#but genocide is different okay
It is so ridiculous how hot and cool and interesting I find satosugu but dont want to write it Purely because Tsumiki exists and unless its one big AU where we pretend nothing bad ever happened, i refuse to let her close to potentially a dude who at least hates her, but would probably kill her
Like idk this shit breaks my heart so badly
This man may be hot but i will fight for the kids
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chrollohearttags · 7 months
truly hoping that everyone witnessing what’s going on and more so specifically what our president is doing right now and taking that into accountability when election time rolls around. Calling for that senile bastard to be held liable not only for the full funding and support of genocide/ethnic cleansing but the countless of other horrible deeds he’s committed since being in office is not being “pro trump” or republican. People are fucking tired and this inhumane treatment of the Palestinian people was more or less the breaking point. We watched how he and his entire campaign was centered around nothing more than engaging in a pissing contest with the blood orange. How every promise of monthly stimulus checks, erased student loans, wage raises, lower cost of living, etc ALL went down the drain the second he got sworn in. How our tax dollars were used to fund literal slaughter but people are sleeping in parking lots because they can’t afford housing. Healthcare is non existent, we can’t even afford to pay attention with minimum wage and we’re barely even able to fill our tanks or grocery baskets with our entire paychecks being thrown at it. As people keep saying, the propaganda is no longer working. Is*eal, Biden and every other sick entity in support of harming these people are being called out abs rightfully so. No one is subscribing to their bullshit ideologies anymore. No one is believing this rallying around the flag, blind patriotism, etc. call it desensitization or overexposure but we have real time access to information that refutes any of these influencer or corporate advertising. Continue to be tired, continue to be angry and continue to question everything because silence equals complicity and that’s exactly what they want.
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saetoshis · 7 months
hot ppl don’t support genocide 😻
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disneydatass · 7 months
Attack on Titan finale episode conclusion: women be loving toxic ass men
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martyrbat · 10 months
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hm hm hm i feel like this will be really interesting to read with the knowledge of korra and how that effected her instead.... because korra (from my limited knowledge so i could be talking out my ass here) knew she was the avatar at an early age and DID get that community. she had katara and her parents, she had her mentors, she was isolated from the real world during so and perfected the elements other than air (which i kinda recall her struggling with and how its the opposite element of earth so im excited to see if those kinda play out :3) and she was more eager to be the avatar and the excitement and significance it brought (which was a bit clouded by her being sheltered but also would have been expected more before the war impacted things)
i also remember matty saying kyoshi struggled with earth bending (which im super excited to get to and see/see her journey and how it will differ) but!!! i just think its really fun how theyre kinda off the bat setting up this expectation and new grounding for readers who have a past grasp of the avatar universe. even as someone who isnt super familiar with the lore, i know enough to recognize that oh! thats something new!! so just kudos to the writer(s?) for just setting this up to be something very different and in a natural way :3
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montanabohemian · 4 months
in case anyone is fucking confused (because i think many of you armchair activists are):
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the only way for israel to abide by the order issued by the ICJ is to actually implement a fucking ceasefire. full stop.
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lord-squiggletits · 16 days
It's so funny to me how mad people get about Optimus punching Prowl's eye out because 1. he didn't 2. even if he did it would've been fully deserved lmao
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doikayt · 4 months
in the west bank i see pogroms. in gaza i see the warsaw ghetto. in a georgia plantation i see a concentration camp. in wounded knee i see my lai. the way all of our people have suffered and continue to suffer is motivated by the same forces, it manifests in the same shapes, it begs our comparison. you might as well tell me not to compare one minute to the next, this year to last year -- how else am I supposed to anticipate the future but from the past
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‘Oct 27 (Reuters) - Israel is rejecting calls for respite in Gaza as its closest allies in the West have coalesced around the idea of "humanitarian pauses", or temporary stops to the bombardment.
Growing international distress at the conditions for 2.3 million people trapped under the heaviest air strikes Israel has ever unleashed on the Mediterranean enclave led major powers this week to call on Israel to allow such pauses to get aid in and Israeli hostages held by Islamist militant group Hamas out.’
If it wasn’t already clear, the Israeli government does not care about the hostages.
Agreement on these points could lead to more focus on lowering the violence in southern Gaza to let aid enter, the EU official said.
An average of 12 trucks a day have entered Gaza in recent days, down from 500 a day prior to the conflict, Guterres said on Friday.
Israel says any respite from fighting benefits Hamas, which it is determined to destroy, and which it says diverts aid such water, fuel, food and medicine to its fighters.
If it wasn’t already clear, the Israeli government sees all loss of Palestinian life as acceptable.
"A ceasefire means giving Hamas time to rearm itself, so they can massacre us again," Israel's U.N. Ambassador Gilad Erdan told the General Assembly on Thursday, calling it "an attempt to tie Israel’s hands."
If it wasn’t clear already, the Israeli government is literally framing this as ‘we, the invading force, are actually the ones being genocided. To prevent this we will commit genocide. (Except it’s not genocide when it’s Palestinian life).’
Source: Reuters
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morninkim · 10 months
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Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - "Mask of the Masked Rider"
Prince Dex of Edenoi was given the powers of the Masked Rider by his dying grandfather, King Lexian, following a devastating final assault on Edenoi's capital by the evil Count Dregon. With Edenoi's defenses crippled, Dregon set his sights on Earth. Dex soon followed, teaming up with the Power Rangers and forming a strong alliance with them, counting them as some of his first and closest friends.
Dex's past is riddled in tragedy, Edenoi having been under constant siege since before he was born. His planet made for an easy target, as most of the population were pacifists, save for the Masked Rider Warriors that stood guard against incursions. Sadly, they were all wiped out in Dregon's final attack, leaving only Dex and his Ectophase Activator as the last remnants of the Rider Warriors.
Around the Rangers, Dex says everything extremely deadpan, making it hard to tell whether or not he's joking, but he will soon clarify with an equally deadpan "That was a joke." or "Was that not funny?"
He comes into inadvertant conflict with Tommy as she starts to worry about him replacing her on the team, threatened by the "newer and cooler green guy". The two soon reconcile as Tommy apologises for projecting onto him, with Dex saying that, as someone who also had never had friends before now, it's understandable that she would be worried about losing them again.
#rotmmpr#power rangers#mmpr#masked rider#kamen rider#dex stewart#OKAY im glad i got this one out of my system#three guesses who i was thinking of while designing dex's civilian form lmaoo#dex is one of my fav bits of rise bc i think he's one of the most clever and dumb jokes i could think of that ALSO moves things forward#essentially he's a meta joke about people considering rider to be more ''mature'' than sentai or pr even though it has the same target demo#+ a purposeful and comedic over-correction on the original saban's masked rider since that show ended up being more of a sitcom than even p#while ALSO referencing the fact that kamen rider black got an adult-oriented reboot last year#plus i just thought ''mask of the masked rider'' was a silly subtitle for the mini-arc he'd appear in#his suit is also deliberately designed to be a lil more complex and ''modern superhero design'' than the rangers' suits#to contrast against them and match his like. different tone than them#but ye. he's very much tied into tommy's arc on the team where they both have the sort of. tendency to just say shit#that they think is completely normal. but is so deeply fucked up to everyone around them#obvs dex to a much more extreme degree since he's a victim of actual genocide lmao#and both he and tommy learn how to work in a team over the course of the masked rider arc#i also imagine tommy would have a lil dream sequence where she imagines dex replacing her as the green ranger#and he morphs into a form that looks kinda like kamen rider j or zo#i won't be designing the other masked rider warriors but just know. I AM AMAZON. would be canon.
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Gazes at you so sweetly... Tell us of the au! 🐈‍⬛
OKAY so its like a kinda generic Role Swap idea with Belos and Caleb, right? But the thing is, it's not so cut and dried as that as everyone else has pretty much the same role, or one very adjacent to canon. The idea is what if Philip and Caleb got lost in the Demon Realm while they were still children?
Philip, struggling to be accepted by the populous of Gravesfield, follows the first sign of witchcraft he can. That ends up being a teen-aged Evelyn who isn't supposed to be in the human world. Ultimately, Caleb is the one who chases after his brother in hopes of saving him from the grasps of a witch. When he finally finds his brother, he realizes that they are both trapped in this unfamiliar land, and he ends up blaming Evelyn for it.
The search for a way home is similar bout now Caleb and Philip are a united, albeit younger, front. A key incident involved a Crab Maiden and her guardian while they were at Bonesborough. The Crab Maiden shows Philip how to use magic without having been born in the Demon Realm through the use of a light glyph. However, the guardian begins to act strangely, with the added oddity of feathers and fangs. Ultimately, the woman ends up busting Philip's nose and severely injuring his arm before vanishing. Caleb ends up hiding the extent of his injury and his resentment of witches grows, while Philip is left with an intense interest in finding more glyphs and understanding the demon realm.
When Caleb's arm becomes fatal if he leaves it, he replaces it with one made of palistrom wood, binding it to his body with what he doesn't know is Titan's blood. The entire altercation has made him fearful for the survival of his brother and himself. He vows that he will find a way to return to the human realm no matter what. Even if it means finding a way to keephis brother frozen in time while he works. Even if it means cultivating Grimwalkers from the remnants of his arm.
Even if it means bringing the Isles to ruin. After all, it's residents have proven time and time again that they aren't worth sparing. They're dangerous, just like the people of Gravesfield said.
He just needs to live long enough to see this through.
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cas---2y5 · 1 month
The Anxiety™ is ROUGH tonight y’all
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starpros-sunshine · 9 months
seb. seb hes not smiling. and has a fatui background................
I knowwwwww he's still everything to me you do not know how smitten I am with Lyney as a character
#he's soooo#i love it when the silly magicuan has a mysterious past and isn't actually allll that silly#I'm a little angry at the traveler for reacting the way they did at the end if the archon quest ngl#how is Lyney so different from Ajax please explain to me why you think him beingba fatuus is unacceptable but Ajax can get away with almost#commiting genocide#i mean ik it's kimd of about the withholding of information but come on.#they were nothing but nice to you the entire time cut them some slack and give them the benefit of the doubt will you#and god lyney in his voicelines is so. is flirty the right word he certainly is very very friendly good god man#Lyney and Lynette can do no wrong in my opinion I'd forgive them about anything#i don't mind the fatui that much tbh i mean yeah sure as an organisation they're. bad. to say the least#but if we look at the individual fatuus it's just kinda. okay.#Dottore sucks sure I like Tartaglia i really like him he's a very interesting personality Signora is dead she doesn't concern me anymore#and I don't know enough about the rest#Arlecchino looks very promising though I'm very intrigued by her#and so far Lyney and Lynette just seem like two people who got caught up in the organisation i don't have their vackgrounds unlocked yet#but!!!! i am intrigued Oh so very intrigued#Venti Kaeya and Diluc are my favourite genshin characters they have such a special place in my heart they mean so much to me#but Lyney is my favourite character in terms of I am normal about him Fontaine has SUCH a good cast#we have the girls of all time we have the silly magician and the socially anxious diver and then theres Manfred von Karma#if he was a genuinely nice man that had a solid moral compass and was actually devoted to the concept of justice#I like Neuvillette he also seems very interested i would Love to know more about his relationship with Furina#and Furina!!!!!! she's so silly I adore her being all confident and then if cuts to her inner monologue and she's just losing it#i love that#I really really like Fontaine so far the only grievance I have is that they should've put more accordion into the soundtrack but that's#irrelevant in the face of the osts just all being absolutely gorgeous#yumefan🌠🎼
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mostlikelyshutup · 3 months
... (absolutely useless rant in tags)
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crushpunchh · 3 months
nothing serious just thoughts about a DR au that i got embarrassed about putting up here <3
#thinking about my DR au#sorta a swap au in the sense that people are in different roles but like its not a 1:1 swap situation#also theres some insanely detailed subplot with spamton who isnt even very important. might make the roles less defined because its actuall#absurd.#anyway. what im thinking about is specifically the snowgrave equivalent#and how Absolutely Hilarious it would be if after a genocide chapter 1 ralsei just called up lancer like IF I TELL YOU TO DO ANYTHING WEIRD#TOMORROW. DONT LISTEN TO ME. PLEASE?#and then in ch2 lancer basically went LOL no. im not doing that. and theres just no snowgrave because ralsei thought Oh God Oh Fuck#What If Other People Get Involved In This Too.#lancer voice ohhhhh ! nope :>#Only way to do snowgrave is if you did pacifist ch1. Otherwise Lancer will simply go ? no. and then tell susie ralsei might need to go to#the vet when they run into her because he is a little bit more bloodthirsty than usual.#crush.zip#crush.txt#love this au dearly. ralsei is hysterically funny in how he reacts to the possession situation#hes like okay i guess this was divinely ordained ! um ! please dont involve my friends in it though !#Literally i think if you play ch1 pacifist all he does after taking the soul out is make something to eat because he hasnt eaten all day LO#neutral/genocide ch1 though. like anything that in canon wouldve had the revolution not work.#then he calls up lancer like HI I THINK SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME. IF I SAY ANYTHING WEIRD TMRW DONT LISTEN TO ME PLEASE ? PLEASE?#PASS ON THE MESSAGE TO SUSIE. THANK YOU. NOW I HAVENT EATEN ALL DAY SO IM GOING TO GO MAKE SOMETHING. SORRY FOR WAKING YOU UP. GOODNIGHT.#figure maybe in a hypothetical game situation youd be able to check his phone and see he called lancer at like 3 in the morning#no further context unless you try snowgrave.#im not settled on whether lancer WOULD actually just straight up go 'no lol' if you played ch1 like that#like i think the first few snowgrave specific scenes hed be way less down for but maybe it would still be possible? harder but stillpossibl#idk. i do think it would be very funny if you just straight up couldnt do snowgrave without playing ch1 pacifist though.#none of that 'worst possible genocide route' shit you HAVE to play ch1 pacifist or lancer will go Yeah no not happening ! :>#it would be funny but probably not actually good like from a gameplay perspective.#so no maybe.#I think definitely if ch1 was neutral/genocide there would be a lot more chances to back out though.
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gorillawithautism · 3 months
zionist antisemitism makes me want to kill myself 🫶
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