#but even the thought of 8 month of binding half of the day is making me so miserable i hate itttttt
chaotictomtom · 1 year
head hurts so much I HATE YOU SUMMER I HATE YOUUUU :'(((((((
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rootedinrevisions · 16 days
One of Them Girls: Part 14
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After laying in bed together for another half hour, you and Tyler decided you should probably get up. Tyler excused himself to take a quick shower, flashing you a grin as he grabbed a fresh towel and headed toward your bathroom. You watched him disappear down the hallway, the sound of running water soon filling the apartment. Smiling to yourself, you decided to make your way downstairs to grab some coffee.
As you entered the kitchen, the familiar aroma of brewing coffee greeted you. Your roommate was already there, leaning against the counter with her own mug in hand.
"Morning," you greeted, moving to pour yourself a cup.
"Morning," she replied with a smile. "How was your date last night?"
You took a sip of your coffee, savoring the warmth before answering. "It was really nice. Tyler planned this whole fancy dinner, but we ended up ditching it for a diner with burgers and fries."
Your roommate chuckled. "Sounds like a good time."
"It was," you agreed, though you left out the more intimate details—the way Tyler had looked at you like you were the only person in the world, the easy laughter you'd shared, and how the evening had ended with a lingering kiss that left you breathless.
The conversation flowed easily, but you noticed a hint of something on your roommate's face, a trace of hesitation. Sensing the shift, you tilted your head slightly. "Everything okay?"
She let out a small sigh, her fingers tracing the rim of her mug. "Actually, there's something I need to tell you."
Your heart skipped a beat. "What's up?"
"I've been offered a promotion," she began, her voice careful. "It's a great opportunity, but the thing is... it's in a different city. I'll be relocating next month."
The news hit you like a cold gust of wind. "Next month?"
She nodded, her expression apologetic. "Yeah, I didn't want to spring it on you like this, but I couldn't keep it from you any longer."
You swallowed, trying to process the information. "I'm really happy for you, I am. But... what am I going to do? The rent here is too much for me to handle on my own."
"I know," she said softly. "I wish there was something I could do to help."
The reality of the situation began to settle in, heavy and unavoidable. The small town you lived in didn't have many options, and the thought of uprooting your life added to the uncertainty swirling in your mind. "I guess I'll have to start looking for a new place... or maybe even consider some bigger changes."
Your roommate placed a comforting hand on your arm. "Whatever you decide, you know I'm here for you."
You nodded, offering her a grateful smile. "Thanks."
The conversation left you feeling a mix of emotions—happy for your friend, but also anxious about your own future. Needing some fresh air, you took your coffee and stepped out onto the porch. The morning was crisp, the sun just beginning to warm the day. You leaned against the railing, staring out at the quiet street as thoughts raced through your mind.
The sound of the screen door creaking open caught your attention, and you turned to see Tyler stepping out, his hair damp from the shower, a relaxed smile on his face.
"Hey," he greeted, crossing the porch to join you. "Everything okay?"
You gave a small nod, though your thoughts were still scattered. "Yeah, just... processing some news."
Tyler leaned against the railing beside you, his arm brushing yours. "What's going on?"
You took a deep breath, turning to face him. "My roommate just told me she's relocating for work. She's moving out next month."
Tyler's expression softened with understanding. "And that leaves you in a bit of a bind?"
"Yeah," you admitted, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "I can't afford the rent here on my own, and there aren't many places available in town. I'm not sure what I'm going to do."
Tyler reached out, gently rubbing your back in a comforting gesture. "Have you thought about what you want to do next?"
"I've been thinking about going back to school," you confessed, the words spilling out almost before you could stop them. "Maybe enrolling in a journalism program, really pursuing something I'm passionate about. But I don't know where to start."
Tyler's eyes lit up with interest. "That's a great idea. You'd be amazing at that."
You smiled, feeling a bit of the weight lift. "You think so?"
"Absolutely," he said, his voice steady with conviction. "If that's what you want to do, you should go for it. I'll support you every step of the way."
The sincerity in his words touched you deeply, and you felt a warmth spread through your chest. "Thank you, Tyler. That means a lot to me."
He gave you a reassuring smile, his hand moving to hold yours. "You don't have to figure it all out right now. Just know that whatever you decide, I'm here for you."
You nodded, feeling more at ease with him by your side. "I know. And I'm so glad you're here."
Tyler squeezed your hand gently. "So am I. We'll figure this out together."
As you stood there on the porch, hand in hand, you felt a sense of calm wash over you. The future might be uncertain, but with Tyler's unwavering support, you knew you could face whatever came your way.
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mika080 · 9 months
GaaSaku AO3 2023 Yearly Wrap Up
List of Fanfiction COMPLETED in 2023, on Archive of Our Own.
[I'm trying something here. Tell me if you like.💞]
Prank War by GrimmoftheQueen Gaara walks into Naruto's apartment to find Sakura planning to shove cheese and bologna under Naruto's sheets and now he's got a front row seat to the pranks the two of them play on each other. He starts helping Sakura prank Naruto and ends up hanging out with Sakura more than he thought he would
Broom Closet Diplomacy by AviumR The first time Haruno Sakura manhandled the Fifth Kazekage into the nearest broom closet, she almost caused an international incident. Or: How Sakura chipped away at the Kazekage’s self-control, one broom closet at a time.
A small Help by Carnagebrattish Sakura e Gaara tomando banho juntos numa banheira e tendo momentos doces sozinhos após ajudar Sakura. [Not English]
Secret Love Song: The Sequel by Hina5enpai Idol AU (Direct sequel/picks up right where the first book left off) Endgame: SasuHina GaaSaku NejiTen SaiIno I just want to issue a warning: This story is significantly darker than the first book. It may seem like it won't for the first half, but it WILL have a happy SasuHina/GaaSaku ending. Thanks for reading! After fainting onstage during the last concert of their first tour, Hinata feels too guilty to face her bandmates. Unfortunately, something awful happens before she can speak to them again. Left with no choice, Hinata agrees to give up everything: Sasuke Uchiha, her friends, and even her career. Despite being asked not to interfere, Sasuke refuses to sit by and watch her give up. Even if she ends up hating him, he vows to fix things. Rated M for a reason!
Morning After by FallenInDreams After a night of debauchery, he fell asleep with her in his arms, slept tangled with her in the sheets, and woke with a stupid grin on his face. Gaara was not a morning person, but this, he could get used to. Written for GaaSaku-Fanfests Month 2023 on tumblr. Prompt: Day 22 | Morning After
Demon of Desire by EmmaLouiseLovesFanfiction She just wanted to have her deepest desires fulfilled. Can't blame a girl for trying, right? Even if she didn't think it would happen. Even if she didn't believe in such things. They still seemed to believe in her. He was a figment of her imagination. Until he became real. And his desire for her was only matched by hers.
the living cage by Binxxx Konoha falls to Suna during the Chunin exam invasion, and in the aftermath, Sakura discovers who her soulmate is. Now a prisoner, Sakura laments the day the universe gifted her the idyllic nightmare she calls her soul mate, who is more a labyrinth and beast than he is a man. But he is hers, all the same. The universe gave him to her for a reason…right? AU of "Words that Tie, Ties that Bind", or a "What if Gaara had successfully kidnapped Sakura after destroying Konoha during the Chunin exams?" ↳ Written for GaaSaku FanFest 2023: Day 21: soulmate/soul bond, “what will this cost me?” Day 25: sex pollen, scent/senses, “you smell so good”. Day 26: ptsd/mental illness, bad guy wins, “save me”.
Helping Each Other by QueenHimari Gaara and Sakura have phone sex to help them endure until they can see each other again. Written for GaaSaku Month 2023, Day 8: Long-Distance Relationship.
The "Q" Word Curse by NightingaleFlow Never say the "Q" word within the walls of the hospital. You will regret it.
No More Goodbyes by RiverOfTheSand She watched them saying goodbye for the umpteenth time, wondering how dense Gaara had to be to not notice Sakura's feelings for him. The way Tsunade saw it, she had two choices: get drunk on sakē for the rest of the day, or force Sakura into confessing her undying love to the Kazekage... decisions, decisions. *post-war*
A One Month Bet by Olly_BaaBaaChan A slow-burn, AU Shippuden-era romance. Sakura is sent to Suna to train the medical team, but the Kazekage is skeptical. They make a bet to see if Sakura can single handedly improve the entire unit, but the medic team's skills are not the only thing that blossom during her stay in Suna. Rated M for a variety of reasons. Come for the heavy petting, stay for the drama of a decently crafted plotline. GaaxSaku
Consequence by RiverOfTheSand AU GaaSaku. After three years they were finally over. She was finally free to find someone who deserved her. She just wasn't quite ready for the consequence of that decision. Rated M just in case.
Reason to Breathe by RiverOfTheSand AU GaaSaku. The train stopped suddenly and she fell into his arms. Her panic had disappeared, only to be replaced by a far more pleasant sensation; and she was falling all over again.
Sandbox by mika080 A haiku of undeserving love. . Sand swirls and flowers bloom. Friendship enduring through the sands of time. Kind, serene, acceptance of love.
Dreams of Sand by mika080 Warm fingers touched him. He could still hear her through the screaming.
Phantom of the Opera by mika080 A Phantom of the Opera inspired GaaSaku retelling.
Secret Love Song by Hina5enpai SasuHina/GaaSaku IdolAU COMPLETE WITH SEQUEL IN THE WORKS! Warnings include but are not limited to: Language, Underage-Consumption, Smut, Violence, Abuse Hinata gets the chance of a lifetime with a music contract. Placed in a 4-person idol group, she's on the road to living her dreams. She foresaw an adjustment to her lifestyle. What she didn't expect was to fall head-over-heels for her bandmate: Sasuke Uchiha. ENDGAME SasuHina GaaSaku (short-term pairings throughout) MAJOR Mature Themes/Complete with a sequel in the works!
back on the run (back to the blue) by SafelyCapricious Sakura is on a diplomatic mission to Suna when the coup happens. 
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vickytokio · 1 year
Tonight's mood apparently is: looking through the same articles I've read a million times already on "how to get top surgery through your health insurance", "how much does it cost to pay for top surgery out of pocket?", "what's the process like to get top surgery through the public system?" and crying...
I used to think I didn't have dysphoria, can you believe, that? God...
I keep thinking "Hey, I've been with my psychiatrist for almost a year! One more to go and he can give me the paper I need for surgery, half way done!" but it's not true! It's been 8 out of 24 fucking months! It's a third of the way done... And that's just to get the damn paper!
The paper allows me to START the fucking process, who knows how long that will take. Could be a month, could be another year...
I double binded the other day. I had never done that before (please avoid it, kids, it's no good for you). I barely even wear my binder actually, it's always a damn fight between autism and dysphoria, but my urge to be flat won that day and no binder by itself has ever made me flat, I never had that tears-in-my-eyes moment from my first ever binder, so I said fuck it I put two on at the same time, just to see what happened. And it worked. I couldn't fucking breathe, but it worked! I actually looked almost flat for the first time since I was 10 years old...
I did again this weekend. Now that I know it's a possibility, it's very hard to resist.
I must admit, there was always a part of me that thought I was so much smarter, or more mature than some other trans people. Or that at least my self preservation instinctics were probably much stronger because I would never do those stupid things to my body, knowing they were stupid...
Well, guess I bit my thong. I can't even blame it on being a teenager, I'm well into my 30s, I'm just tired.
I somewhat get the point of the "two years of therapy before surgery", they want to make sure you understand yourself and your transition. The thing is, I wentto them when I was already sure... If I knew, I might have done my entire process of doubt and back and fort from the past 4 years there and this would be done by now, as it is, they're just dragging on something I've alredy done and I'm left looking at pictures of post-op people, and editing photos of myself, and planning my future chest tattoos, and fucking crying for something that seems so, so far away....
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chenfordspiral · 6 months
Thank you to Sarah (@queseraone), Becca (@thisnightissparkling089), and Virginia (@mamadoc) for tagging me! Sorry it took me almost a day, I was way too tired yesterday to focus on anything 😅
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 22.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 263,536 (shouldn’t come as a surprise that one story makes up more than half of it)
3. What fandoms do you write for? Solely The Rookie
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Little bit of Love I don’t wanna lose you now, or ever feels like there’s oceans between you and me the scratches gave us away it's a tie between when you’re by my side and tell me we could have it all
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! Sometimes it may take me a week or two, but I always try to take my time to respond. Well, except for that one MCD I wrote.. I don’t know why, but I just never knew how to respond to comments on that one 😅😂
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Well, the MCD mentioned above (you couldn't have loved me better). There’s simply no happy ending. (I’M SORRY)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Huh, good question. The first that came to mind was the scratches gave us away simply because it was a lot of fun to write and it’s a fun story in general. But two hearts that beat as one (our lives have just begun) has a very happy ending as well and writing it gave me all the feels about the family vibes that bind our favorite characters. To be fair, I think all my stories, except for that one, have a happy, or at least hopeful ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No! And I’m extremely grateful for it. All the positive feedback is what motivates me to keep me writing even more (aside from my own desire to write), and I wanna punch everyone for leaving hateful comments on anyone’s fic. Don’t like what you read? Well, then don’t read or just leave quietly. Shoutout to our wonderful fandom for being so lovely!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do. What kind? Idk, all or most of it I guess? 😂
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Nope. And I’m not sure I ever will because, aside from not having the urge to write one, I’m also not as invested in any other character or ship as I am with Chenford, so a crossover would be more than just a little difficult.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?  Nope! But that would be interesting, and I could even do it myself if I ever wanted to (which I don’t because ew).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I think it would be a lot of fun!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Chenford of course ♥️
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Mh, WIPs that are actually on AO3? I only have two and I’m fairly certain I’ll finish both. However long that will take..
16. What are your writing strengths? Um, is planning and plotting for months and months on end a strength or a weakness? I'm really struggling here because complimenting myself on anything has never been my strong suit.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Not knowing how to wrap up a chapter. I apparently cannot write short ones, and I’m sorry 😬 oh, and a very big one is also never truly being happy with what I write and constantly second-guessing myself. I’m working on it but it’s hard.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I think it’s perfectly okay! I don’t know if I’ll ever do that myself (even though I could but I’m not sure where I could throw in some German) but I don’t mind reading it ☺️
19. First fandom you wrote for? The Rookie!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Oh boy, that’s a toughie. I’m always inclined to say Little bit of Love, but I’ve actually had so much fun with “the scratches gave us away” cause it was just good vibes all around. But the very first one I wrote will also always have a special place in my heart just because I finally jumped over my own shadow and hit publish.
Thanks guys! I never know who to tag so "tagging" anyone who feels like doing this 🤗 no, you know what, I will tag @escapismqueen because I'm that kind of best friend.
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marilynlamantia · 3 years
How to Lose Stomach Fat Without Exercise or Dieting
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Losing weight is an extremely popular fitness goal: over half of Americans list it as important to them. Many people consider their stomachs to be especially troublesome, and research shows that visceral fat (around the internal organs) is the most dangerous to your health. While you will not achieve major weight loss without diet and exercise, there are a few things you can do to slim your stomach line without heading to the gym or starving yourself.
Method 1
Mimicking Weight Loss Temporarily
Step 1
Try tummy-control garments. There have never been more options in the undergarment industry for clothing that tighten, firm, and shapes the midsection. Made mainstream by Spanx, tummy-control garments are available in many types for people of most sizes.
Women's undergarments include tummy-control pantyhose, panties, high-waisted shorts, bodysuits, camisoles, and tank tops made of Lycra, elastic, or some combination. Most mainstream undergarment brands for women carry control top styles, but the most popular include Spanx, Soma, and TC Shaping. Buy your normal size and expect it to run small.
There are many options for men, including Spanx or Sculptees brand tank tops for men that target the abdominals. These are essentially compression shirts that whittle the appearance of the midsection. While results will vary, these companies claim their products can reduce the midsection by 3 – 5 inches (7.6 – 12.7 cm).
Step 2
Take advantage of current trends in corseting and waist training. This method involves wearing a binding garment across the abdomen. If done in moderation, corseting can create a thinner silhouette without any other lifestyle changes.
Some celebrities swear by corseting as a weight loss mechanism, and although doctors say it won't actually help you lose fat cells, it can help you lose weight by cinching in your stomach as you eat so that you don't have as much room to overeat. In addition, the fat cell can expand or shrink, according to how much fat it is storing.
Be careful about wearing these too tight or too frequently. Because they can reduce your stomach capacity, you might vomit after eating even a normal-sized meal. They can also contribute to heartburn and compress your organs.
Purchase your corset at a store with a knowledgeable sales staff, who can help you fit it correctly and learn to lace it appropriately so that it is not too tight.
Step 3
Consider a body wrap. Body wraps are spa treatments that claim to detoxify and slim the midsection. With training, these can also be done at home. While the process can vary, most involve several steps and the application of several types of body products.
The aesthetician will start by massaging and applying a body scrub to your midsection, which will then be rinsed in a shower. The body scrub will contain a variety of herbs and minerals thought to cleanse the skin of impurities and reduce the appearance of fat or cellulite.
The body will then be rubbed with a lotion or oil containing other emollients and properties.
Next, the midsection will be securely wrapped in linen, plastic, or thermal sheets, and then an electric heated blanket will be used to warm the body for about 30 minutes, which will cause sweating. This step, in particular, is thought to remove impurities and reduce the appearance of fat.
After removing the blanket and wraps, the midsection will be massaged again to increase blood flow.
While this process is not supported for weight loss, many clients feel that it reduces the appearance of stomach fat and cellulite, especially with repeated treatments. Due to the sweating process (and loss of water weight), it is not uncommon for clients to experience a loss of a couple of inches, although this will be temporary.
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Step 4
Reduce your water weight. The body can retain water for various reasons, giving a bloated appearance, particularly around the waist. Reducing water weight will temporarily slim the waistline.
Hydrate. In many cases, water retention is the body's effort to prevent dehydration when you are not taking in enough water per day. This is especially true in hotter months. Be sure you are drinking at least eight 8-oz glasses of hydrating fluids a day (or 2 liters), which will help flush out your system and reduce bloating and puffiness.
Reduce your sodium intake. Excess salt causes the body to retain water. Processed foods and restaurant foods are the major sources of sodium for the average American. These foods account for about 75% of the sodium in the diet. You should consume no more than 1,500 mg of sodium per day, which is a little over 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
Reduce your alcohol and coffee consumption. These drinks are known to cause dehydration, which can cause water retention in the body (as the body struggles to hold onto whatever water it can).
Method 2
Changing Your Lifestyle
Step 5
Avoid swallowing air. This might seem like a strange suggestion, but swallowed air is one of the biggest causes of bloating, which contributes to a rounder midsection. Simply reducing the amount of air you swallow throughout the day can trim down your tummy measurements.
Avoid carbonated beverages, even those with zero calories like carbonated water. Beverages with air in them fill your abdomen with air, which causes a bloated appearance.
Avoid smoking. Smokers who inhale smoke also tend to swallow it, which bloats their stomachs.
Avoid chewing gum and talking while eating. Both of these habits lead to swallowed air.
Step 6
Practice good posture. Changing the way you carry yourself and sit won't make stomach fat disappear, but it will make you look slimmer by helping your body fat distribute properly across the torso rather than gathering at the midsection. Try to keep your upper body straight, your shoulders pulled back, and your head high.
When you sit, your buttocks should touch the back of your chair, and all three normal back curves should be present in your back (meaning a small towel or washcloth rolled up should fit above your buttocks)
When you stand, keep your shoulders back, pull in your stomach, and keep your feet about a hip-width apart.
If you're willing to do a little exercise, movements that strengthen your core and back can make it easier to maintain your posture while tightening up the muscles around your midsection. Try adding a few light crunches and easy back exercises to your schedule as you improve your posture.
Step 7
Get enough sleep. Sleeping doesn't burn fat on its own, but it is a crucial part of weight loss efforts. This is mainly because sleep deprivation (not getting enough sleep) makes most aspects of weight loss more difficult. When you aren't well-rested, it's hard to motivate yourself to get up and move. It's also hard to control cravings: you're more likely to act on impulses to eat junk food when you're already drained of energy
While everyone's sleep needs are different, the majority of adults need about seven to nine hours per night. Children and elderly people tend to need more.
Step 8
Find a fitness-positive support network. Surrounding yourself with people who are committed to healthy living can help you live healthier. Hanging out with health-conscious people gives you more opportunities to participate in activities that lead to weight loss. Make an effort to spend time with people who enjoy hobbies that promote healthy living, like walking, sports, cycling, nutritious home cooking, and so on. Limit your time with people who have unhealthy hobbies like eating junk food, binge drinking, and watching hour after hour of television.
If you don't have anyone in your family or circle of friends who is interested in health-conscious activities, don't be afraid to make new contacts. Join an intramural sports team or start participating in pickup games at your local park. Take a healthy cooking course or join a spin class at your local community center. There are many healthy ways to meet people — it's up to you!
Step 9
Start tracking your weight. Some nutrition experts suggest that having an accurate idea of your own weight can promote healthy living.[14] Keeping track of your weight forces you to think healthy — if the numbers on the scale start to go up, you'll know that it's time to reconsider your habits.
A person's weight can fluctuate by as much as 10 pounds from day to day. To get an accurate average, measure yourself at the same time every day (like right after you get up). At the end of the week, add up your measurements and divide by seven. The number you get will be close to your "true" average weight.
Why is it important to have good sitting posture when you're trying to minimize stomach fat?
Method 3
Changing Your Eating Habits
Step 10
Drink plenty of water. If you drink soda, sports drinks, flavored coffees with sugar and cream, or other high-calorie beverages throughout the day, try replacing them with water. You'll get the same level of hydration and fullness while cutting down on your calories. Keep it up and you can achieve mild weight loss without any extra effort.
The health benefits of water are well-documented. Drinking water energizes muscles, keeps skin looking healthy and clear, and provides a boost of energy. Best of all, it's zero-calorie, so you can drink as much as you want. See our tips on working water into your daily schedule for more great ideas.
Don't be fooled into swapping soda for fruit juice, which is full of calories. The process of juicing removes all the healthy fiber from fruit and leaves nothing but sugar behind. Stick with water or zero-calorie flavored waters for the most tummy-friendly hydration.
Step 11
Eat smaller meals more frequently. Instead of three large meals a day, try eating several smaller meals of a few hundred calories. This can reset your hunger cues so that you will know when you are actually hungry versus eating out of habit.
One convenient way to reduce your portion sizes is simply to use a smaller plate. Smaller plates can make the same amount of food appear larger due to something called the Delboeuf illusion.[18] You're essentially "tricking" your brain into being satisfied with less food.
Step 12
Measure out each serving of food. Don't trust your eyes to tell you how much to eat — instead, use your brain. With recent trends in commercial cuisine tending towards large portions, many people now have a distorted idea of what a normal portion of food looks like. Use measuring cups and the information on the "Nutrition Facts" section of your food's packaging to ensure you eat one serving at a time. You may even want to invest in a simple food scale.
Many common foods have serving sizes that are easy to visually memorize. A few common examples are below (you can view more here):
Vegetables and fruit: about the size of your fist
Meat, fish, or poultry: about the size of your palm (minus the fingers)
Cheese or fatty spreads: about the size of your thumb
Carbohydrates (rice, pasta, etc.): about the size of a cupcake wrapper
Step 13
Eat breakfast. Many Americans skip breakfast and then overcompensate for their resulting hunger by overeating at lunch and dinner.
Ensure that your breakfast contains at least one item from three food groups: dairy, fruit, and grains.
If you are on a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, you could have eggs and cheese. The important thing is that food intake in the morning actually gets your metabolism going, and you do not remain in the fasting state
A healthy breakfast for a 150-pound adult is about 300 – 400 calories.
Step 14
Make smart food choices. A healthy diet is more friendly to the waistline than a non-healthy one, even if the calorie content is the same. It's both possible and essential to still eat healthy when you're not dieting.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead of processed snacks. Processed foods have added preservatives, artificial ingredients, and are often full of carbohydrates, sugar, and fat. Fresh foods give you more nutrition per calorie than processed, carbohydrate-heavy snack foods like chips or crackers. Processed foods also tend to contain more salt, which retains fluid and can lead to excess weight stored around the midsection.
Never snack directly out of the bag or carton. One study found that people given a large bucket of popcorn ate 44% more popcorn than those given smaller buckets. It's much easier to overeat when a large portion of food is in front of you. Instead, pour one serving of the snack into a bowl, then put the package away.
Step 15
Keep your portions under control when you eat away from home. Controlling portions at home when you sit down for a meal is often easier than at a restaurant, where portions sizes for one meal often contain the recommended calories for one person for an entire day, or at a friend's house, where you cannot control what goes into the meal. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to control your portion size in places where you don't have perfect control over your food:
Plan what you will order ahead of time. Many restaurants have websites with complete nutritional information for their menus, so you can make a smart choice before you even leave your house.
When you're at a restaurant, ask the waiter to bring a takeout container at the same time as your food. Measure out one portion, then put the rest in the container right away. You'll be less tempted to mindlessly continue eating as you talk with your companions.
When dining at another person's house, don't be afraid to ask for a small portion. This way you can clean your plate, instead of leaving a portion of food behind and potentially offending your host.
When shopping, pick individually-sized foods, rather than foods that come in large containers. For instance, instead of buying a carton of ice cream, pick up a package of popsicles or ice cream sandwiches.
Step 16
Switch to foods that leave you feeling fuller longer. When it comes to reducing your tummy line, it's not all about how much you eat, but also what you eat that counts. Certain foods give short "bursts" of energy and satisfaction, but leave you hungry before your next meal. Instead of these foods, focus on alternatives that offer long-term satisfaction.
Filling foods that offer longer periods of satisfaction include whole-grain bread, rice, and pasta, oats, nuts, water, lean meats and fish, eggs, green vegetables, beans, and legumes.
Non-filling foods include sodas, processed snack foods, "white" bread, rice, and pasta, candy, and starches.
Step 17
Eat slowly. When you eat quickly, you can swallow a surprising amount of food before you start to feel full and satisfied. On the other hand, eating slowly gives you plenty of time to feel full and stop eating before you've consumed more calories than you need. There is even evidence that this can promote the release of specific hormones that are responsible for the feeling of fullness in the brain.
Take time to eat your food. Concentrate on chewing each bite 10 – 20 times and take sips of water between each bite. Set the fork or spoon down between each bite. If you can, eat with someone else so you can pause to chat during your meal.
Try setting a timer for 20 – 30 minutes at the start of your meal. Pace yourself so that you don't take the last bite until the timer goes off.
When you finish your food, take a break from eating, even if you still feel a little hungry. Give your body a chance to register as having a full stomach, which can sometimes take a while. Only help yourself to seconds if you still feel hungry after another half an hour.
Step 18
Eat-in peaceful, quiet locations. Research suggests that eating in relaxing environments leads people to eat less overall. On the other hand, eating in loud, busy, chaotic environments can lead to over-eating. While the root cause isn't certain, this may be because these sorts of situations distract from feelings of fullness by creating mild anxiety.
One common cause for rushed, panicked eating is being late to school or work. Fixing this is a matter of adjusting your schedule. Consider getting up earlier so you have a chance to enjoy a relaxed breakfast before you leave.
Step 19
Record your meals. Merely keeping track of what you eat can be an enlightening experience. You may be surprised to learn that you normally eat more than you think you do. Try writing your meals and snacks in a notebook you carry with you every day. Be sure to note the number of servings you eat for each as well as the calorie content per serving.
There are also a variety of free websites and apps that make it convenient to keep track of your daily food choices.
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker x Reader - “Ashes”
After The Joker’s daughter accidentally drowned, his relationship with Y/N fell apart: they were guilty of failing to protect what they loved, blaming each other and themselves to the point of no return. The sole palpable proof of Emma existence is her ashes encapsulated in glass pendants her parents wear and that’s hardly a memento able to help in such a difficult situation. Ashes are not meant to bring people together.
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“Happy Birthday, Pumpkin Pie,” The Joker grumbles. “Here’s Charlie: I thought you would like to see him,” he places the purple hippo on Emma’s headstone.
Today his daughter would have been 4 years old. Instead of the usual party filled with laughter and presents he’s at “Eternal Peace” cemetery early in the morning for a different kind of festivity.
J never celebrated birthdays before yet once she showed up in his life the anniversary got a fresh new meaning: Y/N ensured that The King of Gotham was aware of how lucky they both were to have her. And he did learn to care about that tiny being he created who first called him something similar to “dada”, then a cute “da’y” and finally the word he craved to hear every single day until she was gone: “daddy.”
Being a father thought him a couple of things, but the most important was quite stunning: the index finger from his right hand wasn’t only meant for using a trigger; it was also his child’s soother.
Emma would keep it prisoner when she slept from an early age; of course all babies do it although in this case it didn’t go away once she got older.
And he misses that…
A lot.
Actually, he would give up on a robbery or anything that involves him holding a gun if she could clutch to his finger one more time.
That’s how much he misses The Princess.
“Sir, sorry to interrupt,” Frost gets him out of trance. “There’s movement at the South gate. We have to go…”
J snatches the plush animal and follows Jonny on a path behind the crypts when a woman walking on the alley leading to Emma’s grave catches his attention: although she has a red wig and sunglasses on, her disguise doesn’t fool him. It’s Y/N.
She’s carrying a small cake and intensely stares at the pavement, unaware of her surroundings.
The Joker can’t really tell what she’s doing once in front of the tomb, nevertheless he guesses she’s singing “Happy Birthday” while wiping the tears strolling down her cheeks.
He didn’t see Y/N in about 4 months. They went to the cabin by Moon Lake after Emma’s drowning and things were so rough he left immediately. She never followed, called or texted.
J didn’t either.
Why bother? They were guilty of failing to protect what they loved, blaming each other and themselves to the point of no return.
Today is extremely difficult to deal with, especially since the catalyst binding them vanished forever.
The sole palpable proof of Emma existence is her ashes encapsulated in glass pendants her parents wear and that’s hardly a memento able to help in such a difficult situation.
Ashes are not meant to bring people together.
After 2 Hours
“Hi,” The King of Gotham drags his feet on the porch and takes a sit on the chair next to yours.
“Hi…” you whisper, surprised to spot him after such a long absence.
Complete silence, then he utters:
“I’m here for the cake,” he points at the sweet treat resting on the wood table: vanilla- strawberry combo, your daughter’s favorite.
“Are you?”
“Yeah, I crave the taste…”
You lean over and cut two slices, sharing Emma’s birthday cake with her dad. It’s really painful to swallow the morsels knowing your baby can’t; it seems J is in the same boat.
“I can’t make anybody happy…” The Clown mumbles under his breath and the randomness of his statement makes you wonder what’s going on in his mind.
“Me neither… Sweet Pea was happy, wasn’t she? She was a happy kid…”
The Joker moves his plate towards you, hissing:
“She was and she would still be with us if instead of flirting you would have watched her!”  
“… … W- what?!...” you glare at him, astonished he has the nerve to pop up and hurt you in such a manner. “Since when talking to somebody is flirting?! Where were you, huh? Where were you??? In your goddamn office plotting more schemes in order to get more money because nothing is enough!” you raise your voice and burst out crying in the next second. “She was ours to protect, the only treasure that mattered! I just… I just took my eyes off her for a few moments, I had no idea my baby was drowning in that pool …” you keep sobbing at the horrible memory, heartbroken. “I could have save her…Why didn’t I…?…”
The Joker can’t understand what you’re saying anymore, yet he doesn’t reply to your accusations or remorseful confessions.
How could he?
He’s equally responsible for Emma’s demise but it’s easier to attack her mother.
You abruptly get up and rush inside the cottage, abandoning J to his own demons. He doesn’t know if he should bail or stay, thus he continues to gaze at the lake numb to everything.
Still… The quietness is becoming unbearable so he finally gathers the strength to stand up and search for you.
“Y/N?...” he shouts. “Where are you?”
Silly question since the cabin is a little area with a kitchen/living room combo, one bedroom and bathroom: easy to find what you’re looking for.
No response but the shower is on which queues him Y/N must be there.
The Joker approaches the bathtub, unwilling to remove the curtain and talk to you face to face.
“It was my fault too…” he admits a fact that tormented him since the accident. “I should have kept an eye on her… I couldn’t predict she’ll sneak out to play by the swimming pool… I would give away a fortune if I could fix it… Do you believe me?...”
You sniffle and cover your mouth, trying to avoid his trap: if you engage, he will probably bite more and that’s the last thing you need.
“I have Charlie in the car; I thought you might want him tonight,” J reveals the true purpose of his visit. “Drop him off tomorrow at 3pm, I’ll be at the warehouse on 17Th Street. You can’t have the toy, it belongs in her room…”
You hear his steps receding and gasp for air, completely crushed by despair: the agony of grief is stronger than any consolation a stupid purple hippo could offer.
But it was Emma’s favorite and The Joker is willing to share a token of what you both lost; now that you think about it… you really missed Charlie…
Next Day, 2:05pm
“Where’s everybody?” you mutter whilst entering the code at the gates. Usually there are at least 8 henchmen guarding the fence and no sign of them so far. You drive up the unpaved alley, curiously checking out the landscape: same trees, bushes and trucks you’re familiar with, except you can’t discern a single goon patrolling the perimeter.
You honk to get the crew’s assistance without any success and you wonder if The Joker tricked you; I mean, you should have seen it coming: he is probably attempting one of his convoluted strategies to punish you for the tragic past.
You stop in front of the building, intrigued to notice it appears deserted.
Suddenly, a powerful blast shakes the ground and you watch part of the roof collapsing on the north side; a few windows shatter also.
You jump out of the car, totally confused at the strange occurrence.
“Hello?” you yell. “J???”
There’s smoke coming out of the opened metal door and you hesitantly walk in the warehouse, coughing at the suffocating odor.
“J?...” you scream. “J!!!!!”
A faint knock in the distance prompts your attention.
“J??” you run towards the source of the noise only to find him under rubble next to the south entrance. “Oh my God!” you kneel by his feet buried under bricks. “What happened?!” The Queen frantically removes debris as he groans in pain.
“Explosives, that’s what happened. Shit, I think I fucked up my legs!”
“Where are the guys??!!” you inquire, managing to free his feet enough for him to move.
“I gave them the day off,” The Joker’s explanation puzzles Y/N. “Hurry up, please!! Another detonation will follow shortly!”
“Jesus Christ!” you quicken the pace and push the last bricks out of the way. “Can you stand?”
J rolls on his side, unable to comply.
“No, you’ll have to haul me out of here!”
“Come on!” you place your hands under his underarms and start pulling. “The exit is right there!”
You huff while straining to get to safety as The Clown aims to aid by lifting his body off the ground as much as he can.
“Behind the truck!” he urges once you’re out of the premises and you barely have time to hide behind the vehicle when a second bang levels half of the construction.
“This didn’t go according to plan,” J admits in a low tone, panting a storm after the ordeal.
You asses his wounds, pressing on the ankle and he immediately growls.
“The bone’s fractured,” you wipe your sweaty forehead.  “What plan?”
“It’s actually your fault for all of this; I told you to swing by at 3 o’clock. You’re early!”
“You were supposed to come when I told you then boom! Before you reached the building it would go up in flames: you would flip thinking that I’m dead and then I’ll show up and ask you to come back home. You would be so excited to see I’m alive you couldn’t refuse. Yet you ruined everything: you appeared out of nowhere, I panicked and messed up: you know I’m not good with this stuff!!”
You can’t even process the plot he’s throwing your way.
“What kind of plan…”
“I just told you I’m not good at this stuff,” he interrupts. “You know I’m not.”
You touch your chest, baffled at the ridiculous story.
“My pendant!” you exclaim when you realize the chain is not around your neck anymore. “It’s gone!” Y/N desperately searches the grass. “My baby, where’s my baby?” you part the green lawn on the verge of crying. “I can’t find my pendant! Maybe I dropped it the building,” you whimper and prepare to flee when J grabs your jeans, firmly holding on.
“Don’t go; the poles might cave in and whatever is left standing will squash you!!”
You don’t comprehend why he’s so worked up and his plea catches you off guard:
“Don’t go! I’ll give you half my ashes, ok?”
The Queen debates on The King’s proposal, conflicted by his candid offer.
After all, if ashes tear people apart, how come they can’t bring them back together?
You can also follow me on Ao3 and wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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lynelovespopculture · 4 years
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“No! Oh dark mother, please, no!” Faustus Spellman jolted up in bed, pushing the bedspread off his naked chest which now heaved up and down with heavy breaths.  Faustus was unaware of just how sweaty he was until he buried his face in his hands.
“Honey? What is it? What’s wrong?”
Faustus looked up to see his Zelda, in her eyes he saw concern for him. “Zelda, come no closer! Don’t make me hurt you more! Please, I beg of you, stay away!” Faustus moved from middle of the bed to the end. 1 moment he felt the mattress beneath his hand, another moment there was only air. Faustus prepared himself for the fall, only it never came, for Zelda had rushed to his side, pulled him up and in an effort to comfort him, tried to put his head on her chest, which made him very confused. He fought her. “Zelda!  Get away from me while you can!”
Still, Zelda was worried. “Darling? Hush now, can’t you see that you just had another nightmare?!”
Faustus shook his head. “It wasn’t,” He insisted. “It was too real this time.”
Zelda tried again. “What did you dream about? Walk me through it, all that you can remember.”
Faustus sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. “It was like no time had passed. I was struck inside Blackwood, who of course, trying to hurt you and the coven. I just can’t escape it, can I? I truly am evil!”
“Try to focus, Faustus. Please tell me what happened.”
“I founded another church. The Church of the Night Pilgrims.”
Zelda shook her head. “There is no such church. I would know, as an ordained high priestess, I have a current list of all the world’s covens. I can show it to you if like.”
“I won Mary Wardwell to my cause!” He said firmly.
“Impossible for 2 reasons!” Zelda’s reply was just as firm. “Mary Wardwell would never abandon her faith that easily and secondly, you never properly meet that mortal, only once when you with stuck in Blackwood.”
“I freed the Eldritch Terrors.  I did!” He insisted when Zelda only sighed.  “All 8 of them, the darkness, the uninvited, the weird, the perverse, the cosmic, the return, the endless and the void. I also almost ruined Hilda’s wedding with the uninvited.”
Zelda pleaded gently by putting her hands on his chest. “You have warned us about the Terrors ever since you spilt from the curse. We have taken all the precautions but not 1 terror has shown up yet. It’s been 13 years and waiting.  You didn’t ruin Hilda’s wedding. You escorted her down the aisle after saving her groom from armed robbers. The 2 of you have been best friends ever since remember? Darling, please, you have to stop!”
But Faustus couldn’t stop; He was afraid if he stopped talking, he would give into the tears that were just below the surface and then he would never be dried eyed again. “Oh, and Lilith gave birth to a boy and called him Adam.”
“Easy fix. Lilith’s son is named Alexander and shortly after his birth, she met a man called Adam who was working for Emperor Blackwood. You just got your wires crossed on that 1.”
Rather than calm down, Faustus stiffened. “Oh goddess! Emperor Blackwood! Even if I had the power, why would I go around arresting witches? It makes no sense! For goddess’s sake, I’m a witch myself! And why would I spent so much time and energy to get rid of Sabrina? She’s such a sweet girl and we have made our peace.”
Zelda listened patiently. “Yes, I agree with you about Sabrina, but I have no idea what else you’re talking about. Blackwood took the title of Emperor when he stole Elizabeth’s throne, not you. As for arresting witches, well, my love, that simply never happened.”
“What of the weird sisters?” Faustus demanded.
“They’re fine,” Zelda assured him.  “Prudence, Dorcus and Agatha are all fine.”
“No. Agatha was insane and was murdered by Prudence and Dorcus.”
“You cured Agatha of her insanity years ago and then all was forgiven, for her and for you.”
“And the other sisters?”
“What other sisters?” Asked a confused Zelda.
“Well, for 1, Rosalind Walker.”
“What?! Rosalind is a seer, not a witch. Never was, never will be.”
“And Mambo Marie? Or Baron S-something, as he turned out to be. He was a lord of the underworld, who was still in love with you.”
“What? Poppycock! Mambo Marie is still living in New Orleans. We know that because she got married last month. Prudence went to the wedding and we sent her off with a gift. Hecate, Faustus, you signed the card. We all did! I just got a lovely thank you card from Marie and her new wife the other day. Anyway, it doesn’t matter because I love you.”
“Well, you shouldn’t!” Faustus jumped away from the bed and from Zelda’s gentle touch. The tears finally started to fall. “I killed Sabrina! Or I helped her to her death when I tried to sacrifice her to the void so I could have it power for myself. You tricked me which made me blind and later, Prudence took a chainsaw, cut off my limbs and buried them at the 4 corners of the world and you were both right to do it!”
Zelda calmly got off the bed and went to her husband. “I don’t know what the void is, but I do know that Sabrina is fine. Yes, she is!” Zelda stressed when Faustus shook his head violently. “In fact, right before I came back in here to check on you, I just off the phone with her. Sabrina just got final approval for her new office and she wanted me to thank you.”
“Sabrina thank me? Whatever for?!”
“Perhaps because you helped her find the place? Or because you co-signed for the loan. Or because you gave the idea to be a therapist in the 1st place?”
“I did?”
“You did.” Zelda confirmed. “What about the other things you said? Are you blind now?”
“Only by my tears.” Faustus mumbled.
Zelda gently wiped his eyes for him. There. Now, what do you see?”
“What I always see when I look at you. The most beautiful woman, witch or mortal, in all the realms.” Zelda smiled at him and it would have been so damn easy to give in. Faustus wanted so badly to believe he could be this great guy who would live with this goddess who had owned his heart forever.  He leaned in to kiss her but turned away at the last second. “No! I can’t! If I can dream all this, then I must still be dangerous.”
“Faustus- “
“Zelda, I’m going to leave now and you must promise me that if you ever even hear the name of Faustus Blackwood, you will run the other way!”
“Alright, I will.”
It broke his heart completely to hear her agree but it was for best. However, he only half turned before he felt Zelda’s hand on his arm.
“You know; Faustus Blackwood no longer exists. You are Faustus Spellman and this” Zelda leaned over and took a framed picture from the nightstand. “is Faustus Spellman’s family, taken not even 2 weeks ago.”
Faustus looked at the photo. They were all there. Him, Zelda, Hilda, Dr. C, Sabrina, Ambrose, Prudence, the twins, Judith and Ju-no, their names were LJ and Jake now. They were all smiling and happy. Then Faustus saw a face that was not in his dream at all. “Cordelia?”
“Of course, Cordelia.” Zelda smiled. “Our 12-year-old is probably downstairs right now, eating cereal and watching TV, like she does every Sunday. I love you, and I won’t let you throw away 13 years of your hard work to be mentally well. It was all a dream, Faustus. It means nothing. Everything’s fine. I really hate that it’s been over a decade and Edward’s curse still has the ability to haunt you like this.”
Faustus couldn’t quite hide a little smile. He was touched beyond words how Zelda thought of it as Edward’s curse, not his own. Still, he wasn’t sure. “How can I know that this isn’t the dream?” Faustus wondered. “What if I’m still stuck inside Blackwood?” That thought terrified him.
“Blackwood has been gone and buried for the last 12 years. Still, if you have to be convince that this isn’t a dream.”
“Ow,” Yet he smiled when Zelda pinched him.
His wife raised her eyebrow. “Not enough? Okay.” Zelda leaned forward and kissed him deeply.
During the kiss, Faustus felt Zelda unbuttoning his shirt. “What are you doing?”
“Checking,” Zelda said matter of fact. “Earlier you mentioned Prudence cut your limbs off. If that actually happened, you would have scars.” She lowered his shirt and kissed around his shoulders. “No scars here. Wait, I need to check on something.”
“Where are you going?”
“On the night we buried Blackwood, I had to save your life with a binding spell. Which means that if you have a mark on your body, I have it on mine as well.”  Zelda explained as she went to look in the mirror.
Faustus came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her middle. “I was beheaded too, but your neck seems fine.”  He gently brushed her hair aside and began kissing her neck.
“What about my shoulders?”
Faustus was still kissing her neck when he tugged off Zelda’s silk robe and let it fall to the floor. Then 1 at a time, he pulled down the straps of her nightgown. “Nothing here,” he reported. He claimed her lips with his own and then kissed her brow. “You know; I did say all 4 limbs.” Zelda felt a delightful shiver as Faustus let her nightgown fall to the floor. His long arms felt the front of her until he got to the limbs of her thighs. His fingers made quick work of her underwear, letting them fall as well. “You are perfection.” He whispered as he touched the most secret part of her.
As soon as she was able, Zelda turned around. “Now that I’m all checked out, let’s finish with you.” The pretense was dropped entirely after that, just like Faustus’s pants. They tumbled backwards onto the bed, clinging tightly to each other as they made love.
“I love you, Zelda.”
“I love you, Faustus.”
Faustus fell asleep quickly after their lovemaking. It was no surprise to Zelda. After all that dreaming in the night, he must have gotten very little rest. She kissed his forehead and whispered, “Sleep long, sleep sound. Let no more dreams come around.” Happy with her spell, Zelda got up, got dressed and started the phone calls.
 Faustus awoke to the sounds of a busy kitchen. 1 look at the clock told him he had slept the day away. Just taking a shower and getting dressed made him feel better. He went downstairs and the 1st thing he saw was the weird sisters, who were setting the table.
Prudence looked up first. Although Faustus felt weary, her eyes and her smile were welcoming. “Hello, Father.”
“Hello, Mr. Spellman.” Agatha and Dorcus said together, in that unique weird sister way.
It was oddly comforting. “Hello, girls.” Faustus was still smiling when he felt a pat on his back.
He looked beside him to see Dr.  C. “Hey buddy! Zelda called and said you had a rough night. We thought a nice family dinner would make you feel better.”
Faustus remained speechless but he walked into the kitchen with Dr. C. Then he saw the steel wrist band on Dr. C’s arm. “You still have the incubus?”
“Of  course. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Uh…never mind.”
They reached the kitchen where he saw more Spellmans readying dinner. Well, most of them. Ambrose was leaning against the island, casually reading a book and dipping his free hand into a food bowl, until LJ slapped his hand away.
“Father! You’re finally up, sleepyhead!” Jake tossed him a teasing smile as he carried the chopped carrots to the stove and dropped them into the pot that Hilda was stirring.
“Hey Dad,” the child’s comment was casual as she walked by him, carrying a side dish, bound for the dinning table. However, Faustus had to reach out and touch her, afraid she would disappear right before his eyes.
“Cordelia!  You’re real!”
Her face, exactly like Zelda’s, clouded over in confusion. “Thanks? So are you?”
He watched her walk away and for the 1st time, Faustus thought that perhaps Zelda was right, perhaps it all had been just a dream! Then Faustus saw something that made his heart drop into his stomach. A very   much alive Vinegar Tom got off his dog bed and went to his food bowl. Of course, he had no problem with the dog being alive. Heaven, when he first heard of the familiar’s death, his gut instinct was to run and comfort Zelda, yet he couldn’t because he was still married to Constance at the time. No, the problem was that Tom’s life was Marie’s final gift before returning to the underworld. If that part of the dream was real surely everything else was real too.
Faustus was still trying to sort fact from fiction when an arm came around his waist and Zelda kissed him. “Feeling better, darling?”
“Vinegar Tom is alive?”
“Don’t you remember?”
“Humor me, dearest, please?” Faustus begged.
“Well,” Zelda’s voice lowered to a whisper. “As you know, I cried hardest for Tom on his birthday and you always do your best to comfort me. But 3 years ago, when she was 9, Cordy must have heard us for later, when we went downstairs, we found her petting Tom’s stuffed form.”
“Yes!” The memory struck Faustus’s brain like lighting. “I managed to get Cordelia out of the room, but you called me back a moment later, Vinnie was alive. We didn’t know how to explain it to Cordy, so you kept Tom at the academy for a few weeks. When Vinnie came back, we told Cordelia that he was a new dog, named Vinegar Tom as tribute.”
“Yes! That’s exactly what happened.”
Faustus was smiling at his wife when his feet felt warm. He looked down to see Vinnie sitting on his shoes. He picked up   the dog and, together with Zelda, petted him. “I’m glad you have your soul mate back.”
“I’m glad I have both my soul mates back.”
“You said that to me before. The night VT came back.”
 5 minutes later,  with everyone around the table, Faustus finally realized who was  missing. G  He was about ask when the front door opened.
“Hi all. Sorry I’m late.”
Before he realized he was doing it, Faustus ran to her and hugged her. “Sabrina!”
“Hi Uncle Faustus. Nice to see you too.”
“Your tongue! For the love of Hecate, please show me your tongue!”
“O-okay.” Sabrina spit out her tongue.
“Pink and normal. Yes!”
“What’s with him?” Asked Sabrina.
Zelda came up behind her husband. “Your uncle had an awful dream last night. I’m afraid he’s still recovering.”
“Oh, well, don’t worry, it’s just a dream.” Sabrina kissed his cheek.
Faustus was still feeling his cheek when Zelda took his hand and led him back to the table. “1 more question, have any of you ever felt like you ever on a tv show?”
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kkeidawrites · 4 years
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Here’s Part 5! Please comment and like and reblog!
The first strike was made by Trevor, as the man snapped his whip to hit the dhampir in the face. But, even when struck, Alucard’s reaction gave Trevor, a weird vibe. It was like the feeling of pain didn’t exist, all the whip did was make his head turn to the left. Blood, cascaded down the left side of his face and Trevor raised both whips again and charged at the golden haired man.
Raising his hand Alucard used his telepathy to raise Trevor in the air and fling his body into one of the pillars in the courtroom. With his quick reflexes, Trevor twists his body to land his feet on the pillar and used the soles of his feet and bounce off the pillar and give him enough time to have his leather whip wrap around Alucard’s leg.
Finally, landing on his feet, Trevor pulls the wrapped leather and is able to trip the dhampir and then twirl the whip to wrap around his neck. Alucard again made no move to try and stop him, as Trevor continued to wrap his whip around his entire being.
“It seems you’re not in a talking mood,” Trevor grunted as he continued to wrap his whip around Alucard.
“Usually, you have a lot of shit to say, vampire.” he continued to taunt. Even though the two didn’t get along, they have a mutual respect with one another, and what Trevor was witnessing, quite disturbed him. The Alucard that he spent travelling with is a completely different person right now. He was not in a good place right now.
When he felt that his whip was wrapped tight around the half vampire, he pulled on the slack of the whip, to hold him there.
“This whip has been blessed by Holy Water, your skin will begin to burn, is this how you want things to end, vampire?!” Trevor bellowed at Alucard. Again he said nothing to Trevor.
“To die like a coward?! Is this what you want to be remembered by? What about the people who care about you? What about Esmé?!” he continued to fuss and something inside of Alucard snapped. 
The memories from all those months ago came rushing back to him, even that night...that night when he betrayed by humans he thought he could trust.
That night’s events kept replaying in his mind, and Alucard’s eyes went red as he roared out an angered cry, startling Trevor. The sound of skin burning grew in volume as the vampire, moved his bound hand to grab the whip. Pulling the leather over his torso, Alucard was able to free his upper body and was able to wrap the whip around his wrist. The look he gave Trevor was an unsettling one.
“Fuck.” Trevor swore.
“There was one night, when he came to my cell...he was wearing a long sleeved shirt but, it was thin enough for me to see...these markings...they looked like they hadn’t healed properly. He would even grunt whenever he walked as if he was being burned, and the way his eyes are so distant whenever he would stare at me...it’s like he was...somewhat hesitant.” Esmé told Sypha, and the Speaker magician felt her friend’s pain. 
Sypha couldn’t help but feel guilty about leaving Alucard alone after the defeat of Dracula, she should have known that he was grieving and leaving him alone was not a good idea. Even Esmé knew it was not a good idea, after the first few days, there was this weird ache in her chest, a gnawing feeling that something was wrong.
“We will help him,” Sypha grabbed her hands and squeezed them in reassurance.
“But you cannot fight, you must have been fighting Alucard for hours, I’m surprise to see you still standing.” Sypha said.
“No, I have to go back!” Esmé said stubbornly, standing to her feet. With such quick action, Esmé grabbed the side of the wagon, feeling the exhaustion take it’s toll Sypha frowned sadly.
“I’m sorry, but, you can’t risk going back in there! Alucard’s not in the right mind to be around any humans.” The sound of glass breaking made Sypha turn her attention back to the castle. She needed to help Trevor. She then looked to where the Belmont Estate once stood and she turned back to a panting Esmé.
“Esmé, for your safety, you need to go to the Belmont Hold and hide there. Alucard is willing to get you back and we can’t let that happen.” Sypha told the woman who looked up at her with bewilderment.
“What?! You can’t be serious!” Esmé said as Sypha used her powers to bring out the water that was left in the pouch. The water wrapped around Esmé and Sypha quickly hardened it to ice and bind her arms to her sides. Esmé looked at Sypha in shock.
“Sypha! You can’t do this!” Esmé struggled to move her arms against the ice and Sypha began to push her towards the Belmont Hold.
“I’m sorry Esmé,” she said taking a peek at the castle once more as she continued pushing Esmé towards the old estate.
“But, this is for the best.”
End of Part 5
1// 2// 3// 4// 5// 6// 7// 8// 9// 10//
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delldarling · 4 years
My 2020 Tumblr Top 10
Holy heck, today is a Posting Day and what better way to shuck off last years trappings than looking back on some good stuff?? 
1). courting | tal male mershark x female reader 400 words sfw | flirting, a single kiss For a split second, you think you’re going to be pulled into the depths. It’s what any human would think, having two great hands burst from the water to grab hold of you. Fingers curl around the back of your neck, leaving you too frightened to even yelp and then- You blink, frozen in absolute shock when he lets go of you, flashing you a wide grin full of shark teeth.  305 notes - May 21 2020
2). first sight | cadrem male orc x female reader 400 words lemon | fluff, sexual tension, nipping and sucking fingers Cadrem’s thumb keeps stroking slowly over your lower lip, his hazel eyes following the path like he’s afraid something will change, like you might vanish from the bed, right out from under his hands. He pauses when you smile though, lifting his gaze from your mouth and gifting you with a wry smile of his own. “Serious thoughts?” You ask, leaning into the hand cradling your face, letting your eyes fall closed as he starts the motion all over again. You won’t tell him to stop, but you’re rather tempted to nip at the digit, just to distract him from whatever worries are piling up in the back of his head. “I’ve loved you from the moment I first set eyes upon you,” he says quietly, and your eyes fly open, lips parting. 266 notes - May 9 2020
3). missed chances | disios merman x gender/body neutral reader 2k words sfw | mutual pining, mild resolved angst, kissing It isn’t the first time this has happened, but the look of fear on his face makes you think this might actually be the last.  232 notes - Jan 21 2020
4). charting dreams | spiros male deity x female reader 5k words lemon | dream sex, creampie, hints of future angst There are… Way more books on the subject than you thought there would be. Which is good! Being able to compare information will help you find one that works well for you, but honestly? It’s kind of depressing that none of them have that old-world magic-looking binding. Just once you were kind of hoping that you might stumble onto something tangible and magical outside your dreams. If you can, you’re going to complain about the lack of embossed covers and fancy sounding titles when you see him again. If you see him again. 212 notes - Jan 15 2020
5). caught | iason merman x gender neutral reader 400 words sfw | hurt & comfort, minor description of injuries In retrospect, announcing your presence when trying to help someone that’s afraid and in pain? Is kind of important.  200 notes - May 27 2020
6). adventurer | heren male dragon x gender neutral reader 400 words lime-ish | purely due to intentions When you lift the torch, something glimmers in the far off dark of the cave. You’ve been wandering through this network of tunnels for over an hour now, slow and steady as you navigate the strange terrain. It’s not dry or dank here, or even musty with mildew and stalactites, it’s- It’s more like a great burrow. The roughly hewn walls spiral, leaving the floor under your feet strangely uneven. 169 notes - May 15 2020
7). frustration | saire alien pirate x female reader 400 words lemon/lime | definitely on that UST line of things “Humans are such frustrating creatures,” Saire says softly, letting you curl your fingers along the horns that shadow their jawline. They sound serious, perhaps even a bit stern to anyone that doesn’t know them, but their cheeks are shifting wildly between teal and violet, all but shouting that they’re pleased. They bend their head down when you tug, their grin more a baring of teeth than a humanoid smile, and a fluttering, clicking noise comes softly from their throat.  164 notes - May 9 2020
8). forest truths | aspen ii forest being x gender/body neutral reader 4k words lemon | making out, oral, multiple “tongues”, size difference “Your company is… Appreciated,” you say, glancing back down at the ground. Aspen doesn’t seem particularly keen on putting you down. You’re fairly certain you’re going to have to ask - and they’re stroking over your shoulder again, uncaring of the way your sweater catches on one of the splits in their branch-like fingertips. 159 notes - Jan 4 2020
9). The... Monstrous May lineup?   151 notes - Apr 30 2020
10). kindling | rook male drider x male reader 400 words lemon | grinding, makeouts “Shut up,” Rook hisses, hands stretching and clenching into fists at his sides. You can tell he’s resisting the urge to tower of you, to follow the inherent threat of those words with some kind of action, but-  147 notes - Jun 1 2020
Mermen, orcs, deities, elementals, dragons, aliens, and driders! Oh my! Monstrous May seems to have been my biggest overall hit for 2020, and January was apparently the month for longer fics. heck tho! the last half of the year was apparently draining in all ways, oof
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ieattaperecorders · 4 years
Something's Different About You Lately
Jonathan Sims has been head archivist for just a few months, but he has memories of holding the position for years. Somehow, he'll have to keep everyone safe from what's coming. Meanwhile, his assistants can't understand why their prickly jerk of a boss has gone sappy all of a sudden. 
(I went ahead and started a fanfic inspired by that Jon-sends-his-memories-back-in-time comic by @questbedhead. Not sure whether I’ll add to it, but thought I’d post this much at least.)
Read on Ao3
Jon woke suddenly and bolted from his chair. He made it halfway to the door, stumbling in a blind panic before reality caught up with him and he remembered where he was. The room that was half his flat came into focus. Shadows pooled against the dim light coming from outside.
He breathed slowly as his heart rate returned to normal.
Jon’s dreams were his own now, and in them he was only himself. Mostly they were nightmares, and mostly the nightmares were bad. But he’d still take them any night over the pitiless, helpless consumption of secondhand terror that he knew was the alternative. Still. This one had been awful. He could still see images of it, lingering in his mind. In particular he remembered Martin’s face, twisted in an expression of pain and fear for just a moment before his grimace turned into an unnatural, too-wide smile . . . Jon shuddered as he tried to forget it.
His phone was on the table that served as both desk and eating space, and he checked the time. 8:15. He’d nodded off in his seat and slept for less than an hour.
Jon stared at the phone’s screen and wondered how Martin was doing. There were several months to go before Jane would attack the institute. The table that had held the thing that once took Sasha, the centerpiece of this particular nightmare, it hadn’t even arrived yet. Martin would be fine in the archive, Jon knew that. He’d sleep there without incident for months, unharmed. There was no need to worry about his safety just yet.
The image from his dream remained in Jon’s mind, unmoved by his own reassurance. He found himself wishing, not for the first time in recent days, that he could reach into the ocean of Knowing that had once pressed so forcefully against his mind. That he could just Know if Martin was all right, See what he was doing right now. But the door in his mind wasn’t just closed, it was gone. Not yet built. Never to be built if Jon could help it. There was nothing to reach for and nothing to give in to. It was just as well, he supposed, since he’d promised to give Martin privacy. Lacking the ability to check just removed the temptation to do so.
Without really thinking, Jon ran his thumb over his contacts and scrolled until he found Martin’s name. He tapped it, opening their history. The last message visible was still from Jane Prentis and Jon frowned at the sight of it. Martin had a new phone now, of course, but the number was the same.
Jon could call him if he wanted to. Just check in, make sure he was all right. Reassure himself that nothing terrible was happening.
Sighing, Jon set the phone down. Hadn’t harassing his staff been one of the things that caused so much trouble the first time around? Martin didn’t need Jon bothering him every hour of the day and night with all his worries. He’d have enough of his own after his encounter with Prentiss. No. Jon would go in to work tomorrow, see Martin there, and everything would be completely fine - or at least as close to fine as was possible, under the circumstances. It wouldn’t be that long until morning.
He checked the time again. 8:17.
Of course, if he happened to stop by the institute because he’d forgotten something there, he’d be sure to run into Martin. Then he could see for himself that he was safe. That would be perfectly all right, wouldn’t it? He nodded to himself as he got his coat.
On the train ride downtown, he thought about another Martin. The one in his memories - his new memories - who had tried so hard to keep Jon safe and present and whole. Who’d somehow kept a grip on hope even after everything fell apart, a hope so blind and powerful that it alternately seemed like foolish, sad denial and like a beacon that could rival the dread powers in its brilliance.
In another time, another life, another world, Jon had watched that light grow slowly dimmer as the cruel reality of the new world smothered it. The world he had brought into existence.
Jon had spent so long in despair and resignation by then. He’d even been frustrated at times by what seemed Martin’s unwillingness to face reality. It was really rather ironic how much he had panicked when he began to realize that Martin was giving up as well. The final blow had come after Jonah was destroyed. When they learned that killing him had accomplished nothing except binding Jon to the Panopticon completely. Jon had felt his body go limp, his edges softening, his body merging with with the flesh of the tower as a thousand eyes he hadn’t known he’d had opened at once. He was fairly sure he’d have have accepted his fate without a fight if it hadn’t been for the look on Martin’s face.
So he’d done the only thing he could. He’d drowned his mind in the Knowing that howled at the edge of his consciousness. Dove as deeply as he could, drinking it in, reaching for anything that might give them a chance. Perhaps it had been his regret, his childish desire to go back and undo all of his mistakes that had guided him to the answer. He’d already known that he could force knowledge into the minds of others, just as Jonah had. But Jon was more powerful than Jonah had been and he had now been placed permanently in the center of the Beholding. He could send his knowledge anywhere. Possibly across time itself. He could send all that he knew - his memories, his experiences - back to a time when he might still be able to do something with that knowledge.
It had been a long shot, an unlikely gamble. But as he explained his plan to Martin he’d seen light return to his eyes. Watched a tearful smile bloom in him as he held what remained of Jon’s hand.
If Jon did nothing else good with his life, if he truly couldn’t escape what he was and everything fell apart again this time, he’d still be proud of that moment. When he’d found a way to rekindle that precious spark of hope Martin had carried. If one day he found himself back at that tower, trapped in the knowledge that he could only repeat this horrific cycle over and over and over, he would still have that.
Of course . . . it hadn’t really been him who’d done that, had it?
Jon looked at the smooth, unbroken skin of his hand. His palm was soft, unblemished, and free of pain. His wrist lacked the twisted trails he’d memorized the locations of. He remembered the Carousel and Night Street more clearly than he could recall what must have been last week for him, but what felt like it had happened years ago. But he had never truly been to those places. He only had the memories of them.
What had happened to the man who’d be there? And what had happened to his Martin? Did they exist in some future that was still being unwritten? If Jon could stop this all from happening, would they blink out of existence along with the rest of their world? Or worse, would they continue on in their horrific timeline that could never be changed or erased? And if it became clear that nothing could save them, would that spark in Martin finally die, forever?
Jon shook his head. He couldn’t think about that. There was no way of finding out the answers to those questions, and he had to focus on the world he was in. On the people who were here, still alive, still with him. On the Martin that hadn’t given up. And even if he wasn’t truly the person in his own memories, if his skin was unmarked and his mind was distressingly quiet and still, he still felt like that person. It was one unbroken chain of events to him - from the institute to the safehouse to the tower and back here.
It was harmless, he decided, to keep thinking of himself as that Jon. He had enough on his mind without adding on another existential crisis.
It was 8:57 when he reached the front door of the Magnus Institute, walked in and headed for the archive. His neck still ached from the awkward position of his unexpected nap, and he rubbed it irritably as he walked. He’d gotten so disconnected from his body after the coma. Even pain, which had been his constant companion for a long time, had begun to feel abstract to him. Now every physical sensation was loud and demanded attention.
Maybe it was the distraction of that ache that kept him from noticing the noise coming from beyond the archive door. He barely had a moment to recognize the thing that was hurtling towards him before it came within inches of his face.
Jon’s reflexes were not enviable. He did not leap back gracefully so much as yelp and stumble into the desk behind him. A heavy wrench sailed through the air just inches away as his back hit the desk’s edge. He slid to the floor, arms splayed, trying to get his balance again. Things might have gone quite bad for him if his would-be attacker hadn’t stopped, frozen in horror, to stare at him wide-eyed.
“God! Jon! I’m - - I’m so sorry!” Martin dropped the wrench, hands shaking. “I didn’t hit you, did I? Please tell me I didn’t - -”
Jon’s brain took a moment to catch up with what he was seeing, adrenaline still flooding him as he connected Martin’s expression with the blow to the head he’d just avoided. He’d been defending himself? Had Jon’s fears been right, was there an attack on the archive ahead of schedule?
“I’m so sorry,” Martin looked more distressed by the moment, and Jon heard a crack in his voice. “I didn’t know it was you. Are you hurt? Tell me if you’re hurt, please - -”
“I’m fine, Martin.” Jon did his best to sound calming. “Really. You just . . . startled me.”
“Good. Thank God. Ah. . . sorry.”
Now assured that he hadn’t given Jon a concussion, Martin bent down to hesitantly offer a hand up. Jon took it, the shape of Martin’s palm around his own natural and familiar. He placed another hand on Jon’s back, pushing him gently upwards and holding there for just a moment. The difference in their height and size, the sheer physicality of Martin’s presence was immensely steadying and Jon felt some disappointment as he pulled away. If Martin noticed this he gave no sign, still nervously babbling apologies.
“Martin. Martin,” Jon cut him off. “It’s fine. I’m all right. What’s going on? Were you just . . . lurking behind the door, wielding a blunt object?”
“I just - - I heard - - I don’t know.” Martin rubbed the back of his neck, beginning to look more embarrassed than afraid. “I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here and it’s so quiet at night and I just - just heard something moving around and I thought maybe - - ”
Something finally clicked for Jon.
“Martin . . . .” he said. “Did you think that I was worms?”
Martin’s face flushed and he looked down, muttering. “I mean, you could have been worms.”
“Yes. I suppose I might have been worms.” Jon agreed, biting his cheek to hide an amused smile. “Perhaps a slim chance of that. But given everything you’ve been through I can’t bame you for being on edge about that.”
“I’m really sorry - -”
“No harm done. Let’s not worry about it anymore.”
Jon smiled fondly and reached up to pat Martin’s shoulder. Nothing lingering. Just a few, quick taps, a ‘there there’ motion. Surely that was all right, wasn’t it? That wasn’t too familar? Maybe it was - Martin looked uneasy and confused more than anything else. But he stopped apologizing and nodded, so that was something.
“Er . . . what are you doing here?” Martin asked. He fiddled with the hem of his shirt - presumably one he slept in, given the flannel pajama pants that he also wore. It had a cartoon bear on it that Jon was fairly sure was from a video game. “I thought you went home.”
“Ah. I did.” Jon remembered the excuse he’d come with. “Yes, I went home. But then I realized that I’d left something important in my office, and I had to come back for it. Which is why I’m here.”
Don’t ask what it is. Jon thought desperately as he went through the motions of walking towards his office door. Please don’t ask what it is.
“Oh. I see.”
Martin didn’t ask what it was, to Jon’s relief and gratitude. He made some pretense of rummaging around in his desk as Martin appeared in the doorway, hanging there hesitantly. Jon noticed he’d picked up the dropped wrench and was holding it at his side. He paused, looking at it.
“Sorry, but - -” Jon asked “- - were you planning to hit the worms with a wrench?”
“Oh - -” Martin looked at the tool in his hand, laughing nervously. “No, uh. I mean there’d be too many of them for that to do any good, right? I just . . . well, I could tell that it was a person moving around, or at least something person-sized. And I thought if it was Jane, I - - I didn’t want to get trapped again so I was going to make a run for it. But I wanted something in case she tried to grab at me, you know?”
“I see. Yes, that would make a bit more sense.”
It didn’t escape Jon’s notice how tightly Martin was gripping the wrench, or the way his eyes would occasionally dart to the corners of the floor. Or the fact that, despite his apparent embarassment over nearly bashing Jon’s head in while in his pajamas, he was lingering in the doorway rather than returning to the room that he’d been staying in.
He was right to be afraid. Jon knew he was right to be afraid. The worms were most likely already there. They wouldn’t attack for some time, true, but they were still present. Waiting. Martin would sleep safe and unharmed night after night, his worst fear writhing in the walls around him. The thought made something deep in Jon’s stomach squirm.
It was only when Martin shifted uneasily that Jon realized he’d been staring. He fixed his gaze on his desk again, moving some papers around.
“I know this place is unsettling at night,” he offered.
“Yeah . . .” Martin exhaled. “I do appreciate you letting me stay. I’d probably be a lot more jumpy if I was back at my flat right now. At least the archive’s sealed off.”
“Still, if you’d feel more comfortable I could - -”
Jon stopped himself mid-sentence, the offer halfway out of his mouth before he even realized what he’d been saying.
Could what, you damned fool? he thought. Stay here tonight? Sleep in the narrow cot with him? Hold his hand and stroke the crown of his head if he wakes up afraid, the way you used to when he had nightmares? Yes, surely that’s what he wants to hear from his prick of a boss that’s never been anything but unkind to him.
“. . . Could see if there’s some way to . . . enhance security around here,” he muttered after far, far too long a pause.
“I mean, if you think it’s worth looking into.” Martin chuckled nervously. “Not sure if there’s anything a burgler alarm could do about worms. But at least Jane could maybe be kept away?”
“I’ll look into it.” Jon said, insincerely.
“Could convince Elias it’s worth doing just for general security, right?” Martin asked hopefully.
Jon didn’t try to hide the contempt in his voice “I’m sure he’s very concerned about employee safety, yes.”
Martin went quiet at that. Jon had probably been pretending to rummage around in his desk for too long. He pulled a few papers out of his top drawer, tucked them in a file and stuck it under his arm. Then he hesitated. He really didn’t want to leave. These months in the archive had been hard for Martin, Jon knew that. He’d gone to sleep every night afraid that he’d wake up with worms boring into his skin. And more often than not the people around him - Jon especially - had treated his anxieties like an annoyance.
Jon wanted to stay, to give Martin the comfort of another person’s presence. He knew all too well how being alone with one’s thoughts sent them spinning into further extremes of fear and paranoia. He wanted to be there for him this time.
And it wasn’t just for Martin’s sake. It was perhaps absurd for Jon to think that he missed someone he saw daily, but it was true. He’d felt adrift in the week since he’d gained his knowledge of the future. This Martin - truly, the only Martin there was, the only one that was real - didn’t lean into him or laugh when he was annoyed. He was nervous around Jon. He flinched back awkwardly when their hands brushed accidentally, and seemed like he was always waiting for some admonishment.
There was nothing for it, though. He’d just have to stick to the plan. Soon enough Sasha would be approached, and though Jon wasn’t thrilled at the thought - - he knew how sharp those hands were - - he knew Michael wouldn’t harm her. Once the fire suppression system was replaced with CO2, he’d just have to wait until the others were gone, find some excuse to send Martin away, and take care of Jane on his own. Martin would just have to endure a few more bad nights in the meantime.
“Well,” Jon gestured to the file under his arm. “This is what I came back for.”
Don’t ask what it is, he thought. Please don’t ask what it is.
“Oh? What is it?” Martin asked.
I am being punished for my crimes against this world.
“Ah. Just. Hmm. Some things I’ve been working on at home. Statements.”
Martin seemed to accept that. It was probably best not to add any unnecessary details.
“It’s sort of a personal research project of mine,” Jon continued, mouth moving without the consent of his brain. “Trying to work out some patterns I’ve noticed between statements with similar themes.”
Stop, you fool. Jon thought.
“Really?” Martin seemed genuinely surprised. “Honestly, I kind of got the impression you thought the statements were mostly fake.”
“Well, I do. Of course.” Jon fumbled. “But ah, there can be some value in categorizing even the, uh, the ramblings of the delusional. It’s revealing. Teaches you about what people are afraid of.”
“Uh . . . right.” Martin raised an eyebrow.
“I should go.” Jon’s formerly pressing desire to stay was overruled by a need to flee before he started babbling about Smirke’s fourteen and made Martin’s nightmares even worse. He hurried towards the door.
Martin stepped aside to let Jon pass.
“Right. Er, good night.”
Just as Jon reached the archive door, a thought occurred to him. It wasn’t much, and he doubted Martin would take advantage of it. More than likely it would just confuse the poor man even more. But if he was destined to keep doing reckless and foolish things, at least one of them should have a chance of easing someone’s fears instead of feeding them.
“If you hear something again.” Jon said, “or perhaps just think you hear something, you should call me.”
Martin frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You said you were worried that Jane might come here. If you ever have reason to think she might be. . . .”
“I mean . . . thanks, but, shouldn’t I call 999 if that happens?” Martin tilted his head. “No offense, but I mean . . what are you going to do against the worms?”
Emergency services wouldn’t exactly do much against them, either. Jon thought, but did not say.
“You should certainly do that if you’re in danger.” Jon said. “But I imagine you’ll hesitate rather than phone them at every odd sound.”
“I’m not sure I understand.”
“As I said, I know this place is unsettling at night,” Jon shrugged. “A second perspective can be a breath of fresh air. Can . . . help make it easier to tell whether something is a true danger or just in your head.”
Martin stared at him, brow furrowed, looking like he was trying and failing to solve a particularly difficult math problem.
“And I keep odd hours,” Jon continued, waving his hand. He kept his tone stern and dismissive, as if that might disguise the fact that he’d essentially asked Martin to call him if he was feeling scared so he could talk him down. “So don’t worry if it’s late at night. Believe me, it won’t matter.”
“Um. All right,” Martin blinked, an uncertain smile that Jon considered a victory forming on his face. “Thanks.”
Jon nodded. “Sleep well, then.”
He hurried out before he could spoil this rare triumph with more reckless words, then ran to catch the late train home.
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mysewingadventures · 4 years
I have finally finished my stays!
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Honestly, it took so much less time than I had anticipated! Having made a pair of stays before, pretty much exactly a year ago, I knew better than to underestimate the time I would spend on them. Last year, it took me an entire month, but it was pretty much my first sewing project ever (if we ignore that one time I had to make a handbag for my art class... it was.. something.) I definitely expected to be working for at least 3 weeks, but I got it done in just 8 days and I spent about 3-4 hours every day sewing so it’s not even 8 entire days of full time work?? I’m so surprised.
But let’s get to the final update and explain what my last steps were. I left off with a pretty solid almost finished pair of stays the last time I wrote an update, but the binding was still missing, and the straps. The original one had straps, but for some reason I thought I could get away without making them so I didn’t at first, but upon trying them on at this unfinished stage I realized the shape wasn’t meant to be worn without them.
Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures documenting my process of making them, but I basically had a 30x4cm ruler that I thought was good enough as a "pattern", so I literally just traced the ruler on black linen four times and on gray cotton twice. My stays are gray on the inside and I thought about making the straps gray on the side that faces the body as well, but then decided to sandwich it between two linen layers each so the gray fabric wouldn’t be visible. I then sewed one black and one gray panel together, flatlining those and then sewing the final black panel right sides together and turning it inside out. I pressed the straps because they turned out pretty thin and round (the thin part was planned, the roundness not so much).
Now for the binding. I bought a 4m black linen tape (I still can’t believe I used it all but just 7cm!! I totally guessed the length I needed) and folded it in half and pressed it.
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Exciting picture, I know. Next, I machine stitched the boning channels shut by sewing very close to the edges, to keep bones from poking out after a few wears. I’m not entirely sure this did the trick but I’ve never done this step before and I’ve always had boning poking out, so... I thought I’d give it a try. (Spoiler, I’ve worn it a few times now and all the bones are still secure!) Then, I tried to pin the binding to the bottom of the stays as well as I could and began hand stitching it. It required a lot of precision to stitch the top and bottom side while having the stays sandwiched in between, that’s why I had to do it by hand. But sweet baby Jesus it took so long. I worked just on the binding for three days.
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I also cut off all the edges and excess that was in the way. I made the mistake of cutting the tape in the first few corners and I deeply regret it. Thankfully, you can barely see it as it’s black on black but I should’ve left it in one piece and taken the time to really place it properly instead of taking "the easy way out", which obviously doesn’t look as good. But you learn from your mistakes, don’t you.
Once the binding was done, I just had to attach the straps and I was good to go! I sewed them on in the back, just like it was on the original, and machine stitched some eyelets in the front. I also added some eyelets to the front of the stays and used some corset lacing to secure them.
(Oh shoot, I just realized I completely forgot to ever mention that I added eyelets to the stays... Oh well, I machine stitched them and used a rusty old nail (would not recommend, but it was the only thing that worked for me) to poke a hole through. It’s generally better to spread the fabric rather than cut a hole in it, it won’t tear as quickly.
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I also never said I hand felled the seams on the inside... I did that too at some point.
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Wow I think I really missed to write an entire update. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Anyways, I added the back lacing and I was ready to wear them!
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I took some pictures on the mannequin so it’s better to see the details:
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The work was so worth it, I’m so happy with the result! I don’t think I really love the way it doesn’t have any boning at the very front, it feels weird wearing it because the boning everywhere is keeping your body in shape or shaping it in some kind of way but not there. Maybe it was meant to be worn with a stomacher? But other than that it is super comfortable, it gets the job done, so yeah I can’t really complain at all!
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petri808 · 4 years
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@inukag-week​ Desire prompt
Inukag AU, modern setting, nsfw   collaboration: I wrote the non-smut parts & @bmarvels​ wrote the smutty smutty below the read more  ;)
Kagome was barely conscious by the time her husband walked in the door that evening.  The man worked long hours as a detective with the Kanagawa police department and today was no different than most.  The clock located on the nightstand showed 11pm.  She rolls over in bed to see him standing near the doorway of their bedroom undoing his tie.
“Rough night?” she queries, still blinking away the half-sleep in her eyes.
“Yeah,” he groans, “that case I was telling you about with the Kumo clan is starting to really piss me off.  I swear to Kami if we don’t find some concrete evidence on their leader Naraku, that bastard is gonna get away from us, again.”
As her husband Inuyasha talks about the case, Kagome just stares and nods at the appropriate times.  She was used to this routine of letting him ramble away about a case and get it off his chest.  It was better to let him vent rather than hold it in and turn into a grumpy hanyo.  Of course, in reality what she was really doing is ogling her husband as he disentangled himself from his work suit.
The night had been a warm one as they moved into the spring months, and her beefy husband had rolled up his shirt sleeves, showing off his solid biceps in the process.  If only every day was a warm one because she could never get enough of the pleasing sight.
“…Miroku thinks he’s got a lead.  One of his snitches is supposed to meet us tomorrow to let us know where the next shipment of drugs will be dropped…”
Slowly, one by one the fabric pieces unfurl.  First, his chest is relieved of its bindings as button after button from the collared shirt is opened, giving her a peak at the firm muscular anatomy beneath it.  Next, his belt is pulled away from his waistband and tossed aside into the soon to be growing pile.  Unconsciously, Kagome risks licking at her dry lips to rehydrate them.  She really didn’t like it when he left his clothing tossed about only for her to pick up after, but tonight…. was worth making an exception.
He strips off the shirt, tugging when the sleeves catch onto the muscles in his arms.  Not that she was complaining, but maybe she should buy him the next size up for clearly this one is getting tight.  Kagome almost slips a giggle, ’my beefy hubby.’  Inuyasha balls up the shirt and tosses it near the belt.  For a moment, he pauses in thought, just stands there like a glorified model posing in some ad.  Kami, her heart.  The cock of his hip, one hand rested against it while the other scratches at his scalp...
"Now that I think about it, the snitch's name seems...  familiar.  I think I've dealt with her before in the red-light district, some kind of madame of high-end geisha consorts.  Pfft, figures Miroku would have a snitch from that area."  Inuyasha shrugs and continues stripping off his slacks. “Guess if she’s willing to snitch, I don’t care what she does with her body.”
Kagome peels her eyes away, thinking for a moment that she’s heard of this person too.  “Sounds like you’re describing Madame Kagura.  I remember Sango mentioning her business at the community center.  Some of the girls go to them for help getting out of that life.”
“Yes!  That’s her!”  He finishes peeling off his slacks and throws it into the growing clothes pile.  “I’d heard rumors the Kumo clan had its hands in the escorts.  That woman is probably snitching to get out from under their hold.”
“Mmhmm...” she agrees, “that would make sense.”
Her thoughts drift away from the case once more, training in on her husband’s scant attire.  Only clad in a pair of snug boxers, she watches him walk through the room to pull fresh clothing from the dresser.  She nibbles at her bottom lip while admiring the view.  ’Such a beautiful ass...’ His muscle hewn cheeks, flexing with each step, show through the thin fabric.  His thick thighs, those powerful pistons able to chase down bad guys or make her see stars.  Oh yes...  ’I see you peeking,’ she muses at the bouncing bump that calls for attention as he walks.  He pauses, giving her a full-frontal view.
"Hey Kagome?"
Her eyes shift upward to her husband’s face and that's when she realizes, by the knowing smirk plastered on his face, she was busted.  Kagome clears her throat, pretending that nothing was amiss.  "Yes?" she coos.
"Did you forget I can smell your scent changes?"
"W-Well... you can't blame me for appreciating my husband’s assets."
"Tch," Inuyasha grins wider and saunters over beside the bed, resting a knee against the frame as he leans in.  "You know our anniversary is tomorrow..."
"Maybe I should give you a gift early."
"Oh?" she sits up and leans closer to him.  "And what would said gift be?"
"Hmm, one option is something you've wanted to have for some time, but I was too scared to give you."
Kagome pulls away, her eyes widening. "Really??!!  I-I mean I don't want to push you if you're still unsure...."
Inuyasha takes her hand, kissing the back of it.  "I'm sure.  We're stable enough financially... and I realize, it would be great to have a little rugrat of our own."
"Yes! Yes!...  wait how can you be so sure?"
He leans next to her ear whispering. "Your fertility is peaking, a high chance of getting pregnant."
As the full brunt of realization hits, Kagome's eyes mist over from the overwhelming emotions.  Motherhood was something she'd always wanted to attain, but she loved Inuyasha enough to be understanding of his fears.  He'd lost his own family at a young age only to be raised by a cold and emotionless older brother that resented him.  So, he feared that if they were to have kids, especially with his chosen profession, what if something happened to him, to them?
"But what changed your mind?"  She questions because she wanted to make sure he wouldn't resent his decision later.
"It wasn't one thing really.  Seeing Miroku give up his philandering ways for fatherhood.  And I'll admit the twins grew on me..."
She giggles.  "They do love their uncle Inu..."
"... But the biggest was seeing my brother, of all people adopt a little girl, then watch him dote after her like a... like a..."
"A father?" Kagome finishes his sentence.
"Yeah!  I never thought I'd see the day, and a human child at that!  So... if Sessh could do it, then so can I."
"Sit," she pats the bed beside her.  When he complies, Kagome wraps her arms around him and rests her head against his shoulder and chest.  "I know you are going to be an amazing father Inu, so please don't worry."
Inuyasha returns his wife's embrace, burying his face against her shoulder and neck.  "And you're gonna be an amazing mother to our pups."
Kagome sniffles. "Did you say 's' as in plural??"
That makes him chuckle and pull back to gaze into her eyes.  He places a chaste kiss upon her lips.  "One for now, but who knows," he smiles, “we'll play it by ear."
"Mmm, speaking of ears," Kagome reaches up and rubs her husband’s sensitive fluffy appendages, sending a rivulet string of shivers along his whole body.  "I think I'm ready to receive my gift now.”
A heated growl takes Kagome by a split-second surprise from the way her husband has her pinned against the bed before she could even blink.  "You know I hate it when you rub my ears, wench."
She sticks out her tongue, teasing him.  "No, you don't, you love it, you just hate that it makes you feel vulnerable."
"Oh, the only one vulnerable tonight is you," he smirks and gently runs a claw along her cheek, then down her neck until it snags at her collar.  He pulls at the offending fabric.
"Don't you dare ruin my-!"
Too late as she hears the tearing sounds of her t-shirt being ripped down the front of her body.
Kagome narrows her eyes at her husband. "I could have just taken it off."
"Where’s the fun in that?  Now you’ve got 10 seconds to wiggle that cute little ass of yours outta them bottoms before I shred it.”
Kagome lets out a squeal, desperately trying to work her cotton shorts and panties off as Inuyasha counts the seconds down.
She fidgets and shimmies for all she’s worth, working the offending fabrics down her legs.
“Eep!” Almost there! The shorts were easier, but the elastic of the tighter underwear bunches up and snags at her knees. This would have been so much easier if she wasn’t pinned below him!
With seconds to spare, Kagome manages to get it down to an ankle where it hangs stuck until with the help of her toes, yanks and flips it off the bed.
“Well?!” she gazes up in defiance at her laughing husband. “Hurry up and strip too!” She pulls at his waist band. “You are so lucky I don’t have claws!”
“Patience woman, no need to rush...”
“Patience?! From the one who ripped-”
Inuyasha sweeps in and silences his wife with a deft blow, crushing her lips with his own. Her protests morphing into conceded moans as her eyes flutter shut and her arms wrap around his neck. His tongue swipes at her lip before entangling with her own. It was always a battle for dominance. She was strong willed and hardheaded. Two of many traits Inuyasha absolutely loved about his wife. It was that fiery spirit of hers, matching the intensity of his own, that drew him more to her.
But he wouldn’t succumb. Not this time.
His tongue sweeps across the roof of her mouth eliciting a shudder that never fails. She relinquishes control to him as his lips travel down her jaw with soft nibbles at her porcelain skin. A breathy sigh past her lips is like a gentle melody to his sensitive ears. Kagome exposes more of her neck to him the closer his lips travel. His hands gripping her hips travel up her sides and to her back to unclasp the last remaining article in his way from fully enjoying her naked body. Her arms quickly move through the straps before tangling her fingers in his silky, white tresses as he throws her bra off to the side without another glance at it.
He buries his nose at the crook of her neck, taking a deep breath as her scent washes over him. A light floral scent from her shampoo, jasmine mixed with sweet undertones of honey, with her hair spread across their pillow, and then her scent that was becoming stronger by the second. That alone was enough to make his cock twitch with excitement. A deep growl rumbles through him as his hands roughly grab her breasts and massage the plump globes.
“Kagome…” his voice low and heady with lust. Sharp canines graze across her collar before hovering above one of her nipples. Hot breath ghosts over it as he watches the little bud perk up. Golden irises shine with excitement. He lowers himself and lets his lips wrap around her pert nipple, his large hands still groping and bringing it up to meet him.
“Inu…” his wife mewls underneath him, nails raking against his scalp as her grip tightens. Her simple actions encouraging him to pick up at rougher pace; squeezing, suckling, and biting at her supple flesh moving from one breast to the other and back. His hands never faltering as they keep in time even as his lips decide to trail down further. Her muscles flex with each kiss down her stomach but he stops at her navel and rests his head against it.
Kagome’s fingers relax in his hair, gently petting down the backside of his head as he rests there. For a moment, he imagines what it would be like with a little one growing inside of her right there where his head rests. How her scent would change, imagining her waddle when she gets too round to see her feet, all the changes that would come with having a little tyke running around their feet begging for attention. The corner of his mouth stretches just a bit before his amber eyes look up to his smiling wife. Her cheeks flushed with a pink hue, her smile soft and deep, brown eyes knowing. Of course, she would know what he was thinking.
“I love you,” he tells her, his voice so tender as his gaze never leaves hers. Her fingers inch back to his ears, lightly scratching behind them.
“I love you too,” she replies but he watches as her grin grows and her eyes narrow. “Now, how much longer are you going to keep me waiting?”
Inuyasha’s smile stretches into a smirk and his sharp nails graze down to her thighs. With a tight grip, claws pricking at her skin, he lifts her supple thighs onto his shoulders as he bites at her. Down the inside of her thigh until his nose is level with her sex. “You’re going to keep waiting until I’ve had my fun, wench.”
His tongue swipes between her folds and he has her mewling again. "Besides, you wouldn't want to rush your gift, would you?" Not giving her time to answer, he delves deeper into her. Her scent overwhelming his nose just to taste even more. Kagome's heels dig into his back, trying to keep him in place. But he wasn't going anywhere. His finger replaces his tongue as his lips move up to her clit. The digit curls inside her while his tongue swirls around the sensitive bud.
"Ahh... Inu!" Her moans draw out his name as little electric sparks travel through her body and up to her brain, muddling any coherent thoughts and replacing it with euphoria. The feel of her husband's lips sucking on her bundle of nerves then inserting another long finger to continue stretching her tight muscles. With two of his fingers now inside her, he reaches deeper and increases his pace. Kagome's nails rake across his scalp, fingers tightening around his silky locks. Inuyasha smirks, loving the different reactions he can draw from his lovely wife.
"Don't stop..." rolls like a pleading mantra in screams and moans from her full lips. Kagome struggles with her breathing as deep breaths become scarce, making her lungs scream for air. He knew all the right spots to get her off quickest, the right pressure and pacing. She could always count on him to bring her to her highest point of pleasure every time they were together like this.
But this time...it was more.
He forgoes the constant teasing, making her beg to get on with it like his usual manner, and focuses solely on making her feel good. Tonight, was different, it was so much more than just fun and sex. This time had a greater purpose, one she had longed for and one he was now happy to gratify her.
Just as her legs begin to spasm and before she hits her climax, Inuyasha removes his fingers from her and he moves his lips to silence her pleads and whatever protests that were about to be thrown at him. His hand grasps his hard cock, throbbing for attention at the mere sight and sounds of his amorous wife, and guides himself inside her slick and sopping pussy. Her tight walls suck him in further gaining a moan that melds with her own between kisses.
Keeping an even pace, his hand slides into her hair and gives a gentle tug, just enough to make her gasp in surprise. Her arms reach out to wrap around his neck and he hoists her up to sit on his lap, her back pressed against their headboard. Breasts flushed against his chest, his lips attack the junction at her neck and shoulder, his teeth graze against her skin to move down her collar, and his hand cups her breast to meet his hot mouth. Kagome’s fingers tighten around strands of his hair and arches her back, wanting desperately for him to ravage more of her.
“Kagome…” he whispers low like a prayer.
She rolls her hips against his, meeting his rhythm of thrusts. Inuyasha feels her quickening the pace, urging him to give her more.
“Inuyasha!” The plea finally comes. “Harder!”
He snaps his hips roughly against her. Kagome cries out in a series of “yes” like her own mantra. His hand presses against her stomach letting his thumb trail to the apex of her sex, rolling the swollen flesh to draw out more of her amorous sounds.
Her hips roll in accordance with his, steadily increasing their pace as she chases his deft fingers. The sounds of flesh against flesh and sonorous moans echoes around them. Everything else had faded, leaving just the sound and touch of each other.
"Inu....so....close" Kagome is barely only able to get those few words out. She can feel the warmth growing in her belly. The coil wrapping tighter and tighter waiting to spring loose.
Inuyasha feels the same as he aches for his release as well as her own. She tightens around him and he knows he won’t be able to last much longer. He feels her muscles convulse as she cries out her release, eyes screwed shut tightly and coaxing his own climax from him. His hands grip her full hips harshly as his hot seed fills her. A white flash dances across his vision and his body goes rigid, feeling her sweet sex milk him for every last drop.
She comes back into view once he slowly comes down from the exhilarating high and he realizes his head resting against her chest while she strokes his hair down his back. Looking up at her, he sees a subtle glow to her smile, and he’s reminded of how much more this meant to her than any time before. Inuyasha uncurls his fingers from his bruising grip to wrap her up in a hug and pulls her down with him as he lays against their pillows.
Kagome snuggles in close and listens to the rapid beat of his heart, feeling the rise and fall of his chest with each heavy breath. His warmth and the lax of her body beckons her to sleep. She tries to fight it but Inuyasha gently rubs her back to sway her towards the land of dreams.
Watching her easily fall asleep brings a sweet smile to his lips. He can hear her breathing even out once she’s finally deep asleep. Inuyasha watches her for a few moments, savoring this tender moment that could possibly be the turning point of their lives. The idea of a mini version of Kagome running around or even a rugrat resembling himself to keep them on their toes brings an unusual wave of comfort to him, knowing the woman in his arms will be the best mom there is and right there by his side to help him through it. He tightens his hold around her in a soft squeeze then lets out a sigh as his body and eyes begin to relax and follows his wife to a hopeful dreamworld of what their future might hold for them now.
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contacttwo681 · 3 years
Best Dating App For Professionals Over 40
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Best Free Dating App For Over 40s
Best Dating Site For Professionals Over 40
Best Dating App For Professionals Over 40 2019
OkCupid's basic services are free to use, and upgraded features start at $4.95 per month. Tinder: One of the most popular dating apps, Tinder was once known as a hookup app for people not looking for long-term commitment. But for many people over 50 Tinder has become a more traditional way to meet and connect. Best dating sites and apps for people over 40 — and which ones to avoid. Find love again (or for the first time.). EliteSingles utilizes a bunch of algorithms to find you a professional match. After a lot of trail and error, here's my unfiltered take on the best dating apps for women over 40, from Bumble to Hinge to eHarmony. Since 2007, Zoosk has distinguished itself as a high-tech dating site and app for singles looking to socialize and pick up dates on the fly. It has over 40 million members and sees over 3 million messages exchanged per day.
It is impossible to stop time and go back to the past. It has turned out that older people mostly search via the internet “what are the best free online dating sites for over 40?” because they are still single. That happens due to one important factor.
Single Sites For Over 40
When you become older, it is much more difficult to meet new people, especially to marry. It is truly half of life. Many have managed to achieve something in their lives, maybe even several marriages and divorces. However, love is something eternal. That is why there are plenty of over 40 dating sites for singles over 40. They provide various opportunities for communication in order to find love. There a 40-year-old woman can easily start dating a man over forty that have never married. Everyone deserves to be loved, and you also will definitely find it: over 40 dating websites will help you with it.
Characteristics of Best Dating Sites for Over 40
The industry of online dating has developed tremendously, and now there even free dating services for over 40. All of them are different, with their strong and weak sides. It is necessary to define whether a over 40 website is good or not. That is why there are some common standards that the best dating websites for over 40 must match. Some features are very common, but they also must be implemented in a proper way. Here is their overview.
Easy to Use
An over 40 dating website should not be complicated. It must have a simple infrastructure that every new member will be able to easily use. With well-thought-out website design, even not tech-savvy users will be able to easily find future husbands and wives.
Free Registration Process
Registration should be free. It allows new members to try the service and decide if to continue or not. In addition, in enlarges the number of members, thus improves the chances of perfect matching. The sign-up process also should not be able to be done through social networks as it may lead to leakage of personal information. It is also should include verification by email to decrease the number of fake accounts. Most scammers do not want to waste much time, and email verification can be a small obstacle to a part of them.
Well-Thought-Out Questionnaire
It is common knowledge that it is difficult to write about yourself from scratch, and this can disinterest new members for further over 40 dating steps. As a solution, there are questionnaires. Most internet users like answering different questions about themselves instead of writing personal info. It allows to quickly fill in important information. Hence, over the forties dating sites develop their own questions to save users’ time and make it easier to find people with the same interests. They are not obligatory. You can skip this process and provide information about yourself later when you would like to.
Communication Tools
Probably, the most important thing in the over 40 dating process is communication. On the best over 40 dating sites, you should be able to express your emotions and feelings, which means that sending only emails is not a solution. There just must be tools for communication, such as:
Live Chat With Instant Messages
The possibility of chatting in real-time greatly improves the relationship between people.
Voice Calls
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Talking is very important as you can hear most of the emotions and understand how a person reacts to what you say.
Video Calls
Real-time communication with video helps to see if all the photos are too altered and how a person looks like. It is recommended to have at least several video calls before meeting offline.
Translation Services
Mostly members communicate with someone from a foreign country. It means that they may not know some common language. Therefore, the translation service will help to erase this language gap between people.
24/7 Customer Support
In case of some troubles, a customer support team should be there. It must be available 24/7 due to the fact that members from different countries live in different time zones. You may contact them for sure if you have some concerns like:
Registration process;
Suspicious behavior of a member;
Search tools usage;
Payment issues;
How to start a conversation and you need some tips on how to do that;
Amount of profiles.
Speaking of singles over 40 dating sites, you must understand that they have a vast network that attracts new users from all over the world. You can find members from oversees countries like the US, Canada, Australia, and Europe. It has become a wonderful community of single men and women. On such over 40 dating platform, it is much easier to find a person due to your preferences and create a lovely couple.
Profiles Quality
Over 40 dating websites can be rated by the quality of users’ profiles. They must include:
Photos of a person that are not fake;
Initial user info: name, country, age, nationality etc;
Self-description of personality, hobbies, world view, and favorite things;
Expectations from a future partner.
Additionally, some members may upload short videos about themselves
Premium online dating platforms check if the provided information is up-to-date and is not going to mislead other members.
The most important thing while using any kind of over 40 dating platform is safety. There is a special management team that checks if the members are likely to be scammers. It has turned out that most female accounts are used to deceive people. Even after registration and member validation, checkups do not end. Security team continues to monitor these users, and if any of them will ask for money, send spam, or behave inappropriately, they will ban this account. It is necessary to mention that over 40 international dating websites cannot guarantee 100% safety. Hence, they inform their members with what to do in case of fraud and suspicious behavior of members according to security guidelines.
You should know that for most of the features on over 40 dating websites you will have to pay. However, you may forget about subscriptions. They proved their inconvenience as users do not spend most of the time that they have paid for. There is a new tendency of credit system where you buy specific currency on to find single professionals over 40. The most pleasant side of this system is that you will spend credits only when you use something. It does not bind you to the time, and you can use free over forty dating services when you want. Moreover, there are discounts for loyal members. Speaking of payment methods, you will be definitely able to use:
Maestro credit, debit, prepaid or gift card
PayPal is also available for some countries
Additional Services
Dating websites for over 40 often provide additional services to improve communication and relationships between members. They help to erase the borders between people, and it can be done by using:
Present Delivery Service
It can help you to express your feelings by sending a present to a person you like. This delivery service can make it even in a different part of the world. It takes up to 8 working days, and in the end, you will receive a photo report. Among the gifts that you can send are:
Offline Dating Service
Over 40 dating service can help you to organize an offline date if the person you like also agrees. It allows being sure that the date will definitely happen. However, bear in mind that you will have to pay for accommodation and flight by yourself.
Exchange of Personal Contacts
This service allows both people to receive phone numbers of each other, so they can continue to talk outside the over 40 dating platform. It can be used only if communication is going well and the two are not against of doing this.
Best Free Dating Sites for Over 40
On the internet, you can find different best places to meet women over 40. However, these definitely match the above-mentioned features that indicate their high quality. You will not regret using them.
Amazing over 40 plus places that will surprise you with the simplicity of usage. With quick registration, the initial questionnaire, and a powerful search tool, new members easily find nice people to talk and date.
Wonderful over 40 international dating platform that has a high rate of women from Eastern Europe. It has an excellent 24/7 customer support that helps not only with some problems but also can help in online dating.
This over 40 website is considered to be one of the best in quality of member profiles and safety. It has a long history of successful matchings of people from different countries.
Best Free Dating App For Over 40s
While searching for the best dating websites for over 40, you should remember all important qualities that they must have. This is how over 40 dating platforms can prove their usefulness and safety. Age does not matter; everyone deserves to find love.
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Table of Contents
Best online dating apps and sites for over 40 singles
When it comes to dating men and women over 40, many middle-aged singles might be worried about getting back into a relationship. Whether they are recently divorced or single, professionals focusing on their careers, or looking after kids, there are many reasons over 40 singles wait to date.
Whether you are a professional who wants to start dating or a divorced, single parent looking to try dating, there are options. Many people are dating with kids as well. You can also find matches for friendship, but of course romance and love are the focus.
Hitting your mid-life period doesn’t mean that your dating is done. There are now plenty of over 40 dating apps and websites, allowing you to enjoy 40+ dating like never before! Here are some of the best over 40 dating app / sites today:
OkCupid is one of the leading dating websites and apps for helping you to match with new, like minded users who are also in their forties. They offer free registration and a way to link in through Facebook as well, making set up your profile easier than ever before.
Filter your searches for a partner based on a variety of topics, such as interests, physical appearance, location, and more! You can also take the time to make meaningful connections via their chat and messaging and arrange dates with people who are a perfect match for you.
To top it all off, they offer an excellent app for anyone who is on the go and looking for a new dating relationship while still maintaining a busy lifestyle.
One of the largest and best apps for people looking to start a new relationship with men and women across the United States.
Match is especially great for people who are looking to utilize the full extent of an advanced matching service, including filtering out the types of single over 40 people who they may not want to date. This means you can be specific about dating people who are focused on their careers, have children, or are looking to meet someone that shares a specific hobby.
Sign up for free today with either email or your own Facebook account and enjoy their easy-to-use app and website!
Launched in 2000, Eharmony is one of the leading online dating services for serious relationships, especially with the over 40 crowd that wants to take the time to find true love with help from one of the best sites for dating.
Start a relationship on your own terms with the help of Eharmony, connecting people through the use of advanced filtering, profile creation, and some of best matching services on the market today.
They do offer free registration when you sign up, but you can only view your matches with this level of subscription. You will need a paying account to make use of all the features that Eharmony has to offer.
What to consider when you start dating in your forties
Dating in your forties means that you are bringing experience and baggage into a place where you may not be used to having both. Many things will be the same as when you were younger, but not everything.
For many, the big issue with dating in later life is that there may be children involved. While a partner having kids is a possibility, it shouldn’t put you off. If the family is welcoming, it can be a rewarding experience. Plus, children are especially good at giving you a signal if your match is truly good.
For people who are dealing with loss, there may be the issue of living in the shadow of the partner who’s passed on. Whether you do it to a date or they do it to you, the important thing is to remember that you should stop with this kind of comparison.
Ultimately, the relationship you share with someone will be different from the one they had. No better or worse, just different. And maybe even the best one.
Finally, you may also have financial concerns, particularly if you’ve been through a divorce. However, letting your money rule your love-life is a sure-fire way to scupper any future romance. Sometimes, you just have to roll the dice and see what happens.
What are Pros & Cons to middle-age dating?
Best Dating Site For Professionals Over 40
You’re far more likely to have similar interests and similar life experiences.
You won’t have to suffer never-ending conversations about the latest music, or which social media platforms are the best
You can concentrate on enjoying the important things in life for the two of you
Couples in their 40s tend to favor quality over quantity when it comes to sexual encounters
Odds are that you will have other obligations to look after, ranging from work to children
You may not always be your date’s priority, especially if they have kids
With Covid, traditional ways of meeting up and mingling are severely limited, so you both will have to adapt
People who date when they are older are likely to move things quickly, especially if there are kids involved. Sometimes this is okay, but it isn’t always the best way to move a relationship forward
What you can do to make over 40 dating successful
Making the world of dating work for you and being successful at it requires that you understand what you want and need out of a dating relationship from the start. If you are looking for love, then it will take time but be patient and with the right app you can make dating work.
Click here for more tips and guides on Over-40 Dating
You should understand that not every potential match you’re paired up with is going to be right for you. The best dating apps are a great way to get to know someone before you take the plunge and meet up, but there’s no need to compromise on what you want right from the start.
State your preferences from the outset. If you don’t want to date someone with children, then don’t beat about the bush: state it on your profile page. There’s no sense in being coy about what you want from your online experience and your honesty could well be seen as attractive.
Best Dating App For Professionals Over 40 2019
This will also help to make your dating experiences much better and far more successful.
Remember, if you’re convinced that you’re too old to start dating again, then you’ll likely self-sabotage your own efforts to find love. Avoid this. Other users looking at dating sites for over 40 singles are all at similar age to you and trying to enjoy dating. You can too.
Of course, be sure that you’re ready. If you’ve come out of a divorce, you might feel like diving back into the pool out of some sort of sense of injustice. Dating sites are there to help you find new love, not to try and exorcise the ghosts of a previous relationship.
Finally, be honest. Profile pictures can be misleading and if you manage to bag yourself a face-to-face date, you don’t want your match to find you unrecognizable. If you have wrinkles, have put on weight, or have gone bald, embrace it. There’s someone for everyone.
If you are unsure, you can also try to be friends with them over Facebook or try to reach them by email in a way that is outside of the dating site. This is good for confirmation that they are who they say they are, as well.
Why are dating services for the over 40 crowd working and on the rise?
You don’t need to see the popularity of dating for people over 40 on social media sites like Facebook to know that more people are enjoying online dating. Millennials in their forties have found sites and apps like OkCupid, Match.com, EHarmony, and even Tinder are the best way to date.
Of course, there are sites which help make these kinds of online dating service experiences more niche. For example, you could try Coffee Meets Bagel or Zoosk for niche dating opportunities with the 40+ crowd.
Part of what makes them so attractive is the fact that you can date online from the comfort of your own home. With Covid on the rise and such a threat, dating with a mobile app or on a website not only feels convenient, it’s safer too.
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bettsfic · 4 years
Hey! I was just wondering if you would soapbox a little about your creative process. I absolutely adore your writing advice but was wondering a bit more about how your ideas form and how you choose which to pursue and do finished products look like you want them to? What's a bad habit you're trying to break? No obligation to answer, especially cause an anon is like tell me your secrets! But thank you for all you've written, you are so helpful and kind
thanks for the great question anon! i wrote a bit about my drafting process here but that doesn’t encompass the idea building side of things (also i’ve made some changes to the process so i was thinking about writing a more cohesive, updated version at some point).
i tend to think of project ideas as piles of aesthetic, and usually i only begin writing once the pile has toppled over and i can’t not write it. that’ll make more sense in a moment. 
i’ll walk through 2 examples of my idea generating process, from how they started to where they are now. 
1. Vandal
Vandal is a novel i’m working on that i really have a lot of hope for. i’m about 60k words in right now and 75% finished. it’s about a teenage girl (sierra) who casts a spell on her hot, helpful neighbor (frank) to bind them together. the spell ends up working but backfiring when he becomes her foster father. then, in his custody, sierra gets jealous and casts a spell on his girlfriend (jenny) to break them up, but that backfires too: sierra gets taken out of frank’s custody and placed with a manipulative and abusive foster brother (leo). frank more or less kidnaps sierra and they have to Run From The Law. throughout the novel, sierra is inwardly battling Vandal, an immortal archangel that has possessed her and is trying to get her to kill herself so he can break free of the prison of her body.  
the idea for that story has a looooong breadcrumb trail and a huge aesthetic pile. since i couldn’t manage to get Baby traditionally published, i had a lot of that dynamic i could adopt into something else. i wrote at length about where that idea came from but i can no longer find that post (UPDATE: here it is). it’s somewhere in my training wheels tag. in short, i spent an entire summer watching/reading age gap stories and the male perspective in them bothered me a lot, so i wanted to write a story from the younger party’s perspective, and do the reality of those situations justice. i wrote that story, though, so i didn’t want to rewrite it. 
then, in december 2019, for reasons i don’t remember, i started reading snape/hermione fics. i really liked the dynamic, but it was a little too angsty for me, and none of the fics gave me the catharsis i was looking for, which was basically Grouchy Soft Boy Takes Care Of PTSD Weary Girl. being unable to find anything that fit the exact no-conflict, angstless dynamic i was looking for, i decided to write it myself using an A/B/O reylo idea i’d been kicking around for about 8 months but i could never land on, because i didn’t know if i wanted ben or ren. that fic turned out to be Reclaimed.  
to answer one of your questions, Reclaimed didn’t turn out the way i wanted it to at all, and i’m still kind of shocked by the traffic it has. i felt bad about writing it, because i was setting down so many other things to work on it, and it was a struggle from start to finish. at the time (and this is a major theme of my process), i thought it was a waste of energy.
but it opened a very important thematic concept to me, which is the idea of voicelessness and trauma, and recovery through finding one’s voice.
fast-forward to february, i’m headcanoning with @star-sky-earth just days before i have to head to nebraska for a writing residency. she and i are talking about a certain male celebrity who shall not be named, flirting with his younger female costar who shall not be named, and i said something along the lines of, “wouldn’t it suck to get a crush on a dude like him, only to find out he likes you back, and then you realize he’s actually kind of shallow and boring?”
i remember distinctly saying, out loud, “god fucking dammit,” because, right then, an aesthetic pile had toppled over, and an entire novel unfolded itself in my brain. i pound out an outline. it’s garbage. i play around with a vocal gauge. it’s not quite right. then, two days later, i write an opening scene that i don’t think is great but i send it to some people and they’re like, oh this is fire. 
the aesthetic pile looks like this:
lolita, where dolores is the one in control
delusions of grandeur born from a major traumatic event
obsessions with fairy tales and the escapism they provide
the consequences of extreme neglect
forced voicelessness as both a theme and a major structural constraint
a lot of wolf imagery
non-chronological timelines
i proceed to spend the next two days driving across the country brain-writing. by the time i reach nebraska, i hit the ground running, and write for basically 30-40 hours a week for 5 weeks. then, because pandemic, i decide to stay 2 more weeks, but i hit a snag. i write about 14k of really boring drivel and realize my outline has failed me. i toss the 14k and re-outline and try again. then, my attention is rattled by a crush on a composer who has no interest in me. 
i go home and fall into my annual summer depression and i lose focus. so, that’s where i’m at. i really miss vandal but it’s gotten super dark and i’m finding it difficult to manage darkness with everything going on. which brings me to my next aesthetic pile that has recently toppled over.
2. Eden
that’s not the title but it’s the project name. i’ve begun writing a YA sci fi comedy with an ensemble cast. this aesthetic pile took years to build before it toppled. it started with Elixir of Erised, hands down the best fic i’ve ever written by a huge margin. i reread it this past winter and was kind of amazed i’d written it. 
i really liked the idea of a potion showing you your deepest desires, but until recently have not had the patience to build an entire world around it. so, for the past 3.5 years, i’ve kept a document of “if i WERE to a YA SFF book with the themes of EOE, what would i want to include?” over those 3.5 years, here’s what the list became:
dark academia vibes
heist plot
that list is not really conducive to an entire universe, and i never had the motivation to sit down and think through it. 
then i watched breaking bad, and a lot of things started clicking. at the same time, i was talking to my buddy kyle about my fallen knight archetype schematic, and i began fleshing out all the archetypes that went with it. i came up with 12. i built a database. i thought, wouldn’t it be cool to write something with ALL 12 ARCHETYPES?? haha but who would be dumb enough to do that?
me. i would. 
with breaking bad as the missing plot piece (which introduces the idea of conflict around the MANUFACTURE and DISTRIBUTION of addictive substances, with an ensemble cast of morally grey characters, which leads to a war), i had enough to get started. 
i wrote an outline. i wrote another outline. i wrote a third outline. i stopped to write some histories of this place i’d built. i wrote a fourth outline. gdocs became a mess so i downloaded scrivener and taught myself how to use it. i wrote a gauge of the first chapter and landed the voice on the first try. then i did a rough sketch of how a trilogy would go. then i outlined each book in the trilogy to make sure my character trajectories were on point. then i did a lot more worldbuilding. now i’m working on my fifth outline, which breaks the entire novel down scene by scene. 
and for Reasons, i’m tasking myself with writing the first draft in 6 days across two weekends. it’s a high-stakes adventure story with a very tight timeline, so i think it’s conducive to being written quickly.
which brings me to another question you asked, which is, what bad habits do i want to break? i always, always slow down at the halfway mark. sometimes i even give up. i have no idea why. no matter how much preparation i do, no matter how solid my endgame is, at the halfway mark i either slow to a crawl or set the whole project down and pick up something new. i do this with reading books, too. i can only ever read the first half of books. then i either skip to the end or put them down forever. it’s definitely something i have to figure out because at this rate i’ll never finish anything.
okay this took way longer than i thought it would to write but i hope it answers your question. tl;dr i follow aesthetic and thematic interests until they lead me to a point where i can’t not write the stories that develop from them. 
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secret-engima · 5 years
(Sobs) kid!Noctis is like—the shit. He is the cutest goddammit shit ever. And do you know what that makes me want??? What if—NOX came back younger than noctis??? hUH? WHAT ABOUT THAT? (slaps table) trauma on the double on teeny tiny Boi with his Uncle Disaster that carts him around the wild, or Tiny Boi scrambling onto Hammerhead, wrapped in bandages with a huge ass sword on his back, covered in scars and marks, scowling and flinching at evERYTHING. (SLAPS TABLE( GIVE ME ANGST. (I need help.)
oohhhhh oHHHHHHHHH
-Ardyn would be freaking out so hard okay. SO HARD. Not only is he not dead, but Nox is like- THREE (because if Imma do this imma do it FOR SERIOUS) and that means his body and mind physically CAN’T hold that much memory yet, so Nox’s memories are basically on dream-state lockdown and while he is WAYYY more mature than a three year old Nox is now mentally an ACTUAL KID.
-Also Nox told him that Regis never looked at another woman after marrying Aulea, including after she died, so HOW DOES HE EXPLAIN NOX’S EXISTENCE IF CAUGHT.
-Ends up going on a rampage through Niflheim, blowing up ALL the labs, killing Besithia, binding Titus to him, not out of any plan but out of sheer PANIC because the only thing he can think of is to pretend that Nox is a CLONE and that means he has to remove any evidence/witnesses to the fact that Niflheim never got their hands on enough genetic material to try cloning an LC.
-Also saves 8 yr old Noctis from the Marilith by total accident about a month after time-traveling, he was just wandering around freaking out over having a three year old nephew to care for (who trusts him implicitly, who needs food and water and shelter on a regular basis which means schedules which mean Ardyn has to relearn the concept of TIME PRONTO) when he heard the Marilith and saw the burning car and instinctively noped his way in.
-Regis arrives in time to feel BURNING magic coating the air in red crystalline shards as a stranger in a hat and with an odd harness of some kind tied to his back tears the Marilith with an armiger. Regis sputters, Ardyn whirls around and Regis catches a glimpse of burning gold eyes and a TODDLER in a makeshift harness on the man’s front before the man warps away, leaving Noctis scared but unharmed because Ardyn got there before the Marilith could touch him.
-Regis’s keeps his composure only because his son needs him desperately but internally he’s screaming W H A T.
-Ardyn the Disaster Uncle is actually ... probably not discovered by Cid? While a frantic search begins for the mystery LC (Ardyn), I’m actually picturing like- Axis finding him and his first instinct is STAB CHANCELLOR but then there’s ... there’s a tiny kid there. And there’s burning LC magic as Ardyn snarls protectively over the boy, threatening to bind Axis to him out of defense until little Nox goes “Uncle, NO!” and Axis’s brain kicks over into both gratitude that he wasn’t enslaved and sympathetic dad mode.
-Axis grudgingly helps Ardyn settle down somewhere hidden after Ardyn gives his cover story (illegitimate LC, discovered that Niflheim was CLONING HIS RELATIVES and has since defected with the only surviving clone kiddo), probably Hunter HQ, which means Porrima takes one (1) looks at this panicking, flailing disaster uncle and takes him under her wing.
-Ardyn could just about worship the ground Porrima walks on for that. GUIDANCE FOR THE REARING OF SMOL NEPHEW. BLESS.
-Ardyn ends up adopted into the Arra Clan because it’s impossible to hate this messed up disaster human who is trying SO HARD to take care of his tiny human. Nox ends up adopted too, obviously, and he gets along splendidly with Axis’s kids, who are actually all about his age.
-Side note- Nox doesn’t have Quiet Days in this AU, he has Sick Days. Days where his magic gets out of control and swells under his skin and Nox collapses into a feverish mess that Dreams of his past or the KoL’s memories and all Ardyn can do is sing lullabies and stand in an ice cold shower with Nox in his arms to help bring down the fever that comes from having Too Much Magic packed in a tiny body (Nox will eventually grow out of Sick Days and they’ll turn into Quiet Days as his memories click back into place and his body/brain can handle that much magic but for now...)
-The Glaives are told by Axis about his new adoption and they are an Awkward Panic because THIS IS THE GUY THE KING IS FRANTICALLY SEARCHING FOR. BUT HE’S ALSO GALAHDIAN FAM NOW. WE CAN’T TURN HIM IN. BUT WE HAVE TO. GFDHGFD.
-In the end they don’t have to, because Cor stops by Meldacio to check on one of his Hunter contacts and comes face to face with a teeny Nox, who is now like- 5 years old. Cor, who is Noctis’s Godfather, INTIMATELY KNOWS bby Noctis’s face mentally goes BBY LC and starts to reach out to touch him when a voice snarls “Don’t touch my Nephew.” And the air grows thick with angry magic.
-Cor looks up and sees 1. Chancellor of Niflheim who has been missing for two years. 2. Blood red armiger swirling around ex-Chancellor’s body like bristling fur on a mama cat. 3. every Galahdian in the HQ has gone deadly still and is watching Cor with Murder in their eyes. For the first time in possibly ever, Cor feels like he could die in the next .05 seconds if he does the wrong thing. Steps back and raises his hands placatingly, inwardly panics when Nox fearlessly ambles up to him and latches onto his pant leg with a soft word that sounds like it might be is name or might be “Coeurl”.
-After much tense standoff and agitation from Ardyn, Ardyn agrees, grudgingly, to come to the Citadel to meet with Regis on the condition that his nephew is not taken away from him.
-Cor takes them back to the Citadel, everyone picture Regis’s face when he gets word from a servant that Cor is waiting in a private sitting room with guests and Regis comes in and sees the red-haired man from that night two years ago, the one with magic simmering warningly under his skin (Ardyn sees no reason to hide it at this point after all).
-Then Regis hears a sniffle-sob and his eyes drop do the-
-Black haired blue eyed child that looks like a thinner, not as well cared for Noctis at age 5.
-The child who reaches out with his magic and fearlessly tangles it with Regis’s in a way that knocks the wind out of him as the little boy tilts his head and hesitantly says, “...Dad?”
-Regis rocks back as if slapped and has to lean against Clarus. Cor looks apologetic at least as he explains that he ... well, he found Mors illegitimate child and .... another.
-And Regis- Regis KNOWS that he has no son other than Noctis. He has not touched a woman since Aulea died and Noctis is TEN and this boy is even younger so he can’t- that can’t be-
-But Nox knows his father, even if his memories are locked in a sort of protective dream state that lets him know things like “Ardyn is Safe Uncle” and “Cor is Friend” and so Nox REACHES for him, wiggles against Ardyn’s tight grip and bursts into tears because Dad-dad-that’s-dad-he-WANTS-HIS-DAD-
-And suddenly Regis is across the room, gingerly taking the child from a reluctant Ardyn’s arms and pressing his face into the child’s (his child’s HIS BOY HIS SON-) hair and murmuring soothing nothings as the boy sobs and sobs and sobs and his magic (so MUCH magic it inwardly staggers Regis) tangles around Regis’s in relief-grief-relief-joy-love-love-love that Regis cannot fathom the origin of.
-Regis looks up slowly, dazedly at the half-brother he only glimpsed that night the man saved Noctis from the Marilith, the man who is the missing Nif Chancellor and the man grimaces at the wild-eyed question he can see in Regis’s eyes.
-“I care not for myself or what they did to me,” Ardyn murmurs softly and all Regis’s red flags go up (a half-sibling caught by Niflheim, a man who wears layers of long sleeved clothes and who’s cheeks are still a bit too hollow despite Porrima’s best efforts), “but when I found him, I could not stay. I could not let them have him.”
-Regis presses a kiss instinctively on the child’s hair as the boy snuggles into his neck and hiccups softly, “How...? I haven’t... not since Aulea...”
-Ardyn shrugs and keeps his eyes on his nephew, looking like he’s itching to snatch the boy back, his magic brushing against Regis’s by accident as it coils protectively around the little princeling, “That has never stopped them. All they needed was an adequate blood sample.”
-And Regis-
-Regis thinks of the little blond baby Cor brought home ten years ago, Cor’s expression of disgust and horror as he spoke of tanks upon tanks of people, all infected with the Scourge and unsalvageable save this tiny baby. Regis thinks of medical science and artificial fertilization and DNA and how Niflheim would do ANYTHING to have Lucis Caelum blood in their grasp, especially if Ardyn either refused or was incapable of having children. He thinks of all those things and looks at Ardyn’s grim, haggard expression and he-
-He breathes very carefully as he clutches the little boy closer, towering RAGE warring with gut-wrenching horror, “They-. Are there-?”
-Ardyn shook his head and gently ran his hand through downy black hair, “He is the only one. I destroyed all the facilities I could before they had the chance to do more.”
-And Regis needs to sit down. He needs to sit down with this tiny child in his arms and a half-brother that eyes Regis like he might bite and Regis- Regis wants to CRY but he can’t afford it, not now, so instead he cautiously reaches out and brushes magic with Ardyn (feels the instinctive, visceral flinch it causes the other man and backs off) and rasps hoarsely, “What ... what is his name?”
-Ardyn’s lips twitch sheepishly, “Our thoughts were not much different when it came to naming little Lucis Caelums I’m afraid. His name is Nox.”
-Regis breathes the name like a prayer and looks down at the boy already dozing off in his arms, totally, completely trusting the STRANGER that is holding him, magic already nestled against Regis’s (so MUCH, an unhealthy amount, and what had Niflheim DONE to make this tiny boy already so powerful in magic?) and pulsing a steady heartbeat of love-contentment-relief-trust. He looks back up at the man who should be an enemy but was instead family, who had saved Noctis from the Marilith and had saved this second son Regis had not known existed from fates worse than death and he asks, “Will you... would you do me the honor of staying? The both of you? Please?”
-And Ardyn gives in, because he cannot bear to separate Nox from his father now, not when Nox is radiating such contentment and happiness.
-Much later, probably days actually, after guest suites are prepared (and a snarling overprotective Ardyn gets his way of having Nox share his suite) and medical exams are taken (and Regis RAGES his way across a training room when he sees the pictures and reports of both his newest son and his half-brother, of the newest son’s many scars and his half-brother’s even worse scars and BRAND), Noctis is informed of new relatives and insists on going to see them.
-Noctis stares down at little Nox, who tilts his head curiously as he hides behind Ardyn’s leg, and Noctis’s heart MELTS. Nox is the same age as Iris, and Noctis can feel magic cautiously poking his, and every switch in Noctis’s head goes MINE. MY LITTLE BROTHER NOW. And Ardyn could laugh himself sick if he wouldn’t have to explain why.
-Also everyone picture Ignis. Ignis who already has mothering instincts out the wazzoo. Ignis who loves Noctis to no end and now there’s a TINIER VERSION and that tiny version looks at him and goes “Iggy?” so hopefully and plaintively that Ignis is just- he’s gone. Goodbye.
-Iris gets to be Nox’s Shield. They are two of a kind as they grow up together and its great.
-Regis freaks out so hard the first Sick Day Nox has in the Citadel, and Ardyn looks so EXHAUSTED when he explains that this is normal and why it happens (too much magic in too small a body, he’ll grow out of it someday) and then Regis is so ANGRY over whoever made Nox too magical to be healthy.
-Ardyn and Regis brother bond over raising Nox.
-Gladio is just- “my brat bby brother now. MINE.”
-Prompto is still found early and adopted by Cor thanks to Ardyn, Prompto. ADORES. bby Nox. The Power of Cute compels you.
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