#lore landfill
dopscratch · 10 months
slugcat psa
slugcats are more slug than cat and the cat refers to polecats
yes i will be taking questions and no you cannot change my mind
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pretty much every slugcat feature is an ACTUAL REAL FEATURE ON MOLLUSCS
intelligence? cephalopods.
spearmaster? gypsobelum (love darts) (edit: chitinous darts some slugs and snails produce and shoot at others as a mating ritual)
rivulet? aquatic molluscs galore (sea snails, sea slugs, cephalopods)
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also can CATS have long prehensile tongues?? no. can molluscs have long prehensile tentacles?? YES!!
ALSO slugs come in all of the colors
AND also polecats polecats and other mustelids you CANNOT tell me slugcats are not built like mustelids they are LONG with LITTLE BABY ARMS and are usually PLANTIGRADE (pay attention to their feet!! in this image they're all standing on their full foot rather than their toes! check other offical art too- they're only going up on their toes in action poses and when they're mid-stride when their foot leaves the ground!)
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therefore, the name slugcat is slug + polecat and they are mostly slug while built like a tubemammal and you cannot convince me otherwise
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bloodgulchblog · 5 months
halo lost track of ai generations.
(i, on the other hand, have lost all control of my life.)
all recent smart ais in lore are identified as 5th generation as recently and authoritatively as the 2022 encyclopedia. black box is 4th generation. cortana has been identified as 3rd generation since halsey's diary at the very least, and even if it's not set in stone earlier (digging through digital copies of fall of reach and first strike is dicey if the copy doesn't identify which edition it is) it's supported by ackerson's ai araqiel and blood line/saint's testimony character iona both being specifically identified as 3rd generation.
however, ghosts of onyx also established a 5th generation ai, deep winter, that had been in service in the 2530s (and this longevity is canon as of infinite-era lore, see link.)
(2009 encyclopedia also names deep winter's predecessor eternal spring as a 5th generation ai, but 2009 encyclopedia is noted to be suspect on some details/assumptions and to have borrowed fan speculation from halopedia.)
this would mean the "top of the line" of smart ai tech is 20+ years old, which is hilarious but also strikes me as unlikely.
so. here's what i think happened.
i think 5th generation being called out in ghosts of onyx is legitimately a fluke that was forgotten about, or slated to be corrected in a later printing that never happened due to some combination of the shuffle of establishing 343i/halo cutting nylund off/maybe someone sitting down and looking at the inconsistencies between ghosts of onyx and halo reach and deciding maybe they should just gently nudge it all under the rug and pretend it's not there.
then, the kilo five author (notoriously not somebody who sticks to lore of established franchises and who was probably just going off a then-recently-established list of details when 343 commissioned her) established black box as 4th gen following the logic that this would make him the next better step after cortana, who was firmly established as 3rd gen at that point.
now, because this is how making numbers bigger works, everybody's 5th gen.
...and i think it's possible someone by now has noticed this, because if you look back at concurrent material (like waypoint's old character profiles) for halo 5, cortana's generation is just quietly not mentioned. (this is also true of 2022 encyclopedia.)
i think it's just a straight up oversight that ended up unsolvable because it got ingrained in some firmly-established materials and now, because just-not-mentioned isn't enough to discredit an old detail to a fandom/especially to a wiki, it's just kind of like this.
but, as an in-universe idea, it's very funny to me because you can also go:
oh, catherine halsey was so particular about her smart ai design that she built her magnum opus on top of 20+ year old architecture because she didn't like two whole generations of volitional ai development and did a shit ton of custom work.
there's something fun about that as a thought, to me.
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stoic--rose · 11 months
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i present to you. my Dude. his name is colt, he's really into electronics and one day decided he wanted to be able to pk fire and installed wires in himself! he's also got the color palette of a swamp monster (also their pronouns are he/they i just forgot that when making the first picture OOPS)
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happylandfill23 · 3 months
this song is so ace coded
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skitariiposting · 11 months
A rant about roleplaying and taking advice from goblin eratta
Look, look, I get it. D&D is famous for its goblins and whatnot. But trust me when I say, pathfinder goblins are so much better art wise and writing wise than D&D's.
For example:
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This is the D&D monster manual illustration for goblins.
Firstly, orange, chunky, this guy's has the aura of "might attempt tactics" about him. He looks more like he'd try and throttle you rather than run in fear at the sight of a large sword. The head is oddly shaped as a goblin's head should be, but it looks more lumpy warrior face than gobliny. The armor is far too organized. The ears are droopy and smooth. This is not goblin, this is a small ork at best.
Yeah they've got a brief section explaining the hobgoblins and bugbear relations, a little bit about goblin language, but not much as far as flavor text.
Now pathfinder goblins...
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These are the quintessential goblin.
Green, scrawny, cowardly, chaotic, looks like they scrounge their clothes from local landfills, oblong football head, big ol' perky pointy goblin ears; *chefs kiss* perfection.
Pair that with the tidbits of goblin lore from pathfinder and ough you've got something good going on.
They are afraid of and have a burning hatred for horses. They typically wield 'horse choppers,' basically big cleavers or axes, instead of daggers or shortswords like in D&D.
One of the few occasions they'll organize and come up with plans is if they're pulling pranks or massive attacks under the command of a warlord or leader, of which they will occasionally get on accident.
They don't have to be bound to a leader, though, sometimes goblin bands can manage just with cooperation alone.
Goblins are crafty little buggers, laying traps and building ramshackle contraptions to get the jump on their foes. They prefer going for sneak attacks or surprise attacks over head on combat. They know they can't win a fair fight, so they fight unfair.
If you invade a goblin dwelling, they'll usually retreat on sight, but not always because of cowardice. Sometimes, they do so to lead you into their traps or to get you into a bottleneck. They can come up with strategies, but usually only if it's below the belt and breaks all the rules of engagement.
War crimes and chaos, if they aren't committing one of the two, they must be defective goblins.
There are occasions in the pathfinder modules where it encourages the DM to have the goblins get into antics over attacking the players. One such example is during a fight at a festival, it reccomends having some of the goblins focus on the festival food over the potential threat of the player characters, since they'd find the food much more important.
Some I came up with include swinging from ropes and attempting to grab players' hats, hoods or helmets, having some attempt to crawl into the clothes of the players instead of attacking, or even just crawling and wallowing all over them like opossum babies. My personal favorite and what got a huge laugh out of my players was having one find a big cast-iron stew pot and putting it on its head. It made it blind, but it also gave it more armor, making it sort of run at the characters to attack but not being able to hit them because it couldnt see, and the swords and maces bouncing off the pot due to the additional armor made it difficult to kill him. Pair that with the constant deafening the goblin would endure with the "bong" sounds any impacts would make, causing it to panic and run around more, bumping into walls and people alike.
What I love about these little tidbits of fight modifications is that it exemplifies the "combat doesn't mean roleplaying is over" factor many players and DM's either have never considered or just miss entirely. Many people complained that "man, if only combat in D&D was like the movie," and to that, I say: it can be, if you stopped being boring and made it that way! Describe what your character does! Add flavor to it! An action is 6 seconds. You can do so much in six seconds while still attacking! Describe the actions you take! Take free actions to do little flairs or flourishes! Show off! Fight with elegance, fight with brutality, fight with conniving, fight with confidence! Spend an action doing something in character instead of attacking! Yes, it's not efficient, but it's more interesting and entertaining to take a fall for a storytelling moment instead of spending yet another turn attacking. Flawed moments are far more interesting than constant perfection, that's why you use dice instead of always having a nat20 every turn. Use the failures to your advantage, show how your character reacts to a bad situation or rough luck!
Don't just spend the time in between your turns waiting for yours to roll around. Instead, be planning the sick ass thing you'll do if the dice allow you to, or the reaction to the adversity if they don't! And, sometimes, break away from the "I swing my sword, I cast a spell, I eldritch blast" combat! Push enemies off of elevations with the push action! Flip a table over to get cover from spells and ranged attacks!Grapple them to make it easier for your team mates to hit them or use them as a human shield! Grab a big rock off the ground and chuck it at someone! Cast a spell that doesn't just do damage!
"You shoot a fireball at the thief as he attempts to escape."
"As the the thief runs, I go to launch the fireball at him, but notice the mirror to the left of me. My narcisim gets the better of me, and I end up taking a second to check my hair. Ah yes, dashing. Oh, wait, I was doing something. I manage to tear myself away from the mirror long enough to barely catch the thief in my fireball as he attempts to flee."
So, I say all that to say this: players and Dms alike, roleplay during combat! It's a roleplaying game, not a roleplaying game+formulaic tabletop war game any time there's combat. And hey, if you ever find yourself needing inspiration on how to make fights more interesting in your tabletop games, grab a couple low level modules off Paizo, and read up on Pathfinder goblin scenes, they pay extreme dividends.
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flowers-of-io · 10 days
Legacy First [the Bray family fanmix]
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Listen on Spotify
//song list and lore under the cut//
Queen of Peace – Florence + the Machine
I understand you're angry with me. I would be too, if I'd watched my father come so close to salvation, only to die the way he did. Believe me-the groans and snaps of his exobody tearing itself apart haunt me almost as profoundly as the things we said over his deathbed. [...] But what I am working on here could have saved him. Could save him still.
His only son Cut down but the battle won Oh, what is it worth
Moons of Jupiter – Freezepop
“Europa has relit the fire in my soul; one that even its freezing winds cannot chill.”
I think you are the moons of Jupiter I think there's something hiding underneath the ice
Nice to Meet Me – Zack Hemsey
The K1 artifact promised me an offering. A gateway to the secret of immortality. I call it Clarity. It is waiting on Europa.
And I feel like I got a gun Like I've been changed more ways than one And this whole world has just begun
Kingdom Fall – Claire Wyndham
“Agatha, clearly we have not found our solution. I'll leave this, hm, mess in your incapable hands. Don't ever bring me up to witness an event like this again. Disgusting.”
Nothing here is shining Shining like it should
Her Father In The Pool – The National
“That's your son's quote,” she snapped. “You know, I've seen the video of his final days. That naked, white exo, just paramuscle and soft membrane, writhing in its cradle. When you were done with him, he looked like nothing more than a slug, Clovis. A twisted, limbless giblet. Did you 'support and nurture' him while you tortured him to death?”
Mistakes – PHILDEL
I know how much you've lied It's too much to discuss numbers I know how much I've let slide
Numbers – Daughter
Fine. I’m coming. […] If you tell the family I’m sick, I’ll never speak to you again. I won’t even let you treat me. You’ll have to watch, helpless, as your own granddaughter falls victim to your mistakes. I hope you’re still someone capable of being troubled by that.
You’d better make me better
Organs – Of Monsters And Men
“I activate this... and it all goes away. [sniffles] Cheers to that.”
And I cough up my lungs Because they remind me of how it all went wrong But I leave in my heart Because I don't want to stay in the dark
Rabbit Heart – Florence + the Machine
She’s done it. My girl has transubstantiated. My legacy is safe. […] The scan was flawless, and of course, fatally toxic. My granddaughter’s human form died on the table 14 hours later.
And Midas is king, and he holds me so tight And turns me to gold in the sunlight
Destroy Everything You Touch – Unwoman
“Of course you dreamt about killing us. Your grandfather made you this way. And he kills everything he touches.” 
Destroy everything you touch today Destroy me this way Anything that may desert you So it cannot hurt you
Over Cold Shoulders – Eliza Rickman
“The memory bank you just slipped in your pocket. That belonged to Elisabeth-1.”
You come in here looking for more And oh, you take all you can fit in your arms When you walk out the door
Make Up Your Mind – Florence + the Machine
If I do not survive the construction and delivery of this weapon, I ask that you share the news of my death with Ana and Willa so they can make proper goodbyes. I do this for them. Not for you. Pray for grace, Grandfather.
And although the axe is heavy It just sits in my hands
Landfill – Daughter
“You’ve always been my favorite, Elisabeth. Please…”
Wipe away your tear stains Thought you said you didn’t feel pain
Which Witch – Florence + the Machine
“Perhaps our legacy should be burnt to the ground,” she says
And it’s my whole heart While tried and tested, it’s mine
Legacy – Unwoman
The new Elisabeth has no mouth or nose. She did not consider them necessary. She'll see. But somehow, I could still see the wonder in her eyes as she leaned over me. “You're my grandfather,” she seemed to say. “Aren't you?”
The End Of Love – Florence + the Machine
“Legacy first… Elisabeth,” he says.
We were a family pulled from a flood You tore the floorboards up And let the river rush in
Tomorrow – Daughter
Repeating myself over and over, hoping something will change, but I know it's coming. Blood and betrayal.
But don't bring tomorrow 'Cause I already know I'll lose you
Lament – Destiny 2: Beyond Light OST
There was a world where we were a happy family. This isn't it. We both know it.
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azrielfiend · 8 months
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if i could insert myself into any world you bet your ass im going to nevada (just kidding id die in an instant but how cool would it be to see deimos in action?)
a story below about how this topic is actually all connected to my current favorite friendgroup atp
we wouldve never met if it wasnt for someone on the meme account, big_chungles on instagram (yes really!) who wanted to make a madcom themed account and were asking people to join as admins. a few days pass and i see an account named sanfordtits! i followed and had a few laughs for them for a while. and they announced their public server, so i decided to join it. and to my surprised i was dunked and candle wax that was cheese flavored and got cannibalized by kon and niko. (thanks kon for doodling the feast image.) there were a few major events in that server. i also met alfred in that server. yuck. anyways, there was a talent show and i performed osu mania there. it was soooo embarrassing since it didnt capture my audio and my osu was glitching and lagging so hard the judges werent able to even watch me play. niko won that talent show. we had some sort of rivalry-friendship thing going on and would bicker at eachother. (this is important later, i promise.) he was given the supertitter role since normal members were just named titters. i eventually got one myself, and zardy also got one too. due to being active members of the server, we would greet new members, talk alot yada yada alot of stuff. we were also thinking of doing a dating sim where i was one of the routes, and there was a lore behind it, i wont spoil it of course but i drew alot of stuff for it, and some writing which can be see on a doc here. there was also an fnf mod which you can actually see i had the sprites/concept art for it here. theres a lot! let me tell you that. and we had around 3 bgs, completed around 5 characters worth of sprites, a few music and charts done... until. i started to notice something, there was this admin where they babied and constantly praised just because they were a partner of another admin in the server. there was an art channel there right? i often post my art there along with others, and their pencil sketches would get way, way more attention than everyone else in the whole server. i bought this issue up with my friends and wanted their opinions on it, before calmly confronting the admins. and their reactions were not expected. they acted harsher towards us and called me a lying prick (?) i cant remember their exact words, but when i wanted to speak out against this behavior theyre doing and they wanted to shut me up as soon as possible. they were announcing that the servers getting shut down, and they were trying to ban me off of the server. admittedly i did something stupid and made a "kys challenge" joke to them which, well, they got mad at me for. i shouldnt have said something so vile back then. i was emotionally very immature back then. i hope theyre doing well now. i eventually got banned from their server, and they put me on blast on their instagram, which resulted in me losing a very close friend because their story captioned something like "these people harrassed my partners, theyre so gross, please block them" which.. well. youre kind of right but not really? we didnt harrass that person, only called out the admins.....childish behavior. although i did missacted and made a kys joke there too, so im not surprised on why theyre mad. i do take accountability for it. i cried for a bit. we were both wrong in this. but eventually made a new server for the people that were on my side. first it was named something like.. landfill? not exactly appealing, hehe. but it was eventually became bunkers, and its still my strongest bonds with my friends ever. and what a wild journey its been hm? if all of that never happened i wouldve never met the great friends i have today and my amazing loving boyfriend @woopdeloopei <33 (love you btw) its crazy how that spiraled but it all ended up pretty good in the end. a few of my friends got out of their depression and is happier now. i guess we matured! but seriously, so much history for such a small friend group. im so thankful for them right now. if it wasnt for that madcom admin on that meme account.... ah! i wouldve been just dead! thanks for reading all the way through the story!
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creepylittlelady · 6 months
How did the Operator and Charles meet?[PUPPET STRINGS LORE DUMP]
Hello! Sorry I haven't posted an AU related post in a while, my mental health's been in a slump and I've just been so tired recently lmao.
Anyways! I wanted to create this post since I realised that I've barely touched upon this topic, even though It's a pretty important piece of lore in my AU (in my opinion!). Thank you for all the notes and followers, I appreciate it a lot!
Okay, so without further ado...
How did this happen?
Now, the Operator meeting Charles and turning him into its 'Puppet' or 'Vessel' of sorts is one of THE key events to happen in my AU. It serves as the catalyst for everything that happens after that point, directly or indirectly.
The Operator, and by default the cult forming has SORT of its own post, even though it's more of a prose than an actual comprehensive explanation.
Here it is anyway!:
(Sorry, I don't know how to make hyperlinks yet, I'm still a rookie lol)
One thing to note is that whilst the Operator is the most 'powerful' character in my AU, he's not actually that powerful by God standards. Whilst at times Gods CAN perform miracles and interact with the mortal plane of thought, the Operator could not. Although it could appear appear to those who truly needed it and act out peoples wishes, its ability to do this was incredibly unstable.
After a while, it figured out that it needed a something, or rather SOMEONE to act as its buffer between it and its followers, to gain more faith. So, around the later 1800s, it began to look for a Vessel for it to live inside.
So, a little bit of world building in my AU, but supernatural possession can only occur in my AU is the soul is 'open'. When demonic or any form of possession occurs, the demon, or whatever supernatural creature, physically ENTERS into the mortal's soul. The soul only 'opens' if the human is close to death or is extremely distressed in one way or another. Traumatised or sickly people are must easier than a mentally stable, healthy person.
After killing several people after ripping its way into their souls, the Operator realised that not only did it need someone younger (preferrably child age), but someone who was on the verge or death or someone who had faced a lot of pain and suffering, so it set out to find such a mortal.
Several children began to go missing from slumhouses, orphanages, factories, and hospitals. They'd all be found dead just days later, scattered in a random landfill site or in public areas. Their cause of death was almost always undetermined.
Since they were children that 'wouldn't be missed', the missing cases went without much public fanfare. As they went without any public attention, the Operator and the followers of the Third Eye (the main cult it operated) continued to take children and even take children that wandered too close.
However, none of them could handle it, and every child or teenager ended up instantly dead or in extreme physical pain before being executed by the followers themselvses.
This is where Charles comes in.
You see, Charles' soul was very much 'open' as he was maybe a few weeks away from death, the closest any child had ever been. I wouldn't say he had trauma at the time, but he definitely wasn't having that much of an easy time, considering he didn't really know human interaction nor affection of any kind.
Whether it was fate or purposeful meddling from the Operator, nobody knows. However, the day that Charles came into the forest, so close to death that his soul was gaping wide open, he was sacrificed to the Operator and didn't die.
Throughout the years, the Operator basically lived in Charles' body as his vessel, which caused him a lot of physical and mental pain. However, the Operator become so dependent on his soul that if Charles ever died the Operator would die too.
The day that Charles attempted to hang himself, the Operator, in a final attempt to save the both of them, created a new body for the both of them to reside in, a horrid combination of both Charles' human traits and the Operator's non human traits.
That, is how the Operator met Charles.
(This kinda sounds like nonsense, so if you have any questions, then feel free to ask!)
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harrison-abbott · 8 months
The supermarket’s all abuzz with Halloween; that spooky festivity coming up.
Stalls filled with plastic masks and fake blood and wands which won’t work
And a shedload of pumpkins that will mostly be chucked out in the landfill
And almost entirely not eaten except from a margin that make pumpkin soup
[just like how the trees are grown for Christmas like cattle or sheep or pigs
on farms and then slaughtered for human benefit, for money and decoration.]
The adults take the kids to get their costumes. Semi nervous that they will get
Battered by the older children whilst they’re trick or treating; half glad that
They’ll have them out of the house for a while; wherein they can watch the scary
Movies on TV with lots of gore and pretty women in peril and some monster
Or a serial killer prowling and trying to get them – oh don’t we all enjoy
A good horror flick! Because they make us secure in our cosy houses watching
Them because it’s not happening to us in the now and is all rosy violence
And unrealistic threat … which is exactly what the kids like about it too.
Lots of them are sparring for the best costume possible and this is far from
Realistic as well; the girls tend to go for witches and the boys for vampires and
A mix of them like to pick the goblin or fairy or scarecrow now and then.
Most of the material is not scary at all; but there are some instances when a
Pack of boys will go around to a house they don’t know and a scared woman
Will answer the door and not want to speak to them whatsoever – freaked out.
Or the late-teens that have managed to get alcohol some way and they head
Out into the October night with probably a gaudy moon in the sky and smash
The bottles and whip around yelling at whoever is on the streets, and with the
Guise of masks anybody can be a criminal and make it seem credible and blunt.
Halloween was from the old ages that nobody can remember now and few
Know the history of. Forests and vales and moors are filled with legends and
Fables that have some truth – some odd, unnerving story of a person lost, missing,
Destroyed, hanged, outlawed, persecuted by the public, with its ghost as the
Lingering force behind all of that wickedness. What ghoul tales are based on.
That there are proper dark things that were stored away on lore as to be
Remembered, for their meaning to be confiscated by the indifference of time.
And yet there are worse things to be spooked by, especially in the modern age,
When fears are under further scrutiny and the problems are only clearer
And choked up – by population, claustrophobia and the growing absence of trees.
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loominggaia · 11 months
What are some myth regarding humans
There are many myths and stereotypes about humans from all over Looming Gaia. These beliefs may be the result of ignorance or deliberate misinformation, and some of them may even contradict eachother.
Here are some of the more popular ones...
Myth: Humans Worship Dogs
It's true that most human cultures utilize dogs, both for utility and companionship. The humans' early domestication of dogs (and other animals) are a major reason why humans have remained such a successful and prolific species throughout history, despite all their apparent weaknesses. Some humans center dogs as a major part of their culture, and it may appear that they even worship them. Maybe some humans do worship dogs, but this is not universal. Many human cultures don't keep dogs at all, and some even detest them.
Myth: Humans are Inherently Deceitful
Humans are a commoner species, meaning they can tell lies. But humans happen to be particularly good at lying compared to all other species, even other commoners like dworfs and roshava. Some say that lying is part of human nature, it's in their blood and so they lie as often as possible. It's believed that humans are driven to deceive others, but this isn't true. There are many honest humans in the world who are disgusted by lies and deceit.
Myth: Humans Can Adapt to Any Environment
While humans are an exceptionally adaptable species, even they have their limits to what kind of environment they can endure. You can find humans living in strange, seemingly inhospitable corners of the world with their ingenious use of technology. But this doesn't mean this is healthy or comfortable for them. Some people believe that humans can just be pushed into literally any kind of environment--even places like landfills or barren tundras--and they'll survive just fine, like dandelions growing in cement.
In some cases humans can survive these conditions, but many times they cannot, and if they can it is not ideal for them. This myth has led to cruel treatment towards humans throughout history, as they have been forcefully relocated to awful environments under the reasoning of "They'll be okay because they're humans, and humans can survive anywhere!"
That's all I can think of at the moment!
Lore Masterpost
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Some propaganda for the Swine Prince, and the Darkest Dungeon in general: Darkest Dungeon is one of the most Flesh-alligned stories I have ever witnessed. Nearly every major event in the game can be attributed to the Ancestor's experiments on reshaping flesh in a quest to get ever closer to godhood. At the end of the game, it is revealed that humanity, and indeed all living organisms, are just a pieces of the dark gods that made this world, and once those gods reawaken they will seek to reabsorb humanity's flesh into themselves. Some more specific lore about the Swine Prince itself: In his attempt to uncover this knowledge, the Ancestor ran countless experiments twisting the flesh of both beast and man. Once he was done with his experiments, he had no use for the grotesque creations he made, and so dumped them into the tunnels beneath his estate before boarding them up. These tunnels became known as the Warrens - a twisted network of caves home to a self-sustaining ecosystem of swinefolk that feed on each other, themselves, and any explorers foolish enough to enter. The Swine Prince is but the largest and most powerful of his creations. Here is what the Ancestor has to say about the Swine Prince, and the rest of the Warrens. "The ways and rituals of blood sacrifice are difficult to master. Those from beyond require a physical vessel if they are to make the crossing into our reality. The timing of the chants is imperative: without the proper utterances at precise intervals, the process can fail spectacularly.
My first attempts at summoning were crude, and the results disappointing. I soon found, however, that the type and condition of the host's meat was a critical factor. The best results came from pigs, whose flesh is most like that of man.
The great thing I had managed to bring through was brutish and stupid. Moreover, it required prodigious amounts of meat to sustain itself. But this was only a trifling concern. After all, I had a village full of it." "My zeal for blood rituals and summoning rites had begun to ebb, as each attempt invariably brought only failure and disappointment. Progress was halting, and the rapidly accumulating surplus of wasted flesh had become burdensome.
I could not store such a prodigious amount of offal, nor could I rid myself of it easily, possessed as it was by unnameable things from outer spheres. When excavations beneath the manor broke through into an ancient network of aqueducts and tunnels, I knew I had found a solution to the problem of disposal.
The spasmodically squirming, braying, and snorting half-corpses were heaped each upon the other, until at last I was rid of them. The warrens had become a landfill of snout and hoof, gristle and bone - a mountainous, twitching mass of misshapen flesh, fusing itself together in the darkness."
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dopscratch · 9 months
dropping dead space hiccup and toothless
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The space vikings still have horns on their helmets, it's to discourage the dragons from biting their heads off hehe
The dragons themselves can live perfectly fine in space. Their gills now run down the sides of their body and are more like vents that they can use to control their movement. Instead of fire, they breathe superheated particles because fire doesn't play well in a vacuum.
Swords are still useful as they don't require ammo, which is very helpful for the space vikings who don't have a very reliable source of it. They also fight often enough that wasting a ton of ammo on the 15th petty dispute of the day isn't a very good option. Some fancier swords have augmentations that make them more like some of the plasma saws seen throughout the series, but the Endeavour is a simple sword because The Best Is Not Always The Most Obvious.
More info and story spoilers below the cut!
Hiccup is pretty similar to his canon counterpart. He's a nerd, likes dragon-watching, speaks four languages, and is pretty terrible at anything traditionally viking-like.
After the war breaks out, he starts seeing all of the dragons who he's killed so far as well as some others who have died in the war. They mostly fuel his paranoia and just stand there menacingly.
When Snotlout dies, Hiccup also starts getting haunted by visions of him, who try to mislead him near the final battle- especially problematic because he'd lost his memory at that time.
Toothless is a Stardragonus Giganticus Maximus hehe
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ysabelmystic · 1 year
Got tagged by @burntstay to whom I am extremely grateful because it’s been a LONG time since I’ve gotten to do one of these.
3 ships: Andreil (all for the game), which y’all know, because I’ve been torturing everyone with it for months now. Soukoku (bungou stray dogs) but in less of a “I want them to be together” way and more of a “they feel like exes who aren’t even remotely over each other and every interaction they have fills me with joy because there’s just so much obvious drama between them”. Dazai and Chuuya have made out before and they should do it again because it’d make each of them worse. And finally, Griddlehark. It lives rent free in my head. There’s just so much religious trauma in it…
First ship ever: technically Wall-E and Eve but my first proper fandom ship, unfortunately, was thrashgrace. Something something about the biting and “master” and the toxicity of it all hit 13yo me some kind of way that elevated it beyond “haha funny zombie duo” to unexplainable feelings. And that, friends, was part 2 of realizing that Maybe I was into things. Part 1 of that was my sheltered ass reading black butler for the first time and thinking “wow grelle could stab me and I’d thank her for it I wonder why”
Last movie: I think Dead Apple (bungou stray dogs)
Currently watching: bungou stray dogs season 4 and Jujutsu kaisen
Currently reading: the bungou stray dogs light novels (we’re seeing a theme here) and many many many textbooks. But the textbooks are mainly about Stuff That Kills You and how to fix that, and meds. So at least I’m having fun.
Currently consuming: I don’t know what this means exactly but i guess I’ve been getting into witchcraft and lore and whatnot but I guess that’s moreso consuming me. I’ve been watching a lot of tornado videos in YouTube I guess?
Currently craving: not being sick. There’s been a landfill fire nearby burning since November and I’ve had a bad on and off “cold” since then. Why has it been burning for so long? Well, you see, my state does not Do environmental policies. It’s to own the libs you see.
My chosen 9: @average-crazy-fangirl @gothsatanicrapunzel @lizalfosrise @zom-bi @daz4i @bibleofficial @voicemail1187 @imsoglitter and @stop-that-llama
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marcusrobertobaq · 10 months
What a Canon-Path™ is:
Probably played/watched the game 2 times ("Best options/ending" or "Worst options/endings") (medium % probability)
Probably don't know about the lore in a deep way (decent % probability)
Probably ain't got connection with any character besides Connor (and his relationship with Hank) (medium % probability)
Probably don't know the characters deeply overall (decent % probability)
Only the best ending exists (high % probability)
What I define as The Canon Path:
Connor stabilized Daniel and the snipers finished him or saved Emma but fell from the rooftop in The Hostage
Didn't die more than 2 times with Connor
Didn't waste time assisting Carl in The Painter
Tried giving an positive opinion for Carl's art in The Painter
Didn't choose "FATE", "PAIN", "ANGER" or "PRISONER" during The Painter
Bought another drink for Hank in Partners
Stood out for Ortiz's android ("The truth is inside") in The Interrogation
Didn't get the gun in Stormy Night
Doing whatever Alice wants in Fugitives
Didn't deactivated any android in the landfill during From the Dead
Didn't talk with Chris or got punched by Gavin in Waiting for Hank
Chose all too friendly approaches with Hank in Waiting for Hank
Kara was found but Connor gave up chasing her in the highway in On the Run
Chose all friendly options and saved Hank in The Nest
Didn't choose "FREE?" or "REFUGE" || "SOMBER" or "LUCID" in Time to Decide
Got reset but remembered everything in Ztlakto
Got the truck with components without killing anyone in Spare Parts
Found the Tracis, won the fight and spared 'em in The Eden Club
Chose "RATIONAL", "NEUTRAL" and "TRUTH" in The Bridge (basically all friendly and troubled options)
No humans hurt (including knock out) or killed, full peaceful speech (no major demands) in The Stratford Tower
Didn't find Simon sacrificed to save Hank (only) in Public Enemy
Didn't choose pessimistic options in Midnight Train
Fooled the cop without problems in Midnight Train
All pacifist approaches including not breaking the glass saving androids from the stores and sparing the cops in Capitol Park
Chose "INSTINCT"; didn't choose "SINCERE" or "INDIFFERENT", "WAR", "NEUTRAL", "AGRESSIVE"; analyzed Amanda's photo and spared Chloe in Meet Kamski
Didn't chose any pessimistic, sincere, neutral or determined option (and probably romanced North) in Freedom March pt. 1
Didn't attack the police in Freedom March pt. 2
Got Hank as "Friends" (he punches Perkins) Connor doesn't get decommissioned in Last Chance, Connor
Didn't abandon Alice, helped Luther and didn't got caught in Crossroads
Chose all software instability options and didn't have Markus a warning shot; Connor became deviant in Crossroads;
Didn't choose any confronting and agressive option with Jericho Crew in Crossroads - Markus
Spared Connor and chose "DEMONSTRATION" in Night of the Soul
Saved Luther and the Jerry's, catched the bus in the right time, didn't sacrifice anyone and went to Canada with everybody alive in BfD - Kara
Disabled the cameras in the elevator, saved Hank and Hank killed 60 (androids wake up) in BfD - Connor
Chose all peaceful, optimistic and calm options, didn't accept Perkins deal, chose "SING" or "KISS NORTH" having a successful demonstration in BfD - Markus
Escaped Zen Garden
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happylandfill23 · 11 months
well howdy there partner! *tips tiny pink sparkly cowboy hat from party city*
i'm tumblr user happylandfill23 and this is my blog on tumblr dot com!! here's an intro post so you get to know me a bit :]
first things first, you can call me ember (or by my url that works too) and you can refer to me with any pronouns!
i use a couple tags to sort my posts, so i'll explain them here -
[#styrofoamm] - my art tag! this is where all my drawings are so you can check those out if you want!! (this blog was originally supposed to be dedicated to just my art but look where we are now)
[#landfill rambles] - the tag where i just kinda. say stuff. doesn't even make sense sometimes but i just kinda talk or ramble there, yknow get my thoughts out (even if my thoughts are just ham cheese sandwich)
[#cyberdevils] - anything related to cyberdevils, a band i created! there are a few other tags related to this one, those being [#pixie pereira] for the band's singer/guitarist, [#ace calix] for the band's drummer, and [#shags] for the band's bassist (no that's not her real full name btw). oh there's also [#cosmo pereira] who's pixie's younger brother, [#gloria nguyen] for shags' girlfriend, [#shagloria] which is shags and gloria's ship name, and probably even more once i add more characters and lore!!
[#cool art !] - any art i reblog that isn't mine! i forget to tag things on occasion but i can assure you if you scroll through this tag on my blog it will take years upon years to reach the bottom
[#q] - the posts in my queue, nothing much else to say about that one lol
i have 5 other blogs if u wanna follow me there as well -
@styrofoamm - my art blog! this is mostly for archival purposes, but it has all my art reblogged to it and u can follow me there if u wanna see my art or if u like my drawings but think i'm intolerable lol
@ask-cyberdevils - my cyberdevils ask blog! you can ask anything about them and i'll draw a response (unless it's a question to me specifically, which you can certainly ask as well)
@gu1t4rf41ry - pixie pereira (cyberdevils)'s blog
@acexofxspades - ace calix (cyberdevils)'s blog
@shags-shags - shags (cyberdevils)'s blog
i'm not gonna go super in detail about what i like, but you'll probably see me post a lot about gorillaz, blur, nimona, julie (band), mars argo, the owl house, nirvana, ppg, daria, manic street preachers, and several other things i'm not gonna bother listing lmao
feel free to shoot me an ask whenever you want!! i love interacting with y'all and it means a lot even if I don't respond <33
and as i mentioned earlier, you can also send me asks on my second blog, @ask-cyberdevils (PLEASE)
you can also find me over on youtube! i mostly post covers and speedpaints, you can find my channel here :D
idk what else to say here so i hope you decide to stick around!! <3
Tumblr media
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
What do you think of the “outside” post-apocalyptic world/wastland/landfill outside the house and surrounding area of the DHMIS show? There may be a larger story and lore we are not privy too, nor the characters we follow in their escapist hell of a paradise. Related to this, do you think there’s anything significant to the Choo Choo Train’s mentioning of ancient materials and ancient ones (perhaps humans are gone and so are many of their inventions?) and the Lamp’s speculations on payments by a council one is meant to appease in the afterlife?
The first one is just the area around the dollhouse; you can see some trash around it when Lesley puts them back. Second one is just talking about oil. Third one probably has meaning though given that it lines up with the end of DHMIS 1; it kind of explains the entire situation with Lesley as well.
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