#i just dunno who to add
cour4geous · 2 years
*knocking on the tw fandom* can i come in ?
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artheresy · 9 months
Thinking more about Ruan Mei and I am trying to grapple with the fact that on some level in a way I can’t describe, I feel super strongly connected to her and in a way either understand or even relate to her
But like, I can’t fully explain it properly
Something about even with her strong knowledge, she is still struggles to properly feel and properly express and understand certain emotions and it’s one among the many factors of why she ends up being almost like a hermit (which OOF I had joked to myself she’s just like me fr when they called her a hermit but after the quest its hitting a bit too hard)
Even in her mannerisms, I can’t help but relate and it’s also part of why I think I ended up liking her a lot. I’ve seen a lot of people consider her deeply like evil or something or like she’s very hateful and malicious when she truly never came across that way to me and I just.. can’t see that. I can see the mad scientist in her, there’s no denying that. But she comes across as extremely morally ambiguous and perhaps a bit obsessive regarding her research rather than actively cruel or mean and I firmly believe she’s intended to come across that way looking at her dialogue and the way she behaves. I just can’t see her as evil or anything, probably because there are parts of her behaviors I know well
And again a huge part of my love for her comes from how her story and character is tied to the Aeons, and I fucking adore Aeon lore, I am praying for more like PLEASSEE
Even this didn’t get out all my feelings or fully explain what I think about her but y’know maybe later I’ll find the words I need
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lindiiris · 4 days
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Book being a girlfail lesbian aaaararrrrggfhhhhhh
Inspired by @/tapwater118 :3
Also who the hell edited Book's wiki page lmao
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Just finished zero time dilemma… don’t think I’ve ever been so disappointed in an ending since drv3
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yuelun · 11 months
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Okay, so being at home (and ill!) has given me some time to organize my thoughts ahead of time for 2024, because I want to clean house a little bit across the board. Consider this a little informative post that'll simultaneously function as my to-do list to complete by the end of the year. In essence, I've seen the phrase 'do what makes you happy' enough times in the last year and a half to two years, that I think it's time for my donkey-level stubborn self to finally listen to it. So I'm going to do just that, and also, I'm going to clean house. In order of importance, where you'll find me most commonly, and what I'll work on getting up and running, this is the game plan:
Yelan: This one will hold most of my priority by a landslide. Fontaine, let's go. Kafka: I have numerous starters/replies/meta and replies waiting, and these are not on hold out of disinterest; I simply need to organize/give into my priorities. Kafka is near and dear to me, but Genshin as a whole is more my home than Star Rail. Bear with me, I have every intention of running her alongside Yelan). Me at self: Old theme/resources blog (x) needs urgent work.
And then, I have the secondary game-plan:
— Guizhong: She'll return, but I'm, very sadly, in a little bit of a mental lock here. Stay tuned! — Zhongli: This is the big surprise, I suppose. I'm finally giving in. He may not come very soon as my current focus very much lies with Yelan in specific, but especially when Lantern Rite 2024 inevitably hits, I know the tears will fall, my heart will warm and I will be a mess. There were a plethora of reasons as to why I never made him, but— times and things change, friends are joining the Genshin crew (hi Lottie, I love you) and now, there's so much reason to. Besides, how can I not write the man who's kept the dream alive? Stay tuned x2.
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sphnyspinspin · 1 year
The General
— — —
The fight was over…this stranger that came out of nowhere got the jump on them. Arcee was pinned down underneath the newcomer’s left pede, Bumblebee was being held by his neck by only a singular, huge, servo, and Breakdown was decommissioned, as he was practically hurled across clearing. This stranger wore a decepticon badge across their chassis, and with that in mind, guess it would make sense for them to attack a seemingly defenseless autobot squadron when the opportunity arose. Despite one member of the group having a decepticon badge, that didn't stop them from being attacked by someone who was from the same faction apparently.
And then the stranger finally spoke, “Now that that’s settled…so tell me…how, and why, are you here?” staring straight into Bee’s optics as he was too banged up to properly escape the decepticon’s grip on his neck.
With gritted dente and a wince from the yellow autobot, he was just about to speak up until he was interrupted by Arcee’s strained reply, “Who wants to know? I-I take it that you’re not-ugh, from around h-here. Are ya?” as she was struggling to find some sort of bearing, she kept trying to hoist herself up, but the big pede connected to an even bigger bot kept pushing her back into place.
Looking down at the pink autobot underneath their pede, “That’s confidential. And I wasn’t asking you.” Then the weight underneath their pede suddenly shifted as they slowly added more of their weight onto Arcee’s already beaten up frame.
There might as well be a large footprint embedded into her chassis after this. As the pede lowered down, compressing Arcee slowly, until the weight was taken right back off of it, so that the autobot could appropriately answer the question. “Now let's try this again. And some quick advice, stay down and quit getting off topic, or else your friend here will have to face the consequences.”
A jolt of pain was being sent into Bee’s processor as the behemoth holding him up, tightened their grip around his neck cables. The big bot however, seemed somewhat internally agitated, almost as if they just wanted to get this whole thing over with.
The big bot in question was large. They were probably taller than Megatron. With dark gray faceplates connecting to a piece of dark plating covering where their lip-plates should be, limiting the amount of emotion they could express. Optics as bright and as red as any other decepticon’s empowering gaze. Armor colors ranging from a strong magenta, being the most apparent color of their chassis, to a bright yellow, covering their servos and the helmet decoration on the back of their helm.
The bot eased up on both their grip and the weight on their pede, and let out a grunt with a heavy sigh, “Listen…just tell me this, are there more of you guys on this planet? Are there more decepticons on this planet?”
“Like we would tell you that-hrkk-” Bee confidently replied.
“Let me guess, is it because I hurled your friend back over there? He's a decepticon you know…he was just going to use you-” then before they could finish their statement, Breakdown charged out from the horizon and chucked a large rock at the con’s head.
The heroic action backfired as their servo met the rock, catching it just as it was about to hit the back of their helm. What they didn't realize was that the second rock was being hurled right after, making a strong enough impact to their helm. Startling the stranger enough for them to drop Bumblebee.
Bumblebee took to nursing his neck, feeling new dents as he was practically strangled. Not wasting another second, he transformed his servo into his stinger and aimed it at the con while getting some distance between them.
Like it was just going to be that easy.
The con released their pede from Arcee’s armor, grabbed her by the shoulder, and threw her at Bumblebee, electrocuting them both. With Breakdown going as far as to hurl himself at the perpetrator, and taking another swing. Which was dodged immediately.
As the stranger roughly elbowed Breakdown in the back of his neck, he was knocked out. And while the con was occupied with finishing Breakdown, they kicked his body towards Arcee and Bumblebee. Colliding with the two, making them tumble even further from the enemy. Officially rendering them all beaten to a pulp.
Until the stranger finally had enough. They decided that these guys just weren’t worth it. Admittedly, they put up a pretty good fight, but it was almost too obvious that they hadn’t taken on anyone with their amount of strength in a long time. At least not recently that is. It was strange though…why in the name of Primus would three unlikely bots, one of which was a con, be on patrol together, on this dingy dirt-rock planet; far away from any cybertronian-colonized planet?
Right as the stranger was beginning to take off and leave the three bots for scrap, a blast was shot at the stranger—nearly avoiding their faceplate.
“Bumblebee! Are you and the others all right?” Called Optimus.
Bumblebee didn’t respond with words, but instead groaned and shakily held a thumbs up. And that was more than enough for Optimus.
The stranger was only stunned for a split second. Until they equipped their own ray gun. But they were more than just stunned at the opposition—they were absolutely shocked.
The Optimus Prime?! And Elita-1?! Alive?! But their peers said—
Before the stranger could properly absorb their newfound information, they saw something flying right towards the fight. Landing right beside Optimus and transform into…into…
Aiming and readying his canon Megatron began “Stand down! Or else—!” Megatron was prepared to face off this cruel stranger. But…he wasn’t prepared to see a familiar face. He lowered his canon and with anguish ridden optics and his vocaliser resetting he started.
— — —
Context: Oh boy…I started writing this like MONTHS ago. Like, before the rest of season one came out, but the whole story takes place after the events of everyone saving the world and junk. If that makes sense? Also the ending is kinda rushed so…yeah.
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dendixia · 1 year
What if. After all the eggs were left muddy and cracked they got taken back as they didn't mean to be given back like that. The worker that worked with them did such a lousey job they had to take them back.
But also all the eggs hate baths so so much and that's why this is taking so long. They're being little menaces god bless 🙏
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sensitivegoblin · 6 months
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Another update: here's some of the good days💕✨💫
Admittedly I'm spiraling again, it's better than last time but I can feel a decrease, for that reason Im just trying to draw even if I think it's not perfect or finished looking
The purple one is how I got the idea to draw Fortnite models (I know she looks like raven just shush😭)
The pink one is a variation of the green one :3
Headshot hunter and heart throb headshot✨💫
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
I see your cryptid nightmare Merlin and raise you, cryptid-by-association Hunith. Like, it's canon that other magic beings have an innate ability to sense Emrys, and she's spent almost 20 years being surrounded by his magic, so now she just has this unseen aura of Not To Be Fucked With, By Order Of Emrys. On market days, she takes a shortcut to the next town through a Very Haunted Forest and it's like:
Dryad 1: Bro, there's a human in our forest, the fuck?
Dryad 2: Bite your fucking tongue, Carl, that's Hunith.
Dryad 1: Whoa, Emrys's mom?
Dryad 2: Emrys's mom. So put your fucking roots down and be nice.
Dryad 1: Oh, shit, yeah, totally, my bad.
Dryad 2: She's really nice, too. Watch. Hi, Hunith!
Hunith: *hears the trees rustling without a breeze*
Hunith: *raised a child that regularly spoke to plants, bodies of water, and animals*
Hunith: Good afternoon, lovely day, isn't it?
Dryad 1: Oh, she is nice!
Dryad 2: Told you.
A sorcerer in the market town sees Hunith come strolling idly out of a forest that has a Known history of trying to Actively Murder Trespassers and is just like, "What the actual fuck?"
i moved my queue 2 hours later because i didn't want this to get drowned out because YES
we've now seen cryptid eldritch horror that is emrys aka merlin, but anon is asking the right questions. who does the cryptid horror better? who started it first? who is ignorant to the abject terror they insight on magical people because of how they surround themself with???
why hunith of course!
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simptasia · 8 months
why didn't charlie call claire "luv". why didn't he throw out a casual luv at his friends. he's a northerner what else is he good for
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blueshykitsune-blog · 18 days
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replacement-pasta · 4 months
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Like a venty picture of my OC Jinkgo I drew to calm myself down.
I must have been having some kind of episode before making this. I remember being pissed off about saying something wrong, then I just sort of snapped, then I blacked out, then made this.
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cognitosclowns · 1 year
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the way AB’s smile drops into this awestruck look when Tamiko cups his face is all I’m going to think about for the next 7 years. This man is touch Starved. Touch Famished. Touch Ravenous. The room is spinning
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kozidraws · 1 year
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tvrningout-a · 11 months
so a lil heads up!! that i will probably be very scarce/quiet until monday! despite my efforts to juggle everything, this weekend is just busy and it's got me pretty tired. thank you for being patient with me and pls have a very lovely pre-halloween weekend!!
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been having some thoughts again. thinking about pre-sim, post tragedy, that middling ground where they were taken in by the foundation but not yet discovered.
under the cut bc it might get. long
okay so. idr how much ive gone into this but the anime made some Wild decisions when it came to how the despairs got captured by the foundation because in the game its. its pretty clear how they got there and its Not by fighting the agents and getting captured. they turned themselves in. as Survivors. as Innocents. ive talked abt this i think but its pretty clear To Me from the emails we read in the last chapter of sdr2 that izuru sent anonymous info to the foundation about fifteen survivors of the hpa tragedy that they werent originally aware of and where they could be found, and that the despairs lied and pretended to have amnesia about who they were and what had happened in order to get into the foundations facilities. incredibly risky. izuru knew several things that could happen, and he knew that the survivors of dr1 would be there, and may recognize them
so now im thinking about that uneasy period after theyve turned themselves in one by one, joined together as a group pretending to be traumatized amnesiacs, but secretly plotting a destruction from the inside. And Then The DR1 Survivors Start To Remember Them.
i think it would be Really interesting if makoto remembered nagito first. just by virtue of their shared talent, and how nagito would see makoto, i think they saw a lot of each other in school, and so something like. i dunno. maybe after one session of the memory therapy trying to retrieve the survivors school memories makoto sees someone flipping a coin and it hits him like a train. and then he and kiyoko start putting the pieces together as the feeling of dread rises in them all as they all start to remember more and more, the uneasy relationship between their two classes, the snippets of memories of junko acting strangely with class 77 and how close she was to them out of everyone else in 78, and then their death at the end of the school year before the parade got to them. like. they should All be dead.
but theyre not. and theyre here. and the signs start jumping out to the dr1 cast like neon red flashing warnings.
im just thinking about them figuring out how to get the despairs on a ship without tipping their superiors off to their goal, faking paperwork, getting other people to go along with it, the despairs being confused and alarmed as to whats happening but. izuru says to go with it. dont make a fuss. dont act up yet. and so they go quietly. and only once theyre already on their way to jabberwock does kiyoko pull a gun on them and the truth comes out
man. i need to write something.
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