#but anyways I think I'm definitely getting way better as an artist this year
raveartts · 2 years
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Might draw sth more conceptually interesting later (?) but for a first try at a relatively complex character like Azusa, I think I absolutely nailed it :D
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maxwellatoms · 1 month
Hello Mr. Atoms, I'm an animation student in college and fan of your work. I got this assignment in which I need to ask questions to a professional in the area. Could you pretty please answer them? It'd mean a lot to me.
1- Are you happy with your career? How it's going.
2- What are your opinions, expectations and hopes about the independent animation industry that's developing?
3- What do you think about the advent of artificial intelligence? Do you fear for the future of animators?
4- If money wasn't a problem, would you still do what you do?
5- Any animators you admire and would like to mention?
Okey dokey.
1- Are you happy with your career? How it's going.
Not really, in that there seems to be no career left.
The animation industry swelled its numbers greatly before 2020. Almost immediately after that, corporate greed synergized with a pandemic to reduce animated programs and the number of people working on them to almost zero. It takes almost a year from beginning to end to make a single episode of an animated show (by the modern standard). There was nothing being made in 2020 and four years later, we''re not in a much better spot. It's going to be a long drought for (especially) Kid's TV Animation.
Recently, many of my former co-workers have hit the financial wall and can't continue, moving away after (sometimes) 20 years in the industry. I begin to wonder if I'm very far behind.
A "bounce back" a year from now would need to start today. There are still some animated shows being made now, but those are almost universally "library" properties. That means it's an existing I.P. (Intellectual Properties like Garfield/Mario/Batman/Star Wars) so as an artist you're immediately in that box. Depending on the property and the studio, it can be an unpleasantly tight box. I grew used to holding and maintaining the vision for a show, but it's less fun when it's not my vision. It's even less fun when you can't inspire someone to follow your vision because they've been so ruthlessly abused.
I'm pretty sick of how big media corporations treat their employees. If I inherit one more burnt out crew due to mismanagement, I'm gonna lose it.
Over a decade ago I fought hard to get board artists story credit for the episodes they were actually writing, and felt like I'd won a big victory for everyone. The second my back was turned, it all reverted.
Mostly... what is the point now? My career is/was developing ideas, crafting those ideas into a workable show, then managing teams of thirty to seventy people to produce a couple of dozen episodes per year. Studios actively do not want new ideas right now, and are actively searching for ways to eliminate what artists from the process. I'm not sure what my job would be under this new system, but it feels like they decided to hang onto the anxiety-inducing deadlines while removing anything remotely pleasurable from the experience.
2- What are your opinions, expectations and hopes about the independent animation industry that's developing?
It's the only way to get anything done, currently.
The current state of the industry is not sustainable. I (along with a lot of other animators I know) are trying to decide what's next, and pretty much everyone agrees that "you just have to make something".
It is (in that very specific way) a great time to be a young animator. The system was never going to treat you well anyway. If you can get something like a Hazbin Hotel happening without studio help, you can currently write your own ticket. I'm super proud of Vivsie, because that's a LOT of stuff to handle. I never had to handle my own marketing or drum up money to make Billy & Mandy happen.
There are opportunities there, but it's definitely "Hard Mode". The best idea is probably to team up with a few other people you like and like to work with.
Hopes? I hope that the young animators take over and make something new on top of the bones of the old industry, rather than just allowing that industry to patch its rotting hide with their collected works.
3- What do you think about the advent of artificial intelligence? Do you fear for the future of animators?
I suspect true AI might just peace-out like ScarJo in "Her", but we're not there yet. What we have now isn't Artificial Intelligence at all (though I do believe it may be the underpinnings of the Artificial Suconscious of what may one day become an actual Artificial Intelligence.)
The LLMs and "Generative AI" are (so far) a big dumb waste. They consume tons of energy and aren't great for doing anything creative. If you've sat down with Chat GPT for a creative writing session, you've probably run into the "out of the box" limitations which prevent it from talking about sex or violence-- which happen to be a major component of most stories.
Still, the technology has come incredibly far in an incredibly short amount of time. I imagine we're going to hit the point where we're being hazed by artificially generated political ads way before Generative AI can produce a consistent and usable character turnaround, so that'll be the test. Whatever the legal fallout is from this stuff over the next few years will set the tone.
Still, studios have a vested interest in pleasing their shareholders. Generative AI potentially has the capability of not only replacing swaths of money-eating artists, but handing that control directly to the billionaire studio heads. Mark my words: We're headed straight for billionaire-generated content.
I don't think the public at large will want to watch Elon Musk's fever dreams, so there's that. So law and general distaste might stave it off for a while, but I think there's just too much impetus for studios to continue to try to please their investors. "AI Art" is here to stay.
Eventually that will lead to millions and millions of bots generating millions and millions of songs and paintings and movies all day every day. Most of it will be utter trash. Right now (so I'm told) viewers are already burnt out, and will generally only click on what they already know. On Netflix, where there are twenty things you've never heard of and one you have, you're more likely to pick the thing that gives you comfort and gives you a guarantee you're not wasting your time. With exponentially more A.I. trash, how would you even begin to filter it out?
You'd need absolute control of an already existing distribution system. We currently have a few of those, and all of the media companies are desperately trying to merge with them to insure their own survival.
To me, the post-Gen-AI landscape looks a lot like old-school Cable, but with endless I.P. and fewer masters.
4- If money wasn't a problem, would you still do what you do?
The real question is, maybe, "What am I even doing?" These days I try to do a lot of gardening. I'm trying to learn new art skills, because suddenly twenty five years of experience managing, drawing, and writing isn't worth much. I recently worked on Jellystone until Zaslav lost 2.5 billion in the wash and had to find justification for his new yacht. The show before that? Also culled midway through to save money. The days of multi-year gigs seem to be over, and if I'm going to scrape by doing freelance, maybe I can do that somewhere else.
I'll always make art. I can't seem to help it. Ideas aren't my problem-- it's executing those ideas without the help of a structured pre-existing system. I honestly don't know if I'll ever be able to pull that off. My strengths are great, but were always supported by friends I worked with.
Can I start an indie cartoon with all of these cool friends? Sure, maybe. Most of those people have gone on to have other careers of their own and got used to being paid. Now nobody is getting paid and no one can pay anyone else. My immediate circle are all now middle-aged people with families and no jobs. Convincing them to give up a large chunk of their day for an idea that's not guaranteed to pay off is going to take some real effort.
I technically have fifteen years until I can claim my "retirement", assuming that still exists by then. That's a pretty big hole to fill with... I don't know what.
The difficult "What comes next" discussions at home are really just starting.
5- Any animators you admire and would like to mention?
There are a lot of cool animation people out there. I already mentioned I was proud of Vivsie. I was also reminded recently just how great C.H. Greenblatt and Mr. Warburton are. I know they're my friends. They're both just really upstanding, creative people who take good care of their crews.
The treatment of animation industry professionals by the studio system has been one of the most demoralizing and heartbreaking parts of this demoralizing and heartbreaking time.
So there ya go. If you want to look for someone whose attitude is a little more upbeat, I won't blame you a bit.
Wherever you are, I wish you the best of luck. For me, just climb up there and crush it. I would very much like to add you to #5 someday.
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shadesoflsk · 3 months
Okay but imagine Leon having a hispanic/latino s/o? Like him being introduced to their family at parties and having to memorize all the cousins, him falling in love with all the aspects of their culture. Also i feel like he would love gustavo cerati???? Coming from a latina (boricua y dominicana) this has me kicking my feet and giggling!! Ly 💗!! - 🐚
Hi! This is the first time someone claimed an emoji! I feel so excited, hehe.
And I just noticed I often reply to these asks with just my thoughts not knowing if any of you want a whole fic 😭 If you want one let me know ‘cause I'm dense.
Regarding Gustavo Cerati… you're so real 🐚 anon. In fact, I'm preparing a post which is basically hispanic music I think Leon would like. And let me tell you, there are A LOT OF Cerati's songs. If you guys want to share your thoughts/suggest some artists or songs you're welcome to do so. 🙏🏻
Anyway, I could definitely see Leon being overjoyed dating someone hispanic/latino.
The term itself is really broad, so I'm going to leave the details of the culture as ambiguous as I can so everyone can imagine their own.
leon kennedy x gn reader (reader speaks spanish)
Leon himself isn't someone who actually got to spend his childhood and younger years next to a family, or at least a loving one. So, when he met you, he slowly discovered your upbringing and how beautiful your culture was.
It started with little things. When you first mentioned Leon where you come from, he'd search for one thing he really enjoys—music! He fully believes art is the door to a culture, so there's nothing better than getting to know your country by its artists and songs.
He'd need to translate them, though. He barely knows how to say hello in another language. But then again, he tries his best to actually engage in your culture and show genuine interest.
While he navigates through the songs, typical dances, and festivities, the next step is obvious. As your relationship gets more serious, you'd tell him that your family wants to meet him. He isn't scared, not all. He's actually really excited at the prospect of meeting your relatives and taking such a serious step with you.
However, he is nervous about something.You had previously told him that your family was big, and while it didn't bother him, he isn't confident about his ability to remember names.
Poor boy would be the target of your family's teasing. As soon as he enters your home, some of your relatives would give him a pat on his back, seeing how nervous he is. The whole experience would be overwhelming but in a good way.
You'd introduce him to every family member. He'd say his name as best as he could (He asked you to teach him a bit of Spanish, to at least impress some of your relatives).
Very basic and broken Spanish: “Hola yo me llamo Leon, ¿Cómo estás tú?” Baby is trying his best, and everyone could see how much respect he holds for their culture and language.
He's really respectful in every aspect you could think of. When the little mingling comes to an end and hunger starts to brim in each one of your relatives, Leon would be delighted to try everything.
As soon as he starts eating, there are two outcomes. A) He really likes the food. B) He doesn't like it. For the first scenario, he'd devour the plate. Having something prepared with so much seasoning and love was something foreign to him. He'd whisper and ask you to tell your mom if he could fetch himself another serving. He's too shy for his own good.
For the latter, he'd still remain as respectful as he could. It's okay not to like certain things, and while he tries to finish his plate your family would joke about how he couldn’t handle the spice (even if it wasn't spicy in the first place.)
His favorite activity to do with your family is to see your childhood photo album. They would pull out embarrassing photos of yourself, but he'd think you look lovely. In moments like these, he gets to bond with your family even more, feeling himself blending with them and being part of a family he always longed for.
Overall, Leon would find himself falling in love with you and your culture. No matter how different it's from his own upbringing, he'd be honored to share moments getting to know everything about your country.
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lyrring · 6 months
Do you have any tips for a young artist?
okay GOOD QUESTION so I'm gonna just start typing about some things I wish I had known as a young artist and keep adding to the draft of this answer as I think of things. LOL.
Advice I'm definitely qualified to give young artists:
1) If you are primarily an artist that draws humans or humanoid characters, I need you to internalize this very important fact: There is NO race, shape, type of body, etc. that you are 'unable' to draw. Y'all it is 2023 and Twitter is a cesspool of idiots running around INSISTING that they simply "can't draw black people", "can't color dark skin", or that "black people don't fit into my style."
But you, young artist anon, YOU know better now! Go tell all your friends! Spread the good news! There is no fundamental inability to include diversity in the subjects of your art--there is only unwillingness to learn.
Because that's the thing--a lot of people who say these kinds of silly things will also say that the don't want to 'get it wrong' (I typed and deleted a whole other tangent here. lol). The important thing about approaching diversity in your art is that you are earnestly trying, respectful, and open to being corrected. Hard to go wrong that way! There are tutorials abound--research is your friend!
2) Related: encourage yourself to explore and celebrate variety as you cultivate your unique style. and DON'T SKIMP ON THE FUNDAMENTALS! DO NOT!
I'm going to talk a little bit about what it was like for me when I started "really" drawing at like. 9 or 10. (cont'd.)
I got really into drawing because some friends of mine liked to draw anime in their free time in class. I centered my early drawing life around emulating a style that was strictly anime. Drawing realism or semi-realism seemed so ugly to me! I had no interest in it.
In addition, I came away with a message that harmed my self-esteem greatly, even if I didn't know it at the time: black people don't look good in an anime style. You just can't do it!
So I never tried to. I had a narrow focus, and I was reluctant to explore outside of it. If I'm being honest with myself, I hamstrung myself pretty hard by not being open to exploring a variety of styles. I also thought that the fundamentals of art (principles of lighting, color, shape, and the human figure, etc.) were a waste of time for me to study up on. I knew what I wanted my art to look like--pretty anime pictures! Lol.
All of the above is why I don't think I actually started to get "good" at art until September of 2019, roughly a trillion years after I started to draw. I know that because of those art summary memes, lol. Here, for reference:
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tumblr compressed the image to shit, so you'll have to take my word for it, but yeah! lol.
Anyways, the point is this:
You will go through many stylistic phases in your life as an artist. This is normal, and honestly, I'd celebrate it! Be open to any number of unlikely stylistic influences. They may take your artistic sensibilities in a direction you'd never expect. All in service of developing your unique artistic voice.
If you want to be good at what you do, you will need to create a strong base of knowledge for yourself. This is what intentional study of the fundamentals does. Get that shit in your brain while you're young!!! You will be planting the seedling of your artistic prowess in much nicer soil, and future you will thank you for it.
3) Developing artistic skill is NOT A RACE! You will hear this advice a lot, but I'd like to talk about a specific nuance that I think is important.
There are a number of reasons why it would make sense for you to think that it is, in fact, a race. For instance, there are roughly a kajillion other artists in your age range. A lot of them are on social media, cultivating a following. A lot of them will be "better" than you.
Do not get attached to the idea of being a brilliant young artist. You will not be young forever. If your idea of skill is entwined with your identity as a young person, what happens as you get older? I'll tell you: You start to see more and more people who are way more talented than you, and at least five years younger, and it can really really hurt you because you have not been set up for success with the right mindset. Your pride and joy was not being a creator--it was being a young creator.
Being an artist, especially in the age of social media (jesus, i sound so old) is an emotional investment as well as a practical, skill-based one. If you do not take care of yourself emotionally, if you do not approach creating art and posting it online with the right mindset, you will destroy yourself. Worst case, you end up bitter and hating art altogether.
If you are able to remain reasonably detached from social media response in general--great! That bodes well for you. But that's a skill, like anything else, so it's much more likely that the way your art is received on social media will affect you.
If you are very young, say, in your teens, and your art is exemplary, you will probably receive a lot of comments about this! They might be astonished that you, at so young an age, are so advanced in your skill. It is GREAT to be proud of yourself for accomplishing so much at a young age, don't get me wrong. Feels nice! But just like you will be advised not to let mean comments go to your head, you need to be thoughtful about how you receive comments that praise you for your age specifically. You need to be firm in the understanding that your age is not what makes your art exceptional. Your art is exceptional because YOU made it and because YOU honed your skills!
Beyond that, stuff that you probably already know: comparison to your artistic peers can be very encouraging and motivating; conversely, it can also be stressful and lead to unfortunate emotional spirals. You know yourself best--engage with or steer clear of comparison according to your comfort. You're not on your friend's artistic journey. You're on your own one. This is a very cursory thought on the topic of comparison, but I don't think I could offer you anything you don't already know about it, y'know?
4) This one... I'm gonna try to get across a very specific point. My point is this: Know what success looks like to you, and be honest with yourself.
The definition of 'success' may evolve for you as you develop, but I don't think it's ever too early to have a frank conversation with yourself about what it means for you, specifically, to be a successful artist.
Do you want to develop the skill to draw or create a specific idea in particular? Do you want a kajillion followers on instagram? Do you want to build a portfolio that will get you into a specific creative industry? Do you want to cultivate a steady stream of commissioners? Do you just want to relax and get ideas out of your head? And any other infinite goals.
Obviously I'm saying this without placing a value judgement on anyone's definition of artistic success. This is a highly personal sort of thing.
The reason I encourage this is because it can provide additional direction to a young artist, for whom the world is an oyster. Different enduring goals will require slightly different approaches to art as a field. This goal may inform what you draw, what medium you use, your higher education & career plans, where you choose to post your art (if at all), how much effort you must invest in building a brand for yourself, the role of social media in your life as an artist, the kinds of artists you devote energy to being peers with, etc. Hope that makes sense!
Anyways, I hope this advice is helpful. I'm always happy to answer other questions related to this sort of thing. Go forth, young artiste--I believe in you!
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nonclassyparty · 9 months
man with the plan (j.wy) - prologue
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Summary: "Don't forget Pretty, I'm serving life plus one. So if I get busted for attempted escape, I'll throw in a homicide in there as well with no problem, that’s like a parking ticket to me." When your brother ends up in jail for a murder he didn't commit, the only thing left for you to do is to find a way to break him out. But after a perfect plan is set in motion, you don't expect a romantic variable to get added into the equation.
Pairing: jung wooyoung x fem. reader, jeong yunho x reader (but if u squint)
Status: coming soon (i hope)
Taglist: if you'd like to be added just reply below! c:
A/N: this is very obviously inspired by prison break ( my favorite show on planet earth), y/n will be very much inspired by michael scofield and i (unfortunately) don't own nor the show nor michael scofield. anyways! wooyoung is the love interest (surprise surprise) but the rest of atz will be present. please let me know if this is something you'd be interested in reading. if i do continue writing it, i plan for it to be written in 3 parts each consisting of 7-9 chapters!
The buzzing of the tattoo machine is the only thing interrupting the silence in the dark parlor as the needle continues prodding at the skin of your shoulder and makes you grip the chair you sit on.
It used to hurt. A lot. Now, the pain is reduced to a light sting as you suppose you've gotten used to it.
"Almost done. Just finishing touches now." Chao comforts from behind you, soft breath hitting your exposed skin as he wipes away the excess ink.
You only nod in response, never having much to say to him despite his best efforts.
"You know, you've been coming here for almost a year and barely said a word." He comments while he works. "Asking me to work after closing hours and everything, I would've expected to at least get to know you better."
You try to hold back an eye roll as you give him a bland look over your shoulder, eyes coasting over the tattoo of a dragon curling around his neck and disappearing behind his long hair.
"That's why I'm paying you almost double." Is your only response as you play with the sleeves of the button up pooling around your waist.
"So, you're telling me that after tonight, you'll just walk out of here and I'll never see you again?"
"Something like that." You murmur and he huffs behind you.
"I've never done a tattoo this big on a girl before." He continues, always keen on talking even if all he gets is quiet 'mhm's and 'ah's in response. "For a first-timer especially. Usually, it's a name of a boyfriend which they later regret or something artsy but shallow, like a butterfly or some shit."
A smirk tugs on your lips as you peek at him over your shoulder again, "Are you really trying to tell me I'm not like the other girls, right now?"
He grins and it makes his eyes crinkle at the corners. Chao was fairly attractive, handsome in that bad boy-ish type of way where you know he'll definitely put you through hell but you'd have fun with it.
It's unfortunate that you're not in the mood to think about anything like that anymore. You haven't been for the last eighteen months.
"You never even told me what the tatt was all about..." He trails off, bandaging your shoulder up and your eyes fall to the tiles below your feet. "I mean, look at all of this..."
You presume he means the tattoo starting from your lower back, curling around the shoulders and cascading down your arms, stopping at the wrists. The numbers laid over thin lines, intertwined with thicker ones, curling around letters like a snake and creating a piece that no-one can see.
No-one except for you.
It's about my brother's future, you think to yourself.
"It doesn't mean anything. Just thought it would look cool." You chuckle, sliding your hands through the sleeves of your shirt and working on buttoning yourself up, covering the tattoo from the artist who worked relentlessly to stitch it onto you. You turn to him, pulling your hair out from the collar of the shirt as you smile at him. "I guess I'm like all the other girls as well."
Chao stares at you in wonder before his eyes fall to the wad of cash you pull out from your bag and hold out to him.
"Thank you, Chao. You've done a great job."
He sighs again, "It would've been done a lot sooner if it wasn't for your constant nitpicking."
You grin at him while pulling on your jacket and slinging your bag over your shoulder. "What can I say, I'm a perfectionist."
Giving him one last wave, you disappear from the shop.
18 months ago;
The collar of your white button up feels like it's strangling you as the buzzer echoes through the stuffy room and two guards appear through the door, dragging him in and sitting him down in the chair opposite of you, making sure to cuff him to the table.
There is only glass separating you but it feels like he's miles away.
Jongho's eyes are dull when they meet your own, dark circles hanging below them and hair messy.
"Y/N..." You have to look the other way, to stop the ugly tears from falling as your heart constricts at his familiar voice.
You haven't seen him since the trial. Didn't have the courage to step anywhere near these walls.
A facility with maximum level security for the biggest scum that roamed your country and wretched chaos on innocent people, inflicted pain and sorrow, terrorized society in the worst of ways.
And now, your brother was one of them.
The person who raised you, took care of you when no-one else did, was serving a life sentence.
Finally gathering the guts to look at him, you clench your jaw and try to ignore the desperation in his eyes. The dark blue uniform engulfs him and is a deep contrast to his usually tanner skin that turned almost ghastly pale just after a week of being in there.
"Did you do it?" You whisper and Jongho looks at you like you just slapped him. His eyes water and he looks absolutely devastated but you have to know. You have to know.
"No." He answers firmly, voice cracking as he blinks away the tears, he never was much of a crier. "No. Of course not."
Of course not.
He says that like it's unimaginable for him.
It was unimaginable to you as well up until three weeks ago.
With a record of petty crimes and a bad temperament, he had a knack for getting himself into trouble that he always managed to get himself out of one way or another. Except this time.
You always knew Jongho was in some deep shit, hanging around people that were bad for him and barely being able to hold onto an honest job for more than a month. 
But that's all he was. A petty criminal with offences that never went past bar fights and getting into discourses with police officers who stop his car for going over the speed limit, not a murderer.
You can't even stop the tear that slides down your cheek as you huff at an attempt to laugh, it comes out choked.
"What about all the evidence then?" Your voice is hoarse as you speak in a hushed tone, recalling the first time you've seen the tape in court.
"I...Y/N, I don't know...All I can think is that someone set me up because I didn't do it, I swear." Jongho stresses, palms laid against the table, desperate for you to believe him. "He was my boss, for fuck's sake."
"He fired you a month before that." You harshly interrupt and he sighs, eyes falling shut as you continue to sniffle with a crumbled face, "What were you doing at his house?"
"Someone told me to go there- I-I thought he was going to give me my job back..." Jongho stutters, his own tears threatening to fall as he presses his lips together. For his lack of excuse or proper explanation, he really does look sincere.
You both sit in silence for a moment, you can almost feel the time you have with him trickling away.
That's all you'll have with him from now on. One hour per week, for the rest of his life and that's only if your time here isn't shared with Yeosang, if he ever decides to muster up the balls to see him.
You're not sure if you're willing to settle for that.
"Swear to me." You finally say, staring at him dead in the eye as his brows furrow, "Swear to me that you didn't do it."
Without a beat, "I didn't do it." Jongho responds, not breaking eye contact. You keep your gaze planted on his face, observing it for any signs of dishonesty. But you fail to find any. "Y/N, I didn't do it. I swear to you."
You stare at him for a second longer before your gaze flies behind him, there are three guards in total in the room. One behind the counter, two by the door.
Your gaze returns to Jongho, who doesn't move a muscle, still looking at you in desperation and what you can only recognize as fear.
He looks a lot younger now, like the Jongho who used to shake every time you two would be on your way to a new foster family. The Jongho that you know was scared to the bones but never wanted to show it for your sake.
You can't lose your older brother.
You throw the keys into the bowl near the front door and with a tired sigh kick off your shoes before walking further into your apartment.
The shoulder Chao just worked on ached like hell but the pain almost felt good, served as a reminder that you can't afford to be tired right now.
So without further ado, you walk into your office that when you first moved into the luxurious skyscraper overlooking Han River, was used for working from home or more like, working after you came home from work. 
Now, the office served a different purpose completely.
Your eyes sweep over the filled out wall and window, both covered in an array of information and yellow post-it notes; a product of your relentless work and research over the last eighteen months.
Your hands twitch, you don't want to get rid of it. What if you missed something? What if you made a mistake somewhere? What if something managed to sneak away unnoticed by you?
But having it here, in plain sight where anyone who walks in and is nosy enough to look can see it, can end up being more dangerous than something unforeseen happening. Heck, you already had Mrs. Kim try to enter despite it being locked a couple of times. 
You needed to lose every trace or connection to that prison and the people inside of it, with the exception of Jongho, before Monday.
Besides, what would be the point of Chao and the reason you almost paid him thirty grand? If you don't get rid of this stuff, it would almost be as if you flushed the money down the toilet.
So you grab an empty garbage bag and with a shaky sigh, start ripping down paper after paper, photo after photo and filling out the plastic bag. Article after article flashes before your eyes as the sound of papers ripping fills the room.
'Chungju Detention Center: Level 1', 'Choi Jongho Final Appeal Denied', 'Choi Jongho Convicted To Serve Life For Murder of-', 'Body of Son Changkyu found in his home-', 'Governor's Son Wins Humanitarian Award', 'Life sentence for Kim Hongjoong', 'Park Ha-ru Myth Still Alive Despite Conviction', 'Killer of VP Brother to Serve a Life Sentence at Chungju-'
Once the window is clean and the wall is bare again, only tiny holes from the tacks left as evidence that anything was ever there in the first place and with three bags worth of garbage, you stuff it into the fireplace and throw a match in right after.
You watch the key to your brother's future turn to ashes.
The buzzer makes you look up from your hands and you smile a little bit once your eyes meet Jongho's through the glass but it quickly turns to a frown once you notice the enormous bruise running down his jaw.
"Hey." He greets with a stiff smile as the guard cuffs him to the table and turns to walk away.
"What happened?" You jump to question him immediately and Jongho rolls his eyes with a low groan.
"It's not a big deal."
"They beat you up."
"Hey, maybe I was the one who was beating someone else up." He defends trying to lighten up the situation but the frown on your face doesn't budge and he sighs. "I got in a fight with one of the guys in the yard, it's not a big deal, Y/N, shit like that happens here-"
"It can't happen, Jongho. From now on, it can't happen." Now it's Jongho's turn to frown and you sigh, "You'll get thrown into solitary if it gets any worse and then I won't be able to-"
You stop yourself, eyes fleeting to the guard behind the counter. There are no wires surrounding the visitors area due to the building being so old, you would know, you made sure it was the first thing to check once you got your hands on the blueprints. But you can never be too careful.
"I won't be able to see you if you're in solitary." You say, voice gentle and Jongho's eyes soften before he gives you a nod in response.
"Alright, no fighting back, I'll just let them beat me to a pulp then I guess." He shrugs and you roll your eyes. Typical.
"You know that's not what I meant but that smartass attitude is the thing that might be getting you in trouble in the yard in the first place." You quickly retort with a glare as he huffs.
"How's your cellmate?" You ask and Jongho, as he always does when you ask about his roommate, looks confused but today, it's something else as well.
"Oh, I'm actually getting a new one." You freeze at that, blinking rapidly a couple of times.
"What do you mean?"
"They're moving Jisung to the psych ward after he tried to off himself with his bedsheet." Jongho explains like he's talking about the weather and you gape at him, wondering just what goes on in there on the daily if a man trying to kill himself isn't anything out of the ordinary.
But then again, you're not all that worried about Jisung's mental health either but more for the fact that he's gone and now somebody else will take his place.
You can already see a small tiny piece of your tattoo being considered useless now.
But you can't let that bring you down. It's just a small hitch, nothing else.
"Well, do you know who's coming to take his place?" You ask, ignoring the way Jongho eyes you.
He shakes his head in response and your leg starts bouncing in anxiety.
"No, they're moving him in after lunch."
After lunch.
So, you won't know until...
One of the biggest pieces of the plan and it will be unsure until the said plan is set in motion.
You clear your throat, leaning closer and on instinct, Jongho copies you, "Listen, I won't be able to visit for awhile."
"Why?" Jongho questions, eyes boring into yours and you let out a small breath. "Are you going somewhere?"
"No." Your eyes stray to the two guards by the door, just a couple of feet away. "I just won't be able to visit you for awhile. Maybe. I'm working on preventing that but just in case I don't come next Friday, I wanted you to know."
Jongho eyes you suspiciously before he leans closer again, nose almost touching the glass. "Y/N, what the hell are you doing?"
You bite back a smile, amused that he just knows you, and that only makes Jongho more frustrated. 
"Y/N, did you get yourself in some shit?" He hisses, looking over his shoulder to check if the guard is still by the door, "If you did, call Yeosang. He'll know what to do."
You scoff, "I'm not you to get myself in some shit. Relax, I got a new job."
"New job?" Jongho goes back to being confused, "Why can't you visit then? It's somewhere far away?"
You stare at him before nodding, "Something like that," You whisper.
"Oh, okay. I mean of course, your job is important." He nods and you feel your heart ache inside your chest at his slightly crestfallen face that he tries to cover up. "You're a structural engineer after all, they probably need you to design another fancy building, huh?"
You wish to tell him that you'll be there. You'll be closer to him than he thinks but you can't do any of that until you're properly inside those walls.
"Yeah." You nod, blinking away the tears. You clear your throat, glancing at the clock behind his head. "Hey, Jongho, remember how we used to talk to each other?"
He cocks his head in confusion.
"When we were kids, how we used to talk to each other. For example, when Soyoung was around and we didn't want her to understand." 
Jongho's eyes gain some recognition but the confusion still remains on his face. Hesitantly, he bobs his head, "Yeah."
"Good," You nod, mouth perking up, "You might want to brush up on that."
Jongho opens his mouth to say something more but you're already waving over the guard.
You lean closer to him one more time, staring at his confused face through the glass to whisper;
"See you on Monday."
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sweet-evie · 3 months
No, but think about putting SaShiSu in an Avatar: The Last Airbender AU... 🥴
Waterbender!Gojo, Waterbender Healer!Ieiri and Firebender!Geto Imagines😭 Hear me out!
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They go on adventures together, get in trouble together.
Plus, if SatoSugu friendship blossoms into romance, it's so Romeo and Juliet-coded ✨💖
I like the idea of the three of them being childhood best friends.
Imagine this takes place during peace time, and there's no war (YET), and it's just the four nations being normal.
So Satoru, Shoko, and Suguru definitely met as children during an official visit to each other's country or something.
Suguru Geto is Fire Nation nobility who knows a thing or two about manipulating body heat and more...
🔥 Listen... It's the bun istg... Because why does his hairstyle remind me of Ozai, lowkey?
🔥 He's a talented firebender, martial artist, and adept scholar.
🔥 His mom and dad are political figures and I imagine his mom is a lady-in-waiting to the Fire Lord's wife, while Suguru's father actually sits in the Fire Lord's council. The man is an admiral in the Fire Lord's navy.
🔥 Suguru would be a nerd about Wan Shi Tong's library. 🦉
🔥 Suguru would be good at war strategy. It comes from his obsession with Pai Sho.
🔥 You know, his uncle may or may not rope him into joining the Order of the White Lotus at some point in his life.
🔥 Suguru in RED Fire Nation armor~ 🥹🥴🤤
🔥 Also, if I was skilled in photoshop, I will not be above photoshopping Suguru's head on top of Ozai's body. As in, I just need that image of Suguru Geto as a Fire Lord. 😩
Shoko Ieiri is a talented and renowned waterbender for her healing prowess and knowledge in human anatomy.
💧 She is from the Northern Water Tribe, like Gojo, and was raised alongside Satoru, so they're basically siblings.
💧 Her knowledge of human anatomy is unmatched. As in, yes, there are skilled waterbending healers, but Shoko is iconic because she goes beyond practicing healing on human mannequins. Our girl does autopsies and often ponders how the human body works. She's a legit doctor, okay?
💧 She practiced healing on Satoru a lot while they were growing up too, because Satoru acquired plenty of scrapes and bruises and dislocated bones through the years. He was a rambunctious child who had way too much power in his menace-causing hands. (more on Satoru later).
💧 What Satoru lacks in healing prowess, Shoko makes up for in buckets and buckets.
💧 Shoko is a decent waterbender in combat, but she would really rather her two friends do most of the fighting.
💧 Not like Satoru or Suguru would let her on the field that much anyway. She's too valuable to risk. Shoko knows it and plays that up to her advantage A LOT.
💧 Aside from escaping the arranged marriage her parents set up for her, Shoko eagerly ran away from home with Satoru at 18 in pursuit of scholars who eagerly studied human anatomy like her.
💧 Shoko is interested in how the other nations tend to their wounded and sick when they can't find a waterbending healer.
Satoru Gojo is blessed by the spirit of the moon and the ocean.
🌊🌕 He is literally Yue 2.0, but better! Still the Honored One in any universe. 😍 The white hair and blue eyes... Need I say more?
🌊🌕 Okay, so... I'm thinking... Satoru Gojo in ATLA universe is just like his JJK counterpart. He was highly favored by the spirits from the moment he was born.
🌊🌕 His parents look like typical Northern Water Tribe people. Dark-haired. Satoru is the only one in the family who is pale and white-haired.
🌊🌕 He's a Prince, of course... Prince Satoru of the Northern Water Tribe sounds hell'a good.
🌊🌕 He grew up sheltered, he's a waterbending prodigy, and he's still a menace.
🌊🌕 Gojo is also definitely a blood-bender, but I like to think he learns that skillset later on in their adventures or something (kind'a like how Katara learned it, but with less guilt). Also, Choso definitely taught him right?
🌊🌕 Satoru does not know how to heal other people. It's one of his greatest flaws. He can heal himself just fine, but using water to seek out illness and heal it for other people? Yeah... He sucks at that... (Not different from JJK in other words, where Gojo can't output Reverse Cursed Technique to heal other people. He only knows how to use RCT on himself).
Their Adventure Backstory...
➼ At 18, Satoru starts to get antsy about seeing the world and whatnot. He's sick of the family politics and the arranged marriages about to be shoved down his throat.
➼ Shoko is in the same boat. If the arranged marriages are suffocating for a prince, it's even worse for a talented young woman of noble birth.
➼ Shoko's situation is what pushes Satoru to say "Fuck it!" and run away from home.
➼ So against their parents' wishes, these 2 reckless teenagers devise a plan to run away for a much needed world tour. Satoru's reasoning is that they won't be gone forever... He and Shoko will come back eventually.
➼ First destination in mind: the Fire Nation... to see Suguru and rope him into their grand plans, of course!
➼ Satoru and Shoko steal a ship from the Water Tribe fleet and go on their merry way. (I like to think they got there fast because Satoru was manipulating the water underneath the ship to propel them faster to where they need to go).
➼ By the time they reach the Fire Nation, word has already spread of the Northern Water Tribe's runaway Prince.
➼ Shoko thinks Satoru is being stupid, but hey, according to Satoru, "What can my parents do about it at this point?"
➼ Sure, Satoru is a highly valued individual that could fetch a high price if kidnapped by pirates (he's a Prince, after all), but he's also an insanely powerful waterbender and combatant. I'm sure he'd say something like, "I don't need my bending to win."
➼ Satoru and Shoko make it to the Fire Nation unscathed, meet up with Suguru, and convince him to come along on a grand adventure.
➼ They switch out the Water Tribe ship for something a little more discreet from Suguru's own father's fleet. (Side-eye the kiddies using their parents' resources carelessly to do whatever they want. 😆 They're nepo-babies... all 3 of them.)
➼ I like to think Suguru's parents don't mind though. His mom, in particular, thinks it's a good idea for Suguru to go out and see the world and shit.
➼ Where are they going? Satoru didn't actually know.
➼ Suguru suggests a visit to the legendary knowledge spirit's library, since he's a nerd about that, but also, Shoko wants to see if she can find anything that indulges her curiosity. So that's where they're headed first.
➼ It would be a cute idea for a coming-of-age story... where SaShiSu grow up through the experiences they've had and they realize they have responsibilities to attend to or something.
➼ Because as much as they would want to, there's no such thing as traveling the world as nomads forever. Satoru is a Prince, and Shoko and Suguru are of noble birth. They have stuff to do...
➼ OR... OR... OR.... They're 3 stupid teenagers who ran away from home right on the brink of a war happening. Like, they had no idea conflict was rising, so shit hits the fan and Suguru just receives word from his father via messenger hawk, telling him to come home because there is a war.
It's embarrassing how I'm thinking about their combat prowess + the trouble the three of them get into too...
➼ Gojo and Geto enhance each other's combat. They're so in sync.
➼ Of course, they started out pretty rough... Water vs Fire and all that.. But as they train together more and inevitably encounter situations where they had to fight their way out, they learn to work together and be so in sync.
➼ Watching them fight each other, or fight alongside one another is a treat. It's like a dance -- a perfectly choreographed movement of legs and limbs.
➼ Suguru's fire can burn hot enough to evaporate water. It burns hot enough to destroy tightly packed walls of stone. He is not a stranger to carrying out executions on the most heinous criminals in the Boiling Rock, so yes, Suguru has burned a man alive and/or electrocuted a criminal in prison in the name of justice.
➼ Satoru is the perfect support to Suguru when Suguru launches a lightning attack.
➼ At some point in their adventures, Suguru pointed out how Satoru could try sucking moisture out of plants or draw water from the air and Satoru figures it out.
➼ I like to think Shoko put the idea of bloodbending in Satoru's head. It was a hypothetical thought that led to Satoru actually trying to figure it out and eventually running into someone who does that.
➼ It all started with Shoko randomly saying, "Hey, did you know that water takes up 3/4 of the human body?" as they sat around their campfire one night.
➼ Also... something something shenanigans happen where Satoru keeps waterbending boiling water out of a pot to fling at something -- the little shit that he is.
➼ After they left the Northern Water Tribe, Satoru has become Shoko's impromptu combat waterbending teacher.
➼ Shoko always complains about it during training days because Satoru HAS NO CHILL. He's also banking on the fact that Shoko can heal herself, so he finds little use in holding back.
➼ Shoko and Satoru have definitely pulled water-based pranks on Suguru multiple times. This is gross, but.... piss-bending. Satoru did it once as a prank. 🤢🤮
➼ On a brighter note, Satoru definitely makes silly water sculptures/giant puppets in the middle of the ocean for his and his companions' begrudging entertainment. Suguru and Shoko roll their eyes at it, but honestly, it's kinda cute when a water serpent or a water squid rises out of the sea to greet their ship once in a while. Yeah, it scares the shit out of ocean wildlife and maybe nearby ships and such, but at least Satoru is having fun. 🥴😁 (the unhinged wittle baby)
➼ Shoko thinks the Moon and the Ocean Spirits regret blessing the Prince when he was born. Suguru agrees...
➼ But hey, they make each other proud in their own ways.
➼ Shoko once stalled their trip and stayed in a remote fishing town for a week to heal the sick, and Satoru and Suguru were there as her assistants. (Satoru was complaining about the poor amenities and Suguru had to remind him all over again that though he was raised in a noble household, it was his duty to protect and care for those who cannot do that for themselves).
➼ Satoru once helped mediate a political issue that was severely affecting several neighboring towns in the Earth Kingdom.
➼ Suguru cracked a criminal case that was unsolved for months in a town in the Fire Nation, and was personally responsible for delivering the serial killer to the Boiling Rock. (Satoru saw the boiling lake and definitely played around with it, much to the chagrin of Suguru and Suguru's uncle).
Side note for my peeps who are familiar with ATLA lore:
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You know how they say no prisoner has ever escaped the Boiling Rock? Suguru told Satoru and Shoko about that, and Satoru definitely bets that he could do it.
Prince Satoru argues it's only because, "None of you waterbend."
They're visitors to the high security prison, but it doesn't stop Satoru from doing dumb stuff, like sneaking out without alerting the guards.
To prove his point, Satoru did what Sokka and Zuko did to escape the Boiling Rock: Use a cooler as a boat.
So in the dead of night, Suguru, Satoru, and Shoko do it, and Satoru successfully ferries the three of them across the Boiling Lake.
Afterwards, Suguru's like, "You've proven your point, Satoru. Let's head back."
Satoru is laughing and flashing his friends that cheesy, cocky grin he's known for and brags, "'No one escapes the Boiling Rock, highest security Fire Nation prison' my ass. All you needed was a waterbender!"
Shoko rolls her eyes at her friend's antics and speaks to him in a matter-of-fact voice, "Sure, but it wouldn't make sense for waterbenders to be kept here anyways or to be stuffed in coolers as punishments. It's meant to hold a firebender, not for people from the Water Tribe... and especially not for you."
Suguru is smirking at them both, "Theoretically speaking, precautions would be in place to prevent you from bending water. So that means pumping dry air and probably suspending your hands and feet before you're given anything to drink."
Shoko was nodding. "It'll take more than getting stuffed in a cooler for you to escape actually, so this little plot proves nothing, Satoru."
They got caught regardless because they lingered on the edge of the Boiling Lake on the opposite end of the island for far too long, and a watchman saw them and alerted Suguru's uncle.
Needless to say, SaShiSu were thoroughly scolded when they made it back to the prison.
Satoru's paying for damages to one of the dismantled coolers that were used as boats.
➼ I seriously need to stop, but yo...
Somebody please write a JJK X ATLA AU for real... 🙏
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foreverdolly · 9 months
Public sex w 50’s Elvis? Like Im talking real dirty and lots of dirty talk
Aaand angry sex w Sebastian Kydd? Maybe reader accuses him of cheating w donna and they have an argument to which he fucks the idea out of her head? 🤭
elvis is definitely a vocal lover, and the idea of him being desperate in public? sign me up, baby.
elvis loves letting other people know that you are taken whilst in public. he has no qualms about public displays of affection. towards the beginning of your relationship, back when the both of you were still in high school, you were a lot more shy about the constant grabbing, kissing and groping. still, you find your face getting hot and knees going weak every time he leans in to whisper how much he wants you. he loves getting this sort of reaction out of you- adores reducing you into nothing but a sweet, blushing lil thing.
elvis loves showing you off when the two of you are in public. your parents were always so strict about the two of you going steady back when the two of you were young. your overly religious parents are terrified that you'll get pregnant out of wedlock, but if they knew half the things that he did to their precious lil' daughter behind the graceland gates. . . well, he knew they'd probably lock you up in their house and throw away the key. his mouth is filthy when the two of you have sex. he lets you know that he loves the idea of actually getting you pregnant- filling you up until he's spilling out of you. he was raised better than that though, and he has every intention of marrying you. his parents would be mortified if he didn't make an honest woman of you.
elvis knows that he's possessive when you're around other men in public settings. with him being an up and coming musician, he's invited to a good many events, which he happily drags you along to as well. it's difficult for him to be without you for hours at a time, especially when your parents let you spend weeks at a time with him at graceland (his parents being under the same roof as the two of you is a comfort to them). any time he sees a man's eyes linger on you for longer than he's comfortable with he can't help but breeze over, long and calloused fingers closing around your hip so that he can pull you into his side. "i see you've met my girl. i'm elvis presley by the way- i don't think we've met before." he's quick to introduce, lips pulled up into a perfect smile. he can't let his temper win in this sort of setting, especially with so many radio hosts, managers and big time producers in the same room.
elvis makes sure to press you against him, not caring how appalled some people might be since the two of you are still in public. he likes putting on a show for others. the two of you have been dating for years, anyway. if he wants to hold you in public like this. . . he'll be damned if someone tries to tell him 'no'. he knows most people brush off his bold behavior with you as him being a musician- an artist. everyone is drinking and merrymaking all around him, while all he can think about is getting pussy-drunk. if it was up to him he'd still be laid up in bed, making quick work of the pretty little dress you'd slipped on tonight. he presses his lips against the shell of your ear, feeling you shiver against his warm breath. "don't you have to go check your makeup or something?" he's desperate to get you to the powder room. he'll use any excuse. surely the colonel wouldn't notice if he was gone for fifteen. . . maybe twenty minutes. just long enough to get a proper taste of you.
elvis doesn't even wait for your reply before he's pulling you off in the direction of the very public bathroom. a woman who's emerging from the door nearly crashes into the two of you, her eyes flying wide open in shock. "'cuse' me, ma'am." elvis mumbles, not even bothering to make any of this look less obvious. he's already closing the door behind you before she can get a good look at the dark flush on your face. "elvis! w-what if she starts tellin' people that i'm some sorta floozy!" you're whisper-yelling, giving his chest a small smack. "this isn't the first time we've done somethin' like this, honey." he tries to assure you. it's too late to stop him now, he's already kissing down your neck, pushing your skirt up with hurried hands. he practically groans when he feels your stockings, giving the straps of the garter belt you have fastened a small tug with his pointer fingers. your teeth bite hard into your lower lip as the elastic slaps against the sensitive skin of your thighs.
elvis, if he was being honest with himself, is a bit of an exhibitionist. he can hear the chatter from the public just outside the door. he knows there will probably be a long line of women waiting to use the washroom by the time he's done, but he doesn't mind. they can wait. if it was up to the ivory haired man then he'd be taking you anywhere. . . anytime. "i'm fixin' to burst, baby. please." he knows he's playing dirty. you always give in when he begs like this. his blue eyes are locked on your pretty lil features, long eyelashes fluttering as he searches your eyes. his mouth waters when you finally lean back against the sink, spreading your legs for him. he moves your panties to the side, loving the idea of being able to see your slick later tonight when he removes them. there's something earth shatteringly hot about the idea of seeing the mess that the two of you make. he'll be more careful about using protection the next time the two of you have sex. for now, the idea of you walking around and talking to the stuck up squares at this party with panties soaked with the two of you is far too appealing.
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ratnukegenius · 12 days
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[ ID: a meet the artist drawing formatted like a pink visual novel user interface. in the top left corner is a clock with the date on it, may 25th, and an inventory underneath with a phone, wallet, 3DS, sketchbook, pencil case, notebook, and a lighter. to the right of the clock is another bar with icons representing various original projects. at the bottom of the drawing is a text box with a label reading 'beckett' in all caps, with a second box next to it, reading '24 + he/him'. in the text box itself, beckett is saying, 'hey. is it cool if i make some meet the artist post really quick?'. to the right of the box is another box labelled 'preferences', which is a bullet point list reading 'women, FPS games, horror movies'. above the preferences box is a smaller box, labelled 'stats', with six numbers inside the box, laid over icons representing which stat the numbers correlate to. above the stats box, overlapping with the label, is a flower-shaped icon with the number 1 inside. the artist himself has neck-length curly brown hair with a couple of grays, light tan skin, freckles, light facial hair, and dark brown eyes. he's wearing a dark blue jacket over a baggy gray shirt, gray basketball shorts with yellow stripes on the sides, and glasses. he's winking and sticking his tongue out at the viewer. end ID. ]
i did it 🎉 with about 3 hours left on the clock before midnight too...! my meet the artist for age 24, finally. i'd say my life's definitely changed a lot since i made the last one, a mixed bag of better in some ways and worse in others - but it's still definitely a life i'm happy to be having, no matter how much of a pain in the ass things can get. i've moved to a bigger city with my wife and three cats, i've transitioned so much more than i had last time i drew one of these things (though hopefully the next time i draw one i'll actually be on T properly...), and i'd like to think i've learned a lot and grown from the ways things have changed for me. i've got good friends to play TTRPGs and video games with, and frankly that's truly all a guy could ever ask for. 💖 on the up & up!
hopefully next year's isn't so last second so i can think it out better. anyways. back to playing fallout new vegas. see you later.
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cinnamonest · 13 days
I know nothing about Persona let alone Goro Akechi but after reading the bsf and yan profile post I want to give this man a hug (and my tits). His story seems so sad ;-; and he's so pretty and for what?? 💢
Honestly, as much as I enjoy genshin I never truly found it to have any meaningful or extremely well written characters (which is not a bad thing, I just can't take them seriously when they all look like that lmao). All credit to making me think twice about them goes to writers and artists in the fandom. So the change in content feels soooooo nice. Made me appreciate your writing in another way
I've heard about Persona a LOT for years, but I didn't have a huge drive to play it until your liveposting (p.s I love the LP so much) and especially the posts with that one insane policeman guy who is a loser (affectionate, also giving him my pussy). Any recs? 😅
HE IS MY BABY BOY you're so right he is so pretty 😖😖😖 Akechi is genuinely an excellently written character, and Persona 5 Royal is one of the few games I think fully deserves to be so hyped as it is.
Tbh I think the problem genshin and similar games has is that there's so many characters, you have to essentially go out of your way to dig into lore to get anything beyond surface level from them. This happens a lot in series with lots of characters — like with Danganronpa for example, your experience of a lot of characters completely changes upon playing their free time events. A lot of genshin characters get very little screen time on the main story, so all their characterization is in their quests, lines, and character profile content. Which to be fair, with a game of this nature that's kinda the only way to really do it, so, I'm just glad they give us that extra content tbh. I've played some gachas that would introduce new characters but give very little beyond a design and name which is kinda sad when you want to know more about the lil guy you're playing with.
But AAAAAAAAAAAAAA thank you so much anon I am going to ramble here, but I'll put a tl;dr at the bottom!
Soooo if you want to get into Persona, I'd recommend the series in a certain order with some notes. There's 5 main entries in the series and a lot of spinoffs.
A word of advice in general with marathoning a game series: with any series it's a good idea to play in order of chronological and thus technological progression, especially if you intend to play the series back to back, otherwise going from a more recent game to an older one can damper your experience due to the decrease in graphical quality, gameplay smoothness, and general content quantity.
However for this series, the ideal order to play really depends on the factors of 1) which version of Persona 3 you choose to play, and 2) if you want to play Persona 1 & 2.
Regarding Persona 1 and 2: These are some of those games where your enjoyment will strongly depend on whether or not you're a person who is okay with some of the frustrations, limitations and slowness/jankiness common to old games (they came out between 1996-1999). I know some people don't mind or see it as a sort of vintage charm, while others get very frustrated with that — if you're the latter, I'd recommend saving yourself the frustration and skipping them, but if you like old games or have a high tolerance for jankiness, you could start here. I will also say that, even amongst the vintage/90s games fan crowd, P2 is definitely more popular and considered better than P1. It's also much better on the aforementioned issues.
Also, unless you have an original PlayStation or PSP, you'll have to emulate these.
Regarding Persona 3: there's several versions — the original came out in like 2006, then there was a remake version called P3 FES which added an epilogue (which is being added to the recent remake soon anyway), then a PSP remake called Persona 3 Portable (which has ports on modern consoles), then the most recent remake, Persona 3 Reload, came out just a few months ago in 2024.
Obviously the newest remake has vastly improved graphics and added lots of gameplay content. However, one of the biggest differences is that P3 Portable had the option to play as a female protagonist — this altered a lot of aspects of the game and is exclusive to that version (which has disappointed a lot of people hoping she'd be in the 2024 remake), so you can't play as her if you play Reload (unless, I believe, you play PC, there's a volunteer team currently making a mod for her).
Personally, I bought P3 Reload, and couldn't get into it, so I dropped it. Then I bought P3P on a whim and LOVE it so far. Getting to play as the girl protagonist makes a massive difference in my opinion, and more than compensates for the older graphics/gameplay. It's not just the romance routes either, her dialogue options, interactions, music, and overall vibe is different enough that it changes the feel of the story.
It really depends on what you value more — 2024-tier visual quality/gameplay and the epilogue, versus the Female Protagonist experience, so just pick which you prefer.
For the order thing, if you choose to play P3P (or the original/FES for whatever reason), I'd start here, but if you want to play Reload, I'd play it either last or just before P5 Royal.
Moving on, Persona 4: Golden and Persona 5: Royal are both the definitive editions of their respective games. They're remakes of the originals with a lot of added content, and unlike Persona 3, there's no reason to play the older versions over these. Notably their themes/vibes are kinda opposite of each other (big city world-scale societal rebellion versus small rural town murder mystery), I wouldn't say either story is better or worse, they're not really comparable and more a matter of personal taste.
As for the stories, admittedly if you've read my posts, you've essentially already been spoiled on the identity of the killers, but honestly it's still worth experiencing the story, there's multiple big plot twists before and after the reveals regarding Akechi/Adachi.
I would play Persona 5 Royal last, largely because it's widely considered the best entry to the series and is by far the longest. However if you only intend to play one game, it should definitely be P5 Royal. The only real flaw to P5 is it's much easier than previous games.
From here, there's a few more spinoff games, whether or not you want to play them really just depends on if you enjoy the genre. There's a bit of lore in some of them but nothing critical.
Dancing All Night/Starlight/Moonlight - dancing rhythm games
Arena Ultimax - fighting game, acts as an epilogue to P3&4
Persona Q 1&2
These are Nintendo DS spinoffs with chibi style art. I haven't played these and admittedly don't know much about them, I think they're dungeon crawler genre? It's popular for the aspect of which it involves the characters of the different main games, so you get to see them interact with each other.
The downside is that these games are oddly expensive, I think because there weren't too many copies. I intend to get them eventually.
Persona 5 Tactica/Strikers:
These are P5 spinoffs that put the cast in alternate stories, strikers is the closest to a true sequel from my understanding, tactica is more of a dungeon-crawler. I didn't get them because Akechi isn't in strikers and is just minor dlc for tactica.
The Phantom X
This is upcoming I believe, it's going to be a mobile game with a new cast.
The TL;DR of my advice:
- Play P2 only if you're into vintage gaming
- Play P1 only if you're REALLY into vintage gaming
- Play Persona 3 Portable if you really value the female protagonist/male character romance experience, otherwise play Persona 3 Reload
- If you play the original Persona 3, FES, or P3 Portable: start with that, then P4 Golden, then P5 Royal
- If you play Persona 3 Reload: play P4 Golden FIRST, then both P5 Royal and P3 Reload in either order.
- Play the spinoffs just based on what type of games you like, if any.
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spookberry · 1 month
Watching your work recently has been so inspiring. I had a rough few semesters of art school, and while I enjoyed the classes, I was mildly disillusioned by an insistence on what felt like "meaningful" art...
A lot can be meaningful! After being online a bit more, around artists like you who clearly love what you're doing and make art you're passionate about, it kinda made me realize that I'm free! I can make what I want, whatever it is! Art that has historically and occasionally been deemed lesser (e.g. fanart) is not actually so, and art can mean a lot even if it isn't in fancy galleries or art books.
Anyway, what I mean to say is: you're inspiring, and talented. I really love your art for what it is and what it represents to me. I love seeing what you make, and it helps bolster me to make my own art as wild as I want!
This is one of the sweetest asks I've ever gotten and it's really made my, like, year lol.
This is the reason I post fanart!! Other artists represented the same for me when I was younger and it made want to participate and join in and I'm glad I did! I've met some cool people and I've had really interesting conversations and experiences via fandom... even if I can be a bit of a lurker at times haha.
Art School's rough, I definitely have felt similarly. A big problem is that a lot of professors tend to be hyperfocused on their own field and what makes art meaningful To Them. (the amount of times I've walked out of a class grumbling cuz a LA prof only wanted to talk about white box gallery work and didn't even know we HAD an animation department...) Which isn't always bad if you gel with the right ones, but other times it can definitely put a dampener on your work. A good way to look at art sometimes I think is that what's "meaningful" about it can be the smallest stupidest reason ever. And you just gotta stand by that, even if other people think it's lame. Sometimes the meaning was in making it, or getting to share it, sometimes the meaning is drawing your favorite blorbo in a white void because it gave you an outlet and makes you happy. That's meaningful, you just gotta know how to argue for that meaning sometimes. (profs LOVE a good bullshitter)
Turning in things for a grade rather than because you enjoy it is never going to be the best format for art regardless of what kind of art you're making. I've found the more I stuck it out the more things I actually enjoyed became available to me and now I'm kinda (not fully tho, im SO glad to be graduating fyi) regretting all the classes I never got the chance to take. You just gotta take it one day at a time and remember that art school should be there as a place to practice and better both your work and your own understanding of the work you make which can feel tedious and unnecessary at times but its worth it in the end(in my experience).
In the end you're the one paying for it and if you're not getting what you want out of it, it's best to look for other avenues, I did! I'm not graduating from the college I started at and I'm honestly really thankful for that.
Anyways, sorry for rambling lol, and thank you for you kind words. I wish you the best anon, you hang in there!
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kira-fluff · 2 years
a/n: this one is for @jades-bullshit per request <3 i had a lot of fun writing this so feel free to submit another request for any of the fandoms i write for! it makes my day**luke is strictly platonic
reacting to you singing an inappropriate song innocently - obey me! dateables x reader
diavolo "Chest to chest, tongue on neck (neck) International oral sex"
lets out a surprised laugh
"wow y/n, i didn't know you liked listening to this sort of stuff"
thinks it's funny the way you're humming it with the purest smile on your face
kinda makes him wanna devour you whole
he's very intrigued by the music of your world
he'll ask you more about the artist and if there are other songs that are this... blatantly sexual
can't help the big grin he has on his face
he loves you more everyday
and you're just so interesting
"humans are just so...intriguing!" *laughs*
barbatos "Anyway, every day I'm tryna get to it Got her saved in my phone under 'Big Booty'"
raises an eyebrow quizzically
"is this what they call..'horny on main?'"
will lowkey shames you even tho he knows you don't mean it like that
pulls at the collar of his suit
is it getting a little hot in here?
finds his face flushing
wringing his hands
you're so unpredictable
he'd spend all day trying to figure you out
to him, you're an enigma.
"you're something else, that's for sure. you always manage to surprise me."
simeon "Been around the world, don't speak the language (uh-huh) But your booty don't need explaining (uh-huh)"
humans can be so vulgar!
it's been a few centuries since he's heard a song like this
covers luke's ears, it must be done
eyes are so wide
concerned about you honestly
but after he sees your carefree expression
he can't help but just shake his head
you're still as innocent as you were the day you came to devildom
you're so precious awe
but definitely not as pure as you look lol
"it's been awhile since you've done something that wasn't very...angelic.. i guess i can let it slide."
solomon "Her pussy so good I bought her a pet Anyway, every day I'm tryna get to it"
it's been a few years since he's heard a song like this
not that he hasn't had his fair share of experiences
you're a little strange, the way you innocently smile and sing along to the dirty song
but he likes you like that
and he's a little weird too
the longer he looks at you, the more he finds himself avoiding your eye contact
when your eyes accidentally meet your staring, he quickly looks away
stutters his way through an excuse
"a-uhm... it's nothing.."
luke (platonic) "Dos Cadenas, close to genius Sold out arenas, you can suck my--"
simeon covered his ears
what was the next line? why did he suddenly cover his ears?
whatever, the entire song was so...sinful!
he wouldn't be surprised if mammon wrote the song since he's such a gross, dirty demon
lets out a GASP at the others facial expressions
doesn't understand all the innuendos tbh lol
don't do this to him he is bABY
suggests some songs that michael sang instead <3
"you don't want to listen to that demonic stuff! i have some much better songs to recommend you, but it's not like i care or anything!"
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maxwellatoms · 9 months
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Congratulations, one of your characters made a cameo appearance in my midlife crisis!
This takes a little time to explain, but on the art web site FurAffinity, living users are represented with a tilde, while living impaired users get an infinity symbol in front of their names. I was at a low point in my life when I drew this, and thought about what would happen when the Grim Reaper eventually closed the loop.
Anyway. This was supposed to be for questions, so I'll ask one. The career of an animator seems to be nomadic... they'll spend some time developing a series for Cartoon Network, then move to Disney, then migrate to Nickelodeon, only to return where they started (cough cough CH Greenblatt cough).
Any reason, or reasons, why this happens? Honestly, I have a difficult time understanding why anyone would go to Nickelodeon to start a show, given the way so many artists have been treated by the network in the past. Do all the networks act like this?
Just curious. Thanks for your time, and for the years of entertainment.
You guys look great together, but no loop closings please!
Gotta bilde the tilde, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, yeah... Animators all know that Other Studios have Other Problems. It's not at all uncommon to hear someone say, "I'm about ready for new problems".
I spent most of my career (until the wonders of the recent mega-merger) at WB, so I've really only known WB problems (with a light sprinkling of Disney Troubles). I've asked friends like C.H. Greenblatt and Jessica Borutski about the long-haul at Nick, so I have a basic idea what the culture is like. But if I land at Nick in five years, it could be a completely different set of circumstances and maybe even a completely different set of employers.
I know maybe three studio execs with solid careers who've spent the majority of their time at one studio. Most of the time, the low level executive track is even more of a meat grinder than the creative track. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that the middle-management meat grinder is the cause of the creative meat grinder.
The job of an executive is to make impressive decisions that dazzle their superiors and shareholders. If you've just been hired to replace someone and have inherited a stack of 32 animation bibles in various stages of development with assorted creators, are you really going to just continue going through that pile? I mean, you're replacing someone for a reason, right? So probably better just to toss that whole pile of animation bibles in the trash and start again. Because you're going to look like an idiot if even a single one of those fails. And if it succeeds, it just makes your predecessor look smart, which steals some of your shine. So you axe those creators and all of their support goes away and the cycle begins anew.
During my career, these executive turnovers (and the following creative turnovers) happen about every four or five years. With a little luck, it takes (in my experience) about two years to get a show through development to pilot, and then another year to decide if it's going to be a series. In short, there is precious little time where a creator/EP can interface with and rely on a competent executive to champion them. If you don't have that, you're not going anywhere.
I'm not sure how anything gets made. From the inside, development is always trickle-down sweaty desperation. I guess somehow, every now and then, a neurodivergent 23 year old slips through the cracks and makes a kid's show about The Grim Reaper. It could all be luck.
There are definitely execs who love animation and have made it their life's work. But there are also people who just got into the business as, say, a personal assistant and hasn't watched an animated cartoon since they were six, but suddenly find themselves in control of many millions of dollars worth of IP. There are execs who think of entertainment only as a commodity and who literally don't understand why creatives feel so passionate about "just cartoons" but will remind you "how lucky you are to work in entertainment" if you ask for a raise.
In short, the problems are usually management related. And those problems are mostly the same across studios, with the occasional Infamous Despot you want to avoid at all costs. The good news is that said Despot probably won't last five years.
There are perks at the different studios too. Proximity to decent food. Occasional amusement park passes. Friday morning bagels. The sort of stuff that hopefully nobody is taking a job specifically for.
At the end of the day, there are three or four big studios we can work for. There are also a smattering of smaller indie studios which... make content for those three or four other studios anyway.
The long and short of it is that there's just not a lot of choice where we can work or who we work for. We definitely talk to each other and the studio culture does weigh heavily when you're deciding where to go. Assuming you have the luxury of choice. It all kind of sucks, and it all kind of sucks in the same way. But sometimes you get bagels.
Stay Frisky!
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opiumkitten · 6 months
A Special Delivery
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It is Christmas Eve, and there's no better way than to bring in Christmas than with the Boss himself. Sett is one of my favorite characters and I'd just been complaining about not having a Santa Settrigh when the Winterblessed line refreshed, this amazing artist created this masterpiece (which i own no rights to, but this man is truly amazing) and he wasn't included. Whether it's due to lore that he remains a Chinese New Year Skin or not, I'd prefer to sit on his lap more than Gragas or Braum...
There isn't much Sett smut, and I aim to change that little by little.
Anyway. Enjoy this Modern Delivery Man AU with our favorite Honey Badger/Wolverine!
The Collection
Word Count: 2760
*Note: My works are written from the eyes of POC. There will be descriptions as such in my works. If that makes you uncomfortable, please replace the words in your head ok?) Also I'm thinking of maybe adding a part 2 where they explore further? I'll let you know.*
Warning: Smut, Oral: Sett Receiving, Ass Eating (Reader Receiving, Yeah. I went there.)(There's more surprises...but you'll just have to read and find out.)
Shuffling down the stairs, I hurriedly tied the robe around me as I tried to focus-
“Hey, packages for Y/FN Y/LN?”
“Y-yes, that me..” Sighing through the-
“Ok, let me just pull up the signature page.” Silence filled the doorway…or…actually there was a…buzz..?
Drumming her fingers on the door seemed to drown it out, her chest leaning against the frame. Her eyes seemed a bit lazy-
“Settrigh, is it?” She was looking at his name tag, biting her lip as she took in just how big he was.
Not that she had any other choice, everyone was tiny in comparison to him.
The smell of hot cocoa wafted through, making him shiver. This was his last delivery of the night. It’d been freezing all day, what’d he do to have some.
“Yeah, um…?”
“Your nose is really red…” Peaking down at her, her robe fell from her shoulder, catching on the swell of her breast…a peak of her areola showing-
“And your face seems windswept…are you ok?”
“Just…really cold out today. This uh…a gift for your boyfriend?”
Chuckling, he handed her the device-
Her hands were shaky, her dominant hand clenching the E-pen to steady her grip.
“No…best friend…we spoil each other.” She stopped signing, closing her eyes as she breathed deep.
“You ok?”
“I’ll take these inside for you.”
“No, its ok I can-“
“-Ma’am, let me help. My ma would give me hell if she’d knew I let a pretty woman lift something like this on her own.”
The compliment had her biting her lip and scissoring her thighs together.
Which far exceeded what's he'd expected.
Though.. she already looked flustered-…?
The buzzing came back. Low and a bit closer as he got his hands around the box-
Pulling open the door she pressed behind it as she pulled the robe down while shivering.
The chocolate smell was much stronger, making him hum as he came in.
“Where do you want me?” Y/n's eyes became hooded, but she hid her reaction as she pointed to the elegantly decorated tree. Sett did as told-
The clatter of the pen hitting the ground brought his head around.
And he finally found out what the buzzing was.
A light…in the center of her ass as she bent over illuminated the robe…and droplets of arousal peaked from under the lapel. So…this is why she was so shaky, hm?
“You a holiday kinda girl?”
“…sort of…” Getting to her knees, the cheeky reply was an understatement as the red and green tinkled proudly, her round ass on display as she reached under the shoe rack.
“It looks great in here. This was my last one for the day, was thinking about getting a hot chocolate on the way home, and you definitely convinced me now.” She chuckled anxiously, collecting the pen as she stood slowly while he walked pass.
Collecting the second box, she bit her lip as he set it down, flicking the ornament-
A sharp breath brought his head around, her nervous smile as she tried slowing down her breathing.
“Thank you, Settrigh.”
“Sett is fine. I’ll be on this route permanently now, so you'll see me more often, Ms. Y/N.”
“You didn't have to bring these in. As thank you and a welcome…can I interest you in a cup of hot chocolate?”
Sett raised an eyebrow, he was sure of what he saw.
Could she really hold her bluff-
Panting, she leaned against the sofa.
“You sure? You don’t seem to be feeling well…”
“I-I’m ok…just need to do something before i-“
Sett didn’t finish the sentence however, watching her claw at the arm.
“-Make it.”
“…Then let me go lock up the truck.”
“You can wait in here. I’ll be back down.”
He didn’t raise suspicion about it, going a bit slower to lock up everything before closing the door behind him and taking off his shoes. As he settled onto the couch, the coziness of the place sunk into his bones, knocking off the chill-
A muffled airy moan peaked through the quiet drone of the house before silence was heard again.
Sett couldn’t help but laugh, taking out his phone as he clocked in his hour break before ending the day.
When she finally came back down, she seemed a bit better, leaning against the threshold to the kitchen as she crossed her arms.
He looked so good, draped across her couch like that.
“Yeah, thank you again for this.”
“Of course, how do you want it?” Sett took a moment, watching her hips sway as she disappeared into the kitchen.
“Creamy. With milk. If you don’t mind.”
Hearing her rummage through, he waited before-
Peaking around the corner she held up vanilla almond milk.
“Do you mind?”
“No, I prefer that one. It’s what I use anyway."
Smiling, she went back in.
“In that case, do you like peppermint?”
“You reading my mind or something?”
“Califia has a peppermint mocha almond creamer. I'll need you to show me how much you want, though.”
He watched her set things up, turning on the stove before his footfalls met her ears, bringing her glance towards him as she reached for the cabinet-
“Can you pick your mug? They’re in there.”
Grabbing a large mug with cat ears, she put in the powder before making a divot.
“I usually do half milk, half creamer…”
Watching her pour in the half cup, she looked to him as she picked up the creamer.
“Show me?”
Grabbing her hands, he got in close. The crisp outdoorsy scent filled her nose, the slight smell of his pheromones a pleasant aroma she welcomed.
Y/n didn’t pull away as he poured in the liquid, and then a bit extra-
Her robe slipped from her shoulder, revealing her caramel skin.
The smell of jasmine danced through the blooming chocolate aroma.
“That should do it.” A faint hum answered him, her weight shifting back as he rested his chin on her head. In the quiet droning, their heartbeats drummed loudly before she picked up a spoon.
The soft scrape and tacking only made him realize just how close he was. His hand had found purchase on her hip, the other on the counter as he thumbed over her belt.
His first day on his new route, and he was getting cozy with one of the residents.
But what could he do?
She was so cute.
And she wanted him too.
He could tell by the fact that she’d pressed into him more, the round of her ass plush against him-
Taking the measuring cup, she put a bit of the warm milk in the powder before stirring, making sure it dissolved without making air pockets before repeating the process-
Her vigorous stirring brought Sett’s attention south, her ass jiggling as the robe slowly shifted.
By the time she finished, the beautiful umber of her nipple was teasing him again.
“There." Sett leaned into her neck, breathing deep as he tried to calm himself. Only, his senses were intoxicated by her lovely scent, making him crank down on her waist.
“Smells good. Thank you.” She didn’t move till he did, turning around as she rested against the counter. Watching as he took a sip, warmth greeted her as he smiled.
“It’s so smooth.”
“When you slowly add the milk and stir it quickly, it ends up like that. It’s the only way I make it.”
“You spoil all your delivery drivers like this?”
“You hug all you residents like this?”
Sett laughed as she made her way to the living room, fixing her rob as she smirked over her shoulder. Following after her, he to res in his previous position as she put down a coaster, placing the cup on top as she tucked her knees under.
“No, actually. You’re the first one I’ve ever taken up on being invited in.”
“Hm? That wasn’t what I asked you though.” Stretching her leg, Sett allowed Y/n into his lap, rubbing her calf as she leaned on her hand.
“I asked if you’d ‘hugged’ anyone else…” Smirking, he took his time sipping from the mug.
“If the answer is no, will you let me hug you?”
“I find it hard a guy like you hasn’t.”
“Why? Think that just cause I’m handsome I take every invitation for a bit of warmth?”
“You telling me I’m the first one you just couldn’t turn down?”
Taking another drink, he hummed as the chocolate settled just right.
“You got a lot of questions for someone who answered the door with a buttplug inside them." Sett caught Y/n’s leg before she could pull away.
“Let alone have a full conversation while it’s going…and even inviting me in while you finish. It’s not as quiet as you think.”
Pressing into her calf, he pulled her a bit closer, getting a good look at the flustered look on her face.
“Plus, with the lightshow it was giving off? I’d say you were planning this-“
“-I wasn’t…but you’d caught me at a bad time…and I didn’t want to wrestle with it and risk missing you.” She didn't meet his gaze as she chewed on her lip, his hand flitting higher as he gripped her knee.
“Getting redelivers around this time of year is a hassle.”
“So, do you spoil all your delivery drivers like this?” Rubbing at her thigh, he felt her jolt-
Her eyes finally met his, glazed over with curiosity and desire.
“No…but it’s the holidays, right? If a gift like you shows up, why wouldn’t I want to unwrap it?”
Thoughts of her climbing into his lap as she undid his shirt flitted through his mind. She’d be so tiny, her hands trying to work him inside as she straddled him.
She’d probably feel like heaven, warm, wet and so fucking tight around him-
“As good as that sounds, I’ve been working all day and-“
“-I know we just met…but you don’t…I like your scent. So let me decide if I want this or not.”
Of course…she did want it.
But he didn’t think she’d want this.
Growling out a sigh, his head fell back as a loud slurp rang through his ears. Her tongue wrapped around him as she suckled harder-
The groan he was holding in was forced up his throat as the plush underside of her tongue slowly massaged his head. Her robe was just didn't want to do it's job today, her full breasts peaking at him as those pretty eyes met his.
The wet chirapsia of her grip slowly eased the stress of his day up his shaft as she moaned over his length. One of her hands disappeared-
The dull drumbeat was heard again before her moans became awry, her hand slowly matching the rhythm of her mouth.
“Y/N…you didn’t…oh fuck…” As she swallowed around him, he sucked in a breath-
Her moaning pitched higher, her thrusts going deeper.
“Shit…I’m gonna cum-!” Gripping her hair hard, he tried pulling her off- her throat was so warm and tight as she drank him down, her tongue still snaked around him.
His husky whimper only egged her on, her eyes pleading as she pushed on his hand in her hair…
Begging him to push harder.
Sett tried to be gentle, but the pressure was not helping as she went faster, he went deeper, rougher till his hips started-
“Y/N-! Fuck!”
Her erratic moans were cut off as he thrusted hard into her throat, every inch of him being devoured by her plush lips.
Y/N milked every drop and moan from him as she swallowed around his length, her hand wringing him dry before lightly squeezing his heavy sac-
Slowly easing off, she suckled hard at his head, her shallow thrusts making his tense body tremble as his broad chest struggled to breathe.
“Y/N-! I already-!” The loud pop of release made him moan loud, kitten licks catching on his sensitive spots before she laid on his thigh, marveling at his manhood as she held it.
“Finished already? For someone so big I expected you to take a bit longer to cum. But you’re so sensitive, Settrigh.”
“Just had a long day at work…is all.” A happy little coo met her-…but Sett wasn’t going soft.
At all.
“Are you satisfied…?” Sett finally caught her gaze as she slowly became flustered again.
“Oh? You scared now?”
“No…” The lie made him smirk as Y/N pried her paws off of him, the thick slap on his abs only making her more anxious.
His phone went off, signaling his 15 minute warning as he silenced it.
“Don’t worry. I don’t have enough time to get you used to it. So do me a favor and get up here.”
He didn’t wait for her to reply as he pulled her up, kissing her before resting her on the arm of the couch as he pushed her ass in the air.
“I’m sorry I have to rush, Doll, but I got about 15 minutes to make you cum. So be good and don’t hold back, ok?”
He was raised to be a gentleman, and he never left a woman unsatisfied.
So undoing the robe quickly,  he lifted the lapel as he kissed her thighs, licking over her spilled arousal as he hummed.
“You taste so good. Fuck…” Kissing her clit, he sucked hard at the nub, making her jolt as she grabbed a fist full of his hair.
“I’d love to eat you out. But I just had that cocoa. And my hands are dirty. So I’ll be eating this instead…”
Pressing the plug in further, he pulled at it slowly, her taught hole unwavering as she bit down to keep it inside.
“Your ass is so fucking needy. Come on pretty girl. Let it go so I can put my tongue inside-“ The pop as she finally released it made her moan hard, Sett marveling at the length and girth-
“Y/N, I’m so fucking happy you answered the door with this in.” Truly, he never enjoyed work as much as he did today. He took a moment to take in the pretty hues of her asshole, the beautiful contrast of the pink and sepia as he massaged her soft ass made him hum with excitement.
Diving in deeper, he hugged her thighs closer as he pulled her up into him, making Y/N pull him in by his hair as she tried to steady herself.
His tongue was thick and long as he dove into her, the wet muscle undulating inside before he pulled out and spread her wider.
This was definitely moving up on the list of best Christmas' too.
Her hips moved on their own, Sett following as he allowed her to use his face anyway she saw fit. Her ass bounced and cut off his air, his hot pants tickling her flower-
Smacking her ass with both hands, he gripped her open before tongue fucking her hard and fast, making her still as she clawed at the couch.
Thanks to the toy, she was already close. And Sett being so good and hungry for her she was-
“Gonna-please-!” Just as quickly as the words left her, she tightened down on his tongue as she came. Keeping his tongue deep, he rode her through till she couldn't take it anymore-
He didn’t stop, rubbing his face in her warm slick. He knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t waste his reward.
Especially when she tasted so fucking good.
Y/N allowed him to lick up every drop, even as her sensitive spots fluttered for reprieve and the tingle of the mint started tickling her till his kissed over his handprints, the reddening marks still stinging as he worshipped her.
“And you say I come quick?” He watched as her pretty holes winked happily at him.
He wanted to fill them so fucking badly.
“You…had a head start…” Ragged breaths left her as she tried to steady herself.
“Hmmm…how about next time we see who can do it faster?”
The alarm blared loudly, making him tisk as his fun ended. He had to return the truck before ending the day, and that meant he had to get in gear.
“Next time?”
“I don’t have work on the weekends. I’ll drop off more than head then. Deal?” Y/N smiled at he kissed her asshole, making her bite her lip as she looked back at him.
“Only if it comes with this special delivery.”
“For you? This is just the basics. I got something that'll keep on giving for naughty girls like you.”
2023 Copywritten and Owned by @opiumkitten
Do not claim or repost anywhere. If you see any works on any other site claimed by anyone else but @opiumkitten please report it to me and report it to the site. Thank you
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micia-posts-stuff · 8 months
The absolute double standard of saying Damian is more mature and doesn’t need to be change aged up when we have writers have him still treating Anya like if he was an 6 year old with a crush, lashing out at her and sometimes insulting her and treating her even worse, and it is worse because he should know better by then. Not to mention have him be openly ashamed of his feelings for her and have Anya still fall for a immature manchild like this, because it’s okay is not what he really thinks anyway :/
Alright, since I'm receiving a lot of asks on this subject, I want to preface this by saying that I haven't read a lot of Damianya fan fiction. The reason why in my previous asks I always go back to the manga is because I don't have that much experience in Damianya fan fictions and I don't want to seem like I have more knowledge on the subject than I actually do 😅
Also also for how many pet peeves you, me or anyone else might have it's important to remember that authors and artists do this for free and under no obligation, so I try to keep a "if you don't like it, don't read it" kinda vibe, or read it anyway if you want to explore a different interpretation, but keep in mind that it's ok if it doesn't align with what you have in mind. This is to say that I'm trying to answer these by just speculating my personal interpretation of Damian and Anya and their future, not to police anybody.
With that being said, from what I've seen a lot of aged up Damian and Anya are still teens, so I think it's ok if he's still embarrassed of his crush, because teens are awkward, so Damian has the right to be an awkward teen. Even if they're already adults a bit of "I can't believe I fell in love with you" can be funny, it's the classic "you're an idiot" "Yes but I'm YOUR idiot" situation. The same way I said I think Anya would still have a bit of childhood wonder I also think Damian might keep some tsundere-tendencies. I do agree that I'd like to see Damian stop lashing out to Anya and definitely not treating her worse, especially because I think he's already making progress in the manga, apologizing and dropping the act when other people aren't around, he still has work to do, but he's getting better. Tho I also think a bit of playful bickering is funny. It's even a recurring gag in the manga that their bickering is seen as normal, with the other kids, including Becky, Ewen and Emile, leaving them to go to class. Also when Damian thinks he has crossed the line in any way (even when he didn't mean it and it genuinely wasn't his fault, like when Anya told him she got a dog) he immediately apologies and tries to cheer her up. Like the way this kid cannot stand Anya being upset and crying is honestly so cute and funny, one of my favorite things about their dynamic. So in conclusion I think they would still bicker a bit, but never to be hurtful, because Damian can't really stand making her actually upset. But also, if a fic or a comic wants to explore a moment when one of them said something wrong that's also fine, because sometimes people say stuff they don't mean and writing about fictional characters doing the same is ok.
If you think my take is pretty lukewarm is because it is, I really don't want people to feel like they HAVE to write characters a certain way.
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literaticat · 5 months
Hello. I know an older person (a relative) who is a very good illustrator (as a hobby). They do have an email address but don't have a website (yet anyway). I'm encouraging them to draw maybe half a dozen or a dozen illustrations so I could submit them to some publishers on their behalf (those who are looking for or open to illustration submissions). Some of these sites mention having a website, others don't. Would the person have to be a professional illustrator or would this be okay? And would it be better for me to see if I can teach them to draw on an iPad or could I just scan on their handdrawn illustrations and email them for them? They're open to the idea but don't think they're good enough. I think they have a lot of natural raw talent, just wondering would publishers be open to illustrations from an older person who is very green to this and has no experience. What do you think? And could you give me/them any other advice? Thank you so much. Happy New Year!
I'd strongly suggest you not do this. I know you have the very best of intentions, and it's lovely that you're such a cheerleader for your relative. I'm sure they are very talented. BUT. Start by finding out what their goals really are. There are plenty of other ways for them to get their work out there. Maybe there are local art classes, where they can explore different mediums and just have fun and meet other artists and potential mentors. Art contests, or local magazines or journals that might publish work from local artists. If they really want to start a little cottage artwork business from home maybe they can create beautiful cards or prints that can be stocked at a local shop or something like that, and you can help them print them out and be their 'sales rep' if you like. Investigate these types of outlets for your relative's creativity, there's no need for their fun and pleasant hobby to become a difficult, demanding career, unless that is something they are TRULY passionate about.
(Not everything needs to be monetized. Normalize just doing things because you like them!)
Because yeah - - you can't really "dabble" in professional book illustration. Either you are a professional illustrator, which means publishers might hire you -- or you aren't, which means they definitely will not. Now, you can be a NEW professional illustrator, that's a thing, people aren't born as professionals -- so, again, if that's really something that your relative WANTS TO DO, truly wants it, OK -- but they are gonna have to do the legwork. You can't be submitting work on their behalf or holding their hand the whole time. Age is not a factor, but professional illustrator is a real job, not a fun-time hobby, and they do have to be willing and able to do the work themselves.
So if becoming a professional children's book illustrator is truly of interest to them, I'd suggest they start by:
-- Taking some picture book illustration classes, whether online or in-person -- specifically those, not just general "art" or whatever. The rules and goals of book illustration are just different from other kinds of art! This is not, strictly speaking, necessary, some artists are indeed entirely self-taught -- but it would probably be QUITE helpful to make them feel more confident (or alternatively, help them realize that this is not where their talent wants to take them!). COST VARIES.
-- They should also read a lot (A LOT) of modern children's books to see what the level of work is that they'd need to be doing, and different ways to tell a story through art. Because it's not just about having pretty images -- that's great, but they have to be able to *tell a story* through the pictures, also, otherwise they have just created random images, not a book. Start with the books that have been Caldecott medalist and honor winners for the past 5 years, they should all be available at your local library. FREE FROM LIBRARY.
-- I'd strongly recommend getting and studying a used or library copy of WRITING WITH PICTURES by Uri Shulevitz. While there is one section that is quite dated (because PB illus are typically delivered digitally now, and this book is from before the digital days) -- the majority of the book, about the actual craft of telling a story through pictures, is super-informative and brilliant. FREE FROM LIBRARY OR UNDER $10. USD
-- Consider joining the SCBWI; it does cost money to be a full member, but if they are serious, it may be worth it -- there are loads of resources online and in person, conferences, local meetups, workshops, etc, where they can connect with other creators and professionals to research and learn the ropes of children's book publishing; there's also a forum where they can ask questions, etc. $99. USD
-- Alternatively (or in addition), there are also kids-book oriented Facebook groups for this kind of thing that have seasoned pros answering newbie questions -- KIDLIT411 would be a smart one to join, if your relative is on Facebook. (Kidlit411 also has a website with resources!) FREE.
Once they have done all these things, they will need a professional-looking digital portfolio -- these can be physical works that are scanned in, or works created digitally (or a combo -- physical works that the artist tweaks layers in photoshop, etc). There are other posts here about what should be included in such a portfolio, look in the FAQ. This way they aren't just sending publishers random images all loosey-goosey, they'll be presenting themselves as somebody that might actually get hired. But I really wouldn't bother with this part until/unless they've done most or all of the previous suggestions.
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 5 months
Thank you for the tag, @zutaralesbian! 💕
Name: Hannah
Zodiac: Sagittarius? 🤷‍♀️ It means nothing to me, however.
Fuzzy socks or fuzzy blanket: Fuzzy blanket! If it's a heated blanket, even better!
Do you enjoy winter? I aggressively love winter. If I didn't, I would be in trouble, since it's winter for like half of the year here. It is difficult and exhausting, and sometimes I definitely get burned out on it because things like walking on ice and snow removal are physically hard, but it's so, so beautiful! I think that cold weather and the experience of being in the cold is beautiful and magical in a way that being in outdoor warmth is not beautiful to me. Also, I'm a majorly hermit-y person, so I like the "Let's all just go inside and not do much because it's dark out" energy of winter.
But, like, I took this picture on my walk today! Looketh at this snowy tree!!!!!! Is there anything better than that????
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Anyway, I feel like I should be effusive about winter because everyone else hates it! I'll show up for you, girl! ❄️ I love a problematic fave!
What’s your comfort book or movie? Book: Anne of Green Gables, Movie: Hunt for the Wilderpeople. (I understand that these are basically just the same story with different clothes on.)
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What’s your favourite way to wind down after a long day? Watch TV w/ the bf while our doggie naps nearby!
Tell me something you like about yourself: This is more something that I like about the experience of being myself, but: I like that I love so much fiction that it makes every day exciting for me. There's always something fictional to enjoy in my every single waking hour. Usually I can't relate to being bored as a concept.
Favourite Artist: I don't know much about art, but I will always have a nostalgic fondness for J.W. Waterhouse and the Pre-Raphaelites. (Which sounds like a bitchin' band name also.)
How do you practice self care? By doing as little as possible in my life so that I can devote as much time as possible to enjoying fiction. 😂 Troy and Abed being noooormal!
A book you want to read this year: THE ROMANCE OF THE FOREST BY ANN RADCLIFFE. Or ANYTHING BY ANN RADCLIFFE. After last year's triumphant read of The Mysteries of Udolpho, I've decided I'm going to become an official Ann Radcliffe stan. I'm going to earn my Ann Radcliffe stripes.
What’s a song that makes you feel joyful? "Send Me On My Way" by Rusted Root. The bop of all time!
What advice would you give your younger self? Eat more potatoes while you still can. (Adult onset potato allergy = 👎)
And finally, you’re given a plane ticket to anywhere in the world, no strings attached. where are you going? BRONTE COUNTRY, or New Zealand.
Tagging: Nobody because I am already procrastinating too much and need to go be productive, but please fill this out if you'd like to, these questions are fun!!
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