#so annoying i cannot believe it fr
saetoshis · 7 months
hot ppl don’t support genocide 😻
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
i am just a small dog girlie and they are my best friends. i love them sm
#I LOVE LARGE DOGS AN EQUAL AMOUNT TO BE QUITE HONEST.. but i feel thats not super unpopular so i talk abt small dogs more#bc i need them 2 know I am with them when other ppl call them ugly or yappy or annoying#or aggressive i hate it when ppl label small dogs as aggressive when its like. Thats bc ppl dont train their dogs#and the dogs are very territorial andanxious and untrained#bc its 'funny'when a small dog is stressed out. eff etc my lecrure i do everytime i start thinkin bout dogs#but yss.. i fr just love dogs#ABD CATS I LOVE CATS TOO!!! i dont believe in the dichotomy i think theyre both good animals. and good for different ppl#abd its finr to have preferences but i hatee the whole like EWWWW CAT OWNER CAT MEAN SND EVIL!! and EWEW DOG OWNER DOG LOUD SND SNNOYING#like ok. whatever dude. what if we just loved our animals. and took care of them. yk. what if the world was made of pudding#and we all were like I personally wouldnt want to have a cat but i think its nice that you have one and that that makes you happy :] yk...#isnt there enough HATE and VIOLENCE in this world!!!#sry guys im waiting for my headphones to charge for my beddybye time so im just talkin. yk how it is#but yas. i love small dogs i love large dogs i get certain critiques for each.. and im glad that ppl are able to say I wouldnt be able to#live with or properly take care of this type of dog. i think thats a good thing#i just wish ppl wouldnt like. blame the dog. for being a dog#yk . idk.. they r our friends guys..#ik irs like. Overly sensitive but seeing ppl call dogs stupid or ugly makes me so sad sometimes#bc like they fr cannot help it whatsoever. we literally bred them to look these ways#i think its fine to be like This dog is sort of silly looking bc i do that. some dogs just are very silly looking#but idk.. no need 2 be hateful. they r all gods creatures Grins..#but anywaysbyas sry j rambled. i talk more abt small dogs even tho i love all dogs mainly bc ot THE HATERS! and also bc well famously my#favourite dog breed is the quintessential small dog. EL WAWA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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shootingmorningstar · 3 months
[slides on in] well hello there fellow lucifer fanatic
could i request some hcs with luci and an indecisive reader? gn and established relationship!! ex: he asks what they want for dinner and they panic trying to pick something because they feel like they need to decide right then and there or they’ll annoy him.
please and thank you! 🫶
anon, you're just like me fr. i also can never make up my mind and love lucifer. i'd be happy to write this for you .ᐟ
thank you for my first request, by the way ~ .ᐟ now to get to the good part.
Look at this man. This is the man who has piles upon piles of rubber ducks in his workshop. You cannot tell me Lucifer isn't also indecisive, at least when it comes to less serious things.
Seriously. You expect me to believe he hasn't looked at his own work and went 'nope, looks bad. starting over.' .ᐣ
With that being said, I think he would find it an incredibly endearing trait in you. The concentrated face you make when you're stuck between two options .ᐣ Absolutely adorable.
That is, until the unsure and conflicted look on your face morphs into one telling of your anxiety and worry.
Now, I hope you'll excuse the bird pun, but he is absolutely a mother hen type.
The second he sees even a hint of panic on your face .ᐣ He's immediately shifting all of his focus on you -- if it hadn't been already.
He's rushing over to you without you having to so much as ask -- his beloved partner, distressed .ᐣ No matter the reason, that won't do. He won't rest until he sees you smiling again.
Wrapping his arms around you in a hug, likely even his wings, too. He's suffered so many panic attacks before, he knows just how miserable they are.
He wishes you had come into his life earlier so you could of comforted him through the worst of his.
Even if your panic hasn't dissolved into a full blown attack, he is there. His touch is grounding, it helps you calm down and come back to reality.
When your heart's stopped racing and you look as if you're able to talk about it, he'll ask you just what has you so distressed.
Don't even bother trying to lie to him. He can tell when someone's hiding their feelings.
He won't force you to tell him, though. He just wants to know what went wrong so he can help prevent it from happening again.
If you decide to share your worries with him, he wouldn't belittle you in the slightest. Is it time you need .ᐣ You two have all the time in the world.
Would you rather he choose .ᐣ Because he wouldn't mind.
Or if it's something more serious, he offers to sit down with you and discuss the pros and cons of each -- maybe you two can come up with a decision together .ᐣ
His face sort of falls if you decide to tell him part of the reasoning behind your anxiety is a fear that you'll end up annoying him. Did he do something to make you think he'd judge you .ᐣ
Or maybe he got short with you .ᐣ He's so apologetic. He wants you to feel like you can share anything and everything with him.
He won't let himself start feeling overwhelmed with guilt, though. This moment is about you and the reassurance you need, not his guilt issues.
Explain to him that you know he'd never do such a thing and that it's just an irrational thought coming from worry and he's taking your face into his hands, telling you that he would never, ever think less of you, much less get upset over something as silly as struggling to make a choice.
Like he said earlier, let him help you choose. You two are stronger together and this is no exception.
He's always soft to you, but count on him being even more so than usual for the rest of the night. You two can watch your favorite show or movie -- or whatever you'd like to do to destress. ♡
first request finished ~ .ᐟ how'd I do .ᐣ i'd love to hear your thoughts. feedback fuels my writing muse more than anything else .ᐟ
i'm really hoping this formats correctly, i'm used to using the tumblr app && currently stuck on laptop </3
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stargirlrchive · 1 year
ocean eyes: chapter two ✩ jake sully
masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ocean eyes masterlist
summary: widow!jake sully x female!reader, 10 year age-gap. jake is lowkey sunshine <3 reader is grumpy! arranged marriage/marriage of convenience, eventual smut + wc - 1,753
comments: part two lovers, i love reader, she's is slay girl boss fr ! idk what to say lmao but tysm for the love on part one, i hope you love this just as much! also omg pls check this out, @saltsacc drew what they think reader looks like and she's gorg! i litch cried ! but okay bye lovers <3 part three should be up on thursday <3
previous ✩ next 
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
The morning time had come quickly, the bright sun hitting your features and it disrupted your wonderful slumber. But if the sun hadn't woken you up, your sister's voice certainly would have. “Tsmuke! You need to be ready by now. Oh Great Mother, give me strength!”
You rubbed at your sleepy eyes, throwing her an annoyed glance, “Why are you being so strange? They are just other Na’vi. Or let me guess, Eywa has let you know they are of importance?”
Ronal pinched at her nose, “If you must know, he is Toruk Makto. He was the Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya. He is important, more than you know!”
You laughed quietly, “Do not let Tonowari hear you, you sound enamored.”
“Stupid girl!”
You laughed louder, shaking your head as you stretched before getting up. “Make haste!”
You hissed at her lightly, your good-hearted nature wearing thin as she rushed you. You quickly washed your face, Ronal helping you by fixing up your hair. “Oh Eywa, you are preparing me like I am going to marry the man!”
She said nothing, her nervous fingers quickly braiding a few pearls into your hair. “What is so special about him anyway?”
“Did you not hear what I said? He is Toruk Makto.”
You huffed in annoyance, “Of course I heard you sister, but-” Your shoulders shrugged, “How mighty can he be if he left his whole clan behind?”
She smacked your shoulder roughly, “Ow! Ronal-”
“Must you always be so crass? His mate died a few years back.”
“How did she die?”
“Protecting her children, in the battle field. I do not know much else.”
You bit down on your bottom lip, instantly feeling guilty, “Oh.”
“Yes, oh. So be kind to him, to all of them.”
“You may think poorly of me sister, but I am not mean.”
Ronal’s fingers stilled in her movements, face scrunching up as she mulled over what you said, “I do not think poorly of you.”
You didn't say anything else, toying with your fingers as you sat in front of Ronal, “Tsmuke, I do not think poorly of you.”
You grumbled out quietly, “You already said that.”
“I-I just want what is best for you, and at times I do not think you know how to find that for yourself.”
“Ronal, I am happy.”
“You are reckless! You think I do not know why you behave the way you do? You want the attention you lacked as a child, but you are grown now. There are responsibilities and duties you must fulfill.”
Her harsh words caused tears to well to your eyes, pulling away from her, “You do not listen!”
“And you do not obey!”
“Why should I? You are my sister, not my mother! Just because you ended up happy with Tonowari does not mean I will end up happy with whoever you stick me with. I love my freedom far too much to give it up.”
She sighed in exasperation, “Well that is not your decision. It is the Great Mother’s and she has spoken to me.”
It dawned upon you then, what all this was about. The enthusiasm to have you meet the Toruk Makto, dressing you up. “You are planning to mate me with that man?”
There was a glimmer of guilt in her eyes, but it was shaken away as she nodded her head. “He is a good man, with a strong heart. He will be good for you.”
Your words were low, quite with disbelief, “I cannot believe you.”
Ronal said nothing, “I always knew you wanted me out of your life, too much of a burden for you and Tonowari but I did not expect you to push me into the arms of the first man you saw!”
A spike of pain ran through Ronal, this is exactly what she feared. She made her way to you, the apology already starting to fall from her mouth but your shaky finger pointing at her stopped her movements. “Stop! Don’t-do not come near me!”
Your ears flattened against your head, the words getting caught in Ronal’s throat as she watched your eyes pool with tears. “Please get out so I can change.”
Ronal’s fear of hurting you even more had her walking out of the marui, leaving you to wallow in your own pity as you dressed yourself.
Tonowari instantly wrapped Ronal into his arms, rubbing against her back to soothe her, “Wari, she is going to hate me for the rest of her life.”
He shushed her quietly, having heard everything that happened, “No she will not, Yawne. You know how nervous you were before we actually mated. It is a big step in our lives, we just need to let her be.”
Ronal let herself bask in the warmth Tonowari provided, pulling away just a few seconds before you stepped out. Ronal’s eyes scanned over you, you looked so beautiful. She wanted to compliment you but knew you'd take it as mockery, some sort of jab to make you feel worse. So she said nothing, walking besides Tonowari and you followed quickly behind the two.
You were far more quiet than normal, and it hit Ronal just how much she actually enjoyed your inability to remain quiet. Tonowari called your name, “Did you hear me?”
“No-I did not.”
“I said I think he will be good for you.”
“If you say so.”
The pair shared a look, your tame behavior caused a sense of worry to nestle into Ronal. They entered the marui of Jake Sully, the Na’vi was sharpening his knives but other than that, it was empty. Tonowari cleared his throat, Jake’s head snapped up and was greeted with the three of you. “Tonowari, Ronal-oel ngati kameie.”
His eyes shifted to you, your eyes were already locked on him and Jake felt his ears twitch. Ronal uttered your name out, “This is my Tsmuke.”
“Oel ngati kameie, Jake Sully.”
“Oel ngati kameie.”
He noticed your intricate top, your pretty hair and how your skin glowed beautifully against the sun. He felt his throat instantly dry up the more he took you in. “We spoke briefly yesterday of your stay here.”
“Oh, yes.”
“The Tsahik and I have discussed what we wish for you to be able to stay. We know you have come seeking Uturu, a fresh start but we must also ensure this is safe for the clan. Beneficial to our people. You understand?”
Jake nodded his head, he more than most understood what it was like to make decisions that he did not entirely want for the prosperity of the clan. “Well, we can allow you and your family to stay if you mate with a woman of the Metkayina Clan. More specifically, with her.”
Your ears turned downwards slightly, but still you held his gaze. That was certainly not what he expected. “We understand that it may be hard to just thrust this upon you, so we will give you both time to adjust. She will be the one to train you, help you adjust to life near the water.”
A swift flicker of anger made its way to your eyes, turning towards Tonowari, “I do not have time to train him.”
“Well then you will make time.”
Your eyes rolled back, anger seeping into his family home from you alone. Jake would be lying if he said he did not enjoy seeing you so agitated, especially when it came to him. He fought the smile that was trying to make its way to his face the more he watched you. “What do you say, JakeSully?”
Your eyes jumped back to him, there was a look in your eyes that he could not quite place but it excited him beyond belief, “If that is what you wish. I only hope I can speak to my children about this before the clan is made aware?”
Your mouth dropped slightly in disbelief, confusion webbing its way into your mind as to why he would agree to this so willingly. You thought you'd have time, time to be on your worst behavior around him so he can back out before he even agreed. But no, he had already said yes to you.
Your arms crossed over your chest stubbornly, huffing out a breath of annoyance as you watched the smallest of smiles fall across his features. Ronal was trying her best to contain her excitement, she had always wanted you to mate with someone, and it appeared that the time was soon.
She turned to look at you and was unsurprised to find you glaring at the Toruk Makto, your lip jutting out in an angry pout. “Very well, JakeSully. Make your preparations and we will announce it during a feast a few weeks down the line, yes?”
He only hummed, eyes still locked onto yours. You rolled your eyes at him, he was clearly enjoying himself, “Can I leave now?”
Ronal called your name but you ignored her, walking fast out of the home and towards the beach.
Tonowari’s mouth turned into a thin line as he sent an awkward look towards Jake. “She is very kind, just-strong willed.”
A quiet laugh left Jake’s mouth, “I can see that.”
He walked with the two out of his mauri, his eyes scanning the waters and he locked onto your form, jumping head first into the water as an ilu swam towards you. Ronal tsk’ed quietly, “She is going to ruin her clothes.”
Jake watched you retreat further into the water, your animal easily gliding along as you got smaller and smaller. “Are you sure she will show up to train me?”
Jake’s eyes moved over to Tonowari, “Yes, I will make sure of it.”
Jake’s fingers reached his forehead, signing them goodbye as they walked away. He let out a quiet breath, his thoughts consumed with excitement and wonderment at just how these next few weeks may play out.
Your feelings on the matter were entirely different, anger coursing through your veins as you swam out past the reef.
Ao’nung and Tsireya shared a look, noticing the angry glare on your face when you didn’t even bother to stop and talk to them. “Should we tell Sa’nok and Sempul?”
Ao’nung shook his head at his younger sister, “Ma’ will pluck her eyes out for real this time.”
Tsireya fumbled with her fingers nervously, “Ao’nung, it is going to storm, she didn’t look to be thinking clearly-”
He watched your form retreating farther and farther, heading towards the Three Brothers rocks. “If she does not return in an hour we will call for father.”
Tsireya sighed quietly but listened all the same, returning back to her task at hand. “So, you must learn to breathe from here.” She pointed to her stomach, “Take deep breaths, fill your lungs and slow your heart. It will assist with staying underwater longer.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Three hours had passed by and you were still out past the reef, finding refuge in the mountains as the waters turned violent, your ilu having swam away as it noticed the dangers of the water. You huffed out in frustration, Ronal was truly going to kill you now.
Ao’nung was the first to notice just how late it had become. By the way the sun was hitting just a few moments ago, he could tell that well more than an hour's time had passed, and you were still not back. The water rocked them violently, and Tsireya’s sharp gasp of air at seeing a lone ilu swimming back only furthered his fear for you. His parents were going to kill you.
“We must cut the training short, we will see you all tomorrow.”
Both Ao’nung and Tsireya swam quickly back to shore, leaving behind four confused Omatikaya Na’vi. “Their aunt, she’s-how do I put this nicely-rebellious?”
Rotxo laughed quietly, shaking his head as he watched his two friends swim as fast they could back to the beach. “Lets head back, no point in training with the waters like this.”
The two siblings entered their marui, surprised to find Jake sitting with their parents, they both dipped their heads to the former Olo’eyktan before turning to their parents, “Have you seen Tanhí?”
“That is why we are here, Sa’nok.”
Ronal’s brows raised in question, noticing the tremble of worry in her daughter's voice, “She-she left past the reef a few hours ago.”
Ronal swore she felt her blood pressure go up, feeling woozy at her sister's complete disregard for rules. “But-”
“But what?”
Ao’nung watched his younger sister's ears pin to her head, losing her voice, “But she has not returned, and the ilu she rode on did. She rode in the direction of the Three Brothers.”
Tonowari let out a deep breath, his head throbbed roughly as he looked out to see how violent the waters were. “I will be back shortly.”
“Sempul-the water is dangerous.”
“Yes, but knowing your Aunt the trouble she is in is more volatile than the waters.”
Jake noticed how calm the breeze was despite the rain, it was perfect weather to take flight. “I know where Three Brother’s rocks are. I can fly on my Ikran, it is safer than you riding out on a Tsurak.”
Ronal protested quickly, knowing her sister, “I do not think that is a good idea, JakeSully.”
He felt a bit of disappointment settle into his chest, he couldn’t help it, he was so intrigued by you. And truth be told, maybe it was a stupid part of him, but he liked the idea of saving you. Or at least helping you. From what he had heard, you were more than capable to fend for yourself. “It really is no big deal, I will be back quickly.”
He was hoping his eagerness was not evident in his voice, and with the worried look Ronal shared with Tonowari he was sure it wasn’t. “We should let him? Yes-might ease your sister's resistance if he’s the one to go for her?”
Tonowari was asking, but Ronal knew he had already made up his mind. She sighed quietly, “Fine-sure. Just-I cannot guarantee she will greet you with a warm smile.”
Jake refrained from thumping his tail in excitement, “It’s fine. I will not take it to heart.”
Jake quickly made his way outside, calling for Bob just as his children made their way towards the beach. “Sir?”
Neteyam, his oldest, was looking at him in confusion. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, I will be back shortly.”
He sent all of them a smile, instructing his Ikran to take flight. The air got colder the further he was from the beach and it caused a shiver to run down his spine. He was well past the reef, and searching for you within ten minutes. As his Ikran gently flew around he caught the blur of teal blue amongst one of the tall rocks. His head shook, a laugh threatening to fall from his mouth, as even from this far away you looked upset.
He did not know you, but he was curious, beyond interested in knowing you. There was a deep itch in the back of his brain that seemed to only simmer at the thought of you. Call him stupid, he had only caught a few glimpses of you, but he felt the pull. He hoped you felt it too.
With quick glides he was by your side, dismounting Bob with ease as he sent you a smile. Your eyes narrowed in on him, annoyance clear as day on your features. Jake’s lips tugged gently, refraining from cracking you a toothy smile. “Why are you here?”
“Hello to you too.”
You grumbled out angrily, arms crossing along your chest as you looked away from him. “I am here to take you back.”
Your thick tail swayed behind you in annoyance, “I was perfectly fine here. Waiting for the storm to pass.”
“I am sure you were, but I am here now. So let me take you back.”
You did not like the tone he had with you, his accent thick with humor as he watched you. It only caused your irritation to spike up. “I do not know you. Plus I am not used to riding on-those bird things. I rather not.”
Bob huffed at your words, clacking loudly at you. “They’re Ikrans, and very smart.”
Jake was sure his voice was dripping with his amusement, he couldn’t help it. You made him laugh. “I know what they are!” You all but shrieked, “Does not make me trust them anymore so.”
Jake laughed, shaking his head at you. Your eyes narrowed in on him, irritation flowing through you so deeply you refrained from yelling at him. You hissed at him, and it caused a harder laugh to leave his lips.
“If you keep me here for any longer, Tonowari will come searching for us. You are already in trouble with your sister. Do you wish to make it worse?”
“I am not a child!”
“That is very obvious, so why make this harder than it needs to be?”
Jake quickly mounted his Ikran, he was almost positive you would follow after him. You weighed your options, you knew Ronal would be angry with you, should you really test your luck?
You groaned out in frustration, walking towards Jake and his Ikran. This was far scarier than taming a Tsurak, you would have no control on the animal. His five fingered hand extended to you, and you could not help but stare. His fingers were scarred, and calloused, slipping your fingers together as he pulled you up.
You swiftly threw a leg over the Ikran, shifting farther back on the animal as you were pressed too close to him. “Hold on.”
“I am fine as I am.”
He shook his head, creating Tsaheylu with his Ikran and the animal instantly jolted forward. You were thrown back lightly, hands instinctively wrapping around his waist to keep you steady. If you could see Jake’s face he was sure you’d hiss at him once again. The smallest of smirks fell onto his features.
The cool wind caused a shiver to run down your back, admiring how beautiful the island looked even in the darkness of the storm. You peaked your head to look ahead, frowning deeper the closer you arrived to the beach. “I hope you know I could have made my way back without you.”
“And I do not doubt that.”
As you both landed, you could see Ronal’s angry face as she stomped towards you. “Here we go.”
Jake helped you dismount, jumping quickly down after you. “See what I mean! Reckless!”
You rolled your eyes at your sister, walking straight past her and towards your home. Jake could see the exhaustion on Ronal’s face. He would be lying if he said he did not sympathize with her. It was clear that she cared for you deeply, but there were some lines blurred between the two of you. “Thank you, JakeSully.”
Jake only dipped his head down at the Tsahik, watching your figure retreat farther away.

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🏷️; @mashiromochi @midhito @neteyamforlife @adaiasafira @ambria @sillyfreakfanparty​ @fanboyluvr​ @jakescumdump​ @itscheybaby​ @iwanttohitmyself​ @janeety​ @haitanismainhoe @daribakugo @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @lemonmoonmochi​ @dazedshoon @amanda-678 @randxmthxughts @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @wekiamo @iwanttogohomeandtakeanap @theroyalbrownbarbie @1ntefly @nyylovestowrite @rianapntn @crazy4books1 @jakesullylongjuicyshlong @kikookii @ducks118 @bucky12345 @elegantkidfansoul @bold-writing @1-800-fandomsdestroyedme @graysonmalik2550 @milequaritchsslut @23victoria @kamcrazy123 @annamarieisbae @k----a27s @tojigirl @lynbubble @outspokenmatters​ @amanda-678 @alexandra-001​
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floralcyanide · 1 year
𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 ✲ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫
Virgin!Charlie Walker x AFAB!Reader (NSFW)
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You go to your friend's party not expecting much from it. Except, while there, you run into Charlie, a guy you've known all your life but have never got to know. One of his secrets is revealed, much to his embarrassment. You go to comfort him, and one thing leads to another. (both Charlie and reader are 18+.)
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warnings: smut, nsfw, loss of virginity, mentions of virginity, penetration (p in v), unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), nipple/breast play, hair pulling, overstimulation, mentions of alcohol, drinking alcohol, reader is kinda experienced but just barely, afab!reader, descriptions of female anatomy, Charlie and reader are 18+
word count: 4890 (I'm,,,, yeah)
author's note: hello I cannot believe I typed most of this out today. I was possessed by the writing demon fr. I also can't believe it's as long as it is but ya know,,, I gotta give y'all the Charlie smut you wanted. so here it is. if you enjoy, please reblog/ like (:
masterlist | add yourself to the taglist here
this fic has been cross posted to ao3.
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ.
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Playing truth or dare wasn’t on your list of things to do tonight at this party, but it may as well happen. 
You’re sitting criss cross on the floor of the living room, your back pressed against the front of the couch. Your best friend decided throwing one of their iconic parties before Spring Break would be fun, and they begged you to attend. And, of course, you couldn’t say no to them. So here you are in their living room with a Smirnoff Ice in your hand, waiting for someone to spin the bottle on the floor again. It only landed on you twice, and you picked truth both times. The questions were relatively tame, but the drunker everyone in the circle got and the more people who joined, the rowdier it got. You notice a guy you went to primary school with sitting across from you, with his forearm casually resting on his knee as he sips a beer with his free hand. He pretended to be looking elsewhere whenever a sexual question was brought up. Good old Charlie, the quiet and polite kid who was always good at math and oddly enough, film class. You two had been in school together since Kindergarten, and now you’re in university together and have yet to really talk. Sure, you’ve run into him at some places or have seen him around campus, chatting with him here and there, but nothing has ever broken the surface. You’ve yet to have a meaningful conversation with him. Both of you were partners in science class during your junior year of high school, but you weren’t close by any means. You push away your thoughts when you realize the bottle has now landed on you.
You take a large swig of your drink, “Oh boy.”
Luckily, your best friend is the one who spun the bottle. You hope whatever challenge or question they shoot at you will be tolerable. 
“Alright, Y/N. Truth or dare?”
“Hmm,” you think about this one momentarily and decide on a whim, “Dare.”
Your best friend eyes your still fairly full drink, “You just got iced! I dare you to chug the rest of your drink.”
Getting “iced” means if someone sees you holding a Smirnoff Ice, they can “ice” you by saying you have to chug the rest of your drink no matter how full it is. It’s a trend around campus, and it annoys you to no end as you drink Smirnoff Ice sometimes.
You roll your eyes and sigh, “Fine.”
Taking a deep breath, you begin chugging your drink. Thank god it’s your favorite flavor and not something stronger. Everyone is chanting for you to chug, and you do, trying not to laugh at how embarrassing it is to have all these people watching you. Some of the alcohol dribbles down your chin when you finish the rest of the bottle. The circle cheers, and the people next to you pat you on the back while everyone else gives a thumbs up. You feel a little rush to your head as you carefully place your hand on the bottle in the middle of the group, prepared to spin it. Once it lands, it lands on your other friend Kirby. You’re somewhat surprised she’s even playing truth or dare with you all, but you weren’t going to stop her.
“Truth or dare, Kirb?”
“Dare, of course,” Kirby smiles deviously, a little tipsy from whatever is in her solo cup.
“I dare you to kiss someone in the circle. It can be anyone,” you say after pondering for a moment.
It was a mild dare compared to some of the ones people have created in the group. Someone dared one girl to take off her shirt, and someone else dared your best friend to shotgun from the guy next to them. Now your best friend was buzzed on not only alcohol but some weed as well. So you’re somewhat shocked they didn’t choose a wilder dare for you to do.
Kirby looks surprised you’d choose a dare that consisted of anything intimate, but she shrugs it off before leaning toward Jill. You’re also surprised Jill is in the circle, but she claimed she just wanted to watch people embarrass themselves. Until the bottle landed on her for the first time, now, she’s slightly drunk and in the game. She and Kirby kiss for a few seconds, but you doubt it’s the first time they’ve done so. Kirby pulls away as some guys holler at the sight. She flips them off before spinning the bottle. This time, it lands on Charlie. A part of you fears for him because Kirby can be unpredictable.
“Truth or dare, Charlie?” Kirby asks, tapping her chin excitedly.
“Uh,” Charlie furrows his eyebrows, “Truth?”
Kirby grins like she had been hoping he’d choose truth, “When was the last time you got blown?”
“Blown?” Charlie asks, a little confused.
“Yeah. Blown. Like, a blowjob. When was the last time you got one of those, Charlie?” Kirby asks seriously, and everyone is paying close attention to what Charlie is about to say.
“Oh. I don’t know? I’ve never really,” Charlie clears his throat, “I’ve never really done anything like that.”
“Really?” Kirby asks, shocked, and a few people giggle.
“How about you ask a different question?” Charlie says, shifting around nervously.
“Okay. Are you a virgin?”
More people in the circle laugh, and everyone looks directly at Charlie, making his face go red as he curls into himself.
“That’s enough, Kirb,” you say gently, your eyes flickering between her and Charlie, “Maybe ask something not sexual in nature?”
“Right. Sorry,” Kirby cringes, but Charlie is already moving to get up from where he’s sitting.
You go to say something to him as he steps around you to walk to the kitchen, but he moves too fast.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, “Kirby, I know you like making Charlie squirm, but that was uncalled for.”
“I didn’t mean anything by it. I didn’t know he was a virgin,” Kirby frowns, staring into her drink.
“Maybe you should apologize,” you say, “I’ll go talk to him first and make sure he’s okay.”
“That’s a good idea,” your best friend nods.
You stand up and try to collect yourself for a moment as the alcohol makes your head swim. That Smirnoff was your third tonight, and you can tell that chugging it was a bad idea. But your vision clears, and you begin to walk to the kitchen. There are a few people crowded in there, talking and drinking. But no sight of Charlie. You wander to the patio and spot him sitting on the porch swing outside. You quietly open the sliding door and shut it behind you, walking toward the swing. 
“Hey,” you say, almost inaudible as you sit down next to Charlie.
“Hi,” he says awkwardly, tucking hair behind his ear as his eyes burn into his thighs.
“Are you okay? Sometimes Kirby doesn’t know when to shut up,” you roll your eyes, shaking your head at your friend’s behavior.
“I’m fine. It’s just not something I wanted everyone to know,” Charlie chuckles lightly.
“I understand. If it helps, I didn’t lose my virginity in high school like everyone, either. But I’m glad I waited until adulthood if that makes sense,” you say, trying to relate to Charlie a little.
You were in your sophomore year of college when you had your first serious partner, which led to you, of course, having sex. You were about to be 21, and felt like you had waited forever by that point. But the peer pressure and movies made sex seem totally different from what it actually was. But you were glad that you waited until you were more mature. Not everyone does, and you think that’s okay, just as long as there was consent. 
“Really? You didn’t lose it in high school?” Charlie finally turns to you, his face twisted into confusion.
“I was about twenty on twenty-one. Not long ago, but yeah,” you shrug, pushing your legs so that the swing moves slightly backward, “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be- the sex stuff. Honestly it’s nothing like porn, tv, or the movies. It’s awkward and silly and sometimes uncomfortable.”
Charlie nods slowly, “What is like, then? For someone with female anatomy, anyway.”
“If you're, you know, prepared, it doesn’t hurt. It’s like a feeling of fullness and then when they find the g spot with their fingers or whatever, it’s even better,” you feel your face burning at the thought of it all.
“G spot?”
You dare to look Charlie in the eye, “Yeah it’s a spot inside the vagina that gives you pleasure when it’s caressed or pushed into,” you give him an awkward smile.
“Oh,” Charlie laughs, “Sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable or anything. I just don’t know much. I mean I know the basics, but,” he trails off, looking at your lips for a moment before tearing his eyes away.
“Basics, hmm?” you lean in toward Charlie, letting your knee touch his as you push the swing with your feet, moving it backward again, “What would those be?”
“Like where to touch someone kind of? I mean I’ve seen videos but none of that is real,” Charlie says, his face now slightly red.
The alcohol still burns in your veins, making your brain feel happily cloudy and a little braver than usual.
“And where would you touch someone?” you ask, now letting your thigh completely press against Charlie’s, your bodies now closer in proximity.
Charlie lets his shoulder touch yours, “Well, I know some people like being kissed on their ears,” he turns to you again, tucking some hair behind your ear softly.
“Yes,” you nod, slowly reaching your hand up to the ends of Charlie’s hair, “What about here, Charlie? Know anything about hair and what you can do with it?”
Charlie hesitates, “You can pull hair because some people like that.”
“Do you like it Charlie?” you look up and notice how close your faces are to one another, letting your eyes dart from his lips to his eyes.
“I don’t know, really. I feel like I would,” Charlie nods, trying his best not to stutter as he stares at your lips blatantly.
You let go of Charlie’s hair before sliding a cautious hand through his front bangs and letting your fingers root to his scalp. His breath hitches at the feeling of your touch.
“I feel like I definitely would,” Charlie repeats, clearing his throat as he lets his hand rest on your knee, “Is this okay?”
You chuckle, “Yes. Is it okay that I’m touching your hair?”
“Absolutely,” Charlie answers quickly.
“Do you want to see what it feels like to have it pulled a little?” you ask, your eyes landing on his lips once again.
They look so kissable and biteable. You always have thought Charlie was fairly cute, but never really gave it much thought or acted on it, until now. After all, you’re both a little tipsy and this is a college party you’re at. Why not have a little fun?
“Yes,” Charlie says, closing his eyes and letting his lips finally brush against yours.
You capture his lips with yours softly, lifting your free hand to rest upon Charlie’s jaw. His hand on your knee travels up your thigh until it’s on your hip, squeezing lightly as you deepen the kiss. Charlie places his other hand behind your head, pushing you closer to him as you run your tongue along his bottom lip. He lets you in, letting you take total control of the kiss. Charlie knows how to kiss, and he can kiss well, but he’d rather let you do whatever you wanted. If he’s honest, he would let you do anything to him, and he’s always felt this way. And that weird classmate crush he’s had on you is blossoming further with every second that passes as you kiss. 
Swirling your tongue around Charlie’s, you wait for the perfect moment to tug at his hair. The kiss is growing into a sloppy makeout and you can tell Charlie is getting turned on, You bite at his lip, tugging on it as he lets out a small moan. When he does this, you decide to pull on his hair a little, causing his moan to grow louder.
You pull away from the kiss, trying not to laugh, “Are you okay?”
“I’m- I’m fine,” Charlie whispers, his lips are swollen and red and his pupils are slightly larger than before.
“You sure?” you ask, your hand still on his face as your thumb traces along his jawline, “I know somewhere we can go that’s more private if no one is already in there.”
“Like where?” Charlie asks.
“My best friend has a guest room I usually camp out in when I stay over,” you say, standing up from the swing, offering a hand out to Charlie, “Care to join?”
Charlie looks at you, then your hand, before taking it, “Lead the way.” 
You hold his hand until you get to the sliding door, “I’ll go first, so watch which direction I head to when I get up the stairs. Then whenever you’re ready, come on up.”
“Okay,” Charlie nods, fighting a giddy smile.
“Is everything okay?” your best friend approaches you immediately once you and Charlie walk through the door.
“Yep. We’re all good,” you say.
“Most of the party is gone. You can stay here if you’d like,” your best friend says, looking between you and Charlie nonchalantly.
“Cool. I think I’ll head upstairs, then. Charlie and I are still talking, so,” you trail off, “Don’t mind us.”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” your best friend winks.
“Yeah, that isn’t very much though,” you joke with them before dragging Charlie upstairs and not bothering to sneak him in.
Once both of you are upstairs and in the room, you shut the door and lock it before turning on the bedside lamp. Charlie sits on the bed, his hands clasped together nervously. You walk over to him, shedding your jacket and tossing it to the end of the bed. Standing directly in front of him, his knees touching yours, you card your hand through his hair again. Charlie’s eyes flutter shut and you climb onto his lap, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“So do you like having your hair pulled now?” you ask, and Charlie looks so nervous that he’s gonna burst.
“Can you remind me of how it feels?” Charlie looks up at you, innocence flashing in his eyes.
You pull Charlie’s hair enough to where his head moves back, exposing his neck to you. He hums in content and you can’t help but start kissing along the side of his throat. You nip a little at his skin, running your tongue over the places you sink your teeth. Enough for him to feel it, but not enough to leave a mark. You squeeze your fingers into an open fist, pulling Charlie’s hair at a different angle. Just as he’s about to let out a noise, you move the top of his shirt down and bite down below his collarbone, sucking at the skin until it’s red. Charlie then lets out an actual moan, which makes your stomach turn. 
“Feel good?” you ask, moving your hand from his hair and to his hip, sliding it up his shirt.
“Yes,” Charlie sighs, “Very.”
“Do you want to keep going? We don’t have to if you don’t want-”
“I do. I want to keep going.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to regret your first time,” you say.
“I won’t regret it, especially if it’s with you,” Charlie blushes.
A smile grows on your face, “Really? And you aren’t saying that just to get in my pants?”
“No,” Charlie chuckles, “I”m not just saying it to get in your pants. I like you.”
“Well in that case,” you slide your other hand under Charlie’s shirt, “Where else do you know to touch someone, Charlie?”
Charlie shifts underneath you, unsure what to do with his hands, “Um. Here?” he asks, slowly placing his hands on your thighs and gripping them slightly.
“Yes, good. Where else?”
You’re slowly trailing your fingers up and down Charlie’s torso, sending goosebumps all over his skin as he struggles to speak properly.
“Here,” is all he can choke out, running his shaky hands along your hips and waist.
“Uh-huh,” you slip your hands from under Charlie’s shirt and put them on top of his, “Want me to guide you or do you think you’ve got it?”
“You can guide me if you want to,” Charlie says, biting his lip.
You grab Charlie’s hands and move them under your shirt to your covered breasts, “Sprawl out your fingers and squeeze with them.”
Charlie does as told, and he does it perfectly. It’s probably the most simple way you can touch someone, though. But you don’t mind.
“You can squeeze them all you want either under my shirt or without my shirt,” you run your fingers through the hair on the side of Charlie’s head.
You let go of Charlie’s hands, letting him do as he pleased. He squeezes at your breasts, moving his hands in different ways to elicit moans from you. Before Charlie can decide, you go ahead and strip off your shirt and your binder/bra. Your nipples harden at the sudden exposure to cooler air and Charlie stares at them, unsure of what to do next.
“What do you want to do with them, Charlie? You can suck them, bite them, pull them, whatever you want,” you say, leaning in closer to Charlie’s face.
“Can I do both?” Charlie asks.
“At the same time or?” you ask, and he nods.
“Yes. You can do one thing to one while you do something else to the other if that’s what you want to do.”
Charlie slowly takes one of your nipples into his mouth, experimentally licking at it while rubbing circles on your other. The sensual movements of Charlie’s finger and tongue cause you to moan softly. You continue to card your fingers through his hair as he moves his tongue and finger a little faster than before. He then pulls away from your nipple, a string of saliva still connecting it to his mouth. Charlie then moves to the other nipple and flicks his tongue against it without sucking it between his lips. He heistantly pinches the nipple he just had his mouth on, his spit adding the perfect amount of lubrication. Your hips involuntarily buck forward at the feeling of Charlie’s tongue lapping at the sensitive bud. He then fully takes it into his mouth, lightly running his teeth around it. Charlie holds back a smirk at the high pitched noise you let out at the sensation of teeth. He decides to try holding your nipple with his teeth and then licking it at the same time, just to see how you react. Your hand that’s in Charlie’s hair suddenly grips the dirty blonde locks harshly, and Charlie moans around you, adding vibration to the mix. So you pull his hair again. You feel him grow a tad harder underneath you.
“You like that, don’t you Charlie?” you bite your lip as he looks up at you through his eyelashes, suckling at your breast.
“I do,” he sighs contently, moving back to your left breast and pinching it lightly before massaging you again.
“Do you know where else to touch?” you ask, becoming a little needy at this point.
Charlie’s mouth was so good you can’t possibly imagine how it feels elsewhere. And his long fingers? Why didn’t you think of this sooner?
Charlie looks incredibly nervous now as he moves his hands to your upper thighs.
“Just remember that you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to,” you say gently.
“I want to touch you and make you feel good,” Charlie says, shakily unbuttoning and unzipping your jeans.
“Let me lay down so it’s not as awkward for both of us,” you say, climbing off of Charlie’s lap and onto the bed, “I trust that you know kinda what to do, but take your time. If you need help don’t hesitate to ask.”
Charlie nods, nestling himself between your legs, resting on his stomach and elbows. You push your pants and underwear down your thighs, letting Charlie pull them down the rest of the way. When your clothes are pushed off your feet, Charlie returns to his position and his eyes grow large at the sight of your bare pussy. He’s breathless as he slowly runs a curious finger up your glistening slit, causing you to gasp. He does the movement again, this time applying some more pressure. Charlie is amazed at how wet you are from him playing with your breasts, but he figures you’re probably into that. He knows that when someone is wet, they feel good, so seeing how soaked you are for him makes his confidence skyrocket. You spread your legs further apart, letting Charlie get a full view. He runs his finger over what he thinks may be your clit, but he’s not too sure.
“Move your finger up and you’ll feel it,” you grab Charlie’s hand and guide it upward just a little.
The tip of his finger brushes against the correct spot and you hum in approval, “Right there.”
Charlie circles your clit with his finger slowly, almost tantalizing, “Like this?”
“Just like that,” you say weakly, “God, you’re getting me so wet.”
Charlie leans in and kisses your inner thighs, wanting to bury his face in your arousal, but only with your permission.
You sense his hesitation, “You can lick it if you want. You can do anything you’re comfortable with, Charlie. I promise.”
Charlie gives your clit a tentative lick, and for a moment his licking isn’t pressured enough.
“You can lick harder, you won’t hurt me,” you said brushing some hair from Charlie’s face.
“Okay,” Charlie breathes out, licking from bottom to top in one long stripe, gathering your wetness on his tongue. He figures it’d feel good to you if he had some lubrication on your clit while licking it. And he’s right. As he swirls his tongue around your bundle of nerves, you swivel your hips to the same rhythm. 
“Fuck, Charlie,” you whimper, “Do you want to finger me?”
Charlie nods vigorously, his mouth not leaving you as he continues to lick you up, down, and all around. He was messy with it, but it still felt good to you. You take one of his hands that are gripping your thighs, pressing all his fingers down except the index one, and flipping his palm upward.
“All you have to do is find my entrance and push it in slowly until you’re fully inside, then you can bend it, twist it, or whatever you wanna do with it. When you think I’m ready, you can add a second one.”
Charlie nods wordlessly as he pulls his mouth off you, focusing on gathering the mixture of spit and slick before prodding at you and finding your entrance. He pushes his finger in as slowly as he can, watching you writhe underneath him. Charlie has his finger completely inside of you, and he experimentally curls it upward a little. The tip of his finger touches something spongy.
“Oh god right there,” you gasp, “You found it on the first try holy shit.”
“Found what?” Charlie leans down to play with your clit with his tongue again, curling his finger more forcefully.
“Fuck,” you sigh, throwing your head back momentarily, “Your finger is just the right length to get to my g spot. Keep rubbing it.”
Charlie wonders if licking in circles at the same time he circles his finger would cause a reaction. So he does, and you cry out.
“Keep going,” you say, letting your head relax against the pillows as it feels heavier with each stroke of Charlie’s finger.
He can feel you throb around his finger, and he slides it out before sliding it back in and hitting that spot. You thrust your hips in response, wishing Charlie would add a second finger. He decides now is the perfect time to see if two will fit. And his middle finger easily slides in next to his pointer, both fingertips pressing against your g spot deliciously. You begin to wordlessly pump yourself on Charlie’s fingers. He matches your pace, curling and caressing his fingers with every thrust. Your hands occupy your breasts, rolling your nipples as Charlie continues to suck your clit and finger you simultaneously. You feel like you’re going to explode.
“If you don’t stop I’m gonna cum,” you whine, “And I’m sure you’d like to feel me cum on your cock instead.”
You didn’t mean for something so filthy to leave your mouth so soon, but god, it causes Charlie to pause his movements and gauge what you just said to him. 
“Please,” Charlie gulps, “Only if you’ll let me.”
“I’m on the pill,” you say, hastily pulling at the bottom hem of Charlie’s shirt and tugging it over his head.
Charlie quickly removes his pants and underwear, discarding them somewhere in the room before clambering back to you, “Tell me what to do.”
“It’s just like your fingers,” you say, sliding your hands along Charlie’s chest, “Push into me slowly until you bottom out.”
“Okay,” Charlie says, focusing on lining himself up perfectly. 
Slowly, he pushes his tip into you, and your hands reach out for his upper arms. You grunt as Charlie continues to gently guide himself inside you, the stretch of his size stinging a little. But then he finally bottoms out, and you wiggle your hips to better adjust to him. Charlie is hovering over you, the most pleasured look on his face as his eyes close. He’s never felt something so warm and perfect engulf him like this. No wonder everyone else has done this already, he thinks to himself. 
“You can move, Charlie.”
Charlie pulls out of you just a small amount before sliding back in, testing the waters on how he’s supposed to thrust into you. Gradually, you let him inch closer and closer to pulling all the way out and then thrusting back in. Finally, he pulls out except for his tip, then sheathes himself completely inside of you.
The moan you let out is nearly pornographic as he hits you at just the right angle. This urges Charlie to do the movement again, so he pulls out, then plunges back into you. He does this over and over, faster each time.
“You’re doing so good, Charlie, fuck,” you grip his biceps as you move your hips in time with his.
“Only good for you,” he pants, his fingers digging into your hips for leverage.
You reach a hand down to toy with your clit, but when Charlie notices, he switches your hand for his. He decides to use his thumb since he could access your clit better that way while fucking you. Charlie rubs tight circles on your bundle of nerves as he continues to hit that sweet spot inside you repeatedly. A tight warmth is building in your stomach again.
Charlie leans his face down to yours, immediately capturing you into a kiss. The kiss is hot and messy- you’re both gasping and swirling your tongues together with mouths open as you both desperately chase your highs.
“I’m gonna,” Charlie groans, burying his face in your neck.
“Cum for me, Charlie. Such a good boy for me,” you whimper, rocking your hips into his at a ferocious pace.
Your words send him unraveling, and the sound that erupts from his throat pushes you over the edge as well. You grasp at his arms, riding out your orgasm as Charlie continues to rub your clit lazily. You push his hand away, but at the same time, it feels so good. Charlie brings his hand back to your clit, knowing the sounds you were still making means you like how it feels. After he carefully pulls out of you, he continues his movements. 
“I’m gonna cum again, please,” you messily swivel your hips, grinding your clit onto Charlie’s thumb as hard as you can with your shaking body.
“Fuck,” you cry out, Charlie still rubbing you hard and fast, “I’m-”
Before you can finish your sentence, you cum hard, your arousal seeping out of you and into Charlie’s hand. Your chest heaves as Charlie licks his hand clean before letting his hands rub up and down your body, your orgasm still fizzling out. 
“How did I do?” Charlie asks nervously.
“So good. I can’t imagine how much better you’ll get over time,” you smile as Charlie grabs his shirt for you to clean up with.
“Wanna stick around and find out?” Charlie half jokes, handing you the shirt.
“Only if you want me to,” you say, cleaning yourself up.
“I want you to,” Charlie says softly, “I still have a lot to learn.”
“That you do,” you chuckle before pecking Charlie on the lips.
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@Spatterpus @wqndasdarkkhold @leilani788
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kirarifutari · 1 year
enhypen as fast food workers (enhypen ot7.)
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GENRE .. !? enhypen ot7 headcanons i guess... pureee crack, comedy
WARNINGS .. !? not proof read, swearing, for shits and giggles don't take anything to heart lol
WC ..?! approx 852
NOTES.. ?! okay pls blame @dazed-hee for putting this thought into my head and helping me w this... i cannot believe i sat my ass down and wrote this,, yes i just got off work ... anyway i hope u enjoy this goofy little piece pls like + reblog to support!!
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actually does his job properly LOLLL
he's so good at it asw he is never ever stressed 😭😭 he never complains either he just gets shit done ?? like you'll be on shift w him and magically you don't have to do anything ever bc somehow he has it under control…?
all the customers love him asw LMAO he's the type to remember regulars 🙏
god sent everyone needs a heeseung to work with, he's even nice to the rude customers but is not afraid to be a little passive aggressive bitch 🤧
he never talks badly about anyone so no one ever shit talks him?? but if you ask him ab drama he'd be like “not naming any names but…” 😭
he is exactly like heeseung except when is jay ever NOT stressed
he is internally crying every five seconds over something and every time a customer complains about something you can see the light in his eyes die little by little 💀💀
he doesn't even care what anyone else is doing he's just so caught up in doing his job he doesn't realise that he's doing everything himself…  more utc!
if you catch him on a good day tho you can hear him make fun of customer orders 😭 “who the fuck orders 3 hamburgers past the age of three years old…”
let's you do whatever you want bc hes too busy dealing w the emerging grey hairs 🙏
the best person to work your shift w for a good time hands downnn
he's so funny he will make you cackle every five seconds,, you'll be taking a drive thru order and you'd be trying so fucking hard not to laugh into the mic 😭 he will fr start SINGING in ur ear goodbye
super friendly w customers and will literally start a conversation ab the most random things ?? “bro did you just order this family box?? you eating that yourself? that's crazy, mad respect” 💀
dawg does everything all at once, making burgers, taking orders, handing out food, changing the bins ??? yet somehow he's the one goofing off the most ? 
doesn't know how he landed the job tbh… everyone expected him to be unemployed the rest of his life 🔥
HE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO COUNT CHANGE W CASH 😭 bro tries his hardest but is always fumbling around fr,, our maths legend
the type to be like “hm? i can't hear you” “what did you say? “yeah just gimme a minute” he is TOO CHILL he's so unserious ab this job he clocks on and does nothing half the time 🙏 he'll say he'll do what you ask him too but... you both know he won't xoxox
somehow he's still one of the managers favourites and gets good shifts every week… 
if a customer yells at him he'd be like “yeah give me a second” and then just gets someone else to deal with it LMFAO 💀
THE BIGGEST SHIT TALKER having a shift w him is so good, he somehow knows everything that's going on w everyone ??? fills you in w all the gossip fr.
he's rly bubbly w all the nice customers and is one of the nicer employees to work with but if ur on his bad side … 💀💀💀
like if you annoy him as a customer he will hand you order wordlessly and look you up and down HE DOESNT CAREEE BROOO 😭
if anyone ever blames him for doing something wrong on shift he literally will just be like “that wasn't me tho 😄😄” biggest liar and everyone knows it but no one cares cus we all love him 🫶
sunoo will definitely be the type to buy you food on his break or give you free stuff when you clock off 😭
would be the biggest gas lighter LMFAO
“oh you ordered a double big mac and not a regular? yeah on our register it's gone through as regular so i don't know what you want me to do, you can pay for another one tho!” 💀💀💀💀
bro gives so much sass to rude customers he does NOT gaf, he does it all w a smile on his face too like “sorry about that but we can't do anything to fix it 😊” 
he’d be so chill w his co workers asw, he would really care if everyone's messing around but somehow w him on shift everything goes oddly smoothly… 
working w him is so fucking funny cus he will never take no for an answer w a customer he will keep pushing until they LEAVE 😭
LMFAOOO okay this kid fucking hates his job LOL
will spit in a customers drink because he can 🙏 he will not take shit from anyone and he knows no one will fire him bc they're understaffed 😚
plays the best music and always has kitchen speaker aux !!!
if you ask him to remake a burger or help you with something he'll either give you a blank stare or a “no, i won't.” and then do it for you anyway 👊👊 he is such a little menace but he doesn't care 
w annoying ass customers he will literally start arguing w them STOP
would go viral on tiktok cus some customer was filming him being rude but everyone would be siding w him bc niki is always in the right godbless.
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lunas-side-anime-blog · 5 months
aot veteran/104 corp icks bc im back on my bullshit
someone requested AOT veteran icks, they didn't specify nsfw or not so I did both and also added sasha connie and jean bc i luv them:) feel free to message/inbox with requests!
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(levi, erwin, hange, jean, sasha and connie)
will visit ur place and organize things without you asking. he'd just be like "ur welcome, now your kitchen makes sense" and ur like sir, I don't know where anything is now??? also he'd def the type to proclaim he's better than you for only getting two hours of sleep when you got four. honestly so many icks come to mind for this one, imma limit it to those two for now (stay tuned lol)
nsfw: tries to be rough with you but forgets his own strength. will try to throw you on the bed, but he does it too hard so you completely miss the bed and fall on the other side of it and he's just standing there like "🧍🏻...my bad."
you cannot convince me this man doesn't wear water shoes at the pool. you guys say you want a dilf until you actually get one bc this is the type of shit it entails^^
nsfw: erwin cannot dirty talk for shit. im srry but if you're a lil kinky this isn't the man for you. try to call him daddy and he'd be like "we don't have kids?" and you explain the kink to him and he'd just say, "have you considered therapy?🤨" now he's concerned, boner gone, you feel called out, just go to sleep tbh
they're def a firm believer in natural deodorant and won't take the graceful hints that it's not working. prob wouldn't chill w them on a hot day is all i'm saying
nsfw: feel like they'd be really good in bed tbh like i'm struggling to think of an ick. hange has big dick energy, weirdos just do it better idk. i think maybe hange would try to spit in your mouth (they a freak) and they have so much and its thick and globby like the back of the throat type spit, your gonna choke bro im gagging as a i type-
bring back toxic masculinity because Jean's hair care routine is so good to the point he'll call out your split ends, i just know it
nsfw: a fucking chatterbox like his homies know everything. you've walked in on him telling connie in extreme detail how he had you in a full nelson last night while you screamed bloody murder and he doesn't see why ur mad. "babe, if anything i'm bragging about you 😏" fucking idiot istg. also kinda gross but I think he's the type to keep sniffing his fingers after fingering you like well into the next day EWW
obvi she can't share for shit so I think she'd be an annoying person to eat out with. like yk when you're with your friends and only one person puts their card down so the rest can Venmo them? I think you can ask her to Venmo 20 and she'd send 15 and say something like "oh I didn't eat as many fries" but she fr did. never puts her card down either so believe it or not? jail.
nsfw: will literally be on her phone mid-sex with you. feel like she'd be really into the subway surfer vids and yeah, you go down on her and look up and she brought her own entertainment? ipad child behavior
i think he'd say "we" when talking about his fave sports team as if he contributed. like, "really connie, you helped win the superbowl? did you score a touchdown?" grow tf up
nsfw: insane bush on this one, i feel like he doesn't groom for shit and whatever, that's your choice! but I also feel like college-aged modern connie would talk shit about women who weren't bald down there and won't eat it unless it is. HYPOCRITE!! I think when he gets to his mid-twenties tho he'd mature (sasha beat his ass)
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iridescentdove · 5 months
Helloo, I was thinking about a scenario with Nikolai and a twin sister reader who’s similar to Lynette if it’s possible. Tyy 💕
Nikolai Gogol x Lynette! Reader
Hello anon! I'm back ... again. I'm an on and off person in this app at this point lmfao. By the way, requests are closed for now everyone! But you can still ask me questions and other stuff. Let's start.
Lyney is a more reserved girl. She rarely talks to others out of her own accord, letting Lyney (in this case Nikolai) do the talking for her, and dissuades essentially any attempt to speak with her by saying bizarre responses. Whenever she needs to talk, she speaks briefly and frankly.
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Both of you are literally the polar opposites, it's kinda funny. Nikolai is that one fun dude at parties and you're just the one sitting in the corner watching him like 🗿
Nikolai: dumb bitch
You: dumb bitch's caretaker and sister unfortunately but whatever
Honestly he's not annoying, he's actually just cheerful around you and loves to hang around you. He's one of those rare actual good big brothers! <3
Often you're very reserved and prefer to keep to yourself, so he does most of the talking.
He doesn't let you see Fyodor, or even breathe in his direction. We all know why. And i'm pretty sure even Nikolai is sane enough to know he won't let anything happen to you. You're his precious little dove, aren't you?
People find you two a fun duo ngl
Like, you're also his assistant when he does magic and you both are unintentionally goofy as hell.
It's not even a coincidence at this point, I can totally see this guy being Lyney. Imagine he's just being down bad for Fyodor and you have to drag him away like "not again bitch"
He fr needs to chill. Like we know you want to kill him but tf that light skin stare for 🤨
I'd like to think that both of you take the time out of your day to have some fun together. Given BSD is just death, death and more death.
I totally headcanon Nikolai to love amusement parks.
He cannot stop trolling. The moment you're not looking he's out here making children CRY
You have to drag him away to stop him from getting kicked out or something.
Nikolai isn't overprotective, but he's not chill either. I'd like to believe that he trusts you, but at some point if someone even so much as looked at you weird–
They'll be in the seventh circle of hell pretty quick.
He honestly loves how chill and seemingly reserved you are, the fact you're so patient with him, he appreciates a lot.
But will be very dramatic when it comes to showing love to you. Come on now, he's a clown. what did u expect
"My dear sister says she is on her period. I am too. It's uterUS." "That doesn't mean you can wear my PADS"
... 😐
Okay nevermind, sometimes he does get overbearing. But you guys are the perfect siblings anyway.
Sorry if I couldn't do a scenario, I had no idea what to do. Writers' block still has me.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 5 months
a Pathologic tier list based on how good of an adult the characters are to Clara, a child
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this is based on P1, but the tier list site i was using only had the P2 models!
i was meant to have longer, more in-depth explanations, but then i got lazy 😅 so i just have some basic reasoning!
also i haven’t replayed the Changeling route in a few months, so i’m going off of memory!
Actually A Kind, Considerate Adult To A Stressed and Traumatized Child
Lara- Lara is hands down the best adult in this entire game. She’s kind, understanding, and patient with Clara. She never insults her, and even when Clara is being a bit snooty, she still treats her gently. She also literally has a line where she points out that Clara is a child struggling with an immense burden. She calls attention to the fact that she’s just a kid, which NOBODY ELSE DOES.
“Poor thing, I’m so sorry for you. I wouldn’t want to carry your burden.”
It can kinda be read as pity, but pity is better than the cruelty and ignorance to her situation most of the others give her.
Also she has the one voice like where she’s like, “Poor child, she’s so tired” in reference to Clara.
Lara stays winning fr fr
The Tragedians and Executors- Idk if these guys can count, but they’re here anyway. They’re always so nice to Clara, calling her little pet names and explaining stuff to her in a kind way. They talk to her like how adults talk to young children, which she is. And it’s wild how these bitches beat THE ENTIRETY OF THE WHOLE CAST, minus Lara.
A Good Adult
Oyun- I actually cannot believe this guy is this high.
Surprisingly, he’s actually pretty nice to Clara. If not nice, then very respectful. He treats her like a queen.
Rubin- He’s chill with her 👍 (if i remember correctly)
Yulia- Similar to Rubin, she’s chill toward Clara, minus, I think, one little offhand comment that’s kind of rude. But compared to what some of the bitches below say to her, it may as well be a compliment.
Decent But Has Their Moments
Artemy- So, I feel like Artemy is very neutral toward Clara. There is that part in the Changeling route where he sends her a letter where he threatens to kill her, BUT that only happens if you rat out his location to Daniil, so it’s not a set event that always happens.
He speaks to her very curtly, and you can get the sense that he’s probably annoyed by her presence, but he’s not outwardly verbally abusing her unlike others.
If this were a ranking based on P2 interactions, however, he would be WAY LOWER because jfc, he is SO MEAN to Clara.
Daniil- So, he was actually lower at first, but then I saw some really good posts talking about how he cares for Clara in his own way (giving her money, keeping her in the Stillwater, worrying over her)—even if they are a little unconventional.
However, that doesn’t erase the fact that he is still pretty awful to her at times. I mean, he literally threatens to kill her twice, one of which happened when he first met her.
I love the “Daniil is a reluctant father figure to Clara” so much, but I also don’t think he would be any higher than this.
Also, like Artemy, if this were for interactions in P2, he would absolutely be lower.
Olgimsky- I think he and Clara talk exactly two (2) times, and both interactions are short and don’t really do anything for the story (if i remember correctly). Also I don’t think they give af about each other at all.
Bad Grief- Neutral. I could have put him higher, actually. He seemed actually kind of nice.
Eva- Same with Bad Grief. Her interaction with Clara wasn’t hostile at all.
Victor- I’ll be real with y’all- I don’t remember them talking 😭
Not A Good Adult
Maria- She’s my second favorite character in the whole game (just behind Clara ofc), but even I can’t deny how cruel she is to Clara. She is SO MEAN.
Aspity- I actually had no idea where to put her. At first, she was in the “decent” section, but that didn’t seem right. Then she was in “Neutral,” but that didn’t seem right, either. Finally, I just decided to put her here. Because, looking back on their interactions, they were pretty hostile.
I don’t think Aspity liked Clara. A lot of the things she said to Clara were either vaguely threatening or directly threatening.
Anna Angel- She was so rude to Clara in the Haruspex route when Clara came running to her house, crying, on Day 6. Also I remember her making shots at Clara often.
Georgiy- Literally threatened to kill Clara the moment he met her. Enough said.
Mark- I remember this bitch ass being snappy with her. Which is good enough for me.
Vlad Jr.- This dude isn’t necessarily mean, but I do remember him being weirdly fanatical toward Clara. He spoke to her like she wasn’t a child but rather someone to be idolized.
Peter- He also wasn’t rude, but I just felt very uncomfortable every time he talked to her. He didn’t speak to her like a child but rather an adult. And yeah, a lot of people did that, but he was just so creepy to me. He acted like she was a goddess or something. It really rubbed me the wrong way.
Block- This may be a bit of an unpopular opinion, but I just can’t put this guy anywhere but here.
Yes, he was kind to her, but he also idolized her, which is just…Not Very Good. Also he fully tries to bring her to war?? If you say no when he first makes the offer, he literally ignores her and keeps going on about it which is a huge red flag.
Horrible Fucking Person
Andrey- I can’t stand this guy. Y’all don’t understand how deep my hatred for him goes. But this spot isn’t even a biased decision he is, SO CRUEL. The way he screams in Clara’s face when she went to his bar?? And yeah, he’s kinda right in some sense, she isn’t old enough to fully understand what she’s doing, but that is not her fault in any way. The blame should fall upon Katerina for making her run around indoctrinating people, not her. And he shouldn’t have yelled at a little girl, spewing insults at her, because at that point, his argument is meaningless when it directly attacks her.
He’s terrible. I hate him.
What The Fuck Is Wrong With You
Aglaya- Basically every word she spoke to Clara felt like a shotgun blast to the chest and had my jaw on the FLOOR. I was not expecting the sheer disgust and hatred she had toward this child.
As such, I have compiled a short list of some of the things she said to Clara:
1. Calls her a “dim, pathetic creature”
2. Calls her insane and deranged
3. Accuses her of having a split personality disorder and being schizophrenic
4. “Prohibits her from existing”
5. Says she has to leave the town or else she’ll have her executed
Among other stuff.
Obligatory “Awful Parents” Spot
The Saburovs- I could go on about how horrible these guys are. Not even just as people, but as parents, too.
The neglect, the exploitation, the abuse, the total disregard for Clara’s feelings when she comes back traumatized while carrying a severed head, the way she’s used to inaugurate people into a religion…
They are truly awful people, and they do not deserve Clara.
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freshjjindahouse · 7 months
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(Ok but fr the motorcycle was so annoying to draw also I cannot BELIEVE this is what I do with my free time now)
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snexy-the-snail · 3 months
I'm about to make this everyone's problem
When their father had invited the bastard Triton did his best to avoid the quote unquote bonding, that Poseidon insisted that they participated in. More annoying no matter how many barbs and comments he made towards the boy he would not respond the way he expected an arrogant hero would.  
He didn’t know much of Perseus, just some titles that fish would gossip about and in general that he was the bastard of the sea. The kingdom referred to him as the littlest prince which absolutely made his blood boil. Perseus had no idea of what responsibilities, and such came with the title. His anger continued to roll through him. The night was truly the only time he could get some distance from the stubborn little brat. 
It was the third day since the boy had arrived and yet he found his nerves to already be shot. “I cannot believe father would bring him here.” he seethes under his breath strolling in the garden. Annoyingly enough the little terror had found comfort in the exotic sea plants so most of his strolls were interrupted by insistent questions of the most common knowledge. He was like a guppy in that respect, full of gaps of knowledge. He rolls his eyes smoothing his hair back, letting it down from the slicked back hair style he had in. He was just starting to relax when a piercing scream jolted him up, trident materializing in his hand before he could further process where it was coming from. 
Someone DARED to attack the child in the palace?  
Triton grits his teeth as he shoots through the water, pushing himself to go faster, clouds of fish outside the boys balcony, they swarm him once he was in sight, pleading rapidly to help the little lord, to save him- the door blasts open swinging off their hinges. He was ready for danger, for an assailant, but there was..nothing. Just Perseus writhing on his bed, screaming and gasping for breath. His face was twisted like he was experiencing torture of the greatest kind.  
“Perseus? Truly a nightmare causes you to wail?” He hisses out tryout, to hide the fact his limbs trembled with relief. No assailant trying to assassinate the little bastard. The boy didn’t wake so he crept closer, in fact he was surprised when that made it worse. Celestial bronze suddenly illuminating the room ripping through the covers with ease and in turn his flesh, the sword slicing, golden ichor joining the glow. He lets several curses out, yanking the weapon from the boy. “Wake! Perseus!” He snaps, shaking the boys shoulders, grunting when the boys legs make contact with his middle. 
Ugh mortals and their ridiculous habits... well Father wasn’t here, and frankly he could not handle hearing the boys wails. Why not put the flailing body somewhere safe enough to make him relax? “You’re ridiculous, absolutely- there are guppies younger than you who can settle after nightmares” He grumbles to himself, shifting his size, keeping the wriggling boy in a loose fist. He flinches when Perseus fights harder, still unable to wake as it seemed, teeth sinking into his flesh as the boy tried his hardest to escape.  
It was as if he was fighting for his life... A sense of unease slowly settled in the pit of his stomach as he watched the small thing nearly take a chunk out of his hand, golden ichor clouding the water as Perseus clenched his jaw tighter. He didn’t look like an arrogant child at the moment, no, he looked like a desperate child.  
What had he gone through? 
What had his father neglected to tell him about his half brother? 
Before the boy could continue to try and escape via chomping on his hand Triton brings the small form up to his face, shoving him in to his mouth quickly once Perseus let go to get a breath. There was a surprised kick from Perseus, Triton not even bothering to give time to adjust before he swallowed thickly. Personally, he didn’t want to experience what the boy would do to escape this..not only that he was concerned about his teeth cutting the frankly delicate boy. Unconsciously he runs his tongue over his teeth, wincing at the sharp points that greeted him.  
He sighs as he feels the lump travel down his throat and soon a heavy weight spills into his stomach. He closes his eyes with a sense of nostalgia washing over him. How long had it been since he had such a small life tucked inside his being like this? The thrashing weight settled nearly instantly, as if a switch was flipped, Perseus stilling.  
The corners of his lips quirk up into a small smile, hesitantly resting a hand over his middle. There was no indication that Perseus was even tucked away into his stomach. Just smooth skin concealing his younger brother. He settled rather..nicely inside. “An absolute guppy, that’s what you are you little brat.” He murmurs, blinking when he feels the boy nuzzle into the stomach wall. Small hands pressing against the flesh as he tried to get settled. A bloom of fondness spreads throughout his chest at the motion. So small and yet... 
“This does not change a thing between us. Remember, that you are a bastard.” 
There was no answer, unless the little whine was one. A small chucckle bubbles out of him, trying not to move too much to avoid jostling the small occupant inside. It was almost concerning how quickly Perseus had settled once inside. He would need to figure out what exactly caused his younger brother to fly into such a state. 
He waves his hand, the Ichor that had spilled clearing from the water at the motion. He looks to his hand, the bite having healed already, as well as the slash the boy had managed to get in. A warrior for sure..how old was the boy again? He lightly rubs his middle, yet against surprised when the boys weight settled against where his hand rested.  
There was a lot he didn’t know about his brother...perhaps he should explore that.
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aroace-confessions · 3 months
it's been about a year since i realized i was aroace (i came out to my friends last march 26, so it's probably right around when i realized), and at first i was so happy that i figured out my identity - and for sure i'm still so grateful that i know that the reason that i don't feel the attraction that everyone else my age seems to is because i'm aroace, not because i'm 'broken' or whatever. but the thing is, sometimes it is really hard to live with being aroace. i'm only fourteen, and i find it so weird how people my age (and even younger which weirds me out fr) are like...feeling attraction and being in relatioinships and doing...things, and i'm so oblivious to this until my friends are like 'i cannot believe how cute they are together they're such a good couple!' or 'so-and-so broke up with so-and-so' and i'm just like - ???????? twelve and thirteen and fourteen and fifteen year olds (because that's who i'm around at school rn) are in freaking relationships?????? it's also super hard to live with when my friend wants to want anime with me, but the only ones she's really into are about like love and relationships and all that and....i'm just sitting there like i would rather watch people stabbing each other because that's what's interesting to me but like...i dunno it's just so hard sometimes to be so different than everyone in society who is so enamored with romantic/sexual relationships just not conforming to the relationship norms of society is really freaking annoying sometimes, like don't get me wrong i am SO glad that i know i'm aroace, but...when it's all you hear about and see all day, it gets exhausting and annoying and isolating
Submitted 17/03/24
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azureflame · 1 year
A Fae’s Snowy Celebration (Part 3)
●     Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
●     Characters: (Y/n) (gender neutral), Lilia, Malleus & miscellaneous characters
●     Pairing: Malleus x (Y/n) (gender neutral)
●     Word count: 4,151
●     Warnings: None
●     Author’s: HAPPY BELATED CHRISTMAS, Y’ALL! Fr though, I’m so sorry for not posting anything in ages. I’m sure you’ll enjoy this stupidly long story.
           “Excuse me, (Sir/Ma’am). Excuse me.” A faery maid knocks on the door to (Y/n)’s room. She was assigned to take care of them by Malleus’s order. Not wanting to invade the guest’s privacy, but also not wanting to have them miss their breakfast left them in quite the conundrum. Before knocking one more time, the door opened.
“Yes? How may I help you?”
“Good morning, Mr./Mrs. (L/n). Prince Malleus had assigned me to take care of you during your stay here at the castle” explained the faery maid.
“I see. I hope that we may get along with each other for however long I’ll be staying here” said (Y/n) with a smile before turning over to a sleeping Grim. “Hey Grim, wake up. It’s time to eat.”
Grim groaned in annoyance. “Five more minutes, henchman…”
“You’ll be missing out on some exquisite tuna if you continue to sleep” stated (Y/n) coyly.
“TUNA?! Why didn’t you say so” shouted Grim as he ran toward (Y/n). “By the way, you’re gonna give Lilia that list during breakfast?”
“Of course. I’ve narrowed it down to a few options, but I still cannot figure out the best one” sighed (Y/n).
“A list to Sir Vanrouge” asked the faery maid, now very confused.
“I’m compiling a list of potential gifts to give Malleus on the day, or rather night, of the Christmas celebration. While I may be a close friend of his, Lilia IS his caretaker, so he should know his tastes better than I ever could” explained (Y/n).
The faery maid smiled. “I see. How thoughtful of you. I’m sure the prince will be pleased by whatever gift you will bestow upon him.”
“Thank you. Anyways, gotta grab it now before I forget” said (Y/n) before retrieving a folded piece of paper from their desk as well as a red pen. “Let’s head out to the dining hall before Sebek hunts me down & yells my ears off.”
The faery maid became annoyed upon hearing his name. “Are you perhaps referring to that loud-mouthed boy? I swear, I’m shocked by how he has yet to lose his voice.”
“You & me both” replied (Y/n).
The Ramshackle duo quickly followed the faery maid to the dining hall where Lilia, Malleus & his grandmother, Queen Maleficia, were waiting for their breakfast to arrive. As expected, it was filled to the brim with various servants of the castle.
“(Y/n). I’m glad that you are here, my love” said Malleus, smiling while blushing. He tried so hard to not pout after hearing both his grandmother & Lilia from giggling.
           “Hi, Malleus. Sorry if I took too long. Anyways, what’s the plan for this month? I didn’t have any in mind given my previous situation back at school” asked (Y/n).
           “You see, the castle staff shall be busy preparing for the Christmas feast. I’m afraid I’ll be rather busy assisting my grandmother with her part. I hope you can understand” sighed Malleus.
           “Don’t worry about it! I understand that it’s part of your duty as the future king” replied (Y/n) cheerfully.
           “Thank you. Rest assured that I shall find the time to be with you during the event” said Malleus before discussing the matters of the Christmas party with his grandmother.
           While everyone was waiting for their food to arrive, (Y/n) tapped on Lilia’s shoulder. “Lilia. Last night, Grim & I made a list of potential gifts to give to Malleus & I need your input badly. I’ve got a limited budget & I promised Sucré some cookies.”
“Oh? Let’s see here…” Lilia had carefully analyzed the full list, including a few options that were crossed out. “No wonder you needed my assistance. This will not be an easy task as there are many fine options. However, I do believe that this is the perfect gift for him” said Lilia as he pointed to a specific bullet point. “By the way, do not worry about your finances as I will assist you in this endeavor.”
           “Thank you so much, Lilia. You’re a lifesaver” cheerfully replied (Y/n). They took out their red pen & circled the gift Lilia recommended they get for Malleus so they don’t forget.
Before long, everyone’s breakfast had arrived. The only people who continued to talk as they ate were the servants, so at least it wasn’t complete silence.
For once, Grim ate with some manners. Was it because of his humiliating encounter with the faery librarian? Regardless, he wasn’t causing (much) trouble for (Y/n) & that’s what’s important.
Once the Draconia family finished their meal, they departed to get started on their work for the day.
Lilia waited for (Y/n) & Grim to finish theirs. “(Y/n), Grim. I’ll be heading out to Holly Town in a bit. Would you two like to come with me?”
“Sure! Might as well get a taste on what this kingdom is like” replied (Y/n).
“Aww. Do I HAVE to go? I’d rather relax in our room” grumbled Grim.
“Don’t be like that, Grim. You’d be surprised by the kinds of foods my people can offer” chuckled Lilia.
The microsecond Grim heard the word “foods,” he looked at Lilia in surprise. “What?! Food!”
“Yes. Their world-renowned gingerbread castles, roasted duck & turkey, cranberry sauce & yule log are nothing to laugh at! People have to place orders weeks in advance & certain products such as the gingerbread castle will not be shipped internationally because the magic used to maintain their structural integrity could fade away over time. Even the castle staff members that are in charge of ordering the food for the feast sometimes encounter difficulties.”
“Are you serious?! We’d better get going pronto” panicked poor (Y/n).
At the entrance to Holly Town…
A cobblestone wall surrounds the city & an elegant cherry wood door with ornate carvings stands proudly. A group of soldiers can be seen inspecting visitors before permitting them to enter.
“Lilia. I know you said this place gets busy during the holidays, but this is utterly ridiculous” cried (Y/n).
Because of the sheer beauty & size of Holly Town, there were numerous people of various races (mostly fae) entering & exiting the place.
“There’s gonna be nothing left for us to buy when we get in” said Grim with exasperation. “We gotta find a way to sneak past them.”
“There’s no need for that. Allow me to speak to one of the guards” assured Lilia. He approaches one of the guards & greets them. “Greetings, sir.”
The moment the guard saw him, he saluted him. “Sir Vanrouge! It is an honor to see you! How may I be of service?”
“My friends & I wish to enter this beautiful town” stated Lilia before being granted access. He gestures (Y/n) & Grim to follow him. “Stay by my side, you two. I don’t want you two to get lost.”
Both (Y/n) & Grim nodded. Their nervousness turned to admiration after seeing the European-style homes & their elegant decorations.
(Y/n) noticed two things they all had in common: at least one type of decoration incorporated hollies & a large, elegant symbol was carved into the front doors which they surmised was the crest of the family that owned the house.
           Grim, now sitting on (Y/n)’s shoulder, saw the pretty light emanating from a nearby lamp post & jumped to get a closer look. To his surprise, he found himself in Lilia’s arms. “Agh! Don’t scare me like that!”
           “I can’t help it. You seemed to be a little too fascinated by the lights. Sure they’re beautiful, but as I’ve said earlier, I don’t want you two getting out of my sight. Cell phones have no signal in the Valley of Thorns & you two lack the means of communicating via magic.”
           “Lilia? Can we stop for a bit? I’d like to take some pictures with my cellphone” asked (Y/n). They started doing so after Lilia agreed to pause & enjoy the winter atmosphere. “I can’t wait to see the rest of the town.”
           “We should head over to the plaza then. There’s usually several groups of performers that arrive during this time of the year” stated Lilia.
At Holly Town center…
           As soon as the trio had arrived, (Y/n) began recording the performers at work. The story they chose was about three ghosts teaching a rich, old man about the consequences of being greedy.
           (Y/n) loved the story because it teaches how important it is to show compassion & generosity toward others, especially those less fortunate than others.
           Grim, on the other hand, didn’t get why one specific old man needed to be taught those lessons, but he did admire the special effects (a.k.a. magic) of the play.
           After some time had passed, the trio entered a nearby department store (that had an unknown language written at the front) to get everything for Sucré & Malleus’s gifts.
           To say the Ramshackle duo were blown away was an understatement. Seemingly endless rows of toys, sweets, Christmas decorations & much, much more were lining up the large, wooden shelves. However, the staff seem to have trouble keeping them full as many customers seem to be interested in just about everything in their inventory.
           “Wow. This place is jam packed too” muttered (Y/n). Turning to Lilia, they said “It’s no wonder you’re having to stand next to me the whole time. I would be scared of navigating the entire place by myself.”
           “Do not worry, Your Majesty, for I shall protect you with my life” Lilia joked.
           (Y/n) blushed. “Stop it, Lilia. You’re making me think of being married to Ma- Tsunotarou.” They were afraid of causing a mass panic among the masses by saying Malleus’s name out loud, so they resorted to referring to him strictly by his nickname. It does sound nice being able to spend the rest of my days with Malleus, though. To wake up every morning being kissed by him, working alongside him & more importantly… growing old with him. I’d do ANYTHING to get a happy ending like that.
           Unbeknownst to (Y/n), they were blushing. Grim & Lilia noticed & looked at each other before the latter chuckled.
           “Ok, Your Excellency. We better get moving.” The bat fae dragged (Y/n) to the area of the store where they could obtain the materials for Malleus’s gift. “Any idea what exactly you’ll be needing?”
           (Y/n) looked around in silence. They just couldn’t remove the image of being Malleus’s spouse out of their head. It got to the point where they started picking random items that even Grim wasn’t sure were necessary for the gift.
           Sighing happily, Lilia tapped (Y/n)’s shoulder. He helped them return the unneeded products back to their proper place. To think that Malleus would be in love & his feelings are reciprocated. At least he chose a kind-hearted person like (Y/n). If they do not get married soon, then Malleus may find himself feeling lonelier than ever. How can I prevent such a tragedy from occurring?… I got it! The castle library! Its fireplace is the perfect setting for a romantic confession!
“Great. First my henchman & now Lilia? It better not happen to me too” Grim mumbled.
“Lilia? Is something the matter” asked (Y/n).
           “Not at all. What else do you need” Lilia asked.
           (Y/n) listed a few items they needed, some of which were personal.
Lilia nodded & he helped (Y/n) finish up their shopping for the day.
Once all was said & done, the trio spent a little more time in Holly Town, admiring the decorations, taking a few pictures with the locals, etc. Of course, there were a couple of instances where Grim attempted to cause mischief by stealing some food, but Lilia’s lightning fast reflexes prevented him from doing so. Despite this, they had a wonderful time & before they knew it, it was well past dinnertime.
           Upon returning to the castle, (Y/n) was surprised to see everyone in a panic. “Ummm… Lilia? How long were we gone for?”
           That answer would soon be answered by Malleus as he rushed over to his friend & caretaker. “Lilia! (Y/n)! There you are!” He hugged them both tightly before glaring at them. "Where were you two?! The two of you were gone the entire day!"
Chuckling nervously, (Y/n) pulled out a box of muffins. "Care for some muffins, Malleus? We got them from a bakery in Holly Town."
"While I do appreciate any & all baked goods from that place, I can't deny that I feel upset not knowing where you two were. As punishment, you shall be spending the rest of the day as well as tomorrow under my supervision, (Y/n). Do you understand?"
Feeling embarrassed, (Y/n) replied "I understand, Tsunotarou. I just wanted to make sure I could get you something for Christmas this year. I'm not telling you what it is, of course."
"A present? For me? Well, I'll be looking forward to it."
On the day of the party…
(Y/n) observed the embellished dance hall with stars in their eyes. “Wow. This whole place looks absolutely gorgeous. The guests look about as fancy as I’d expect them to be.” They turn to look at the fae maid that took care of them this whole time. “I truly cannot thank you enough for making this outfit for me. I don’t know what I would’ve done had you not been there for me.”
The fae maid giggled. “Why thank you. I do enjoy sewing & when Lord Lilia had informed me of your situation, I just couldn’t resist making clothes for you. How many did I make for you again?”
“Enough to fill a closet… I haven’t even been here for a month, yet you managed to pull off such a daunting task. This makes me wonder what else you’re capable of that I don’t know” (Y/n) wondered aloud.
“Teehee. That’s a secret. What isn’t a secret is that the dance shall begin soon” replied the fae maid.
As if on cue, music filled the room & everyone except the Draconia family began to look for anyone to dance with.
Even if (Y/n) knew the basics of ballroom dancing, they didn’t want to make a fool of themselves by heading over to the dance floor.
“You can’t enjoy the festivities in the corner, you know” said Lilia after appearing out of nowhere.
Both (Y/n) & Grim shrieked from surprise while the fae maid simply rolled her eyes.
“Lilia! What’s it gonna take for you to not give us a heart attack” asked (Y/n) angrily. “You’re lucky I didn’t drop my present to Malleus. By the way, when can I give it to him? I don’t want to spend the entire party carrying it around.”
“I’ll take care of that for you” replied Lilia, taking the present before walking away.
(Y/n) really didn’t want to dance, but they had a feeling Lilia was going to offer himself as a dance partner & they had a bad feeling his dancing techniques were… interesting to say the least.
“Pardon me, (Y/n), but would you mind dancing with me? I have only arrived just now.”
(Y/n) turned around &, much to their astonishment, saw Sucré approaching them. He wore a stunning green suit that complimented his ghostly pale complexion & blond hair. His slicked back hair allowed anyone to get a better view of his amber-colored eyes.
“Sucré! Boy am I glad to see you. You look handsome, you know” said (Y/n). “And yes. I’d like to dance with you.”
“Likewise.” Sucré gently took (Y/n)’s hand while smiling. “Let us not waste any more time.” After the duo set foot on the dance floor, he wrapped one arm around their waist & held their hand with the other.
To (Y/n)’s luck, the first song the musicians played was a slow one. They feared the possibility of stepping on Sucré’s foot, so they felt at ease. “Sucré. I’ve noticed that quite a lot of people are staring at least one of us. Do I look that bizarre?”
“Not at all. They’re staring at me because I almost never leave the magical archives. I do not believe there’s anything wrong with that, though. After all, the existence of fae, merfolk, beastmen & humans fascinates me. I’d like to understand how each group came into existence & how each group manages to coexist despite their differences.”
“I understand you completely. As someone who lacks magic & comes from a magicless world, I’d like to know why some worlds have it while others don’t & why certain races are more magically inclined than others.”
“I’m glad someone understands my philosophy of life. It’s not often I meet others who wish to know more about the intricacies of their world. Most would make poor excuses for things they don’t understand instead of conducting thorough research. Life would be so much easier for them if they stopped gossiping for once.”
“While the pursuit of knowledge is an admirable goal, there’s likely certain things out there that are never meant to be understood by anyone other than those of divine status. After all, too much curiosity could lead someone to a rather dark path.”
Sucré, pursing his lips, expressed that he at least wished people wouldn’t be so judgemental about the educational background of others or how they chose to spend their time if it doesn’t harm anyone.
(Y/n) agreed wholeheartedly with him.
Meanwhile, both Malleus & Queen Maleficia couldn’t believe who they saw on the dance floor.
“My grandson. Is that by any chance Sucré?”
“That seems to be the case. What could have possibly caused him to be outside the magical archives? My dear (Y/n) truly is full of surprises.” Malleus couldn’t help but watch his beloved dance. If only their dance partner was him…
Queen Maleficia chuckled when she saw her grandson’s slight pout. “Oh my. How uncouth of you to express jealousy in public. Do something to wipe that expression off your face.”
“I shall in a few minutes, Grandmother.”
Once the song ended, both Sucré & (Y/n) were in the very center of the dance floor.
“Somehow, I never stepped on your foot once, although there must’ve been multiple close calls. I was nervous the whole time thinking I would ruin this moment for you by doing that” sighed Yuu with relief.
Letting go of (Y/n), Sucré smiled. “While you may have much to learn about dancing, it certainly wasn’t that bad. I’m more surprised that I managed to retain all the information I acquired from my dance lessons. I was quite young when I last had them.”
“Subconscious memory, I suppose.” (Y/n) began to see people in front of them moving to the side as Malleus began to walk toward them. He looked as handsome & regal as always with his suit & matching cape. “Tsunotarou?”
“Hmm? Is that how you address the prince? What a silly nickname” chuckled Sucré.
“It is a silly nickname that I shall wear with pride, Sucré” retorted Malleus as he now stood directly in front of the two. “May I ask why you decided to make a public appearance now? I fail to recall you as the type that enjoys public events.”
“I simply wished to thank your dear friend for the cookies they baked for me as well as  the time they’ve spent with me. Ever since that accidental encounter of ours, they have displayed quite an interest in my hobbies. I fail to see the issue here, Your Highness.”
“My issue here is that their first dance wasn’t with me.” Malleus wasn’t too pleased to be robbed of such a special occasion from (Y/n) & his expression made that very clear.
“Do I sense jealousy within you? You have a public image to maintain, you know” said Sucré, smirking.
“You should know how much (Y/n) means to me” retorted Malleus.
Not wanting the situation to get any worse, (Y/n) stood between both fae men while glaring at them. “Guys, that’s enough.” Looking at Malleus, their expression softened. “If you’d like, my next dance shall be with you. What do you say?”
“I’d appreciate that.”
“To see the young prince in love is something I never imagined. I shall leave you two lovebirds ample space to dance freely.” Sucré walked to stand alongside the other guests, not caring how flustered (Y/n) became.
“What?! Get back here-”
“Do not worry about him, my love. As reclusive as he is, he still enjoys teasing others as does most of faekind.” Looking at the musicians, Malleus nodded so as to order them to play once again.
They all looked at each other & knew what song they had to play. Soon enough, the whole room was filled with a song so well known for encapsulating the love between two royals.
“This song. It’s-”
Malleus hummed to the music as he began taking his first steps with (Y/n).
(Y/n) tried their best to follow along, but had a little difficulty staying focused with how charming Malleus looked.
Sighing, Sucré casted a spell that would allow (Y/n) to dance more gracefully. He wasn’t going to permit his new friend from embarrassing themselves in front of everyone.
Once the musicians began to sing, Malleus’s smile grew wider.
For a moment in time, (Y/n) forgot that people were watching the two of them. They never could’ve imagined themselves falling in love with a prince, much less having the opportunity to form a relationship with said prince. It was hard for them to not giggle like a young child. After all, they were living in a literal fairytale. When the song had come to an end, (Y/n) thanked Malleus for the dance & that they would rest for a while.
Malleus decided that (Y/n) should stay by his side for the rest of the party. After his banter couldn’t risk anyone trying to seduce them. He offered them his arm & walked to where his grandmother stood.
“That was quite the wonderful performance from you two.” Queen Maleficia’s smile turned into a frown as she looked at Malleus. “I will have to scold you once this celebration is over, however.”
At the dining hall…
(Y/n) was simply astonished by the variety of food that was being served. Sure, there were several soups & stews, but there were several that they’ve never seen. They noticed Grim trying to scarf down his meal, but a stern warning was enough for him to eat properly.
“I take it that you find your meal delectable, correct” asked Malleus to (Y/n).
“Of course. I wish I could eat like this every day.”
Smiling, Malleus thought I would like for that as well.
At the castle library after the party…
While (Y/n) enjoyed the party, they were tired as hell. Despite this, Lilia instructed them to head over to the castle’s library. Why does he want me to be here? I just want to sleep. Their question was answered when they got to the fireplace where they saw Malleus sitting on the couch. “Tsunotarou! I’m really happy to see you.” Sitting down on the couch allowed them to notice their gift to him on his lap. “I hope you’ll like what I made for you.”
“I’m certain I will.” Carefully removing the wrapping paper, Malleus opened the box containing his gift. His eyes widened at the sight of it. “(Y/n).” Lifting it from the box, he was able to get a better look. “I’m truly speechless. What a wonderful gift you have given me. I will cherish it forever.”
“Aww. Thank you. Hmm? Why are you upset?”
“I was unable to provide you with a Christmas gift. I deeply apologize, my sweet (Y/n).”
“I thought inviting both Grim & I WAS the gift!”
“No. That was simply me not wanting you to suffer in that dilapidated dorm with no one but that feline & the ghosts. I am truly ashamed that I couldn’t have at least ordered one of my servants to procure a gift that would satisfy you.”
“Hmmm… How about a kiss? I mean, we do have our occasional romantic & even intimate moments, but I still cherish each of them as if it were my first.”
Smiling, Malleus replied “If that is what my love wants, then who am I to object?” After carefully setting his gift aside on a small table, he turns to face (Y/n) with an abnormally serious expression. “Please let me know when you wish for me to stop.” His expression softened a bit & he wrapped one arm around (Y/n)’s waist while placing a hand at the back of their head. He leans toward them, allowing their lips to come into contact.
Closing the doors to the library, Queen Maleficia & Lilia looked at each other.
“When do you suppose that the wedding shall occur, Sir Vanrouge?”
“I’d say after a few more years.”
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megumishotgf · 10 months
kpop groups class 1-a listen to because i said so
here are some of my headcanons detailing what kpop groups some of the 1-a students would listen too!!
also i’m terribly sorry for the inactiveness. got diagnosed with autism and dropped out of uni (i’m so much happier now) and am going to pursue my art dreams.
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: ̗̀➛ kyoka jirou
jirou loves day6! prefers k-rock over k-pop but still knows all the best hits of each year. her expert knowledge mainly focuses on second generation groups. it’s as if she’s been spending years preparing for a pop quiz on this. other artists she likes include the rose, xdinary heroes and rolling quartz. she loves boy groups and girl groups equally.
: ̗̀➛ tenya iida
this man is a stan of snsd. tenya is a very cultured man and generally gives me second gen stan vibes. he truly believes ‘into the new world’ changed the trajectory of his life and had the biggest cultural impact of any piece of media in this century. tenya will write an essay arguing this. he also appreciates exo and shinee! hates superjunior (as he should) but hearing lucifer gets his hips shaking side to side.
: ̗̀➛ momo yaoyorozu
momo loves classical and instrumental music (her spotify wrapped is just studio ghibli soundtracks) but she can appreciate the occasional k-pop song. she loves female soloists in particular! think iu, taeyeon, chungha, ailee… she knows how to appreciate beautiful female vocals. also has a strong affinity for k-drama soundtracks. the ones with special idol features - you know what i’m talking about. slow, romantic ballads. shows jirou all her favourite ones (jirou thinks they’r kind of boring but listens just for her girlfriend).
: ̗̀➛ izuku midoriya
izuku loves bts because of the messages in their songs. he finds their story so inspiring. izuku relates to the fact that they built up their legacy from the ground up with nothing but hard work, and that they were ignored for so long. definitely listens to spring day and young forever when he is sad and just sobs (just like me fr). if you knock on his dorm and ask if he’s okay, he will squeak out a response insisting he’s fine. but you can still hear him sobbing into the pillow during the pauses before the next queued songs play. oh and izuku’s bias is namjoon because of how well spoken and intellectual he is, but he admires all members for their passion. oh and and ochako introduced him to twice!! he loves how cheerful their music is.
: ̗̀➛ ochaco uraraka
now, uraraka has devoted her life to twice. she is a diehard twice fan. but she is poor and her only album was a gift from kirishima and she treasures it. her favourite era was dance the night away and her bias is jihyo (this is so intellectual of her). carries a photocard in her phone case. class 1-a surprise ochako with tickets to see them live on one of her birthdays (they piled up all their money) and she just started floating towards the ceiling in shock. then she cried there
: ̗̀➛ mina ashido
mina is in love with ateez!! she loves to learn their dances and appreciates their high energy. also thinks they are the most beautiful men to grace this earth (this is facts). her bias is yeosang. she knows every choreo and it always looks incredible. for school festivals, mina will gather some of her classmates and force them to learn complicated dance choreo to perform in front of everyone. this year it was o.o by nmixx.
: ̗̀➛ shouto todoroki
shouto undoubtedly listens to loona and is not afraid of admitting it. it’s like the patrick bateman meme - he walks with zero emotion but hi high is blasting in his headphones. however does not know their names, or at least he cannot put name to face. but yes he knows their whole discography. bought an album once and he was shocked at how many inclusions there were (he was expecting just a cd). eventually discovers the loona universe and fan theories and for a week straight it was all shouto spoke to his friends about. they got so annoyed they blocked the word loona from their social medias temporarily so it wouldn’t set him off on a spiral.
: ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo
hmm.. katsuki loves dreamcatcher. this man has got superior taste. i feel like katsuki would mainly listen to rock music and hip-hop. so other artists he may appreciate are dean, dpr live and epik high. but sometimes you can hear red velvet coming from his dorm and if you question him about it he will scream at you (if it plays when katsu is drunk you can even catch at a peek at him doing the choreo when he thinks no one is looking).
: ̗̀➛ eijiro kirishima
also a cultured man as kirishima is a fan of twice. he joins the girls when they had ‘girly’ sleepovers and learns the dances from them (this headcanon applies to all their ‘girls night’ sleepovers. kiri makes them so much fun). this is especially fun during award shows, where they all gather around a laptop, eyes wide and glossy as they wait for their favourite groups to hopefully be announced as winners. definitely films the dances on tiktok and also shows them to katsuki later. based on mina’s recommendation, he would probably listen to ateez too!
: ̗̀➛ denki kaminari
i sense a neverland. this man is obsessed with (g)-idle. denki has a crush on soyeon (he is me). denki cried when soojin left (i did too) but will take this to his grave. also loves stayc. he most certainly owns a few albums. he prefers girl groups over boy groups because he is a bit of a perv (sorry denki i love you!!). but also because denki believes girl groups have superior music. his most played song of all time is tell me by the wonder girls.
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lokislytherin · 1 year
ok so y'all know i love hong jaeyeol / jay and i believe he should have more canonical importance due to the role ptj-nim gave him not only as a good friend of daniel and potential love interest, but also as a strong fighter in his own right, and the son of steve hong, who seems to have more canonical importance than his son (who is part of the OG Squad) at this point.
hence i am creating my own headcanons about jaeyeol's past, present and future, some of which are definitely not going to happen in lookism but i'm just creating them for Fic Purposes.
the valid ones will probably age like cheese but hey! if it ages like cheese it means jay's back in canon so we should all celebrate that together instead! if some of the valid ones age like fine wine someone should hire to me to be their ghostwriter so i can use them as a stepladder to fame as an independent writer /j i'm already working on being an independent writer
anyway here goes nothing!
pretty boy: he has the most beautiful eyes ever, or he has heterochromia, and he's just shy / ashamed / scared of showing them which is sad because we all want to see his eyes come on ptj it's been over 8 whole years since lookism was first published i just want to know if he has eyes man
unlimited powaaaa: he'd be too powerful if he could see properly so ptj nerfed him like gojo satoru blindfold self-nerfing and booted him from the canon timeline
galaxy brain crack aus: he has no eyes that's it. he's medusa and if he looks at people they will turn to stone. he's got shojo manga female protagonist eyes and we'll all pass out immediately if we saw them because they’re too powerful (jaeyeol with gojo satoru style eyes? we’d all die fr)
potential to be legit: selective mutism + he'll talk in his own time, he's mute full stop and cannot talk
galaxy brain crack aus: past hanahaki surgery bc he’s implied gay and we all know the effect of societal norms on lookism arcs (been there doing that), he's Really Bad At Socializing so he just Doesn't (doing a komi au for that)
traumatic gay backstory: came out and didn’t get accepted by the family except joy over time bc she’s a Good Sister, steve hong was like ‘damn i can’t let the public know my son is Gay’ so basically kicked him out of the house but let him have an allowance bc he’s a c- parent (barely above the pass grade but he’s better than what we know of canonical khun eduan from tower of god who i am ranking as a failing grade, and daniel’s mom is s rank parent)
second son vs politics: first son kitae is the most important one bc he’s the one taking on the family business. only daughter joy is also important politically because she could get married off in the future for business partnerships. ideally you want to keep the power so marrying off your second son isn’t that great even if you don’t really care much about him and he doesn’t really care much about what you do, so you just keep him around and he does his thing and you get annoyed because his ‘thing’ involves smoking, driving motorcycles and almost breaking speed limits, beating people up, etc. oh yes you are steve hong.
slightly unseiso and definitely canonically impossible but potential fic material: aboverse. jay excommunicated from the family because he’s an omega born into a family of alphas. the social power scaling could be so interesting to explore because 1) the contrast between the stereotypical submissive and breedable omega who needs to be protected and kickass protector figure jay who is fully capable of taking down his own opponents and then yours as well unless he gets paired up with people like logan lee 2) i believe in switch jaeseok supremacy and i don’t see a lot of bottom jay fics on ao3 but at the same time it would be cool for omega!jay to top and overcome the social stigma attached to being an omega
med student: he quit j high to pursue a degree in medicine because he’s Serious about being a doctor and helping daniel like that, that’s why he had his 1 panel cameo. he just went back to visit his old classmates in hopes that daniel would be there
op character arc: he’s being trained like an anime protagonist rn. miss sophia trained him when he was young, maybe he went to miss sophia again or he went to another master and he’s getting even more deadly at systema and kali arnis so he can fight and protect daniel better! he’s preparing for his Main Protagonist Character Arc or he’s just doing it off screen rip
detective arc: he’s trying to figure out what happened to big daniel through sleuthing and Rich Boy Ways. will do this fix it au in the future
this is way too long. i should’ve made it a thread. but i hope yall had fun reading lmao?? feel free to expand on any of my ideas please i like Discussion if i expand on this i’ll rb too
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SGU Week Day 4 (Yes, 4!!): Favorite Ship
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This is my new OTP. Idk exactly what it is, but buddy, I will take my serotonin from wherever I can get it these days.
Just kidding, I know exactly why I enjoy this. Most of it is that I just really, really like Amanda (don't hate me; despite what my memes may lead you to believe, I am not a Rush Enjoyer, because I know he would make me cry every day if I had to interact with him lmao), but OH MY GOD am I a sucker for The Grumpy One Is Soft for the Sunshine One. I love seeing them feel so safe and comfortable together. I love the ease of their interactions. I don't think anyone cares about spoilers at this point, but good Lord, she almost killed him and he wasn't even mad 😂
I NEVER enjoy canon ships because they feel like forced hetero nonsense. Another reason I enjoy this pairing so much is that to me, a demisexual, it feels very much like a demisexual love story. Think about it. Falling for your best friend, pining for the same guy for years... that's not unique to us, but it's definitely part of the demisexual experience (I'm not a piner, but most demis I meet seem to be). Im aware that they were originally supposed to sleep together in Sabotage, but, again as a demi, I'm glad they ended up taking a different route. I don't enjoy seeing characters who barely know each other hooking up, not because I'm prudish, but because I have no investment in the characters. This... We had to work for this. 🥰
In searching for other fan content, I've discovered that Rush and Amanda aren't a well-liked pairing (go figure, I like a canon ship and it's one no one likes lmaooooooo). I've found that I see this pairing quite differently from its critics; to me, it felt very female-focused. Yes, Amanda clearly only exists to be The Main Guy's love interest, but I found that, apart from the fridging, the ship was very much focused on her desires. She was not a thing to be pursued. She had agency and took initiative. She felt like a whole person to me, not just a pretty doll.
I also enjoyed the hell out of the awkwardness. I don't get secondhand embarrassment. I get the opposite of that. I LIVE for cringe. fr what even was this scene???
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"So, you wanna make out or something?"
"Yes, obviously, I fist bumped you. That's pretty much 1st base."
God what a fucking dork
"No, 3rd base is not when a man rolls up his sleeve so you can see his forearms."
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I drew them~ They're gonna hold hands bang >:] As you can see from the date, I drew this last year, very shortly after watching Seizure for the first time (I colored it yesterday, though, for this). I liked this pairing right away, and honestly, I was hoping Rush would pay Amanda a visit on earth via the stones after Sabotage. I'm not exactly thrilled that the writers chose to go for two double-fridgings, but the computer ghost thing creates a lot of possibilities for fanfic. I'd also like to have seen them interacting on earth before the Icarus mission.
As a final thought, I also love seeing someone who has been so deeply hurt learning to love again. I'm so disappointed SGU didn't get more seasons, because this would have been interesting to explore further with Rush and Amanda as a proper couple once she got off her bullshit and accepted that he did love her oh my God Mandy he killed that guy for you don't stand there and try to tell him he doesn't love you godddddddddddddd
Anyway, here are some of my favorite meme comics I've made. ^^
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They were close friends for years. You cannot convince me that she didn't know exactly what he was like, nor can you convince me that she doesn't love it. 😉
"I'm not codependent! I'm obsessed with you a normal amount!"
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In my experience, the key to a successful relationship is to find your person, and then you just annoy the shit out of each other for the rest of your lives (consensually, of course).
I also fully believe that there is no way on God's green earth that Rush would ever willingly watch a Syfy Channel original movie.
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He does like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid... Through shitposting with friends, it has become "canon" that Bonanza is one of like, 3 TV shows Rush actually watches. The other two are Nova and House. Amanda, who watched a lot of classic sitcoms with her grandparents as a child with no social life, is unfortunately not a fan of westerns.
That's okay. He can fix her. 🤎
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I have an ongoing series (up to 5 parts now) where Rush Definitely Understands the Trolley Problem. This is the first one.
I should really post those here.
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She knows his secret >:]
Also this takes place in the future so they're married now shut up let me have this they're cute
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God what a lightweight
That's okay nothing's gonna stop her from getting white girl wasted on Brody's moonshine #YOLO
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This was inspired by a fun exchange I had with a friend. It's "canon" in my comics and in progress fic that Amanda watched Wormhole X-treme to prepare for working at the SGC (she is so normal), and read whatever mission reports she had clearance for when she wasn't doing Mega Serious Spaceship Work.
If Rush can bully her into watching cowboy shows, she can bully him right back into watching space shows. This will backfire spectacularly. 😂
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