#but anyways i have a lot of dew/aether/mountain feelings
coffeeghoulie · 4 months
Mushy May Day 22: Reminiscing
Mountain wakes in the middle of the night and watches his mates sleep.
Thank you to @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together, and to @ghuleh-recs for making the dividers <3
Another alternate prompt for today!
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Mountain can't sleep. It's strange. He's normally the first of the three of them out, snoring gently before his partners have even closed their eyes. Normally sleeps through the night without fail. But despite being awake, he cherishes it, the room dark, barring the silver moonlight that slips through their curtains, just enough to see by.
He turns in Dew's arms, slowly, carefully, not to wake him. But if Dew can sleep through Aether's snoring, rattling in his chest like a chainsaw, Dew can sleep through anything. The fire ghoul's expression is peaceful, eyes gently closed and moving under lids, dreaming. The furrow between his brows is smoothed over, and Mountain can't help himself from brushing a strand of spun gold hair back behind the point of his ear.
It moves his hair off of his neck, and it's just barely bright enough to make out the silvery, parallel scars that line the sides of Dew's throat. Mountain exhales through his nose, unable to resist bringing his fingertip down, tracing featherlight over one of the long cauterized scars.
Dew's ear twitches, piercings jingling, and Mountain pulls his hand back. He stirs, but doesn't wake, mumbling something nonsensical. Mountain's lips quirk up, just staring fondly at his smaller mate. He remembers when those scars were fluttering teal fins, when the spun gold hair was silver.
It makes something pang deep in his heart, the remembering. When things were unimaginably bad, when the three of them clung to each other like fresh, new kits too scared to leave the nest. Scents changing, sea salt to campfire.Terrified, unsafe, paranoid of every shadow.
Things are better now, the band den full of pack again, ghouls that Mountain loves with everything he has. And he has Aether and Dew, peacefully asleep in their shared nest.
He smiles, moving to settle back down. There's a hand curling around his bicep, and he jolts, Aether's eyes glowing amethyst in the dim light as they meet Mountain's.
"Everything okay, sweet thing?" Aether whispers, voice gruff with sleep. "I knew you woke up early for the greenhouse, but I didn't think it was this early yet." The joke is light in his tone, thumb smoothing over his freckled skin, right on his farmer's tan line.
Mountain snorts quietly, kicking into a rumbling purr. "I dunno why I'm up, sorry for waking you."
Aether shrugs with one arm, the other pillowed under Dew's head. "You didn't, not really, just sort of... felt your emotions. More intense than they usually are this late."
"I was just thinking," he says, eyes drifting down to their mate between them. The grip on his arm tightens, Aether's thumb still rubbing in an arc over his bicep.
"We're okay, we made it," Aether whispers, and Mountain nods.
"I know, this is real."
"We earned it, we earned our rest," he says, eyes half-lidded with sleep but still so kind and warm, the magick swirling in his irises like galaxies.
"If we earned our rest, can we please fucking sleep?" Dew mumbles groggily, shifting between them with an adorable pout on his lips.
"Sorry, firefly," Mountain whispers, leaning down to press a kiss on his mate's forehead, letting Dew pull him closer. Their legs tangle together, and Mountain can feel Dew's pulse where their chests are pressed together, remembers how feathery and frantic it was back then, just how much terror tinged their scents. It was so bad they had to get new sheets.
Dew's expression softens, wrapping his arms around Mountain's torso, squeezing him that much tighter. "You okay, junie?" His voice is soft, sweet, the way he speaks to them versus the way he speaks to the rest of the pack.
Mountain nods, a soft keen slipping past his lips as he ducks down again and nuzzles into the crown of Dew's head, avoiding the sharp point of his little obsidian horns. "I love you two," he whispers, eyes darting from Dew's to Aether's and back. "So much. I don't know what to do with it all, I love you so much."
He can see the way Aether's cheek dimples as he smiles fondly over Dew's shoulder, can feel the way Dew's grip around his middle tightens. "Love you too, junie," Dew whispers, breath infernally hot against the shell of Mountain's ear.
Aether's hand squeezes his bicep in three quick pulses. "Love you too, sweet thing. Don't know what I'd do without the two of you."
Dew cranes his neck, peering over his shoulder at him. "You won't have to find out, swear it on our Father Below," he declares, a stubbornness set in his shoulders, and Aether leans down and kisses him. He turns, leaning over Dew's narrow shoulders to kiss Mountain too, tasting the beeswax of his lipbalm.
"Alright," Dew huffs, pulling the two of them back down to the mattress. "I love you two dearly, but can we please sleep?"
"Anything for my darlings," Aether hums, wrapping his arms around the two of them, hauling them closer to him. "Good night."
Dew hums, satisfied, copper eyes shutting as he snuggles between them. Very quickly, Mountain's the only one still awake. He looks at his mates, feels their body heat burning warm. He settles into the nest, breathing in their oh-so familiar scents, and lets that carry him back to sleep.
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library-ducky · 3 months
Ghouls on vacation
Totally not inspired by me going to the seaside over the weekend. Not at all.
gets everything set up
if there's a Papa nearby, he will make him sit down and rest, no buts
he'll go swimming, but will not put his head under the water. And he'll do at least one dive-bomb to soak any unfortunate soul who is close enough
he'll read crime mistery books while lounging on a deck chair (bonus point if there's a beer in his hand)
he has the Dad™️ fit: flip-flops, swimming trunks (with palm trees or dolphins or pineapples on them), an open hawaian shirt and the sunglasses and baseball cap combo
knows how to surf
idk how or when or where he'd learn, but he DOES
also the sun brings out his bioluminescent spots (the biology probably doesn't check out but idc, I headcanon that he has bioluminescent freckles and the sun brings out freckles so)
(in his human glamour), he doesn't tan a lot (I might be projecting but it's *MY* headcanon and *I* get to choose the bitch that will simply not tan 😤)
if possible, he'll unglamour just to dive as deep as he can go
he's the bastard that brings out the pretty rocks and seashells
might also befriend a fish or two while he's at it
he pulls the "my hair is wet so I have to shake the water off OH NO I WAS STANDING TOO CLOSE AND SOMEONE GOT SPRAYED this surely was not on purpouse I would never 🥺👉🏻👈🏻"
he'd be a bit scared to go in at first, but ultimately would get coaxed into it
he swims by doggy paddling for the better part of his time at the beach. He knows how to swim, that's just more fun to him
builds sandcastles (and honestly slays at it)
hates the feeling of salt in his hair after it dries, so Cumulus brings a water bottle along so he can rinse it out when he gets out of the sea
he gets HUNGRY after a swim
tries to dive along with Rain, but isn't able to go as deep since he's not a water Ghoul. He will, however, make it his job to point out pretty seashells and demand Rain gets them for him
an absolute heathen in the water
he'll creep up behind people (mostly Dew or Phantom) and push their head under the water
he steals a bucket from Phantom and uses it to absolutely SOAK Aurora with the water he scoops from the sea
he tans both in human glamour and in actual Ghoul form
also knows how to surf (dude bro energy fr fr)
he'll be a menace and playfully tease and torment everyone but as soon as someone tells him to stop, he'll be on his best behaviour
reminds everyone to drink water (resorted to throwing a bottle at Rain's head one time cuz he would ignore him and refuse to stop swimming. Rain listened immediately)
hair in a high bun IMMEDIATELY, will NOT let them get wet
unless Swiss pulls him under, but that usually warrants Swiss getting chased up and down the beach for 15 minutes with a fuming (HAH) Dew behind him
he'd bring a sunshade umbrella to stick in the sand (and then not use it cuz he likes to bask in the sun)
he'd also join Phantom in his sandcastle endeavours by digging a moat around the structure
will swim, but only for a little bit, he'd rather make himself sizzle in the sun
he doesn't really tan, but also doesn't get a sunburn (something something fire Ghoul)
Cumulus still manhandles him into putting on sunscreen (as she does with everyone)
usually throws his hair into a haphazard bun and leaves it like that for the entire time
he jumps into the water EXCLUSIVELY by diving headfirst
he doesn't mind the salt on his skin after he dries off, he's used to the grime from the greenhouse and the gardens anyways
he tans, and the freckles on his shoulders/back/collarbone get much more visible as well
his cheeks also get a bit pinker from the sun and everyone calls him adorable because of it
will observe the local flora and fauna, he just can't help himself honestly (and he WILL tell Rain all the sea life fun facts he knows)
drinks only water, but occasionally he'll treat himself to a pre-mixed cocktail if Cumulus brings any (she always does)
mom friend fr
brings an extra tube of sunscreen (both for the body and the face) just in case someone forgets
manhandles EVERYONE into putting it on
also brings some extra towels in case someone gets theirs wet by accident or forgets it completely
she packs snacks and fruit, as well as drinks (the cooler bag carried by Aether, of course)
she likes swimming, and doesn't mind diving or getting her hair wet (her hair gets really curly and fluffy when it's dry and everyone thinks it's the cutest thing ever)
reads romance novels
she steals the sunshade from Dew, he doesn't need it anyways
helps people to brush out their hair if they need it after a swim
the only person who could convince Rain to get out of the water immediately
Rich Wine Aunt energy and she shows it
black bikini with a black sheer robe over it
big sunglasses and a big ass hat as well
she doesn't really go swimming a lot, she preferes to tan
reads horror novels on the beach
usually drinks a cosmopolitan cocktail while she lounges, sometimes (although rarely) a beer
she keeps her hair down for the added Dramatic Effect
she keeps everyone (or at least the Ghouls not in the water) cool with her air magic (Dew asked her to stop doing that for him cuz he likes burning in the sun)
will not tolerate being bothered in her peace (she will, actually, but she'll be extremely annoyed about it)
much like Dew, she loves to bask in the warmth of the sun
her hair gets hella curly and bouncy from the salt water
she has a whole "after tanning" routine so her skin won't get messed up
also she tans quite a lot
uses a tanning jam
likes to nap under the sunshade with Cumulus
she puts on headphones, plays some music aaaaand she's dozing off
makes necklaces out of the shells Rain picks up (if she manages to convince him to give some up)
star shaped sunglasses
helps Phantom build sandcastles
also brings pretty rocks (and steals shells from Rain when he's not there) to decorate them
she LOVES swimming and diving
"her hair turns bright pink in salt water" ~@ligovskaya (okay Barbie mermaid toy moment 💅🏻✨️)
she does her nails on theme (either to do with the sea, the beach, fish, so on and so forth)
is in the process of learning how to surf and is being taught by Sunshine
she likes to listen to music but like on an ipod shuffle with wired headphones
has heart shaped sunglasses (got them from Sunshine cuz she decided that she's adopting Aurora as a sister, therefore they have to match)
she has the cutest, frilliest pink bathing suit (she's a pink girlie to me)
uses a tanning jam as well, but mostly because it smells nice
okay, this is it for now, I will gladly do other Ghouls or Papas if you guys want, you can pop into my ask box as well :3
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ reblogs are appreciated ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
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skele-bunny · 1 month
I'd love to hear more of how you see the ghouls dynamics with more of those little one liner posts please!
OUGHGI I hope I understood what you meant! Anyways, I had fun with this tbh <:,3
Some of these are cheesy but I am cringe and I am free......
"I have a lot of broken pieces." Dew
"I'll fill your gaps." Aether
"Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning." Phantom
"I'll show you how to float." Rain
"Do you think we're soulmates in every universe?" Aurora
"And every reincarnation." Sunshine
"I'm scared to let my guard down." Swiss
"I'll make a safe space for you." Mountain
"I'm not vocal about a lot of things." Mountain
"I'll be your voice." Cirrus
"I'm scared to trust." Dew
"We'll go one step at a time." Cumulus
"I need a distraction." Aurora
"I got a clown nose!" Swiss
"It's hard for me to relax." Aether
"I'll sing you to bed." Sunshine
"I love you." Dew
"I love you, too." Aether
"I love you more." Mountain
"What if we get separated?" Cowbell
"We'll find each other." Special
"I got 20$ and a craving for violence." Phantom
"I'll be the getaway driver!" Aurora
"I'm not ready to be left alone." Rain
"I'll hold you for as long as you need." Cumulus
"I'm a rabbit no longer scared." Zephyr
"I'm a wolf with no teeth." Ifrit
"I don't think I can keep going." Terzo
"I'll carry you the rest of the way." Omega
"I think I'm ready to say goodbye now." Zephyr
"I'll hold your hand through it." Ifrit
"I think you're annoying, but cute." Mist
"I think you're a jackass, but so soft." Pebble
"I think both of you suck, but I still love you." Delta
"We're supposed to be saying nice things—" Alpha
"You have to live your life for me." Zephyr
"But you are my life." Ifrit
"I don't know why I bite." Alpha
"We'll get out of this teething stage." Mist
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nosferatu-png · 4 months
Hello! You ship Zephrit right?? I’m genuinely curious as to how this ship came to be, I’ve been digging around and seeing some great art (including yours omg I love your art) is there like concert footage of Ifrit and Zephyr? (Bc Terzomega there is lots of on stage footage and stuff) Anyways, I would love if you could tell me more about zephrit!!
EEE I would love to talk about it!! I'm not sure the exact origins of it so I'm definitely gonna ramble a little (a lot) - but they did have a lot of fun things on stage together!
I do think part of it is just the overall closeness of the Popestar lineup, at least in my opinion. It definitely feels like a lot of other ships along the lines of "these two interacted and have a good energy together and I think they should kiss about it" HAHAHA
But honestly, Ifrit played around so much with everyone and did NOT let Zephyr fade into the background and I really do love that, especially when it's so hard to find good clips of keyboardists.. and Zeph was so lively, it helped that Ifrit was Right There for them to goof around with
Another factor might be that Ifrit and Zephyr were the only two ghouls who didn't move on in the lineup (aside from Ivy, who of course is nor mentioned enough because of how briefly he was there). We got to see Aether, Dew, and Mountain's relationships all evolve together while Zephyr and Ifrit are a little seperate from that, only being there for the year.
And bonus chronic pain/fatigue ghoul X excited heat pack ghoul
Digging in my Zeph Stash but I'm sure I have more and better stage moments hidden somewhere ^^ I am always willing to talk about anything Popestar ghouls, especially Zephyr related!! They're just a bit more difficult to find because there's really only so much recordings online from the era, especially ones that focus on anyone else *but* Terzo
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xxcallmemaryxx · 9 months
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Ghouls x GN reader
(who is suffering from horrid cramps)
(Warning: reader in a lot of pain, talks of nausea and throwing up. But nothing in detail.)
Our beautiful gentle giant, Mountain, is well prepared for this. He basically lives in the abbeys greenhouse, he is like an encyclopaedia of plant knowledge. What balms and rubs and oils he can make to help you out, you best believe he has an abundance of them stocked up. I like to think if this is a regular occurrence then Mountain has a little cupboard that keeps these remedies safe and sound for you. For whenever you need them. He takes this seriously, and he will put them on you himself if you’ll let him. Mountain absolutely tricks you into letting him rub one of the mixtures on your stomach, (you insist you can do it yourself and he knows this, but he doesn’t let up easily so he prepared to just give in) and so there the two of you lay, on your bed, as Mountain slowly massages an oil into your skin to help soothe the cramps. As much as he hates seeing you in pain, he really loves doting on you. He will make you his self made herbal teas to help as well, and he will 100% spend every minute with you making sure you’re as comfortable as possible. You’re not to move from the bed without him, not that the cramps would let you anyways…
Aether is pretty much the same in the sense he spends most of his time with you researching ways to help you feel as comfortable as possible. He keeps a heat pack on standby, he has a cupboard stocked with pain killers and anti nausea medicine and he even has Mountain make you some kind of rub to help relax the muscles where your cramps are. All in all, Aether stays calm. He knows that if he started freaking out about you being in pain then that would just make you feel worse. Of course he absolutely hates every second of it, and there’s a pit of worry and anxiety that sits at the bottom of his stomach and eats away at him throughout the duration of your cramps, but he knows you’ll be okay soon and he knows that he has to stay calm and collected for you. What kind of help would he be if he was outwardly worried the whole time? Aether likes knowing that he can be a rock for you, to keep you grounded and steady when you need it. He takes great pride in knowing you allow yourself to rely on him during this time of pain and vulnerability, and he would rather send himself back down to hell than ever betray that.
The only time Dew has ever cursed the unholy Lord below, was when he experienced this with you for the first time. You were stuck in bed, such intense nausea you needed to keep a large bucket next to you incase you couldn’t make it to the bathroom in time and you couldn’t even keep your eyes open because of how exhausted you were from the pain of the cramps. He honestly thought for a moment that you were dying and he panicked and ran to Copia for help. It took him a while to come around, and even now after being with him for ages, and going through this multiple times whilst with him, he still panics. He kind of hovers around the room, he’s unusually quiet and it’s like he’s too scared to touch you incase he somehow makes the pain worse. He gets angry for you. Angry that you, his lovely human, has to deal with this so often. He wants to take your pain, he wants to take it all away and keep it to himself and let you stay comfortable and happy. Dew will keep you as comfortable as possible, bringing you food and water so you don’t have to get up, he does not step foot out of your shared room the whole time until it’s over. His eyes stayed glued to you the whole time ready to do whatever you need him to do.
Swiss doesn’t panic when your cramps start, for he already knew it was going to happen. He can literally smell it on you, on the way your body changes and adjusts. He picks up on your body language and the way that changes during the few days beforehand. You like to tease him a little and call it his “ghoul powers”, and while yes being a ghoul has a lot to do with it, Swiss has just become so accustomed to you and your body that he just knows. So by the time the cramps have started he is mentally prepared. For the most part he lets you sleep and rest as much as possible, he understands how exhausting the constant pain is. Only waking you up to give you some more pain killers once the previous ones have worn off, and to keep you hydrated. He still makes sure you’re eating, but he never puts anything too heavy on your plate. Just incase you’re not able to keep it down, Swiss will give you lighter meals and snacks so you at least have something. During the night he really just loves to sleep next you, keeping a protective tail wrapped securely around your waist, for his own comfort to still have some kind of contact with you, and to remind you that he is right there next to you should you need him. (He doesn’t wanna cuddle up to you and risk accidentally rolling on top of you during the night) (it’s happened before) (he almost didn’t get back in bed after).
During the beginning, Rain was really no help at all. Of course you knew the things that worked for you, but Rain was just a nervous mess. The image of you in so much pain you couldn’t even move got stuck inside his head for days after, it really upset him to see you going through this. After a little while he realised he needed to snap out of it and he came to you asking you to tell him everything you needed and wanted him to do for the next time so he is better prepared and can actually be of some help to you. It took him a few months to really fall into the routine, but eventually it became like a second nature to him. He knew what positions to help you lay in to decrease the cramp intensity, he knew what painkillers worked best for you and he kept you as comfy as he possibly could. He really enjoyed knowing that you could confidently count on him when you needed him. He likes to spoil you a little bit too… he steals Mountains fluffy blanket for you, he raids the abbey kitchens and risks his tail just to bring you back some of the special snacks that are kept aside specially for the papas, he even learns how to give massages for when you’re feeling up for it. Anything he can do to help you relax and stay settled, consider it done.
Phantom freaked you out the first time he experienced this with you. After being summoned not that long ago, obviously he still had a lot to learn about humans and how they function, so you can only imagine the real fear that would have struck him when he saw how much pain you were in. It took you a minute to explain it to him, between horrid cramps and almost unbearable nausea, you did the best you could… but clearly Phantom went into freak out mode and almost lost his head trying to pull things together to look after you. You had about 7 glasses of ice water sitting at your bedside table, he panic cleaned the toilet incase you needed to empty your stomach into it (because send him back to hell if you even think for one whole second that the toilet isn’t going to be spotless before you even get near it) he ransacked the cupboard for your extra blankets and made a makeshift nest for you to lay in and throughout the entire time you weren’t well Phantom did not sleep a wink. He sat on the floor in front of you and watched you like a hawk while you slept just incase he needed to spring into action. He settled down a lot after the cramps were gone and you were back to your normal self again, but expect it to be like that every single time. He just loves you and seeing you in pain is hard for him.
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iamthecomet · 4 months
𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘺 𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯: "𝘚𝘩𝘶𝘵 𝘶𝘱, 𝘐'𝘮 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶."
Rating: G Pairing: Dewdrop/Aether Words: 853 Man I just can't resist an Aether sickfic.
Mushy May created by @forlorn-crows Divider by @ghuleh-recs
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Whenever there’s some god awful bug going around the Abbey, it’s inevitable. Aether always gets it. Usually toward the end of the outbreak. Exhausted from running around helping everyone else. Pulling double shifts in the infirmary. Swearing up and down that ghouls can’t catch sicknesses from humans. He’s wrong, every single time. He lies to himself about it anyway. 
This one is pretty mild. A sore throat. A cough. His head feels like it wants to float away but also like it weighs a thousand pounds. He drags himself back to his room from the infirmary in denial. Limbs heavy. Exhaustion bone deep.  He’ll sleep it off. That’s all he needs. Twelve hours of sleep and he’ll be fine. 
When he wakes up he is not fine. His head is pounding. He can’t decide between if he’s hot or if he’s freezing. He lays in his bed, throws his arm over his eyes to block out even the idea of the sun and groans into the inside of his elbow. 
Aether swallows, it feels like knives. He lays there for what feels like hours, suspended in sickness, trying to decide what to do. How to fix this. He knows there is medicine in the bathroom. That it,combined with some of Mountain’s tea, will help. He knows all he has to do to relieve his suffering is stand up and take care of himself. He chides patients for it all the time–that all they have to do is drink lots of water and baby themselves for a few days. But Aether rarely has to realize how hard that is sometimes. He thinks, this is fair karma. He will never suggest that caring for oneself is easy ever again. 
Instead of getting up and getting water, or medicine, or even his phone to text someone and ask for those things, he rolls onto his side. Hopeful that he can just will himself back to sleep. That if he could just be unconscious everything would be ok again. 
It doesn’t work. He doesn’t sleep. He can’t. Every time he starts to drift off something hurts more. His nose runs. He coughs so hard his chest aches. 
It feels like days later that there’s a knock on the door. A quick rap, just before Aether hears the knob turn and the door open. 
“Hey, Dew,” Aether mumbles into his pillow, voice hoarse. 
“You’re sick. I told you you were going to get sick.” 
Aether groans. He starts to tell Dew that he doesn’t need to be reprimanded right now, but he cuts himself off with a rattling cough he feels in his bones. 
“Did you take anything?” 
Aether shakes his head. “I’m fine.” 
Dew doesn’t answer, Aether hears him walk into Aether’s attached bathroom, he hears the medicine cabinet open. Dew drops something, swears. Aether can hear him mumbling to himself as he rumages. The water runs for a while, and then Dew’s at his beside. 
“Sit up.” 
Aether does, it’s an ordeal, it involves opening his eyes, which hurts. His head spins, but he manages to right himself with his back against the headboard. Dew’s sitting next to him on the bed. There’s a glass of water on the nightstand. Dew’s holding what looks like a fistful of pills, and a damp washcloth. 
“Dew, I’m ok.” 
“Just take the fucking medicine, Aether.” 
Aether would laugh, make some joke about how bad Dew would be at working in the infirmary, but he finds he doesn’t have the energy. He just takes the pills from Dew. It’s less than a fistful–only four. A couple of Advil and some cold medicine. He takes them all, taking small sips of blessedly cold water to swallow them with. 
Dew settles the washcloth over his forehead. It’s cold. Almost too cold except for the immediate relief it brins. Aether’s eyes flutter closed. 
“I’m going to run you a bath,” Dew says, smoothing his hand over Aether’s flushed cheek. Fingers gentle, and feeling strangely cool against Aether’s overheated skin. 
“You don’t have to–”
“Shut up,” Dew bites with no venom. “I’m taking care of you ok? Let me.” 
“Only if you take the bath with me, keep me company,” Aether mumbles. He doesn’t want to be alone again. He feels like garbage, and as much as he wants to tell Dew he’s ok and can take care of himself–he wants the attention more, the care. Dew bends down and kisses Aether between his horns. Thumb still tracking over his cheek. 
“Yeah, if that’s what you want.” 
“Can you get me some of Mountain’s tea too? And a snack? And–” 
“Hey,” Dew snaps, laughter in his voice. “Don’t push your luck.” 
But when Dew slips out of the door a few minutes later he knows that Dew will come back with everything he asked for and more. He lets himself sink into the bed, still feeling like shit, but knowing that the end is in sight. There’s a cool bath in his future, and more gentle touches from a fire ghoul with terrible bedside manner. What more could he ever ask for?
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wrathofrats · 6 months
If you're comfortable with it yourself what about someone comforting Swiss over him getting a bit of a tummy over the last tour. Always feel he uses over confidence to cover up the fact he's just as insecure as everyone else (we all love the tummy and him dearly)
First of all I appreciate the asking if I’m comfortable or not, things like that can be triggering but I’m cool to write this rn, but genuinely thank you for the check, it means a lot that you thought of that!
Have some Swiss insecurity rambles, featuring small talk of body image issues, and mountain bc swissalps disease is chronic.
Honestly I think he’s a bit embarrassed of the insecurity itself. Looks in the mirror and just kinda examines himself. Gained a bit of pudge, softer around the edges. He knows rain and dew are obsessed with the new found fat judging by some of the still healing bite marks. And he’s always found aether unbearably attractive, so the insecurity seems stupid to him more than anything.
But he can’t help but judge, can’t help but to scrutinize and prod at every soft feature. Stare at every freckle or spot of discolored skin or scar until he’s ruined his day in just a couple minutes. He throws his sweatpants and a sweatshirt back on, something baggy to get him to stop looking.
He ends up in mountains room as he seems to do often these days. Better than being alone in his room, and mountain usually hoards snacks in there anyways. So it’s a win win situation.
“Hi starlight” mountain smiles as Swiss allows himself into his room. He instinctually slides over to make room for his multi, closing his laptop and shuffling it to his nightstand.
“Hi mo” Swiss climbs in to slot next to him, wasting no time to snuggle into his side. Mountain wraps his arm around him to pull him closer, giving Swiss a small squeeze.
“You seem upset, everything alright?” Mountain pets at his head.
“How would you even know that”
“I know everything starlight” mountain states
“I can just read you well, besides, your water shows up when you get sad, you’re freezing Swiss”
Swiss rolls his eyes. He knows mountains right. His skin tends to go cold when he’s not in a good mood, cool water practically coursing through his veins. His hands feel like ice cubes when mountain reaches to warm them in his own.
“Talk to me, I don’t like it when my starlight is sad”
“Just feeling … weird I guess. Gained a bit of weight on tour I think. It’s whatever”
Mountain doesn’t mean laugh. A quick chuckle and a confused look while Swiss seems ashamed of his confession.
“Just means you’re healthy Swiss. Besides, you’ll need it for winter”
“Earth and pebble always make sure they were gaining extra fat for when the harvest slows in the winter. Poor Ivy never keeps much on him, he’s a lanky thing. But earth and pebble would be proud of you”
Swiss laughs a bit at the explanation. Some earth ghoul ritual nonsense that he always enjoys hearing about. Mountain rests his hand on Swiss’ stomach, not moving, just a caring touch.
“Besides, I think it’s beautiful on you”
“You think everything is beautiful on me mo”
“Maybe I just think you’re beautiful”
“….. shut up”
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sophiasharp · 1 year
I feel like the new Bug’s relationship with confidence is… complicated.
Because, on the one hand, fucking look at him on stage. Dude isn’t just playing, he’s performing. He exudes this natural sort of charm and ego, doing fancy tricks and striking poses to make the crowd go wild. It looks almost effortless, the way he slings around his guitar and plays to the crowd.
His interactions with the ghouls are much the same. On stage, at least, it looks effortless, you’d have thought he’d known the rest of the band his whole life. It’s almost as if there were never a time where he wasn’t there.
I would say the rest of the band feel this way as well about him; he’s blended in almost seamlessly into their pack. He’s friendly, polite, and always eager to help.
… maybe a little too eager.
Because his place in the pack isn’t just from sheer, easy charisma, just like his playing isn’t as effortless as it looks. It all requires an intense amount of practice and upkeep to maintain the fragile balance he’s struck within the pack, at least in his own mind.
It’s not an act, necessarily, but… well, it’s not NOT an act either. The new bug was summoned in a whirlwind, a race to summon a ghoul and train him up enough to perform on stage right before the start of tour. Adjusting to life on Earth is difficult for ghouls as is, especially when you’ve spent your life in the Pit as isolated as he had, and the shorter timespan before officially leaving the Abbey only added to the stress.
I don’t think he’d even seen a guitar before coming to the surface, much less known how to play, and the dude was handed one practically as soon as he was summoned and told to make it work. No one explained to him the elemental affiliation with instruments so the fact that he was able to pick up on it quickly, as far as he’s concerned, was completely up to dumb luck. He put back-breaking effort into perfecting his playing, ensuring the effort they’d gone to to bring him to the surface wasn’t wasted. It was a lot of pressure for a new summon to be under.
And that’s another thing; not only was he expected to become the new rhythm guitarist for a world—renowned band on the fly, but he was replacing a beloved member of the team, not only in the eyes of the public but in the eyes of his new pack as well. Sure, Aether isn’t completely gone, but he’s absent now for a great portion of the band’s time. For all intents and purposes, the new ghoul had taken the place of one of the pack’s most crucial members and was forced to figure out how to navigate this new position he was in.
So, just as he put everything he had into learning guitar, the new ghoul threw himself headlong into becoming what his pack needs: a safe space for Rain, a calming presence for Dew, a stress reliever for Mountain, someone to dote on for Cumulus, an extra pair of eyes and hands for Cirrus someone to confide in for Aurora. No matter what the situation, he’s become determined to be exactly what his new family needs when they need it. It’s hard to be replaceable when they need you, right?
Only he’s spent so long being what the others need that he’s neglected to truly be himself. He loves being helpful for his new family, but at the same time he’s never fully left the fight or flight panic of when he was first summoned. Everything is still so new to him all of the time and he just has to roll with the punches and hope it looks like he isn’t trying too hard to keep up. He has no idea who he is when he’s not being of service.
He’s so scared all the time of messing up, of not being enough, of being told his summoning was a mistake and that they’d be better off sending him back to Hell, but he’s got no one to share this anxiety with, not yet anyway. Sharing that amount of vulnerability requires an amount of trust that isn’t quite there yet with the rest of his pack.
Till then, the new bug is the epitome of the phrase “fake it till you make it,” and his hope is that maybe, if he fakes it for long enough, both his on and off-stage confidence will become real.
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littlehypnone · 7 months
can i request Aether and Little Mountain doing whatever. like, it can literally be anything you desire, add in whoever you want too!
just in the mood for cg aeth and little mount
Thank you!!!
sorry it took me some time afghasgf i hope its alright, just some cuteness with little mountain, cg aether and brief mama dew at the end
also a tag for @tinymoon-beam as promised :3
Aether was a great caregiver, it was widely known. All the littles loved him, and even though each and every one of them had a specific person they preferred when little and that was simply their favorite caregiver, Aether was always up there.
Especially for Dewdrop and Mountain, they’ve known each other for what felt like centuries and were through a lot together. Not many people remember, though, that Aether and Mountain were there, together, even before Dewdrop was summoned. The quintessence and earth ghouls were close, but not as close as Aether and Dewdrop, even if the fire ghoul’s mate was technically Rain, not Aether. The whole dynamic of the pack could seem complicated to outsiders, but at the end of the day they all loved each other so much it hurt.
Anyway, Mountain—dropped—and Aether have been spending their day outside, the little earth ghoul all happy and bright about the weather. It was one of the first days when it was actually sunny and warm enough to go out and enjoy the near-spring.
Mountain has been sitting on a small rock, staring intently at a few snowdrops with a big smile on his face.
“Happy to see them? Hm, sapling?” the quintessence ghoul asked, crouched down next to him.
“Y– yeah! They m– make me think of Dew.”
“Because of the name?”
Mountain giggled and nodded, “But also ‘cause they feel similar.”
“That’s interesting,” Aether smiled at him, starting at the little flowers himself. If he thought about it, they did have something Dewdrop-like about them. He got an idea, then, and pulled out his phone. The quintessence ghoul snapped a quick picture of Mountain grinning at a bunch of flowers and sent it to Dewdrop.
Awaiting a reply, he turned back to the little ghoul, “Wanna stay here with your snowdrops or do something else? We’ve got a few hours before it gets cold.”
“Hmmm…” Mountain thought. “Can we stay?”
“Of course, sapling. You shouldn’t sit on the ground, though. I’ll get someone to bring us a blanket, okay?”
“Okay,” the earth ghoul smiled up at Aether and got back to staring at his flowers. Aether picked his phone back up to do as he said, just in time for Dewdrop’s reply to the picture to come through.
D: hes so cute
A: wanna know what he said about the flowers?
D: sure
A: that they remind him of you. he keeps staring at them just smiling
D: it should be illegal being this sweet
D: how am i supposed to keep up my tough guy persona when all i wanna do is coo over him
A: speaking of which. wanna bring us a blanket so he doesnt sit on that stone? you can coo over him then
D: omw
Aether put down his phone after that, focusing back on Mountain who hadn't moved an inch. One of his hands was loosely laying on the wet ground, fingertips slightly digging in. The quintessence ghoul remembered a conversation they once had, about the earth’s heartbeat and how Mountain could feel it and that he really enjoyed it.
Aether was happy that he was happy, the winter was slowly melting away—literally—and the earth ghoul’s exhaustion and anxiety went with it, just as every single year.
“Aeth?” he spoke up at some point, tilting his head in the quintessence ghoul’s direction. 
“Yeah, sapling?”
“I wish you could hear the earth,” he said, humming and looking back down. “‘cause it's a bit like me and… if you heard it you would feel my… my… uhm… m’ sorry.”
“Oh, it’s okay love. The word escaped you?” Mountain nodded, blushing high on his cheeks. He was a sophisticated and well spoken little guy, but words in english tended to run away from him sometimes.
“It’s… I mean– meant meleth,” he explained, using the ghoulish word.
“Ah.” Aether scooted closer to him and brought an arm around him, encouraging the little earth ghoul to lean against his side. And so Mountain did, resting his head on the other’s shoulder and starting to purr quietly. “That would be love in english, sapling.”
“Yeah,” Mountain confirmed.
“What would be love?” they heard from behind them and they both turned, seeing Dewdrop with an armful of a thick blanket. The earth ghoul grinned, eyes bright and escaped Aether’s embrace to run into the fire ghoul’s. “Hi, rosey.”
“Hi, mama,” Mountain mumbled as Dewdrop squeezed him in a hug. Aether took the blanket from him and laid it out by the little patch of flowers. The other two sat down on it, but, to the fire and quintessence ghouls’ surprise, Mountain peeled himself off of Dewdrop and crawled over to Aether. His tail wrapped around Dewdrop’s forearm, but he planted himself in Aether’s lap.
“Alright, then,” the fire ghoul smiled, not taking even an ounce of offense. “Tell me all about the snowdrops, rosey.”
And Mountain did.
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ghuleh-recs · 11 months
do you have any sickfic recs? ive been sick and miserable and it would make me feel better. i would prefer ghoul focused fics if possible. thank you 🖤
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i hope you're feeling better!! you are speaking my language--i love a good sickfic. let me see my faves suffer and then be lovingly cared for.
side note: uh hey authors? why's it always dewdrop? hmm?
recs under the cut.
Uiscefhuarithe - @coffeeghoulie - polyghouls
A Gaeilge word that translates to water-cooled. Or: Dewdrop hasn't left his room in three days. A newly summoned Rain takes matters into his own hands.
Comet's Ficlet Collection (ch. 58) - @iamthecomet - dew, ifrit, mountain
Comet im sick and if your doing the lil ficlets can I get sick!whoever (dew) getting taken care of by mountain and ifrit and being whiny and bratty but still liking that he's being taken care of.
in sickness and in health - @belle--ofthebrawl - aether x dew
Something nasty is going around the pack but luckily for Aether and the rest of them, they have a great caretaker. Even if he hates admitting it.
keeping your head up - @dwritesit - dew x rain
dew is sick and rain loves him a lot maybe - a classic sick ficlet
Here for You - @papaslittlesunshine - dew x rain
Dew hurts himself during a performance. Rain takes care of him. (Mount gets some credit too)
Miasma's Ficlet Collection (ch. 9) - @miasmaghoul - dew x rain
Prompt - my uterus is trying to kill meeeeeee. Any chance you have anything related to Dew taking care of a fellow ghoul to cheer me up??
cry for absolution - @everybodyshusband - dew, cumulus, rain, aether
The rest of that day had been spent curled up under his sheets, a blanket and pillow over his head in an attempt to block out the small sliver of light his curtains let through. He’d thought about getting up for food at one point, but the moment he tried to stand up, he felt himself flopping back down onto the bed again, his headache spiking and the pain increasing tenfold. He let it happen. The idea of food turned his stomach anyway, despite it having been hours since the entire thing had been emptied into his toilet. - - - OR - - - dewdrop has a headache, and his packmates decide he needs to be taken care of
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, and leave kudos/comments!
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chapel-of-rizztual · 1 year
regressor mountain is so important to me. the biggest baby ever. gets so emotional when small and is the most caring little guy. yes he cries a lot but its because he cares a lot
This tuned out to be a little deeper then expected. Anyway I love regressed Mountain so much.
cw: regressed ghouls, age regression.
Like Dew, when Mountain regresses he’s TINY. His life in the pit was incredibly traumatic and he never really recovered from it, even when he was summoned. Also like Dew, he spent most his time in the pit alone. He wasn’t banished like Dew was, he was…left. He woke up one day and his pack was just gone, moved on…without him. He didn’t know why they went, or where they went, but he spent the rest of time in the pit looking for them. He was so young, about fourteen in earth years, and had to learn how to fend for himself, and he had to learn fast. He avoided other solitary ghouls, most other banished ghouls were feral and dangerous to a fully grown ghoul and although Mountain was tall for his age he was still very obviously young. He’d met Dew a couple of times, the first time he’d nearly gotten his head bitten off when he walked into a cave to seek shelter not knowing the little water ghouls was already occupying it. Dew was even younger he was, and he was so tiny, and he seems to get smaller each time they saw each other, and Mountain always worried about him, but the two were too scared and cautious of each other to form any kind of bond. Mountain mostly stuck to the wood, he felt safe there, and of he ever encountered any other ghouls, which he had, and he had the war wounds to prove it, he’d had the advantage of the woods being his friend. He stayed in the woods for most his time alone in the pit, until he felt the calling to the surface and blindly followed it. 
The first time he regressed was a few years into his time on earth. And it was terrifying for him. Most days he woke up at sunrise, before everyone else and was able to make breakfast for everyone. This time he unknowingly woke up late and by the time he got downstairs everyone was…gone. He doesn’t remember anything after that. 
Dew was the one that found him. He was on the floor with dried tear tracks down his cheeks and distant look in his eyes. He recognised that look immediately, had seen it plenty of time in himself and was able to a safe place, and more importantly a safer headspace. 
When Mountain came back up they had a long conversation. He’d heard of regression before, he’d seen it, had seen Dew being taken care of by Aether, had seen the ghoulettes playing with Sunny and Rain, but he never thought it would be something he could achieve. He always thought he was too big, physically, and mentally, he thou  he had to be the protector of everyone, he had to be the one that made sure everyone was okay and safe and that they were all together. But he was wrong. And he was proven wrong by Dew swaddling him and cooing at him until he felt his mind slipping away from his again, but he knew he was safe now so he was happy to let his mind drift off. 
The next time it happened he could almost feel it happening. He woke up one morning and it was like there was a thick fog settled in his brain. He recognised it from last time and was able to get to Dew just in time before he slipped. Dew had swaddled him in a thick fluffy green blanket and spoke softly to him just like he had sone the last time. 
There was a lot of trial and error in the beginning. At first Mountain was only comfortable with Dew. Dew knew from experience what Mountain was going through, and he know that Mountain needed without him having to ask for it. But Dew also regressed sometimes. And the days where he was Mountain would force himself to stay big until Dew was able to look after him. Doing that, understandably, made things a lot worse and Mountain often regressed even harder after. Aether noticed. Of course he did. And he was so proud of Dew for taking such good care of Mountain when he was regressed. He’d had a talk with Mountain, and with a lot of denying and blushing from the earth ghoul, he’d finally gotten him to open up to him about it.  Mountain got comfortable with Aether after that, and not long after that, Cumulus. 
He always went to the same kind of age when regressed. They didn’t know how old exactly, but he was young. He didn’t play, he didn’t speak or watch cartoons. He mostly slept. And cried. But Mountain cried a lot when not regressed so that wasn’t really a worry. Dew got him a pacifier after he’d seen Mountain staring at his with an unrecognisable expression his face and Mountain had loved it. It was white with a bluebell on it and Mountain had been obsessed with it since the moment he first got it in his mouth. And the sight of Mountain staring up at them with his big green doe eyes and a pacifier bobbing in his mouth should be so adorable but it was. 
Mountain was easy to look after when regressed. He wasn’t fussy, despite him crying a lot, but that was just a Mountain thing. He loved being swaddled tightly in his blanket, he loved being held and carried, it made him feel even smaller and safer when Aether carried him around on his hip. He didn’t always have the best control over his bladder when regressed, which led to a few accidents, and some real tears from Mountain, but all the ghouls were happy to sooth his tears away. He learnt to love being regressed, the love and care he got from the ghouls never failed to make him feel so loved, cared for, and safe. He finally felt safe. Something he’d never really felt before he was summoned. 
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mutt-sys · 4 months
Give ghoul dentistry i crave ghoul dentistry what happens. i CRAVE
Aether- Well behaved, sits still and allows the dentist to do all the work. He's surprisingly well groomed, believe it or not, he likes to keep himself all nice and clean. He's the cleanest ghoul out of the entire pack besides Mountain.
Dew- Oh boy, it's a fight to hell to get him to the dentist. He'll fight and kick and even bite before he gets in the dentist, he hates having to brush his teeth and says it's "too much work!!" So Aether has to do it for him.
Swiss- He hates the dentist. Papa has to bribe him with many things before he does, in the end after it's all done papa holds up his end of the deal and gives Swiss what he promised him.
Rain- Hates it, absolutely hates it. They hate the feeling of things in their mouth, especially from someone they don't know. They always end up crying afterwards, Cumulus has to calm them down and pampers them afterwards.
Mountain- Routine check ups. He's the tidiest ghoul out of the pack, he likes to maintain his personal appearance and he keeps his teeth shiny and clean. It's the one thing he gets complimented on often, much to his pleasure.
Phantom- Confused on why he needs to go, he regularly visits the orthodontist for his braces as well. He gets lots of treats and praises for doing so good at the dentist.
Sunshine- Hates it, but goes anyways cause Cumulus makes her. She's like Swiss, she needs to be bribed and begged before she even steps foot inside the office, she's all the time complaining about how she wants to leave but toughs it out.
Cirrus- Wants to get it over with, I mean c'mon she has other things to do! Why would she waste her time on something stupid anyways? Cumulus promised her something special afterwards so she goes.
Cumulus- Doesn't mind it actually, loves to talk to the assistants and dentists. They all know her by name and even know her personal business from time to time, she loves the conversations really and tries to maintain her appearance.
Aurora- Much like Phantom, she's confused on why she needs to go. After it's all done and over with she's complaining to everyone who will hear her that her teeth hurt, that she's dying and may not make it. She keeps it up until Cirrus gives her candy.
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ghoultrifle · 1 year
Where the ghouls would sit in a 5-seater car
Mountain is driving, obviously. He's the only one who the government let have a licence and is actually sensible enough to drive
Phantom gets carsick so he's always up front with Mountain. (Un)fortunately that means the rest of the pack is subjected to the new bug's 12-song halloween playlist all year round
Four ghouls sit in the back: Aether, Cumulus, Rain, and Cirrus. They always fight for the window seats and somehow Rain and Cirrus always win. Aether and Cumulus will often be seen pouting, squished between their respective mates
Swiss is a large ghoul but he's relegated to the floor in the back as a punishment for always (consensually) touching up the ghouls during long car rides. He can't help it, something about the bumpy roads always gets him in the mood. Anyway, he's in horny jail on the floor
Aurora and Dew will be found in the boot/trunk. They're so tiny, they both fit in there. It used to just be Dew rolling around in the back, snarling at his packmates but now Rory's there he enjoys it a lot more. If they're feeling mischievous they'll release the back seats so they collapse in on Rain (and half of Aether). Occasionally they make funny faces in the rear-view mirror before Mountain scolds them, "I could've crashed the car Dew!" quickly followed by "Move your fucking head 'Rora, I can't see out the back."
Every time they go out Mountain regrets not getting his minivan licence
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dgaftilwedie · 10 months
(I’m Negatusing myself and getting second hand love for this band)
EASY PEASY ok so........ im gonna give u a run-down on the current ghouls n my babies aether n sunny MWAAHAHA
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dewdrop (or sodo/sodomizer, depends on who u ask) ^___^
he's the lead guitarist + a fire ghoul (during era 4, he was the bassist + a water ghoul [the position in the band corresponds with the element] which is why his name is dew)
he's one of the bolder ghouls. he's usually on the stage front n center and he's a little bit hotheaded. he's known for making a lot of sexual gestures towards the other ghouls and the audience, like his infamous jerking-off-confetti-thing. he also teases the other ghouls, especially aether when he was still in the band. they used to get in guitar duels and they'd throw picks at each other. he's very soft with rain, contrary to the way he is with everything else. he's very rough when he plays the guitar and there was a concert where he ended up bleeding all over the guitar because of how hard he was playing it. he's also often taking hits of swiss's vape (aka the Ghape). in short, he's an evil, stompy, satanic little SHIT.
phantom :3
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my sweet beautiful shithead......... he's the quintessence ghoul / rhythm guitarist who succeeded aether (he is also my favorite) (next to rain ofc)
certified papa harrasser. he does these super dope (and super hot) tricks with his guitar. there isn't much information on him because he's newer but the fandom has given him the roll of the annoying little brother. some people see him as rain and dew's love child LMFAO he interacts with them the most, especially dew. im talkin getting on his knees for the demon. and i get that!!!!! he's kind of a slut ok............
rain <33
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HE IS MY FAVORITE FUCKING GHOUL im getting a tattoo of him eventually i have the perfect thigh piece......... ANYWAYS he's the bassist / water ghoul n he's actually the reason i wanna learn how to play the bass..........
in comparison to the other guitsr ghouls, he's a lot more laid-back. but he is not shy........ he may seem it but he fucking flourishes in the spotlight. im begging you to open a new tab, go to youtube, and watch his opening solo for con clavi con dio. anyways :3 just look at him......... my sweet sweet demon........... i love him so much
mountain xD
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AHHHHHHH he's the drummer / earth ghoul.........
since he's all the way in the back with his drums, he doesn't interact with the crowd too much. he's pretty shy and he NEVER wears shoes when he drums. at least not that i've seen xD he also gives his drumsticks away at the end of every ritual......... personally i headcanon him to be like, the most tranquil ghoul (until he drinks. then he's a menace.) i also feel like he does a lot of nice things for the ghouls but they don't usually notice since he keeps to himself more often than not. also it's very fitting that his name is mountain because he's FUCKING TALL
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he's a multi-ghoul (hence the name SWISS); he does backup vocals n plays guitar n a couple percusive instruments
if u thought dew was a menace.......... u have NOT met swiss. he's well known for being fucking feral. im talkin dry humping the stage and his guitar. he also does this thing where he violently shimmies his shoulders at papa. he's one of the most social ghouls and he takes every opportunity that he can to come onto stage and interact with the other ghouls AND the crowd. he's a little nuts but in the best fucking way possible..............
ok now we're moving into ghoulette territory........ starting with my favorite, MAMA CIRRUS ♡___♡
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she's one of the two air ghoulettes n she's the lead keyboardist!! she also does the keytar solo in mummy dust and occasionally does backing vocals/percussion
oh my god my cape-wearing wife someone restrain me before i start saying inappropriate things... she's super duper affectionate and jumpy like she has such a cute personality?? she literally SKIPS BACK TO HER SPOT after her solo..... she's so fucking sassy too......... she's so sweet and so beautiful I LOVE HER SO MUCH I CAN'T
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she's the other air ghoulette n plays keyboard as well as doing backing vocals :33 pls listen to the live version of per aspera ad inferi that's on spotify it is so good.........
she's very affectionate towards the crowd and often waves and blows kisses towards them. she's also CRIMINALLY underrated. why do people not talk about her!!!!!!! she's so fucking precious and she has a beautiful voice WHERE ARE MY CUMMYLUST FANS AT
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she is so gf it hurts......... also the current multi-ghoulette yippee!!!!!! she plays tambourine, does backing vocals, and she hangs out with swiss...... a lot..........
ok yeah maybe her and swiss have something going on 🙄 (waiting for them to drop the movie i need to see them making out on stage). she's very giddy and she's full of energy all the time. she's also super social n bubbly (N TWIRLY) and often interacts with phantom and the other ghoulettes as well as swiss. she's also like, the shortest in the whole band, she's like 4'11 IT'S SO CUTE THOUGH. she's also the current fill-in for sunny but im crossing my fingers that we'll have 4 ghoulettes instead of just my 3 weed-smoking girlfriends (/ref)
oki now onto the portion of the post where i rant about the former ghouls from early era 5 </3
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he's the former quintessence ghoul / rhythm guitarist and GOD they did him so wrong i miss my banana man 😞
he's most well known for throwing pics at dew :3 he also REALLY liked bananas. he was physically the most beefiest ghoul which is how most people could tell him apart. like look at those arms........ AND HE KEPT HIS FUCKING SLEEVES ROLLED UP he knew what he was doing. im so sad he's not in the band anymore I MISS HIM SO BAD
and finally, sunny :')
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look at her........ she's the former multi-ghoulette n she played tambourine and did som backing vocals
she's also criminally underrated i feel like no one talks about her....... she's so fucking quirky like she's just so fun and silly and i love watching her onstage. i believe she's coming back actually!!! from my knowledge, she only left temporarily because she's on broadway but she hopefully should be coming back (i hope)
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iamthecomet · 11 months
#oh THAT'S a thought#Dew visiting Ifrit and Zephyr's pillars#telling them about his day#about the new ghouls
In relation to this post and the incredible art by @floating-goblin-art (let me know if you don't want to be tagged in this and I'll fix it ♥), and my subsequent tags. Sorry Mal, I have a lot of thoughts about it.
Maybe they're not actually in there. Maybe they are. Maybe they're just stone. Monuments. Like graves. Not actual ghouls encased in whatever salt. That would be better. But Dew, honestly doesn't know. He was broken when it happened. Irreparably he thought. Sometimes he still thinks so. Especially on days when he wakes with a migraine, or an ache so deep in his bones he is sure it will never leave.
They're hidden away in a back room in the Abbey basement. Behind a door no one ever keeps locked. Maybe as a reminder in case anyone stumbles on them--this is what happens if you fail.
Dew still doesn't know why he isn't one of them. How he and Mountain and Aether escaped this fate and Ifrit and Zephyr didn't. They were all summoned by the same papa, in the same few weeks. It doesn't make sense, and trying to figure it out just makes Dew's head pound. It doesn't matter anyway. What matters is that Ifrit and Zephyr are in this dark room with Alpha and Pebble, and the first air ghoul who must have had a name but Dew never learned it. They're with Omega. Dew tries not to look at Omega--his face drawn towards grief and horror. Dew doesn't like to think about what he must have seen. Instead, he sits on the floor at Ifrit and Zephyr's feet. They're together. Close. There is something like resignation on Zephyrs face, acceptance. Ifrit, on the other hand, is frozen mid yell.
Dew can barely stand to look at him.
The floor is cold beneath his legs as he settles in. He leans his head against Ifrit's leg. Cold and solid and foreign in a way that makes his chest catch. It never gets easier. He keeps doing it anyway. He imagines warmth. Conjures some of his own just to make it feel real. He thinks of Ifrit reaching down to pet his hair. Of Zephyr sitting next to him, carding bitter tears off of his face with their thumb. "They summoned new ghouls today," Dew starts. Voice thin and wavering. He opens his eyes but doesn't look up. He encases himself in memory. Pretends they can hear him--all of them. But especially these two. "They're ok. I guess. Nice enough. Got a multi-ghoul this time so that's something. He's pretty too--Ifrit would be all over him." Dew's heart aches.
"We're going on tour soon so I won't be back for a while. But I promise I'll tell you everything about it when I get home." Dew always runs out of things to say before he's ready to leave. He presses his face against Ifrit's stony knee, reaches a hand up to brush over Zephyr's fingers. He closes his eyes, breathes them in like he hopes he can still catch the faint smell of them. Ginger and Snow. All he smells is salt and ash. "Miss you."
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wrathofrats · 7 months
diswa back again with the brain
curious if you have any thoughts about the LA ghoulettes? i've been searching for content of them because... women...
I actually haven’t thought a ton about them since the concert so thank you for bringing them up! I immediately kind of imprinted on this post by @slippy-socks and so I’ll be using/referring to those names and designs and elements bc YEAHHHHHH GHOULETTES OF OTHER ELEMENTS FUCKING FINALLY
Anyways now that I have solid headcanons I can add them to every growing list of ways to make them weird bc oh I’ve been thinking as I’ve been writing this (puts on my t shirt that says ask me about the LA ghoulettes)
Headcanons under cut for length!
Calliope - vocals/ quintessence
I think Callie is more of a traditional quint personality wise. Very intellectual and likes structure. She’s just a more serious gal! Obviously gets along well with aether, they’re kinda book besties when she’s summoned, sharing different books on the stars and magic and other interesting things about the world. She thinks phantom is cute in that aspect. Helping him create maps of the stars in his room with stupid stickers he found. I think Callie’s quintessence revolves more around astral ideas as opposed to medical and body wise like aether and shadow wise like phantom.
She’s a very calm entity I think. She leans femme. Sweet and low energy but with a stoic commanding respect nature to her. She prefers to be alone or with another low energy individual such as aether or rain.
Eden- piano / earth
eden likes mischief. Can be a bit egotistical. Perfectionist and takes her instrument very seriously and can be annoyed when some of the other ghouls tend to mess around more.
She’s very honest, one to not beat around the bush. Gives amazing advice but won’t just tell you what you want to hear, will tell you what you need to hear.
Despite her more aloof side, she is very physical! She loves physical contact, and often has her arm around another ghoul or is on someone’s lap or is holding someone’s hand.
She enjoys hanging around dew, they feed off of each others more chaotic sides and get into friendly competitions that have the other swearing up and down the other is cheating
Loire- cello/ water
Another more introverted ghoulette. Shy and timid and tends to hang around Callie more as she feels she’s more safe and stable.
I don’t think she talks much, simply content on hanging around, partially mute, goes quiet when she gets overwhelmed. I think she has a lot of feelings and tends to shut down a bit, but she’s trying her best
Sweetheart when she’s comfortable with you. Very much is an acts of service gal. Getting another ghoul a drink or a snack or sewing up ripped clothes without asking, cleaning rooms when she sees they’re in a bit of disarray, she likes to stay busy by helping out her pack.
Tends to be seen more around Callie, cirrus and mountain as they feel the most grounded to her.
Soleil- cello/ fire
she’s a bimbo
You’ve seen ifrit the himbo? This is soleil the bimbo.
She’s sweet and strong and kinda stupid. Very extroverted. Loves her pack immensely.
Obviously can be a bit hot headed, her and Eden share an ego and are often together because of it, Eden being more competitive while sol is there to kinda have fun and see how far she can push Eden to be better.
She’s such a supporter, constantly cheering on the other ghouls, loves to compliment them and tell them how amazing they are (can be a bit aggressive but … she’s trying her best)
Like the other beloved himbos, is not allowed in the kitchen or the greenhouse because of multiple incidents (cough, dews a bad influence, cough)
Often seen around Swiss, Eden and cumulus because of their brighter personalities
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