#but also house girlbossed too close to the sun
toxooz · 2 years
me having to look for another place to live bc im Making Too Much to live in my low income apts now
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oc-tournaments · 2 months
Linnea vs Patrica Evelar vs Nelson Maxwell
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LINNEA: @moons-br
PATRICIA EVELAR: @i-eat-worlds
NELSON MAXWELL: @chimkinnuget
Due to the poll between Linnea and Patricia being a tie, they both have been brought forward into the poll against Nelson. I apologise for the need for this edit, ideally it won't happen again.
Propaganda Content Warnings: Parental death for PATRICIA, missing children, loss of limb for NELSON.
PROPAGANDA: So she's a bard/warloc dnd character and the dm and me both have an agreement to make her fly so close to the sun that when she falls she /falls/. Her thought of endings are 1. Become a vampire in hopes to learn more. 2. Become a litch in hopes to learn more. And 3. Unwillingly Become a god of forbidden knowledge as a punishment/consequence. We've only had 2 sessions so far and she already has a curse and WILL be getting another one because it's part of her planned arc.
She had daddy issues and slight mommy issues too, she was a stand in parent for her 3 youngest siblings and her older sister is very traumatized and scared while her older brother hates her. She is willing to sell her own souls for more knowledge and is violently protective of her friends.
PROPAGANDA: Pat was born with powers that allowed her to manipulate massive amounts of energy. As a teenager, she accidentally dropped the roof of her house on her family, killing her parents and severely injuring her sister. After experiencing three years at a “School for Powered People” where she was forced to wear suppressant cuffs that permanently damaged her wrists, and messed with her powers development. She was eventually employed by INSUPA, who saw her powers as a means to an end. They sent her on a suicide mention against the advisement of her close friend and father figure Joseph. She died at twenty one in Joseph’s arm from a catastrophic wound to the chest after her own powers tore a hole in her heart.
PROPAGANDA: Girlboss was on a camping trip with his son and two daughters, and randomly all three kids disappeared. He spent hours even DAYS searching for them until eventually he spiralled into madness, slowly losing his grip on reality until he lost his head when he was attacked by an animal, killing him instantly. He found himself in an empty void, his head replaced with a tv screen. He also lost a hand during the time searching for his kids.
also he was forced into a marriage and like his wife left him and only gave him weekends with the kids so that's that
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bonefall · 1 year
Mapleshade: Girlbossed, Gaslighted, and Slayed her way too close to the sun and she laughed the entire way.
I think every time I have to hear a clown honk that Oakstar Was Right Actually, Mapleshade should spawn in their house
And also she gets a gun
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sekai-no-koi · 10 months
info on each beneath the cut, for the uninitiated
Gale from Baldur's Gate 3:
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rated most pathetic and yet also most arrogant man in the party
nerd who girlbossed too close to the sun. now all his old friends are telling him to sacrifice himself to make up for it
he wouldn't be charming if he wasn't so transparently needy
well known for suddenly acting like he's in a relationship with the main character regardless of the player's intention
given the opportunity he would absolutely girlboss too close to the sun again he has learned nothing
The Wizard Gale from Harvest Moon Animal Parade
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Prefers to keep to himself but lives in the town to help the other villagers anyway. Most of them don't truly believe in his magic, though, and he's well aware of this
Almost never leaves his house, when he does it's to retrieve a stolen object and to help you with The Witch
Apparently will live longer than the average person
Drinks coffee to stay up all night so he can study the stars
Has no family, until he marries the farmer. Dreads outliving the farmer
Well known as the best husband in any game ever
Best Gifts: Fugue Mushroom, Hot Coffee, Shining Coffee Beans, Shining Ground Coffee, Coffee Ice Cream, Shining Tea Leaves, Pontata Root, Crystal accessories
I love him
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ofblackskies · 1 year
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[ ofblackskies ] an indie , mutually exclusive (mostly) multi-muse roleplay blog . featuring muses from supernatural , the vampire diaries , disney , fear street , a court of thorns and roses , and various other fandoms . also featuring fandomless original character autumn 'otter' st. james . this blog is mainly headcanon based .
[ a study in ] cleaning up the mess you make , not a dry eye in the house , smiting the lord , girlbossing too close to the sun , the devil wears prada , finding your purpose , a dream is a wish your heart makes , revenge is a dish best served cold , you are what you eat , being lost in the woods , and too many fucking characters
[ penned by ] jenna , she/her, 21+ , this blog may contain adult themes .
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gemmahale · 3 months
House update: got the cabinet in yesterday. I’m SO thrilled with how it looks, it suits the space and gives us convenient storage for a bunch of stuff that’s just been kind of sitting around awkwardly. HOORAY.
Also got a few other pieces of furniture in, and it’s making the place feel lived in. It’s feeling more like a home already and less like temporary housing.
Eventually, they’ll get moved to other spaces, but for now it’s comforting to have them around and being useful.
The house doesn’t feel as empty now, even though the bookshelf is still empty. 😂
We girlbossed/guybossed too close to the sun yesterday (did too many errands and it was hot) so we’re taking it easy today and picking up little pieces that have gotten set by the wayside.
Happy Sunday, y’all. 💚
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lovecolibri · 4 months
SaL anon here my friend, only mildly hung over but still severely disappointed, just coming into your inbox to share my random finale complaints that have been stockpiling.
Already been said many times but why Marisol again?? Just why??
You know what the awkwardness of the daddy talk reminded me of?? Remember in RNM 3x01 when Alex came back and told Forest "a man has needs" or some shit and we all collectively cringed away from our screens?? Its was sooo weirdly out of place and character and that's exactly what the dinner scene is. Also notably written by a former showrunner who won't stop fucking up storylines at every opportunity.
How exactly is the Chris leaving BS supposed to last more than like, 1 week tops??? When Helena (and Ramon) tried to take him 7 years ago and get their redo he was just a kid, but now he's a teenager whose been raised by Eddie Diaz. Not saying he's ready for college or to make his own housing decisions or anything 🙄, but his personality and preferences are not going to change much. He's not the moldable little kid anymore, and the moment Helena realizes that and Chris realizes that's what they wanted him for wouldn't jump on the next flight?? I know there's so much about that arc that's utter nonsense but did the writers put any thought into the characters at all??
Anyway, I probably should do my job for a few hours before I go completely off the rails, hope your own recovery is going well!!
Hey bestie! If it seems like you haven't heard from me all day, that's because I girlbossed too close to the post limit sun reblogging every petty, irritated, frustrated, what-in-the-actual-fuck-was-that post. I scheduled a bunch too do drop after the doors open on the post limit jail cells, this one among them.
I'm sitting here with my twisted peach tea, fresh off of work and a trip to the store (it was awful and full of people and only one lane open that could sell alcohol, AND they didn't have the honeycomb ice cream I specifically went there to get and try out with my earl grey tea ice cream because the universe hates me), just still so SO frustrated that once again they let KR swoop in at the last minute and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the finale. Not even anything Buddie related, just in making literally ANY storyline all season have a good narrative payoff that felt like we went somewhere. Even the most watchable part of the episode (the Mara reunion) fell flat because we didn't see Hen and Karen putting up the fight they set up with the councilwoman, and Maddie and Chim had time all season to talk about maybe having another child, or fostering to make them able to swoop in at the last minute make sense but instead it just came out of the blue! (And don't get me started on the whole "this lesbian couple can't have a kid but the straight couple runs into no issues despite Chim being involved on scene in the death of the councilwoman's son).
ANYWAY. Let's talk about your bullet points please, because I have THOUGHTS.
1/3. Marisol was literally less than useless and if they HAD to avoid an off-screen hiatus breakup (they didn't need to, no one remembered her, it would have been fine) they easily could have ditched her in 7x05 and it would have affected absolutely nothing.
IMAGINE Buck is the one taking Chris to the movies and walks in on "Shannon" and Eddie? We get some Buddie angst with them having to talk out what happened because Buck was worried before but now he's WORRIED, and we could have gotten a more heartfelt resolution with Chris by allowing Eddie and Chris to have one single conversation this whole season, and maybe deciding together to go to therapy in a couple weeks when he gets back from his pre-planned summer vacation to Texas.
Then start s8 with Chris having delayed coming back all summer, and Ramon and Helena facilitating getting him into camps and stuff so he "couldn't" come back and Eddie starting to get fed up and maybe being ready to go to Texas himself to get Chris when whatever disaster the opening is strikes. Cue Chris seeing it on the news and panicking and demanding to go home and see his dad. It would be satisfying to watch, and would tug on the heartstrings without ripping them out for no good goddamn reason and punishing Eddie so severely while also NOT actually dealing with his issues about Shannon!! *screams into pillow* If we never see or hear about her again it will be too soon. They have drug this out past the point of any purpose and it needs to be put to fucking rest, 25ft down so it can't crawl back up. Doused in holy water just in case.
It really feels like they had a plan for Buck with the whole Natalia thing fizzling out and breaking up which I actually am glad we didn't see because as this season proved, it is LONG past time to leave Buck withering away in unfulfilling relationships he don't know how he got into in the first place, but once that was gone he got the coming out bit and....nothing much else all season and even that was one episode and then a couple minutes of screentime sprinkled throuout that used those precious seconds to show us how incredibly ill-matched they are. While Eddie, who was SUPPOSED to have the coming out arc (that was maybe more in-depth and planned to ACTUALLY deal with the Shannon of it all), was also left with a "well what do we do with him now" arc. Spoiler alert, it was NOT THIS. So no, I don't think they had the time in the shortened time frame they had to put literally ANY thought into what to do with these characters.
Point 2. My friend. Not only are you EXACTLY right about the tonal issue matching that cringe AF scene from RNM, but I will raise you that, AND everything about 2x06, including fandom swooping in to claim everyone who didn't fall all over themselves about that scene being amazing was a) homophobic and b) puritanical, pearl-cultching, and uneducated. Oh! and c) just needs to learn how to fucking multi-ship and be happy with whatever is on screen because it couldn't POSSIBLY be better, and you should just accept it now. 😒😒😒
It's gonna be a loooooong fucking hiatus but here's hoping Timmy got all the Lone Star brainworms out and can not just pack a punch in the disaster opening (RIP to everyone who didn't like the cruise ship disaster, I had a great time and it was the best opening in YEARS), but can actually follow through on storylines and emotional beats all season. And maybe get more calls??? On the weewoo show?? It was always and issue on LS too which I thought was Rob Lowe syndrome an all the "Owen things firefighting is boring" stuff but maybe it's budget constraints? Yo! ABC! Give us the cash for good emergencies! And of course, they need to get Kristen the FUCK out of the writers room. Please, literally ANY cop show out there, we are literally BEGGING you to take her off our hands!
Bright side, I have been working on my Countdowns fic (I posted a little bit last week and I want to try and work on it more now that all my shows are on hiatus), and while *I* may be the worlds slowest writer, I just know the Buddie fandom is going to come through with some BANGER canon-fix-it fics. So cheers to that, and lets pray the muse smiles on me astronaut!Buck/medic!Eddie so I can actually contribute something. I'm gonna go make a flatbread spinach and artichoke pizza, watch something, literally ANYTHING else, and oggle my d20 Bad Kids dice that arrived today, my Ayda pin, and my Jawbone quote mug and not think about 911 for a little bit. (until I'm allowed out of post-limit jail and can go back to being a petty bench on main).
Take a breath, we can get through this hiatus together! At least we know we have Oliver and Ryan on our side, so let's make some Buddie content for them to send to each other to help THEM through this rough time.
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shiroandblack · 11 months
[TW: mentions of murder, torture, sexual assault]
I think Saera Targaryen is a very interesting character and she does deserve recognition for making it to the top in a bad situation, all on her own with probably no assistance from her family at all. But I have to say that her remarks to her parents about being another Maegor with his six wives just blew my mind.
I was wide eyed and "oh no she didn't". Fire and Blood is very iffy in the sense that it's a biased historical recount, however I do believe it when it says that if Saera had only mentioned Aegon the Conqueror, Jaehaerys wouldn't have blown his top.
Saera clearly meant to hurt her parents, because teens are gonna teen, and her behaviour is indeed partially because of Jaehaerys and Alysanne's failings as parents. But I think mentioning Maegor was a step too far.
"Hey dad, I wanna be like that uncle of yours, who killed one of your brothers and had another brother tortured to death, and also married your sister against her will and probably had sexual relations with her without her consent, with the experience traumatising her for life and thus contributing to the deterioration of your relationship with her. I wanna be like the dude that put you, my mother, and my grandmother, on house arrest, who probably made you all terrified for your lives. And he had the corpse of your tortured brother displayed as a taunt so your mother would come and get it. Yeah, I wanna be that dude."
She girlbossed way too close to the sun with that line. And in all honesty, I understand why Jaehaerys reacted the way he did towards that particular statement of hers. Saera was indeed wronged by her parents, but she also wronged many other people around her out of that hurt and anger.
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The Other Side of Paradise
[ a KNY lore building fanfiction ]
Rating: M Word Count: 4,896 Warnings: Canon-typical violence, Blood and Gore, Canonical Character Death, Murder, Attempted Murder, Domestic Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (It'll make sense at the end I promise) Characters: Nakime (Biwa Demon), Nakime's Husband, Muzan Kibutsuji, Kokushibou, Gyuutarou, Daki Author's Notes: I… Genuinely don't have an explanation for this other than I think Nakime is a super interesting character. I mean, she's canonically stated to be one of Muzan's FAVORITES. Also, we love a girlboss who girlbosses too close to the sun. Anyways, the murder scene isn't all that graphic, but just in case please know that she DOES kill her husband. She also slaps him. Unhappy marriage. Uh anyways, enjoy!
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“I wish you could see the wicked truth. Caught up in a rush, it's killing you! Screaming at the sun you blow into.” ────────── The boy was in control. Her castle was not answering to her despite the way she screamed within her mind for it to respond. HE was controlling her masterpiece! Panic clung to her form yet she remained still, frozen by his touch, by the damned seal placed upon her head, no doubt created by the Ubuyashiki family for this exact scenario. All around her, Demon Slayers invaded her sacred Infinity Castle. One hundred and thirteen years of craftwork, of being at Lord Muzan’s side, crumbling to dust beneath her very fingers. Lord Muzan, Nakime cried within her mind, I’m so sorry I’ve failed you. I’m so sorry that I’m not able to fight back. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so- ────────── The sound of birds chirping roused her from her slumber. Blinking in the early morning light, Emiko studied the ceiling over her bed. To her right was her husband, Kazuya. When he’d gotten in, she wasn’t sure. Sometime in the night long after she’d retired, most likely. Grimacing, she sat up to stretch. He wouldn’t be up for some few hours yet, giving her plenty of time to get her morning chores out of the way. Breakfast came first, though. 
She’d need to tend to her biwa before the performance tonight. This one would be a make or break sort of deal, a stage before a large enough crowd meant money. Money meant saving to get out of the shithole they called home, away from the Entertainment District, away from the tea houses. That was her goal- and to get away from Kazuya, even if the thought made her heart twinge in sadness. It hadn’t always been that way, really. He had been a good man when they met; she was barely sixteen, he was seventeen. They’d agreed to marry to get both of them out of the situation they were in with their families. 
The gambling started shortly after their marriage had been official. And it truly wasn’t bad for the first year! He hadn’t squandered their savings immediately; just a few coins here and there. But as the days wore on, as she struggled for work within the tea houses and her skills as a musician, he began to grow… Bored. Tired, perhaps; she wasn’t sure, really. Any time she attempted to broach the subject, he would shut her down almost immediately. 
Then came the drinking. 
Seven years of marriage. That’s how long she’s suffered with his addiction, how long she had spent smelling alcohol and watching as her savings dwindled down to nothing. Her gaze drifted as she washed the egg she’d taken from their lone chicken. One egg was better than nothing. She had salted pork left that she could fry for herself; egg and salted, fatty bacon. That would do her over until she was able to eat after the performance! Perfect, perfect, perfect. Humming to herself as she ate, her mind drifted to the argument they’d had before he left the night before. 
He’d threatened to take her biwa and sell it. Her biwa, the one thing she treasured more than life itself. She’d bought it with her own hard-earned money when she was fourteen. She’d taken such careful care of it; waxing, oiling, tuning, keeping it tucked away in its case. And Kazuya knew how much she treasured it, but he still had the gall to ask- no, not even ask, but demand she give it to him to pay off some of his gambling debts! 
“You want me to what?” Emiko asked, spoon paused halfway to her mouth, miso broth shaking subtly with the tremor in her hand. “I’m sorry, you want me to sell my biwa?”
“No.” Kazuya shook his head; he was sober, for once. But the manic look in his eyes was still there. “I want you to give me your biwa so I can sell it and get some money to pay off my debts.”
“Are you insane? No!” Emiko set her spoon down into her bowl, shaking her head quickly. “I will do NO such thing!” 
“Why not?”
“Because that biwa is our only source of income!” Gesturing around herself at the shack they called home, an angered laugh escaped her. “Look at where we live, Kazuya! I’m trying to save us from this!”
“Could always join an Okiya down in the Entertainment District.”
The smack was deafeningly loud in the shack. Emiko stood, hand still hovering where she had hit Kazuya’s cheek. His head had snapped to the side, his eyes wide in surprise at the pain that now radiated from his face. Emiko’s breaths came in harsh pants as she pulled her arm back, grabbing his bowl of half-finished broth, and her own. “You want me to whore myself out? Ha! Go. Get OUT. Go gamble and drink! I don’t care! But LEAVE this house this INSTANT!” Her voice had ticked up in pitch, nearly a shrill shriek. 
That had been the argument last night. She’d never laid her hand on her husband until then, but his idea… It made her blood boil. She couldn’t just join an Okiya! Was he insane? Probably, now that she thought about it; all the alcohol pickling his brain. Morning chores were done; Kazuya was still asleep. That’s fine, perfectly fine. She spent the next hour sitting outside of the shack, tuning and oiling her biwa, careful of the silk strings. She returned inside; the sun was beginning to go down. She needed to get ready if she wanted to be there on time. The performance tonight… Oh, her nerves were already spiking. She’d taken such care to clean her kimono, to find new fabric for her obi. 
Except… Where was her kimono? Panic began to set in as she pulled every item in her closet out. Where, where, where?! “Kazuya!” She called to her husband, prompting him to enter back into their bedroom. 
“What is it?” He asked, arms crossed over his chest. His cheek was bruised from her slap; he was angry, still- no, enraged. He was just trying to pay off his debts! 
“Where’s my kimono?” She sat back, looking at the pile of her and his clothing. She had put it in their closet, right? Right. Back into the garment back to keep dust off of it, to keep the silk looking vibrant, to keep moths away from it. 
“Which one?”
She paused; his tone wasn’t right. He took that tone when he was nervous. “The kimono I use for my performances. I have to get ready, I should already be dressed.” Emiko watched as his gaze flickered to the pile of clothes, to her, to the door. “... Kazuya, did you do something with it?” Her hands felt like ice in the moment as she rose. Heart hammering in her chest, she approached her husband, watching as he backed up until his back was against the wall. “Kazuya?”
“I needed the money!” He finally exclaimed, squealing the words out like a startled pig. “I needed the money and you wouldn’t let me sell your biwa and your kimono went for even more!”
“You sold my kimono.”
“I needed the fucking money!”
“The kimono I use for every performance?”
“You can wear another one!”
Something in her snapped at that moment. She wasn’t sure what triggered it; the high whine of his voice, the way he was curling in on himself like a child, the disappointment and rage of knowing that nothing she had was sacred. The first punch was thrown wide, hitting the side of his head, pulling out a pained yelp from him as he clutched his now-bleeding ear. 
“Emiko, please!”
“YOU KNOW I DON’T OWN ANOTHER KIMONO!” Something, she needed something. Her hands grasped blindly, finding the handle of the hammer. She raised it- and swung. It connected with his jaw, creaking an ugly cracking sound, his blood splattering against the wall. He cried out, hands flying up to protect his face as he collapsed onto the dirt floor. “YOU KNOW I NEED TO USE THAT KIMONO FOR THE PERFORMANCES! YOU SELFISH MAN! YOU WEAK MINDED PIG! CAN I HAVE NOTHING IN THIS LIFE THAT IS MINE?! CAN I HAVE NOTHING?! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?! I WANT TO KNOW, KAZUYA, WHAT DID I DO?!” She screamed in a blind rage, wailing over and over on her husband’s body. 
He wasn’t moving. 
She dropped the hammer, hands shaking as the adrenaline circulated throughout her body. Blood was pooling on the dirt, saturating it. Brain matter had spilled out of his crushed skull. Rather than feel some sort of guilt… She felt lighter. Turning away, she cleaned her hands on the bottom of his yukata. She needed to go, to get to the stage. A new yukata- not new, old, dirty, nothing at all suitable for a biwa player of her caliber. She ran from the house, case in hand- arriving with five minutes to spare. She was a mess; mousy brown locks spilling free from the careful updo she had done. She was pale, shaking. Blood on her hands. Blood on her hands.
Kazuya’s blood. Her husband. She’d killed her husband. Oh, God, she’d killed her husband! 
Climbing onto the stage, she could hear the disgruntled comments about her ratty appearance. She couldn’t help it, she wanted to cry out. She had no other choice but to look like this! It wasn’t her fault! Her husband! It was his fault! 
No matter. The lights dimmed. She strummed the first chord, followed by the second. The song began, what was once a simple piece of mourning had become a piece of tragedy. The tension from her shaking hands had created a warble within the notes, giving tension to the song. The audience was enraptured by her performance; women dotting at their eyes from the pain felt within the notes. By the end, the applause she was gifted with was loud- louder than anything she’d heard before. 
The performance of a lifetime; she was approached after by a man, who wanted to give her the main stage every weekend. 
And that was how it began. 
Kazuya’s death was rumored to have been done by one of the debt collectors; he’d been so deep in debt and kept digging deeper with no way to pay anything back. Emiko played the role of mourning wife well, moving out of the shack due to being “unable to continue living in such an awful place”. With the money she’d earned from her performance, she was able to rent a new house- an actual house, with tatami floors and shoji doors that closed and a front door with a lock. 
The next performance went well, albeit not as good as the one before. The edge, the thrill, the adrenaline and anxiety that had followed after she’d murdered Kazuya- that was what made her performance better. Blood soaked hands playing pristine silken strings. 
The pattern began; women and men alike who had come to her shows alone. She’d offer them a chance of a pre-show experience, a glimpse into the life, and they fell for it time and time again. It helped that she was able to clean up, to present herself in a much more appropriate fashion. Silken kimonos with intricate patterns, makeup akin to that of a Geisha, she was a sight, a spectacle. Coupled with the  skills of her playing, she had quickly grown in popularity. 
Two years. That’s how long this went on for. Before each large performance, she would lure in her prey after observing them, tracking them down. The deaths never took place on the grounds, but in the city around them. Sometimes with a knife, sometimes a hammer. A few times- her bare hands wrapped about their throat, watching the life fade from their eyes as they struggled against her hold. 
It all changed that fateful spring night. 
It was the last show for the season; she’d be going on break for the next four weeks before the summer performances would begin. The crowd was large- larger than any other she’d played. There had been many choices for her that night to pick from as she mingled, but one man drew her attention. He had come alone and remained near the back of the theater, as if he didn’t wish to be seen. “Miss Emiko, could you explain-”
“I’m sorry, could you excuse me? I just remembered I need to replace my Bachi before my performance!” She lied with ease, slipping away from the conversation. The man had left through a side door that led to the tea rooms. She’d just entered the hall when the door to one of the private rooms used by larger groups for private shows had clicked shut.
Creeping forward, her fingers clasped the knife that had been tucked within the folds of her obi. Slipping into the room, she closed the door, locking it behind herself, and approached her victim with the grace of a cat stalking its prey.
He’d caught her hand when she went to stab him. He hadn’t even been looking in her direction when the attack was sprung, yet he was able to stop her with ease. This close, she’d realized her mistake: he was a demon. “I-” she began, only to hear… Laughter.
He was laughing at her.
“My, my,” he murmured, his voice a mere rumble in the silence of the room. “Aren’t you bold? I thought it was odd, the way you’d been watching me. I was expecting something a bit more risque,” taunting, he squeezed her wrist until she gasped, the knife falling from her grip to clatter upon the floor. “But instead, you find me, and you try to kill me. Quite impressive… If not stupid.”
“Please, don’t scream.” She whispered, brown gaze wide. Yet, she did not shake in fear, did not beg for her life as so many others did when in his presence. 
Did she not know who he was? “Don’t scream?” Muzan questioned curiously, head tilting as his other hand came to cup her chin, tilting her head back. Her bangs fell away from her face as he studied her. No fear, not even the slightest scent. “You aren’t afraid of me, little moth?”
“No.” Her lips, painted a vibrant shade of red that reminded him of blood spilt upon snow, pulled into a frown. “If you wanted to kill me, you would have done so already. So you’re either going to play with me and make me suffer, or let me go.”
“You sound so sure of yourself.”
“You aren’t the first man I’ve dealt with.”
“... I want to offer you a choice,” releasing both chin and wrist, he watched as she took a half step back. “My name is Kibutsuji Muzan.”
“Muzan?” The name meant nothing to her, though the voice in her mind screamed that this man was dangerous- this demon was nothing to be trifled with. “What is your offer?”
“I could give you the life you want,” a gesture about himself; the scenery wavered. Oh, this was his power, she thought to herself. A large room, tatami mats and shoji doors. “No longer playing your biwa until your fingers bleed like they did during your last performance.”
“How did you know that?” Her gaze slipped to her hands, at the freshly healed wounds. Silk strings were sharp; could slice through flesh with ease. “I didn’t tell anyone-”
“I’ve been watching you for some time. You didn’t have to say anything. I smelled your blood the moment it happened. You wouldn’t need to do that any longer. Such a pretty thing like yourself- you’ve struggled with life, haven’t you?” He reached out with a tender touch, fingers brushing against her cheek before tucking her hair back behind her ear. “You would have the power you continue to seek. You could live comfortably with me, at my side.”
“At your side? That’s presumptuous.”
“I’m aware- but you, oh… I sense such strength, such intelligence. A flower as rare as you should be treasured-”
“A moth, now flower?” She reached up, grasping his wrist to hold his hand in place. A step closer, closing the distance between them. A trick she’d learned that could save her life. “Why should I say yes?”
“Eternal life and pleasure, or I kill you here, and now,” he leaned closer, lips brushing the shell of her ear as she stood still, “and I use your flesh as the main course of my dinner.”
Eternal life, eternal pleasure. To never have to work again, to never have to struggle… “Yes,” she sighed out, pulling her head back to meet his gaze. “Yes.”
“Good girl. I knew you would make the right decision,” nails pricked the skin of his palm, allowing for blood to well up to the surface. He reached out, grasping her jaw, forcing her mouth open. “Such a delight, to find rarities such as yourself.” He sighed, watching as his blood dripped into her mouth, onto her tongue. 
The transformation was painful- she could never forget the feeling. Feeling her cells commit apoptosis rapidly, her body transforming itself to something no longer human. Her throat burned as if he had poured molten fire down it rather than blood; her heart raced hard enough within her chest, she thought it would burst. A scream of pain spilled forth as she doubled over, clutching her chest. A heart attack; this was what a heart attack must feel like! As her breath left her lungs as if she’d been punched, as her head felt as if it might burst, she collapsed to the floor. What she hadn’t known at the moment was the way the theater itself twisted. 
The basis for what would become the Infinity Castle. 
“Look at what you’ve created!” Muzan marveled, eyes wide as he turned in a slow circle. The room they had been in was now an open platform; above them, another room, the chairs and table on the floor, yet it was upside down. Rooms opened up before closing, pillars shooting up from the ground, down from the sky- or, what he assumed was the sky. He couldn’t see the stars. 
She had created a pocket dimension, just like that. 
“What-” Emiko gasped out, blinking hard. Her vision was clearer, somehow. “What happened?”
“You, dear. You happened.” Muzan crouched down, reaching out to cup her chin. Yes, the transformation happened without issue. She held no ranking within her… Eye. Singular. All seeing, he thought to himself. “You will learn how to control this power of yours. You’ve created yourself a new world in which… You are in control.”
“I did?” Looking around, she watched as the rooms settled. Oh. “This was the theater- oh, God, the people-”
“Are dead.” 
“... I killed them.”
“You absorbed them into this… World of yours.”
“Welcome, my dear Nakime, to the Kizuki.”
Nakime… That was her. That was her name. Such a pretty, musical sounding name. A smile curled her lips. Yes, she was Nakime, the biwa demon. The creator of worlds.  ────────── There were six Upper Moons and six Lower Moons, making the Twelve Kizuki as a whole. The lower the number, the higher the rank. When she was brought in, she was given no number, no ranking. She was to be given the same respect, however, for the Kizuki now existed within her domain. 
Her power was strange; certain notes changed the way the rooms were, changed the levels; others summoned Kizuki or sent them away to specific areas. It took quite some time to learn how it was all connected, many trial and errors. 
The Kizuki were just as odd. Some were friendly, surprisingly so (Mukago, Lower Moon Four) was talkative when they were alone; Douma (Upper Moon Two) was talkative regardless of who was present. He was peculiar in his own way; preferences for eating women, specifically. Had she still been human, she would have made him a target. But she wasn’t human, and demons didn’t eat other demons (save for a few rare cases…) Akaza was Upper Moon Three; he was quiet, filled with a rage that laid just beneath the surface. He never raised his voice, however. A gentle spirit in regards to herself, which was rather surprising. 
Kokushibō, she saw the most of. Upper Moon One; the strongest of all the Kizuki, and the oldest- aside from Muzan himself. He was more serious than the others. But he was kind, he spoke softly and listened when she spoke. Personally, he was her favorite. He preferred to remain within the Infinity Castle rather than roam the Waking World. 
Lord Muzan was out and about often, attempting to find a cure for them all. He was a passionate leader, thoughtful and smart. His rage never extended to her, though that did not mean her own anger never bled through. 
He sat in one of the many tea rooms, his gaze trained on the book before him when she entered. He didn’t look up as she approached, though his attention was drawn to her when the hammer she held thudded against the tatami mats. He hummed, setting his book aside. “Do you mean to kill me?”
“I could.”
“Do you truly think so?”
Nakime nodded, stepping forward. She reached out, her hand pressing against his shoulder, simply resting there as he watched her curiously. She shoved him back, and he went without a fight, falling back onto his elbows as she hovered over him, the hammer grasped once more by her free hand. “I could smash your head in.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Do you truly think so?” She mocked softly, even as he reached up to brush her hair back from her face. “You made me. Creations often kill their creators.”
“But you won’t. Because you know you couldn’t.” His hand cupped her cheek; she leaned into the touch with a defeated sigh, the hammer dropping once more. “You are one of my most unique creations. One of my most treasured. You realize this, don’t you, Nakime? You hold power to create worlds. Think of what you could do once I find a cure?” His words were murmured sweetly as she gripped the front of his yukata. 
“... I apologize, Lord Muzan.”
“Sweet Nakime…” He sighed as she retreated, grabbing the hammer and slipping out without a word. This wasn’t the first time her compulsion had taken over; being unable to leave the Infinity Castle, he couldn’t blame her. She hadn’t killed anyone of importance, thankfully. An annoying lower ranking demon on occasion, perhaps. His attention returned the book as the Infinity Castle moved about him; the very room he resided in currently suddenly rising.  ────────── One hundred and thirteen years, nothing had changed. And then, suddenly, it was changing far too quickly. Moons were being cut down one after another. It was happening before anyone could get a hold on it. And now? Now, there were Demon Slayers in HER castle! 
She’d tried to fight. Had changed the rooms, controlled them, blocked off the Slayers and tried to confuse them. Tried to intervene where she could before that damned child of Tamayo’s arrived. And now-
The boy was in control. Her castle was not answering to her despite the way she screamed within her mind for it to respond. HE was controlling her masterpiece! Panic clung to her form yet she remained still, frozen by his touch, by the damned seal placed upon her head, no doubt created by the Ubuyashiki family for this exact scenario. All around her, Demon Slayers invaded her sacred Infinity Castle. One hundred and thirteen years of craftwork, of being at Lord Muzan’s side, crumbling to dust beneath her very fingers. Lord Muzan, Nakime cried within her mind, I’m so sorry I’ve failed you. I’m so sorry that I’m not able to fight back. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so-
Muzan panicked. He panicked as the boy took control of the Infinity Castle. The castle Nakime had created for them. Their paradise. And in his panic, he did the only thing he could think of to do to cease the control. 
One moment, Nakime was alive.
The next, her neck was twisted, her head popping off her shoulders. “Sorry,” he murmured, though his attention was quickly taken away. All of his Kizuki were slain. His beloved demons, his treasures, they were killed. 
Nakime blinked as her body began to disintegrate. Muzan had released her. Oh. Was her service done? Was she done working? Done, now? 
Done? ────────── The sound of birds roused her from her slumber. No, not birds. Voices. “You’re gonna be late!” Ume called through the door, knocking loudly upon it. Emiko jerked up, blinking rapidly in the afternoon light. She’d laid down for a nap before her performance at the theater! “Emiko, are you awake?!”
“I’m up!” She called back, scrambling out of bed. Dress, dress… There! She rushed to put on the black recital dress. This was one of the biggest nights of her life: a solo with the university’s orchestra. She was the lone biwa player, had already created a name for herself. This was another stepping stone to her life. 
But that dream… How odd. It had all felt so real, as if she’d truly become a demon. It must be from the reading her professor, Kagaya, was having them do. After all, Kagaya Ubuyashiki was a Japanese folklore and history professor, not some leader of a secret organization! Especially not one that would have existed over a hundred and twenty years ago! Throwing her door open, Emiko shuffled over to the bathroom, all but shoving Gyutaro out of the way. “Sorry! Gotta rush!”
“You aren’t the only one!” He complained, grumbling as he walked over to his younger sister to get help with his tie. 
She’d met Gyutaro her freshman year attending Kimetsu U, a renowned university on the northern side of Tokyo. They clicked and became quick friends, deciding to rent an apartment together. He was the guardian of his younger sister; their parents having passed away due to an accident a few years back. She looked to Ume like a younger sister, too, now. There were others in their group; a freshman named Hakuji, a theater and religions major named Doma, and twins named Michikatsu and Yoriichi (Michikatsu was a history aid; Yoriichi was working on his Doctorate!). They made an odd bunch, but it was nice. 
They’d all be there tonight; Gyutaro was working as a doorman; Ume had tickets, thanks to Gyutaro. Emiko blotted her newly-red lips before nodding to herself. It had become a signature of hers, to wear her makeup in a homage to the Geisha who had popularized the biwa and shamisen. A simple black and deep purple eye combination, mascara- and she was ready.
“I’ll see you there!” She called as she grabbed her case and keys before heading out. The apartment was close to the theater, thankfully. Her heart raced within her chest as she approached the side entrance used for musicians and other performers. There were other faces she recognized amongst the crowd; a few students from Kimetsu Academy, a few teachers. She waved to Uzui Tengen, one of her former teachers. He waved back with a grin, his partners standing with him. 
A glance to the right showed Hakuji speaking with Rengoku Kyōjurō, another former teacher. He laughed at something Hakuji had said before spotting her. He gave an enthusiastic wave and shouted out, “Break a leg!” She flushed, shaking her head before ducking backstage. She was lucky enough to have her own dressing room. A sigh escaped as she entered, not bothering to close the door behind her. She only needed a second to prepare. 
Knuckles rapped against the door, drawing her attention, though she didn’t look up from tuning her biwa. “Yes?” She called, brows furrowing. 
“A delivery,”  a voice purred. 
She froze; her heart hammering in chest like a war drum. That voice. That voice had been in her dream. That voice belonged to that man. What was his name? She slowly looked up, gaze tracking over black dress shoes, black slacks, up to a hand holding a bouquet of red roses and red spider lilies, with a singular blue spider lily in the center. Further up, forcing herself to look. Dark hair, pale skin, a gaze of near-pink, the brown was so light. 
Kibutsuji Muzan.
“Emiko, is it?” He mused as he stepped in, glancing about the dressing room. Amusement colored his features; what a familiar setting. In the exact same spot as the former building had stood, even! What were the odds… “I was told to bring these to you by Michikatsu.”
“Oh.” Of course. Just flowers. She stepped forward, moving the small hammer she’d grabbed out of reflex to hide within her skirts. “Thank you so much. I’ll have to find him afterwards,” as she reached out, she glanced up, meeting his gaze. “Have we met before?”
“Perhaps.” His lips curved into a smirk as he bowed a touch, fingers brushing against her own. “Though, you’re holding the hammer in the wrong hand this time, Nakime.”
Her heart stopped. 
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belle-keys · 1 year
praise for the succession finale
it's probably the most brilliant piece of television i've watched in ages. i don't watch films and tv at the rate at which i read, but wow, out of everything i've watched on tv in my life, succession s4 is probably my favorite, drama-wise.
the acting, the writing, the irony, the music, the themes: all amazing and excellent and i was close to tearing up multiple times
tom wambsgans? call that tom wambsGAINS cus man is on top. sucked dick to climb the ladder like a bro. i've always rooted for tom purely because of matthew macfadyen, and it was just so gratifying to see him win, but even more gratifying to see everyone be mad about it.
kendall showed how hurt and broken and traumatized and incompetent he was. he was aggressive, desperate, hanging on to threads. when he opened roman's stitches? tried to tussle wirh shiv? called roman a cuck and attacked him? outright lied about killing that kid? it showed that this was never gonna be about kendall's victory.
i want aleksander skarsgard to like, vulgarize me. anyways, was happy to see the swede on top too, just because he looked at tom and was like yo, i want your wife. eric from true blood and mr. darcy victors!
on reddit, it was correctly predicted that kendall would indeed go to the hudson if he lost, and let's be real, the rewards center in kendall's brain is very broken. that tragic, shakespearian ending for our "hero" was poetic and awesome.
shiv had every right to switch up on kendall. the cute siblings moments at their mom's house was lovely, but kendall started treated roman the same way logan treated him. so i'm satisfied with the ending.
shiv's ending is hilariously ironic in that she can only remain close to power because she's married to the man who has it. power, mind you, that also belongs to a second swedish man that screwed her over. shiv girlbossed too close to the sun.
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imagibunny · 1 year
yknow what!! fuck it!!!
y'all are getting the infodump too, if no one likes it well at least here you can scroll past
hazel mae abbot - 24 (as far as you know) - she/her - bi/pan
originally from the 1600s, hazel mae was originally one of the few girls who was hanged during the salem witch trials, but managed to survive by way of an actual witch "undoing the damage" and taking her on as an apprentice. ended up being taught the ways of time magic, and in the process of trying to help her mentor she messed up the spell and is currently "stuck in time", as her body has not aged past 24 when she originally cast the spell. despite this she can still be harmed, but can simply reverse her own time to fix/heal any wounds on her own accord.
time magic is known to be illegal due to messing with the balance of life and death, and also by way of it creating problems that might expose the witch community, so she's currently in hiding. as long as she doesn't do anything big (such as reversing or skipping an entire day, or freezing an entire town) she's safe to do as she pleases
currently owns her own antique/used book store called "abbot's attic" where she also teaches a student of her own in the mean time. she's also head of the local historical society
her familliars are onyx and miss violet. onyx helps out with collecting herbs and keeping the house safe, while miss violet helps out at the store and helps with spells
officially hazel mae is a shapeshifting witch, where she can transform into any animal that she has a clear image of. due to this she can communicate with her familiars and a couple of avian friends who either live at the house or visit often (pearl the chicken and cordial the crow)
dylan goode - 26 - she/he - aro/ace lesbian
a witch from the 70s who caused a great deal of trouble in her time, and recently escaped from solitary confinement after she got a little over her head. currently under watch, she's having a fun time in the new decade and lives her new life to the absolute fullest she can, and is thrilled by how much the world has changed since her time
what caused her to get in trouble in the first time was the use of "magic of persuasion" as she put it, essentially having the ability to make the person do whatever she tells them to. this is a recurring theme with the squad, in that this magic is Also illegal, but all due to the fact it's dangerous to use for multiple reasons and can cause things to get out of hand quickly.
solitary confinement came for dylan after he girlbossed too close to the sun with a politician and almost started Something.
currently he works at heaven's gate as a bartender! she loves her job and his boss but could honestly do without babysitting keeping an eye on people. also on the historical society with hazel mae, and enjoys hanging upstairs in the book section of her store
her familiar is a parrot named rikki! not the brightest bird around (we can attest that to how many times he's flown into the window) but he's the best helper dylan could have. she loves her feathered dingus no matter how many times he's brought poison ivy instead of lavender and she WILL die on this hill
officially dylan is a witch of illusions, meaning he can make yknow. illusions. doesn't really use this in a way that'd be acceptable but hey, she's here for a fun time not for a long one <3
angel hastings - 132 (looks damn good for her age /37) - she/her - queer in some sense
officially a witch of light from the 20s, angel owns heaven's gate and is a town socialite as her best. she's a cheery sort, always in some kind of good mood and tries to keep the atmosphere of the bar light to go with it. it's unknown on how she's been around for so long, and refuses to say, but hasn't been in any trouble so is fairly enough left on her own to do as she wants, which doesn't bother her and she will happily use this fact if any of her friends end up in a pinch with the witches council.
has been friends with hazel mae since the olden days and is the only one who knows about her ex husband, and is actively trying to get her back out on the dating scene. acts like a mom to dylan and hazel, but in reality is the fun aunt type, especially to poppy.
despite her happy go lucky personality, she uses emotive telepathy type of magic, basically meaning girlie needs to keep up the good vibes or everyone is going down with her. generally speaking she does have a good handle on her magic but has accidentally used it to her advantage in one way or another, but mostly uses it to keep her bar calm and fun. is the first witch to use this type of magic so there's no name for it nor is it illegal, but she's been advised against using it.
her familiar is a poodle named scarlett. sweet old girl who's been around for heavens knows how long, but she and angel are a matching pair and there's no where else she'd rather be. she's not as good at her job as she used to be, but she can keep up with the youngins as best as she can.
poppy aka "poppet" - 16 - any pronouns - aro/ace
witch of flora and hazel mae's student, poppy recently came into their powers not long ago so the whole "witches and magic are real" thing is kinda new to him. she's a special case in that xir powers are inherited, unlike most witches who had to be taught to draw out their abilities, and because of that it has the ability to push luck into her favor.
became hazel mae's student after he went into the store looking for books specifically on witchcraft and magic after an incident at school that involved a flying lunch table. after a few visits hazel mae asked what they were looking for and after a bribery of tea and cookies, poppy went over the whole thing. hazel mae knew better to leave a witch out to dry, especially one who has no idea what he's doing, so she offered to teach him. who better then a girl who's been around for over 300 years? poppy goes to the store twice a week for lessons and slowly but surely she's getting better
no familiar as of right now, but xe does have a chiweagle named hudson and a hamster named tami. he lives with it's two moms and uncle and has no idea where her powers came from, although they do have a theory about it's father, mostly cause xe hasn't seen him in years and has little to know idea about him
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 2 years
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Hii happy valentines day! Here’s mine, option 1 please 💕💕💕💕
Hi! Tysm 🥰💕
Your 7th House is in a significant 29° it's known as the anaretic degree that signals mastery & cycles ending. It's the degree of completion being the last degree. It falls in Sagittarius which means when you go traveling or to foreign places that's when you could have the best chances of meeting a romantic partner or you just may attract very adventurous & insightful people that will be in a period to teach you lessons or new things. Pluto in the 7th house speaks about transformation & endings that may occur with your close connections or romantic relationships this year, it could also speak of breaking contracts or meeting people who have a lot of power this year since it's in Capricorn at the 28° which is a fame degree and being in Capricorn signifies wealth.
So maybe you might earn a lot of money this year? Or climb your way up hierarchy in your job as the ruler Jupiter of the 7th house is also in your 9th house conjunct your Midheaven in Aries. When Jupiter is in Aries this brings luck towards actions that might be perceived as reckless but actually end up really benefitting you whilst if anyone else did the same thing they'd be scolded. It brings a year for new beginnings in your career, opportunities in foreign travel, enterprisement, maybe you could look into cars? Whenever I think of Jupiter, Aries & the 9th House I really get the vibes of being in a car a lot or getting a lucky deal on new vehicles lol. Aries energy is about owning and branding yourself, making what you do know you did it first. It will bring a lot more respect and wealth towards you. Jupiter also sextiles Mars & Sun which are very hyperactive domineering planets. The sextile is an easy aspect so there's a chance fame or recognition even if it's just on a micro level will come easy to you, same thing with respect and power in what you do.
Now with the Moon and Mercury in the 7th house you will be socializing a lot and feel in your element around other people, however you may meet some flighty individuals that can be draining but you will enjoy more intellectually stimulating conversions as a means to bond closer or show interest in your romantic endeavors.
However with Mercury square Jupiter & Midheaven, you could struggle with others understanding your ideas I'm your workplace or people might gossip about your reputation or how you use your opportunities. You may feel a bit alone in the workplace or even just interacting with others publicly as you would feel easily misunderstood. I think you should take the year slow because you have great Mars & Sun aspects this year, however with all of that go-getter & ambitious energy it might feel too overwhelming and you could easily get burnt out.
Your 5th house in Scorpio at a Virgo degree with Pluto in the 7th house makes me think your may use your hobbies in a calculated way to interact with others or just enjoy taking part in social dynamics and mental gymnastics. You might be really into finance or investments this year. You could derive a lot of pleasure from self-improvement as Pluto conjuncts the Sun.
It feels like a GirlBoss year tbh.
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astroismypassion · 3 years
Astrology observations🧊🧊🧊
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
🧊🧊 If you are Gemini/Virgo Venus you might remember very well the exact situation/moment you fell for your crush/love. Like it could be you were cycling together or their was a certain hand gesture or you were together withj friends and you just looked each other. But you being this sign, you might remember the very first moment vividly, but other memories will get cloudy with time.
🧊🧊 Only when you enter 8th house synastry you might start thinking about astrology. Like “oh so he’s a Sagittarius Sun, I’m Pisces Sun so are we compatible?” Before you might not think much about astrology, but after 8th house synastry you really will. You might also consult an astrologer on this connection.
🧊🧊 Why Sagittarius and Gemini Venus/Mars have such a bad reputation for being non committal and creating push and pull dynamic, is because they crave that “fresh love” energy. The moment you are too much in their head or they know too many things about you already, they will pull away.
🧊🧊 Check in which sign the Moon is currently. If it matches your Chiron, you’ll have pain in that part of body. For example: if Moon is currently in Virgo and you have Virgo Chiron, you will have a stomachache. If the Moon is in Gemini and you’re Gemini Chiron, your arm or hand or even fingers might hurt. Or you accidentally cut your fingers while cooking.
🧊🧊 Lilith square/opposition Pluto is really though. They probably really feared speaking up about what they want/need even though they are natural born leaders. They also hold back a lot of their needs just to restore peace in partnerships. They are afraid of being controlled though.
🧊🧊 Moon sextile Juno: you might marry or get in a long term partnership with a childhood love. Your mother could also meddle with your choice of partner😂. You might also have this belief that you will marry the person that you have known the longest.
🧊🧊 Mars square Juno: could give great relationship advice without being in a partnership! Females with this would be the girlboss archetype, they might often say they need no one.
🧊🧊 I’ve noticed Taurus Moons being the most consistently hard-working working people. I think this is also because they really crave that coin, because it brings them emotional stability and safety. They also are models most often or highly involved in fashion. Like Emma Chamberlain might not be a model, but she’s still involved in fashion and considered a fashion icon. Also Zendaya another Taurus Moon native. And Hailey Bieber.
🧊🧊 Sun in the 6th house native might see their father as their teacher!
🧊🧊 Correct me if I’m wrong, but Libra and Taurus Moon can’t go to the cinema without having company/a person with them.
🧊🧊 Aries Moon females really praise other women a lot! Also speaking about Aries Moons, I still can decode why they have really unique way of speaking. Every single person I came across that has Aries Moon has this thing with very personal and unique communicative/style of expression.
🧊🧊 A lot of Mercury retrograde natives finish the sentence (especially during a presentation) with “And that’s it.”🤣
🧊🧊 Ceres in the houses:
1st house: you adopt animals and people, you feed others, you share your problems and difficult periods.
2nd house: you give great monetary instructions, you inherited money, you buy other people clothing.
3rd house: you study nutrition, you encourage public speaking and people speaking up their mind/opinion, you add in-laws to your close inner family (so that you also share responsibilities with them), you really support other’s creative writings.
4th house: you introduce the idea of having pets in the home, you decorate your home with natural materials, plants, you take care of your and your spouse’s parents, you introduce new dietary patterns for your family.
5th house: you take care of children that have absent biological parents, you encourage child parent discussions/debates.
6th house: you encourage career stability, very protective as well.
7th house: you encourage romance, you hype other person’s talents and make them public for others to see, you’ll have more friends when in partnership/marriage, you also promote career advancement.
8th house: you love like a big sister/brother, you make hidden knowledge useable, you find comfort in loss/bereavement, you lend a shoulder to cry on.
9th house: you support and finance advanced education, you really really appreciate nature, you live by very simple moral code, you give concrete examples that others can follow.
10th house: you try to prevent tension and overwork.
11th house: you have either really younger or much older friends, you encourage others to use simpler type of entertainment, you like other feel needed, you support fulfilment of deepest desires.
12th house: you nurse hospitalised people, you give others vitamins, you accept occult/tarot/astrology concept as normal idea, you introduce drug/dietary changes in other people’s lives.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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sca-rian · 2 years
my howl's moving castle inspired au, the long masterpost:
*will use scar's moving castle as a tag for this!
consider: grian manages a family business with his sister, pearl. their life is anything but glamorous, and grian doesnt have much prospects of ever leaving his town and doing something different. he hears stories about big cities full of possibilities, magic (hes isnt sure if he believes in that), a moving castle and a handsome wizard who steals the hearts of young women;
one day, grian gets cursed by the wizard of the wastes (joel), after he comes into his shop late in the shift and they get into a heated discussion over the existence (or lack, thereof) of magic. joel thinks of it all as just a silly prank, a curse that can be easily lifted or is just naturally disappearing after a few days;
joel girlbossed too close to the sun, though. the curse is bad. grian wakes up finding out that his body has started to grow feathers. its uncomfortable and borderline painful at times, specially on his back;
after properly freaking out, he tries to deal with it as best as he can, chugging some painkillers, wearing oversized clothes and going to work as if nothing is wrong. pearl notices something unusual, tho—perhaps its grian's murderous expression whenever he remembers joel's face. hes going to kill that bastard;
the curse gets progressively worse as the days go by, until grian can no longer easily hide it and pearl finds out by the ungodly amount of feathers spread around their house. she, of course, gets worried, and tell grian they need to find the wizard that cursed him somehow, or perhaps asks someone else for help;
they dont know any other witches and wizards, since, until last week, grian was pretty sure those didnt even exist. until pearl mentions that one dude who apparently steal hearts and was around town with his moving castle;
grian tells her thats a legend to scare young people so they wont go around talking to strangers. pearl argues that she knew of a lady who disappeared after allegedly spending time with the wizard;
grian supposes that man, if he actually exists, isnt the most trustworthy. but 1. hes not a young lady, which appears to be the ones who get their hearts stolen and 2. he has nothing to lose, really, besides some of his time;
pearl offers to go with him, but grian insists for her to stay (shes a young woman, after all). so grian leaves by himself in good old ghibli fashion: taking with him nothing but a block of cheese, some bread and a clock;
he founds the moving castle with ease: its ridiculously big and it makes no sense at all, having many weird bump outs, few windows, a dramatic copper roof and many chimneys. if anything, it looked like the weirdest house ever and nothing like a castle. something about it was still charming, tho: he just couldnt point out what.
development for this au just started, but so far it includes:
scar being weird and overly dramatic, but still charming. he also refuses to pay taxes;
cub as scar's weird demon roommate, with whom he made a contract many years ago. cub is so miserable sometimes that he regrets getting scar's heart (or his soul, whatever). cub keeps the "castle" moving with overly complicated redstone magic and fire that allegedly comes from the depths of hell;
scar sending threatening letters to joel. many of them. demanding for him to break the curse. joel ignores every single one;
he eventually gets pissed and goes with grian to look for joel, who admits the curse wasnt supposed to be that strong and now he doesnt know how to break it. scar turns him into a frog and joel is kept hostage;
joel still does his best to be as annoying as possible despite the limitations of his new body.
it also includes:
scarian falling in love;
found family;
silly cliche romance tropes;
romcom elements;
characters acting like divorced couples;
funky magical men with their funky little spells;
light angst.
i want to write this but im afraid i might not have the time. still want to brainrot tho so im accepting asks! you may also write with this au as long as you credit me! :)
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alkalinefrog · 3 years
5, 7 & 18?
Oooo all the hard-hitting ones, anon!
5. how do you feel about Kira’s idealogy?
Vehemently against it, it's very much the result of a naive and privileged outlook on understanding the cycle of poverty and crime. Light even admits that himself. Real world events have also proven that the fear of divine retribution alone doesn’t put an end to violent conflict. I’m a “work towards understanding and reparations + believe in the good of humanity” sort of person lol. (don’t argue with me about this one please)
7. was misa just as guilty as light?
100%!! Regardless of motivation, they both killed thousands of people and were willing to sacrifice the lives of even those they considered “innocent” to further their agenda. Girlbossing too close to the sun.
18. what do you think about Wammy’s House?
answered over here!
For this ask game!
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hamingo · 3 years
Last Time on Family Matters- Session 10
Nov 15th, 2016 (Cont’d)
Paul Allen starts the session shitting.   
More accurately, Cordell takes Paul Allen into one of the side offices and tells Paul Allen that he’s having his redemption arc and is setting him free from the blood bond. Paul Allen then proceeds to give him sass, so Cordell commands that Paul Allen will shit himself. Paul Allen rushes into the bathroom across the hall. The one where Anthonio is currently leaning against the counter translating the journal for Wolfgang. Paul Allen proceeds to make intense eye contact as the shit dribbles down his legs. It’s horribly uncomfortable.   
He disposes of his shitty pants on the lawn just as a group of Giovanni kindred approach the house with Miss Mercer in tow. Magdalene informs the party that they’ll be holding this informal meeting in the den and that they are all encouraged to attend, as their fates in Venice will be decided as well.   
During the meeting, one by one they are all asked to leave. First was Akari, after words from both Cordell and Eleanora convinced Enzio that she may be too… volatile to keep in the room. She was mad but like she did attack Eleanora twice, so…   
Next to leave is Paul Allen, after being ordered to go put on some pants after leaving the room. He is escorted out by a rather disgusted female giovanni, and immediately upon leaving the room he takes her pants. It’s half a ladies suit, with bell bottoms. It hugs his ass exquisitely.   
Shortly after, Enzio comments on the relationship between Wolfgang and “one of the twins”, to which Wolfgang responds that he’s “courting one of them”. Rosario immediately leaves the room, Wolfgang following right after.
Enzio then informs Cordell that the family holds his opinion in high regard and will accept any suggestions he may have on how to properly deal with Mercer, before taking her away to keep her contained in one of the guest rooms of the manor. As the family is all filing out of the room, Magdalene informs the party in the foyer that the family understands the seriousness of the ghost situation in Venice, and that she wants them all to stay here for now and continue their spirit-hunting mission under the Giovanni’s orders instead of Mercer’s. She tells them that they’ll be reporting to the twins, mostly to gauge Akari’s reaction and test if she can take orders without popping off. Girlie holds it together. Great job. 
Magdalene then tells the party that they will also be staying in the Giovanni manor, since their hotel is flooded and she wants to be able to have a close eye on them, and for them all to go upstairs and pick their rooms. Eleanora immediately leaves to go claim her own childhood bedroom, and Akari picks the one right across the hall and immediately gets right to breaking it in with Anthonio cause she’s so unbelievably horny but hey, we love to see a girlboss winning.   
Rosario offers to help Wolfgang pick a room, since he knows all the secrets of the house. Wolfgang asks for a room with some history, like someone died in there or something, and he ends up in what seems to be the master bedroom just off of the library in the opposite wing of the others. Rosario leaves Wolfgang there, telling him that he can’t stand to sleep in this house again, but he’ll be back as soon as the sun goes down the next night, and asks that Wolfgang doesn’t tell anyone that he’s disobeying Magdalene and sneaking out.
Meanwhile, Cordell goes to visit Mercer in the room she’s being kept in. He berates her a little for hiring him in the first place without adequate research into his history, but she remains adamant that her downfall is the fault of him betraying her and she won’t take any responsibility. He asks her why he should tell the Giovanni to keep her alive, and she replies that she honestly doesn’t have any reasons to give him.   
Wolfgang visits her after, just to check in and see if she needs anything. She assures him that everything will be okay, and that she trusts he’ll be fine, but that she doesn’t want him to give her anything. She promises him that they’ll go out for tea when they get out of here.   
Paul Allen then visits her, asking for an advance on his pay. He also gives her his burner phone, which she thanks him for and hides under the mattress.   
Paul Allen then decides that he wants Eleanora’s room, and walks in and demands she give it to him. She refuses, because she grew up in this house and this was her bedroom. Paul Allen argues for a while more, before using his absolutely insane maxed out manipulation score to convince her that Cordell wanted to speak with her at his new apartment.
So. Eleanora goes there. And I can’t believe that I’m writing this. I hate that I’m writing this. I don’t want to be writing this, because it’s reminding me that this happened and that there’s nothing I can do about it because she fucked that old man. She went to that empty apartment and she fucked that old man and there’s nothing I nor God can do about it and now I’m never gonna get into heaven. I’m gonna die and be standing at those pearly gates and St.Peter will put a hand on my shoulder and say “back in 2022, when you were playing games with your friends… you had Eleanora and Cordell fuck?” And I’m gonna say “Please St.Peter it wasn’t my fault, Paul Allen had a manipulation score of 5 and-” and he’ll say “I’m sorry, but there are no excuses” and he’ll pull the lever sending me straight to hell where I’ll see the rest of you fuckers hanging out and you’ll ask me “Why are you here?” and I’ll reply “Remember in Family Matters when Cordell fucked Eleanora?” and you’ll all nod in understanding and my eternal torture will be reliving that moment when Lucas brought up his manipulation score and I realized what was about to happen and it’ll just be that feeling of dread replaying over and over and over while the devil looks on and laughs.   
Also Wolfgang spent a few hours in the library trying to learn basic italian.
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