#but apparently he told his girlfriend (who is my friend as well) and she texted me about it lol
All I had - Mattheo Riddle x f!reader
Requested: No well I lowkey did
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x f!reader
Summary: After his girlfriend y/n is killed, Mattheo has to deal not only with pain and sorrow, but also cruel accusations (complete original prompt here)
Word count: long as hell 2.4K
Warnings: mentions of death, lost, and grief
A/N: When I had this idea a few weeks ago I didn't think it would actually be so hard to write and I hate it lol :) I can't remember for the life of me if people in universe know Voldemort wants to be immortal, so for this one be an angel and pretend they do :) Might write a part two with a certain someone if many people ask 👀. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE.
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Hogwarts, 1997.
The two Aurors were walking right behind him, firmly holding his arms to prevent him from running. Run where? he thought. Not that he had somewhere to go. Snape, who had always looked at Mattheo and his brother with an annoying suspicion, was walking ahead of them, his robes floating behind him. Mattheo didn’t know where they were going, or why. Not that he actually cared. Even though the Auros were leading his movements, his legs still seemed to be carrying him on their own, and if he didn’t try to resist, protest or at least ask questions to the silent Aurors, it was only because he didn’t have any energy or will to do so. Everything, including his body, felt numb and his mind was clouded, not functioning properly at all, barely noticing or hearing what was happening around him, instead full of the events of the night, as if it was trying to look for a reason. The only thing he could feel was the grip of the Aurors on his upper arms, the painful dryness of his blurry eyes, his throat sore from crying, his still wet cheeks, and this feeling of unbearable pain, anguish and confusion inside his chest.
After walking through countless corridors, they finally arrived in a smaller corridor, where Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were apparently expecting them. It often came as a surprise to those who didn’t know, but Mattheo actually held great respect for the old headmaster. How could he not? He was the only person his father had ever feared. Dumbledore was still the same as usual, looking calm and serene, while McGonagall looked at Mattheo with what seemed to be sadness. As they came closer, Mattheo saw a simple gray door on the right, which suddenly opened. 
“Mr. Riddle,” Dumbledore said with a calm, almost kind voice, and Mattheo only raised his eyes towards him for a quarter of a second before looking at the ground again, “I will have to ask you to sleep here tonight. If you are in need of anything, please feel free to ring the bell. But I assure you, everything will be alright.”
‘Alright’? Mattheo would have laughed if he could. Behind him, the Auror snigged. Mattheo didn’t speak a word, and when he turned to pass the door, he saw Snape give him a more suspicious look than before. He managed to enter the room, which was a rudimentary bedroom with a bed, two chairs around a small rounded table with a small golden bell on it, and a sink. No window whatsoever, only a few candles floating in the air and drawing shadows on the walls. 
“If you wish to turn the candles off, just ask them to sleep,” Dumbledore told him.
“We will be back in the morning,” one of the Aurors told the Headmaster, and then the door closed abruptly, leaving Mattheo completely alone with his thoughts and the cold silence of a cold room. 
After a long, boring day of classes, he had spent the evening in y/n’s dorm, talking and cuddling, enjoying the comfort and peace only her could make him feel. Then Theo texted him, asking him if he fancied a smoke. Mattheo initially wanted to refuse, not wanting to leave y/n’s embrace, but she told him to go, that she didn’t want to keep him away from his friends. And so Mattheo went, going to one of the darkest corners of the castle where he and Theo knew they wouldn’t be caught by any professors and especially Filch. But the smoke break lasted much longer than usual, and when Mattheo went back to y/n’s dorm, planning on continuing their night together and eventually falling asleep with her in his arms, he walked by the castle’s courtyard and, in the dark of the night, saw something strange on the courtyard’s ground. Frowning, he had hesitated before slowly walking towards it, curiosity leading his mind. The closer he got, the more the strange “thing” on the ground, the clearer the mass on the ground got, and soon it appeared to be a body. Despite the fear that it might be someone he knew, Mattheo had quickened his pace, and barely a few meters later, he recognized whose body it was.
Oh, God. No, no, please, no. Not this. Anything but this.
At the second he recognized y/n’s body, he ran towards it and fell beside her, immediately holding her to his chest, gently shaking her despite his panic which grew every quarter of a second. 
“y/n?! y/n, can you hear me? Baby?” 
But he didn’t get any answer, and when he checked her pulse, he had almost felt his heart break from the pain. 
“No, no, no, y/n, please! Fuck!”
Tears had started to feel, and he was now screaming. He didn’t know how long he spent here, holding her body as tight as he could, crying like he never thought he ever would and begging her to come back, to not leave him alone, but at one point, someone had seen him, had a loud gasp, and had ran to tell someone. Soon, Professor McGonnagall and two Aurors were here, and they tried to take her from him. He screamed and protested, not wanting to let her go, but they managed to separate them, and Mattheo was then led there, his entire being shattered in pieces and his mind unable to work knowing she was gone. 
Not caring to take off his shoes, Mattheo laid on the bed, and tears started to run down his cheeks. She’s gone, she’s gone, his mind kept screaming, and yet, it refused to accept it.
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This is just a nightmare. Just a nightmare. I’m gonna wake up soon. 
“Are you sure you don’t want anything to drink or eat, Mr Riddle? Professor Dumbledore insisted.” 
Mattheo barely looked at the Auror sitting on the other side of the metallic table, and kept silent. He could hardly keep his eyes open, too tired from not sleeping at all the night before - and yet not feeling sleepy at all. 
“Well,” the Auror continued, putting a long, thin black bow on the table. “I guess we can start, then. Mr Riddle, do you know why you’re here?” 
Mattheo shook his head. 
“Really?” the other Auror asked, sitting next to his colleague. “No clue? At all?” 
This time, Mattheo raised his eyes towards the two men for a few seconds, and tried not to find weird the way they were looking at him - with disdain, coldness, and something he couldn’t quite get yet - as, after all, a lot of people looked at the son of the Dark Lord with suspicious - Snape included - or even fear, and he got used to it. Why would their eyes matter, when y/n’s eyes looked at him with nothing but love?
And now I won’t ever see them again. Mattheo felt his eyes becoming watery, and tried to fight tears as much as he could. 
“Because y/n is gone,” he said, looking at the table. 
“You’re right,” the Auror on the left said. “But allow me to be more precise, Mr Riddle. Miss y/l/n is gone… because you killed her.”
Mattheo’s mind, still as cloudy as the night before, suddenly cleared up like and working like a machine being turned on. He looked at the two men, and suddenly understood the reason they had been looking at him like that ever since they came into the room a few minutes earlier. They think I’m guilty. 
This is a nightmare. This is a nightmare. This isn’t real. I’ll wake up any moment and see her sleeping next to me. 
Shock, anger, and a bit of panic and confusion came into him like a gigantic wave. “What? I didn’t kill her! Why the hell would I kill her?” 
This is a nightmare. This is a nightmare.
“Oh, you would be surprised at all the reasons why a man could kill his girlfriend. She caught him cheating, he caught her cheating, she saw something she shouldn’t have seen…” the Auror stopped, and looked at Mattheo with malice. “Or maybe he wants to prove himself to his father.”
If he could, Mattheo would have laughed. Here it is. The “son of the Dark Lord” bullshit. He ran his hand through his hair, and sighed.
“You think I killed y/n because my father asked me?” he asked, trying his absolute best to remain calm. “Why would I have accepted?” 
“Well, you’re the second son. The spare. Your father likely planned for your brother Tom to be his second in command, and, if he were to die, his heir, didn’t he? And then, what do you have left, Mr Riddle? At best, you remain the spare and then your brother’s second in command your whole life, and in the worst case… Nothing.” 
y/n. I would have y/n. 
“Dumbledore told us your father tried to contact you last summer,” the second Auror spoke. 
Mattheo felt annoyance growing inside of him, “and did he also tell you that I refused, and hid from him the whole time?” 
“Yes,” the first Auror admitted. “He did say you told him that. But how can we be sure you didn’t lie?” 
Mattheo closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. 
“So, you guys think I’m a murderer just because my father is? For no other reason than that?”
“Actually, Mr. Riddle, the main reason we do believe that, is because…of that.”
The Auror took the long, thin black bow he had put earlier on the table, and opened it before showing the inside to Mattheo, whose eyes opened in surprise. 
“My wand?” 
“Yes, Mr Riddle, we-”
“I lost it,” Mattheo interrupted with a louder voice, feeling his heart beat faster, “I lost it yesterday sometime after class. Where did you find it?!”
“You lost it?” the Auror asked while crossing his arms, sounding amused, “Well, did you tell anyone? Any teachers?”
“I went to tell Professor Snape,” Mattheo answered, “but he wasn’t in his office. I waited for him for almost an hour but he never came back. My friend Lorenzo saw me, I asked him if he knew where Snape was.”
The Auror shared a look that told Mattheo they already knew Lorenzo had seen him - and yet didn’t believe him.
“Now,” Mattheo continued, more annoyed by the second, “where did you find my wand?” 
“Why, near you, Mr Riddle. When we found you near your victim’s corpse,” the second Auror said as if it was obvious.
The dark-haired boy stared at them in disbelief. “What? No, you’re…You’re lying.”
“And when we used Prior Incantato, we saw that the last spell your wand used was the killing curse.”
“That’s why he brought you here, Mr Riddle”, the second Auror continued immediately. “If we didn’t find your wand near you, our theory wouldn’t be based on anything. We might even have believed you when you’re telling us you didn’t kill miss y/l/n.” 
“I did not kill her!” Mattheo screamed. 
The Auror sighed, “Mr Riddle, please. Out of respect for miss y/l/n and her family, do tell us the truth. They deserve justice.”
“You’re lucky, you know?” the second Auror went on, “If it wasn’t for Professor Dumbledore, you’d be in Azkaban, awaiting your trial.” 
“I’m innocent!” Mattheo yelled, feeling himself going mad. “I told you the truth!”
“Alright,” the Auror said with a loud voice, putting a clenched fist on the table. “If you didn’t do it, then who did?” 
“How would I know?” Mattheo snapped. “I found her body in the courtyard, and I didn’t see anybody else.”
“See? You can’t give us a second option. Our talks with teachers and students told us Miss y/l/n had no enemies, was loved by both classmates and teachers alike, and her parents are good people. No one had a reason to kill her, except for you.”
“We don’t need to know the reasons on why you did it, Mr Riddle,” the first Auror said in an almost kinder, more patient tone. “Even though we have some ideas about the ‘why’. Just admit you did it.”
“Admit you did it because either your father asked you to do it, or because, despite your best efforts to make people believe you’re different from him, the truth is, you’re just like him.”
“I didn’t do it!” Mattheo screamed. “How many do I have to tell you?! I didn’t kill y/n! Someone must have taken my wand and killed her! How can you not see that?!” 
The first Auror sighed, meanwhile the second clenched his jaw. 
“Mr Riddle, y/n-”
“DO NOT USE HER NAME!” Mattheo shrieked. 
But the Auror ignored him, closing his eyes for a second, “y/n had a family, friends, people who loved her, and a whole life with a bright future ahead of her.”
Yes. And all I had was her.
“You took enough from her. Do you take away from her grieving parents the satisfaction that their daughter’s killer is not in prison, paying for his crime.”
Mattheo put his face in his hands, feeling tears burn his eyes. 
“I want to see my brother.” 
“Your brother?” the first Auror asked, and this time he sounded genuinely surprised.   
“Well,” Mattheo spat, raising back his head to stare at the two men, “someone should find y/n’s killer if I’m going to be in Azkaban soon, don’t you think?”
“So you admit it? You killed her?”
“No! For fuck’s sake, no I didn’t kill fucking kill her!” 
They didn’t understand, Mattheo thought with desperation and frustration, putting his head back in his hands. Mattheo couldn’t even remember how life was before he fell in love with y/n during their third year. All he remembered is that two years ago, in their fifth year here, he finally gathered the courage to let her know how he felt, and, by some miracle, this beautiful, sweet witch with a heart of gold felt the same way about him. Ever since, all that was inside his mind was y/n, how his heart, life and soul belonged to her and her only, how she was the only one to not see him as Voldemort’s son but how he really was instead, how she was always there for him, especially when he started feeling anxious when his father came back after the Triwizard Tournament, and how their kisses, their hugs and cuddles and sleeping with her in his arms were the most important things to him. And now, he had lost it all. 
The two Aurors suddenly rose from their chairs, and left the room, leaving Mattheo alone with his broken heart and nonfunctioning mind. 
This is a nightmare, this is a nightmare.
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Left at the Altar - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / (Ex-Girlfriend) Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Light Angst; Drama; Getting Left at the Altar (Not by Hangman); Asshole Ex (Not Hangman); Second Person POV ("You"), No Y/N, No Physical Description for the Reader
This work, all of my other works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only.
Summary: When you get left at the altar, a familiar face swoops in to save the day.
Edit: Part 2 Part 3 Epilogue
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Ever hit rock bottom? Well, you thought you did. And then you got stood up at your own wedding.
Staring up at the altar, you slowly sat down in the front pew. You sat your bouquet down beside you and reached up to pull out the pins holding your veil in place. You definitely weren’t going to need them. Not after the text message that you received from your ex-fiancé.
That’s right. You got dumped on your wedding day through a text message.
And frankly, the part about the whole situation that annoyed you the most was the fact that you should have been the one to dump him. You were the one who threatened to call the wedding off months ago when you found some suspicious text messages between your fiancé and a woman labelled as ‘Domino’s’ in his phone.
As if anyone texted Domino’s about their secluded lake house.
You should have just pulled the plug on the whole thing when you had the chance. Instead, you let him dump and humiliate you publicly.
Taking a deep breath, you glanced around the small church. Most of the guests filed out when it became apparent that there was a runaway groom. All of the people that remained in the church were a few close friends and immediate family members.
Your ex-fiancé’s family stood awkwardly in the corner, not really sure what to do. There wasn’t a really good or efficient way to apologize for their cowardly bastard of a son without suffering some rather intense glares from your family and friends. You already gave the engagement ring back to your ex-fiancé’s mom, since it was supposedly a family heirloom.
Maybe you should have just flushed it down the toilet instead.
You looked forward again when your mom walked over to you. She gave you a small, comforting smile as she pushed your veil and bouquet to the side and sat down beside you. Your mom stared up at the altar for a moment, seemingly walking through what she was going to say to you. She reached out and grabbed your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“It’ll be okay, sweetie,” she whispered to you. “You’ll get past this.”
“I know,” you replied, nodding slowly. “I know, Mom.”
“Do you need anything?”
“No,” you replied softly, shaking your head. Letting out a breath, you turned back to your mom with a composed expression. “Why don’t you and everyone else go and eat at the venue? It’d be stupid to let all of that food go to waste. We already paid for it.”
“Actually, his family offered to pay for everything. Even your dress,” your mom explained, glancing over at your supposed-to-be in laws. “They were extremely embarrassed.”
“Can’t imagine why,” you drawled sarcastically, shaking your head. You let out a breath before you turned back to your mom. “Has Dad calmed down?”
“Somewhat. He calmed down a lot when they offered to pay for everything. But I worry for your ex if he ever crosses paths with your father again.”
“If he’s smart—which he’s not—he’ll avoid the entire county,” you replied, pursing your lips together. “He’s probably sitting at his lake house with ‘Domino’s’ right now.”
“That’s unfortunate for him,” your mom told you, causing you to nod in return.
“Damn straight.”
You and your mom shared a small smile before you sobered up for a moment. Glancing around the church, you leaned back in your pew. You turned to your mom and suddenly felt like you were a teenager again and needed her to help you with a situation that you got yourself in.
“Do you think that I could be alone for a bit?” you asked softly, folding your arms across your lap.
“Are you sure? I don’t think that you should be alone right now, sweetheart,” your mom replied, grabbing your hand. “Why don’t you just come to the venue with the rest of us? You can burn the dress if you want to, but just come with us.”
“I will, Mom, but I just need some time by myself for a little bit.”
Albeit reluctantly, your mom got up and ushered everyone else out of the church to give you some time alone. The venue was only ten minutes down the road, so your mom told you to just text her when you wanted to be picked up. You thanked her again for all of her help and support before she left with everyone else.
You slowly got to your feet after you thought that everyone else was gone. You let out a breath to calm yourself down and simply worked through some thoughts. Eventually turning for the aisle, you paused when you spotted a familiar figure walking through the church doorway.
Jake Seresin. Or Jacob Michael Seresin III, if you were going by his birth name. Or Hangman, as he supposedly went by these days. Lieutenant Jake “Hangman” Seresin.
The boy that you fell in love with when you were fifteen. Your high school boyfriend, your first love, your first everything, really. The man that, had he stayed in Texas and taken over his family’s business like he was expected to do, you probably would have already married.
But life wasn’t a fairytale. And certainly not your life.
Jake slowly walked further into the church, pulling off his dress white cap as he stepped forward. He tucked it under his arm and offered you a small smile as he stopped in front of you. His hair was perfectly gelled and styled and his dress whites were absolutely pristine. And that genuine smile, the one that he seemed to use less and less as he aged, was just like you remembered.
He looked like he stepped straight out of a dream. Out of your dream.
“I’m not too late, am I?” he asked, looking around the otherwise empty church.
“No,” you scoffed, shaking your head. You glanced up at the rafters before turning back to him. “I got left at the altar.”
Instantly, the kind, genuine smile dropped from Jake’s face. His whole demeanor changed in an instant. He frowned and opened his mouth before pausing, most likely trying to not just blurt out the first words that came to mind in a church. But his entire stance looked like he was ready to storm out of the church to drag your fiancé out of whatever hole he was hiding in.
“He didn’t show up?” Jake asked with his voice dangerously low.
“No, he sent me a text,” you explained quietly. Letting out a laugh that was meant to be humorous, but was really rather pathetic in reality, you looked away from Jake for a moment. “I mean, at least I didn’t marry him. It could be worse.”
“Where is he then?”
“Somewhere, anywhere,” you replied honestly, pursing your lips together. “Frankly, I never want to see him or hear his name ever again, so I could care less.”
“Still, he shouldn’t get away with doing this to you,” Jake stated seriously.
It had a level of force behind it that you knew wasn’t directed towards you. More like on your behalf than anything else.
Hell, Jake had always been protective over you and more than willing to fight for you. He wasn’t someone who kept a lot of close friends, but when anyone was within Jake Seresin’s inner circle, he would fight for them with everything that he had. And you knew that the state of your relationship didn’t impact that.
“He’s not worth the trouble,” you stated, waving your hand to the side. “And besides, I’d really just like to move on from all of this. If I can.”
“Of course, you can,” Jake spoke softly, reaching out to take your hand. “He’s just a . . . I can’t say the word that I want to say because we’re standing in a church.” You laughed and shook your head at Jake. “But either way, it’s his loss.”
“Thanks Jake.”
“I’m serious. I mean, any guy who looks at you, especially when you’re in that dress . . .” Jake trailed off, letting his eyes rake over your form, “. . . and doesn’t hope to be the guy standing there, waiting for you at the altar . . . he’s not worth your time.”
You felt your heart flutter in your chest, just like it used to whenever he would wave to you in the hallway between classes when you two were teenagers. And staring into Jake’s bright green eyes, you knew that he meant every word that he spoke. Rocking your joined hands back and forth, you tried to settle the wobble in your lips.
“I didn’t want it to be him,” you stated honestly, causing Jake to noticeably pick his head up. “He . . . I gave into the pressure that I should be married and moving into that stage of my life by now and . . . I should have never agreed to marry him in the first place.”
Jake nodded slowly and turned to look at the ground. A moment passed where he seemed to be trying to compose himself before he slowly picked his head up again.
“Who did you want it to be?” Jake asked softly, so softly that you didn’t hear it the first time.
“Who did you want it to be?” he repeated, picking his head up and staring deeply into your eyes. “Waiting for you at the altar, I mean.”
Your breathing subtly picked up and your lips parted a bit at Jake’s question. And the intensity of his stare that made your entire body feel like it was on fire. Slowly and tentatively reaching out, you gently cupped Jake’s cheek with your hand and rubbed your thumb across his soft skin.
“My answer hasn’t changed,” you stated quietly as emotion started to clog your throat. “It never has.”
The two of you naturally leaned towards each other. Your bodies seemed to naturally fit together as you pressed up together. The two of you slowly leaned in until your foreheads rested together. And when he was standing this close, you could pick out all of the different colors in his eyes, which were staring down at your lips.
Gently cupping the back of your neck, Jake pulled you in for a soft kiss. Your lips moved together like they had never been parted in the first place. Not by school or deployments or life in general. For much of your adult lives, the issue was never your feelings for each other but everything else getting in the way. But right there, in that small little church in rural Texas, life wasn’t in the way.
Nothing and no one were in the way. Not anymore.
Jake dropped his hat and wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you closer. You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and cupped his cheek once again, guiding your lips together. It probably would have gotten you disapproving looks if anyone else was around, but for that perfect little moment, it was just the two of you.
Pulling away a few moments later, you rested your foreheads against each other’s and smiled to yourselves. Breathing a bit heavily, you trailed your fingers down Jake’s cheeks as he brushed his nose against your own.
“When do you have to leave?” you asked quietly.
“Tomorrow morning,” Jake sighed, clearly sounding disappointed. “I could barely get any time off. I actually owe Coyote a laundry list of things because he covered for me.”
“Then we shouldn’t waste any time,” you replied, trying to look on the positive side.
About ten seconds later, you and Jake hurried out of the church hand-in-hand. Jake’s rented truck was the only car in the parking lot and you both quickly made a beeline for it. Jake unlocked and opened the door for you to climb inside. You sat down and Jake hurried to push the rest of your dress inside before shutting the door.
You pulled him in for another excited kiss as he slid into the driver’s seat before Jake started his rented truck to drive the two of you to the hotel. As Jake backed out of the parking lot, you sent your mom a quick text, which was just a simple photo of Jake.
“Do you have the directions to the hotel?” Jake asked, turning back around and heading for the road.
“Yeah and the confirmation, so we can actually check in,” you mused, smiling over at him.
As Jake pulled out onto the road, you got a text back from your mom. You let out an amused noise and shook your head when you read her message.
Don’t forget protection. Or do. I wouldn’t mind a grandbaby if you two agreed on one. Love you!
You sent your mom a quick ‘love you’ text back before turning off your notifications. Jake reached out and grabbed your hand, threading your fingers together. Jake pulled your hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of your hand.
And even though this wasn’t how you expected your wedding day to go, you had to admit that this outcome was actually far better than the one you that had in mind.
Part 2 Part 3 Epilogue
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ynbabe · 10 months
Fake texts au- pt.8 bffs with the rookies+ The Hangover
Lando being Lando with .jpg and Max and Charles are now involuntary babysitters
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liked by 321,023 users
Tagged: @/alex_albon @/arthur_leclerc @/logansargeant @/oscarpiastri @/its_y/n_love
lando.jpg "we will never drink again" just look at em lie
view all 10,874 comments
landonorris i dont even know how y/n is alive rn
logansargeant fr I don't even remember getting back to the horel its_y/n_love I DRAK TEQUILA FOR YOUR UNGRAEEFUL ASS SMH arthur_leclerc WHY AM I IN A SHOPING CAT??? oscarpiastri why are we sleeping on the road?
its_y/n_love damn slide 5 logsn stole my bikch 😥
oscarpiastri more importantly why am i little spoon? hello? logansargeant cause I'm built diffrnt 😤
maxverstappen Never get them near alcohol. ever again.
alex_albon ... why am i crying im slide 4
oscarpiastri cause you weer flirting witn lily and she told you shee had a bf alex_albon understandable
username omg not them drunk answering in the comments 😭
username ong what did they drink ?!?!?1 username tequila apparently username girl ain't no tequila doin all that
username lando.jpg coming in clutch 💪 username not her endangering the driver's life by sleeping on the road and pushing arthur in a shopping cart 🙄 username fr like this isn't funny they should stop being friends with her look what Max and Charles said username can yall leave the poor girl alone! they're all adults it was their friends first point ofc they're gonna party ion see yall saying shit abt max and his redbull parties 🤨
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After your wild night, it was Oscar who came through first, groaning at the awkward position he was sleeping in, his neck sore with a horribly tough and warm pillow under it. He tried shoving it off but was only met with soft groans and a 'fucking stop', well that was enough to wake up the Aussie.
He turned around to be face-to-face with his childhood best friend, he let out a small yelp and pushed himself off the small sofa they were sharing, waking up the others.
"Oh my god, please shut up," came the hoarse voice of his friend Y/n, from the other side of the bed, on which Alex was the only one sleeping, his phone still on Facetime with his girlfriend, Lily.
As Y/n began pulling herself up, a deep Monganesque voice protested, "Y/n, stop moving," making the young woman's eyes widen as she pulled her hand away from the shirtless f2 driver's chest.
"Why aren't you wearing your shirt?" She asked looking at the boy still lying down on the floor, head clutched in his hands, "actually, Albon, why don't you have your shirt either?" she asked pulling herself up and lending her hand to the struggling boy next to her.
"I can answer that," came a woman's garbled voice through Alex's phone making him jump up to grab it, "Arthur fell off the bed onto you and when you pushed him off he used his shirt as a pillow," 'oh, that's why my ribs hurt' the younger woman thought, throwing a look at her friend, "and Alex was 'literally on fire and going to kill whoever messed with the AC'" she said with air quotes, making her boyfriend turn red.
"Thanks, Lily, I'll call you later, love you." he spoke and cut the call, "Remind me to never ever drink with the four of you again."
"Oscar, you kick in your sleep," Logan complained as he sat up, exploring all the black and blue bruises on his body, "why do we look like we were in a fight club?" he asked out loud making the others look at themselves.
Oscar had a few scratches on his knees and arms, Arthur had bruises and scratches littered all across his palms and hands and a nasty hand-sized bruise on his back, Y/n had a swollen nose, with a deep-ish cut along her eyebrow, the only unscathed on was Alex.
They all got dressed not bothering to change, knowing whose room they were in and walked to the private buffet that had been set up for the driver staying in the hotel, courtesy of Paris Hilton's soft spot for Lando.
As soon as they walked in, they were greeted by Lando, smiling and laughing as he recorded with his phone.
"Merde, I'm going to die, shut the lights," the youngest Leclerc said as he threw himself on the chair, closest to him, letting his head fall back. Y/n was next to accept the defeat of being conscious, sitting and immediately letting herself slump over her head smacking the wooden table with a loud thud, the woman would have been hurt if Logan hadn't moved his hand under her face, letting it bear the brunt of the impact. The blonde wasn't in any better shape, throwing one of the table napkins on his face to block out all light and noise. Oscar was the last to sit, simply clutching his head in his hands, almost pulling out his hair, at the massive headache he had.
Soon after, the unwilling babysitters followed, scowling at the sight of the supposed adults who were in no condition to be awake.
"All four of you, delete my number from your phone," the Dutchman spoke as he sat down next to his British friend, "eighty-two calls of all of you singing Barbie girl at 2 IN THE MORNING," he yelled slightly making the four whine.
"Please for the love of god shut up," the Aussie spoke up surprising the three sober men.
"Arthur mate, what did you all drink?" his brother asked laughing.
"Last I remember were the shots," he answered in broken French and English.
"So you don't remember when you all ran out of the club and went to Costco?" Lando spoke with a smirk, "And Y/n pushed Arthur around in the parking lot in the shopping carts,"
"What?" the pair asked, the girl sitting up, letting the blonde take back his hand.
"Oh, that is not even the worst part," Charles continued, "You and Oscar stole traffic cones, put them over your head and began tackling each other, and slept on the road," he chuckled making the duo look at each other with wide eyes.
"Oh and let's not forget when Logan and Arthur climbed up a building," he said knudging the brunette next to him. The two in question looked sheepishly at the older men and back onto the table.
"I am never going to drink, ever again," Y/n groaned as she tried to keep her eyes open.
"Yeah right, let's see you in Vegas," The youngest Leclerc sniped, making the girl throw the napkin of Logan's face on Arthur.
"Hey, guys," Lando called out bringing everyone's attention to him, the six waited as Lando's eyes widened and widened, "WHY IS THERE A TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLAR CHARGE ON OSCAR'S COMPANY CARD?!"
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oof this one was long af 😭 but I hope yall like how chaotic the boys get when they're with Y/n, cause we menaces frfr.
Taglist: @dark-night-sky-99 @cashtons-wife @i-wish-this-was-me @thehufflepuffavenger1
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bloodyjuls-blog · 10 months
I was so stupid
Leah Williamson X Reader
⚠️ Warning ⚠️: part 2 of goodbye my lover. If you read it you know what I mean in case of not it's just pure angst. This seems to be the light at the end of the tunnel
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Lucy POV
I woke up at 5 in the morning because I had to go to training at 8, I looked at my phone and realized that y/n had called me 3 times. I was quite worried because I was the only person (Ona too, but not at the same level of intensity) who had been with her in those difficult moments such as a divorce and the separation from her son. Little Sage who is such a sweetheart and Y/n too and now because of Leah's stubbornness they’re not together makes me quite angry.
I decide to call y/n back but she sends me to inbox, so weird. Yesterday I spoke to her and she told me that she was going through a bad time and that the pains in her chest had returned. Knowing that I am in Barcelona and she is in London makes me even more nervous because she could suffer a cardiac arrest and not have anyone to help her with it and now even less cause Leah apparently turned everyone against her. I don't understand.
Leah POV
*Beep beep beep*¨
Who in their right mind calls at 5 am on a Friday. “Hello” I said in a rather sleepy tone. Sage hadn't slept well, I felt him agitated. He always sleeps peacefully. “Hi Leah, I'm Lucy,” she tells me in a worried tone. “What's wrong Lucy? looks at the hours” I said calmly. “It's Y/N, I'm worried because she's been calling me in the early morning and I want to know how yesterday's conversation with her went?” she says worriedly. “Well, the talk has gone well, a bit of a farewell tone, but very normal. She also called me this morning too, although she seemed like drunk or drugged, her voice sounded very weird,” she says in a stern voice. “No Leah, how can you think that, she is doing those things that are on TV or in the gossip magazines. She is like this because the divorce and now you have left her without a job. Are you stupid or what?” Lucy says super angry. “Oi, calm down or I'll hang up on you, these are not the hours to argue, girl” I say calmly. “Leah, for God's sake, y/n could have suffered a cardiac arrest and you didn't even realize it, did your new girlfriend whitewash everything you felt for y/n? Have you realized how bad she has had it since she was kicked out of the club because of you and since it wasn't enough for you, you kicked her out of the house without even being able to take a jacket and her wallet, having to listen to her at 3 in the morning heartbroken because she doesn't know what she was going to do without you, you know that she has been living in a seedy hotel for 3 months since you kicked her out of the house? The sad nights when she misses her baby?…" Lucy says very seriously. "I'm sorry Lucy, I didn't know anything about that, I've been very selfish, but it all came down to me anyway, the absence, the times she ignored my presence and focused only on Sage, I've also missed her a lot, Lucy". I say in a worried tone. “Leah, I need you to go to The White Heart Hotel, which is 8 minutes from your house, ask the front desk for room 203 and make sure y/n is okay. Please". She says in a tone that I can't understand. "Okay, I’ll go now I’ll text you later" I say, worried but willing to collaborate.
"God y/n, I hope you're okay, damn it, why I didn’t pay you more attention, if something happens to you, I won't forgive myself" I say to myself.
Once I arrive at the hotel, which looks very seedy.
“Hello,” I ask at the reception, a little agitated. "Hello Miss. How can we help you,” the girl tells me without flinching. “Mmm yes, I'm coming to visit my friend y/n who is staying in room 203” I say nervously. “Miss Leah, I'm afraid that the guest Y/n was taken away by the ambulance a couple of hours ago, due to some cardiac incident, the poor girl was so young and had no one to help her at that time if not for the waiter who heard some noises, it's most likely that right now that girl was dead," the girl says sadly. "Excuse me? But she was fine yesterday when I saw her.” “Miss, I recommend you to go to the hospital where the ambulance took you and ask the corresponding questions there,” she says calmly. “Yes, of course, thank you very much anyway,” I say with a little emotion. “My poor y/n, how is this possible?” I sit in the car and tears come out of my eyes, I feel like the guiltiest person in the world. Instead of listening to her and being with her, the first thing I did is abandon her to her fate and if that's not enough, mess with someone who no matter how good person she is, is not y/n. The mother of my son, the love of my life. How stupid I am for God's sake.
Once at the entrance to the emergency room.
I get out of the car and look in the trunk for a facemask. “Damn, I had a box stored here” I say to myself, exasperated as I search through everything. “Here you are” I say, taking the mask under a pile of documents.
At reception
“Good morning miss, can I help you with something?” The nurse at the reception tells me. “Hey, a couple of hours ago an ambulance brought y/n Y/l/n here and I came to ask how she is” I say nervously. “Are you related to her?” she asks me, looking directly at the computer. “I'm her wife, Leah” I say, already stressed from so many questions. “I understand, at this moment, y/n is undergoing surgery due to a heart failure, if you wish you can wait in the coronary surgery waiting room on the 3rd floor and once the operation is finished a doctor will speak with you directly” she tells me. “Damn, well thanks, in the third one did you say?” I say worried. "Yeah".
It's been three hours since I've been here and the only thing that has changed is that a cardiologist has come to tell me that they are having complications with Y/N, and that her prognosis is reserved, that we have to wait and see how the surgery progresses.
“Family of y/n y/l/n” a doctor comes out with a worried look. "Me, doctor, I am her wife, Leah Williamson" I say in a broken tone. “Well, Mrs. Leah, I will be very honest with you, at this moment we are performing a pericardiocentesis on Mrs. Y/n because after the cardiorespiratory arrest she suffered in the early hours of the morning we realized that she had cardiac clog, we have done this procedure several times because the patient keeps coming to a standstill and doesn´t come back. I would like you to notify her other relatives just in case. It should be said that the prognosis is reserved and her evolution will determine if the heart does not clog again, for now I will do everything in my power so that the lady does not die,” he says seriously. While he says that I try to process everything. There are possibilities that my love won’t make it and die, I must tell Lucia.
“Lucy, y/n she is dying, she has suffered several cardiac arrests since this morning and is in surgery she’s not recovering” I say between tears and sadness on the call. “Leah, don't be pessimistic. Ona and I will take the first flight there is to London, we will be with you” she says crying. I'm glad Lucy cares about y/n, they're like sisters from another mother. I settle into the chair and send a WhatsApp to Sophie.
To Sophie
Hey how are you? Sophie, did you leave Sage with my mother?
*Yes, as you told me. All good? *
No, something has happened, but first I must tell you that I can't take this anymore, you are a wonderful girl but I am not in the best place mentally. Sorry Sophie, it's better to leave things here.
*What a coward you are Leah, not telling me in person. Ok, I hope I never see you again*
A few hours later Dr. Flynn himself comes out.
“Leah, y/n she is out of surgery, her prognosis is still guarded but we believe she will make a successful recovery. What worried us most was that being so young and out of nowhere having these moments of trauma and even more so knowing that she has a healthy and fit life” he says less worried. “What exactly does she have? Will she be able to continue playing football? What will the recovery be like?” I said a mile an hour. “Miss, slow down please. Miss y/n will be in the coronary ICU for a while due to the sedation we gave her. What we watched in the echocardiogram, in the blood tests and the chest x-ray is an irregularity in her pericardium hence the surgery, but them also show cardiac arrhythmias which means that she won’t be able to practice any high impact sport, as Upon her recovery, her evolution will be marked by how her heart accepts the changes. Most likely, she will always have to carry oxygen and in the future we can consider the use of a pacemaker to help detect any irregularity. “I understand, can I see it?” I say a little more relaxed. “Of course, come with me here…”
To be continued
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ghostfacd · 11 months
lost him | connor bedard
au masterlist
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Y/N “Bells” Belliemine. She was the star of the show, the smart pretty long haired girl from Yale. One look at Bells and you’d almost feel a spurge of jealousy flow through your veins.
What everyone didn’t expect was for the girl to be dating Connor Bedard, the hockey player. Sure, he was cute and all, but really? The two just didn’t seem to mix well together.
Bells, after a long day of studying, decided that she was going to go to the party her boyfriend’s teammates have been all raging about.
It was a party at one of the frats, and although Connor told her that if she didn’t want him going, then he’s totally okay with staying home.
Despite Bells’ jealousy towards the insane amount of fangirls that Connor had due to him playing hockey for their college, Bells knew it wouldn’t be fair of her to restrict him from going out with his friends to party. She didn’t want to be that girlfriend, anyway.
When Bells arrived, her eyes automatically searched for Connor, and she couldn’t find him until she had bumped into one of his friends and teammate, Ryan.
“Oh hi Bells!” Ryan says, too tipsy to notice how Bells’ smile had transformed into a frown in a matter of seconds.
Bells had saw Connor just before Ryan had approached her, and although that would give her a sense of relief that she finally found her boyfriend, it made her stomach drop because he was talking closely with a girl.
Not just any girl, a pretty, smooth skin, skinny, and just about everything Bells wished she was in a girl.
“Didn’t expect you to be here!” Ryan wraps his arm around Bells shoulders, something the two had grown used to because Ryan was such an affectionate person. “Are you having fun?”
When Bells doesn’t reply back, Ryan pulls away to get a closer look at her face. “Why do you look so sad Bells? Do I have to beat someone up?”
Bells can only point at where Connor was standing, still engrossed in his conversation with the girl, who was now giggling and pushing him back jokingly.
What the hell.
“Oh, that’s not—” Ryan begins, but Bells already heads off, done with the party scene.
“Bells..” Ryan frowns as he makes his way over to Connor and the girl. “What’re you doing Connor?”
“What do you mean?” Connor furrows his eyebrows, taking in Ryan’s appearance. “Are you already drunk man? Here, my math tutor can give you a ride home, she was just gonna get going anyways.”
Ryan pauses, letting his body rest against the kitchen island. “Wait—math tutor?”
“Yep, apparently, when you spend all your time at hockey practice, you become increasingly bad at math,” the girl jokes, a genuine sparkle appears in her eyes. “Ryan, is it? Lets get you home buddy, I know that the hockey team has early practice tomorrow so you’re gonna thank me for this.”
Connor mouths a thank you to his tutor, “I’ll text you his address. Thanks.”
“Of course Con.”
When the two finally leave, Connor takes out his phone to text Bells as he had missed her the entire night. He just wished she wasn’t so hard on herself when it came to her academics.
You still up baby?
Ten minutes have passed, and no reply seems to come from Bells, so Connor guesses that she’s already asleep, hopefully, instead of having her nose in her textbooks.
But what he doesn’t know, however, is that Bells cried herself to sleep that night, her insecurities getting the best of her. She never once did speak about what she felt insecure about in their relationship, she didn’t want to come off as an overbearing and sensitive girlfriend, but it was really taking a toll on her.
The next day, Bells knew that she would cry if she even saw a glimpse of Connor, so she decided that she would pivot. How? By ignoring him.
She knew it would hurt her to do so, but she couldn’t bring herself to even talk to Connor after last night. The mere image of him laughing it up with the girl was enough to make her throw up.
She decides to lay low the entire day, until she sees Ryan come out of his class.
“Ry!” She says, making her way to him with a smile. “Hey.”
“Hey Bells,” Ryan replies, giving her a small smile.
Connor, who steps out the same class as Ryan watches this interaction with furrowed eyebrows. His eyes twitch in annoyance as he watches Bells smile at something Ryan says, and he hates that she lightly graze his arm for a second.
Oh, he thinks. So she cant talk to me all day but can laugh it up with my best friend?
He walks off with a scoff, not before texting her very classy, Y/N. He didn’t want to see the two people he cherished most in the world just plainly ignored him like he wasn’t there.
“You okay?” His math tutor asks when Connor takes a seat.
“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”
His tutor scoffs. “For one, you slammed your textbooks on this table when you walked in. And two, your eyebrows are furrowed.”
“Okay, okay.” Connor sighs. “It’s just, remember the girl Bells I was talking about?”
“Your lovely and extremely smart girlfriend?” His tutor teases, “how could I forget? You talked my ear off the entire night about how much you missed her Con.”
“She’s been ignoring me since last night and now she’s all buddy buddy with my teammate.”
“Who? Ryan?”
“Yes, Ryan.”
His tutor sighs, looking at Connor directly in the eyes. “Listen, I’ve been in a million relationships, so I know how this usually goes. I think you should talk to her, communicate how you feel. Ask her why she’s ignoring you, and tell her how that makes you feel.”
“Wow,” Connor laughs, back hitting the back of his chair. “Who knew you were good at math and relationship advice Claire.”
Claire shrugs. “Just am. Now get your girl back Bedard.”
- - -
“We should talk.” Connor corners Bells the next day after his class.
“I’ll see you later Ryan.” Bells says, knowing she cant get out of this one.
Ryan nods, awkwardly leaving the couple alone.
“See, this is what I mean,” Connor scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“What is your problem Connor?” Bells says, pushing him back slightly.
“What’s my problem? What’s your problem?” Connor pinches the the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “First, you don’t answer any of my texts. And next, you’re getting all close and touchy with Ryan now?”
“Ryan is my friend.” Bells says, voice quivering. Connor had never actually yelled at her before, and this was all too much for Bells to handle.
“Friends don’t get super close with each other Y/N!” Connor yells.
“Well why did you get so close with that girl at the party then huh?” Bells yells back, upset that he was putting all the blame on her. “Friends don’t get super close with each other, right Connor? Then why?!”
“What girl?” Connor asks, exasperated. “What girl Bells?”
“That girl you were laughing with at the party!”
Bells’ words fully reach Connor’s brain, and he’s offended that she even thinks that he was getting close to Claire. He knew what a boyfriend was supposed to do, which was why he made sure to keep at least a distance between them when they spoke. And now his own girlfriend was accusing of him being too close and friendly?
“Is this what this is all about Bells?” Connor asks. “Because you’re insecure of some girl I was talking to?”
Those words simply make Bells bawl, her hands coming up quickly to wipe her face.
“You know I’ve loved you since the day I’ve known you, Bells?” Connor says, his own eyes filling with tears. “And you were busy with your college applications and weren’t ready for a relationship, which was fine, but I cannot go on like this any longer!”
“Stop, stop.” Bells cries, distancing herself from her boyfriend.
“I moved to Connecticut for you,” Connor says in a whispered voice, almost in a offended manner, “I remembered your favorite order from the cafe down the street that you go to everyday, I’m happy I did, it’s fine, and I watched as you bottled up your feelings, and I waited and waited until one day you’d open up, because..” Connor’s voice cracks, “I figured, you know, that you’d love me. I thought you’d trust me enough to open up with me.”
“I do love you!” Bells sobs, “Connor, I do, I—”
“Clearly, this isn’t working out.” Connor mutters, hands coming up to wipe away the tears that were streaming down his face. “Is it, Bells? Call me when you actually want to speak about your feelings rather than burying it.”
And for the first time, Connor leaves Bells there crying. For the first time, he doesn’t wrap her in his arms and tell her everything’s going to be okay. For the first time, he doesn’t wave her goodbye with an I love you or wipe away her tears. For the first time, Bells realizes she had lost Connor.
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burnthoneydrops · 10 months
Home for the Holidays (s.o. x reader)
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pairing: sam obisanya x reader
word count: 2.3k
warnings: none? let me know if i missed anything! (not proofread haha)
a/n: a little christmas post for my favourite boy! I got a little carried away with this and basing it off the christmas special from season 2 but I hope you enjoy!!
“I thought you were spending Christmas with your mom,” Ted comments as you sit in his office, a semi-pitying look from both him and Keeley making you want to cover your face in your festive jumper. 
“She picked Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day so to the hospital she goes,” you reply, twirling your phone in your hands. 
“What about your sister?” Nate asks from his perched position. 
“Her girlfriend invited her on a surprise trip to Paris until the end of the month. She invited me to come after but it felt weird y’know?” 
“Damn, where’s she been hiding that money?” Coach Beard asks. 
“No idea. My sister says she’s good at investing or something but I also have a sneaking suspicion she’s a nepo baby”. The group in the room do a collective ‘ah’ in understanding. Keeley asks about Sam, to which you explain that he doesn’t celebrate Christmas and since the relationship was relatively new, you didn’t want to scare him off with how intensely your mum and your sister love to celebrate. That was before you found out neither of them were going to be there of course.
Ted looks to Coach Beard, asking what he’s doing for Christmas. 
“I thought you two broke up?” Keeley asks as he announces that he and Jane are going to a pagan tradition at Stonehenge. 
“We did, but we bought the tickets before we broke up so we’re going as friends,” he replies with slight distaste. 
“Well that’ll be….what about you Higgins?” Ted changes the subject. 
“We open presents and then host a party for any members of the team who don’t have a place to go on Christmas. We usually get about two but Ted and Y/N, you’re more than welcome”. 
“I appreciate the offer Higgie Smalls but once Henry wakes up in,” Ted checks his phone, “about an hour, he wants to open presents together and spend the whole day on FaceTime”. 
Higgins looks at you for your response. You nod, a small smile on your face, “yeah, sounds like it could be fun. Thanks Higgins”. 
After the boys had finished their Secret Santa exchange, you wait for Sam out in the hallway of the facility, saying hi to the other players that walked past and getting a high five from both Colin and Isaac. Sam was second to last to leave, still slinging his coat over his shoulders as he and Dani walked out together. 
“So I will see you at Higgins’ house later mi amigo?” Dani asks Sam, who nods and gives him a firm handshake before they bump chests, both with big smiles on their faces. 
“Ay I got invited to that too,” you smile at the two boys as Sam grabs your hand to walk to his car. 
“I thought you were spending the day with your mum and sister?” Sam asks, looking down at you with scrunched eyebrows.
Your face falls as you realise you hadn’t told him. You quickly apologise, explaining that because work had been so busy the past few days, you thought you had told Sam that your family was going to be gone, but apparently that was not the case. He is quick to shush your apology, claiming that it’s fine because now the two of you will get to spend your favourite holiday together after all. 
“I guess that means we could head over to your place for a bit before we go to the Higgins’?” you look across at Sam as he starts the car, but he is quick to shut it down. 
“Do you not want to get changed before we head over? I can drop you off at your home and pick you up when you are ready,” he replies, looking straight at the road. “Besides, I have a dish I need to pick up as a housewarming present”. 
“Oh,” you slump, a little defeated, “ok”. 
Getting ready for the party did not take nearly as long as it felt like Sam had expected, as it took him forever to respond to your ‘I’m ready!’ text. Something felt weird about the whole ordeal but you push it off, wanting to enjoy your favourite day with some of your favourite people. By the time Sam pulls up in front of your house, you’d checked your makeup a million times in the mirror, made sure you’d unplugged your curling iron about the same amount, and was watching cat TikToks when the doorbell rang. “You look lovely my love,” Sam compliments as you open the door. You thank him, holding out your hand for him to take before you close and lock your door, making sure not to trip on the front steps. 
The drive to the Higgins house is short, meaning you two are still somehow early for the event. It comes as a relief, though, when they open the door, as Sam had informed you in the car that he was in desperate need of the restroom. You hold back a laugh as the smallest of the Higgins boys answers the door, and you and Sam both look down with a little ‘hello’ and a wave. You take the dish from Sam as he enters the house first, but Higgins is soon to join you both, showing you two to the living room where all the appetisers had been laid out. 
“What a wonderful spread,” you compliment, to which his wife Julie replies with a thank you and a large smile. As Higgins asks what Christmas makes Sam think of, to which you can’t help but laugh again as you know the answer, Julie offers you a glass of wine (which you gladly accept). 
“Colonisation,” Sam replies, “but I am more than happy to celebrate the day with you. It’s Y/N’s favourite holiday anyway, so it won’t be my last,” he smiles at you. “We also have some friends in Lagos who celebrate with jollof rice and goat meat, so I made you some”. You hand the dish to Higgins, who looks sceptical. 
“But don’t worry, I used chicken,” Sam clarifies. 
“Thank God,” Higgins mutters, looking down at the dish before one of his older sons walks up, complimenting Sam on his protest against Dubai Air. Hearing Higgins swear in support of his son surprises both you and Sam, causing a round of light laughter before Sam is asking about the bathroom again. 
“If it’s your favourite holiday, why aren’t the two of you doing something separate from the party?” Julie asks as she comes back in with the wine. 
“I forgot to tell him that my family wasn’t going to be available, and when we celebrate, we go all out, so I didn’t want to scare him off when we’ve only been together a few months”. 
“I doubt anything could scare that boy off,” Julie chuckles, “he’s the happiest, most dedicated boy on the entire earth. Plus, he’s in love with you”. 
You blush, not expecting to get so personal with the Higgins family quite yet. 
“She’s right, Y/N, we’ve all noticed it around Nelson Road,” Higgins joins in, standing next to the arm of the couch. 
“That’s…nice,” you nod, not entirely sure what else to say. 
The next chunk of time is spent voluntarily helping clean up the house before everyone else arrives, Sam having turned gathering the wrapping paper into a game with the youngest. You smile from the corner of the couch you were picking extra pieces of tape off of; watching Sam play with kids always made your heart melt. 
“Did Santa bring you something good this morning?” Sam asks. 
“It’s ok, I know there’s no Santa,” the youngest shrugs as Sam sits down at the dining table. 
“But of course there is!” You comment, making your way over to the two, positioning yourself in the doorway. 
“How could he possibly deliver presents to everyone in one night?” The boy questions. 
“Ah see, but it is one night split between 24 different time zones. Santa’s true power is not his speed, but his endurance,” Sam explains. 
“Wow,” the boy’s face lights up, “he got me a bicycle,” he smiles. 
“Brilliant,” Sam gives him a double fist bump before the youngest runs off at the sound of the doorbell. 
You walk over to where Sam is sitting, running your hands down his shoulders as he wraps one of his hands around your arm. You lean your cheek on the top of his head, muttering about how wonderful he is before he laughs, planting a kiss on the hand he grabbed, and shaking his head. The next to arrive are Dani, Jan Maas, and Richard-who also brought a date- all with something to offer in their arms. They look a bit like the three wise men, but with alcohol instead of gold. Zoreaux follows quickly after, looking incredibly smiley as he announces he had previously gone to the wrong house. As more and more people arrive, you start to feel that warm, tingly feeling that reminds you why you love Christmas in the first place. So many people around, all happy to see each other, brings so much joy, especially when it brings on a Nerf battle to which all members (children and adults) are very dedicated. Putting dinner together is a sight to see, considering the regular dining table was conjoined with a surfboard and a pool table in order to fit all of the guests. 
You rest your head on Sam’s shoulder as he grabs a dish from one of his fellow players, smiling at the mention of goat meat and laughing as the youngest Higgins boy tries to sneak himself some wine from Richard’s bottle. “I’m glad we got to do this together,” you whisper into Sam’s turtleneck. 
“Me too my love,” he replies, looking down at you and trying to kiss the top of your head. 
Higgins stands up as everyone passes dishes around and makes joyful conversation, clinking his wine glass to make a toast. “I just want to thank everyone for coming,” he starts. 
Sam raises his glass as you take your head off his shoulder, “to the family Higgins!” Everyone begins to cheer, Jan Maas clapping his hand against the table. 
“You’re going to make me cry,” Higgins continues, “to my lovely wife, Julie, my sons, to you and all your families back in Lagos, Guadalajara, Groningen, Cordon, Montreal, Benin City, Harare, Kingston, and Santa Cruz de la Sierra. I know you would have preferred to be with them,” Sam reaches under the table and grabs your hand, “but it was truly an honour to have you with us, to share our traditions and help us make some new ones. To the family we’re born with, and the family we make along the way.” Sam squeezes your hand as Higgins finishes his little speech. “And most importantly, to Richmond!” “To Richmond!” Everyone cheers in response-you included, raising their glasses. 
There was suddenly a sound similar to feedback from outside and the youngest Higgins goes out to check for the cause of the commotion. “Ho ho ho Higginses!” Ted calls from the street.
The team all crowd around the window, greeted by the sight of Ted and Rebecca with three buskers, all in festive outfits. 
“Holy shit,” you laugh to Sam, who grabs your hand again before leading you out the front door. After spending a good bit of time outside with the team, dancing in the snow, everyone starts to say their goodbyes. You and Sam give parting hugs to everyone before getting in his car. He wordlessly starts to drive, and you assume he’s going to drop you off at your house, but as you miss the turn, you open and close your mouth in question. 
“I thought we could continue the festivities at my place if that’s ok,” Sam comments, glancing at you before looking back at the road. 
“Yeah, ok,” you smile, looking at the few houses decked out in Christmas lights as you keep driving. 
“Now this sounds weird, but I need you to close your eyes as we walk in. I promise it’s nothing scary,” he adds that last part in response to the way your face scrunched up. 
“Ok…” you laugh uncomfortably, covering your eyes with your hands as Sam links one of his elbows with yours, guiding you up to his kitchen before informing you that you can drop your hands. 
The sight in front of you is truly amazing, and you almost start crying on the spot. Sam stands off to the side with a nervous smile as you scan the room, looking at all the Christmas decorations and a full table of your favourite desserts that stand in front of you. A trifle and a Christmas pudding, a spiced Victoria sponge and a pitcher of mulled wine. You turn to face Sam, still with the nervous look on his face, before running to close the distance with a bone crushing hug. 
“I take it that you like it?” He asks, slowly wrapping his arms around you. 
“I love it!” You sniffle as you let go, looking at him in admiration. “But how? Why? I mean you-” 
“Your sister told me when she accepted that trip to Paris that both she and your mum would be gone, and I know how much you love Christmas, so I decided to put a little something together”. 
“A little something? Sam, this is amazing! Thank you so much,” you hug him again tightly. “Why did you agree to go to Higgins then?” 
“You love celebrating with other people, and I figured we could just add on to the celebration. Initially we were just going to come back here after Secret Santa, but it ended up working out because the Victoria Sponge wasn’t ready yet. So, I dropped you off first, and a little extra celebration time wasn’t going to do any harm,” he shrugs. 
“You’re amazing, you know that?”
“Only for you my love,” he chuckles, grabbing your face lightly, pressing a soft kiss onto your lips before turning back to the feast. “Now, let us not put this all to waste”. 
You turn excitedly to the table, wondering how you got so lucky with such a wonderful boyfriend. 
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water-loos · 1 month
Bad Idea, Right ?
“I know we’re done, I know we’re through, but, God, when I look at you…”
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player!mean!steve harrington x fem!reader
series masterlist ; next chapter
cw: college au, MILD EMETOPHOBIA WARNING (mentions of gagging/pretending to vomit), vulgar language smut (p in v, creampie, unprotected sex), hate sex, arguing
wc: 5k
a/n: guys please be nice this is my first time writing full on smut
It was easy to change the code for your apartment building. It was easier to sit closer to the front of the class and start participating more as sort of a Steve repellent. Even deleting his number was a piece of cake after a couple of weeks.
What wasn’t easy, was going out.
Despite it being summer when all of the college kids normally went home to their hometowns, your group of friends that lived in your building chose to move to the city permanently and stay for the summer, all in the name of partying and being drunk in public. It had seemed fun at first, and you had been excited at one point.
Then, your friend Eddie said something in a casual conversation that ruined your entire summer.
“Yeah, by the way, Steve’s still holed up at his place. His roommate works 24/7 and doesn’t really do much, so he’s kind of been stuck. I think we should invite him to come out with us tomorrow,” He had suggested innocently, the situation between the two of you was kept so well under wraps that everyone but Alexandra had been kept in the dark. “What d’ya think?”
Well, Alexandra and her girlfriend, Robin. Who was Steve’s best friend. And had apparently been giving him hell about the way he treated you.
Eddie still sat beside you on the couch, sweet and clueless. You gulped before answering. “That’s fine. The more the merrier, right?”
“See! That’s what I told him, but he was all like “Well I don’t know you’d have to ask, you can’t just invite me to someone else’s plans”, which I think is a stupid mindset,” He gave a dramatic and frankly spot-on impression of Steve that almost made you laugh. “I’ll just tell him he should come.”
“Did you tell him who’s coming? Or just that it’s mystery plans?” Robin chirped in from the kitchen, shooting you a knowing look from over the back of Eddie’s head. “You know how he is with knowing everyone who’s at a function.”
“I did not, actually,” Eddie realized and whipped out his phone, flipping it open and clicking through his contacts to find his message thread with Steve. “I’ll text him right now. I don’t think he’s doing anything.”
You watched the screen diligently from where you were sitting, pixelated text bubbles popping up.
i just talked to everybody and they said you’re good to come out with us saturday
Who’s going?
rob, alex, nance, sean, jared, and alex’s roommate
You bit your thumbnail as you watched a typing bubble pop up, disappear, and then reappear for the next minute.
“He’s taking forever.”
“He always takes forever!” Robin called from the kitchen as Alex walked out from her room.
“What’s all the shouting for?” She grumbled, clinging onto Robin.
“I’m trying to get Steve to tell me if he’s coming out with us on Saturday,” Eddie explains and sends a few question marks in the message thread. “He keeps typing, and stopping, and typing again.”
Alex whips around and shoots you a wide-eyed glance. Eddie’s too enthralled in his phone to see you shoot one back.
I just realized I have a work thing that night.
“He says he has a work thing. He’s no fun,” Eddie sighs, shuts his phone, and tosses it onto the coffee table.
Your stomach churns and guilt fills your veins. When you cut Steve off, you didn’t want it to stop him from hanging out with everyone else. You’d rather not go and let him have fun instead.
Your phone vibrated in your pocket, indicating you had received a text. Your blood ran cold at the possibility that Steve could be the one texting you, and you immediately handed Eddie the remote that was in your lap in favor of scrambling to open your messages.
You couldn’t help but deflate a little when you saw it was just Robin, asking you if you were alright.
u ok?
yeah, i’m fine rob, but can you do me a favor?
what’s up
can you text steve and ask him if he’d consider going out with you guys if i don’t go
no i’m not doing that
u don’t have to do that
he’ll be fine
can you just do it? please? i don’t even want to go that badly
i’ll buy you food
but i don’t think U should have to not go out with UR friends bc he’s uncomfy
You clicked your phone closed and settled into your seat on the couch, trying to focus on whatever horror movie Eddie had put on. Your phone buzzed not even five minutes after you had closed it, prompting you to open it again.
This time, it was an unknown number.
Your heart just about stopped.
Why do you want me to go out with everyone on Saturday so badly?
because i feel bad for being the reason you won’t go
so i’ll not go so you can, eddie really wants you to go
What if I just don’t want to go at all?
i want to make my friends happy, steve
robin and eddie and alex love you, and everyone else will love you
i want them to have a good time and they will if you go
please just go, for their sake
I have a better idea.
Don’t go out with them, and come here.
You pause and consider it. It couldn’t be that bad if you did go over. You could bring the six-pack that was in the back of your fridge that you hadn’t had the heart to toss yet, and you two could watch a movie like before. As much as it was easy to separate yourself from him, from everything, you still laid in bed and cried almost every night because your comforter still held the smell of his cologne no matter how many times you washed it. You still had one of his zip-ups, and you kept it right on your bedside table. The Altoids tin with his last cigarette still rattled in your purse.
Your phone buzzed twice in your hand.
don’t listen to him
You lifted your head to see Robin and Alex standing behind you, glaring. Alex made a motion of slicing her neck.
That was enough to make you snap your phone closed and go back to pretending to watch the movie.
But it couldn’t be that bad.
Saturday rolled around, and you had pulled out all of the stops. You blew out your hair, shaved your entire body, and even picked out your favorite pair of jeans that hugged your body just right.
Everything was perfect.
Your friends stood in your apartment, bottles of liquor covered your island, and music was bumping. It was a good pregame, and the energy was high.
“Alright! Let’s get this show on the road people!” Eddie cheered, a shooter between his pointer finger and thumb. “One last shot and then we leave.”
Jared, who had been standing ahead of where you sat on the couch, turned to help you up. The smile that was on his lips faded quickly, and his face fell into a concerned expression in the blink of an eye. “Are you good?”
Step one was complete.
You shook your head slowly and opened your eyes, trying to look as helpless as you could. “I’m really dizzy. I don’t think I should have smoked that cigarette.”
“Oh, shit, Alex?” Jared turned and called for your roommate, who rushed over quickly. The chains that hung from her shorts jingled as she rounded the couch and bent before you. “I think they’re gonna be sick.”
“Babe, I told you not to smoke with Eddie,” She tutted, lips between her teeth.
Before she could say anything else, you jumped up from the couch and rushed to the bathroom with your hand over your mouth, slamming the door behind you.
Step two.
You sat down on the floor next to the toilet and pretended to gag, doing your best to have the sounds you were making reverberate and sound realistic.
You kept it up for a couple of minutes before groaning loudly and flushing, which Alex took as an okay to knock on the door.
“You okay?”
“No. Just go without me.”
“Are you sure? We can just do a night in—“
“It’s fine, Alex,” You croaked. “I’ll be fine. You guys go out and tell me all about it tomorrow. I just want to chill out for a while.”
“Okay, babe. Call me if you need anything,” She agreed quicker than you thought she would, and you could hear her walk away from the door.
Step three.
You waited the ten minutes it took for everyone to get out the door, listening diligently for the faint sounds of their overly loud drunken voices to disappear. You left the bathroom as soon as you heard the door close, and you watched from the crack in your curtains as they pranced down the street and around the corner.
That’s when you grabbed your bag, Steve’s zip-up, his six-pack of beer, sprayed one last drop of perfume and left your apartment.
One tumultuous twenty-minute drive later, you stood in front of his apartment, tossing your hair with your free hand as you debated on knocking.
This was such a bad idea.
But it was fine because you were just returning the last of his things. You were going to give him his things and maybe one more piece of your mind, and then you’d leave and cry in bed. It was a foolproof plan.
So you decide to knock, two raps of the knocker. You adjusted your posture one more time and crossed your arms. It would be fine. It’s a quick trip.
Step four.
Then, the door opened. Steve Harrington stood there, smiling at you with a look that could send someone to their knees. His shoulder leaned against the doorframe, and he matched your posture. It made your heart ache.
“There you are, pretty,” He quipped, letting his eyes drag slowly over your frame. You hadn’t changed, and the strong A/C that escaped the open door rose goosebumps over the sliver of stomach that showed above your jeans and the swell of your tits that was exposed over your favorite going-out top. “Almost thought you wouldn’t come.”
You tried your best to roll your eyes and pushed past him into his apartment, arms still crossed. “I’m just here to drop off your shit. Don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“You dressed up just to bring over my things?” He shut the door behind you and followed you into the kitchen, where you set down all of his stuff. “Sure.”
“Did it ever occur to you that I might have plans after this? I don’t sit alone in my apartment like you do.”
“Oh, is that why Eddie called me?” He rounded the counter to stand in front of you, hands bracing either side of the counter outside of your hips. “Rambling about how I should ditch the work thing and come party because his favorite friend got sick after one cigarette?”
He stepped closer once he saw your expression drop, one of his knees wedging between yours.
“I think we both know why you’re here, sweetheart.”
“You’re the one who texted me. Don’t act like this is my idea,” You said, voice wavering so slightly that you weren’t sure that he’d catch on.
“Oh, baby,” He tutted, reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear and letting his hand trail down your neck. “I’m just feeling like the luckiest guy in the world, getting to be the one you get all prettied up for.”
You folded the second he pulled you closer, connecting your lips. It was like you were putty in his hands, and you were molded just for him. His hand almost gripped the back of your neck as your hands landed on the sides of his waist, anchoring him to you. The kiss was hot and hard like you were taking your first drink of water after walking through a desert. his other hand was quick to grasp your ass, pulling on it slightly as he groaned into the kiss.
“Wearing my favorite goddamn jeans,” He murmured into your lips, letting his hand smack your left ass cheek a little bit. “Just f’me.”
“Not for you,” You grumbled back but grabbed the front of his shirt and let your leg hook around his hip as he pressed you into the edge of the island. “Never for you.”
He chuckled and took one quick movement to set you atop the counter, letting you look down at him as his hands smoothed up your thighs. “I don’t think telling yourself that makes it any more true.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“Aren’t you going to do that for me?”
You knocked his hip with your leg moderately hard, catching his attention. “I’ll walk out right now. This is the last time I’m ever dealing with your shit. I’m serious.”
He just blinked at you, eyes glazed over. But not with a realization that this was the end of you two. That’d be too easy.
That stupid smirk that haunted your dreams popped up on his lips seconds later.
“You’re so fucking hot when you hate me.”
He let his hand slip into the crease of your hips and thighs and all but smashed his lips into yours, groaning a little when your hands reached up to tug at his grown-out strands of hair. He was quick to pull you closer then, your legs wrapping around his hips as he leaned you across the counter. His lips started a burning and sloppy descent down your neck, his hands greedily grabbing at what he could of your ass. He nudged you further and further off the counter as you pulled him closer with both of your legs, and he was practically holding you soundly around his waist.
“You’re not fucking me on top of a counter, Harrington,” You breathed, a little less weight behind your words. “My back still hurts from your stupid car.”
“She’s not stupid,” He huffs against your neck and steps away from the counter, hosting you higher on his hips. “But have it your way.”
You scoff as he references his car as a ‘she’, but the annoyance doesn’t last long as he quickly turns the corner after the kitchen, goes into the first door on the right, and all but tosses you onto his bed. It’s huge and the comforter almost puffs out around you as he closes the door and locks it quietly. He wheeled around at light speed after that, as you positioned yourself, knees up and posed, the chunky heels of your boots digging into his navy sheets. You pulled in your shoulders and pushed out your chest, arms locked behind you.
The second you cocked your head at him, he froze, and you swore that he short-circuited.
“You just going to stand there and gawk at me?” You raised an eyebrow and watched his cheeks grow pink in the dim light of his bedside lamp. “Commit me to memory while you can.”
He was quick to step forward then, a surprisingly gentle hand reaching for your ankle. You watched silently as he slowly pulled down the zipper of one boot, slid it off, and placed it quietly on the shag rug beside the bed. He did the same for the other boot before kissing up the length of your calf and knee over your jeans, alternating legs. You let your arms drop to your elbows, entranced as he lowered your knees and made his way up your thighs, surprisingly tender as he almost worshipped your legs. The nature of it all made your chest tight, those feelings you swore to keep at bay swelling to the surface.
Once he reached your navel, he didn’t waste time letting his fingers grasp the edge of your top, pushing it up as he pressed gentle pecks all over the expanse of your stomach. His head didn’t rise as you carefully lifted your shirt over your head and let it drop to the floor. His pace quickened then as his kisses turned to love bites, his teeth sharp and his lips soothing. Your breath hitched as his hand skirted around your back and unclipped your bra with nimble fingers. He pushed the straps down your shoulders as you slipped them off one by one, the lace material dropping beside your top.
He left larger hickeys on the swell of your breasts and sternum as he trailed back down, fingers already popping the button of your jeans and skirting along the seam between your legs. You preened in response and lifted your hips, urging him to push the tight jeans over your plush hips already. This needed to be quick before the facade you’d built in the last twenty-four hours started to crack.
You whispered the word so softly that you almost didn’t know if he’d hear it, but it was like a switch flipped the second it left your lips. Your jeans were flying off your legs, white lace panties dragged with them. You were next, his hands moving to your calves and pulling you toward the edge of the bed, your legs dangling off the edge. The boy did nothing but drag a hand down the side of your now naked frame, smirk, and slowly lower to his knees between your legs. The sight alone made your core gush, clenching around air.
You were quick to scramble to your elbows, watching him retrace his earlier steps across the expanse of your legs, leaving tender kisses and gentle nips across your skin as he inched closer and closer to the apex of your thighs. He slowed even more, then, simply looking at your cunt, unmoving.
“Stop teasing me,” You huffed, leaning your head back for a moment. “You’ve seen me a million goddamn times.”
“You said to commit you to memory,” He replied nonchalantly. A finger came out of nowhere and circled your clit as he rested his head on the plush of your thigh. “That’s exactly what I’m doing.”
You whined softly, heartbeat quickening. “Do it faster, then.”
“You that eager to get in and out of here?” He scoffed, adjusting so that his thumb kept a slow, torturous pace on your clit, while the middle finger of his other hand began to circle your entrance, teasing delicately. You whined in response, more pissed off than anything.
“What do you think?” You huffed, attempting to shift your hips closer to him and urge his finger inside of you, but Steve simply moved his arm to bracket across your hips and hold you in place. “I didn’t come here to spend the night. Now, could you please just fucking touch me?”
You saw a flash of something in his eyes, something you’d never seen before, before his mouth was on you. His arms moved to loop around your thighs as he buried himself in your pussy, tongue running figure eights from your clit to your weeping entrance so harshly that you almost shouted. You moaned softly over and over as he almost ravished you, lewd wet noises ringing through his echoey bedroom. You had almost forgotten how good he was in bed, and how he was obsessed with eating you out. It was always his favorite part of your nightly routine. It might be yours too.
Your heart ached the second you thought about how you had missed him, and you squeezed your eyes shut to wave those thoughts away. You tried to focus on the pleasure building up as an orgasm crept up on you, your moans turning into soft gasps.
“Fuck,” Your elbows ached behind you as you let yourself fall back onto the bed, hands twisting into the sheets below you. His arms kept your hips locked in place as you tried to squirm and give yourself a little more friction against his tongue. His pace had turned slow, but not any less passionate as he took his sweet time switching between sucking on your clit and dipping his tongue around and into your entrance. “Don’t stop, if you stop I’ll lose my shit—“
All of a sudden, two fingers were slipping into you and curling against your g-spot, making you squeak and writhe in place as the feeling of your orgasm slammed your senses. Your breathing turned erratic as he lapped up your cum and helped you ride out the high, your head elbows falling out from underneath you.
“That’s one way to get you to shut up,” He snorted, standing from his kneeling position. His hair wasn’t as wild as it normally was after he spent time between your thighs— the sight of him looking like he’d got ready two minutes ago made your heart ache. But, you were somehow glad you managed to keep your hands off of him. It meant you still had your self-control.
“You’re such a dick,” You scoff, chest heaving as you pushed yourself up onto your hands. You watched his eyes follow the way your tits jiggled as you did so, and rolled yours. “You planning on fucking me, or are we done here? I could still make it to the bar if I catch a cab.”
His face stayed stagnant and slightly flushed, but his eyes managed to widen ever so slightly. “You weren’t kidding.”
“What made you think I was kidding?” You laughed slightly, even though you felt sick. You sat up fully then, closing your legs and crossing your arms with as much confidence as you could muster. “Look, Steve. I came here for two things: to drop off the last of your stuff, and to get off. It’s not that deep. If you want to jack off on your own time that’s perfectly—“
He was flinging his shirt off and rushing to unbuckle his belt in the middle of your sentence, and was on top of you before you could say “Fine”. He pushed your back onto the bed and his lips latched onto yours in a bruising kiss, one hand manhandling your chin as the other held him up beside your head. His hips pressed your legs apart once more, the rough fabric of his jeans giving your still-sensitive clit some much-needed friction as he rocked with the kiss.
“You think I’m going to choose not to fuck you when you’re sitting right in front of me?” He mumbled against your lips and rocked his hips again. “With a pussy like yours? Not a fucking chance.”
Your hand slipped down to palm over his bulge and gripped him through his pants suddenly, a small gasp falling from his lips as he pulled away from the kiss. “I liked this so much better when you didn’t open your fucking mouth.”
Before he could bite back, your deft fingers made quick work of popping the button of his jeans, then pulling down the zipper in record time. His other arm came down beside your head to hold him up as he watched you between your bodies, your ring-clad fingers pushing his jeans and boxers down enough for his dick to spring free. You tried your best to not openly moan at the familiar sight of him after so long and gave him a couple strokes as your other hand continued to push his jeans and boxers down further.
“You still on the pill?” He huffed, pupils blown wide as he looked up at you. That confident man that had just made you cum in two minutes flat was long gone, and you were left with a puddle of a boy, ready to do whatever you asked. “Please say yes. Need to feel you.”
You gulped at the sight and continued to feed into this confident facade you were putting on. “I have no reason to not be on it.”
He blinked, his eyes flashing with that emotion you couldn’t place again before he kissed you deeply once more. You took the opportunity to shift your hips and guide his tip toward your entrance, tapping his side to signal he could push in. He did so as slowly as possible, his cheeks pink as he pulled away and looked between your bodies, watching you stretch around his length. “Fuck. I’ve missed this.”
Your throat grew tight as he bottomed out, your hands landing on the bed, just outside of where he braced himself on his forearms. You adjusted quickly to his size, which you had forgotten about, but then, all of those emotions you had been trying to desperately push aside started to arise. Your eyes pricked with tears, and you tried your best to close your eyes and pretend you weren’t about to cry during this.
“Move, please,” You whispered, trying your best to keep your voice even. “C’mon, Steve. Do what you do best.”
He didn’t react to the jab and rolled his hips, barely pulling out. Just how you liked him— grinding inside of you like you were one. It made your tears come on faster, your eyes squeezed shut as you willed yourself to get it together. Your moans grew watery and quiet, your throat thick with emotion as he rutted into you, his hair finally flopping down toward your face. He stayed like that for a brief moment before reaching for your legs and urging them higher on his hips, giving him more space to pull out and ram back into you.
The pleasure you were feeling was almost blinding, but no matter how much you willed yourself not to let your tears fall, you could feel droplets leaking from the outer corners of your eyes with every harsh thrush and whine that fell from your lips. Your chest hurt with your feelings as you felt another orgasm rapidly approaching, your fingers twisting again in Steve’s bedsheets once more.
Then he stopped. He stopped at the end of a particularly hard thrust, his tip pressing against your g-spot, making you squirm and finally open your eyes to look at him in surprise.
“Are you crying? What’s wrong?” His voice was soft, eyes searching your face with concern. “D’you need me to stop?”
“I’m fine, keep going,” You huffed, squeezing your eyes shut again. “Don’t worry about me, just keep doing what you’re doing.”
“Am I hurting you? What’s going on—“
“Please, god, just keep going, Steve!” You exclaimed, voice breaking. “Come on. Please.”
“You promise you’re okay?” He asked again, voice almost a whisper. One of his hands came up to brush your wild hair away from your face. “Promise me and I’ll keep going.”
“I promise,” You squirmed, letting out a whimper as you did so. “Please, Steve.”
With your promise, he was pulling out and quickening his pace, his hips all but slamming in and out of you as you moaned beneath him, eyes closed once more as you willed your orgasm to come any faster. With one sharp thrust, and one more press against your g-spot, you were cumming so suddenly that you swore your saw stars, and Steve followed seconds later. Your moans mingled as his body weight came down on top of you, a grounding weight as you both recovered from your climaxes.
Your tears only got worse when you felt him try to wrap his arms around you and roll the two of you over, but you kept your back on his bed and gently pushed away his arm with a shake of your head. The look in his eyes, that emotion you had seen in his eyes returning, made you feel sick as you sat up in bed. It took you a moment to gain the strength to swing your legs over the side of the bed and rise to your feet.
You ignored his piercing gaze as you wiped the tears from your face, collected your clothes from around the room, and let yourself into his en-suite bathroom. You tried to ignore the sound of him rising from bed as you cleaned his cum from between your legs and redressed yourself, trying your best to keep your composure until you at the very least got to your car.
He knocked on the door just as you finished fixing your hair, your hands gripping on the edge of his marble countertop.
“Can we talk? Please?” He asked at the door. “You can’t just leave after that. I want to make sure you’re okay.”
With one last deep breath, you opened the door and pushed past him. “That’s exactly what I’ll be doing. I have no reason to stay.”
“But you never left after before,” He huffed, blocking the doorway momentarily.
“That’s because I wanted to be around you, Steve,” You bit back.
“Obviously you wanted to be around me ten minutes ago when you were in my bed,” A scoff left his lips as you pushed past again into the hallway of his apartment. You bristled at his words, wheeling around on your heel.
“I came here to fuck, Steve. I didn’t come here to be around you,” You said evenly, your eyes boring into his. “You gave me an opportunity, and I took it. That’s all this is. That’s all it ever was, right?”
“It’s not like that—“
“You don’t get to be butthurt when you get a taste of your own medicine. I’m leaving, and you can go fuck yourself from now on,” You turned back around and reached for your thumb, where the last piece of Steve in your life laid. A gold signet ring with his initials carved into it in ornate cursive, perfectly sized for his ring finger, and your thumb. You pulled it off with ease, tossed it onto the counter, grabbed your keys that had fallen out of your pocket earlier, and headed for the door.
“So this is it?” He asked from the far side of the kitchen, his arms crossed over his chest. “This is the last time I’m seeing you.”
“Whatever this is was over months ago, Steve,” You snorted and opened the door, soaring one last glance over your shoulder at his shirtless frame. “You need to get over it.”
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lucy90712 · 1 month
pedri and y/n trying to get over each other but they can’t and after their breakup pedri hasn’t been doing well and his publicist forced him to date someone in order to be the topic of the year again and do well on his socials, but y/n misinterprets that and accepts to date gavi, and pedri also misinterprets that. both y/n and pedri go on breaking each other hearts more until a couple of shots at the bar change it all
A/n: I decided to go with Fermin instead of Gavi hope that’s ok
What a dickhead. How did I ever date that man. Why have I been crying over him when clearly he doesn't care about me at all. Less than a month ago Pedri broke up with me and I've been with mess ever since, we were together for over a year and I really thought he was the one but now it's very clear to me that he wasn't. Three whole weeks after our break up he has posted a picture on his story on a date with his new girlfriend while I'm still getting over the heartbreak. I knew he would move on one day but I didn't expect it to be so quickly and I certainly didn't expect to see him post about it seeing as he hardly ever posted with me. Seeing this makes me wonder if he ever actually loved me or if he fell out of love and how long he stayed with me while he didn't want to be. What makes this all worse is that I know the girl he's with she's a model and she's so much prettier and more successful than me which hurts my self esteem quite a bit. 
Seeing that Instagram story when I first woke up was one way to get myself over the break up as instead of feeling sad now I'm just so mad that I want to forget about Pedri all together. I didn't want to move on this quickly as Pedri was my first long term boyfriend and my first love but he's made it a whole lot easier for me as the feelings I had for him have gone out the window. I never thought my feelings would go away overnight but as it turns out they can and they did and now I'm ready to move on and I have the whole day to live free of the sadness I've been feeling. 
Even though I'm no longer with Pedri I've remained friends with his teammates as they have always been so nice to me especially Fermin. He is close with Pedri but they aren't best friends by any means so I didn't feel bad still talking to him and he still seems happy to talk to me. Fermin was even sweet enough to text me overnight and warn me about Pedri's story which I wish I'd seen before checking Instagram but the gesture was lovely nonetheless. I decided to text him thanking him which he replied to straight away asking if I'd like to go out for coffee to take my mind off things. If he'd have asked me yesterday I would've said no but today I don't have any reservations in fact it will be nice to see him as I haven't actually seen him in person since Pedri and I broke up. 
Fermin came and picked me up and drove us to a smaller neighbourhood just outside the city where there is a quiet cafe that Pedri always told me we should go to but we never did. We both ordered drinks and pastries for breakfast which he insisted on paying for as he invited me to come. Once we sat down together things were a little awkward for a minute as it feels like we shouldn't really be here together but really we aren't doing anything wrong I'm not with Pedri anymore and Fermin is free to spend time with whoever he wants. Fermin broke the silence by asking how I've been and I was honest with him and telling him that I've been hurting but I'm over it now. 
After getting over the awkwardness we got on really well which we did before but we always had other people there who were involved in the conversation but apparently we didn't need that as we get along really well without too. Fermin was really sweet and he made me forget about everything else going on in my life and he had me laughing harder than I've laughed in months. Spending time with him reminded me a little of how things started between Pedri and I as once we were given the time so talk we got on like a house on fire and being with Fermin feels like that. 
Over the last few weeks I've been spending a lot of time with Fermin and I've found myself falling for him. We have been on a few dates and all of them have been amazing I have had a great time from the second he picks me up to the second he drops me off. We haven't made things official yet but I don't think it will be long because the only reason we have been waiting is so that I can have more time to heal from my breakup but I think I'm ready to commit to Fermin. Pedri has made the whole thing easier as he keeps posting things with his new girlfriend which bugged me for a while until I unfollowed him so I wouldn't have to see him or them together. I can't lie I have been trying to get him back as I've posted things with Fermin as my account is private and I know he sees them but I don't know if it bothers him. 
Tonight there is a team get together which Fermin wants me to go to with him. The first few times he told me about it I was hesitant to go as I know Pedri will be there and not only do I not want to see him I don't want to create an awkward atmosphere for everyone by turning up with Fermin after spending a year going to these things with Pedri. I almost completely said no but after thinking about it I decided that I'd go as I can't avoid Pedri for the rest of my life especially if I want to date Fermin. Before agreeing to go I made him promise to tell everyone that I was coming as his date as I know it looks bad that I've moved in from Pedri with one of his teammates and I don't want everyone to find out right when I turn up and cause drama. Fermin told me that he told everyone and they didn't care and they don't think I'm some sort of whore which made me feel more comfortable about going. 
I drove myself to the address Fermin gave me then I had to park which was difficult but I parked a few streets away and then walked back. As I walked back I saw Fermin waiting outside for me looking at his phone but as soon as he saw me he put it away and smiled at me. Once I was close enough he pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek. He grabbed my hand and we headed inside which is when I felt really nervous all of a sudden but as soon as we got in and the other guys noticed us they greeted us both normally which made me feel a whole lot better. 
Somehow I found myself sitting at the bar on my own while Fermin sat with his friends talking. Things haven't been as awkward as I thought they might be everyone has treated me like they did when I was with Pedri but I feel wrong being here. I really thought I was over Pedri but being in the same place as him has made me really miss him. That might be how I've found myself at the bar with a drink I don't even really like. Seeing Pedri has me thinking about what I have with Fermin and whether I actually like him the way I thought I did or if I'm trying to pretend I do to make myself feel better that Pedri has moved on. This is the whole reason I wanted to spend more time getting over the breakup as I didn't want to find myself dating someone just as a rebound but I think that's what I've done anyway. 
Just as I was thinking about all of the choices I've made over the last few months I saw someone sit next to me at the bar. I didn't even need to look to know who it was I recognised the smell of his after shave as he's always used the same one. He ordered himself a drink and got me another one which made me actually look up at him. 
"Hi" I said 
"Hey how have you been how are things with Fermin?" He asked 
"I've been better I didn't really know what's going on with Fermin we aren't official and I'm not sure that I want to be" I admitted 
"I'm sorry if it makes you feel better I've not been at my best either" he said 
"What about your new girlfriend you guys seem really happy" I said
"Thats not real my team wanted me to be in a relationship with someone who has a following so this whole thing is for pr we aren't even actually dating we see each other for a few minutes every so often to take pictures of post" he explained 
"Wait so you don't have a girlfriend?" I asked 
"No I don't I'm still trying to get over you" he said 
"Me too" I said under my breath 
"Then why are we doing this we clearly aren't happy" he said 
"You broke up with me that's why we are doing this" I said sarcastically back 
"And I really regret doing it I honestly don't know why I broke up with you I miss you every day and the boys can attest that I've been a mess since we ended things" he admitted 
"I've been a mess too" I said 
"Then do you want to give things a go again we can have a clean slate and we can go slow if you want" Pedri suggested
"I'd love that but I don't want to go slow I just want to go back to how we were but before we do anything I have to talk to Fermin" I said 
Pedri understood and he let me go so I could find Fermin who luckily was on his own so I gave him a look and he followed me outside so we could have some privacy. Somehow I think he knew what was coming because the look on his face told me he was upset but not mad. 
"I know you probably saw me talking to Pedri and I want you to know that I do really like you Fermin but I'm not over Pedri so I think it's best we end whatever's going on between us" I said 
"It's ok I could tell you weren't over him and you seemed really happy when he was talking to you again so I'm ok with letting you go so you two can be happy together" he said 
"Thank you Fermin I really have loved the time we spent together we just weren't meant to be but I hope we can still be friends" I said 
"Of course I'm not fully letting you go because you are too much fun" he laughed 
I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek before heading back inside to find Pedri. Pedri was waiting for me so I told him how my conversation with Fermin went and he asked me to be his girlfriend officially again but we agreed not to act like a couple around Fermin for a while as that felt too mean. We both know that things might be awkward between all of us for a little while but things will get better over time and I'm happy as I got my Pedri back. 
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renaiswriting · 1 year
A cup of comfort
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Pairing: Joshua Hong/Reader
Summary: You were so excited for this date, only to get stood up. Luckily for you, there's a cute baterista who's more than happy to keep you company.
Warnings: none, just fluff (!!)
Word count: 2.4k
Gif is not mine.
You checked the time one more time; you have officially been waiting for almost forty minutes now.
For the first ten minutes, you thought he might be trapped in traffic.
But as time passed, you got more and more anxious.
You have been thinking about this blind date your friend insisted on for quite some time; you weren't too thrilled about meeting new people yet since it hasn't been so long since you and your ex-boyfriend broke up.
Oh well, since he dumped you, to be more exact.
Your friend told you this guy was the sweetest and smartest guy she had ever known. Talking nothing but good things about him for weeks.
Apparently, he was your friend's boyfriend's best friend, and he has also been dumped by his ex-girlfriend and is ready to start something new.
So, you put so much effort into looking good. You went out of your way to your friend's house to ask her to lend you one of her dresses that you loved so much. It was red with cute little flowers.
You also spent hours doing your hair and make-up, using even your favorite lipstick and that special perfume that you only use on special occasions since it's really expensive.
You checked if he, Jaemin, had sent you any texts, as you have been texting him asking if he was coming.
Should you send another one?
You stopped yourself from going through your chat; you didn't want to seem that desperate.
You made eye contact with the barista once again; he had approached your table on two occasions now, and both times you told him you were waiting for someone else.
Considering the amount of time you have been there without ordering, you were suspecting they were just about to ask you to leave or order something.
But the thing is, you weren't even hungry.
At first, the nervousness of having a first date, most specifically a blind date, with a guy your friend was constantly telling you how much of a perfect match he was for you took all the appetite away from you. But now that you were there alone, the embarrassment of spending so much time and getting all excited about this date made you feel nothing but nauseous.
You sighed. It would be best to just leave now. The quicker you left, the quicker you could put all this ugly experience in the past.
As you started gathering your things, you heard someone cleaning their throat.
You turned, your cheeks getting red as you saw the same barista that had come to your table for the third time.
He had a big hot chocolate cup with cream on top and a cheesecake. You raised an eyebrow, looking confused at him.
"Um, I didn't—I didn't order anything."
He smiled softly at you, his smile reaching his eyes as they turned into two crescents.
"I know, it's on the house; you seem kind of sad."
His voice was just as soft as his smile.
"Oh, thank you, but I was actually about to leave."
"I thought you were waiting for someone." He said, putting the things in front of you. A cute cat had been drawn with powdered chocolate on top of the cream. You smiled at that.
"It seems like he couldn't make it." You shrugged.
"We can't let a customer look this sad; it would be bad business for us." He said it, a serious expression decorating his face.
"I'm kind of embarrassed," you confessed to him, but still you sat down again, your eyes focused on the cheesecake that looked way too delicious. "I feel like people just know I've been stood up." You laughed to lift the mood and not give away how much you actually meant it.
"Of course not," he shook his head, smiling again, "no one noticed, trust me, so please enjoy it."
"It feels uncomfortable being here on my own," you told him, moving the food from the tray. "I usually come to places like this with my friends."
The guy looked at the clock behind him and at the number of clients there were inside the little cafe. "Well, I can keep you company for some minutes if you want to."
"Oh no, if you're busy, please don't mind me." You smiled at him.
"I'm free right now." He reassured you.
You nodded, connecting your eyes with his, saying, "Well then, please take a seat."
"So, what's your name?" He asked, getting comfortably into the seat. You were struggling to drink the hot chocolate, not wanting to ruin the cute design. He seemed to notice this, as he encouraged you to try it, saying it was his favorite.
"(Y/n)," you introduced yourself, "this is so good by the way."
"Thank you," he laughed, "hot chocolate is my specialty." He said it proudly.
"What's your name?" You asked, noticing that he hadn't said yours.
"Joshua, you have a beautiful name."
You felt your ears getting red, feeling thankful that your hair was long enough to hide it.
It has been so long since the last time you actually got a compliment, even if it was a polite one, as Joshua just did.
"Thank you; so do you." You returned the compliment, "You want some? This is way too big for me."
"Oh no, please, it's for you. I didn't know if you liked cheesecake, but that's our most popular one, so..."
"I do! It's actually my favorite!"
"I'm glad," he replied; his voice sounded genuine. "I'm more of an apple pie fan myself, but cheesecake is really good too."
"I didn't see apple pie on the menu." You commented, your eyes traveling to the big menu on the wall.
"Oh, we don't. Not yet, at least. But my mom used to make the best apple pie ever. It's been a while since I have had it."
"She doesn't bake it anymore." You asked out of curiosity.
"She does, but she can't send it here without it getting bad, so I just have to accept the pictures she sends me." He smiled.
Now that he mentioned it, you did recognize a slight accent here and there.
"Where are you from?"
"I'm from America," he answered, "but I got a chance to study at one of the universities in here with a scholarship, so I couldn't say no to that opportunity."
"I bet you miss your family a lot, huh?"
"I do, but well, I hope it's worth it in the end."
You smiled at him, taking another sip of the hot chocolate.
"What about you?"
"What about me?" You asked, confused.
"Yeah, you came in here alone."
"Oh," you mumbled, cleaning your lips from the rest of the brown drink you were drinking.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he rushed to add, "because it kind of sounded like I was forcing you to tell me."
"Nah, it's okay," you reassured him. "I was supposed to meet with a guy today. My friend planned this blind date thing, but it seems like he couldn't make it."
"Did he tell you he would come?" He asked with a frown.
"No, I sent him some texts asking, but oh well."
"What an asshole." He abruptly said it, sounding annoyed. "And you waited all this time here looking this pretty." He added.
You felt your cheeks turning red, avoiding looking at him in the eyes.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He apologized.
"It's okay, you didn't."
"His loss, honestly." He tried to cheer you up, "but you should honestly be glad it happened; you really dodged a bullet with this one. If he can't take a first date seriously, then he wouldn't take anything seriously."
"I guess so..."
Your phone's screen lit up as a new text from your best friend popped up.
You excused yourself, unlocking your phone to see what your friend sent you.
It was a screenshot of Jaemin's close friend's Instagram story. It was a picture of him and another girl hugging him on the bed.
You locked up your phone. But Joshua was frowning.
"What happened?"
You shook your head and said, "Nothing; I just found out why Jaemin didn't come." You smiled.
"Wanna talk about it? If it makes you feel better, I don't know any Jaemin and probably would never know him." He smiled.
You sighed, showing him the screen you had received.
You didn't want to talk about how disappointed you felt about the whole blind date fiasco with your best friend, knowing that she would probably go straight to her boyfriend and tell him everything.
You needed to get everything out of your chest.
You cleared your throat, taking a deep breath to control your emotions because you felt like you were about to explode. " I don't know Jaemin in real life at all. Everything I know is what my friend knows about him because her boyfriend is Jaemin's best friend. Apparently he had broken up with her girlfriend a couple of weeks ago (I don't know how long, but based on what my friend told me, it has been way longer than it sounds), and he said he was ready to find someone else. Long story short, my friend's boyfriend showed him a picture of me, and he was apparently really excited to meet me. So my friend gave him my number, and we talked for around a week before deciding to meet each other here and have a date."
You took a sip of what was left of the hot (now almost cold) chocolate, trying to calm down because the longer you talked about everything, the more hurt and angry you felt.
"He told me he was over her, but now my friend just sent me a screenshot of him and her ex, who I suppose is still her ex and girlfriend together."
Joshua's eyes opened wide. "So he stood you up because of her ex-girlfriend?"
You nodded, cleaning your lips from the brown drink.
"This is really a boomer; I was actually looking forward to this date; he sounded so sweet," you sighed, "whatever."
Joshua moved forward, giving you the sweetest smile you have ever seen. "Don't worry about it; like I said before, this is his loss. You'll find another person, someone better."
"I hope so," you replied honestly. "I've been searching for more fish in the ocean for so long now that I'm starting to think I'm the last one standing." You snorted.
"What do you mean?"
"It's been really long since me and my ex-boyfriend broke up. And if I'm honest, I'm starting to think that was the only relationship I'll ever get in my life, like that was my only chance in the love area." You laughed, trying to mask how honest you were feeling. "Whenever I like someone, they don't even spare me a second look. Jaemin did sound like he was looking forward to our little date, but I think it was only me." You chuckled awkwardly.
Joshua didn't say anything; he just kept looking you straight in the eyes.
You felt awkward all of a sudden. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to dump all of that on you." You chuckled once again, trying to lift the mood. "I'm not usually this pathetic, I swear."
There was something comforting in knowing that, even if you cringed lately at how much you were feeling right now, you could simply ignore coming to this cafe ever again and would never have to face Joshua again.
It kind of gives you the freedom to just let all of your feelings go. If he's judged you lately or made fun of you with his coworkers, you couldn't care less; it's not like you were planning on meeting him ever again anyway.
Joshua shook his face and said, "There's nothing to feel sorry about; I get it. And honestly? It does sound like he was using you—well, maybe not using you but more like playing with your feelings. " It's almost like he was only talking to you to distract himself from his ex if he didn't give it a second thought and simply let you come here all by yourself. I mean, he could easily send you a text letting you know he wasn't coming."
You send him a smile and say, "I guess so; oh, it's already so late." You noted, looking at the time on your phone, "I'm sorry for getting you away from your work." You quickly apologized.
"Don't worry about it; I didn't mind it at all." He reassured you: "What are you going to do now?"
"Well, it's late, so I should probably get home by now. Today has been such a rollercoaster of emotions for me," you laughed. "I feel like it's been forever since I left my house."
"I see. I hope you can have a nice rest today, then."
You nodded, both of you walking towards the door of the cafe.
You were the last customer inside, now that you've noted it.
There were two other baristas, one of them behind the cash machine.
You approached them, with Joshua following behind. "How much do I own you?" You asked, taking your wallet from your purse.
"Nothing," you heard Joshua say from behind. "I told you, it's on the house."
You turned around and said, "I'm being serious."
Joshua nodded and replied, "So am I." He moved his attention from you to his co-workers, saying, "Just take it from mine."
You saw them nodding.
You sighed, knowing that there was no way to convince him. Instead, you took the money you were going to pay for the coffee and cheesecake and put it in the tip jar.
"For the therapy session." You shut him up before he could protest.
"There's no need, really." He reassured you. "That's way too much for a tip."
"I don't care," you replied, putting the wallet back in your purse. "Thank you for the food."
"I'll have to do something to return it." He mumbled. "It's way too much."
"Like what?" You said laughing; you weren't going to accept whatever he was thinking of; you were going to walk past that door and never come back. After all you talked about with him, you were not embarrassing yourself more.
"Let's go to the cinema." He offered. "Tomorrow night."
Oh, boy.
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Rosa x reader - presents
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Could you write Rosa Diaz x female autistic reader where they get each other's names for the secret Santa gift thing and Jake helps Rosa pick up the perfect gift for reader and Amy helps reader pick the perfect gift for Rosa or something like that? In a romantic way? - Anon💜
You had no clue what to get Rosa, you knew her, you knew what she liked, but all at the same time there was a chance she might not like it.
Rosa was very secretive when it came what herself, though she opened up a lot more to you than anyone else.
Sitting in front of your computer, you were tapping your mouse.
You looked around towards the man wheeling his chair over towards you, and offered him a shrug.
“This dumb secret Santa thing.” You huffed.
“Who did you get?”
You looked at the time and gestured for him to follow you, so he did while still pestering you to tell him who it was.
Getting in your car, you turned to look at him.
“Is this a kidnapping?” Jake asked.
“No idiot, it’s so we can talk. I got Rosa.”
Jake gasped, a huge grin filling his face.
“Oh you have to get her something absolutely perfect!” He yelled.
You slapped his shoulder.
“Be quiet! And I know, but I don’t know what. She’s not shown interest in anything at all, and I don’t know what to get her she doesn’t already have.”
You and Jake sat for a moment and you sighed.
“Go get our stuff, let’s grab something to eat, get Amy to come I’ll message Rosa.”
Jake ran off and get everything and you texted your girlfriend to ask her to come to dinner with you all, and a moment later you got a reply.
Rosa: can’t today busy.
Shrugging a little, you sent a reply.
You: alright I’ll be back late though. Love you.
You put your phone away and waited for your best friend to come back and he did after five minutes.
He tossed everything into the back and got back into the passenger side.
“I can’t find Amy, I set her a text though.”
“Fair enough, let’s go get some burgers and think of a game plan for this shit.”
So that’s what you two did, you ate and talked about everything and anything Rosa could be interested in.
And Amy and Rosa did the same thing about you.
“Well what does (Y/N) like?” Amy asked.
“I don’t know, all sorts of things.”
“Anything in particular?”
Rosa shrugged a little and sipped her drink.
She knew you, you loved all sorts of things, but you weren’t a very materialistic person.
Sure you sometimes got things you really liked, but it wasn’t that you did that.
“Well, what about stores? Surely there’s a store (Y/N) likes?” Amy asked.
Rosa lowered her drinks and looked at Amy.
“There is, but I’m not going there.”
“You have to come on!”
It was like hell for you both trying to find a gift for one another.
Jake and Amy were avoiding one another out of fear of spilling the secrets to the other and ruining the surprises.
When it came to the trading of gifts, you decided to do it quietly away from everyone else.
So you gently gripped her arm and she spun to look at you.
“Follow me…” you whispered.
She nodded and followed you to the evidence lock up.
You turned around and you held up a hand and walked behind some shelves and moved everything aside and pulled out a neatly wrapped box.
“I was your secret Santa, I should warn you Jake helped me.” You grinned sheepishly.
Rosa sat on the table and she carefully opened it, and pulled out the frame.
“Authentic Viking axes. You like your weapons so…”
“How did you find this?”
“Apparently when me and Jake put our minds to something we can do a lot.” You laughed.
Rosa laughed a little bit, and she set it down.
Reaching into the pocket of her leather jacket, she pulled out a small neatly wrapped box and held it out.
You stood next to her, and and you opened it, taking the lid from the box.
“You always went to that shop to look at this, I never understood why. Amy told me about your mom.”
You smiled sadly, running your finger over the necklace.
“It was my moms, the shop keeper said he’d keep it just for display until I could buy it back since my mom sold it to him years ago.”
Setting the box down, you moved to stand between her legs and you hugged her tightly, and Rosa hugged you back.
“Thank you…”
Rosa rested her chin on your head.
“You better not tell anybody.”
“I won’t don’t worry.” You laughed.
You loved Rosa, and this was the most amazing thing anyone had ever done for you.
“I love you.” She said.
You smiled even bright hearing her say that for the first time
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Halloween Party Swap:
The Halloween party between all the cool kids was just a few days away, and the winner of the costume party would supposedly get to bang Christine, she was the baddest bitch on campus, 5’6, D sized tits, the type of girl who had access to “mommies and daddy’s” money, everyone knew she had a lot of work done but that didn’t change from how fucking hot she was
How ever I didn’t really have a costume picked out… one of my buddies told me about this magic spell that could swap people’s bodies, reason he told me is cause he was gonna swap with this Chinese student who had a thick accent, and just go full stereotype and wear one of those straw hats the rice farmers use to wear in Asia, while also carrying around a rice cooker, asking people if they wanted rice
A few other people were running with this idea and so a lot of people already knew that not everyone is gonna be who they seem, so if they enter the contest they just gotta tell their real names
Now don’t get me wrong, my friend had a pretty good and pretty hilarious idea, it would really be hard to top that, but I think I could manage
I met up with the biggest nerd on campus, Davis, and told him about the party, he told me he already knew but also knew he wasn’t invited
“Bro if you help me with my costume, I’ll get you in, I promise” I said trying to convince him to come
“Ok, ya cool, I’d love to go to a party, what’s your costume” Davis said excitedly
“Um well you see Davis… I was hoping you could be my costume” I said continuing to explain the situation to him
He didn’t seem to buy it at first
“ so your telling me, you wanna swap bodies with me, dress extra nerdy, just to win some contest to fuck a chick?… quit fucking with me, everyone knows it’s not possible to swap bodies, and that magic doesn’t exist. grow up.” He said walking away
I continued to walk behind him and ask”come on bro, some of my other friends have already done it, why not, I mean you’d get to be me for a couple days”
“You know what?” He said stopping and turning around
If you want my body and can somehow use magic to swap us, sure I’d love to be you Brad ” he said turning around and continuing to his next class
“You won’t regret it” I yelled
Later that night before bed I starting looking at the spell online that my friend sent me, underneath it in some of the smallest font a computer can make, was a list of side effects
I had to zoom in just to see them, only thing that stuck out is if both individuals cum inside their bodies, the swap becomes permanent…
Now typically I would just, not jerk off in Davis’s body, but I’ve herd the stories, and apparently bro is a premature cummer, I’m talking like, just looking at too hot of a bitch could make him cum
So I did the only logical thing someone in my shoes would do, I went into my girlfriend’s drawer (well, she’s not really my girlfriend, but like a long term fling), and grabbed a chastity lock that my girl likes to use on me when she’s feeling extra kinky that night, and locked my cock in it and hid the key
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It was a tight fit while soft and absolutely hurt while hard but I guess that’s the price he’ll have to pay if he wants to be me for a couple days
I proceeded to do the spell and nothing happened
I texted my friend who already did it with that Asian guy and asked what was up. He told me it takes effect while we’re sleeping, he then asked who I’d be swapping with, when I told him, he was a bit upset but proud of my idea “ dam bro, that’s a good one, I wish I would have thought about that”
So I decided I guess I should go to sleep, no better way to kill time right haha? I just wanna win this competition so bad so I can fuck Christine
The next day I woke up in a dorm that looked nothing like mine, all my posters of nude girls were gone (which I typically take down when I have girls over) and my posters of cars and shit
I instantly thought and new that it had to worked I got up feeling extremely boney and rushed to a mirror, the face that greeted me was this
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Now typically someone that’s a hot certified fuck boi like myself would be upset they got swapped into a nerds body, but I was ecstatic. I mean ya I was ugly as shit and these braces looked fuck, man who in college still wears braces haha .
But man, I’m so gonna win this competition I said, getting dressed in a rush, not bothering to check out my crappy body.
I proceeded to go to the customs store and by a stereotype nerd costume to add to the “costume” I’m wearing now… white shirt with a pocket calculator, and pants held up by suspenders
As I was checking out at the register I started getting texts from my old body
“Hey um bro, I woke up in your body, I can’t believe it worked, this is crazy, but um, what’s this thing on my cock and how do I get it off, it kinda hurts my dick bro”
I smirked at the texts, I knew he’d want out of my chastity lock
“It’s a chastity lock, keeps you from pleasuring yourself, and you don’t… that’s the price you gotta pay if you want to be me” I replied putting my phone away and walking home with the costume in a bag
When I got home I had numerous texts from Davis, BEGGING me to get it unlocked
“ Brad come on dude, this hurts really bad and since I can’t jerk it, all I can do is keep staring and or adjusting it so it don’t hurt as much, doesn’t really help much but…”
“Brad, help me out here”
I decided to reply back and let him know why I can’t unlock it
“Look Davis, it’s there for a reason, If we both cum, we’re stuck like this and can’t swap back, and I’ve herd the stories about how just a girl talking to you can make you cum, so I’m not risking you jerking off in my body, and then me having a accident or something in yours… plus I’ve hidden the key so don’t think about trying to unlock it, that stays on untill we swap back, got it?”
“Ya got it, you’ve hidden the key so it stays on” he replied back
After that, I didn’t hear from David for the rest of the day…
Truthfully I’ve been holding in the urge to piss and shit all day, so once I got back to David’s dorm, I couldn’t take it anymore and rushed to the bathroom
As I’m blowin it up I have my eyes resting in my arms trying not to look at his junk but I caught a glimpse and had to look
“ no fucking way” I said as I removed an arm and took a look
“It’s so small it doesn’t even hang haha, this thing is pathetic, maybe like an inch soft, it kinda curls into itself” I said as I got done with natures call
“ I wonder how big it is hard” I thought to myself as imagined naked chicks
I watched as it grew to a pathetic 3 and a half inches
“Dam I would hate to be this guy haha” I said as I gave it a quick tug
That was a mistake, I almost blew it right there
“Jesus Christ, that was close, the rumors really undersold him, he’s not a premature cumer, he’s extremely premature” I said getting up making sure to be as careful as possible to not make myself cum.
The night of the Halloween party came and I went, fully dressed in my nerd costume, suspenders and all
There was a lot of hot chicks around and at some point in the night they announced via the DJ that costume swaps that involved swapping we’re not gonna be counted in this years contest
“Man this is stupid” I said angrily walking to start getting drinks, that was probably the worst decision of the night because after an hour of drinking, I saw my body walk in, in this skeleton costume, now I shouldn’t be mad cause I did say I’d get him into the party, but what had me upset was the skeleton costume had an extra bone. My dick, he must have gotten out of the chastity lock somehow? Maybe he found the key?
I won’t lie, I was already hard from looking at all the hot chicks that I can’t fuck, mainly due to the rules of the swap, and due to how none of them wanna fuck this nerd…
But when I saw my body walk in, in that costume, displaying my dick though a costume I was gonna originally wear, and knowing I was disqualified myself from the contest, I let lose.
I got absolutely trashed, the last thing I remember before blacking out was Davis coming up to me an making small talk
“Hey bro, I herd they’re not counting swapped costumes this year” he said looking down at me
“Ya” I said looking up from my cup “so ima just drink my problems away and swap us back tomorrow night… I see you don’t have that chastity lock on anymore”
“Ya, I found the lock but I decided I’d need a costume and found this in your room, I’m guessing this was your original idea” he said giving his dick a quick pull.
“Ya” I said looking back down at my cup
Davis lightly slapped my arm and said “ aye don’t worry tho, I haven’t cummed yet, kinda hard staying erect for this costume all night haha”
“That’s good” I said, and then blacked out
I woke up in the middle of the night still drunk as fuck and couldn’t think straight
I saw Christine kissing my old body on the couch and got hard immediately
I rolled over to face them and whipped my dick our starting to slowly massage it
“Oh fuck ya, I always knew I’d end up with her” I said
“Christine looked over and without saying a word smacked my body to look this way”
Davis told her “it’s fine, he’s probably sexless and just living out some sick fantasy in his head, I mean maybe we should help him, how about instead of fucking tonight, we can just match him, and you can give me a hand job, and we can call it even if you want”
“Ok” she said putting back on her sexy face and proceeding to start giving Davis a hand job in my body
“Oh fuck this is so hot, a handjob from Christine, it feels so go-O-OD I said to myself cumming in my hand and falling asleep, not aware that I’m not actually me anymore and was just watching from Davis’s real body, not some out of body experience where I watch from the 3rd person
I awoke the next day with my pants down and my hand feeling Crusty,
“Ew, what happened last night?” I said to myself
I looked around and saw my body still on the couch, no longer with a boner, “Jesus how long did he hold that thing” I thought to myself
I reached over and threw a pillow at Davis’s head, waking him up
“ I’m up” he said frantically shooting upright
“Hey what happened last night” I said looking confused “why are my pants down”
“Oh you got drunk as fuck last night and jerked off last night on the couch” he said with a smile
“Oh shit did I? Well good save bro, I owe you one, I think ima get dressed and go home, we should be back to our normal selves tomorrow” I said getting up
“ I don’t think that’ll happen” Davis said standing up
“Woah woah why not?” I said looking concerned
He pointed down at his dick and I could see a white stain
“Did I mention you jerked off to Christine making out with me, and then proceeded to give me a handjob when she saw you jerking to us?” He said with a smile on his face
“How was it, was it worth the cumming” he said seeming excited at me slowly piecing things together
“I-I-don’t remember, you just let her jerk you off bro? Did you finish? Please tell me no”
“ dam that’s ashame, you seemed so satisfied after you lasted way longer than I typically do, you lasted about 2 minutes, there wasn’t a lot of cum at all but, hey, it still happened” he said smirking
“And I won’t say I did cum, but I also won’t say I didn’t, I think the stain in your costume answers that question pretty well hahahaha” he said laughing with the biggest shit eating grin I’ve ever seen
“ man, sorry you couldn’t help yourself last night but neither could I, I mean it’s not all bad tho, I get to stay as a bonafide fuck boi, this couldn’t have ended better for me” he said turning and walking out the door, leaving me to ponder what exactly went wrong last night tripping me in his nerdy body
#Edit I know this is a little out of season but I’ve been saving this story for awhile and just find it too hot not to post, hope tumblr don’t block it, if so it’ll have to wait till my patreon
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cevans-seb · 2 years
Bucky FWB’s Drabble
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You fiddle with your porcelain china dish. It is a family heirloom that has been passed down for 7 generations and according to your grandmother, it’s used to bring great fortune to whoever possesses it. So, why are you currently in a heated argument with your friend with benefits, Bucky.
James is a walking red flag.
His obsessive nature drives you insane when he constantly calls you all hours of the day. You’re at work? He doesn’t fucking care! Your mom want to spend time with you? Oh, he hates that, but let you bring up Natasha one timee…. The man would combust.
“I told you I didn’t fuck Natasha. I was out drinking with a couple of friends and she happened to be there.” He wheezed, turning redder with each word. “ God, I don’t know why you are so adamant about this shit? We already knew this was just sex so why does it matter if I were to fuck someone else.” You were fuming at this. This was the same man who brutalized your coworker after he spotted you both getting coffee.
“So now it’s only sex? Well, how about I call up Steve since you know whatever the fuck we are doing is meaningless!” You carelessly let the dish clank against your bar, stepping closer to your brooding lover. “See how you like knowing that your worst enemy is fucking me into my masstress or better yet calling him daddy instead of you. Because he’s been texting for a while now and I think it’s time I entertain the thought.” You crossed your arms, letting your robe cover your cleavage.
“Or what about Logan? He wants us to start over and maybe we should become apparently nothing is florshing in this situation we have here! You are so fucking hypocritical ,Bucky. You say that it’s only sex but I can never go out without you knowing where I’m going or god forbid I’m out with another guy!” At this point tears streamed down your face and you could feel your cheeks heating up from frustration. “You treat me like a girlfriend when I’m only a fuck buddy that you keep around to keep your dick wet. God, I hate you so much.”
If he was angry before, you knew he was livid. His jaw clenched and his eyes held a blank look as they bored into yours. You almost thought he wasn’t breathing until his chest heaved rapidly. All too soon, Bucky had you pinned against the refrigerator with his metal hand wrapped around your waist.
“Now I don’t think I heard you correctly. Do you want to repeat what you just said ?” He antagonized you. “You were a big girl a second ago, what happened to her?” His eyes held a gleam that you never saw before but it’s gone before you could dissect it. “ And you hate me? Let’s see how much you hate me when I have you moaning my name, little fucking brat.”
Don’t know if I should continue this.
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alisbackalleybbq · 10 months
Puppy Love - Chapter 7
After having some major computer issues, I was finally able to sit down and write today!!
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@northern-neighbor @chickensarentcheap @oscars-wifeyyy
A/N:  Buckle up, buttercups.  This one is going to be wild.
New FCs for this chapter: Jo Trager is Katey Sagal and Denver Trager is Kim Coates (Gemma and Tig together in my own way)
TW: violence
The knock on the door startled Charlotte who had been curled up on the couch reading a book.  
“I got it!”  Nathan yelled from the kitchen and barreled into the living room, flinging open the front door.
“It’s probably just Jonah.”  Charlotte muttered under her breath.
“Oh fuck,” Nathan whisper-shouted.
“Is that any way to speak to your mother?” Jo Trager snarked as she pushed her way past her son and entered the house.
“You don’t seem very excited to see us,” Denver Trager noted as he followed his wife.
“Mom? Dad?  What are you doing here?”  Charlotte asked, standing from the couch.
“Why the fuck did we have to hear that you got stabbed from Jeff?”  Jo demanded, hugging her daughter.
Charlotte winced.  “I was going to tell you.”
“Well, you didn’t.  I had to hear from him that you almost died.”  Jo released her daughter from the hug and hugged her son.
“It’s not that dramatic, Mom.”  Charlotte huffed.
“It was that dramatic, though.” Nathan released his mom.
“He also said you were having delusions and you had him arrested.”  Denver hugged his daughter gently, placing a kiss on her head.
“That wasn’t a delusion.  That actually happened, too.”  Nathan shrugged.  His mom slapped him on the back of the head.  “Wow, Mom!  What the fuck?”  He rubbed the sore spot.
“That’s for you not picking up the fucking phone and calling us yourself!”  Jo snapped.
“What was I supposed to say? ‘Hey, I know you love Jeff and all but he tried to kill Charlotte so maybe don’t love him anymore’?” Nathan huffed.
“That would be a fucking start.”  Jo growled.
“Nathan, why don’t you go make some coffee?  Let’s sit down and I’ll explain everything.”  Charlotte sighed.
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“What are we doing here?” Jackson West asked his training officer as they pulled up to an unfamiliar house.  There had been no calls that had come over the radio.
“Friend texted me,” Doug Stanton said.  “His girlfriend hasn’t been answering her phone.  He asked me to do a welfare check.”   Doug put the shop in park and started to get out of the car.  The address was familiar to Jackson but he didn’t know why.  Doug stopped him at the walkway leading up the house.  “You can wait here.”
Jackson nodded curtly and watched his T.O. walk up to the door and knock.  He pulled his phone out so he could text Lucy about how it was bullshit that he was waiting on the sidewalk.  
“Can I help you?”  A man Jackson didn’t recognize answered the door.
“I’m looking for Charlotte Trager.”  Doug answered.  As soon as Jackson heard the name, he quickly scrolled through his contacts, and tapped Lucy’s name
“And who are you?”  The man asked.
Doug scoffed and gestured to his uniform.  “I think it’s pretty apparent who I am.”
“What do you want with my sister?” 
“We got a call from a concerned friend that they hadn’t been able to reach Charlotte.  They asked us to check on her to make sure she’s okay.”  Doug smirked.
“Jackson,” Lucy answered smiling.  “How’s it going?”
“I’m texting you my location.  You need to get here now.”  Jackson said quickly.
“Why?  What’s going on?”  Lucy immediately became concerned and shot Tim a look.
“Doug said his friend asked us to do a welfare check on his girlfriend.”  Jackson explained.
“I’m putting you on speakerphone.  Say that again.”  Lucy held the phone out so Tim could hear as well.
“Doug told me that his friend texted him  to do a welfare check on his girlfriend.”  Jackson repeated.
“What’s so concerning about that?”  Tim asked, confused.
“Because he’s doing a welfare check on Charlotte.”  Jackson answered.
“If you don’t let me talk to Charlotte, I will arrest you for obstruction!”  Doug shouted. 
“What’s happening?”  Lucy asked as Tim turned the shop’s lights and sirens on headed for Nathan’s house.
“The guy who answered the door won’t let Doug talk to Charlotte.”  Jackson sighed.
“Jackson, try to calm him down.  Don’t let him arrest anybody.  We’re on our way.”  Tim barked.
“Easier said than done.”  Jackson said as he hung up the phone.  “What seems to be the problem?”  He asked walking up to the house.
“I told you to stay on the sidewalk!”  Doug snarled.
“Maybe I can help.”  Jackson shrugged.  “Sir,” he turned his attention to the man standing in the doorway, “I’m Officer Jackson West. I’m a friend of Officer Chen’s.  Would it be okay if I talked to Charlotte?”  
“I’m not letting anybody in my house that says they’re here on her ex-boyfriend’s business.”  The man replied.
“You have ten seconds to let me in so that I can talk to her or I am placing you under arrest.”  Doug got into the man’s face.
“Mmm,”  the man hummed.  “I’m pretty sure the law says that I don’t have to let you into my house without a warrant.”  
“Sir,” Jackson attempted again, “would you please let me in just to check on her?  All I have to do is lay on her and make sure she’s okay.”
“You said you’re a friend of Lucy’s?”  The guy asked.
“I am.”  Jackson affirmed.
“You can come in.  Your friend here has to stay outside.”  
“You’re not going in there alone.”  Doug glowered.  “Officer safety.”
“Fine.  Then neither of you are coming in and you can tell that rat bastard to take his fake welfare checks and shove them up his lily-white ass.”
“I am warning you,” Doug snarled.
“I’m fine.” Charlotte said, pushing past Nathan to stand on the porch in front of Doug.  Jackson couldn’t  help but notice the hatred burning in her eyes.
“Are you Charlotte Trager?”  Doug asked.
“You know that I am.”  She said through gritted teeth, crossing her arms over her chest.  Jackson wondered what that meant.
“Can I see some ID?”  Doug asked.
“No,” Charlotte shook her head.  “You don’t need to see it.”
“Law says if an officer asks for ID, you have to supply it.  Hand it over.”  Doug responded.
“I don’t think I will.”  Charlotte shrugged.  “You’re here on a welfare check.  I am telling you my welfare is fine.  You can go.”  Nathan noticed the tremble in Charlotte’s shoulders but chalked it up to her being nervous that Jeff was mentioned.
“I will arrest you.”  Doug stated.  “Give me your ID.”
“Arrest me.  I don’t really give a fuck.”  Charlotte challenged.
“You little bitch-” Doug started.
“Hey!” Nathan shouted.
“Whoa!” Jackson held his hand up to Doug.  “There’s no need for that.”
Doug pulled his handcuffs out.  “Turn around and put your hands behind your back.  You’re under arrest.”  Charlotte did as she was instructed.  She winced as Doug locked the handcuffs into place.  “I’ll take her to get booked in.  You stay here and get statements.” 
“That makes no sense,” Jackson replied.  “How will I get back to the station?”
“I’ll come back for you,” Doug responded.
“What the fuck are you doing to my daughter?”  
“Dad, I’m fine,” Charlotte answered.
“Sir, go back into the house before I arrest you, too.”  Doug shouted.
“No,” Denver shoved Doug’s shoulder lightly.  “Get your hands off my daughter.”
“That’s assault!”  Doug screamed.  “You just assaulted a police officer.”
“Oh come on!  I only shoved you a little.  That’s not assault.”  Denver laughed.
“Shoving is assault.”  Doug turned to Jackson.  “Give me your cuffs.”
“I think we all need to settle down here.”  Jackson held up his hands.  “There’s no need to escalate this.”
“Fine, if you won’t do it, I will.  Give me your cuffs and get her into the shop.”  Doug shoved Charlotte at Jackson.  
“You’re really going to arrest me for a slight shove?”  Denver challenged.
“You bet your ass I am.  You and your piece of trash daughter can go to jail together.” 
“Well, in that case,” Denver shrugged before slamming his fist into Doug’s nose, knocking him to the ground.
“Dad!”  Charlotte cried.
“Goddamnit, Denver!”  Jo shouted from the porch.  
Doug coughed as blood spilled from his nose.  “That’s a felony.”  He groaned.
Tim slammed on his brakes in front of Nathan’s house, trying to figure out what he was seeing.
“What the hell is going on?”  Tim demanded.
Doug coughed some more before standing up.  “They’re both under arrest.”
“What for?”  Lucy asked, putting her hands on her hips.
“Her for obstruction,” Doug nodded at Charlotte, “and him for felony assault on a police officer.”  
“That’s what you get for calling my daughter a bitch and a piece of trash,” Denver spat.
“Jackson, get her out of those cuffs.”  Tim glared at Doug.
“You can’t do that!”  Doug got in Tim’s face.
“I just did.” Tim shrugged.  
“What are you even doing here?”  Doug asked.
“Dispatch couldn’t get an answer from either of you on your radios when they status checked you.  They tried checking your body cam to see if you were okay but it just shows the inside of your car.  They got the location of your shop and had us come check on you.”  Tim answered.
“They didn’t status check us!”  Doug scoffed.
“How would you know, Officer?”  Tim challenged.  “It looks like you don’t have your body cam or your radio on you.  That’s a real concern.”
“Jackson, did you hear a status check?” Doug demanded.
“No, sir.  Remember, I told you at the beginning of the shift that my radio was acting weird but you said we’d just use yours and it would be fine?”  Jackson answered quickly.
“Whatever,”  Doug spat, “cuff him.  He’s still under arrest.”
“I dunno,” Nathan shrugged.  “It looked like you tripped and fell to me.”
“Don’t be ridiculous!”  Doug whirled on him.  “You saw him hit me.”  Doug pointed at Denver.
“What did you see?”  Tim asked Jackson.
“I wasn’t paying attention to him.”  Jackson shrugged, knowing he was going to pay for saying that even if it was the truth but the satisfaction of seeing Doug Stanton laid out was worth it.  “He passed Charlotte off to me.  My back was turned so I  could escort her to the shop.”
“You lying sack of shit.”  Doug stomped up to him.  “You know exactly what happened!”
“Looks like we have a problem here.”  Tim crossed his arms over his chest.  “You have been aggressive since we pulled up.  Sounds to me like you’re trying to falsify charges because you have a vendetta against Charlotte and this man.”
“That’s asinine!”  Doug screamed with rage.
“Ma’am,” Lucy locked eyes with Jo, “what did you see?”
Jo shook her head.  “I was talking to my son about how we were going to have to bail these two out.  I didn’t see anything.”
“It’s on body camera you stupid cu-”  Doug started.
“Hey!” Tim yelled.  “You don’t talk to witnesses like that.  Jackson, pull up your body cam app on your phone and let’s review the footage.”  Tim’s stomach sank and he shot an apologetic look at Charlotte who was rubbing her wrists after Lucy unhooked the cuffs.
“I can’t,” Jackson responded.  “The app doesn’t work for me; hasn’t in about a month.”
“What have you done to get it fixed?”  Tim asked Doug.
“He never told me it wasn’t working,” Doug glared at Tim.
“Sir, I emailed you about it four times.  I have your responses, if you’d like to look at them.”  Jackson answered.
“That won’t be necessary,” Doug huffed.  
“Then we’re done here.”  Tim declared.  “Jackson, drive Doug to the hospital to get that nose checked out.”
“Yes, sir,” Jackson said.
“You okay?”  Tim asked Charlotte once Jackson and Doug were gone.  Tim could see that she looked terrified.
“No,” Charlotte shook her head.  Tears started spilling down her cheeks.  “It was him, Tim.”
“Him who?”  Nathan asked.
“I recognized his voice,” Charlotte whispered, her teeth chattering as her whole body broke out into shivers.  “He was the guy who stabbed me.”
Tim swallowed the lump in his throat.  He wished he’d been the one to punch Doug.  “I’m going to need you to identify who the voice belonged to so I can bring this to Internal Affairs.”
Charlotte nodded before looking directly into Tim’s body camera.  “I recognized the voice of the man who stabbed me as the officer you referred to as Doug.”
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writingsofwesteros · 4 months
She'd been much more quiet today, though she hadn't noticed since she'd been so in her head. Her ex coming back in town hadn't been a surprise, but him spamming her with texts did. "Hello? Did you hear me?" Aegon nudged her. "Huh?" She looked up at him. "I said Nora says we should go to Oberyn's club tonight. You down?" Aegon asked. She nodded mutely. "You okay?" He asked her again, and she nodded. "Yea, m'fine," She mumbled as she curled up into his side. "We don't have to do, you know. Jace and Cregan are already coming, Aemond's going too, I think, and Helaena obviously- I think even Baela's coming with her new girlfriend." Aegon told her. "No, no, I want to." Maybe the night out would be a good distraction.
That night as she entered the club with them, walking between Aegon and Helaena, she swore under her breath when she saw him- her ex, in the general area as they were being taken up to the VIP section. She instinctively gripped Aegon's hand, who asked, "What is it? What's wrong?" She just shook her head, praying he didn't see her. Oh, how wrong she was.
After a few drinks, she loosened up a bit more and went to dance with Nora and Helly, and she got lost in the fun, she always did, they always made her laugh, and forget about the world around her. But when she saw her ex's eyes on her, she felt like curling up into a ball, she felt so anxious. "What's wrong, baby?" Nora asked, sensing the tension. She caught the guy staring a bestie, and glared back at him with her steely violent gaze before saying, "Come on- let's go get another drink." "In a minute- I'm just going to the bathroom." She told her. "I'll come with," Helaena said gently, taking her hand. As the two were walking back, he finally approached them, saying, "Well, well- it's been a while," Helaena looked between them, and said in her soft voice, "I'm sorry, do we know you?" "Come on, bestie- what, you got all these rich friends and you're ashamed of me now?" He scoffed. "Please stop it, you're making a scene-" "So? Don't act like Mr. Big-shot up there can't afford to pay people off to forget about it," Her ex said, gesturing to Aegon, who was saying something that made Aemond roll his eye. "I think we should go," Helaena said softly, and she and bestie went back up into their VIP booth. "Please don't tell Aeg," She pleaded. "He'll get upset." Helaena sighed. "Okay."
She thought that it would end there, that she wouldn't have to deal with his shit anymore, when-
"Don't you have time for old friends anymore?" He asked her as he approached, somehow having gotten past security, he was clearly drunk. "Please don't-" "What, don't want your new rich friends to be embarrassed?" He scoffed, and Aegon asked, "Is there a problem, man?" "I don't know, is there? Your arm's all around my girl-" "I'm not your girlfriend!" Bestie felt her head spinning, the anxiety was just overwhelming her, as tears hotly spilled down her cheeks- she felt awful. Aegon's expression darkened when he saw her, and he stood up and said, "Time to go, bro." "Or what, you gonna pay me off? Surprised you've got any money to, with little miss gold-digger over there-" Aegon's fist went flying as he punched the guy, the sound of his fist making contact with his jaw was heard over the music, and bestie gasped, as Helaena covered her ears and shut her eyes, and Nora tensed, gesturing to Jace to stay close to her sister as she stood with Aemond. "Don't you ever fucking say a word about her, you asshole-" Aegon growled in between punches, as Aemond grabbed Aegon and pulled him off the guy. Her ex groaned in pain, but didn't know when to stop, apparently, as he spat blood on the ground and glared at bestie, who was trying to calm Aegon down. "Makes sense that she'd fall in with you people," He scowled. "Nothing but pretentious dicks and entitled little sluts-" The slap across his face was deafening, as Nora slapped him, and gripping his face, snapping, "You're done. Get the fuck out, and there might still be a chance you can show your face in this city, but one more word and I promise I'll have a lot of fun ruining your life, asshole." "And I'm supposed to be scared of some slutty rich girl in heels?" He retorted, pushing her back, and as Aegon was about to pull away from Aemond and throw another punch, Nora twisted his arm and he fell to the ground in pain, and said to her brothers, "I got this- I do pilates." The drama got back to Oberyn quickly, who came over with security, and Aemond said curtly, "That guy- get him to a police station." People knew better than to ask Aemond Targaryen questions, so the security listened as Oberyn nodded, and security hauled her ex away. Bestie barely registered Aegon's arms around her, as Criston came and said, "What the hell happened?" As the security were hauling him off the floor. "Long story. Make sure that he gets to the police station, Aemond's on the phone with Uncle Harwin now." Nora told him, and one look at bestie's distraught face and he nodded, and when they got out the car out front, Criston shoved him into the backseat and drove to the police station- he'd put aside his little rivalry with Harwin if it meant seeing the guy that upset bestie so much get locked up.
YOU ARE STUNNING AT WRITING FOR THEM! Harwin is going to have fun teaching this guy a lesson thank you
he'd put aside his little rivalry with Harwin if it meant seeing the guy that upset bestie so much get locked up. !!
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inferiorbeing · 7 months
Being this time of year, I wanted to share my translation of Oz's letter to Echo from the 15th anniversary event and her response because I haven't seen it anywhere else and frankly I need to finally scream over it publicly.
DISCLAIMER: I do not know Japanese. I ran these through Google Translate, DeepL, and a website or two. But, as you can see, I used multiple sources on multiple occasions months apart, which adjusted the results due to the updates the tools had gotten. I've chipped away at this for about 18 months. Also, I really focused on specific research for a few words, which I note below. I hope this makes it as accurate as it can possibly be.
I apologize for the image quality, my scanner is broken.
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To Eko-chan, ……Writing a letter to Eko-chan is….kind of nerve-wracking. Sorry if there are any typos. That day when we went to see the St. Bridget’s Day festival together, you said that you were “just an echo”. When I first met you, I might have said, “That’s not true!”, But now I think, “That’s fine.” Whether or not it’s a reverberation, Eko-chan is the one and only beautiful sound to me. ……This is second-hand from Gil. I was happy when he said “There’s nothing wrong with being fake” to me. When I’m with you, it’s different from when I’m with Alice or Gil. It makes me feel kind of uneasy. I want you to show me different emotions such as “happiness” or “joy”. Like the fireworks we saw that day, I want to go look at the sights you don’t know about together. Hehe… So, at that time, ———will you let me take your hand again? “Echo.”
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To Oz-sama, Thank you for your letter. No one has ever sent a letter to me personally. I was very surprised. I was even more surprised by the content. Oz-sama, a lot of the sentences you wrote were embarrassing to read. Do you know how many times I had to stop reading because my face got hot? The rest is not well-explained. You said when you’re with me, “it makes me feel kind of uneasy,” but what does that mean? It’s a strange coincidence, but when I’m with you, I also feel “uneasy” and it's something I can't even describe, so please tell me the true meaning of that word next time.
唯一 無二 [Yuiistu Muni] — I invariably got this as "one and only" until recently. While that's what I see listed as the translation first in most cases, I also see it means "unique" or "irreplaceable" and the like. So it could also be something like "uniquely beautiful".
むず痒い [Muzugayui] — This word has become my arch-nemesis. The main translation I find is "itchy", which just does not make sense in English sentences. I've also found it can mean "creepy" or "uneasy feeling", and a friend who looked into it for me saw someone say it can mean an indescribable state of mind. I went through several options before I settled on "uneasy".
君 [Kimi] — After learning about the various words for "you" and their meanings recently, I revisited this just to see which ones I saw here. I kind of lost it when I found this at the end of Oz's letter. Now, this can be used in several circumstances (in another letter, I saw him use it in a quote from Break), but it can be used by a boy talking to his girlfriend. I will also note that I have no reference to the Japanese text in the manga, so for all I know this is what he normally says to her and I'm overreacting.
エコー [Echo] — I just wanted to note that these were actually voiced at the events apparently. So I like to think about that at the end of his letter...
私 [Watashi] — Because it's noteworthy, Echo uses a first-person pronoun, which she only does after that "I am" moment in the story, I'm told.
Now, some background. I was ordering various things from the event, including the booklet which contains the Letters From Oz to the main cast, and a few of the random pack responses, which I was extremely lucky to get Echo’s from.
I actually got the responses first, which meant I was left guessing on what Oz wrote. Without context, I really couldn't decipher the results very well. I thought there might be a vague reference to the ship, which is Word of God confirmed canon, but neither of them had any clue yet.
But, then I got Oz's letter. I think I literally screamed when I was reading the first pass through Google. It makes me so upset that you see next to nothing of them in canon, and literally nothing in the official artwork. The fact that you only get to see Echo with her abusers just enrages me.
"But Noise is feeling better." NO. It's not okay, it's not nice. She deserves so much better both inside and out of canon. Don't even get me started on Vincent...
Anyway, I'm very happy because this is the closest there is to having Something for them in the midst of that literal nothing.
EDIT: WOW THANKS TUMBLR, apparently my draft posted when I wasn't actually finished getting this together. There may be a few other changes. Sigh...
EDIT 2: Okay, this is the final version. Sorry about that.
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littlegoldfinchh · 5 months
If the dude never texted your friend the details, and his gf who was off-put around you wasn't even going to be there, then I feel like that fucker was just setting you up for drama (if not worse). Fuck that guy; I hope other friends around are better and that they respect what you and your bf have going on. Also hope you have an immensely good and worry free day to make up for it.
Like dhdhhs yeah there was definitely something weird going on. And i genuinely feel like im way too old for this highschool drama thing
But just to give you the whole story:
Guy invites both me and my friend to a house party in person on Monday, we both say yes
Guy only texts me about plan changes (which i didn't know), but i kept updating my friend as well
Me and my friend both get pissed off because the Guy changed plans like six times and i straight up told him that im not sure if i can make it anymore since everything changes from the location to the time
Guy immediately gives me a concrete plan of the night and even asked me if i wanted to reschedule the whole party
And mentions that we could totally continue the party at their house and i could totally sleep there if i end up missing the buses home - i straight up just said no and didn't give it a second thought
Meanwhile my friend still doesn't get any info on the party even when he asked, which makes him super upset since the Guy is his friend, not mine (i've only been talking to him for a single week now) and he also needed a concrete plan since he was hanging out with his girlfriend all afternoon/night so he wanted to know when he had to leave obviously
We agree on a pub at 10pm
Guy texts me at 8pm that he and his crew are already there (no girls apparently!) and how i should join them (actually texts me like at least three times about this and i declined each time)
He never texts my friend about them being already there and how he should come earlier too, my friend only realized this because i texted him immediately
He gets pissed off understandably and cancels the whole thing, i was already getting a bad feeling about this so i texted the guy that i won't come since my friend isn't coming either and i refuse to drink with people i literally do not know
Guy gets pissed off
Meanwhile i asked my friend if the Guy actually invited him to shop for plushies last week (because he asked if i wanted to join him and help him choose a present for one of his friends since my friend wasn't available and hw didn't want to go alone)
My friend says no the Guy never asked him
My friend's girlfriend took his phone and fhhd for the rest of the night i was texting with her which i found a bit fhjdj but apparently my friend went to the bathroom and she was too invested in this little detective play we had going on
So turns out that the Guy isn't really chatty with other people but he always texts me like every two hours or even more frequently
We (my bf, my friend, his gf, me) came to the deduction that the Guy might be hitting on me even though i explicitly stated many many times that i had a boyfriend, like i even told him about how excited i was to finally go to the states this summer for a visit
So now i feel awkward as hell because idk if he's hitting on me or he's just super friendly with me, this is the first time i actually have male friends in person because i've always been a bit too anxious and paranoid to approach them before. Like i was so happy that im slowly getting over my fear since my friend is super nice and the Guy was pretty nice too (he even gave me his copy of ghost of tsushima to play) but now idk. Fhjd
I've always been extremely uncomfortable with people hitting on me, again, might be because im aspec but i just feel disgusted/uncomfortable just from the thought alone and the only person who is more than welcome to do anything he wants to me is my boyfriend obviously. Like i just jfjf can't comprehend that people can find me attractive when im incapable of developing those feelings myself (again, obviously my boyfriend is an exception) . Bht yeah i just dont want anyone (but him) to perceive me like that ever . Babe if you're reading this wake up and start perceiving me immediately please
So uhhh yeah that's it! The whole story. Gf turned out to be nice, i might go drinking with them sometime!
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