#but for now just have it as a little drabbly textpost
vivitalks · 5 months
amnesty lodge interlude. aubrey is teaching her fellow sylvan lodgers a card game from earth. she is also definitely, definitely cheating.
moira is holding her own, but only because she is also cheating. barclay is cheating by pretending he's never played this game even though he's been playing it against mama for years, but he keeps getting distracted making eye contact with agent stern and losing his focus at critical moments.
jake coolice is still struggling to understand the rules.
dani is somehow wiping the floor with everyone, even though she has never played this game before and is definitely not cheating because "i have principles, aubrey." her winning streak is six games long, and aubrey's cards are starting to smoke. at which point jake gives up, barclay taps out to go make some dinner, moira retires to the piano, and aubrey has no choice but to declare dani the reigning card game champion of amnesty lodge.
"that comes with both a medal AND a crown, right?" dani says cheekily, and aubrey very maturely sticks her tongue out.
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krowfics · 3 months
A Little Bored (Drabble)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship: prinxiety
Plot: Roman was bored. Except he had Virgil on his lap so he wasn't that bored
Words: 521
Notes: Randomly selected characters and randomly generated prompt from here - the prompts was: Person B showing Person A some of their favorite viral videos/memes.
i did not proofread as much as normal but its fine i think probably
Roman was maybe a little bored. Not that he'd ever admit it, not if it meant he'd risk losing the warm pressure of Virgil against him. His legs were swung over Roman's and his back was partially pressed to Roman's shoulder and chest. Roman's arms were wrapped around him, one around his back with a hand landing on his hip and the other across his thighs to hold him securely in place. Virgil's hands rested on his own lap, making the phone he was holding lean on Roman's arm, but tilted in a way so both of them could see him scrolling through tumblr. But as much as he appreciated a good cuddle, it didn't change the fact that he was kind of bored.
It had started with Roman wanting to whisk Virgil away, to an adventure, to a picnic, to a stroll through the imagination, anything. And Virgil had softly, nervously responded, with his shoulders tense and his eyes glued to the floor, that he didn't think he could handle doing much more than just sitting down right now. 
So sit, they did.
Roman wasn't disappointed, exactly, though sitting still had never really been his forte. He really would rather spend time with Virgil than not, even if that did mean sitting on the couch and getting showed Virgil's favorite memes and textposts he'd reblogged rather than something more exciting like slaying dragons or at least watching the sunset on a picturesque picnic blanket with a buffet's worth of fine dining.
And the tumblr posts were mildly entertaining for a while, until Virgil eventually turned away from his own reblogs and simply went off his dashboard, which was far more hit or miss on the comedy side of things. It seemed like multiple people he was following had doomscrolled in various fandom tags and now Virgil spent most of his time constantly scrolling until he found a post he decided was worth reading.
And well, Roman had stopped paying attention a while ago, and was feeling a mild buzz of antsiness. If he had wanted to get up and do something else on his own, Virgil would let him with little complaint, he knew. But Roman really didn't want to move, even if his only entertainment was the soft warmth and pressure of his darling Stormcloud in his arms.
He glanced down at Virgil's hands, his thumb's movement paused, apparently having found a post worth reading. A few moments passed and... Virgil probably would be done reading now, scrolling along to the next post within a second. But he didn't.
Roman tilted slightly, careful to not jostle the other side, so he could get a better look at his face. He found it perfectly calm and relaxed, his eyes shut gently and mouth barely parted, breathing even breaths. When Roman wasn't paying attention, he had fallen asleep, practically curled up like a cat against roman and very firmly assigning him to pillow duty.
Roman wouldn’t be moving for a while, he realized, but he couldn't find it in himself to mind. Maybe he wasn't that bored in the first place.
a/n im forcing myself to write drabbles even though i dont super like writing them in hopes to get over writers block also hi guys its been so long
@flowercrownsandtrauma hi taglist buddy its been sooo loong im sorry, i would completely understand if you'd wanna be removed, ik fandoms change and stuff its been like a year lol
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veryotl · 6 years
Sometimes concepts don’t do anything. Totally. Seventeen? They can try whatever concept they like and my perception of them won’t change. I know them well enough that any concept they try, they will still be Seventeen. But sometimes concepts are SO IMPORTANT to a group’s perception. NCT Dream? I honestly can’t imagine what my perception of Chenle, Renjun, Jisung and Jeno if they weren’t in a group with the concept they’re in. I feel like the “young” concept and energy is so vivid for them that it actively affects my perception of their personalities. Pentagon? I legitimately thought for the longest time that Gorilla, Critical Beauty, Runaway, Pretty Pretty, and Shine were four different groups because of how miles apart the concept made their group chemistry perception. 
Being in Kpop for a while and acclimated to the culture of the fandom and industry, it’s kind of easy to overlook concepts? It’s something we don’t really “do” in the American industry, not to that level, and it’s something that’s shifting and changing, so it’s easy to minimize because it’s temporary. But really, for someone who doesn’t know a group well, the concept can completely change the overall feeling of the group, the music, the harmony between the members, public opinion, There are songs I hate that I love to watch the MVs and stages for because I love the concept and there are songs I adore that I only listen to because I don’t like the way the concept makes them seem. It’s just this really fascinating idea idea in the industry that I don’t think a lot of people think too hard about, but concept sometimes can make or break a song. 
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atotsnetwork · 3 years
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Hi everyone! atots week 2021 is a seven-day-long celebration for the two months anniversary of the finale and which coincides with ‘Ep 20’ of atots. We are planning themed days with different activities and we hope this will be fun and bring back memories of Pha pun dao for everyone.
The week will last from Friday 4 June to Friday 11 June (ep 20).
We’ll be tracking the hashtag #atotsweek2021 so be sure to include it in your first 5 tags before posting.
Day 1 (Friday 4 June): a tale of thousand creations
This is an invitation to share any of your original content! It can be a drabble, a fic, a gifset, a graphic, a single gif, fanart, fmv, a meta etc. You can create whenever you want, use something you’ve been working on for a while or which has been resting in your draft or just a snippet of a WIP! Your content is to be posted on Friday 11 June (ep20).
Here are some resources to help:
Prompt list
A chronological list of all phutian moments
Day 2 (Saturday 5 June): It’s very precious to me
What will stay with you forever from this already unforgettable show? Answer a few questions with a gif or screenshot and a few words with your opinion (optional).
What is your favorite shot from the series?
What is your favorite establishing shot/ credit shot/nature shot etc from the series?
What is the shot which encapsulates your favorite character the most?
What is the most underrated scene in your opinion?
Day 3 (Sunday 6 June): I just want to talk to you
Show love to our hornbills by answering a few questions with a gif or screenshot and a few words with your opinion(optional).
What is the phutian moment which made you lose your mind/created love for you?
What is the Phutian moment which made you the most emotional/cry?
What is the most underrated Phutian moment?
Day 4 (Monday 7 June) : They are more important than the home we shelter
Atots was full of scene stealers and on this day, we want to appreciate the supporting cast! Answer a few questions with a gif or screenshot and a few words with your opinion (optional).
Who is your favorite supporting character?
What is your favorite scene with your supporting character?
What is your overall favorite non phutian moment?
Day 5 (Tuesday 8 June): Take this place as your home
We get by with a little help from our friends! Day 5 is all about friendships. So answer a few questions with a gif or screenshot and a few words with your opinion (optional).
What is your favorite friendship from the show?
What is your favorite scene with your friendship?
What is the most underrated scene with your friendship
Day 6 (Wednesday 9 June): This? It’s my own 1000 stars journal to keep my memories here from now on
What has the show taught you? Answer a few questions with a gif or screenshot and a few words with your opinion(optional). You can choose to do any of the followings:
Favorite character / character you relate to the most?
What is your favorite quote from the series?
What is ne moment from the show that’ll stay with you forever?
Day 7 (Thursday 10 June): We will never be apart, indefinitely
The show has ended, but fandom is forever! Spread some love and appreciation in the fandom:
Name some of your favorite blogs/ fandom creators.
Link your favorite atots gifset, fanart or fmv
Link your favorite atots fics/meta/textpost/ etc
+ Daily Quiz:
In addition to the above themed days, there will be a daily quiz throughout the whole week. We’ll post the links daily and you’ll have to answer a few questions each day. The person with the highest total score will be declared the winner at the end of the week. The prize will be a gifset/icon or header according to the winner's request made by @ataleofthousandstars
On Friday, 11 June everyone will post the contents they made as announced in Day 1. You can also post it later if you want more time!
P.s. Everyone can complete any activity whenever they want, we’ll just post the rules daily. And you’re free to skip some days as well!
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to send us and ask/dm on this blog. You can also contact @ataleofthousandstars and @systoles-lfc
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lowkeyorloki · 4 years
I just spent the last three hours rebooting my masterlist to make sure it’s tidy, legible, and updated! It looks completely different and I’m really happy with it. There’s a link to it on my blog, but to anyone who may want it in the form of a textpost, I’ve done that for y’all too. Hope this is helpful to someone out there :)
In each section (one-shots, headcanons, and multi-chapters), the most recent works are at the top. This means the further you go down, the older the fics become. I have written multiple drabbles on this blog, but they are not included on my masterlist. Just search ‘drabble’ on my blog and they’ll come up.
As of 2020, my imagines do not use any type of pronouns or biological descriptions (i.e, breasts or genitalia) unless the fic is smut. This is to make my work as inclusive as I can.
Last updated: July 16th, 2020
🌶️ means the fic contains smut. PLEASE only consume if you are 18+
⭐ means the piece is one of my personal favorites
Enjoy 🐍
Glass Warrior- 🌶️
You’re so beautiful, and so breakable. Loki would never forgive himself if he hurt you.
You begin to question the nature of your relationship with Loki as he calls you sweet names and looks at you with soft eyes.
Stay Kind
As you lay dying in Loki’s arms, you work up the strength to tell him one final thing.
Wounds- ⭐
You’re injured, and Loki shows a new side of himself as he nurses you back to health.
True Form
You’re intent on seeing Loki’s Jotunn side, even if he doesn’t want you to.
Release- 🌶️
A sensual situation from our favorite god’s point of view.
lbd- 🌶️⭐
After a fight with Loki, you wear the smallest dress you can to an Avengers press event.
Aftermath- ⭐
Loki always hated weakness. Because of this, you try to remain strong- even after being kidnapped.
Wine Drunk
The Asgardian wine Sif gave you is stronger than anything Tony Stark has in his liquor cabinet.
Tell Me You Love Me
You know it’s hard for Loki to be vulnerable, but sometimes, you need to hear those three words too.
An Heir
You have an honest conversation with Loki about the possibility of children.
3:33 In the Morning
You comfort Loki after a nightmare.
Loki experiences jealousy over a certain one of your past lovers.
Loki’s Perspective- 🌶️⭐
We always read about your first time with Loki through your eyes, but what is Loki thinking?
Phantom Pains
Loki can’t get his encounter with Thanos out of his mind.
Not the First, But the Last- ⭐
You ask Loki about his previous loves on Asgard.
A Different Loki
After Loki’s death in Infinity War, you awake to see him standing next to your bed… and it isn’t a dream.
Snapshots- ⭐
Having moments with Loki isn’t all that it seems.
The Wading Pools
Loki takes you to one of his favorite places in Asgard.
The Other Brother- ⭐
We all tell the story your romance with Loki through his eyes or your own. But what does it look like to the only other person who loves Loki as much as you do?
Loki returns from the events of Ragnorak after leaving you without a word, and finds you look different than he remembers.
Not His Tricks, Not This Time
After having a dream that may be telling of the future, Loki begins to train with you and become protective.
A Proposition
Loki is at a bar trying to forget you when a woman approaches him.
Loki awakes looking as perfect as ever- except for his bedhead, that is.
His Eyes- ⭐
After having a dream that may be telling of the future, Loki begins to train with you and becomes protective.
Through Loki’s Eyes- 🌶️⭐
Loki is so guarded around you. Now you can find out why.
Erstwhile- ⭐
You’re different than all the other girls Loki has been with. You’re sure of it.
Professor! Loki x You
A fun AU where Professor Laufeyson invites you to dinner, as he knows how bad the dorm food can be.
Burdened With Glorious Purpose- ⭐
Loki doesn’t have anything he came down to Midgard for. But he has you.
Villains have started to get wind of how much you matter to Loki, and soon enough, one takes you.
Loki gets candid with his love for you.
You’re engaged to Thor but in love with Loki, and it’s hard for both of you.
The First Time- 🌶️
You lose your midgardian virginity to Loki.
After Thor’s banishment in the first “Thor”, you confront Odin about lying to his second-born son.
Hate Unguarded
You promise Loki his Jotunn form does nothing to deter you.
What Now?
You ask Professor Laufeyson what will become of the two of you now that classes are over.
I Can’t- ⭐
Loki never wanted to fall in love with you. He isn’t sure how to handle it.
Loki is a god, and you were always immortal. This was always going to happen.
Shrouded Secrets- ⭐
This is what being in a forbidden relationship with Loki entails.
Loki patches up you, his Asguardian lover lover after a battle.
Soulmates (?)
Loki doesn’t believe in soulmates. He does believe, however, in choice.
The Battle of NYC- 🌶️⭐
You’re an Avengers, tasked with protecting the citizens of New York as Loki and the Chituari attack. You find Loki on the ground- but fighting doesn’t seem to be where your head is right now.
What Loki Learned For You
Deaf! reader x Loki request where he learns sign language.
Sleepy Mornings
Loki is cuddly when he first wakes up.
A fic inspired by the slander that was Infinity War to MAKE EVERYTHING OKAY.
Get It Together, Laufeyson
Loki isn’t sure how to tell you his true feelings, so he goes to Thor and Valkyrie for help.
I Thought You Were Dead
Loki is overcome with relief after you return to Avengers Tower.
The Throne- 🌶️⭐ (for a version with he/him pronouns, go here)
Loki sits on the throne of Asgard, and it’s everything he ever wanted- you decide to make his fantasy even better.
Loki and Lightning
For Loki, lightning brings less than pleasant memories.
Mythology Nerd
As someone who has loved and studies Norse myths for as long as you can remember, you’re thrilled to meet Loki- not that you would want him to know that, of course.
I’m Not Like Thor- 🌶️
Years of being compared to his older brother have taken a toll on Loki.
Thor’s a Flirt- 🌶️
…and he really should have known better than to court you in front of Loki.
You and Loki gradually grow closer and closer.
Loki x Plus Size! Reader- 🌶️
Loki is more than willing to show you how truly beautiful you are.
Five Kisses
Five different types of kisses, each to prove your love.
Charity Event
Stark is always forcing the team to smile for the cameras, but the world hasn’t been accepting of the love you found with Loki.
This is the fic that put me on the map! Loki suffers from nightmares, and you only acknowledge each other at night.
Friday Nights- 🌶️
Loki comes to your apartment every Friday- in multiple meanings of the word.
Kiss Me
Both you and Loki know he loves you, but he won’t say it.
As you and Loki grow closer and closer, he notices the shift in his true emotions towards you.
Loki Gets Headaches After NYC- ⭐
Sensual Loki Headcanons- 🌶️
Misc. Loki and Loki x Reader
Loki’s Vices- ⭐
Domestic! Loki Headcanons- ⭐
Random Loki and Loki x Reader- ⭐
Loki and Reader Meeting In the Avengers Compound
Taking A Bath With Loki After A Long Day- 🌶️
Loki’s Jotunn Form Provides Him With High Levels of Stamina- 🌶️
Friends With Benefits to Lovers With Loki- 🌶️
Loki After An Argument- ⭐
Loki’s Favorite Positions- ⭐
Being Pregnant With Loki’s Child Would Include
Does Loki Like Vocal Girls?- 🌶️
Losing Your Virginity To Loki (Established Realtionship)- 🌶️
Dating Loki Headcanons
These are all stories I started when I was a lot younger. They won’t ever be completed, but I have left them up because people enjoy the little there is!
Betrothed: 1, 2, and 3
You and Thor are engaged, but it’s Loki you’re in love with.
Lugh: 1 and 2
Loki died, leaving you to raise your child he never got to know about alone. But then, Loki shows up on your doorstep, and neither of you know where to go from there.
She Shall Have
She Shall Have is a multi-chapter I started on tumblr but moved to ao3, where it is now updated every Saturday. It is the fic I am the most proud of, and I am SUPER passionate and excited about it!
Chapters 1, 2, and 3 can be found here on this blog. It is continued on my ao3, where I write under the pseud lowkeyorloki. Check it out and come say hi!
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honeytae · 4 years
content creator year in review
i was tagged by the lovely liv (@taetaespeaches)  to go over the categories below and i had so much fun doing it!! thanks for tagging me <3
first creation and most recent creation of 2020:
my first creation was I adore you (may 1, 2020) which was a comfort piece i wrote when i wasn’t feeling too well. yes, i cringe when looking back at it. it’s definitely not my best work :/ but uh yes that’s my first.
my most recent was You make getting older easier (december 30, 2020) which was tae’s birthday fic <3
a creation you’re really proud of:
a creation that i’m proud of is You’re the best present I could ever ask for. upon getting that request, i was nervous that i wouldn’t be able to do it justice. i mean, i haven’t been proposed to, so i didn’t know how to even approach the concept at first. honestly i kind of just went with my gut and i think it came out cute despite how much i initially struggled.
a creation that took you forever:
Don’t start something you can’t finish is one that i can think of immediately. it wasn’t difficult to write, since smut is literally one of my favorite genres to write, but i just remember going through a serious bout of writers block during that one. the pages filled very slowly, but i did get there and get it done eventually.
a creation from 2020 that received the most notes:
lmao i’m not even checking my other posts because i know off the top of my head that it’s You’re evil, you know that? that one has the most notes out of anything i’ve ever posted, which lets me know that y’all are just as whipped for jungkook as i am.
a creation you think deserved more notes:
yeesh i hate this topic because i feel so undeserving grateful for all of your support on my little fics :( but i guess I’ve always got your back would be one just because i love the concept of a sweet domestic hoseok helping the reader to bed after a long day and looking through my masterlist it doesn’t seem to have as many
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it:
i mean i became a fan of ateez but the most i’ve ever done creation wise for that group is draw wooyoung. but um that will never see the light of day. it’s literally stuffed in the back of my closet right now.
a creation you made that breaks your heart:
i don’t write much angst for this exact reason..but i guess You don’t have to be strong for me, purely because jimin crying is just a punch to the gut for me.
i’m currently thinking up some angsty works for next month..stay tuned
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love:
I think it’s healthy for him to see his parents showing affection. i can’t even remember how i thought of this concept for this prompt but i feel like it’s just so taehyung. the word count is low on this little drabble and i just think it’s cute.
a creation that was inspired by another one:
i mean there couldn’t of been an I feel like I’m meeting the parents without I really like you. i didn’t intend for this to be a two-parter, but i’m actually glad it turned out to be because i really like the storyline of a shy kookie and shy reader trying to initiate more in their relationship.
a favorite creation created by someone else:
i’m doing a few because i couldn’t narrow it down to just one :)
Tiger Flower (social media AU) by @v-hope 
i was so emotionally invested in this series oh my GOD. alex wrote this story beautifully with in depth written pieces woven through the textposts for an even clearer understanding of the characters emotions. i 1000/10 recommend this series for anyone who is soft for shy photographer jungkook :) it’s seriously adorable with just the right amount of drama to keep you hooked.
the long term couples series by @taetaespeaches
i mean if you don’t know about these couples..where have you been lol. liv writes each member with an oc/reader insert that have their own individual (adorable) nicknames from the boys and expands on the events in their relationships. what i love most about this series is that it shows the true ups and downs of relationships and emphasizes how to deal with common issues in a healthy way. liv is a queen and if you haven’t gone to her blog yet you definitely should.
wanderlust by @mygsii
i’m such a sucker for friends to lovers, it’s not a surprise that this made it onto my list. this story has it all; angst, fluff, and smut. it’s evident from the very beginning that taehyung and the reader (affectionately dubbed ‘shortcake’) care for each other, and the buildup is so well done. my favorite part is obviously when they confess to each other, and i love the way renae lets us see the actual progression from friends to lovers with the way she ends the story.
some of your favorite content creators from the year: 
@taetaespeaches, @gukwluv, @v-hope, @joonsgalore, @ppersonna, @jjungkookislife, @jiminmochis, @dreamyjoons, @snackhobi, @ironicarmy
and for good measure, a couple more creations of yours that you love:
It’s more fun here with you, anyway. / We’re never going to hear the end of this. / You’ve got quite the bedhead, my love. /  I have no self control when it comes to you. / If our kids are this stubborn, we’re screwed.
i’m tagging any other creator on here that wants to do this :) this was fun, i feel like i forget how much i’ve written until i do stuff like this though lmao
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starbuckie · 4 years
Just to get you to chill with the bucky fics (heheheheh) and because I haven't read any lately....one order of a Loki x Reader drabble. Anything you want, you know me and so, whatever comes to mind. Also, happy birthday, bro. ILY
geen geen the grandmaster, there is no such thing as too many bucky fics, it simply doesn’t exist, however i will do a loki drabble because i love my other greasy haired boi(if anyone knows what textpost that’s from i’ll love you forever and ever) btw this is the 2012 loki who escaped in endgame
“You are quite possibly the most despicable man I’ve ever met, Odinson.” Loki opened his eyes and looked up from the ground, meeting your steely eyes glaring right down at him. New York was a loud place, the “city that never sleeps” as the Midgardians called it, and he was finding a hard time going back to sleep when cars were honking everywhere. He was never very fond of it, but it was a bit difficult to go back to Asgard to retrieve his glory when he was in handcuffs.
He scoffed at your expression and words. “I’m a Laufeyson, Odin was never my father. Anyways, where exactly am I right now?”
“You’re on the Upper West Side, now that that’s answered, tell me how the hell you managed to escape from SHIELD, those poor people been on the search for you for three days.” You asked, a hint of annoyance in your voice. Unfortunately, you’d been one of poor people forced to look for him, but you’d never tell him that to keep your pride. After all, searching for wild and unsafe villains was kind of part of the job description to be an Avenger. You’d just been walking around, finally taking a break from the search and going to your favorite coffee shop, when you’d come along Loki.
“Ah, apparently you all are horrible at a little cake of hide and seek, I’ve been sitting here for all three days doing nothing but watching the cars a praying for a wink of sleep. Heimdall doesn’t seem to be listening to me, so I haven’t been able to go to Asgard either.” Loki sulked.
You snorted. “I can see why he wouldn’t let you home, after all the damage you did.” He glared at your truthful admonishment, and both of you sighed simultaneously. “You’re not leaving Earth anytime soon, Loki, so please just make this easy on me and come with me to the tower. SHIELD will probably lock you up again or something, but it’s better than continuing to hide out in the streets u til they find you and eventually kill you. Who knows, maybe Tony will even let you stay in the tower if you’re a good boy.” He’d never admit it, but those words of endearment coming from you made his insides flip and butterflies to flutter in his stomach. “What do you say, ready to turn in, Laufeyson?”
His heart quickened as you stared at him imploringly with wide eyes. Your offer was better than staying in the dirty, loud streets of Manhattan, and he’d be with you. The pretty girl who probably hated him, but nonetheless it was still you. Loki sighed, resigned, and struggled to get up before you helped him. “Do I get to keep the tesseract at least?”
“Loki, what the hell do you think?” You asked, slapping him on the shoulder for such a stupid question.
“No.” He sighed and followed you back to the tower, hoping that what they had planned for him wouldn’t prevent him from seeing a certain female Avenger who he may or may have not been following in the moment.
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vantekay · 5 years
wips page!
collection of all my current wips and ideas that I’ve got simmering in my brain and rotting in my drafts with loose ideas attached to them (requests included)
the order of the fics listed do not hold any significance
some of these wips may be subject to change or be cancelled 
if a fic is listed as untitled or does not have a member assigned to it, please feel free to send me an ask with what you think would work as a good title or would be a good member to use for an unassigned prompt! suggestions are always appreciated but are not always used please keep this in mind!
kim namjoon
untitled [dad au, fluff, domestic au is that a thing hAH]
synopsis: a trip to the aquarium with a very excited dad joon and an equally excited mini joon hehe
first concert [dad au, fluff,]
synopsis: it’s your sons first band concert and joon is just overwhelmed with love and pride for his son
bubbles [dad au, fluff]
synopsis: playing outside with your daughter and blowing bubbles 
merry and bright [dad au, fluff, christmas themed]
synopsis: setting up and decorating the christmas tree with clumsy joon and your baby 
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kim seokjin
sizzlin’ summer nights [fluff, based off this textpost]
synopsis: late night cooking session with jin 
in the making [dad au, fluff]
synopsis: jin teaching his son how to cook and making an absolute mess
the night before christmas [dad au, fluff, christmas themed]
synopsis: christmas eve baking and setting everything up for santa 
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min yoongi
camp beaverbrook [strangers to lovers, fluff, humor, series?]
synopsis: you and yoongi are both camp counselors and your camp kids ship the two of you together, but you’re convinced yoongi hates you (spoiler, it’s quite the opposite)
untitled [friends to lovers, angst?, fluff]
synopsis: inspired by the song who i am hates who i’ve been, yoongi has invited you to a private vacation with him and the other boys and he spends one morning thinking about you and his feelings for you, and winds up confessing all of this outloud to one of his members who encourages him to just go and tell you because he can tell that you also have feelings for yoongi
in your arms [dad au, fluff]
synopsis: just a big cuddle session with your daughter and yoongi after he had been away for awhile on tour
rockin’ around the gingerbread house [dad au, fluff, christmas themed]
synopsis: putting together a gingerbread house with yoonie and your baby
secrets (title subject to change) [angst, fluff, friends to lovers i thinK]
synopsis: inspired by the song secrets by jacob lee, 
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jung hoseok
a bungalow somewhere in Switzerland [husband!au, non-idol au fluff]
synopsis: you and hoseok go away for your honeymoon in a small remote cabin he found in switzerland, this is just gonna be fluff filled soft stuff honestly 
untitled [dad au, fluff]
synopsis: a trip to the zoo with a very excited hobi and your baby hehe
a white christmas [dad au, fluff, christmas themed]
synopsis: just waking up on christmas morning and opening all the presents with your baby and hoseokie
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park jimin
baby’s first bath (title subject to change) [dad au, fluff]
synopsis: giving your baby her first bath and jimin having the time of his life, a small mini drabble continuation of when I first saw you
when I first saw you [dad au, fluff]
synopsis: having your first baby with a very emotional and excited jimin
untitled [dad au, fluff]
synopsis: taking your baby to the beach and having a fun family beach day!
underneath the christmas lights [dad au, fluff, christmas themed]
synopsis: taking your baby out one night to walk around the neighborhood and look at all the pretty yard displays people have set up
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kim taehyung
work of art [artist!taehyung x reader, non-idol au, fluff, based off this textpost]
synopsis: admiring tae as he works on an art piece but you’re feeling all clingy n needy so you situate yourself in his lap while he’s working until you fall asleep
good morning sunshine [fluff, based off this]
synopsis: just a small little drabble about waking up next to tae n admiring his features
forever and always (title subject to change) [angst, sad themes? I don’t wanna say depression but kinda depression, fluff, college au]
playtime [dad au, fluff]
synopsis: just some cute typical silly stuff where tae and his two babies are playing around and having a good time
batter up [baseball player! taehyung featuring the other members, college au, strangers to lovers sort of]
synopsis: taehyung has been your crush for what seems like forever 
what about now? [hogwarts au, friends to lovers, featuring other members and the some original hp characters, series?]
synopsis: a good ol mutual pining fic where reader is convinced tae doesn’t like her cause there’s just no way but surprise! tae loves reader a lot and readers best friends jimin and hoseok are there to show her that they are made for each other 
snow day [dad au, fluff, christmas 
synopsis: your baby waking you and tae up because she wants to go play in the snow, so you all go out and have fun and then enjoy some hot cocoa afterwards
subway strangers request [strangers to lovers, fluff]
synopsis: a stranger waiting on the subway sees that you’re cold, so he offers you his coat and his warmth, holding you close to his frame and for the duration of your long trip back home on the train, he decides to keep you company
crossing the lines request [friends to lovers, fluff]
synopsis: taehyung finally plans out how he’s going to confess to you, his lifelong crush, and hopes for the best 
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jeon jungkook
my boy [dad au, fluff]
synopsis: surprising your son with his dad when going to pick him up from school cause guk has been away on tour and they play n have fun n it’s just all cute
untitled [fluff, youtuber au? maybe not sure yet, humor, guk being the funny and unpredictable boyf we all want honestly]
synopsis: based off that jenna marbles video where her and julien set up a tent in their backyard for the night 
i got you [dad au, fluff, humor]
synopsis: family trip to go ice skating and teaching your son (and you since guk is good at everything he does) how to skate
moonlight (title subject to change) [fluff, friends to lovers, hopeless romantic type stuff]
synopsis: based off the song moonlight by grace vanderwaal, some mutual pining stuff i think and basically just a night out with guk where he realizes all of his feelings for you and you realize your feelings for him and all that good stuff
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loose ideas that aren’t assigned to a member yet (feel free to suggest a member for these!)
house of memories (almost everything here is subject to change since I haven’t really thought this one out yet) inspired by the song house of memories by panic at the disco [angst, maybe a teeny bit of fluff but mostly angst and maybe a death? i haven’t thought this one out much yet]
synopsis: [member] recalls their memories with their long time crush when they are moving out of their apartment and find an old box filled with photos and other timeless treasures that remind them of the feelings they once had for their friend, for you. your death was hard for them and once you had finally passed they thought they had finally (but painfully) gotten over their feelings, but this box brings them all back up to the surface 
14 notes · View notes
katsitting · 6 years
Uhhhm hi can you pls write a tomarry drabble/one shot thingy where they try to keep each other warm while theres a storm outside or smth bc i just saw the textpost. Pls and thank you
It took me some time, but here you have it. You may find the fic posted here on AO3. I hope you enjoy my take on this trope. This is an 11k word fic ^^;.
Rating: M
Tags: Swearing, Violence, Uresolved Sexual Tension, Alternate Universe- Office, Workplace Harassment, Humor, Suggestiveness, and Tags Subject to Change.
“He’s staring again,” Ron whispered into Harry’s ear before stuffing a donut into his mouth, crumbs of sugar smearing on the corners of his upper lip. Harry grimaced, shifting his attention to the pretty red-headed server at the other end of the diner. “This marks the fifth time this week.”
A groan rumbled from Harry’s chest, appetite leaving him entirely now that Ron had pointed out that Riddle was, once again, sitting at the diner and staring at him.
Harry had been content with just ignoring it. He was more than aware of the fact that Riddle was there. It was difficult not to notice when he worked with the bloke, and Riddle had made it almost routine to head to the same diner Harry frequented after work. How the man knew Harry’s schedule was beyond him. After all, they had never spoken to one another outside of the office.
Of course, they’d interacted one or twice at work, the niceties and all that rot were necessary as supervisors at the company. That, however, did not necessarily mean that they saw one another often—or had the opportunity to—in the first place. They ran in completely different circles.
Harry was head of an entirely different department at work while the creep ran another at the opposite end of the building. The creative department and accounting department hardly ever interacted.
Ron cast a glance behind Harry’s back, and Harry wanted to groan into his hands.
“Would you stop giving him attention? He’s going to notice that I’ve noticed. The last thing I need on my day off is for him to think that you looking at him is an invitation to sit down with us.”
This was supposed to be his time to sit back and relax after an awful week of dealing with executives and their stupid complaints. How those stuffy executives could complain about every single detail, particularly when Harry didn’t even deal with the sales of the products, was beyond him.
He just handled the graphic designers and the digital artists, not the math and figures. That was what accounting did. The creative department looked at viewers and their interests. They measured their receptiveness to a particular advertisement over another. They weren’t paid do the rest, and even if they offered to pay for such services, Harry refused to.
It would only give him another reason to leave the office.
Harry’s work wasn’t…exciting. It was a decent job while waiting for the processing at the police academy to go forward, but it would never be enjoyable. The company policies were absolute shite.
At least with the police department he would be doing something he liked while still dealing with the nonsense of the bureaucratic world.
He just needed to hold out for a little longer. He had met all the requirements, had done all of the physicals. All he needed to do was wait and then he could quit his job and dedicate himself to the force.
It killed him to wait, but it would be incredibly stupid to quit months before he’d even get approved. He needed to save as much money as he could before he was inevitably penniless for the next few years as a low-tier cop.
“I mean, you should just talk to him. It’s not like the bloke is going to bite your head off or something.” Ron said with his mouth full of donut, eyes still trained on Riddle even after Harry had asked him to stop giving the bastard attention.
“Ron, you don’t know Riddle. There’s just something off about him, you know? Don’t you ever get that feeling about someone—” Harry began, casting an exasperated glance at Ron when he didn’t immediately answer. “—like there’s more to a guy than what he lets on? He’s so…polite and charming at work. He’s practically got everyone wrapped around his finge—”
“Do I, Mr. Potter?”
Harry froze at the sound of a familiar, masculine drawl. Horror and recognition speared him, only just noticing that the reason Ron had stopped talking was not because he had shoved a whole donut into his mouth, but because Riddle had risen from his seat and had made his way over to where they were seated at the counter.
“I was not aware you had that kind of impression of me.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck—
Harry swiveled around, almost toppling from his chair when the tip of his nose nearly collided with Tom’s chest.
Why was he so bloody close?
Harry pressed his side into the counter, uncomfortable with Riddle’s invasion of his personal space before leveling the man with an irritated glower. The fact that he looked ridiculous this way hardly registered to Harry.
“And you probably never would have had you minded your own bloody business.”
Shock spread over Riddle’s stupid handsome face, and sweet sweet vindication surged through Harry’s insides, a smirk stretching over his lips when Riddle did not immediately respond.
Good, it served him right.
“It’s a pity, then. Our company retreat at the end of this week will certainly be ripe with awkward tension.”
Harry’s smirk fell, shoulders tensing at Riddle’s mention of their forced retreat. He’d forgotten about it entirely. It was something the CEO of the company had been harping on for the past few months. Something about improving relationships between supervisors and executives, and all that rot.
It was absolute bullshite.
“Did it slip your mind? Oh, I understand if it did.”
Riddle’s expression twisted into one of pity, the glimmer in the man’s eyes far too bright for Harry to believe it was sincere.
“The holidays are right around the corner. I’m sure the executives are keeping you quite busy with the marketing.”
Harry slammed an open palm onto the counter, startling both Ron, who had yet to say a word since Riddle had graced them with his parasitic presence, and a couple sitting not too far behind Ron.
If looks could kill, Harry’s glare alone would have killed Tom fucking Riddle at least ten times. His pitying glance combined with the obvious heat to the man’s words had all but pushed Harry past his boiling point. There was only so much bullshite he could deal with in a single week, and Riddle’s was not the kind of bullshite he was being paid to handle.
“One more word, and I promise that after I’m through with you, no one in the office will ever call you handsome for the rest of your miserable life.”
Riddle blinked at him, the pitying expression slipping off his face like an oil slick. Then—
The man smiled.
All the blood in Harry’s veins froze at the sight, unable to comprehend what was happening before Riddle leaned down, pressing into his personal space until their noses were nearly touching.
It was one word. A simple, unobtrusive word.
But in that moment, it sounded anything but. Frankly, it was a word Harry knew from that moment forward would forever remain ingrained in his psyche until the end of his days. Harry didn’t know what to say, didn’t know what to bloody do. He was flabbergasted, confused to his very core because Riddle’s voice had…changed. Sounded huskier and breathier, somehow.
Riddle’s smile widened, his eyes flashing with something Harry refused acknowledge, before Riddle pulled back and turned to leave.
Thank god.
“H-harry?” Ron whispered into Harry’s ear, but Harry wasn’t listening. His mouth was wide open with shock, an embarrassed heat coiling over his face that was definitely not a blush. It burned him from the inside out, his humiliation at being thrown by that word almost worse than the unmistakable heat in the man’s voice.
Don’t let it get to your head, Harry. It was him just fucking with you, is all.
“What happened just now?” Ron asked again, once Riddle pushed past the double doors of the exit.
Turning to Ron with the straightest face he could muster, Harry paused, unsure of how to even begin. He honestly didn’t know anymore than the Ron did, and he had been the one subject to Riddle’s unwanted attention.
“I—” Harry swallowed, unable to finish his response.
In the four years he’d been working at the company, this was the first time he shared more than five words with Riddle within a 24 hour period. And somehow, in the span of 15 minutes, Riddle had not only managed to get a rise out of him—something no one, except for his ex-boyfriend Draco had ever been able to accomplish—and embarrass him.
Pressing his hands into his eyes, careful to avoid crushing his glasses, Harry groaned aloud, casting Ron a tired look after he finished.
How he was going to survive the company retreat after this bloody spectacle was the million dollar question. If he’d nearly lost his patience after speaking to Riddle for 15 minutes, there was simply no telling what a weekend at some winter resort would do to his sanity.
“I don’t know, Ron. Your guess is as good as mine.”
To say that Harry was tired of this trip was the understatement of the century. Already, he was dreading the fact that he had to be stuffed in some cheap bus with Tom Riddle, the newest bane of his existence, for a whole fucking weekend. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve this kind of treatment. Maybe, somehow, he’d pissed off the wrong deities while working as a supervisor and this entire trip was just a means for those aggrieved gods to acquire their retribution. Harry honestly wasn’t sure.
Either way, Harry was done with this day and it had only just started. An unsurprising fact considering Tom Riddle had decided to sit beside him on the bus. Harry was certain his angry expression had been obvious. He hadn’t been hiding his displeasure from the moment Tom Riddle entered the bus—fashionably late of course, but no one was going to ride his ass about that, now were they—and sauntered over in his direction.
Harry had made a calculated decision to sit in the back, knowing, of course, that Riddle being the straight-laced goody two shoes that he pretended to be, had always been one to sit in the front nearest to the conductor to ensure that nothing would go amiss. The supervisor for the accounting department of the firm was not required to do all that, but no one would dare say something to the contrary.
Tom Riddle had just about everyone wrapped around his bloody finger, and there was no telling just who might end up fired should they cross Riddle.
That was what had happened to the last intern that had come into the fray a few weeks back. They entered the accounting firm and simply never came back, disappearing into the ether to never be found again. Of course, no one thought it odd that the poor intern just hightailed it out of there, except for Harry, but nevertheless, that was how the company went.
Yet, somehow, in spite of Harry’s careful consideration of all these facts, Riddle still felt the need to follow him all the way to the back of the bus. The thought of flinging himself into oncoming traffic had crossed his mind once or twice since then.
“Hello, Harry.” Riddle purred next to his ear, his side pressing uncomfortably into Harry’s side. It was unsurprising that he of all people refused to abide by societal norms, such as personal space.
Personal space wasn’t a foreign fucking concept.
“It’s been too long. How are you?”
Harry grit his teeth, staring hard at the traffic moving away from the city. They were leaving his home, his place of sanity, and heading into an unknown small town in the middle of fucking nowhere at some “winter palace.” At least, that was how the brochure for the place had painted it, but Harry did not believe a word of it. It was a load of bullshite in his honest opinion. It was simply another way for his bosses up top to convince their over-caffeinated and exhausted employees to play nice and stick it out until they could find replacements that did their work with far more efficiency and less ambition.
“Are you looking forward to the trip? This might be your only time off after the holiday craze begins.”
Whipping around, Harry leveled Riddle with the most intense glare he could muster. He wanted Riddle to stop talking. Didn’t he understand that Harry wanted nothing to do with him? That after their fucking fiasco at the diner, Harry wanted to avoid him?
It was basically sexual harassment what had happened at the diner. He should have reported it to human resources instead of sucking it up and ignoring it, wanting to pretend that it never happened. But whatever, it was too late now. They were trapped on this bus with perhaps six other supervisors from the company that Harry hardly interacted with on a good day.
“I don’t know what gives you the impression that I want to talk to you, but I don’t. What you did at the diner was sexual harassment. Hell, you’ve been stalking me for bloody months now!”
Harry was breathing heavily by the end of his tirade, but Riddle was utterly unfazed. His eyes were taking him in from the wild curls atop his head, to the angry flush of his cheeks, and down to the collar of his thick coat.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have a terrible temper, Harry? It’s quite unbecoming.”
Harry blinked, disbelief draining all the anger he clutched into his chest.
Riddle was completely bent. An utter nutcase.
Harry had never felt more certain of this fact that in that moment, eyeing the thick green scarf wrapped around Tom’s throat, covering a portion of his mouth.
“Can’t you just leave me alone? Pretend I don’t exist? You’ve done a marvelous job of ignoring me at work functions, why stop now?” Harry asked, defeated. It wasn’t much to ask. He was going to leave his job anyway. It would be peaceful, a mercy in and of itself, for Riddle to let him go on with his business without incident.
But Riddle wasn’t a kind man. Clearly, Harry’s hunch about Riddle’s true personality had not been wrong, for in that moment, Riddle’s lips curved into a wicked smile. His eyes flashed with something downright cruel, and Harry’s stomach plummeted all the way to his ankles.
“Oh Harry, now what would be the fun in that?”
Sighing loudly, Harry turned his attention back to the window to watch the flurries of snow pass. There was no use answering that question. He’d be wasting his breath trying to convince Riddle to stop.
So, rather than argue with Riddle til his face turned blue, Harry instead watched the world pass through the window—the buildings growing smaller and smaller until there was nothing but countryside. An agricultural paradise that went on endlessly with only the occasional interruption of a car passing through, until those interruptions too, ceased.
If Riddle crowded closer to him on the bus, Harry didn’t say a word to acknowledge it.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” The words came unbidden, his genuine shock and frustration at what he was seeing impossible to hide.
The “winter palace” that the CEO had spent months harping about to his employees was no palace. It would be too generous of a statement to call it anything but a run down warehouse. When he saw it from his window, only several feet away from the driveway they turned into, Harry had hoped that this building would not be their stop.
But he had been wrong, resigned to his fate when the Greyhound bus stopped right at the iron entrance of the place.
“Clearly not.” Tom whispered into his ear, reminding Harry that Tom was sitting beside him and had, in fact, heard Harry’s curse. “It seems that our stay at the “Winter Palace” will not be a pleasant one.”
Harry pressed his face into his hands, wondering if it was too late to turn back. This was a literal shit-hole. The building looked like it hadn’t been renovated in at least twenty years. The iron gate they had driven through was rusted, the tell-tale red and brown patterning around the iron like the scales of a snake.
“Alright everyone.”
Harry was forced away from his thoughts, attention turning to one of the executives sitting at the front of the bus, who he vaguely knew as Mike. The man rose from his seat, his inky black hair and sallow skin gleaming unnaturally beneath the dim light trickling through the bus windows.
Here comes the bad news.
“We’ve divided you all into pairs. The rooms can only fit two at a time. We understand that you were all under the impression of sleeping in your own rooms, but autumn season was not a kind one to the company.”
Harry huffed, miffed that they would use such an excuse on them. They weren’t ignorant, lower-tier employees that didn’t know just how these things went. To say that the executives had planned to provide them with their own accomodations was a lie and a terrible one at that. They never intended to in the first place. Why would their boss bother to give them a wonderful room when he could be spending the company money as he saw fit? On other things that were of little to no importance to anyone but himself?
“Please try not to switch rooms. Management has made it clear that all parties staying in their hotel must remain in their rooms. It was this agreement that allowed us to receive the lower rates that we did.”
A snort nearly escaped him. Of course, Harry thought. It was all about the cheaper rates with these arseholes.
“If you have any issues or concerns with your accommodations, please notify the front desk. This trip is non-refundable, so unless you have good reason for needing to leave early, we will deduct the difference from your salary.”
There was no escaping this place. There was no way in hell he would pay for this disaster of a hotel. He’d sooner ask Riddle over for tea and biscuits before letting them take a cut of his salary.
“You look quite upset, Harry.”
Grinding the crown of his teeth, Harry turned his attention back to Riddle. He’d nearly forgotten the man was there, caught up with his own thoughts and frustrations concerning this stupid company. It shouldn’t have surprised him that they’d pull this kind of stunt after all the bullshite they’d flung in their general direction for years, but still. This was no reward for their hard work at the company, and certainly no gift, if the stakes of leaving before their stay was anything to go by.
It was punishment.
“As I should be. This place looks like a bloody death trap.” Harry hissed, his expression going sour when Riddle smiled, all teeth. It made every single hair on the back of Harry’s neck stand on end, the unsettling whisper of danger lurking in that face enough to make him press closer to the window and away from Tom. “Look at it. There’s cobwebs on the bloody windows and the front porch has uneven floorboards and chipped paint.”
Tom turned away from Harry to regard the hotel with a thoughtful expression, leaning further into Harry’s space. Harry tried not to let his impatience show when Tom took his sweet time to look at it, as if this were some kind of expensive art piece at a famous art gallery rather than some shite motel.
It was only after Harry began to shake his leg that Tom stopped and turned his attention back to him.
Then, just as Tom was about to speak, Harry’s attention was forced away from the dread of staying in this crappy place and his irritation with his bizarre co-worker.
“Alright then. We took the liberty of pairing you all off—” the man paused at the loud groans and complaints that erupted at that. Harry only pinched the bridge of his nose. “—it was not my idea. This was something the head personally cooked up. Don’t give me that look, John.”
Harry glanced at Mike, then followed his gaze to the supervisor he’d mentioned by name. He was tempted to flash him a smile and give him a thumbs up for expressing what everyone certainly felt at that moment. To be paired off with people from the company they did not even know was a pain in the arse. What if Harry hated them? What if they snored?
With his sleeping habits, he doubted he could sleep a solid night if his roommate was loud.
“Anyway,” Mike continued, ignoring the collective murmurs of displeasure from everyone on the bus. “I will call out the names of those that will be rooming together. So please, once you’ve been called, it’d be great if you would head to your rooms. Check-in is in about fifteen minutes and they have a strict check-in policy.
Of course they did, Harry thought, his mouth pursing into a thin line. They picked a fucking shitehole that hasn’t seen a customer in possibly years.
They’d tack on as many conditions to their stay as they could, if it could justify them keeping their security deposit and charging added fees.
“Robert Smith, you’re with Frederick Wilton.”
Harry didn’t recognize the names, and promptly after watching a portly, dark haired man storm out of the bus with a scowl on his face, Harry wondered if the partnership was a terrible one.
“It would be amusing if we ended up sharing the same suite.”
Harry jumped, smacking his leg against the bottom of the seat in front of him. Riddle had whispered into his ear, lips brushing against the shell. It had been too close, and Harry rounded on him in seconds, uncaring that he was nearly at his wits end and going to leave with a massive bruise on his shin.
“No,” Harry said vehemently, nostrils flaring. “It would be an absolute nightmare to be put in the same room as you. You have no fucking respect for personal space.”
Tom smiled at him, eyes twinkling with a mirth that had no business being on his stupid face. They were not friends, and would never be. The man was a creep, and it would be a crime against all of humanity—but most of all, a personal attack against Harry—to be put in the same room.
Lord knows, Tom might fucking watch him as he slept.
A shudder crawled up Harry’s spine at the thought.
“Harry, I hope you are aware that our transportation is rather small. I cannot help that I am a large man that takes up quite a bit of space.”
Harry rolled his eyes. Sure, the Greyhound bus wasn’t large by any means, but that did not excuse Riddle leaning into him and whispering inane things into his ear throughout the entire ride. It had been suffocating to have him breathing his same air, his hot breath and voice brushing along the shell of his ear whenever the bus so much as rocked—
“Yeah, but do you have to whisper into my bloody ear? It’s unnecessary. You could tell me all about the crap that crosses your mind without your mouth getting anywhere near me—”
“Is there something wrong with my mouth being near yours, Harry? My, that’s quite an inappropriate thought to have of a fellow employee.”
Sputtering, Harry tried to come up with an answer that wouldn’t end with him punching Riddle in the face. When he couldn’t, Harry opted to level Riddle with a glare and say—
“Yes, there is something very wrong with it. It is precisely because you are my co-worker that I don’t want you anywhere near me.”
Tom leaned back into his seat, hand cupping his chin, his stupid smile still stretched along his lips. “And yet here you are. You simply could have moved to another seat if you were so offended by my presence.”
Harry blinked, frowning when he realized that Tom was right. He could have moved. Nothing was stopping him from leaving—there had still been space when he’d sat in the back in the hope that Tom would not follow.
Still, that didn’t answer the question of whether Tom would have let him leave in the first place. The man could have followed him to another seat and annoyed him there. Or worse, if Harry had sat beside someone else, have pulled his weight as one of the favorites at the office and gotten the poor bastard to move and let him slide in beside Harry.
Had Harry really had a choice? No, Harry thought with conviction, absolutely not.
“Oh, that’s rich. As if you wouldn’t follow me wherever I decided to sit. You were always following me to that diner, so how was I supposed to know you wouldn’t follow me to another bloody seat?” Harry demanded, watching how Tom’s shoulders tensed before smoothing out.
Victory surged inside him, a vicious smile stretching over his lips. Good, Tom should be annoyed.
However, rather than reacting as Harry had expected, Tom began to laugh. Harry was flabbergasted.
It was a deep and throaty sound, one that Harry had never heard before. An angry blush spread through his cheeks, irritation blooming inside him like the burn of an ulcer when Riddle didn’t stop for a solid minute.
The chatter of the other people on the bus was lost to the cacophony. Even Mike’s annoying voice calling out names had dissipated into nothing, the sound of his blood rushing to his ears and Riddle’s laughter too difficult to ignore.
Then, it abruptly stopped. Riddle’s expression sobered, and Harry’s breath hitched when Riddle pressed forward until their noses were touching, faces so close that Harry could count each individual lash framing his eyelids.
He tried to rear back, but there was nowhere to go. He had chosen the window seat, and was already pressed as far back as he could to the glass and the uncomfortable polyester chair he was sitting on.
“You’re right—” Riddle said, voice dropping to a low murmur that Harry strained to hear even with how close they sat. “—where else am I going to get my entertainment if not at your side?”
Harry froze at the flash of something predatory in Riddle’s eyes, like the kind of look Harry had seen Ron give his mother’s home-cooked meals after he’d spent months surviving off his own cooking. Throat suddenly dry, Harry tried not to shrink into himself when Riddle’s mouth parted and a hot breath fanned against his lips.
He didn’t want to think about what that meant, about the implications in the man’s words and the way he looked at him—
“Harry Potter.”
At the sound of his own name, the strange tension between them dissipated. Riddle pulled away from him in an instant, granting Harry the space to breathe and turn his attention back to Mike. The man looked just as exhausted as Harry felt.
The bus was nearly empty save for the two executives still seated at the front and a pair of supervisors seated just behind them. A bad feeling bloomed in his chest, realizing that if there were only seven people on that bus, and Riddle was still sitting beside him, then—
“You’re with Riddle.”
Shock spread through his insides, the sound of Riddle’s low laugh beside him drowned out by the horror that followed.
“Don’t even try it, Potter. Unless you’re willing to pay 800 pounds for your room and the special amenities the company has provided, you best keep your mouth shut and take your things into the room.”
At Mike’s steely tone, Harry clamped his mouth closed and clenched his jaw. When he had opened it to complain, he didn’t know, but at that moment, Harry wished more than ever that he could give everyone a piece of his mind. This was a disaster. They had no idea what it was that they had done, pairing him off with Riddle as if Harry would be able to sleep comfortably with that creep breathing down his neck.
Harry didn’t bother to spare Riddle a glance, shooting up to his feet and pushing past the man’s legs to head to the front of the bus.
Anger fed his movements, his scowl turning lethal when Mike gave him a pitying glance as he passed. He didn’t bother to look back and see for himself if Riddle was following after him. He probably was right at his heels, his longer legs making it easy to dwarf any space Harry managed to put between them.
Bloody perfect.
When he finally emerged from the bus, its doors wide and letting in winter’s frigid breath, Harry turned to see that his things had already been taken down from the storage compartment.
It wasn’t much. Just a small carry-on bag and a hiking bag carrying the essentials necessary to survive the duration of his “vacation.” He had at least three different winter coats packed into the backpack, mindful that it was going to be in the negatives for the entire weekend, and it would be stupid of him to let himself go unprepared.
Grumbling, Harry scooped the bag and slung one strap over his shoulder. He pulled out the handle of his roller bag, and began walking toward the set of buildings further out from the driveway.
Upon closer inspection, Harry found that the building looked even more run-down than it did from a distance. There were cobwebs on the upper suites and cracks in the pillars, which held up its once opulent entrance.
It was a lonely walk. His footsteps and his own breaths the only sounds cutting into the silence that descended over the place. His colleagues were nowhere to be found. They had long since made their way to the hotel, perhaps an attempt to escape the hideousness of the building and the biting cold cutting through their coats. It was a good thing Harry had packed well, he would have joined them in their desperation to get inside, otherwise.
Then, just as Harry was reaching the unsteady cover of the porch, footsteps sounded behind him. Harry did not turn, knowing already who it had to be. There were five others left on the bus, so Mike would still be inside with the remaining passengers.
“In a hurry?” Tom said, the sound of his footsteps growing louder and louder, alerting Harry of the unpleasant reality that he was getting closer. “Our destination is one in the same. Why not enjoy the weather? There is still time before we have to check-in.”
Gritting his teeth, Harry did not turn back even when Tom finally caught up to him and mirrored Harry’s brusque pace to the main building. There were several edifices stretched on either side of this main one, all in varying degrees of ugly. He hoped the inside was nicer than the outside.
“No.” Harry finally said when Riddle followed him, his movements easily mirroring Harry’s own. It added to Harry’s annoyance. “I just want to head to my room and forget that I am stuck here for an entire weekend with you.”
Riddle did not speak after that. It was the closest to a reprieve Harry had gotten all evening. The man wasn’t known for his chattiness, but on the bus, the bloke just didn’t know when to quit. Talking and talking about his observations of each of the supervisors and his opinions on the debacle that was this entire trip.
He could not immediately recall Tom ever talking this much in the past. This was more words than Harry had exchanged with Tom in his entire time at the company, including the fated afternoon where Riddle approached him at the diner.
Perhaps, if Harry hadn’t been so creeped out and annoyed with Riddle, he might not have minded the chatter. Ron was not a quiet guy, and neither was Hermione when someone fired her up, but Riddle was a creep. An attractive-looking man, but a creep all the same that placed too much weight on his attractiveness to get him special treatment at the company.
“There are worse things than being in a room with me, Harry.”
At the sound of his name, Harry turned to Riddle, slowing down so that he didn’t end up eating dirt and snow. He hoped his skepticism at the comment was obvious. There was nothing he could think of that could possibly be worse.
“Yeah? What?” Harry asked, humoring him when Riddle looked entirely too serious with his scarf wrapped around his neck and two massive luggage bags gripped beneath his fingers.
“Being trapped with a monster hiding in plain sight.”
Unease bloomed low in his stomach when Riddle smiled a beatific smile. A shudder rippled through him that had nothing to do with the cold air cutting through his cheeks.
He didn’t say anything in response, turning back to look at the wooden doors of the hotel. There wasn’t anything he could say to that. It had sounded like a warning, an ominous promise that made all the hairs on the nape of his neck stand on end.
Harry hoped Riddle had only been kidding and that there wasn’t some special meaning to what he’d said.
Harry had been right when he said that the hotel was a literal death trap.
At first, when they’d stopped by the receptionist desk to pick up their keys, the place had looked decent enough. It was marginally better than the exterior of the building, at least. Tasteful potted plants and landscape paintings lined the cream-colored walls, adding an air of sophistication that the outside lacked.
However, after checking in and learning that their suite was a great distance from the main entrance, Harry had grown immediately suspicious. After all, it was one thing to be within the same area as everyone else, but entirely another to be cut off from the rest of his co-workers.
They’d been assigned to Suite S, which turned out to be a separate building entirely. It was its own private space and there was only one room. A place, he found, that was better suited for couples wishing to escape noisy tourists rather than for jaded company employees.
Then, of course, just when Harry had thought the entire thing could not possibly get worse, when they opened the door, the interior of the room was a wreck. It looked like something straight out of some cheesy 90s porno. The couches were made of velvet. The bed was decorated with cheesy heart pillows and red satin sheets that looked to be stained with something he didn’t want to think too hard about.
There was an air conditioning unit and an electric hearth within centimeters of one another, pushed against the opposite wall facing the bed and the two white nightstands.
Apparently when his company had selected the rooms, they had, in their desperation to get a solid deal for the whole trip, had forgotten that this was meant to be a professional affair and not some shite attempt at matchmaking.
“Well, this is certainly interesting.” Tom chimed in, stepping past Harry and into the room with his luggage in tow.
Interesting was not the word Harry would use to describe this disaster.
“They must have made a mistake.” Harry said, stepping into the room and sighing in relief when there were at least two beds in the room rather than the one he had seen from the entrance.
Thank god.
“I doubt that they did. It seems that this room has all the trappings of a love motel, but the fact that they’d at least included a second bed and a kitchenette on the other end suggests otherwise.”
A flush stained his cheeks at the mention of love motels. God, Harry hoped that the room hadn’t been used as one for some time now and that the sheets were laundered well enough.
Harry didn’t think he could take many more surprises.
“Hopefully, they’ve recently renovated this room and washed the sheets.”
Harry did not dare dignify Tom’s comment with a response, kicking the door shut once he’d dragged his things inside.
The room was hideous, certainly, but the thought that this had once been a hotel where people slept with each other made him green with nausea. Sex wasn’t something he got too much of or pondered on, after his split with Ginny and his disastrous relationship with Draco. But to sleep in a bed where he knew others had fucked? That was too much even for him. At least, when the hotel didn’t having the history of a sex hotel, he could pretend no one had sex in those.
“I can’t sleep like this.” Harry said, trying to recall if he’d seen a laundry room somewhere in the building on his walk over to the suite. Management had mentioned that they did have a place to launder their clothes, free of charge, but where that was, was a mystery.
“Well, the sun is still out. There would be no need for you to rest until the sun at least sets.”
That was not the answer Harry had been hoping for, a loud groan escaping him when he sat on the bed, its springs creaking with his weight.
“This sucks.” Harry sighed, realizing then that there would be no way out of this. The laundry room was possibly on the other side of the place. He was sharing a room with Tom Riddle, who didn’t seem at all fazed by potentially sleeping on sex-drenched sheets, and this was a weekend long excursion with no escape until the length of their stay ended.
At the sound of rustling cloth, Harry turned his attention away from the carpeted floor and glanced at the source.
Harry wished he hadn’t. Riddle had removed his shirt, his bare chest pale white beneath the incandescent light of the suite. His trouser button was undone, a band of dark green poking from the slit where his trousers laid open.
Turning away immediately, Harry tried not to blush with his discomfort. “I swear to god, Riddle, couldn’t you have changed in the bathroom? You’re not in the privacy of your own damn flat.”
The rustling stopped and Harry barely kept himself from turning once again when the side of his bed dipped.
“I’m well aware that I am not alone.”
Riddle’s voice had come far too close for comfort, his breath fanning across the bare skin of Harry’s neck. “If you do not wish to see me, then avert your eyes. I am not forcing you to look at me.”
With that, Riddle pulled away.
Harry didn’t say anything else after that, the haunting memory of Riddle’s hot breath against his neck and the fact that he didn’t care that Harry was there with him, a poignant one.
God, Harry thought, pressing his hands into his face, this is going to be a fucking nightmare.
Thankfully, his rooming together with Riddle hadn’t ended in catastrophe. Despite realizing he was staying in a renovated love hotel and learning that Riddle honestly gave zero absolute shits about personal space, Harry acclimated rather quickly.
As long as Harry didn’t think too hard about what Riddle did in the room or about what people had done on the bed, it was bearable. Riddle, for the most part, left Harry to his own devices and didn’t demand any more than was necessary of his time. Most often, Riddle talked to him about inane things like the weather and the flaws of each employee currently staying at the place, but it wasn’t too bad. He could handle it.
However, things took a turn the second day of their forced cohabitation.
Apparently, the hotel had a partnership with one of the local resorts that offered discounted pricing on sledding and skiing equipment. The company had offered to pay for the whole thing, as a means of quieting the complaints of almost everyone. Apparently, their rooms were shite. Something about the air conditioning unit not working and the room being plagued by a bizarre odor—Harry wasn’t certain on the logistics.
So far, his room had a fully functional heater and his room did not smell of strange things. The smell of cheap detergent wasn’t ideal, but it was markedly better than the stench of sewage and garbage that his co-workers complained of from theirs.
Either way, after many complaints from the disgruntled supervisors, the company had relented in paying for their equipment for that afternoon. The resort itself wasn’t a “resort” by any means. It was more of a small shack with a bustling hearth and maybe one or two employees manning the whole place, but it seemed to pacify the others.
Except Harry.
He wasn’t fond of the idea, if he were being honest. The hotel had a terrible reputation and after looking up reviews on Yelp for the equipment rental store, Harry was even more convinced that borrowing anything, even when it was free, was a bad idea.
If only he had followed his instincts and not allowed Tom to badger him into coming along with everyone. He would have preferred to stay inside, warm and comfortable, rather than out in the snow with a man he disliked immensely and fellow co-workers he had no reason to talk to.
Harry sighed, sulking as he waited to go down the small mountain. They had been taking turns, the more seasoned skiers taking the lead while the other less experienced bunch watched on with terrified and intrigued eyes.
He’d skied before. Sirius had taken him out once when he’d been a teen and it had been fun. Watching Sirius eat snow more than once while Remus had watched on with a fond smile had been worth all the bruises he’d earned trying to learn.
However, this was nothing like those lazy winter afternoons. There was no Sirius or Remus here to poke humor at his expense. There was only Riddle and the other equally exhausted employees waiting to have a go before retiring for the day.
“Are you ready?” A voice whispered into Harry’s ear, rousing him from his thoughts.
He turned to the voice, frowning when, of course, it was Riddle who had spoken. He was the only that ever whispered so damned close to his ear.
“About as ready as I’ll ever be.”
He ignored the small smile that spread along Riddle’s face before turning back to the winding path before him. It was a long ways down, white with snow and littered with patches of evergreen.
“You don’t look very thrilled, Harry.” Tom pointed out, stepping forward to stand over the edge of the hill to Harry’s right. It looked like Riddle planned to go along with him. Why he wanted to do something like that beyond Harry. “Why don’t we make things a bit interesting. Start a bet of sorts?”
Harry paused, turning his attention back on Riddle. He was smiling still, his eyes bright and mischievous. It made something turn in his stomach, as if he’d already taken a dive down the mountain.
“A bet? What do you have in mind?” Harry hedged, humoring the bloke if only to satisfy his own curiosity. It wasn’t common for Riddle to gamble, especially when he was the one that ran the company’s accounting department. It was strange.
“The first one to reach the bottom of the mountain gets to ask for one favour of the other.”
A frown stretched across his face while Riddle’s smile remained in place. That didn’t sound like a good enough deal to him. What could he possibly want from Riddle?
A favor? There was nothing Riddle had that Harry wanted.
Harry was about to reject the offer and turn back to the mountain when Riddle’s hand clamped on his arm, smile gone. Something in his insides wrenched at the contact, the proximity between them reminding him of the bizarre event on the bus and the strange conversation on their walk to the front desk the previous day.
This couldn’t be good.
“If you win, you could ask me to never speak to you again.”
Surprise made his mouth part in shock, his eyes growing wide at the fact that Riddle would volunteer that kind of favor. It was…tempting. Harry didn’t want anything to do with him, so perhaps asking him to leave him alone, well. That sounded almost too good to be true.
Harry narrowed his eyes, immediately suspicious.
“And why would you risk that? So far, you’ve shown little interest in honoring my personal autonomy.”
Riddle didn’t speak for a moment, his hand still grasping Harry’s forearm. It wasn’t a death grip by any means, but it definitely wasn’t a hold Harry could easily shake off without getting into a scuffle.
“Because it would be fun. What is the point of a bet if one of the parties is not interested in his prize?”
That was a good point, and Harry’s lips pursed at that. He wasn’t wrong. He wouldn’t agree to a bet if there was nothing in it for him.
Still, Harry thought, that still doesn’t answer the question of what Riddle could want.
“And you? Are you interested in your prize? Why would you want a favor from me?” Harry asked, unable to curb his own curiosity.
“I am interested, I wouldn’t be asking for a favor if there wasn’t something of worth to be gained.” Riddle offered, his fingers tightening on Harry’s arm minutely before releasing it entirely. The flesh ached where Riddle had gripped him. “I am only interested in the favor itself. One that I can cash in at a later date when necessary.”
Well…that did make some sense, Harry thought. He knew enough about people to know that sometimes they were just happy knowing that they had someone watching their back. He would be the first to say that he didn’t know Riddle, but he also knew that although he was odd and creepy, he wasn’t mass murderer. He said strange and cryptic things Harry didn’t always follow, but he wasn’t evil.
What was the worst that could happen? Riddle already followed him around like a debt collector, how bad would it be to owe him a favor?
“Alright, I’ll do it. Just don’t get any funny ideas, okay?”
Riddle tilted his head to one side, lips stretching into a thin smile that looked far more genuine than all the other expressions he’d seen Riddle wear, before outstretching his hand. Harry didn’t hesitate to take it, shaking on their agreement.
Nodding, Harry turned once again to the hill. His goggles were pressed against his forehead, and he grabbed the ski poles and readied himself. At his side, Harry took one quick glance to see Riddle do the same, gearing up for the race. He looked determined, strangely sober for a race that was allegedly meant to be purely for fun.
“Ready?” Harry asked, tugging on his goggles, ever so grateful that he’d opted for contacts that afternoon.
“Ready.” Riddle said.
“Then, on three.” Harry said, fingers clenching tightly around the ski poles, a bead of sweat gathering on the nape of his neck.
Harry turned away from Riddle, watching the clouds obscure the sliver of light above them. Dark and oppressive, reminiscent of the shade of Riddle’s own eyes.
Harry’s heart was racing a mile a minute, euphoria and adrenaline close companions as he prepared himself for the race. It’d been a long time since he’d played games with high stakes.
It felt good.
They were off. The wind blowing against his face was relentless, the darkening sky and the sensation of his skis hitting the snow one that made his blood sing. He didn’t turn to look if Riddle was following him.
In that moment, it was Harry and the snow. The wind was all he could hear, the biting pressure of the air cutting through every layer of his coat and his thermal underwear. It was thrilling, and he couldn’t help the smile that stretched over his face when he pushed on, wading through the snow like a sea snake swam through a river.
A whoop tumbled from his lips, and he watched how the trees passed him in a blur of green and white, rocks and other debris easily avoided with a careful push of his ski poles. It was amazing—he’d forgotten just how much he enjoyed this feeling.
“Harry!” A voice cut through his excitement, loud and familiar. He almost turned toward it, befuddled that someone could be shouting his name when he was flying through the snow at a speed that was almost unreal.
“You have to turn back!” Frowning, Harry did turn his head at that, confusion coloring his face when up at the top of the mountain there was a crowd of onlookers that he couldn’t identify. They were too far for him to see their faces, but their screams rang through the sound of rushing snow and wind.
“There’s a storm brewing, you have to stop!”
A storm?
Trepidation bloomed in his stomach, recalling in that instant the darkened clouds that had begun to gather at the top of the sky, the sun nearly overcome when he’d been talking to Riddle earlier.
There had been no mention of a storm on his weather app, he had checked three hundred times to make sure. It was unprecedented that things could unravel so quickly.
“Watch out!”
At that loud cry, Harry had one split second to turn around and look forward before he smashed into a tree, his body careening out of control. He screamed, eyes falling shut as the snow and his own inertia forced him down the hill and further away from the screaming voices of his colleagues.
His body lifted mid-air, rolling through the ground in a heap of limbs. Harry had no time but to buckle down when his ankle smashed into a rock, an ear-splitting crack sounding in the air. A cry tore from his lungs, the pain making his eyes water when his body continued to roll further down until he could hear nothing but the sound of the blood rushing to his ears and his own whimpers each time he jostled his leg.
Harry couldn’t scream, mouth filling with snow as he continued to roll until finally, he smashed into what could only be another tree, halting his descent. Everything hurt. His fingers were wet and sticky with blood from when the rocks along the path had cut through his coat and into his skin.
There was no telling how long he laid that way. It could have easily been an eternity before he gathered the wherewithal to open his eyes.
Blinking, he tried to repress his tears when he tried to get up and unwittingly awakened a deep, pulsing pain concentrated on his ankle.
A swear tumbled from his mouth, then a whimper, his eyes blinking away the darkened spots of his vision to take note of his surroundings. He didn’t dare move as he took in the winding trees towering above him and the bloodied snow. No, he held perfectly still, afraid to jostle any other injuries.
Fuck, he should have been paying attention. It was a rookie mistake to turn one’s back, to lose one’s concentration while in the midst of a run.
“Hel-help, somebody,” Harry cried out, coughing when his lungs began to protest at his efforts. “R-riddle? Someone!” He didn’t know why he called for him, why he would bother, but he had to try. He couldn’t just lay there, helpless while a fucking storm rolled over the horizon.
There was no response. It was only him and trees around him. The sky, in the time that it took him to come to a stop after hitting every rock and fallen branch on the way down, growing darker. Purple and heavy, the threat of a storm thick in the black clouds that floated above the trees.
Perfect, just bloody perfect.
Harry laid there helpless, unable to do anything as he waited for someone come find him. He was certain he hadn’t rolled too far away from the main skiing camp. There was only so much inertia a person had before they stopped, and Harry doubted he could have gotten very far.
But when the minutes seemed to stretch out for what felt like an eternity, Harry’s confidence began to wane. Apprehension crept over his senses, the possibility of dying out here in the cold while he bled out, a heavy one that made his breaths come far too quickly.
So much for a wonderful vacation, Harry.
At the sound of his name, Harry perked up, wincing when he jostled his arm, realizing that he’d probably broken it too when he tried to break his fall.
“I’m he-here!” He screamed. His voice echoed through the trees, and he prayed in that moment that whoever had followed him down there had heard him. He didn’t know how long he could last if he didn’t get some help.
He had already lost feeling in his extremities, the numbness more terrifying than the actual fall. When one started going numb, that was when fingers or limbs were lost. Eaten away by the frost, victim to winter’s cruel breath.
“Harry, where are you!?” That voice came again, closer this time. Harry tried to crawl toward it, teeth aching when his ankle began to pulse in time with his racing heartbeat. It was so fucked that Harry doubted he could put any weight on it—he’d need a doctor to fix it if he didn’t want a permanent limp. “Harry!”
“I’m here. I’m here!”
Harry was screaming bloody murder, crawling toward the voice. His nails dug into the snow, his fingertips, even with gloves, tingling with each mound of snow he dug through to push himself forward.
A shadow passed over him, lurking from somewhere inside the trees, and Harry opened his mouth to scream again.
“I’m here, please. I’m here—” His throat was aching fiercely by the end of it, scratchy and hoarse. He doubted he could keep shouting without losing his voice entirely.
The minutes trickled by, the shadow lingering in the trees for a long stretch of time, before the shadow broke through the trees and ran toward him. Harry couldn’t quite make out the person, his vision was coming in and out, blood loss and pain taking its toll on him after forcing himself to crawl that one meter he had.
The person threw himself to the snow beside him, his hands, gentle and so warm, pulling him up to rest his head over his lap.
“You idiot,” the man said, fingers carding through the hair peeking from beneath his cap. It was a miracle it hadn’t fallen off, with how quickly he’d rolled down that mountain, but he was grateful for it. His insides were cold, his hands and feet had gone numb. “You could have gotten yourself killed. Why would you look back while skiing?”
Harry coughed, head lolling to one side. His head felt heavy, as if weighed down by stone. His vision was growing darker and darker as the minutes passed, and it was only at the stranger’s curse that he became aware that he was being scooped up, the pain in his arm and ankle yanking him out of the strange haze settling over him.
Whimpering, Harry tilted his head to regard the man that was now dragging him by his waist and shoulders toward, what he assumed, was the hotel.
It took him an embarrassing amount of time to recognize who this person was. The goggles, cap, and thick coat had obscured most, if not all, of the man’s features.
“R-Riddle?” Harry said, throat dry and aching as he was pulled along. “They sent you?”
Riddle fixed his gaze on him then, his dark eyes the only discernible feature on the man’s face. They were intense, a glimmer to them that made something nervous jolt in Harry’s stomach. It wasn’t a pleasant look. One might even say that Riddle looked upset. Harry didn’t get it.
“I sent myself.” Riddle replied, his eyes staring into Harry’s eyes. It almost hurt to look at him, the strain of his eyes making his head pound. “When I saw that you were nowhere to be found, I set off looking for you.”
That made sense. They had both pushed off the top at the same time. It would be odd not to find his competitor after they’d both made their gambles.
“The storm should be here soon. I did my best to find you before you became buried in it.” Riddle continued, his movements careful even though, in retrospect, Tom should be rushing to find cover somewhere. There was no time for him to be gentle with him. His ankle and arm were broken, but what did his limbs matter if he didn’t survive in the first place?
“Riddle, then you might want to hurry up. I-if we do have a storm coming, then you shouldn’t be this slo-slow.” Harry coughed, cheeks itchy with dried tears as he tried to compose himself through his hacking fits. Maintaining conversation was a strain, but he couldn’t just be quiet when their lives were at risk.
“We’ll be fine. There’s a cave not too far from here.”
Harry nodded, not trusting himself to speak, and allowed Riddle to guide him to the cave. It was certainly no hospital, but he couldn’t afford to be picky. There was no time to make it back to the hotel and avoid the storm. A quick glance towards the sky revealed that it would be upon them at any moment. It had gone a sickly dark purple, the sun eaten entirely by the terrifying weather.
Heaviness swept through him, the same sensation of floating away making his head fall against Riddle’s chest. He was exhausted, eyes struggling to stay open when Riddle’s rocking movements lulled him to sleep. It didn’t help that his fear and adrenaline had gradually dissipated, Riddle’s words and presence serving as a comfort for the real danger he’d be in without it.
He didn’t want to die here. Not now when there was so much for him to do, when his life was only just beginning. How terrible would it be to die with his last memories being this shitty trip? No, he refused to die here.
Riddle did not speak for some time, the sound of his steps crushing snow and his own breathing the only thing to break the eerie silence that had settled between them. Harry tried to stay awake, shifting his head to look at Riddle, but the numbness was too much. Even Riddle’s heat, though welcomed in that moment, was not enough to drive away the chill still clinging to his limbs.
“Ar-are we almost there?” Harry said, eyelids falling shut and refusing to obey his desire to remain awake. It was dangerous to fall asleep, to give in to that strange sensation undulating beneath his skin. He’d heard stories, seen enough survival series to know that sleep was the last thing he wanted to have when he was losing blood and freezing his arse off.
“Harry—” Riddle said, but Harry could not make out his words. They faded in and out of his hearing, even when Harry’s cheek vibrated with the force of Riddle’s voice. There was something calling to him, something familiar.
It was a soft voice. One that sounded an awful like his mother, singing for him to close his eyes and to dream. He recognized it, latching onto it desperately because it was his mother’s voice. It was unmistakable, the rich velvet of her tongue speaking his name could not be anything else.
Sleep, my darling, my son.
A smile crept over his face and the world became nothing. Haziness settled into his bones, over his fingertips until there was nothing but her.
Close your eyes and let yourself be free…
The lolling motions ceased, evaporating like a white mist.
Cover your ears, I’ll be here…
His mother had never come back. Her voice and the rich scent of her hair were the only memories he had of her—her face and her hair, a nebulous nothing that he couldn’t recall with detail. Not when it’d been years since she’d died, since his father had joined her in the afterlife, leaving him at the mercy of the Dursleys…
To battle the monsters reaching for your feet…
His eyes snapped open to a sea of grey, his chest heaving with shallow breaths as he tried to make sense of where he was and why it was so damn bright…
“Don’t close your eyes. You must stay awake.”
He blinked repeatedly, trying to will away the black spots flickering over his vision.
“W-where—?” Harry coughed, unable to finish his phrase when the short puffs of air turned into heavy wheezing. His eyes burned, tears threatening to fall from the violence of his breathing. It was so terrible that it took him a while to notice the warmth stretching along his back, rubbing soothing circles against his clothed flesh.
There was no telling how long he remained that way, equal parts enjoying the warmth seeping into his back and hating the burn of his throat.
“There, that’s it. Breathe in through your nose and let out slow breaths from your mouth.” A masculine voice whispered into his ear, a strange sensation blooming in his belly when lips grazed the shell of it. “Try to stay awake. You cannot fall asleep in your condition.”
Confusion spread through him, and then—
Harry glanced down after his coughing subsided to find that his ankle was bent in a way that he’d never seen his leg bend before. It was lying on the floor, his trousers smeared in blood and dirt, the cuff torn so as to reveal bruised and swollen flesh.
There was no pain despite its grim appearance.
Swallowing, Harry was just about to ask what had happened when all of his memories came at him at once. The bet, the cries of an oncoming storm, the loud crunch of his ankle and arm making impact with tree and rock, the sight of his blood on white snow—oh god, his blood—and the cold. A fierce, unwavering cold that spread through him as sickness cut through impoverished villages.
“O-oh god,” Harry stammered, the lack of feeling in his legs and fingers making panic choke on his spit. “I-I can’t feel my fingers, my feet—”
“You were out in the cold for some time. There’s no need to panic. I’ll try to get you warmed up as we wait for the storm to pass.” Riddle—yes, that was who this was—said into his ear before his arms wrapped around him.
Harry stiffened, unable to repress that reaction, before he inevitably sank into the embrace, unable to resist the heat Riddle emitted. It made his blood warm, his body tingle strangely to be pressed against his body after winter had nearly devoured him with her icy mouth. There was a strange sound beneath the background, not nearly as loud as the sound of Riddle’s voice or the heartbeat beneath the man’s chest, but it was there.
It was a constant thrum.
“Unfortunately, in the time it took me to bring you to the cave, I was not able to gather some dry wood to start a fire. We will have to make do with one another’s own body heat until the storm tapers off.”
Storm…? That had to be the source of the sound. It couldn’t be anything else.
Then, the reality of Riddle’s words finally registered. It was nearly enough to spring him from the brink of death.
Sharing body heat? If this had been any other situation, Harry might have balked at such a suggestion. But he was out of options, nearly having died for the second time that afternoon by sinking into hypothermia.
Had he been out that long that he’d nearly succumbed to it? Had he lost that much blood that he’d thought it a great idea to give in to the weakness in his body? There could be no other possibilities.
“H-how long did it take you to find me, out in the snow?” Harry asked, voice shaking.
“Three hours, possibly. I cannot be sure.”
Closing his eyes, Harry sank deeper into Riddle’s body. He couldn’t believe that he’d been out that long. Could he have passed out after his fall? Harry frowned, a gasp escaping him when he moved his arm and a searing pain shot past his elbow and up to his shoulder. It made his eyes water, reminding him once again that he was far more injured that he’d originally thought.
“Careful. Try not to move. You’ve broken your arm and ankle. It is also possible that you’ve sustained other injuries not easily seen.”
No shit, Harry wanted to say, but refrained from doing so. As much as Riddle annoyed him on a good day, the man was helping him. He’d come out to his rescue, had saved him not once, but twice, from death. Riddle had been nothing but helpful, his touches gentle and soothing even when they came from someone as strange as him.
It was uncharacteristic how such an unfeeling man in many ways managed to be understanding of his pain. Perhaps, Harry might have misjudged him? Had jumped too quickly to conclusions by convincing himself that Riddle was an unfeeling automaton?
Guilt cut through him, recalling some of the unwarranted insults he’d thrown in Riddle’s direction when the man had done nothing but make conversation. He supposed now was as good a time as any to apologize and thank him for his help. He would be dead if not for his intervention. It was the least he could do.
A sharp intake of breath cut off whatever apology or amends Harry intended to convey. Hot air fanned against the back of his head before something hard poked it, a something that was unmistakably a nose—
“D-did you just bloody sniff me?” Harry said, eyes wide with disbelief when Riddle did not cease the gesture, breathing him in as if he’d been waiting years for this privilege. “Are you really doing this right now?”
Harry was too shocked to feel any anger. He was injured, exhausted, and trapped in some cave for an indeterminable amount of time. He didn’t have it in him.
“We are quite close. There isn’t much room for me to breathe elsewhere.” Riddle replied smoothly, almost too smoothly. Harry’s eyes narrowed, unconvinced, but didn’t push the issue. There was a time and a place for arguments.
Injured, trapped in a cave, while a storm was raging outside was clearly not the time nor place.
“Fine.” Harry said, giving into the warmth Riddle provided. He was still cold, fingers and feet still numb. As much as it pained him to have to rely on Riddle, he was the only source of heat available for the time being.
And if Riddle’s mouth trailed too close to his neck, or his fingers played with the hem of his winter coat? Harry would make no mention of it. Not when he huddled closer, basking in Riddle’s warm embrace.
Their bet and their tumultuous relationship, temporarily forgotten.
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