#but also genuine bnha theories
makeste · 10 months
Do you actually believe the DFO theory? What do you think supports it? (Genuine question)
I do think Deku and AFO have a yet-to-be-revealed connection, and back in my early BnHA fandom days I did think Dad For One was a possibility. nowadays though, I'm convinced there's a different explanation for the link between them -- namely, that OFA and AFO are actually the same quirk, and Deku is effectively a horcrux of AFO. I have a post here which explains this theory more in-depth, but basically the gist of it is that OFA was never a separate quirk at all. Yoichi really was quirkless, and when AFO attempted to force a quirk on his brother, he accidentally gave him a piece of his own quirk in the process. just broke off a lil section of it, like a Kit-Kat bar.
I will say that regardless of which theory turns out to be true, there's definitely something going on between AFO and Deku. chapter 217 in particular is practically overflowing with hints that the two are linked. Katsuki sees it right from the start, and even theorizes that AFO might have something to do with the SIXQUIRKS activating. and rather than disagree, All Might simply says "I didn't want to raise that point," meaning he made the connection as well. and then they just freaking drop the entire subject never to mention it again. and Horikoshi lays this panel on us as a parting gift.
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which to me is confirmation that we'll be revisiting this at some point. simply because you do not lay the symbolism on that thick without some kind of game plan for the future. this isn't merely setting up OFA and AFO as foils; this is deliberately (and ominously) drawing attention to the numerous "coincidental" similarities between their two quirks. such as the fact that OFA is the only other quirk capable of holding multiple quirks within itself. and the only other quirk capable of being passed down to another user.
not to mention there's also the as-yet-unexplained link between Deku and AFO. the fact that Yoichi can "hear" his brother, and vice-versa. back in Jakku, the pre-Danger Sense Deku somehow knew that Tomura was awake before anything had actually happened. and when Deku first activated SIXQUIRKS, AFO was somehow aware, even miles away locked up in Tartarus. and we're just supposed to pretend this is all perfectly normal and makes total sense, lol.
so yeah there is definitely some sort of reveal coming up before this all ends. but I think DFO is more likely to be a red herring at this point. Horikoshi definitely knows about the theories, and that's probably why he still hasn't revealed anything about Dekupapa. he's the Hagakure in this scenario. distract me us with speculation about her, when in reality Aoyama was the culprit all along. it's the same tactic here. convince all the fans that AFO is Deku's father, when in reality the truth is even more insidious. he's not Deku's dad -- he's Deku's quirk. and the final final boss, secretly lurking not within Tomura, but within Deku himself.
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tell me that's not the perfect final showdown setup. you know it's true. you know it's coming. or at least I hope it is lol.
incidentally, during the process of typing this all up, it occurred to me that if AFO is capable of creating horcrux!quirks (which we know for a fact he is regardless of how this theory pans out, since that's essentially how TomurAFO was created)... then why not Deku as well? which immediately led me down a whole new different theory rabbit hole. that's going to have to be its own separate post, though. my mind is now going a mile a minute, holy shit. this is going to be a busy weekend.
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youling-the-ghost · 4 months
I just got caught up on the bnha manga and boy do I have some thoughts about the future of the series. OBVIOUS SPOILER WARNING IS OBVIOUS
I don't know how to feel about the fact that bnha could be ending soon. On one hand, I'm glad that the final war arc is finally reaching its conclusion, but on the other hand, there are so many loose ends that I'm worried will never be tied up. I'm mostly worried about the future of class 1-A because every scenario that I thought of had something wrong with it:
Class 1-A continues studying at UA as if nothing had happened. This doesn't quite sit well with me because let's be real here, all of class 1-A were all more heroic than most of the Pro Heroes. Having them continue studying at UA would feel almost disingenuous to the entire final war arc. Despite this, I still feel like this is the best option for class 1-A. After everything that has happened, a sense of normalcy would probably be appreciated. Plus I'd love to see Shinsou as part of the hero course in their second year.
Class 1-A graduates from UA by default and all become Pro Heroes. I don't like this scenario for more personal reasons. The main reason why I love bnha so much is its academia aspects; I loved seeing the characters grow like actual students in a genuine school setting. Having the students graduate would be taking the main charm of the show away, at least in my opinion. Although I will say that it would be incredibly exciting to see the students that we've been following for the past 400 chapters become Pro Heroes, so I'm not entirely against this option either.
The hero society crumbles and heroes cease to exist, thereby disbanding UA and class 1-A. Honestly I'm only including this because it's a popular fan-theory, although I don't agree with it at all. It feels like a slap in the face to every student who faught in the war. It would genuinely be such a big disservice to have all of them who risked their lives fighting in the war, only for their dreams to be ripped from them. Another issue is that in my opinion, the heroes themselves isn't even the biggest flaw within the hero society. I feel like the biggest flaw with the whole system is how the general public views heroes. They see Pro Heroes as saints and pillars who can shoulder all of society's burdens and blames. Removing the job of Pro Heroes would just feel like putting a band-aid on an amputated limb, as the core issue of bnha's society shifting its blame onto others wouldn't be resolved. It would also just be scummy to title your series "My Hero Academia" only to remove the concept of heroes by the end of it. I'm not bashing Horikoshi's writing or even fans who support this theory, I just personally think that it's not a very plausible ending for bnha.
Again, I feel like option 1, where class 1-A continue to school as normal (followed by a time-skip when they become Pro Heroes) would be the best and most plausible option. However, I don't think it would be right for things to completely return to normal either.
I really hope that Horikoshi adds an arc after the current one that explores the aftermath of everything, including the public reaction to how hard the heroes faught against the villains and their unwavering spirit, which could also serve as a proper end to the overarching story of the broken hero society.
This is more of a tangent than anything else, but I CAN'T BELIEVE SHIGARAKI JUST DIED LIKE THAT??? I guess it makes me overly optimistic, but I genuinely thought at one point that Midoriya could save Tenko from All For One because it would be an incredibly fitting end for him. Tenko's main motivation behind becoming Shigaraki was the fact that not one person helped him when he was wandering the streets as a traumatised kid, and a common narrative that all of the League of Villains shared was how their fates could have been different had someone reached out a helping hand when they needed it most. Having Midoriya save Tenko from All For One would be such a satisfying ending, not only for the overarching story of the villains, but for those who wish that the villains could be redeemed. It would be such a perfect ending AND IT WAS TAKEN AWAY JUST LIKE THAT?? I don't buy it tbh maybe I'm just delusional but I have a feeling that the whole ordeal with Shigaraki isn't finished yet.
Lastly, IS MIDORIYA QUIRKLESS AGAIN?? Since Shigaraki had One For All when he died, that would mean that the quirk is also gone, right? So would that mean that he would no longer be able to become a hero? I could see this going one of two ways:
Shigaraki's not actually dead or One For All didn't disappear when he died, meaning that Midoriya can continue using it.
One For All really is gone and Midoriya is quirkless again, but he continues striving towards his goal of being a hero despite not having a quirk.
I think both options have potential and I wouldn't be opposed if either option becomes canon. Although, if Shigaraki gets revived for some bullshit reason, I might just riot. I know I literally just said that I'm not against Shigaraki not actually being dead, but that would require a plausible explanation for why he's dead but not actually dead. I think the most plausible explanation right now would be if somehow Shigaraki's quirk mutates and the "restore" part of it returns, which could "restore" his body again. But even that is a little...eh to me. Either way, I'm excited for what's in store.
You thought I was done, well SIKE! Let's talk about Midoriya's dad! Horikoshi has confirmed in 2018 that his identity will be revealed at some point, but it's nearing the end of the final war arc and still not one hint has dropped about Hisashi Midoriya. I feel like this could end up being another "Aoyama is the traitor" situation, where we think that Horikoshi has forgotten about this plot line, only for him to come back to it in full force that makes total sense in retrospect.
The most popular theory right now is that Hisashi Midoriya is actually All For One, and I actually kind of agree with it. I don't think that this is 100% going to be what Horikoshi goes with, but I think it's a pretty interesting idea that also has decent plausibility. Apart from the evidence that other fans have accumulated, there's also a lot of merit in the storytelling that could stem from this reveal:
It has already been established that the public is willing to turn their backs on heroes, no matter how much they sacrifice to ensure the safety of the civillians, if they believe that the hero is "immoral" in some way. The reveal that All For One is Midoriya's dad would be like the "Dabi is Touya" reveal except 10 times worse because this isn't just some villain, it's literally All For One. The public would not take it well, and that could be a great segue to directly addressing all of the issues about the hero society that Horikoshi has been building up.
This also completes the foil contrast between Midoriya and Shigaraki; two kids who were victims of the broken hero society, one born from a villain and one born from a hero, who become the opposite as they're taken under the wing of the greatest hero and the greatest villain. There's just something so poetic about that that I love.
Let's say that Tenko Shimura does get saved by Midoriya, imagine how he'd feel when he finds out that the person who saved him is directly related to the person who caused all of his pain and grief. It would probably break him, and this could lead to such an interesting arc of Tenko re-adjusting to a normal civilian life, dealing with the backlash that's bound to happen, and learning how to trust Midoriya again. It's such a compelling idea that I'm itching to write a fic about it.
But apart from that, there's also the fact that there aren't many other ways that would make the reveal interesting enough to justify it being such a long mystery. Think about it, there's probably a good reason that Horikoshi kept Midoriya's dad a secret for so long, and it would be lame as hell if he just turned out to be some guy. Having All For One be Midoriya's dad seems like one of the few ways for the reveal to be compelling. I could also see Midoriya being related to the Todorokis in some way, but then it would just feel like the "Dabi is Touya" reveal with extra steps.
And with that, I'm finally done with this ridiculously long post. Again, depsite my grievances, I'm super hyped to see what's to come with the series, and I'm genuinely so excited for chapter 424 to come out.
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animeomegas · 2 years
Hi! I love your writing and just wanted to know who you think the size queens of BNHA would be? Anyone that would be relieved if their Alpha had a smaller dick? Thank you!
Hey!! Thanks so much!! I hope you enjoy <3
n-sfw discussion below :D
Size queens:
Midoriya - When he first starts a sexual relationship with someone, he unlocks a massive part of himself that laid dormant before. That part is his floor length list of kinks and fetishes. Being a size queen is one of them. He loves to feel like he’s being ruined fully and completely, sobbing, drooling, the works. He also likes the idea that he can only get enjoyment from his alpha’s cock because they’ve conditioned him and ruined him to the point he can’t feel pleasure from small dicks. His pain/discomfort tolerance is very high, and he loves to prep himself for his alpha in advance, so no issues there. Midoriya is kind of a cockslut ngl. 
Dabi - If sex doesn’t hurt at least a little bit, he probably can’t get off. He takes pride in being able to take it as well, he has that smirk on his face every time he bottoms out. Rearrange his guts, make it hard for him to walk, he dares you. 
Those that enjoy a big dick, but not too big:
Bakugou - He likes to feel it deep, in either orifice, so bigger dicks are ideal. He also lowkey feels pride in his alpha’s dick being bigger than average lol. That being said, he’s not a size queen. There is a limit where he draws the line. He wants it to feel good, not hurt. He’s not a masochist. 
Aizawa - He likes sex to hurt a little bit, ngl, so a bigger dick does give him the pleasantly uncomfortable stretching feeling that he chases. But too big and blowjobs become uncomfortable and prep takes too long and he can’t fit it into his schedule. There’s a happy medium in his mind. 
Shigaraki - He’s a massive cockslut and definitely likes to think that he loves a massive cock to worship, but he’s also a massive wuss, and he doesn’t like it hurting too much. And he’s impatient and hates prepping himself. So, he’s a size queen in theory, but in reality, he just likes a slightly bigger than average dick. 
Sero - It’s just his personal preference. He likes how a slightly bigger dick feels and that’s it. 
Those that don’t care:
Mirio - He’s very much a believer of ‘size doesn’t matter’. He doesn’t care, he really loves whatever his alpha has to work with. 
Todoroki - It doesn’t even enter his mind to have an opinion on what size dick his alpha has. His alpha’s dick is his alpha’s dick. That’s all there is to it. 
Mic - Emotions turn him on, so as long as the dick in question is attached to someone he loves, then the size couldn’t matter any less. 
Kirishima - Another big believer of ‘size doesn’t matter’. He thinks it’s very manly to work with whatever you have to please your partner, so if he’s pleased, he’s happy. 
Hawks - Whatever it is, it’s his alpha’s. That makes it safe and perfect and beautiful. He finds average size easier to deal with, but honestly, whatever the size, he wouldn’t change anything. 
Those that prefer an alpha with a smaller dick:
Tamaki - He finds the concept of a massive dick to be terrifying. He was very relieved to find out his alpha had a manageable size that Tamaki was very comfortable with.  
Shinsou - He cannot stand alphas with big dicks. It truly pisses him off. He believes that the bigger the dick (physical), the bigger the dick (personality.)
Iida - He never watches porn and he waits until marriage, so he’ll accept whatever as the normal, but if he could choose he prefers a smaller dick. If you ask him why, he’ll just say it’s more ‘reasonable’. I don’t know what that means 🤷‍♀️
All Might - He’s a small man who’s injured and getting on in years. He doesn’t want his legacy to end because he was fucked to death, that would be embarrassing. A smaller dick is perfect for him. 
(I genuinely couldn’t decide for Denki... Idk, I’m open to suggestions for him haha.)
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>They are really following the “saving child shigaraki” path 💀
No? Well, yes, but Deku seeing what happened to Tenko and talking to Tenko was always going to happen, it doesn't mean that only child Tenko gets saved lol. Tenko is Shigaraki's origin, his core, his genuine ideas, his honne (true feelings and desires). Of course Deku has to understand and save Tenko to save adult!Tenko, lol. Nobody seemed to complain when child!Ochako was talking to child!Himiko and etc., so what's up with some people's attitude now? 😭
I think the fandom is a bit paranoid because they really fear some theories.
I sometimes entertain those theories just to fuck around and create what ifs. It's a mere childplay. "Oh what if the school burned today and we all graduated earlier" type of mindset. The odds of it happening are non-existent, but c'mon. Unless you plan to burn the school yourself or you know someone will try, the odds are almost zero.
"but somewhere in the world a school burned—"
Sure, some mangas decide to end things the worst way possible only to cause shock, to fuck with fans, for money, sometimes simply because they don't understand their own stories. Even the big mangas is subjected to that. The author can go bananas for whatever reason and give you a terrible ending.
From my perspective, Horikoshi has rarely lost sight of the story he wants to tell. If he opens a plotline, he takes care to close it later. We got our traitor, we got the resolution with the Todorokis, we got AFO, class 1B, the villain comebacks...
Even when there were moments I knew Horikoshi went a little on the tangent (like Stars and Stripes) he was quick to return to the main issue. In bnha, to get an answer for your question you only have to wait for the manga to explain it— or in some cases, check the spin-off. If the answer is not in bnha itself, it normally is in the Vigilantes manga.
When someone asks me "Hey Shan, do you think that is possible?" the correct answer is always yes, because as long as the story is not over anything can happen. Objectively speaking, yes, it is as possible as anything else. As long as you're alive a lightning strike can hit you. A shark can bite you. An alien can come for you. The odds are there.
Now, is it probable?
No, not much.
Turning Tomura into a child to erase his crimes and resolve Deku's role within the plot is not only the lazy route, but also a disservice to the story. People don't resurrect out of nowhere in bnha. Limbs don't grow again. This is a story where the consequences are permanent. Even saving Mirio had a cost. There are only a few characters that can magically heal and their participation is soo little, it's almost as if they weren't there.
Each story has rules. You don't care about the real life rules or your own law code or whatever; you care about the inner rules of that story.
So far, Horikoshi has taken care of not breaking the inner rules of bnha. Why would he do so now?
Another bnha trait is that it doesn't stay stagnant on a plotline that is interesting yet irrelevant to the main story. It also doesn't hurry the story if it needs to go down a certain path. It will happen on its own time, after the events that need to happen had happened too. Example: saving Tomura has been a whole process. If Horikoshi were to turn Tomura into a child, why would he show all that he has shown us?
That's 'cause Horikoshi is explaining Deku's choice of saving Tomura. I know the trend of separating Tomura from Tenko, but it's absurd. They are one and the same. The kid is the adult and vice versa. You save the kid version, you save the adult one too. In order to save the adult one, you need to save the kid first. And if you went all the way to save that person, why would you want to erase all of it and turn them into a child again?
Isn't the story about how Deku giving little Tenko a chance? Isn't the story about Deku telling others they can do the impossible? Didn't Nighteye say that Deku could change the future and now we see him also changing the past, if only to allow the present to be a little more bearable? Livable?
I'll say this here: the theory that dictates that the heroes will turn the villains into kids to save them and the villains will stay like that has absolutely no foundation within the story.
If it happens, it's bad writing.
Horikoshi uses the kid images as symbolism. It is meant to represent the core of a person. It's the part of them that would never change, the part of them that dictates their dreams and goals, what they hate and love, who they are. It's the most basic of their forms, their essence, their soul if you want to speak on those terms.
Heroes are meant to connect with those parts of a human in order to save them, because the job of a hero is not only saving the body, but the human as a whole. To preserve hope, to heal past wounds and give people a reason to smile. To help people laugh as a kid again, to bring back their wonder and their innocence, to fight the apathy and the cynical part of themselves.
Bnha is fantasy. People have powers. The dead can communicate with the living. Of course that the heroes can talk with the childhood versions of the people to heal their past traumas.
Easy as that.
I can't say for sure if the villains will live or die. I only have my opinion (they'll live), but I am not the author. Horikoshi can have an epiphany tomorrow and kill everyone in the story with a meteor. Idk.
I can only say that Horikoshi has presented a cohesive and coherent writing, one that follows the lines it dictates to their natural conclusion. If things stay like that, there's no need to fear none of the crazy theories circulating the fandom. At the end of the day that's all they are, theories.
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transhawks · 9 months
I have to agree. I will argue that cwac is well written but it's essentially just different characters with a bnha coat of paint, it was written so many years ago where it could've technically been a direction taken but canon has deviated so far from it no longer resembles anything close to it. The problem begins when some take it as a canon interpretation when it was not leading to infighting and misreading of canon events and character, although this is no fault of the author who I believe is still very talented.
When I first got into the fandom circa 2018, right before Hawks debuted, I was super obsessed with Deku and so CWAC was up my alley. But the moment I started paying attention to the villains, somehow it clearly dawned on me how not only OOC the story was but just how much the author clearly dislikes characters like Shigaraki or Dabi and how much it shows, fairly juvenile-y.
I won't argue that the author isn't talented, but over the years a friend who was also a very Big Writer at the time of CWAC's popularity 2018-ish has told me how discussions about the League went very badly.
The issue still is the fandom. I absolutely blame DFO on CWAC and the other work of the author that the name escapes me. Even now, when I look at DFO dynamics or the weird afo inko obsession they absolutely clearly have elements from the fic, so essentially what CWAC did was establish such a clear fanon that even non-fic readers have taken it as part of the theory.
I mean, again this is more the issue of the fandom in general just clinging on to very old perceptions of characters and plots. I'm going to rant about that below.
I'll use Tomura as an example because what made me dislike CWAC was the handling of him when I started to realize just how rich Horikoshi made Tomura 's character. Some shig-haters never get passed Kamino in what they think of him, and there are the LOV stans who haven't caught up with the idea that actually the MLA arc was *bad* for the League and are still in the viewpoint that the villains are revolutionaries. So there's these spaces where Shigaraki is just seen as a murderous incel versus Shigaraki is Che Guevara incarnate.
And these echo chambers are so removed from each other that very often little nuance penetrates, so you have incredibly established fanon truths that are rarely deviated from and people just stop examining the source material. Then conflict arises when you leave the echo chamber and talk to someone else.
Also worth mentioning is that the fandom echo chambers manage to function as they do by assigning moral values to any "thought crimes" that don't line up with accepted fanon-"canon". Don't think the League are super-radicals who will actually liberate society and create a Marxist utopia? Well you're a capitalist pig who supports cops, bye. You can see it with the very hardcore hero stans who think liking a villain means condoning murder too, "why do you like terrorists?" Or come into my inbox to tell me Jin's murder was justified. Fandom is very good at policing itself into cliques, to the detriment of everyone, I think.
It also, I think, created the situation where people in this fandom genuinely hate the work, keep reading it in bad faith due to those ingrained fanon expectations and preconceptions of what the work should be, and then get more and more resentful as time goes on and their views are not even acknowledged.
Seriously, just look back at the reaction of hero stan Twitter and reddit bros at Himiko's whole fight with Ochako. There was so much hatred of how Himiko was being redeemed.
There are still canon DFO fans. I feel sorry for those who had to look at this chapter and realize that what they've sunk so much time into was not real. Disappointment hurts, man.
Anyway, thanks for listening to me rant. I find it fascinating in an academic sense how so much of fandom was shaped by a fic and I wonder if at some point someone will examine it critically.
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darkonekrisrewrite · 1 year
The Lov’s bonds with each other are all they have + Dabi Recovery Theories
(Second Side Meta) (Spoiler warning, short meta + theories)
It doesn’t really matter if the Lov inner relationships are unhealthy or if they encourage their worse traits because they don’t have anyone else but each other, even at this current point in the manga.
Excluding Dabi, maybe.
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Shigaraki’s family is dead, Toga’s parents were horrible and Spinner’s family was presumably close to the same as he never mentioned them or at least they’re not present in his life.
And while we don’t know much about Compress’s family other than his Grandfather being a “peerless Thief”, the fact that he wound up in the Lov implies that he doesn’t have much, if anything, going for him either.
The individual members of the Lov have nothing to go back to and no one from their pasts that they could depend on in any circumstances.
So the small and pitfall ridden bonds that they share with one another are their only human connection and what connects them to their own humanity.
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(I don’t really have any concrete proof that this ^ scene isn’t a manipulation on Dabi’s part but the art framing and overall plot relevance of the scene heavily implies that it isn’t a manipulation but genuine in its sentiment.)
Showing tears for others (Toga), their loyalty to others (Spinner and compress), and that despite everything they’re still themselves (Dabi and hopefully in future coming chapters Shigaraki too).
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(Forgot to put this scene in earlier Meta, Spinner loyalty ^ here)
Whether these sentiments and actions have a good result is nearly irrelevant, as the actions and feelings themselves drive the Lov on the only path to survival that is currently available to them while at the same time showing that they do still have many forms of Love inside them.
And the path that they’re currently on is still definitely the only path that could have a chance of them surviving, because the Hero Kids are not where they need to be in the saving department yet.
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(This ^ does not inspire confidence.)
Unless it’s made clear that when the hero kids say they intend to stop/save their respective villains, they mean not only from death but also from being locked up to rot in prison forever, and they’re willing to actually fight in anyway that’s needed to make sure that doesn’t happen, the hero kid’s intentions don’t mean anything.
Because obviously throwing the Lov in prison isn’t saving them, there’s no way the hero kids can save the villain’s hearts from outside of a metal box (a key theme of saving in Bnha is saving the Heart).
That’s not even saving the Lov’s lives either really, because that’s just another form of killing them slowly and depending on perspective, with even more cruelty.
Dabi is both different and similar, as he does still have his family that does care about him but his future with them is still very uncertain.
They all came together to save Touya and each other which is good but Natsuo then saying that things will be “Hell” from now on, whatever that means, leaves Dabi’s fate on pretty much one of only two paths.
With Hero Society or with the Todoroki Family.
It can’t be both, because after everything that’s happened and the parts Dabi played in trying to take down the current system, Hero society won’t let him be saved in any way that could really count as saving.
Dabi Recovery Theories
Personally, what I think should happen, if the Todoroki’s are really intending to follow through on saving Touya and making sure that he can make a full(ish) recovery, is fake his death.
Someone as connected/wealthy as Endeavor must have access to private medical facilities, someplace they could stash Touya to keep him alive.
And with some heroes loyal to Endeavor or Shoto, or if they’re capable of exiting the area themselves with the help of the rest of the Todoroki family, take Touya and escape, hiding him there while saying that the villain Dabi fully incinerated himself in the near explosion.
Dabi is dead to the world but Touya can live and heal.
It’s pretty clear from the framing that Touya will live but for how exactly he would survive with his current injuries and fully recover, I have three theories.
The first theory being that with the right medical attention, Dabi could simply survive more or less as is.
A simple thought but plausible, because excluding one of his arms and some outer muscle lost, Dabi’s injuries aren’t so much worse than what he already went through and survived as a child.
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As long as his insides aren’t burned up (which they aren’t thanks to the appearance of his dormant Ice Quirk), he should be able to survive with medical attention.
And for making a full recovery (maybe not exactly a ‘Full recovery’ in this case as while they could feasibly replace his lost skin, the burned muscle might be different story) prosthetic limbs are pretty common in Bnha’s world, with even Compress being able to get his hands on a metal arm while on the run with the Lov.
The second theory is using Eri’s rewind Quirk, using medical equipment to ensure Dabi survives long enough for Eri’s horn (her power) to regrow and rewind Dabi to a state before he was so severely burned.
This is another simple solution (personally not a fan of this one) but entirely possible, although the heroes continually using Eri to solve their injuries/problems is a bit sketch (even the heroes admit that), so there is one very interesting theory left I can think of.
The Third theory: The heroes (specifically Endeavor) could try to use the imprisoned Doctor Garaki and the high-end Nomu to save and heal Dabi.
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By transferring the high-end Nomu’s regeneration quirk (something all the high-ends have, implying that the power can be replicated and transferred) to Dabi, using the doctor’s knowledge and previous experience of “grafting quirks” onto other beings (the Doctor said he could accomplish this action even without the AFO Quirk).
As for how this scenario would be possible, Endeavor would finally have to step up as a Father instead of as a hero, in fact risking his life/status as a hero.
Either by forcefully taking the Doctor and the Nomu from Prison himself or by leveraging his status as the Number one hero (what’s left of it) to force this plan to happen for Dabi’s sake.
And I personally think that this would be a great ending to Endeavor’s story as a hero, if he truly does regret everything he did.
Endeavor risking or sacrificing everything he personally has left (his hero existence) in the present to help the Son he chose not to show up for in the past, finally putting Touya first to fully save him from the flames.
That seems like good narrative storytelling to me.
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justatalkingface · 2 years
You seem to have a really good grasp of Bakugo's character, and his character flaws in the story. Although it's more of a theory than a criticism, I was wondering if I could run something by you, a thought I had that would make Bakugo's character make a little more sense.
What if all of the inconsistency in bakugo is intentional? Like what if the truth of Bakugo's goals and arc, and his decisions was all to get one thing? One For All
Because Bakugo knows OFA can be given, he partially knew because izuku told him, then (for some reason!) All might told him everything else confirming that. Though the second bnha movie is only kind of canonical, I always found it weird how bakugo didn't remember anything about getting OFA, and judging by the dialogue had no intention of even attempting to give it back to izuku.
Bakugo seems to learn these valuable lessons and then goes back to doing the exact same thing, like you said in your post, which makes it not feel genuine. So like, what if it isn't genuine? And he was only acting like he needed to so he could get things the way he wanted them to be?
Bakugo isn't stupid, he's actually very perspective, not overly intelligent but it seems like he's always been pretty good at strategy. So at least to me it doesn't seem like it'd be that big of a stretch to think that bakugo would be smart enough to tell people what they want to hear when it matters, with the kid at the gang orca test, then to all might and midoriya.
And while it might seem his 'sacrifice' for izuku might debunk this theory, it's also true that bakugo has always been willing to sacrifice his body to win, like he himself said in the fight with izuku against all might. What if that sacrifice wasn't for izuku in the first place, but One For All?
I can't account for how all the other characters constantly cover for/praise him but the hero's side has never been good at not doing that, when it's someone that the heroes need, endeavor is proof of that. Maybe that's intentional too?
I'd really like to know what you think about this theory, if you think it's just too crazy or if it might have some merit. Thanks!
...You know, I kind of hate that I can't dismiss this instantly. Like, part of me started nodding before I even finished reading.
Let's separate 'What Hori Is Showing Us' Bakugou from 'what the hell a realistic person could be like' Bakugou for the purposes of this, because barring some truly unexpected, mind screwing levels of a turns table move, I honestly doubt that Hori is going to make the fan favorite, *gasp*, look bad, but that actually... makes a lot of sense?
...If we ignore how literally everyone else falls over themselves to praise him, like you said.
So, on the face of it, the obvious problem is that Bakugou's sin is Pride as much as Wraith, and he's canonly so damn stubborn he's willing to accept an obvious loss just so he doesn't look bad... ignoring that losing because you're too proud makes you look bad, but whatever, Bakugou logic. So not only would he be too proud to 'demean' himself to even get the Quirk, he's also too proud to even want that outside assistance of someone else's Quirk, because, Ra Ra, Bakugou is the best, he'll do everything himself, what the fuck ever.
The thing is, with that very incident, and with others, Bakugou did learn things, he did get it forced through his thick skull that he's not the top dog (granted, he now thinks he's second, and deep down part of him might even admit he's third or fourth, depending on the status of AFO and/or Shigaraki, but, again, Bakugou Logic(TM)). Moreover, it's been pounded into his head that Deku, the helpless, worthless nerd who could never be his equal, never even hope to reach the bottom of his shoes, has gone zero to hero just with the power of this Quirk, and through that alone he's close to equalling him, if not surpassing him, something he'd only admit in the darkest corner of his heart (again, we're ignoring: all the work Izuku has done on and off screen to improve himself, his actual fucking name, and that later on Izuku's power levels just... go fucking nuts, because this is from Bakugou's limited, prejudiced perspective, and this would have to happened before the power ups started, back when Izuku with a Quirk for less than a year was just rivaling Bakugou, who had his most his life).
Beyond that, there's also the fact that he's been an enormous All Might fanboy right until he started talking to him about OFA (and presumably learning he's a Mere Mortal, not worth Bakugou's precious time/respect, and also I'm still convinced Hori hates All Might's guts and so loves to make him seem pathetic at every possible opportunity), and as one fic put it, getting All Might's Quirk, even more than its absurd raw power, is in fact the ultimate piece of All Might merch. Even if it wasn't something he could tell the public (and we all know he'd tell the public at some point), the sheer status of having One For All, All Might's Quirk, has to be heady for someone in MHA's society, where All Might is the closest thing to a living god.
So, even in the face of his overwhelming pride, this, for the power and/or the prestige of it, is something I could see him lower himself to act humbled for, for a time. And that's the only major objection, from a character perspective, I could see to this kind of theory.
In the actual execution of it there are, of course, problems, as you've pointed out, but let's put that aside for the moment to think about how it'd go:
Bakugou, at this point in time, would have been getting more and more uneasy that a stupid 'Deku' is actually being real competition, and fast growing one at that. He also probably noticed that All Might was spending extra time with Izuku, which would piss him off... and then Kamino happened.
In the midst of all that emotional turmoil he realizes that Izuku was chosen over him, and, through that, the implication that that Quirk can be given. And it bugs him, that someone this unworthy can have something so great, so beyond him, when there are others more deserving.
And maybe that's not the exact time he comes up with this plan, but the seed of it is born from his discontent and that knowledge, and at some point between then and the exam, the first major time since then he has a big heroic moment, or even as he takes the make up, he comes up with an idea, as audacious as it is 'brilliant': what if he makes Izuku give him the Quirk?
Because Bakugou is smart (high Int, anyways, even if Wis is clearly his dump stat), and he's got to be aware that Izuku is only a few steps above suicidal, between his non-existent self worth and how he treats his body. As is, one day he'll get himself killed, or crippled to a point where heroic work is no longer feasible. And if that happens?
One For All would have to go to someone else, or else it would die with him, and Izuku would never let that happen, never let that heroic legacy die with him, let down his beloved mentor, as long as there was another option. And who better than his childhood friend?
Of course, even if he's truly refusing to admit fault, he's aware that All Might chose Izuku over him (indirectly, since All Might barely knew he existed before UA, and there's no reason for him to be considered as a candidate, but Bakugou Logic(TM)), for some reason. He also knows that driving Izuku away means he's less likely to be there when Izuku inevitably falls in battle, and that probably he's going to have be around Izuku more, and that he'll probably be a better candidate, when that time comes, if he behaves like Izuku, the kid who got All Might's Quirk.... for some reason.
Because, yeah, even if, intellectually, he gets that Izuku has traits All Might sees as desirable, as heroic, if he actually got it, understood it on a deeper, more emotional level that this is what it means to be a hero, he'd change his behavior in real ways, not performative ones. This theory revolves around, among other things, Bakugou understanding heroism at a similar level to AFO, who can predict it, generally, understands that 'this is what a hero would do in that situation', but doesn't understand why they would do that, and instead thinks they're all morons who refuse to work for their own best interests.
It says a lot that I don't think it's a big reach that Bakugou's moral understanding of heroism isn't that far from AFO's.
And so he starts to act.... and that's the point where the plan falls apart.
Because Bakugou maybe be smart (or 'smart'), but for all his many, many flaws, he's generally brutally honest about what he's feeling, and so I don't think he'd be good at deception. Sure, he gets the dramatic moments where he's like, 'Yeah, I'm being so heroic saving Deku!' or something, but he can't contain his constant, festering disdain for everyone around him, Izuku especially.
And that leads to the flaws of this theory: first, like you're aware of, that people should notice this, how he's acting, his utterly transparent contempt, even though they never, ever do, and thus ruin everything for him. The second is I honestly don't think he's patient enough to not blow it, to not just angrily shout, 'Damn it, Deku, give me All Might's Quirk already!' at some point when he inevitably loses his shit over someone breathing in his general vicinity or something.
So, do I think this is going to be canon? Never. Like I said, this would make Bakugou look absolutely awful, and we all know Hori will never allow that.
At the same time, though, I think this theory (which I'm calling 'One For Bakugou' in my mind, because it sounds entirely selfish and thus fits this perfectly) is the best, and only, explanation I've ever heard (beyond being tsundere), to explain how he acts in the later half of the story.
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shxtodxroki · 6 months
Match-Up Exchange
These are some BNHA match-ups done for @twilightpentagram for a match-up exchange we arranged! I hope you enjoy your match-ups (pls let me know what you think!), you’ve been super sweet and understanding throughout this exchange and I enjoyed getting to interact with you! Please feel free to visit my blog or my DMs if you ever have any requests for me, or if you just wanna chat! :D
For The Guys, I’d Match You With:
Hitoshi Shinsou! :D
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A lot of the things you mentioned that were important to you just seemed like they’d fit really well with Shinsou’s personality and characteristics to me. From interests and hobbies to things you find important and valuable in a partner, I thought Shinsou matched well with a lot of your major points and I think he’d be the kind of partner who you’d be able to be fully comfortable and happy around! 
Headcanons About Your Relationship:
- I absolutely see Shinsou as someone who really enjoys video games in his free time. Suddenly joining the hero course is stressful since he feels like he’s behind and needs to work extra hard to catch up to everyone else, so video games are a really nice way for him to unwind and let go of that stress for a bit, especially if he gets to play them with you either in co-op form, or just gaming in the same room together or watching one another :>
- I feel like he’d especially like playing visual novels with/alongside you! Idk if you’ve ever watched Game Theory or seen MatPat and Steph play those kinds of games together, but I could see you two having a similar dynamic to them! Making up voices for the characters together and giggling and debating/making the choices together, it’s one of his favorite ways to spend time with you when you both have the time to spare
- He’s also not the kind of boyfriend who ever minds giving you reassurance, in fact he can often tell when you’re feeling a bit down or just in need of a bit of a pick-me-up without you needing to explicitly say it :> And though he’s not especially poetic with his words or anything, he’s more than happy to tell you how much he adores you and how endearing he finds your habits and mannerisms. He makes sure that you always know that you’re the perfect s/o for him, that he loves you more than words and that he could never ask for anyone better than you <3
- Hitoshi absolutely loves whenever you dye your hair with new, fun colors, he always tells you how amazing he looks and if you dye your hair yourself, he’d probably eventually ask if he can help you! He enjoys getting to be a part of the process and helping you, and he loves being the first to see how the colors turn out when you finally get to wash all the dye out :> 
- Shinsou definitely understands your preference for one-on-one conversations vs. bigger group settings, as he feels the exact same way. He’s an introvert just like you, and he especially gets overwhelmed sometimes being around all the hero course students as it’s still a very new environment for him, so he much prefers spending the majority of his free time with you just relaxing in your dorm, cuddling and chatting about whatever comes to mind
- I definitely think that he would also be the kind of boyfriend who you can banter with and tease the way you mentioned. He feels completely comfortable and secure when he’s with you, so he’s very laid back and conversation flows so easily between you two that he doesn’t bat an eye when you jokingly insult or tease him. He also laughs at all your jokes, he loves that you feel comfortable and at ease around him to the point where you’ll crack jokes with him without fear and he genuinely thinks you’re very funny too!
- He’s also very cuddly, you definitely won’t be deprived of touch when you’re with this man. When you first get together he always asks before initiating affection to gain a better understanding of what you’re comfortable with, and he always backs off if you’re not wanting affection on any given day, but generally he loves laying with his head in your lap and having you play with his hair or vice versa, and the two of you tend to be very cuddly when you’re alone together in general
- He’s also the perfect mix between sometimes being assertive and initiative, and also letting you take the reigns a bit more once the relationship is more established. It takes him a bit of time to work up the courage, but I do feel like he’d be able to be the one to make the first move and ask you out, and take charge a bit more at the beginning of the relationship as you get more comfortable. At the same time, though, once you feel more comfortable in the relationship and want to be a bit more assertive and in control, he’s happy to give you that and step back a bit to let you initiate affection and stuff like that more. He’s content either way, and he prefers the nice balance the two of you have found in your relationship :)
- And when Shinsou’s in need of help with academics, since he sometimes struggles to understand the concepts in his regular courses as he spends so much time trying to catch up with hero course work, he’s quick to go to you if you’re not too busy. He knows how smart you are and truly appreciates how you explain things to him in a kind, understanding way without making him feel stupid when he doesn’t understand something <3 It’s very obvious that he feels secure and comfortable around you, and you can always see the way his face relaxes with ease whenever you gently help him with something he’s confused on
- While Shinsou may not be the most outgoing around others, once he’s comfortable with you he loves randomly making flirty comments at you or using pick-up lines when he sees an opening <3 He finds it adorable the way you get so excited when he flirts even when he’s already your boyfriend, and he just loves making you feel loved and wanted whenever he can
Second Choice:
I think if I were to match you with someone else, it would probably be Kirishima! He also seems like he could be a good fit for you as he’s an absolute sweetheart and would be so reassuring and invested in hearing you open up and sharing your interests with him, so I could see him also being a really good partner and think your relationship dynamic with him would be super loving and mutually supportive :D I just thought Shinsou would be a better fit overall, especially since he's more introverted and interested in one-on-one time rather than group events :)
Song For Your Relationship:
It’s You by Ali Gatie <3
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For The Girls, I’d Match You With:
Mina Ashido! :D
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I know this could seem odd at first after the Shinsou pairing, since they’re pretty different characters. But while their personalities are different, I think that Mina is also the kind of person who could meet a lot of your relationship needs and values, and I absolutely envision her as the perfect supportive girlfriend for you! 
Headcanons About Your Relationship:
- Mina’s absolutely the kind of person who knows she likes you as soon as she sees you, and those feelings only grow as she gets to know you, so I’m sure she’d have no problem making the first move. She’s a confident, secure girl, and once she’s sure of her feelings she’s quick to approach you and ask you out on a date (And she finds it adorable how you act so casual and chill even when she can tell that internally you’re freaking out lol)
- She also totally loves the fact that you cosplay! She finds it so fun to help search for the perfect outfit or wig or accessory for whatever cosplay you’re in the process of creating, and she always offers to film videos of you in cosplay and acts as your number one hype woman, telling you how awesome you look and how amazing the cosplay is!
- She’s definitely a super supportive, reassuring s/o as well. You don’t even have to ask, and even when you’re not particularly in need of reassurance, she’s just very vocal with her love and is always complimenting you and saying how thankful she is to be with you. She just loves you so much, and she’ll constantly be telling everyone she knows about it (including you)
- Though Mina is extroverted and does enjoy spending time in groups when it comes to her friends, she understands that you don’t tend to prefer that environment as often, and she never forces you to join her and her friends (though you’re always more than welcome to, she loves showing you off and bragging about her amazing s/o). She makes sure to make plenty of one-on-one time with you without anyone else involved, to make sure you feel comfortable and relaxed when you’re with her <3
- Mina’s been known to not be the best at studying and academics in general, but you always motivate her to try harder and she always comes to you when she’s having trouble with her grades. She likes the way you’ll explain something until you find a way to help her understand, and you’re able to push her to getting better (or at the very least, passing) grades because she doesn’t want you to feel like your time helping her was wasted. Plus she loves it when you praise her for even just managing to pass a test, and her not failing gives her more time with you and less time in make-up classes :D 
- Mina’s not super big on electronics, but she loves watching you mess around and experiment with them! She finds it super cool how you understand something so complicated and foreign to her, and she loves watching the excitement and curiosity on your face, so even if she doesn’t understand much herself she still loves watching you fiddle around with them 
- And even outside of that, she totally enables and even encourages you to ramble on and on about your interests and passions as much as you’d like! She has a habit of getting carried away and rambling on when she’s excited about something herself lol, so if she can see there’s something on your mind she definitely probes you and gives you a safe space to chat about whatever you feel like! Plus it makes her feel more connected to you to know about your interests and the things you care about <3
- Even though she’s not much of a reader in general, Mina absolutely loves reading your writing if you’re willing to share! Sometimes she asks if she can see what you’re working on if she notices you writing, and though she never pushes it if you say no, she always takes the time to read anything you do let her see and gives you tons of positive feedback and encouragement :) Your writing is without a doubt her favorite thing to read
- She’s also the type who’s not afraid to banter and tease you, and she takes it in stride if you show the same treatment to her! Once you two find your footing in the relationship and are comfortable with each other, it’s easy to make light jokes while not crossing any of each others’ boundaries and allows you both to be so comfortable and at ease around each other and in the dynamic you manage to form together
- Mina’s another one who you’ll never feel deprived of affection around. The second she learns what you’re comfortable with, she’s the kind of girlfriend who always has her hands on you in some way if you’ll let her. From casually holding your hand in classes if you share them or when walking around together, to having her arm around your waist or shoulders when telling a story about you/the two of you, to collapsing into your arms after a long day of training. She’s very cuddly and forward with affection, so as long as you want it, she’ll never deny you of affection :>
Second Choice:
I struggled a bit more with this one, but of the students I think my next pick for you would be Ochaco! She’s a very thoughtful and generally empathetic girl, and she sometimes also feels a need for a bit of reassurance, so I think the two of you would be able to understand each other quite well and care for each other <3 I decided to go with Mina over her mainly because I figured Ochaco would probably be a bit more hesitant to initiate/approach first, so I thought Mina was a better choice in that regard/overall!
Song For Your Relationship:
No Problem by Nayeon feat. Felix <3
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hamliet · 2 years
The main reason I hated villain stans is because I'm a marginalized person. I don't feel validation when a villain kills a lot of people then cries and gets saved and their victim has do all emotional labor is so many privileged people do that. It doesn't help so many fans of those villains are white. I'm not sure i made sense
That makes sense! I don't think anyone has to like any character for any reason whatsoever, and there are valid reasons to feel this way. I imagine it's kind of triggering for you and a reminder of real stuff that's genuinely hurtful, unfair, and unjust. Your anger isn't wrong, because I would guess what you've been through *gestures at the state of the world* is infuriating. People haven't listened for so long.
I also think fandom can come across as dismissive because, well, the internet in general prioritizes individual experiences and extremes and not so much nuance and empathy. I'm sorry if it's felt like people are dismissing you, because your pain is valid. 
Granted, some marginalized people see themselves in villains precisely because they feel like outsiders to society and feel angry at said society. They're not more valid than those who don't, and vice versa, obviously.
When it comes to fandoms, for me at least, I do think pushing for better representation (which just means more diverse, because good characters shouldn't be perfect), examining microaggressions and biases, and a good dose of empathy and humility, are all good things to wrestle with. I know this blog only reflects small facets of what I actually think/discussions I've had! I also think what connects us to characters is very complicated and deeply, deeply personal. Self-perception is complicated and painful for a lot of us.
I'd also fully admit that my background and experiences, some of which include privilege, probably does affect my tastes. But I'm also just a person trying to make it through life, with a weird background of my own and things like extreme OCD, having experienced a lot of loss, some of which is only days-old at this point. I do self-examine and such. I just also sometimes need grace and something to keep me afloat, even if it can't help everyone. So I do therapy personally and try to know my limits and still try to challenge myself to grow and to learn with self-awareness. There's no way to articulate this super well so I'm sorry if it comes off as a lot of nothing lol.
When it comes to BNHA, I'm not rooting for people to "get away" with things so much as I'm rooting for a restorative approach where everyone's better off and where society changes. I genuinely don't think punitive punishment works, which is why I don't want it. You might disagree! Most people probably do, actually.
That said, in real life, theory isn't practice, which is to say no I don't think punitive punishment works and I'm opposed to mass incarceration, but for violent people I'd still rather see them convicted and sentenced to life than get away with it, since that's an insult to victims. Longterm I'd like to see the US, where I live, convert to a more Norway-esque judicial system, but for the time being, the better option imo, for violent offenses like murder or assault, is of course punishment and reparations where possible (in a lot of cases, it's not possible to fix really even with reparations, esp when it comes to violence because it still will have happened. You can't un-kill someone). 
For BNHA, for me at least, I see it as an idealistic story of hope where it's less weighted down with the gritty reality of justice, so I look to it for what's not possible here in practice to be portrayed there as a lovely dream where broken things are made whole and where there is restoration and healing and reparations made and even in some cases, the damage undone. I want them to realize they're wrong. I want them to change.
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Buying Hope: Intro
A couple months ago, Tapas recommended to me the webtoon Yongsa High: Dungeon Raiders, which is an infinite flow/dungeon raider story about a school for adventurers. Yoo Jaryong is a smuggler/poacher paying for his retired adventurer dad's medical bills. On one of these missions, he runs into a student of Yongsa High, Jin Saerom, who hires him to get into YH and be part of her party. (She's a Rich Girl.) Jaryong needs the money, so he accepts. Season 1 is about his getting ready for the transfer exam and meeting his dad's old colleagues... the ones who didn't betray him and leave him penniless, anyway.
I figured I'd give it a shot, since I'm a fan of BNHA and My S-Class Hunters.
And I fell in love.
Yongsa High (also known as Warrior High: Dungeon Raid Department, if you like me got hooked and couldn't wait for the official translation any longer) is SO GOOD. The characters are likeable and/or have motivations beyond the needs of the plot. The world is interesting. The plot is layered. I sped through all the free episodes, then spent two days looking for the unofficial translation. After I'd finished it, I went looking for fanworks on AO3 and found...
There are no works for this comic on AO3 and five posts about it on Tumblr, even once you use the more well-known name for it.
I decided then to write fic for it. And I already had an angle.
There are two things that really bother me and keep the comic from being perfect: the fact that there are very few female characters at all, and the fact that the overarching plot being set up is "dragons wanted to rule the world, got beat back, so they started infiltrating society to destroy it." The first is typical of genres aimed at young men, but still not okay. The second skims way too close to "lizard people are controlling/destroying society," which for those who don't know is an antisemitic conspiracy theory meant to make people target Jews for existing.
The first thing I'm taking the hammer to is the dragon conspiracy theory. In Buying Hope, there are two villains! The first antagonist, which is the canon Big Bads, is instead of being dragons in human guise a group of anarchists who got their abilities from equipment and magic. They want to take down society because it's corrupt. The second is the dragon who poisoned Jaryong's dad and sent him to the hospital in the first place. The dragon believes that if he bides his time until humans lower their guard, he'll be able to take over.
The second change I'm making is that Jin Saerom Is More Than A Sexy Wallet. (Upon rereading, that was a slightly unfair appellation. She does stuff! Plot relevant stuff, even! She just also is a font of cash money who stands in a corner and looks upset while her upperclassmen/cousin's friends harass her and Jaryong.) The title comes from Saerom's belief that money gets her almost everything she wants, and how she's simultaneously proven right and disillusioned. Buying hope isn't usually possible, unless your dad runs an incredibly profitable company.
Jin Saerom is probably my favorite character because she has depth. She wants to be an adventurer, but she's not very talented. She works hard until her cousin shows up, at which point she turns into a shrinking violet. And yet another YH guy describes her as "never lowering her head," and she's still persevering despite some pretty intense social ostracization. She's slightly naive and tosses money around like it's nothing, but also she genuinely wants to be helpful, it's not a flex. I want to braid her hair and educate her on class disparity. So, naturally, she's the main character of Buying Hope.
There's also hefty amounts of teenage chaos, because there's five teenagers in this friend group and they're all outcasts/really weird. So when Saerom and co aren't terrorizing the large-scale antagonists or whatever poor dungeon their teachers unleashed them on this week, they're terrorizing the school bullies.
And a mecha-Toothless battle mobility aid.
This is gonna be FUN.
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nothanksimsleepy · 2 years
Ok so…
I’m FUCKING late to the party, but… I’ve recently been watching “That Time I was Reincarnated as a Slime” for the first time, and now I have to take a break cuz I’m getting halfway through season two…
Seriously, this is the first time I’ve gotten so genuinely passed off at a fictional kingdom and crap. My theory as to why I feel like punching someone’s face in because of these fictional politics is because it sort of mirrors how the US is currently. (Which is, unfortunately, where I live)
1) the church in the anime (and the holy knights) sort of mirror the ones irl. They think monsters don’t have a right to simply exist, and their god forbid they build a nation. It reminds me of evangelical Christians and their behavior and beliefs towards minorities (and before you say anything, I’m well aware that not every single one of them acts like this) such as LGBT+ community, people of another race or skin color, transgender kids and adults, and women. It’s so infuriating and makes me wanna cry and scream into a fucking pillow and then knock a tooth or five into someone’s stupid skull.
And 2) the (I can’t fucking remember the countries name, but you know the one I’m talking about if you watched the anime) also reminds me of the us in the way that they don’t truly separate church and state, along with the fact that they’re greedy asf and rely heavily on capitalism and trade routes. They don’t openly show that they are heavily aligned with the church in politics, but on top of that, they create false pretenses to gain permission to attack another country, which is, in fact, innocent. It just reminded me of the US’s war with Iraq… we created false pretenses that they were creating weapons (or something forgive me if this information is wrong), or more rather, the president at the time created those pretenses (much like how the king ordered it in the anime), and thus was granted moral permission to attack a country that was minding its own business and trying to live in peace.
I apologize if some information I gave as examples was incorrect, but I can’t fucking think rn. I love this anime so much and love the world building. It’s actually amazing an anime could make me feel such strong emotion—to be honest, I’ve never really felt that emotional when watching too many anime moments and there have only been a handful of times I’ve cried because of them. I didn’t cry when they said goodbye to Merry in One Piece. I didn’t cry when Jiriya died in Naruto. I didn’t cry when Nighteye died in bnha. I’m not someone who cries too easily or gets emotional about much. I’ve been told by my parents that they wish I cared about things more. Like my grades in school. Or others opinions about my fashion choices, or my looks. I’m not typically someone who cares about others opinions of me, but I do treat others with relentless kindness. I’m apathetic to most things going on around me, including things that may affect my future. This goddamn anime made me feel such unyielding rage that I have never felt before. I’m kinda grateful for it.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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otaku6337 · 3 years
On the Realities of BNHA’s Heroism, and Those Who Act Within It (A Look At Dadz- Aizawa)
I, admittedly, am somewhat biased because I love Aizawa Shouta, and I don’t want people to read this without knowing it. However, I would like to think myself a realist, and I have thought upon and written his character for over a year and over a million words, so I would like to think that I can see both his shortcomings and his brilliance.
He is a good teacher. A good man. Not always the kindest one, but a good one.
BNHA MANGA SPOILERS  (Chapter 340 included) (oh, and a note that this is by no means looking for discourse or controversy, nor is it a complete consideration of his character and actions - it’s a ramble I wanted to share after having read the most recent chapter released online, and thus focuses on Aizawa in relation to the direct elements related to that)
this chapter heavily featured Aizawa, and did so for the first time in a while - he’s been here, of course, and I’ve looked at every instance, but he was very prominent in this, and that gave me a lot to think about, and emphasised a lot of the thoughts I already had
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He is intense. Scary, even. He has always had this start, right from his intro, and it makes sense.
See, this scene, to me, epitomises a lot of what too many people don't seem to understand about Aizawa, the Heroics Industry, and BNHA as a whole - he is an underground hero, and a man who has to teach children to be heroes, a glorified industry wherein many enter with stars in their eyes, expecting glory and money and adrenaline, to save people, but not truly understanding how they will have blood on their hands for the rest of their lives
Aizawa sees the worst of their society. A society that is very, very different to our own, not only because it's Japan rather than the Western world (speaking as someone who mostly interacts with those from the US and UK within this fandom’s sphere), but also because, as canonically-stated, the world changed a lot with the evolution of Quirks. Their standards for what is acceptable, what is dangerous or unusual, is incredibly different to ours. This fact, alone, explains a lot about many characters’ actions and attitudes, but I won’t go into that right now.
Aizawa - Eraserhead - knows he's sending these kids onto battlefields. He knows he's sending them to kill, to be killed, to lose the ones they love and even those they hate. To fail.
So yes, he can be harsh. He does it because he wants these kids to survive. He is intense, even scary, because he spends his nights dealing with the worst of society, and his days teaching people less than half his age, minors, how to do that themselves in the future. Of course, BNHA society is somewhat desensitised to this concept in a way that most of us, as consumers, aren’t, but there is undeniably still a massive weight upon him in this context.
Aizawa has nearly died for his class several times. He has nearly expelled them, at times, because they put themselves to what (in his knowledge) was completely unnecessary risk, and, though I won’t pretend to love that on a personal level, I do consider it fair. (Yes, I include Izuku’s QA Test in that - he was unaware, and ignorance does not excuse cruelty but I, personally, did not find him cruel - again, consider the different society that BNHA have to ourselves.)
He will go, no pun intended, above and beyond for his students, and I thoroughly believe that goes beyond the fact that he is employed to do so. There is a ferocity to the way he addresses their safety, a surety in his belief in them, and, in recent arcs but also as far back as the Final Exams, for example, a faith in their skills and heroism. He has taught them well, and he trusts that they are brilliant all in their own right. He does not discriminate, does not judge, only pushes and guides and nudges them to where they need to be to survive.
With this recent arc, no matter how much I dislike a very large proportion of it, between the senseless deaths and the traitor arc and more minor things that I generally don’t like (there are parts I do love, don’t get me wrong, and that is only my personal opinion regardless), you cannot deny that Aizawa wants the best for his students, Aoyama included. And Aoyama needs a push in the right direction. He needs help, needs someone to believe in him, needs to know that people are there for him. And I would find it hard to believe anyone could read the scenes in this chapter in any other way than Aizawa telling Aoyama to trust them all, to work alongside them.
So, yes, I genuinely believe him to be a good teacher.
Anyways!! Here are some of the softer Dadzawa moments from this chapter that I loved very much, if you got to the end of this  ^^;
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and then this last one, guys, with that soft not-scowl (and whoops, my writer head came out when I wrote that, didn’t it?)
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synecdoki-fresh · 3 years
look i just gotta get this weirdo theory off my chest:
Eri is going to use her power to turn Shigaraki into a baby.
one thousand tangents below -
first of all, eri’s power is so hyped (for good reason!!) and I think it needs to have a bigger role in the ultimate plot than what’s happened so far. 
(Also, consider the parallels drawn between the two of them in terms of backstory).
but also like - i think this would be the most optimistic possible ending for shigaraki tomura as we know him!
everything that’s happened to him so far has spilled out, broadly, from this major trauma in his childhood (talking specifically about his quirk awakening and the circumstances surrounding that - i think he could have been a relatively normal person prior to that and especially prior to getting picked up by AFO***)
What if that could all just be... taken back?
I mean, obviously, not all of it can be, but here is what I can’t stop thinking about:
what comes up again and again throughout the series is this fuzzy boundary between powers and personality, and the way this plays with whether or not someone will become a hero or a villain.
Prime example: is early series Bakugō Like That because he’s a teen boy who can make explosions come out of his hands? Or Is he Like That because of how everybody treats him... as a teen boy who can make explosions come out of his hands? ... Or is he Like That because... (etc etc). 
And there’s tons of examples - see: Bakugō’s kidnap by the League, see: Shinsō’s middle school experience, see: Lady Nagant and Hawks, see: Todorokis Shōto and Tōya. It’s like ‘bad powers/good people’ and related tropes as a storyline in itself.
Anyway, where I am going with this is: there are a couple of ways we could ‘save’ Shigaraki without killing him, and I know so far, a lot of what we’ve seen Eri’s power do is take away/restore quirks...
But yeah, I don’t think he’ll be nerfed. (Also keeping in mind, iirc taking away quirks is something Bad People do in this world).
So... do I think he is beyond help as he is?
... yeah kind of.
Taking into consideration that I am in NO WAY saying people can’t recover from emotional trauma etc. etc. - think about all the SHEER PHYSICAL TRAUMA that has been dealt to him over the past few arcs. That dude’s body is essentially overpowered hamburger meat kept ambulatory by various applications of Mad Science and Dark Magic. We know he’s In There Somewhere, but that man’s eggs have been so THOROUGHLY scrambled...
And then - would he accept being ‘saved’ as he is? Can you turn this around?
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From my perspective, it feels like the most practical way to save him is to give him a new start - let him become the person he could have been before he got picked up and manipulated by AFO, whether that person is a hero or a normie or hell, someone who is Not Very Nice... if he’s going to be a villain again, let him choose.
(Also give him a reasonable out from being locked up in some Tartarus-esque crime against humanity situation...)
So, yeah, Eri’s gonna turn him back into a baby.
***unless - please consider this: (and consider the possibility that this has been addressed in universe and I am too dense to remember)
how lucky was AFO to have stumbled on Shimura Nana’s grandson in the way that he did? Like, when he was bragging about it to All Might, it’s like - yeah, you did find the perfect guy to mold into your little Demon King puppet... how? 
Like, think about it: 
this kid is incredibly vulnerable and unstable (plenty of those kicking around BNHA universe)
his power is apparently a terrifyingly destructive random mutation (fewer those kicking around, especially considering that Shigaraki is 10+ years older than the crop of terrifyingly OP children that lots of people in universe are wringing their hands about)
he is the blood relative of an OFA holder?? (At that point in the story, we have evidence of three of those... and two of them are Kotaro and Hana.)
Each one of those qualities is like - sure, okay, easy enough to find someone like that (even the last one - AFO could have been/probably was keeping tabs on the Shimura family) - but all of those things? Every thing about little five-year-old Shimura Tenko was perfect from both a practical and symbolic point of view for AFO. How?
Essentially: were there strings being pulled somehow or was this just some massive coincidence? (And if so, what strings?)
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matsubrokq · 4 years
bnha 290 spoilers
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veenxys · 3 years
「BNHA Boys reacting to you being insecure about sitting on their lap」
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⤷ Bakugou he’s mildly offended that you don’t want to sit on his lap, but he’d push his bruised ego to focus on the real reason you’re so upset. he cares from the bottom of his heart because he doesn’t want you to feel bad about yourself. then he would take it seriously and wouldn’t leave your side until he understands why and can talk to you about it.
“tell me, why do you feel heavy?” he pats the spot next to him, holding your hand to comfort you. he wants you to explain your insecurities to him so he can help you overcome them no matter what he has to do; he will do it for you. “y/n, you’re not heavy to me, i promise. please don’t feel that way. never..”
⤷ Deku this makes him extremely sad and that’s when he realizes he needs to increase his compliments because all he wants most is for you to realize how beautiful and adorable you are. he feels hurt with himself as if he clearly isn’t loving you enough, because if he was, you would never need to doubt yourself. he knows insecurities are normal, but that doesn’t stop him from being sad that you have them.
“you look lovely today”, he reminds you for perhaps the millionth time. you’re sitting next to him, still refusing to move. he’s been giving you his best puppy dog eyes in the last ten minutes. "but you’d look even cuter sitting on my lap."
⤷ Kirishima this is a big problem because he is always lifting you to sit on his lap. it’s like a habit of his, but he also likes having you so close to him; feeling your weight on his thighs makes him happy and calm, so he would be so sad to know you don’t like it and feel uncomfortable when what he most wanted is for you to feel safe with him.
“..you do not like?” he repeated, sounding so hurt while you struggle to explain. he still looks like a kicked puppy, his voice low as he genuinely tries to understand. “but you are perfect. you are not heavy. and i love holding you, you know what.. why do you think otherwise?!?”
⤷ Todoroki it would take him a minute to understand why you took your hand away from his when he gently pulled you by the hand to sit on his lap. it’s like he knows in the back of his mind that you must be unsure about something you haven’t told him, but being confronted by one of them makes him feel so sad. he absolutely adores you and he hates that you don’t.
“y/n, you’re not heavy” he says sincerely, looking you in the eye. he gives you his hand and you hesitantly take it, he kisses the back of your hand and without breaking eye contact he says; “you aren’t anything that your mind is telling you. you’re perfect. i promise.”
⤷ Denki one day he pulled you by the waist into his lap as you passed, you quickly tried to leave and he realized how uncomfortable you were. he looked at you confused, his eyes a little hurt for having crossed your limits. but why don’t you want to sit on his lap? you guys have been together for a while and you already have a beautiful, trusting intimacy, so why didn’t you say anything to him? but he realizes what is happening when you look away from him and try to hide your belly with your arms, he gets up and goes to you; gently taking your arms from your belly and wrapping his around you, pulling you into a soft kiss, then he whispers against your lips, “baby.. please.. you are beyond perfect, and i love you just the way you are, no matter what you think about yourself, okay?”
⤷ Tamaki it took him a long time to work up the courage to pull you into his lap, and when you refuse, he feels guilty. he thinks it’s his fault and that he should have talked to you about it first, but something suddenly pops into his mind; what if your hesitation is insecurity? he hesitantly asks you what the problem is, and says it’s okay if you don’t want to say, but just the look you gave him and the way you backed away made him realize his theory was right.
“you... you’re not heavy.” he says, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear, “i love you no matter what. please don’t ever think like that again.”
⤷ Shinsou shinsou has never done anything without asking your permission before because he doesn’t want to overstep your limits and consent is sexy. but this time he doesn’t say anything, he just gave you his hand while he spreads his legs a little, indicating for you to sit on his lap. you deny it and he understands, but when you start trying to make an excuse, that’s when he realizes something is wrong. he’s easy with words, so he gets straight to the point; why don’t you want to sit on his lap? and when you tell him the real reason he is in shock. he reassures you as many times as possible before he sits down again and repeats the action of holding your hand so that you sit on his lap; and there’s something genuine and sincere in his gaze that makes you blindly trust him.
“see? you’re not heavy. there’s nothing wrong with you, my love”?he whispers in your ear as he wraps his arms around you, holding you tenderly against him.
⤷ Hawks hawks spends a lot of time working and every spare moment he has, he wants to spend with you. so he always hugs you or follows you around the house like a lost puppy, and well, you don’t complain. but one day when he pulled you into his lap while you were walking by and, by your scared face, he quickly realized that something was wrong. he asked you a thousand questions if it was something he did or something he could do and when he discovered the real reason for your insecurity, his heart dropped in his chest. he hated that you thought that because you’re perfect in his eyes, and he’s more than ready to show you that.
“do you trust me?” he asks, you just nod your head saying yes, “so trust me when i say you’re perfect and there’s no reason to be insecure. i could hold you in my lap all day my love, you know that. you know how much i love every single detail of you”
⤷ Dabi
dabi likes to tease you, but he stops immediately when he realizes he’s overstepped your boundaries. a mixture of confusion and sadness fills him as he realizes that pulling you into his lap has gone too far, but why? there’s nothing wrong with that.. right? he decides to ask you about it, already hoping it’s a joke, some witty answer or something, but when you actually say the real reason, he’s kind of disappointed. why do you think that? for him there is nothing and no one more beautiful than you; those parts of your body that you hate are the parts that he loves the most. so why don’t you believe him when he shows all his love for every little detail of your body?
“c’mon...believe me please” he says as he takes your hand, pulling you slowly into his lap. reluctantly you sit, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer to him. he starts leaving kisses on your back and neck, “you are so fucking beautiful..”
⤷ Shigaraki
he just hates it when you feel insecure, no matter what. he can’t believe you could think you’re anything less than perfect; he tries to show it to you in every way, and he really gets frustrated and nervous when you don’t see what he sees. he also has a bad habit of getting really frustrated with you because he just wants to be as close to you as possible, but you are - in his eyes - being ridiculous.
“there’s nothing wrong with you,” he whimpers, wrapping his arms around your waist as he tries to pull you into his lap. you almost want to laugh, slapping his hands while insisting you’re too heavy. he just mumbles something you can’t understand but you know he’s mad. finally releasing you, but he won’t stop pouting at you, “i hate you sometimes.”
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tags! @avocamich, @yfneccentric, @hazyspells, @belovedserenityy, @shrimpy109, @rorikau, @mlb-hp-hoo, @itisaclock, @insomniacwreck, @afairywithacrown, @3-am-depression, @cherries4denki, @solyxa, @belsumu, @gwynsapphire, @afk-dreaminq, @jahnvi-d, @gratefulstranger, @mayukhii, @uwiuwi, @idunnomynamesince2005, @blossominglark, @delvine, @simpingforsero, @uravichii, @izukus-gf, @seanicsiren, @infectedtee, @myiahh, @toxji, @b4ngal, @thezegendofzelda, @luluwiie, @kageyama-i-want-tobiors, @painfullyghst, @i1k, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @shoutaswhore, @sleazysquid, @gluchie, @bobakugo, @taurus852, @shimshim42, @akenoswife, @unused-3nergy, @fadingscribble, @pocket-chanadeptus, @micheya, @thesapphirecake <3
.˳⁺⁎˚ taglist + masterlist! ˚⁎⁺˳ .
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blacknovelist · 6 years
What are your thoughts on the Kaminari traitor theory?
Overall it's an interesting theory, but I don't really have many thoughts or much opinion on it outside of "I don't really believe, but I'll go with it if I see it".It's definitely an interesting idea, especially in that it's neat to think about what Kaminari's motivations and feelings might be and how it would line up with his personality as we know it. He's fairly positive and friendly and gets along well with the class, but he's shown a lot of determination as far as becoming a hero goes, and understanding the why's and how's of him working for the other side would be really fascinating. Also, seeing how his backstory would result in the personality he has, and the events that lead up to his enrollment as a spy, would be pretty cool, I won't lie.But in the end, I don't really think Kaminari is the traitor. It's neat to think about, sure, but a lot of the evidence in the posts I saw back then (this was back in like, the provisional license arc) always felt really shaky to me. I'm down to think about it from time to time but I'm not gonna go looking for it or put more stock into it any time soon, probably.
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