#but as a general rule if i was calling a friend/family member and they didn't answer i'd just text them to follow up
heich0e · 3 months
important question for liv research purposes
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mcytblr-archive · 3 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: conarcoin
today's interviewee is conarcoin, runner in the 2020 MCYTblr elections, founder of gay castle, mod on the mcytblr-confessions blog, and MCYTblr veteran! below is a transcript of the questions and answers.
Q: You’ve been in MCYTblr for a long time, and participated in a lot of MCYTblr events, so let’s work our way through them. Can you tell me a bit about what 2020-2021 MCYTblr was like for you, or anything that immediately comes to mind when you think of it?
A: 2020-2021 MCYTblr was a shithole, but it was a shithole I made some really good friends in and I don't regret that period at all. I regret some stupid posts I made, sure, but overall? Nah. 2020 MCYTblr was always filled with drama as it was a transitional period - it was primarily made up of what we now call "truthers" and the scattered remnants of SMPblr, and that sort of caused a culture clash. I'm immediately reminded of the time I got into a huge drama for having the url "transtubbo" in 2020, which one ex-SMPblr user was not fond of. Also a lot of posts made by straight up weirdos like that one infamous "sex god whore" post.
(the url "transtubbo" was not a truthing thing, but a DSMP thing, but this was a time when truthers were still everywhere in MCYTblr and the divide between RP and real life wasn't as clear, which is how I ended up in hot water)
Q: I understand that you started and ran the “gay castle” discord server. Why was it created? What was your experience running it?
A: Gay Castle's still alive and well after 3 years. Me and a friend made the server in September 2020 due to being tired of the drama in another server we were in called Sleepyheads. It's a personal friend server, so we just invited people we thought were chill to hang out and have some laughs. I honestly would call Gay Castle my internet family, they're a wild bunch and we've had so many great times over the past 3 years.
Q: What was it like running the mcytblr-confessions blog? Do any confessions stand out to you from memory?
A: mcytblr-confessions is the child of me and like 10 or so other members of Gay Castle. The experience is mostly mundane, just queueing and deleting asks. We do get a lot of asks that get deleted due to breaking the rules and such, but it hasn't been particularly drama-filled or anything. There's way too many confessions that stand out to me, but personal favorites of mine will always include the Foolish peas anon, the Highcraft church anon, and the one about AustinShow calling anon Greg instead of their actual name.
Q: If my memory serves, you ran in the October 2020 MCYTblr elections. Who did you run as? What was your experience being a part of it?
A: I did, alongside a friend at the time who went by Fakenoblade. I don't remember too many details from that period of time. We ran as "Potato2020" and didn't get very far but we had fun. Cecilia (bless her heart, we're still mutuals even though we don't talk often) can do a really good Technoblade impression, so in call we had her say some funny lines that we edited into a promotional campaign video. Fun stuff.
Q: Are there any other events that stand out to you?
A: The day a bunch of content creators joined in 2021, mostly smaller ones. That was around the same time I became friends with Erin (@itselectralive), who is still one of my closest friends to this day and an absolute sweetheart. She got me onto a SMP she helped run called Balls SMP, which crashed and burned, but I had fun and met some cool people.
Q: Do you remember any of the main discourses/dramas that went through the community?
A: Apologist discourse, obviously. I didn't engage with it - I honestly didn't care for either c!Tommy or c!Dream - but it's hard to avoid it. Shipping discourse and boundary discourse. Honestly, I can't remember anything more specific besides the more general dramas.
Q: What do you remember most fondly from that time?
A: Honestly? Just early Gay Castle and also liveblogging the L'Manberg Election. That night was so much fun, one of the most vivid memories of that time period I have.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add?
A: You guys should watch SMPLive. Not really, it's aged like piss and several creators ended up being freaks but it's still got a lot of funny jokes and interesting lore (believe it or not). From what I have seen, its fandom is the root of a lot of MCYT fandom's most obnoxious behaviors, but the people who are left and still care about it are really cool. It turned 5 this month!
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9800sblog · 8 months
hongjoong tarot reading
public persona vs real personality
do i have his energy permission to do and share this reading? page of pentacles
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fun fact, this my mom's bias!
I didn't write down the cards because I usually get too many in this type of reading as there are many questions being made. but nothing here is difficult to notice in real life and I'm not exposing any secrets, so just trust me bros 🤥
hongjoong is seen as a leader, he wants to be seen as compassionate and friendly, but firm, he wants others to know that there are consequences and he should be feared if need be (this includes everyone, like how he calls out fans if they mess up bad). he tries to look fun, entertaining, of course, and he really tries to become friends with those involving his work, although he has strong boundaries and limits, if necessary. he doesn't let people walk over anyone, and he's the type to follow strict rules and activities but only with ease, but only if he agrees with them. hongjoong thinks it's important to show happiness and contentment on camera no matter what. his job is to fulfill a fantasy, so the way he acts depends a lot on what's the job - photoshoot, stage, live, vlog, etc. in general, he wants to bring happiness and escape to others, he really dives into the idea of ateez being a family. he also shows a lot of respect to traditions and social hierarchies, he often asks advice and listens attentively to his seniors, and is extra polite around different types of people (reminded of him asking permission to touch a fan's face when ateez was doing their makeup). hongjoong's fanservice is nothing unusual, it's easy to understand and identify (at least that's what he thinks), overall he acts like he is impulsive and all fans are incredibly attractive to him, he acts as if he's genuinely got a crush on people (he's a good actor) and he thinks it's part of a game everyone agreed to play, hongjoong might think his fans are very down to earth and realistic, and everyone knows when he's not being genuine (he is wrong), he does think fans lack boundaries and rules and he tries to put them in their place when he can and sees wrong. hongjoong sees fans from a distance, however, he may gloss over social media every once in a while to figure out fan's tendencies but may think looking often is bad for his mental health, even with those fans that have the best intentions (seeing people that don't know him talk about him all the time is bad for his self image, no matter if they're talking good or bad, as it's disconnected from reality either way).
of all members I've read, hongjoong is the most calm when it comes to fan's idea of him, I mean he is mostly known for social fights and his artistic view (very different from seonghwa, who is seen as a woman, literally, and mingi who is seen as a sex icon, those are more harmful to one's mental well-being and the readins reflected that)
work is a HUGE part of hongjoong's personal life, his friends are co-workers, he relaxes by working, he has fun by working, this guy is a fucking workaholic. hongjoong may find some relief in letting other's guide for once, not making decisions or being democratic. his love language may be acts of service and quality time, as he may enjoy doing things/chores when spending time with friends, specially creative ones and mindful discussions. he may act as a sort of therapist for other members and friends hehe for relaxing, he may enjoy spending time with friends and family, anywhere as long as they're together, he gets to get out of his head a bit, his family is his safe space. and likes to think about life in a "glass half full" type of way, to not be overwhelmed by the negativity that all and any things in life can bring, hongjoong likes to focus on the brighter side and what he can do to change the bad side. he enjoys art as well, it's undoubtedly a hobby of his, we don't need tarot to say this haha. hongjoong may enjoy being around children and animals, parks, water spots (rivers, beaches, bridges, etc) or any family related stuff, he may find a type of bliss and see a type of innocence and beauty there that he doesn't anywhere else. hongjoong loves his job a lot, so that's what he does to have fun too kkkkkk he often enjoys being with his members and maybe the trainees in his company, he loves to play games but I think specially mobile games cause you can bring them anywhere. hongjoong loves to study about different aspects of his job, to learn different things about the world outside of seoul and/or korea, he may also be a very spiritual or religious person in privacy as I got some cards related to that. he may have a specific set of moral rules and standards that he likes to follow, believe in and study about. when totally alone, hongjoong feels he can finally be his truest self, his most genuine and raw version, it feels liberating in a way. he does a lot for others in daily life. although he enjoys it, it's nice to have time to look after his own well-being and stability. he's mostly focused on his inner child, making him feel safe and fulfilled. he doesn't care a lot about being alone, definitely not an introvert or a neurodivergent so if you heard any rumors about that 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️ kkkkkkk just joking, I'm being silly 😛😝 but seriously, he doesn't seem to care about being alone, it's nice for a change, he's not the type to be scared of his own thoughts either, he'd just rather be with others because it's fun. when he's alone he may just distract himself, and do whatever there is to do or watch tv, talk to himself. he may like to use alone time to think about himself as an individual too, to try to separate his feelings from others' and, again, may be a bit spiritual!
this is the most stable and calm member I've read, the most consistent energy throughout the entire reading and very comforting in the private section, specially towards the end.
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roalinda · 11 months
if we're talking book prongsfoot material, i have a fond spot for their first meeting in Hogwarts Express. James liking Sirius' ironic wit, the way Sirius backed James up against Snape (and Lily btw). James being childish, open and bold, and Sirius taken by it so naturally. And like, we almost get to see the moment Sirius' life turned, 'breaking family tradition' said as a joke yet, as 'maybe', but we know few more hours with James and it's Gryffindor, baby XD
The train scene is so unique and has such a great impact that can be easily acknowledged as the start of their - quite the double act - which later they became infamous for, even between the teachers. They did it unknowingly yet so in sync despite their young age and their different backgrounds. They simply matched and clicked, like two pieces of a puzzle, soul mates. ♡ 
Sirius' sorting in Gryffindor instead of Slytherin is a complicated thing. He has that quick wit and sarcasm of the Slytherin House members, proven by his quick sarcastic and harsh come back to Snape in the train when he called Gryffindors - brawny than brainy - , telling him that he has none. He didn't say it in a way an eleven years old Gryffindor boy would bluntly say, he said it in a witty stinging way, the Slytherin way. 
BUT, here is the difference, he did it to back up Gryffindor, despite the Black family being Slytherins for generations. He didn't care about the views of his family, their pureblood culture or Snape's comment, he did what he wanted to do and what he felt was right, he did what naturally came to him.
I think James' presence indeed influenced in Sirius' sorting in Gryffindor but I also think that the sorting hat didn't do it just for that. Sirius was a pureblood from an ancient family with probably a vast magical knowledge for his age when he came to Hogwarts, so there is no way he didn't know about the history of the four Houses and their values and motto. (Unlike Harry who didn't know anything and based on what he had heard, asked the hat not to put him in Slytherin.) 
To me, the fact he says that he may break the family tradition half-jokingly, shows his Gryffindor side. Slytherins don't kid about their sorting like that. They have the aura of I-am-better-than-you, be it about their roots or magic and wit. Sirius is indeed haughty and arrogant, but not in the Slythrin way. He is arrogant in the Gryffindor way which is scarier. I believe that the sorting hat saw more Gryffindor traits in him than Slytherin. Sirius is brave, protective, rash, a massive rule-breaker and some one who hurries to help his friends in cases of emergency, without thinking or coming up with a plan beforehand, which is very Gryffindor of him and certainty not Slytherin. 
I think that is what makes Sirius Black a horrific force of nature, someone whose friends have his complete loyalty and foes his stormy wrath, because he is a Gryffindor who has heavy Slytherin traits sleeping deep within him. It is a monstrous power and in all honesty I think the books did Sirius dirty for not showing his full potential when the reader can easily assess that by putting two and two together.
But let us not forget that in sorting there is always a choice, - it is the choices that shows one what truly is, not their abilities - as Dumbledore puts it about sorting, and I think HERE is James' role. Sirius' heart chose James, and that means Gryffindor. But here is the thing, James' heart chose Sirius as well, so personally I think he would have ended up anywhere Sirius was too. 
If there is a love at the first sight notion in the HP series, it exclusively belongs to James and Sirius. The deep platonic love is canon and the romance is very close to canon, easily to be seen between the lines and if you ask for my humble opinion, I daresay that prongsfoot makes sense more than most HP pairings. It is a tragic tale of love and loss, something so grand that cannot be put into words. 
Thank you for the ask ♡ talking about prongsfoot always makes my day brighter ♡
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chiss-ticism · 7 months
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Art wonderfully crafted by the magnificent @/tzimisce!!! [tysm again - I love her to Enoch and back :)] Woe, Pack Priest be upon ye... My beloved Dragon has art now so it's probably prudent that I actually get around to introducing her in a formal capacity :) She's probably the only [fully] V20 character in my line up now that I think about it 🤔
NAME: Ida Obertus
CLAN: Tzimisce.
PATH OF ENLIGHTENMENT: Path of Honorable Accord
[former] REVENANT FAMILY: The Obertus. [how'd you guess?]
SECT AFFILIATION: The Sabbat [More specifically their Tzimisce specific Children of the Dracon subfaction]
D.O.B.: April 21st, 1880.
D.O.D.: May 10th, 1910.
HEIGHT: 5'2'' | 157 cm
Intelligence [••••] [S: Subject Authority] You're not just bright, you're downright brilliant.
Perception [•••] You perceive moods, textures, and small changes in your environment.
Wits [•••] You are seldom surprised or left speechless.
Strength [•••] Good: you can lift 250 lbs (a little over 100 kgs).
Dexterity [•••] Good: You possess some degree of athletic potential.
NOTABLE SKILLS [what you're not seeing is how low everything else is :)]
Occult [•••••] [S: Quirks of the Blood] Scholar: You know the most basic truths about the hidden world.
Science [••••] [S: Hematology] Doctorate: You're fully capable of advancing the knowledge in your field.
Academics [••••] [S: Constantinople History] Doctorate: Professor Emeritus
Medicine [•••] [uses it for meat crimes] Masters: General Practitioner.
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She's friends with @styxnbones' Peona. Montreal Tzimisce buddies with conflicting Paths of Enlightenment😎🐉
OCD is a fairly common affliction for the Family, and Ida is no different.
Born and raised in Montreal, Québec - Ida has almost always preferred the quiet life to the hustle and bustle it no doubt provides for many a person elsewhere. This isn't exactly uncommon for the Family, who're a group of reclusive scholars loyal to the Tzimisce, and as such her parents were content to homeschool her away from the public eye.
This didn't have any ramifications on her socialization skills. None whatsoever.
A mixture of having taken a genuine interest in her chosen fields of study [mostly supernatural related quirks of the blood. Changelings, Vitae, Lupine blood, etc. etc. ] -often to the detriment of other things- & having an Eidetic Memory lead to many-a-breakthrough on her end.
In addition to her having shown signs of having been a revenant, her parents believed that they had something special with her and, as such, exchanged letters with a Tzimisce [and former cousin] interested in sponsoring her Embrace... -------
While she's perfectly capable of defending herself or reveling in sanguine succor should the situation calls for it, Ida is probably the only member of the pack that isn't on a martial bent. She prefers the time she gets to spend locked away with ancient tomes or helping prep for the Sword of Caine's festivals to, say, engaging in War Parties or the Wild Hunt.
Ida would prefer that the main body of the clan -and everyone who abides by their rulings- would carefully dissect every choice they make and refrain from haphazardly damning the rest of the clan even further than they already are, playing devils advocate like the Children are want to do: make them consider the weight of their actions and consider the responsibility that intrinsically comes with as much sway as they do.
Barring Noddism, of which she and Luther have [good naturedly] debated one another about the semantics of for hours on end, her expertise in life veered toward [supernatural] quirks of the blood: Ghouls, Revenants, trying to figure out what on earth makes changeling blood as fucked up as it is when they aren't visibly distinguishable in the slightest from everyone else, etc. etc.
Would love to get her hands on a Lupine's corpse for study but, for a plethora of reasons, it's extremely Unlikely. The handful of times the pack has been Dog tagging they trend towards leaving the damnable creature where they found it - Ida, without fail, asking a one (1) time if she can bring it back to the haven. M.J., without fail, will pretend to humor the idea and put a pin in the conversation with a resounding "No."
Pain Tolerance [2 Point Merit] [Source: Guide to the Clans] She turned off her nerves through Vicissitude :)
Grand Library [2, 4, 6, or 7 Point Merit] [Source: The Black Hand: A Guide to the Tal'Mahe'ra] Throughout the years, you've managed to amass an exquisite collection of books, both common and rare. Her personal library, housed in her home domain of Montreal, is dutifully maintained by members of her former mortal family. Any books she and their pack can't lug around on their travels, she has sent back to the library for proper sorting and cataloguing.
Eidetic Memory [2 Point Merit] You remember, with perfect detail, things you see and hear. Documents, photographs, conversations, etc., can be committed to memory with only minor concentration...
Language [Latin, Byzantine Greek, French.] [3 Points of Merits] [Source: V20 Corebook] Self explanatory :)
Retainer [1 Dot Background] She has a singular Revenant, a distant cousin of hers by the name of Colin Obertus, who helps her with her studies & helps the pack maintain their Haven. [Barring her own room, which she insists upon maintaining herself]
RITAE [She is the Pack Priest, after all.]
All 13 Auctoritas Ritae
Allegiance Ritus
Before the Acceptance Ritus occurs, a vampire already Embraced but not yet Sabbat must go through the Allegiance Ritus. This ritus is especially important for Camarilla defectors. The Allegiance Ritus is long and involved, and it may go on for years before the recruit is permitted the Acceptance Ritus and welcomed as a full member of the sect. Part of the process involved the implanting of a secret mark on the body of the defector (a tattoo, scar, brand, etc.) through the use of Vicissitude so it will be permanent. Before receiving this *ritus*, the initiate must sit or stand to the rear of his packmates during auctoritas ritae. He must drink last at the vaulderie, and may not contribute himself. He may not read or discuss passages from the *Book of Nod* aloud. The time involved in confirming the initiate's commitment to the Sabbat makes it all the more difficult for him to leave the sect.
Acceptance Ritus
This ritus welcomes a new member to a particular pack, to recognize the ascension of a recruit, or any time a change in power or membership occurs (such as a new Ductus or Pack Priest). Each member of the pack must recognize the new position of their fellow Sabbat in a personal manner, be it by sharing blood, the giving of a gift, or whatever. The Sabbat being accepted must make an oath of allegiance to each member of the pack, and to the Sabbat cause in general. The Acceptance Ritus differs from the Creation Rites because it is more social than supernatural. A Sabbat may have received his Creation Rites, but may be snubbed by a pack that refuses to extend him the ritus of acceptance.
Contrition Ritus
Even Sabbat commit sins and indiscretions, for which they sometimes need to atone. The Contrition Ritus allows for this, much in the same manner a Catholic confession works. This ritus is perhaps the most important of the ignobilis ritae, as many Inquisitors, Black Hand operatives, Pack Priests, and Ducti offer a choice of contrition or death to Sabbat who have committed wrongs upon the Sect. All sensible Sabbat take these ritae as seriously as they would any other, for only by the grace of their betters can they continue to exist. Of course, many disingenuous Sabbat may make an insincere act of contrition, but they might not be extended the option next time.
Stealth Ritus
In the interests of maintaining silence, some packs take extra precautions and invoke favorable omens. In the Stealth Ritus, all participating vampires bite out each other’s tongues and spit them into a fire. Though this causes no health levels of damage, the immediate bleeding and healing consumes one blood point. The Pack Priest or Ductus usually bows out so he can issue orders, but some packs have developed complex hand signal systems so they may communicate silently while on stealth-intensive activities
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The Children of the Dracon
A bizarre knightly order of Tzimisce vampires, the Children of the Dracon seem to bear more Hellenic features than the Slavic heritage of Clan Tzimisce suggests. The Children seem to be a cultural division, almost like a bloodline, but the distinction is more artificial than that which would be caused by a deviation of vitae. The exact agenda of the Children of the Dracon is unknown, but they seem to be at intellectual odds with the rest of the Tzimisce. Perhaps this is due to some past transgression, or perhaps it lies in the difference of mortal stock from which the vampires were originally drawn. Whatever the case, the Children of the Dracon do not antagonize the other Tzimisce, so much as they take a consistent role of the Devil's Advocate. If the Tzimisce favor a siege, the Children posit the values of holding back; if the Fiends support the Inquisition, the Children argue against giving any faction too much power. Although this seems arbitrary, the Children seem to see themselves as the warders of their brothers. Apparently, sometime in the mists of history, a Tzimisce made a decision that affected the entirety of his clan (perhaps resulting the clan's odd weakness). The Children of the Dracon have sworn to make the Tzimisce consider the full gravity of their actions... or perhaps atone for them. The Tzimisce report that no Child of the Dracon has ever held the title of voivode in the clan, and that the Children are either incapable of learning their koldunic magic or they steadfastly refuse to. This distinction means little outside the clan and faction, and others regard it as a curious family affair.
...Before the Embrace, the Children leave the monastery to study the “12 legacies” — precepts of the order — with various enclaves across the globe. Then, they return to their monastery of origin to be Embraced. If the initiate is an Akoimetai, he is entrusted with one volume from the Library of the Forgotten.... Confirmed in the order, the new Child of the Dracon departs to establish himself within Sabbat society...
The Children of the Dracon organize themselves much like a monastic order, with “scions” establishing monasteries made up primarily of their own broods. The monasteries coordinate their activities through the Hagia Sophia, a Dracon Vatican of sorts somewhere around the Mediterranean. The scholarly wing of this order, the Akoimetai, is drawn almost exclusively from a branch of the Obertus revenant family...
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warwickroyals · 7 months
you've mentioned places like great lakes and new westminster. are these states or provinces, or just general regions? how is sunderland divided administratively?
Yes, hello, these are provinces and Sunderland has ten of them! They look like this (roughly, it's a work in progress)
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The ten provinces are:
Alexandria, Algonquin, Cheyenne, Danforth, Great Lakes, Iroquois, Lakota, Missoria, and New Westminster
Each province is represented by a provincial government and they are considered to have shared sovereignty with the federal government. Each province has a Governor-General, who represents the Crown aka Louis V. Each province has a certain amount of MPs (Members of Parliament) who sit in either the House of Commons (lower chamber) or the Senate (upper chamber). MPs represent the legislative interests of their provinces and municipalities at the federal level. There is a fixed number of twenty senators (two from each province), who are appointed by the King on the advice of his prime minister, while members of the House of Commons are elected directly in federal elections, with the number of MPs depending on the population of their province, the larger the province the more seats they have in the House of Commons.
In Sunderland, you don't vote for the prime minister directly, you vote for them through your MPs. So, if the potential prime minister (the party leader) belongs to the Liberal party, you vote for the Liberal MP representing your area, if that Liberal MP wins they have a seat in the House of Commons. If a majority of the MPs in the House are of a certain party (the main two being Liberals and Tory Conservatives), their party leader becomes Prime Minister with a majority government. If a party wins the most seats but fails to hold a majority, this is called a minority government and the ruling party has less absolute authority and will have to coalition-build with other parties in order to get things done. So, it's extremely important that the Prime Minister and his Ministers are supported by their MPs in the House of Commons, this is something Sunderland's current prime minister is struggling with. MPs can resign, retire, switch parties, or die on a whim, so the amount of power a government has can fluctuate.
The Senate is more of the wild-west as Louis is free to appoint to whoever he wishes for whatever reason he wants (on the advice of the prime minister, but he can ignore the advice). The general rule is that these people have to be of noteworthy public standing, but they don't have to be politicians. They can be activists, lawyers, civil servants, etc. If the King tries to appoint a friend or a family member, nothing but public outrage can stop him. So, naturally, Louis doesn't appoint friends or family and has grilled James and later Nicholas on this being something you should never do as King. Louis's Daddy James II didn't have the same restraint. . . Nor did King Nicholas (removing the leftists meant sacking the senate against them) . . . Or King George who fought tooth and nail to have his moronic son-in-law appointed to the Senate in 1898 . . . but it's not a corrupt system at all, I swear . . .
The Senate has the job of approving the potential laws (bills) passed to them by the House of Commons, in short: if they dislike it, they send it back or veto it, if they like it, they'll hand it over the Louis for royal assent. Believe it or not, the fact that there is an unelected body, that serves until the age of SIXTY-FIVE, picking and choosing what laws get greenlit has caused SCANDALS, with the protests happening in this post being triggered by the Senate rejecting an affordable housing bill forwarded by the Liberals in the House.
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Until 1999, those appointed to the Senate were given a title of nobility, typically an Earldom or a Dukedom if The King thinks you're a really good boy. The families of Irene and Tatiana are descended from prominent Senators, this is where their family titles originated from. This tradition ended when the first woman was appointed to the Senate in 1999, since women can't inherit noble titles, Louis stopped the practice altogether, instead of . . .y'know, just getting Parliament to allow women the ability to hold noble titles suo jure. Louis can technically still hand out noble titles, but he informally agreed to stop granting titles to non-family members. People at the time viewed this as him becoming more egalitarian and progressive for the new millennia, but in reality, he was just keeping his crop of aristocrat ass-likers more exclusive. So, now your senators aren't literal dukes and earls . . . yay, progress?
Finally: The "commander-in-chief" of a province is called the premier. Think of him like a governor in the United States. These guys are elected through provincial elections and they form their own legislative bodies to handle provincial legislation (healthcare, education, etc.). They operate largely independently from the federal government and have historically resisted federal micro-management.
If you're familiar with American geography or history, you'll know that the provinces have Indigenous names (Cheyenne, Lakota, Missouria, Iroquois, Algonquin) and others are named after royalty (Alexandria and Louisia) and prominent figures/locations (New Westminster, Danforth) . . . the implications of these names say a lot about Sunderland's history.
Hopefully, I'll be able to update my map soon, hope you enjoyed the political lesson.
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thrawns-backrest · 7 months
I decided to bring a pretty crazy thing here, hehe.
There is a popular series of books in Russia that is not very well known abroad. The idea is that in this world there are cyborgs that look like ordinary people, but are sold as machines. There are combat cyborgs, nanny cyborgs, etc. In general, these are truly machines, but some cyborgs (combats and spies) can acquire human feelings and personality from a time - they are called “thwarted” and are immediately destroyed when discovered. It is totally legally. But there are people who, contrary to the general trend, are kind to such creatures and help them hide, accept them as friends and family members, or even fight for their rights.
So, I've been thinking for a long time about an AU in which Ronan is not human. He is one of those machines that has gained mind, which was noticed by his owner. In a panic (because thwarted cyborgs are often aggressive, as a rule, there are reasons for this, but people don’t care about it), he used cruelty, but did not call a special team to destroy the “thwarted” cyborgs, because he thought that his “machine” is no longer viable because of him, so to speak. So he just threw it out of sight. However, Krennic, who was probably just relaxing while hanging around the city, came across a cyborg who was still alive. He understood what was happening, but for some reason decided not to report it to the appropriate place or simply leave it. He found a specialist who could fix the cyborg, and then helped him pretend to be a human and join the Empire as his assistant (after all, this guy will definitely be forever grateful to him and will do anything for him, right?). I have two options for what could happen next:
1) In Ronan's Ascendancy recruitment scene, Thrawn would have caught him not hating Palpatine, but by recognizing who he really was. Krennic would make sure Ronan didn't give himself away even to the most powerful scanners and so on, but hey, Thrawn can't be fooled!
2) The scene from Treason would have gone the same way as in the canon, but later (I did not think through this moment in detail) a situation would have been created where Ronan again ended up on the Chimera or in another imperial facility. It would create a situation where, in order to protect everyone, he would have to give himself away and use his potential as a machine to repel an attack that could not be stopped in any other way. Ronan would be sure that now he would either be destroyed or simply kicked out in disgrace, but, as we know, Thrawn is not one of those who judge by origin. He would have allowed him to stay… which earned him eternal devotion, in fact, but Ronan still continued to bark at him, so as not to give away a change in his attitude simply out of stubbornness :D
okay first of all, sorry for how late this is lol, secondly THIS GIVES ME SUCH STRONG DETROIT BECOME HUMAN VIBES HOLY SHIT. I don't know if you've heard of dbh but it has a similar premise and I was obsessed with it for a while. the reason I'm bringing this up is because in dbh androids had little circular led lights on the side of their head which would glow blue for stable, yellow for strained and red for instability. and when they became deviant (gained consciousness) the lights would correspond to their emotions and mood. anyway this whole tangent is to say that if Ronan was an android his led would be red all the time and it would be hilarious
now back on track
I REALLY love this idea, the image of Ronan standing quietly while Krennic pokes around inside some open panel to do some maintenance instantly popped into my mind. And it's in character for Krennic to take advantage of this opportunity to cultivate a loyal subordinate (plus he'll have his very own life size doll to play dress up with lol). Maybe they even had this long period where Ronan was still a bit beat up and missing some parts so he couldn't walk around in public. And in that interim he only knew the person who cared for and helped fix him, namely Krennic.
both of these scenarios work really well! in fact one way Thrawn could catch him is thanks to his infrared vision, a machine could possibly simulate human body heat but with the amount of attention Thrawn pays to it, he would have figured out something was off eventually. This scenario could also work alongside canon, I think. Thrawn could use this as additional blackmail to Ronan's beliefs (imagine if that's what made Vader even more dangerous to him, he would instantly recognize he's not looking at a human because of the Force). Another candidate for figuring it out would be Dayja because our boy is so clever - he'd probably postpone bringing it up because the most valuable information is the one only you know and by the time he decides to do something with it, Ronan would already have been spirited away to the Ascendancy.
And oooh the second one is interesting! One thing that instantly comes to mind (totally not because I've considered it a thousand times for dbh fics haha) is that machines can probably sustain a lot more damage than humans so they could step into the line of fire to protect one. Even just getting injured would give him away which makes the scene on the Firedrake all the more interesting because Ronan came within an inch of getting shot which in this case would have given him away in front of everyone.
"but Ronan still continued to bark at him, so as not to give away a change in his attitude simply out of stubbornness" LOL Ronan's cat like attitude strikes again! He acts like he hates his master but really he's actually very loyal. It's even funnier because Krennic is that one 'owner' that the cat sucks up to and no one even knows why. Only the cat.
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ramblerogue · 1 year
I wanna know more about tiller she’s amazing
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AW! Thank you so much! :') I'm so happy others get a kick out of my sweet pirate girl! I'll put a general summary of her under a read more because I tend to ramble about her hehe! If you have more specific questions after reading, feel free to send those along!! I love talking about her!!! <3
SO! Tiller Jakobie is my character from a DnD 5e pirate-themed campaign I play with my friends, called "Cape Curiosity"! She is a druid, navigator, and, of course, a pirate! She travels with the main party as apart of the crew for The Triumph, captained by Jacques Calico, and accompanied by her new best friends; Aveline Blackwood, Frath Hornraven, and Patrick E'Choux! (And many others!! But those are the DMPC and the other PCs respectively).
Tiller is 23, so young in her pirate career but already excited by all the things ahead of her! She is extremely extroverted, and quick to make friends (both of the human and animal variety). She has a curious and humorous view of the world, and loves exploring and spending time with those she cares about more than anything.
For a little history: Tiller was adopted by her two dads, Jimmy and John (lol). Her dads own a restaurant on Nassau (just guess the name), and Tiller grew up there and helped them with the family business. After taking an interest in sailing and navigation, Tiller joined the Royal British Navy to get out on the open seas and help finance her dads business. Fast forward 3 years, Tiller realizes the Navy fuckin sucks, and mutiny's with the help of some pirate prisoners on her ship!
Those pirate prisoners turn out to be her first pirate crew!!! A crew called The Sea Dragons. Now would be a good time to mention that Tiller has had a ~ mysterious ~ tattoo of a sea dragon on her arm since birth, and her dads claim that it was there when they adopted her. So Tiller joins immediately in hopes of solving this tattoo mystery. (And also The Sea Dragons rule, and are nice to her! And they become her second family! Yay!!!)
Tiller eventually links up with The Triumph crew in hopes of deceiving them into trusting her, and then robbing their ship under Sea Dragon orders. However, she has a change of heart a couple weeks into the mission, as these Triumph people are really cool! AND The Sea Dragon crew has gone MISSING! :0 *gasp* Cue 4 arcs of trying to find them and rescue them from a fate most foul.
SO! That's a VERY quick spark notes version of Miss Tiller! Turns out when you play someone for like 4 years, you... add a lot to their story PSDJGLH:SGKSHGSG cause we didn't even scratch the surface on a couple things, like:
Tiller has a girlfriend named Mayday that she met on a similar deceitful Triumph-like mission. They did the whole friends > enemies > friends > lovers song and dance, and Mayday is staying with The Triumph crew at the time while we search for HER crew which is ALSO MISSING.
ALSO ALSO! Remember how I said Tiller was adopted and had that sea dragon tattoo since birth? Well it turns out there is an ocean deity that is a REAL sea dragon, and created Tiller from the ocean (per request from her dads who wanted a daughter :') So Tiller is more of a water spirit rather than a human, and that's the source of her druid magic as well. AND her mom is a dragon.
And there’s so much juicy story outside of Tiller! The main story arc with the Triumph crew is traveling across the seas in search of 7 keys which will unlock a map that leads to the reader’s greatest treasure.... And I’m sure all of the crew members have different ideas for what they would use that power for.
That's all I got for now! Here's some speedy Tiller fun facts to tide y'all over: - Her birthday is June 8th (she's a gemini) - She was the first to drop to 0 hit points in the party (don't worry she got better) - She is slowly making friendship bracelets for the party - She has a pet jellyfish named Snapchat - Her middle name is Kickflip and she invented skateboarding - Her favorite ice cream flavor is cookies and cream - She is a HUGE gossip - She speaks English and Spanish - She loves singing shanties and having karaoke night with her crewmates
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ngmn2002 · 1 year
Is Kou going to adopt Tsukasa's beliefs…??
It's more like me thinking too much... but... I will go with this little 'crazy' thought of mine... .... In the shortest way possible.
So, Minamoto Kou...
A boy born into the great exorcist Minamoto family, that is tasked to exorcist all kinds of supernatulas at the spot no matter what. That's the rule they live and stand for, for generations. And, he adopted it eventually, as a member of that family. As a little kid and until now, he looked up to his strong older brother and wanted to become a great exorcist like him one day.
But, he always believed he is weak, good for nothing, stupid and doubted himself and his abilities. A lost teenager who is looking for his true call out there. He wants to do something great in his life, and be a great 'hero'. The one to bring piece and happiness to everyone. A huge goal.
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So, trying to prove his capability of becoming a good exorcist, he started with 'Hanako-san'. Then, after sometime, started to doubt himself, thinking that maybe, his beliefs about supernaturals were wrong and maybe.. there is something called 'good' supernaturals after all. That's the thing, his older brother says it's nonexistent. From there, we can get he is not really like his brother or his family on that regard, he is trying to do the right thing, when he is fully convinced it's the right thing to do, he doesn't want to regret anything and do things because it's just.. like that. Things got complicated and he decided to keep a close eye on 'Hanako-san' for the time being up until now. So, after that... he is still trying... to find his call out there.
After some time, he met a weak ghost called 'Mitsuba'. Things escalated quickly and he 'lost him'. After that, believing that the reason of his grief is a being called 'Tsukasa', he decided to hate him and seek revenge against him. The being called 'Tsukasa' took a part of 'Mitsuba' and used it to create a copy of him. A copy that Kou, swore to save and help in some way.
After some events, he couldn't really do anything for Mitsuba 2.0. He got him back in a fake world, he tried to 'join' him, but that didn't work, he lost him again since Mitsuba 2.0 willingly went back to Tsukasa, yet again. Then the severance came and he lost him yet again. He dealt with so much pain from that whole 'Real/copy Mitsuba' experience. Then, after the severance, he got him back, at his house door. After some events, he discovered a new cruel fact yet again, adding more pain to his past one. And who knows how are things going to end up. Now...
After all that pain he went through... after the whole 'real/copy Mitsuba' thing... where does he stand now? What did he learn from all the events he went through from the very start of his story up until now? Where does he stand now?
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What kind of hero does he want to become? The one who will save everyone and bring them happiness... now... after all that... what valuable lessons did he learn? especially from his 'real/copy Mitsuba' experience.
The 'Real Mitsuba' experience:
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He tried helping real Mitsuba's soul/ghost rest in piece by helping him take a photo he wants, instead of going for the 'exorcist' choice immediately, then Tsukasa showed up to fulfil real Mitsuba's wish (changed him into a monster and he met his end 'that way' when Hanako showed up because of what Tsukasa did, "according to Kou"), and Kou got a little taste of how the world is unfair and shouted that to Hanako, but... he put the blame on Tsukasa at the end instead of the 'real' cause of his pain, because of how naive and lost he still was.
The 'copy Mitsuba' experience:
At the stage it's in now... he became like this:
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He is pretty much acting against his belief system. As a minamoto, his job is to get rid of any supernatural at the spot no matter what, he decided to do the right thing, he will do it when he feels: yes, this supernatural is bad and dangerous. And now? his friend, is in fact a dangerous, he can eat humans or even better, he tried to eat him because he couldn't hold back anymore. He said he is a monster to him. Yet... Kou... was OK with that. He accepts him and is trying to help him and doesn't want to lose him (the same can go for Real Mitsuba, he won't see him a monster now and will get that was needed to happen for him to stay and will accept him and won't want to lose him). Later, he is crying in despair at the end. Maybe he gets now... that life is not easy, bright and colorful. It's full of pain and sometimes, you will take many cruel decisions, and even hurt those who you love or even be aggressive with them, things are not bright all the time. Can this stage of this experience be his 'wakeup' call?
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Will he finally open his eyes, and see Tsukasa was only trying to grant real Mitsuba's wish all the time with the only possible way he had? Will he finally get that real Mitsuba was himself and Tsukasa didn't turn him into a monster? and just like he accepts copy Mitsuba for the mosnter he is now, he was going to accept real Mitsuba for what he has become, if that meant he will be able to stay. Will he see Tsukasa was the one even giving them the chance to be together forever as both of them want? Will he see Tsukasa was in fact doing both of them a favor? Even in the copy Mitsuba case, they are free to be together all they want. They can have each other. After getting that Tsuaksa was never what he thoguht he is... after getting he was wrong about him... when he gets his whole revenge was stupid...
Will he get he was blind all the time, running after a wrong 'target' and saying it's the reason of this pain in both the Mitsuba cases? Will he see his revenge is not against the right 'target' and get what his real 'target' is? Who is the real reason for his and his friend's 'pain'?
Will he learn now the lesson of all the pain he went through up until this point? Will he open his eyes now... and see things for how they truly are? Will he see the world he thought it's bright and colorful for what it truly is? How will he embrace all that pain? What kind of person will he become after he does so?
Now, if all I suggested came to Kou's mind... that would be the best development for him in my opinion... He would understand how the world really works now. It's like a wakeup call to him, to open his eyes to the real truth of the world. It's a cruel place. He would see all Tsukasa did to Real Mituba was OK and really needed. He will see Tsukasa did everything so Real Mitsuba can stay, and so the 2 of them can be together forever. He will also accept that was the only way for Tsukasa to help Real Mitsuba and to make them stay together, even if it sounded 'cruel and bad', it's not like that when it's needed and the only way out. Just like he treated Mitsuba 2.0 in the last chapter. He was so cruel with Mitsuba 2.0 to force him eat so he can stay, since it's the only way, even if it was cruel. Tsukasa... was the one who worked really hard.. harder than him or even real Mitsuba to keep them together. They were having fun.. while he was the one doing all the work.. until the very end, up until Hanako showed up. Even later, he gave him a chance to have copy Mitsuba and become friends with him, have time with him, until now. Opening his eyes to the full truth now... He will get that the 'world' and its 'rules' are his real target. This cruel world and rules are the reason of his pain, grief and misery. They are the reason Real Mitsuba and Mitsuba 2.0 faced all these cruel things. My true 'target'... is the world itself. After understanding all that... after getting who his real 'target' is... after embracing all the pain... he will find his true call... the thing he was looking for since the very start of his journey... His true role...
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He will finally open his eyes to...
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That 'Tsukasa guy'... was right all along...?
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And what is holding me from achieving that… is the world itself and its rules.
Will he see that Tsukasa's way of looking at things is right, agree with his philosophy and will now answer:
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Was that Kou's true call? Was he destined to go through all the previous experiences… to get to this pint? Will his goal be... to change this unfair world?
Was Tsukasa expecting things will go this way with Kou, and then.. he will see the 'cruel world' as it is... and stand against it? Is it why he talked about it with him?
Are we in for a surprise... to see Kou accepting Tsukasa's way of seeing things.. and starting on fighting the world and its rules? Whether he joined forces with Tsukasa or not... it's kinda interesting to think about. Is that the true fate of Kou Minamoto? It could be... it's fun to think about it this way.
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raining-anonymously · 2 years
Hi hello can I hear your deltarune swap au it sounds very interesting! (also kitten seam is something I didn't know I needed in life)
anon i am [insert phrase with the same sentiment as “kissing you on the mouth” but without the weird connotations]. also everyone needs kitten seam
all right so here’s the basis for those of you who didn’t see the first post:
this is yet another deltarune swap au. i’ve decided to call it “mage from the dark” since the first characters i sketched out in it were seam and ralsei (who are swapped).
seam is a young plush cat (kitten) who lives a lonely life of wishing to be loved like plushies are supposed to be. sure, seam finds ways to pass the time—knitting, sewing, crocheting, collecting things, making tea, practicing magic, failing to learn how to grill—but it’s a dull life. then, finally, the other heroes of light arrive in ruintown: a warrior and a boss monster.
undyne, the warrior, was once eager to prove herself, but has spent her whole life unintentionally intimidating the people she was trying to impress. as a result, she’s embraced this persona, getting into fights and trouble, and often assuming a hostile front. coming face to face with the same childhood friend who abandoned her when something better came along doesn’t help matters, especially since she’s living the comfortable life undyne secretly wishes for. but a part of her still longs to be a hero like in the comic books of deceased writer w.d. gaster…
toriel, the boss monster, is the daughter of schoolteacher mx. kris dreemurr. she’s faced a lot of scorn for being raised by a human (since everyone’s too scared to say that stuff to mx. dreemurr’s face). she found solace in puns, and in her uncle asriel, who she was very close with from their unique shared circumstance of being a boss monster with a human family member. however, kris and asriel had a falling out a couple years back, and he moved out of their house, now working and living in his videogame shop. at least she still has her partner, asgore—but ever since he left for college, toriel’s started to wonder if it’s meant to be. isolated from her peers and doubting her relationships, toriel wished there was someone to tell her what to do, and, well...
it didn’t go as planned.
that’s the main trio, plus hints at some of the others! here’s some other swaps:
the rest of the class is alphys (noelle), mettaton (berdly), papyrus (jockington), carol (mk), sans (catti), maddy (snowy), and napstablook (temmie). there are actual reasons for these decisions, which i will share if pressed.
rudy is swapped with chara, alphys’s godparent and azzy’s best friend, who’s currently in the hospital after a childhood sickness came back.
dess is swapped with goner kid. they’re alphys’s auncle, who disappeared when she was a kid. (this is reminding me how messed up canon noelle’s life is.)
the castle kingdom was once ruled by ralsei, benevolent prince, but after the lightners abandoned the world, he felt he had failed his subjects and stepped down, instead working as an advisor to the new rulers. these were clover, starwalker, mr. society, and jigsaw joe, so as to represent four of the main residents of the kingdom: cards, stickers, chess pieces, and puzzles. (the other groups wisely chose to stay out of the politics.) the starwalker later adopted a ward, after no one wanted to claim a suitless card, who was a young jester named jevil. at first, starwalker attempted to bond with the boy, but its grumpy nature and general lack of motivation made it a somewhat neglectful parent, often handing jevil off to tutorial-maker queen. queen knew what it was to not fit in; although she’d formed an alliance with cards from the spades suit, she never truly belonged among the toys, considering she was a laptop (albeit with child restrictions set on her). as a result, queen tried to be a good mother figure to jevil, and the fact that it got her in the starwalker’s good graces didn’t hurt either—she was always eager to please others.
ralsei didn’t particularly mind his new role—he had a new friend now, after all. lancer, the jack of spades, was hired by clover to be the court party planner, and was known for his salsa, beanies, and hole-digging skills. but after a strange old turtle appeared on the horizon, lancer and ralsei began to drift apart. lancer stopped pestering ralsei to come on motorcycle rides, and to his surprise, ralsei missed those days, terrifying as they had been. and then lancer began to change. his humor got darker yet darker, his pranks became less harmless, his magic grew stronger. then, suddenly, he was back in ralsei’s life like he’d never left—telling him about a new "evil plan.” but unlike previous such plans, this one was frightening and unsettling. lancer spoke of a plan to create a world without a purpose, where everything was meaningless, and then, one day, to suddenly end it all. at first, ralsei laughed it off, but the more lancer spoke of this plan, the more ralsei’s anxiety grew, and the more he suspected his friend wasn’t joking. 
and then it got worse.
it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise when the rulers of the land ordered ralsei to lock lancer away... but it was the first time the former prince had truly regretted giving up his power. ralsei won the battle, but was devastated, and not just physically. unable to bear living at the castle any longer, he turned in his resignation and set up a small, peaceful shop, as far away as he could manage. but even so, he could never forget lancer’s words, nor the undeniable truth he had felt in them. and so, quietly, he waited for the world to end.
oh yeah, and then one day a strange knight appeared and the starwalker locked the other rulers in the dungeon and hired queen as the duchess of puzzles, despite her insistence she had no puzzlemaking programs.
meanwhile in the cybere city...
after a lightner accidentally took him away from his home, rouxls kaard has lived a vastly different life. he somehow managed to instate himself as the rouxler of the cybere worlde, because really, what is code but rules? he hired a cd player named k_k as his head butler, and speaker system sweet as his head of security, because the two of them were among the first to treat him with reverence—and to think, back home they’d never even respected him! yeah, he’d show that god damn(it) starwalker what he was made of. for a while, he was a fairly decent ruler—but after the knight came to visit, rouxls’s perspective began to change. 
of course, people had problems with this. mainly, a trio of artists: tasque manager, spamton g. spamton, and swatch, or as they liked to call themselves, tasque spam’n swatch. the three of them attempted to start a rebellion. it has decidedly not been working, but heck, they’re dedicated!
(yes, cap’n is spamton. i’m still working out the details with that—and trying to figure out what berdly’s version of neo would be.)
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mcromwell · 8 months
"Tell me about your OCs" ok don't have to ask me twice
Gonna tell you about my first fursona, ThornShadow, and his world.
ThornShadow is a black and brown feral wolf who lives in a world similar to ours, with the most notable differences being that there are no humans and there are two moons. He is a member of a wolf pack called the Pine Canyon Pack, and he used to be the beta of it but he stepped down. His pack lives near five other wolf packs, called the Long Shadows Pack, the Windy Meadow Pack, the Red Desert Pack, the Misty River Pack, and the Ice Forest Pack. The Pine Canyon Pack actually arrived in the area within ThornShadow's lifetime, after they were chased out of their old territory by a rival pack. Due to many deaths during the final battle when they were ousted, and subsequent splitting up of the pack for a time, ThornShadow was temporarily thrust into a leadership position. He wasn't very experienced, so luckily he was able to step down some time after the pack was reunited. In addition to not being ready for all the responsibilities, ThornShadow also didn't enjoy being high-ranking because it meant he didn't get much sleep (due to the aforementioned responsibilities) and he also got a lot of romantic attention that he wasn't interested in. Now though he gets to spend his time lying in the sun and painting the walls of the canyon where the pack lives.
ThornShadow's best friends are his siblings; his sister Clear Starry Night and his brother MuddyFoot. Clear Starry night is white with black markings and MuddyFoot is brown with white markings. The alpha of the pack is called Howl of Furoed Bracken (all the alphas have 'howl' in their names).
Speaking of names: naming is a very important part of wolf culture. As pups, they are given a name such as ShadowPup, MuddyPup, or StarryPup, and then once they become full members of the pack they get to choose their own full name (this typically includes the prefix from their pup name, but not always). This represents a lot; it is both a personal choice of defining identity, as well as solidifying a wolf's place of belonging within a pack. As a result, it's generally considered disrespectful to call a wolf by only one part of their name (the exception being close friends/family using a shortened version of three part names). Calling a wolf by only one part of their nane is disrespectful and insulting, insinuating some mix of "you're not a valid part of this community," "I don't see you as a full person," "you're a baby," and "I don't respect your individuality and right to self-determination." As I mentioned before, Alphas add the word "howl" into their name in some way (howling is very important to them, so it's a big honor), and there aren't really any rules around the structure for them (ex. the other five pack alphas are RedHowl, StarDustHowl, Howl Over Tall Grass, StormyNightHowl, and Misty Breeze Howl). Also lone wolves often don't follow these naming structures; either as a rejection of pack culture or just because it's a culture they don't share.
Pack structure of the wolves is a mix of warrior cats and the old idea of alpha and omega wolves. Alphas are the leaders, betas are the deputies, and omegas are the lowest rank (middling ranks I'm not naming because I'm reworking a lot of it lol). Depending on the pack, the actual strictness of the hierarchy may vary, as well as the expected role of each rank.
I'm reworking a lot of the mythology/religion as well, but the basics are that a lot of things in their world get personified as wolf spirits in their stories and such. Most thorough example right now is sun-wolf, Haka, the moon-wolf, Milan, and the little-moon-brother, Juni. Haka is vain, selfish, and uncaring, but not "evil;" he just kind of "is" by his nature. And the wolves recognize his necessity in the functioning of the world. Milan is kind of their "patron" god; she cares for them and is more gentle and takes great interest in the flourishing of the world. Juni is seen a lot like Milan but more minorly, and where Milan is more concerned with keeping check of all the overall harmony of the world and what's best for the whole, as well as finding your place within this greater whole, Juni is a lot more about encouraging individual growth, and therefore is associated especially with younger wolves. Both Milan and Juni can be symbols of fortune, fluidity, and change, whereas Haka is a symbol of consistency.
Their creation story goes that the Haka used to rest in one place on the planet, making everything around him scorching hot, and everything far from him freezing cold, with no change or variation, leading to a hostile world where very little life could flourish. Milan couldn't convince him to care for his effect on the world, so as a last resort one night she enacted a plan to steal his ears and tail. Haka woke up and was angry, so he chased her until he grabbed her by the tail, ripping it off. Her tail gained it's own life and became Juni. When Milan cried out in pain, she flung Haka's ears and tail across the sky, and he rushed to search for where they fell. He ran down to the ground so fast that the wind ripped out his fur, which scattered across the sky to become stars. As Haka ran across the earth, the temperatures changed with his movement, spawning various new climates where previously there was only frozen cold or scorched heat. He dug into the ground in his search, creating valleys and mountains, river and lake beds, hills and canyons. He was unable to find his ears and tail on the ground, and so he ran back to the sky to search there and to re-collect his lost pelt. But his light drowns out the faint glow of his scattered hairs, so he can never find them. Milan and Juni, to avoid his wrath, also move through the sky, and change their appearances often so if he sees them it will be harder to recognize them. When Haka searches closer to the ground it causes hot days and summertime, and when he searches far away in the sky it causes cold days and wintertime. And if he gets to close to finding his ears and tail, Milan and Juni block out his vision and path, causing eclipses.
Theoretically the wolves understand that the sun and moons aren't literally giant wolves in the sky (I mean look at them. They're circles), but that's how they think of them. Like that's what they are in spirit.
Anyway this is already suuuper long so I'll stop now ✌
That creation story is really cool, I like how it explains lots of cosmic phenomena the way ancient traditions used to. Thanks for telling me about your OCs!!
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reijixia13 · 2 years
Believe in Me
||°|| KNY Oneshot ||°||
》Smile even if it's Pain ✍︎Kagaya Ubuyashiki
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✍︎𝐒𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐟 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧
✍︎𝐾𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑦𝑎 𝑈𝑏𝑢𝑦𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑘𝑖
⚠︎Mugen Train Movie and Chapter spoiler!⚠︎
Note: This is made by me, So it would be unpleasant if anyone dare to take this hard working plot twists and scenes i tried to make. This also came from my wattpad book named Reiji_13 so pls visit it:>
It was just any other day.. Well only if those screams are quite.. I mean someone's giving birth so no one's gonna lie. So here we are telling a story of a Waiting Kagaya in the waiting room hearing the screams of his wife giving birth to there first born child this generation, We await as the screams loosen and turned quite.
All can kagaya hear was a babies cry.. If you now look closely you can imagine how he's starting to cry his eyes out imagining how incredible it was to have his dream finally came true, And that is having a family of his own.
Kagaya was called out at the room where Amane, his wife gave birth, As he came is he saw an almost passed out Amane, Looking at her arms was a baby and standing beside her was a doctor smiling softly at the head of the house.
"Congratulations Oyakata-Sama, It's a baby Girl. Look's like she's healthy and doesn't seem any problem, What would you like to name her?"
The doctor asked waiting for Kagaya's answer.
"(Y/N).. Ubuyashiki (Y/N)"
Kagaya answered with a smile, The doctor nodded before leaving the room for the three people to have time, Kagaya walked to his wife and soothing his wife's hair, before taking the little baby gently to his arms as he let Amane get her rest.
"Welcome to the world.. My dear
And from that day on.. A healthy girl was born, Few months had passed the baby is nothing more but energetic and bubbly little girl.
The problem is.. Amane tried to took the responsibility of taking care of there child only for the head of the family to refuse gently, Amane had nothing to do but sigh but with a smile.
Even tho The two parents had been arranged they do love each other, Adding the new member of the family it doesn't stop anything else to stop there happiness.
𝙺𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚢𝚊 𝚡 𝙳𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
Request by: _chillandnetflix_
A/N: this took uhmm 6 days thinking because I was trying to find a reason on how the reader died so heheheehhe.
Hench that make that a week lol
I was looking at a beautiful piece of petal I had collected along from my long mission, it was nice petal I had found it's still bright as always and it's my lucky charm after I found it.
I had never told anyone about this kind of flower as in though they will hate it as it had never died.
Oh if you didn't know, Ohayo~ My name is Ubuyashiki (Y/N) Im the Moonlight Snow Hashira. Im one of the most respected hashira as to why is because of my father being the head of the family and leader of the Survey Im currently in.
"(Y/N)-Sama, The trial is about to start!" A kakushi called out, snapping me out of my introducing thoughts.
"Ah- Yes I'll be right there" I said, I closed my locket of lucky charm before I proceeded to stand up. The Kakushi asked me if They could assist me only for me to refuse, I like walking and talking to my dear friends Kakushi's but I think there too nervous to even breath in the same sight at me. I sighed at the thoughts as I look to the sides.
"(Y/N)-Sama!" A few various of voiced called out to me, I look toward the voices to see my fellow comrades. I smiled softly at the sight of them before I noticed a boy on the floor.
"Hello, Hmm? Why is there a boy on the ground?" I asked confused, Uzui answered my question.
"Ah- His the boy who broke the rule the one who brought a demon with him" Uzui said before He could continue I was infront of the conscious boy.
I smiled down at him, I reach my hand to help him stand up straight but my reaching hand was stopped by Obanai.
"Oi! Keep your head bowed down that's Oyakata-Sama's Eldest Daughter!" Obanai yelled at the poor boy as he put a foot in his head, I slightly glare at him but to think I grew up at my mature and kind father I don't think you saw the glare.
"Obanai-San, That's still a boy" I said, I slightly and gently move him around, He didn't stop me as I helped the boy that has a very familiar earing, and a very familiar hair. "Daijoubodesu?" I asked politely at the boy, He looked rather nervous but as he met my eyes he relaxed.
"Nezuko.. Did you see Nezuko?!" He suddenly yelled making me jump back a little at the sudden yell, "please! Believe me Nezuko never devoured a human!" He yelled, He was again tackled by no other than Obanai Iguro himself...Again.
"Oi!" He warned by yelling, I just sighed at whatever is happening until I was greeted by a big.....deadly...Bone crushing..Hug.
"(Y/N)-Sama!!! Your cute as always!!kyaaaaa!" Mitsuri said as she (death) 'hugged' me, As if Im calling to the gods my savior came.
"Mitsuri-Chan, (Y/N)-Sama can't breath!!" I heard the so angelic voice of the Butterfly pillar, Shinabou. And suprise surprise another savior!
"Uhuh! Mitsuri you should let go now, (Y/N)-Sama Daijoubodesuka?" Rengoku asked as he pulled me away from my reaper, He smiled down at me with those sunny sun burning smile like always.
"Hn..Daijoubo" I answered him with a soft smile while titling my head to the side, I look around a bit more before I noticed Giyuu was far far away, "Tomioka-San? Why are you so far away?" I asked, He looked at me before he shamelessly looked down at the ground. Before I could talk I heard my sister and brother announced that Father has come. Choruses of Good Afternoons and my Father's well being started.
"Hello my dear children, Is the sky blue today? I hope you all are doing ok" Father said as he sitted himself at the porch with my litte siblings beside him. I suddenly heard Sanemi yelled, Looking at his direction before gasping at the sight, His arm has a big cut and the box that I would guess has the demon girl, nezuko was bleeding.
"Forgive me, Oyakata-sama for my rudeness" I hear him say, as he jump recklessly at the room that was behind my father and siblings, He kicked the box before calling out at the demon. "Let me all show you how demons should be" he said as the demon....... That's no way.....That demon is too cute to be a demon...
I stop myself from going to hug another random child that be 100 meters away so I wouldn't kill it like how Mitsuri almost kill me with her hugs.
"No! Nezuko! NEZUKO IS HUMAN! SHE NEVER DEVOUR A SINGLE PERSON!" Tanjiro's yell was heard through the yard, He stood carelessly infront of my father before yelling at Sanemi, "MY SISTER WON'T KILL OR EAT ANYONE AND I'LL MAKE SURE OF THAT!" He yelled again, We all look at the scene happening, before I magically appear behind him and wanting to just do whatever did Obanai had done to shut him self up, When it comes to my Father he should respect him more.
"(Y/N), Don't you lay a hand at Tanjiro-San" My father said and looked at me, I put my hand down quickly I can sense someone's aura of disappointment and disbelief.
I just seated myself at the porch next to my father waiting for whatever is happening.
~Time skil cause I think my brain is gonna pop after 4 days of thingking of whatever is going to happend~
The trial has ended earlier after that father started a meeting before announcing another meeting later tonight.
I walk myself at the Butterfly Estate where people that are injured was held, I walk in before going to the yard, I saw Kanao hanging out with the Butterflies again. I smiled sadly at the memory that came to my mind, Kanao was a successor of Shinabou because after Kanae had died, Shinabou had turned the flower estate a butterfly one before she turned Kanao as her new successor. Both held the pain in there hearts, keeping both there smile to place that there fine but they weren't. Kanae is someone you could trust, She was once my Bestfriend and she will always will be.. it's just.. It's hard to let her go even after all this years..
Kanao noticed me and simply bowed, I walk up to her and hugged her, Something I do often so I guess she was used to it. I patted her head before pulling away with a smile.
"Stay strong Ka-Chan" I said and patted her head again before waving at her with a smile, I walk in again to look for the boy with a sister of a cute hella demon angel.
As I walk through the Estate I came across Aoi, As she noticed me she bowed down.
"Aoi-Chan, Have you seen the new patients? I would like to talk with one of them" I said and titled my head to the side, She nodded her head respectfully.
"Yes (Y/N)-OneeSama, There just that two doors after a few steps. I hope it's not that crazy blond" She said and bowed, She mumble the last part before she walked away with another full basket of laundry. I shrugged her statement of before going to the room she ment.
Once I was there all I see is!
Hench this
Why y'all still here?
Can't you see that all you see with this people are chaos?
Ok fudge that just continue
Yeah, chaos, I sweatdrop at what is happening, Shinabou was talking to Kamado, The Yellow bowl cutted boy, and a... Wth? Is that a pig boy? I shook my head through the insanely brain I have.
"Ara? (Y/N)-Sama, what can I do for you?" Shinabou noticed me as to finally and asked me, the three boys looked at my direction before I walk to kamado. "Ah- Ok you want to Kamado-Kun?" I nodded as I turn towards Shinabou with a smile, "Ok, I'll be on my way, Call me if you need something (Y/N)-Sama" Shinabou said with a smile and bowed before she excused herself and left the room.
"S-Sama?!" I turn around to see a boy with bowl cutted bangs yelled, Why are they still screaming its giving me a headache. I ignore him for a moment so I could just talk my purpose on as to why im here.
"Are you alright now, Kamado-San? If you need help anything you could come to my Estate." I said as I smiled softly at him, "Ah!- right, Can I see you're sister? I would love to meet her in a good way" I said as I took Tanjiro's hand clasping it into mine, My expression is always the same, I love meeting youngins but it's my very first time to meet a Demon with an Aura of a Human!
"A-ano.... She's resting right now..." Tanjiro answered in a concern way
"Oh.." My mood suddenly gone to 100% to 25% Im sad before bringing it back to 80% "Well then! She should rest well! If you need anything, Just ask me" I said and smiled at Tanjiro, I look to either of his side to the Yellow bowled hair boy and to the one with the pig one, "You guys aswell, Call me if you guys meed anything. I would be happy to help you all!"
"Arigatou (Y/N)-Sama" Tanjiro said, I put a hand on Tanjiro's head before patting it.
"Ara? Don't follow what our comrades calls me, Calle me Oneechan" I said with a smile, "Oneechan is better that being called sama you all are making me old" I said with a tiny giggle.
"A..." Me and Tanjiro heard a bit but not full so we turned around to the voice, "A GODDESS GIGGLED!" The guy with yellow hair said as he tried yo jump but I was suprised when Aoi was there to block him.
"Oi do not disrespect (Y/N)-Sama" Aoi scolded with a bit of boink in the head, I quickly stifle a laugh before going to the boar haired guy, I patted his head as well.
"Get well soon You need to be strong hmm k? Boarhead-San please do eat alot too, You look really strong for a young boy" I said, His mood suddenly change I can feel it.
"Hah? You calling me weak? And the names Great King Inosuke not Boarhed!" He weakly yelled while he introduced, I smiled and patted once again before Im about to walk away.
"Then do please get well soon Great King Inosuke" I said and turned around with a smile, I walk away from jis bed passed Tanjiro before I stood infront of the yellow hair guy, "You too, You should rest well. You shouldn't fight the person taking care of you, We're all trying to make you all get better. So get well soon" I said with a smile, He looked like about to cry, I reached my hand to pat him in the head.
"Zenitsu.." He said, I stopped titling my head and looked at him. "Zenitsu is my name.... (Y/N)-San" He said and looked at the ground.
"Please, Call me Oneechan, Why do you all have to call me so formally? I don't care what ground I stood All I care is all of the new generation's healthcare" I said with a smile and patted his head, I soon walked away from the group and towards the door, Turning around I bowed, "Get well soon, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke" I said and smiled before walking out the door.
~~~(2355 words wow that's the reason it too so long omfg-)~~~~
Meeting has ended, I was the only one in my Father's meeting room my head on his lap as he soothed my (h/l).
"Father?" I called out to him, He responded with a hum, "Do you think Tanjiro and the others will defeat Him?" I asked, Turning to face upwards to my fathers face who looked down on me with his infamous soft smile that captive all of us.
"Im sure of it, Even If it means losing one another's life, I know and surely do. We will defeat him cause that's his fate" He said, He took one hold on my hand as I look into his Violet eyes. "I don't even know why you always want to follow your friends path but It is also dangerous for you, Im also worried that one day..." He paused before he was tearing up a little, I jolted up from his lap and into a embrace.
"Father it's not gonna happend!" I yelled out tears pricking out my eyes, "Im not gonna give up my Duty! I wanna protect you and Mom and my Sisters and brother. I wanna save the people who suffered even if they're the enemies, cause they're once humans too.." I said and clunched at my father, "I promised, I promised to be strong and fight for all of us" I said as I cried into his arms, He patted my back and looked at my face, Even if his blind he can still look at me with those Fatherly Love eyes.
"I know.. I always have fate in you.." He said and hugged me, I hugged back until I fell asleep.
3rd POV (look who decided to change the pov HAHAHAHAHAH)
(Y/N) fell asleep in Kagaya's arms after a little bit of They're crying session Someone knocked on the door, kagaya let out a soft and quiet 'come in' as the person came in. It was his wife.
"(N/N) fell asleep? Haa this girl.. Sometimes she's just like his father who always put others lives first before himself" Amane said as she took the hand of her husband, "Haa.. I wish we all could just stay like this forever" She said as she leans her sholder at Kagaya who leaned his head on her head.
"I know.. but Until then we have to fight" Kagaya said with a soft smile, Amane smiled back, Both watching they're young but eldest daughter sleep like she used to when she didn't have siblings back years ago.
From that very own they all wished they could all just be happy like how every people should have been, But the world is too cruel and God has not granted the wish they could of had.
"Join me Flame Pillar Rengoku and Daughter of Ubuyashiki, I'll help you have immortal life, Let me bring you to my master." A demon, Akaza who has the uppermoon 3 said as he extends his hands to the both Flame pillar and the young but Elder girl's.
"I will not join you, My life and duty are always my goal but I will never come with you!" Rengoku yelled as he suddenly jumped to attack Akaza who dodged.
"Then what about you? The royal and daughter of Ubuyashiki? Why don't you join me, Be Immortal Join Us!" Akaza yelled at (Y/N) who deadly looked at his eyes.
"I promised I will be strong! I promised I'll be there to the people who needs a person the most! BUT MY LOYALTY IS ALWAYS ON MY FAMILY WHO STOOD THERE BY MY SIDE AND I WILL END YOU ALL RIGHT NOW!" She yelled, Akaza's eyes suddenly wided as he noticed how gracefully she dance.
"The Sun Breathing日ひの呼こ吸きゅう  Raging Sun (烈れつ日じつ紅こう鏡きょう, Retsujitsu Kōkyō,  lit. "Scorching Crimson Mirror" !!"
She yelled as she dashed to Akaza and to his nect but was dodge only yo cut an arm, Sliced Well, Clear and clean.
"WHAT THE?!" Akaza yelled out, Rengoku took another chance to move once again only to be punched in the side of the head.
"The Sun Breathing 日ひの呼こ吸きゅう, Hi no kokyū  Fire Wheel 火か車しゃ, Kasha, lit. "Fire Chariot" !!" (Y/N) dashed again and again using whatever she learn from the memory of ancestors of Sun Breathing she remembers.
As her sword was about to hit Akaza's head, He suddenly jumped down making her stumbled feom the train roof and on the the ground rolling down at it. She stumbled to stand up only to feel the painful feeling on her leg, It was sprained but since the train was also crush she was injured mostly on the head as her head was impact with the hard ground.
She look at Tanjiro who was running after Akaza's, She watched as he throws it but she can't see if it hit the Uppermoon as her eye lids started to feel more heavily damaged ready to put her to her sleeps. She suddenly feel herself was put on someone's arms, She looked up at the person to see Rengoku Kyojuro who was badly injured as her. She watched and heard a little of what the both the her Fellow Hashira and Tanjiro talked as tears pecked her eyes.
"Tanjiro, I believe in your sister and I know (Y/N) as well.. She envied you. But now our duty is done.. Take care hmm k?
Stand tall and be proud. No matter how weak or unworthy you feel, set your heart ablaze, grit your teeth and move forward. If you just curl up in a ball and hide, time will pass you by. It won't stop for you while you wallow in your grief." Kyojuro said, He looked down and smiled at (Y/N) who smile back, she turns a little to look at Tanjiro.
"Tanjiro..Inosuke..Zenitsu and Nezuko.. Just so you all know, I Believe in you guys with all my heart.... I love to spend more time with you all but maybe next time will be better haha.." (Y/N) laughed a little before she looked at the sky, "Nee Tanjiro Smile even if its pain and.... Can you say to my Father that, The sky is blue today.. Beautiful as always... Flowers are always blooming.... And.." She turned to Tanjiro again to see him crying his eyes out as He watched her only Big Sister figure slowly dieng at the arms of his mentor, "Tell them In the next Life, We all will Have a peaceful life.. Tell all of our Comrades I Love Them" she sadly smile before her eyes slowly see and litted, She can see her Ancestors, Yoriichi. Her best mentor and guardian who stood by her like always.. she smiled once again before taking her neckless.. "Nee.. Tanjiro.. Will you take care of this?" She passed her trembling hands to Tanjiro who shakily took her hands into his before feeling her arms heavy and watched as the hand was bounced down the ground. "Gommene.. Oto-san Go..mme..ne.......Sayo...nar..ra.."
"(Y/N)-Neechan.." Tanjiro watched as both they're mentor and Sister Figure smiled softly with a few tears from they're eyes escape in there long awaited sleep.. "(Y/N)-Neesama!! Rengoku-San!! AAAAAAAAHHHHH" Tanjiro screamed as his welling eyes couldn't stop.
"Shut up.." Tanjiro looked at Inosuke who has tears running down his boar mask, "SHUT THE HELL UP! THEY SAID WE SHOULD BE STRONG! THEY SAID THEY BELIEVE IN US SO WHY WASTE YOUR TEARS IN THIS DEAD PEOPLE! THEY SAID FIGHT! COME ON AAAAAAHHHH" Tanjiro only watched as he was being tried to drag and being smacked by a crying Inosuke.
'Please.. let us meet again next time (Y/N)-Neechan.. Arigatou.. Rest in peace both of you'
'(Y/N)-Nee, I peomise I'll be as strong as you and you'll see me once again and we'll fight! So in the mean time wait for me……'
Zenitsu who came in the scene who came before (Y/N) and Rengoku's last breath stood there with the box in who's inside was Nezuko as he stumbled to the ground looking at all of they're sister figure.
The person who sworn they're loyalty.
The person who Believed.
'Im sorry,Im always scared, (Y/N)-Neechan.. IM SORRY I COULDN'T PROTECT YOU'
Nezuko couldn't protect you..Gommene'
~~~~At this point Im crying my eyes out so like what the heck happend on my idea to make y'all cry?~~~~
2 kasugai Crows flew away from they're owner with tears in they're eyes as well going back where all of they're fellow Crows where.
"Kaw..Kaw.. Flame Hashira Rengoku Kyoujuro has collected his last breath and has been killed by Uppermoon 3 kaw..kaaw.." The Kasugai Crow owned by Rengoku announced as some of the crows there looked at them shocked.
"Kaw kaw, The Eldest Daughter and the MoonLight Snow Hashira Ubuyashiki
(Y/N) has took her last breath with the Sun of Breath and been killed by Uppermoon 3 kaw..." The kasugai crow of (Y/N) announced making alk the crows flew out to deliever all both the former owners of the announcers messages to their own owner with tears building up of their own.
Even the crows are sad to lose their former care taker who they wished to protect but.. what could crows like them do?
(Y/N)'s former crow flew to the Ubuyashiki Estate who was waiting calmly at the porch, All the Ubuyashiki gathered as the Crow of their Eldest Daughter and Older Sister's crow stumble to even fly right, kiriya who was close to the crow help it and took it at his hands before taking it up to his father.
The crow who looked at the family with full of sadness and regret.
Time seems to stop as the Ubuyashiki family stood there with building river of tears in their eyes
"Ubuyashiki (Y/N) was killed by Uppermoon 3 and lost her breath at the Sun of Breath forms" the Kasugai crow flew away letting them all have they're moments before crying itself far away from the family.
Ok that's  where Im gonna end it, Hope y'all  cry because Im alittle cruel to try this idea for like 2 weeks, this took uhhhhh 4172 words thank you very much.
sorry if this was late lol my poor hands lol😭😭
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siriannatan · 1 year
Surprise WitherHusbands snippet
I had no idea where I was going with this o I cut it where I felt it fit nicely to end and here it is :}
May I have this dance (snippet) - Wither Husbands
Being a vampire and well over five hundred years old fWhip saw many rulers come and go. Some he was friends with. Some were his enemies and maybe he had something to do with their demise. Even if he was no ruler himself his brother and his children were and fWhip was not above helping the family. Or his family's friends in the Wither Alliance. When his grand something nephew - he was honestly not counting the generations passing by him - died fWhip was shocked to be named the new count of Grimlands. There was his maybe favourite ever niece Gem, yes, but her magical talent was a bit of a problem so she was now the ruler of Crystal Cliffs Academy.
Currently, he was reconsidering calling her his favourite niece as she called him early midday to nag him about not being late to a Mythland party celebrating their close ally's king's twenty-sixth birthday. As if fWhip would forget. "Gem, dear, my staff has my appearance handled, I'll be on time do not worry," he assured her and cut the call before she could protest.
And just in time as his staff was knocking on the door to inform him it was time to get ready for the party. They remembered to bring him a bit of a snack in form of a tall wineglass of blood so he'd be a bit more awake for the party.
Being a vampire and having no reflection made getting ready for parties a bit difficult but fWhip's house staff was used to it so when he got into the carriage that would get him to Mythland's royal castle just in time to not be ready he was more than appropriately dressed for the occasion. Usually, neither fWhip nor they cared that much how he looked as long as he didn't look too casual but an important ally's birthday required him at his best.
It was actually fourteen years ago, at Sausage's twelfth birthday that fWhip met him for the first time. Just a few days after taking over and a bit a day before Gem was shipped off to the Academy. He'd probably never forget it to be honest. One of the better parties of his long life.
Sausage grew up to be a picture-perfect prince, now king, and a reliable ally and friend even if he had to be reigned in from time to time and reminded that fWhip was the one in charge of the Alliance. Tall, handsome and drawing in the attention of the whole room no matter how big the room was. Or who was there. It was a bit of a shame, fWhip thought, that his childhood was spent mostly on training to be a king and a knight.
For the most part, the party went well. fWhip dropped his gift with some courtiers responsible for accepting gifts and spend most of the time to the side. Politely conversing with any noble interested in him which wasn't that many. And maybe looking for a chance to pass good birthday wishes whenever Sausage had fewer nobles clustered around him. It did not look to be possible at the moment. It was okay though. Sausage was a popular guy and fWhip was... well, fWhip. The unpopular everywhere but in Grimlands vampire count most people would rather avoid him and would prefer if he just quit ruling and locked himself in his house.
At least Mythland's party organisers did not mind including some blood here and there. Blood Sheep cult helped here too, and more zealous members really liked fWhip. His vampirism was some sort of a blessing from the enigmatic sheep goddess since his mother was a devout believer. fWhip himself wasn't much for religion but the creepy shadow that turned him had no other, more logical explanation so he went along with the religious narrative.
It was three hours in, and fWhip just started considering how rude it'd be if he left without talking to Sausage when the king actually approached him. No nobles trailing but fWhip did catch a few jealous glances.
"Happy birthday, Sausage," fWhip wished his friend with a small bow. It was not required of him but it was a kind thing to do in his position. "I still remember when we were first introduced."
"Please don't remind me of that day, I made a complete fool of myself," Sausage groaned.
"Why? The dance was lovely," fWhip chuckled. He might have enjoyed teasing the young king from time to time.
"I was meant to ask Gem but it'd felt wrong all things considered and so I panicked and asked you instead..." Sausage sighed, shuddering at the mere memory of it. "And I barely knew how to dance then..."
"I think the twelve years old you was very charming and an excellent dance partner," fWhip chuckled, he closed his eyes just for a second to think back to small Sausage. No signs of the upcoming facial hair. Too heavy cape slowing him down. Looking far too calm, collected and organised. Far too well-behaved for a boy his age. And to think just six years later he'd kill a dragon. Truly impressive.
"I don't know, my mother gave me an hour-long lecture about bothering important people the next day and she mentioned you specifically," Sausage sighed, glancing back at all the nobles who instantly pretended they were not staring and hoping their glares would work like the sun on fWhip. "I'm sorry about them..."
"It's okay, I'm used to it," the count waved it off with a polite smile. He had many years to get used to weird stares.
"You shouldn't be... Back when we first met I thought you were the only person cooler than our elven chef and his pancakes. I still think you're amazing..." Sausage confessed sheepishly.
"Flattery is not..." fWhip tried stopping him.
"No. It's not flattery, I really mean it... Ugh, more boring people want to talk to me..." he grimaced spotting his chief advisor looking for him. "Tonight's so..."
"May I have this dance then?" fWhip asked, just to maybe steal some more of the young king's time.
fWhip instantly set Sausage as the one leading from the very approach to the dance floor. "It's only correct if the host leads this one. And we already had one the other way," the count explained as they stopped. All the eyes were on them and honestly, if he was with anyone else Sausage would say no but this was fWhip. His first proper dance partner ever, and maybe his idol.
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lovecolibri · 1 year
Finally watched the episode as well. I was not so impressed. It was a solid episode, but the fandom totally overhypes it. While i did like the emergencies going back to just emergencies without ten minutes of backstory nobody wants to see, it angered me sooo much that each cast member got a scene of how they were doing after a four month hiatus but Eddie (and Chris) nowhere to be seen. They could have easily cut some Buckley-Han family scenes for that. Is this too much to ask for? The final moments also didn‘t came anywhere close to how i felt after watching Eddie getting shot. Sure Buck hanging there was something, but i don‘t know i already moved on and am looking forward to next Monday. Eddie getting shot however still haunts me.
I'm sorry the episode didn't live up to the hype for you. It absolutely did for me for the most part though I agree that the lack of Eddie and the check-in for him and Chris was disappointing to say the least and given that the sperm donor arc is my absolute behated, I would rather have seen less drama about that and checked in with Eddie and Chris. We literally saw EVERY other main character at home with their family except for Eddie 😤😤😤 And after Eddie's arc was consistently one of the only things that fans and GAs liked about s5 it feels incredibly petty and disrespectful to sideline him so hard in s6 🤷🏻‍♀️
I loved the final minutes of the episode, and I absolutely got chills, same with seeing the preview for this week. I also love the shooting scene, but honestly 4x14 is Not It for me personally because *I* wanted more about EDDIE and more from his POV, and more from the firefam ABOUT Eddie like we're getting for Buck, and seeing the firefam and especially Bobby being there for Buck but instead all the scenes that SHOULD have gone to the firefam taking care of Buck or being at Eddie's house for his welcome home party, went to Tay Kay instead so KR could force her into the narrative. Plus Bobby got shot and we just never talked about that again and totally skipped any recovery even though Bobby had issues with pain meds and that could have been something to explore. So while the shooting scene itself is absolutely top tier, chef's kiss amazing, the episode as a whole is a mixed bag for me to say the least, while 6x10 really only had the sperm donor discussion that I didn't like because I don't see the point or what they're trying to accomplish with that arc since Buck isn't going to struggle at all with the difference between donor and dad, so I'm just tired of wasting screentime on it.
My general rule though is to keep my expectations, as much as I can, in the GROUND, so that I'm not disappointed. I forgot that lesson in s4 by foolishly thinking that after having Tay Kay humiliate Buck on purpose, call him a bad friend, and sneer at him about how needy he is (all because he asked her over as a friend to have his back in an uncomfortable situation when she thought it was gonna be for sex and all about her, and she wasn't prepared to actually step up and be a friend so she went out of her way to make things MORE uncomfortable for him out of spite), that it was a clue they would NEVER try to put them together. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ My b. I forgot some women just looooove the idea of pulling "big strong men" down and putting them "in their place" because hashtag feminism or whatever. And after Tay Kay AND L who bragged about enjoying making Buck uncomfortable? It's not too hard to see what kind of woman character KR likes to project on to.
Anyway, sorry the episode wasn't everything you wanted, though it felt much more like a return to form for me, and like you said even the emergencies were back to how they used to be. Brad and JCC really do create magic together, and I hope this energy continues through the rest of 6b because after 6a was just...filler moments with the occasional spark, it felt really good to have that season 3 energy back. At least the cast is giving stellar performances no matter what and the fodder for fics is all sooooo delicious, so we're still getting fed!
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todaviia · 2 years
Why does it take hours to write the appeal? What's in the appeal? What's the "asylum agency", are they lawyers as well?
The "asylum agency" are the Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF for short), it's the German Federal department for (among other things) vetting asylum claims. There are a lot of lawyers (as in, Juristen = people with a law degree) working there, but it's a normal administration job.
Basically in the German asylum system you first fill out an "Asylantrag" (asylum claim). In this you say where you come from and why you think you should be entitled to protection in Germany (both actual asylum - which refers to people who are personally persecuted - as well as subsidiary protection, which applies to people fleeing from general humanitarian disasters such as war).
Then the BAMF checks your asylum claim. Here is a very good English-language longform article by the Atlantic detailing how the BAMF works and what methods they use. Then they make a decision (Bescheid), which either accepts or rejects the claim (appealing it means you refuse to accept their ruling and try to overturn it).
There's TONS of problems with this. Even legitimate refugees often don't tell the truth or do so in a way that is contradictory bc we're talking about usually super traumatized ppl getting like half an hour to tell the absolute worst and often most intimate parts of their lives to a total stranger and THEN these total strangers judge whether they believe that or not.
And they can be super and I mean SUPER unfair about this. For example for the guy whose appeal I wrote today (let's call him F.), he was asked to describe his situation and he said he knew three other gay guys in his city, that they were the only people who knew about his sexuality and that they all were still closeted and still in Iraq. He gives detailed descriptions their meet-ups, their conversations, generally how they lived (it's literally all in the hearing transcript). The interviewer asked for their names. F. said their first names. The interviewer asked for their full names. F. said he doesn't know them.
In the Bescheid, it says among other things "F. was unable to give details including basic information such as names about the people who supposedly were members of the social group of people who shared his oppression. True accounts of persecution are often characterised by the fact that they are very detailed. His claim is therefore not substantiated."
We're talking about an 18-year old gay kid who just fled a country where he legitimately feared for his life because of his sexuality and who basically had to keep this part of himself secret his whole life, in a conversation with a complete stranger in a position of authority. Of course the fact that he didn't give the full names of his closest friends who still lived in that country in that situation must mean he's lying.
It also says it's contradictory and therefore unbelievable that the father would inform another family member about his son's sexuality because the fact that this would bring dishonor to the family means the father would have kept it a secret. (The "conversation" was the father convincing other male family members to join in and kill him - something which happens regularly in the country if you read up on literally any source dealing with LGBT Iraqis - often even clerics get involved to issue fatwas against them).
All in all, even if he was gay, he should have considered living anonymously in a different part of Iraq rather than come to Germany.
And what takes hours is to dig up reputable and up-to-date sources detailing the status of gay men in Iraq (Here is a heartbreaking report by Human Rights Watch btw), especially concerning the different regions of Iraq (Iraqi Kurdistan for example is considered more liberal when it comes to religion, so religious minorities from Iraq just get told to move to Iraqi Kurdistan instead. However, this does NOT apply to sexuality).
Then you try to pad that with other German court decisions abt gay men in Iraq (unfortunately it's mostly lower administrative court decisions, which don't hold much weight - but the VAST majority of them accept gay men from Iraq as legitimate refugees. There's also an ECJ ruling that says gay refugees can not be expected to hide their sexuality in their country of origin, as that would not be expected of straight refugees either and therefore would be discrimination, that's why his chances are quite good bc the Bescheid literally expected that of him) The LSVD has a REALLY great compilation for all sort of different countries of origin.
And then you have to take apart the whole bullshit Bescheid, point out the logical flaws, add other stuff the refugee told you and try to come with proofs for that etc.
It takes A LOT of work.
#also you cant believe what kind of total bullshit sometimes gets written just to keep people out#the absolutely dumbest thing i ever saw was not asylum but spousal-visa related#it was abt ppl from a west african nation who got married in that nation#only to realise fun fact germany automatically assumes all documents from developing countries to be fake#even and especially if its official documents#so it didnt recognize the marriage certificate#and instead started ~verification proceedings via the embassy#(who im pretty sure has no other job except to try and keep ppl out)#they hired a lawyer to ~interview family members - he showed up unannounced at their house at 10 am on a workday#and when the neighbor informed him that the family members were at work and where they worked#he went back home and wrote that family members were not available for interview#so then the embassy wrote they believed its a fake marriage possibly between family members#who seemed to be in on not cooperating in the investigation#(the SECRET investigation which consisted of showing up announced at their house ONCE during work hours)#and that they assume the people were not spouses at all#rather family members#what compelling piece of evidence did they base this completely fucking bogus claim on?#the spouses had the same last name!#EXCEPT THE VAST MAJORITY OF MARRIAGES IN THAT COUNTRY INCLUDING THIS ONE#WAS INTRA-CLAN MARRIAGE#SURNAMES WERE INTRODUCED BY THE COLONISING POWER AND GUESS WHAT THEY JUST BASED THEM ON#if you guessed clan affiliation congratulations#you understand why the vast majority of marriages take place between ppl who had the same surname even before marriage#something which you could find out literally with one google search#or one conversation with anyone from that country#this still took like 2.5 YEARS to resolve
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vctorcastellar769 · 10 months
Quake And K-Pop Similarities, Part 2
Another blog, another topic. This time we're starting off with Quake's competitive and most mental-aggregating game mode of all time: Duel.
Duel, is, as we already know, a 1v1 FFA. Obviously, it's a frag-or-be-fragged game mode wherein point-making is the name.
Arena FPS Players and K-Pop Idols share the same goal; Show to-the limit excellency in the competition, or else they'll fall short. Question is, how?
When entering the fate of a K-Pop Star, they'll accept what others call "Slave Contracts" or layman's terms, trainee warrants. Teens as young as 13 will be conditioned to harsh and strict factors. Whether practicing from morning until night time to master a dance routine, maintaining a diet to avoid gaining weight, getting plastic surgery to match up with the Korean beauty standards, or hiding sensitive information that could be ostracized by Korean society. They were not allowed to date nor to not be straight or even go home to their families until they finish their contract. All of this is just for a very slim chance of success, and that is to debut.
To debut, you have to gain experience in the world of dance. As a quote from one of the edited wikis I contributed:
Experience is generally easy to gain as long as one pays attention to, and absorbs, what is going on while they play. When you do something, anything, for long enough, you tend to get accustomed to what is likely to happen, even if you aren’t conscious of it at the time.
Once they debut, they'll be handling a new name, a role in a K-Pop group, and a new behavioral model, all for the sake of branding. When they earn money, most of the chunks of it go to the management company to cover expenses on their music video production or debts from their training period. The rest of their hours in life are dedicated to practicing, broadcasting shows, and conducting concert tours, all it takes to entertain and satisfy the fans' imaginative desires. Combine it with a restrictive diet, and they'll experience a lot of physical and mental tolls. But the support of the group members is present. This is where teamwork and chemistry become paramount as they'll live with them 24/7. The rules still apply from the trainee times with more to follow: they cannot date (they'll break their fans' hearts if they do), cannot be friends with the opposite gender(suspects them of dating, which they don't like), and cannot interact with a member from a rival company (makes the statement "we're not a team, this is competition" to a whole new level).
The dangers in K-Pop Industry are far exceptional, from the companies themselves to the fans as well. Even if a majority of a fanbase of a K-Pop group is supportive and positive, a minority of it decides to do extreme lengths like invading a K-Pop Idol's privacy, or far from worse, harm them with anything that comes close.
And how does it correlate to the Arena FPS player base? On the casual side, it's all egos, emos, and all fun times. On the competitive side, however, is where you'll see the best part.
Back in 2020, as I start my very first ranked Duel on QC, I wasn't sure about what am I supposed to do here, other than fragging my opponent (which is the objective, btw). Still, my confidence didn't waver, until it was match time. The part where I thought it was just another game mode, but I was wrong.
The harsh environment of Duel is why there's a divide between the casual and competitive sides. One-on-one matches are all about personal mastery and the status quo. There's no point in saving others if you can't save yourself. I get beaten down by the players whether I have hundred milliseconds of ping or not. The pain was unbearable to the point that I cry. It is bullshit as aging individuals get to see it, but at that time it changed me.
I still remember the time when I cry because I lost too many matches, that I asked myself, "Why can't I do better? What's wrong with me?"
I guess, after that happened, I've changed for the better by taking matters into my own hands. I started to learn how it works, and how am I supposed to play it. I stayed on it.
This is where I come to an understanding...
Duel is about pushing yourself to the limit, gaining experience and grinding yourself to the turn of the screws so that you master Quake all-in-all, and every duel match wasn't even personal to begin with. The amount of time you can do is not confined to the limit of the human body.
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