#but anyways yea. siblings !!
planetsandmagic · 1 year
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nonymous06 · 2 years
I drew a lil smt for a dtiys
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Also my human designs for the disaster twins cause the brain rot is real
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angelsdean · 1 year
no but really it's funny sam thinks dean is john 2.0 when s1 dean is just. content to take on random cases and help save some people and is trying to do some good w/ the hand he's been dealt and isn't all that interested in his father's revenge quest and up until then has always had to play the mediator and swallow down his own feelings and anger. while sam's the one who quickly becomes obsessed w/ revenge the minute he loses jess and finding the thing that killed her and is quick to anger. "you're more like him than i'll ever be" "i'll take that as a compliment" "you can take that however you like" etc etc
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claratyler · 6 months
No i mean its actually so so so funny that they never tried for a second to push for or even lightly imply a merlin/morgana romance (which would be the formulaic thing to do, given that the other two leads were already paired up). They just couldnt do it. They had to be like ok we have to be real here.. not only is he gay and not only is she a lesbian, but they absolutely despise each other. Obsessed with their dynamic
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compaculaaa · 8 months
How did ultra Magnus and alpha Trion feel when they were about to start a family? :D
🤔 what were your thoughts when you guys found out, it was three(or triplets?)
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AT: As for how Ultra and I reacted to the news, I didn’t really want to believe it at first
AT: as hard as it is to believe but these are my first sparkling in my 9 billion stellar cycles of being online
AT: and although I was scared, Ultra was always there for me. The one who loved me after cycles of being alone…
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cryptidm0ths · 11 months
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kanakana doodles
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theloveinc · 1 year
bakugo would get so offended whenever u call him out on his only child behavior cuz he doesn’t know what you mean but omg it would be so funny 😭
LMFAOOO be careful bc I’m an only child too so you know I’ve gotta back him up🤓😤😼💪🏻
…I’m just kidding, my roommate and I are always getting into little spats abt this and he’d SO TOTALLY BE GROUCHY ABT IT WHEN CONFRONTED.
Weird about personal space, weird about waking up together and bedtimes… it’s probs the reason he’s so tricky abt relationships in the first place bc he’s so used to being on his Own that he barely knows what you’re talking about when you bring up his lack of siblings as the reason for his prickliness.
He’s all, “I’m not this way bc of that! I’m perfectly fuckin’ normal, thank you!” as he literally assumes you’re trying to pick a fight😭… and then holds a grudge over it. “Having siblings doesn’t make you better than me!”
OR the second you say he’s just mad about something because he never had to share as a kid (canon) or was told the word “no…” and he’s just standing there breathing all heavy with his arms crossed bc he doesn’t have a valid argument to snap back with (and the face I’m imagining is so funny I wish I could draw).
It’s funny tho, when he finally accepts it and you get to see his confused, embarrassed face when he starts realizing that he’s been making dinner without asking what you want to eat, or trying to go out without telling you where. He’s so spoiled!!!
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scarah-screeeaaammss · 2 months
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I had only kinda wanted this Cleo when she dropped but like... I didnt nearly $100 want her so I was like whatever. But she grew on me and then I was like dang I do want her actually. Then yesterday at a doll show I found her and snagged her for $50 so I guess patience pays off sometimes lmao
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jrueships · 14 days
i hate when ppl choose to make fun of ant when he does silly goofy things with his family. Like those are his people, they helped raise him after bitchass cancer took both his grandma and his mama. He can dance with the antfam all he wants and wear silly matching pjs. He can shamelessly advertise his brother's newest rap single. That's his family
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zerothisnero · 23 days
Bro still no ideas? Damn, creativity didn't jsut leave you, it straight up divorced you 😞
Draw your interpretation of irl rosa and matt maybe hanging out eith Benjamin?? Or just anything moon children related? Maybe the wedding of BEN and Jean? Or rosa babysitting the kids? Orrrrrr different ocs all interacting?
This all I got for now take my interpretation of irl Matt and Rosa
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prismjiinx · 2 months
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She's infodumping to him about all the different trees in the clans
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witch128chick · 3 months
So i finished two drawings some time ago. I was pretty fixated on them but waited until i was ready to share them :) it's not really the drawings that matter, mainly just the story behind them
These are two fanarts related to the Sibling AU (which i have a plan to write a fanfic about sometime)
But let's go then, i say
This takes place after Odalia dyed Amelia's hair for the first time (she's idk 6 or smth here)
Now she looked like the rest of her family, but in her heart, she knew she still didn't belong. Her mother continued to treat her horribly, and Amelia started to think the whole thing about the hair dye was to let everyone know who she was. A Blight.
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And this brings us to the next drawing which happens after Amity got her hair dyed for the first time too (i just like to think they bonded over this and talked about it a lot)
Background belongs to Mira Ko!
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Amity liked her original hair colour because she shared it with her dad and big sister. Who had green hair now. And Amity's got dyed, too. She didn't mind it at first since she thought it was pretty cool. But her mother made it appear as if she was just accepted into the family. Like she was a stranger before. Like her hair colour had to be changed, in order to belong to the family.
Some Sibling AU angst for y'all :)
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diverbots · 1 year
Again, yes, I draw/write Ramattra and Zenyatta (and Mondatta) as actual familial brothers.
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0509-brainrot · 1 year
Assorted 0509 doodles from my computer, because I can't draw them right now and it's Killing me---
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turtle-trash · 5 months
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Return of the weird Ecolo n Mikey kin fusion thing. This time w a joke that’s been living in my head since I first drew them basically
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Anevia is possessed with curiosity about who the document the commander is spending so much time writing is going to. she also muses on their new commander, and the bonds hes formed, especially the one with the purple theifling.
[is this in character for Anevia? idk i just woke up, wanted to write Georgie actually giving Woljif a contract for the cult idea, and then Anevia possessed me and made her n Irabeth adopt Georgie.]
After the party returned from their exploration and had rested up, Georgie spent a good hour head over his desk.
Anevia had been curious, a letter to family? It couldn't be more orders for the army's, as he had ordered them to stand down and rest before he himself had.
He was focusing hard, having changed sheet of paper three times already, A lover? She suppose that telling someone you alive and also telling them your leading the crusade was a hard message to get right.
But given how he had smiled upon being introduced to Sosiel, and even how he started actually looking at a certain count, she doubted that.
Family then? Teiflings don't often have that, well that can have *Familys* but not often the normal ones. She narrowed her eyes at the ring on Georgie's finger, the one that appeared after he ran of after questioning her love about informants.
She thought about Woljifs teasing about the now commander being his little brother. How said 'little brother' had sought out to solve the other teiflings problem first.
Anevia liked Georgie. She didn't like the thought of him seeking out the Family just for some sense of kinship and belonging.
Maybe she should have prompted Irabeth to have her heart to heart with him earlier. He clearly respected both of them, running to both for advice. He was a quick learner and naturally charismatic, but she meant what she'd told him, he was more dangerous now, and they didn't need him running into the arms of criminals just for acceptance of who he is.
And sue her, she liked the kid. Not just because he saved her life, or how he managed to keep his head while being thrust into the lead of their rag tag group, or even how he tried for peace and good at every opportunity, but wouldn't hesitate to summon his pets to their aid. But because he was a good kid, who saw the best in people, a kid who had been picked by the goddess or fate or whatever, and swore to himself that he would do what he thought was right.
Okay, also because she loved Irabeths smile after their heart to heart, loved how she finally had someone she could talk to about how she was immediately discriminated against for her race, who understood.
Merciful Goddess was this the so called 'motherly instinct' people harped on about?
Them and Woljif weren't the only ones, Seelah had silently claimed him as her brother once she had stopped being so preoccupied with worry over the order of the cart. Still, it seemed she was leaning on him just as much as he was her now.
Talking of Seelah, the little bigger girl, Ember, had clearly won over their commanders heart, even if Seelah was slow to warm to her deity disrespecting ways. Still, it should be but a matter of time.
Footsteps shook her out of her musings, their commander finally finished with his document. Shes waiting until the tent flaps fell back down to sneak... To walk out of the tent. As is her right. She's just visiting Irabeth about some paperwork.
Hopefully if the commander questions her he will think she's sneaking some *alone time* with her partner, not trying to find out what he was writing because of her curiosity. Sure she could just ask, but she's bored and this is fun.
And that's not a bad idea, to have some *fun* with Irabeth after.
The footsteps of the other side of the falling fabric finally reaching the end of her earshot signaled her to move. The bright chaos of the kid must have infected her too.
She walked out, schooling her body language into saying she's just checking in on the camp, with papers under her arm for Irabeth.
Both sets of horns and dark hair were together, over by the Quartermasters tent.
Georgie was shoving the piece of paper into Woljifs hands, the purple teifling trying to mask his confusion with humor.
Mm. She suddenly had the pressing need to check the resources available to the crusade...
Luckily, both were still to absorbed in their not a conversation to notice her getting closer. She shushed the Quartermaster and listened.
"-don't want you worrying I'll run off and use your idea without you getting your fair share"
"What?"She hadn't seen Woljif so off spin for a long time, he was excellent at rolling with the punches. To excellent at times.
"You asked for a contract didn't you! And I'm a man of my word" Georgie shoved the paper at him again. "Wouldn't want to chest my little brother out off-"
"- little brother? Your the little brother!" This was clearly a well worn argument and more familiar ground for the teifling.
"And I'm older than you!" Georgie shook his head "anyway I thought is write it up. Make sure you know your ideas are valued." Ignoring the look of shock on his self professed little brother face, he continued, "want to make sure you get your due, you know? You don't screw over family" and he ended it with a bright smile.
She loved this kid. Didn't love the idea they were talking about, or that they had cooked up one, but it was clear Georgie would be taking the lead out of the two of them.
She didn't need to worry about Woljif dragging the commander into a life of crime, *he* needed to worry about the kid dragging him into a life of good.
Her chuckle at the thought drew their attention,
"Hello Anevia! Do you need anything" goddess the kids happiness was blinding.
"Nothing for you to worry about Commander, just checking our inventory after we moved camp" the quartermaster joined Woljif in spluttering.
"Excellent idea! Thank you for your initiative."
Someone needed to get the quartermaster a healer before he choked.
"Well that's done now, so I'll just bring these papers to Irabeth" indicating to the ones under her arm
Georgies smile grew cheeky "Enjoy! Give her my thanks for her assistance, and I will be taking my group to deal with the Hellknights, so get some rest while you can."
She couldn't stop her smile anymore, leaving with a nod of gratitude and a wave, walking towards her love.
Get some rest indeed.
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