#which surprise!!! that piece of fucking shit STILL hasnt moved out and is still there and my last shred of a will to live cant deal w/that
toxooz · 2 years
me having to look for another place to live bc im Making Too Much to live in my low income apts now
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pwnyta · 4 years
OK THIS IS MY IDEA FOR LIKE A VOLTRON SEASON... keep in mind I didnt watch the last season but nobody liked it so Im sure no one cares if I accidentally retcon stuff.. HERE GOES-
Starts off with Coran. Hes staring up at some screen with a bunch of weird alien science bullshit on screen. He looks kind of more aged and tired which is a little concerning because his species is seemingly like immortal. But hes staring up at this screen and hes starts talking to Allura... whos not there its more like ‘where could you be, I still feel like youre out there somewhere‘ that kind of thing...
Romelle comes in and starts like ‘Coran you gotta stop with this. You gotta move. whens the last time youve talked to someone besides me or this screen.’ etc and Coran just looks sad because hes kind of been left behind and he misses the last family he really had left. and hes all ‘I feel like shes still out there... I wish she’d just give us a sign‘ and Romelle feels bad but tries to convince him to step away...
WHEN SUDDENLY some of the alien tech starts picking up some weird interference and Coran and Romelle are like !!!!! Holy shit... and now Romelle is a little on board and Coran grabs a communication device or w/e.
hard cut to Pidge and Hunk. Theyre just fucking around.. I havent decided more about them but lets just say theyre like playing a game late at night and goofing off surrounded by weird inventions and random junk... Pidge loses and Hunk gloats and theyre surprised when their phone rings... (of course Coran would contact them first) but MOVING ON
Lance is still like working on a farm somewhere or w/e he was doing at the end of the series, just with his big family and looking pretty pleased... little girl runs up and tells him grandma said hes got a phone call so he picks her up and heads in.. and then you find out the little girl is his daughter and hes a good dad and its very cute. also he has beard in these moments cuz it can be funny later.
Then we get to Shiro... whos sleeping. Hes all stressed out.. think that scene in IM3 with Tony... like hes not gotten any sorta therapy. And he wakes up all sweaty and startled and Curtis comes in and is like ‘Oh honey are you ok... I thought I heard you wake up‘ something something showing a cute relationship with the fellas. PHONE CALL.
Then were with the Blade. Full suited up Blades are training, ones way bigger than the other, theres some other smaller Blades at the side watching... its clearly some kind of battle instruction... This is were Keith is gonna be re-introduced but boom smaller Blade gets knocked back and helmet phases away to reveal some little gremlin mad that they got bested. A little hot headed moody thing and then the instructor phases his helmet away and its KEITH. Fully purple. Those hints that Keith was getting more Galra-like... now this. Krolia comes in to tell him Coran has called and asked him to come by because something important happened.
At where ever Coran is at the Paladins start showing up. Make it really clear that they havent really kept in touch much...
Pidge and Hunk meet up with Lance... see his beard and start RAILING on him. Like WHAT IS THAT?! And Lance fights back because he thinks the beard makes him look manly but Pidge laughs and Hunks like...//strokes his own beard and Lance is like ‘HUNK HAS A BEARD!‘ but Pidge is all ‘HUNK HAS THE FACE FOR A BEARD YOU LOOK GOOFY AS FUCK‘ And Lance is like ‘Whatever what do you know!‘
then Shiro is like ‘Geez you guys are already bickering?‘ Pidge is super excited to see Shiro and Lance is like ‘AH YES. A man of great honor and refined taste!! SHIRO... Tell them my beard looks good!‘ and Shiros all :).......... yeah. But its obvious hes just trying to be nice but hes a bad liar and Lance is like ‘GOD DAMN IT‘ and the others laugh.
Keith comes in fully Galra.. the other Paladins are like ?!!?!? WAT. And Keith is like hey! all casual about it, offers a hand to Shiro for their little hug thing even tho even Shiros still like ‘Purple? also youre taller than me now? Dont like that.‘ but Keith is like ‘wtf is up with the beard?‘ and Lance is all ‘I DONT WANNA HEAR IT FROM YOU.‘
Cuz hes fucking purple.
But they get to Coran and Coran goes off with a bunch of alien tech speak and only Pidge and Hunk are really following along but they look a little skeptical when he starts trying to mash pieces together like ‘Oh this could be Allura trying to communicate with us! Maybe we can get her back!‘ which of course hooks Lance immediately.
At the chance to maybe create some cool new device Pidge and Hunk are ready to work with Coran to make some device to pin point the anomaly and maybe create some kind of universe jumping portal... they remember that comet thing from that weird AU episode so they know its technically possible. Keith thinks its a bad idea and Shiro trusts his instincts cuz he wasnt really there for that so he has no input.
BUT it happens anyways and more information on the anomaly is given with Pidge and Hunks machine. they find its one life form thats not like something enormous and they get a little more into Corans mind set. Maybe this really is a Allura.
Theyre willing to risk it. 
Something something they build a machine and some kind of containment area to try and ease Keiths mind. Theyre suited up prepared for whoever it is that might come through.
But its clear when the figure steps through the portal that its not Allura and probably not an Altean at all. Weird number of toes, really tall. They suspect Galra and they know there are still rogue Galra out there so they keep their guard up but then the person looks over at them and immediately removes their mask and its Ulaz! and hes like ‘OH FUCK! Shiro!!! (not exact words... I dont do dialog leave me alone)‘
and Shiros ‘ULAZ!!!!‘
Ulaz can look a little different, maybe his mohawk hair is longer and braided so he looks all cool but also like he hasnt been able to maintain his hair, hes got some scars on his face, maybe he lost an eye or something.
And everyones a little excited to see him especially Shiro and even Keith cuz thats one of his Blade brothers! The first one hes met really... (Coran and Lance are not quite as happy...)
After a brief moment of joy Ulaz is quick to inform them of the AU Alteans.
They get filled in. They find out that those Alteans are also looking for Allura... which Coran is like ‘Allura really is alive!!‘ but its not that important to Ulaz at the moment cuz hes just going on about the number of followers Hiras got and theyve been fucking around in the universes gathering followers and power and shit.
Then hard cut to Hiras fleet and that bitch is PACKIN.
THAT WOULD BE FIRST EPISODE SET UP. //a fanfiction by Ewim
what do you think...
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fuck-customers · 5 years
This one is long as fuck and kinda boring
Had a woman come in demanding a refund for a shoe that visibly got damaged because if wasnt the correct size for her (her feet were moving around inside the shoe, which shredded the heel lining).
As company policy (and local law) dictates, we send it to a third party independent quality examiner, who determined whether the fault lies with the company or the customer. As expected, the examination came back negative, meaning we were not at fault and do not have to give a refund, however the company does fix shoes for free with a really great shoemaker within 2 years of purchase.
The customer loses her shit at the result of the examination, writes multiple pissy emails to the store (saying shit like "lol" and "surprise surprise" in what is essentially a business email - yes, in english. No i do not live and work in an english speaking country), calling us to say the exact same things, telling us that the examination was "a joke" and that we "obviously pay off the examiner". She also says we accused her of deliberately damaging her shoes, which we did not. The examination report does say the damage was caused by "outside force" but in context it's obvious that that simply means the fault did not lie in the material itself, but rather the incorrect use.
We end up sending her shoes to be fixed, and the shoemaker ends up putting a leather panel at the heel part because that wont be worn out as easily as fabric would, and it's also thicker, thus helps with the size problem a bit. The leather piece is not visible from the outside, and even when you look at it, it just looks like it was made like that in the factory.
Customer comes to pick up her shoes, for which we need to ask for her copy of a form we fill out when we take the quality complaint. She literally throws it at me over the counter. I very leisurely read the info on it, get her shoes from the back, compare the form with the docket in the box of the shoes, etc. I show her the finished product, ask her if its alright (as is company procedure).
She flips her shit completely, saying it looks disgusting (it objectively did not), how she wants a refund right away, how she cant wear this lile that, what will people think of her, how we are disgusting thieves for doing this to her. I tell her i can take her shoes to be fixed differently (still for free), but she will have to tell me exactly what to write on the form on how she wants it to look, because thats what the shoemaker will follow. She keeps ranting in incomplete sentences that dont make any sense, contradict themselves, and just generally not being helpful at all. I wait for her to finish, then i ask her, with no patience left whatsoever, to tell me word for word what to write. "Make it aesthetically pleasing. Write that. Thats it." Im like..............maam. Obviously the shoemaker thought this looks fine, as he gave it to us as finished. Hell, I think it looks absolutely fine. You're gonna have to be more specific.
She looks at me and goes "WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND, ARE YOU STUPID?"
Now. This might be an everyday happening in america, but in europe, you dont talk like that to cashiers. Not ever, because we're not quite that far in late capitalism, and the employees are very much allowed to ask for respect. I put down my pen, and tell her that if she doesnt start watching her tone and talking to me like a human being instead of a piece of dirt on her shoe, i will deny her service, and she can come back another day to talk to another person. She looks me in the eye and says "I TALK TO YOU THE WAY YOU DESERVE." So i give her her copy of the new form, and tell her we're done here, she can pick her shoes up when we send her an email, bye.
She storms out, only to come back 5 minutes later to ask for an official complaint form. We have a pen attached to it, but it hasnt been used in so long that it dried up, which she decides to let me know about by throwing the pen at me and demanding a new one. She fills out the form absolutely incomprehensibly, i couldnt read a word, and she also yells at another customer not to shop here, because we're thieves and scammers, then leaves again.
The next day we get an email from the lady who runs the company in the country, forwarding an email from the same customer that she sent to the customer service email, making up lies about how we treated her, how we lied to her, how we ruined her shoes. Our manager writes her back to come into the store to get a refund to "clear any confusions". When she comes in, our manager told her in no uncertain terms, that the only reason she's getting the refund is so she will stop harassing us and to never ever expect this to happen again. That her behavior is not tolerated in our store, and she is not welcome here.
Shitty story but at least the manager didnt let her believe she won.
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
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chapter seven / rem belongs to @forlornraven / masterpost / mature content
Twenty five cents seems so much heavier than it should. A weight in his pocket, in his palm, and Nakoa knows getting the heaviness from him will only make him feel better, but…
He still can’t pick up the receiver.
Rain pelts against the side of the phone booth, and Nakoa shivers. Across the street, Rem sits in the van, his feet kicked up on the dashboard, smoking. Nakoa can just barely make him out through the foggy window panes.
They haven’t talked all morning. Not even so much as a hello.
With shaking fingers, Nakoa drops the coins into the payphone and lifts the receiver. Dials home, and waits.
If his father picks up, Nakoa will hang up. He’ll return to the car, he’ll ride off into the sunset with Rem. If his father picks up, Nakoa won’t listen, won’t even speak. He’ll let the fucker wonder.
It’s his mother. Nakoa’s heart clenches, nausea twists his stomach into knots. He voice cracks a, “Mom?” and he feels twelve years old again, the first time Michael hit him. Donna says nothing, though, so Nakoa says, “Did I lose you…?”
“No, one moment, let me get a pad…” Then, distantly, “Just someone from work, Michael, I’ll take this in the other room.”
Relief spreads through his veins, and his eyes burn with unshed tears. She’s keeping him from Michael, and—he chokes out a laugh. Thinks if she’s stood up for him years ago, this wouldn’t have happened.
“Nakoa,” she says, her voice watery and weak. “Are you okay? I won’t ask where you are, but are you okay? Do you need money? I can—” She pauses. “I don’t know how I would get it to you, but I /could/, sweetheart, I could.”
Nakoa grips the receiver, closes his eyes tight against the onslaught of tears. Fuck. “I didn’t—No, Mom, I’m fine. Are you okay?”
A sigh of relief. “Now I know you’re safe, yes.” Another pause. “Why did you leave?”
“Don’t—this isn’t. I’m not—” He leans his head against the phone box. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I miss you so much,” Donna says. It feels like Michael’s hands around his throat, hearing her words. “I wish you would come home.”
“I can’t. You know I can’t.” He swallows. “I just wanted to let you know I’m okay. Okay?”
“You’ll visit, though, won’t you?”
Fear grips him tight around the throat. “No—I can’t—” Once upon a time, Nakoa thought maybe he’d never get out of his father’s sight. Now that he has, the idea of ever seeing him again…
He looks back at the van, at Rem playing air guitar in the driver’s seat. “I’ll—I’ll call again, okay?”
“Nakoa, wait!” Donna hesitates, then says, “He has people looking for you. You know your father is an influential man, I just… please be careful.”
People—why the fuck would Michael care about it. Why would he waste resources on finding his own fuck up of a son?
Nakoa shakes, anxiety rocking him apart. “I gotta go. Love you, bye.”
He slams the phone down in its cradle harder than he needs to, steps out of the phone box, and stumbles to the van. The rain’s at a downpour now, and when Nakoa climbs in the passenger seat, next to Rem, he’s soaked.
“How’d it go?” Rem asks, turning down the music. Then, seeing Nakoa’s expression, asks, “Hey, what the fuck—what’s wrong?”
Nakoa’s throat feels tight, tears burning at the corner of his eyes again. He blinks, says, “Nothing,” but then Rem’s hand is on his shoulder and Nakoa breaks.
His sobs are silent, quiet things sung to the backdrop of The Cure, and Rem pulls Nakoa into a hug, awkward from the angle but no less appreciated. He speaks against Nakoa’s ears, but the blood roars too loudly in his ears to be heard.
Searching for him. Nakoa thinks about the stories Rem’s told him, about the guy with a bat, the windshield, and, when he can speak, Nakoa asks, “Did you know?”
“Know what?” But Rem sounds sufficiently confused, and Nakoa doesn’t want to believe he’d lie to him, so he decides he doesn’t believe it. “Hey.”
Nakoa doesn’t look at him. Thinks back to all the stupid shit he’s said and done, the mixtape, leaving in the first place without a plan. “Rem.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m here.” His voice is soft, and in the storm, Nakoa thinks this is the safest he’s ever felt. Locked away from the world in Rem’s arms.
Maybe it’s how lost he feels, maybe it’s Rem’s breath warm against his neck, but Nakoa still feels safe enough to say, “I think I’m in love with you.”
It doesn’t hurt to say them. Nakoa’s not sure if it’s because he already hurts so much, another piece of it won’t make it worse, or if it’s…
Rem’a lips brush against his neck, soft, softer than Nakoa’s used to from him, but he says nothing. After their morning, Nakoa’s surprised by his closeness, surprised by how easily he came to Nakoa, but.
“I’m an idiot,” Rem says.
Nakoa blinks. “That’s not exactly the response a guy wants to hear.” Rem laughs. “Neither is that.”
“It’s not… badly received, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Rem clears his throat, pulls away. “…you’re…that’s…”
“I wasn’t going to say it,” Nakoa says. “That’s what the tape was for. Kind of let you figure it out on your own.” Without Rem’s body heat, the van’s cold. Nakoa reaches for the knob for the heater, fingers shaking again. “I didn’t wanna fuck this up.”
Rem’s voice is soft when he says, “You wouldn’t have fucked it up. Hell, if I haven’t fucked it up…”
But commitment’s a different storm than… whatever it is they’ve been doing. Intertwined, but Nakoa knows the feelings he gets from Rem, but he’s wanted to fuck plenty of people. Rem goes farther than that.
He always has.
“Hey,” Rem says, knocking his elbow against Nakoa’s. “We’ll figure this out. That’s what we do, right?”
Figure it out. A weight settles in Nakoa’s chest. “Right.” He turns away. The van no longer feels like home, but like a prison. Maybe he was better off at home, under Michael’s thumb, or…
With a frustrated sigh, Rem says, “I’m not. I don’t mean—”
“Can we just not talk about it? Forget I said anything.”
“I can’t say it back.” Rem gives a frustrated groan. “I’ll get there, okay, I will. Just, this is important. You’re important.”
Nakoa certainly doesn’t feel that way. He clears his throat, wipes a hand down his face, and says, “Can we just go?”
He splurges for a hotel on the coast. It takes half of what Nakoa has left, but it’s worth it for two nights of the view of the ocean, for two nights with the salty breeze.
For two nights of Rem getting decent rest in his own bed.
They arrive at 9am to the hotel. Nakoa’s kept his distance for a while, after his accidental confession, and he hasn’t touched Rem without being touched since. He’s passed out in the passenger seat, instead of sleeping with Rem on the mattress, because the closeness feels wrong in the aftermath of Nakoa’s words.
But he steps out of the van and closes his eyes at the wind coming off the ocean, and feels peace. Water droplets spray his face, and Nakoa imagines what it might be like to drift away on waves like these, away from Michael, from money and the concern of where they’re going to sleep next.
Rem takes two towels from their room for the beach, and Nakoa disappears with a fake ID to the nearest liquor st to surprise him with a bottle of whiskey.
“Aw,” Rem says, twisting the top off. Behind him a sign reads, NO ALCOHOL ON BEACH. Rem downs half the small bottle and hands the rest to Nakoa. “You spoil me.”
Nakoa shrugs, downs the rest of it.
With the people around, Nakoa keeps to himself a little more, thankful for the excuse. Still, Rem has other ideas. “No one knows us here,” Rem says, against Nakoa’s neck. “We could fuck on the beach if you wanted.”
“And get thrown into jail?” Nakoa snorts. “Actually, fucking you might be worth the public indecency charge.”
Rem’s mouth is warm at his neck, sends shivers down Nakoa’s spine. “You think you can take me?” His voice is low, rough against Nakoa’s ear.
“Bold words,” Nakoa says, but instead of turning around and pulling him into a kiss, Nakoa elbows him in the ribs and ducks away, laughing as he takes off down the beach.
They settle, finally, a good distance away from the others. Nakoa slathers sunscreen across Rem’s back after he writes ‘fuck me’ with the lotion, feels the reverberation of Rem’s voice against his own hands as Rem speaks.
“I thought we could head back through the mountains, right? Montana, then through North Dakota.”
Nakoa wants to tell him they should go back to Colorado, but the place still has Nakoa checking over his shoulder, so maybe not. Maybe this is best, this haphazard map searching.
“Maybe settle in for a week somewhere,” Rem says. “Get a job or something.”
“You mean I get a job. When was the last time you held down anything?”
Rem shoots him a look over his shoulder, reaching for the lotion. “Depends. When was the last time I fucked you?” He pushes Nakoa back against the towel, bites at his neck. “I miss handcuffs.”
Through the fog building in his head and the heat building in his stomach, Nakoa says, “You lost the keys last time!”
“They were plastic!”
“You had to cut me out of them with wire cutters,” Nakoa says, but he’s grinning. Rem’s pressing kisses along his torso as he goes down, his hands holding him up, sinking into the sand. Nakoa really doesn’t want sand in his business anymore than strictly necessary. “I’d rather not be locked up and at your mercy for the rest of my life.”
“Gotta have my fun too, don’t I?” For a few seconds, he just stares into Rem’s eyes, hoping, searching… until Rem pulls back with a goofy grin, and the world rights itself.
“What?” Rem’s eyes are shining.
Nakoa shrugs. “Nothing, just…” His gaze drifts, over Rem’s eyes, his hair, his tattoos—down the horizon, down the beach, across the water. From their spot in the sand, it’s hard to see anyone at all. They’re almost completely hidden by a small spot on the beach which is hidden by rocks. Rem has a mischievous glint in his eye, and he unbuttons Nakoa’s jeans, fingers moving so slow Nakoa can barely handle it, before Nakoa shoves him away with a laugh.
“Come on!”
“I’m not fucking you here,” Nakoa says, grinning like a fucking fool at Rem. He thinks about the mixtape, about Rem’s response. He thinks about what Rem had said about not being able to say it back.
He thinks about Rem, about how much Nakoa does love him, in spite of his bullshit, in spite of the shitty things that he drags them through.
Nakoa’s hands ache for a joint, and all he wants to do is get high and fuck, slow and leisurely, until Nakoa’s not sure where he ends and Rem begins, but Rem, here, sober and smiling and pleased…
He’ll take it.
Rem covers him in sunscreen and presses open mouthed kisses along Nakoa’s shoulders, then pulls him up against a rock and leans against one of the shadowed sides. Sunglasses sit atop Rem’s nose, blocking out the sun. He’s already turning red, though, Rem.
With a longing glance towards the water, Nakoa crawls up to lie beside Rem. He sinks into the warm sand, like a backrub against his muscles, cramped from the van. If he lifts his head, just a little, he sees Rem.
The warmth, the breeze, the distant sound of kids playing. Rem sitting at his feet, his breathing quiet and steady.
It’s more like this than it isn’t, but it’s still not often enough that Nakoa won’t take the brief respite from the bullshit.
Nakoa dozes. Dreams of small ocean-side cottages and sex in motel rooms, in resorts. Working at a job he doesn’t hate, of Rem’s smile and his laugh and the cadence to his voice when he’s trying to turn Nakoa on (so, always).
When he wakes, Rem’s fucking with a Walkman, fumbling tapes between his fingers. “Hey,” he says, nudging Nakoa with his foot. “Come here.”
So Nakoa goes, because he always goes, settles in between Rem’s legs, his back to Rem’s chest, and waits for Rem to plop the Walkman in his lap. Rem shoves the headphones on over Nakoa’s ears and says, “Listen. Yeah?”
His hand brushes down along Nakoa’s arm, and, after hesitating for just a second, Rem presses play.
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bbhyuckie · 6 years
love triangle part two
welcome to part two of this painful mark/reader/yukhei fic. heres part 1
genre: angst and slight fluff
words: 2.3k
warnings: theres a lot of cussing in this!!
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you lean up without thinking and press your lips against his
and he is so so surprised but he’s been mastering hiding how he feels for years now
so he kisses you back like his life depends on it
and he doesnt care that you have tears trailing down your face or that he knows that this is all fleeting and an act of emotion from you
he just cares that right now he can be here for you
the kiss is chaste and sweet and despite the circumstances,, perfect
something about the contact makes the burning in your stomach subside for a moment
the stinging in your eyes is stopping
and even though you still definitely want to die you feel like you can stand on your own again
mark squeezes you tightly and places a kiss just above your eyebrows before he lets you go
your legs are wobbly and you miss him instantly
hes standing right there in front of you and you miss him
“stay here ok?” he says, running his hands up and down your arms “let me go grab my keys”
you nod your head
he turns away and youre left there alone with your own emotions for the first time
alone with the weight of yukheis laugh and that pitch in his voice you will never be able to unhear
left with how fucking stupid you feel because obviously he doesnt have an interest in you
left there feeling like a joke
and a bad one at that
you know that you must look ridiculous, standing out here like this
leaned against the sports building with your eyes puffy and your cheeks red and the bitter resentment for yourself staining your tongue
you dont want to be outside anymore
not when there are still people wandering around the campus with snooping eyes
you check your phone and see that theres no new calls or messages
and you think mark is taking too long in there because you want to be out of here now
you take a sharp breath in before pressing your palm to the door of the sports house and stepping inside
you dont know what to expect exactly, youve never gone in past the doors before
yukhei and mark always told you to just wait in the front after their practices or games
you slowly wander down the hallway until you hear something
and that something sounds an awful lot like the voices of both mark and yukhei
your blood runs cold as you walk up to the locker room you hear them talking from
and you realise they arent talking
theyre arguing
you push the door open slightly and peer in
yukhei is half dressed in his baseball uniform and if you werent violently stressed out about the situation at hand you would have appreciated his state of undress
mark looks like hes absolutely fuming
“--too fucking thick skulled to realise whats right in front of you” you catch the end of what mark is saying tightly, like hes trying not to yell
yukhei cocks an eyebrow and you know that look
youve seen it before and you always hoped you could forget it
when his eyes glass and his jaw tenses and his demeanor changes
youve only seen it a handful of times and every time it signalled the calm before the storm
yukhei walks closer to mark and it feels more like a prowl than anything
a challenge
“you wanna say that again, mark?”
yukheis words are cold and calculated as he peers down the bridge of his nose at mark
“which part” your skin crawls the minute mark opens his mouth, you know this wont end well “the fucking idiot part or the shallow slut part?”
yukhei stalks impossibly closer “look, mark” he says it like the name tastes bad in his mouth, “i don’t know what the fuck has gotten into you today, but you best figure it out on your own time.”
yukhei turns and makes for the door to the gym and you think it might be over
“are you actually that fucking blind?” mark asks, and he sound like hes genuine
yukhei keeps walking and mark follows and fuckfuckfuck
“i’m not done, yukhei,” mark says and he reaches out and shoves the taller boys shoulder
yukhei stumbles but catches himself
and as he turns you swear you could die
because the calm before the storm has passed
and suddenly its a downpour
yukhei lunges back at mark and grabs him by the collar of his shirt and pulls hard
in  heartbeat mark is up against a locker with yukheis hands caught up in the fabric of marks uniform and theyre both yelling and theres no way they can possibly hear what the other is saying and its so much
you dont remember when you walked in the room fully, but youre there now, just in time for the grande finale
“--if you want to keep pushing away the only person on campus that’s worth a shit, then be my fucking guest, yuk! maybe now she realizes what a piece of shit you are-- maybe, maybe now that you’ve shown your true colors she’ll get that you’re only interested in someone you can crawl into bed with and fuck a few times before you get bored!”
yukhei tightens his grip on mark, “and what if its true? why should you give a shit, huh?”
“because when shes too caught up in your dumb ass, she doesnt realize that someone here actually wants the best for her. so either figure it the fuck out or leave her out of your games.” mark nearly growls it out
yukhei looks stunned for a beat before he pulls his arm back and curls his fist.
youre a moment too late
the room falls quiet
yukhei yanks his hand out of marks uniform and turns around
“y/n, i--” yukhei tries
“mark, let’s go.” the shake in your voice cuts through
mark stares at you wide eyed for a moment before he wipes the blood from his newly split lip and grabs his bag off the ground
you turn and make for the door when yukhei tries again, weakly calling your name
and any other day under any other circumstances you wouldve stopped
wouldve listened
wouldve tried
but with the words he was yelling frenzying around in your mind
and the image of him slamming mark against the wall
and the image of blood oozing out of marks lip
you cant do it
“practice starts in five.” you echo his words from before and this time your voice is absolutely wrecked
you know youre crying again as you barge out of the locker room doors and nearly run down the hall to the exit
mark is behind you and he hasnt said anything yet
youre grateful for that
hes the only person in your life that seems to know when you dont want to hear anything more
by the time you get to marks car you cant tell what youre feeling anymore
overwhelmingly hurt, of course
but theres so much more underneath that
theres anger and longing and disbelief and just
an indescribable heartache
you never thought you would feel something like this
never wanted to
and all of it makes your stomach turn and if you hadnt been too nervous to eat at lunch that day youre sure youd be sick by now
you drop into his passenger seat and he climbs in the drivers side and starts his car
as youre pulling out of the parking lot he asks “do you wanna talk about it?”
“no” you say quietly
“okay” he says, nearly as quiet
he reaches over the console and rests his hand on your knee, gliding his thumb back and forth
the rest of the ride is quiet until he turns on a street heading to your neighborhood
“i don’t want to go home yet.” you say and it scares you how little you sound like yourself
your voice is shot and your nose is stuffy and it feels like youre in a foreign body with foreign emotions
“okay,” mark says in an instant, “where do you want to go?”
you think for a minute because you dont know
definitely not home
definitely not out in public
definitely not away from mark
“can we go to your house?” mark glances over at you “i can help clean you up” you motion weakly at his bust lip before you stare down at your hands
“yeah-- yeah of course we can”
mark knew he wasnt supposed to have anyone over when his parents were out of town
he knew good and well
and typically he followed that rule well and did his homework, played some video games and went to bed
but for you
for you he could make an exception
mark only lives a few streets away from you so you pull into his driveway soon after
he takes your bag for you and pushes the front door to his house open so you can go first
his house is perpetually new to you
you had only been over a handful of times, and always with the rest of your friends
it had never been you and mark before
it was always you and yukhei
your chest sank again as you realised that probably wouldnt be the case again
mark walked you through the foyer in to the living room
“you can get comfortable wherever. my parents are out of town for a while.”
you kicked off your uniform shoes and sank into his sofa
mark walked into the kitchen and placed both of your bags down on the island
“do you want anything to eat? drink?”
“water, please,” as the cottonmouth after crying began to set in
mark returned shortly after with water, a blanket, and the remote to the tv
as you sipped on your water mark threw the blanket over the both of you and clicked on netflix
you wondered idly how he remembered your favorite disney movie as he put it on the tv
you pushed yourself back into the couch cushions and pulled the blanket up to your chin as the emotional exhaustion hit you in full force
your body was screaming at you to go to sleep, to get some shut eye and stop feeling so awful
and the circumstances are perfect
youre warm and you feel safe and the theme song to your favorite movie is playing
before you know it youve dozed off
you dont dream and you dont really move very much
but you sleep deep and almost forget about all the shit youll have to deal with when you wake up
but when you do wake up
eyes drifting open
you really do forget about what you have to deal with
because mark is asleep and next to you and your head is on his chest and his arm is around you and its perfectperfectperfect
your phone buzzes from the kitchen and your bubble bursts, because you cant stay here and happy forever
slowly, you detangle yourself from mark and the blankets and tiptoe to the kitchen
you glance out the windows and see that its started to snow and its already dark out
you pull your phone out of your bag and wish for the blank screen you had seen outside of the sports house earlier that day
but luck does not seem to be on your side
theres three missed calls from yukhei, a string of message, and a text from your mom
you check your moms first, because truly nothing compares to  mothers wrath
momma bear: hey sweetie, where are you? are you coming home tonight? the roads are getting bad
you typed out a quick response of “hey mom! sorry, i fell asleep doing homework at jennies. do you mind if i stay the night here?”
her bubbles immediately popped up on the screen and you were filled with anxiety
momma bear: sure thing sweet pea, text me if you need anything. love you
“love you too!”
you breathed out a sigh of relief
and then remembered yukhei exists
yuk: talk to me
yuk: im sorry
yuk: what did you hear?
yuk: i didnt mean it
yuk: i didn’t know u were there i really didnt
yuk: y/n
yuk: at least talk to me
yuk: im so sorry
you clicked your phone closed and put it back in your bag before glancing back over at the living room
mark was still fast asleep, bloodied mouth slightly parted and head tipped back against the sofa
his arms and legs were situated a little oddly but you realized they were you shaped from where you had slipped out
without much thought, you grabbed a cloth and wet the corner, walking over to him gingerly
you succesfully washed away the blood and forming scab he had on his bottom lip without waking him
to be honest you watched him for a while
you watched the deep rise and fall of his chest
watched the way his hair moved when he readjusted
watched the way his eyes moved under their lids
and the memories of all he had said so much earlier in the day kept coming back to you
he could yell at yukhei all he wanted, but how could you be so blind?
of course mark was here
mark had been here from the start
always listening and never judging
awake at all hours when you needed him
guilt hit you in waves
because you knew that if you never came to the realization that he had feelings for you, he would have let you keep stepping on his feelings
because you thought you loved yukhei, but it had nothing in comparison to the way mark must have felt for you
a yawn racked your body and you looked up at the clock in marks kitchen
you had been awake for an hour, lost in your own thoughts and lost in mark
you decided that was enough for one day
so you tucked yourself back under the blankets, back into the couch, and back next to mark
you could worry about everything else tomorrow.
part 1, part 2, part 3
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survivormuxloe · 6 years
Episode 13: "so things went from Guatemala to Guatepeor” - Ahrre
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david REALLY GOT BRAVE TRYNA COME FOR ME WHEN HIS ASS AINT IMMUNE HUH. aint it so.. vote me and ur ass gonna go... ijs!! rip my perf game but at least i was the last person to recieve votes so thats kinda cute.. it doesnt change the fact that im winning tho ALMFNBG like. just 3/4 more tribals to survive bitch.. give those immunity wins to me pls x :)))
LOWKEY MY ASS WAS NERVOUSSSS LIKE I DONT WANNA READ MY NAME ON THOSE PIECES OF PAPER AGAIN THO!!! altho my name is cute written out by anna highkey ngl.. maybe she'll write them in cursive for my winner reveal? x
my mind tho. rhys/tobi/ryan r all under my spell. missus mo and ahrre got brave and are gunna get a taste of hell when im not dying under exams lol x ALMFJHBFG
lvoe u gusys. xoxo ur winner scooty toots
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Well fuck. David is gone. I’m in the minority. So now it’s just me and Ahrre. But I don’t want to settle for 6th or 5th place. I’ve made it this far I wanna make it to the end. So I’m going to try to wiggle my way through.
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So the situation is looking pretty grim, Rhys stuck with the majority, David the absolute unit is dead and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the next one to go.
So right know things change as it's no longer about getting majority but rather get that group of 4 to cannibalize itself. Now the thing is that each of those 4 seem so confident in their position but only 3 make it to the end so that means at least one will end up being left out and that's just with a minimum level of snaking, but we know they are capable of way more shafty shit.
But their overconfidence in their position is not the only problem. It's also kinda hard when I've tried to blindside 3 of them. But hey at least you can't say I didn't try. Tobi is not willing to even tell me anything until tomorrow after we do the challenge. But he also says he's rooting for me as an underdog even if we're in oposite sides... Cheky fecker trying to get my jury vote...
As for the rest well I'll try to talk to them tomorrow, if I can commend Mo for something is that at least they might be more willing to work with him than me, which is clearly not a good thing for my game but eh wadda you do. I know for a fact by now everyone is gonna be saying that the plan is me going home probably 5-1 but if that's gonna end up being true or just a bluff for one of the 4 to get blindsided is still to see.
Either way I'm gonna try to stir some shit up and not be a voulnerable pleb waiting to be taken out or saved. Better dead than a goat.
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These fattys are going down one by one... i love it... like highkey david going means that me and scott have to step up our physical games if we wanna take out ryan... someone else has to win immunity and then we can start pinning moves on ryan... I'm slowly repairing my relationship with ahrre by having a frank talk with him about our relationship in the game, which was both awkward but i think it helped??? im trynna work him pretty hard because he's a tough nut to crack but i think i can do it hehe... scott is working on mo but lets be real mo is easier to crack than ahrre, and honestly rhys' performance last tribal was good.. too good imo like.. i previously pinned him as an inactive goat but if he's able to connect with the other side that well and have them believe what he was saying, i have to give him props because that's some good plays in terms of benefiting our alliance for knowledge, bad jury management sure, but good for the alliance... at this point tbh,,, who the fuck cares about jury management... but then again it's important if you wanna win so maybe im just a dumbass
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Well right now it’s final 6 and the question of a final 2 or 3 is up for debate because it could be either or.
After that tribal and David left, he tried to expose me when I had exposed myself already to the people he exposed me too. So sis there was no new tea.
Honestly now one of our 4 needs to go. The only one I would feel confident about going to the end with would be Ryan. Just as I feel he has done less. I’m super close with Scott, so I think right now I need to try and convince some people to vote out Ryan.
The only problem is I will probably need to convince Ryan and Scott or mo and ahrre. Mo and ahrre may not that me after lying to them two rounds in a row. And Scott seems to be strong for our alliance sticking to the end. So I’m going for this immunity as if I win it should all the confidence I need to make a move against my own.
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I’m not feeling great. I don’t like a conversation I just had. It made me wanna quit. I’m not going to because I wanna do my best.
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i really found an idol day 1 and made it to final 6 with it safe and sound.... ctfu how did this even happen, and Scott too we rly did that. the only thing about that is.... at least until we surpass final 5, there's always that worry that im gonna make a fool of myself with it and hnnnng. i feel like our 4 is solid af and yet, i'm still making myself paranoid that Tobi or even Rhys would perk up and randomly try to blindside me or Scott... but anyway yeah thats where my head at rn. i still don't talk to ahrre at all so he's a complete mystery and no idea if anyone else talks to him so that's great. Mo is an oddball still idk what to do w him kfsdfa
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So I want to flip on my alliance this round. But 2 people outside my alliance are throwing me hardcore under the bus. Ok. So like how am I gonna make a move now.
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pls god... lett this immunity challenge be in my favour alkfjnhfg i just want a win pls pls pls let me be guaranteed f4 lol
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I just had a really good conversation with Tobi and it’s making me like really happy because this entire game I’ve gotten the short end of the stick. With people not thinking I don’t deserve to be here, that I’m a goat and people sending me condescending messages about my mistakes. It feels really nice to get praised for the good things. Don’t get me wrong I own up to my mistakes and I do my best to improve and change moving forwardss so I don’t make the same mistakes again. But usually the conversations that happen before that aren’t very happy, they’re needed and they end on a peaceful note but they don’t start out happy. But Tobi just praised me on my gameplay complimenting me and it’s such a good feeling. I think I might end up in fifth or sixth place but I’m still proud of myself and I’m going to keep fighting till the end.
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so like... I'm really happy i won immunity but im kinda more annoyed with scott right now like... we had this big plan to take out ryan at 6 which is literally a perfect time now since 1) we can access numbers for it 2) he wont suspect it so the chance of an idol popping up is low 3) we can gain trust with ahrre and mo this way... but NOOOOOOOOO lets play with our emotions instead of our BRAINS and take out someone who has played a bad game and would be EASY to beat in the end like JESUS and i thought ahrre had his head up his ass... also scott is SO fucking confident know like he acts like he will 100% win against anybody in ftc and like sis... that's not the case... not if you're constantly confronting and arguing with mo and ahrre... use. ur. BRAIN.
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Anywho, this vote. Mo & Ahrre are voting me probably. So It seems to be a 4-2 vote. However an Idol may be played now more than ever, as I think this is the first time someone from the bottom hasnt had any hope of staying. (Dani, Felix & Jones were all blindsided , and Michael & David had some chance of staying). So one could easily be played. So ima try to push a 2-2-2 vote to save my ass.
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so. (: I lost spelling bee. (: LAMDLFNFG
lowkey feel as if the words are suitable to the player tho. embarrass for ahrre as in that game is embarrassing. accommodate for Mo as in we have to accommodate for the fact that he’s a goat. Cemetary for rhys bc he makes us all wanna die @ tribals. handkerchief for me bc my ass gotta clean up ryan and tobi wanting to target each other.. and rhythm for tobi bc while hes in time rn that time is gonna run out soon :flushed:
i just dont want 6th ):
So I know it’s me and Ahrre on the chopping block. I just kinda wanted to make a quick plea. I really really wanna stay. I want to go as far as I can even if that’s just fifth. Not only to prove people wrong thinking I don’t deserve to be here, but also to prove to myself. Whatever decision you make tonight I respect wholeheartedly. But I’d love to go further.
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I’m currently making my plea to the others on why I deserve to stay. I’m proud of myself no matter the outcome but I’d love to go as far as I can.
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So ahrre and mo are both kindve pleading for themselves. Mo just wants him to be saved where as ahrre is trying to flip people. He is trying to flip me again which is funny. Lowkey am a little worried just Incase it’s a ploy to get people to vote me or something. But he needs me and tobi to flip. So I think he won’t vote me which is great, incase a surprise idol is played.
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soooo final 6 tribal. I definitely want Ahrre to leave finally, so how to make that happen. Scott informed me that mo/ahrre lowkey suspect i have an idol so wig. i would prefer if we went 4 strong on Ahrre bc I really don't think he has any powers, but the thing about that is i don't want to campaign for that to happen and make it look like i feel safe about idols... i don't want tobi or rhys to get suspicious and get the urge to flip on me/scott.. so kinda tricky. we'll see what happens
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so recently scott and ryan have really been pounding on mo for his goatness and like... I took advantage of that hehe... I talked to mo and had a real heart to heart with him and like... I told him that he deserves more credit than he's getting and then more wholesome stuff and then BAM we got past the barrier we previously had and now we're totally cool!!... where ryan and scott burn bridges, im gonna build new ones!! so like that wasnt TOTALLY just for strategy like im not that big of an asshole... but its a mix of both. mo is a good kid and he gets too much backlash for his game.. and im gonna take advantage of that by showing up as his guardian angel hehe.. and who knows like this might pay off hugely when i need his vote at f5 to take out a bigger player but for now i'll stick to tending to his wounds that scott and ryan left.. and they really did come for him pretty hard... like REALLY hard so there is no harm in coming to him and helping him with his confidence and who knows, that might be a jury vote right there
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Right so things went from Guatemala to guatepeor, I didn't win immunity I actually flopped at it in wonderful fashion it was quite beautiful really. But anyhow Tobi ended up winning it.
So I tried to talk to people and get them to do ANYTHING but to no avail really. Ryan and Scott seem set on stone. I did get Tobi to tell me that if it ties 3-3 he would flip on the revote but that's just playing it safe. Rhys told me he doesn't want to go to rocks so I'm like hey Tobi supposedly flips on the revote so maybe there's no need for that go talk to Tobi.
But they all seem to be giving me the silence threatment right before tribal even Mo has accepted what seems to be me going home.
It's a shame really cause if I do end up going home one of the majority of 4 is gonna regret it the very next week and two more later when the 4th beats them at the end. But hey congrats to that 4th guy whoever it is.
I've tought about doing an idol bluff but it wouldn't make sense for me to tell anyone I have it. Even Mo since if I hipotetically had it he wouldn't help me with it because he would be the one going home probably. Also because I would've definitely played it in a previous round for someone else if I had it and the rest probably knoes that.
Either way rn I'm currently trying to get home in time for tribal since I had to walk a chunk because I almost didn't had enough for the bus fare lel. Who knows maybe I'll survive somehow like the cockroach I am but I don't rate my chances or luck very highly. Either way at the end of the day I'm happy and you can't say I didn't try!
Ahrre is voted out 5-1.
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