have minded had they been.
“Speaking of people being in the wedding.” You sober. Seulgi, who is leaning against her just as overstuffed suitcase stiffens at your tone, expectantly waiting for you to reveal the one thought that has been eating you alive since you had received the invitation. “Chanyeol will probably be there, huh?”
The color instantly drains out of your best friend’s face. Speaking of exes….
“I didn’t even think of that!” She yells, covering her face with her hands before walking over to you in a hurry. She pulls your hands into her now clammy ones, holding them tightly. “It won’t be a big deal, right? It’s been three years! Plus, I heard he gained a lot of weight since his time abroad—you know how they like their greasy food there. Nothing to worry about! You look fantastic.”
Tears prick at your eyes as you swallow the growing lump in your throat. Three years… and now you will have to confront the biggest regret in your life.
“You’re right,” you push through the ball of tears as positively as you could muster. “We’ve had time to move on. We can be adults about this. I’m fine!”
Your voice cracks at the end and you clear your throat to make room past the burning sensation.
“You’re more than fine,” Seulgi reassures, swaying your connected hands. “You’re successful and sexy and rich! He’s not worthy of the bottom of your heels.”
You hug her tightly, laughing at her attempt to cheer you up.
Once separated, you take a calming breath and attempt to smile. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
Your taxi arrives and you both wobble your luggage into the vehicle. Seulgi gives the driver the address to the ferry and you give her a quizzical look.
“Isn’t Yerim coming?” You ask, voice quiet to keep your conversation private.
“Not anymore. The little sis apparently has a date.” She throws you a conspiringly smile.
“Oh, so she ditched us for a man?” You falsely pout. You didn’t mind what Yerim was doing, as long as she was going to be there.
You aren’t going to lie to yourself, the closer you both get to the destination, the more your apprehension dims as excitement takes it place.
The wedding is going to be held at one of Junmyeon’s father’s swanky hotels on a beach at Jeju Island. You all had spent a spring break there your junior year and it was magical—for many reasons.
Despite the bittersweet memories, you are looking forward to being around beautiful scenery and old friends. Life, as always, gets in the way, and it has been a while since the whole gang has been able to spend some quality time together.
You all missed each other so much, you turned the event into an excuse to have a vacation, just the old gang, well, minus Junmyeon since he’ll be on his honeymoon, although he was able to pull some strings to cheapen your rooms so that you could all stay longer.
That’s all Seulgi and you can talk about on the ferry as you enjoy the cool early autumn breeze on your face, chilly from the little sharp droplets of water. You all had a full itinerary and the week was full of expectation.
You finally arrive to the island and hail another taxi to get you to the vaguely familiar hotel.
You whistled lowly as you craned your neck, blocking the sun with your hand as you take in the hovering Greek inspired hotel.
“It’s bigger than I remember.”
“That’s what she said,” Seulgi replies instantly, almost robotically as she squints up at your current home.
Her words make you shake your head. “We’re not even with the guys yet and they’re already rubbing off on you.”
She winces, catching what she just said. “Old habits?”
You both laugh and head inside, checking in easily. You can’t help but glance around every few minutes. One, because, holy shit this place is beautiful, all whites and golds and pillars and painted sceneries on the ceilings, it’s something straight from a fairytale. Two, because, you’re keeping an eye out for familiar faces.
Your room is on the sixth floor and your jaw drops at the luxuriousness that is your shared room.
“This is bigger than our apartment,” Seulgi states in awe. You agree with a nod, taking in the gentle fabrics on your bed and the rainforest showerheads—yes, heads, plural, there’s three to be exact—and the floor-to-ceiling windows that open up the back wall of the living quarters, revealing a tranquil scene of the beach you are going to undoubtedly be spending majority of this trip at, hopefully intoxicated.
You both don’t have too much time to gander, dinner is at seven and it is past four.
The wedding, being from a more high-class family, will be running a bit differently than the typical kind. Because there are so many people invited, there will be, what has been deemed, a pre-ception party. It’s a mixer of sorts, where everyone invited will be able to meet one another as well as the husband and bride to be.
It sounds a tad strange to you, but you can’t judge them too much, knowing all too well how much rich people love their professional parties.
This is just day one of the three-day event that is Kim Junmyeon’s wedding.
Tomorrow, for those involved, will be the rehearsal, as well as the bachelor and bachelorette parties, with the following day being D-day.
Your other best friend, and best man to the groom, Oh Sehun, has been texting you nonstop the past couple days, keeping you informed on all that is Junmyeon’s big day. He didn’t want to outwardly lead it on, but you gathered just how happy he was for his other best friend as well as being such an important role in such a big event.
Making this a reunion trip was also his idea.
You are nearly a hundred percent positive Chanyeol is going to be in that group, but have been trying to ignore it and remain optimistic for Sehun’s sake.
After getting ready, you head down to the ballroom where the dinner is being held. It’s just as beautiful as the rest of the hotel. The walls are painted gold and tan with arched windows that show the glow of the sunset ahead. A string quartet sit in the corner and the entire back wall across from the entrance is lined with rectangular tables covered in food. Twenty or so round tables dot the rest of the floor with one more rectangular table on the far right where the future bride and groom sat with their families.
It is preoccupied by at least thirty people, and you’re glad you decided on the olive-green floor-length silk dress that fell off your shoulders elegantly. Everyone in the room is of higher class and you know ‘cheap’ is a word none of them have heard in decades, if ever.
“We should quickly get our food and grab a table before they all fill up,” you suggest. You both bolt for the food, piling your plates high. Once content, Seulgi runs for the closest empty table, while you snatch two enormous unopened bottles of red wine, lord knows you’re going to need them.
Junmyeon and Nayeon stand in front of the table at the head of the room. Junmyeon is glowing, it’s the only way to describe the smile on his face as he embraces everyone that approaches him. As you watch, his gaze is drawn over to you, locking eyes. You jump, startled, and he chuckles before motioning for the both of you to come over.
“Junmyeon spotted us,” you inform Seulgi, who is slurping down an oyster. She nearly chokes. You pat her back a few times as she chugs some wine straight from the bottle.
“Alright, let’s go,” she coughs, rushing over to the star couple.
Junmyeon practically cheers your names at your presence. “Thank you for showing! I know it’s quite a distance from Seoul.”
He pulls Seulgi in first and you try not to study Nayeon’s reaction. You do catch her smile falter some before they separate. Junmyeon goes after you next, arms wrapping tightly around your shoulders, swaying you both before letting go.
“It’s so good to see you guys!” He continues in that gentle-like voice of his.
“Likewise,” you answer earnestly. It had been a long while since you last saw your friend. “Congrats on taking the plunge.”
“Thank you,” Nayeon says, wrapping an arm around Junmyeon’s waist. He tucks her under his arm and kisses her hair and you realize neither one of you have acknowledged her.
“Can you believe it? I’m getting married!”
“You are!” Seulgi cheers, a bit too excitedly.
“You were probably the most against it amongst us all,” you reveal, nudging his free arm and he laughs good-naturally.
“Yeah, but love can change your mind on a lot of things.”
You smile at his words, trying, as always, to not make this moment about you. It isn’t about you, not right now.
“So, where is the rest of the gang?” You ask, needing to change the subject. “I was sure Sehun would be here by now.”
“He’s here somewhere. I know that most of them just checked in, so they’ll be coming down a bit later.”
“Alright, well, if you see them let them know we’re here! We won’t keep you any longer.”
“Thanks again for coming,” Nayeon says as Seulgi and you retreat back to your discarded meals.
You pause once you see a broad figure in the seat next to yours.
“I knew it was your table because who else would have that much food on one plate? Not to mention the wine.”
You scowl and fold your arms. “Don’t be jealous we have fast metabolisms, Sehun.”
He laughs drily and meets your gaze through the dark strands of his bangs with mocking eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself, Love. You’re not as young as you used to be.”
You scoff and he breaks, laughing his signature laugh that can only be compared to a monkey’s, he at least tries to cover his mouth with his hand as his shoulders shake. You fight the urge to throw something at him.
“Are you going to insult me all night or are you going to give me a hug, asshole?”
He swiftly gets up from his seat, his long lanky body hovering over you as he draws you into a much-needed comforting hug.
“God, it feels so great to see you,” he gushes lowly into your hair before pulling away.
“I miss you every day,” you reply, not needing to say anything else for him to know what you mean.
Sehun moved outside of Seoul for his job a year ago and since then, you have only seen each other twice in person. It feels good to be around him again, he’s the big brother you’ve always wanted. He was always protective of you and for such a stoic individual, he opened up to you rather quickly, allowing you in during a time in his life when that wasn’t as easy for him to do. You did the same, and it brought one of the most meaningful friendships you’ve ever had.
He goes to greet Seulgi before heading over to the buffet with you trailing after him as he makes a plate, teasing him the whole time before returning to the table to finally begin eating.
“Can you believe he’s actually getting married?” Sehun asks, voice light in mild disbelief.
“It was definitely unexpected,” Seulgi chimes.
“He’s growing up,” Sehun, who is three years younger than the groom, sniffs. You rub his back comfortingly.
“He looks so happy,” Seulgi continues, attention given to the man of the hour. “I hope to one day be that happy.”
“Goals!” Sehun cheers sarcastically, causing Seulgi to cut her eyes to him.
“Shut up! I’m being serious!”
“I know you are.” He takes a bite and chews it thoughtfully, leaning back into his seat. “But you’re right. He’s, like, the happiest a person can get.”
“It makes me want to throw up,” you mutter, tasting that familiar sour sting of bitterness on your breath. Sehun glances over at you in concern, catching your words despite yourself, but doesn’t acknowledge it, instead continues eating.
A loud raucous gains the attention of all the attendees and you catch three guys colliding into a server carrying around a tray of flutes of champagne. Everyone and thing go crashing to the floor in a not so subtle entrance.
“I don’t know them,” Seulgi declares, shielding her face from the train wreck unfolding to save herself the second-hand embarrassment. The boys try to get back to their feet, but it takes time as they slip on the expensive liquid, legs tangling together as they try to save face.
Now is the perfect time to take pleasure in your friends’ mortification.
“Baekhyun!” Junmyeon hisses. “Jongdae! Jongin! What are you doing?”
The three—finally off the ground and bowing profusely to everyone around them—turn beet red as they approach Junmyeon with tails tucked between legs.
Your laughing only intensifies. Baekhyun hears it and immediately turns his head to glare at you. You’re mildly impressed by how easily he finds you, but then realize that’s pretty fucking hilarious as well and double over, stomach knotting almost painfully as you work it out with humor.
Junmyeon pulls them to the side and reprimands them quietly for a minute before sending them off. They trudge over to your table, inhabiting the majority of the empty seats.
“Well, that’s one way to make an entrance,” Sehun states. Jongdae throws his upper body on the table, arms sprawled out. His fingers nearly touch your food and you pull it protectively to yourself as he whines loudly.
“Jongdae stopped abruptly and we were too close behind him,” Jongin explains with a pout on his little lips and you’re instantly filled with pity towards the man. Jongin out of all people didn’t deserve that.
Sehun shakes his head. “I would say something, but it seems Junmyeon beat me to the punch.”
“He told us not to embarrass him further, or we’re out of the wedding,” Jongdae informs at the same time Baekhyun orders Sehun to ‘respect his hyungs’, before going for Seulgi’s bottle to pour himself a glass. She watches in dismay, not enjoying the fact that she’s now apparently sharing it.
As surprising as it sounds, both Baekhyun and Jongdae are the eldest friends you had in college, alongside Junmyeon and one other. Despite their age, they often acted like the children, getting you guys kicked out of many places with their loud shenanigans. Jongin is the same age as you, Seulgi, and Sehun. How he ended up with those two crackheads this day was beyond you, though you’re sending your regards.
“Are you hungry?” You ask him. He sits on Sehun’s right, but that doesn’t stop you from stretching out some noodles from your plate, drawing it to his face before he can even answer you. He smiles gratefully before taking a bite, humming in gratitude, and you have to resist the urge to coo at him. It’s actually hilarious because he’s a whole ass model! His nickname in school was Adonis, because, well, he’s beautiful. When you first met him, not going to lie, you had a crush on him, but the more you got to know the gentle, soft, teddy bear, the more your maternal side came out. Now, he was just a very well sculpted baby in your eyes.
“Where’s my bite?” Jongdae asks. Jongdae is an interesting character. As previously stated, him, Baekhyun, and—fine, no need to beat around the bush—Chanyeol were wild and free and lived without any boundaries. Yet, despite him being loud and always down for a good time, he was brilliant—one of your smartest friends—and observant. He loved fiercely and was always aware of his surroundings.
You shrug. “Make your own plate.”
“You’re mean!” He whines.
“You’ll give me a bite, won’t you, sweetheart?” Baekhyun tries his luck, tilting his head flirtatiously. Baekhyun was the mood setter. He has such a magnetic personality and can become friends with anyone and thing. You swear he was on a first name basis with all the professors—even ones he didn’t have. He is so funny, can leave you in stitches with a simple facial expression, and got off on making others happy. Despite being a social butterfly, he kept you all close, and made sure to let you all know that you were his family.
You don’t even spare him a look as you point in the direction of the buffet. You hear him tisk disapprovingly before Jongdae is smacking his shoulder, pulling him up so that the two of them can follow your instructions. Jongin scrambles after them once realizing they didn’t invite him and you chuckle to yourself as they try to shove him away, claiming that you can just feed him.
Nearly instantly, the seat Baekhyun was previously occupying beside Seulgi’s other side is taken.
“Yerim!” Seulgi shrieks, throwing her arms around her sister.
“Nice of you to finally show up,” you say, narrowing your eyes at her accusingly.
She has the gull to blush and grow shy. “I know, I know. We we’re supposed to go together.”
“Yeah, but I get the news that you found someone else to go with? And some boy, no less!” You place a hand over your chest. “I’m hurt.”
“He’s not ‘some boy’.” She rolls her eyes before perking up. “He’s a man.”
“Oh, you look absolutely smitten!” Seulgi purrs. Yerim’s cheeks flare once more and you realize that she does, indeed, seem to like this guy, even though this was the first time you’ve heard about him.
Yerim is four years younger than you and Seulgi, and despite knowing Seulgi throughout all four years of college and meeting her family a few times during that time, you didn’t really grow close to Yerim until her sister became your roommate. She spent an awful amount of time in your condo, and you now considered her a sister of your own. She isn’t very familiar with your college friends, because once she was introduced you all had kind of went your separate ways, but you and Seulgi thought it would be nice for her to come out to Jeju Island and meet the boys. That is one reason why you are kind of confused as to how she was able to, not only come here without you two, but bring a date as well.
“Well,” you begin, voice higher than usual. There was too much successful relationships going on around you lately. “Where is he?”
“He should be coming down soon. Have you all said hello to Junmyeon yet?”
“Yeah. Still in shock this is actually happening,” Sehun reveals.
You pinch the skin below his elbow, the closest skin you can access with his black button-down sleeves rolled up to his bicep and he yelps. “Nope. It’s real, bro.”
He ruffles your hair in retaliation and you allow it because he’s letting you off easy.
He gives his attention back to the newcomer as the three stooges rejoin, leaving two empty seats. “I’m Sehun, by the way. You’re Seulgi’s sister?”
She smiles politely and shakes his hand. “I’m the prettier sister I know, you can tell her.”
He’s visibly taken aback by her words, not expecting them, for Seulgi would never say something like that, but it’s only a second before he’s smirking, nodding appreciatively. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
She introduces herself to the other guys who do the same in return and you’re all chatting when a familiar voice chills your blood. “There you are!”
The body that belongs to the voice easily slides into the seat next to Yerim. “You saved me a seat.”
“Of course, I did, Honey.” She rests her much smaller hand over his that rests on her bare shoulder and you think you might’ve blacked out for a second.
The whole table goes silent as the newcomer finally checks out who he’s sat with.
Once you lock eyes, the color drains completely out of his face and the fear you feel reflects deep within his irises.
It is him.
Park Chanyeol.
It appears Chanyeol is in a predicament.
Yerim doesn’t seem to be able to feel the tension that just trapped the table as she proceeds to introduce him to everyone, oblivious to the fact there is no need for introduction. He sits there awkwardly, politely nodding his head, his lips rolling onto each other, stretched into a thin line as he gently pulls on his earlobe. Nervous ticks you remember all too well. Actually, the last time you saw him doing that was….
No. Now is definitely not the time to be walking down that particular lane of memory.
Instead, you absorb the present, taking a sick joy in how uncomfortable the six-foot giant is now that he’s weighing his options on how to approach the new situation he finds himself in. He can, one, pretend he has no recollection of the people he spent the most time in college with. Or, two, confess that he indeed knows all of you. Some—yourself—a lot more than others. You somehow think he might not want to disclose that particular tidbit of information to his current girlfriend who just so happens to be his ex fiancee’s best friend’s little sister. He doesn’t know that just yet.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he finally goes with, avoiding any kind of eye contact.
Sehun barks a dry laugh and you pick up the untouched bottle of wine in front of you, chugging the thing damn near empty. When you pull away, Chanyeol’s taking you in with concern, but averts his gaze when you meet it.
“So, uh,” Seulgi scrambles to change the atmosphere. “How did you meet?”
“Oh! It was straight from a K-drama!” Yerim gushes. You think you’re smiling, but it might be a grimace. Your eyes snap to Sehun to share a Look, but he’s too busy watching Chanyeol with narrowed eyes to notice. “You know how I work at that café? Well, turns out it’s right next to Loey’s studio! He’d always come in and order an Americano. After some time, we started talking and sparks flew! The wedding got brought up, and we realized we were both going, so decided to come here together.” She now turns her head to give her attention to Chanyeol, who has an arm thrown lazily on the back of her chair, turned towards her and he catches the movement, raising his eyebrows attentively and you nearly chuckle, realizing he hadn’t heard a word she just said. He smiles back at her though, albeit confused. “It was perfect.”
“Too perfect,” you slip. Chanyeol glances at you, a question in his eyes, and you try not to think about how fucking handsome he still is.
Didn’t Seulgi say he got fat?
Well, there isn’t an ounce of it from what you can see from his form-fitting—possibly, most likely, tailor-made—navy blue button down that molds deliciously over his firm arms and chest. It takes everything within you not to reach over and cop a feel, see if his skin is as smooth as you remember it to be.
Yeah, maybe too much wine?
“I told you, it’s like a kdrama!” Yerim continues, not catching your sarcasm in the slightest. She rambles on about the two of them, but you’re too focused on studying your ex, ignoring all the red alerts your mind has going off in an effort to get you to stop, adamant on how bad an idea it is.
His hair is a light brown, lighter than it was the last time you saw him, and is falling over his forehead, shiny and fluffy and soft. His face actually appears sharper, skinnier in some parts that leave you slightly concerned, wondering briefly if he has been eating well. You shake the emotion off quickly, not wanting to retreat back to old habits, not yet. His skin glows under the golden yellow lights as he laughs at something Yerim says and you nearly moan when he throws his head back, exposing his thick strong neck to you. God, you love his neck. He replies to her remark, but all you register is his deep baritone and grow misty eyed as nostalgia weighs heavy on your heart.
He is exactly the same, yet utterly different.
You hate it.
“So, Loey.” Baekhyun, Chanyeol’s best friend that’s sitting beside him, stresses the name. Loey is Chanyeol’s producer alias, but also the name he gives to those who aren’t very close. You fight the smile threatening to break out at how uncomfortable your friends are going to try to make him.
It’s what he deserves.
“What is it you do for a living?”
Chanyeol takes the time to pull away from Yerim, turning so that he is sitting straight in his chair, able to meet everyone’s gaze. He’s stalling, you’re sure, but he also struggles to not roll his eyes, knowing you all well enough to know damn well what game you are playing at. “I’m a music producer.”
The whole table ‘ohs’ dramatically. Jongin throws in a ‘that name sounds familiar, I wonder if I’ve heard any of your stuff’ for good measure and you nearly break. The table’s response actually does draw an eye roll from him.
“You guys haven’t cha—” He chokes on his words and Yerim doesn’t hesitate to give him a cup of water randomly at the table.
“Haven’t what?” Jongdae asks with an eyebrow raised challengingly.
Chanyeol’s gaze is steady as he comes up with a quick cover. “You haven’t told me how you all know Junmyeon.”
“We all went to college together,” Sehun answers easily. “Isn’t that how you know him? Loey?”
Chanyeol’s jaw ticks, and you watch, completely entranced by the show.
“Indeed,” he reveals through gritted teeth.
Yerim gasps. “You went to the same college as my sister?”
“Your sister?” Chanyeol asks, eyes wandering from Yerim to the now similar featured girl beside her. “Seulgi…?”
“Surprise,” she mouths with a wink and a pleased smile. Yerim’s facing away from her, so she doesn’t see, but Chanyeol’s eyes widen and Baekhyun and Jongin can’t take it anymore.
Laughter drowns the fancy orchestra as the table finally breaks, and you’re once again clutching your stomach, resting your head on Seulgi’s shoulder as tears pour down your face.
Yerim’s frightened and confused, eyes frantically taking in everyone, probably wondering the state of your sanity, all the while Chanyeol sits there, arms crossed, looking outright pissed.
She starts to finally piece enough to gather you are all laughing at her guest. She rubs his back reassuringly before glaring. “You all stop giving him a hard time.”
This leads the tables’ chortles to double, but the laughter leaves your system as soon as you zero in on their shared contact.
“No, no. She’s right, guys,” you say, influence strong enough in the group to get them to settle down. “We mustn’t be rude to her guest.”
Your chest is heaving for some reason, and you genuinely feel like you’re going to be sick. There’s a pressure on your leg and you check to see Seulgi’s hand gripping your leg reassuringly, and then Sehun’s hand comes up to pat your shoulder. They know. And it makes you feel better, more grounded to be around the people that know you best, especially during something as rough as this.
Yerim mouths you a ‘thank you’ and it annoys you for some reason. You didn’t do it for her. But did that mean you did it for him? That made you even more upset.
Now settled, you all go back to eating, quietly talking to one another, ignoring the couple as you all catch up on what you all missed.
Jongdae got a promotion at the hospital he works at and was now one of the main child delivery doctors. Baekhyun’s third children’s book is in production and is due to come out by the end of the month, he promises to send you all signed copies. Jongin is going to be heading to America right after Jeju for New York Fashion Week to walk for Gucci. Sehun’s . Seulgi updates you all on her current art exhibit and pouts that no one but you, Yerim, and Junmyeon have visited, and you let everyone know how your interior designing company has been thriving.
It gets quiet when the couple are the only ones not sharing their lives. Yerim scratches her head nervously, for she isn’t as successful as you all-hell, she was still a struggling college student! But, she didn’t realize, that the pressure isn’t on her, but in fact the man beside her. You all want to hear what he’s been up to. He’s a close friend, after all, but now that there have been boundaries set, it feels awkward.
“Chanyeol?” Finally, Baekhyun urges, letting him know that it is okay for him to share.
He lets out a breath of relief, glad none of you are angry with him and informs you all on how his beats have been selling and he’s been working closely with a giant kpop entertainment company. You all congratulate him, but you can’t help but be proud and devastated. That had been a huge dream of his—to share his music, and seeing that, not only is he sharing, but also getting the exposure he always wanted, well, you couldn’t be happier for him.
You open your mouth to genuinely congratulate him, but as soon as you do, the feedback of a microphone interrupts, gaining everyone’s attention.
Junmyeon stands in front of everyone now behind the table. Nayeon sits beside her fiancé, watching him dotingly.
“Hello, everyone,” he begins politely, like the CEO son he is. “I just want to begin by thanking you all once again for joining me and my future wife for our big day.”
Everyone cheers loudly for a moment.
“We are so excited to officiate our love and are even more grateful to have all of our friends and family share this milestone in our lives. We hope that you enjoy your stay here at the hotel, and open yourself up even more to love. Thank you all and can’t wait to see you soon!”
You all cheer and it seems to be over.
“So….” Jongin begins, taking in all the attendees leaving the lavish room.
Jongin, Baekhyun, Seulgi, Jongdae, and yourself say at the same exact time, “bar?”
Two hours later and six of you are huddled around a corner of the hotel’s bar, throwing back soju faster than the poor bartender—who you swear was wearing a necktie earlier—can pour.
“Iloveyouguysandmissedyousomuuuuuch~uwu!” Jongin slurs gleefully. You sling an arm over his broad shoulders.
“How did you say that with your mouth?” You ask. He throws his head back in a hearty laugh in reply.
Jongdae sits at the bar, his back leaning against the counter, facing the rest of you with his eyes closed, statue still, as if meditating.
No one disturbs him.
“Hey, hey!” Sehun, who now mysteriously has a necktie wrapped around his head like a headband, tries to collect everyone’s attention. Once he does, he lifts another full glass. “To Junmyeon!”
“To Junmyeon!” You all yell, throwing back your nth shot and making obnoxious noises from the back of your throat as the liquor burns.
“You’re all my bestest friends!” You cry. “Only the ones here! Everyone else!” You hiccup. “Everyone else, no.”
After a thought. “Except Junie. He can he a friend, too.”
“Chanyeol is out,” Baekhyun agrees with a pout. “He pretended I wasn’t his best friend.”
“Nooooo!” Sehun cries, as if he hadn’t been there to witness it happen. He’s standing beside you, his hips sway to a beat that definitely doesn’t match the song on at the moment, but stills at the mention of your ex. “Why would he do that?”
“I don’t know!” Baekhyun answers, truly destressed. “It has something to do with that bit—”
“That’s my sister!” Seulgi, who has been sitting silently beside Jongdae, finally shouts. “And it’s not her fault that he’s an asshole! We already knew that.”
You nod forlornly. “We did.”
“We did.”
You all cheers to that.
“This was not a good idea,” you grumble. You swear you’re actually on a ship that’s currently on rocky water, throwing you across the hall, bouncing off opposite walls like a ping pong ball.
Seulgi tried to carry some of your weight back, but gave up when your feet kept getting tangled. She appears a lot soberer than you. You could’ve sworn she drank as much, though she’s always been so damn good at pretending to take shots with you all when she wasn’t in the mood to actually drink.
“At least you don’t have to be at rehearsal tomorrow,” Sehun whines. His room is directly across from yours, so he’s trudging along, shirt already half off in his need to be in bed now.
“That’s true, I can sleep in!” You grow giddy at the thought. Your steps come to a halt when you see someone standing in front of your room.
“What is that?” You ask rudely, causing the person to turn towards you.
“Oh, it’s the pretty sister,” Sehun slurs mockingly, pointing at Yerim as she merely watches.
She takes the two of you in disapprovingly and, yeah, she’s pretty, even when she’s visibly upset. She zeros in on Seulgi and lets out a ‘thank god’ when she notices at least her sister is relatively sober.
“What’s wrong?” Seulgi asks, instantly in older sister mode.
Yerim huffs. “Everything was fine before that dumb dinner, I swear!”
Your ears perk at that as both you and Sehun lean against the wall beside his door adjacent where the sisters stand, giving them privacy, but also curious for details.
“What is it?” Seulgi presses, rubbing Yerim’s shoulder reassuringly.
Yerim shakes her head in annoyed disbelief, an angry grin stretches on her face and you pity whatever soul it is directed too. “Loey and I talked and he thinks it would be better if I roomed with you for the rest of the trip.”
Seulgi’s head jerks back as if Yerim’s words attacked her and you don’t feel any pity towards the culprit of the smile anymore, nor as drunk as you were a moment ago.
Sehun, on the other hand, still does and leans down to stage whisper a, “your Loey?”
You hush him in a rush, but don’t notice if Yerim catches his words.
“Of course, you can stay with us!” Seulgi assures. “My bed is big enough for five people!”
“That was the plan originally, anyways,” you chime in, catching the younger girl’s attention. She smiles gratefully at you.
“Thank you, guys,” she says. “I’m sorry to be such a bother—”
“You’re not!” You reply, a tad too fiercely.
She blinks at you before drawing out an, “okay….”
The hallway starts spinning again, so you rest your head on Sehun’s bony shoulder. “Me head hearts, Cap’n.”
“Why are you talking like a pirate?” He questions.
“Aren’t we on a ship?”
Seulgi calls your name, gaining your attention. “Let’s get you inside, Sweetie.”
“That’s my que!” Sehun slips from under you and you go toppling to the floor. He doesn’t even spare you a glance or checks if you’re all right before he’s stumbling into his own room, the door clicking quietly behind him.
You don’t even have the energy to cuss at him, your head now throbbing harder after coming into contact with the carpet.
Arms bring you up and drag you into the softest fabric you’ve ever felt and you melt into it with a pleasurable moan.
“I’ve never seen her this drunk before.” You hear somewhere above you, but can’t remember how to access the part of your brain that will open your eyes. “She’s funny.”
“She’s had a…hard day,” another voice defends gently.
“I know that’s right,” you’re able to gargle through the detachment.
“Her and I both.” There’s a sigh and the sound of someone sitting. “This isn’t how I imagined this trip going.”
“Did he say why he wanted you to stay here instead?”
“There’s only one bed. That’s his excuse. He didn’t think we were at the level to be sharing one. But, oh, how convenient that my sister is staying here as well, maybe it would be better if I roomed with her instead.”
“But what if I hadn’t been here?”
There’s a pause, you imagine it’s probably a shrug, since it isn’t vocal.
“It doesn’t make sense to me either! The thing that pisses me off the most is that we’ve already been to the room. I put my stuff away. We were excited about it, claiming it was perfect. But after the dinner…. After the dinner, it’s suddenly a problem.”
You shoot up from wherever you are, startling the two girls.
“Room number?” You demand, voice threateningly low.
“Wh—what?” Yerim asks, shook.
“Room number.”
“You’re not going to talk to hi—” Seulgi is cut off by Yerim’s resolute, “609.”
Your sharp eyes cut to Seulgi. “Aren’t we 613?”
Seulgi nods, face full of warning.
You shrug.
“Be back, Mateys,” you assure, closing an eye for good measure.
You’re gone in a flash. Lead filled legs stomping the two doors down to what was once Chanyeol and Yerim’s room.
As soon as you face the gray rectangle, you square your shoulders and begin banging on it with all your might.
It opens after around fifteen bangs, you nearly knocking an annoyed Park Chanyeol in the chest from your momentum.
His irritation melts instantly when he’s met with you. You’re sure you are the last person he expects to be knocking at his door so late at night.
You both seem to pause and you take a moment to just…stare. It has been so long since you were this close to him. You take in his attire—a plain white-T, some unfamiliar cute Christmas pajama bottoms, and bare feet. His dark hair is in a wild mostly dry state. You swear he hasn’t aged a day in the last three years and it infuriates you further.
“What…what are you doing here?” He finally breaks down to ask, tone resigned.
“I came to defend Yerim’s honor,” you declare. You smirk, impressed by how sober you sound.
Chanyeol lifts an eyebrow and leans against the doorframe. His left hand holds the door open and you try to ignore how long and veiny his arm is. “Are you drunk, Mel?”
So, maybe you don’t sound as sober as you thought.
“Look. One, don’t call me that, Loey. Two, yeah, I am drunk, that doesn’t change the fact you’re an asshole!”
“Wow,” he drawls out, irritation leaking into his voice. “I didn’t expect this to be the first conversation I’d have with you in three years.”
“What?” You snap, quirking your head. “You didn’t expect our first conversation to be about your current girlfriend?”
His jaw works at your words and he’s looking above you, shifting his weight uncomfortably.
“I’d have to move on eventually, right?” He asks tersely, still avoiding your gaze.
His words simultaneously sadden and enrage you, but since there is no room for pity, you take the latter.
“If you’re moving on,” you say quietly. “Then why did you kick her out of your room?”
Your question draws his attention, and he searches you. Eyes taking in parts of you. “You look good.”
You scoff. “Is that an answer?”
He shrugs. “No. But it is the truth.”
“You… look good too,” you acknowledge reluctantly.
“You think so?” He asks quickly, as though the answer is important.
“I mean,” you shrug and close your eyes tightly. “You haven’t changed a bit. I can’t tell if that’s a good thing or not. Regardless, stop distracting me by changing the subject.”
He inhales deeply, letting it out through his flared nostrils, but you’re still too in your head to peek at him.
“You want me to stay on subject?” He asks skeptically. “In that case, maybe I asked her to leave because I felt this trip was going to go differently than I had originally planned. I’m not sure if her being in here is a good thing anymore.”
“And why is that?” You ask in a breath.
“Did I mention you look good?”
“You don’t want to tell me?” You gather and throw your hands up in surrender. “Fine. It’s your business, after all. We can go back to pretending we never met, let alone fucked. I think I prefer it that way.”
You begin to retreat, but before you can take a full step back, Chanyeol is snatching your wrist.
“Wait,” he sighs, giving in to your trap. You smile slyly before making the mistake of lifting your head to lock eyes with his. It has been so long since you were this close to him. His wide eyes always gaze down at you so earnestly, always open for you to read. He’s searching your face as well, getting lost in the plains he once knew by heart, reacquainting himself with your beauty.
You swallow the saliva that pours into your mouth, transfixed by his lips, so soft and wet looking and pink and full and tempting. He really is one of the best kissers, so good at knowing exactly what you like and—
“Why did you bring her?” You ask, voice a broken whisper. 
“Will you remember this?” He asks in return, reaching out gently to brush some fly away strands of hair from your face.
You shrug, not completely sure yourself. “Try me, I guess.”
It’s an answer he will not like and that’s why you phrase it that way. To get a rise out of him, to make him push you away because you were getting lost at sea and needed the shove.
You expect a frown, a snarky remark, and a door slam to the face.
Instead, his warm hand tightens around your wrist, dragging you into the threshold of his room, bringing you a mere breath away. He uses your shock to lean down, bringing you more at eye level.
It is now his turn to grin slyly.
“Maybe I brought her because….” Did his nose just bump yours? Was one of his fingers slowly running up your stomach? His breath smelt like fresh mint, like toothpaste, not a scent for desire, yet here you are. “Because I knew you would be here.”
His words are like a sharp jerk of your boat throwing you into the dark dangerous depths of the angry freezing sea, and the past three years flash before your eyes as he watches, taking in every emotion that runs across your features.
“I hate you,” you say, voice chillingly low.
He straightens at that, retracting all contact and stepping further into his empty room. You swear his eyes are sad as he goes to close the door.
“I know,” he answers before leaving you alone in the dim hallway.
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karaslluthor · 5 years
supercorp fanfic masterpost pt.2
this has been in my drafts for over a year so here ya go and hasn't been updated since then but if u haven't read these then ur welcome. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
its literally a big ass list jsyk and i did all the tumblr tags back then so idk if they are still the same users but hopefully lmao. 
original part 1 is here boysss
somewhere i have never travelled (http://archiveofourown.org/works/9268886/chapters/21008012)
kara and lena visit all different places lenas lived and then they find a home together and its super cute and fluffy I cry
Paranoia Incarnated - @justmickeyfornow
mickey is my fucking supercorp spiritual guider with the best fucking fic and ive read it about 322934 times and still is sooo good. Also the whole heartbeat thing KILLS me. SO MUCH ANGST but literally its worth the death u go through trust me
Transcendent Interactions 
Kara and lena share this bond thing from birth and can feel each others emotions and they finally meet and its so great like im actually fucking in love with this fic and kara gets herself off all the time thinking lena doesn’t know idk just read it u wont regret I stg
Closer and Closer (Until We Collide) - @hallow777 
Im a slut for bed sharing tropes and this is so CUTE like lenas all freaking out because she keeps waking up cuddling kara and alex is oblivious to everything and its just soooo good
So, This Happened?
Drunk kara leaves drunk alex for a more suitable cuddle buddy aka lena lesbian luthor and lena sleeps in a supergirl t shirt bc of course
Holy mother of fuck as if this fic didn’t absolutely ruin my fucking life??? Lena has to go to London for a month so she invites kara to come with her and lena has a gay awakening and realises shes in love with kara and its SO FUCKING GOOD
just one wrong move (baby, baby)
lena is having karas baby from this alien tech accidentally! And lena is so loved and its so cute like honestly and obviously they fall in love bc duh
hold me, my dear (and don't let go)
kara is a professional cuddler and lena hires her services bc shes a sad touch starved young lady and deserves to have some hugs in her life hello fluff my old friend discovering the moon 
alex and lena brotp and holy fuck does it deliver!!!! Alex is like a wingwoman we all need and kara and lena just need to communicate tbh but AMAZING
Focus on Something You Love, and Breathe
Lex is a little shit as always and wants to kill lena bc he thinks shes in love with supergirl (which she is) so kara says she can stay with her and obviously the angst is juicy and ruined my life. So. Good. Read. It.
College theatre au but like literally one of the best college aus ive ever read!!!! Lenas just a big lesbian and karas confused and they bang secretly and its glorious
it's a boy!
lena takes in a super powered alien baby that falls from the sky and gets a weird neighbor in the form of kara danvers and theres not many chapters yet so im not sure whats happening with kara yet but im super excited for this!!!
Break My Fall 
Kara dates monel but kisses lena as supergirl and its angsty and smutty and all round a good fucking time
carefulness can be damned 
Post 3x7, literally smut with some plot need I say more??
A Foolish Wit - @seabiscuits-us​
if you haven’t read seabiscuits fics are you even a supercorp fan?? Lena needs a husband and Clark Danvers is positively charming and also actually disguised as a man, I mean.. quality content
In My Veins
im soooo excited for this fic because the lena/alex brotp is written so well!!! Basically lena and alex become really good friends bc they both deal with their issues by drinking obvs and kara thinks they are secretly dating and gets upset and im SO READY FOR THIS ANGST
Would You Catch Me If I Fall For You ('Cause I'm falling) 
This is absolutely amazing and so captivating and I was honestly on edge the whole time kudos to the author!!!!! Kara goes back in time to warn lena about her dying on the venture and lena falls in love with her but she disappears and then when real kara and lena meet, kara doesn’t remember knowing lena and ughsalkdhsla its so good.
We Need a New Song
Oh my good golly gosh this fic ruined my life. Ballet au that has barely any ballet and an abundance of GAY and I had to take a moment after reading this to collect myself tbh
and stick it into someone else's heart 
Rhea infected lenas boobs in a cage dress with some weird alien stuff and her and kara have to bang or THEY’LL DIE pretty much but they love each other
The Laws of Fate 
soulmate au where everyone has a red string and lenas points to the sky and shes confused af but it’s a gay slow burn and the angst is good for ur soul
My Sun 
Lena gets into a car accident and kara thinks she died but lex is a maniac and wants lenas help and fdjsaklfs it’s a rollercoaster let me tell you
Mercy on Me 
lena falls under black mercy and in order to bring her back karas has to break her poor little gay heart bc lena thinks her and kara are in looooove AWWW heart shatters
Be your own Hero 
Collection of supercorp one shots!!!!!! Quality content lemme tell yaaaa
pick a blossom and hold it to your breast (honey, you know that’s my love bursting loud from inside) 
kara and lena rely on their late night phone calls with each other and get the feels and go on a date and they are just cute adorable dorks that are nervous  
your voice is pretty, baby (but i’d rather have your pretty skin instead) 
part 2 of pick a blossom ^^^ still adorably cute and a smut chapter I mean come on, treat yoself
kara and lenas first told in the cutest wayyyyyyyy
lena works with lillian to save supergirl and its oh so angsty and kara always believes her girl bc that’s canon
My personal Santa in heels 
Kara loves Christmas almost as much as she loves lena, almost
Soulmate AU where everyone can have a device installed to tell them the time until they meet their soulmate, kara and lena love each other but kara cant have a timer installed obvs kryptonian skin and its so cute and soft and angsty
The Fatal Flaw 
Super cool and different fic and keen to see more chapters from this!! Kara doesn’t have her powers (yet) and she meets lena at a party at college and then clark tells her shes actually an alien ooooo im keen
Stay the night 
Lena inherits the national city womens basketball team and star player kara danvers is a muscly babe and they try not to fall in love BUT ITS JUST TOO HARD BECAUSE THEY ARE SOULMATES also I love jack in this such a wingman
MATTTTTTTTEEEE lena is the daughter of the governor and shes a little rebel. She falls in love with kara but her family has arranged her marriage to monel BUT LIKE THEY JUST LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH btw they are aliens but like in 1865 so cool. Pls update I love this so much
All Our Bodies in the Grass - @seabiscuits-us​
fuckkkkk this fic honestly, amish au and lena knows nothing but kara is down to help her out while also sharing lovely girl mags ;)
Kara and lena are friends with benefits but feels get involveddddd, lenas a useless lesbian
All the little lies 
Kara comes to earth and falls in love with lena but she has to go back to krypton and breaks lenas heart in the process, but she comes back and its only been like 7 months but its been like 3 years for lena!!! (I cant remember exact dates don’t judge me)
half melted m&m's 
lena needs a fake wife to stay in the country so kara is ever so helpful and agrees to be her wife, oh I do love a fake wife trope and this delivers!!!!
The Wrong Superhero 
Lena gets saved by batwoman and supergirl thinks she is super jealous because of superhero-related reasons but shes just in love with lena
We'll Take on the World 
College au, just useless fools in love that need to communicate and make out more
And they call me from beyond the stars 
Omg I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH ok so kara is a ghost (still from krypton and stuff) but no one can see her except lena so lena works on trying to get her back into the physical plane of existence so she can find alex but they FIND LOVE WITH ONE ANOTHER oh my god so angsty let me tell ya be warned
Wait for me to come home 
idk where to even start on this fic honestly, im pretty sure most people have read this bc it’s a rite of passage but fuck it gets me everytime!!!! Army au and there is so much angst and I love it
An Unexpected Surprise 
supercorp baby au!!! Kara and lena bang and kara ends up preggers. Iconic  
Days in a Lifetime 
Kara and lena grow up together, massive slowburn but worth the wait!!!!! ACTUALLY GO AND READ ALL OF STENS BECAUSE I JUST REALISED HOW MANY I PUT IN HERE AND THEY ARE ALL FUCKING GREAT
Do you wanna (like you know I do) - @seabiscuits-us​
another seabiscuit, I couldn’t not put this in!!! CAPE COD and sharing of bunk beds!!! Pls update this my soul is withering away
Purple and Black are my Favorite Colours 
Kara gets in contact with kryptonite that makes her gp! And her and lena b a n g    
danishes and other sweet treats 
oh my fuck this is so cute and its like a long one shot so I mean get on it because kara and lena go to a conference and share a hotel room need I say more  
Sun Kissed 
Kara takes lena on a roadtrip to the science museum for her birthday and my good golly gosh its so cute I could ascend to heaven
Only Human 
A one shot with two chapters in different POV but lenas jealous of monel and then supercorp bang and its all angsty and lena protects kara and tbh they need to communicate but happy endings and love all round
The Right Thing 
Lena freaks out because lex knows her and supergirl are dating and does the most dramatic thing (of course) by distancing herself from kara and did I say angst???/ also I cried multiple times in this
funny how the stars crossed right 
Kara and lena keep meeting at parties and have super dorky costumes and fall in love (literally love anything written by you btw, im going to go ahead and say I would have all yours bookmarked so everyone just check them ALL out)
Accidental Text
kara accidentally sends a love confession to lena and its short and cute!      
Unspoken Promises
supergirl and reign battle and lena finds out about kara being supergirl and supercorp are just obliviously in love
Green (Kara loves it and hates it in equal measure)
Im a sucker for a jealous trope and boy does this deliverrrr. Karas hella jealous of lena having other friends but realises its because shes super in love with her
Karas jealous because lena is flirting with supergirl but lena knows kara is supergirl so shes actually flirting with kara, nice!
My Donuts
Karas really jealous of sam and lena spending heaps of time together and then kara walks in on them having donuts and she fucking loses it because its their thing duh.
when we get there 
Lena invites kara to her beach house to chill and they obvs fall in love because they are cute af
Have a Break 
Lena is determined to work out how to use a vending machine to get kara her candy and kara and winn are watching it all unfold via cameras in catco, basically lena vs. the machine (himym singing voice)
Self doubt and comforting talks 
Drunk kara, comforting lena fluff and adorableness
Shopping carts and a beautiful girl 
Kara crashes into lenas car in a shopping cart and they go on a date and its SO CUTE
lenas oblivious to kara being supergirl even though kara slips up all the time!!! #nicehalloweencostumekara
Lip Bites & Long Gazes 
lenas a big gay flirt and kara gets frustrated and flustered and calls her out and they make out
Off the Record 
kara spots lena at a gay club and they dance and make out *lizzie mcguire voice this is what dreams are made of*
Not so secret 
the superfriends take a weekend away and kara and lena bang pretty much smut but its cute
come be my lover, be my getaway car 
How many amazing tropes can you fit into one fic (aka the fic that made me lose my fucking mind oh my god its so good, had it include)
A one time thing
Kara and lena end up banging in a motel and kara has an internal meltdown its great
This is Home 
Listen here, this is the most adorable thing my two eyes have ever witnessed. Lena doesn’t really have a home kara the sweet soul she assists her in finding a home with her (aka its kara, kara is her home get it)
Her Biggest Fan 
lena is apart of the supergirl fandom, aka shes me
Drunk Puppy
kara being a drunk gay mess wanting to hunt seashells with lena
Act Natural
kara and lena have hickies and try to hide them on a beach trip with the gang  
Like a date, date 
kara asks lena on a date and lena has a gay panic attack pretty much
everyone thinks kara and lena are dating so they just start dating? Amazing
Stop following me, creep 
Please clarify 
Lena tries to tell kara she loves her and wants to date but karas an alien and just doesn’t get it, so cuteeeee
Fate is Written in the Ink (part 1) 
Fate is Written in the Ink (part 2)
Soulmate au!!!! Any ink on your skin appears on your soulmates and omg its so cute like kara draws all this art on herself and lena gets to see it too!!!!!
Muddle my heart (then add a dash of lime) 
Kara keeps going to the bar because punk/bartender Lena is a babe and she has a big lesbian crush on her
be hopeful, don't get broken (stay caught up in the moment) 
angsty dog au and I mean PUPPIEs and SUPERCORP need I say more?
The makings of a family 
Clark is the one who arrives after being stuck in the phantom zone and kara has to look after him and lena helps her out and wow new baby for supercorp
Let Your Guard Down 
Lena in a DEO uniform sparring with kara and its so angsty because lenas mad at kara for not telling her the supergirl secret and then they bang and did I already mention lena in a DEO uniform???  
Do you not like the service here?
Thirsty kara and waitress lena, lenas jealous of alex l o l
here is where time is on our side (part 1) 
our corner of the universe (part 2) 
long oneshot but fuck me its so good. Post daxamite invasion/mon-el coming back and both are healing from everything and go on a roadtrip just wherever the map takes them and oh my fuck its so cute and everything u want in a fic. Part two is the follow up
The Uncanny Valley 
cadmus replaces real lena with a robot version and kara didn’t know but then kara finds lena and its cute  
put these battered bones to rest 
soulmate au (you should know by now im a sucker for a good soulmate au), lena has a foreign name on her hip (its kara btw)
another soulmate au hhehehe soulmates feel each others pain obvs both these babies have a lot of paiiiiiin in their lives
Love is Garbage 
Literally a garbage truck au, im not even going to say more
i know you're out there somewhere waiting (i know the stars can hear us praying) 
Whats this??? Another soulmate au!!! Classic lover one arm, enemy on the other, honestly lena deserves more and just waits for kara to love her and I love this fic, also they help sam!!  
Monster in the Mirror 
Supercorp reveal in the middle of the lena/edge poisoning children episode oooooooh so angsty but happy love ending
Supercorp first ever sleepover!!! This is so cute stop
Please Clarify 
Lena tries to ask kara out in every single way possible and kara is an oblivious alien
love is a flower, you gotta let it grow 
Unrequited love makes u grow flower petals in your lungs but when ur love is returned it clears up, this was dope and I love ur work
where our hands hurt from healing - @seabiscuits-us​
its seabiscuit do I need to say more?????? I will tho. Alex and lena match on tinder and become besties and I live for alex/lena brotp so….
blessed be (the mystery of love) - @seabiscuits-us​ 
*dj Khaled voice* ANOTHER ONE, look I love every single fic this one does not disappoint and nothing like a good light hearted first date fisting hahahahahaha
The Luthor and the Super That Saved the World 
Fit it fic for the season three finale where there is more supercorp and less shit writing, LOVE STENS WORK
Kara Danvers and the Brown Belt of Lesbianism 
Karas gay brown belt that she always wears that makes her look like a big ol lesbian drives lena mental bc she so gay
like sweat dripping down our dirty laundry 
What Happens in the K Room Doesn't Stay in the K Room 
green-eyed monster
Kara shows Lena what makes her Super 
Supergirl, Kara, and a Luthor walk into a bar... 
Late Night Heroics 
Good Vibrations 
Two Lena Luthors and a blonde walk into a bedroom... 
Her perfect match 
Girls' Night 
Happy Halloween, Supergirl 
What She Wants 
make the rules then break them 
an animal within an animal 
THE WILDEST THING IVE EVER READ, STRAP THE FUCK IN (youll understand my pun when you’ve read it)
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kyufiber-moved · 5 years
got any bl show suggestions?
abso-fucking-lutely i do !! i typed out this WHOLE thing then my computer crashed so this is my second time answering this ripskfjd
also i went in depth about everything so it got long, and imma put a keep reading!! here are some bl show recs:
love by chance ::
summary: pete is a popular and wealthy student who is very shy, which is caused by the fact that he is secretly gay. he meets ae, a fellow student and they quickly become friends. pete starts to have feelings for ae, but doesn’t want him to experience ridicule for being with a man, so he attempts to repress his feelings
my thoughts: this show is amazing tbh. one of my alltime favorite dramas ever ngl. it has 5 couples that are shown on screen (with small cameos from / mentions of tharntype), all of which are cute (except klano. we dont talk abt klano.) 
ending: mixed, depending on the couple. the main couple (aepete) has a happy ending, but three of the side couples have open endings, one of which is super angsty
sequel(s): there’s a second season coming out in february, in which the side couple that got the angsty ending (tincan) will be the main couple!!
where to watch: youtube
history 2: border crossing ::
summary: yuhao is rebellious and has a short temper. when he is approached by the captain and manager of the school’s volleyball team, he isn’t interested, but eventually ends up joining. he then develops a very close bond with the team manager, zixuan, which turns into something more than friendship
my thoughts: very very cute !!!!! i loved it so much omf. also the side couple is step brothers and although they don’t get much screen time, they’re still cute. also the kisses b/w yuhao and zixuan (despite 1 of the only 2 being in a dream) are F A N T A S T I C
ending: happy!!
sequel(s): there’s a 2nd season coming out sometime in 2020, but idk when. also it’s apart of a series called HIStory which has several different storylines, all of which being bl. they are not related to each other in terms of characters or anything, though, so don’t expect to see familiar characters ^^
where to watch: youtube
sotus: the series ::
summary: kongpob is a 1st year engineering student who stands up against head hazer and 3rd year arthit, who the first years feel is cruel / overly strict. the two start out as enemies, become friends, and eventually develop feelings for each other
my thoughts: no sexual stuff like many other bls, instead focuses on the romance part of it, the evolving relationship/friendship between kongarthit, the internal struggle of figuring out one’s sexuality, and the bond formed between students/friends/classmates. honestly?? storyline is gotdamn beautiful and i cried more than once just bc i was so overcome
ending: happy :)) (for all seasons and special eps)
sequel(s): there is a 2nd season titled sotus s: the series which takes place 2-3 years after the 1st season, where kongpob has become head hazer and arthit is now out of college and in the working world. kongarthit is also featured in the multi-bl special sequel titled “our skyy” which has special episodes set after the main official dramas surrounding various bl couples !
where to watch: it’s on netflix yeehaw ! but if you don’t have netflix it’s on youtube
together with me ::
summary: korn and knock are childhood best friends who meet again in college and, after a drunken night out, end up having sex. knock, who has a girlfriend, makes korn promise never to tell anyone about it and pretend like it never happened but you can’t hide falling in love forever :))
my thoughts: god SO much angst. it isnt an ep of twm if there isn’t angst smh my heart hurts watching it. BUT . it also has cute moments, funny af moments, and some SEXY AF moments . the sex / kiss scenes are unmatched bro . holy shit . watch the uncut versions too theyre even hotter i cant breathe 🥵 
ending: happy 
sequel(s): there are two “sequels”, one: together with me: the next chapter (which apparently wasn’t as good as s1 but i havent seen it) and then two: bad romance which features kornknock but the main couple is boyxgirl (and it aired first, but it’s set chronologically AFTER twm)
where to watch: youtube
theory of love ::
summary: third is secretly in love with his best friend, a straight playboy/manwhore named khai. he tries to stop his feelings, but is unsuccessful until he overhears something he wasn’t meant to. third, heartbroken, decides once and for all to stop loving khai- but just when third stops, khai starts.
my thoughts: anGST goddammit bl dramas love their angst huh. anyways i love the general plot of this and also like ? how aware the creators are of the plot sorta bc the movie flipped is a large af part of the show . also the kiss that ive seen ?? whew YES bro . also like before we get the happy ending there’s SOOOO much angst, even after they both know that they like each other ksjdf i haven’t finished it bc im mentally preparing myself 
ending: happy
sequel(s): n/a, but if you want another drama where these actors are together, puppy honey has the same actors as a the couple pick and rome (idk if they have a happy ending though?? i havent seen it)
where to watch: youtube
great men academy ::
summary: love is a girl who is a huge fan of vier, a boy who attends great men academy (an all-boys school). one day she helps an injured unicorn by a lake (dont ask BRO DONT ASK) who then grants her one wish: to fulfill her love. unfortunately, the unicorn interprets love’s wish differently than expected, and turns her into a boy. love decides to attend great men academy in her male form, but she must remember to return to the lake and submerge herself every night before midnight to turn into her female form again, or she’ll be stuck in her male form forever
my thoughts: this drama........ whoever thought of this plot was on crack or smth. s’cute though. all the male characters are members of 9x9 (including captain, who plays noh in lovesick) also the main lead ends up with the person everyone acTUALLY wanted him/her to end up with so . YAY FOR US. still a WEIRD ass plot though
ending: happy
sequel(s): n/a
where to watch: kissasian
honorable mentions:: 
bolded : watched/watchingitalics : unwatchedstarred *** : hasn’t aired yet
- until we meet again (only an honorable mention and not an actual rec bc i haven’t seen it yet so i don’t know as much about it, BUT i know it’s good)
- kiss me again (the prequel to kiss: the series and also good but not PRIMARILY bl, focuses on three het couples/storylines and then the one bl storyline, but petekao is still otp asf)
- 2moons / 2moons2 (2m2 is a remake with a little better acting, a different cast, and more focus on the side couples than 2m. it is NOT* a sequel)
- make it right: the series (a bit old and kiiiinda shitty but one of the classics. also the second season is a little better imo bc the characters look more mature and the cinematography is better but ! s1 is a classic. also very . VERY sexual pls god do not watch it without headphonessjfkds)
- love sick: the series / reminders (love sick: basically the first mainstream bl uhhh ever. not particularly good / bold compared to more recent ones but it paved the way for current bls so we Respect love sick. ALSO reminders: is a modern sequel type thing set after love sick 2 when phun and noh are in university. also :: features almost all the main couples/actors from love by chance but has no relation/isn’t the same universe)
- the stranded ( i haven’t seen this but i know it has some gr8 bxb relationship shit ! but it’s not the main focus of the show i believe)
- 2gether: the series *** (hasn’t aired yet, but looks juicy af)
- my engineer *** (also hasn’t aired yet but again . i am inTRIGUED)
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alchemist-shizun · 5 years
As expected, Dealing with intrusive thoughts is now one of my favorites
Here I come with almost all of my reactions on the episode, even though I tagged the spoiler warnings I put everything under the cut just in case. Enjoy the emotional rollercoaster while I'll probably go and rewatch it again.
Okay kinda expected one or two of the warnings but all of them together what is gonna happen???? (Though they make sense after reading the title)
"I'm awesome and I can do this" there goes my boy. *said boy falls flat on the floor* ...come on
I felt that yawn bc I stayed up all night waiting for the video but it dropped at 8 am, I'm an idiot who should've gotten more sleep
"help me" why is he such a mood "everything is going wrong in my life" same but YOU SHOULDN'T SAY THAT LET ME HUG YOU
They're all sinking up so fast god I missed my bois. Also the general awkwardness of Virge and Pat, greeeeat something will go wrong
Virgil just ignoring everything and touching the railing, a mood
wait why does Ro want to be deeply troubled- man are you okay-
"your most extreme reaction is an eyebrow raise" "FALSEHOOD" "I stand corrected" omfg
"what are you ta- what are you talking- what are you talking about?" I loved that whole take it made me feel complete
"Look I barely got any sleep" this can apply to a lot of us and I love just how we're all always like "TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF" but in the end this is where we all end up anyway
Okay I'm very curious about these troubling thoughts though
"Don't act like that was an accident" "everybody, Virgil. Let's give it up for the Purp Man" these speak for themselves. Also the purp man is my new fav nickname and I'm gonna use it.
4:17 Patton is adorable bye
"if you continue to push this we're going to end up in really dangerous territory" AND THAT'S WHERE THE TENSION STARTED TO BUILD UP
great flick
"am I delirious or is this the funniest video I've ever made" I felt that
okay but when Thomas starts disassociating I also feel really weird like as if there was something blocking my own hearing for real?? And not just the audio edited like that?? Maybe I'm just too tired
WHAT WHO WHHH first intrusive thought making its way what is gonna happen
"-evIL" "-SHOW UP"
First time I watched the scene where Ro gets knocked out I literally just screamed "ROMAN" in a high pitched sound I was shook wtf my bOY
Patton and Thomas's yells in unison plus "YOU KILLED HIM" I just I JUST
"Ah, he's the Duke" "....... boo" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Okay but his voice is so on point with his character portrayal he's so weird it's awesome?
SONG SONG SONG and oh goodness the visuals I can't fathom how much editing work must have gone through this, they're all so talented.
"aunt patty naked" A G AI N??
a snaKE IT'S DECEIT oh my these silouhettes are so great this is my favorite scene
this is gonna be stuck in my head all day
god i hate him so much already but i'm super intrigued he's so chaotic the whole team made a wonderful job i'll never stop saying this
"i'm really stupid right now" just how much out of context relatable content are we going to get on this fine day?
omg the dark version of creativity, which can be associated with intrusive thoughts, that's very clever
"Repression can be very bad indeed" I mean he's right tbh it leads to never solving the problem at all
"i can't hear youuuuuu" much like "I don't understand what you're saying I don't know anything about words" THE DARK SIDES ARE ALL SASSY LITTLE BITCHES
pattonnnn did a real good job
"scary" and Virgil just gives Thomas a look idk I live on the little details (Im ten minutes into the vid and look how long this post already is)
GEE Remus (already using his name bc it's shorter) looking so offended at the label and then pointing out it should be a Virgil problem whAT DOES THIS MEAN IM SHAKING
WHY WOULD HE BE DECEIT AGAIN IM DYING. "Idk if you guys can tell but I'm a little silly"
"then why are you lying" no everybody I don't need angst
THE BLACK AND THE WHITE THEORY I SAW GOING AROUND good job to whoever thought of that
the forbidden dance
there u go thomas said it too
haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate FHDSLAKLFD
irresponsible parenting, Logan completing the parental unit of the sides
"maybe there's hope for you after all!" me looking at all my wips
"you've never been one to soften the truth" OH BOI HERE WE GO
"do we have some case of brain swap???" I legitly said "maybe" in unison with Patton the first time
Vee pls stop putting Thommy boy down he's having a bad time
Logan trying to put some sense into the situation is my only spark of hope for this to turn back good
That lick was ....... let's pretend it never happened
"you know who can help us with that???" DECEIT'S SONG COMING UP that was great, imagine the chaos that the duo would create
gasp Remus trying to make Virgil angry at Logan shall not stand DON'T PUT THEM AGAINST ONE ANOTHER HE'S JUST TRYING TO HELP
"you all are not listening to Thomas" this is the development I needed
"you're just para-" and he cuts himself. You all know what I'm talking about. Foreshadowing probably? This happened too back then when Roman was almost calling him the same. And then Virge looks so hurt I- "thank you for being on guard" that made me want to cry idk
the whole speech Logan gave? Pure gold. That was perfect.
"does this make me cool?" djslagrkglhf also the teeth thing right after what the
... the deodorant eating ...
The first time I watched I thought his name was spelled Remis that's how dumb my Italian ass is
Still I love his name bc I'm a nerd for ancient culture, ESPECIALLY Roman (and ancient Greek but it isn't mentioned here) and I love the little thing they did with both Creativity names, super clever and very much liked on my part.
"I would never hide anything from you" and he looks at Virgil JUST ALL THIS FORESHADOWING
"how about you shut up" Roman what the hecc man
what are they doing to him today let him rest
double blow
"can we logic our way out of that?" everybody nodding was so pure
"not all thoughts are meaningful"
He's go- no he's back again
THE CALLBACK MENTION AND PATTONS REACTION... probable foreshadowing to what Joan said about there being a part two of SvS?
"When are you actually gonna jump out of a moving car I've been bringing it up for years" so it's not just me..?
"it is okay if the thought happens to cross your mind"
"everything is okay" I'm going to cry I needed that
I love how Logan touches the topic that there is no problem in seeking help from therapists. There's a lot to say on this, but I was really glad that was pointed out since the are a lot of stereotypes on the matter
why did Virgil look like he was about to cry
Patton I love you
Thomas going to rest is what everyone wanted to see
Virgil confronting Remus I'm living you're doing amazing sweetie
"you tickle me emo"
"it was just like old times" then Pat and Lo's looks in this essay I will
"are you good?" "are you hurt at all?" I love when the sides look out for each other
"I'm sorry Logan" right through the heart. Another development.
I need y'all to look at Virgil in this exact second because. he.
Tumblr media
that's my point.
All those smiles while Logan's talking are making me alive
"No seriously, you're ... really ... cool" I started tearing up right here. Twice. And then Logan sinks down cause he's not at all used to this and he's feeling t h i n g s please keep on being appreciated you deserve it
Also Patton always learning from his mistakes and understanding them when he does something wrong or he thinks in the wrong direction, that's something I think a lot of people need to learn, including myself. Like, it's okay to be wrong and make mistakes, just do your best to make sure you're improving yourself afterwards, instead of dwelling on it too much
"I don't like him" makes two of us
"Soooo you have a brother?" oh boy
The m i r r o r it's making me cry
"He's gone now and he's never coming back!" "I don't think that's-" "BYEE" what was all that talk about repression for if you contiNUE TO DO THIS ROMAN please I beg of you let us hELP YOU he's making me die inside
Oh boi the big moment. I already expected a bomb to drop since Virgil was the last one remaining.
"You okay buddy?" "Huh?" op somehow was already found crying
"I'm a little disappointed in myself" istg all that foreshadowing mixed with me wanting to hug him
The music picking up tension, this is poetic cinema let me tell you
I noticed how he calls them "the others", all these tiny details is what I'm living for
"I should know better" I couldn't beLIEVE IT, also how he seemed to be so frustrated made something inside me break
the pause and then "Because I was one of them", the music stops for a second, a little second in which you can hear my distant screaming "GOSH HE SAID IT IT WAS TRUE"
Thomas is speechless and just stares at him while the music picks up again and then Virgil's sigh and expression sinking down like "there you have it. that's the truth. and you can't do anything about it" he looks so defeated I'm breaking down.
Did I already mention poetic cinema? I just love angst and this scene was perfect
First time watching I, too, barely understood anything I was listening to in the last parte because all of that was really a lot to take in.
"Those thoughts that you may have thought do not define you"
"[the thought] may simply be that we are really okay"
"Go to bed!" me
no im not in the mood for food because for some unfathomable reason I had anxiety before the video dropped yay me
and last but not least: are you fucking serious Remus
I didn't expect this topic at all and I am so glad it was talked about, thankfully my intrusive thoughts do not bother me as much as I realized other people's do. And I never saw anyone talking about this before, which is why it makes this video so important. I saw a tweet recently about someone saying that it is okay if you think about weird things, the important is that you never act on them, that's what makes you a good person. But I think this video really explains it far better and I never realized how common something like this was? So yeah another time in which I've been educated and couldn't be happier about it. These people really are bringing light to the world gah I LOVE THEM.
oKAY guess I'm done this was a wild ride and yeah I tend to point out EVERYTHING, so here you have it, as I already mentioned if you feel the need to geek out too, I'm here for ANYBODY! (pls I have no friends)
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darkpoisonouslove · 5 years
I’m torn because GIMME GIMME GIMME every single thing possible for Warmth of Rage, Cold of Love - but I’d also like to hear about other fics that maybe haven’t gotten as much attention. So... Okay, I’ll try to be reasonable and only give you three fics, lol. Heartless, Let Me Down Slowly, and No Battlefield Between Us, pretty please :D
Okay, so I don’t have many headcanons about my own fics that don’t make it into the actual fic, but I’ll try to give you something more juicy than just plain facts.
1. It is the first fic from a four-part series (that is currently put on hiatus because “Kiss, Then Bite” and now Kinktober (you know how it is)). This one was sort of an accident but then I connected it with fic ideas I already had and suddenly there was a series XD. It was written surprisingly quickly, especially looking at the quality of it (I still consider this one of my best works; every word is where it is supposed to be if I do say so myself), on a late night when I definitely should’ve been in bed… Oops! But then again, when is that not the case, really? XD
2. Next part is the library thing (you know the one), then we have Griffin and Faragonda feat. a nightmare (which is written but I haven’t edited it because I haven’t written part 2 yet (I only realized this would be part 3 after I wrote it)), and then we also get some Winx in the last part (some events from season 1 will come up as well because they bother me and I want to address them).
3. This entire series deals with Griffin getting over the guilt that her love for Valtor is causing her and that is bringing out the ugliest side of her, and how Faragonda and Winx react to that side (as well as some other characters that make cameos). It shows Griffin dealing with her complicated emotions and the collision between her past and her present and I love the storyline I have here.
4. The second biggest focus in this series (I’m gonna talk about all of it tbh (but no spoilers)) is Faragonda and Griffin’s friendship which is so important to me (I love it just as much as I love Griffin and Valtor’s relationship) and I am really excited about what we get to explore here. A key thing about their friendship is how understanding Faragonda is and here we see just what happens when she can’t understand Griffin and all that guilt she still has and, surprisingly, Griffin manages to understand her even despite all that guilt (this may sound vague and confusing rn, but will hopefully be cleared up when you read the fics). (I got thoughts on this now and I think I finally found the missing pieces!) And of course, Griffin and Faragonda don’t stop supporting each other, no matter what.
5. I do find the thematic connection between Griffin and Winx worth exploring (at the time when this fic is set which would be after 3x14 and through 3x15 and 3x16). Tecna is currently lost in Omega (and Bloom has gone to Pyros and may never return) and Griffin’s students are currently in Valtor’s hands. They are all experiencing strong feelings of loss courtesy of Valtor, but they are also at opposite sides in the conflict. Winx represent to Griffin her own students which she couldn’t protect from Valtor (and let’s not forget the added guilt because she still loves him). But in that quality of theirs, they can also help her see that she’s not responsible for Valtor’s actions. And Griffin can also help them since she understands their anger on a level Faragonda… can’t really let herself to (because she needs to keep her cool and think about her students and their safety; meanwhile, Griffin is past that point). I think that part will have an abundance of emotions and I am so excited about it.
This was less about “Heartless” and more about the storyline throughout the entire series, but I do hope that you’ll find it interesting (also, I can come to this and get reexcited about writing it if I lose my motivation :D).
Also, we need a cut:
“Let Me Down Slowly”:
1. That was inspired by the thought of “What if Valtor actually caught Griffin leaving but his reaction was the total opposite of what she expected? And that just made it that much more fun for them?” (because I am cruel af XD)
2. The title is taken from “Let Me Down Slowly” by Alec Benjamin which I listened to while I wrote it. The lyrics do not fit the piece precisely but I think the vibe matches so well with the one of the fic. (Also, I was in a desperate need for a title and it was late, and I just wanted to post it! 😅)
3. The creative process for this one was very fun as it was full of questions such as: Am I being too repetitive here? Am I sure this isn’t annoying? Does the ending tie in with the rest? So it was a lot of fun.
4. This was my fifth fic and I’d only written about them in the past once before that and I wasn’t really sure what I was doing with it. I was also going for flipping expectations for both the readers and Griffin as to what Valtor’s reaction to catching her leaving would be and that was also a thing I needed to consider. On the one hand, I needed to have Valtor be in love with her enough to let her go and save her life, but on the other, I still needed to keep him in character and respect canon when it came to what comes after those events. And I also had to keep Griffin just on the cusp of deciding to throw it all away and stay with him. It was challenging to write but also fun.
5. I wanted something softer after “Warmth of Rage, Cold of Love” and “Flame of Love” but I still hadn’t jumped on the Griffin x Valtor fluff train completely (Will I ever, though? I just love their potential for angst too much!) so that was sort of a compromise that had a bit of both with angst being more prevalent.
This was more of a mood/mindset and writing process study and I’m sorry if that’s not what you were after. (This is an older one and I don’t really know what to tell you about it).
“No Battlefield Between Us”:
1. This one was inspired by a prompt. It was supposed to be a part of “Kiss, Then Bite” but then it got out of control and it became its own story. That tends to happen to me a lot! XD
2. Griffin is at a very dark place in that fic. She’s staying at Alfea of all places, and the only reason for that is that she doesn’t know where to go. At that point, she still hasn’t reconnected with Ediltrude and Zarathustra, she’s just left Valtor and broken both their hearts, she’s in danger of being killed by the Coven, and the only friend she currently has is Faragonda (who has good intentions but dragging her to that fairy party sure wasn’t her best idea. Can you imagine Griffin at a fairy party? The best thing she can do is get into trouble which she isn’t really in the mood for rn, considering all the trouble she’s in already). And then Valtor suddenly appears but not to kill her. He wants her back and the temptation almost wins over, but she resists it. It’s a big show of character on Griffin’s part (or a rather unfortunate choice, depends on the perspective) and it was so interesting to write.
3. And something that did not make it into the fic but Griffin realized later when she was replaying the interaction in her head for the millionth time (because I’m evil and like to torture us all) is that “he came here to kill me” was a legitimate sentence that ran through her head. Just the fact that she had that thought, and that he didn’t deny it completely (”I’ll have plenty of chances to do that on the battlefield if you choose to fight against me.” (quoted that just from memory and it is correct, how even?!)) is enough to make her ask “Does he really love me if he is totally fine with the thought of killing me?”. And that’s what she uses to make herself believe that she chose the right thing.
4. Valtor’s mindset is really interesting here. Because he loves her, he does, it’s why he went there to offer her to come back to him. He wants her by his side. But he also knows that he has to kill her if she decides to betray him. He can’t let anyone betray him. Not even her. What is interesting about this fic is that he’s not possessive to the point where he won’t let her out of their relationship (which is rather selfless on his part and proves his love for her) but he also won’t let her betray him. And the fact that he goes as far as to spare her life after she left him, but not far enough to say he’ll never harm her is a very interesting line to walk with him. It plays again into how Griffin and power are connected in his mind and which one he values more. So again we reach the conclusion that he loves her, she is the only one he’s ever loved, but he still loves power more than her. Only, this is from a slightly different angle.
5. I wanted to really mess around with the love to anger ratio in this one and I think I succeeded. While it is clear that they love each other and there are moments of genuine emotion and tenderness between them, it is impossible to forget about all the tripwires that Griffin has to avoid. There’s this underlying sense of danger and tragedy throughout the piece that I really love and it was exactly what I was going for. So, one last thing here - Did I successfully break your heart?
Sorry if I’m gushing too much about my own fics. I just love them too much and this is the perfect opportunity to talk about them!
“Warmth of Rage, Cold of Love”:
1. Griffin will have a conversation with Faragonda that is really critical for her. It’s so much angst that even I wanted to hit her by the end of it. She’s just being so… difficult. Thank goodness, Faragonda is having none of it and knows how to deal with her (and would never give up on her). There’s also a moment with Saladin (that I had figured out and then forgot (Oooooops! I should really write these things down.)). I do have something that I need them to discuss and I am really excited to explore this relationship because it was so painfully ignored on the show! And they are supposed to be friends, you know. So time to make them friends! XD We already saw a little Saladin and Faragonda friendship (and there will be some more of that as well) and we also need to see some Griffin and Saladin, too.
2. Griffin will have a moment with Ediltrude and Zarathustra as well. There are some formal affairs that they need to take care of, but the biggest part of what they need to work out is emotional (and also the one I got stuck on). Ediltrude and Zarathustra learned some things about her that she did purposefully hide and now it’s time to figure out where that leaves them because all actions have consequences. (I promise this all works out, don’t worry.)
3. Griffin will need to talk with Bloom as well for plot reasons, but not only. There is something that happened on the show that just annoys me all the more every time I think about it and I need to address. (I’m like that. I see unexplored things and I need to write a fic.) Also, moral dilemmas because why not? (Any guesses as to what that convo will be about? I feel like I gave too many hints here, but that might be because I know what I’m talking about.)
4. Valtor will make another appearance in the last chapter and there Griffin and he will both need to really face their feelings as well as the other’s feelings for them. Hate? Love? How do they interact between the two of them as well as within each of them? How will that affect them? I have a general sense of direction, but two outcomes that I have to decide between (or rather one outcome that needs to get cleared up).
5. I don’t know if you noticed but chapter two was hella mad. I was in a… weird emotional place at the time so I might have poured a lot of anger in it which works from Valtor’s perspective, really. Anyway, I’m saying this because thanks to my emotional state, I was going to take the story into a completely different direction from the one it’s going in currently. It was going to be dark and full of hatred. Now it is quite the opposite, actually, and I am so much happier with how it’s turning out. (Also, this is the first thing I wrote for Winx and the first thing I wrote this year. I started it with Winx and I intend to finish it that way. Oops, did I give things away again? Me and my big mouth! :D)
Okay, that’s enough spoilers for you and self-promoting from me! I hope these are at least somewhat what you wanted to learn, and if you want to know something else, just ask! :) It might get me a while to get to answering some questions, but I’d love to.
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