#but at the same time he's the one who chose to be on two continents at once
Just saw some art that reminded me of my own Stormblood dragoon experience. So, Frog hit 70 Dragoon out in the Azim Steppe while doing the MSQ. I think I hadn't quite unlocked flying yet. But you see, you only need access to the Azim Steppe to get to the 70 job quest because it's not gated behind any higher level area. So I tootled up to it probably still wearing like level 63 gear or something, started the quest, and got all the cutscenes out the way, started the fight, and got absolutely murdered.
Then my brother pointed out it would be a lot less hard if I finished the MSQ (he was always nagging me to do that for some reason) and collected at the very least some 69/70 dungeon gear and quest stuff for Dragoon so I could actually do the fight without being auto attacked to death. And like, eh, not like you need better gear than what I had to continue doing literally anything other than the 70 DRG quest. So I nodded and got on with doing that. But I did really want to get that quest done so I pretty much just waited until I had Castrum Abania upgrades and 68 quest reward gear and tried it again, and did actually beat it after much travails, learned the meaning of friendship and love etc, as you do.
So in Frog Canon, like, the order of events that unfolded as Bounding Frog, warrior of light, was fighting the Stormblood war on two fronts, was this:
Estinien leaves Ishgard and heads directly for the great big hole in the ground that he stares ominously at in a mid-Stormblood cutscene
Despite ominous pronouncements about what he has left to do, he gets distracted and travels all the way to the Far East after deciding maybe the hole in the ground at least is someone else's 70 raid series problem, and I guess he hit a dead end investigating that.
Frog encounters him in the Azim Steppe having his hot girl summer literally at peace, blissed out, free of all burdens save his newfound purpose
Estinien is like "What are you doing here anyway?" and she's like "Ummmmm we're kinda kicking the Garleans out of every single province at once because the twins have absolutely no concept of moderation I guess?"
Estinien looks at Orn Khai and says, "Oh no. Listen, small and extremely ambitious friend I have adopted. I have another, smaller but even more ambitious friend who is doing stupider things. Can you wait here for like. A week. I'll be back, I have all the aetherytes between here and Ishgard unlike some people."
Estinien teleports back the nearest aetheryte in Gyr Abania he has and stealthily follows Alphy around until he needs to do a big damn hero moment uncredited.
Estinien teleports back to the Far East and sits on a rock sharpening his spear and looking moody for a few hours
He and Frog do the 70 job quest together
He's like "cool so did you finish the war so we can hang out?"
She's like "no lmao I still have to liberate Ala Mhigo. Wild, right?"
Estinien slowly drags his hand down his face.
He returns to Gyr Abania to appear in the appropriate cutscene after the Stormblood quest is complete
He returns to the Far East to hide in Kugane until Krile comes to get him for the next time he canonically appears and this whole thing explains is why he is SO resentful that anyone would dare try to pry him out of just sitting down for FIVE MINUTES.
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elizadraws · 7 months
Bulgarian Music in Studio Ghibli films
”Myth has it that Orpheus was born in what is now Bulgaria. It seemed to be fact, not myth, that his daughters are still singing there”
These words were written by the New York Times in the remote 1963 — the year in which the largest Bulgarian folk ensemble crossed the Iron Curtain to conquer an entire continent with its cosmic art.
The 1975 release of Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares, a compilation album of modern arrangements of Bulgarian folk songs, further popularized Bulgarian music, and in 1977, a vinyl record featuring the folk song “Izlel ye Delyo Haydutin” (Eng: Come out rebel Delyo) began its journey aboard the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecrafts.
From this point on popularity from the West spread to the East, and Bulgarian folk music made it to the entertainment industry, including legendary Japanese anime films, like the cult cyberpunk “Ghost in the Shell” or the heartwarming Studio Ghibli features.
In this short article I write about two occasions of Bulgarian music playing in Studio Ghibli’s films.
The record that inspired the creation of “Only Yesterday”
“Only Yesterday” is a 1991 Japanese animated drama film written and directed by Isao Takahata, based on the 1982 manga of the same title by Hotaru Okamoto and Yuko Tone. Set in rural Japan, the film draws parallels with the peasant lifestyle present in Eastern Europe.
The original work is a compilation of short stories about 11-year-old Taeko’s daily life in 1966. Director Takahata had a hard time making it into a movie since the manga, told in the form of a memoir, has no plot to hold a feature. Together with producer Toshio Suzuki, they came up with the solution of bringing the narrator of the story, adult Taeko, into the movie. But there is a curious anecdote about how this idea came to mind.
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Taeko picks safflower as the Bulgarian song “Malka moma dvori mete” plays in the background. © Studio Ghibli
In a 2021 interview with students from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, producer Suzuki recounts how a record of Bulgarian songs performed by the children choir “Bodra Smyana”, introduced to him by director Takahata, inspired the creation of the movie. Moved by the cosmic voices of the children, they decided to make “Only Yesterday” a musical. He also recalls what a tiring process it was to acquire the rights to the music, but if you’ve seen the movie, I am sure you will agree that it was worth it; the haunting, beautiful songs with the pastoral images of farmers picking flowers contribute to one of the greatest scenes created in cinema.
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Producer Suzuki showing the record that inspired the creation of ”Only Yesterday”. Source: Studio Ghibli’s Twitter
In “Only Yesterday”, we can hear two songs from the album Bulgarian Polyphony I by Philip Koutev Ensemble. The upbeat “Dilmano Dilbero” [Eng. beautiful Dilmana] sets a happy mood as the protagonist gets changed and ready to go on the field. As the scene shifts and Taeko starts narrating a sad story about the girls in the past picking safflower with their bare hands, the song and mood shift as well.
While the first song has a fast rhythm, with lyrics about pepper planting that can also be interpreted figuratively, the second one, “Malka Moma Dvori Mete” [Eng., a little girl sweeps the yard], is a ballad about a young girl who is forced into marriage but has never known true love.
Both compositions sing about life-cycle events like marriage and the regular coming of the harvests, with lyrics perfectly fitting the setting and plot of the movie, which makes me wonder if the filmmakers chose them by chance or if they had someone translate the words.
Bulgarian Cosmic Voices Enchanting Howl
“Howl’s Moving Castle” is a 2004 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, loosely based on the 1986 novel of the same name by British author Diana Wynne Jones. Set in a fictional kingdom the movie draws inspiration from various places in Europe. One of them being Bulgaria.
The story focuses on a young girl, named Sophie, magically transformed into an old woman, and a self-confident but emotionally unstable young wizard, Howl, living in a magical moving castle.
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A sketch of a Star Child. Source: The Art of Howl’s Moving Castle
If you’ve seen the movie, you surely remember the scene when Madame Suliman ambushes Howl and tries to strip him of his magic powers. Star Children encircle him and his companions; their shadows grow big, dark and intimidating. They start dancing and chanting unintelligible magic words and are almost successful in their devilish act.
This scene, together with the music played in the background, have been a favourite of many fans of the film. Some even recount it giving them nightmares when they were children.
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Star Children encircle Howl in an attempt to strip him of his magic powers. © Studio Ghibli
It turns out, however, that these aren’t any incantations, but the lyrics of a folk song. In Bulgarian. And a love song! Contrary to popular belief, the lyrics have nothing to do with magic and are actually about a boy taking his sweetheart, Dona, to the market to buy her new clothes. The excerpt used in the movie is very short and a bit altered from the original, but the words used go like this: Trendafilcheto, kalafercheto, Done mamino, translated as “the rose, the costmary, my darling Dona”.
I am planing a follow up article where I will post the translated lyrics together with a brief explanation on how they are related to the movies.
If you want to comment on or add something, I would love to hear!
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The sun was beaming down mercilessly on Trax as he climbed up the dusty rocks of the badlands. It didn't help much that his clothing was torn to rugs after the long journey or that his hands were calloused from the countless hours of climbing and shoving rocks and dirt. Still, the muscular and rugged man did not stop and climbed on, determined to reach the top of the hill. He didn't have too much choice. His water canteen was almost empty, only holding enough liquid for another half a day of hiking.
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Trax stopped for a moment to wipe his brow and dry his hands on the very few scraps of clothing that were left from his shirt. Trax tried to control his breathing. His friends would surely have called him crazy, going into the badlands like this: Without preparation, without equipment and alone. Perhaps one or two of them would even have insisted on coming with him, to make sure he wasn't just throwing his life away. His friends really were awesome guys, Trax thought before correcting himself. No, that wasn't right. His friends had been awesome guys. Past tense. Another twinge of sadness darkened Trax' already bad mood. Truth be told, if his friends would still be around, he wouldn't even have considered taking on this crazy journey. But that was in the past. When the raiders on their bikes and trucks attacked Trax' settlement, many of the men, including every damn single one of his friends had been massacred. It had been a blood bath and Trax had only survived because he was out at the time, scavenging the industrial ruins nearby for supplies.
Having been born after the calamity and the subsequent wars, Trax knew fair well that surviving in the central European wasteland was difficult under the best circumstances. Having been heavily decimated by raiders, however, with most of the men dead it was nearly impossible. Most women and children had decided to leave, hoping to find a new place to settle or perhaps to find another settlement, where they might have a chance at a normal life. Not so Trax. Pretty much everyone had heard the story of Utopia. Utopia, the city of legends. Utopia, the safe haven. Grasping at straws, he set out for the badlands, in search of the mythical place.
Sighing, Trax got back to climbing, scaling the rest of the hill a bit more energetic now. After another half an hour, he finally reached the top of the hill, only to be rewarded with a wide view over a valley between the barren mountains. More importantly, though, Trax could hardly believe his eyes. Taking most of the space of the valley was a glass dome surrounded by a massive concrete and metal wall. Under the pristine glass that was reflecting the sunlight like a jewel, Trax could see a city. Not any city, mind you! Trax could see the green of trees and bushes between the high-rising spires, and the glittering of running water. He was able to make out some slight movement under the dome, probably from vehicles or even flying cars, and the air itself had a clean shimmer, almost like he imagined it when he heard the stories as a child.
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Trax was mesmerized by the view, but at the same time, he didn't quite believe what he was seeing. He had really done it. He had reached the city of Utopia!
As fast as he could without breaking his legs, Trax scrambled down the hill and towards the impressive fortification. With each step, another thought became more and more prevalent. He had been so focused on finding the city that he had not yet thought of how to get in. From what he knew from the stories, Utopia had been a project of corporations and remnants of governments alike. A safe haven in the post-apocalyptic hellscape the continent had become. Of course, even though there were considerably less people than before the calamity, a single city would never be enough to house all survivors. So, the corporations chose a simple, yet proven concept of controlling who could get in: You had to pay for entry. It was ridiculously expensive, an amount of money Trax could not possibly earn in a hundred lifetimes. Enough to buy a bunch of settlements the size Trax' old home was. Of course, in the settlements, slums really, money didn't have too much meaning anymore. It was used for trading with other settlements, but apart from that, the concept of wealth had mainly meaning in the remains of the big cities. Even there, only a very elite few had been able to buy themselves entry into Utopia.
And now that *he* was here, standing in front of the massive concrete walls, it seemed like a stupid idea anyway. Who was he, a nobody, a mere scavenger, to try and demand entry to the city of dreams?
Well, he had to try. The gate in the concrete wall was massive. At least 20 meters tall and made of sturdy metal. Nobody was there, no guard or anyone really, which was not too surprising: Trax could hardly imagine anyone wanting to stand guard here, in the middle of nowhere, in the searing heat. Inside the huge gate was a smaller door, made from the same sturdy metal, with a computer console next to it. When Trax stepped closer, the terminal lit up. Trax was able to read, a skill that was sometimes necessary when scavenging the industrial ruins. However, he didn't have too much practice, so it took him a moment to decipher the three words on the surprisingly clean display: "Enter Entry Ticket".
Trax cursed. There was nothing else to be read, and even if there were, he would not have had any clue as to what he was supposed to do. He banged his fist against the door, and the sound reverberated off the nearby hills. However, there was no answer. Apparently, the entry in the city was fully automated and without an expensive ticket, there was no way to get in. Climbing up the concrete walls was pretty much impossible, and even if he managed to, he would only stand in front of the mighty glass dome.
Defeated, Trax slumped against the wall. It didn't make sense. He had made it all this way, had seen the city, had touched the very walls and yet, the city was still not within reach.
That's when he noticed another path, almost invisible under layers of dust and dirt. The main gate was well maintained and cleaned, but this path, going along the wall, had clearly not been used in decades. Perhaps there was still a chance to get into the city after all.
Trax followed the path for a few dozen meters before he noticed a faded writing on the concrete. The yellow paint was huge but aged and showed an arrow to the left. Under the arrow, Trax could read the words: "Lottery Winners, This Way".
Lottery winners. Something stirred in Trax' memory. Lottery. Yes, he remembered that part of the story. Of course, after announcing that only the richest of the rich were granted access to the city of dreams, there had been an outrage. Following that, and to soothe the masses, there had been a huge lottery where one thousand souls from all over the country were able to win a place in the city. It was said that whoever won the lottery left for Utopia and never came back - understandably so.
Apparently, the way he was following now was meant for the lottery winners. Trax felt a twinge of hope. Perhaps there was yet another way of getting into the city. It was a faint chance, but it was a chance.
Trax followed the path that was winding around the big walls until it ended in an archway that led down into the foundation of the concrete structure. It was a gaping black hole in the light concrete, but, and that was both surprising and like a miracle to Trax, not barred by a door.
He carefully entered the archway and waited for his vision to adopt to his now darker surroundings. There was enough sunlight coming in through the entry to discern that he was now standing in a long, concrete corridor, tilted a little bit downwards. Trax could vividly imagine a thousand people standing in queue in the broad corridor, but now his steps echoed from the blank wall. After a little while, electric lights flickered to live as he was nearing a fork in the corridor. It split into two, left and right, where the left was adorned with a black figure wearing a skirt, while the right one showed a similar figure wearing pants. The universal signs for male and female, as they were found on old restrooms as well. Without thinking too much about it, Trax turned right and went down the "male" path. After only a few more steps, he passed a heavy metal door, which stood widely into a medium sized room.
The room wasn't well maintained, but it was clear that this was a part of the technological marvels that kept the city running. It was crammed with pipes and cables, tubes and huge towers of technology that Trax couldn't really place. However, everything in here seemed dormant. There were no blinking lights, no beeping sounds or sound of liquids running through the pipes. Dormant, with one exception. In the center of the room, there stood a huge block of machinery, with two notable features. The first was a large screen at about eye level that was dark. The second thing was a hole in the block with a diameter of about 5-6 centimeters in diameter 80 centimeters above the ground, surrounded by a blue plastic ring. This ring was lit by some internal light source and was blinking slowly, as if it was breathing. Curiously, Trax stepped closer.
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As he approached the block, two things happened at once. With a faint whirring sound, the machinery in front of him came alive and the display lit up. At the same time, a loud bang sounded from the entrance and the heavy door slammed shut, closing Trax in.
Trax could feel panic rising up but fought it down again quickly. Whatever was happening here was just standard procedure for the lottery winners. There was probably nothing to worry about. Instead, he looked at the screen. In big white flickering letters on green background, it read:
"Welcome Lottery Winner! Please enjoy yourself!"
Trax couldn't make sense of the message, so he took another look around the room. There was another, considerably larger door on the other side of the room, but it was closed shut as well, with no discernable way of opening it. While the room was crammed with technology, the only active thing Trax could see was the central block with the hole and the screen. "Please enjoy yourself!". What was that supposed to mean?
Trax cocked his head and took another long look at the block. The only other notable feature was the hole surrounded by the blue ring, about one leg length from the ground. Trax squatted down and took a closer look at it. The blue ring was still blinking, the hole itself was dark. When Trax looked into it, he could only see blackness. Carefully, he felt it with his finger and was surprised to find a smooth malleable surface that quickly warmed to the touch, not unlike silicon. When he extended his index finger deeper into the hole, he could feel the walls of the hole suddenly starting to move in a slow, wave-like motion.
Trax quickly withdrew his finger and the motion stopped. He cocked his head again. That surely couldn't be right. "Please enjoy yourself!". It couldn't possibly mean...
On the other hand, there were a lot of indicators. The hole in the block was at exactly the right height and had the right diameter. The message could very well be interpreted that way. This was a room designated for male lottery winners. And the doors closed, allowing for some privacy. Trax shook his head. This was crazy. What possible reason could there be that the designers of the city wanted the lottery winners to... jerk off before entering the city?
On the other hand, perhaps it wasn't even too stupid. Getting your rocks off, possibly after a long journey would help the newcomers to relax and see things calmer and more rational. It was unusual, sure, but possibly not a bad idea.
"Enjoy yourself!" the message still read.
"Fine!" Trax said. "If that's what you want, let's do this!"
He undid his belt, pulled his torn trousers and even more threadbare underwear down, and grabbed his soft dick. With a few quick strokes, he got it first half-hard, and then, when he was rigid enough, he directed his cock to the waiting hole. It wasn't too difficult to get hard to be honest. Trax hadn't had time to jerk off since the attack on his settlement, and now that he was finally safe and relaxed, he was able to unwind a little bit. He could feel his blood rushing down, and his dick got stiffer and harder, until the head of his dick was throbbing and ready to enter the tight hole.
Trax was panting and gasping as he shoved his dick forward, penetrating the warm, slick tunnel. He couldn't believe how good this felt. The hole was so soft and malleable and so very tight! Immediately, the movements started again, and Trax moaned with delight as his dick was surrounded by waves of pulsing, squeezing pressure. His cock was swallowed whole and pressed on the tight tube as if it wanted to milk his dick. Trax gasped again. There was absolutely no doubt that this device was meant for exactly this purpose. He stepped even closer to the block, until his shaft was buried in the masturbation aid to the hilt. Slowly, he pulled his dick back, feeling every inch of the wet, warm and tight sleeve until the head was resting against the entrance. Then, with a grunt, he shoved it back, making the machine squeal and his body shudder with the intense sensation.
This time, there was another whirring sound inside the machine, and the hole became a lot tighter as a strong suction became active around his cock.
"Fuuuuck..." Trax groaned. His legs were shaking as his shaft was being sucked on with incredible strength. This was so much better than jerking off! He tried to pull back to thrust his cock back in with force but found himself unable to. The suction was so strong that it just didn't allow any movement of his dick. So, all he could do was to stand there, trembling as the machine was milking his cock. He used both his hands to grab onto the machine block in order not to be too overwhelmed. Trax was so enthralled by the experience that he didn't notice the technology in the room turned itself on one by one. Before long, Trax was surrounded by whirring, squealing and clicking noises from all directions.
However, Trax did notice when both of his wrist where suddenly grabbed by cold metal grabs and jerked apart until his arms were forcefully extended left and right of his body. He tried to pull free, but the machine held him firmly. A second later, a metal strap shot out of the block, and forced his legs apart until his whole body was spread-eagled. Then, with a clang, the two straps were bolted to the floor.
Trax was unable to move, except for his hips, which were still being pleasured by the amazingly tight machine sleeve. Was this some kind of intruder detection? Still, the machine pleasuring his cock felt incredible and hadn't it been for the sudden attack of the machinery, he would already be close to cumming. Right now, however, Trax was looking left and right to the strong metal arms holding his wrists in place in increasing confusion and panic.
Then, something new happened. Accompanied by a mechanical whirr, Trax felt a prodding sensation at his exposed ass. Then, without much more of a warning, a silicon replica of a large cock rammed itself into his ass. Trax had secretly always fantasized about being intimate with another man, and, more importantly, to be fucked by another man, but he didn't expect to experience this sensation for the first time here, in all places. He didn't even have the chance to prepare himself, to stretch himself open. The cock, that was clearly made out of the same material as the masturbation aid, was thick and hard and the sudden penetration took his breath away and made him moan both from pain, surprise and pleasure.
The dildo was moving back and forth in a rhythmic pace, slowly, but with a steady mechanical strength. Despite the helpless situation, Trax felt he was in, the combined sensations were too much to bear. With a cry, he came, hard, into the machine, injecting spurt after spurt of his cum into the mechanism.
At the same time, he felt the dildo in his ass release a thick liquid into his intestines as well, leading to a strangely full feeling in his behind.
Trax' faint hope that now the machine would surely release him, however, quickly vanished. After his dick had spent the last drops of his load into the machine, the machine began to move alongside his dick again, the movements now accompanied by the slick feeling of his own sperm in the device. A moment later, the rhythmic fucking of his ass began anew. There was one change to before, though: The screen in front of him no longer showed the "Enjoy yourself" message but instead flickered with lightning fast strings of zeros and ones, each one displaying for little more than a millisecond.
Trax felt the strangest sensation as the dildo continued to fuck his ass. The semen, or whatever the machine was pumping into his bowels, was now acting as a lubricant and his ass was being fucked in the most pleasant way. At the same time, he felt a tingling sensation all over his body. He watched in amazement as all the little dark hairs on his body one after another fell to the ground like specks of dust. Trax had barely time to notice, though, as another grab from behind fixated his head to the screen in front of him.
Still, the strange sensation didn't stop there. Trax couldn't see it because he was unable to turn his head now, but he could almost feel his skin turning an unnatural gray - no, silver color. At the same time, his skin became harder and colder.
Trax groaned as his body suddenly expanded. He had been a fit, lean man, but now, his body changed so quickly it was almost like magic, accompanied by a churning feeling from within him. Again, he came, and again, more thick liquid was deposited into him as well, just as his bod became more and more bulky.
Trax' head was swimming. Somehow, the strings of binary numbers almost made sense to him. It was clear that something was planted into his brain, but he couldn't make sense of what exactly it was. However, there was one thing he could make sense of.
Trax had to serve Utopia. The thought appeared so quickly and so forcefully Trax couldn't help but say it out loud: "Serve... Utopia". What was going on?
He didn't have time to think about it further as his body expanded even more. His cock was still being squeezed and the dildo was still fucking him, and his muscles were burning from the constant strain, but the tingling sensation had not yet stopped. The skin on his arms and legs split open at the joints now. Around the parts that didn't need to move, cold and rigid metal plates formed now, while the joints were becoming flexible plastic. Trax could almost *feel* his bones become metal and his muscles being replaced by powerful servo motors. His chest had barreled out and the skin became a large metal casing. Inside, a whirring and clacking noise took place, before several valves formed at the side of his torso, leading to an internal oil tank.
Trax was acutely aware of all of that, but he couldn't react to it. His eyes were glued to the screen and with every passing number, Trax felt his own will being pushed away, replaced by a cold calculating logic, primed at a single motive.
"Serve Utopia", Trax said again and this time, his voice sounded different, almost artificial. The old Trax was still there of course - even as his head turned into the cold metal skull and his face was replaced by a red visor containing his sensory equipment, Trax original personality was perfectly preserved. He just couldn't help it. He had lost all control over his body, his voice and even his thoughts. He was being converted and there was nothing he could do. One last spurt of cum, the last remains of his human nature left his cock just before it turned into a set of tubes and electric connectors. The connector in his rear port deposited a last portion of nanobots and withdrew from the port after that. With that, the restraints holding his arms and legs released him at once. Unlike his flesh body from before however, Trax' new metal body didn't slump in on itself but stood unmoved due to its strong internal structure.
Trax wanted to turn around, to run away, but his body wouldn't obey his commands. Instead, another clear, pristine thought formed in his mind. "Connecting", Trax said in his new, mechanical voice.
Then, all of a sudden, his mind exploded and expanded. He was now *connected* to the city, to Utopia. Even more so, he was becoming a *part* of Utopia, one mechanical drone to serve the wealthy inhabitants of the city.
"Receiving new designation.... TRX-1001".
TRX-1001 quietly observed as the doors to the room sprung open. It withdrew its frontal groin connector from the conversion unit and stomped towards its assigned maintenance task.
As TRX-1001 entered the city of Utopia, Trax, who was still inside, was overcome by mixed feelings. He had really done it. He had reached the city of dreams. He had even become somewhat immortal, but at what cost. He had been reduced to little more than a subroutine in one of the thousand and one autonomous drones serving the city, toiling away day after day.
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justarandomlambblog · 2 months
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I was possessed by a thought
Modern-ish au but in a "thousands of years post-canon universe"
In which Lamb did not spare Narinder and when they saved the Bishops from Purgatory, actually put them to rest (aka sent them to the After) and oops, the Bishops + Narinder accidentally reincarnated while the Lamb wasn't watching
(Part 2 here)
In this life, the Bishops are still siblings and all were born with magic; Narinder became a priest, and though the other Bishops were raised in the temple alongside him they chose to pursue careers outside of the priesthood. Heket runs a restaurant (of course), Kallamar makes jewelry and sells crystals (he has healing magic so his crystals are literal healing crystals :) ), Leshy is a gardener and Shamura runs a bookshop (I'm sure you're noticing a theme here- their past lives are affecting their new ones). Their past lives' injuries have actually carried over, only instead of being injuries they're disabilities they were born with; Shamura their memory issues, Kallamar is deaf, Heket is mute, Leshy is blind, and Narinder has chronic pain (he WAS in chains for a thousand years, his muscles were ATROPHIED and his joints destROYED, and you cannot convince me otherwise). Not shown here; Narinder also uses a cane and on his really bad days a wheelchair.
Heket: Get a whole pumpkin Narinder, who can't lift more than 20 pounds:
Why do Narinder (and the Bishops) look the same and have the same name? Well. The world may have forgotten them, but the universe hasn't.
Aym and Baal are immortals from their time in the After in this world, and though at first they were resistant to helping the Lamb, eventually they saw they needed Help™ and had no idea what they were doing, and having been witness and aid to Narinder's job for centuries they knew how to help. Over the millennia they fell into the old familiar role of being the guardians of Death (Forneus is also an immortal so don't worry they're not separated again) and are in a constant state of Done With Lamb's Shit (/affectionate).
... I actually really love how Lamb turned out here. It was fun drawing them Older. And quite a flip with making them look older than Narinder. The society that's been built up is still religious but no one recognizes Lamb because they've changed so much over the last two thousand years, and the fact they're a sheep doesn't raise any red flags as sheep have migrated to the Lands from other continents. They're rare but not unheard of.
The Crown fits in by disguising as various types of pets, though no matter its form it always has one eye. This time it's a bird, and it recognized Narinder from a mile away :) The mind forgets but the soul remembers....
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thisblogisaboutabook · 6 months
Hello lovely!! Would you ever do a part 2 to Bad Idea right? Maybe the IC finds out about reader and Eris? 👀👀
I had planned for Part 1 to be a drabble only but I loved your ask so much that it’s going to be a short series now! I present to you, part 2. Thank you for this fun request!
Bad Idea, Right? - Part 2
Eris x Reader/Azriel’s Daughter
Sleeping with a male your dad hates is fun… until you get caught.
A follow up to the drabble “Bad Idea, Right?”
Part 3
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Warnings: 18+ for sexual content, language
Holy mother and all the bullshit gods my ancestors prayed to, I’m so royally fucked.
A necklace. A damned necklace, and my family’s overall inability to mind their own business, sent everything spiraling.
Nobody paid any mind to the jewelry I chose for Starfall until Amren set her eyes on the unique amber and gold hued necklace dangling from my neck - coveting the thing. Its unique jewels apparently something she’d never seen in her over 15,000 years of living.
Lucien, who had come with Vassa, Jurian, and Helion in tow, of course, overheard the conversation. With his wealth of knowledge and abundant need to be the biggest know-it-all in the room, Lucien chimed in that the gems came from the Autumn Court, typically only worn by the leading family and their closest affiliates. His brows furrowed with contemplation as he waived a hand toward my décolletage asking, “Which makes me wonder, where did you come across this piece?”
Damn it, Lucien.
And damn it, Eris. Leave it the prick to give me a gift that’s as much of a pain in my ass as he is.
Reading the look on my face, Lucien and Vassa’s son, my childhood best friend, Adish cut in- “Oh, I uh, I gave it to her for her birthday a couple of years ago. I’m surprised you two forgot.”
Lucien and Vassa looked to eachother in contemplation, not totally buying it, but not pressing further.
I mouthed a “thank you” to Adish before Amren pulled me back in to inspect the piece further.
Naturally, Uncle Rhys had step in at that moment - reusing the same joke that I have heard a hundred times since I was a child - Amren is a firedrake who will snatch the necklace right off me blah, blah, blah.
“It really is a lovely piece.” Aunt Feyre joined in, my mother, Aunt Nesta, and father with her. The three sisters inspecting it closely.
Holy shit, have these people never seen a necklace before?
I could have sworn that one of my shadows rolled it’s not existent eyes in agreement.
“Where did you get that?” Dad asked. “Apparently I need to keep it in mind for your mother and aunts for Solstice.”
“Oh, um, it’s from the Autumn Court, Adish gave it to me two years ago for my birthday.” I replied, innocently tracing a finger along the gems as I gave a forced smile.
It was then that my all-to-observant, spymaster jr., little sneak of a sister made her presence known. “No he didn’t! Adish got you a scarf from the continent that year.”
How the hell did this little shit remember these things!?
“Whatever, Azalea, it must have been a different year then.”
“No sissy! He never bought you a necklace - he bought you a bracelet, and two pairs of earrings, but never a necklace.”
Good gods. This child.
Rolling my eyes at my snoop of a sister, I coolly replied “Whatever, Azzy, I suppose my memory isn’t quite as good as yours.” Silently praying to whoever would listen that nobody pressed further. Dad’s shadows agitated but settled when my own shadows wound over to mingle with them.
Amren gave me a suspicious look that could only mean trouble - but fortunately kept her mouth shut. As the remainder of the group dispersed to interact with the crowd, Amren grabbed my arm.
“Be careful, girl. I know better than to tell you what to do, just… keep your wits about you.”
Her intense eyes locked with mine to which I shrugged the comment off. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I am not a fool, girl. I do not know you to be one either. Be careful.” the tiny fae chided as she sauntered off to find Varian.
Keeping a collected facade but needing some fresh air, I casually made my way toward a secluded balcony on the backside of the House of Wind.
Finally free of the crowd, I released all of the tension I’d been holding in, taking deep breaths in an effort of calming my nerves. I am an adult capable of making my own choices but… given the inner circles complicated history with Eris, and my fathers overall hatred of the male, I’d rather nobody know that we fuck each others brains out on occasion.
Frowning down at the necklace, I muttered curses to it that would make my mother, dear sweet Elain, keel over.
Too wrapped up in berating the jewelry, I didn’t notice the male behind me. I startled at the smooth voice cutting through the silence, his low tone dripping in lust. “Ah, little Shadowsinger, If you’d prefer a ring instead, I’m sure we could arrange that. Though I do say the necklace compliments your lovely assets quite well.” His eyes roved hungrily up and down my body, a primal gaze darkening those amber eyes and filled my core with heat. I nearly rolled my eyes back into my head as the intoxicating scent of mahogany and crackling fire filled my nostrils.
Regaining my wits and refusing to let him see how he effected me, I met those bedroom eyes with nothing but contempt. “Fuck off, Eris. Why are you here?”
He stepped closer. I stood my ground, no way was I going balk away from the challenge.
“Come now, little one, is that any way to speak to a High Lord? I was invited to the celebration tonight, as all of Prythian’s leaders were.”
Fair enough, but I wouldn’t let him win that easily. Waving him off, I commanded “Go find somewhere else to be a pain in the ass.”
Eris closed the distance, grabbing the wrist I had waived him away with. His head dipped down as his plush lips grazed the shell of my ear. His deep, sensual voice sent chills through me as he replied, “I can only promise pleasure when it comes to that beautiful ass, Y/N.”
Releasing my hand, Eris reached both hands around me, palms pressing into my ass as his fingers hitched my dress up to expose my thighs and barely clothed sex to the brisk evening air. In one swift motion he scooped me up, my legs instinctively wrapping around him. As his lips crashed into mine I bit the lower one just hard enough to draw blood before licking it away and kissing the hurt. His tongue then swooped into my mouth, battling for dominance against my own, a low growl escape his throat, reverberating through me.
Placing me on the balcony ledge, Eris situated himself between my spread legs, desperately palming at my breasts as I threw my head back, exposing the column of my throat to him. He lightly nipped down the length of my neck and my protruding collar bones before falling to his knees before me. His lust-filled eyes met mine as he cooed, “You could bring any male to their knees before your beauty, but this…” he pushed aside the lace thong, exposing me to him, “this gorgeous, dripping cunt belongs to your High Lord, and your High Lord only.”
His skilled tongue deftly swiped up my center, eliciting a moan from me. I looked down into his eyes - mesmerized by the amber hues peering at me from under his lashes. My fingers found purchase in his fiery red locks as I firmly stated, “I belong to no one and you are not my High Lord, Eris.”
His responding nip to my swollen clit drew a sharp gasp from me. Eris let out a satisfied hum in return as he resumed feasting like a starved male. Perhaps that’s what kept drawing me back into the bastards bed - his insatiable hunger fueled by that eagerness to please that only amplified with the calloused remarks I threw at him. Most females fell at his feet - throwing themselves at the chance to serve a High Lord. Whereas most males ran as far away as they could upon realizing that my father was the infamous Shadowsinger.
One of my shadows caressed the base of his neck, circling back around as to tilt his chin up. His needy eyes met mine again. “Fuck me, Eris.”
In an instant he was up, standing before me. Biting my lip, I clenched my thighs together at the sight of the incredibly evident arousal pressing against his trousers. He fumbled with the buckles on them, when suddenly a grating sound filled the air - the balcony doors flying open. “Sissy! Aunt Mor wants to see your neckl- oh wow, who is that!?”
Fuck me. This cannot be happening.
I jumped up, pulling my dress down before my little sister could see the exposed flesh.
I scrambled for words, voice cracking as I scolded, “She can wait, Azzy, just go back inside.”
It was too late though, as my father’s shadow that had been trailing her all evening had already reported back and before Eris or I could flee, my father, mother, Uncle Rhys, and Lucien winnowed onto the balcony.
Stay tuned for part three!
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audliminal · 1 month
It's barely the end of the first day of school, and three faculty members are dead. Nobody knows much yet, but supposedly the six freshman who all managed to get detention on the very first day of school were involved and, if the rumors are to be believed, two of them actually died. In a dumb fight in the cafeteria against some animated corn. Kipperlily rolls her eyes when she hears it. They're clearly a bunch of losers who are going to either drop out or get someone killed before the year is out, but that's not really her problem, is it?
Still, just to be on the safe side, maybe their party should spend some time in the woods behind the school, and get some practice in with rats and things before they find themselves involved in a fight like those dumb detention kids did.
It's a month into the school year, and Kipperlily's starting to get the hang of things. She's feeling comfortable in a fight now, they've been killing rats and twig gremlins in the Far Haven Woods as often as they can manage, and they're getting really good at it. They even have a name now, the High 5 Heroes, chosen by Kipperlily herself, of course.
Meanwhile, Kipperlily's pretty sure the kids from detention actually killed someone, though nobody seems to be talking about it. Kipperlily doesn't care what anyone says, she's heard multiple people say they saw members of their group talking to Penelope Sam and Johnny spells, and then the day after Johnny Spells gets killed in a fucking car chase, the rich kid, who's literally the son of a pirate, has a mysterious new motorcycle? It's all far too suspicious.
It's the week after winter break, and Kipperlily is stuck in the stupid guidance councilor's office, talking about her dumb feelings. Unlike the Bad Kids (and what kind of stupid name is that), who apparently had an adventure dropped in their lap within minutes of the first school day ending, Kipperlily has been waiting months and still nothing has popped up. Plus Oisin and Ivy keep joking about changing their party name to the Rat Grinders.
It's dumb. Who would want a party name that's based on some joke? Besides, she already chose the name. So why on earth would they change it now? At least Lucy seems to agree with her about it.
It's just days after prom, and Kipperlily is sick of everything. The stupid Bad Kids apparently crashed prom and literally defeated Kalvaxus, Emperor of the Red Waste. It's honestly bullshit. A dumb group of kids that couldn't even make it through one day of school without getting one third of their party killed, and they're being credited with saving the entire continent? Kipperlily's been digging into the Bad Kids' history with every moment of her free time, trying to figure out how a bunch of dumb untrained kids managed something so huge. And she thinks she might have cracked it.
Kristen Applebees is literally Helio's Chosen One, and apparently Adaine Abernant is the new Oracle of the Elves. Kipperlily doesn't know what Fig, Fabian, or Gorgug's deals are yet, but if rumors are to be believed, then Riz Gukgak's dad was eaten by the very same Kalvaxus. Clearly the entire reason the Bad Kids are succeeding is because of their personal histories.
And to make matters worse, Oisin and Ivy managed to get the rest of the party to go along with the stupid Rat Grinders name. and Mary Ann didn't even have a reason for it! The only one who voted with her was Lucy. So now they've got a dumb name and no real adventuring prospects, and all the while, a bunch of kids who skip classes and get arrested are somehow getting perfect grades with no effort.
It's sophomore year and everything is terrible. The Rat Grinders meet every day to kill rats in the woods and it's dumb and boring, and not even a little bit difficult anymore, and she has to go to weekly councilor sessions with Jawbone, who's an ally of her rival adventuring party, which. Aguefort already clearly likes them, and even before he was resurrected they had managed to get two of their allies positions in the school. Which has to be an unfair advantage. And now Fig's dad is the vice principal rather than the lunch lad. It's really no wonder they never seem to get in trouble for skipping classes or any of their other bullshit.
At least she can use their connection with Jawbone to her advantage. Every meeting with him, she mines him for new information on the Bad Kids, who have been doing absolutely nothing so far this year.
It's sophomore year and The Rat Grinders are going to finally get their chance! Porter and Jace have approached her with the opportunity of a lifetime! Porter even said she shows a lot of promise! He doesn't even seem to take issue with his anger, and he says that he's going to help her become an amazing adventurer. All she has to do is accept this weird little rage star thing and start worshipping some dead god of rage. Kipperlily honestly isn't that much into religion, but this is the first interesting thing to happen to her all day. She's already working to convince Lucy to change her god.
It's sophomore year and even as Kipperlily is finally making progress, the Bad Kids are still showing her up. Somehow, they ended up fighting the Nightmare King himself, defeating him and somehow in the process, Kristen Applebees managed to ressurect a dead god of her own. It's bullshit and literally the only reason they manage to get back in time for the end of spring break is the direct intervention of the principal again. Plus now Fig has somehow managed to become an Archdevil and start dating Principal Aguefort's daughter. As if she wasn't already a rockstar.
It's sophomore year and Kipperlily's going to make the Rat Grinders the best adventuring party at Aguefort, even if it kills her.
It's junior year and the Bad Kids seemed determined to ruin her life. It's bullshit. They literally didn't even know who she was before this year, and they seem determined to ruin everything she's working towards. On the first day of school, they all collectively decided that Kristen was going to run for school president, seemingly as a bit, the exact second that they find out she's running. And immediately on meeting her they made fun of her fucking name for literally no reason.
It's junior year and everything's going to plan. Kristen's been expelled, and the Bad Kids are taking The Last Stand, and they've got the perfect opportunity to get rid of all the Bad Kids for good. And yet somehow Kristen fucking Applebees manages to ruin their fucking plans perfectly, spotting her out before she can succeed in killing the proctor and Buddy. Instead she has to kill Buddy and let Oisin take her away before the Bad Kids can do anything. So of course the Bad Kids get a literal perfect score on The Last Stand, and now they've all aced their classes for the whole year.
It's junior year and they're summoning a dead god. It's junior year and they find out as they're casting the spell, that the name they'd gotten was fucking wrong. It's junior year and despite all their preparations the Bad Kids have managed to get to the gymnasium with all their stupid fucking votes. It's junior year and Kipperlily is at least going to kill Riz. It's junior year and Riz literally dives into lava.
It's junior year and Kipperlily's going to kill Riz. He thinks he's hiding, but she can see him, and she's going to have to close with him, but this is her opportunity, and then she's in the air, and he's got her in a hold person spell, and she's falling, and she's in the lava, and it's so hot, and it burns, and then it's all gone.
It's junior year and Kipperlily is dead. It's junior year and she's in a world of crystal spines and lava, and in the reflections of the crystals, Kipperlily can see everything. She sees herself in those wretched meetings with jawbone, kicking at the leg of the chair, and she can see Jawbone asking her every fucking time, what can she do to become a better adventurer. As if it was ever in her control. As if she ever could have done anything. As if it wasn't all about her backstory the whole time. As if she weren't the boring daughter of two boring people. As if she had ever had a chance.
"Did you ever try?" She hears a voice ask. And then Ankarna is there. The god that she tried so hard to kill. "Did you ever really try to become a better adventurer, or did you just wait for it to happen to you?"
"I did everything I could!" Kipperlily insists. "It's unfair, why should they get all the advantages?"
"Were they really ever advantages? Or did you just decide they were?"
"You think those idiots deserved their success? All they ever do is screw around!"
"That is not what I have seen of them. Nor have I seen any better of you. Of course, you did your schoolwork and you did it to the letter, but when did you ever challenge yourself? When did you ever take a risk? When did you ever seek out a task that was more than what you felt certain you would succeed at? Would you have even have the courage to take part in Porter's plan if he had not personally trained you, ensured that you were all as powerful as possible? You insist that the Bad Kids are only successful because of their tragic history, but what of Gorgug? There is not one thing in his past that drives him and yet he has succeeded at doing things no one else has ever managed." Ankarna stares long and hard at her, and then she is gone and Kipperlily is alone again. With nothing in her death but her own thoughts to keep her company.
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miyaniacs · 6 months
Corrupted by Darkness
- Introduction -
Facts ; Wattpad
ACOTAR x Fourth Wing x OC
You know how there’s Good and Bad in the world? Heaven and Hell? Angels and Demons?
For every good person, or fae, there’s an evil one out there. Somewhere.
Well it’s the same for dragons.
And I’m not sure if I found the good one or the bad one.
Hello Family,
I’m sure you all are thrilled to … read from me.
Until I found out you were spying on me the whole time?
Come one! Cassian? Do you have no trust in the way you trained me?
Or you Azzie? You made me a fucking shadow yet you’ve sent your shadows to spy on me?
I know I know, Im still a child in your eyes… but I’m as old as the others around me - besides I’ve survived with you as my “family”, you really think this will kill me?
Anyway, I finally have the privilege to annoy you all with endless letters, the first year is over and I’m still alive baby.
So let me tell you about my year…
On my very first day I made a friend, Rhiannon. We ended up being in the same squad too - Fourth Wing, Flame Section, Second Squad. Two new friends we made in our squad are Ridoc and Liam. I know you told me to stick to the other fae around here… But she’s a bitch and I’m this close to kill her every second she opens her mouth. And I really don’t know why our wing leader is fucking with her- like literally. Humans need to meet more fae, otherwise he’d realize that she’s not special. I really hope more fae will come to the riders and help mixing humans and fae in the future… Geographically our worlds are connected but somehow we are not. Back to this bitch tho. Her Name is Eve and she’s the daughter of some lord from Autumn, who’s dad is or was friends with Beron - this should be enough for you to know that she’s a bitch. So anyway now my friends and our section leader Garrick are now judging Xaden for fucking with her. Which made Xaden, our wing leader, hate me… Don’t ask me why just me and not the others too, but just me.
Maybe it was because I once said to Eve that I know she’s just messing with him because she can’t have the real Shadow boy ( yes I’m talking about you Az) - and he was right behind me. She looked offended tho, so add her to the endless list of girls that want to fuck Azriel, yet he still choses the life of abstinence.
Okay uhmmm all the fighting stuff is actually way too easy for me which is why I’m mainly training with Liam or Garrick and not the other first (now second) years.
The food is awful and doesn’t get better the longer you eat it (pls Rhys I’m begging you, pull some strings and get me a care package).
Well other than that… I know you what you want me to talk about… The dragon who chose me.
What can I say - I or We were the talk of the month when he appeared during Threshing and chose me. Everything around me became black. I couldn’t see anything and then… two glowing red eyes appeared in front of me and he spoke. He spoke in my head.
‘I’ve been waiting for you.’
Then the darkness … vanished and there he was. An enormous black dragon. His scales are razor sharp spikes, his horns ( he has for of them) are so long, I could hold them while riding him. His teeth come close to the size of you Cassian. His tail ends in something that fades into a shadow… just like his wings. They have holes in them and the ends fade into shadows…
He wasn’t a normal black dragon I was sure of that.
Thanks to being a fae I got on top of his back and somehow managed to stay there during the flight.
I’m sure you heard all about the drama that went down afterwards.
He shouldn’t be here.
He’s supposed to stay a legend.
Is he even real?
How can he possible bond to someone?
He doesn’t just look like the Dragon Amren told us about. The one she saw when she first landed on this continent.
He IS that dragon.
And he’s a sarcastic bitch that doesn’t know when to stay out of my head or my business- you two would get along so well.
But he’s pretty cool.
And he’s not screaming in my head rn to write this.
Well… and now to the other matter.
My…signet …
So there’s the one… everyone knows of… Shadow Wielding. That’s kinda obvious with how Noctis looks (and forces me to spend more time with Xaden, since we both have the same signet and he’s told to teach me).
But it’s just one of them… Rhys… I feel it. I feel the blood of the people around me. One time Rhi was bleeding and it just wouldn’t stop and I didn’t know what to do… I just wished it would stop. And then I felt it. I felt her blood running out of the cut on her arm and… I made it stop?
I know it sounds crazy but.. then there was this other time … I was just minding my own business during lunch and Eve had to sit down right in my eyesight and make out with Xaden… I got so annoyed… and just wanted it so end. I thought about blood running down her neck… and then… it started to run. Run out of her nose, down her mouth and…down her neck. She needed to go to the healer’s because it just wouldn’t stop.
Rhys.. what is wrong with me?
Noctis just tells me that he knew why he waited for me.
I know I should go to my teachers.. and learn how to control it.. but something tells me that I shouldn’t.
Oh and Rhys… His power… feels like yours.
Talk to you all later…
With a sigh I put away my pen.
Shadows crawl around me and caress my face.
I smile and look at the male behind me.
“Did I wake you up?” I ask him.
“No… But I’m kind of offended our activities knocked me out more than they did to you.” He laughs and gets out of my bed. His lips touch my shoulder blade, right where Noctis marked me. His fingers trace the thin lines on my body, that run from the dragon on my back all over my body.
“They’re beautiful.” He mumbles.
Pfff obviously. Noctis sighs and I feel him rolling his eyes.
“Come back to bed now.” He says and walks backwards, dragging me with him.
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misty-moth · 2 months
*Gil route spoilers toward the end*
You know the isekai stories where the character reads a book at some point, doesn’t pay very close attention to it, but then is thrown into that book (and often are “born” into one of the book’s characters, so they start as a baby)?
Isekai AU where that happened to Chev.
He read a book outside of his usual genres on a whim, and he was launched into it soon after. He was an adult when it happened, and a rather competent one at that. Now he had been born into a position of royalty and was fairly convinced he could rule the entire continent with his knowledge. He just needed to win the story’s war against Obsidian, where the story’s timeline had ended.
So he knows *almost* everything that happens, especially key points that would otherwise be impossible to guess. He knows the tragic end of his mother, so he didn’t try to stop it. He knew about Bloodstained Rose Day, so he accepted his decision as necessary. The closer he stuck to the original plot, the longer he’d know what was going to happen.
The problem with the book for Chev was that he thought it was stupid. Because it was a romance novel. He hadn’t really considered looking for it until he came across a ~random~ romance novel in his stack of books, and soon he’s been reading every romance he can get his hands on, on the off chance he finds the book again. He’s hoping there’s a “rare book” somewhere that would become a prophetic treasure for him…
He knows about Emma the future Belle, but he’s convinced that Belle is a pointless position because he plans on firmly changing the plot once she comes into play. By the end of the book, he will no longer need to bother with romance— he’ll have secured an entire continent instead. Surely Emma can pick one of his brothers, so it’s fiiine…
So he’s pretty close to the original timeline, but he’s still a little thrown off when a woman in town slaps a drunkard in front of him. He wasn’t expecting to meet Belle on a random day and in such a weird way (did the original Chev point a sword at Emma’s throat? New Chev can’t seem to remember that part happening…)
Then he had to be on his game as far as pushing her away, toward any of his brothers (he was positive that whoever she chose, they would love and cherish her). He’s spent all of his new life preparing, so it should be easy enough to push one last person away. No time for kindness or love if he wants to rule this fictional world.
And, well, we’ve seen how well that went for him in his route 😅
And his route could end with loving Emma, how it was originally written, even having known everything beforehand. Dude’s a certified genius now, but he couldn’t destroy fate…
Sure would be a shame if another “genius” was isekai’d into an enemy prince’s body that would also want to take over the continent and meet Belle (essentially the perfect, ideal woman with the purest heart). A prince who ended up in a body/family/life that tore his own pure heart to shreds.
He’d read the romance novel because he liked happy stories, and he’d liked how lovely and strong Emma was. So ending up in the last possible person to meet her was a huge blow for him.
Gil couldn’t find the novel in the fictional world, either, though he didn’t try quite as hard as Chev (who he’d met as a child, not realizing that the gallant prince in the story was now the grumpy kid reading in a corner).
Gil gave up trying to find it after realizing survival had to be his ultimate priority. Eventually in his adult years he was able to think about her again. He’d looked back on the stories the bookseller told him, which were curiously similar to the Belle he had read about. Maybe if he couldn’t find the romance novel… he could write it?
And finding out that Emma had finally become Belle at the same time he’d learned he’d had nothing left to lose? Time to visit Rhodolite.
Two isekai’d princes, one the pre-destined lover of Belle, the other an enemy who was born into the life of a doomed side character who had to make himself a main character to survive.
Neither knows the other came from their original universe, so they are both pretty perplexed at how competent the other is. They’ve been side-eyeing the other their whole lives: Gil eventually realizes he’s talking to Chevalier, the ML, but that he’s a lot grumpier than he remembers. Chev doesn’t understand where this prominent enemy character came from or why he wasn’t mentioned in the books 🤔
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Shuri x Reader Fatal Touch Part 2
Summary: When your secret is brought to light and threatens to unravel the life you've built. You decide its time to move on and never look back, or at least you try to. Shuri isn't letting you go without a fight
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Queen Ramonda was notified of an unknown breach in security at one of the outreach centers located in Nigeria. This came as a surprise considering how close to home the neighboring country was. In the past whenever France, the U.S., or any other country made a play to steal vibranium. It was always on the outside the continent of Africa, sense it was believed every country there was under the same protection as Wakanda itself. But then again maybe that's why whoever was responsible for this attack chose Nigeria. It was an unexpected and bold move, not to mention it could be the very nation itself responsible.
Either way the mission was the same as all the others. Eliminate all threats, recover any stolen vibranium, and capture all assailants so they could identified. It was a dance the Dora Milaje had been through a number of times, but this was your time partaking in this kind of mission. Your position in the royal guard had always been special. After you revealed your secret to T'Challa not only did he agree to keep it from everyone else including his parents, Nakia, and most trusted guards like Okoye. But he went out of his way to make sure you could serve in the army, while not compromising yourself. He presented the idea to his Queen Ramonda, and King T'Chaka of giving Shuri her own personal bodyguard who would train with only the best warriors.
He made you out to be the perfect candidate voicing how you being the same age as the Princess, and being able to grow up with her. Was more of a benefit rather than a liability Shuri would see you as a friend making it easier for you and to bond and trust each other. The connection between you two would be genuine and unbreakable. It took some conniving, but eventually both of them caved. But with you being such a formidable warrior there were still moments you would go on missions. Most of them were high-level with T'Challa, Okoye, and a few guards. It was important for you to have field experience just in case.
"Is there a specific reason you required my assistance on this mission?" You asked Ayo while switching out your everyday gloves, for the more sturdy ones made out stronger material. Unlike the Doras you didn't have armor. Your mission attire was a simple black vibranium suit that took shape on your body. The same way the Black Panther suit did, but you still put on a extra layer of gloves.
"It was a suggestion I bring you along, and we could use your skillset" she told you.
You snorted "Gee I wonder who made the suggestion."
Your snippy tone had her eyes snapping in your direction narrowing at the comment. You held your hands in surrender and walked around her to join the other Doras on the bench. Ayo let you off the hook shaking her head.
She didn't have to tell you who it was, because the only person the woman took orders from was The General. Who was seemingly absent from such a big mission. Deep down while you wanted nothing more than be angry with Okoye, for once again interfering in your relationship with Shuri. For the second time in less than twenty-four hours you found yourself feeling grateful for her actions. The hurt on Shuri's face when your heartbreaking words reached her ears was still fresh on your mind.
There was no doubt in your heart if you had stuck around a second longer. You would've caved in and took everything you said back. Even it took dropping down on your knees and begging for her forgiveness. You cherished her love more than your own dignity, but Okoye had been right. The Princess deserved to be someone who could love her all the way, and not just halfway. She deserved more than your empty promises, and distance love.
It would be a hard adjustment for both of you, and maybe you would have to stay gone a bit longer. This time for the message to really sink in, but once it did Shuri would finally move on. Seeing her happy and falling in love with someone else was going to tear a hole in your heart. A hole that could never be filled without her, but its what's best for Shuri.
"Are you sure we need her for this particular mission?" Aneka questioned her love. Her eyes were trained on your relaxed form. You were sitting between two other Doras with your head thrown back against the wall of the Talon fighter. Eyes were closed with your breathing steady. You didn't look to be in distress anymore, but all she could think about was all the inner turmoil. You had been going through just an hour ago, and your refusal to share any info on what was causing it.
"Okoye wanted me to bring her" Ayo replied making it clear. Your presence here was never up for discussion. "Is there something going on I should know about?"
"Just keep an eye on her during the fight alright don't let her out of your sight if you can. The Queen doesn't want any casualties on this mission, and that's kind of ironic with her here."
"Are you saying y/n can't show restraint?
Aneka raised an eyebrow and scoffed. "She is an urban legend outside of Wakanda. They call her the Girl with The Touch of Death. I'm not completely sure of how she got that name, but everyone here has heard stories."
"Nevertheless y/n knows her place and will follow orders the same as everyone else here" Ayo said with certainty in her voice, but it wavered a little bit. The second in command wouldn't admit to her lover, or anyone else, but she felt something was off with your aura. She just prayed to Bast it didn't jeopardize the mission.
One Hour Later
The Talon Fighters landed in a discreet location in a wooded area covered by the trees and bush. It would be a ten minute hike to the Outreach center, but it allowed you guys to keep the element of surprise. It was believed the strike team had already managed to get their hands on some vibranium samples, and were in the process of dealing with the scientists and volunteers. It was important that no one died considering some of the volunteers belonged to different countries who wouldn't be too happy with losing an asset.
It was the last Queen Ramonda needed right now.
"Alright is everyone clear on the objective. We move in quietly, spilt up accordingly to locate our targets, and neutralize with minimal force." Ayo shouted to all of the Doras her eyes scanning the small army to make sure everyone was paying attention.
When her eyes landed on yours her face took the form of a frown. Your hood was pulled up along with your mask covering all of your face expect your eyes. They were dark and clouded with despair, still you nodded your head along with the other Doras.
Ayo gave you the west wing of the building to clear out partnering you up with three other Doras. She could feel the waves of dread coming off you, and knew whatever storm had brewing inside of you had only gotten worse. And nothing was going to subside it you were a walking natural disaster at this point. She wished that herself or Aneka could've been in your group, but they had a lot of ground to cover. Makena was the next in line in seniority. She was only a few years behind Ayo in terms of service, and was a excellent order. She was put in charge, and warned to do her best to keep you from getting carried away.
The four of you moved through the halls at a slow, but methodical pace. None of you made any noise with your movements you could hear raindrop hit the floor, or better yet the muffled pleadings of the workers through steel walls. Once Makena was able to pinpoint the exact location of where they were being kept. She rounded all three of you up to come up with a plan of attack. But you had only one plan on your mind, and it was attack. The adrenaline pumping through your veins coupled with your bad nerves. It wouldn't take much to set you off. So when the sound of a gun clicking reached all of your ears, you broke off from the group. Drowning out Makena's panic whispers ordering you to stop.
Your foot slammed into the door kicking it in, and knocking the mercenary behind it to the ground. You counted a total of six armed mercenaries in all, and eight hostages. All of them were huddled in one corner of the lab on their knees, and hands behind their back. The mercenary on the top of the stairs would be a problem having the advantage of high ground. You rolled out of the way as a string of bullets came flying at the entrance. You came up behind a workstation, and grabbed a ball of vibranium a display. You whirled around throwing it with all your strength.
It went sailing through the air striking the mercenary on the stairs right in the face with such force. He flew off his feet and to the metal platform.
Two down. Four more to go.
By now the Makena and the other three Doras had joined the fight. Spinning the spears in unison creating an impenetrable shield that sent the bullets to the ground.
You threw your body forward crashing into another guy, and he tumbled back into the wall. Your hands wrapped around his machine gun that was strapped to his body. You pulled hard on it, twisting your body around using the momentum to bring him with you. He was slammed back first to the floor. The man struggled as your knee dropped down to his stomach causing him to groan in pain. Then your fist struck him in the face once, twice, three times.
A sickening crunch sounded off as you wailed on the mercenary alerting you to. The fact you probably broke his nose, but you didn't care the image of tears falling from Shuri's eyes clouded your mind. So you landed a punch for every single tear she shedded because of you. The man was paying for her pain in the worst way possible. A strong arm wrapped around your neck from behind and yanked you away from the bloody and unconscious man.
Your assailant tightened his grip to the point where your airways were nearly cut off. But the rage coursing through your body made you oblivious to it. You simply snapped your head back hitting the attacker in the face. With a cry of pain his hold loosened enough for you to slip out of it, and turn around.
You followed up with a hard kick to the stomach. He stumbled back right into one of the Dora's spear, and his body lit up with electricity. You still delivered a hard right hook to his jawline dropping him as well.
"Was that really necessary y/n" Makena scolded you disapprovingly.
"He's still breathing ain't he" You shot back with venom in your voice.
"You're doing too much damage. What do you not understand about minimal force?" She jabbed a finger over her shoulder pointing at the mercenary you brutally beat just a few seconds ago.
"I didn't kill anyone so back off" You seethed.
Makena opened her mouth to continue the argument, but one of the other Dora's yelled before she could.
"We got a runner."
Both of your heads whipped towards the door to just in time to see a tall, and lean white man bolt down the hallway. "We were able get a read on him. Makena he's wanted in Wakanda for theft and murder."
Your eyes darkened as you cracked your fingers. "He's mine" You whispered in a low tone.
"Y/N no he's headed towards Ayo I'll let her know" Makena ordered.
"I'll intercept him" You disobeyed orders once again to go into pursuit of the fleeing enemy. The distant words "stand down" barely registering in your mind.
The mercenary had a bit of a head start, and from the route he was taking. You knew he was heading for a back exit leading to the forest. Even though it was still daytime, and there was blue sky was shinning light down. The forest itself was shrouded in darkness from all the surrounding trees. He would have no problem losing you in the twisting paths, and disappearing forever.
You pushed your legs to move faster ignoring the burning sensation in your legs, and right as he reached the door you tackled him from behind. Both of you went flying through the door out into the wet grassy field. He rolled around so he was on top of you, but you brought a foot up kicking him away. He flew back to the ground.
Both of y'all jumped back to your feet to square off with each other. Your mask had been pulled down revealing your face to him. He had to be no older than thirty with dark brown hair, and a chiseled face with brown scruff.
"Aren't I a lucky guy I'm getting to face off with the Touch of Death" He said with arrogance in his voice. It was obvious that he believed this fight was already won for him.
You grimaced at the title never being a fan of it, and wishing that it didn't exist. Your only saving grace was that it never got back to Shuri that you had such a deadly reputation outside of the palace. In the past there had a been a few missions where your grim ability came into play. Eventually you used it enough times, and word carried throughout multiple regions. Until finally people decided that you had to be called something other than your name.
The Girl with The Touch of Death was born and you loathed it.
"Surrender now and maybe I'll go easy on you" You offered him.
"Technically if I surrender you're not supposed to touch me at all" He corrected you.
"Nahhh buddy you ran and I don't got no cuffs on me." You replied shaking your head. "You catching this beat down either way. Its up to you how bad it is."
For a second his confidence wavered as he paused circling you for a quick second. He was contemplated his chances of actually winning this fight, and in the end he must have decided. The odds were in his favor because with a cry of rage. The mercenary ran towards you with outstretched arms.
You moved to the side dodging his wild attack, and brought your leg to kick him in the abdomen. He doubled over with his head snapping to the side from a fist to the face. You danced around him slamming a elbow to the back of his head.
His foot slipped in the wet grass making him fall to the ground. Before he could attempt to get back up you brought your foot down onto his back pushing his body back down. "Its over."
"Is it really?" He asked with a underlying hopeful tone. In your peripheral line of vision you caught his hand grasping at something, and too late did you realize what it was. By the time you brought your arms up to defend your face. The dirt had reached your eyes bringing a painful sting to them. Out of reflex you tried to rub the pain away, and in that split second the tables were turned.
He swept your feet out from under you as your foot left his back, and you went down in the grass with a loud thud. He scrambled on top of your locking his legs around your waist to pin your body beneath his. His evil smile with gleaming white teeth filled your vision, once you were able to open them again. Before you knew what was happening your mouth flew open to gasp for air.
His hands were around your throat squeezing, and choking the life out of you. Eyes widening in anger with a tiny hint of fear you brought your hands up to tug on his wrists. But he was stronger, and your body was weakened. The adrenaline was starting to wear off in an last act of desperation. You brought your knees up to hit him in the back.
"Not going to work Grim Reaper" He laughed leaning down so his face were only inches from yours. His cold eyes filled with victory bored into your panicking ones.
"I heard stories about you all the time" He whispered. "People said death followed you wherever you went. People said you was Wakanda's secret weapon I never believed them.
Your vision was in and out as consciousness started to slip away from you. Somehow his words reached your brain and it sparked one last move from you. The only one you had left with your last bit of strength. You grasped the sleeve of the right glove, and tugged on it till your hand was free. The suit retracted revealing your bare right hand, and you grabbed his wrist again. This time letting your power flow freely no longer keeping it at bay. It answered your call with glee after laying dormant inside of you for so long.
The man didn't feel right away. He just kept cackling away shaking you by the neck every now and then. But then his hand started turning a light gray as his veins popped out. Once the effects traveled up his arm, his hold on your neck loosened a bit. The mercenary frowned peering down to see what was causing his body to shutdown.
A grin crept up on your face as he grew weaker your body was coming back to life. You were getting stronger as you drained the life force from him. Finally the man pulled his hands away from you with a cry of alarm. His skin had wrinkled up by now, and were completely blue and frail. "What did you do?" He cried out in fear.
You sat up taking in as much air as you could refilling your crying lungs. You spun your body around hitting him with a double kick to the face. He landed in the grass on his stomach, and blinded by rage of the near-death experience.
You leapt on his back placing your bare hand back on his face pressing his face to the grass. Your power flared up again, and he let out a wail as his body started to wither away.
"Stop pl-please staaa" his voice trailed off as the life was sucked right out of him. His body went still as his cries were silenced. You rolled off of the deceased man to lay in the grass breathing hard. "Fuck no casualties" you murmured.
"Y/N" a familiar voice called out to you with caution.
In a flash you were on your feet eyes locking onto the intruder. It was Ayo with wide eyes flickering back and forth between the dead body, and you. It didn't take long to realize her eyes were zeroing in on a specific part of your body. Your bare right hand.
"How much did you see?" You asked her nervously. It was a stupid question the way her hand gripped her spear so tight. Her knuckles were straining. The disbelief mixed with utter terror on her face told just exactly what she saw.
But you wanted to hear her say it.
"How much did you see?" You repeated a bit more fierce this time.
Ayo took a step back at the tone in your voice, and gripped her spear in both hands angling it towards you. "You killed him."
"He tried to kill me first" You argued.
"Y/N what was that? What did you do to him?" she hissed
"Ayo drop the spear it's me for crying out loud. I'm not going to hurt you." You insisted partially out of annoyance, but also with hurt. Did she fear you now that she knew the truth?
"How long have you been able to do that?" Ayo continued to question you instead. Her spear twitching in her hand.
In your eyes it didn't matter what you said her mind was already made up. "Oh screw this" You exclaimed and turned around to begin walking deeper into the forest.
Ayo didn't chase after you right away, her mind still reeling from what she just witnessed, and trying to process it. You got maybe twenty to thirty yards away from her, before she started after you calling your name with a sense of urgency.
"Y/N stop that is an order" she demanded just a few feet away from you.
You turned on her with tears in your eyes threatening to spill over. "What for? So you can keep looking at me like I'm some monster. I didn't ask for this Ayo I was born with it, and not a day goes by where I don't wish I wasn't."
"I don't thin-" Ayo began
"lixoki uyafana nje nabazali bam" You snapped cutting her off.
"Your parents" she said in confusion. Like everyone else she was under the impression you had a healthy and loving relationship with your family. So your accusation threw her for a loop.
"They hate Ayo ever since they discovered what I could do. They treated like I was devil in disguise. They dropped me off the trail leading to the palace in the middle of night. Not at the doorstep but at the trail I had to make the hike alone and cold during. The middle of the night at the age of fourteen. What loving parents treat their child like that?
"But you write to them" Ayo argued.
You scoffed "none of those letters belonged to them. I wouldn't be surprised if they packed up and moved after getting rid of me. My parents biggest fear was that the royal family wouldn't want me, and I would be linked back to them. My return was their biggest nightmare" You continued to explain wiping your eyes with your sleeve
"But why lie?"
To keep up with the facade that I came from a happy and healthy home. I had to just like I had to lie in order to make it in my new life. I knew if any of you have found out the truth you would look at me the way you are right now."
Ayo shook her head taking tentative steps forward. "Y/N I'm just a little shocked that’s all I promise."
"I only wanted a family. I wanted to be loved you know, but it was all just a fairytale huh." You said with a humorless chuckle letting the tears fall.
"Is this why you refuse to be with Princess Shuri?" She asked
"How can I be with her when my touch can kill her?"
Her gaze moved to your hands again studying them with fascination. "Is your power always active?"
You shook your head. "No I've gained control over it for most of the part it. But sometimes control slips my mind when I'm emotional or lose focus. My power doesn't kill instantly but I don't how much time I'm taking off someone’s life span. If I use my power on them for even a mere second. I won't risk it with Shuri."
Ayo regarded you with sadness and pity, but you were so beyond that now. "I'll just go alright you can tell them I went missing in action, or died whatever lie you can conjure up. I'm fine with it." You made it all of three steps before Ayo was on you gripping your forearm with a serious expression.
"I am not your parents and you are Wakandan no matter what y/n. You are one of us and I brought you on this mission, so I will be bringing you back home" she declared. "Now if you wish to run away and leave the Princess with questions rather than answers. Once we return then I won't stop you, but for now you're coming home with us."
You let out a sigh "fine but on one condition."
She tilted her head to the side in curiosity, and motioned for you to continue. Her grip tightening on your arm in warning though.
"You don't speak a word of my power to anyone" You told her with pleading eyes.
Ayo didn't give you a dignified answer because saying no would have you trying to run, and saying yes would be a blatant lie. She cared for you and understood why you wanted your ability to stay a secret. But was bind by her duty to report something this big back to her General at least.
"I won't tell the Princess" she finally said after a moment while leading you back to the building.
It wasn't the answer you wanted but it would suffice for now.
"Yo what's up with the Princess today?
Aamina looked up from the chemical sample she was examining to give her attention to. Her friends who were gathered around the edge of the ramp. They were located on the right side of the lab working three levels up. Princess Shuri worked in her usual spot on the first floor in the center of the lab.
She walked over to join them glancing down at her beautiful boss. "She does seem to be on edge today doesn't she."
"She is and take a look around" Kayin said making a sweeping motion with his arm. "Someone is missing from her side today."
A light bulb lit up Aamina's mind as she scanned the entire lab looking for your hidden figure. You were nowhere near Shuri and she didn't see you anywhere else. Joy filled her eyes once she realized you truly weren't here.
"So Shuri is upset and y/n is missing. Do you guys know what this means?" she cheered with giddiness.
Both guys turned to their friend with raised eyebrows, and disapproving stares. "Not cool Aamina it feels different this time" Kayin told her.
"Yeah she isn't just upset she's....." Mosi's voice trailed off as he tried to find the right word to describe Shuri's demeanor. "Devastated" he finished a minute later.
"Which means its final y/n finally came to her senses." Aamina replied disregarding their concern altogether. She could finally make her move without being disturbed.
The sound of approaching footsteps ascending the ramp made all of them swiveled their heads in that direction. Amira entered the workspace dressed in a white lab coat, a dark-blue button-up shirt, black jeans, and black sneakers. Her long black hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail. "Don't you guys have something better to do than gossip. Like I don't know your job we need those samples fully examined by the end of today."
Mosi and Kayin wasted no time in getting up to head back to their desks. But Aamina's attention went back to the sulking Princess as she tried to think of what to say.
"Aamina get back to work or go home. You can dream about Princess Shuri there" Amira ordered.
"Would you chill out" Aamina whined with a hint of anger. She glanced back at her fellow scientist, and the hardened glare that met her had the girl stumbling back.
"Don't forget your place Aamina I'm your superior. I have no problem suspending you for the rest of the week, and restricting your access to the lab for the duration of your suspension."
The threat did the job as Aamina rushed back to telescope to continue her lab work.
After making sure all of them were focused back on the tasks at hand. Amira made her way back down the ramp to head over to the main center of the lab. She paused a few feet from Shuri who was scribbling something in her tablet. Her grip on the stylus was tight and her movements seemed a bit rushed. The emotional turmoil filled the air around her, and it made the girl want to turn around.
Amira took a deep breath, and exhaled for a confident boost. Then she walked over coming to a stop a few feet to leave a comfortable distant between them. "Hey I was going to grab lunch real quick do you want to come?"
Shuri barely looked at her before giving a sharp reply. "No."
"I'm not trying to come onto Princess I'm asking as a friend. A concerned one" Amira insisted.
"My answer is still no Amira go enjoy your break." Shuri told her turning to put her back to her scientist. As she went to walk away a hand took a hold of the back of her lab coat. She whipped her head to see Amira's arm reached out.
Amira knew she was crossing a line and was at risk to loss her job. Especially with the mood Shuri was in right now, but someone had to do something. "I'm sorry Princess its just you could really use the break" Amira started.
Under her sharp gaze she pulled her hand back from the lab coat. "You're not in the best of moods today, and I get it y/n broke your heart again. But that doesn't give you the right to take it out on us. Everyone is walking eggshells around you today because you're a ticking time-bomb."
No one absolutely no one ever had the guts to call Shuri out on her destructive behavior. Especially when it came to you, everyone in her life just gave her space till the storm passed. But it wasn't a storm it was a full blown hurricane, and not a person was spared its warpath.
Shuri was ready to turn that same rage onto Amira for daring to say such a thing, but it dawned on her that the girl was right. This lab had always been her safe space, the perfect getaway for whatever she was going through. And her employees loved their work just as much as she did, and viewed it the same way. Her behavior was tainting that.
Instead of whirling around to yell at the girl like she originally planned. Shuri removed her lab coat. "Griot I'm taking a short break let my mother know I'm out if she comes for me."
"Of course Princess Shuri" The A.I. replied.
Shuri started walking towards the elevator, pausing when Amira didn't follow immediately. "Are you not coming Amira? You are the one who invited after all."
The girl stood rooted in place by shock that her plan actually worked, and the boldness paid off. Amira believed she would be out of a career by now. She blinked a few times before Shuri's voice calling out for her to "come on" registered in her mind. Amira nodded chasing after the Princess.
The Market
Amira and Shuri browsed the market for a short time to see what it had to offer. Neither of them got out that much, so it wasn't often this opportunity came by. In the past you would venture down to the market on your own, and return with a present for her. Nothing to extravagant just a nice token that she would appreciate. When they passed one of the jeweler’s stand. Her hand came up to play with the necklace resting on her collarbone. It was made out of a soft and silky material tied together with a Black Panther charm dangling on it. On the back of the charm was her brother's initials engraved.
Not too long after his death you gifted her the necklace as a remainder that. He was always with her in spirit and to keep him close to her heart. She threw herself into your lap that night in the privacy of her room to break down into tears. It was one of the rare moments where you actually held her.
Amira noticed her fingers fiddling with the charm, and the faraway look in her eyes. "Hey my usual spot is right up ahead come on" she urged her. The objective of this lunch was to take her mind off of you.
It was a nice little cozy restaurant that was buzzing with a younger crowd. The doors were held open by kickstand, and the dinning room floor plan was open. The patrons were allowed to sit anywhere they pleased, and a server would come by shortly.
The chatter went down to surprised gasps as Shuri entered the establishment. The Princess didn't get out much, but after the death of her brother. The sighting of her went from rare to nonexistent. And to see her in the company of one the restaurant’s regulars got the whispers really going.
Amira led her to a booth by the window in the corner for privacy. The tables surrounding it were unoccupied, so they wouldn't have to worry about eavesdroppers. The menus were positioned on the side of the napkin holder. She pulled them out and slid one to Shuri who sat on the opposite side of her.
"My go to is this fruit bowl mixed with meats and vegetables. I know it sounds like a weird combination but it works." Amira told her trying to see if she would try anything new.
"I think I'll keep it simple and just go with the jerk chicken with vegetable rice." Shuri replied in a quiet voice pushing the menu to the center of the table. She could feel everyone's eyesight lingering on her, and it made her uneasy. Even when she did come out in the past you were always by her side, and had methods to prevent prying eyes.
"Hey relax they are starstruck right now. It'll pass in a moment or two I promise" Amira reassured her.
"Yes" she promised nudging the Princess's foot with her own.
Thirty minutes later and indeed everyone in the cafe was back to by their own devices. Rather it was focusing on studies or telling stories with friends. Even if they were staring Shuri probably wouldn't notice, as she dug into her food. It had been hours since her last meal, and the way her mouth watered at the sight of the hot and savory dish was proof of that.
"I see even royalty forgets their manners on the right occasion" Amira quipped playfully.
Shuri paused in the devouring the nearly depleted chicken bone to glance up at her. "My apologies dear friend the food here is quite delicious."
"Its okay Princess we've all been there" She told her waving the apology off. Her own bowl of mixed fruit, veggies, and various meats sat in front of her with smoke tendrils wafting up from the heat. She took a few bites letting flavors battle for dominance lighting up her taste buds.
"That really does look good" Shuri murmured
"Do you want a bite? Hand me your spoon."
Outside The Cafe
You watched as Shuri leaned over the table to accept the spoonful of food for Amira. Her eyes lit up as she chewed on the dish a smile gracing her lips.
Just like that in the matter of a few hours the Princess had not only recovered from your words, but she had also moved on with someone one else. At least it wasn't the dreadful Aamina.
Amira really was prettier. She would be good for the Princess you decided, knowing that your love was in good hands. You turned around and walked away for good this time.
Ayo was going to tell Okoye the truth about you, and the General would realize she was right to push you away from Shuri. Eventually the news would reach her mother who in no doubt was going to tell her beloved daughter the truth.
Your time here was up.
A Few Hours Later
It was when Amria and Shuri were on the way back to the palace after a two-hour lunch break. Amira finally felt comfortable enough to bring up a sensitive topic with the Princess. It seemed like storm raging inside of her had passed by now, and Shuri had a bit more pep in her step.
"Shuri if it's okay with you there's something I want to tell you about y/n. Something you need to know" Amira said.
Shuri came to a stop to turn towards her fellow scientist with a raised eyebrow. "Don't take this personally Amira but what could you possibly know about y/n that I don't already know?" She did her best to keep her voice leveled, and not let her emotions takeover but her words came off as a warning.
Amira didn't heed it though. "Its nothing more than a theory based off what I witnessed sometime ago. While you were absent in the lab, and she thought she was alone."
"I don't do theories Amira" Shuri snapped.
"Fine if you don't want to hear it just say that. I just thought you would be interested in the story considering I believe. It might be the key to figuring out why she chooses to love from afar." Amira didn't even get to take one full step, before Shuri was grabbing her arm in a death grip.
"No I'm sorry I want to hear it" She blurted out in desperation. "Please tell me." If there one was equation in her life that seemed impossible to solve. It was the equation of your love, how could your love for her be so strong, yet you fought against it everyday. If Amira had an answer to that she wanted to hear it.
"It happened a few months ago and its going to sound crazy, but I promise its truth" Amira told her. "You were with your mother while y/n was in the lab waiting for you to return. The lab was nearly empty besides me and about two more scientists. But she was standing by your workstation like she always does, and no one else was really in her vicinity. You know I don't know why but something made me look in her direction."
She paused to take a deep breath knowing this next part was going to change everything for you. The young scientist just prayed it wasn't for the worse. You were her friend and the last thing she wanted to do was ruin your life. "Y/N was just leaning back on your workstation when something dropped from the ceiling onto her neck. I'm pretty sure it was a spider."
Shuri couldn't hold back the scoff in disbelief, but motioned for Amira to continue. It didn't seem to faze her at all. She knew how ridiculous it sounded. "She panicked and I know this sounds crazy but the spider kind of just shriveled up, and dropped dead."
"You're saying that y/n killed a spider with her thoughts or something. I don't understand" Shuri said a bit confused.
Amira shook her head. "No it touched her bare skin on her neck, and I mean she didn't glow or anything. But the second she tensed up the creature did too until it was gone. I wasn't sure of what I was seeing until y/n turned around like she knew exactly what she had done. Her behavior afterwards was pretty frantic as she looked around making sure no one else saw what happened."
"And she didn't notice you?" Shuri questioned.
"No I was on a higher level. I think it was her skin it makes sense when you think about it. Why she's always wearing gloves, and long-sleeved shirts. Why she refuses to make skin-to-skin contact with anyone. What if her skin is poisoned or something?"
Just like that the gears in Shuri's mind started turning as the theory registered in her brain. Amira's theory would literally explain everything. You pushed her away whenever she tried to kiss you, hug you, or initiate any type of physical contact.
You were never shy with your words, and Shuri could flirt with you all day without your walls going up. But it was whenever she pushed for more physically you got scared, and pulled away. You were never willing to take your relationship with her to the next stage beyond just words, and longing stares. But why wouldn't you just tell her that? Why keep it from her?
"Griot has Ayo and the team returned from their mission yet? Shuri asked the A.I. in a hurried voice.
"Yes Princess they landed in Wakanda approximately two hours ago" He answered back.
"Where is y/n's location right now."
"I'm sorry Princess but I don't have that information right now."
Shuri frowned "can you get a read on her kimoyo beads?"
"No I believe they have been deactivated Princess Shuri."
"No" Shuri whispered before breaking into a run towards the palace.
The Palace's Armory
"Did you know about this Okoye?" Ayo asked the General after recounting what had happened on the mission.
Okoye stood beside her second-in-command with her gaze focused on the city below. On the inside she was beating herself up all she could think is that she was wrong. She was wrong to come between you and Shuri. She was wrong to assume your issues with love was the product of a broken home. She was wrong to not push you to open up to her more. Now any chance to make up for her mistakes were gone considering. You were probably already gone, and this time it might be for good.
"Okoye" Ayo called her name sharply to bring her out of her thoughts.
"No I didn't if I had do you really think I would've been so hard on her." Okoye finally said turning to her with a look of regret.
"Do you think its possible T'Challa knew?"
If anyone would've known about your secret it would be him. All of the pieces to the puzzle were starting to fit right into place now. It always bewildered her how T'Challa went out of his way to give you special treatment. She still remembered the day he pulled her aside to tell her.
She would be in charge in training you privately, and to respect your attire. He made it clear your main position was by Shuri's side, and you weren't to go on any missions without his approval. All of those rules and restrictions baffled her, but now it all added up. He knew what you were capable of, and did his best to make you feel at home. T'Challa gave you a second chance at a real life filled with purpose and love.
"He knew" Okoye clarified.
"Then why keep it-" Her question was cut off at the sudden bang from the door being pushed open. Shuri came through it leaning up against the wall panting. She was out of breath and sweaty from making the long run from the market to the Palace, and to the Armory. Where she knew Ayo and Okoye would most likely be located.
"Shuri is everythin-" Okoye began to ask, but paused when the Princess held up a hand.
"Where is y/n? I need to speak with her now."
"Shuri it pains me to inform you of this, but I don't think she is here anymore. We have reason to believe she left." Ayo told her.
"I know that I need to know where she would go" Shuri insisted jabbing a finger at the General. "All those years ago when I sent you to go in search of her parents. Did you find them?"
Okoye gave her a slight nod with a frown. "I don't think they're going to be much help Princess. They weren't very welcoming when I showed up on their doorstep asking questions about y/n. The only thing her parents were concerned with was making sure she wasn't coming home."
"I don't care its the only lead we have, and I need to find her. I have to find her. Okay she doesn't get to just walk out of my life like we never meant anything to each other. I don't care if she was trying to protect me from her" Shuri exclaimed.
Her outburst caught both Ayo and Okoye off guard the last of her words making them exchange a look. And the Princess didn't miss it.
"Yes I know about her touch of death now are the two of you going to help me find her or what?"
Locating you was easier said and done. Okoye wasn't kidding when she said your parents weren't going too much help. Six years had gone by since the General tracked them down for answers, and a lot had changed between now and then.
Shuri looked them in Wakanda's database only to discover your parents had went off the grid about three years ago. She searched every nook and cranny looking for a connection to them, but couldn't find one. Without your parents the Princess was at a dead end with your whereabouts.
But she still wasn't going to give up. The state of your room made it clear you left in a hurry. Your drawers were left open with clothes hanging out, and discarded everywhere. The closet door was open with the contents of it in a disarray. Your bed remained untouched. Shuri didn't know what she was looking for, but she tore through your belongings hoping you left something behind. On accident that could lead her to you.
Two Days Later
The trip back to your childhood town took two days with you walking some of the way. Until you came across some travelers who were willing to take you the rest of the way. Since they were already headed in that direction. You made sure to pay them for their generosity once they dropped you off.
The town hadn't changed much in the eight years you had been gone. It was small and local with a few businesses. There wasn't much to do entertainment wise. One of those places where everywhere knows each other, and are friendly to one another. One school for each grade level so all of the kids would grow up together. You didn't know if any of your old classmates would remember you, but you knew some of the older people would.
For that reason you kept your hood up as you walked through the town. Keeping your face concealed as you could feel everyone's gazes following you. Some of the faces struck a cord in your memory tugging on your heartstrings, but you had your destination in mind. And didn't want to become sidetracked for even a second. Also you didn't feel like dealing with the plethora of questions they would bombard you with.
Not too many people ever left this place, and the ones that do hardly ever returned. Unless it was a social visit to family and friends. You weren't a hundred percent sure your parents were gone from this place, and your childhood friends were different people now. There was no way to know if you would even get along with you now, and the last thing you needed was more personal connections.
There was one more ulterior motive for why you were going through so much trouble to keep your identity a secret. If you knew Shuri (which you did) she wasn't just going to let you disappear in peace. Not once she realized you had no intentions of returning this time. She was going to use all her resources to in her search, and putting out a country wide alert for you wasn't off the table.
You prayed to Bast that the one person in this town who really did know and care for you was still here. The old lady never wrote back to you, and you never bothered to do a welfare check on her or anything. You had convinced yourself she was happy to have you gone, and guilt tore through your body.
Because here you was turning up on the doorstep of her house that was still standing in the same location. It was midday so if she was still here she would be cooking dinner by now with some music playing in the background. It took five minutes for you to muster up the courage to finally knock on the door. You didn't want the nosy neighbors alerting the town's guards of some stranger hanging around, and acting weird.
You heard the thumping sound of footsteps approaching the door, and your heartbreak picked up. If it wasn't her on the other side of the door you were truly out of luck, and on your own. Finally the door opened revealing a short mocha skinned woman with curious brown eyes. There were streaks of gray hair mixed in with her original black hair pulled up into a neat bun. A locket dangled on her neck holding a picture of her late husband. She was dressed in blue summer dress with some sandals.
You yanked your hood off showing your face with tears of joy and pain. "Hi Mrs.Hassan its been a while huh."
Her eyes widened in surprise at the sound of your voice. Shock coursing through her body. "Y/N baby is that really you? She asked stepping outside onto the porch to get closer. You let her until she reached out a hand to touch your cheek. At that you jerked your head back avoiding the physical contact.
She frowned as a warm smile graced her lips. "Oh its you alright stop being so stubborn and come here."
You laughed leaning down to wrap your arms around her in a tight hug. And she returned it making sure to avoid touching any skin that wasn't covered by clothing. Your laugh broke down into a chilling cry as your emotions finally caught up with you. Zola pulled back from the hug to lead you back inside the safety of her home.
Where she led you over to the couch so you could sit down, and get all the crying out your system in peace. You buried your face into your arms hunched over. You could feel her rubbing wide circles into your back trying to calm you. But all you could think was Shuri, and how life really wasn't fair.
You spent your entire life telling yourself that you would never fall in love with someone. Not because it wasn't worth the risk, but because you figured no one was capable of loving you in such a way. After all the very people who brought into this world, and was supposed to cherish you more than anything despised your very existence. All you wanted out of life was a purpose, and you found one with the royal family. But falling for Shuri was never part of the plan but the girl made it so easy. Your heart never stood a chance, and now you were thinking that Bast just had it out for you. Why let you feel something that you could never truly have.
"Sweetheart tell me what happened" Zola said softly.
"I had nowhere else to go" You whispered sitting up straight, so you could lean back into the cushions.
"I'm not angry that you're here y/n you have always been welcomed in my home, and you know that. I'm just surprised to see you here its been eight years. One day you were here and the next you were gone for a while. I was terrified those awful parents of yours did something to harm you."
Knowing that Zola never stopped thinking about you from day one made your heart clench. It made you feel even worse for not trying to visit. "I wrote you all the time."
"I know I got the letters" Zola replied nodding her head in the direction of her five shelf bookcase.
You glanced over to see a pile of old letters sitting atop the third shelf. "Wait why didn't you ever write me back?" You asked a bit hurt by this revelation.
Zola arched an eyebrow at your tone. "Baby you never put a return address on a single letter, and your parents wouldn't tell me what they done with you."
Heat rushed up to your face as you looked down slightly embarrassed. It had been your fault she could never reach out to you, but then again you figured she would move on with her life in your absence.
"I didn't know if you would care enough to write back. The letters were part of my cover story, everyone thought I was writing to my parents" You confessed in shame.
Hurt flashed in her eyes as she released a disappointed sigh. There was a moment of silence, and for a second you were worried she was going to kick you out. Now that she knew you had no real intention on keeping in contact with her. But she just asked another question.
"Where did they send you?"
"They took to the capital city to give to the King so I could enroll in the academy for young Doras."
"Ahhhh now it makes sense." But her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "No offense but why are you back here now then?"
"i screwed up Mrs.Hassan this stupid curse ruined everything like it always did. You are the only person in my life who's ever been able to see past it, and treat me like a person."
Zola smacked you in the back of the head making you cry out in pain, and scoot away from her. "Young lady I don't ever want to hear you talking like that again. I told you that years ago when I started bringing you over for dinner. Now I get your parents didn't love you, but not everyone else was going to be like them. You never gave people a chance to see the real you sweetheart, and every time someone did. You pushed them away and went running from the hills."
"It was better than letting them find out the truth about me, and then starting treating me like some monster" You shot back.
"But how do you could you know that was going to happen when you never gave anyone a chance?" Zola insisted.
"It wasn't a risk I could afford to take alright. I can't every take that risk even when I want to" You blurted out.
It was your last statement that had her narrowing her eyes at you as she studied you with a piercing gaze. The woman always a knack for being able to see past your words, and find any hidden meanings in them. You got up from the sofa and walked over to stare out the window.
"You let someone in" she breathed.
"Not really she kinda forced her way in by just existing. I didn't know love like existed till I saw her Zola." You told her with a longing in your voice.
"Then why are you here and not out there fighting for her?"
"Because I can't be with her not like this" You snapped whirling around to hold up your hands.
Zola shook her head while getting to her feet. "Y/N when it comes to love sometimes you have to fight no matter what. Even when the odds are stacked against you, and it seems like things can't work. You find a way or make one if you have to, but you never give up. You don't just walk away. That's how some of the greatest love stories are created."
"Sometimes walking away is love, and some of those stories still end in tragedy." You replied making eye contact with her before going on. "I won't let us become a tragedy."
"Two people who are in love with each other, and meant to be together but won't ever get the chance. Because one of you decides it's not even worth trying. It sounds like a tragedy to me" Zola argued.
"Its better than the tragedy where one of us ends up dead" You stated in a low voice.
Zola dropped it knowing that when you got like this there was no point in arguing anymore. You had already made up your mind, and no one could change it.
One Week Later
It wasn't even a question on rather or not Zola would take you in. While she hated the circumstances of your return. She was ecstatic to have some company around the house full-time again. A few of the neighbors would drop by and have tea with her sometimes, and one of the older guards stopped by at least once a week. Bringing her groceries and just to check up on her well-being, but it wasn't the same as having another person living with her.
She had someone to talk to and reminisce with about her younger days, and you loved to hear her stories. Especially the ones about her and her husband. You fit in nicely in your new/old home helping around the house by doing the hard chores. You didn't let her lift a finger when it came to taking out trash, or even picking something up from the floor. Zola started to give you cooking lessons, because if there was one life skill you lacked. It was whipping up any meal that didn't have to be microwaved. Years of living in a royal palace with a team of the best chefs in the world would do that to a person.
She didn't push you on what your plans were for the future, but her heart ached knowing you gave up so much. You thought she didn't notice you stepping away to flip through a small pocket-size notebook, but she did. A picture slipped out one day without you knowing, and when she picked it up. Zola thought her eyes were deceiving themselves.
It was you in the picture with your arm thrown around the Princess of Wakanda pulling her close. Your head was turned towards her lips puckered out nearly touching her cheek. Shuri had the biggest grin in the world eyes closed in anticipation. Waiting for the kiss that would never come.
You didn't tell her your love was the Princess herself, and now that she knew the urge to do something was stronger than ever.
You wouldn't know the elder woman was plotting behind your back till a day later. Zola had gone out into the town to do some light shopping. She left while you were sleep knowing you would insist on tagging alone to assist her in carrying stuff. But leaving you behind was intentional this time.
You were pacing around the house reading the miniature notebook while munching on. A fresh bagel Zola cooked before she left, so you could have a light breakfast. It was then you heard a light tapping on the back screen door leading to the backyard. Your steps faltered as your mind went into high alert.
"Zola that you? You yelled walking into the kitchen. No response just silence but then again it wouldn't make sense for her to use the back door. Maybe it was a neighbor but then why not answer back. It was possible they didn't recognize your voice, and figured you were an intruder. You were pretty sure no one knew of your return yet.
You went over and wretched the door open ready to fend a home invaders just in case. But no one was there the concrete platform was deserted besides her little statues. You stepped outside to examine the open backyard just to be sure. Deciding it was the wind you turned back around to go back inside only to stopped by none other than Okoye.
The General stood in your way blocking the back door entrance with a raised eyebrow. She wasn't in her armor, and her spear was missing from her hand. But you knew none of that mattered she was still dangerous, and it wasn't a fight you could win. Not even you were that good besides she taught you everything you knew.
"How are you here?" You squeaked out the question looking over your shoulder for. The person you knew had to be accompanied with her.
"I think the better question is why am I here, and you should know the answer to know." Okoye said narrowing her eyes at you. "Don't try it y/n."
Of course she knew you were trying to come up with an escape plan. Which meant you wouldn't make it very far.
"She's waiting for you over by the tree" Okoye told you motioning for you to go.
You shook your head folding your hands together. "Okoye please just let me go" You pleaded out of plays.
"I was given orders to do the exact opposite y/n, and even if I wasn't." She paused to soften her facial expression. "I would still do this to fix my past mistakes. I was wrong about you."
You were taken back by her last words not expecting them. "No you were ri-"
Okoye let out a sigh of exasperation reaching out to spin your body around and give you a light push forward. "uhambe mntwana."
You stumbled into the grassy field and looked up to see a figure occupying the swing connected to the tree. You already knew it was Shuri with her back to you. Heart pounding in your chest you covered the distance between the two of you in five seconds.
You wished you had walked slower as you came around into her line of vision. "Princess Shuri" you addressed her nervously.
She lifted her head at the sound of your voice, and a feeling of relief overcame her as she shot out of the swing to hug you. But you retreated backwards denying her.
Shuri frowned "y/n if I have to order Okoye to hold in place so I can hug you I will."
"How did you find me?" You asked ignoring the threat. You knew she wouldn't no matter how frustrated she was with your behavior. It was a boundary she refused to cross.
"Your friend wrote me later telling me you were here making the biggest mistake of your life, and I agree" Shuri revealed.
You threw your head back with a groan, of course Zola was behind this.
'You certainly didn't make things easier no clues not even a goodbye letter" Shuri said offended.
"I figured a goodbye letter would've made things worse. I wanted you to move on."
"Usisidenge" was her sharp reply.
You raised an eyebrow at her. "What?"
"You really are the dummy Aamina says you are if you honestly thought I could just move on from you."
"Well it wasn't too hard to believe after I witnessed your lunch date with Amira. You looked perfectly fine to me" You argued angrily. Turning your head away to hide the hurt evident on your face.
Shuri frowned not knowing what date you were talking about right away. But then it hit her the day she went out with Amira to take her mind off of you, and get her raging emotions under control. You must have saw them after returning from your mission. "How did you find us?"
"Aamina couldn't wait to the rub the news in my face" You whispered a breeze carrying your voice.
Shuri burst into laughter out of nowhere causing you to look at her again. "Is that why you punched her?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "You weren't there to stop me and she was a little too happy about my downfall."
"Well just for the record it wasn't a date Amira was simply trying to help take my mind off you. I wasn't exactly a joy to be around in the lab you know" Shuri told with her laughter dying down.
You didn't know what to say. On one hand you were relieved to know she hadn't moved on you so fast, but showing it would make her think the two of you still had a chance. You were determined to stand your ground on your decision.
"She told an interesting story about you" Shuri went on gaining your full attention.
You rose an eyebrow in suspicion. "And what story would that be?" On the inside you were working yourself into a full blown panic trying to figure out exactly what Amira told her.
"She said she once witnessed you kill a spider with a simple touch, or more so it touched the skin on your neck spooking you." Shuri watched you carefully for your reaction, and even though you tried to hide it. She noticed how the muscles started to tense up.
You swallowed hard thinking about all your options. You could deny but what was the point? Had Ayo or Okoye told her about what you did on the mission yet? In the end you decided to test her knowledge.
"So you know about me? You asked nervously
Shuri gave you a tiny nod settling down back into the swing. "I do."
"Then why are you here?" You asked in confusion.
She let out a dry chuckle throwing her head back. How dense could you be? "I'm here because I love you, and nothing or no one will ever change that y/n."
"But my powers what I can do" You insisted holding your hands up. "Does it not make you see me differently?"
"I mean your ability does interest me from a scientific standpoint, but other than that no you're still my y/n. The one I grew up with who protected me from the monsters under the bed. The one who use to help me prank my brother all the time, and would even take the fall for me when I screwed up. The one who carries me to bed whenever I fall asleep. The one who had my heart from the start." Shuri was on her feet now with each word bringing her a step closer to you, and this time you stayed put.
She took that as a good sign resting her hands on your hip. "The one who I know is still in love with me."
"I lied when I said I didn't belong to you I always have and always will" You replied in a low voice.
"If that's true then come back home let me help you, so we can be together for Bast's sake." She pleaded bringing her hand up to graze your cheek.
It was a ghost of a touch but your body was lit up with fire from the physical contact. You wanted more to lean into her hand to kiss her, but it still wasn't a risk you were willing to take. "You can't Shuri don't you think I've already tried."
"Yintoni ngubani" she demanded to know in a mixture of anger and disbelief.
"The American scientist they call Bruce Banner, or you may know him as the Hulk. When he came to Wakanda for during Thanos's invasion I pulled him to the side, and asked him if there was anything he could do for me. Before we were dusted I gave him a blood sample, and apparently he looked into developing a cure for me. In our five-year absence but he couldn't find one" You explained.
If there was anyone in the world who knew your pain it was Bruce Banner. You heard of his story after the incident in Johannesburg, and while most people hated him for what he did. You sympathized with the both the scientist and the giant green guy.
You was expecting Shuri to take a step back and admit defeat instead she flicked your forehead hard. The sharp sting had you flinching back, and rubbing the sore spot.
"Ow what was that for?" You exclaimed with a frown.
"Isidenge" she muttered under her breath.
"Hey stop insulting me" You complained now full on pouting.
"You dare trust an American scientist's judgement over mine. You seek out the Hulk's help but not mine. How does that make any sense y/n"
"I didn't want you to know Shuri I was scared it would change things between us. I love you to you know I have since we were younger, and I didn't want you to fear me, or to jeopardize what we have."
Shuri shook her head still regarding you with a look of disappointment. Her hand took your chin in a firm grip forcing you to return your gaze. "You're not a monster its not like you use your power to harm people, and when you do its in self-defense. If you want to get rid of it I promise I won't researching till I find the answer."
Out of nowhere her arm snaked around your waist bringing your body closer to hers. You placed both of your gloved hands on her shoulder, and dug your feet into the ground. "Shuri what are you doing?" You asked alarmed.
"I'm going to kiss you" she stated.
"No we can't" You refused.
"I trust you" and with those words Shuri leaned forward connecting her lips to yours, and your eyes went wide with fear as you focused on not letting your power loose. But the feeling of her soft lips pressed to your own made you want to give in. This moment was something you dreamed about on a regular basis. You didn't think the day would ever come where it was reality.
The Princess pulled away with a frown, and you let out a whine. "you can do this y/n." This time when her lips met yours you were ready kissing her back with a careful approach. Your hands moved to cup her face as she deepened the kiss with ferocity. Your body sinked into her own, and she brought her other arm down to your waist encircling you in her arms.
Your lips moved against her in a slow and passionate kiss, both of you savoring this moment. Taking the time to learn what the other tasted like. It was heaven for both of you, and neither of you came up for air until two minutes later.
Shuri pecked your cheek over and over again with an adoring smile. "Come home?"
"I guess I can after all who I am to defy the Princess" You replied with a smile.
Shuri chuckled pulling you into her arms with no intention of letting you go anytime soon.
Uhambe Mntwana- Off you go child
Usisidenge- Stupid
Yintoni Ngubani- What who
Isidenge- Idiot
Tag List: @jejutwist @alistair-mooncrest @ilacknames @unsatisfiedanddisappointed @letitias-fav @bananafishok @justariellove @laurensmabel1 @greek-freak101 @bubshri @ajawasblog @deliciousfestsalad @rhayanm @zhanylai @izzyorzua24 @mocha-aya @lizlil @shinsousliya @angelsmist @newctrll @6-noir @snowtrova @ogbells16 @mbakuetshurisprincess @foamygrapesoda @tchhairbandhere @ohcoolcoolcool @jerullium @hotgirlslovepink @thefakesmilingsunshine @minionslikeppl @kjonamission
247 notes · View notes
atsadi-shenanigans · 1 month
Feeding Alligators 59 - Plans Within Plans
You deal with a couple of problems.
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On AO3.
As y’all don’t got no bear around to announce yourselves, y’all decide stealth is the best option. You start on the peripherals, catch stragglers or small groups here and there. Gale can actually silence a whole room while the others move in and take them out. Astarion is as efficient with his knives as usual.
Y’all find a guy in a cage, lamenting the new cult. Goblins, turns out, have their own god. One this codger (you can’t actually tell his age, but little dude’s talking like an old-timer) refuses to abandon.
Gale lets him out, too.
Eventually, y’all wind up in the main hall at the front, where some goblin version of a biker granny tries to brand you. And then tries to mind-whammy you. So she’s got a parasite. She calls you a “true soul” like them people you fed to the owlbear, and she’s one of them leaders Halsin mentioned, so you suggest y’all talk in private and she goes right along with you.
You barely get the door shut when Lae’zel skewers her. Literally. Sword punches clear through her back, out her front as she gasps, and then Lae’zel kind of flicks the blade. And biker granny falls to the ground in pieces.
“Jesus,” you say.
“We waste our time,” she says.
Biker Granny has a bedroom with another ogress in it (you wonder if it’s the same one hooking up with Man-Wolf, but she don’t seem to recognize you when she spots y’all). The fight is short but mean, and as y’all are looting around, Karlach busts down a door that opens to a spooky hallway. Which leads to an inner temple that puts a sneer on Shadowheart’s face.
“Not a fan of this goddess?” you say, looking up at a statue of a woman in some ancient robe ensemble.
“Selune,” Shadowheart says like a curse. A moon goddess or something. Shadowheart calls her followers hypocrites and a few other choice insults.
Huh. You notice Gale eyeballing her all speculative, but he don’t say nothing.
And then Karlach finds and presses a button that opens a wall. Faerun really, really likes the whole “secret hallway behind a fake door” bullshit.
Below is a fuck off chasm with a ladder disappearing into the gloom.
“Hell no,” you say.
But Gale surprises you by offering to float himself down—y’all watch until he’s swallowed by the gloom—and then fly himself back up. “It’s a Selunite outpost extending into what I heavily suspect is the Underdark.”
You zone out a little. It ain’t murdering the two other ringleaders, and it ain’t getting the worm outta your head, and it ain’t fixing whatever inter personal fuckshit is going on between you and…and everyone and each other.
You ain’t sure how to deal with the other two leaders. One is their general—something called a drow, and the others looks real grim about that—and the other guy is holding a fucking pep rally with another dozen goblins in a room around a dead squidward.
“Fuck,” you say.
Which is when you catch the words “spark powder barrels” and “enough to light the whole place up.” You turn. Find two goblins chatting in the corner.
“What’s this about barrels?” you say.
The thing about modern Earth warfare is that people got real, real good at killing other people from a distance. Sometimes even killing people who ain’t in the same room, or continent, as you. Faerun ain’t primitive—that word is loaded with all kinds of racist undertones anyway—but they’re still more used to killing with blades and arrows and spells.
Y’all find a way into the bomb room through Biker Granny’s quarters. You give her cooling body a wide berth.
You and Astarion have been ignoring each other since he chose the lookout option, and he now stands at the edge of the group, cleaning his knives. But you seen him sneak, and you seen him climb, and he’s the best man for the idea brewing in your brain.
And maybe he’ll take it as an olive branch?
(You got nothing to apologize for in snapping at him about Rack Guy. You stood up for yourself, and for Rack Guy. Anybody who’s got a problem with that is the problem.)
“Astarion,” you say.
And he ignores you like a petty bitch. So that’s going great.
Losing your shit ain’t never accomplished nothing. So you reign yourself in, walk over to him, and stop right in front of him. You try to keep your body relaxed and your tone professional. “Astarion.”
He deigns to look up. Give you a smile. “Ah, our illustrious leader. What may I do for you now?”
Murder or lockpicks. His only contributions.
Your righteous huff deflates just a little. That part was uncalled for. Breaking people down to what they can be used for is fucked up farmstead shit.
You really look at him, the minute hunch to his shoulders, the flat eyes, the tiny tilt of his head. He’s a bitch, but that don’t mean you have to be.
Fuck. Damn.
Well, no time like the present. You breathe deep and slow.
“I’m sorry,” you say, trying to ignore the others around you. “About what I said earlier. You’re a lot more than I gave you credit for, and it was outta line for me to suggest otherwise. It won’t happen again.”
Y’all might not be friends, but he’s still a member of the group, and you’d feel like a giant fuckhead going around and making bad feelings.
But…he just stands there for half a second. His face does something complicated—a frown, confusion, narrowed eyes—before settling back on his usual, fake smile.
“Ah, for that, I can only assume you require something outside of my usual repertoire?” he says.
Which…how the fuck does the dirt potion translate something into French??
And ouch. He really took that insult to heart, huh? Fuck.
You close your eyes. “I deserve that. Yes, I’m gonna ask you to do something. And leaving that guy was a dickhead move. But I really am sorry for, for implying that you’re only your talents. Which you have more than two, and that was me being a jackass. But I’m sorry, and you deserve to know it.”
Again, that careful blankness. It only lifts when you show him your baby bird of a plan, all small and ugly and shaking around in the mental nest. He snorts like he can’t help it, and for just a split second, something genuine skirts along the edge of his smirk.
“You’re forming a pattern, darling,” he says.
“If it works, don’t break it,” you say. “It’s how the empire back home deals with everybody.”
“That’s the second time you’ve mentioned something like that,” Gale says. “When this is over, you and I desperately need to have another sit down chat.”
So you can spill U.S. military tactics you learned from the internet to a wizard. Why not.
“And if I run into anyone else skulking about?” Astarion says.
You want to sigh, but don’t. “Still hungry?”
“Always, darling.”
“I guess as long as you ain’t dropping bodies outta the rafters…”
The man lights the fuck up, a kid handed a hundred dollars and let loose in a candy store. He scuttles up the closest ladder with what you can only describe as sheer glee.
“Turning a vampire loose in a den of goblins,” Shadowheart says. “I’m not sure which part is worse. Do you think he can drink himself into a stupor?”
“He got pretty sloshed the night when soldier here stuck her soul in a jar,” Karlach says. Catches your silent question. “While you went wherever it is you went to, old Fangs came back drenched in blood. Looked like he got in a fight with a bear. He couldn’t even stand straight. Then he saw you, well, dead, and he stormed off. Tripped over a root, too, which I only noticed cause he don’t normally do stuff like that.”
…huh. Okay?
Well, he seems to revel in your ideas (when they involve murder or being a shithead). He stopped when you told him to. He was an absolute bastard about it, and he later tried again. But when you told him no, he fucked off (which hurt, you’re beginning to realize, because you apparently have the emotional intelligence of a potato. It actually hurt).
“I think I trust him,” you say, looking up to where he disappeared. “With this stuff, anyway.”
Astarion returns with good tidings. There’s a path along the rafters right over to Door Rags and his pep rally. Gale has enough juice to help float up the barrels Lae’zel and Shadowheart can’t hoist up (Karlach looks on like a dog told to sit while you throw a ball). It takes a bit to get everything where you want, but y’all manage it.
You have to step over three dead goblins stuffed into a corner. Astarion catches your gaze and gives you a proud tilt of his chin.
See? it seems to say. Not raining down bodies.
You give him a thumbs up.
Then you sneak off with Wyll to a wall ledge overlooking the rally room. Spot another room off to the side with some magic, floating crystal ball.
“A watcher,” Wyll says. Up close, he smells of mint and some kinda herb—you ain’t sure if it’s soap, perfume, or something he uses in his hair. “Someone is keeping an eye on all this. We’ll want to take that out before any fighting starts. Blind whoever’s controlling it.”
“Can you do that?”
He gives you a warm smile. “The blade will strike true.”
You roll your eyes, but you’re smiling, too. Then you catch voices, and inch further out onto the ledge. Across a wooden bridge, somebody moves. A woman in armor. An elf? Only she’s purple with a shock of white hair.
“The drow,” Wyll whispers, sinking into a crouch next to you. “She’ll likely be a powerful fighter. They’re known for their strength in battle. They kill any of their own who show what they consider a weakness. Which generally amounts to being kind or merciful.”
Because that worked so well for the Spartans.
Wyll must catch a look from you. You say, “I’ll tell you later. It’s stupid and impractical, and usually ends with a couple of people slapfighting each other for status while their nation can’t support itself anymore and collapses.”
And another idea blooms in your head. Which you share with him.
He considers a moment. Nods slowly. “Alright, it seems a sound strategy. I’m beginning to see a pattern with you.”
Which, what the fuck does that even mean?
But y’all need to move. The longer y’all camp out up here, the more likely somebody gets spotted. You both sneak back to join the others.
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ego-meliorem-esse · 5 months
I do love your takes because they mirror mine in a way, I am curious about your take on François relationship with Ludwig and partly with Antonio too. Alasdair is a free soul like him, there's not much to say about it there I think. Baby brother stole everything even the french menace and it bothers him but won't stop him. I do wonder about your take on Alfred's own relationship with Ludwig and the italian brothers. I hc he and the south get along really well but he clashes with North Italy bc he doesn't understand why Italy hides behind his airheadness. I know I'm in anon, sorry but I have many things on my mind and don't want to develop my own op right now bc it will take time to write it down
Ohh yess
Ok just a heads up, this is an expansion on the previous François post:
Ludwig and François have an interesting dynamic. At first glance it might seem like they are polar opposites in almost every aspect. And who knows that might be true, but there is an appeal to me of the sad depressed and drinking-wine-in-bathtub-at-3-am François calling up Ludwig just to chat and get reassurance that it'll be fine. Ludwig is young. He feels like he needs to prove himself on this old world continent. He feels the need to work more just to get to where the rest are. And as an economic powerhouse, he feels somewhat responsible for keeping the peace. Though, despite that, he is kind. And in the recent years (cough cough after Brexit cough cough gurgle fall over die) he and François have gotten close. As close as the ghosts of the past will allow, at least. So, if there is anyone willing to talk to, and even come over and make sure the Frenchman is not drowning in the bathtub or the wine, it's the german lad. Even if he's just sitting on the toilet, laptop on lap, doing work and listening to François' rants. It's the kinda dynamic François can relax in. He doesn't enjoy Ludwigs quiet company always, but it's a nice break from bickering with Arthur and debating with Alfred.
Antonio is a different story. They are very similar in their worldviews and mindsets. Two past empires grown up under Rome (more or less) and getting dunked on by the rat man extraordinaire and his big fat rat baby. If François is going to do dumb shit and get plastered in the town center, he's doing it with Antonio. Gil is also included. They are not the type of friends to talk about their feelings and go emotional on each other. But, naturally there is mutual respect and understanding. "The world has changed and its pace is too fast for us now."
Alasdair is someone who has seen and stood next to François for a very long time. I think he understands the inner workings of François better than most. And, in a certain way, better than even Arthur. From the fall of Rome to the 7 years war, Alasdair kept frequent contact with the man, both physical and if unable to visit, by letters. Alasdair is the one trapped between worlds and emotions after the Treaty of Versailles in 1763. Matthew, whom he adores so much, was abandoned by the man he deeply feels for. And in times like these it's very human to take sides, despite actively trying to understand each party. Alasdair chose Matthew. A boy he almost saw as his own. And François felt the shift. Less frequent letters and visits, as well as somewhat reserved communication when in person. They are still important to each other and always will be. But nations, in my hc are very human. I understand the appeal of making them non human eldritch beings, but i think they are very very human in their emotional and mental capacities and understandings of the world. Wiser and more experienced sure, but human non the less.
You also mentioned Alfred and the Italy bros. I'll do a separate post on their dynamic. However ye i do agree, Alfred and Romano are closer than Alfred and Feli. But what i will add is that Alfred doesn't dislike or find Feli off-putting due to the mask of airheadness. It's the fact that Alfred does the same and knows what it's used for and how it works that doesn't sit right with him. He knows the mask is a front for a sharp mind and knows that there is intelligence behind it.
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nerdlydelicious · 1 year
What moments in this volume (or even before) set up WK on the potentially more than friends route?
Sorry this took so long! I’ve been rather busy and haven’t had a chance to finish replying to this ask since I got so much more in detail with it. (Surprise surprise, talking about White Knight makes me rant XD).
Well I feel like the big one is Jaune saving Weiss’s life at Haven, and unlocking his semblance to do so.
Thing is, they could have used just about anyone else here and achieved a similar effect. In fact, using Ren, Nora, or Ruby as Cinder’s target instead of Weiss would make more sense from a narrative standpoint since he’s spent much more time with them, and has a less rocky history with them. They’re Jaune’s teammates, he traveled across a continent with them.
But the writers chose for Weiss to be the one Cinder targets to hurt him, to be the reason that he finally unlocks his semblance, an aspect of who he is, and that’s telling. Weiss, the same girl he held a candle for back in Volumes 1 and 2 (and I’d argue in Volume 3 as well), and the same girl he pursued fruitlessly, then took a step back from to respect her wishes.
And she was the one that he unlocked his semblance for. That matters. That matters a lot.
I personally think that Jaune still holds a candle for Weiss. Perhaps not as much as he did early at Beacon, but he still cares for her as more than a friend, and it shows in little moments. And likewise, I think Weiss’s feelings towards Jaune have have grown (or are growing) into more than just friendship, there are so many little moments between them that show they’re growing closer, little moments that Weiss or Jaune hasn’t really had with anyone else outside their team. Weiss is one of the main people Jaune is boosting with his semblance, outside of Ren whose semblance was very handy during V8. When she collapsed in V6 after catching Ruby with her glyph, Jaune was the one to catch her. When Jaune boosted Penny’s aura it was Weiss who put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a proud smile, and Jaune who noticed when she wiped a tear from her eye.
They were the last two to fall from the bridge, and he was helping her to the exit before Cinder set off an explosion under them.
And of course we got an absolute buffet of White Knight in V9. Not as much as BMBLB, of course, but we still got a lot. Weiss inadvertently calling Jaune handsome, then doubling down by practically drooling over him in episode 6. Weiss being the one to snap him out of his anger during his fight with Ruby, and Weiss being the one to comfort Jaune and tell him that he’s brave and good, and then hugging him. And I’m not just talking about a simple, arm around the shoulders hug. That was a full on motha fuckin’ embrace.
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Look at that. She was in to that hug. She was all about that hug.
And of course, their lingering touch after the hug.
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Because placing your hand on the small of her back as she rests her hand on your arm is totally something people who only care about each other as friends do. Totally.
And then there’s Weiss being the one to see Jaune in danger and try to help him (then knock him off the platforms, whoops). Then, this little moment when he’s de aged:
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Sure, they’re all happy to see him back to his young self, but Weiss is the only one giggling at him here.
I could go on, but yes, I do earnestly believe that White Knight is end game for Weiss and Jaune, and I could not be happier about that.
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nayvwriter · 12 days
Primordial Tyrants headcanons
Lore headcanons I have about the Primordial Tyrants that go in my fics unless there's some reason it won't work. N1 and NE spoilers, but mostly N1-based.
Their human forms are mostly subconscious.
Details can change, accidentally or on purpose, but stuff like broad skin and hair colour tends to stay the same, unchangeable.
Metta's the only one who figured out how to choose his form completely
Deena's human form changed completely once, when she switched to the human side.
She used to have pink hair.
Similarly, their Nexomon forms have differences that vary over time.
Thus explaining their slightly different appearances in the games.
It's a subconscious reflection of themselves, kinda.
Possibly Metta can shapeshift this too. Undecided.
Zetta can move really fast in his human form. None of the others can do this at the moment.
Zetta thinks they could do it if he taught them how (and they bothered to learn), he doesn't think it's just a him thing.
this may or may not be true
I have a few theories on how exactly this works.
Omnicron can give out an influence on nearby Nexomon.
This influence can be countered by another, similar influence.
Nara is the only one who's figured out how to do this.
and has deliberately refrained from telling her siblings how until she's sure they won't pull an Omnicron.
This was her role in N1! And during the first death of Omnicron, too.
Metta never died the first time around, he just couldn't be found.
hence why he's around in N1 to cause trouble.
Metta can use the powers of all the other CoO, though not as well.
Including Nara's life powers – that's part of how he brought everyone back in N1.
Their human names they chose themselves.
Deena, Fenrir, Nadine, Merida and Zetta picked one human name and stuck with it over thousands of years.
Metta changed human name with every new form he took, and didn't really have a true one.
My headcanon for Grunda changes per fic.
Omnicron never took a human form.
He probably could have done, but he never did.
He was dismissive of his children doing so, but didn't actually stop them as long as they still worked towards his mission.
Omnicron was a terrible father.
Definitely emotionally abusive.
Probably physically abusive too.
Literally only cared about his children as tools to win his war.
It took a while for said children to realise this wasn't normal or good.
possibly until Grunda starts interacting with a lot of children regularly.
Arqua can take her Nexomon form outside of the water, but it's uncomfortable and she's not nearly as powerful.
This was sort of how she got defeated first time.
Ventra likes air with lots of oxygen in.
hence why we found her in a tree.
She lets Luxa have the high can't-breathe air.
Luxa doesn't need to breathe in his Nexomon form.
Theoretically he can swim underwater with no fear of drowning.
In practise Merida gets really angry at him if he electrocutes her ocean.
The CoO accidentally activate their powers when they get emotional.
It's not a purposeful thing. It just happens.
Zetta starts giving off sparks and the air around him becomes electrically charged.
Fenrir accidentally makes himself and the area around him incredibly hot.
With Nadine, the wind around her picks up.
And with Merida the seas start thrashing.
Deena's mostly got a handle on it (mostly by pretending she doesn't have emotions) but she either grows nearby plants or kills them, depending on the exact emotion. Or both at the same time.
Grunda's actually got a handle on it.
Merida can always at least somewhat sense the ocean.
When she's in Arqua form in the water she can sense a ship on the other side of the continent!
At least some of the Children of Omnicron have managed to miss the fact that having two birth parents is mandatory for humans.
In their defense. Omnicron was a single father.
And Deena was a single mother.
Add that to the amount of children being raised by one parent, and it's not that unreasonable.
They just sort of assumed that when there were two parents, one of the human parents was the actual birth parent and the other one was the first one's partner.
Grunda probably figured out this wasn't true shortly after he started running an orphanage.
This isn't a thing that comes up regularly, so it might take a while for the rest of them to realise…
The Primordial Tyrants have no biological gender.
They picked up the whole 'gender' thing at about the same time as their human names.
Omnicron didn't pick one, but nor did he seem to care, so no-one corrected the humans when they assigned him one.
They may or may not know that humans have biological differences often correlated with said gender. At least Grunda knows.
They have a tendency to get attached to things or people and then get very protective of them.
This is basically their version of innate morality.
Kinda like Tiffany Aching from Discworld.
Nara just managed to get attached to humanity itself.
Once the CoO got on humanity's side, the continent basically stopped having major natural disasters.
Because they can stop a storm or tsunami or earthquake or whatever in its tracks.
Not because they were starting them.
They might have been starting them way back when, but they wouldn't have been behind every natural disaster.
I have other, more personality-based headcanons for them as well, but they're a lot less formulated so I'm leaving them out for now.
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imaginationlover101 · 2 years
In the Motel Hallway
Dean Winchester x reader
Summary: Being on the road with the Winchesters was one thing, but sleeping in the motels was another. With Sam missing, and Dean being asleep the reader starts to reminisce her time with the boys.
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"Dean, I swear get off of me." Pushing Dean off of me for what seemed to be the 5th time that night I realized I was useless, Dean Winchester was out like a light. Huffing to myself I tried to pull the covers closer to my side of the bed but, once again Dean was hogging the covers.
Although I loved the aspect of being on cases with the Winchester brothers the sleeping arrangements were by far the worst. Even though I love Sam and Dean dearly, I love a queen sized bed to myself more.
In all honesty it's no ones fault but my own. Sam and Dean always offer to get another room for myself, but we all know its useless. To pay that much for two rooms that we'll use for almost over a week is a waste of money. Plus when the three of us research and try to put all the pieces together for a case, we all use one room anyways. So two rooms is a waste of money (not ours, but still).
Turning over to the other side of the bed, I knew I had lost. The continous talking and pulling the covers to my side of the bed wasnt working. One thing I had learned about sharing a bed with Dean is that hes a deep sleeper, blanket hogger, snoes so very loud, and sometimes will kick in his sleep.
Looking over at the clock I could hardly see. The bright red floursenet light always got in my eyes when sleeping , and on top of that when looking at the time I was shocked. The clock read almost 4 o'clock.
Sam, Dean, and I had ended our research a little before 1, so we couldnt have been sleeping for that long. I tried to look over the bed to Sam's side but it was no use. Dean was huddled out all over the bed that I could barely see over his body. Dean insisted that he had to sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door. It never made sense to me seeing as we hunted monsters every day of our life, so a intruder makes no difference. But of course once Dean has a thought in mind it stays that way.
Dean used to make Sam sleep on the bed closest to the window, but lately Sam's been taking the opposite bed. He says its because he doesnt want to wake Dean and I up when he goes on his morning run, but now fully sitting up in bed I could see why he chose the bed closest to the door. It was 4 o'clock in the morning, and Sam Winchetser was no where to be seen, as well as Deans impala keys
I had to admit I was confused on what to do. It was 4 in the morning and Sam was gone with the impala. The first thought that came to mind was that he couldnt sleep, Sam always got tired when driving so maybe that was why, but lately Sam hasn't been acting the same. The way he acts, his posture, diet, face eveything changed. Sam Winchester is the first one to yell at Dean or I when our postures bad, the only one to order a veggie burger from a diner, the only one to make Dean and I laugh, and the only one who still carried innocene throughout his face. I cant blame Sam for changing his descions in life, after all he has gone through a lot. But lately him sleeping peacefully in the impala goes to him waking up in sweats and discomfort. Something was wrong with Sam Winchetser and I couldnt figure it out yet.
Now realizing that sleep had now passed my eyes were fully open, and my head was clear. I wondered for a second if Sam was in the bathroom, but of course he wasnt. Opening the bathroom door my eyes soonly noticed the safe. The grey box was fully open and Sam's wallet was gone along with his ids.
Coming out ot the bathroom Dean was the first thing that hit my eye. Dean was finally getting the sleep he deserved even though he was stealing half of my blankets. I could of sworn I had woke him up when closing the bathroom door with the way his eyes were fluttering, but I was wrong. Dean soonly began to snore 10 times more increasingly loud then before. Dean adjusted his body on the bed so that his legs moved to my side of the bed, how perfect. Dean lifted his head off the pillow and onto the side of the bed near the nightstand and brought all the blankets closer.
Dean was lucky I cared about him. He was lucky that I knew he had a hard time sleeping and felt bad for him. I felt awkward watching him sleep, but in one way it brought me comfort. Beside from his obnoxious eye rolls, and his forehead scrunching I havent seen Dean in peace for a long time. It reminded me of when the two of us were younger, plus Sam.
When the three of us used to get locked in the motel alone because our parents were out "working". Sam, and I would sit together and tell stories (made up stories of course), we would make up what we thought were the funniest stories, and pretend like we were places far from a motel. Dean would sit on the couch like always rolling his eyes muttering about why were we doing such childish things.
Sam and I would beg Dean all day long, but he wouldnt move. It finally wouldn't be up until the sun set, and Dean finaly gave in. He would sit on the floor with Sam and I and talk all day long. He always gave in and made up stories with us, and pretended like our lives were normal. Because that's all we knew, we didnt know that spending all of our time in a creaky motel room wasn't normal, and still the pattern remains the same.
I started to wonder if Sam left because of the motel. I wondered if he had finally had enough, if he finally ran. But then once again I knew he was smart enough to not run away with Dean's impala. I knew Sam eventually would come back, but when?
In one way Sam was is just a little brother to me as much as he is to Dean. I grew up with Sam and Dean and even though we dont know what family is, we know that its similar to the bond that the three of us share.
It's funny to say that the bond that Sam and I share is different from the one Dean and I have. With Sam we know that we have the mutual brother sister relationship, but with Dean its different. Dean and I had always been opposites, even with our dads hunting together.
Dean always wanted to be a hunter he knew he was destined for it, always walking with his head held high and a knife in his pocket. He held confidence, charisma, humor, appeal, everything I wished I had. Meanwhile when I was younger I had no clue what the world had in store. I wanted to travel, and meet new people everyday. I wanted to be a fashion designer and fall in love. I wanted to get marry and eventually have children. Who would of know that all my ideas took a turn, but in one way I do get to meet new people frequently and travel alot (in the impala).
I decided to break free of the motel room, my mind had began bugging with thoughts and memories to the point where I couldn't focus. Unlocking the double lock door of the motel, I just waited until Dean called my name. I thought that making all the noise and leaving the bed would cause Dean to notice my absence but it didn't.
I should of brought a jacket outside. Even though it was late September, the fall weather was just around the corner. Our motel room was on the second floor overlooking the parking lot. I could now see the empty parking space that baby used to be in and the fresh burnout lines Dean had just made.
Although Sam and I tease Dean all the time about his car deep down we both love it. The impala holds so many memories between the three of us and even some between John and Mary. It's almost as if the impala had brought Dean and I closer together. It holds so many memories of us growing up, Dean teaching me how to drive, patching him up after his first fight, my first kiss and Dean seeing me cry for the first time.
I was 16 when Dean almost kissed me, while he was 18. My dad had forced me to go to my aunts house for the summer saying I needed to be a teenager, but I didn't care. All I wanted was to spend my summer with Sam and Dean. I knew it was much different then the summers we shared when we were younger, but still.
That night I has stormed out of the motel room after getting in a fight with my dad. I had become so mad at him that I wanted find Sam or Dean and leave. The minute I slammed the motel door, Dean was outside with his classic smile saying he thought it was time for a ride.
Dean and I drove for what felt like hours until he stopped by the creek near the motel. He asked what was wrong and I refused to tell him. Of course he was getting antsy and said that if i didnt tell him in the next 5 minutes he'd throw me in the creek. The minute he said that I started crying. Emotions were throw out of my mind and I started sobbing, backing into the passenger side door.
Dean had come closer to me and apologized saying he wouldn't of thrown me in the creek and was sorry. I started laughing because of Dean's thoughts and finally told him what happend. Dean had moved closer to me and brought me into a hug. We sat there for what felt like hours and Dean said we would go to the diner, his treat. We sat at the diner and Dean refused to let me talk about leaving saying "dont worry until it happens." We both ate burgers and Dean payed the bill, but not before asking for 2 ice cream sundaes.
I remember laughing at Dean when the waitress had brought our sundaes in a soda cup (I miss the days when waitresses wouldn't flirt with Dean). Dean left the tip and off we left in the impala. Pushing in the cassette tape I had made for Dean, the two of us listened to the music reminiscing of when we played the songs for the first time.
Finally making it back to the hotel Dean had parked in the back of the motel parking lot promising that we wouldnt go in our rooms yet. That night Dean let me sit on the hood of the impala, and I almost dropped my sundae when he said I could sit. There Dean and I sat huddled up against one another eating out ice cream on the hood of the impala.
I finally let it go that I was nervous to have my first summer alone at my aunts house, Dean promised if he had time he and Sam would visit. I remember being so cold that night because of the air and the ice cream. Dean had given me his jacket and said that even though we would be far apart he would always take care of me. I could of sworn that night we were going to kiss, but we didnt. The two of us sat there in silence enjoying the last summer of innocence we would have together.
Dean had walked me to my room and kissed me on the cheek and then he was gone. I could only assume John and my father went on a late night case to the bar that night because when we returned they were gone. A while after Dean dropped me off there was a knock on the door. There stood 14 year old Sam Winchester in dinosaur pjs pants claiming he was very upset Dean and I had spent time without. Dean soon came storming in after saying that it was for adults only, and Sam was still a child. After that we all sat on the brown leather motel couch and watched tv until we fell asleep.
Closing my eyes I almost thought I could transport back to that day. Even though I had gotten into a fight with my dad, Dean had made the day seem perfect, and that's what I loved about him. It was frustrating being in love with Dean, because everyone women in the America loved him. I always thought that if I told Dean I loved him I would have to compete with the beautiful blond that told him at the bar yesterday. On top of that sharing a bed made it worst, he was so affectionate in the morning and who could say no.
Leaning against the motel railing I knew things were complicated. I had been in love with Dean Winchester since I was 16 and still haven't worked up the nerve to tell him. It's almost like he could read my thoughts because the minute I said those words to myself the door opened.
I heard the creaky motel door before I saw him. There he stood Dean Winchester in plaid boxers with a shirt that definatly didnt match. His hair was messed up from sleep, he had his leather jacket on, and was missing his shoes.
"Y/N what are you doing out here, did you see Sam?" Laughing to myself I knew Dean and I shared the same thoughts about Sam.
"No, but I saw that he left with your keys too, I just wanted some air." Talk about air it was freezing, no wonder why the night reminded me when we were younger.
Humming Dean looked at me "Air at 4 in the morning, you sure your okay sunshine ?" Sunshine the nickname Dean had given me when I was 18 because he said that me and his car reminded him of sunshine.
Dean wrapped his jacket around his torso and started moving around for heat. "Jesus its cold for September. Dont tell me you've been out here without a jacket on Y/N.
Moving away from the railing and near Dean's arms I began to play with the strings coming off his jacket. "I havent been out here for that long, but it is cold."
Dean smirked and opened his jacket up larger. " I would give you my jacket it's too cold, but I'll never give up the chance to share with you."
Rolling my eyes I moved closer to Dean and wrapped myself in his jacket. Putting my arms around his waist Dean wrapped the rest of his jacket around the remainder of my body and rested his chin on my head. "You know tonight reminds me of that night when we were younger, you know that summer when I was 18."
Looking up from under Deans jacket, I smiled. "I thought the same thing." Dean I stood huddled up against one another for what felt like hours until we saw the shine of car lights. Who would of known it was Sam with the impala.
Dean shuffled the opposite way so that his head faced the motel door. "Oh he so owes us an awnser." Looking at Dean's eyes I begin to shuffle closer to him seeing as he let go of the jacket.
"Did you know your a blanket hogger?" "What are you talking about Y/N, no I'm not." "Uhh yes you are you took all the blankets and when I went to the bathroom you took up the whole bed, I couldnt even lay down." "So that's why you went outside then." "No Dean it wasn't because of-" Dean and I heard the jinngiling of his car keys and both looked the same way. There stood Sam holding the impala keys with a take out bag in his hand.
"What are you guys doing?" Sam looked at us and it took me long to realize that Dean and I were still pressed up against one another wrapped in his leather jacket.
"What are we doing, where the hell were you?" Dean walks closer to Sam still managing to keep us together in his jacket. Dean and I manage to shuffle walk to Sam, but not before he reaches us half way. Sam laughs at the two of us and directs his eyes to Dean's feet. "Its a long story."
"Dude stop what's wrong with you. What do you mean it's a long story. YOU TOOK MY BABY SAM!" "Dean it's not your baby it's a car" "Sam stop it! It is my baby stop trying to get out of this!"
The two boys began to bicker back and fourth and all I could do was watch. Here we were standing in the middle of a motel walkway bickering back and forth to one another. Dean and I were still huddled into one another, while he moves his whole body, and like always Sam's always being question.
To this day we still dont know where Sam went that night. If you had to sum up one moment that represented the boys and I this would be it. Even though we had our moments we still would always be family. I might of not told Dean that I loved him that night, but deep down he knew. Someday I would work up the courage to tell him how I truly felt, that I was always in love with him.♡
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tctteredwings · 6 months
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[ harry shum jr., genderqueer, he/they ] — whoa! KIAN ZHANG just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for THEIR WHOLE LIFE, working as the HEAD STYLIST AND OWNER OF KIAN ZHANG HAIR. that can’t be easy, especially at only 41 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit DRAMATIC and BLUNT, but i know them to be INNOVATIVE and ACCEPTING. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to MANHATTAN!
IN A NUTSHELL; a smudge of eyeliner, vintage clothing, piano solo's when the sun's gone down, the slight scent of hairspray, an extensive collection of disney pins, willing to do anything for their son.
tw: bullying
Name: Kian Zhang Nicknames: Ki Age: Forty-one Date of birth: 21st February 1983 Birth place: Manhattan, New York Occupation: Head Stylist and owner of Kian Zhang Hair Romantic/sexual orientation: Panromantic/pansexual
Kian was born in Manhattan, New York, along with his twin sister, his best friend from the word go.
He’s second-generation Chinese-American.
As the years ticked by they found themselves not entirely happy in their own skin, they started dressing differently, wearing the occasional smudge of eyeliner, something they attempted to embrace in high school.
It didn’t go well, the bullying soon followed; accepting apparently himself was frowned upon. Despite the multicultural city he lived in, his expression was limited in his youth.
He didn’t really listen, continued on in private, with close friends he made… with a boyfriend, someone who meant the world to him as time went on. He was someone who stayed a close friend long into his thirties, despite the break-up in senior year.
It was shortly after high school that they began to go by both he and they pronouns, something that has stayed the same ever since.
Their creativity came out over time and they embraced it, choosing in the end to make their way into the beauty industry and the Carsten Institute of Cosmetology was the place to do it.
He eventually chose to specialise in hairdressing, becoming a stylist to the stars within a couple of years of graduating.
Shortly after that they found themselves caught up in a new relationship, something that was difficult to balance, but he tried his hardest.
Within a year or so a wedding was on the cards, each detail planned out meticulously. It was to be the beginning of a new chapter for him and when they found out only six months later that she was pregnant, he realised it really, really was.
Somehow, at some point during all of this he managed to open up his own salon in the Upper East Side —- somewhere that ended up with a three-month wait for appointments at all times of the year.
Not long after their 30th birthday, the family of three relocated to London, UK, a decision that was made for her work. Kian chose to work on opening a salon there instead, a small franchise that they intended to let someone else run, but with their ethics and style.
As their time in London ticked on, cracks in the relationship began to show, attempting a slower lifestyle ( despite the location ) wasn’t working —- they were both so used to being rushed off their feet.
Two years later a divorce was finalised and Kian moved back to New York. A rocky few years followed, the pair attempting to handle parenting from different continents.
He soon met someone who changed things for him, someone who made them want to try again. A couple of years passed, they moved in together, they were complete opposites in a way, yet that only seemed to make their bond stronger. They complimented one another and it was as simple as that.
But then that ended, too, abruptly and painfully. Kian did all they knew how to do, focus on work and ignore everything else going on around them. Thankfully his son is back in the States now, his ex-wife's job changing a couple of years ago, meaning she could return.
Their wardrobe is a rather eclectic mix of things, although their most colourful side comes out when they’re working and less so at home. At home they really are about being comfortable and nothing else.
There’s always the slightest hint of eyeliner with them, they’ve never been able to let that go.
He’s been playing piano since he was small and he’s pretty damn good at it now —- can definitely give Beethoven a run for his money.
He’s got a bit of thing for 80′s music and are playing it constantly, especially in the salon.
Can’t play sports to save their life, although they like to think they were an amazing high-jumper in high school ( they weren’t, but still mention it if anyone ever brings sports up ).
They collect Disney pins and have never been particularly shy about it.
Once got stabbed with their own scissors by an unhappy client.
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sarcasticsweetlara · 8 months
Queen Alyssa Velaryon's Crown
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Alyssa Velaryon was an interesting woman for sure, one of the most important women of Westeros and even in the Essosi continent.
Mother of two dynasties and a warrior till the end no matter what others say about her.
Alyssa was the granddaughter of the famous Daemon Velaryon who had helped in the Conquest and was friends with the Conquerors, Alyssa was the daughter of the powerful Aethan Velaryon with his wife Alarra Massey - who presumably had a Targaryen mother as that would explain why the Masseys chose to side with the Targaryens instead of Argilac or Harren, also Fire and Blood, AWOIAF, and Rise of the Dragon mention Alyssa having Targaryen blood-.
Alyssa Velaryon having Targaryen and Velaryon blood gave her a unique status which made her get married to Aenys, she was considered lovely and smart and we see her children having those traits as Rhaena, Jaehaerys and Alysanne (Aegon was as well and surely Viserys too but we got too little time with them) and also her willfulness got to Alysanne who due to Alyssa's mother Alarra Massey who is certainly the daughter of a Targaryen woman, had honey hair and clear blue eyes, and very probably her son Viserys and last daughter with Aenys, Vaella as well.
Her aqua blue crown represents her "blue-blooded" Valyrian blood, and the beginning of an era in which the Velaryons were the second most powerful House in the realm as they dominated the seas and the silver details the silver coins the Velaryons had, also it would be beautiful to parallel the curves of the crown with those of waves.
Alyssa was so brave, determined and focused on her and her family surviving that she helped establish her son Jaehaerys' reign and now, even if her Targaryen descendants are fighting for the crown - Daenerys and Jon too even if he doesn't know it-; she still has descendants spread around Westeros through her daughter Jocelyn Baratheon's great granddaughters Baela and Rhaena's own descendants, and probably Houses from the Reach and Marcher Houses as well.
She went from being the daughter of the Lord of the Tides to Queen Consort and Regent to Lady of Storm's End.
Alyssa Velaryon deserves more recognition for her hard work as queen, mother and person.
Alyssa herself anointed her son Aegon as the Prince of Dragonstone and championed for him to be declared king, and she was the one who always knew Aegon was way stronger than his father Aenys.
Alyssa had to make the hard decision of potentially risking the life of her son Viserys in order to save her youngest children, she rose in rebellion against Maegor even if it risked her granddaughter Aerea because this is the heritage for which her son Aegon the Prince of Dragonstone died fighting and the very same dynasty her family had helped build as both the Velaryons and Masseys (due to Alarra being the daughter of a Targaryen lady) played a pivotal role in the Conquest, the realm that her husband Aenys even if unsuccessfully tried to keep together.
Alyssa always defended her children and her goal was for them to be safe, live and have the inheritance that belonged to them, because Alyssa had Targaryen and Velaryon blood and she knew it was a coup what they were doing to her and her children.
Alyssa could not vouch for Rhaena's claim because Rhaena had been held captive and forcefully wed to Maegor, if Alyssa tried to do it, Maegor would not doubt in killing the three of them: Rhaena, Aerea and Rhaella.
Everything Alyssa did was to protect all that was left and that she at least could be sure could still be saved.
Alyssa became stronger with time, and as the Lady Consort of Storm's End she raised her son Boremund to be fair and kind (sadly Borros was overly fool) and to be loyal to his siblings, she commanded the Stormlands well enough for her to gain respect and had Alyssa survived she would have loved Jocelyn and counseled her on how to be ready to become a Royal Consort and the future Queen of Westeros; Alyssa could have also been there for the wife of Boremund (my headcanon is that Boremund married a Velaryon as well) and help raise Borros.
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Alyssa's tiara as the Lady Baratheon would have been passed to the wife of Boremund and then to the future Ladies of Storm's End.
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