#but also if you don't agree forget i said anything i love u and your book recs mwah
you know what's the best thing about you. you went through the entire book without mentioning jonathan smith turner even once and i love you for it
LMAO you know i was just thinking when i was reading his long speech at the end that (forgive me) his character is kinda so one dimensional 😭 like elsie and cece they're such well rounded characters deep rich personality full of complexities but he's so plain it's almost like he's just an accessory to elsie so that she gets better at being herself like he is the true definition of 'love interest'. and i cannot say that i hate the writer for it
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Imagen being Leon's s/o and accidentaly getting infected but instead of becoming a mindless murder men eating zombie ur still u but now ur just a more slower than usual
Tw: zombie reader, mentions of food and tad bit of blood whichever leon u prefer to think about not being specific here
-Like u speak is somtimes slurred and u tend to gets stuck in ur tounge. Stuttering a lot specialy when u get anxious (or it worsen a bit more if u already had that problem bf infecting). U got a special device that helps u write ur thots when u need to say something for moments when ur in hurry.
-Ur walking's a bit more wabbly but u get where u wanna get, using mostly leon's upper arm for a lil more stability as u two walk. U tend to trip a bit more tho lol but Leon always has a firm grip on u to prevent u for falling
"Not letting you fall for anything other than me~" he smirks as u try not to smile at his corny liners when he catches u (such a dork 😆)
-Ur appearence hasn't drastically changed much either, other than the greyish irises and paler skin tone u still look like yourself
-Ur diet still just as consistent, although u been prefering mostly meats and fish lately (vegetarians Im sorry) but you still eat like always. Leon tend to spoon feed you since ur grip isn't as stable as it was.
You tried telling him to not bother knowing how busy his days usualy are, but he just shush u by saying that taking care u is his disstresser(?) Cuz he just can forget about everything else and focus on his preddy love <3
-Also u being in heavy investigation, they only agreed for Leon to keep you company cuz 1. He can proctet you and others in case thing go south, and 2. Cuz he did almost threaten his superiors so like.....yeah...(probably gonna think that part a lil more but i can see him giving them the death stare)
-That also meant u had to be more to the headquaters so it would be closer to the lab whenever they need your blood samples and stuff. They had to babyproof everything cuz like I said u tend to trip often xddddd
-Some of the scientist are very wary of u, often trying to be quick when it comes to attending to u. But most of them are preddy nice to you (otherwise they would hear from ur bf if they weren't 😞)
-Also zombies don't tend to care if ur next to them so that's something less to worry about! But doesn't make Leon any less propective of u. He actually got more protective than he was bf u got infected since now ur movements aren't as fast and tend to leave you more vulnerable......or does it? 🙄
A/N: been thinking of this for a while so like here u have it ksksksksk. Probably will do a part 2 soon
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Can you show me jungkook being the best boyfriend ever
What tf kinda difficult question is this??? JK is an amazing fucking boyfriend. He shows up. This👏🏾 motherfucker 👏🏾shows👏🏾 up👏🏾 He puts the standard so high, making it look like we are all getting treated by our partners like garbage. This dude loves Jimin so much and has always been there for him in so many ways big and small and you want me to pick one moment?
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Oh. Unless u didn't mean just one moment in which case forget all that 😁😁😁 here. Have this Jimtiddie as an apology
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Off the top of my head my dear anon;
Exhibit a) Dieting
So once upon a time, I'm sure we all know the story of how JK got Jimin to stop dieting unhealthily.
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(Thanks @sarah2711)
Exhibit b) The live they did after their UN speeches.
V is the one who starts the whole thing by making fun of Jimin apologising after he made his mistake during his speech. (I already talk about JK being there for Jimin here) Other members chime in and at first Jimin is laughing with them. But then at some point he stops laughing, just sits there as they continue to make fun of him. Then he starts chewing on his nails which alot of the time is a sign of nerves
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And he absolutely shrinks in on himself. Of course JK notices immediately and that's when he tells the members to cut it out. He tells them how they should be making Jimin feel better. Not making fun of him. Immediately all the members, at the same time, backtrack. They start praising Jimin and saying how they get it.
The whole thing is too long to clip but it all starts at 12:32 here
Because we don't talk about Yoonmin 😏 we have to note that all of them made fun of Jimin but JK only spoke up after Suga said this
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P.s RM also said something but the members only changed their tune after JK did. I have always found this moment so sweet. JK was being protective of his baby here of course. Which goes hand in hand with this post. JK just wasn't having it and I love to see it.
When Jimin was explaining himself,
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JK was quietly listening. He didn't say anything until Jimin said this
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And we all know JK doesn't like when Jimin is being self deprecating. So it tracks that he comfortingly says;
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That, right there anon, was JK showing up like the amazing boyfriend he is.
Bonus with the Jimin jealous moment here. And yes, thats exactly what it was.
More instances of JK being protective of his bf by Kanmom here
Exhibit c) SEVEN
Yes. Seven. The summer song of the year. Love to watch it. Love to hear it. So, I think we can all agree its a sex song. Period. That's what it is. It's a proper love making song. A topic we love to discuss on this side of tumblr.... but, have we stopped for a second to explore the romantic side of SEVEN?
So we established SEVEN is basically satellite Jeon in a nutshell. Which that alone is quite big. Always wanting to be with your person, next to your person no matter what. But JK chasing after his love interest from beginning to end till she gives in shows;
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He would do anything for the one he loves. He would walk through fire. Through storms. Go anywhere... if it means its for the one he loves. He is devoted, he is all in. Deeper than the ocean. And this is basically what this post is all about, really. JK's devotion for Jimin. Deeper than the God damn ocean.
Then we have this part
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For those who dont know what that means by now, I'll give u a few seconds to go look up the meaning on Google. In the meantime the rest of us will enjoy this cute clip of satellite Jeon who started quite early
Oh you're back! Yes. We can proceed. 😁😁
So what we have discovered is that JK is a generous lover... a considerate lover... Puts his partner first. JK is a "it's okay baby, you can tend to me later, this is about you" kind of guy. He is the "I won't come until you've cum" type of dude.
In other words, his lover is the priority.
Jikook don't have an only fans so we haven't seen this in action and there4 have no way of knowing that JK is like this in the bedroom. BUT, considering the fact that he prioritises Jimin all the time, we have seen this happen, I dont see why we can't assume this part of him extends to the bedroom too! Right? Like, its gotta be the case.
JK would rather loose provided Jimin wins.
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JK always prefering to walk slightly behind Jimin
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JK would rather miss out on the last dish and let Jimin have it. (And we know this is huge coz mans loves his food)
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Just to give 3 examples that show JK when it comes to Jimin... well, u know. Jimin comes first. Literally and figuratively 😏 So I'm gonna go ahead and politely insist 😂 that the same happens during Sevening. Mkay? Glad we agree 😁😁
Exhibit d) JK always looking to praise Jimin.
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(Thanks @tarheelthings)
Jimin made the group ramen (his specialty) and as u can see JK was already telling him how perfect it tastes and yet he hadn't even tasted it yet. Even editors noticed 😂😂
Bv 1 finale no one praises Jimin's santa and he laments as much.
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We know our Mimi loves to be complimented and praised; absolutely feeds off of that shit. And JK knows this which is why he immediately tells Jimin "yours is the best" Jimin is so happy to hear this, cheeses so hard that even the editors notice.
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Gosh... he was so happy 🥺🥺 Jimin has a praise kink and JK is great at fulfilling this. Aaah. Shit. Now I'm wondering if this extends to the bedroom 🤔 I'm pretty sure it does 🙈🙈🙈
Okay ✋🏽 let's stop thinking about JK calling Jimin a good boy and move on, yes?
Btw, RM too recognises that Jimin loves to be praised and u will see him come through too. But JK is always faster so... 😁😁
Then we have ITS when JK tasted Jimin's food, once again, high praises.
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And then when when Jimin says
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JK replied "I know."
Something about this moment drives home to me the fact that Jimin doesn't cook well, at home. JK does. But we already knew this from Jin ("Jungkook is Jimin's chef")
On the topic of praises, when other members try to make fun of Jimin JK will quickly make sure Jimin knows he doesn't feel the same way. This and exhibit b are like sisters. They can go hand in hand 😆
So Bon Voyage season 1 Jimin was cooking for Jin. As soon as Jimin placed the plate on the table JK did not once take his eyes off of it.
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And, this was after JK kept going to keep an eye on Jimin cooking even though they weren't team mates or nothing. I'm telling y'all, Jimin sits pretty at home while JK does all the cooking. Anyway, when Jin tastes the food he says;
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But the way he says it, its like he's taking the piss. It wasn't complimentary. So JK of course went;
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And he couldn't get to that dish fast enough
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And he devoured the rest of it
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While the rest, mind you, are still making fun of Jimin/his dish. But JK didn't give a shit. His baby had made that plate and by God he was going to enjoy every second of it.
Once again, to me, this cements my theory that JK doesn't get to eat Jimin's food often. He gets way too excited when Jimin cooks, can't wait to taste his food, etc etc.
Which brings us to our next example where one time Jimin brought the entire group cucumber drinks and they hated it. Jhope goes on to explain just how much they hated the flavor.
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There is a chorus of all the members agreeing with Jhope and even Jimin accepts that the cucumber drinks were terrible. But low and behold, look what the boyfriend had to say about it
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Timestamp 4:12 so u can see for yourselves just how much everyone hated those drinks.
(Thanks @tarheelthings and @chicknbunny13)
Look, in JK's eyes, Jimin can do no wrong, okay? To JK, Jimin is perfect and that's that. End of story: No further questions. This behaviour is what I was talking about on my whipped post here.
Exhibit e) When JK checks on Jimin.
I don't gotta show many examples of this we've all seen it. JK always craning his neck over members to see what Jimin is up to. He always likes to know where Jimin is, what he's doing, which imo is amazing boyfriend behavior if u ask me.
A moment I've never seen talked about anywhere from BV 1; JK comes into the RV to check on Jimin who's sleeping.
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I know he came to check on Jimin because he walks in, takes a peak, then walks back out. Almost like he had confirmed Jimin was okay and now he could go about his business.
Tell me thats not the sweetest, cutest thing ever!
I've just uploaded 31 images n a video. I don't think tumblr likes me enough to allow me to do more so let's stop here. I hope your Jungkook praise kink has been fulfilled. It was my pleasure.😁😁
He really is a good man. The best. And Jimin deserves nothing less 😍😍😍
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elliesflower · 1 year
i saw you in a dream [7]
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summary; it's winter break and that guitar has got to go.
chapter; 7/10 2.3k words
cw (per chapter); language, angst, TW: CAT >:(
an; hellaaaaurrrrrr i don't have much to say except ur all amazing and wonderful and thank u so much for loving this story so hard. i love u all more than words. (also sorry not much ellie in this chapter, next chap will be longer and most likely have smut teehee) ((also this isn't proof read so sorry if there's weird mistakes i'll go back nd fix later ok love u bye!!))
Your last interaction with Ellie had you feeling pretty defeated. You had thought that maybe you were getting somewhere—but now, with Cat in the picture, you were ready to give up.
“I’ll fucking kill her,” Dina threatened when you explained the whole story. You shook your head, laughing. “Seriously, she has no right to fuck with your emotions like that.”
“Dee, it’s fine. I wouldn’t call it ‘fucking with me,’ either. Relationships can be messy and break ups are even messier. You of all people should know that.”
“Don’t you fucking dare even mention that disgusting, vile creature,” she pretended to gag at the thought of her ex. All the verbal abuse she had to endure, you’re amazed she lasted so long with them in the first place. “But seriously. You guys had a vibe. That was fucked up of her to not even mention it. It obviously seemed like she was intentionally keeping it from you.”
You pursed your lips, looking down at your hands as you picked at your cuticles. 
“I don’t know…” you trailed off, shrugging your shoulders. You wanted to believe that Ellie wouldn’t do that to you. Realistically, you understood you barely knew her—the two of you had spent less than a full day together. Maybe it was silly to think she was letting you see her heart.
“No, no, don’t do that,” Dina pointed a finger at you accusingly. “Don’t do that hopeless romantic shit you always do. I’m telling you how it is.” 
“Okay, and maybe it is,” you agreed. “But—”
“Hello?! No ‘but’s!’ You need to forget about her. You don’t want to get tangled up in that mess, trust me,” she was speaking from experience, and you knew this. You wanted to believe Dina was right. Who would want to be caught up in lesbian ex-girlfriend drama? And yes, the lesbian part makes a difference. Perhaps it was just the adrenaline of a new crush—the yearning to be in a relationship, so strong you feel like you’d do anything, anything to be with that person, no matter what they’ve done, no matter what they say. Lust can be dangerous.
“Okay, okay,” you gave in. “I’ll leave it alone.”
Dina squinted at you curiously. She probably didn’t believe you, but it didn’t matter. You knew she had your back, always. She’d never do something you weren’t okay with, and she’d forgive you if you did go crawling back to Ellie. Which was still very much…up in the air. 
“That’s what I thought,” she said with a smirk, but it wasn’t very definitive.  
The next few days were…weird, to say the least. With Christmas quickly approaching, the amount of people on campus slowly thinned out—Dina included. She was heading east to be with her family for the holidays, which left you alone in your dorm for a few days. You spent most of the time aimlessly scrolling on your phone, confirming next term’s classes, and making last-minute holiday plans with your own family. It was all very…mundane. 
Which is a weird feeling; your outside life being so normal, while your brain was scrambling trying to make sense of your feelings about the whole Ellie situation. It had been over a week, and she hadn’t texted. Neither had you, but you weren’t sure what was left to say. You wanted to side with Dina, leave Ellie in the past and let Cat have her. 
But the other part of you—the hopeless, yearning sapphic—wanted to reach out. Every time you saw a short-haired redhead from the back, your heart rate increased. It was a little pathetic, if you were being honest, the way your heart fell when they’d turn around and it was not in fact Ellie coming to reconcile. It made you want to call her; want to see her; want to see if the two of you could really become something, after all; want to know what else spilled from her lips when she was high, and anything else she’d give you. 
It sure didn’t help that everytime you walked into your dorm you were stared down by the guitar you were really regretting buying instead of renting. Now that you didn’t have a….teacher, anymore, you were sure it’d just start collecting dust over there in the corner. 
“Fuck it,” you mumbled to yourself one day after you’d been staring at the case for far too long, deciding you were going to take it down to the student store and see what they’d offer you for it. 
The weather was bitterly cold, but it surprisingly wasn’t raining. You zipped your coat up all the way to your chin, readjusting the guitar strap over your shoulder as you walked across campus to the store. Today was the last day it’d be open before they closed for the holidays, so naturally the store was eerily empty, aside from the two students working behind the counter. 
You let your fingers trail across a few cute embroidered journals on your way up to the counter, where a very unenthusiastic student turned to greet you. 
“What can I help you with?” They asked flatly, resting their elbows on the wooden counter that separated the two of you. 
“Uh, I was hoping to see how much y’all would give me for this guitar,” you explained, hoisting the case up to the counter and unlocking it. Upon flipping the top, the worker gave out a low whistle of appreciation. 
“Has it ever even been used? It’s in perfect condition,” they said, grabbing the neck to pull it out and examine it. 
“Uh, just a handful of times…I took the class for one semester,” you explained, one hand subconsciously rising to rub the back of your neck sheepishly. 
“And you didn’t just rent one?” 
Okay, well damn. 
“Wasn’t thinking, I guess…” There’s nothing like a stranger confirming what you already knew to make you feel even worse about your initial purchase. They gave you an amused smile before leaning the guitar against the back of the counter.
“Give me a minute to run some numbers,” and luckily, they didn’t mention your stupid purchase again, and retreated to a computer. You leaned over the counter as well, pulling out your phone to mindlessly scroll. The electronic door chime sounded from behind you and the other employee shouted a greeting across the store. You didn’t pay it any attention until you heard a very distinct voice respond.
“Oh my gosh, it is freezing out there!” 
Your whole body tensed, your grip on your phone becoming tighter as she started to chatter away—of course her striking presence had the other employee out of their seat, smile plastered across their face as they made their way over to continue chatting with…her. 
Of fucking course. 
The whole point of coming here was to get this little part of Ellie out of your room—and now, an arguably bigger part of Ellie just came waltzing through the doors. You made it a point to keep looking at your phone, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of your attention. Even though she definitely had it, how could she not? Her voice was sickeningly sweet, even though it somehow made you feel sour, resonating over the quiet music playing in the store.  
“Elliott, you are such a riot!” She laughed from behind you. Her vernacular was straight out of a sixties romance movie, and you wondered briefly if that just added to her charm. You’d known girls like her—you know the ones who have to swear up and down that they’re not like other girls, when in reality, they are like clones roaming the earth. They all have the same cadence, the same attitude, the same god complex. Sometimes you wonder what it would be like to be so blissfully ignorant. 
“Alright,” the clerk said after another grating minute of you trying to remain undetected. “This is the best I can do for you.” They at least had the decency to look apologetic as they slid you a scribbled note. You blinked down at the number. 
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” you mumbled. The offer was less than half of what you originally paid for it. Not that you were expecting a miracle, but this was a little insulting. “You said it was in perfect condition…”
“I know,” they agreed, putting up their hands defensively. “There’s only so much I can do. I have to go by the school’s policies.” 
You frowned at the note for a moment, wishing nothing more than to go back in time and never sign up for that stupid guitar class. Or even if you did, you wished you’d never seen that stupid flier on that stupid tree on this stupid campus—maybe then you wouldn’t be stuck with your heart in your throat, choked up listening to Ellie’s ex-girlfriend slash roommate filling up the room with her stupidly charming personality. 
Wait a second, did she leave? Her voice disappeared, and the second clerk was returning back behind the desk. Maybe you should—
“Oh, c’mon,” she was peering over your shoulder in an instant, invading your space and making you flinch. Her floral perfume overwhelmed your nose, her black and silver bracelets tinkling as she examined the note on the counter. “We can do better than that, no?” Her arm was pressing your bicep, she was so close to you, you could hear her breathing and see her perfectly styled hair framing her sharp cheekbones. You were so taken aback by her boldness, by her invasiveness, you found yourself nodding.
She looked over at you, and her teeth were like pearls, shiny and probably not real. You just blinked at her, acutely aware that your expression was most likely not very kind. 
“Look, Cat,” the clerk started, and of course they knew her name. “You know I have to follow university protocols for these kinds of things.”
“C’mon, Dakota,” and yeah, of course she knew their name too. “There’s nothing you can do? For old times sake?” She leaned onto her elbows, resting her chin in her hands with a dopey look on her face. Good god, is this a joke? If so, it wasn’t very funny, because Dakota was now suppressing a grin, grabbing the paper off the counter before glancing at you briefly. 
“Let me see what I can do,” they smiled, returning to the computer. You wanted to sink into the floor and disappear. Not that it would make much of a difference, anyways. You were pretty much invisible until Cat showed up anyways. 
“Well, that’s more like it!” Cat grinned, crossing her arms and leaning a hip against the counter, facing you. “Nice to see you again, by the way.” An afterthought. 
You forced a smile back, your deeply embedded people-pleasing outweighing your disdain. 
“Cat,” you went straight for the formalities. You wanted to get out of here as quickly as humanly possible. “Likewise.”
“You left so quickly last week I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye!” She exclaimed, reaching out to grab your shoulder. It was like she was from another planet. “Ellie’s been talking about you.” You really hoped her otherworldliness didn’t give her the power of supersonic hearing, because she may have heard your heart fall into your stomach at the mention of Ellie’s name. But perhaps, she still did anyway, because she was cocking her head ever so slightly, crossing her arms over her chest again. 
“Oh, yeah I wasn’t…feeling great,” and it wasn’t a complete lie. You’re amazed you didn’t throw up all over the both of them the minute Cat got all handsy with Ellie. Cat still looked at you sideways, like she was waiting for you to respond to her comment about Ellie. No way she was talking about you with Cat. It had to be a ruse. You chewed at your bottom lip nervously, averting your gaze to fidget with your hands rather than be trapped. But she wasn’t giving up.
“Well, she’s been going on and on about how she was so happy she could help you pass your final,” she said, and half of her words were punctuated with a hand gesture. Your heart wa thrumming in your ears.  “She said you were a quick learner and so eager to play guitar. I just didn’t take you for a quitter, the way she talks about you!” 
Talks. Present tense. Fuck, she was good at this. 
“A quitter?” 
“Well, you’re pawning off your guitar,” she said matter-of-factly. You furrowed your brow, but quickly let it smooth out. 
“I never planned to play guitar long-term. Ellie knew that.” Or at least you thought she did. Cat was making it really fucking hard to tell what was real or not. Her smile faltered for a fraction of a second, before she was standing up straighter and shaking a few jet-black tendrils of hair from her face. 
“Well, then,” and she was no longer holding back. Her eyes very blatantly scanned you, up and down before she continued. “Let’s see what we can get you for this guitar then, yeah?” 
And as if on cue, Dakota returned to the counter. They walked straight to Cat as if you had never existed in the first place. 
“Alright, how’s this?” He slid the note over, and the number was significantly higher. You felt like a second class citizen. You were fuming—not that they would notice as they looked into each other’s eyes like they were Romeo and Juliet or something. How is it that Cat can weasel her way into everything that’s yours? 
Hah. As if Ellie was ever yours.
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milaisreading · 1 year
Blue lock, but make it Demon Slayer(pt1)
A.N: u all smth possessed me to wite this☠️
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Blue lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura. Demon Slayer is owned by Koyoharu Gotouge. Might do requests if anyone asks. Will add in characters gradually
Living in a village that was pretty much isolated from the rest of Japan was a struggle at times, but for the most it had its perks. At least (Y/n) thought so. She liked that her best friend and his family lived close by and that she has a tight bond with most of the villagers. But with some of the perks came also certain struggles, one of them being marriage. (Y/n) was by now 15 and a lot of girls her age were already looking into possible suitors or even getting married. And while (Y/n) was far from a ugly and plain person, she just wasn't appealing to the local boys or their families. One reason would be (Y/n)'s unusual strength, which her parents and Yoichi always praised her for, the 2nd reason was her appetite. She loved food, it was something she and her father bonded over, along with arm wrestling. Most of the families found it very unladylike and turned down any marriage idea.
'Even if you don't get married, we love you more than anything. You can stay with us here, forever. Maybe you will get a chance to visit the cities, too.' (Y/n) sighed as she looked at the darkening sky. It was winter and night fell sooner than normally, but she couldn't stay in the house anymore, she had to get out. Yawning, she put on her scarf and walked out of the house, walking closer towards the forest, when a voice interrupted her.
"Huh? Where are you going, (Y/n)? It's pretty late."
"Yoichi! I am just going to get some fresh air. But what are you doing here?" (Y/n) smiled as her friend stopped in front if her.
"My parents want to talk over something with yours."
"Is it something important?" (Y/n) raised her eyebrow at Isagi's flustered face and the boy shook his head.
"Nothing, just some random things... Do you want me to come with you? It's getting dark." Isagi asked in concern, but (Y/n) just shook her head. She really wanted to just be alone and think over some things.
"I can handle myself, don't worry. I will be back soon." The girl reassured the boy and he reluctantly agreed, although there was some heavy air looming above the home.
The walk was something (Y/n) really needed, the more she was in the quiet environment, the more her mind was at ease.
'Maybe I am just not meant for marriage. Besides, staying home and helping my parents, maybe even leave the village for a city one day won't be bad.' (Y/n) smiled, then stopped in her tracks when she saw a familiar old man struggling with some wood.
"Suzuki-sama! What are you doing out here this late?" The girl asked the old man as she ran to his side. The man was startled for a moment but gave the girl a kind smile, once he recognized her.
"Ahh, (Y/n). What are you doing out this late? It's too late for a child, demons might attack you. You know how vicious they can be."
(Y/n) wanted to roll her eyes at that part, never fully believing those tales.
'Old people tales.'
"Well, it isn't safe for you either, Suzuki-sama. Let me help you." (Y/n) said, picking up the basket with the chopped wood as the man chuckled.
"I always forget how strong you are. Kind of you to help this old man."
"It's nothing, Suzuki-sama. How is Mrs. Suzuki doing?"
"She is a little jumpy these past few days. Always talking about some ominous aura looming over the village."
"You don't believe her?" (Y/n) asked, amused a little.
"It's not that I don't believe her, she just gets too paranoid. The looming aura can be a snowstorm too." The old man chuckled.
What (Y/n) thought would be a quick trip to the Suzuki household ended up being a sleepover by the old couple. While she was protested the idea, not wanting to worry her parents, Mrs. Suzuki kept her back, saying all kinds of demons will attack her. (Y/n) wanted to say that what she was saying was nonsense, that demons aren't even real, she just couldn't. The look she was getting from the woman was breaking her heart, so she ended up agreeing.
'Mom will definitely scold me, and Yoichi will just go on how worried he was.' (Y/n) thought as she was walking through the forest, eating the sandwich the older woman packed her.
"I wonder what is on today's plan. Mrs. Isagi said she needs to clean out something. Maybe she will need help with carrying something-" (Y/n) stopped in her tracks as she smelled something... something off. Gulping, she took a better whiff of the air, her heart dropping her food as she realized it was blood. Dropping everything, she ran to where the smell came from, her heart racing when she realized it came from her own house. Gasping, (Y/n) saw the door wide open and someone laying on the ground, a poll of blood surrounding them.
"Mrs. Isagi?!" (Y/n) yelled in fear and ran to where the woman was laying.
"Dead... mom! Dad!" The girl yelled desperately as she ran into the house, only to find her dad and Yoichi's dad laying on the ground.
"Dad..." (Y/n) muttered in shock, feeling like her legs were about to give up on her.
'Who did this? It doesn't smell like a human was here! It smells so rotten.' (Y/n) took a deep breath and slowly walked through the rest of the house, hoping that her mom and Yoichi escaped whatever this attack was.
"Who did this... who did this... where are they?" Breathing heavily, (Y/n) walked into the garden, only to find Yoichi and her mom laying in their own blood. It looked like Yoichi tried to protect the older woman from the attacker, but was sadly unsuccessful. She ran to the two and checked up on her mom first. Removing Yoichi's arm from her, she tried to feel a pulse, but nothing came.
"No no no... mom... I am so sorry..." (Y/n) held back her tears and looked at Yoichi, her eyes widening when she saw a few movements from him. He was still breathing! Weakly, but still breathing!
"Yoichi... Yoichi..." She muttered and crawled towards him. Moving the boy to lie on his back, (Y/n) looked at his chest, only to find slow up and down movements.
"I can still save you. I need to bring you to our doctor!" (Y/n) gulped and put the boy on her back, slowly getting up and running into the forest again. Dread and desperation took over her whole form, realizing how far away their house from the village was.
"This is bad... I need to hurry up and bring him to the doctor... who did this?" (Y/n)'s thoughts were racing and she just wanted to bring Yoichi to a safe place.
'I can't lose him... I don't want to lose him...' She thought and started walking up a hill.
"Huh? Yoichi, are you awake?" (Y/n) asked, surprised when she felt the boy stir in her arms.
"Don't move Yoichi, I will get you to the village as fast as possible. Just relax-"
The girl got cut of as she heard the boy growl and his.
"Yoichi!-" The girl gasped as the boy started tugging on her hard enough to cause her to fall down the hill along with him.
"Thank God for the snow..." She groaned and sat up.
"Yoichi, why did you do that?" (Y/n) asked and looked at the boy, only to freeze in her spot when she looked at him. Yoichi was glaring at her, with eyes a far lighter shade of blue than they normally were. His wounds were completely gone, only leaving blood marks behind.
"Are those...fangs?!" She muttered in fear when she saw Yoichi's teeth.
'What happened?' Was the last thing she thought as Yoichi ran at her in full speed, tackling the girl to the ground. Quickly, (Y/n) put her hands on the boy's shoulders, holding him back from attacking her.
"Yoichi! Calm down! It's me, (Y/n)! Please come to your senses!" The boy stopped growling for a moment and blinked down at her.
"Please... I don't know what happened, but we can fix this." (Y/n) spoke a little more softly now, wanting to cry when she saw Yoichi's state. He looked so confused and... lost.
"I am sorry that I wasn't there to help you, but please... please calm down. I am sorry for all of this, please don't lose it." Yoichi blinked more and tears escaped his eyes, his grip on her shoulders got looser and (Y/n) sighed in relief, hoping he will turn to normal. Suddenly, Yoichi froze up in his spot and looked to his left, barring his teeth out again as a figure approached the two.
"What-" (Y/n) muttered as Yoichi grabbed her again and jumped a few meters away, growling at the newcomer.
"Who...who are you now?" (Y/n) gasped as she looked at a silver-haired man, who wore a weird black uniform and was holding a katana. The man looked at her for a moment and then at Yoichi, who tightened his grip around (Y/n).
'This is bad... the demon boy could attack her any moment if I don't act fast...' The man thought, keeping his stoic look as the girl asked him who he was, again.
"That demon... you know him?"
"Demon? No, this is my friend! I don't know what happened to him, but-"
"Idoit, your friend turned into a demon!" The man scolded as (Y/n) gulped, looking back at Yoichi.
'He couldn't... but that might explain this weird behavior...' She thought, cringing as he growled at the strange man again.
"I came here to kill him. Otherwise he might go on a killing spree in the village."
"Kill?! No, no you can't kill him! Yoichi would never hurt anyone! Please, give him a chance-"
"A demon is a demon!" The man yelled, his grip on the katana tightening.
"This isn't the Yoichi you used to know!"
"No, he is different! There is a way to turn him back into a human!" (Y/n) ripped herself out of Yoichi's hold and stood up, protecting the demon boy from the stranger.
"Please." She pleaded, walking closer the man.
'Aside from pleading I can't do much. He has a sword of all things!'
"You are being stupid. You want to risk more people's lives to get lost for him?! Demons can't become humans again." The man yelled, causing Yoichi to hiss and get up.
"Please! There has to be a way! I will find it!"
The man looked at her and then at Yoichi, sighing.
"Sorry, I can't help you. A demon will always be a demon." The man lifted up his hand and hit the girl on her neck, causing (Y/n) to fall unconscious to the ground. Yoichi gasped when he saw the girl's body hit the floor. The man looked back at him and readied his katana again.
"Sorry, boy." The man said, running to where Yoichi was. The boy sent him a glare and jumped away from the weapons,and ran to where (Y/n) was. The man was about to attack again, but stopped in his tracks when he saw Yoichi hug (Y/n) and then glared back at him.
'That boy... is he protecting her?' The man thought as he inspected Yoichi, not feeling the usual lust for blood coming out of him.
'He used up all his energy to transform into a demon and heal his wounds... yet he didn't try to eat her... is this Yoichi boy different?' The man raised his eyebrow, putting his katana away. Walking towards them, Yoichi hissed at him, but the man paid no mind and quickly knocked him out as well.
"Hmmm..." The man muttered and picked the two up, carrying them back home.
"(Y/n)...(Y/n)... wake up, please!" The girl looked in shock as her and Yoichi's moms were looking down at her. She was laying on the ground and resting her head on her mom's lap as the two women spoke up again.
"Wake up, Yoichi needs you."
"Mom... I... I don't know..."
"Yochan need you, (Y/n). Please help him." The other woman pleaded as the girl's vision turned blurry.
"Protect Yoichi, save him from that fate."
Gasping, the girl sat up from the snowy ground and frantically looked around, sighing in relief when she found Yoichi sleeping soundly next to her. She noted that he looked very normal, except for a bamboo strapped around his mouth.
"You are awake?" Turning away from Yoichi, (Y/n) looked at the man from before.
"Did you put this on him? And why are we back in my garden?" The girl asked, still a little tense.
"I had to bury your parents and couldn't leave you two alone in the forest. As for the bamboo, I put it on him because of the fangs."
Slowly nodding her head, she watched as the man sat in front of them.
"I won't hurt him, there might be something in this boy, Yoichi that makes him different from other demons." (Y/n) sighed in relief and patted the boy's head.
"You said you are willing to find a cure, right?"
"Yes! If there is a cure I am ready to do whatever I can to get it!" (Y/n) nodded her head quickly.
"Did you ever heat of Demon slayers? Or the corps?"
"No...to be honest, I didn't believe demons were real until today." (Y/n) admitted as the man nodded his head again.
"Our main job is killing demons and protecting humans from their harm. Not a lot of people know about us now, but we exist for centuries. I will make you a deal."
"What would that be?"
"You become my student and I will train you into becoming a demon slayer. You will have way more access to demons this way, and finding a cure for you friend."
(Y/n) stayed quiet for a moment, knowing that whatever she was getting into could kill her, but...
'Yoichi... I can't let him stay like this. I will save him, he was there for me my whole life.' (Y/n) thought, looking at the sleeping boy.
'I have nobody left but him...'
"Alright." She nodded her head as the man sighed, getting up from his spot on the ground.
"Travel north, across that mountain is my home. I will be waiting for you there. I have some business to attend to now." (Y/n) nodded as she got up, keeping an eye on the said mountain.
"Also, demons can die if sunlight hits them." The man warned.
"Thank you...sir?"
'I never asked for his name!' The girl thought.
"Noa...Noel Noa." He simply said before disappearing from her sight.
"So fast!" She said, amazed with the speed.
"Ngh..." looking down at Yoichi, (Y/n) watched as the boy slowly opened his eyes.
'Well... this is my new life...' The girl thought, trying to calm her ever-growing fear down.
Which breathing form would u all want Yn to have?
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sugar-omi · 1 year
omg idk if u do nsfw request but could you like write jealous cove x fem reader nsfw? i think cove isn’t the type to feel possessively jealous but there’s times he can’t let it go but it’s not a like “your mine!!” type possessive more like a “im yours!!” possessive? IDK IF THAT MAKES SENSE SORRY
DW IT MAKES A LOTTA SENSE N I AGREE W EVERYTHING U JUST SAID!! i hope i lived up to your rq 🙏🙏 i enjoyed writing this sm
tags : NSFW, fem reader, jealous cove, service top cove, hand jobs, penetration, between step 3 and 4, you are in college, mention of wanting to marry you
(mentions step 3 "happiness" moment and you getting upset when cove doubted you'd still be together at the end of summer in step 3.
also i'm thinking abt the patreon moment n how cove likes just a hint of pain n runnning w it, i'll never recover from it!)
synopsis : cove is jealous and worried about you finding another man, so you ease his anxiety.
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you have always reassured cove that you love him, that he makes you the happiest girl in the world. you promised him that he doesn't have to do anything special to make you happy, that he alone makes you happy.
cove can't help but feel loved every time he thinks about it. and after you got mad at him for doubting the strength of your relationship, brought to tears by the notion, cove promised himself to never make you cry sad or angry tears ever again if he can help it.
but you're standing there, talking with a classmate of from one of your classes and you're laughing and he's looking at you with one too many hearts in his eyes and a darker voice in the smallest crease of cove's mind wonders if you'd like if he looked like that.
hair styled in a way that was casual but handsome, and a ribbed turtle neck under a cream jacket.
cove quickly dismisses that thought, knowing you prefer him in less layers and that you'd never ask him to change his style unless the weather called for more layers must to his chagrin.
unable to take anymore, broken by the guy putting a hand on your shoulder. cove steps out the car, easily taking long strides and he calls out to you.
you turn around, happy as a peach to see your boyfriend and cove's heart throbs at how easily you forget about the guy in front of you. "are you ready to go eat? its gonna be lunch rush soon..." cove bites h is lips, wondering if thats a good enough excuse to get you out of this guys reach before he puts too many moves on you.
"yeah, just-" you adjust your backpack straps and turn to address your classmate but you step towards cove, taking his hand in yours. "i gotta go, but you should check the online class board, you can download the notes from there! bye!"
cove pulls you away as you barely finish your greetings, opening the car door for you but he slams his own door and winces but pulls out the lot nonetheless, making the drive back to your shared home.
"cove? what's wrong?" you put your hand on his thigh soothingly but cove just jumps at the sudden touch, his head hits the steering wheel, trying to use the break at the stop light to push away his jealousy.
knowing he can't hide from you, cove address you, looking at you with teary puppy eyes, not wanting to upset you but his heart is in turmoil.. "i'm jealous. i know i shouldn't be but- but! that guy was definitely hitting on you and i know you love me but i'm worried you'll leave me for someone better an-" cove whimpers, blinking his eyes as he focuses on the road again and turns onto your street.
"cove... i'm so sorry baby, i- i didn't even notice he was hitting on me. he was just asking about what he missed during class... if it helps, he's only in my elective class! we're not even in the same major so-"
cove cuts you off, quickly and smoothly parking the car in your designated space. "it's not just him. like.. baxter, or derek. i know we haven't heard from baxter in awhile but he was so smooth and flirty and confident. and derek, well derek is nice and reliable and.. i don't know." cove leans over the console.
"i don't want you to leave me for someone better, i know you said you won't but. i love you so much. i wanna be your's forever, i wanna marry you one day! i love being your boyfriend so much, y/n.." cove frets, pushing his head into your hand when you cup his cheek, fighting tears and failing.
"cove. i love you. you'll always be mine." you kiss his face, hovering over his lips, "you'll always be my special lover boy."
cove purrs, melting into your kiss. when you pull away, cove looks at you with hooded lids, "l-lets go inside..."
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you barely make it through the door, your hands running under cove's shirt and he trembles trying to put the key in the door, steadying when you wrap your hand around his and guide him.
when the door unlocks, you pull cove in, kissing his neck as you reach behind him to flip the lock and slip the chain through the track. "y-y/n, ahh.." cove mutters breathlessly, some other words escaping his mouth in a jumbled mess but you hear a stuttered "feels good" and you keep going, pulling him through the house to your bedroom.
on the way, your shoes are left haphazardly in front of the door and a trail of clothes breadcrumb the hallway.
you push cove onto the bed, stepping out of your bottoms and left in just your underwear, you help cove unbutton his shorts, pushing away shaky hands.
you slip off his boxers, deciding to take care of cove while he's still pliable. "shh baby, let me take care of you.." you settle in his lap and cove throws his head back in a shaky moan when your hand wraps around his sensitive cock, stroking him slowly and swiping your skilled hands over his weeping slit, knowing how to work your boyfriend's body in the best ways.
"y/n..." cove whines, bucking his hips into your hand as you grope him through his boxers.
"t-tighter, please.. ah!" cove groans when your hand tightens around his cock the way he likes, feeling a knot build in his abdomen at your increasingly faster strokes. "i'm, i'm close.. mh-" cove gasps, finger tips digging into your hips.
in his lusty haze, cove looks at your bra and works the front clasp the way you showed him. you grin knowingly, enjoying cove's blush as his eyes train on how your breast bounce when the clasp comes undone.
you arch your back, encouraging cove to play with your chest. his lips clasp on your collar bone, nibbling and sucking lightly so as to not leave marks but when you flex your hand around his cock cove bites particularly hard, sure enough to leave a bruise.
something primal inside of him feels pleased at that.
cove shudders, looking up from your chest to meet your eyes. "w-why did you stop?.."
you smile, kissing your lovely boy on the cheek. "don't want you to finish yet." you reach for a condom, urging cove to lean against the pillows.
you're not too worried about stretching yourself as you'd had sex the night before and only applying ample lube for what will definitely be a bit of a long night, thankful your classes are over for the day.
cove takes his place, shaking when you roll the condom over his sensitive cock. you straddle his lap, hands gripping his shoulders as you line him up with your cunt.
you sink onto his cock, moaning sharply when his tip hits your bladder from inside, your cunt sensitive and nearly dripping with your slick.
when you finally take him to the hilt, his cock rubbing all the sensitive spots inside you and reaching deeper than you could ever reach on your own.
cove gasps and holds you tighter when your cunt trembles around him, kissing you as you gently bounce on his lap. "cove, cove..." you mutter, breathless and your eyes water at the sensation of his cock dragging against your gummy walls.
cove grips your hips, grinding your hips together making you moan loudly. "can i.. *swallows* can i move too?"
you nod, whining when cove instantly bucks his hips into yours, taking the lead at your instruction.
you pull cove into a kiss, your tongues dancing together before the kiss turns gentle and loving. breaking away for air, cove trails kisses down your neck as you gasp and moan, his cock hitting your walls in a way that makes you leak with more slick and clench tightly around him.
"i'm gonna cum, fuck please cove! more!"
cove reaches for your clit, his thumb circling your sensitive clit as he brings you over the edge. "i love you y/n, so happy to be yours.. please cum, wanna feel you cum around me." cove whispers sweet and dirty words in your ear, "you feel so good.. ahh fuck, thats it.. agh fuck!"
cove trembles, cumming into the condom as your pussy tightens and your thighs shake on either side of him.
cove collapses into your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you and you both shake in each others embrace.
"i love you." you kiss cove's head, coming down from your orgasm.
cove kisses your neck back, his lips tickle against your sweaty skin as he speaks, "i love you too.."
"cove? what're you-"
you pull yourself off his lap, cove throwing the tied off condom in the trash and before you can get up he pulls you back into his lap.
cove's brilliant blue eyes drill into you, sparking the flames of your heart and your cunt throbs with need. "i still want you.."
you laugh, happily sinking into the bed with cove on top of you.
cove grabs a condom from the open drawer and rolls it over his sensitive but still hard cock, quickly sinking into your warmth.
he moans shakily, drawing his hips back and slamming back into you, your legs wrapped loosely around his waist so he can fuck you and still steal a kiss from you.
cove leans into your neck, his body supported by his forearms but he still looms over you. "i love you.. so happy to be your boyfriend, ngh-.. i-i love belonging to you."
you scratch down cove's back. "you're mine.. ah!" cove picks up the pace, ignited by you agreeing that he's yours.
cove mumbles happily into your neck, most of his chant muffled by his face buried in your neck; sucking marks and hiding at the same time. most of it is moans, but you hear a few "yours.. yours..." among his moans.
cove grunts at the use of the nickname, buoyed to go further and he reaches between your bodies to rub your clit.
feeling that knot in your stomach, you tell cove you're coming. "c-c'mon cove! make me cum, want my sunshine to make me cum!"
you reach orgasm together for the second time, cove dripping sweat onto you.
you both pant, the temperature making you squirm.
cove speaks first, "..i love you, love you so much. i'm sorry i got jealous.."
"its okay cove, if this is how its gonna be you get jealous more often!"
cove groans, embarrassed by your teasing. "carry me to the shower?"
cove pops up, bright like an obedient puppy. "yes!"
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 years
can u pls write something w legolas PLS im so thirsty for him and i love ur writings🙏🙏🙏🙏
Even though requests are closed, I will indulge just this once. I also hope you don't mind a bite sized story for now.
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🍃Pairing : Legolas x Fem. Reader (Elf / Second person POV)
🍃Themes : Soft | Fluff 
🍃 Warnings: kissing
🍃Word count: 700 plus words
🍃Summary: stargazing with Legolas ends up with an unexpected surprise.
Minors DNI | 18+
Want to be tagged? Want to know the rules? Read all here.
If you like this please give it a reblog.
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It was a beautiful night. The stars were out in all their glory, sparkling like diamonds strewn over black velvet.
It was here, under the gnarled branches of an old oak tree, that Legolas found you, your back against the bark, your eyes fixed on the sky.
"Stargazing, meleth?"
You turned to him and smiled at him. "I am," you said, blushing like anything when he lay down on the soft grass and placed his head upon your lap. "It is a good night for it."
"It is," Legolas agreed, his hand reaching for yours. It had become a little ritual between the two of you since he started courting you many months ago. You would come out to watch the stars, and Legolas would come for you and lay down beside you, his head inevitably ending up on your lap. You loved it, this sweet little routine between the two of you, how the two of you could just lay there and forget all else. "But I think it is safe to say the view from where I am at is far sweeter right now."
He had been looking right at you when he said it. And how it made your cheeks warm to hear it. "Flatterer," you hummed sweetly when he brought your hand to his lips, and soft kisses trailed all over your fingers.
"It is not mere flattery, meleth. It is the truth," he said simply, his eyes never leaving yours.
You flushed even more, uncertain of what to say and unsure of how to still the frantic beat of your heart. His kisses, sweet and innocent as they were, roused something in you, something less than innocent and far more than merely sweet. It must have been there, in the hitch in your breath, for Legolas squeezed your hand and said, "Soon. I promise you."
Your very core tightened by what he said. Legolas looked up at you intently, not saying anything else. You looked at him, at his lips—lips that were meant to be kissed. They curled up, as if in invitation. On an impulse, you leaned down and kissed him. It was light and sweet; you had no intention of it going further than that, but when Legolas sat up, his arms holding you in a loose embrace, all sense of modesty crumbled and you found yourself kissing him with raw hunger and not the shy, timid kisses you gave him before. When your arms moved over his shoulders and your nails raked through his hair, Legolas kissed you deeply one last time before pulling away with a sigh.
For a brief, beautiful moment, the two of you stayed as you were, his forehead resting over yours. Nothing could be heard, save for the sound of your breathing and leaves rustling in the wind.
"Very soon," Legolas said, his voice suddenly rough. "But not now. Someone could find us, and I would much rather we be alone, with no one to see or hear us."
He was right. Someone could stumble upon the two of you, and that would not be good at all. In a private room with no one to see or hear, that was a much better prospect. But still-
"Nothing could compare to a star-filled sky," you said, somewhat disappointed.
Legolas smiled and kissed you again, softly this time. "I will take care of it, meleth, do not fret."
He lay back once more, his head comfortably on your lap. "Look, Meleth," he pointed at the sky. "A falling star."
You turned your gaze toward the heavens. That one falling star turned into two, and two swelled to dozens, and dozens turned into hundreds. Beautiful orbs of white light streaked across the sky, their tails burning radiantly behind them. You gasped, having never seen anything so breathtaking in your life.
"What do you think they mean?" you asked, stroking back his hair.
"When I was a child," Legolas said fondly, "Adar said they were a sign from the Valar, to show us we were not alone. They were a sign of hope, he said, and that better times lay ahead."
He turned his gaze back to you. "I take this as a sign for us, that our future together would be a bright and happy one."
Your smile was a mirror reflection of his. "Do you think we will have a bright and happy future together?"
"I do," Legolas vowed fiercely, for he intended to follow in the footsteps of his parents, who, despite the great tragedy of their parting, had a deep and loving union. "I will make sure of it."
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tags: @nupppuff | @floraroselaughter
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yukina-otome · 1 year
Chevalier: Pregnancy and Family Chapter 6
Tag: @jenaiea@clavis-hedonist@emelie-min@elenaclemence@quin-ny@yanderevi@aynfp@lucyw260@aquagirl1978@ikemen-prince-writers-posts@nervousharmonyangel@vynz0ne@zahrabasiri @rhodolitesrose@kuromitokito @aynfp @tele86 @flimflam707 @hestia0705
I'm sorry for the HUGE delay in the chapter releases! I hope you enjoy! Pls don't forget to like and reblog as this gives me inspiration and power to write more. Pls tell me if u want to be tagged for next chapters.
Chapter 1\ Chapter 2\ Chapter 3 \ Chapter 4 \ Chapter 5
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Few weeks have passed since the poison incident and life seems to have gone back to it’s normal course in the royal palace of Rhodolite.
MC seems to have all but forgotten about the incident and was smiling happily again. Or so it seemed.
Chevalier has noticed that MC, who usually liked desserts so much, has stopped eating them all together. She also seemed to be a lot more careful about her food.
That night again, he watched her push the Rose cheesecake plate away from her with an almost sad look on her face.
It didn’t seem like she was disgusted, more like scared or traumatized.
Of course, such a terrible incident could not have passed without leaving some marks. Even he, who was always admired for his mental fortitude was heavily impacted by the incident and had every dish that was served on her table inspected over and over again.
But this could not go on, MC was barely eating anything and this was starting to worry him. He deduced that since the root of the issue was sweets, he had to make her eat them again.
But how? A royal decree? That was certainly not it.
Maybe he could ask the help of a certain brother of his who was particularly good with baking treats of all sorts.
And so, the next morning, Chevalier stormed into the Domestic faction office looking for Yves.
The 5th prince only stared at him with wide eyes as the king sat in front of him on the sofa.
His older brother had never ever sought him out before. Honestly sometimes Yves thought Chevalier did not know his name.
There was a long silence in the big messy office before Chevalier finally said:
“Showoff, I need your help.”
Help? Chevalier needed HELP? and not anyone’s help, HIS help? 
Licht, Leon and Jin all came and sat next to Yves, curious about whatever his majesty the king, a genius born every thousand years could ever need from the 5th prince.
Chevalier cleared his throat and started speaking
“Since the incident MC has not been eating very well, particularly desserts.”
“Oh no! she always seemed particularly fond of sweets, especially after her pregnancy.” Jin said, earning an impatient glare from Chevalier.
The king cleared his throat again, clearly disliking being interrupted before starting to speak once more: “It seems the poison incident heavily affected her. Showoff, you are a good baker and MC loves your sweet. Bake something for her.”
“I see! Poor MC! Very well! We shall have a cozy tea party! I’m sure MC would enjoy it! How about tomorrow afternoon, your majesty?” Yves said feeling bad for MC but happy that there was something he could do for his brother and beloved sister in law; Not that he’d ever admit it.
And so the men agreed and the next afternoon, Chevalier escorted MC to the rose garden.
“Where are we going, Chevalier? Are we going for a walk?”
Chevalier just squeezed her hand before leading her to a beautifully decorated dessert table full of all kinds of delicious treats. The princes, Sariel, Cecilia and Rio were all sitting already and only two chairs were empty. 
As Chevalier led MC to her chair, the young queen was looking around, bewildered by all the diverse desert that were laid on the table.
As soon as MC was seated, Chevalier turned around on his heels and was walking away from the cozy garden party.
But before he could get any further he heard his wife's voice calling for him, when he turned around she patted the chair next to her, indicating for him to come sit.
“My presence would only sour the mood, simpleton. Enjoy your tea party. You can tell me all about it later.” He smiled at her.
“No way!” Clavis stood up and grabbed Chevalier by the arm.
 “This tea party is to celebrate MC’s pregnancy and it would not feel complete without the baby’s father!” said Yves.
Jin grabbed Chevalier by the shoulder and dragged him toward his seat, next to MC who was smiling at the warm scene in front of her.
“We can assure you no one here is scared of you, your majesty” Sariel added.
Chevalier sighed “Ridiculous” before sitting next to his wife.
Everyone sat and Cecilia got up to serve everyone tea(herbal because MC was pregnant). Conversation was flowing smoothly but everyone’s attention was on MC who had not touched a single dish. 
Suddenly silence fell as Yves stood up  and served MC a piece of her favorite cake.
She stared at it for a while before saying “I’m sorry Yves, I’m not very hungry.”
“MC, me and Licht got out together this morning to get the ingredients, we checked everything many times again, and nothing left our eyes for even a second. Everything here, including the tea was made by my own hand and no one but us touched anything. I can assure you this is not poisoned.”  Yves explained hoping this could appease her fears.
“It would make us very happy if you had a taste” Jin added. 
“Yeah! Just have a bite and if ya don’t like it, you can stop!” Luke said.
After a few seconds, MC picked her fork and took a bite of the cake.  After chewing for a bit, she finally started crying. 
“I’m sorry! I know I’m being overly dramatic! I was just so scared and I-” MC was practically sobbing.
“Your majesty, do not blame yourself for your feelings. Your fears and worries are valid and you should not demean them or feel sorry for them.” Cecilia grabbed MC’s hand.
MC finally let go and after a good while of crying, she was back to smiling and eating. The party continued in a warm atmosphere and Chevalier sat there wondering what the old him would think if he saw himself sitting with all his brothers drinking tea and laughing. Of course, Chevalier did not really participate in the conversation but he was actively listening.
He remembered MC telling him that she was going to teach him about all different types of love. Was this one of them? Fraternal love? Familial love?
He did not know, but he felt his face soften and he felt oddly at peace.
The party lasted for a couple of hours, and MC returned to her room feeling light and relaxed. Of course, her fear would not be solved in a single meal but this was a step toward recovery and it was good enough.
Before leaving, Chevalier turned toward his younger brother and said “This party was a good idea, good job, Yves.” Before leaving in a flutter of his cape.
All the prince stood there, shocked by the fact that Chevalier had finally called one of them, aside from Clavis, by his name.
It wasn’t long before the brothers started competing to have there Older\Younger brother call them by their names. 
But that, is a story for another time.
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thomawifey · 1 year
Hi!! I hope everything is going well for you!!
I was wondering if I could request a Ranpo or Poe x reader. Like maybe the reader drunk calls them and confesses in the middle of the night? Only to try and play it off the next day. Only for the reader to be horrible at playing it off?
drunk confession
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pairings: edgar allan poe x reader
contains: ooc, fluff, mentions of alcohol
wc: 850
a/n: HAI ANONN!! so sorry if im late </3 also sorry for not posting, i've been really busy+ writers block but I AM BACK~ (not proofread)
Poe and You were simply just friends, a close one to be exact. Some people might think you guys are dating because you tease or flirt with him too much, but you just like doing it did you?, Poe knew about that.
The bar was a bit crowded, drunkards everywhere. You were out late at night, sitting alone. You brought the whiskey to your lips, taking a sip of it.
After drinking a lot, you're a bit tipsy now– well, drunk actually. You continued to drink more releasing stress you have in your mind.
Everything was spinning, you couldn't comprehend what was happening at this point.
“My head fucking hurt so bad..” you murmured, bringing out your phone.
Scrolling down your phone, you found his number, Edgar Allan Poe.
Not realising what you're doing, you called his number which he answered.
“n-name? it's 11PM, what do you need?” Poe stuttered, a bit worried why you were calling him this late.
“Wanna– hic hear something?”You muttered, taking another sip.
'Oh, the bar.' Poe thought to himself.
He does know about your alcoholic side.
He muttered a 'yes', holding the phone with both of his hands now.
Your lips turned into a smirk, before confessing something–
“I love youu~ did ya hic know what?” you confessed with confidence, the whiskey still in your other hand.
You swore you heard him let out a 'yelp' in shock. Was he not expecting this? Or your stupid teasing was not enough hints?
“U-um.. I– I dunno how to confess but hic yeah.. I love you.. a lot, Poe. Night–”
Before Poe replied to your confession, you hung up on him first. He was a bit disappointed that you didn't wanna hear his answer. On the other hand, you stood up, waving goodbye to the bartender before leaving the bar.
In the morning, you woke up and continued your morning routine like everyday except you took some meds to freshen up.
On the way to work, you opened your phone to see a message from Poe.
[23:54] Poe: Goodnight, name.
[07:35] Poe: Don't forget about the meeting today, see you.
'Pfft- why did Poe say goodnight, what happen–'
Right before you thought about something else, a sudden realisation hits you. Poe? Like Poe you confessed to last night? Yeah, you're definitely not gonna see his face today.
Upon meeting him, you didn't even dare to see his eyes nor face.
'This is just embarrassing, imagine confessing to someone and not even dare to talk to them aga–'
Your mind snapped back to reality, hearing someone called out your name.
“N-name, are you okay?” he asked sounding a bit worried.
He was worried that you didn't look at him at all, and because of last night. Should he be the one bringing this up?
You nodded your head, looking at anything but him.The tension was awkward, both of you sitting in front of each other not saying a word. It was always you leading the conversation but this time was different.
Poe took a deep breath preparing himself to ask you about last night, before you stopped him.
“So.. um, about your novel yesterday? Have you finished it? Haha..” you chuckled awkwardly, eyes still not on him.
“Ah, yes! About the novel, I almost finished writing it, would you perhaps be the first one to read?” he said in excitement, bringing out the novel which was half done.
Nervousness was still with you, thinking of a way to dodge talk about last night. You agreed to read his novel mystery, and he gave you it.
Right before you read it, Poe spoke about it. About last night.
“name.. a-about last night..” he murmured quietly, while your body tense up a bit hearing it.
Putting down the book, you brace yourself to look at him that got him a bit nervous. The tension was sure getting more awkward.
“Right, about last night. I- uh..” you tried to think of the right word for it, not wanting to make a misunderstanding.
While thinking, you felt soft hands intertwined with yours, it was Poe’s.
“Look, I– feel the same as well..”
Within a moment your eyes went wide, a bit shocked by his answer. Did he really love you back or was it just a pity?
While thinking, you felt soft hands intertwined with yours, it was Poe’s.
“Look, I– feel the same as well..”
Within a moment your eyes went wide, a bit shocked by his answer. Did he really love you back or was it just a pity?
“So, does this make us official now or?”
You asked bravely, waiting for his response.
You didn't want to force Poe into a relationship with you, you know there's always the right moment.
Poe gulped before mumbling out a small 'yes'.
Poe swore he could feel the happiness through your eyes and when you gripped on his hands more.
“Ah– I'm also sorry for uh.. trying to dodge about last night.”
“It's okay, name..!” he gave you a soft smile, that gave you butterflies.
He was just too perfect for you.
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diivineray · 28 days
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I have a lot-- most are currently inactive but you'll know when you see them. I'm open however to creating new OTPs and spazzing about them with you.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Its fair game. I am willing to write just about everything except for like underaged stuff. Everything else is fair game if we discuss it beforehand. I'm not easily triggered by things, and a lot of my muses tap into that risque and taboo nature so come at me bruh.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
I agree with what Ash said. we just don't like dealing with toddlers.
Are you selective when shipping?
Not really. I go based off chemistry. This isn't just a muse related thing, its also on how well we write together. Sometimes our writing might not mesh and that's okay. point is, I'll always try.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
idk once clothes come off, bow chicka bow bow. I love smut, I'm not shy about it. I do not use read more's but I will tag. This blog contains heavy amounts of it so it shouldn't be surprising.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Oh boy, literally every one of my muses with @deathfavor. Xie Lian and Mu Qing with @feietouhuo, their love transcends worming. Mu Qing will also eventually come to know their deep infatuation with Pei Ming. (We still have hope.) Also, I don't know if you'd still be down for Peilian, but like 🥺and, of course, anything with Xian le trio. @dcstinyscdgc with Fei Fei and Ruolan <3 some new ships i got going with leona I am loving with @verreprincesse & @duunswitch ! Of course leona's very OG prince @farspirit. If i am forgetting anyone hit me fndsklfs but the gist is I got a lot <3
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Nah, but if that helps you by all means go for it. I think ships work very much like real relationships and I love when things kind of just pop up on their own. When the chemistry is cooking ya know?
How often do you like to ship?
i'd be a lying hoe if I said not all the time so.
Are you multiship?
yep!! There are some muses it might take me some time to open up with, but every muse is different, and I don't wanna do myself the disservice of missing out on cool peeps by not branching out.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
half and half?? Like I love ships, but I also really do like exploring other aspects of my muses than just the romantics.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
twst: leovil tgcf: fenglian /peiwen mdzs: wangxian
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Asks !! IM's !! I know IM's suck, but I don't give my discord very easily these days so IMs are the best way to go.
tagged. @feietouhuo ( sending you smooches thank u worm qing) tagging. @dcstinyscdgc, @verreprincesse, @duunswitch, @ghostlypath & anyone else who wants to do this
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midnightmah07 · 3 months
*swings legs cutely* 💘 and mayhaps 🖤 for Leona and Isa
Also, I didn't mean to type "Zuki" I meant Zuko, as you said, I don't proofread stuff, it's a family trait(literally only me and my mom do this) And I was gonna share some traits they had but didn't want to blabber on for too long(that and bcus the traits I'd have shared would've been obvious tbh). Anyway
HEYYYYY!!! Also yeah I figured 😭 I was like wondering if u meant Zuko or Suki, but u said honor so I was "oh it's probably Zuko"
Also,,, taking the opportunity of making this for my pirate au,,,,
🖤 kissing while crying / goodbye kiss / desperation
Leona felt an immense amount of pain upon receiving a kick on his face by the marines. His crew defeated, his hands and feet tied together, the pirate captain still couldn't take his eyes off his fiancé– no, his wife, who was currently being taken away by them.
Ever since convincing Isabelle to run away with him, he and his crew had been accused of kidnaping a princess. Still, she herself chose that lifestyle, she chose to marry him despite being an outlaw; she had never once done anything that she didn't want to.
"Enough!" She screamed, using her ankle to hurt the marine who was trying to take her to their crew. She ran past a few others, finally reaching Leona, and used his sword to point at them in an attempt to protect him. "Leave him alone, and I'll come with you all peacefully."
"Shut it, Leona." She ordered, and he did as he was told. The marines agreed, telling her to let the sword go. "Let me say goodbye. Then I will."
The marine crew looked at their captain, who hesitantly nodded, making Isabelle drop the sword and immediately turn to look at Leona, cupping his face in her hands. She noticed his injured eye and a few cuts, mainly on his lips and cheeks, it made her wince.
"Listen. I'm- I'm sorry I never–"
"I don't care about what you're about to say, dang it, you're not being taken away." He said, his tone fully reminiscent as an order as a captain, but Isabelle simply sighed. "I'm not losing you again."
"Leona, it's over. We're surrounded." Isabelle pleaded, her green eyes inspecting his. She always wished for him to try and fight for what he wanted but now? It was not the situation for that. She needed him to give up. "What I can do is say a proper goodbye."
"You're not leaving."
"You came here with full consent there's no reason for them to take you back."
"Leona, listen–"
"I need you here." He rested his face on her shoulder, basically mumbling at this point, eye stinging from anger and frustration. "You can't go."
Isabelle hugged him for a few seconds, until a marine warned her to be over with it. She made him look at her once again, her fingers caressing his cheeks. She pulled him in for a last kiss, a slow, passionate one, so that she'd be able to convey at least a fraction of how much she loved him.
Once parted, she gave him a quick peck again. Eyes red from what she was about to say.
"Please. Just forget about me and move on with your life." One last time, she kissed his cheek, and slowly got up, a marine holding onto her arm and forcing her to get aboard their ship.
As she looked behind one last time, she watched as Leona stared at her, his body still, a small frown on his face.
She'd never be able to hold him again.
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sunekichi · 1 year
Unpopular Opinions On Doraemon
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if we take into account all the long 2d doraemon movies (so, excluding stand by me & its sequel), nobita and the windmasters (2003) is the best one by far. although i haven't watched them all yet, none of the others i have watched comes close to this one.
in general, i'm not a big fan of these movies where they go on adventures (the only one i absolutely loved and would watch again with no issues is nobita and the windmasters, maybe nobita's dorabian nights too). this is one of the reasons why i have watched stand by me 2 at least 7 times, despite its flaws. they should bring back short movies like dorami-chan: mini-dora sos!!! and nobita's night before a wedding (but possibly come up with new stories, that take place in the future, considering we already know this one by heart).
the art style they use for the 2005 anime is atrocious, they should have sticked with the one they used in the late 90s and early 2000s, it was so polished. well, with the 2018 animation update things only got worse. at least many of the episodes that came out between 2005 and 2017 were fun, but the recent ones are boring as fuck and most are just bad remakes of classic episodes.
saved the most important for last: some of the grown ass men in this fandom call shizuka a gold digger and they don't even know they're talking about. you've probably seen this image already, now tell me: what kinda power does gian have? because nowadays you have more chances of solving your problems with money, not violence (that's gonna get u in jail if anything). she didn't even need dekisugi's help with homework since her grades were pretty good as well. it's actually common for students to enjoy studying with their friends. and who are her other friends? exactly, 3 kids who couldn't care less about school, so no wonder she'd rather do her hw with dekisugi. also, what's wrong with a rich kid inviting his friends to his family trips? cuz if i recall correctly suneo always invited shizuka AND gian, never only shizuka. and that's bc those 2 are his closest friends. and let's not forget she married the guy who wasn't rich or good at school, which says a lot about her. mind u they got married when they were 24-25, doraemon had prolly been gone for a decade by that time (so she did not marry nobita for the fucking gadgets). she chose him over dekisugi, who had also proposed to her (the others hadn't, which makes sense bc it was always platonic what they had going on with her). this speaks volumes on her character i think, she could have had a flawless guy who works as a fucking astronaut (=💸) but she said no.
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i would like to know if y'all agree, especially abt the last one. my other opinions i know are quite controversial: idgaf. and i might make a part 2 cuz why not!
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itsjaywalkers · 7 months
hi laurie <3 how is your health? do you feel better?
there’s another big discourse about regulus character, what is ooc for him, what is not, was he right, did he deserve redemption or did he deserve to die as villain. you know, same old conversation, but it made me curious about your vision of his character! how do you view him in canon? do you think he was more morally dark than grey or more grey than dark? tell me everything please <3
hi lovely!! my health's fine, i'm completely recovered!! it was a tough week but i survived that stupid chest infection
oooooh u know i don't care about discourse but i love how u just brought it up to . turn it into a nice lil debate and ask about my portrayal of a character <333
we obviously don't get a lot about reg in canon but i think we get enough!! a couple of what could be core traits (since what we learn of him is all from sirius pov who's . quite biased) and some of his backstory!! so yes, he's kind of a blank slate of a character, which is incredibly fun when it comes to fanfiction but also . i truly believe there's a foundation here, even if a tiny unstable one yk??
anyways, to me, regulus is quite morally grey, but i don't think . he's more dark or more grey . the lovely kat (@messrsage) wrote a very interesting post about this a while ago, they talked about how the black brothers are both morally grey, and that sirius isn't more good or regulus more bad. they move up and down the spectrum, depending on who they keep as friends, on what influences them and their environment. i think the word kat used was morally fluid?? or something along those lines. and i absolutely agree!!
i don't believe sirius was better or inherently good. i just think that they had different responses for the same trauma. that they surrounded themselves by very different kinds of ppl. neither of them is in the right or in the wrong, yk?? they're both victims!! regulus thought that . obeying and listening to their parents and doing what he was told was the best course of action and there's nothing wrong with that
sirius implies that reg wasn't . capable of thinking on his own . that he was 'soft enough to believe them' (referring to their parents) which has always made me think that . despite reg definitely believing in blood supremacy and all that bullshit, at least for a while, it wasn't because he rationalised the whole thing all by himself and thought it was True and Right and Genuine, but that walburga and orion said this was how the world worked and he didn't think of questioning it. sirius did and look where that got him, right?? and besides, those are his parents, and despite how strict and cruel they can be sometimes, they love him, regulus knows they do, so why would they lie. i think he was comfortable, in a way, in the life that his parents made for him, and if not fighting back and agreeing with everything also stopped the abuse then even better
it's like the death eater thing. i'm sure his family had a lot to do with it!! and sure, it was also implied that reg had this weird nerdy fixation with voldemort, but i don't think that means . he was bad . voldemort was such a powerful wizard, and his family, or at least part of it, supported him and chose to follow him, so why wouldn't he find him interesting?? or even worthy of admiration?? he ended up betraying him and sacrificing himself the moment he realised what voldemort actually intended to do. besides, he was a fucking kid. people tend to forget that he was literally 16 when he joined the death eaters. and idk about u, but i was a fucking idiot at 16. not awful or anything, ofc, but i still did and said a lot of shit i'm not proud of, simply bc i didn't know better. but the thing is that i wasn't expected to!! bc again, i was just a kid!! doesn't excuse any of my mistakes, but i do think it's a fact that u gotta take into account when u try to judge someone
i think regulus wasn't a hero, but he wasn't a villain either. i think he was a terrified boy trying to survive. trying to make his family proud. and by the time he finally realised his mistake, it was too late. he still tried to fix his shit, and i think that matters. does that make him a good person?? nah, not really. but i think it makes him human
on a more surface level, my regulus is . proud . stubborn . spoiled . posh . mean in a non-targeted way, it's never personal to him (or not usually) and he's not trying to hurt anyone, it's just . a defence mechanism?? part of his personality, in a way. he isn't trying to be cruel on purpose. i think he's also a curious person, but it's a part of him he tends to ignore or supress, bc his parents don't like it. i think he's a follower and that he hates being the centre of attention, but at the same time, he's jealous of the way sirius seems to have everyone's eyes on him when he enters a room. he can be petty and resentful, but he's also shy and quiet and so very soft. it's a side of him that not a lot of ppl get to see, bc it's weak, but it's very much there, and i think that's the regulus that sirius knew most of his life. the regulus that he knew (or at least wanted to believe) was still there, which probably make him speak of him in such a . gentle way?? like yes, he called him an idiot but he has no qualms about cursing the rest of his family out, and he's pretty mean to all of them (with good reason) except andromeda and regulus. to me, that means he still loved his brother, and if sirius is still capable of . caring about regulus, at least to a certain degree, without even knowing about his change of heart . well . he couldn't have been that awful
there's also quite the debate about the kreacher thing, and whether reg was actually kind-hearted enough to believe and defend elves' rights or if it was simply the fact that it was kreacher, his house elf, and nothing else. personally, i don't think it matters that much. whatever his reason was, he still decided to betray voldermort over it, and tried to do the right thing, even tho the risk was High and he didn't know if he'd make it. that's what i believe says more about his character than what his exact tipping point was
and god i'm gonna shut up now, this turned out to be so ridiculously long i just . find regulus so interesting SORRY NONNIE😭
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thedemonscrawler · 1 year
Hi! Ask game 💖🦅🤲🤩🧠 (Sun/Moon)
💖 What made you start writing?
Uuuuuh brainworms i guess 8I I mean I wrote as a little kid, like most little kids do, and I wasn't discouraged from doing it. I don't really know, I guess. If you read enough stories you eventually have to start making your own? And I lucked out that no one ever told me to stop?
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
I already answered this one, so I'll go more in depth!
Permission Slip actually has two kinds of outlines. The first is the 'main' outline, where I wrote out the main plot points. It hangs out at the very top of the document, after a section dedicated to notes.
This was the outline for chapter 1 and half of chapter two:
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Some of the details changed once I actually wrote the scenes, but there was no reason to go back and change the outline by that point, so it sticks around as a neat record.
I don't write chronologically, I jump up and down the timeline and write on whatever scene I happen to be feeling. I also have a terrible memory and PS is really long, so to keep from forgetting where I was going with a scene when I come back to it later, I have scene outlines. This one is for the middle of chapter 11:
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They're a lot more focused, though you can see there's still a lot of wiggle room in what I'm planning and what I end up doing. They end up sprinkled throughout the chapter and get deleted as I go along. The scene outlines can be brief (one of the funniest I wrote just said 'Gregory is sad 8(' ) or they can be almost play-by-play, it just depends on what I need.
Honestly I recommend trying it if you have a hard time organizing your thoughts. Its a lot easier to navigate a conversation when you can refer back to a few sentences that say "okay they talk about this thing, and then this thing, and then this character gets mad and says this".
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
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🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Sun. 100% it's Sun.
🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
I have just forgotten any and all headcanons I have for them
Sun's sensory array has been pretty fun! He's coy about it because I think it amuses him, but his rays are designed to read air pressure in some pseudo-sciencey way, which is how he maps out the room around him. It's not foolproof; Freddy took them off guard at the end of chapter 4 because Sun couldn't sense him, the Green Room's window just registered as a solid wall and he had no idea someone was in it. He also can't sense anything smaller than a baby (theoretically the smallest thing he'd need to know is there), so real small stuff has to rely on his regular vision. But tbh? His array would make him even better at navigating somewhere pitch black than Moon, since infrared needs at least a tiny bit of light to work.
Moon flinches when you touch him. It isn't because he anticipates pain or because it hurts or you take him by surprise, like he can watch you reach out towards him and he'll still flinch when you make contact. It's just... something he does.
Bonus Moon headcanon: He likes bugs. as evidenced by the comic >u< he's a bugboy. The only reason he doesn't keep one as a pet is he agrees that there's too much risk of it escaping into the Daycare. Sun... tolerates the bugs, in that "I don't personally like them but you do and I love you so I'll support your interests" kind of way
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asteriaas-stuffs · 2 years
I'm this anon i thought u left Tumblr , happy to see u back. It took me so much to time to make this decision,i was contemplating myself if i want to share my life or not. I don't want to seem desperate. There'll be grammatical errors pls don't mind it :)
I have been trying to enter void since the end of Oct 2021, I've tried numerous method nothing seems to work for me. The main thing is I can't get a hold of my thoughts, whenever i try my mind wanders to everything that i suffered from childhood,my dad used to drink alcohol,he have anger issues,my parents fought most of the time bcoz of he being a drunkard, everytime they fight i sits like that don't affect me but deep down it does i agree that they had done so much to me, If i ever tell them to buy me something they'll gladly do that but i was scared to even ask them for something small,they used to beat me and scold me if i score less so being scared i studied hard without sleep to top class but i never succeeded i did got good grades but never been first. The funniest thing is i don't even remember any happy memories from my childhood everything i remember is my pathetic cries and my parents screaming each other. Sometimes I'm jealous of my younger brother he still don't know that my parents were toxic, whenever they fought my relatives used to keep him away from them bcos he was a child no one gave 2 f*cls about my emotions and as i grew up i also decided to keep him away from their fight bcoz i don't want him to suffer from the trauma as I'm suffering now.
I'm happy that my dad changed for good,he don't drink anymore but still my parents have no idea what i had gone or I'm going through bcoz of them. I want to have a convo with them regarding this but whenever i try to talk i ends crying. Pathetic i know.
I'm soon to be 21,and all these years people including my whole family have insulted me bcoz of my skin colour,my acne,my bodyfat(I'm 54kg) , how big my face is. They never missed a chance in pointing out my insecurities, even yesterday i attended a function and everyone was like "god you're getting worse by each passing day" only one of my cousin complimented me bcoz of my outfit. Everyone wants me to get married,the marriage pressure is too much here, I'm confused about my future after completing 12th my parents forced me to study CA,and I've been failing the exam continuously. I don't have a proper degree.
And when i was 12 my close cousin brother (my aunt's son) groped me and touched my private area not just touch i don't know how to completely elaborate it here,my hands are shaking literally ,he did that while i was sleeping,i never got enough courage to share it with anyone even my own parents. And after 5 years he msged me saying he's sorry for doing that and said he loved me,he don't even know what I'm going bcoz of his sick antics, he's a sick ass mf. After his msg i blocked him saying i don't have any interest in someone like him who's nearly a r*pist. And later on he got married to a girl who looks somewhat similar to me just to quench his thirst. I hate him to core.
Even though my parents have gave me a lot of trauma,i still don't hate them idk why,i want to give them a better life,a better house. I want them to be proud of me,i want to show people what i really am,i want to have a career,a better body. and moreover i want to move on from my past life and to forget about what my cousin did to me that's literally a nightmare for me.!!
So whenever i try to enter void these are the thoughts that goes on my mind and I'm scared everytime that what if i fail in entering. Idk what to do anymore with life.
Okay I'm crying not because i pity you or anything cause I don't pity you . I have gone to same. And ig there was someone out there having the same issues. Know that you're not alone . I'm telling you compare your problems with other but you're not alone babe . I freaking wanna hug you . I love so so much. I'm so freaking proud of you really cause you're so brave for growing through this shits and your emotions are valid . You matter to me . You matter to yourself. Although these small words won't be enough but reading all these paragraph made me cry and I'm not even lying. You have really gone through alot . I'm so proud of you surviving through these . So , now my piece of advice think me as older sister in your house that where you grew up like this but i managed to moved out and now I'm telling/forcing you , it's your turn babe . Don't you dare to look back . Ik it might be selfish but don't you dare to look at your brother and your family . First save yourself, then save others .
You don't need method to enter void . Let's stop assuming that . Ik it's hard cause you have gone through a lot . Try to stay as quiet as possible in the house . They tell you do this then do and smile force it . It's a way to trigger them .
Ik how family problems crushes you . Your feeling are valid but do you really need those bastards (sorry ) affection ??? They never paid attention to you . You're their daughter . You should be their priority. They should care about you not you should be doing the opposite . Just them giving food water education shelter doesn't mean that they get every right to abuse you physically and mentally. You still want them to be happy give a good life even thinking about them you're so freaking good daughter. You don't need their validation to prove all the other who knows your story knows how much good daughter, sister you're. And tbh it's no point telling them what you think cause think me as a older sister i tried but it never worked it didn't and it wouldn't. They don't care babe they don't . Rather than needing their validation i hope you can start getting your validation cause you deserve all the love and attention . And I'm praying that you will heal you definitely will . Get a therapy if possible a good one .
After 12th see if you had raised your voice you wouldn't be stuck . We do what they want to be good but tbh we end up stuck . And if you think you're late then you're not. You're only 21 there's a whole life ahead of you . Get a job ik it's hard if you live in South Asia. Start as anything i mean anything legal jobs cause you have your 12th certificate .Drop out for a year . Take break and work . After collect money start small business like candle, baking anything that you think will have potential. Ik it might be thinking oh it's easy to say for her cause either way she's living the way she wants but no been through that and I'm sharing as a older sister who moved out . And start working on self concept ( can you dm me on Instagram) . Then we will talk it privately .
I'm so sorry that you experienced SA in small age . I'm so sorry that you have gone through a lot . I'm praying that you will recover no matter what . Know your feelings are valid and you ain't pathetic and ik you cried while writing this so I'm so freaking proud of you . I love you so so much . You're enough my love .
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shopcat · 2 years
i personally need s5 to leave the jancy/stancy triangle in the dust i’m so tired of it. like i used to like jancy!! but having jonathan say nancy would abandon her dreams to be with him was so strange bc he knows she wouldn’t do that so it was like what are we even doing why are we inventing drama. and what happened to jonathan wanting to go to nyu? like to an extent i understand the weird stancy revival bc they never resolved their issues but it Was weird to me that robin was pushing nancy towards steve when i can’t imagine a world where robin doesn’t know how that relationship ended. and i would have liked the nancy and steve talks more if they weren’t so stancy forward i wish they could just acknowledge that they meant something to each other but that they’re never going to be the person the other needs romantically. can they be friends they would be so much better if they were just friends. + the only person atp i want steve to end up with is robin platonically.
agree on all counts let's go skip together holding hands. it's SOWEIRD but it's like whatever u can't do much about what's been #done and can only pray for a good wrap up of it all... personally i try and look at it as objectively as my own mind can handle and i've talked about this a little like how... all their little talks in the woods was about how they're just acknowledging what they mean to one another... and i'm even okay with steve maybe being hung up on his feelings like it's FINE but the obvious conclusion there SHOULD be that they reconcile and both move on not fucking ?! go backwards
and it is hilarious that one of the entire little monologues was about how he crawls backwards and he would be crawling backwards to nancy 😭 and so would she!!! i saw someone once say his 6 little nuggets thing was (beyond it being a death speech) just a way to gauge her reaction and she never even REALLY said anything other than some encouragement like i think she was like "that's nice" and that was it and it was a tool for them to realise they AREN'T meant to ultimately end up together even if they didn't break up their fundamental worldviews wouldn't shift. and i also think that speech was obv obv more about metaphors and he doesn't actually want 6 kids he just wants a family and a future and a life beyond hawkins but can't forget his connection to the kids as well and that nancy was and is still important to him etc etc. not that they should fucking. elope or whatever.
like one of the most interesting things to me and it is one of the reasons i'm more positive st4ncy at the very least won't be endgame is how nancy SPECIFICALLY is entirely career orientated like you said + does not want to just become another suburban mom. and then steve describes this insane scenario where she's BEYOND a suburban mom at that point it's like one of the most extreme versions of the literal NIGHTMARE from the little rant in season 1 jonathan described (and i'm hoping that it's all deliberate or i'll kms). and then JONATHAN doesn't want to tell her he didn't get into college because "she'll give up her dream for him" or whatever like it was literally just created to be this intentional alternative to steve's "settle down and have a family" thing, "i won't hold you back from your dream school just for our relationship which makes you end up settling into the suburbanite you don't want to be" and imo DOES show jonathan does obviously know her more/care for her because he doesn't WANT her to do this bc he knows how much her career and going to that college meeeans for her future and for her own like sense of self but the way they try and show this was just a weird and sloppy attempt to revive the love triangle yeah.
which is unfortunate but the good news is season 5 will end in steve with a new york boyfriend and robin in a polyamorous throuple with a deli worker and a life model.
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