#and im gonna play ghost of tsushima!!!!!
littlegoldfinchh · 1 month
If the dude never texted your friend the details, and his gf who was off-put around you wasn't even going to be there, then I feel like that fucker was just setting you up for drama (if not worse). Fuck that guy; I hope other friends around are better and that they respect what you and your bf have going on. Also hope you have an immensely good and worry free day to make up for it.
Like dhdhhs yeah there was definitely something weird going on. And i genuinely feel like im way too old for this highschool drama thing
But just to give you the whole story:
Guy invites both me and my friend to a house party in person on Monday, we both say yes
Guy only texts me about plan changes (which i didn't know), but i kept updating my friend as well
Me and my friend both get pissed off because the Guy changed plans like six times and i straight up told him that im not sure if i can make it anymore since everything changes from the location to the time
Guy immediately gives me a concrete plan of the night and even asked me if i wanted to reschedule the whole party
And mentions that we could totally continue the party at their house and i could totally sleep there if i end up missing the buses home - i straight up just said no and didn't give it a second thought
Meanwhile my friend still doesn't get any info on the party even when he asked, which makes him super upset since the Guy is his friend, not mine (i've only been talking to him for a single week now) and he also needed a concrete plan since he was hanging out with his girlfriend all afternoon/night so he wanted to know when he had to leave obviously
We agree on a pub at 10pm
Guy texts me at 8pm that he and his crew are already there (no girls apparently!) and how i should join them (actually texts me like at least three times about this and i declined each time)
He never texts my friend about them being already there and how he should come earlier too, my friend only realized this because i texted him immediately
He gets pissed off understandably and cancels the whole thing, i was already getting a bad feeling about this so i texted the guy that i won't come since my friend isn't coming either and i refuse to drink with people i literally do not know
Guy gets pissed off
Meanwhile i asked my friend if the Guy actually invited him to shop for plushies last week (because he asked if i wanted to join him and help him choose a present for one of his friends since my friend wasn't available and hw didn't want to go alone)
My friend says no the Guy never asked him
My friend's girlfriend took his phone and fhhd for the rest of the night i was texting with her which i found a bit fhjdj but apparently my friend went to the bathroom and she was too invested in this little detective play we had going on
So turns out that the Guy isn't really chatty with other people but he always texts me like every two hours or even more frequently
We (my bf, my friend, his gf, me) came to the deduction that the Guy might be hitting on me even though i explicitly stated many many times that i had a boyfriend, like i even told him about how excited i was to finally go to the states this summer for a visit
So now i feel awkward as hell because idk if he's hitting on me or he's just super friendly with me, this is the first time i actually have male friends in person because i've always been a bit too anxious and paranoid to approach them before. Like i was so happy that im slowly getting over my fear since my friend is super nice and the Guy was pretty nice too (he even gave me his copy of ghost of tsushima to play) but now idk. Fhjd
I've always been extremely uncomfortable with people hitting on me, again, might be because im aspec but i just feel disgusted/uncomfortable just from the thought alone and the only person who is more than welcome to do anything he wants to me is my boyfriend obviously. Like i just jfjf can't comprehend that people can find me attractive when im incapable of developing those feelings myself (again, obviously my boyfriend is an exception) . Bht yeah i just dont want anyone (but him) to perceive me like that ever . Babe if you're reading this wake up and start perceiving me immediately please
So uhhh yeah that's it! The whole story. Gf turned out to be nice, i might go drinking with them sometime!
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hanasnx · 1 month
i always love an update post, they make me feel like we’re gossiping lol
if you’re in the mood to post one i will be reading it like a dad reading over the morning paper at the breakfast table trust
also now that i’m caught up with ur acc happy belated anniversary <3
— link.
thank you very much!
what me and beef did for our anniversary was rly fun so i’m gonna give you an update page on that. i ended up falling asleep at 9pm the night prior bcos i was so exhausted from work and preparing for the anniversary day. woke up at 4am which he was already awake and we got to kiss on each other and go back to sleep together until we were ready to get started around noon.
we went to our fave coffee place and got drinks and pastries and went to a park with a lake to watch while we enjoyed each other’s company and had our food. he got a pumpkin cake and iced coffee, i got a chocolate croissant and chai and we shared.
then at home, we rented a movie he picked (rescue dawn with christian bale i believe it’s called) and i found my favorite robin hood movie on tubi (the adventures of robin hood with errol flynn). he doesn’t like movies made before the 2000s and i dont like high intensity war movies so both he and i have short attention spans when it comes to movies especially these movies, so we set timers to watch thirty minutes of my movie, thirty minutes of his, and then switch off playing ghost of tsushima (he has a game on his profile on my ps4 and i have a game on my profile) and we did that cycle until it was time to go to dinner
when i go out to eat, i like it to be luxurious. i like options. i like to be there a while. i don’t get to do that often, and we saved a lot of money to be able to do it this time. we went to our favorite italian restaurant and we dressed comfy bcos we knew we were about to feast. sweatpants and hoodies so we could have a proper comfy food coma
here’s how it went. we knew what we wanted to eat, but we wanted to take our sweet sweet time. we were expecting to be there about an hour and a half maybe more, and made sure to be there two hours before their closing time so we didn’t feel rushed and we didn’t cut into the staffs cleaning.
i ordered our drinks, two waters, a shirley temple for me with extra cherries and a sprite for him bcos we need sweet drinks as well as hydration. we settle in, we get comfortable. we always sit next to each other in a big booth and we were secluded in the far side of the restaurant everything is perfect. all of our supplies like wallets and keys etc everything in our pockets was set aside to the far part of the table out of our way. we drink our drinks, we eat our complimentary bread and oil and herbs, we fill the time. he doesn’t want an appetizer, but i want my favorite dish in the whole world right now. a fat ball of burrata, halved lil tomatoes, fresh basil, olive oil, and balsamic. it’s divine. it’s fresh. it’s light. we’re sharing our appetizer and we’re pacing ourselves. he doesn’t like tomatoes but he’s eating them on the bread and he’s saying it’s a rare moment for him and the cheese makes it better. i’m having such a swell time
when our waitress comes back we tell her we want a little more time to pick out our entrees, we’re living in luxury rn. we talk to her about some wine choices that go well with pasta, tell her what we’re celebrating. three whole years together.
since i don’t wanna eat too much too fast (i like picking off of options) i set aside the appetizer. when he pick out our entrees we pick out a side which we both chose chicken soup. the chicken soup comes first. it’s my favorite chicken soup. the only stuff i wanna eat when i’m so sick and need a good warm meal with a kick to clear my sinuses.
i also ordered a glass of wine to share with him bcos neither of us are alcohol people but i’m trying to get laid later and i wanna be loose and happy and have a little wine with my self indulgent dinner. the waitress helped me pick out a red wine thatll go with my pasta.
then our pasta (and wine) comes, both a type of ravioli. his is more cheesy like ricotta and i chose lobster. i love shellfish. if i could live off of lobster and crab i would. we share our pastas :) we drown them in parmesan. we have a little wine
she comes back to ask me if i like what she chose for me, and i explain that she picked a great choice but i just don’t like alcohol at all. she comes back with a sample of a more expensive bottle and its a lot smoother and she told me snuck me it.
dessert time comes and we pick tiramisu bcos i haven’t had it in years and its terrible when you buy it from the store, she says it’s on the house for our anniversary. we share it :)
we pack up all our foods, all our breads, soups, pastas, appetizers, and dessert and give our waitress one hefty tip and chug the rest of the wine. after an hour and a half of self indulgent blatant luxury and gross misuse of american earned funds we’re out of there and i’m wine drunk bcos it hits me all at once. beef makes sure i’m buckled in and we get home to go back to our movies and games and pick off our leftovers every so often and he takes good good care of me
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seaofolives · 1 year
five comfort characters, five tags
five comfort characters, this meme says. as if i have more than two in the first place! so I'm uhhh im gonna pull from my current line of faves as stand-ins for the other three spots for now lmao (how do you even get five comfort characters man shouldn't you like have to canonize them like saints first?) but thank you @odetoretribution for tagging me!!
I'm gonna put them all under a cut to preserve real estate so before that happens:
tagging @safarikalamari @thebisexualmandalorian (i know you have them don't hide them now) @go-ask-ash (do you have them too) @kiliofdurinsline @aerislei
ok spam protector go brrrrr
i. cloud strife
final fantasy vii
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i can't lie when i say i grew up with this guy. i first met him when he was still nothing more than a couple of boxes taped together with pointy triangles in his head and he has defined so much about me and helped me get to know myself better ever since. i'm not gonna waste y'all's time listing down all the ways he means so much to me but just believe me when i say that he's my one true comfort character even before i learned about the concept
ii. gladiolus amicitia
final fantasy xv
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he can run!! he can smash!! he can make your tents!!! but also ffxv was my touch-grass game during the height of the pandemic and lord this guy is such an easy fave. great character design, great moveset, such a rich backstory too which is all a writer can ask for. he preserved me during the lockdowns and he continues to give me serotonin even now that the world has opened up. he's also the only other guy in my collection of true comfort characters.
iii. jin sakai
ghost of tsushima
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and now we go to the "does character is comfort character????" section starting with my most beloved barbie girl jin sakai!! and no he's not the ken of tsushima i assure you bc considering how much i l o o o v e collecting dyes and sword kits and changing his clothes so much, he is hundred-percent my barbie. and like...vintage himbo, flawed human being, just wants to write poetry and play music but nooo he loves his island more than he loves himself and just plssss. like cloud, i just love to watch him walk around and go for a ride and kill people and ghost of tsushima is basically my comfort game rn, i can play that thing endlessly and be happy.
iv. jin sakai's horse
ghost of tsushima
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listen. they are a set. do not separate.
v. guel jeturk
mobile suit gundam: the witch from mercury
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witchblade · 2 years
im gonna play ghost of tsushima again and try not to throw up again (my strength)
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maximuswolf · 27 days
Is there a reason why we didnt acknowledged Ghost of tsushima is half Ubisoft game?
Is there a reason why we didnt acknowledged Ghost of tsushima is half Ubisoft game? Like if its ubisoft logo instead of SP, game would recieve soo much hate. It literally;1)Beatiful but empty world except 3 types of events which is same fights over and over again2) 6 million pointless collectables which I think 3 or 5 of them unique.(I swear if see another fox shrine Im gonna lose my mind)They have literally same "Climb the highest point but we gonna make this slow and painful" type of things3) AI omg AI. Its the dumbest I have seen since Resident evil 5 days which was enemies comes near you and looks your face for couple minutes. If you tried to stealthty play stay same as AC kill someone in the right in front of enemy and they dont know how to react4) Dumb fuck side quests that feels like its only there to expand play time. Dont get me wrong there are some good ones but most of them just no depth pointless quests once again like very much AC like5) Even through all this points stand both game has awesome story and story telling. If I only played Jin story missions only that game would be 9/10.Is it something im missing or objectively wrong maybe help me understand Submitted May 16, 2024 at 10:31PM by Zatex001 https://ift.tt/ji0nNTd via /r/gaming
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mackjlee9 · 8 months
God i just saw that i typed psycho path instead of psychopath ufff
Yes omg please ghost of tsushima is so much love i love it waaa im on my third playthrough. Jin is literally my kind of "need to be a bit mentally ill to get mentally well". Bc jin Sakai would be very proud of you to take that little walk and get that grocery with honor. I will fangirl for this man forever.
Gonna head to bed soon so if no more answers or random delulu stuff i passed out
Those random typos you don't realise until later on lol
I will play it someday, or I'll just watch a gameplay but I def wanna play it
Understood o7
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bisexual-ashe · 3 years
i want to draw my lil octo boy jamie but i do not have a drawing tablet and although i could do trad art, i dont like it bc i suck at the coloring? and i dont wanna do my octo son dirty again yknow 😭
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whorizcn · 4 years
kenji only having three tales should be a criminal offence
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cataphik · 4 years
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Taken 28 / October / 2020
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pukicho · 3 years
Do you play video games??
Yeah i been playin terraria calamity mod but im done with that now, now I'm gonna probably replay ghost of tsushima or try out ass creed valhalla (or replay odyssey cause I vibe with that more for some reason) or or figure some other shit out
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cass-burger · 4 years
I haven’t played cyberpunk but did anyone expect something else? When was it that a game that got constantly delayed did not get hyped to hell and then destroyed by reviews because they had imagined a game beyond the actual limits of a game developer? The seizure lights thing is something no one could imagine but still I think the media is punching down a lot on an indie developer that tried to do something new instead of making the tenth game on the series or the third remake of this twenty year old game
did,,,,,,,,,,,, did you just call cd projekt red an indie developer????
ok i was gonna leave this in the tags but its important so im gonna go in depth about this
even if they were (which again... they’re NOT) I think it’s very fair to criticise them on issues they have in their game that merit criticising. it’s not ‘punching down’ to call them out on transphobia, lack of accessibility, refusing to take criticism early on, and actually doubling down on the things they were criticised for so they could pander to more reddit-y centre/right wing fans and painting themselves as edgy and ‘cool’ or whatever the fuck. even if they were an indie these are all issue that very much deserve criticism and need to be called out.
but what’s MORE! is that it’s not being judged harshly??????
bar a few that have rightfully called it out on its issues, it has gotten across the board praise DESPITE the bugs and whatever other issues that plagued its review period. it has a damn 90 score on metacritic BEFORE day 1 patches so from just the reviewers playing it and posting scores it managed to get very high. SO it’s not even as if it’s doing badly because people are being ‘unfair’ or whatever to an “indie”, which again I’m just,,,,,,,,,,,
they produced the game of the year for their last release and now they have had like 2-3 years of uninterrupted hype leading up to their release now which in that time they’ve received endorsement and advertising from like all the big names??? prominently???? they had the main talking point moment at last years Xbox e3 presentation????? one of the biggest events for gaming promotion????????? I’m just so gobsmacked you’d call it an indie I’m honestly reeling hahahaha
which on the note of indie companies if you want a good comparison look at what all the reviewers and media are saying about hades! supergiant are an actual indie studio and hades is an actual indie game. you didn’t see anyone criticising them for their game. you know why? cos there was nothing there to criticise! they had a lengthy period where the game was in an open beta that anyone (i believe) could join in on and help out with the development in the form of immediate feedback on what they were playing and how it was feeling. this lead to a very successful launch this year that has received critical acclaim across the board and the game even came super close to getting game of the year! (at the time of writing this the goty hasn’t been chosen yet but considering it was only at 11% with user votes i doubt the weighted judges votes will be able to pull it up into a win, not up against goliaths like ghost of tsushima or tlou2)
whats more is there’s been a few reports now about how good a company supergiant is to work for! you won’t find any of the issues that cdpr had with crunch there. you won’t find worker abuse. you won’t find buggy games that require extensive delays ultimately amounting to still-buggy games upon release. if cdpr was one end of the spectrum then supergiant would be the other. forced leave, zero crunch, non-ridiculous hours, workers that are spending the time they do spend working on the games because they love it and want to be working on it, not because their boss is telling them they have to. you don’t see anyone ‘punching down’ on supergiant for any of this despite them being an indie. instead you see them getting the rightful praise that they deserve. and if for some hard-to-imagine reason they or some other indie company did do something that wasnt great and needed to be called out you would see them getting called out and criticised like cdpr is now (assuming they had airtime in the first place)
anyway as i was saying for most of this post: cyberpunk has issues and it is right and good to call them out on it.
it’s not punching down.
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my ghost of tsushima experience so far -
jin, honey, it's okay to steal basic necessities from people who are dead in the middle of a war - they don't need it
yuna is right about 95% of things - why aren't we playing as her???
*runs around for 5hrs picking flowers so i can buy more variations of the same armor* - IT’S FASHION
these spearmen need to FUCK OFF
y'know. i kinda get why tomoe wants to kill sensei ishikawa - he's kinda a dick... she still needs to die tho 
masako has one of the saddest storylines ever??? what the fuck??? - she also has big dick bisexual energy
but... but... ryuzo why? i thought we were gonna be sword boyfriends... i trusted you...
i was doing side quest stuff & i came across a villager who was accused of being a mongol spy but he wasn’t - he was just visiting his secret boyfriends grave at night (the boyfriend had a wife + kid who lived in town) & jin was so niCE
doing masako's quests literally reveals that she was in love with one of the housekeepers (?) who is a girl named mai- i fucking CALLED THE BIG BISEXUAL ENERGY
there’s a lot more going on there cuz it’s a quest that involves mai being hired by ryuzo who betrayed us but LISTEN TO THIS NEXT BIT -
mai tells them how ryuzo told her that he knew what it was like to love someone unrequitedly & BIG DUMB JIN THINKS HE LOVES MASAKO - IM AHDJDJKS NO HE LOVES YOU JIN
aaaaaand i’m still only in act II having just got into act II about 30hrs into game
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Video Games: Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki, Aizen Kunitoshi, Atsushi Toushirou
Oh ho, a fun lil headcanon set like this is so funnnn~!
Warnings: Not much I suppose?
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Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki
Sweet MuMu adores video games where we can travel the world. Fantasy world, modern world, past, present, future, he don’t care! An open world game will suit him best! There’s so much to do, and like a lil puppy, MuMu want’s to explore it all!
Extra bonus points if there’s a part of the game where there is something to do with the ocean. He adores the sea after all! Boats, driving them, exploring the ocean, exploring the unknown, oh this TouDan will drink that shit up.
The games that come to mind are Assassin’s Creed: III, Black Flag, Syndicate, Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla. Why? Most of them deal with exploring new lands and some of them deal with piloting ships! III, Black Flag, Odyssey, Origins, Valhalla to be more specific. Syndicate has guns and classy fashion. A little too much for Mutsunokami but he loves playing with the guns in the game - they are very similar in make to his own after all. he also rly likes the sea shanties in odyssey because i rly like them too
If Mutsunokami wants to relax and not play Assassin’s Creed where he goes around stabbing everything that moves, he will play Subnautica or Abzu or Journey to relax. Maybe even Animal Crossing! He loves the cute little animals but I personally think that games where he can just explore the world and meet new people and learn lore just make him happy the most.
Games MuMu would never play are horror games or anything with spiders in them. So Bayonetta and Devil May Cry are out. He loves the idea of gun-toting protagonists but nope, nope. Spiders? Bye fam.
Now that I think about it, he would just be Blathers. He can play Animal Crossing but Gods help him the minute he sees a spider in that damn game. “I THOUGHT THIS WAS A PEACEFUL GAME, WHY ARE THE SPIDERS TRYING TO KILL YOU” cue controller thrown at the television.
Oh MuMu adores party games! Can’t play Smash Bros or Mario Kart for shit. Watch him pay too much attention to the background and yeet himself off of the stage because he saw something shiny. He can kinda play though, but again he gets distracted the most. Buuut ask him to play Mario Party with the rest of the swords and damn right he will play!
Can and will make video games turn into a drinking game. MuMu adores competitive gaming with the rest of the citadel. Will start taking bets on who is gonna win and lose, and sure he may be a pouty loser but he’ll be fiine. But damn right he’ll yeet a tantou to ensure his win. No he won’t he’s not that cruel.
Mutsunokami also adores rhythm games! Taiko no Tatsujin because of Don-chan and the idea of playing with a lil taiko drum as a controller. He’s very much into music after all. There are times when he stops playing a game to just listen to the music and take it all in!
A guilty pleasure game he plays is probably Ghost of Tsushima. No he’s not checking out Jin’s ass whenever they go to a hot spring, what are you talking about? MuMu enjoys it because sometimes just going back to your roots and stabbing a ho is just what you need. dear khotun khan, eat shit
Aizen Kunitoshi
Aizen is also super big on rhythm games. As said above with Mutsunokami, Taiko no Tatsujin will be a favorite of his. He has a secret collection of Don-chan merch, no one is stopping him damn it. Just fucking tRY and take away his precious Don-chan(s). The only ones that can touch his prized collection are the rest of the Rai swords, other peeps he is close to, and maybe you if you two are close/you ask nicely. Get him some Don-chan pajamas and he’ll cry.
Aizen is also pretty good at fighting games, Street Fighter coming to mind because he adores over the top bullshit and the colors! The colors! He mains Ryu though, but he’s more than willing to try new characters!
He’s also pretty competitive at times, so he would adore playing fighting games with the rest of the swords at the citadel. Hotarumaru and he are always playing Smash Bros or Mario Kart, which ends up with a lot of broken controllers. Hotaru has been slightly banned from planning highly competitive gameplay though.
Other games that I know Aizen will be into will be Animal Crossing when he wants to relax. He loves the little yearly festivals and events in the games and it kinda mirrors how life works in the world. Of course he adores Digby and Isabelle, and has threatened Tom Nook with Hotarumaru before. “Don’t you cheat me you stupid tanuki, don’t make me get my brother in here.”
Games that Aizen cannot play are puzzle games. He doesn’t mind them, he just finds them really boring. He watches Akashi play them sometimes but even then, Akashi will conk the hell out. If you play them and have Aizen on your lap watching, Aizen will be amazed at how you are so good at them!
Aizen cannot deal with horror games or sad emotional games. He’s pretty emotional himself and will need a lot of hugs after. He will refuse to play Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons as they remind him of Hotarumaru and himself a lil too much. Horror games is because he’s too scared to. Hotarumaru doesn’t mind them, he likes playing them while Aizen and Akashi cling on to each other and scream in terror.
Aizen also loves games that not only have great music but the visuals and colors just catch his eye. Katamari Damacy comes to mind and he loves the main character a lot. The music! The colors! Ohh man its the best.
A guilty pleasure game he would love is the monster catching genre, Pokemon is an idea but he also loves Yokai Watch. Yokai Watch feels a lil more closer to home, plus Yokai Watch had a crossover with Taiko no Tatsujin! He immediately wasted no time and effort to try and recruit Don-chan. iM STILL TRYING TO GET DON-CHAN ON MY TEAM U LIL SHIt but also im rly biased towards yokai watch and digimon
This lil guy will also love collecting plushies of any characters of the games he plays! Don-chan is his first choice of course but catch him and Hotarumaru in a little cuddle puddle with 70 other plushies from various games!
Most of all, Aizen loves games where he can play with others! Friends, family, you! It doesn’t matter to him! He’ll drag you from your office to relax and just cheer anyone up with something fun! “Come play with me! You promised after all, master! I’ve found a rEALLY cool and fun game to play together with Hotaru!” bless him he’s trying his best
Atsushi Toushirou
Like Aizen, Atsushi will mostly enjoy multiplayer games because of his multitudes of brothers, younger and older. He’ll pick out games like Mario Party, Mario Kart, classics for sure. But then there’s games like Wario Ware or Smash Bros. He wants to play games with as many people as possible! He loves it when he can play with you and his brothers!
If Atsushi wants to play something more solo, he will play something along the lines of Cooking Mama. Houchou got him addicted to it gee i wonder why Houchou loves the game so much but Atsushi just loves the dishes that he can prepare and it almost feels like he can cook! He once tried to follow exactly what Cooking Mama did in the game for cooking once uh...it did not end up. But none the less, he loves the colors and the music of Cooking Mama!
He is also a big ol fan of life simulation games, Animal Crossing being his favorite. Again he and his siblings can all play together and the calm atmosphere almost lulls him to a peaceful sort of sleep that he adores the most. He loves the relaxing vibe and sometimes wishes to live there, wherever the hell these guys live.
Next to Yagen, I think Atsushi will lowkey adore horror games. Yagen does it just to get a rise out of the rest of his siblings and Atsushi is kind of the same. Sure Yagen finds the most gorey and atmospheric based horror to scare the crap outta his siblings, Atsushi will probably play the more jumpscare based horror games just to get a scare outta them too! What good is a horror game if you’re not scared as well??? Damn right he’ll wait until it’s night time to play these games!
Atsushi also does love RPG games! Star Ocean, Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, come to mind first. He just loves going on big adventures! Exploring new worlds, meeting new people, learning new things! Bonus points if the game has a really emotional story, catch him and his brothers crying about whatever happens on screen.
Atsushi has a secret fondness for rather childish games. Pokemon, Yokai Watch, so on and so forth. YEs he’s trying his best to be mature and stuff, supporting you his saniwa and all, but sometimes he just wants to be himself and have fun! He has a few mascot plushies from his brothers too, shhh.
Atsushi is also terrifyingly amazing at turn-based strategy games. Mario + Rabbids being a favorite because of the colors and overall fun atmosphere. Fire Emblem is a close second. He knows exactly how to keep his units and characters alive, what upgrades to give them, so on and so forth. “General! Come look at what I did in my game! Wouldn’t it be cool if we could also do something like this?!” he says that as Rabbid Luigi yeets himself off of normal Mario and soars through the air like a bird, landing gracefully without hurting himself. Atsushi no.
He’s the most likely of the TouDans to get into the indie gaming scene, looking at new and upcoming content creators to see what they make! He wants to support them as much as he can!
He’s also one of the more responsible of the TouDans in terms of games. Others will start buying them on a whim but Atsu knows there’s a budget to be had! He isn’t as money crunching as Hakata or anything but he knows his damn limits!
Another game genre he’s secretly into are visual novels. He loves the budding relationships between characters, romantic or not, he loves seeing where they end up! It’s like he’s growing with them!
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witchblade · 2 years
i don't see myself playing ghost of tsushima for a very long time im reasonably certain the hypnotic effect the physics and light bloom has on me is gonna wear off pretty soon
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fatcowboys · 3 years
i am finally gonna get back to playing ghosts of tsushima. i really liked what i played but then i moved and mass effect legendary came out so i never finished it but im gonna start a new playthrough finally
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
ahh i love video games !!! im really into the persona series ! the last games i played which i thought were super good was the ghost of tsushima on ps4 and omori on pc. what console are you looking for recs on ?
omg really ! 🥺 i'm playing rn my first persona game ! it is persona 5: strikers and i'm liking it a lot 🥺 i've heard about ghost of tsushima a lot and it seems so cool omg. never heard of omori but gonna search!
actually i play in everything less the ps4 because i don't have it lol 😭 but i mostly play on switch, pc or ipad/phone. so yeah, thanks a lot !💖💖💖💖
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