#I ship one tall and one smol
Fanon Niffty: baby, innocent cinnamon roll, Alastor's daughter(for some reason??)
Canon Niffty: an entire adult ass woman who's canonically a pervert/fujo who's into cnc and a huge masochist
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magichcuse · 1 month
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Good news for Delilah: Franklin being a goose is no longer taboo because geese now outrank ducks in the hierarchy (and the Webbinghams are now geese to reflect that)
Bad news for Delilah: Franklin not knowing magic is still a problem and she'd still be pressured to date Lundyn because of his magic proficiency and his higher status as a goose/swan hybrid (and Alroy jokes that Delilah's kids need all the tall genes they can get because they clearly aren't getting any from her)
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sootyships · 11 months
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in Soot vs. F/Os' heights: why
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moonspirit · 2 days
AHahah xD Hello anon~
You know, it strikes me that in both relationships, everybody is a polar opposite from each other (but sharing some tiny similarities).
Because between Aruani, Armin's the more "dominant one" (in a soft-boy way) whereas in Jeanpiku, that's Pieck's role xD
On a double date, Armin will compliment Annie in the sweetest, most innocent way possible, something like "omg Annie you look so pretty in that hat (⁠灬•⁠ᴗ⁠•灬⁠)⁠♡". But can you imagine Pieck? Just smirking as Jean tries on a hat or a shirt or something before she goes: *whistle* "Hooo boi, I wanna smash ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)"
Cue: Annie blushes a billion degrees, while Jean is slightly scared for his life.
On the other hand, if the four of them run into some bullies trying to pick trouble, you have Annie radiating dark energy so terrifying nobody dares to come close to Armin or even say a word to him. With Jeanpiku? There's Jean who's jumping at the chance to be a cool-guy by scaring off the bad guys by whispering menacing things at them.
Cue: Armin being all "hehe isn't my girlfriend so amazing ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝) ", while Pieck scoffs about being able to do better than Jean (she's secretly very impressed).
In a cafe or restobar, Armin wants coffee, Annie wants a hot chocolate, Jean wants red wine, and Pieck wants anything with 96% alcohol.
For food, Armin wants something cheesy, Annie wants something sweet, Jean prefers gourmet and savoury while Pieck orders that one thing that breaks the Scoville scale in terms of spiciness and proceeds to set everyone's face on fire.
Now for PDA? Armin manages to sneak in a kiss now and then; he's very very good at it okay?! Nobody's looking, and a quck smol peck on Annie's nose! In general it's very soft and mild with Aruani, they're all about the tiny gestures like hand-holding and brushing back each other's hair... but do not underestimate them! When they go home, it's time to rearrange Annie's guts (❀❛ ֊ ❛❀)♡
Jeanpiku tho? Pieck's easily Rated 18+ at all and any times, but Jean's... pathetically innocent. This guy has never had any game, only pretense, and it's much the same with kissing and sex. Pieck would make out with him for 0.10 seconds and it leaves him burning up and fainting on the ground. RIP. There's also logistical constraints, which is that Pieck TRIES to sneak a kiss just to get a rise out of him but he's!! too fucking tall! Fuck this shit! (it gives her a lot of frustration poor girl. But she gets what she wants in the bedroom (≖⩊≖))
Materialistically, Armin likes books and buildables (like plane models and ships in bottles), Annie likes puzzles and anything that involves getting a cute fuzzy thing as a prize (bonus points if it's baked and edible too), Jean appreciates classical art, painting supplies and fashionable accessories... and Pieck... oh Pieck. She brings home the most unhinged titan-sized and deeply horrifying things like occult items, full-size plushies that look disturbing and dinosaur fossils. Jean always pretends to hate them but then takes care of them more than her... for her <3
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luxury-nightmare · 1 year
I have learned from tumblr that the best Spider-Man ship dynamics is tall, Emo one and smol, inhuman one
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thunder-wolf64 · 2 months
i need to ask. sunset? artificer x monk.
i know its not necessarily widely shipped for reasons such as monk misconceptions, adoption aus, and timeline gap but i like them a lot <3
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Ship It
I haven't heard of this one, I think it works as a more one-sided relationship.
1. What made you ship it?
It's different relationships between these two, could be interesting.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
smol and tall, also morality differences.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
age gap is slightly concerning. That's why I made it one sided. More of a celebrity crush type situation.
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monstersandmaw · 2 months
Monthly story - male gargoyle x gender neutral reader (nsfw)
This is becoming absurd. 2-5k words is what I aim for with these monthly stories.
This one?
It's 17,677 words, and it's broken down into SIX chapters (internally - I'm sharing the whole thing in one go here). May's story felt long, then June's, now this one? I'm going to have to reel myself in for August or, should I say, Taurgust... :)
Anyway. Oof...!
Content: controlling/manipulating family member holds power over the reader and uses your skills as a thief to rob a powerful vampire's castle at very short notice. Turns out the amulet is better guarded than your uncle thought, and now you've got to explain yourself to a very grumpy, seven foot tall gargoyle. Tropes include: 'Big Grumpy won over by Smol(er) Sunshine', heist gone wrong, forced proximity/working together as punishment, 'the boss totally ships it', reader's life is in danger (not from the romantic lead), mated/fated bond, submissive monster towards reader.
Wordcount: 17,677
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“You want me to do what?” you blurted, staring your uncle down with a mix of astonishment and kindling unease.
The older man rolled his eyes and leaned back in his throne-like office chair, regarding you across his heavy, oak desk with a look of disdain and contempt.
His brother’s child you might be, but you were pretty worthless in his eyes. You had no magic, after all, and in a line of mages and witches and sorcerers, and even a warlock here and there, you were as useless as, in his words, a screen door on a submarine.
But there was something you were good at: sneaking into places where you shouldn’t be, and if you returned sometimes with something that wouldn’t be missed — at least not until you were long gone — then perhaps your uncle could find a use for you after all. The only problem was that in return for keeping you safe and shielded from those you’d robbed – by his position on the Council of Mages and his general lofty position in the world of the supernatural – he could always ask you to do just one more job for him. That was how, even into adulthood, you found yourself largely beholden to him. 
“I said, I want you to steal the Amulet of Protection from Rafael da Liro, and return to me with it.”
“You want me to break into a pureblood, elder vampire’s castle and steal an amulet that makes its wearer immune to vampire compulsion?”
“You can even put it on while you get it out of there,” he said with magnanimous sarcasm. “But it comes straight to my hands afterwards, understand?”
“How?” you exhaled. “How the fuck am I supposed to do that?”
“Language, child,” he tutted and you ignored the patronising stab. “I’ll glamour you, and you’ll attend the Winter Solstice ball he’s having in three nights’ time at Riverwatch.”
Three nights. You had three. fucking. nights. to prepare. Instead of voicing that, you asked, “He’ll accept a non-magical human as a guest at one of the fanciest supernatural gatherings of the year?”
“Of course he will,” your uncle sneered. “The Montilliets owe me a favour and I’ve cached it in at last for this. You’ll go in place of their youngest — you’re about the same age and height already, so the glamour will sit comfortably on your skin.”
“And you’ll keep the child of one of the most powerful families in the kingdom locked up here while I masquerade around wearing a stolen face at some rich vampire’s party? That’s your plan?” You shook your head, “It’ll never work. He’ll see through it, or he’ll have some enchantments that will.”
“No,” he said, speaking slowly, as if to a preschooler. “No, he won’t, because he’s inviting one or two guests who never leave their homes without a glamour. Some of the Fae, for example, will be in attendance, and, if the rumours are to be believed, several demon lords will be in attendance. If you see the true face of one of those horrors, your own will melt right off.” He laughed, as if you’d actually swallow down such a boogieman tale.
Of course you wouldn’t. You might not have had your own magic, but you read. Enough to know how magic worked — the fundamentals at any rate — and you knew that while some demons had the power to make your flesh melt off your bones, it wasn’t passive. They could look alarming enough to break the mind of a ‘vulgaris’ or non-magical human like you, of course, but it wasn’t the same.
Your uncle shrugged and you took it for the dismissal it was. “You’ll figure out the rest.”
“Can I at least get some info on the place? Do you know where the amulet is kept? How heavily guarded it is? What kinds of protective enchantments are on it? Security on the night?”
“That’s what the library’s for,” he said, making a shooing gesture with his fingertips, as if you were a mote of dust that was marring the air in front of his desk. “I’ve even had Morag lay out all the relevant information there for you. Now go.”
It took you two days and nights of barely any sleep or rest to figure out a plan that had even the faintest hope of succeeding, but it was the riskiest and least well-planned job you’d ever attempted. 
Morag, bless her, helped where she could by fetching relevant books and scrolls and data files on Riverwatch Castle and Rafael da Liro from the archives, which she had been employed to order and guard. When she wasn’t doing that, she broke her own rules about food in the library, and brought you meals.
As dawn broke on the day of the ball, you twitched awake with your arms splayed across a plan of the castle’s lower-most floors as the selkie tapped you on the shoulder and signed, “Breakfast, sweetheart. It’s on the table over there.”
“Thanks,” you signed back, fumbling the gesture around your exhaustion as you surfaced from a deep but spine-crunchingly uncomfortable sleep, slumped over your research. Voicing your next words just to see if your vocal cords were still working after two and a bit days cooped up in the library with only its mute guardian for company, you added, “Hope I didn’t drool on anything important…”
Morag exhaled a huffing laugh and signed, “No, but if that plan of the dungeon is still printed onto your palm by the time you get to the castle, remember to wear gloves, and mirror it in your head if you use it to navigate.”
Your eyes went wide and you stared at your palms, but luckily there was nothing there. “Quit messing with me, you menace,” you growled harmlessly, pushing yourself to your feet and grunting as your back and shoulders protested such a poor choice of sleeping position.
Not wanting to be ungrateful to Morag for her efforts in keeping you fed, you picked at the pastries and sipped the coffee she’d brought you, but your stomach churned and you found yourself gazing into the dark pool of coffee as though you could scry the outcome of the night in its inky oblivion.
Your plan, such as it was, involved attending the party, and either seducing one of the other guests into sneaking off into a quiet hallway before spritzing them with a potion that would make them leave and forget that they’d been with you, leaving you free to get down to the dungeon where the vault lay. 
Getting access though would require the use of the two seal-breakers which your uncle had grudgingly allowed you to take. The small, single-use charms were confined to two, peach-pit sized stones which would stick where you placed them and would shear through the strings of almost any enchantment. The problem was that they released a small blast of magic that could be detected by magic users, and they were incredibly difficult to make, which was why your uncle only had two for you. They would also shatter your glamour, so you’d have to get out of there without being seen or stopped.
Your other plan, which you really didn’t fancy, was to seduce Rafael himself and get him to give you a tour. You could lace your blood with a potion that would then render him unconscious at the first taste, since apparently he enjoyed drinking from the necks of willing humans. Using him as a distraction wouldn’t necessarily have to be about sex in that case, but it seemed a bit of a long shot all the same. For a five hundred year old vampire, who had been patron to some of history’s finest artists and musicians, some random human vulgaris was hardly going to be appealing enough to lead on a private tour of his most prized magical artefacts after only one evening. That was if you could even get close enough to him to attract his attention in the first place…
“Fuck,” you exhaled softly, your breath stirring the steam of the coffee that rose in a steady, mesmeric spiral from the white mug before you. “This is never going to work.”
If this were a commission, it would be worth over £170 due to its length, but you can read it for just $5 (or your country's equivalent) on Patreon right now, plus the previous two exclusives have also been over 10k words. You'll have access to my entire back catalogue too, and lifetime membership to the super chill Discord server!
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Happy Monday Lovely fandom. Not a ton in these episodes for them. Gonna combine these two. Thank you for idea D ❤️ These are my least fav of the season. Not gonna lie whenever I reach the Simone eps in a rewatch I skip around her stuff LOL Never resonated with me. So it’s funny the first ep is called Simone and I won’t really be covering her much at all. Probably be a shorter one with some crumbs. Let’s get going though shall we?
4x19 Simone/4x20 Enervo
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We start off with an actual bang. John and Lucy respond to a suspicious activity call. It's near a power station in Griffith Park. They find a bomb and get out just in time but not before they’re thrown to the ground by the blast. They get thrown pretty damn far and are fairly banged up. It's insane how much damage they took even clearing the building.
Tim shows up to the scene and does a worried husband look I love. Checking in on her by doing a once over once he makes it to them. Does a silent check in as he reports it’ll take 12 hours to fix the damaged power station. The silent check in is everything. Once again it’s the little things I cherish especially in low content episodes. It's subtle but noticeable once you know it's there. Trying to contain his concern with her all banged up. It’s ok love your wifey is fine hehe
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I love these two shots for quite a few reasons. One you know I love the tall/smol shots. I wish I could put into words why I love it so very much. It’s just aesthetically pleasing is one of the reasons I suppose. All I know is I’m a sucker for it. Second how in-sync they are in their movements and how they mirror one another in the second one.
Third the lack of personal space. Especially in that first gif. Theme of this season I adore so much. Always that gravitational pull of theirs. Lastly look at them. They’re gorgeous just standing next to one another. Also it is unfair Lucy is covered in dirt and soot and looks amazing still. Not fair haha
Oh right there’s a SL too LOL Not me just gawking at them haha The feds show up because this is a terrorist attack. They ask Nolan and Lucy about what they remember about the bomb. Nolan of course is no help. Smh Lucy is able to describe little better for them. FBI says they’re taking over from here. Grey fights it since John and Lucy were almost killed discovering the bomb. Garza concedes and they’re able to work together on this one.
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We rejoin our ship headed towards National Guard Armory. They’ve deduced this guys real target was this. Reason he shut down the power was to gain access inside there. They’re en-route to catch him. They find out he’s already on the move and they’ve gotta catch him. Which leads us to this car chase. First off let’s note Lucy getting to drive in this intense moment. It is more common these days for them. I just love seeing Tim trust her so implicitly nowadays. That this is new normal for them. *heart clutch*
Control freak in him has eased up quite a bit with her at least. Maybe not with anyone else LOL Once again it's the little things to love. The spurts of growth. They make me happy. Anyways dude stole a friggin Humvee so taking him down will not be easy. Nolan says they need to stop this guy. No shit John...What do you think the purpose of this chase is? To have fun at a high speeds in a shop for kicks?
Sometimes the words out of his mouth floor me..and not in a good way. Tim is using his military experience in this moment. (Yum) Explains why that’s not going to be easy. He’s basically encased himself in a mini tank. Their usual pit maneuver isn’t going to work on this guy. Nolan offering up another solution. I adore the silent communication and the look. That automatic instinct to check in with each other. I'll never be over it. I love watching them in the field so very much. Just a well oiled machine. Tim is considering Nolan’s suggestion then checking in with wifey before executing it. Love it.
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Tim explains their plan to Nolan while Lucy listens in. Tim advices they both hit the doors. Tells them it has to be at the same time though. To avoid the wheels at all costs. Lucy needing to know the why of course. Asks why they can’t hit the tires? Tim explains they’ll die and be a cautionary tale for future rookies LOL Gotta love Lucy questioning why they can't in the middle of a high speed chase. I'm sure she wasn't expecting that to be his answer ha.
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Her comment about her mom cracks me up. Anything to prove to her mother she’s wrong and she is right about being a cop. Her first thought not being she’ll die. No it’ll be about her mother being right about her career choice. Lmao Oh Lucy Chen I love you. Also I relate to this train of thought all too well sadly. I do love her saying they’ll be disgraced together. Be more married please.
Tim doesn’t even fight her on this thought. Lucy basically saying if I’m going down you’re coming with. Tim isn’t fighting her at all. His silence is saying lead the way. They’re in this together and I love that so very much. Being a literal ride or die right now in this moment.
I love me some crumbs in a low content ep. Also only they could banter during a high pressure situation and still get the job done. I love them so much. They are successful but find out the driver isn’t their guy but a decoy. Wah Wah.
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They regroup at the station after their chase. Nolan asking Lucy if she got any sleep? She then calls out Tim for getting some. Not only does she call him out but nicknames him 'Sleeping beauty.' Looking directly at him the entire time. Making sure he know she is talking about him and only him. All aboard the flirt train Nolan is an unwilling participant in the matter haha
Such blatant flirty flirts. Tim fires back a sassy reply to her jab. Just openly flirting and doing heart eyes out in the open. Ain’t no thang this season lol Shoots back not to be jealous he was allowed to sleep and she hasn’t. Lucy’s reaction is the best. That fond exasperation they’ve had all season long. So used to her husband antics at this point but has to let him know she’s annoyed at him. Damnit I love them sfm.
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They end up finding his base of operations. Lucy of course breaking the case. Cause she’s brilliant finds a word he’s written down by doing an etching off a wall he used. ‘Enervo’ Garza telling them it means 'To deprive of power.' John asks Tim what the military’s first target is? I love watching Tim flex his military background again. It’s sexy af. Seriously gets me hot and bothered *fans self* Tim and Lucy cracking this case right open. You’re welcome everyone haha That’s it for this one. Low content one since it was meant to launch rookie feds. Next one has even less so this is why we’re combining them.
Side notes-Non Chenford
I do love when Nyla and Angela work together. Two bad ass woman just doing their jobs like confident BAMFS.
4x20 Enervo.
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We find out he’s rented U-Haul’s and it’s going to take out the biggest roads with them. Crippling the city and killing thousands. They can't get a warrant right away to track them so everyone is in on the hunt. As always I love watching them in action in the field. That second gif their cop eyes have been activated. You can see them combing the street together. They’re so in-sync as they search the streets for one of the five U-Haul’s. I could go on and on about how much I love their work dynamic I really could. But I'll stop there ha
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The trucks are divided up into states. Cause well that’s U-haul haha if you’ve ever driven one you’d know. Always got graphics or other states on them. One has already exploded unfortunately so they're down to 4 trucks that need to be found. Lucy and Tim spot ‘Florida’ and are in pursuit of it. I love how calm they look. They’re chasing down a bomb and look determined af. Like I said before well oiled machine. The gifs above represent that. They are poetry in motion in the field. What made 5x22 battle scene so epic. Was that on steroids ha
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That’s kinda it for them in this one. I can add this last lovely gif of them in the field. Seeing how they move in motion together. It is impressive to see how in-sync they always are. Shared brain thing I love so much. I’m sorry there isn’t more. I mean it’s not my fault but I’m still sorry LOL
We shouldn’t hit this again. Even the light one in S5 is really good and would fill a review well so this will be the last scant ep for them. Probably won’t combine them again ha
Side notes-non chenford
Smitty reporting in he got ‘Utah’ Grey being ecstatic and saying he took back every negative thing ever said about him. Poor Smitty is all sad ‘You’ve said negative things about me?’ LMAO
Thank you as always for those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. You’re all amazing and I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. Shall see you all in 4x21 :)
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colectingstrz · 1 year
➤ (🐚) oneshot | Sunghoon x fem reader | fluff | angst | strangers to lovers | word count: 1.7k | reader is 18 and Sunghoon is 19 | one small kiss bit and nothing more| set in the 1960’s | whole thing is based within a cruise holiday ship
Soo’s smol note📝 : btw this is not proof read fully it’s like 60%💀 didn’t have my glasses when I wrote this since I accidentally sat on them so yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“Kiss me hard before you go, Summertime sadness”
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Forced on a cruise for the summer there’s nothing much that peaks your interest until you meet a boy who you will never forget or in which you find comfort in Sunghoon who’s there to pick you up when you fall until- he isn’t
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YOU FELT LONELY.Your parents didn't want you to spend all of your time in your room, so they forced you to go play with some kids "your age," despite the fact that you're almost 19, and you're surrounded by 9-11 year olds. Should I simply jump in and swim to shore? This serves no purpose.
You sighed, resting your elbows on the edge of the boat railing, looking into the horizon and closing your eyes and listening to the whistling wind and the faint sounds of the passengers around you. Your tranquillity was invaded. When you felt a pair of frigid fingers pinch your flesh, everything came to a halt. Why is some random stranger touching me? If it's one of those obnoxious kids, I swear I'm going to push them over this railing i swe-
When you locked gazes with a tall gorgeous male, your thoughts were cut short. His fair complexion gleamed in the sunlight as he waved at you with a witty smile.
" Greetings! Milady..my name is Sunghoon," he said, raising his hand for a shake, which you slowly accepted. His chilly hands engaging with yours, causing you to shiver slightly " hi..I'm y/n " you say gently, with a faint smile. He’s so good looking..
That was the beginning of your small friendship with the boy, as well as the emergence of your newfound crush. After that day, you resolved never to stay in your room again, constantly going out to see him. Sunghoon was nothing but kind and kind to you, his acts triggering an explosion of butterflies in your stomach at every interaction; you didn't want to leave the cruise because you were frightened you wouldn't see him again.
You and Sunghoon sit side by side on the seats, your shoulders merging into one. "Do you normally come here every summer? " You nod "Yes, it's like a tradition ever since I was 11 they'd take me here for a month," you hum. "This Cruise is so big, there's so much to do, yet you seem upset about it ? Do you not enjoy your time here perhaps ? " Sunghoon says, bending his head to stare at your face. "No.. I've been going here for 8 years it isn't as exciting anymore.. plus no one my age comes here anymore so I'm alone most of the time," you groan, looking down. Sunghoon recognises the sadness in your voice and does not want to see you sad any longer so he extended his arm placing it around your shoulder giving it a small squeeze
"Well, you do have me now, don't you? Milady " With a tiny smile, you nod. " yeah, I guess so," Sunghoon humms, " wanna cause some trouble? " He speaks with a mischievous tone in his voice. Well..it's been so dull here, why not "I'll follow your lead park." Sunghoon smiles sitting up and extending his hand out. You eagerly place it in his allowing him to intertwine your fingers with one another
"So, what's the plan?" you two sneak into your parents' room while they're away having lunch in the canteen part. "Water and some buckets," he raised an eyebrow, "you want to drentch thier stuff?" Wont you get in trouble for that? Milady " You shrug I don’t really care to be honest they won’t do anything anyways “ I'll deal with the conference later" you drag Sunghoon with you to the pool to get the water.
You had miscalculated how heavy water was once you had filled yours to the brim. The weight was so heavy it almost sent you tumbling backwards but thankfully Sunghoon was there to catch you clutching your waist firmly with his spare hand so you don't fall. " y/n are you okay? You swallow anxiously as his hand remained firmly in position, his fingers caressing the material of your shorts slightly, his touch sending shivers down the rest of your body " umm..milady?" Gosh, snap out of it, he was simply trying to help you "nothing, let's go.." You disregard the concept of thought and go on your way.
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“I just wanted you to know That baby, you the best”
A MESS you wanted to make turned out to be a mess. The bed ruined and drenched the currants adhering to the walls, your father's books floating around the room, and your mother's cosmetics spilling out and changing colours as it combined with the water. You smiled proudly at yourself.
You turn to face Sunghoon, who is already staring you, "what?" He didn't say anything and simply looked at you. Why is he just starting at me? "Do you ever wonder what it feels like to really like someone?" you look at him shocked. Why the sudden question? "I mean, no, not really, there's never been anyone I've liked well, in a romantic way that is," I like you he shrugs. "That's upsetting,"
" how so?" You ask to which he doesn’t say anything "Sunghoon your seem a bit off " he still doesn't say anything and slowly approaches you, causing you to move back and slip onto your parents soaked bed as a result of your actions earlier.. as there was still a shallow amount of water flowing on the floor.
"Do my feelings put you off, y/n?" Huh" wait what- what are you talking about " he looks closely into your eyes as if searching for something in them " i stated before it was sad that you milady..didn't like anyone because I like you " he stops before starting again " you've made my vacation here brighter.. I want to stay with you just a little bit longer" you blink wildly, unable to believe what your ears are hearing.
"you..like..me," he nods, smiling slightly, "but it's fine if you don't-" cutting him off, you pull him into a passionate kiss. Because you were too nervous to say the words out loud, you hoped your actions would speak for you.
Sunghoon nibbled on your lip right away, causing you to yelp slightly and give him complete access to swirl his tongue and intertwine it with yours. His left hand gently approaching your cheek, his thumb touching your face tenderly and delicately, as if he was afraid you would break.
You eventually draw away, glancing down at your nails. Feeling a bit shy "the feelings... mutual Sunghoon" he smiles again, drawing you close into an embrace and collapsing upon you due to the height difference. "Oh my gosh, let go, your making me wet, it's c-cold!" You yell, attempting to push him away, but he refuses to let go, hugging you even tighter, "but I wish to shower you with you milady with adoration and affection!" He teases, and you lightly slap his chest, and he pulls away slightly, his hands still on your waist, "have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?"
"Stop looking at me like that," he hums, "like what I'm just looking at you, can I not stare at a work of art?" you gulp slightly , not noticing the large blush that spreads across your cheeks. You hide your face in his chest, "Stop that.."
Sunghoon smiles, kissing you on the cheek and drawing you in for another hug. This time you didn't mind the coolness from his damp shirt, you were just delighted to be this close to him right now and to know he felt the same way about you.
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“Think I'll miss you forever Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky”
THE NEXT DAY, you awoke in the happiest feeling you'd been in since meeting Sunghoon, but after yesterday, you were elated. Even though you were yelled at by your parents for your stunt, you didn't care. Your thoughts were preoccupied with Sunghoon.
you got ready in the mirror doing your makeup as music plays in the back form your mothers radio “Done my hair up real big, beauty queen style~” “High heels off, I'm feelin' alive~”
I hope he likes it
You sigh as you look at the small pink envelope with a heart in the middle on the counter to your left. You deliberately composed a note for Sunghoon because you wanted to communicate how you felt and how he made you feel.
After you finished , you took your note and dashed out to the section where Sunghoon and his family were staying. Knocking on the door, you wait nervously, quickly adjusting your hair in the hopes of impressing him. But, to your dismay, the door opened to show an unknown lady? Who is that, if not Sunghoon's mother or sister?.. "Um... hello, I'm looking for Park Sunghoon?" She raises her brow "I don't know who that is, you got the wrong door, sorry" before shutting the door in your face.
What the hell? Im so sure this is his door he told me 79
You decided to go to reception and ask more questions because you were really confused . "Hello sir, I have an inquiry," he says, nodding, "what is the request, milady?" "What door number do the residents of the park family stay at?" He tells you to wait and begins entering up some information before reporting back to you, "the parks left early this morning"
You thank the receptionist and walk behind the wall, leaning back against it. Is he gone? There's no way he never mentioned leaving yesterday. It was fine, we were fine. You slip down until you're sitting on the floor. You try to reason with yourself that there was no way he would go like that without at least saying goodbye or alerting you of his departure
Until it finally hits you. You have a brief recollection of Sunghoon's words to you yesterday: "you've made my vacation here brighter.."I just want to stay with you a little longer," he knew.
You clench your fists and throw your letter across the floor. You were upset because you couldn't believe he wouldn't say goodbye properly. At the very least, if he been honest with you, you would have learned to handle reality a little better. You would have stayed with him longer. How could he leave you here alone knowing how lonely it made you feel?
You knew there was a good chance you'd never see him again; you don't even know where he lived or what school he attended; he simply fled away. You wanted to comprehend him but couldn't since your sadness was quickly replaced by rage, hurt, and betrayal.
You felt used..he knew he was leaving all along, yet he decided to give you hope anyways. As much as you sincerely liked him, you honestly don't want to see him ever again because you're frightened of how easy you'd fall apart if you met his eyes.
I hope the memory of me haunts you for the rest of your life Sunghoon…
You prayed he'd never find serenity or even a speck of clarity, that the memories of you would suck him dry of any joy..so he could never be happy. He cannot forget you…. because you'll never forget him
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𖤐 steal my work and I’ll come to your house and suck your blood 🧛‍♀️
𖤐 authors notes and dat 📝pt.2 : yeah I think I have an obsession with creating sad endings lately 💀 I apologise in advance. Anyways I hopes you enjoyed it tho !! Don’t worry anything form now one is positive 😭
-Peace and love ♡︎
𖤐 link to my other works !!
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
a beginner’s guide to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II Fandom (most of it)
Captain John Price: den dad. He’s got the moustache to prove it. Nikolai is his Russian pilot BF.
Ghost’s real name is Simon Riley. Some say he’s blonde, some dark-haired. Feel free to choose a side. Feel free to ship him w/anyone you want (Soap, Roach, or Gaz in any combo). Just understand that he is the scariest babygirl. Very tall, very stabby, very masked unless he wants to make you his husband.
Laswell: den aunt (not mom just bc she’s not around as much). Friends w/Price. She can get him to do anything. She’s married to some lucky woman (IDK if this is canon but good for her).
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish: is a chaotic team w/Gaz & Roach. They pull pranks, gossip & man the group chat which is full of memes. Soap is very proud of his Scottish heritage (so are we!). He’s looking respectfully at Ghost’s butt. He loves blowing things up & he craves words of affirmation.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick: Price’s informally adopted son. Price likes to think he’s responsible & tbh he is until someone is needed to film Soap & Roach’s antics. He’s just trying to live his life but the love lives of everyone leave him exasperated (hard to keep up).
Gary “Roach” Sanderson: precious smol bby.
König: another precious bby. He’s just taller than everyone, by MUCH (pretty sure he’s like 6’7” based on pictures). His sniper hood is a shirt w/holes. He occasionally knocks over things & gets embarrassed but no one is mad. He uses his lil Austrian puns/sayings & everyone is confused (they just like that he sounds happy).
Phillip Graves: fucking asshole. He’s only a “good guy” in fics so the guys can prank him, or so Ghost can scare the shit out of him, or so someone can fuck him in some kind of consensual frenemy hatesex fic.
Farah Ahmed Karim: badass rebel woman who needs no one (which sucks I guess because the squad loves her). Also Alex probably has a crush on her. Bonus: she’s voiced by an actress from The Boys.
Alex Keller: the nice American guy! He definitely holds his own, even though he’s usually the one who doesn’t get the joke in fanfics. Most ship him with Farah & Gaz in a lovely trio.
Alejandro Vargas: sexy Spanish speaking dude who helps the 141 in combat & love issues. He’s dating Rudy.
Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra: also speaks Spanish. He’s dating Alejandro, who he’s known since forever.
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daltheznadofart · 1 month
Do you think Danny will grow as tall as Dan?
Do I think he will, Eh. Varies on the fan content I'm interested in looking into. Logically, Danny could feasibly grow as tall as Dan due to genetics from his father. Jack is a very tall man and Danny could easily become that tall. It's also just as likely that Danny only grows as tall as his mother. One thing to remember with Dan is that he isn't just Danny. He is also Vlad's ghost half. They are fused together. So in essence, it is the genes of both men that Dan grows from, not just Danny. Vlad is a large man. So it can either be assumed that Danny will also naturally grow that large, or Dan's size merely comes from Vlad's side. Personally, I like a small Danny merely because I think it's fun. I like him being able to take on all the ghosts larger than he is, even as he grows older and more powerful. It also works for my shipping purposes lmao. Tall x smol.
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ineffablegods616 · 4 months
I want Dolly Parton to be an Admiral in
Star Trek Janeway.
I don't care necessarily what happens, but I want Dolly Parton and Kathryn Janeway to be together.
They are both smol and I want short, fiery Admirals verbally destroying so many ppl....
Admiral Nychev(sp?) is also smol....
Oh shit!
Imma need
Janeway busting into a conference room with smol big hair blonde Admirals on either side of her.
They gon Saber Rattling Diplomacy so many mfkers.
Midwestern Tornado
Southern Fire
Russian Thunder
The Natural Disaster Special Forces of Admirals.
Yass. Yep. I'm in. Let's fuckin GOOOOOO!
Janeway comes in when other diplomats fail to get shit done.
She always travels with 2 other ships, each with their own Admiral.
They always give the other guy one last shot at whoever before
Janeway struts thru the door, and places her rifle on the table. Or if we wanna be massive lil shits about it, an ornamental saber, like Naval officers. And sits down. Dolly and Alynna flank her.
"I have for you a list of your options, here are our concessions (pulls up holo-display), these are their concessions. (Pointing out each list)
Now. I'm here to help you choose and get on with this agreement. Rather than this purgatory of petty whims. Does anyone have an issue with that?"
Pick a tall aggressive ppl...idk Klingon kinda feels old hat for this...Stands up and walks up on Dolly at Janeway's right side.
"And what are three small frail human females going to do if we do?"
Dolly smirks at him crooks a finger at him. He leans down to her level...
And that's all I got....
Someone better at writing write this lol
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thehollowwriter · 6 months
59, 80, 93 for the octaquartet <3
Thanks, Kai! ^^
59. Is there a spot they tend to kiss or caress habitual?
Finn is... really short, so his habits when standing is limited lmao. He does gently touch his partners' arms or elbows (absent mindedly). When the others are sitting or lying down, he really likes to caress or fiddle with their hair and kiss them on the cheek.
Azul has very careful control over his habits. Behind closed doors, when he's sleepy, though? Caressing the others' lower back and pressing kisses to their temples. Jade is quite similar, although he does like to caress Finn and Azul's hands with his thumb.
Floyd does not kiss. He bites. Jk, he's very affectionate (he does drape over Azul, Jade and Finn constantly, after all) and likes kissing/nibbling at Azul and Finn's earlobes. He doesn't really caress? He more wraps his arms around the others.
80. What tropes could be applied to this relationship?
(*cough* I'm just gonna use ship dynamics)
Opposites attract, calm (this is a lie) talls and feral smol, friends to lovers, childhood friends to lovers, We Are Going to Kick Your Ass, height difference, partners in crime, temporarily one-sided
Guess which applies to who 😈
There's more, but that's all I can think of for now
93. One has hurt their leg on a hike. How does their S/O carry them?
Finn can't lift any of them, I'm sorry, he'll just fall over 😭. He can drag them if it's an emergency, tho. Azul will go for bridal style and absolutely hold it over their head, Jade will, too (he will pretend to lose his grip, though fjfgk). Floyd? Maybe bridal style, but I can also see him flinging them over his shoulder lmaaao.
Tagging: @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle @kitwasnothere @the-banana-0verlord @cynthinesia @cyanide-latte @elenauaurs
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I feel most of these are self explanatory but, for pedanticism:
Sexiest Monster
Sexiest Monster! The less humanoid the better!
Cool Words
Words like effervescent, ephemeral, and petrichor, not used often in everyday speech but fun nonetheless!
Comfortest Character
Who is the most comfortest character?
Homoerotic Enemies
Think along the lines of Perry the Platypus and Dr. Doofenshmirtz, or that Danny Phantom tiktok guy (I can't remember his username but I love his hero/villain series)
Ship Dynamics
Moving away from characters, this is the culmination of those art memes with dynamics such as "tall and kind x smol and angry" or "they both share one braincell" and so on
Sexiest Nonbinary
We've had the Tumblr Sexyman and Sexywoman Battles, it's high time we let nonbinary people be sexy too!
Best Memes
I've found through the skeleton tourney that you guys really like memes.
(Real) Pets
Send in pictures of your pet (if you'd like) and have them battle to win Tumblr's heart!
Chaos Tourney :3
My own idea, a tournament in which you submit the characters and the criteria for the tournament will change every round (for example, round one could be most pathetic sop and round two could be most likely to commit a felony)
Comfort Foods
What do you eat when you're sad or just need a pick me up?
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ryebread-x · 12 days
Trygve/Loki (for ship bingo) (I am giving you an opportunity to yap about them /pos)
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Thank you for giving me the opportunity to yap about these two because now I will >:)
I love the idea of Loki possibly having a husband/boyfriend while disguised as a milkmaid (if you chose interpret Odin’s accusation in the Lokasenna as true then those kids had to come from somewhere).
Anyways here’s my self indulgent retelling of these two:
When it comes to Trygve(the mortal farmer) and Loki, these two started out a loving couple who found company with eachother. They are also the definition of tall wife x smol husband. The two met when Loki spotted Trygve while roaming around Midgard falling in love with him . She then proceeded to disguise herself as a human and get a job on his farm as a milkmaid. Trygve then falls in love with her, leading the two of them to get married. Loki is still the same old myth Loki but kinda keeps her tricks at a minimum to still keep her true identity hidden. She does, however, genuinely love Trygve, and her relationship with him is not just one of her tricks or games. But then, after several years, things become messy quickly when Trygve learns of Loki’s true identity as a god. Things end on a sour note, and the two end their marriage, splitting custody of their 3 daughters. Loki is taking the twins(Vor and Var) while the youngest (Liefi) stays with Trygve. Both are heartbroken by the whole ordeal , and Trygve ends up deciding never to remarry. He was less heartbroken by the fact Loki was a god more that she lied to him for 8 years. The two of them don’t end up meeting again until Trygve is on his death bed, and Loki stays with him in his final days.
So yeah like most of Loki’s relationships they end in tragedy too but they were happy for a short time😭
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hacash · 1 year
deranged ship ideas which will never come to fruition but if they do I will give JSuds my firstborn
Nate x Bex: Bex deserves someone to value her for herself, rather than as a pathway to a greater goal. Nate deserves one relationship in his life which doesn’t bring with it all the baggage from Richmond. Rupert deserves to be cheated on.
Also: they’re both cute as a button; the smol guy x tall girl thing is always hot; Nate gets on with little girls and thus could be the perfect stepfather for li’l Diana; Bex can be a little awkward and quirky at times; and Bex is proven to have a thing for the evil silver fox type. 
(I actually do think the show could pull this off, so I may have been a bit rash with the future of my hypothetical firstborn already.)
Thierry x Richard: Thierry is Quebecois, Richard is European French. Richard is a sophisticate who knows a fine wine does not have to be an expensive wine, Thierry thinks wearing bright red Yeezys to a funeral is a solid life choice. They’re like star-crossed lovers. The only similarity is that they got red-carded reeaal quick at the West Ham match, and neither of them get to hold the team braincell very often.
Colin x Lindsay Higgins: I’ll say this until I’m blue in the face: ‘appreciates life’s little grey areas’ is code for queer person of faith. I don’t make the rules, this is just a fact. Also, please consider that Lindsay Higgins is an absolute fox and Colin ‘thirsty much?’ Hughes totally deserves to sleep with a hot vicar. 
And ‘my body’s like a church in an airport’. Lindsay is a vicar. I’ve connected the dots. (You haven’t connected shit.)
Bumbercatch x Jan: Smolandtolsmolandtol. 
Beard x Ms Bowen: She’s a bit quirky and snarky enough for Beard; Beard has that same slightly gruff but charmingly enigmatic vibe that Ms Bowen seemed to appreciate in Roy. Also, and this is the most important part, Ms Bowen is not Jane.
Sharon x Trent Crimm: Yes, I know they haven’t even interacted once, but that much swag combined would create a power couple literally too fabulous for us to witness. Their child would probably end up ruling the world.
Nate x Colin: (I must be the only person in fandom to whom Nate gives off an awkward late-bloomer queer vibe, but there you go.) I am an absolute freaking sucker for a ship where two people have genuinely hurt each other and still manage to come out the other side. Colin would absolutely encourage Nate to loosen up more and have fun; Nate would use his somewhat fighty nature to protect Colin. And, as I have said before, if I wasn’t supposed to ship Colin and Nate then why the fuck did they have a shirtless Billy Harris getting all close and personal with Nate while smooshing his face and going ‘look at your face, look at your face’ in the first episode?! Just what acting and directorial choices were going on there?!
Plus, for my newer followers, I am 100% convinced that Colin would go full Dark Side for an evil silver fox at the drop of a hat.
I know it’s not gonna happen but on the other hand, I really really think it could happen. JSuds, my firstborn could be all yours for the low, low price of going absolutely batshit this season.
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