#but also like the homework was to name different parts of a tree
duskymrel · 3 months
Part 7 of TWST as my friend group quotebook
In case any of you were wondering no my friends and I aren’t even real. We should be perceived by nobody. Also, as always, any line with a '^' before it was said, done, or about yours truly <3
Ace: if I were gay I’m just saying I’d be a gay top. Ace: …I’m not gay tho
Floyd: Do i have to behave?🥺👉👈
Deuce: Are you supposed to feel different when you get baptized? I feel like the movies really exaggerated it. ^Epel: You get dunked in water. You feel different because you’re sopping wet.
Azul: You’re such a baby ^Floyd: I am what I eat ♥️
^Cater: I swear to GOD I felt my heart drop to my vagina-
^Leona: The only thing I like more than serving cunt is eating it Ruggie: Babe, are you okay? You haven’t touched your char-cunt-erie board
^Leona: I consider myself a feminist but sometimes I regret my ancestors fighting for my rights because now I have to do homework
Azul: Do they just ah♪(that’s a c note ☝️🤓) and make a baby??
Lilia: bazinga
Idia: Make prison great again
Epel: Y’all, vote me for president, I’ll give you what you really want ^Jack: Mr. President, what are you going to do about gun laws, corruption in the government, and the rights of minorities? Epel: Plant trees and give out free weed ^Jack: …okay
Leona: i am NOT getting fingered 😤
^Ace: I SWEAR ON MY MOMMA’S COOCHIE- Idia: not little meow meow 😨😭 ^Lilia meows
^Ruggie: $10 to sniff my toes, 20 to suck them Rook: You’re getting paid?
Vil, about ^Rook: Next thing you know I’m going to be seeing your name on the news saying there was an international incident
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rainesol · 4 months
Naga culture and customs for oc worldbuilding!
Decided to compile some things for any past or future Ksho fics!! Not all of these are identical to snake behaviour 🫵 don’t freak your pets out/j
Long post!!
Ksho typically stands between 6’5 and 7’. He adjusts his height depending on who he’s talking to. However, he always adjusts himself to be taller than whoever he’s looking at. This isn’t out of intimidation! Naga have poor eyesight, and it’s an old tradition to stand above who you’re talking to to cast a shadow on their face and see it better! Disrespect would be shown through standing above someone but not tilting the head down, and instead looking down their nose or tilting the head up and glaring down. You can have casual conversation laying or sitting though.
Naga houses are well decorated on the outside! The walls are adorned with colourful feathers, plants and murals. Once again, poor vision. If the buildings blend in with the trees, people walk into them.
Kissing isn’t often done. Especially on the head. Think about what a mouth on the head would mean to a snake. Very rude. A forehead bump is an affectionate alternative. Kisses, though rare, are normally planted on the shoulder.
Dancing is common! In the original Jungle Book novel, Kaa hypnotises prey through dance, not his eyes. It’s a reference to that.
The transition from infant->toddler->child is quicker in Nagas. It’s common to see little kids out alone with no adult supervision. They’re fine 👍
Surprisingly touchy! It’s commented on that Ksho is surprisingly comfortable resting against his parents could for someone of ‘his age’.
Another greeting- tongue flicking. It might feel weird if you’re not part snake, but it’s just so they can commit your scent to memory. It can range from something you do without thinking for someone you just met, to something vastly more intimate between friends, family or partners. Depends on how up close and personal you’re getting. Tongue in general vicinity/face: hey dude nice to meet you. Tongue out while cuddling, in neck or right up against skin: this dude likes you and wants to be able to pick you out in a crowd.
Aggression is similar to that of snakes. A huff (similar to a hiss, but smaller and quieter. A little squeaky puff of air): annoyance, could also be curiosity, could also be panic. A hiss (huge exhale. Lot of air coming out of a small hole. Spooky noise): actually anger, back off before you get bit. Tail wags: aggression again. Back off.
Zero waste community. Similar to the Na’vi in Avatar, every part of an animal gets put to use. The leader of Ksho’s village wears false wyvern wing ear cuffs, and Ksho has a bracelet made of crocodile teeth.
Very gender neutral. In an ask, I refer to some Naga kids by ‘they’ only. This is the complete standard for them. (Their language is also gender neutral, but still) Post hatching, you can’t really tell what sex a baby is. So all names in Serpentine are gender neutral!
Clothing is seen more as an accessory than something to cover you. They’re reptiles. Nothing on that torso to cover or support.
Body standards are different. Everyone has stretch marks. Everyone has fluctuating hip size. Also, python specific, but big=tough. In the book, Kaa takes any comments on his weight as a compliment. (At the end of book three, Ksho doesn’t actually get what’s embarrassing about the photo. Loads of people look like that.)
Shedding. Very personal. A vulnerable time. Very close people may allow each other to assist in removing shed skin from the scalp. Assisting in shedding is a close and intimate act. Ksho is pre-shed when first properly introduced and comes across as shy and sensitive.
Post shedding? Dude I look awesome. Common to compliment each other post-shed.
Sleeping. When you’re tired, you sleep. Even if you had work to do. Ksho had quite the culture shock because of this. Wdym it’s lazy to sleep first and do homework later? Surely my work will be better when I’m well rested?
Eating cycles. Be respectful of these. Just after eating=sleepy. Go away. Also very vulnerable. If you’re close, you may be allowed to hang out post-meal, though.
Don’t be shocked by the views on minor injuries. Broken ribs are as common as broken toes.
A lot of the body is not to be touched. Stomach? We’re not friends. Head? Don’t threaten me. Tail? That’s basically my crotch. Consent is key. Don’t get yourself crushed in self defence.
Fight or flight is STRONG. No sneaking up on people.
Waving is best when making it very obvious. I can see best when you’re moving. Another thing to catch attention is vibrations. Hit the ground then beckon.
Serpentine sign language is a combination of tactile sign language and visual. The visual signs are wider and more obvious.
Common to bathe in groups. There’s a lot of you to wash and dry. Ksho doesn’t visit Pomefiore because he has to wipe his whole body before entering.
Kids are taught early to watch their strength.
Infant-> hatchling. Toddler/child-> snakelet.
I may rb with a part two should more ideas strike!!!
@tixdixl @cyanide-latte @the-trinket-witch @thehollowwriter @elenauaurs
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airplanned · 1 year
Castletown Academy 2
Zelda produces an overwhelming amount of legal paperwork to make this happen.
Zelda passed a thick binder across the table at the coffee shop.  "The first section is my proposed prenuptial agreement--it should be straight forward, since we will not have any joint marital assets.  The second section is a lease for the mother-in-law unit behind my house.  It's set up like a rental unit, so it's self contained.  I've never used it for anything other than storage.  You'll be able to have privacy and autonomy while we share a mailing address.  It will also be easy to car pool.  I don't expect rent, but you would be responsible for your utilities."
Link's eyebrows hiked as he looked over the pictures she'd put in at the back.  His friend leaned in over his shoulder to look too.  Supposedly, this man was a lawyer, but it was clear from the look on his face that he had not been prepared for the full force of Zelda's paperwork.  The man had a bushy mustache, spoke even less than Link did, and looked as if he might start sweating.
Maybe this was a bit overkill.  Maybe this was a bad first impression on Link's friend.
She hurried to say, "The details are in there.  You can come and look at it first, of course.  The lease is a formality, just to protect us both if things go wrong.  If there's anything in there you would like adjusted--"
"You don't want rent?" Link asked.
Oh.  "You're going to be my husband.  That would be strange."
He snorted and then tried to act like it was a cough.  The friend hummed.
"The next section is a draft of an addendum I'll be adding to my will once we're married.  It will set up a trust fund for Flora to use for school in the case of my death."
Link nodded, but the lawyer hummed again in disapproval.
Zelda was about to bristle and explain that they had an understanding, but Link cut in first.  "I don't need to be in her will."
"Okay," he said.  Then, "Most husbands are in their wives' wills."
"We're doing things differently."
"Okay," he said.  Then, "Just seems kinda weird."
Link rolled his eyes.  "You knew your wife for two weeks before you proposed."
The man shrugged.  "Knew her last name before I did."
"And now I get to kiss on her."
"Do you have anything helpful to add?" Link asked.
"Okay then."
"...Just seems like a bad idea."
"Your official lawyer advice is that it seems like a bad idea?"
"...No, that's friend advice.  I'll have to read first to give you lawyer advice."
"That's--Great.  Thanks, Hudson."
The lawyer friend nodded and hummed to tell Link he was welcome.
Link's eyes darted up to hers in apology, and she bit her lip and took a deep breath.
"The last section is information that might be useful about me and Ralphie.  Contact information for his doctor and baby sitters and piano teacher.  He's allergic to amoxicillin.  That kind of thing."
"Oh, that's a good idea," Link said.  "I should type something up about me and--"
He flipped to the section, and his words died in his mouth.
Yes, she had definitely gone overboard.  But it all seemed like things he would need to know if he became a part of their lives.  Overviews of their schedules--when she left for work and what day Ralphie had therapy and how he was expected to do homework and piano before he played any video games.  Some house rules.  Some information about what she did for a living, which people tended to not understand.  A family tree in case one of her cousins dropped by.  Information about the house.  Medical histories.  Some background information about where she grew up and went to college and work history (Goddesses, it looked like a resume).  Some background about Ralphie's anxiety and the timeline she'd drawn up about the bullying he'd faced at school.  A copy of the restraining order they have against Ralphie's father and a copy of the paperwork terminating parental rights.
Her whole life laid bare and handed over to someone she barely knew.
And it was a lot.
She cleared her throat.  "I--"
The lawyer leaned in again to read over Link's shoulder, and Link flipped to the front of the binder, popped open the metal rings, and removed the sections the lawyer would need to look over.  He took the papers, and Link closed the notebook, quietly protecting her privacy.
"Are you okay with getting married at town hall?" he asked.  "We could do a party later.  A temple service if--"
She hurriedly agreed, "Town hall is fine.  I think the children should be there, but beyond that..."
"Exactly.  I have a black suit and Flora has a pink dress and a green dress.  They're from Malo Mart.  The dresses, not the suit.  But I can get us something nicer, if you want."
"I'm sure they're cute.  Ralphie has a button up shirt and a bow tie."
"That sounds adorable."
"It is."
"Flowers?" he asked.  "I can get flowers."
"Do you want to get flowers?"
"Yeah.  What's your favorite kind?"  He'd had a note pad in front of him the whole time, but he had yet to write anything down.  Now he reached for his pen.
"Silent princesses," she said.
He nodded, writing it down. "Do you want to go eat afterwards?  There's that Tabanthan place nearby.  The food is really good.  It's nice. But not so nice the kids couldn't come."
"That would be excellent."
"Would Friday work for you?  We could go after I pick up Flora from school."
"About 4:30?  That sounds good as long as all the contracts are signed by then."
Link turned to his lawyer friend, who shrugged.  "I'll see what I can do."
Link pulled a folded sheet of paper from the back of his note pad, but hesitated before handing it over.  "These are some ring designs I thought were nice, but now...maybe I should read your packet and see if I can find something that's more you?"  The tips of his ears pinkened as he passed it across. 
"You don't have to--"
The perfect ring looked up at her.  One round diamond with two little ones on either side set flush in a simple band.
There were eight other rings on the page, all in a variety of styles--geometric and swirling, clunky and delicate, different cuts and different sizes, some with additional colored stones.  He was giving her options.  But he'd found the perfect one.
She lay the paper down between them and pointed.  "That one."
A smile twitched across his face, and he circled the ring in a haphazard circle with his pen.  "What's your ring size?"
"Six.  Yellow gold, please.  I do get hives with other metals."
"Gotchya.  Does tomorrow work for Flora and I to come over to see your mother-in-law suite?"
"Yes."  She shook herself and pulled out her slate to check her schedule.  "I won't be home until six."
"Is 6:30 too late?"
"Not at all."
He wanted to get her a ring.  He wanted to get flowers.  He wanted to take her to dinner.  Her heart shouldn't flutter so much.  She should put a pause on the conversation and make sure they were on the same page that there wouldn't be any romantic entanglement.
She should.  But she didn't. He was just being kind, trying to make this process as pleasant as possible.  He'd been married before, and was probably well aware that this could scarcely be called a wedding.  The rings were just to keep up pretenses with the school.  Surely, they didn't give tenants and roommates sibling benefits.
"Awesome," Link said, finishing his note to himself.  "Flora will still have another week of school after we go to the court house.  I don't want to be too disruptive, so once school's over, we can pack up the apartment and move the week after."
"I can hire movers if you'd like.  They can pack for you."
He looked up at her in confusion.  "They would...pack my stuff for me?"
"If you'd like."
He blinked at her.  "Let me think about it."
They stared at each other.
"Are we good?" he asked.
She straightened her spine and gave a relieved sigh.  "I think so."
Link smiled at her.
The lawyer friend mumbled, "Fastest wedding planning I've ever seen."
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sketch-twentytwo · 11 months
Redux Robotix AU
AU in which George Beard is bumped up to the third grade when he transfers to Jerome Horwitz Elementary School at the funny age of FIVE, leaving Harold Hutchins to make friends with an unlikely ally.
@infini-tree already did an AU based on this concept (their Lab Comix Inc. AU), which you should totally check out! But I wanted to try my own take!
My version is less of a roleswap, and more so a self indulgent exploration of the space—I’m mostly following the canon of the books, but this AU might ebb and flow into the movie, who knows?
Without George to save him from bullies in book 9, I think Harold remains a timid and quiet boy. He’d continue to be mild mannered and polite, just trying to stay out of the limelight as best he can in order to avoid trouble.
Harold and Melvin meet when Melvin successfully showcases his latest robot to the class. There's no funny business to intrude on his presentation, meaning when the robot inevitably malfunctions it is 100% his fault. Harold would essentially draw fanart of the robot destroying a city which sparks their interaction.
Melvin is outraged that Harold would think of his intentions as evil or destructive and Harold, without a confrontational bone in his body, would quietly apologize and dejectedly crumple up the drawing. Melvin, recognizing some of his own loneliness in Harold, apologizes for his own outburst and suggests Harold draw his robot saving the city instead. Then he’d give advice and pointers for robotic designs and the two would grow closer from there.
Melvin is still egotistical, but having a friend who doesn’t constantly make fun of him or his inventions helps him mature emotionally. Harold remains the quieter one of the two, but he’d become less shy and more silent by choice. He helps Melvin mellow out from being the disliked tattletale, allowing him be cool and relaxed. I imagine he provides Melvin a friendly outlet and introduces him into a world of creativity.
I believe George inspired a lot of the crude jokes that took place in the Treehouse Comix, so with them not being friends, Harold would have had a much milder sense of humor. At the very least, he wouldn’t admit to enjoying the potty jokes as much, but he might still have an involuntary chuckle now and again.
Because Melvin doesn’t have a sense of humor, I think his and Harold's M.O. would by less “entertain the school” based and more “revolutionize the school”. Melvin wants to make things easier for kids so his inventions would reflect that (imagine a Homework Doer 3000 or a Personal Water Fountain that walks with you, or inflatable dummies that let you sneak out of class—that sort of thing).
Melvin still craves adoration/recognition and Harold is fine to let him have all the attention. Publicly, they’d be seen as Melvin as the brains and Harold as his assistant (if anyone bothered to remember that Harold was there at all!), but behind closed doors they would be genuine best friends.
I don’t see Melvin replacing George as a writer, I think this unlikely friendship would result in a different tag team setup. Melvin supplies his ideas for robots, doodads, and inventions while Harold continues to supply the drawings/designs. Harold also probably tries to hype up Melvin's ideas, making them more grandiose and spectacular, though he'd deny any of the credit.
With his help, Melvin is seen less as a nerdy suck up and more a mad scientist whose always jotting down invention ideas into his notebook (it's not like he has to study in class lol). Harold is no longer part of a pranking duo, and is now a silent observer who is always doodling in class instead of paying attention (ADHD strikes again!)
Together they make blueprints and robots under the name Redux Robotix LLC!
Melvin and Harold aren't exactly rule followers, but Melvin is "rules lawyer" enough to semantics his way out of being in trouble, much to Krupp's annoyance and irritation. Generally, Harold doesn't like to make waves while Melvin will fight the system to prove that he was "in the right", even if only by a technicality.
Any trouble the Robotix Duo get into is purely unintentional and probably the result of a robot exploding and causing property damage. In this way they’re still infamous, but their relationship with the teachers is less contrarian.
Which brings me to George.
In Book 9, five year old George was supposed to be bumped up to the Third Grade instead of remaining in Kindergarten, a move his parents rejected so that he could socialize with kids his age.
This is the decision that separates Redux Robotix from Canon. Here, George is three grades ahead of his peers.
As such, George does not meet Harold or Melvin until much, much later, although he has probably heard of Redux Robotix from word of mouth and seen some of the lingering aftermath scattered around the school.
In the books it is implied that George’s defiance and pranks were done out of boredom. I don’t think that would go away, even if he was placed in the “correct” grade.
George continues to struggle in class as a result of his ADHD and being surrounded by peers just as intelligent as him but lacking his sense of humor would definitely drag him down. He’d still be the class clown here, but his pranks would be a lone wolf vs. the world scenario. Think Rafe Khatchadorian from the first Middle School book, except since George is operating alone, he’d try to stay anonymous about his “work”.
George's pranking alias is 80-HD. 80-HD is like the Banksy of Jerome Horwitz Elementary, except his skill set is pranks, not graffiti (though graffiti isn't entirely off the table)!
I'm borrowing the name 80-HD from the Dog Man books as they were canonically created by the OG!George and Harold, meaning it would be something he'd still come up with here! :D
Krupp is onto George, and knows that he’s the culprit for the uptick in silliness and pranks at the school, but throughout George’s four to five years at Jerome Horwitz, he’s never been able to scrounge up any tangible proof that George is 80-HD!
That isn't to say that George is able to evade punishment for his other antics, however. George continues to write his imaginative stories, but without an artist to draw them, I think they remain in prose. 
Since George is no artist and has no Harold to help him make comics, I think he would've created his own newspaper to pass around the school! It's called the Treehouse Tribune, and it is his passion project/creative outlet that he uses to make editorials, spoof articles, parodies, and the like. He sells these babies for 25¢ a pop on the school playground and has gotten detention a bunch of times for it.
George is very lonely, though, since everyone in his grade is three years older than him and thinks he's too immature. People his age are three grades below him and tend to find him either intimating or they're too nervous to approach him (grade politics man, you hate to see it!)
I imagine that George, Melvin, and Harold wouldn’t be adversaries as much as brief acquaintances as the three end up in the principal's office a lot in passing. Melvin and Harold manage to squeeze out of getting detention, leaving George alone to deal with Krupp’s anger.
Because George is alone and very young in a grade with older peers, I think Krupp would've grown a soft spot for him. My Krupp is more inspired by the movie than the books, so instead of being cartoonishly evil and mean, he's just mean and grumpy but well meaning when it comes to bringing out the best in his students. He wants George to grow up, mature, and excel in his classes because he knows George is smart enough to do it. So he's hard on George but does let him get away with a few things here and there (favoritism? what's that?)
The three boys are neutral towards each other prior to the start of Redux's canon (which roughly follows the movie's plot until it doesn't).
Eventually, the trio meets and a reluctant friendship blossoms between the three of them. Both George and Melvin would be easy friends with Harold, since he's the mellowest of the group, but George and Melvin together? Ho boy!
The end game dynamic is that the three kids become friends, with George and Melvin still butting heads from time to time, but ultimately learning to care for one another, with Harold often playing mediator.
(I do have an idea for how/when the titular Captain comes into play, but it might not be in the way that everyone hoped! I kinda find Captain Underpants one of the less interesting characters out of the whole story, the movie included. Movie!Krupp is wayyyy more interesting to me as a person, so if you're disappointed in the lack of CU in this CU AU, then I apologize in advanced!)
That's all for now! Stay tuned for more by following the Redux Robotix AU Blog or tag! Thanks for reading! :D
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inkofamethyst · 3 months
June 13, 2024
I.. don't think I'm as well-adjusted to grad school as I'd hoped. I feel behind but I'm not even sure how to "catch up" or what specifically I am not doing. I just want to do more but I feel intimidated by what "more" might be. My days are mostly empty outside of a single lab-based task that might take one to three hours. Admittedly, I did procrastinate myself out of that bioinformatics "course". I do intend to start that back up again. I do want to learn (I was intimidated by the homework (only recently did I realize that I literally do not actually have to do the homework if I don't want to lol, this is all asynchronous and semi-recreational for my own benefit)). I think that's a major part of why I feel like I could be doing more. My postdoc is working like 12 hour days or something while I come in and lounge for four hours or so (I've recently been making an effort to do six hours though, even if it's just me sitting and reading (fiction >.<) for most of the time (I'll start an anthropology book after this series I promise)).
I have started learning music theory though. Only barely, it feels like, but it's more than any true theory I'd absorbed through the years of band classes and orchestra rehearsals (I know what a "diminished sixth" means now (kinda) and can point it out in sheet music (most of the time)! I can differentiate between three different minor scales (most of the time)!). I plan to leisurely make my way through a semester's worth of lectures on it. I want a good understanding of why music works so I can hopefully get good at improvisation (also I need to relinquish the idea that I'm going to be some improv master at first try--because that's not going to happen. it'll likely take weeks of trials and lots of errors before I get any sort of feel for what sounds "decent").
I've been reading Jade City by Fonda Lee and woah. I think this would make an excellent television show. It's soooo good. Fantasy action, my genre beloved (and politics?? bro im in LOVE), but inspired by a totally different culture than what I typically read. The naming switcharoo took a bit of getting used to sure but it's far more immersive that way. I would love to see this in live action and thirst after Hilo bc you know the casting director would do him right. I'm glad I decided to stick with her on a whim.
I wish the pollen wasn't still so bad (I have to keep my windows open all the time bc no ac, and pollen flies in 24/7 and coats absolutely everything which is the worsttttt. thankfully my bed doesn't get too much of it but UGH), I'd love to spend more time outside. The flowers are lovely but I'm ready for the trees to pack it upppp.
My mom thinks I'm being too social for me to handle. I haven't had a full weekend to just isolate and chill in a month. There's just so much to do, though! I want to do it all now that the weather is warm. This area has lots of events all the time. I have to remember that I have five more years, I guess.
Today I'm thankful that at least I'm not being pushed too hard.
Brought to you from inside the lab (my postdoc has stepped out hehe) where I am desperately trying to find things to do. I think I'm going to register for some trainings or something.
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yandere-mha-blog · 1 year
Tumblr media
Part one
Word count:2266
Well, i know i have been gone for a while, but hey that's life for you. anyway I know some people will be upset I'm just re-writing an story, but hey i like to think my skills and plot devolpment skills have gotten better.
also I'm doing this for fun :3, but ye the story is gonna be a re write, something will be the same and other things will be different, I hope the peeps that have been following this blog for a while will enjoy the re write and see what has changed.
and for those who are new enjoy :D
with out further a do here is part one re written owo
You were thankful the school day was almost over, another numb day. You looked out the window. Seeing a red crested cardinal bird in a tree cleaning its wings, you stared at it while the teacher droned on about another homework assignment.
Till he slammed a large book down on your desk, you jolted and the bird flew off.
“Care to pay attention (name).” he  asked, the whole classed snickered
“I was listening, you said our essay about what college we wish to attend is due tomorrow.” you said, he seemed to bite his tongue
“Good.” he said and walked back up the front of the class
“Now everyone I know you are tired of me saying this, but this is a very important assignment. I want you all to think about your future, and don't look out the windows.”
“Whata prick, he must get off to bullying students.” you thought as you continued to tap your pencil on the piece of paper, truth be told you already knew what college would be best, just to get a start on a literature degree, although you knew that 98 percent of your classmates would end up as a sales representative in some corporate scheme. You were hoping to be in the 2 percent that didn't try to drink themselves to death every night.
Still you still had to help clean the classroom, you went to the closet and pulled the broom and dustpan out and made your way back to the classroom, only to see your desk was missing, and so were your classmates.
You dropped the broom and dustpan on the floor, you walked over to the open window and looked down,and there was your desk and chair on the ground, at least your class wasn't on the third floor, then it would be broken.
You sighed as you grabbed the trash bin and made your way to the incinerator, you tossed the trash in and slammed the thing shut, you sat down on the floor and looked up, still so gloomy, but there was that bird you saw early fly by, well maybe not the same bird, but same species.
Maybe you should just leave your desk outside and not clean the classroom, but you were sure your classmates would find a way to spin the blame on you, you hated them, what you really wanted was for them to just leave you the fuck alone.
You felt a hot tear run down your cheek as you whipped it away, no you weren't going to cry over a bunch of immature assholes bullying you.
Then the smell of smoke hit your nose, ugh it smelt like the patio where you dad would smoke before he quite, you let out a cough, man you couldn't stand the smell of it
“Who the fuck is there?” someone yelled, you flinched, why couldn't you just keep it in. you heard foots stomp over to you, you got up off the ground. And came face to, well chest with the guy.
“Oh just a girl…thought you were a teacher.” he said before taking another drag from his cigarette. “But you're not a snitch are you?”
He blew a puff of smoke in your face, and you started coughing again
“NO, wheeze, I don't care what you do.” you said “I just came here to throw the trash away.”
“...you are skipping out on cleaning duties aren't you?” he said as he dropped the ciggreete and stomped it out with his shoe.
“No.” you said
“Yes you are, otherwise you would be back ,doing your little maid work.” he said
“Okay fine maybe I am, so what?” you said
“Oh she talks.” he said before pulling a cigarette out of his coat pocket “well now you can't report me, want one?”
“No thanks.” you said 
“Come on it looks like to me at least that you need one, you looked stressed.” he said
“No I'm not.” you retorted, honestly you should of just of left, but he wouldn't stop talking
“Then why are skipping cleaning duty, you seem like the type who is a bit straight laced.” he said
“I ... .my classmates tossed my desk and chair out the window when I went to get a broom, and then ditched me.”
“Ah so they have been harassing you?” He asked 
“Classic case of it.” you said, as you slumped on the wall
“Why don't you just slam there faces on the pavement and tell them not to fucking mess with you.” he said, you were taken back a bit, that was a tad bit villent since he said it with a 100 percent serious voice.
“That wouldn't work.” you said as you looked away
“You are kind of a downer, aren't you?” he said
“Suppose I am.” you said
“...what class are you in anyways?” he asked
“2-B.” you said “why?”
“Because the teacher usually comes by here in like 10 minutes to smoke.” He said “so i would just head home.”
“But my desk and the cleaning still need to be done.”
“Listen to me when i say, leave it be.” he said
“...i think i will, thanks…”
“Just call me Dabi.” he said
“Thansk dabi, for listening to me.” you said “i think i'll take your advice.”
He let out a small chuckle “you better...i didn't get your name you know”
“You can call me (name).” you said
You went home and were greeted with your mom who was cooking dinner.
“Oh honey you are home early,...you okay?”
“Hm?” you said snapping out of your thought “im fine, i think i just want to lay down for a bit.” “Okay , dinner will be ready in thirty.” she said as you went to your room and laid down on your bed, rolling yourself in a blanket, you didn't really have an appetite, you knew your teacher would just chew you out tomorrow for not cleaning the classroom, since you knew he would believe your classmates over you.
You picked at your dinner, your father looked at you.
“What's wrong (name) you barely touched your food.” he said
“Sorry, it looks delicious mom, but i'm not feeling hungry, i haven't really had an appetite.” you said
“Hmm, you must be getting sick.” she said as she put a hand to your forehead “well i am not risking it, let's get you a nice cup of water and some rest.”
“Mom,really i'm fine-”
“Nope, off to bed with you.” she said, you decided there was no use disagreeing with her.
You laid down in your bed as your mom set a glass of water on your night stand.
“Mom, I'm not a little kid.”
“Yes but you will always be my child.” she said and placed a kiss on your forehead “now get some rest, i'll call the school in the morning.”
“Mom, really it's fine.” you said
“Nope, night sweetie.” she said turning the light off and closing the door, you sighed and grabbed your phone, you opened your notes app and wrote down
“Mom is worried about me again, letting me miss school tomorrow. I bet those jerks in my class will think i did not show up because of them, i don't like them to know what they do gets under my skin. I can't wait to graduate and be done with this place.”
You placed your phone down and grabbed your book, might as well get some light reading done before.
Dabi was at his usual smoking spot, when his eyes glanced over to a desk chair that was still outside, he looked up and saw a bunch of kids still laughing and pointing at it.
“You think she ran home crying?”
“Haha probably, man wish i could have seen her.”
“I know right, man she is just so pretentious she just has one of those faces.”
“I know what you mean.”
Dabi rolled his eyes at there comments, it was the end of the school day and your chair was still outside, meaning the teacher 
Didn't notice it was missing
Told the kids to get it but didn't enforce it
Also found it funny
Maybe it was time he shake things up a bit, he tosses hs cigarette into a trash can and went inside the school, up the second floor
“Class B, class B.” he mumbled to himself before standing outside the doorway, and slamming the door open.
The kids jumped at the sudden noise and all eyes were on him. 
“You need something?” one of the kids in the middle said
“Which one of you tossed the desk out the window?” Dabi asked, it was silent “i said which one of you threw the desk out the fucking window!
He slammed his fist on the wall, the girls huddled behind the guy, dabi loved seeing the faces of people scared of him.
“Hey man we didn't do anything like that-” “Bullshit, i was outside and heared your comments, you tossed the desk out the window.” he said “And i fucking hate liars.”
“Look we-”
“Shut up.” Dabi said “Now whose idea was it to toss the window out the door, and who is the one who pushed it out?”
“It was his idea.” A girl said and pointed to the ring leader “and he pushed it out the window.”
“See, that was so hard.” Dabi said as he walked over and grabbed there shoulders “everyone else get the fuck out.”
“Hey man look we are sorry-”
“You nearly crushed my damn head with a desk chair.” He said 
“We didn't mean to hit you, it was a prank on our classmate.”
“Oh right, I met her. You know, a nice girl had a chat with her.” Dabi said and gave him a smile, the guy gulped, ”now how about you two see what it's like to be pushed out a window.”
“Wait!’ the guys both yelled before Dabi shoved them out the window, everyone else screamed and looked down
“Oh my god, get the nurse!” The girl who snitch on the two of them yelled
“Oh don't act so shocked, you knew what would happen to them, you put the blame on them so you wouldn't get in trouble.” Dabi said heading towards the door “also if i hear anything about your little group messing with her..well I think you already have an idea of what i will do.”
You went to school the next day, you felt a little better than yesterday. Your mom was right, you needed yesterday off. It was fine all things considered, you read a bunch, finished your homework assignment and even went to the park with your mom to feed the ducks. But it was back to the same old harassment and bullshit.
You felt more eyes on you that day, when you looked at them, they quickly snapped their head in front of them. You obviously saw them, was this another prank by them.
You didn't even notice two classmates were missing, besides it was lunch time.
You ate in your unusual hiding spot far, far away from people. At least you hoped so
“Hiding from your classmates?” A familiar voice said, you looked up and there was Dabi in all his messy uniform glory.
“I just wanted some alone time, so yes.” you said “but also no.”
“I see.” he said and leaned on the wall next to you “Any of them giving you issues?”
“No…well actually, they have been staring at me, then when I look back they snap their heads away, it might be some weird psychological torment, who knows.”
“Hm, it's probs because i sent your classmates a little message.” he said pulling a cigarette out
“You did what?” you asked
“Well, you won't get mad will you?’ He teased “I pushed two guys out the window.”
“YOU DID WHAT?” You yelled “why, why would you do that, are they okay?”
“Does it matter?’ he asked
“Yes, you could be expelled, or-”
“Pfffttt, hahah , no that won't happen.” he said “Are you worried about me.”
“Why would you, are they okay?”
“I mean one broke an arm, and the other a couple ribs, they'll live.” he said
“I…why would you.” you said
“I saw your dead eyes.” he said “I know those types of people, they don't stop until one of them gets hurt.”
“ That's true.” you said and sighed “Still…isn't that a little excessive, what if you get expelled, or they file a report against you.”
“My dad paid them off already.” Dabi said “perks of having a  deadbeat dad who will pay off any incidents you have.”
“You are crazy.” you said “but…thanks.”
“Oh?” he said “so you aren't mad at me?”
“I mean, a little excessive, but if it gets my classmates off my back, then it needs to be done, although…I kind of wish I pushed them out the window.” You said
“See that's the spirit.” he said and bumped your shoulder with his “Look if those assholes give you any issue, let me know.”
“Why do you care?” you asked “Why would you go out of your way like that.”
“Hm, probably because I think you're cute.” he said “well (name), i'll see you around.”
Dabi stomped his cigarette out on the pavement, and left you dumb founded
“Cute?” you mumbled, your face felt a bit red, it was the first time you had been called cute by someone outside your family, it felt nice.
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grandmanightmarerealm · 11 months
Please infodump at me about dyslexia and its assorted related disorders.
Okay, so right off the bat, a disclaimer: I personally am not dyslexic. I do have ADHD, but I haven't personally struggled with dyslexia, dysgraphia, etc.
My partner (M, 30) was diagnosed young, like pre-k or kindergarten. Writing his name was a huge struggle and he often spelled it in a way that looked like a different name. His mother also has dyslexia and was able to get him help via Special Education programs, which he DESPISED.
Eventually even with help, he was barely able to finish homework and began to refuse to do it. Teachers at his school were very cruel to him, often calling him stupid, lazy, "not applying himself", etc.
Physical activities came naturally to him. He excelled in art, woodshop, ceramics, and karate. Reading anything, for class or for fun, stopped and when he had to read aloud, was humiliating. Teachers sometimes forced him to read aloud more often, hoping to humble him into working harder. When his grades declined sharply, he stopped trying all together and ended up falling into using drugs and alcohol at only 11 years old. When he finally graduated high school, it was by the skin of his teeth and really only was pushed through because of a flaw with the schools budget, which he then blackmailed the school with. Not really his proudest moment, but it happened. Obviously, the majority of his issues came from the school system failing him. Teachers were ill-prepared to deal with his learning disability, or outright vicious, basically weaponized incompetence.
When we met, I was in school for Early Childhood Education (which I didn't end up completing, teaching has rather lost its luster for me) and I noticed how embarrassed he was when attempting to sign his name or write pretty much anything. I asked if he'd be willing to let me help him practice, and eventually, he did.
As a 23 year old, re-learning how to write was really embarrassing for him, but I was patient and didn't criticize. I helped him find a place where he could laugh at himself and his spelling mistakes, not feel shame in it. We literally got a handwriting book from the dollar tree, and I dotted together the alphabet so he could trace it over and over. He still won't be doing calligraphy anytime soon, but his writing is legible now, and that's what matters.
He's failed out of a lot of college programs. He ends up taking on too much and is put on probation, then on academic suspension. He then appeals it, and the cycle starts again. His latest run is the most successful; CNC Engineering. He works with his hands and with computer programs. One of the things that has helped so much is having a study partner. He really struggles with reading comprehension, and when the letters constantly seem to move or change, it's even harder. When he has chapters to read for class, he will often have me read with him or sometimes to him, so he can visualize the material instead of concentrating so hard on what each word means.
He's also started reading for fun, which is a HUGE step for him. He loves Star Wars, and I had a set of junior novels about Anakin Skywalker as a padawan, which I offered to him. They're short, less condensed than a regular novel, and align with his interests, so it made for a much more enjoyable experience. He reads every night before bed now!
Generally, something like an IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) will be figured out for grade/high school, but when you are in college, that no longer applies. However, most colleges will have a department that can help with accommodations needed for classes. This can include an array of options, from tutoring and extensions to large-print textbooks or audio-visual adaptive equipment.
Side note to wrap this up, people often shit all over Comic Sans as a font, but the stylization actually can make it much easier for people with dyslexia to absorb! I encourage my partner to use comic sans when writing a paper, so he can find mistakes easier and then selecting a new font when he's finished.
Basically, patience and encouragement is key.
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liberty-or-death · 2 years
Yu Ziyuan Analysis- Her Name (Part 1)
YZY and JFM are controversial characters in the MDZS fandom that are often misunderstood. Like most CN novels, key to understand each characters often lies in their names. So let’s start with Mdm Yu.
Meaning The surname 虞 has an interesting history. This is an ancient surname that was claimed to have originated from the legendary king Yu Shun. His son, Shang Jun, was subsequently granted the Yu Kingdom (currently located in modern day Yucheng). The descendants of Shang Jun subsequently took the name Yu. So this, is an old noble surname.
Ziyuan 紫鸢 translates to purple ‘鸢 yuan’. A Yuan鸢 usually refers to an owl, harrier or eagle. It also sounds very very similar to kite (纸鸢 Zhiyuan). (granted that their pinyin differ slightly lmao) I’m guessing this is why MXTX included the parts when she was screaming at JC and wwx when they were playing with kites.
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Chinese meta 鸢 is also a homonym for the more commonly used 鸳, which usually refers to mandarin ducks. Which in turn usually symbolises married couples in Chinese culture.
C fans speculate that the origin of her name likely comes from Li Bai’s 李白 Poem “Goodbye to your Lover”. 代别情人
Background history about the poem: This is a poem that Li Bai wrote on someone’s behalf. (This was a common practice during ancient times; ie. hire a poet to write your homework love letters) As the name implies, it’s about someone missing their lover when their lover has gone.
清水本不动,桃花发岸傍。 I’m as reserved as still water, you’re like the peach blossoms growing on the shore.
桃花弄水色,波荡摇春光。 The peach blossoms play with the colours in the water; and the water ripple with the colours of spring
我悦子容艳,子倾我文章。 I love the way you look, you love my poems.
风吹绿琴去,曲度紫鸳鸯。 With the Guzheng, I play the “Purple Mandarin Ducks”. The melody drifts along in the breeze. (Her name comes from the term “Purple Mandarin Ducks)
昔作一水鱼,今成两枝鸟。 We used to be happy as a fish in the water, but now we’re like two birds on a tree branch. (T/N: the imagery of a “fish in the water” is often to describe a couple in love. For example, “鱼水之欢” (fish rejoicing in the water) refers to the intimate sex life of a couple. Thanks Meatbun for teaching me this lifechanging R18+ idiom lol)
哀哀长鸡鸣,夜夜达五晓。 We mourn for each other through the night till day break.
起折相思树,归赠知寸心。 I give you a branch of the lovesick tree, as a symbol of my feelings. (T/N: This refers to the Acacia tree.)
覆水不可收,行云难重寻。 The water has been splashed out and cannot return. It’s hard to find the ever floating clouds.
天涯有度鸟,莫绝瑶华音。 Even if we are like birds separated by the horizon, please don’t ever forget the precious message these letters.
TLDR; the poem starts with the love the couple once shared when they were young, which was followed by the time they separated. The poem then describes that they can’t be together anymore. And finally, it ends with the hope that they’ll be able to talk about this lost love again.
(I’ll stop here for now. In our next meta, I’ll be analysing her background)
Reference: (1) (2) (3)
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saecookie · 1 year
Where would you suggest a newbie start on Spider-Gwen? I've looked into it a couple times and there's like two different "number one"s, and then gwenom, gwenpool, and others that look like crossovers, she's even introduced in a massive intimidating spiderverse crossover. Basically, what's a good place to start without having to do a bunch of homework?
HI NYSSA i'm finally on desktop to answer you comfortably. So happy to share as I've actually done the bunch of homework!
putting a tl;dr here: a good starting point is her first serie, Spider-Gwen (2015-2018) So. Spider-Gween as her own series, but was first introduced in the Spider-Verse comics. She has three series of her own :
Spider-Gwen (2015-18, 34 issues)
Spider-Gwen: Spider-Ghost (2019, 10 issues)
Spider-Ghost (2020-21, 10 issues)
(not at all confusing to start, not at all.)
Those are her core series, that you can read in that order if you want to go simple. Then, here are the homeworks done:
You can also preface this by reading the Spider-Verse comics, that is her first actual appearance and will give you some context for her interactions with Miles Morales in her own comics. To read this, you'll basically have to know two things : 1. in the spiderman lore, there's a family called the Inheritors who hunt the spiderpeople in the multiverse 2. there are too "mainstream" Peter Parker, one being Doc Ock in Peter's body (that's not relevant to Gwen but you might be lost abt this at first)
Then, one that might be a read is the Spider-Women comics. It takes place during Spider-Gwen #7-8 so you'll be aware of the happenings even if you don't read the comics. If you don't want tor read it, here's the point: after Spider-Verse, 3 spiderwomen keep in touch and regularly have brunch and adventures together. The point is mainly going on with Gwen's story that she's quite in touch with the multiverse and her spiderfam.
You can also read the Spider-Man/Spider-Gwen Sitting in a tree comics. This also takes place during some Gwen issues (Spider-Gwen #16-18) so you don't have to read it if you don't care about it, but it adds the some parts of the first Miles/Gwen team-up and also Miles' side.
Betwen Spider-Gwen and Spider-Gwen: Spider-Ghost happens the Spider-Geddon event. It's basically the sequel to Spider-Verse, so if you liked it you might like this one. Also it's what happens to Gwen between the first and second series, so I guess? haha.
To answer your questions: Gwenom refers to two things. Well, three really: Gwen when she fuses with venom's symbiote, Spider-Gwen's narrative arc in issues #24-29, and finally to Spider-Gwen vs Carnage. This is part of a bigger marvel event called King in Black, and is Gwen's participation in it. It's the last appearance we've had of Gwen in her continuity, so it might be relevant to her if we ever get more content, but I'm sure this will categorize then as an adventure she had, as others. If you don't have enough Gwen by now, sure you can read it.
There's also Gwen-Verse. It's a self contained mini-serie. It features Spider-Gwen having adventure with some of her counterparts, who are not spiderpeople but mixes with other superheroes. This ties in with her origins: in the introduction to Spider-Verse (titled Edge of Spider-Verse if you wanna read that), Spider-Gwen is introduced alongside other spiderpeople. She, and particularly her design, was so acclaimed that she became a fan favourite before having anything else to her name, and became popular along cosplayers. Marvel then decided to give her her own series, and notably by launching a collection of cover arts of Gwen Stacy as different marvel superheroes (you can check those here). And so basically, this mini-serie is a way to come back to this, with all kind of Gwens!
Finally you mentionned Gwenpool. Gwenpool was one of those variant that they went with. She's a completly different character, called Gwen(dolyn) Pool. iirc, she has two series of her own. She appears in the main marvel universe (so not Spider-Gwen's one) and she's a mix with Deadpool, obviously. She has the same awareness that she's in a comic world and acts very recklessly because, as this is comic world, nothing will have true consequences (which distresses basically everyone around her bc loved one dies, you know). I'm not quite fond myself of her, but if you wanna give her a try, be my guest!
I hope this was clear enough and gave you the answers you were seeking dear!
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boombambaby · 7 months
Drabble; Squeaken Squeak squeaker.
Question #1: ‘Squeak squeaken squeak squeaker.’ Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me. Squirrel Language Class? Seriously– – What’s the point?! Kuzco groans and tips forward to lean his forehead against the desk, eyes slipping closed in an effort to prevent his slowly budding headache from getting any worse with his mounting frustration.
According to the Royal Record keeper, Squirrel Language Class is a required course that he will need to graduate and become Emperor–  despite how completely ridiculous and unnecessary it actually is. What good will it ever do HIM to know how to say ‘Squeaky squeaker squeaken. . . squeak?’ Don’t they know he has a royal translator for that sort of thing? Not that he’s ever going to need the translator to negotiate a deal with the Squirrel Kingdom, or whatever. Hah. Squirrel Kingdom. He’s hilarious. It’s also highly unlikely that he’s ever going to need to converse with the stupid, flea riddled little tree rats for any reason and he sure isn’t going to save an actual person's life by knowing how to say ‘where did I bury my acorn?’. “This is ridiculous.” He grumbles, the words coming out muffled against the table top. Back when he was a child and just after he’d lost his parents, the Royal Council suggested Kuzco take part in activities with children his own age, to become acclimated with other people and to potentially learn something that could better shape him as the future Emperor. One of the suggestions was to join a group, and Junior Chipmunks was at the top of the list. Junior Chipmunks is a ‘scout’ group, one that’s famous for their ability to converse with all of the woodland creatures– which there were a ton of, since they lived in the middle of a jungle. Obviously. They also taught other basic skills, like cooking, archery, sewing, navigation and survival.
Yzma wouldn't allow it, outright refusing and insisting the council had lost their minds. What use could he, the future Emperor POSSIBLY have for conversing with peasant children and learning how to sew!? In reality it was more than likely that she preferred him sheltered so that she could mold him into the figurehead she wanted him to become so that she could take over in the future, but her indignance on the matter prevented the council from being successful– and Kuzco was never forced to join such a pointless cause.
Idly, his mind wanders back to the furry little rat he met in the jungle just after he’d been turned into a llama. If he remembers correctly, he’d tried to give him an acorn? And was highly offended when it was chucked back at its stupid little head. What was its ‘name’ again? Something with a B. It probably would’ve been helpful for him to have known this back then, maybe he could’ve prevented the little rat from siccing those jaguars on him and almost having him KILLED. He still has the occasional nightmare from being chased through the jungle by those bloodthirsty beasts, thanks for nothing tree rat. Kuzco lifts his head with a huff, planting an elbow against the table and leaning his chin against it while he glares down at the paper as if it had personally offended him. Which in all honesty, it had. Maybe he should try to find Kronk– he’s a ‘Junior Chipmunk’ scout leader. . . thing. He’ll probably know all the answers. Or Malina! She’s a smart hottie, he wouldn’t be surprised in the least to find out she was fluent in it.
After several moments of just staring at the blank page before him, Kuzco shrugs and starts to fill it in to the best of his ability. The only ‘phrase’ he vaguely remembers from class is ‘Where did I bury my acorn?’ Hah. How lame. But, it’s better than nothing. Maybe he’ll get lucky and Moleguaco will see all the writing and assume they’re different answers. He’s very much looking forward to the day when he graduates, and no longer has to worry about any of this stupid homework or school stuff anymore.
Squeaken, squeaker– puh-lease.
If he never sees another squirrel again, it’ll be too soon.
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quarantinescarpet · 1 year
My quotes list from over the years
-“‘tis I the frenchiest fry.”
-“Someone’s stabbing me in the leg with a spork.”
-Spill the pony tea.
-How many geese would it take to bring down a full grown man?
-Point is, I love you both and I would 10/10 ride a motorbike
-“Apparently someone in Mr. Hopkins G block got scared of turkey noises.”
-“It’s like... it’s like a stupid game of Russian roulette Tetris with giant death machines”
-“I feel like you'd have a shrine to remember Spider-man, complete with candles and every single ‘mr stark I don't feel so good’ meme printed out.”
-“don’t ask me, I don’t know anything about the sex”
-“What’s the difference between gay silence and regular silence?”
-“what yields a focus pencil? A patience tree?”
-“I might boogie on the desk so hard that the gum keeping it together gets unchewed and yeets back into the dimension it belongs in”
-“You smell like my fencing teacher”
-“sponsor a sponsor! Become a child”
-“Woof woof bitch, im a furry.”
-“yo to the hoe”
-“does my emoji still smell?”
-“peter doesn't have a detachable head”
-“two thirds of me is wearing glasses”
-“You look like you have autism. Are you vaccinated?”
-“When did Haydar become friends with Emily?” “In hell”
-“I know you have something to do with Filbert”
-“Ayo beans check”
-“Who cares about beating the game‽ I’m a goose.”
-“You can’t make contact lenses out of cranberries”
-“cannabalism is for beans”
-“You know the party is lit when the epileptic kid starts doing the worm”
-“Imagine getting stabbed to the beastie boys”
-“Pure drip”
-“The All Mighty King Tuggle Wuggle the Original... The 5th”
-“It’s a drink.” “Coal?” “I’m sorry who the heck is drinking coal??” “It’s heroin.”
-“Is climate change good or bad?”
-“I’ve had to keep her from stealing my toes for so long”
-“Apples are delicious, babies are not.”
-“It’s like I’m exfoliating my knuckle”
-“We are literally just birds.”
-“I’m slowly transitioning to emo. Today I’m wearing navy blue, tomorrow it will be black.”
-“Omg Aimee why are you such a try hard” “Oh my god Ava why are you orange?”
-“Wait what the fuck does crashing a funeral have to do with driving?”
-“Why are blonde people driving???”
-“That house looks like stephen king” “its super thicc?”
-“If you don’t do your homework, they are legally allowed to steal your cells”
-“Why would digging up graves be a problem we have to cover during a spa day??”
-“I would commit neck rape”
-“he looked at me and I looked at him and I was like ‘genocide’”
-“like Klaus, from Klaus”
-“facism is also gender neutral”
-“I mean we all knew that the birds just wanted the body to be gone!”
-“you know what they say in chemistry”
-“I got it from bed bath and behind you”
-“A two line poem. I see a frog. My heart: 💕❤️💓💗💕”
-“who needs a straw when you can suck it out the hole?”
-“I wish I could get neutered”
-“eggs are so well named”
-“You’re not a fandon? We don’t standon.”
-“If you’re horny just walk it off”
-“potatoes and molasses, there is inequality between the classes!”
-“save the tiddies”
-“I think I could explain socialism” “okay do it” *doesnt do it*
-“what part of no interruptions does Trump not get?” “The english part”
-“my knees how they crackle like rice crispies”
-“the planet is dying you fucking walnut”
-“do you think I’d be able to avoid conversion therapy?” ”no you look dumb as shit have fun at camp.”
-“the US military uses 738 billion dollars per year, and we can’t dunk the moon into the pacific ocean? Where are our priorities? Disgusting.”
-“I hope he dies on my birthday”
-“the doctor’s sewing you up and you’re like ‘harder daddy’ and they just leave you to bleed out on the floor.”
-“I don’t know what your parents do for a living” “I’d have to kill you if you found out” “oh he’s a conversion therapist?”
-“Peaning, pregnancy, protection.”
-“Being railed and math are two totally different things”
-“Aren’t all white people just german strokes?“
-“the pickles are tasty tonight, don’t you think?”
-"Gay people have feelings too! I mean those feelings aren't valid, but they have them!"
-“Grapefruit is the Wild Kratts of roblox”
-“My lungs are rejecting christianity”
-“Lettuce cereal”
-“get zooted”
-“why are they doin that to my boi Eric Snowblower???” “... do you mean Elric Stormbringer??” “Yes OMG hi futon”
-“Milk towel (sent with gentle effect)“
-“nose haemorrhoids”
-“my favourite colour is bitches”
-“You’ll have time to pull moose daddy”
-“The more you beat it the bigger it gets”
-“Were you wa today??”
-“oh uh slaves are now horses”
-“tarnsgender is a lifestyle”
-“not me misgendering my dishwasher”
-“Kiss! Kiss Kiss!”
-“its a regular human but you can open it up and take a shit inside of it” “like a kangaroo”
-“kiss kill marry, good piss boy, eric snowblower, michael”
-“if you don’t wanna strike the set, strike yourself.”
-“did you listen to waterparks in middle school or have you had sex?”
-“he said his pullout game is strong and he’s only used a condom six times” “tell him he needs the practice”
-“its a didney movie”
-“I already have a dick so I’m good with the foot sucking, thanks!”
-“I don’t misgender you cause you changed your pronouns I just misgender you cause you have pronouns”
-“made a joke and nobody laughed”
-“You’re a socialist gray shut up”
-“dont straddle my dog shes a child!”
-“chloe, kim, kendall, kourtney,,, the genders”
-“which constellation looks most like a dick”
-“I’m being intimate with my pudding. Only my pudding loves me.” “Yeah but it feels a little violated”
-“vending machine, easy bake oven, and ramen are the four food groups?”
-“mom I found your tinder”
-“doesnt this baby look like it would grow up to be hitler?”
-“anti smack”
-“I said no farting”
-“I’m at the point in this trip where I want to make out a little with every dog I see.”
-“I’m worried about your mom right now” “I’m worried about the dogs”
-“I’m going to start streaming” “awesome I’ll watch you! I’ll download Tinder”
-“jesus is coming are you clenching?” “Did you mean swallowing???”
-“Today when I said I had an image to show you and you came to look at my phone I wasn’t on Instagram yet and I was worried you were going to see that my last google search was what is a craisin”
-“My username is deep_seated_fear_of_geese”
-“Savour the flavour, uncle”
-“potential energy this, kinetic energy that, when will anyone start paying attention to the most important energy. dumb bitch energy”
-“Happy easter i guess i don’t know why the heck jesus likes eggs so much” “Jesus has an egg obsession” “And he has a bunny fursona””
-“Cause I’m kinky for color coding”
-“I’m going to name my child Brad. With a silent gh. Braghd”
-“Headcanon that Prince Philip died because he saw unsolicited feet pics“
-“I kin prince philip”
-“theres three genders: kailer, gay tyler, and regular tyler”
-“I swear to god they spent half of their budget making those titans asses so scrumptious”
-“Everything is terrible, can’t magnum dong, repressing my emotions”
-“Master has given dobby plan b. Dobby no longer needs the hanger”
-“I want someone to be just as obsessed with me as my social worker is”
-“You wanted to end the conversation so you decided to be homophobic.”
-“It is commonly thought that there are two types of people in this world, communists and pessimists.”
-“Glass half full glass half empty everyone shares the glass”
-“I thought it was about to be something sexual about slushees and I was like: 😃?“
-“Piss on, I know how to have sex.”
-“Sarah we’re making milf jokes wake up”
-“Its like im having a panic attack but I cant stop making kink jokes”
-“good old fashioned jesus?” “I said gay sex”
-“the straggot and the slurs”
-“grandpa has had way too much time without his meds”
-“You’re gonna find ur special someone bro ❤️ or someone to raw you idk what you’re into”
-“Do you wanna represent conversion therapy?”
-“Don’t punch me! I’ll get a boner”
-“I’m known to frequent elementary schools at night”
-“ever since I found out there were ants in baked beans” “WHY ARE THEY THERE? JUST BAKE THE BEANS!”
-"aaron burr shot hamilton which is kinda kinky and im not into that" "i guess he forgot to give him his safe word then huh"
-“we can’t make these jokes tomorrow people will think we’re fucking crazy” “nah man people will just think we’re FUCKING”
-“this 14 year old just looked me straight in the eyes and said drill me daddy-o”
-“they piss on you when they’re comfortable with you. Thats how it works”
-“are penguins fish or mammals?”
-“car washes are traumatising”
-“it’s okay gray has a 22 year old sugar daddy”
-“I get vored easily and yeehaw”
-“You get really stinky when jade honks for bill”
-“Jade needs a shit sleeve when she honks for bill can we go dunky now”
-“not the llama,,, the liQuid”
-“I’m allergic to jesus”
-“if you cant see stuff in your head how come you can vacuum?”
-“dont be a whore drink instead”
-“pain is temporary, existence is temporary, we’re all temporary”
-“I did not know veggie tales was religious”
-“you’re a sussy baka yes sorry now can we watch the video”
-“I assumed everyone in tech is gray”
-“skyrim wasn’t bad I just wanted fussy”
-“im not gonna get a shrodinger kink”
-“those crocs are bitchin”
-“you seem so put together” “it’s just the shoes”
-“capitalism is my sugar daddy”
-“when aang is riding someone do you think he says yip yip
-“Capitalism breeds innovation? How bout you breed this bussy”
-“Ollie: Can Jewish people eat the Lorax?
Jillian: Yeah. He is canonically a Nazi you know
Ollie: …Are you implying that nazis are kosher?
Jillian: Yeah how do you think we won the war dumbass”
-“I wanna get manhandled”
-“chryssy is SO thicc. Thats why benson loves her.”
-“are we still meeting autism?”
-“so what im hearing is you stole my prostate??”
-"Benson doesnt have a liver? What about her alcoholism problems!”
-“do [squirrels] have beaks or are they flat?”
-“ I feel like I’d fall into a pond.”
-“I didn’t come”
-“Cis piss”
-“Everytime I come out as ace people send me all their ace stuff” “omg thats what I do for my italian friends”
-“I wanna be someones thyroid problem”
-“Yeah you could go to bobby about your skin cancer”
-“I feel really pregnant right now”
-“stomachs love diluted slim jims”
-“benson is a milf”
-“aj just gave birth to me” “how?” “teamwork”
-“the universe is nothing but a collection of corpses”
-“tight shaggy”
-“the moonwalking bear will come back to haunt you”
-“You forgot your jizz in the shop”
-“Please be a monster fucker”
-“Wipe the milk moustache off your face because I can’t talk to you”
-“the moonwalking bear will come back to haunt you”
-“You forgot your jizz in the shop”
-“Please be a monster fucker”
-“Wipe the milk mustache off your face because I can’t talk to you”
-“Mr. Hands is my safe-word”
Freshman pt 2
-“nah this isn’t true love this is smash or pass man”
-“the more swords the more smash”
-“virgin??? Like VIRGINIA??”
-“He’s really going ham on him”
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thiagowrites · 2 years
Again i posted this on wattpad first, this is completely inspired by my friends hcs about alejandro being a dad so all credits go to him:)). I also am up to writing a part 2 if anyone wants one(maybe revealing the mum or what it's like when ale is on missions) lol
Warnings: male!reader, kinda ooc maybe?, single father alejandro,mention of guns and other weapons, readers favorite childbook is pollito tito because i said so(it wqs my favorite so y'all gotta suffer with me),spanish used instead of latin(i think that's what it's called) which is fairly poor because i don't use my spanish as often as i used too, raeder is about 15 y/o, i think that's it
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"Mira cómo lo hago" (watch how i do it). your padre held the gun in front of his body, he aimed at a Target about 20 metres away and pulled the trigger, hitting the cardboard figure in the head. Smilling proudly while handing you the gun he helped you stand right and aim at another target a little closer to the two of you.
this wasn't something new to you. ever since you turned 10 Alejandro started teaching you how to defend yourself, it started with simple orders like what you have to do if you were being followed, what you shouldn't tell Strangers or who you could and couldn't trust. slowly it began getting more serious, you started learning face to face combat at the age of 11 and now you are here, a few years later, being thought how to handle hand guns. He started teaching you how to handle a ZEV OZ9 Compact gun, which is a smaller hand gun, after you learnt how to shoot with sub-compact sized guns as well as slim sized pistols. Alejandro hoped you would never need to use this knowledge in serious situations.it was a promise he made your mother
Everytime you asked about her he was quick to change the subject, you didn't know much about her. the only things your grandma ever got to tell you where that they met in the military. while he was away for missions you often stayed with your grandparents who told you Storys about your padres childhood, how he met Rudy and many embarrassing facts. when Alejandro was home he made sure to spend as much time with you as possible, going into the mountains, taking you to a beach, playing in the Backyard and what not. though he couldn't spend as much time with you as other Fathers, Alejandro made sure you had the best Childhood possible.
"hijo" (son). you got called back to reality staring at the sinking sun ahead. "Deberíamos cenar" (we sould eat dinner). walking into the little house outside of Las Almas made you realize just how cold it really was outside. "¿Necesita ayuda para preparar la comida?"(do you need help preparing dinner?) Alejandro answered with a simple sure, telling you he doesn't mind letting you help. every night he reads the story of pollito tito(chicken little) to you, he has done it ever since you can remember. and that night was no different. he sat in the chair across your bed, in which you usually played games or did Homework.
Deja que te cuente una historia sobre un pollito. Su nombre es Pollito Tito. Él vive en un gallinero pequeño y normal en un barrio pequeño y normal. (Let me tell you a story about a chicken. His name is Pollito Tito. Pollito Tito lives in a normal little chicken house in a normal little town.) Pollito Tito no es alto ni bajo. No es gordo ni flaco. No es inteligente ni tonto. Es un pollito completamente normal.(He is neither tall nor short. He is neither fat nor thin. He is neither smart nor stupid. Pollito Tito is a completely normal chicken.) your mind slowly but surely fell into unconsciousness.
Tontos animales dice el Zorro Berto. Se sienta debajo de un árbol, agarra su computadora y empieza a escribir otra vez.("Silly animals," says Zorro Berto. He sits under a tree, gets his computer, and begins to write again.) Alejandro finishes the story with you fast asleep. While walking to the door he stops at your bedside to pull the Covers over you and turn on your Alarm clock. "Buenas noches nene"(Good Night, little one). he says while leaning down. he walked out, leaving the door open just enough to let the hallway light shine into your room and leaving to get ready for bed.
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albertonykus · 2 years
Doraemon Movie Review: Nobita and the Kingdom of Clouds (1992)
What is Doraemon? The title character of the Doraemon manga and anime is a blue robotic cat from the 22nd Century who keeps an array of high-tech gadgets in a portable pocket dimension on his belly, and has traveled from the future to improve the fortunes of a hapless schoolboy named Nobita. Although relatively obscure in the English-speaking world, Doraemon is a Mickey-Mouse-level cultural icon in East Asia (and some other regions, too). The Doraemon franchise was a big part of my childhood, and there are still elements of it that I enjoy now.
Doraemon has released theatrical films almost annually since 1980, most of which involve Nobita and his friends (kind Shizuka, brash Gian, and crafty Suneo) getting swept into adventures thanks to Doraemon's gadgets. Despite being of potentially broad appeal to fans of science fiction and animated films, there are very few English reviews of the Doraemon movies, so I'm embarking on a project to write about all the films that have come out so far. Good luck to me…
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Movie premise: Nobita and his friends build a kingdom in the clouds, only to find an actual civilization hidden in the clouds.
My spoiler-free take: An environmentalist movie with a more complex main conflict than is typical (for a children’s story, at least). It also tries a lot of new things for a Doraemon film, which makes it very interesting to watch!
Review: I quite like this one. At its core, it’s another 90s environmentalist movie, but the central conflict is more nuanced than the one in Nobita and the Animal Planet. The main characters actually spend time reflecting on humanity’s actions here, instead of simply facing off against “bad humans from a different planet”. (Although Nobita and the Animal Planet did reference environmental issues on Earth proper, they did not form a central part of the plot.) At the same time, the cloud people with their sustainable civilization are not portrayed as being entirely virtuous either. Even leaving aside their ultimate plan to reset terrestrial human societies in an attempt to stop environmental destruction, forcing three unprepared children to speak on behalf of all ground-dwelling humans in a courtroom setting is pretty cold.
In addition to the conflict being morally grayer than usual, this film does quite a few new things for the Doraemon cinematic lineup. For example, it is the first movie in which Doraemon is rendered out of commission for an extended period of time, forcing the kids to get by without him for a while. This story also establishes that Doraemon has a rock-solid head (a lore addition that future films will regularly make use of), introduces a timer setting on the Anywhere Door allowing users to travel to a preset time, and shows Nobita and Doraemon soliciting funds from their friends to complete their latest project. Speaking of which, it’s a lot of fun to watch them construct their Kingdom of Clouds.
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(The timer setting on the Anywhere Door allows the children to play in the Kingdom of Clouds for as long as they want and still have time for homework. I also think this is a funny illustration of Shizuka being the responsible friend in the group.)
Furthermore, this may be the only Doraemon movie that contains multiple explicit, plot-relevant references to the mainline series. Reappearing in this film are the moa and the dodo from “Moa and Dodos Forever” (1978 manga chapter, 1981 anime episode), the Lilliputians from “Hui of Donjara Village” (1984 manga chapter and anime episode) and Kibo the walking tree from “Goodbye, Kibo!” (1984 manga chapter and anime episode), now an adult tree. (Although that does raise the question of how Kibo was able to grow to adulthood when Nobita and his friends haven’t aged at all...)
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Besides, this movie has a bunch of extinct animals in it (even discounting the moa and dodo), as I previously discussed here! What’s not to like? My main criticism of this film is that it’s so jam-packed, some plot points show up with little to no chance for explanation. (And seriously, we did not need that five-second scene of Shizuka showering*, barely censored...)
*Okay, for those unfamiliar with Doraemon who might be reading this: there is a recurring gag, originally established in the manga, in which one or more of the boys walk in or peep (usually accidentally, sometimes not) on Shizuka while she’s bathing. The “joke” is in poor taste to begin with, but the shower scene in this movie comes out of nowhere and is not even framed as humorous.
For one example of a plot point in which further exposition would have been welcome: what is that healing energy Kibo uses to revive an unconscious Doraemon at the end? However, a more noticeable case might be the backstory of the cloud people: apparently the founders of the cloud civilization discovered that the clouds had become solid after a comet had passed by near the Earth, but how the comet was able to affect the clouds in this way is never revealed. Given that Doraemon tends to ascribe scientific or technological explanations to such phenomena (even if in a relatively “soft” manner by science fiction standards), it’s strange to see an origin story like this left with no clearly stated “rational” explanation.
Funnily, early in the movie, Nobita asks Doraemon how his Cloud-solidifying Gas gadget works, but Doraemon essentially replies, “That is a good question, but it would take too long to explain, so I won’t.” One has to wonder whether the author intentionally inserted this exchange to acknowledge how little would be explained in the story itself!
Star rating: ★★★★☆
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televinita · 1 year
Power Rangers: Once & Always
My husband and I watched this last weekend because we have shared childhood nostalgia for the OG series, which was extremely fun, and now I have thoughts! A random list of thoughts!
Thoughts Like:
Me literally every second Kat was onscreen: screaming, crying, hearts streaming out of my eyes, etc. MY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are an equal-opportunity Red/Pink Ranger shipper in this house so as clumsy and awkward as I found most of the reminders that he and Kat are married*, I ate them up with a soup ladle.
(*were? idk feels uncomfortably like you could read this equally well as them being co-parenting divorcees on friendly terms, perhaps to appease the rabid OG shippers without pissing off canon purists, but in the absence of Amy Jo, NOT TODAY SATAN).
I was...Not expecting Trini to die on screen, even just by being hit with a blast and dropping out of sight. YIKE.
Although I did appreciate how much that made this movie feel like a fanfic that magically got filmed. 
Uncle Zack just rolling up to move in and guardianship Trini’s daughter full time, SURE!!!!! 
Was her name always pronounce Tree-nee?? I know I didn’t watch as much of the original lineup compared to Zeo and Turbo, but it’s always been in my head as “Trinny.” It was so jarring, every time. Is my memory that bad or is this like a Modern Day Fix where they got schooled by actual Vietnamese people.
I still require more explanation as to why they have ranger powers at this age. I thought Passing Them On was sort of...a key part of being rangers? I mean I don’t know that much about the mythology because this was strictly a teen drama to me and I fast-forwarded most of the fight scenes and battles but...
Trini’s daughter is
and I would almost commit to watching a season she was part of. The 2017 reboot film wants what this character’s energy has.
IMMENSELY hilarious to me every time Zack acted like it was unreasonable for a teenager with homework to want to be a ranger, btw.
I will say that her fight against the putties all alone really drove home how young the characters were always supposed to be. Wild visualizing rangers being actual minors.
I was never very attached to Billy and even less attached to Zack (truly the only person who was a greater non-entity to me than the latter was Rocky or perhaps Jason), so kudos to this movie making me care about them. Especially Billy. Oh my god I loved that final forgiveness convo so much.
Husband, howling with laughter at the cringe-worthy single DIVERSITY! moment: “Would you commit vehicular manslaughter for gay rights?? Only true allies need apply.” 
I LOVE THE MONSTER DUDES. Especially the snakey guy, my beloved. It was very hard to root for them to be defeated, let alone straight-up murdered. (which, for all Zack kept scolding about, sure looks like revenge to me!! my husband kept trying to explain to me that it was justice and there is a difference, but everyone who claims that is wrong)
Robo Rita is also most excellent.
This movie was way more stabby than I remember the tv show being. did they always have daggers??
I know I said that I mostly skipped the fight scenes/battles, but sometimes I made exceptions for the OG series because the animal zords were actually pretty cool, unlike the later cars. Until they become a giant robot, at least, I kind of love them, so that was fun to see. I also really like the power disks w/ the animals etched on them.
...MEMORY BLAST we used to have a bunch of those from McDonald’s happy meals, I think when the OG movie came out? Now I am weirdly sad they’re all long gone.
I don’t actually remember the episode they used the nostalgic clips from at the end but oh my god that was a perfect choice. Moderately hilarious that after a whole movie of reminding us that Tommy has a kid with Kat, the clip is clearly as much Tommy Makes Heart Eyes At Kimberly as anything else, but again, equal-opportunity shipper here so it’s cool and I appreciate the gift. Also a good reminder I need to go listen to her music again, her voice is so pretty.
In conclusion: basically we got a bonus 3-part episode 30 years later and I think that is very special and my heart is very full. No complaints. :*)
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creaturebehavior · 2 years
you wanna know something embarrassing? i still have no idea what a “report” is. Like at school?
I always struggled really hard to understand what was going on in school but i was too embarrassed to admit i didn’t understand how to do most of the work, apart from the parts where i got to draw, so i pretended to be defiant instead. and i pretended not to do my homework on purpose. and my teachers and parents never realized that maybe the reason i was behind all my classmates every year was maybe because i was struggling to learn, but instead of getting extra help i was just forced to stay inside every recess to “do my work” but i didn’t know how so i would just sit there.
i didn’t learn what “studying” was until a year ago.
i also didn’t know what a “book report” was until maybe 2 years ago. i also have a hard time reading, so i didn’t do book reports.
other reports though? i’m still not sure what those are.
two big ones that stand out in my mind are when we had to do a “report” on a national park in 3rd grade. i had to stay inside lunch a whole semester and missed our big field trip at the end of the year because i didn’t understand the assignment at all. I still don’t understand what they wanted us to do. They gave us this big piece of paper and i didn’t know what i was supposed to put on it. My classmates around me all started drawing the name of their national park in big colorful letters across the top of the paper, with trees and stuff on the sides, leaving spaces for different sections where they had words written, some of them being lists with bullet points. I remember spending weeks coloring on that paper and having no idea what words i was supposed to write on it. I remember i even copied the people around me by putting bullet points in some areas as if i was going to start a list, but i didn’t know what i was supposed to write so they remained blank.
i also remember in 6th grade, we were supposed to do a report on a country and i chose Kenya. We had to have a written report, some sort of diorama display, and we had to have an oral presentation ready. the only thing i did was the diorama because that was the only part i understood how to do. I spent hours crying the evening before it was due begging my mom to help me finish the written portion of the report and i think she just copy-pasted stuff from wikipedia into a word document for me. Also there was a fire happening nearby (if you’re from california, you know how it is) and my dad kept calling us freaking out saying he might need to evacuate or we might need to evacuate and i couldn’t get my parents to focus on me and i couldn’t focus on the work because i was 12 and being told we might have to evacuate for a fire. God that night fucking sucked and so did the next day.
So yeah idek. I don’t know what a report is.
I also had this big project we had to do at cosmetology school last summer that i don’t even want to talk about. i never would have been able to do it without my friend Taylor. i had no idea what was going on. and they didn’t give us very much direction either which sucked. they just kind of told us to figure out what we would need to open a salon and start a business and without giving any further information. Cosmetology school is a joke by the way. at least my school was. they didn’t teach us shit.
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dunnswrld · 2 years
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warnings: fem!reader, best friend!johnny, high school setting (both of you are 18!!), making out, johnny being handsy, just teens being teens
PS: the dialogue will use the name “pj” and the text will use the name “johnny” sorry its just how my brain wrote this
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you sat on your bed, body not under the covers cause of the hot tennessee heat. your legs propped up to hold the book in your thighs, you were doing homework for your english class on a friday night. usually the rest of your soon graduateing class would be out doing god knows what but for you it was different. unfortunately for you, you had failed your english class last year and had to retake it to graduate. it sucked sure but you couldn’t be mad over it cause you were slacking in that class last year.
you were in a pj set that was a silk white tank top with matching silk white shorts that were rather short but they were pjs and were meant to be comfortable even if they were a bit scandalous. the book that was between your thighs was catcher of the rye, it was a great book to you- you weren’t really sure why you weren’t interested in it last year.
your finger grazed the page as you flipped it, you were deep into the book as things seemed like they were getting intense. you obviously weren’t aware of your surroundings because you hadn’t seem to notice your life-long best friend, johnny, looking at you through the glass of your window.
his brows raised a bit as his lips were parted, he was only focused on you. your legs parted, those short silky shorts you were wearing that were so short he could see a line where your ass and thigh met, and the strains of hair that fell into your face as you read the book sat on your thighs. he could only imagine what standing in front of you looked like. made him almost wish he had used the front door, your parents would’ve let him in.
johnny always had a thing for you, since you kissed his cheek in the 4th grade under the pine tree by the school playground. it amazed him that you had been able to keep him wrapped around your finger without even knowing it all these years. he thought he made it obvious how much he liked you but you never caught onto them. which he liked but hated. liked because you guys wouldn’t ruin something but hated because he wanted you to be his girl so badly.
johnny soon snapped out of his haze and realized that he probably looked like a total creep to anyone who passed by him this evening. johnny quickly knocked on your window, your head shooting up from your book to look in the direction of the knock. but your face relaxing when you saw johnny giving a small wave. you playfully rolled your eyes and mouthed its open.
johnnys eyes were on you the whole process he had of opening the window, crawling in, and closing the window. yours were also watching him, for some reason his gaze at you was too strong to break.
“hey honey.”
honey. the nickname that johnny gave to you so many years ago when you two were kids but still never failed to make you blush. he always used to tell you that you were as sweet as honey and possibly even sweeter so he started calling you honey, and since that day it stuck.
“hey pj.”
you both couldn’t help but giggle at the odd way you two had greeted each other. johnny sat on the corner of your bed, his eyes still on yours.
“oh im sorry are you busy? i shoulda called first.”
“oh no you’re fine, let me just finish this chapter then we can do something alright?”
johnny hummed at your response as you quickly dove back into your book. johnny then moved himself closer into the middle of your bed right next to your legs and sprawled out comfortably, you two always treating each others rooms like your own.
but it wasn’t until johnny moved his head and saw how close his body was to yours did he start feeling the way he felt outside of your bedroom window. johnnys breath staggered as his eyes scanned your body. his own hand seemed to move on its own as it gently fell onto your upper knee. when johnny realized where his hand moved he peered up at you through his lashes and saw that you could care less about his hand placement as he began to slowly draw circles on your exposed knee with his thumb.
but he really began to test his luck when he slowly moved his hand closer and closer to your inner thighs, this was enough to pull you out of your book and look down at johnny. his eyes were low and his lips were parted, the golden lighting from the sunset hitting his pre-summer tan skin he earned from baseball.
you couldn’t lie to yourself that johnny was attractive, maybe one of the most attractive boys you’ve seen. you were ashamed to say you’ve liked him since you could remember, you weren’t supposed to fall in love with your best friend but johnny made it so hard to not.
“whatcha doing pj?”
johnnys hand seemes to retrack as soon as the sentence fell from your mouth. almost as if he was waiting for you to say something to him.
“sorry that was a little much huh?”
“i mean, i kinda liked it.”
johnny shifted his weight on your bed so he could see you better, trying to read your face to see if you were serious or pulling his leg. his elbow propped him up as he looked into your eyes, he couldn't see any sign of you joking on your face which made him heart thump out of his chest.
johnny nervously moved his hand back to your knee where he slowly dragged his hand up to your inner thigh, not breaking eye contact with you once. your legs seemed to spread on there own as johnny's hand fell closer to the space between your legs- his cheeks heating up as he realized how intimate his hand placement really was.
you couldn't help but feel like you were under a spot light right now with the way johnny was looking at you. it was a look you had never seen before but wish you had. his eyes were low but intense, it was enough to make you feel insecure under his gaze.
but johnny didn't stay still for long as he moved his hand to your hip and shifted his body closer to yours. his face was inches from yours and you could feel his breath hitting your lips almost in a teasing manner.
"could i kiss you? honey?"
you gently nodded at johnny's words, and the boy wasted no time putting his hand gently on your cheek and bringing your lips to his. the kiss was sweet and soft just like honey, johnny's lips were softer and more gentle then you could've ever imagined. there was so much love and passion in the kiss, almost like johnny had been waiting to do this just as long as you.
when you two both finally pulled away for air you finally saw the full picture of johnny. his lips now a swollen pink and light layer of spit coating them making them look more kissable then usual. his hand was still on your cheek as johnny looked at you, the blush spread across your cheeks and the way your eyes were practically begging him for another kiss made the butterflies in his stomach flutter.
but this time johnny didn't ask if he could kiss you again instead his lips met yours quickly again before his lips began to travel down to your neck. gentle warm kisses were being placed on your neck from johnny's lips as a small whine escaped your mouth.
you took your hands off your book and moved a hand to the back of johnny's head, encouraging him to keep kissing your body. johnny's body had made its way between your legs, his hands glued to your waist as he slowly drifted them under the thin material of your silk tank top.
johnny's lips trailed closer to your ear as he began to place gentle bites on your neck, causing your hand to tightly grip his brown hair. you tried shifting your hips closer to johnny's hoping to bring your bodies as close as they could be. a faint chuckle fell from his lips before he whispered in your ear,
"you still wanna finish that chapter honey?"
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