#mwah. thank you for sending these asks btw:)
askcapital · 3 months
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Capital looks around, sheepishly. They remain quiet for a bit, before speaking up.
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Uhm. I, uh, should say... thank you.
-> Capital seems to be getting hang of it... slowly but surely?
[ @ask-the-shiny-pokemons / @sinnohsiblings / @milochmagic / @askthehoenngods / @askleaderscrest / @shsl-gay-nurse / @flying-type-teacher / @inaris-pokemon-world / @dailyashleighraichu / @dailymarshtomp / @ask-dawnanddusk ]
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littlegoldfinchh · 1 month
If the dude never texted your friend the details, and his gf who was off-put around you wasn't even going to be there, then I feel like that fucker was just setting you up for drama (if not worse). Fuck that guy; I hope other friends around are better and that they respect what you and your bf have going on. Also hope you have an immensely good and worry free day to make up for it.
Like dhdhhs yeah there was definitely something weird going on. And i genuinely feel like im way too old for this highschool drama thing
But just to give you the whole story:
Guy invites both me and my friend to a house party in person on Monday, we both say yes
Guy only texts me about plan changes (which i didn't know), but i kept updating my friend as well
Me and my friend both get pissed off because the Guy changed plans like six times and i straight up told him that im not sure if i can make it anymore since everything changes from the location to the time
Guy immediately gives me a concrete plan of the night and even asked me if i wanted to reschedule the whole party
And mentions that we could totally continue the party at their house and i could totally sleep there if i end up missing the buses home - i straight up just said no and didn't give it a second thought
Meanwhile my friend still doesn't get any info on the party even when he asked, which makes him super upset since the Guy is his friend, not mine (i've only been talking to him for a single week now) and he also needed a concrete plan since he was hanging out with his girlfriend all afternoon/night so he wanted to know when he had to leave obviously
We agree on a pub at 10pm
Guy texts me at 8pm that he and his crew are already there (no girls apparently!) and how i should join them (actually texts me like at least three times about this and i declined each time)
He never texts my friend about them being already there and how he should come earlier too, my friend only realized this because i texted him immediately
He gets pissed off understandably and cancels the whole thing, i was already getting a bad feeling about this so i texted the guy that i won't come since my friend isn't coming either and i refuse to drink with people i literally do not know
Guy gets pissed off
Meanwhile i asked my friend if the Guy actually invited him to shop for plushies last week (because he asked if i wanted to join him and help him choose a present for one of his friends since my friend wasn't available and hw didn't want to go alone)
My friend says no the Guy never asked him
My friend's girlfriend took his phone and fhhd for the rest of the night i was texting with her which i found a bit fhjdj but apparently my friend went to the bathroom and she was too invested in this little detective play we had going on
So turns out that the Guy isn't really chatty with other people but he always texts me like every two hours or even more frequently
We (my bf, my friend, his gf, me) came to the deduction that the Guy might be hitting on me even though i explicitly stated many many times that i had a boyfriend, like i even told him about how excited i was to finally go to the states this summer for a visit
So now i feel awkward as hell because idk if he's hitting on me or he's just super friendly with me, this is the first time i actually have male friends in person because i've always been a bit too anxious and paranoid to approach them before. Like i was so happy that im slowly getting over my fear since my friend is super nice and the Guy was pretty nice too (he even gave me his copy of ghost of tsushima to play) but now idk. Fhjd
I've always been extremely uncomfortable with people hitting on me, again, might be because im aspec but i just feel disgusted/uncomfortable just from the thought alone and the only person who is more than welcome to do anything he wants to me is my boyfriend obviously. Like i just jfjf can't comprehend that people can find me attractive when im incapable of developing those feelings myself (again, obviously my boyfriend is an exception) . Bht yeah i just dont want anyone (but him) to perceive me like that ever . Babe if you're reading this wake up and start perceiving me immediately please
So uhhh yeah that's it! The whole story. Gf turned out to be nice, i might go drinking with them sometime!
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spdrvyn · 11 months
a Miguel x f!reader "who did this to you?" Angst fic?
bewitched by bandages — MIGUEL O'HARA
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SUMMARY: as per usual, you were spending your late-nights fighting crime and trying to protect the city to the best of your ability. as you are in the midst of a strenuous battle, you're sucked into a portal which brings you to what you assume to be another dimension.
THIS FIC CONTAINS: violence. harassment. somewhat detailed descriptions of wounds. angst. hurt/comfort. translated spanish (i didn't use google translate). f!reader
NOTES: GOD I LOVE THIS TROPE SO MUCH HOLY SHIT thank you anon for sending me this ask i was gonna do this kind of thing w miguel eventually but like still mwah, sorry for being ia too btw... i'm trying to avoid getting burnt out n shit so that i keep writing stuff for you guys 🫶 anyway, ENJOOOY
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"You will never be apart of this."
Those were the last words uttered to you before proclaimed protector of the multiverse, Miguel O'Hara, disappeared into the portal possibly never to be seen again.
He thought so too. At least, until he came back a week later due to yet another anomaly showing up in your dimension. Then another, then another, then another.
Humiliating was an understatement. What kind of Spider-Woman were you if you couldn't even take down one anomaly? Every time trouble came, Miguel was there to fix it. For once, you wanted to be the one to catch the beast. Hold it's severed head up to him with a big, fat smile on your face.
But that was a distant dream, only to be seen after you collapse onto your bed after an exhausting day.
You felt even more hurt when you found out that he was the leader of some kind of Spider Society. Yet, as he said when he first met you, you just weren't capable enough to join it.
Granted, he explained that it was an elite strike force but still. You were proud of yourself for making it this far into the whole Spider-woman gig, turns out that the bar was higher than you thought it was. It saddened you, deeply.
Though with time comes change. You've honed your skills and now confident enough to laugh in the face of who you were months ago, if an anomaly ever showed up again you'd show Miguel who's boss (not literally) and finally be able to join that god forsaken society.
You were much more confident in battle, actually much more confident in general. It was like you were an entirely different person to the criminals that you cowered before at night and the other more important people in your life at day.
However, there were moments where that confidence faltered.
Moments where you felt like that terrified, shameful, and naive little spider that you were mere months ago. A moment like now as you were being absolutely destroyed by one of your regular enemies.
You didn't know his name, you didn't want to bother trying to know anyway. He was the type of villain to give those excruciatingly long monologues that only dragged more and more time out of your excruciatingly long nights. So you just called him tech guy.
He is exactly what he sounds like. Covered from almost head-to-toe with different kinds of technologically advanced weaponry that made you wonder if he'd work as an appliance in a smart home.
Even when you enjoyed poking fun at the multiple devices stuck to his body, he didn't. Continuing to upgrade himself more and more each time the both of you fought. You had a feeling in your gut that your devilishly charming personality would come back to bite you in the ass someday.
He had you under the heel of his boot, quite literally this time. You bite back a grunt as his shoe continues to press into you, barely being able to look back up, you can see the absolutely smug grin on his face.
"I warned you, Spider-Woman. If only you listened to me, you would've seen this coming from miles away!"
"I'm here to—" You want to bury your face into the pavement as you can feel something sharp pierce the small of your back. "Fight bad guys not listen to lectures!"
"And look at where not listening has gotten you, little spider." Tech guy chuckled, uncomfortably close to your ear. You try to pull away but he has you pinned and he's close, too close. You swore from the corner of your eye that he had his hand raised. About to strike.
This was it, he was going to knock you out. Take you back to who knows where. Or maybe even kill you right here and right now. Leaving your corpse on the street for the citizens of New York, the citizens that you swore you'd protect to be mortified by.
You were finished, your end had come. It terrified you, if people saw your fate, who would do this job? Who would be able to gain the courage to step up? Even after knowing the dangers that lurk and entail it?
Dangers such as a portal opening up on the floor beneath you, it was blinding as you squint and your senses are immediately flooded by what feels like everything.
It's like a strong gust of wind swoops you away, the distant yells of tech guy growing quieter and quieter.
This relieved you but pained you.
As you were being blissfully carried away from whatever force was helping you right now, it put a lot of pressure on the injuries that have sustained from that scuffle.
You tried to scream, yell, shout for anyone in this space but nothing. You curl up into a ball, in attempts for it stop and hope that your next destination is the sensation of nothingness.
It was like you were being torn apart then put back together. Shifting from each form. Solid, liquid, gas, solid, liquid, gas, solid liquid, gas, solid rooftop.
You groaned, looking up at the night sky of whatever hell you just landed in. You tried to sit up and you were able to! But with a now bleeding lip in attempts to muffle the absolutely bloodcurdling scream that you were about to let out.
Wherever you were, it wasn't hell (thankfully) but it definitely wasn't New York. At least not your New York.
Everything was strangely futuristic. Flying cars, sleek architecture, a lot of grass to your surprise, and beautiful lights that finished the beautiful view off.
The rooftop that you had landed on was no different either, whoever owned this place had a spectacular taste in furniture and it showed here. As you looked to your side, it seemed that it also connected to a bedroom. An empty bedroom.
God, you were going to feel so guilty about this later.
Fighting back yet another pained noise from coming out of your mouth, you manage to build the strength to get up on your two feet and stumble towards the entrance.
You take your slow strides and get to observe the room in the process, it was very spacious. A huge monitor hanging on one wall, a huge closet on the other side, not to mention that it has a bathroom attached, what would it be without a huge bed in the middle of it all?
To your dismay, you're only able to make it a few steps in before needing to grip the bedsheets for dear life.
The dear life that you might lose when you hear the muted sounds of someone talking from outside.
You're not really able to make any words out but it sounded like whoever they were, they yelled out to someone. Suddenly, she appeared in front of you.
A lady, dressed in a somewhat lengthy but quite fashionable fur coat, she adorned a pair of heart shaped sunglasses as she looked at the TV in the room with a puzzled look on her face.
It's not long before she catches sight of you, eyes widening and both of you exchange glances. You bring your index finger to your mouth in a placating gesture but it only gets worse as she calls out:
"... Miguuueeeeel!"
Miguel? Miguel?
Frantically, you wave your hands around in an attempts to shush her but your heart rate spikes as her body practically phases through you. Hologram. You were throwing hands with a hologram.
And it's like the whole world stops when the bedroom door slides open, your worst fears had come true.
There he stood. Miguel O'Hara. Although something felt different, and you realized that his mask was off. The first thing that came to mind was the unamused pout that he wore, eyes that stared down at you disappointedly, and a broad frame that took up nearly the entire doorway.
The silence was deafening, you could hear it ringing in your ears. So deafening that you could hear your heart drumming in your chest, your shallow breaths, his footfalls as he walked over to you. Before turning his head to his hologram lady.
"Lyla, scan this." Lyla nodded before looking you up and down, wherever her eyes followed it scanned. She turns back to Miguel with the prognosis on your injuries. "Fifteen scratches, ten bruises, and a slightly fractured rib."
The noise that Miguel let out irked you a little, you could feel how heavy it was as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I have a lot of articles that could help with fixing this mess, big guy."
"No, it's fine. I can deal with this myself,"
"If you say so."
Lyla seemingly poofs into thin air, leaving you alone with him and a whole lot of questions that you have to ask. Even then, even if you were the one technically intruding in his home, you couldn't break the silence. Where to even start?
"Who did this to you?" Well, okay. That was a start. You tried to open your mouth to even get a small explanation out but as you attempted to piece your thoughts together, the more it felt like your brain fogged up.
Miguel had unfortunately noticed this too, what a way to make an impression after weeks of not seeing each other. "Just sit down." You obviously complied, careful not to let any blood drip down onto his sheets, you hoped that you wouldn't embarrass yourself further.
Those months of training, those months of self-improvement, those months of trying to be better all shattered within an instant as you saw Miguel rummage through his closet, cursing under his breath until he emerged with a first aid kit.
It felt so hard to think about anything and everything. Well, not really. There were a million thoughts racing through your head right now, most of them being what exactly was going through Miguel's head.
Was he disappointed? It would be a lot more unlikely if he wasn't if you were completely honest. Was he upset? If you saw someone you didn't hold in a high regard just magically appear on the roof of your home all beat up, you wouldn't be the happiest in the world.
There wasn't even a single peep out of him as he opened the small kit, equipping himself with what looked to be a medical cream and rolls of bandages. You spared him just a small glance, you were expecting him to look you dead in the eye with nothing but pure unbridled rage for ruining his night but instead?
Absolutely nothing.
He was laser focused on treating you right now or what you had thought to be a more plausible situation: he was just too disheartened to even look at you.
And you completely understood why, therefore ripping your gaze away from his eyes and moving down to his hands instead. You watched intently as the part around his hands dissolved into mere pixels before he swiped up a good amount of the cream onto his fingers, then gestured for you to hold your arm out.
Once the medicine came into contact with your wounds, tears dared to prick at your eyes. Fuck, it hurt a lot but you didn't really need to ruin his impression of you any further. You resorted to biting down hard on your lip and turning your head away.
Miguel, being the ever observant one, noticed this as well.
"You owe me an explanation." He was right. You did. You were quite confident that if you stayed radio silent for the rest of the night, you would be sleeping on the cold, cold streets of this world. "I've surmised that you got sucked into a portal then ended up here but most don't end up with injuries this bad."
There goes a good chunk of your explanation, which played well on your end. You didn't even want to begin describing what being transported from dimension to dimension felt like. Still, you wanted to play this cool.
"I was just in a fight, it was nothing serious."
"Nothing serious? Did you hear the results of that scan?"
You can't help how your cheeks flush at his quip, perhaps you were playing it too cool. If you tried too hard, he'd probably be able to see right through you but before you could even attempt defending yourself, he butts in.
"Qué dolor de cabeza." You heard him mutter. "I need more details about this, how many people were in the fight? What were they like? I'm not a mind reader."
His tone was harsh, it felt like he was cutting your scars open rather than healing them. You semi-understood why he was a leader, he had a way of making demands that was for sure.
"It was just one guy, but he had a lot of mechanical attachments. Saws, tentacles, other blades." As you explained, Miguel finished up bandaging your arm and gestured for your other one. You shifted slightly in position and held that up as well, sucking in a sharp breath as he goes through the routine of applying the disinfectant.
He seemed to just hum at your answer like he wasn't relentlessly asking you questions moments ago, you assumed that he wanted to hear more information so you kept talking. Like an idiot.
"I'm not the biggest tech person, you know? I was just swinging through and then he ambushed me, every time I've encountered him, he just continued to get stronger and stronger."
"Every time? How many times exactly?"
He emphasized 'exactly' as if you were actually supposed to count but even if you presented those kinds of details with a whole ass statistic chart, the answer would still disappoint him.
"Probably more than five. Like I said, he upgrades and–"
"Yes, yes. You said that already." He interrupts you again, hurriedly finishing up your arm before he rolls up the bandages; throwing them back into the aid kit with a very audible thud.
If there was another talent of his, it would be how very quickly he's able to shatter your pride.
"What are you trying to do here?" He asks you. You know you shouldn't be asking questions at risk of making yourself look even more stupid but with how vague that was, it felt like you had the right to. "What are you talking about?"
"You're trying to impress me. I'm asking you this stuff to know more about the nature of your injuries and you're trying to goddamn impress me. Why?"
Clearly, since it felt like he knew so much more about you, you just looked at him. How could this possibly get any worse after all? No matter what you said, no matter how hard you tried, it would all be for naught in the end.
"If this is about what I said when we first met, these antics of yours seriously aren't helping your case." Your body went numb. "Then, after I clear all the anomalies in your dimension, you come flying back to me. Seriously?"
Your mind went numb.
This felt like more than just a reality check to you, no. Every single criticism that shot back at you continued to break you down into smaller, smaller pieces.
You dreamt about meeting him again someday, and it did not look like this in the slightest. Only now, if you thought about what that scenario would be like, you'd conk yourself in the head for being so fucking delusional.
The distant dream of him entering your dimension, to see an anomaly in your capable hands, to hear that gravelly voice that has only continued to criticize you praise you for your deeds, then you'd get recruited into the Spider Society and save the multiverse to your heart's content.
Oh, how dumb and naïve you were. Clearly, you still are both of those things. His words spoke enough about that. You didn't want to be here as much as he did.
"I didn't want this," You finally said, the most coherent thought throughout this whole mess. "Any of this to happen. I just– I don't get it at all."
"Don't get what?"
"What I'm doing wrong," You sigh, lip quivering as tears dared to fall. This time, it wasn't because of medicine. You hoped it was. "I've trained for so long, I've tried my hardest. You might not think so but I have, I really have. But it seems like I'm making a mess of it all."
With each second that passed, the dam dared to break.
An uncomfortable silence blanketed the room, but this one scared you even more. A while ago, even if he didn't say a word, you knew how he felt about you. About your predicament.
But now? You had no clue. He could embrace you, comfort you, tell you that it's okay and he understood how you felt. You could've pushed his temper to his limits, he would scream, shout, yell, and kick you out of his penthouse.
"This doesn't have anything to do with your training," Like that, Miguel took a sharp pin to the atmosphere and popped it. "It has something to do with your mindset."
Now, you were the one to give him a confused glare. He sighs, eyes scanning over your sorry state once more,
"You did this, all this, to get into my strike force and to woo me whatnot." Before looking back up at you. Don't be mistaken, the harshness in his face is still there but from what he was saying, it didn't seem to be what you had originally thought.
"The reason why you're so stuck is because I shouldn't be the first goal in your mind, you should. Are you following?" You nod.
"Good. You need to understand, this job isn't about trying to meet a standard or getting someone to notice you. Self-improvement. It's all in the title. Self-improvement."
You shiver as his warm hand rests on your shoulder. "If you're already this hung up on trying to win me over, take a step back and think about who's approval matters more. Yours or mine?"
It clicked. Everything fit into place and the dam broke, though that should have been more obvious to you when Miguel's face had started to look a little foggier.
At first, you had expected him to hand you a tissue or something but he didn't move from his place. Instead, resorting to rubbing his hand up and down your shoulder in a weird, seemingly unfitting gesture.
You swiftly wiped your tears away with your palm, stifling a sniffle as you ask yet another question.
"So, do you think I'll have a chance of getting in someday?"
A snarkly reply or scoff was what you had anticipated but what he just did was probably the most shocking turn of events looking back at the whole night.
He chuckled.
"I'll keep you in touch."
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request rules here, masterlist here
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elysianeclipxe · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS. the plan was to have the perfect boyfriend, graduate college with the highest grades, and make the best memories with your friends. that was the plan. nowhere did the plan state anything about yang jungwon and his annoying ass. so why is he deciding to barge into your life now, ruining everything you took so long to plan out? oh that is it! you don't exactly know when/how this whole conflict between you and jungwon started, but it for sure wasn't ending any time soon. if he wants to ruin your life, then you'll just have to return the favour. GAME ON!!
PAIRING. non idol!jungwon x fem!reader (ft. enhypen, wonyoung from ive, yunjin from lesserafim, eric from the boyz, gyuvin from zb1, and isa from stayc)
GENRE/AU. smau & written, fluff, angst, crack, college au, enemies to friends to lovers, academic rivals kinda, slowburn
WARNINGS. swearing obvs, kys/kms jokes, friendly bullying, suggestive humour, random timestamps, my attempts at being funny (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠), so much delusions and down bad people, more to be added...
STATUS. discontinued (sorry yall TT)
SIDENOTE. this was created bcz of impulsive decisions so yeah, also this is my first time writing a smau so beware. btw my jokes and shit is like so broken so i'm sorry if the humour is lame 😭😭 i tried my best. very proud to say that i made the banner hehe 🤭 also, this smau is all for fictional purposes!! besides all of that, i hope you all enjoy reading this ^^
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backyard hooligans 🤡 || pookie bears 🥺🧸 || extras
01. low grades?? HA, can't relate
02. daily reality check (cries)
03. forever my mt. everest
04. definition of stupid
05. ure a dumb ficus (written + smau)
06. oh... hi
08. im into blueberry looking guys
more to be added...
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TAGLIST. CLOSED (send in an ask or comment to be added)
@dneltrise @b1ndignity @maimoirs @hjinnie @sooshibot @kjrcrz @wonniestars @haechology @fiqire @ibedreaminghighupinthesky @mrowwww @enhaz1 @ashy1um @j1nniee @ahnneyong @jayfrvr
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xzinbdg · 1 month
hi its me again 😃 if u dont know then I'm the jyp one HELP. can i be 🐼 anon? I LOVE UR BLOG SM mwah mwah. sorry for sending many asks but I love ur work sm????😨 i love idol!y/n x idol!zb1 so i wanna req more about it omg.
wony and hanbin as mcs for aaa was so cute !
can you make idol!zb1 reaction/scenario to senior (but same age as jiwoong) idol!yn being mcs with hanbin. zb1 members r fan of her group since the start! real asf fanboys but some members have a crush on her!!
btw take ur time and write it whenever ur free or want to<3 take care 😋
hello!!! happy to welcome u 🐼 anonie!! thank u so much for enjoying my work and sending asks! AND SO TRUE WONY AND HANBIN SO CUTE!!! BOTH SO PRETTY!! also i hope youre okay with this format i was a bit confused as to how to make this 🥹 im really sorry that this took SO much time 😭 hope u enjoy!! 💕🫶
you being mcs with hanbin
pairing: zb1 x idol!reader (hanbin x reader)
kind of a one-shot
zerobaseone masterlist // main masterlist
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cerezzzita · 1 year
Hey there, kween. Rainbow dragon here with some valentine themed asks. Giving Dante a bouquet of his favorite flowers (red roses?) with “how much did all of this cost you…” “does that really matter?”. Or forcing McCree to watch a soppy movie + "That's really all I need. Some time with just you." Here's some valentines chocolates a s payment 🍫🍫🍫
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🍓 ˖ . ᵎᵎ kiss from a rose ✦ dante x fem!reader
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⌕ synopsis: It's Valentine's Day and your loving devil have a thing for everything red, especially roses.
notes: oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god- FINALLY MADE SOMETHING WITH >HIM< AAAA he's my boo, Dante's just the love of my life, I can't put in words how much I love this man! he's so sjsksananwwh UGHHH I LOVE HIM SO FREAKING MUCH! MAN I LOVE YOUUU <dante3
okay okay, now i can breath. oof! firstly, happy Valentine's Day y'all! if you have a Valentine to spend the day with, hope everything's nice and smooth with you, sending you friendly but sweet kisses, and if you're like me, without a Valentine (not that that's sad okay it can be pretty good and all), come here, Dante will make your day brighter and especial as he's making with me hehehehehe.
so! hope you all enjoy the reading! AND BY THE WAYYY GO FOLLOW @aldryrththerainbowheart, yup, the sweetheart that requested this! they (sorry, I don't know your pronouns, hope I don't offend you) have an DMC Arcana Series that's mwah, over the top! thank you for requesting, though <3333 and here some sugar for ya too 🍫🍫🍫
♡ word count: 455
♡ tags: fluffy, 2nd pov (you/yours), Dante being an sugarcube, use of petnames (because it's not Dante if he's not using petnames), female reader, he's shirtless btw, Dante being the ultimate red lover that he is <3
✦ read on ao3
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Stealthily, you entered the doors of the Devil May Cry shop, the tails of your eyes inspecting every possible corner. Everything seemed unnaturally quiet for a venue that had daily hustles among its members. Perhaps it was due to the fact that that day was no other than Valentine's Day. And you were looking for your valentine, one with silver hair, crystal eyes and a smoldering mischievous smile.
Speaking of mischief, the tips of your lips twitched in a similarly conceited smile. Your hands behind your back guarded a preciousness that yes, could have taken a good amount of your salary as a Devil Hunter, but it would be worth it.
Returning to the present scenario, by instinct your eyebrows shaped curious curves by the unusual silence, which was occasionally interrupted by the low — almost inaudible — music coming from the old jukebox. Your mouth opened to vocalize:
“Yoo-hoo, Dante! Where are you?”
“Miss me, sugarcube?” From the top of the stairs emerged the slender half-demon, looking fresh and shirtless. Oh yeah. A freshly showered Dante could never be too much candy for the eye.
Your teeth subtly bit into the soft flesh of your lower lip, but not to give reasons to further inflate the Devil Hunter's ego, you shook your head and took a step or two towards him.
“There you are,” you purred, capturing the smoothness of Dante's lips on yours that resulted in a brief seal. “Did you really think I would let such a special date go unnoticed?”
It was Dante's turn to let his brow rise in question, the look of his features compounded by his caricature lightness and wit. Though he couldn't be astute enough to predict the movement of your hands as you filled the fields of his eyes with a neat, fragrant bouquet of red roses. His clear, icy eyes widened in surprise.
“Since you have a thing for everything that's red, I thought they were your favourites!” You justified, the soft feeling of the fervency of love and embarrassment united in a single averted gaze. Your irises returned to Dante's still dazed face.
“How much did all of this cost you…?”
“Does that really matter?” You replied.
Dante finally gave you one of those rousing, contagious smiles of his, catching the crimson flowers in one hand and wrapping his arm around your waist, lifting you off your feet in an impromptu hug. The palm of your hand, by impulse, found the warmth of the firm and naked chest of the half-demon.
“Aw, babe, you're the best girlfriend ever!" With that said, your entire face was soon taken over by lots and lots of splattered kisses. “Thank you so much, angelcake!”
“Tee-hee, happy Valentine's Day, daredevil…”
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cerezzzita©, 2023 · all rights reserved ⓘ do not copy, edit, steal or claim as yours
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nomniki · 11 months
🖇️ ⠀⠀⎯⎯⠀⠀⠀*⠀⠀fate.
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(✉️) 4 new messages to be viewed in dark mode !
⤷ to celebrate 1k, i’m going to be completing requests for bf texts, short oneshots and bf hcs for enskz+&team members in different aus
⤷ i will be accepting 3 requests per au and 1 request per user although this is subject to change and enthusiasm, and you can request these by sending me an ask, preferably not on anon T_T
⤷ aus you can request: spiderman, supernatural not the show btw, tokyo ghoul, gossip girl, haikyu, actors, soulmates, attack on titan, jujutsu kaisen, shadowhunters, other aus can be requested but i make no promises about whether or not i’ll do those
⤷ i will not accept requests lacking basic manners, accepts from people who spam my ask box or comments with their request, etc.
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(💌) 1 unopened message from user nomniki !
⤷ i am so excited for this gn rbs are super appreciated even if you’re not requesting something and honestly thank u sm for 1000 million followers it’s honestly so insane :( some of u have been with me since wtio too! i hope u all enjoy this event mwah and also if any of the instructions are unclear please don’t be afraid to ask for clarification i just didn’t want this post to get too long :(
⤷ tagging some of my mootie pooties i hope u guys do nawt mind > @ughsoobin @jeonginisms @soobnny @luvrhyune @boyfhee @sunnibearr @haerinz
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© nomniki, 2023 do not copy or repost
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13keithxpidge13 · 1 year
BTW! Everyone is free to draw/write for any of my AU’S which includes Scarlet Witch!Hobie and my Punkflower Family AU! But, also anything else I’ve written! Even tiny prompts :D all I ask is that you credit me somewhere and send it to me so I can see/read it! Thanks for all the support and love! MWAH! Love you guys!
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thisismeracing · 1 year
I'm sending this in bc I have been gathering random thoughts but don't worry about answering right the way!
okay first
-mick is kind of a golden retriever but in my opinion he is more of a blue eyed labrador
maybe bc he's a little shy and g retrievers are all out a have a very energetic vibe even when with strangers they're over energetic, but I feel like mick is more of a shy person who might be social but doesn't initiate any interaction + mick with short hair looks exactly like a labrador don't lie to yourself guys
-mick invites estie everywhere bc he's a very intuitive person (not that you need it to see it) but he feels like estie is always kinda left out even when he is invited to things - he is a empath and you can't change mind
-I know how bad it is to "diagnose" people out of nowhere BUT as a neurodivergent my self I feel such a neurodivergent vibe from him?!? am I the only one?
-out of all the drivers he's the one who seems to try to get out of his bubble the most (if we count Seb and Lewis out) he engages and tries to learn + support a lot of things that are socially important, out of the younger drivers he is the one who shows most interested in it too. I worry so much that once Lewis retires (still crying about Seb), we will basically have no drivers who strives for diversity and equality as strongly as they do
-I will say that i'm a gemini and the person I had the best romantic relationship was a Aries, Idk why people hate them?? They are literally one of the best zodiac signs, there is nothing about them I don't like, I don't know what that says about me
now I will also admit that the worst romantic relationship I've had was with a Cancer, he was the most emotionally manipulative person I ever met, please avoid them at all costs romantically (just a warning- I mean a tip)
btw love you lots and love how you answer everything that is sent in
- 🎀 anon
-oMG I- I CAN TOTALLY SEE IT AND I HAVE TO AGREE!! HAHAHAH I can't unsee it! Now, every time I pass a lab I'm gonna think about Mick lol
-I had the same feeling tbh. I think he is the kind of person who likes to make everyone feel loved and welcomed, so sometimes even without noticing he gravitates towards the less famous in the crowd. 🥹
-I think this may be like on the estie bestie point: he just radiates such good energy that we can't help but identify with him, maybe that leads us to "getting X vibe" like you just did 💗 (I'm not elaborating much on this point bc I feel like this is a very personal and delicate subject so yup).
-I've been refraining to think about Lewis' retirement because I have the same feeling you do. It's not that the others don't care (some really don't tbh), but there's a difference in how he acts and how some of the grid acts. Lewis tends to use his voice more, just like Seb did/still do, and this is what we need: people who understand that their biggest power is their voice, not only their money when the conversation is creating diverse and prejudice-free spaces.
-I honestly don't understand much about astrology, though I do believe in it. But if Mick has any red flags related to his star sign you can bet I'm acting colorblind about it 😘👍🏾 I've never really stopped to notice how people talk about Aries, I'm making a point out of it now. Maybe Gemini people like to do exactly what others told them not to hahaha thank you for the tip!! I'm gonna keep an eye open for them!! 👀✍️🏾
aweeee, love you too, honey!! thanks for the ask, I'm patiently waiting for the next round *mwah* 💖💖💖
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chaotic-orphan · 7 months
Have you got any writing blogs you recommend? oh and btw your writing is so undeniably incredible its is mind boggling to me that you havent gotten signed to a writing label yet. Your ability to transport the reader so fluidly into completely made up worlds is so special. I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Ahaaahhh writing blogs yes absolutely!! Also thank you for your kind comments, this is the second ask I got today that was just incredibly overwhelming and filled my heart with so much joy so thank you :)
Also, I will put the handles (are they still called handles or is my age showing) of the blogs with a @/ then the blog name so they don’t know how much I obsess over them… so if you wanna find them, just put in @(blogname) without the /
Number one for me rn is @/whumblr, omg they upload a scrap of writing and I am chomping at the bit like WHERE IS THE REST so highly recommend them! READ HOME IS WHERE THE HURT IS AND COME BACK TO ME AND WE FANGIRL OVER IT
And @/painsandconfusion so so so good!!! Same vein as Whumblr, sorry I’m starting with Whump blogs because I love them! Whumping the Whumpers is a top grade, chefs kiss from them and also showstopper which I read as it came out and was obsessing over — also got halfway through waking dream which was intense~
@/whump-in-the-closet is the one who brought me headfirst into the community and who’s blog I stalked to see how Whump works and the many, many, many branches of it — I think they started college recently so they are on a hiatus but they have some series that just hit different
Another is @/Saltydumplings who is more hero x villain writing and *aggressive inhale* so fricken good if you have a hero x villain itch
Obviously obviously obviously the queen herself of tumblr writing is @/themoderntypewriter, mwah mwah mwah, how many writing blogs has she inspired? Who knows… also hero x villain and every other trope ever so good
I used they/them for everyone I’m sorry I don’t want to go check the actual blogs for pronouns you can see for yourself I’m tired and I’m going to bed! But please go send these blogs all the love you got
Agus sin é! Enjoy!!
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here, since im offering :)
these dreams - jim croce
heavy metal drummer - wilco
englishman in new york - sting
a lack of understanding - the vaccines (i recommend every vaccines album except for everything post combat sports. haven’t listened to their newest release yet my trust has to be mended)
i would have included some heavier stuff but i liked these ones too much it was a real battle for some of these letters…
HIII HELLOO buck i am SO SORRY for taking literally forever to answer this ask AHH <3333 i wanted to listen to them all properly and uni has been destroying my consciously listening to music time (as opposed to just. listening to sounds. and not really hearing anything bc you're so stressed... does anyone ever get this <//3) ANYWAYS !!! thank you sosososo much for making me this playlist I LOVE LOVE IT your taste is literally exquisite + you're so cool + i am in love with you btw....<3 i had such a good time on my little walk to class bopping and such to these tunes :)) MWAH thank you my love <3333 I ESP LOVEDDD a lack of understanding by the vaccines WHAT A SONG!!!!!!!!!! going straight on one of my playlists very excited 2 listen again and again and again yayyy :)))) sending lots of love hugging u hope uni + life are both being kind to you my lovely <333 xx
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saturn-sends-hugs · 1 month
For the bad batch ask!!!
17, 24, 34, and/or 48
Feel free to answer only the ones you want to <3<3
oh bestie i am answering ALL OF THEM
17. What are some headcanons you have about Tech?
oooo ok i found a couple in my notes app:
When watching a movie, Tech can get bored pretty quickly and usually ends up finding the space wikipedia page on it and listing off random facts about its production as they watch. Him and Echo often get into debates about how the SFX was done.
Less of a headcanon and more of a “what if”, but if Anakin ever piloted the Marauder, Tech would reluctantly agree that objectively Anakin is a pretty good pilot, but he’d grumble the whole time about him “messing up his systems.”
Tech has tried time and time again to convince Echo to let him weaponize his cybernetics. The strategic benefit of hidden weaponry would give them a backup plan in the event that they were ever without their blasters, and Wrecker of course just wants to see it happen. Echo, however, remains adamant that no, he would prefer not to sleep with a functioning rocket launcher in his scomp arm, thank you very much.
Tech cannot tell directions. He constantly has maps pulled up on his HUD, so he never gets lost, and no one ever questions it. But if he’s ever without his helmet or something? Oh. Oh buddy, he is lost in two seconds. You spin him around once and he has no idea what direction he just came from. Crosshair is more than happy to tease him about it.
Tech cannot dance. While he knows how to dance in that he’s seen tutorials and memorized the motions, he’s just so incredibly stiff that it’s actually abysmal. (It takes Phee a long, long time before she manages to get him to loosen up lol)
aaaaaand that’s probably enough :D
24. Do you have any hot or controversial takes?
oh absolutely and about 70% of them are just my opinions on Hunter.
Fandom thinks he has a ten step skincare routine, tons of hair products, and spends forever getting ready? NOPE. The man uses 5-in-1 shampoo and washes his face with hand soap. He has no clue what the word “exfoliating” means. He dresses like a fisherman grandpa and thinks sunscreen is for fancy people.
Also, the fisherman thing is like my whole concept of Hunter lol. He sends this to Omega no context one day thinking it’s the funniest thing in the world (he is correct)
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not really a hot take, but honestly you already said everything about the whole Fandom Drama™️ stuff so this is what I’ve got lol
34. Which Batcher would you like to kick in the shins?
Crosshair. Obviously. (also Echo for being incapable of self care but i feel like it would be hypocritical to get upset about the ways i’m actively choosing to write him bskhkdndndkd)
48. What’s something you wish you could say/tell to each Batcher?
Tech: don’t hold your datapad so close to your face, you’re gonna get a headache. also where have you been girlie i missed you in the last episodes for some reason, you should really hurry up and get back from the podraces!
Crosshair: go suck an egg. btw have you considered piercings because i gotta say i’m imagining you with a septum and some platform boots and it’s incredible.
Hunter: uh. hi.
Omega: you’re doing amazing sweetie and ur brothers won’t say it but they’re so proud of u mwah
Echo: (regarding slow down) SIT THE FUCK DOWN RIGHT NOW MISTER I SWEAR TO GOD. WTH ARE YOU DOING. WHO IS LETTING YOU CONTINUE TO BE THIS STUPID HOLY SH— (me. it’s me. i’m doing this to myself.) also stop ignoring rex u wet noodle.
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daydadahlias · 1 month
Hi I just finished made in magnolia for like the 5th time, it’s truly so fantastic and one of the best fics I’ve ever read. Was just wondering would you ever consider writing some scenes from Ashton’s POV (like for example their first kiss or the scene with cal wearing makeup)?
(Btw I hope you know I’m not sending this to pressure you I’m just genuinely curious and would obvs eat up anything set in this universe, much love )
hi!! thank u so much for reading MiM this many times <3 it's truly so sweet and it really means the world to me that this can be the kind of story someone can reread again and again and also that you'd consider it !! one of the best fics !! that's so sweet !! mwah <3
as for writing scenes from Ashton's POV, because I had the prologue in Ashton's POV, I do also have an epilogue from him (that took place at muke's wedding) that I planned to post but never did. I'm def not AGAINST posting it, I just haven't ever finished it and now it feels too late to add it on lol.
and, in terms of rewriting scenes that already exist in the fic, I don't really Like doing that kind of thing tbh. I think it's super cool (and I actually did used to do it a LOT in my old writing for other fandoms bc i was obsessed w/ dual pov) but now I don't enjoy it as much because it doesn't give you - as the writer - a lot of room to play around and do new things because all the dialogue has to stay the same. You have to make sure all the actions/dialogue/motivations are consistent and the same as the first scene which is fairly difficult, especially when it's been so long since I wrote MiM now. I don't really have the same connection w/ the characters that I did during the writing process anymore (like, to be honest with you, if u were to ask me a trivia question about MiM, I probably wouldn't be able to answer it). So, like, I don't think I would write a very good scene if I were to write it now.
so i do really appreciate the question and also the interest <3 but I don't really have any interest in doing that unfortunately. i would like to, ideally, finish the epilogue at some point but I do battle a little internally w/ wanting to post it because I really enjoy MiM as the finished body of work it already is :)
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makethatelevenrings · 2 months
Hey Honey! listen… this isn’t a request more of a question… it’s just that i have been looking for a specific fanfic for the longest time ever and i think you’re the one that wrote it! I will give you the description of it, can you tell me if it rings any bells for you?
ok so:
I read it here on tumblr! it wasn’t a reaaaaal fanfic… people would send ask’s for the author and she would make some one-shots for the same characters.
it had no use of y/n.
It was a Bruce x fem!Reader fanfic.
The reader worked in a jewelry store (i think), that’s how they met! Bruce was looking to buy gift for Alfred and mc was working front desk! Bruce ended up buying some gardening gloves for him.
Bruce had a female friend that was a model.
the last “chapter” that i read was Alfred POV, and he was thinking about Bruce and mc’s relationship.
Bruce and the reader tried to keep their relationship a secret but in trip that they took in a resort but a paparazzi took a photo of them and he released to the midia.
The reader eventually finds out that Bruce is batman.
The author also had another fanfic, but it was on ao3 (that’s why i think it’s you!!! i absolutely adore -and miss- “For All the Light That I Shut Out”).
That’s all I can remember! thank you so much for reading my long message! I just saw that your request are closed, i apologize if i am breaking some sort of tumblr etiquette (I’m new here! i’m still learning haha!)…It’s just that… well… it isn’t a request per say… just a question? (i will totally understand if you don’t answer me btw!!!) if it wasn’t you that wrote it, i am so sorry for wasting your time!!! Also!! thank you so much for what you’re doing for Palestine! it’s great to see that the Batman community supports Palestine while some big creators that refuse to talk about it!!!
love your work so much!!! good luck with your school work!!!! lots of kisses!!! 😘
hi bestie!!!! I loved reading this message haha
I knew EXACTLY what fic you’re talking about but I didn’t write it. However, it was written by one of my all-time, absolutely favorite writer @youvebeenlivingfictional I have read her masterlist over and over again. My best friend will literally text me “opening Old Dog again” and it’s like yeah bitch!!!! I get you!!!! I’m obsessed too!!!!
And don’t worry about sending in asks like this!!! It made me chuckle AND I get to talk up one of the best authors on this here hellsite? Amazing. 10/10, would reply again. MWAH.
p.s. I miss Lily and Bruce too lol, I’m begging my brain to work
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naffeclipse · 10 months
You're tearing me apart Naff!!!
I caught up on song fish,,
(I'm sorry this is a mess, I'm commenting on both chapters in one go)
I love this sailboat!! I can imagine it looking so pretty! But I need to ask, what kind of sailboat is it??? Did you reference an actual real life one or did you make it up? Sorry I'm extremely curious X3
It's going better and oh my god I'm so proud of y/n! Throughout both of these chapters they're getting so much more comfortable and confident, I just wanna squeeze them and tell them how good they're doing!!!
Gregory is such a hero, so patient and understanding, and now with the secret out, their connection is so much stronger, I love it!!
The boys are doing a good job too, it's hard for them to not seem a little fast paced with the progress since they are the creatures y/n have been so afraid of their entire life. But they're so gentle and patient, they're doing their best, aah they're so lovable!! If they weren't so huge I'd wrap my arms around both of them and spin them around!
The island Sun takes y/n to! I wanna be there with him so bad!! And the gentle way he encourages y/n to get underwater and then y/n being comfortable enough to do it again!? AAAAAH MY HEART!!!!
Gregory and Freddy!! Gosh Freddy is perfect! Also oh lord I'm trying to imagine what he'd look like (more like how I'd draw him, he'd be such a creature pfkfjd)
"Different how?" You whisper.
They are bonded as father and cub.
And your bond with Sun and Moon is different. You can't linger on the thought without blushing.
AAAAAAAA!!! *kicking my legs like a little school girl and hiding my face in my hands*
Idk why but I felt something bad was gonna happen as I Moon went hunting in the dream. I was SO EXCITED for a hunt, but part of me was afraid. Oh god I hate that I was right.
Circus baby!!?!? So incredibly unexpected but my gosh I love what you did with her design!! She's the kraken and I LOVE IT!! (I might be enjoying her design a little too much actually, don't mind me as I pick up my pen)
Moon and Sun can be terrifying when they want to be, hell yeaaaa!!! There's the monster fight I've been waiting for!! But oh no MOON NOOOO!!!! D':
AaaaaAAAAA!!! Baby!! They're so happy to be called baby again! The way they vibrate and chirp in delight AAAA my heart!!
Again I'm so happy that y/n and Gregory have each other through this, they're both suffering now but at least they have each other..
Well shit. There's Circus again.
That ending to chapter 5 has me rattling you so hard Naff. You really like causing suffering huh? I really hope all that didn't undo too much of y/n's progress,, it just got worse and worse.
Such a good cliffhanger tho! I applaud you for not holding back!! Your writing can turn so dark and sinister in seconds, it's wonderful!
Brilliant work as always! I cannot wait for the next chapter!! The monster fight will be LEGENDARY!!!!
Hope you're doing well btw, I'm sending you good vibes and hugs regardless. Remember to take care of yourself and get plenty of rest ♥️♥️♥️
It's a sloop sailboat! Very simple but it gets the job done hehe
I'm rattling you so hard right now! I'm so happy you like it and I'm very excited for you to read the last chapter (no rush of course hehe) and augh, I'm really glad you like Circus, she's so evil and fun to write, and ohhhh, your art of her is still so stunning! I love it *mwah*
Thanks, and I hope you're doing well, too! Hugs and kisses, and make sure to take it easy on yourself! Ahh, thank you so much for reading, babe! ♥
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ad0rechuu · 1 year
rank your mutuals from 'sweet, classy princess' to 'fucking unhinged (affectionate)' (U CAN IGNORE IF YOUD LIKE CAUSE I THINK YOU'VE ALREADY DONE THIS BEFORE (if you haven't i think im going crazy, i blame it at school)😭)
i haven’t but i think whoever send this should be at fucking unhinged because this is crazy hard !! but here we go:
@end0rchans. ━━ ur really funny but ur asks abt melody and luna always warm my heart so!! i can’t thank u enough like ever i’m gonna kiss u on the forehead one of these days cuz u deserve it SO much 😙
@girls4cheol. ━━ the ask when moonbin passed away is always on my mind and i use it as a motivator a lot so the sweetest!! i associate svts super with u btw <3
@rieuvie. ━━ such a cutie and soo talented! every time we interact i just think ur so cool and also i really enjoy seeing ur work on my tl even if not in the fandom ur writing abt
@sunoo-bby. ━━ that’s my lil sis right there!! i appreciate u so much and some of the asks that u send make me wanna scream in a pillow because they are so kind! i just wanna project and babie u ‼️
@coquetteky. ━━ THE barbatos simp, u always manage to brighten my day and in general you have this really bright and positive energy about u! u were my first friend on here and i’m so glad u reached out bubba🤞
@tocupid. ━━ i have to be honest ur entire in this spot because of ur comments on milky way pookie <3 i have never someone have such passion for a fan fiction 😭 ur one of the reasons why mw is so fun for me and i always look forward to mondays and thursdays MWAH!! (fwak yn x taegyu! may yn x luan rise!!)
@ari-shipping-stuff. ━━ it started because i needed a beta reader and now there i can’t imagine not talking to u for more than a day 🫶 ur so intelligent and i’m surprised ur not tired of me yet ily!! thanks for talking shit abt the obey me boys and always enabling me >_^ (i would call u to bail me out of jail)
@leo-seonghwa. ━━ leo ur so lovely, ur asks make my day time and time again but that’s exactly why ur this low the fucking memes never fail to make me laugh dawg 😭😭 (ur the best)
@sweatyjeans. ━━ (i think our pms speak for themselves but that’s our business 😽) ur such a warm and approachable person i think anyone would benefit from having a jeani in their life (not mine tho 👍)
@bluehwale-main. ━━ my wife!!! ur fics are so good that i am the personification of giggle swinging my legs whenever i read them :3 ur always there for me and i luv u sm but then again i can’t think of a conversation that would either get us banned from kpop in general or where we are not with our tongues down each other throat and i love that <3 (i wish we met irl)
i hope i didn’t offend anyone lol but wherever ur placed on the list know that i love you and that ur insane for even wanting to be moots with me <3 have a nice day!
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