#but apparently I was the one who wrote it and i can't leave kudos on my own fic
gallavichthings · 10 months
Hoping you can put this out for all of the artists and writers that participate in your events. Just wondering how everyone deals with the feeling of posting something and having it completely flop? Those of you that have had it happen, how do you come back from that?
Hello, dear anon! I'm posting this so that anyone who wants to reply may do so, as you requested, but I also wanted to include my own two cents.
First of all, let me tell you I absolutely understand your frustration. It can be very off-putting to post something you put effort into to just have no one apparently notice it. There are a lot of posts saying how we should write/make art for ourselves, and not for others, and while I agree with those to a certain extent, once you actually post something, the goal is clearly to have it noticed by your peers.
That being said, I do encourage you to try to redefine what a flop means. Is it no notes at all? Because I hardly think you're getting no notes at all, especially in this fandom (but if you are, maybe there's something off with the way you're "marketing" it, so let me know and maybe we can help).
I assume by flop you mean getting less notes than you'd expected, so I think it's a matter of expectations. Are you comparing yourself to others? Because let me tell you right away, that won't do. Some people are more popular, period, and who knows why that is. Sure, most of the time these people are really talented, but usually it's that they make something that resonates with people, but I couldn't tell you why some do and some don't. It's absolutely impossible to predict what the fandom will or won't like. Even if you compare your works with your other own works, that will happen. I can't tell you the amount of times I've written something thinking people would love it only to get just a handful of kudos, while some other fics I've written on a whim, thinking no one would care, got way more attention.
Number three: give it time. Sometimes things aren't appreciated right away, but eventually they get further. I still get daily kudos on fics I wrote 8, 9, 10 years ago.
Finally, and this is a message to everyone, not just the anon who sent the ask: this is why fandom is important, and this is why you have to share the things you enjoy. Leaving likes/kudos is a great thing, but once you reblog it or add it to a recs list, that's when other people get to know stuff. That's literally my main job here, that's the reason I created this blog, so it would be an archive for the fandom. Yes, I organize events as well, and I answer asks and all, but the main point of this blog has always been and will continue to be reblogging. (I unfortunately don't have as much time to go through the tags as I used to, which is why I have my dear @sickness-health-all-that-shit helping me out, but it's still possible we miss things, so you're always welcome to tag me or send me your posts if you notice it's been a week or two and we haven't reblogged them yet - please do wait a bit though, as we do have a queue to go through.) Also, please do leave replies/comments/tags, those are so important and encouraging to the artists/authors!
I hope this eases your heart a bit, anon. And I look forward to seeing what everyone else will say.
GT mod.
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steve0discusses · 8 months
S5 Ep : I don't know the episode numbers anymore I never wrote them down, so from here on out, I'm just going to number up from my previous post. So I guess episode 49
Fun fact I finished this post a week ago and then never pressed send. I can blame this on a lot of things, (work, illness, brain fog, etc) but at this point we just know it's the universe trying to keep me from finishing S5 of my Yugioh reblog, lmao.
So, last we left off, Sad Seto was next to die.
What makes this extra weird is that the other Seto is going to just watch this entire thing happen. He apparently didn't have enough traumatic disassociating while watching his Blue Eyes Wife die, now he will disassociate from watching himself go out in a blaze of glory, too.
Sad Seto's strategy against Zorc is not really what you'd expect out of the #2 of Egypt's court. Although...I guess before everyone biffed it, Seto was more like #5? #6?
He's above Mana I feel. Barely. Mostly because Mana probably isn't the right age to legally work, even in ancient Egypt when the working age is like...if you can walk.
But he was apparently so busy doing Aknadin's taxes that he's decided it's good judgement to throw himself at a 800 ft tall dragon/crotch/man.
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for his credit, Sun Tzu's art of war hasn't been written yet.
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And Sad Seto realizes his true purpose, which is that he has a smarter, stronger, and more powerful girlfriend (ish.) Which is a running theme on this show, as we all know.
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In a bizarre cut that I can't believe they left on US TV...other than I think they couldn't cut this any other way, the penis dragon attached to Zork extended it's neck up to grab Blue eyes by her neck and just fling her into the ground, killing her instantly.
I don't like that the neck can extend longer. I don't like that it's a function of the dragon crotch. They knew. They knew what this looked like. Thanks, I hate it.
Also what an embarrassing way for Seto's past self to die. Truly the hieroglyphs about this event will be wild, and thousands of years later, Grandma Muto probably looked at this event etched into stone and just thought it was weird ancient pervert stuff.
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Sorry if you were thinking Sad Seto would recover last minute and realize he's like the most OP person in Yugioh. He instead rotted from his hand and joined the rest of our Egyptian cast in Shadow Hell.
Leaving us with just Mana. And like kudos to her, but how on EARTH did she survive so freakin long!? Like of all of them, I thought Seto would be the last one. Not Mana. Not in a million years did I think it'd be the girl who hid in a pot.
But youknow maybe that's why she survived?
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And then Bakura casually walked away from the only Seto who matters. Which is fitting, because if memory serves, that's also what Yami did to Seto for like half of the Battle City tourney.
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It's such a weird strange bod on this dragon. It's such a strange bod. He's both got kind of a belly, but also is ripped to shreds. Such a weird bod.
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In case you were like "We haven't given Seto enough motivation," we also toss in a few nearly dead brothers just to make sure we have properly traumatized this boy to the point where he'd duel someone who isn't Yugi Muto.
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Seto decided magic exists 6 minutes ago, and he's already better at magic than Yugi Muto who's had access to it for YEARS.
Like he learned about magic in a different culture, a different time, a different language, and now he's fighting the final boss.
But it's Seto, so I buy it. He would speedrun his life like this.
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That's the dialogue of the show where he says his first words were "neutron blast attack" and youknow...he probably has very few memories of himself as a child since his parents died and his other family put him up for adoption...but he knows his first words?
That, or Seto likes making his brand a reality by making up whatever nonsense it takes to make that brand legit. Which I can also see him doing.
Also please don't look at this foreshortened hand, don't look at it, ignore that this happened.
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So thanks to Bakura's weird choice to drag Seto into this universe in the first place, now Bakura has to fight Seto and his 3 blue eyes that would not have existed here otherwise.
TBH it kinda makes the whole Sad Seto arc feel kind of like it didn't need to exist. Like this is the Seto fight that matters. This one right here, and although they share a name, it's not with the same guy who fought Zorc at the beginning of this episode.
And like I could add it to a list of problems with this season. But Sad Seto started out so interesting, and then forgot. It was like he only existed to introduce the dragon, and not explain anything at all about the nature of Seto Kaiba we know and love. Like the possession of Aknadin can be a parallel to how Seto was raised following Gozaburo's footsteps, but youknow...that's all old territory.
Like, I wish I had any sort of new growth from the interaction of either of the Seto's together in the same room, much like we've been getting from Yami facing his past self. Yami's been growing a lot, he's been facing his demons, but Seto? Seto's been walking around this desert trying find wifi.
(which like he did find a "wifey" which is almost wifi but wasn't as helpful because she was dead)
The Seto Kaiba who is fighting Bakura right now, is the same exact guy we saw at the end of the last arc against Zeigfried Von Schroeder.
Which means the reason that Seto is now souped up and capable of going up against Bakura isn't because of anything we witnessed here in this arc, but because of the weird horse guy last arc who taught him how to put up a better firewall.
And maybe there was a draft where Seto decides he is a spiritual reincarnation of the Pharaoh of Egypt. Maybe there was a draft where he gained a new ability. Maybe there was a draft where he realized the gravity of what was happening and wanted to save the world.
But it ain't this draft, unfortunately.
Seto is here not because of an internal growth reason, but because he was on a tablet in S2, and we have to know where that plot thread went to have an ending...but the show rewrote what it initially said in S2.
Like in the OG timeline, it was Seto who killed Pharaoh. But here we found out it was actually Aknadin who possessed Seto to kill Pharaoh. (and at some point in that fight, Pharaoh stuck his soul in a box and sealed away Zorc)
Sad Seto was apparently a chill bro the entire time. Just a nice guy who arrested half of Cairo and had a sort-of-girlfriend for about 8 hours before she biffed it.
And I would have been OK with that, if it were more interesting than what we initially thought happened in the past: where we thought it was a kickass Seto launching a coup. But unfortunately, it's not, instead it's a boy who started out powerless, and continued to be powerless despite working in Pharaoh's literal court. He didn't even have the power to not get possessed.
And I am sure there were other drafts, and endings are hard, and the author did get hella hospitalized while he wrote this season, animation is a miracle of many moving parts and budgets, and we were lucky to even get an ending to this show. So I don't want to sound like I'm complaining when there are so many worse directions this show could have gone. I'm just a little surprised it went this direction, mostly.
But say what you will about Yugioh, it doesn't like to be predictable, doesn't it?
+++++++++++++++++++OK I'M DONE++++++++++++++++++++++
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Speaking of characters who haven't gained anything from being here, Tristan is no longer possessed!
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Tristan begs his apologies and Yugi takes it gracefully. Which means, it's time for the main character of this entire show to finally re-enter the plot.
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And they do so, in style.
Y'all I remember being excited about the look and style of extreme sports, but I do not remember this many heelies in the 00's.
Anyway, this is the link to read these in chrono order, you know the drill. See you next time to see yet another girlfriend biff it!
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ly-art · 6 days
A Touch-Up (NSFW) — Vessel x OC I'm entering the ring of Sleep Token fics
Okay, so after having become obsessed with Sleep Token the last few weeks. And god, the songs just hit my feels so much, Vessel has such a beautiful voice, I wanna cry.
But, welp, I am what I am. And so I wrote a one-shot smut fic with Vessel because apparently I can't hold back my depraved mind, lol. I am very aware that there are people who are uncomfortable with this. DONT READ IT THEN PLEASE, and it's not like I'm just having the hots for Vessel. Their music is touching my heart.
This fic is 🔞 NSFW, so please no minors jeez.
This one-shot is about Liv, a member of the Sleep Token crew who suddenly has to paint Vessel's body after his usual painter is sick. And it doesn't end there..
Enjoy!! Also, I'm really bad with x Reader fics, so I just made up an OC. Leave some kudos if you liked the story!!
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 months
tagged by @goldheartedchaoticdisaster thank you bestie ❤❤❤
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The short answer is basically "whichever one I'm feeling".
the longer answer is: Arata the Legend, the MCU (specifically my own OC content and Eternals), Good Omens, The Old Guard, The Wicked + The Divine, A Discovery of Witches/All Souls Trilogy, Doctor Who, Ted Lasso (in theory, so far) and like... other stuff I can't think of right now that I haven't published but still write for, and other stuff I have written fics for but wouldnt say I "write" for the fandom.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Rotten Work
First Word
everybody wants someone (i want to be somebody)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Or I try to - I try to respond to every comment people leave, even if it's only a heart emoji or a 'thank you'. Because I want to show them I see them and appreciate them!!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Toss up between "no home sweet and no sweet home" with Joan having to run away from an abusive household in the middle of the night to a life of just constant running and loneliness she's not emotionally prepared for after having a relatively normal life and "my heart is a stone, my body is not my own" with Yataka dealing with years of blackmail, sexual assault and noncon suddenly being exposed to everyone by one of his abusers and just refusing to talk about it at all and rejecting the (admittedly flawed) attempt at comfort shown to him (points for being a fic I wanted to end with comfort and instead became my first hurt/no comfort).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's hard to choose but I'm gonna say probably First Word (link above) because. I mean how does it get better than Human!Ten, Donna and Jenny being a little family together and Jenny's first word being Donna's name and Ten being absolutely in love with his girls-
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Oh I did like, back when I was 13. My ATLA OC fic got cyberbullied by some dude on tumblr, who copy&pasted whole chapters of my fic and then would go through the chapter and add shitty comments.
The only good thing about that situation was that he even added a whole post to express his confusion that all the comments on my fic were positive. everyone else was loving it. and then he apparently needed to ruin me and left his own comment telling me he was reviewing my fic. which of course led to a shock and some hurt feelings but uh, seeing him annoyed at everyone else liking the fic helped lmao now I can look back on it with amusement like what was going on with that guy that he felt the need to harass a 13 year old.
I also got another comment on the same fic accusing me of plagiarizing their fic and OC because both my oc and hers could bend 2 elements and had sort of similar names and when I went to read her fic it was so completely different from my own I had to LAUGH.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've attempted it a few times but I really don't know what I'm doing with it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've never written a whole crossover - I admit I did start an au fic where all different studio ghibli characters were in the story of Anastasia the movie, but it did not get super far before I stopped.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
luckily no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but if anyone ever asked I wouldn't say no!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Oh my god.... I mean as hard as it is to choose it's gotta be TenDonna. like platonically, romantically, a secret third thing, they are amazing together and I love them so much.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I try to never say I'll never finish a fic, but there's one for certain I don't think I'll ever finish, Prince Mononoke - a role swap au of Princess Mononoke. I was writing it for years and had my grandma proofread every chapter before publishing. I put it on hiatus for years, but then she died, and it didn't feel right to keep going.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel I write dialogue really well. I try my best to hit the right voice for every character and I think I do a good job at it. And honestly it's hard for me to not write dialogue like half the time I'm like can you guys shut up already and progress the plot with actions instead-
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not as poetic as I'd like to be, I guess. Like. some writers are just fucking masters with words and I feel like I'm stammering. I'm also not super confident in writing romance - like, pining, or friendly relationship with a splash of romance for fun? I've got that. Actual romantic relationships? Not so much.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If I do, I use google translate and hope for the best, but usually I don't. Ethereal has a lot of Canadian French in it because Marianne is from Quebec, but I use my sister (a French Immersion student) as my translator.
I mean I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Like, use the best translator website you can find and hope for the best.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
If we want to get really technical it was for The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, before I even knew fanfic was a thing. If we want to be specific to published fic, it was Avatar the Last Airbender.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
honestly I have no way to choose. So I'm simply not going to lol
tagging: @dani-luminae @sighonaraa @altschmerzes @jamietarttsnorthernattitude @fallenangelontheceiling @vinatintasupernovita @strangelock221b @mousedetective @linguini17 and like, anyone who wants to do this!!!! it's fun :)
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sylphidine · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
I was tagged by both @gretchensinister and @insufferablearchanist and am thus compelled by their charm and glamour to surrender my secrets! [grin]
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
93 at last count. It will probably stay at that number until 31 March 2024, which is when ROTG Hope Week starts. [I get a lot of mileage out of fandom events that are prompt-based.] My goal between now and the month of March is to complete or add to the chapter count of at least three of the multiple-chapter longfics I've got in various states of progress.
2. What’s your total word count?
AO3 says it's 220,945. I don't know if that counts chapters saved in draft on several of my works, which act as notes files for me. So I'm going to underestimate by a lot and say my word count is more than 200K and will leave it at that.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm most well-known for fics in the RISE OF THE GUARDIANS/GUARDIANS OF CHILDHOOD fandom and its subfandom Nightmare Dork University. in the last two years I've ventured into writing fics set in the milieu of DELTARUNE [the videogame by Toby Fox], but those fics are so far into the realm of AU country that I can't claim to "write for the DELTARUNE fandom".
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
A CITIZEN OF THE UNIVERSE AND A GENTLEMAN TO BOOT, which is the first fanfic I posted on AO3 and is still in progress. It's set after the ROTG movie and involves plot threads from the GOC books, as well as featuring several characters from the Rankin/Bass holiday specials.
"Fleecy Shining Streaming Gleaming/Gimme A Mare With Hair", a giftfic based on a prompt from the ROTG Kinkmeme on Dreamwidth from years agone. Still in progress; my giftee is ***extremely*** patient. [sob]
[[ATTIC]] [[NEST]] [[HOME]], my first DELTARUNE fanfic, set in an AU created by @penbwl and featuring the Swatchton pairing.
"A Temptation Averted", set in my Six Guardians AU series, and apparently everybody's favourite of my ROTG Blackice stories, probably because it's so schmoopy.
CALL SIGNS. Ah, CALL SIGNS. The mammoth fic that has eaten most of my current brain capacity, to the point where I have dreams about it. [and plans for sequels] It was supposed to be so simple. A "what if" story where two DELTARUNE characters met in a human!AU and at a different point in their timelines than they did in-game. Then it suddenly roared to life as a whole sequence of events lifted from my own experiences, spread out over an ever-increasing number of protagonists, not to mention featuring cameos from NDU characters. I wrote it to be accessible to people who haven't played the game and had no familiarity with the characters, and I've been told I've succeeded. I expect it will move up in the kudos count the longer it runs... so far it's the highest word-count work I have ever written. EVER.
5. Do you respond to comments?
99.9999% of the time, yes. [see the answer to questions 8 and 11]. I love comments... short comments, long comments, comments that are nothing but emojis and keysmashes, comments that are well-thought-out analyses. As long as the comment is offered in good faith, I'll answer it.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If we're being strictly literal with the use of the word "ending", then it's a toss-up between "His Days Like Crazy Paving", "Exit", and "Making Fire".
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
So many of my stories are windows into my characters' "middles", rather than having narrative endings, and I tend to the fluph side of the writing scale. So here's a sampling of one-shots that conclude on a happy note... "Caterpillar", "Starmeadow", "Your First Memory Of All", "Bedtime Story", and "Centres Small And Still".
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've never gotten out-and-out hate on fics. I *have* had someone react negatively when they wanted to use my comment space to plug fics they had written in fandoms I wasn't interested in and I said as much in reply.
9. Do you write smut?
On occasion. I *enjoy* smut... a lot... but I read more smut than I write. "The Joy Of First Flight" is probably my most explicit work to date, and even that is not terribly steamy.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Again, on occasion. CITIZEN ended up being a crossover about halfway in, surprising me rather completely. CALL SIGNS features cameos from other fanon characters, but isn't technically a crossover. AND FEAR AS MY COMPANION is the only work I've written with the initial intent of being a crossover between RISE OF THE GUARDIANS and DOCTOR WHO.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of. I **have**, however, fallen victim to being fooled by AI bots writing what I thought were truly sincere and sweet comments, which I foolishly answered before realizing the truth. Still kicking myself for how gullible I was, but it was at a low point in my confidence as a writer and I was starved for reassurance.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Into a language other than English? Not that I've been informed about. However, someone did make a podfic of my drabble "Hope In A Storm", if that counts as "translation" rather than "transformation".
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've collaboratively tossed ideas around with @ksclaw and @piratekingpitchblack that have made their way into character development and plotlines for more than a few Nightmare Dork University stories.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
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The one that started it all, that punched me in the gut not even twenty minutes after I saw RISE OF THE GUARDIANS for the first time, was Blackice. I devoured then and continue to devour now every Blackice shipfic I can get my little paws on. From there, once I found the NDU subfandom, it was NDU StageFright all the way, although it's now running neck-and-neck with NDU Nightmare Galleon as far as fics I've written. And currently, I have a very active Tumblr tag labelled "i have fallen down the swatchton sinkhole don't even try to rescue me", if that gives any hints.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I am realllllllllllllllllllly hoping that I can get inspiration for "Sweater Weather" going again.
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Falling into the timesink that research leads to. [sob]
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18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
That hasn't come up in any of my fics so far, other than throwing gratuitous Italian into dialogue for my OC Mama Michelina.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
If you don't count the self-insert novelization of YELLOW SUBMARINE that I wrote when I was fourteen, then ROTG would be the first fandom I've written for.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
That's a toughie. The most ***personally satisfying*** fics I've written have been "Deal The Cards", which is a love letter to one of my favourite relatives, now deceased, and "Which Witch", one of the few times a story came pouring out of me without needing to be edited to shreds.
I am hesitant to tag people because when I've done so in other ask games, it has often backfired on me. I love all my mutuals and don't want anyone to feel left out. Therefore.....
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dragonflylady77 · 4 months
I got tagged by @hg-deranged-edition ages ago (it's been a time...) so here we go...
20 Questions for Fic Writers (& Artists)
1. How many works do you have on ao3(Tumblr)?
apparently 34...
2. What's your total ao3 (Tumblr) word count?
23,783 (gonna go up when I post my harringrove big bang fic at the end of the month...)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly harringrove.
Dipping my toes into firstprince.
Wrote some spuffy years ago and 1 Power Rangers 2017 fic 2 years ago lol
4.What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
we talked about this - a short thing that gained so much traction somehow
why fight a guy (when you can kiss him instead) - previously titled 'steve can't take it anymore' - what if Steve kissed Billy that night at the Byers' house? (Steve POV)
Steve's pick (Billy Hargrove bingo square - love at first sight)
stop flirting and get in the house - that conversation outside the Byers' house takes a different turn (Billy POV)
definitely better than being dead - a fic i wrote for Billy Didn't Die Day
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to because I know that as a reader, I love getting a reply to a comment I leave on a fic.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really write angsty stuff...
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I would say finding peace together which started because of something someone else wrote.
8. Do you get hate on any fics (Art)?
haven't so far
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have written and still write MF smut (you can find it on the Zon) but MM smut is another beast entirely. Still working on that.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
It hasn't come up
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but I started translating the first book I wrote into French.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Kinda... I was beta'ing a fic for a good friend of mine and ended up writing the smutty last chapter (spuffy)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I like to think I will finish all my WIPs.
16. What are your writing strengths?
banter, dialogue...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
not sure... too long sentences
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
get it checked by a person who speaks that language before you post
19. First fandom you wrote for?
spuffy <3
20. Favorite fic you've written?
a frankly ill-timed visit - Steve's parents show up unannounced and Steve doesn't have time for their bullshit
zero pressure tagging @spaceofentropy @thissortofsorcery @shieldofiron @memes-saved-me @anincompletelist @kiwiana-writes @eusuntgratie
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lestappenforever · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag, @lattesqueeze. 🥹
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 31! I used to have a lot more on my old account, but I deleted them all and the account ages ago.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 182,588 apparently. Jesus fuck, I did not realize it was that high.
3. Which fandoms do you write for? These days? Only F1 RPF, but I used to write for several others, including (but not limited to) Cut & Run, Men's Football RPF, McFly RPF, and Teen Wolf.
4. Which are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Devils Roll The Dice (Angels Roll Their Eyes) - My first Lestappen fic, my baby, my pride and joy
2. 19 Times The Grid Saved Lestappen (And One Time They Didn't Need To) - My first collab fic with the lovely Ilse (@f1writingbyme) 💕
3. Something Unholy - Lestappen lap dance/dirty talk PWP
4. Speak Now (Or Forever Hold Your Peace) - A personal Lestappen favorite
5. No Time For Regret (No Time For Sleep) - Lestappen PWP set after the 2023 Belgian Grand Prix
5. Do you reply to your comments? Why or why not? Yes, I do! I've made it my mission to reply to every single comment I get on my work, because the fact that there are people out there who not only read my work, but they also take the time to leave a comment, is such a huge deal to me and it makes me so happy. The least I can do is make sure they all get a reply.
6. Which of your fics has the angstiest ending? Ooof, I guess The Last Straw? The ending itself isn't the angstiest part of the fic, but the entire thing is angsty as hell.
7. Which of your fics has the happiest ending? I'd say most of my fics have happy endings, but the happiest? Probably Devils Roll The Dice (Angels Roll Their Eyes), or the first sequel Like Snow At The Beach (Weird, But Fucking Beautiful).
8. Do you get hate on your fics? Haven't gotten any hate so far on my current AO3 account! I used to get a bit of hate on my fics when I used to write for another fandom (1D, despite not being a 1D fan myself, I only wrote requests from other people) years ago, though, because back then there was apparently a "right or wrong way" to write fics, and there were always people who thought you were doing it wrong.
9. Do you write smut? I do. Admittedly, it's my least favorite thing to write, but I do write it.
10. Do you write crossovers? I've never tried, and I've never had an urge to so far.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Only one! (That I know of.) It was the first 1D fic I wrote and somebody tried to pass it off as their own. Didn't work very well for them.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not yet, but I was actually contacted by a lovely person who wants to translate some of my F1 fics, which is a huge honor. So it's coming!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic? Yes, I have! I co-wrote a fic with an old friend back in my McFly obsession days, and I've co-written two Lestappen fics with my darling @f1writingbyme.
19 Times The Grid Saved Lestappen (And One Time They Didn't Need To), and Ride The Bull (Giddy Up, Partner).
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? All-time? I honestly don't know if I can pick because all of my favorite ships have been my all-time favorite ship at the time I was hyperfixating on them. But, if I have to make a choice, I'd say it's a tie between Lestappen and Junes (Harry Judd/Danny Jones from McFly).
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but probably never will? Oh, man, I don't have one because my brain will not let me start a WIP without finishing it. Once I start writing something, my OCD and anxiety kicks in, and I just have to finish it. And if I can't finish it, I delete the whole thing and never think of it again. Which is both a blessing and a curse.
16. What are your writing strengths? Angst and endings, I think.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Smut, without a doubt. Despite having written a fuckton of smut in my life, there is nothing that stresses me out more than when I get to the part in a fic where smut belongs. Reading back my own smut makes me cringe.
18. What are your thoughts on writing in other languages in fics? If it's done properly, I say go for it! I personally don't mind it at all and find it adds depth to a lot of work. Just make sure you use something other than Google Translate if you don't speak the language, and preferably check with someone who speaks the language, to make it as believeable to a native reader as possible.
19. What was the first fandom you ever wrote for? McFly. God, those were the days. I was a literal child back then.
20. What’s your favourite fic that you’ve written? Definitely Devils Roll The Dice (Angels Roll Their Eyes). Writing that fic altered my brain chemistry, and I can still remember how I felt writing the different chapters. And also 19 Times The Grid Saved Lestappen (And One Time They Didn't Need To), because that was just so fun from start to finish.
Tagging @f1writingbyme, @nico-di-genova, and @f1posting (and anyone else who wants to do this and hasn't already been tagged!).
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20 questions for fic writers!
I was tagged by both @honeyteacakes and @acedragontype. Thank you my dears!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
7 right now. I think I had three or four up on my first account, but that one was randomly deleted by the site in like 2019? Or something? I never could get it back, and I never republished the fics, because I kind of lost motivation for writing for a while because of that, and now that I'm back in the game, it's been so long since I wrote that stuff that I either don't really like what I wrote then, or figure that I'd rather rewrite the one fic that I do still like. Oh, god. I just remembered that there was ONE fic that I actually orphaned back then, which means that it's still up. Oooh Christ... I'm not going to name drop it, because I orphaned it for a reason - the reason being that it's the crackiest crac!fic imaginable, born out of sleep deprivation and giggly group chats... I'm looking at it now, and it's apparently 10 years old. Oh. Oh no. I reread it. Oh, god. This was the first "attempt" at smut I ever wrote, and it was between a woman and a sentient inanimate edible object. 8d10 psychic damage, do not recommend.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
At the moment: 296.290 words When I'm finished updating This Dream Is Over (Another Has Begun) it will be around 350.000 words, and I just hit 105k on the Regency fic I'm working on, so by the end of the year we might be close to 500k... written in one year...
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Sandman, currently. On my last account I wrote for Merlin, ACD Sherlock Holmes (a school project, believe it or not), and a LotR/HP crossover (yeah, I don't really feel like re-publishing and finishing that in 2023, for obvious reasons). I might go back to writing for Merlin again, some day. I sort of want to rewrite that one fic I did post, because I quite liked the premise...but I feel like I would need to rewatch the entire series before I did that, and who's got the time?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. My Stranger, My Dream - 1507 2. Totus Mundus Agit Histrionem - 818 3. Yours for the Taking - 579 4. Body and Soul, Always and Forever - 565 5. Stay, Just this Once - or - GroundHob Day - 499
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to reply to almost every comment, because I want the commenter to know how much I appreciate that they took the time to comment. I crave that validation, perhaps a little too much, but that's robably common with authors... When I'm updating a fic one chapter at a time, I usually manage to reply to all of them, even if it's just with a couple of heart emojis (if I couldn't think of anything else), but once the whole fic is up and I get one reader who is leaving a bunch of comments in rapid succession, I sometimes skip the one's that are just emojis or exclamation marks and focus on the ones I have real replies to - not because I don't appreciate the emojis just as much, but because I worry that I'd be spamming the reader with like five identical heart-emoji replies :P
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm, I tend to end things rather happily, but I suppose Stay, Just this Once could be read a bit angsty, since it ends with Hob in 1889 going "Dream kissed me and then left with an implication of potential future kisses? Oh boy, I can't wait until 1989!" when, you know, Dream won't show in 1989.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably This Dream Is Over. I mean, they're all pretty happy, but that one is just so hopeful and soft... You'll see what I mean when I post the last chapter ;)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. There was one reader who left a couple of comments with very much unasked-for advice (and fairly bad advice, at that) which made me feel a bit meh, but that's hardly hate. Then there was this one comment that went a bit like "Well, that was stupid," and to this day I have no idea if they meant the writing or the characters (who were, to be fair, being very stupid in that chapter). Tone can be very hard to read in text, so I'm trying to give them the benefit of doubt. But no, no real hate, thankfully.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yup. When I started writing again about a year ago, I decided to give it a try, not really thinking I could make it work, considering the last time I wrote romance I had trouble even describing a kiss (which was almost a decade earlier), but it actually worked (I hope)! Then I just couldn't seem to write something without smut. I tried to deliberately leave things off before the explicit parts in one or two stories (making them "just" mature) for people who aren't into the stuff, and I also try to make all the explicit content skippable for those who want to read the rest of the story. What kind of smut? Idk, I've written M/M and M/F so far, I'll probably write F/F at some point too. I think most of it has been fairly vanilla so far, with some light themes of BDSM maybe, if you squint.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Only that LotR/HP one I mentioned earlier, which I abandonded when my account was deleted. I did start planning a Star Trek AU for Merlin, but I think I only wrote a chapter or so before my motivation died and I never published anything. I think I'm generally more interested in AUs taking place in other franchises than "real" crossover with actual characters from both universes.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. Let's keep it that way!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet! I suppose I could do it myself, but as the only language I speak well enough to translate into is Swedish, and Swedes tend to read stuff in English anyway, I don't know that there would be much of a point.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I'd be open to trying! Could be either super fun or incredibly frustrating, but you never know until you try!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I mean, I think it's a draw between Merthur and Dreamling. If I went back and started reading and writing fic for Merthur again, I'm sure I'd fall right back into it, even if Dreamling is my current obession.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Only the couple of WiPs I have from my first AO3 account, I think. I'm trying really hard this time around not to jump between projects too much, but finish what I have before I start something new. If I give myself free reins, my ADD is going to make sure nothing ever gets finished.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, for sure, and characterisation - or at least I fervently hope that my readers would agree on that point.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions, definitely. What does anyone look like? I don't know, I couldn't decide, make it up yourself. I had to go back and make myself add a sentence about Hob's friend Dana being blonde in the last two chapters of This Dream Is Over, since she's an OC and my readers would have no idea at all what she looked like otherwise. It's a struggle, and I do try to practise, but it doesn't come as easy as dialogue and character.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Fun! I've written a few scenes with some Middle English in them, and I have this vague idea of part of a scene where Hob and Dream are walking in London or something and Hob overhears a couple of Swedish tourists discuss how to get somewhere or something, and him turning to them and giving them directions in hilariously outdated Swedish, and Dream going, "When did you last visit Scandinavia?" And Hob says, "Um, 1745, I think. Why?" and Dream is like, "...Nothing." I just don't know how funny that would be to readers who don't speak Swedish... Might still use it some day.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically? The Redwall series. I was like 10 and we had to write a story in school, and I was obsessed with Redwall and wanted to write something with talking animals, and I couldn't come up with a better name for the place, so in the end I straight up copied the world and wrote more or less a self-insert who ended up there, entirely oblivious to the concept of fanfiction, but I suppose it counts anyway. I won a prize for it. I have no idea if the adults who judged it knew it was fanfic or not...
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I think it's the Dreamling Regency AU I'm currently working on. If I manage to pull it off as well as I'm hoping to, I think it will be the best thing I've written so far. I'm even considering looking for beta readers for the first time, because I think it has potential and I want it to be the best it can be.
21. CHEEKY EXTRA QUESTION BECAUSE I FELT LIKE GIVING ADVICE - What's the best advice you have for other writers?
If you write longfic, NAME YOUR CHAPTERS! My first couple of fics just had numbered chapters, and whenever I had to go back to double check some detail, or rewrite some sentence I had to retcon, I had to be like "uuuh I think it might be chapter five??" and then waste a bunch of time checking. Now, I have chapter titles which are descriptive enough to remind me of exactly what the chapter is about, and it has made my life so much easier... Also, connected to this, actually using the chapter headers etc. in your word processor so that you get a list of chapters you can pull up to navigate.
@pellaaearien, @arialerendeair, @hardly-an-escape, @ml-nolan
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thetauruspixie · 8 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Originally started by @izanae. Thanks for the tag @lycorogue
The original Fic Writers Ask thread was super long, so like LycoRogue, I decided to create my own post for it, but please do check out the original thread.
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
I currently have 18, though I have more on FFN. 8 for Miraculous Ladybug, 5 for W.I.T.C.H, 4 for Hellsing, and 1 for Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
2. What’s your ao3 word count?
As of this post, I have a total of 619,000 words. Wowzers...
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment, I mainly write for Hellsing and Black Butler. But I have also written for Miraculous Ladybug, W.I.T.C.H, and Sonic the Hedgehog.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Madness Within (Miraculous Ladybug) 2. Double Trouble (Hellsing) 3. Experimental Kiss (Miraculous Ladybug) 4. Destiny's Dance (Miraculous Ladybug) 5. Go and Conquer (Hellsing)
5. Do you reply to comments?
Sometimes. I always appreciate every single comment, but sometimes I don't always know how to reply without just giving a generic 'thank you' again, and again, and again. But I do read them all, I promise.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Tough one. I think if I had to pick though, it would probably be Project Darkness, an old Sonic the Hedgehog fic of mine.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't think I've ever done a fic with a 100% cheesy happy ending, but the happiest and closest to that would probably be Twelve Days of Chatmas (Miraculous Ladybug).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not usually, but I have gotten hate on Madness Within (Miraculous Ladybug), which I guess was always an increased possibility due to the amount of views that story has. However, that hate has only ever been on FFN. It was mainly people bullying me over long periods between updates.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not usually, but you're more likely to see me write smut for Hellsing and Black Butler. There are some sexual scenes planned for the future in some of those fics for those fandoms. I can't see me ever doing a 'porn with no plot' fic, but it would be more like 'sexposition' and will make sense with the plot (e.g. advancing character relationships etc).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one?
No, but I have thought about it on the odd occasion.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Oh yes, and it is so annoying! My work is usually stolen by people on Wattpad, and the most recent stolen work of mine was Destiny's Dance (Miraculous Ladybug).
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, which is awesome! Amicus (Hellsing) has been translated into Spanish by ayelenrock, who is also planning on translating my other Hellsing fics into Spanish. I've had a few offers for my fics to be translated into French and Russian, however, those have yet to be published as far as I'm aware.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah, I co-wrote a few Sonic the Hedgehog fics with @free-in-the-wind and @jowyavilon at one point in the past. However, we didn't get very far with them and they ended up abandoned. Our lives were just too busy.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Alucard/Seras from Hellsing.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Probably Immortal Bonds (Miraculous Ladybug). I just seem to have lost all motivation for it, like with quite a few Miraculous fics of mine. It's a shame because I HATE leaving stories unfinished.
16. What are your writing strengths?
People tell me I'm good at writing realistic emotions, so I guess that would be one? A lot of people have complimented me on my accurate representation of mental illnesses. Also, apparently I'm also really good at writing realistic child characters, and they seem to always be a favourite of my readers.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Names. I'm terrible at them, and it takes me ages to settle on something. Also fight and action scenes can be quite difficult to write sometimes.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language for a fic?
A rule I tend to use is try to imagine like it's real life. You'd probably understand, or at least discern, certain words in another language, so I tend to write those in. For example 'bonjour', or even simple sentences. However, if a character starts speaking full, long sentences in a foreign language, then I do not write this in, as it would probably just sound like gibberish from the point of view of the character I'm currently writing for. I simply point out that the other character is speaking in said language. I hope that made sense?
19. What’s the first fandom you wrote for?
W.I.T.C.H when I was, like, 10 years old or something? Back then, I didn't even know what fanfiction was, I just knew that I enjoyed writing my own stories based on the characters.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I think I definitely have a soft spot for Double Trouble (Hellsing). I love Lily and Luna so much and they're so much fun to write!
I now no pressure tag: @pinkfluffacttuff @free-in-the-wind @inkyrable and of course anyone else who wants to take part!
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tortoisesshells · 8 months
Thank you, @aloveforjaneausten, for the kind tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
79, but a pretty significant number are little ficlets with less than 300 words.
2. What's your total A03 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mercy Street, 1899, Pirates of the Caribbean, Timeless, MCU, Turn: Washington's Spies, Band of Brothers, Fallout series, the Blackwell series, Agatha Christie's Poirot, apparently.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Customs and Duties (PotC); Treason Crackling in Your Blood (MCU); Maybe Everything That Dies (MCU); the vain title take Of lord of thee, and arbiter of war (PotC); Suffer A Sea Change (PotC).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do. As others more astute than me have observed, it's not just the gratitude that someone told me how they felt about something I wrote, but because I love hearing about how people are engaging with the source work in the first place. Community, I suppose.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think nearly every fic I've written ends at least somewhat unhappily, or leaves the door wide open to future problems. Maybe glazed already the eye, yet life struggles hard on the basis of it ending at the absolute nadir of Henry Hopkins' self-esteem and over-arching moral quandary in-show? Or maybe it's just my favorite ending. Who can say?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I can't think of a fic I've written with an unambiguously happy ending, to be honest - probably (people like me) don't live to feel? sure, the main characters are walking off stab wounds/concussions, but that's a day in the life for that universe.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Here? No. In a past life (high school fic writing account)? Yes. I don't remember the fic, but I remember the comment with pretty exact clarity.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Either I'm ludicrously repressed, or I'm the most interested in characters who are ludicrously repressed, or both.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yes, and I think the one that's at least, on its face, the wackiest, is probably the ongoing Mercy Street/Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yeah! Shout-out to the Mansion House Murder Party. <3
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I can't really say I've got one (even 'ships that I'm very interested in, I'm always willing to split up for the sake of exploring something else in their characters?) - though I suppose I'd probably refuse to read any fic that broke up Catherine Moreland and Henry Tilney, maybe. If that's anything.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I hate to say Customs, because I'm so close that I can taste it and I have a good outline to the end, but - I've sort of lost faith in sticking the ending, and it really does feel like part of the ending requires Nellie to do something a little out of character. So -?
16. What are your writing strengths?
Details. I'm good with details.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
No one's ever accused me of writing a fast-moving fic. I know my pacing tends towards the glacial.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I wouldn't - I'd have to trouble a native speaker, because even the languages I know enough to string a sentence or several together in will seem, well. Like a non-native speaker wrote them. Plus - hmm. I'd be providing a translation back into English anyway - I'd feel like I was just showing off, in a way. Badly. And I do enough peacocking with historical trivia that I ought to keep the posturing to a minimum elsewhere.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
There's a composition notebook in a landfill somewhere with a handwritten-in-gel-pen Hornblower fanfic that never saw the light of internet publication.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I hate to have the same answer every time, but - Suffer a Sea Change. It's the cleanest-paced, least insufferable thing I've ever written.
Tagging: @shoshiwrites, @mercurygray, @jomiddlemarch, @sagiow, @theonlyredcar, & anyone else who wants!
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20 questions for writers
EEK! thank you @floating-in-the-blue - I'm always, always, always honoured to be considered for a tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Julie and the Phantoms. Though some ideas are brewing for others... We'll see.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Phantoms watch Julie and the Phantoms (166)
I'm Underneath the Undertow (79)
ya couldn't find a kinder devil (58)
Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! (54) ((huh. colour me surprised))
emotional damage (44)
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes! (though i've been ignoring my inbox for the last bit. they will be responded to soon!)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uhhhh... ending? honestly i don't know. UtU is definitely the "angtiest" fic I've done though but i tried to leave the ending hopeful-ish
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhhh all of them? depends on what you consider happy too... cuz. i'm inclined to say that everyone's pretty happy at the end of pretty pretty princess (rated E, proceed with caution)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
apparently. yes. uh. so far we have M/M/M/M/M and M/M/M and F/F (jokes have been made that the next one will be a singleton. we'll see)
10. Do you write crossovers?
not as of present. but i have one cursed idea thanks to @bethaven in my brain that @narcissusbrokenmirror shamelessly encourages. we'll see if anything ever comes of it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not technically. i think i'd be open to it
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
i can't answer this as "all-time" but in this exact moment? Ginny/Marcus (Ginny and Georgia) wins out every time. I just love so many things about them.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
i don't think i've had any of them long enough to determine this. but i guess the least likely of the things I have going on that are actively WIPs? Probably SC and clothes.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have been directly complimented on my dialogue and characterization. So I'm gonna own that.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
conflict 😩
but i think i'm getting better!
and editing. if i could never ever ever edit anything I'd be so happy.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
not likely to attempt anything beyond short phrases that are internet verifiable. *if* i were to do anything that's actually a dialogue between multiple characters it would probably be (canadian) french but even still. highly unlikely.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Julie and the Phantoms
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I'm interpreting this as favourite AU i've created and going with Bex. Cuz I love that family.
No pressure tagging: @60sec400 @mac-lilly @lou-writes-things @legolasghosty @invisibleraven and anyone else who feels so inclined <3
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lady-of-imladris · 7 months
Writer Asks
Thank you so much for tagging me @coraleethroughthelookingglass and @pursuitseternal <3
Answers under the cut!
1) How many works on AO3?
I only have 2 on ao3 because it's so much easier to post on tumblr? The tagging system still scares me lol. I have 17+ fics total (but apparently I forgot to tag at least two of them in my masterlist. oops)
2) what’s your AO3 word count?
ao3 word count: 2994
total word count: over 36k
3) What fandoms do you write for?
mostly Tolkien related: lotr/the hobbit/the silm/rings of power
4) what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Gonna go by notes on tumblr instead because I have more fics here! 1. Thranduil braiding Legolas' hair drabbles
2. Gain a Son (Theoden survives and meets Faramir AU)
3. Chapter 3 of The Great War (In case you're wondering why specifically this chapter; it is the smuttiest)
4. Chapter 1 of The Great War (ah yes, people had great expectations in my writing. back then. 6 months ago. sorry)
5. Chapter 5 of The Great War (The second smuttiest)
5) Do you respond to comments?
I try! I love interacting with people who read my fics and even take the time to comment <3
6) What fic did you write with the angstiest ending?
There's probably a few chapters of The Great War that have an angsty ending (brace yourselves, I'm gonna make Thranduil SUFFER) but I don't think I have an angsty standalone... (time to change that lol)
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Probably Arda University, my cute little LOTR college AU!! (read to find out why it's happy lmao)
8) do you get hate on fics?
Luckily not! I'm pretty sure one single hate comment would make me stop writing altogether. People who leave hate on fics are evil!!!!
9) do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes I do! Most notably I've done praise kink and breeding kink. I still have a bit of an explicit smut writing block? idk what's going on there
10) crossovers?
Best I can do is college AU! I have not done a crossover (yet?)
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12) have you had a fic translated?
13) have you ever co-written a fic?
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
Can't say I have an all time favourite, but Eowyn X Faramir is up there!!!
15) what’s a Wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh god. Really exposing myself here. The Thranduil/Feanor/Reader threesome will probably never be finished, but I wish I would.
16) what are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at darkness, despair, heartbreak and foreshadowing that is so blatantly obvious that I prolong everyone's suffering :)
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
I am rather new to writing so I probably have quite a few! I am not good at planning my chapters so the word count remains consistent (At least not in my current longfic). I take super long to write things??? And I don't think I'm very good at writing smut 🙃
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I throw in some Elvish or Black Speech every once in a while to mix things up! I'm not opposed to any language that makes sense and that I speak a reasonable amount of (like German or French)
19) First fandom you wrote for?
Rogue One. Was it Krennic Smut. Yes.
20) Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Once again, Arda University. It was super fun to write!!!! And I think it is a cute and fun little read :)
No pressure tagging: @thesolarangel @wordbunch @sotwk (hello new friend!) @niennawept and open tags of course!! <3 <3
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veliseraptor · 9 months
fic stats game
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
tagged by @curiosity-killed and what do I love if not numbers about things, apparently
Fic with the most hits: usurprisingly - I didn't even have to look to know this - Life in Reverse for the mcu, with 354,721 hits, almost 4 times as many as the runner up. no fic I write will probably ever top that one, for better or worse.
Second most kudos: I had a guess for this one and it was correct! With Absolute Splendor is my runner up for pretty much any stat as far as my fanfiction goes, after Life in Reverse. I don't hate that as a thing.
Third most comments: actually to my surprise it's With Absolute Splendor again, because Steve Rogers' Halfway House for Notorious Supervillains had it beat out for second place, which actually makes sense considering that one is multichapter so people can comment more than once (can't kudos more than once). kinda disappointed at this one for showing up twice only because it makes the meme less interesting for me personally.
Fourth most bookmarks: half a league onward for the mcu again, aka my "wish fulfillment infinity war written entirely from a post by @proantagonista" fic. I feel a little bad about how popular it is considering the arc of the whole fic is basically me fleshing out someone else's tumblr post, but oh well.
Fifth most words: mcu again: we're not friends, we're strangers with memories with 70,481 words, which is a fic I'm kind of scared to reread even if I know I still like the concept and especially the ending. I thought this might be a longer fic but turns out I only ("only") have three fics clocking in over 100k. thought it was more than that.
Fewest words: leaving this one for my Lise pseud only because I am not looking back at decade-old short fic for this meme, even if it is still technically there for people to read. other than the one that apparently glitched to say it doesn't have any words, the shortest fic is and as the stars arise, a Supernatural fic, for a change, at 173 words. it's S5 angst. I wrote a lot of that.
tagging @jaggedcliffs, @mikkeneko, @lu-sn, @brawlites, and anybody with more than five fics to their name who would like to go for it
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sleepumy · 7 months
Tag Game! (I found this randomly on my dash)
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers:
I legit found this randomly from someone I don't remember following, but y'know. Here you go
How many works do you have on AO3? 126. I might have a slight issue. Most of them are MHA.
What's your total AO3 word count? 294,834.
What fandoms do you write for? My Hero Academia mostly, Doki Doki Literature Club, OMORI, Miraculous Ladybug once and I have two Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom fics.
What are your top five fics by kudos? N°1: Eraserhead Fanbase (Or How 1-A Grows), N°2: A Child's Spark Light Up The Night, Constant Search For Approval, Suffocated By Refusal, N°3: Don't Blow Until The Wind Does, N°4: Safety, N°5: Moonlight. Apart from the first one, these aren't necessarily my favorites because they're older, but y'know. I might rewrite them a bit, since people apparently like them.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to, I often do not. I don't have the mental strength to do it consistently and I don't really know what to say anyways. I'm trying to answer a bunch of them right now though. I do look at them and notices regular commenters.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh boy. Probably one in my Dead doves (to eat) series. And then in here... Talking only about what happens and how many people are fucked up by it in the end, Poor Crazy Hitoshi, I'm Choking On Stardust, Becoming a Carcass and save me! (walk away) are probably the worst ones.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Well that's harder. Open, bad or unsatisfying endings are what I do (please don't run away). But I guess Happiness is warm, I'm not dead! And Other Such Entries and a hood and wings might be contenders.
Do you get hate on fic? Maybe once, I think. I delete comments that I find disrespectful, but I don't delete much, so I guess I must be okay.
Do you write smut? Occasionally. Or well, I post smut occasionally. I write a lot of it.
Do you write crossovers? I do not.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I hope not, oof.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Don't think so?
What's your all-time favourite ship? I'm a chronic multishipper, but according to my works on Ao3, it's bkdk, and according to my bookmarks, it's erasermic. Do with that what you will.
What's a wip you want to finish but probably won't? Oh boy. Do you want to know how many wips I have? Me too. It's more than a hundred. I have no idea.
What are your writing strengths? Uh. Dialogues? Maybe? It's the thing I write the most easily. Maybe mental breakdowns. Someone tell me.
What are your writing weaknesses? I can't write multichapter fics for the life of me.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Depends on the context. If it's a hidden message, a joke, or ultimately unimportant (as in, the goal is to see a character is talking another language and not what they're saying), leave it untranslated in the body of the fic and either put the translation in the notes or don't. Otherwise, I guess either just say X character is talking a different language at Y point, or put the text in italics to signify it's being said in another language but translated in English.
First fandom you wrote for? My Hero Academia, most likely. Or actually, maybe Gravity Falls.
Favourite fic you've written? Ehehe. The author's favorites.
@sillypilled-friendcel @lollybliz @any writer who might see this, feel free to try.
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20 questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by the ever wonderful @londonfoginacup and @reminiscingintherain thank you so much!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
94, though I think one is a collab and one is a translation. But 90+
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
I am gonna do some math here and take off the translation because that adds 220k to my wordcount and that doesn't feel fair, lol. So that leaves 1.243.681 words. Minus about 12k that I didn't write lol, that's still a lot.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently just 1D but I am talking about writing a Lestappen fic so I might branch out!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
a game that I'm destined to lose [1449 kudos, but it's from 2012] midnight doesn't last forever [1190 kudos, but it's from 2013] you've set my soul to dreaming [1162 kudos] room for your love underneath this tree [1151 kudos] some things fade (some never do) [1047 kudos]
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Um. Theoretically yes. Realistically, I haven't caught up since March and the number in my inbox is too high to look at.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I usually write HEA but I guess the one that I remember with more of an ambiguous ending is and there's no one to blame except then Sus made me write a follow up so I guess it has a happy ending now.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them? I mean, I put the characters through some serious angst, but after that, they all get their very deserved happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I know of. If I do, it's not in my face.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Occasionally. I write either quirky smut, or I write stuff for wankersday, because the only smut I write is stuff that doesn't involve other people directly apparently.
10. Do you write crossovers? What the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really, but I have a HP AU I should write at one point.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep! Someone tried to sell TNFIF online on Amazon. With a really ugly cover. Thankfully writing Tumblr came together and sent in so many bad reviews that the seller took it down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a few!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've done a round robin a few years ago, which wasn't really my style. I've started writing an advent fic with @evilovesyou but we never got around to finishing it. I will hopefully write a fic with @chaotic-bells soon!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
For as much Larry as I write, my first true love was Ziam.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I am stubborn enough to believe I will finish all my WIPs. Eventually.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Emotions, I think. I've made people cry, so that's nice!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Mostly I think I struggle not to make everything too in depth. A 5k fic probably doesn't need 3k of worldbuilding.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've come across it a lot in Lestappen fics and I don't mind it as long as the translation is right behind it, and as long as it's not google translated stuff (or as long as it's google translated stuff in a language I don't know).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Possibly Gilmore Girls. I've written for a ton of fandoms, though I've been a 1D only writer since 2012.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
That's like asking me to choose between my non existent children. If I have a favourite, I can't say it out loud. (But it's this one, for all it brought me)
I'm not sure who hasn't been tagged at this point, so I am gonna tag @jacaranda-bloom and @beardyboyzx and anyone in the @1dcreatorclubhouse who wants to do it!
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shadesofmauve · 1 year
2022 Writing Wrap Up
Total words published: 149, 266. All but 947 of them published three days ago.
Additional words written: Oh, hell, your guess is as good as mine. I've got Perpetual Soup documents simmering over here, I take bits from them and add to them all the time. Like, google is crashing rather than admit that the Epic Scrap Yard doc has been around and perpetually changing since 2011. I know I had 4000 words on the next chapter before the clock struck midnight on the 31st; I can't remember how much I added to @swaps55' fav upcoming arc (aka Kai Leng's Worst Mistake Ever) or the Vortex of Tears, but I know it was something.
Grand total of words: 149,266++! Only not, because I didn't write all those; many were first published years ago, and even the re-writes represent about three years of work. So who the hell knows.
Fandoms: Mass Effect, of course. I've also added small amounts to an original novel idea, but mostly world-building notes.
Highest everything (raw kudos, hits comments): Of all time? It's always A Star to Steer Her By for hits, kudos, and bookmarks. I'm pleased to see Sunset and Evening Star beats it for subscriptions, though!
Highest kudos-to-hits ratio: Okay, I don't think this is fair. People come re-read aStSHB, but they can only leave kudos once. Like, far and AWAY the biggest k:h ratio is for Copilots, which is a tear-jerker short fic I gave to @musanocturnis in a holiday exchange because I'm a horrible friend. It only has 45 hits total, but people who go "I know, I want to CRY!" and click on it are apparently getting what they signed up for.
New things I tried: Um. Hrm. @swaps55, what did I try that was new? :P I wanna say there's something in the Emotional Cascade Failure chapter, but it wasn't so much new as hard. There's a lot of emotional stuff in SaES that's very much putting myself in situations I have no experience with — which is always part of writing, and is new every time.
Fic I spent the most time on: Sunset and Evening Star, no question.
Fic I spent the least time on: Shipmates, my lil' exploration of how Joker and Kaidan met.
Favorite thing I wrote: I like a LOT of what I wrote this year, which is an awesome feeling! I get giggly-excited over some space combat sections that haven't seen the light of day yet, and about anything with Alejandro. I'm very pleased with coming up with the Poss'm acronym. And Joker and Kaidan's ridiculous N7 Craft Hour conversation cracks me up more than it should, for sure.
Favorite thing I read: I've done way, way more writing than reading of fic, but it's got to be one of the scenes with the Yang Gang from @swaps55' Cantata. I just love their whole dynamic. The needlepoint wall sends me, and I'm going to work a reference to it in somewhere. I also really liked Wish I May, Wish I Might by @spaced0lphin, who's out there single-handedly providing every possible form of content for the Shoker fandom including a frickin' game mod. (Which I haven't yet played for the same reason I haven't read the Tiger By My Side rewrite, @spaced0lphin — keeping my own story clear while I'm neck deep in it, and not having time :( — but the original TBMS was my fav Shoker long fic, back in the day, so...)
Writing Goals for 2023: PUBLISH NEW CHAPTERS! We're lookin' good, just gotta keep going.
New works: Just Shipmates, I think. Though my main fic is so damn long I sort of feel like the new chapters count. That'd be A Bunk on the Normandy, Emotional Cascade Failure, and Possum, most of Trust, then the new chapter Shipmates (which is different than the short fic, titles are just hard, okay). There's other new stuff through-out, but those are almost 100% new.
Tagging: @writes-in-space, @spaced0lphin, @virusq
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