#but anyway hopefully dad can take her to that and if not I'll have to bc there's been too much violence at train stations lately
1-800-local-slut · 21 days
Word of Advice...
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Spencer Reid x Black! Fem! Pregnant! BAU! Reader
Spencer Reid Masterlist <3
Spencer and his fiancée are having a baby, and everyone has some advice for them.
I based this on JJ's pregnancy in season 4. This is basically the three times someone gave Spencer some advice about being a dad and his fiancé some advice, I cried writing this because of hormones y'all
Warnings: pregnancy, brief mention of sex, mention of a daddy kink, nothing really, fluff, twins
Request are also open if anyone wants to send anything!
"You know, no matter how much you research it won't help when you have to actually hold the baby."
Spencer's head jerked up from his computer, no longer fidgeting with his nails and glanced over to Derek. Tabs upon tabs of information distracted him for the past hour. 'What to do as a first time dad', 'When to Start Expecting Cravings', 'How to Prevent Diaper Rash', 'Baby-proofing 101' and more.
The office buzzed softly behind him, other agents bustling around. It was a cool morning, nice and bright but had all the cold spring air Spencer had grown to love with the early call time of his job. Hotch was up in his office, Rossi was currently in the bathroom attempting to battle some sort of meal his stomach didn't agree with, Emily called in sick, JJ had a doctors appointment and wouldn't be in until later and Penelope was busying herself with some random task.
"Sorry, what?" Derek chuckled, his eyes ran over the mess on Spencer's desk. All of his case files, the parenting books he'd bought, the cups of coffee littering the area. How was this guy gonna keep his house clean with a kid running around in it?
"Morgan is right, even though he should be focused on his work. A word of advice, its good to get into the habit of picking up as you go along. Helps in the long run, you know." Hotch appeared from nowhere, in typical Hotch fashion with words of wisdom.
It was true. Spencer Reid, at the age of 27, got his girlfriend fiancée (he was still getting used to the title) pregnant. He got her pregnant, and then all the initial joy and imaginary world where everything would be perfect everything came slightly faded for him. He suddenly remembered him and his fiancée work a hard job with hard hours and an even harder toll on the mind. But he'd been trying not to focus on that, instead just trying to stay on the constant upside.
"Well yeah. I guess coffee cups all over the place aren't gonna be helpful in trying to keep the place tidy." Spencer chuckled, tapping one of the coffee cups on his desk with a random pen.
"I’ll say. You know your girl isn’t down with the nonsense, you better keep that house spick and span if you want to keep your ass clear of a beating. And if she's gonna be the one stressing with child care it'll be safer is you just stay clean and out the way.” Derek lamented. Hotch chuckled and Spencer glanced down at his hand while he grinned.
While he wouldn’t normally wear his engagement ring to work, they weren’t in the field today (hopefully) and he may have forgotten to taken it off this morning when they decided to stay in bed for an extra 45 minutes to sleep soundly. So what was the harm in wearing it? It was a little bit of his home life he would let seep into his daily life.
"Isn't it a little bit too early for you to be looking at all of this anyways? I mean I guess it's technically never too early but she's only what a month a long?" Derek asked, settling himself to sit on the corner of Spencer's desk.
Derek pushed an empty chip bag out the way, as he had settled on the one clear part of the desk. Spencer instinctively grabbed the bag and tossed it into the small trash bin he kept under his desk.
"It's never too early! I figured the better I prepare, the better I'll be able to help out when I'm home. I want to take as much paternity leave as I can, I want to be helpful when I'm home with her." He really should be attempting to clean. A stack of papers straightened, coffee cups gathered into one hand and tossed into the bin two at a time.
"Word of advice..." Hotch grimaced, as he tapped a coffee cup that sloshed and Spence had to grab to keep it from spilling all over his desk. "If you keep your desk as clean as you intend to keep your house, she'll be sending you back to work faster than you can imagine." With a ghost of a smile, Derek chuckled and ruffled Spencer's hair. Hotch smirked, seeing Spencer's mouth hanging open, and the two decided to take their leave to go back to doing the jobs they get paid so much for.
It was true, Spencer is usually a very clean guy but sometimes things get a bit messy. And usually, his fiancée wouldn't mind as long as it wasn't too outrageous but pretty soon those pregnancy hormones would come in full force. A shiver went down his spine as he imagined facing her anger at him leaving piles of books and coffee mugs all over the living room with a chubby baby sat on her hip. Picking up the last few coffee cups, Spencer straightened up his desk once more and finally tried to focus on work.
"Morning JJ, you want some coffee?" Of course, I was joking. The joke was that JJ (who had recently returned from her maternity leave) was pleased that she could drink coffee again. If anyone bounced right back from pregnancy it was Jennifer Jareau. She looked flawless, glowing even more after her pregnancy. I can only pray to have that same miraculous recovery.
I couldn't drink coffee, the smell making me sick now. Of course I already couldn't have it, you know growing a baby, but it was far easier to resist the temptation.
A job like this has you running on caffeine, quitting cold turkey was like stopping cigarettes over night. Now I settled for some decaf tea, like peppermint or lemon and ginger.
"So, how's things going for the first term?" JJ chuckled, as I placed my spoon down on the counter and blew on the tea. This morning was some hot apple cider with cinnamon and I had a nice everything bagel on the side with some cream cheese spread over it.
"Well I've had too pee every sixty seconds, my tits are expanding with every second, and everything I eat makes me gain forty pounds thanks to bloating. So, great." The happy mood I had this morning was gone. I got to work and suddenly I wanted to put my fist through the steering wheel. And for some reason, Spencer's aftershave was making me want to cry. He just smelt so good, and he looked so good driving us to work, and lately he's just so handsome. Maybe it's knowing that we were about to have a bundle of joy?
"Mood swings getting you, huh?" JJ chuckled, turning around and heading to her desk as I followed behind.
"I'm ready to stop coming in now, I don't know how you were here up until you gave birth. You literally went into labor, I'm ready to go home now. Right now." I scoffed, and grumbled in irritation. I was even ready to stop wearing heels to work.
It felt like at any moment, I would just explode. That extra 45 minutes of sleep helped very, very little.
"Well, a word of advice, positive self talk is so helpful. I don't know why but when I was pregnant everything Will did drove me up a wall, I'm talking I wanted to take down his side of the bed only." JJ chuckled as we approached our desks. I slid into my seat, chuckling. JJ threw down her jacket, a push present from Will, and stretched.
Across the bull pen, Derek and Penelope walked past giggling about something. The two of them thick as thieves like always. The Sun had fully risen, and the world was wide awake. Cars honked outside, the team was wondering around on the floor and of course with no reason to be in the field today it was time to hunker down.
Sit down, do some paper work, the whole 9-5. I couldn't focus on the 9-5 though, hormones driving me to run into my fiancé's arms. To smell him, to hug him and remind him just how much I love him by showering him with hugs and kisses.
"How would you even take down his half?" I laughed as a blew on the cider and opening the file on my desk.
"I was looking at chainsaw's on Amazon, I had a plan I just needed to do it." JJ shrugged, opening her own case file and looking up at me through her lashes.
"Listen, my point is, you just have to try to talk to yourself. You're mind is vulnerable right now to all sorts of crazy emotions. You might suddenly hate everything about Spencer. You can randomly wake up and decide you hate him, you hate yourself, you hate the way your house looks, and that you should just take your baby and run away but you have to remember to keep yourself grounded in reality." With a soft sigh and took a sip of my tea, glancing over my shoulder to make sure he wasn't about to hear what I was about to say.
"I'm having the opposite issue with Spencer. I want to like, live in his skin." Was I ashamed to admit it? No. Was it slightly embarrassing to say it out loud? Yes.
"Oh! Okay! I mean, if that makes you happy!" It would make me very happy. Happier than this bagel was presently making me.
"No but I mean it. The mood swings will get worse as your first trimester goes on, you have no idea. Just try talking to yourself as often as possible, journal. Take care of yourself."
"Okay okay, I will. Thanks JJ, you're the best." With a shared smile, it was finally time to get some work done. Or just finish my bagel. Yeah, I'm just gonna finish my bagel.
"No, mom you need to stay in the house. Yes, she's home with you, you will be fine. I saw my fiancée this morning, I don't miss her that badly in the two hours I've been outside. I'm at Target mom. Okay. Love you, bye mom."
Finally off the phone, Spencer slid his phone back into his back pocket. Diana was there for a visit, something she begged Spencer enough that she wore down his negotiating skills. So she got out of the ward for a fun few days.
And yes, Spencer did love the time he got to spend with his mom. He was more than happy to have her. But preparing for a baby, his fiancée either soul crushingly sad or horny or showing him things for their baby because in four months she'd be forcing it out of her body, and keeping your mom on her meds and your fiancée on her prenatal meds...sometimes a man needed to go to Target.
Sometimes a man needed to make breakfast, intentionally finish the milk and eggs, and suddenly have other errands that needed to be run outside.
Pushing through the aisles of Target, they all blended together. Everything just seemed crazy now. His fiancée was pregnant. She was pregnant, and their baby was coming in four months. She was nesting now, according to JJ.
When they found out she was pregnant she remained logical. She mapped out each important date, each doctors appointment, and left major shopping for a bit later. Spencer was the one buying mountains of books, crying over the minuscule things. Now though, she was crying over the little things, waking up with insane cravings (his favorite one to be woken up at 2:47 in the morning over? Buffalo sauce. Not like, buffalo wings. Buffalo sauce by itself but it needed to be hot and in a bowl and when Spencer protested she looked ready to rip him in two), and each day was filled with 'Spencer look at this, Spencer we need this, Spencer we HAVE to have this for our baby or we're shitty parents, Spencer, Spencer, Spencer.'
He was in heaven.
His wife couldn't get enough of him, literally sniffing him like he was a big ass pile of coke, his mom was over, it was almost time for their gender reveal (which Emily and Rossi somehow ended up in charge of planning but whatever), and he would be a literal daddy. Not in the sense that she called him but in the actual way.
Without even realizing it, he was in the baby section. His feet basically dragged him there. There was a little onesie, which would be the perfect size for his baby, a pair of baby booties randomly placed near by. But the couple made a promise to themselves, they wouldn't buy anything without each other unless they literally had to have it for their baby. Like the really cute onesie that Spencer found with a little 'R' on the front. 'R' for Reid. Soon they'd be Mr. and Mrs. Reid. Their baby's last name would be Reid.
His fingers ran over the soft cotton fabric of a pink onesie, that had the cutest little flowers stitched on the toes. He pictured it for a moment, a little chunky light skinned baby with curly hair and dark eyes. Brown eyes and chubby cheeks for his/her mommy and daddy to bombard with kisses.
With soft little fingers and little toes. With big eyes filled with innocence that was Spencer's job to guard, that he already knew he'd lay his life down to protect in a heart beat. A baby with a tiny heart beat that he'd be honored to hold. His baby. Their baby together that they made together.
Spencer didn't know when he started moving again, or when he weaved through the groups of people making their way around Target, but he was now on his way to the front and suddenly stopped in front of the cribs.
A large wooden crib with pretty little birds carved into the side. A mobile hung over the soft insides. There were some pillows inside and a mattress inside that looked nice and soft. On the left of it, a white crib, nothing on it but it looked nice and sturdy. And he knew they could probably find some nice designs to put all over the sides.
"First time?" A deep, scratchy voice pulled Spencer from his thoughts. It was an older man maybe 15-20 years older, with his wife standing close to him. Their cart was filled with toys and an abundance of blue. Blue onesies, blue bottles, blue pacifiers, blue toys, blue bibs, blue blankets, blue teething rings. If it was blue, it was in the cart. Clearly not their first time.
"Yeah. I mean, yes, my fiancée. She's pregnant." The smile and blush of happiness that came whenever Spencer told anyone came back. Heat filled his face with joy. Not nerves or anything just pure joy. He wished she was there with him. He wished she was with him looking at the cribs and holding his hand while they looked around. The couple chuckled at how pink he got before the wife began to speak.
"Word of advice, crib shopping without her is a good way to start a war. If he went crib shopping without me for out first I would've murdered him." People say such crazy shit when they don't know you're in law enforcement. Spencer knew she was kidding and couldn't care less but sometimes he wondered how different everyone around him would act if they knew he was FBI.
At work, when he walked onto a scene wearing that jacket with the letters big yellows letters on the back people steered just a bit more clear of him. I mean the FBI is literally the FBI. If he was a normal ass cop he'd be a bit intimidated as well.
"Don't worry, I'm sure she'd do the same thing. I'm just looking right now though. I don't want to do any part of this without her." Spencer would never be this open with strangers but some strange part of him, maybe the part that wished he had grandparents, had him telling this couple with kind eyes. And he of all people knew not to judge a book by its cover. Sometimes it was the nicest looking people who committed the most vile crimes.
"Oh, sometimes you'll have too. Of course, you would never make that choice but take it from 40 years of marriage and 38 years of parenting: sometimes you have to make the calls on your own. It doesn't seem likely now, but as a father you may have to make the best call for your child if your partner is unable to make any sort of choice." Huh.
He never thought about that. Well he should've. He's seen marriages torn apart (usually by the most stressful situation possible, your child being kidnapped or murdered or something) because of one parents choice. Usually it being glancing away for one second. But what if his kid needs something while she's out cold? Maybe she's fast asleep and his kid wants to go outside or something. God forbid it's something far more serious, Spencer would have to make a choice.
Maybe. Who knows. But it was true. Sometimes, Spencer would need to make a choice on his own. And although they promised to make any and all big choices together smaller things would require an adults attention.
The realization was too clear on his face because the man chuckled.
"I'm Clive and this is Judy, it was lovely to meet you young man." He extended a hand, and Spencer took it, returning the firm handshake.
"Spencer. It was nice to meet you too. Thank you for the advice."
Music was one of the most emotional things in the world. It connected people, spoke to people, saved people. Right now it was destroying me. Right now, I could only hear my heart beat and the Billy Joel song that was wearing me down. The song had me in tears.
I was sitting at our bay window, Diana was watching Judge Judy and sitting calmly after she took her medication this morning with her breakfast. I had a blanket thrown over my legs, a pillow behind my back and my headphones strapped over my ears. She was softly breathing, clutching a pillow to her chest and fidgeting with the soft fringes around the edges of the pillow. From here, she looked a bit like Spencer, eyes focused on the screen with her head tilted slightly to the side. How much would our baby look my me? Or Spencer? Or even Diana, maybe his father or my parents? Anything was possible.
The soft rain pitter-pattered on the window and it just added to my mood. Was I sad? Was I happy? Bitter-sweet was the right word. How would I feel as our child grew before my very eyes? As I watched my baby get bigger with each passing moment? Before eventually they stood on their own two feet and walked completely on their own? I whimpered, an ache in my chest. Each day would be a beautiful reminder of what was to come.
I tried my hardest to keep it down, lest I bother my baby's grandmother. Oh god, grandmother. Diana would be a grandmother. The dam broke all over again and I buried my face in the sheet that was thrown over my knees
"A word of advice," I perked up when Diana's voice added to the mix of music, muffled sobbing and Judge Judy screaming at some random lady.
"When I was pregnant with Spencer, I was all over the place. I kept it to myself, I felt alone. I felt that because I was off my medication my feelings weren't normal but they completely are. Keeping my feelings inside, that turned into stress. Then resentment. For myself, for my husband and sadly for Spencer. Try talking to Spencer about your issues instead of letting them fester."
She read me like a book, what the fuck. Okay I hadn't been the most inconspicuous with my crying BUT dang I wasn't expecting that. I was actually planning to go into the bathroom because I didn't intend to disturb her. Something about being and FBI agent meant emotional constipation. Therefore, I didn't want to talk about my feelings on a deep level, and I did not want a whole thing to be made of it.
But Diana didn't look at me. She didn't turn around and look at me with pity or understanding, she didn't stand up and attempt to hug me, she didn't try questioning me on what was wrong. She just said it. She said it, blue eyes trained onto the TV as a commercial for mesothelioma played. I did my best to wipe tears from my eyes, and from down my face. Perhaps it was time to do away with the music. But in a way, I didn't want this feeling to end. I wanted to feeling to stay. The bitter-sweet feeling washing over me like a blanket. My heart hurt in the best possible way.
"Thank you Diana. I'm not upset, just...feeling things." With a chuckle as I wiped my eyes rubbed my no doubt puffy eyes.
"Well. As long as you're feeling something." Her eyes glued to the TV screen as Judge Judy came back on.
"Hi everyone, thank you for coming. I just wanted to say thank you for coming to our lovely couples baby shower, Lord knows we all expected to be here sooner." Derek chuckled, raising his ginger ale to us, as we sat perched on the couch next to Rossi's pool. Chuckles and laughter went up all around us, Spencer laughed into his Pepsi. His smile lines crinkled under his sun glasses. God, he just looked kissed by the Sun. God (if there was one) took his time. He took his sweet ass time sculpting each little crease, crinkle, each hair on his head. And it truly paid off.
"Now, if the parents will just come to the front, we'll have them figure out the gender." Finally, Jesus. I loved Derek. I do! But my God could the man talk. And talk. Then talk some more. Maybe it was just the heat bothering me.
It was a sunny day, not too hot though just hot enough to annoy me. People in pink and blue bathing wandered around, Hotch was lounging in his blue swim trunks, Jack standing next to his dad and asking him a stream of questions (he was in that stage) had a the funniest amount of hot pink I've ever seen a child have on.
The wind gave a gentle breeze that offered slight reprieve from the heat as JJ and Will sipped virgin pina coladas from fun sippy cups in their matching pink swim suits. Henry was left with the rest of the kids in the play area with the baby sitters (the same company I planned on using for our wedding) and he arrived in a precious little pink ensemble with pink little sunglasses and sun hat.
And Penny, who could ever forget the darling Penny, who was coming back from the bathroom, with pink hair dye and basically everything else on her body. Even pink eyeshadow. I felt put to shame, thinking my all pink get up was a lot. Spencer had on a blue buttoned up shirt only for the sake of possible opposing sides.
Emily and Rossi (the only people who knew the gender) both wore black swim suits as they sat at the bar. Both giving us no clues at all to the babies gender. Honestly, this entire thing was a bit too big for a regular baby shower.
But we weren't setting any forest fires. Just spending a lot of money on our first child. And with the money we make, of course our children would be pampered each step of the way. No expense needed to be spared. And Spencer, easy going as it is, allowed me to handle the planning for our baby shower (as much as Emily and David allowed me) along with planning our wedding.
The bar, custom drink menu I created, the baby sitting company for all of our friends to bring their kids (honestly this is a small practice run for our wedding), catering company, the pool toys, the kiddie pool Rossi let us set up, and the goodie bags. And Spencer showed up, looking perfect as usual.
Rising to his feet, Spencer gave me a hand and pulled me up from my seat. We waddled (I waddled, Spencer pushed through the small crowd) through the waves of folks who came to see us today (or just came for free food) and eventually climbed to the front.
Looking out at the sea of faces, I almost cried again. I felt Emily place a palm on my shoulder and I wiped my tears before they could fall down. She handed Spencer and I both ice picks, Rossi directing the videographer and the photographer (a personal gift from him). Two black balloons, held in place by David and Emily.
Two black balloons that held out entire future. Two black balloons meant more to me than I thought was humanly possible. My heart beat pounded, as Derek said something about a countdown. The crowd began counting down from ten, as if a countdown was enough for the most important moment of my life, my hands getting sweatier by the moment. Spencer gripped my hand and I glanced over.
And I realized then Spencer was terrified as I was.
But we were terrified together.
And we'd feel everything together from the moment this baby came
No matter what happened, no matter how many faces we saw before us right now, it was Spencer and me, and our baby. And maybe one day, more of our babies.
My soon to be husband, and my child. My eyes welled up again, and Derek made a joke about mom crying early. I'd have to curse him later for being so funny. Our little family was no longer just him, I, Diana and my parents, who were in matching blue outfits watching in anticipation.
My tears and heart beat combined sounded like the ocean thrumming in my ears and Spencer chuckled nervously and stared down at his flip flops.
Almost right at my future, the rest of my life.
Jesus just get to one!
I nearly froze from fear but pushed the ice pick into the balloon, and a sprinkle of pink fell over me. I screamed, my heart soared and I jumped onto Spencer with joy and people clapped an cheered. My mom screamed, literally sobbing as she fell to her knees.
A girl. A girl, to love, and care for, and teach. I wouldn't have cared, either way I wasn't worried but I had always wanted a baby. To have a girl. To love a daughter was truly a gift.
Spencer stood stalk still, like he was a statue and he a terrified grin crossed his face. I saw Rossi nod as Derek chuckled. There was a man holding up a sign, right in front of us with a giant '2' written in pink. Right in front of Spencer, no matter he saw it first.
"Uh oh, Dad's looking a bit- oh my god, oh my god!" And Spencer was flying backwards into Hotch and Rossi.
"Oh, you can see him start to look a bit pale right there." Penelope narrated to his mother, who they were showing the video too on face time. Spencer was now sitting up right on the living room couch and sipping a ginger ale with trembling hands.
Spencer Reid was having twins. Could his life get any better? What did he ever do to deserve this much happiness? His head hurt just a bit, mainly from when he slipped off the couch after being set down and cracking his head on the floor but this was really happening. It was real.
Suddenly he felt a familiar presence. There she was holding two of his children inside of her and staring up at him with the most gorgeous eyes. She was gorgeous, even more so with the knowledge he had now, and he didn't even know it was possible.
He couldn't help himself, the tears filling his eyes as his mother and Penelope suddenly ended the call and she excused herself gracefully (the internet in the home was shitty, so she'd probably be calling back within the hour) and now he felt tears rushing down his face. She smiled at him, so softly that he couldn't even speak.
"I love you." She whispered as she drew her face closer to his and pressed a kiss onto his forehead.
"I love you too. And I love them." The words whispered, just for the two of them.
Well. The four of them.
The end! I cried a lot during this for no reason lol. I literally bawled my eyes out, I'm suffering from massive baby fever. Anyways, I hope you all like this one <3
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anxi-aashi · 3 months
SJCKEBCEJGNF I LOVE YOUR WRITING BABES! Honestly your pirate series and giving childe a bj was hot omg- Can I request like Husband! Childe x Wife! Reader? Like childe wants a another kid or smth even thought they have so many XD and just you know breeding reader or smth- Ajfjehfjrjff anyways you're amazing!!!!! love you :>>>> <33333
a/n: TYSM this took me absolutely way too long to finish BUT im officially on spring break now so hopefully I'll be able to write some more again!
cw: breeding (with intent), praise, fem!reader, fingering, kids (derogatory), not proofread, lmk if I forgot anything!
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At last, your crotch goblins were asleep.
It felt like years had passed just trying to get them to settle down after dinner, much less convince them to get into bed; your youngest spent about fifteen minutes arguing with his dad in the bathroom before finally brushing his teeth.
And yet, as you and your husband wandered past the doorways of all five of your kids, watching them sleep without a care in the world, you felt a sort of contentness fill your chest knowing you’d probably have to do it all over again the next night.
While watching your third shift in her sleep, drooling, Childe joined you, resting his head atop yours and rubbing a palm on your arm soothingly. “Phew! That took forever,” he remarked in a whisper.
You snickered along with him and turned to meet his eyes. “You’re pooped, too? Thought you were all about the thrill of danger.”
He snorted softly. “Right, nothing more dangerous than five gremlins who napped a little too long after lunch.” His gaze slipped to your third behind you, now passed out flat on her stomach, and pressed a kiss to the side of your head. “Let’s follow their lead tonight, hm?”
With that, he led you to the room you both shared. The two of you went about your nightly routines in comfortable silence, you brushing your teeth while Childe picked out something for the two of you to watch together before bed. Or at least, you thought he was.
Childe was not doing that. Instead, he watched you, his wife. Wife. It still hit him every now and then that you were his, no matter how long you two had been married. What did you see in him that made you say yes when he proposed? When he first asked you out? He’d probably never know.
He knew what he saw in you, though. And somewhere in that long list of qualities (that he had written on his phone), was your pussy.
The same pussy that birthed his five kids. The same one that got so wet every time he whispered something filthy in your ear. That hugged his dick so perfectly.
Fuck, he was hard. And you were none the wiser, simply rinsing the toothpaste from your mouth like normal. 
Childe’s eyes trailed down to your ass as you bent over the sink. Down your legs, up to your stomach covered with the fabric from your fitted tank top. He pictured it— remembered it— stretched out and swollen, round with his kid growing inside. You had looked so good pregnant. Every time. 
And suddenly, he really wanted to see you pregnant again. 
Hands snaked around your waist as you washed your face, drawing your attention to the mirror in front of you. “Hm, what’s up?” you asked his reflection.
Childe remained silent, opting to take his time feeling you up instead. His hands idly roamed around your stomach, grazing the sides of your breasts, leaving tingles of goosebumps in their wake, until finally landing on your hips and pulling you flush against him.
A squeak of surprise escaped you, a question close behind, but the motives behind his behavior became clear when you noticed his hard-on nestled snugly between your ass cheeks. “Ajax! You can’t wait five minutes for me to finish here?”
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” he mused, ignoring your protest.
You bent over to rinse the soap from your face. “‘A while?’ Did you already forget how you practically jumped me the other day after the kids went to school?”
“I mean since we had one.”
You paused at his clarification, standing up straight to meet his eyes through the mirror. 
He had that look in his eye— one you had seen many times before. Five times, to be exact. Childe smoothed his hands over your hips, the pressure combined with the dull throbbing of his cock against your ass making you dizzy. “You always look so beautiful carrying my baby. Let me give you another one?” 
You forced yourself to think around the growing arousal simmering in your blood. “You want another baby or you just want to get me knocked up again? Pretty important difference, there.”
His grin was devious as one of his hands migrated to slide into your panties. “I think six is a much better number than five, don’t you think?” A finger grazed your slick folds. Childe’s grin only grew wider. “Kinda feels like you agree with me.”
You tilted your head to lean against his shoulder, relishing in the sensations of his fingers teasing your sex. “Please,” you breathed.
That was all he needed to hear. Ever the gentleman, your husband transported you swiftly to the bed, wasting no time pulling your sleep shorts and underwear down your legs while you rid yourself of your top. Your hands tangled themselves in his hair to pull his face to yours, lips meeting in a messy kiss. 
Childe ground his hips into yours, sending waves of heat pulsing through your limbs and encouraging more slick to seep from your cunt. He moaned into your mouth, the kiss becoming sloppy as impatience and need had you panting rather than meeting his lips. You were hot, so hot, desperate for any sort of attention that would soothe the steady ache building in your core, that when he finally dipped a finger into your drooling cunt, a loud moan ripped from your throat.
A hand slapped over your mouth, muffling any further sounds you made. Childe panted down at you, panic and lust etched into his face. “Shh, baby,” he whispered, “Don’t want to wake the little ones up, do we?”
You shook your head, pleading to him with your eyes to keep fingering you.
“Good girl.” His finger slowly pulled out of you, only to sink back in up to the knuckle; again, again— another finger joined— again, again, until the steady pace he set had your pussy singing his praises in lewd squelches. 
Grateful as you were for the stimulation, it wasn’t enough. You brought up a hand on top of his that covered your mouth, lifting it up just enough to gasp, “Please, please, want you inside me, wan’ you to fill me up.”
The dark chuckle Childe let out was almost patronizing. “Aw, my fingers aren’t enough for you? So impatient tonight,” he cooed, curling his fingers up to tease your g-spot before pulling them out. 
“Don't worry, I’ll fill you up soon.”
And soon came faster than you expected. This time, you’re thankful that Childe’s hand was still so close to your mouth, otherwise the whine that you let out would’ve had you answering some very concerned questions from your kids. His cock sunk into you with ease and without warning, and you were suddenly reminded of how whole you felt when he gave you the piece you were missing. A shudder rippled through your body as he rolled his hips into yours, rutting with a need that you could tell was out of his control. 
But just as it was starting to feel good, he paused, moving his hands to grip the back of your thighs to fold you into a mating press before you could complain at the loss of movement.
With your cunt bared open to him in the new position, the tip of his cock kissed your cervix with ease, grazing by the gummy spot hidden within your walls with every pass. Childe hissed in a breath when he felt you squeeze around him, hips stuttering into a steady pace that gave you no room to breathe. 
The room was getting hot. Or maybe that was you? Childe always did have the nasty habit of fucking you out of your head, and now that he had a purpose in mind, you had a feeling you were going to be walking a little funny the next day.
Every slam of his cock sent your knees knocking into the mattress beside your head. Every slap of his balls against your ass as he filled you to the hilt with every thrust had your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Every filthy thing your husband uttered without shame triggered another wave of slick to coat his cock, making it all the more easy for him to fuck you however he wanted. 
“Can’t wait to get you pregnant again,” he panted. “I hope it's a girl— your tits always look so— hah— so much bigger with a girl.” The bed was creaking. “We’re gonna get it right on the first try, ‘kay? Not wasting time with a negative test. ‘M just gonna have to fill you enough tonight so that it takes. And you—” A hand of his left your thigh to swipe vigorously over your swollen clit. Your back arched, mouth dropping open with a whine. “--- You, are gonna cum as many times as you want. Got it, sweetheart?”
“A-jax,” you whimpered. “I— gonna—”
“Ohh, already?” he crooned. “Go ahead, cum on my cock. Want you to feel good while I knock you up.”
Your first orgasm of the night ripped through you, the coil in your stomach snapping. This time it was you who covered your mouth the block the gutteral moan that threatened to make itself heard. The walls of your pussy clamped down on Childe, a small squeak accompanying the juices that spurted around his dick as he worked you through your high. 
“Fuuuck, yes, just like that. So good, mmmh.” A bright flush glowed from under his pale skin, covering his face and sweat-soaked chest. His thumb stopped its assault on your clit to catch a dribble of your cum that slid down your ass. 
You were almost a little disappointed when he didn’t offer it to you for a taste, but the sight of him licking it clean was more than enough to make it up. And enough of a distraction from the steadily building overstimulation of Childe’s cock still, albeit slowly, rocking into you. 
A tear slid down your cheek, prompting Childe to lean over you to lick it up as well. He propped himself up by your head, his tongue dragged lightly across your cheekbone, then followed up with a multitude of kisses around your face. He finally reached your lips, rewarding you with a languid kiss, rimmed with the tang you recognized from your cum. 
Against your lips, Childe continued to mumble praises in between sloppy kisses, each sentence egging him on to chase his release. “You taste so good.” His warm breath graced your mouth as he spoke. He was too close, too warm, you were too warm, the heat radiating off the both of you so palpable you swear you could touch it. And it was his fault. “I wish you could see yourself right now. So fucking beautiful. Mother of my kids.” A hand of his drifted down to palm your tummy, pressing down until you could both feel his dick rearranging your guts beneath your skin. “Feel me here? That’s where I’m gonna cum. Gonna fill you up so much it’ll be dripping out of you and I’ll just have to fuck it back in.”
You yelped as he buried his head into the crook of your neck to better focus on drilling his cock into your g-spot. “Ajax!”
“Fuck, yes, say my name. Say my name. Who’s pussy is this?”
“Yours, Ajax, it’s yours! ‘S your pussy— please cum, please, please,” you sobbed. 
“‘M almost there, almost— ” he cut himself off with a groan. His thrusts turned sloppy, steady pounding shifting to erratic jackhammering before his hips stuttered, and he pushed himself to the hilt again before spilling his load into you. 
You sighed in bliss, basking in the warmth settled in your belly. As Childe caught his breath, he picked his head up to look at you quizzically. 
“You didn’t cum again.”
You shook your head with a raspy laugh. “It's ok.”
Inside your cunt, you felt his cock twitch. He arched an eyebrow at you. “You’re right, it is. You’ll cum again soon anyways.” Childe slid out of you, making you whine at the loss before wrapping an arm around your waist and carrying you with him as he sat up, plopping you in his lap. 
“Because I’m nowhere near done with you.”
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astrologythingzzz · 1 year
Moon sign observations ✨🌝
Hi everyone! I've thought about doing these for a very long time now! I'll be using my own experiences with the moon signs! 🌙
Some observations are going to be more accurate than others!
Take what resonates and please know that none of these are meant to hurt anyone! 🌝
P.s. I started a tiktok account. It's called Astrologythingzzz too. Check it out if you want to! 🧡
Aries moon
My mom has this placement. She's very ambitious, but also really loves to experience new things every other day! She can be very impulsive with money (it is in her 2nd house). Her emotions sometimes get the best of her. She needs variety and stimulation, when she was in her 20s she travelled a lot and had a big friend group! Personally, I've never met many people with aries moons so she's my only reference.
Taurus moon
My dad is a taurus moon. His most used sentence is "You can save money in every part of you life, but you should never save money when it comes to food." I think that's very typical for taurus placements. He craves stability and peace. He loves good food, dancing and family time. His love language is also giving you food that you like! He likes tradition, he's from Italy so he always makes sure that his children are very much in touch with his roots.
Gemini moon
That is my placement! I don't know anyone else with that placement, so I'll write down my own experience with this one. I'm bored easily, but I'm not superficial. Actually I'm not that social and not very outgoing. As a Child i loved reading and fantasising. I get very restless and nervous, sometimes I have sleep issues if my body is in distress (it is in my 12th house tho). I feel like there are two different gemini moon people, the one is the social, outgoing one, the other is socially withdrawn and nervous. Guess I got the latter one! 🌝
Cancer moon
These are the most loving, warm hearted people ever. They do everything for their family, they provide and make the best gifts! They really listen to the people they love, they also sense your feelings and are amazing at comforting. One of my best friends that I used to talk to had this placement. Sadly we are not involved with each other anymore, but she always felt like home to me. You can count on them to cook you your favorite meal or bake your favorite cookies!
Leo moon
Sadly I've never been truly involved with one. The ones that I know are very obsessed with their image. The girl has really long hair, she's even known for it. But the guy has always been very attention craving. He is very sweet deep down and romantic. But also kind of toxic, I feel like he's an unevolved leo moon. Hopefully I'll get to know more leo moons, they seem so warm and welcoming!
Virgo moon
My girl bestfriend has this placement. We both love talking about kind of everything (mercurial moons) wether it be books, gossip, personal stuff... She gets stomach issues when stressed. She loves animals, she has a very deep bond to her pet dog. She lives vegan and loves minimalistic interior design. She always cared for her younger siblings, cooking for them, sometimes even taking the role of a caretaker (she's a cancer sun). We haven't been very much in touch lately, but I still cherish her a lot! She helped me getting through many things and I can count on her to always be honest with me. I have also shared a flat with two other virgo moons, the one was absolutely crazy about houseplants, she had like 30 in her room. She was very nice and gentle, but a little too naggy for me. The other one is my soulsister, we always grabbed food or cooked together which was very fun!!
Libra moon
Sadly, I didn't have the best experience with this placement. A friend in school had this, and she just was very passive aggressive. She wasn't romantic or warm, she was rather cold and aloof. When I started dating my boyfriend, she got so jealous and accused me of never having time for her. We never really hung out anyways, but that's when she started getting toxic. Her mother was very strict so she also became like that. She was also the one person that always complained about the exams but in the end she always had A's. We lost touch after school and I'm very glad about it. I know that she was probably an unevolved libra moon, so I hope I'll get to know the nice, gentle and loving ones! 🌚
Scorpio moon
I lived with one for about 4 months. She was very shy, but she was willing to open up. When you criticised her, she felt completely offended and never really talked to me ever again. She moved out very soon and my other flat mates and I weren't so sad about it. She never talked to us, she didn't even get out of her room after this one incident, where we criticised her for never coming out of her room. We were 4 girls sharing a big flat, 3 of us were always going out and having fun together, she never even read our text messages so we just assumed she didn't want to be involved with us. She just seemed very cold. In the end she blamed us for being cold, even though we invited her out for like a 100 times. We were even a little scared of her, she just seemed so unfriendly. I have never heard of her every since and I'm not mad about it.
Sagittarius moon
I know some people with this placement. Actually many of them are studying to become a lawyer and they're pretty good at it. One of them is becoming a police officer the other wants to be a politician. They cherish their own opinion a lot, they love living life as they want to. They are down for partying every weekend, I also saw a connection with drinking too much... Sometimes the girls are "not like other girls" because of their love for danger and adventure. One of them always felt the need to rub under my nose how much she liked to perform sports and whatever. They are very sporty though. But I sometimes get the feeling they take themselves too seriously. Not my favorite moon placement, but they're alright. They can be a little braggy and their political views can be a little extreme. A love for animals and justice.
Capricorn moon
Sorry, but no. 🧡 They treat everything as a transaction, if they're giving you something, you automatically owe them. They can be funny though and really nice. They are very ambitious. I noticed they do have a problem with feelings, and if they're getting involved with you, it is for the long run. On the other hand, if you don't seem like the one, they will just leave you hanging around until they find a better option. Maybe that's just my experience. I feel like their childhood was very strict, they had to look after themselves and their parents weren't very supportive of them. Might have a narcissistic mom.
Aquarius moon
That's another placement that was my flatmate. She also had a very rough childhood. Her father wasn't even involved, her mother always favoured her brothers over her. It was really hard getting to know her and even though i had loved to stay in touch with her, I haven't heard of her after moving out, which is kinda sad. She was very emotionally codependent on her boyfriend, so there wasn't really space for any other relationship in her life. I just hope she's happy now. :) The other aqua moon I know studies the same subject at university like me. We get along very well, but we're not best friends. She also seems a little distant, she lives in her own world and has her own circle of friends. But she's very nice and very human(?) I love talking to her, it just makes me feel great! 🧡
Pisces moon
This one is a little tricky. My boyfriend has this placement, and he's the most gentle, kind, supportive, understanding and loving person I know. Pisces moons can be the most creative, selfless and caring people in the world. On the other hand, my bully in high school had this placement 💀 She always used me for homework and talked sh*t about me behind my back. I feel like pisces is a placement in general, that really needs to learn how to deal with their gentle and sensitive nature. It seems like many of them try to mask their feelings by being mean/ dominant/aggressive. But it's no weakness to show emotions! 🧡 Because of my boyfriend, it's probably my favorite moon sign! 🧡
That would be it! Hope you liked it!
If you can't resonate, please know that these are my personal experiences with the moon signs. Every moon sign has an evolved and unevolved part. I feel like I met a lot of unevolved ones. Sadly.
Anyways, see you soon, love you. Byee🧡
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
What I was promised
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Pairing: Soldier boy x Sup!Fem!Reader
Summary: The deal was simple, he kills Homelander, and Butcher gives him greenlight to fulfill his dream of having a family, you were just… collateral damage, another sup taken care off if you ask Butcher.
Cursing, Dub-con, involuntary imprisonment, unprotected sex (do I have to remind you to not have a party without a party hat?), breeding kink, housewife kink, cursing, dirty talking, the works and everything fun related to this guy 
Wordcount: 3.7k
Notes: Oh I really wanted to write about this hot sup and honestly? his talk about wanting kids just triggered me 
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This is it, the final fight. Butcher and Soldier Boy were getting ready to storm the tower, the final battle against Homelander where they knew they were going to win. Sharing stories about their childhoods and their crappy dads.
“I always wanted them, kids I mean, I've always thought I could do a better job than my father ever did” Butcher saw the plan he carefully and dangerously crafted crumble into pieces in front of his eyes
“Homelander is not your son” he said carefully
“He is the only thing I have”
“You can have more kids” he said then, “I know you like old bags, but you can still choose a young one, I don’t care, but he… has to go” Ben looked at him with with furrowed brow
“The young girls these days don’t want to form families, that’s what that cum-eating little shit told me”
“Well, yeah but you are a handsome devil, I know you can figure it out” he uttered hopefully
“Well, yeah, homelander is a piece of shit anyways, so fuck him” Butcher signed relieved
“That my boy”
“I could convince that girl to give me a couple of babies, I mean, she is sweet like that”
“The sweet one… the one on your team, the one with the telekinesis thing”
“(Y/N)?” he asked, it was Butcher´s turn to frown, “I don’t think she is your speed”
“I’ll make her my speed” he said firmly, and that’s when they both look at eachother, definitely
“That’s not how we do things with the ladies” he said carefully, “We ain’t in the 40’s no more” he growled. Ben only smirked
“So now you are telling me I can’t have her either?” 
“Only if she wants to” he reminded him 
“Turn a blind eye, convince everyone we are dead, and I'll waste my own son for you” 
“They are going to hate me if they found out I gave her to you like some sort of stuffed animal in a carnival”
“That’s the part where you convince them we are dead” he said simply, “You want me to fry Homelander? My own son? You’ll let me take her” Butcher looked at him
“But she can never tell anyone what happened” he warned 
“I’ll take care of that” he said simply, “You just think there is going to be one less Sup you need to worry about” 
“Good riddance then”
“You two are sick” Maeve muttered, and they both froze when they saw the redhead standing in the doorway of the room
“Oh, we getting sentimental love?” mocked Butcher, “She is just going to be collateral damage, we kill the bastard, whatever it takes” 
“And what are you going to do to her you sick fuck?” she asked then 
“You don’t worry your little head about that” muttered Butcher
“She doesn’t deserve this, she is actually a decent person”
“You heard the man, he won’t waste Homelander if we don’t let him take her, so that’s it” Maeve went quiet, sharing dirty looks with Soldier Boy, the man just smiled
“I’m not gonna hurt her” he said simply, “I’m just gonna turn her into what any decent girl should be, make an honest woman out of her” 
“This is so wrong” she whispered, but said nothing more as the three prepared to storm the tower
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“They already have a huge startpoint” muttered Hughie
“We still have to try”, said Annie decisively 
“Agree” you muttered, looking up at Frenchie, Kimiko and MM, “we all know what we are up against, right?”
“Soldier Boy and Homelander won’t walk out of that tower” muttered MM, “whatever it takes”
“Whatever it takes” you all agreed
The plan was simple, Frenchie and Kimiko would go for the nerve gas to stop Soldier Boy while you all gained time and try to stop them. Hughie was to the control room to warn everyone as you and Annie ran in front of MM to protect him of whatever lies in front of you through the halls of Vought tower 
But when you got to them… it was already late. You couldn’t even walk through the doors of the news study when a huge blast threw you backwards. You flew through the air feeling as the air was punched out of your lungs and you collapse against a marble pillar, losing all consciousness 
. . .
When you came to your senses again, your head weighed a ton, and you had to make a huge effort to open your eyes. You took in the room, you were laid on a King size bed, and the room looked cozy, with a fireplace and all, a little outdated, like from the 80’s, but it was a very comfortable looking room. You took your hands towards your face and they both looked fine, you drew out your push wave and it still worked, your powers were ok, not fried out
“Oh good, I was scared I fried your powers” you grunted a little more when you recognized the men behind the words, “I wouldn't want you to lose them”
“Ben?” you called, finding him entering the room you were in, he smiled when he heard you calling him that, this is exactly what he wanted from you, his real name being moaned from those lips he liked so much, “What happened?” you murmured, “You used the radiation against us?” you seemed hurt, you sounded scared, and he didn't like that
“You tried to stop us from smoking Homelander” he explained simply, not denying it 
“Is everyone else ok?” you asked, “Annie and MM? Frenchie and Kimiko?” he sigh loudly, impatient, not wanting to have to explain to you, he didn’t care about them, he cared about you
“I don’t know, they were breathing when I left”
“You fried us up” you frowned your pretty little face and he didn’t understand why this was so hard for you to understand. Your eyes stopped at the TV, which was broadcasting the lastest news… Homelander was DEAD
“WHAT?” you said urgently, seeing the entire Vought tower completely destroyed, “What the fuck hapened?”
“Sweet things like you don’t talk like that” he whispered with that husky voice of his
“Ben… what happened?” you asked, softly, to appease him
“I complied with my part of the deal, I wasted Homelander” even if he clearly won, he looked defeated, “Homelander, what kind of shitty name that is anyways?” Even though this is what you all wanted, it felt wrong to celebrate the death of a human being, even though it was a Supe-supremacist psychotic piece of shit like him, still… celebrating a man’s death wasn’t right
“Is everyone ok?”
“I think so, I really didn’t care, I only cared about you” you felt your cheeks flush at his words and then he flashed you a poster boy smile. To distract yourself, you looked around. If the outside was any indication, you seemed to be in some sort of cabin
“Ben?” you asked, suddenly scared, your super hearing wouldn’t let you hear anything else but his breathing and the birds outside chirping, no cars, no other people, nothing. He raised from his seat on a small sofa and sat right next to you on the bed. His closeness made you uncomfortable
“Yes, sweet thing?” he purred, and you understand why he got laid everywhere he went, he had to only speak with that thick voice and all the panties in the room would drop
“Where are we?” Softly and gently was the way to go with him, you looked into his beautiful green eyes looking for the truth and the truth only, he smiled softly and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ea, the contact of his gloved hands made you trembled in your spot
“We are in a cabin Legend gifted me after our first gig together, the old thing is still standing” 
“But why? Where are the others?”
“Around, why do you care so much?” he asked, annoyed, “I’m here” 
“But you had a huge fight, and Homelander is finally dead, and I… he was the most powerful man alive, I mean, I just want to know…”
“Everyone is ok” he said with a sigh, probably the others were covering your tracks, I mean, you just wasted Homelander and Vought probably had tapes about all of you doing so… so now you were fugitives again, and you had to lay low, if the other were ok it was all going to be fine. 
“Except for Noir, Homelander got to him before I could”
“Noir is also dead?” you asked, feeling bad for the ninja, you actually like him and your time in the tower and the times you spent with him had been very pleasant. But to Soldier Boy not too much since he was your worry his face turned in anger
“He was a traitor who gave me away to the Russians” he growled, “He is lucky Homelander got to him and not me”
“I’m sorry for what he did to you, but to me he was always… polite” you whispered 
“Let’s just not talk about that traitor fucker, a walking tumor” his tone made you frightful, so you just looked down scaping his gaze
“I’m sorry you had to be the one to kill Homelander” you muttered, “Hughie told us, that he was…”
“My own son” you looked back at him and it scared you he didn’t seem remorseful, or that he didn't show any emotion at all, “I didn’t get to raise him, he was a weak little pussy”
“I'm sorry about that” you whispered, “He wasn’t a good person”
“It doesn’t matter, I have a second chance” he muttered, he leaned in and before you could stop him he trapped your lips with his. He kisses you slowly. At first you are so impressed you couldn’t react until he tried to pry your lips open with his tongue. You pushed him but accidentally used your powers. Even when it barely move him, not being able to throw him off the bed 
“You are a little firecracker, did you know that?” he asked, amused by your outburst
“No” you whispered, he leaned in again to kiss you roughly, and you felt limb against his arms and chest as you return the kiss
He might be traumatized, he might have been an asshole, but he was hot as hell. He was one of the most handsome guy you had ever met and in a fraction of a second you thought about even if you fuck him, it wouldn’t mean anything but a good time, he was going to pretend nothing happened by tomorrow, so what’s the harm?
His hand went to encase your face against him, and you in turn grabbed his chestnut hair, playing with it with your fingers. His hands soon left your face to go down your neck to squeeze your breasts, as he groaned, pleased against your mouth
“Fuck” he whispered when he left your mouth to drop open mouth kissed down your chin and then devouring your neck, “You are a little slut, aren’t you?”
“No” you whispered, “I just want to fuck you” you said simply, your hands travelling down his body and then up against agains’t his skin until you reached his chest. He chuckled, his husky voice made your panties more wet if that was even possible. He slowly eased you down against the mattress, while he got rid of the blankets that were still covering you, so he could lay next to you. He was wearing some cotton pants and a simple shirt, and even though it would be to even hotter to fuck him while he was wearing his suit, this worked just fine. 
You moaned, losing all shame when he sucked on a special spot in your neck, and you spread your legs instinctively. You barely realized you weren’t wearing your super suit, you were wearing a plain t-shirt and cotton leggings just like him, which he ripped from your quivering body when he realized you had spread your legs for him 
He wastes no time in trapping you under him once he gets rid of your underwear. He opened up your thighs, your sex exposed to him, admiring your wet pussy. You wanted to be even so you, in turn, ripped to shreds his clothes as well, and to your surprise, his ock jumped free, missing the underwear
“God I love the new age” he purred, you squeezed his thick cock, moaning when you couldn’t completely wrap your hand around his thick range, he was going to rip you apart if he wasn’t careful, which you were sure he wasn’t going to be. His thick finger danced teasingly trough your folds, testing you, tasting how wet you were, because you were dripping for him
“I’ve never been the one much for foreplay” he murmured, you just nodded, wanting him inside you, “Hell, we have time later for some pussy tasting” the tip of his cock replaced his fingers, and you opened more your legs for him to be able to place himself comfortably between your legs, as he started to open you up with his thick cock. 
“Oh shit” you cursed, closing your eyes, your hands laced under your knee to keep your legs open for him. The stretch burned, but if felt so good you could kill him if he ever stopped. 
In a rough push he was completely seated inside of you, making you groan, uncomfortable because of his huge size, needing time to get accustomed to him, but fuck, you had never felt so full, and he touched all the right places inside of you, places you didn’t thik even existed
“Fuck you are tight” he cursed under his breath
“You are too big” you complained, but he only smiled, retrieving himself and then pushing into you roughly, the tip of his cock touching your cervix, making you scream in surprise
“Are you ok?” he smirked, and you just nodded, playfully grabbing his ass, encouraging to start thrusting into you, which he did. Soon he started at a rough pace, the mattress making you bounce off the force. 
You grabbed him by the back of his neck and drew him towards you to kiss him deeply. He chuckled darkly against your mouth when he read your intentions
“You are a sweet girl who likes to make sweet lovin’ aren’t you?” you nodded shamefully, like it was a bad thing, but he looked down at you with a glimmer in his eyes that made you rethink everything you knew about him. 
His thrusts where deep and calculating, almost methodical as he kept pounding into you, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix every time
“Shit!” you cursed as your eyes turned to the back of your head from the pleasure, the knot in your belly kept getting tighter and tighter 
“Fuck I feel your little pussy fisting my cock” he purred against you temple. With a wide smile, and using all the force you had, you managed to switch positions, getting him under you, much to his surprised when you placed your hands in his chest and started moving your hips teasingly, finding the perfect angle his cock would touch that sweet spot inside of you, oh and when you did, plus him grabbing your tits and squeezing them, made you cum so hard your thighs trembled at his sides. He grabbed your hips, taking control again and he started moving you roughly on top of him. You navigated your orgasm that lasted longer that you could handle, making you wanted to faint on top of the superhero
“Did you make yourself cum on my fat cock?” he mocked thrusting his hips up to meet you, making such a sloppy sound it was straight up filthy. “Answer me” he demanded, spanking your ass
“Yes I made myself cum on your cock” you confessed full of shame. Oh and you prayed the others weren’t at earshot, this was going to be very hard to explain
“Fuck, you are so tight you are going to make me cum” he admitted, fucking you even roughly, grabbing the globes of your ass, making you bounce up and down his cock for his pelasure, chasing his clímax 
What he didn’t expect was to draw another orgasm from you while he pumped you full of his come. Secretly, he hopes it sticks the very first time, as he made sure to press you against him for his cum to reach your womb if it had to 
He cum inside you, you felt it deep in your womb and you whined, feeling so good and warm. You weren’t on any birth control, but you guessed you could buy some plan b tomorrow, and slapped yourself mentally for being so careless
“That was one of the bst fucks of my life” you looked at him like he had three heads at his admission.
“Good to know, I thought you were some sort of manwhore” you giggled, and he laughed heartily 
“I am” he admitted, caressing your hips, while you were still on top of him
“It’s ok if I cuddle?” you asked dumbly, you liked to cuddle but you weren’t sure he wanted that, and if the others were going to come back soon 
“Of course sweetheart” he said with a chuckle, as he trapped you down his arm and against his chest sliding his softening cock off of you, making you whimper in the process. 
You relaxed cuddling into him, you laid against Ben’s chest, caressing his soft skin. He chuckled when he heard you purr, content against him.
“Aren’t you a sweet one?” he chuckled, caressing your naked shoulder and down your back, “you are a powerful superhero, and a mynx in the sack” he laughed, and you giggled against his skin, “Fuck I like those powers of yours too, I really hope our kids will inherit them”
“Our kids?” you asked, curious, raising your head to look at him, “what do you mean?” If he was him flirting he sucked at it
“The kids we are going to have together silly girl” you would have laughed at his poor attempt at flirting if you didn’t believe it was real. You wanted to cry
“Ben… where are we?” you asked again, a single tear falling down your eye
“I told you, my cabin”
“The others are not around, are they?” you wanted to climb out of bed, but he grabbed you and made you stick to him with a grunt
“We were having such a good time sweetheart, don’t ruin it” his voice was calm but he hid a threat in them, so you stood still against him again. “In exchange of me killing my own son, Butcher promised me he wasn’t going to get in the way of me taking you for myself”
“No” you cried, “He is an asshole of massive proportions but he wouldn’t do that” you muttered, “Besides the rest of them, the boys wouldn't…”
“They think we are dead” he said simply, “I had to destroy the entire tower to make sure our story sticked” you whimpered in fear, knowing perfectly well you would never be able to fight him off
“Why me?” you asked then 
“Who better than you to give the kids I always wanted?” he asked in return, and you whimpered some more as bitter tear ran down your cheeks and to his chest 
“We’d be terrible parents” you cried
“That’s not true” he said, angry, “You are sweet, and good and hot as hell, I mean, look at that ass” you whimpered some more, maybe referring to him.
“I will raise them right, like strong men',' and with his iron grip around you you just managed to curl more into yourself. 
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2 years later…
Your husband, Ben, sat at the head of the table with your one year old bouncing on his leg. The baby, your son, giggled and showed him his one tooth he had to his father proudly as he smiled. That made your heart swell. It’s been a rough couple of years and you understood that what lies ahead, meaning the fact of raising your kids with Soldier Boy, was going to be challenging to say the least, but one thing you understood after so many times you tried to call someone or get help, there was no getting rid of him, so you had to stick around, you couldn’t leave your children, specially with HIM
“He is a handsome little devil, isn’t he?” he admired. Your son, Henry, he was big for his age, and chubby, healthy and strong like his father, who looked at you when you put the dinner right in front of him. He smiled at you and placed his hand on your 8 month baby bump. He wasted no time in putting another baby inside of you as soon as you recuperated from having the first one… And he was going to do it again…
“We make cute babies” you offered with a smile
“And strong ones as well” he said proudly, “These little shits are going to rule the world some day” he muttered. He rose his son in his arms and cuddle him against his chest, sometimes you wondered if he was going to be a good role model when he grows, you then look down at your belly, praying that it was a boy as well, you knew how old school he was, but you also thought a girl would melt his cold heart.
Your son hid his chubby face on his father´s neck, and that made you believe everything was going to be fine. 
A small continuation... here
Tag list!💕 @black-repunzel99
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viisoul · 1 year
{dom!sanemi , sub!reader , degrading , overstimulation , use of the word ‘bitch’ , choking , modern au.}
when y/n’s new pair of shoes are ruined because of her clumsiness enemy, her enemy is forced to apologize and make it up to her, but it seems to go a little further than just that.
"you fucking asshole!"
"oh, shut up, you whiny bitch!"
"you ruined my shoes! i hope you die!"
"shut the hell up! the shoes were ugly anyway!"
y/n l/n, the forever enemy of sanemi shinazugawa, was currently fuming because of his clumsy actions. y/n was always a spoiled daddy's girl since birth. her dad bought her anything and everything she wanted. he was filthy rich, after all. she lived in a huge mansion with a huge bedroom just for her. she'd always gotten the latest designer clothes or bags, and the newest shoes.
today was yet another day in college, y/n and sanemi arguing over every little thing. however, it was lunchtime. sanemi doesn't usually eat lunch food, so he just got a red fanta out of the vending machine. unfortunately for y/n, she was walking towards sanemi and she hadn't realized it.
the poor girl bumped into him, the red drink spilling all over her brand new white shoes and her outfit. though, she was more concerned about her shoes.
"you shut up! i think they're cute! you just don't have any fashion sense, you tacky motherfucker!"
as sanemi was about to say something else, his eyes shifted over to his friends before he spoke. "tsk. you're embarrassing me. i don't have time for you."
sanemi purposely bumped her shoulder before walking over to his small group of friends, as she walked off to the bathroom to clean off her shoes as much as she could.
when y/n made it to the bathroom, she sighed lowly. she put soap on a tissue and wet it, scrubbing her shoes roughly. although y/n was spoiled, she was very appreciative. she was happy with anything her dad gave her. it'd hurt her deeply to know that the thing that was given to her from one of the only people that actually loves her had gotten messed up.
she exhaled, throwing her head back as she let the shoes fall from her hands and onto the ground. despite scrubbing as much as she could, there was still a reddish pink color on her shoes. now she had to deal with the embarrassment of walking around with dirty shoes. hopefully bleach would do the trick when she got home.
y/n slipped her shoes back on, throwing the napkins away in the garbage before walking out. as she walked out, she saw sanemi leaning against the wall next to the boy's bathroom.
"what are you doing, you creep?" she murmured.
sanemi pushed himself off of the wall, arms crossed over his chest.
"tsk. i already don't wanna do this."
"do what?" she stared at him in confusion.
"look, i'm sorry. okay? i'm sorry about messing your shoes up." his cheeks were tinted with the reddest color possible, and his expression showed his embarrassment.
"oh? sanemi's apologizing for once?" she teased.
"shut up!" he hissed. "if you want, i can... make it up to you."
she paused. "...who's telling you to do this?"
"shino— nobody! i'm doing this on my own! now, do you want me to make it up to you or not?"
"um... how?"
"i'll take you out to dinner—, to your favorite restaurant."
"ha! unless you're planning to spend a couple hundred dollars at least, i think not."
"...whatever. it doesn't matter. so, do you wanna go or not?"
"um... sure." she replied quietly, thinking that if she said that, it'd change his mind.
"give me your number. i'll pick you up at six." he held his hand out, expecting her phone.
after exchanging numbers, y/n left to go home early with her dad. she ranted to her father, who was off of work that day, for what felt like hours on end about sanemi. her father could only awkwardly listen to her as she paced around the spacious living room.
y/n's father was used to listening to her rants. especially about sanemi. he'd suggested switching schools, yet, for some reason, she always insisted on staying.
"his dumb white hair and those ugly scars all over his disgusting face—! i hate him!" she groaned, holding her head in her hands.
"listen, sweetheart, i'll just buy you another pair."
she sighed. "daddy, that's not the point. he ruined my shoes on purpose!"
"mmh. did he apologize...?"
"w-well, yeah. he said he'd take me out as an apology..." she said lowly. "it's not something he always does."
"maybe he finally realized what he did wrong." her father smiled, though, on the inside, he was raging.
how dare someone as poor as him make his sweet baby girl so angry like that?! he was just as furious as she was, if not worse. he wanted to pounce on sanemi as soon as he got the chance.
"okay, fine." she exhaled.
"where's he taking you out at?"
"i don't know. he said he would take me out to my favorite restaurant—, but you already know it costs a couple hundred."
he pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. "that boy... i'm gonna have to give him a good talking to."
"what time is it?"
he checked his watch. "five thirty."
"ah! he said he was gonna pick me up at six!" she rushed to leave the living room, hurriedly going to her bedroom.
she looked through her huge walk-in closet, looking for a dress that wasn't too over the top, yet fancy enough. she wore a tight black dress with a slit going up to her thigh, that had a black belt with her first initial in gold on it, laced with small diamonds. the dress had spaghetti straps and was quite low in the chest area. she'd also worn some black heels to go with her dress.
for her accessories, she wore some expensive gold hoop earrings and one necklace that had a famous brand on it. lastly, a gold tennis bracelet and her watch.
she then put on a small amount of makeup, having the thoughts of impressing no one—, not even sanemi... maybe just a little. she glossed her lips and stared at herself in her vanity. y/n couldn't help but take a picture and post it.
"y/n!" hearing the loud calling of her name, she stood up. she checked her watch, seeing it was already six fifteen. she was fifteen minutes late
the boy had just arrived at y/n's house, and god, was he shocked. he knew she was rich and all, but to live in such a large house? he'd almost thought she lived in a castle. he whistled as he got out of the car.
sanemi then walked up to her porch, which that alone was big.
he rang the doorbell.
not long after, her father came out. his eyes were practically piercing into sanemi's soul. sanemi swallowed thickly.
"hi—." his voice cracked. he then cleared his throat. "hello, sir. i'm here for y/n."
"why are you here for my daughter?"
"to take her out."
"on a date? so, you think you're worthy enough for her?"
"uh... it's not really a date. i'm just— making something up to her."
"you messed up her brand new shoes, didn't you? the ones that cost more than you could ever afford?"
sanemi clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, deciding not to respond.
"however, not many people would do this for someone they dislike. i appreciate it. i'll handle getting her another pair, just make her happy tonight. you understand?"
"yes, sir."
in an instant, her father grabbed sanemi's collar, pulling him close to him.
"and you better have her back home by nine. even one minute later than that and you're gonna get a piece of my mind. i want her here like she was before she left. i may not be here by nine, but i have cameras everywhere outside and inside of the house besides her room and a gps on her phone. if she comes back pissed off like she did today, you better fucking believe your life will be over and you'll see the rusty gates of hell. you hear me?"
"y-yeah, i hear ya." he muttered, nodding his head slowly.
after her father called her name, the girl rushed down the stairs and to the front door. the sound of her heels clicking against the floor indicated that she was close. the clumsy girl bumped into her father's back, rubbing her nose.
"ouch..." she muttered. "sorry, dad."
"mmh. it's fine."
she stepped away from him, standing right in sanemi's view. sanemi could feel his cheeks grow hot upon seeing her.
"hi, sanemi."
"hey, y/n."
"well, i guess we should hurry and go now. i know my dad has some type of curfew for me."
"yeah, nine pm. any later than that, sanemi. remember what i told you."
"yes, sir. i'll bring her back by nine."
"good. that's what i like to hear. now, let's see if you'll make it happen."
the man then kissed his daughter's cheek, hugging her side.
"love you."
she giggled. "i love you too, dad."
she walked off with sanemi, as her dad watched her leave.
sanemi opened the door for her, and then went inside of the car himself. she looked through the tinted windows, watching as her dad closed the front door.
"honestly, i'm not that hungry. if i ever do get hungry, i could just go for a fast food restaurant on the way home."
"what are you implying?"
"i don't wanna go out to eat. i wanna do something fun."
"let's go to a club." she grinned.
"hold on, your dad has a gps on your phone. what if you get in trouble? no, wait, i'm gonna get in trouble."
"oh—, come on. don't be such a pussy."
"i'm not being a pussy. if you think i'm gonna get in trouble because you wanna get drunk and party your ass off, you're thinking wrong."
"you're so lame."
sanemi rolled his eyes. "fine."
"there's one across the street from my favorite restaurant. it's less expensive, too. on ******* street."
"oh... that one."
"hm? you been there before?"
"yeah, once. it was fun, i guess."
she smiled. "well, come on! let's go!"
as the two arrived, they were greeted by the blaring music, colorful flashing lights, and people talking loudly. she grasped his hand, pulling him over to the bar.
when he sat down, he stared at her confusedly.
"i wanna have a couple drinks before we party, 'kay?" y/n said, taking off her jewelry and placing it inside of her purse.
"i didn't know you were a drinker."
"i don't do it much. i just have two or three before i stop. it's pretty rare of me to drink anyway."
"so, what's with the change now?"
"i just wanna have fun. take this night as a night to forget about what happened today, i guess."
he sat there quietly, lips pursed together as he stared at her. whatever this swelling feeling was in his chest, he wanted to get rid of it immediately.
when the bartender took their orders and gave them their drinks, they had a quite nice conversation with each other. honestly, the two realized they weren't as bad as they'd thought. however, they were only convincing themselves that it was just the drinks getting to their heads.
after y/n's third drink, she let out a relieved sigh.
"that was good. you drunk yet, sanemi?"
"i should be asking you that... but no. i'm nowhere near drunk."
"okay, let's go party, then!" she grinned, running off to the dance floor.
he paid and tipped the bartender, rushing after her. sanemi grasped her shoulders, stopping her where she was before she could get any further.
"calm down! at least wait for me."
"okay, sorry. come on."
she walked with his hands on her shoulder towards the dance floor in the huge crowd of people. she then grabbed one of his hands, bringing him in front of her. the smile on y/n's face made sanemi's heart flutter. he shook his head.
he was embarrassed to be seen with y/n, being that she was dancing nonstop to the loud music. he just stood there awkwardly, arms crossed over his chest.
"sanemi~!" y/n groaned. "you're being lame again!"
"uh? how?"
"why aren't you dancing?"
"i don't dance."
"okay—? no one's gonna judge you if you try."
"absolutely not."
"i'm not having fun if you won't dance with me!"
"oh, well."
"i'll tell my dad."
"okay, okay! how am i supposed to dance?"
"want me to show you?"
"um? how're you gonna do that?"
"just do whatever your mind tells you to do, 'kay?"
"what do you m—?" his cheeks began to get red as he watched the girl stand in front of him, the slight contact of her hips on his his making his adam's apple bob when he swallowed. "w-what're you doing?!"
she laughed. "dancing, duh!"
she danced in front of him, their bodies touching and grinding against each others. sanemi could only awkwardly try to follow what she did. feeling her pressing against his dick made him horny, however. he wasn't thinking about dancing.
he was getting turned on, and so was she. she could feel his hardness pressing against her inner thighs. sanemi moved his hand down, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to him. they followed each other's movements, enjoying the fun of dancing until he moved his hands down a little too far.
"y-you—! stop, you dickhead!" she turned around, glaring daggers at the boy.
"mm? you don't like it?"
"we— we're in public...!" she stammered, not wanting to admit that she did, in fact, enjoy it.
feeling sanemi's big bulge in between her thighs made her even more turned on.
"so... you do like it?"
she crossed her arms, refusing to answer.
he could only smile arrogantly. "you do."
sanemi grabbed her leg, placing it on his hip. she struggled to keep her balance, but he kept his hand on her waist.
"what time is it?" he muttered.
"it's only seven..."
"mmh. you wanna go back to your place?"
"huh— why? we've barely even been here!"
that cocky grin on his face told her exactly why. she swallowed the knot in her throat, smiling right along with him. she put her arms around his neck and brought him in closer.
"you wanna fuck me?" she asked him.
"hell yeah."
she pursed her lips together. sanemi removed her arms from around his neck, grasping her hand as he walked out of the club.
stumbling inside of her room, sanemi kicked it closed without departing his lips from hers. he pushed her against the wall roughly, items on her shelves rattling and some even falling over. he groaned, hands roaming up her dress. the mere contact of his cold fingertips on her skin was enough to get a moan out of her.
he pulled away from her, unzipping her dress. he gave her a look before gradually tugging it down. she stepped out of it, kicking it elsewhere. sanemi unclasped y/n's bra, letting it fall from her shoulders. his calloused hands immediately grasped onto her breasts, kissing her once more. she let out a dragged-out whine at the feeling of his fingers pinching at her nipples.
he moved his lips down her jawline and her neck, sucking on her skin harshly. his teeth scraped at her delicate skin as he bit on it, the flat of his tongue pressing against the spot he'd bitten. she could feel herself getting wet at his touch, getting more turned on than before.
"sanemi—," she choked out, instinctively placing her hand on his chest. "let's go to the bed."
he then scooped her up in his arms, walking over to her bed. he dropped her down, her eyes widening in surprise as she stared at sanemi's expression. y/n's lips curled into a nervous grin as she sat up, only to have him crawl on top of her.
he grasped her jaw, forcing her to look at him.
"you havin' second thoughts?" he raised an eyebrow.
"w-what—? hell no."
"mmh. thought you'd chicken out."
"i'd never. even if i did, you probably already came in your pants from just kissing me." she said with an arrogant grin on her face.
"oh, is that right?" he smirked, looking down at her bare chest before staring into her eyes.
she nodded. he roughly pressed his lips against hers once more, the two falling back onto the bed. she wrapped her arms around his neck. he moved his hand down her abdomen and between her legs. he played around with her underwear, leaning back down to kiss her.
before he could, she spoke up.
"go on, take them off. you know you want to."
hearing her words, sanemi unabashedly ripped her panties off, throwing them across the room. he dipped down to kiss her, spreading her legs out wide. he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, rushing to get his garments off.
he pulled his pants down, palming his erection through his boxers. he ogled at her rather vulnerable figure, grinning to himself.
"you're kinda hot."
"yeah, i know." she replied. "y'gonna fuck me with your eyes or?"
"nah, i'm gonna fuck your brains out."
"i'd sure like to see it."
"oh, you're gonna see it." he began pulling his boxers down, only for her to grasp his wrist. he raised an eyebrow, confused at her actions. "what?"
"can you uhm—... take your shirt off?" she muttered, eyes trailing off elsewhere.
he hummed, unbuttoning his shirt. he let his shirt fall from his shoulders and down on her bed. she stared at his abs and the scars going across his chest. it was so hot. she could barely keep her composure.
"yeah, i know." he repeated her words. "don't cum yet, i haven't even put my dick in you."
she rolled her eyes. "uh-huh, okay."
sanemi pulled his boxers down, his dick springing out and tapping against his abdomen. digging in the pocket of his pants, he pulled out a condom. she watched as he opened it, getting ready to slide it on. she could only grin, giggling at him.
"what's funny?" he asked, grasping his cock in his hands.
"you were planning this, huh? i'm that irresistible?"
his eye twitched. "shut up."
"make me."
sanemi grabbed one of her legs, holding it up so he could align himself with her entrance. he pushed himself in without a second thought, a loud squeal coming from her mouth. she covered her lips with her hands, staring up at him. the two locked eyes, a cocky grin growing on his face. he laughed derisively, sending a light slap to her thigh as he shoved himself in deeper.
"ha! you should see the look on your face right now!"
"s-shut the fuck up!" she said, her voice slurring and a string of expletives coming from her as he began moving his hips back and forth.
he chuckled, mocking the noise she made. feeling her clench around him, he groaned and picked his pace up. she grasped onto the sheets, feeling pure bliss at how deep he was inside of her. he didn't hesitate to touch all over her, grasping onto one of her tits while his other hand was tightly holding onto her thigh.
he bent down, kissing her lips sensually. she moaned into it, her stomach getting butterflies once he forced his tongue in her mouth. their tongues pressed together, mixing their saliva with each other's as he relentlessly thrusted into her.
pulling away, he stared her in her eyes while he began to speak. "y'like me fuckin' this slutty pussy? hm?"
y/n nodded absentmindedly, the feeling of her being pounded against the bed by sanemi much better than she'd ever imagined.
"use your words, bitch."
she choked out a 'yes', her eyes beginning to roll back. his hand suddenly went around her neck, squeezing it tightly, but not enough to hurt her. the feeling of sanemi's rough hand around her throat was turning her on even more.
y/n would have never thought she'd be in a position where sanemi was fucking her brains out.
"s-sanemi," she mumbled.
"what?" he asked, the pace of his thrusts not ceasing.
"rub my clit." she said.
"you really are a dirty slut." he said with a laugh, moving his free hand down so he could find her clit.
once he did, it was like paradise for y/n. he was balls deep inside of her, pounding into her like there was no tomorrow while he choked her, called her names, and added more stimulation by rubbing on her clit.
she was a moaning mess, whining and practically screaming his name and several different curse words.
"it feels good, yeah?" he asked her, slightly panting.
her eyes were squinted shut and her face was a bit scrunched, biting down on her lower lip.
"yeah—!" she nodded quickly.
"you're a whore for me, right?" he circled his fingers faster on her clit, making her whimper loudly.
"say it." he tightened his grasp on her neck, making her chest raise.
"fuck, i'm a whore for you! i'm a slutty little whore just for you!"
"that's what i like to hear, bitch." he let out a throaty groan, his adam's apple bobbing when he swallowed. he stared down at her, seeing how vulnerable she was just for him.
she heaved a short, yet rough exhale. "sanemi!"
"what is it?"
"m-make me cum, please." she blurted out.
"mmh? you wanna cum on my dick? is that what you wanna do, bitch?"
"don't worry, i'm gonna make you cum, whore. more than once, too."
"d-do it then."
and so, sanemi was like a monster. he made her bed rock back and forth, creaking as it tapped against the wall with his movements. he'd also successfully made her scream and claw at him for mercy. it was quite a sight for sore eyes, if someone were to ask him.
moving his fingers around her cunt, he gathered some of her wetness on his fingertips and continued rotating them at a face pace. it was then he let go of her neck, holding one of her legs up close to her chest. it was then he'd hit a whole new spot, making y/n's back arch.
"oh, god, sanemi! t-there, right there! m'gonna cum!"
"right here? that's what you want? you want me to fuck you just like this? yeah?" he questioned her with a grin, thrusting into her pussy harder. it'd created a squelching sound, along with the sound of their wet skin clapping together.
she yelled out a curse, sanemi tensing up as she clenched around him. he grunted, slowing his quite animalistic pace and staring down at her. she breathed heavily, covering her eyes with her arm.
"holy shit." she muttered. "that was so—..."
"it felt good, didn't it?" he laughed.
"i could say the same with you... but we're not done yet." narrowing her eyebrows, she moved her arm away from her eyes and stared at his cock that was still rock hard.
she swallowed thickly, a smile growing on her face. she didn't mind. nodding her head, she spread her legs once more, welcoming him for a second round.
y/n's hands rested on sanemi's shoulders as she bounced mindlessly on his dick, her head thrown back to give him space to kiss on her neck. his hands were grasping on her ass and he couldn't help but laugh at how worn out she was.
she was so sensitive, she'd orgasmed several times that she lost count. honestly, she'd probably gotten all of her hate for him fucked away. she let out a drawn out moan, biting her lower lip.
she rolled her hips against his, going so slow so she could calm herself.
"sanemi~." she slurred. "it hurts... i can't take it anymore."
"you can. you can take it." he mumbled against her skin, leaving yet another mark. "i think you just need help."
"then help me, dumbass." she said, stopping her movements.
tightening his grip on her skin, he began bouncing her up and down on top of him more roughly, and she could only whine at how sensitive she was. it hurt so bad, but the pain felt great.
pressing her lips against his, she moved her hand down in between her legs and began rubbing her cunt unrelentingly. they shared a sloppy, yet slow kiss, both of them getting tired and ready to finish things off for the night.
their lips smacked together as sanemi moved his hands off of her, hoping she'd take the lead. curses slipped from her mouth as her eyes were shut closed, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, and beads of sweat fell down her body. their chests would press and stick together as they leaned in closer to each other.
they were unable to resist one another's touch. he hummed, moving her hand away from in between her legs. she opened her eyes, watching as he licked her fingers, soon sucking on them. her eyes widened, her stomach tingling.
"tastes so good." he muttered, tensing up and groaning. "keep riding, baby. i think i'm close."
her heart fluttered at the name, but she nodded and continued moving her hips so slowly, but in a way that felt so good. her moans were like music to his ears, so melodic, and not the mention how good she rode him. he knew that after this, no one could compare to her.
staring at her figure, he saw one hand down on her bed while the other gradually massaged her cunt at the same pace as her riding. her eyes were closed and her lips were pressed together, so concentrated on getting him to reach his climax.
he exhaled, feeling his orgasm creep up on him. he groaned, catching his lip between his teeth. he cursed, feeling his cum spurt into the condom. she smiled, reaching her own with a soft, drawn out whine.
they panted, y/n's hand going on top of his. she leaned her forehead against his, kissing him gently as she slowly inched off of him. he caressed her face, deepening their kiss. it felt so romantic and meaningful.
sanemi sucked on her bottom lip before they pulled away with a smack of their lips, y/n falling onto her bed. she stared at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath. it was then that sanemi sighed, staring up along with her.
"y'know, your dad's gonna fucking murder me?"
"yeah... i know." she mumbled. "good luck."
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chaoscriess · 2 years
hey sorry to disturb but can you maybe do a one-shot of maddyxreader where she doesn't like not eeceiving attention from -reader-? Thanks and have a great morning,after noon or night!
absolutely! I love this idea! sorry it took so long! not exactly what you asked, but I tried! got a bit carried away though. I've recently changed my preferences on writing gn reader for the girls, and I've decided that I'll only write wlw/gxg fics for female characters. thank you for understanding.
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒! arguing, angst, maddy and reader being dumb and not communicating, some infidelity? maddy is kinda
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒! on mobile, format might be weird. lowercase intended, unedited, double periods intended. mentions of the song michelle by sir chloe!!! love that song.
maddy x fem!reader
you and maddy had been together for a while.
9 months, one week, and 5 days, to be exact.
you knew she was yours, you knew she would never do anything to hurt you
maddy was the same, as far as you knew
but one day, when you two were at the mall near your house, you ran into an old friend
"oh my god, y/n?! is that you?" you looked around, initially not seeing anyone you knew, but stopping when you saw a taller man that you recognized. his name was caleb, and you knew him for 7 years before he moved away. you smiled brightly before quickly walking towards him and embracing him in a tight hug. "oh my god, I never thought I'd see you again, caleb!" he smiled at you and hugged you tightly, rubbing your back slightly. "yeah well," he paused, pulling away and shifting his feet, looking to the ground sadly, "my mom got sick and my dad got into a pretty mad accident at work so now I'm here. I have to take care of both of them for a while before I can get out of here again."
you smile at him before laughing softly and shaking your head. "yeah, hopefully I'll be out of here too, pretty soon." he smiled at you and placed his hand on your shoulder. "maybe we can go together!" you chuckled at his words and muttered a 'yeah yeah', dismissing his flirty behavior. "well, I have to go, my girlfriend's waiting for me". you watched his face drop slightly as you turned around and made your way to maddy, laughing at the man.
you saw the look on maddy's unhappy face, and your smile turned into a concerned frown. "what's wrong, babe?" she rolled her eyes and turned around, leaving you standing there confused as she walked away.
maddy was super clingy for a couple days. holding onto you wherever you went, whining when you pulled away from her, and yelling at you when you called her clingy. "well If it weren't for you eye fucking that caleb guy!"
you got into a fight about it, you told her you were laughing at him for flirting with you, and she told you that she wouldn't doubt it if you had been in love with him when you were younger and still loved him.
you definitely didnt, he wasnt your type.. like, at all.
you tried to tell her that you only loved her, that you were head over heels for her and you'd never leave her, but she didnt believe you.
she stopped begging you for affection and attention, instead showing up at all the parties you went to and getting affection and attention by dancing with other people. you were upset, obviously, you two never broke up, you weren't even on a break.
you ignored her attempts to make you jealous, sitting on the couch with fezco, high as heaven, instead of giving her the attention she wanted.
you could tell she was upset, but you did nothing wrong.
it was midnight. you watched maddy dance with a girl named michelle. that girl was a monster from hell, she'd hated you since you got with maddy, you always knew she liked her. you were the first girl maddy had been with, and the one that made her realize she liked girls. it broke your heart to see her dance with michelle. you sighed and looked down at the joint in your hand before taking one last hit and handing it to fezco, standing up and walking to maddy. you smiled when you saw maddy look at you with a smile on her face, but your bright smile was replaced with a look of anger and hurt when you saw her grab michelle's hand and lead her to an empty room.
"are you fucking kidding me?" you quickly walked towards maddy and grabbed her arm, pulling her away from an angry michelle. "y/n, what the hell?! what are you doing?" you scoffed at the dark haired girl and dragged her out of the house, into your car. "what the fuck maddy? what was that?" she looked at you weird, like you were speaking a foreign language. "what was what? I was just dancing." you scoffed, chuckling lightly, you were really getting pissed off.
"maddy, that wasnt dancing, she was all over you. why were you even going into that room?" maddy sighed and looked down before speaking. "I asked her for help.. we were trying to make you jealous. youve been ignoring me, so.. I thought it would be a good idea." you frowned at her and shook your head. "maddy, why the hell would that be a good idea?!" you looked at her and you immediately felt bad for yelling at her.
"I dont know! I just.. missed you, I guess. I felt like you didnt care about me anymore.." you felt tears well up in your eyes, why the hell were you crying? wait, was maddy crying too? shit. "maddy, of course I still care about you! I'm fucking in love with you, for christ's sake!" your eyes widened, you had never said that out loud before. she looked up at you with wide eyes, they were red from crying. "oh, maddy.." you put your hands on her cheeks and kissed her gently, swiping away her tears with your thumbs, before pulling away and leaning your forehead against hers.
"I'm sorry... I should have talked to you about it instead of going to michelle." you pulled away, shook your head and let out a quiet 'no'. you couldn't stay mad at her. "it's fine, I'm not mad anymore. are you alright? I didnt mean to yell at you.." she sniffled and nodded. "and.. y/n?" you looked up at her in anticipation before she continued speaking. "I love you too."
in the end, you and maddy got over it.
this actually helped the two of you, in a way
you were more trusting, more honest
and you didnt get jealous every time one of you talked to someone.
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tmrwds · 11 months
Translation to 19.07. Eura gig stream under cut (10mins)
Banter starting from 01:40
You guy there, were you going skiiing? You have the glasses on your head, or did i see wrong? You're a good-looking crowd. (girl screaming JEREEE) what do you want? I'll give attention to you too. It's like a fucking kindergarten. Pikku Silja is there like (raises his arms) Are there underage ppl here? Hopefully not. You came with your dad's ID? Did it truly work?
You're wearing a Käärijä shirt, lovely. It's like kindergarteners, "look I have a new Gogo figurine" I don't even know what's a gogo-- Have you been eating sausage? The stall, full of sausage. How much is 3x3, sign it for me. How much is it? That doesn't make sense. I'm not going to become a teacher.
Hey, people on the back. Is there a reason you're over there and not on the front row? The man was like (nods) women. -- What do you have there? Your own [smuggled] drinks? No? Fuck, you drink a lot. Huh? For me? I don't drink. I'm an absolutist. Think about it, I've never touched that. Bess was performing today, right? Let's not tell her, but Bess was like "remember to drink water" no, just drink booze. At Käärijä's gig the rules are different, 2%/per mil at least when you're here. My show is so awful I don't want anyone to remember anything about it. Just kidding.
From 3:52 : I have this super fan here - am I allowed to tell? I will. You're not going to be offended? She has been on some 31 gigs this year. That's fucking sick, I don't understand why. But, she sent us an email, think about it, I have an email too, you don't- she sent that..what was it? That I shouldn't mock myself. Something like that. Think about it, how sympathetic. I'm mocking myself and she's like "don't do that! You're really a good, lovely person" I'm not! But I appreciate it, we talked this over with the band. Because of her, we've been going to therapy.
One thing that's fucking awesome about this place is that the internet isn't working. The guestion is, the TVs probably don't work either, so how the fuck did you watch Eurovision? How? Was there a shared TV? (points on the sky) "Oh, there's Käärijä". Do you guys even have phones?! Nokia 3510i, you look like you have that. Or do you? - You came from Tampere? You should've at least said you're from around here [Eura]. How many of you are from here? You know, one day- (dude shouts Urheilujätkä) Shut the fuck up. -when I have the money, I'll buy everyone who lives here a phone, I'll buy an internet here, some fucking tower right there. On the phone there will be apps, you can watch por-, Käärijä's instagram, it's an app too. -- Okay, let's continue, this thing doesn't make any sense.
Paidaton riehuja starts: How many will take off their shirt? -- (cute bit of the front row girls lol "It's coming off! For real? Yes, you're supposed to take it off! I didn't know that you have to take your shirt off!")
I'll do a little bit different speech because we have the superfan here. And sometimes I was like, I didn't compliment my own body. So do you know what I'll say now? Fuck, I'm in a good shape. Before the eurovision shit, I was like this (sucks belly in), but after eurovision when money started coming in… But the saddest thing is, I've drank all the money and I got nothing but the belly left. But at least I got some memory. Let's go.
After paidaton riehuja: Think about it, for the first time I saw boobs. I won't say if it was a man or woman's boobs, but I saw them anyway. And they were great!
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cutesharkstudios · 5 months
Owl House Group Chat 2
(Hexsquad) 11:07 Willow has entered
Willow: Hello?
Amity has entered
Amity: Hey Willow. No worries
Willow: Yes worries! I promised I would be off at 10 and lost track of time
Amity: It's cool, this is suppossed to be a casual thing.
Willow: Ok. Side note, what did y'all do when I was gone?
Amity: Scroll up.
Willow: Oh my
Willow: Ok, ok
Hunter has entered
Hunter: Hi Willow
Willow: Hi Honey
Hunter: 0//0
Amity: Cute
Hunter: I like that name.
Willow: Really?
Hunter: I think it's cute, like you
Willow: 0//0
Amity: oh my
Willow: Yeah I deserve that
Darius has entered
Darius: My Hunter senses were tingling
Amity: Uncle Darius?!?!
Willow: Uncle?
Amity: He babysat me a ton as a kid. He and dad claimed they hated each other, but they didn't, and he helped dad take care of me.
Darius: Speaking of him, I need some advice.
Amity: Sure
Darius: Could we do this in a seperate chat with you, me, and the twins? I'll hext you the link
Amity: sure, see ya guys
Hunter: have fun
Willow: bye
Darius: Amity will check in soon
Amity: Hey
Ed: Hi Amity
Em: Hey Ams
Amity: So what's going on?
Ed: Darius needs our help with something wonder what
Darius: And this doesn't leave this chat, ok?
Amity: 100%
Ed: got it
Darius: Em?
Em: Sorry, had to turn off the oven for dinner. Your secret is our secret
Amity: What ya making?
Em: Centaur roast and carrots
Amity: Thanks
Darius: Okay here it goes
Darius: I want to propose to Alador
Amity: WHAT
Ed: Really?
Darius: I've drawn up the plan and will send them soon.
Amity: OMG, Darius, this is awesome.
Darius: Thanks Amity, I hope it goes well. We've really grown over the 4 years of dating, and I hope I can be a good parental figure to you and the twins
Em: You really mean it?
Darius: Yeah, I've always wanted to be a dad, and now I have the opportunity. I hope I do well.
Amity: Well you can't do any worse than you-know-who
Darius: Thanks for the support, though she didn't set a high bar
Em: She set the bar at all?
Darius: Touche
Ed: And hopefully we will be good kids. I know we're adults, so it's probably not what you imagined being a dad would be like, but we promise to be good.
Em: And we'll continue to be good siblings as well. Side note, Amity?
Amity: Yes?
Em: Now that we are at a slower time in our lives, I want to ask, are we good?
Amity: Yes, why do ask?
Ed: Well, we teased you a lot in our youth. We never meant any harm, but we realise we may have been, as much as I hate to admit it, mean to you.
Em: That was never our intention, and we're sorry if we crossed any lines
Amity: Well, the only real line crossed was with the diary and Luz. But given how much of a jerk I was back then, I kind of had it coming.
Darius: I'm just as guilty. I crossed my share of lines in my past that Alador only told me about AFTER we started dating. Oof, not my finest moments
Em: Well what happened happened. We can't change the past, but we can make a better future.
Darius: Anyways, here's the plan…….
Room Created: OldWitches
Raine has entered Eda has entered Lilith has entered
Eda: Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day!
Lilith: Whoa, sister, calm down, what's the occasion?
Eda: After so long of trying to get an appointment, Raine's getting their sigil removing treatment!
Lilith: Awesome. I had mine yesterday, and I gave my sigil a certain gesture before it went away.
Eda: That's my sister. So, Rainestorm, what new magic do you want to try first?
Raine: You're not going to belive this but, of all types, illusions
Eda: I take it you saw that article I sent of Goops moping the floor with Adrian?
Raine: Yep, I had no idea you could tell when someone was hiding behind and illusion. We laughed at Adrian all dang afternoon post incedent.
Lilith: I would have paid SO many snails to see that
Raine: I got the whole thing on my scroll. And backed it up on three of my personal devices.
Eda: Whatever happened to him and the other defect coven leaders?
Lilith: Trying to find them, but so far no activity.
Raine: They should be dormant for now, but the hunt is still on.
Eda: Check out this news article I found. [link]
Raine: What is it?
Lilith: It better not be one of THOSE websites again.
Eda: You'll see
Raine: EDA!
Eda: Yes?
Raine: Why did you not tell me about this wonderful thing called fanfiction? I don't even know who wrote this but, God, they have excellent potential.
Lilith: I think I know who wrote it
Raine: Who is the author?
Lilith: If you scroll all the way up, you'll see the author is AzuraFanOtter, take a wild witch guess who that is
Raine: Well no wonder Luz is getting A's in her writing classes, this is wonderful
Eda: And fitting 20 characters in one scene while giving them all ample screen time is tricky, but she made it work.
Lilith: Maybe she should write her own book. The money made from that could benefit her greatly in the future.
Eda: Indeed, though she'll probably be fine when she marries Boots, cause all the Blights are LOADED.
Lilith: Now now, keep in mind, there is a change things don't work out for them. It's not like they were made with the other in mind.
Eda: …
Raine: …
Lilith: What? I'm serious.
Raine: We know, but I'll eat griffon feathers if they don't work out.
Raine has left
Lilith: Well, I promised Darius I'd help with a "surprise" for Alador.
Eda: Cool, have fun.
Lilith: Thank you for not making an innappropriate joke for that.
Eda: Yeah, sorry about last week's prank, didn't think it go over as bad as it did.
Lilith: No no, I should have just taken the joke.
Eda has left
Lilith has left
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Christmas surprise (Christen Press x Reader)
Merry Christmas! I've been really tired recently so I'm a little behind on requests, I hope to get some more finished in the next couple of days. Christmas is tomorrow and I'm working so I wrote this really quickly. Hope you enjoy.
Words: 2.3K
Y/m/n- Your mums name, Y/d/n- Your dads name. 
"Please just stay with me tonight, I promise I'll tell everyone after Christmas."
Christen sighed, taking a step back, "You don't have to tell everyone Y/n, I just want our families to know."
"We can tell them after tomorrow okay? I promise. All I want is to wake up next to you tomorrow."
"Can you at least tell me why you want to wait until after Christmas?"
We had been keeping our relationship a secret for the past 2 years, there were only a select few people that knew. It started out with wanting to establish our relationship in private then moved to liking the privateness of it. Christen had been wanting to tell people for a while now, but I had been putting it off. It wasn't that I necessarily wanted to keep it a secret or wasn't ready for people to know, I was just a very private person and struggled with people knowing my business. Christen had been understanding up until recently, she was at the point where she didn't want to hide it anymore. We had been together for 2 years, it was my turn to be understanding now. 
The truth was that our families already knew about us, but Christen didn't know that. In the past she had talked about having a joined family Christmas so this year I had decided to surprise her. That meant telling both our families to get them to agree. 
I had told Christen that my family was coming over tomorrow afternoon so she wouldn't get suspicious when I started preparing lunch. The only issue so far was trying to convince her to stay. She was a bit upset that my family was coming, but she wasn't going to be able to meet them. 
"It's just, my parents don't know I'm gay, I'm sure they'll be okay with it, but just incase they're not, I want one last Christmas where things are normal." It was partly true, I had never explicitly told my parents I was gay or introduced them to any of my past partners, but it was obvious they always had a feeling. My family had barely reacted when I told them about Christen. They were just happy that I was happy. 
Christen smiled softly before kissing me, "Okay, we can wait until after Christmas. From what you've told me, your parents will be okay with it."
It wasn't a complete lie, while my reluctance was mostly my privateness. I had been slightly scared to tell them. Either way, I hated lying to her and it wasn't easy. Christen and I were always honest with each other no matter what, "They probably will, but it scares me anyway. Will you stay?"
"Of course I will. Can we watch Christmas movies?"
We spent the night watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate. I loved nights like this. Nights where it was just us, in sweatpants and cuddled up on the couch. Or nights where we would cook dinner and just talk about anything and everything. With her I was relaxed, I was able to be completely myself without fear of judgment. I had flaws, I was stubborn, had a hard time opening up, but Christen loved me regardless. I couldn't wait to come home to her everyday, cook dinner, to fall asleep and wake up next to her. Hopefully that would become a reality after tomorrow. 
Normally, Christen always woke up before me, but I was excited which meant sleep didn't come easy. I killed time by watching her sleep, she looked so peaceful and incredibly beautiful even with messy hair and no make up on. I think it was one of my favourite versions of her. Christen stirred slightly before burying her face further into the crook of my neck. It was the sign that she was waking up. I traced patterns on her bare back, placing a kiss on her temple. 
"Merry Christmas my love."
Christen shifted to leave a lingering kiss on my lips, "Merry Christmas baby. I could get used to this."
"You wake up next to me all the time."
"Not nearly enough. You're awake early today, is everything okay?"
I kissed her again quickly, "I'm excited, it's Christmas."
Christen rolled on top of me, smile stretched across her face, "You're cute, I can't wait to spend Christmas with you next year."
"Neither can I Chris. I'm sorry it can't happen this year."
We were cuddled on the couch, coffee in hand as we just enjoyed the peacefulness. I reached down feeling for the little box that I had hidden next to the couch, "I have something for you."
"Don't be, it sucks, but I understand it." Instead of saying anything, I connected our lips, enjoying the way our lips felt together. Shivering slightly when her tongue ran across my bottom lip then connected with mine. Quiet moans slipped from us both, tangling together as our bodies followed suit. It was soft and slow. There was no rush, just the two of us, showing the love we held for each other. 
Christen slowly opened the box to reveal a key. She looked at me confused, taking out the key to look at it, "I already have a key to your apartment."
"It's the key to my heart," I replied as seriously as possible, but the little giggle Christen let out made me burst out laughing. "You had that a long time ago. This is the new key, remember I had to get my locks changed? This one comes with a question though."
"I'm still not sure I understand."
I rolled my eyes playfully, "Look in the box again."
Christen pulled out the piece of paper, reading it quickly.
You know how they say home isn't a place it's a person? Well, it's true. You feel like home, with you is the place that I feel the safest and warmest. My apartment feels empty when you're not here, I find myself counting down the minutes until you are back here with me. I want to fall asleep and wake up with you next to me every day. I want to do mundane tasks with you like grocery shopping, chores, cooking or lazy days pottering around the house. These things can be done anywhere, I don't care where we live because no matter where it is, it will be home as long as you're with me. Will you move in with me?
 Arms wrapped around me tightly, "Yes, of course I will."
"I need to start the rest of the food." The turkey was already in the oven, but there was still a lot to do. 
"I should probably head off, go help my dad set up."
"You don't have to leave yet, your family is doing dinner and my parents aren't coming for another couple of hours."
"Is this your way of asking for my help?"
Christen rolled her eyes playfully, but started helping me sort out the vegetables. Quiet Christmas music played in the background as we laughed and joked around while we prepared. I could get used to this. I was starting on dessert when flour hit the side of my head. I turned slowly to find Christen standing next to me, an innocent smile present, "You're going to pay for that."
I scooped up some flour of my own, tossing it at her. It went back and forth for a little while until I wrapped my arms around her, making her squeal as I trapped her against the counter. Finger dipping into the batter and smearing it over her face and mouth before connecting our lips, "Delicious."
There was a knock on the door and Christen looked at me panicked, flour sticking to her hair and face. I kissed her forehead, wiping some of the flour off both of us. She went to say something, but I quickly jumped in, "Don't worry, come on."
"Merry Christmas Chris," I said as I opened the door to reveal my parents and Christens dad standing there. The siblings were coming later. Christen looked shocked, looking between us.
"They know?"
"They've known for a little while."
"I wanted to surprise you, that meant I had to tell them."
Christen hugged me, kissing my cheek, "God I love you. Thank you Y/n"
Christens dad, Cody motioned to us, "What happened here?"
Arms wrapped around my waist as I was finishing off the last dish. Soft lips pressed against the exposed skin on my shoulder. I let out a sigh, relaxing back into her, "Do you need any help?"
"Chris decided to throw flour at me so of course I retaliated. Cody, these are my parents, Y/m/n and Y/d/n. This is Cody, Christens dad and of course this is my girlfriend Christen."
They fell into easy conversation as I went back into the kitchen to clean up the flour and finish the food. My parents were talking to Christen and Cody as if they had known each other for years. It made my heart flutter to see them all getting along. I knew Christen was it for me, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her so having them get along with the other most important people in my life was like a weight off my shoulders. Another hour went by, my brother, and Christens sisters had arrived. The house was full of laughter and conversation. Everything Christmas should be. 
"I'm okay love, this is the last thing to do. You could set the table?"
Christen kissed my shoulder, then neck, cheek and lastly my lips before pulling away to set the table. Channing and Tyler stood on either side of me as I watched Christen. It took me a second to register they were there, too preoccupied with watching the small smile on Christens face or the way she couldn't go more then 5 seconds without looking up at me, her face filling with concern when she saw me with her sisters, but quickly changed back when I sent her a small smile. Even after 2 years together, she still made butterflies erupt in my stomach with a single look, I felt giddy and like a teenager again when I was around her. 
"I don't think I've ever seen her this happy," Tyler stated quietly, Channing nodded in agreement, "Keep her that way and we won't have a problem."
"Trust me, I have every intention of it. There's nothing more important to me then her happiness."
"Good, can we help you take these to the table?"
Once everything was set up, we all sat around the table, conversation still flowing. I squeezed Christens hand under the table. She looked at me with a small smile before turning back to my mum who had started asking her a question. 
"So Christen, how did you meet my daughter?"
"Um we play for the same team."
My brother snorted, making me glare at him, something stupid was about to come out of his mouth, "I'd hope so since you're dating."
I reached across to whack the side of his head, almost instantly being scolded by my mum, "You are so annoying."
"Anyway, I hear Y/n managed to convince you to move in with her. Are you guys going to be staying here?"
I shrugged, glancing at Christen before responding, "Um, I'm not sure. We haven't really talked about it yet."
"I think we will, I spend most of my time here already, at least half of my clothes are here so it's easiest."
We stared at each other until the clearing of a throat made us snap out of it. She said it so easily, like it wasn't a big decision, like it was the easiest thing in the world. To me it was, I didn't care where we lived as long as I was with her. I loved her more then I ever thought possible. My brother joked some more about how gross we were, of course being scolded by my mum. It was one of the best Christmases I've had in a long time.
Everyone had left a little while ago, we had done a quick tidy up, but decided to just leave the rest and go to bed. I was already in bed, while Christen sat on the edge, removing her rings and earrings.  
"Thank you for today Y/n, it was amazing. I can't believe you did that for me."
"I would do anything for you Chris. I'm sorry I had to lie to you though."
Christen kissed me, a small smile present. Anyone would think the smile was genuine, but I knew Christen like the back of my hand. It was obviously fake, "Normally, I would be upset about it, but this time I'll give you a pass."
She looked down, playing with my fingers as a quiet sigh left her lips. That's when I knew for sure that something was wrong, "Are you okay love?"
"It's nothing, I'm just tired."
My hand squeezed hers, pulling her into my side, lips landing on her temple, "Don't do that, you don't have to pretend to be okay with me Chris."
"It's days like this where I really miss my mum. I just wish she was here, I wish she could have met you, I think she would have loved you."
"I'm sorry Chris. I know you miss her, but she's always with you in everything you do, well most things anyway," I winked, causing a small, but genuine laugh from her, "Seriously though, I would have loved to meet your mum, from what you've told me she was amazing and if you're anything to go by then I believe it."
"You don't need to flatter me Y/n, I've already agreed to move in with your messy ass."
"Just because we're together doesn't mean I'll ever stop making you feel special, because you are Chris. You are the most amazing person in my life, you light up my life in a way no one ever has, in a way no one else ever will."
"I love you Y/n, today meant a lot."
My hand slipped under her shirt as I pulled her further on top of me. Our lips connected in one of many soft yet oh so sweet kisses we had shared today. If there was only one thing I could do for the rest of my life and never get tired of, it would be kissing Christen. 
"I love you more."
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certified-ni-ki-lover · 10 months
Chapter 1: Meeting
SEVENTEEN S.coups Series
Series Masterlist
Tumblr media
Summary: Your parents set up your marriage with someone you’ve never met. How was this going to turn out?
Word Count: 494
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You didn’t know what to feel. Your parents just told you you’ll be meeting your fiancé today. You were preparing to go to the restaurant where you all would be meeting. You were nervous. You didn’t know what he was like.
On the ride there you couldn’t help but feel somewhat a little angry at the fact your parents didn’t tell you in advance about this or that you didn’t have a say in this decision. You did want to marry someone out of love, but all the relationships you’ve been in so far were no good. So, you just sighed & thought to give this a try & to take everything with an open mind.
When you got to the restaurant you guessed his parents might be wealthy because the place looked expensive. The waiter lead you to the table where they were waiting & your palms started getting sweaty.
When they saw you, they all stood up to greet you. His mom gave a warm smile & you could tell she was kind. She looked very pretty & young for her age. She gave you a warm hug & introduced herself.  You all sat down. “Hi Y/N I’m Mr. Choi but you can call me Dad,” he said smiling. You gave a shy smile at him & introduced yourself. Then your eyes shifted to the guy in the middle.
You guessed he was your fiancé. You would be lying if you said he wasn’t attractive. He was well-built & his blond hair was slicked back. He was one of the most gorgeous men you had ever seen. His mom noticed your gaze on him & said “Oh this is Seungcheol, he’s your fiancé” she said smiling. He looked at you & smiled at you, “Hi Y/N” You smiled back & said hi. “Why don’t you two go out on the balcony & get to know each other more” your mom suggested. “Sure,” you said. You both made your way out. “So, when did you find out about this,” he asked. “Just yesterday” you replied. He laughed. “At least you found out earlier than I did, I found out on the way over here,” he said. “Oh my god, I’m sorry about that,” you said. “It’s fine, plus I should be the one apologizing” You looked at him confused, “I refused to go on blind dates my parents set me up with. I was too busy with work so one day when your dad came over & the conversation led to family & he mentioned you. So my dad proposed the idea of this marriage” he said. From his tone, you could sense that he felt guilty about it. “No worries, I don’t mind this anyways. All the relationships I’ve been in were no good. So hopefully this could be leading to a better start” you said smiling at him. “I hope so too,” he said smiling back, taking your hand in his.
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This is gonna be my first series! It'll have 2 or 3 parts depending on how I'll write it. Thnx for reading🤍
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thedo0zyslider · 7 months
There is stirring from the darkest part of the tower, where the chair is. The chair with the knocked out person tied to it. Startled, Jimmy jumps in surprise. The guy who'd snuck in seems to be waking, which means he has to interrogate them now. Hurriedly, before the person wakes up, he shoos Flick and Norman out of the room. Even though they would probably just peak their heads in anyways, the troublesome little things.
The boy who had broken in was quite pretty, Jimmy had go be honest with himself. He was tall, lanky, and seemed to some dragon hybrid of sorts. His hair was ginger, with freckles dotting his rugged face, and perhaps even a little bit of stubble had been left on his chin. But that didn't matter....he was still an intruder. No matter how pretty. And Lizzie had always said intruders were dangerous and would try to hurt him, so Jimmy wasn't going to be taking any chances with anyone. Not even with the pretty men who broke into his home.
Just as the ginger stirs, the cod grabs the frying pan from earlier, the weapon securely clutched in his hand. He walks over, trying to look at threating as possible, right as the boys eyes mange to open.
"You." Jimmy looks down at him, feeling like his whole soul is being pierced by that blue gaze. "Why are you in my tower?" The frying pan is twirled in his hand, a way to fidget mostly, but it probably makes the other more nervous. Which sounds like a pretty good thing in this scenario, if the blonde does say so himself.
"I, um," The boy stumbles through a response, looking down at the ropes currently binding him to the chair. "I was running from the gaurd and I needed a place to hide. And then I saw a tower and decided to hide there." It's a simple explanation, maybe suspiciously so. He struggles against the ropes a bit, and Jimmy grips the frying pan tighter.
"Oh....so you're not here to hurt me?" The blonde murmured, feeling himself relax a bit. But not too much, because this guy might be lying. He might just be trying to get free of the ropes, and who knows what will be said and done once he's out of them
The dragon in the chair seems confused at his questions, forrowing his brows at it. "No? Why would I hurt some random guy?" And well....the cod supposes that a fair enough reason. Why would he hurt some random guy, especially if he wanted to hide in some guys house from the guard?
"..Why were you running from the guard though? Doesn't that make you a criminal?" Jimmy questions further, pointing the pan at the others face. He hopes it's as threatening as he imagines, or that the other just doesn't want to be knocked out again. Either will do.
"No. Not me." The boy shakes his head, looking like he really doesn't want to explain this particular part of the story. "I'm like, the prince, and I just messed up something or whatever. Didn't want my dad to scold me again."
"You're the prince!? Of the neighboring kindgom!?" Jimmy's next sentance comes out as a yelp of suprise, the cod completely forgotting all his sisters warings. Though he supposes those mean nothing now, with someone who was pampered all their life sitting in front of him. Someone of that high of status shouldn't have any reason to hurt him, while also being one of those worst people ever to have tied up in their tower. But that's a problem for later, if the prince even cares about it.
"Yep. That's what I just said." The ginger seems to be getting rather exasperated, struggling in the ropes a lot more. He clealry wants to be free, and even Jimmy can't balme him for it. Those are literally the mkst uncomfortable ropes they've ever owned for any reason. "Can you untie me now?"
"Sure, I'll untie you." Jimmy says, an idea starting to form in his mind. His best idea to date, and one that will hopefully work. An idea to get him what he has always desired more than anything. Something Lizzie would never let him have, even with all her love factored in. "If you take me to see the water."
"The water?" The prince is puzzled, but intrigued. He also seems a little sympathetic, for Jimmy’s desperation must be starting to seep through already. You can't keep a fish out if the water, after all.
"The swamp, ocean, river, any body of water will do. Please. Promise me that, and I'll let you go, okay?" The cod finds himself nearly begging for it, the frying pan in his hand now nearly forgotten. For a weapon will not help him get what he truly wants anyway. He lowers it, moves it further away from the intruder. A sign of trust, and peace. "I'll keep you away from the guards as long as you want, just take me to the water."
The prince gives him a look, and he still seems rather puzzled. But that doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't say no. He shifts again against the ropes, and makes his choice.
".....You have a deal, fishboy." The ginger agrees, sounding a little reluctant about it. Jimmy has to stop himself from screaming in joy and scaring the cats, whi have already snuck back in the room and are watching the two people carefully.
"Great!" The blobde says, taking a hesitant step forward. "And drop that nickname while you're at it." He adds, making sure his distate for it comes through. The prince looks at him for moment, as if considering the cod's words, before nodding.
"Fine. Now get me outta these ropes, please?" He agrees, and flashes a smile at Jimmy. An attempt to charm him, probably. An attempt that works.
The cod puts the frying pan down on the floor, and walks closer to the chair. He apologizes to Lizzie in his head a million times over, and slowly starts to undo the rather unnecessary amount of rope he'd wrapped around the intruder.
"What's your name?" He asks, pausing his work on one of the knots. The one that holds the boy's hands together.
"Fwhip." The ginger answers simply, squirming impatiently against the bindings once more.
"I'm Jimmy." The blonde hums, rolling his eyes. He finishes untying the ropes, no idea how important that name will become to his life after that.
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k0ppyi · 1 year
.. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.-- --- ..- in which chihiro goes back to the Spirit Realm, meets old Friends, but Not the one shes looking for. (At least not in Spirit Realm)
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"Happy birthday, Chihiro," her mom and dad smiled at her. Chihiro smiled and blew out the candles. "What wish did you make?" Her dad asked, "w-wish? I'm way too old for that!" She scoffed.
Chihiro spent the rest of her day with family and friends. But she couldn't help but feel as if something was calling to her.
A few days later, Chihiro decided to go on a bike ride. The feeling was still there and she had to get rid of it. "Mom, dad! I'm heading out!" She called, "wear a coat!" Her mom replied. "Oh and remember, we're going somewhere, so take the keys!" Her dad calls, "mhm!"
Chihiro biked all the way down the hill she lived on. She came to a stop. The woods, the woods where she knew there was a tunnel. "Should I go in...?" She asks herself, feeling a sense of deja vu. She turned her bike and pedaled towards the tunnel. Chihiro hopped off her bike and stepped forward. Chihiro's eyes widened. She remembered. She remembered everything. The Spirit Realm, her time as a worker at the bathhouse, Lin, Kamaji, Haku.... It all clicked. Her strange dreams where she feels deja vu, her interests in supernatural things, everything. Chihiro stepped in, "should I..?" She asked herself. She nodded, "I will," she said, stepping inside the tunnel.
The more she walked through the tunnel, the more she felt memories fading into her. And then she was on the other side. It looked the same as when she left. She wondered if everyone else changed like her. Or do people in the Spirit Realm not grow? She made her way through the city, she remembered that Haku fed her something, a berry, maybe? She ran out to a field and looked around. A red berry, yes a red berry. She picked it and pocketed it. "I guess all I have to do is wait..." she muttered. She wasn't too sure how time worked in the Spirit Realm, hopefully she would get back before her parents.
After a while of waiting, waiting, and waiting, it finally turned night. Chihiro stood up and noticed herself disappearing. She ate the berry and soon enough, she became visible. "Now what to do....what to do..." she muttered, "it'd definitely cause a ruckus if I entered the bathhouse, but what other choice do I have...?" She doubted Haku still worked for Yubaba, but still. She looked at the building, then the train tracks. 'Building or train tracks?' She asked herself. She didn't have a ticket, surely she can walk. But who knows how long it'd take for her to get to Swamp Bottom? She sighed, taking her final breath as she held her breath in.
When she passed security, she took a breath. She ran down to the boiler room and slammed the door open. As she walked in, Kamaji said, "it's rude not to knock, you know," he said, fiercely. "Kamaji, it's me, Chihiro. I have a question," she said. Kamaji straightened his back a little. He turned his head, slowly. "...Chihiro?" He muttered. Chihiro nodded, "oh! It's you! I remember when you were so small!" He said, patting her head with one arm. "Well, I'm 15 now," she chuckled, "15, wow..." he muttered, "anyways, what's your question?" He asked. "Um...I wanna know what happened after I left. You know, to Lin, Zeniba, No-Face, Haku," she said, counting on her fingers.
Kamaji went silent, as if he was thinking. "Let's see, Lin's still saving money for train tickets, so she's working here. Zeniba and No-Face are still together in the cottage. And Haku...well, he visits us, but it seems like he's busy venturing both the Human and Spirit Realm," Kamaji says. "W-what!?" She exclaimed, "what? What's wrong," Kamaji asked. "Well..I was kinda hoping to find him here, but now you told me he's in the Human Realm too. It seems impossible that I'll be able to meet with him again!" She cried, tears starting to form. Kamaji grabbed a tissue and wiped her tears, "don't cry, Chihiro, there's many possibilities you'll see him," he says, Chihiro sniffles. "He doesn't live in the Human Realm, he just goes adventuring there, plus, he couldn't have gotten too far from where you live in the Human Realm," he comforted, "you're right..." She calmed down.
Then, the door opened, "hey Kamaji, here's your food," the woman said. "Lin!" Chihiro cried, happily, "huh? Whose this dope? And how does she know my name," Lin said. Chihiro took no offense, she knows she's changed. "It's me! Chihiro!" Chihiro exclaims, "Chihiro? Jeez! You've grown so much, how long has it been? It feels like you were small and tiny just yesterday!" Lin exclaimed, "5 years for me.." Chihiro smiled. "What brings you back here?" Lin asks, "she has intentions of finding Haku," Kamaji explains. "Really?" Lin asks, "yes! Do you have any idea where he could be?" Chihiro asks, "I suggest going to the place you first met him, if he's not there, maybe you can ask Zeniba," Lin says, "I don't have train tickets," Chihiro's smile fades. Lin looks at Kamaji. "Don't Look at me, those train tickets were hard to get," he says. "Ah! Maybe I could walk!" Chihiro suggests. They both look at her. "You sure? It could take a while," "I'll be fine," Kamaji and Lin look at each other , "okay, but if you can't stand walking much longer, just come back," Lin says. Chihiro nods and runs out.
"Hey! Chihiro! Wait for me! I have the boat!" Lin calls, running down with a wooden boat. "Ah! Sorry!" Chihiro calls.
Lin places the boat in the water and boards it, "here," she says. Chihiro gets in and they make their way to the train tracks. "Alright, be safe," Lin says, "okay," Chihiro says, taking off her shoes and holding them in one hand.
Chihiro finally gets to Swamp Bottom, and she's greeted with the lamp. She follows the lamp and knocks on the cottage door. "No-Face, dear, would you go get that?" Zeniba asks. Then, the door opened. No-Face tilts their head. "Uh, hi No-Face," Chihiro waves. "Who's that" Zeniba asks. "It's me, Chihiro, granny," she says, putting her hand up. "Chihiro? Why, I haven't seen you in years," Zeniba says. "Come in, come in," she smiles. Chihiro enters. No-Face pulled out a chair for her. "So what brings you here?" Zeniba asks, "I'm looking for Haku," Chihiro says, "Haku? Hmmm..." she mutters. "Do you have any idea where he is?" Chihiro asks, "no, unfortunately I don't," Chihiro saddens. "I won't ever see him again.." Chihiro muttered. Tears started falling down her eyes as she thought of never reuniting with Haku again. "Oh dear...please don't cry," Zeniba said. No-Face took a napkin and wiped Chihiro's face. "Chihiro, honey. Dont ever look at the negative side of things. You will never get out of that pit if you do. Believe that you'll see him again. You know you'll see him again," Zeniba said, consoling the girl. Chihiro sobbed even more. But she knew Zeniba was right. She had to be positive.
Chihiro left the tunnel, this time with memories. As she was about to hop on her bike, a voice came from behind her. "Excuse me..." the boy said. Chihiro flinched in surprise, "o-oh...hello," she said, turning around. The boy in front of her looked vaguely familiar.He had a short bob-cut and thin eyes. Almost like...! Chihiro gasped, "....Haku?" She muttered, stepping closer.
The boy stared at her, smiling, "Chihiro," he smiled. Chihiro smiled and ran all the way towards him to give him a hug. "Haku!" She exclaimed, happily. Tears started spilling from her eyes as she sank to the floor. "I-I didn't think we'd meet again...." She cried, Haku wrapped his arms around her. "Now that we're together....I don't ever wanna seperate again!" Chihiro cried, launching into his chest as he fell on his bottom. "Yes....we will stay in touch..." Haku replied, happily.
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thiscrimsonsoul · 8 months
Semi-Hiatus From 10/21 Until 10/28
{out of paprikash} Hello, everyone. I received some very bad family news early this morning. I'll elaborate more under a cut for those who want to know, since I know many people don't want to hear about personal issues on rp blogs, and that's totally okay. I want all my blogs to be safe spaces for everyone. But the upshot is, I may not have very much time to write in the upcoming week, so I'll only be working on blogs whose characters I have a lot of muse for. I’ll leave @tarnishedxknight open, since I have a lot of muse for those characters, and I might write my Resident Evil muses (@youmissedone, @checkxmaster, and @freewillacquired) on their scheduled Wednesday (10/25) if time/muse allows. All other blogs, I will likely skip this week.
It’s hard for me to gauge, because sometimes when I get very upset/stressed, I want to write as a comfort/escape, but at other times I can’t even make words. There may be days when I write a lot and others when I write nothing. I’m sorry for anyone waiting for a reply, but all of this was very unexpected. I’m going to say I’ll be back next Saturday (10/28), but if that changes I'll let you know. Thanks so much for understanding. In the meantime, I hope you all are doing well. <3
Alright so... I don't want to go into a lot of details and overshare and make people uncomfortable, so I'll just quickly summarize what's going on.
I have a very toxic grandmother (she's 93) that me and my dad share time with my aunt with. She lives with us for 6 months out of the year and with her for 6 months, in a 2-2-4-4 breakdown. My grandma is so damaging to the mental health of whoever is taking care of her, and she greatly limits your freedom and ability to have a life because she can't be left alone for very long at all which is hard to deal with with work and whatnot, so we have to share time to keep our mental health from getting too bad. She causes my dad and I anxiety, depression, etc., but I won't go into detail as to all the reasons why. It's... a long story.
Anyway, Halloween is our happy time of year, because we love the season, we do a lot for it, and grandma is gone from August to December. Well... my aunt called today. She was just diagnosed with cancer and will need various treatments, so she can't take care of grandma anymore. We are getting her back two months early, we have to take down all our decorations for Halloween (she's very Christian and hates it), and we've had to cancel all our plans for Halloween and my birthday (some of which we had tickets and reservations we can't get refunds for), because when she's here, we can't leave the house for very long or go very far.
So at the height of when we were at our happiest and ready for Halloween and whatever else, we have to suddenly kindof... shut it all down... and accept back into our lives before we're ready this toxic person we were supposed to have a break from. And there will be no more breaks in the future, that's the worst part. Well, my aunt having cancer is the worst part, but you know what I mean. It's just all been a shock for us in so many ways.
*sigh* So yeah. If you've read this far, thank you for caring enough to do so, you deserve all the good things and I hope they come to you. I'll be okay, I just have to process everything, accept my new normal, somehow get through it. And I have to hope my aunt will be okay, forget about Halloween, and forget anything else me and my dad wanted to do for the foreseeable future. I am also getting laid off soon, probably after next semester according to my boss, so I need to find a new job. With grandma living with us all the time and my dad needing help to take care of her, I am extremely limited by what jobs I can look for, so that's another big source of anxiety. I just have to find a way through this, because I don't have a choice.
Again, thanks for understanding, and hopefully I can sort through this all in my head, get done everything that needs to get done in the next few days, and be ready to come back to my regular rp schedule next weekend. But like I said, I'll let everyone know if that changes.
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beesinspades · 3 months
I'm 3 months and 2 weeks on T now and I'm sooooo happy with it :D the first two months and then some were SLOW, so much so if it wasn't for one thing and the (temporary) side effects of the hormonal mess, I would've thought it wasn't working lol
but over the past month I've started really seeing changes!!
my voice started dropping, I can hear a difference with my voice pre-t!
I'm already growing facial hair on my neck and chin. at this rate I'll hopefully be one of the lucky ones with something decent before the end of my first year on T hehe
my belly is getting hairier
I think my face shape has started to change but that's harder to tell
so yeah I'm really happy because so far I'm getting nice changes and I haven't been plagued with being hungry, hot and horny. no mood changes either or anything. I don't feel any different from before T besides feeling more confident in my appearance. and I still have some palpitations when I lie down to go to bed in the evening and still in bed in the morning but I saw a cardiologist with echography and EKG and I'm good so it's likely the hormones. it was much worse before my third shot when we increased the dose.
also I don't know if it's related but before T I would get really nauseous (at the base of the neck rather than the stomach, idk how to explain it) at least once every three weeks or so, most of the time when I woke up in the morning and then it went away once I got up and went about my day. a week or so after I started T it got worse as in it started happening more frequently, at night too, and sometimes lasted throughout the day. then towards the end of the sixth week, before my third shot, it got so bad for like five days I thought I was gonna die hahaha but same as the palpitations improving, we did the third shot at full dose instead of half and the nausea disappeared. I haven't had a single instance of it since. so?¿?¿??? (both these things were already there before but probably made worse by a medication I started taking a little after going on T though. I stopped taking it as well)
I'm a liiittle anxious because "oh my god what if I'm doing a mistake" but I'm really looking forward to the next few months!!!
anyways, I did two shots by myself so far, the first one went perfectly well and the second one I felt like passing out but it was likely because I did it in the morning right out of my hot shower sjdkln I lied down for 20 minutes and then felt fine again.
also I got the results of my check-up blood test yesterday and my T levels have very nicely increased (I'm at like 55) and everything else is normal :3
but also WELP because besides my sister my family doesn't know. my mother hasn't called me in a month so odds that she'll notice something next time she calls me are not nonexistent and it's Not going to go well and I'm wholly unprepared for that conversation
next week I'm having lunch with my godmother whom I last saw on the day I started T, so that should be interesting too....she's always been supportive and nonjudgmental (to my face at least hahaha) but also given that she believes in the woke agenda I have no idea if HRT is going too far for her. wait and see :')
as for my dad, I'm frankly starting to wonder if he's just pretending not to have noticed anything. the voice I can get because he talks to me everyday so without a direct comparison it's not impossible that he hasn't noticed. but the facial hair??? I have way more than before and it's surprising he hasn't commented on it. anyway. either way the moment my mother knows he's probably gonna be made aware too.
anyway. excitement but also Fear
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michygranger23 · 1 year
Hello!! I bring to you the second part of the Spider-people to get to know them better!! Hopefully I'll continue the discduo one later today or until tomorrow. ALSO!! If you have any ideas for any of the outfits for the Spider-people I'm up to hear them!! I already have some ideas but I'm up to hear other's opinions. Anyways ONTO THE RAMBLE!!
(Part 2/2)
Spider-Nihachu "Spider-Aqua" (Earth 0311001)
Nihachu is a 21 year old woman who recently moved to New York (she used to live in Brooklyn) who shares an apartment with Minx (they're best friends from a long time and get along really well). She works at a bakery alongside Ranboo (who is a student). Tommy and Tubbo are regulars at the place to come eat some sweets and talk with the both of them (Ranboo and them are classmates)
Niki was bitten by a radioactive spider while swimming in a pool near an Alchemax building when she went to practice there. Minx never knew about the secret since Niki never wanted to put her in danger.
Her special power is that she's able to breathe underwater (the spider that bit her was a diving bell spider, the only spider that can live underwater), and she's also able to create bubbles of water that get to help her to capture villains (imagine them like if they were like bubbles, the exterior of the bubble would be water, and the interior is oxygen, so the people trapped don't drown-unless she makes the interior made of water as well-).
She lost Minx when she was fighting Mysterio (in her universe, Sam is Mysterio). He created an illusion where Minx and some rumble was falling down a building, she went straight to Minx, only to find out that Mysterio tricked her to pick the rumble, and Minx fell down the building.
Other villains she has: Tommy as Green Goblin, HBomb as Sandman, Punz as Electro, Jschlatt as Kingpin, Puffy as Black Cat, etc.
Spider-Technoblade "Blood-Arachne" (Earth 010699)
Technoblade is a 24 year old man that lives in New York with his family. Philza is his dad, Kristin is his mother, Tommy and Wilbur are his brothers. He works as a history teacher in a high-school (the same one Tommy goes to) and is also a fencing teacher in the weekends.
Techno was bitten by a radioactive spider when he went to an abandoned subway to supervise Tommy and Wilbur that wanted to explore the place, the subway was near an Alchemax building.
His special power is to detect his enemies by hearing the palpitations of their blood and their scent. He's able to smell the blood type of his enemies to recognize them, hear the beating of their heart to locate where they are, and determine how big or small their enemy is. In consequence of this power, he hears voices in his head that sometimes demand a bloodbath, he usually satisfies this by eating raw meat that still contains blood -or even some small animals- (his body needs to consume blood to survive and satisfy the voices, as if he was a vampire. The voices usually are pretty chill and annoying most of the time, but when it comes to blood, they become bloodthirsty voices). He also makes webs made by his own blood, it doesn't hurt him (that's why the name blood). He told his brothers about his secret when they caught him sneaking back to his room after a night of patrol while he was still in costume with his mask off.
He lost Kristin while fighting The Lizard (in his universe, Sapnap is the Lizard). Sapnap tried to infect the city with the lizard-gas, Kristen was in the mall the fighting was taking place on, and when Techno almost beated The Lizard, he made the mall explode, Techno was able to get Sapnap and him out of the explosion, and when he tried to caught his mom, it was too late.
Other villains he has: Quackity as Green Goblin, Tubbo as Doc Oc, Eret as Vulture, Fundy as Scorpion, etc.
AND THAT'S ALL THE SPIDER-PEOPLE!! Let me know your thoughts and opinions about this!! I'll work on the discduo one later today or tomorrow, so look out for that!! Let me know as well your ideas for the design of the Spider-people and discduo if you have any!!
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nottapossum · 5 months
Chapter 9: Umbrella 🌂 ❤️
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TW: Needles/shots, lying, holding grudges, possessive behavior, trafficking.
Biting, yelling, locking someone in a room, scratching, forcing someone to regress, slapping, abuse, fear of dark, child abuse.
Lmk if I should add.
This one's kinda dark ngl.
When the sun shines, we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath, I'ma stick it out to the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella." -Umbrella, Rihanna
“What has Moxxie already told you about her?” Trixx asks, voice sounding hesitant through the phone.
“He didn’t tell me anything…” Millie hated to admit. “I know she died, and that Crimson was responsible, but he never talked about it.”
“Oh wow…well. I don’t know everything, but I can tell you what I’ve heard…and what I’ve seen.” They say.
Millie waits patiently for Trixx to continue.
“My mother was the oldest of two daughters. Their father was a wealthy businessman who planted some type of illegal substances. He made a lot of money but quite a few bad deals, he fucked up big time when a certain someone threatened his life and business.” Trixx explains. 
“He needed protection, and Crimson’s father needed money, so they made him an offer he couldn’t refuse…
If one of his daughters married Crimson, his business would be protected by the mafia, and they would have money.
Despite the fact she already had a fiancé, Moxxie’s mother sacrificed her happiness for her sister and volunteered to be the one to marry Crimson.
Our mother married her sister’s ex fiancé after Kay married Crimson only to get away from her father… I don’t think our father and mother even liked each other, they only settled because of what happened to Aunt Kay.
Kay needed to produce an heir for Crimson as per their agreement, a future underboss or somethin; so they had Moxxie. We were all born together on the same day. Kay actually left without crimson knowing so the two could be together to give birth at the same time. It was a weird relationship they had.” Trixx explains. “Almost…possessive. But, I suppose if it was Roxxy, I'd want to help her as much as possible.”
Millie starts to think of her own sister, she could take care of herself, but if she couldn't, would Millie be so protective? 
“Yeah, our father left when Roxxy and I turned five, then Mama married Kayla’s dad. But, anyway Aunt Kay visited us a lot, mostly to see her sister and reassure her that she was safe, our mom worried about her constantly. They called almost every day.”
“So…what happened to Kay?” Millie asks.
Trixx sighs. “Moxxie visited us one last time for the harvest moon festival... I overheard Mom and Kay talking in the kitchen after Kay had a harsh discussion with Moxxie.”
“Are you alright?” Their mother asked Kay downstairs.
Trixx was at the top of the staircase listening as carefully as possible so hopefully they won’t get caught.
Moxxie had just gotten in trouble for mouthing off to aunt Kay… he’s been in the spare bedroom for hours.
Whether Kay locked him in there or Moxxie just wanted to be alone, Trixx wasn’t sure. But, He was clearly upset over something Kay said…or something she didn’t say.
Kay nods. “Yeah, I’m alright…I hate to do it, I hate ignoring him, but that’s what works. I don’t know what else to do, I don’t want him to end up like Crimson.”
Their mother shakes her head. “The boy does need proper discipline. But, what he really needs is to get out of that house.” She says.
“Crimson will find us if I leave, Liz.” Kay says.
“You need to get out of there, Kay. Find a safe place, just go as far as you can.” Liz says. “We can make a plan together, I got a friend in gluttony, she can help you-”
“How can I go that far while carrying a nine year old? He can’t run fast enough! We’ll be caught then Crimson will kill me.” Kay says.
“You’ll have to leave him.” Their mother said.
“I could never leave Moxxie behind, he’s my son.” She says. “My world.”
“You may have to. You can come back with help, they’re not the most powerful people, Kay.” Liz says.
“They're more powerful than you think, Liz.” Kay picked up her dishes, put them in the sink, and then went to bed.
“We never saw her after that visit.” Trixx explains. “We called and called, but Crimson never answered us. We sent letters that never got a response, and we didn’t see Moxxie either except on social media many years later.”
Millie’s heart felt heavy, his poor mother. “I can’t believe he never told me any of this.” She says.
“Millie, can I ask…just how much did you know about this guy before marrying him?” Trixx asks.
Millie thought she knew a lot…
She thought she knew everything she needed to…
~~~Millie, past:~~~
Millie was dating a guy named Bradley before she met Moxxie…actually he was the reason she even met Moxxie again after so long.
Her and Bradly were never meant to be forever, they were just fooling around for a while.
None of Millie’s boyfriends ever lasted long. She was always told she was “too much” and she “drove them away.”
And who knows, maybe she did. Maybe she was too much for people and got “too carried away” like her parents have always told her.
She couldn't help being a little…much. It's just who she is.
She was prepared to never find someone who really wanted to stick around… that is until she met him.
Her and Bradly were taking a walk together after their date. 
Bradly kept going on about sex and how good he is at it and new things they could try- not that he'd ever hear about that from her. 
Because he's only average at best and he wouldn't even let her get a word in the conversation.
She almost completely lost it on him when suddenly she heard a gunshot-
“Get down.” She says, pushing Bradly to the ground. Looking up she sees a smaller imp like herself with a sniper rifle in one of the buildings. “I got this.” She says, releasing Bradly.
She ran up to the building, quickly climbing up to the window and jumped at the imp.
“What the!?”
She tackled the imp to the ground.
“Millie?” Moxxie asks once they met face to face. 
Millie blinked. “Moxxie?” She asks back, climbing off him.
“What are you doing in pride?” Moxxie asks.
“That’s…none of your concern, what are you doing trying to kill my boyfriend?” Millie asks.
Moxxie’s eyes widened. “THAT'S your boyfriend?!” He asks. “Do you have any idea how many people want him dead?”
“I don't give a shit.” She says. . "I dont care if Satan himself wants him dead! I'm still not going to let you get away with it!"
Blitzø is currently struggling with Bradly and calls out for Moxxie. “Little help here?!” He asks.
“Uhm, I should go.” Moxxie says awkwardly. standing up so he can help his boss.
Millie grows angry. “Oh no you don't.” She growled. She pounced at Moxxie again, tackling him and pinning him to the ground again. “If anyone is goin’ to kill my boyfriend, it’ll be me.” She says.
Moxxie struggles against her, but he’s not strong enough to overpower her. 
Then he looks up… “I’m sorry.” He says, kicking a table behind them, causing a vase to fall on Millie’s leg which catches her off guard, she moves off him and Moxxie shoots at the rope connecting the very old chandelier to the ceiling.
It falls on Millie’s head as she couldn’t dodge it fast enough.
Moxxie ran out quickly to kill Bradly, but she would not be so easily defeated.
Her head was bleeding and so was her leg, but she didn’t care; She pulled the heavy chandelier off her and jumped out the window of the building to stop Moxxie in his tracks.
Moxxie had just made it out of the building when she jumped on top of him again, she grabs his gun and points it at him- it’s quickly taken from her however by a taller Imp.
She was much stronger than these two assholes, they had no idea who they were dealing with! She quickly punched Blitzø to get the gun back to point at Moxxie. 
Moxxie had another gun in his jacket, he quickly pointed it at her.
Millie sees that Bradly had run off without her…figures, that fucking coward. 
Blitzø moved out of the way of the two’s stalemate. But decides to watch and see what will happen instead of chasing after Bradly. 
“Sir, the target got away! What are you doing?” Moxxie says, lowering his gun.
“Yeah. It appears he did.” Blitzø says. “What a shame.” 
Millie lowers her weapon too. “You two aren't very good at this, are you?” She asks.
“I mean, usually we're alright.” Moxxie says
“I’m Blitzø, the o is silent.” He says, shaking Millie's hand.
She turns to look at this ‘Blitzø’ person. “uh, hi.” She says in annoyance. 
“What are you doing?” Moxxie asks him. 
“You're not so bad in combat. What's your name?” Blitzø asks her.
“Millie.” She says.
“That was awfully impressive, Millie.” Blitzø says.
“Oh… thanks?” She says, trying not to take the compliment too seriously. 
“Sir?” Moxxie tries to get Blitzø's attention. 
“Ever think of becoming an assassin?” He asks.
“What?” Millie asks. 
“What?! But, sir she just-“
“You have the skills for it and the resilience. We could really use someone like you on our team.” Blitzø says, ignoring Moxxie completely. He hands her a card with their number.
Millie found the offer oddly intriguing, but also, it was weird coming from someone who just tried to take out her boyfriend. Regardless, she takes the card. “I’ll have to think about it.”
“And what about the client?” Moxxie asks in annoyance.
“They’ll get over it.” Blitzø says before turning back to Millie, taking Moxxie's gun back. “I look forward to your call.” He smiled, then left with Moxxie.
~~~A couple weeks later~~~
Millie needed money, her and her roommate could barely make rent every month with the funds they've been getting. And assassins can get decent money if they can get enough kills.
And she’s really good at killing, so she decided and called Blitzø. “Blitzø, I’d like to discuss the job offer.”
Millie and Moxxie hardly talked at all when she started at I.M.P, they’d bump heads every now and then, but for the most part they’d just stay out of each other’s way. 
Any time Moxxie attempted to say anything to her, she'd simply ignore him or respond in a way to make sure he knew they were not friends. 
They had to sneak into a fancy gala with ballroom dancing, fancy people, and champagne; not a place Millie would typically find herself in. 
Moxxie however was a pro, he got all the costumes, taught them how to properly drink from a wine glass, and even how to dance or decline a dance properly. 
It was awkward having to work with someone she got so mad at, but she had to pay the bills somehow.
They entered the party in their disguises, and Millie was honestly shocked that she wasn't discovered as a fraud the second they walked in.
She could never fit in with people like this, she was messy and plain. She couldn't talk fancy or walk right! She thought for sure she'd get them caught.
Moxxie looked perfect, blended in with them so well. How did he manage that? 
“Okay, you two dance. I’m going to mingle. Keep an eye out for him, and remember the signal.” Blitzø instructs them both.
Millie and Moxxie give each other a look. Millie with irritation, Moxxie with anxiety. “But, sir, we-“
“Don’t question me, Moxxie.” Blitzø says. “Just do it.” 
Moxxie sighs. “Yes, sir.”
Moxxie turned to Millie, so she took his hand reluctantly; They got to the dance floor and started dancing as what was instructed of them.
Moxxie danced just as well as anyone else in the room, it was…annoying! But oddly attractive also.
“You’re not too bad at this.” Millie says to him.
Moxxie shrugs. “I grew up going to fancy places like this.”
“Where did you say you grew up again?” Millie asks.
“Greed; I was born in wrath, but most of my life was spent at home.” Moxxie explains.
“So, were you homeschooled?” She asks.
Moxxie thinks about it. “I guess, yeah.”
“Well, that explains it.” She laughs.
“Explains what?” Moxxie asks.
“I don’t know, you’re just so…” Millie hesitates.
“What?” Moxxie asks. 
“Well, you’re weird.” She says.
“Oh.” Moxxie deflates. 
“Not in a bad way!” Millie says. “It’s…charmin.” 
Moxxie clears his throat. “Oh, thanks? I think.” 
“I look ridiculous.” Millie chuckles. “I’m not cut out for fancy shit like this.” She says.
Moxxie raises an eyebrow as he looks her up and down. “What are you talking about? You look bea- uh, perfect.” He says.
“Oh.” Millie’s eyes widen as her face reddens further. “Thank you…”
The two of them went quiet for a few more minutes, things were so awkward between them. 
“Look, Millie. I’m sorry I tried to kill your boyfriend, and hit you with a chandelier.” Moxxie says. “It wasn’t personal, I was just doing my job. Can we please work this out so we can start over?” He asks. “We’re going to be working together, we should be friends.”
Millie rolls her eyes. “You think I’m mad at you because of Bradly? I’m not. If I got mad at everyone who tried to kill my boyfriend, I’d always be angry. He gets himself in those situations all the time, I’m surprised he isn’t dead yet!”
“Oh…then. Why are you mad at me?” Moxxie asks.
“It’s stupid.” She says.
“Please tell me?” Moxxie asks. “If I don’t know what it is, how are we going to work it out?” He asks.
Millie shrugs, not wanting to admit the truth.
Moxxie leans closer to her. “I’m sure it’s not as stupid as you think. And if it is, I will take it seriously, I promise.”
“When we first met…you told me you’d visit me. I waited for you every year but…you never did. You just forgot about me.” Millie explains.
“I was going to ask you for your address so I could send you letters, you were just so different from the other boys I knew.” She explains. “I know we were just kids and it’s stupid and irrelevant now, but-“
“I’m sorry, Millie.” Moxxie interrupts. “I would have visited you, I promise. I thought about you a lot, I just-“ He sighs, “my mom died a few months after I met you. My dad was very protective of me and he didn’t want me to go back to wrath after that. The last time I was there, I was sixteen, and I wasn’t sure you’d even remember me after so long.”
Millie’s eyes widened. “Oh shit. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, you didn’t know.” Moxxie says.
They danced quietly for a moment.
“Do you remember when I broke my arm?” Moxxie asks.
“Well, yeah, the bone was sticking out of it! Kids were panicking and throwing up, but you didn’t even cry! I was mighty impressed.” She says.
“I kept the cast in my dresser drawer because I wanted something to remember you by…kinda sounds creepy when I say it out loud.” He realized.
“It's not creepy, that’s really sweet actually.” She says. “Didn’t realize I made such an impression.”
“Millie, how can you not see that you’re always the highlight in any room?” He asks. “With such a unique personality and that beautiful smile, your eyes…you're impossible to forget or ignore.”
Millie looks up at him, face redder than usual. She thought she should say something to him, but Blitzø waved at her. “Blitzø gave the signal, there he is.” She says.
They smiled at each other, and the plan was back in motion.
And their friendship was also restored and work became a lot more tolerable. 
It took Moxxie months to admit his feelings to Millie, but she knew he liked her, everyone did!
Blitzø made subtle remarks about them constantly, calling them ridiculous nicknames and telling them to get a room.
Even Loona made comments about them, more cynical remarks towards Moxxie about how Millie would never go out with someone like him.
It’s true she’s never dated someone like Moxxie, but there was just something about him that made her feel so genuine, so seen.
But Millie was already with someone else, someone who proved not to be worth her time, and she knew if she wanted to ask Moxxie out, she had to make the first move, and she needed to break up with Bradly.
She walked to the bus stop to head to her own apartment after a long conversation with Bradly. It was pouring outside, and she was soaked without a hood on her jacket. She honestly wasn't expecting rain.
“Millie?” She heard suddenly behind her.
She looks behind her and sees Moxxie holding a black umbrella.
“Oh…hey, Mox.” She says, moving closer to get underneath said umbrella. “Thought you would have gone home with Blitzø and Loona.”
Moxxie shrugs. “I needed some time alone. It's been a long day.” 
“Oh. Should I give you some space?” Millie asks.
Moxxie shakes his head. He moved the umbrella over to Millie to protect her from the rain. “No, you’re okay.”
“Thanks.” She says. “So, why was today such a bad day for you? You've been off your game all day.” 
“It’s the anniversary of my mom dying.” He says. 
“Yeah…” he hands her the umbrella and sits down on the bench.
“Moxxie?” Millie asks, sitting next to him.
Moxxie sniffs pitifully. “She didn't send me any dimes.” He covers his eyes and drops his head in defeat.
“dimes?” She asks.
"You know how some people think the dead sends you messages?" Moxxie asks.
Millie nods. "Sure."
“Well, every year since her death, I've found as many dimes as my age every November 6th. But, this year, I couldn't find any.” He explains.
“Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.” Millie says.
Moxxie sighs. “She must be so disappointed in me!” He says. “She never wanted me to kill anyone…at least not for a living.”
“Sometimes you have to kill people.” She says. 
“I guess…” Moxxie says, crossing his arms, obviously not feeling any better.
“If this is how you feel, why did you become an assassin?” She asks.
Moxxie shrugs. “I'm good at it, the same people would die anyway…and everyone has to find a way to survive, working is part of that.”
Millie nods. “Yeah, I get it. I moved here to make a life for myself, but this is the best job I've been able to get. My parents think I'm a complete failure.” She says.
“I know how you feel.” Moxxie says.
The bus arrived and the two of them got on.
“How does your pa feel about your work?” Millie asks once they sat down.
Moxxie shrugs. “I don't know, he wanted me to work with him, but he hasn't been the same since mom died.”
Millie nods. “Ah, I see.”
“What does Bradly think of your work?” Moxxie asks.
“Screw what he thinks, he's a jackass.” Millie says. “A good for nothin shithead.”
Moxxie licks his lips. “You said it, I didn't.”
A few minutes pass with smaller talks of life and the world around them 
Millie learned about Moxxie's true passion for music and theater. 
He was so interesting, she loved that about him.
She talked about home and even shared some of her most treasured memories she had with them. 
He was a very good listener, and made her feel so special, so important. 
Moxxie didn't talk about his childhood much, but instead kept asking about hers. She naturally assumed he didn't have a lot of stories and just found her family entertaining.
“This is my stop.” Moxxie suddenly says, getting up to leave the bus.
“Moxxie wait! Your umbrella.” She holds the umbrella towards him.
Moxxie stops, but he doesn’t take it. “Keep it, I’ll be like Gene Kelly.”
“Who’s that?” Millie asks.
“You don’t know who Gene Kelly is? Singing in the rain? An American in Paris? Summer stock?” He asks, shocked.
She shrugs.
“Oh, Millie. I’m sorry but that needs to change. You have to see at least one of his movies.” He says.
Millie smiles. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, he’s an icon!” He says.
“Okay, I’ll watch one with you. But you have to watch Zombone killer X with me.” She says.
Moxxie smiles. “Alright, deal-“
Millie kisses his cheek. “Bring the movie, we’ll watch both on Friday at my place. Then we can…hang out.”
Moxxie took a step back. “Oh- um, but what about your boyfriend?”
“I broke up with him.” She says.
“Oh…I’m sorry to hear that.” Moxxie says.
“I’m not, I wasn’t in love with him or some shit, plus I have standards.” She scoffs. “I’ll see you Friday, Moxxie.” She says.
Moxxie smiles. “See you Friday.”
He got off the bus, then Millie went home.
That was the start of their new relationship. 
She felt she finally found her equal, someone she could truly love and trust…
But now… She wasn't so sure…
~~~Millie: present~~~
What is she missing? What is it that she can’t understand?
Why did he hide his past from her?
“I have to go.” She says to Trixx before hanging up the phone. 
She closed her eyes, she wished it wasn't true, she wished Moxxie never lied and that she could trust him again without questioning it. 
But she wishes more than anything that he could be here to explain himself…
Tears fell down her face.
She misses him so much. Where in hell is he?! 
Moxxie started working with the mafia again, doing simple jobs like paperwork, gun cleaning and prepping, and occasionally supervising. 
He didn’t mind this type of work, he’s always been able to handle anything anyone threw at him, he’s honestly just thankful he wasn’t being forced to hurt anyone like he used to.
He used to be primarily in charge of inventory…but Crimson said he wasn’t ready for it yet.
It was oddly suspicious. What is it Moxxie couldn’t see? What was his father scared of him seeing?
It had to be something his father knew would upset him, something…
Or someone. 
“Dad?” Moxxie approached his father after they had returned to the mansion.
“What do you want, Mox?” Crimson asks, making himself a drink and sitting down after a long day of work.
“Why won't you just tell me what they're hauling?” Moxxie asks. “It’s not like I’ll tell anyone.”
“This again?” Crimson asks. “The answer is simple. It's none of your business.” Crimson says.
“Nothing you’ve been doing has made any sense. What is it that you want with me? Is there a purpose? Or are you just looking for control?” Moxxie asks. “If I’m going to be forced to be here, you could at least give me some sort of idea as to why-“
“Do you need to be little, Moxxie?” Crim asks him.
“What?” Moxxie asks, taking a step back.
Crimson sets the drink down and stands up. “You’re getting all worked up, you seem stressed. Maybe you need to relax.” He says.
“I don’t- I- no. I’m fine.” Moxxie answers, rubbing his arm anxiously.
“You sure? You had a long day.” Crim says, gripping his son’s chin.
“I don’t want to regress! Ever!” Moxxie says louder, hoping he’ll get the message. He moves away from his father’s grasp, almost falling backwards from his shaking form.
Crimson grabs Moxxie’s horn, causing him to whimper. “What’s the matter, Mox? You used to beg me to let you regress. Remember?” 
Moxxie remembers a few incidents where he begged his father to let him regress… When it had been a while, Moxxie was at the brink of an emotional breakdown due to the constant headaches, emotional stress, and anxiety he was feeling throughout the week.
After he regressed, he’d suddenly feel a lot better, more relaxed and energetic by the end-
This was not always the case however, sometimes it would lead to what people called: ‘impure regression’ which basically just means ‘baby isn’t happy.’
Of course Moxxie knows now that all regression is valid and pure, and having negative emotions or struggling with flashbacks or bad thoughts while in headspace, does not mean he’s wrong or ‘impure’. He just has emotions, and that was okay.
Usually, when emotions get out of control like this, people slip into their headspace involuntary; but, since Moxxie’s regression is always being controlled, he can’t just slip into headspace if he needs to- it just builds up over time. 
Which causes him unbearable emotional pain.
His father was hosting a party after one of their big heists. Moxxie had helped a lot with this one, killed so many people, got them so much money, he didn’t leave his father’s side… and at the moment, his mind just wouldn’t listen to reason. It wanted to regress and nothing else could help him.
He tried to keep calm during the drinking and the talking, interacting, introductions, smiling, exc- but, he couldn’t take it anymore! His head hurt far too much!
Moxxie hid behind the staircase to try and calm himself down, he had to stay strong for his own sake. 
“He’s here, Crimson.” Alessio says, suddenly appearing in front of him.
Fucking snitch. Moxxie needed to be alone to calm down, why couldn't he see that?!
“What the fuck is going on with you?” Crimson asks his son once he got to him. “You’re supposed to be celebrating, kid.”
Moxxie took some deep breaths, tryingdesperatelynot to cry. “I’m sorry, Sir. I really am. I just- I can’t- I-“
“Spit it out, Mox.” His father spouts harshly. “You can’t what?”
“Please, sir. I can’t do this anymore, can I please just be little for just a little while, please?” Tears fall down Moxxie’s face, he couldn’t face his father as he asked, he just wanted to calm down, but he couldn’t! He panicked and he was stressed the hell out!
Crimson sighs. “For Satan's sake. That’s what you’re so upset about?” Crimson asks. “You want to regress?”
Moxxie nods. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to disappoint you. I just need a break. Please, Dad?”
“It’s that bad, huh?” Crimson asks softly, holding Moxxie’s shoulders.
Moxxie nods again. Tears continue to fall, Moxxie tries to dry them with his sleeve, but it won’t stop as his eyes are pleading with his father for a break. 
Crimson’s voice remains calm and surprisingly comforting. He rubs his arms gently. “Alright, alright. Calm down, Moxxie.” Crimson takes Moxxie’s chin. “Go upstairs, I’ll be up there in a minute to take care of you.”
Moxxie nods. “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” He obeyed his father and went upstairs. He just wanted to feel better again. 
Moxxie waited in his room as Crimson told him to. He continued to try and stop himself from crying, afraid his father may see him as incapable or… ‘unruly’ as he has said in the past.
Crimson showed up and found Moxxie on the bed. .
Moxxie knew Crimson must have been disappointed, and Moxxie wouldn't blame him...he'd never hated himself more if he was honest.
“Mox?” Crimson asks.
“I’m sorry, Sir.” Moxxie says. “I didn’t want to disappoint you. I just-“
Crimson shakes his head. “It’s fine, Moxxie. You worked hard today. You did good, kid.”
“You’re not mad?” Moxxie asks.
“Why would I be mad? It’s not like you can control it, your little dumb brain just wants to be turned off, that’s all.” Crimson says. “If this is what it takes to get your best, it’s fuckin’ worth it.” Crimson says.
Moxxie nods, he’s at least glad his father isn’t upset with him.
But, he hated being little, it was scary and he liked being in control of his own mind; but he couldn’t stand the repression symptoms anymore. It was too much!
Crimson looked him over and kissed his cheek. “Quiet time.”
Moxxie didn’t want to live like that, where things got so bad he had to be a child again in order to feel better.
That's why he printed out all those breathing exercises, sung to himself so oftem, and tried therapy! He needed to get better in a way that didn't involve regression.
Crimson had too much control… he couldn’t keep letting him have it.
He and Alessio think they can control him, but they can’t!
“Sir.” Alessio walked in, making Crimson release Moxxoe's horn.
“What is it?” Crimson asks.
“He needs another shot before it completely wears off.” Alessio says, gesturing to Moxxie.
“What?” Moxxie asks. This would be the third time they gave him a shot…what was it for?
And why is he only now noticing the way Alessio and Crimson are looking at each other? It was the way Millie’s parents looked at each other...the same way Millie looked when she looked at him.
Moxxie's eyes widen. Were they…?
“The only question is, will Moxxie listen, or are we going to have to do this the hard way?” Crimson asks Moxxie condescendingly. 
Moxxie looks at Alessio, then at Crimson. “What is going on between you two?” He asks, ignoring Crimson's comment. 
“Excuse me?” his father asks.
“Are you two together? Is that why you took me? To make me part of this weird family you're building with him?!” Moxxie asks angerly.
Crimson slaps Moxxie across the face, causing him to hit his head on the floor. “You seriously need to start learning to mind your own fucking business!” Crimson says.
Alessio kneels on the floor next to him: “Quiet time, Moxxie.” he whispers.
~~~Little Moxxie, Alessio & Crimson: later~~~
No, no, pease!” Moxxie begs. “No shot!” Moxxie shouts at Alessio.
Alessio had taken Moxxie to their medical room to give him the shot, thinking it would be fairly simple, and he could give Crimson some time to calm down, but the little was fighting Al with everything he had, which was more than Alessio thought.
Moxxie hissed, scratched, and finally bit Alessio's hand.
“ow!" Alessio yelped. "Moxxie, you’ve been so good lately, why are you being such a brat?” Alessio asks, his voice was calm but his words were mean!
“I’ huwt! Don’ wan it!” Moxxie cries out. “Don’ nee’ it!” he panicked.
“Moxxie, I’m going to count to three, if you don’t comply and take your shot willingly, you will be in a time out. One…two…”
Moxxie backed up. “No!” He cries.
“Moxxie…” Alessio warns again. 
With the little saying nothing and still trying to get away, Alessio sighs. “Okay, that’s three-“
“What the hell is going on in here?” Crimson asks, swinging the door open violently.
“Moxxie is refusing to take his shot.” Alessio explains to him. "He's scratching, hissing, and biting."
“Moxxie, are you asking for a punishment?” Crimson asks harshly, crossing his arms.
Moxxie shakes his head quickly. “No…”
“Then be good and take your shot, now!” Crimson shouted.
Moxxie cries more, but he does as he’s told, he shakily gives Alessio his arm.
He hates shots! They hurt so much! He hates needles!
Alessio takes Moxxie’s arm for a second before pulling him forwards and pricking him in the neck instead.
Moxxie cries out, it hurts worse than he thought it would!
“See, that wasn’t so bad.” Crimson says. “Now, is there anything you want to say to Alessio?” He asks.
Moxxie crosses his arms, he doesn’t want to talk to Alessio, he betrayed him! He stuck a needle in his neck and didn’t say please or sorry. It wasn’t very nice at all!
“Fine, maybe you need a good long time out to think this over.” Crimson says, grabbing Moxxie’s wrist.
“No! M’sowy!” Moxxie says, breathing heavily.
“No, you don’t get to act like this, you know the rules of this house!” Crimson says. "You do not fight me and Alessio."
Moxxie cries, but reluctantly follows Crimson to one of the guest rooms.
Moxxie is shoved in the dark room violently and the door is slammed shut and locked.
“You are not to move until I come back, do not cross me!” His father warns.
Moxxie cries and hugs himself tightly, he looks around the room and it’s nothing but pitch black darkness…
And he’s all alone. 
He wanted his Daddy, or Alessio, or even Chaz to come get him and tell him everything was okay again…
Something was wrong, and nothing would be okay again until he found out what was wrong.
What happened to him? Why was daddy and Al doing this to him?
The darker it got, the scareder Moxxie was... he felt like he couldn’t breathe! His head felt light and cold...
Like he was drowning!
He thought he heard something!
If he was in a better mindset, he may have thought it was the wind...
But, what if it wasn't? He didn't want to die!
He hated the dark!
He clawed at the door, screaming and begging for someone to let him out but to no avail.
He cried harder and harder untill he eventually passed out from it.
~~~That night, Quint and Moxxie:~~~
Quint knew he should probably stay out of this. 
Crimson would kill him if he found out what he was about to tell Moxxie.
And maybe if stu was still there, he'd care but he's lost all meaning in his life. 
Moxxie however has someone left to live for, still had a drive and purpose. 
And he needed to be reminded of why he can't give up.
Quint overheard Alessio and Crimson talking about how they had locked Moxxie up in his ‘new room’ for the night, so he knew where to find him.
He climbed into the window, all the furniture had white sheets over it, to hide what the two had in mind for Moxxie. 
He finds the little one fast asleep on the cold hard floor by the door. 
Quint took a deep breath as quietly as possible, almost changing his mind… but, he grabbed Moxxie and covered his mouth tightly to be sure he wouldn't make any noise. 
Little Moxxie screamed and cried, squirming as he tried to pry his boney hands off him.
Quint pulled out his phone and used type-to speech to say the phrase: “Wake up.” To make Moxxie snap out of it.
He drops Moxxie as he snaps out of it. “Wh- Quint? What’s wrong? What happened?” Moxxie asked. “Where am I?” He asks.
Quint gestures for Moxxie to be quiet, then he gestures for Moxxie to follow him.
Moxxie raises an eyebrow. “Okay…?” 
He follows Quint, who climbed out the window.
He had no idea where he was, but he decided to follow Quint despite not being sure if he trusted the shark…what did he have left to lose?
Quint led Moxxie through the yard, near where all the trucks were, passing where target practice was held.
They walked into one of the sheds, Quint picked up a clipboard that held a list of people's names, handing it to Moxxie to look over.
“Who are they?” Moxxie asks him.
Quint signs: “Littles they sold.”
Moxxie’s mouth hung open. “He’s trafficking littles?” Moxxie asks.
Quint nods, and points to the large trucks. ‘We take them from anonymous sellers and sell them to those who can't pass the background checks to adopt their own littles.’
 If Moxxie wasn’t so overwhelmed and shocked, he may have asked more questions. But, only one came to mind: “Why would you tell me this?” Moxxie asks.
Quint sighs, then answers: ‘You’re the one who cares about being good. I just thought you should know.’
Moxxie nods, feeling horrified that people could even do this. ‘Thank you.’ Moxxie signs.
Maybe Quint was a better person than he thought...maybe he did care.
He needs to stop this somehow, needs to help these littles find a way out! He can't let this continue to happen!
Quint nods. ‘Let’s get you back.’ He signs, looking around nervouly.
“We can't! I-“ Moxxie tried to argue. 
‘Don’t make me regret telling you.’ Quint signs, face serious.
Moxxie nods, and follows Quint back to the room he was locked in.
They climbed back through the window and Quint got his phone out and moved it closer to Moxxie to record his voice.
“Wait- no.” Moxxie says, understanding what Quint was asking.
‘Can’t cause suspicion, you need to be little again.’ Quint signs.
Moxxie sighs in defeat and speaks into the phone: “quiet time.”
And it repeats, causing Moxxie to regress once again…
"You can run into my arms
It's okay, don't be alarmed
Come into me (there's no distance in between our love)
So gon' and let the rain pourI'll be all you need and more
Because When the sun shines, we shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath, I'ma stick it out to the end
Now that it's raining more than everKnow that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella." -Umbrella, Rihanna
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