#but do not belittle or insult or make your girlfriends feel like they are nothing
muffynetop · 2 years
Manipulating someone's mind and gaslighting them with one goal of bringing them down.
I experimented today. I say at home like I do everyday. What was different was that I didn't have someone making sure while I was sitting on my ass everything that I wanted would just be right there for me.
Your girlfriend and you both started out in a tent on the street. Now it's 6 years later you got your spot and have chose to start a business slowly. You make money and you are not shy about taking care of those you love. Yet on the daily you get told you do nothing. Maybe not at that second but are you crazy? How can you fix your lips to say that to me? I laugh to myself I should set a alarm like before. One that goes off every day and says remember be grateful for the ones who you constantly belittle and degrade. The ones who you can be around for days with nothing and not be without.
I cannot go anywhere without my own drugs. I can't rely on someone else to get me or keep me high. Thank your lucky stars if you can. See it for the blessing it is.
Addition is ill this is becoming so clear. Thru my drug induced haze it's starting to be vivid and the picture is ugly but it's clear. MANIPULATION FOR PERSONAL GAIN IS pathetic. As pathetic as someone who sits and waits for someone to fall asleep they they start going thru they things taking what they want. They leave to stash your things and make sure they still there when you wake up. Now they shine cuz they on stage. Conversation they guide and even make sure they keep you and your mind off the stuff they just took. Start a fight over nothing just a reason to get mad at you now they ready to leave. Who wants to be around someone they mad at?
Wait what you thinking? Did they really get mad? Funny thing is you mad over shit you saying. Ever had a conversation where you said nothing at all! You listen as they argue and talk in circles. All you have done is nodded your head and possibly said yup in the midst of this gaslighting episode.
Stop insulting people's intelligence it's stupid. Stop thinking we are as dumb as you. You believe the bullshit that you cook and serve. I REMEMBERED IM FASTING
Word to the wise. Just cuz I'm on drugs don't mean I can't see. People manipulate more when drugs play a part. I may seem like a square but it's all there. I play like I'm dumb but that's just a act. You pretend to be smart and you forget all the time you not just playing a part. You can't undo that so when you compare remember one thing. We are not on the same level cuz you don't think like I think. Adventures of MUFFYNETOP just don't stop. That was about five minutes of life as me.
Do you relate to anything that I have said? Let me know what you think. You don't have to be on drugs the same thing can be said for people who are clean.
Example: Coworker that is always watching you get praise and see you keep getting promoted and they still stuck filing. Whenever they speak it's always something snide like "You wear it nice for someone your size!" or "People stopped wearing that when I was in high school but your the one to start a new trend!" Maybe they asked for advice and you gave it. Boss comes out and says " Didn't I ask you to prepare this file, and it's not done!" I asked MUFFYNETOP and she told me how to do it throw you under the bus. Really they just never got it done. Yet they had to involve you in the midst of they bullshit they cause. Every day it's something it is crazy. They are manipulating your mind trying to make you doubt the things you no. Gaslighting is real and it needs to be talked about. Never happy for you and what you achieve. No it's always you didn't do nothing for me. You didn't give me. You didn't do this or that.
Ugggh it's a lot. I feel like holding a mirror when they start talking. I feel like holding up and letting them talk to the real person they are talking to. It's easy for they to blame it on you cuz unfortunately they can't see the wrong in themselves. They find it in you and won't hide it at all. Everything they hate about themselves they will tell you that it's you and everything is your fault.
What's really your fault is you are too nice to see that it's a game. You hope and pray it's gonna be better the next day. It won't and it's not going to change.
Mind games are just some of the tricks addicts play. These games trickle into normal life as well so always beware and see and hear things for what they really are.
Actions are the insight to who a person is. Words are used to distract and confuse you from paying attention to the actions they don't want you to see.
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mviraa · 2 years
I feel so sad for today's Muslim community. I do not see any girl-bestie or girl gang staying at it for years or girls having that true friendship. Maybe it is just me. But the minute a guy enters the picture, the best friend/sister is made to feel "secondary." I understand that there is high value and regard for the husband but not at the cost of belittling friends or sisters right? Maybe it is just me.
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stevelovbot · 4 years
cause y’beautiful
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pairing : dallas winston x african-american reader
warnings : angst and some racism; if that’s a triggering topic for you, please don’t read. also, if you need anyone to talk to about an issue concerning that topic, feel free to dm me.
a/n : based off of this request by the lovely @danddwife : “Hi I see you lost the outsiders 💓I was wandering if you could write a one shot or whether you perfect with Dallas and an African American fem reader.” 
you were sitting in your bed, tying your curly strands of hair into a bun. it was a summer evening, and god knows, summer evenings are really damn hot in tulsa, oklahoma. you were at buck’s place upstairs, opening all the windows, waiting for your boyfriend dallas to come back from the diner. at least when he came back, you wouldn’t have to be both bored and hot.
“hey doll, whatcha doin’?”, dally’s voice boomed out. he reached towards you for a hug, but you stepped back.
“no! don’t touch me!”, you squealed as you moved back.
“heeeey, why not?”, he asked jokingly. “i’m tired n’ bored n’ all i really want to do is hug my girlfriend but she won’t let me? bullshit, man.” 
“cause y’sweating, dal.” you said. “take a bath first.”
he feigned annoyance and left to go to the bathroom, smacking your bum on the way and sending you a cheeky wink. you just smiled back.
knowing dallas, and the fact that he takes forever and then a few years to take a proper shower, you plopped back onto the creaky queen bed and continued to file your nails. after what felt like forever (see, you knew he would take a billion hours), the door opened and out came an extremely wet, but still extremely attractive dally.
“there y’go. better? now, gimme that hug will ya?”, dally asked.
you giggled as you leaned forward to hug him back. pecking a light kiss onto his cheeks, you smiled as you leaned back.
“oh! i almost forgot! evie ‘n angela invited us to go to the drive-in for dinner! the gang’ll be there too, c’mon it’ll be so fun!”, you said.
“’m tired as fuck though, man.”, dally grumbled.
“it won’t be long babe! i promise!”, you pleaded.
“hmmm. ‘kay fine. but y’gotta give me another kiss before i go get dressed, doll.”, dally said.
happily obliging to his deal, you smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips before going and getting dressed. when the two of you finished getting dressed, you walked down the neighborhood to get to your destination.
as the two of you paid for your tickets and popcorn, angela made her way over. 
“hey you two! i didn’t think you’d make it!”, she said.
“well, i guess we did after all!”, you smiled. “this one was a bit reluctant though.”
“i was not! ‘m just tired is all!”, dally said.
angela giggled, beginning to lead you two over to where everyone else was.
“you two head right over, i’ll just grab some cola.”, you said.
you walked over to the concession stand and stood in line behind a few of the socs. one of them turned around and looked you up and down, then laughed.
“what are you laughing at?” you fired.
“nothing. just wondering how someone like you got to hookup with someone like him.”, she gestured toward where dally was standing.
your eyes pooled slowly, and you winced as if a flame was ignited upon your cheek. you got these comments a lot. “someone like you” wasn’t just an insult based upon your style or your money. it was based off of your race. all throughout your life, these comments had kept getting to you. however you had never gotten one like this, about your relationship with dallas. it was the one thing you treasured the most.
dropping the money you were holding, you ran back straight to buck’s place. not to dallas, just straight to buck’s place. you crumpled on the floor as your hair fell in tight curls out of your ponytail. and that’s when the dam burst again. he could have anyone truly. why you? you closed your eyes and tried to calm yourself.
upon opening your eyes again, you had found yourself lying on the bed, with dally concernedly hovering over you. when he saw you open your eyes, he felt relief flood through himself.
“doll? ‘s anything wrong? why’d you come home early?”, he asked.
“i just - i don’t understand, dally.”, you sobbed into his chest.
“shh, i’m here f’ ya doll, let it all out.”, he soothed you.
“i don’t understand - why would you wanna be with me when you could have anyone? ’m not skinny, ‘m not pretty, goddamn’ i’m not even white. y’know what happened at the concession stand? a soc told me she doesn’t understand why you’re with me ‘cause you’re you and i’m just me. plain old little me.”, you sobbed.
“hey, hey. listen to me, doll. i’m with you ‘cause i love you, okay? you may not be skinny, but you’re perfect to me. you think you aren’t pretty, but to me, you’re the prettiest person i’ve laid my eyes on. you’re not white, who. fucking. cares? our skin colors don’t define us, do they? i know i didn’t go to school for much time at all but if there’s one thing they taught us, it’s that every single fucking person is equal. okay? never ever let me hear you belittle yourself like that because of your race. i love you cause y’beautiful. inside and out.”, he said.
you felt your eyes prick again, this time not because you were sad, but because you never knew that he loved you this much. and, you knew he was right. your race doesn’t define you. your actions do. 
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angelisverba · 4 years
in which y/n wants to be closer to her savior, mafialeader!h, and harry has never felt such intimacy
word count:  5.7k
pairing: y/n and mafialeader!h
warnings: descriptions of an abusive relationship, mentions of abuse, drugs, violence, and sex.
author’s note: you can all thank @floral-suits for this. (and yes, I did describe tattoo roulette harry :))
Y/n wasn’t exactly a virgin when she first met Harry, but she also hadn’t been exposed to the extreme pleasures a woman could experience at the hands of a man who cared. Cared enough to devote attention to the needs and wants of her body rather than just using her for his own pleasure.
Harry more or less rescued her from a toxic relationship for a lower-scale drug dealer (who was working for Harry at the time) and who never told her what he did for a living. Their entire relationship was built off of lies, and  and power. Maxwell-- that was the scumbag’s name-- would always use strength to get his way, and it was getting to the point where he would  use his physical advantage in the bedroom. Y/n was in a position where she was physically and mentally weak, and Harry caught note of that when he met her for the first time.
“This is my girlfriend, boss,” Maxwell had gripped her bicep and squeezed painfully as he shoved her forward to a confused Harry. He wasn’t quite sure why Maxwell was handling a woman in such aggressive ways, and why she looked  so...scared.
He’d caught a whiff of what was going on the moment she flinched at the word ‘girlfriend’ and played as smoothly as possible to not make the situation worse for her once he left. But he knew when they made eye contact, and her eyes were slightly glazed over in fear, that she was calling out for help. “Lovely to meet you, what’s your name?” He said, voice notably softer than what he usually spoke.
The girl opened her mouth to speak, but Maxwell said, “Her name’s y/n. And she can leave now so she’s not bothering us.” 
An uncharacteristic flicker of protectiveness flamed inside of him, and his face turned a stone-y reserve. “Tony. Paul.” The two men standing in the back of their small living room apartment stepped forward with arms crossed. They were easily three times y/n’s weight, with biceps the size of her head to vouch for it. “Take Maxwell outside and keep him out there until I call for him.”
Y/n didn’t have it in her to straighten or worry about what would happen to her then-boyfriend or where they would take her, but he did. Maxwell gulped and furrowed his eyebrows, a ‘what the fuck?’ expression taking over his face. What he didn’t have in him, though, was the ability to fight back against the all-mighty Harry Styles. He was only left to wonder what the kingpin could want with his girlfriend. Something that not even he knew clearly, only that there was something very, very wrong going on between his employee and this girl, and he couldn't stand the endangerment of women (it was one of the reasons why be spent millions of dollars buying sex-trafficked women whenever he could, and sending them to all-expenses paid facility for they would be checked and rehabilitated if they needed it.)
“Now, love,” he started, voice tender and body language comforting. He’d retreated to their loveseat, patting the seat next to him with a warm smile on his face, two dimples showing. He knew that was what she needed. A friendly, comforting face. He knew because he was sued to reading people to get what he wanted, or to catch them off-guard and do a large number on them. “What’s your name?” 
Timidly, y/n walked over to his side and sat, a shaky breath leaving her before she mumbled, “Y/n.” 
“What was that? You said?” Harry wanted so badly to reach out and caress her shoulder, but he knew it was better if she opened up on her own terms. The girl was cowering from him and he hadn’t done anything to her. It seemed as if she’d grown a fear for all men. Not just Maxwell.
“Y/n, yes. I’m sorry for mumbling. Maxwell says I shouldn't mumble...I’m sorry.” She plays with her fingers in her lap, the cuticle of her right thumb an angry red color on the verge of bleeding. 
“It’s alright. Maxwell isn’t here right now, so you can do what you’d like.” Harry stated, chin in his palm as he observed her. She was (is) really pretty, with pouty lips and lashes that were wet with stressed-out tears. Distressed, but breathtakingly beautiful.
“But Maxwell will-” she stopped then, sure that what followed isn’t exactly something you tell your boyfriend's boss. Too much detail. 
“Go on, you can finish your sentence.” He brought his hands down away from his mouth to clasp them at his lap, and that’s when she looked up to fully look at him. 
His hair was shoulder length at the time, thick and rogue chocolate curls that framed his face and made him look even more so manly if that was even possible. It swirled at the top of his head, and fell to the right in fluffy swoops. He’d been wearing fitting, black slacks and a baby blue shirt what was open all the way to the start of his strong abdominal muscles, where y/n could see the tips of butterfly wings peeking out. Two swallows decorated the area underneath his collarbones, a silver cross necklace swinging gently between his pectoral muscles. Y/n remembers thinking-- even though her broken train of thought- that the blank ink looked so good against his tanned skin. 
“No, uhm, I’m not sure I should.” Her eyes dropped from him to the armrest, where a black suit jacket rested. It was Harry’s. “Maxwell wouldn’t like it.
“Do you always listen to what Maxwell says?” Harry questioned, his word choice careful. He never had to speak to any of the women he rescued, so these were uncharted waters for him. He figured he better be very light on the accusations if he didn’t want her to get defensive.
“Y-yes, he’s my boyfriend. Actually, do you think you could bring him back into the room? I’m not sure he’ll like me being alone with you more than needed.” He’ll call me so many nasty names once you leave.
“Is that what you want y/n?”
“I-” She hadn’t been asked what she would like in so long, her opinion bypassed and unimportant. The fact that this man in close relation to her boyfriend hadn’t also belittled her like his other friends had was...well, it was enough to make her start crying. 
She didn’t know what she wanted. She didn’t know what there could be to want. What there was past Maxwell, or what there would be with Maxwell. It was all a mess in her brain that hadn’t been used in so long. ‘Don’t wear that it makes you look ugly’ ‘She’ll have water’ ‘Doctor could she have the shot instead of pills?’
Harry knew his suspicions were correct when the first tear slipped past her eyelashes to taint her cheek. Only, he wasn’t sure where to go from there. He wasn’t sure if to touch her, or to give her space. He was fucking lost. 
So he got up, went to their kitchen and reached for a glass that was in the drying rack. The soles of his boots hitting the wooden floor of Maxwell’s kitchen was the only thing heard along with y/n’s sniffles. Pressing the glass into the slot for water in the fridge, he cursed under his breath. What the fuck is he supposed to do? 
He was out of time when he sat next to her and offered her the glass like an idiot saying, “I don’t want you to get dehydrated, love. Have some water and take a few deep breaths, alright? I wont hurt you.” 
And he hadn’t. Harry was true to his word all through their relationship. Never once did he lay a hand on her when she didn’t want it, or harm her emotionally, mentally. Not from a negative mindset.
Y/n told him everything. To a certain extent. It was as if a corkscrew had been twisted into the bottle of her emotions and unplugged open with his intimate questions. 
“Be honest with me y/n, does he hurt you?”
“Does he insult you?”
“Does he hit you?”
“Do you want to be here, right now, with him?”
“If you’re honest with me, if you really want it, I can take you away. I can help you build a new life, away from him. He won’t hurt you anymore.” Harry was holding her hands in his at this point, knees pointed towards her and shoulder slumped as he tried to get close to her. He could see he was doing good, she was holding eye contact for more than a second now.
“You can do that?” Her eyes widened, and her heart caught in her throat when he started to rub small, soothing circles into the juncture of her thumb and pointer finger.
Harry nodded, licking his lips,“of course I can. All you have to do is say the word. You can leave today. Right now. This instant. You just have to say it.”
“Okay.” She whispered, biting into her bottom from the nerves. Was she really going to leave Maxwell? Right now? With this man she’s never met? And although her gut and his words are telling her she can trust him, he could be anyone. He could do all sorts of things to her, but he looks, sounded, and felt sincere. 
Anything was better than the prison that was Maxwell.
“Okay what, y/n?” Harry needed to know that she was fully on board. Verbal confirmation. 
“I want to leave Maxwell. Today. Right now.” She was breathless when the words left her. And Harry was nodding with a proud smile on his face. 
He barely knew this girl, but he could feel the way his heart was chipping away by her hands, plunging the pieces into her chest and taking out a matching piece of her own heart to fill the empty spot.
“Okay. If there’s anything you’d like to take with you before we leave you should take them with you now.” Harry stood, and grabbed the suit jacket on the couch next to him, lifting his arm in the air to put it on.
“No, there’s nothing I’d like to take. Maxwell picked everything. I don’t want it.” She shook her head and wrapped her arms around herself, preparing for what’s to come.
“Would you like to say anything to him or would you like me to do the talking?” He was still adjusting the suit, popping the collar and lifting his shoulders so everything settled nicely. He ran a hand through his hair, and shook it out. It was cute, y/n thought.
“No. I don’t want to speak to him. I’ve got nothing to say to him.” She shrugged. 
“Very well. Let’s go.” He started walking towards the door, and when he sensed that something was wrong he turned to see that she was still seated on the couch, her lower lip trembling in a way that had become so familiar to him in the few moments they’d known each other. She was scared. “There’s no need to worry, love, my men will assure that he doesn’t lay a hand on you. I’ll be right by your side the whole time.” He sent her a comforting smile, and stretched out his hand for support, hoping that she’d grab onto it. 
She did.
They walked out together, not even bothering to close the door behind them. Out in the slim hallway, Tony and Paul had Maxwell up against the wall, one standing on either side of him. When he saw that y/n and Harry were holding hands, he stood up in a frenzy, and Harry lifted a hand as a signal for him to still his motions.
He did.
“Maxwell, I’m not sorry to inform you that I will no longer be requiring your services. Tony will come by at the end of the month to pick up all the money owed as well as what you still have to dispense.” Maxwell opened his mouth to protest, and Harry raised his hand again, voice rising momentarily to speak over whatever it was he was going to say. “In addition, you’re a piece of shit. You don’t deserve a woman like y/n. Never seek her out again, or there will be consequences. Understood?”
Harry didn’t wait for a response, and Maxwell didn’t give one because his throat had gone dry. You don’t fuck with Harry Edward Styles. 
“Paul, please ensure that Maxwell makes it into his apartment and doesn’t try to follow us. Tony, you come with us.”
“You got it, Harry.” Paul spoke, clapping a hand on Maxwell’s shoulder and shoving him into the apartment. 
Harry, still holding her hand, y/n, still holding his hand, and Tony, knowing very well what would come out of this, walked out of the shitty apartment complex and into a blacked-out car. Inside, y/n questioned Harry a bit more about where she would go, if he would leave her, and how he could be so sure that Maxwell would stay away. It hadn’t clicked in her brain yet what her ex-boyfriend’s job was because she’d been so caught up in getting through that moment. If she had been paying attention, she’s sure she would have blushed at Harry coming to her defense.
Harry assured her that she was safe, and told her why.
“I am a drug dealer, sweetheart. The biggest one here in London. People know not to fuck with me. As long as you’re under my care, you’re safe as can be. And I told you in there that I would take care of you. I’m a man of my word.” He turned to face her, “You’ll be safe. I promise you that.” 
From there, Harry took her to his house-- the kind with gates and men with ear pieces-- and told her to make herself at home. He had a few things to attend to before they could go a step further in their plan. 
Strangely, the news of him being a drug dealer didn’t affect her as much as it should’ve a normal person. 
The first thing she did was eat. She was starving, and Harry just so happened to have the best cooks in his home. Plate upon plate upon plate. She ate until she plopped down on his couch, fell asleep, and woke up to him taking her up to a guest room. 
She nodded off again in his arms, and he’d pressed a sweet kiss on her forehead when he set her down. 
After buying her clothes-- really fucking expensive ones-- Harry sat her down to talk to her about a rehabilitation center. One up in the mountains in Switzerland, where she’d be at peace with the company of sheep and silence. There were therapists on the site, ones she’d meet with everyday to talk through her trauma. 
And the cold would encourage the bodily need to stay warm. To huddle close...together. The both of them.
And y/n agreed. With one condition.
“Would you be able to take me there?” She had asked meekly, fiddling with the threads of her brand new, 5,000 euro sweater. 
“Of course. I’ll walk you through those doors myself and see that you’re comfortable if that’s what you’d like.” He laughed at the end of his sentence, pulling her hands away from the sweater and engulfing them in his large one. Y/n started at their union, and noticed he had a cross tattoo on his hand. 
She thought this was funny, and laughed once through her nose. Tilting her head upwards so she might remark on it, she was frozen in the spot at the intense gaze that met her. 
Vibrant, emerald green eyes saw her. They saw her. As a person. As a soul. As a woman. There was repressed hunger in them, and the added longing sprinkled static into their moment; intensity levels so high, y/n could only breathe out, “I’d like that.”
She’d like so many other things but she wasn’t sure the time was right.
                      *                                   *
“Harry! It’s beautiful up here!” She was giggly with happiness. 
Y/n hadn’t giggled in so long. She hadn’t been this happy so long.
On their plane ride to Switzerland, y/n had been too anxious to sleep, and Harry was more than willing to stay over and have a conversation with her. 
He found that she was even more enchanting that he thought, telling innocent, forgiving stories of going to the petting zoo on a rainy day or how her friends broke her nose because they smashed it into a still-frozen ice-cream birthday cake. He found that he loved the way she’d blush when he brushed a hair away from her face. He found that he loved the way she would lean into his touch. 
Y/n found that she really wanted Harry to kiss her. That she loved the way he spoke, in a slow, deep drawl like he was hand picking every word that came out of his mouth the moment before he had to speak. That she loved the way he looked at her, like she was important and interesting. That she loved when he would brush away a strand of hair from her face, or the warmth of his thigh pressed against hers. 
Through a mix of knowingly and unknowingly, she let her walls down. She let him in, and she wanted him to want to be let in. It was absolutely crazy, the way she felt about him considering what she just escaped. Her brain was full of images that hadn’t been there in forever, illicit and heavy with him.
“Right? ‘M jealous of you. Wish I could stay up here, too.” He wished he could stay up here with her. With her company, getting to know her mind, body, and soul. He yearned for her and it’d been less than two weeks. 
“That’s not a bad idea,” y/n mumbled to herself. She was a few steps ahead of Harry, standing at the front of the car and looking out into the place where the sheep roamed while he shut the door behind him. 
“Come on, let’s go inside and get you settled.” 
A woman greeted them at the door of the home-- although it was just shy of a mansion label-- that was a wood and brick mixture in structure. Several chimneys poked out of the roof, with smoke coming out of all of them.
The woman’s name was Matilda, she was a groundskeeper and had moved there shortly after her husband died when she was 40. She took Harry and y/n up to her room that faced the center of an indoor greenhouse in the middle of the house, and left them there for her to unpack after Harry said that he’d show y/n around himself. 
He owned it after all, and had overseen it’s construction. He’d even helped with the births of some of the sheep.
“How long will I be staying here?” she asked him, looking over her shoulder as she placed a hanger in the closet. 
“‘S long as you need, love.” He was taking things out of her suitcase, placing them on the bed for her to relocate. “Days, weeks, months, years. ‘S long as you need.” 
“Really?” She squeaked, returning to the edge of the bed and picking up the neck item. A cream colored silk shirt that had a black ribbon around the neck.
“Mhm.” Harry picked up a blush tinted pair of trousers.
“And where will you be?”
Harry’s heart dropped to his stomach. It hadn’t occurred to him that she may rely on him for comfort, and it made him feel strangely warm inside when her tone of voice changed to an uninterested interest. 
After his short, stunned silence, she mumbled again, “will you stay? At least for a few days?” 
Harry cleared his throat. He was sure that if any of his men were to see him then, he’d lose all sense of authority, “Sure. I’d love to.” He was suddenly unsure of everything he used to be sure about. His reign, his title. It all left him when he was with her.
She whispered, “Thank you, Harry. For everything.” Y/n was clutching a shirt to her chest, eyes welling up with tears of gratuity.
At this, Harry felt his heart clench in his chest, stealing his breath at the sight of her. “C’mere, love.” His arms stretched out for an embrace, and she immediately ran into them. His arms stretched out for an embrace, and she immediately ran into them.
Eyes shut, she pressed into the juncture of his throat, and held her breath, tensing at the strong, male contact, she could feel ever flex of his arms as she wrapped them around her frame, ever rise and fall of his chest, and the fleeting brush of their thighs. 
He ducked his head down to his mouth was pressed against the crown of her head and whispered, “y’don’t have to be scared anymore, y/n. You’re safe. I’ll never hurt you.”
She moved her head so she was looking up at him, and suddenly became aware of how close they were, the tips of their nose a hair away from each other. “I know. I know.” She tried to tell him. Tried to tell him with her eyes, looking down at his lips and then to his burning eyes. Kiss me kiss me kiss me kiss me.
He knew immediately what she wanted, could see it in the gleam of her eyes. “S’this okay, love. Are you okay?”
“Yes. I’m okay. More than okay. And it’s because of you. Will you kiss me?” Her eyes were nearly shut with their dreamy haze. She felt happy, content, light, free. Because of him. Because of Harry. And she knew she was in full control here. It wasn’t because she felt she owed him anything. Y/n knew there was a connection between then, she could feel it every time he looked at her.
She knew because she looked at him the same way too. 
With no response, Harry moved the final inch to her mouth, and reached the stars. Her lips were softer than they looked as they molded to follow his every movement. Languid and submissive and warm and her. And good God the noises their mouths made together. Quiet, suckling noises with every near-disconnection as they opened up to each other, y/n being the first to flick at his bottom lip with her sweet tongue. 
“Baby, we have to stop or this is gonna get really fucking heated,” He murmured against her lips, his words with an intention to stop their actions, but the way her leaned into so they were closer to each other, they way his hands came up to her face to pull her closer to him, they way he didn’t bother to pause their kiss to speak, said otherwise. The front of his pants was embarrassingly tight, and a tension in his groin had begun to build, cock pulsing.
Y/n responded with the same vigor, her hands coming to clutch at the curls that brushed his shoulders before combing through his scalp and grasping the hair at the nape of his neck, “Please. Want it.”
Harry stopped then, opening his eyes and pulling her back to fully look at her face. Her lips were slick with spit and slightly swollen with a darker tint. “Y/n. Are you sure about this?” 
Y/n shook her head so fast she could hear the ticking noise of her brain moving in the back of her head. She’d never been more sure of anything in her life. She was ready. She wanted what Harry had already begun to give her. “Yes. Please. Please. Haven’t felt this good in so long, I need it.”
A slow smile spread on Harry’s heart shaped lips, voice low and gravelly. “Pretty girl. Need me to make love to you? Make you feel good? S’what you need?” His thumb traced circled underneath her wild, bleary eyes, and he held back a grunt when she whimpered out her response, need heavy and abundant in her voice.
“Will you say I’m yours, Harry? I’d like to be yours. Will you have me?” She was babbling, lost in her senseless need, but her words held truth. She wanted him, and she wanted him to want her. 
Harry cooed at her, his heart full, “I’ll take you, my love. I’ll take you only if you’ll take me.” 
“Please.” She didn’t know what she was begging for anymore, all she could feel was the warmth of Harry’s body against hers. “I want you. I’ll take you. Hold me?” 
“So polite. C’mere. ‘Gonna take you nice and slow, baby. Like you deserve,” his hands traveled to her waist, and he kept his grip tight as he walked them towards the bed, the back of her knees hitting first before she was lowered gently by Harry. His hold on her was ever-present as he saw her through, his lips placing open mouthed kissed underneath her jaw.
Y/n tilted her head back to grant him access to her throat, and soft, wet gasps left her mouth at the spikes of energy that went from his mouth, to her skin, and down to her pussy. Electrifying. Deadly. 
“Gonna take this off, my love.” Harry’s hands tugged at the ends of her light blouse, and y/n nodded instantly, raising her hands above her head to help him get it off. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and the moment her breasts were exposed and Harry’s eyes fell on them, she bucked upwards, needing his touch, needing her damn pants off. “Easy, baby. I’ve got you, okay? Hey, look at me.” 
Harry pinched her chin and shook her slightly to get her to open her eyes and look at him. She did, eyes wide and wild. “Need you to use your words in the bedroom, y/n. I want you on board with what I’m doing the entire time and I need to hear your voice in order to know that you’re with me. Got it?” 
“Yes. I’m sorry.” He was still holding onto her chin, and her lips were slightly puckered as she spoke. 
Harry shook his head, an awed smile on his cherry lips, “nuh-uh. None of that. You did nothing wrong. No more ‘I’m sorry’s. We’re here to love on each other, not to say sorry. We’ve done nothing wrong to each other. Now tell me something you’d like for me to do.”
“Need my pants off, please.” She mewled and bucked again, eyes shutting and head thrown back.
“So fuckin’ polite. A little gem you are.” Harry said to himself as he unbuttoned her pants, and patted her thigh so she could lift her hips.
He couldn't believe that someone had let her slip from his fingers. She was a goddamn wonder.
After he’d tugged her pants off her ankles, he leaned back into kiss her, hands on either side of her face and head with his hair trailing down on the side of his face, but she pushed him back with a pout on her lips. “Take your clothes off, too.” 
Harry laughed, “so demanding.” And leaned back on his knees to take his shirt off, unbuttoning the last three buttons of his soft cream shirt so his silver cross necklace came free, swinging at his chest with the momentum. 
Y/n marveled at the tattoos that decorated him, wondering if he could get any sexier than this, and upon seeing him unbutton his pants. She decided that yes, he could.
A thick bulge at the apex of his thigh strained against his black boxers, begging to spring up against his abdomen.
“You can say no, right now, and we’ll stop.” Harry murmured, rubbing a hand up her thigh and thumbing at the seams of her cotton panties. His voice was strained and filled with the same urgency that fueled her. 
She shook her head, “no. I want this.” Y/n thrust her hips up against his hands, and Harry took that as a signal to take her panties off. 
“Good.” He said, ripping away at her panties and surging forward for a heavy kiss, “‘cause I do, too, baby.” 
“Make love to me, Harry,” she begged, her hands coming to feel at the strong muscles of his back, digging into where they dipped and this caused him to groan both at the feeling and at her words. 
Swiftly, he took of his boxers, and his cock sprang free, an audible slapping sound heard when the swollen tip hit the skin underneath his belly button, and a hiss leaving him at the sudden, momentarily relief.
She looked down between them, and bucked again at the size and thickness of him, already yearning for the feeling of him inside her, stretching her. Her warm, slick, hole caught the tip of his cock, and she moaned at the contact. “Please. Please.”
Cursing under his breath, Harry took hold of himself and pressed into her, a slow heat beginning to encompass him and the intense pleasure coaxing him to continue, but a pained whimper stilling his movements.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” He panted, searching y/n’s eyes for meaning. She shook her head, her hands coming up to brush his hair back. 
“Want you closer to me,” She whimpered, eyes watery. Her pert nipples brushed against Harry’s dewy chest, her hands traveled down his back again. 
“Closer, baby? Want me to hold you? Is that it?” His brows furrowed, and he let go of his dick so he could rub at her sides.
She nodded, “Yes, please.” 
She arched again, enough so Harry could sneak his arm around her back and hold her snug against his check, his silver necklace biting into their skin as it was squashed between them. His other arm was above her head, holding himself up so his weight wouldn’t smother her. 
Her legs came to sneak around his waist, and the movement titled her hips up the remaining inches of Harry’s dick, filling and stretching her to the brim. Moaning and bucking up as best she could, her nails dug into his back, urgently. Ardently
“Fuck me. So good, baby. You’re so good.” Harry pulled his hips back and thrusted, the both of them panting at the sensation of being warm, and tight, and full, and fucking hell love.
“More. Harry more, please.” Her words were hot at his ear, and her head fell back against the pillow when he listened, thrusting again and again and again into her. His fingers dug into her back, and scrunched the fabric of the sheets, veins seeping through his skin from the strain. 
“Keep squeezing me like that and I won’t last, my love. Need this to last,” The space between their chests grew damp, and y/n was in a frenzy as her orgasm built in her tummy. The pressure rising to a bubbly froth at the brim, one soda-can shake away from an explosion. 
“I can’t. Can’t. Y-you feel so good,” She swallowed a thick gulp, and let out a strained moan, the feeling of being unable to close so painfully euphoric. Harry was hitting all the right places and all the right times. And it felt so good to be warm and held, his arms a constant restraint on her, not letting her go even though a burn was developing on the arm that was holding her up. He wouldn’t let her go. He wouldn’t because she asked him to, and because he wanted to. 
Harry hadn’t felt the importance of such an embrace until then. It was affecting him just as much as it was fulfilling her. Every place their skin touched, he felt, ever moan and shudder, he heard. Ever gasp, every whisper. And never had it felt so good to give someone what they wanted before. Even if it was just as simple as being held. His heart was going to explode. He was going to die. 
“Baby. My love, oh sweetheart you’re amazing. God, I’m gonna cum, my darling. Does it feel as good for you as it feel for me? Hmm? Got me unraveling at the goddamn seams, fuck!”
He dipped his head into her throat and licked her, savagely searching for the taste of her skin as his back curved with the force of his hips. 
“I’m there. I’m there, please, lemme, lemme, please-,”
“Let go, my love. I’ve got you.” He kissed her roughly, and held himself snug at her core for longer periods of times every time he thrusted, moving his hips in a circle. He was so close, that y/n could feel his movements on her clit, her sensitive swollen button being stimulated throwing her over the edge, giving her the last little shove that she needed. 
She arched into him, mind going blank and mouth going slack against his, no longer kissing back because of the intensity of her pleasure, but Harry continues licking ito her, his tongue sliding against her and teeth nipping at her bottom lip before he snapped back into his senses and pulled out to release hot, white spurts all over his and her abdomen. His face scrunched up into one of seeming pain, his lips mouthing fuck fuck fuck but no sound coming out. 
There was no need, but y/n reached down and gripped him, sliding her hand up and down his cock to ride him through his orgasm, milking the remaining cum from his dick so it spurted onto her tits.
“Fuck me. Baby, you’re perfect.” Harry laid her back down and kissed all over her face slowly. On her cheek, her brow bone, her nose, her forehead, and finally her lips. “So sweet, so good. You undid me, darling.”
She was quiet, but leaned up into his touch, her body still buzzing. Y/n was too tired to speak, her eyes heavy with the fatigue that usually came in a light dose after she got herself off. Her entire body felt spent.
“Tired, baby? Time for a little nap?” He brushed her hair off her forehead and kissed her again, a plushy pec tenderly placed. 
Y/n nodded, and whined when she felt his weight shifting on the bed.
“What is it?” He said, stopping and turning to look at her.
She breathed a quiet, “stay.”
“M’not going anywhere, y/n. ‘Specially not after this. Gonna go get a washcloth to clean up my mess. I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
There was the warmth in her chest, the warmth of his cum drying on her skin, the warmth of the soft towel ridding her of his mess, and the warmth of his arms around her as she fell asleep.
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kindness-bliss · 3 years
New Beginnings Ch. 6
Timothy Thatcher x OC
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: cursing
“Walter” she grinned softly as she shook his hand, feeling more at ease as he gave her a reassuring nod “a pleasure to see you again”
  “Wait how do you two know each other ?” Tim asked baffled as he furrowed his brow “Met here about 3 months ago” Walter nodded as he made the save for her “I was actually looking at getting a place here for when I came to tapings, my fiance and I met her here when we went to her complex” he lied as he sat down   “Oh nice” Tim grins “well I don’t need to introduce you two then, well glad she at least knows one of my good friends now”   Maya grinned weakly as she sat down with the feeling of anxiety coming up from lying to Tim’s face. She knew she had to tell him soon before it got too late and now felt horrible for involving Walter in her mess.   “Walter” she said softly as Tim left for the restroom “Please don’t think I’m some kind of...you know what I mean. I can explain, I swear”   “Maya, it’s alright” he answered genuinely “What happened in the past truly doesn’t matter, at least not in my eyes but I also know that Tim should know. Especially if things are going to proceed with you two, it’s only fair he knows sooner rather than later”   “I agree, I do but what’s gonna happen when I tell him it’s Marcel, what’s gonna happen when I tell him my ex boyf-fiance is one his closest friends and that I do in fact know a lot about wrestling and that the only reason we never met was because for some odd reason he never showed up to our get togethers ? Huh ? Care to help me dig an even deeper hole ? I mean now you lied to him too, this is so wrong” she sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose   Walter sighed as he patted her shoulder with his hand “Hey, don’t get upset okay ? It’s the past and truthfully he shouldn’t be upset when you tell him. It doesn’t have to be today or even this month but soon”   Maya nodded as she let out a sigh “you’re right, you’re right”     “Have you seen him, Marcel ?” he asked timidly “Yeah” she whispered as she looked down “earlier today actually at the gym, came up to me and told me the past was the past and to forget about it, his usual stance on things”   “It’s best to let him be, he was the one who ended things with you not the other way around. Marcel’s my good friend and I love him like a brother but the way he ended things with you was wrong and I won’t defend his actions. And honestly, I would prefer he doesn’t come around you and I’ll be sure to make it known to him” he nodded   
Maya sighed as she sat up and looked up at him, feeling assured by his demeanor. When she had first met him she was pretty scared, it wasn’t everyday she met a 6’4, 290 pound man who looked like he could crush her with one finger. Her fears were quickly put aside once she started speaking to him more and got to know him and his fiance pretty well. To her Walter represented a form of comfort and an older brother figure she could trust.
  “I appreciate that greatly” she said softly “I just, I don’t want him or any of that anymore truly. I know I’ve only known Tim for a short amount of time but I really enjoy his company, and I don’t want to hurt him.”  
 Walter chuckled as he leaned back in his seat “I can guarantee you, he feels the same about you. He brought you to eat somewhere that actually looks enjoyable and he’s eating out of his usual diet. Not to mention, he’s wearing a white t-shirt, he only wears a white t-shirt when he’s trying to impress someone”
  She blushed as she looked around “You really think he likes me ? You don’t think he’s just being nice ?”
“I think he likes you a lot, believe me when I say he wouldn’t be here if he didn’t” he answered   
Maya grinned as she looked down on her lap “well I sure hope he does because I really like him and I wanna keep seeing him. So put in a good word for me”
“I will be sure to do so” Walter grinned “plus any woman who gets Tim to get out of his routine is a woman worth keeping. You keep doing what you’re doing and just….keep making him enjoy life” he says softly as he got up “Tell Tim I had to go, you have my number call me if anything happens or if you just want to talk. I’m here for you Maya, my fiance misses you greatly and will always remember how kind you were to her”
She smiled softly at him as she nodded “Believe me when I say I needed you two way more than you two needed me at that time and it’s something I’ll never ever forget. My offer still stands, the second you two are ready to say I do I’ll make sure she gets a dress from any designer she pleases”
 He gave a genuine grin as he shook her hand and kissed her forehead lightly “deal, see you soon”   
Maya sat up as she saw Tim come back and sipped her water “Walter had to leave, he said something about seeing you soon though” “
Yeah he’s here for a bit before he heads back to Germany, kind of how it goes” Tim nodded “He comes for about 2 weeks then leaves and comes back again another month. He doesn’t wanna leave his fiance and move here full time like I did”   
“And how hard was that ? I mean I know you told me you lived here in the states but you also said Germany was a big part of your life as well” she asked softly   
He sighed not wanting to get too deep into things so soon and put his card down as his walls built up again “I uh I just remembered I have to go down the performance center for a promo class. I’ll see you around though, maybe next week again”   
Maya looked at him confused “It’s 8 pm ? You have a class at 8 pm ?”   
“Yup” Tim nodded emphasizing the p “I do, when wrestling calls I answer. Sorry if you can’t understand that, it’s not like modeling that’s all just fun and games but wrestling takes a little more than looking pretty in front a camera Maya”   
“Okay” she whispered quietly as she felt the sting of his harsh words and got up “yeah, I get it. See you around Tim , this was really nice and I enjoyed spending the day with you. Have an enjoyable class and rest of your night” 
  Tim nodded as he left hastily, not wanting her to know the life he lived and wondered what her true intentions were. For over 10 years he had lived alone and had a consistent routine every single day, the only time he didn’t live alone was when he had roommates down in Germany. This girl had captured his soul in every way yet he couldn’t let her in just yet, he noticed the looks she and Walter exchanged and felt nothing but anger and disappointment as he left the restaurant.
Three months, three whole months had passed since Maya had heard from Tim, she had called and texted him and got nothing back. She did her daily gym routine and never saw him there, she went to their old spots and once again nothing. She had gotten the memo but still felt so betrayed he would just ignore her and never bothered to tell her what she did wrong.
  “He’s a bastard Maya that’s what he is” Walter shook his head “He’s been acting like normal all this time, never mentioned that he just stopped seeing you that night. I promise you I’m going to have a serious talk with him, he can’t be acting this way” he said sternly as he looked her in her eyes “You don’t deserve this, you don’t. I have no idea who he thinks he is but believe me he’s going to hear it from me”  
 “Walter” she rubbed her face “No, you’re not going to do anything, anything at all. You understand. Clearly I did something wrong and him being the ass...introvert” she corrected herself “being the introvert he is, he just didn’t tell me why.”  
 “Maya, this is a 38 year old man. You cannot defend his actions, why are you ? He stood you up and treated you like trash” he said upset   
“I really liked him” she whispered, her voice meek “And I stupidly thought he really liked me but he didn’t, he was harsh and belittled my job and it hurts because I know he did it on purpose. He said it to insult me and it worked”  
 “That’s it !” Walter hit the table with his hand “I’m gonna kick his ass next time I see him, he’s so wrong in this”
“Yeah are you ? I’d like to see that Walter”
Maya turned as she heard Tim’s deep voice approach their table from the back of the cafe, clearly agitated as he stood directly in front of them  
 “I knew you two were too close for comfort, I saw you two being close and touching and laughing just before I left the bathroom hallway. Guess I was right” Tim gave a scoff as he nodded “You clearly have a thing for athletes, hell that’s why you came up to me at the bar right ? For a night full of pleasure ?”   
Her face dropped as she felt a pit in her stomach and her eyes began to well up “I-I h-how could you say that ?” she whispered  
 “Because it’s the truth” Tim snapped “you’re THAT kind of girl Maya, I wanted to believe you weren’t but you are. It became clear after how you acted towards me only after seeing each other for days, who acts that way around a guy they barely know ?”
Maya got up and grabbed her purse quickly as she felt tears fall down and hit her shirt , gasping when she she saw Walter shove Tim against a wall “N-no please let him go, problems are already here and I don’t anyone getting in trouble, please Walter please” she pleaded desperately as she tried her best to get him to let Tim go as he was clearly struggling against his larger frame   
“Yeah, listen to your other girlfriend” Tim nodded as he looked him in the eyes, earning a punch as he fell against the wall and held his now bleeding nose   
“Maya is my friend !” Walter raised his voice as he shook the pain from his hand off “and you wanna know the truth ? I actually met her in Germany over 3 years ago. She was in a photoshoot at a park and my fiance approached her to compliment her dress and pictures and Maya was kind enough to help style her for our engagement photos afterwards, within minutes of meeting her and with a language barrier she met up with her at our house that day. We’ve been friends since, she’s been nothing but kind and gracious towards her and me since then. She went as far as to send her dresses and clothes from her photoshoots for work and events to help her with her confidence. She got me and her an interview at her apartment complex when there was a waitlist. So yes, I am very close to her, as a friend. I consider her a younger sister and the fact that you just insulted her worth and career doesn’t sit well with me at all. And consider yourself lucky I only gave you punch across the face because next time I won’t be so gracious TIm” Walter spat as he left   
“No..” Tim whispered as he quickly wiped his nose and stumbled up and out of the cafe as he looked around for her outside   
“Fucking hell !” He exclaimed kicked a fire hydrant on the street and rubbed his forehead   
Never had he fucked up so badly before, the insults he spit out so easily towards her made him want to throw up. 
 “You should’ve simply asked” he told himself as he walked towards her apartment building over 15 miles away “you should’ve asked why her and Walter were so close and she would’ve told you, you fucking imbecile” Tim repeated in his head as tried to even think of the words to apologize to her 
 “That kind of girl” Maya sniffled as she tried her best to keep composure as she got her necessities for the week, there was no way she was leaving her apartment in a few days after that mess.   
She looked down at her purse as she felt her phone vibrate and light up with Walter’s number and sighed as she picked up “Walter why ? I told you to let it go and you punched him. What if this gets back to your job ? You can both get fired and it’ll be because of me !” she cried as she sat down in an aisle  
 “Maya, no” he said “That won’t happen, and if it does then I got fired for a very good reason. The things he said were disgusting, to insinuate you’re…..you’re what he said is horrible”   
She wiped her eyes as she hiccuped and nodded “He said it with such venom in his voice, he hates me. He thinks the worst of me and I never even got to tell him the full truth. Imagine if I did ? God maybe I am what he said, maybe I am some kind of whore”  
 “Enough” Walter said with a soft yet stern tone “Don’t say those things, get yourself home and just relax okay ? None of what he said is true and don’t ever think otherwise. You call me if he comes around you again”   
Maya nodded as she stood back up “Thank you Walter, it means a lot it does. Have a good rest of your day if you can” she hung up and looked at her mascara tear stained face on her phone screen as she tried her best to wipe what she could off her cheeks and grabbed things to put in her cart crashing into a display as she bent down to pick up the vitamin bottles on the floor feeling a hand touch hers  
 “Here I’ll help you” Marcel grins as he picks some up “happens to me all the-...Maya ? W-why are your eyes so red ?” he asked gently “are you alright ?”   
Of course, of course it was Marcel of all people she runs into after crying her eyes out in the snack aisle of a CVS. This day just possible couldn’t get any worse than it already was.   
“Just a crap day is all” she muttered as she got up
“I’m sorry you’re having a bad day, is there anything I can do to help you ? I know our encounter that time wasn’t the best but I’ll do whatever you need me to do” he said genuinely “Oh….this is serious, you have sour patch kids AND peanut M&M’s in your cart” Marcel chuckled trying his best to lighten the mood, giving a warm smile as he heard her laugh  
 “Yeah...I guess you could say that” Maya gave a soft laugh “I um I gotta go, I’ll see you around though. Have a good day”   
“Wait…” he held her cart with his hand “Dinner, if you want. Dinner you and me tomorrow ?” he gulped nervously   
“Okay” she nodded “but I don’t wanna go out anywhere, you can come by my apartment” she takes out her phone as she watched him put in his information “and don’t think there’s gonna be any funny business alright ? Or I’ll drag you by your big ass dumbo ears right out”   
“Absolutely no funny business” Marcel nodded quickly “I’ll see you then Maya….bear” he grinned softly using the old pet name he had for her as he left
She laughed genuinely for the first time in what seemed like forever as she noticed he put in his name on her phone as “große Ohren”, big ears.   
“Of course he’d do that” she chuckled as she paid and drove back to her apartment and went up to her gate seeing her security guard rush to her and take her inside though the back door   
“Gabriel, what’s that about ? Is something going on ?” Maya asked concerned
“Ms. Dawson, there's an irate man outside who won’t take no for an answer and keeps asking for you, can you please confirm for us if you know him from our video footage ?” he asked 
 Tim, it had to be Tim, of course Tim would show up at her and act angry after everything he said to her. Her concerns were confirmed when she saw the footage and shook her head both mortified and angry. Angry he had the balls to show up to her apartment after everything he did and mortified seeing his face and shirt still bloody and his left side of his face bruised and swollen. Walter had sure as hell landed him with a good one.  
 “Tim, get the fuck out” she called sternly through the apartment buzzer at the entrance
“Maya, Maya please please let me talk to you” he stood up quickly as he pressed and spoke back “I-I was so so so wrong and you have no idea how embarrassed I am, I don’t even have words. Please let me explain myself” Tim pleaded desperately “I-I just want to apologize”
“You meant what you said, don’t pull back on it. Own your words Timothy, and by the way eat shit” she said angrily as she hung up and went back to her apartment   
She angrily put her things away as she heard little pebbles hit her window and looked out seeing him sit in a tree “What the fuck are you doing, you’re in a tree ! Get the hell down !”
“You won’t answer my calls or texts” he said back as he panted clearly exhausted
  “Oh I didn’t ? Welcome to my world for the last 3 months asswipe” she snapped back as she opened her window   
“I’m an idiot, a complete fucking idiot Maya. You didn’t deserve an ounce of what I did, I can’t even explain how sorry I am. I said things that were extremely unacceptable and so out of my character, I am so embarrassed and full of regret. The second I felt confused by yours and Walters' interaction I should’ve immediately just asked you, hell I could’ve just asked him and instead I acted so immature and I insulted you. I insulted you and I did it on purpose” he admits “I was hurt and I wanted you to feel hurt like I was”   
“I know you did” Maya whispered as she looked down  “and then you really let me have it at the cafe….you meant what you said Timothy”   
“I said it clouded by anger, I let anger takeover me” he said softly “I don’t deserve you forgiving me I don’t but I just want you to know that I’m aware I fucked up big time and I probably won’t ever forgive myself for it because during the time we spent together I felt….good. I felt like maybe there was a reason we met that night. And I just need you to know that”   
Maya nodded knowing his words were genuine but still feeling immense hurt, and she also knew if she told Walter she’d hear it from him. She took a second to look at him and noticed how sincere his deep brown eyes were, when he was sad he had those big puppy dog eyes and he wasn’t even aware of it yet there she was melting into them. Next thing she noticed was how bruised his face was, he definitely needed some ice and his face cleaned.
“Why are you such a pushover” she said to herself lowly as she walked towards the window   
“You’re 6’3 and you’ve got lanky long legs, my window step is maybe 2 feet away from where you’re at, come in” Maya said simply as she crossed her arms “if you don’t fall and hurt yourself that it, would be quite a fall to have since I’m on the 8th floor”  
 Tim nodded as he carefully focused and crossed over into her window, letting out a sigh of relief as she sat on a stool by her kitchen “I fucking hate heights, I hate them more than anything” he panted as she patted his chest
“Yeah well I hate it being insinuated I’m a whore and sleep with wrestlers and being insulted and demeaned before 11 am but I mean here I am you know” Maya nodded as she stood in front of him and gently dabbed away the dry blood from his face as she put her hand on his shoulder for balance “Walter got you real good, love that for me”
Tim swallowed hard as he nodded “Yeah he did, I deserved it though for….that whole scene I created. You can punch me if you want to ? Or hit me with your Louis Vuitton, it looks pretty sturdy”  
Maya did her best to stifle the laugh that so badly wanted to come out and looked in the freezer for an ice pack and put it over his nose “keep this on and off for 20 minutes”  
“Got it thank you, but...um can I have water ?” he asked timidly “I walked all the way from the cafe to here, was about an hour and a half”  
“It’s 20 miles from there to here” Maya turned around, looking him in the eye. “Did-did you walk 20 miles to get here Tim ?”  
“Yeah I did” he nodded “I was across the street at the gym when I spotted you and Walter, I walked over and after all that happened my mind kind of went blank and I forgot I had a car and I really needed to talk to you so I walked, I remembered where you lived. I got here like 4 hours ago and just waited” Maya sighed as she went and got him a glass of water for him and observed as she watched him try his hardest to not chug in one gulp “I’m pissed at you, but I can see you’re exhausted. Would you like to stay for dinner ?” she asked as she looked at him “I promise I’m not gonna poison you” Tim let out a small chuckle “and even if you did I deserve it, but I accept. I’ll help” he stood up  “Get to chopping” she shoved carrots against his chest  “My chance” he said to himself “my chance to redeem myself”
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borhap-au · 4 years
Joe Mazzello: the fluffy chronicles.
Joe defending your relationship against his family. 
Joe was very excited about introducing you to his family. After all, you were his first serious relationship since that unfortunate incident a few years back, that ended in a heartbreak for Joe. You already knew his mom and his siblings, his nieces and nephews loved you.
Before it actually happened, you weren’t sure how Joe’s closest family members would react to you, after all, you were much younger than him. But Joe said they all thought you were a nice girl, and it was “really up to him” who he was dating, after all, it wasn’t their call. Unfortunately, that wasn’t what the rest of his family believed in.
You met them at a big family party. It was unfortunate for you, because you hated family parties, you hated being in a center of attention in a group of strangers, and you hated that Joe was all the time asked to go somewhere, so you were alone most of the time. You were obviously trying to be very nice and kind to whoever you were talking to, trying to show your best side, but also, you were always looking around, hoping to spot Joe and excuse yourself from the conversation. At the party you had the most fun around children, playing with them, because that was the only place you knew for sure you weren’t being judged. Unfortunately, that didn’t really help your case.
When you finally spotted Joe, he was going inside to the house, so you followed him. You thought he was going to be alone, but when you heard his voice in a mix of others, you stopped yourself from going there. You wanted to go back, but then you heard your name. At first you thought someone was calling for you, so you moved a little in the direction of the door, but then you realized, it wasn’t to you. It was about you.
“Come on, guys, just give her a chance. She’s really nice and smart. You will like her,” you heard Joe’s voice and sighed quietly. So all of your effort was for nothing.
“She’s out there playing with the kids, Joey. She’s a child herself. You should find yourself a real woman,” one of his cousins said.
“First of all, she looks younger than she really is. Second of all, she’s not a child. Sure, she’s younger than me, but she’s been an adult for a good few years now, so don’t worry, she is a woman,” Joe didn’t give up fighting for you and it was really sweet in your opinion. Although you didn’t really want him to fight with anyone, especially because of you.
“The age difference is too transparent. What you two even talk about? She’s probably into Justin Bieber and that Miley girl, while you listen to the old classics. Does she even know who Freddie Mercury was? Has she heard of Queen?” another of his cousins said.
“Excuse me, you don’t appreciate her enough. She actually loves old rock n’ roll. She listens to the classics more than I do. Her favorite movie is The Godfather. We have so much to talk about,” he took a breath, probably to drink something, while his female cousin gave her two cents.
“If she loves old things, that would explain why she wants you,” she joked, and the rest of them laughed. You were sure Joe rolled his eyes at that comment.
“Are you her sugar daddy or something, Joey? Is that what it is?” you heard another voice saying.
“No, I am not her sugar daddy. She has a job, she has her own money. She’s not even comfortable with me buying her expensive gifts. She’s not in this relationship for money, don’t insult her like that, Karen,” oh, Karen. Now the comment made sense to you.
“Okay, but what does she even know? Those young kids these days, they don’t appreciate anything. Only social media are on their minds. Facebook, selfies, no culture, no nothing,” you heard one of the older aunts.
“I’m about to prove you wrong. She actually loves literature, she knows a lot about cinema, her hobbies include sports and taking frequent breaks from social media to be around nature. We often go on small trips around the country, she is a great photographer. And she has unbelievable knowledge about history. We don’t only have million topics to talk about, it often is that she talks and I just listen, because she has so many important and fascinating things to say. And she also has very strong views and beliefs, and your old school view on women is definitely something she would disagree with. She’s smart, she’s independent and she’s with me because she loves me. I really do not understand, what is your problem, people,” Joe was actually starting to get mad, and you were mad as well, but even more so because of the fact that they made him mad. You didn’t want anyone putting Joe down because of something, or someone, he loves.
“Well, if she’s not in for the money, then probably for the fame,” you heard that voice before. Apparently Joe didn’t persuade them enough.
“No, none of that. She refuses to go on red carpets with me. She doesn’t even allow me to post anything about her on my social media. She doesn’t want the attention. She wants the relationship to be a private matter, and frankly, that’s what it should be. I shouldn’t even have to explain that to you,” despite all the nasty comments about your alleged motifs, Joe didn’t give up fighting for you, even if that meant going against his family.
“Let’s just all calm down. We spend too much energy on a topic that’s not even worth it. It’s just a whim, he will soon come to his senses,” you weren’t the one to really care about some old woman’s opinion, but that one hurt you. For anyone to assume you were just a quick thing for Joe, it was hurtful and unfair.
“Oh, no. I beg you pardon. I want none of those kind of insinuations. She’s not a doll to throw away when I’m done playing with her. She’s a real person, with a heart and soul and she’s so much more than you give her credit for. You guys are awful, you know? You didn’t even give her a chance! How is she supposed to prove you wrong, when you dismiss anything she says? Stop belittling her. She did nothing to deserve this. I really expected more of you,” he scoffed.
“Come on, she’s not a wife material for you, and most definitely not a mother material. She was a child herself not so long ago,” another person added.
“Once again, you are wrong. She’s most definitely a wife material and I would be more than happy to marry her someday. Don’t be surprised when you get an invitation to our wedding. Or if you don’t get one, if you’re going to continue to act like that,” you smiled hearing that. Becoming Mrs. Mazzello was a dream come true for you, but you had no idea Joe even took that under consideration.
“Before it comes to marriage, Joseph, you will change your mind five times,” another aunt, another wrong statement about Joe. You thought that they not only treated you like a child, but actually also him, not listening to a word he says.
“Maybe, or maybe I already looked for a ring. We’ve been together long enough. Some of you were married after shorter periods of knowing each other,” oh, you could feel that he smiled ironically. And wait, were you supposed to hear that? I mean, you weren’t really supposed to hear any of this… But maybe you just found out about a surprise engagement… One way or another, you were overjoyed.
“But she may change her mind. She may change a lot in the next few years. She’s still growing, discovering herself as a woman. You’re a grown up. That’s the difference. Where you want to settle down, she only starts her journey,” nice quote, but no. You were all about setting for a journey together, helping each other grow, give each other peace and love.
“Actually, I have no plans of holding her back. She can grow and discover herself as much as she wants, whether it’s in the relationship or in a marriage. I want her to find her path, pursue her dream career, become successful and do whatever she wants to do. She’s a woman with big dreams and plans,” Joe said, but was quickly interrupted.
“Yeah, I bet a girl in her 20s wants to stick with one dick for the rest of her life,” one of his cousins said, and you almost threw up in your mouth hearing that.
“First of all, don’t be disgusting, there are ladies in this room, and you’re talking about a lady as well. Second of all, despite of what you’re implying, not every young woman’s dream is to party and change partners all the time. Some actually want to settle down. And she’s one of those women. I know that, because contrary to you, I listen to what she says. She focuses on her career and her relationship, trust me, she’s not missing anything,” some of the guys laughed, but most of the girls acted more tasteful.
“Is it about your former girlfriend, Joe? You try to patch up a broken heart by having a fling with a much younger girl?” oh, wow. You didn’t expect that one.
“I’m long over that relation- whatever that was. I’m not trying to make up for anything here. I met her, I fell in love with her, and now we’re happy together. You really think I would bring a ‘fling’ to a family reunion? For what, to brag? Come on, you know me better than that. And if you really think I would do something like that, then maybe I’m wrong, maybe you don’t know me at all. But I’m not wrong about her. Now excuse me, I’m going to find my girlfriend and I plan to spend the rest of the evening with her. Have a nice party,” you realized you should probably escape quickly so that nobody finds out you were listening to all of the conversation. So you quickly run to the bathroom and then got out of it soon enough so that Joey saw you and knew where you are.
“Oh, hey,” he smiled, and moved his arm around you. “There you are, I was looking for you. How’s the party?” he had an empty whisky glass in his hand. Clearly, the conversation exhausted him. He quickly put the glass away when he saw you looking at it.
“Oh, the kids here are amazing. Your niece won’t let me have a break,” you chuckled quietly, and he smiled.
“That just proves how great of a mommy material you are,” he pointed out as you were walking out of the building together to get some fresh air and get away from people.
“Well, then I’m happy that I was able to find a perfect daddy to match my greatness,” you smiled at him.
“Honey, I told you not to call me that around people,” he joked, and you softly punched him in his chest.
“I’m never complimenting you, ever again,” you pretended to be mad, but soon rested your head on his shoulder, petting the side of his body, as you slowly walked around the garden in perfect harmony and peace.
“What if we stay together until the end of the world? Then you won’t compliment me either?” you smiled slightly hearing that, because you knew what he really was asking you about. He wanted to be reassured that he didn’t fight for you for nothing, that you really wished to be with him forever, or at least you hoped that it would all work out between you and you would still love each other after all those years.
“If you promise me we will be together forever, then maybe I’ll change my mind,” you teased, because even the most serious topics turned into a light-hearted conversations between you two.
“Want to get married someday?” he asked, petting your arm with his thumb and smiling at you with such love in his eyes, that you fell for him all over again.
“I’d love that,” he smiled in response.
And guess what? A year after that conversation you were actually married. And Joe made sure that everyone on the wedding reception knew he remembered about the conversation he had that day, when during a toast he mentioned how “nobody believed in you two, but for him it really could be the whole world against him, because he didn’t care as long as he has you by his side to support him through the roughest times,” and how “you were there for him even if nobody else was standing by him.” After that, you were always strong together, loving each other, and even produced a few newest members of the Mazzello clan.
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ill-skillsgard · 4 years
Nothing But Her - Henry Deaver x Mistress
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Warning: 18+ cheating/mature themes/strong language/spousal conflict
Note: It’s been about 2 months since the last installment of HxM, and I apologize for that. As you all well know, this year has been the topper on the world’s largest pile of shit, and I’ve tried to limit my time on the internet to not lose touch with my present reality. Aside from that, some writing burnout and adapting to the new norm posed some delays. But this is the angsty part I warned y’all about! It’s also a pivotal moment for Henry, so I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think! 
Read past Henry x Mistress imagines here > Masterpost
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Quarantine pushed back Henry’s court hearing. While business ground to a halt, you and Henry spent the weeks alone in his penthouse. He had his work meetings via Zoom calls and enjoyed his nights next to you on the couch watching your favourite shows. Over the weeks, you got to know Henry even better, learning and appreciating his quirks and figuring out what made him tick. It was a surreal experience living under the same roof as your lover. After years of being on your own, having another presence to fill the days with conversation and entertainment was a new, exciting notion. Even though you grew bored several times a day, Henry kept you occupied that didn’t involve rolling around in the sheets. It brought you even closer—the opposite effect it seemed to have on some of your friends and their partners.
Three months of domestic bliss oozed by, and soon, the business had to resume. Meetings had to be held in person, and you started arranging his schedule to accommodate his clients and the process of his divorce.
The rescheduled court date took place in two weeks. It was the first time Henry would go in front of a judge and explain the reasoning behind his failed marriage and why he should be granted an even split of the assets. Mary’s lawyers had already outlined her demands, but all Henry wanted was to sign the paper that freed him from her, no matter what she wished to gain from the proceeding. If she wanted the house and the more expensive car, and to sell their Summer cottage and take half the money, he was more than happy to oblige. He had all he needed when he was at home with you.
Henry was on a smooth road toward his goals until a letter arrived in the mail from his soon-to-be ex-wife’s lawyer. Henry opened the envelope and scanned the first few lines, skipping vital information before shaking his head and refocusing his attention. As Henry read, his stomach dropped. The hand holding the page shook before he balled up the paper and threw it on the floor. Anger gurgled in his chest as he took useless deep breaths.
“Fuck!” He shouted, alerting you from across the condo.
You found him in the kitchen, pacing and tugging at fistfuls of his hair. 
“Henry, what’s the matter?” You asked.
“What’s the matter? The matter is: Mary just scrapped our settlement! She wants it all. Everything! She wants the condo, my car... The summer house.”
“What are you talking about?” You asked, scoffing. “I thought she agreed to an even split?”
“Says right here, the settlement is up for renegotiation because there are new allegations of infidelity.”
“Infidelity? You mean?—Oh, no. Henry. What does that mean?”
He picked up the paper and smoothed out the creases, slapping it down on the kitchen island for you to read. “It means she’s coming after me because I’m with you. This will maim us. If she has proof... Oh, God. I don’t even want to think of the sneaky shit she’s probably done.”
“There’s no proof! We started seeing each other after you separated.”
“But, we hooked up before then.”
You shook your head. “She can’t prove that.”
Henry went white as the paper glaring up at you from the countertop. “And what if she can? What then?”
“You have job security, Henry.”
“I have a bad feeling,” he mumbled to himself. “A very, very bad feeling something’s up.”
“What do you mean?”
“I have to talk to her... Figure out why she’s doing this after we agreed to be civil.”
Your throat constricted as a grave veil fell over Henry’s face. 
“Can you call her?” You asked.
“I could, but I think this would be better suited to a face-to-face conversation. Mary can’t hide anything if I’m looking her straight in the eye.”
“Well, if that’s what you think. But what if she refuses to talk to you?”
Henry threw his hands wide, shrugging. “Honestly, babe, I don’t know what’s going on in her head. She’s... She’s fucked!”
You rose your eyebrows, his cursing a testament to genuine anger. Henry rubbed his jaw, shifting it to one side until it cracked. He couldn’t keep still, and you knew he wouldn’t be able to calm down until he got the newest issue out of the way.
“You should go talk to her. Today. Don’t put it off. I don’t like it when you get in these moods.”
“Neither do I, sweetie. But I can’t just drive over there and demand she explain herself.”
“Why not? It’s still your house. You can do whatever you want.”
He weighed his options, considering your input and gave another long, strained sigh. “You really think I should?”
“Yes! Go to her now before this goes too far to fix. She can’t pull this shit and expect you to roll over and get screwed. You worked hard for what you have, and you deserve half. She’s the one who initiated the separation by treating you like dirt. Now she wants to drain you all of a sudden? After months of negotiations, she just scraps it all? If I were you, I’d go in there guns blazing.”
Henry thought it over, dreading the thought of facing Mary again.
“You’re right,” he bit his lip. “God! You’re right, babe. I have to go over there.”
“I’ll be right here when you get home, handsome. You just let me know if you need a drink ready and waiting for you.”
“Thank you, baby. I love you so much. Gosh, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I love you too, Henry. Now go on.”  
The street, although familiar to Henry, reminded him of how much life had changed. He drove by the houses he used to see on his morning jogs—structures that all fit a similar style around the block and lent the neighbourhood a comforting intimacy. He remembered the first time he and Mary turned down the avenue; newlywed and eager to get their life started in a quiet alcove of town, on a suburban strip. The houses had all seemed so large and intimidating at the time, but he had struck gold in his career, and nothing was too fancy for them.
The Lexus was in the driveway. That meant Mary was home, and the impending confrontation became more real. A knot formed in his stomach at the thought of seeing her again. He knew their exchange would not be a pleasant one and prepared himself with a few calming yoga breaths—the kind his girlfriend had taught him when they worked out together during the quarantine.
“You can do this, Deaver. Just stay calm. No matter how loud she yells. No matter what she says to insult you,” he murmured after turning the engine off, sitting in the driveway until he mustered the courage to get out.
Henry didn’t try the keypad on the door. Instead, he rang the bell to not catch Mary off guard by walking in unannounced, despite no warning of the change of heart on her end that brought him to his former home in the first place. Henry respected her privacy, though he knew she wouldn’t consider the same for him. Flashbacks of Mary storming into his bedroom at the condo while his secret lover hid in the bathroom dried out his throat, and he swallowed as the deadbolt drew back.
Mary gasped when she looked up at him, closing the door slightly in her surprise, then squaring her stance and tossing her hair off her shoulders.
“What do you want, pig?”
“I want to talk.”
“That’s what the lawyers are for,” she began to shut the door again, but Henry splayed his hand over the wood, stopping it from closing another inch.
“Mary. I’m serious. We need to talk. Inside.”
“You’re insane if you think I’m letting you in my house.”
“My name is still on the house, and you have no orders against me coming here. Please don’t make this more difficult.”
Mary studied her husband’s face for a flicker of insecurity, but there was none. The months he spent in the company of a loving woman had revitalized his confidence, and her frigid glare no longer held him hostage. Henry came to Mary prepared for anything she might have left in her repertoire of vilification. She had already accused him of hiring prostitutes, embarrassed him in front of his employees and colleagues, belittled him in the presence of their lawyers and accosted him at the condo. Mary had nothing left with which to shock him.
“Fine,” Mary conceded, stepping out of his way. “Let’s talk, Henry.”
They sat down in the kitchen, old smells embedded in the plaster reminding Henry of different times, unhappier times. His eyes coasted over the stove they had purchased at Sears, the matching refrigerator, the countertop they selected out of catalogue as they sipped sweet tea in the living room and the dark floor laminate that had caused a minor argument. Though the memories were still so vivid, Henry knew not the man who’d fallen in love with Mary all those years ago. Looking at her now, it seemed impossible that he’d had any attraction to her at all. Not enough to justify the lavish proposal he’d given her, the hundred-thousand-dollar wedding and his commitment. Yet the house still possessed the comforting warmth Henry had fallen in love with when the realtor walked them through for the first time. 
“Would you like something to drink?” She offered.
“No, thanks,” Henry lied, throat still parched from secret nerves.
“Very well. What would you like to talk about? And if you can keep it speedy, I’d appreciate it. I have an appointment in forty-five minutes.”
Henry sighed and rolled his knuckles on the kitchen table as she took the adjacent seat. “Why did you change your mind? I thought we had this all sorted out. You get the house, the Lexus, the boat and half the money from the cottage sale. It’s enough for you to retire on, Mary. Why are you coming after the condo now? And the Beamer? You don’t even like the thing.”
Mary pursed her lips. She had thought about this conversation many times in the last few days, and how it might play out, as she expected to hear from either Henry or his lawyer at any moment. What she didn’t expect was her husband to show up at the door, appearing composed and ready to have a mature discussion. But he didn’t know the truth yet, and she suspected, once she revealed it, Henry’s calm demeanour might shift.
“Did you not read the letter? I thought it was quite clear.”
A tendon in Henry’s neck pulled as he snorted and shook his head. “Infidelity. You think I cheated on you.”
“I know you cheated, Henry.”
“I’d like you to explain how you came to that conclusion.”
Mary pushed her chair out to cross one leg over the other, hands clasping around her knee as she gave a sarcastic smile. Henry rolled his eyes at the smug display, waiting for her to get comfortable.
“Witnesses. Timelines. Footage.”
“After you kicked me out of the condo, I hired a private investigator.”
“We were already separated by then. You can’t hold that over me. It will never play out in court,” Henry explained.
Mary sniffed, flashing delight in her eyes at the chance to prove Henry wrong. “See, I thought so too, but then I started digging a little deeper, asking around, and lo-and-behold, I made the connection. It’s your assistant.”
Henry went pale. Mary’s smirk spread into a full-blown smile.
“Ah, there it is. You were always a terrible liar, Henry. That’s right. I know it’s her. I have irrefutable proof now.”
“No, that’s impossible. I started seeing her after we separated. And there’s no rule against me having a relationship with her. Yes, it may be frowned upon at work, but it’s not against policy.”
“You sure you don’t want that drink, Henry?” Mary asked, getting up to get herself a bottle from the fridge.
“I want you to tell me exactly how you think you have me cornered.”
Mary sat down at the table, looked at her watch, and then sighed. “Well, after I went to the condo to get some things and I saw the state of the place, that’s when I knew you had at least had a woman over. And yes, we were separated, but nobody knew at the time. You were still keeping it hush-hush. So, as I said, I hired a PI to find out if you were seeing somebody. At first, I heard nothing from the investigator. You two were diligent. But then, you slipped up in the parking lot on your way into work one morning.”
Henry knuckled the table, scoffing at what Mary had to say, though his heart hammered a dent in his chest. “That still won’t hold up. We. Were. Separated.”
Mary’s pointed smile disappeared in an instant. Her eyebrows came together, and the delight on her face melted into cold disdain. Henry saw that expression many times, suffered under the weight of it, and it always sent a shiver down his back. 
“Oh, it will hold up,” Mary assured. “Because you made one colossal mistake.”
“Is that right? What, kissing my girlfriend because I was finally happy and in love?”
“No, you nitwit. We went to the benefit. Hundreds of our friends and colleagues saw us together. Theo and his wife sat with us all night and can confirm we were very much together. Couple that with the photos of you grabbing her ass and shoving your tongue down her throat in the lot at work, and you’re screwed. Looks like cheating to anyone but you.”
“Why the hell are you doing this to me? Did I not treat you right for our entire marriage—give you everything you ever wanted and more? I made sure you got the upper-class life and all the expensive little trinkets to go along with it. I did anything you asked of me. But still, any time I have even the smallest flame of happiness, you have to snuff it out! Why are you such a... Such a fucking bitch?”
The insult echoed through the kitchen and rattled in Mary’s head. Her eyes flared. “So you admit it then? You cheated.”
“I’d been miserable for a year and a half, Mary! After trying so hard to get you to come back to me, I was bound to give up. You despised me—you still do! And even after all this bullshit, you still won’t tell me why you treated me like a doormat for all those years.”
“I don’t need to explain myself to you.”
Henry threw up his hands. “Of course, you don’t! You’re not accountable for any of this, are you? You’re just a poor little victim! You’re so opposed to me finding happiness that you had to resort to hiring some idiot to follow me around!”
“Even if I didn’t hire somebody, I already knew. I knew it was her, too.”
“Oh, yeah? And how’s that? Did you hire someone to follow her around as well?”
“Your grandfather’s pen.”
Henry tweaked his mouth to the side, fluttering his eyes and shaking his head. “What about it?”
“You never let anyone touch it. You kept it on you at all times. Even during our happiest years, you wouldn’t have parted with the damn thing. Not even if I asked to use it. The day I came into your office—after my suspicions were already high—I saw her using it. And then I remembered her face. I’d seen her before. She used to work at the hotel we always stayed at across the city. That’s where you met her.”
Henry dropped his face into his hands, sighing through his fingers. He stayed that way for a long moment; the jumbling thoughts in his head creating fuzzy chaos. Mary had succeeded. He could deny it, but Henry was sick of the lies. Sucking a breath through his nose, he finally looked back up at Mary, his eyes bleary from pushing his palms into them.
“I fucked her in that hotel. In my room. I picked her up from the bar after we drank a tonne, and I fucked her. I ate her pussy all night, and, God... She fucked me like I’ve never been fucked before. And when I went to that big conference in Paris after I asked for a divorce, I flew her out to see me there. I’ve never had my cock sucked that well before. And you know what else? I think... Once we sign the divorce papers and you take everything I’ve earned, I’ll ask her to marry me. We won’t have shit, but I know I’ll be a thousand times happier with nothing but her than I ever was having everything with you.” 
“You’re disgusting.”
“No, you’re the disgusting one! You had every chance in the world to make it right with me, but you drew out my pain like it got you off.”
A gaping silence pervaded the room. Henry felt beads of sweat emerge on his back, and he swallowed, regretting his refusal of the water Mary offered. Stunned by his brash admissions, she stared at the table as though what she would say next was written in the spalted wood. The pulse in his neck choked off any more confessions, though he longed to watch her blanch from across the table a little more. Only the humming of the refrigerator filled the silence.
Mary drew in a shaky breath. “Leave her.”
The two words bounced around Henry’s head for a second before he chuckled. “Never. I love her.”
“Leave her, and I’ll drop this. We can go back to fifty-fifty.”
Henry pushed his chair out swiftly, and rose to his feet, leaning over the table so far he came a foot away from Mary’s face.
“Fuck. You. I’ll see you in court.” 
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Everything wrong with Karmi and why its a problem
Never thought I would do this thing, but as of now… I’ve kept this to myself for a long time since the beginning of the show, and I want to say that this is not recent, this is not a response to every fan that likes this character. This is to share why I find Karmi as an awful character in full detail and the fact that it’s being portrayed positively rather troubling.
(This is just a small disclaimer put to put it shortly: Jelly pig’s actions were inexcusable. She can hate Karmi all she wants and should not be forced to like her. However, sending threats and going out of their way to put nasty comments on other’s piece of work is not a healthy way to express your distaste for a character. At most, they should have just filtered their tags so that they don’t see any Karmi related work on their dash. And Jelly/pig or whatever your name is now if you’re reading this: I want to let you know that you can hate Karmi all you want, but again, sending death threats is not a way to get others to listen to you. And I get what you were trying to do, trying to say that Karmi’s existence is worse than COVID. While I get what you’re saying if you seriously think this way then you need to reevaluate yourself and your choice of words. Karmi is a bad character but there are far worse things to worry about. I do genuinely hope you change your behavior and express your opinions in a healthy manner, that you are getting better, but again, death threats will get you nowhere. In other words: think before you run your mouth.)
I am a fan of Disney, and I especially adore the show Big Hero 6: The Series. However, it has come to my attention that a certain character is a harmful presence in the show that is being portrayed in a positive light when their actions had clearly been damaging. In Big Hero 6: The Series, there is a character named Karmi, who is a Biotech student. From what I can understand, she is portrayed as a rival to Hiro Hamada to which her actions are endearing, and is set up as a love interest to the main character, with the added charm being that she is a fanfiction writer who is enamored with Hiro's superhero identity. However, upon further inspection and research, it becomes clear that Karmi, the character, is not a positive character who should be presented as such. In fact, what her actions and behavior actually are is that of a bully, an antagonist. While it is nothing new to have a bully character to be an antagonist, it appears that the writers and executive producers of Big Hero 6: The Series are unaware of/ignorant of how Karmi appears in the show and genuinely believe that Karmi's character is endearing. Here is the following evidence to display Karmi's actions and why it is not justified.
In her first appearance of the show, Issue 188, she is introduced to Hiro as to ‘help him’ socialize better by Professor Granville, and yet her behavior/actions to Hiro, when the professor is not around, is demeaning and antagonistic; One particular scene near the end where Karmi is experimenting on a dangerous virus, a virus that requires her to be in a biohazard suit, and yet doesn't tell Hiro to wear a biohazard suit himself. This becomes more concerning since the virus is compromised and could have possibly escaped, with the chance of it infecting Hiro yet she expresses no concern over his well-being and that she could have gotten him killed via said virus. Even if this is played for comedy, no biotech major or scientist would even think of replicating Karmi's actions. Especially virology majors and biotech scientists because it is the most irresponsible and negligent thing to do. Then later, we learn that it’s not Hiro that has a problem socializing, it was Karmi the whole time. Helping others socialize is nothing new, and while that is a start... later in the series we see Karmi having no problem talking to others around her, and can easily approach Liv to steal Hiro’s attention to present her invention(More on that later.) So immediately, it shows that Karmi’s problem isn’t social, it’s behavioral, she has gotten in trouble for her behavior before.
Now, I got to say this: at the beginning, I genuinely wanted to give Karmi a chance as a character, reasoning myself that it’s only her first episode. I was not expecting a 180, I only want her to be at least decent to Hiro. I could tolerate a sarcastic line or two... but Failure Mode had ultimately destroyed any sort of sympathy I could have had for her since then, the one to make me shout ‘WHAT. A. BITCH!’ and make me absolutely hate her.
During the episode of Failure Mode, her second appearance in the show, Hiro Hamada's first attempt at his project has been a failure; to which her first reaction to doing so is to film the blundered presentation and post it online for all to see. Her action during that moment is in fact, cyberbullying; an act to which the bully will post slander or humiliating moments of their victims' actions online to further humiliate them. The fact that Professor Granville, a professor/Dean of the school, who was teaching that class, in particular, does not reprimand Karmi for her blatant bullying here is disgraceful as no other teacher in authority would allow such a vile act happen in their classroom. 
When I first watched it I was staring in horror at such a blatant act of bullying. I actually stopped the video I was watching because I couldn't stomach watching any more of it and it took me a solid week until I could watch the rest of the episode. And even then, she didn’t stop there: She does it again when Hiro’s second presentation inadvertently destroying the other student’s projects to which Karmi(and a group of students standing behind her) taking pictures of the whole ordeal. The next scene shows Granville and Hiro having a moment discussing how Hiro shouldn’t be discouraged and that he shouldn’t call himself a failure… to which Karmi barges in with her project and asks Granville point black to let Hiro call himself a failure many more times,(curiously the next scene cuts off to the gang before it gets to Granville’s reaction so we never see if Karmi was scolded for this.) Then, when Hiro presents his project a third time, Karmi has her phone out expecting it to fail a third time! That’s three times Karmi had done in a span of an episode with the intent to humiliate Hiro online and even wanting Hiro to call himself a failure! Could you imagine a child watching that episode, someone who might be bullied at school, watching such an act go by, and for laughs?? That’s just downright terrifying and horrific for anyone in that situation.
In Small Hiro One, Karmi is clearly demeaning to Hiro as she makes fun of him not joining the other students to a seminar of a student-alumni due to his age. Even when they had a moment to talk, Karmi originally came up to Hiro to humiliate him for being around a 'fake scientist' that made 'fake volcanoes' for a kid's show. So even that sweet moment is soured when you realized she came up to him to insult him to make herself feel better for being the first student to be kicked out of the seminar. Even Hiro, in his super suit, tells Karmi to be nicer to other people! But even then it doesn’t work and Karmi still continues her malicious behavior.
Fan Friction is a more infamous example. While it is true that people write fanfiction of their beloved celebrities and actors there has to be a line. In Hiro Hamada's view, he is clearly uncomfortable with Karmi's writing of his superhero self being portrayed in a romantic relationship when, as previously stated before, her prior actions towards him are antagonistic. He is a person, a person that had been antagonized by Karmi. He had every right to be upset about this, but the others around him basically chalk it up to being embarrassed by Karmi's infatuation with Hiro's alter ego rather than the fact that the fanfiction is written by someone who despises him.
Do you remember the episode Big Hero 7? The plot being that Fred inadvertently exposed his superhero identity to Mole which lead to Mole blackmailing the team to which they had to give in to his demands that ultimately failed because Mole still made that appointment with bluff dunder to expose their identities? That all started because Fred saw that Mole forged an autograph of Fred's superhero self, where he claimed they(The team) go apple picking and are close friends, which leads to Fred’s outburst and the reveal. Fred did it because a person who despises him and does everything he can to upset/torment him made an autograph that says they are friends when they’re clearly not as Mole tormented him for laughs. So, how come Fred has the right to be upset about Mole's autograph forgery, and yet Hiro can't be upset with Karmi's fanfic? I bet you that Fred would have been just as upset at the fanfic if it was written by mole as a self-insert, and  Gogo would be just as upset if Mole also included writing herself as his GF like Karmi writing Super Hiro as her boyfriend. And here's a kicker: if the fanfic was literally written by anybody else, then Hiro wouldn't have been so upset about it. Why? Cause it was a stranger that wrote it, someone he never met and could care less about. He would have probably shared the sentiment the others had. Except it wasn't written by some stranger, it was by Karmi, who had routinely bullied him and belittled him from day one all because he’s a younger student than her.
Karmi’s self-insert fanfic even backfired when Momakase literally thought that Karmi was in fact Hiro’s girlfriend and kidnapped her. To which brings up this thought: Why would Momakase think that a self-insert about a student be real? Is it because Obake thought it was real? I highly doubt it since he had been spying on the team for a long time and would have known everything about them, hell he made a replica of Hiro’s room in the previous episode Rivalry Weak! He would have been long aware of Hiro’s true relationship with Karmi and realized that Karmi is not involved with the team in any way. Its actually my head-cannon that Obake placed that fanfic in his sources as a joke, as a way to test Momakase to see if she could tell the difference between real info and fanfiction, to which she failed... and then he proceeded to laugh at her when he told her the truth after the fact.
In the episode Big Problem, it starts off with the introduction of Liv Amara who is going towards to see Hiro Hamda for work on Baymax. While they had waited for Liv Amara to arrive, Karmi comes in uninvited to get Liv Amara's attention. Then Liv Amara pushes away Hiro because it was Tadashi who made Baymax; there was no explanation as to why Liv Amara disregarded Hiro because it was Tadashi's invention,( is it because she had a run-in with Tadashi before that lead to some bad blood between them? We never learned anything about it). To which Karmi steps in and takes Liv Amara's attention. Hiro Hamada is clearly upset that he was snuffed for his invention not being his own, to which the others around him basically say that he is jealous of Karmi attracting Liv Amara's attention. That is a false assessment from the supporting characters and from the writers. Karmi had no right to be there when it was clearly Hiro's interview with Liv Amara. If Liv was so impressed with Karmi that she chose to spend the day with her, fund her project, and give her an internship in season 2...  then why didn't she go to Karmi in the first place? If they wanted to have Hiro jealous it should be that Granville tells the students that Liv is going to see Karmi because of her invention. That would make Hiro’s jealousy believable, but instead, Hiro’s supposed jealousy is out of anger that Baymax, his brother’s invention, was snuffed by Liv Amara  (who has the power to distribute Baymax to the public to help people like Tadashi wanted) with no explanation why and only to have Karmi, who had no right to be there, take her attention.
The episode Intern-about showcases most of Karmi's negative interactions with Hiro here as he is bothered by Karmi's high and mighty personality to which he goes to get an internship with Krei Tech. When Karmi sees that Hiro is being used for ordinary errands she insults him and laughs away like a bitch. Nothing more, not even an ‘I’m sorry’.
Prey Date has Karmi calling him an idiot. Of course, she does ask Super Hiro how Hiro is and a lot of people find that endearing. Except that was the bare minimum of decency anyone could ask. Fred asked if Mole was OK after their battle with High Voltage and not much is said about that. Even then, why didn’t Karmi ask Hiro herself? Why didn’t she look for Hiro and ask how he was, and what Orso Knox did? She didn’t. It could have happened off-screen except that’s not good enough. If it doesn’t appear in the show than that never happened, which means Karmi’s concern for Hiro by asking him in person did not happen.
Something Fluffy also has Karmi being an idiot considering she exploded at Hiro for even suggesting that Liv was behind the monster attacks and that he had no evidence to prove it. Except he does. He has Karmi’s sticker patch that he got from Ned Ludd, the hybagon. It is literally Karmi’s invention found on a person, that transformed him into a monster, and she says that it wasn’t Liv? That is more than enough evidence to show that Liv is behind the attacks because last we checked, Liv funded Karmi’s project, making it part of Sycorax. There is literally no reason for her to doubt or attack Hiro on this. Karmi could be forgiven if the patch itself was redesigned without her knowledge by Liv and Chris, but it’s an exact match which means Karmi should have known better.
On a side note: The Mayoi being a Fungus is true: however, fungi are not plants, not even close. They are in the class of Animalia because of their eukaryotic cells, they lack the ability to photosynthesize so they get their energy by absorption of other plant life, and the fact that their cell walls are made of a carbohydrate polymer called chitin, which is also found in insects as their exoskeletons. There’s even a species of fungi called the cordyceps that infect insects like ants, to which they plant themselves into the head, control the hosts’ bodies to an environment to spread their spores, to which the host dies as the fungus consumes it. What the mayoi are is just an evolved form of the fungus (thankfully not the cordyceps strain of fungi otherwise it would be far more terrifying in the show) given legs and eyes instead of a plant being given an animals’ characteristics and biology. Even the science Karmi uses isn’t correct, misdiagnosing the mayoi as plants.
There are plenty of more instances that had shown Karmi behave at her worst and I had no love for her to even care about her at this point. 
For more details about Karmi’s actions, I recommend this post, https://galaxiesinadot.tumblr.com/post/187608576016/big-hero-6-season-2 as it goes more in detail about everything Karmi’s interactions with Hiro and how it was antagonistic.. 
But then, a particular moment during the episode, City of Monsters had me once again staring in shock to which it made me realize just how malicious and ego-driven this character is and made me wonder why the writers and executive producers think this was acceptable. Now, beforehand, her blatant bullying behavior could have been done out of ignorance simply because she doesn't know who exactly Hiro Hamada is because to her, he was simply a younger student that took up the title of the youngest student in SFIT. Not a good excuse but it would explain it. But what she revealed showed that all her previous aggression towards Hiro Hamada was out of genuine malice, nothing was accidental. The insults, wanting Hiro to call himself a failure, the cyberbullying, the purposeful attempt to get Liv Amara’s attention, every aggression towards Hiro was all on purpose; the story reveals that Karmi does, in fact, know who Tadashi Hamada is and that she had admired him at school, something she confesses to Hiro... She had known from the start that Tadashi Hamada is Hiro's older brother, and therefore would have known what had happened to Hiro and Callaghan's theft of his microbots. This means that she had chosen to harass Hiro Hamada, she had chosen to call him names. She had chosen to belittle him in any way possible because of her wounded pride in being the youngest genius at school. It was not a misunderstanding, it wasn’t a miscommunication problem. Karmi deliberately chose to behave this way towards Hiro despite knowing who Tadashi is. And even after their time at the lab where they worked at the cure, all Karmi had to say about Hiro is that he was useful…
Not ‘’He’s not so bad to talk to’
Not ‘He’s actually OK.’’
He was simply ‘useful’ to her…
That is not a friendship blossoming. That is just Karmi using Hiro for her project.  which meant that she only mentioned Tadashi to emotionally manipulate Hiro to get him to help her. The fact that she said he was useful is the type of language that Liv literally has for anyone: even Karmi. It’s an antagonistic way of speaking of another person and this is considered their relationship being improved over the course of the show? And in the end, when she leaves she doesn’t bother to say goodbye to Hiro. Not even send him a text message to explain why she just up and leaves. That doesn’t sound like a friendship where you leave without another word, especially since this is where tech is super-advanced where sending a text wouldn’t a problem. Instead, Hiro gets nothing out of it.
Now, all of the previous actions and behavior Karmi had done would have been interesting if the writers had been aware and kept Karmi in the role of the antagonist at school. I would honestly enjoy having Karmi as a bully because not only would she be someone you love to hate because of her bitchy behavior, like Heather Chandler from Heathers, it would lead to Hiro’s rising above her and others rightfully verbally slapping her in the face because of her shitty behavior and foiled attempts to undermine Hiro. Except she isn’t: Instead she’s being praised for that bad behavior, and Hiro is the one who has to apologize and be the bigger person, never the other way around.
The way she had been portrayed and presented with Hiro Hamada is unsettling because this is not a relationship to even form in a healthy manner; this type of behavior, which has been documented over time, could evolve into an abusive relationship. Just like the stories where the woman abused their male partners and some people not giving a damn because they thought of it as charming. In fact, if Hiro was the girl and Karmi the boy in this dynamic, going through the exact same thing, a lot more people would point out just how careless the producers and writers are because they chose to portray this type of relationship as positive.
And this isn’t just me: There’s a review that specified Karmi being a major problem in the show.
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The executive producers' Bob Schooley, Mark McCorkle, and any other previous writers involved don't seem to realize that this type of behavior should not be presented in a positive light as it could encourage young children to tolerate their bullies and even pursue a relationship with them, which then continues the cycle of bullying which would then evolve to an abusive relationship. It is best that they do not resume writing the character Karmi because she is not a positive influence for the intended audience because her behavior and actions are excused while Hiro is the victim and repeatedly written to just tolerate her abuse which in this time, is simply inexcusable and recklessly irresponsible to teach children.
Now, whenever I hear responses this sort of thing, a common defense I hear is that its a kids show, its fiction, it shouldn't be taken seriously as it has no impact on the real world.
Except... it really does.
Animal Farm? A critique and warning about Stalin Communism that is still used today.
20,000 leagues under the sea? The real-life Nautilus.
Star Wars in general? Lightsabers in the process of being built.
Harry Potter? Two real-life theme parks in Universal Studious that had gotten insanely popular since their grand opening.
Also, kids shows/movies have the power to show lessons and experiences that could speak to someone at any age. Big Hero 6 the movie itself is an example, considering that it has themes of grief and loss and how it could affect someone to progress positively (Hiro Hamada) or in a self-destructive path(Callaghan). It touches on REAL WORLD GRIEF, THE REALITY OF THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE. THE SAME LOSS THAT IS STILL PRESENT IN THE SHOW ITSELF.
How can people claim that a show/movie is so deep and meaningful that touches their hearts and influences them and yet turn around and say ‘it’s a kids show’ as a defense when people point out their flaws? Either small and minute or genuinely a large problem.
And here’s what I’ll say next: You are not a bad person for liking Karmi. If this made you uncomfortable to see all this then... I don’t know what to say. You can continue loving this type of character all you want... but don’t deny the reality of your favorite character being a toxic influence when other people call it out.
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mediocre-riverdale · 4 years
#1. Cheating
Finn cheats on Quinn twice with Rachel, which evens out when Quinn also cheats, but no one ever mentions Finn cheating again. So, Finn gets cheated on by Quinn and Rachel, and both times he says how much it hurts and has an outburst. Despite now knowing the pain it causes, he encourages Quinn to cheat on Sam multiple times until she finally does it. He then continues to mock Sam, smirking at Sam and saying ‘I didn’t kiss your girlfriend’ in a teasing tone that implies to everyone that he did. Sam has done absolutely nothing to Finn except be nice and Finn shows no remorse at all for wrecking a relationship, even though he’s been cheated on twice. Again, no one calls him out on this besides Sam.
#2. How He Treats Rachel
Finn knows that Rachel has a crush on him because Rachel is very obvious about it. Despite the fact that he has a pregnant girlfriend at the time, he manipulates Rachel’s emotions and asks her out on a date with the intention to get her back in the Glee Club and not actually date her. He even kisses her (twice). So, after Quinn and Finn break up, Rachel assumes that her and Finn will date (since by this point they’ve kissed twice and been out on a date). Finn goes ahead and tells her he doesn’t actually want to be her boyfriend, which is fine because even though he led her on at least he’s honest.
He goes to hook up with hotter girls and when that doesn’t work out he goes back to Rachel, who now has Jesse. Rachel tells Finn that she’s moved on, which she has a right to do since Finn dumped her. Finn’s response? He’s not taking no for an answer and will not respect Rachel/Jesse’s relationship even though he had his chance. He goes on to betray Rachel’s trust and expose Rachel/Jesse’s relationship to everyone, taunt Jesse multiple times, and not back down. After Rachel tells him no again, he even sings Jessie’s Girl to her in front of multiple people and circles her while Rachel sits there uncomfortably.
After Finn leaves Rachel to go to the army comes back (after backpacking around for months without saying a word to anyone), he’s angry that Rachel moved on after he told her to do just that. He complains and is shown to be jealous of Rachel’s success. Once he finds out Rachel did kiss Brody, he runs off like a child to Lima, again without saying anything to Rachel. This forces Rachel to abandon her life in NYC for at least a whole day just to come find his pouty ass.
While Rachel maturely explains why they can’t be together anyone, Finn pathetically complains about how he now has no one in the world and how things will never be good again.
#3. How Finn Treats Other Males
I’ve already mentioned how he belittled Sam (also: when the Sam did the Justin Bieber experience, Finn claimed it was stupid and then after finding out he could get Quinn to cheat using a Bieber song, he stole Sam’s idea) and Jesse, and encouraged their girlfriends to sleep with him. So, let’s move on to Blaine. Blaine is a nice guy who joins the New Directions with the intention of helping them and finding love with Kurt. Finn, noticing Blaine’s talent, insults him multiple times and tries to make him feel as if he’s not part of the team.
Moving onto Kurt. Kurt is his friend and step-brother, yet he doesn’t really treat Kurt well. He indirectly calls him a fag, tells him to tone it down with the gay stuff, doesn’t stand up for him multiple times in fear of losing his high school popularity, and is shown to be uncomfortable in a lot of normal situations with Kurt. There’s an episode where Rachel asks Finn to stand up for Kurt and Finn blatantly says he can’t do it because of his reputation. In the end, all of this is resolved by him dancing with Kurt at a wedding (where the only people attending are the Glee clubbers and family members, all of which are already accepting), which does absolutely nothing to stop the fact that Kurt is being terrorized by Karofsky.
#4. Finn Is A Hypocrite
We’ve already covered the whole cheating thing where he constantly complains about being cheated on but encourages cheating himself. Let’s talk about how he berates Rachel for not giving up the spotlight or allowing talented people to join (Sunshine), but then is threatened and mean whenever any other talented male comes in. If Rachel insults someone or tries to steal a solo she’s a horrible, annoying diva. If Finn insults another nice male with more talent than him, Finn is an insecure teen who needs to be coddled and propped up by everyone.
In season one, Finn is creeped out by Kurt’s persistent crush on him. He says something along the lines of ‘if I did that to a girl, she would take out a restraining order’. But he does do stuff like that to girls. Again, Rachel says that she is dating Jesse and he needs to respect that and Finn continues to pursue her. Quinn says that she is dating Sam and doesn’t want to cheat, but Finn won’t take no for an answer and goes on anyways.
#5. Finn’s Prejudice
I’ve already mentioned how he screamed faggy at Kurt multiple times, but let’s look more into that. When Sam comes and wants to sing a duet with Kurt, Finn immediately finds Sam to say that he can’t do a duet with another guy. Sam says that he already promised and will be doing it, but Finn argues against it and later goes to tell Kurt that he shouldn’t sing with Sam. Poor Kurt is guilted into singing alone.
Finn later calls Sue’s baby a retard, even though he knows multiple people with Down syndrome and obviously knows that word is an insult. He says this when he is an adult, not a dumb teenager.
#6. Finn’s Reputation
Everyone constantly talks about how Finn was ever so brave for being nice to the Glee Club and joining them. No one mentions how Quinn, Santana, Brittany, Puck, Mike, and Matt also joined even though they were Cheerios/football players.
Finn cares about his reputation more than anyone else. At first, he won’t admit he likes Rachel because she’s a loser. He won’t pose in the Glee photo after promising Rachel he would. He won’t stand up for Kurt. In the episode where all of the football players have to choose between football and Glee, he is the only one not to show up. He basically tells Kurt to ‘tone down the gay’ multiple times. In another episode, he goes to throw a slushie in Kurt’s face because he needs to keep his popularity.
#7. Finn Compared to Others
Now, you might be saying ‘oh, but Santana, Quinn, and Rachel did bad stuff too’.
Okay, let’s talk about Santana first. Yes, Santana insults people all of the time and is a bitch. She also gets called out on it multiple times (while basically no one ever calls Finn out on anything), and she stands up for multiple glee members. Santana tapes a recorder to her under boob to get Sebastian in trouble after hurting Blaine, threatens Karofsky in the halls when he threatens to beat up Kurt/Blaine, creates the Bullywhips to protect Kurt, blackmails Karofsky so Kurt can come back to school, and threatens Brody with a Paula Abdul song after she finds out he’s shady.
Rachel is annoying yes, but everyone never forgets to tell her this. She constantly stands up for herself and others in the club. She’s the one that comes up with the idea for the guys to threaten Karofsky. She’s the one who offers everyone singing lessons, is down to do anything to help the club, and helps Kurt multiple times with songs/auditions. She’s nice to Quinn about the pregnancy, even though both of them know Quinn would have tortured her if the roles were reversed.
Now onto Quinn. I think Quinn is kind of a bad person, but again, people tell her this to her face. No one ever really tells Finn when he’s done something wrong, they just continue to praise him over basic human decency. Multiple people have told Quinn how horrible she is, and somehow acknowledging that she’s a bitch makes it less annoying to see because we know that something will be said/happen to her. For Finn, consequences don’t exist.
#8. Santana’s Outing
Okay, I’ve seen some people say that Santana was a bitch who deserved to be outed (no one deserves that) and that Finn wasn’t trying to tell everyone, just a couple people. So, we’ll disregard that he outed her in a high school hallway in a school that was openly homophobic.
After the outing, Santana slaps Finn and later Finn uses that as blackmail to get her back into the Glee Club for a week, saying it’s either that or no competition. Lady Music Week is humiliating. It consists of everyone singing a song while making deep eye contact with Santana while she sits there uncomfortably. Santana says multiple times that she doesn’t like the idea and doesn’t want attention on her, but of course Finn doesn’t listen because he can’t take no for an answer.
Finn sings Girls Just Want to Have Fun and everyone immediately disregards the fact that he said Santana’s biggest secret in front of multiple people.
#9. No One Blames Finn For Anything
Like I’ve said above, Finn cheats, isn’t there for his friends, insults people, has jealous rage, outs Santana, and cares about his reputation over everything, and yet no one says a word to him about this. No one goes ‘hey Finn, you’re acting like an ass’.
Finn is praised the entire show for being ‘the best guy in the world’. There’s a scene where Artie thanks Finn for being his friend and basically says that it was a sacrifice for Finn to step down from his popularity for a bit to slum it with the Glee Club. Again, Quinn, Santana, Brittany, Mike, Puck, Sam, and Matt all joined even though they could’ve been popular. They receive no praise.
#10. Finn Is A Lazy Complainer
Finn spends most of high school not studying and playing video games. He’s also on the football team, but doesn’t really commit to football that much. He’s a mediocre high school student.
When college applications time comes around, Finn has the audacity to be shocked by the fact that he doesn’t get a football or theater scholarship. He spends all of season three complaining about how he’ll never get out of Lima, even though all we’ve seen from him is him plotting how to sleep with girls, whining about his reputation, and occasionally doing a decent thing. We never really see him work hard at anything.
He just complains constantly about everything and when Mr. Schue, Rachel, and Emma try to help him by giving him college pamphlets, he doesn’t even read them. He throws them out in the trash as soon as possible and then later goes on a rant about how he won’t be young forever, as if he never thought or learned about aging.
Then, in college, he’s shown to be a slacker who parties all day, drinks, and makes grilled cheeses. He even lies and manipulates college girls into taking off their tops, so hey, maybe he’s moved up a little in the world. Anyways, Puck has to come and tell him it isn’t cool to skip your classes.
Basically, Finn complained, finally got into a college, and then just slacked off again without learning anything
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Movie Star
Y/n is sick of Tom thinking he’s the shit
Request: Hi can I request kinda an angsty imagine kinda based on when Tom said was talking about his dad and acting like a “movie star”, and basically he says something really pretentious to the reader about how important he is and he is taking the fame to his head, and she gets upset and he realizes he messed up. Thank you loads :)
A/n: I’m here for the angst. I hope it’s good bc this is a good concept
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Tom was the best boyfriend you could’ve ever asked for. Kind, loving, understanding, and grounded- the latter being the most important to you. You felt the responsibility of keeping him grounded laid on you; you were the one he cared about most. The opinion he cared about the most.
You didn’t really worry with a few comments he made- he was hardworking in a career that didn’t allow him much privacy. Of course he’d get angry from time to time, act like an asshole every now and then, but it was when it turned from mean comments toward others to praiseful comments toward himself than you began to get really worried about him.
“I just want a girlfriend. I’m tired of being single,” Sam groaned as you and the brothers were sat in a bar.
“Look, bro- all we need is for someone to recognize me, and you’re golden,” Tom suggested.
You raised an eyebrow at the comment, “or you can be yourself and find a girl that likes you for who you are.”
“I’m just saying, I’m kind of a big deal,” he said, shrugging his shoulders making you roll your eyes.
“Calm down, movie star,” you told him, the word rolling off your tongue with disgust. Tom immediately shut down, sipping his beer quietly as you continued to talk to Sam.
Hearing the words come out of his mouth pissed you off endlessly. You wanted nothing more than for him to create something he’s proud of, to feel proud of himself, but you needed him to be humble about it as well. You were sure that he had brought himself back, no ridiculous comments to follow for a while, but lo and behold, amidst the recent film reviews, he found himself excited again.
You were currently driving home after a long meeting in London, answering the phone when Tom called.
“Hey, gorg,” you answered.
“Hey- how long are you going to be before you get back?” He asked, sounding excited about something.
“Um,” you said softly, glancing at the clock. “25 maybe? If traffic stays good. What’s up?”
“I was out today, shopping with Harrison and Tuwaine, and I saw something that I think you’ll really love,” he told you.
You let out a sigh hearing his words. “Tom, as much as I love you and your gifts, it’s getting to be a bit much,” you tried to break it to him gently. He’d ‘been out shopping and gotten something for you’ just about every day for a week and a half now. Maybe it would be okay if they were simple five dollar gifts, but they cost hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars. You never were the one to tell people how they should spend their money, but it was getting to be crazy.
“What do you mean?”
“Tom, you’re spending way to much money on gifts for me. I don’t need a new piece of jewelry every day,” you explained to him. “I appreciate that you think of me like that, but don’t waste your money on these gifts for me when you could use it for so many other things.”
“You’re not even going to ask what it is?” He replied, his voice sounding hurt or angry.
“No because I’m scared of what you’d tell me. For all I know it’ll be £10,000, and I can’t even fathom you spending that on me.” The line went quiet as the words came out of your mouth. The silence making your heart sink. “Tom, tell me you didn’t spend ten grand on a piece of jewelry.”
More silence, making your heart sink even further. “No,” he said quietly, causing your suspicion rise.
“How much did it cost?” You asked him, wanting to know the final verdict.
“Love, it’s not the price that matters,” he tried to reason.
“No, tell me, Tom. Stop fucking stalling.”
He let out a breath, knowing you were going to be upset, “thirty-five.”
“Grand?” You asked for confirmation, your jaw dropping. Tom let out a quiet ‘mhm’ to answer that your fear was indeed correct. “Thomas Stanley-“
“Y/n, it’s fine! I wouldn’t be buying you things if I couldn’t afford it,” he defended himself. Part of him wanted to be mad that you weren’t jumping for joy, but the other part of him just wanted you to understand it isn’t hurting him financially. “I’m fucking Spider-Man- I get paid more in a day than normal people get in an entire year. I have so much money, I could buy you the entire city if you wanted it. Have you seen the expensive fucking suits I’ve been wearing? The watches? I’m not broke- buying that £35,000 bracelet was nothing to me. I’m probably the richest person in Kingston right now, you ought to be happy about that.”
You bit your lip, not believing what he’d actually said. “No one gives a shit how much money you make, movie star. I sure as hell don’t, fucking dick.” You could hear Tom yell out as you hung up the phone, turning it off and throwing it in the floorboard of your car. You pulled the car off the side of the road, placing your head on the steering wheel and letting out a good, long cry.
You don’t know what happened to your sweet boyfriend, the one that wasn’t obsessed with money, but you wanted him back dearly. You weren’t sure what was going on in Tom’s thick skull, but you were certain. If he couldn’t get his act together, you weren’t going to stick around for it. You didn’t sign up for any of that.
Once your eyes dried, you started the car again and continued on your route home- going to your place rather than Tom’s like you two had originally planned. Sleeping and being by yourself was all you wanted at the moment.
When you woke up, you found yourself in your cold living room early in the morning. You decided to check your mailbox since you didn’t yesterday, finding a particularly heavy envelope, and hurried inside to open it.
Inside lay the bracelet, a receipt, and a note from Tom. It was a pretty bracelet, you had to admit. With diamonds surrounding the outside of it. It definitely was your taste in jewelry, but not £35k worth.
I wanted to say this all in person, but knowing you, I probably won’t see you in person for a while. I’m sorry for what I said. I’m sorry for being a dick. I’m sorry for being a ‘movie star’ and properly acting like one. I don’t mean to be obsessed with how much I get paid. I plan on working to keep myself grounded. I feel like you constantly do so much for me, I need you to know just how much I love you for it. I guess buying gifts is my love language, but you’re right. I’ll try to do better on what I get you and how much I spend.
As you’ve probably seen, I left the receipt in this envelope along with the bracelet. Keep it if you like, but I figure you’d want to return it. Do whatever you want with the money, you’re obviously the more responsible one and know how to handle it. I love you so much, y/n. I would trade all the money in the world for you to be happy. Nothing compares to what I feel when I see you smile, and I hope I didn’t just fuck up everything we have. Call me when you’re ready- and preferably not angry with me anymore :)
You bit your lip, looking at the bracelet and receipt. You almost didn’t even want to touch the thing, appalled by how expensive it was. Sure you liked pretty things every now and then, but you were a simple person and a bracelet that costs more than your flat and your car combined just didn’t belong on your wrist.
You put the receipt and the bracelet back in the envelope, slipping it in your purse and heading out the door.
. . .
“Y/n!” Tom exclaimed as he saw you walk through the front door. He didn’t expect to see you today, but he was more than excited by your presence. Without a word, you handed him a stack of papers. “What are these?” He asked, looking at them confused.
“Thank you letters for your generous donations- £7,000 to five different charities,” you told him. “I don’t care if you want to spend your money, but just keep in mind that there are people out there that aren’t as fortunate as you that can use that money for more productive reasons than looking pretty.
“Tom, I love you, and I hate to break it to you, but you are only special to so many people. Myself, your family, your fans, but that’s it. No cop thinks you’re special, no doctor or nurse thinks you’re special, no lawyer or judge thinks you’re special. That room full of actors at the Oscars could care less who you are because you aren’t them. I don’t give a shit how talented or hot or rich you are because that’s all superficial. Years from now, you won’t have that. But you will always have your heart. Don’t let it become corrupt because you can’t see past the pretty things.”
Tom nodded as you spoke, taking in every word like his life depended on it- which, to him, it probably did. It sucked having to be the person to say such harsh words to Tom, but it had to be done. The thought of losing your sweet boy to a fame driven and egotistical world was the biggest fear you’d ever felt.
“I don’t know what else to say other than I’m sorry,” he said softly.
“How about ‘I won’t act like vain, dickhole movie star again’? Or ‘I understand that I’m not the shit’? ‘I’m just as special as my ‘broke, normal’ girlfriend’?” You offered. Tom visibly sucked a breath, his jaw clinching. “You realize I’m that person you called out? That ‘normal person’ that makes in a year what you make in a single day? I’ve never been so insulted, and it was from my own boyfriend’s mouth that I had to hear that from. I’m sorry I’m not cool enough to be an actor and play pretend in a Spider-Man costume, but I can assure you that even though I make less than a quarter of what you make, I am still on your level. My broke ass is just as important as your arrogant, rich one. And I need you to pull that stick out of your ass so you can see who you’re dealing with because you are not going to belittle me like that again.”
“I didn’t mean to,” he whispered, tears pooling in his eyes. He didn’t realize just how severe the situation was; he was so concerned about himself, he didn’t even realize he was insulting the love of his life. He could hear the hurt behind the anger in your voice, and it broke his heart knowing he was the cause of it. “I’m such an asshole,” he mumbled, more to himself than to you, running through his hair.
“Yeah you are,” you said with a humorless laugh, turning to walk away.
“Are you breaking up with me?” He asked, his voice pitiful.
“No,” you looked at him again. “But you need to take some time to realize some things, and I need some time to cool off. We have dinner plans with your parents tomorrow- fix your shit before then.” You turned again, walking out of his flat. 
Taglist: @lucychg @yourwonderbelle @rageyoudamnednerd​ @maliburumofficial @cutiepiemimi13 @happywolves81 @lifeandloveandhappiness @madeinthemidnightmemories @castellandiangelo @meaganjm @spnobsessedmemes @h-oneyholland @babylsn​ @harrydesires​ @xxtomxo (add yourself here)
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pennypeabody · 4 years
Yeah if the Lili fans had been insulting Reina I think I would understand the anger. And Reina has got nasty comments. But why call people names on a silly fandom sink or swim post on an account thats probably run by a teenager just because people said “sprousehart” over Reina/Cole? Why comment at all?
The friends of skeet’s girlfriends would do the same. When really it’s best to ignore anyone who is too young/immature to understand not to tag real people in opinion posts/engage with said real people about their private lives. Fans can be cruel and it’s harsh but it’s best to not engage even if they are crossing a line. No matter who the celebrity is, there’s always going to be fans who cross lines, and other fans who just dont comprehend that their behaviour isn’t necessarily wrong but also isn’t appropriate. Of course you’re not going to like fans of your friend’s partner’s ex having a say about someone you care about, who they don’t even know. That’s a natural thing to feel protective over. But nothing anyone says to these fans will ever make them change their minds. They have to have a change of heart on their own. Getting into fights and belittling people doesn’t solve anything. It’s best to ignore or block. And even then sometimes they can’t win. So really the bottom line is, dishing out further negativity doesn’t solve anything. Especially when you’re not even the person being gossiped about and it’s on behalf of somebody else...
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panda-noosh · 6 years
Less than Lovers, More than Friends {Matt Holt x Reader}
Words: 8k
  Summary: Matt's girlfriend is toxic, and he doesn't realise it.
  Genre: angst
  Warning: domestic abuse – manipulation
  Notes: masterlist –  i’m back folks yeehaw 
    Your shoulders jerked as another crash sounded from the room opposite you, followed abruptly by Matt and Caitlin's yelling.
   It was nothing new. You heard them fighting all the time, heard Caitlin losing her temper to the point where she picked up the closest object to her and volleyed it across the room at Matt. But just because you heard it often, didn't mean you enjoyed it, didn't make it any easier to sleep through.
    You clenched your eyes shut tight and rolled over, dragging the pillow over your head in any attempt to block out the god awful arguing; it would go on for hours. Caitlin would never let the subject drop, not until Matt was all but claiming she had been right the entire time. Sometimes Matt let the argument go on and on, refusing to belittle his own intelligence for someone as stubborn as Caitlin – but eventually she would lose her temper, and things got broken and Matt got hurt.
    Sometimes you wondered why he was still with her.
   In fact, you always wondered why he was still with her, when he could have any person in the world. He was smart, kind, good looking – he was a gift. Someone you knew you weren't worthy to call your own, but someone you wished you could.
     And yet there he was, in the hallway across from you with his wild girlfriend throwing foreign objects at him. He could be doing something with his life, have a love that he deserved, but he stayed with her.
    The door to your room slowly creaked open, and you knew immediately who it was. Glancing over your shoulder, your suspicions were confirmed when Allura slipped into the darkness and stood hesitantly in your doorway, awkwardly ringing her hands in front of her.
   You rolled over fully, having to speak up to be heard over the psychotic screams of Caitlin across the hall. “Why are you up so late?”
   “Why do you think?” Allura replied. Now that she had confirmation you were indeed awake, she strolled confidently across your room and flopped down onto the bed next to you, tugging the covers up to her chin. “They've been arguing for hours. I think she hurt Matt again.”
   “Should we do something?”
   “Yes.” Allura paused. “But you know what Matt's gonna do if we try to intervene again.”
   You pursed your lips, remembering the last time any of you had tried to step in front of Caitlin and put a stop to the chaotic fighting. She had gotten out of control again, and Shiro had had enough. He marched into the room, got ready to yell, but then Caitlin was whirling on him and throwing an ash tray in his direction. Matt had been forced to grab her, causing himself even more harm.
   He hadn't spoken to Shiro for days after that.
   You sighed and buried your head in the pillows once again. “What do you think they're arguing about this time?”
   “I wouldn't call it arguing as much as it's Caitlin screaming her head off,” replied Allura. “But I think it's about Matt's mission tomorrow.”
   You perked up. “The one him and I are going on?”
  “Mm.” Allura picked at her nails, her arms stretched high above her face. “Miss Caitlin doesn't like it when you and Matt have alone time together.”
   You paused, head snapping round to evaluate the expression on Allura's face, because surely she was kidding. Despite there being absolutely no hint of humour in her voice, you couldn't bring yourself to believe that she would even suggest such a bizarre thing.
   You prided yourself on how well you hid your feelings for Matt Holt. There was no way someone like Caitlin was able to see through the wall you had built for the past five years of knowing the man.
   “What are you talking about?” you asked when Allura showed no sign of elaborating on her bizarre claims.
   She looked over at you and shrugged, as if her words were no big deal. “I don't exactly blame her. You've known Matt longer than she has, and she doesn't like that you two have that bond. Plus, Matt is always ten times happier when he's around you – anyone on the ship is able to see that.”
   Your mouth grew dry, head running at a million miles per hour. Was Caitlin currently hurling insults, hurling objects at Matt because of what she thought of you?
   You clenched your fists tight in the covers. Allura jerked, the covers bunching up around her chin with the grip you currently had in them.
   “Y/N?” Allura inquired, slowly leaning over to get a better look at your expression in the darkness. You quickly unclenched your jaw, relaxed your fists, started nonchalantly smoothing a crease out in the blankets.
    “He promised us he can deal with her,” you said. “I'll check up on him once she's calmed down.”
   Allura nodded, though she kept a suspicious eye on you even as she relaxed back into the pillows. Neither of you spoke after that – it was too difficult trying to have a civil, simple conversation when you could hear Caitlin's animalistic shrieking thumping through the walls in the next room. It played as background music to the sound of your own worried thoughts, images of Matt trying desperately to calm Caitlin down.
    Allura's breathing slowly eased until it was nothing more than a gentle trickle, indicating she had finally fallen asleep. You wanted to follow her lead, needed to follow her lead considering you had an important mission to go on the next morning – but you couldn't. You couldn't even close your eyes without thinking of Matt, without thinking of the guilt that was currently erupting in your system because you weren't doing anything.
   You pressed the balls of your palm into your eye, tried to fight off the urge to scream before rolling over and burying your head in the pillows, the only thing you could think to do to waste time before morning came.
   +++      How he always managed to pretend that nothing had happened was completely beyond you.
     How she could pretend that nothing had happened was completely beyond you.
     Caitlin and Matt walked into the kitchen side-by-side, as per usual, the next morning. You had been sat downstairs since before the sun had even risen, your lack of sleep dragging you from the warmth of the comforters so you could start breakfast for everyone else. Shiro and Keith – forever the early birds – had already indulged in a plate of scrambled eggs each, both very confused as to why you were up so early, but neither asking for answers.
    Now it was Matt and Caitlin's turn, and to say you were dreading their appearance was an understatement.
   As usual, Matt gave you that award winning grin before he settled himself down at the counter. Caitlin gently stroked her fingertips over his shoulder blades as she walked past him towards the fridge, a way of silently telling you that he was hers. She didn't even look in your direction, but the message was clear from the smug smile on her face as she let her fingers scrape along his flesh, forcing him to look up and give her a small, acknowledged nod.
    You clenched your fists, biting your lower lip before you looked over at Matt and smiled. “Sleep well?”
   “Do we have any milk left from our last grocery run?”
    Your teeth clamped impossibly harder upon your bottom lip, Caitlin's shrill voice making your toes curl.
   Nonetheless, you turned and glanced at her. “We should do. Unless Hunk was doing his usual late night-”
  “Oh, here's some!” she yipped, popping up from the fridge with a full carton of milk in her hand – she had only interrupted your greeting with Matt to stop any type of conversation from forming.
    You turned back and shook your head slowly. Matt caught the movement – he often did – and pursed his lips, before reaching over and grabbing the bowl of scrambled eggs that you had left out on the counter. “These fresh?”
    “Freshly made this morning,” you replied. “You should probably dive in, though. Even Keith had some.”
   “Keith?” Matt widened his eyes in exaggerated shock. “Wow. Whoever made these must have some skills in the kitchen.”
    You shrugged. “I can't take all the credit. I didn't even know how to crack an egg before Hunk-”
   “Matt, scooch over.”
    Once again, Caitlin made her appearance. Matt barely had time to register what she had asked of him before she was crashing her shoulder against his and slipping onto the stool next to him. She slapped her bowl of cereal down onto the counter, took one glance at the eggs and scowled.
   “They look like they've been sat out for hours.”
   You raised a brow. “I only made them this morning.”
   “Mm,” she hummed dismissively before turning to Matt. “I think you should just have cereal. Don't wanna risk getting sick before a mission, do you?”
   Matt pursed his lips. Your heart thundered, anger pouring into your veins at a million miles per hour. You were going to lose it. You were really going to lose it, because her attitude this morning and the memories of the vile things she had been screaming the previous night were flashing through your mind, driving you forward, making you-
    “No. I feel like having scrambled eggs this morning.”
  Your eyes snapped up, widening just a fraction. “Matt, you don't have to-”    But he was already reaching for the bowl, even as his girlfriends eyes shot daggers into the side of his head, even as Caitlin all but trembled with fury at being disobeyed by the one person she believed she had wrapped around her finger.
   You kept your eyes on her, prepared for anything. It was a protective streak, a dull thump in the back of your head. Your fingers uncurled from the fist you had them bunched up in, ready to reach over the table and grab her ponytail if she even so much as tried to lay a hostile finger on Matt.
    But even though she was an evil bitch, she had common sense. She flicked her eyes over to you, took a deep breath and quickly dove back into her cereal, now turning her head away from Matt as a sign of defiance.
   Matt scooped some scrambled eggs onto his plate and started eating, eyes shining with the first bite. “Ooh. Hunk taught you well!”
    You kept an eye on Caitlin, even as you accepted the compliment, even as you and Matt were finally able to get into a proper, intelligent conversation that didn't involve her stupid, petty questions cutting in every few seconds.
   It was nice, despite the air of tension that was surrounding you all. Allura's words from the previous night echoed in your head; Caitlin wasn't bristling because of Matt. She was bristling because of you, because of your presence, because Matt truly could speak to you with little to no hesitation.
    A part of you thought it might be better if you just got up and left. Caitlin would calm down, and Matt would be able to have a peaceful breakfast – but you were only guessing with that one. You could get up and leave and open the flood gates for him by leaving him alone with her. She could turn on him, her temper flaring, and then what would happen? God only knew, but judging by the argument they had been having last night, the aftermath could be nothing good.
   And so you stayed, talking to Matt both because you wanted to hear his voice, and because you wanted to keep him safe.
  You buckled your seat belt and shot Allura one final farewell glance before the ship was taking off and you and Matt were alone.
    You couldn't remember the last time you had been alone with him. The two of you were friends – best friends – but there was a barrier that had been placed between you in the past six months that he had been with Caitlin.
    Neither of you spoke about it, though the tension within the silence was clue enough that he could feel it just as heavily as you could. He was sat in the drivers seat, hands gripping the wheel, glancing up at you through the rear view mirror every few seconds. You could only spare him an awkward smile before you turned back to the GPS you had been put in charge of.
     Things were just different. Not in a bad way. Just being able to see him every day and still call him your friend was good enough for you, but things were different in the sense that Matt was no longer the young fifteen year old boy you had met all them years ago. He was someone different now – smarter in the sense of his intelligence and his experience, but stupid in the sense that he had let himself get trapped in such an awful situation, and was currently refusing any of the help he was being offered.
   The ship juddered. Matt changed gear quickly, glanced at you to make sure you were okay, and it was then that you decided to speak up.
    “You didn't have to do that at breakfast, you know.”
    Matt looked away. “I didn't do anything at breakfast.”
   “You did. You can't deny it.”
    “I ate breakfast.”
   “You went against Caitlin's orders.”
   Matt's knuckles whitened on the steering wheel. Part of your brain was screaming at you to back off, to let the subject drop before he got angry at you and this entire mission became one big, awkward mess.
    But you didn't back off.
    “You say that like she owns me,” Matt grunted finally. “I'm a twenty year old man. I can do what I want without her permission.”
   “That's not what the rest of us have been seeing these past few months.”
   “Good thing the rest of you aren't in my relationship and don't know jack shit about what goes on behind closed doors.”
 You scoffed. “I think those of us that hear her throwing stuff at you every night are pretty familiar with what goes on behind closed doors.”
   He snapped, slapping his palm against the steering wheel. The ship stirred, but Matt quickly got it back under control, ignoring your startled cry. “Why are you even talking to me about her? You two don't even speak to each other!”
    “And by the looks of things, you two don't speak to each other either!” you exclaimed. “She just yells at you and tells you what to do, and you sit back and pretend like it's okay!”
    “I can do what I want. Just because I try to listen to my girlfriend sometimes-”
 “Oh, Matt, give me a break,” you scoffed, slumping down in your seat, running your hands through your hair. “You're smarter than this. You're so much smarter than this – you know full well you aren't just listening to your girlfriend.”
    Matt bristled. “You have no idea what you're talking about.”
  You clenched your jaw. Why was he being like this? Why was he being so clueless? There was no part of you that believed he truly did not understand, that he truly just thought he was being a caring boyfriend by doing everything his girlfriend told him to do. He was smarter than that.
    He just didn't want to admit it.
    You turned back to the GPS, pressing your elbows into the table and leaning your head in your palms. He wasn't going to listen to you – that much was obvious.
     The thing about Matt was that his job was his life.
     He did everything for the sake of the world. He stayed up until early hours of the morning trying to figure out a single line of coding that would jump start whatever piece of machinery he was having trouble with. He would risk his own life for the sake of the people he loved, and he let nothing get in the way of getting his job done.
    The argument the two of you had gotten into was forgotten almost as soon as his boots touched the ground. He had been silent for the remaining hour of the journey, but as soon as the two of you had landed and the mission had officially started, it was almost as if nothing had happened.
   “Stay close to me,” he demanded, grabbing your arm and pulling you into his side. “First step – find the entrance to the factory, find the systems room and get the information.”
   “Easier said than done,” you muttered, but you followed his every step nonetheless. You were the back-up in this situation; cover for Matt if things got a little too difficult. Whilst he was a whizz with computers and programming, you had been trained in the art of combat for as long as you could remember. You would be parading around the door, making sure nobody was going to attack Matt as he gathered the information you two had been sent out to retrieve.
    The factory in question was not difficult to find by any stretch of the imagination. Guards littered the doorways, the building towering over everything else. You could see the tip of the roof as you and Matt approached through the trees, could smell the smoke billowing from the many chimneys lining the tiled roof.
   You could also smell the blood.
   You shot Matt a startled glance; you knew what this place did, the amount of bodies that had been discovered and hidden by the Galra. You knew it was terrible, but the proof of it in the air was startling. Matt clenched his jaw, looked back at you, but neither of you said anything. You both knew what to expect – there was no point in making a big deal over it.
    You stepped out of the tree line and started towards the entrance. The suits you were both wearing would be enough to disguise you, help you blend in, but as soon as you started messing with the systems, suspicions would be aroused and the two of you would have to pick up the pace.
    “Agent Spears and Agent Givaldi,” Matt said as soon as you were both in front of the guards. They barely even glanced at the badges you were both holding up before the door was being shouldered open and you were granted much-needed access.
   You hesitantly stuffed your badge back into your coat pocket, leaned towards Matt and whispered, “That was too easy. Something's not right.”
   “Keep an eye out,” he whispered back.
   The hallways grew less and less crowded the deeper into the factory you and Matt went. You kept your head low as Matt nodded and interacted with the passing mechanics, scientists, evil geniuses that you came across; he was good at this kind of thing, pretending everything was okay when it wasn't, putting on a fake smile for the sake of others.
     You, on the other hand, could do no such thing. You pulled your collar a little bit higher around your jaw, picked up your pace until you and Matt had finally arrived at the systems room.
   Matt made to walk right past it. If it hadn't been for your quick reflexes, he would have done so, but you just barely managed to hook your arm through his and drag him through the metal door. You shoved him forward and quickly slammed it closed, pressing your back against it as rough pants rattled your chest.
   “Go,” you ordered upon realising that Matt was simply staring at the lines upon lines of computers currently flashing at him. He swallowed thickly, nodded and dashed off to the nearest one. His fingers sped across the keyboard as he put in the details he needed, his tongue slowly making it's way out of his mouth in that way it always did when he was concentrating. His brown eyes narrowed, and he ran a hand through his messy brown hair.
    You could have watched him forever when he was in this mindset, because it was one of the rare times he actually seemed at peace. Despite the risk of getting caught, despite the fact that you had just stolen the identity of two people who could very well be marching through these hallways right now, Matt was at peace because he was doing what he loved.
   But you couldn't watch him forever. Not now. Not whenever you heard the voices ringing out behind the door.
   Matt looked up, eyes frantic. Swiftly, you pulled your gun from the back of your dress trousers and whirled around, waving a dismissive hand in his direction.
   “I can handle it.”
   “They're early. By the time they get to the door, I won't have gotten in,” he replied. “Y/N, if we need to leave-”
   “I can handle it!” you barked. “Get the information. Fast.”
   Truth was, you weren't sure if you could handle it. The voices were getting louder and louder with each passing second. They would be passing the door soon, might just decide to look in if you and Matt hadn't been subtle enough – you couldn't risk that. You couldn't afford them getting suspicious and looking inside whenever Matt was elbow deep in their computers mechanics.
    The gun trembled in your hands. If they were to open the door, you would never be able to get a direct hit. Your aim would be off, lives would be at risk, the alarms would go off and you-
    “Have you got in yet?” you hissed, stumbling away from the door just as the heads of the passing scientists disappeared down the hallway. You nearly doubled over in relief, but used the energy instead to spin around and look at Matt.
    He nodded slowly. “I'm in but . . . there's so much to undo. It'll take hours for all of it to transfer onto the memory stick.”
     “We don't have hours.”
   “I know that,” Matt hissed, running his hands through his hair. “I can only take little bits at a time.” He looked up at you. “We're gonna have to come back another day for the rest.”
   You blinked, heart dropping into your stomach. “Matt...”
  “I know it's not ideal,” he said, already plugging the memory stick into the side of the computer. “But we have no other choice. If Shiro doesn't like the sudden halt in plans, then he's gonna have to find another way. Right now, this is the only option we have.”
   You didn't bother arguing with him; what could you even say? If he was unable to do it, then that was completely out of his control. Besides, the idea of risking another few minutes in this room, behind an unlocked door with Galra soldiers marching outside of it, had you uneasy. The quicker you got out of here –  information obtained or not – the happier you would be.
   Matt plucked the memory stick out from the computer after a few minutes, stuffed it into his pocket before dashing round the side of the desk and heading towards the door. You took one last hesitant glance back at the room before you followed behind him, making your way back down the hostile hallways.
     Never before had you been happier to see Team Voltron.
     Lance opened the doors and immediately engulfed you in a welcome home hug. You spluttered against him, but wrapped your arms around his middle and hugged him back nonetheless.
    “You both went off the radar,” he said. “We thought we'd lost you!”
   “We had to take our jackets off to put on the blazers,” you explained, pulling away and flattening a piece of his hair with a fond smile on your face. “We left the tracking devices in the pockets of our old jackets.”
   Lance grunted. “Don't scare me like-”
    “Oh my God, there you are!”
    You squeezed your eyes closed. Of course.
   Caitlin stampeded through the array of people waiting to welcome you and Matt home, bouncing her shoulder roughly against Slav's and causing the poor man to stumble forward, just barely catching himself on Pidge's upper arm. She was wearing one of Matt's old jumpers, along with a pair of stained blue jeans and converse.
     She looked casual. She truly looked as if she'd been having a spa day whilst you and Matt had been out risking your lives for the sake of people like her.
   You gritted your teeth and forced yourself to look away before you could play victim to the sight of her crashing her lips against Matt's.
    “They told me about you going off the radar,” she said. “I was so worried, Matt. I thought I'd lost you.”
    “I'm fine,” Matt replied, a slight tremble to his voice that had you glancing over your shoulder to make sure he was okay.
   His eyes were wide, cheeks flushed and fingers slack against her waist. It was a direct contrast to the tight grip Caitlin had on his shoulders, caging him in before he had a chance to detach himself from her arms.
     “This is exactly the reason why I didn't want you going,” she huffed. “Y/N could have handled the mission perfectly well on their own. You had no reason to go.”
   “Y/N isn't a computer programmer,” Pidge scoffed. “Idiot.”
   Matt's eyes widened. You snickered, but quickly hid it with a cough as Caitlin whirled around to shoot a glare in your direction. She would never yell at Pidge – not with Matt in the room – meaning the first person she could release her anger on was you.
   You gave her a wary grin. “I'm afraid Pidge is right. We needed Matt today.”
   Matt placed a hand on Caitlin's arm. “It's okay, Cate. I'm fine. We're both fine.” He glanced up at Shiro then. “We might have to go back another few times to get the rest of the information.”
    Shiro started to reply, but of course Caitlin had to get her own comments in first. It started with a shrill squeal of shock before she was spinning on her heel and slamming her hands into Matt's shoulders.
   It could have been light hearted. There was every possibility that she didn't mean to hurt him, but you saw the way he winced, the way he stumbled back and bit his tongue in any attempt to keep his noise of pain at bay.
   Caitlin's eyes were wide with fury. “You didn't tell me that!”
   Matt blinked. “I didn't think it was-”
   “You know what? If you two bonded so well on this mission, why don't you just go off with each other, huh?”
   Matt's eyes widened. Your heart stopped, the crowd around you suddenly going eerily silent.
   “Don't call me that,” Caitlin hissed, slapping Matt's shoulders yet again. “I have had it up to here with trusting someone who would rather spend more time with some other person than me! I deserve better than that, Matt Holt! Much better!”
    “It's for the mission!” Matt exclaimed. Lance had already awkwardly ducked out of the room, Pidge and Hunk following close behind him. Shiro glanced at you, silently asking whether or not you wanted him to stay to keep track of things – you simply nodded towards the door, giving him all the permission he needed. He grabbed Keith's arm and steered him out of the room, leaving you alone with the arguing couple.
    “It just seems like you want to spend every moment you can with Y/N and not me,” Caitlin was saying. “Why should I put up with that?”
   It was that question that spiked your fury, the genuine tinge of betrayal in her voice. She had the nerve to ask Matt why she should bother with him when he had put up with her bullshit for months now. He had suffered through abuse and insults and being made to feel tiny for her to lose her mind over something as petty and childish as this.
   You gritted your teeth and risked a step forward. “Are you-”
   Caitlin whirled on you. “And you stay out of this, you bitch!” And then she swung her arm, her long nails raking across the flesh of your cheek. You cried out, stumbled back with the force of the blow – it wasn't so much her strength, but more the shock that came with the sudden slap.
   Your eyes watered, blurring your vision, but not enough for you to be unable to see Matt taking a step forward. He grabbed Caitlin around the waist, lifted her behind him even as she kicked and screamed and clawed at the air in any attempt to reach you.
    Matt set her down and immediately rushed to your side. You hadn't even realised you had fallen over until he was beside you, gently stroking the hair away from your neck, whispering words to you that made no sense past the thrumming of blood in your ears.
    Caitlin cried out. “Look at this! You go straight to them even though I'm right here!”
   “Would you just be quiet!” Matt suddenly roared. You flinched back, the volume of his voice stunning you – never before had you heard him be quite so aggressive. This was Matt you were talking about; sweet, delicate Matt who wouldn't hurt a single soul even if his life depended on it.
   He didn't cast her a glance even after he yelled. Caitlin was stunned into silence, her arms wrapped tight around her middle, her eyes firm on the back of Matt's head as she watched him help you up, one hand firm on your elbow to steady you. You could walk. You were perfectly fine bar the scratches currently oozing blood upon your cheek, but you stumbled nonetheless. The shock had gotten to you, the affects of the last two minutes making it difficult for you to even concentrate on a simple task such as walking.
   “Let's go. Come on,” Matt whispered, leading you out the door. He didn't look back at Caitlin, but instead directed you to his room, where he sat you down on the bed before disappearing into the bathroom.
   When he was gone, the ship seemed eerily quiet. You were so used to hearing Caitlin parading around the hallways, giving her usual orders or making her usual snarky remarks. You were used to hearing Shiro in the kitchen giving Lance a lecture on what he should and shouldn't be eating, was so used to Hunk and Colleen talking about the different kinds of plants that could be used within different recipes. You were so used to noise that the sudden silence had you feeling numb, unsure where to direct your thoughts.
   They zoned in on what just happened, no matter how hard you tried to get them to focus elsewhere. Matt's face. Caitlin's words. What she could have done had Matt not grabbed her. What she will do whenever Matt and her finally came face-to-face again.
   You shivered at the thought.
   “Pull my blanket over you if you're cold.”
   You jumped, head snapping towards the bathroom where Matt was standing in the doorway, busy stirring a tablet into some water.
   “I'm fine,” you croaked out. “You look a little shaken up.”
  He did. His eyes were now veined as he tried to fight back tears, his cheeks pale and sunken in.
   He glanced up and shrugged, wading over to you with the cup in his hand. He placed it on the bed side table before hesitantly lowering himself onto the mattress beside you.
    “I didn't know she was gonna go for you.”
   “I know you didn't.” You shrugged. “It doesn't matter. What's done is done now.”
     “You shouldn't be thinking like that. She hurt you, Y/N.”
   You bit your tongue; you so desperately wanted to bring up the fact that she had been hurting him from the very beginning of their relationship, both emotionally and physically. The manipulation you had seen Matt play victim to was scary, and the fact that he was so oblivious to it was even scarier.
   Matt sighed and trailed his hands through his hair. “I'll talk to her. I'll – I'll tell her to get help.”
   “She's not staying on this ship.” Even as you said it, you knew the decision was final. You had family on this ship, people you loved and cared for – you would fight till the ends of the earth if it meant getting her away from them.
   Matt froze. When he spoke, his voice was small and strained with his efforts of not crying. “She can change.”
    “She won't,” you replied bluntly. “She's had her chances, and you know that. So you can either go with her or stay – but I'm not putting my family in danger by keeping her here. Not any more.”
    Matt pushed his palms into his eyes, as if doing so could somehow push this conversation back. “I've been such an idiot, haven't I?”
  Your head jerked in his direction. “What-”
     “You told me on the ship today,” he said. “You told me I was smarter than this, and I am. It's just . . . . I thought I was in love, Y/N.”
   You swallowed thickly. This had definitely not been the direction you had been expecting the conversation to go. You had wanted to talk to him about this issue for months, but now that he was initiating it, every long-willed and emotional speech you had mentally prepared had disappeared into the back of your mind.
    “She treated me well at the start,” he croaked out. “We were happy. And then she got comfortable, thought she could start controlling me, and I let her. I just – did whatever she told me to because I thought that would stop her from lashing out. But then even doing what she said wasn't enough. I couldn't do the things I wanted to do without her getting mad at me, claiming I was leaving her out or favouring someone else over her.”
    “You were being manipulated, Matt. None of us understands how that feels. Nobody can blame you until they've experienced it themselves.”    Matt shook his head, lower lip trembling. “Why did it take her hurting you for me to finally realise who she is?”
   Your breath hitched, the scratches on your face suddenly burning. “I don't – I don't know.”
   “I've never felt so angry at her,” he continued. “She's thrown a glass at me, and I didn't feel as angry at her then as I do now.”
   “I'm not thinking straight,” he grumbled, standing up before you had a chance to grab for his arm. He stumbled towards the door, gripping his hair into a ponytail at the nape of his neck before letting it fall and cascade down his back again. “You can leave when you're ready. I'm gonna go and find some fresh air.”
  You made to stand up. “Matt, let's just talk about this. You can't go out there on your own. Not when you're like this.”
   He waved a dismissive hand in your direction, swallowing thickly. For a second, he looked like he was about to say something, but then his eyes fell to the floor and he shook his head, leaving you behind with not a single word spoken.
     They were arguing again. It sounded bad. Worse than before.
   You were sat upright in bed this time, leaning your head back against the wall with your eyes closed. The covers were draped over the top of your knees, even as they were bunched up to your chest, a way to stabilise yourself as you listened in to Caitlin's screaming and Matt's calm responses that never seemed to get him any further forward.
    Already two glasses had smashed. You heard them crash against the wall, followed abruptly by Matt saying, “You didn't have to do that,” as if his calm and collected demeanour was going to do anything at all for the fury Caitlin was feeling. Caitlin had laughed at him, called him stupid before she went back to screaming at the top of her lungs over something you had yet to catch on to.
    You had a fairly good idea, though. It had to be about earlier, about Matt protecting you over her. There was no other logical explanation, nothing else Matt could have done that would have angered Caitlin so much.
    It must have been around one in the morning when the argument finally started to cease. Caitlin got quieter, no more glasses were being smashed, Matt had gone completely silent-
   And then something crashed against the wall.
   You jerked upright immediately, pure terror sinking through your body. You were scrambling out of the covers before you even had a chance to comprehend what was going on, throwing yourself towards the door and yanking it open just in time for Matt to yank his own bedroom door open and come flooding out. He didn't spare you a glance when he turned the corner and all-but-sprinted down the hallway.
   Your eyes flicked to the open door. Caitlin stood there, gripping the door frame with whitening knuckles, panting heavily. There was blood on her palm, a piece of glass dropped to the floor beside her; she looked insane. She looked utterly, completely insane and there was a side of you now that wanted to dive towards her and pummel her.
     But you glanced back down the hallway to where Matt had just fled, and you realised that he was much more important than her.
   You turned back to Caitlin. “What did you do to him?”
   She looked up at you through the tips of her eyelids, her dark hair scraggled and hanging in her eyes. She didn't give you a proper answer, merely shrugged and said, “I'm sure he wants you right now, so you can find out then.”
    You didn't have time to argue, didn't have time to piece together her snide little comment. You shoved yourself off the door frame and dashed down the hall towards Matt, heart thumping at a million miles per hour; he was going to be hurt. He was going to be hurt, and heartbroken, because maybe now he had finally come to terms with the truth. No matter how evil you saw Caitlin, no matter how evil she genuinely was, Matt had loved her at one point. He had been so deep beneath her spell that, despite the abuse she had given him, he still would have gone to the ends of the earth for her.
   You rounded the corner, and there he was.
   Curled up at the end of the hallway, half hidden behind shadows cast from the window above him. He rubbed at his wrist roughly, something he always did when he was fighting off the urge to cry; you had seen it many of times, and every single time, it completely broke your heart.
    “Matt,” you choked out. He didn't look up. He didn't really need to. He simply closed his eyes and let his head fall forward, letting the first few tears slip down his cheeks. He was with you now. He could cry if he wanted to.
    You kneeled down beside him and placed a gentle hand on his arm. He stopped rubbing his wrist, glanced up at you and shook his head; it was a simple gesture, one that portrayed his message perfectly.
   It's over.
   You nodded back, pulling his hand into your lap and intertwining your fingers with his. He shuffled closer to you, his knee clipping against your own, and the two of you sat in the warm comfort that came with the silence. Neither of you needed to talk. Neither of you needed to comfort the other person, or make up some bullshit excuse as to why you were sitting in a hallway with tears streaming down your face – just being there, with Matt by your side and his hand in your own, was enough for you. It was enough for both of you.
     Hours must have passed before the silence was finally shattered and Matt spoke up. His voice was groggy, thick with unshed tears and memories of what – you hoped – he was leaving behind.
    “I should have listened to you.”
   You rubbed your thumb against his own. “You don't have to think about her any more. I'll make sure – I'll make sure you're safe.”
    “I don't want pity.”
   “I'm not giving you pity. I'm being a good friend.”
   Matt closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the wall.
   “What did it?” you asked before your nerve could splinter. He creaked open one eye, pinched his brows together in confusion. You inhaled before elaborating. “What did she do this time that was so different from all them other times? What made you finally decide to leave?”
    Matt didn't stiffen, didn't shy away from the personal question. His grip on your hand tightened that little bit more before he opened both of his eyes and glanced down at your joined fingers. Bracelets hung loosely around his wrist, the string tickling your flesh but you did not pull away. Not when he started messing idly with your fingers, plucking each one and letting it snap back against his leg in a way you could only describe as childish.
   It was nice to see him relax for a change.
    “She threatened to kill you.”
   Your breath left you in one clean swoop. Your head snapped round, eyes wide and heart thundering – and yet you did not move, even though every instinct in your body was screaming for you to stand up and confront Caitlin before she could become even more of a threat. That was what you had been trained to do – dismiss the threat, get rid of anyone who may be willing to hurt you or your family.
    But you stayed beside Matt, staring at the side of his head as the world tilted and disappeared until it was only him that you could properly concentrate on.
    He pursed his lips, not looking at you when he continued. “She's not safe to be around. I should have realised that sooner, but – but before, she was just hurting me. Mentally, physically, but it was just me and I could deal with that. But then tonight...” He bit his lip, started messing with the ring on your finger. “Tonight she said she was going to kill you, and I snapped. I realised what you had been telling me was true the entire time, so I stormed out. She tried to throw a glass at my head when I was walking out, but I think she ended up cutting herself instead-”
   “She did,” you burst out, because you just needed to talk, just needed to say something. “She – She sliced her palm open.”
   Matt nodded. “I didn't go back even though I heard her cry out.” He looked at you. “That's – That's progress, isn't it? I can – I can get over her.”
   You had never been one for affection. You had been trained in the art of being completely heartless when you needed to be, but it was different with Matt. You reached over, wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a hug before you could think about your own actions – and it was natural.
   His head dipped into the crook of your neck and it was there that he started crying. There were no sobs, no racking shoulders and hysteric screams. The only sign you really had that he was finally letting go was the damp tears sliding onto your flesh. You reached up and ran your hands through his hair, letting him cry because this was what he needed. It was what he had needed for months, and you were honoured to be the one he trusted enough to finally let it happen.
    “Happy Valentines Day!”
    You looked up, startled at the sudden loud noise that had emitted from the doorway. With your headphones dangling around your ears and your sweatpants rolled up to your knees, you did not look ready to go on a surprise Valentines Day date.
    Which seemed to be exactly what Matt had planned.
   He stood in the doorway wearing his Spiderman pyjamas, an unopened cake in his hand alongside a bottle of wine that you knew neither of you would finish. It was the same every celebration – Matt would spend plenty of money on alcohol, only for you to both get so absorbed in conversation that you would forget about it until it no longer interested you.
   Your computer and the work within it went ignored as you stood up and dashed towards the door, grabbing the cake out of Matt's hands. He smiled at you.
   “That's the first thing you grab for?” he teased, raising a brow.
   You grinned, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips before you span on your heel and dashed back towards the bed, flopping down upon it with the boxed cake balancing on your knee. “Where did you find the time to do all this?”
   “It wasn't difficult,” he replied, sitting down next to you, pulling two forks out of his back pocket. “Not when you've been working all day. I've barely seen you.”
   You sighed. “I'm sorry. I'm a bit behind on work, and-”
   “Don't apologise,” he scoffed, shoving the fork into your hand. “I can see you now, and that's all I care about. Now, let's eat.” He stretched out across the bed, placing one hand behind his head. “And tell me all about how your Valentines Day without your boyfriend has been.”
   You rolled your eyes. “You really know how to make a person feel bad.”
  He grinned. “I'm teasing. I know how hard you work.” He sat bolt upright. “But from here until tomorrow morning, you're not doing any more work. We're gonna take as many hours out of Valentines Day as we possibly can, whether we-”
    You cut him off by crying out, the cake on your fork having spilled and landed directly on your shirt.
    Matt's flinch was unmistakable, as you had seen it plenty of times before. His entire body jerked, his hands flying up to cover his face as if he expected you to swing for him – it broke your heart every time it happened.
   As soon as his eyes met yours and he realised what had happened, he relaxed. He rolled his eyes, pretending he hadn't just completely lost himself for a moment in believing you were going to hurt him. He leaned forward and started dabbing at the front of your shirt, shaking his head like a disappointed dad.
   But whilst he was used to his own reflexes, you couldn't let it drop like that. You stared at him for a moment, before reaching up and taking his hand in your own. He froze, shocked at the sudden movement, risked giving you a tiny, confused smile before you leaned in and pressed your lips to his own.
   He hummed against your mouth, eyes widening for only a moment before he pulled away and raised a brow. “What was that for?”
   “She's gone,” you whispered, and he froze. “You know I'd never hurt you, Matt. You don't have to be scared any more.”
   Matt's features softened with realisation. He hadn't even fully noticed that he had flinched, that he still flinched every time a loud noise sounded around him. It had been two years since Caitlin had been banished from the castle ship, and still the remains of her abuse lingered in the back of Matt's brain.
   He pressed his forehead to your own. “I know. It's reflex. I'm – I'm sorry.”
  “Don't apologise,” you said, quoting his previous words. “I love you.”
    Matt smiled, pressed a soft kiss to the tip of your nose before he whispered, “I love you more.”
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vickylavey · 5 years
A little mayhem only hurt neckbeards.
Fandom: Bleach/Monster Prom
Characters: youkai! Karin Kurosaki, Damien LaVey, Leonard
Pairings: HitsuKarin, Brian/Damien/Vicky
Words: 0.7k
Summary: Crossover fic. WARNINGS--- violence, slut-shaming, homophobic slurs, mentioned death; Karin get nervous whenever shit isn't hitting the fan. Thankfully, the opportunity to fix that comes around.
Whenever something hadn't gone wrong in awhile, Karin got fidgety. She picked her cuticles, her eyes darted back and forth. None of it soothed the heavy pit in her gut.
Damien, a fellow demon and a... begrudging friend (it was complicated) snapped his fingers in front of her eyes. "Are you doing the thing where you check out? Do I need to call your boyfriend or something?"
"No." Karin slapped his hand out of her face. They weren't that good of friends. "Do you ever get the feeling we're waiting for an earthquake, and the longer it doesn't happen, the worse it's gonna be?"
Damien blinked owlishly. "I have no fucking clue what you're talking about."
Karin sighed. She massaged her sinuses. "Nothing's gone wrong in like... three days. I feel like something bad is building up."
"Do you wanna go cause some mayhem?"
"A little. This is different, though. It's less than I haven't done anything bad in a while and more that nothing catastrophic has happened in days."
Damien hummed. "Well... I have no idea why you're freaking out about a little mayhem, but if it makes you feel better, whatever comes around, we can deal with it."
Karin smiled at Damien. "Hey, thanks."
"You know that fake bitch Vicky?" said an obnoxious and all too familiar voice. "Two faggots convinced her to have a fucking three-way with them. Brian and Damien. I have literally no idea how they convinced her to do it, but I swear they're doing it just to get back at me. I mean, I've got two hundred eighty-four subs on YouTube now, they're clearly envious of my popularity so they gotta cause a scene to take the limelight."
And there it was. All was well with the world again.
Karin and Damien flew to their feet, hopped over the stone wall, and landed next to Leonard and his douchebag posse. She sneered.
"You wanna get fucked up, baby?" she cooed. Leonard turned to run. His friends escaped, but he was small enough she managed to kick him in the back of the knee while he ran. He tripped, and the water in his skull spilled onto the grass, which immobilized him.
"This one is mine," Damien said. "It's only fair. He insulted my girlfriend and my boyfriend."
Karin pulled a switchblade from her waistband. "Oh, please," she said, "just let me stab him once? I, hone-onna, am obliged to defend women in love."
He groaned and rubbed the back of his neck. "Fine," he grumbled, as his tail twitched like the tail of an irritated cat. "Anything below the neck is free game."
Those were satisfactory terms for Karin. She crouched next to Leonard. His eyes were watery, and on top of his unwashed smell, he smelled like piss. She laughed. "Scared?" she asked as she stroked his face with the flat end of her switch blade. "Boohoo! Maybe you should learn some manners. You won't be so scared if you had some manners," she said.
"I really hate men like you. When I was alive, men were the motherfucking bane of my existence. My mom died, and my dad ignored it. My brother became so overbearing I killed myself. The only reason I came back to life was thanks to Toushirou. Sweet Toushirou. He's my knight in shining armor. You know why? Because he's sweet. He listens to me. He never controls me or belittles me. It's why you're alone, Leonard. Where are your friends now, Leonard? They ran away because you have men for friends and men only serve themselves."
"P-please," Leonard begged.
"It's too late for mercy. I'm gonna cut you open and my friend Damien is gonna kick you around like a motherfucking hackeysack until you're. Bled. Dry."
Karin raised her switchblade above her head. Leonard craned his head to see it glint in the afternoon light. She plunged it into his chest. The wound bubbled when she pulled it out.
"I didn't think you'd go for a lung," Damien said. "I almost just wanna watch him suffocate now."
She wiped her knife on her pants. "Do whatever you want. I'm gonna go find my boyfriend," she said.
Damien clapped Karin on her shoulder. "Catch you later, then."
Karin smiled down at Leonard as blood poured from his bill. "Yeah, catch you later," she said.
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deciduess · 5 years
I think this is called a Peak Trans™ moment?
❌ LeSbOpHoBeS dO nOT iNtErAcT ❌
If you have a problem with this post, please see my bio before privately messaging me or reblogging. Thanks.
I need to vent about something.
A couple of weeks ago, a leftist Instagram account I followed posted these photos:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
As a lesbian, I disagree with this post. The account in question encourages discourse, so I decided to comment on it. I’ll be referring to the account as “OP”.
I typed my original comment into my Notes app before sending it, which is the only reason I can share it with you (OP blocked me). It read as follows:
As a lesbian, I don’t think I’d date a trans person because I want a woman who can understand the experience of being socialized as female. I have a lot of trauma with regards to how I was born and socialized. Only other AFAB women will be able to relate to that— even if they haven’t been assaulted (or otherwise experienced what I have). Plus, as a cis person, there’s no way for me to understand the trans experience, so I think there’d be a huge rift between a trans girlfriend and I. I don’t think I’d be able to soothe her or relate to her deeply if she told me about trauma she has as a result of being trans in this society. Of course, trans people don’t usually say that they’ll ONLY date other trans people, but I think they have every right to have that preference.
Unfortunately, I cannot screenshot the rest of the thread, as I’m blocked. The thread isn’t visible to unblocked accounts either.
I will do my best to summarize the rest of the conversation.
Now, both of the people who responded to me were incredibly rude. They insulted me quite a few times, but I can’t remember exactly how they phrased everything, so I’ll just be summarizing their arguments-- minus the attitude. It’s important to note their abusive language, however, because it’s part of the reason this conversation affected me so negatively.
OP: You sound like a TERF. Also, I’ve never heard of a trans person who will only date other trans people. Sounds like a straw man just to excuse your transphobia. And how can you say that trans women aren’t socialized as women?
Me: No, trans women aren’t socialized as female. That’s what makes them trans as opposed to cis, right? They were assigned and socialized as male.
People with vaginas have to deal with much higher rates of sexual harassment and assault even in childhood. And we have to see ourselves assaulted again and again and again when we read the news, watch TV, or read books/comics. I’ve been called weak, unintelligent, and overall inferior all my life due to how I was born. Trans men can relate to this, but trans women cannot. All of this starts early— even before we’re born (I mean, look at gender reveal parties: “guns or glitter”).
OP: So what you’re saying is: trans women are men. Trans people are assaulted too. You’re making a blanket statement about all trans women [when you say they can’t understand female oppression/socialization]. What if a trans woman transitioned at a very young age?
*I decided to ignore OP’s question because... it’s fucking stupid lmfao. You can’t transition in the womb, and you certainly couldn’t consent to that as a baby.
Me: What?? I didn’t say that. You’re putting words into my mouth. Trans women are women, but they have different experiences than cis women.
I know that trans people are assaulted at higher rates than cis people, but that doesn’t detract from the fact that people with vaginas make up the vast majority of victims.
OP: That’s exactly what you’re saying. So, trans women have male privilege, huh? Just admit you’re transphobic and go. Now, answer the FUCKING question.
*I know I said I wasn’t going to convey the tone of these messages, but… wow. Males have told me to “answer the FUCKING question” several times in my life, so that got to me. Males literally can’t act like human beings. The fact that OP is just like any other male no matter how “they” identify is so evident here.
**Now, a trans “woman” starts attacking me. “She” replied to me three times, I think. But I don’t remember how the replies fit into the conversation, and “she” kept repeating “herself”. So, I’m just going to summarize all of that in this one comment.
Trans “Woman”: I’ve been female-socialized and harassed ever since I transitioned at age 16. Also, I’ve been called weak and unintelligent all my life, but thanks for assuming otherwise.
*At this point, I’m getting irritated by these two constantly misconstruing what I’m saying and denying my experiences. So, unfortunately, I use a passive-aggressive emoji. I also use two question marks instead of one. I’m not proud of that, but keep in mind, these two had been complete asshats to me this entire time.
I was so tired at this point. I was sharing my trauma (which isn’t easy for me to talk about,,,,), and I was being so nice. I was trying so hard to center them even though I was talking about my trauma. I didn’t understand why they weren’t reciprocating my energy.
Me: @trans”woman” I’ve been called ‘weak’ and ‘unintelligent’ because I have a vagina. It’s a little different. 🙃
@OP Wait, do you guys think that sex-based oppression doesn’t exist? Like, do you think trans men have the same privilege as cis men??
*OP doesn’t respond for a while. The trans “woman” never responds, either. Finally, OP replies…
OP: You know what? I think I’m just going to block you.
Anddd, that’s why I can’t include screenshots of the interaction on this post. I was kind of relieved that I didn’t have to deal with two MALES shitting on me anymore, though. 🙃🙃🙃
I grew up in a conservative household, but I’ve been a leftist ever since I was a late-teen. Since getting closer to adulthood, I’ve leaned far left on most issues before even reading other leftists’ opinions on the matters. Over the years, though, I’ve been a cetrist on a few topics.
Usually, this is because I don’t have all the information I need. So, when I notice that I disagree with the majority of leftists on something, I read more about it, and I read their opinions. I almost always end up agreeing with the leftist majority opinion on any given topic.
There are only two major issues I haven’t agreed with most leftists on yet: gun rights and trans rights. Leftists support the Second Amendment... I see both sides. I’m beginning to lean pro-Second Amendment, but that has happened before, so it could happen again. I’m not going to elaborate on this because this post isn’t about that.
When it comes to trans rights, I have NEVER understood the popular leftist opinion. I have been trying for years to understand trans people better. But in the end, my opinion has just been, “Well, I don’t have to understand your identity in order to support it and use your pronouns. Your identity isn’t hurting anybody, and no one should hurt you over your identity.” I still agree with that sentiment. I will still use trans people’s pronouns. I still want them to be safe.
But I’m done accommodating them at my expense. And if you’re a shithead to me, I don’t see a problem with putting your pronouns in quotes and referring to you as “males” instead of “AMABs” in a tumblr post that you’ll never see lmfao. It’s been so liberating to disrespect you (on a post you’ll never see) half as much as you disrespected me (to my face).
TRA’s have excluded AFAB women and trivialized their problems so much. Every single post about AFAB women is derailed (”whuttabout trans women???” “don’t you mean people with vaginas?????”). TRA’s suggest that there are no female-only experiences and sex-based oppression does not exist.
I’ve had many concerns with the Trans Rights Movement for years. But I’ve tried to understand. I wanted to actively support trans people. I didn’t want to merely use their preferred pronouns and tolerate them. I’ve followed TRA’s and read what they have to say...
But the Trans Rights Movement just,,, doesn’t,,,, make,,,,,, sense. This conversation sent me over the edge. I don’t care about understanding trans people anymore. If I can’t understand them in half a decade, I don’t think I ever will. Clearly, to these people, including trans “women” means excluding cis women. You’re trans-exclusionary if you talk about cis women’s experiences or issues. You’re trans-exclusionary if you say that trans “women” and cis women are different (unless it’s to say that trans “women” are superior/prettier or more oppressed).
Now that I don’t care about trans feelings anymore, I’m going to address the conversation from two weeks ago without sugar-coating anything.
Trans “women” will never have the same experiences as cis women.
I will not date a trans “woman” because I NEED someone who can understand the very specific trauma and physical pain of a female assault victim. I NEED my partner to be able to relate to being constantly berated and belittled in all forms of media— even when I try to relax or distract myself, I am constantly reminded that males hate me and think I’m a worthless incubator/dishwasher.
Two weeks ago, I was not concerned enough about the physical differences between trans “women” and cis women. But now, I think it’s a good time to discuss that, too.
It’s perfectly okay to not want to date a trans person because of their genitals.
Even after a trans “woman” has SRS, “her vagina” is NOT a female vagina. It is not self-cleaning. It has no muscles. It smells PUTRID. Neovaginas are repulsive, and they do NOT look like actual vaginas. A neovagina is the physical manifestation of a male’s soul: it’s a disgusting, smelly, functionless hole that is trying to emulate the natural divinity of a woman.
Now, I’d like to specifically address those two males:
Thank you guys for demonstrating my point that males can NEVER understand the female experience. :)
Thanks for proving that I’ll never be able to open up to males about my SA trauma. Males will always say that they have it worse and/or pretend that what happened to you has NOTHING to do with the fact that you have a vagina. If you’re vulnerable with them, they will stomp all over you. Males only care about themselves, even if they “identify” as women. :)
I would never be able to be in a relationship with someone that constantly belittles my feelings like this.
Also, to the trans “woman” who alleges “she’s” been ~“socialized as a woman”~ since the age of sixteen: no the fuck you haven’t. If you’d been socialized as female, you would be exceedingly nice to me, even if I spoke to YOU in the same way YOU spoke to ME. You would be super apologetic for stating your feelings and standing up for yourself. No matter how illogical you found my arguments, you’d still TRY to understand me because that’s the compassionate thing to do. If you were socialized as female, you’d put OTHERS’ feelings above your own.
But you haven’t been socialized as female. You’re just like every other MALE. You SPEAK OVER a female victim of sexual assault and pretend that YOU’RE more of an expert on HER OWN experiences than SHE is.
You tell women they’re not allowed to have boundaries or preferences. You have absolutely no compassion or humanity. You’re a MALE, AND you’re MALE-SOCIALIZED, and it fucking shows. You’re a disgusting, ignorant, unsympathetic brat that always needs to be coddled— just like every other male.
Also, yes, OP, all males have male privilege. Including trans “women.”
Two weeks ago, I had deluded myself into saying, “trans women are women.”
But the truth is, trans “women” are not women.
I’m attracted to women. I will never be attracted to a trans “woman.” I’m not sorry. It’s okay if other lesbians are attracted to trans “women,” but my lesbian identity does not include trans “women”. I don’t care if that’s politically incorrect. That’s MY sexuality.
I cannot change my sexuality, and I don’t want to. I love cis women. No male will ever be as strong, intelligent, poignant, or divine as a cis woman. A woman is born with all of these traits.
I’m certainly transphobic now-- that is quite evident. And I was also transphobic two weeks ago, even though I was trying to unlearn my transphobia. But nothing that I said to this person was transphobic. It’s literally fine to not want to date a trans person. A lesbian is not oppressing you by not wanting to date you lmfao. I openly admit that I am transphobic, but this is not the reason. I will not try to understand why my sexuality is “wrong.”
I’ve stayed out of TERF circles for years, even though TERF posts can be so informative, relatable, and comforting. Thanks to this experience, I’m gonna go ahead and follow whoever tf I want. I'm grateful that this interaction has caused me to start prioritizing my feelings and my rights.
Honestly, trans “women” deserve to be excluded. Males deserve to be excluded. Idgaf about how that makes you feel anymore. You don’t give a shit about how I feel. And you don’t feel guilty when you exclude real women.
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cummunication · 5 years
Are you secretly a Misogynist?
I know what you’re thinking… there is no way I’m a misogynist; it’s those other people who are openly disrespecting and objectifying women in an obvious manner. But I beg to differ... you may not realize they can be anywhere. They are hard to spot and do not always come with a label attached (AKA, pro Trump). The textbook definition of misogyny is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women/girls. Misogyny manifests in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentric, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, disenfranchisement of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification. Men who are abusive and controlling in nature have rigid sex role [beliefs] about how woman should act, dress and behave; in other words, to serve and please them. “In most cases, misogynists do not even know they hate women. Misogyny is typically an unconscious hatred men form early in life, often as a result of a trauma involving a female figure they trusted. An abusive or negligent mother, sister, teacher or girlfriend can plant a seed deep down in their brain’s subcortical matter. The first signs of misogyny are barely noticeable, but with additional exposure to neglect, abuse, or lack of treatment, this behavioral seeding will grow larger and more prominent. But even when the misogyny reaches maturity and the tendency toward acting with hatred toward women can no longer be controlled, the misogynist and the women around him will often fail to notice the condition until it’s too late.” Misogyny is not one size fits all and is often complex. There are several degrees & forms but here are some basic traits to look out for… 1. The man believes he has the "God-given" right to control the thoughts and actions of his girlfriend/wife etc., to demand total obedience, and to punish or threaten her if she resists. 2. He uses the Bible and church doctrine to justify his actions. He quickly skips over the "servant leadership" model of a husband and obsesses on the duties of the wife. He adds punishment to his role as a husband even though the scriptures do not give him such authority or control. 3. He believes that her opinions and feelings have no value, and her needs are not important and should not be considered. 4. He is charming and well-liked at church, but the family has to walk on eggshells to prevent making him angry. 5. He yells, threatens, hits or sulks when he does not get his way or when she does something to displease him. 6. She feels confused and off-balance when without warning he changes from being loving and kind to angry and cruel. 7. No matter how much she changes or tries to please him, he is never satisfied. She feels inadequate and guilty, and believes it must be her fault. She no longer trusts her own perceptions and wonders if she is going crazy. 8. He is possessive and sometimes jealous, especially when she talks and associates with other men. Sometimes he acts jealous of the time she spends with the children. He may try to restrict her activities and make her a prisoner in her own home. 9. Because of his possessiveness, she may disassociate from family and friends in order to keep him happy. She needs these relationships, but it is more important for her to keep the peace. 10. When anything goes wrong, he always blames her. If she were more submissive, more sensitive to his needs, more like so-and-so’s wife, a better mother, etc. then all their problems would be solved. He sees himself as a good husband for putting up with her. He is blind to his own faults and does not take responsibility for his own actions. 11. When he is displeased and does not get his way, he yells, hurls insults, breaks or throws objects, or is physically violent. These are somewhat obvious yet [sometimes] subtle signs a female may be in a controlling, abusive or dysfunctional relationship dynamic. To be driven by toxic masculinity, you do not need to have all 11 characteristics. You can have just a few but if they are extremely weighted/core beliefs, they can be negatively impacting your ego/sense of self in relationships. Truth is, although misogynists may claim to be crazy about their significant other/wives, their actions indicate the opposite. They may appear kind and charming but lead double lives. You don’t have to be openly aggressive or externally hostile to be a misogynist or abuser. Certain unhealthy men are not at all physically abusive, but disrespectful and often critical towards their female partner. He may rarely lose his temper, but uses logic and flattery to discount her feelings and thoughts. Other men who are more explosively angry will use verbal abuse such as belittling, name calling or comparing to other women. They will use emotionally abusive tactics such as non-verbal techniques (i.e. pouting, the silent treatment, and dirty looks). In extreme but unfortunately very common cases, men use threats of physical, emotional or sexual abuse. Ultimately, if someone doesn’t believe they have a problem, there is nothing you can do to change them. Unless a person wants to get better and seeks professional help for themselves, you will rarely get through. If you are in a relationship with most of these characteristics present, seek help immediately.
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taeyohonic · 6 years
The Milkshake Incident (Part 2)
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Words: 2,701
Genre: best friend Taeyong / high school / some fluff I guess? / Yukhei (adorably) 3rd wheeling / Baekhy(p)un certified / mature(ish)? (more like PG-15-ish? i had to cut some “stuff” i didn’t like...)
Pairing: Taeyong x Reader
Summary: A milkshake thrown at the innocent band t-shirt of your best friend is the final straw. Taeyong needs a girlfriend and you are going to help him. Even if that means betraying your feelings for him.
A/N: Thank you so much to all the love for Part 1! I hope you guys like the 2nd part as well! I’m gonna post a piece for @nctwriters spc this week too, so please stay tuned...
Previously on TMI: “You… you’re – not sleeping with anybody?”, you whimper and his lips form a sinister smirk when he answers:
“No, I mean I’m not available.”
Yuk opens the door and cuts the tension like a knife. God bless this immature kid with a timing of heroes.
“I am ready to parteyyy”, he shouts sliding into the backseat and leaning forwards. You back against the passenger window like you’ve been burned.
So Taeyong does have feelings for someone. That hurts. A lot. You know you were very direct with your rule of not talking to about his latest conquests, but you always thought that when he finds someone important, he’d talk to you about her or him. You guess there really are limits to your friendship. And that makes it so complicated to breath while your best friend drives towards his home.
“It’s classical music performed by amateurs and accompanied by the same asshole teachers you see in this hell every day.”, you mumble and try to not let your excitement show too much in your voice. Sure, your relationship with Taeyong isn’t in the best place, but this Friday is important to you on a different level. This is the only field, where you are somewhat more qualified than your friends.
Your driver grabs your neck in a warning sign. “Don’t belittle yourself, Y/n. Not when I’m in earshot.”
“Why didn’t you say that to me yesterday when I insulted my cooking skills in front of you?”, whines Yuk and slaps Taeyong’s hand playfully away from its position on your neck. But the damage is done. You still feel his tangling touch on your skin. A shudder runs through your body. What is this boy doing to you during a twenty-minute car ride? This should be illegal.
“Because your stir fry tasted as cheap as your gaming style.”, Tae replies and parks the car. You are the first getting out of this enigma of a car ride and basically run to the front door. You need to get ready for your play tonight. And you need to get away from your best friend. Not necessarily in that order. The cleaning lady opens the door before Tae reaches you and there is definitely a nervous step in your walk as you climb the stairs and shut the door to Taeyong’s bathroom.
Two hours later and you’re still sitting on the floor of his bathroom, trying to smooth your nerves with the cold marble under you. This is getting ridiculous. And embarrassing. As if Tae can hear your thoughts, there’s a sharp knock on the door. “Y/n?” “Yes?” “Are you alive?” Yuk might have asked if you were okay or fine. But Tae can sense that you are neither. So, he gives you a question you can actually answer. “Barely”
A chuckle is heard before you hear the unmistaken sound of a lock being picked. A moment later your best friend takes his place right beside you and your eyes meat his in bewilderment.
“Where the hell did you learn to pick locks?” “Baek taught me in the showers a few games ago.”, he shrugs. “That sounds so … so so wrong, Tae.”, you laugh, and he follows with his own strong chuckle before fixating you with a concerned stare, the smile dying on his handsome lips.
“Listen, I talked to Yuk.” Nothing good ever starts with this sentence. “He told me that you are trying to get me a girlfriend for more than a week now.” So, Yuk did tell him about your chemistry talk. Well, nothing to be self-conscious about.
“He said, that you’re tired keeping up with my ... hm shenanigans?”, he asks, and you can hear real hurt in his voice. “I didn’t know i was such a burden.” Now Tae doesn’t even look at you anymore.
“No, Tae. You’re never a burden”, you intercept vehemently, “You’re my best friend. I cannot imagine ever seeing you as a task rather than my partner.”, you add truthfully, only you being aware of the double meaning. Taeyong’s blazing eyes focus on your figure again – finally.
“So, you don’t need a vacation form me?”, he asks suspiciously while using the exact same words you said to Yuk at the beginning of this week. There is something very reliable about Yukhei’s low EQ, he doesn’t repeat what he thinks you meant, but just what you said. And that precisely. So of course, your best friend will be distrustful. You exhale, before responding with the truth … kind of.
“I don’t need a vacation from my best friend. I need a vacation from your libido, Tae.”
You get up from the floor and look at yourself in the mirror. The simple black dress is required for all the female orchestra members. You just took a bit more liberty with the length of it. Dangerously ending mid-tight, this dress gives you surprising confidence. The material hugs your body and pays tribute to all the early morning jogs Tae dragged you along during spring break. The costume, as well as the shoes, are from your little sister.
You aren’t the biggest shopper – not with two pubescenting boys as best friends. So, you were really thankful to her when she presented you with that outfit this morning. Even though she did cancel on the concert in the same motion. A Friday night spend in the same four walls she’s imprisoned in during the school week? Not happening. Because of some prior engagements even your parents can’t come tonight. So again, these two boys are not only your fan squad but your foster family as well.
Taeyong’s reflection comes up right behind you as he lays his large hand around your neck. “You look beautiful” “I look better than normal, yeah.”, you answer accompanied by an eyeroll and earn a warning squeeze from him. “What did I say?” You don’t answer. “Y/n?” Huffingly you respond. “That I should always sugarcoat my accomplishments in front of you.”
Taeyong just chuckles and tightens his grip one last time before letting go of your body. Were you going mad or did his touches increase this week? Maybe it is just wishful thinking.
“Just hurry up. Yuk is really excited and you’re cutting it close time wise.”, he says and moves to the door. “Tae?” Your friend turns around with questions in his eyes. “Thank you for being there tonight.” “Oh, you know how much I love classical music.”, he winks and lets the door open. Deep breaths, Y/n, deep breaths.
The auditorium is packed. Your fellow musicians are prepping their instruments while you nervously clutch the notes to your chest. This is horrible. Why did you want this? Why were you so eager to agree? You will probably fuck up really bad. You will be the disgrace of the whole orchestra. To distract yourself and calm your beating heart you pull out your cellphone. No chance in hell are you up for a face to face pep talk from your fellow students. So, hiding in virtual social media it is.
[Tae 07.46 p.m.] you’ll do great, y/n. [Yuk 07.49 p.m.] omg omg check fb y/n. right now. NOW.
Slightly concerned by Yuks vehement tone you decide to quickly check your app.
Lee Taeyong updated his status: libido on vacation. Indefinitely. Don’t expect a postcard u losers.
What? WHAT? You don’t have time to scroll through the dozens of replies. Your music teacher ushers you all out and your brain still tries to comprehend what you just read. What does he even mean by that? And what did you mean by that when you first said it to him? And why is this performance now not even as scary as having to talk to Tae afterwards?
You are welcomed with a round of applause as you take your seat behind the piano. Shaking hands place your notes in front of you as you squirt your eyes. The lighting sucks and the humid summer air is more suffocating than usual because of the ton of people in the audience. You absently hear your teacher starting to introduce the orchestra and the evening program. You only listen with one ear as you try to make out our friends. And there they sit, in the first row, like they deserve special treatment.
Taeyong gazes in your direction. You can’t see him clearly, but you can feel the burn in his stare. And then it begins, and you play, and you know he listens, and you know he cares, and you feel enough. You’re so full of joy, that the round of appreciative noises don’t even register in your ears. People are clapping, and you see the proud eyes of your teacher staring adoringly at your ensemble. With two deep bows you leave the stage and the atmosphere backstage is electric.
Your fellow students are hugging and gushing and packing up their respective instruments. You feel such a high, that the figure tapping on your shoulder makes you jump slightly.
Irene is looking at you with uncertainty in her eyes. Milkshake Irene in the flesh. You knew that her being chief editor of your school paper presented a slight chance of her covering this concert. But seeing her so soon after you performed sours your mood – immensely. What does she want?
“Y/n?” You just arch an eyebrow and comb with one hand through your slightly damp hair. The heat is getting to you, as well as this girl, who hasn’t even said anything other than your name yet. Damn, Taeyong’s mood swings are rubbing off on you.
“Can I speak to you for a second?”, she asks with determination in her voice.
“Sure, what’s up?”, you answer, deciding to play along. Maybe she just wants some quotes from the orchestra. Or maybe she is trying to make it a triple. First the slushy thrown at you during fall break, then the milkshake at Tae on Monday. Maybe she wants to end this week with a final dump. But her hands are empty, and she seems nervous, which is not like her. Not that you know her well. But she is a semi-permanent fixture in Tae’s life, so you try.
“Uhm… I just … wanted to uhm…”, Irene releases a long breath and finishes the sentence quickly, “… apologize.”
“Say what?”, you respond dumbstruck. What the hell is going on here? Now she looks at you confused. Same here, girl, same here.
“For what I said about you?”, she continues, asking more than telling.
“Okay?”, you have no clue what this person is talking about. She had beef with your best friend, not with you. She ruined his shirt, not yours. And you are 99% sure that Tae did something cruel to provoke this incident.
“I’ve always been a bit eh self-conscious about you. You know? Him being so close to you.”, she tries to explain and motions with her fidgeting hands in your general direction. Irene … self-conscious … because of you?
“But nevertheless, I was out of line. So, I get it.”
Okay, that makes one of you. Your expression must have portrayed the confusion.
“I shouldn’t have called you an … untalented second-hand pianist, that nobody wants to hear play.”, she stage-whispers slowly, as if you are the stupid one, trying to comprehend easy words in their natural order.
“But he shouldn’t have verbally attacked me as well.”, Irene continues, not giving you any time to comprehend her explanation. “Y/n, the insults he threw at me … You would have dumped the shake on him just like I did, right?”
Taeyong defended you? Your best friend didn’t get into trouble because of his relationship drama, but because he was protecting you? And he didn’t even mention it when you were criticizing his actions? Why?
“What the hell?”, you want to say, but Taeyong beats you to it. His voice booms and he is at your side in a flash.
“I told you to stay away from her.”, he snares and looks at Irene with disgust and she takes an obeying step back, frightened.
“I … I was ju- just trying to apolo-“, she stammers, only to get interrupted by your best friend with anger in his voice. “I … I … don’t care.”, he mimics her mockingly. “Get out.”
Irene’s feet move in small, fragile steps and she backs away fast, leaving you two alone at the back of the rehearsal room. Taeyong turns his stare slowly to your eyes, softening his features.
“You were wonderful tonight.”, he says in earnest, but you just look at your best friend like he’d grown a second head.
“Oh no Mister. Don’t try to avert this conversation.”, you answer pocking him hard in the side. “What was that?”
“That was Irene being a bitch, and you being stupid enough to listen to her.”
You just overlook the stupid comment and don’t take the bait to redirect this discussion again.
“Let me get this straight … you insulted her, because she insulted my piano skills?” There is a heavy layer of wonder in your voice as you stare at him.
“Nobody belittles you, Y/n. Not when I’m in earshot.”
You huff in annoyance.
“Is my honor really worth the detention you got? Or the gossip this milkshake incident caused?”
“You’re my partner. Nobody talks shit about you.”, he states, mimicking your word choice from this afternoon.
“Use your own words, Lee Taeyong, and fight your own fights. Don’t belittle me by fighting mine as well.”
Taeyong crouches down, so your blazing stares meet. Never have you felt more powerless than in this confrontation. Your feelings for him are a dangerous cocktail and you feel tears shimmering at the corner of your eyes.
“Every other girlfriend would swoon over her boyfriend defending her honor.”, he snares still on eye-level. It feels like a punch in the face. You can taste the bile rising up. How can he say stuff like that? This is way too far out of your friendzone.
“Well, I’m not your girlfriend.”, you counter into his angry face. Saying the truth out loud is a wake-up call for your heart. Taeyong is not your boyfriend.
“Yes. You. Are.”, he growls and pushes you against the wall behind your back, caging you. You stare dumbfounded at your best friend. Come again?
“I’m so so done with … with this pretense, Y/n.”, Taeyong continues in a low voice, his body coming dangerously close to yours.
“What more do I have to do for you to notice me?”, he asks. Your head is empty, no braincell is doing its job. You just stare silently into his brown eyes brooding with emotions.
“I hear you” His warm breath is at your right ear. “I defend you” His lips ghost along your jawline. “I touch you”
And then his lips are on yours. They are as rough as his words and dominate your mouth. Like a feral animal he pushes is tongue between your lips, not asking for entrance, demanding it. Your body reacts instantly, welcoming him with a warm tug of your own tongue, your hands absently going into his tick hair. Your surroundings completely ignoring, he presses you deeper into the wall.
The contrast between the cool surface and his warm kiss makes you shiver. His tall frame is caging your body, shielding you from any remaining ensemble members. Taeyong claims you in a way not even your darkest fantasies could have imagined. His hands rest on your neck, tightening. You try to breathe through your nose, but there is no willpower and you can feel yourself getting lightheaded. A content moan escapes your throat. Taeyong responds with a deep groan of his own before reluctantly retreating from your lips.
Leaving his hands around your neck, he starts to speak again, his voice deliciously husky. “Don’t be just my best friend. Be my partner. Be mine.”
There is so much you want to answer. I’ve loved you for so long, my adolescent brain doesn’t even remember a time where it was not in love with you. I’m afraid I’ll not be enough. I was conditioned to be with you. I will always be your best friend, even if I throw milkshakes at you. I’ll be yours.
Out loud you just command: “Kiss me again, boyfriend.”
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