#but god younger me didn't understand what being not alone was so they couldn't guess this shit
coff-in · 5 months
We can have Toxic!Siblings Graves x Y/N (Andrew and Reader Romantic) (Ashley and Reader platonic)
Y/N would have been the babysitter when they were just kids, it wasn't by choice obviously, as Y/N's parents were working all day and couldn't leave a child alone all day, while Mrs. Graves simply couldn't. He wanted to take care of his own children.
So they decided to make Y/N a full-time babysitter for the Graves family, she gets food and isn't left alone while the Graves Siblings are taken care of, everyone wins :D (Sarcasm)
Their relationship was a little tense at first, Leyley was a pest to Y/N, calling her several names and accusing her of stealing her brother, which resulted in the two fighting all the time.
Even so, she didn't understand why Leyley still insisted on staying close to her, she didn't know that for Leyley, Y/N was the closest thing to a mother she had.
While for Andy, he found it strange to obey someone who is only 1 year older than him, but he liked the idea of someone looking out for him.
Until the infamous box day arrived.
Andrew felt so overwhelmed by that day, that he started to become more clingy/protective towards Y/N, as she was the only one who was understanding of his feelings, who became his safe haven and he was afraid of losing that. .
It got to the point where he and his sister created false rumors about dating/friends so that Y/N wouldn't abandon them.
The two siblings didn't know that Y/N knew that they killed Nina, she just didn't tell them because Mrs. Graves (out of a minimal maternal feeling) threatened her by saying that she was also an accomplice, since she should be taking care of them.
Because of this, as time passed, Y/N began to behave colder/aggressive/distant towards most people, especially her parents. Since they were responsible for her being practically abandoned and for practically selling her childhood to be a "mother" of two brats that no one wanted to take care of.
Until we reach Chapter 2, after sacrificing Mr and Mrs. Graves, Y/N received an amulet from the Demon that is capable of entering the dreams and memories of others while she sleeps. Then she accidentally manages to see the memories of Andrew and Ashley that they made with her behind her back.
note from coff-in: GOD THIS IS SO YUMMY!!! i love how long and detailed the ask is as it gives me something to build off of (which is always welcomed, i’m not always the creative i want to be). thank you so much for requesting! i think my characterization of andrew and ashley was a little wonky. i tried watching playthroughs of the game to see how they talk and think but i literally get too flustered to look at them whenever they're on screen, hahaha!! more Ashley focused than what you migh've hoped for but i tried my best to keep her interactions and thinking platonic and andrew's romantic. this was a wonderful idea and i have to thank you again so, so, so much for requesting. please enjoy!!!
[fem] reader-insert, reader is older than andrew by 1 year
Like a worm to an apple, they've carved their way into your life.
[reader] fucking hates the Graves siblings, hahaha!
Okay, maybe she doesn’t hate them, but [reader] definitely has a strained relationship with Andrew and Ashley. I don’t think that the quarantine helped them out much either. [reader]’s parents not only abandoned her and left her to become a parent of kids not that younger than her, but they actually sold her off. They probably heard of the quarantine from Mrs. Graves and decided that it sounded fun, I guess.
Ashley mellowed out her hatred towards [reader] as they grew up together. I don’t think we’ve ever seen Ashley interact with someone she sees as a friend (besides Andrew). I think she’d be very possessive over them. [reader] is her friend! She should be focusing on her and Andrew and no one else!
She and [reader] probably share clothes in the quarantine since [reader]’s clothes would all be at her home (wherever that would be…)
Andrew’s fucking living the dream. The rumors he and Ashley spread of them and [reader] worked to keep [reader] close but I don’t think that [reader] actually dated Andrew. I mean, if the boy you babysat during your childhood killed a little girl and got away with it, would you date him?
The quarantine has given him and [reader] that forced proximity that he hopes would work to get her into his arms. (And maybe under the sheets, too…? Hehehehe!)
He would go to [reader] during the night to sleep in the same bed during his nightmares. I think he would also go to Ashley for comfort from his nightmares, too, since she was actually there when Nina died (I’m pretty sure that’s what the nightmares were about) but this is just a personal thought/headcanon of mine.
Overall, they’re both clingy, possessive and kinda obsessive over [reader] and she hates it. Their relationship changed once they killed and cannibalized their cultist neighbor. With Nina, [reader] didn’t really have a choice… she wasn’t there in the room when they killed her in that box and Mrs. Graves didn’t allow her to tell the authorities to rightfully send these fuckers to jail!
“You’re an accomplice” my ass, [reader] thinks to herself.
But now? Sharing a meal with the two people she despises the most next to her parents, made with the blood and flesh of another human? Yeah, she can’t possibly say that she’s an innocent party now.
Once the gang pulls up at the hotel [reader] is ready to leave the Graves’s asses. This is her chance at freedom now! She doesn’t need to babysit them anymore, they’re fucking adults now!
Her chances are dashed once the hitman comes over to try and kill them. I never mentioned the demon and the vision trinket but I’m sure [reader] tries to block it out from her mind as much as possible. Kinda hard to do it now that she knows that yes, the trinket does work, and yes, there are actual fucking demons that exist in their world.
At the Graves parent’s house, [reader] probably wouldn’t do too much there. Obviously she can’t talk Ashley out of sacrificing them and Andrew is more-or-less aboard with the idea. [reader] just kinda stands out of the way when it comes to the bondage and actual killing/sacrificing part. I think [reader] would sleep with Ashley in the basement much to Andrew’s chagrin.
“[reader]? Are you okay?” Ashley looked at [reader]’s side profile as they lay on the floor next to each other. “You haven’t said much since we got here.”
[reader] stayed quiet. In all honesty, she was probably disassociating at that moment. Looking back at her memories in hopes of finding a piece of happiness lost somewhere so she can grab it. This whole fucking ‘adventure’ has been a total shitshow… 
“If it’ll make you feel better, we could kill your parents afterward.” Ashley offered carefully.
“Why the fuck would we do that…?” [reader] didn’t look at Ashley and continued to stare at the ceiling. She tried to focus on the cool concrete of the ground, the darkness that covered the walls, and their victims sleeping just upstairs.
“They weren’t any better than our parents, were they? I heard our parents talking when you were younger… you’re another child that wasn’t wanted. Just like me and Andy!” She smiled at [reader] as she got up to sneak towards the staircase. “It’s something that’ll bring us together! We’ll be orphans and friends! Unwanted children to the very end!”
When they finally sacrifice the Graves parents, everyone is shocked that the demon decides to give [reader] a trinket of her own. It’s a simple trinket in the shape of an eye with three stars dangling from it. It looks very similar to Ashley’s trinket.
That night (or day, I guess?) [reader] wanders about the demon/dreamscape and finds the memory of Andrew and Ashley spreading rumors. (You mentioned that it was on accident, so maybe she was trying to avoid looking at Ashley’s respective vision for the route you wanna go down). I mean, it’s not too hard. Who knows where any of those doors that litter the place will lead?
“Did you know that [reader] my friend?” Ashley would tell other students during lunch at school. “She’s my best friend even, so I don’t need you guys to sit with me or anything!” The other classmates give her demeaning leers and skeptical stares as Ashley turns away to find you in the cafeteria.
“What a fucking weirdo… there’s no way [reader] would be friends with her.”
“She’s probably lying about it.”
“I could see her and [reader] being friends… doesn’t she babysit her and Andrew?”
“Isn’t [reader] dating Andrew? Someone said that Andrew and [reader] were dating…”
What the fuck? What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck?
Anger starts to boil up in [reader]’s veins as they replay that interaction in their mind. They’ve been pulling the fucking strings from the start. They’d been slowing sinking their teeth around her neck until she was trapped in their jaws, unable to escape the hell of their design.
What. The. Fuck!
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liminalpebble · 11 months
Stray: Part 7
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Stray: Part 7
His human came home that evening slightly late, but absolutely elated. Loki felt his heart swell to nearly bursting when he saw your smile. You breezed in and immediately lifted him and kissed him on the nose, then snuggled him close and kissed his velvety head.
“Oh, Loki. I've had such an amazing day!” you said flitting around, putting groceries away and kicking off your heels, nearly dancing with joy. “Mr. Mullen called me to his office and he's giving me a chance! He even apologized for being such an ass before.”
Good, Loki thought with a devious smirk. I guess he does value being in one piece.
He watched as you stroked the lovely purple cardigan then reluctantly took it off, placed it on a hanger, and smoothed out the delicate fabric with care.
Sweet mortal! Loki thought, You needn't be so careful with it. It's not some great treasure...just a token. I would get you hundreds of them, one for every day of the year, in every color. I would see that you never feel cold again.
But then he remembered the kind of creature you are, grateful for everything, expecting nothing, treating every good thing, person, and gift as something precious. He watched as you took a professional outfit out of a Mullen's Department Store bag and laid it out on the sofa. The crisp new fabric of the pencil skirt was a sharp contrast to the threadbare upholstery.
“Well Loki, what do you think? I've never had to buy office clothes before. I'm not sure about it but Tammy helped me pick it out.”
“Meow”. I approve! Very classy...but you'd look so much lovelier in an Asgardian court gown with a crown upon your head. That would be more befitting your beauty.
His human chuckled, and seemed to only understand his affirmation. “Thank you. I'm so glad you like it. I have a feeling you have great taste,” you said as you massaged between his ears until he purred with satisfaction. Sitting, you gathered him more closely into your arms, meeting his lovely, rare eyes and said, “You know...ever since I found you, everything has gotten better. I mean...not just the good luck of a promotion and meeting Henry. Just...you make every day better. I was so alone before. Thank you, little kitten. You're so important to me.”
You stroked his back and all he could do was purr as he floated on your praise. He had never felt such sheer pleasure from bringing joy to another being. Loki had also rarely ever been praised for anything either...mostly told to shut up or stop. He was ecstatic, bursting at the seams. He longed to reveal himself to you and finally ask you to spend your lives together on a grand adventure, but how could he? How would you believe him? How would you take it?
Come on, Loki ,he encouraged himself, you're the god of mischief. Scheming is what you do. Do it for a glorious purpose this time.
Patience was never his favorite thing, but he was determined to try it for his sweet human. The younger prince of Asgard felt an unusual pang of anxiety. Loki rarely faced anything in his long life that presented a true challenge or obstacle; but here it was before him. You were worth it, he decided. For you, and only you, he would find a way.
That weekend you didn't receive a call from Henry. You did, however receive a letter in your mailbox in that same lovely handwriting on green and gold paper.
I know there is Fall Carnival is this weekend at that lovely orchard outside of town, and I have never attended such an event before. Would you be my date for the day? Meet me in front of your building at 3 pm on Saturday and we'll have a splendid day together.
Reading the note, you couldn't help smiling so wide your cheeks hurt. What an odd man! Sending courtly letters instead of calling like a normal person. It was incredibly charming, though; idiosyncratic in a way that inclined you to trust him. You guessed he wasn't so perfectly confident after all, if phone calls scared him. You couldn't blame him though. They scared you too.
So on Saturday, just before 3 pm, you kissed the little cat goodbye, then swung out the door in the one nice pair of jeans you owned and a sturdy raincoat, excitement and anticipation crackling through your bloodstream.
Loki's irrepressible Cheshire cat grin unfurled across his face as he turned to see you hurrying toward your front door. You couldn't believe how handsome 'Henry' he looked; like an English country gentlemen, with his perfectly coordinated leather boots and coat. Evaluating your own ratty hiking boots and dated parka you felt like slinking away in embarrassment, but it was far too late for that.
Still, he kissed your hand like a princess and said, “Darling! Thank you for joining me today. You look absolutely lovely!”
“Henry...I look like I'm going hiking...and possibly like I'm living in a tent. I feel terribly under-dressed next to you.”
He looked genuinely concerned for a moment. “Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel self-conscious. I'm sure we'll be equally muddy by the end of the day, in any case,” he paused, looking deeply into your eyes, “and I'm sure you look lovely in anything at all.”
“You, sir, are dangerously charming,” you quipped, scrunching your nose in that adorable way you often did. You couldn't know how the little habit always made him fall to pieces.
At the orchard the carnival rides were in full frenzied swing. The hundreds of multi-color bulbs painted swaths of pulsing color around the makeshift amusement park and further into the fields beyond. The rusty omnipresent hue of old machinery blended into the natural coppery-colored remainders of autumn foliage. You walked through the crowd, each holding cups of warm cider and talking between languid steps and steamy sips.
“You know, in all the years I've lived here,” you said, “I've never come to this carnival. Thank you for giving me a nudge to do it.”
“My absolute pleasure,” he assured you. “I've never been here either.”
You just observed his lovely patrician face for a moment until he finally noticed and said, “What is it?”
You grinned and stopped in your tracks, “Uh...nothing...it's nothing...just. You seem like some kind of incredibly fairytale prince...the way you talk, and your fine clothes and gifts and...and leaving letters instead of calling. How did you know my address, by the way?”
“Ah...well...Janet helped me out with that one. She said it was very romantic and was happy to be in on it,” he said with a shy grin.
You chuckled knowingly, “Well it is, and you are incredibly disarming, but you already know that. And she's still so young. Her whole world revolves around romance. Life hasn't taken that from her yet. I hope it doesn't.”
You both continued walking but he tilted his head to observe you. Some unspoken sadness flickered across your face; some history of aching rejection he had yet to discern. It was a scar, and he wanted to kiss it.
“What? Don't you think romance makes life worth living?”
You scoffed at him, assuming he was being sarcastic, but his eyes were completely innocent and sincere. “Well...I don't know. I never counted on it or looked for it. There were always more practical concerns. I figured if I told myself I didn't want or need it, it wouldn't hurt so much to never have it.” You shrugged. “It just always seemed like something meant for other people, not me. So I looked for joy and meaning in everything else,” you said looking around thoughtfully, “...in kindness, in the things I get excited about learning, in the small beautiful parts of life. Even on the bad days I try not to take anything for granted.”
“Wow,” he said, “are you some kind of saint?”
You raised and eyebrow at him and said, “I assure you. I'm far from it.” And I'd like to show you personally how far from it I could be, you thought and then pushed it away just as quickly.
“I have sad and weak and angry days. I have days where I want to scream and jump out of my fucking window. I often feel alone and...different. I wonder what's wrong with me that I don't let anyone get too close.”
He considered this. “ You are different, and it's wonderful.” He realize he was staring. It was making you uncomfortable, so he changed tact slightly, reorganizing his thoughts. “Well, it's no great mystery, right? You've dealt with being hurt and disregarded by the people who were supposed to love you. That's a deep wound, and now your impulse is to survive...but maybe...just maybe, you could thrive while you're at it?”
You gave him a cautious grin, “That's a lovely thought...here's to hoping. I haven't felt hope for awhile, but it's making an appearance lately,” you said, toasting his your little paper cup with his and downing the last sips of your hot cider. When you both drained your cups, you were surprised to see Henry suddenly crumple his cup, throw it to the ground, and shout “Another!”. He quickly realized from the startled faces around him that his Asgardian gesture of appreciation must not be a universal one. “Oh,” he said with a chuckle, picking up the little cup; throwing it and yours into the garbage can. “I'm terribly sorry! Force of habit...it's a Scandinavian thing.”
You giggled a musical irrepressible laugh, and he felt himself go weak under its spell. He wanted to hear you laugh like that as often as possible. You pointed a finger against his firm chest stepped slightly closer, so the icy clouds of your breath mingled in the crisp air, “You are a delightfully odd man, Henry. I like you. I...I really like you,” you said, making eye contact. He met your gaze so intensely that you forgot to breathe. His hand curled around yours resting it against the soft leather of his coat. “I like you too, darling. So...so much. I know it's cliché and makes me sound utterly insane but I feel so comfortable with you...like I was meant to know you my whole life.”
You were stunned for a moment; partially because you felt entirely the same way, and partially because that did sound utterly insane. While your mind struggled to wrap around what he had just said, he massaged your hand gently and exclaimed, “My god! Darling, you're absolutely frozen. I should get you some gloves next time.” He untied his large wine-red scarf from his own neck and wrapped it around yours, then bundled your hands carefully in the draping ends.
Loki longed to kiss you in that moment. He wanted to kiss you so badly it ached within him every moment he didn't, but he found he couldn't, which puzzled him. He had never had any hesitation with kissing anyone before. Loki had never known the experience of nervousness or self-consciousness in romance...until now.
Why! He shouted within his mind You idiot, why aren't you kissing her right now?
Then a smaller voice within his mind piped up; an uncertain voice of his younger more insecure self, Because, what if I don't deserve her?
You were disappointed. He could see it clearly in your eyes. You wanted it just as much as he did, and the liminal silent tension was wearing on your both.
You couldn't bring yourself to initiate a kiss he might not want, so instead you wrapped your arms around his lanky waist and snuggled into his chest affectionately, whispering a simple “thank you”. Loki paused for a moment, stunned by the gesture, amazed to have you in his arms. Suddenly he gripped you very tightly, as if afraid you might drift away like a perfect dream upon waking. He felt a tear roll down his cheek in the icy air, first warm and then cool against his skin as he enjoyed the weight of you against him, close to him.
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moononmyfloor · 2 months
Dashing Youth Ep 22-25 Commentary
Ep 1-10, Ep 11-16, Ep 17-21, Ep 22-25, Ep 26-32, Ep 33-35, Ep 36-40
Ep 22
That's it. I've found my most favorite Cdrama character of the year. Do I love everything about him? No. Is he very relatable? No. Is he the best acting performance of the year? No. But heavens forbid if Master Li is written in a way that is just SO understandable and consistent for the setup of a sunny fearless youth who became an immortal and grew weary and bored with time, and decided to just stop with immortality and take one more chance at truly enjoying the mortal world so he could die satisfied. He's just so fucking intriguing to me I could write a 5 page essay about him! I guess I have already written about 2.5!
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Dingzhi baby I wish you stop trying to hoard all your grievances and responsibilities in your heart all alone 😔 Tbh can't blame him, that's what happens when you were brutally stripped from your family and friends as a child and grew up with noone but an equally sad master, it stops occurring to you that you need to depend on other people sometimes. And it's not like Dongjun is the brightest bulb in the room to get a proper reading of everything Dingzhi is hiding behind his dazzling grins.
On the positive notes, Changfeng finally seems to be here to stay! Finally! They sleep seperated by a homophobic modesty table tho, boo
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Ep 23
Presses play on Dashing Youth ep 23
*immeadietely spits tea out
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Yeah I'm.... reading that dialogue.... bit differently. Cough
What's going on 😭
Dude my bois were peacefully having their first time nobody asked you to invite yourself in huhu
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That was so impolite to just crash and flash!!!
Oh my gods lol. Never make an enemy of Master Li. He will do planned cockblocking on you few decades in advance, AND make you and your partner the CEOs of his company, and sashay away to have his own honeymoon 🤣 You wouldn't have the time to say Jack Robinson.
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I love how he developed a soft spot for Changfeng. I mean, who wouldn't
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And Changfeng is like: I literally don't know how I got to this point of my life but boy I'm gonna have a good time
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He's the underdog sidekick who ended up the ultimate winner and he wouldn't be able to explain how. He's so inspiring like all you have to do is being a nice person and mind your own business and treat your friends with honesty and the rest will work out by themselves.
Man I'm just so bloody uninterested in Dongjun/Yue Yao tho🤣
Dingzhi is that infamous bad boy in high school who is actually a doll and ends up winning over all the head-teachers to everyone's surprise
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Ep 24
Ughh the wedding is going to take place I'm nauseous and I want to murder Wenjun's dad
Go, my boy. Even though you two will only get a pocket of happiness, you should get it. 😔
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Ep 25
*screaming my head off
I fucking hate you so much. You are not a good guy but you aren't willing to full-on embrace that you are a bad guy either, which makes you a good politician and a good candidate for the throne and therefore the absolute worst scum. Bah.
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Gods I think the last time I saw (and cared for) a het estranged couple (plus the girl being forced into a romantic/sexual arrangement she didn't want) was in Shaolin Wendao, but at least there was solace at the end of the story for the sheer agony the characters and the viewers went through. And I already know there will be none for Dashing Youth😭 Why am I doing this to myself.
I need to rewatch BoY just so I can see the younger gen stand up to the monarchy that their parents gen couldn't topple.
Grandparents: "For the greater good" let's downplay the corruption and raise our kids worry-free. If we close our eyes, the evil doesn't exist.
Parents: Dreamers, romantics, unprepared for the cruelty of the world, everyone gets heartbroken and traumatised for life
Kids: Fuck all this we can barely pay rent
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yxstxrdrxxm · 10 months
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SYNOPSIS: They lost you years ago in Border Springs, but now, they have their second chance to get you back to them.
TW/S: Yandere behavior, major character death/s, delusional thinking/mindset, non-canon to original Coviello, train conductor! Coviello is insane here actually, gore, forced cannibalism of certain parts, drugs (heavily implied to be used), Sweet Dreams AU (plot is basically nonexistent because I thought of writing this as an imagines... At 1 AM lol. God help me), unreliable narrator (that's me)
NOTE: Please keep in mind that Coviello is not my oc, but my good friend, Mei (@zhongrin/@meimeimeirin)! I teased to her and a few others about this so I hope this is enough lol.
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████████ didn't understood the concept of love.
Ever since they were a kid, they have never grasped the matter of love. They've red books about it, and even asked others their own views on the matter, but nothing stuck.
████████ didn't understand why... And it frustrated them.
Just what was it that made them lost? What is it about love that made people so pathetic over it?
Despite their grievances, things did change when they encountered you. Little 9 year old ████████, frustrated by the events that made them struggle to grasp emotions, had met someone that evoked and expressed them so seamlessly.
Their blue eyes caught sight of you.
You were a bit younger than them— maybe 2 years younger?— but ████████ couldn't help to think on approaching you first. You were folding a few papers while sitting under the shade, and they couldn't help but be curious.
"... Hey."
Your head moved over to look at them.
They look... A little dirty. But they're happy.
Why is that?
"Hm? What is it?"
"What are you doing?" ████████ couldn't help but ask, their eyes fixated on you folding the paper a few times.
They tilted their head when you laughed at their question, this time grabbing their sleeve to pull them down to sit beside you.
"I'm folding a paper crane! Mama taught me how!"
████████'s eyes softened. Your speech needed a bit of work, but they can let it slide. Not everyone can learn how to speak, let alone make cranes.
"Do you want me to teach you?"
It was their turn to be caught by surprise, just like how ████████ did to you.
"To make paper cranes, duh!" you said, giggling. "Do you wanna learn how?"
... It's not worth it.
".. alright. I guess that's fine."
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There were certain days that Coviello cherished.
Despite having such a rough life, the conductor can still remember the sweet memories they had. That was the first time they remembered meeting you— the one that opened their stubborn mind to the world.
They couldn't help but wonder... Was it because they're drawn to you? Like a moth to a flame?
Or was it because, at the time, you were lonely?
Like me?
Tsk. They wouldn't be.
Still, Coviello reached over to brush at the worn paper, the crane still standing tall. They could even see the pencil written on it's wings. It was your chicken handwriting— they knew that well, since they've seen it so often when you were both kids— but it made them feel nostalgic.
Despite the words being smudged and faded, their eyes can still make out what was written from the dirtied, yellow paper:
[ H█p██ ██r██day ████████! — January 22, 20XX ]
The name of the recipient was smudged, but it was fine. They did the best they could to preserve it, but sometimes, there may be things that is inevitable.
And one such thing is how they were separated, torn from the one they cherished as their friend.
Recalling how it went, Coviello scoffed. They hated remembering it, for it felt like they didn't knew the truth behind the incident. So what if they hurt you? They reasoned that it was an accident— a fluke!
You even reasoned with them, so how—
The train's whistle cut off their thoughts.
Ah. We reached our stop.
Putting on their hat and uniform, they adjusted the vest and gloves, just so they'd look... Decent. Even if that won't change, they felt as though they needed to do it out of habit.
It's the only 'normal' they had.
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"Ah, excuse me."
Coviello's eyes shifted when they noticed you dozing off. Although they were shocked to see you at first, they were pleased. Finally, you were here on the train, leaving Midport, too.
Although, you were tired... How strange. That's not good, mused the conductor.
"You seem tired," Coviello commented, putting on their familiar smile as they pulled out their pen and notepad. "Do you want me to get you anything?"
They watched you eye them carefully, seeing the cogs in your brain work as it tries to think if they were familiar to your memories before.
Alas, they could tell that you gave up on it, considering you gave them a sorry excuse of a smile and nodded.
"I'd like a cup of coffee, please," you told them, making them write down what you requested.
"Huh? Is the conductor takin' drinks now?" hollered one voice. A man, Coviello presumed.
"Heyyy conductor! Can we get free drinks, too?"
Coviello's smile twitched for a second, but they turned to the man— ah, of course. They should've known that it would be a tourist... And a couple.
Hmph. They're married, judging by those rings.
"Of course. What would you like?" they asked, remaining that professional smile amidst the icy tone and stare.
Unperturbed by their subtle shift of attitude, the man laughed, amused at the thought. He turned to his newly married wife, a grin on his face.
"What do you want, babe?"
"Oh, I just want a sweet drink with lots of love, hehe!"
"Aww, you always say that. You're so cute, darling!"
"Noooo, you're cuter than me!"
Coviello had tuned out of most of their... 'conversation', only nodding and taking notes when its necessary. They've dealt with annoyances like them in the past, but it was never to this degree.
Still, they wished it'd be done now. They have your drink to brew.
One that they would take their sweet time with, of course.
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They knew that, morally speaking, they were in the wrong to have messed with your head like that. But what were they supposed to do?
The train conductor was a simple person. They only wanted one thing that'd make them happy, and they weren't one to ask for anything else. Hell, they never asked for anything to change— so as long they'd get to have it, of course.
They wanted their friend.
... Or, rather, the one who opened their eyes to the world.
Their friend had been the one that stuck by them, but even they couldn't help and think that they were too good for everyone else. Maybe even for them, too.
The irony of wanting something... And also pushing it away out of spite.
Such is the fault of humanity.
Though, during both of your separation, you've grown stronger. Wiser, even. You were naive back when they were your only friend as a child, but now in the train, you were cautious.
Coviello didn't knew if that is something they should praise you for, or to loathe, considering how difficult it has been just to get you to settle in place. Alas, they have to digress.
Walking past the empty halls of the train, they couldn't help but spare a glance to the windows. They were still the same as they saw it, but if one looked closely, they'd see some odd patches on the window panes and fabric, like it wasn't cleaned and got stuck.
They knew what that was.
Whoever can see it would understand that very well.
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"... Hm? What's wrong?"
Coviello crouched down in front of the married woman, their eyes remaining dead as they were as they watched her quiver and shake. Gasping, they pushed themselves away from the conductor, the sight of the cup scaring them.
"Didn't you say you wanted a drink that is filled with love?"
Snatching the cup, they grabbed her chin and firmly kept it in place, stained gloves gripping on her head to turn her as they raised it.
Oh, they knew what they made. The contents inside it can scare someone, but not them.
"Drink it," they ordered, placing the thumb of their hand to part her lips. Placing the rim of the cup in her mouth, they could hear her choke out sobs.
"Drink it. You asked for it, didn't you?"
She couldn't shake her head when she could feel the crimson liquid stain her mouth, some spilling out at the sides and below, letting it stain her attire. It was even worse when Coviello tilted it higher, letting the eye slip in her mouth.
How unhygienic, mused Coviello. But that's alright.
They're quite used to cleaning things up themselves.
Shoving every last drop of the unholiest drinks known to man, they could hear the soft shuffling from outside. Pausing, they lowered the cup, their eyes darting from the doorway.
It was left ajar.
Coviello knew what that meant.
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If there is something they're quite proud of, it'd be that they can always find you.
Wherever you are, whatever place you ended up in, Coviello always knows where to look first. In fact, it had been something they held their pride on, in a sick and twisted way.
It simply shows that even if you were separated from them, you'll always find yourself back in their arms, one way or another.
Still... Coviello couldn't deny that your escape was futile. It had been fueled by survival instincts, and they remembered just how fearful you got when they caught you.
They may enjoy your company, but they don't enjoy being abandoned without an explanation.
Stepping to the second cart, they checked one of the rooms inside to see if you were there. Their lips seem to stretch to a smile upon seeing that yes, you were.
Maybe they were harsh to have your legs be bound like a mermaid's tail, or to have you consume such a lethal drink from misbehaving the last time. Though, they ignored that now.
To them, they got what they wanted.
It's such a shame that no one will find out where they went, though. Especially to the ones who had received the kiss of death.
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@.throw-letter-away | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2023
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confinedinthisflesh · 2 years
i crave friendship
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Personal Training (Choi Jongho + Song Mingi) Rated
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Pairing: Dilf! Choi Jongho × Younger! Reader (Female) × Dilf! Song Mingi
Genre: Smut, Slight Angst, Fluff.
Summary: Wanting to get closer to her P.T for so long, who would have thought it would take his friend to be able to break the tension between them?
Word Count: 4.6+K
Warnings: Age differences (but still within legal boundaries), public sex, thigh riding, oral (male and female receiving), face fucking, orgasm denial, slight size kink, slight degradation, brief mention of the word 'daddy', unprotected sex (always use protection), creampie, threesome, Dom! Jongho, Dom! Mingi, Sub! Reader.
Taglist: @galaxteez @multidreams-and-desires @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers @yunhoiseyecandy @brie02 @deja-vux @daniblogs164 @couchpotatoaniki @a-soft-hornytiny
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"Oh god no."
The muscular male let out a long and exhausted sigh as he watched the perky and enthusiastic trainee wave at him as she poked her head at the entrance door to the gym. His athletic friend next to him heard his exhaustion and looked to see what the source of the trouble was.
"Who's that Jongho?" He pointed to the girl who was letting herself inside the gym, hassling a little when her bag got caught as the door was closing.
"That's Y/N, the newest person I'm training. You know? The one I told you about?"
The light bulb went off in his friend's head, recalling Jongho mentioning bits and pieces of information about the new trainee that enlisted his help. He looked back at the young woman, assessing her briefly with his eyes.
"She's cute."
Jongho shook his head as he picked up the weight he had dropped when he heard the excited voice call out to him.
"Yeah I know Mingi. Too cute." He grumbled.
The lively girl ran up to her P.T and the stranger that she had never seen before, but one look at him and she was just as mesmerized by him like she was with her trainer. He was taller than Jongho and although not as bulky as him, he still had a handful of muscles that were making her weak.
"So what are we working on today?"
Jongho gave her a puzzled look.
"Ummm we're not scheduled to train today Y/N. Remember? It's sort of a holiday, hence why the gym is empty." He reminded her, although it didn't surprise him that she'd show up just to see him.
"If we're not supposed to be here, then why are you here?" She counteracted his statement, arms crossing over her chest as her foot tapped against the floor mat.
Jongho looked over to Mingi, who looked like he was about to burst out laughing, lips pursed tightly to keep from making a sound.
"Me and my friend were actually just leaving now Y/N, so it was really pointless for you to come. Just go out, have fun with friends. Have a little cheat day if you even want." He tried everything to get the girl to leave, hoping she'd get convinced. He thought he made good progress when she slumped her bag over her shoulder, but he was wrong. Y/N wasn't about to let him go that easily.
"Then may I join you two? I don't have any plans for the day and I'd just...really like to spend some time with you today Coach." She bit her lip at him, hoping he'd get the hint.
Jongho's eyes nearly bulged out of his sockets, his friend turning around to take a sip of his water bottle as he slowly walked away from the pair, smirking to himself at how funny the situation was. Clearing his throat, Jongho stood up straighter and looked Y/N in the eye.
"I'm- I'm sorry Y/N, I think that it'll be best for you to go now."
He turned around and began picking up his stuff, trying to ignore the fact she was not only still standing behind him, but was actually coming closer to him.
"Do you not think I'm pretty coach? Am I not attractive enough for you? Have you never thought about me in that way.....even once?" He could hear the heartbreak in her voice, positive that if he turned to look at her, a childish pout would be plastered on her features. Indeed, as he glanced briefly back at her, her bottom lip was slightly quivering.
"I think you're very beautiful Y/N, but thinking about you in that way, much less getting into a relationship with one of my trainees is very unprofessional. So I think it's best if we keep our ties strictly business related. Plus..... I'm way older than you."
She shook her head at that,
"So? I don't mind the age difference and it could stay a secret between us if you'd like." She took his hand in her own, squeezing them as if her life depended on it, her eyes begging him to finally say yes.
"Y/N I..... I'm sorry. I can't."
Pulling his hand away, Jongho quickly gathered his stuff before rushing past her to make his way to the showers, leaving the helpless girl there stunned and with a hollow feeling. She looked at his figure that disappears with a heartfelt longing. She couldn't understand why he was so cold to her. There's no way he wasn't attracted to her, she'd caught him staring at her one too many times while she did squats and there was even that time where he nearly kissed her as he helped her do crunches. So why did he avoid her as if she had the plague. She didn't realize that she wasn't completely alone until she felt a figure looming behind her.
"Tsk tsk tsk. What a shame to leave such a pretty and young woman like that when she's practically throwing herself at you. He always was rather dense and stoic you know."
Placing his hands gently on her shoulders, Mingi rubbed his thumbs on the top of them, a slight smile tugging at one of the corner's of his lips.
"If I were him, I wouldn't hesitate to say yes to someone like you."
Y/N shuddered slightly when she felt his lips press against her ear.
"I'm not Jongho, but if you wanna forget about him for a few minutes, I'll be in the male sauna room. If you're interested of course." Even though she couldn't see his face, Y/N could practically feel his lascivious smile bearing down on her smaller figure, and it made her press her thighs together. Patting her on the bum with a firm grip, Y/N inadvertently exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding in as she watched Mingi send her a flirty wink before making his way down the hall and out of her sight. Her teeth tugged at her bottom lip as she pondered over Mingi's words. She wasn't going to deny that he wasn't attractive. He was devilishly handsome, not to mention tall as hell and the size difference between them was making her soak her panties even more. And she had absolutely nothing else to do......
What was the worse that could happen?
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Hearing the door open then close immediately, Mingi smiled at the figure that had just came in, her body covered by the small towel tucked around her chest. Looking her up and down, Mingi not so subtly grazed over the bulge that was already poking out from underneath the towel tied around his waist.
"So you actually came. I'm actually quite surprised."
Patting his lap, he beckoned for her to come over and place herself on top of it, which she obediently did with no hesitation. When she sat down, the knot at the front of the towel came loose, nearly falling down, but luckily she caught it just in time before anything peaked out.
"Oh come now little one, don't be shy. Why don't you show me that pretty body of yours?" Mingi lifted his hands to her waist, smoothing out the cotton fabric that was keeping him from gazing upon her bare figure.
Lifting herself up just slightly, Y/N slowly peeled the towel off herself, letting it drop to the floor before perching herself back on top of Mingi's thick thighs.
"Oh geez. You're even more stunning than I imagined. Absolutely breathtaking."
Y/N closed her eyes as she let Mingi wander his large hands across her bare body. She felt embarrassed about being unable to contain her soft, murmured shaky breaths as he cupped both breasts in his palms and massaged them amply. She shuddered when his thumbs brushed back and forth across her nipples, highly sensitive to any touch placed on them. Mingi of course knew this and thus decided to take advantage of it. He tweaked and pinched at her tiny buds, enjoying the tiny shrills she was voicing out.
"If you're already like this with my hands on your chest, how will you be when I play with that pussy of yours my little one?"
Y/N emitted a long groan, her already aroused core secreting more slick that was pooling on the towel underneath her. She didn't think that nickname would affect her so much, but it was definitely doing something.
"Like being called that? Like being reminded that I'm not only taller but also much older than you doll?" And he hit on another one of her weaknesses, turning her into absolutely putty, even more so as his hand came down to brush against her mound.
"You really are something else doll. Jongho told me several things about you. Showing up in skimpy workout clothes just so he'd look at you, purposefully bending over so he'd check out your ass. Even asking him for help during stretching just so he'd lay his hands on you. By the looks of it, you're just a little slut that wants to get fucked so badly."
Y/N whined as his fingers came down to work on her clit, swirling around it in a slow and gentle pace.
"You're so dirty you even accepted to get fucked by your crush's best friend because you're that desperate." Mingi shook his head with a fake disappointment. His fingers started to go a little faster, rubbing fervently across her little button. Y/N's breathing started to quicken as well, her hips grinding against Mingi's thigh to the rhythm he moved his fingers on her clit.
"It kinda irks me to know I'm just a replacement for Jongho......" He let out an amused scoff as he suddenly halted all movements on her clit.
"Guess I'll have to fuck you so damn hard so you forget he even exists."
Y/N gasped when she was suddenly pulled off his lap so he could turn her to face him. Y/N's face turned a bright crimson color when Mingi pulled the towel off his waist, his cock springing free and standing erect. She couldn't stop staring. There was no mild way to put it: Mingi was huge. Bigger than anything she'd seen or taken in any of her holes. It scared yet thrilled her to think that cock would be in her at any moment. Mingi clasped a hand on her chin, making her turn her gaze back to his face.
"Glad to know you're drooling over my cock. "
Taking hold of her waist once again, Mingi guided her so she would be sitting right on top of his right thigh. He exhaled deeply when he felt her wet folds come in contact with his bare skin. He couldn't wait to feel her come undone all over them. Giving her ass cheeks a tiny squeeze, he dropped one hand down to strike against one of them.
"Don't just sit there little one. Rut yourself on my thigh like a bitch in heat." He ordered her.
Steadying her hands on top of his broad shoulders, Y/N began to grind her hips down onto his thigh. Mingi's thighs were extremely thick, toned, and the muscles were absolutely amazing for riding. Everytime she'd push herself up, Mingi would make sure to flex his thigh so that her bundle of nerves would be more stimulated. She kept a nice and easy pace so far, feeling bliss at rubbing her core all over his thigh. Mingi didn't seem too pleased though.
"Come on darling. I know you can do better than that."
Taking it as a challenge, Y/N gripped tighter onto his shoulders as started moving faster. She shut her eyes as her mouth began heaving out harsh pants. She rode Mingi's thighs as if it was the last thing she was going to do. His hands which were on her hips decided to take control, moving her down as they wanted her to. Mingi forced her even faster on his skin, his eyes fixed on seeing how her folds were coating the top of his thighs with her slick. And he could tell she preferred him guiding her pace, her breathing had hitched and become more intense when he took over her.
"Oh? Are you going to cum already?" Mingi chuckled when he noticed she started whimpering.
"I- yes." Y/N admitted shyly, her hands dropping from Mingi's shoulders to his chest, palms pressed against the top of his pecs.
"Damn. How horny and needy were you that you're about to come undone this fast?" Mingi teased her, to which Y/N pouted.
Of course she was, Mingi thought. She came all the way over just to see if Jongho would fulfill her fantasy and fuck her, so no doubt she was horny since she left her house. Luckily for her, Mingi was a very giving individual.
"Then go ahead little one. Cum all over daddy's thigh."
Y/N let out a sharp and high pitched cry as she started to cum all over Mingi's thigh. He held her in place, continuing to rubbed his thigh against her clit to further heighten the sensation of her climax. Leaning his face forward, he placed tiny kisses in between her breasts as she started to recover from high she went through. With her back turned and Mingi's face buried in her chest, neither one of them noticed the door opening until the one coming in slammed it close behind him in am angry manner.
"What the fuck?!"
Both of them turned to see a very furious Jongho standing there, fists clenching and unclenching as he took in the state the two people in front of him were in. While Y/N looked horrified to see him there, Mingi had a shit eating grin plastered on his face as he gripped the girl closer to him.
"Nice to see you Jongho. Came to watch the show?" Mingi snickered.
"What the hell do you think you're doing with her Mingi? You're taking advantage of her!" Jongho accused in an indignant manner.
Mingi raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'm not taking advantage of her when she herself came to me willingly. Honestly I'm just doing what she wanted you to do to her."
Jongho widened his eyes at that.
"Wait what are you-"
"Come on! Stop acting dense man. You know she's been wanting you to fuck her since the day she met you, yet you barely even bat an eyelash at her. So I'm giving her what you won't and she's not complaining."
Lifting her up, Mingi turned her to face Jongho, setting her back on his lap as he made sure to spread her legs so his friend could see the mess that had already been made in between her thighs. Although he tried to look away, being faced with his trainees nude figure had an immediate effect on him, which his friend obviously noticed.
"Just look at her lust filled face, look at her wet pussy begging to be fucked and tell me- No.... tell her you still don't want her."
Jongho looked up to find Y/N staring at him with pleading eyes, her bottom lip caught in her teeth. He started to have an internal conflict with his mind and body, one reminding him to stop and turn around right then while the other screamed at him to just give in.
"So what'll it be Jongho? Are you really gonna leave this beautiful girl, who's lusting for you, just like that?" Mingi spoke up again.
Before Jongho could say anything, Y/N's voice finally piped up.
"Please Coach. Just this once? Don't you want to fuck me?"
Jongho stifled back a groan at her persistence, his resolve was growing even weaker, more so when he saw Mingi lean in and start kissing across Y/N's neck. He pressed his lips against her, murmuring something which she seemed to agree with. Next thing Jongho knew, Y/N got off Mingi's lap and went over to him, getting on her knees in front of him as her hands reached for the towel that was girded at his hips.
"Wait- what are you?"
"Just let her be man. She just wants to show you how much she wants you."
Jongho gulped when he felt Y/N's hand wrap around his base. Looking up at him, she started to pump her hand up and down his shaft, her thumb circling around his tip so his precum could help in easing the handjob she was giving him. Y/N hummed as her eyes fell from Jongho's face to his cock. He was so thick, thicker than Mingi, although not as long as his friend. Nevertheless, he was packing a lot and his size made her mouth water. She began thinking about how far it could reach in her mouth. Itching to find out, she brought the head to her lips, tongue dipping into the slit before swirling around it to coat it with her spit.
"Fucking hell.." Jongho gasped, hands coming out to cup her jaw as she eased her mouth down his length, not stopping until she gagged when she felt him hit the back of her mouth, surprisingly not just the man in front of her, but his friend who was anxiously watching in the back.
Y/N closed her eyes and hummed as she pulled off his length before sinking it back inside her. Every time she stuffed him back in, she made she to give his length a long suck that made Jongho moan out in ecstasy. He couldn't deny it, he was enjoying it. Enjoying watching as his hot, young trainee was slurping around his cock, head bobbing as her tongue stroked all over him, making sure that not one inch of him was left dry or unsucked. Her cheeks were stuffed with all of him, tongue too busy occupied with making him feel good. Too good in fact. Before Y/N could even realize it, Jongho was pulling her off him. He chuckled lowly when he heard her disappointed whine as he made her stand up again.
"As much as I would have enjoyed watching you swallow me, I think I'd prefer to cum inside that little hole of yours. If it's all right with you of course." Jongho smiled so innocently at her, thumb grazing over her upper lip as he pushed her back to sit down on the upper deck of the sauna, right next to Mingi. He moved her so she laying right in between them, parting her legs so he could drop his head to hover right above her mound.
"I know someone who would be more than willing to have you swallow his cum though." Jongho signaled towards Mingi, who shifts himself so his cock could be right in front of her face. He smirked at her surprised face, slapping each of her cheeks with his tip.
"That is if she can even make me cum." Mingi challenged, sparking the competitive side of Y/N.
"Trust me, you'll be spilling yourself in her before you even know it." Jongho assured him.
Y/N parted her lips and moaned as Mingi engulfed her wet heat with his long dick. He gave a few experimental thrusts, wanting her to get comfortable before he got rough about it. He loved playing that game, starting off sweet and gentle before face fucking his lovers until they were a complete and utter mess around him. He rested his fingers on the sides of her cheek, carefully guiding her movements so she could suck him as he liked. He was caught off guard when she suddenly moaned loudly around him, the vibrations being felt all over his lower half.
"Jongho can you at least give a warning?" Mingi had looked over to see Jongho already burying his face in Y/N's heat.
"Nope. I prefer the surprise factor." He winked over at him.
Parting her wet lips, Jongho licked a long stripe along her slit before laying his tongue flat against her little button. Alternating between flicking his wet muscle on her clit and then tugging it forward with his lips as they lightly nibbled on it, Jongho's ears were attentive as he tried to listen to any sound coming from her mouth that were currently muffled by Mingi's cock. But her body reactions were enough to let him know she was enjoying it, given how she'd grind her hips up closer to his face.
"Someone is enjoying getting eaten out." Jongho smirked as continued suckling onto her clit.
"Yeah so much that she can't concentrated on sucking me off."
Deciding that it was time to get her attention back, Mingi gripped her jaw as he pushed his entire length until she was choking around him, holding it there before pulling out. Y/N had just enough time to take a deep breath before he was plunging his cock back inside. She was spurting out garbled whines, drool starting to trim down the sides of her lips and falling on the sides of her cheeks. She was so stuffed with Mingi's cock while Jongho ate her out to the fullest and it only fueled the growing arousal piling up inside her. She concentrated on relaxing her jaw and slurping around the cock lodged in her throat while simultaneously trying to enjoy as her coach's mouth worked on her core, expertly bringing her closer and closer to the edge with each swipe of his tongue. Feeling Mingi's dick twitch, she herself was about to spill over when Jongho dipped his tongue at her entrance, nose pressed down agains her clit.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum- cum inside that pretty mouth of yours."
Without any further words, only shaky grunts, Mingi held her face in place as he furiously rutted his hips up, pumping his cum into her mouth which she gulped back with no problem. Once he came down from his high, he pulled out his softening dick, a line of spit being drawn as he removed his cock. Her lips were swollen and covered with a mixture of her saliva and his cum, making her look even more irresistible, especially when her bottom lip was poking out, presumably due to the fact the man between her legs had detached his lips from her heat a few seconds ago, denying her from the orgasm that she was just about to have. With a frown plastered on, she looked down at Jongho, who was sitting up and climbing in between her body.
"Don't give me that look you little vixen. It's only serving to make me want to fuck you even harder." He admitted, lips ghosting over her own.
"So why don't you?" Y/N questioned him, to which Jongho responded by pulling both of her legs and resting them on his shoulders. Taking hold of his dick, he rubbed his bulbous tip along her reddened clit before slapping it a couple times.
"Think I won't?"
Pushing in with one quick thrust, Jongho's immensely thick cock started working her open, walls stretching out to accommodate the intrusion of his member. Y/N could feel him so deep inside her, she was sure if she be able to, she'd probably feel him on her lower abdomen. She could already feel him rearranging her organs from how hard he was pounding into her, it would be a miracle if she'd even be able to walk afterwards. When she tried to close her eyes and drop her head to just succumb to the feeling, she felt Jongho's hand clasp around her chin and hold her face up so she could look at him.
"Don't shut your eyes. I want to see every expression you make as I fuck your tiny pussy. After all, isn't this what you wanted?"
Y/N cried out louder when his pace got faster and harsher. She tried desperately hard to keep looking at him but it was unbearable, especially when her inner thighs were starting to get sore.
"Wanted me to fuck you? Are you happy you finally got what you wanted?"
She could only manage to respond with groans and pants. Their heated and sweaty bodies began sticking to each other, the loud slapping of skin resonating through the room. Jongho kept his eyes fixed on her, staring with fiery intensity at her. He kept driving his cock into her, pounding so deep that he'd be able to break her if he wanted to. But he was content with watching her slowly come undone by him, her shaky breaths and trembling thighs signaling him that she was on the verge of exploding all around him.
"Awww you're gonna cum already? Are you that easy? Or is it cause your finally getting fucked by a real man that you're coming undone so fast?"
Y/N whimpered and started writhing underneath him, tears pooling at the sides of her eyes as the knot in her stomach was seconds away from breaking loose. Jongho's hands gripped down on her thighs to keep him steady as his hips continued slamming against hers. His fingers dug into her soft skin, threatening to leave bruises from how strong he was clutching at her. His face continued to look smug and full of pride as he looked at how worn out his trainee was looking. He'd never outwardly admit it, but he enjoyed seeing her disheveled appearance after working her so hard and push her limits. Only now that feeling was intensified by the fact his dick was getting wet by her juices.
"Cum all over me then. Cum all over my fat cock you little vixen." He ordered her, eyes filled with lust and desire to see her break in front of him.
Unable to keep her eyes open anymore, Y/N scrunched her eyes shut and blood rushing to her head as her walls contracted around Jongho's cock, clinging to him as a flood of release was spilling all over him. Her palms were heavy pressed onto the wood deck under her, laying flat as she began to unwind from her orgasm. Just a minute later after savoring her reaction, Jongho's hips jerked sporadically as he started emptying himself inside her. Keeping himself lodged in her warmth, he slowed down his thrusts, making sure to pump all of his essence inside her before gently pulling out of her. Both of them released hisses at the sting and emptiness of not being connected anymore. Jongho looked in fascination as the brim of her hole was still leaking out his white, milky cum, a sense of pride washing over him at seeing a part of him be plastered into her body.
"You ok?"
Y/N let out a tired groan as Jongho helped her sit back up.
"I don't think I can walk." She wrapped a hand around her stomach, already feeling a burn on the muscles. Jongho giggled at her, pulling her against him as he kissed the top of her head
"If you want, I can take you off the schedule until you recover properly." He offered.
"And not see you?" She raised an eyebrow.
Poking her nose, Jongho shook his head.
"Silly silly girl. Obviously I'll come over to check up on you."
Y/N's face brightened up with a smile as she realized what he meant. A loud and exaggerated clearing of a throat broke them out of their little world.
"Well since obviously I'm not needed here anymore, I'll just take my leave now."
Picking up his towel and wrapping it around him again, Mingi went over to the door to give them privacy, but not before making sure of something.
"Just be sure to invite me once in a while to join you both."
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
Just Fine, After All
Lee Know x reader; just Minho being a complete idiot
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A/N It's Minho this time, since my man did the "Step Out" on Music Bank lmao. As always, I hope you like it!
He wasn't there. It was your graduation ceremony, and your boyfriend Minho had promised you that he'd be there, but of course, he wasn't. You couldn't blame him though, because you knew how hard he had been practicing for the comeback. And while you didn't want to pressure him to make time for you, you couldn't lie to yourself and say that it didn't hurt a little.
After the ceremony, you went back home, only to find that he wasn't back from practice yet. You decided to pay him a visit at the JYP building, knowing that he would most likely have not taken a break, even to eat. You cooked his favourite ramen and fried chicken, and went over to the company. By the time you reached there, you saw Changbin and Jisung leaving. When they noticed you, you guys exchanged hugs, with Jisung, who was also one of your closest friends, ruffling your hair and saying, "How'd the ceremony go? I'm sorry we couldn't be there, and I'm even more sorry that even Minho hyung couldn't make it. He's been practicing non-stop, and he still doesn't plan on leaving." "You're the only one who can get him to take a break, so we'll let you go ahead," smiled Changbin. You bid them bye, and started on your way to Stray Kids' practice room.
Opening the door, you see Minho practicing their title song. He didn't notice you, and you knew that he wouldn't do so until you cut the music off. So that's exactly what you did, by tiptoeing to the music system and switching it off. "Minho, come on. Take a break and eat something. I got your favourite food along," you said with a smile. At this, Minho abruptly turned towards you, but his expression wasn't one of surprise or happiness at seeing you there. Instead, he seemed pissed, and scary. "Minho-," you started, but he cut you off. "Did I ask you to come here? Did I ask you to bring me food? Did I say I need a break? Seriously Y/N stop being so nagging. If you don't have anything productive to do with your life, at least let me be productive with mine. Go write your stupid little thesis, instead of annoying me," He said, turning his back to you. It was only then that you realized that tears were already running down your face. "Well, if graduating from university counts as productive in your dictionary, then I guess I've done my share of productive today. Thanks for ruining my happiness, jerk."
With that, you placed the food near the door, and walked out. Minho rolled his eyes and started the music again. But after a while, he realized that he was not able to focus. He felt guilty for lashing out at you. It wasn't your fault that he was not able to perfect a particular step in the choreography. On the contrary, he had been the one at fault for not turning up at what was supposed to be one of the most important moments of your life. You must've been upset, but you still set it all aside and brought him food.
Deciding that he couldn't go on practicing any longer, and that he needed to be home and apologize to you, he left the company. On his way home, he noticed how bad the weather had become. Worry for you set in his heart, and he tried calling you, but you didn't pick up. "I hope Y/N is safe. Great job Minho, you made them walk back home in such bad weather."
As soon as he reached home, his heart sank, because the door was still locked. Entering inside, he quickly came to the conclusion that you weren't there, seeing as how all the lights were turned off. "Where could they be? Did they perhaps go to the dorm?" With that, he called Hyunjin up to ask him if you were there, to which, the younger boy replied, "Why would they be here? What did you do?" Jisung heard this, and snatched the phone away from his hands. "Where is Y/N, hyung? What did you do? Tell me they aren't in trouble." Minho told him what had happened, causing Jisung to say, "You screwed up big time, hyung. You should have apologized to them, and instead, you made them feel annoying and useless. And now, because of you, god knows where they are. I swear if something happens to them, I'll kill you."
"Nothing will happen to them Jisung, I promise. I know I messed up, but I'm gonna make things right." With that, Minho hung up, and grabbed his car keys again. He went to Han River, because he knew you liked going there when you needed some space. "I hope they're not out in the open. God, what have I done." Once he reached there, he quickly noticed you weren't there either, meaning he had to continue his search. The next stop was your favourite 24/7 coffee shop, but that too, turned out to be a dead end. Minho was close to losing his mind worrying about you, when suddenly, his mind cleared and he understood where he had to go.
Ten minutes later, he was back at the JYP building, and was running towards the rooftop at full speed. That was the place you had confessed to him, and the both of you held that spot very dear. Why hadn't he thought of that before? If you were upset with him, wouldn't you go to just the place where he had told you he loved you, seeking some reassurance? But when he reached there, and didn't see you anywhere, he started pulling at his hair, as tears threatened to spill. He was already crying, when he suddenly heard the voice he'd been searching for, for hours.
"Minho? What are you doing here in this weather? You'll catch a cold," you said softly. He turned around just the way he had earlier that day, and once again, his expression surprised you. Tears streaming down his face, he pulled you into the tightest hug ever, while peppering your face with soft kisses.
"Where were you baby? I was worried sick," he sobbed. "I was such a jerk to you today, and I can't tell you how sorry I am for hurting you like. You did nothing wrong except for caring too much for an idiot like me, and what did I do in return? Make you feel worthless and leave you alone in this weather. I don't know how I can ever make it up to you, but believe me, I really am sorry. Sorry for not being there for you on a special occasion. Sorry for making you feel unwanted. Sorry for being such a shitty boyfriend. I'm sorry for everything, and I swear, I don't know what I would have done had something happened to you."
You break away from the hug, and say, "It's okay Minho. I forgive you. I know you're tense about the comeback, and I completely understand you not being able to show up. But..... just, please don't lash out at me like that again for no reason. That really hurt me, because I felt that you didn't want me around. You made me feel as if I was annoying to you." "I swear, I will never treat you like that again babe. I'm sorry," he says through tears, making you wipe his cheeks before placing a soft kiss on his lips. "Let's just go home."
On your way back, Minho doesn't let go of your hand, making you smile to yourself. He suddenly asks, "I thought you'd be on the roof, but you weren't there. Where were you?" "I had gone up to the roof at first, because I just needed some reassurance that you hadn't meant what you said," you give him a weak smile. "But when the weather got bad, I came down to the practice room since I didn't have anywhere else to go, hoping that you would have gone home by now. And you had apparently left, so I decided to wait the storm out here. I was just on my way out of the washroom after I had done cleaning my face of all the tears and ruined makeup, when I saw you running up to the roof. I knew you were searching for me, so I followed you......"
"I'm so sorry I caused you so much trouble today baby, I'm so glad you're safe. I love you you," Minho said sadly.
"I love you too, Min," you squeezed his hand. "Now let's forget this ever happened, and go home and celebrate my graduation." "You read my mind Y/N, that's exactly what we're gonna do once we reach home," Minho gives you his signature smirk, making you shove his shoulder in false annoyance.
Seems like you two will be just fine, after all.
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lokifantasies · 3 years
Missing (Loki/Jade/Reader)
Jade runs away, you and Loki panic, and she immediately misses her home.
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Warning: attempted sexual assault scene.
Read the first part here!
Read the Mischievous Life series here!
"She's not here," Loki voice, filled with fear, calls out from Jade's bedroom. You immediately stand up from the couch and follow your lover out the front door to see what the two of you can find. "Jade!" Loki yells, his voice panicking.
"Jade!" you call out after Loki's loud voice.
The two of you are only met with the silence of winter air and the sound of snow crunching under your feet.
"Where the hell did she go?!" you try to figure out.
Loki scoffs. "She ran away."
"I'm calling the cops," you announce, quickly running back inside for your phone while Loki continues to scour the neighborhood.
Half an hour later, blue and red lights illuminate the streets as the police search every road in the neighborhood for the missing teenager – calling her name over and over through the loudspeakers and approaching neighbors' doors to ask if they know where the teenager is.
"Loki," you cry into the god's chest. "Where did she go?"
The God of Mischief gently rubs your back in an attempt to keep you calm. "I've no clue, my love," he says softly – his own terror starting to overwhelm him. "We'll find her."
As you stand with Loki, an officer slowly approaches the two of you – being cautious when he realizes that he's going to have to deal with the god that tried to take over New York years ago.
"Excuse me," the officer politely approaches you and Loki.
You desperately turn to the uniformed officer. "Where is she?! Did you find her?!" Loki places a hand on your shoulder and gives you a slight squeeze.
"No, ma'am," the officer solemnly admits. "We're looking all over the city."
"She can't be that far," Loki scoffs as you turn back around and hold him tightly.
The officer gives the two of you a quick smile. "We're doing everything we can possibly do. When we find her, you'll be contacted."
"What're we supposed to do?" you ask – desperation in your voice.
The cop takes a deep breath in – knowing that you aren't going to like his suggestion. "Stay home."
You scoff and cock your head at the officer. "I'm sorry...what?"
"If she comes home, she needs to know that she won't be alone," he explains.
"He's right," Loki backs up the police officer. "We'll stay here, and if she comes home by herself, we'll call."
The officer gives Loki a nod and shakes his hand. "Sounds good...and if we find her, you'll be contacted, and she'll be brought back home."
Finally, you understand the logic behind the actions and nod your head. "Thank you."
You turn away from the police officer and Loki to go back inside the house – trying to keep your tears under control.
"Here's my card," the officer offers to Loki, who immediately accepts. "Keep calling around – call her friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever...we'll find her, sir."
Jade's anger had taken over her – driving her away from the home she shares with you and Loki. Rather than admit she was wrong, she would rather tough it out on the streets of New York City – alone and cold. She knew there was no way they would even notice her being gone – they'd probably be relieved that she's out of their hair. As Jade walks down a sidewalk through a rough part of town, she feels her arm be grabbed and roughly yanked – forcing her down an alleyway. When she looks up, her eyes meet the crazy ones of some older man, and when she tries to get away and push him off, he only laughs and pins her closer to the brick wall, but when Jade spits in his face, she's met with a fist to her face.
"Was a purty lil thing like you doin' out here?" the man, clearly drunk, asks the teen as she tries to get her jaw to stop hurting.
"Kidnapping and murdering old creeps," Jade spits, refusing to show her fear.
The man didn't entertain her attitude, and he wobbly spread her knees apart with his own, and Jade's tough façade quickly disappeared when she felt his hands go to her jeans – unbuttoning the single button with a perverted grin on his face.
"Be a good girl, and I won' be long." The man's filthy, smelly hands roughly rub Jade's cheeks, and he moans at the sight of her tears. "Have you taken a big 'un before?"
"Is that really any of your business?" a heavenly voice calls out from a few feet away.
The man laughs and turns to whoever has interrupted his fun. "Come on, man," he sighs, "you can have your fun when I's done."
"I don't think you understand," the voice calls out again. "You're going to let go of my niece before I take you to her father."
Finally, the man lets Jade go, and Thor quickly catches her before she falls to the ground.
"Uncle Thor," she cries in his arms. "Please, I wanna go home...Please take me home...I want my dad."
Thor picks her up and carries her back towards the road. "It's okay, JJ," Thor soothes the terrified teenager. "We're going home."
When Thor finally gets the traumatized fourteen-year-old back home, you and Loki come running out of the house, and Jade immediately runs into your and Loki's arms.
"Oh my God," you breathe out, taking in the scent of your little girl. "Jade...,"
Jade cries uncontrollably, and Loki shoots his brother a nod. "I'm so sorry," she sobs. "I'll never do that again...I'm so sorry."
"You're okay," Loki calms her as he rubs her back. "You're home...you're home...you're safe now."
Loki pulls Jade closer to his chest and rests his cheek on the top of her head – looking to you with teary eyes. While Thor was bringing Jade back, he had called and told you and Loki what he had stumbled upon – making sure the two of you knew that Jade would be in an extremely vulnerable and shaken state. Thor completely expected Loki to hunt down the piece of trash that attempted to assault his daughter and murder him slowly; however, he couldn't help but beam with pride when the only words that came from his little brother's mouth were words of concern and relief, and instead of making it his mission to hunt down the rat, Loki was more concerned with having his little girl in his arms again – everything else would have to come second. Thor offers to take the twins and your son for the weekend – giving the two of you time to get Jade settled back down, but the last thing you and Loki want is to have any more of your children out of your sight, so Loki asks his brother to stay on the couch to help to tend to the younger ones. Happily, the God of Thunder agrees and makes himself at home once the three of you go back inside – Jade refusing to let go of her dad.
"Sissy!" Ivy squeals when she sees Jade come back into the house. Jade gives her a weak smile and clutches to Loki even more. "I colored this for you!"
Ivy hands a drawing over to Jade, and she carefully takes it. It's a drawing of Jade dressed as a princess with a sparkly pink dress and a tiara.
"Thank you, Ivy," Jade sniffs while looking at the photo. "I love it."
Emmy chuckles from the kitchen where they had been sitting. "I guess I was wrong, Ivy," she confesses and then turns to Jade. "I didn't think you would like it."
"Alright, enough," you intervene. "Uncle Thor is going to be staying for a couple of nights, so he's in charge, alright?"
"Dor," your two-year-old son giggles and points to his uncle.
Before you, Loki, and Jade head to a more private room, the two of you kiss the twins and son goodnight – making sure to tell them how much you love them and letting Thor know the important things to keep them under control. As the three of you head to your and Loki's bedroom, the house quiets down, and Jade throws herself on the bed – clutching a pillow to her face and screaming into it. With a wave of his hand, Loki has the three of you changed into comfortable sleep clothes, and the two of you quietly join your daughter on the bed – rubbing her back as she sobs and waiting for the other to say something.
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added!)
@radicallyred @holdmytesseract @vicmc624 @mm2305 @nms224 @clockblobber @lokifangirl2004 @missdforever
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Our Doll 14// Here we Go Again
B.Barnes x S.Rogers, B.Barnes x Stark!Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
Series Synopsis | After the events of the horrific past, y/n Stark, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have finally admitted their feelings for each other. But is life as an avenger whilst dating two super soldiers any easier than anything y/n’s experienced in the past?
sequel Series to Their Doll
Series Warnings | smut, violence, torture, swearing, threesomes, drug usage/substance abuse
Chapter Summary | y/n and Bucky get closer again
Warnings | blood, implied violence
A/n | This is a sequel book/series to my fic Their Doll! This book loosely follows the mcu timeline, starting in CAWS in book one and starting just before AOU in this book. Bucky had been recovered and is safe, and Peter was taken under Tony's wing when he was much younger.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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"My scar." Y/n mumbled, looking up at Bucky suddenly. The man hummed, placing his book on his lap to look back at his girl.
"What about it?" Bucky mumbled back with curiosity.
"You said those...dreams were what you would've done if we'd been together before the war, but I still had my scar. You could've gotten rid of it, but you didn't." Y/n explained, a confused frown dancing over her brow when he smiled.
"It's because I love you, all of you. That scar, it tells a story that you shouldn't have to tell, but shouldn't ever forget. It's part of you, like this," Bucky lifted his metal arm, waving the plated hand slightly, "is part of me."
Y/n smiled light from where she sat across the couch; she still didn't feel comfortable being too close to Bucky after the whole locking her up thing, but she was getting closer.
"I'm sorry." He abruptly blurted and y/n frowned. Bucky took a deep sigh before continuing. "I really can't tell you how sorry I am about...about, well, everything?" Bucky proposed and y/n shifted in her seat slightly.
"Oh." Was all she managed, placing her own book on the flimsy coffee table that sat parallel to the torn up sofa in the motel room they were staying in. "Thanks, I guess?" She supplied and Bucky blinked at her. "I'm sorry, I'm just not good at this stuff, I guess. I'm so confused as to how I should feel right now." Y/n vented and Bucky smiled.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm just happy you can bare me enough to talk to me, I was terrified that I may have lost your trust forever." He mumbled, tentatively reaching to take y/n's hand. When she didn't flinch or pull away, he held it in his own.
"I just don't know what to feel; on the one hand, you let them lock me up, but on the other, well, you did everything you could to keep me comfortable and you got me out." Y/n admitted and Bucky nodded, understanding. "And I still love you." She added quietly and Bucky grinned, before wiping the expression from his face.
They'd been on the run for a couple of weeks now, skipping between dingy motels and safe houses that had been long forgotten. Using a code, Bucky and Peter had kept in contact. Apparently, Tony and Sharon were furious.
"I love you too. Do you want some food yet?" Bucky asked and y/n nodded. He got up and crossed the room to gather some money and the room key. "I'll be back in half an hour tops, okay?" Bucky checked and y/n nodded.
"See you later." She murmured as the door slammed shut.
Alone with her thoughts again.
Y/n would rather be in Bucky's company than alone still. Even after the stuff he'd done, she couldn't stop herself from loving him. And it's not like she hadn't done her own fair share of bad things, too.
The girl sighed, rubbing her eyes as she felt the drowsiness of sleep overcome her. Maybe she could get a nap in before Bucky got back.
Bucky kept his head down. His hair had grown longer; he hadn't bothered cutting it since they left. His hood was drawn tightly over his face and his steps were quick as he paced to the closest store that sold food.
Once he reached the shop, Bucky rigged a hand - the flesh one - from his pocket and pulled open the door. When inside, he hastily went in search of some decent food.
Although, he instantaneously discovered one of the down sides to shopping at night - drunk people. The boisterous laughed filled his ears like water as Bucky hunted through the shelves, slurred insults thrown back and forth within the group of men.
"Hey, you!" Shit. Bucky looked up. "Yeah, you with the long hair!" One of them boomed and Bucky scoffed, shaking his head as he turned back to the section of ready-made sandwiches.
"Hey, look at me." The man persisted and Bucky rolled his eyes. They boy looked back to his friends, all clearly amused with the situation before the guy was swinging a punch in Bucky's direction.
On instinct, the super soldier caught the guy's fist in his hand. His metal hand. The guy looked so aghast that Bucky had to stop himself from laughing.
"This may hurt a little." Y/n sighs, eyes squinted as she threads the needle in front of her. Bucky swallows his groan of pain, giving her a stiff nod before letting his head knock back into the wall behind him. Y/n steps between her boyfriend's legs, pulling his arm forwards and letting a small apology slip from her lips when he hissed.
"Fuck!" Bucky cursed, metal fist slamming into the counter that he was sat on, the dent large and lined with splintered wood. Y/n winced a little but continued, her voice twisting around whisper sweet nothings to calm him down.
Bucky's breathing was heavy, laboured, as y/n continued to sew up the gash, lip pulled between her teeth in concentration.
"Almost there...just a little more..." Her small voice mumbled as Bucky's metal a whirred.
"Fuck me, please remind to never piss off a group of drunk guys again." Bucky groans, but y/n could only find herself biting her lip harder at the thought of fucking him again.
Clearly, this intimate moment had helped her see past his mistakes.
"I'm so sorry, y/n. I'll be more careful next time." Bucky promises, flesh hand reaching to cup her cheek when he pulls back - remembering her hesitance.
"It's not your fault. I'll still patch you up each and every time it happens." Y/n smiled tightly, almost with pity when she eyes his retracted hand.
Bucky nods solemnly before moving to hop off the crappy bathroom counter in their motel room, only to cut himself short with a groan.
"Easy, soldier." Y/n jokes, placing her hands onto her boyfriend's hips to help him down.
"Thanks." He mumbled low before hobbling off, eyes biting back tears as he limped through the room to flop on the creaky bed.
Y/n sighs heavily, watching him go with a sad expression. Bucky flicked the TV on - blue light sliding over his features in a haunting highlight; the structure of his bones protruding with the flashing colour of people moving across the screen.
"Y/n." Bucky hissed as she wrung out the little towel - now full of blood and stained a deep crimson.
Her her snapped up, the wet fabric falling into the sink with a soggy slap before she was stumbling across the room to perch on the edge of the bed.
"Oh my god." She exclaimed, hand tight over her mouth I shock at the screen.
"Suspect in the bombing is none other than James Buchan Barnes and Y/n Stark. We'll be back with more information when we have it." The presenter finished, accompanied by pictures of both y/n and Bucky stealthily away from the building, which was now laying in ruins.
"Oh my god." She repeated, horrified at the sight of King T'Chaka and all the victims.
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Bucky Barnes Series/mini Series | @buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll @marvelhoesworld @macylawz @Zaphdekota @theoldermanswhore @addriaenne @thegirlwiththeimpala @turkish276 @lilpopizzle @gooseyhouse @ohmy-fandoms @harrysthiccthighss @partiesandblurrypolaroids @prettysbliss @the-surviving-revolutionist @white-wolf1940 @dpaccione @tenaciousperfectionunknown @loveyou5everr @vallerydevora @multihoee @supraveng @cap-n-ce @sebbyxlover @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @veronicapaula @ravenmoore14 @frickin-bats @itstaylorcale @sunflowerbunny2 @spookyparadisesheep
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kerie-prince · 4 years
We're Worlds Apart (8)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: mentions of smoking, mentions of death
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
a/n: god, i had MAJOR writers block for this chapter. i almost got lost in the direction i wanted this series to go and i'm still figuring out a way on how to not let this drag out too long. i'm debating on adding this to wattpad but i don't know how to make aesthetically pleasing cover art so if anyone could teach a bitch how, lmk ✋🏼😩
(gif cred)
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Blaise has been acting differently than usual. Not that you had too many complaints considering that you hardly knew him. Better words would be that from the short time you knew him, he started acting different. What was once two nights a week turned into him staying with you almost everyday.
It was kind of annoying, actually. He was here to see Draco, not some random person he just met.
One morning, he got up early and tried to make breakfast, but he had no idea how to work any of the muggle items so rather than your alarm on your bed stand you woke up to the smoke alarm.
You woke up feeling groggy but had a pleasant soreness on your inner thighs. Before you even brushed your hair or teeth, you rushed as much as you could to see what was going on in your house. When you stepped into your kitchen, your toaster was on fire and there was smoke everywhere. Blaise was just standing by it scratching his head. It woke you right up; you ran to your small laundry room and snatched the fire hydrant.
After you put the fire out, you turned to Blaise, “What the hell happened?”
“I guess now would be a bad time to ask you to make breakfast?” He didn't really show that he was sorry. Maybe on the inside he was, but would it kill him to show it? You rubbed the temple of your nose bridge to smooth out the growing headache. Now you have to buy a new toaster and make food for this man.
The bell rang through your house in the early morning. You set the fire hydrant on the counter and walked to the front door to see who it was that was outside. Probably, no, hopefully Theo coming to pick his best friend up to take him out to go anywhere else that wasn't your house.
Fate was decidedly not on your side today. The person that stood on your porch was none other than your mother. “Ma? What are you doing here?”
“Don’t be rude, baby,” she let herself in just like she used to walk into your room when you were younger living in her house. She looked around and had a scrunched up look. “Y/N, what is burning?”
Just when the situation couldn't get any worse, Blaise walked out to the living room also assuming Theo was here to see him. It donned on you now that Blaise was shirtless and his pajama silk bottoms were sitting dangerously low on his hips. You were glad that he was wearing underwear or else your mother would see more than she needed to.
Blaise stood shockingly still and wasn't sure what to do, so he just did the first thing that came to mind. “Hello, I'm Blaise. Nice to meet you,” he held his hand out for your mother to shake.
She stood with a look of horror on her face and kept her hands to her side. As if it was natural, she gave you a disapproving look before looking back at the man in your house. Blaise retracted his hand and looked at you, “I'll just be at Draco’s then.”
You nodded and stayed with your mother as he put on his shirt in your room and left. “Y/N… what are you doing?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Isn't it a long ride from Boston?” you sassed.
“Don't give me that. I wanted to come see you and… and I wanted to say that I’m sorry.” You could tell that it was really hard for her to say the last bit. “I shouldn't have acted the way I acted on Thanksgiving.”
“What happened, ma?” you asked with your arms crossed, “I know it's not because of Stephanie also practicing Wicca. And if it is, then I really don't understand.”
“I just… why are you still doing this? All of this? I get that you wanted to be closer to your grandmother so I let you do whatever you wanted–”
“You let me? You make it sound like this is some hobby!” you yelled.
“IT IS A HOBBY,” she animated with her arms, “Y/N, you are 26 years old. When are you going to move on?”
“This is ridiculous, I need you to leave,” you began to escort your mother out of your house. “No, I’m staying. This was my house–”
“No, it was Grandma’s house and now it’s mine. Goodbye, mother,” you closed the door in her face and turned against it to lean on your back. Your face was in your hands and you wanted to scream.
You checked the time on your oven and saw you still had 45 extra minutes to do whatever you wanted before you had to get ready to open the store. Since Blaise has been over everyday and you haven't opened up to him about your practice, you wanted to spend extra time to soothe all the negative and stressful energy that was building up inside you.
The closet hadn't been opened in a few days and once you were facing all your herbs, crystals, and oils, you immediately felt better.
“It's been a while, girls,” you spoke to yourself. You grabbed some oils, a sage and crystals to get ready. And you had lots of work to do.
“Alright, you are good to go,” Draco released a child with their parents. Work has since died down since the huge fiasco earlier in the month. There was still the question as to who and why it all happened, but he decidedly let it go for now.
Recently, he's been getting closer with you with small chats every now and then since the day in Manhattan. Draco deemed you as now ‘okay’ in his book. Your chats were simple but not bad.
One thing that for sure was odd was Blaise suddenly staying there every night. He never got an explanation, nor has he ever asked him. Blaise was acting kind of strange, but Draco liked to think it was due to being homesick.
Thirteen hours had passed and Draco’s day would finally come to an end. Ian and Ashley asked him if he'd like to join them on a drink, but he declined. Theo called him and let him know that Blaise was home, so he was going to drink with the two of them. He had yet to introduce his work friends with his best friends and was planning to before they went back to London.
As he pulled up home, he saw you sitting alone on your porch. You had a stoic look on your face and had a cigarette in between your fingers. Draco didn't think you smoked at all. He has never seen you do it once in the months living next to you.
He figured he’d just be a good neighbor and say hello. He walked over and knocked on the wooden porch to gain your attention. You were pulled out of whatever thought you were in the middle of and looked at him. “Oh, hi,” you greeted without your usual enthusiasm.
Draco went through his coat pockets for his own pack and pulled one out. He then realized that he didn't have one of those muggle lighters and tried to figure out how to light his smoke without magic like he usually did.
To you, it seemed that he just forgot a lighter so you pulled out yours and gestured for Draco to come closer. He leaned in and accepted it, “I didn't know you smoked.”
You chuckled to yourself, “Yeah, I uh, quit a year ago.”
Draco raised an eyebrow, “You don't look like you quit.” He took a couple puffs of his cigarette and looked out on the street. You took a particularly long puff and slowly let the smoke out of your lips, “Well, when you have a mom like mine, you start up old habits again.”
“You’ve never met my father,” Draco commented under his breath, “She seemed nice when I met her.”
“She's nice to everyone but her own daughter,” you rolled your eyes. You let your cigarette out and almost started another one, but something stopped you. You leaned back into your chair and closed your eyes.
“Have you two always fought?” Draco asked. You kept at your position but opened your eyes. You gave it some thought before eventually nodding ‘yes’. “What about your father?”
The question seemed to have affected you; your eyes started getting glossy and your bottom lip quivered. Draco noticed. Should I not have asked that?
“He passed away when I was 12,” you sounded like your breath was cut short. Your hands reached up to cover your eyes and wipe away any tears before they could fall down.
As much as Draco and Lucius never saw eye to eye, he couldn't really imagine losing his father. Sure, Lucius was harsh on his son and always compared him to Potter, but Draco still cared about him. And he knew that Lucius loved him in his own way. Maybe you weren't all that different.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Draco consoled. You stood up to go inside. The weather was cold and your cashmere sweater wasn't doing you any good. “Thank you.” Draco let his cigarette out and told you ‘Good night’ before leaving.
Stepping down, he looked back and called for you, “Y/N.” You hadn't closed the door yet, so you looked back with your door held by your hand, waiting for whatever Draco had to say. “If you ever need to talk… I'm right next door.”
It surprised you to say the least. But it unexpectedly made you warm on the inside. “Thank you, Dray.” He nodded and waved before going home.
Inside, Theo sat on one of the chairs in the kitchen eating leftovers from the night before and Blaise was going through the Daily Prophet. “How was work?” the latter friend asked.
“Alright. Good to see you here for once,” Draco greeted. Blaise laughed without taking his eyes off the paper, “Can't a man be with his girlfriend before he leaves?”
“Ha, is that what you two are?” Theo teased from across the room with his mouth stuffed, “Look at Blaise; he finally settled down. Hell has officially frozen over.”
Blaise listed one hand to flip off Theo. Draco, however, felt a churn in his stomach. It was weird to hear Blaise call you his girlfriend. No one has gotten Blaise to call them that, but somehow you did it.
He wasn't really sure Blaise even knew what it meant to have a girlfriend, or even how to be a boyfriend. He never asked what they did knowing that he'd get endless teasing.
Draco grumbled to himself and went to his room. He changed into comfortable clothes and right when he was about to join Theo in the kitchen, he looked at his window for a moment. He peeked through his window and saw you through yours.
You sat on your bed with your legs up to your chest and your arms wrapped them close. Your face had no expression on it, but considering the conversation less than an hour ago, one could assume that you were sad.
“You fancy her, don't you?” Blaise surprised Draco, making the blond jump. “Merlin, Blaise, don't do that.”
“Well?” Blaise stood against the open door with arms and legs crossed. Draco rolled his eyes and walked towards the door, but Blaise didn't budge from his position. “I don't fancy anybody, now move.”
“I don't care if you do. But I do care when you lie to me. And yourself,” Blaise’s tone was threatening.
“Shouldn't you fancy her? She's your girlfriend,” Draco matched his tone. “Besides, if she was, shouldn't you be pissed if I did?”
“I do fancy her, but I'm not the one living next to her. Eventually, I'm leaving,” Blaise reminded his best friend. “So do us the favor and figure out whatever it is you want, or I'll find a reason to stay.” With that, Blaise left to his shared room and slammed the door.
What in Salazar is his deal? Draco thought. He walked up to his fridge and rummaged through all the containers of leftover food. I really need to learn how to cook.
Theo was still eating when he started talking, “Blaise has been pissy all day. What you reckon is his deal?”
“‘M gonna guess there's trouble in paradise and she's sick of him,” Draco jokes. His eyes land on the Chinese food from a couple nights ago and warms it up with his wand.
“Hm, as if,” Theo commented. He cleaned his mess up when he finished and turned to Draco. “Night, mate. Fingers crossed he doesn't yell at me and I have to sleep on the couch.”
“Night,” Draco replied and sat down on one of the high chairs. He thought a lot about you telling him about your father. He sat and wondered if you told Blaise. Maybe you even opened up to him about your… craft? Draco didn't know what to call it yet.
But he figured that if you did, Draco would be the first person Blaise would tell. And seeing as even Theo, the biggest mouth between the three, hasn't said anything, then that meant that you probably hadn't told Blaise.
And for a quick second, passing just as quickly as it came, he wondered if you would tell him first.
It was currently December 18th. Your dad's birthday. Usually you'd ride with your mother to his stone in Boston, but seeing as your latest argument was bothering you, staring at photos of him was going to be enough today.
You hardly remembered much about him since you were young, but you remember the good moments and some of the bad. The bad being the last of his days. His cancer was strong as it was caught too late by doctors.
The store was closed today per usual. You never had it opened on his birthday. Blaise was also at Draco's house. You'd ask him to have the day to yourself and when he asked why, you didn't explain.
Your door bell rang and you groaned, hoping it wasn't your mother again.
"Hey," your brother greeted you. "Y/B/N, hey. Come in, you're probably freezing." Inside, he took his jacket off and hung it on your coat rack. He sat on the couch and your cat ran to sit on his lap. "Sometimes, I think she likes you more than me," you chuckled as your brother gave her head strokes and she purred loudly.
"How come you're by yourself? We missed you today," your brother asked. You sat beside him and closed the photo book. "I didn't feel like fighting with mom again today."
"Y/N/N, I know she's hard to handle, but she needed you today," he reached out for your hand and squeezed it. "I needed you, too."
"Well, she has a funny way of showing it," you stared into nothing. You rested your head on his shoulder and wrapped your throw blanket over your shoulders. "Sometimes, I almost forget what he's like. His laugh, how he made Ma smile. How he smelled," you started.
Your brother was 8 when your dad died, so his memory was limited. But he still remembers how much he loved him. You both sat in silence, hands locked and the only sound being your cats purring.
"Mom told me you have a boyfriend. That true?" he asked.
"I don't know. Maybe? He hasn't said anything, and he leaves after New Years, so maybe not," you half-explained. What was Blaise to you? Did he feel anything when you were together? Was it just physical? You didn't know, and you never asked.
"Well, if he breaks your heart, I don't care where he lives. I'm beating his ass," your brother commented. You hit his shoulder and he laughed. "How's Steph? I haven't been able to call her," you asked.
"Oh. Um, we're taking a break." Your brother sounded sad. You sat up and looked at your baby brother. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I think Mom just spooked her. But I'll get her back," he sounded only partly sure of himself. You nodded and rested back on his shoulder. He stayed for a few hours; watched a movie and had dinner before he left back for Boston to see your mom once more.
When he left, you sat in your room and lit up some incense to calm your nerves. Out your window, Draco's curtains were closed as usual. Something inside you wanted to talk to someone that wasn't your brother, Blaise, or even Miranda and Bianca.
It wasn't that Draco wasn't the best of friends, but you had an indescribable pull towards him, and you wondered if it was the same for him.
next chp
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"What..? What did you just call me?"
Adrian stared at the other, trying to process what was happening, but his eyes widened when the man took the helmet off. Oh my god...
"Oh come on, even after 16 years..."
Barney smiled softly at Adrian, his hazel eyes still glowed even in the small sewer light,
"Im not allowed to used that nickname?"
Adrian nearly knocked Barney over when he hugged him, laughing softly. "Oh my God, you're un-fucking-believable." Barney only smiled at that and hugged him back tightly. "I've missed you so much. Everything had been so hectic the past few month. Or well more hectic than usual. It doesn't help that I thought you were dead. I didn't think I had anyone left. I thought I would just die alone- that I wouldn't ever get to see you again- and I-"
"Barney," Adrian mumbled soothingly, rubbing the leader's back. "It's okay now." He mumbled, more saying it all to himself than Barney, but the small man still took it as comfort. "Good. I really need someone like you around."
"Well we can't stay around... here at least. Let me show you how this sewer system works." Adrian turned and started to lead the way, walking with the same confidence and strict, squared shoulders as he did when marching through black mesa. That gave a bit more comfor to Barney as he followed behind him.
"This tunnel right here will lead to a medic camp some people have made, it's not as slick as it used to be, so it's easier to run there without slippjng busting your head. The tunnel to our right, is the way well go to get a crossed 'the border'. There isn't really one now but it gets us to the other camps outside of the cities. Out there though. I can't help much. That's for the other team to explain to you. I'm just here to guide through the sewers." Adrian walked over to a ladder in the right tunnel, "If it makes you feel better though, this guy that's up here sells stollen goods like ammo and food. Even some water he's purified."
His face showed a serious frown whilst explaining everything, his hands move as if to help pronounce and explain the words. His body shivered though. It reminded both men how dangerous just being there was.
Barney, even though he was scared, didn't let that fear control him as much as he used to. He has people to save now. People to fight for. He needed to protect Alyx, and Eli. He'd protect Kleiner more if that stupid scientist didn't keep bringing headcrabs in as 'pets'.
This was serious shit. In America you would probably just get arrested, even if your record was fucked you could just steal and run forever. Now? You would be killed infront of everyone. Your dead body being shot to death would've been a message to those on your side that they could run and hide forever. That's why you had to train to pull your gun out faster, know your enemy better then they know themselves. Steal as much equipment as possible and make sure to keep your guard up, everywhere.
Yeah, you can probably guess Barney wasn't sleeping good at all. No one really was. Could you blame them in this sick twisted world of destruction and 'order'. Made Barney wanna gag more just thinking about it...somehow, Adrian looked younger, like he never aged a day since they last met. Focus Barney, focus. You ain't got time for romance.
They climbed up the ladder to the merchant up top. Adrian introduced him.
"This is Carlos Devina. He's probably the most important guy during this trip. Sometimes he'll not be here and sometimes he will be. His schedule changes. This week he'll be here today, tomorrow and the Friday. Next week he'll be here Monday, Thursday and Saturday. Week after that he'll be here Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Then the schedule will repeat."
"What's tomorrow again?"
"Tuesday, today is Monday."
"Got it. I need to write this down."
"Habit of being in the military, you just memorize the days. Used a copy of a calender before this shit started and went from there." Adrian chuckled softly and Carlos cleared his throat.
"I can give you a free copy of the calendar if you'd like, Mr. Calhoun. It marks the days ill be open so you won't have to write anything down."
"Yes, please I'll take 7."
Carlos went into the back doors of his shop. Adrian whistled to get Barney's attention. "So, resistance leader huh? Last time I checked you were bloody, limping and anxious. "
"Eh, I still am sometimes. I mean anxious and limping. I'm not always bloody." Barney grinned and Adrian nearly kissed him, but, unfortunately Carlos came back with 7 calenders, gently handing them to the resistance leader. "Here you go, Mr. Calhoun, anything else I can get you two?"
"That'll be all I think." Adrian said firmly and Carlos smirked. "Alright. Well, if you need me, just press the button as always. I'll be back here." And with that Carlos was gone again. Adrian mumbled something under his breath before asking. "I know you have an important role in this all, you don't usually get a break I'm sure, but... if you need me I'm always in the sewers."
Barney frowned, "I'll be meeting you in the sewers tomorrow, Adrian, and not for the reason you want. I'm gonna be bringing a lot of people and I need you and your team to be ready. I'm sorry but I... I guess I don't have much time anymore for romances and flirty games."
Games. Right. All this was, was a flirty game.
"I... understand. We'll be ready for you. I'll have Carlos cook extra meals. How many people will be here?" Adrian gulped down that stupid lump in his throat.
Barney, always clueless to other's emotions, didn't notice the change. "Just 3. I don't wanna get too suspicious." And with that, the meeting had ended. Barney left with one last goodbye and Adrian just felt stuck. He felt gross too, but he couldn't focus on that. It wasn't important. People's lives were at stake.
His. Feelings. Didn't. Matter.
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lizzie-wendigo · 3 years
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Well, this takes a long time as a WIP, but after the Abyss redesign, I decided to change the pose of Abyss. Well, I decided to do the story of how they met.  By the way, if you pay attention to the book Abyss reads, it's a pun on the name of the author of the book: "Mary Shelley" ------------------------------------
After a long day, Spade was preparing to rest in his favorite place, an old weeping willow tree near the park. This willow tree was special, it was quiet, the breeze blew warmly and it was near a lake that led to the sea, and the best thing is that it was isolated, without being disturbed by anyone. This day would be different, because when he arrived he found a strange girl sitting in his place reading a book, at first spade got upset and thought about leaving, but he really wanted to rest for a while, and the girl didn't seem to be noisy or annoying, so decided to try to talk to her... "Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?" Spade said approaching. "This is my special place." "I have no problem, go ahead..." Abyss said without taking her eyes off the book. They were silent for several minutes, each lost in thought, yet Spade couldn't help noticing the book Abyss was reading. "Good book, a classic" Spade said.
"Excuse me?" Abyss said. "The book, Frankenstein, is a classic"  "Oh right, it is..." Abyss said without looking away from the reading. "I have read it 4 times, this is the fifth" "Your favorite book?" Spade asked "Something like that" Abyss commented "I feel identified with this book, reading it brings me comfort" "Well, you don't look very comfortable" "why do you mention it?" "You're reading a book alone under a tree away from others... Maybe you are sad" Abyss became annoyed and stopped reading, throwing an annoyed look and a little growl, which made Spade jump. Abyss immediately calmed down, again changing his expression to a sad one. "I haven't had a good day" Abyss said with a sigh. "Of course uhh... it was just a guess" Spade said a little uncomfortable and sitting up again in his place "We all have a bad day"
"I just decided to escape from everything for a moment and get distracted with a book" Abyss said as he took back the book that he dropped a few moments ago. "Dr. Frankenstein's monster. A creature made from putrid parts of the random dead buried in a graveyard, confused and trapped living in a world that wants to kill you just for being different. He will never be able to rest in peace because of a mad scientist who only wanted to play God and create life. He did him like this, unable to find friendship or love, making him suffer because he treats him like a beast... Victor Frankenstein is the real monster..." There was silence and spade looked at her indifferent and at the same time moved by what Abyss had said... "Sorry, I'm crazy, don't listen to me" Abyss said, looking away "It shows that you want to talk about it" Spade said very chivalrous "Yes, but nobody cares, I have no one to talk to" "I can make you at least choke on what frustrates you" Abyss looked at him a little doubtful, but she really needed it and she couldn't refuse, so she sighed deeply... "Today I had a fight with my cousin..." Abyss said sad with downcast eyes "Your cousin?" Spade asked "I have no siblings, and to me, he is like my older brother: Gum, him and my second cousin: Sheriff. We always played together, and neither of us could make friends, 'cause we are mixed race, that's why we had each other. Time passed and Sheriff got a girlfriend, and spent a lot of time with her, we were happy for him, at least he has someone else. But... the problem started a month ago... Gum started making friends... they were friends his age, and almost the same as him. They were also mixed race and male, they soon became friends with Gum, and little by little he was moving further away from me.  I have been practicing to show the native dance show in the park, I'm part of the dancers. I wanted to invite him to see him more often, but when I went to see him, I was with his friends... and he was negotiating to meet me. He said he didn't know who I was" Said Abyss holding back the tears in her eyes, while Spade listened to her with attention" I argued and fought with him, and now I only borrow books the library to read away from people. I'm alone." There was silence, while Spade thought about it... "If your cousins could get friends, why do you think you couldn't?" Spade asked somewhat indifferently "Look at me! people don't even want to get close to me. They thinks that if they look at me I'll turn them to stone for pleasure, that I'll devour everything they give me like a wild dog, or that I'm too stupid to understand a damn simpler game than tying their damn shoelaces. Not even those from the native show want me in the group, they accepted me just because I have a mermaid descent and I dance very well... anyway... I plan to quit the group... "You shouldn't do it. If you like, just do it without caring that others judge you" Spade said looking into her eyes. "You shouldn't let what people think of you affect you either, believe me, I recognize a damn beast when I see it. I live with hateful creatures, and of all of them, I think you are the most civilized person I know. "you think so?" Abyss said as her eyes lit up
"Of course. Besides, I don't mind your company. I don't usually live with many people, or with people who are too happy, they're not to my liking. But I wouldn't mind living with you" "...?" "WAIT! NOT IN THAT WAY!" Spade yelled blushing "I mean! just for company!" And that silence was broken by the laugh of Abyss, who seemed more animated now, showing her true personality and smiling at her new friend, As Spade gazed at her sharp-toothed smile and lake-lit eyes, it seemed beautiful to him... "You know, there're other books that I have read, and I would like to talk about them one day. Maybe some of them you like" Abyss said with a smile "What..? Oh, sure! the books... Uhh..." Spade answered a little nervous while he blushed" Sure... It would be good, to meet again soon. "Then I'll see you soon" Abyss got up and extended her hand to Spade as a sign of farewell, and he took it shaking it... "By the way, we haven't formally introduced ourselves. "Sapde said "I'm Spade Dice you can call me Spade" "I am Abyss Maria Mug. Call me Abyss. I have to go... I have a show where to dance. And if... if you want to go... you can attend, it's public. See you soon spade!" Abyss ran away, while Spade watched her from afar sitting under the willow tree ... "Abyss... What a peculiar name. Very... elegant" He thought. "I wasn't at all interested in being her friend when I saw her, but... I think I wouldn't mind spending more time with her..." Spade watched her go as she blushed slightly, letting out a light sigh... ----------------------------------------------
My writing is HORRIBLE! I know... but at least I tried. Well, as you saw, this happened 2 years ago, so Abyss was 11, Sheriff 13 and Gum 14. All teenagers do that at some point in their lives. (Besides that I was watching Onward and the younger brother inspired me, I hate him) But Gum was sorry, he really felt very bad for having denied his cousin, and obviously he learned the lesson, since currently he doesn't deny it at all and he loves her as she is, that is a sign of maturity, don't you think? By the way, Spade developed an almost immediate crush for Abyss. Cute :3
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crazy4myself · 4 years
No Harm List Pt.4
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Word Count: 7.2k
Summary: You live in a city where crime runs rampant. One day, you save a young boy's life, not knowing that he is the most powerful crime lord's heir. And you have just been put on the no harm list.
Trigger warnings: DESCRIPTION OF PANIC ATTACK!! I really took my time with writing this, trying my hardest to convey these feelings without being triggering. I also tried to make it as comforting as possible, but if you are feeling a little anxious maybe save this fic for a better day. Mental health first!  
Additional warnings: mentions of violence, explicit language, mentions of death,
Genre: Romance, angst, violence, gang/mafia AU, 
Rating: 18+  (bc of mentions of violence there’s no sexual content)
<- Pt.3
"Hobi, I don't wanna be mad. I just wanna know the truth,” you pleaded, voice wavering. And that was the truth, you felt like you could care less if he was in a gang. It was Alcorn, you had to be in a gang to survive if you weren't rich.
Upon seeing your eyes water and your lip tremble, Hoseok instantly wished you would scream at him. He didn't want to hurt you. He didn't mean for it to go this far. For you two to get so close after his sister's death, or for him to lie to you for so long. He told himself he kept you out of it for your safety, but really it was just too easy for him to live two lives, for you to look at him like he wasn't a murderer and for him to pretend for a few hours that he wasn't. 
He sighed, sitting on the couch, and you plopped down next to him and waited patiently for him to gather his thoughts. 
"I guess it's best to start at the very beginning, which was when I was around 16," he started. 
"I lived in the same neighborhood as these two guys RM and Suga. They had actually served some time for getting busted with another gang, the Dime Lions, they're long gone now but basically, some shit went down during some kind of gang raid, and RM and Suga ended up taking the fall for it. Instead of the Dime Lions busting them out of jail, they left them there and basically disowned them afterward."
You nodded along to let him know you were following. 
"Anyways RM and Suga, they had a rough start when they got out of the gang, both were bastards, street rats on the Westside they never had anyone to look out for them. So they did the only thing they could do at the time to survive, which was breaking it to cars and shit and cleaning them out. I don't just mean personal belongings of these guys took engine parts, piping, tiers they took it all, and sold it to any scrap shops they could find. At the time, I was working at my uncle's scrapyard. I knew RM and Suga when they were in middle school before they joined the Dime Lions. They stayed with the foster family that lived in my neighborhood. I knew they had been kicked out of the house and were basically living with the Lion's, so when I saw they were working alone, I got curious. For a year or so, I convinced my uncle to continue buying from them even when he started getting a little suspicious about the guys stealing. The guys knew I looked out for them, and we were cool for a while. Then my mom got sick," he paused for a moment looking away from you.
You reached out and placed your hand on his leg knowing how hard it was for him to talk about his mom and Dawon. 
Collecting himself, Hoseok went on, "So I asked for an in with the guys, I needed money and I knew cars. I could remove the parts more effectively than they could. I also knew some clientele who were always coming by and buying parts because they flip cars for fun, those guys were easy targets. So I guess the three of us were a little gang of misfits for a while, I used the money to help pay for mom's treatment. They used the money to survive.
Then we started taking some younger ones under our wing. RM and Suga got their own place and opened their doors to some kids in a rough spot like they were. But as we got bigger, we started getting sloppy. We had been at it for about a year at this point. The guys started taking on some other jobs, but I stuck to what I did best. I wasn't really interested in broadening my horizons. Like I said, we had been at it for a while, and I got cocky, I guess. We had a few scuffles here and there, but we always got out of them okay. Then one night, we got busted scraping a car at some guy's house, and he shot me in the leg, and the cops got me. RM ended up bailing me out of jail, and Suga, Suga got me a gun." 
He shifted in his seat and looked at you nervously, "I wanted out at this point, mom was basically on her deathbed, and I was all Dawon had. I couldn't risk going to jail, ya know. I owed RM money for bail, but my uncle got me a job as an actual mechanic, I thought I could earn money the honest way, pay them back and then Dae and I could just go back to our lives. But then the doctors told us about some experimental treatment that could possibly cure mom. How the hell could I pass that up? I would have done anything to help her get better." his brows furrowed as he tightened his fist into balls.
 "So I stayed. At this point, BTS was growing, it was an official gang, tattoo and all. We had recruited Jin, who came from money, he used some of his trust fund to fund BTS and help us grow, and RM was starting to get a little ambitious. He wanted territory, he wanted me to take the tattoo and be his third." Hobi squeezed his eyes shut as he let out a sigh, he felt like he had to force the words out of him to confess his sins to you. 
"I told you Suga got me a gun after the arrest, and it ended up I'm a really good shot, so good I didn't even have to kill a guy for a long time. I researched where to shoot to keep someone down for a long while without it being fatal, so that's what I did. I worked a few more jobs for RM, we did a big heist. Actually, that was our big break. A team of six other guys and I broke into this old rich dude's mansion, nearly cleaned out his safe when we split the money most of the guys put a percentage into my pot. I walked out that night with almost enough to pay for mom's treatment in full. 
I told RM I wouldn't be his third, and he offered me an out, I just needed to take one more job for him, and he would pay out the rest of mom's bills, so that's what I did. I killed for the first time, and then I was free. I wouldn't have to do any of it again. Well, that's what I intended," he paused, his voice growing softer. 
You tried to keep your face neutral as he revealed the horrors to you. Not that it mattered Hoseok couldn't even bring himself to look at you.
"Mom ended up passing that night." he laughed, a bitter sound that felt foreign to the kind man you knew, "I swear whatever cruel god is out there pulling all the strings did it to punish me. To let me know, they saw what I had become and that I didn't deserve to have people I love in my life. I wasn't good enough to feel love in this world," 
"Hobi, that's not-" he cut you off with a bitter laugh as he looked upwards to hold back his tears. The motion made him seem as though he was searching for the fates he mocked. "Don't y/n, I know what I am,"
"Dae was a senior when mom passed, and it absolutely broke her. I had to fight to get her to go to school for those last few months. Hell, it was a fight to get her out of bed for her graduation. Her exit exams were a disaster, and the councilors at the college were understanding, for the most part. They still admitted her to the school, but not a drop of financial aid was offered to her. She deserved so much more," Hobi's voice was laced with bitter disdain, his eyes looking far off. 
"So I did everything I could to give it to her. I borrowed from Namjoon, enough to cover her entire admission at Alcorn University."
"Hobi, that's so much," you couldn't hold the comment in. It was near impossible for an ordinary person to buy their way into Alcorn if they didn't get scholarships, the tuition at the prestigious school was over $20,000 a semester for admission alone. 
"And I did it, I had Jin make up a fake scholarship for her, send her a cute little letter telling her about the award. She thought that she earned a full ride, and I let her believe it. I even borrowed enough so she would stay in the dorms, I figured it would be safest to keep her out of the house. I didn't know what kind of jobs RM was going to have me do."
"I took the tattoo, and killing became more of a normal thing for me. It started to get easier, I kept my distance and tried my hardest to not even see their eyes. 
There was a big turf war that year. I don't know, the city was on the brink of a recession, a lot of big players in the city were changing the rules of the game. Business owners fought to take down other businesses simply so theirs could stay open, the market was a disaster. I never cared about the politics of any of it, I just did what I was told, and because of that, I'm still not totally sure all I did that year. What lives I took. Who all I hurt. I did everything I could to forget those nights and the blood. I told myself I was doing it for a good reason, ya know. 
I didn't want to know, I thought I would save that for the day I'm standing outside of hell, and they list off every single one of my evil deeds before they sentence their judgment." Hoseok's vacant eyes started to shine with tears.
 "And that was the stupidest fucking thing I could have ever done. I had no clue who had it out for me, I had started feeling invincible. I didn't even consider that someone would want to take their revenge, I had killed Kim Martin Sr.'s son." 
Your blood chilled at the name, and he didn't look at you as he continued.
"He was some big business owner or something, I was supposed to kill him, but there was a mix-up, and I got his son, Kim Martin Jr. instead. Whoever made the call decided that killing his son was just as effective because the grief practically destroyed him. A few misguided stock investments, while he was grieving, crashed his empire. He lost everything and had to move to the Westside in the aftermath. 
Suga kept good tabs on the guy, but then he fell off the grid. We figured he left town or hell maybe he died. We didn't consider him a threat, he showed no interest in coming after BTS, so I didn't even think to keep an eye out for Dawon."
You felt hot tears roll down your face as you realized what happened. The media painted Martin as the bad guy. They accused him of losing his business after his son died due to extreme drug abuse. The city officials wrote him off as such a pathetic low life, that come the time of his death that his murder was barely investigated. It was simply declared a drug deal gone wrong. But he was a father, a father who lost everything to a hitman and wanted to return the favor. 
Hoseok believed he didn't deserve love. Whatever higher power that was calling the shots took everything away from him as punishment. 
You think of your best friend now long passed, her beautiful smile and contagious laugh. The way she could always read you and knew exactly what you needed, whether it be your favorite ice cream on your period or a trip to the botanical gardens in the middle of the night when she knew you were missing home a bit more than normal.
There was a loose glass in the greenhouse that hosted the plants native to your home. You would both scale the fence to the gardens late at night and push that glass panel in and carefully crawl into the greenhouse. The air would be filled with the floral scents you grew up with, and you would just walk the rows of plants and run your fingers over the velvet petals and waxy leaves. 
Until Dawon would play music, a playlist the two of you made of songs in your native tongue. You would dance around the humid greenhouse singing on the top of your lungs while Dawon would laugh and clap along, excitedly shouting with you when she recognized a word or two. 
You thought about the way you and Hoseok both carried a burden of guilt after she passed. Until now, you had felt like you failed her as a best friend and roommate. 
For three years, you had tortured yourself with thoughts like if you hadn't procrastinated so much on your assignments that week, you would have been home when she decided to make a late snack run. You told yourself the robber probably wouldn't have stopped her if you were together. You reasoned that two of you would have deterred her as a target. 
Or maybe he would have just shot you instead. Dawon would have recovered from the loss so much better, she had Hoseok to comfort her and family and friends to support her. You were merely an exchange student in a city with no morals, loved by no one, but taken in out of guilt by her brother. It would've been a better trade. 
You tortured yourself with these thoughts day and night consumed with feelings similar to survivor's guilt.
You never understood Hoseok's guilt, until tonight, you felt like there was nothing he could have done to make that night play out differently. But now you realize he could have anything, and it might have made a difference. 
"Y/n, I understand if you hate me," Hoseok said softly, watching the tears that dripped down your cheek as you processed everything he told you.
"I wanted to honor Dawon's wish. I didn't expect you to do so much for me, for you to become my best friend and for you to make me feel normal. I kept this from you because you were the closest thing to her I had left. There was a time where I thought I would distance myself from you when you moved out. That I would just become another hazy detail to the tragedy, and you would move on completely with your life, but y/n you were so sad, and you needed me too. 
When you moved out, I was terrified of something happening to you. I couldn't stop myself from checking up on you. I couldn't let us grow apart." Hoseok's voice broke off as you looked at him, the pain and betrayal in your eyes.
 "Y/n, you're the closest thing I have to redemption, protecting you, being your friend is the last thread of humanity I have left, I can't lose you," he pleaded. 
"You watched me blame myself," you whispered accusingly, your eyes shining with betrayal. 
"You watched me tear myself apart, and used comforting me to make you feel better about yourself?" 
He flinched at your words, "I tried everything I could to convince you there was nothing you could have done," Hobi argued feebly. 
"Everything but tell the truth," you hissed as hot tears rolled down your cheek. 
You got up as a sob escaped you, your face red and snot running from your nose. Hoseok stood with you, but you flinched away with a broken no.
 "I need time, Hoseok," you begged. 
You swallowed thickly as you did everything in your power to keep it together, "I don't want to hate you, but please, I need time to think about everything," you assured. Even knowing what he did, he was right. You needed him too. If you lost him, you truly didn't have anyone in the city who cared if you lived or died tomorrow. And maybe settling for that made you your own kind of monster. 
It was funny how he claimed such a tarnished person could be his redemption. 
You secure your bag to your shoulder, stepping out into the night air and pulling the door closed behind you. You couldn't even bring yourself to lock the door behind you, afraid that if you stopped moving for one second that you would completely break down and be unable to make it home. You only hoped Hoseok was smart enough to check the door behind you and make sure to lock it. 
You counted the stairs as you made your descent and into the parking lot, making an effort to take in your surroundings. You tried to list off the colors of the cars as you passed them, and while some distant part of you did the action, you still felt like the effort wasn't reaching whatever corner of your brain you were hiding in. 
You got a lot better with controlling your anxiety attacks as you made it further in college, even going as far as taking advantage of the university's free therapy sessions to get professional guidance in your junior year. You defaulted to your go-to grounding technique as your feet moved of their own accord to carry you home. 5,4,3,2,1 was an exercise that made you aware of your surroundings and tether yourself to this world when your mind felt a dimension away. 
The technique walked you through your five senses, making you list off 5 things you could see, 4 things you could feel, 3 things you could hear, two things you could smell, and one thing you could taste. Even in your most anxious moments, you were a slut for making a good list. You always found this exercise more soothing than any breathing technique. 
Your eyes searched without really seeing as you tried to find five things you could see around you. Straining yourself to really take in your surroundings, you settled for a yellow fire hydrant, a car parked on the side of the road, a penny on the ground, a drainage inlet tucked into the curb, and finally your own yellow shoes pacing down the concrete sidewalk. 
You were going to be okay, you reminded yourself as you took an intentional breath. 
Next, four things you can touch, you focused on your breathing as you reached an arm out to graze your fingertips along with the rough brick of the building you walked by.
You shifted a little more with each step, concentrating on how the fabric of your clothes moved across your skin and curling your toes into the padding of your shoes. You didn't count each feeling, your wandering mind struggling to really take in each sensation, but you were sure you touched four things by now.
This was a mistake you often caught yourself making when counting down like this. Sometimes you were in such a rush to reach the end and get to one as if identifying one taste would magically make all your anxieties go away that you forget to take it slow and really center yourself. 
Three things you can hear, it was at the time, as you strained to let the world in through the all-consuming pounding of your heart in your ears, that you realized you were whimpering to yourself slightly. The awareness of your own vulnerability made you stumble as your mind spiraled, and you struggled to find something to tether you back to the earth. 
You began walking faster before realizing you're not certain you were going the right way. So you came to a halt, realizing you couldn't bring yourself to focus enough to take in your surroundings. You stared at the street sign for a long time, repeating the letters to yourself as you made them form a word finally settling on Gardenia. 
Your breathing hitched as you realized you had wandered off the main streets and into a neighborhood in your daze. You were lost, but you couldn't bring yourself to care about it, and the lack of fear flashed an alarm in your mind that let you know you were too far gone to count away your anxieties.
You struggled to breathe as you tried to come up with a decision. You needed to ground yourself to calm down. You needed to list off 5 things you could see, fourth things you could feel, three things you could hear, two things you could smell, and one thing you could taste. You knew the only way to bring yourself back to the world was to become aware of your settings. 
But it felt as if the part of your brain that knew all these things didn't even touch whatever part of your mind was controlling you now. You were better off giving directions to the light pole you stood under. 
You felt your breathing get harder as you desperately gasped in all the air you could. Your arms and legs began to tingle as your body over oxidized, and your head began to spin. 
Slowly you slumped to the ground, wrapping your arms around the light pole you had stopped under as you spiraled. 
What were you even doing before this moment? How did you even get here? You forced your eyes open wide, hoping the action would make you actually see and register what you were looking at to no avail. 
What were you doing, what were you doing, what were you doing?
You struggled to reign in your thoughts of your laughing best friend and her crying brother. Or was it your crying best friend and his dead sister? 
You were supposed to find three things you could hear. Your crying doesn't count. A more logical voice seemed to get through to you. 
You strained your ears to hear past your own breathing, you could hear a frog croaking in the grass nearby, you felt the earth beneath you to confirm you had in fact settled in a patch of grass. You smiled to yourself proud of your progress as you continued to listen as you continued to listen. You heard the electricity buzzing in the light pole you had wrapped your arms around, you felt almost childlike as you opened your eyes. Actually, seeing this time as you looked up at the pole, you were around. 
You needed one more sound, you strained your ears, expecting to be met with something like a far off car driving by. Instead, you heard your name being called. You blinked as you turned away from the street lamp and towards the repeating sound of a familiar set of syllables coming from a familiar voice. 
Jungkook jogged up to as he saw you curled around a lamppost. Even from a distance, he could see the rapid way your chest was rising and falling in that familiar chaotic rhythm he only saw when he found Taehyung or Yoongi having a panic attack. You looked up at him with a tear-stained face and saw the confusion of his presence take you off guard and snap whatever control you had over yourself. 
Your face crumpled as a sob broke from your chest, and you turned away from him and curled yourself around the light pole a little tighter. 
Jungkook felt such a rush of guilt and panic at the sight of you so broken that he ignored the dull ache in his knees as he instinctively fell down in the grass next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you from the cold metal pole, trying to position comfortably in his chest. 
Jungkook shifted as he uncurled his legs from beneath his body and stretched them out next to yours in front of him, trying to touch as much of his body to you in comfort. You didn't resist, but the jolting motions did seem to make you more upset for a short moment. Jungkook realized he forgot to ask for permission to touch you before he acted. 
He knew Tae preferred physical comfort to calm down, but sometimes it could act more as a trigger when unwelcomed. He loosened his grip hesitantly, and you wrapped your arms around his middle, hugging him closer to you in response. 
Physical contact is. He thought to himself as he began stroking one hand up and down your back and rocking you both side to side slightly as if he was trying to calm a baby from a tantrum. 
Which he basically was doing, you thought bitterly to yourself as you accepted the comfort.
You were too far gone to calm yourself down. You had ridden the river of upsetting thoughts that triggered your attack all the way down, and now you risked floating out to sea and losing yourself forever. Not actually forever, just until you would cry yourself unconscious and wake up to start anew. But you supposed accepting comfort was better than sleeping outside in a neighborhood you didn't know. 
Jungkook whispered to you, not the sweet nothings people typically say when they see people break down like 'it's going to be okay,' or most annoyingly 'breath.' No Jungkook simply told you, 'you're safe,' 'take your time,' 'you're stronger than you give yourself credit for' and in your case most importantly, 'exhale.' 
When people see you having a panic attack and hear the loud gasp you make as you fight to breathe, they instinctively tell you to breathe as a way to calm down. But it's your failure to let the air out that keeps your body over oxidized, making it harder for you to feel in control of yourself. 
Slowly, you regained control of your body, and your desperate gasps for air morphed into shallow panting. Your shallow breathing morphed into soft whimpers and sniffled. Jungkook held you as your continuous knit itself together, and you faced the pain your mind was so desperate to escape.
He rubbed you back as you let out soft sobs as you reopened wounds that had healed into jagged scars. You cried for Dawon and her undeserved death. For Hoseok and the guilt you knew, he carried every day. You cried for Kim Martin, who died at the hands of the killer that stole his son. You cried for yourself, over the fear of the future as you saw it grow intimately tangled with a notorious gang.
You don't know how long Jungkook waited as you reeled yourself back together. He waited long after you finished crying, knowing just because you had control of yourself physically didn't mean you were mentally ready to face the world, so he wrapped you in his warmth and hummed to himself as he rocked you both slowly. 
You loosened and tightened your grip on his shirt and curled and uncurled your toes as you tried to become more aware of your body. You were basically sprawled out on the grass with your upper body twisted and pulled into Jungkook's middle. It wasn't the most comfortable position, but you weren't willing to risk losing his warmth to move. 
You licked your lips, and the jarring taste of your salty tears pulled you from your self pitying thoughts, deciding to work your way up the list you once again started to count. 
One thing you taste, salt. 
Two things you smell: you inhaled deeply and took in the smell of laundry detergent that clung to Jungkkook's shirt. "Detergent," you mumbled into his shirt, and the sound of a coherent word leaving you made Jungkook's humming stop as he looked down at you, nuzzling your face deeper into his chest. He held in his chuckle as you stiffed the air again, and confidently said, "and grass."
You finally pulled yourself away from him only slightly to turn your face away from him, your cheek still pressed against his chest.
"I can hear frogs, cars nearby, and.. your heart," you listed as you looked up at him from under you thick lashes still clumped with tears, "it's louder than mine," you observed as you listened to the hammering in his chest. 
He was from a different kind of nerves. 
He recognized the countdown and realized you were working to ground yourself, "What can you feel?" he prompted eager to get you to move on from his pounding heart. 
"Your t-shirt, it's soft, the grass poking at me through my jeans, my bra digging into me" you wrinkled your nose as you became aware of the discomfort. 
"And?" Jungkook prompted. A smile curled your lips as you looked up at him mischievously, "You're abs," you giggled as you sat up, finally pulling away from him. Jungkook felt the heat crawl up his neck as he turned away, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. 
"And what do you see?" he asked gently, looking everywhere but you. 
You smiled at his bashfulness as you look around, "I see the street sign, the green grass," you pause as you squint, "I think that's either a rock or some dog poop over there," Jungkook let out a startled laugh. You smiled to yourself proudly as you continued. 
"Our shadows from the street light, and,” you pause realizing how close the two of you are, "the little mole underneath your lip."
"Good," he whispered, and you watched in fascination how his lips formed the words, "Are you ready to get up now, or do you need a few minutes?" he asked. It was the way his mouth twisted into a smile at the end of the sentence that made you realize you were still staring at his lips. You blinked before looking up at his eyes, which was alight with a teasing glint. 
"I can stand," you answered, flustered as you pulled your body away from him. Maneuvering your feet beneath you to get up. Jungkook offered you a hand once he was up helping pull you to your feet, before bending down and grabbing your purse for you. Your feet still tingled in that pins and needles feeling. You wiggled your hands to wake up your fingers as well, but other than that, you felt like you recovered from the physical toll of the panic attack quite well.
"C'mon my place is at the end of this road, let me grab a car and drive you home," he offered. 
You walked with him obediently, your hands brushing past each other twice before Jungkook's hand finally snatched yours mid-swing; you looked down and watched as your fingers intertwined with his effortlessly. You looked to him to see a change in his expression, but he looked straight ahead as he walked, acting as if nothing happened. 
You smiled at yourself, thankful for the affection. You always did get a little clingy after panic attacks, relying heavily on skinship and the feeling of someone taking care of you as a way to feel calm. You were surprised how easy it was for you to let Jungkook fall into that roll despite barely knowing him. But you suppose in the handful of interactions the two of you shared, he's always prioritized your comfort and safety. 
"This is your house?" you asked as you took in the massive white art deco house behind the gate you stopped in front of. The gate buzzed and rolled open for the two of you of its own accord and rolled open for the two of you. 
Jungkook smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah, kinda," he said with a shrug. 
You raised a brow, "kinda?"
"It's complicated, c'mon let's get you home," he said with a tug reminding you that the two of you were still holding hands. You flushed but followed obediently as you made your way to the garage. 
You squinted as your eyes were met with a flood of fluorescent light upon opening the door. A row of vehicles lined its way down the length of the garage, varying from sports car, to jeep, to a large black truck at the end of the row. A line of 4 motorcycles along the furthest wall. 
"J-Hope sells Namjoon a car any chance he gets," Jungkook chuckled as he took in your awed expression. 
"J-Hope?" you questions, and Jungkook's smile faltered.
"That's what we call Hoseok," he clarified. 
You nodded in understanding, "Like how Taehyung goes by V?" you asked, and he nodded. 
"Hoseok, does he sell drugs like V does?" you asked curious of what all Hoseok's gang involvement entailed.
Jungkook opened his mouth to answer but was cut off as the adjacent door slammed up from what looked to be inside the house, revealing a man in a black t-shirt with a mop of platinum blond hair. 
"There you are," he practically growled as he stormed in the room.
The man was dwarfed by Jungkook a good bit, but somehow Jungkook seemed to cower and appear smaller as the man approached, dropping your hand as if he were caught doing something he shouldn't. 
You looked at him curiously and wondered if he was. 
"Yoongi hyung," he greeted as he tried to force a smile, "I was just about to-" 
"Save it," he snapped, "I have half the army out looking for you, ya know," he turned his fury to you much to your surprise as he added "both of you." 
Your mouth fell open, shocked by the confusion apparent on your face as he continued, "Do I need to babysit both of you, because believe it or not, she's taking up a lot of my time. I really can't handle you getting flakey on me Jungkook, we need to know that you're safe," 
Jungkook looked down as he lectured, murmuring a small apology. 
"And you" Yoongi turned to you, "That goes for you too, the Black Tips are still on your tail, I can't do much for you if you go running off,"
"Hyung," Jungkook hissed. "Not now, please." 
Yoongi blinked at his younger in surprise, turning to you and making a point to really look at you, and take you in. Your red-rimmed eyes and splotchy face, the way you seemed to lean into Jungkook. He recognized that far off look in your eyes like you had to concentrate on being present in the moment, and Yoongi remembered the warning in Hoseok's earlier message when he told him you had run out.
"Yeah, okay, get her home and come straight back when you're done, we still need to talk," he said dismissively. None of your questions were answered, but you didn't resist as Jungkook put a hand on your back and guided you towards a nearby car. 
"Good night, princess," Yoongi called over his shoulder before closing the door behind him. Unlike with Jimin, you felt like you were being mocked when Yoongi called you that.
"Who was that, your brother, and why did he say he needs to babysit me?" you questioned as you both settled into the fine black vehicle the windows were so deeply tinted on the outside you wondered if it was safe to drive at night, but upon getting in the car, you noted that you could see through the windows clearly. 
Jungkook waited until after he put the key in the ignition and backed out into the driveway before he started talking."That's Yoongi hyung or Suga, he's head of surveillance for BTS. He was the one who sent out a message to go escort you home when J– Hobi Hyung told him you were upset and left his apartment so late. I was on my way in that direction when I ran across you on our street," he said, breaking at a stop sign and turning on the blinker.
You looked out the window as you took in everything he's told you, noting that you were stopped again by the light pole you had a panic attack under. Suga was one of the original members in Hoseok's story. You thought to yourself as you connected the dots. Your head still felt a little foggy as you recovered from the literal mental breakdown. The sudden change of lighting earlier had started to make your head throb. You were ready for bed.
"Hobi sent people to look for me?" was all you could manage, not entirely understanding the emotions stirring in your chest. 
"Well yeah, I mean, I was supposed to escort you home after work, and you kind changed plans, so we had to roll with them. I figured Hoseok would have taken you home after everything, so I didn't wait around. And then when Suga did send out the message I didn't notify them that I found you it was dumb on my part," he clarified. 
You leaned onto the console between the two of you, propping your cheek upon your hand in a way that squished your lips into a slight pout. Jungkook tried not to stiffen as you got more in his space. Peeking down at you through his peripherals he saw your brow furrow as you processed everything. 
"Why do you care?" you finally settled on asking as you still struggled to pinpoint why so many people would be worried about your safety.
Hoseok, you understood, to a certain extent, you even understood why he called in the favor. He knew your patterns and signs, you were probably shouting you were about to have an attack with your body language as you walked out the door. He knew he could never comfort you, not when he was the trigger. What you didn't understand was why BTS would listen.
"Because you're still not safe, and BTS took responsibility for your safety when I did," Jungkook said, simply turning to look at you as he stopped at a red light. 
If you were in the right state of mind, such a comment would have triggered an immediate fight. You had been on your own for far too many years to suddenly need a whole gaggle of men to tend to you as if you were some helpless girl. You were a grown-ass woman. But you weren't yourself as you searched for a response in the fog of your mind. 
"You're not responsible for anything about me?" you said softly as you shifted to rest your hand on your chin. 
"Y/n what all did Hoseok hyung tell you?" Jungkook asked, confused, you weren't rejecting his protection, you just seemed oblivious. He assumed the cat was out of the back as soon as you learned what BTS was, who they were concerning you. 
"Just how he joined BTS as how he ya know," you stuck your pointer finger and thumb in the air making soft 'pew pew' sounds. You couldn't bring yourself to talk seriously about the subject. Too much of this night had been severe for your liking. 
"Y/n, you saved my life last week," Jungkook said, trying to look in your eyes and convey all his gratitude. You shifted under his stare.
"I wouldn't call it that," you murmured, turning away, "The lights green," you added flatly trying to turn his attention from you. He ignored you and placed a warm hand over yours. 
"I would, and because of that, I and all of BTS owe you a life debt. We want to protect you as best as we can, especially since you're not totally safe from the guys you saved me from," he emphasized. 
You looked up at him owlishly as you thought over everything he said. But whatever you were going to say died on your lips as a car honked its horn behind you. You both jumped startled, and the intensity of the moment evaporated slightly. 
After a few moments of silence, you decided he didn't require a response. You can't imagine you would give a correct one anyways. You looked down at your hand, his larger one still resting atop your own and turned your wrist quickly and intertwining your fingers.
You rode in silence the rest of the way home, and you were fighting your eyelids as you pulled up to your complex. 
Jungkook wondered if you always fell asleep in the car even with dangerous men. He wondered if that's why he never sees you take the bus at night.
"You really should consider living somewhere safer," Jungkook muttered under his breath as he shut off the engine.
You bit your tongue holding in several comments and gave a noncommittal 'mmm' as you unbuckled and stepped out the car to see he planned to walk you to your door again. 
You grew embarrassed as you climbed the stairs and scrambled to think of parting words dwelling on everything Jungkook had done for you that night, "Thank you," you finally forced yourself to say. Jungkook looked down at you as you came to a halt in front of your door. "For earlier, with the crying and the counting," you offered awkwardly your eyes looking everywhere but his as you breached the sensitive topic. 
"Oh, it wasn't a problem, really. I'm glad I could help" he laughed nervously, and you smiled, reaching for his hand before he could bring it to the back of his head, a nervous habit you were quickly picking up on him having. 
"I'm serious Jungkook, a lot of people freak out and make the situation much worse for me, and I get it seeing someone crying like that it's never an easy thing to react to, but you did—" you hesitated as you searched for the right words, "You were good, comforting." 
You didn't give yourself time to question it as you stood on your tiptoes, deciding to convey your gratitude in a way that your stuttering mouth wouldn't botch, and grazed a small peck aiming for his cheek. Unfortunately, the height difference and your own lack of balance had you landing more on his jawline. Jungkook gasped only slightly at the feeling of your soft lips on his jaw, the heat of your body radiating off of you in your nearness. You smiled at him again as you turned towards the door to unlock it. 
"Haha yeah, happy to hear that," he responded, his voice crawling in pitch as he ordered his heart to beat, and you gave him another warm smile as you pushed open your door. 
"Good night, Jungkook."
"Good night, Ella." 
Jungkook's face split into a grin as you closed the door, a hand reaching for his jaw and pressing against where you kissed him as if it would simulate the feeling. His steps seemed to bounce as he made his way down the concrete stairs and back to his car.
A/N: Thanks so much for reading please tell me what you think! Your comments make me eager to write more :)
Pt.5 ->
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seonghwa-is-babie · 4 years
Protective pup
Y/n And yunho haven't gotten the best response to coming out, getting a lot of hate from antis, unfortunately, y/n got a bit more than just online hate, all because he looked too scary and intimidating with his height and tattoos
Yunho x male reader
Warning: slight angst (cursing, bruises, crying)
Note: sorry if this made u cry ;-;, and that the ending's a bit awkward
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Today was a wreck for y/n, ever since he and his boyfriend, Yunho came out as a couple, he's been getting a lot of hate from both fans and non-fans. y/n tried to stay strong in front of him, but in reality he didn't know how much hate he could handle anymore, since it was escalating to physical harassment
It wasn't uncommon for him to come home with bruises, but he did his best to hide them from yunho, he was already stressed with their comeback being right around the corner
Today was another one of those days where he got beat up for being in a relationship with their 'oppar'
Once he got home he expected to be welcomed by his boyfriend, Yunho, with open arms, but he wasn't home at the moment, so y/n decided to text him
you: baby why aren't you home? I thought you were done by now?
Yunho🐶❤️: They're making us practise a bit longer for our comeback
you: When are you coming home then? I miss you...
Yunho🐶❤️: We're almost done, don't worry :)
Yunho🐶❤️: love you😘😘❤️
Deciding he had enough time left to hopefully cover up the wounds, he went to the bathroom to get some bandages for the cuts, and foundations for the bruises
After bandaging up his arms and putting on a decent amount of makeup to cover up the bruises
He turned off his phone, hoping to not see anymore notifications from comments under anything he posts "maybe he is better off without me, or he can find someone else who's so much better than me, who isn't hated" as he started to think, he couldn't help but cry from it, falling asleep after the crying had tired him out.
At practice🐶
"alright from the top guys, five six seven eight" they went over their choreography once again "yunho your footing's wrong, you're supposed to go like this" the instructor demonstrated "sorry sir, I won't do it again" they repeated it, only for him to do another part wrong, repeating this problem until the members decided to address it
"yunho, you've been a bit out of rhythm since our break, is everything okay?" seonghwa asked concerned "I don't know hyung, maybe cause of..."
San looked at him confused "cause of what, Yunho?" he looked down "y/n sent a text asking why I wasn't at home and after I explained why, I don't know why, but his reply seemed so sad, he didn't even say I love you back, and I think I know why" the older didn't fully understand
"well, why do you think he's sad?" yunho looked down "I think it might be because of the hate we've been getting for coming out, I've deleted all social media of off my phone, but I don't know if he did it as well."
"yunho, maybe you should go home to check on him" Hongjoong said, concerned for the yunho's boyfriend, he knew him quite well and knew that despite his intimidating exterior, he was a gentle soul "but what about practice?"
wooyoung pushed him towards the door "that's not important right now, what is, is that you go home and check up on your boyfriend"
"I'm home" yunho said, expecting a hug and a kiss from his boyfriend, but all he saw was an empty living room, like he had feared "maybe he went to bed already? That's strange, normally he waits for me to get back" he went up the stairs to their shared bedroom, hoping to find the other there
To his surprise, he did, though he was already asleep, so he tried his best not to wake his lover up, sadly he did wake up because y/n was a pretty light sleeper
"Yunho?" he turned around to face his lover, he smiled "hey, I'm home, I missed you" he went closer to his lover, only then noticing the tear stains and the slightly red eyes "why did you cry? Did something happen?" he hoped to deer God that it wasn't the hate, but just a bad day at work
"i'm fine, don't worry about it" he tried grabbing yunho's arm to stop him from further inspecting his body, but that backfired as the sleeve came up and exposed the bandages, which yunho obviously saw
"oh my gosh! What did you do? Did someone hurt you?" tears started to slip from y/n's eyes and he turned over to his back "babe please, I'm worried about you" y/n turned back to yunho, the years exposing his makeup "hold on one minute, please"
He came back with a a few makeup wipes "may I?" y/n decided to no longer hide what people were doing to him and nodded. As yunho started gently wiping off the makeup, his face contorted into one of shock "how'd that happen, honey?"
"....Your fans, they've been harassing me on and off social media, on it, they always say I don't D-deserve you, that I-I'm a heartless ass hole who doesn't know how to properly care for you. But off...... Yunho.... I'm not sure if you know how much it hurts not only physically, but mentally as well. I've tried to stay strong, but I don't know how much longer I can take it"
at this point he was sobbing, something Yunho had never seen before. He sat next to his slightly taller boyfriend and rubbed the others back "I-I didn't know it go that bad..... I didn't think they would go that far. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you sooner" both began to cry in each others arms
"I promise you I will do something about this, I hate to see you go through so much pain" yunho said, sitting in y/n's lap "maybe we could do something together?" the younger nodded, before getting up from the older's lap and grabbing his phone, texting someone "who're you texting?" yunho made room for y/n to look over his shoulder
"just my manager to ask him if I can do a V-live to address what's going on" the older tensed up "are you sure that's a good idea?" the younger nodded "we don't have to if you don't feel comfortable with it" y/n thought about it
"I don't want you to do this alone, but I don't know if I can face the camera right now" Yunho tried to think of something they could do "how about...... You lay your head on my lap facing away from the camera, that way, you'll still be there with me, but don't have to see any negative comments" y/n nodded
Yunho got his phone positioned where they could see both him and y/n and waited until enough people joined in "hey guys.... This isn't going to be a happy vlive today, instead I want to address something that's been a problem lately" he could already see some hate comments on screen "ever since I came out with my boyfriend, we've been getting a lot of hate, me getting only a bit of what y/n has been going through, I normally trust you guys and love you all, but harassing y/n for being together with me is just wrong"
"but oppar he isn't right for uuuu"
"we love a protective bf, preach🏳️‍🌈"
"not our fault you're both filthy homosexuals😒"
"hope u guys still know there's fans out there who support you two, we love you💙💙💙"
"but he doesn't treat u right unlike I would"
"for the people who think y/n doesn't treat me right because of how he looks, he's the sweetest guy I could've asked for, he knows what I like and dislike, how to cheer me up. Why can't you guys see that, is all you guys see a tall scary man with tattoos, or the sweet, loving person laying beside me"
y/n started to cry again and buried his face into yunho's thighs, Yunho brought him up to comfort him, y/n still facing away from the camera "it's okay, it's gonna be fine, we're gonna sort this out alright?" the youngest went to wipe his tears, the older leaning into those touches from him
"guys, you should stop... Look how much we're hurting him and y/n"
"oppar he'll just use you"
"look at how much they care about each other, how could you hate them?🥺🥺🥺🥺"
"guys please, I can't stand seeing him this unhappy and sad, seeing him with so many bruises and cuts, and him not even being able to face the camera because of you guys. This has to stop, or we will have to take drastic measures in order to keep ourselves save" y/n looked at his boyfriend, a bit scared but also relieved that this might just be a solution to their problem
"yunho, are you sure this is what we should do?" he asked, still unsure of what to do "I know many fans probably won't like it, but this is what I have to do if I want to keep you and myself safe" he took in a deep breath before looking back towards his phone "we will be deleting our social media from our phones, and if we catch any of you harassing me or y/n, you will be blacklisted and will get a restraining order from us" he ended the live
"are you okay baby?" y/n asked yunho  "no, I just-" he began to cry "I just can't believe that they would do so many awful things just because we're together" the older pulled him closer "I guess that's the harsh reality of idol life, because of the way you're supposed to act towards fans, it gives them a false sense of hope. I wish things were different, but sadly we can't change it, not in one day that is. This stuff is going to take time for people to accept, but i'm sure that when some more time has passed, people will accept it, as there will be more like us in the future"
"how can you be so sure of it? Maybe people will start to resent it even more" he looked up at y/n "I don't know what the future holds, but I do know we can influence it, you're a role model for people, if they see from you that it's okay, I'm sure many people will follow"
they stayed in each other's arms, eventually falling asleep, but not before saying one last thing to each other "I love you yunho, with all my heart, and I hope our country will allow us to be together till the end" yunho snuggled closer to y/n "you mean like getting married and stuff? I'd love to get married to you, and I hope we can in the future too"
They shared a quick peck before cuddling up once more and going to sleep for the night
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Rengoku Kyoujurou x CryBaby!Reader
It's always been that, 'Who is that Pokemon' game for people, guessing and wondering who is this mysterious person behind Rengoku's cape.
Anywhere, anytime, you will hide behind Kyojurou. Your tiny hand clasped his uniform behind his back, almost covering your body inside his white flamish cape, timidly peeked at people while biting your lower lips.
Even though you clinged to him the most, you also being clingy around the Pillars minus Iguro, Sanemi and Giyuu. They didn't mind, it was like having tiny human guarding them.
Kyoujurou is special. You loved his cape. It's warm, and his back was broad enough to hide you from people you didn't know well.
"Whoa, there's someone behind you!" "Is she always been there?"
And many confused question. Of course, who didn't startled when they saw a tiny human form behind Kyoujurou's cape.
"Ah, this is my wife. Honey, come out here. They are the Mizunotos I told you the other day." You glanced at him, a little bit hesitant. He nodded, reassuring you that everything will be fine. You stepped ahead a little
"..My name is Rengoku (y/n), I'm his wife, ni- nice to meet you!" And hurriedly hiding at his back again.
'AH SHE'S SO CUTE.' Those younger demon slayers thought. Kyoujurou himself didn't mind if you acted like this. He felt comfortable because it was like being guarded by a little fairy.
If you're THIS clingy, how do you do when Kyoujurou got missions?
It's hard. You can't let him go and kept hugging his back while pouting. Kyoujurou had to pat your head countless time and saying that he'll be back, safe and sound.
You eventually crying.
Also, late notification: Kyoujurou is a weaklings for your tears. He simply can't see his sunshine cried. He will feel super guilty to leave you alone in this big house. But Senjurou was there for rescue, he will assure you that Kyoujurou will be home, safe and sound.
And you finally nodded in approval even though your sniffles was still heard.
Or when he still have time to soothe you before departure, he will cover you with his current cape, stroked your hair while you're laying down on engawa. You curled like a mochi and felt comfortable, sleeping in peace. It felt like 'Kyoujurou' protected you any time. He slowly kissed your forehead, whispering, "I'll make sure to stay alive for you." before finally walked out.
You gradually became close to trio Kamaboko and Nezuko, to cast out worries from your mind when Kyoujurou was on mission. You like to play, listen to their talks or snacking together with these chaotic humans.
It felt like being a mom for these trio.
"Waaah!!!! (y/n)-san!!! Protect me!! Inosuke hit me again!!"
"It's unfair!! Don't hide behind woman, you coward!!!"
"Hey, quit being bothersome to her! I'm really sorry, (y/n)-san."
You giggled. "It's okay, Tanjirou."
Especially Nezuko, the person who likes to sit on your lap. She will let out random gibberish when you combed, braided her hair, or clasping her hand while singing a song.
"...(y/n).... Kind... Person... Like... Mom..." You gasped, covering your mouth.
"Waaaahhh!!! Nezuko, you're so sweet!!" You hugged her from behind, tearing up. Kyoujurou and Tanjirou were peeking from behind the shouji door, crying too.
Being a crybaby didn't mean you're completely valueless. That's not true. Kyoujurou became so furious if he heard people calling his wife an useless person. At first, you're crying when you heard those rude words, but now you just pulled his cape and said, "It's okay, Kyoujurou. They are right. I'm annoying, a crybaby, and also a burden for you." but still sad inside your heart.
He frowned, cupped your cheek with his warm palm. "Even though you aren't a Demon Slayer, you helped Oyakata-sama with journals and scrolls cross-checks. What part of you is useless? Don't listen to them." You nodded and smiling, holding his hand.
"Hey, I know they are mean, but please don't hurt them, okay?" You light-pinched his cheek.
"Sure! Violence is never the answer!"
Sike, bitch. He still beated those scumbags.
With Ubuyashiki's kids, your task were re-phrased, correcting, making comparison between fake or real writings, and turned it into a new and understandable journal. Your activities made you close to Oyakata-sama, and even thought you as his child. Not even all Pillars could have privilege to enter his private room, but here you are. Kagaya was laying on his futon and you were laying your body beside him. His hand was moving, stroked your hair. It was really calming.
You even acted as his 'secretary' along with his kids. You guided his hand, reading the reports and sorting missions in Pillars meeting.
Sometimes, the meeting was the moment when Kyoujurou finally came home after mission and reporting to headquarters.
You really missed him, so bad. But you had to sit beside Kagaya until the meetings end.
And so does Kyoujurou. It's really painful when he was just able to sit in front you. Like, come on! The distance between you and him is only 2 meters! He wanted to hug you and showered you with love he had been held for weeks.
'Oh my God, look. My dude is at his limit.'
'Rengoku-san! His body is vibrating! He wanted to meet (y/n)! So cute!!'
'...Is he seriously vibrating. Wait, I probably did the same if it happened to me and Kanroji.'
'What the fuck, both are eyesores.'
'Rengoku-san, please restrain yourself more.'
"And that's the conclusions. May Oyakata-sama always be healthy. May luck and victory be beside us."
The Ubuyashiki children hold your hand, signing you, 'It's okay. Just stay here.' and escorted their father to the room.
After the shouji door was closed, you ran back and jumped onto him. He caught you in his embrace.
"How is my baby doing?" He hugged you tightly and made you breathless for a second. You're crying while saying "What took you so long? I miss you!!!"
But sometimes, for just once, you wanted to change. You wanted to be better.
So for once, you wanted to greet him at train station. According to Mitsuri, Kyoujurou was riding train after mission around evening
Kyoujurou was so surprised when he saw you stood along with other people, from inside the train. You looked anxious while clutched his cape in your chest.
Kyoujurou couldn't hold it. He raised from his seat and went ahead to trains sliding door.
"Sir, please sit down, the train still doesn't stop completely."
"I'm sorry but I can't."
As soon as the door opened, he rushed out, running, colliding with people he didn't know and he didn't care at all.
You're looking for the source of the sound calling your name.
Suddenly, Kyoujurou hugged you from behind. You jolted and turned your head.
"Why are you here?!" said Kyoujurou, a little panicked.
You turned your body around, hugging him back.
"Welcome home, Kyoujurou." You released your hug, smiling. He could see you're trembling a bit, scared but you held it.
"You don't have to be here! I will meet you as fast as I can!"
"Um, no. I wanted to do this. At first, I went here with Misturi but I was separated... It- It's okay! Nothing happened to me. I- There's someone I didn't-"
Kyoujurou sighed in defeat. He held your hand and escorted you out from the station. He walked without saying a thing.
"Kyoujurou, are you mad?"
"I'm not. Well, a little bit."
"I'm sorry I made you worry." He sighed again. You grasped his hand more. "I- I really wanted to see you, so I thought-"
He slipped one of his arm behind your knee, carrying you up with one hand. You held his shoulder in panic, sitting on his big arm
"Next time, promise me to hold Kanroji's hand and don't lose her." You nodded, letting out sheepish smile and thin redness on your cheeks. All Kyoujurou wanted now is to pamper you in your room.
You just really lucky to have Kyoujurou as your husband.
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daiseukiis · 4 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 ┊ 𝗦𝗡𝗢𝗪 ┊ 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 ┊ 02
⠀⠀⠀⠀LUCIOUS CHOCOLATE LOCKS BOUNCED AS SHE RAN TOWARDS THE SENSEI. the young girl ran as fast as her legs could take her to the tall, sugar haired male that stands tall with a smile, dressed in all black and carrying a white plastic bag in his hand. the little girl's dress sways as she continues to stride towards his direction, a grin spreads on her lips as she finally reaches her target. jumping up into his arms, the man grins at the child and carries her.
"heya, it's been a while nomari! did you miss me?" the girl in the male's arms, nomari nods her head, engulfing him into a hug. the man chuckles, hugging her back before placing her down to the ground. his large hand pats the girl's head, messing up the bangs which usually cover her eyes, she swats his hand away as a sign to tell him to stop his actions.
laughing he says, "haha, sorry about that. couldn't help myself. oh! these are for you, i bought some kikufuku as souvenirs."
"gojo-sensei, who's the kid?" a pink haired teen points to the twelve year old who happily takes the plastic bag from gojo, glancing over to his three students.
"she's mizuki nomari, mizuki-sensei's daughter." a black haired boy answers, both the pinkett boy and orange haired girl he's with mouths shapes into an 'o' understanding his explanation.
"hey! i'm kugisaki nobara!" the girl introduces herself as the pink haired boy followed suit. "i'm itadori yuji, nice to meet you!"
nomari looks at them, bowing in respect and waving her hand. the two teenagers bowed back in courtesy, smiling brightly at the young girl who stood beside gojo. they inch closer to her, leaning down to her level to continue further talking with nomari.
"say, do you like sweets? we could go out to the sweets cafe nearby and try it?" kugisaki asks excitedly, finally thinking that she has someone to spend some of her time trying food out with. stars basically flew around the girl's body, hoping that she would answer back.
nomari nods her head back, glancing up to gojo as if telepathically asking him if she has permission to go with the teenager. gojo chuckles, shrugging his shoulders at the younger girl. "of course you can go."
nomari grins widely as she looks at the hand kugisaki reaches out towards her, grabbing hold of it as they start their journey to their destination. "can i call you mimi-chan? in exchange you can call me nobara-nee." nomari nods her head, following kugisaki with a smile.
"why isn't she talking?" itadori asks, glancing to his male classmate. "is she shy or something, fushiguro?"
"no, that's not it." fushiguro sighs, crossing his arms. he wasn't one to share people's personal experiences to others, but seeing how this change their view towards the child he really had no choice but to tell them.
"mari's mute."
"huhー what happened?!" itadori was caught in a shock, it wasn't everyday that you would see someone with that type of disability. being selectively mute was one thing, but being fully muted was another. he couldn't help but feel sorrow for the child, a gut feeling that just wouldn't leave no matter how much he thinks about it.
"something personal, just don't bring it up." a hand pats the pink haired teen's head, ruffling it up a bit making him quickly snap out of his train of thoughts. he looks up to his teacher, grinning brightly at his figure.
"get going, they're waiting for you guys." gojo says, looking up from their gaze to the side where kugisaki and nomari waited by the entrance of the school.
"you're not coming, gojo-sensei?" itadori asks making gojo glance back at them, "nah, i'm going to visit someone."
"you're going to annoy mizuki-sensei." fushiguro deadpans, seeing through his teacher who only gasps fakely with a hand over his chest pretending to be hurt. "i would never!"
"mizuki-sensei?" itadori ponders, trying to see if such a name or face would come up if he thinks hard enough. yet to no avail, she was really a new name. "i haven't met her yet."
"you'll meet her soon, she just came back from an overseas job." gojo states which shocks fushiguro who's eyes had widened a fragment. "does that mean they're also back?"
the other boy only glances at fushiguro's sudden interest, of course he was interested too but he didn't know what he knew about the others. inspecting the black haired boy's reaction and the sudden smirk that his sensei showed, his instincts were telling him that one of them meant something to fushiguro.
"they're? you mean the two other students?" itdaori raises a brow in curiosity, he wasn't gonna lie; he was intrigued about the two mystery students he had yet to meet.
"yup! but one of them won't be back for a while, she's just studying for a term there." gojo explains the situation, waving his hand as a way to gesture to them that it wasn't much of importance anyways.
"oh, i see." the two teens slowly spin on their heels, walking towards kugisaki and nomari who were patiently waiting for them. gojo grins widely as he waves to them and nomari, "come back before yusa finds out!"
"we will." fushiguro dryly responds, catching up to the two girls; much to his demise kugisaki nagged about how the two of them took so long while nomari just stood there and smiled.
near the school there was a fairly popular sweets café that most students and faculty members would frequent; kuidaore. much to the name with the meaning to eat yourself in bankruptcy, the sweets café had it's way to many customers' hearts.
just as the crowd got denser around the students, nomari's steps quicken until eventually she starts to run away from the group. through all the bypassers that were going along their day, the three teenagers almost lost the little girl that went on with her way.
"h-hey! mimi-chan! where are you going?!" kugisaki tries to reach out for her hand, but it seemed to have missed just by the second. their anxieties went sky-high, knowing full well of the consequences that would happen if they lost the eleven year old now out of all times.
"mari! stop!" fushiguro runs the way nomari ran towards, him and his two other companions swerved and rushed through any that were in the way. out of all three, fushiguro was the one that feared the wrath of that mother's child, it was something he would never want to witness again. cold sweat started to run down the side of his face, legs taking him as fast as he could as he dodges the last person in the crowd and stumbles out.
not just him, but kugisaki and itadori also come out with their breaths pacing. eyes fell on to the young child who without a second hesitation hugs a girl by their side. the female's black school skirt flattened in nomari's touch, her body flinching from the impact.
it wasn't the light playing tricks on their eyes, but kugisaki couldn't help but notice the attire that she wore, "isn't that our school uniform?"
"yeah, she must also be a student too." itadori blinks at the interaction, watching as the female turns to face nomari with a smile.
fushiguro felt the world slow down, his eyes fixated on the girl's white chocolate locks that sway. the curves of her body that seemed to always have been accented by anything she wore, along with the smile that would make him fall into a frenzy.
"kiyara." fushiguro whispers under his breath.
he could never push the beating heartbeat the pounded aside every time he laid eyes on her. fushiguro was not stupid, and he knew what this feeling was, but he was never one to utter a word about it.
"what are you doing all alone? does yusa-oba know you're here?" kiyara looks down at nomari, a smile easily gracing her lips and hugs her. pulling apart nomari points to the three at the side, kiyara's eyes following the direction until her amethyst hues fell upon fushiguro's charcoal orbs.
"gumi!" she exclaims and grins at him. you can tell just from her expression that she got brightener the moment she laid on eyes on him.
"'gumi'? what's with the nickname, gumi-kun?" catchin his two companions off guard, both give the boy a teasing look. their hands were in front of their mouths as they try to stop themselves from laughing. a pfft escaping their lips to see the ticked off facial fushiguro sent them.
"shut up." he snaps.
the five of them enter the aestheticly pleasing cafe, being greeted by a blonde beige barista with a smile, welcoming them into their workplace.
"welcome, would you like your usual, nomari-chan?" she asks politely as the young girl nods her head. the worker lets out a small giggle, telling them that their order will be on their way.
"i'm mizuki kiyara, nomari's cousin and an ichinen like you guys." kiyara glances at the three shamans that had finished ordering their food, making their way into a booth to sit at. nomari had sat in the middle of fushiguro and kiyara, while on the other side of them sat itadori and kugisaki.
"so does that mean you're mizuki-sensei's niece?" kugisaki asks then looks up to the waitress with a smile, thanking her for bringing them their food. kiyara answers, "yeah, she's my father's younger sister."
"when did you return from overseas?" fushiguro glances at the blonde, picking up his drink and sipping it. kiyara sturred the whip cream of her drink, "a few hours ago, she stayed behind though. saying something about studying with yuta-san."
"i see." he responds plainfully. itadori and kugisaki stare at the three of them, even though there was a small silence between all of them, it was comfortable. but they still couldn't help but be curious about the other student that was going to join them.
"so you two must be the ones gojo-san picked up." kiyara says, putting down her drink down, she suddenly covered nomari's ears. "god, he's such a shit show."
"actually... mari should be studying now, but seeing that she's here, i kinda guessed gojo-san had something to do with it." taking her hands off, fushiguro sighs and comments boredly to why she had to swear in front of the girl.
"why would mimi-chan be studying now? isn't she going to go to school?" kugisaki raises a brow, eating one of the cookies she ordered.
"she can't. that's why she's homeschooled by yusa-oba, sometimes me, yaga-san and gojo-san." kiyara explains, glancing at her cousin with sincerity as she continued to eat the slice of crepe cake they bought for her.
"so, where is he?" kiyara sips her drink.
"he went to see mizuki-sensei." itadori says.
"wait, you're kidding right?" the straw which the light blonde's fingers held on to slips down to the bottom of her glass. the smile on her face made them urge someone to say that it was just a joke, blinking a few seconds before realizing it wasn't.
"why? what's wrong?" kugisaki says between chowing on her snacks, raising a brow and dismissing it as nothing but worthless worrying.
"did he tell yusa-oba that mari was with us?" she asks once more, sipping her drink after taking a small breath in and slightly disturbed.
"he said he was going to tell mizuki-sensei." itadori cocks his head to the side, crossing his arms in confusion. he wasn't really getting it, in a matter of fact; none of them knew what kiyara was going on about.
all three thought back to their encounter with their sensei. it wasn't much that he said that concerned them, until it properly played back in their head. it clicked in; crystal clear as the sky above them on their peaceful afternoon snack trip.
they were tricked.
"wait... he never said he'd tell her." all three freeze up after learning of this discovery, staring straight back at kiyara. "he told us to bring her back before she finds out..."
before anyone else could react, fushiguro was the first to run after kiyara when she slammed her tip down on the table and dashed. it took a few blinks for the latter to realize what was happening, he too, had to stop the events that was highly possibly would unfold.
itadori and kugisaki gave each other a confused glance, for some odd reason they felt the tension those two emitted. in seconds time they quickly shot up and started running after the two of them which were most likely heading back to the school.
nomari heaves a sigh as she watched all four ichinen run out to stop a potential fight. she sat there, finishing the rest of her crepe cake and sipped the remainder of her frappé. her hand reached out to the pocket of her dress, grabbing the small cute notebook which had a drawn cover.
she flipped through the pages of her notebook, ripping a piece of paper and placing it down on the table. after doing so nomari got up and started to walk herself back to the school, she didn't mind the fact that the ones looking after her left in a haste.
the waitress witnessed the young child leave through the door after smiling at a customer when they received their order, curious she turns her head to look at the table. her feet takes her towards the place nomari once sat with the high school students only to see the paper which she left.
"𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙠𝙤𝙞𝙯𝙪𝙢𝙞-𝙨𝙖𝙣."
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tagging ; @to-move-on-means-to-grow @seijohlogy @dearsukuna @sukun4s
notes ; uhm... look for the taglist on my main post ? its the third bolded word damn
© MGUQIIS 、 2020
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