#but anyways i rambled enough for a meme post
energeticpoltergeist · 4 months
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good time to mention im not just a one fandom guy- yep im into FE as well, and my brayne has decided to make that it's current focus (it has a habit of jumping fandom to fandom at random) anyways this was created cause my two friends have no idea what the fuck i am talking about half the time when it comes to Fire Emblem
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ace-milo-thatch · 4 months
pros of being a milo thatch enjoyer: serotonin
cons: everything else
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spaciebabie · 1 year
in this episode of Top 10 Moments Before Disaster Strawberry "Everything can be solved by just talking" Rexica is released onto the battle field
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dude-iloveu · 1 year
ngeh apparently tumblr is slow even on the app. for some reason it just doesnt want to load anything on my phone . but anyway i still downloaded the app so i can write this without being spit on
aeron is so very myvi owner coded and i could never explain this joke enough for people to understand but like, anyway. myvi is a car model from a m'sian company and a stereotype(?) is that people who own myvis are one of the worse drivers here owhfjsn. they be getting into situations that are like, bizzarre and the funny thing is that sometimes the myvi will remain in somewhat good condition afterwards. they're like, the ohio of local cars, the orange cats of hatchbacks.
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katara0524 · 2 years
Not to be an absolute hardass and a bitch but- every time i open this app i get bombarded by Kingdom Hearts and TWEWY opinions that have no business being so judgy and mean lol, y'all need to chill tf out and let people do what they want. Whether that's calling characters by their "canon" names or not, or even just drawing two identical characters with distinguishing characteristics. Its not hurting anyone and all these complaints absolutely reek of whiny baby syndrome lmao. Just a thought ✌️✌️
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rottmntsimp · 5 months
Hey! Love your writing! if reqs are open, would you be willing to write rottmnt Casey Jr x reader? Maybe something fully and/or cozy, like them having a lazy night or doing some housework or something? There’s such a drought of CJ content :c
Leisurely Love [Domestic Headcanons]
Pairing[s]: Casey Junior x Reader A/N: Finally posting after months of writer's block!! 💪 Anyway, sorry the order's a bit scattered 😅
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Casey Junior
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💖 - Starting off with the kitchen <33
💖 - I've said this before in one of my earlier headcanons, but CJ does not understand the concept of good food. To him edible = food, regardless of taste or texture. "What do you mean it's burnt? It's still food!"
💖 - If you like cooking, you're in luck! He'll gladly be your personal taste tester!!
💖 - And with enough effort, care and love, my boy will be cooking you a small meal in no time!!
💖 - He definitely has a habit of hoarding things he likes
💖 - Back in the apocalypse, keeping things was a risk on its own, especially when you never know when you're gonna have to move.
💖 - But now that he's safe, my boy will keep anything and everything. You guys will probably have a drawer or two dedicated to things that remind of him of his family from back in the apocalypse, you, or just something really pretty :]
💖 - Baby boy loves gardening! Or at least getting to watch the plants grow :]
💖 - He doesn't exactly trust himself to care for them, seeing as the last few he tried to keep withered within a week.
💖 - But if you're into gardening or keep a pet plant, he'll gladly let you keep some around the house!! Hell, he might even help with planting some outside if you really wanted.
💖 - Animals, oh boy...
💖 - Personally, if not for the apocalypse, I feel like CJ would've LOVED dogs-
💖 - But due to his experience with the Kraang, some of them shaped like animals...best to say it'll take some time for him to warm up to them.
💖 - My boy has warm hands. How do I know? I just do.
💖 - If you have cold hands, believe me when I say he is never letting go.
💖 - He's not much of a cuddler, or so he claims. There's an underlying fear in his head that he might accidentally kick you or push you away in his sleep, so he chooses to instead just fall asleep facing you. It comforts him to wake up to the sight of you, messy or not.
💖 - Daily reminders that his life is not constantly at stake? Yes please.
💖 - Favorite place to kiss you? Your forehead <3 [We love a gentleman 😌]
💖 - If you're terrified of bugs, fear not!
💖 - Casey will kill them in the blink of an eye, maybe even pick them up and leave them outside if you ask.
💖 - When it comes to cleaning, he doesn't like to throw things out, as I said earlier.
💖 - He's the kind of guy to organize the mess instead of actually cleaning up. "Messy? But I know where everything is!"
💖 - When he discovers music, it's like his eyes had just opened for the first time. Help him go through this journey please.
💖 - Introduce him to your favorite artists, help him find his type.
💖 - Eventually, this will become "your" thing.
💖 - He will run over to you, excitedly rambling on about this new song he'd just listened to, before making you listen to it too, saying how "-you've got to listen to this!"
💖 - Lazy days consist of introducing him to modern culture!!
💖 - I'm talking memes, shows, films, games, everything- Hell, consider it a sleepover at this point, because my boy is willing to give anything a try. Show him the wonders of the modern world ♥
💖 - Now if we're talking about the FAR future? I'm sorry, but he does NOT want kids, adopted or not.
💖 - He saw how much of a handful they could be back in the resistance, and he'd be dead by the time he admitted wanting that.
💖 - If it's any consolation, he might become more open to the whole pet situation.
💖 - Regardless, indulge in the poor boy's hobbies and interests please. Give him some love and you're bound to get some back <3
💖 - Anyway, 11/10 roomie/partner ♥♥
Taglist: @lemme-be-cringe-damnit@sleepytime-fics@ray-of-midnight-storm@hamthepan@charismakat@flapajacker
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lizzyflowers · 14 days
I saw that one meme with DS!Nightmare and DS!Dream's faces slapped on pregnant women and it was really cursed, but it got me thinking.. what if it had lore...(aka real)? Something consumed right then and there at that moment and i went to the drawing app(procreate)... now i present you them but with a baby, p.s. this is super self-indulgent Also, this was also inadvertently caused by @1ka0oo when she made a drawing of DS!Nightmare and DS!Dream married lol (on twitter, since it's not posted on Tumblr, her twitter is @ashi_ashily. Go follow her!)(I personally apologise to my mutuals for having to see this but this is the person u followed):
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Take what you will from this, the second picture with DS!Nightmare on the bottom right corner is from another timeline. But the other pictures are just him and Dream from the current timeline. Basically, what would happen if they just got married after they reconciled and began to get close.. Well, close enough that they got a baby now. No i will not explain myself, i don't know how my brain works either. More ramblings underneath:
What are the other's reactions to this? Ink is somewhat surprised, Cross is happy for Nightmare but at the same time wants to kill Dream, Error is just happy for them, Blue is... not surprised at all lol. Dream gets teased and bashed a lot by Cross and Error (most of the bashing comes from Cross) and Ink is just trying to process the information given to him right now (probably has a few existential crisis's because wow his boss has a child now does this change anything or what, he was not expecting this, first the marriage now the baby, what's happening anymore). Blue was kind of just waiting for it to happen, he's still somewhat banned from the castle but drops by here and there to talk to Nightmare and congratulate him or bother Dream. Dream immediately kicks Blue out whenever he sees him. Error probably knits clothes for the baby and Cross is going to be the best uncle/second-parent-figure that kid ever has. Random HC (Headcannon): Dream's wings are made of light right? I think that they'd get a flame like appearance to them when he gets incredibly upset or angry or just unstable. And if you're wondering how Nightmare got pregnant, uhhh, he's trans, but also magic, yeah. Nightmare hates everything and everyone because he's tired, he's grumpy and if Blue doesn't shut up he's going to kill him right then and there. He opts for more simpler clothing because he's too tired to clothe himself properly, and maybe he steals Dream's clothes or maybe just anyone's clothes because he just doesn't care at that point... Dream is more irritable but still patient, just very sleep deprived, more than usual anyway. Probably constantly worries about Nightmare and the baby, Nightmare feels a bit smothered by Dream's overprotectiveness but honestly just too tired to care. Oh yeah, that guy that Dream killed in the second drawing? I was originally going to expand on that with Nightmare arguing with Dream because Dream promised he wouldn't kill anyone or execute criminals anymore, but that happened impulsively so yeah..
This is super self-indulgent, i just like imagining them in post-reconciliation scenarios and what would happen if certain situations occurred. I just really like situations where it's just very domestic, or very painful and they're just trying to make do with it and heal from it.
[Fun Fact: It's my first time ever drawing DS! Cross, Error, Ink and Blue so i kinda had trouble figuring out how i wanted to draw them.. In the end i settled for something simple with a few minor changes, not that it's noticeable though]
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siarven · 3 months
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I made this for cara but thought I should use it to FINALLY make a proper pinned post on here! (image descriptions in alt text)
Hello everyone (:
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I thought I'd use this to properly re-introduce myself. These days I have a lot going on irl, so I'm not as interactive on here as I used to be. However, I love making new friends and getting to know their projects :D Some of my most important friends are from here, even if most of them are no longer active on writeblr (we have migrated to discord), so if you think we'd vibe pls shoot me a message!!
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What you can expect:
Started out as an artblr, then turned into a writeblr, now it's mostly me collecting inspiration, art and writing references, with some infrequent original writing wip/art posts ✴︎ — more info about tags and writing below the cut — ✴︎
✴︎ — #queer tag - I reblog a lot of queer related posts, particularly about aro/ace and gender related topics
✴︎ — #inspirational - art, writing, photography, nature/environmental issues related topics, history, paleontology, archaeology; things I find inspiring and fascinating :D
✴︎ — i love all of the creatures, fictional or real, but less in a "cute videos" and more in a "I love how our world works" type way. I worked at a wildlife sanctuary for a year after school and learned a lot there. one day i will be the forever home for an old cat nobody else wants
✴︎ — sometimes I still post art and or writing, though I guess there'll be more art on Cara if you wanna follow me there (less AI threat)
✴︎ — i study concept art, work as a freelance illustrator, and am currently working on my MA thesis project "Fragments of the Infinite"
✴︎ — my main wip novel (Dream's Shadow) is probably finally getting close to being Finished. Feels somewhat surreal. idk if it's even worth querying it because it really doesn't fit into the current publishing world but it's not actually finished yet anyway so... we can worry about that later
✴︎ — very into fantasy with cool worldbuilding in particular. don't much care for elves/dwarves/.. fantasy preindustrial england type worlds, but dungeon meshi is my current obsession so if it's deeply developed and interesting enough I don't really mind :)
✴︎ — hopepunk my most beloved! i do love when characters get put through the wringer to get to their hopeful ending though. Sometimes, things are tragic in a bittersweet way, and that is okay too
✴︎ — deeply nuanced, complicated, messy morally grey characters driving the narrative
I am open to tag games, but will probably only manage to respond to like 10% of them... it's not you, it's me
Always open for DMs or asks <3
I try to tag everything as well as I can, if i forget, ask to tag <3
If you're into TMA, I have a podcast/TMA blog @moth-song-archives; my rambling animals/shitposts/memes/other fandoms/... blog is @lirhin, and I have a dedicated art blog @siarvenart
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a hopepunk dark fantasy story with creepy/horror elements set in another world; small scope that transitions into epic fantasy later on
Status: draft 6.5 completed at 141k; currently mini-beta round. First in a trilogy
✴︎ —1st, 2nd and 3rd person limited, present tense ✴︎ — hopepunk, sibling dynamics, dysfunctional family, power of kindness & love, platonic love, queer characters, queer-embracing worldbuilding, mental & physical trauma, light & dark, secrets, tragedy, lies, betrayal, loss of innocence, holding on & letting go, cute creatures, (in)humanity, trees, religion & belief, growing up, monsters, dreams, nightmares.
When Ava and her parents arrive at the hospital, they find her older brother Ben in a deeply unnatural coma - and nobody can tell them what happened. Despite the magical abilities of the Asim Healers, there seems to be no way to save him. But then, why do they still keep him alive? As Ava slowly learns the magnitude of how terrible Ben's situation (and impossible his future) truly are, she finds herself embroiled in a larger conflict, ready to hook its claws into her as well. And the one person she cares about most - who always had her back - is gone. So despite everything, there's only really one choice: Find out how to save him and try anyways.
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the travel journal of a young scientist, documenting the cultures, places, people and creatures she encounters on the way (art/text)
Status: storyboard/script 2nd draft completed; beta feedback
✴︎ —1st person present ✴︎ — 66 double pages of art accompanied by ~10k text ✴︎ — hopepunk, (body) horror, religion & belief, nihilism vs making your own meaning, platonic love, queer characters, queer-embracing worldbuilding, transitioning with magical body horror means, mental & physical trauma, light & dark, deep worldbuilding, eldritch monsters, loss of innocence, SO MANY creatures
Features: a tidally locked planet orbited by 5 moons and populated by giant eldritch monsters; two trans aroace main characters; body horror; so much art; the most gratuitous worldbuilding project; character driven narrative
When the fifth moon hatches during Thorn's own naming ritual, making her one of 2 people who saw it happen, she knows she's been chosen. But back at home, nobody believes what she saw, choosing to instead take the moon's disappearance as a sign of celebration as it mirrors religious scriptures. So Thorn sets out to find physical proof, and uses the opportunity to document her travels. She doesn't know that her view of the world will be thoroughly challenged, but she also doesn't know about the friends she'll make <3
I have various other wips, some of them are linked in my header. I'll return to them at some point, but these 2 are my current projects for 2024:)
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its-a-me-mango · 6 months
MANGOOO!! hello, been shy to slide into asks but i got very curious looking at your SMG4 posts.. do you have any headcanons you think are cool ? Would be a blast to see them! :D
OH HAI!!!! Oh my god I love headcanons so much I promise, but I'm one of those people who immediately forgets them all when I'm asked about them. Also I forgot which ones are mine and which ones are someone elses, thought tbh if someone HC is good enough for me to think I made it then like, that would be a huge compliment to me haha! X3
I have a few that I can think of off the top of my head right now, there's a few that need a whole post to explain but I'll do that when I feel like it, gonna leave out any LGBT headcanons because I already agree with everyone else, they are all gay and trans except the ones that aren't and that's so awesome.
Again forgive me if I repeat someone else's HC, or if anything I say is proven to not be possible, I fucking forgorrrrr;
SMG3 has tattoos, I know I've shown that one already but listen. He has 3, one is a half sleeve on his left forearm that's got a skull and a bunch of bombs and explosions around it, another one is on his right mid thigh which is a memorial tattoo for Terence, and one very small one on his back right shoulder blade that's just a little skull (it's very blown out and old). He'd like to get more at some point, none of the others have any tattoos but he's trying to convince them to get one.
All the SMG's have the little arrow thing that was on their guardian pod as a marking somewhere on their body, SMG1 has his on his chest under his scarf, SMG2 has his under his hat, SMG3 has his on his lower back, and SMG4 has his on the back of his neck, they're all pretty hidden and not too visible, but anytime they use their meme guardian powers they glow.
Tari is just a bird fan in general, for someone who stays inside gaming she sure knows every single bird ever. She's not a bird watcher but she can identify any bird you show her easily, and she's always happy and excited to see bird when she does go out. Obviously though ducks are her favourite, but she like all waterfowl in general.
Karen is divorced, she just gives me divorced girl energy. She has full custody of her kids because her ex was a piece of shit and didn't want them anyway, her kids were all too young to know about him thankfully. She probably got married right out of highschool or something, those relationships never seem to work out. I keep thinking of those "day in the life of a divorced 23 year old" videos like, that's her lol.
Bob's secret hobby is fabric work, you will catch him dead before you catch him admitting or even showing anything he makes, but he makes garments and furniture for fun. Sometimes he'll throw them into the black market and lie about their value for a quick buck and to clear out space, he doesn't care much once they're completed he just likes making them.
I think this one's just semi canon, but SMG4 Mario is secretly really good at reading people, yeah he's kinda dumb but he can pick up what people are feeling in depth, he just doesn't always get why. He's also just a good guy to go to for comfort, not advised though don't listen to him, he's just really good to ramble/vent too (mainly because he won't remember what you said lol).
I'm sure I'll think of more as soon as I post this, but come back and ask again at some point and I'll try and remember them lol
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just-an-assbutt · 9 months
just follow up on your last post about charles and max, i've always found the narrative weird (and I think it's because oftentimes people who write max only see him on race weekends). in reality, max has even been described as quite shy off track but once he's comfortable, like in videos with daniel or the redbull crew, you can see he literally loves pleasing people and being funny. like the way he waits for every joke to land and watches people react. even in the cool down room you can always see him waiting for a chance to talk to people and he's always extra happy when they want to discuss stuff. he seems like a major people pleaser to me off the track and someone's who eager to go along with things. again, not claiming this is reality but just based on what we get to see
I totally agree with this! Specially since I was once one of those people. I first started watching only the races and, frankly, the only thing I cared about was just watching them race. But my dad is a huge F1 nerd (and loves to gossip) so he kind of ended up forcing me to learn about them outside of the track to gossip with me and that made me like Max a little more.
I used to dislike Max, because “race Max” is usually an asshole, he talks horrible to GP, complains a lot and is a bit too cocky. And Charles is the contrary, he doesn’t talk back to Xavi (even if he should), spends most of his time trying to solve things instead of complaining and is pretty humble. So I liked Charles more and Max less. Then my dad, a Lewis fan, started sending me memes daily and slowly I started to learn a little about the drivers off the track. I had always been a Vettel fan (still am) and then started to like Lewis a lot. But, of course, most of the things my dad sent me were against Max. It took me some personal effort to go and try to find things about him that weren’t negative. That’s when I started liking him more. Once you look at Max not high on adrenaline, you get to see a totally different person. Like you say Annon, he is shy and likes to ramble a lot to people, he waits eagerly for his jokes to land and closes off when he’s uncomfortable.
Charles is usually a person that makes him feel comfortable enough to ramble his heart out, the usual victim of Maxplaining. And you can see how important is for Max to tell Charles things. He runs from wherever he is to where Charles is just to talk to Charles, and you can always see Charles ready to be there and listen to him for an hour while Max lets it all out. I remember a cool down room this year that it’s a great example of that. Max was closed off, no idea why because his race hasn’t been that bad, Checo was there and even through he tried to make Max open up he couldn’t. I believe that Checo and Max are on great terms, but Max needs a pretty specific environment to be friendly and open with people he’s not too close to. Anyways, Charles walked in and saw that Checo was unsuccessfully trying to make Max talk a little bit and decided to help out. He remembered that Max complained about the wind during the race, so he brought that up. It got Max going instantly, his face and posture changed and he started rambling none stop about the wind and the effect it had on the car, like Charles didn’t know two things about aerodynamics. Checo smiled and stood there, listening to Max talk and he shared a little look with Charles, like he was thanking him. Even Charles knows how much Max loves to tell him things.
(Yes guys, keep sending asks and I’ll keep rambling, I’m like Max, I can never stop talking about F1).
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blitzbuckz · 2 months
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* OOC . && Update.
I hate doing this, but this is officially my last week of vacation -- so I'm sorry if I might be a bit hysterically this week. I'm afraid how inactive I'm going to be, afraid of losing mutuals, afraid of losing character, etc. I seriously can't thank everyone enough for putting up with our silly shenanigans. These past 4 months have been amazing, more than any words could express. I suck at words so I'll cut this short. Just know every interaction has been very very meaningful && a total blast ! I'll definitely be reflecting on our time together during work. There's going to be days where I will mostly post ooc. or short responses -- likely meme prompts, but I will still continue long threads -- they're just going to take a bit longer for me to get to. anyways, sorry for the rambling ...
ᴛʟ;ᴅʀ -- I'm going to be super selective due to returning to work, but everyone's more than welcome to jump in my inbox ! it'll be snail-paced but I will get to stuff slowly. so, yeah, if it seems like I'm ignoring you -- this is why.
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liesmyth · 5 months
Further to Keeley saying yes to marrying Roy (definitely agree), how much would Roy only be asking because he thinks that's what you do. Like he's retired, he's forty, and all his former teammates are married/have kids. He's a traditional guy (kind of) - would he have waited for them to have been together for two years (or whatever) and then proposed because that's the next step?
Context: this is a follow-up to this 'unpopular opinion meme' ask where I said that (to me, etc) Keeley would've said yes if Roy ever asked her to marry him post S2.
In general, I just looove to overthink gender roles and performative heterosexuality with these characters, because the mix of sports series + juicy queer dynamics is like catnip to my brain — so thank you for this ask so I can ramble about it some more!
The thing is. I think Roy's actually not very traditional for a footballer (let alone a very famous one) simply because he's close to forty and he's never been married and doesn't have kids. Like, genuinely, that makes him a huge oddity in his set. If I were applying RL football logic to the football show that plays fast and loose with realism, I'd say that there must be a lot of speculation in-universe that Roy is gay. OR maybe he's had so many public short-term flings that there's only a little speculation — but there would still be people thinking it's strange. Just because "WAG and kids" is such a big aspect of how football stars are expected to perform masculinity, and Roy not having any of that (while at the same time performing a very specific brand of 'old school' tough guy masculinity) would make him a weird anomaly.
(When talking to non-sports fans, I usually find it useful to compare pro athletes to active-duty military personnel as two categories that on average start a family very young. It's a mix of a family providing more stability in a hectic career + expectations in those circles because everyone else is doing it + financial reasons that mean is more convenient to do it now than to wait)
(Again. Reflecting on social norms in footballers' circles makes me think a lot about what Keeley's expectations might have been pre-S1, when she kept dating footballers and moving in those same circles, whether the fact that she was with a young guy at 30 bothered her more than she let on, etc etc. This is also part of why I think she absolutely would say yes if Roy proposed — see also her reaction to Shandy saying that all their former flatmates "married footballers", which is just like "yeah, fair enough". I think pre-season 3 she just never saw her life going in a different direction, and was fine with it — at least until S3 made her consider stuff she might not have otherwise)
Anyway SORRY I went off!! Back to Roy — all that ramble was to say that, TO ME, if he wanted to be married, he absolutely would be already, way before the show started. It's something he must have considered earlier in life, just because it's a staple of the Ideal Footballer Career Path, and for whatever reason decided he wasn't keen on it. And it wasn't a one-off earlier — it's something people would have commented on it over and over, as all his teammates started families and he didn't, as the tabloid press speculated on his private life. It's not that he never had the opportunity; it's that he actively chose not to. So I'm not sure retirement would necessarily be the thing that makes him decide that "it's time" to get married. We see that in S2 he really throws himself into ~playing house~ with Keeley because he's trying to find a new life anchor after retirement, but idk if that would necessarily translate, to him, into "next step is getting married." Because, for someone in Roy's position, getting married would have been "the next step" ten years ago, and he was like, nah!
I also think that "when will Roy and Keeley get married" WAS an expectation that was very much present in the eyes of everyone who interacts with them, at least from the moment it became clear that they were serious and basically living together. Tabloid speculation, old friends of Roy who're also retired, friends and acquaintances of Keeley who also move in those 'D-list celebs / influencers / WAG' kind of circles. Their families, even; I have a very elaborate headcanon built off that one (1) throwaway line that Roy wanted to open the champagne when Keeley's mum "moved back north", that maybe Keeley's mother was a bit too happy to see her settled down with an older man for once, and they're living together, and he's very famous and very rich. My other headcanon is that Keeley dropped Shandy / her old friends after she got with Roy partly because there'd have been some wink-wink-nudge from those corners about "landing Roy Kent" (I have WAY too many thoughts about Keeley and Shandy, lol).
...Anyway. This is all to say. I think, between the two of them, Keeley might have been the one who vaguely considered that maybe marriage could be on the horizon as a next step, because she's a woman over 30 in circles where women over 30 get reminded of these things. Roy has the luxury of thinking about it less, because he decided years before the show that he wasn't going to get pressured into an early marriage just because it's The Done Thing.
I can believe Keeley and Roy never discussed marriage all through the year-odd they were dating, but I bet multiple people brought it up to Keeley unprompted, and to Roy also but to a lesser extent, and he was able to shrug it off way more easily. Keeley is probably dodging old friends who text her happy birthday and then are like "how are things going with RoyKent(TM)??" wink. babe you landed the big fish!! etc. etc.
SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG! this is like 80% headcanons that's partly inspired by me being A Sports Fan, partly by me overthinking Keeley's narrative, especially in S1 and S2 when she was still allowed to have neuroses and a meaningful friendship with Rebecca. But I'm ALWAYS thinking about Roy/Keeley not only as a ship but also in the context of the very specific gendered dynamics that exist among top-flight footballers and their partners, especially in the UK. It's just anthropologically fascinating to me, and I think S1 especially does a very good job of hinting at all the various nuances with Keeley's character.
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miscling · 1 month
🌻 xx
this thing has, for various reasons, been thinking about ask memes and sending asks, and wondering about the status of its blog.
occasionally, someone will call the miscling blog a big blog, which always surprises it. this thing is... online a lot, reblogs a lot, and gets a fairly consistent stream of likes and reblogs. it gets at least a few asks to answer in a day, though they mostly come from the same few people. it gets a few anons, sees its favourite familiar faces (hiiiii! 💚), and enjoys and loves all the attention it gets. it doesn't want to get braggy about its blog though. ultimately it doesn't matter, and given how this site is... well... you get it.
the thought that comes to mind is actually about ask memes, because for all the attention this thing gets, ask memes can be so hit-or-miss. open ended ones are too vague sometimes so they take a lot of reader inspiration, some of the long ones are too hard to pick things from. the most popular ones this thing has reblogged are the colour ones with short lists and funny statements. it still sends more ask meme questions than it gets, and rarely gets ask meme questions from others that reblog them from it, and little reciprocation when it sends an ask meme question out to others.
there's no judgement here at all, for what it's worth, this thing is just rambling.
there's a couple of posts that are like 'ask memes are tumbly culture! don't let ask memes die!' but this thing wonders if many others are actually active enough to make ask memes work. it knows it's scrolled by a few itself when it's checking its dash while tired or distracted or on its phone. it's far easier to copy questions out of an ask meme on desktop, but it thinks most others are on their phones most of the time.
cultures change and how people interact with the site changes and everytime one of the other sites fucks up and others surge here the culture shifts a little more as well. this thing has no idea what any of this means, if it's being honest, only that it is here to play posts and have fun being itself.
anyway, this is getting long... thank you for the 🌻!
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Thank you for tagging me today, friends @hushed-chorus @blackberrysummerblog @forabeatofadrum @ivelovedhimthroughworse @you-remind-me-of-the-babe ❤️
Ok rambling time: Recently I was really craving some Snowbaz kissing, and guess what - there's a fic that's like 90% JUST kissing. So the good news was, I could have all the kissing I wanted! So many kisses! Too bad it's unfinished.
And then I had a moment like that meme: "man this fic is really great! I wish I could find out how it ends!" *realizes you're the author*
ANYWAY rambling over. That's all just to say: I'm going to finish every little helps. Like I'm this close 🤏 to being done after over a YEAR writing this thing. I just need to wrap up the last chapter and write a neat little bow of an epilogue and then boom, done.
Here's a bit from chapter 8 (coming to an ao3 near you as soon as I'm done beating it out of my head):
He snorts against my skin, a little laugh among the breathy kisses. “Think I'm a bit like a vampire, now."  I just hum. I really hoped he wouldn't try to open that can of worms right now. It's bad enough that I had to take him down to the Catacombs with me. At least he stopped kissing me long enough so I could drink blood.  (He did help me catch a few rats—stepped on one, then offered it up to me like a single-stemmed rose. Absolutely ridiculous.) (I was swooning.) “How so?" I ask. “I mean, like, the hunger."  “Your hunger makes you long to drink the blood of small mammals?" I frown. “Wait. Do you want to drink my blood?"  "You smell so good," he whispers against my jaw. "Wanna eat you."  "I've already said I don't eat the rats."  "Said I wanna eat you."  I tsk at him. “Cannibalism isn't sexy, Snow."
Alright, this post is long enough. Idk if anyone even remembers this fic, but in case you still care, the end is near, friends.
Tagging: @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy @facewithoutheart @captain-aralias @martsonmars @aristocratic-otter @fatalfangirl @confused-bi-queer @stitchyqueer @letraspal @prettygoododds @valeffelees @larkral @palimpsessed @whogaveyoupermission @ionlydrinkhotwater and anyone who'd like to share!
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chickenkurage · 24 days
(ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ Our Introduction!!! (๛ ˘ ³˘ )♡
We’re Spongey and JMLilac, we came from Ao3 where we originally posted AvA/M AUs and Art.    
Spongey is the author mastermind behind the fanfictions and JMLilac behind the fanarts. 
Spongey (The Author/sometimes artist):  Hewow!! X33 I'm Spongey or you can call me Spongehh or Sponge. Any is fine, my name has so many variations at this point XDD. My pronouns are she/her but tbh I'm okay with anything as well, I mostly wrote this fanfics for fun and i never knew it was THAT fun. Anyways that’s all! 
JMLilac (The Artist): Hi :33 I’m usually the artist (besides Spongey herself), whenever Spongey posts their stuff. I’m She/Them if you want my pronouns.  I’m not really aiming to be the best artist, just enough to get those ideas on paper (or digital screen?) so not every art I make is going to be a finished masterpiece. Anyway, just making fanart for fun :PP. 
ASKS ARE OPEN :D (#AskSpongey&JMLilac)
You can ask us about the AU’s or our thoughts on other things? (Philosophy? Life? Existential crisis? Aristotle? Confucius? /j)
It's half half if we take on fic request or art request, still in decision on that one hehe~
Have a conversation about your theories as well maybe!! (Sponge want's this very much!)
You can ramble about AU ideas too! Both Sponge and JMLilac love getting more AU ideas!
Click here for the AvA/M AUs Fanfiction in Ao3 <3:
And here are the tags for the AU art made by Spongey and JMLilac:
#CSAlanBecker "Creator-Stickman Alan"
#CAlanBecker "Cursor Alan"
#TAlanBecker "Teen Alan"
#FAlanBecker "Farmer Alan"
#AIAlanBecker "Artificial Intelligence Alan"
#DAlanBecker "Duck Alan"
Here is the tag for Spongey's Tumblr posted fics:
{What do we post here?}
Fanart of the Au's
Memes made by our dear JMLilac ^_^
Doodles of mostly JMLilac, and sometimes Spongey...
Answering some Asks stuffs ofc! (Spongey and JMLilac are very bad at responding but here they will overcome the hurdle together)
And maybe some other more :DD
"Tumblr only" fics
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Hey, i hope you're well! I just wanted to ask - do you know anything about a httyd books discord? I'm sure I saw one mentioned somewhere and I think it was on your blog (though I may be totally mistaken) - I would really love to join one, so wanted to ask around!! :))
Hey, sorry for the late response, i saw this shortly after you sent it and then just kept forgetting to answer lol Anyways the answer is yes, i do know about a httyd books discord 2 of them in fact 1 because im in it and the other because, well
i made it So the first httyd books discord is run by a person names Star She's very nice, and its a fairly calm chat Heres a post she has linking to it or at least I believe that link still works
I would liken it to being in like, an afterschool club, where you have a theme for it, but its also just for chilling and hanging out
People are nice, its chill, you can vibe Then theres mine, which i made because i was too anxious and awkward to talk in the aforementioned chat, which is also why im pretty much never active there, RIP I would describe it as "if Tumblr were only httyd book themed"
If the first discord is a casual afterschool club, mine got banned after someone set something on fire, and now we meet under the bleachers at an old abandoned baseball field
Mine's a little messy, leans more heavily towards general fandom stuff, fanart, memes, 1001 AUs, both actually insightful conversation and shitpost type content so ya know theres no general chat for non-httyd convo, or for the movies for that matter, because quite frankly the movies have enough space already, tho we do still talk about it occasionally
All in all, its pretty casual i think, you can talk and share as much or as little as you want, theres not really any rules besides like Be respectful to everyone and in general try to keep things httyd book related (not that that always happens, sometimes youre talking and you end up going off on a ramble about like, piranha or something, its cool, no worries)
anyways uh
idk what else to say about it, ive really enjoyed the time ive spent there, its been cool, had a lot of fun, everyones real nice and ive made some great friends (shoutout to them, love y'all 🫶) so yeah
Come hang out if you want, i love seeing new people join, we're all mildly insane there, its fine, dont worry about it
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