#but ever since the update/new ep
bumblingbunny · 1 year
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adoringsentiment · 2 months
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Can you make Frankie lovestruck?
After a terrible participation at someone else's bachelorette challenge, Frankie decided to try to find a partner her own way. She's not the easiest person to please... do you think you can match her freak?
About the challenge:
This is not exactly a bachelorette challenge. It's actually inspired by the 7 Wild Dates Challenge that comes with the Lovestruck EP, as well as other features from the new pack. But since having actual golden dates will probably be very hard, I won't be ACTUALLY playing the in-game reality show.
The gist of it: Frankie will go on dates with 7 different sims.
All the first dates will be Get To Know You dates and I'll try to let the sims be as free as possible to interact autonomously to see how the relationships progress. The results will help me decide who goes forward in the challenge.
Second dates, if they happen, will be Romantic dates.
I won't use mods such as First Impressions or Wicked Whims, because the idea is really to see how the new pack works (especially combined with other features from the game).
I'll be thinking about it and discussing the next steps with y'all. Hopefully this will be fun enough to become an actual organized challenge.
About Frankie:
28 years old, she/her, human, bisexual and aromantic*;
Her traits (for now) are overachiever, genius and paranoid;
Basically Dr. Frankenstein if he slayed;
You can see the original post here for her bio and some more information.
*When I first created her, the game didn't have enough options to flesh out how she might find a relationship. I don't think The Sims will ever be able to represent the complexity of human attraction and sexuality, but I might update a few things for the sake of the challenge, like changing her relationship settings to "exploring", as well as giving her the romantically reserved trait.
Submission rules:
Human or occult young adults of any gender are welcome!
Please flesh them out as much as you can. Give them likes, dislikes, skills, jobs, lifestyles, etc. (but no romance skill!);
You can use any and all packs to make your sims, but please use minimal cc (1 outfit per category, no defaults, no custom sliders);
When you submit your sim, pick 3-5 activities and a venue type for their date with Frankie;
I'd love to start playing as soon as the pack comes out, so please try to submit your sims until July 25th.
I hope this seems fun! Feel free to ask any more questions. I can't wait to see your sims!
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
it hurts me. the parallel of Charlie at the start of ep 1, so excited about showing her plans for the hotel to heaven she doesn't see how VERY NOT excited about it Vaggie is (cough angel kicked out by heaven for not doing enough murder cough cough), even while getting literally up in Vaggie's face.....
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and then Vaggie, when Charlie comes drooping home after that all crashed and burned spectacularly- now it's VAGGIE so excited to show CHARLIE the new and improved hotel commercial she got everyone to make while Charlie was away... now it's Vaggie, up close and basically physically pressing her excitement into her girlfriend, not seeing how utterly crushed Charlie is right then
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like, clearly Vaggie expected the heaven meeting to not live up to Charlie's hopes for it. Clearly she REALLY wanted to have something GOOD AND HOPEFUL for Charlie to come home to afterwards
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-which would have worked too, if the Extermination schedule update hadn't interrupted the commercial airing
look at how habby Charlie was finding out about the commercial
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"heaven isn't homophobic" well then what do you call them interrupting this lesbian's hard won cheer-up-the-girlfriend effort huh? what was that then. not only cruel but also an insult to us queers everywhere. one of the only real sins we ever see in the show, tbh
but gods, they give each other so much CONFIDENCE, chaggie and the mutual "I can do this for her" / "She thinks I can do this and I will" synergy...
and it keeps fucking their relationship up. GODS
how they mirror and act like they're trying to literally meld into each other, while both being So Bad at actually SAYING when and why they're upset about something Serious-
when they're also clearly wanting to share SO MUCH of what they feel specifically with the woman they love!!!!
and how that sometimes blinds them both, over and over again, to the moments when (ironically) their other half needed them to be a little less sure, for a second, that things are or would be okay. Share less of their own conviction, that they got from the other one in the first place
When instead of needing answers to the obvious problem, they both needed to be asked hey IS something wrong? is there ANOTHER problem here actually??
they both put so much of themselves into each other, they both rely on the other one for their sense of self-worth and the strength they need to be The One Who Get Things Done and The One Who Always Has A Plan
that's so DELICIOUSLY fucked up. the flip side to love,
(Vaggie freaking out feeling her existence is pointless while thinking she's failed Charlie, and Charlie losing so much hope just at the thought Vaggie might not really love or believe in her)
when someone else is walking around with your heart beating in their chest because you yourself put it there
heck, their resolution in s1 ISN'T even them hashing things out or communicating better! they don't NEED that- (yet) they JUST need each other! (soooooo fucked up I LOVE it) the thing that brings them back together is Vaggie fully letting go of her angel past to focus on her life with Charlie and tapping back into her whole self for first time since meeting Charlie, it's Charlie the singer and giver of heartfelt motivational speeches having her mind blown by words meaning less than actions as her partner who lied to her is also off right that moment doing everything she can to protect what they've built
the big moment is NOT them actually TALKING about what happened or why it happened. it doesn't matter!!! (to them) Their hurt came from being scared of losing each other, they meet up at the hotel gates and just seeing the other one there is Enough!
they happily return to status quo minus some secrets and plus some more confidence in what they have.... which means the rest of this stuff, the root cause of it all, the unaddressed subtext that they NEED to be fucked up together in an active, intentional, KNOWING way but are so good at inspiring and supporting each other that it just, doesn’t, happen..... that's all still there.
(i see you, Charlie sitting alone with your story of hell book and being shocked at your long time girlfriend coming up to your shared room, being around to see you sad, you putting on a smile and trying to wave it off bc yeah she's right you AREN'T alone anymore. technically)
(i see you, Vaggie asking to be left alone on a rooftop so you can deal with a devastating blow to your whole sense of self as 100% unintentionally dealt by your loving girlfriend who WANTS to be there for you through this but who YOU can't face until you're ready to shoulder the blame and apologize to her)
(i see you both trying so hard to help each other and not letting yourselves be helped)
(because no clearly you don't need it, clearly this is all already so much better that what you used to have and you're doing so much better, and what if you're still not good enough for it actually-)
chaggie is so happily, catastrophically entertwined and i hope they spend the next thousand years suffering through it together
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imgeekgirlfan · 9 days
The Curse of Cassandra [EP : VII]
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Read in Ao3 : here
Pairings:  Qimir x f!reader(SEA Reader)  [The Acolyte]
Content Rating : Mature 18+  Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warning (AT YOUR OWN RISK)
tags/themes : Alternate Universe - Dune & Star wars, Partners in Crime, Strangers to Lovers
Summary: You start a new life on the planet Olega with the man you love. If your life were a novel, this would be the happy ending. But fate never lets you rest. One day, you find yourself facing three unfamiliar Jedi, and one of them, a Jedi Knight named Yord, captures your attention in an inexplicable way.
Status: work in progress (This is a long fanfic that will be about 10+ chapters.)
A/N : Since there are more chapters now, if you don’t want to miss any updates, you can ask me to add your username for notifications whenever a new chapter is posted. Just let me know in a reply, and I’ll make sure you’re included in the next update.
ps. I'll be in Singapore for the F1 from this Thursday until next Tuesday, so I'll pause updating my fic for one week. I hope you can wait patiently.
➡  Intro // EP : I // EP : II // EP : III // EP : IV // EP : V // EP : VI
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[Episodes 7] It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
It’s often said that the safest place is also the most dangerous one. 
Perhaps that’s why Qimir chose to remain hidden on Olega, despite it being home to the Jedi Temple, a major stronghold of the galaxy’s peacekeepers.
For most people, there was no reason to fear the Jedi, who were meant to protect them from harm. But that wasn’t the case for you. You remembered well what Qimir had told you: the Jedi were looking for you, too. Even though their exact motives remained unclear, the sense of paranoia never left your mind. Especially after the massacre on Tatooine, you and Qimir felt like fugitives—always just one step away from being caught if any evidence linking you to the crime surfaced and exposed your secret.
You hated being here. Given a choice, you would have fled to some remote planet at the edge of the galaxy. But Qimir had different ideas. “Most of those who know about your bounty are outlaws or trade federations. Neither group gets along with the Jedi, so they won’t be snooping around places where Jedi gather,” he reasoned. “And the Jedi? They’re too preoccupied with galactic affairs to pay much attention to the planet they’re on. Besides, you don’t have the Force, so finding you would be like searching for a needle in a haystack.”
Qimir wasn’t wrong. Life on Olega had turned out to be unexpectedly peaceful. Despite the city’s persistent chaos, it made hiding much easier. You and Qimir had managed to stay under the radar for over a year without major problems. Everything had settled so seamlessly that you almost forgot what it was like to be on the run from other planets.
With no need to keep moving, Qimir had shifted from his life as an illegal mercenary to opening a modest apothecary. He also worked as a broker, selling medicines and various odds and ends to travelers passing through. Meanwhile, you had taken on the role of his assistant and personal apprentice. Qimir was dedicated to teaching you both the theory and practice of his knowledge, especially in combat. He also encouraged you to continue developing your powers rather than suppressing them as you had before. Like your mother, Qimir believed your abilities were too valuable to be wasted.
“Haven’t you ever thought,” Qimir once said, “that someone like you could rise to replace the Jedi one day? With your power, you could bring far more to the galaxy than they ever could.”
His words seemed absurd, like a far-fetched joke meant to tease you. You laughed every time, confident that such a thing would never happen.
Never getting involved with the Jedi, no matter what, had always been your rule for survival.
But sometimes, fate can be cruelly ironic, and this was a joke that wasn’t amusing at all.
That's what occurs at noon on a Friday—one of fate's cruel jokes when you unexpectedly find yourself face-to-face with a group of Jedi.
It all takes place at Qimir’s apothecary on a day he isn’t around. Lately, he has been disappearing more frequently—sometimes for two or three hours, or even the better part of a day—claiming he has business to attend to involving herbal shipments from other planets. As a result, you’re left to run the store in his absence, handling the medicines and assisting customers as usual.
But everything changes the moment the shop’s bell rings and the door swings open. Brilliant sunlight floods the store, heralding the arrival of three strangers you’ve never seen before.
One of them is a teenage theelin-human hybrid girl, with paper-white skin adorned with spots and orange hair with small horns encircling her head like a crown. The other two are human men—one middle-aged, with long black hair tied in a half-ponytail, his face stern and serious; the other younger, with sharp features, sun-bronzed skin, and a tall, muscular frame, likely not much older than you.
They couldn’t be more different from each other, except for their identical attire. They’re dressed in light yellow tunics, covered by long brown robes, and each wears a large belt with the unmistakable emblem of the Jedi Order.
Jedi—The realization hits you like a bolt of lightning the moment your eyes land on their belts, and you instinctively draw in a sharp breath.
You quickly wipe your sweaty palms on your skirt, composing yourself with practiced ease. Lifting your head from behind the counter, you address them with a polite, businesslike smile. “How may I assist the three of you today?”
The older man, likely a Jedi Master, introduces himself with courtesy as Sol, while the young girl, his Padawan, is named Jecki. The other young man, a Jedi Knight, is introduced as Yord. “We’re here on a mission,” Sol informs you, his voice laced with concern. “We’re investigating a serious incident that occurred in this city.”
You have no idea what serious incident he’s referring to or how severe it must be to involve the Jedi. For a moment, your mind jumps to the possibility that it might be connected to you—until Jecki explains further, warning you to keep the information strictly confidential.
It turns out that the serious incident is a series of murders currently happening on Olega. Four bodies in four months—each victim a high-ranking Jedi responsible for overseeing the temple here.
"Since the incident is still recent, the killer might be someone who just moved here or snuck into the city illegally," Sol continues. "There are many of these types around the spaceports, which is why we need to increase security in those areas to ensure the safety of the citizens."
You can tell Sol's words hold only a half truth. The Jedi aren't particularly concerned about the lives of citizens since the killer's targets are not random people but specifically high-ranking Jedi.
The presence of the three Jedi at the apothecary today is no coincidence. As a newcomer here, you're automatically placed among the suspects, though none of them have the nerve to say it outright to your face.
Understanding this, you begin to relax a little. After all, you have nothing to do with these murders, so there's no reason to worry. You just need to play along with the Jedi's charade until it's over.
Sol, the group's leader, takes charge of questioning you, with Jecki also taking part in the interrogation. Most of their questions are basic: had you noticed anything strange or seen any unusual people recently? They also delve into your personal history—your identity, background, and reasons for ending up on this planet.
You respond naturally, mixing truth with lies, careful not to arouse suspicion. You're confident in your ability to act convincingly—that is, until you sense the sharp gaze of the one Jedi in the group who hasn’t said a word.
You furrow your brow, the intense scrutiny from the Jedi named Yord making you increasingly uncomfortable. You try to ignore him, but there's something inexplicably magnetic about his presence—an instinctive urge that draws you to meet his gaze.
At first, you think he's trying to catch you in a lie, but when you see his expression, you're surprised.
He’s not scrutinizing you for deception—he’s staring at you in shock, as if you’re some kind of ghost.
As you peer deeply into his brown eyes with curiosity, time seems to stretch unnaturally long. You find yourself not looking at the present but plunging into the past. Every moment flashes before your eyes like pages of a book flipping by—one year, ten years, a hundred years, up to a thousand years.
Suddenly, your consciousness is yanked back to the present. You startle as your entire body trembles with the icy chill sweeping over you. Pain surges through you like a jolt of electricity, followed by the sticky sensation of blood trickling from your nose.
You know exactly what’s happening. The side effects of your vision are punishing you for seeing what was not meant to be seen.
Closing your eyes, you take slow, deep breaths, trying to steady yourself and acclimate to the pain. As your senses return, you hear Sol’s concerned voice. "Are you all right?"
"I’m fine," you quickly reply, shaking your head while wiping the blood from your nose with a handkerchief. You feign composure, even though the lingering pain continues to gnaw at you from within.
Sol looks at you with disbelief, but he doesn’t press further. His face betrays concern, and you can’t help but think how fitting he is as a Jedi. His every gesture screams 'purity' If goodness had a color, this man would be the brightest white—so blinding it hurts to look at.
The awkward silence breaks as Sol clears his throat, returning to the topic at hand. “We still don’t have any more leads on the perpetrator, other than the fact that they’re highly skilled with weapons—probably a former soldier or maybe...” He trails off, as if he almost let something slip, but catches himself just in time. "Anyway, if you find any suspicious leads, don’t hesitate to contact me or any other Jedi.”
You watch as Sol places a thin metal card on the counter before bidding you farewell with the classic phrase, "May the Force be with you." He and the other Jedi then leave the apothecary quietly.
You reach for the card, running your fingers along its cold metallic edge. Upon closer inspection, you realize it’s an electronic contact card, storing his information. The front clearly reads, ‘Sol, Human, Jedi Master.
For a brief moment, you consider throwing it far away, but something compels you to tuck it into your pocket instead.
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The sun slowly sinks, signaling the approach of evening. Hours have passed, but you're still lost in thought, pondering the group of Jedi you encountered—especially Sol’s story of the horrifying Jedi murder case. Though it has nothing to do with you directly, you can't shake the unease creeping into your mind. It's an inexplicable feeling of foreboding, devoid of any logical reason, as if instinct itself is whispering from deep within, warning you to be cautious. Yet you have no idea what or whom you should be wary of.
And then, there's another matter weighing heavily on your mind—the Jedi Knight named Yord.
His name has settled deep into your thoughts, etched onto your lips. A strange sense of familiarity fills your chest, as though you’ve known him before, despite seeing his face and hearing his name for the first time today.
How odd you think, fragments of a past you can barely recall flicker in your mind, disjointed and unclear. You want to focus your power on a vision, to delve deeper into the memory, but your body is too frail. It would only bring more pain. All you can do now is predict the hazy path of the future, as far as your bruised mind will allow.
You close your eyes, adjusting your breathing to a slow, steady rhythm. You let your mind sink into the stream of consciousness of possible futures.
There’s a ninety percent chance.
Certainty rises inside you—the answer you seek will come when you meet him again... soon.
The Bene Gesserit meditation gradually envelops your mind, nurturing it with such calm and a cold, almost numb detachment. Your fingers gently brush against the knife hidden in your cloak, recognizing that it may become necessary if things spiral out of control.
You step toward the front door of the shop, hand reaching for the handle, but a sudden hesitation grips you, freezing you in place.
A moment of silence surrounds you. You feel like a fish swimming towards a hook, drawn into a dangerous situation you shouldn't be involved with. The closer you get, the harder it becomes to turn back.
But in the end, you open the door anyway.
You stand there, waiting for something to happen. It doesn’t take long before someone grabs your arm, pulling you swiftly into the narrow alley beside the shop, hidden from the bustling street.
Your back hits the wooden wall of a nearby house—not hard enough to hurt, but enough to knock the wind out of you. You look up, meeting Yord's eyes with a calm expression, showing no sign of surprise. You know he is waiting for you, just as you are waiting for him.
“Be careful. You’re in a place you shouldn’t be,” he warns in a firm voice. “Get out while you still can.”
That’s all he says before releasing your shoulder and quickly walking back to the street, disappearing into the crowd while you stay still, watching his broad back in the yellow Jedi uniform fade from view.
In that moment, it's as if a veil of uncertainty is lifted, revealing a truth you had suspected before.
You are certain now. That Jedi can see the future—just like you.[1]
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[1] In Star Wars canon, some Jedi can see the future, but only a few—usually masters with strong Force abilities like Yoda (though as he got older, his visions became less reliable). You can see that Jedi powers and the Bene Gesserit abilities are somewhat similar (because Dune inspired Star Wars). However, in this fic, the author wanted to create a special distinction between the Reader (who is a Bene Gesserit) and the Jedi, so regular Jedi can’t have visions like the Reader. Yord’s case is unique and will have significant importance to the plot later on.
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chu-diaries · 1 month
140 days of productivity: day 10/140
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Today was such a weird day… I ended up sleeping until 10:30 am because my flu meds made me so sleepy. I spent the whole day feeling groggy, confused and disconnected from my body. Unfortunately, my first physical response to this kind of bad feeling is anxiety, as if my body wanted to force me into a state of stress so that I would return to reality. It didn't work and I basically had a horrible day.
I tried to do some work updating my finances, but I had trouble understanding some of the data and gave up. I also got my first credit card from my scented candle company and thought the packaging was really cute.
Today it was really hot, the air was thick and it was hard to breathe. I went for a walk in the late afternoon and witnessed the red sun phenomenon, which happens when smoke from forest fires fills the sky. I'm glad I bought a powerful air humidifier, I'll need it now more than ever! I managed to have some self-care moments today and tested my 140g candles at different times of the day. I also washed dishes, watered my plants and cried when I felt like it (very important).
I finally studied Korean - yes! apparently I'm still a Korean langblr! - and reviewed the main consonants and vowels I've already learned. I really need to figure out a study schedule that works better for me, since my current schedule has been reduced to basically 0 hours of Korean practice per week lol.
🩸: day 3/29
💧: 3 L 🥵🥵🥵
🏋🏻‍♀️: 🚫
🏃🏻‍♀️: walking (2 km)
🕯️: answered emails from partners + did more candle tests
🪘: I listened to my favorite podcast and learned about the life and struggles of Luzia Pinta, Pai Gavião and Juca Rosa, former slaves who fought to maintain their religious practice in Brazilian territory (2 h)
🇰🇷: studied the main consonants and vowels (1 h)
🎧: Café da Manhã, a News podcast by Spotify Studios
📺: one piece ep. 534
📚: Orí: a Cabeça como Divindade - Márcio de Jagun
🛑: 17 days pick free (can’t believe it!! My face looks so good)
💊: iron supplements, vitamin c, omega 3 + flu medications
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animesavior · 3 months
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“Kal-El of Krypton! I answered your call. The Beacon reached me across your Galaxy, the only other Kryptonian in existence. And I arrive, only to see you brought me to this...sickening display. [Superman: "You're Kara, you're my cousin?"] And you're a disappointment. I thought I would find a warrior. Instead, I find a joke, a lapdog, serving his entertainment to a weak and dissolute world. I'm not saying that there aren't temptations here. But a true Kryptonian pushes through. This planet it's made you soft. [Superman: "What are you saying?"] You have two choices, join me in conquering this planet, or kneel before your new Kryptonian Empire.” -          Kara Zor-El, My Adventures with Superman (Season 2, Ep. 05)
The Toonami Trending Rundown for June 15-16, 2024. We reach the halfway point of My Adventures with Superman season 2 as Clark reunites with his long-lost cousin Kara. And among other great moments, we’re coming down the stretch with three more episodes of Zom 100’s first season after this week, as Akira returns home to his family; while Usopp and the Dwarves attack Sugar to try and stop her control of the toys.
For this week’s trending on Saturday, #Toonami trended in the USA on Twitter alongside My Adventures with Superman and Zom 100. No trends for Toonami Rewind on Friday were spotted this week.
This week’s feature was a new bumper ID titled “Screen Updates.” You can check it out below:
While there have been rumors and inclinations from Adult Swim that they do plan on producing a second season of Ninja Kamui, there is no official word on whether a second season is presently in production at this time. In a since-deleted news release by Business Wire, the article included a passage signifying that a second season of Ninja Kamui was in the works, saying ““NINJA KAMUI” anime series has become the most viewed anime ever in the history of both Adult Swim & MAX,” said Joseph Chou, CEO of Sola Entertainment. “We hope this game will continue to entertain the fans around the world while we work on Season 2 of the anime.””
However, Jason DeMarco has denied such an announcement, saying that “A second season has not been announced.” Chou later clarified to Anime News Network on Wednesday: “that the game's PR staff inserted the quote about Sola Entertainment "working on" a second season. While he said that they are considering new ideas, "there is nothing official at all."”
Next month, the block will be in a bit of a transition period as both Zom 100 and My Adventures with Superman will be completing their respective seasons on July 6 and July 20th respectively. For the nights of July 13 and 20th, both One Piece and Demon Slayer will have doubleheaders on the lineup on 12:30-1:30 a.m. and 3-4 a.m. respectively. Furthermore, on July 27, which ironically enough is Comic-Con week this year, My Adventures with Superman will be getting a marathon of all 10 episodes of its second season, a week after its season finale.
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Not much else to say other than we hope you had a great Father's Day and Juneteenth, congratulations to the Boston Celtics on winning their record 18th NBA Championship, and stay gold.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
Toonami Rewind Trends
Tweet Counts:
Adult Swim [9,260 tweets]
#SailorMoon [2,886 tweets]
Toonami Trends
United States Trends:
#Toonami [#17]
#MyAdventuresWithSuperman [#11]
#Zom100 [#9]
Tweet Counts:
#MyAdventuresWithSuperman [1,314 tweets]
If you wish to send me a tip for the work on the trending rundown, donations can be sent to PayPal.Me/DanielLimjoco.
Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
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darkmaga-retard · 24 days
Update (0958ET): 
Dollar General shares plummeted by as much as 26% as the US cash trading session got underway, marking the steepest intraday decline ever. 
Shares crashed to early 2018 levels. 
Dismal earnings sparked the record drop in DG's share price. 
As previously mentioned, DG's management noted that core customers "feel financially constrained." By examining store locations, we can identify the states where these customers are most pressured. 
For the political strategists out there, this might give some understanding, perhaps in swing states, where customers are being financially crushed the most by Bidenomics. Given the map, it appears to be the entire eastern half of the US. 
*    *    * 
Shares of Dollar General Corp. crashed 23.5% to hit levels not seen since 2018 in premarket trading in New York following a disappointing second-quarter earnings report. The nation's largest discount retailer missed Wall Street's profit and sales expectations and slashed its full-year forecast. The retailer warned that its core customers "feel financially constrained." 
The discount retailer, which has nearly 19,000 locations in 48 states and 8,000 cities, reported adjusted earnings per share of $1.70 for the second quarter, missing the average estimate of analysts tracked by Bloomberg of $1.79. Revenue came in at $10.21 billion, below estimates of $10.37 billion, but still up 4.2% year-over-year. Same-store sales rose .5%, missing the 2.07% estimate. 
Here's a snapshot of second-quarter earnings (courtesy of Bloomberg): 
EPS $1.70 vs. $2.13 y/y, estimate $1.79
Net sales $10.21 billion, +4.2% y/y, estimate $10.37 billion
Comparable sales +0.5% vs. -0.1% y/y, estimate +2.07%
Gross margin 30% vs. 31.1% y/y, estimate 30.3%
SG&A as percentage of revenue 24.6% vs. 24% y/y, estimate 24.4%
Operating profit $550.0 million, -21% y/y, estimate $587.5 million
DG lowered its full-year outlook for sales and profit. The company slashed its guidance ranges for EPS to $5.50 to $6.20 from $6.80 to $7.55 and for same-store sales growth to 1% to 1.6% from 2% to 2.7%. Bloomberg consensus was around 2.47%.
More color on the full-year outlook (courtesy of Bloomberg): 
Sees comparable sales +1% to +1.6%, saw +2% to +2.7%, estimate +2.47% (Bloomberg Consensus)
Sees EPS $5.50 to $6.20, saw about $6.80 to $7.55, estimate $7.11
Sees net sales +4.7% to +5.3%, saw +6% to +6.7%
Sees effective tax rate 23%, saw 22.5% to 23.5%
Still sees capital expenditure $1.3 billion to $1.4 billion, estimate $1.39 billion
CEO Todd Vasos acknowledged consumers are being pressured in today's environment of elevated inflation and high interest rates: 
"While we believe the softer sales trends are partially attributable to a core customer who feels financially constrained, we know the importance of controlling what we can control. With the evolving retail and consumer landscape in mind, we are taking decisive action to further enhance our value and convenience offering, as well as the in-store experience for our associates and customers."
Shares crashed 23.5% in premarket trading to the midpoint of the $94 handle, the lowest level since early 2018. 
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btshoseong · 11 months
👣. !!: BURN THE STAGE EP.1 ‧₊˚
↺ 💌 ࣪ ˖ ∿ author’s note , @ FINALLY A PROPER UPDATE FOR YOU GUYS LET’S GO 🥳🥳
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RM: “You do shows in the US with an audience of over ten thousand? And the tickets sell out? Yeah, I’ll show you.”
???: “Sensation BTS is hitting ‘Not Today’. They’re getting ready to take over the US in just over two weeks. They’re going huge!”
???: “Get this. Their arena shows in Chicago, New York and L.A. They’re all sold out.”
???: “BTS is the first K-pop idol group to be awarded at the Billboard Music Awards.”
???: “The Top Social Artist Award had been awarded to Justin Bieber for the past six years which makes it more meaningful.”
???: “Fans from Bolivia, Peru and Argentina are now here, too.”
???: “BTS just announced a series of brand new albums and the internet has lost all chill.”
???: “This team first became popular abroad so they’re already doing a world tour visiting thirteen countries.”
???: “BTS. If you don’t know them, you need to know them. They’re a K-pop group, a Korean pop group, and they’re huge on social media.”
???: “They were the only one who had triple millions.” — “Holy moly.” — “Historic moment.”
The members are all sat in a circle on the floor as they are being recorded.
SUGA: “What I can say for sure is that there’s a reason we do this. I want this to have a reason.”
J-HOPE: “I think fans would be curious about what we do backstage.”
RM: “I think it has to be more raw.”
J-HOPE: “What happens before we do make-up, what we do when we’re at hotels.”
SE3OUL: “I think so too. I mean, we keep up this strong image, but I want them to see our vulnerable sides, moments where we struggle just like anyone.”
RM: “Yeah… honestly, like, sometimes we argue. It happens, you know?”
SE3OUL: “We just need to show them plainly, without hiding anything.”
RM: “There needs to be a meaning so they have a reason to watch this.”
SUGA: “That’s how people think of us. They think we show our lives without filtering anything, but we hide a lot of things. I tried really hard so that my weaknesses don’t show. We should get rid of all of that and show them the raw side.”
SE3OUL: “I think from their perspective, it would also help them. Because online – you know, people are always showing their best side, but if they know that there are moments where things aren’t as perfect, it’ll feel more real.”
RM: “When we’re under pressure, for example, we get annoyed at each other. We get sensitive. I think we need to show them some of that, too.”
SUGA: “During our performances or preparations, we always show…”
SUGA, SE3OUL & RM: *at the same time* “The finished product.”
SUGA: “Right. Honestly, we don’t want to show them the entire process because there are a lot of things that we’re not good at.”
RM: “What I’ve always emphasised ever since we made our debut is that we want to interact man to man. I struggle internally every day. I actually have these kinds of thoughts and have these other sides. But if I let them see it, they might worry and they might not like me. But I really want to break out of that.”
SE3OUL: “There’s this sort of uneasy feeling lurking a lot of the time. As artists, let’s say you do something. If someone has a negative view of it, it looks bad. But then if you see the positive, it can be good. It tends to depend on a person individually.”
SUGA: “To our fans, at least, we try really hard to show them everything honestly. I want them to think, ‘Oh, I didn’t know they had that side.’ It’ll be an opportunity to show them more by filtering less.”
RM: “Our biggest strength is that human touch and we can show them more of it. So they think, ‘they’re just like me.’ They get irritated under pressure and they also cry.”
SE3OUL: “That’s right. I want them to be able to relate to us, to see us as their equal and not to put us above them or on a pedestal. We’re simple humans at the end of the day. We laugh, we cry, we argue.”
RM: “Honestly, I was only lucky to find what I wanted to do earlier in life. I was lucky to find good friends and that’s how I made it here. If I get frustrated during work, I just read webtoons for five hours. And some days I don’t want to work.”
RM: “People think I always work hard, but sometimes I just lie down and sleep. Things like that.”
SUGA: “They said that we’ll cry if we watch this 10 or 20 years later. After I heard that, I could imagine myself watching this in 10 or 20 years. When I see this camera, I feel like I’m going to cry. It feels strange. I think it’s going to be a life…”
SE3OUL: “Already?”
ALL MEMBERS: *bursting into small laughs*
RM: “We haven’t done anything yet.”
RM: “But I know what you mean.”
SE3OUL: “Yeah, we know.”
???: “But what if BTS advances to the attack?”
RM: “I’m the leader in BTS and my name is RM. I wish something spectacular would happen, but at the same time… erm…” *kisses teeth* “I hope nothing goes wrong.” *laughs*
SUGA: “I’m the rapper in BTS. I also write music. Yeah that’s what I do.”
JIN: “I’m the big brother of BTS and my name is Jin. I’m in charge of having the amazingly handsome face. Are you, by chance, a celebrity? You’re so handsome. Needless to say.”
J-HOPE: “I’m J-Hope of BTS. I’m like the person that connects the younger and older members.” *chuckles* “Yup.”
SE3OUL: “Hello, I’m the main vocalist of BTS and my name is Se3oul. Uh…. I dance, I sing, I rap, I write music. What can I say? I’ve got it all.” *cute shrug*
JIMIN: “The youngest isn’t doing his job as the youngest, so I’m doing it for him. I’m Jimin.”
V: “I’m 22… wait. Am I 23 this year? I’m V. I’m living a nice life.”
JUNGKOOK: “Introduce myself? Hello, I’m Jungkook of BTS.”
Pre-production Rehearsal
The members are gathered around on sofas eating.
JIN: *multitasking as he eats + checks his phone* “Here’s the cue sheet. Not Today-”
JIMIN: “For today?”
JIN: “Yes. Am I Wrong, Crow Tit, DOPE, War of Hormone, 21st Century Girls.”
RM: “Stigma comes last in the second part.” *also checking the cue sheet* “Taehyung, come with me.”
J-HOPE: “All we have to do is make them sing along.” *talking to seongie beside him + laughing*
SE3OUL: *side eyeing him tbh*
JIMIN: *laughing + leaning into seongie from his other side* “Hyung, he looks like he wants to kill you.” *talking to hobi*
V: *amazed at seongie when he notices too* “Wah, hyung….”
SUGA: “He does it so Hoseok-ah knows he doesn’t find him funny.”
SE3OUL: *smiling through a mouth full of food + showing a finger heart to yoongs as an indication that he’s right*
RM: “I feel drowsy and watch stuff with no purpose if I stay in the studio.”
JUNGKOOK: “The moment I opened the Japanese book I felt so sleepy.”
JIMIN: “I just want to sleep.”
SE3OUL: “No, the best way for studying is with me.” *talking with his mouth full*
JIN: “Aish…” *disgusted lmao* “Can you not talk with your mouth wide open? Chew your food properly and eat.”
SE3OUL: “Why is this guy talking? Isn’t his mouth always full of food?” *smirking as he talks to jm + pointing to jin*
JIN: “What? ‘This guy’? If you don’t watch your mouth…” *about to pop a vein*
RM: *laughing as he consoles jinnie* “He’s doing it on purpose. Let it go. But yeah,” *changing subject* “I get all ready and went to Starbucks and sat down. I opened my book and I realised I didn’t bring my pencil case.”
A few of the members laugh. Everyone is doing various things.
SE3OUL: “Leave it up to this guy and he’ll make his name on the Guinness book of world records under ‘Most Forgetful’ and forget he even owns the title.” *shaking his head in amusement as he finishes the last of his food*
The video cuts to them now talking about the humidifier in the room.
J-HOPE: *pointing at the humidifier* “Some steam and some don’t. What’s the difference?”
RM: “I feel good when it steams. It feels more humidifying.”
SE3OUL: “I like to close my eyes and imagine I’m going on a walk through a misty park when it steams.” *currently doing exactly that*
RM: “Is that some sort of meditation technique?”
The video cuts to Jeongguk now placing a napkin over the humidifier where it releases steam.
JUNGKOOK: “Create fog like with dry ice.” *stands + hovers his hand over his mouth*
ALL MEMBERS: *watching intently*
JUNGKOOK: “You shouldn’t trust~” *mimicking jinnie’s awake*
ALL MEMBERS: *immediately burst into fits of laughter and clapping*
The video cuts to Jeongguk now near the camera which is recording them.
JUNGKOOK: “The camera was on, guys.” *informing his hyungs* “I didn’t know.”
SE3OUL: *was busy on his phone until he hears jk and his head immediately perks up, looking at the camera* “The camera’s on? It’s filming?”
JUNGKOOK: “Yes.” *making his way back to his seat + beginning to clean up his rubbish*
JIMIN: “You didn’t know?” *watching seongie in amusement as he too starts to clean up his rubbish*
SUGA: “Wait, the camera’s on?” *another hyung who wasn’t aware*
SE3OUL: “Ah, you guys are so ill informed.” *tsking as he cleans up his space* “You thought the camera was off and your true colours started to shine. Look at this mess you’ve made.” *cheeky bastard*
SUGA: *quickly beginning to join in on the cleaning*
JIMIN: “Oh? Look at them. Hyungs, why are you suddenly cleaning up?” *having fun teasing*
SUGA: “Jimin-ah, you don’t clean up after eating?”
SE3OUL: “Don’t put on an innocent act now after you made me throw your rubbish in the bin by acting all pouty.”
JIMIN: *in lighthearted disbelief* “What? All pouty? Everyone here cleans up apart from the two of you. Don’t get it mixed up. Everyone but the two of you.”
SUGA: “Jimin, you should clean up after eating.” *good at acting + scolding*
SE3OUL: “Maknaes these days are so lazy…”
The video cuts to the members now heading onto an empty stage for sound check.
???: “Cut. Five seconds. Two, one, three.”
The video cuts again to the members talking backstage.
JIMIN: *talking + putting on his blazer* “And then it’s War of Hormone.”
J-HOPE: “No, War of Hormone comes last.”
SE3OUL: “It’s after the medley of the title tracks.” *informing*
JIN: *talking to jm, accusatory* “You didn’t memorise your cue sheet?”
J-HOPE: *talking into his mic + pointing* “Look at him. You don’t deserve to be a singer. He hasn’t memorised the cue sheet yet. What do we do?”
SE3OUL: “I told you to memorise it before anything, Jimin-ah. You forgot again? You need to set reminders on your phone.”
JIMIN: *also talking into his mic* “I’ll be sure to learn it.”
The video cuts to the vocal line watching the rap line practice Cypher pt.4 on stage. Vocal line is playing and joking amongst themselves before we transition to Hoseok.
J-HOPE: “Today? Rehearsing on the stage here really feels like we’re performing in the concert hall. Like we’re in Gocheok Sky Dome, right?” *placing a hand on jm’s shoulder as seongie stands beside him with crossed arms, amused*
J-HOPE: “I’m not asking him because I already know his answer and it’s useless.” *talking to the camera about seongie*
SE3OUL: *whispering in jm’s ear which causes the younger to laugh*
JIMIN: “No, not at all.” *finally answering hobi’s question with a cheeky smile*
J-HOPE: *laughing at the camera before resting both hands on the two members’ shoulders* “Right, let’s have a talk somewhere.” *guiding them away jokingly*
J-HOPE: *can be seen in the close distance wrapping his arms around their necks* “How can you do this to me?”
SE3OUL: “It doesn’t feel like Gocheok Sky Dome at all. This guy just says anything.” *speaking loud enough for camera to pick up on it*
The video cuts to the three members now standing in front of the camera again.
SE3OUL: “You see, when we do rehearsals, we usually… we practice the day before to be sure it’s like the real thing. But it’s nice to practice two weeks ahead. What do you guys think?”
J-HOPE: *laughing + patting his shoulder* “They couldn’t hear you at all thanks to Yoongi hyung.” *yoongs is talking into the mic*
SE3OUL: *looking in the distance to where yoongs is* “HYUNG, SHUT UP I’M TRYING TO SPEAK!!” *yelling but yoongs continues talking* “RAHHHH!” *roaring now, causing hobi and jm to fall into him as they laugh*
SE3OUL: *arriving back to the camera* “He’s trying to look so professional. He’s not usually like this.”
SUGA: “The total number of concerts during THE WINGS TOUR is as many as the number of concerts that we gave so far, I was told.”
JIMIN: “Throughout this tour, first of all, we’ll go to many different countries though we can’t go to every country. We have fans that support us from afar so it’s nice that we can go and meet them. I believe they expect something from us – something that they can’t usually see. Like the performances that they only saw on TV from afar. I want to show them as is.”
SE3OUL: “From an outsider’s perspective, this tour… it can look like a big leap. All of a sudden? Since when? These kinds of reactions may be common, but it’s also a new experience for us to learn about ourselves. Right now we’re doing thirteen countries, but with time, I want to meet fans from everywhere at least once. I think our perseverance has always been our biggest strength.”
The video then cuts to Jimin practicing his solo stage for the concert.
STAFF: “Yes, thank you.” *calling a cut to the practice now*
JIMIN: *bowing to the staff* “Yes, Jimin of BTS.” *now jumping off stage*
JIMIN: *surrounded by other staff now* “How was it?” *adjusting his mic* “Huh? Ah, I totally let go, right?”
STAFF: “But you’ll have other dancers.” *explaining*
JIMIN: “Tell them to do it this way. If it doesn’t work, I’ll go in.” *high fiving staff*
STAFF: “Good job, good job. I’m trusting you. You’re the only one.”
The video cuts to Hoseong as the staff with Jimin leaves.
SE3OUL: “I think we might have to slow it down here.” *showing the move he’s talking about* “The run isn’t working. It’s too quick.”
STAFF: “We can place it on the dancers if you want to stick to just vocals.”
SE3OUL: *trying to practice the move again* “Ah, seriously…” *annoyed at himself + grabbing a towel to wipe off his sweat* “No, let’s switch to a walk. Staying stagnant isn’t an option for me.”
STAFF: “We can try a walk with the dancers running on either side. It’ll create a better focal point.” *discussing ideas*
The video then cuts to Taehyung as Hoseong continues to practice with the staff watching.
V: *drinking water + on stage* “We’re not practicing live, are we?” *proceeds to walk around and do vocal exercises*
V: “Can’t be removed~” *practicing his song*
The video continues into showing Taehyung and Jeongguk both practicing for the upcoming concerts individually.
JUNGKOOK: *lying down* “No… I didn’t plan well.” *wiping sweat off his face* “I slept too early and woke up too early. I didn’t get to sleep before the rehearsal.” *now sitting up* “But the live performance was good.”
The video cuts to Namjoon.
RM: “Every member has a keyword. For example, Jeongguk, just like you saw on the stage, his keyword is Begin. He joined BTS when he knew nothing and he grew up here. It’s the story of the beginning of his life. And I think about myself a lot. So they said that could be my keyword.”
RM: *writing on a board* “It’s my life. The graph of my life. That’s right. Life has ups and downs.” *arms crossed*
The video cuts to Jin.
STAFF: “We spent a lot of money on this scene.”
JIN: “Oh, really?” *asking into the mic*
STAFF: “Yes.”
JIN: “It has to be more money than Hobi’s.”
STAFF: “The most money went into the resources.”
JIN: “Then please don’t tell the members.”
The video cuts to Jin now practicing his song for his stage before we switch to Hoseok who is being helped into a jacket on stage.
J-HOPE: “Oh, this is hard.” *talking about putting on the jacket in time*
J-HOPE: “The BTS that I thought… ‘The BTS that I saw on social media is not this.’ We don’t want to deliver that. We want to make sure they feel our energy.”
RM: “It’s a show. A performance. We don’t want the audience to come and say, ‘I wasted two and a half hours of my life.’ We want them to get more value, show them everything we prepared and see how they react to it.”
The video cuts to Yoongi with Hoseok and Hoseong (who are seemingly always together).
SUGA: *as hobi holds onto both of his shoulders* “He’s the man of THE WINGS TOUR.” *pointing*
SE3OUL: *shoving hobi aside and walking up close to the camera* “That’s not right. ARMY, you’ll keep your eyes on me at the concert, won’t you?” *rizzing up the camera*
SUGA: “Yah,” *trying to pull him away* “They won’t even see this until after the tour’s finished. Stop wasting your breath.”
J-HOPE: “No, no. The real man of THE WINGS TOUR is Hoseong-ah.” *grabbing seongie’s shoulders now*
SE3OUL: *grabbing his face in a jokingly aggressive way* “Is this your way of confessing to me?” *now pretending to lean in*
SUGA: “Yah! What’s wrong with you guys?” *shoving them both away*
Hoseok and Hoseong burst out laughing as Yoongi walks up closer to the camera.
SUGA: “You see… this- this is something I have to go through every so often in this group. They start acting like wild animals without supervision.” *disappointed shake of the head*
The video cuts to Jin.
JIN: “It’s been a long time since I sang so many songs. My legs are shaking.” *laughing* “I’d better work harder.”
JIMIN: “Your legs are shaking already?” *walking past onto the stage*
JIN: *pointing* “He has to say that.”
JIMIN: “It’s because you’re old.”
JIN: *pointing again as he talks to the camera* “There’s always one person that will diss you. It’s usually the younger ones together, Seongie included. This is the one time he’s with the maknaes. If you’re so good, you do it.” *complaining*
JUNGKOOK: *overheard* “What’s wrong? My Jin hyung is handsome.”
JIN: “Yah… there. Isn’t he an uptight friend?” *pointing at jk and laughing, satisfied*
SE3OUL: *the man who is everywhere joins the duo, wrapping his arm around jk’s shoulders* “Oho, our maknae. Aren’t you trying too hard to get into our hyung’s good books?” *leading him away and leaving jinnie behind dumbstruck*
JIN: “Did you see that? This is what I meant. He’s getting in with the younger members, this guy born in ‘94. Ah, he’s sharp. I’ll show him.” *following the rest onto the stage*
JIMIN: “It’s going to be a long journey. I hope that there is something at the end of this journey. I’m doing this tour with that in mind. It’s not that I’m already thinking about the end, but I think I hope I see a better me at the end of it.”
JIN: “What BTS tries to accomplish is… actually, we accomplished everything we planned. We made most of our dreams come true. Now we have to move on towards a new dream. And I want to be in it. That’s my dream.”
The video cuts to Jimin, Jin and Namjoon practicing.
JIMIN: *dancing + singing spring day* “From the beginning. Snow comes down. And it comes down slowly again.”
The trio are slowly joined by the rest of the members. Hoseong joins in on the little dance.
SE3OUL: “Everybody I miss… yeah!” *silly lil dance*
JIN: *laughing* “That was a good one.”
RM: *amused leader* “One more time! I miss… yeah!” *following the younger members’ lead*
JIMIN: “Do the dab. You need to come forward for the second part.” *talking into his mic*
JIMIN: “The members are my motivation. They’re one of my biggest motivations. I enjoy it when I do things with these people. They make me think that we can do so many things. And that motivates me more. Just having them by my side encourages me as well. Really, these guys make me move.”
SE3OUL: *long silence + pondering* “Well… when I first joined BTS, I don’t think I had too much passion for myself. My focus was always on my parents, and I don’t regret that, but I really started living for myself because of these guys. They showed me a new purpose. They gave me a dream, a reason to look forward to each new day.”
JIN: “We want to be the number one song on Billboard. Give a concert in a really big concert hall. That’s also part of my dream, but if I must share something more personal, my dream is to perform with these guys for a long time.”
The video cuts to the members practicing together now and getting a feel of the stage.
SUGA: “I also wonder how much more I will have grown after one year.”
RM: “I’m hooked on workwear lately.” *showing his clothes* “I wonder if you’ll still be hooked on it later in time.” *speaking to his future self* “I hope you are. People say it looks good on you.” *laughing*
JIN: “I hope my face isn’t as puffy. I danced hard, too. By then, I’ll probably dance better than RM.”
J-HOPE: “I’m not sure who I really am yet. What I can tell you for sure is that through this I want to find out what kind of person I am. I hope this process helps me find who I am.”
SE3OUL: “I always wonder about these things. A day, a month, a year… have I changed from the me that I used to be? Can people notice a difference? So I think this will help me find an answer. Seong-ah, let me speak to you casually. You better be working hard, huh? Don’t get lazy just because you’ve made an achievement or two.” *threatening + laughing*
JIMIN: “I don’t know how much time it will take to fulfill it, but I hope you become a good singer.”
JUNGKOOK: “Jeongguk, big bro. You’re 22 now, so I’ll call you big bro. I only have goals, I don’t really put things into action. I hope you’re putting your utmost effort into practice by that time.”
V: *pursing lips* “Hello, I’m the V from last year. I’m trying to do my best to grow a bit more each day. I’m trying to focus a lot. If there’s anything I hope is that you don’t get injured. I hope the tour ends safely.”
RM: “You’re not really that smart. And you’re not so selfless either. I hope you know your limits well. But don’t stay within those limits. Overcome the limits each day.”
SUGA: “I hope we don’t become stagnant. Neither BTS nor I. It could be slow and difficult, or we might enjoy it, but we can go on slowly experiencing all of that.”
The video cuts to a clip of the boys practicing Wings together, goofing around and having fun.
JUNGKOOK: “I’ll try to be the you that you are now. Because I’m becoming you.”
JIMIN: “I hope people want to see you just because you’re Park Jimin.”
V: “I hope you’re a better person now.”
SE3OUL: “I hope you’ll continue to stay humble,” *a slow, almost shy smile is approaching* “But work hard to a point where your face is plastered everywhere.”
J-HOPE: “I think I’m a loved person.” *laughing*
JIN: “I’m sure you’re still very bright and childlike. I have no doubt.”
RM: “For those wishes and good fortunes to come to you, I hope you’re able to overcome your lazy moments. So that when you see this message, you can say ‘I worked hard.’”
SUGA: “It was always… Let’s take it slow and do what we can. I said that was our goal.”
The first episode concludes with a glimpse of ARMY cheering for the boys at a packed concert venue.
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@pandorasword , @ateezsora , @bts-dream , @fairiepoems , @kaitieskidmore97
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bartholomew-junior · 4 months
23 25 26... hmm. maybe sips ANd erina And gothi (unless you dont feel like that feel free to just choose one of them cause. 6 entire different answers to think) <3<3
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE thank u circular 4 ur boon of kindness. it is appreciated. apologies for the wait, as i had to let the ideas for this ripen be4 properly answering. i’m gonna start the first ask off with gothi from ep.10.
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first of all, i just love her mask and am permanently sad that she never gets to wear it again. bonus for foreshadowing face reveal a few episodes down the line and making her an incredibly ominous cryptid like presence kind of. i just think she’s neat. next is erina in ep.32:
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honestly i was really tempted to use a frame from when she was xanu possessed cuz it looked real fuckin cool, but i think this one’s more meaningful. she’s sympathizing with sips for once instead of trying to one up him (at least after a bit) and realizing how tough shit must’ve been for him. agh they make me insane. next is sips from ep.15:
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from right after he ate bou claire’s heart. the buildup narration to him looking into the mirror is, ,, agghhh. the fact this was used to promo merch is funny also.
now for q. 25: technically, my first impression of gothi was her getting sips to do karaoke while drunk (lol) and that being the catalyst for EVERYTHING (this campaign is the equivalent of a snowball rolling down a hill). but now, it was her kind of managing and trying to quell sips’ anger best she could along with erina.
erina was just a memelord to me lol. sips wasn’t in the best condition the first few episodes, so my first impression was just that he was a bottomless pit of rage. now looking at the early episodes feels like looking at alpha minecraft in comparison to 1.21, especially without xanu or abby. sneeze was just a little guy.
ok freebie question time. i’m gonna pick q. 22 even tho there hasn’t been a new fic at all on ao3 since i updated my own fic (which makes sense considering we’ve kinda already met the goal of the series even if there’s a lot of stuff on the horizon). and i’ll pick all 3 of them + xanu for this cuz. why not
sips: a lot of the fics on ao3 4 this fandom are oneshots, so there isn’t much they’re able to explore if they’re low word counts, but my dream sips-centric fic would be like. a collection of missed/deleted scenes from his early life and time in ammurin with a kind of dream/void/death motif. bonus points if he’s trans
erina: i haven’t seen ANYTHING about her early life in kylandria being the child of busy royal entertainers, hell even her weapons are like a carnival trick, so i’d really like to see a bit of early life stuff again. are you sensing a trend. also her just dealing with royalty is fun and i have many ideas
gothi: early life again. listen she was a whole ass princess who was allowed to exist only because of her rank she was under so much pressure all of the time, especially with being buddies with xanu. did she ever talk to another defective foreclaimer. who are her parents. did they love her. ugh. also, seeing her interact with vicky is something i haven’t really seen before, so that’d be fun.
xanu: listen. i feel like he’d be the hermit on the high mountain type never interacting with anyone like thanos after killing half the universe. also, i feel like a lot of aspects of his character get discarded in favor of making him easier to digest and write, which i’ve done, and this does not do him any service. i think making all the fools gold cast kind of,, mlp headcanon designified is also fun and i want to do it. also bonus vicky
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in conclusion: thank u circular <3333333 :]] :), i hope this isn’t miserably long. i’ve been all worded out for the day. do u ever think abt how vicky and sips are parallels and
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hopelessdelusional · 1 year
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i know places
the day has finally come! thank you all for the likes, comments reblogs, and follows like y’all are so sweet and i’m so giddy rn, like kicking my feet and squealing into my pillow
but also FUCK tumblr for not letting me comment bro that shit is mad homophobic
fun facts!ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
- yn and hitoshi live together and it’s either mass chaos or so peaceful and quiet
- yn has been finishing up some old editing jobs that helps pay the rent while she was out of business but she also has a new client!
- hitoshi just doesn’t get out of the house much except college 😕
- the gang hasn’t been to a party since their freshmen year of college,,,, and they’re seniors (except iida and momo who are alr graduated)
- shoto is getting a degree in chem in case the modeling shit doesn’t work out
- bgk NEVER compliments photographers. like ever. he ALWAYS has smth snarky to say abt them so when bgk said that after yn talked to them a bit kiri was FLABBERGASTED
- kaminari and sero don’t throw huge parties bc bkg would KILL them and they also don’t have the budget for them so the gang knows it won’t be that big a deal…but they also know there will be alcohol involved
- the song i got the gc name from has actually been engraved in my head since 2020☝️
Next ep!
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ updates every wednesday and sunday! happy wildest dreams wednesday ✧.*
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angelapleasant · 7 months
for the storytelling questions: 20, 25 & 28 ! :)
20. choose your favourite shot from your story so far
since i have so many Hermia Driving Ominously (which are my favorites haha), i picked another “style” of shot. i feel like this pic is so basic but to me it really exemplifies the gloomy/ dark mood i’m going for w the addition of being in strangetown (also my fav)
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25. what inspirations have you drawn on for your story?
re: sims stories, definitely f&r because it encouraged me to want to do a story in the first place and got me more into the premades. this was originally just going to be a cordial backstory (which got reworked some and will now be included in sw). and of course shwc, since for me that was my original exposure to premades as a viable and interesting subject.
the biggest sims inspiration i have is obviously @emperorofthedark. like i feel like i say this constantly but i love her stories, the atmosphere is sooo good and honestly every time i’ve come back to the sims community (before having a story myself to keep me occupied lol) it’s been because i need to check for an update bc i want to find out what happens next LOL
for non sims stuff, i’ve always been super into horror. i don’t really like gore/ slashers, but a ghost story with a good twist (i love when the ghost is just like… tragic vs flat evil lol) or anything with “resurrection gone wrong” themes like pet sematery. some recent stuff i’ve really liked is haunting of hill house/ bly manor, midnight mass, the new interview with the vampire show, talk to me, stuff like that. (please whoever is reading this rec me horror books and movies lol)
and the dark side of fairy lore of course! when i was a kid i had this anthology of darker/ retold fairytales called “a wolf at the door” and i’ve been hooked on that kind of thing ever since.
also true blood, i know it’s goofy but it’s a comfort show i guess? for the inspiration for the tricou family’s backstory which will get written about at some point re: the grand vampires in NL are like, a vampire council. also the aesthetic of twin peaks/ true detective.
for music, tasseomancy, especially their albums ‘ulalume’ and ‘tasseomancy’ (that one was from when they were known as ghost bees) and promise and the monster’s ‘red tide’ album and the EPs from that era, and her ‘feed the fire’ album, the dear esther soundtrack, gazelle twin, a.a. bondy, timber timbre
28. if you could reproduce your story in another medium (movie, novel, comic, etc.) what would you choose and why?
tv show for sure! hour long, shorter seasons like hbo shows. i’m thinking it will end up being around 12~ chapters and i’m honestly writing it to be like that already, where i’m trying to do the scenes as if they were in a show (with a soundtrack and everything lol), where the images aren’t always straight depictions of the text but they compliment each other instead, if that makes sense.
ty for asking!!! i love talking about this thing lol. sorry i wrote so much 😂
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simularity-sims · 10 months
Aspiring New Mods!
I had hoped to have two more new mods for you today, but I think you’ll still be happy with what I am able to release today. I have a few new things for you all for today. I’ll have even more next week! That is, unless Tuesday’s patch throws me for a loop. (Yes, big Sims 4 patch this Tuesday December 5th!!!)
New Mods
I am pleased to present to you a brand-new aspiration that I’ve been working on ever since the Horse Ranch EP was released. As you may have noticed, the aspirations that came with that pack left much to be desired. So, I made a new one! Check out the new Equestrian Expert Aspiration! It only requires the Horse Ranch EP.
I also created a new pack of Better Adventure Gear. (This mod replaces my previous “Improved Adventure Gear Food Mod”.) This new pack includes better food, better water bottles, better energy drinks, etc.
That’s all for right now. My mom is off visiting family so it’s just me at home taking care of my dad. It’s a full-time job and very stressful. I’m surprised I was able to get anything up on the site today. She’ll be home soon so the next site update should be better with more goodies. 
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weirdsimsinhistory · 1 year
I was too young to actually experience Sims 1 and have EPs that actually were...y'know chock full of content and WORTH THE PRICE :'(
I feel for my Gen Z lovelies! I really wish y'all could have had more of that experience before the gaming industry got so incredibly greedy and cheap :(
I hate how life is mostly comprised of experiences that you don't even know you should be appreciating until they are gone lol. As a kid when I got all the EPs (and Sims 2!) it was pretty much always a given that they would be full of tons of stuff. I didn't think twice, it was seen as an obvious thing! Why would I even think they wouldn't be worth it? They didn't come out with tons of mini-packs each year like they do now.
I noticed towards the later years of Sims 2, with all of the Stuff Packs...things were definitely starting to be less and less content. I remember buying the H&M Stuff Pack and was stupidly hoping it would also maybe give a bit of new gameplay, but not really. Just objects (duh.. "Stuff" pack, but I was a teen and wasn't really thinking with all cylinders running haha) and so I think at the time, I only got the H&M and Mansion Stuff packs because I was afraid the other Stuff packs weren't gonna give me much bang for my buck. And CC is abundant out there and free, so..!
By the time Sims 3 came around...I was older and jaded and didn't care much to pay for the ones they were offering (I found plenty of great free CC again, so why bother?) so I haven't bought any Stuff Packs ever since 2008!!
And I've heard soooo many bad stories about Sims 4's Stuff Packs and it's so depressing. Part of the reasons why I never bothered getting into it. I have enough qualms about other modern games I play that get "updates" that aren't too exciting, or have cool stuff hidden behind frickin DLC prices per item!
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spinef0ryou · 2 years
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Interview with Ville Valo in Metal Hammer magazine, words by Alexander Milas. Transcript under the cut
It’s a gloomy November evening in London and inside the crystalline bowels of the Universal Music tower there are dark goings-on under a winter moon. An arcane gathering of power-brokers, decision makers, and tastemakers, has convened to hear the first, dulcet tones of a new record in its entirety - a lyrical and melodious exsanguination called Neon Noir. Less an album, the subject of tonight’s attention is more like a swan song played in reverse or a departed loved one’s voice playing in the wind. We’ll get to that.
There are no robes here, such vestigial ornaments long since done away with to provide anonymity on public transportation, but the importance of these proceedings is in no way diminished. This is how the music industry in all its mysterious dealings determines where and when its various powers are to be invoked - an Illuminati-like network of aligned hands is this rogues' gallery of journalists, label managers and festival promoters. Even the helmswoman of the gazette you hold in your verv hands can be seen lurking in the shadows.
At the centre of the dim chamber stands a lone, flat-capped figure, his chiselled visage peculiarly, vampirically unchanged by the many years since he first graced the cover of an international publication such as this, and let it be said that he was never a stranger to these folios.
If anything can be said of Ville Valo's appearance it's that he could teach anyone half his age a thing or two about self-presentation - and, for the record, they'd be 23 at time of publication. Svelte, casually besuited and elegantly understated in his attire - all different hues of black, obviously - he's been affably chatting with the gathered conclave with such fluidity and confidence that anyone would think it's something he does every day, and anyone who knows his incongruous penchant for reclusiveness when off the stage would suspect that maybe he's changed since we saw him last.
For the record, he does not, and he has not. Ten long years have passed since His Infernal Majesty's final release, the career summation that was 2013's Tears On Tape, and it has been five years since Him played their final note on the second of two sold-out nights at the London Roundhouse in December of 2017. Their concluding song was the aptly chosen, syrupy dirge of When Love And Death Embrace, and the mortuary pallor of its refrains couldn't have been better matched to the forlorn mood of that distinctly funereal moment.
For many, it was a farewell to one of life's few constants: Him were less like a band and more like a comforting gothic world to those who fell prey to its blackened enchantments, and as if further affirmation is needed, no one in the field of music has since emerged to even remotely fill the heartagram-shaped hole left in Ville's wake. As the lights in the venue went up to reveal no shortage of streaked mascara, it would have been impossible to surmise whether we'd ever hear from Ville again - such was the finality of that tour and the deathly vibe of that night.
More desolate still was the long silence that ensued after the 26-year adventure he spearheaded under an iconic banner designed by his own hand. Eight records, ten million sales and countless fans getting heartagram tattoos of variable quality were the tallies of Ville's musical ledger.It was over. Him was dead. Their founder was gone. And then, quietly, headless blooms began to flank his headstone.
First came the news that he was blowing off the cobwebs to undertake a tour of Finland to record and perform songs by the late, beloved Finnish singer-songwriter Rauli 'Badding' Somerjoki, with Somerjoki's old band, Agents. The project smashed the charts in Finland before they eventually disbanded.
More silence followed until March 2020, when an unheralded EP was released under a new banner, VV complete with an updated reimagining of the famed heartagram. A portent of what was to come, Gothica Fennica Vol. 1 was far from alien to anyone familiar with Him's long-established sound, but it also bore the hallmarks of a songwriter unbound by the restraints of collaboration or co-writing. As the world smouldered, it was a hopeful omen that perhaps not everything had been lost to the pandemic.
We retreat from the listening session to a quieter room to shine to shine a neon light on the story of the rebirth and toil that followed, a res-erection-
Ville shoots a look as if to say, 'You're not gonna write that, are you?' Well…
“‘Promo tours are like Bullet-point for my Valentine.”
Ville has sunk into his armchair, a body deflated. We've just been talking about the sometimes less-than-rock'n'roll demands of album promotion, and how while just 10 years have passed since Him's final release, a lifetime of change in the industry's inner workings has followed. It's Thursday and Ville's already done the rounds in Berlin this week, plus a big photo session, too - rumour has it that a smoke machine for a cover shoot triggered a confrontation with security here yesterday. Whoever the photographer was that bolted the door shut so the shoot could continue remains a mystery at the time of going to press.
But despite Ville's tiredness after two days of media-based pokes and prods and his first international flight in five years, he's still exhibiting a remarkably playful way with words: the product of voracious reading and self-confessed Anglophilia that can make it easy to forget this is his second language, although as we'll soon discover there are some words that resist translation.
We're reflecting on how many times he's appeared in the pages of Metal Hammer. I produce a photo from many years gone by, taken by Mick Hutson. It's Ville, looking like a goth deer caught in headlights, sitting in the back of a limo between the late Dimebag Darrell and Mötley Crüe's Nikki Sixx on his way to the Metal Hammer Golden God awards. He smirks.
"It was a playground, wasn't it?" he says of the Ville of yore. "Oh my god, that was a weird one. I remember Dimebag - he'd been up all night, and there's me stuck in the middle. I gave my Golden God award to Zakk Wylde's daughter. He told me she was a huge fan and I'd had a sip too many, so…”
And let it be said that by the time Him went stratospheric - a runway stretching between 2000's Razorblade Romance and 2003's definitive Love Metal - there were few publications that weren't peppering their pages with images of Ville. photogenic but, more importantly, hilarious, his wry and dismissive self-regard tempered the styled polish of his many covershoots. In a time when emo was king, Ville brought something current but gleefully out of step with fashion, musical and otherwise, but he persevered because, arguably, beyond the music he possessed that rare quality that escapes so many whose trade is on the road and in music studios. He was interesting, and Him and their legion of fans were their own movement. For a time, if you ever stood at the back of one of their sold-out shows, it looked something like Beatlemania directed by Tim Burton.
“What would you say to yourself back then?” He smiles and takes a moment before replying.
“It isn't a horror movie thing, but my oldest self has whispered to my younger self many times. You know, I could have done stuff way wiser in the sense of trying to become more successful in terms of money, listening to record companies or whatnot, because people had a damn hard time trying to figure out what we were all about. I wouldn't do anything differently because then I wouldn't be here - that's the beauty of it."
And, tracing the course of what Ville did, what he's doing now, there's little to suggest that anything has changed in terms of his resistance to the common methods of self-promotion. In a time of compulsive micro-blogging and algorithm-feeding content, the official 'Heartagram' Instagram account posts at roughly the same rate as the Vatican. Be it about the preservation of mystery or a refusal to play the game, let it never be said that he didn't do it his way.
“I’m a slow learner. I only learned about the eggplant emoji yesterday! But as for those whispers, it's something to do with the nonlinearity of time," he continues. "I had some foresight to the pandemic, though, and found myself a house with a photography studio which I turned into a music studio. It's one big room that enabled me to spread around all the weird pieces of kit from all eras - sort of my creative central. During the pandemic, that's all I did. There was no rhyme or reason, I just thought it was time to move on and do something different. It could have been my older self whispering to my younger self in the middle of the night, like, 'Now's a good time. You'll understand it better in a few years.' So yeah, it could be one of those things."
We notice a white wall in the corridor is covered in dozens of Sharpie signatures from fellow artists who’ve passed through. Some are small, while pop groups Bastille and Westlife have gone big with huge cubital letters. Unimpressed, Ville reaches for a glow-in-the-dark V sticker from his breast pocket and wryly sticks it up at the top. Always a rebel.
Was it hard to decide which direction to go in after Him?
“Musically, I'm a pair of bell-bottoms," he says. "If you want to follow hits, you're always going to be too late. Music and art is essential for my wellbeing, it's the air that I breathe - it's natural for me, but at times I've felt like a human among the lizard people, an infiltrator from another galaxy. The only thing I can do is the thing I can do."
Of course, it raises the question of how VV and indeed Neon Noir came about. That Ville has always presided over every detail of his music is no secret - there's never been a doubt as to whose vision it all was, and the ending of Him is just as important as the beginning we're here to discuss. As anyone who's seen the end of a relationship will know, the signs of impending demise can appear long before the cracks emerge, and the conclusion of Him was no different. To paraphrase a singer named BB on the prologue to VV, the thrill was gone...
"Expiration is funny when it comes to bands," he says matter-of-factly. Whatever wounds may have been inflicted, they have long since closed, and he's at ease when prompted on what went down.
"It didn't happen overnight - we'd started having trouble after Tears On Tape. Gas (Lipstick] had left the band and we found a new drummer, which was fantastic for a time, but we just couldn't find it in ourselves - a new album. We started working on ideas, but they didn't sound very good. The adult way to approach things is that if it's something you really do love, you have to love them enough to let them go when the right moment comes. The spark was no longer there, so timing-wise, it was good - I wouldn't have minded it to happen a little earlier because now I see the end of my own career in the distance. I never wanted it to feel like a job. You'll see bands touring where it quite clearly is. Something so central needs to be full of passion and laughter and joy and tears - dramatic, like a pint of milk."
Dairy funny. Have you been in touch with the guys since then, we ask?
"I haven't been in touch with Gas in more than 10 years," comes the reply. "And Linde [Mikko 'Linde' Lindström, guitarist] is quite a solitary fellow who's not a big talker anyway. But Mige [Mikko 'Mige' Paananen, bassist] was a bit of a Rick Rubin on the album. He was like this weird guru that came by every three months and gave me a stamp of approval, like, 'Yeah, this is fine.' He's one of my earliest childhood friends and one of my best mates still, so we keep in touch - that's rare. It's been 35 years or something..."
It was that relationship that provided something of the lifeline that Ville needed. He describes the feeling after Him's final show as something akin to phantom limb syndrome, where amputees report sensation in appendages that are no longer there.
"I felt like an outsider, an outcast," he says. "[I felt like] I didn't understand myself, and that the world doesn't understand me or that I didn't belong. It's a profound feeling, you know, to existentially feel that you don't understand the world or your place in it. Funnily enough, how I got through that was writing. The pandemic really painted everyone into a corner. I wasn't suicidal, but there was a tinge of depression as well, not seeing tomorrow or the worth of the day after tomorrow. People reacted in different ways. I forced myself back to music, and music gave me the gift of song once again. I was able to pull off a couple of Sabbath rip-offs, so that made me feel better. That was a big deal."
Ville will go on to animatedly recount how the loss of purpose and trajectory coupled with the worldwide shutdown was in some sense the perfect reset post-Him, and while he hit a very low ebb, it was precisely the kind of downtime he needed and hadn't had since Him's formation when he was just a teen.
"There was no scheduling, nobody to communicate with about what I was working on, so it was very unfiltered intuition, straight to tape or whatever recording medium, and I found myself having goosebumps like I'd never had before. Well..." his eyes impishly go to the ceiling, "musically, at least. I'm scared of stuff being really repetitive - it's nice to enjoy a binge watch on Netflix, but you're never gonna get the time back. That doesn't mean, 'Don't do it! But enjoy the now, take advantage of the time. That's what we'll be doing when we go on tour with the band next year, challenging myself to do lots of things and not step into a sort of zombified existence. People are so distracted…”
At the beginning of the Divine Comedy, the main character - Dante Alighieri's Pilgrim - wrote of finding himself in a dark wood halfway through the walk of life; the straight path, lost. It was a roundabout way of describing the confusion that can come with middle age, but in his mid-4os and with the deep shadows and brilliant highlights of an illustrious career in the rear-view mirror, I wonder aloud if the same could be said of the current predicament.
Dante's come up because, as is often the case with Ville, the subjects of language and literature are never far away. I ask him to elaborate on that tinge of depression he's mentioned, and he says one thing. and lets it hang in the air: "Kaiho."
"Kai-ho," he says again, slowly. It's a Finnish word, he explains, that defies direct translation but describes the twist of emotions he was detangling in the wake of a lifetime on the road and in the limelight. "It isn't a negative feeling. It's a bittersweet reverie. I think Finnish people find it profoundly positive as well, because it also means that you have lived, you have loved and that you experience things that actually make a difference, at least to you personally, hopefully, for the people around you."
Did you struggle?
"I had a month where I didn't get out of bed," he states.
"Around that long, at least. I was pretty worried about it. I forced myself up and back to music through conversations with mates, you know, getting my spirits up a bit, but it was a weird feeling. It's not like you can't get up. You just don't want to get up. You don't want to do anything and you can't really do anything: just super-tired, some form of post-traumatic stress after all the years. It could be that it took a while for it to hit, and it coincided with a pandemic. I wasn't able to do anything, so my body and my mind told me to get the sleep I missed back in the day. Thankfully I slept it off, but life doesn't get any easier. It's getting more complicated, more bittersweet - a tough combo. A pint half full, half empty…”
Of course, the wrought-iron melody of Neon Noir's various paeans to love and loss wouldn't seem correct if they came from a place of emotional buoyancy, but if the slump Ville describes really was just making up for lost sleep-time, he's making no bones about his desire to get back to work.
"I'm not thinking about the end, but what I do realise is that, thinking in logical terms, it's going to be really weird if I'm 60 and still in it, which means that I have less than that in terms of album cycles. It starts to get a bit scary because I've done music all my life, but then again, thinking like that makes me smile."
So how does a 46-year-old's vision of love change from, say, a 20-year-old's?
"Well, maybe we haven't had that 'one true love' in the traditional sense in Shakespearean drama: the overwhelming one that takes over everything. You can't compare relationships and you shouldn't - different times, different people, different chemistry, different reasons. Music is still at its best when it's a soundtrack to important events."
So how does Neon Noir reflect your own life?
"It's very sincere - it encapsulates things. The indecisiveness on whether I belong to the camp of Black Sabbath or Depeche Mode, the constant struggle with good and evil. Run Away From The Sun is the first song I wrote and I didn't know if I had a song in me at all, but I had to start from somewhere. I had all these ideas. I started to do it and follow my intuition. I wasn't in a rush, I had no deadlines - I didn't even know if I was going to continue, and that was the most fruitful ground, because it felt real and unadulterated by pressure…”
As new as it all is for Ville, there are some things that have remained unchanged, or perhaps present is a better word. The heartagram was, after all, the gothic bat-signal of the early 00’s onward...
"It was everything Him stood for," he says. "I just wiggled that one line and realised it has my initials, and that was the reason I called the project VV, and I liked that it had a 'V for Victory' kinda vibe to it, and visually it had the traditional aspect to it, a current iteration of the same idea. It's symbolic, because I didn't want to force myself to take a completely different route musically. I'm not an actor, and Him all happened very organically. I was finding my voice, or whatever you want to call it, through Type O and Black Sabbath back then, and I still am."
From the mood in the room it's a welcome return indeed. It seems that for the first time in a lifetime he's found his path -with the help of a little neon to hold back the darkness.
Ville Valo reveals the dark secrets behind new album Neon Noir
"I was enjoying a documentary on the navigational skills of bats and imagined their nocturnal courting calls bouncing eerily between the walls of the abyss in a gothic ping pong-fashion. To make sure I was communicating this musical vision clearly, I included a cowbell in the middle eight, just because whenever one can, one should."
"The light at the end of the tunnel can sometimes shine so bright it’s scary, and my running-away skills have been highly developed over the years by sweeping most of my issues under the carpet. There are also a few church bell samples ringing among all the 80s-inspired synth sequences, only to make sure the ever-fickle balance between good and evil doesn't err on the side of Skywalker."
“ A cheerful memento mori if there ever was one, and my first guitar solo on record. The working title was 'Vangelis Halen' and I think I managed to get fairly close in marrying the claustrophobic beauty of Blade Runner with the reckless abandon of VH, in a sort of funeral-car-crash-in-slow-motion-type setting.”
“ An ode to the setting sun and a tale of dancing on the razor's edge between holding on and letting go. A moribundle of joy in a patchouli garden, with handclaps."
"The Finnish tourism board should definitely include ‘Nyctophile Shangri-La' as a tagline promoting Finland from now on instead of the worn-out Santanic slogans of yore. A menace-à-trois between Andrew Eldritch, Jaz Coleman and Peter Hook.”
“Quite a traditional love song written by someone who takes the Poe in poetry a wee bit too seriously. A study on blocked tear ducts and The Cure."
"None of the ways out are easy, so taking the road less travelled is always the preferred method. 'If I could only say the same about the music,’ mutters the little Devil on my shoulder."
"A world-building exercise at its bleakest, 'Trenodia' representing a highly modified utopia lit by every shade of blue, with a suitably melancholy soundtrack played at the wrong speed."
"Heartful Of Ghosts is essentially a heart-wrenching tale of paranormal love and supernatural betrayal. Sonically, this lies somewhere between a lava lamp and acupuncture... with fangs.”
"Saturnine Saturnalia is romantic doom and gloom at its very finest, and probably the most Sabbathian moment there is on the album. I dug out my Excalibur - the deranged fuzz pedal and vintage army flask-combo that Mige of Him built me many a moon ago - and tended to my tinnitus with gusto.”
"Imagine if this was Phil Spector's ghost reinterpreting Goblin's soundtrack for Dario Argento's movie Suspiria in glorious lo-fi."
"When you meet someone whose eyes are as hypnotic as watching the Vertigo logo spinning on your turntable, you're either in love or your drink has been spiked. This is a nod to the ghosts of the past, present and future, and a suitably hallucinatory way to end the record."
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rottenbrainstuff · 19 days
IWTV s2 ep 3 - Armand is a fucking little gremlin
Interesting ep! I mean man they all are. This show is amazing. I love the actors, I (mostly) love the updates to the story, just, such care and attention to every facet from everyone involved. Beautiful.
I always get a bit eye-rolly when you have (or see a stupid instragram video of) a white character eating expensive fresh sushi where the fish is presented whole and still having nerve twitches after death, and they freak out about it and can't eat it. I get that it's a bit weird and if it was me sure I would have to wait until it stopped wiggling to start eating, but like, where did you think the fish came from, did we pick it off a bush? Anyways, here I can almost, almost forgive the very tired trope, because you could say perhaps it is a contrast between Daniel, and the vampires and their predatory feeding habits, maybe.
I knew we were getting some flashbacks of Armand's old coven and Nicholas and Lestat, but I was surprised by how short it all actually was. I do hope that when we get to season three we're going to have some proper time spent on all of this. Armand's dirty old satanist coven was so interesting to me.
I actually had to pause the show to get mad for a little bit when I saw Louis say that Lestat abandoned Nicki and abandoned the Paris coven, because everything Lestat does is just for himself. Abandoned! Oh my god Louis, what did Armand tell you? Abandoned! Lies! Armand, you gremlin! Right, sure, the guy who was screaming with his face all red when Armand took Nicholas away is going to just teehee oops leave him behind there for absolutely no reason, no reason whatsoever, yes for sure, nothing more to say there. I also don't trust that the theater scene played out exactly as Armand said, with Lestat quite callously fucking him while Nicholas watched, no, I don't buy that. Everything Armand says is suspect to me.
It's so sad that Claudia reinforces this idea later as well, complaining that Lestat never told them there was this cool fun amazing coven troupe in Paris, he only ever warned them away and told them other vampires were vicious.
(Bruce is sure shit, isn't he. I kinda wanna see him show up again at some point. Maybe he can be one of the vampires at Lestat's big concert? I feel like he must be friends with my V:tM character's shit sire, haha, since they seem to both be reading from the same scuzzy man playbook. On another V:tM tangent (sorry) I know Lestat is the quintessential toreador, but Armand with his creepy tricks, his ability to not be recorded, his religious cosplay, and (in the book) his coven's old tradition of burying new fledglings and making them dig themselves up through their own graves as a test, he gives me lasombra vibes)
This show is so confusing to me and I love it. Every character is so bad and good, good and bad, sad and mean, mean and sad. Everyone is behaving horribly, but I also feel bad for everyone. Lestat is a dickhead but it's so tragic to me how everyone always assumes the worst of him all the time when he really was honestly just trying to protect the people he loved. Armand is a nasty manipulative gremlin, but I feel terrible for him as well, how his face falls every time the situation turns sexual. God, him and Louis were so awkward in the park, like two teenagers who don't really know what to do, or, like two very sad adult men both half-heartedly playing out a role that neither one really fully wants to play. Man, now I desperately wanna see him and Eric get it on not for the old man yaoi, but just to fucking see Armand actually genuinely want something for once.
Jacob is doing such a great fucking job. Poor old Louis.
For some reason I can't stop thinking about Sam (? that was Sam right?) showing Claudia how the rat box works, as if it's her first day at Vampire McDonalds and he's showing her the deep fryer. Santiago is also an amazing character, they're all amazing characters, I love this show so much. Poor Claudia. She is so happy to be included in this group, so happy that she completely and totally ignores the red flags that are waving in her face. Claudia gets her rage and her cruelty from Lestat, but I guess she gets her desperate desire to see good in people even when they mean her harm from Louis.
But, the end sequence is just a bit strange to me. The tension of oh, is Armand going to hurt Louis??? is very strange and doesn't work for me. We know he's not going to, Louis is here in the present day. For me it takes the tension out of the scene. I mean, beautiful acting on Jacob's part, the fact that what he thinks will be his last words are all just his wishes and concerns for Claudia to be happy was just. Ugh! Ugh! But, it just didn't work for me. And anyways, who is narrating this whole bit? This scene shows the coven threatening Armand to do something about Louis, and I don't buy for a single second that that's the actual dynamic here, that Armand is just this poor helpless guy who is forced to do what his coven wants him to, no, not a chance. So I want to know who is narrating this. But... in this scene, Armand and Louis are not in the room. They've both left to speak to the buyer's lawyer, Daniel is by himself checking out the talamasca files on his laptop, yet the narrative continues somehow. That's the first time I've noticed that happen, and I found it very strange. I don't know if this was done on purpose and you're supposed to notice how strange that is, or if it was a mistake. Was it supposed to be info from the talamasca files? I didn't get that impression.
But anyways, generally amazing, as always. I do hope the show includes Gabrielle in the future, and I hope we see more detailed flashbacks of all of them in Paris, and what exactly happened to poor Nicholas. Every actor here is doing amazing.
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drunkkenobi · 2 years
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Hello, a quick spreadsheet update from ya girl. I don’t have too much to say about the latest numbers, but thought I’d share since we are now a couple weeks out from the ending of Ghost Files and just started the new season of Puppet History.
PH had its best opening weekend ever this week.
The Rhett & Link collab has had one of the better openings for a one-off as well. (more of these please)
The Debriefs ended up performing very similarly to PostMortems after all, which I figured would happen. Still very glad 600k people have seen the boys in beaver costumes, something I feel very Normal about.
I did a little Weird and/or Wonderful World math because I also feel very Normal about wanting that show to come back. Over a two month period from April to June, the total number of views gained for every WWW episode was 221k. Over the two month period since Ghost Files premiered, that number is now 351k. Please give this show another chance, Watcher. I know it’s harder to shoot because we live in a hellworld, but it wasn’t given the chance to shine as bright as it can. None of the other shows that haven’t aired new eps since 2020 had a boost anywhere close to this, I think it’s worth giving another shot.
Anyway, for posterity, as of November 14, 2022, Watcher has a total of 227,137,375 views across 230 videos for an average of 987,553 views per video, and a total of 2.36 million subscribers.
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