#but also thinking about a hale oc
cour4geous · 2 years
*knocking on the tw fandom* can i come in ?
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erythristicbones · 2 years
i was rereading one of my WIP short stories and while i don't remember writing this, it absolutely knocked me out
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very good lines that i hope i'll remember to keep in whenever i do the actual draft of velocity
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brutal-out-here · 2 years
Sometimes I think about how I made two side characters in my Loki fanfic that bickered like an old married couple during a freaking alien invasion (the battle of New York) in the first chapter and then were never mentioned again 💀
I’m so sorry Allison Hale and Trevor Mason for completely forgetting you, at least y’all made it into the cast list💀
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leaphia · 4 months
Just saw a instagram post "what are names that you're sick of reading in novels"
Some of the comments: Noah, Aaron, Lucian (in fantasy)
... *looks at my OCs* yeah, guess I did everything right not x'D
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
I did a happy dance when I was finish reading this. I just imagine Jasper and the reader celebrating Halloween one year dress up as Woody and Jessie from Toy Story.
Can you do a Jasper x mom reader - bear shapeshifter?
where the reader's son is Jasper's mate. She is a single mom reader and has no other family except for her son. She and her son are bear shapeshifters. She finds out they are vampires and about the pack. She meets the major, where she basically threatens to kick his butt, if he ever hurts her only child. She is bigger than Sam when he is in wolf form. They do not find out about her or her son - he the only one who can calm her down, being bear shapeshifters until the training to defeat Victoria and her army of newborns, because Paul says something rude to the reader's son. He goes to attack the reader's son, but Mama Bear comes to the rescue. Garrett is her mate.
Wow just wow
❝getting through mama bear❞
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✭ pairing : garrett x reader x jasper hale x oc
✭ fandom : twilight x reader
✭ summary : (y/n) is the mate of Garrett and she also happens to be a bear shapeshifter and a single mother, coming to forks she hasn’t expected her son to be the mate of a vampire much less herself to imprint on one too
✭ authors note : you didn’t specify what age the son was so I’ll make it where he’s young like how Bella and Edwards daughter was when Jacob imprinted that way the son and jasper can grow together
✭ twilight masterlist
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The rain drizzled lightly as (y/n) drove her car through the winding roads of Forks, her ten-year-old son sitting in the back seat, his gaze fixed out of the window. It was a new chapter in their lives, a fresh start in a place that held the promise of something different.
"Mom, are we almost there?" her son asked, his voice tinged with excitement.
"We're getting close, sweetheart," she replied, offering him a warm smile through the rearview mirror. "Just a little while longer."
As they entered the small town, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. She had chosen Forks as their new home for its quiet charm and serene atmosphere, hoping that it would provide the peaceful environment they both needed.
After finding their way to their new home—a cozy house surrounded by trees—mother and son stepped out of the car. The air was crisp and carried the scent of pine, a refreshing change from the bustling city they had left behind.
"(Son's name), what do you think?" (y/n) asked, watching her son take in their surroundings.
He looked around with wide eyes, a hint of wonder in his gaze. "It's nice, Mom. I like it."
She smiled and ruffled his hair affectionately. "I'm glad to hear that."
Over the next few days, (y/n) and her son settled into their new routine. She found a job in a local bookstore, which allowed her to spend more time with her son while providing for their needs. The townspeople were friendly, and (y/n) couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging as they exchanged greetings.
One afternoon, as they explored the lush forest near their home, (y/n)'s son looked up at her with a grin. "Mom, can we show our true forms to the animals here?"
She chuckled softly. "Of course, sweetheart. But let's be careful and make sure we're in a safe area."
With a nod, they ventured deeper into the woods until they found a secluded clearing. Taking a deep breath, (y/n) closed her eyes and allowed her transformation to take over. In a matter of moments, her body shifted and grew, and she became a majestic bear.
Her son's transformation followed suit, and soon they stood side by side in their bear forms. (Son's name) let out a playful roar, and (y/n) couldn't help but join in, the sound of their roars echoing through the forest.
As they transformed back into their human forms, they shared a joyful laugh, the experience deepening their bond even further.
Later that evening, as they sat on the porch of their new home, (y/n) turned to her son. "How are you adjusting to Forks, sweetheart?"
He leaned against her shoulder, a content smile on his face. "I like it here, Mom. It's peaceful, and I like that we can be ourselves without worrying about hiding who we are."
Touched by his words, (y/n) wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close. "I'm glad we found a place where we can be ourselves, (son's name). And you know, we're a team, no matter what comes our way."
He nodded, his gaze filled with trust and love. "I know, Mom. We'll always be a team."
As the sun set over their new home in Forks, (y/n) felt a sense of gratitude wash over her. She may have been a single mom with only her son by her side, but their love and the bond they shared was more powerful than anything. And in this tranquil town, surrounded by nature and the promise of a fresh start, they were ready to face whatever challenges and adventures awaited them.
One day, as (y/n) went about her routine, she heard whispers and rumors around town about the Cullens—peculiar, pale-skinned individuals who seemed to keep to themselves. Curiosity gnawed at her, and her instincts as a bear shapeshifter urged her to investigate further.
Late one evening, (y/n) decided to venture into the forest to see if she could uncover anything about these mysterious newcomers. The moon cast a soft glow over the trees as she made her way deeper into the woods, her senses heightened.
As she walked, her intuition tingled, and she noticed the distinct scent of another creature. Her heart pounded as she cautiously followed the scent, only to come face-to-face with a massive, wolf-like figure. It was Jacob Black, in his wolf form.
Startled by the sight, (y/n) instinctively shifted into her bear form, towering over the wolf. Jacob's ears perked up, and he turned to face her, surprised to encounter a bear in the woods.
Despite her size, (y/n) didn't show aggression. She took a step back, making sure her body language conveyed that she meant no harm. Jacob, sensing her non-threatening demeanor, hesitated, his stance relaxing slightly.
For a moment, they simply regarded each other, a silent understanding passing between the two shapeshifters. Then, with a low growl that seemed to communicate curiosity rather than hostility, Jacob backed away and disappeared into the shadows of the forest.
Shaken by the encounter, (y/n) returned home in her human form, her mind racing with questions. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than met the eye. That night, she researched the legends and lore surrounding the Quileute tribe and the history of shapeshifters in the area.
As her research deepened, (y/n) stumbled upon references to the Cullens, vampires who lived among the humans while hiding their true nature. The pieces began to fall into place, connecting the dots between the Cullens, the wolf pack, and her own identity as a bear shapeshifter.
Over the next few days, (y/n) pondered her newfound knowledge. She was torn between the urge to approach the Cullens and the wolf pack to learn more and the caution that held her back. She knew that revealing her true nature to them could have consequences, both positive and negative.
The sun cast a warm glow over the forest as (y/n) and her son reveled in the freedom of their bear forms. They playfully tumbled and rolled through the undergrowth, their laughter mixing with the rustling leaves.
As they frolicked, (y/n) suddenly sensed something amiss. Her instincts kicked in, and she felt a ripple of danger in the air. She swiftly turned her head and froze. There, standing not far from her son, was a figure that sent a chill down her spine—Jasper Hale.
Before her son could even react, (y/n) lunged forward, placing herself between him and Jasper. Her growl resonated through the forest, and her fur bristled with an intensity that warned Jasper to stay back.
Jasper's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and concern flickering in his gaze. But then, as if a switch had been flipped, his expression shifted, and his face twisted into a malicious grin. The transformation was instant, and the air around him seemed to vibrate with an ominous energy.
As Jasper's aura shifted, (y/n) felt a surge of power radiate from him. She hadn't expected this, and her instincts told her that she needed to defend her son at all costs. With a roar that echoed through the forest, she lunged at Jasper, her claws extended, ready to strike.
Their clash was fierce, and the ground trembled beneath them as they grappled. (y/n) fought with a ferocity born out of the need to protect her child. She was determined to shield him from any harm, even if it meant facing down an opponent as formidable as Jasper.
Amidst the struggle, a primal rage seemed to emanate from Jasper, and his eyes flickered with a wild intensity. But as (y/n) pressed her advantage, her words cut through his aggression. She spoke with a conviction that brooked no argument, threatening dire consequences if he dared to harm her son.
The message seemed to penetrate Jasper's altered state, and his defenses wavered. He retreated, his stance shifting as he regained control. The forest fell silent as the tension dissipated, and (y/n) stood between her son and Jasper, her breath heaving, ready to spring into action again if needed.
Unbeknownst to (y/n), Jasper had been grappling with his own internal conflict. His connection with her son had stirred something deep within him—a bond he couldn't quite comprehend. As the fog of his altered state lifted, he was left with a sense of confusion and a yearning for more.
Yet, in that moment, as the forest seemed to hold its breath, Jasper's focus remained on (y/n). Their gazes locked, and in the depths of her eyes, he saw the fierce determination of a mother protecting her child. It was a force to be reckoned with, and he realized that his usual methods of manipulation held no sway over her.
As (y/n) stood her ground, unknowingly guarding a bond that transcended her understanding, Jasper's curiosity about her and her son deepened. The encounter had left an indelible mark, one that would shape the course of their lives in ways neither of them could have foreseen.
The days had passed in relative calm since the encounter in the forest. (y/n) and her son went about their lives, embracing the serenity of the woods and the routines they had established. But as the sun dipped below the horizon one evening, the tranquility was shattered by an unexpected visit.
The sound of approaching footsteps caught (y/n)'s attention, and her senses tingled with unease. When Jasper and Alice emerged from the trees, her eyes narrowed, her initial reaction one of anger and mistrust. She stood protectively in front of her son, his presence a reminder of the danger that vampires could pose.
Jasper's eyes met hers, his expression sincere and apologetic. He stepped forward cautiously, holding his hands up in a non-threatening gesture. "Please, “ he began, his voice carrying a note of remorse. "I need to talk to you."
Still wary, (y/n) reluctantly allowed Jasper to approach. Her son stood by her side, his gaze darting between the newcomers and his mother. Jasper took a deep breath, the air around him heavy with tension.
"I want to apologize," Jasper said, his voice quiet but earnest. "For what happened the last time we crossed paths. It was unforgivable, and I'm truly sorry for any fear or harm I caused."
The sincerity in his voice was palpable, and (y/n) found herself listening. She glanced at her son, who offered a subtle nod of agreement. While the memory of the encounter still lingered, she was willing to hear Jasper out.
Alice, who had been watching the exchange, chimed in. "We're here seeking help," she explained, her eyes imploring. "There's a dangerous vampire named Victoria who's building a newborn army. We're trying to stop her before she puts more lives in danger."
As Jasper and Alice detailed the situation, (y/n)'s skepticism began to wane. It seemed that the Cullens were genuinely concerned about the threat Victoria posed and were seeking allies to face her. Her son's gaze held a mixture of curiosity and concern, and (y/n) could sense his apprehension.
"What do you need from me?" (y/n) finally asked, her voice steady despite the wariness she felt.
Jasper exchanged a glance with Alice before responding. "We're gathering as many allies as we can to face Victoria and her army. With your strength and abilities, you could make a difference. We need all the help we can get."
The gravity of the situation was evident in their expressions, and (y/n) nodded in understanding. She glanced down at her son, her heart heavy with the weight of the decision she was about to make. They couldn't ignore the danger that Victoria posed, and if they had the power to help, it was their responsibility to do so.
" I’ll help," (y/n) said firmly, meeting Jasper's gaze head-on. "But know this—my priority is our safety and the safety of the innocent. We won't be used as pawns in a dangerous game."
Jasper's lips quirked into a half-smile, his appreciation evident. "We wouldn't have it any other way."
The clearing in the forest was transformed into a makeshift training ground, where the Cullens, the members of Sam Uley's pack, (y/n) and her son, and even Carlisle's old friend Garrett had gathered to prepare for the impending battle against Victoria and her army of newborns.
Tension hung in the air as everyone focused on their individual tasks, honing their skills and strategies. Carlisle was overseeing the training, offering guidance and advice to the assembled group. The sun cast dappled patterns through the leaves, creating a serene backdrop that contrasted with the gravity of the situation.
Among the participants, (y/n)'s presence was both resolute and commanding. Her son, standing beside her, mirrored her determination. They had trained tirelessly, working together to harness their abilities and contribute to the collective effort.
As the training continued, (y/n) couldn't help but notice the curious glances directed their way, particularly from Paul, a member of the Quileute wolf pack. It didn't take long for his skepticism to manifest in a derogatory comment, belittling the role of (y/n)'s son in the battle.
"What's a child doing here? He'll only hold us back," Paul sneered, his tone dripping with disdain.
The comment landed like a thud in the clearing, drawing a collective hush from those around them. (y/n)'s expression tightened, her protective instincts flaring. She turned to face Paul, her gaze steely.
"Last time I checked, we're all here because we believe in this fight," (y/n) retorted, her voice sharp and unwavering. "And if you doubt my son's abilities, then you clearly haven't seen what he's capable of."
Paul's lips curled into a sneer, his hostility evident. Without warning, he lunged at (y/n)'s son, his intention clear—to test the child's abilities and prove his point. But before he could reach the young shapeshifter, (y/n) moved with the speed and grace of a predator.
In a heartbeat, she intercepted Paul's advance, her movements fluid and precise. Her stance radiated power, and her eyes bore into his with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. He found himself immobilized by her commanding presence, her protective instincts vividly on display.
"You will never lay a hand on my son," (y/n) declared, her voice commanding and unyielding. "We're all in this together, and that includes protecting each other. If you can't respect that, then maybe you're the one who doesn't belong here."
The weight of (y/n)'s words settled over the clearing, casting a palpable tension in the air. Paul's expression shifted from aggression to a begrudging acknowledgment. He stepped back, his defiance faltering in the face of her unwavering determination.
“Now that’s impressive,” Garrett comments. “You got the mutt to silence itself.”
(Y/n) head snaps in his direction and that’s when she felt it, her world shifting with a clench of her jaws and fist she shook her head to get rid of any unwanted thoughts before moving back to her sons side.
God how could she imprint on a vampire?!
As the moments passed, the tension gradually eased, replaced by the collective understanding that they were all bound by a common purpose. (y/n)'s resolute stance sent a clear message—unity was essential for their survival, and each member of the alliance had a role to play.
The training resumed, the forest echoing with the sounds of clashing forces and the collective determination to overcome the impending threat. And in the midst of it all, (y/n) and her son stood strong, united by a fierce determination to protect each other and ensure that their world remained free from the shadows that sought to engulf it.
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iaminyourbones · 2 months
Hello everyone!
My name is Alastor, but I also go by Atlas or Alice
I will mostly refer to myself as Atlas
I have a bunch of other active blogs
@pyro-the-maniac-woooo which is a Pyro ask blog (Tf2)
@tf2-blu-ghosty Which is my blu tf2 oc
@tf2-green-ghosty Which is my grn tf2 oc
@tf2-red-ghosty which is my red tf2 oc
@green-scout-tf2 which is the og silly colored Scout
@meet-the-stealthbomber-tf2 which is another red team tf2 oc
As well as
@caine-the-ringleader which is a Caine ask blog (Tadc) (which is retired)
I also have @shitty-short-stories-anonymous to post my random writing stuff on
(That’s the text I use(d) for each account)
This is completely going to be ranting
Mostly about tf2
I might post art here sometimes but I’m honestly pretty shit at drawing
Also I swear a lot so I apologize in advance
Pfp matches with @the-depressed-comedic-relief!!!
Basically any post- #Atlas time
Answering asks- #Atlas has answers
Talking about random shit- #Atlas has rambled
Reblogs- #Atlas reblog wow
Rebloging my moots- #Atlas harasses his Friends
Interacting with moots- #Atlas has frens
My dearest @the-depressed-comedic-relief- #Atlas’ angel
Interacting with or talking about irl friends- #Atlas irl frens
Vent or talking about mental illness- #Atlas is not good
Hyperfixations- #Atlas has obsessions
Talents/hobbies- #Atlas has a little talent
Art- #Atlas draws sometimes
Writing- #Atlas writes sometimes
Edited images- #Atlas made another silly image
Talking about OCs- #Atlas made a silly character
Scout <3- #Atlas loves Scout tf2
Sniper <3- #Atlas loves Sniper tf2
Speedingbullet specifically- #Atlas ships himself with speedingbullet
Goodnight posts- #Atlas goodnight
Coming back from school or waking up or something- #Atlas has returned
Ranting about military aircrafts [One of my special interests]- #Atlas rants about planes
I think that’s it idk
The official unofficial tf2 simps™️
Scout- >Me< @absolutelyzoned @the-depressed-comedic-relief @blu-m3l0n @kapoosh
Soldier- @darkcloudsatnight
Pyro- @lampinspectingmoth
Demoman- @lyrics-symphony @sp1der-pngisnotavailable @scoutisthebomb @r4cc0on-in-tr4shcan
Heavy- @another-delta-lover [rip🕊️🥀] @gorydreamer
Engineer- @tyrianludaship @stolenrocket218 @tavernofdragons @theweirdo-ontheblock @r4cc0on-in-tr4shcan
Medic- @scouts-cosplays @scozthewoz @medicsboywife @tavernofdragons @gorydreamer
Spy- @brokensenseofhumor
Sniper- >Me< @roseworkshop @typical-ukraine @alternate-okameeznuts @ranger-la-criatura @tavernofdragons @r4cc0on-in-tr4shcan
Mrs. Pauling- @ilovegayvampires
Scouts mom- @ilovegayvampires
Zhanna- @lampinspectingmoth
Saxton Hale- @lampinspectingmoth
The list can be updated at any time. If you wish to be added or removed just request and I will get to you as soon as I can
I can also add other characters don’t worry
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nightseeye · 7 months
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Teehee, OC stuffs mainly, but lotsa Fresh in there too. Even did a lil writing based off the middle comic (fresh and HCT (square robo), put it in a readmore
Its set after game events, and also my undrawn comic events regarding my two ocs, just a lil convo between an protective guard robo and the guy who caused them to almost kill their boss
Lel had swept out like a whirlwind, leaving the two in silence, studiously ignoring one another as they waited for the scientist to return. Fresh fidled with their headset, while the robot simply stared straight at the empty doorway Lel had disappeared through.
"STATEMENT: Clear dislike of subject." Cut through the silence, leaving the beat surprised it was broken at all.
Fresh couldn't help but roll their eye once they actually registered the obvious understatement. Anytime they came to talk to Lel, the robot was never too far away, hovering in a corner somewhere like the obnoxiously overprotective guard dog it was built to be. Not the worst reaction they've gotten from someone, but after enough time it became... grating.
"Unsurprising." The beat couldn't help the disdain and dismissal that dripped off the single word, cutting their gaze away from the robot.
"EXPOUND: Subject is the cause of PRIMARY OBJECTIVE failure."
That alone brought their attention back to the conversation. It wasn't rare that Fresh learned whatever particular reason a person had for hating them, but they haven't yet heard one from the robot. Usually it was something along the lines of tearing apart the Treeangle, or turning the seas pink. Nothing ever personal enough that they actually cared - beyond those flowers they beat up during their freedom-induced rampage, - but the beat was curious to hear whatever reason had taken it so long to spit out.
"Yeah? And what's that?"
The robot gazed up ever so slightly, as if reading it out from thin air: "PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Keep USER Lel safe, hale, and happy."
Fresh couldn't help but flinch back as the robot slowly turned to face them, a single glowing pupil growing to encompass its entire eye in an admittedly very unnerving display. They could almost imagine how threatening the machine had looked when corrupted with the single spark of pink flickering in its eye, sharp claws pointing at the beat.
That simple sentence was just the truth, but nothing had ever felt more like an accusation, judgement, and condemnation than that. It struck true like an execution, guilt tying a noose around their neck and rendering them silent. There was nothing Fresh could say to to defend themself, no excuses to give, and none that they'd want to try. Maybe if they hadn't grown so close to the scientist these past few weeks, that single sentence wouldn't feel so bad, but... the knowledge that they had a hand in Lel's pain, in that kind scientist's fear...
Maybe they could understand HCT's hatred a little better.
"VEXATION: Subject is.-"  The fragmented sentence was was enough to pull their thoughts out of the spiral they were going down, and Fresh couldn't almost help but feel grateful towards the robot, even as it turned back away from them. With its pupil returned to normal size, they were able to see its expression change from angry, to fustrated, and settle on annoyed as it found a way to complete its sentence, "..tolerated, by USER Lel."
Fresh snorted.
"I think they do more than tolerate me." They replied, mind drifting back to all the times they've poked around the lab, only to be caught by Lel, and not scolded, but taught about how whatever equipment they were poking at worked.
How, even as the scientist threw a million questions their way, they were kind enough to notice the ones the beat shied away from, and not ask anymore. The snacks, the smiles, the simple greetings and waves if they ever passed one another elsewhere in Paradise. They wouldn't be surpised if Lel counted them as an friend.
The beat knew they counted them as one.
There was a sound Fresh could almost describe as a prim sniff, if it hadn't come from the robot bigger than they were, "EXPOUND: Lethal force distinctly unauthorized."
Lel rushed back into the room to see Fresh in tears on the floor, gasping for air as they cackled, while HCT stood, seemingly unmoved as it glared off to the side.
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dopscratch · 1 year
introducing: the Scoutbros
i'm feeling creative, so i'm gonna introduce you all to my headcanons for scout's family, including the basically-ocs that i've designated as his brothers! you're welcome to use them anywhere if you happen to actually like them, with a couple rules
credit me please this is the one scrap of originality i have
if you make any tweaks, headcanons or changes, please do not parade them as fact!
obviously these rules only apply to the oc-ones and not the canon characters (except rule 3, give me your tf2 content...)
all images are from that one scene in my Runs in the Family animatic you know the one- and represent fairly young versions of all of them! i think i designed scout to be like 10 there.
anyway, without further ado, my headcanons/ocs:
Starting with Scout's mother, I've headcanoned she really likes J names. Her name is Jolene and Spy's name, whatever it is, probably starts with a J too. Most of her kids come from different fathers, hence their varied appearances. Also her last name is Fitzgerald for the memes. That's pretty much all I have here
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Scout himself also remains pretty much unchanged. His childhood nickname was Germ because Jeremy and also he's a little pathogen the kid is obnoxious :)
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Josh is 1 year older than Scout and is the resident daredevil. He’s a thrill seeker and holds the record for the most broken bones in the family, both at once and total. Scout may have broken this record during his time as a merc, but since he’s not really supposed to talk about it (and it’d be nearly impossible to keep track of on the battlefield with Medic healing) Josh remains on top. He has darker/deeper brown eyes and hair.
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Jay is 2 years older than Scout and a hyper tech nerd who finds it difficult to focus on most things for more than one minute. He loves pranks, often pulling them on his brothers and anyone unlucky enough to be close by. He’s 100% a memelord (Saxton invented the internet early it could happen!!). He’s a blue-eyed redhead.
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Jason is 5 years older than Scout. He’s twins with Jake (coming next!). He’s also a criminal. To be fair, he’s not really more of a criminal than his other brothers, he just continued being a bit of a menace into adulthood and is terrible at covering his tracks, resulting in him landing in jail more often than not. If someone in the family is going to get caught for a crime, it’ll most likely be him. He also occasionally takes the fall for his other brothers, be it voluntarily or not. He’s absolutely awful at planning but can often think on his feet well enough in a crisis. He has paler brown eyes and black hair.
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Jake is Jason’s twin (so also 5 years older than Scout). He’s a nicer guy, polite, but an adept fighter. He tends to keep a cool head and can get out of a lot of bad situations, the opposite of his twin (he is the younger twin which he used to be a little self-conscious about). He’s also Bidwell. He legally changed his name because the scoutfam is a little notorious what with the many many troublemakers that come from it. I think this is the perfect origin story for him because there’s no way Saxton Hale would hire an assistant without assessing their combat ability.
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Jessie is Jack’s (coming next!) right-hand man, 7 years older than Scout. Scoutmom Jolene forgot the masculine way to spell it was ‘Jesse’ so now this tall, buff, intimidating man has to live with a name that many would point and laugh and call a girl’s name (not that ‘Jesse’ would be any better in the spoken word). Though it was a bit of an embarrassment in early childhood, mostly going by his initials, he’s moved past it, growing confident and comfortable with his name. He’s generally stoic and hard to rattle, though he has a more chaotic side and likes helping out with Jay’s pranks. Though he’s slower to anger, he holds a long, lifetime grudge. He has darker brown eyes and black hair.
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Jack is 9 years older than Scout and the ruthless leader type. He specializes in organized crime, but in a kind of wholesome way. He’s very protective of anything he’s deemed his territory and will keep his little circle safe. Family comes before anything for him (absent fathers don’t count in his books). He targets overeager gangs, corrupt officials, big businesses challenging smaller local ones, and other threats to his community in various less-than-legal ways. He has blue eyes and black hair.
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James is the oldest son, 12 years older than Scout. He filled in as a sort of father figure to the family as it grew and was the leader of the scoutbros’ chaotic outings until adulthood, when he eventually decided to pursue a stable, normal job. Still, he sticks around and occasionally accompanies the group for old time’s sake. He’s generally the most responsible, followed by Jake and Jessie. He has brown eyes and a light brownish hair, a similar shade to Scout’s.
and that’s all of em! hope you enjoyed this wild ride through my brain. i think the tag is free so #scoutbros will from now on be referring to my particular band of silly dudes unless anyone has any objections!
also, feel free to ask me any questions!
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queensqueercourt · 1 year
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"We found this reel near the mercenary's break room. mind going through it before going through the archives?"
Intern propoganda post for @tf2shipswag's oc tournament! Intern voiced by me, interviewer voiced by @beepiesheepie, and Alwyne voiced by @gordonfreemanreal.
Transcript under the cut!
The interviewer Rustles the mic and tape recorder a bit, setting it up
IV: test test one one, ok all set up! would you mind testing your mic kid?
IN: oh uh, hello? Hi?
IV: … right, all clear on my end! This thing is a real son of a bitch to set up- oh- I'm sorry, you're just a kid I apologize-
IN: oh no no it's alright! I'm 16, you won't tarnish my mind with some swear words.
IV: Well if it's alright with you… Let's start the recording then! Let's give a bit of a pause before we start since I'm gonna cut this part out.
In: ok, just, y'know give me the word…
A moment of silence
Iv: Timestamp: August 5th, 1971, today I will be interviewing Mann Co intern, [harsh bleep] Fleming. I'm here to ask some questions about your current employment.
In: Fire away.
IV: Excellent. Now, first of all, tell me about your day to day workload, what you do every single day to keep this place running.
IN: Well… it's definitely not easy. I do a lot of organizing.
IV: Of what kind?
IN: Oh, you know, files.
IV: … Mx Fleming, could you go into further detail about this organizing that you do?
IN: Sure! I keep files in place, and, I make sure they're how Pauling likes them. I organize by date, importance, ownership, type, secrecy, and-
IV: Ownership?
IN: Yeah! Ownership! Like, uh. Who owned them before they came to me, what station they were in before, like-
IV: Station?
IN: Yeah! Like police station. The guys- mercs- do crimes a lot, and I do whatever Pauling can't, like sneaking into police stations to steal reports, or hide bodies before said police show up! Pauling is really thankful for it, when I'm in the station she's hours away at a different one, forging documents! She told me she'd teach me how to do it, but both of us have been busy.
IV: With, what?
IN: Work! What else do you think? I get the mercs coffee, even though Engie was supposed to fix the coffee maker months ago, and I run around with Bidwell to make sure every endangered animal made it to mercenary park, and I count every single kill on every strange weapon to make sure its at the right rank! Do you know how many people the mercs have to kill to get a weapon to the 'Hale's Own' rank? Eight, freaking, thousand. You know the Australium weapons too? The ones the mercs get after slaughtering down the robots trying to take over Mann Co? I'm the one that puts everything in those crates, every robot part, every fabricator and kit. I'm pretty sure those fabricators are in there to give the mercs enrichment, like they're zoo animals. That's kind of how Mr. Hale treats them anyway.
IV: I see… could you elaborate on what you do with Mr. Bidwell and Ms. Pauling?
IN: Sure. With Pauling I just do what she doesn't have time for. The Administrator puts a LOT on her plate, like a lot. Usually I do embezzling, body disposal, hiding the base from any goon that drives in the badlands, serving out contracts, getting takeout- I'm like a… mini Pauling! With Bidwell I write transcripts, approve or deny anything the mercs request, or kill company rivals-
IV: Kill company rivals?
IN: Yeah! There's a weird amount of munitions dealers and bootlegs of Mann Co out there!
IV lets out a small laugh: id imagine!
IN also lets out a small laugh as the room goes quiet as the IV is writing things down on the piece of paper for a few seconds
IN:so,,,what company do you work for?
IV: hm?
IN: the company. That you're representing. I've put together you don't know much about how Mann co works and its operation, and you're not very keen on the mercenaries as well. You've only interviewed me about this. Am i correct?
IV:,, and i thought i was the one interviewing you!-
IN: answer the question.
IV:,,,I dont see why this would be important to your interview mx. fleming, why don't we get back to the questionnaire? Film is quite expensive and id hate-
IN: Speaking of which! It's so crazy how you know my full name!I havent heard it in ages it's almost alien to hear it coming out of a stranger's mouth, who doesn't work at Mann co or is affiliated with the mercenaries.
IV:Kid, its just a name, can we please go on with the interview!-
IN:no! We cant! Because you know the name of a person who’s never even heard their name sputtered out or even known by their own boss. So you explain where you got that file. And why all your questions have been so private business oriented anyways.
The IV pauses for a second, realizing they are in danger before stammering: I- Kid, listen, this isnt about you its not “personal” its about your coworkers too! I mean what kind of interviewer wouldnt see it from all sides, itd be quite inefficient if you ask me-
IN: wow.
Iv: ,hm?
IN: You told the truth. I thought youd never stop spouting bullshit out of your mouth.
IV: you shut your god damn mouth, this is my interveiw you-
IN: Actually i think you DID taint my mind a bit after cussing at the start of this interrogation, and not only that but youre putting the pieces of the puzzle right in front of yourself and solving them without even knowing it! This IS about efficiency! Im the easiest of all the workers close to the admin and saxton to talk to. Bidwell and miss pauling are off doing some crap out and about im just the guy to tell you what those two are up to!! You and your thinly veiled espionage as some kind of “quick questionnaire for the new interns”, its take a world-class idiot to not recognize the pattern you've laid out.
The IV sits for a minute, questioning what to say next
IV:,,, you think youre so fuckin clever kid-
IN: oh i know i am. If i wasnt you wouldnt have put a gun under the table. I think this is a win for me. But thats just my opinion. So please IN taps the mic: tell me yours.
A few moments of silence pass before a screech of a metal chair is heard and IV tries to pull out the gun from under the desk but is stopped by IN, shooting them 3 times.
As the silence fades soft and faint gurgling and pained sounds are heard before IV dies with an exhale IN moves and shuffles through the files, moving papers and notes IN muttering and murmuring before saying: damn they did their homework,, i didn't think that Charles Darling needed to know about my H&M clothing receipts..??
After those moments AW enters the room looking around before saying: Christ Intern, got that fed up with their questions already? …I’m a little impressed, honestly. Thought you’d kill ‘em sooner. AW mutters to himself: Damn, I owe Brodie 20 bucks now..
IN Barks out a laugh: HA! Sucker! Ah shitshitshit theyre bleeding all over the carpet!! Al, help me carry em out before it stains beyond repair.
AW: Hold on. That thing’s still on.
IN moves around, before playing with the setup: now THIS will be interesting to show the team. I think Rep knowns how to put this stuff on a vhs! Plus a fancy new recording setup!
AW: Wait- how long has that been on?
IN: i think for the entire conversation, why?
AW: I’d get rid of it, probably blackmail material if you ask me, reeaaal easy to use in court if we ever get caught.
IN: shit, right…. Hey Al, what does this red button d-
End of transcript
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theinsanecrayonbox · 5 months
Sabretooth War part 8 time
and again, doing it from tower so we can have panels, so that also means a cut to save dash space
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bwahahaha idk but that over the top warning box just had me burst out laughing. i sure hope some karen complained that this storyline was too over the top pointlessly graphic (ok i din't really, because again i do enjoy bloody fights, but this is all just edgelordy nonsense for the sake of being unpleasant)
anywhos, onto our story in progress proper
i already mentioned the preview pages, and commented that i liked the parallels in the storytelling, and the Holly Bright/Bonnie Hale things. but the fact that Victor's admitting that he's a victim...has that ever happened before?
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aw crap, Savage is dead-dead. i was hoping maybe she wasn't, like how Capt wasn't for an issue, since she wasn't decapitated. but nope, we can't have fun here.
Laura tauntsGraydona nd jumps out a window. he says screw it all.
Logan's getting patched up by Oya and monologing internally about how it;s so great to have no powers and could die at any moment...didn't we do this song and dance years ago before you died dude? also, you're not gonna be able to move very easily with that super heavy metal skeleton that your body won't compensate for properly without your healing factor. you know the adamantium poisoning is gonna get you. we've done this before; stop being so blasé about it.
Nekra thinks Logan's plans are dumb. Mr OC tries a psychic tap and freaks out because Graydon is so much worse than Victor? uh...wut. wiener boi, even in new shiny tinfoil mode, is not as large scale of a threat as you're making him seem. i'm sorry, but no. you cannot excuse taking the spotlight off of a main character because the wieners secondary (tertiary even) character is now the big bad and final threat. i'm just...uhg. Graydon is a wiener, and he has his purposes, but this isn't one of them. "extra dimensional tech will make this easy' yeah, uhhu, sure. you know what would've made this make sense; us seeing HOW we got this cool maybe. because you give the wiener a shiny gun doesn't mean we will immediately think he's cool and capable; it just makes him look like a wiener with a gun and make we should duck because he's probably doing to accidentally shoot himself with it.
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and how do you know about that! you weren't part of the Pit Gang conversations. bad writing!!
so Logan takes the Pit Gang (trio really at this point) to his apocalypse bunker. and they fight bears. this is padding.
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no it wasn't, stop lying Logan
cut to teh Greenhouse...
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THE BOI IS BACK!!!!! where was he? what's he been doing? IDK AND IDC!! he's not dead, he's still here, he's in a panel. i'm not even paying attention to the rest of the page, what's going on...
Black Tom is making them a vegetable plane to go help Laura cause the them got her help texts. mk. and Cuckoo is getting a text from Quint-head that Vic is breaking out of the Audrey Two
and cut back to Logan and friends, and he's in adamantium armor with a Muramasa blade. yeah...lame. if this was to sell action figures maybe, but we don't do that anymore these days. so this is just uhg. also, didn't Laura have one of these getups? are we now repeating the OTHER Wolverine because we don't have enough new ideas???
whelp, this one wasn't so bad (why'd it warrant such a comedic warning idk lol). we progressed a bit, we got some flashbacks, we got a lot of dumb padding/stretching. but Arkady is confirmed still here, and in part 8, so i'll take it. (still not convinced my conspiracy theory that he was originally supposed to be dead in part 1 and it was changed last second isn't true...he has no lines in these 2 pages and could've been added in after the fact...he still isn't in the opening lineups yet Aurora and Northstar are and they haven't appeared in a couple issues)
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cryingabtab · 11 months
Save Me A Spark - Part 14
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Warnings: Angst, Crying, Cursing
Pairing: Austin Butler x Cassie Hale (OC)
Word Count: 1070
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“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half of that you see.” ~ Edgar Allan Poe
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Austin had to fight the urge to throw his phone across the room after Rory had hung up on him. He opted to set it down next to him while he curled into a ball and sobbed into his knees. Had he really been given wrong information? Did Rory mean it when she said that Cassie loves him? That Cassie wasn’t just using him? That’s not what he had been told three days prior during an emergency meeting that his manager had called. 
~3 days earlier~
Austin walked down the hallway to his manager’s office with a pep in his step. He knew he should probably be feeling anxious about this emergency meeting, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. He was happy. He missed Cassie, of course, but he loved that he got to text and call her. He was excited to get back and see her. 
Upon opening the office door, all of his previous pep dissipated in an instant. There, talking to his manager, was his ex girlfriend, Claire. They both turned to look at him. “Austin,” his manager addressed him. “Have a seat.”
Austin hesitantly sat down in the chair next to Claire. “What’s this about? Why is she here?” 
His manager sighed. “She has brought something to my attention that I think you should know about,” she began. “That girl you’ve been seeing? She’s using you.” 
Austin’s face scrunched up, “What? That’s absurd.” 
“The floor is yours,” his manager said to Claire. 
Claire nodded before turning in her chair to face Austin. “We know she’s not famous. Of course, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. However, in this case, it is. She’s trying to get famous. You’re all part of her plan.” 
Austin scoffed, “How could you possibly assume something like that? You don’t know her.”
Claire nodded. “You’re right. I don’t know her. But I can tell she doesn’t care about you. She never talks about you and the only thing she’s ever posted of you is a picture with her band on her band’s account. I also did some digging and found out that she and the guy at the recording studio she uses are a thing.”
Austin’s face dropped, “What?”
“Yeah, on her personal Instagram account there’s pictures of the two of them together,” she pulled her phone out to show him. “See, she’s kissing his cheek here, they’re hugging in this one, and the caption on this one says ‘I love you Matty’. It doesn’t look good for her.”
For some reason, that sold Austin. He went completely silent as he tried to hold back tears. 
His manager spoke up again. “I’m so sorry, Austin.”
Austin didn’t respond to her. 
“Austin, I care about you. I still love you,” Claire said softly. “We can get you through this. She’s not worth it.”
~Present Time~
Austin knew he had to find out the truth. And there was only one person that he could talk to in order to get it. 
That person was Cassie.
He stood up and walked to the bathroom, blowing his nose before splashing cool water on his face in an attempt to calm down. He wanted to get as much out of this conversation as he possibly could, and he couldn’t do that if he was bawling his eyes out and hyperventilating. It took him around an hour to finally calm down enough to even pick up the phone. 
Austin pressed Cassie’s contact and his thumb hovered over the call button. He sucked in a deep breath and pressed it, letting out a long, shaky exhale as he brought the phone to his ear. He listened as the phone rang…and rang…and rang. She didn’t pick up. Instead, he got her voicemail. “This is Cassie, leave a message.” 
He cursed under his breath and hung up the phone, quickly calling her number once more as he began to pace along the floor, rubbing the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger as he listened to the daunting ring of the phone. After the fourth ring, he heard a trembling sigh, followed by a sweet, but sad, voice. “Hello?” 
“Cassie,” Austin breathed. “I-I’m so sorry.” 
There was a long pause on the other end. “Look,” Cassie said, voice pinched and small. “If you didn’t want me, you could’ve just said so.” Quick, shaky breaths could be heard from her line. It broke Austin’s heart. 
“No, no, no, please don’t cry,” his panic was evident in his voice. “I’m so sorry, Cass. That’s not the case. Please. Hear me out.”
“You have three minutes before I hang up,” she sniffled. 
With a quick sigh of relief and thank you, Austin got to work explaining everything. He was able to explain it all with a minute to spare. 
Cassie sighed and he could hear her soft sniffles. “That’s fucked up,” she mumbled. “You should have just talked to me. I would’ve told you that it was all bullshit. And by the way, Matty is just one of my best friends, and probably the band’s biggest supporter. He’s done a lot for us. All of us have pictures and posts with him just like I do. Plus, I’m pretty sure he’s had the hots for Hazel for like…ever.”
“I-I’m sorry. I know, I should’ve talked to you first. I-“ Ausrin was interrupted. 
“I wasn’t done,” Cassie said coldly, a sudden change from her previous upset. “You need to learn to think for yourself. Don’t believe everything you see. Don’t believe everything you hear. I cannot forgive you. And I sure as hell can’t trust you.” 
Austin began to tear up once more, “Cass, please,” he whispered. “Let me make up for this.”
“If you want to make this up to me,” she started, venom in her voice. “You’ll stay the fuck away from me. Goodbye Austin.” She hung up the phone with a quickness. 
“Cassie? Cass?” Austin called frantically into the phone. He pulled it from his ear and realized she had indeed hung up. He sat down on the floor and looked up at the ceiling, tears streaming down his cheeks before he could even begin to realize he was crying. 
He needed to make this up to her. He needed her in his life. He couldn’t let her go. And he needed a plan.
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tylerandcrystal · 6 days
James Miller, a werewolf, must help his friend deal with the consequences of being bitten, while also navigating his own feelings for Allison Argent, the daughter of the hunters who are after him.
Allison Argent X oc
Season 1
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"sorry to keep you waiting, but now I'm all yours."
CRYSTAL REED as Allison Argent
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"Do I make you nervous?"
The rest of the cast of Teen Wolf.
James Miller, a 17-year-old alpha werewolf, lived under the protection of the Hale family in Beacon Hills after being abandoned by his biological family. His life changes when Scott McCall, a schoolmate, is bitten by a new and powerful alpha. Derek Hale orders James to keep an eye on Scott to maintain the secrecy of werewolves and prevent trouble with hunters.
James also faces romantic rivalry with Scott for the affection of Allison Argent, the daughter of a family of hunters. As the new alpha threatens to destabilize the city and the conflict between hunters and werewolves intensifies, James must choose between protecting his friends and following his own heart.
The familiar shadows of the Beacon Hills reserve surrounded me, but there was something different in the air that night. A sense of unease, as if the forest itself was holding its breath. I knew this place better than I knew myself. I understood what it was capable of and what it hid among its trees. When I saw Scott McCall emerge from the bushes, I let out a sigh. What the hell was he doing here?
Scott had always been a quiet guy, one of those who tried to stay out of trouble. Different from his friend Stiles, who seemed to attract problems like a magnet. We were "friends," or at least something similar. We chatted occasionally between classes, but nothing deeper.
From the shadows, I watched him move forward. Something dark and ominous hovered around him. Each step was slower, heavier, as if the ground itself was trying to hold him back. When he stopped at a fork in the path, I saw his body tense up, as if he sensed danger. A dull noise from between the trees made him jump. He reached for his inhaler in his pocket, but the sound changed, turning into a deep rumble, like a wave approaching.
My heartbeat quickened. I knew what was about to happen. Then, suddenly, a dozen deer burst out from the underbrush, racing past Scott in a wild stampede. He dropped the inhaler as he struggled to regain his balance, but what the flickering light of his phone illuminated was something horrifying: a face, torn in half. A girl, her body mangled and broken among the leaves. A choked scream escaped her mouth as she stumbled back.
"Scott!" I wanted to yell, but my voice remained trapped in my throat. He slipped, tumbling down the slope, and without thinking twice, I followed him. My heart pounded furiously in my chest. I knew what was coming.
Then I felt it: a low, menacing growl that made my nerves tremble. I froze, and so did Scott. The creature was about to strike. I could feel it moving in the darkness, its heavy breath mingling with the scent of blood. In that moment, everything seemed to slow down.
I lunged forward, but I was already too late. The shadow pounced on him, its white, razor-sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight. "Scott!" I screamed, reaching out to him as the creature struck. I watched him fall, blood flowing. Its scent hit me, nauseating me. I had to intervene.
I positioned myself between him and the beast, my heart racing, and let the wolf inside me emerge. A fierce growl erupted from my chest. "Leave him alone!" I roared, my voice turning into an animalistic growl. "Let him go!"
The alpha stopped, its red eyes like blood gazing at me. An instant of hesitation, as if it was assessing whether I was a threat. Then, slowly, with a fluid and ruthless motion, it turned and walked away. Scott remained still, paralyzed by fear.
"Run!" I shouted, pouring all my will into the words. "Scott, get out of here!"
For a moment, he stood frozen, confused and scared, but then something unlocked within him. He turned and started running, disappearing into the shadows of the forest.
A sense of relief washed over me, but only for an instant. I knew Scott was safe... at least for now.
But he didn't know who I was. He didn't recognize my face, hidden behind the wolf's form, nor my eyes burning bright red. And maybe, that was for the best.
I reached a safe spot and called the only person who could help me understand what had just happened.
"Derek, you need to come to Beacon Hills right away!"
His response was immediate, tense. "What happened?"
"An alpha. He bit a boy. You might want to-"
The line cut off with a sharp beep. Derek had hung up. Damn it.
I ran a hand through my hair, frustrated. I knew Derek would come. And I knew that things were about to get very, very complicated.
I'm blindly slipping into my pants, my mind still foggy with sleep. Derek is there, leaning against the door with his arms crossed and that impassive expression that makes me want to scream. One eyebrow is raised ever so slightly, and I can already feel the lecture coming.
"Follow him? Are you serious?" I burst out, my voice sharp as a knife.
"Yes." He's firm, convinced, as if he's talking about the weather. To him, everything is simple and clear: it's like a well-marked road. Black or white.
I huff, irritated. "I'm not going to babysit."
And he doesn't waver. "You're not babysitting. You just need to keep an eye on him, talk to him, help him."
I laugh, but there's nothing funny about my smile. "Hey, I don't even know him."
Derek stares at me with that calmness that seems almost unnatural. "You go to school together."
"What? I've exchanged a couple of words with him in the hallway, if that's good for ten times." I throw him a penetrating look. "That's not enough to say that I know him."
"Then it'll be the perfect opportunity to get to know him," he replies, without a moment's hesitation.
I sigh, the tension already palpable in the air. "Do you realize it will be weird? Really weird."
Derek doesn't flinch. "You can handle 'weird.'"
I make an irritated sound as I put on my t-shirt, avoiding his gaze that seems to read my thoughts. "No, I really don't think-"
"There's another alpha in town, James," he interrupts, his voice now harder. His arms are crossed tight, as if they bear the weight of what he's not saying. "You've noticed, right?"
I stop, a low growl rising in my throat. "So what? Am I supposed to babysit his betas?"
Derek steps forward, his voice intense as if he wants to shake something inside me. "You're an alpha too. Don't you get it? It's your responsibility."
I feel the blood pounding in my temples. "Derek, I want a normal life! Go to school, fall in love, party... like all the other guys."
He shakes his head, incredulous. "We're not like the others."
His tone irritates me even more, and my self-control begins to crumble. "Yeah, but I've tried not to be like you guys since that day, and you know it." His eyes drop for a moment, and I know he understands which day I'm referring to. The fire. The night I lost everything.
But he doesn't give in. With a softer yet firm tone, he says, "So why did you try to save that boy?"
I look at him incredulously. "What does that mean? Should I have let him die?"
"No," he replies, and there's a challenge in his voice, an invitation to reflect beyond the immediate. "But your alpha instinct told you to protect him."
I feel like I might explode. "Oh, no. Don't try to draw me into this kind of discussion, Derek."
Derek doesn't respond right away. He approaches my bed, grabs my backpack, and throws it at me. "You don't want to be late on your first day of school, do you?"
I catch the backpack midair, my heart pounding furiously. "The conversation always ends when you decide it does."
He smiles, just a hint, but enough to make me want to throw something at him. "When you realize you don't have a choice."
I sigh, feeling the bitterness building inside me. "One day, I swear, I'll stop listening to you."
Derek comes closer, places a hand on my shoulder, and looks into my eyes, his features softer than usual. "Yes, but today isn't that day."
My eyelids feel heavy, but I don't look away. "I hate you," I mutter, but my voice doesn't carry any real weight.
He chuckles softly, a deep sound that fills the room, and I can almost see a hint of affection in his eyes. Deep down, I know that despite my wish to rebel, I can't help but listen to him. And despite everything, I'm not ready to distance myself from him. Not yet.
The roar of my motorcycle engine echoed as I approached the school entrance. With a smooth motion, I parked and took off my helmet, allowing my mind to focus on the fragments of conversation drifting into my ears. Scott and Stiles were deep in an animated discussion.
Stiles: "Okay, tell me everything. Ooh!"
Scott: "Yeah... Wow! It was too dark to see clearly, but I'm sure it was a wolf."
Stiles: "Did a wolf bite you?"
Scott: "Uh-huh."
Stiles: "No way."
Scott: "I heard a wolf howling."
Stiles: "No, you did not."
Scott: "How do you know what I heard?"
I stepped closer, getting a clear view of them. Scott looked troubled, a mix of fear and confusion in his eyes. It was clear he was trying to piece together a situation that seemed to be slipping away from him.
Without thinking too much, I approached them with a confident and laid-back tone: "Hey, guys!"
The two whipped around to face me. Stiles jumped in surprise. Then, with a forced smile and tense shoulders, he greeted me, "Oh, hey, James!" It was a little too friendly for my taste. "Did you hear what we were talking about?"
While Scott appeared lost, as if he was trying to determine whether all of this was real or a dream.
I smiled calmly: "No... Why? Should I have?"
"No, no! We were just discussing boring stuff, you know... nothing special."
A silence stretched between us as I observed them. Then I turned to Scott, who hadn't spoken a word until then. "Scott, what about you? You okay?"
Scott looked at me, and for a moment, I could read a shadow of confusion in his eyes, a foggy memory struggling to surface. "Uh... yeah, yeah... I guess I'm okay."
He doesn't know I was the one who saved him, that I threw myself between him and that beast last night. It's better he doesn't find out. Not yet.
At that point, Stiles, nervously chuckling and trying to save his best friend, declared: "Yeah, perfect! Like always, right?"
I watched them, aware that they were trying to hide something, but I knew better. It was a reality they hadn't yet confronted. I smiled, echoing Stiles' words: "Perfect, sure... like always."
In that moment, I caught sight of Lydia Martin strolling along the outside corridor like a model on a runway. Her red hair sparkled in the sunlight, and her smile was confident and magnetic. Stiles and I exchanged a glance and, almost in sync, greeted her: "Hey, Lydia!"
She looked at me and smiled, giving me a nod, but only to me, leaving Stiles completely ignored.
I said, smiling: "Maybe she didn't hear you."
Scott burst out laughing, and Stiles shot me a mock-indignant look.
"But she waved to you!"
I shrugged. "Maybe she meant to wave to you too."
Stiles shot an accusatory glance at Scott. "You're the cause of all this, you know. You've dragged me into your nerd abyss. I've become a nerd by association. I've been scarlet-nerded by you."
I smiled, amused by the scene unfolding before me. I turned back to Scott, who was still hiding his discomfort behind a forced smile. I knew something inside him was changing, and he would soon have to face the reality of what had happened. He was searching for answers. But I wasn't ready to give them to him yet.
It was the first day of English class, and the room was filled with a hum of voices and the sounds of chairs scraping against the floor. I walked into the classroom and immediately spotted Scott sitting next to Stiles, both already deep in an animated discussion.
The atmosphere shifted instantly as MR. CURTIS, the teacher, entered with a deliberate and authoritative stride.
"As you all know, a body was found in the woods last night. I'm sure your curious little minds are already conjuring up all sorts of macabre scenarios about how it happened, but I've been informed that the police have a suspect in custody."
Scott shot a surprised glance at Stiles. I was equally taken aback by this revelation. I had no idea there was already a suspect.
"So now that the gossip has been set aside, you can devote your full attention to the syllabus on your desks. Read it now. And by reading, I don't mean just giving it a quick glance."
The students buried themselves in their reading, but an unexpected CELL PHONE RINGING broke the silence. Scott looked up, confused, and I did the same, scanning for the source of the disturbance. Despite the class being immersed in silence, the ringing persisted audibly. My eyes landed on the windows of the classroom.
Outside, beyond the courtyard, a girl I had never seen before caught my attention. She appeared to be around sixteen, with a radiant and innocent beauty. I watched her lift the phone to her ear, realizing that it was her call, despite the distance and closed windows.
I noticed that Scott, like me, could hear her conversation.
"Mom, three calls on the first day is a bit much."
"I just wanted to make sure you arrived safely and that you have everything you need."
The girl rummaged through her bag, clearly anxious.
"I have everything except a pen. Oh my God, I can't believe I forgot a pen."
"Don't worry. I'm sure you can borrow one from another student."
"Okay, okay, I have to go. Love you."
Scott seemed completely captivated by the scene, as me. I saw the principal approaching the girl on the steps of the building. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting."
The principal guided her through the courtyard, and their conversation grew clearer as they approached the building.
"So you were telling me that San Francisco isn't where you grew up?"
"No, but we stayed there for over a year, which is unusual for my family. We move around a lot because of my dad's job."
Even as they vanished from sight, I could still hear the noise of the door opening and the clicking of their footsteps in the hallway.
"Well, let's hope Beacon Hills is your last stop for a while."
The classroom door opened, and all eyes turned up.
"Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome."
Allison. That was her name. I watched her walk to the only empty desk, situated right behind Scott. I noticed Scott holding his breath, unsure of what to do. I decided to take the initiative. I stood up, pulled a pen from my pocket, and walked over to her with a friendly smile. "Here, you can use mine."
Allison looked at me, surprised, and then smiled gratefully. "Thanks! How did you know?"
"That's usually how we welcome people to Beacon Hills." I flashed a grin.
Allison seemed amused, but the firm tone of MR. CURTIS interrupted our conversation.
"Mr. Miller... I appreciate your enthusiasm, but could you please return to your seat so we can start the lesson?"
With a wider smile, I nodded. "Sure, Mr. Curtis, I'll sit down right away."
I returned to my desk, not before throwing one last glance at Allison, who was trying to suppress a laugh. I felt Scott's eyes on me as I took my seat. Stiles, sitting next to him, was chuckling under his breath.
Scott looked a bit annoyed, but I shrugged it off. I settled back in my seat, maintaining a confident smile, wondering who this girl was that had caught both Scott's... and my... attention.
"Alright, let's begin with Kafka..."
I took one last look at Scott, still distracted by Allison. As I pretended to focus on Kafka, I knew that this girl had just made the day a lot more interesting.
I was grabbing a snack from the vending machine when I noticed Lydia grabbing Allison by the arm, guiding her towards a group of guys gathered at the end of the hallway. Among them was Jackson, the captain of the lacrosse team, who shared my reputation as one of the best players in school.
I decided to approach them.
Scott, in the meantime, was following my every step, and I could feel his gaze on me, like a silent shadow.
"Hey, hi! I didn't think I'd see you again so soon," I said when my eyes met Allison's.
"Hey, pen guy."
"I'm James, by the way." I offered my hand with an affable smile, and she shook it, amused. God, I wished I could hold it forever.
"I see, is this how you made an impression?" Jackson interrupted with his usual annoying tone. "Did you give her your pen?"
We're friends, but sometimes I just can't understand how he manages to be so irritating.
Amused, I gave him a friendly nudge, trying to diffuse the tension.
Finally, Lydia spoke up, tired of our banter. "You're coming to the party, right Allison?"
"A party?" Allison seemed surprised.
"Friday night. You should come," Jackson continued, his enthusiasm evident.
"I can't. It's family night this Friday. But thanks for the invite," Allison replied, and my mind started racing. Why are you lying, girl?
Jackson, insensitive to the nuances, insisted. "Are you sure? Everyone's going after the scrimmage."
"You mean like football?" Allison asked, clearly confused.
Jackson and I exchanged a knowing glance: we both knew how this conversation would end.
"What's football?" I said, playing my part to lighten the mood.
Jackson went on, "Football's a joke here at Beacon. The real sport here is lacrosse. We've won the state championship the last three-"
Lydia, proudly pointed at Jackson. "Thanks to a certain team captain."
"It's funny how I never get any recognition. I'm the one who makes the most assists in every game," I grumbled, but my frustration melted away when Allison laughed.
"Oh sorry, James," Lydia interrupted, the attention turning back to us.
Jackson continued to boast, "Every season starts with a scrimmage to decide the new starting lineup. Have you ever seen lacrosse?"
Allison replied, "Actually, I'm not sure how it's played, other than-well, it's violent."
"Maybe you should come see for yourself. We have practice in a few minutes. You're not going anywhere, are you?" Jackson said, his eyes locked on her.
Allison looked at me and then said, "Well, no, I was just heading-"
"Perfect. Come with us," Lydia interrupted, with her usual authority.
"It seems like the ice queen decides for all of us," I commented, pointing at Lydia with an ironic smile.
Allison laughed again, and the sound was the most beautiful in the world. But why are you thinking about these things, James? Wake up.
Suddenly, I felt a shift in the atmosphere. Thanks to my werewolf nature, I had developed a surprising ability to pick up on others' emotions. The tension in the room was palpable, and from afar, I could clearly sense Scott's annoyance.
Scott was at the end of the hallway, visibly frustrated. I felt his discontent like a wave of cold air. His attention was fixed on me and Allison, and I knew his dismay was growing.
The sound of the final bell signaled the end of classes, and the hallway instantly filled with students heading toward the exit, eager to kick off their afternoon. I, along with Allison, Lydia, and Jackson, made our way to the lacrosse field - our go-to spot for sports and some downtime.
"If you've never seen a lacrosse game," I said to Allison as we walked side by side, "today's the perfect day for it. Tryouts are always a lively event."
Allison looked at me, and I could see genuine interest in her eyes, a curiosity shimmering bright. "I've never seen one live," she admitted, "but I've heard it's pretty intense. It must be really exciting."
I shot her a knowing glance and smiled, trying to draw her in. "It is," I replied. "Especially when our team is out there. Jackson's good, but I give him a run for his money."
She smiled back, amused. "Oh really? What's your role?"
"I play center," I said, a hint of pride creeping into my voice. "Basically, I do the dirty work, but it's a lot of fun." I winked at her. "And if you want, I could show you some tricks."
Allison laughed, the sound bright and clear. Lydia, walking next to us, shot me a teasing look.
"James, when you're done flirting, let me know," she said, a playful smirk on her face.
Jackson chimed in, impatience evident in his tone, "Guys, enough with the small talk. We need to get ready for tryouts, and I intend to make a statement."
We reached the lacrosse field, spotting a group of students already waiting. Scott, dressed in his gear, was preparing. I gestured toward the field, speaking to Allison.
"This is the turf. Trust me, it's a whole different thing when you're in the heat of action," I said excitedly. "See you later."
As I walked away, I felt Allison's gaze lingering on me. Scott noticed us arriving and waved at Allison, who smiled back. I approached the tryout group, ready to prove myself. The whistle
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Shaving Leon's beard.
Vendetta Leon Kennedy x OC Julianna Hales
Genre: Fluff
A/n: This is my first time to write this fic and I'm not that good, but I tried. Feel free to comment :)
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Leon stared at his reflection in the mirror. All he could see was a man who had been fighting bioterrorism for years. He could see every scar, every wrinkle, and the constant exhaustion in his eyes. All he could think of was Julianna, his girlfriend, who knew him too well. She could read him like an open book and knew when he was feeling down.
"Hey, babe. Are you okay?" Julianna asked placing a gentle kiss on his cheek with a comforting smile, as she walks in. Leon nodded and turned his head to face her. "Yeah, just thinking," he replied.
She noticed his beard and ran her fingers through it. "This needs to go," she said.
Leon chuckled. "You always know what I need before I do," he said, relieved Julianna offered to do it. Julianna grinned, "I'm always here to help you out."
He stared at her, and his mind wandered back to the day he met her. It was during the Lanshiang incident, and Julianna had been there as a DSO agent like him. Leon was impressed by her determination and bravery, and they hit it off immediately.
Julianna straddled his lap, facing him, as he sat down. "Are you ready?", Leon nodded "Yeah, just be careful." Unexpectedly, Julianna spoke, "You know, you look a lot different without your beard." Leon chuckled, "I hope that's a good thing."
"It's a great thing," Julianna whispered, stopping for a moment to admire his handsome features, as she gets the shaving cream and lathering Leon's chin She reaches for the razor and starts to shave his beard.
"You know, I don't think I've ever seen you without a beard," Julianna says, trying to make small talk.
Leon nods, feeling a little embarrassed as Julianna straddles his lap to reach some areas better. "Yeah, it's been awhile," he says, feeling a little awkward with their current position.
Julianna notices his discomfort and gives him an understanding smile. "Relax, I've done this plenty of times. It's just you and me," she says, trying to reassure him.
Leon nods and leans back, closing his eyes as Julianna continues to shave his beard. He listens to her breathe and the sound of the razor as she worked. She knows that Leon had been through a lot, but she also knows that he is strong enough to overcome anything. As Julianna continued to shave him, they talked about everything and anything - from their favorite foods to their upcoming mission.
Once she's finished, he stared at himself in the mirror. "Wow, I really look different." Julianna smiled, "You definitely do, but you still look just as handsome." Leon turned and looked at her, "Thanks for doing this for me."
Julianna stood up off Leon's lap, "Anytime, partner." As she walked out of the bathroom, Leon couldn't help but feel grateful that he had Julianna by his side. She was the only one who truly understood him, and from that moment on, he knew that he could face anything and everything with her by his side. The end.
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babeyvenus · 1 year
My Future
Derek Hale x OC
Samantha, Stiles and Scott are always joking about the impossible. Who wouldn't when your best friend's dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills? All jokes stop when they realize the impossible is indeed possible.
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Chapter 68: Bleeding Brother
A/N: gonna be a spam of chapters bc I think it's about time. Feedback always welcome!
As the four headed back to Scott's house, they were debating on whether or not to call Stiles and tell him about what had happened with the possibility of killing a Hellhound.
It made no sense to either of them as to what was going on, and Stiles was the brains of the pack.
Scott sits down on the edge of his bed, glaring at his phone screen as he looks at the voicemail Stiles had sent him moments ago.
Malia and Lydia sit down beside him as Sam paces, still refusing to ruin Stiles' time where he was.
Scott was in a limbo. He knows his best friend wanted the best for Stiles, but they also needed him too. Scott’s voice is hesitant as he calls out to Sam. “Sam–”
She fixed him with a widened eyed look and pointed at him with a snap. “You call him and I'm snatching your damn fingers. The boy deserves a break. It's enough that he's already had the responsibility of being the sheriff's son, but being here hasn't been too kind for him in the past couple of years. He finally has a chance to just do him.", she rambled.
She'd finally stopped pacing, her shoulders sagged. She frowned sadly, as she remembers all the times he was in danger. “We almost lost him. Again and again and again. I'm not risking it anymore.”
Scott frowns, but nods in agreement. However… “If this turns out to be something big, and we don’t call him…”
Sam sits by the bed, letting out a sigh. "I know. He won't like it. But it'd be worth it if he won't get hurt."
Malia looks between the three and shrugs as she speaks. “Maybe we should go back to the woods tonight and find the killer?”
Lydia sighs and turns her attention to Scott. “Scott…”
He frowns and looks at his phone. “You guys didn’t hear his voice. He sounded really excited to be there.”
“And he should be. We shouldn't ruin that. Just play the damn voicemail.”, Sam said.
Scott presses the voicemail on his phone and plays it on speaker. “Hey, Scott. So, I’m here. I’m in Quantico, Virginia at the FBI. I’m at the fucking FBI! It’s real. I’m really here–”
The four smile at the sound of his voice. “And I kinda told Lydia that I miss her and I can’t wait to get home, but listen, Scott…"
They all sigh.
Scott frowns. "Whatever you’re doing right now, either of you, just make sure you’re still getting out of Beacon Hills. I mean, maybe you think you can’t leave, you know, like the whole thing falls apart if you’re not there, which, I get… but you have to. I know you’re supposed to drive out tonight, so, if you don’t call me back, just promise me you’re actually going. Just get in the Jeep and go. If you have to drag Sammy out of there, you do it. I know she won't leave. Not if she's still waiting for that stupid sourwolf.", Stiles says, making Sam roll her eyes.
"Alright, later man, I’ll talk to you soon.”
Scott turns off his phone. “We’ll try to figure this out, find Argent, maybe this won't all be something big and we can just tell him when it’s over.”, he said with hope.
Sam frowned. “Let's… give it a couple of days. Maybe a week and if it all goes to shit, we’ll call him.”
Scott stands up with a sigh. “Then, let's head back to the woods.”, he said and the girls nod.
After arriving at the preserve, they look around.
"So what else could we look for?", Malia asks Scott, but he doesn't answer.
The girls frown at him. "Scott.", Lydia called. Suddenly, Scott runs off as if he was chasing something. The girls look at each other before running after him.
Malia pants, "We can still catch him." They catch up to him and Scott turns to them, confused. “Catch who?”
Sam looks at him with furrowed eyebrows as she catches her breath. Malia frowns and shares a look with Lydia. “The killer. What were you thinking about?”, Lydia asks.
Scott holds up the bullet casing in between his fingers. “Getting the bullet to Argent.”
“Even if he’s the one who fired it?”, Malia asks and he nods. “Especially if he’s the one.”
Scott turns away and freezes as if he is on high alert. “Do you hear that?”, he asks, looking at Malia and Sam.
They nod. “Heartbeats.” Sam feels for any presences and frowns at the familiarity of them. Before she could speak up, panic struck on Scott’s face. “A lot of them. They’re coming.”
Lydia and Malia frown at him. “Who?”
Scott turns back to where he heard the heartbeats.“Hunters – run!”
Scott takes off running, leaving the girls in confusion before taking off after him. “Scott, wait! Scott!”, Malia yelled.
He ignored their calls and seemed to run faster. As they try their best to catch up, they're met with deputies with their guns drawn and flashlights beaming at a pair of bodies on the ground.
The girls' eyes widened as they took in the sight of Scott and Noah.
Noah lifts one of his hands towards the Deputies and warns, “It’s okay. Everybody, stay back. it’s just a kid.”
As they got closer, they could hear one of the female deputies ask, “What’s wrong with his eyes?”
“Shit.”, Sam mutters and moves up to the two. Parrish's order rings clear, “You heard the Sheriff, stand down!”
Sam kneels next to Scott, giving an apologetic look to the sheriff before taking Scott's hands who looks at her with embarrassed expression. He was still struggling to get his breathing and pounding heart in check. “Deep breaths, Scotty. You remember?", Sam asked.
Scott swallowed and nodded, following their traditional technique. Once he calmed down, she looked at him and gave him a nod. "What happened back there?”, Noah asked.
They help Scott stand up and Sam looks at the sheriff. "There's…something we need to show you."
They head back through the preserve towards the area where they found the dead body of the hellhound.
They show the body to Noah, Parrish and a few other deputies who search around the crime scene, looking for any more clues.
Scott turns to Noah, embarrassed. “I’m really sorry.”
Noah dismissed it with a smile and a shake of his head. He didn't blame the boy for a freakout. So long as he wasn't committing mass murder, that is. 
Sam frowns as she looks at Parrish. “How much you think they saw?", she asked, nodding over to the deputies. Parrish shrugs. “No more than they’re used to.”
Noah crosses his arms. “I still wanna know what happened.”
“He’s a Hellhound.”, Parrish explains, pointing at the body. Malia clarifies. “A dead Hellhound.”
Lydia frowns at her as the sheriff shakes his head. “Yep, got that.”
Parrish frowns. “Well, I don’t get it. I didn’t think you could kill a Hellhound.”
Malia flicks her eyebrows up, unimpressed. “Looks a lot easier than we thought.”
A pause waves over them and the sheriff and deputy looked at them almost suspiciously.
Noah speaks up. "You got anything you wanna add?”
Scott fidgets but doesn't say anything. Sam rubs behind her neck. “We just didn't think any bullet was able to do that.”
Noah nods and Parrish frowns as he looks at the hellhound’s body once more. “I'd hope not.”
As they drove back to Scott's house, they all sighed. Lydia looks at Sam, frowning. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Sam frowns and looks at Scott. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Malia looks at all of them. “Why didn’t any of you say anything? Wait, was I supposed to say something?”
Scott frowned. “No. None of us said anything because it’s Argent, and he deserves a chance to tell us himself what’s going on.”
Sam looks at them. "So none of us are gonna say anything until we talk to him. For now, we'll just have to figure this shit out ourselves.”
Lydia and Malia look unsure but Lydia sighs. “As long as we talk to Argent soon.”
Sam frowns, tiredly. "Now would be preferable."
Scott rubs his hands over his thighs, raising his brows and nods. “Finding Argent is the first priority.”
Moments later, Lydia brings Sam over to the Sheriff's station after having to explain she had a premonition of Parrish. Their first plan was having to ask Parrish for access to the card readers because of the sound Lydia heard.
He agrees and helps them down to the holding cell area. Once they were there, Sam sighed as Lydia stared at the bars of the cell. “Is that it? The sound you heard?”, Parrish asked after sliding a key card.
She shook her head. “No, it’s something else.”
They left the holding cells and made their way through the station and into the bullpen where the other deputies were working.
Parrish sits on his desk, having Lydia and Sam stop in front of him. He frowns as he thinks out loud. “It could be any kind of public facility. Hospital, a fire station, or…”
Sam frowns deeply. “Or a mental institution.”
Parrish's head snaps up as he frowns at Sam. “No.”
“Eichen House.”, Sam muttered. Parrish sighs, shaking his head. 
Lydia gives him a grimace. “The card readers on the doors?” He nods. “It’s the Closed Unit.”
Parrish stands once more, giving the girls a firm look. “You’re not going back to Eichen, and you’re definitely not going anywhere near the Closed Unit.”
Lydia almost pouts but leans a little closer to him. “What if there’s a connection to the…” She lowers her voice. “Dead Hellhound?”
He immediately shakes his head anyway. “Absolutely not. What if you go there again and someone tries to kill you? Which seems to happen every time either of you go in there!”
Sam frowns. “It’s what we got right now.”
He frowns at her. “If I bring you anywhere near that place either the sheriff will kill me, Stiles will kill me or Derek.”
She raises an eyebrow. She expected the first two, but Derek?
Parrish catches onto her confusion. "He made it very clear, before he left, not to let you get into any more trouble while he was gone or anywhere near the Eichen House again. Said something about you being drugged or something…", he trailed off.
"Look, if you're so worried, then you can come with us.”, Lydia suggested. Parrish smiles and shakes his head while reaching over to his desk chair and grabs his jacket. “Or… I can go alone and the two of you can stay here in the nice, safe Sheriff’s station.”
Before he leaves, Sam walks up to him. "Hold on, Jordan.", she says and makes a motion for him to lower his head.
Confused, he does just that, only flinching once he feels a strand of hair being plucked from his head. His head snaps back up, frowning at the girl as he rubs the sore spot. "What was that for?"
She grins, "Gray hair."
He narrows eyes, slightly offended and leaves the girl at the station. Lydia looks at her. "It's not a gray hair.", she says and Sam gives her a unimpressed look with an eyebrow raised.
Looking around, Sam makes sure none of the other deputies were watching and makes a resin in the floor before putting Parrish's hair strand in the middle.
Once she placed a hand over the circle, the crescent moon appeared on her forehead, indicating that the linking spell worked.
Moments of waiting and they were getting nowhere. Hadn't heard from Parrish or anything.
However, Lydia's attention was gathered by a calendar reminder on her phone.
Last day to register for MIT– today, 6:00PM.
Sam frowns sadly as she looks at her friend who frowns as well. "You should've registered.", Sam mutters. Lydia looked at her.
Sam glanced at her. "Register for online classes, at least.", she said with a smile. She didn't want her friends to miss chances of their lives outside of Beacon Hills and its troubles.
Lydia smiles. "I'll do that." Before she could get another word out, she sat up straight, looking at a deputy placing her walkie talkie on a charger.
The girls share a look and Lydia gets up, sneaking over to the walkie talkie. Sam watches as the girl messes with the device, listening for whatever she was listening for.
Lydia raises the volume, and the sound of static enters the room from the device. The girls looked around to see if anyone was paying attention and no one was so Sam nodded at Lydia to continue.
In seconds, Sam's wrist felt like it was freezing as the small crescent moon appeared on her forehead once more. The girls looked at each other with wide eyes.
“Time to go.”, Sam mutters, leading Lydia out of the station.
Once they arrived to the Eichen House, Sam paused as she tried to sense where Parrish could've been. 
After a minute, it was faint, but she sensed him in a cell.
The moment they walk in there, she'd be powerless. The only thing she could think about was how they rushed in there to search for Stiles, only for him not to be there. To look for Lydia as she was getting tortured, only for Sam, Scott and Kira left Stiles and Lydia to look for Valack while the dread doctors tormented them with their presence.
Each time she remembered, she felt helpless. How the hell were they gonna get Parrish out?
Lydia notices the girl's hesitation and holds her hand. Sam's eyes locked onto Lydia who gave her a soft smile. "I got you."
Once the gate slammed behind them, Sam accepted her fate. There was no turning back as they entered the building.
As they walked the hallways for the closed unit, Sam made sure to keep Lydia close. Lydia was more bound to this place than she was and it'd hurt her if Stiles knew that she let Lydia get in trouble with the place.
However, the dark hallways were keeping her on edge. It wasn't easy to keep a brave face as they looked around.
“Why aren’t the lights on…?”, Lydia whispered as they looked at all the unlocked doors. If only it was that easy when they were trying to save her the first time.
"I'm not liking the looks of this, Lydia.", Sam muttered. They both jump at the sound of gates slamming behind them.
Lydia yells for Parrish but Sam glares at her. Her yelling was gonna give them away. Whoever was here obviously didn't want anyone down here. 
She wished she could just sense someone's presence. Even if it was just theirs.
It was better than nothing.
They pause as they hear a female voice. “It’s here."
“We should be killing them.”, another voice says.
“Wait!”, they heard Parrish yell before jumping at the sound of a loud, echoing gunshot ringing through the hallways.
The girls glanced at each other before sneaking to where the sound came from.
Their eyes widen as they see a doctor pointing a gun at Parrish's forehead, muttering that he didn't have to be afraid anymore.
Before he could pull the trigger, Lydia raised her arms and let out her banshee screech at the man, and sent him flying toward the wall of the cell, and fell to the ground, knocked out.
Sam rushed over to Parrish, taking in his state. He was freezing, just like how her wrist felt earlier. "You regret not letting us come with you now?", she asked, taking off her hoodie and wrapped it around him before helping him up.
"I-I had h-him…", Parrish weakly scoffs, but gives the girls an appreciative smile as they help him out of the institution.
After leaving the sheriff's department, Lydia and Sam drove back to Scott's house, finding out they had found Chris at a gun deal that he was supplying the entire time.
Chris informed Scott that he wasn't avoiding the teens, but had been busy providing and investing in gun sales.
It didn't make any sense, though. They hadn't seen any hunters in so long. The Argent clan practically stopped going after supernaturals in Beacon Hills ever since the incident in Mexico.
"Well…I asked him about the casing and he said he hadn't stamped a bullet since… y'know.", Scott explains, making Sam frown sadly.
It was understandable but still made no sense as to how the bullet was still stamped by his family's graving.
After Scott's explanation, Lydia and Sam inform them about what had happened to Parrish and Dr. Fenris.
Scott and Malia's eyes widened. “He killed every supernatural in the Closed Unit? All of them?”
The girls nodded. Lydia shrugged her shoulders. “He said he couldn’t see it any other way.” 
Sam frowned. “Apparently, he was so angry because he struggled to "protect the world" from the things in the closed unit and decided he shouldn’t cage the supernatural and then killed them so humanity wouldn't be afraid anymore.”
Malia scoffs. “Well, I’ve got another way. You don’t kill everyone.”
“He was afraid.”, Lydia frowns. It made a little sense. “The wolves, the rats. Everything links back to fear.”
Scott frowns in thought. “But what is everyone afraid of?” In a second, Scott takes the casing out of his pocket, frowning sadly. “…Us.”
He placed the bullet on the kitchen island and drums his fingers on the island. “We don’t know what fear would do to somebody. I mean, it can change them. They’ll look at us differently. They’ll do things that they’ve never done before.”
Malia frowns in frustration. “People can be so stupid.”
Lydia shakes her head. “They’re not stupid, they’re scared.” 
Sam stares at the bullet. “And when people are scared, they'll do things way beyond their expectations."
The next day, Scott informed the three of Brett's assault, and was introduced to Brett’s sister, Lori, who was already waiting for them. The girl informed them that she had found a bloody lacrosse stick by Brett’s car.
Mason and Liam showed up with each other along with Lydia and Malia.
After they discuss their plans, Lydia speaks of hers. “I’ll stay here and try to see if I can get anything.”
Scott, Malia, and Sam nod.
Mason jabs a thumb over his shoulder toward the school. “Corey is in a study group so we can stay with Lydia, we can – you know, try to be helpful?”, Mason suggests, much to Lydia's surprise.
She shrugs. “Fine, meet me in the Chemistry classroom.”
They walk to the school while the other 5 move to where Lori saw her brother's blood. “His blood is over here.” Liam nods, jogging over to her “Let's go.”
They follow the blood trail into the preserve with Liam leading ahead. He stops at a tree with an arrow in it and lifts his hand up to the end of the arrow, turning and aiming his arm from where the arrow was shot. “Here.”
The older four watch, catching onto his line of sight. Suddenly, Sam hears a crunch under her foot and steps back to see a black phone that Lori picks up. She looks at Sam. “It’s his.” 
The boys look at the phone. Liam frowns, “I think he set a trap.” Scott gains a look of agreement on his face. “He’s fighting back.”
"And now we know he’s alive.”, Sam says.
Lori turns towards the tree, looking around frantically. “But he’s still hurt. We need to find him. He needs to know we’re here,” she says, worriedly. In a beat, she takes a deep breath in and turns towards the preserve, making Malia's eyes widen as she stops her. “You want the hunter to know we’re here, too?”
Sam frowns as she senses another presence. "She's right. It's not a smart move. Could be a setup for the rest of us."
Liam shakes his head. “He’s new – we can take him.”
Malia turns to the boy. “What if Brett howls back? He’ll lead the hunter right to him.”
Scott shakes his head. “No, we could find him first. There’s no human that can track sounds faster than we can, and we’ve got the advantage. We’ve done this before. We know what we’re doing, guys.”
Malia's eyebrows furrowed as she looked around. “How come I can’t catch his scent?”
“He’s masking it.”, Lori explains. Malia grumbles “Can someone tell him not to?”
Liam walks past them, pointing to the ground a few feet away from them. “He went this way.”
He takes off down the trail. "Liam–!", Sam calls before chasing after him with Lori, Scott and Malia.
They stop after a moment, catching their breath. Malia places her hands on her hips “The trail’s gone.”
“Uh, maybe he just stopped bleeding?”, Scott suggests.
“Guys, I think we should split up. Lori and I go this way, you guys go that way.”, Liam says. Lori speaks up. “Or maybe we go in five directions?”
Sam frowns. “Yeah, no.”
“Sam, we have a better advantage. it’s five against one.”, Liam frowns. “This isn't a 5v1 game, Liam. If we split up, only one of us is taking him on.”, Sam says.
Liam frowns. “I’ve been doing this the past three months without your guys’ help. I think I can make a decision.”, he says, making Sam raise her eyebrows at his boldness.
“Well, if you’re deciding to do something stupid and die, then go ahead.”, Malia huffs, making Sam give her an unimpressed look. “It’s one hunter – one amateur – who doesn’t know what they’re doing.”
Scott kneels on the ground, moving some dirt around and revealing footprints in the mud underneath. “Scott?”, Sam calls.
Liam looks at footprints. “The hunter.. he’s covering his tracks.”
“There’s another.”, Scott informs as he moves more dirt that was moved over to cover the other set of prints.
Malia gets closer. “Two of them?”
“Probably more.”, Sam huffs. The feeling of being scouted even with her detection didn't settle her at all.
Lori looks at Scott. “How many hunters have you seen out here before?”
Scott looks at her. “…a lot.”
Sam frowns at Liam. “Still think it's a good idea to split up?”
Almost pouting, Liam looks at her. “We can deal with it later. We just need to find Brett’s trail.”
Lori shook her head and pointed at a stack of rocks. “No, we don’t. Rock balancing – Satomi taught us. It’s him, and I know where he’s going.”
Lori led them toward the balancing stack of rocks. There was a grate covered by a fallen bushy tree branch, and they climbed down into the tunnels.
After making their way in the tunnels, they found puddles of black liquid, easily resembling black blood. Lori kneels down and swipes her fingers through one of the puddles, letting out a sigh as she turns back to them. “He’s been poisoned.”
“That’s why he’s not healing.”, Scott said, dreadfully.
"I don't think we'll make it to Deaton's.", Sam mutters to Scott.
"What if he only has a few hours to live?”, Lori asks with wide eyes. Sam sighs and looks at her packmates.
Liam frowns, “Well, if we howl, we can find him.”
“That’s too risky.”, Malia counters. Lori frowns at her. “Who cares about the risk? He could be dying.”
Malia turns to Lori. “He’s still moving.”
Scott looks at Sam and she closes her eyes before taking a knee and placing her hand on the ground. If she could feel where Brett is, it'll probably give them an indication of how long he has.
Scott sighs as he watches her. “We just need time to think.” Sam looks at him with furrowed eyebrows. "I can't concentrate under pressure.", she warned.
Lori frowns at Scott. “I need him to know that I’m here, that I’m coming for him.”
Liam looks at Scott. “Yeah, Lori’s right. He has to know we’re here!” He turns back to the black trail and takes a deep breath in.
“Liam, wait!”, Malia yells, but Liam ignores her, roaring down the tunnel.
The silence they heard unsettled them. "Shit.", Sam muttered. They continued down the hall, worriedly.
“Why didn’t he answer…?”, Lori asks. Liam grimaced. “Maybe – maybe he didn’t hear us…”
Sam frowns at him. “Well, I got two solutions. Maybe he's too weak to give a howl or he's been caught. Y'know, by the hunters that's out here??"
Before Liam could retaliate, Scott yells. “Lori, no!” The rest saw Lori's legs walking into a tripwire.
Sam grabs Liam and Malia, after hearing a clicking noise, pulling them back from where she assumed the trap would've come from but her eyes widen once she hears Scott groan. She, Liam and Malia see him hit the wall and let out gasping breaths.
Scott lifts his hands to his stomach where a metal pipe impales him.
Malia and Liam rush over to grab at the end of the pipe, slowly trying to remove it from his body, finally getting it out. Scott lets out a loud groan as he slides down the wall.
Sam walks over to the pipe and sees spikes on the pipe, resembling a mace. "They planned this.", she mutters, looking at the three in front of her. Scott nods, gritting his teeth in pain. “They knew we were coming.”
Malia kneels beside him. “Don’t talk. Just heal and let us figure this out.”
“They’ve been a step ahead of us the whole time.”, Scott growls, holding his stomach in pain. Sam walks over to him, placing her glowing hands over his stomach. "Stop talking, you'll make it worse.", she scolds gently as her arms fill with pain.
Lori frowns sadly, glancing between Scott and down the tunnel. “I’m sorry, but I can’t wait around… we have to go.”
Sam glares at the girl.
Liam nods. “We still have the numbers. Four to two. We’re faster, and we’re stronger. We can take them."
"We'd be faster if she hadn't walked into a tripwire.", Sam growls. She winces, but Scott grabs her hand. "I'll be fine.", he says, trying to get her to stop.
He tries to sit up properly. “They’re smarter too.”
“I don’t care who’s smarter, or faster, or whatever. My brother’s going to die.”, Lori says. Sam turns to her once again. “You have no idea what the hell you're getting yourself into. This isn't just some coincidence. This was planned. Elaborate.”
Sam looks at Scott. "This sounds like something the Argents would do." Scott frowns in realization. He couldn't deny that. They've been through situations like this too long to not know.
Liam looks at Sam. “But they’ve never fought us before.”
“You never from them before.", Sam says. "You’ve never fought hunters, Liam. We need to stick together.”, Scott reminds. Lori shakes her head. “I need to go.”
Liam stops her. “No, you’re not going alone. I’ll go with you."
Sam stands, stopping him. “And how are you gonna do that? Again, you haven't fought any hunters. So what's your plan?”
Liam frowns sadly. “Look, Sam. I know who we are. And we never give up. Especially when it’s someone innocent. When it’s someone alone. When it’s one of our friends.”
Sam frowns at him. "Yeah, against anyone other than hunters. These hunters are way smarter. I just feel like we're running head first into their traps. Picking us off one by one and then what? How're we gonna save Brett?"
She sighs once he gives her an almost pouting look. "Fine. I'll go with you."
Scott nods. “All of you go. I’ll catch up.”
Scott tries to stand, groans and falls back onto the ground, letting out a huff. “I just need a minute.”
Malia looks at Sam. “You go, I’ll stay with him.”, she says.
Sam nods, "Just…stay safe. I'll know if something happens.", she says and leaves with Liam and Lori.
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intoxicatingintimacyy · 9 months
Does anyone wanna write??
Hello all! F25 here (she/her/hers) and I go by Tulsa, nice to meet ya : ). As usual, I'm looking for some new plots and partners!
A bit about the way I prefer to write:
third person literate (2+ paras)
nsfw included where it makes sense in the story
all characters and players 18+
no doubling, unless it's side/background characters
What I'm looking for in a partner:
willing to play M against my F charas
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
Bonus points if you use tupper, it's not a requirement though : )
I have a few basic ideas/pairings I'm looking for, but feel free to message if you think we'd be a good match and you have other ideas! I'll bold who I'd like you to play in each scenario : )
Loki Laufeyson & Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - Marvel
Derek Hale & Paige Krasikeva (Canon Divergent) - Teen Wolf
Billy Hargrove & Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things (I'm also willing to try writing against an Eddie Munson here if that's more up your alley!)
Finnick Odair & Annie Cresta - Hunger Games
Spencer Reid & Olivia Chandler (OC)  - Criminal Minds
Those are the ideas I have for now, please pm or add me if this seems interesting!
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daughter-of-melpomene · 8 months
⇝ if they were canon ask game: 🎬 + ivy keoka pls!! -✨
Thank you so much for the ask, @oneirataxia-girl!! I’m also gonna tag @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, and @dancingsunflowers-ocs since I know they love my girl as well. <3
Ivy’s first scene would be the same as that of most of the main cast in the pilot episode: singing during her audition for New Directions while a voice-over introduces her by her name and what she’s singing. She’d be singing “Roxie” from Chicago, and it would probably be made clear how similar she was to Rachel, talented and very well knowing it.
Probably a decent mix of a bunch of other characters. Her main ship would be Sam, of course, but there would also be people who shipped her with Artie and Mike and even Santana or Rachel or Quinn.
Ivy is very similar to Rachel but not half as arrogant or stuck-up, so I think a lot of people would like her because they consider her a better alternative to Rachel - all of the talent and determination but none of the big head about it. They would probably also appreciate how often she calls other characters out on their bullshit, even Rachel and Finn and Mr. Schue, and a lot of her snappy comments and feminist lines would probably be the source of a lot of memes and GIFs and incorrect quotes.
Despite not being as arrogant as Rachel, Ivy is still uber-competitive and refuses to let anybody but Mercedes and her family closest to her for the longest time, especially the Unholy Trinity and any of the football boys, because she doesn’t trust them to really want to be her friend. This can definitely come off as cold and bitchy, which she honestly is a little bit, but I think a lot of people would only see it on the surface level and hate her because of it.
Auli’i Cravalho is an absolute gem, so I can totally see her getting along great with the cast! She’d probably be real-life besties with Amber Riley as well as on the screen, and I can definitely see her cracking jokes in interviews with Kevin Hale and Dianna Agron and just being really cute friends with everyone.
I imagine the audition scene for Ivy’s role would have been her first scene, auditioning for New Directions, accompanied by a reading of her first voice-over, even though that wouldn’t come until a few episodes later. It would be a perfect way to test auditioning actresses’ singing and how they could introduce the character, and reading the voice-over lines would allow the casting staff to see how they could embody the character beyond the first episode.
I don’t think the Glee cast ever went to Comic Con, but during interviews I imagine Auli’i would probably mainly be with Amber Riley, since they play best friends, and probably Chord Overstreet in later seasons once Ivy and Sam’s relationship progresses.
I don’t really think Auli’i seems like the spoiling type, so probably not.
I think Auli’i would be - by the end of the show, Ivy’s getting ready for her first big Broadway role, she and Sam are in a really good place in their relationship, and she’s even sold some of her original songs to a recording company. What’s not for an actor to be happy about?
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send me 🎬 + an oc!!
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